October 30, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
Short Description
and Mechanics, Head of . Connors, Adelaide, Secy to Librarian, Lib 21.2. ]026 .. Gines, Arthur, Truck Driver, S ......
MINNEAPOLIS Published by the University of Minnesota March %9%9
CONTENTS Board of Regents
Officers of Administration............................
Deans and their Offices..............................
Keys to Abbreviations-Faculty List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Key 'to Abbreviations-Telephones...................
Faculty. Administrative Officers, and Employees
7. 62
Key to Abbreviations-Student List...................
Medical Graduates at the Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minn
Sororities and Fraternities
Cooperative Cottages
THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA THE BOARD OF REGENTS The Hon. Fred B. Snyder, President of the Board 800 Security Building, Minneapolis Marion LeRoy Burton, President of the University 1005 se 5th The Hon. John A. A. Burnquist, Governor of the State S~ate Capitol, St. Paul The Hon. J. M. McConneIl, State Superintendent of Education. State Historical Building, St. Paul The Hon. Pierce Butler, 1006 Merchants National Bank Building, SI. Paul The Hon. W. J. Mayo, Rochester The Hon. Milton M. Williams, Little FalIs The Hon. John G. WiIliams, 10IO Alworth Building, Duluth The Hon. George H. Partridge, 4th st and 1st av n, Minneapolis
The Hon. A. E. Rice, WiIlmar The Hon. Charles L. Sommers, 6th and Wacouta, SI. Paul The Hon. Charles W. Glotfelter, Waterville OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION Marion LeRoy Burton, 102 Library Building [005 se 5th, EI964
Ernest B. Pierce, Registrar,
Library Building
IJ8 Orlin av se EI240 George H. Hayes, ComptroIler, 101 Library Building 1758 Laurel avo St Paul, MI8,·StP James T. Gerould, Lil,mlrian, University Lihrary
2022 2nd av s, S7695
Henry A. Hildebrandt, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, 6 Mechanic Arts Building 323 se Church DEANS AND THEIR OFFICES John B. Johnston, Dean of the CoIlege of Science, Literature, and the Arts, 119 FolweIl HaIl Edward E. Nicholson, Dean of Student Affairs, 239 Chemistry Building John R. AIIen, Dean of the ColIege of Engineering and Architecture, ] 33 Main Engineering Building Roscoe W. Thatcher, Dean and Director of the Department of Agriculture, Administration Building, UniverSIty Farm Edward M. Freeman, Dean of the ColIege of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, Plant Pathology Building, University Farm William R. Vance, Dean of the I,aw School, 214 Law Building Elias 1". Lyon, Dean of the Medical School, 119 MiIlard HaIl Richard Olding Beard, Assistant D~an and Secretary of the Medical School, 118 Millard HaIl Alfred Owre, Dean of the CoIlege of Dentistry, Dentistry Building William R. Appleby, Dean of the School of Mines, 103 Mines Building
Frederick J. Wulling, Dean 101 Pharmacy Building Lauder W. Jones, Dean of Chemistry Building Lotus D. Coffman, Dean of Education Building Guy S. Ford, Dean of the Building Richard R. Price, 'Director Millard Hall Gertrude H. Beggs, Dean of
of the College of Pharmacy, the School of Chemistry,
the College of Education,
Graduate School,
of University Extension, 321 Women, Shevlin Hall
THE FACULTY, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS, AND EMPLOYEES KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS Main Campus Buildings A, Armory MH, Millard Hall AB, Animal Biology Mech E, Mechanical Eng;· C, Chemistry Bldg neerin~ Bldg D Dentistry Bldg Mu, MusIc Bldg EEl- Electrical Engineering 0, Observatory 1'lldg aT, are Testing Works EMH, Elliot Memorial HosP, Pillsbury Hall pital PH&P, Institute of Public Ed, Education Bldg Health Ex E, Experimental EngiPh, Physics Bldg neering Bldg Phm, Pharmacy Bldg F, Folwell Hall PO, Post Office G, Greenhouse (13th and Pr, Printing Bldg University avs) S, Storehouse lA, Institute of Anatomy Sh, Shevlin Hall L, Law Bldg UD, University Dispensary Lib, Library Bldg (Basement MH) M, Mines UHS, University High MA, Mechanic Arts Bldg School ME, Main Engineering Bldg W Gm, Women's Gymnasium University Farm Buildings Ad (F), Administration Bldg He (F), Home Economics Bo (Fl, Botany and Plant Bldg Pathology Ho (F), Home Bldg Ch (F), Chemistry Bldg Hr (F), Horticultural Bldg Dh (Fl, Dairy Hall Lh (F), Ladies' Hall En (F), Engineering Bldg Pn (F), Pendergast Hall Gy (F), Gymnasium St (F), Stock Pavilion Ve (F), Veterinary Bldg TELEPHONE
Minneapolis Colfax Drexel E East H Hyland K Kenwood M Main N Nicollet S South W Walnut·
St Paul BStP Bomont CStP Cedar CoStP Concord DStP Dale JStP Jackson MStp Midway RStP Robie SStP Summit NStP North St Paul StPP St Paul Park All telephone numbers not preceded by a letter are Tri·State calls. ES, WS, and SA following call numbers refer to East and West Sanford Hall, and Sanford Annex. Call E2760, and having secured this number, ask for East or West San. ford or Sanford Annex. • Married. t New appointment (1918-19). C D
THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK tAaberg, Karine, Matron, Boys' Dormitory, West Central School of Agriculture, Morris t Abbott, Amos, Inst Electrical Engineering, EE 203· 45 6 Wheeler av, St P, M5323-StP • Abbott, H S, Professorial Lecturer Law. 900 se 6th Abbott, J S, Inst Surgery. On leave of absence 19 18-19 t Acomb, Helen L, Secy to Dean, College of Science, Literature, and the Arts, F119_ 2607 Colfax av s, K3425 *Adair, F L, Assoc Prof Obstetrics and Gynecology. On leave of absence 1918-19 t*Addison, J A L, Messenger, U S Bureau of Mines. 2533 Stevens av, S295 tAidem, Hilda, Clerk, Veterinary Medicine, Vet 16(F). 2010 Knapp, St P, M6so-StP Ahlstrom, AlfhiId, Maid, Minnesota Union. 516 16th av se Aiton, Isabel, Manager Lunch Room, Minnesota Union. 828 University av se, E3170 Alden, H 0, Asst Civil Engineering, ME 26. 715 w 4 0th [Alexander, Jean H, Inst Educatiun. 628 se 4th, E345 1 "Alexander, Lee, Nurseryman, Seed House(F). 1506 Hythe, St P, MS286-StP "AlIen, G D, Inst Animal Biology, AB 9. 1203 se 7th, E5 12 5 *Allen, J R, Dean College of Engineering and Architecture, ME 133. 2421 Girard av s, K3222 Alley, A G, Teaching Fellow Pediatrics, MH 121. 2002 Lake of the Isles blvd, K6s08 *Allin, C D~.Prof Public Law, Chairman Dept Political Science, mA 101. S09 se 6th, E2233 *Allison, J H, Prof Forestry, Hr I(F). 21I8 Knapp, St P, 819 10-StP *Alway, F J, Chief of Division of Soils, Ch 153(F). 13 86 Grantham, St P, M1433-StP Ames, K, Clerk, Business Office, Lib lOT. 4429 Beard av s, WS82 *Anderson, A, Watchman. 1006 24th av se, EIS3 2 *Anderson, A G, Janitor Electrical Bldg, Ex E. IS28 ne Jefferson Anderson, Albert, Engineer, West Central School of Agriculture, Morris Anderson, A L, Inst Animal Husbandry. 2164 Knapp, St P Anderson, Angelia, Clerk, Budget Dept, Business Office, Lib r oJ.
1006 24th av se, Er 532
Anderson, B G, Inst Prosthetic Dentistry, D 100. On leave of absence t Anderson, Charles, Asst Inst Blacksmithing, En 20 (F). lOSS 24th av se, ,P970 Anderson, Christian, Custodian, Ad(F). 1491 Raymond av, St P, 832430-StP tAnderson .... Elizabeth E, Dispenser Chemistry, ClIO. 416 se Erie, ];II88 1 Also registered in the Graduate School.
t Anderson, G H, Stockman, Div Animal Husbandry, St(F). l' niversity Farm, St P * Anderson, J A, Inst in Music and Horticulture, Morris Anderson, J W, Janitor, Farm House and Hr(F). 2323 Talmadge av se *Anderson, L, Janitor, En(F). Merriam Park Post Office, box '34, M48S9-StP *Anderson, P A, Asst Prof Animal Husbandry, St 3(F), TThS 10-12. 2309 Priscilla, St P, 8I263-StP t*Anderson, T, Janitor, Library Bldg. 224 se Cecil, E'404 *Anderson, W, Asst Prof Political Science, MA 101, MWF 9:3 0 -10:3°. 1805 Hamline av se, E3248 t* Ankeney, J V, Asst Prof Agr Education, Ad 209(F). 2189 Buford, St P, 83,837-StP *Appleby, W R, Dean School of Mines, Prof Metallurgy, Director Exp Station, M 103. 928 se 5th, EI668 tArchambo, Agnes, Clerk, Div Home Economics, HE 201(F). 421 James av n, H46S8 t*Archibald, Leon, Inst Civil Engineering, ME 123, 9:30. 1807 se 4th, ESS3 Archibald, R W, Div of Sanitation, State Bd of Health, Ph&P. 1112 se 8th t1Armstrong, H L, Inst Geology, P 207. 2510 Bryant av s t*Armstrong. J M, Inst Dermatology and Sypbilis, 1040 Lowry Bldg, St P. 1979 Goodrfch av, St P, res M2336. StP, office CS849·StP t Arnold, Mrs L C, Clerk, Secretary's Office, Ad 205 (F). 1025 15th av se, E2897 *1Amy, A C, Assoc Prof Farm Crops, Ad 21 (F), MWF 8-9:30, 11:30'12. 211S Dudley av, St P, 8319S6-StP *Aronovici, Carol, Lecturer Social and Civic Work, FlO, by appt, office \Vilder Charity, J,288·St P. 2089 Commonwealth av, St P. 82788-StP Art, Mrs Ellen, Laundress, Elliot Memorial Hospital, EMH tAslagson, Dina, Serving Room Girl, Dining Hall, West Cen. tral School of Agriculture, Morris tAtchison, Virginia, Assistant, Business Education;' MA 108. 46 Barton av se, EI299 Atlee, AIda, Clerk, Div Preventable Diseases, State Bd of Health, PH&P. 3333 32nd av s tAtwood, H E, Inst Romance Languages, F 225. 215 Clifton av, KSIO
*Aulie, Ole, Janitor, Ad(F). 1554 Fulham, St P, 83171S.StP Avery, J F, Inst Medicine. On leave of absence 19 18- 19 *Bachman, G, Assoc Prof Pharmacy, Phm 303. 2624 Fremont av s, K9z5 t Bacon, Agnes, Stenographer, Div of Preventable Diseases, State Bd of Health, PH&P. 3656 40th av s, D317S 1
Also registered in the Graduate School.
tBacon, Elizabeth, Inst Home Economics, HE IIS(F). 2'0' Knapp, St P, M6so·StI' tBacon, Pearl F, Stenographer, Div of Preventable Diseases, State Bd of Health, PH&P. 3656 40th av s, D317S Bailey, C H, Assoc Prof Agricultural Biochemistry, Ch 5 (F). 2304 Doswell av, St P, 83II82-StP 'Bains, T M, J r, Assoc Prof Mining, M 204. 1883 Iglehart av, St P, MroS4-StP Baker, Mrs Margaret B, Asst State Leader Boys and Girls Clubs, Agr Ext Div, Ad 7(F). 6, s St Albans, St P, D4248-StP 'Baker, R A, Asst Prof Chemistry_ On leave of absence. Baldwin, L B, Supt University Hospital, EMH. On leave of absence.
