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October 30, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Tru helps leaders, children, and their families connect to God, find their place Children ......


Tru Curriculum EL EMEN TA RY AG E C HI L D RE N L ar ge G rou p / S m a l l Gro u p E d i t i o n

Works HowTheItTruStory

Large Group/Small Group Edition

Schedule Explore

Small Group

10 minutes

Discover Large Group

30 minutes 20–25 minutes Respond Small Group

15 minutes


Small Group

5 minutes

© 2017 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.

TruStory reveals God’s incredible plan to elementary-age children and invites them to be a part of it!

Tru Philosophy

The Holy Spirit is God’s chosen teacher. He is the One who makes spiritual growth and formation happen when and as He chooses. Our role, as ministry leaders, volunteers, and parents, is to create space for the Holy Spirit to meet with our children.

Tru Mission Statement

Tru helps leaders, children, and their families connect to God, find their place in His Big God Story, and respond to Him through the power of the Holy Spirit. Every Tru lesson, resource, and product is created for this purpose.

Lesson Path: Seeing the Mission Statement in a Tru Lesson EXPLORE

Children engage in fun, creative activities designed to pique their curiosity about the day’s portion of The Big God Story. The Vision for EXPLORE As your children come into your room, you’re inviting them into a place where they’ll explore the mysteries of God within the faith community. What could be better than welcoming them into this atmosphere with an experience to pique their interest and immediately draw them in? This is what EXPLORE is designed to do.


Children participate in discovering God’s Word through Bible verse memorization, interactive storytelling techniques, and worship as response. The Vision for DISCOVER Children are brought together as a large group for Traditions, getting-to-know-you activities, a creative storytelling of the day’s portion of The Big God Story, and a time of responding to God in worship. Take five minutes to open your DISCOVER time by engaging in Welcome and Traditions. Ponder Point The lesson begins with and is centered around a Ponder Point, or statement, about God. An example is “The Lord Will Provide.” What does this part of The Big God Story tell us about God, and further show how He is going to fulfill His promise to redeem mankind?


Children reflect on what the Holy Spirit is teaching them and respond through creative activities and games. The Vision for Small Group RESPOND The opportunity for response continues as kids break into groups for small group RESPOND. Children can share openly their personal thoughts and experiences in a relational setting. Some will be more responsive when they’re engaged in something creative or artistic; others will be more open once their bodies get moving. With two options provided, you can decide if you want to use both activities or focus on the type of response that will appeal to your children’s needs.

© 2017 David C Cook



Children receive a blessing from their leaders and sometimes one another. A blessing may be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide. The Vision for BLESS Every Tru lesson concludes with a blessing. The word benediction means to speak well over someone; parents and leaders speak truth over and into children’s lives. After encountering God and His Word; the blessing is to bless them and what God is doing in them. Invite them to receive this; as they’ve been blessed, they will in turn be used to bless others. This is another great opportunity to integrate your use of the Bible into the worship experience, reinforcing to the children that these words come straight from the Word, God’s Word.

Leader Prep

The Vision for Inspire, Equip, Support Each week you’ll find Inspire, Equip, and Support articles that will help you and your leaders personally and/or corporately engage with God and His Word and take time for yourselves before beginning your prep. • The Inspire article contains personal stories from fellow ministry leaders about how God has worked in their lives. • The Equip article offers perspective and context to the lesson’s Bible passage. • The Support article provides reflection and assessment through encouragement, prayer, and time in God’s Word.

Additional TruStory Resources (see Resources)

The resources listed below are provided to help you customize or enhance any TruStory lesson. • TruStory Scope and Sequence • The Big God Story People Cutouts • The Big God Story Timeline Grid • The Big God Story Timeline with People • Master Timeline • ZONK! Animation, Cube Animation, and Blank ZONK! Slides • God’s Salvation Plan for Kids

Lesson Schedule

This sample outline offers flexibility for the timing of your service. The attention span and interest level of children can change based on a variety of factors. You may find yourself allowing more time for one section of the lesson, and moving quickly through another depending upon the mood and dynamic of your class on any particular day. Experience/Lesson Section Minutes EXPLORE Small Group 10 min. DISCOVER Large Group 30 min. RESPOND Small Group 15 min. BLESS Small Group 5 min.

© 2017 David C Cook


Lesson Language

These are descriptions of the terms found throughout TruStory lessons: Leader Tip, Note, Suggestion, and Helpful Hint: Suggestions for modifying or adjusting portions of the lesson to best fit your own church and group of kids. Optional: Suggestions of ways you can adapt the activities and games.


Host: The Host welcomes kids into the large group room, may run Connect activities, and introduces the storytelling time. After worship response, the Host dismisses kids to their small group rooms. The Host offers the same spirit of hospitality, generosity, and inclusiveness to the kids that the host of a party would offer to guests at her home or gathering. Small Group Leader: The Small Group Leader shepherds the children through questions about The Big God Story and biblical truth, engages them in community-building activities, helps them create a remembrance of their experience, and blesses them before they leave. Ideally Small Group Leaders work week after week with the same group of kids, giving them the opportunity to develop lasting relationships with each child. Worship Leader: The Worship Leader facilitates individual and corporate worship by listening to the direction of the Holy Spirit and inviting others into the worship experience. Storyteller: The Storyteller shares the day’s portion of The Big God Story in a fun, engaging way. He encourages kids to follow along in their Bibles and gets them interacting with the narrative. The Storyteller leads out of an overflow of his own life, telling personal stories as prompted and guiding the kids into a time of natural worship response. AV Technician: This person facilitates the “behind-the-scenes” aspects of programming, including music, lighting, drama, sound, Power Point, etc. The AV Tech makes sure things run smoothly and is willing to help with anything—including stepping into any of the other leader roles. There will be cues for this person indicated in the lesson in italics.

Parent Resources

The Vision for HomeFront Weekly Provided as a parent resource with each week’s lesson, HomeFront Weekly is designed to help your parents intentionally spend time in God’s Word with their children before they come to church. In this way, the church is supporting parents to be the first to introduce their children to the Bible content they’ll hear, preparing them for the upcoming lesson as they spiritually nurture their children. Families conclude their time with a short blessing to pray over their child. Children will come to church prepared to receive and learn from God’s Word. At the end of your lesson, be sure to send out the HomeFront Weekly resource for the next week’s lesson, so parents can intentionally create space for God to meet with their families.

© 2017 David C Cook


Large Group/Small Group

Spring Lesson 1

Bible Passage: Isaiah 40:3; Matthew 3 (John the Baptist)

God Is Faithful

Remember Verse

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16


Option 1: What Do We Need? (for younger

(3; examples: baby food peas, sardines, spam, etc.) •  Utensils (as needed for the food) •  Disposable tablecloth or newspapers •• Optional: hand wipes, upbeat music


The Big God Story

SUPPLIES •• What Do We Need? images *

SUPPLIES •  Timeline image * •  Timeline animation * •  Images: Wilderness, Locusts * •  Bibles •  Costume for John the Baptist (robe or tunic made from scratchy fabric, messy-hair wig, etc.) •  Green beans or other food to represent locusts (about 1/4 c.) •• Flashlight

Option 2: What Would You Bring? (for older kids) SUPPLIES •  What Would You Bring? cards * •  Scissors •• Bowl or hat

DISCOVER// 30 minutes

Traditions and Remember Verse SUPPLIES •  Remember Verse image * •  Remember Verse animation * •• Mementos for your church Traditions (rocks, marbles, gum balls, etc.)

