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-Competition Meeting. Exhibit Hall B Brian Balchunas, Atkins. John Dano . Aaron Duke, Hazen and Sawyer. J ......



conference ocean city, md • August 27 - 30




2013 Tri-Association Conference

table of contents

Tri-Association Conference Welcome................................................ 4 Planning Committee......................................................................... 6 Conference At-A-Glance.................................................................... 7 Technical Program At-A-Glance......................................................... 9 Convention Center Maps................................................................ 13 Conference Highlights

Tuesday, August 27, 2013.......................................................... 14

Wednesday, August 28, 2013..................................................... 17

Thursday, August 29, 2013......................................................... 22

Friday, August 30, 2013.............................................................. 28

Technical Program Schedule

Wednesday, August 28, 2013..................................................... 29

Thursday, August 29, 2013......................................................... 36

Friday, August 30, 2013.............................................................. 46

Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibitor List................................................... 49 Exhibit Hall B & Exhibitor List......................................................... 51 Board Members & Committee Chairs.............................................. 52 Hotel Information............................................................................ 55 Registration Information................................................................. 56

Learn, Network, Enjoy


welcome Welcome to the 2013 Tri-Association Conference The Chesapeake Section, American Water Works Association, the Chesapeake Water Environment Association, and the Water & Waste Operators Association will hold a combined Annual Conference (2013 Tri-Association Conference) and Exhibition at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center in Ocean City, Maryland from August 27 through August 30, 2013. The Conference Committee has planned the Conference program and schedule, as well as negotiated blocks of rooms at conference rates with several local hotels. Please check the Associations’ websites ( and frequently for 2013 Tri-Association Conference updates regarding program, hotel accommodations, registration, golf outing, Engineers Without Borders Fun Run/Walk, and other valuable information. The 2013 Tri-Association Conference will be held on the 2nd floor of the Ocean City Convention Center. The Technical Program will include over 150 technical presentations in 6 concurrent sessions. The Main Exhibit Hall located on the 2nd floor will have up to 135 exhibitors. In addition, Exhibit Hall B located downstairs will include larger displays and equipment demonstration areas for several of our Exhibitors. Two pre-conference workshops will be held on Tuesday August 27, 2013. The 5th Annual Operator’s Challenge and Top Ops Competitions are back again this year. Due to its previous success, a Cyber Café, located in Room 209, will be provided and will include several PCs and a printer. The Conference Committee has arranged for free wireless Internet access at the Convention Center for attendees and exhibitors. Registration / Check-In Hours: New Registration Location: 2nd Floor, Top of the Escalators Tuesday: Noon to 5:30 pm Wednesday: 8:00 AM to 4:00 pm Thursday: 8:00 AM to 4:00 pm Friday: 8:00 AM to 9:30 am

Registration is sponsored by:

The Cyber Café is sponsored by:


2013 Tri-Association Conference

welcome Attention Certified Operators The pre-conference workshops and technical sessions have been approved by the Maryland Board of Certification (BOC) and course codes have been assigned. The 2013 Tri-Association Conference again includes a ‘process credits track’ in Room 206 dedicated to treatment process presentations. This year the process credits will be designated for water or wastewater. Some of the process credits are approved for operators only. The course number and applicable certification data will be included on the Technical Session Attendance Form that will be available at the conference. Be sure to get your Technical Session Attendance Form stamped at the end of each session; this will be the only time to obtain stamps that verify your attendance. You must get your completed Technical Session Attendance Form signed by an authorized committee member at the Registration Desk before you leave the conference. You will not be able to obtain a signature after Noon on Friday, August 30, 2013.

Attention Professional Engineers As part of the continuing education requirements for Professional Engineers registered in Maryland and Virginia, you are required to obtain proof of attendance for professional development hours. Technical Session Attendance Forms will be available at the conference to provide proof of attendance if you are audited. Be sure to get your Technical Session Attendance Form stamped at the end of each session; this will be the only time to obtain stamps that verify your attendance. You must get your completed Technical Session Attendance Form signed by an authorized committee member at the Registration Desk before you leave the conference. You will not be able to obtain a signature after Noon on Friday, August 30, 2013.

Roland E. Powell Convention Center The Convention Center is located at 4001 Coastal Highway, between 40th and 41st streets. There are 1,200 parking spaces at the Convention Center. Anyone with a 2013 Tri-Association Conference name badge can ride the Ocean City buses at no charge. Conference door prizes sponsored by:

Learn, Network, Enjoy


planning committee Jane Bayer URS Chair Arrangements Co-Chair Rachel Ellis Gannett Fleming Deputy Chair Sponsorship Chair

Eric Held Charles Morrow & Associates Exhibitor Chair WFP Silent Auction Chair Louis Keepers Town of Walkersville Arrangements Assistant

Gary Geck Hatch Mott McDonald Treasurer

Kraig Moodie FloWav Operator’s Challenge Chair

Brian Gresehover Pure Technologies, Ltd. Secretary

Morgan O’Dell St. Mary’s County Brochure Chair

Ann Baugher CWEA / CSAWWA Registrar Registration Chair

Cheryl Paulin CWEA Assistant Registrar Signage Chair

Nicolle Boulay Loudon Water Technical Program Co-Chair

Kristi Perri GHD Inc. Technical Program Co-Chair On-Line Registration Chair Exhibitor Vice Chair

Ted DeBoda NASSCO Budget Chair Mike Emery DC Water Deputy Registrar Joan Fernandez Brown & Caldwell Arrangements Co-Chair Jasvir Grewel EBA Engineering Hotels Chair Christine Gunsaulla Mumford-Bjorkman Assoc., Inc. Fun Run Chair


DuWayne Potter St. Mary’s County Convention Center Liaison Brochure Vice Chair Anthony Rocco Howard County Top Ops Co-Chair Don Sprinkle Howard County Top Ops Co-Chair Ron Tatariw Tatariw, Inc. Golf Chair Al Will JMT Pre-Conference Chair

2013 Tri-Association Conference

conference at-a-glance Tuesday, August 27

Wednesday, August 28

Golf and Awards Ocean City Golf Club Berlin, MD 8:00 AM check-in, 9:00AM start

EWB Fun Run/Walk The Grand Hotel Boardwalk 7:00AM

Opening Session/ Keynote Address Room 215 11:00AM - NOON

Exhibitor Setup Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B 10:00AM - 5:00PM

Presidents’/Chairs’ Breakfast Princess Royale Room 806 7:30AM - 9:00AM (by invitation)

OPs Challenge Pre-Competition Meeting Exhibit Hall B 11:00AM - 11:30AM

Registration/Check-In 2nd Floor, Top of Escalators Noon - 5:30PM

Registration/Check-In 2nd Floor, Top of Escalators 8:00AM - 4:00PM

Lunch With Exhibitors Food/Drinks/Door Prizes Main Exhibit Hall Noon - 1:15PM

Pre-Conference Workshops Comprehensive Strategies for Buried Infrastructure Asset Management Room 201 1:00PM - 5:00PM

Exhibits Open Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B 8:00AM - 6:00PM

OPs Challenge (Classroom/Lab) Main Exhibit Hall 1:30PM - 6:00PM

Stormwater Management, Volume II – Moving from Concept to Reality Room 203 1:00PM - 5:00PM

Continental Breakfast Main Exhibit Hall 8:00AM

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 1:30PM - 3:00PM

Early Bird Reception Main Exhibit Hall 5:30PM - 7:30PM

Biosolids Beauty Contest CWEA Table outside of Main Exhibit Hall 9:00AM – 11:00AM

Break / Visit Exhibits Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B 3:00PM - 3:30PM

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 8:30AM - 10:30AM

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 3:30PM - 5:00PM

WFP Silent Auction Main Exhibit Hall 10:00AM - 4:30PM

Pipe Cutting Shootout Exhibit Hall B 5:00PM - 6:00PM

Break/Visit Exhibits Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Fun Night! (ticketed event) Seacrets 7:00PM - 11:00PM

Learn, Network, Enjoy


conference at-a-glance Thursday, August 29 Registration/Check-In 2nd Floor, Top of Escalators 8:00AM - 4:00PM

Friday, August 30 Break/Visit Exhibits Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B 10:00AM - 10:30AM

Continental Breakfast Technical Sessions Main Exhibit Hall Rooms 201 -206 8:00AM 10:30AM to Noon

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 2:00PM - 3:30PM

Registration/Check-In 2nd Floor, Top of Escalators 8:00AM - 9:30AM

Top Ops Room 213 3:00PM - 5:30PM

WWOA Board Continental Breakfast Meeting & Luncheon Outside Rooms 201-206 Room 207 8:00 AM Noon - 2:00 PM

Exhibits Open Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B 8:00AM - 12:30PM

CWEA Business Luncheon (ticketed event) Room 215 Noon - 2:00 PM

Break/Door Prize Outside Rooms 201-206 3:30PM - 4:00PM

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

WFP Silent Auction Main Exhibit Hall 8:00AM - 12:30PM

WWOA Business Luncheon (ticketed event) Rooms 207-208 Noon - 2:00PM

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 4:00PM - 5:30PM

Final Technical Session Attendance Form Signing Registration Desk 11:30 AM - Noon

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 8:30AM - 10:00AM

CSAWWA Luncheon (ticketed event) Room 217 Noon - 2:00PM

Awards Program Ballrooms 2 & 3 Cocktails: 5:45PM - 6:30PM Program: 6:30PM - 7:30PM

Adjourn Monster Door Prizes Registration Desk 11:45 AM

OPs Challenge Exhibit Hall B 9:00AM- 5:00PM

Ops Challenge Luncheon Rear Patio 12:30PM - 1:30PM


2013 Tri-Association Conference

CSAWWA Board Meeting & Luncheon Room 210 Noon - 2:00 PM

CWEA Board Meeting & Luncheon Room 213 Noon - 2:00 PM

Wednesday August 28, 2013 • morning

Technical Program At-A-Glance

Room 205

Room 206

Wastewater Treatment


Water Quality

Utility Management


Scope Development & Management Lessons Learned from small Capital Improvement Projects

8:30 AM

Room 204

Collection Systems When the Arrow Doesn’t Miss the Artery: Repairing a 100Year-Old Interceptor with a Steel Pile Driven Through It

The Philadelphia Water Department’s Road to Energy Independence

Out to Sea: Permitting an Ocean Outfall

Structural Rehabilitation of the Kennilworth PCCP Transmission Main with Steel Slipliner

9:00 AM

Room 203

A Winding Road: Building a Sustainable Sanitary Sewer Stream Crossing in Emergency Conditions

Design and Implementation of Operator Friendly Sludge Handling System for Advanced Biological Treatment Plant Upgrade

The Good, the Bad and the Non-Friable: A Detailed Review of the Regulations for Asbestos Cement Pipe Rehabilitation

Alignment Selection for Large Mains in Downtown Washington DC: Challenges and Lessons Learned

How to Set-up Your Contract with the Low Pressure Membrane Manufacturers to Avoid Unwanted Price Demands on Dormant Projects and How to Re-Negotiate Pricing for Projects that were Put on Shelf

9:30 AM

Room 202

30,000+ LF of Forcemain and Four Pump Stations by When? (Criticality of Teamwork for Successfully Expediting a Design-Build Construction Project)

First in Wastewater: The Philadelphia Water Department’s Inaugural Use of Sewage Geothermal Technology

Maryland’s Watershed Resources Registry: A GIS Tool for Broad-Based Collaborative Planning & Protection from a Watershed Perspective

“Surge”ing Ahead with Hydraulic Transients

Employing GIS, Cloud, and Mobile Technologies to Support Asset Management and System Operations

10:00 AM

Room 201

DC Water Is Utilizing Cured-InPlace Methods to Rehabilitate Aging Underground Sewer Laterals in the Nation’s Capital

Integrating Influent Flow Equalization with Improved Process Performance at the Virginia Initiative Plant

Environmental Permitting the Forgotten Aspect of Sewer Design

WSSC Bi-County Tunnel Construction Issues, Challenges and Successes

Step UP Utility Effectiveness with Integrated Business Systems

Assessing Biological Filtration for Iron and Manganese Removal

Systemwide and Localized Strategies for Stage 2 Disinfection Byproduct Rule Compliance

Room 201

Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206

Collection Systems

Wastewater Treatment

Plant O&M

Water Treatment



1:30 PM

Inspection Prioritization Modeling

Design of an Aerated Grit Removal Facility at Back River WWTP

Keep the Plant Running - Planning for a 65% Hydraulic Capacity Increase at the Patuxent WRF

Harford County MD’s Multipronged Approach to Stage 2 D/DBP Rule Compliance

The Application of an Integrated Monitoring Plan on Stormwater Best Management Practices

2:00 PM

Where Do We Begin? Prioritization Planning for Sewer Pumping Station Improvements

Wet Weather Filtration Facility for Maintaining Water Pollution Control Plant Treatment Quality