'Balfour, D C, Assoc Prof Surgery, Rochester Ball, Katherine F, Vocational Adviser for Women, Shevlin Hall, MTWThF ro-II :30 and by appt. 3'4 University av sO', E6079 'Balmer, F E, County Agent Leader, Ad 3(F). 2266 Carter av, St P, M3314-StP, 8269,-StP Barber, ,DeW N, Asst Laboratory Attendant, Pharmacy, Phm 30Z. 500 sO' Delaware, E6009 t'Barber, H H, Asst Chemistry, C 23 r. 702 sO' 4th 'Bardwell, F L, Lecturer Chemistry, C320. '2' 7 Thomas av n, H7S39 t'Barker, P B, Inst Agr Education, Ad 209(F). 512 sO' Delaware, EZ33 tBarlow, R A, Inst Rhinology, Mayo Foundation, Rochester 'Barron, M, Asst Prof Pathology_ On leave of absence 'Barry, L W, Teaching Fellow Obstetrics and Gynecology. 609 se Oak, ES402 tBarstow, J D, Storekeeper, Telephone Electrician. 2II9 Iglehart av, St P, M3440-StP 'Barton, F B, Asst Prof Romance Languages, F 228. 6, 7 se Delaware, Eso80 *Barton, R M, Inst Mathematics, F 126. 1092 15th av se, E6223 'Bass, F H, Prof Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, MA '23. SIS se 6th, EIS67 'Bassett, L B, Asst Prof Farm Management, Ad 17(F), TWF 2-4, M 2:30-4:30. Z09S Dudley av, St 1', 82031·StP 'Bates, 0, Janitor, Pillsbury Hall. 421 17th av se 'Bauer, G N, Prof Mathematics. On leave of absence tBayne, Helen, Asst Catalog Dept, Library, Lib .H7. 73 n Oxford, St 1', D7497-StP 'Beach, J W, Asst Prof English: F20SV,. 1801 University av se, E'38s Beadie, W D, Asst in Pediatrics. 949 Lowry Bldg, St P tBeal, Thelma E, Asst Horticulture, Hr 3S(F). 925 17th av se, E439S
1 Also' registered in the· Graduate School.
*Beal, W 0, Asst Astronomer, F '23, MWF ,o:25-II :10. 1082 ,6th av se, E4233 Beard, A H, Inst Medicine. On leave of absence *Beard, R 0, Asst Dean, Medical School, Assoc Prof of Physiology, MH ,,8. Hotel Hastings (winter); Christmas Lake, Excelsior (summer); N'702 (winter), Excelsior 363 (summer) PBeaumont, J H, Graduate Asst Fruit Breeding, Hr 36 (F). 2 I26
Carter av, St P
Beck, Eva L, Secy to Dean, College of Engineering and Architecture, ME '33_ 1322 se 6th, E6755 *Beck, H V, Carpenter. '322 se 6th, E6755 tBecket, Mildred, Stenographer, College of Education. ,600 w Lake, K3469 tBeckstrom, F 0, Janitor, 1vIinnesota Union. 2215 s Locust Beckstrom, Roy, Pressfeeder, Printing Dept, Pro 4038 Zenith av s Bedard, Kate, Stenographer, Northwest Scbool of Agriculture, Crookston
Bedford, Caroline, Supervisor Case Work, Social and Civic Work, 2, Old Chamber of Commerce Bldg, by appt. 2'7 se Walnut • Beggs, Gertrude H, Dean of Women, Prof Greek, MWF II-' 1:30, TTh 'O-II :30, and by appt. II05 se 6th, E7'4 2 • *Bell, E T, Assoc Prof Pathology, PH&P. 521 se 6th 'Bell, J W, Inst Obstetrics and Gynecology. On leave of absence
'Benedict, W L, Asst Prof Ophthalmology, Rochester 'Bengtson, J P, Preceptor and Inst, Northwest School of Agriculture, Crookston
Bennett, E L, Seey MunicLpaI Reference Bureau, Gen Ext Div, MH 323. 7'4 se 4th, E593 Bentley, F W, Inst Drawing and Desc Geom, ME III. 2801 Girard av s t*Bentley, N P, Surgeon, Capt Medical Corps, USA. '485 Cleveland avo '399 Raymond av, St P, res M5460-StP, office M6917-StP, 8'440-StP 'Benton, Anne G, Inst Bacteriology, PH&P 207. 2024 Queen av 5, KI362 Bergh, 0 I, Asst Prof, Supt, North Central Exp Station, Grand Rapids 'Bernard, L L. Assoc Prof Sociology, F '3, MWF 9 :45; TThS 10:30.. 608 se 7th t*Berthe, Alfred E, Inst Civil Engineering, ME. 422 Abhott av s Biester, Alice, Asst Prof Nutrition, He 214(F). ,,60 Raymond av, St P, M'209-StP tBiIlings, W A, Inst Veterinary Medicine, Vet '5 (F). "26, Scudder, St P, M7078-StP 'Bing, P C, Asst Editor, Asst Prof Journalism, Ad 20o(F). 2'76 Scudder, St P, 83'2,6-StP I Also registered in the Graduate School.
Birnberg, T L, lnst Pediatrics, MH 121. 1035 Lowry Bldg, St P, CI035·StP "Bisby, G R, Asst Prof Plant Pathology and Asst Plant Pathologist in Exp Station, Bo 33 (F). 2309 Priscilla, St P, M6935-StP BisseU, F S, Asst Prof Roentgenology, Elliot Memorial Hospital. HI2 Harriet blvd, W442 "Bissell, W W, Asst Prof Pathology, Rochester. On leave 'of absence "Bjornes, 0, Sampler, Sampling room, Ore Testing Bldg. 1814 e 2 Y , · tBlack, J D, Ass~ Prof Agricultural Economics, Ad 3I8(F), TWTh 11-12, MF II :20-11 :50. 420 se 8th tBlair, Hilda G, Secy Bureau of Employment and lnforma. tion, MA. I 12 se State, E403 I t Blair, Nell, Head Serial Dept Library, Lib 2I O. 1309 se 7th, E625 Blake, F G, Asst Prof Medicine. On leave of absence "Blakey, R G, Asst Prof Economics. On leave of absence tBlessley, Vera N, Asst Receiving Clerk, General Storehouse. 91 Arthur av se, E65I3 Bliss, F W, Asst Prof Chemistry. On leave of absence Blomquist, W V, Asst Dept Buildings and Grounds, MA 6. -319 Washington av se tBloomquist, Olga, Maid, Minnesota Union. 1101 15th av se "Blosmo, a J, Pharmacist, lnst Dispensing, EMH. The Leamington, N7I40 tBolin, Vaida, Clerk Dept Physical Education for Men Bond, Mrs Marie Acting Librarian, Law School. 2530 Dupont av
k 2920
tBonde, H, Greenhouse and Laboratory Asst, Seed Laboratory, Bo 22(F). 5237 32nd av s, D537 Boothby, W M, Asst Prof Experimental Medicine, Rochester. On leave of absence "Boss, A, Prof Agronomy and Farm Management and Chief of Division, Ad 2:(F), daily 10-12, 2-3. 1443 Raymond av, St P, 8294I-StP, MI640-StP t"Boss, W... Acting Chief... Div Farm Engineering, En 20I(F). 1439 Kaymond av, ;,t P, 1'II842-StP "Bothne, G C, Prof Scandinavian, Head of Dept, F 218, WF 9-10. 619 9th av se, E5753 tBotten, Clara, Pastry cook, Minnesota Union. I20Y, s 5th, S7350 tBougie, G W, Laborer, State Serum Laboratories (F). 1274 Randolph, St P Boutelle, Louise M, Asst Medicine. City Hospital Bowen, M Edith, Asst Serial Dept, Library, Lib. 328 Be Oak, E8I4 Bowers, Mary C, Cost Accounting Clerk, Business Office, Lib lOr. 2527 16th av s, DI921 "Boyd, W L, Asst Prof Veterinary Medicine, Vet II3(F). 2240 Langford av, St P, M8357·StP
"Braasch, W F, Prof Urology, Acting Director Mayo Founda· tion, Rochester t"Brahtz, J H, Inst Mathematics, College of Engineerin£. ME, F 1-1:45; S 1O:30-II :20. 1879 Portland av, St P, M4898-StP tBrandlee, Hannah L, Dictaphone Operator, Business Office, Lib 101, 401 2ISt av 5, 31 127 Brekhus, P J, Assoc Prof Crown and Bridge Work. 3719 Pleasant av, Cs 507 'Bren, B C, Asst Chemistry, C 326. Hopkins, 202 F-2 t Brennan, J A, Stock Clerk, Chemistry Storehouse, C 2. 2002 5 2nd tBrennan, J H, Stock Clerk, Chemical Storehouse, C 2. 2002 5 2nd
Breuer, Mrs J M, Technician, Pathology Dept, PH&P 122: 2120 Riverside av, M6983 tBridgford, R 0, Inst Agronomy and Farm Management. West Central School of Agriculture, Morris "Brierley, W G, Assoc Prof Horticulture and Chairman Horticulture Division, Hr 21, Ad(F), daily 8:30'9:20. 2222 Langford av, St P, M444S·StP Brink, Frances V, Nurse, State Board of Health, PH&P. 500 e 26, S2984 *Brink, R W, Inst Mathematics, F 126. 801 se Huron, E34 2 4 "Broderick, T M, Inst Geology. On leave of absence "Brooke, W E, Prof Mathematics and Mechanics, Head of Dept, ME lOS. 416 se Walnut, EI64S Brosius, Elizabeth E, Technician, Medical School, MH 227. 117 ne Broadway t1Brossard, E B, Inst Farm Management, Ad r6(F).
Doswell av, St P, 831228-StP Brown, C E, Poultryman, Asst Prof, Northwest School of Agriculture, Crookston "Brown, Carleton, Prof English, Chairman Dept, F 221, MW 3:35-4:30, W 12-1, TThS '1:45"2:05. 416 8th av se, E6 I 9 0 Brown, Carlotta M, Inst Millinery, HE 3I2(F). 1408 Hythe, St P, M7692-StP Brown, Clara M, Asst Prof Home Economics, HE II6(F). 1023 17th av se, E48I8 "Brown, E D, Assoc Prof Pharmacology, MH 230. 3525 3rd av s, CS'S4 Brown, Joan K, Invoice Clerk, Business ~ffice, Lib 101. 508 12th av se, ESIS7 *Brown, P F, lnst Surgery. On leave of absence t"Bruce, Andrew A, Prof of Law, L 204. Maryland Hotel, l';12
tBruce, HaBie F E, Asst Pharmacist, EMH & UD. Grant, N44s6 1
Also registered in the Graduate School.
'Bruno, F J, Lecturer Social and Civic Work, FlO, by appt. 3647 Lyndale av s, res C4324, office N 5335 t'Bryant, W E, Foundry Inst, Engineering, Mech E 112. 1108 se 4th Buck, S J, Assoc Prof History, Lib 219, MWF 2:15-2:45· 428 se Walnut, E2803 Buege, Alida, Stenographer, Dept Economics and Political Science, MA 113. 3453 Stevens av s, C76 23 'Bull, A M, Supt Buildings and 0'11, T 3:4°'4:00, Th 9:00'9:30. 81S University av se, E5256 [Thompson, Faith, Asst History, Lib 220. 1520 w 27th, K5886 'Thompson, M J, Supt, Northeast Experiment Station, Duluth Thompson, Mrs Rachel B, Asst Secy General Alumni Assn, Lib 202. 1967 Penn av s, K'370 Thornquest, Nettie, Stenographer, Anatomy, IA 204. 307 w 15th, Apt '5, KI307 Thorp, Ella, Asst Mathematics, F 122. 656 ne Jefferson, 433 11 9 'Thurston, E S, Prof Law. On leave of ahsence 'Thyberg, J, Janitor, Main Engineering. 3121 19th av s tITieje, A J, Inst Mineralogy, C 211. 316 12th av se 'Tierney, M F, Mechanic. 2649 ne Taylor, E679 Tilden, Josephine E, Prof Botany, AB 104. T 9:30-10:15, Th 9:30-10:15, 2:50-3:35. 712 se 4th, E1l23 . t'Titterud, M E, Inst Engineers, P4. 612 w 31st, S29 'Todd, A J, Prof and Chairman Dept of Sociololl:Y, Director Training Course for Social and Civic Work, Flo,' TThS 10:30-11:30, MWF 9:30-10:30, 721 se 7th, E5185 Tolaas, A G, Extension Specialist in Plant Pathology, Bo 33(F), M 8-12. 2089 Carter av, St P, MI343·StP, 81253-StP Tolg, Mrs Alice H, Inst Physical Education for Women, W Gm, MTWThF 1[:4,-12:3°. 1200 w 25th, K5081 tTollifson, Hazel, Stenographer, Training Course for Social and Civil Work, Flo. 315 sc Harvard, E2597 tlTomlinson, Lucie E, Teaching Fellow Romance Languages, F 203. 3022 19th av s, D [197 'Torrance'pJ B, Inst A,gricultural Engineering, En 205(F). 3744 ortland av, C745 I Also registered in the Graduate School.
Torstad, Julia, Maid, Elliot Memorial Hospital tTrask, Bertha, Record Clerk, Registrar's Office, Lib 104. 1113 se 8th. E5136 tTreat, Nola, Asst Prof Institutional Management, Manager Dining Hall, Dining Hall (F), daily 9-12. - Women's Hall, University Farm, St P, M1643-StP Tunheim, Selma, School Nurse, N ortliwest School of Agriculture, Crookston *Tupa, A J, Secretary, Animal Industry Group, St 8(F). 182 Front, St P, C8768-StP 'Turner, D D, Asst Laboratory Inst Pharmacy, Phm 302. 2267 Carter av, St P; M7691-StP Tyler, Mrs Alice, Teaching Fellow History, Lib 220. 619 se Beacon, E6253 tTyler, Arthur G, Asst Prof Farm Engineering, En 208(F). 2[28 Knapp, 832404-StP tTyler, M 'V, Asst Prof History, Lib 219, daily 10:30-II. 619 se Beacon, E6253
*Ulrich, H L, Assoc Prof Medicine. On- leave of absence tUlrich, Helena, Stenographer, Lib 10I. 1816 Stevens av, Apt 29 tUlrich, Mrs Mabel S, Lecturer on Social Hygiene, Flo, State Board of Health, by appt. 1718 Oliver av s, KI76 t'Underwood, Ruth E, Teaching Fellow Romance Languages, F 20'. 425 se 6th, E400 Undine, C A, Asst Medicine, 632 Syndicate Bldg. 4263 Washington av n , res HS04, office N3445
t*Undum, Severin, Janitor, Mechanical Engineering Bldg. I I
r:; 22nd av se
Ure. Ruby, Asst Seed Laboratory, Bo 22(F). av fi, H616z
2650 Fremont
tVaJeboc, C 0, Machinist, Ex E. 3526 Oliver av n Van Bergen, Margaret P. Cataloger, Library, Lib 217. Curtis Court, Apt 19, N4400
FVan Camp, Ruth, Scholar Psychology, F 316.