Connect Activity: Food Challenge SUPPLIES •  Connect Activity image * •  Connect Question image * •  Paper lunch bags (3) •  Unusual or “gross” foods 1

*see Resources

of colorful powdered drink mix •  Bucket (1 gal.) •• Optional: large trash bag or plastic drop cloth, hand towel


5 minutes SUPPLIES •  Remember Verse cards * •  HomeFront Weekly: Lesson 2 * •  Bible •  Rubber stamp (preferably with a cross, “I belong to God,” or “His” on it) •  Ink pad •• Optional: sticky notes or small squares of paper (1 per child)

Worship as Response SUPPLIES •  Large cross (3’–6’) •• Quiet worship music (suggestion: “Thank You,” TruWorship Sincerely Yours)

RESPOND// 15 minutes

Reflect: God Is Faithful Purified SUPPLIES •  Water (1 gal.) •  Clear drinking glass (16 oz.) •  Small disposable cups (each 2–4 oz., 1 per child) •  Food coloring (any color) or 1 serving

Further Resources To help you plan and lead: Customizable copy of Lesson 1 2016–17 Scope and Sequence TruStory How It Works document Small Group Enhancement HomeFront Weekly: Lesson 1 The weekly for the next lesson— to be sent home for preteaching by parents—is found in BLESS.

© 2017 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved. Reproducible for church use only.

LEADER PREP Each week you’ll find a list of resources along with encouraging articles that help you prepare your heart to present the lesson.


Shares personal stories from fellow ministry leaders about how God has worked in their lives

In a television series I watched, humanity lived through a yearlong occupation by hostile foreigners. During the occupation, people made difficult choices. Some chose to collaborate with the foreigners in order to obtain and deliver covert information, turning on their own people. Others organized a resistance movement and sacrificed members as suicide bombers. All felt justified, no matter their actions. Later, trials convicting people of treason or murder began. The penalty for these crimes was death. However, just as they began, the president stopped the trials, as it was clear that if every person who had committed a crime was tried, the trials would last for years. After thinking it over, the president stood ready at her microphone to give her decision about who should be tried, in what order, and


when. But when she spoke, she shocked everyone listening. She declared a general pardon. No one would be tried. Everyone would be forgiven. Hearing this, I burst into tears. I thought of the sin in my life and how I’d been forgiven. I deserve to go to trial before God as a result of my sin, but instead I’ve been offered forgiveness through the sacrifice Jesus made for me—once and for all. The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). God made the way for us to be forgiven and to receive the gift of eternal life. God promised thousands of years ago to do this, and He did! He is faithful. Tori Funkhouser ROCKHARBOR Church

Offers perspective and context to the lesson’s Bible passage

Born in the hill country of Judah to Elizabeth, a relative of Mary the mother of Jesus, John the Baptist was the cousin of Jesus. He came preaching in the spirit and power of Elijah (Luke 1:17). In a sense, John the Baptist bridged the gap between the Old Testament and the New Testament. John’s first testimony to who Jesus was came before his birth. When Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, came into the room, John leaped in his mother’s womb (Luke 1:41). This foretold what lay ahead for John’s future. His life’s goal and mission would be testifying to who Jesus was. Taking the Nazarite vow, John was set apart to God. He wouldn’t drink wine or strong drink, cut his hair, or go near a dead body. His unique appearance and dress added to his likeness to Elijah. Jewish tradition holds that after Elijah’s death, his mantle was stored in a small chamber

in the golden altar in the temple. Hundreds of years later, when John was born, this tradition tells that Zechariah, John’s father, took the mantle for his son to wear during his ministry. John paved the way for Jesus by calling people to repent and be baptized as a symbol of turning away from their sin. Multitudes flocked to the wilderness to hear the message of John. When Jesus, too, came to be baptized, John acknowledged that this was indeed the Messiah Israel had been waiting for. Even in the face of death, John maintained his witness to King Herod. In Luke 7:28, Jesus described John as the greatest man who had ever lived. The faithfulness of John reflected the faithfulness of our God. John provided a witness to the coming of God’s Son, and John took the responsibility of fulfilling that mission.

Support Provides reflection and assessment through encouragement, prayer, and time in God’s Word Each of us has a sense of what it means to prepare. Preparation requires planning and considering various possibilities. This week, as you’re preparing to welcome children to learn more about The Big God Story, consider how God has been faithful in your life. Look back at His promises and how He has worked in ways both expected and unexpected. You may want to make a list of each category to help remind you of His faithfulness in the past. Then, look ahead. What is He calling you to do in the future? Spring Lesson 1 – Large Group/Small Group

In your home? At church? In your community? How can you be a light and a voice that directs people to Jesus? Take time to share what you’re hearing from God with someone you trust. Ask that person to pray for you and encourage you in the days and weeks ahead. First Thessalonians 5:24 says, “The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.” Watch together as He works in your life and the lives of those around you to accomplish His plans, in His timing and in His way. 2


EXPLORE//10 minutes Children engage in fun, creative activities designed to pique their curiosity about the day’s portion of The Big God Story. At the beginning of the New Testament we read about a man named John. John, whom God sent to prepare the way for Jesus, ate locusts, wore clothes made from camel hair, and lived in the wilderness. Lead the children through these EXPLORE activities to get them thinking about life in the wilderness.

Option 1: What Do We Need? (for younger kids) SUPPLIES •• What Do We Need? images (see Resources) PREPARE AHEAD Print the images. RELATE Today we’re going to hear about a man named John. John did things pretty differently from others. He ate locusts, or bugs kind of like grasshoppers, wore clothes made out of camel’s hair, and lived in the wilderness. But God used him to give a very important message to Israel. Would you ever want to live out in the wilderness? Invite responses. If I spent time in the wilderness, I would really need to bring some supplies! Even though you and I don’t live in the wilderness, we still need to be prepared when

we go places. Let’s see if we can think of some supplies we might need for different kinds of situations. Encourage the children to sit in a circle on the floor or around a table, and place the images facedown in the middle of the group. Hold up one image at a time, and have the children point out the items they would bring with them if they did the activity shown in the image. Discuss why they would need each item and what issues they might face if they didn’t have that item.

Option 2: What Would You Bring? (for older kids) SUPPLIES •  What Would You Bring? cards (see Resources) •  Scissors •• Bowl or hat SET UP Print the cards, cut them apart, fold them, and place them in the bowl or hat. RELATE Today we’re going to hear about a man named John. John did things pretty differently from others. He ate locusts, or bugs kind of like grasshoppers, wore clothes made out of camel’s hair, and lived in the wilderness. But God used him to give a very important message to Israel. Would you ever want to live out in the wilderness? Invite responses. If I spent time in the wilderness, I would really need to bring some supplies! Even though you and I don’t live in the wilderness, we still need to be prepared when


we go places. Let’s see if we can think of some supplies we might need for different kinds of situations. Encourage the children to sit in a circle on the floor or around a table, and place the bowl in the center. Pull out one card at a time, and read the category aloud. Then have the kids brainstorm what items they would bring with them in order to be prepared for that activity or event. Discuss why they would need each item and what issues they might face if they didn’t have that item.

Spring Lesson 1 – Large Group/Small Group


DISCOVER//30 minutes Children participate in discovering God’s Word through Bible verse memorization, interactive storytelling techniques, and worship as response.

Traditions and Remember Verse SUPPLIES •  Remember Verse image (see Resources) •  Remember Verse animation (see Resources) •• Mementos for your church Traditions (rocks, marbles, gum balls, etc.) RELATE Give the children mementos (such as rocks, marbles, or blocks) for accomplishments such as memorizing the Remember Verse or bringing their Bibles. Have them put the objects into a clear container or add them to a structure,

and celebrate when it’s complete. This week’s Remember Verse focuses on a character trait of God that’s highlighted in today’s portion of The Big God Story.

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

Connect QUESTION If you were stranded in the wilderness, what would you look for to eat?

