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i About the Author Brett Simpson is a writer and numerologist who has studied self-achievement since the late 1980™s w&n...
Discover Your Life Path How To Successfully Unlock Your Life Purpose Brett Simpson, The Dreamtime, 2229 Union Ave., South Bend, IN 46615 - Copyright 2002, Brett A. Simpson, All rights reserved –
About the Author Brett Simpson is a writer and numerologist who has studied self-achievement since the late 1980’s when he ran his own successful computer consulting firm for nearly 10 years. He has been interested in, and studied metaphysical topics his whole life. An interest in Numerology led him to study this subject in great detail and to develop his own calculation methods and charts which will assist you, the reader, and further the science of numbers that has been handed down from mystical hands for thousands of years. In addition to providing numerological calculations, software, and interpretive text, Brett is editor of The Dreamtimes – a biweekly free Ezine (sign up at http://www.thedreamtime.com) that features original articles about Astrology, Numerology, Spirituality, Healing, Culture, Nature and Awareness/Eco-Travel. Archives of The Dreamtimes and further information can be found at: http://www.thedreamtime.com/newsletter Contact Information Published by: The Dreamtime 2229 Union Ave. South Bend, IN 46615 Email:
[email protected] Website: http://www.thedreamtime.com Copyright 2002 by Brett A. Simpson, All rights reserved. EBook Publication: June 2002. Copyright and Legal Notices Copyright 2002 by Brett A. Simpson, All rights reserved. No aspect of this book, in part or in full, may be reproduced, transmitted (including by Email) or sold by any means without the express written consent of Brett A. Simpson. Violations of this copyright will be enforced to the fullest extent of the law. If you obtained this book from any source other than a purchase (or as a gift) from TheDreamtime.com, you have a pirated copy. Please contact
[email protected] to let us know where you got it.
Disclaimer While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. There is no guarantee of validity of accuracy. The contents are solely the opinion of the author and should not be considered as a form of therapy, advice, direction and/or diagnosis or treatment of any kind: medical, spiritual, mental, or other. If expert advice or counseling is needed, services of a competent professional should be sought. The author and the Publisher assume no responsibility or liability and specifically disclaim any warranty, express or implied for any products or services mentioned, or any techniques or practices described. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Neither the author nor the Publisher assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations is unintentional.
Table Of Contents About the Author, Contact Info, Copyright/Legal, Disclaimer………. i Contents …………………………………………………………………...... ii Introduction …………………………………………………………………. 1 Links …………..……………………………………………………………………………….
1. Understanding your Life Purpose …………………………………….. 1 What Is A Life Path? ………………………………………………..………………………… 1 How does the Life Path determine your Life Purpose? …………………………………… 2 Why is it significant? ...………………………………………………………………………. 2
2. Calculating the Life Path ……………………………………………….. 2 Numerological calculations and how they work …………………………………………… The dangers of single-digit reducing methods ……………………………………………. How to calculate your own Life Path using the Pythagorean Method ……………......... Other methods and how to calculate them ....……....……………………………………. Why the Pythagorean method is recommended ....……………………………………… Which method should I use and why? …...…………………………………………………
2 2 3 3 4 4
3. Life Path Numbers and Their Meanings …………………………….. 5 What will famous birthdays tell me? ......……………….………………………………… 5 Life Path 3, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ………………………………… 6 Life Path 4, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ………………………………… 8 Life Path 5, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ………………………………… 9 Life Path 6, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ………………………………… 11 Life Path 7, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ………………………………… 13 Life Path 8, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ......……………...……………. 16 Life Path 9, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People .........………...………………. 19 Life Path 10, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ......……...………………….. 23 Life Path 11, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ......…...…………………….. 26 Life Path 12, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People .........……………………….. 31 Life Path 13, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ........……………………….. 36 Life Path 14, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People .......………………………… 41 Life Path 15, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ........………………………… 46 Life Path 16, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People .......………………………… 52 Life Path 17, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 57 Life Path 18, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 62 Life Path 19, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 67 Life Path 20, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 72 Life Path 21, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 76 Life Path 22, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 80 Life Path 23, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 83 Life Path 24, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 86 Life Path 25, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 88 Life Path 26, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 90 Life Path 27, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 92 Life Path 28, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 94 Life Path 29, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 96 Life Path 30, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……………………………… 98 Life Path 31, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People ……..……………………… 100 ii
Life Path 32, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People …..………………………… 102 Life Path 33, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 34, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 35, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 36, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 37, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 38, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 39, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 40, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 41, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 42, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 43, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 44, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 45, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 46, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 47, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 48, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 49, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 50, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 51, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 52, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 53, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 54, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People Life Path 55, Assets, Talents, Following, Famous People
…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… ……………………………
104 106 108 110 111 113 115 116 117 118 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
Appendix ….....…………………………………………………………………………
133 133
Blank Life Path Calculation Charts. .......……………….………………………………
Introduction Your own Life Path (or life purpose), is perhaps one of the most valuable pieces of knowledge you could own. If you know what you are supposed to achieve, and what talents, skills and other assets you were born with to help you achieve it you would have a much easier time: • finding direction • determining and completing goals • considering relationship partners • assessing future plans • deciding on what direction to take • choosing a career path to success The purpose of this book is to teach you how to calculate your Life Path (a number from 3 to 55) and to provide you a resource for looking up your Life Path for a detailed description. Most of the Life Path’s listed here also include a list of famous people who share your Life Path number. This is important and interesting to know for reasons that I will discuss later in this book. Throughout the book I’ll do my best to explain the deeper meanings of the numbers that are listed here. This book includes detailed examples and over seven different methods to calculate your own Life Path number. Blank charts are also provided to help you personally calculate your Life Path and the Life Path numbers of friends/family for further exploration and comparison. I know that you too will find this information valuable and positive in helping you discover and explore your own life purpose. I wish you success in reaching your own goals, inspiring others, and for a life full of positive, fulfilling and blessed relationships. Sincerely, Brett A. Simpson The Dreamtime http://www.thedreamtime.com
Links All active links are highlighted and underlined in blue. These links work exactly like those found on the World Wide Web. If you are connected to the Internet you can click on any of the links in this document to be taken to the appropriate page on the Internet. Usually a new browser window is opened.
1. Understanding your Life Purpose What is a Life Path? Finding your life purpose can be a long, drawn out, and sometimes a frustrating search for the keys to your own personal path. Those keys will unlock the treasure that you hold inside. To unlock that treasure is one of the most important parts of achieving whatever we wish: accumulating wealth, finding a relationship, and maneuvering our way through life. If you are not fulfilling your own purpose your life may seem like it is full of broken dreams and unfulfilled hopes and wishes. Exploring your life path is a valuable lesson in learning your own unique way in this life. Finding out all of the details of your life path, is something that we should all undertake at some point in our lives. Through the ancient science of Numerology, we are all able to determine and follow our own path with a simple and successful formula that anyone can calculate. I will personally Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
show you the different methods for doing that in this book, as well as describe the purpose of each of over 50 different life paths.
How does the Life Path determine your life purpose? When you are born, your soul knows what is best for you to achieve in this lifetime, and even, how to go about achieving it. Because of this knowledge your soul selects the date of birth to assist you in achieving the goals laid out for you in this lifetime. Do you see yet how important and valuable it can be for you to find out what this number is? If you know this ‘purpose’ or ‘intent’ for your life it makes it so much easier for you to follow through on the goals you are to achieve, and the methods for achieving them. It is very important for everyone to know this number, as a means of discovering their inner nature, and their purpose in life. Use this book as a resource to calculate friends and family Life Paths.
Why is it significant? The Life Path number provides you with a method of calculating the best way for you to go about achieving things in this life. It’s as simple as that! The importance of this number cannot and should not be neglected. After studying many Numerology Charts (a chart is an entire Reading of all the numbers in a name/birthdate) and my own personal chart for many years I feel that the Life Path is one of the most important numbers in the chart. Knowing all of the numbers in your chart (the ones that have value in being calculated) is also very important.
2. Calculating Your Life Path There are many ways to calculate a Life Path number. What I would like to do is show you which method I prefer and why. All calculations will result in the same one digit final number; however, they may result in different double digit numbers such as 11, or 47, or 56 instead of the single digit number of 2.
Numerological calculations and how they work First let’s take one step back and talk a little bit about how a numerological calculation is made. When numerological numbers are calculated (totaled) they are frequently reduced to their smallest (single digit) number, or if a number ends up being 11, or 22 then that number is usually not reduced because it is referred to as a master number. Pythagoras first indicated master numbers 2500 years ago. There is currently some controversy regarding master numbers and their importance, but we’ll leave that discussion for another book. To complete a numerological calculation then, if for example you end up with a number 43, you would add the 4+3 and end up with 7 as the final number. That number may also be displayed as 43/7 (which in numerological shorthand means 43 – which reduces to 7). If a number added up to 47, you would add the 4+7 and get 11, but because the number is 11 or 22 (a master number we talked about above), you would not reduce that number further. That number would be displayed as 47/11/2 – to indicate that the number 47, it adds to 11, and that the final single digit number equals 2. Some numerologists may also display 47/11 without the final 2 indicating that 11 is the number being interpreted.
The dangers of single-digit reducing methods Many numerologists still recommend reducing all numbers to a single digit number 1-9, and keeping 11 and 22 as valid master numbers. Other numerologists use the double-digit number and even triple-digit numbers. I strongly recommend interpreting at least a double-digit number.
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
The reason I recommend using double-digits is that it is much more important to do a numerological interpretation of 11 if we know that the numbers that formed the 11 were 47, and they were not another number, for example 38. This becomes extremely important when you learn that 47 interpreted numerologically indicates a spiritual leaning facilitated by responsibility to something, or someone in a practical way. On the other hand 38 indicates a drive to succeed in a material way by expressing oneself creatively. I think you can see how different these two digit numbers (47, and 38) are interpreted numerologically and how that interpretation is completely lost if you do not know you had a 47, or 38 to begin with, but instead only have the number 11 to work with. For these reasons it is best to get the most accurate double-digit number you can before reducing further, and then to interpret that double-digit number correctly. The reason that I use double-digits (instead of tripledigits) when calculating the Life Path is because by using the Pythagorean method described below, it is only possible to have a maximum Life Path number of 55.
How to calculate your own Life Path using the Pythagorean Method Now that we know the basics of numerological reduction, let me show you exactly how the Life Path is determined from the date of birth. You must use the actual date of birth that is indicated on the birth certificate for this calculation. Write out your date of birth as you normally would, for Americans that would be December 22, 1957, but write out the date as numbers for example 12/22/1957. Now remember that we reduce numbers to get a numerological calculation. In this example we would start with 3 (which comes from 1 + 2 = 3 for December). To this we add the date of 22 (not reduced because it is a master number of either 11 or 22). To this we add the reduced numerological digits of the year 1957. Practice with your calculations on this one. To reduce 1957 we add 1 + 9 + 5 + 7 = 22. Again we do not reduce the 22 since that is a master number of either 11 or 22. Our final Life Path number then is the addition of the reduced Month, Date and Year of birth which in this example would be 3 + 22 + 22 = 47. I’ve laid out the calculation below to make it easier to see how it is done. Date of Birth: December 22, 1957 Month = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 Date = 22 + 22 Year = 1957 = 1 + 9 + 5 + 7 = + 22 ========== Total = 47 displayed numerologically as 47/11
Other methods and how to calculate them The calculation method described above is often known as the Pythagorean method – it means that Pythagoras developed it. Remember that Pythagoras did his work 2500 years ago and that he was working with information passed down from sages and mystics that originally created numerology – most likely this occurred from 25,000 to 50,000 years ago! The method described above is one of many methods that can be used to make this calculation. I will briefly cover all of the other calculation methods that I know of below. Feel free to use the method that you are most comfortable with, perhaps you will find value in interpreting all of the different calculation methods and looking them up in the following section of this book. I do want to tell you why I feel that the Pythagorean method is superior to other methods, and I will discuss that in the following section of this chapter.
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Using a new example of December 21, 1964, below you will see 7 different methods of making a Life Path calculation. Note that the examples do not include the above Pythagorean method. 1.)Horizontal method (adds together all the numbers horizontally) 12/21/1964 = 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 4 = 26 / 8 2.)Month/Day/Year method (adds unreduced month and day to horizontal reduced year) (month) 12 + (date) 21 + (year reduced1964=1+9+6+4=20) 20 = 12 + 21 + 20 = 53 / 8 3.)Month/Day/Year method (with reduction of date and horizontal reduced year) (month) 12 + (date=2+1=3) 3 + (year reduced1964=1+9+6+4=20) 20 = 12 + 3 + 20 = 35 / 8 4.)Month/Day/Year method (with reduction of date & month and horizontal reduced year) (month 1+2=3) 3 + (date=2+1=3) 3 + (year reduced1964=1+9+6+4=20) 20 = 3 + 3 + 20 = 26 / 8 5.)Month/Day/Year method (with reduction of date, month and complete reduced year) (month 1+2=3) 3 + (date=2+1=3) 3 + (year reduced1964=1+9+6+4=20=2+0=2) 2 = 3 + 3 + 2 = 8 6.)Modified Month/Day/Year method (year is reduced partially, month/date are not) (month) 12 + (date) 21 + (year reduced1964= 1+9=10 + 64 = 74) 74 = 12 + 21 + 74 = 107 / 8 7.)Vertical method (2 digit number from year, date, month are added without reduction) 12/21/1964 = 12+21+(year split into 2 digit numbers=19 + 64) 19+64 = 12 + 21 + 19 + 64 = 116/8
Why the Pythagorean method is recommended The Pythagorean method adds together all three numerological periods of your life to arrive at the number of your Life Path. These three periods are used for further calculations that involve your date of birth and they are used to arrive at other numerological calculations in your life such as the Pinnacles, and Challenges (or specific periods and the unique challenge you may face during that period). Because the Pythagorean method adds together the three periods of your life, from the base numbers of each period, in the same way that those numbers are calculated when your Pinnacles and Challenges are calculated it leads to a pure calculation which is more like you. That is why I feel you should use the Pythagorean method when making your Life Path calculation.
Which method should I use and why? I strongly suggest that you find one method, learn that method and stick with it, as it will make remembering how to do the calculation that much easier. That being said, and after having shown you nearly every other method that is available, I will again say that I recommend the Pythagorean method over all others since that method uses the actual periods within your life that are used for other calculations in your overall numerological chart. It makes sense that if you use those numbers in one way in one area of your numerological chart that you would use them in another place in your chart in the same way. This is called consistency and is something that I prefer to have working with me when doing a Numerology Reading. If you mix and match different methods throughout the reading it may lead to an inconsistent reading throughout, and result in a far less productive and less interpretive reading.
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
3. Life Path Numbers and Their Meanings Below is a reference list of every Pythagorean Life Path number that is possible. After calculating the Life Path of anyone you know, you can look him or her up in this listing to determine their life’s purpose. These are summaries of Life Paths from The Dreamtime, including all of the text would make this a very large book! The summaries here are very useful. For a detailed double-digit Life Path have a look at the Professional Reading offered by The Dreamtime that provides even more detail. For more info see http://www.thedreamtime.com/spirit/num_pro.html
What will famous birthdays tell me? Birthdays of famous people hold great insight for anyone looking at their own Life Path. By looking at those famous people who share your Life Path number you can identify aspects of your personality that are like those you share it with.
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 3 As an essential 3 your primary purpose in this life is to learn to express yourself fully and to work through your emotional affectability as you follow your unique path. You must learn to express yourself throughout this life. You will encounter many lessons to help you learn this valuable lesson. To express yourself fully you must learn to value your emotions and feelings and to bring those into direct contact with others you are working with. You will come to accept and honor your own feelings and express them sincerely as you also encourage others to do the same. Remember that each word and feeling that you make use of effects the overall tone of the message that you are relaying. Try to reflect positively on each issue and make that known, otherwise be careful and limit what you do say so that you are not just verbalizing for it's own sake. Your emotions and deep feelings can be seen and felt, even from a distance! As you grow into this life you will overcome any shyness you may have and eventually you may even enjoy being a featured speaker or talking to large groups of people. Assets In your most positive sense you are careful and sensitive in your communication with others. You have a charm and sensibility about you that attracts others like a magnet. As you reach out to others, you may have learned to protect your own inner emotions and to stop from being affected by them. You have mastered the art of communicating and of showing your own deep feelings with sincerity and integrity. You are happy and joyful in following your own true path. Talents Your highly skilled expressive nature suits you to positions that allow you to communicate freely: jobs such as teacher, nurse or actor/entertainer will suit you best. Your need for feeling the emotions of others and for sharing would also mean that you would enjoy positions such as welfare representative, real estate sales, counselor, and advertising executive. You enjoy traveling too, and any opportunity you may have to meet and enjoy people will provide you with pleasure. Following the 3 Path You have come to recognize the best way to truly express yourself without letting the words of others effect you. You are good at sharing and expressing exactly what you feel, but you are careful to not let yourself get caught up in the emotional troubles of those who share with you. This serves to protect you from self-doubt. You are confident, honest and deeply sincere with your own feelings and this attracts others who see you as charming, caring and vibrant. You follow your own path of giving and thoughtful communication to the ultimate and it brings you great joy and happiness throughout your life. Famous 3 Life Path Birthdays 3, Friday, January 1, 1909, Barry Goldwater 3, Monday, January 1, 1900, Xavier Cugat 3, Wednesday, January 10, 1945, Rod Stewart 3, Monday, January 10, 1927, Gisele MacKenzie 3, Monday, January 10, 1927, Johnnie Ray 3, Wednesday, January 28, 1981, Elijah Wood 3, Tuesday, January 28, 1936, Alan Alda 3, Tuesday, January 28, 1873, Colette
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
3, Tuesday, October 1, 1963, Mark McGwire 3, Monday, October 1, 1945, Rod Carew 3, Thursday, October 1, 1936, Stella Stevens 3, Saturday, October 1, 1927, Tom Bosley 3, Wednesday, October 10, 1900, Helen Hayes 3, Friday, October 19, 1945, Divine 3, Friday, October 19, 1945, John Lithgow 3, Friday, October 19, 1945, Jeannie C. Riley 3, Wednesday, October 28, 1936, Charlie Daniels 3, Friday, October 28, 1927, Cleo Laine
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 4 Your primary purpose as an essential 4 energy is to learn to achieve a secure foundation as you work with patience and perseverance toward completing your life's purpose. You will have some tests in this life; most of them will be of your patience, commitment and perseverance as you pursue a given task. You will need to be aware that completing an overall goal requires many smaller tasks that you should work on completing first. You will only accomplish your goals by following a clear and nonwavering path that is focused on the completion of each goal and in being aware of these accomplishments before pursuing the next step along the way. Remember to enjoy each step as part of living your true path and you will truly appreciate all of the goals that you complete. Assets In your most positive you are patient and persevering, full of ambition and desire to complete your goals. You have learned to break your goals down into steps that are more easily attained and this gives you a sense of security that is unmatched. Your family life flourishes with your strong sense of responsibility and awareness - others look to you as the pinnacle of integrity, sincerity and dependability. You are joyful in following your true path. Talents Your strong sense of creativity, practicality and completion suit you well for positions such as accountant, financial loan officer or banker. Because you believe in strict law and security you may also be attracted to positions in law, government or as a police officer or customs officer. Following the 4 Path You have learned when to stop working and have some fun time too! As you have built your life around security and stability you also take the time to share with others and to let them play a part in your intense life as well. This leads to respect from your deep responsibility for others and your caring/humanitarian nature. As you grow and create a solid reasonable world based on your ideals, you also work hard at accepting kindness from others and in sharing your love and feelings with those around you as you follow your unique path of perseverance, stability and organization. Famous 4 Life Path Birthdays 4, Wednesday, January 1, 1919, J.D. Salinger 4, Thursday, January 2, 1936, Roger Miller 4, Tuesday, January 19, 1982, Jodie Sweetin 4, Saturday, January 19, 1946, Dolly Parton 4, Thursday, February 10, 1927, Leontyne Price 4, Tuesday, February 19, 1963, Seal 4, Monday, October 1, 1928, George Peppard 4, Tuesday, October 2, 1945, Don McLean 4, Monday, October 10, 1955, David Lee Roth 4, Thursday, October 10, 1946, Charles Dance 4, Thursday, October 10, 1946, Ben Vereen 4, Tuesday, October 19, 1937, Peter Max 4, Friday, October 20, 1972, Snoop Dogg 4, Friday, October 20, 1882, Bela Lugosi 4, Friday, October 28, 1955, Bill Gates
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 5 Your primary purpose as an essential 5 is to exercise personal freedom and self-discipline as you explore your own unique and personal path in this life. You will come to find personal freedom in your life by learning to depend on yourself as much as you depend on others. You have a strong need to experience adventure and new things and it may lead you to lose focus from the true aspects of your path: self-discipline, commitment and a strong drive to overcome any obstacle will serve you well as you travel down your path in this life. You will come to learn that the more you can stay focused on your path the easier and more fulfilling it will be. You may have a fear of commitment: of being locked into one thing. Remember that all things will eventually lead you to the personal freedom that you desire so much. You will come to resonate an energy of self-respect. Assets In your most positive aspects you have learned to use your self-discipline and apply it to your imagination for control and power. You focus on one task at a time and this gives you the strength to complete larger goals quickly and easily. Your artistic skills, knowledge and desire to explore everything are an intense inspiration for those around you and you provide the maturation that they require to find their own freedom. You have found your freedom and you are joyful and happy following your unique path. Talents Your extremely clever mind and desire to experience new and interesting things suits you best for positions such as: sales person, inventor, professional mediator or counselor. You are also happy at being in an academic environment as a teacher, professor or researcher. As you narrow your focus you will certainly achieve any goals you set your mind to. Following the 5 Path You have learned to enjoy your sense of adventure most by applying self-discipline and selffreedom to find the balance and inner freedom you deserve. When you focus on a problem, you solve it quickly and move on to the next issue. You have learned that physical desire and indulgence is not the best way for you to achieve your goal, so you have pursued the path of knowledge and creativity as you manifest the ultimate freedom that you search for throughout your life. Famous 5 Life Path Birthdays 5, Wednesday, January 3, 1945, Stephen Stills 5, Thursday, January 3, 1918, Maxene Andrews 5, Sunday, January 3, 1909, Victor Borge 5, Tuesday, January 12, 1954, Howard Stern 5, Saturday, January 19, 1839, Paul Cezanne 5, Sunday, January 20, 1946, David Lynch 5, Wednesday, January 20, 1937, Dorothy Provine 5, Wednesday, January 21, 1981, Izabella Miko 5, Monday, January 21, 1963, Hakeem Olajuwon 5, Monday, January 30, 1882, Franklin D. Roosevelt 5, Monday, February 1, 1937, Don Everly 5, Monday, February 1, 1937, Garrett Morris 5, Tuesday, February 2, 1954, Christie Brinkley 5, Thursday, February 2, 1882, James Joyce 5, Thursday, February 10, 1955, Greg Norman Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
5, Saturday, February 19, 1955, Jeff Daniels 5, Saturday, February 19, 1955, Margaux Hemingway 5, Wednesday, February 20, 1963, Charles Barkley 5, Saturday, February 20, 1954, Patty Hearst 5, Wednesday, February 28, 1973, Eric Lindros 5, Monday, February 28, 1955, Gilbert Gottfried 5, Monday, March 1, 1954, Ron Howard 5, Tuesday, March 1, 1927, Harry Belafonte 5, Sunday, March 10, 1918, Pamela Mason 5, Thursday, March 19, 1936, Ursula Andress 5, Saturday, March 28, 1981, Julia Stiles 5, Friday, October 1, 1920, Walter Matthau 5, Sunday, October 2, 1955, Lorraine Bracco 5, Tuesday, October 2, 1928, George "Spanky" McFarland 5, Sunday, October 3, 1954, Stevie Ray Vaughan 5, Thursday, October 10, 1974, Dale Earnhardt, Jr. 5, Tuesday, October 20, 1874, Charles Ives 5, Monday, October 28, 1974, Joaquin Phoenix 5, Tuesday, October 30, 1945, Henry Winkler 5, Saturday, December 1, 1945, Bette Midler 5, Tuesday, December 1, 1936, Lou Rawls 5, Tuesday, December 19, 1972, Alyssa Milano 5, Thursday, December 19, 1963, Jennifer Beals 5, Tuesday, December 28, 1954, Denzel Washington
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 6 Your primary purpose as an essential 6 is to learn to accept your own values and principles as unique and practical, and to respect your family and close friends for the comfort, consideration and security that they provide. This security is comforting as you work toward fulfilling yourself, serving others and doing good for humankind. You must remember that when you follow your ideals, they are yours to follow and that others may not be interested in what is best for you. Just as in numerology, every life path has a unique set of highlights and lessons to learn and each one is unique and different. Your unique ideals are good for you, though they may be bad for others. You will come to learn that judging others based on these ideals is not a good or easy thing to do. Remember that we are all doing our best and that no one is perfect. You must learn to stop applying judgment to those around you and to yourself. Assets At your most positive you have learned to accept yourself and others exactly the way they are in this life. This has created a patience and visionary sense that will help you throughout your life path. You are visionary and full of dreams. You have learned to find the greatest beauty in your close friends and family and this make you happy. You have a strong determination that leads you through this life toward your own unique path. Talents Your great visionary power and deep sense of principle suits you well toward fields such as writer, chef, playwright, scientist or biologist. You especially enjoy working in positions that bring joy to others: florist, interior decorator or artistic fields could also be fulfilling. You seek a sense of beauty in all things and this asset will help you to work through any type of work. Following the 6 Path You are very accepting and giving to others in your life. You have learned to love your family and to enjoy their company throughout your life, but you do not let them take advantage of you or demand too much of your time. You are confident in your feelings toward yourself and because of this you are comfortable and without judgment toward others as you continue to follow your path in this life. Famous 6 Life Path Birthdays 6, Friday, January 2, 1920, Isaac Asimov 6, Thursday, January 3, 1946, John Paul Jones 6, Friday, January 3, 1919, Jesse White 6, Sunday, January 3, 1892, J.R.R. Tolkien 6, Sunday, January 12, 1964, Jeff Bezos 6, Wednesday, January 12, 1955, Kirstie Alley 6, Tuesday, January 20, 1920, Federico Fellini 6, Tuesday, January 20, 1920, DeForest Kelley 6, Sunday, January 28, 1912, Jackson Pollock 6, Saturday, January 30, 1937, Vanessa Redgrave 6, Saturday, January 30, 1937, Boris Spassky 6, Saturday, January 31, 1981, Justin Timberlake 6, Monday, February 1, 1965, Sherilyn Fenn 6, Monday, February 1, 1965, Brandon Lee 6, Tuesday, February 1, 1938, Sherman Hemsley 6, Saturday, February 1, 1902, Langston Hughes
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6, Tuesday, February 2, 1937, Tom Smothers 6, Sunday, February 3, 1918, Joey Bishop 6, Friday, February 10, 1893, Jimmy Durante 6, Thursday, February 20, 1964, French Stewart 6, Wednesday, February 20, 1946, Sandy Duncan 6, Saturday, February 20, 1937, Nancy Wilson 6, Friday, February 21, 1936, Barbara Jordan 6, Monday, February 21, 1927, Erma Bombeck 6, Tuesday, March 10, 1964, Prince Edward 6, Tuesday, March 10, 1964, Jasmine Guy 6, Saturday, March 10, 1928, James Earl Ray 6, Saturday, March 19, 1955, Bruce Willis 6, Monday, March 19, 1928, Patrick McGoohan 6, Tuesday, March 20, 1945, Pat Riley 6, Monday, March 28, 1955, Reba McEntire 6, Wednesday, April 1, 1981, Hannah Spearitt 6, Tuesday, April 1, 1873, Sergei Rachmaninoff 6, Friday, April 10, 1936, John Madden 6, Sunday, April 19, 1981, Hayden Christensen 6, Tuesday, April 28, 1981, Jessica Alba 6, Saturday, October 1, 1921, James Whitmore 6, Thursday, October 1, 1903, Vladimir Horowitz 6, Sunday, October 2, 1938, Rex Reed 6, Sunday, October 3, 1982, Eric Von Detten 6, Wednesday, October 3, 1973, Neve Campbell 6, Friday, October 10, 1930, Harold Pinter 6, Sunday, October 10, 1813, Giuseppe Verdi 6, Wednesday, October 20, 1632, Christopher Wren 6, Saturday, October 30, 1937, Claude Lelouch 6, Saturday, October 31, 1936, Michael Landon 6, Wednesday, December 2, 1981, Britney Spears 6, Monday, December 10, 1928, Dan Blocker 6, Thursday, December 19, 1946, Robert Urich 6, Thursday, December 20, 1945, Peter Criss 6, Saturday, December 28, 1946, Edgar Winter 6, Sunday, December 28, 1856, Woodrow Wilson
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Life Path 7 Your primary purpose as an essential 7 are to learn to trust your inner-awareness and knowing to share your knowledge and personal feelings with those around you for the good of the whole. You have a desire toward the within in this life and you will come to find that the best plans and purpose you can find will be to apply the knowledge you find though awareness to teaching or sharing with others. You may have strong psychic abilities and your intuitive sense will develop into something you come to trust and expect every day. You will eventually use these powers throughout your life and so you must respect them. As you grow you will realize that the knowledge that you have learned and found in risks is not comparable to the truth and wisdom that you can find within yourself by using your intuitive powers. Assets In your most positive you have found an inner-trust and knowing that connects you to the defining spirit in all things. This connection is an important and powerful factor in your day-to-day living. You experience friendship and great trust with those around you and you have gathered a group of close friends to you who love you for the unique person you are. Your highly advanced intellect serves you well also. You have created your own personal awareness and ideals based on principles of goodness and sharing which lead you throughout your life on the path of the mystic. Talents Because of your strong analytical and thinking skills, you function best in fields such as writing, physics, philosophy or mathematics. You have many talents, but you never feel completely fulfilled unless you are expressing them toward a higher good for others; this means that you are happier in these type of working environments as a professor, teacher, theologian, or even as a preacher or priest. Following the 7 Path You have found trust and an inner awareness in your own intuition and analytical skills. This has created a situation that makes you most happy when you are researching or studying some new idea or method for solving any disharmony that you may become aware of. You also are aware of the need for others in your life and you take the time to share with others at least once every week. You will come to learn to use your creative and powerful intuitive skills for the good of others and this is when you will truly shine. Others will seek you out and your trust will grow as you follow your path as a mystic thinker. Famous 7 Life Path Birthdays 7, Tuesday, January 1, 1895, J. Edgar Hoover 7, Tuesday, January 3, 1956, Mel Gibson 7, Monday, January 4, 1937, Dyan Cannon 7, Thursday, January 4, 1838, Charles "Tom Thumb" Stratton 7, Monday, January 10, 1949, George Foreman 7, Sunday, January 10, 1904, Ray Bolger 7, Saturday, January 12, 1974, Melanie Jayne Chisholm 7, Monday, January 13, 1919, Robert Stack 7, Wednesday, January 19, 1949, Robert Palmer 7, Monday, January 19, 1931, Tippi Hedren 7, Thursday, January 19, 1922, Guy Madison 7, Monday, January 20, 1930, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin 7, Saturday, January 21, 1956, Robby Benson Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