312 17th
av se *Vance, \\' R,
Dean, Law School. On leave of absence Van Cleve, Mary A, Stenographer, Geology C '4I. 516 6th av se, EI56S tVan Dusen, Mrs Sara H, Asst Prof, Secy Correspondence Study, Gen Ext Div, MH 323. 805 e River road, E2930 Vannier, Marion L, Asst Supt, School for Nurses, EMH. 300 'Vashington av se, E276o-17 Ivan
1623 se 4th Van \Yagencn, M J, Asst Prof Education. 629 se 6th, E70 t1Vasconcelos, S, lnst Romance Languages, F 215. 1676 Hennepin av, Apt I, K6674 Vaughn, Gladys E, Bacteriologist, Div of Preventable Diseases. On leave of absence 1
Also registered in the Graduate School.
Veblen, Gertrude, Asst, Engineering Library, ME. 52 Arthur av se, 41681 tVehe, W D, Special Clinician, Dentistry. 10lO Donaldson Bldg. 2636 Colfax av s, res K1439, office N1160 Vermilye, Elizabeth, Asst Prof Home Management, He 21S(F). 132 Langford Park pi, MS542.StP tlVicari, Emilia, Technician, IA 217. 2417 Dupont av s, K2818 'Viesselman, P W, Inst Political Science, MA 105. 500 Be Delaware, Apt 201, E4712 'Viets, H T, Inst Rhetoric. On leave of absence 1918-19 tVinje, Capt N, Inst Military Drill, West Central School of Agriculture, Morris tVolden, E J, Cashier, Office Manager, and Inst Accounts. West Central School of Agriculture, Morris tVolk, Bertha, Maid, Shevlin Hall. 1508 Hennepin av, M940 tVollbrecht, Agnes, Graduate Nurse, EMH. 321 se Church tVoss, Evelyn, Swimming Inst, W Gm. 1126 se 5th, E4878 Wade, Miss E M, Chief, Main Laboratories, Div' of Preventable Diseases, State Bd of Health, PH&P. 2441 Nicollet av, S896 'Wade, H H, Metallurgist, School of Mines Experiment Station. Hopkins, 411-Hopkins *Waite, E F, Lecturer, Social and Civic Work, Court House, by appt, N806. 2009 Queen av s, K789 Wakely"Marion, Cataloger, Agricultural Library, Ad 212(F). 1315 Cleveland av, St P, M1236-StP t"Wallace, B A, Asst Economics Dept, MA 201, MW 9:3010:15, Th 2:50-3:35. 610 13th av se, ES660 Wallin, Vera, Maid, Minnesota Union. 4408 47th av s, 612 40 'Walls, J M, Prof Operative Dentistry, D Infirmary. 828 Lowry Bldg, St P, C2466-StP, res 892 Fairmount av, St P, S833-StP t'Wallum, J, Technician, Pathology Dept, PH&P 123. 617 se Oak Ward, P A, Inst Pathology, PH&P. On leave of abser,cl 1918-19 'Warner, E F, Asst Pediatrics. 242 Lowry Bldg, St P, C6704-StP Warwick, Margaret, Inst Bacteriology, EMH. 1516 se 7th, E25S8 'Washburn, F L, Prof Economic Zoology, Ad 302(F). I12 se 6th, res E1617, office M1640-StP • 'Washburn, R M, Prof Dairy Husbandry, Dh (F). 2122 Knapp, St P, 8196S-StP Wasielewski, J, Fireman, President's House. 1401 Be 6th tWatson, Esther, Manager Cafeteria, Shevlin Hall, Sh. 4429 Beard av s, WS82 'Watts, F A, Campus Gardener. 619 Washington av Be 1 Also registered in the Graduate Scho,ol. \
Webster, Kathryn, Acting Secretary to the President, Lib 102. 1316 se 7th, E4578 Weigley, Mildred, Prof Home Economics, and Chief of Divi· sion, He 202(F). 69 Langford Park pI, M485-StP 'Weiss, A J, lust Technique, D 100. 3708 Stevens av 'Weiss, A, Prof Prosthetic Dentistry, D 201. 506 Ma· sonic Temple, N 578 'Welch, C H, Secy, Agr Ext Div and Farmers' Institutes, Ad I(F). 1476 Chelmsford, St P, 82045-StP Weller, Marion, Asst Prof Textiles and Clothing, He 30I(F). 69 Langford Park pi 'Welles, H J, Asst Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology. 307 Masonic Temple, M2355 'Wellington, R, Asst Prof Horticulture, Hr 32(F). 2214 Scudder, St P, M7I68-StP tWellnitz, Florence K, Pressfeeder, Printing Dept, Pr. 3842 Vincent av s, W'589 Wellnitz, Gladys, Mimeograph Operator, Printing Dept, Pro 3842 Vincent av s, WI 589 'Wells, A S, Assoc Prof Dentistry. 700 Physicians' and Surgeons' Bldg, N I 722 Wendell, Lehman, Photographer Dentistry, Inst Prosthetics. 615 La Salle Bldg, MWThF 9-12. I71I Park av, 32702 'Wentling, J P, Assoc Prof Forestry, Hr 30(F). 2195 Doswell av, St P, M702I-StP t 1\\7"entz, Anna, lnst Biology, Insectary Station Work, Insectary (Fl, daily 9-12. 2623 1st av s, S5740 ,. t\Verdin, Grace, Laboratory .Asst, Soils Div, Ch ·'52(F). II27 se 4th, E6593 tWerner, S 0, Special Analyst, Agricultural Biochemistry, Ch 5(F). 594 w Wheelock pkwy, St P, S3076-StP tWesley, R 0, Asst Prof Agronomy, Northwest School of Agriculture, Crookston 'West, R M, Secy and Assoc Prof, Dept Agriculture, Ad 205(F). 2'41 Doswell av, St P, M3970-StP -rifvVest, \V ~f, Special Lecturer in War Aims Course, F I I l. 1711 University av se, E380 'Westby, 0, Engineer. 2915 e 24th, 625983 Westrem, Susie, Cook, Elliot Memorial Hospital 'Wethall, A J, Inst Urology. 404 Syndicate Bldg, NS223 t'Weum, T W, Asst Obstetrics and Gynecology. 616 Syndicate Bldg, daily I I-I, 2 :30-5 tlWhitaker, Helen, Scholar Astronomy, F 123. 201 se State tl\Vhitaker, Ruth, Scholar History, Lib 220. 201 se State 'White, A B, Prof History, Lib I I 0, TTbS 9-1I. 810 se 6th, E2739 'White, H B, Asst Prof Farm Buildings, En 206(F), daily II-I2. 1426 Raymond av, St P, M4624-StP t\Vhite, Margaret B, Gen Secy Y W C A, Sh, daily except Saturday, 10-12, 1-3. 632 e 18th, S2832
'White, S M, Prof Medicine. On leave of absence 1918-19 'Whitman, Mrs Selina P, Office Asst, Hospital, EMH. 327 se Church, E2760"4 t"Whitmore, F C, Inst Chemistry, C 35. 1051 18th av se, E7 1 95 Whitney, Ella A, Secy to Retired Presidents, Lib 201. 519 loth av se, EI23 Whitney, Helen A, Ass! Prof Rhetoric. On leave of absence 'Whittaker, H A, Director, Div of Sanitation, State Bd of Health. On leave of absence , t"Whitwell, F C, Inst Chemistry, C 35, MWF 8:30. 1051 18th av se tWiegert, Ethel G, Mail Clerk, Registrar's Office, Lib 104. I422 Vine Place, K6432 "Wiethoff, C, Assoc Prof Crown and Bridge Work, D 212. 4609 Humboldt av s Wiggin, G H, Asst SuP! Cloquet Experiment Station. On leave of absence tWigstrom, Mrs Matilda, Maid, Minnesota Union. ;814 oe 4tb Wilcox, A E, Asst Prof Surgery. 319 Meyers Arcade "Wilcox, M R, Ass! Prof Physiology, MH. 3343 Calhoun -blvd, res C1554, office MI815 'Wilde, N, Prof Philosophy, F 323, TTh 10:25'1 I :to. 901 se 6th, E3286 tWiley, Lois, Clerk, County Agent Office, Ad 5(F). 1~65 Spruce pI, Apt 3, 33325 'Wilkins, S D, Analyst Agricultural Biochemistry, C S(F). 1408 Hythe, St P, M2939-StP 'WiIlaman, J J, Asst Prof Plant Chemistry, Ch 105(F), daily 8-g. 1475 Cleveland av n, St P, 832243-StP Willet's, Florence, Asst Art Education. 14 e 15th, C2759 Williams, Florence M, Secy, Printing Dept, Pro 1110 oe 6th, E,OIO 'WilIiams, P, Janitor, Gymnasium (F). 1485 Raymond avo St P, MS304-StP 'Wilmus, M, Dairy Barn Foreman, Dh 25(F). 2085 Buford av, St'P 'Wilson, A D, Director Agricultural Extension Division, Ad I (F). 1375 Cleveland av, St P, 81998-StP tWilson, Effie M, Administration Clerk, F "9. 1019 Uni· versity av se, E2459
'Wilson, L B, Prof Pathology, Director Mayo Foundation. Rochester. On leave of absence 1918-19 tWingard, Luella]. Stock Clerk, General Storehouse. 743 , Simpson av, ;:,t P, M6778-StP tWinslow, R M, Asst Chemistry. 1030 16th av se, E3410 Witek, Hannah; Maid, Shevlin Hall, Sh. 'Wittich, F W, Inot Medicine. 1042 Met Bank Bldg. 2013 Bryant av s, re~ ~097, offioe MI255 tWitte, W L, Genl Secy Y M C A (F). 2109 Doswell av, St P, 83IZ28-StP' .
t'Wolf, Edna M, Asst Chemistry, C 226.
303 Washington av
se, £7204
t*'Wolf, W F, Asst Chemistry, C 347, W 10:30-12. 317 15th av se tWolff, W S, Inst Engineering, Ex E 106. 914 Beech, St P, B4234-StP, 77414-StP 'Woltmann, H W, Inst Medicine, Mayo Clinic. Rochester Woodrow, H, Assoc Prof Psychology. On leave of absence 19 18'19 tWoodruff, Mae E, Stenographer, MH 119. 416 w ~7th, 533 0 5 Woodruff, Mrs Mary A, Manager Cafeteria, Minnesota Union. 501 se 4th, E4301 tWoollett, G H, Inst Chemistry, C328. 1325 W 27th, KS460 'Worsham, C G, Draftsman Agronomy, Ad 17(F). 2153 Scudder, St P, 831116-StP tWorth, Lynne G, Cataloger, Library, Lib 217. 412 9th av se, E6182 tWorth, Mrs Sara R, House Mother, Sanford Hall, Manager Cooperative Cottages. 200 East Sanford Hall, by appt. E2760-E5 Wright, C B, Inst Medicine. 302 Syndicate Bldg, ollice 1\13398, 317 Groveland av, KS6S I 'Wright, F R, Asst Prof Urology. 707 Donaldson Bldg. , , N2282 Wright, Vera L, Inst 'Mathematics, F 122. 58th and France av s, 599516 *Wulling, F J, Dean College of Pharmacy, Prof Pharmacology, Phm 101, daily 10. 3305 2nd av s, CISO "Wurm, E, Baker, Dining Hall, University Farm, ~t P, MI43·5tP tYeatotl, C H, Inst l\iathematics, F 100. 710 se Essex, E3I02 'Yerkes, R M, Prof Psychology, Chairman Dept Psychology. On leave of absence Yerxa, Katharine B, Secy to Miss Ball, Sh. 608 se 7th,
E2 90 7 tYoung, C E, Artist, AB S. 215 se Walnut 'Young, J S, Prof Political Science, MA 103, Th 9-10. se 6th, E670
'Zeleny, A, Prof Physics, Ph 32, WF I 1:20-12 :05. 613 e River road, E766 'Zelner, 0 S, Asst Prof Surveying, ME 216. On leave of absence tZeney, May E, Secy to University Examiner, Lib 104. 1100 se 5th, E831 t'Ziegler, Guy, Clerk, County Agent Work, Ad S(F). 514 8th av s, E202 Ziegler, Mildred R, Inst Pediatrics, MH121. 1616 se 7th, E3 26 0 I Also registered in the Graduate School.
t*Ziegler, W A, Asst Mathematics, F 103. 416 17th av se, E442S t Zierold, A A, Fellow Medicine. 4219 Colfax av s, C6354 ' Zimmerman, H B, lnst Snrgery. On leave of absence tZiskin, D E, Asst Dentistry. 1600 Plymouth av n, H4260 tZwick, G E, lnst Engineering, Ex E. 209 se State, E924 1 Also registered in the Graduate School.
STUDENTS KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS A, Science, Literature, and the Arts Ag, Agriculture (including Home Economics) AL, Pre·legal Course AM, Arts and Music Ar, Architecture and Architectural Engineering C, Chemistry D, Dentistry E, Engineering
Ed, Education F, Forestry Gr, Graduate L, Law M, Mines Md, Medical N, School for Nurse. P, Pharmacy SL, Special Law U, UncIassed
The numerals after the abbreviation indicate the year of the course, e.g., AI9 indicates an Academic student of the class of 1919. The numerals in parentheses after the name indicate postoffice box numbers; F preceding the numeral indicates that the box is a University Farm post-office box. HED (Home Economics Division), HD (Horticultural Division), PPD (Plant Pathology Division), also refer to University Farm post-office boxes.
