October 30, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
Florence Nightingale School of Nursing &. Midwifery. Practice Learning Portfolio. BSc (Hons ......
Florence Nightingale School of Nursing & Midwifery Practice Learning Portfolio BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult) September 2013 Cohort
Student Name ...................................................................... Personal Tutor........................................................................
Dear Student, The Practice Learning Portfolio is the record of your assessment and achievement in clinical practice throughout your programme. Both you and your mentors will use the document throughout your practice experiences; it is therefore important to keep the document safe. Essential information relating to the assessment in practice can be found in your programme handbook. The Practice Learning Portfolio should be read in conjunction with your programme handbook and your simulated practice guidelines. The Practice Learning Portfolio is divided into two main sections: 1. Information pertaining to each year 2. Information pertaining to Year 1 (progression point 1) A breakdown of the contents of each section is given in the table overleaf. Your ongoing record of achievement is at the beginning of the document (in section 1) so that you can share this with your mentor at the start of each practice experience. Section 1 also contains the practice achievement rating scales, and guidelines for you and your mentor with regard to the assessment process. Key terms: Practice experience: the term ‘practice experience’ is used to cover any practice learning experience, whether in a traditional, non- traditional or simulated setting. Competence: “Competence is a requirement for entry to the NMC register. It is an holistic concept that may be defined as ‘the combination of skills, knowledge and attitudes, values and technical abilities that underpin safe and effective nursing practice and interventions’ (adapted from Queensland Nursing Council 2009).” (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2010) Progression point: There are two progression points that divide the pre-registration nursing programme into three equal parts. Students cannot normally move from one part to the next until they have met all the requirements for the current part. (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2010) Domains: Frameworks for the four sets of competencies, which are organised in four domains: professional values; communication and interpersonal skills; nursing practice and decisionmaking; and leadership, management and teamwork. (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2010) Mentor: A nurse or midwife on the NMC register who, following successful completion of an NMC approved mentor preparation programme, is entered on a local register and is eligible to supervise and assess students in a practice setting. Sign off mentor: A nurse or midwife mentor who has met additional NMC requirements in order to be able to make judgements about whether a student has achieved the overall standards of competence required for entry to the register at the end of an NMC approved programme.
Section 1: Information and forms to be completed through the programme Process of assessment - student /mentor guide Rating scales Summary of practice hours, submission dates and monitoring periods Ongoing record of achievement Record of simulated practice Record of accreditation Meeting EU requirements Student reflections Risk assessment form: expectant or new mothers Section 2: Year 1 Practice Experience 1 Practice Experience 2 Practice Experience 3 Competencies: Progression Point 1 Essential skills clusters: Progression Point 1 Assessment in practice: Progression Point 1 Learning activities: Progression Point 1 Service user / carer feedback Attendance record for practice hours Record of meetings whilst on practice experience: Year 1
3 5 7 8 10 12 13 18 22 25 32 39 47 57 73 83 89 90 105
Section 1: • Information • Forms to be completed throughout the programme
Process of assessment – student/mentor guide • •
The Practice Learning Portfolio represents an important part of formal assessment and examination procedures leading to a professional qualification and academic award. Irregularities in the use of this document by students may count as an examination offence. Examination and assessment offences are subject to specific academic regulations.
General guidance: • For each practice experience, the following must be completed: orientation, initial interview, midpoint review, development plan following midpoint review (if necessary), end review, development plan, assessment of competencies and essential skills, and attendance record for practice hours. • In addition, before each progression point, the following must be completed: assessments in practice, learning activities and service user/carer feedback. Each practice experience will comprise of: •
Initial interview This should take place within the first week. The mentor should discuss with the student the learning opportunities available in the practice area and their personal objectives. Refer to the student’s ongoing achievement record (pages 8-10) in order to check that assessments on previous practice experiences have been satisfactory.
Midpoint review Part way through a practice experience, the student will require a midpoint review (e.g. in week three of a five week practice experience). This is an opportunity for the mentor to meet with the student and discuss with them their performance so far in achieving the competencies and essential skills. Feedback must be given to the student as to whether they are on target to meet the minimum standard set (using the practice achievement rating scales - pages 5-6). Please record your meeting on the midpoint review table, completing, if appropriate, a development plan, for example, if you feel the student is below the minimum standard identified in any of the competencies or essential skills.
End review During the final week of the practice experience, the mentor should assess the student’s performance of the domains and essential skills using the practice achievement rating scales and comment on their performance to date. Each competency and essential skill needs to be assessed. Please remember to complete the ongoing record of achievement.