Minimum Support Needed for a Reliable SCADA System

The Last Mile: Using In-Tank Aeration for Reducing THM Concentrations to Achieve Compliance with the Stage-2 DBPR

Flood Protection in Virginia Beach, Rosemont Forest Community Drainage Improvements and Flood Protection

2:30 PM

Wednesday August 28, 2013 • afternoon

Asset Management Made Easy – Applying Best Business Practices to Develop Practical Asset Management

Mutually Beneficial: Evaluation of Improvements for the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks to Improve Collection System Performance

You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks! - Revamping Aging Infrastructure for Ease of Operations at the Perry Point Water System

Balancing Microbial Control and Stage 2 DBP Rule Compliance at Ocean City Maryland

Contracting Technique to Meet Aggressive Schedule for Louisiana Coastal Protection

All-Pipes Model Improves Water System Operational Studies and Planning (Non-process presentation)

Room 201

Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206

Collection Systems

Wastewater Treatment

Water Reuse

Water Treatment



3:30 PM

Using Acoustic Inspections to Prioritize Sewer Cleaning: Test Results from Baltimore County’s Pilot Study

Using a Collaborative Approach with Regulatory Officials and the Public to Protect the Environment and Allow Managed Growth in Anne Arundel County’s Mayo Peninsula

Reclaimed Water System Evaluation, Planning, and Design Issues

Lessons Learned While Implementing a Large Water Treatment Residuals Collection, Conveyance, Processing and Disposal Project

Consensus-Building and Its Role in Successful Stormwater Utility Implementation

4:00 PM

Understanding the Benefits of Multi-Sensor Inspection

Fast-Tracked Nitrification Enhancements at the Smithsburg WWTP

Innovative Strategies for Meeting Emerging Contaminant Requirements at an Indirect Potable Reuse Facility

Solving A Unique Constructability Challenge: Washington Aqueduct’s Residuals Pipe In A Pipe

Accounting for Growth: The Final Frontier of Maryland’s TMDL Odyssey

4:30 PM

Developing Conceptual Design for Advanced Treatment at Philadelphia Water Department Water Treatment Plants

Tracking Collection System Capacity via Online Planning Services for the City of Santa Rosa

Patapsco WWTP ENR Facility Process and Design Challenges

Reclaiming Wastewater effluent for Power Plant water supply

Gibson Island Water Treatment Plant Upgrades - Completing Upgrades in a Hydraulically Independent Water Zone


A Practical Solution to Eliminate Lime Scale Build-Up In Slurry Lines

Filtration System Evaluation – Expanding Capacity Cost Effectively

Learn, Network, Enjoy


thursday August 29, 2013 • morning

Room 201

Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206

Collection Systems

Wastewater Treatment


Water Treatment



Into Your Front Yard – Lessons Learned in Lateral Assessment and Rehabilitation

Enhancements to Continuously Backwashing Denitrification Filters to Achieve Enhanced Nutrient Removal while Minimizing Operations and Maintenance Costs

Thermal hydrolysis preceding anaerobic digestion comes of age in an era of energy and product recovery

To Build or Not to Build: Moving Forward with Design/Build of the City of Annapolis Water Treatment Plant

Catalytic Electrochemical Process as A Sustainable Technology for the Removal of Nitrate from Water

Challenges of Designing an Intermittent Chemical Feed System for Emulsion Polymer and Sodium Hypochlorite Systems - Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant

Optimizing Gas Production At Blue Plains AWTP For High Loaded Digestion Process

Lime or “Sublime” Caustic Soda – An Evaluation of Alkalinity Addition at the Fort Meade Water Treatment Plant

Distribution of Metallic Engineered Nanoparticles (ENPs) in Wastewater Treatment Systems

Tractive Force Analysis for Grit Management in CMOM Programming - Extending a Proven Design Method to CMOM Capacity Implementation

Finding the Perfect Fit: An Overview of Blower Technologies

Digestion Pretreatment – Critical Issues in Thermal Hydrolysis System Design

Severndale WTP Chemical Systems Upgrade, Severndale, Maryland

Climate Science Resources for Water Supply Planning

Evaluation of the Leopold® elimi-NITE® Denitrification System and Study of Denitrification Kinetics at Cold Temperatures at Little Patuxent Water Reclamation Plant

Room 201

Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206 Process

Wastewater Treatment


Water Distribution


Enhanced Passive Aeration Biofilter for Onsite Nitrogen Reduction

Taking Waste Out of WAS: Sludge Pretreatment for Beneficial Uses

Case Study of Mobile Booster Chloramination Unit - Another Tool for Better Water Quality

Picking up the Pace: Maryland’s New Stormwater Funding Legislation and Its Impact on Local Compliance Programs

RDII from Superstorm Sandy

Field Validation of Sequencing Batch Reactor and Cloth Media Filtration Technologies to Attain Ultra Low Nutrient Levels

Sludge Dewatering and Drying Evaluation for a 5.0 mgd WWTP undergoing an ENR upgrade

Investing in Operations, Not Infrastructure – A Case Study of Optimizing a Distribution System to Improve Water Quality

Measuring Performance of a Regional Stormwater Program

Overcoming Challenges in Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring in Baltimore County’s South Area

Bringing One of the EPA’s Innovative/ Alternative Treatment Systems Up to ENR Performance

Sandy’s Sludge – What to do with 250 Dry Tons per day

Distribution System Water Quality Management: Current Utility Practices

Dedicated Funding Sources for Stormwater Management Programs Implementation Lessons Learned

10:30 AM

Collection Systems One Size Storm Does Not Fit All: Development of a Wet Weather SSO Elimination Plan for the City of Baltimore using Continuous Model Simulation

11:00 AM

Assessment of WSSC’s Maintenance Effectiveness for Preventing SSOs and Backups and Recommended Enhancements

11:30 AM

9:00 AM

Starting Up and Commissioning an Innovative Attached Growth Denitrifying Process

9:30 AM

8:30 AM

Technical Program At-A-Glance


2013 Tri-Association Conference

Optimizing Gravity Thickeners Performance at the World’s Largest Advanced WWTP

Anaerobic Digester Foaming Problems and Solutions – Lessons from Midwest

Room 201

Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206

Collection Systems

Wastewater Treatment


Water Distribution

Utility Management


2:00 PM

Developing a Wet-weather Operating Protocol

Case Studies Advancing the Use of the ANAMMOX for Achieving Process Reliability and Operational Cost Savings

Understanding Risk and Resilience to Better Manage Water Transmission Systems

This Will Not Interrupt My Cell Reception and Texting Will It? The Shady Grove Standpipe Demolition and Elevated Tank Construction

Enterprise Asset Management Planning for Richmond DPU’s Five Utility Divisions: Asset Management Across Water, Wastewater, Storm Water, Gas and Street Light Utilities

2:30 PM

thursday August 29, 2013 • afternoon

Corrective Action Plan for Elimination of Sanitary Sewer Overflows related to Rain Derived Inflow and Infiltration, City of Allentown, PA

Enabling the Future: Advancing Extractive Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater

Building a Robust Safety Approach for Plant Electrical Distribution Upgrades

Transmission Watermain Replacement in Urban and Environmentally Sensitive Areas: A Case Study

From Reactive to Proactive Implementing a Utility Asset Management Division in Baltimore, MD

3:00 PM

Technical Program At-A-Glance

Design Standardization of a Wet Weather Program

Co-fermentation of Primary Sludge and Grease Trap Waste for VFA Production: A Pilotscale Investigation

DC Water Emergency Preparedness and Response. Leesons Learned and After Actions from Hurricane Sandy

Building Infrastructure Reliability into Master Planning and Long-term Funding

Lehigh County Authority Manages Knowledge for Future Success

Taking Denitrification to the Next Level: An Upgrade of Proven Technology with 21st Century I&C

Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206

Wastewater Treatment

Public Relations

Water Distribution

Asset Management


Microtunneling Technology Implemented for the Replacement of an Aging One Mile PCCP 36-inch Force main

Maximizing Clarifier Capacity and Performance through CFD Modeling

Combatting Modern Trash - Don’t Take the New Wastewater

Operational Benefits of Implementing a Contamination Warning System - Lessons Learned from the Philadelphia Water Department

Asset Management Plan 2.0 – We Have An App For That!

4:30 PM

Challenges Faced in the Design of Large Diameter Forcemain Dundalk PS Forcemain Replacement, City of Baltimore, MD

Program Review: A Multi-Tooled Approach for Nutrient Reduction

Anne Arundel County’s Elevated Water Storage Tank Public Outreach Evolution

Challenges and Accomplishments of WSSC’s Cross Connection Control Program

Asset Management – An Agent for Change for Baltimore City’s Utility Infrastructure

Under the Tracks: Requirements for the Rehabilitation of an 85 Year Old Sewer under CSX Tracks

Dealing with a Model Monster: How to Overcome Challenges to Modeling Complex Nutrient Removal Upgrades

Howard County’s Approach to Tackle the Private Property Challenges

Case Study: Using Multiple Technologies to Assess the Condition of a 30-inch Steel Pipeline in a Corrosive Environment

4:00 PM

Room 201 Collection Systems

5:00 PM

Performance of New ENR WWTPs in MD and Factors Affecting Operational Consistency (Non-process presentation)

Business Case for Belt Filter Press Renewal to Compare Alternatives

Optimazation of Closed Loop Control for Chemical Feed Systems

Put the Lime In The Coconut, Then You Feel Better – Operational Upgrades to the Fort Meade WWTP Lime Feed System

Learn, Network, Enjoy


Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206

Collection Systems

Wastewater Treatment


Water Treatment

Utility Management


9:00 AM

Analysis of Sewer Rehabilitation Construction Comparison of Construction vs Design Quantities and Lessons Learned

Dendrimer-modified magnetite particles for removal emerging chemical contaminants from water

Density Meter Evaluation for Underflow Solids at the Gravity Sludge Thickeners, Blue Plains AWTP

To BIM or not to BIM

Maximize Efficiency by Minimizing Non-revenue Water


9:30 AM

The Use of Handheld GPS Units in Environmentally Sensitive Areas: A Case Study

Adsorption of antibiotics onto activated sludge solids and powdered activated carbon

Digester Foaming Problems and Solutions

Sustainable Energy Efficiency Improvements at Water Treatment Plants

Utility Value Engineering

The Changing Characteristics of Wastewater: Impacts to the Wastewater Pumping Equipment Design, Selection and Operation

Recycling a Wastewater Treatment Plant

Innovative Sludge Reduction Process at Berlin, MD WWTP

Lets Meet Our Schedule: Alternate Delivery for Improvements to a 2 MGD Groundwater Treatment Plant

Will LEED, lead you in the direction of sustainability? We can ENVISION other options!

Developing and Executing FOG Education and Training Programs

Renovation of a Small Developement’s De-centralized WWTP

Temperature and Salinity Constraints on Anaerobic Digestion

How to Use Bench-Scale Results to Make Timely Decisions on DBPs and Other Treatment Challenges

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions- Pump Efficiency Analysis Can Help

Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design: Lessons Learned in Philadelphia

Combatting FOG at the Source: Baltimore City’s Approach

Collection System Bioaugmentation for Enhancing Nitrogen Removal and Improving Operating Efficiency at a Full Scale WWTP

WSSC Adapts To Two New Biosolids Regulations

Hydrated Lime System Design, Operation, and Maintenance Considerations to Reduce Scaling, Clogging, and Abrassive Wear to Transfer Pumps

Student Paper

Living on the Edge: Shutting Down the Montebello Filtration Plant No. 2 - An Operational Overview

11:00 AM

Room 201

10:00 AM

Friday August 30, 2013 • morning

10:30 AM

Technical Program At-A-Glance


2013 Tri-Association Conference

Protecting Your Pressure Pipes with Air Valves: Design, Installation and O&M Considerations

Convention Center maps Level 2

Main Exhibit Hall: Ballroms 1-3 & Expansion Area Technical Sessions: Rooms 201-206 Meeting Rooms: 207, 208, 215 & 217

Registration: Top of Escalators Cyber Cafe: Room 209

Level 1

Exhibit Hall B: Exhibit Hall B Operators Challenge: Exhibit Hall B & Loading Dock

Learn, Network, Enjoy


conference highlights Tuesday August 27, 2013 Golf Outing 8:00 AM Check-In, 9:00 AM Shotgun Start Format: Captain’s Choice Ocean City Golf Club 11401 Country Club Drive, Berlin, MD Cost is $100/person, $360/foursome which includes greens fee, cart, practice range, continental breakfast, lunch, prizes and donation to Water for People. Before you arrive in Ocean City, stop off in nearby Berlin, Maryland to play on the beautiful and challenging Newport Bay course at the Ocean City Golf Club. Proceeds from the Golf Outing will benefit Water for People. Prizes will be distributed at the end of the Golf Outing, and winners announced at the Early Bird Reception. Unclaimed prizes will be posted and can be claimed at the Registration desk. Registration: Golf registration is available through the 2013 TriAssociation Conference home page which can be accessed through or Golf Registration is handled separately from Conference Registration. Registration for golf can be completed at the following RegOnline website: A limited number of last-minute on-site registrations can be accepted the day of the golf outing. On-site payment must be in the form of cash or check. For more information contact Ron Tatariw, Tatariw, Inc. 703-716-0770 or [email protected] New for 2013 – Hole in One Competition for $25,000! The golf tournament will include a Hole In One Competition. It will be $5 to enter and each person can enter only one time. The prize for a hole in one is $25,000. If there is more than one hole in one winner, the prize will be split between the winners.