A Ag22 022
E22 A20 C22 A22 P21 L21 Ag20 A22 A19 Ag20 Ar22 M22 Ed20 A22 A22 A21 A22 AM19 AL23
Aamodt. Ruby E(F3) Milan 2121 Doswell avo St P. 81249-StP Aaser, Harold(3683) McVille. N 0 620 15th av se Aasland. Arne(3559) 2341 James av n Abbetmeyer. Mildred A(1067) 1222 St Anthony av, StP 81975-StP Abell. Almo(2916) 3016 Dupont av s. KH53 Abrahams. Edward M(1974) 3818 Chicago avo Ci263 Abrahamson. Myrtle(43~) Red Lodge. Mont 3212 Dupont av s. 64400 Abrahamson. Paul K(22ll) Houston 206 se Harvard. E5070 Abramson. Victoria(F2) Chippewa Falls, Wis 921 University av set E984Abramowitz. William L(2036) 633 Elwood av n. H3129 Ackley. Frances L(4075) 4H5 Aldrich av s, C4630 Adams, A Edward(FI2) Rochester 1485 Raymond av, M6917-StP Adams. Charles L 3332 4th av s. C7143 Adams, E Maurice(25!8) . Moorhead 313 9th av se, E3946 Adams, Frances E(1400) Morgan 201 se State. E7176 Adams, John E(2090) 2100 Bryant av s, KI998 Adams, Van C(3322) Rochester 1625 University av se. EI413 Adams. Winifred(1247) Sidney, Mont 1221 se 5th, E4182 Adkins. Marie A(230) 1377 Grand avo StP, M1128-StP Adolfson, Signe 5(66) 1800 14th av s. 545002 Ahlen, John W(3344) Duluth 611 se Delaw~re. E3126
THE UNIVERSITY :lDDRESS BOOK Md22 L20 D20 D22 A22 L21 A19 Md23 A21 A22
D21 A20 P20 EdU A21 A21 E20 A20 AU M23 M23 Ed20 A22 A19 AL23 M23 A19 A22 A21 A22 SL20 A22 E21 A21 A21 Md23 A22 A22
Ahlfs, Jacob ](2414) Clara City 125 se State, El642 Ahlstrom, Lloyd(3189) 2423 ne Hayes, E6615 Ahmann, Norbert T(2495) Richmond 311 7th av se, EI242 Ahmann, Richard(2494) Richmond 311 7th av se, E1242 Ainsworth, Ruth F(265) 4853 Fremont av s, C3760 Aker, Maurice S(2694) Baker, N D 1228 se 4th, E597 Akre, Edna H(196) 1920 Franklin av se, E4092 Alberts, Max W(2549) Berlin, Wis 624 Ashland av, St P, D5152-StP Albertus, Jean C(1353) Jackson 412 9th av se Worthington Albinson, Mae(1074) 416 11th av se, E2432 Albi,lson, Reuben N (3063) 1718 11th av S, 37011 Albinson, Sophie(1073) Worthington 416 11th av se, E2432 AIdes, Antoinette(484) 260 Aurora av, StP, D1982-StP Aldrich, Mrs Bettie M (723) 617 14th av se, E3778 Aldrich, Malcolm M(3365) Fairmont 1621 se 7th, E1602 Aldrich, Margaret K(l061) Des Moines, Ia 311 10th av se, E747 816 6th av s, 36513 Alexander, George D(2329) Duluth Alexander, Sue A(1105) 329 10th av se Alexander, Wanda(4049) 422 se 6th Alger, Leon J (3420) Staples 524 15th av se, E5339 3029 Portland av, S5741 Allen, Arthur W(l837) 875 Aldine av, St P Allen, Besse 0(4054) Allen, Delight L(372) 4129 Linden Hills blvd, W243 Allen, Doris J(1185) Pine City West Sanford Hall, E2760- WS Allen, Hugo W(2280) 32 Raymond pI, St P, 81416 Allen, Lauren L(2599) 3933 Sunnyside av, W987 Allen, Mildred(563) Canby 311 11th av se, E369 Allen, Philip KOn1) 949 Marshall av, St P 1625 University av se, D622-StP Allen, Victor T(2210) 3029 Portland av s, S5471 Allen, W Harold(362l) Lewistown, Mont 1316 se 4th, E4589 Allen, William W (3887) Fairmont 1614 Fremont av n Allman, Eleanor M(216) . 230 w Central av, St P D3458-StP Perley Alrick, Arthur T(3498) 1319 se 5th, E2551 Springfield Altermatt, Erwin H(3178) .821 se 6th, E4616 Alway, E Filomena(22) 1386 Grantham av, St P M1433-StP Aberdeen, S D Alway, James D(3481) 516 se Oak, E4236 Alway, Lazelle M(299) 1386 Grantham av, StP M1433-StP 1386 Grantham av, St P Alway, Leonore K(313) M1433-StP
64 Ag20 Agl9 A20 Ed20 A22 D21 A21 A21 EI9
cn DI9 A20 A22 L21
Md21 A20 A21 NI9 A20 Ag20
E20 DI9 PI9 E20 Gr
An Agl9
An A22 An A20 A22 A22 DI9
THE UNIVERSITY A.DDRESS BOOK Ames, Lennice E(F21) River Fa~ls. Wis 201 se State, E7176 Amidon, Edna P(F6) North St. Paul 1502 Raymond av, St P, M5444-StP Amlie, Thomas(2844) Binford, N D 1316 se 4th, E4589 Amunds, Marion E(IOn) Hudson, Wis 25 Sidney pI se, E3875 Amundsen, Earl(3301) Owatonna 1301 se 5th Duluth Amundson, B C(2661) 416 17th av se, E4425 Anderberg, Robert W (3255) 291 n Milton, St P D8712-StP Faribault Anderegg, Elizabeth(l165) 306 lOth av se Andersen, Edward I(3632) 1201 Dayton av, 5t P D779S-StP Anderson, Adelbert C(l607) Stillwaoter 1807 se 4th, E553 Anderson, Albert F(3718) 393 Geranium, St P 78731O-StP Anderson, Arnold :"(3241) Milan 416 17th av se, E4425 Anderson, Carl A Maple Plain Anderson, Carl R(l994) 1152 Laurel av, 5t P 85166-StP Anderson, Derrick D(2156) 2811 e Franklin, 61641 Anderson, Eleanore(985) Brainerd .111 Ilthavse, E369 Anderson, Elizabeth D (191) 929 se 8th Anderson, Frances Buffalo 417 se Delaware Anderson, Genevieve(165) Litchfield 5038 l\akomis av s, 626979 Anderson, Gladys C(F7) 2928 Clinton av, S6810 Anderson, Grace M H(849) 2909 e 25th, DI235 Anderson, Grant W(3595) Mora 611 14th av se, E3805 Anderson, Harold A(3445) 3244 36th av s, 626188 Anderson, Harry W(l936) St Cloud 1316 se 4th, E4589 Anderson, Harvey E(351O) Whalan 1401 se 6th, E712 930 Woodbridge, St P Anderson, Helmer N (3686) Anderson, Henrietta(4076) Cottonwood 719 se Fulton Duluth Anderson, James W(2328) 328 lOth av se Anderson, Jennie M(FI9) Monticello 1429 Cleveland av n, St P, M2817-StP Anderson, Karl W(1718) 2508 11th av s, 51634 Anderson, Lawrence(2775) , 3620 e 42nd, 62006 Anderson, Leslie P(3246) Canada 904 University av se Anderson, Lida G(868) Jackson 1214 se 5th, E5324 Anderson, Lillian C(I081) Chisago City 313 15th av se, E2965 Anderson, Lloyd(3117) Granada 1728 se 4th Anderson, Lloyd C(3544) Flaxville, Mont 1312 se 7th, E3719 -
THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK A22 EdU Ag19 N21 A22 A22 E21 Ar20 C21 A21 M22 E22 A22 A19 A22 (121 AU C20 A19 A20 Md23 A20 E22 A19 A19 tA22 A19 A22 AU Md21 Ag22 A19 A22 Gr AL23 Gr E20
Anderson, Lloyd E(30lM) 619 slOth, N6885 Anderson, Lydia H(4046) 1113 Raymond av, St P 1805 2nd av s Anderson, Mabel A(F2.3) Alexandria 132 Langford Park pI, M5542-StP Anderson, Mabel C Scandia 824 se Essex Anderson, Markham J (3343) Rochester 1325 'Yale Place, N 464 Anderson, Martha B(813) St James 921 University av se, E7388 Anderson, Maynard A(2213) Grasston 710 16th av se Anderson, Milton J(2327) Duluth 15.29 University av se, E2881 Anderson, Minton M (2978) 1819 se 4th Anderson, Nora S(l36) 1002 18t av ne, 431725 Anderson, Oscar B(2533) Crosby 421 18th av se Anderson, Otto A(l965) 2212 Thomas av n, 47417 Anderson, Robert B(3363) Albert Lea 625 15th av se Anderson, Ruth E(l32) 1240 Thomas, St P, 81639 Anderson, Sylvia V(l331) Geneva 303 Washington av se, E7204 Anderson, Vendla 1(31) Cook 1816 se· 4th, 431151 Dalbo Anderson, Walfr~ (3864) 420 13th a v· e Andert, .Fred A(2826) Alberta '1811 se 4th· Andrews, Eva L(691) 217 se Walnut 623 se 7th, E2526 Andrews, Marion E(820) DeSmet, S D Andrews, Walter C(2593) 329 se Union, E344 Mantorville Andrist, Victor R(2977) 1625 University av se, E1413 Andrus, Harry(2519) 2110 Dupont av n Anonsen, Stanley H(3760) • Windom 1314 se 8th, E2681 1654 Capitol av, St P Anthistie, Harry(l609) M1840-StP Detroit Anundsen, Esther M(1167) West Sanford Hall, E2760-WS 1510 w 32nd, C2560 Apel, Harriet K(61l Applebaum, William(3496) 701 Laurel av, St P D5203-StP 928 se 5th Appleby, Edith(4153) Strafford, Mo Appleby, John(3013) 217 se Walnut Appleby, W Leonard(FI6) 2030 Queen av s, K364 302 Oak Grove, K4192 Archambo, Erna(908) Archambo, Fred R(2751) 302 Oak Grove 1515 University av se, K4192 Brooklyn, N Y Ariel, Jacob V(1679) 718 Fremont av n Stillwater Armson, Harold J (1685) 411 17th av se, E338 Armstrong, Harold K(3624) 2510 Bryant av s, K2055 4308 Drew av s Arneson, Lloyd 0(3351)
tDied 1-17-19
on M20 A20 A20 C21 DI9 AI9 L21 A22 A20 Md21 Agl9 Ag20 E20 A21 A21 Ed20 A22 E22 Ag21 E21
THE UNIFERSITY ADDRESS BOOK Arnold'. Lewis E(278.) 2603 Stevens a v Arnold. Verda C(l382) Heron Lake 1209 se 7th. E2095 Arntson, Neal A(3504) Red Wing 1214 se 4th. EI378 Aronovsky. Sam 1(2520) 169 Indiana ave. St P Aronson, Arthur(2768) 603 Jackson. 5t p. C8375-StP Arosin, Louise(507) 905 Hague avo SI; P. D9260-StP Arp. Harry E(2217) eNS 15th av se Arper. Gordon F(2S17) 70S Holly avo St p. D3603-StP Arper. Helen C(l137) 70S Holly avo St p. D3603-StP Arvidson, Carl G(3032) 1004 e 15th. 39495~ Ashenden, Lucy(F10) 1025 15th av se. E2897 Ashenden, Mabel M(F5) 1025 15th av se, E2897 Ashley. Charles C (3918) 2832 Irving av s. KI908 Askegaard, Corinne M (963)
East Sanford Hall. E2760-ES Aslesen. Esther M(662) 4220 Vincent av s. 599159 Atherton, Selma K(722) 3209 e 24th Atwood. Frederick C (3919) St Cloud 1625 University av se. EI413 Aultfather, David H(19l1) Austin 310 12th av se, E167 Aune. Raymond(F29) St'arbuck 1486 Hythe. St P. 831158-StP Aure. Roy(3184) Canby 206 se Harvard, E5070
Md23 P19 Edl9 E21 A22 AM19 C22 A22
Aurelius. J Richards(2~22), 855376-StP Aurness. Rolf .C(2622)
1072 Dayton avo St P
1937 Park avo S867 AustIll. Gertrude B(1398) 1424 se 6th. '431112 Austin. Paul D(2331) Le Sueur 611 se Delaware. E2840 ,Avelsgard. Myrtle L(241) 4012 Queen av s. W731 Avery. Isabel A(1199) 3207 Stevens av, 84425 Ayers. Ellsworth B (280S) 379 Bates avo St P. Ayshford, Loren C(2547) Stewartville 1428 se oth
A22 Gr A20 A21 A22 A22 E22 A21 Ar22 FI9 Ag20
Baade. William W(2552) 406 17th av se, E.l310 Babbidge. Edith F(l269) M 1439-StP Babcock. Emily A(1322) K703 Babcock, Forrest E(3296) 814 se 4th. E1511 Babcock, Gordon C(31.17) 316 17th av se Babcock, Mahlon J(33~0) 814 se 4th, E1511
~~~~;,,~~~.nJ~~~~)onA (2002)
B ])21
Renville 2102 Carter avo St P 2504 Lake of Isles blvd Anoka Sisseton. S D Anoka
1631 IrvinMilo~U'i~~~ 1316 se 5th, E5271 Backe, Irma A(l208) Kenyon East Sanford Hall. E2760-ES Backstrom, Wilburg A(2138) 827 !lst av s. 35166 Backus. Romayne(F78) 578 Holly avo St P, D580-StP Bacon, Hazel U(F69) Fremont. Neb 1415 Chelmsford. St P, M4268-StP
AI9 PI9 EI9 A22 Ag20 AU A22 A22 D21 A22 Ag22 Ar22