Development plans A development plan must be completed following the midpoint or end review if the student is not achieving the minimum identified level. However all students should develop a development plan to take with them to their next practice experience.
Assessments: • For each practice experience the student must be assessed on competencies and essential skills. Assessments in practice must also be undertaken for each progression point. There are also learning activities to be completed before each progression point; these are not formally assessed but are designed to assist your learning. • The competencies remain the same for the duration of the programme but different levels of achievement are required for each progression point. The essential skills are different for each progression point and all must be achieved by the relevant progression point.
• •
The student needs to achieve the minimum level (pre-set) by each progression point in order to continue through the programme. The student should endeavour to have all competencies and skills assessed within each practice experience. However it is recognized that some competencies and skills may not be achieved in each practice experience.
At each progression point students must be summatively assessed using the practice achievement rating scales. They must achieve the minimum level stated in each of the competencies, essential skills and assessments in practice to achieve a pass. Progression Point
1 2 3 •
• •
Novice Supervised Competent
Essential Skills: Achieved Achieved Achieved
Assessments in Practice (excluding numeracy assessment)
Numeracy assessment in practice
Achieved Achieved Achieved
100% 100%
Students who have queries regarding the process of assessment, should, in the first instance speak to their mentor. If their questions cannot be answered, they should contact their link lecturer, details of whom are provided with the practice experience allocation which can be accessed via InPlace (please refer to your programme handbook for further details). A student may require “reasonable adjustment” under the terms of the Equality Act (2010); further information may be obtained by contacting the School Disability Advisor (
[email protected]). Students may use calculators in the final stages of a calculation but the steps of the calculations should be checked with their mentor.
Flow chart summarising process of assessment – student /mentor guide Day 1: Orientation to practice experience Within 48 hours: mentor allocated End of Week 1: • •
Duty rota completed to identify a minimum of 40% time spent working with mentor and up to one weekend in four Aims and objectives for practice experience agreed with mentor
Middle week of practice experience E.g. Week 3: arrange and complete midpoint review with mentor
Arrange date with mentor for end review Final week: Mentor will assess practice. Development plan developed.
Outcome 2 Some skills less than minimum standard set Development plan mandatory
Outcome 1 Level greater than minimum standard set Development plan encouraged
Rating scales Practice achievement rating scale (2011) for Competencies Level
Progression point •
• • • • Novice
Expected in most areas by progression point 1 Expected in most areas by progression point 2
• • • • • •
Expected in most areas by progression point 3
• • •
Exceeds • what is expected for pre qualification
The student is unable to follow instructions from the mentor, and / or has a lack of understanding of the rationale for the activity. The student spends inappropriate (minimal or excessive) time on the activity. The student places little or no focus on the patient. The student has demonstrated unsafe practice through the inability to perform and/or follow instructions despite guidance. The student does not demonstrate a professional manner throughout. The student is dependent on guidance and clear prompts to undertake activities safely and has a fundamental understanding of the rationale for their actions. The student may lack confidence, spending considerable time on the activity with limited focus on the patient. The student demonstrates a professional manner throughout. The student is able to demonstrate an acceptable level of performance under moderate supervision within a controlled scenario. The student demonstrates understanding and confidence with a professional manner throughout. There is some efficiency in the use of time with a focus on the patient most of the time. The student has an awareness of evidence based practice. The student is able to demonstrate competent, safe practice with minimal supervision and demonstrates a professional manner throughout. The student is skilful and coordinated with economical use of time and is able to focus on the patient. The student demonstrates a clear understanding of the rationale for the activity, with a knowledge of evidence based practice. The student is able to apply relevant knowledge and evidence to practice and discuss the transfer of this knowledge to more complex situations. The student is able to integrate the evidence base into practice and demonstrates skilful and co-ordinated practice. The student demonstrates a professional manner at all times.
Adapted from the work of • Benner P. (1984) From Novice to Expert. Addison Wesley, California. • Bondy K.N. (1983) Criterion-referenced definitions for rating scales in clinical evaluation. Journal of Nursing Education 22(9), 376-82. • Fitzpatrick J., While A. & Roberts J. (1997) Measuring clinical nurse performance: development of the King's Nurse Performance Scale. International Journal of Nursing Studies 34(3), 222–230.
Practice achievement rating scale for Essential Skills Achieved
The student demonstrates knowledge, skills and attitudes at the appropriate level for the designated progression point.
Not Achieved
The appropriate outcome in any domain (knowledge, skills and attitudes) is not reached.