Activity: Food Challenge SUPPLIES •  Connect Activity image (see Resources) •  Connect Question image (see Resources) •  Paper lunch bags (3) •  Unusual or “gross” foods (3; examples: baby food peas, sardines, spam, etc.) •  Utensils (as needed for the food) •  Disposable tablecloth or newspapers •• Optional: hand wipes, upbeat music SET UP Cover the table with the tablecloth or newspapers. Place one food item in each paper bag, and place the bags on the table along with any necessary utensils. Place a chair behind each bag. RELATE Today we’re talking about a man who ate locusts, or grasshopper-like bugs. Sounds pretty gross! Even though this man ate strange foods, God used him to bring a powerful message to Israel. Have the children select three volunteer leaders to eat

Spring Lesson 1 – Large Group/Small Group

unusual or gross foods. Bring the leaders up to the table, and invite them to pull out the foods in their bags. On your signal, have the leaders start eating while the children cheer them on. Optional: Tech: Cue upbeat music. The leader who finishes first wins the competition.


The Big God Story Bible Passage: Isaiah 40:3; Matthew 3 Storytelling Technique: First-Person Monologue God Is Faithful SUPPLIES •  Timeline image (see Resources) •  Timeline animation (see Resources) •  Images: Wilderness, Locusts (see Resources) •  Bibles •  Costume for John the Baptist (robe or tunic made from scratchy fabric, messy-hair wig, etc.) •  Green beans or other food to represent locusts (about 1/4 c.) •• Flashlight PREPARE AHEAD Today’s portion of The Big God Story will be told from the perspective of John the Baptist. Ahead of time, recruit a leader to play this role. Give him the costume supplies, green beans, and flashlight, along with a copy of the script. If possible, set up a time to rehearse before the service. RELATE Lead children in a Prayer of Release to pause, be still, and ask the Holy Spirit to quiet their hearts and minds. Storyteller playing John the Baptist comes up to the stage, munching on the green beans. He strolls along, enjoying his snack, and then suddenly realizes he’s not alone. Oh, hello, there! I didn’t see you there. I’m just enjoying a little snack as I go for my walk today. What kinds of things do you like to snack on? Invite responses. Wow, those things all sound really good. But you know what I love to eat? John holds up a few green beans. Locusts! Yes, crispy, crunchy, delicious locusts. They’re bugs that look like grasshoppers. Don’t they sound delicious? John enthusiastically devours a few more “locusts.” I know, I know—to you that may sound a little weird. But I always did things my own way. I like to wear clothes made out of the hair of camels, and I live way out in the wilderness by myself. But before I go any further, let me introduce myself: I’m John the Baptist. John bows in greeting. God used me for an important job in The Big God Story. He led me to tell people about His faithfulness as I prepared the way for the Messiah, Jesus! Let me tell you about it. Remember how, a couple of weeks ago, you heard how Israel split into two nations, Israel and Judah? After that, something strange happened: God didn’t speak to His people through prophets or judges for 400 years! It was a dark time for God’s people while they waited for Him to speak again. But even though it seemed dark, God hadn’t gone anywhere. God still remembered His promise to send the Redeemer. He was waiting for just the right moment in history to bring His promise to bring Jesus to earth. The prophet Isaiah spoke about how this would happen. What’s a prophet? Pause for responses. That’s right: A prophet shares God’s message with His people. Let’s take a look at one of these messages. Invite children to turn to Isaiah 40:3 in their Bibles. God spoke to the prophet Isaiah, saying, “A voice of one calling: ‘In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall 5

be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level … And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together’” (Isaiah 40:3–5). This message said God’s Son would be revealed so everyone could see Him. It also said someone’s voice would cry out to prepare the way for Jesus. Whose voice do you think this was? Pause for responses. It was my voice! I was the one shouting (John cups his hands around his mouth and shouts), “Prepare the way for the Lord” (v. 3). Like I told you earlier, I lived in the wilderness (Tech: Cue Wilderness image) and ate honey and locusts. Tech: Cue Locusts image. Maybe I seemed strange to some people, but God used me to deliver a message to His people for the first time in 400 years—a message that brought light to the darkness! Tech: Dim lights. John turns on flashlight and shines it around the room. The Bible says I “came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe” (John 1:7). What does Jesus’ name mean? Pause for responses. That’s right: “God saves.” Jesus came into the world to save people from their sins and invite them to be a part of The Big God Story. John shines flashlight across the audience. God wanted His light to shine on everyone through His Son, Jesus. So God sent me to help tell people the Messiah had come … and to prepare their hearts to receive Him. Tech: Turn on lights as John turns off the flashlight. Now, I don’t mean to brag (John straightens his robe), but crowds of people came to hear the message God told me to share. Some people walked at least 20 miles to hear me speak—a long way! And what did I say? You can read it yourself by turning to Matthew 3:2: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Does anyone know what repent means? Pause for responses. To repent means to turn away from doing wrong and to turn toward Jesus. God said, “To all who … believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12). This means that when we trust and obey Jesus, we become a part of His family! Spring Lesson 1 – Large Group/Small Group

When a person chose to repent, I used water to give an outward sign of that. This is called baptism. But I wanted the people to know that I wasn’t the Messiah myself—no way! And only the Messiah can save people from their sins. I just baptized people to help them prepare their hearts for Jesus. I said, “After me comes the one more powerful than I … I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the

Holy Spirit” (Mark 1:7–8). God promised a long time ago to send the Redeemer, Jesus, to restore mankind’s relationship with God. And even though thousands of years had passed, God kept that promise because He is faithful. God made the way for us to be forgiven of our sins and to be with Him forever. Share a personal story about God’s faithfulness in your life.

Worship as Response This time allows kids to respond to God through worship. Make plans for your worship time, but prepare yourself and your team to hold them loosely if the Holy Spirit leads the group in a different direction. SUPPLIES •  Large cross (3’–6’) •• Quiet worship music (suggestion: “Thank You,” TruWorship Sincerely Yours) SET UP Place the cross at the back of the room. RELATE To repent means to turn from wrongdoing and turn to God. It’s a true change of heart—not just a one-time thing. It doesn’t just mean you feel sorry about your sins; it means you’re truly turning away from those things. No matter what we’ve done in the past or will do in the future, God is faithful, and He will never, ever leave us. The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). You can spend a few

moments talking to God right now. Ask Him to show you anything in your life that you need to repent of. If you ask Him to forgive you, He will. He will never stop loving you. Tech: Cue music. Invite the children to stand and turn toward the cross in the back of the room. Let them know they can go to the cross, kneel before it, and ask God to fill them with His Spirit and purify them from all unrighteousness. Have leaders walk around the room, tap each child on the shoulder, and ask if they can pray for that child.


RESPOND//15 minutes Children reflect on what the Holy Spirit is teaching them and respond through creative activities and games.

Reflect: God Is Faithful Encourage the kids to open their Bibles and read the suggested passages. QUESTIONS FOR YOUNGER KIDS •  What did John do to prepare people for the Redeemer? Matthew 3:1–2, 6 •  What does repent mean? •  How does someone repent? Acts 3:19 •  Why do we need Jesus to save us? Romans 3:23 •  What happens when we repent? Acts 2:38 QUESTIONS FOR OLDER KIDS •  What did John do to prepare people for the Redeemer? Matthew 3:1–2, 6 •  What does repent mean? •  How does someone repent? Acts 3:19 •  Why do we need Jesus to save us? Romans 3:23 •  What happens when we repent? Acts 2:38 •  Can we do or say anything to stop God from being faithful to us? 2 Timothy 2:13 Spring Lesson 1 – Large Group/Small Group


Purified Children will experiment with purifying water to ponder that truth that God is faithful to forgive sins. SUPPLIES •  Water (1 gal.) •  Clear drinking glass (16 oz.) •  Small disposable cups (each 2–4 oz., 1 per child) •  Food coloring (any color) or 1 serving of colorful powdered drink mix •  Bucket (1 gal.) •• Optional: large trash bag or plastic drop cloth, hand towel SET UP Fill the drinking glass and small cups with water. RELATE Have the children form a circle, and place the bucket in the center. (Optional: Put the bucket on top of a trash bag or a plastic drop cloth.) Mix three or four drops of food coloring (or the drink mix) into the drinking glass so the water becomes dark. Give each child a small cup of water. When we repent and turn from our sins, God promises to cleanse us and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). When God fills us with His Spirit, He replaces the sinful, dark areas of our lives with His light and righteousness. Hold the drinking glass full of darkened water over the bucket, and invite kids to take turns pouring their clean

water into the darkened water. As the kids pour the water, it will dilute the darkened water and cause it to lighten and overflow into the bucket below. If the water isn’t completely clear by the time all of the children have poured their water into it, pour more water into the darkened glass until the water is clear. When we trust and obey Jesus, we receive the Holy Spirit, who lives in us and helps us become more and more like Jesus. The Bible says that “he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6). God is faithful to keep working in us every day until Jesus returns.