2013 Tri-Association Conference

pre-conference workshops Tuesday August 27, 2013 Comprehensive Strategies for Buried Infrastructure Asset Management Workshop Room 201 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Moderator: Craig Daly Early Bird Cost $25, Standard Cost $35 Note: If there are low registration numbers, this workshop may be cancelled. If it is cancelled you will be notified and your workshop payment will be refunded.

This workshop will leverage multiple industry perspectives to develop comprehensive strategies to buried infrastructure asset management in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Consultants, technology providers and utility leaders will present different aspects of buried infrastructure asset management within the context of over-arching asset management programs. These varying industry perspectives will provide the following benefits: · To communicate different aspects and viewpoints of buried infrastructure asset management · To highlight discontinuities in the asset management implementation process and suggest comprehensive strategies Participants in this workshop will leave with an appreciation of key components of buried infrastructure asset management programs and ideas for implementing a comprehensive asset management program. Looking to the future, it is hoped that this seminar will lead to future industry-wide discussions to actively improve asset management implementation in the Mid-Atlantic Region. The agenda includes the following topics: The Big Picture, Buried Infrastructure Condition Assessment, Utility Perspectives, and Round Table Discussion.

Stormwater Management Volume II – Moving from Concept to Reality Workshop Room 203 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Moderator: Larry Jaworski Early Bird Cost $25, Standard Cost $35 Note: If there are low registration numbers, this workshop may be cancelled. If it is cancelled you will be notified and your workshop payment will be refunded.

The Pre-Conference workshop during last year’s Tri-Association Conference focused on the evolving nature of stormwater regulations and their potential impact on local communities. This year’s workshop will address issues with moving stormwater programs from concept to Learn, Network, Enjoy


pre-conference workshops Tuesday August 27, 2013 implementation. Presentations during the workshop will focus on the life cycle of stormwater projects including: · Planning/Design · Financing · Permitting · Construction · Operation and Maintenance Presentations on each of the focus areas will address specific issues from various perspectives including consultants, contractors, and public agencies that are actively engaged in implementing “real world” solutions to stormwater management issues. The agenda includes the following topics: Update Stormwater Regulation Initiatives, Project Life Cycle, and Panel Discussion and Question and Answer Period.

Early Bird Reception Main Exhibit Hall 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM Come get warmed up for the conference by enjoying lite fare and drinks with our valued exhibitors. Exhibitors are the lifeline of our conference, so make sure you visit as many as you can! You will have the chance to win fabulous door prizes. Sodas, beer and wine are complimentary. Cash bar for liquor available. Sponsored by:


2013 Tri-Association Conference

conference highlights Wednesday August 28, 2013 5K Fun-Run/Walk Benefitting Engineers without Borders 7:00 AM The Grand Hotel Board Walk Early Bird Cost $25 / Standard Registration Cost $35 which includes t-shirt, prizes and a donation to Engineers Without Borders. Sponsored by:

Presidents’/Chairs’ Breakfast 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM (by invitation) Princess Royale, Room 806

Registration / Check-In 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM 2nd Floor, Top of Escalators

Exhibits Open 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B

Continental Breakfast 8:00 AM Main Exhibit Hall Sponsored by:

Technical Sessions 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM Rooms 201 – 206 Learn, Network, Enjoy


conference highlights Wednesday August 28, 2013 Biosolids Beauty Contest 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM CWEA Table outside Main Exhibit Hall Contact Scott Weikert at [email protected] for more information on your entry.

WFP Silent Auction 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM Main Exhibit Hall (continued on Thursday) A silent auction will be held on Wednesday, August 28 and Thursday, August 29 to benefit Water For People. If interested in contributing items for the auction, please contact Eric Held at 410-857-4419 or [email protected]. All proceeds from the auction will go to Water For People in order to improve sanitation and water supply in developing communities.

Wednesday Morning Break / visit exhibitors 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B

Opening Session 11:00 AM – Noon Room 215 Opening Remarks: Bob Beringer, CWEA President, Gary Geck, CSAWWA Chair and Winfield McKell, WWOA President

Keynote Address 11:00 AM – Noon Room 215


2013 Tri-Association Conference

conference highlights Keynote Speaker Karen Susman No More One-Night Stands: How To Use Networking To Build Relationships and Your Career In this fun, up-on-your-feet presentation, you’ll learn how to connect, converse and follow-up. Maximize your Chesapeake TriConference experience. Get a head start on connecting with other conference attendees. Gain 15 tips you can use immediately to feel more at ease, meet more people, and begin long-term relationships that will benefit you professionally and personally. This session will provide a different perspective on networking. Guarantee: You’ll know more people when you leave this session than when you entered it. 
 You will learn: · Two boredom-proof introductions. · Seven open-ended questions that start conversations and keep them going. · Six ways to follow up, starting immediately at the conference. Find out why this session is called, No More One-Night Stands. About Karen Susman: Since 1983, Colorado’s Karen Susman has worked with thousands of high achievers who want to maximize their professional and personal lives. Her expertise in Communication Skills and Wellness has benefited audiences in the USA, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, and Europe. She coaches individuals and groups on presentation skills. Karen was an adjunct professor at Regis University and president of Colorado’s premier organization of published writers, Colorado Authors’ League. She’s published four guidebooks on Building Community Involvement, Humor, Time Management and Networking. The Wall Street Journal cited Karen as a networking expert. Karen’s clients include: · AWWA · PA-AWWA Section · Water for People · Water Research Foundation · American Public Works Association · CH2M Hill · Parsons Brinckerhoff Karen is known for her practical content, interaction and humor. “Karen Susman was outstanding!” AWWA Summer Workshop participant Learn, Network, Enjoy


conference highlights WednesdAy August 28, 2013 lunCh With exhiBitors Noon – 1:15 PM Main Exhibit Hall Food / Drinks / Door Prizes Sponsored by:

5th annual operator’s ChallenGe in oCean City 1:30 PM – 6:00 PM Main Exhibit Hall

pre-Competition meetinG 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM Operation OC2! – Day 1 Exhibit Hall B The Operator’s Challenge highlights important skills possessed by local operators and encourages teams to compete from around the region. This challenge is exciting for both the competitors and their audience as each team of six demonstrates excellence in the following events: · Process Control · Laboratory · Pipe Cutting Shootout Continued on Thursday …. Sponsored by:


2013 tri-AssociAtion conference

conference highlights Technical Sessions 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Rooms 201 – 206

Wednesday Afternoon Break / visit Exhibitors 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B

Technical Sessions 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Rooms 201 – 206

Pipe Cutting Shootout 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Exhibit Hall B

Fun Night 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM (ticketed event) Seacrets Enjoy dinner and an evening on the beach at Seacrets in Ocean City. Appetizers and a full dinner will be served from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Each person will receive two drink tickets, but the bars will be open all four hours. Remember to bring your name badge to use on the Ocean City buses for a ride back to your hotel at no charge. Note: Seacrets tickets must be purchased by Tuesday, August 27, 2013. No tickets will be sold at the door or individually on Wednesday at the conference. You must be 21 years old to attend. Sponsored by:

Learn, Network, Enjoy


conference highlights Thursday August 29, 2013 Registration / Check-In 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM 2nd Floor, Top of Escalators

Exhibits Open 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B

Continental Breakfast 8:00 AM Main Exhibit Hall Sponsored by:

WFP Silent Auction 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM Main Exhibit Hall (continued from Wednesday) A silent auction will be held on Wednesday, August 28 and Thursday, August 29 to benefit Water For People. Winners will be posted at the Registration Desk. Payment for the items will be accepted at the Registration Desk and will be credit card only.

Technical Sessions 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM Rooms 201 – 206

5th Annual Operator’s Challenge in Ocean City 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Exhibit Hall B Operation OC2! – Day 2 The Operator’s Challenge continues with Day 2’s exciting events:


2013 Tri-Association Conference

conference highlights · Maintenance Event · Collection System Event · Safety Event All events and scoring are in accordance with the WEF 2008 Guidelines.

Thursday Morning Break / visit exhibitors 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B Sponsored by:

Technical Sessions 10:30 AM – Noon Rooms 201 – 206

CSAWWA Luncheon/forum Noon – 2:00 PM (ticketed event) Room 217 Sponsored by:

Learn, Network, Enjoy


conference highlights Thursday August 29, 2013 AWWA National Representative Reid Campbell Vice-President (2012-2014) American Water Works Association Reid Campbell is Director of Water Services at Halifax Water, the water, wastewater and storm-water utility in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He is responsible for the operation “from source to tap” of the municipal water system serving 350,000 people as well as corporate wide SCADA and process communication services. Upon graduation from university in 1987, Reid worked for a large national consulting firm in Toronto where he had the opportunity to work on all manner of water supply projects. He returned to Halifax in 1994 where he worked for a local consulting firm until joining Halifax Water in 1998. Reid has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the Technical University of Nova Scotia (now part of Dalhousie University) and a master’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Toronto. He is a registered professional engineer in the province of Nova Scotia. Reid joined AWWA in 1989 and has been active in the association. He has served on the leadership team of the Atlantic Canada section including terms as Chair, and conference chair and represented the Atlantic Canada section on the Board of the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association. He was awarded the Ira P. MacNabb Award for outstanding service to the section in 2008 and the Fuller Award in 2013. At the association level Reid is a member of the Canadian Affairs committee, the Water Loss Control Committee and two utility standards committees. Reid’s employer, Halifax Water is active in water quality research and water loss control which has provided him several opportunities to present at ACE, section conferences and other events. In 2011 he was privileged to be a co-author of articles in Opflow and Journal AWWA. Reid lives in Halifax with his wife Eleanor and their two teenage sons, David and Daniel.


2013 Tri-Association Conference

conference highlights CWEA Business Luncheon Noon – 2:00 PM (ticketed event) Room 215 Sponsored by:

WEF National Representative Cordell Samuels 2012-2013 President Cordell W. Samuels is the 2012-2013 President of the Water Environment Federation (WEF), an international organization of water quality professionals headquartered in Alexandria, VA. He is the Plant Superintendent for the Duffin Creek WPCP in the Regional Municipality of Durham in Ontario, Canada. In that capacity, he manages one of the largest wastewater treatment plants in Ontario. Prior to his current position, Cordell worked in the City of Toronto for 22 years. Cordell has been a WEF member since 1994 and served on the Federation’s House of Delegates and several WEF committees. He has been an active member of both the Water Environment Association of Ontario (WEAO) and the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA), serving as President of the Water Environment Association of Ontario in 2005. A member of the Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers; Cordell has received a number of WEF awards including the Hatfield Award in 1996, and the Arthur Sidney Bedell Award in 2008. He holds Class IV Wastewater Treatment, and Collection Systems Licenses in the Province of Ontario. Cordell has received the Higher National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (H.N.D. Mech. Eng.) from Leeds Metropolitan University in Leeds, Yorkshire, England.

Learn, Network, Enjoy


conference highlights Thursday August 29, 2013 WWOA Business Luncheon Noon – 2:00 PM (ticketed event) Rooms 207 - 208

Operators Challenge Luncheon 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM (invitation only) Rear Patio

Technical Sessions 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Rooms 201 – 206

Top Ops 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM Room 213 Sponsored by:

Thursday Afternoon Break 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM Outside Rooms 201 - 206

Technical Sessions 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Rooms 201 – 206

Awards Program 5:45 PM - 7:30 PM Ballrooms 2 & 3 Everyone is welcome to enjoy refreshments in the Ballroom and help recognize this year’s award-winning members! Meet and congratulate award winners while enjoying hot and cold hors d’oeuvres. Sodas, beer and wine are complimentary. Cash liquor bar will be available.