Practice achievement rating scale for Assessments in Practice Achieved
For an overall rating of ‘achieved’ the student must successfully demonstrate all assessment criteria for all Assessments in Practice.
Not Achieved
For an overall rating of ‘not achieved’ the student fails to successfully demonstrate all assessment criteria for an Assessment in Practice.
Summary of practice hours, submission dates and monitoring periods Year 1 Practice Experience 1 150 Hours
2 225 Hours
3 300 Hours
Student Submit to Assessment Submission Room: • w/c 9 December 2013 • Meet with personal tutor during monitoring period Submit to Assessment Submission Room: • w/c 17 March 2014 • Meet with personal tutor during monitoring period Submit to Assessment Submission Room: • w/c 28 July 2014 • Meet with personal tutor during monitoring period
Monitoring periods – when to see your personal tutor 13 – 24 January 2014
14 – 25 April 2014
14 – 25 July 2014 (please meet with your personal tutor before you submit your PLP). PLP to be returned to you via your tutor w/c 1 September 2014 - please make an appointment to see your tutor
Ongoing record of achievement: Year 1 Example
All areas achieved (competencies and skills) All areas have been achieved to a high standard
Areas for development
Student’s strengths
Confidence in own knowledge
Communication skills excellent
Practice Experience 1
Practice Experience 2
Practice Experience 3
Progression Point 1: Senior Member of Trust Staff signs to confirm satisfactory completion: Trust signature:
Print name:
Mentor’s signature D Jones
Record of simulated practice During your programme you may use “simulated practice” to gain certain experience. Simulated practice hours may account for up to 300 hours of practice experience across the whole programme. Simulated practice should be signed for here and identified within the relevant “Essential Skills Cluster” if you have achieved a skill within a simulated learning environment.
Please reference these hours in your attendance record for practice, to ensure they are counted in your total hours for practice. Date
e.g. Caring for a patient receiving 03/12/2014 intravenous fluid therapy
Summatively Assessor’s assessed signature D Jones Yes
Time if practice hours 3
Summatively Assessor’s assessed signature
Time if practice hours
Record of accreditation During your programme you may use accreditation of previous experience. This form should be completed to identify which practice experience you have been accredited for. Date Agreed e.g. 03/12/2014
Accreditation verified for practice experience Year 2, Practice Experience 1 (4 weeks of practice accredited)
Agreed by Programme Leader Yes
Programme Leader signature D Bell
Meeting EU requirements In order to register, you must be aware of the needs of different client groups (EU Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications); however there are some areas where you may not have a direct practice experience. These are identified below:
• • •
Child Care and Paediatrics Maternity Care Adult Care
• •
Mental Health and Psychiatry Intellectual Disability
During your programme you should write up a minimum of 1 reflection on each client group (you do not need to do this for your own field of practice). This can be done in any year of your programme but must be completed before the final submission of this portfolio. Reflections Child Care and Paediatrics
Signature of personal tutor & Date
How do you think the nurse can contribute to familycentred care when a child is unwell?
Reflections Maternity Care
Signature of personal tutor & Date
Consider the role of the midwife with a pregnant and /or newly delivered woman: what skills are necessary in supporting the new family?
Reflections Adult Care
Signature of personal tutor & Date
Consider a patient with a long term condition, in whose care you have been involved. What was the nurse’s role with this patient?
Reflections Mental Health & Psychiatry
Signature of personal tutor & Date
Consider a patient (with mental health problems) in whose care you have been involved; what specific skills did you use in order to build a relationship and communicate with this patient?
Reflections Intellectual Disability
Signature of personal tutor & Date
Consider a patient (with an intellectual disability) in whose care you have been involved; what specific skills did you use in order to build a relationship and communicate with this patient?
Student reflections Reflecting on your practice regularly will help you link theory to practice and identify your progress through the programme. It is suggested that you utilise a recognised reflective framework for this but which one is up to you! At the end of each year particularly you should consider what you have achieved over the year and what your plans are for the coming year; additional pages may be downloaded from your cohort elearning site. Reflection
Pre-registration nursing students’ risk assessment: expectant or new mothers Upon receiving written notification of pregnancy the Manager of the practice area/ responsible person will carry out a risk assessment. If specific advice is required please contact the programmes manager (
[email protected]) for Occupational Health Service contact details. The following forms must be completed for preregistration nursing students who are pregnant or returning to practice as new mothers and/or breastfeeding. The form must be retained in the student’s Practice Learning Portfolio.
Name of student ............................................................................................. Name of practice experience............................................................................. Dates: From ........................................................................................................................ To ............................................................................................... .