BLESS//5 minutes Children receive a blessing from their leaders and sometimes one another. A blessing may be prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide. SUPPLIES •  Remember Verse cards (see Resources) •  HomeFront Weekly: Lesson 2 (see Resources) •  Bible •  Rubber stamp (preferably with a cross, “I belong to God,” or “His” on it) •  Ink pad •• Optional: sticky notes or small squares of paper (1 per child) RELATE As you prepare for the blessing, explain to the kids that an ancient seal was kind of like a stamp that people would press into wax to seal letters and packages. Seals were

used as a way of marking an object to show possession, certification, or ownership of something.

Open a Bible and read Ephesians 1:13–14: And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory. Now stamp each child’s hand, or stamp a square of paper to give to the child as you say, (Child’s name), you belong to God. He will always be faithful to you and take care of you. Finally, bless the entire group with these words: May you know that God is faithful. May you know that He always keeps His covenants. Send home Remember Verse cards and the HomeFront Weekly with your kids. 7

Spring Lesson 1 – Large Group/Small Group

© 2017 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved. Reproducible for church use only.

• In Jesus’ day, baptism was seen as nothing unusual. According to Jewish tradition, baptism was one of many ceremonial purification rites. • Unlike some Christian customs, where individuals may be baptized only once, those in Jewish society might be baptized many times depending on the circumstances. • John asked his audience to repent, turn from their sins, and be baptized. This led the way to a wholly new baptism, one that symbolized being formed into a new creation.

For more information about blessing your child, go to to the Parenting tab. And for more creative ideas on spiritually leading your family, visit

A blessing to pray over your child: (Child’s name), may God fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit. May God’s Spirit lead you each day.

Blessings are often used in the Bible. A blessing can be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide.


Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

The Remember Verse focuses on a character trait of God that’s highlighted in next week’s portion of The Big God Story.



Share these facts to get the conversation started.

These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about how God Leads into your everyday life as a family.

After reading the Scripture passage, discuss these questions together: • What happened when Jesus was baptized? • Why did Jesus go out into the wilderness? • How did Jesus respond to Satan’s temptations?

Ask your children how they would feel if they didn’t eat for a day. Two days? How about 40 days? Read Matthew 3:13–17 and 4:1–11. Explain that Jesus fasted, which means He turned the time and energy He would have used to prepare and eat food into time to God. People today still fast to spend more time with God. Pray about something you could fast from this week. It could be food, but it may be television, video games, or something else that uses your time and energy. Ask God to reveal His power to your family through this time of fasting.


Lesson 3.2

PONDER POINT: GOD LEADS Temptation in the Wilderness Matthew 3:13–17; 4:1–11 Jesus faces temptations from Satan while in the wilderness and responds with Scripture.


PONDER POINT: GOD IS FAITHFUL John the Baptist Isaiah 40:3; Matthew 3 God prepares the way for Jesus through John the Baptist.


HomeFront Weekly is designed for you to use during the week with your son or daughter. You’ll find out what they learned today at church, and can help them prepare for next week by exploring the theme (or Ponder Point) and spending time together in God’s Word.


Scope and Sequence Quarter 1—Fall 2016 Lesson


Ponder Point

Bible Passage

Remember Verse


Sept 3/4

God Is Eternal

Gen. 1—3

Psalm 90:2

Gen. 6—9

Psalm 90:2

Gen. 12; 15—16

Psalm 90:2

Gen. 18; 21—22

Psalm 90:2

Gen. 25:19–34; 27

Psalm 90:2

(Creation/Fall of Man)


Sept 10/11

God Is a Covenant Keeper, Part 1 (Noah)


Sept 17/18

God Is a Covenant Keeper, Part 2 (Abram)


Sept 24/25

God Is Provider (Abraham and Isaac)


Oct 1/2

God Is Lord (Jacob and Esau)


Oct 8/9


Oct 15/16


Oct 22/23

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

Feast: Passover

God Is Faithful

Gen. 27:41—28:17; 32—33

Phil. 1:6


God Redeems

Gen. 37; 39—41

Phil. 1:6

Gen. 42—47; 50

Phil. 1:6

Ex. 1—4

Ex. 14:14

Ex. 5—12

Ex. 14:14

Ex. 12—15

Ex. 14:14

(Joseph, Part 1)


Oct 29/30

God Saves (Joseph, Part 2)


Nov 5/6

God Is I AM (Moses)


Nov 12/13

God Is Warrior (The Exodus, Part 1)


Nov 19/20

God Is Victorious (The Exodus, Part 2)


Nov 26/27

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

*A storytelling video is available for this lesson.

Feast: Unleavened Bread

Scope and Sequence Quarter 2—Winter 2016–2017 Lesson



Dec 3/4

Ponder Point

Bible Passage

Remember Verse

God Claims His People

Ex. 19—21; 24

Isaiah 9:6

Isa. 7:14; 9:1–7 Luke 1:1–4, 26–56

Isaiah 9:6

2 Sam. 7; Matt. 1 Isa. 7:1–14

Isaiah 9:6

Isa. 9:1–2, 6–7 Luke 2

Isaiah 9:6

Mic. 5:2; Jer. 31:15; Hos. 11:1; Matt. 2

Isaiah 9:6

(Wise Men)

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

Festival: First Fruits

God Is Strength

Josh. 1; 3—4

Isaiah 40:29

Josh. 6—10

Isaiah 40:29

(Mosaic Covenant)


Dec 10/11

Jesus Is Immanuel (Mary)


Dec 17/18

God Is Hope (Joseph)


Dec 24/25

Jesus Is the Promised Savior (Birth of Jesus)


Dec 31/Jan1


Jan 7/8


Jan 14/15

Jesus Is King

(Entering the Promised Land)


Jan 21/22

God Is Powerful (Taking the Promised Land)


Jan 28/29

God Is Victorious (David and Goliath)

1 Sam. 16—17

Isaiah 40:29


Feb 4/5

God Is Sovereign

2 Sam. 2; 5—7

Psalm 31:19

1 Kings 1—6

Psalm 31:19

1 Kings 7—11

Psalm 31:19

(King David)


Feb 11/12

God Blesses (Solomon, Part 1)


Feb 18/19

God Is Trustworthy (Solomon, Part 2)

2.13 Bonus Lesson

Feb 25/26

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

Feast: Harvest

The Christmas Advent and Nativity

Matt. 1:21–23 Luke 2:9–11


*A storytelling video is available for this lesson.