A22 E22 AL23 A20 Ag22 EdU Ar22 E22 Gr E21 Gr A20 E20 A20 M22 Ar22 A21 A22 E21
Bacon, Lucas M (3 759) 71 n Dale, St P, D4078-StP Bade, Anna(4090) Waconia 4549 Nokomis av Badger, Lucius F (3 769) 3353 32nd av s, D968 Baihly, Elizabeth R(l250) Rochester 1313 se 6th, EI450 Bailey, Dorothy I(F58) 3304 Grand av, C3219 Bailey, Floyd E(l880) 511 15th av se, E4954 Bailey, George R(2734) 1941 Aldrich av s Bailey, Winifred(18) 1037 12th av se 303 Washington av se, E7204 Baines, Wiley C(l647) 373 Farrington av, St P D9650-StP Baird, Frances H(l228) Austin 1019 University av se, E2459 India Bajpai, Ramlal B(2303) 320 15th av se, E2596 Baker, Arthur(2482) Deer River 527 se Oak Baker, Earl R(3457) Winona 1313 se 5th, E2368 Baker, Irma V(F32) 4306 Garfield av s, C2336 Baker, Mabel E(412) Janesville 113 se Church, E2888 Baker, Ralph E(2700) New Richmond, Wis 3644 Park av, C2034 Baker, RoswelJ K(2295) 3225 Elliott av, S3580 Bakke, Harold 0 (2096) 2701 14th av s, 546310 Bakke, Olga G(339) 2701 14th av s, D2339 Bakken, Jennie S(F31) Pequot 2943 Aldrich a v s, 546375 Bakken, Lawrence H(3433) Faribault 1409 se 6th 215 se Harvard Baldwin, Arch E(1772) 870 Logan av n, H469 Balkin, Sam(1981) Ballard, Dick H(2296) 2710 2nd av s, S2650 Ballenbach, Willard M(3414) Mankato 1027 University av se Ballinger, Homer E(F61) Spring Valley 1388 Raymond av, St P, M3611-StP Ballou, Stella B (4081) 88 Spruce pI Bamford, Harry A(2127) 1703 Sheridan, St P M1448-StP Bangs, Murel L(3116) Huron, S D 410 17th av se, E7198 Bantle, Viola L(l48) 904 Rice, St P 1400 Charles, St P, M2240-StP Barber, Harold .'\(2554) MitchelJ, S D 1419 University av se Barber, Hervey H(1889) 702 se 4th Barden, Bonnie M (13 70) JanesvilJe 1121 University av se, E2760-SA Barger, Harrold L(3750) Gaylord 511 15th av se, E4954 2220 Fremont av s, K802 B"rker, Catherine(545) Barker, Clifton T(2627) Excelsior 30.H Sth av s. S6180 Barker, Helen H (4051) Sanborn, Ia 1126 se 5th, E4878 Barlow, Dorothy E(S77) 15 w 34th, C2596 Barnard, Donald C(270!) 2320 Fremont av s, K3217 Vernon Centre Barnes, Dean M(2670) 1704 w Lake, K4601
68 A20
EdU AU EdU Gr Ag21 AI9 Ag20 A21
L21 A21 SL21 A22 CU A21 A22 Agl9 Gr A22 Md22 A20 AU A21 E20 AM20
An CI9 A22 A20 Ag20 A22 A22 E21 Ar21 AI9
En AI9 Md20
THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK Barnes, Madge E(917) 89 Victoria, St P, S3131-StP Barnett, Benjamin(3770) 595 Whitall, St P Barney, Edith(4045) 910 21st av Barrett, Kathryn S(4171) 1772 Dupont a Barry, l.v se. E369 Condon. Florence M (893) 3030 16th av s Conger. Mildred E(l06) 549 Holly avo St P 329 10th av se. E 1099 Conkey, Harriet R(380) 3124 Park av, S2074 Conklin. Claude L(2560) Lisbon, N D 33 Royalston a v n Conley. Rollin M(3734) Bristol. S D 827 University av se. E7170 Connell, Karl ](2556) Luverne 1808 University av se Conner. Clarence H (2984) 1926 Marshall av, St P M6774-StP Conner. Lois B(1l7) 703 se 8th Converse. Margaret P(340) 800 Queen a v n Conway. James H(2604) 1917 Carrol avo St P MI26·StP Conway. Margaret I(948) 1720 w Lake. K5317 1129 University av se . Cook, Frederic S(2828) 1932 Penn av s, K3095 Cook, George 5(2227) 1932 Penn av s. K3095 Cook, Louis G(l750) 56 Clarence avse. E723 Cook, Walter K(2476) Pipestone 52 Arthur av se Cook, William C(3293) 1515 University av se
I I ~
Hutchinson Cooke, Harry H (3399) 1920 se 4th, E4532 Chatfield Cooper, Elizabeth(805) A22 East Sanford Hall, E2760-ES St Cloud Cooper, George C(F94) Ag22 1388 Raymond av, St P, M361l-St P Canada Cooperman, Maurice H(2767) A19 1019 15th av se, E7317 Copas Copas, Bernice E(648) A20 East Sanford Hall, E2760-ES 31 Como av, St P Corliss, lone N19 413 se Delaware Watson Corneliusen, Myrtle R(428) AL23 1307 se 7th, EI452 3309 1st av s, C4033 Cornell, Helen(632) A20 3309 1st av s, C4033 Cornell, ReuQen W(3,,87) C21 1674 St Antho~y av, St P Corwin, Carlton H (3629) E22 M5171-StP Elbow Lake Cosh, Richard A(2004) E19 412 17th av se 3145 Portland av, SI670 Cotton, Edith M(686) AI9 Rochester Cotton, Ernest H(3122) E19 1115 se 4th, E 7110 Fairmont Coult, Lyman H (3429) CU 501 se Beacon, 431159 Eden Valley Coulter, William T(3514) A20 620 15th av se, E7030 Grafton, N D Countryman, Helen(l184) A21 1221 se 5th, E4182 213 s Avon, St P Countryman, Roger S(2559) Md21 1515 University av se D619"StP Carrington, N D _ Cousins, Dorothy(995) AI9 311 11th av se, E369 409 Penn av n Covaney, Mrs Hoyle AU Buffalo Covart, Helen W(1376) AMI9 1206 se 5th, E7135 1513 w Minnehaha, St P Covell, Charles V(3538). D21 Atwater Covell, Paul L(3476) C22 225 se Harvard, E7270 2057 Grand av, St P Cowie, Alexander R(2724) AI9 M405-StP 3538 Blaisdell av, CIOl8 Cowin, Clifford C(3904) E22 723 Emerson av n, H936 Cowl, Carl C(3068) A23 River Falls, Wis " Cox, Charles N (2811) A21 1301 se 5th, E4950 343 e 19th Craig, Allen M(2669) A22 4133 Upton av s, W1l17 Craig, Margaret S(l036) Ed20 4717 Aldrich av s, C4615 Craig, Willard L(3469) E22 Lakota, N D Crandall, Will G(2730) Md20 Minneapolis City Hospital, N6600 Garvin Crane, Olive N20 " 417 se Delaware Mankato Crawford, Mildred J(l076) AI9 1009 University av se 729 e 17th Crawford, Robert A22 2718 Oliver av n, H2286 Crawford, Robert A(3623) Md23 Alpha Crawley, Loyd L(1831) A22 406 17th av se, E5310 Cray, Seymour R(2170) 4043 Sheridan av s, W2222 E22 Critchfield, Ralph J(3102) 527 se Oak Md22 Croft, Edna K(l319) 1529 se 4th' E1770 Ar21 Crolley, William P(2409) Montrose D20 708 15th av se, Ei353
80 A22 Md20 Ag22 Ag20 A21 A20 E22 Ag20 Md21 Md21 A22 A20 Ag20 Md21 Md23 A22 E22 Ag21 EdU E20 A20 Ag22 A22 E20
THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK Crone, Theodore C(291l) New VIm 1827 se 4th, E1529 Crook, Rudolph(2220) 1475 La Fond, St P 501 se Beacon, 431159 Crosbie, Audrey B(F83) 4053 Garfield av s, C3815 Crosby, Lewis L(F84) 1664 Ashland av, St P M852-StP Cross, Clara N(692) 2103 2nd av s, S4803 Cross, Margaret G(586) 626 16th av se, E6209 Cross, Roderic M(l688) 424 Ridgewood av, K18 Cross, Virginia K(FI25) 2103 2nd av s 329 10th av se, EI099 Crow, Earl R(2003) Walker 215 se Walnut, EI743 Crowl, Verne C(241O) 3S45 Blaisdell av, C209 Crowley, Grace(222) . 42 s St Albans, St P, D726-StP Culbert, Edwin C(3175) Eveleth 1800 se 4th, E4595 Cullen, Mary(F8S) 639 Sherburne av, St P 2101 Knapp, St P, M650-StP Culligan, John M(2901) 2069 Iglehart av, St P M1129-StP Culligan, Leo(2086) 2069 Iglehart a v, St P M1129-St P Cummings, Archie D(3076) Beaver Creek 408 8th av se Cummins, Merlin H(2007) La Porte City, Iowa 1027 University av se, E5470 Curley, William T(F96) Stillwater Dining Hall U F, M1640-StP Curran, Hugh A(3739) 630 se 7th Curry, Ezra B(3524) 1203 Laurel av, St P DI060-S1jP Curtis, Frederick A(3468) Stillwater 1214 se 4th, E1378 Curtis, Irma I(F8l) 3921 Lyndale av s, C5792 Cuvellier, Dorothy E(l251)· 3610 Pleasant av, C1444 Czock, Jacob H(2713) 1105 se 8th, E7422
D Ed21 Ag21 E22 Ag22 E22 E21 Ag20 A22 Ag21 Gr A22 A22 Md23 D22
Dackif~iz~'i,r:rid~;'~~~49) !'iankato Daggit, Edmund M(F145) Chippewa Falls, Wis 2170 Carter av, St P, 81747-StP Dahl, Arthur E(2932) 2101 Lyndale av n, H2200 Dahl, Gerhard M(F14I) Caledonia 1393 Cleveland av, St P Dahl, Hjalmer(3306) Toronto, S D 312 16th av se nahl, Melvin C(3832) 2015 Lyndnle av n, 45617 Dahl, Nell E(FI32) 3551 Bloomington av s, 530lS Dahl, Robert L(1603) 3128 17th av s, DI086 Dahlberg, T Irene(F137) 2871 Humboldt av s, K5286 Dahlby, Albert J(l822) 736 Geranium, St P Dahle, Olga E(4060) 2104 s 7th Dahlin, George R(277l) RI79"StP Dahlin, Ivor T(3568) 4032 Park av Dahlin, Oscar L(3797) 773 _ 78107-StP
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82 Md20 A22 AL23
AM22 A20 A21 An A22 P21 D22 M21 Ag22 Ar19 Md21 A22 A20 Md23 E21 E22 L21 L21 Md20
An A19
An AU L20 A21 Arl9 AI9 A20 A22 Md21 A19 M22 EdU
THE UNIFERSITY ADDRESS BOOK Davis, Irl R(l673) Henderson St Barnabas Hospital. N20 Two Harbors Davis, Louis A(3231) 1601 University av se, E1365 Davis, Louis F(2777) 1228 Newton av n, HI065 Davis, Lyle B(2994) 3017 Fremont av s, K1I71 Davis, Mabel(4133) 541 Dayton av, St P, D6456-StP Davis, Margaret J(l186)Madelia West Sanford Hall, E2760- WS Park Rapids Davis, Rudyard E(2898) 1767 Humboldt av s, K5454 1824 Portland av, S2554 Davis, Walter E(2342) 3714 Stevens av, C4569 Davlin, Lavelle P(3030) Delmet, S D Dawley, Walter(2664) 1401 se 6th. E712 Appleton Dawson, Donald T(3254) 1707 University av se 2532 St~vens av, S2869 Dawson, Loren W(2065) Farmington Day, Marion F(F138) East Sanford Hall, E2760-ES 132 e 33rd, S2665 Deane, George B(2139) Monango, N D Deane, Helen M(418) 113 se Church, E2888 Renville Deason, Adelaide L(1347) 3636 20th av s, D2880 Elk River de Booy, Adrienne J(1124) 1313 se 6th, E1450 Miles City, Mont deCarie, Donald W(3090) 429 se Union, E 1564 New Ulm Dehn, Eltor A(234l) 1318 se 7th, E745 Newport Deichen, Howard F(2613) 1933 Humboldt av s, Kl020 Deinard, Amos 8(3572) 1933 Humboldt av s Deinard, Benedict S(3573) Kl020 Dejong, Georgia(419) . Maurice, Iowa St John's Hospital, (;t P, B65-StP Cherokee, Ia Delaplane, Helen(430) East Sanford Hall, E2760-ES Delaplane, Lelia L(933) Cherokee, I'\ 1206 se 5th, E7135 2q71 Roblyn av, St P D'llavM5I;~~~~A(3486) 1316 se 4th, E4589 De Le Fond, Charles(1626) Washburn, Wis DeMoully, Leo(3815) 416 se 4th 743 Charles, St P Dempsey, William J(3622) 1609 University av se, E30 Litchiield Deneen, David ](3377) 505 se Beacon Hutchinson Dennis, Eben R(3667) 1823 Como av se, E2278 87 se Bedford, En5 Dennison, ]eanette(1060) Omaha, Neb Denny, Katherine E (998) 2411 Lake pi, K80 Des Moines, Ia Denny, Walter W(3564) 429 se Union, E1564 Deringer, Palma E(975) 923 Bayless avo St P M437-StP 2301 Minneapolis av DeVaney, Fred D(2905) 625555 Devany, Anne M(725) 3801 Stevens av, C6369