Identifying the hazard
Identifying control measures to reduce risk
Additional information / other hazards
Please indicate any hazards the student may be exposed to in this practice experience
Please indicate action taken for controlling hazards, risks identified and reasonable adjustments made
Please indicate any additional information such as prohibited activities or other hazards that may affect the student
Shift work (including Night Duty) Yes / No Travelling
Yes / No
Mental and Physical Fatigue
Yes / No
Ionising radiation
Yes / No
Non ionising radiation
Yes / No
Chemical / Biological Hazards
Yes / No
Manual Handling
Yes / No
Other ( please specify):
I have discussed the above with the student: control measures and/or reasonable adjustments to reduce or eliminate risk have been put in place. Signature of Manager………………………………………………………………………………………. Date ………………………………………………………………………… I have had the opportunity to discuss the above. I am aware of what control measures are in place. Signature of student ............................................................................................................... Date .........................................................................................
Pre-registration nursing students’ risk assessment: new mother returning to work and / or breastfeeding. Name of practice experience ............................................................................. Dates: From .......................................... To ……………………………………. Identifying the hazard
Identifying control measures to reduce risk
Please indicate any hazards the student may be exposed to in this practice experience
Please indicate action taken for controlling hazards, risks identified and reasonable adjustments made
Shift work (including Night Duty) Yes / No Travelling
Yes / No
Mental and Physical Fatigue
Yes / No
Ionising radiation
Yes / No
Non ionising radiation
Yes / No
Chemical / Biological Hazards
Yes / No
Manual Handling
Yes / No
Breast feeding: the following should be available Room (& privacy) available
Yes / No
Water available
Yes / No
Fridge Yes / No (for storing breast milk if expressing)
Other (please specify):
I have discussed the above with the student: control measures and/or reasonable adjustments to reduce or eliminate risk have been put in place. Signature of manager ................................................................................................................. Date ..................................................................................... I have had the opportunity to discuss the above. I am aware of what control measures are in place. Signature of student ............................................................................................................... Date .........................................................................................
Section 2 – Year 1
Year 1: practice experience 1 Name of practice area Organisation Allocation dates
Mentor’s name and professional qualification Date of mentor’s annual update Date of mentor’s triennial review Link lecturer’s name
Document to be submitted on
Orientation (should take place during the first day of the practice experience) Date ………… The following issues must be discussed with the student on the first day of the practice experience: Issue
Signature of staff member
Fire number Fire procedure Location of fire exits Location of fire equipment: fire blankets, hose reels, extinguishers Cardiac arrest number Resuscitation trolley (not always in a primary care setting) Security number Ward/department/school/community setting layout Trust/practice area policies – to include Manual Handling Policy and procedures for managing violent and aggressive patients Specific local policies /guidelines i.e. COSH(H) Mentor’s signature …………………………………………………………………………………………………........ Designation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... Student’s signature…………………………………………………………………………………………………........
Initial interview – year 1: practice experience 1 The initial interview should take place between the student and their mentor, during the first week of the practice experience. Please review together: 1. The student’s personal objectives for this practice experience. 2. The experiences available in this practice area that will enable the student to achieve the essential skills and competencies. Student: please complete the boxes below: My personal objectives for this practice experience are:
The experiences available in this practice area that will enable me to achieve the essential skills and competencies are:
Student’s signature .......................................................................... Date………………………………… Mentor’s comments:
Mentor’s signature ....................................................................... Date ...................................... Mentor’s name (please print): ........................................................................................................................
Midpoint review – year 1: practice experience 1 Student’s self-assessment From your perspective, how would you rate your progress in the following? Progress in achieving the necessary standard in essential skills, competencies and personal objectives :
Any other comments:
Mentor’s assessment Student’s progress in achieving the necessary standard in essential skills, competencies and personal objectives :
Any other comments:
Mentor’s signature ................................................................................. Date ................................. Student’s signature ................................................................................. Date ................................
Development plan following midpoint review – year 1: practice experience 1 (if required) Following a meeting between mentor and student, the following development plan has been agreed:
Area for further development
What needs to be demonstrated
How can this be demonstrated
Date for review
Sign when reviewed
Mentor’s signature .................................................................................................................................................................................... Date ...................... Student’s signature .................................................................................................................................................................................. Date ......................
End review – year 1: practice experience 1 (final week) Student’s self-assessment From your perspective, how would you rate your progress in the following? Progress in achieving the necessary standard in essential skills, competencies and personal objectives:
Action plan:
Mentor’s assessment Student’s progress in achieving the necessary standard in essential skills, competencies and personal objectives :
Any other comments:
Mentor’s signature ................................................................................. Date ................................ Student’s signature ................................................................................. Date ................................