2013 Tri-Association Conference

conference highlights 5:45 PM - 6.30 PM Cocktails: We will kick off the evening with networking to get everyone warmed up. 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Program: Our organizations have a number of prestigious awards to grant members who have demonstrated the very best of attributes that promote our missions. The following awards will be presented: · CSAWWA: The George Warren Fuller Award, the Carl John Lauter Award, Outstanding Operator of the Year Award, Best Technical Paper Award, and the Horizon Award. · CWEA: Hatfield Award, Bedell Award, Golden Manhole Award, Furhman Medal Award, Schlenz Public Education Award and the Student Paper Awards. · WWOA: Distinguished Service in Water Distribution, Distinguished Service in Water Treatment, Distinguished Service in Wastewater Collection System, William McLean Bingley Award for Distinguished service in Wastewater, Marlean Pattillo Laboratory Award, Distinguished Service in Industrial Waste Management, Stanley Kappe Training Award, and WWOA Award for Outstanding Personal Service to the Association We will also introduce each Association’s incoming officers. Sponsored by:

Learn, Network, Enjoy


conference highlights friday August 30, 2013 Registration / Check-In 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM 2nd Floor, Top of Escalators

Continental Breakfast 8:00 AM Outside Rooms 201 - 206

Technical Sessions 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM Rooms 201 – 206

Final Technical Session Attendance Form Signing 11:30 AM – Noon Registration Desk

Adjourn / Monster Door Prizes 11:45 AM Registration Desk

CSAWWA Board Meeting & Luncheon Noon – 2:00 PM Room 210

CWEA Board Meeting & Luncheon Noon – 2:00 PM Room 213

WWOA Board Meeting & Luncheon Noon – 2:00 PM Room 207


2013 Tri-Association Conference

technical program schedule WednesdAy, August 28 room 201

Collection Systems

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

8:30am - 9:00am When the Arrow Doesn’t Miss the Artery: Repairing a 100- Year-Old Interceptor with a Steel Pile Driven Through It Derek Morin Johnson, Mirmiran and Thompson, Inc. Wazir Qadri, City of Baltimore George Mwangi, City of Baltimore 9:00am - 9:30am A Winding Road: Building a Sustainable Sanitary Sewer Stream Crossing in Emergency Conditions Michele Siminari, Greeley and Hansen Jonathan Okafor, Fairfax County Wastewater Collection Division Projects and Assets Sam Shaikh, Fairfax County DPWES Wastewater Collections Division Brendan Schillo, Fairfax County DPWES Capital Facilities UDCD Thomas Russell, Fairfax County DPWES 9:30am - 10:00am 30,000+ LF of Forcemain and Four Pump Stations by When? (Criticality of Teamwork for Successfully Expediting a Design-Build Construction Project) Joseph Conti, O’Brien & Gere 10:00am - 10:30am DC Water Is Utilizing Cured-In-Place Methods to Rehabilitate Aging Underground Sewer Laterals in the Nation’s Capital Muminu Badmus, DC Water and Sewer Authority Charles Kiely, DC Water Gregory Taylor, DC Water 1:30pm - 2:00pm Inspection Prioritization Modeling Joshua Einhorn, ARCADIS Daniel Frechette, ARCADIS Ella Garcia, ARCADIS 2:00pm - 2:30pm Where Do We Begin? Prioritization Planning for Sewer Pumping Station Improvements Laura Siemers, GHD Inc. David Kerr, GHD Inc. 2:30pm - 3:00pm Asset Management Made Easy – Applying Best Business Practices to Develop Practical Asset Management Brandon Vatter, Hatch Mott MacDonald Rich McGillis, Sanitation District No. 1 of Northern Kentucky leArn, netWorK, enJoy


technical program schedule WednesdAy, August 28 3:30pm - 4:00pm Using Acoustic Inspections to Prioritize Sewer Cleaning: Test Results from Baltimore County’s Pilot Study Paul Sayan, Louis Berger Water Services Tom Kiefer, Baltimore County DPW Bureau of Utilities 4:00pm - 4:30pm Understanding the Benefits of Multi-Sensor Inspection Jeffrey Griffiths, Hydromax USA 4:30pm - 5:00pm Tracking Collection System Capacity via Online Planning Services for the City of Santa Rosa William Barrack II, ARCADIS Andrew Baldwin, ARCADIS

room 202

Wastewater Treatment

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

8:30am - 9:00am The Philadelphia Water Department’s Road to Energy Independence Teresa DiGenova, Black & Veatch 9:00am - 9:30am Design and Implementation of Operator Friendly Sludge Handling System for Advanced Biological Treatment Plant Upgrade Isaac Katz, O’Brien & Gere 9:30am - 10:00am First in Wastewater: The Philadelphia Water Department’s Inaugural Use of Sewage Geothermal Technology Teresa DiGenova, Black & Veatch Debjani Mallick, Philadelphia Water Department 10:00am - 10:30am Integrating Influent Flow Equalization with Improved Process Performance at the Virginia Initiative Plant Meredith Welle, Atkins Brian Balchunas, Atkins John Dano, Hampton Roads Sanitation District William M’Coy, HDR, Inc. 1:30pm - 2:00pm Design of an Aerated Grit Removal Facility at Back River WWTP Kelly Baxter, JMT 2:00pm - 2:30pm Wet Weather Filtration Facility for Maintaining Water Pollution Control Patrick Haney, ARCADIS


2013 tri-AssociAtion conference

technical program schedule 2:30pm - 3:00pm Mutually Beneficial: Evaluation of Improvements for the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks to Improve Collection System Performance Paul Deardorff, Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Ben Asavakarin, JMT Gurminder Singh, City of Baltimore Misrak Shiferaw, City of Baltimore 3:30pm - 4:00pm Using a Collaborative Approach with Regulatory Officials and the Public to Protect the Environment and Allow Managed Growth in Anne Arundel County’s Mayo Peninsula Thor Young, GHD Inc. Chris Phipps, Anne Arundel County 4:00pm - 4:30pm Fast-Tracked Nitrification Enhancements at the Smithsburg WWTP Kevin Nash, P.E., RK&K Kelly Duffy, P.E., RK&K Robert Andryszak, P.E., RK&K Robert Backman, PE, Siemens 4:30pm - 5:00pm Patapsco WWTP ENR Facility Process and Design Challenges Robert Andryszak, RK&K

room 203


Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

8:30am - 9:00am Out to Sea: Permitting an Ocean Outfall Maureen Wingfield, GHD Inc. Jeff Riling, GHD Inc. 9:00am - 9:30am The Good, the Bad and the Non-Friable: A Detailed Review of the Regulations for Asbestos Cement Pipe Rehabilitation Beth Kilbourne, Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson L. Curry, Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Casey Burtis, Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson 9:30am - 10:00am Maryland’s Watershed Resources Registry: A GIS Tool for Broad-Based Collaborative Planning & Protection from a Watershed Perspective C. Jason Gillespie, Maryland Environmental Service Michael Herzberger , Maryland Environmental Service 10:00am - 10:30am Environmental Permitting the Forgotten Aspect of Sewer Design Ed May, Brown and Caldwell leArn, netWorK, enJoy


technical program schedule WednesdAy, August 28 room 203

Plant O&M

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

1:30pm - 2:00pm Keep the Plant Running - Planning for a 65% Hydraulic Capacity Increase at the Patuxent WRF Jennifer Moore, Atkins George Heiner, Anne Arundel County DPW 2:00pm - 2:30pm Minimum Support Needed for a Reliable SCADA System Jeff Miller, P.E., ENV SP, Dewberry Patrick Haney, ARCADIS 2:30pm - 3:00pm You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks! - Revamping Aging Infrastructure for Ease of Operations at the Perry Point Water System Daniel Pomeroy, O’Brien & Gere Narayan Venkatesan, O’Brien & Gere

room 203

Water Reuse

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

3:30pm - 4:00pm Reclaimed Water System Evaluation, Planning, and Design Issues Korkud Egrican, CH2M HILL Anabela Fonseca, CH2M HILL 4:00pm - 4:30pm Innovative Strategies for Meeting Emerging Contaminant Requirements at an Indirect Potable Reuse Facility Chandra Mysore, GHD Inc. 4:30pm - 5:00pm Reclaiming Wastewater effluent for Power Plant water supply Joe Nattress, CH2M HILL Lee Tharps, CH2M HILL Larry Schimmoller, CH2M HILL

room 204

Water Quality

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

8:30am - 9:00am Structural Rehabilitation of the Kenilworth PCCP Transmission Main with Steel Slipliner Ronald Brown, Northwest Pipe Company Jeffrey Peluso, Baltimore County Bureau of Engineering 9:00am - 9:30am Alignment Selection for Large Mains in Downtown Washington DC: Challenges and Lessons Learned Getachew Melsew, DC Water Brian Aylaian, Hatch Mott MacDonald 32

2013 tri-AssociAtion conference

technical program schedule 9:30am - 10:00am “Surge”ing Ahead with Hydraulic Transients Narayan Venkatesan, O’Brien & Gere 10:00am - 10:30am WSSC Bi-County Tunnel Construction Issues, Challenges and Successes Douglas Brinkman, Black & Veatch John Mitchell, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Ismail Hanieh, P.E., Black & Veatch Saad Cheema, Ph.D., Black & Veatch

room 204

Water Treatment

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

1:30pm - 2:00pm Harford County MD’s Multi-pronged Approach to Stage 2 D/DBP Rule Compliance Gail Charles, Hazen and Sawyer Aaron Duke, Hazen and Sawyer Jackie Ludwig, Harford County 2:00pm - 2:30pm The Last Mile: Using In-Tank Aeration for Reducing THM Concentrations to Achieve Compliance with the Stage-2 DBPR Kelly Comstock, Brown and Caldwell Paresh Sanghavi, Brown and Caldwell 2:30pm - 3:00pm Balancing Microbial Control and Stage 2 DBP Rule Compliance at Ocean City Maryland Earl Swartzendruber, Jr., Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP Harish Arora, Ph.D., NCS Engineers Jim Parsons, Ocean City DPW 3:30pm - 4:00pm Lessons Learned While Implementing a Large Water Treatment Residuals Collection, Conveyance, Processing and Disposal Project Glenn Palen, CH2M HILL Patricia Gamby, Washington Aqueduct 4:00pm - 4:30pm Solving A Unique Constructability Challenge: Washington Aqueduct’s Residuals Pipe In A Pipe Patricia Gamby, Washington Aqueduct 4:30pm - 5:00pm Gibson Island Water Treatment Plant Upgrades - Completing Upgrades in a Hydraulically Independent Water Zone Kyle Massey, Atkins leArn, netWorK, enJoy


technical program schedule WednesdAy, August 28 room 205

Utility Management

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

8:30am - 9:00am Scope Development & Management Lessons Learned from small Capital Improvement Projects David Smith, Atkins 9:00am - 9:30am How to Set-up Your Contract with the Low Pressure Membrane Manufacturers to Avoid Unwanted Price Demands on Dormant Projects and How to Re-Negotiate Pricing for Projects that were Put on Shelf Korkud Egrican, CH2M HILL 9:30am - 10:00am Employing GIS, Cloud, and Mobile Technologies to Support Asset Management and System Operations Jayson Brennen, CDM Smith 10:00am - 10:30am Step UP Utility Effectiveness with Integrated Business Systems William Lloyd, Westin Engineering, Inc. William Shreve, Charles County William Serjeantson, Westin Engineering, Inc.

room 205


Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

1:30pm - 2:00pm The Application of an Integrated Monitoring Plan on Stormwater Best Management Practices Kathryn Greising, Hatch Mott MacDonald 2:00pm - 2:30pm Flood Protection in Virginia Beach, Rosemont Forest Community Drainage Improvements and Flood Protection Steven E. Anderson, P.E., KCI Technologies, Inc. Timothy Wolfe, P.E., KCI Technologies, Inc. Jeff Waller, City of Virginia Beach 2:30pm - 3:00pm Contracting Technique to Meet Aggressive Schedule for Louisiana Coastal Protection Wayne Welch, ARCADIS 3:30pm - 4:00pm Consensus-Building and Its Role in Successful Stormwater Utility Implementation David Mason, CDM Smith