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THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK C22 E20 Md23 A22 A20 DI9 AI9 E21 Ar21 A22 A21 Md23 A22 DI9 Ar22 AL23 D21 A21 A20 A21 D22 D22 AM22 A2i1 M20 Ag22 D20 A19 A21 Ed20 A22 N21 Ag22 EI9
A22 E22 A19
Devney, Clarissa E(13ll) Pine Island 425 12th av se, E4186 Dever, Francis A (2474) Duluth 1018 University av se, E713 Dickey, Lloyd B(2473) Esmond, N D 1623 University av se, E449 Dickson, Edwin E(2722) 1724 3rd av s, S6496 Diekmann, Elsa(l230) Paynesville 1019 University av se, E2459 Dille, Walter 0(2404) Dassel 410 17th av se, E7198 Dillon, Luc E(1180) Mondovi, Wis 1787 oIiax av s, K478 Dills, Lyle A(2472) Albert Lea 625 15th av se, E7734 Diment, Constance S(806) Fairmont East Sanford Hall, E2760-ES Dingle, Walter G(3067) St Paul Park 201 se Walnut Dixon, Inez(1332) Aberdeen, S D 721 12th av se, E5279 Dixon, Robert K(2513) St Charles 301 se Walnut, E916 Dobler, Carl W(2841) 201 8th av ne, E444 Dobson, Newton J(3127) Broken Arrow, Okla 1320 se 7th, EI139 Dock, Chester J(3137) Albert Lea 1808 University av se, E6616 Dockman, David F(l638) 2711 Portland av, S2150 Dockstader, Ray E(2861) 3136 21st av s, D4932 Dodd, Catherine C(4143) 772 Fairmont av, St P D716-StP Dodge, M Alice(954) 113 se Church, E2888 Doelz, Paul R(2215) 1915 14th av s, 52845 Doerr, Fred W(2405) Two Harbors 3700 16th av s, D2062 Doherty, Guilford ](3065) 402 Marshall avo St P D7411-StP Dolsen, Elizabeth L(69) 2518 Garfield av, S216 Dolven, Oswald E(2279) 71-9 13th av se, E2154 Donaghue, Abner J(39U) 2651 Ulysses Donaldson, Charles S(FI48) 1815 Emerson av n H595 Donaldson, Clifford F(2324) Osakis 1411 se 5th, E4978 Donaldson, Mae(47) 988 Cromwell av, St P M2526-StP Donohue, Madeline S(l351) Melrose West Sanford Hall, E2760-WS Donnelly, Frances M(719) Fargo, N D 1019 University av se, E2459 Donnelly, Roger J (3292) Anoka Doolittle, Alice T 300 Washington av se Doty, Walter H(FI49) Eyota 1480 Raymond av, St P, 831188-StP Dowd, Archie ](3222) pl6 Lake pi Downey, Marguerite E(788) 416 11th av se, E5726 DowneY, Paul R(2665) Mitchell, S D 2203 Doswell av, St P, M2292-StP . Downie, John M(2471) Brainerd 1414 se 7th, EI517 Downing, Isabel N(874) St Charles 4745 Garfield av, C5544
84 D20 Md20 A21 Md21 Md21 Ed19
A22 A19
Ag21 L19 E19 Md21 N21 E22 A19 Md20 D21 A21 Ag22 E19
An Ag19 E22 Ag22 A22 A20
A20 A19 A22 Ag20 Ag19 A19 D22 D21 A20 A22 EdU EdU
THE UNIVERSITY :ADDRESS BOOK Downing, Leo V(3750) 5t Louis Park 3128 Dupont av s, C2333 Downing, Wendell L(3144) Moulton, Iowa 429 se Union, E1564 Downs, Bertram W (2289) 2126 Iglehart av, St P MI38-StP Doyle, George C(1672) Duluth 629 Washington av se Doyle, Lawrence 0(2790) 506 se Oak, E6477 Drake, Marian G(l306) Blue Earth 109 w College av, St P, C6144-StP Drake, Ruth(242) 4044 Sheridan av s, W695 Dreis, Thelma A(259) 2200 Bloomington av s, S6419 Drenckhahn, Annabel A(1433) Minneiska West Sanford Hall, E2760-WS Drews, Harry E(FI40) Mapleton 2089 Carter av, St P, M1343-StP Drews, Herbert H(l813) Ashley, N D 1601 University av se, E1365 Drinkall, J Freeman(2012) Princeton 510 se Essex Drip" Della G(420) Rochester 703 se Delaware Drolet, Grace Duluth 300 Washington av se Drost, Henry F(2011) Austin 310 12th av se, E167 Drum, Margaret(787) Owatonna 915 University av se Dubbe, Fred H(3163) Jordan 819 se Essex, E2307 Dudovitz, Samuel V(3248) 186 e 14th, C4868 Duesler, Ruth E(134) 2627 Humboldt av s, K2677 DuMez, Dorris(FI47) Spring Valley East Sanford Hall, E2760-ES Duncan, George R(2009) Great Falls, Mont 1111 se 4th, E2462 Duncan, Ralph L(2981) Minot,:N D 502 se Oak, E2052 Dunlap, C'lara(FI36) Billings, IIIont 1019 University av se, E2459 Dunlap, George M (1804) 1523 se 7th, 431192 Dunlap, Robert S(FI42) , Lakefield 1374 Raymond av, St P, M4111-StP Dunn, Austin G(2219) 331 e Geranium, 5t P B633-StP Dunn, Emily(906) 2507 Emerson av s, K4545 Dunn, Harold J(l900) 2507 Emerson av s, K4545 Dunn, Harriet 0(195) 3103 Portland av, 52332 Dunnavan, Paul H(2728) 670 Laurel av, St P D6300-StP Dunnell, Alice D(2662) 2400 Aldrich av s, K1626 Dunning, Frances(FI39) 2232 Carter av, St P 1321 se 7th, £1894 Dunning, Frances S(F146) Dunning, Ruth(785) 1321 se 7th, £1894 Dunton, Reginald 1.(2568) Annandale 416 17th av se Durbahn, Hilton S(2325) New Ulm 1103 se 4th Durkee, Bernice V (980) Curtis Court, N 4400 Duryea, Marbry(4135) 2923 Vincent av n, H554 Dustin, Ethlyn G(l029) 79 se Bedford, £2898 Dutton, Helen L(713) 3240 Dupont av s, C2393
Dvorak, Prokop J (177 7) Hopkins Dworsky, Harry J(l975) 1003 Dupont av n 1205 Upton av n, H179 Dworsky, Peter A(2692) Dworsky, Samuel 0(2760) 1103 James av n, H 1088 Dwyer, D Edward(F143) 928 Goodrich av, St P D1788-StP Dwyer, Elizabeth(750) 600 Washington av se, E6241 Dwyer, ll(ary K(4115) 928 Goodrich avo StP D1788-StP Dye. Lucy N(1354) Duluth 618 10th av se, E2426 Dykman, Howard(3763) Spokane, Wash 700 15th av se
E A21 020 A19 Gr A22 A20 E22 SL21 022 AM22 A20 E22 M22 A22 Ag20 SL21
All AM20 EdU E22 Ag19 A19 A20 EdU M22 A19
Easler, Georgene M(544) Buffalo 915 University av se East. Chas 0(2614) Mora 611 14th av se. E3805 Eastburg, Fred(1779) 3841 11th av s, 657446 Eastby. Lars(3497) Fosston 309 11th av se, E3986 Eastman, Anna E(404) 2524 13th av s, 545153 Eastman, Edna 1(1418) Austin West Sanford Hall, E2760-WS Eastman. Roger P(2273) 1937 Carroll av, St P Eastvold, Carl ](3888) Northfield 928 se 7th. E6199 Eaton, Henry F(2271) 2228 Langford avo St P M2031-StP Eberhart, Alberta L(1020) 115 Goodrich av, St P D2231-StP Eberlein, William(3643) Mankato 1621 Se 7th, E1602 Eby, Robert A(2512) Spring Valley 1228 Se 4th, E597 Echebarria, B Luis(l819) Spain 516 se Oak, E4236 Eckenbeck, Dana C(3188] Appleton 406 11th av se, E5310 Eckman, E Edith(F114) New London 2134 :Knapp, St P, M5508-StP Eddy. Allen W(2283) 472 Laurel avo St P D2619-StP Eddy. Clarence J(2410) 4218 Wentworth av s. C1529 Eder. Howard L(3494) Blue Earth 501 se Beacon, E1564 Eder. Lawrence F(3141) Blue Earth 501 se Beacon, E3828 Edgerton, Dorothy M(172) 2720 Bryant av s K652 Edmondson, R A(3478) 22 Minnehaha Apts. St P C3615-StP 4549 Abbott av s, W257 Edsten. Ralph H(3342) 316 10th av se, E2497 Edwards. Dora(FI73) Edwards, Doris H(108.0) Albert Lea 1205 se 5th, E11~5 Edwards, Mabel 0(622) 4826 34th av s. D525 Edwards, Mae L(751) 3454 Elliot av, C7479 Edwards, Roger 0(2902) Albert Lea 1120 se 4th, E3434 Egan. Irma L(1266) 1807 Hamline av se, E5448
86 D19 E20 Md20 A21 A19 AU E22 Ag20
L21 Md23 E21 A22 A22 D21 A20 A22 A22 A21 C21 C22 E19 Ag22 A20 D19
E20 A21 E21 A21 A22 E19 E22
Agl9 Ar19 A19 A21 A21
THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK Egdahl, Harry(2403) Elk Mound, Wis 1320 se 7th, E1139 Egilsrud, Fridljof S(3283) 3009 Park av, S1655 Ehrenberg, Claude(2663) 507 Girard av n City Hospital, N6600 Ehrle, Gladys M(1131) 122 e 35th, C3085 Eichten, Lurain H(157) Stillwater 323 10th av se, E1733 Eide, Richard B(3901) Glenwood 312 18th av se Eige, Elmer H(3630) Marshalltown, Ia 3033 Garfield av s Eikles, DorisL(187) Columbia, Mo 1502 Raymond av, St P, MS444-StP Eisele, Clifton M(3513) Malcom, Iowa 512 se Delaware Eisenstadt, David H(1665) 1004 Emerson av n H2803 Ek, Walter S(3104) 2522 e 24th, D4477 Ekberg, Gustav A(2177) Robbinsdale Ekberg, H Verna(853) 1705 11th av,s, 394310 Eklund, Gilbert W(3267) New Engl"and, N D 1103 se 4th Eldridge, Charles H(3521) Barnesville 1110 se 5th, E7718 Elevitch, Ralph B(3438) Duluth 1228 se 4th, E597 EUefson, Julius A(3367) Jackson 1228 se 4th, E597 EUefson, Raymond C Canton, S D 125 se State EUestad, Reuben B(2343) Lanesboro 509 se Beacon, E4041 EUingson, Richard P(3475) Red Wing 77 e Jessamine, St P, ]1807-StP Elliott, Harry C(3159) Sauk Centre 629 15th av se, E6973 Elliott, Lillian B(F171) 2631 Thomas av n, H2778 Elliott, Ruth M(77) 2038 Sheridan av s 1206 se 5th, E.713S Elliott, Virgil D(2173) Cambridge 1312 se 7th, E3719 Ellsworth, Charles D(3391) 4624 1st av s, C5n5 Ellsworth, Margaretta(108) 905 Walker av, St P M398-StP Elmer, Lloyd A(3597) 4228 Aldrich av s, C3672 Elmquist, Gladys F(878) 415 Mt Ida, St P B2120-StP Elmquist, Ruth E(262) 3028 Fremont a v s Elstad, Rudolph T(2018) Independence, Wis 1111 se 4th, E2462 Elward, Nye K(2980) Ashton, S D 514 se Delaware Ely, Fordyce(FI78) 898 Selby av, St P 1485 Cleveland av, St P, D2994-StP Emery, George C(3HO) Waltham, Mass 2120 Nicollet av, K764 Empey, Edith(947) Hinckley East Sanford Hall, E2760-ES Endres, Beatrice F(20) Faribault 872 Carrol av, St P, 84070-StP Endres, William] (1784) Faribault 1419 University av se
THE UNIVERSITY A.DDRESS BOOK A20 L20 A21 Md22 P22 Ag22 A19 A22 A22 A22 A22 E20 Md22 CI9 E21 A21 A21 Md22 Ag20 A22 EdU Ed21 A21 A20 F20 ,A19 A20 E22 Gr AI9 A22 A22 EdU Ag22 Md20 AgU A19 D22 A22 A21 Md23