Development plan following end review – year 1: practice experience 1 Following a meeting between mentor and student, the following development plan has been agreed: All students should develop a plan for their next practice experience. This should provide guidance for future practice experiences, but does not necessarily indicate an area of concern.
Area for further development
What needs to be demonstrated
How can this be demonstrated
Date for review
Sign when reviewed
Mentor’s signature ................................................................................................................................................................................ Date ...................... Student’s signature ........................................................................................... ................................................................................... Date ......................
Personal tutor feedback – year 1: practice experience 1 Essential skills and competencies completed?
Hours: All required hours complete
No Indicate any not completed or marked below the minimum standard
No Indicate how many hours owed: If more than 37.5 hours owed, action plan required
Personal tutor comments/action plan if required (cc action plan to Programme Leader and student file)
Review date:………………………….. Personal tutor’s signature:
Student’s signature:
Year 1: practice experience 2 Name of practice area Organisation Allocation dates
Mentor’s name and professional qualification Date of mentor’s annual update Date of mentor’s triennial review Link lecturer’s name
Document to be submitted on
Orientation (should take place during the first day of the practice experience) Date ………… The following issues must be discussed with the student on the first day of the practice experience: Issue
Signature of staff member
Fire number Fire procedure Location of fire exits Location of fire equipment: fire blankets, hose reels, extinguishers Cardiac arrest number Resuscitation trolley (not always in a primary care setting) Security number Ward/department/school/community setting layout Trust/practice area policies – to include Manual Handling Policy and procedures for managing violent and aggressive patients Specific local policies /guidelines i.e. COSH(H)
Mentor’s signature …………………………………………………………………………………………………........ Designation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... Student’s signature………………………………………………………………………………………………….......
Initial interview – year 1: practice experience 2 The initial interview should take place between the student and their mentor, during the first week of the practice experience. Please review together: 1. The student’s personal objectives for this practice experience 2. The experiences available in this practice area that will enable the student to achieve the essential skills and competencies 3. The student’s ongoing achievement record 4. Whether the student owes hours from a previous practice experience and if so how many Student: please complete the boxes below: My personal objectives for this practice experience are:
The experiences available in this practice area that will enable me to achieve the essential skills and competencies are:
Student’s signature .......................................................................... Date………………………………… Mentor’s comments:
Mentor’s signature ....................................................................... Date ...................................... Mentor’s name (please print): ........................................................................................................................
Midpoint review – year 1: practice experience 2 Student’s self-assessment From your perspective, how would you rate your progress in the following? Progress in achieving the necessary standard in essential skills, competencies and personal objectives :
Any other comments:
Mentor’s assessment Student’s progress in achieving the necessary standard in essential skills, competencies and personal objectives :
Any other comments:
Mentor’s signature ................................................................................. Date ................................. Student’s signature ................................................................................. Date ................................
Development plan following midpoint review – year 1: practice experience 2 (if required) Following a meeting between mentor and student, the following development plan has been agreed:
Area for further development
What needs to be demonstrated
How can this be demonstrated
Date for review
Sign when reviewed
Mentor’s signature .................................................................................................................................................................................... Date ...................... Student’s signature .................................................................................................................................................................................. Date ......................
End review – year 1: practice experience 2 (final week) Student’s self-assessment From your perspective, how would you rate your progress in the following? Progress in achieving the necessary standard in essential skills, competencies and personal objectives :
Action plan:
Mentor’s assessment Student’s progress in achieving the necessary standard in essential skills, competencies and personal objectives :
Any other comments:
Mentor’s signature ................................................................................. Date ................................ Student’s signature ................................................................................. Date ................................
Development plan following end review – year 1: practice experience 2 Following a meeting between mentor and student, the following development plan has been agreed: All students should develop a plan for their next practice experience. This should provide guidance for future practice experiences, but does not necessarily indicate an area of concern.
Area for further development
What needs to be demonstrated
How can this be demonstrated
Date for review
Sign when reviewed
Mentor’s signature ................................................................................................................................................................................ Date ...................... Student’s signature ........................................................................................... ................................................................................... Date ......................
Personal tutor feedback – year 1: practice experience 2 Essential skills and competencies completed?