7, Tuesday, January 21, 1947, Jill Eikenberry 7, Wednesday, January 30, 1974, Christian Bale 7, Thursday, January 30, 1947, Steve Marriott 7, Sunday, January 31, 1937, Suzanne Pleshette 7, Friday, January 31, 1919, Jackie Robinson 7, Sunday, February 2, 1947, Farrah Fawcett 7, Tuesday, February 3, 1874, Gertrude Stein 7, Sunday, February 4, 1945, David Brenner 7, Monday, February 4, 1918, Ida Lupino 7, Monday, February 10, 1930, Robert Wagner 7, Saturday, February 12, 1955, Arsenio Hall 7, Thursday, February 13, 1873, L.L. Bean 7, Thursday, February 20, 1902, Ansel Adams 7, Monday, February 21, 1955, Kelsey Grammer 7, Thursday, February 21, 1946, Tyne Daly 7, Thursday, February 21, 1946, Alan Rickman 7, Friday, February 28, 1930, Gavin MacLeod 7, Friday, March 1, 1974, Mark-Paul Gosselaar 7, Monday, March 1, 1965, Booker T 7, Saturday, March 1, 1947, Alan Thicke 7, Sunday, March 2, 1919, Jennifer Jones 7, Monday, March 10, 1947, Kim Campbell 7, Monday, March 10, 1947, Bob Greene 7, Wednesday, March 19, 1947, Glenn Close 7, Sunday, March 19, 1848, Wyatt Earp 7, Saturday, March 20, 1937, Lois Lowry 7, Tuesday, March 20, 1928, Fred "Mr." Rogers 7, Friday, March 30, 1945, Eric Clapton 7, Friday, April 2, 1954, Ron "Horshack" Palillo 7, Monday, April 2, 1945, Linda Hunt 7, Saturday, April 10, 1847, Joseph Pulitzer 7, Friday, April 19, 1946, Tim Curry 7, Thursday, April 20, 1972, Carmen Electra 7, Wednesday, April 28, 1937, Saddam Hussein 7, Tuesday, May 1, 1945, Rita Coolidge 7, Wednesday, May 1, 1918, Jack Paar 7, Saturday, May 1, 1909, Kate Smith 7, Sunday, May 10, 1936, Gary Owens 7, Saturday, May 19, 1945, Pete Townshend 7, Monday, May 28, 1945, John Fogerty 7, Friday, October 4, 1946, Susan Sarandon 7, Thursday, October 4, 1928, Alvin Toffler 7, Thursday, October 5, 1972, Grant Hill 7, Tuesday, October 5, 1954, Bob Geldof 7, Sunday, October 10, 1976, Bob Burnquist 7, Tuesday, October 10, 1967, Mike Malinin 7, Friday, October 10, 1958, Tanya Tucker 7, Sunday, October 12, 1947, Chris Wallace 7, Friday, October 14, 1927, Roger Moore 7, Tuesday, October 19, 1976, Omar Gooding 7, Monday, October 19, 1931, John Le Carre 7, Thursday, October 19, 1922, Jack Anderson 7, Sunday, October 21, 1956, Carrie Fisher 7, Saturday, October 28, 1967, Julia Roberts 7, Friday, October 28, 1949, Bruce Jenner 7, Monday, October 30, 1893, Charles Atlas 7, Sunday, December 2, 1973, Monica Seles 7, Monday, December 2, 1946, Gianni Versace 7, Thursday, December 3, 1981, Brian Bonsall 7, Sunday, December 3, 1972, Bucky Lasek Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
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Sunday, December 10, 1911, Chet Huntley Friday, December 10, 1830, Emily Dickinson Thursday, December 12, 1918, Joe Williams Sunday, December 19, 1965, Jessica Steen Sunday, December 19, 1920, David Susskind Friday, December 19, 1902, Ralph Richardson Friday, December 20, 1946, Uri Geller Tuesday, December 21, 1954, Chris Evert Thursday, December 28, 1911, Sam Levenson Sunday, December 30, 1945, Davy Jones
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 8 As an essential 8 your primary purpose in this life is to accept power, success and affluence as you apply yourself in service toward a higher good for all. You will most likely learn to reach a position of power or success in this life, but first you must come to accept and recognize your own successes for the good and positiveness that they hold. There may be issues of money, power or control that you will face throughout your life as you learn the lesson of material success. Eventually you will see that your own powers and earning potential are your unique key to achieving the prosperity you need for purchasing tools and acquiring skills for helping others. Your own success is for the good of others and this helps to drive you on toward a new awareness of your true life purpose. Because of the feelings you have to be in control of others, you will eventually come to lead those around you to the same success. This is not the same as attempting to control those who do not follow your directions or do things the way you do. Remember that all is "as it should be" and that you can lead best by being silent and providing an example for others to follow. Assets In your most positive you are successful, powerful and able to receive respect and appreciation from others without any personal feelings or sensitivities. You have a high level of material success too - even though you may not think in that way and the material things that you own are limited. You are joyful in your abundance and because of this you are in service to helping others achieve the same success you have. The spirit within helps you and you are happy to experience it as well as share it with others. Talents Your skills in working with finance and money are extraordinary and any position in this field such as banker, financial analyst, entrepreneur or insurance agent will suit you. You also have a need to be successful and to feel good about your success. A position in a field that brings you this personal integrity is important too: charity organizer, efficiency expert, researcher or hospital administration would be excellent choices. You have a strong sense of inspiration and originality; you like to create new things and your persistence and courage help you to achieve any goal. You may even have the skills to be an athlete, either professionally or in the artistic fields such as dance or a similar field. Following the 8 Path You have learned to be powerful without trying to control others. Your success has inspired you to find higher power and a deep security in the abundance of helping others. As you grow into your path you will come to expect a richness and sense of pride that you never suspected before. Others will truly look up to you and praise your efforts to accomplish the task at hand. You are well respected and happy as you follow your path of destiny. Famous 8 Life Path Birthdays 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
Saturday, January 1, 1752, Betsy Ross Monday, January 2, 1967, Tia Carrere Saturday, January 2, 1904, Sally Rand Saturday, January 5, 1946, Diane Keaton Thursday, January 5, 1928, Walter Mondale
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8, Sunday, January 12, 1930, Glenn Yarborough 8, Sunday, January 13, 1884, Sophie Tucker 8, Tuesday, January 14, 1919, Andy Rooney 8, Thursday, January 14, 1892, Hal Roach 8, Friday, January 15, 1909, Gene Krupa 8, Friday, January 19, 1923, Jean Stapleton 8, Monday, January 23, 1928, Jeanne Moreau 8, Thursday, January 23, 1919, Ernie Kovacs 8, Friday, January 28, 1977, Joey Fatone, Jr. 8, Sunday, January 28, 1968, Sarah McLachlan 8, Friday, January 28, 1887, Arthur Rubenstein 8, Thursday, January 30, 1930, Gene Hackman 8, Friday, January 31, 1947, Nolan Ryan 8, Thursday, January 31, 1929, Jean Simmons 8, Sunday, February 1, 1931, Boris Yeltsin 8, Monday, February 1, 1904, S.J. Perelman 8, Friday, February 1, 1895, John Ford 8, Monday, February 3, 1947, Dave Davies 8, Sunday, February 4, 1973, Oscar De La Hoya 8, Monday, February 5, 1900, Adlai E. Stevenson, Jr. 8, Friday, February 10, 1967, Laura Dern 8, Saturday, February 12, 1938, Judy Blume 8, Thursday, February 13, 1919, Tennessee Ernie Ford 8, Saturday, February 13, 1892, Grant Wood 8, Monday, February 14, 1972, Drew Bledsoe 8, Monday, February 19, 1940, Smokey Robinson 8, Thursday, February 21, 1929, Roberto Gomez Bolaños 8, Tuesday, February 21, 1893, Andres Segovia 8, Wednesday, February 28, 1940, Mario Andretti 8, Wednesday, March 3, 1982, Jessica Biel 8, Wednesday, March 3, 1847, Alexander Graham Bell 8, Monday, March 4, 1963, Jason Curtis Newsted 8, Tuesday, March 10, 1903, Bix Beiderbecke 8, Tuesday, March 12, 1946, Liza Minnelli 8, Monday, March 12, 1928, Edward Albee 8, Tuesday, March 13, 1855, Percival Lowell 8, Wednesday, March 21, 1685, Johann Sebastian Bach 8, Monday, March 28, 1921, Dirk Bogarde 8, Monday, March 30, 1964, Ian Ziering 8, Tuesday, March 30, 1937, Warren Beatty 8, Saturday, March 31, 1945, Gabe Kaplan 8, Thursday, March 31, 1927, César Chávez 8, Friday, April 1, 1938, Ali MacGraw 8, Thursday, April 1, 1920, Toshiro Mifune 8, Saturday, April 1, 1578, William Harvey 8, Saturday, April 2, 1955, Dana Carvey 8, Monday, April 3, 1972, Jennie Garth 8, Thursday, April 3, 1783, Washington Irving 8, Sunday, April 10, 1983, Ryan Merriman 8, Wednesday, April 10, 1929, Max Von Sydow 8, Thursday, April 10, 1794, Commodore Matthew Perry 8, Thursday, April 21, 1729, Catherine the Great 8, Sunday, April 28, 1974, Penelope Cruz 8, Friday, April 28, 1758, James Monroe 8, Tuesday, May 2, 1972, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson 8, Wednesday, May 2, 1945, Bianca Jagger 8, Saturday, May 2, 1936, Engelbert Humperdinck 8, Friday, May 10, 1946, Donovan 8, Saturday, May 20, 1972, Busta Rhymes 8, Wednesday, May 20, 1936, Anthony Zerbe Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
8, Wednesday, June 10, 1981, Hoku Ho 8, Monday, June 10, 1963, Elisabeth Shue 8, Saturday, June 19, 1954, Kathleen Turner 8, Tuesday, October 1, 1968, Jay Underwood 8, Sunday, October 1, 1950, Randy Quaid 8, Saturday, October 1, 1932, Richard Harris 8, Wednesday, October 2, 1895, Bud Abbott 8, Saturday, October 4, 1884, Damon Runyon 8, Sunday, October 5, 1919, Donald Pleasence 8, Monday, October 5, 1829, Chester A. Arthur 8, Tuesday, October 6, 1846, George Westinghouse 8, Monday, October 13, 1947, Sammy Hagar 8, Monday, October 15, 1945, Jim Palmer 8, Wednesday, October 19, 1932, Robert Reed 8, Tuesday, October 20, 1931, Mickey Mantle 8, Saturday, October 24, 1936, David Nelson 8, Wednesday, October 28, 1914, Jonas Salk 8, Sunday, October 31, 1632, Jan Vermeer 8, Monday, December 3, 1973, Holly Marie Combs 8, Friday, December 4, 1981, Lila McCann 8, Wednesday, December 4, 1963, Jozef Sabovcik 8, Thursday, December 12, 1946, Emerson Fittipaldi 8, Tuesday, December 13, 1927, Christopher Plummer 8, Wednesday, December 21, 1955, Jane Kaczmarek 8, Tuesday, December 21, 1937, Jane Fonda 8, Wednesday, December 28, 1921, Johnny Otis 8, Monday, December 30, 1946, Patti Smith 8, Thursday, December 30, 1937, Noel Paul Stookey 8, Sunday, December 30, 1928, Bo Diddley 8, Saturday, December 30, 1865, Rudyard Kipling 8, Sunday, December 31, 1972, Joe McIntyre 8, Monday, December 31, 1945, Barbara Carrera
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Life Path 9 Your primary purpose as an essential 9 is to learn to accept the higher wisdom within yourself and to use that power to provide inspiration for those you work with. You have come into this lifetime with a strong urgency to lead and be of service to others. You will especially be drawn to teaching others and to allowing them to work with you as you attempt to live up to your high ideals and standards that are part of your humanitarian nature. As you grow and learn you will eventually come to trust in your profound awareness and intuition: one that seems to be committed to a divine service. It is powerful and so you must listen to it. It will mean even more to you as you have come to trust in yourself with a feeling of security and respect. Realize that you were chosen for this life to be a teacher of wisdom; knowledge you seek will come to you magically. As you follow your path with intent you must learn to be tolerant, accepting, and empathetic with many who will come to you seeking knowledge. Many people may be drawn to you because of your strong intellectual and intuitive skills and understanding of others. Learn to be an example for them and they will respect and admire you for the actions of truth and love that you exhibit. Assets In your most positive aspects you are a true humanitarian who is filled with love and compassion, empathy and understanding for everyone. You are also aware of your own deep intuitive understanding, strength and power for connecting you to the Earth, yourself and to a higher power. You are a visionary and you bring your dreams into reality by letting your compassion, personal integrity and wisdom flow through you as you follow your path of service to others. Talents Your strong sense of service and desire to lead others suits you best in fields such as doctor, counselor or personal/financial advisor. You also work well in charitable organizations or as a volunteer coordinator. As you progress to the deepest wisdom available you will share and inspire progress in others through your examples. You learn to search for wisdom and knowledge through the divine source. Following the 9 Path You have learned to find your own ideals within yourself, and the sense of integrity and inspiration that you provide for others leads you to fulfillment. You have come to accept everyone's place in this world and the penetrating higher ideals that you seek will allow you to make a difference for others. You will most likely lead or teach others, but even if you do not, you will let your life serve as an example for all. Famous 9 Life Path Birthdays 9, Saturday, January 1, 1735, Paul Revere 9, Tuesday, January 2, 1968, Cuba Gooding, Jr. 9, Wednesday, January 5, 1938, Juan Carlos I, King of Spain 9, Thursday, January 6, 1955, Rowan Atkinson 9, Saturday, January 6, 1883, Kahlil Gibran 9, Friday, January 14, 1938, Jack Jones 9, Thursday, January 14, 1875, Albert Schweitzer 9, Friday, January 15, 1937, Margaret O'Brien 9, Saturday, January 16, 1909, Ethel Merman 9, Sunday, January 19, 1969, Wendy Moniz 9, Sunday, January 19, 1969, Junior Seau 9, Monday, January 19, 1942, Michael Crawford Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
9, Monday, January 19, 1807, Robert E. Lee 9, Monday, January 20, 1896, George Burns 9, Wednesday, January 21, 1976, Emma Lee Bunton 9, Sunday, January 21, 1940, Jack Nicklaus 9, Saturday, January 21, 1922, Paul Scofield 9, Wednesday, January 23, 1974, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen 9, Thursday, January 23, 1947, Dr. Laura Schlessinger 9, Sunday, January 25, 1981, Alicia Keys 9, Friday, January 25, 1918, Ernie Harwell 9, Wednesday, January 25, 1882, Virginia Woolf 9, Saturday, January 28, 1933, Susan Sontag 9, Thursday, January 30, 1958, Brett Butler 9, Monday, January 30, 1922, Dick Martin 9, Monday, January 31, 1921, Mario Lanza 9, Thursday, February 1, 1968, Lisa Marie Presley 9, Friday, February 2, 1940, David Jason 9, Tuesday, February 4, 1947, Dan Quayle 9, Tuesday, February 4, 1902, Charles Lindbergh 9, Sunday, February 5, 1928, Andrew Greeley 9, Wednesday, February 5, 1919, Red Buttons 9, Tuesday, February 6, 1945, Bob Marley 9, Friday, February 10, 1950, Mark Spitz 9, Friday, February 10, 1905, Lon Chaney, Jr. 9, Wednesday, February 13, 1974, Robbie Williams 9, Friday, February 13, 1920, Eileen Farrell 9, Thursday, February 14, 1946, Gregory Hines 9, Monday, February 15, 1954, Matt Groening 9, Tuesday, February 15, 1927, Harvey Korman 9, Wednesday, February 15, 1882, John Barrymore 9, Wednesday, February 19, 1473, Nicolas Copernicus 9, Monday, February 20, 1967, Kurt Cobain 9, Monday, February 20, 1967, Andrew Shue 9, Sunday, February 20, 1949, Ivana Trump 9, Saturday, February 21, 1903, Anans Nin 9, Wednesday, February 23, 1955, Howard Jones 9, Friday, February 23, 1685, George Frederic Handel 9, Monday, February 24, 1873, Enrico Caruso 9, Wednesday, February 28, 1923, Charles Durning 9, Saturday, March 1, 1958, Nik Kershaw 9, Tuesday, March 1, 1904, Glenn Miller 9, Wednesday, March 3, 1920, James Doohan 9, Friday, March 3, 1911, Jean Harlow 9, Thursday, March 5, 1936, Dean Stockwell 9, Monday, March 10, 1958, Sharon Stone 9, Sunday, March 10, 1940, Chuck Norris 9, Friday, March 13, 1964, Will Clark 9, Thursday, March 21, 1839, Modest Mussorgsky 9, Saturday, March 28, 1868, Maxim Gorky 9, Wednesday, March 30, 1983, Scott Moffatt 9, Saturday, March 31, 1928, Gordie Howe 9, Wednesday, April 2, 1947, Emmylou Harris 9, Friday, April 2, 1920, Jack Webb 9, Friday, April 3, 1964, Robert Chapin 9, Thursday, April 4, 1963, David Gavurin 9, Sunday, April 10, 1921, Chuck Connors 9, Monday, April 12, 1982, Riley Smith 9, Friday, April 12, 1946, Ed O'Neill 9, Saturday, April 13, 1963, Garry Kasparov 9, Friday, April 13, 1945, Tony Dow 9, Tuesday, April 13, 1909, Eudora Welty Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
9, Thursday, April 20, 1893, Harold Lloyd 9, Thursday, April 20, 1893, Joan Miró 9, Saturday, April 21, 1838, John Muir 9, Friday, April 30, 1982, Kirsten Dunst 9, Monday, April 30, 1973, Jeff Timmons 9, Tuesday, April 30, 1946, Carl XVI Gustav, King of Sweden 9, Thursday, May 2, 1946, Lesley Gore 9, Monday, May 2, 1892, Baron Von Richthofen 9, Saturday, May 10, 1902, David O. Selznick 9, Tuesday, May 12, 1936, Tom Snyder 9, Monday, May 20, 1946, Cher 9, Tuesday, May 20, 1919, George Gobel 9, Sunday, May 21, 1972, Notorious B.I.G. 9, Wednesday, May 30, 1945, Meredith MacRae 9, Saturday, May 30, 1936, Keir Dullea 9, Sunday, May 30, 1909, Benny Goodman 9, Tuesday, June 1, 1982, Danny Zavatsky 9, Tuesday, June 1, 1937, Morgan Freeman 9, Friday, June 1, 1928, Bob Monkhouse 9, Friday, June 2, 1972, Wayne Brady 9, Thursday, June 10, 1982, Tara Lipinski 9, Thursday, June 10, 1982, Leelee Sobieski 9, Sunday, June 10, 1928, Maurice Sendak 9, Thursday, June 19, 1919, Louis Jourdan 9, Thursday, June 19, 1919, Pauline Kael 9, Wednesday, June 20, 1945, Anne Murray 9, Sunday, June 20, 1909, Errol Flynn 9, Friday, June 28, 1946, Gilda Radner 9, Sunday, July 1, 1945, Deborah Harry 9, Saturday, July 28, 1945, Jim Davis 9, Wednesday, October 1, 1924, Jimmy Carter 9, Saturday, October 2, 1869, Mahatma Gandhi 9, Monday, October 3, 1949, Lindsey Buckingham 9, Friday, October 4, 1822, Rutherford B. Hayes 9, Tuesday, October 5, 1965, Mario Lemieux 9, Sunday, October 5, 1902, Larry Fine 9, Sunday, October 5, 1902, Ray Kroc 9, Friday, October 7, 1927, R.D. Laing 9, Tuesday, October 10, 1978, Jodi Lyn O'Keefe 9, Friday, October 10, 1969, Brett Favre 9, Friday, October 10, 1924, Edward D. Wood, Jr. 9, Thursday, October 13, 1921, Yves Montand 9, Monday, October 14, 1974, Natalie Maines 9, Friday, October 15, 1937, Linda Lavin 9, Tuesday, October 20, 1914, Fayard Nicholas 9, Thursday, October 21, 1976, Jeremy Miller 9, Friday, October 21, 1949, Benjamin Netanyahu 9, Saturday, October 23, 1965, Al Leiter 9, Monday, October 23, 1893, Gummo Marx 9, Friday, October 25, 1963, Tracy Nelson 9, Monday, October 30, 1967, Gavin Rossdale 9, Thursday, October 31, 1912, Dale Evans 9, Sunday, December 1, 1940, Richard Pryor 9, Monday, December 1, 1913, Mary Martin 9, Thursday, December 3, 1857, Joseph Conrad 9, Tuesday, December 4, 1973, Tyra Banks 9, Friday, December 4, 1964, Marisa Tomei 9, Sunday, December 4, 1892, Francisco Franco 9, Monday, December 12, 1938, Connie Francis 9, Tuesday, December 12, 1893, Edward G. Robinson Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
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Thursday, December 13, 1973, Christie Clark Tuesday, December 21, 1965, Andy Dick Monday, December 23, 1918, Jose Greco Saturday, December 28, 1940, Don Francisco Thursday, December 30, 1920, Jack Lord Friday, December 31, 1937, Anthony Hopkins
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Life Path 10 As a pure 10/1 your primary purpose is to learn to use your creativity and intuitive skills to bring others together with inspiration and peace as you inspire them by living your life as an example. You initially value your sense of leadership, but you will also learn to value your powerful intuitive skills as you mature. You have an incredible charm and talent for bringing others together and you will eventually use that power to help you achieve your goals. Before you do that you will have to overcome any feelings of inferiority or insecurity which may occur. You are a strong creative/intuitive; because of this you will suffer from the criticism and intense comments of others. Try not to let this affect you and trust in your own ambitions, as they are truly evident. Assets In your most positive you are an inspiring motivator and leader of others. You have your goals clearly set and your personality attracts others to you for healing and learning. You provide an example for others to follow rather than let your opinions influence anyone. You do not let the opinions of others bother you. You are confident and secure in your creative abilities and you enjoy working with others to inspire and lead them to their own unique success. Talents Your strong leadership skills and highly intuitive and creative mind suit you best for positions in alternative healing, counseling or as a business manager. If you practice your creative gift you may find that you are happy as an artist, landscape designer, or musician. You will lead and receive respect from others as you apply your skills toward service. Following the 10 Path You hold value in the opinions of others as you follow your path. Even though you have a strong confidence and philosophy you learn to accept the ways of others who are on their own unique path too. You recognize your intuitive skills as being highly developed and you know how to use them for influencing the good of others and finding peace on Earth as you follow your unique path. Famous 10 Life Path Birthdays 10, Friday, January 1, 1943, Don Novello 10, Thursday, January 2, 1969, Christy Turlington 10, Friday, January 2, 1942, Dennis Hastert 10, Tuesday, January 3, 1950, Victoria Principal 10, Sunday, January 3, 1932, Dabney Coleman 10, Tuesday, January 3, 1905, Ray Milland 10, Saturday, January 4, 1958, Matt Frewer 10, Sunday, January 6, 1929, Vic Tayback 10, Tuesday, January 6, 1920, Sun Myung Moon 10, Tuesday, January 7, 1964, Nicolas Cage 10, Saturday, January 7, 1928, William Peter Blatty 10, Thursday, January 12, 1905, Tex Ritter 10, Tuesday, January 13, 1931, Charles Nelson Reilly 10, Friday, January 13, 1832, Horatio Alger 10, Saturday, January 14, 1741, Benedict Arnold 10, Tuesday, January 15, 1929, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 10, Thursday, January 15, 1920, Cardinal John O'Connor 10, Monday, January 17, 1927, Eartha Kitt
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10, Thursday, January 19, 1961, Paul McCrane 10, Tuesday, January 19, 1943, Janis Joplin 10, Tuesday, January 21, 1941, Placido Domingo 10, Wednesday, January 21, 1824, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson 10, Saturday, January 25, 1919, Edwin Newman 10, Friday, January 28, 1853, José Marti 10, Thursday, January 30, 1941, Dick Cheney 10, Saturday, January 31, 1931, Ernie Banks 10, Wednesday, February 2, 1977, Shakira 10, Friday, February 2, 1923, James Dickey 10, Thursday, February 2, 1905, Ayn Rand 10, Saturday, February 3, 1940, Fran Tarkenton 10, Friday, February 4, 1921, Betty Friedan 10, Thursday, February 6, 1919, Zsa Zsa Gabor 10, Friday, February 12, 1904, Ted Mack 10, Saturday, February 15, 1964, Chris Farley 10, Tuesday, February 16, 1909, Hugh Beaumont 10, Tuesday, February 19, 1924, Lee Marvin 10, Thursday, February 20, 1941, Buffy Sainte-Marie 10, Friday, February 21, 1958, Alan Trammell 10, Thursday, February 24, 1955, Steven Jobs 10, Saturday, February 28, 1942, Brian Jones 10, Sunday, February 28, 1915, Zero Mostel 10, Sunday, March 1, 1914, Ralph Ellison 10, Sunday, March 1, 1914, Harry Caray 10, Monday, March 2, 1931, Mikhail Gorbachev 10, Wednesday, March 2, 1904, Dr. Seuss 10, Friday, March 4, 1938, Paula Prentiss 10, Tuesday, March 5, 1946, Michael Warren 10, Monday, March 6, 1972, Shaquille O'Neal 10, Tuesday, March 6, 1945, Rob Reiner 10, Friday, March 6, 1936, Marion Barry 10, Thursday, March 10, 1977, Shannon Miller 10, Saturday, March 12, 1921, Gordon MacRae 10, Tuesday, March 13, 1956, Dana Delany 10, Monday, March 13, 1911, L. Ron Hubbard 10, Wednesday, March 14, 1928, Frank Borman 10, Wednesday, March 15, 1972, Mark Hoppus 10, Thursday, March 20, 1958, Holly Hunter 10, Friday, March 20, 1931, Hal Linden 10, Monday, March 20, 1922, Carl Reiner 10, Sunday, March 20, 1904, B.F. Skinner 10, Sunday, March 30, 1930, John Astin 10, Sunday, March 30, 1930, Rolf Harris 10, Sunday, March 30, 1930, Peter Marshall 10, Sunday, March 31, 1596, Rene Descartes 10, Thursday, April 4, 1946, Craig T. Nelson 10, Wednesday, April 4, 1928, Maya Angelou 10, Thursday, April 5, 1900, Spencer Tracy 10, Thursday, April 12, 1956, Andy Garcia 10, Saturday, April 12, 1947, Tom Clancy 10, Saturday, April 12, 1947, David Letterman 10, Saturday, April 13, 1946, Al Green 10, Sunday, April 13, 1919, Howard Keel 10, Saturday, April 14, 1945, Ritchie Blackmore 10, Tuesday, April 19, 1949, Paloma Picasso 10, Monday, April 21, 1947, Iggy Pop 10, Thursday, April 23, 1936, Roy Orbison 10, Monday, April 28, 1958, Nancy Lee Grahn 10, Monday, May 3, 1937, Frankie Valli Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
10, Saturday, May 3, 1919, Pete Seeger 10, Monday, May 3, 1469, Niccolo Machiavelli 10, Saturday, May 10, 1930, Pat Summerall 10, Wednesday, May 12, 1937, George Carlin 10, Saturday, May 30, 1964, Wynonna Judd 10, Monday, May 31, 1819, Walt Whitman 10, Saturday, June 1, 1974, Alanis Morissette 10, Wednesday, June 2, 1937, Sally Kellerman 10, Thursday, June 19, 1902, Guy Lombardo 10, Monday, June 19, 1623, Blaise Pascal 10, Saturday, June 28, 1902, John Dillinger 10, Saturday, June 28, 1902, Richard Rogers 10, Sunday, July 20, 1873, Alberto Santos-Dumont 10, Saturday, August 1, 1981, Ashley Angel 10, Thursday, August 1, 1963, Coolio 10, Saturday, August 1, 1936, Yves Saint Laurent 10, Sunday, August 1, 1819, Herman Melville 10, Tuesday, August 10, 1909, George Crockett 10, Monday, August 19, 1963, John Stamos 10, Sunday, August 28, 1774, Elizabeth Ann Seton 10, Tuesday, October 2, 1951, Sting 10, Friday, October 3, 1941, Chubby Checker 10, Monday, October 4, 1976, Alicia Silverstone 10, Friday, October 4, 1895, Buster Keaton 10, Friday, October 7, 1955, Yo-Yo Ma 10, Thursday, October 8, 1936, Rona Barrett 10, Wednesday, October 10, 1979, Mya 10, Saturday, October 12, 1968, Hugh Jackman 10, Thursday, October 12, 1950, Susan Anton 10, Wednesday, October 12, 1932, Dick Gregory 10, Friday, October 15, 1920, Mario Puzo 10, Wednesday, October 16, 1946, Suzanne Somers 10, Tuesday, October 17, 1972, Wyclef Jean 10, Thursday, October 17, 1963, Norm MacDonald 10, Thursday, October 17, 1918, Rita Hayworth 10, Monday, October 21, 1833, Alfred Nobel 10, Friday, October 24, 1947, Kevin Kline 10, Tuesday, October 25, 1892, Leo G. Carroll 10, Thursday, October 25, 1838, Georges Bizet 10, Tuesday, October 26, 1954, Lauren Tewes 10, Sunday, October 30, 1932, Louis Malle 10, Friday, October 30, 1896, Ruth Gordon 10, Saturday, October 31, 1931, Dan Rather 10, Tuesday, October 31, 1922, Barbara Bel Geddes 10, Friday, December 2, 1859, Georges Seurat 10, Wednesday, December 3, 1930, Jean-Luc Godard 10, Wednesday, December 3, 1930, Andy Williams 10, Tuesday, December 4, 1866, Wassily Kandinsky 10, Sunday, December 6, 1936, David Ossman 10, Thursday, December 10, 1914, Dorothy Lamour 10, Wednesday, December 13, 1911, Kenneth Patchen 10, Saturday, December 14, 1946, Patty Duke 10, Sunday, December 14, 1919, Shirley Jackson 10, Sunday, December 15, 1918, Jeff Chandler 10, Wednesday, December 20, 1922, George Roy Hill 10, Sunday, December 20, 1868, Harvey Firestone 10, Wednesday, December 23, 1964, Eddie Vedder 10, Thursday, December 28, 1905, Cliff Arquette 10, Thursday, December 28, 1905, Earl "Fatha" Hines
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Life Path 11 Your main life purpose as an essential 11 is to learn to use your intense individualism, independence and creativity as you apply yourself toward the principles of higher good that will serve others. You were born with the pure energy of a master number: there were no reduced numbers to form the 11 in your life path. This means that you will face many spiritual trials throughout this lifetime. That is good since it will allow you to grow and prosper as you serve others. Your primary purpose in this life is one of service to others; however, you must first come to accept your own strong individualistic nature and drive to be a leader. You have a high potential for achievement and it will require you to balance practicality with your idealism, which is prominent. As you grow and learn to reach your goals the desire for you to teach others will become strong. With your pure 11 energy your talents of working with and inspiring others from a teaching viewpoint will become strong and unavoidable for you. You will be drawn to educate others for the pure joy of what you accomplish rather then for recognition, although you will receive it. Assets In your most positive you are busy and active, confident and creative in working toward your true life path. You have established a balanced and joyful life dedicated to the service of those around you, and to your own creativity. You are strong and have a persistence and endurance to attain any goal. Others find you charming and creative, inspiring and inspirational in your abilities and talent. You are happy and fulfilled, and aware of your own individuality: a true leader and a creative genius. Talents Naturally you enjoy positions which let you express your creativity along with your leadership potential. You are most happy as a scientist, explorer or psychiatrist. Because of your desire to teach you will also do well as a professor, counselor, spiritual adviser or healer. Your love of beauty, as an artist and truth seeker suit you for careers such as hair dresser, artist or dance instructor. Following the 11 Path You have learned to follow your creativity, as you are inspired and self-assured in all that you do. You have a confidence that leads you, and a natural creative talent that inspires you to new heights. Your independence and leadership abilities help you to find your path, and your desire to teach and serve others keep you focused on staying on the path you have chosen: one of individuality, creativity and service throughout this lifetime. Famous 11 Life Path Birthdays 11, Monday, January 2, 1961, Gabrielle Carteris 11, Friday, January 3, 1969, Michael Schumacher 11, Sunday, January 3, 1960, Joan Chen 11, Sunday, January 3, 1897, Marion Davies 11, Sunday, January 4, 1914, Jane Wyman 11, Wednesday, January 4, 1905, Sterling Holloway 11, Monday, January 5, 1931, Alvin Ailey 11, Monday, January 5, 1931, Robert Duvall 11, Saturday, January 6, 1912, Danny Thomas 11, Friday, January 7, 1938, Paul Revere Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
11, Tuesday, January 8, 1946, Robby Krieger 11, Friday, January 8, 1937, Shirley Bassey 11, Saturday, January 10, 1953, Pat Benatar 11, Friday, January 10, 1908, Paul Henreid 11, Friday, January 12, 1951, Rush Limbaugh 11, Wednesday, January 16, 1974, Kate Moss 11, Monday, January 16, 1911, Dizzy Dean 11, Tuesday, January 17, 1928, Vidal Sassoon 11, Wednesday, January 18, 1882, A.A. Milne 11, Saturday, January 19, 1980, Jenson Button 11, Tuesday, January 19, 1971, Shawn Wayans 11, Monday, January 19, 1953, Desi Arnaz, Jr. 11, Wednesday, January 19, 1944, Shelley Fabares 11, Thursday, January 19, 1809, Edgar Allan Poe 11, Sunday, January 20, 1952, Paul Stanley 11, Saturday, January 20, 1934, Arte Johnson 11, Wednesday, January 21, 1942, Mac Davis 11, Monday, January 21, 1924, Telly Savalas 11, Monday, January 23, 1832, Edouard Manet 11, Wednesday, January 26, 1955, Eddie Van Halen 11, Saturday, January 26, 1946, Gene Siskel 11, Monday, January 27, 1936, Troy Donahue 11, Sunday, January 27, 1918, Skitch Henderson 11, Tuesday, January 27, 1756, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 11, Monday, January 28, 1980, Nick Carter 11, Tuesday, January 30, 1951, Phil Collins 11, Friday, January 30, 1942, Marty Balin 11, Monday, January 30, 1933, Louis Rukeyser 11, Friday, January 31, 1941, Richard Gephardt 11, Wednesday, January 31, 1923, Carol Channing 11, Wednesday, January 31, 1923, Norman Mailer 11, Friday, February 2, 1906, Gale Gordon 11, Friday, February 3, 1950, Morgan Fairchild 11, Tuesday, February 4, 1913, Rosa Parks 11, Monday, February 6, 1911, Ronald Reagan 11, Friday, February 8, 1828, Jules Verne 11, Friday, February 10, 1961, George Stephanopoulos 11, Thursday, February 10, 1898, Bertolt Brecht 11, Monday, February 12, 1923, Franco Zeffirelli 11, Monday, February 14, 1921, Hugh Downs 11, Tuesday, February 17, 1981, Joseph Gordon-Levitt 11, Thursday, February 17, 1972, Billie Joe Armstrong 11, Thursday, February 17, 1972, Denise Richards 11, Sunday, February 17, 1963, Michael Jordan 11, Wednesday, February 17, 1954, Rene Russo 11, Monday, February 17, 1936, Jim Brown 11, Wednesday, February 20, 1924, Sidney Poitier 11, Wednesday, February 20, 1924, Gloria Vanderbilt 11, Friday, February 21, 1986, Charlotte Church 11, Friday, February 24, 1956, Eddie Murray 11, Monday, February 24, 1947, Edward James Olmos 11, Thursday, February 24, 1938, James Farentino 11, Sunday, February 25, 1973, Justin Jeffre 11, Thursday, February 25, 1937, Tom Courtenay 11, Thursday, February 26, 1846, William "Buffalo Bill" Cody 11, Thursday, February 28, 1907, Earl Scheib 11, Wednesday, March 1, 1978, Jensen Ackles 11, Tuesday, March 5, 1974, Kevin Connolly 11, Tuesday, March 12, 1940, Al Jarreau 11, Sunday, March 12, 1922, Jack Kerouac Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
11, Monday, March 14, 1983, Taylor Hanson 11, Friday, March 14, 1947, Billy Crystal 11, Sunday, March 14, 1920, Hank Ketcham 11, Saturday, March 16, 1963, Kevin Tod Smith 11, Monday, March 20, 1950, William Hurt 11, Friday, March 21, 1958, Gary Oldman 11, Saturday, March 23, 1929, Roger Bannister 11, Tuesday, March 24, 1964, Annabella Sciorra 11, Monday, March 24, 1919, Lawrence Ferlinghetti 11, Tuesday, March 24, 1874, Harry Houdini 11, Saturday, March 30, 1940, Astrud Gilberto 11, Sunday, March 30, 1913, Frankie Laine 11, Monday, March 31, 1732, Joseph Haydn 11, Friday, April 1, 1932, Gordon Jump 11, Friday, April 1, 1932, Debbie Reynolds 11, Saturday, April 1, 1815, Otto von Bismarck 11, Tuesday, April 2, 1805, Hans Christian Andersen 11, Sunday, April 4, 1965, Robert Downey, Jr. 11, Monday, April 5, 1937, Colin Powell 11, Saturday, April 5, 1856, Booker T. Washington 11, Sunday, April 10, 1932, Omar Sharif 11, Saturday, April 12, 1930, Tiny Tim 11, Sunday, April 15, 1990, Emma Watson 11, Friday, April 19, 1968, Ashley Judd 11, Tuesday, April 20, 1976, Joey Lawrence 11, Wednesday, April 20, 1949, Jessica Lange 11, Monday, April 23, 1928, Shirley Temple Black 11, Monday, April 24, 1972, Chipper Jones 11, Tuesday, April 24, 1945, Doug Clifford 11, Friday, April 24, 1936, Jill Ireland 11, Friday, April 28, 1950, Jay Leno 11, Monday, April 28, 1941, Ann-Margret 11, Monday, May 1, 1967, Tim McGraw 11, Saturday, May 2, 1903, Dr. Benjamin Spock 11, Saturday, May 3, 1947, Doug Henning 11, Sunday, May 4, 1919, Heloise 11, Tuesday, May 5, 1981, Craig David 11, Tuesday, May 5, 1981, Danielle Fishel 11, Thursday, May 5, 1927, Pat Carroll 11, Wednesday, May 10, 1922, Nancy Walker 11, Sunday, May 12, 1929, Burt Bacharach 11, Thursday, May 14, 1936, Bobby Darin 11, Tuesday, May 21, 1974, Fairuza Balk 11, Sunday, May 28, 1967, Glen Rice 11, Thursday, May 28, 1931, Carroll Baker 11, Sunday, June 1, 1930, Edward Woodward 11, Wednesday, June 1, 1921, Nelson Riddle 11, Tuesday, June 2, 1857, Sir Edward Elgar 11, Thursday, June 4, 1936, Bruce Dern 11, Tuesday, June 12, 1928, Vic Damone 11, Thursday, June 19, 1930, Gena Rowlands 11, Friday, June 19, 1903, Lou Gehrig 11, Monday, June 21, 1982, Prince William 11, Thursday, June 21, 1973, Juliette Lewis 11, Monday, June 30, 1919, Susan Hayward 11, Sunday, July 1, 1956, Alan Ruck 11, Thursday, July 2, 1964, José Canseco 11, Friday, July 2, 1937, Richard Petty 11, Sunday, July 3, 1927, Ken Russell 11, Thursday, July 10, 1947, Arlo Guthrie Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
11, Saturday, July 10, 1920, David Brinkley 11, Saturday, July 19, 1947, Brian May 11, Monday, July 20, 1964, Chris Cornell 11, Saturday, July 20, 1946, Kim Carnes 11, Sunday, July 20, 1919, Sir Edmund Hillary 11, Sunday, July 28, 1929, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 11, Saturday, July 28, 1866, Beatrix Potter 11, Sunday, July 30, 1972, Brad Hargreaves 11, Tuesday, July 30, 1963, Lisa Kudrow 11, Thursday, July 30, 1936, Buddy Guy 11, Thursday, July 30, 1891, Casey Stengel 11, Wednesday, August 1, 1973, Tempestt Bledsoe 11, Friday, August 10, 1928, Jimmy Dean 11, Friday, August 10, 1928, Eddie Fisher 11, Monday, August 10, 1874, Herbert Hoover 11, Monday, August 19, 1946, Bill Clinton 11, Tuesday, August 19, 1919, Malcolm Forbes 11, Friday, August 20, 1954, Al Roker 11, Saturday, August 28, 1982, LeAnn Rimes 11, Monday, September 10, 1945, José Feliciano 11, Wednesday, September 19, 1945, Randolph Mantooth 11, Thursday, September 28, 1972, Gwyneth Paltrow 11, Tuesday, September 28, 1909, Al Capp 11, Tuesday, October 1, 1935, Julie Andrews 11, Saturday, October 3, 1987, Kaci 11, Friday, October 3, 1969, Gwen Stefani 11, Saturday, October 4, 1941, Anne Rice 11, Thursday, October 5, 1967, Guy Pearce 11, Saturday, October 7, 1911, Vaughn Monroe 11, Friday, October 9, 1981, Zachery Ty Bryan 11, Saturday, October 9, 1954, Scott Bakula 11, Sunday, October 10, 1926, Richard Jaeckel 11, Wednesday, October 10, 1917, Thelonious Monk 11, Sunday, October 12, 1969, Martie Seidel 11, Tuesday, October 13, 1959, Marie Osmond 11, Monday, October 13, 1941, Paul Simon 11, Monday, October 14, 1940, Sir Cliff Richard 11, Monday, October 16, 1758, Noah Webster 11, Tuesday, October 18, 1927, George C. Scott 11, Thursday, October 18, 1900, Lotte Lenya 11, Friday, October 19, 1962, Evander Holyfield 11, Tuesday, October 20, 1925, Art Buchwald 11, Wednesday, October 21, 1942, Judge Judy Sheindlin 11, Wednesday, October 23, 1940, Pelé 11, Friday, October 24, 1930, J.P. "Big Bopper" Richardson 11, Saturday, October 28, 1944, Dennis Franz 11, Sunday, October 30, 1960, Diego Armando Maradona 11, Tuesday, October 30, 1951, Harry Hamlin 11, Sunday, October 30, 1735, John Adams 11, Tuesday, October 31, 1950, John Candy 11, Tuesday, October 31, 1950, Jane Pauley 11, Saturday, October 31, 1896, Ethel Waters 11, Monday, October 31, 1887, Chiang Kai-Shek 11, Wednesday, October 31, 1860, Juliette Low 11, Wednesday, December 1, 1897, Cyril Ritchard 11, Monday, December 2, 1968, Lucy Liu 11, Sunday, December 2, 1923, Maria Callas 11, Sunday, December 5, 1965, John Rzeznik 11, Friday, December 5, 1947, Jim Messina 11, Friday, December 5, 1902, Strom Thurmond Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
11, Thursday, December 5, 1839, George Armstrong Custer 11, Tuesday, December 6, 1955, Steven Wright 11, Saturday, December 10, 1960, Kenneth Branagh 11, Thursday, December 14, 1911, Spike Jones 11, Saturday, December 15, 1928, Friedensreich Hundertwasser 11, Thursday, December 15, 1892, J. Paul Getty 11, Tuesday, December 19, 1933, Cicely Tyson 11, Saturday, December 21, 1940, Frank Zappa 11, Thursday, December 21, 1922, Paul Winchell 11, Saturday, December 25, 1954, Annie Lennox 11, Tuesday, December 25, 1945, Gary Sandy 11, Wednesday, December 25, 1918, Anwar Sadat 11, Wednesday, December 31, 1930, Odetta
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Life Path 12 Your primary purpose in this life is to learn to cooperate and share as you express your creativity and emotions while teaching and supporting others as you inspire them to reach for their highest dreams. You have many lessons to learn in his life, but your biggest one is to learn to be cooperative and accepting of others and balance your cooperative nature with your need for selfexpression. You are generally cooperative, though sometimes you may tend to be self-centered. Remember that your uniqueness is what sets you apart and makes you so good at being innovative and ingenious at solving every problem that comes your way. Be careful and wary of being judgmental and critical of others - they are unique and expressive in their own way too. Your analytical skills are strong, so you will eventually learn to become more emotional in your expression instead of attempting to think a problem away. A peaceful sense of cooperation will pervade over your relationships as you learn to be accepting and emotionally secure. Assets In your most positive sense you are creative, innovative and expressive in everything that you do. You are open and honest at being yourself and others look up to you highly. You enjoy working through problems by communicating and you especially like to give praise and offer words of kindness because you know we are all reflections of each other. Talents You are very expressive and this means that you are best suited to positions that let you express yourself freely and often: jobs such as writing, advertising or promotion work well for you. You will always be happy in anything you do as long as you feel like you are inspiring and helping others grow by doing the work that you do. As you persist and learn to accept feedback your confidence will help you achieve any goal. Following the 12 Path You have mastered the balance needed between your sensitivity and your creativity. You are learning every day how to be caring without hurting, and as you express yourself openly and purposefully other are aware that your sincerity is honest and real. You have erased any doubt in your own mind of insecure feelings or self-criticism. Your open, honest, expressive creativity shines as an inspiration for those around you as you pursue your unique path. Famous 12 Life Path Birthdays 12, Saturday, January 2, 1971, Taye Diggs 12, Monday, January 3, 1898, ZaSu Pitts 12, Monday, January 4, 1960, Michael Stipe 12, Monday, January 5, 1914, George Reeves 12, Monday, January 6, 1913, Loretta Young 12, Sunday, January 7, 1912, Charles Addams 12, Wednesday, January 8, 1947, David Bowie 12, Sunday, January 8, 1911, Butterfly McQueen 12, Tuesday, January 12, 1988, Andy Lawrence 12, Sunday, January 14, 1968, LL Cool J 12, Tuesday, January 14, 1941, Faye Dunaway 12, Wednesday, January 15, 1913, Lloyd Bridges 12, Thursday, January 17, 1884, Mack Sennett Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