699 Mount Hope, St P Endress, Edward K(3536) 3509 1st av s, 657718 Engan, Raymond(2796) 400 Beacon av, St P Engberg, LeRoy D(2899) M8287-StP Mazeppa Engelhart, Peter C(2660) 1115 se 4th, E7110 2200 s7!, N4051 Engen, Gladys M(4140) 1959 Fairmont av, St P Engen, Ralph E(FI75) M7128-StP Petersburg, N D Engesather, William G(3719) 1520 se 6th Nerstrand Engeseth, Constance E(lI72) 3628 10th av s Engle, Donald R(2245) 90 Seymour av se. E221 Willmar Englund, Clarence E(3097) 2702 University av se, 41555 Engquist, Fred E(36H) 3451 Pleasant av Engquist, Victor E(251O) 1215 Jessie, St P, B3490-StP Engstrand, Oscar J(2511) Dawson 621 se Oak E 6919 Rockwell City, Ia Engstrom, Leslie G(l758) 1206 Hennepin av, MI932 Rochester Enke, Fred A(3160) 1214 se 4th, EI378 Isanti Enquist, Mildred M(537) 617 se Beacon Raci~e Eppard, Lloyd M(2663) 1023 14th av se, E1628 Racine Eppard, Raymond M(3291) 329 se Union, E344 Delano Eppel, Adelia I(FI80) 1502 Raymond av, St P, M5444-StP 587 Carroll av, St P Epstein. Irwin A(3690) D5241-StP 1415 Dupont av n, H4779 Erb, Nellie M(733) 2019 Irving av s, KI435 Erdall, Marie J(101O) 612 9th av se, E426 Erdmann, Elizabeth(198) Perley Ericksenn. Arthur B(2562) 1319 se 5th, E2551 4631 Bryant av n, 47788 Ericksen, Leyden N(FI76) 504 e Lake, 52947 Erickson, Agnes R(696) 654 ne Lincoln, E875 Erickson, Anna 0(76) 3137 29th av s, 61409 Erickson, Edwin C(3105) Montevideo Erickson, Edwin J(3818) 1108 se 7th 816 22nd av ne Erickson, Ethel E(674) Kandiyohi Erickson, Frans J(1675) 310 12th av se, EI67 1701 Lowry av ne, E459 Erickson, Ralph 'W(l623) 3328 IMh av s, 54267 Erickson, Victor L( 175 I) Olivia Erickson, Willard E(FI77) 2170 Carter avo St P, 81747-StP 817 28th av s Ericson, Swan(2801) Fairview HOSl,ita:, 36784 Ouray, Colo Erikson, Statie E(FI81) 2226 Scudder, St P 3115· Elliot av, 53701 Erling, Borghild H(533) Stillwater Ernst, Herbert H (2880) 1313 Eftr!, St P, 77277-StP 796 Osceola av, St P, S542-StP Ertz, M. Corinne 650 Holly av, St P Esh~]by, Ada M(866) 400 Shubert BId!" St P Eshelby, Doris Y(421) C254-StP
88 E21 E22 ALB E22 .'1.20 .'1.22 Ag19 Ag19 .'1.19 .'1.19 Ag21 .'1.19 .'1.22
THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK Espenett. Edward L(3198) New Brighton 2732 Bloomington av 839444 Estabrooks, Clyde F(29l.3) 3721 Stevens av, C7672 Estrem, Herbert W(l741) Red Wing 607 se Delaware, E2557 Euhank, Charles G(l686) 3449 Harriet av s Eustis, Carol H (794) 501 8th av se, £1779 Eustis, Claribel(703) 2309 Girard av s, K6197 Eustis, U Marion(F 179) 509 se 5th, E2222 Evans, Dionessa B(FI8l) Tracy 3647 Lyndale av s, C5797 Evans, Helen 1(93) Bemidji East Sanford Hall, E2760-E8 Evan's, Meredith(l152) Pipestone West Sanford Hall, E2760- WS Evans, Robley D(FI88) Pipestone 1485 Cleveland av, St P, M6917-StP Evenson, Ruth .'1.(176) 2286 Doswell av, St 'P 81603 Ewald, Roy R(2755) 3045 Nicollet av, 83409
F E21 .'1.22 .'1.21 .'1.20 Ag22 E22 Ag20 .'1.22 .'1.22 A19 A20 E20 I
Fahland, Frank(3215) Clam Falls, Wis 207 se Walnut Falconer, Margaret L(lllO) 5001 Harriet av, C376 Falk, Emil .'1.(3152) Garretson, S D 313 16th av se, E4811 Falk, Hazel R(l158) Onawa, Iowa 817 w 26th, K1098 Falkenhagen, Alfred M(FI89) Montevideo 928 se 7th, E6799 Farstein, David H (3687) 622 Fremont av n, H476 Farmer, A Lois(FI92) 1512 Brook av Se, E7071 Farmer, Faye(850) 1512 Brook av se, E7071 Farmer, Josephine E(838) 1022 Portland av, 8t P D2896-StP Farnham, Esther G(557) 1935 Bryant a v s, K2303 Farnsworth, Mildred L(170) 1418 Mount Curve av K2060 Farrell, James L(3599) Fonda, Iowa 1617 Stevensav Fasbender, Herman A(3679) Hastings 819 se Essex
M22 Ed20 Md20 022 E21 A22 A20 022 022 .'1.21 Ag22
Fay, Charles M(3488) Duluth 1316 se 4th, E4589 Fazendin, Marie(1019) 400 Jenks, St P Feaman, Albert C(3511"1 Sparta, I1l 1316 se 4th, E4589 Featherstone, Harold C(3517) Fergus Falls 1800 se 4th, E4595 Feder, Max(37261 1016 Humboldt av n, H1943 Feder, Robert(3462) 1217 Fremont av n, H4386 Feeney, John M(l743) Glenwood 1027 University av se, E5470 Feeney, Thomas T(311O) Glenwood 1027 University av se, E5470 Feigal, Marrion(2019) Pine Island 1629 University av se Feigelman, Rose(531) 1037 James av n, H2015 Feltl, Stanley B\FI93) Hopkins
A22 021 A19 A22 A21 Md22 L21 Ag20 A22 A22 CI9 A21 E22 E22 A21 Ag20 Md21 AL22 A2l A22 D22 SL20 Ag22 Ag21 A21 A20 Agl9 A22 Md21 Ag22 'A20 020 022 A22 P20 EI9
Fenger, Ejvind P K(l637) Askov 3620 e 42nd, 62006 Fieger, Ernest A(l756) 423 Toronto av, St P Field, Bradford(3793) 406 Oak Grove, K5916 Field, Naomi(914) 630 e 18th, 36126 Field, Ruth S(489) Wadena 1019 University av se, EH59 Figen. Abraham A(3708) 1620 s 6th, N3319 Fihn, Luther ](3403) St James 509 se Beacon, E4041 Fineman, Bertha C(lOO) 900 6th av n, H1817 Fineman, Louise E(256) 900 6th av n, H1817 Finger, Marguerite jI,f(261) 3405 Humboldt av n, H369 Fink, Walter(2659) Northfield 329 se Union, E344 Finkelstein, Harold D(2746) 834 Goodrich av, St P D61-StP Finley, Clifford B(F194) Owatonna 1485 Cleveland av, St P, M6917-StP Fisch. Cecilia V (969) 4041 Garfield av, C3497 Fischbein, Katherine ](223) 45 s Avon,13t P D6053-StP Fischer, Earl B(3480) 318 18th av se, E3716 Fischer, Mario M (2293) 1914 Aldrich av s, K4995-635 e 14th, N8087 Fisher, Mace E(1989) Fiske, Harold C(2626) 1685 Hague av, St P M4979-StP Fitzgerald, Florence W(l160) Luverne East Sanford Hall, E2760-ES 3747 Pillsbury av, C428 Fjilstad, Elsie M(F195) Flagstad, Albert E(2780) 4823 2ith a v s, 626921 1234 Knox av n, H3759 Flanagan, Arthur J(3426) Flanagan, Daniel C (1780) 420 13th av se, E331 Flanagan, Daniel E(3419) 1739 St Clair, St P M1376-St P Flannery, Myron S(3700) 3649 Grand av, C3468 Moorhead Flaton, Milo G(3820) 1018 University av se, E713 Fleney, Monica A(F185) Glenwood 915 University av se, E1053 St Louis Park, W1054 Fletcher, Donald G(F202) Fligelman, Henrietta(1083) Wapheton, N D West Sanford Hall, E2760- WS Wahpeton, N D Fligelman. Rosa B (1084) West Sanford Hall, E2760-WS Duluth Flinn, Paul A(F201) 328 10th av se, E941 Floan, Albert E(3662) 862 Fairmont avo St P S677-StP Flocken, Charles 1'(1908) 2624 Emerson a v s K2321 4018 ne Van. Buren, E6814 F10r, Harold(F204) Bismarck, N D Floren, Muriel E(676) 2535 11th av s, 53622 Sherburn Fogarty, Edward C(3015) 1411 se.5th 320 17th av se Fogelberg, Dewey(2753) 320 17th av se Fogelberg, Nima L(859) Lambert, Mont Folkestad. Charles W(2232) 1419 University av se, E5765 Princeton Foltz, Ross M(2467) 1111 se 4th. E2462
90 A20 E2I A2l A22 Md2l E2I Md23 A20 E22 A20 E22 A22 A22 Md22 A22 AL23 A21 AU DI9 Md21 Md21
An A22 Ed20 Ar20
A20 A19 SL21 A21 A20 E21 Ar22 A19 A21 Ag20
THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK Footh, Lloyd L(3182} Westbrook 1214 so 4th, EI378 212 e 34th, C6065 Forbes, Henry C(2466} Forbes, Lois L(399} Duluth 311 11th av se, E369 Forbes, Vincent L(3187} Marshall 510 12th av se, 42281 Ford, Frances(422} 245 Irving av n, 36402 445 Maria av, St P Forsberg, Elmer J (2193) 445 Maria av, St P Forsberg, William C(2194) 223 se Harvard, E2634 364 Front, St P, C6935-StP Forssell, Elizabeth(618} Forssell, William 0(1984) 364 Front, St P, C6935-StP 307 w 15th Forster, Burton E(2122} 1515 University av se, E540 Culbertson, Mont Forsyth, Arthur C(2992) , 901 se 5th Forsythe, Isabel(594) 2120 Como av w, St P M8198-StP 1823 Como a v se Forsythe, Melvina P(4117) E2278 Foss, Allen R(2189) 519 se Beacon 2914 17th av s, D32 Foss, Dorothy H(l454) 2626 w Lake, ~'1478 Foss. Sidney R(3329) Starbuck Fossen, George 0(3103) 312 16th av se, E7472 Foster, Elizabeth H(4061) 116 Farrington a v, St P 652 se Erie, E991 Foster. {vmes M(3012} 652 se Erie, E991 Foster. illiam K(Armory} Stillwater Fowler, L Haynes(2563) 429 se Union, EI564 Faribault Fowler, Marion R(1834} 306 10th av se. E348 Fox, Grace M(927) Blue Earth 703 se Delaware, E5169 Fox. Helen M(694} Wessington Springs, S D 303 Washington av se. E7204 Eyota France, Louise(73l} 315 11th av se, E7122 Renville Francis. David W(3143) 1120 se 4th, E3434 2425 Garfield av s, K2599 Francis, Dorothy L(224) Flandreau, S D Francis, Vinal B (3016) 315 10th av se, E211 2002 Lake of Isles blvd Frank, Cecelia(863) K6508 2002 Lake of Isles blvd Frank. OIga(1249} K6508 Frank, Samuel M(3562) Golden Valley, N D 1017 n 7th, H3801 1349 Midway pkwy, St P Frankson, Sarah J (199) M2066-StP Fairmont, Frase, Donna B(1054} 1221 se 5th, E4182 1836 Marshall av, St P Fraser, Carlisle G(3752) 831053 Fraser, Katherine(l31S} 4331 Fremont av s, C4197 Frazee, Kathleen(1412) Pelican Rapids 1026 se 5th, E1116 507 15th av se Fredricks, Josephine M (900) E6539 Fredrickson, Celia B(F197) Lamberton 1212 se 5th, E6192
Agn E21 EdU
ALn M19 Md20
An Md23 M22 A22 AU A22 A22 Gr A22 SL19 AgU
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En A22 D21 F19 N19 A19
Ag19 AM22 A22 E22 Ag22
Fredrickson, Edwin(2979) Renville 309 17th av se. E3986 Fredrickson, Opal E(F208) 2126 Carter av, StP M683-StP Freehauf, Harvey G(3114) 2746 Emerson av s Freeland, Harvey(3799) 4941 Pleasant av Freitag, Max A(3571) New Ulm 501 se Beacon, E3828 Frellsen, Sidney A(2490) 1611 e 32nd, Dn55 French. Henry S(2508\ 329 se Union City Hospital, N6600 French, Jane(633) 505 6th av se, E5423 French, Sarah B(851) 505 6th av se, E5423 Freng, William H(3604) 1153 Portland av, St P S1556-StP Frey, Joseph P(3011) 1514 11th av s, M230 Frick, Faye C(758) Yankton, S D 1121 University av se, E2760-SA Fried, Louis A(3691) 28.3 e 14th. St P J573-StP Friedel, Aaron(2162) 530 6th av'n, N5779 Friedl. Arthur J(2658) 1163 Laurel av, 8t P D6996-StP Friedl, Lester J(3261) Gibbon 1228 se 4th, E597 Friedman, Frances F(333) 91912 Emerson av s Friedman. Gerald(338l\ 1911 15th av 5, S4766 Friedman, Hortense 1(826) 1325 w 27th.e, K5460 Friedmann, D Eugene(3817) 343 e 19th, S5605 Frisch, Hazel R(129) 2738 1st av 5, S6520 Frisch. Irving M (3898) 613 Elwood av n, H233 Frissel. Ervin R(FI96) 1027 43rd av n, 33806 Frissell, Marion A 1027 43rd av n Froemke, Maynard C(3651) Sheldon, N D Maryland Hotel, N12 Frokjer, Agnes M(1207) Askov Ea,t Sanford Hall, E2760-ES Frost, Herbert J (2509) Spring Grove 320 15th av se Frost, Russell H(1868) Willmp.r 1312 se4th Fruchtman, Louis(2402) 921 19th av s, N56 Frudden, Clyde M(F210) Sartell 2089 Carter av, St P, M1343-StP Fryckman, Hazel 413 se Delaware Frye, Jeanette K(534) • 1632 Summit av, St P 1121 University av se, E2760·SA Fullen, W J(1935) 1316 se 4th, E4589 Fuller, Benjamin F(3019) Redwood Falls 1645 w Minnehaha, St P, 831252-StP Fuller, Peninah 1(699) 4211 Grand av, 657498 Fullerton, Bernice(F209) 1645 Portland av, St P M3654-StP Fullmer, Frances E (225) So Park 316 10th av se, E2497 Furlow, Frederick J (3362) Rochester 93 Orlin av se Furst, Joachim F(2737) New Prague 1519 se 7th, E72S Furnholm, R George(F206) 2833 w 40th, W1809