No Indicate any not completed or marked below the minimum standard
Hours: All required hours complete
Indicate how many hours owed:
If more than 37.5 hours owed, action plan required
Yes No Indicate how many hours owed: Hours: All required hours complete from previous practice experience Personal tutor comments/action plan if required (cc action plan to Programme Leader and student file)
Review date:………………………….. Personal tutor’s signature:
Student’s signature:
Year 1: practice experience 3 Name of practice area Organisation Allocation dates
Mentor’s name and professional qualification Date of mentor’s annual update Date of mentor’s triennial review Link lecturer’s name
Document to be submitted on Orientation (should take place during the first day of the practice experience) Date …………..... The following issues must be discussed with the student on the first day of the practice experience: Issue
Signature of staff member
Fire number Fire procedure Location of fire exits Location of fire equipment: fire blankets, hose reels, extinguishers Cardiac arrest number Resuscitation trolley (not always in a primary care setting) Security number Ward/department/school/community setting layout Trust/practice area policies – to include Manual Handling Policy and procedures for managing violent and aggressive patients Specific local policies /guidelines i.e. COSH(H)
Mentor’s signature …………………………………………………………………………………………………........ Designation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... Student’s signature…………………………………………………………………………………………………........
Initial interview – year 1: practice experience 3 The initial interview should take place between the student and their mentor, during the first week of the practice experience. Please review together: 1. The student’s personal objectives for this practice experience 2. The experiences available in this practice area that will enable the student to achieve the essential skills and competencies 3. The student’s ongoing achievement record 4. Whether the student owes hours from a previous practice experience and if so how many Student: please complete the boxes below: My personal objectives for this practice experience are:
The experiences available in this practice area that will enable me to achieve the essential skills and competencies are:
Student’s signature .......................................................................... Date………………………………… Mentor’s comments:
Mentor’s signature ....................................................................... Date ...................................... Mentor’s name (please print): ........................................................................................................................
Midpoint review – year 1: practice experience 3 Student’s self-assessment From your perspective, how would you rate your progress in the following? Progress in achieving the necessary standard in essential skills, competencies and personal objectives :
Any other comments:
Mentor’s assessment Student’s progress in achieving the necessary standard in essential skills, competencies and personal objectives :
Any other comments:
Mentor’s signature ................................................................................. Date ................................. Student’s signature ................................................................................. Date ................................
Development plan following midpoint review – year 1: practice experience 3 (if required) Following a meeting between mentor and student, the following development plan has been agreed:
Area for further development
What needs to be demonstrated
How can this be demonstrated
Date for review
Sign when reviewed
Mentor’s signature .................................................................................................................................................................................... Date ...................... Student’s signature .................................................................................................................................................................................. Date ......................
End review – year 1: practice experience 3 (final week) Student’s self-assessment From your perspective, how would you rate your progress in the following: Progress in achieving the necessary standard in essential skills, competencies and personal objectives :
Action plan:
Mentor’s assessment Student’s progress in achieving the necessary standard in essential skills, competencies and personal objectives :
Any other comments:
Mentor’s signature ................................................................................. Date ................................ Student’s signature ................................................................................. Date ................................
Development plan following end review – year 1: practice experience 3 Following a meeting between mentor and student, the following development plan has been agreed: All students should develop a plan for their next practice experience. This should provide guidance for future practice experiences, but does not necessarily indicate an area of concern.
Area for further development
What needs to be demonstrated
How can this be demonstrated
Date for review
Sign when reviewed
Mentor’s signature ................................................................................................................................................................................ Date ...................... Student’s signature ........................................................................................... ................................................................................... Date ......................
Personal tutor feedback – year 1: practice experience 3 Essential skills and competencies completed?
No Indicate any not completed or marked below the minimum standard
Assessments in practice completed?
No Indicate any not completed or marked below the minimum standard
Hours: All required hours complete
Indicate how many hours owed:
If more than 37.5 hours owed, action plan required
Yes No Indicate how many hours owed: Hours: All required hours complete from previous practice experiences Personal tutor comments/action plan if required (cc action plan to Programme Leader and student file)
Review date:………………………….. Personal tutor’s signature:
Student’s signature:
Competencies – Year 1
Competencies for entry to the register: Adult nursing By progression point 1 the student must be assessed as reaching the standard of NOVICE in the competencies identified in each domain in order to progress.
Domain 1: Professional Values Generic standards for competence All nurses must act first and foremost to care for and safeguard the public. They must practise autonomously and be responsible and accountable for safe, compassionate, person-centred, evidence-based nursing that respects and maintains dignity and human rights. They must show professionalism and integrity and work within recognised professional, ethical and legal frameworks. They must work in partnership with other health and social care professionals and agencies, service users, their carers and families in all settings, including the community, ensuring that decisions about care are shared. Field standard for competence Adult nurses must also be able at all times to promote the rights, choices and wishes of all adults and, where appropriate, children and young people, paying particular attention to equality, diversity and the needs of an ageing population. They must be able to work in partnership to address people's needs in all healthcare settings.
