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November 20, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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O'Connor McCready and Mike McCready. Barbara  mike mccready mike greenberg ......




NEWS from School to Community

SPRUCE STREET SCHOOL FINANCIAL REPORT Fiscal Year September 1, 2013–August 31, 2014 Jason Mallon, Board Treasurer Spruce Street School had another fantastic year, and at the close of the 2014 fiscal year the school reported approximately $323,000 in net income. This includes approximately $330,000 in fundraising income from sources such as the annual fund and the auction. These two numbers being roughly the same amount is not coincidental; the board and management have worked to improve the financial health and long-term sustainability of the school over the last few years. One of the biggest indicators in determining whether a school is sustainable is whether the revenue coming in from program services can cover the corresponding expenses. Industry experts suggest that a school should be able to cover 100% of program expenses with the tuition received and other program revenue. During the 2014 fiscal year, the school funded 99% of its operations through tuition and other program related revenue, which is on target with the suggested guidance. This has allowed management and the board to switch their attention to strategic goals that will help improve the sustainability and experience for the current community, as well as the future community. The resulting surplus associated with net income was used to build the board-designated reserves. Below are just a few of the financial highlights from the 2014 fiscal year: • Enrollment of 104 students, which was higher than the original budgeted amount. • Total revenue for all programs during the year was approximately $1,850,000 • The School continued to be a leader amongst other schools in the NWAIS in the amount of financial aid awarded. The ratio of financial aid to tuition remains consistent at approximately 17%. • Thanks to the generosity of the Spruce Street School community, the annual fund netted over $200,000. The school also had a successful auction, which netted nearly $128,000. • Management continues to do a great job of assessing expected expenses during the budgeting process. Expenses in general remained consistent, and total operating expenses came under budget by approximately $24,000. Management was within 1% of what was originally anticipated for the school’s total operating expenses. As the school continues to grow and embrace its financial sustainability, management and the board will continue to improve the financial foundation. This will be accomplished by improving and enhancing the policies established, so that the mission of the school can continue to thrive and shape the students in 2015, as well as the students in 2035.


Spruce Street School is a nurturing educational community that instills in a broad range of children the social, emotional, and intellectual skills for lifelong participation in a diverse society.

914 Virginia Street Seattle, WA 98101 206–621–9211

HEAD OF SCHOOL REPORT By Briel Schmitz, Head of School

The largest single expense of the school is labor. Within that one category lives the heart and soul of the program. It is through the work of each individual staff member that a student’s experience is formed and nurtured. I have had the honor of working with incredible people over the past 13 years, some of whom I worked with for only one or two years: the intern teachers. Over the years intern teachers have become an integral part of the Spruce Street School program. We currently have three interns who are teachers at the beginning of their career. The intern teachers bring special talents, unique backgrounds and a strong desire to learn, which in turn sparks conversation, growth and special opportunities for teachers and students. You might wonder what some of the past intern teachers are doing now. I reached out to as many of them I as I could, and would like to share some of their stories. You might not know this, but one of our first interns was Erica Greenberg. After working for two years she took a year to complete a graduate program and then returned to teach at Spruce Street School as a lead teacher. We feel lucky that she is with us still. Erin (McAllister) Blaser is in her fourth year at The Harbor School on Vashon Island. She helped to grow their elementary program from 10 students to 24 and is also the proud mother of a baby boy! Marnie (Rowe) Potish is a first grade teacher at Glen Urquhart School in Beverly, MA. She is working toward her M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on Integrated Teaching Through the Arts at Lesley University. Alex Wenger taught at The Meridian School and then The Perkins School. She is currently on leave for the year, hanging out and laughing with her baby boy. She plans to return to Perkins next year. Jenni Van Winkle is also taking time off from teaching, but is kept very busy with her twin boys! Kirsten (Esslinger) Varner moved to Houston, Texas after completing two years as an intern. She continues to work as a 4th grade teacher in HISD and got married last summer. Lily Mounlamai continues to teach kindergarten in the Renton School District and was married last summer. Tony Napoletano is settling back in to Helena, Montana, where he works as the Upper Montessori teacher (4/5 grade) at Central Elementary. Some of our interns started as extended day teachers! Katie Warden is currently teaching fourth and fifth grade at The Little School in Bellevue. She spent two years working as a TA at The Little School and completing her Masters and Teaching Certification before being hired as a full time teacher. She shares that her “first year of solo teaching has been exhilarating, challenging, and so much fun!” Laurie Ortega-Murphy is working as an Office Manager for Mudlark Theater Company, a children’s theater company dedicated to providing professional-level theatrical training to children 6 to 18 years of age, in Chicago. She continues to look for the perfect graduate program to fit her breadth of interests. Each of these teachers added to student and staff experiences and I know that the school is better because of each and every one of them.