G An Ag22 A19 A20 An A22 A21 P21 A19 L21 A22 Ag22 AL23 A21 Mdn Md21 A20 AM19 A21 A21 A21 021 A19 A22 Ag20 Md23 Md21 Ag19 Ag21 Md22 A22 E19 A21 A21 P21 A22 A22 Md22
Gaalaas, Benjamin ](3057) 3429 Park av, 64479 Gaalaas, Robert F(F237) Stillwater 207 se Walnut, 41692 Gabrielsen, Gudrun(3) Norway 303 Washington av se, E7204 Gage, Ruth(1I43) Olivia 500 se Delaware, E233 2805 26th av s Gagnath, Bertitte(4155) Galarneault, ohn T(2779) 788 Osceola av, St P Galbraith, Margaret(416l) 42 s St Albans, St P S1521-StP Gale, Rhoma G(842) 1808 Stevens av s, S4000 Gall, Alice L(1149) White Bear Lake 311 10th av se, E747 Gallagher. Thomas F(3326) Faribault 1110 se 5th, E7718 4042 Linden Hills blvd Galland, Katherine B (240) W390 Gallup, Vera(F236) Long Lake 1512 se Brook Galvin, Michael ](3458) Winona 1313 se 5th, E2368 Gamble. Paul M(285l) 1814 se 4th. E1612 Gamble. Ross M(2848) 181450 4th. E1612 Gammell, John H(2175) 626 11th av se. E3551 Gandsey, Gladys A(1346) Hibbing 306 10th a v se Gangestad. Viola H(1414) Bode. Iowa West Sanford Hall. E2760-WS Gannaway. Margaret L(4129) Chamberlain, S D 303 Washington av se, E7204 Ganssle, John P 3313 2nd av s, C 152 Gardner. Grace M (678) 5120 Lyndale av s. C3879 Gardner. William 1\1(2323) 629 Kent, St P D422-StP Garland, Grace C(1S7) 505 15th av se, E1936 Duluth Garon, Anna H(374) 1009 University av se. EI703 Garvey, Grace M(F218) 4305 Aldrich av s, C6581 Gates. Russell(3523) Kenyon 1018 University av se, E713 Gault, Charles C(1669) 217 se Walnut, E5665 Gaumnitz, Christina(F,213) 22 Nourse. St P M5505-StP 22 Nourse, St P Gaumnitz, Edwin W(F226) \ M5505-StP Gearey, Verne S(2259) 1800 Iglehart av, St P M2285-StP 3045 Pillsbury av s, S3893 Geddes, Eura M Gee, Harry ](2345) 517 slOth, N4nl Geenty, Dorothy(407 2) Morris 2717 Colfax av s, K5186 Geggie, James C(2264) 3200 Portland av s, S3845 Geib, Irene E(439) Bowdle, S D 330, Irving av s Genter, Margaret(79l) Sheboygan, Wis 1129 University av set E58 George, Dorothy M 1316 Keston, St P, M319-StP Gerber, Milo P(3073) Argyle 329 se Union, E344
THE UNIVERSITY A.DDRESS BOOK E20 EdU AL23 AL23 A22 Md22 E22 A22 EdU Ed22 A21 Ag19 A21 D21 A21 E22 E22 A22 A20 AgU Ag22 A21 A21 A21 E22 Md23 EdU Md23 Ag20 MdU E21 Ed21 D20 A21 A19 E22 Ed21 EdU A22 A20 A19 A21 D19 E21
Gerow, Theron G(3857) . 5002 34th av s, D390 Gerry, Leila E(1293) 2119 Russell av n, H2824 Getchell, Frank B(2503) 2915 Fremont av n, H6082 Geyerman, Fred J(1701) Brewster 1301 se 5th Geyerman, George L(3743) Brewster 1728 se 4th 715 se Essex, 431574 Geyman, Milton J(3736) Gibeau, George J(3284) Red Lake Falls 1808 University av se 610 Lincoln av, St P Gibson. Vivian G(353) D1674-StP Giere, Cora A(1282) 3217 Cedar av, 61225 Giffin, Cora A(4166) Ringsted, Iowa 313 15th av se. E235 Gilbert, Helen V(1430) Grand Rapids 1009 University av se, E1703 Gilbertson, Ruth J (F222) 617 se Beacon, E6384 Gilkerson, Avery W(2732) 1867 Carroll av, St P M528-StP 3450 11th av s, 64678 Gill, John R(2151) Gilleece, Beatrice A(1205) 2746 18th av s, D2715 Gillen, John H(2504) Stillwater 1609 University av se, E30 Giller, Morris(1931) 709 Fremont av n, H5549 Gilles, Marion(83l) 716 13th a'l se, E~658 Gillesby, Ruth(654) 227 se Oak, 4 586 Gillispie, Margaret J(F225) 311 10th av se, E747 Gillis, Margaret(F219) Anoka 2101 Knapp, St P, M650-StP Gilman, Dorothy(571) 5114 Lyndale av s, C5387 Gilman, Frank E(2736) 915 Aldrich av n, H3074 Gilman, Gertrude M(983) 2123 Bryant av s, K1372 Gilmore, Walter C(3047) 3322 Stevens av, C3278 Gingold, Benjamin A(3297) Duluth 1136 Hague av, St P, D3797-StP Ginsberg, Daisy V(730) 1744 Laurel av, St P M1358-StP 925 14th av s, S3454 Ginsberg, Harry(2200) 1744 Laurel av, St P Ginsberg, Mae(F240) M1358-StP 868 Iglehart av, St P Giroux, Alcibiades A(3505) S3224-StP 3123 14th av s Gjesdahl, Maurice S(2507) Gjevre, Hulda C(705) 3921 Elliot av s Glanz, Theodore C(3040) 1609 Stevens a v s, M 2468 Glasgow, Eugene C(3471) 1018 se 4th, E1-128 2617 16th av s, D1I98 Gleason, Beatrice(1267) 1998 Laurel av, St P Gleason, Clement T(2697) M1838-StP 2617 16th av s, D1198 Gleason, Grace C(710) 1998 Laurel av, St P Gleason, Hazel C(1278) M1838-StP Gleason, Verna E(221) Sanborn 703 se 4th, E3043 Gleason, Winnifred M(925) 948 Hague a,' St P SI148-StP 316 10th av se, E2497 Glenesk, Alice(946) Glenny, William R(2934) 3004 Emerson av s, K6568 Moorhead Gletne, Jalmer G(2399) 1312 se 7th, E3719 Waldoboro, Me Glidden, Carl M(3772) 3127 4th av s
Ed22 Ed20
A20 E21 A20 Ag20 A20 M19 A22 Md23 D20 M19 P20 A22 AU Ed19
A19 Ag20 A21 D20 A21 A20 E20 A21 A21 Md22 A21 Md23 A21 A19 NZI
Ag21 Ag22 Ar22 A20 A22 Gr A22 A22 Gr
THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK Gluek. Louis A(3646) 2004 ne Marshall, 45214 Gluek, Marie E(1039) • 2004 ne Marsha!!, 45214 Gluek, Valida M(1037) 2004 ne Marshall, 45214 Goblirsch, Andrew P(3271) Wabasso 1410 se 7th Godfrey, Percy D 1411 Lincoln av, St P, M763-StP Godwin, Kenneth A(2941) Fargo, N D 1623 University av se, E449 Goebel, Evelyn L(55!) 706 se Essex, E2757 Gocmanpott, Etta O(F232) Raymond 2212 Clinton av s Gofen, Samuel M(332!) Duluth 1313 se 5th, E2368 Goldberg, Bert(2067) 596 Iglehart, St P ])4607-StP Goldberg, Hyman(355!) 2701 Grand av, S6864 Goldberg, Isadore M (2465) 712 Elwood av n, H2850 Goldberg, Max W(240!) 712 Elwood av n, H2850 Goldberg, Samuel B(3710) 507 Marion, St P D5108-StP Golpner, Sigurd A(2464) 1850 ne Fillmore, 41926 Goldstein, Isadore(2080) 1915 16th av s, S2016 Good, Hoff D(3838) 740 e 18th Good, Roy H(1748) 1·722 10th av s 524 15th av se Goode, David S(2282) 65 Clarence av se, E442 Goodrich, Ellen M(8) 3205 Colfax av s, C194 Goodrich, Harold E(220) 3741 Lyndale av s, C1669 Goodwin, John B(2726) 1929 Humboldt av s, K2315 Gordon, Myer G(2606) 704 Humboldt av n, H2640 Gormley, Bernadette(896) 1709 Dayton av, St P M2313-StP Gorovitz, Benedict Canada 3026 17th av s, D42H Goss, Harold R(2564) Austin 223 se Harvard, E2634 GatEd), Philip(1789) 517 15th av se, E5972 Gould, M Veronica(92) 2543 ne Taylor Gourdeau, A Edward(3195) Portland, Ore 312 se Walnut Gow, Dorothy(965) 215 9th av se, E4572 Gowan, Lawrence R(2347) Forest River, N D 311 se Walnut Gowdy, Mildred(1246) Sidney, Mont 1221 se 5th, E4182 Graber, Evelyn K(634) 2405 Sheridan av s, K2287 Grabow, Elvira L(398) 509 se 6th 417 se Delaware Grabow, Herman J(F235) 2611 Newton av n Graeber, Alice M(F211) 3601 2nd av s, C3279 Graf, Donald T(2657) 3132 Garfield av Graham, Dinah M(l268) Rochester 315 11th av se, E7122 Graham, Frances(l272) Rochester 315 11th av se, E7122 Graham, Hugh(l907) Rosemount Graham, James S(3317) Albert Lea 1120 se 4th Graham, Jennie S(432) Canada West Sanford Hall, E2760-WS Graham, Margaret(4067) 2538 Territorial rd, St P M5818-StP
An A20 ArU A21 F20 A22 A20
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Mdn A21 OH AM19 A19 :-121
En A21 An E22
Md23 A20
AL23 E22 Ag22 E22 E19 A20 Agl9 AgU
An E21 Ag21 Ag22 A21
Graham, Musetta(1273) Rochester 315 11th av se, E7122 Graham, Ruth C(801) 2538 Territorial rd, St P MS818-StP Gran, Evelyn C(1127) Jordan East Sanford Hall, E2760-ES Granberg, Lillian C(4047) 1096 Goodrich a v, St P 08038-StP Grandin, William W(2877) 2407 Irving av s, K207 Grapp, Lloyd 0(F223) 3618 Garfield av s Gray, Arthur M(3675) 1716 Emerson av s, K191 Gray, James(3107) 713 8th av se, E6461 Gray, Lucille 0(848) Sioux City, Iowa East Sanford Hall, E2760-ES Gray, Royal C(3024) Taylor Falls 708 15th av se, E3353 Green, Mrs Beryl B(628) 508 se Oak;' E3835 Green, Helen C(154) Hopkins, W 17 46 Green, Mollie(4058) 167 State, St Paul, R2517-StP Green, Robert G(3279) 50S ge Oak, E3835 Greenberg, Charles(3046) c.515 Capitol blvd, St P C6058-StP Greenberg, Jerome S(2656) 3345 Hennepin av, C4269 Greenberg, Maybelle(158) 15 Fillmore ave, St P R203-StP Greene, Ailene C Proctor 1221 se 5th. EH82 Greenman, Lois(485) 1043 18th av se, E7073 Greenm~n, Grace H(F229) 1043 18th av se, E7C73 Greenstein, Beniamin S(2195) 827 11th av n Greer, Charles W(2805) 3210 Pillsbury av, C3556 Gregg. Florence(922) Albert Lea 1307 se 7th, E1452 Greig, Lester M(1916) Rushmore 1 7 28 se 4th E2S75 Greisheimec. Esther M(423) Chillicothe, Ohio 1121 University av se. E2760-SA Gremsgard, Percy H(3S29) Rugby, N D 1316 se 4th, E4589 Grenier, Judson A(1790) 9 Iris pl. St P, M670-StP 1725 Univet"sity av ~e Gre,tum, Walter A(2463) Duluth 1315 se 7th Greve, Anna C(F215) Oehwood 2101 Knapr, SL P, M650-StP Griebenow, Neil H(353S) Alexandria 1318 se 7th, E745 44th and Grimes a v 's Grimes, Oaivd(2860) 1111 se 4th, E2462 Grimes. Helen F(S) 4400 Beard av s, W320 Grimm, Sadie L(F239) Robbinsdale 139, Cleveland av n, St P, M934-StP Grinnellg, Claude O(F233) Stewart 2121 Scudder av, St P Grimstad. Hazelle M(429) Brewster 3615 Portland av, 6S 7482 Grochau, Earl H(2S0S) 1176 Hague av, St P 03202-StP G",esbeck, Robert M(F238) 2020 Fremont av n H850 Grondahl, Lucile J (F217) Red Wing 2196 Doswell av, St P, M4388-StP GronvaU, Paul R(2743l 2515 10th av s, 545431
r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. -----------
96 M22 A21 1'19 E20 A20 M23 A20 D20 D20 EdU M23 MdU· A21 Md21 EdU AI9
D20 Ed22
Md23 D22
THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK Duluth Gros311 Hickey, David J(.>111) 701 O;iverav n, Hli918 llil.kman, Charles C(F270) , 1129 se 7tl" E3e.36 H,e'
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