Competency Progression Point 1
Minimum level required
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2
Midpoint review
End review
Midpoint review
Level achieved
Level achieved
N = Novice
All nurses must practise with confidence according to The code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives (NMC 2008), and within other recognised ethical and legal frameworks. All nurses must practise in a holistic, nonjudgmental, caring and sensitive manner that recognises and respects individual choice; and acknowledges diversity. All nurses must support and promote the health, wellbeing, rights and dignity of people.
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Domain 1: Professional Values (continued) Competency Progression Point 1
Minimum level required
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2
Midpoint review
End review
Midpoint review
Level achieved
Level achieved
N = Novice
All nurses must work in partnership with service users, carers, families, groups, communities and organisations.
All nurses must fully understand the nurse's various roles, responsibilities and functions, and adapt their practice to meet the changing needs of people, groups, communities and populations.
All nurses must understand the roles and responsibilities of other health and social care professionals.
All nurses must recognise the limits of their competence and knowledge. They must seek advice from, or refer to, other professionals where necessary.
All nurses must appreciate the value of evidence in practice.
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Domain 2: Communication and interpersonal skills Generic standards for competence All nurses must use excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Their communications must always be safe, effective, compassionate and respectful. They must communicate effectively using a wide range of strategies and interventions including the effective use of communication technologies. Where people have a disability, nurses must be able to work with service users and others to obtain the information needed to make reasonable adjustments that promote optimum health and enable equal access to services. Field standard for competence Adult nurses must demonstrate the ability to listen with empathy. They must be able to respond warmly and positively to people of all ages who may be anxious, distressed, or facing problems with their health and wellbeing.
Competency Progression Point 1
Minimum level required
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2
Midpoint review
End review
Midpoint review
Level achieved
Level achieved
N = Novice
All nurses must build therapeutic relationships taking into account individual differences, capabilities and needs.
All nurses must use a range of communication skills and technologies to support person-centred care and enhance quality and safety. They must recognise when language interpretation or other communication support is needed and know how to obtain it.
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Domain 2: Communication and interpersonal skills (continued) Competency Progression Point 1
Minimum level required
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1 Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
N = Novice
All nurses must use the full range of communication methods, including verbal, non-verbal and written, to acquire, interpret and record their knowledge and understanding of people's needs. They must be aware of their own values and beliefs and the impact this may have on their communication with others. All nurses must recognise when people are anxious or in distress and respond appropriately. They must use effective communication strategies and know when to consult a third party. All nurses must use therapeutic principles to engage, maintain and, where appropriate, disengage from professional caring relationships, and must always respect professional boundaries. All nurses must take every opportunity to encourage health-promoting behaviour through education, role modelling and effective communication.
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Domain 2: Communication and interpersonal skills (continued) Competency Progression Point 1
Minimum level required
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2
Midpoint review
End review
Midpoint review
Level achieved
Level achieved
N = Novice
All nurses must maintain accurate, clear and complete records, including the use of electronic formats, using appropriate and plain language.
All nurses must respect individual rights to confidentiality and keep information secure and confidential in accordance with the law and relevant ethical and regulatory frameworks, taking account of local protocols.
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Domain 3: Nursing Practice and Decision- Making Generic standards for competence All nurses must practise autonomously, compassionately, skilfully and safely, and must maintain dignity and promote health and wellbeing. They must assess and meet the full range of essential physical and mental health needs of people of all ages who come into their care. Where necessary they must be able to provide safe and effective immediate care to all people prior to accessing or referring to specialist services irrespective of their field of practice. All nurses must also meet more complex and coexisting needs for people in their own nursing field of practice, in any setting including hospital, community and at home. All practice should be informed by the best available evidence and comply with local and national guidelines. Decision-making must be shared with service users, carers and families and informed by critical analysis of a full range of possible interventions, including the use of up-to-date technology. All nurses must also understand how behaviour, culture, socioeconomic and other factors, in the care environment and its location, can affect health, illness, health outcomes and public health priorities and take this into account in planning and delivering care. Field standard for competence Adult nurses must be able to carry out accurate assessment of people of all ages using appropriate diagnostic and decision-making skills. They must be able to provide effective care for service users and others in all settings. They must have in-depth understanding of and competence in medical and surgical nursing to respond to adults’ full range of health and dependency needs. They must be able to deliver care to meet essential and complex physical and mental health needs. Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
Competency Progression Point 1
Minimum level required
Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
N = Novice
All nurses must use up-to-date knowledge and evidence to assess, plan, deliver and evaluate care, communicate findings.