Marnie at Camp Kirby

Lily in the classroom

An Exciting Beginning By Megan Schmidt, Development Director

It’s hard to believe that I have been a part the Spruce Street School community for only six months. This summer as Briel and I talked about me joining the staff and why I would want to come aboard after being in fundraising for nearly 20 years, the answer was clear: who could not be enamored by this brilliant staff, this charming building, and these happy kids every day at work? Who else has that privilege? My own children are entranced with stories of the Living Museum, walking to field trips and taking the Metro bus. I know you need no further convincing of what a special place this is! Luckily for me, I also walked into a school with a healthy and robust attitude toward fundraising. During the 2013–2014 school year 100% of the board, staff, and parents participated in the annual fund, the auction exceeded its goal, and the Elders’ Tea was a great success. Since I began work in July it has become clear to me that this is possible because of the support of this community: the enthusiasm to volunteer time and share talents with the school enriches the experience for everyone. Thank you all for welcoming me so warmly. I am excited for the year ahead and great things to come!

STAFF Briel Schmitz Head of School

Guy Fineout Assistant Head of School/Admissions

Jane Davis-Ward Business Manager

Megan Schmidt Development Director

Shannon Orton Communications Director

Capri Arias Admissions Assistant

BOARD OF TRUSTEES John Smith, Vice Chair Jason Mallon, Treasurer Alexa Carver, Secretary Adam Cappio Bonnie Cheung Geoff Harris

Lauri Conner Lisa Haselby Matthew Reid-Schwartz Ned Jursek Sharron Starling Ex-Officio Parent Association Representative

SEPTEMBER 1, 2013–AUGUST 31, 2014

SNAPSHOT FISCAL YEAR 2013–2014 INCOME 0% Other Income 3% Summer Camp 3% Extended Day 7% Auction 8% Contributions 2013–2014

79% Tuition & Fees

FISCAL YEAR 2013–2014 EXPENSES 2% Fundraising 3% Operations

Tuition & Fees Summer Camp






Other Income


Total Income



14% Financial Aid 52% Labor

(1,177,735) (66,936)





Financial Aid


Fundraising Total Expenses

23% Facilities


Extended Day


6% Overhead


Net Income

(41,756) (2,211,079) 323,827


TO OUR GENEROUS DONORS! DONATIONS RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 1, 2013–AUGUST 31, 2014 Annual Fund Donors Alexa Carver Ali Fragoso Allison and Shawn Hintz Amanda Haecker Amy Arnold and Allen Murray Andrea Barry-Smith and John Smith Angela and Jeremy Foster Anh and Lou Bianco Ann and Jim Canavan Ann and Bill DeVinney Anna and Brian Leslie Anne Pettinger and Paul Mocha Tony Napoletano April Bauer and Thomas Loeser April Roberts Ashley O’Connor McCready and Mike McCready Barbara Bauer Barbara Sauermann and Wier Harman Bill Hollands and John Flinn Bonnie Cheung and John Chau Bonnie and Harold Schmitz Briel and John Schmitz Brita Decker and Ned Jursek Cam Williams and Alex Bernhardt Carol and Harold Wexler Catherine and John Smith Catherine and Tom Venskus Catherine Parker and Urs Koenig Cathy and Pete Gerber Charlie Bartlett Christine and Scott Hill Christine and John Hurtado Claire and Jim Cappio Clint Collins Cynthia Livingston and Richard Shader Deanna Killeen Deborah Asavarahapun Deborah Bartlett Deirdre and Larry Robbins Deli Moussavi-Bock and Halley Bock Dona Lambrecht Drew Graham Elfreda Pon Elham Kazemi and Mark Purcell Elizabeth Grace and Randal Bennett Elizabeth McKenna and Tom Jamieson Elizabeth Ralston and Ed Pottharst Emily Henry Emily Steed and Eric Leese Emma Scanlan Dressler and Brian Dressler Erica Greenberg Erin and Jonathan Becker Erin and Ethan Bernau Erin Fetridge and Ron Darling Erin and Geoff Harris Erin Toland and Neill Warfield Felipe Perez Fran Reichert and Jim Dixon Gabrielle Goeglein