12, Tuesday, January 18, 1955, Kevin Costner 12, Monday, January 18, 1892, Oliver Hardy 12, Wednesday, January 20, 1971, Gary Barlow 12, Wednesday, January 20, 1926, Patricia Neal 12, Wednesday, January 21, 1925, Benny Hill 12, Monday, January 24, 1949, John Belushi 12, Saturday, January 26, 1929, Jules Feiffer 12, Monday, January 27, 1964, Bridget Fonda 12, Tuesday, January 30, 1934, Tammy Grimes 12, Friday, January 30, 1925, Dorothy Malone 12, Sunday, January 31, 1915, Garry Moore 12, Sunday, January 31, 1915, Thomas Merton 12, Friday, February 2, 1934, Les Dawson 12, Wednesday, February 4, 1959, Lawrence Taylor 12, Monday, February 5, 1940, H.R. Giger 12, Saturday, February 7, 1920, Eddie Bracken 12, Friday, February 7, 1812, Charles Dickens 12, Friday, February 9, 1945, Mia Farrow 12, Tuesday, February 9, 1909, Carmen Miranda 12, Monday, February 9, 1891, Ronald Colman 12, Saturday, February 10, 1962, Cliff Burton 12, Monday, February 10, 1890, Boris Pasternak 12, Friday, February 12, 1915, Lorne Greene 12, Monday, February 13, 1950, Peter Gabriel 12, Tuesday, February 13, 1923, Chuck Yeager 12, Friday, February 14, 1913, Mel Allen 12, Friday, February 14, 1913, Jimmy Hoffa 12, Monday, February 16, 1920, Patty Andrews 12, Thursday, February 18, 1954, John Travolta 12, Tuesday, February 20, 1934, Bobby Unser 12, Friday, February 20, 1925, Robert Altman 12, Tuesday, February 21, 1933, Nina Simone 12, Sunday, February 23, 1868, W.E.B. DuBois 12, Thursday, February 24, 1921, Abe Vigoda 12, Wednesday, February 26, 1964, Mark Dacascos 12, Sunday, February 26, 1928, Fats Domino 12, Thursday, February 26, 1829, Levi Strauss 12, Friday, February 27, 1891, David Sarnoff 12, Tuesday, March 3, 1959, Ira Glass 12, Friday, March 8, 1963, Kathy Ireland 12, Thursday, March 8, 1945, Micky Dolenz 12, Monday, March 8, 1909, Claire Trevor 12, Wednesday, March 12, 1941, Barbara Feldon 12, Saturday, March 12, 1932, Andrew Young 12, Thursday, March 13, 1913, William Casey 12, Thursday, March 14, 1912, Les Brown 12, Sunday, March 15, 1767, Andrew Jackson 12, Friday, March 17, 1972, Mia Hamm 12, Sunday, March 17, 1918, Mercedes McCambridge 12, Tuesday, March 20, 1906, Ozzie Nelson 12, Saturday, March 23, 1912, Wernher Von Braun 12, Sunday, March 24, 1974, Alyson Hannigan 12, Friday, March 24, 1911, Joseph Barbera 12, Monday, March 25, 1946, Bonnie Bedelia 12, Friday, March 26, 1954, Curtis Sliwa 12, Saturday, March 30, 1968, Celine Dion 12, Thursday, April 2, 1914, Alec Guinness 12, Thursday, April 3, 1958, Alec Baldwin 12, Tuesday, April 6, 1937, Merle Haggard 12, Tuesday, April 6, 1937, Billy Dee Williams Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
12, Wednesday, April 7, 1954, Jackie Chan 12, Saturday, April 10, 1915, Harry Morgan 12, Friday, April 12, 1940, Herbie Hancock 12, Saturday, April 12, 1913, Lionel Hampton 12, Wednesday, April 19, 1933, Jayne Mansfield 12, Monday, April 20, 1959, Clint Howard 12, Sunday, April 20, 1941, Ryan O'Neal 12, Monday, April 21, 1958, Andie Macdowell 12, Wednesday, April 25, 1945, Stu Cook 12, Wednesday, April 25, 1945, Bjorn Ulvaeus 12, Thursday, April 25, 1918, Ella Fitzgerald 12, Tuesday, April 30, 1940, Burt Young 12, Sunday, May 3, 1903, Bing Crosby 12, Friday, May 4, 1956, Pia Zadora 12, Saturday, May 4, 1929, Audrey Hepburn 12, Saturday, May 5, 1973, Tina Yothers 12, Sunday, May 6, 1945, Bob Seger 12, Tuesday, May 10, 1977, Amanda Borden 12, Monday, May 15, 1972, David Charvet 12, Friday, May 15, 1936, Anna Maria Alberghetti 12, Wednesday, May 15, 1918, Eddy Arnold 12, Saturday, May 15, 1909, James Mason 12, Monday, May 19, 1941, Nora Ephron 12, Monday, May 20, 1940, Stan Mikita 12, Wednesday, May 23, 1928, Rosemary Clooney 12, Wednesday, May 23, 1883, Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. 12, Friday, May 24, 1963, Joe Dumars 12, Thursday, May 24, 1945, Priscilla Presley 12, Wednesday, May 28, 1986, Joseph Cross 12, Tuesday, May 28, 1968, Kylie Minogue 12, Monday, May 31, 1965, Brooke Shields 12, Tuesday, May 31, 1938, Peter Yarrow 12, Saturday, June 1, 1940, Rene Auberjonois 12, Monday, June 4, 1928, Dr. Ruth Westheimer 12, Wednesday, June 4, 1919, Robert Merrill 12, Saturday, June 10, 1922, Judy Garland 12, Friday, June 10, 1904, Frederick Loewe 12, Wednesday, June 12, 1929, Anne Frank 12, Tuesday, June 13, 1865, William Butler Yeats 12, Monday, June 14, 1909, Burl Ives 12, Saturday, June 21, 1947, Meredith Baxter 12, Saturday, June 21, 1947, Michael Gross 12, Thursday, June 23, 1927, Bob Fosse 12, Saturday, July 2, 1983, Michelle Branch 12, Saturday, July 3, 1937, Tom Stoppard 12, Tuesday, July 3, 1883, Franz Kafka 12, Monday, July 4, 1927, Gina Lollobrigida 12, Monday, July 4, 1927, Neil Simon 12, Thursday, July 4, 1918, Ann Landers 12, Thursday, July 4, 1918, Abigail Van Buren 12, Sunday, July 10, 1921, Jake LaMotta 12, Monday, July 12, 1937, Bill Cosby 12, Sunday, July 20, 1947, Carlos Santana 12, Wednesday, July 20, 1938, Diana Rigg 12, Wednesday, July 20, 1938, Natalie Wood 12, Sunday, July 21, 1946, Kenneth Starr 12, Thursday, July 30, 1964, Vivica A. Fox 12, Friday, July 31, 1981, Eric Lively 12, Saturday, August 3, 1963, James Hetfield 12, Sunday, August 10, 1947, Ian Anderson Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
12, Sunday, August 19, 1956, Adam Arkin 12, Tuesday, August 19, 1902, Ogden Nash 12, Tuesday, August 20, 1946, Connie Chung 12, Friday, August 21, 1936, Wilt Chamberlain 12, Saturday, August 28, 1965, Shania Twain 12, Thursday, August 28, 1749, Johann von Goethe 12, Wednesday, August 30, 1972, Cameron Diaz 12, Friday, August 30, 1918, Ted Williams 12, Sunday, September 1, 1946, Barry Gibb 12, Saturday, September 19, 1964, Trisha Yearwood 12, Wednesday, September 19, 1928, Adam West 12, Monday, September 28, 1964, Janeane Garofalo 12, Thursday, October 2, 1890, Groucho Marx 12, Saturday, October 3, 1925, Gore Vidal 12, Tuesday, October 3, 1916, James Herriot 12, Saturday, October 4, 1924, Charlton Heston 12, Friday, October 5, 1923, Glynis Johns 12, Monday, October 8, 1956, Stephanie Zimbalist 12, Tuesday, October 9, 1973, Steve Burns 12, Monday, October 12, 1970, Kirk Cameron 12, Monday, October 13, 1969, Nancy Kerrigan 12, Monday, October 13, 1924, Nipsey Russell 12, Wednesday, October 13, 1915, Cornel Wilde 12, Wednesday, October 14, 1896, Lillian Gish 12, Friday, October 14, 1644, William Penn 12, Thursday, October 17, 1974, Eminem 12, Monday, October 17, 1938, Evel Knievel 12, Sunday, October 17, 1920, Montgomery Clift 12, Tuesday, October 17, 1893, Spring Byington 12, Saturday, October 18, 1919, Anita O'Day 12, Tuesday, October 20, 1953, Tom Petty 12, Friday, October 20, 1854, Arthur Rimbaud 12, Wednesday, October 21, 1925, Joyce Randolph 12, Wednesday, October 21, 1772, Samuel Taylor Coleridge 12, Friday, October 23, 1959, "Weird" Al Yankovic 12, Monday, October 24, 1904, Moss Hart 12, Friday, October 25, 1912, Minnie Pearl 12, Sunday, October 26, 1947, Hillary Rodham Clinton 12, Sunday, October 26, 1947, Pat Sajak 12, Sunday, October 26, 1947, Jaclyn Smith 12, Thursday, October 26, 1911, Mahalia Jackson 12, Sunday, October 27, 1946, Carrie Snodgress 12, Saturday, October 31, 1942, David Ogden Stiers 12, Tuesday, December 1, 1970, Julie Condra 12, Saturday, December 2, 1978, Nelly Furtado 12, Tuesday, December 3, 1968, Brendan Fraser 12, Sunday, December 4, 1949, Jeff Bridges 12, Thursday, December 6, 1956, Peter Buck 12, Monday, December 6, 1920, Dave Brubeck 12, Tuesday, December 8, 1936, David Carradine 12, Wednesday, December 10, 1952, Susan Dey 12, Friday, December 12, 1941, Dionne Warwick 12, Wednesday, December 12, 1923, Bob Barker 12, Wednesday, December 13, 1967, Jamie Foxx 12, Saturday, December 13, 1913, Archie Moore 12, Friday, December 15, 1911, Stan Kenton 12, Monday, December 16, 1946, Benny Andersson 12, Saturday, December 16, 1775, Jane Austen 12, Wednesday, December 19, 1934, Al Kaline 12, Monday, December 21, 1959, Florence Griffith Joyner Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
12, Tuesday, December 24, 1929, Mary Higgins Clark 12, Wednesday, December 25, 1946, Jimmy Buffett 12, Thursday, December 26, 1963, Lars Ulrich 12, Sunday, December 26, 1954, Ozzie Smith 12, Monday, December 26, 1927, Alan King 12, Saturday, December 26, 1891, Henry Miller 12, Friday, December 28, 1934, Maggie Smith 12, Wednesday, December 30, 1959, Tracey Ullman 12, Wednesday, December 30, 1914, Bert Parks
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Life Path 13 Your main purpose is to learn to express your emotions and creativity to reach your goals one step at a time, as you follow your unique path. Your unique combination of creativity and your need to express yourself allow you to build a foundation of stability. Creatively you may face sensitive issues of self worth and ego. Do not let the words of others bother you, and learn to be powerful through silence and your action toward others. You will create a harmony that resonates through your being as you persist in expressing your highest creativite abilities. You will learn to establish the stability you require as you grow and mature. Eventually you come to realize that your steady efforts result in more ground gained toward your goals then short periods of intense energy. Your highly creative skills will not let you down as your confident and expressive personality exposes the successful and secure desire that you learn to make your own. You are good at working on each step until you are finished. Assets In your most positive you have created a family and financial base from which to live your life. Others respect you and you have learned to balance your analytical mind with the intuition of your spiritual self. You are known for completing every task and your honesty and stability provide excellent examples to those around you. Their encouragement and security serve you throughout this lifetime. Talents Your varied skills of creativity, expression and intelligence make you a valuable asset in many fields: from real estate to engineering, physician to archeologist. Any type of work that provides you with a chance to communicate and support others, such as coaching or teaching are also good choices. You may have to learn the lesson of patience but eventually you will achieve your goals. Following the 13 Path You are stable and secure in your actions and emotions. You may have mastered a sport or artistic skill that has taught you the benefits of constant and consistent practice to move you toward your goals. As you mature you find that your home and career provide you with just the foundation you need to continue pursuing your creative abilities. You are certain in your direction and this brings respect and compliments from others. Your emotions are in balance with your thinking too; yet you do not let your abilities make you "different" from others in any way that might alienate them. The respect, courage and strength you have built are foundations for your intuitive and creative abilities as you express yourself in perfect awareness throughout your life. Famous 13 Life Path Birthdays 13, Sunday, January 3, 1926, George Martin 13, Sunday, January 5, 1969, Marilyn Manson 13, Sunday, January 6, 1878, Carl Sandburg 13, Saturday, January 7, 1922, Jean-Pierre Rampal 13, Monday, January 8, 1912, José Ferrer 13, Tuesday, January 11, 1972, Amanda Peet
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13, Wednesday, January 12, 1944, Joe Frazier 13, Tuesday, January 12, 1926, Ray Price 13, Friday, January 13, 1961, Julia Louis-Dreyfus 13, Wednesday, January 13, 1943, Richard Moll 13, Tuesday, January 13, 1925, Gwen Verdon 13, Tuesday, January 14, 1969, Jason Bateman 13, Sunday, January 14, 1906, William Bendix 13, Thursday, January 23, 1969, Brendan Shanahan 13, Monday, January 23, 1933, Chita Rivera 13, Wednesday, January 24, 1968, Mary Lou Retton 13, Friday, January 24, 1941, Neil Diamond 13, Friday, January 24, 1941, Aaron Neville 13, Sunday, January 25, 1931, Dean Jones 13, Thursday, January 29, 1981, Jonny Lang 13, Friday, January 29, 1954, Oprah Winfrey 13, Monday, January 29, 1945, Tom Selleck 13, Tuesday, January 29, 1918, John Forsythe 13, Friday, February 2, 1962, Michael T. Weiss 13, Wednesday, February 2, 1944, Graham Nash 13, Sunday, February 3, 1907, James Michener 13, Sunday, February 4, 1906, Clyde W. Tombaugh 13, Thursday, February 5, 1914, William Burroughs 13, Tuesday, February 6, 1940, Tom Brokaw 13, Friday, February 6, 1931, Rip Torn 13, Friday, February 6, 1931, Mamie Van Doren 13, Thursday, February 6, 1913, Mary Leakey 13, Wednesday, February 6, 1895, Babe Ruth 13, Friday, February 8, 1974, Seth Green 13, Saturday, February 8, 1902, Lyle Talbot 13, Wednesday, February 9, 1955, Charles Shaughnessy 13, Thursday, February 9, 1928, Roger Mudd 13, Monday, February 9, 1874, Amy Lowell 13, Monday, February 12, 1934, Bill Russell 13, Friday, February 13, 1942, Peter Tork 13, Monday, February 13, 1933, Kim Novak 13, Sunday, February 14, 1932, Vic Morrow 13, Sunday, February 15, 1976, Brandon Boyd 13, Wednesday, February 15, 1967, Jane Child 13, Sunday, February 15, 1931, Claire Bloom 13, Monday, February 16, 1903, Edgar Bergen 13, Sunday, February 17, 1974, Jerry O'Connell 13, Sunday, February 17, 1974, Bryan White 13, Tuesday, February 18, 1964, Matt Dillon 13, Wednesday, February 21, 1979, Jennifer Love Hewitt 13, Sunday, February 21, 1943, David Geffen 13, Saturday, February 21, 1925, Sam Peckinpah 13, Thursday, February 26, 1920, Tony Randall 13, Monday, February 27, 1928, Ariel Sharon 13, Wednesday, March 1, 1944, Roger Daltrey 13, Friday, March 1, 1935, Robert Conrad 13, Monday, March 1, 1926, Pete Rozelle 13, Thursday, March 1, 1917, Dinah Shore 13, Sunday, March 2, 1952, Laraine Newman 13, Friday, March 4, 1932, Miriam Makeba 13, Wednesday, March 5, 1958, Andy Gibb 13, Sunday, March 5, 1922, James Noble 13, Thursday, March 6, 1930, Lorin Maazel 13, Sunday, March 7, 1875, Maurice Ravel 13, Friday, March 9, 1945, Robin Trower 13, Monday, March 9, 1936, Mickey Gilley Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
13, Saturday, March 9, 1918, Mickey Spillane 13, Monday, March 13, 1950, William H. Macy 13, Friday, March 15, 1912, Samuel "Lightnin'" Hopkins 13, Saturday, March 17, 1973, Caroline Corr 13, Tuesday, March 17, 1964, Rob Lowe 13, Thursday, March 17, 1955, Gary Sinise 13, Monday, March 17, 1919, Nat "King" Cole 13, Monday, March 18, 1963, Vanessa Williams 13, Wednesday, March 18, 1936, F.W. deKlerk 13, Friday, March 18, 1927, George Plimpton 13, Saturday, March 18, 1837, Grover Cleveland 13, Tuesday, March 19, 1935, Phyllis Newman 13, Monday, March 21, 1960, Ayrton Senna da Silva 13, Tuesday, March 23, 1976, Keri Russell 13, Monday, March 24, 1930, Steve McQueen 13, Thursday, March 25, 1965, Sarah Jessica Parker 13, Tuesday, March 25, 1947, Elton John 13, Thursday, March 25, 1920, Howard Cosell 13, Thursday, March 26, 1874, Robert Frost 13, Wednesday, March 27, 1963, Quentin Tarantino 13, Wednesday, March 27, 1963, Xuxa 13, Tuesday, March 28, 1944, Ken Howard 13, Tuesday, March 28, 1899, August Anheuser Busch, Jr. 13, Thursday, April 3, 1986, Amanda Bynes 13, Friday, April 3, 1959, David Hyde Pierce 13, Thursday, April 4, 1895, Arthur Murray 13, Tuesday, April 5, 1921, Gale Storm 13, Sunday, April 6, 1947, John Ratzenberger 13, Saturday, April 6, 1929, Andre Previn 13, Friday, April 6, 1866, Butch Cassidy 13, Tuesday, April 7, 1964, Russell Crowe 13, Saturday, April 7, 1928, James Garner 13, Monday, April 8, 1963, Julian Lennon 13, Monday, April 8, 1918, Betty Ford 13, Sunday, April 10, 1988, Haley Joel Osment 13, Thursday, April 10, 1952, Steven Seagal 13, Wednesday, April 12, 1950, David Cassidy 13, Thursday, April 12, 1923, Ann Miller 13, Tuesday, April 13, 1976, Jonathan Brandis 13, Thursday, April 15, 1452, Leonardo da Vinci 13, Saturday, April 16, 1955, Ellen Barkin 13, Wednesday, April 16, 1919, Merce Cunningham 13, Wednesday, April 17, 1918, William Holden 13, Thursday, April 19, 1979, Kate Hudson 13, Sunday, April 19, 1970, Luis Miguel Basteri 13, Sunday, April 19, 1925, Hugh O'Brian 13, Sunday, April 20, 1924, Nina Foch 13, Thursday, April 21, 1932, Elaine May 13, Saturday, April 25, 1964, Hank Azaria 13, Thursday, April 25, 1946, Talia Shire 13, Friday, April 26, 1963, Jet Li 13, Thursday, May 1, 1924, Terry Southern 13, Friday, May 6, 1955, Tom Bergeron 13, Tuesday, May 6, 1856, Sigmund Freud 13, Tuesday, May 6, 1856, Robert E. Peary 13, Wednesday, May 10, 1978, Kenan Thompson 13, Tuesday, May 10, 1960, Paul "Bono" Hewson 13, Thursday, May 10, 1888, Max Steiner 13, Friday, May 14, 1965, Jose Da Silveira 13, Saturday, May 15, 1937, Madeleine Albright Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
13, Saturday, May 15, 1937, Trini Lopez 13, Saturday, May 16, 1801, William Seward 13, Wednesday, May 20, 1959, Bronson Pinchot 13, Saturday, May 21, 1904, Fats Waller 13, Thursday, May 23, 1974, Jewel 13, Sunday, May 23, 1920, Helen O'Connell 13, Tuesday, May 24, 1955, Rosanne Cash 13, Saturday, May 25, 1963, Mike Myers 13, Monday, May 25, 1936, Tom T. Hall 13, Wednesday, May 25, 1927, Robert Ludlum 13, Saturday, May 25, 1918, Claude Akins 13, Monday, May 28, 1888, Jim Thorpe 13, Saturday, May 31, 1930, Clint Eastwood 13, Thursday, June 2, 1904, Johnny Weissmuller 13, Tuesday, June 5, 1928, Tony Richardson 13, Friday, June 14, 1946, Donald Trump 13, Saturday, June 15, 1963, Helen Hunt 13, Tuesday, June 15, 1954, Jim Belushi 13, Friday, June 19, 1896, Wallis Simpson 13, Tuesday, June 20, 1967, Nicole Kidman 13, Monday, June 20, 1949, Lionel Richie 13, Saturday, June 20, 1931, Martin Landau 13, Tuesday, June 21, 1921, Jane Russell 13, Sunday, June 28, 1491, Henry VIII, King of England 13, Saturday, July 1, 1967, Pamela Anderson 13, Wednesday, July 1, 1931, Leslie Caron 13, Wednesday, July 4, 1883, Rube Goldberg 13, Thursday, July 5, 1810, P.T. Barnum 13, Saturday, July 13, 1946, Cheech Marin 13, Friday, July 13, 1928, Bob Crane 13, Thursday, July 14, 1927, John Chancellor 13, Sunday, July 14, 1918, Ingmar Bergman 13, Wednesday, July 19, 1922, George McGovern 13, Wednesday, July 21, 1920, Isaac Stern 13, Friday, July 21, 1911, Marshall McLuhan 13, Sunday, July 23, 1972, Marlon Wayans 13, Thursday, July 23, 1936, Don Drysdale 13, Tuesday, July 23, 1918, Harold "Pee Wee" Reese 13, Sunday, July 28, 1940, Phil Proctor 13, Monday, July 30, 1956, Delta Burke 13, Wednesday, July 30, 1947, Arnold Schwarzenegger 13, Friday, July 31, 1964, Jim Corr 13, Thursday, July 31, 1919, Curt Gowdy 13, Sunday, August 2, 1992, Hallie Eisenberg 13, Friday, August 2, 1974, Jeremy Castle 13, Saturday, August 4, 1900, Elizabeth, The Queen Mother 13, Saturday, August 4, 1792, Percy Bysshe Shelley 13, Friday, August 19, 1921, Gene Roddenberry 13, Thursday, August 28, 1930, Ben Gazzara 13, Monday, August 30, 1982, Andy Roddick 13, Thursday, August 30, 1973, Lisa Ling 13, Thursday, August 31, 1972, Chris Tucker 13, Friday, August 31, 1945, Van Morrison 13, Friday, August 31, 1945, Itzhak Perlman 13, Saturday, August 31, 1918, Alan Jay Lerner 13, Wednesday, September 1, 1875, Edgar Rice Burroughs 13, Wednesday, September 2, 1964, Keanu Reeves 13, Tuesday, September 10, 1974, Ryan Phillippe 13, Tuesday, September 10, 1929, Arnold Palmer 13, Sunday, September 12, 1954, Peter Scolari Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
13, Thursday, September 20, 1928, Dr. Joyce Brothers 13, Thursday, September 21, 1972, Liam Gallagher 13, Thursday, September 21, 1972, David Silveria 13, Wednesday, September 30, 1981, Dominique Moceanu 13, Sunday, October 3, 1971, Kevin Richardson 13, Thursday, October 4, 1979, Rachael Leigh Cook 13, Friday, October 5, 1951, Karen Allen 13, Thursday, October 6, 1887, Le Corbusier 13, Wednesday, October 7, 1931, Bishop Desmond Tutu 13, Friday, October 11, 1918, Jerome Robbins 13, Saturday, October 12, 1935, Luciano Pavarotti 13, Saturday, October 13, 1934, Nana Mouskouri 13, Tuesday, October 13, 1925, Lenny Bruce 13, Tuesday, October 13, 1925, Margaret Thatcher 13, Thursday, October 15, 1959, Sarah Ferguson 13, Thursday, October 15, 1959, Emeril Lagasse 13, Thursday, October 16, 1958, Tim Robbins 13, Friday, October 17, 1930, Jimmy Breslin 13, Monday, October 17, 1921, Tom Poston 13, Thursday, October 18, 1956, Martina Navratilova 13, Saturday, October 18, 1947, Laura Nyro 13, Tuesday, October 18, 1938, Dawn Wells 13, Sunday, October 21, 1917, Dizzy Gillespie 13, Friday, October 23, 1942, Michael Crichton 13, Friday, October 25, 1940, Bobby Knight 13, Wednesday, October 27, 1920, Nanette Fabray 13, Thursday, October 29, 1891, Fanny Brice 13, Tuesday, October 31, 1961, Larry Mullen, Jr. 13, Sunday, November 1, 1981, LaTavia Roberson 13, Wednesday, November 1, 1972, Jenny McCarthy 13, Thursday, November 19, 1936, Dick Cavett 13, Friday, December 1, 1944, John Densmore 13, Sunday, December 1, 1935, Woody Allen 13, Tuesday, December 2, 1952, Michael McDonald 13, Saturday, December 3, 1960, Daryl Hannah 13, Saturday, December 3, 1960, Julianne Moore 13, Thursday, December 5, 1985, Frankie Muniz 13, Friday, December 7, 1956, Larry Bird 13, Sunday, December 7, 1947, Johnny Bench 13, Tuesday, December 8, 1964, Teri Hatcher 13, Friday, December 8, 1865, Jean Sibelius 13, Thursday, December 9, 1909, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. 13, Sunday, December 12, 1915, Frank Sinatra 13, Saturday, December 13, 1941, John Davidson 13, Wednesday, December 18, 1963, Brad Pitt 13, Sunday, December 19, 1971, Amy Locane 13, Tuesday, December 19, 1944, Richard Leakey 13, Tuesday, December 19, 1944, Alvin Lee 13, Tuesday, December 19, 1944, Tim Reid 13, Tuesday, December 20, 1898, Irene Dunne 13, Sunday, December 21, 1969, Jack Noseworthy 13, Sunday, December 21, 1879, Joseph Stalin 13, Monday, December 25, 1893, Robert Ripley 13, Tuesday, December 25, 1821, Clara Barton 13, Monday, December 28, 1908, Lew Ayres 13, Wednesday, December 30, 1942, Michael Nesmith 13, Thursday, December 31, 1959, Val Kilmer 13, Wednesday, December 31, 1941, Sarah Miles 13, Friday, December 31, 1869, Henri Matisse
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Life Path 14 Your primary purpose is to learn to use your creative skills and emotional stability to accept personal freedom as you work patiently at achieving your goals. You will face a life of challenges to the freedom and independence that you seek. You want to be free though you may become too dependent on those close to you. You must learn to balance your independence with respect and cooperation as you work with others. As you grow your patience will become even more important for you. Remember that several steps are required to complete your goals and take the time you need to nourish and care for yourself. The patience you will find will help you as you build a foundation for completing any task, and overcoming any obstacle. Your highly creative mind will serve you throughout this life. Your fine sense of creativity allows you to learn and master things that others can only dream of. Assets At your most positive you are exacting and you work at and follow each step through to its completion. You have grown accustomed to your body and you practice a regular discipline that keeps you healthy and wise. Your imagination is eidetic and well refined; you have learned to complete the steps you need to create reality from your dreams. You are outgoing and interesting to many and your knowledge of many aspects of life means that others enjoy being around you too. Talents Your powerful and influential personality and analytical intelligence make you an excellent choice for working in many fields, but especially those that provide some stable foundation along with the possibility of travel and adventure. Promotion, sales, entertainer or publicist are excellent positions for you. Following the 14 Path You are confident, safe and comfortable with your own security and your ambition. You have learned to take one step at a time toward completing your goals and this works for you and provides a foundation for helping you pursue the next goal. The creativity that you show becomes a part of your unique person and this provides inspiration and excitement that combines with your need for adventure. Eventually you come to love the sense of stability you have created and to use your powerful imagination for completing your unique life purpose. Famous 14 Life Path Birthdays 14, Friday, January 4, 1935, Floyd Patterson 14, Wednesday, January 4, 1809, Louis Braille 14, Friday, January 11, 1946, Naomi Judd 14, Monday, January 15, 1951, Charo 14, Monday, January 15, 1906, Aristotle Onassis 14, Thursday, January 16, 1986, Mason Gamble 14, Friday, January 16, 1959, Sade 14, Monday, January 16, 1950, Debbie Allen 14, Monday, January 17, 1949, Andy Kaufman 14, Saturday, January 17, 1931, James Earl Jones 14, Tuesday, January 17, 1922, Betty White 14, Sunday, January 17, 1706, Ben Franklin Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
14, Sunday, January 24, 1960, Nastassia Kinski 14, Wednesday, January 24, 1951, Yakov Smirnoff 14, Sunday, January 26, 1958, Anita Baker 14, Sunday, January 26, 1958, Ellen DeGeneres 14, Thursday, January 27, 1921, Donna Reed 14, Sunday, January 31, 1971, Minnie Driver 14, Monday, January 31, 1944, Charlie Musselwhite 14, Friday, February 1, 1901, Clark Gable 14, Wednesday, February 3, 1926, Shelley Berman 14, Thursday, February 5, 1942, Roger Staubach 14, Monday, February 6, 1950, Natalie Cole 14, Thursday, February 7, 1985, Tina Majorino 14, Tuesday, February 8, 1921, Freddie Blassie 14, Tuesday, February 8, 1921, Lana Turner 14, Wednesday, February 11, 1981, Kelly Rowland 14, Monday, February 11, 1963, Sheryl Crow 14, Tuesday, February 11, 1936, Burt Reynolds 14, Tuesday, February 12, 1980, Christina Ricci 14, Thursday, February 12, 1953, Joanna Kerns 14, Friday, February 12, 1926, Joe Garagiola 14, Monday, February 12, 1917, Dom DiMaggio 14, Sunday, February 12, 1809, Charles Darwin 14, Sunday, February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln 14, Tuesday, February 13, 1934, George Segal 14, Sunday, February 14, 1960, Meg Tilly 14, Sunday, February 16, 1958, Ice-T 14, Thursday, February 18, 1965, Dr. Dre 14, Wednesday, February 18, 1920, Bill Cullen 14, Wednesday, February 18, 1920, Jack Palance 14, Thursday, February 21, 1935, Rue McClanahan 14, Friday, February 23, 1951, Patricia Richardson 14, Thursday, February 23, 1933, Donna J. Stone 14, Wednesday, February 24, 1932, Michel Legrand 14, Tuesday, February 25, 1913, Jim Backus 14, Thursday, February 25, 1904, Adelle Davis 14, Thursday, February 25, 1841, Pierre Auguste Renoir 14, Saturday, February 26, 1921, Betty Hutton 14, Thursday, February 27, 1902, John Steinbeck 14, Thursday, February 28, 1901, Linus Pauling 14, Tuesday, February 29, 1972, Antonio Sabato, Jr. 14, Saturday, February 29, 1936, Jack Lousma 14, Friday, March 2, 1962, Jon Bon Jovi 14, Thursday, March 2, 1944, Lou Reed 14, Friday, March 2, 1917, Desi Arnaz 14, Tuesday, March 4, 1969, Chastity Bono 14, Sunday, March 4, 1888, Knute Rockne 14, Friday, March 7, 1930, Lord Snowdon 14, Sunday, March 13, 1960, Adam Clayton 14, Friday, March 15, 1940, Phil Lesh 14, Saturday, March 15, 1913, Macdonald Carey 14, Saturday, March 16, 1912, Pat Nixon 14,Thursday, March 17, 1938, Rudolf Nureyev 14, Monday, March 17, 1902, Bobby Jones 14, Wednesday, March 18, 1964, Bonnie Blair 14, Friday, March 23, 1923, Doc Watson 14, Wednesday, March 24, 1976, Peyton Manning 14, Friday, March 25, 1921, Simone Signoret 14, Sunday, March 26, 1911, Tennessee Williams 14, Wednesday, March 30, 1853, Vincent Van Gogh 14, Wednesday, March 31, 1915, Henry Morgan Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
14, Thursday, April 1, 1926, Anne McCaffrey 14, Wednesday, April 1, 1908, Abraham Maslow 14, Friday, April 3, 1942, Marsha Mason 14, Friday, April 3, 1942, Wayne Newton 14, Thursday, April 3, 1924, Marlon Brando 14, Thursday, April 3, 1924, Doris Day 14, Tuesday, April 4, 1950, Christine Lahti 14, Monday, April 4, 1932, Anthony Perkins 14, Saturday, April 4, 1914, Frances Langford 14, Wednesday, April 7, 1920, Ravi Shankar 14, Friday, April 9, 1954, Dennis Quaid 14, Saturday, April 13, 1743, Thomas Jefferson 14, Thursday, April 14, 1904, John Gielgud 14, Friday, April 16, 1965, Martin Lawrence 14, Wednesday, April 16, 1947, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 14, Tuesday, April 16, 1929, Edie Adams 14, Friday, April 16, 1920, Barry Nelson 14, Thursday, April 18, 1963, Conan O'Brien 14, Tuesday, April 18, 1882, Leopold Stokowski 14, Thursday, April 19, 1962, Al Unser, Jr. 14, Friday, April 19, 1935, Dudley Moore 14, Thursday, April 20, 1961, Don Mattingly 14, Saturday, April 20, 1889, Adolf Hitler 14, Saturday, April 21, 1951, Tony Danza 14, Wednesday, April 21, 1915, Anthony Quinn 14, Sunday, April 21, 1816, Charlotte Bronte 14, Saturday, April 23, 1949, Joyce DeWitt 14, Tuesday, April 23, 1940, Lee Majors 14, Monday, April 26, 1982, Jon Lee 14, Wednesday, April 27, 1927, Coretta Scott King 14, Sunday, April 30, 1933, Willie Nelson 14, Monday, May 1, 1916, Glenn Ford 14, Friday, May 2, 1924, Theodore Bikel 14, Wednesday, May 7, 1919, Eva Peron 14, Monday, May 8, 1972, Darren Hayes 14, Sunday, May 12, 1968, Tony Hawk 14, Wednesday, May 16, 1973, Tori Spelling 14, Monday, May 16, 1955, Olga Korbut 14, Monday, May 16, 1955, Debra Winger 14, Friday, May 16, 1919, Liberace 14, Sunday, May 17, 1936, Dennis Hopper 14, Monday, May 19, 1952, Grace Jones 14, Tuesday, May 19, 1925, Malcolm X 14, Tuesday, May 24, 1938, Tommy Chong 14, Wednesday, May 25, 1955, Connie Sellecca 14, Monday, May 28, 1979, Jesse Bradford 14, Wednesday, May 31, 1922, Denholm Elliott 14, Monday, June 2, 1941, Stacy Keach 14, Tuesday, June 5, 1956, Kenny G 14, Monday, June 6, 1955, Sandra Bernhard 14, Sunday, June 7, 1981, Anna Kournikova 14, Sunday, June 7, 1981, Larisa Oleynik 14, Wednesday, June 7, 1972, Karl Urban 14, Monday, June 7, 1909, Jessica Tandy 14, Saturday, June 10, 1978, Shane West 14, Saturday, June 10, 1933, F. Lee Bailey 14, Thursday, June 10, 1915, Saul Bellow 14, Monday, June 15, 1964, Courteney Cox 14, Tuesday, June 15, 1937, Waylon Jennings 14, Saturday, June 19, 1915, Pat Buttram Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
14, Saturday, June 19, 1897, Moe Howard 14, Friday, June 21, 1940, Mariette Hartley 14, Sunday, June 23, 1929, June Carter 14, Tuesday, June 25, 1963, George Michael 14, Monday, June 25, 1945, Carly Simon 14, Tuesday, June 28, 1960, John Elway 14, Wednesday, June 28, 1933, Pat Morita 14, Friday, July 1, 1977, Liv Tyler 14, Tuesday, July 1, 1941, Twyla Tharp 14, Sunday, July 2, 1922, Dan Rowan 14, Monday, July 2, 1877, Hermann Hesse 14, Tuesday, July 4, 1911, Mitch Miller 14, Friday, July 4, 1902, George Murphy 14, Thursday, July 5, 1928, Warren Oates 14, Friday, July 6, 1945, Burt Ward 14, Wednesday, July 6, 1927, Janet Leigh 14, Thursday, July 6, 1747, John Paul Jones 14, Friday, July 13, 1821, Nathan Bedford Forrest 14, Saturday, July 19, 1941, Vikki Carr 14, Thursday, July 19, 1860, Lizzie Borden 14, Monday, July 23, 1973, Nomar Garciapara 14, Monday, July 23, 1973, Monica Lewinsky 14, Friday, July 24, 1936, Ruth Buzzi 14, Tuesday, July 24, 1900, Zelda Fitzgerald 14, Thursday, July 24, 1783, Simon Bolivar 14, Wednesday, July 30, 1930, Thomas Sowell 14, Saturday, July 31, 1965, J.K. Rowling 14, Thursday, August 4, 1955, Billy Bob Thornton 14, Saturday, August 12, 1911, Cantinflas 14, Wednesday, August 13, 1919, George Shearing 14, Tuesday, August 14, 1945, Steve Martin 14, Monday, August 19, 1940, Jill St. John 14, Wednesday, August 19, 1931, Willie Shoemaker 14, Saturday, August 20, 1921, Jacqueline Susann 14, Sunday, August 21, 1938, Kenny Rogers 14, Wednesday, August 21, 1929, X.J. Kennedy 14, Thursday, August 28, 1958, Scott Hamilton 14, Friday, August 30, 1974, Rich Cronin 14, Saturday, August 30, 1947, Peggy Lipton 14, Friday, August 31, 1928, James Coburn 14, Friday, September 4, 1981, Beyoncé Knowles 14, Wednesday, September 4, 1918, Paul Harvey 14, Wednesday, September 12, 1973, Paul Walker 14, Friday, September 20, 1929, Anne Meara 14, Thursday, September 30, 1982, Lacey Chabert 14, Wednesday, September 30, 1964, Robby Takac 14, Tuesday, October 6, 1942, Britt Ekland 14, Monday, October 7, 1968, Toni Braxton 14, Monday, October 7, 1968, Thom Yorke 14, Saturday, October 7, 1905, Andy Devine 14, Saturday, October 8, 1949, Sigourney Weaver 14, Tuesday, October 8, 1895, Juan Peron 14, Monday, October 13, 1980, Ashanti 14, Saturday, October 13, 1962, Jerry Rice 14, Sunday, October 14, 1979, Usher 14, Tuesday, October 14, 1952, Harry Anderson 14, Thursday, October 15, 1942, Penny Marshall 14, Wednesday, October 15, 1924, Lee Iacocca 14, Friday, October 17, 1958, Alan Jackson 14, Tuesday, October 18, 1921, Jesse Helms Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
14, Friday, October 23, 1925, Johnny Carson 14, Saturday, October 25, 1941, Helen Reddy 14, Sunday, November 20, 1927, Estelle Parsons 14, Thursday, November 28, 1946, Joe Dante 14, Tuesday, December 2, 1980, Ric Felix 14, Sunday, December 2, 1962, Tracy Austin 14, Wednesday, December 2, 1863, Charles Ringling 14, Monday, December 5, 1932, Little Richard 14, Monday, December 6, 1886, Joyce Kilmer 14, Monday, December 8, 1947, Gregg Allman 14, Friday, December 8, 1911, Lee J. Cobb 14, Tuesday, December 8, 1542, Mary Queen of Scots 14, Sunday, December 9, 1928, Dick Van Patten 14, Saturday, December 12, 1970, Mädchen Amick 14, Saturday, December 12, 1970, Jennifer Connelly 14, Friday, December 12, 1952, Cathy Rigby 14, Wednesday, December 14, 1932, Charlie Rich 14, Monday, December 14, 1914, Morey Amsterdam 14, Thursday, December 15, 1949, Don Johnson 14, Tuesday, December 17, 1929, William Safire 14, Friday, December 18, 1964, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin 14, Wednesday, December 18, 1946, Steven Spielberg 14, Sunday, December 24, 1922, Ava Gardner 14, Thursday, December 25, 1642, Sir Isaac Newton 14, Friday, December 26, 1947, Carlton Fisk 14, Tuesday, December 26, 1893, Mao Tse-tung 14, Sunday, December 30, 1934, Russ Tamblyn
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Life Path 15 As a 15 your main purpose is to learn personal freedom, emotional control and independence while using your creativity to build confidence in yourself and others around you. You may feel a need to be a perfectionist and to reject your independence, but eventually you will learn to accept the goodness in all things and find your own inner spirituality. Your creative and imaginative skills make you a great leader: original, innovative and with a desire to serve others. Beware of a tendency you may have to live in a dream or fantasy world that you create in your own head. We have all come here to each with a mission and a need to experience things from a physical and experiential viewpoint, so you too must realize your purpose here is to serve; you do this best with both feet on the ground. You have learned to find your direction and you follow it with surety and content. Assets In your most positive self you are disciplined as well as creative. A visionary with idealistic intent, you have learned to focus and apply your creativity and confidence in a life that is both inspiring and uplifting to others. You lead them as if they are in your immediate family. You have accepted your own imperfections and those of others around you and you have learned to work with the best of everything within your reach. Your drive for freedom has instilled a sense of unity and social reform that you have created in your own life. This serves as an example for others throughout your life as you pursue your purpose. Talents Your high ideals and need for change and unique and creative imagination make you best suited for careers of variety: acting, chef, interior decorator, coaching or artist are positions that will be most appealing. You are truly at your best when you help others. Work in a medical field such as healing and psychiatry will also be exciting for you. Whatever your line of work you choose to follow you will bring an excitement and inspiration to it that is sure to affect others and give you a sense of fulfillment. Try to choose a field that allows you to express your creativity and you will surely be happy. Following the 15 Path You have learned to find the perfection that already exists in everything around you. You know that all is as it should be and that your dreams and ideals are working to serve yourself and others throughout your life's path. You bring reality to your visions by applying your powerful creative imagination and your own standards of ideal freedom. You honor the freedom within yourself and you strive to teach and inspire others toward new and higher levels of communion. You realize that we all have our own sense of right and wrong that is perfect in its own way. You follow your true purpose toward higher awareness as you follow your unique path. Famous 15 Life Path Birthdays 15, Monday, January 5, 1953, Pamela Sue Martin 15, Sunday, January 5, 1908, George Dolenz 15, Tuesday, January 6, 1880, Tom Mix 15, Monday, January 6, 1412, Joan of Arc 15, Monday, January 8, 1923, Larry Storch Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
15, Monday, January 9, 1967, Dave Matthews 15, Thursday, January 9, 1913, Richard Nixon 15, Saturday, January 9, 1904, George Balanchine 15, Saturday, January 17, 1959, Susanna Hoffs 15, Saturday, January 18, 1913, Danny Kaye 15, Monday, January 18, 1904, Cary Grant 15, Sunday, January 23, 1944, Rutger Hauer 15, Wednesday, January 23, 1737, John Hancock 15, Wednesday, January 24, 1979, Tatyana Ali 15, Saturday, January 24, 1925, Maria Tallchief 15, Wednesday, January 25, 1933, Corazon Aquino 15, Friday, January 26, 1923, Anne Jeffreys 15, Friday, January 27, 1832, Lewis Carroll 15, Monday, February 5, 1934, Henry "Hank" Aaron 15, Thursday, February 6, 1969, Masaharu Fukuyama 15, Wednesday, February 7, 1923, Keefe Brasselle 15, Thursday, February 8, 1940, Ted Koppel 15, Thursday, February 8, 1940, Nick Nolte 15, Sunday, February 8, 1931, James Dean 15, Thursday, February 11, 1847, Thomas Alva Edison 15, Sunday, February 13, 1944, Stockard Channing 15, Sunday, February 13, 1944, Jerry Springer 15, Wednesday, February 14, 1934, Florence Henderson 15, Thursday, February 15, 1951, Melissa Manchester 15, Thursday, February 15, 1951, Jane Seymour 15, Saturday, February 15, 1564, Galileo Galilei 15, Monday, February 16, 1959, John McEnroe 15, Tuesday, February 18, 1930, Gahan Wilson 15, Tuesday, February 24, 1942, Joe Lieberman 15, Sunday, February 26, 1922, Margaret Leighton 15, Thursday, February 27, 1930, Joanne Woodward 15, Tuesday, March 1, 1910, David Niven 15, Saturday, March 3, 1962, Jackie Joyner-Kersee 15, Saturday, March 3, 1962, Herschel Walker 15, Friday, March 6, 1959, Tom Arnold 15, Thursday, March 6, 1941, Willie Stargell 15, Tuesday, March 6, 1923, Ed McMahon 15, Thursday, March 7, 1940, Daniel J. Travanti 15, Wednesday, March 11, 1981, LeToya Luckett 15, Monday, March 12, 1962, Darryl Strawberry 15, Tuesday, March 14, 1933, Michael Caine 15, Tuesday, March 14, 1933, Quincy Jones 15, Friday, March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein 15, Wednesday, March 16, 1949, Erik Estrada 15, Saturday, March 16, 1940, Bernardo Bertolucci 15, Tuesday, March 16, 1751, James Madison 15, Friday, March 18, 1938, Charlie Pride 15, Wednesday, March 21, 1962, Matthew Broderick 15, Wednesday, March 21, 1962, Rosie O'Donnell 15, Tuesday, March 21, 1944, Timothy Dalton 15, Thursday, March 24, 1887, Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle 15, Monday, March 25, 1940, Anita Bryant 15,Wednesday, March 26, 1930, Sandra Day O'Connor 15, Friday, March 29, 1918, Pearl Bailey 15, Friday, March 29, 1918, Sam Walton 15, Friday, March 30, 1962, M.C. Hammer 15, Wednesday, March 31, 1943, Christopher Walken 15, Saturday, March 31, 1934, Shirley Jones 15, Tuesday, March 31, 1925, Leo Buscaglia 15, Thursday, April 2, 1908, Buddy Ebsen Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