2013 tri-AssociAtion conference

technical program schedule 4:00pm - 4:30pm Accounting for Growth: The Final Frontier of Maryland’s TMDL Odyssey Zainab Nejati, Brown and Caldwell

room 206


Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

8:30am - 9:30am Assessing Biological Filtration for Iron and Manganese Removal Alan LeBlanc, CDM Smith 9:30am - 10:30am Systemwide and Localized Strategies for Stage 2 Disinfection Byproduct Rule Compliance Thomas Dumm, O’Brien & Gere Richard Gell, O’Brien & Gere 1:30pm - 2:30pm Developing Conceptual Design for Advanced Treatment at Philadelphia Water Department Water Treatment Plants Russell Ford, CH2M HILL Joe Nattress, CH2M HILL John Muldowney, Philadelphia Water Department Ya-Chi Tsao, Philadelphia Water Department 2:30pm - 3:00pm All-Pipes Model Improves Water System Operational Studies and Planning Laura Khouvilay, ARCADIS Lisa Gresehover, WSSC Patrick Parault, ARCADIS Vanessa Speight, Latis Associates 3:30pm - 4:30pm A Practical Solution to Eliminate Lime Scale Build-Up In Slurry Lines Karthik R Manchala, Atkins North America Inc. Benjamin Thompson, Anne Arundel County DPW Bob Nelson, Atkins North America Inc. David Gauker, Atkins North America Inc. Charlie Woods, Merrick Industries, Inc. 4:30pm - 5:00pm Filtration System Evaluation: Expanding Capacity Cost Effectively Christopher Curran, URS Corporation Christopher Walker, URS Corporation

leArn, netWorK, enJoy


technical program schedule thursdAy, August 29 room 201

Collection Systems

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

8:30am - 9:00am Into Your Front Yard – Lessons Learned in Lateral Assessment and Rehabilitation Eric Schroeder, O’Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc. Brianne Nakamura, O’Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc. 9:00am - 9:30am Assessment of WSSC’s Maintenance Effectiveness for Preventing SSOs and Backups and Recommended Enhancements Carlos Cuneo, Black & Veatch 9:30am - 10:00am Tractive Force Analysis for Grit Management in CMOM Programming Extending a Proven Design Method to CMOM Capacity Implementation L. Burton Curry, Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Kevin Enfinger, ADS Environmental Services 10:30am - 11:00am One Size Storm Does Not Fit All: Development of a Wet Weather SSO Elimination Plan for the City of Baltimore using Continuous Model Simulation Jeffrey Pelletier, MWH Wazir Qadri, City of Baltimore 11:00am - 11:30am RDII from Superstorm Sandy Kevin Chumbley, RJN Group, Inc. 11:30am - 12:00pm Overcoming Challenges in Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring in Baltimore County’s South Area Lindsey Kling, RJN Group, Inc. 2:00pm - 2:30pm Developing a Wet-weather Operating Protocol Eric Harold, ARCADIS Joseph McMahon III, Lehigh County Authority 2:30pm - 3:00pm Corrective Action Plan for Elimination of Sanitary Sewer Overflows related to Rain Derived Inflow and Infiltration, City of Allentown, PA Francis Bonkowski, Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP Monika Blassino, Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP


2013 tri-AssociAtion conference

technical program schedule 3:00pm - 3:30pm Design Standardization of a Wet Weather Program Muhammad Tak, Louis Berger Water Services Arthur Jones-Dove, Louis Berger Water Services Wazir Qadri, City of Baltimore DPW Sherif Naoum, Louis Berger Water Services 4:00pm - 4:30pm Microtunneling Technology Implemented for the Replacement of an Aging One Mile PCCP 36-inch Force main Mark Notheis, CH2M HILL Calvin Woolson, CH2M HILL 4:30pm - 5:00pm Challenges Faced in the Design of Large Diameter Forcemain Dundalk PS Forcemain Replacement, City of Baltimore, MD Dick Berich, P.E. Rizwan Siddiqi, P.E., EBA Engineering, Inc. Gurminder Singh, City of Baltimore 5:00pm - 5:30pm Under the Tracks: Requirements for the Rehabilitation of an 85 Year Old Sewer under CSX Tracks Susan Dunn, Black & Veatch Corporation Samuel Edoror Sr., Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Phil Hannan, Black & Veatch Corporation

room 202

Wastewater Treatment

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

8:30am - 9:00am Enhancements to Continuously Backwashing Denitrification Filters to Achieve Enhanced Nutrient Removal while Minimizing Operations and Maintenance Costs John Revette, GHD Inc. Scott Crosswell, GHD Inc. Randy Eyler, Town of Thurmont Troy Wastler, Town of Thurmont 9:00am - 9:30am Challenges of Designing an Intermittent Chemical Feed System for Emulsion Polymer and Sodium Hypochlorite Systems - Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant Akshay Kumar, Brown & Caldwell Anup Shah, Brown and Caldwell Phil Feeney, Brown and Caldwell Ray Schulte, KCI Technologies, Inc. Gurminder Singh, Baltimore City DPW leArn, netWorK, enJoy


technical program schedule thursday, August 29 9:30am - 10:00am Finding the Perfect Fit: An Overview of Blower Technologies Andrew Van Winkle, HSI / Atlas Copco 10:30am - 11:00am Enhanced Passive Aeration Biofilter for Onsite Nitrogen Reduction Daniel Smith, Applied Environmental Technology 11:00am - 11:30am Field Validation of Sequencing Batch Reactor and Cloth Media Filtration Technologies to Attain Ultra Low Nutrient Levels Brandon Thomas, Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc. 11:30am - 12:00pm Bringing One of the EPA’s Innovative/Alternative Treatment Systems Up to ENR Performance John Cannon, P.E., GHD Inc. Thor Young, P.E., BCEE, GHD Inc. 2:00pm - 2:30pm Case Studies Advancing the Use of the ANAMMOX for Achieving Process Reliability and Operational Cost Savings Paula Sanjines, CH2M HILL Samuel Jeyanayagam, CH2M HILL Jay Allen, CH2M HILL Dwight Houweling, CH2M HILL Tom Johnson, CH2M HILL 2:30pm - 3:00pm Enabling the Future: Advancing Extractive Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater Samuel Jeyanayagam, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, CH2M HILL Ronald Latimer, P.E., Hazen & Sawyer 3:00pm - 3:30pm Co-fermentation of Primary Sludge and Grease Trap Waste for VFA Production: A Pilot-scale Investigation Hunter Long, Hazen and Sawyer, PC Jeff Nicholson, Hampton Roads Sanitation District Holly Anne Hillard, Hampton Roads Sanitation District Charles Bott, Hampton Roads Sanitation District Bill Balzer, Hampton Roads Sanitation District 4:00pm - 4:30pm Maximizing Clarifier Capacity and Performance through CFD Modeling Peter Schuler, Brown and Caldwell


2013 Tri-Association Conference

technical program schedule 4:30pm - 5:00pm Program Review: A Multi-Tooled Approach for Nutrient Reduction Renso Gasparotto, Greeley and Hansen Matthew Doyle, Fairfax County DPWES Sarah Motsch, Fairfax County DPWES Clyde Wilber, Clyde Wilber LLC Laurel Xiao, AECOM 5:00pm - 5:30pm Dealing with a Model Monster: How to Overcome Challenges to Modeling Complex Nutrient Removal Upgrades Kristin Waller, O’Brien & Gere Mark Greene, Ph.D., O’Brien & Gere William Meinert, P.E., O’Brien & Gere Rick Reed, P.E., CTI Engineers, Inc Matt Hoopes, City of Salem, Ohio Utilities Department

room 203


Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

8:30am - 9:00am Thermal hydrolysis preceding anaerobic digestion comes of age in an era of energy and product recovery Timothy Shea, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, CH2M HILL Bob Forbes, P.E., CH2M HILL 9:00am - 9:30am Optimizing Gas Production At Blue Plains AWTP For High Loaded Digestion Process Ryu Suzuki, DC Water Sudhir Murthy , DC Water Josh Mah, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Chris DeBardillo, DC Water Bernhard Wett, ARA Consult 9:30am - 10:00am Digestion Pretreatment – Critical Issues in Thermal Hydrolysis System Design Peter Loomis, CDM Smith 10:30am - 11:00am Taking Waste Out of WAS: Sludge Pretreatment for Beneficial Uses Matthew VanHorne, Hazen and Sawyer Mark Bottin, Hazen and Sawyer

leArn, netWorK, enJoy


technical program schedule thursdAy, August 29 11:00am - 11:30am Sludge Dewatering and Drying Evaluation for a 5.0 mgd WWTP undergoing an ENR upgrade Brandon Gott, GHD Inc. Vincent Maillard, GHD Inc. John Rawlings, City of Westminster Vance Summerhill, City of Westminster Mark Mellendick, City of Westminster 11:30am - 12:00pm Sandy’s Sludge – What to do with 250 Dry Tons per day William Meinert, O’Brien & Gere George Rest, O’Brien & Gere

room 203


Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

2:00pm - 2:30pm Understanding Risk and Resilience to Better Manage Water Transmission Systems David Kerr, GHD Inc. Amanvir Singh , GHD Inc. Roop Lutchman , GHD Inc. 2:30pm - 3:00pm Building a Robust Safety Approach for Plant Electrical Distribution Upgrades Scott Weikert, CH2M HILL Keith Chase, Fairfax County DPW&ES John Brosnan, CH2M HILL 3:00pm - 3:30pm DC Water Emergency Preparedness and Response. Lessons Learned and After Actions from Hurricane Sandy Jonathan Reeves, DC Water and Sewer Authority

room 203

Public Relations

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

4:00pm - 4:30pm Combatting Modern Trash - Don’t Take the New Wastewater Hiram Tanner, DC Water 4:30pm - 5:00pm Anne Arundel County’s Elevated Water Storage Tank Public Outreach Evolution Erica Whorley, Heery International, Inc.


2013 tri-AssociAtion conference

technical program schedule 5:00pm - 5:30pm Howard County’s Approach to Tackle the Private Property Challenges Silver Chai, Albrecht Engineering Anthony Rocco, Howard County Bureau of Utilities Jeff Welty, Howard County Bureau of Utilities Stephen Gerwin, Howard County Bureau of Utilities Robert Beringer, Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc.

room 204

Water Treatment

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

8:30am - 9:00am To Build or Not to Build: Moving Forward with Design/Build of the City of Annapolis Water Treatment Plant Brian Balchunas, Atkins Thora Burkhardt, City of Annapolis DPW 9:00am - 9:30am Lime or “Sublime” Caustic Soda – An Evaluation of Alkalinity Addition at the Fort Meade Water Treatment Plant Dan Tobocman, American Water - Military Services Group Narayan Venkatesan, O’Brien & Gere 9:30am - 10:00am Anne Arundel County Severndale WTP Chemical Systems Upgrade, Severna Park, MD “Enhanced Operations and Improved Safety” Steven E. Anderson, P.E., KCI Technologies, Inc. Terry Bradley, Anne Arundel County

room 204

Water Distribution

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

10:30am - 11:00am Case Study of Mobile Booster Chloramination Unit - Another Tool for Better Water Quality Sonali Ambre, CDM Smith Steven Clark, Prince William County Service Authority 11:00am - 11:30am Investing in Operations, Not Infrastructure – A Case Study of Optimizing a Distribution System to Improve Water Quality Wayne Zhang, Hazen and Sawyer Jeff Cruickshank, Hazen and Sawyer Ken Best, City of Raleigh, Public Utilities Chris Phelps, City of Raleigh, Public Utilities

leArn, netWorK, enJoy


technical program schedule thursday, August 29 11:30am - 12:00pm Distribution System Water Quality Management: Current Utility Practices Sonali Ambre, CDM Smith Janice Skadsen, CDM Smith Marlee Franzen, Arlington County David Donahue, Arlington County Mary Strawn, Arlington County 2:00pm - 2:30pm This Will Not Interrupt My Cell Reception and Texting Will It? The Shady Grove Standpipe Demolition and Elevated Tank Andrew Cooper, P.E., BCEE, Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP Check Kirivong, P.E., Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Brian Keith Mullis, P.E., Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP 2:30pm - 3:00pm Transmission Watermain Replacement in Urban and Environmentally Sensitive Areas: A Case Study Christopher Overcash, P.E., KCI Technologies, Inc. Timothy Wolfe, P.E., KCI Technologies, Inc. Steven Law, Ph.D., P.E., Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission 3:00pm - 3:30pm Building Infrastructure Reliability into Master Planning and Long-term Funding Christina LaPointe, ARCADIS Noelle Slater, ARCADIS Jennifer Webster, ARCADIS 4:00pm - 4:30pm Operational Benefits of Implementing a Contamination Warning System Lessons Learned from the Philadelphia Water Department Jason Kirk, CH2M HILL 4:30pm - 5:00pm Challenges and Accomplishments of WSSC’s Cross Connection Control Program Dr. Zohreh Movahed, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Thomas Buckley, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission 5:00pm - 5:30pm Case Study: Using Multiple Technologies to Assess the Condition of a 30-inch Steel Pipeline in a Corrosive Environment Gert Van der Walt, Hatch Mott MacDonald John Smith, Russell Corrosion Consultants Getachew Melsew, DC Water


2013 Tri-Association Conference

technical program schedule

room 205

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.