Gail Mautner and Mario Shaunette Gina and Steve Klem Ginger and John Duncan Gretchen and Adam Cappio Gure Garmendia and Jim Gerard Heather and Cory Simmonsen Jane Davis-Ward and Shiba Ward Jamie and Jason Mallon Jayne and Tony Ralston Jean and Harris Klein Jemae and Ray Hoffman Jennifer Duncan and Peter Hurtado Jennifer Johnson-Fong and Jeff Fong Joanna and Dave Bargeron John Flinn John Jamnback John Shepherd Joseph Renfield Joyce O’Brien Joyce and Frederick Schwartz Julia and Hussein Ismael Julie Renick and Edward Snyders Justin Henry Karen and Tom Wampler Kate Gengo Kate Schultz and Jim Bruene Katherine Thibault Kathryn Keller and Gene Carter Kathryn Sweeney Katie Gjording and Brian Runberg Katrina Crawford and Mark Bashore Kay Takano and Tom Callaghan Kelley Hazel and Dave Pon Kelly and Gregg Forebaugh Kevin Cunningham and Jonathan Himschoot Ky Calder Laura and Stephen Avalone Laura McCall and Robert Hamilton Laura and Matt Montagner Lauren Marshall and Michael Schell Lauri Conner and Leja Wright Laurie Ortega-Murphy Lenora and Arthur Beecher Liane and Steven Yukawa Lindsey Chapman Lisa Ammon Lisa Haselby and Paul Kotas Lisa and Ryan Poll Lisa and Scott Porad Lisa Scribante and Jim Burton Liz Strober and Bryan Cohen Lori Salzarulo Estate Louise McCready and Mike Craig Luc and Liam Koenig Lynn and Ken Cunningham Lynne and Audel Davis Margaret Ferris and John Murphy Marianne Koenig Marianne Picha Marilyn and Vance Hall



AND PARENT PARTICIPATION! Marion Melville and Doug Bison Marney and Douglas Zellers Mary-lynn Ballew Maureen and Norm MacMaster Meaghan Darling Megan Carver Melissa and Dan Manier Michelle Baillet and Guy Fineout Molly Pritchard and Simon Leake My Lieu and An kien Ngo Nami Lee and Daron Henry Nancy and John Freeman Nicola Nylander-Moss and Gregory Moss Ninia and Michael Ingram Paul Schouw Paulene and Michael Sheldon Rachel Matthews Rachel Stamm Rebecca Strohl Rob Morrison and Christopher Roberts Robin and Tom Pierce Roxanne Brame Russ Stromberg Samantha Temple Neukom Sandra and Jay Neukom Sandy Lorentzen Sara Nickerson and Matthew Reid-Schwartz Sarah Cohen and John Powell Shana MacLeod and Michael DeArmond Shannon Orton and Noah Tannen Sharon Chen and Peter Carlin Sharon Scribante Sharron and Stephen Starling Shawna and Shane Wilson Sheree Seretse Sheryl and Tom Taylor Solveig Refetoff and Klaas Langhout Sonya and Brad Senstra SoYoung Kwon and Sung Yang Stacey Schultz and Chris Fontecchio Stephanie Graham Sue Purcell Susan Campbell and Michael Gerke Tammy Morales and Harry Teicher Tim Carver and Maia Suhr Timothy Aspinall Tina Tsiakalis and Nat Brown Tonya Peck and Alex Dunne Tracey Seslen and Mark Westerfield Trilby Cohen and Willie Stump Trudy and Jay Decker Valerie Kampe and Jim O’Donnell Vivienne and Olivia Long Wilda Luttermoser and Carl Schwartz Corporate, Foundation, and Matching Gifts Boeing Company Chateau Ste. Michelle Electronic Arts Inc. Google Inc.

Meredith Corportation Foundation Microsoft Morna Reid-Schwartz Foundation Sachi Momo Ltd. Starbucks Coffee Company Vitalogy Foundation Spruce Street School Board of Trustees Adam Cappio Alexa Carver Elham Kazemi Geoff Harris Harry Teicher Jason Mallon Jennifer Duncan John Smith Matthew Reid-Schwartz Meaghan Darling Sharron Starling Auction Sponsors April Bauer and Tom Loeser Beverly and Nick Montagner Drew Graham Fran Reichert and Jim Dixon Janice and Neal Supplee Karen and John Loeser Kate Schultz and Jim Bruene Kay Takano and Tom Callaghan Laura McCall and Robert Hamilton Lynn and Werner Haney Rachel Stamm Samantha Temple Neukom Tracey Seslen and Mark Westerfield Sponsors of Teachers Attending Auction April Bauer and Tom Loeser Barbara Sauermann and Weir Harman Deli Moussavi-Bock and Halley Bock Elizabeth McKenna and Tom Jamieson Erin and Geoff Harris Gure Garmendia and Jim Gerard Jennifer Duncan and Peter Hurtado John Jamnback Kate Schultz and Jim Bruene Ky Calder Lisa and Ryan Poll Nelleke Nix and Ernst Langhout Samantha Temple Neukom Sara Nickerson and Matthew Reid-Schwartz Shirley and John Powell Tim Carver and Maia Suhr Tina Tsiakalis and Nat Brown In Kind Donations Jennifer Johnson-Fong Lisa Haselby

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