15, Monday, April 3, 1961, Eddie Murphy 15, Tuesday, April 3, 1934, Jane Goodall 15, Monday, April 3, 1916, Herb Caen 15, Sunday, April 4, 1915, Muddy Waters 15, Wednesday, April 4, 1906, John Cameron Swayze 15, Wednesday, April 5, 1950, Agnetha Faltskog 15, Tuesday, April 6, 1976, Candace Cameron 15, Friday, April 8, 1938, Kofi Annan 15, Saturday, April 8, 1893, Mary Pickford 15, Thursday, April 12, 1979, Claire Danes 15, Sunday, April 12, 1970, Nick Hexum 15, Thursday, April 13, 1978, Kyle Howard 15, Friday, April 13, 1906, Samuel Beckett 15, Thursday, April 14, 1977, Sarah Michelle Gellar 15, Monday, April 14, 1941, Julie Christie 15, Monday, April 14, 1941, Pete Rose 15, Saturday, April 15, 1922, Leon Schotter 15, Wednesday, April 16, 1930, Herbie Mann 15, Saturday, April 16, 1921, Peter Ustinov 15, Wednesday, April 17, 1974, Victoria Addams 15, Thursday, April 18, 1946, Hayley Mills 15, Sunday, April 21, 1619, Jan van Riebeeck 15, Friday, April 25, 1930, Paul Mazursky 15, Tuesday, April 26, 1938, Duane Eddy 15, Tuesday, April 26, 1785, John James Audubon 15, Tuesday, April 27, 1937, Sandy Dennis 15, Sunday, April 30, 1961, Isiah Thomas 15, Saturday, May 2, 1925, Roscoe Lee Browne 15, Thursday, May 3, 1951, Christopher Cross 15, Wednesday, May 3, 1933, James Brown 15, Sunday, May 4, 1941, George F. Will 15, Monday, May 5, 1913, Tyrone Power 15, Friday, May 8, 1964, Melissa Gilbert 15, Saturday, May 9, 1936, Albert Finney 15, Saturday, May 9, 1936, Glenda Jackson 15, Thursday, May 9, 1918, Mike Wallace 15, Friday, May 9, 1873, Howard Carter 15, Wednesday, May 10, 1899, Fred Astaire 15, Friday, May 12, 1978, Jason Biggs 15, Monday, May 12, 1969, Kim Fields 15, Saturday, May 13, 1950, Stevie Wonder 15, Tuesday, May 13, 1941, Ritchie Valens 15, Wednesday, May 13, 1914, Joe Louis 15, Friday, May 13, 1842, Arthur Sullivan 15, Thursday, May 15, 1930, Jasper Johns 15, Friday, May 16, 1947, Bob Edwards 15, Monday, May 19, 1890, Ho Chi Minh 15, Wednesday, May 21, 1924, Peggy Cass 15, Friday, May 23, 1958, Mitch Albom 15, Friday, May 23, 1958, Drew Carey 15, Saturday, May 25, 1929, Beverly Sills 15, Wednesday, May 25, 1803, Ralph W. Emerson 15, Tuesday, May 26, 1964, Lenny Kravitz 15, Monday, May 26, 1919, Jay Silverheels 15, Wednesday, May 27, 1936, Louis Gossett, Jr. 15, Saturday, May 27, 1837, Wild Bill Hickok 15, Sunday, May 28, 1944, Rudolph Giuliani 15, Sunday, May 28, 1944, Gladys Knight 15, Thursday, May 28, 1908, Ian Fleming 15, Wednesday, May 31, 1950, Gregory Harrison Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
15, Saturday, May 31, 1941, Johnny Paycheck 15, Friday, June 1, 1934, Pat Boone 15, Saturday, June 3, 1950, Suzi Quatro 15, Sunday, June 4, 1922, Gene Barry 15, Wednesday, June 6, 1956, Bjorn Borg 15, Sunday, June 6, 1875, Thomas Mann 15, Friday, June 7, 1946, Jenny Jones 15, Saturday, June 8, 1918, Robert Preston 15, Thursday, June 12, 1941, Marv Albert 15, Thursday, June 12, 1941, Chick Corea 15, Sunday, June 12, 1932, Jim Nabors 15, Friday, June 13, 1913, Ralph Edwards 15, Wednesday, June 16, 1937, Erich Segal 15, Sunday, June 17, 1945, Art Bell 15, Saturday, June 17, 1882, Igor Stravinsky 15, Friday, June 19, 1970, Brian "Head" Welch 15, Saturday, June 20, 1942, Brian Wilson 15, Tuesday, June 20, 1933, Danny Aiello 15, Friday, June 20, 1924, Chet Atkins 15, Friday, June 20, 1924, Audie Murphy 15, Wednesday, June 21, 1905, Jean-Paul Sartre 15, Sunday, June 23, 1912, Alan Turing 15, Sunday, June 24, 1956, Joe Penny 15, Wednesday, June 26, 1963, Harriet Wheeler 15, Saturday, June 26, 1819, Abner Doubleday 15, Sunday, June 28, 1970, Steve Burton 15, Wednesday, July 1, 1942, Karen Black 15, Wednesday, July 1, 1942, Genevieve Bujold 15, Wednesday, July 2, 1986, Lindsay Lohan 15, Friday, July 4, 1930, George Steinbrenner 15, Wednesday, July 5, 1911, Georges Pompidou 15, Saturday, July 6, 1946, George W. Bush 15, Saturday, July 6, 1946, Sylvester Stallone 15, Tuesday, July 6, 1937, Ned Beatty 15, Thursday, July 7, 1927, Doc Severinsen 15, Tuesday, July 12, 1904, Pablo Neruda 15, Friday, July 12, 1895, R. Buckminster Fuller 15, Friday, July 12, 1895, Oscar Hammerstein II 15, Sunday, July 15, 1973, Brian Austin Green 15, Monday, July 15, 1946, Linda Ronstadt 15, Saturday, July 19, 1834, Edgar Degas 15, Friday, July 21, 1922, Kay Starr 15, Friday, July 23, 1965, Slash 15, Sunday, July 23, 1893, Karl Menninger 15, Saturday, July 24, 1982, Anna Paquin 15, Friday, July 24, 1964, Barry Bonds 15, Sunday, July 25, 1954, Walter Payton 15, Wednesday, July 31, 1912, Milton Friedman 15, Sunday, August 1, 1779, Francis Scott Key 15, Wednesday, August 1, 1770, William Clark 15, Wednesday, August 5, 1964, Adam Yauch 15, Monday, August 5, 1946, Loni Anderson 15, Monday, August 6, 1990, Jon Benet Ramsey 15, Sunday, August 6, 1972, Geri Estelle Halliwell 15, Monday, August 10, 1959, Rosanna Arquette 15, Friday, August 10, 1923, Rhonda Fleming 15, Monday, August 12, 1912, Jane Wyatt 15, Tuesday, August 13, 1929, Pat Harrington, Jr. 15, Wednesday, August 14, 1946, Susan St. James 15, Tuesday, August 15, 1972, Ben Affleck Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
15, Saturday, August 30, 1930, Warren Buffett 15, Friday, September 1, 1922, Yvonne DeCarlo 15, Friday, September 1, 1922, Vittorio Gassman 15, Friday, September 3, 1965, Charlie Sheen 15, Tuesday, September 4, 1973, Jason David Frank 15, Sunday, September 19, 1976, Alison Sweeny 15, Tuesday, September 19, 1967, Jim Abbott 15, Monday, September 19, 1949, Leslie "Twiggy" Lawson 15, Thursday, September 19, 1940, Paul Williams 15, Wednesday, September 21, 1983, Joseph Mazzello 15, Tuesday, September 21, 1965, Darva Conger 15, Sunday, September 21, 1947, Stephen King 15, Friday, September 21, 1866, H.G. Wells 15, Sunday, September 23, 1945, Paul Petersen 15, Thursday, September 28, 1967, Mira Sorvino 15, Thursday, September 28, 1967, Moon Unit Zappa 15, Tuesday, October 6, 1970, Amy Jo Johnson 15, Sunday, October 7, 1951, John Cougar Mellencamp 15, Wednesday, October 8, 1941, Jesse Jackson 15, Wednesday, October 9, 1940, John Lennon 15, Saturday, October 11, 1884, Eleanor Roosevelt 15, Tuesday, October 14, 1890, Dwight Eisenhower 15, Tuesday, October 16, 1888, Eugene O'Neill 15, Tuesday, October 17, 1950, Howard Rollins 15, Tuesday, October 17, 1905, Jean Arthur 15, Wednesday, October 24, 1979, Ben Gillies 15, Saturday, October 25, 1924, Billy Barty 15, Monday, October 26, 1914, Jackie Coogan 15, Friday, October 27, 1967, Scott Weiland 15, Saturday, October 29, 1983, Amit Paul 15, Wednesday, October 29, 1947, Richard Dreyfuss 15, Thursday, November 2, 1865, Warren G. Harding 15, Wednesday, November 3, 1954, Adam Ant 15, Saturday, November 10, 1956, Sinbad 15, Monday, November 12, 1945, Neil Young 15, Tuesday, November 12, 1918, Jo Stafford 15, Saturday, November 19, 1938, Ted Turner 15, Wednesday, November 20, 1946, Duane Allman 15, Wednesday, November 21, 1945, Goldie Hawn 15, Monday, November 21, 1927, Joseph Campanella 15, Sunday, November 28, 1965, Jon Stewart 15, Thursday, November 28, 1929, Berry Gordy, Jr. 15, Monday, November 30, 1936, Abbie Hoffman 15, Wednesday, December 3, 1980, Anna Chlumsky 15, Friday, December 4, 1970, Jay-Z 15, Wednesday, December 5, 1951, Morgan Brittany 15, Wednesday, December 5, 1906, Otto Preminger 15, Sunday, December 6, 1896, Ira Gershwin 15, Tuesday, December 6, 1887, Lynn Fontanne 15, Friday, December 6, 1833, John Singleton Mosby 15, Thursday, December 7, 1967, Tino Martinez 15, Sunday, December 7, 1958, Edd Hall 15,Monday, December 8, 1930, Maximilian Schell 15, Monday, December 9, 1974, Emjay 15, Tuesday, December 9, 1902, Margaret Hamilton 15, Saturday, December 11, 1954, Jermaine Jackson 15, Monday, December 11, 1882, Fiorello La Guardia 15, Sunday, December 13, 1925, Dick Van Dyke 15, Friday, December 16, 1949, Billy Gibbons 15, Wednesday, December 17, 1930, Bob Guccione Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
15, Saturday, December 21, 1935, Phil Donahue 15, Tuesday, December 21, 1926, Joe Paterno 15, Sunday, December 24, 1905, Howard Hughes 15, Thursday, December 25, 1958, Rickey Henderson 15, Sunday, December 25, 1949, Ron Foos 15, Sunday, December 25, 1949, Sissy Spacek 15, Thursday, December 25, 1913, Tony Martin 15, Monday, December 26, 1921, Steve Allen 15, Friday, December 29, 1972, Jude Law 15, Wednesday, December 29, 1954, Ed Autry 15, Tuesday, December 29, 1936, Mary Tyler Moore 15, Monday, December 30, 1935, Sandy Koufax 15, Friday, December 31, 1943, John Denver 15, Friday, December 31, 1943, Ben Kingsley
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Life Path 16 Your primary purpose in this life is to become accepting, open and genuine as you use the awareness and creative spirit within yourself to follow common sense toward a vision of beauty and happiness that you will share with others. Your creative powers are highly developed and you must be aware that those who are not as creative as you will not understand your pure vision. Do not let any self-doubt stop you from being creative - you truly are an artist and visionary so you much learn to accept criticism and creative mental imagery. Do not let yourself become too separated from others or you will feel alone and apart from the true path that you seek. Your strong personality is good at attracting others. This is a safe and nourishing place for you, but you must also remember how much you truly value being with others, especially your family. You seek a sense of perfection in beauty that you see all around you. This beauty is of the natural world and from your own imagination. Do not seek it too diligently and it will come to you. Assets In your most positive self you have learned to trust your inner vision and you enjoy sharing it with others in complete confidence. Your creativity is extremely well developed. The trust you have put in yourself has spurned you on into a deep inner awareness of light and wisdom. You have learned to accept this wisdom and nurture it within yourself while you share it with others around you. A higher purpose is created when you open and accept others as you share with them on your own unique life path. Talents Your strong creativity, desire to work alone and need for intellectual knowledge make you most suitable for work in fields such as college professor, scientist or writer. Any position that involves knowledge and understanding of complex ideas will be an excellent choice: musician, chemist or similar jobs are interesting. You can be efficient and effective in most any field as you learn to use your powerful desire for learning. Following the 16 Path You have come to an understanding and acceptance of others for who they are, and of yourself. You have searched for a more perfect world and you now know that perfection is impossible; but this does not stop you from building your own ideal world from the reality that is all around you. You are a distinct part of that world and your skills and abilities of creativity and inner knowledge have drawn you closer to those like you, with similar interests. You feel successful and inspired as you work toward fulfilling your life purpose. Famous 16 Life Path Birthdays 16, Wednesday, January 6, 1971, Joey Lauren Adams 16, Thursday, January 6, 1944, Bonnie Franklin 16, Wednesday, January 8, 1969, Ami Dolenz 16, Wednesday, January 8, 1969, R. Kelly 16, Thursday, January 8, 1942, Stephen Hawking 16, Sunday, January 8, 1933, Charles Osgood 16, Tuesday, January 8, 1924, Ron Moody 16, Thursday, January 9, 1941, Joan Baez 16, Thursday, January 9, 1941, Susannah York 16, Saturday, January 11, 1930, Rod Taylor 16, Tuesday, January 16, 1979, Aaliyah 16, Sunday, January 16, 1853, Andre Michelin 16, Saturday, January 17, 1942, Muhammad Ali Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
16, Saturday, January 18, 1941, Bobby Goldsboro 16, Wednesday, January 24, 1917, Ernest Borgnine 16, Monday, January 26, 1942, Scott Glenn 16, Tuesday, January 27, 1959, Cris Collinsworth 16, Monday, February 5, 1962, Jennifer Jason Leigh 16, Saturday, February 6, 1943, Fabian 16, Tuesday, February 7, 1978, Ashton Kutcher 16, Sunday, February 7, 1960, James Spader 16, Thursday, February 8, 1968, Gary Coleman 16, Thursday, February 8, 1968, Claudette Pace 16, Monday, February 8, 1932, John Williams 16, Saturday, February 9, 1985, David Gallagher 16, Monday, February 14, 1944, Carl Bernstein 16, Friday, February 15, 1907, Cesar Romero 16, Tuesday, February 17, 1914, Arthur Kennedy 16, Wednesday, February 18, 1931, Toni Morrison 16, Saturday, February 18, 1922, Helen Gurley Brown 16, Friday, February 18, 1859, Sholem Aleichem 16, Saturday, February 23, 1980, Tommy McCarthy 16, Wednesday, February 23, 1944, John Sandford 16, Wednesday, February 23, 1944, Johnny Winter 16, Friday, February 26, 1932, Johnny Cash 16, Saturday, February 26, 1887, William Frawley 16, Tuesday, February 27, 1940, Howard Hesseman 16, Sunday, March 4, 1962, Patsy Kensit 16, Tuesday, March 6, 1906, Lou Costello 16, Monday, March 7, 1977, Paul Cattermole 16, Monday, March 8, 1976, Freddie Prinze, Jr. 16, Thursday, March 11, 1982, Thora Birch 16, Tuesday, March 14, 1961, Kirby Puckett 16, Thursday, March 17, 1949, Patrick Duffy 16, Sunday, March 17, 1895, Shemp Howard 16, Saturday, March 26, 1949, Vicki Lawrence 16, Thursday, March 26, 1931, Leonard Nimoy 16, Sunday, March 27, 1921, Harold Nicholas 16, Monday, March 29, 1982, Hideaki Takizawa 16, Sunday, March 29, 1964, Elle Macpherson 16, Wednesday, March 31, 1971, Pavel Bure 16, Wednesday, March 31, 1971, Ewan McGregor 16, Sunday, March 31, 1935, Herb Alpert 16, Sunday, March 31, 1935, Richard Chamberlain 16, Saturday, April 3, 1971, Picabo Street 16, Monday, April 3, 1944, Tony Orlando 16, Wednesday, April 4, 1979, Heath Ledger 16, Sunday, April 6, 1941, Philip Austin 16, Monday, April 8, 1912, Sonja Henie 16, Friday, April 9, 1965, Paulina Porizkova 16, Monday, April 12, 1971, Nicholas Brendon 16, Monday, April 12, 1971, Shannen Doherty 16,Thursday, April 12, 1962, Art Alexakis 16, Monday, April 13, 1970, Rick Schroder 16, Wednesday, April 15, 1959, Emma Thompson 16, Wednesday, April 18, 1956, Eric Roberts 16, Friday, April 18, 1947, James Woods 16, Saturday, April 18, 1857, Clarence Darrow 16, Sunday, April 21, 1935, Charles Grodin 16, Wednesday, April 21, 1926, Elizabeth II, Queen of England 16, Saturday, April 23, 1960, Valerie Bertinelli 16, Saturday, April 23, 1960, Craig Sheffer 16, Thursday, April 23, 1942, Sandra Dee Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
16, Thursday, April 23, 1564, William Shakespeare 16, Thursday, April 25, 1940, Al Pacino 16, Thursday, April 29, 1954, Jerry Seinfeld 16, Wednesday, April 29, 1936, Zubin Mehta 16, Thursday, April 29, 1909, Tom Ewell 16, Friday, April 30, 1971, Carolyn Dawn Johnson 16, Sunday, April 30, 1944, Jill Clayburgh 16, Friday, April 30, 1926, Cloris Leachman 16, Thursday, April 30, 1908, Eve Arden 16, Tuesday, May 3, 1898, Golda Meir 16, Wednesday, May 6, 1931, Willie Mays 16, Monday, May 6, 1895, Rudolph Valentino 16, Thursday, May 7, 1840, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky 16, Thursday, May 8, 1884, Harry S. Truman 16, Thursday, May 9, 1946, Candice Bergen 16, Friday, May 12, 1961, Ving Rhames 16, Tuesday, May 12, 1925, Yogi Berra 16, Sunday, May 12, 1907, Katharine Hepburn 16, Friday, May 17, 1974, Andrea Corr 16, Monday, May 17, 1965, Trent Reznor 16, Thursday, May 17, 1956, Sugar Ray Leonard 16, Thursday, May 17, 1956, Bob Saget 16, Wednesday, May 17, 1911, Maureen O'Sullivan 16, Saturday, May 17, 1902, Ayatollah Khomeini 16, Wednesday, May 18, 1955, Chow Yun-Fat 16, Saturday, May 18, 1946, Reggie Jackson 16, Sunday, May 18, 1919, Margot Fonteyn 16, Saturday, May 20, 1944, Joe Cocker 16, Wednesday, May 20, 1908, Jimmy Stewart 16, Wednesday, May 21, 1952, Mr. T 16, Sunday, May 21, 1916, Harold Robbins 16, Wednesday, May 26, 1920, Peggy Lee 16, Tuesday, June 1, 1926, Andy Griffith 16, Tuesday, June 1, 1926, Marilyn Monroe 16, Wednesday, June 3, 1942, Curtis Mayfield 16, Sunday, June 3, 1906, Josephine Baker 16, Sunday, June 5, 1949, Ken Follett 16, Wednesday, June 7, 1848, Paul Gauguin 16, Tuesday, June 9, 1981, Natalie Portman 16, Sunday, June 9, 1963, Johnny Depp 16, Thursday, June 12, 1924, George Bush 16, Friday, June 13, 1986, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen 16, Sunday, June 14, 1931, Marla Gibbs 16, Wednesday, June 15, 1921, Erroll Garner 16, Thursday, June 16, 1938, Joyce Carol Oates 16, Monday, June 17, 1946, Barry Manilow 16, Tuesday, June 19, 1962, Paula Abdul 16, Friday, June 20, 1952, John Goodman 16, Monday, June 23, 1400, Johannes Gutenberg 16, Sunday, June 26, 1892, Pearl S. Buck 16, Monday, June 27, 1927, Bob "Captain Kangaroo" Keeshan 16, Monday, June 28, 1926, Mel Brooks 16, Saturday, July 1, 1961, Carl Lewis 16, Saturday, July 1, 1961, Princess Diana 16, Tuesday, July 1, 1952, Dan Aykroyd 16, Sunday, July 1, 1934, Jamie Farr 16, Sunday, July 1, 1934, Jean Marsh 16, Saturday, July 1, 1916, Olivia DeHavilland 16, Wednesday, July 3, 1878, George M. Cohan 16, Saturday, July 10, 1943, Arthur Ashe Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
16, Saturday, July 13, 1940, Patrick Stewart 16, Monday, July 14, 1930, Polly Bergen 16, Sunday, July 14, 1912, Woody Guthrie 16, Saturday, July 17, 1954, J. Michael Stracznski 16, Thursday, July 20, 1933, Chuck Daly 16, Sunday, July 25, 1982, Brad Renfro 16, Wednesday, July 28, 1943, Bill Bradley 16, Wednesday, July 30, 1941, Paul Anka 16, Thursday, July 31, 1958, Bill Berry 16, Saturday, August 1, 1942, Jerry Garcia 16, Tuesday, August 1, 1933, Dom DeLuise 16, Tuesday, August 2, 1977, Edward Furlong 16, Sunday, August 2, 1959, Victoria Jackson 16, Wednesday, August 2, 1950, Judge Lance Ito 16, Tuesday, August 2, 1932, Peter O'Toole 16, Wednesday, August 2, 1905, Myrna Loy 16, Saturday, August 3, 1940, Martin Sheen 16, Sunday, August 4, 1912, Raoul Wallenberg 16, Sunday, August 5, 1956, Maureen McCormick 16, Monday, August 6, 1928, Andy Warhol 16, Sunday, August 7, 1927, Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer 16, Wednesday, August 10, 1960, Antonio Banderas 16, Thursday, August 10, 1933, Rocky Colavito 16, Wednesday, August 12, 1931, William Goldman 16, Wednesday, August 13, 1930, Don Ho 16, Thursday, August 14, 1947, Danielle Steel 16, Thursday, August 15, 1946, Jim Webb 16, Friday, August 15, 1919, Huntz Hall 16, Wednesday, August 16, 1972, Emily Robison 16, Monday, August 16, 1954, James Cameron 16, Tuesday, August 19, 1969, Matthew Perry 16, Sunday, August 19, 1951, John Deacon 16, Tuesday, August 20, 1833, Benjamin Harrison 16, Sunday, August 21, 1904, Count Basie 16, Wednesday, August 25, 1954, Elvis Costello 16, Sunday, August 25, 1918, Leonard Bernstein 16, Wednesday, August 25, 1909, Ruby Keeler 16, Thursday, August 28, 1969, Jason Priestley 16, Monday, August 31, 1903, Arthur Godfrey 16, Thursday, September 5, 1946, Freddie Mercury 16, Thursday, September 5, 1946, Loudon Wainwright III 16, Sunday, September 5, 1847, Jesse James 16, Tuesday, September 19, 1950, Joan Lunden 16, Thursday, September 24, 1936, Jim Henson 16, Friday, September 30, 1921, Deborah Kerr 16, Tuesday, October 6, 1908, Carole Lombard 16, Tuesday, October 7, 1952, Vladimir Putin 16, Thursday, October 9, 1941, Brian Lamb 16, Monday, October 15, 1917, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. 16, Thursday, October 15, 1908, John Kenneth Galbraith 16,Friday, October 16, 1925, Angela Lansbury 16, Sunday, October 17, 1915, Arthur Miller 16, Thursday, October 18, 1923, Melina Mercouri 16, Friday, October 24, 1980, Monica 16, Sunday, October 24, 1926, Y.A. Tittle 16, Monday, October 26, 1942, Bob Hoskins 16, Saturday, October 27, 1923, Roy Lichtenstein 16, Tuesday, October 27, 1914, Dylan Thomas 16, Saturday, October 29, 1921, Bill Mauldin 16, Wednesday, November 2, 1938, Pat Buchanan Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
16, Monday, November 4, 1918, Art Carney 16, Saturday, November 13, 1954, Chris Noth 16, Saturday, November 20, 1965, Mike Diamond 16, Tuesday, November 20, 1956, Bo Derek 16, Sunday, November 21, 1694, Jean Francois Voltaire 16, Wednesday, November 30, 1955, Billy Idol 16, Tuesday, November 30, 1937, Robert Guillaume 16, Monday, November 30, 1874, Winston Churchill 16, Wednesday, November 30, 1667, Jonathan Swift 16, Monday, December 4, 1944, Dennis Wilson 16, Saturday, December 6, 1924, Wally Cox 16, Thursday, December 6, 1906, Agnes Moorehead 16, Tuesday, December 6, 1870, William S. Hart 16, Wednesday, December 7, 1932, Ellen Burstyn 16, Friday, December 7, 1923, Ted Knight 16, Wednesday, December 8, 1886, Diego Rivera 16, Tuesday, December 9, 1930, Buck Henry 16, Friday, December 14, 1979, Michael Owen 16, Tuesday, December 15, 1942, Dave Clark 16, Friday, December 15, 1933, Tim Conway 16, Tuesday, December 16, 1941, Lesley Stahl 16, Sunday, December 16, 1770, Ludwig van Beethoven 16, Wednesday, December 17, 1958, Mike Mills 16, Thursday, December 23, 1943, Harry Shearer 16, Tuesday, December 23, 1862, Connie Mack 16, Sunday, December 25, 1887, Conrad Hilton 16, Friday, December 27, 1822, Louis Pasteur 16, Sunday, December 29, 1946, Marianne Faithfull
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Life Path 17 Your main purpose in this life is to realize your potential for success and power through generosity as you work with your creativity, abundance and inner spirit to formulate your own ideals. You have a challenge in this lifetime to accept your success with a spirit of sharing. There is a need for you to put trust in your inner-self in this life. You must learn to be confident in your skills and creative energies that are highly developed, and to bring them forward into the Earthly world. You have a delicate and highly imaginative spiritual sense about you and you are known for seeking the truth. You like to get to the root of the mysteries of life by searching the depths of your own consciousness and within hidden knowledge. You have a fine intellectual mind that requires some time by itself for contemplation. You are quite lucky and you seem to find or attract the money you need to live from your creative energy. You have a highly creative mind and a very strong intelligence: others may think of you as brilliant, and you are. Assets You are brilliant: intuitive, creative and expressive. You work at bringing these powers into alignment with your intuitive skills when you are at your most positive. You have learned to place trust in letting the divine power of this world direct the things that happen in your life. This spiritual uncovering allows you to become powerful and abundant as you follow your path. Talents Your extremely high creative intelligence and your desire to be successful match you perfectly for distinctive positions such as researcher, business executive or airline pilot. You could also be happy in professional sports if you wish. You have a mind for working with creativity and exploring your own intuition so you will also enjoy positions like promoter, civil engineer, architect or efficiency expert. You will eventually come to use your own mind matched with the power and success that you are imbued. Following the 17 Path You are expressive and creative as you work to create the successful reality that you imagine. You will come to learn the valuable lesson of trust, since you must be accepting of others on your way to the top. By doing this you will apply the unique powers of success and ambition matched with creativity, confidence and intuitive awareness. As you learn to share yourself with others you have complete faith in your own abilities. You will learn to share what you have and you will realize when you may be trying to control someone, rather than helping him or her. You are known for being intelligent and deep and you have learned to inspire others along the way as you follow your unique path. Famous 17 Life Path Birthdays 17, Thursday, January 7, 1971, David Yost 17, Tuesday, January 7, 1800, Millard Fillmore 17, Monday, January 9, 1978, A.J. McLean 17, Tuesday, January 9, 1951, Crystal Gayle 17, Sunday, January 16, 1944, Ronnie Milsap 17, Wednesday, January 16, 1935, A.J. Foyt 17, Wednesday, January 17, 1934, Shari Lewis 17, Monday, January 25, 1971, China Kantner
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17, Thursday, January 26, 1961, Wayne Gretzky 17, Monday, January 26, 1925, Paul Newman 17, Monday, January 26, 1880, Douglas MacArthur 17, Tuesday, February 6, 1962, Axl Rose 17, Sunday, February 6, 1944, Michael Tucker 17, Sunday, February 8, 1942, Robert Klein 17, Friday, February 8, 1924, Audrey Meadows 17, Friday, February 9, 1923, Brendan Behan 17, Monday, February 9, 1914, Gypsy Rose Lee, 17, Friday, February 11, 1921, Eva Gabor 17, Monday, February 15, 1971, Renee O'Connor 17, Sunday, February 18, 1968, Molly Ringwald 17, Saturday, February 18, 1950, Cybill Shepherd 17, Thursday, February 18, 1932, Milos Forman 17, Thursday, February 25, 1943, George Harrison 17, Thursday, February 25, 1943, Sally Jessy Raphael 17, Monday, February 26, 1906, Madeleine Carroll 17, Saturday, February 27, 1932, Elizabeth Taylor 17, Sunday, March 5, 1989, Jake Lloyd 17, Thursday, March 5, 1908, Rex Harrison 17, Saturday, March 6, 1475, Michelangelo Buonarroti 17, Monday, March 7, 1960, Ivan Lendl 17, Saturday, March 7, 1942, Tammy Faye Bakker 17, Tuesday, March 8, 1977, James Van Der Beek 17, Sunday, March 8, 1959, Aidan Quinn 17, Thursday, March 8, 1923, Cyd Charisse 17, Saturday, March 9, 1940, Raul Julia 17, Wednesday, March 15, 1961, Fabio 17, Wednesday, March 15, 1916, Harry James 17, Friday, March 16, 1906, Henny Youngman 17, Monday, March 17, 1941, Paul Kantner 17, Thursday, March 18, 1886, Edward Everett Horton 17, Monday, March 23, 1953, Chaka Khan 17, Monday, March 23, 1908, Joan Crawford 17, Tuesday, March 24, 1970, Sharon Corr 17, Tuesday, March 24, 1970, Mase 17, Wednesday, March 25, 1942, Aretha Franklin 17, Sunday, March 26, 1950, Teddy Pendergrass 17, Sunday, March 26, 1950, Martin Short 17, Friday, March 27, 1931, David Janssen 17, Thursday, April 5, 1934, Frank Gorshin 17, Wednesday, April 5, 1916, Gregory Peck 17, Sunday, April 6, 1969, Ari Meyers 17, Thursday, April 9, 1903, Ward Bond 17, Wednesday, April 11, 1928, Ethel Kennedy 17, Thursday, April 13, 1944, Jack Casady 17, Saturday, April 13, 1935, Lyle Waggoner 17, Tuesday, April 13, 1926, Don Adams 17, Friday, April 14, 1961, Robert Carlyle 17, Tuesday, April 14, 1925, Rod Steiger 17, Saturday, April 15, 1933, Roy Clark 17, Saturday, April 15, 1933, Elizabeth Montgomery 17,Thursday, April 23, 1970, Scott Bairstow 17, Friday, April 24, 1942, Barbra Streisand 17, Monday, April 25, 1932, Meadowlark Lemon 17, Saturday, April 27, 1822, Ulysses S. Grant 17, Friday, April 29, 1955, Kate Mulgrew 17, Tuesday, April 29, 1919, Celeste Holm 17, Friday, May 4, 1979, Lance Bass 17, Tuesday, May 5, 1942, Tammy Wynette Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
17, Wednesday, May 5, 1915, Alice Faye 17, Thursday, May 7, 1931, Teresa Brewer 17, Sunday, May 7, 1922, Darren McGavin 17, Sunday, May 9, 1965, Steve Yzerman 17, Saturday, May 11, 1963, Natasha Richardson 17, Wednesday, May 11, 1927, Mort Sahl 17, Saturday, May 12, 1962, Emilio Estevez 17, Saturday, May 13, 1961, Dennis Rodman 17, Wednesday, May 14, 1969, Cate Blanchett 17, Wednesday, May 14, 1969, Danny Wood 17, Monday, May 14, 1951, Robert Zemeckis 17, Sunday, May 14, 1933, Laszlo Kovacs 17, Monday, May 15, 1905, Joseph Cotten 17, Tuesday, May 18, 1920, Pope John Paul II 17, Monday, May 21, 1917, Raymond Burr 17, Monday, May 21, 1917, Dennis Day 17, Tuesday, May 23, 1933, Joan Collins 17, Saturday, May 24, 1941, Bob Dylan 17, Thursday, May 27, 1965, Todd Bridges 17, Saturday, May 27, 1911, Hubert H. Humphrey 17, Saturday, May 27, 1911, Vincent Price 17, Saturday, May 30, 1908, Mel Blanc 17, Wednesday, May 31, 1961, Lea Thompson 17, Monday, May 31, 1943, Sharon Gless 17, Monday, May 31, 1943, Joe Namath 17, Tuesday, May 31, 1898, Norman Vincent Peale 17, Wednesday, June 2, 1971, Joel Tobeck 17, Friday, June 2, 1944, Marvin Hamlisch 17, Monday, June 2, 1890, Hedda Hopper 17, Wednesday, June 3, 1925, Tony Curtis 17, Friday, June 3, 1808, Jefferson Davis 17, Wednesday, June 4, 1924, Dennis Weaver 17, Saturday, June 8, 1929, Jerry Stiller 17, Thursday, June 9, 1892, Cole Porter 17, Friday, June 13, 1969, Jamie Walters 17, Wednesday, June 13, 1951, Richard Thomas 17, Friday, June 14, 1968, Yasmine Bleeth 17, Thursday, June 17, 1965, Dan Jansen 17, Sunday, June 21, 1925, Maureen Stapleton 17, Monday, June 24, 1895, Jack Dempsey 17, Thursday, June 25, 1903, George Orwell 17, Wednesday, June 26, 1974, Derek Jeter 17, Tuesday, June 26, 1956, Chris Isaak 17, Thursday, June 27, 1991, Madylin Sweeten 17, Saturday, June 30, 1934, Harry Blackstone, Jr. 17, Saturday, July 1, 1899, Charles Laughton 17, Wednesday, July 6, 1921, Nancy Reagan 17, Sunday, July 8, 1973, Kathleen Robertson 17, Saturday, July 9, 1927, Ed Ames 17, Thursday, July 10, 1980, Jessica Simpson 17, Saturday, July 10, 1926, Fred Gwynne 17, Thursday, July 12, 1951, Cheryl Ladd 17, Friday, July 12, 1861, George Washington Carver 17, Monday, July 14, 1913, Gerald R. Ford 17, Saturday, July 15, 1606, Rembrandt Van Rijn 17, Sunday, July 16, 1911, Ginger Rogers 17, Monday, July 16, 1821, Mary Baker Eddy 17, Thursday, July 18, 1918, Nelson Mandela 17, Thursday, July 19, 1962, Anthony Edwards 17, Friday, July 21, 1978, Josh Hartnett Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
17, Monday, July 21, 1924, Don Knotts 17, Tuesday, July 23, 1940, Don Imus 17, Sunday, July 26, 1964, Sandra Bullock 17, Friday, July 26, 1946, Helen Mirren 17, Thursday, July 26, 1928, Stanley Kubrick 17, Saturday, July 26, 1856, George Bernard Shaw 17, Sunday, July 30, 1933, Edd "Kookie" Byrnes 17, Saturday, August 2, 1924, James Baldwin 17, Saturday, August 2, 1924, Carroll O'Connor 17, Thursday, August 3, 1950, John Landis 17, Sunday, August 3, 1941, Martha Stewart 17, Tuesday, August 5, 1930, Neil Armstrong 17, Friday, August 6, 1965, David Robinson 17, Sunday, August 6, 1911, Lucille Ball 17, Tuesday, August 7, 1928, "The Amazing" James Randi 17, Saturday, August 8, 1981, Vanessa Amorosi 17, Saturday, August 8, 1981, Bradley McIntosh 17, Tuesday, August 13, 1895, Bert Lahr 17, Friday, August 16, 1946, Lesley Ann Warren 17, Thursday, August 16, 1928, Ann Blyth 17, Saturday, August 19, 1871, Orville Wright 17, Thursday, August 20, 1942, Isaac Hayes 17, Sunday, August 21, 1932, Melvin Van Peebles 17, Tuesday, August 21, 1923, Chris Schenkel 17, Saturday, August 23, 1930, Vera Miles 17, Friday, August 23, 1912, Gene Kelly 17, Tuesday, August 24, 1965, Marlee Matlin 17, Saturday, August 24, 1929, Yasser Arafat 17, Sunday, August 25, 1946, Rollie Fingers 17, Saturday, August 28, 1943, David Soul 17, Friday, August 28, 1925, Donald O'Connor 17, Wednesday, August 30, 1797, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 17, Wednesday, August 31, 1949, Richard Gere 17, Friday, September 1, 1933, Conway Twitty 17, Monday, September 2, 1968, Salma Hayek 17, Wednesday, September 3, 1913, Alan Ladd 17, Thursday, September 4, 1930, Mitzi Gaynor 17, Thursday, September 5, 1929, Bob Newhart 17, Thursday, September 6, 1973, Greg Rusedski 17, Sunday, September 6, 1964, Rosie Perez 17, Monday, September 6, 1937, Jo Anne Worley 17, Tuesday, September 7, 1954, Corbin Bernsen 17, Monday, September 7, 1936, Buddy Holly 17, Tuesday, September 7, 1909, Elia Kazan 17, Thursday, September 12, 1940, Linda Gray 17, Friday, September 12, 1913, Jesse Owens 17, Sunday, September 13, 1903, Claudette Colbert 17, Sunday, September 14, 1947, Sam Neill 17, Wednesday, September 14, 1938, Nicol Williamson 17, Sunday, September 15, 1946, Tommy Lee Jones 17, Sunday, September 15, 1946, Oliver Stone 17, Friday, September 16, 1927, Peter Falk 17, Tuesday, September 19, 1933, David McCallum 17, Friday, September 20, 1878, Upton Sinclair 17, Thursday, September 21, 1967, Faith Hill 17, Monday, September 21, 1931, Larry Hagman 17, Monday, September 23, 1974, Matt Hardy 17, Tuesday, September 23, 1947, Mary Kay Place 17, Thursday, September 23, 1920, Mickey Rooney 17, Friday, September 25, 1936, Juliet Prowse Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
17, Wednesday, September 25, 1918, Phil Rizzuto 17, Sunday, September 28, 1924, Marcello Mastroianni 17, Wednesday, September 30, 1931, Angie Dickinson 17, Sunday, October 7, 1917, June Allyson 17, Thursday, October 8, 1970, Matt Damon 17, Friday, October 8, 1943, Chevy Chase 17, Friday, October 8, 1943, R.L. Stine 17, Friday, October 11, 1985, Michelle Trachtenberg 17, Friday, October 14, 1910, John Wooden 17, Tuesday, October 16, 1962, Flea 17, Monday, October 16, 1854, Oscar Wilde 17, Tuesday, October 18, 1960, Jean-Claude Van Damme 17, Thursday, October 18, 1951, Pam Dawber 17, Wednesday, October 25, 1944, Jon Anderson 17, Tuesday, October 25, 1881, Pablo Picasso 17, Saturday, October 27, 1951, Jayne Kennedy 17, Monday, October 27, 1924, Ruby Dee 17, Monday, November 4, 1946, Laura W. Bush 17, Thursday, November 4, 1937, Loretta Swit 17, Tuesday, November 4, 1919, Martin Balsam 17, Tuesday, November 5, 1963, Tatum O'Neal 17, Thursday, November 10, 1949, Donna Fargo 17, Tuesday, November 12, 1929, Grace Kelly 17, Sunday, November 13, 1955, Whoopi Goldberg 17, Thursday, November 13, 1856, Louis Brandeis 17, Sunday, November 14, 1954, Yanni 17, Sunday, November 14, 1909, Senator Joseph McCarthy 17, Wednesday, November 14, 1900, Aaron Copland 17, Thursday, November 14, 1765, Robert Fulton 17, Sunday, November 21, 1965, Björk 17, Monday, November 21, 1938, Marlo Thomas 17, Sunday, November 21, 1920, Stan Musial 17, Monday, November 21, 1785, William Beaumont 17, Tuesday, November 23, 1954, Bruce Hornsby 17, Tuesday, November 28, 1967, Anna Nicole Smith 17, Monday, November 28, 1949, Alexander Godunov 17, Monday, November 28, 1949, Paul Shaffer 17, Tuesday, November 30, 1965, Ben Stiller 17, Sunday, November 30, 1947, David Mamet 17, Saturday, November 30, 1929, Dick Clark 17, Thursday, December 5, 1782, Martin Van Buren 17, Monday, December 7, 1987, Aaron Carter 17, Monday, December 7, 1942, Harry Chapin 17, Tuesday, December 7, 1915, Eli Wallach 17, Saturday, December 9, 1922, Redd Foxx 17, Saturday, December 14, 1935, Lee Remick 17, Monday, December 14, 1503, Nostradamus 17, Friday, December 15, 1961, Nick Beggs 17, Wednesday, December 16, 1987, Hallee Hirsh 17, Wednesday, December 17, 1986, Vanessa Zima 17, Saturday, December 18, 1886, Ty Cobb 17, Thursday, December 23, 1971, Corey Haim 17, Friday, December 24, 1880, Johnny Gruelle 17, Thursday, December 25, 1924, Rod Serling 17, Saturday, December 26, 1914, Richard Widmark 17, Monday, December 29, 1947, Ted Danson 17, Thursday, December 29, 1938, Jon Voight
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Life Path 18 As an 18 your primary purpose is to learn to be honest, open and confident with yourself while you use your creativity to become successful through your own principles and higher ideals. You have chosen a life of wisdom and of honesty that requires you to live up to the high standards and principles that you establish for yourself. As you grow you will come to use the abundant power and energy that you have created in your life. You will be inspiring and powerful as a leader, but you most remember to temper any extremes that you may have. Creatively you are full of ideas and imagination. You will learn to accept this creativity and the self-awareness that comes with it by getting past any feelings you may have of insecurity or selfblame. Your inner self-ambition will be rewarded and prove to be the one key to your successful drive and purpose. Eventually you will come to define your own set of principles of justice and integrity that are the essence of your beliefs. These beliefs will generally steer you toward a generous and dedicated life of sharing and service to others. Assets In your most positive you are outgoing and successful, as an inspired and inspiring leader. You desire to follow your own principles has created a life you enjoy and your deep sense of commitment, honesty and service is what you are known for. Others look to you for leadership and inspiration. You are happy to share your success with yourself and others. You are creative and hard working, drawn to a humanitarian cause that helps others and yourself. Talents You are inclined toward success, creativity and inspired personal values; this makes you best suited to leadership positions: surgeon, government representative, attorney and manager are a few occupations that you may like. You are constantly pursuing your desire to help others and you also have a deep appreciation of the arts. This suits you to fields such as actor, writer, artist or interior decorator. You generally need to be inspired creatively to feel fulfilled, and most importantly you must feel that you are of service to humankind. Following the 18 Path You have learned to come to terms with your principles and values. You can balance your own higher ideals with those of others as you work toward your goal and follow your own sense of justice. This has helped you to be inspired and to achieve leadership and awareness without sounding judgmental. You have learned to accept and understand others and to be compassionate as you receive new lessons and values while you follow your own path of creativity, power and success. Famous 18 Life Path Birthdays 18, Tuesday, January 8, 1935, Elvis Presley 18, Friday, January 8, 1926, Soupy Sales 18, Sunday, January 9, 1898, Gracie Fields 18, Tuesday, January 17, 1989, Yvonne Zima 18, Sunday, January 17, 1971, Kid Rock 18, Wednesday, January 17, 1962, Jim Carrey
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18, Tuesday, January 17, 1899, Al Capone 18, Monday, January 26, 1953, Lucinda Williams 18, Wednesday, January 26, 1944, Angela Davis 18, Saturday, January 26, 1935, Bob Uecker 18, Tuesday, January 27, 1970, Jennifer LB Leese 18, Sunday, January 29, 1950, Ann Jillian 18, Wednesday, February 7, 1962, Garth Brooks 18, Friday, February 7, 1908, Larry "Buster" Crabbe 18, Thursday, February 8, 1979, Josh Keaton 18, Sunday, February 8, 1925, Jack Lemmon 18, Monday, February 9, 1942, Carole King 18, Sunday, February 11, 1940, Bobby "Boris" Pickett 18, Saturday, February 16, 1935, Sonny Bono 18, Saturday, February 17, 1934, Alan Bates 18, Tuesday, February 17, 1925, Hal Holbrook 18, Saturday, February 18, 1933, Yoko Ono 18, Sunday, February 25, 1917, Anthony Burgess 18, Saturday, February 26, 1916, Jackie Gleason 18, Saturday, February 27, 1897, Marian Anderson 18, Friday, February 27, 1807, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 18, Sunday, February 29, 1976, Jeff "Ja Rule" Atkins 18, Thursday, February 29, 1940, Gretchen Christopher 18, Monday, February 29, 1904, Jimmy Dorsey 18, Monday, March 6, 1944, Kiri Te Kanawa 18, Saturday, March 6, 1926, Alan Greenspan 18, Wednesday, March 7, 1934, Willard Scott 18, Wednesday, March 9, 1932, Keely Smith 18, Wednesday, March 11, 1903, Lawrence Welk 18, Wednesday, March 15, 1944, Sly Stone 18, Friday, March 15, 1935, Judd Hirsch 18, Thursday, March 17, 1960, Arye Gross 18, Saturday, March 17, 1951, Kurt Russell 18, Friday, March 18, 1977, Devin Lima 18, Wednesday, March 18, 1959, Irene Cara 18, Tuesday, March 18, 1941, Wilson Pickett 18, Friday, March 18, 1932, John Updike 18, Tuesday, March 24, 1953, Louie Anderson 18, Thursday, March 25, 1943, Paul Michael Glaser 18, Sunday, March 25, 1934, Gloria Steinem 18, Saturday, March 26, 1960, Marcus Allen 18, Thursday, March 26, 1942, Erica Jong 18, Monday, April 5, 1926, Roger Corman 18, Sunday, April 5, 1908, Bette Davis 18, Sunday, April 6, 1952, Marilu Henner 18, Saturday, April 7, 1951, Janis Ian 18, Friday, April 7, 1933, Wayne Rogers 18, Wednesday, April 7, 1915, Billie Holiday 18, Wednesday, April 7, 1897, Walter Winchell 18, Monday, April 8, 1968, Patricia Arquette 18, Friday, April 11, 1947, Meshach Taylor 18, Sunday, April 14, 1935, Loretta Lynn 18, Wednesday, April 16, 1924, Henry Mancini 18,Tuesday, April 17, 1923, Harry Reasoner 18, Sunday, April 18, 1976, Melissa Joan Hart 18, Tuesday, April 18, 1967, Maria Bello 18, Tuesday, April 24, 1934, Shirley MacLaine 18, Friday, April 25, 1969, Renée Zellweger 18, Thursday, April 27, 1922, Jack Klugman 18, Thursday, May 6, 1915, Orson Welles 18, Sunday, May 7, 1950, Tim Russert Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