8:30am - 9:00am Catalytic Electrochemical Process as A Sustainable Technology for the Removal of Nitrate from Water Po-Yen Wang, Department of CE & EE, University of Delaware S. Ismat Shah, Department of Material Sciences and Engineering, University of Delaware Chin-Pao Huang, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware 9:00am - 9:30am Distribution of Metallic Engineered Nanoparticles (ENPs) in Wastewater Treatment Systems Soohun Choi, University of Delaware 9:30am - 10:00am Climate Science Resources for Water Supply Planning Ben Wright, Hazen and Sawyer

room 205


Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

10:30am - 11:00am Picking up the Pace: Maryland’s New Stormwater Funding Legislation and Its Impact on Local Compliance Programs Jane McDonough, Brown and Caldwell 11:00am - 11:30am Measuring Performance of a Regional Stormwater Program Dane Jablonsky, P.E., Brown & Caldwell Lisa Jeffrey, P.E., Brown & Caldwell 11:30am - 12:00pm Dedicated Funding Sources for Stormwater Management Programs Implementation Lessons Learned Fernando Pasquel, ARCADIS

room 205

Utility Management

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

2:00pm - 2:30pm Enterprise Asset Management Planning for Richmond DPU’s Five Utility Divisions: Asset Management Across Water, Wastewater, Storm Water, Gas and Street Light Utilities Eddie Childers, City of Richmond DPU Seth Yoskowitz, MWH Rosemary Green, City of Richmond DPU Chris DeHanas, MWH

leArn, netWorK, enJoy


technical program schedule thursdAy, August 29 2:30pm - 3:00pm From Reactive to Proactive - Implementing a Utility Asset Management Division in Baltimore, MD Carlos Espinosa, MWH Global 3:00pm - 3:30pm Lehigh County Authority Manages Knowledge for Future Success Bradley Jurkovac, GHD Inc. Liesel Adam, Lehigh County Authority Marcia Isbell, GHD Inc. 4:00pm - 4:30pm Asset Management Plan 2.0 – We Have An App For That! Felicia James, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Hugh Sinclair, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Gage Muckleroy, GHD Inc. Mert Muftugil, GHD Inc.

room 205

Asset Management

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

4:30pm - 5:00pm Asset Management – An Agent for Change for Baltimore City’s Utility Infrastructure Rudolph S. Chow P.E., City of Baltimore, DPW Arthur Jones-Dove, P.E., PMP, PgMP, CCM, Louis Berger Water Services William Frankenfield, Louis Berger Water Services Raul Mercado, Louis Berger Water Services Muhammad Tak, Louis Berger Water Services 5:00pm - 5:30pm Business Case for Belt Filter Press Renewal to Compare Alternatives Gage Muckleroy, GHD Inc. Mert Muftugil , GHD Inc. Kelvin George , GHD Inc. Adebola Fashokun, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission

room 206


Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

8:30am - 9:00am Starting Up and Commissioning an Innovative Attached Growth Denitrifying Process John McGettigan, Greeley and Hansen Dustin Dvorak, Greeley and Hansen Dilli Neupane, Fairfax County DPWES Roger Silverio, Fairfax County DPWES Thomas Wilson, TEW Environmental Engineers


2013 tri-AssociAtion conference

technical program schedule 9:30am - 10:00am Evaluation of the Leopold® elimi-NITE® Denitrification System and Study of Denitrification Kinetics at Cold Temperatures at Little Patuxent Water Reclamation Plant Anna Kazasi, Atkins Ersin Kasirga, Atkins Tom Tyndall, Xylem Inc. Denise Junis, Little Patuxent WRF Ivan Zhu, Xylem Inc. 10:30am - 11:30am Optimizing Gravity Thickeners Performance at the World’s Largest Advanced WWTP David Parker, HDR Walter Bailey, DC Water Salil Kharkar, DC Water Nicholas Passarelli, DC Water Ryu Suzuki, DC Water 11:30am - 12:00pm Anaerobic Digester Foaming Problems and Solutions – Lessons from Midwest Prabhushankar Chandrasekeran, Greeley and Hansen LLC 2:00pm - 3:00pm Performance of New ENR WWTPs in MD and Factors Affecting Operational Consistency Lenny Gold, Gold & Associates 3:00pm - 3:30pm Taking Denitrification to the Next Level: An Upgrade of Proven Technology with 21st Century I&C Jaime Alba, CDM Smith Peter Loomis, CDM Smith Robert Litzinger, PWCSA Bruce Stevens, ASA Analytics Paul Miller, Severn Trent Services 4:00pm - 5:00pm Optimazation of Closed Loop Control for Chemical Feed Systems. John Maley, O’Brien & Gere 5:00pm - 5:30pm Put the Lime In The Coconut, Then You Feel Better – Operational Upgrades to the Fort Meade WWTP Lime Feed System Craig Benson, O’Brien & Gere Dan Tobocman, American Water - Military Services Group

Learn, Network, Enjoy


technical program schedule fridAy, August 30 room 201

Collection Systems

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

9:00am - 9:30am Analysis of Sewer Rehabilitation Construction - Comparison of Construction vs Design Quantities and Lessons Learned Lisa Franke, P.E., Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Susan Sprague, P.E., CBSI, Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson 9:30am - 10:00am The Use of Handheld GPS Units in Environmentally Sensitive Areas: A Case Study Lawrence Latour, Hazen and Sawyer Marcia Tucker, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Cece Nguyen, Hazen and Sawyer 10:00am - 10:30am The Changing Characteristics of Wastewater: Impacts to the Wastewater Pumping Equipment Design, Selection and Operation Kraig Schenkelberg, CDM Smith 10:30am - 11:00am Developing and Executing FOG Education and Training Programs Wayne Ludwig, WSSC 11:00am - 11:30am Combatting FOG at the Source: Baltimore City’s Approach Madeleine Driscoll, MWH Patricia Boyle, City of Baltimore, Pollution Control Section

room 202

Wastewater Treatment

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

9:00am - 9:30am Dendrimer-modified magnetite particles for removal emerging chemical contaminants from water Xuesong Liu, University of Delaware Zhongjie Peng, University of Delaware Chin-pao Huang, University of Delaware 9:30am - 10:00am Adsorption of antibiotics onto activated sludge solids and powdered activated carbon Lee Blaney, University of Maryland Baltimore County Ke He, University of Maryland Baltimore County Shreemal Perera, University of Maryland Baltimore County 10:00am - 10:30am Recycling a Wastewater Treatment Plant Andrew Hood, Keystone Engineering Group Robert Kershner, Kershner Environmental Technologies Ben Gershowitz, The Associated 46

2013 tri-AssociAtion conference

technical program schedule 10:30am - 11:00am Renovation of a Small Developement’s De-centralized WWTP Mark Prouty, URS 11:00am - 11:30am Collection System Bioaugmentation for Enhancing Nitrogen Removal and Improving Operating Efficiency at a Full Scale WWTP Andrew Newbold, In-Pipe Technology

room 203

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.


9:00am - 9:30am Density Meter Evaluation for Underflow Solids at the Gravity Sludge Thickeners, Blue Plains AWTP Ersin Kasirga, Atkins George Mpoyo, DC Water Anna Kazasi, Atkins 9:30am - 10:00am Digester Foaming Problems and Solutions Perry Schafer, Brown & Caldwell Thomas Wilson, TEW Environmental Engineers 10:00am - 10:30am Innovative Sludge Reduction Process at Berlin, MD WWTP Alexander Kraemer, Parkson Corporation 10:30am - 11:00am Temperature and Salinity Constraints on Anaerobic Digestion James Comiskey, University of Delaware 11:00am - 11:30am WSSC Adapts To Two New Biosolids Regulations Manish Bhandari, HDR Larry Hentz, HDR Mike Vitagliano, WSSC

room 204

Water Treatment

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

9:00am - 9:30am To BIM or not to BIM Elik Livay, Gannett Fleming, Inc. David Butts, Gannett Fleming, Inc. 9:30am - 10:00am Sustainable Energy Efficiency Improvements at Water Treatment Plants Brian Sibiga, Wendel Andrew Casolini Dal Bo, Wendel 10:00am - 10:30am Lets Meet Our Schedule: Alternate Delivery for Improvements to a 2 MGD Groundwater Treatment Plant Joe Nattress, CH2M HILL Greg Coury, Tidewater Utilities leArn, netWorK, enJoy


technical program schedule fridAy, August 30 10:30am - 11:00am How to Use Bench-Scale Results to Make Timely Decisions on DBPs and Other Treatment Challenges Russell Ford, CH2M HILL Linda Wancho, CH2M HILL 11:00am - 11:30am Hydrated Lime System Design, Operation, and Maintenance Considerations to Reduce Scaling, Clogging, and Abrassive Wear to Transfer Pumps Shawna Andrews(Gill), Verder, Inc.

room 205

Utility Management

Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

9:00am - 9:30am Maximize Efficiency by Minimizing Non-revenue Water Prabha Kumar, Black & Veatch 9:30am - 10:00am Utility Value Engineering Anthony Dunams, ARCADIS 10:00am - 10:30am Will LEED, lead you in the direction of sustainability? We can ENVISION other options! Craig Benson, O’Brien & Gere 10:30am - 11:00am Decisions, Decisions, Decisions- Pump Efficiency Analysis Can Help Robert Taylor, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Richard Jamieson, Enelytics 11:00am - 11:30am Landfill Leachate Treatment – Application of Anion Exchange Resins Sudhir Kumar Pathak

room 206


Speakers’ names are bold italics. Co-authors’ are bold.

9:30am - 10:30am Protecting Your Pressure Pipes with Air Valves: Design, Installation and O&M Considerations Owais Farooqi, Black & Veatch Ahmad Habibian, Black & Veatch 10:30am - 11:00am Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design: Lessons Learned in Philadelphia Stephen Maakestad, Hatch Mott MacDonald 11:00am - 11:30am Living on the Edge: Shutting Down the Montebello Filtration Plant No. 2 - An Operational Overview Karen Moran, Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP Remi Urbonas, City of Baltimore DPW, Water Facilities Engineering Section 48

2013 tri-AssociAtion conference

conference at-a-glance Tuesday, August 27

Wednesday, August 28

Golf and Awards Ocean City Golf Club Berlin, MD 8:00 AM check-in, 9:00AM start

EWB Fun Run/Walk The Grand Hotel Boardwalk 7:00AM

Opening Session/ Keynote Address Room 215 11:00AM - NOON

Exhibitor Setup Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B 10:00AM - 5:00PM

Presidents’/Chairs’ Breakfast Princess Royale Room 806 7:30AM - 9:00AM (by invitation)

OPs Challenge Pre-Competition Meeting Exhibit Hall B 11:00AM - 11:30AM

Registration/Check-In 2nd Floor, Top of Escalators Noon - 5:30PM

Registration/Check-In 2nd Floor, Top of Escalators 8:00AM - 4:00PM

Lunch With Exhibitors Food/Drinks/Door Prizes Main Exhibit Hall Noon - 1:15PM

Pre-Conference Workshops Comprehensive Strategies for Buried Infrastructure Asset Management Room 201 1:00PM - 5:00PM

Exhibits Open Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B 8:00AM - 6:00PM

OPs Challenge (Classroom/Lab) Main Exhibit Hall 1:30PM - 6:00PM

Stormwater Management, Volume II – Moving from Concept to Reality Room 203 1:00PM - 5:00PM

Continental Breakfast Main Exhibit Hall 8:00AM

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 1:30PM - 3:00PM

Early Bird Reception Main Exhibit Hall 5:30PM - 7:30PM

Biosolids Beauty Contest CWEA Table outside of Main Exhibit Hall 9:00AM – 11:00AM

Break / Visit Exhibits Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B 3:00PM - 3:30PM

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 8:30AM - 10:30AM

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 3:30PM - 5:00PM

WFP Silent Auction Main Exhibit Hall 10:00AM - 4:30PM

Pipe Cutting Shootout Exhibit Hall B 5:00PM - 6:00PM

Break/Visit Exhibits Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Fun Night! (ticketed event) Seacrets 7:00PM - 11:00PM

Learn, Network, Enjoy


conference at-a-glance Thursday, August 29 Registration/Check-In 2nd Floor, Top of Escalators 8:00AM - 4:00PM

Friday, August 30 Break/Visit Exhibits Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B 10:00AM - 10:30AM

Continental Breakfast Technical Sessions Main Exhibit Hall Rooms 201 -206 8:00AM 10:30AM to Noon

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 2:00PM - 3:30PM

Registration/Check-In 2nd Floor, Top of Escalators 8:00AM - 9:30AM

Top Ops Room 213 3:00PM - 5:30PM

WWOA Board Continental Breakfast Meeting & Luncheon Outside Rooms 201-206 Room 207 8:00 AM Noon - 2:00 PM

Exhibits Open Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B 8:00AM - 12:30PM

CWEA Business Luncheon (ticketed event) Room 215 Noon - 2:00 PM

Break/Door Prize Outside Rooms 201-206 3:30PM - 4:00PM

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

WFP Silent Auction Main Exhibit Hall 8:00AM - 12:30PM

WWOA Business Luncheon (ticketed event) Rooms 207-208 Noon - 2:00PM

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 4:00PM - 5:30PM

Final Technical Session Attendance Form Signing Registration Desk 11:30 AM - Noon

Technical Sessions Rooms 201 - 206 8:30AM - 10:00AM

CSAWWA Luncheon (ticketed event) Room 217 Noon - 2:00PM

Awards Program Ballrooms 2 & 3 Cocktails: 5:45PM - 6:30PM Program: 6:30PM - 7:30PM

Adjourn Monster Door Prizes Registration Desk 11:45 AM

OPs Challenge Exhibit Hall B 9:00AM- 5:00PM

Ops Challenge Luncheon Rear Patio 12:30PM - 1:30PM


2013 Tri-Association Conference

CSAWWA Board Meeting & Luncheon Room 210 Noon - 2:00 PM

CWEA Board Meeting & Luncheon Room 213 Noon - 2:00 PM

Wednesday August 28, 2013 • morning

Technical Program At-A-Glance

Room 205

Room 206

Wastewater Treatment


Water Quality

Utility Management


Scope Development & Management Lessons Learned from small Capital Improvement Projects