Scope and Sequence Quarter 3—Spring 2017 Lesson


Ponder Point

Bible Passage

Remember Verse


Mar 4/5

God Is Faithful

Is. 40:3 Matt. 3

Hebrews 4:16


Mar 11/12

Matt. 3:13–17; 4:1–11

Hebrews 4:16

(Temptation in the Wilderness)


Mar 18/19

God Forgives

Mark 2:1–12

Hebrews 4:16


Mar 25/26

Matt. 8:1–4; 9:18–26 Mark 5:21–43

Hebrews 4:16


Apr 1/2

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

Feast: Trumpets


Apr 8/9

Jesus Is King

Matt. 21:1–11 John 12:12–19

Psalm 145:8

(Palm Sunday)


Apr 15/16

The Big God Story


Psalm 145:8


Apr 22/23

John 2:23–25; 3:1–21

Psalm 145:8

Matt. 14:13–21 John 6:1–15

Psalm 145:8

Matt. 14:22–36 John 6:16–21

John 11:25–26a

(Walking on Water)

Jesus Restores

John 9

John 11:25–26a

John 11

John 11:25–26a

(John the Baptist)

God Leads

(Healing of the Paralyzed Man)

God Is Help (Healing of the Leper, Jairus’s Daughter, Sick Woman)


God Is Love (Nicodemus’s Question)


Apr 29/30

Jesus Is Compassionate (Feeding of the 5,000)


May 6/7


May 13/14


May 20/21


May 27/28

Bonus Lesson

God Is Near

(Healing of the Blind Man)

Jesus Is Life (Lazarus)

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

Festival: Day of Atonement

Jesus Loves You and Me

John 18–19 Luke 22:39—23:56

(Good Friday)

*A storytelling video is available for this lesson.

Scope and Sequence Quarter 4—Summer 2017 Lesson



Jun 3/4


Jun 10/11

Ponder Point

Bible Passage

Remember Verse

God's Love Compels

Matt. 26:1–56 Luke 22:1–53

Psalm 111:9

(Jesus' Anointing, Last Supper, Betrayal)

God Restores Relationship

Luke 22:63—24:8

Psalm 111:9

God’s Spirit Changes Everything

Matt. 28:16–20 Acts 1—2

Psalm 111:9

(Ascension and Holy Spirit)

God’s Power Changes Everything

Acts 3:1–10

Psalm 111:9

Acts 9:1–31

Psalm 111:9

(Trial, Crucifixion, Resurrection)

4.3 4.4

Jun 17/18

Jun 24/25

(Healing of the Beggar)


Jul 1/2

God’s Son Changes Everything (Paul’s Conversion)


Jul 8/9

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

Feast: Tabernacles


Jul 15/16

God Wants Everyone to Know Him

Acts 11:19–30

John 14:6–7

Acts 16:16–35

John 14:6–7

Acts 17

John 14:6–7

Acts 19 Eph. 1

Acts 4:12

(Paul in Ephesus)

God Calls Us to Life with Him

Acts 27—28

Acts 4:12

Rev. 19:11–21; 21—22

Acts 4:12

(Paul in Antioch)


Jul 22/23

God Delivers (Paul and Silas in Prison)


Jul 29/30

God Is the Living God (Paul in Athens)

4.10 4.11*

Aug 5/6

Aug 12/13

God Calls Us His Own

(Paul in Rome)


Aug 19/20

God Is the Beginning and the End (Promise of Jesus’ Return)


Aug 26/27

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

*A storytelling video is available for this lesson. *The Scope and Sequence is subject to change.

Festival: Jubilee

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Large Group/Small Group

Spring Lesson 1

Bible Passage: Isaiah 40:3; Matthew 3 (John the Baptist)

God Is Faithful

Remember Verse

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16


Option 1: What Do We Need? (for younger

(3; examples: baby food peas, sardines, spam, etc.) •  Utensils (as needed for the food) •  Disposable tablecloth or newspapers •• Optional: hand wipes, upbeat music


The Big God Story

SUPPLIES •• What Do We Need? images *

SUPPLIES •  Timeline image * •  Timeline animation * •  Images: Wilderness, Locusts * •  Bibles •  Costume for John the Baptist (robe or tunic made from scratchy fabric, messy-hair wig, etc.) •  Green beans or other food to represent locusts (about 1/4 c.) •• Flashlight

Option 2: What Would You Bring? (for older kids) SUPPLIES •  What Would You Bring? cards * •  Scissors •• Bowl or hat

DISCOVER// 30 minutes

Traditions and Remember Verse SUPPLIES •  Remember Verse image * •  Remember Verse animation * •• Mementos for your church Traditions (rocks, marbles, gum balls, etc.)

Connect Activity: Food Challenge SUPPLIES •  Connect Activity image * •  Connect Question image * •  Paper lunch bags (3) •  Unusual or “gross” foods 1

*see Resources

of colorful powdered drink mix •  Bucket (1 gal.) •• Optional: large trash bag or plastic drop cloth, hand towel


5 minutes SUPPLIES •  Remember Verse cards * •  HomeFront Weekly: Lesson 2 * •  Bible •  Rubber stamp (preferably with a cross, “I belong to God,” or “His” on it) •  Ink pad •• Optional: sticky notes or small squares of paper (1 per child)

Worship as Response SUPPLIES •  Large cross (3’–6’) •• Quiet worship music (suggestion: “Thank You,” TruWorship Sincerely Yours)

RESPOND// 15 minutes

Reflect: God Is Faithful Purified SUPPLIES •  Water (1 gal.) •  Clear drinking glass (16 oz.) •  Small disposable cups (each 2–4 oz., 1 per child) •  Food coloring (any color) or 1 serving

Further Resources To help you plan and lead: Customizable copy of Lesson 1 2016–17 Scope and Sequence TruStory How It Works document Small Group Enhancement HomeFront Weekly: Lesson 1 The weekly for the next lesson— to be sent home for preteaching by parents—is found in BLESS.

© 2017 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved. Reproducible for church use only.

LEADER PREP Each week you’ll find a list of resources along with encouraging articles that help you prepare your heart to present the lesson.


Shares personal stories from fellow ministry leaders about how God has worked in their lives

In a television series I watched, humanity lived through a yearlong occupation by hostile foreigners. During the occupation, people made difficult choices. Some chose to collaborate with the foreigners in order to obtain and deliver covert information, turning on their own people. Others organized a resistance movement and sacrificed members as suicide bombers. All felt justified, no matter their actions. Later, trials convicting people of treason or murder began. The penalty for these crimes was death. However, just as they began, the president stopped the trials, as it was clear that if every person who had committed a crime was tried, the trials would last for years. After thinking it over, the president stood ready at her microphone to give her decision about who should be tried, in what order, and


when. But when she spoke, she shocked everyone listening. She declared a general pardon. No one would be tried. Everyone would be forgiven. Hearing this, I burst into tears. I thought of the sin in my life and how I’d been forgiven. I deserve to go to trial before God as a result of my sin, but instead I’ve been offered forgiveness through the sacrifice Jesus made for me—once and for all. The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). God made the way for us to be forgiven and to receive the gift of eternal life. God promised thousands of years ago to do this, and He did! He is faithful. Tori Funkhouser ROCKHARBOR Church

Offers perspective and context to the lesson’s Bible passage

Born in the hill country of Judah to Elizabeth, a relative of Mary the mother of Jesus, John the Baptist was the cousin of Jesus. He came preaching in the spirit and power of Elijah (Luke 1:17). In a sense, John the Baptist bridged the gap between the Old Testament and the New Testament. John’s first testimony to who Jesus was came before his birth. When Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, came into the room, John leaped in his mother’s womb (Luke 1:41). This foretold what lay ahead for John’s future. His life’s goal and mission would be testifying to who Jesus was. Taking the Nazarite vow, John was set apart to God. He wouldn’t drink wine or strong drink, cut his hair, or go near a dead body. His unique appearance and dress added to his likeness to Elijah. Jewish tradition holds that after Elijah’s death, his mantle was stored in a small chamber

in the golden altar in the temple. Hundreds of years later, when John was born, this tradition tells that Zechariah, John’s father, took the mantle for his son to wear during his ministry. John paved the way for Jesus by calling people to repent and be baptized as a symbol of turning away from their sin. Multitudes flocked to the wilderness to hear the message of John. When Jesus, too, came to be baptized, John acknowledged that this was indeed the Messiah Israel had been waiting for. Even in the face of death, John maintained his witness to King Herod. In Luke 7:28, Jesus described John as the greatest man who had ever lived. The faithfulness of John reflected the faithfulness of our God. John provided a witness to the coming of God’s Son, and John took the responsibility of fulfilling that mission.