18, Tuesday, May 7, 1833, Johannes Brahms 18, Wednesday, May 8, 1940, Peter Benchley 18, Wednesday, May 8, 1940, Rick Nelson 18, Wednesday, May 8, 1895, Bishop Fulton Sheen 18, Thursday, May 13, 1926, Beatrice Arthur 18, Sunday, May 14, 1961, Tim Roth 18, Wednesday, May 14, 1952, David Byrne 18, Wednesday, May 14, 1727, Thomas Gainsborough 18, Thursday, May 15, 1969, Emmitt Smith 18, Tuesday, May 16, 1905, Henry Fonda 18, Sunday, May 18, 1930, Pernell Roberts 18, Saturday, May 18, 1912, Perry Como 18, Friday, May 23, 1952, Marvin Hagler 18, Thursday, May 26, 1949, Philip Michael Thomas 18, Thursday, May 26, 1949, Hank Williams, Jr. 18, Monday, May 26, 1913, Peter Cushing 18, Wednesday, May 26, 1886, Al Jolson 18, Friday, May 29, 1874, G.K. Chesterton 18, Sunday, May 31, 1908, Don Ameche 18, Thursday, June 3, 1926, Colleen Dewhurst 18, Thursday, June 3, 1926, Allen Ginsberg 18, Sunday, June 3, 1917, Leo Gorcey 18, Sunday, June 4, 1961, Sam Harris 18, Thursday, June 5, 1969, Brian McKnight 18, Saturday, June 7, 1958, Prince 18, Friday, June 7, 1940, Tom Jones 18, Monday, June 11, 1945, Adrienne Barbeau 18, Thursday, June 11, 1936, Chad Everett 18, Sunday, June 13, 1943, Malcolm McDowell 18, Saturday, June 14, 1969, Steffi Graf 18, Wednesday, June 14, 1933, Jerzy Kosinski 18, Wednesday, June 15, 1932, Mario Cuomo 18, Wednesday, June 21, 1944, Ray Davies 18, Friday, June 24, 1842, Ambrose Bierce 18, Saturday, June 25, 1949, Jimmie Walker 18, Saturday, June 25, 1949, Phyllis George 18, Friday, June 29, 1900, Antoine de Saint-Exupery 18, Saturday, June 30, 1917, Lena Horne 18, Thursday, July 2, 1908, Thurgood Marshall 18, Thursday, July 3, 1952, Alan Autry 18, Friday, July 4, 1924, Eva Marie Saint 18, Thursday, July 6, 1922, William Schallert 18, Monday, July 8, 1839, John D. Rockefeller 18, Thursday, July 9, 1964, Courtney Love 18, Wednesday, July 9, 1856, Nicola Tesla 18, Monday, July 12, 1943, Christine McVie 18, Thursday, July 12, 1934, Van Cliburn 18, Saturday, July 12, 1817, Henry David Thoreau 18, Monday, July 13, 1942, Harrison Ford 18, Thursday, July 14, 1932, Roosevelt Grier 18, Saturday, July 14, 1923, Dale Robertson 18, Thursday, July 21, 1988, Hatty Jones 18, Monday, July 21, 1952, Robin Williams 18, Sunday, July 24, 1949, Michael Richards 18, Thursday, July 26, 1956, Dorothy Hamill 18, Saturday, July 26, 1902, Gracie Allen 18, Monday, July 26, 1875, Carl Jung 18, Tuesday, July 31, 1951, Barry Van Dyke 18, Friday, August 3, 1951, Jay North 18, Thursday, August 7, 1884, Billie Burke Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
18, Sunday, August 8, 1937, Dustin Hoffman 18, Friday, August 9, 1963, Whitney Houston 18, Tuesday, August 9, 1927, Robert Shaw 18, Monday, August 13, 1860, Annie Oakley 18, Thursday, August 15, 1912, Julia Child 18, Monday, August 16, 1920, Charles Bukowski 18, Wednesday, August 17, 1892, Mae West 18, Wednesday, August 18, 1954, Patrick Swayze 18, Thursday, August 18, 1927, Rosalynn Carter 18, Thursday, August 18, 1774, Meriwether Lewis 18, Saturday, August 19, 1989, Lil' Romeo 18, Thursday, August 21, 1924, Jack Weston 18, Tuesday, August 23, 1949, Shelley Long 18, Tuesday, August 23, 1949, Rick Springfield 18, Saturday, August 24, 1912, Durward Kirby 18, Monday, August 28, 1899, Charles Boyer 18, Thursday, August 30, 1951, Timothy Bottoms 18, Wednesday, August 31, 1977, Jeff Hardy 18, Sunday, September 2, 1951, Mark Harmon 18, Thursday, September 3, 1914, Kitty Carlisle-Hart 18, Sunday, September 4, 1949, Tom Watson 18, Thursday, September 5, 1912, John Cage 18, Saturday, September 6, 1947, Jane Curtin 18, Tuesday, September 8, 1981, Jonathan Taylor Thomas 18, Saturday, September 8, 1900, Claude Pepper 18, Monday, September 10, 1934, Charles Kuralt 18, Monday, September 10, 1934, Roger Maris 18, Tuesday, September 15, 1857, William H. Taft 18, Friday, September 16, 1955, Robin Yount 18, Sunday, September 19, 1943, "Mama" Cass Elliott 18, Saturday, September 21, 1968, Ricki Lake 18, Monday, September 21, 1959, Dave Coulier 18, Thursday, September 21, 1950, Bill Murray 18, Tuesday, September 23, 1930, Ray Charles 18, Saturday, September 26, 1981, Serena Williams 18, Tuesday, September 26, 1972, Shawn Stockman 18, Monday, September 26, 1774, John Chapman 18, Friday, September 28, 1934, Brigitte Bardot 18, Monday, September 28, 1925, Arnold Stang 18, Sunday, October 17, 1971, Chris Kirkpatrick 18, Wednesday, October 18, 1961, Wynton Marsalis 18, Friday, October 26, 1962, Cary Elwes 18, Sunday, November 2, 1913, Burt Lancaster 18, Thursday, November 3, 1921, Charles Bronson 18, Monday, November 6, 1972, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos 18, Tuesday, November 10, 1959, MacKenzie Phillips 18, Thursday, November 12, 1840, Auguste Rodin 18, Sunday, November 13, 1938, Jean Seberg 18, Friday, November 14, 1919, Veronica Lake 18, Thursday, November 15, 1945, Frida Lyngstad 18, Saturday, November 19, 1977, Kerri Strug 18, Sunday, November 19, 1905, Tommy Dorsey 18, Saturday, November 28, 1959, Judd Nelson 18, Tuesday, November 28, 1950, Ed Harris 18, Sunday, November 30, 1930, G. Gordon Liddy 18, Saturday, November 30, 1912, Gordon Parks 18, Sunday, December 6, 1953, Tom Hulce 18, Friday, December 8, 1933, Flip Wilson 18, Monday, December 9, 1968, Kurt Angle 18, Tuesday, December 9, 1941, Beau Bridges Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
18, Tuesday, December 9, 1608, John Milton 18, Thursday, December 16, 1943, Steven Bochco 18, Monday, December 18, 1950, Leonard Maltin 18, Friday, December 24, 1971, Ricky Martin 18, Sunday, December 24, 1809, Kit Carson 18, Wednesday, December 25, 1907, Cab Calloway
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Life Path 19 As a 19 your primary purpose is to explore and become confident with your creative abilities as you teach, lead and counsel others. You will eventually learn to lead, teach and inspire others with your unique personality. There may be many obstacles in your path, but you recognize these as opportunities to grow and learn. We all experience difficulties - however your life path is one of individuality and uniqueness. You are a pioneer who is concerned with serving humanity. You will eventually overcome your sensitivity and learn to accept that your integrity and wisdom may be different from others. As you learn to explore this uniqueness you will come to value your skills and see them as tools of expression that will help you overcome any mountain in your path. Your inspirational energy and desire to assist others sets you apart from others in a way that makes you unique and different. Assets In your most positive sense you are known as an excellent problem solver as well as someone who attracts others to them. You have mastered your intuitive skills and project a confidence and awareness that creates a persona of leadership, responsibility and concern. Others will look to you for guidance and awareness. Talents Any type of creative service for others is one that will interest you: drawing, painting, writing and other artistic endeavors are most interesting to you as well as any form of healing arts such as massage, reflexology or counseling work. Teaching is another possible career field. Following the 19/10/1 Path As an independent and sensitive person, you are aware of the difficulties that may arise when others challenge your beliefs. You have come to learn to expose your sensitivities without letting the opinion of others upset you. You must let your emotions and angers out for them to dissipate otherwise a strong temper and addictive behavior can be the result of unreleased feelings. Do not become too set in your ways and learn to accept others around you for who they are: unique and positive personalities. You have learned to respect the ideas and thoughts of others as being different from your own. You understand your own uniqueness and your place in a world of differences. There is a fine balance between confidence and egotism: one that you have found and that is part of you throughout your life. Famous 19 Life Path Birthdays 19, Sunday, January 9, 1944, Jimmy Page 19, Wednesday, January 9, 1935, Bob Denver 19, Monday, January 18, 1971, Jonathan Davis 19, Friday, January 18, 1782, Daniel Webster 19, Friday, January 29, 1960, Greg Louganis 19, Thursday, January 29, 1942, Katharine Ross 19, Sunday, January 29, 1843, William McKinley 19, Friday, February 9, 1979, Mena Suvari 19, Friday, February 9, 1979, Ziyi Zhang 19, Tuesday, February 9, 1943, Joe Pesci 19, Tuesday, February 11, 1941, Segio Mendes 19, Tuesday, February 15, 1820, Susan B. Anthony 19, Monday, February 17, 1908, Red Barber Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
19, Wednesday, February 18, 1925, George Kennedy 19, Thursday, February 26, 1953, Michael Bolton 19, Saturday, February 27, 1943, Mary Frann 19, Tuesday, February 27, 1934, Ralph Nader 19, Saturday, February 29, 1896, William Wellman 19, Wednesday, February 29, 1860, Herman Hollerith 19, Thursday, March 7, 1872, Piet Mondriaan 19, Monday, March 8, 1943, Lynn Redgrave 19, Monday, March 9, 1987, Lil' Bow Wow 19, Wednesday, March 11, 1931, Rupert Murdoch 19, Tuesday, March 16, 1926, Jerry Lewis 19, Wednesday, March 23, 1910, Akira Kurosawa 19, Thursday, March 25, 1971, Sheryl Swoopes 19, Wednesday, March 25, 1908, David Lean 19, Friday, March 25, 1881, Bela Bartok 19, Friday, March 26, 1943, Bob Woodward 19, Monday, March 26, 1934, Alan Arkin 19, Friday, March 27, 1942, Michael York 19, Thursday, March 27, 1924, Sarah Vaughan 19, Monday, March 29, 1976, Jennifer Capriati 19, Sunday, April 15, 1917, Hans Conried 19, Tuesday, April 16, 1889, Charlie Chaplin 19, Tuesday, April 17, 1951, Olivia Hussey 19, Sunday, April 26, 1942, Bobby Rydell 19, Wednesday, April 26, 1933, Carol Burnett 19, Monday, April 27, 1959, Sheena Easton 19, Wednesday, April 27, 1932, Anouk Aimee 19, Wednesday, April 27, 1932, Casey Kasem 19, Wednesday, May 5, 1926, Ann B. Davis 19, Tuesday, May 5, 1818, Karl Marx 19, Saturday, May 6, 1961, George Clooney 19, Sunday, May 7, 1933, Johnny Unitas 19, Monday, May 9, 1949, Billy Joel 19, Thursday, May 9, 1940, James L. Brooks 19, Friday, May 12, 1820, Florence Nightingale 19, Sunday, May 14, 1944, George Lucas 19, Friday, May 16, 1969, Tracey Gold 19, Monday, May 18, 1931, Robert Morse 19, Tuesday, May 24, 1988, Billy Gilman 19, Monday, May 24, 1943, Gary Burghoff 19, Sunday, May 25, 1969, Anne Heche 19, Saturday, May 26, 1923, James Arness 19, Tuesday, May 26, 1914, Frankie Manning 19, Saturday, May 27, 1922, Christopher Lee 19, Tuesday, May 29, 1956, LaToya Jackson 19, Thursday, May 29, 1947, Anthony Geary 19, Friday, June 4, 1971, Noah Wyle 19, Sunday, June 4, 1944, Michelle Phillips 19, Tuesday, June 5, 1934, Bill Moyers 19, Sunday, June 8, 1958, Keenen Ivory Wayans 19,Saturday, June 8, 1940, Nancy Sinatra 19, Wednesday, June 13, 1962, Ally Sheedy 19, Saturday, June 13, 1953, Tim Allen 19, Thursday, June 13, 1935, Christo 19, Sunday, June 13, 1926, Paul Lynde 19, Wednesday, June 14, 1961, Boy George 19, Sunday, June 14, 1925, Pierre Salinger 19, Sunday, June 15, 1969, Dina Meyer 19, Friday, June 17, 1904, Ralph Bellamy 19, Thursday, June 18, 1903, Jeanette MacDonald Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
19, Wednesday, June 24, 1942, Mick Fleetwood 19, Wednesday, June 24, 1942, Michele Lee 19, Monday, June 26, 1922, Eleanor Parker 19, Sunday, June 26, 1904, Peter Lorre 19, Friday, June 27, 1930, H. Ross Perot 19, Sunday, June 29, 1919, Slim Pickens 19, Tuesday, July 3, 1962, Tom Cruise 19, Sunday, July 4, 1943, Geraldo Rivera 19, Thursday, July 5, 1951, Huey Lewis 19, Wednesday, July 6, 1932, Della Reese 19, Thursday, July 7, 1949, Shelley Duvall 19, Sunday, July 7, 1940, Ringo Starr 19, Friday, July 7, 1922, Pierre Cardin 19, Monday, July 9, 1956, Tom Hanks 19, Wednesday, July 9, 1947, O.J. Simpson 19, Monday, July 12, 1971, Kristi Yamaguchi 19, Thursday, July 12, 1917, Andrew Wyeth 19, Sunday, July 12, 1908, Milton Berle 19, Thursday, July 15, 1779, Clement Clarke Moore 19, Wednesday, July 16, 1958, Michael Flatley 19, Wednesday, July 17, 1912, Art Linkletter 19, Monday, July 18, 1938, Paul Verhoeven 19, Thursday, July 18, 1929, Dick Button 19, Tuesday, July 18, 1911, Hume Cronyn 19, Wednesday, July 21, 1926, Norman Jewison 19, Friday, July 21, 1899, Ernest Hemingway 19, Sunday, July 23, 1933, Bert Convy 19, Tuesday, July 25, 1967, Matt LeBlanc 19, Friday, July 26, 1912, Vivian Vance 19, Sunday, July 27, 1947, Betty Thomas 19, Sunday, July 28, 1901, Rudy Vallee 19, Wednesday, July 29, 1936, Elizabeth Dole 19, Friday, July 30, 1971, Tom Green 19, Thursday, July 30, 1863, Henry Ford 19, Thursday, July 30, 1818, Emily Bronte 19, Friday, August 7, 1903, Louis Leakey 19, Monday, August 8, 1938, Connie Stevens 19, Wednesday, August 8, 1866, Matthew Henson 19, Monday, August 13, 1951, Dan Fogelberg 19, Wednesday, August 14, 1968, Halle Berry 19, Friday, August 14, 1959, Earvin "Magic" Johnson 19, Monday, August 14, 1950, Gary Larson 19, Thursday, August 14, 1941, Lynne Cheney 19, Thursday, August 14, 1941, David Crosby 19, Tuesday, August 15, 1769, Napoleon Bonaparte 19, Saturday, August 16, 1930, Robert Culp 19, Saturday, August 16, 1930, Frank Gifford 19, Tuesday, August 17, 1920, Maureen O'Hara 19, Wednesday, August 18, 1937, Robert Redford 19, Friday, August 20, 1971, Fred Durst 19, Wednesday, August 20, 1890, H.P. Lovecraft 19, Tuesday, August 23, 1977, Nicole Bobek 19, Tuesday, August 23, 1932, Mark Russell 19, Sunday, August 24, 1958, Steve Guttenberg 19, Monday, August 25, 1930, Sean Connery 19, Monday, August 30, 1943, Jean-Claude Killy 19, Tuesday, August 30, 1898, Shirley Booth 19, Sunday, August 31, 1924, Buddy Hackett 19, Wednesday, August 31, 1870, Maria Montessori 19, Sunday, September 1, 1935, Seiji Ozawa Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
19, Tuesday, September 2, 1952, Jimmy Connors 19, Wednesday, September 4, 1968, Mike Piazza 19, Thursday, September 5, 1940, Raquel Welch 19, Thursday, September 7, 1533, Elizabeth I, Queen of England 19, Thursday, September 10, 1953, Amy Irving 19, Wednesday, September 12, 1888, Maurice Chevalier 19, Tuesday, September 13, 1977, Fiona Apple 19, Sunday, September 13, 1959, Jean Smart 19, Saturday, September 13, 1941, David Clayton-Thomas 19, Thursday, September 13, 1860, John J. Pershing 19, Tuesday, September 15, 1903, Roy Acuff 19, Sunday, September 16, 1956, David Copperfield 19, Sunday, September 16, 1956, Mickey Rourke 19, Friday, September 17, 1982, Wade Robson 19, Monday, September 17, 1928, Roddy McDowall 19, Thursday, September 20, 1934, Sophia Loren 19, Wednesday, September 21, 1960, David James Elliot 19, Thursday, September 23, 1976, Kip Pardue 19, Friday, September 23, 1949, Bruce Springsteen 19, Saturday, September 24, 1921, Jim McKay 19, Saturday, September 25, 1965, Scottie Pippen 19, Thursday, September 25, 1947, Cheryl Tiegs 19, Sunday, September 26, 1982, Christina Milian 19, Tuesday, September 30, 1924, Truman Capote 19, Friday, October 9, 1908, Jacques Tati 19, Monday, October 9, 1899, Bruce Catton 19, Thursday, October 9, 1890, Aimee Semple McPherson 19, Monday, October 18, 1926, Chuck Berry 19, Sunday, October 27, 1872, Emily Post 19, Tuesday, November 1, 1960, Fernando Valenzuela 19, Sunday, November 1, 1942, Larry Flynt 19, Monday, November 2, 1914, Ray Walston 19, Tuesday, November 2, 1734, Daniel Boone 19, Wednesday, November 5, 1947, Peter Noone 19, Sunday, November 5, 1911, Roy Rogers 19, Sunday, November 6, 1955, Maria Shriver 19, Wednesday, November 6, 1946, Sally Field 19, Tuesday, November 7, 1972, Jason and Jeremy London 19, Thursday, November 7, 1918, Billy Graham 19, Saturday, November 10, 1483, Martin Luther 19, Thursday, November 14, 1929, McLean Stevenson 19, Thursday, November 15, 1928, Bill "C.W. McCall" Fries 19, Saturday, November 15, 1919, Judge Joseph Wapner 19, Thursday, November 19, 1942, Calvin Klein 19, Sunday, November 19, 1933, Larry King 19, Sunday, November 20, 1932, Richard Dawson 19, Wednesday, November 24, 1784, Zachary Taylor 19, Wednesday, November 25, 1846, Carry Nation 19, Thursday, December 5, 1901, Walt Disney 19, Wednesday, December 8, 1943, Jim Morrison 19, Tuesday, December 8, 1925, Sammy Davis, Jr. 19, Friday, December 8, 1916, Richard Fleischer 19, Tuesday, December 9, 1969, Jakob Dylan 19, Wednesday, December 9, 1942, Dick Butkus 19, Sunday, December 11, 1949, Teri Garr 19, Friday, December 11, 1931, Rita Moreno 19, Thursday, December 11, 1913, Carlo Ponti 19, Thursday, December 16, 1971, Michael McCary 19, Sunday, December 16, 1962, William "Refrigerator" Perry 19, Sunday, December 16, 1917, Arthur C. Clarke Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
19, Saturday, December 16, 1899, Noël Coward 19, Monday, December 18, 1978, Katie Holmes 19, Saturday, December 25, 1971, Dido 19, Monday, December 25, 1899, Humphrey Bogart 19, Thursday, December 27, 1906, Oscar Levant 19, Saturday, December 27, 1879, Sydney Greenstreet
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Life Path 20 Your primary purpose in this life is to learn to use your intuition as you establish a balance between responsibility and cooperation while you serve others. You may have a tendency to feel responsible for the actions of others, and for problems that have nothing to do with you. You will learn to define your own boundaries and find harmony, even though these boundaries will serve as a limit to those who work with you. Eventually you learn to accept responsibility for your life and work with these issues rather than trying to help others so frequently. You have a great sensitivity toward others and an intuition about the work that you should be doing in this world. Feel free to support others that may need it, but most of all you most come to respect them because they may not appreciate you saving them, though they may appreciate your respect and honor. These people may need to learn their own lessons before they are ready to be saved from the situations that they have gotten themselves into. You will serve your purpose best when you can learn to be detached from the situation, yet still have some empathy for the people involved. Assets In your most positive you know how much time to spend in every area of your life and you are free of any nervousness or worry. You have solved all the problems you have faced and you have established diplomatic relationships with the other people in your life. You exude a strong sense of strength and endurance and others come to you when they have problems with cooperation in their life, because you provide the needed support that they demand. But you also respect your own inner needs and you accept both. You honor your inner intuition and you use it for the good of others throughout your life. Talents Your strongest talents are in those fields in which you can provide diplomatic and cooperative support as well as use your unique intuitive skills. You enjoy positions that center on working with people such as mediator, record keeper, insurance sales, counselor or healer. Consulting jobs are also something that interests you. You enjoy family life and caring for your elders. You are happy to provide your talents as an assistant or support person as well. Following the 20/2 Path You must learn to accept yourself and your responsibility without worrying about what others think. Do not be so quick to give up your own time for anyone else; remember that you require time by yourself as well. You have established your own boundaries and you use them to help you set aside time for yourself and for others around you. You have mastered your intuitive talents and you respect the deep inner knowing that guides you throughout your life. Others appreciate and respect you for your diplomatic tact and your cooperative support in mediating difficult disagreements. You are happy and joyful as you interact with others and you do not find faults as you follow your true path. Famous 20 Life Path Birthdays 20, Friday, January 11, 1952, Ben Crenshaw 20, Thursday, January 11, 1934, Jean ChretiTn 20, Monday, January 17, 1820, Anne Bronte 20, Monday, January 29, 1979, Andrew Keegan 20, Thursday, January 29, 1970, Heather Graham 20, Saturday, January 29, 1916, Victor Mature
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20, Thursday, January 29, 1880, W.C. Fields 20, Wednesday, February 9, 1944, Alice Walker 20, Tuesday, February 9, 1773, William H. Harrison 20, Tuesday, February 11, 1969, Jennifer Aniston 20, Monday, February 25, 1901, Zeppo Marx 20, Wednesday, February 27, 1980, Chelsea Clinton 20, Tuesday, March 9, 1943, Bobby Fischer 20, Friday, March 9, 1934, Yuri Gagarin 20, Saturday, March 11, 1950, Bobby McFerrin 20, Friday, March 17, 1944, John Sebastian 20, Wednesday, March 18, 1970, Queen Latifah 20, Sunday, March 26, 1944, Diana Ross 20, Friday, March 27, 1970, Mariah Carey 20, Friday, March 29, 1968, Lucy Lawless 20, Wednesday, March 29, 1950, Bud Cort 20, Wednesday, March 29, 1905, Philip Ahn 20, Sunday, April 9, 1978, Rachel Stevens 20, Sunday, April 9, 1933, Jean-Paul Belmondo 20, Friday, April 11, 1913, Oleg Cassini 20, Friday, April 16, 1971, Selena Quintanilla 20, Tuesday, April 16, 1935, Bobby Vinton 20, Friday, April 25, 1980, Jacob Underwood 20, Saturday, April 25, 1908, Edward R. Murrow 20, Friday, April 27, 1951, Ace Frehley 20, Wednesday, May 6, 1953, Tony Blair 20, Saturday, May 11, 1912, Phil Silvers 20, Friday, May 15, 1953, George Brett 20, Friday, May 16, 1952, Pierce Brosnan 20, Sunday, May 17, 1987, Tahj Mowry 20, Wednesday, May 24, 1944, Patti LaBelle 20, Tuesday, May 25, 1943, Leslie Uggams 20, Monday, May 25, 1925, Jeanne Crain 20, Saturday, May 26, 1951, Sally Ride 20, Sunday, May 27, 1923, Henry Kissinger 20, Monday, May 27, 1878, Isadora Duncan 20, Friday, May 29, 1903, Bob Hope 20, Saturday, June 5, 1971, "Marky" Mark Wahlberg 20, Saturday, June 6, 1970, James "Munky" Shaffer 20, Sunday, June 9, 1940, Dick Vitale 20, Monday, June 11, 1956, Joe Montana 20, Thursday, June 25, 1987, Scott Terra 20, Wednesday, June 25, 1924, Sidney Lumet 20, Friday, June 26, 1914, Babe Didrikson Zaharias 20, Sunday, June 29, 1947, Richard Lewis 20, Thursday, July 4, 1872, Calvin Coolidge 20, Thursday, July 5, 1979, Shane Filan 20, Friday, July 5, 1889, Jean Cocteau 20, Monday, July 6, 1987, Matthew O'Leary 20, Thursday, July 6, 1978, Tia and Tamera Mowry 20, Tuesday, July 6, 1915, Laverne Andrews 20, Tuesday, July 8, 1958, Kevin Bacon 20, Thursday, July 13, 1944, Erno Rubik 20, Saturday, July 13, 1935, Jack Kemp 20, Sunday, July 15, 1951, Jesse Ventura 20, Tuesday, July 16, 1968, Barry Sanders 20, Monday, July 18, 1921, John Glenn 20, Thursday, July 23, 1970, Charisma Carpenter 20, Sunday, July 23, 1961, Woody Harrelson 20, Tuesday, July 24, 1951, Lynda Carter 20, Tuesday, July 26, 1949, Roger Taylor Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
20, Wednesday, July 26, 1922, Blake Edwards 20, Wednesday, July 26, 1922, Jason Robards, Jr. 20, Sunday, July 29, 1973, Wanya Morris 20, Sunday, July 29, 1883, Benito Mussolini 20, Tuesday, July 31, 1962, Wesley Snipes 20, Monday, July 31, 1944, Geraldine Chaplin 20, Tuesday, August 3, 1926, Tony Bennett 20, Sunday, August 5, 1906, John Huston 20, Sunday, August 7, 1904, Ralph Bunche 20, Tuesday, August 12, 1980, Dominique Swain 20, Thursday, August 12, 1971, Pete Sampras 20, Thursday, August 12, 1926, John Derek 20, Friday, August 12, 1881, Cecil B. DeMille 20, Saturday, August 16, 1958, Angela Bassett 20, Saturday, August 16, 1958, Madonna 20, Saturday, August 16, 1913, Menachem Begin 20, Wednesday, August 21, 1872, Aubrey Beardsley 20, Wednesday, August 23, 1978, Kobe Bryant 20, Thursday, August 25, 1949, Gene Simmons 20, Friday, August 26, 1921, Ben Bradlee 20, Wednesday, August 27, 1947, Barbara Bach 20, Saturday, August 29, 1936, John McCain 20, Sunday, August 30, 1953, Robert Parrish 20, Wednesday, August 30, 1944, Frank "Tug" McGraw 20, Sunday, August 30, 1908, Fred MacMurray 20, Friday, August 31, 1979, Chad Brannon 20, Monday, August 31, 1970, Debbie Gibson 20, Friday, September 3, 1943, Valerie Perrine 20, Sunday, September 4, 1960, Damon Wayans 20, Tuesday, September 5, 1950, Cathy Guisewaite 20, Monday, September 9, 1946, Billy Preston 20, Friday, September 12, 1952, Neal Peart 20, Sunday, September 12, 1943, Maria Muldaur 20, Sunday, September 13, 1942, Bela Karolyi 20, Monday, September 14, 1914, Clayton Moore 20, Sunday, September 15, 1940, Merlin Olsen 20, Friday, September 15, 1922, Jackie Cooper 20, Saturday, September 20, 1890, Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" Morton 20, Friday, September 21, 1934, Leonard Cohen 20, Wednesday, September 23, 1959, Jason Alexander 20, Thursday, September 24, 1931, Anthony Newley 20, Thursday, September 25, 1930, Shel Silverstein 20, Wednesday, September 26, 1956, Linda Hamilton 20, Sunday, September 27, 1964, Stephan Jenkins 20, Saturday, September 30, 1961, Eric Stoltz 20, Thursday, September 30, 1943, Marilyn McCoo 20, Wednesday, October 11, 1961, Steve Young 20, Sunday, October 11, 1925, Elmore Leonard 20, Friday, October 11, 1844, Henry John Heinz 20, Wednesday, November 1, 1871, Stephen Crane 20, Sunday, November 2, 1969, Reginald "Fieldy" Arvizu 20, Monday, November 2, 1942, Stefanie Powers 20,Tuesday, November 3, 1959, Dolph Lundgren 20, Saturday, November 7, 1964, Dana Plato 20, Tuesday, November 8, 1927, Patti Page 20, Thursday, November 8, 1900, Margaret Mitchell 20, Saturday, November 10, 1979, Chris Joannou 20, Tuesday, November 10, 1925, Richard Burton 20, Sunday, November 10, 1889, Claude Rains 20, Tuesday, November 12, 1968, Sammy Sosa Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
20, Monday, November 13, 1922, Oskar Werner 20, Wednesday, November 13, 1850, Robert Louis Stevenson 20, Monday, November 14, 1921, Brian Keith 20, Saturday, November 14, 1840, Claude Monet 20, Friday, November 15, 1929, Ed Asner 20, Monday, November 16, 1964, Dwight Gooden 20, Wednesday, November 19, 1997, McCaughey septuplets 20, Sunday, November 19, 1961, Meg Ryan 20, Friday, November 21, 1941, Juliet Mills 20, Friday, November 23, 1804, Franklin Pierce 20, Sunday, November 28, 1943, Randy Newman 20, Friday, November 30, 1923, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. 20, Tuesday, December 8, 1953, Kim Basinger 20, Wednesday, December 9, 1970, David Kersh 20, Wednesday, December 9, 1925, Dina Merrill 20, Saturday, December 9, 1916, Kirk Douglas 20, Friday, December 9, 1898, Emmett Kelly 20, Friday, December 18, 1970, Earl "DMX" Simmons 20, Friday, December 18, 1970, Rob Van Dam 20, Saturday, December 18, 1943, Keith Richards 20, Friday, December 18, 1925, Roger Smith 20, Monday, December 18, 1916, Betty Grable 20, Monday, December 26, 1791, Charles Babbage 20, Monday, December 27, 1943, Cokie Roberts
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 21 Your primary purpose in this life is to learn to express your creativity and emotions while teaching, cooperating and supporting others as you inspire them to reach for their highest dreams. You have many lessons to learn in his life, but your biggest one is to overcome any feelings of insecurity you may have about your own talents and creative energy. You are very good at balancing your cooperative nature with your need for self-expression. You are powerful, and a pioneer at many things that you do. Remember that your uniqueness is what sets you apart and makes you innovative and ingenious at solving every problem that comes your way. Your analytical skills are strong too. You will eventually learn to become more emotional in expression instead of attempting to think a problem away. Be careful and wary of being judgmental and critical of others - they are unique and expressive in their own way too. A peaceful sense of cooperation will pervade over your relationships as you learn to be accepting and emotionally secure. Assets In your most positive sense you are creative, innovative and expressive in everything that you do. You are open and honest at being yourself and others look up to you highly. You enjoy working through problems by communicating and you especially like to give praise and offer words of kindness because you know we are all reflections of each other. Talents You are very creative and this means that you are best suited to positions that let you express yourself freely and often: jobs such as writing, advertising or promotion work well for you. You will always be happy in anything you do as long as you feel like you are inspiring and helping others to grow by doing the work that you do. As you persist and learn to accept feedback your confidence will help you achieve any goal! Following the 21/3 Path You have mastered the balance needed between you sensitivity and your creativity. You are learning every day how to be caring without hurting. As you express yourself openly and purposefully others are well aware that you are sincere, honest and real. You have erased any doubt in your mind as well as any insecure feelings or self-criticism. Your open, honest, expressive creativity shines as an inspiration for those around you as you pursue your unique path. Famous 21 Life Path Birthdays 21, Monday, January 11, 1971, Mary J. Blige 21, Thursday, January 11, 1962, Kim Coles 21, Monday, January 11, 1926, Grant Tinker 21, Saturday, January 11, 1755, Alexander Hamilton 21, Thursday, January 29, 1953, Teresa Teng 21, Tuesday, February 8, 1820, Willam Tecumseh Sherman 21, Sunday, February 11, 1979, Brandy 21, Sunday, February 11, 1934, Tina Louise 21, Friday, February 26, 1802, Victor Hugo 21, Tuesday, March 9, 1971, Emmanuel Lewis 21, Tuesday, March 9, 1926, Irene Papas 21, Wednesday, March 11, 1942, Charles W. Swan 21, Thursday, March 18, 1926, Peter Graves Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
21, Monday, March 27, 1899, Gloria Swanson 21, Thursday, April 8, 1926, Shecky Greene 21, Monday, April 9, 1979, Keshia Knight Pulliam 21, Saturday, April 9, 1898, Paul Robeson 21, Monday, April 11, 1932, Joel Grey 21, Thursday, April 26, 1962, Michael Damian 21, Thursday, April 26, 1917, I.M. Pei 21, Saturday, May 8, 1943, Toni Tennille 21, Monday, May 9, 1960, Tony Gwynn 21, Wednesday, May 11, 1904, Salvador Dali 21, Sunday, May 16, 1971, David Boreanaz 21, Sunday, May 17, 1970, Jordan Knight 21, Wednesday, May 17, 1961, Enya 21, Tuesday, May 18, 1897, Frank Capra 21, Monday, May 23, 1910, Scatman Crothers 21, Monday, May 23, 1910, Artie Shaw 21, Thursday, May 25, 1944, Frank Oz 21, Tuesday, May 25, 1926, Miles Davis 21, Sunday, May 26, 1907, John Wayne 21, Tuesday, May 27, 1969, Jeremy Mayfield 21, Monday, May 29, 1967, Noel Gallagher 21, Thursday, May 29, 1958, Annette Bening 21, Wednesday, June 6, 1962, Ena 21, Saturday, June 7, 1952, Liam Neeson 21, Thursday, June 8, 1933, Joan Rivers 21, Wednesday, June 16, 1943, Joan Van Ark 21, Sunday, June 17, 1951, Joe Piscopo 21, Saturday, June 24, 1944, Jeff Beck 21, Saturday, June 24, 1899, Chief Dan George 21, Thursday, June 25, 1925, June Lockhart 21, Sunday, June 29, 1930, Robert Evans 21, Monday, July 6, 1925, Merv Griffin 21, Monday, July 6, 1925, Bill Haley 21, Monday, July 7, 1969, Cree Summer 21, Wednesday, July 8, 1914, Billy Eckstine 21, Friday, July 9, 1976, Fred Savage 21, Wednesday, July 9, 1958, Jimmy Smits 21, Monday, July 11, 1983, Marie Serneholt 21, Sunday, July 11, 1965, Lisa Rinna 21, Sunday, July 11, 1920, Yul Brynner 21, Saturday, July 11, 1767, John Quincy Adams 21, Wednesday, July 14, 1926, Harry Dean Stanton 21, Wednesday, July 16, 1924, Bess Myerson 21, Tuesday, July 18, 1967, Vin Diesel 21, Friday, July 18, 1913, Richard "Red" Skelton 21, Thursday, July 18, 1895, George "Machine Gun" Kelly 21, Sunday, July 23, 1989, Daniel Radcliffe 21, Wednesday, July 23, 1980, Michelle "My Belle" Williams 21, Friday, July 24, 1970, Jennifer Lopez 21, Sunday, July 24, 1898, Amelia Earhart 21,Tuesday, July 25, 1978, Louise Brown 21, Friday, July 25, 1924, Estelle Getty 21, Monday, July 25, 1870, Maxfield Parrish 21, Sunday, July 26, 1959, Kevin Spacey 21, Wednesday, July 27, 1949, Maureen McGovern 21, Monday, July 27, 1931, Jerry Van Dyke 21, Thursday, July 27, 1922, Norman Lear 21, Friday, July 29, 1938, Peter Jennings 21, Wednesday, August 4, 1971, Jeff Gordon 21, Saturday, August 4, 1962, Roger Clemens Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
21, Sunday, August 8, 1976, J.C. Chasez 21, Sunday, August 8, 1976, Drew Lachey 21, Monday, August 8, 1949, Keith Carradine 21, Tuesday, August 8, 1922, Rory Calhoun 21, Tuesday, August 8, 1922, Rudi Gernreich 21, Saturday, August 11, 1928, Arlene Dahl 21, Friday, August 13, 1926, Fidel Castro 21, Sunday, August 13, 1899, Alfred Hitchcock 21, Friday, August 14, 1970, Kevin Cadogan 21, Friday, August 14, 1925, Russell Baker 21, Friday, August 15, 1924, Phyllis Schlafly 21, Friday, August 15, 1879, Ethel Barrymore 21, Tuesday, August 16, 1932, Eydie Gorme 21, Sunday, August 23, 1970, River Phoenix 21, Thursday, August 23, 1934, Barbara Eden 21, Wednesday, August 24, 1960, Cal Ripken, Jr. 21, Friday, August 25, 1950, Willy DeVille 21, Saturday, August 25, 1923, Monty Hall 21, Friday, August 25, 1905, Clara Bow 21, Friday, August 26, 1904, Christopher Isherwood 21, Wednesday, August 29, 1928, Dick O'Neill 21, Saturday, August 31, 1935, Eldridge Cleaver 21, Saturday, August 31, 1935, Frank Robinson 21, Monday, August 31, 1908, William Saroyan 21, Tuesday, September 3, 1935, Eileen Brennan 21, Friday, September 4, 1970, Ione Skye 21, Friday, September 5, 1969, Dweezil Zappa 21, Tuesday, September 12, 1944, Barry White 21, Sunday, September 13, 1925, Mel Torme 21, Wednesday, September 13, 1916, Roald Dahl 21, Wednesday, September 14, 1960, Callum Keith Rennie 21, Thursday, September 14, 1933, Harve Presnell 21, Monday, September 16, 1985, Madeline Zima 21, Thursday, September 16, 1976, Tina Barrett 21, Friday, September 16, 1949, Ed Begley, Jr. 21, Saturday, September 18, 1920, June Foray 21, Saturday, September 18, 1920, Jack Warden 21, Tuesday, September 21, 1971, Alfonso Ribeiro 21, Friday, September 21, 1962, Rob Morrow 21, Saturday, September 21, 1935, Henry Gibson 21, Wednesday, September 24, 1941, Linda McCartney 21, Thursday, September 24, 1896, F. Scott Fitzgerald 21, Friday, September 25, 1931, Barbara Walters 21, Saturday, September 27, 1947, Meat Loaf 21, Monday, September 27, 1920, William Conrad 21, Saturday, September 28, 1901, Ed Sullivan 21, Tuesday, September 30, 1980, Martina Hingis 21, Thursday, September 30, 1971, Jenna Elfman 21, Monday, September 30, 1935, Z.Z. Hill 21, Monday, September 30, 1935, Johnny Mathis 21, Sunday, September 30, 1917, Buddy Rich 21, Thursday, October 11, 1962, Joan Cusack 21, Wednesday, October 29, 1980, Ben Foster 21, Friday, October 29, 1971, Winona Ryder 21, Friday, November 1, 1935, Gary Player 21, Thursday, November 2, 1961, K.D. lang 21, Friday, November 3, 1933, Ken Berry 21, Friday, November 3, 1933, Michael Dukakis 21, Tuesday, November 4, 1986, Alexz Johnson 21, Saturday, November 4, 1950, Markie Post Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
21, Tuesday, November 5, 1940, Elke Sommer 21, Thursday, November 5, 1931, Ike Turner 21, Wednesday, November 5, 1913, Vivien Leigh 21, Monday, November 9, 1936, Mary Travers 21, Saturday, November 9, 1918, Spiro Agnew 21, Friday, November 10, 1944, Tim Rice 21, Sunday, November 10, 1935, Roy Scheider 21, Monday, November 14, 1904, Dick Powell 21, Monday, November 19, 1962, Jodie Foster 21, Monday, November 19, 1917, Indira Gandhi 21, Saturday, November 20, 1943, Veronica Hamel 21, Friday, November 20, 1925, Robert F. Kennedy 21, Friday, November 21, 1969, Ken Griffey, Jr. 21, Thursday, November 23, 1967, Salli Richardson 21, Wednesday, November 23, 1859, Billy the Kid 21, Tuesday, November 25, 1947, John Larroquette 21, Thursday, November 25, 1920, Ricardo Montalban 21, Saturday, November 27, 1909, James Agee 21, Wednesday, December 7, 1910, Louis Prima 21, Wednesday, December 9, 1953, John Malkovich 21, Friday, December 11, 1942, Donna Mills 21, Monday, December 16, 1901, Margaret Mead 21, Thursday, December 18, 1980, Christina Aguilera 21, Tuesday, December 18, 1917, Ossie Davis
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Life Path 22 Your primary purpose is to accept your deep responsibility to helping others while you learn to be cooperative and secure in your ultimate goal of assisting others. You are extremely ambitious and have a desire to fulfill your destiny. You must remember that completing your goals require many small steps, each as important as the other. You learn to accept any mistake as a valuable lesson as you continue along your path. If a project is a complete failure, reevaluate all of your steps along the way to determine which ones you may not have completed to your satisfaction. Patience becomes your strongest ally. You have an inner need to find balance and fulfillment in your beliefs, ideals and values. This is not an easy task, but one that you are capable of with your strong analytical and intuitive mind. Remember to trust your inner-knowing as equally as your intellectual mind and you will find comfort and peace. You will reach your highest potential as you learn to combine your inner balance with your outer desire to work as a team with others. Your mind, body, emotions, intellect and intuition must all play equal parts for you to feel whole and fulfilled. Assets In your most positive aspects you are patient and accepting, learning from any mistakes you may have made. You are good at giving and sharing with others and at finding time for your self to create your own inner balance. You solve each small problem as it comes along and this helps you to serve others with respect and kindness. Talents Your perseverance, strength and cooperative abilities are well applied in fields that support others such as teaching or organizing large projects. You also have analytical skill beyond most other people and this suits you to architecture or engineering careers. Beneath your desire to be of service is a need for financial security. You work on fulfilling this before all others and it helps to provide you the footing you need to pursue even deeper goals. Following the 22 Path You are secure and balanced in your emotions. Your unique sense of patience teaches you to be careful and complete in working toward your goals. You have learned to accept any criticism from others constructively as you work with them to establish trust and respect. You have learned to give as much to yourself as you do to others and this helps to nourish your spirit. Famous 22 Life Path Birthdays 22, Monday, February 11, 1980, Matt Lawrence 22, Thursday, February 11, 1926, Leslie Nielsen 22, Sunday, February 11, 1917, Sidney Sheldon 22, Tuesday, March 11, 1952, Douglas Adams 22, Sunday, March 11, 1934, Sam Donaldson 22, Monday, March 29, 1943, John Major 22, Monday, March 29, 1790, John Tyler 22, Friday, April 9, 1971, Austin Peck 22, Tuesday, April 9, 1935, Avery Schreiber 22, Friday, April 9, 1926, Hugh Hefner 22, Sunday, April 29, 1951, Dale Earnhardt 22, Saturday, May 8, 1926, Don Rickles 22, Monday, May 9, 1988, Hilary Duff 22, Sunday, May 18, 1952, George Strait Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