8:30 AM

Room 204

Collection Systems When the Arrow Doesn’t Miss the Artery: Repairing a 100Year-Old Interceptor with a Steel Pile Driven Through It

The Philadelphia Water Department’s Road to Energy Independence

Out to Sea: Permitting an Ocean Outfall

Structural Rehabilitation of the Kennilworth PCCP Transmission Main with Steel Slipliner

9:00 AM

Room 203

A Winding Road: Building a Sustainable Sanitary Sewer Stream Crossing in Emergency Conditions

Design and Implementation of Operator Friendly Sludge Handling System for Advanced Biological Treatment Plant Upgrade

The Good, the Bad and the Non-Friable: A Detailed Review of the Regulations for Asbestos Cement Pipe Rehabilitation

Alignment Selection for Large Mains in Downtown Washington DC: Challenges and Lessons Learned

How to Set-up Your Contract with the Low Pressure Membrane Manufacturers to Avoid Unwanted Price Demands on Dormant Projects and How to Re-Negotiate Pricing for Projects that were Put on Shelf

9:30 AM

Room 202

30,000+ LF of Forcemain and Four Pump Stations by When? (Criticality of Teamwork for Successfully Expediting a Design-Build Construction Project)

First in Wastewater: The Philadelphia Water Department’s Inaugural Use of Sewage Geothermal Technology

Maryland’s Watershed Resources Registry: A GIS Tool for Broad-Based Collaborative Planning & Protection from a Watershed Perspective

“Surge”ing Ahead with Hydraulic Transients

Employing GIS, Cloud, and Mobile Technologies to Support Asset Management and System Operations

10:00 AM

Room 201

DC Water Is Utilizing Cured-InPlace Methods to Rehabilitate Aging Underground Sewer Laterals in the Nation’s Capital

Integrating Influent Flow Equalization with Improved Process Performance at the Virginia Initiative Plant

Environmental Permitting the Forgotten Aspect of Sewer Design

WSSC Bi-County Tunnel Construction Issues, Challenges and Successes

Step UP Utility Effectiveness with Integrated Business Systems

Assessing Biological Filtration for Iron and Manganese Removal

Systemwide and Localized Strategies for Stage 2 Disinfection Byproduct Rule Compliance

Room 201

Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206

Collection Systems

Wastewater Treatment

Plant O&M

Water Treatment



1:30 PM

Inspection Prioritization Modeling

Design of an Aerated Grit Removal Facility at Back River WWTP

Keep the Plant Running - Planning for a 65% Hydraulic Capacity Increase at the Patuxent WRF

Harford County MD’s Multipronged Approach to Stage 2 D/DBP Rule Compliance

The Application of an Integrated Monitoring Plan on Stormwater Best Management Practices

2:00 PM

Where Do We Begin? Prioritization Planning for Sewer Pumping Station Improvements

Wet Weather Filtration Facility for Maintaining Water Pollution Control Plant Treatment Quality

Minimum Support Needed for a Reliable SCADA System

The Last Mile: Using In-Tank Aeration for Reducing THM Concentrations to Achieve Compliance with the Stage-2 DBPR

Flood Protection in Virginia Beach, Rosemont Forest Community Drainage Improvements and Flood Protection

2:30 PM

Wednesday August 28, 2013 • afternoon

Asset Management Made Easy – Applying Best Business Practices to Develop Practical Asset Management

Mutually Beneficial: Evaluation of Improvements for the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks to Improve Collection System Performance

You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks! - Revamping Aging Infrastructure for Ease of Operations at the Perry Point Water System

Balancing Microbial Control and Stage 2 DBP Rule Compliance at Ocean City Maryland

Contracting Technique to Meet Aggressive Schedule for Louisiana Coastal Protection

All-Pipes Model Improves Water System Operational Studies and Planning (Non-process presentation)

Room 201

Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206

Collection Systems

Wastewater Treatment

Water Reuse

Water Treatment



3:30 PM

Using Acoustic Inspections to Prioritize Sewer Cleaning: Test Results from Baltimore County’s Pilot Study

Using a Collaborative Approach with Regulatory Officials and the Public to Protect the Environment and Allow Managed Growth in Anne Arundel County’s Mayo Peninsula

Reclaimed Water System Evaluation, Planning, and Design Issues

Lessons Learned While Implementing a Large Water Treatment Residuals Collection, Conveyance, Processing and Disposal Project

Consensus-Building and Its Role in Successful Stormwater Utility Implementation

4:00 PM

Understanding the Benefits of Multi-Sensor Inspection

Fast-Tracked Nitrification Enhancements at the Smithsburg WWTP

Innovative Strategies for Meeting Emerging Contaminant Requirements at an Indirect Potable Reuse Facility

Solving A Unique Constructability Challenge: Washington Aqueduct’s Residuals Pipe In A Pipe

Accounting for Growth: The Final Frontier of Maryland’s TMDL Odyssey

4:30 PM

Developing Conceptual Design for Advanced Treatment at Philadelphia Water Department Water Treatment Plants

Tracking Collection System Capacity via Online Planning Services for the City of Santa Rosa

Patapsco WWTP ENR Facility Process and Design Challenges

Reclaiming Wastewater effluent for Power Plant water supply

Gibson Island Water Treatment Plant Upgrades - Completing Upgrades in a Hydraulically Independent Water Zone


A Practical Solution to Eliminate Lime Scale Build-Up In Slurry Lines

Filtration System Evaluation – Expanding Capacity Cost Effectively

Learn, Network, Enjoy


thursday August 29, 2013 • morning

Room 201

Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206

Collection Systems

Wastewater Treatment


Water Treatment



Into Your Front Yard – Lessons Learned in Lateral Assessment and Rehabilitation

Enhancements to Continuously Backwashing Denitrification Filters to Achieve Enhanced Nutrient Removal while Minimizing Operations and Maintenance Costs

Thermal hydrolysis preceding anaerobic digestion comes of age in an era of energy and product recovery

To Build or Not to Build: Moving Forward with Design/Build of the City of Annapolis Water Treatment Plant

Catalytic Electrochemical Process as A Sustainable Technology for the Removal of Nitrate from Water

Challenges of Designing an Intermittent Chemical Feed System for Emulsion Polymer and Sodium Hypochlorite Systems - Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant

Optimizing Gas Production At Blue Plains AWTP For High Loaded Digestion Process

Lime or “Sublime” Caustic Soda – An Evaluation of Alkalinity Addition at the Fort Meade Water Treatment Plant

Distribution of Metallic Engineered Nanoparticles (ENPs) in Wastewater Treatment Systems

Tractive Force Analysis for Grit Management in CMOM Programming - Extending a Proven Design Method to CMOM Capacity Implementation

Finding the Perfect Fit: An Overview of Blower Technologies

Digestion Pretreatment – Critical Issues in Thermal Hydrolysis System Design

Severndale WTP Chemical Systems Upgrade, Severndale, Maryland

Climate Science Resources for Water Supply Planning

Evaluation of the Leopold® elimi-NITE® Denitrification System and Study of Denitrification Kinetics at Cold Temperatures at Little Patuxent Water Reclamation Plant

Room 201

Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206 Process

Wastewater Treatment


Water Distribution


Enhanced Passive Aeration Biofilter for Onsite Nitrogen Reduction

Taking Waste Out of WAS: Sludge Pretreatment for Beneficial Uses

Case Study of Mobile Booster Chloramination Unit - Another Tool for Better Water Quality

Picking up the Pace: Maryland’s New Stormwater Funding Legislation and Its Impact on Local Compliance Programs

RDII from Superstorm Sandy

Field Validation of Sequencing Batch Reactor and Cloth Media Filtration Technologies to Attain Ultra Low Nutrient Levels

Sludge Dewatering and Drying Evaluation for a 5.0 mgd WWTP undergoing an ENR upgrade

Investing in Operations, Not Infrastructure – A Case Study of Optimizing a Distribution System to Improve Water Quality

Measuring Performance of a Regional Stormwater Program

Overcoming Challenges in Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring in Baltimore County’s South Area

Bringing One of the EPA’s Innovative/ Alternative Treatment Systems Up to ENR Performance

Sandy’s Sludge – What to do with 250 Dry Tons per day

Distribution System Water Quality Management: Current Utility Practices

Dedicated Funding Sources for Stormwater Management Programs Implementation Lessons Learned

10:30 AM

Collection Systems One Size Storm Does Not Fit All: Development of a Wet Weather SSO Elimination Plan for the City of Baltimore using Continuous Model Simulation

11:00 AM

Assessment of WSSC’s Maintenance Effectiveness for Preventing SSOs and Backups and Recommended Enhancements

11:30 AM

9:00 AM

Starting Up and Commissioning an Innovative Attached Growth Denitrifying Process

9:30 AM

8:30 AM

Technical Program At-A-Glance


2013 Tri-Association Conference

Optimizing Gravity Thickeners Performance at the World’s Largest Advanced WWTP

Anaerobic Digester Foaming Problems and Solutions – Lessons from Midwest

Room 201

Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206

Collection Systems

Wastewater Treatment


Water Distribution

Utility Management


2:00 PM

Developing a Wet-weather Operating Protocol

Case Studies Advancing the Use of the ANAMMOX for Achieving Process Reliability and Operational Cost Savings

Understanding Risk and Resilience to Better Manage Water Transmission Systems

This Will Not Interrupt My Cell Reception and Texting Will It? The Shady Grove Standpipe Demolition and Elevated Tank Construction

Enterprise Asset Management Planning for Richmond DPU’s Five Utility Divisions: Asset Management Across Water, Wastewater, Storm Water, Gas and Street Light Utilities

2:30 PM

thursday August 29, 2013 • afternoon

Corrective Action Plan for Elimination of Sanitary Sewer Overflows related to Rain Derived Inflow and Infiltration, City of Allentown, PA

Enabling the Future: Advancing Extractive Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater

Building a Robust Safety Approach for Plant Electrical Distribution Upgrades

Transmission Watermain Replacement in Urban and Environmentally Sensitive Areas: A Case Study

From Reactive to Proactive Implementing a Utility Asset Management Division in Baltimore, MD

3:00 PM

Technical Program At-A-Glance

Design Standardization of a Wet Weather Program

Co-fermentation of Primary Sludge and Grease Trap Waste for VFA Production: A Pilotscale Investigation

DC Water Emergency Preparedness and Response. Leesons Learned and After Actions from Hurricane Sandy

Building Infrastructure Reliability into Master Planning and Long-term Funding

Lehigh County Authority Manages Knowledge for Future Success

Taking Denitrification to the Next Level: An Upgrade of Proven Technology with 21st Century I&C

Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206

Wastewater Treatment

Public Relations

Water Distribution

Asset Management


Microtunneling Technology Implemented for the Replacement of an Aging One Mile PCCP 36-inch Force main

Maximizing Clarifier Capacity and Performance through CFD Modeling

Combatting Modern Trash - Don’t Take the New Wastewater

Operational Benefits of Implementing a Contamination Warning System - Lessons Learned from the Philadelphia Water Department

Asset Management Plan 2.0 – We Have An App For That!

4:30 PM

Challenges Faced in the Design of Large Diameter Forcemain Dundalk PS Forcemain Replacement, City of Baltimore, MD

Program Review: A Multi-Tooled Approach for Nutrient Reduction

Anne Arundel County’s Elevated Water Storage Tank Public Outreach Evolution

Challenges and Accomplishments of WSSC’s Cross Connection Control Program

Asset Management – An Agent for Change for Baltimore City’s Utility Infrastructure

Under the Tracks: Requirements for the Rehabilitation of an 85 Year Old Sewer under CSX Tracks

Dealing with a Model Monster: How to Overcome Challenges to Modeling Complex Nutrient Removal Upgrades

Howard County’s Approach to Tackle the Private Property Challenges

Case Study: Using Multiple Technologies to Assess the Condition of a 30-inch Steel Pipeline in a Corrosive Environment

4:00 PM

Room 201 Collection Systems

5:00 PM

Performance of New ENR WWTPs in MD and Factors Affecting Operational Consistency (Non-process presentation)

Business Case for Belt Filter Press Renewal to Compare Alternatives

Optimazation of Closed Loop Control for Chemical Feed Systems

Put the Lime In The Coconut, Then You Feel Better – Operational Upgrades to the Fort Meade WWTP Lime Feed System

Learn, Network, Enjoy


Room 202

Room 203

Room 204

Room 205

Room 206

Collection Systems

Wastewater Treatment


Water Treatment

Utility Management


9:00 AM

Analysis of Sewer Rehabilitation Construction Comparison of Construction vs Design Quantities and Lessons Learned

Dendrimer-modified magnetite particles for removal emerging chemical contaminants from water

Density Meter Evaluation for Underflow Solids at the Gravity Sludge Thickeners, Blue Plains AWTP

To BIM or not to BIM

Maximize Efficiency by Minimizing Non-revenue Water


9:30 AM

The Use of Handheld GPS Units in Environmentally Sensitive Areas: A Case Study

Adsorption of antibiotics onto activated sludge solids and powdered activated carbon

Digester Foaming Problems and Solutions

Sustainable Energy Efficiency Improvements at Water Treatment Plants

Utility Value Engineering

The Changing Characteristics of Wastewater: Impacts to the Wastewater Pumping Equipment Design, Selection and Operation

Recycling a Wastewater Treatment Plant

Innovative Sludge Reduction Process at Berlin, MD WWTP

Lets Meet Our Schedule: Alternate Delivery for Improvements to a 2 MGD Groundwater Treatment Plant

Will LEED, lead you in the direction of sustainability? We can ENVISION other options!