Support Provides reflection and assessment through encouragement, prayer, and time in God’s Word Each of us has a sense of what it means to prepare. Preparation requires planning and considering various possibilities. This week, as you’re preparing to welcome children to learn more about The Big God Story, consider how God has been faithful in your life. Look back at His promises and how He has worked in ways both expected and unexpected. You may want to make a list of each category to help remind you of His faithfulness in the past. Then, look ahead. What is He calling you to do in the future? Spring Lesson 1 – Large Group/Small Group

In your home? At church? In your community? How can you be a light and a voice that directs people to Jesus? Take time to share what you’re hearing from God with someone you trust. Ask that person to pray for you and encourage you in the days and weeks ahead. First Thessalonians 5:24 says, “The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.” Watch together as He works in your life and the lives of those around you to accomplish His plans, in His timing and in His way. 2


EXPLORE//10 minutes Children engage in fun, creative activities designed to pique their curiosity about the day’s portion of The Big God Story. At the beginning of the New Testament we read about a man named John. John, whom God sent to prepare the way for Jesus, ate locusts, wore clothes made from camel hair, and lived in the wilderness. Lead the children through these EXPLORE activities to get them thinking about life in the wilderness.

Option 1: What Do We Need? (for younger kids) SUPPLIES •• What Do We Need? images (see Resources) PREPARE AHEAD Print the images. RELATE Today we’re going to hear about a man named John. John did things pretty differently from others. He ate locusts, or bugs kind of like grasshoppers, wore clothes made out of camel’s hair, and lived in the wilderness. But God used him to give a very important message to Israel. Would you ever want to live out in the wilderness? Invite responses. If I spent time in the wilderness, I would really need to bring some supplies! Even though you and I don’t live in the wilderness, we still need to be prepared when

we go places. Let’s see if we can think of some supplies we might need for different kinds of situations. Encourage the children to sit in a circle on the floor or around a table, and place the images facedown in the middle of the group. Hold up one image at a time, and have the children point out the items they would bring with them if they did the activity shown in the image. Discuss why they would need each item and what issues they might face if they didn’t have that item.

Option 2: What Would You Bring? (for older kids) SUPPLIES •  What Would You Bring? cards (see Resources) •  Scissors •• Bowl or hat SET UP Print the cards, cut them apart, fold them, and place them in the bowl or hat. RELATE Today we’re going to hear about a man named John. John did things pretty differently from others. He ate locusts, or bugs kind of like grasshoppers, wore clothes made out of camel’s hair, and lived in the wilderness. But God used him to give a very important message to Israel. Would you ever want to live out in the wilderness? Invite responses. If I spent time in the wilderness, I would really need to bring some supplies! Even though you and I don’t live in the wilderness, we still need to be prepared when


we go places. Let’s see if we can think of some supplies we might need for different kinds of situations. Encourage the children to sit in a circle on the floor or around a table, and place the bowl in the center. Pull out one card at a time, and read the category aloud. Then have the kids brainstorm what items they would bring with them in order to be prepared for that activity or event. Discuss why they would need each item and what issues they might face if they didn’t have that item.

Spring Lesson 1 – Large Group/Small Group


DISCOVER//30 minutes Children participate in discovering God’s Word through Bible verse memorization, interactive storytelling techniques, and worship as response.

Traditions and Remember Verse SUPPLIES •  Remember Verse image (see Resources) •  Remember Verse animation (see Resources) •• Mementos for your church Traditions (rocks, marbles, gum balls, etc.) RELATE Give the children mementos (such as rocks, marbles, or blocks) for accomplishments such as memorizing the Remember Verse or bringing their Bibles. Have them put the objects into a clear container or add them to a structure,

and celebrate when it’s complete. This week’s Remember Verse focuses on a character trait of God that’s highlighted in today’s portion of The Big God Story.

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

Connect QUESTION If you were stranded in the wilderness, what would you look for to eat?

Activity: Food Challenge SUPPLIES •  Connect Activity image (see Resources) •  Connect Question image (see Resources) •  Paper lunch bags (3) •  Unusual or “gross” foods (3; examples: baby food peas, sardines, spam, etc.) •  Utensils (as needed for the food) •  Disposable tablecloth or newspapers •• Optional: hand wipes, upbeat music SET UP Cover the table with the tablecloth or newspapers. Place one food item in each paper bag, and place the bags on the table along with any necessary utensils. Place a chair behind each bag. RELATE Today we’re talking about a man who ate locusts, or grasshopper-like bugs. Sounds pretty gross! Even though this man ate strange foods, God used him to bring a powerful message to Israel. Have the children select three volunteer leaders to eat

Spring Lesson 1 – Large Group/Small Group

unusual or gross foods. Bring the leaders up to the table, and invite them to pull out the foods in their bags. On your signal, have the leaders start eating while the children cheer them on. Optional: Tech: Cue upbeat music. The leader who finishes first wins the competition.


The Big God Story Bible Passage: Isaiah 40:3; Matthew 3 Storytelling Technique: First-Person Monologue God Is Faithful SUPPLIES •  Timeline image (see Resources) •  Timeline animation (see Resources) •  Images: Wilderness, Locusts (see Resources) •  Bibles •  Costume for John the Baptist (robe or tunic made from scratchy fabric, messy-hair wig, etc.) •  Green beans or other food to represent locusts (about 1/4 c.) •• Flashlight PREPARE AHEAD Today’s portion of The Big God Story will be told from the perspective of John the Baptist. Ahead of time, recruit a leader to play this role. Give him the costume supplies, green beans, and flashlight, along with a copy of the script. If possible, set up a time to rehearse before the service. RELATE Lead children in a Prayer of Release to pause, be still, and ask the Holy Spirit to quiet their hearts and minds. Storyteller playing John the Baptist comes up to the stage, munching on the green beans. He strolls along, enjoying his snack, and then suddenly realizes he’s not alone. Oh, hello, there! I didn’t see you there. I’m just enjoying a little snack as I go for my walk today. What kinds of things do you like to snack on? Invite responses. Wow, those things all sound really good. But you know what I love to eat? John holds up a few green beans. Locusts! Yes, crispy, crunchy, delicious locusts. They’re bugs that look like grasshoppers. Don’t they sound delicious? John enthusiastically devours a few more “locusts.” I know, I know—to you that may sound a little weird. But I always did things my own way. I like to wear clothes made out of the hair of camels, and I live way out in the wilderness by myself. But before I go any further, let me introduce myself: I’m John the Baptist. John bows in greeting. God used me for an important job in The Big God Story. He led me to tell people about His faithfulness as I prepared the way for the Messiah, Jesus! Let me tell you about it. Remember how, a couple of weeks ago, you heard how Israel split into two nations, Israel and Judah? After that, something strange happened: God didn’t speak to His people through prophets or judges for 400 years! It was a dark time for God’s people while they waited for Him to speak again. But even though it seemed dark, God hadn’t gone anywhere. God still remembered His promise to send the Redeemer. He was waiting for just the right moment in history to bring His promise to bring Jesus to earth. The prophet Isaiah spoke about how this would happen. What’s a prophet? Pause for responses. That’s right: A prophet shares God’s message with His people. Let’s take a look at one of these messages. Invite children to turn to Isaiah 40:3 in their Bibles. God spoke to the prophet Isaiah, saying, “A voice of one calling: ‘In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall 5