22, Friday, May 18, 1934, Dwayne Hickman 22, Tuesday, May 26, 1908, Robert Morley 22, Wednesday, May 27, 1970, Joseph Fiennes 22, Friday, May 29, 1959, Adrian Paul 22, Sunday, May 29, 1932, Paul Erlich 22, Thursday, June 7, 1917, Dean Martin 22, Monday, June 8, 1925, Barbara Bush 22, Wednesday, June 11, 1913, Vince Lombardi 22, Friday, June 14, 1811, Harriet Beecher Stowe 22, Wednesday, June 16, 1971, Tupac Shakur 22, Monday, June 16, 1890, Stan Laurel 22, Thursday, June 17, 1943, Newt Gingrich 22, Friday, June 17, 1898, M.C. Escher 22, Thursday, June 18, 1942, Roger Ebert 22, Thursday, June 18, 1942, Paul McCartney 22, Friday, June 26, 1970, Chris O'Donnell 22, Monday, June 26, 1961, Greg LeMond 22, Wednesday, June 27, 1951, Julia Duffy 22, Monday, July 4, 1910, Gloria Stuart 22, Saturday, July 6, 1935, Dalai Lama 22, Sunday, July 8, 1951, Anjelica Huston 22, Saturday, July 15, 1944, Jan-Michael Vincent 22, Monday, July 15, 1935, Alex Karras 22, Tuesday, July 16, 1907, Barbara Stanwyck 22, Friday, July 18, 1941, Martha Reeves 22, Saturday, July 18, 1914, Harriet Nelson 22, Sunday, August 5, 1962, Patrick Ewing 22, Thursday, August 6, 1970, M. Night Shyamalan 22, Sunday, August 7, 1960, David Duchovny 22, Friday, August 7, 1942, Garrison Keillor 22, Monday, August 8, 1932, Mel Tillis 22, Wednesday, August 8, 1923, Esther Williams 22, Wednesday, August 9, 1967, Deion Sanders 22, Saturday, August 15, 1925, Mike Conners 22, Saturday, August 15, 1925, Rose Marie 22, Tuesday, August 16, 1960, Timothy Hutton 22, Friday, August 18, 1922, Shelley Winters 22, Wednesday, August 24, 1988, Rupert Grint 22, Friday, August 25, 1978, Kel Mitchell 22, Friday, August 25, 1933, Regis Philbin 22, Friday, August 29, 1947, James Hunt 22, Monday, August 29, 1938, Elliott Gould 22, Sunday, August 29, 1920, Charlie "Bird" Parker 22, Thursday, September 4, 1980, Dan Miller 22, Tuesday, September 4, 1917, Henry Ford II 22, Friday, September 4, 1908, Richard Wright 22, Wednesday, September 5, 1934, Carol Lawrence 22, Thursday, September 6, 1888, Joseph P. Kennedy 22, Friday, September 7, 1860, Grandma Moses 22, Friday, September 8, 1922, Sid Caesar 22, Saturday, September 13, 1980, Ben Savage 22, Wednesday, September 13, 1944, Jacqueline Bisset 22,Wednesday, September 16, 1914, Allen Funt 22, Thursday, September 17, 1931, Anne Bancroft 22, Sunday, September 23, 1979, Erik-Michael Estrada 22, Thursday, September 23, 1943, Julio Iglesias 22, Wednesday, September 24, 1924, Sheila MacRae 22, Wednesday, September 25, 1968, Will Smith 22, Sunday, September 25, 1932, Glenn Gould 22, Sunday, November 2, 1755, Marie Antoinette Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
22, Monday, November 3, 1952, Roseanne 22, Tuesday, November 4, 1969, Matthew McConaughey 22, Tuesday, November 4, 1879, Will Rogers 22, Thursday, November 5, 1959, Bryan Adams 22, Wednesday, November 5, 1941, Art Garfunkel 22, Sunday, November 5, 1905, Joel McCrea 22, Friday, November 6, 1931, Mike Nichols 22, Saturday, November 7, 1903, Dean Jagger 22, Monday, November 8, 1920, Esther Rolle 22, Friday, November 9, 1973, Nick Lachey 22, Thursday, November 12, 1970, Tonya Harding 22, Sunday, November 12, 1961, Nadia Comaneci 22, Friday, November 12, 1943, Wallace Shawn 22, Saturday, November 13, 1915, Nathaniel Benchley 22, Friday, November 15, 1940, Sam Waterston 22, Thursday, November 17, 1938, Gordon Lightfoot 22, Saturday, November 20, 1926, Kaye Ballard 22, Friday, November 20, 1908, Alistair Cooke 22, Monday, November 21, 1898, Rene Magritte 22, Wednesday, November 23, 1887, Boris Karloff 22, Tuesday, November 24, 1868, Scott Joplin 22, Saturday, November 26, 1938, Rich Little 22, Friday, November 27, 1964, Robin Givens 22, Sunday, November 30, 1952, Mandy Patinkin 22, Monday, November 30, 1835, Mark Twain 22, Tuesday, December 11, 1979, Rider Strong 22, Thursday, December 29, 1808, Andrew Johnson
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Life Path 23 Your primary purpose is to realize your independence, honesty and desire to work in cooperation with others as you express yourself toward completing your path of freedom. You will come to feel your emotions and desire very deeply in this life. You must learn to accept them as your own in honesty and without regret. You may have to face challenges regarding how well you work with others, but this will help you grow and mature. Learn to accept and work with others by expressing yourself, but remember to retain your own identity and to keep your independence. There is a strong need in this life for you to learn and grow and you will seek out change, excitement and adventure frequently as you reach your full potential. The need for freedom you seek is the kind that requires an inner respect and knowing for your own self as an individual, rather than for freedom in a general sense. You want to be your own person and you need to be respected for that. Assets At your most positive you are free and unafraid of anything. You are confident in your skills of believing in yourself and others and the risks you take emotionally are required as lessons for you and others to learn. You truly experience everything and anything in all of its glory and desire with deep felt, passionate, balance and disciplined sincerity. Your passion for life is free of any boundaries and this suits you perfectly. The lively and charming conversation and intellectual skills of your personality are highly sought after. Others may gather around you to watch and learn. You make every moment a new one and you may be known as the "life of the party" for this long party that you call life. Talents You have a desire to travel and see new things, especially if it gives you a chance to be communicative and work with others in a cooperative effort. Fields such as advertising, counselor or travel agent would be appealing to you. Your interests are so wide ranging that you can be happy in most any field. You love experiencing new things and this leads you on many adventures. Any position such as trucking, shipping or airlines work will also provide you with the opportunities you need to travel. You will always find a way to earn a living and be happy and expressive at the same time. Following the 23 Path You are secure and comfortable in working with others toward a common goal. You have found the perfect balance between giving your time to others and using it for yourself. You have learned to focus on those tasks, which you need to finish, and this means that you are clear on what you want to accomplish, and the best way of doing it. Even though you enjoy the drama of life you know that your honesty and sincerity allow others to get closer to you as you reach toward your goals and this lets you communicate better and be cooperative, creative and have fun as you pursue your higher purpose. Famous 23 Life Path Birthdays 23, Wednesday, March 9, 1910, Samuel Barber 23, Thursday, March 11, 1926, Ralph Abernathy 23, Sunday, April 29, 1979, Jo O'Meara 23, Wednesday, April 29, 1970, Andre Agassi 23, Wednesday, April 29, 1970, Master P Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
23, Wednesday, April 29, 1970, Uma Thurman 23, Tuesday, May 7, 1901, Gary Cooper 23, Thursday, May 11, 1933, Louis Farrakhan 23, Friday, May 11, 1888, Irving Berlin 23, Thursday, June 8, 1944, Boz Scaggs 23, Friday, June 9, 1961, Michael J. Fox 23, Saturday, June 9, 1934, Jackie Mason 23, Wednesday, June 11, 1986, Shia LaBeouf 23, Tuesday, June 17, 1980, Venus Williams 23, Wednesday, June 18, 1952, Carol Kane 23, Wednesday, June 18, 1952, Isabella Rossellini 23, Sunday, June 27, 1880, Helen Keller 23, Monday, July 7, 1980, Michelle Kwan 23, Tuesday, July 8, 1952, Christopher G. Moore 23, Tuesday, July 8, 1952, Marianne Williamson 23, Friday, July 11, 1958, Mark Lester 23, Saturday, July 11, 1931, Tab Hunter 23, Thursday, July 14, 1910, William Hanna 23, Friday, July 16, 1971, Corey Feldman 23, Tuesday, July 16, 1872, Roald Amundsen 23, Thursday, July 17, 1952, David Hasselhoff 23, Thursday, July 17, 1952, Phoebe Snow 23, Tuesday, July 17, 1934, Donald Sutherland 23, Wednesday, July 17, 1889, Erle Stanley Gardner 23, Thursday, July 25, 1935, Barbara Harris 23, Monday, July 26, 1943, Mick Jagger 23, Sunday, July 27, 1969, Triple H 23, Friday, July 29, 1949, Marilyn Quayle 23, Sunday, August 4, 1901, Louis Armstrong 23, Monday, August 6, 1962, Michelle Yeoh 23, Monday, August 6, 1917, Robert Mitchum 23, Friday, August 9, 1968, Gillian Anderson 23, Sunday, August 9, 1896, Jean Piaget 23, Thursday, August 11, 1921, Alex Haley 23, Tuesday, August 15, 1944, Linda Ellerbee 23, Sunday, August 16, 1925, Fess Parker 23, Sunday, August 17, 1969, Donnie Wahlberg 23, Wednesday, August 17, 1960, Sean Penn 23, Friday, August 24, 1962, Craig Kilborn 23, Sunday, August 24, 1890, Duke Kahanamoku 23, Tuesday, August 25, 1970, Claudia Schiffer 23, Friday, August 25, 1961, Billy Ray Cyrus 23, Friday, August 25, 1916, Van Johnson 23, Friday, August 26, 1960, Branford Marsalis 23, Thursday, September 7, 1978, Devon Sawa 23, Friday, September 7, 1951, Julie Kavner 23, Monday, September 7, 1942, Richard Roundtree 23, Thursday, September 8, 1932, Patsy Cline 23, Saturday, September 11, 1965, Moby 23, Thursday, September 12, 1901, Ben Blue 23, Thursday, September 14, 1944, Joey Heatherton 23, Friday, September 15, 1961, Dan Marino 23,Sunday, September 15, 1907, Fay Wray 23, Sunday, September 15, 1889, Robert Benchley 23, Tuesday, September 16, 1924, Lauren Bacall 23, Thursday, September 23, 1926, John Coltrane 23, Thursday, September 25, 1969, Catherine Zeta Jones 23, Tuesday, September 25, 1951, Mark Hamill 23, Tuesday, September 25, 1906, Dmitri Shostakovich 23, Saturday, September 25, 1897, William Faulkner Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
23, Saturday, September 26, 1914, Jack LaLanne 23, Saturday, September 27, 1958, Shaun Cassidy 23, Tuesday, September 27, 1949, Mike Schmidt 23, Wednesday, September 27, 1922, Arthur Penn 23, Tuesday, November 3, 1953, Kate Capshaw 23, Tuesday, November 3, 1953, Dennis Miller 23, Wednesday, November 4, 1970, Sean "P. Diddy" Combs 23, Saturday, November 4, 1916, Walter Cronkite 23, Sunday, November 6, 1887, Walter Perry Johnson 23, Tuesday, November 7, 1922, Al Hirt 23, Wednesday, November 12, 1980, Ryan Gosling 23, Sunday, November 12, 1944, Al Michaels 23, Tuesday, November 15, 1932, Petula Clark 23, Tuesday, November 15, 1887, Georgia O'Keeffe 23, Thursday, November 16, 1967, Lisa Bonet 23, Tuesday, November 21, 1944, Harold Ramis 23, Friday, November 23, 1888, Harpo Marx 23, Thursday, November 25, 1976, Donovan McNabb 23, Tuesday, November 26, 1912, Eugene Ionesco 23, Tuesday, November 26, 1912, Eric Sevareid 23, Tuesday, November 27, 1956, Rick Rockwell 23, Tuesday, November 29, 1927, Vin Scully 23, Friday, November 29, 1918, Madeline L'Engle 23, Friday, November 30, 1962, Bo Jackson 23, Monday, November 30, 1953, Shuggie Otis 23, Tuesday, November 30, 1926, Richard Crenna 23, Monday, December 11, 1944, Brenda Lee 23, Friday, December 27, 1901, Marlene Dietrich 23, Monday, December 29, 1800, Charles Goodyear
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Life Path 24 Your primary purpose is to learn to value beauty as being perfect and complete in everything, in every respect, as you work through a practical step-by-step process in achieving responsibility and vision. You have learned to be patient and practical, taking each step one at a time toward your ultimate goal. Remember that you can rely on your intuitive self as much as your analytical self when working on a problem. Your sense of beauty and perfection is heightened more than others so you must work at accepting others where they are. Everyone has their own level of attainment and your ideas will not always fit in with others. Do not let their opinions bother you either, but instead do what you feel is right for you by listening to your own heart - this will show you the right way. Assets In your most positive aspects you are kind and supportive of others who seek you out for your inner wisdom and kindness. You have become an expert at combining your intuitive vision with a practical, ‘common sense’ awareness of reality. You have created a unique set of principles for your own life, which you live by, and you are accepting of the differences and principles of others. You're known for completing any task you set your mind to by following through one step at a time. You are kind, caring and giving to others, but you also appreciate receiving from others as you follow your unique path. Talents You enjoy positions that are of service to others: business advisor, teacher, poet or welfare worker is especially interesting to you. You are also strong at physical activity that includes beauty, you could be happy as a professional athlete or as a physical therapist or personal trainer. You have learned to be secure in your work as you pursue higher goals throughout your path in this life. Following the 24 Path You are calm, accepting and highly practical. You rely on your feelings and intuition when making a decision and this is helpful. You have learned to be patient as you work toward your dreams. Your own unique principles are highly important to you, but you are careful not to impose your principles onto others, or to believe that they may live up to your high expectations. Life is as it should be, and the differences you see in others provides you with an understanding and sense of cooperation and purpose as you follow your unique path. Famous 24 Life Path Birthdays 24, Tuesday, January 10, 1939, Sal Mineo 24, Thursday, January 19, 1984, Trever O'Brien 24, Thursday, January 19, 1939, Phil Everly 24, Thursday, January 22, 1981, Willa Ford 24, Friday, January 22, 1909, Ann Sothern 24, Saturday, April 29, 1899, Duke Ellington 24, Wednesday, April 29, 1863, William Randolph Hearst 24, Monday, May 29, 1961, Melissa Etheridge 24, Tuesday, May 29, 1736, Patrick Henry 24, Friday, June 18, 1971, Nathan Morris 24, Thursday, June 18, 1908, Bud Collyer 24, Monday, July 8, 1935, Steve Lawrence 24, Wednesday, July 8, 1908, Nelson Rockefeller 24, Wednesday, July 9, 1952, John Tesh Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
24, Saturday, July 11, 1959, Suzanne Vega 24, Wednesday, July 17, 1935, Diahann Carroll 24, Tuesday, July 17, 1917, Phyllis Diller 24, Monday, July 17, 1899, James Cagney 24, Saturday, July 24, 1802, Alexandre Dumas 24, Saturday, August 7, 1926, Stan Freberg 24, Tuesday, August 8, 1961, Dave "The Edge" Evans 24, Friday, August 8, 1952, Robin Quivers 24, Saturday, August 16, 1980, Vanessa Carlton 24, Sunday, August 16, 1953, Kathie Lee Gifford 24, Monday, August 17, 1970, Jim Courier 24, Tuesday, August 17, 1943, Robert De Niro 24, Monday, August 18, 1969, Edward Norton 24, Monday, August 18, 1969, Christian Slater 24, Friday, August 18, 1933, Roman Polanski 24, Saturday, August 25, 1917, Mel Ferrer 24, Sunday, August 27, 1978, Mason Betha 24, Thursday, August 27, 1942, Daryl Dragon 24, Friday, August 29, 1958, Michael Jackson 24, Wednesday, September 6, 1944, Swoosie Kurtz 24, Tuesday, September 9, 1941, Otis Redding 24, Monday, September 15, 1890, Agatha Christie 24, Saturday, September 16, 1961, Jennifer Tilly 24, Wednesday, September 16, 1925, B.B. King 24, Monday, September 17, 1951, Cassandra "Elvira" Peterson 24, Monday, September 18, 1905, Greta Garbo 24, Monday, September 18, 1905, Eddie "Rochester" Anderson 24, Monday, September 25, 1961, Heather Locklear 24, Thursday, September 25, 1952, Christopher Reeve 24, Wednesday, September 26, 1888, T.S. Eliot 24, Monday, October 22, 1990, Jonathan Lipnicki 24, Sunday, October 22, 1882, N.C. Wyeth 24, Saturday, November 2, 1901, Paul Ford 24, Sunday, November 4, 1962, Ralph Macchio 24, Thursday, November 5, 1970, Javy Lopez 24, Friday, November 5, 1943, Sam Shepard 24, Wednesday, November 6, 1861, James Naismith 24, Saturday, November 7, 1959, Keith Lockhart 24, Tuesday, November 8, 1949, Bonnie Raitt 24, Sunday, November 8, 1931, Morley Safer 24, Wednesday, November 11, 1964, Calista Flockhart 24, Thursday, November 14, 1889, Jawaharlal Nehru 24, Wednesday, November 16, 1977, Oksana Baiul 24, Monday, November 23, 1925, Johnny Mandel 24, Friday, November 24, 1978, Katherine Heigl 24, Saturday, November 24, 1888, Dale Carnegie 24, Wednesday, November 25, 1914, Joe DiMaggio 24, Sunday, November 26, 1922, Charles Schulz 24, Tuesday, November 29, 1955, Howie Mandel
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Life Path 25 Your main purpose in this life is to learn to be open and trusting while you find freedom as you work together with others toward achieving your goal. You have a strong desire for freedom in a personal sense, but your strongest trait is cooperation with others and finding an inner balance between giving to others and learning to find time to give to yourself. You will come to trust and care for those in your life who share with you; and your overall need to be of service to others overcomes any obstacles in your path. Your need to be with others is highlighted by another need you have for privacy. You enjoy learning and studying alone and away from others, but be careful not to over-protect your feelings and hide them or you will create isolation in this life. You will learn to share your deep emotions with those particularly close to you such as your friends and family and eventually with others that you meet. You have developed a fine sense of intuition based on observation that allows you to come to conclusions and decisions quickly and easily. Assets In your most positive you have a deep respect and trust for your own feelings, but you are also willing to share. You are adventurous and kind - exploring every path toward your own personal freedom and sense of independence. You have brought the balance of self and others into your life through inner freedom and a spiritual awareness of being. You find the time you need to serve others and yourself and you feel truly special in your place: a place marked by a spirituality and inner knowledge that serves you throughout your life on this path. Talents You function best in positions that let you feel that you are serving others, and that allow you to use your intense intellectual research abilities: scientist, engineer, naturalist or lab assistant are a few jobs you might find appealing. Your strong thinking makes you good at any position, but you do require the freedom to think for yourself and to go within or away to a private space from time to time as you work. Following the 25 Path You have learned to experience the perfect balance between sharing yourself with others and finding personal space for your own needs. You put a deep trust in those that you choose to share with and this helps you feel a connection and a sense of freedom within about who you are as a person. You enjoy new adventures and new people, and you learn from the spiritual awareness you find while studying or researching. You have learned to be comfortable in all situations in your life and it is rewarding for you: you are truly following your unique purpose. Famous 25 Life Path Birthdays 25, Monday, January 2, 1939, Jim Bakker 25, Friday, January 22, 1937, Joseph Wambaugh 25, Wednesday, February 1, 1984, Lee Thompson Young 25, Friday, February 10, 1939, Roberta Flack 25, Saturday, February 19, 1966, Justine Bateman 25, Thursday, February 19, 1948, Tony Iommi 25, Tuesday, February 22, 1972, Michael Chang 25, Friday, February 22, 1918, Robert Wadlow 25, Thursday, February 22, 1900, Luis Buñuel 25, Saturday, February 28, 1948, Bernadette Peters 25, Tuesday, February 28, 1939, Tommy Tune Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
25, Friday, May 29, 1953, Danny Elfman 25, Tuesday, May 29, 1917, John F. Kennedy 25, Thursday, July 27, 1944, Bobbie Gentry 25, Saturday, August 8, 1953, Donny Most 25, Sunday, August 9, 1970, Christopher Cuomo 25, Sunday, August 9, 1970, Arion Salazar 25, Friday, August 11, 1950, Steve Wozniak 25, Tuesday, August 17, 1926, Jiang Zemin 25, Tuesday, August 18, 1970, Malcolm-Jamal Warner 25, Wednesday, August 18, 1943, Martin Mull 25, Tuesday, August 26, 1980, Macaulay Culkin 25, Monday, August 26, 1935, Geraldine Ferraro 25, Saturday, August 27, 1988, Alexa Vega 25, Wednesday, August 27, 1952, Paul "Pee-wee Herman" Reubens 25, Friday, August 27, 1943, Tuesday Weld 25, Sunday, August 27, 1916, Martha Raye 25, Friday, August 29, 1941, Robin Leach 25, Wednesday, August 29, 1923, Richard Attenborough 25, Saturday, September 8, 1979, Pink 25, Tuesday, September 8, 1925, Peter Sellers 25, Friday, September 9, 1960, Hugh Grant 25, Sunday, September 9, 1951, Michael Keaton 25, Monday, September 11, 1967, Harry Connick, Jr. 25, Wednesday, September 11, 1940, Brian DePalma 25, Thursday, September 17, 1970, Mark Brunell 25, Monday, September 18, 1933, Robert Blake 25, Tuesday, September 25, 1962, Aida Turturro 25, Monday, September 25, 1944, Michael Douglas 25, Monday, September 26, 1898, George Gershwin 25, Tuesday, September 29, 1931, Anita Ekberg 25, Monday, September 29, 1913, Stanley Kramer 25, Saturday, October 2, 1948, Donna Karan 25, Friday, November 6, 1970, Ethan Hawke 25, Friday, November 8, 1968, Parker Posey 25, Sunday, November 9, 1913, Hedy Lamarr 25, Monday, November 11, 1974, Leonardo DiCaprio 25, Thursday, November 14, 1935, King Hussein of Jordan 25, Thursday, November 17, 1977, Laura Wilkinson 25, Tuesday, November 24, 1925, William F. Buckley, Jr. 25, Thursday, November 24, 1853, Bat Masterson 25, Friday, November 25, 1960, Amy Grant 25, Friday, November 25, 1960, John F. Kennedy, Jr. 25, Friday, November 25, 1870, Solanus Casey 25, Saturday, November 27, 1976, Jaleel White 25, Wednesday, November 27, 1940, Bruce Lee 25, Thursday, November 29, 1956, Jeff Fahey
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Life Path 26 Your life's purpose is to learn to understand power and success while you work toward a higher purpose that includes service and sharing with others. You may have many challenges in this life because this is a karmic number that requires learning wisdom and strength by exercising selfcontrol and cooperation. You have a strong desire to be successful, but first you must learn to accept the constructive criticism of others. Do not let others take advantage of you and try to find a balance in the acceptance of their opposition. You will learn over time that we each have our own agenda and that when others make comments and suggestions they are simply trying to help - take what they offer with acceptance, then look inside of yourself for the true answer. Do not place too high of a value on being perfect and give yourself enough room to learn to form your own mistakes. You will come to work hard at achieving your goals and this will bring justifiable recognition from those you work with. You enjoy serving other people the most so you much remember that the true recognition you achieve is the help you have given to those around you. Assets In your most positive you have learned to work at what you do best: serving others, and this provides you with recognition and success as rewards for your higher ideals and values. You are balanced and secure in your relationship with others. You have learned to work with and through others without bringing up any control issues. Talents Your ambition and drive together with your high standards and desire to serve others suits you best for positions such as charity organizer, business executive, or working for an environmental company or as a volunteer coordinator. You are capable of accomplishing anything you strive for and eventually you will learn to appreciate the recognition and respect that you are so frequently given. You also do well as a manager/supervisor or a reporter that exposes damaging or dangerous things in society for the good of humankind. Following the 26 Path You are driven, ambitious and successful at finding your place in this life. You have acceptance of others that is unprecedented, and you attract people to you who have the same desire to help and serve others. You have high ideals. You have learned to accept criticism from others and to withhold any judgment that you may make of others. Because of this those who meet you look up to you with great respect. Famous 26 Life Path Birthdays 26, Friday, January 3, 1975, Danica McKellar 26, Tuesday, January 3, 1939, Bobby Hull 26, Wednesday, January 12, 1966, Rob Zombie 26, Wednesday, January 12, 1876, Jack London 26, Monday, January 21, 1957, Geena Davis 26, Saturday, January 21, 1939, Wolfman Jack 26, Friday, January 22, 1965, Diane Lane 26, Friday, January 22, 1875, D.W. Griffith 26, Thursday, February 20, 1975, Brian Littrell 26, Sunday, February 20, 1966, Cindy Crawford Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
26, Friday, February 20, 1948, Jennifer O'Neill 26, Friday, February 22, 1946, Dan Millman 26, Sunday, March 10, 1957, Osama bin Laden 26, Wednesday, March 22, 1972, Elvis Stojko 26, Sunday, March 28, 1948, Dianne Wiest 26, Thursday, June 9, 1910, Robert Cummings 26, Tuesday, June 11, 1935, Gene Wilder 26, Saturday, June 18, 1910, E.G. Marshall 26, Thursday, June 29, 1944, Gary Busey 26, Wednesday, July 11, 1934, Giorgio Armani 26, Monday, July 29, 1907, Melvin Belli 26, Saturday, July 29, 1871, Grigori Rasputin 26, Wednesday, August 9, 1944, Sam Elliott 26, Friday, August 11, 1933, Reverend Jerry Falwell 26, Thursday, August 27, 1953, Alex Lifeson 26, Thursday, August 27, 1908, Lyndon B. Johnson 26, Sunday, August 29, 1915, Ingrid Bergman 26, Tuesday, September 9, 1952, Angela Cartwright 26, Wednesday, September 9, 1925, Cliff Robertson 26, Tuesday, September 17, 1935, Ken Kesey 26, Monday, September 18, 1961, James Gandolfini 26, Wednesday, September 26, 1962, Lawrence Leritz 26, Tuesday, September 26, 1944, Anne Robinson 26, Sunday, September 26, 1926, Julie London 26, Thursday, September 27, 1934, Wilford Brimley 26, Thursday, September 27, 1934, Greg Morris 26, Sunday, October 12, 1975, Marion Jones 26, Saturday, October 22, 1938, Christopher Lloyd 26, Friday, October 22, 1920, Timothy Leary 26, Monday, October 30, 1939, Grace Slick 26, Friday, October 30, 1885, Ezra Pound 26, Monday, November 6, 1854, John Philip Sousa 26, Sunday, November 7, 1943, Joni Mitchell 26, Thursday, November 8, 1951, Mary Hart 26, Sunday, November 9, 1941, Tom Fogerty 26, Friday, November 16, 1979, Trevor Penick 26, Sunday, November 16, 1952, Shigeru Miyamoto 26, Thursday, November 16, 1916, Daws Butler 26, Thursday, November 17, 1960, RuPaul 26, Tuesday, November 17, 1942, Martin Scorsese 26, Sunday, November 18, 1923, Alan Shepard, Jr. 26, Sunday, November 26, 1933, Robert Goulet 26, Thursday, November 27, 1941, Eddie Rabbit 26, Friday, December 1, 1939, Lee Trevino 26, Saturday, December 22, 1945, Diane Sawyer
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Life Path 27 Your primary purpose is to trust yourself and to value honesty and cooperation with others as you come to a great spiritual understanding by serving others and living within your own higher purpose. To do this implies that you have a deep sense of trust in yourself, as well as in others. You will learn to accept the opinions and criticism of others, but you will also learn that your own intuition and inner knowing are just as important. You will discover wisdom and a deep set of personal principles and values along the way. You must learn to integrate them into your own inner self by applying trust and intuition. Eventually you will form your own spiritual laws that are unique and your own. You realize that even though the words of others are important, it is the inspiration and heartfelt emotions of your own soul that are correct. Assets In your most positive you are trusting of the spirit within all things and you have a deep realization of your own spirit as well. You are a natural teacher, a healer of those around you who know that your incredible commitment to humanity is genuine and one that creates feelings of awareness and fulfillment for you. Talents Your creativity and sense of cooperation suit you to positions of wisdom and understanding: counselor, teacher or engineer, or research scientist is a typical job that holds your interest. You also do well in a healing service to others such as massage, acupuncture or traditional medicine. You have a charm about you that attracts others and any artistic fields would also suit you: acting, painting or dance. Following the 27 Path Your own self-trust and spiritual leanings provide you with the skills you need most. You have learned to open your heart and your emotions up to the opinions and beliefs of others. This helps you stay balanced and gives you the strong sense of authority and inspiration that drives you on toward service to humanity. You have learned to bring others into your life and this inspires you even more toward your fulfillment of serving others in cooperation, trust and honesty as you follow your own unique path. Famous 27 Life Path Birthdays 27, Sunday, January 22, 1561, Sir Francis Bacon 27, Saturday, February 3, 1894, Norman Rockwell 27, Sunday, February 12, 1939, Ray Manzarek 27, Sunday, February 22, 1857, Lord Baden-Powell 27, Tuesday, March 20, 1984, Christy Carlson Romano 27, Wednesday, March 20, 1957, Spike Lee 27, Tuesday, March 22, 1955, Lena Olin 27, Tuesday, April 10, 1984, Mandy Moore 27, Wednesday, April 22, 1936, Glen Campbell 27, Saturday, July 11, 1953, Leon Spinks 27, Tuesday, July 11, 1899, E.B. White 27, Wednesday, July 29, 1953, Geddy Lee 27, Tuesday, August 11, 1925, Mike Douglas 27, Monday, August 29, 1898, Preston Sturges 27, Tuesday, September 9, 1980, Michelle Williams 27, Thursday, September 9, 1971, Henry Thomas
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27, Friday, September 11, 1942, Tom Dreesen 27, Saturday, September 18, 1971, Lance Armstrong 27, Saturday, September 18, 1971, Jada Pinkett Smith 27, Monday, September 27, 1926, Jayne Meadows 27, Tuesday, September 29, 1942, Madeline Kahn 27, Sunday, October 13, 1957, Chris Carter 27, Thursday, October 22, 1903, Curly Howard 27, Monday, October 31, 1966, Adam Horovitz 27, Saturday, October 31, 1795, John Keats 27, Sunday, November 7, 1926, Joan Sutherland 27, Thursday, November 9, 1978, Sisqo 27, Friday, November 9, 1951, Lou Ferrigno 27, Saturday, November 11, 1922, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. 27, Friday, November 11, 1904, Alger Hiss 27, Monday, November 14, 1910, Rosemary DeCamp 27, Monday, November 16, 1908, Burgess Meredith 27, Wednesday, November 17, 1943, Lauren Hutton 27, Tuesday, November 17, 1925, Rock Hudson 27, Friday, November 18, 1960, Elizabeth Perkins 27, Wednesday, November 18, 1942, Linda Evans 27, Thursday, November 25, 1971, Christina Applegate 27, Friday, November 27, 1942, Jimi Hendrix 27, Tuesday, November 29, 1949, Garry Shandling 27, Friday, November 29, 1940, Chuck Mangione 27, Friday, November 29, 1895, Busby Berkeley 27, Thursday, November 29, 1832, Louisa May Alcott 27, Thursday, December 2, 1948, Cathy Lee Crosby
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Life Path 28 As a 28 your primary purpose is to learn to balance material success by applying your creative powers as you lead, inspire and serve others with your unique skills. You have a great mixture of influence, sensitivity to others and a refined sense of intuition. You will eventually enjoy great success that will most likely be focused around your family or on serving others. You have an intense drive to be an expert and to have power and control as you work with others; however you must be aware that gaining this authority first requires that you learn to accept it from others. Your strong, creative energies along with your desire to lead and be of service to others may cause you great conflict. Eventually you will master these feelings and prove to be a great leader, with strong teaching skills and an intuitive ability that is beyond most others. Assets In your most positive sense you come to be known as a great figure of authority and service in your community. You have become successful and independent; creative, unique and service to others around you brings respect. You are also known as highly intuitive. Talents Your most valuable talents are put to use in fields such as counseling or healing, or in your own business which provides service to others. Some occupational ideas include writing, teaching or leadership positions that allow you to be creative and inspire others to new levels of success. Following the 28/10/1 Path You have learned to respect the authority of others because you have proven that your own authority deserves the same. You have learned to express your emotions so that your anger and deep sense of independence is released and this makes you valuable to everyone you meet. This has created a security in you about financial issues and in helping others for the good of the whole. You are a creative and powerful person. Your unique intuition is entirely unique and it helps you to discern the best means of handling any situation. Famous 28 Life Path Birthdays 28, Wednesday, January 5, 1876, Konrad Adenauer 28, Saturday, January 22, 1949, Steve Perry 28, Monday, January 22, 1940, John Hurt 28, Wednesday, January 23, 1957, Princess Caroline of Monaco 28, Tuesday, February 4, 1975, Natalie Imbruglia 28, Wednesday, February 4, 1948, Alice Cooper 28, Friday, February 13, 1885, Bess Truman 28, Friday, February 22, 1732, George Washington 28, Friday, March 12, 1948, James Taylor 28, Tuesday, March 22, 1938, Marvin Yagoda 28, Saturday, March 30, 1957, Paul Reiser 28, Sunday, April 2, 1939, Marvin Gaye 28, Thursday, April 22, 1937, Jack Nicholson 28, Sunday, April 22, 1928, Aaron Spelling 28, Monday, May 1, 1939, Judy Collins 28, Friday, May 10, 1957, Sid Vicious 28, Friday, May 19, 1939, James Fox 28, Saturday, June 11, 1910, Jacques Cousteau 28, Tuesday, August 11, 1953, Hollywood Hulk Hogan 28, Saturday, August 27, 1910, Mother Teresa Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
28, Sunday, August 29, 1971, Carla Gugino 28, Wednesday, August 29, 1917, Isabel Sanford 28, Tuesday, September 11, 1979, Ariana Richards 28, Saturday, September 11, 1943, Lola Falana 28, Thursday, September 11, 1862, O. Henry 28, Wednesday, September 29, 1943, Lech Walesa 28, Sunday, September 29, 1907, Gene Autry 28, Monday, September 29, 1547, Miguel de Cervantes 28, Sunday, October 5, 1975, Kate Winslet 28, Saturday, October 14, 1939, Ralph Lauren 28, Sunday, October 14, 1894, e.e. cummings 28, Tuesday, October 22, 1985, Zac Hanson 28, Wednesday, October 23, 1957, Martin Luther King III 28, Monday, November 9, 1970, Chris Jericho 28, Friday, November 9, 1934, Carl Sagan 28, Monday, November 17, 1980, Isaac Hanson 28, Friday, November 17, 1944, Danny DeVito 28, Friday, November 17, 1944, Lorne Michaels 28, Friday, November 17, 1944, Tom Seaver 28, Friday, November 27, 1970, Brooke Langton 28, Friday, November 29, 1968, Jon Knight 28, Tuesday, November 29, 1932, Diane Ladd 28, Friday, December 3, 1948, Ozzy Osbourne 28, Friday, December 12, 1975, Mayim Bialik 28, Thursday, December 12, 1957, Sheila E. 28, Wednesday, December 21, 1966, Kiefer Sutherland 28, Saturday, December 21, 1957, Ray Romano 28, Tuesday, December 21, 1948, Samuel L. Jackson 28, Tuesday, December 30, 1975, Tiger Woods 28, Monday, December 30, 1957, Matt Lauer 28, Saturday, December 30, 1939, Del Shannon
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Life Path 29 Your purpose in this life is to learn to apply your intense creativity and sense of service while aligning your own ideals and principles to that of others for the betterment of the whole. You are on a mission of spiritual wisdom and because of this you may experience greater trials and challenges throughout your life then those that others may face. Your strong emotional and intellectual creativity is the center of who you are. You will learn to take responsibility for your unique outlook as you come to appreciate your own independence and the balance defined by establishing your own boundaries. You work well with others and you will thrive on cooperation with others however sometimes they are seeking more from you then you expect. Assets In your most positive sense you are full o inspiration and you find pride in assisting and inspiriting others as well. You naturally attract others who respect you for your skills at solving any problem creatively. You are known for persevering to the very end to finish a task and your open and sincere nature receives input directly from the Great Spirit itself, as you are truly on a spiritual mission in this lifetime. Talents Your talents really shine when you can express your creativity as well as enjoy the contact with others in fields such as hairdresser, construction work, entertainer, healer or counselor. Because of your strong energy you have no trouble attracting financial energy (money); which provides you with a sense of security and awareness that you crave. You can express your inventiveness by following the path of a scientist, philosopher or psychiatrist. You may appreciate beauty as a poet as you are good at making revelations on your own. Following the 29 Path You have overcome any feelings of insecurity by accepting your talents and by resisting the opinionated statements of those who might not understand you. You are confident but not overlyaggressive. You accept any creative challenge that presents itself and you are comfortable with your own unique, independent creative self: one that loves working with others to help bring about spiritual changes for the betterment of all of humankind. Famous 29 Life Path Birthdays 29, Sunday, January 6, 1957, Nancy Lopez 29, Thursday, January 22, 1959, Linda Blair 29, Friday, January 22, 1932, Piper Laurie 29, Thursday, February 5, 1948, Barbara Hershey 29, Wednesday, February 14, 1894, Jack Benny 29, Thursday, February 23, 1939, Peter Fonda 29, Thursday, March 4, 1948, Chris Squire 29, Friday, March 4, 1678, Antonio Vivaldi 29, Monday, March 13, 1939, Neil Sedaka 29, Saturday, March 22, 1930, Stephen Sondheim 29, Wednesday, March 31, 1948, Al Gore 29, Wednesday, March 31, 1948, Rhea Perlman 29, Friday, April 12, 1957, Vince Gill 29, Friday, June 10, 1966, Elizabeth Hurley 29, Monday, June 10, 1957, Michael Burger Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
29, Saturday, June 19, 1948, Phylicia Rashad 29, Tuesday, June 22, 1954, Freddie Prinze 29, Monday, June 22, 1936, Kris Kristofferson 29, Tuesday, June 28, 1966, John Cusack 29, Monday, June 28, 1948, Kathy Bates 29, Tuesday, September 11, 1962, Kristy McNichol 29, Sunday, September 29, 1935, Jerry Lee Lewis 29, Tuesday, September 29, 1908, Greer Garson 29, Tuesday, October 22, 1968, Shaggy 29, Tuesday, October 24, 1939, F. Murray Abraham 29, Sunday, November 18, 1962, Kirk Lee Hammet 29, Wednesday, November 18, 1908, Imogene Coca 29, Saturday, November 18, 1899, Eugene Ormandy 29, Friday, November 18, 1836, William Gilbert 29, Tuesday, November 27, 1917, "Buffalo" Bob Smith 29, Tuesday, November 29, 1960, Cathy Moriarty 29, Wednesday, November 29, 1933, John Mayall 29, Saturday, December 13, 1975, Tom DeLonge 29, Monday, December 13, 1948, Ted Nugent 29, Sunday, December 22, 1912, Lady Bird Johnson 29, Friday, December 31, 1948, Donna Summer
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Life Path 30 As a 30 your primary purpose in this life is to learn to express yourself to realize your sensitivities and use your strong intuitive powers to help others. You are highly sensitive and expressive, and so you must learn to follow the path of your intuition and inner drive as you continue along your path. Your ambition to express yourself is compelling and gradually you will learn to overcome the challenges that come with the type of communicative work that you enjoy. You may need to learn to really express your deeper feelings, but as you grow and mature you soon become known as an excellent speaker – either to groups or to your family and friends. Your emotional sensibilities are beyond most others, so try to be cautious when you hear comments or remarks from those that do not understand your deep feelings. You must learn to express yourself and open you inner desire and passions to others, by doing so you will release your inner powers of intuition that will guide you through any situation. Assets In your most positive you are energetic and understanding to everyone that you meet. Your service to others shines as a beacon for those whom you meet. You feel connected to everyone around you and your strong intuition guides you through honest communications with others. You have learned to balance your emotions and desires with those of others and you have found an excellent balance between the two. You are happy serving the needs of others, and in realizing that you need time for yourself, for nourishment, growth and deep insights. Talents Your strongest talents are your deep inner knowing and your gift of expression. You enjoy inspiring and working with others so you will work best in the fields of sales, writing, acting or teaching others. You also enjoy fields that allow you to express yourself while working with others in fields such as counseling, advertising, acting or other media positions. You can be very logical sometimes and these types of occupations may suit you as long as you are given the chance to express yourself at the same time. Following the 30 Path You are optimistic and non-judgmental in every aspect of your life - this helps you to accept others and your own sensitivities. You love to use your expressive powers to communicate with others and you are confident of your own self. This helps you in being direct, honest and straightforward in all areas of your life. You have learned to accept the comments of others without internalizing them and your deep awareness of the mysteries of life hold you fascinated as you follow your own unique path. Famous 30 Life Path Birthdays 30, Monday, January 7, 1957, Katie Couric 30, Wednesday, January 7, 1948, Kenny Loggins 30, Friday, January 16, 1948, John Carpenter 30, Friday, January 22, 1960, Michael Kelland Hutchence 30, Thursday, January 25, 1759, Robert Burns 30, Monday, February 6, 1939, Mike Farrell 30, Thursday, February 22, 1968, Brad Nowell 30, Wednesday, February 22, 1950, Julius "Dr. J" Erving 30, Monday, February 22, 1932, Edward M. Kennedy 30, Thursday, February 24, 1966, Billy Zane Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