Developing and Executing FOG Education and Training Programs

Renovation of a Small Developement’s De-centralized WWTP

Temperature and Salinity Constraints on Anaerobic Digestion

How to Use Bench-Scale Results to Make Timely Decisions on DBPs and Other Treatment Challenges

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions- Pump Efficiency Analysis Can Help

Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design: Lessons Learned in Philadelphia

Combatting FOG at the Source: Baltimore City’s Approach

Collection System Bioaugmentation for Enhancing Nitrogen Removal and Improving Operating Efficiency at a Full Scale WWTP

WSSC Adapts To Two New Biosolids Regulations

Hydrated Lime System Design, Operation, and Maintenance Considerations to Reduce Scaling, Clogging, and Abrassive Wear to Transfer Pumps

Student Paper

Living on the Edge: Shutting Down the Montebello Filtration Plant No. 2 - An Operational Overview

11:00 AM

Room 201

10:00 AM

Friday August 30, 2013 • morning

10:30 AM

Technical Program At-A-Glance


2013 Tri-Association Conference

Protecting Your Pressure Pipes with Air Valves: Design, Installation and O&M Considerations

exhibit hall b layout & exhibitors Exhibit Hall b Layout



























Exhibit Hall B Company Equipment Demo Area No. Borger Pump......................................... B202 Geiger Pump & Equipment.................... B213 Hanson Pressure Pipe............................ B204 Huber Technology.................................. B203 Maryland Environmental Service............ B207 Rain For Rent........................................ B208 Vaughan Pump Company...................... B201

Main Exhibit Hall & Exhibit Hall B Hours Tuesday, August 27 ...............................................5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Wednesday, August 28...........................................8:00 AM – 6:00 PM Thursday, August 29.............................................8:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Learn, Network, Enjoy


Board members & committee chairs CSAWWA 2012-2013 Officers & Committee Chairs: Chair, Awards Chair, Finance Chair...................................................Gary Geck Chair Elect, Conference Mgmt. Co-Chair, Program Chair...................Nicolle Boulay Past Chair, Nominations, Strategic Planning, Chesapeake Tri-Association, Inc. Director, CSAWWA........................Rachel Ellis Secretary/Treasurer................................................................Brian Gresehover Asst. Secretary/Treasurer, By-Laws Chair.......................................Graeme Lake Trustee – Community Relations and Partnerships.........................Brian Aylaian Trustee – Events & Communications, e-Bulletin Editor................ Teresa DiGenova Trustee – Technical Committees...................................................Andy Cooper Trustee – Membership and Demographics..............................Kevin Woolbright Section Director (2011-2014)..............................................Douglas Brinkman Executive Director, CSAWWA.......................................................Ann Baugher Section Administrator, CSAWWA..................................................Cheryl Paulin Arrangements – Tri-Con Chair......................................................... Jane Bayer Arrangements – Section Events........................................Maya Sathyanadhan Community Relations...................................................................George Rest Customer Service........................................................ Angela Ballard-Landers CWEA, WWOA.......................................................................Paresh Sanghavi Diversification Management................................................ Jonathan Madagu Education and Training...........................................................Sophia Liskovich Government Affairs/Regulations............................................... Colleen Arnold Government Relations.................................................................J. Scott Shipe Chesapeake Magazine................................................................Jim Newbold Manufacturers/Engineers Resource Council (MERC)............................ Eric Held Membership................................................................................ Patty Gamby Operators...........................................................................................Jay Price Regional Issues - East.................................................................. Rob Penman Regional Issues: West...................................................................Aaron Duke Research.................................................................................Edward Bouwer Safety Chair........................................................................... J. Michael Lewis Spring Meeting & Universities.......................................................Harish Arora Students...................................................................................... David Smith Water Distribution............................................................................... Jay Kirk Water For People.......................................................................... Kyle Massey Water Quality Chair......................................................................... Craig Daly Water Reuse................................................................................Dennis Funk Website and Social Media........................................................... Angela Perry Young Professionals......................................................................Russ Dalton CSAWWA’s TRE Board Member & Short Course Committee Representative...................................... Don Sprinkle CWEA 2012-2013 Officers & Committee Chairs: President..................................................................... Robert M. Beringer, P.E. President-Elect......................................................................... Burt Curry, P.E. Vice President.......................................................... Timothy Wolfe, P.E., BCEE Past-President....................................................................... Ted DeBoda, P.E. Secretary................................................................................ Kraig K. Moodie Treasurer........................................................................................ Jane Bayer MD Trustee.............................................................................. Paul Sayan, P.E. DE Trustee...................................................................................Jeff Cantwell DC Trustee...........................................................Chein-Chi Chang, Ph.D., P.E. WEF Delegate ............................................................................Hiram Tanner WEF Delegate ...............................................................................Al Will, P.E. PWO Representative................................................................. Wayne E. Reed CWEA Administrator....................................................................Ann Baugher CWEA Assistant Administrator.....................................................Cheryl Paulin


2013 Tri-Association Conference

Board members & committee chairs Awards Chair..............................................................................Hiram Tanner Awards Vice Chair.................................................................Muminu Badmus Biosolids And Residuals Management Chair.......................J. Scott Weikert, P.E. Budget/Finance Chair............................................................ Ted DeBoda, P.E. Business Practices Chair............................................................. Rob Kershner By-Laws And Directory Chair...........................................................Al Will, P.E. Charity Events Chair.......................................................................... Eric Held Collection Systems Chair.............................................................John Fletcher Collection Systems Vice Chair.....................................................Ed Carpenetti Government Affairs Chair............................................................ J Scott Shipe Laboratory Practices Chair............................................... Clarence Beverhoudt Laboratory Practices Vice Chair....................................................... Dale Baker MAMWA Liaison.............................................................................Jon Doane MDE W/WW Board Liaison...............................................Noelle Anuszkiewicz Membership Chair......................................................................... Ed Mauldin Nominations Chair................................................................ Ted DeBoda, P.E. Plant O&M Chair..................................................................Jasvir Grewal, P.E. Plant O&M Vice Chair........................................................................ VACANT Public Education Chair.......................................................Mathew Roder, P.E. Publications Co-Chair....................................................... Joan Fernandez, P.E. Publications Co-Chair..................................................... Kristi Perri, P.E., BCEE Safety Chair............................................................................. Sorin Schwartz Short Course Cwea Coordinator............................................... Wayne E. Reed Spring Meeting Chair......................................................................Joe Swaim Spring Meeting Vice Chair................................................. Laura Jo Oakes, P.E. Stormwater Chair....................................................................... Paul Hlavinka Stormwater Vice Chair......................................................... Jane McDonough Strategic Planning And Implementation.................................... Burt Curry, P.E. Student Activities Chair.....................................................Meredith Welle, P.E. Student Activities Chair & Presently Acting Chair............ Jennifer A. Moore, P.E. Technical Education Chair...............................................................Eric Coates Training, Review And Evaluation (TRE) Chair................................Gary Wagner Water Reuse Chair....................................................................Ellen A. Frketic Web Site..................................................................................Anthony Rocco WERF Liaison..................................................................Paresh Sanghavi, P.E. Young Professionals Chair.......................................................... Neha Hridaya Young Professionals Vice Chair..............................................Manish Bhandari WWOA 2012-2013 Officers & Committee Chairs: President.................................................................................Winfield McKell Past-President.....................................................................................Karl Ott President-Elect......................................................................... Morgan O’Dell Vice-President............................................................................. Danny Coats Treasurer.......................................................................................Mike Emery Assistant Treasurer..............................................................................Karl Ott Secretary...............................................................................Kristy McAndrew Delaware Trustee..............................................................................Jeff Deats Maryland Trustee.......................................................................... Barry Walter DC Trustee...................................................................................Wayne Reed Eastern Shore Section............................................................ Rose Cline-Lowe Central Section......................................................................... Wanda Proctor Southern Section........................................................................ Bill Shreve, Jr. Western Md Section....................................................................Bruce Darner Awards....................................................................................... Danny Coats By-Laws..............................................................................................Karl Ott Ecoletter Co-Editor.................................................................... Floyd Johnson Education Committee Chair........................................................... Sharita Lyle

Learn, Network, Enjoy


Board members & committee chairs Finance & Budget Committee Chair...............................................Mike Emery Chesapeake Tri-Association, Inc. Director..............................................Karl Ott Membership........................................................................... DuWayne Potter Nominations............................................................................ Morgan O’Dell Public Relations Committee Co-Chair...................................................Karl Ott Public Relations Committee Co-Chair.....................................Kristy McAndrew Short Course Committee Chair................................................Winfield McKell MD Certification Liaison.............................................................. Don Sprinkle DE Certification Liaison................................................................ Sarah Smith DC Certification Liaison............................................................... Janet Owens TRE Committee Rep.................................................................Michelle Cutler Strategic Planning Rose..................................................................Cline-Lowe Web Page................................................................................Anthony Rocco CSAWWA 2013-2014 Slate of Officers Accede to: Past Chair.......................................................................................Gary Geck Chair........................................................................................ Nicolle Boulay Chair-Elect............................................................................Brian Gresehover Secretary/Treasurer......................................................................Graeme Lake Assistant Secretary/Treasurer..................................................Sophia Liskovich Trustees (term continues):.................................Andy Cooper, Kevin Woolbright Incoming new Trustees:..................................................David Smith, Jay Price Directors:................... John Moore (2014-2017); Doug Brinkman (2011-2014) Chesapeake Tri-Association, Inc. Director, CSAWWA........................Rachel Ellis 2013-2014 WWOA Slate of Officers President.................................................................................. Morgan O’Dell Past President.........................................................................Winfield McKell President Elect............................................................................ Danny Coats Vice President.................................................................. Jeff Deats (Balloted) Treasurer.......................................................................................Mike Emery Secretary...............................................................................Kristy McAndrew DE Trustee................................................................. Mark Kondelis (Balloted) MD Trustee..................................................................................Barry Walters DC Trustee...................................................................................Wayne Reed Easter Section.............................................................Director Joseph Godwin Central Section Director........................................................... James Timmons Southern Section Director............................................................. Kevin Quinn Western Section Director.............................................................Bruce Darner 2013-2014 CWEA Slate of Officers: President..................................................Burt Curry (automatic advancement) President-Elect...................................Timothy Wolfe (automatic advancement) Past President..................................... Bob Beringer (automatic advancement) Vice President.......................................................................Chein-Chi Chang DC Trustee....................................................................................Tiffany Bain WEF Delegate.............................................................................. Ted DeBoda Other Officers continuing their term of office are: Secretary.................................................................................... Kraig Moodie Treasurer........................................................................................ Jane Bayer MD Trustee..................................................................................... Paul Sayan DE Trustee...................................................................................Jeff Cantwell WEF Delegate.............................................................................Hiram Tanner PWO............................................................................................Wayne Reed Chesapeake Tri-Association, Inc. Director, CWEA........................... Ted DeBoda


2013 Tri-Association Conference

hotel information The Conference Committee has negotiated blocks of rooms at 10 Ocean City Hotels for the 2013 Tri-Association Conference. Conference rates are available Monday, August 26 through Thursday, August 29, 2013 (Friday checkout). Room blocks at each hotel are limited and most room blocks close July 31, 2013, so make your reservations early to get your choice of hotel. In some cases, rooms may be available at less than the Conference rate. To obtain the Conference rate, you must call the hotel directly and ask for the “Tri-Association Conference” rate. Many of the hotels have offered reduced rates before and/or after the Conference. More information 2013 Tri-Association Conference can be found on the organizations’ websites: and Hotel & Location

Miles to Conven.

Room Type


Hotel Phone & Website

Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel 101st Street & Oceanfront



$119-169 $159-299

410-524-3535 800-638-2100

Comfort Inn Gold Coast 112th Street & Bay





Dunes Manor Hotel 28th Street & Boardwalk




410-289-1100 800-523-2888

Flagship Oceanfront Hotel 26th Street & Boardwalk




410-289-3384 800-837-3585

Grand Hotel 21st Street & Boardwalk




410-289-6191 800-447-6779

Hampton Inn & Suites 42nd Street & Bay

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