be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level … And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together’” (Isaiah 40:3–5). This message said God’s Son would be revealed so everyone could see Him. It also said someone’s voice would cry out to prepare the way for Jesus. Whose voice do you think this was? Pause for responses. It was my voice! I was the one shouting (John cups his hands around his mouth and shouts), “Prepare the way for the Lord” (v. 3). Like I told you earlier, I lived in the wilderness (Tech: Cue Wilderness image) and ate honey and locusts. Tech: Cue Locusts image. Maybe I seemed strange to some people, but God used me to deliver a message to His people for the first time in 400 years—a message that brought light to the darkness! Tech: Dim lights. John turns on flashlight and shines it around the room. The Bible says I “came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe” (John 1:7). What does Jesus’ name mean? Pause for responses. That’s right: “God saves.” Jesus came into the world to save people from their sins and invite them to be a part of The Big God Story. John shines flashlight across the audience. God wanted His light to shine on everyone through His Son, Jesus. So God sent me to help tell people the Messiah had come … and to prepare their hearts to receive Him. Tech: Turn on lights as John turns off the flashlight. Now, I don’t mean to brag (John straightens his robe), but crowds of people came to hear the message God told me to share. Some people walked at least 20 miles to hear me speak—a long way! And what did I say? You can read it yourself by turning to Matthew 3:2: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Does anyone know what repent means? Pause for responses. To repent means to turn away from doing wrong and to turn toward Jesus. God said, “To all who … believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12). This means that when we trust and obey Jesus, we become a part of His family! Spring Lesson 1 – Large Group/Small Group

When a person chose to repent, I used water to give an outward sign of that. This is called baptism. But I wanted the people to know that I wasn’t the Messiah myself—no way! And only the Messiah can save people from their sins. I just baptized people to help them prepare their hearts for Jesus. I said, “After me comes the one more powerful than I … I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the

Holy Spirit” (Mark 1:7–8). God promised a long time ago to send the Redeemer, Jesus, to restore mankind’s relationship with God. And even though thousands of years had passed, God kept that promise because He is faithful. God made the way for us to be forgiven of our sins and to be with Him forever. Share a personal story about God’s faithfulness in your life.

Worship as Response This time allows kids to respond to God through worship. Make plans for your worship time, but prepare yourself and your team to hold them loosely if the Holy Spirit leads the group in a different direction. SUPPLIES •  Large cross (3’–6’) •• Quiet worship music (suggestion: “Thank You,” TruWorship Sincerely Yours) SET UP Place the cross at the back of the room. RELATE To repent means to turn from wrongdoing and turn to God. It’s a true change of heart—not just a one-time thing. It doesn’t just mean you feel sorry about your sins; it means you’re truly turning away from those things. No matter what we’ve done in the past or will do in the future, God is faithful, and He will never, ever leave us. The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). You can spend a few

moments talking to God right now. Ask Him to show you anything in your life that you need to repent of. If you ask Him to forgive you, He will. He will never stop loving you. Tech: Cue music. Invite the children to stand and turn toward the cross in the back of the room. Let them know they can go to the cross, kneel before it, and ask God to fill them with His Spirit and purify them from all unrighteousness. Have leaders walk around the room, tap each child on the shoulder, and ask if they can pray for that child.


RESPOND//15 minutes Children reflect on what the Holy Spirit is teaching them and respond through creative activities and games.

Reflect: God Is Faithful Encourage the kids to open their Bibles and read the suggested passages. QUESTIONS FOR YOUNGER KIDS •  What did John do to prepare people for the Redeemer? Matthew 3:1–2, 6 •  What does repent mean? •  How does someone repent? Acts 3:19 •  Why do we need Jesus to save us? Romans 3:23 •  What happens when we repent? Acts 2:38 QUESTIONS FOR OLDER KIDS •  What did John do to prepare people for the Redeemer? Matthew 3:1–2, 6 •  What does repent mean? •  How does someone repent? Acts 3:19 •  Why do we need Jesus to save us? Romans 3:23 •  What happens when we repent? Acts 2:38 •  Can we do or say anything to stop God from being faithful to us? 2 Timothy 2:13 Spring Lesson 1 – Large Group/Small Group


Purified Children will experiment with purifying water to ponder that truth that God is faithful to forgive sins. SUPPLIES •  Water (1 gal.) •  Clear drinking glass (16 oz.) •  Small disposable cups (each 2–4 oz., 1 per child) •  Food coloring (any color) or 1 serving of colorful powdered drink mix •  Bucket (1 gal.) •• Optional: large trash bag or plastic drop cloth, hand towel SET UP Fill the drinking glass and small cups with water. RELATE Have the children form a circle, and place the bucket in the center. (Optional: Put the bucket on top of a trash bag or a plastic drop cloth.) Mix three or four drops of food coloring (or the drink mix) into the drinking glass so the water becomes dark. Give each child a small cup of water. When we repent and turn from our sins, God promises to cleanse us and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). When God fills us with His Spirit, He replaces the sinful, dark areas of our lives with His light and righteousness. Hold the drinking glass full of darkened water over the bucket, and invite kids to take turns pouring their clean

water into the darkened water. As the kids pour the water, it will dilute the darkened water and cause it to lighten and overflow into the bucket below. If the water isn’t completely clear by the time all of the children have poured their water into it, pour more water into the darkened glass until the water is clear. When we trust and obey Jesus, we receive the Holy Spirit, who lives in us and helps us become more and more like Jesus. The Bible says that “he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6). God is faithful to keep working in us every day until Jesus returns.

BLESS//5 minutes Children receive a blessing from their leaders and sometimes one another. A blessing may be prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide. SUPPLIES •  Remember Verse cards (see Resources) •  HomeFront Weekly: Lesson 2 (see Resources) •  Bible •  Rubber stamp (preferably with a cross, “I belong to God,” or “His” on it) •  Ink pad •• Optional: sticky notes or small squares of paper (1 per child) RELATE As you prepare for the blessing, explain to the kids that an ancient seal was kind of like a stamp that people would press into wax to seal letters and packages. Seals were

used as a way of marking an object to show possession, certification, or ownership of something.

Open a Bible and read Ephesians 1:13–14: And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory. Now stamp each child’s hand, or stamp a square of paper to give to the child as you say, (Child’s name), you belong to God. He will always be faithful to you and take care of you. Finally, bless the entire group with these words: May you know that God is faithful. May you know that He always keeps His covenants. Send home Remember Verse cards and the HomeFront Weekly with your kids. 7

Spring Lesson 1 – Large Group/Small Group


HomeFront Weekly is designed for you to use during the week with your son or daughter. You’ll find out what they learned today at church, and can help them prepare for next week by exploring the theme (or Ponder Point) and spending time together in God’s Word.

WHAT WE LEARNED THIS WEEK PONDER POINT: GOD IS FAITHFUL John the Baptist Isaiah 40:3; Matthew 3 God prepares the way for Jesus through John the Baptist.

WHERE WE’RE HEADED NEXT TIME PONDER POINT: GOD LEADS Temptation in the Wilderness Matthew 3:13–17; 4:1–11 Jesus faces temptations from Satan while in the wilderness and responds with Scripture.

DID YOU KNOW? Share these facts to get the conversation started. • In Jesus’ day, baptism was seen as nothing unusual. According to Jewish tradition, baptism was one of many ceremonial purification rites. • Unlike some Christian customs, where individuals may be baptized only once, those in Jewish society might be baptized many times depending on the circumstances. • John asked his audience to repent, turn from their sins, and be baptized. This led the way to a wholly new baptism, one that symbolized being formed into a new creation.