30, Wednesday, March 5, 1975, Niki Taylor 30, Sunday, March 5, 1939, Samantha Eggar 30, Monday, March 22, 1976, Reese Witherspoon 30, Sunday, March 22, 1931, William Shatner 30, Saturday, March 22, 1913, Karl Malden 30, Monday, April 4, 1966, Nancy McKeon 30, Thursday, May 12, 1966, Stephen Baldwin 30, Wednesday, May 12, 1948, Steve Winwood 30, Sunday, May 22, 1938, Richard Benjamin 30, Sunday, May 22, 1938, Susan Strasberg 30, Tuesday, May 30, 1939, Michael J. Pollard 30, Wednesday, June 2, 1948, Jerry Mathers 30, Friday, June 22, 1973, Carson Daly 30, Wednesday, July 28, 1948, Sally Struthers 30, Wednesday, October 7, 1885, Niels Bohr 30, Thursday, October 16, 1975, Kellie Martin 30, Thursday, October 22, 1942, Annette Funicello 30, Thursday, October 25, 1984, Sara Lumholdt 30, Wednesday, November 11, 1970, Peta Wilson 30, Wednesday, November 11, 1925, Jonathan Winters 30, Sunday, November 17, 1901, Lee Strasberg 30, Wednesday, November 29, 1961, Kim Delaney 30, Tuesday, November 29, 1898, C.S. Lewis 30, Thursday, December 22, 1949, Maurice Gibb 30, Thursday, December 22, 1949, Robin Gibb 30, Friday, December 22, 1922, Barbara Billingsley 30, Thursday, December 23, 1948, Susan Lucci 30, Monday, December 23, 1867, Madame C.J. Walker
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Life Path 31 Your main purpose is to learn to express your emotions and creativity to reach your goals one step at a time, as you follow your unique path. Your unique combination of creativity and a need to express yourself allow you to build a foundation of stability. Creatively you may face sensitive issues of self-worth and ego. Do not let the words of others bother you, and learn to be powerful through silence and in your action toward others. You will create a harmony that resonates through your being as you persist in expressing your highest creativity. You will learn to establish the stability you require as you grow and mature. Eventually you come to realize that your steady efforts result in more ground gained toward your goals then short periods of intense energy. You are highly expressive and you love to work with others patiently and carefully toward a goal. You will learn to overcome any self-doubt you have as you mature. Assets In your most positive you have created a strong family and financial base from which to live your life. Others respect you and you have learned to balance your analytical mind with the intuition of your spiritual self. You are known for completing every task and your honesty and stability provide excellent examples to those around you. Their encouragement and security serve you throughout this lifetime. Talents Your varied skills of creativity, expression and intelligence make you a valuable asset in many fields: from real estate to engineering, physician to archeologist. Any type of work that provides you with a chance to communicate and support others such as coaching or teaching are also good choices. You may have to learn the lesson of patience but eventually you will achieve your goals. Following the 31/4 Path You are stable and secure in your actions and emotions. You may have mastered a sport or artistic skill that has taught you the benefits of constant and consistent practice to move you toward your goals. As you mature you find that your home and career provide you with just the foundation you need to continue pursuing your creative abilities. You are certain in your direction and this brings respect and compliments from others. Your emotions are in balance with your thinking too; yet you do not let your abilities make you "different" from others in any way that might alienate them. The respect, courage and strength you have built are foundations for your intuitive and creative abilities as you express yourself in perfect awareness throughout your life path. Famous 31 Life Path Birthdays 31, Sunday, January 8, 1939, Yvette Mimieux 31, Tuesday, January 17, 1939, Maury Povich 31, Monday, January 22, 1934, Bill Bixby 31, Monday, February 7, 1966, Chris Rock 31, Saturday, February 7, 1885, Sinclair Lewis 31, Thursday, February 7, 1867, Laura Ingalls Wilder 31, Saturday, February 16, 1957, LeVar Burton 31, Sunday, March 22, 1959, Matthew Modine 31, Thursday, March 22, 1923, Marcel Marceau 31, Tuesday, March 22, 1887, Chico Marx 31, Tuesday, April 23, 1957, Jan Hooks 31, Saturday, May 13, 1939, Harvey Keitel Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
31, Saturday, May 22, 1813, Richard Wagner 31, Monday, May 31, 1948, John Bonham 31, Thursday, May 31, 1894, Fred Allen 31, Monday, June 30, 1975, Ralf Schumacher 31, Thursday, June 30, 1966, Mike Tyson 31, Sunday, July 22, 1973, Daniel Jones 31, Sunday, July 22, 1973, Rufus Wainwright 31, Sunday, July 22, 1928, Orson Bean 31, Friday, August 19, 1966, LeAnn Womack 31, Thursday, August 19, 1948, Tipper Gore 31, Thursday, August 22, 1963, Tori Amos 31, Wednesday, August 28, 1957, Daniel Stern 31, Sunday, October 8, 1939, Paul Hogan 31, Sunday, October 17, 1948, Margot Kidder 31, Sunday, October 17, 1948, George Wendt 31, Wednesday, October 22, 1952, Jeff Goldblum 31, Friday, October 22, 1943, Catherine Deneuve 31, Tuesday, October 22, 1844, Sarah Bernhardt 31, Sunday, November 11, 1962, Demi Moore 31, Monday, November 11, 1935, Bibi Andersson 31, Saturday, November 11, 1899, Pat O'Brien 31, Sunday, November 29, 1908, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. 31, Friday, December 6, 1957, Andrew Cuomo
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Life Path 32 Your primary purpose is to realize your independence, honesty and desire as you work in cooperation with others and express yourself openly while completing your path of freedom. You will come to feel your emotions and desires very deeply in this life; you must learn to accept them as your own in honesty and without regret. You may have to face challenges regarding how well you work with others, but this will help you grow and mature. Learn to accept and work with others by expressing yourself, but remember to retain your own identity and to keep your personal independence intact. You may change as the demands of others in relationships influence you. You will come to learn that you are most happy when you are comfortable as your own person. The need for freedom you seek is the kind that requires inner respect and knowing for you as an individual, instead of freedom in a general sense. You want to be your own person and you need to be respected for that. As you grow and become aware of your freedom you will find that you have changed, by owning up to your fears and doubts, to become the disciplined, expressive and uniquely cooperative person that others respect and seek out. Assets At your most positive you are free and unafraid of anything. You are confident in your skills of believing in yourself and others and the risks you take emotionally are those required as lessons for you and for others to learn from. You truly experience everything and anything in all of its glory and desire with deep felt, passionate, balanced and disciplined sincerity. Your passion for life is free of any boundaries and this suits you perfectly. Talents You have a desire to travel and see new things, especially if it gives you a chance to be communicative and work with others in a cooperative effort. Fields such as advertising, counselor or travel agent would be appealing to you. Your interests are so wide ranging that you can be happy in most any field. You love experience new things and this leads you on many adventures. Any position such as trucking, shipping or airlines work will also provide you with the opportunities you need to travel. Following the 32 Path You are secure and comfortable in working with others toward a common goal. You have found the perfect balance between giving your time to others and using it for yourself. You have learned to focus on those tasks which you need to finish and this means that you are clear on what you want to accomplish and the best way of doing it. Even though you enjoy the drama of life you know that your honesty and sincerity allow others to get closer to you as you reach toward your goals and this helps you to communicate even better. You are creative and you know how to have fun as you pursue your higher purpose. Famous 32 Life Path Birthdays 32, Tuesday, January 22, 1935, Sam Cooke 32, Tuesday, January 27, 1948, Mikhail Baryshnikov 32, Tuesday, January 27, 1885, Jerome Kern 32, Friday, February 22, 1907, Sheldon Leonard 32, Friday, February 22, 1907, Robert Young 32, Friday, February 22, 1889, Lady Baden-Powell
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32, Wednesday, March 7, 1849, Luther Burbank 32, Wednesday, March 22, 1933, J.P. McCarthy 32, Monday, March 25, 1867, Arturo Toscanini 32, Saturday, April 15, 1939, Claudia Cardinale 32, Sunday, April 15, 1894, Bessie Smith 32, Saturday, April 22, 1950, Peter Frampton 32, Thursday, May 14, 1885, Otto Klemperer 32, Sunday, May 22, 1859, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 32, Wednesday, June 4, 1975, Angelina Jolie 32, Wednesday, June 22, 1921, Joseph Papp 32, Monday, July 12, 1948, Richard Simmons 32, Sunday, July 21, 1957, Jon Lovitz 32, Wednesday, July 21, 1948, Cat Stevens 32, Tuesday, July 22, 1947, Albert Brooks 32, Tuesday, July 22, 1947, Danny Glover 32, Tuesday, July 22, 1947, Don Henley 32, Friday, July 30, 1948, Jean Reno 32, Sunday, July 30, 1939, Peter Bogdanovich 32, Friday, August 20, 1948, Robert Plant 32, Wednesday, August 22, 1973, Howie Dorough 32, Sunday, September 1, 1957, Gloria Estefan 32, Friday, September 1, 1939, Lily Tomlin 32, Sunday, September 19, 1948, Jeremy Irons 32, Wednesday, September 22, 1954, Shari Belafonte-Harper 32, Thursday, September 22, 1927, Tommy Lasorda 32, Saturday, October 9, 1948, Jackson Browne 32, Wednesday, October 18, 1939, Mike Ditka 32, Wednesday, October 18, 1939, Lee Harvey Oswald 32, Monday, October 22, 1917, Joan Fontaine 32, Friday, October 27, 1939, John Cleese 32, Wednesday, October 27, 1858, Theodore Roosevelt 32, Wednesday, December 7, 1966, C. Thomas Howell 32, Saturday, December 16, 1939, Liv Ullmann 32, Saturday, December 25, 1948, Barbara Mandrell
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Life Path 33 Your primary purpose in this life is to feel confident in yourself while expressing who you truly are, while appreciating and inspiring others with your unique vision of kindness and acceptance. You may be extremely sensitive and so you may have to guard against letting the thoughts and comments of others bother you. You can let your feelings be known and express yourself to the highest degree - so remember to do that as much as possible and do not ever hold your deepest emotions inside. You may have a need for the approval of others, but eventually you learn to find the answers to your questions inside of yourself. Your unique principles and values are important, but remember that they are for you alone - do not try to impose this perfection on others or try to hold them up to your standards; they have their own values. Search instead for the wisdom of the divine that is a part of everyone and every thing. You have chosen a unique path that requires you to learn a sense of expression within your own self before you practice it in the outside world. You are meant to inspire and teach others with compassion and understanding, and you must become aware that the kind and loving way that you express to others is important. Assets Your powerful expressive energy helps you to serve others in your most positive aspects. You are trustworthy and willing to help others who are attracted to you for the compliments and kindness that you give so freely. You have learned to accept yourself exactly the way you are, and to accept others for what they are. Even though you seek out truth, beauty and fairness in all respects you can discern the goodness in others and it shows as you truly enjoy spreading happiness to others throughout your life. Talents Your high ideals and fantastic expressiveness make you an excellent worker, you especially enjoy fields in which your intuition and your love of working with others through self-expression shine through: architecture, childcare, teacher and doctor are particularly appealing. You have a high regard for beauty and understanding so working in the arts as a dancer, actor or artist or writer will be interesting for you too. Remember to be realist and down to earth while you stay positive and upbeat and you will truly enjoy yourself in any line of work. Following the 33/6 Path You have learned to be positive and accepting as you work with others. You have learned also to express your deepest emotions to those around you and you realize that your own unique ideals are truly yours. You follow a sense of fairness in all that you do, but you are careful not to apply that to everyone else in your life. You are an excellent teacher, even of other teachers. You must be willing to give your time and love to others. You are also aware that all things happen in their time and you exhibit patience and understanding while working toward your own unique path. Famous 33 Life Path Birthdays 33, Monday, February 18, 1957, Vanna White 33, Monday, February 22, 1971, Lea Salonga Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
33, Saturday, February 22, 1908, John Mills 33, Thursday, March 8, 1984, Bob Moffatt 33, Thursday, March 8, 1984, Clint Moffatt 33, Thursday, March 8, 1984, Dave Moffatt 33, Saturday, March 22, 1952, Bob Costas 33, Monday, March 22, 1943, George Benson 33, Friday, March 26, 1948, Steven Tyler 33, Sunday, March 26, 1939, James Caan 33, Friday, April 7, 1939, Francis Coppola 33, Friday, April 7, 1939, David Frost 33, Sunday, April 16, 1939, Dusty Springfield 33, Tuesday, April 16, 1867, Wilbur Wright 33, Friday, April 22, 1870, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin 33, Friday, May 22, 1959, Morrissey 33, Thursday, May 22, 1941, Paul Winfield 33, Wednesday, June 22, 1949, Meryl Streep 33, Wednesday, June 22, 1949, Lindsay Wagner 33, Sunday, June 23, 1957, Frances McDormand 33, Saturday, June 23, 1894, Edward VIII, King of England 33, Saturday, June 23, 1894, Alfred Kinsey 33, Sunday, July 31, 1966, Dean Cain 33, Saturday, August 12, 1939, George Hamilton 33, Friday, August 22, 1947, Cindy Williams 33, Sunday, August 22, 1920, Ray Bradbury 33, Tuesday, August 22, 1893, Dorothy Parker 33, Thursday, September 2, 1948, Christa McAuliffe 33, Friday, September 20, 1957, Gary Cole 33, Thursday, December 8, 1966, Sinead O'Connor 33, Friday, December 8, 1939, James Galway 33, Saturday, December 8, 1894, James Thurber 33, Monday, December 17, 1894, Arthur Fiedler
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Life Path 34 Your main purpose is to learn to express and trust yourself and your feelings with patience and understanding as you work with secure and orderly principles to find your own mystical path. You have strong desire to explore the spiritual side of this life and this may lead you into New Age studies, but your practical sensibilities may try to stop you. Eventually you will learn to bring these true feelings into balance and you will find that a secure and stable family provide you with the foundation you need to let go and explore your spiritual desires. Your basic skills work best when you are expressing yourself and so you may have to learn to accept your own feelings and emotions before you can be completely honest and open in your personal communication. You have a brilliant mind and an intelligence that is refined and focused on any task that you choose. Combined with your self-expressive nature this makes you an honest, trustworthy and candid personality that others enjoy being near. Assets In your most positive sense you are orderly, practical, expressive and spiritual. You have found the perfect balance between all of these traits: one that allows you to trust in your own spirituality and the divine spirit within everyone. You have learned to accept your life with patience and understanding in a step-by-step process. You spend most your time in pursuing activities to help you grow as a person and discover even more of the mysteries of life. Your expressive nature is well received by all and your deep insights cause others to look to you in respect. You are following your path with superior intent and focus. Talents Your expressive nature and spiritual discrimination make you best suited for writing, advertising or lecturing as a teacher or professor. You certainly have the strong desire to learn and you may even complete your doctorate if you set your mind to it. Positions in business, and especially metaphysical areas really intrigue you: film production, accountant, medicine, nutritionist, herbologist are some that will be exciting for you. Following the 34 Path You have learned to balance your need for stability with your spiritual searching and you have combined them into your own unique path. You have found a deep trust in others around you, including yourself. This sense of trust has help you overcome any feelings of inferiority and you have learned to put this to use as an expressive talent; as a teacher or counselor to others who may come to you. You have found the perfect stability in your family life and have come to share your feelings with honesty and heartfelt emotion as you follow your own unique path. Famous 34 Life Path Birthdays 34, Wednesday, January 29, 1975, Sara Gilbert 34, Thursday, January 29, 1885, Huddie "Leadbelly" Ledbetter 34, Sunday, April 8, 1984, Kirsten Storms 34, Tuesday, April 17, 1894, Nikita Khrushchev 34, Sunday, April 22, 1979, Daniel Johns 34, Saturday, April 22, 1916, Yehudi Menuhin 34, Thursday, May 7, 1885, Gabby Hayes 34, Monday, May 16, 1966, Janet Jackson 34, Sunday, May 25, 1975, Lauryn Hill 34, Friday, June 6, 1975, Staci Keanan 34, Tuesday, June 6, 1939, Gary U.S. Bonds Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
34, Sunday, June 22, 1941, Ed Bradley 34, Friday, July 22, 1949, Alan Menken 34, Monday, July 22, 1940, Alex Trebek 34, Monday, July 23, 1894, Arthur Treacher 34, Thursday, September 12, 1957, Rachel Ward 34, Saturday, September 22, 1956, Debby Boone 34, Monday, September 30, 1957, Fran Drescher 34, Tuesday, October 11, 1966, Luke Perry 34, Friday, October 11, 1957, Dawn French 34, Tuesday, October 22, 1811, Franz Liszt 34, Friday, October 29, 1948, Kate Jackson 34, Friday, November 1, 1957, Lyle Lovett 34, Wednesday, November 28, 1894, Brooks Atkinson 34, Monday, December 9, 1957, Donny Osmond 34, Saturday, December 22, 1917, Gene Rayburn 34, Saturday, December 27, 1975, Heather O'Rourke 34, Monday, December 27, 1948, Gerard Depardieu 34, Wednesday, December 27, 1939, John Amos
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Life Path 35 Your main purpose in this life is to learn freedom and expression as you accept and achieve success by exercising self-control and honesty. You are strong as an authority and a leader and this provides you with the skills you need to succeed. You love responsibility because it gives you even more chances to express your incredible abundance. Be wary and stop yourself from becoming a "show-off" as you learn to accept the power of your success: others might not be as fortunate. You should also guard against letting success seem like it is not something that you deserve. You do truly deserve it, as well as everyone else on this planet and you must learn that lesson first before you continue to become successful on your own. You will do best to find a service or quality in yourself that you can use to help bring about a something for others that is needed and that will benefit others. As you come to create this reality from your dream you will find a higher purpose awakened within you that will justify your work. Assets In your most positive sense you are full of self-control and power that you enjoy sharing with others. Your intense expressiveness in communicating makes you a powerful and respected leader that everyone looks up to. You work and strive to complete the tasks you start and even though you are sensitive to the feelings of others, you also put your foot down to demand the things you need to get the job done. Talents Your most useful skills make use of your strong intellectual powers and your generous and caring acceptance of others, whom you lead with service and authority. Politics is one field that suits you, as well as supervisor, teacher, executive manager or nursing or medical positions. Travel and the ability to be free to exercise your freedom are also important so you may find that sales or being an entrepreneur (and wearing all the hats) is what you most prefer. Following the 35 Path You recognize and are aware of the power and success that you are capable of and you feel best as you share it with those around you. You feel that you are fulfilled and you focus on the task at hand until it is completed. You are fully compatible with your own expressive and sensitive abilities and your need for selfdiscipline: this has created a balance in your life that prevents you from depending on anyone else. You are in complete control and the successes you find bring you support as you use your powers for a common good while you pursue your life path. Famous 35 Life Path Birthdays 35, Sunday, April 9, 1939, Michael Learned 35, Wednesday, April 22, 1908, Eddie Albert 35, Saturday, April 22, 1899, Vladimir Nabokov 35, Thursday, May 8, 1975, Enrique Iglesias 35, Friday, May 22, 1970, Naomi Campbell 35, Wednesday, May 22, 1907, Sir Laurence Olivier 35, Wednesday, May 22, 1844, Mary Cassat 35, Wednesday, May 26, 1948, Stevie Nicks 35, Friday, May 26, 1939, Brent Musburger 35, Saturday, June 7, 1975, Allen Iverson 35, Friday, June 22, 1906, Billy Wilder 35, Sunday, July 22, 1923, Bob Dole 35, Tuesday, July 24, 1984, Dhani Lennevald Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
35, Tuesday, August 5, 1975, Kajol 35, Tuesday, August 22, 1967, Layne Staley 35, Thursday, August 22, 1940, Valerie Harper 35, Monday, August 22, 1904, Deng Xiaoping 35, Monday, September 13, 1948, Nell Carter 35, Monday, November 2, 1795, James K. Polk 35, Monday, November 20, 1939, Dick Smothers 35, Sunday, November 22, 1964, Stephen Geoffreys
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Life Path 36 Your main path in this life is to learn to be honest, sincere and confident in expressing yourself with trust as you accept others with integrity and understanding. You will learn to trust yourself to the deepest level and to be honest and open in expressing your feelings throughout this life. You can do this by first listening to your intuition and inner awareness, and then by ceasing to blame others (including yourself) for failing to live up to your high standards and ideals. Remember that this is the practical world and that no one is perfect - though we are all doing the best we can to follow our own paths. Each of us is different and unique - and perfect in our own way. You are a valuable and good person, so take the time to become aware of this as part of yourself before you make a judgment that may be based on the comments of others. Be careful not to create ideals and values that are impossible to attain. As you learn and grow in this life you will come to even out your sense of perfection by looking within for the caring and conscious feelings that you have for others, and by applying those feelings toward being an example that is inspiring and uplifting to those around you. Your intuitive awareness will become developed as you slowly learn to communicate in complete and open honesty. Assets In your most positive you are extremely intuitive and aware of the path you have chosen. You have overcome any insecurities about yourself and you forgive the problems and mistakes of others. You live according to your own ideal principals, but you have learned to stop judging others and to accept everyone with compassion and wisdom. This allows you to work in cooperation with others toward a higher purpose. Talents You work best when you can use your intuitive awareness and sense of connectivity: working with others in positions such as counseling, interior designer, psychiatrist or welfare or charity worker. You also could do well as a teacher or in a similar filed such as publishing. Your high standards also suit you for being in business as an adviser or in a position working with others. Following the 36 Path You have learned to balance the time you need for yourself with the time that you give to others in compassion and open expression. Over time you have discovered that if you stop making judgments that you will feel much better and others will not be so quick to judge you. This means that you have conquered all of any insecurities you may have had and provides you with the perfect solution for expressing your feelings of wisdom and inner knowing to others as you follow your own unique path. Famous 36 Life Path Birthdays 36, Friday, March 29, 1867, Cy Young 36, Sunday, May 27, 1894, Dashiell Hammett 36, Saturday, June 8, 1867, Frank Lloyd Wright 36, Wednesday, July 25, 1894, Walter Brennan 36, Friday, September 14, 1984, Adam Lamberg 36, Friday, September 14, 1849, Ivan Pavlov 36, Monday, September 22, 1958, Andrea Bocelli 36, Saturday, November 12, 1966, David Schwimmer 36, Monday, November 21, 1966, Troy Aikman 36, Thursday, December 29, 1966, Bryan "Dexter" Holland
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 37 Your primary purpose in this life is learning to trust the goodness and kindness within everyone, including yourself as you come to accept your distinct and powerful creative energies to build a world of unity and understanding. You are extremely sensitive and introspective as you work alone to gather the knowledge you need to use your imagination and creativity to it's fullest. You trust the knowledge of your own spirit as well as the kind found in books and this intuitive promise helps you throughout your life. Your beliefs in friendship, honesty and sincerity are deeply felt and very important to you. Any betrayal by others may spark a desire to retreat inside of yourself for comfort and protection. You have learned to accept this inner searching as something that creates balance and nourishment for your soul. Overall you have come to trust your own intuition with perfect acceptance. You eventually know and trust the spirit of this world for creating all situations (good and bad) which help you grow. Assets As a positive and powerful person, you are confident and trustful of the actions of others and of the Great Spirit that rules us. You recognize every mistake as a lesson and you are comfortable in expressing your feelings and desires to others. This creates a trust and common understanding that is significant and important to those around you. Your positive connection to the Earth allows you to use your creative and healing energy to it's highest level connecting you through artistic expression to the essence of healing energy that allows you to serve others gracefully and intuitively. Talents Your most valuable talents are in healing and expressing yourself creatively. You enjoy the artistic fields such as art, music and drama and you are inspired most by nature. Writing and literary courses are another possibility as they allow you to work from within to express the true nature of your own soul. You also enjoy teaching and helping others as you progress into a deeper spiritual sense later in your life. You have no strong desires for financial success, so money is unimportant to you, except for providing a means of shielding you from those parts of society that you are uncomfortable with. As you experience trust and express yourself fully you find that you have the financial means to pursue any goal. Following the 37 Path You are a highly intuitive, creative and expressive person who trusts in the nature of spirit. You have learned to accept the insecurities and fears of others that may attack you, because you find an equal amount of people who respect and admire your unique creative powers, and your thirst for knowledge and awareness. You are comfortable with exposing your feelings and this helps you to explore an innerawareness that others may only dream about. You no longer hold past experiences and feelings of disappointment, as you become aware of the lessons that we are all learning. You forgive those around you and your deep connection to the mysteries of this world hold your attention and you learn to heal and create the life that you were born to follow. Famous 37 Life Path Birthdays 37, Tuesday, April 11, 1939, Louise Lasser 37, Monday, April 29, 1957, Michelle Pfeiffer Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
37, Monday, April 29, 1957, Daniel Day-Lewis 37, Sunday, June 22, 1980, Eric Stretch 37, Tuesday, June 22, 1971, Kurt Warner 37, Monday, June 22, 1953, Cyndi Lauper 37, Friday, June 27, 1975, Tobey Maguire 37, Thursday, July 22, 1943, Bobby Sherman 37, Sunday, July 22, 1934, Louise Fletcher 37, Friday, July 22, 1898, Alexander Calder 37, Thursday, July 26, 1894, Aldous Huxley 37, Thursday, August 7, 1975, Charlize Theron 37, Monday, August 7, 1876, Mata Hari 37, Saturday, September 15, 1984, Prince Harry 37, Friday, September 24, 1948, Phil Hartman 37, Tuesday, November 22, 1921, Rodney Dangerfield
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 38 Your purpose in this life is to learn to accept material success and power while you express your creativity by helping others with your unselfish and compassion. You are intensely mentally creative and you have strong drive for acceptance and success in helping others. You have learned to control yourself and you are not so concerned with directing or containing others around you; this creates an environment of inspiration, respect and power that allows others to look up to you for leadership. You must channel this energy into assisting others in finding their own uniqueness. You are sensitive but you eventually understand that your own powerful and driving need to be the best and your unmatched creative skills are very different form others. You learn that your expressive skills and ambitions help you achieve your goals over time. Assets At your most positive you are a masterful and powerful leader of others, as you work to be of service to others. You apply your creative skills and your ambitions with great effect, and others are naturally attracted to you for your confidence, sensitivity and creative talents. You serve to help empower others and your success established you as a respectful and helpful person throughout your life. Talents You are most talented as a natural leader where you can express your creativity and authority to solve problems that others may face. Occupations such as politician, teacher and entrepreneur provide you with the best environment for your own growth. You ultimately are successful at anything that you choose to do, but be wary of managing your own finances. Apply yourself and your skills to serving others and to serving as an example for others and you will truly shine. Your Life Path As A 38 You have learned to be a leader by setting an example for others to follow. You realize that you can influence others best by creating your own best self. You are confident and sure of your own skills and this allows you to be intuitive and creative as you work toward achieving success in working with others. You let others receive the attention that they deserve as well, and you have come to terms with any insecurities that you have felt in the past. You realize that each person is successful and unique in his or her own way. Famous 38 Life Path Birthdays 38, Friday, May 11, 1894, Martha Graham 38, Thursday, May 29, 1975, Melanie Janine Brown 38, Monday, May 29, 1939, Al Unser 38, Tuesday, July 9, 1957, Kelly McGillis 38, Tuesday, July 18, 1939, Hunter S. Thompson 38, Tuesday, July 22, 1890, Rose Kennedy 38, Sunday, July 27, 1975, Alex Rodriguez 38, Tuesday, July 27, 1948, Peggy Fleming 38, Thursday, August 17, 1786, Davy Crockett 38, Wednesday, August 22, 1934, Norman Schwarzkopf 38, Friday, August 22, 1862, Claude Debussy 38, Tuesday, September 22, 1987, Tom Felton 38, Thursday, September 22, 1960, Joan Jett 38, Friday, November 14, 1975, Travis Barker 38, Sunday, November 14, 1948, Prince Charles Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
38, Saturday, November 22, 1958, Jamie Lee Curtis 38, Saturday, November 22, 1913, Benjamin Britten
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 39 Your primary purpose is to learn to be cooperative and creative, working with a team as you pursue your vision of a higher good. You are an extremely creative individual. You are even more expressive and creative when you are working with others and especially when you are working on a goal of helping humanity while you also grow and learn. You may feel overwhelmed with your responsibilities but eventually you learn to balance your creative energy with your need to express yourself in cooperation with others toward a higher goal. You will achieve your ultimate goals when you remember to give as much time and help to yourself as you do to others. The projects that inspire you the most involve service to others. You feel a deep need to serve humanity, but especially if it involves a way for you to express yourself. Assets At your most positive you enjoy expressing your creativity as much as you respect the opinions and comments of others. You hold the perfect balance between forming your own opinion and listening to the opinions of others. Your deep feelings for others assists you as you work together creatively on solving any task at hand. You are strong as well as impressionable; you are able to balance your own opinion with the comments of others. You have a deep feeling and respect for those you have a relationship with. Talents Your strongest skills involve expressing yourself to others especially when you use your creative imagination to work with others in solving a problem or situation that affects others. You enjoy positions such as sales, entertainment, teaching or speaking in public. You also enjoy fields that let you help others as well as communicate with them such as counseling, therapy and healing or medicine (especially when you are working as part of a team to help others). Following the 39 Path You are secure and accepting of others around you, especially those who may criticize you because they are different from you. You are aware that you must forgive and move on, but you do not need to forgive continually. It is better to be supportive and let others learn to follow their own way. You are happy, creative and expressive: letting your imagination open you up to new and interesting people and places. Others enjoy working with you because you are supportive and because you also stand up for your own rights and what you believe in. Your path is one of joyful co-creation and expressive wisdom - you are happy to share your joy and your life with others as you follow your destiny. Famous 39 Life Path Birthdays 39, Tuesday, June 29, 1948, Fred Grandy 39, Friday, August 9, 1957, Melanie Griffith 39, Wednesday, August 22, 1917, John Lee Hooker 39, Friday, September 17, 1948, John Ritter 39, Friday, September 22, 1961, Scott Baio 39, Sunday, September 26, 1948, Olivia Newton-John 39, Saturday, November 6, 1948, Glenn Frey 39, Tuesday, November 22, 1932, Robert Vaughn
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 40 Your main purpose in this life is to learn patience and stability as you apply your distinct intuitive abilities to the causes of service that affects others. You are an extremely organized and secure person, though when you are younger you may not always feel so sure of yourself. You will learn to be patient and to take things one step at a time toward completing your ultimate goals. Your strength and perseverance are compelling to those around you; even though you also have a sensitivity and strength that lets you quietly analyze and interpret any situation with your superior intuitive skills. As you learn to complete your goals one task at a time you build a foundation of loving and secure energy that will surround you throughout your life. Your analytical skills are profound too, though as you grow you eventually learn that the wisdom of your intuition is even more accurate. You gradually pay even more time and attention to exploring your inner knowing. Assets At your most positive you thoroughly prepare and overcome anything you set your mind to; you have learned to act with internal feelings as much as with your intellectual thinking. You are known as an honest and faithful person, committed in your goals and desires. You apply yourself with an unwavering commitment through any battle of willpower or emotional strength, as you are patient and practical while pursuing your goals. Talents You loyal, patient and practical ideals and talents make you best suited for business positions such as accounting or finance. You also do well in engineering and technical fields that allow you to mix your creative side with your analytical skills. You especially enjoy helping others and providing care and assistance to them in medical positions such as therapy or nursing. Your perseverance helps you achieve any position or job that you set you mind to. Following the 40 Path You trust yourself and your own intuition and are quick to make decisions when you need to. At other times you have leaned when to exercise patience and take your time in intuitively listening to your inner self for an answer. You are good at accepting a commitment and your honest and trustworthy nature make you attractive to others. You have learned to accept the ideas and views of others as much as yourself and this earns you respect and deep appreciation as you follow your own unique path! Famous 40 Life Path Birthdays 40, Friday, July 29, 1966, Martina McBride 40, Friday, September 9, 1966, Adam Sandler 40, Monday, September 18, 1939, Frankie Avalon 40, Thursday, November 7, 1867, Madame Curie
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 41 Your primary purpose is to learn to use your creative skills and emotional stability to accept personal freedom as you work patiently at achieving your goal. You will face a life of challenges to the freedom and independence that you seek. You want to be free though you may become to dependent on those close to you. You must learn to balance your independence with respect and cooperation as you work with others. Your fine sense of creativity allows you to learn and master things that others can only dream of. As you grow your patience will become even more important for you. Remember that several steps are required to complete your goal and take the time you need to nourish and care for yourself. Your extraordinary analytical mind may get in the way of your creativity so be sure to follow your muse and your highly creative mind will serve you well throughout this life. Assets At your most positive you are exacting and you work at and follow each step through to its completion. You have grown accustomed to your body and you practice a regular discipline that keeps you healthy and wise. Your imagination is visionary and well refined and you have learned to follow the steps you need to create reality from your dreams. You are outgoing and interesting to many and your knowledge of many aspects of life means that others enjoy being around you too. Talents Your powerful and influential personality and analytical intelligence make you an excellent asset in many fields, but especially those that provide some stable foundation along with the possibility of travel and adventure: marketing/promotion, sales, entertainer or publicist are excellent positions for you. Following the 41 Path You are confident, safe and comfortable with your own security and your ambition. You have learned to take one step at a time toward completing your goals and this works for you and provides a foundation for helping you pursue each new goal. The creativity that you show becomes a part of your unique person and this provides inspiration and excitement that combines with your need for adventure. Eventually you come to love the sense of stability you have created and to use your imagination for following and completing our unique life purpose. Famous 41 Life Path Birthdays 41, Friday, August 29, 1975, Dante Basco 41, Tuesday, August 29, 1939, William Friedkin 41, Saturday, November 8, 1975, Tara Reid 41, Thursday, November 22, 1979, Scott Robinson 41, Wednesday, November 22, 1961, Mariel Hemingway 41, Monday, November 22, 1943, Billie Jean King 41, Sunday, November 26, 1939, Tina Turner