Lesson 3.2

CONNECT AS A FAMILY Ask your children how they would feel if they didn’t eat for a day. Two days? How about 40 days? Read Matthew 3:13–17 and 4:1–11. Explain that Jesus fasted, which means He turned the time and energy He would have used to prepare and eat food into time to God. People today still fast to spend more time with God. Pray about something you could fast from this week. It could be food, but it may be television, video games, or something else that uses your time and energy. Ask God to reveal His power to your family through this time of fasting. After reading the Scripture passage, discuss these questions together: • What happened when Jesus was baptized? • Why did Jesus go out into the wilderness? • How did Jesus respond to Satan’s temptations? These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about how God Leads into your everyday life as a family.


The Remember Verse focuses on a character trait of God that’s highlighted in next week’s portion of The Big God Story.

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

BLESSING Blessings are often used in the Bible. A blessing can be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide. A blessing to pray over your child: (Child’s name), may God fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit. May God’s Spirit lead you each day. For more information about blessing your child, go to to the Parenting tab. And for more creative ideas on spiritually leading your family, visit

© 2017 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved. Reproducible for church use only.

Scope and Sequence Quarter 1—Fall 2016 Lesson


Ponder Point

Bible Passage

Remember Verse


Sept 3/4

God Is Eternal

Gen. 1—3

Psalm 90:2

Gen. 6—9

Psalm 90:2

Gen. 12; 15—16

Psalm 90:2

Gen. 18; 21—22

Psalm 90:2

Gen. 25:19–34; 27

Psalm 90:2

(Creation/Fall of Man)


Sept 10/11

God Is a Covenant Keeper, Part 1 (Noah)


Sept 17/18

God Is a Covenant Keeper, Part 2 (Abram)


Sept 24/25

God Is Provider (Abraham and Isaac)


Oct 1/2

God Is Lord (Jacob and Esau)


Oct 8/9


Oct 15/16


Oct 22/23

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

Feast: Passover

God Is Faithful

Gen. 27:41—28:17; 32—33

Phil. 1:6


God Redeems

Gen. 37; 39—41

Phil. 1:6

Gen. 42—47; 50

Phil. 1:6

Ex. 1—4

Ex. 14:14

Ex. 5—12

Ex. 14:14

Ex. 12—15

Ex. 14:14

(Joseph, Part 1)


Oct 29/30

God Saves (Joseph, Part 2)


Nov 5/6

God Is I AM (Moses)


Nov 12/13

God Is Warrior (The Exodus, Part 1)


Nov 19/20

God Is Victorious (The Exodus, Part 2)


Nov 26/27

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

*A storytelling video is available for this lesson.

Feast: Unleavened Bread

Scope and Sequence Quarter 2—Winter 2016–2017 Lesson



Dec 3/4

Ponder Point

Bible Passage

Remember Verse

God Claims His People

Ex. 19—21; 24

Isaiah 9:6

Isa. 7:14; 9:1–7 Luke 1:1–4, 26–56

Isaiah 9:6

2 Sam. 7; Matt. 1 Isa. 7:1–14

Isaiah 9:6

Isa. 9:1–2, 6–7 Luke 2

Isaiah 9:6

Mic. 5:2; Jer. 31:15; Hos. 11:1; Matt. 2

Isaiah 9:6

(Wise Men)

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

Festival: First Fruits

God Is Strength

Josh. 1; 3—4

Isaiah 40:29

Josh. 6—10

Isaiah 40:29

(Mosaic Covenant)


Dec 10/11

Jesus Is Immanuel (Mary)


Dec 17/18

God Is Hope (Joseph)


Dec 24/25

Jesus Is the Promised Savior (Birth of Jesus)


Dec 31/Jan1


Jan 7/8


Jan 14/15

Jesus Is King

(Entering the Promised Land)


Jan 21/22

God Is Powerful (Taking the Promised Land)


Jan 28/29

God Is Victorious (David and Goliath)

1 Sam. 16—17

Isaiah 40:29


Feb 4/5

God Is Sovereign

2 Sam. 2; 5—7

Psalm 31:19

1 Kings 1—6

Psalm 31:19

1 Kings 7—11

Psalm 31:19

(King David)


Feb 11/12

God Blesses (Solomon, Part 1)


Feb 18/19

God Is Trustworthy (Solomon, Part 2)

2.13 Bonus Lesson

Feb 25/26

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

Feast: Harvest

The Christmas Advent and Nativity

Matt. 1:21–23 Luke 2:9–11


*A storytelling video is available for this lesson.

Scope and Sequence Quarter 3—Spring 2017 Lesson


Ponder Point

Bible Passage

Remember Verse


Mar 4/5

God Is Faithful

Is. 40:3 Matt. 3

Hebrews 4:16


Mar 11/12

Matt. 3:13–17; 4:1–11

Hebrews 4:16

(Temptation in the Wilderness)


Mar 18/19

God Forgives

Mark 2:1–12

Hebrews 4:16


Mar 25/26

Matt. 8:1–4; 9:18–26 Mark 5:21–43

Hebrews 4:16


Apr 1/2

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

Feast: Trumpets


Apr 8/9

Jesus Is King

Matt. 21:1–11 John 12:12–19

Psalm 145:8

(Palm Sunday)


Apr 15/16

The Big God Story


Psalm 145:8


Apr 22/23

John 2:23–25; 3:1–21

Psalm 145:8

Matt. 14:13–21 John 6:1–15

Psalm 145:8

Matt. 14:22–36 John 6:16–21

John 11:25–26a

(Walking on Water)

Jesus Restores

John 9

John 11:25–26a

John 11

John 11:25–26a

(John the Baptist)

God Leads

(Healing of the Paralyzed Man)

God Is Help (Healing of the Leper, Jairus’s Daughter, Sick Woman)


God Is Love (Nicodemus’s Question)


Apr 29/30

Jesus Is Compassionate (Feeding of the 5,000)


May 6/7


May 13/14


May 20/21


May 27/28

Bonus Lesson

God Is Near

(Healing of the Blind Man)

Jesus Is Life (Lazarus)

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

Festival: Day of Atonement

Jesus Loves You and Me

John 18–19 Luke 22:39—23:56

(Good Friday)

*A storytelling video is available for this lesson.

Scope and Sequence Quarter 4—Summer 2017 Lesson



Jun 3/4


Jun 10/11

Ponder Point

Bible Passage

Remember Verse

God's Love Compels

Matt. 26:1–56 Luke 22:1–53

Psalm 111:9

(Jesus' Anointing, Last Supper, Betrayal)

God Restores Relationship

Luke 22:63—24:8

Psalm 111:9

God’s Spirit Changes Everything

Matt. 28:16–20 Acts 1—2

Psalm 111:9

(Ascension and Holy Spirit)

God’s Power Changes Everything

Acts 3:1–10

Psalm 111:9

Acts 9:1–31

Psalm 111:9

(Trial, Crucifixion, Resurrection)

4.3 4.4

Jun 17/18

Jun 24/25

(Healing of the Beggar)


Jul 1/2

God’s Son Changes Everything (Paul’s Conversion)


Jul 8/9

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

Feast: Tabernacles


Jul 15/16

God Wants Everyone to Know Him

Acts 11:19–30

John 14:6–7

Acts 16:16–35

John 14:6–7

Acts 17

John 14:6–7

Acts 19 Eph. 1

Acts 4:12

(Paul in Ephesus)

God Calls Us to Life with Him

Acts 27—28

Acts 4:12

Rev. 19:11–21; 21—22

Acts 4:12

(Paul in Antioch)


Jul 22/23

God Delivers (Paul and Silas in Prison)


Jul 29/30

God Is the Living God (Paul in Athens)

4.10 4.11*

Aug 5/6

Aug 12/13

God Calls Us His Own

(Paul in Rome)


Aug 19/20

God Is the Beginning and the End (Promise of Jesus’ Return)


Aug 26/27

Remember & Celebrate Weekend

*A storytelling video is available for this lesson. *The Scope and Sequence is subject to change.

Festival: Jubilee

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