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 42 Your primary purpose is to learn to value beauty and cooperation with others as you work through a practical step-by-step process in achieving responsibility and vision. You have learned to be patient and practical, taking each step one at a time toward your ultimate goal. Remember that you can rely on your own intuitive self as much as your analytical self when working on a problem, and that the partnership and sharing you find while working with others is a powerful inspiration to you. Your sense of beauty and perfection is higher then most others so you must work at accepting others where they are. Everyone has their own level of attainment and your ideas will not always fit in with others. Do not let their opinions bother you either, but instead do what you feel is right for you by listening to your own heart. You are an outgoing, family person who is stable in your awareness of the cooperation and acceptance of others. You are good at feeling your own feelings, and you have learned that your emotions are expressive and powerful in their own nature. As you become honest and true to yourself you will express what you truly feel and those around you will appreciate you with respect and dignity. Assets In your most positive aspects you are kind and supportive of others who seek you out for your inner wisdom and kindness. You have become an expert at combining your intuitive vision with a practical ‘common sense’ awareness of reality. You have created a unique set of principles for your own life, and you are accepting of the differences in principles of others. You have come to appreciate the beauty of working in cooperation toward a common goal. Talents You enjoy positions that are of service to others: business advisor, teacher, poet or welfare worker is especially interesting to you. You are also strong at physical activity and you could be happy as a professional athlete or as a physical therapist or personal trainer. Your strong need for organization and stability make you a dependable and excellent worker in any type of position that requires attention to detail. You have learned to be secure in your work as you pursue higher goals throughout your path in this life. Following the 42 Path You are calm, accepting and highly practical. You also rely on your feelings and intuition when making a decision and this is helpful. You have learned to be patient as you work toward your dreams. Your own unique principles are highly important to you, but you are careful not to impose your principles onto others, or believe that they may live up to your high expectations. You have a true organized vision of truth and beauty that is uniquely your own. You are aware that life is as it should be, and the differences you see in others provides you with an understanding and sense of cooperation and purpose as you follow your unique path. Famous 42 Life Path Birthdays 42, Thursday, September 11, 1975, Brad Fischetti 42, Wednesday, September 29, 1948, Bryant Gumbel 42, Saturday, November 18, 1939, Brenda Vaccaro 42, Wednesday, November 22, 1899, Hoagy Carmichael Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
42, Saturday, November 22, 1890, Charles de Gaulle 42, Wednesday, November 27, 1957, Caroline Kennedy
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 43 Your main purpose is to learn to be patient and understanding while you work with secure and orderly principles as you express and trust yourself to find your own mystical path. You have a strong desire to explore the spiritual side of life and this may lead you into New Age studies, but your practical sensibilities and desire to be outspoken may stop you. Eventually you will learn to bring these true feelings into balance and you will find that a secure and stable family provide you with the foundation you need to let go and explore your spiritual desires. Your basic skills work best when you are expressing yourself and so you may have to learn to accept your own feelings and emotions before you can be completely honest and open in personal communication. You have a brilliant mind and an intelligence that is refined and focused on any task that you choose. As you grow and learn to honor the foundation that you have established for yourself you will come to explore your imagination and spiritual pursuits to an even higher order. Your path is truly a unique combination of patience, intent, knowledge, expression and spiritual searching. Assets In your most positive sense you are practical, organized, orderly, somewhat expressive and spiritual. You have found the perfect balance between all of these traits: one that allows you to trust in your own spirituality and the divine spirit within everyone. You have learned to accept your life with patience and understanding in a step-by-step process. You spend most of your time pursuing activities to help you grow as a person and discover even more of the mysteries of life. Talents Your organized and expressive nature along with your spiritual discrimination make you best suited for writing, advertising or lecturing as a teacher or professor. You certainly have the strong desire to learn and you may even complete your doctorate if you set your eyes on it. Positions in business, and especially metaphysical areas will really intrigue you. Film production, accountant, medicine, nutritionist, herbologist are some that will also be exciting for you. Following the 43 Path You have learned to balance your need for self-expression with your spiritual searching and you have combined them into a stable search for your own path. You have found a deep trust in others around you, including yourself. This sense of trust has helped you overcome any feelings of inferiority and you have learned to put this to use as an expressive talent: as a teacher or counselor to others who may come to you. You have found the perfect stability in your family life and have come to share your feelings with honesty and heartfelt emotion as you follow your own unique path. Famous 43 Life Path Birthdays Sorry, there are no famous birthdays available at this time.
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 44 Your primary purpose is to learn to build a secure foundation based on self-control, personal responsibility and a step-by-step approach in support of others as you accept your desire to be successful. You have a strong desire to be successful however you may lack the patience required to follow through. Eventually you will learn to take each phase of a project one step at a time toward completion. It will be easier for you to accept this slower, more controlled process if you take extra time to listen to your intuitive sense. You have strong mental, physical and emotional skills, so you must learn to be intuitive and become more aware of your inner voice. You are searching for true stability in this life: both in the family and home as well as within yourself. This is not always an easy task and one that requires you to be open and expressive with your feelings and desires. As you become aware of your emotions you will also need to balance them with your intellectual thinking patterns and your own mind. You will work through these issues and eventually come to find the value of communicating with others. Assets In your most positive you are extremely focussed and persistent at completing tasks. Your intellectual and analytical skills are also beyond most others and you must understand that your goals may be beyond the abilities of those around you. You have learned to be patient and persistent at following through and completing your tasks one step at a time. There is a strong need within you for security in your family and this has allowed you to establish deep ties to those around you: you are know as being loyal and highly dependable in any situation. You have recognized the value of your intuition and combined it with your highly developed business skills to create a life of security, stability and success that you desire. Talents Your highly developed organizational and intellectual skills along with your drive for success mean that you enjoy positions that let you stand out. Financial analyst, manager, or business owner positions will interest you most. You have a high drive to achieve financial success as well and you enjoy the security of a corporation in which to work. Statistician, computer programming or real estate may also appeal to you. Following the 44 Path You are positive and focused at achieving your goals. You have learned to overcome your fears of commitment and any desires to control others. You follow your intuition with depth and understanding, and this has helped you to open to new ideas and become flexible. You have learned to accept the responsibility of the success that you have achieved and this leads to respect and support from others around you as you follow your unique path. Famous 44 Life Path Birthdays 44, Wednesday, November 11, 1885, George Patton 44, Wednesday, November 29, 1939, Peter Bergman
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 45 Your primary purpose in this life is to create a secure foundation while you build your own personal freedom through self-control, and fulfill your goals of finding a higher ideal. You will learn to accept that completing your goals will require a stable one step at time process. This process will require that you accept your own personal inner-knowledge and wisdom as you work your way toward a higher spiritual ideal. You will eventually learn to contact our intuitive self and listen to its signals and warnings that will lead you to truly know which path to follow. You are highly sensitive and you love to teach and serve others, but you must learn the working of your inner self, before you can be an example for those seeking your inspirational help. You also enjoy spending time with your family and friends, since it provides you with a secure and stable environment from which to live and you generally feel out of place without it. You will eventually find patience too, as you search the spiritual working of the higher source. Assets In your strongest aspects you are an inspirational and charming friend to everyone. You are patient and methodical in applying your discipline toward completing any task that you set your mind to. The higher wisdom you seek is important and provides the basis of your personality. You have found a personal freedom that others can only dream about and you are content and joyful in this approach toward life. Talents Your strong intellectual skills and desire for adventure make positions such as surgeon, entrepreneur, or foreign correspondent exciting for you. You also enjoy inspiring and teaching others. Positions in teaching or communicating with others such as a counselor or public service worker will also be fulfilling. You will learn to follow your own inner knowledge throughout this life, as you are patient and secure in yourself. Following the 45 Path You have learned to use your intellectual skills to their highest potential. You are disciplined, patient and focused in achieving your goals. Your sense of security is stable and part of the foundation you rely on to direct your life. Others come to see you as responsible, caring and very wise. You have learned to create reality from the visions and ideals that you have found within. You command respect and you inspire others with your abilities of personal power and a strong sense of values. Famous 45 Life Path Birthdays 45, Sunday, October 22, 1939, Tony Roberts
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 46 Your main purpose is to explore your unique creativity and inner beliefs and apply their powers within a stable and practical framework for building an awareness and acceptance of others as you pursue your ideal vision. You will learn to be patient and understanding as you build toward your goals; each step on the path is another step closer to your destiny. Starting from a solid foundation and working toward your goal will help you achieve anything you set your mind to. Your highly creative powers, personal vision and strength set you apart from others. You are aware that your visionary outlook is not shared by many, but your own insight and intuition into the ways of this world help you to understand, overcome and accept others with compassion. Your creative energies will eventually lift you to your higher purpose. Assets At your most positive you are known for your strength, confidence and for your vision of intuitive awareness that inspires others. You have built a successful foundation of integrity and those around you look to you for a source of justice, idealism and insight. Talents You are most talented in occupations that allow your creative ability to flow and your sensitivity and intuition to be exercised. Your strong analytical skills and sense of purpose make you suited for business positions that require responsibility and management. Jobs that require attention to detail such as architecture, accounting and nutrition and artistic fields are also appealing. Counseling is a possibility when you have overcome your emotional sensitivity. Following the 46 Path Your patience and security is a model for others. Don't worry if you do not achieve everything you are looking for right now, take your time and learn to accept the work you are doing now. It is an important foundation for the rest of your life and you should be aware of it. You will gradually overcome your hypercritical sense and realize that the problems and challenges of others are the quickest way for you to grow. You have learned to focus your creative energy and direct it at the task at hand until it is complete - slowly you are building a better environment for others and this brings you great happiness. Famous 46 Life Path Birthdays 46, Saturday, February 22, 1975, Drew Barrymore
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 47 Your primary purpose is to learn to trust in your strong creative abilities as you use them to build a foundation of inspiration and imagination while you work with others. You will come to face many tests in this life as an intensely creative person. You will eventually learn to accept your own ways of learning and creative thought as unique and successful; do not let the words of others get you down - they do not understand your need for openness, trust and sincerity. Exposing your creative self and your creations is not an easy process and one that you must work at. You will overcome any insecurities you may feel, usually by retreating to your own personal sanctuary for rest and protection. You have a deep respect for beauty and harmony and you need a solid foundation from which to begin your growth. As you work through each issue and you are patient with the lessons you are learning at each step you will come to share your inner self even more with those around you. Do not hesitate in sharing your creative abilities and do not let any misspoken words bother you - you are a truly unique and extremely creative person who is different and many others may not be able to enjoy your empathy and openness; that is ok. Others you will meet will eventually fulfill your desire for sincerity trust and stability. Assets In your most positive sense you are inspiring to others around you as you work creatively with trust and confidence in your own talents. You are aware of the spirituality in all of us and this awareness combines with your strong intellect to allow you to use your creativity for the betterment of the world. Talents Your talents are used best in fields that let you combine your intense mental creativity with your imagination. Fields such as journalism, advertising, research or business are some of your best choices. Other types of healing work in the medical fields as a physician, as a minister or spiritual advisor or counselor are good choices. You enjoy working toward a higher goal best and you will be most happy in a position that does not restrict you creatively. Following the 47 Path You can find solace in your own world, but you are most happy when you are around others. You have learned to express yourself with trust and openness. This allows you to use your imagination and intelligence efficiently and with joy. You are patient when things do not go your way and you realize that the sensitivity you feel toward others is because of your own deeply felt emotions. You respect and learn from what others say, but this does not effect your ability to be yourself and to be creative, or your desire to find others that think like you. You are uninhibited and when you feel a need to get away you are happy to retreat to your own inner imagination rather than seek out other more damaging forms of escape. Famous 47 Life Path Birthdays 47, Wednesday, December 22, 1948, Steve Garvey 47, Monday, March 22, 1948, Andrew Lloyd Webber
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 48 Your purpose is to accept your unique creativity while working together with others as you follow through on your plans of creating a successful and safe world for you and everyone else in the world. You will seek stable foundations throughout this life, and you have a desire to be successful in all that you do: a driving ambition that helps you to achieve any goal you set your mind to. You will be known and respected for your strong leadership and your cooperation with others on completing tasks as a team, creatively and with expressive communication. Eventually you will learn to accept your own power and creative skills. You hold the magic ability to bring your dreams into reality through natural order and your strong analytical skills. Assets At your most positive you have learned the value of patience and the process of completing your goals one step at a time. You have also come to understand your family by being compassionate and empathetic to their needs. You are most happy when others recognize you for your creative brilliance and your ability to work with others easily. Talents Your strongest talents are your ambition and desire to be successful linked with your strong sense of creativity and teamwork. You work best when pioneering or forming new and unique businesses of your own. Any field that lets you use your analytical skills such as mechanic, engineer or computer programmer will suit you well, as will the fields that let you be creative and expressive such as entertainer (as a musician or choreographer). Sales and teaching positions will also be attractive to you, but especially so if they let you be the leader and remain independent as you work. Following the 48 Path You are patient and in complete control and balance of your life. You have learned to let responsibility take care of itself for those around you who may always be asking for your help. Overall you are successful and powerful; but most of all you have learned to be thoughtful and forgiving in your relationships. You are well aware of your own authority and you do not use it as a status symbol. When you set your own goals you are good at following through with them step-by-step until they are completed. You have learned to be wary of financial issues and you use each goal as a stepping stone to the next on in line; this foundation sustains you throughout the pursuit of your life path. Famous 48 Life Path Birthdays Sorry, there are no famous birthdays available at this time.
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 49 Your primary purpose in this life is to accept stability and creative expression as you work with your own principals and ideals of helping others through wisdom and a strong sense of organization. You may face strong personal issues of self-doubt and awareness that will require you to reach inside for the inner wisdom and knowing that allows you to feel closer to the divine. As you come to allow this awareness within it will provide you with energy and ambition as well as the intuitive insight that you need to work with in this lifetime. Remember that you must work on your goals and tasks one step at a time toward completion. You must exercise patience while working toward your higher ideals. You have many plans and desires, but you must work through each of them to fully realize the lesson before moving on to the next. Assets In you most positive you have learned to combine your strong intuition and higher ideals with your organizational/analytical skills and your expressive nature to create and environment that encourages success at every step. You are confident and secure in your own goals and beliefs and you have learned to respect the feelings of others. You are patient kind and accepting and you have learned to enjoy each step along the way toward the ultimate goal of following your own unique life path. You have come to find a true sense of stability and security while allowing your creative and deep intuitive skills to also shine through. Talents Your strong sense of integrity an personal values along with your unique creative communication skills give you the abilities you need to succeed in any type of business position: administration management or entrepreneur jobs will hold your interests best. Your patience and the diplomacy you have learned in dealing with others means that you would be happy in helping others toward a higher path as a counselor or in a teaching position. Following the 49 Path You have found security and stability as you learn to show patience and wisdom in completing your task. You are happy staying in one job or house for many years and this provides you with the foundation of security throughout your life. You accept the deep intuition, wisdom and higher principles that you follow with careful care, and you have learned to withhold any judgment of others, which only leads to judgment of yourself. The balance of inner intuition and your desire to serve others along with your creativity and leadership skills is a perfect combination. You come to accept who you are and others respect and admire you for everything you do to better humankind as you follow your unique path. Famous 49 Life Path Birthdays Sorry, there are no famous birthdays available at this time.
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 50 Your primary purpose is to learn to express your imagination, creativity, communication skills and profound intuition to the highest while you pursue truth and beauty on your unique path of personal freedom. You have a personal charm and strength that makes you highly attractive to others. You do not like routine things and you constantly search for anything new or interesting. The most important aspect that you seek in this lifetime is personal freedom. Your strong desire to find freedom within may cause you to feel out of place at many times in your life; remember that you are as unique and valuable as everyone else and do not let the comments of others hold you back. You will grow and eventually find the freedom you are looking for within yourself. Your unique and deep intuitive skills are way beyond most others and when you combine these with the creative essence and imagination that drives you it is a powerful and positive combination. You are most likely a visual person who thinks in pictures and your highly developed imagination provides you with a lot of stimulation. Assets In your most positive sense you are a brilliant and imaginative communicator, known for being disciplined yet also happy-go-lucky, there are not many things you have not tried in this life. Your deep intuitive skills show you the way and help you to make important decisions. You have come to accept these skills for the truth and speed with which they made themselves known. You have found the freedom you desire on the inside and this gives you pleasure and a sense of serenity. Talents You have a great imagination and creative abilities that are beyond most others; your communication skills are also well developed. Fields such as sales, promotion and advertising will appeal to you. Creative positions let you express your desire for beauty: writing, scientific study and interpreter, or entrepreneur will suit you well. Always remember to follow and study your intuition as you pursue your path. Following the 50/5 Path You have learned the meaning of personal freedom and you integrate it into your life in all respects. Your skills at being imaginative and creative are put to best use because you have chosen an occupation that fits your skills. Your family is a stable foundation that you enjoy and respect; it provides you the one necessary sense of security that you require. You find new and adventurous things and people at every turn and yet your inner sense of discipline means that you are usually known for bringing your dreams into reality. The freedom you desire has been found within and you express it every day as you live your life and follow your own unique and highly creative path through this life. Famous 50 Life Path Birthdays 50, Tuesday, June 22, 1948, Todd Rundgren
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 51 The primary purpose of your life is to deal with your desire for personal freedom while learning confidence, self-discipline and creativity to accept and help others as you follow your path. You are full of creativity and sensitivity. Because of this you will have to learn to accept your deep sensitivity and the comments/criticism of others. Remember that since you are highly creative that others may not understand you completely. Learn to take their remarks in stride and forge ahead with confidence, and imagination toward your goal of a higher ideal. You are a visionary, but you must work a little more at learning to bring your rich dreams and visions down into physical reality. As you apply and focus your discipline on any task you will be able to achieve anything you set your mind to. You will learn to use your creative skills as tools toward applying your unique imagination. As you do this you should also keep in mind your intense demand for personal freedom and independence. Assets In your most positive you are an inspiring, creative pioneer - ready to forge ahead through your fantastic worlds of imagination and reality. You set high goals and you achieve them by applying your confidence, creativity, imagination and patience. You have found the unique personal freedom that belongs to you alone and you are joyful and fulfilled in exploring every aspect of it as you follow your path, which also includes sharing and acceptance of others. Talents Your strong creative powers and desires for adventure suit you best for jobs such as acting, archaeology, poetry or singing! You enjoy beauty too. You love to work with others especially when you feel that you can inspire them in defining new and important goals: jobs such as counseling, coaching, interior decorator, or children's author will also be interesting to you. Following the 51 Path You have learned to apply your unique high ideals without being judgmental. You are happy and confident in your creativity and awareness as you work toward embodying your idealistic future. You have learned how to judge an appropriate course and the right people to spend your time with, and you are safe in knowing that you are cared for as you work extremely hard at accomplishing your goals. You have learned to accept yourself creatively and you do not let the words of others stop you at all as you follow your unique path of destiny. Famous 51 Life Path Birthdays 51, Saturday, July 22, 1939, Terrence Stamp
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 52 Your primary purpose in this life is to learn to use self-discipline to work through cooperation with others toward personal freedom, trust, and openness as you follow your path of spiritual awakening. You are a humanitarian with desire to serve mankind in the highest sense. Before you do this however you may have to face many hardships and personal challenges to your sense of personal freedom and your ability to trust others. You have a deep need for privacy, and independence but you must learn to trust yourself and others or you may get stuck being introspective and isolated through many times in your life. Learn to walk up to people, address them and have an open conversation. Your powerful inner wisdom and spirituality is what keeps you interested as you have a love of nature and the country that inspires you from within. Assets At your most positive you are confident and secure in trusting others. You enjoy collaborating on projects for the good of humankind and your kind, patient nature makes you an excellent work partner. You have learned to value the inner-spiritual and intuitive self that you have discovered. This lets you trust in its all-knowing goodness and it works well for you. It helps you find the acceptance and awareness that inspires you to work with others and share your imagination with everyone. You have found self-independence and you are joyous and happy in serving others. Talents Your strong sense of service for others as well as a sense of independence means that you work best in fields such as writing, research, statistical analysis or technician. Your strong imagination and sense of the idealism will provide you with skills for working as an accountant, surgeon or as an engineer in a hi-tech field such as computer programming or mechanical/chemical engineering. Your strong peaceful mind and supporting skills will help you achieve your goals in any arena. Following the 52 Path You have learned to enjoy being with others as much as you like being alone in nature. There is a perfect balance in your imaginative skills and you desire to learn about spirituality, just as there is between your sense of cooperation and your introspective need for space. You have found the tradeoffs and benefits of each of these and you are truly living in a world that lets you celebrate the mystery of life as well as the talents of working with a team toward a common good! Famous 52 Life Path Birthdays 52, Tuesday, August 22, 1939, Carl Yastrzemski
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 53 Your main purpose in this life is to learn to overcome your sensitivities as you build a personal freedom and awareness by using your self-discipline and authority to find success. You will have many personal battles in this life related to a balance between your strong ambitions to be successful, your need for personal freedom and your innate desire for selfexpression. You will eventually learn to balance all of these issues and come to understand the nature of your expressive powers. To learn these you must follow your heart and be willing to share all of your feelings and emotions with others as you come to trust your true feelings. Do not worry about the comments of others - they may not feel things as deeply as you do and you must accept them as they are. You must also accept those who will admire you as a leader and authority on many things. You must remember that there is a higher powers serving us and that for you to find complete fulfillment you will have to act and work with an integrity that honors that commitment. Assets In your most positive aspect you are self-disciplined, expressive and confident in your attitude. You have an incredible imaginative mind and high intelligence. You eventually share everything with others as you pursue the path of a powerful leader who respects his/her workers as much as they respect and admire you. You have learned when you can open yourself completely to others and when to be more protective. Your genius at completing your goal leads to success and generosity every step of the way along your unique path. Talents Your strong analytical skills and leadership abilities make you an excellent candidate for a position in supervision, consulting or engineering. You also enjoy sharing your wealth with others and being highly successful at what you do. Your intense drive and ambition means that a job as an entrepreneur or business owner in a capacity that provides service to others is most fulfilling. Or you may also find happiness as a civic leader, in politics, or as a superintendent or executive officer. Following the 53 Path You have become aware of your strong ambitious drive and you use it to serve and honor others. You have found self-discipline that drive you forward in your desire to complete your goals. You are conscious and capable of handling the comments/criticisms of others, and you have learned to respect and honor your own feelings for what they are. You live to share and serve others as you follow your own unique path of success and authority based on communication and imagination. Famous 53 Life Path Birthdays 53, Sunday, September 22, 1957, Nick Cave
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 54 Your life purpose is to learn to overcome any impatience, critical thinking and your potential to overwork yourself, as you build personal freedom and awareness by feeling compassion and making use of your intellectual intuitive talents as you serve others and achieve your own goals. You may have a tendency to be overly giving and kind, or moody and uncertain in your behavior as you learn to accept your patience, responsibility and sense of organization, and your strong need for personal freedom. You learn to respect your need for organization and order and you apply it powerfully and fully within your own unique framework that includes compassion for others, as well as freedom and variety for yourself. You learn to accept your feelings to help and serve others, as well as your own need to establish a sense of freedom and independence for yourself. You may sometimes feel moody and too self-centered to accept the views of others, but these feelings will not last long. You eventually come to realize that your kind and giving ways are what others appreciate in you more than anything else. Though it may seem like there is too much to get done, your ability to focus, organize and patiently complete any task you set your mind to helps you to persevere over any obstacle in your path. Assets In your most positive aspect you are compassionate, inspirational and passionate in your desire to serve humankind. You are able to overcome any uncertainty or moodiness with your talented intellectual skills. Your patient, practical and deep responsibility to others motivates you toward your own unique path of personal freedom, practicality and tolerance and compassion for others. Talents Your strong sense of service to others and powerful intellectual abilities steer you toward a career in public service or the medical field where you feel you can make the biggest contribution. You could also find a niche in the music field, or as a publisher. Your desire to stay focused and organized adds tremendously to your skills in a career such as engineering, economics or management. Following the 54 Path You are conscious of your capable desire to serve humanity in some way and you have learned to direct your skills of organization, responsibility and personal freedom toward this end. You have learned to control any moodiness and self-doubt and focus your energies on a deep responsibility and a persevering attitude to help others. As you mature your intellectual abilities come to the front and provide you with the skills you need which go along with the emotional strength you will find to accomplish your goals. You learn to combine your love of others with a uniquely independent and responsible ability to care for others, as you follow your own unique and highly individual path. Famous 54 Life Path Birthdays Sorry, there are no famous birthdays available at this time.
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Life Path 55 Your primary purpose in this life is to work with your issues of extreme desire for personal freedom and your need to express creativity as you follow a path of adventure and self-discipline, toward completing your goals. Your need to find a sense of personal freedom is prominent - and you will not stop in your search until you feel that you have found it. Remember that the freedom you seek may not always be in the outside world but may be inside of yourself. As you release your creativity and learn to express it with an intuitive insight you will learn that the sense of freedom you desire must find a space in your heart before it can come to rest. You also have a strong desire to travel frequently and you would be happiest if you were always on the go. This energy means that you feel most fulfilled when you are experiencing something new and different. Try to keep your mind focused on the essential goals you have set in order to complete them. Assets In your most positive you are brilliant and imaginative, highly creative and interested in being unique and intuitive. You combine all of these skills with a balance of perception that suits you well. Your analytical skills are also well developed, and you are known for being honest and ethical in everything you do. You can lead others without controlling them and you soon gather respect and admiration from those that you are near. You are energetic and fulfilled, happy as you pursue your unique personal path. Talents Your strong creativity, imagination and desire for change and travel suit you to fields such as sales, advertising or travel agency work. You have a natural talent as a researcher and you would enjoy being a writer or librarian. You have ideals and values that are beyond most others and you may enjoy being involved in church or other moral atmospheres. Following the 55/10/1 Path You have learned to apply self-discipline and follow a focused plan toward completing your goals. Your highly developed imagination is important, but you have learned to listen to your intuition too. As you grow and change you will find that your strong mental abilities and high ideals will suit you well toward completing any task as you follow your goal toward your unique and individual life's purpose. Famous 55 Life Path Birthdays Sorry, there are no famous birthdays available at this time.
Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
Appendix Life Path Calculation Charts The example and charts below can be used for calculating the Life Path for yourself and others that you know. Note that the calculation method shown in the example is the Pythagorean method – refer to chapter 2 of this book for more information on Life Path calculation methods. Example Date of Birth: December 22, 1957 Month = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 Date = 22 + 22 Year = 1957 = 1 + 9 + 5 + 7 = + 22 ========== Total = 47 Life Path, displayed numerologically as 47/11 _____________________________________________________________________________ Name: Date of Birth: Month =
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Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
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Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
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Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com
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Copyright © 2002, Brett A. Simpson – http://www.thedreamtime.com