Adult nurses must be able to recognise and respond to the needs of all people who come into their care.
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Domain 3: Nursing Practice and Decision- Making (continued) Competency Progression Point 1
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
Minimum level required
Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
N = Novice
All nurses must possess a broad knowledge of the structure and functions of the human body, and other relevant knowledge from the life, behavioural and social sciences as applied to health, ill health, disability, ageing and death.
All nurses must carry out nursing assessments including observation and measurement.
Adult nurses must safely use a range of skills to assess the needs of service users.
All nurses must ascertain and respond to the physical, social and psychological needs of people, groups and communities.
All nurses must practise safely by being aware of the correct use, limitations and hazards of common interventions, including nursing activities, treatments, and the use of medical devices and equipment; reporting any concerns immediately.
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Domain 3: Nursing Practice and DecisionMaking (continued) Competency Progression Point 1
Minimum level required
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2
Midpoint review
End review
Midpoint review
Level achieved
Level achieved
N= Novice
All nurses must be able to recognise and interpret signs of normal and deteriorating mental and physical health and respond promptly to maintain or improve the health and comfort of the service user, acting to keep them and others safe.
Adult nurses must recognise the early signs of illness in people of all ages, and must make accurate assessments.
All nurses must provide educational support, facilitation skills and therapeutic nursing interventions to optimise health and wellbeing. They must promote self-care and management whenever possible, helping people to make choices about their healthcare needs, involving families and carers where appropriate, to maximise their ability to care for themselves.
All nurses must be able to recognise when a person is at risk and in need of extra support and protection and take reasonable steps to protect them from abuse.
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Domain 4: Leadership, management and team working Generic standards for competence All nurses must be professionally accountable and use clinical governance processes to maintain and improve nursing practice and standards of healthcare. They must be able to respond autonomously and confidently to planned and uncertain situations, managing themselves and others effectively. They must create and maximise opportunities to improve services. They must also demonstrate the potential to develop further management and leadership skills during their period of preceptorship and beyond. Field standard for competence Adult nurses must be able to provide leadership in managing adult nursing care, understand and coordinate interprofessional care when needed, and liaise with specialist teams. They must be adaptable and flexible, and able to take the lead in responding to the needs of people of all ages in a variety of circumstances, including situations where immediate or urgent care is needed. They must recognise their leadership role in disaster management, major incidents and public health emergencies, and respond appropriately according to their levels of competence.
Competency Progression Point 1
Minimum level required
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2
Midpoint review
End review
Midpoint review
Level achieved
Level achieved
N= Novice
All nurses must be able to identify priorities and manage time effectively to ensure the quality of care is maintained or enhanced.
All nurses must be self-aware and recognise how their own values, principles and assumptions may affect their practice.
All nurses must work well in teams, managing risk and remaining accountable for the care they give.
All nurses must work effectively across professional and agency boundaries, and must know when and how to communicate with and refer to other professionals and agencies.
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential Skills – Year 1
Essential skills cluster 1 Care, compassion and communication
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
Level 1. As partners in the care required process, people can trust a A= newly registered graduate Achieved nurse to provide collaborative care based on the highest standards, knowledge and competence. A Articulates the underpinning values of The code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives (the code) (NMC 2008). Works within limitations of the A role and recognises own level of competence. Promotes a professional image. A
Shows respect for others.
Is able to engage with people and build caring professional relationships.
Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential skills cluster 1 Care, compassion and communication
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
2. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to engage in person centred care empowering people to make choices about how their needs are met when they are unable to meet them for themselves. Takes a person-centred, personalised approach to care.
Level required A=
3. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to respect them as individuals and strive to help them preserve their dignity at all times. Demonstrates respect for diversity and individual preference, valuing differences, regardless of personal view. Engages with people in a way that ensures dignity is maintained through making appropriate use of the environment, self and skills and adopting an appropriate attitude. Uses ways to maximise communication where hearing, vision or speech is compromised.
Level required A=
Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Level achieved
Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential skills cluster 1 Care, compassion and communication 4. People can trust a newly qualified graduate nurse to engage with them and their family or carers within their cultural environments in an acceptant and antidiscriminatory manner free from harassment and exploitation. Demonstrates an understanding of how culture, religion, spiritual beliefs, gender and sexuality can impact on illness and disability.
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
Level required A=
Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Respects people’s rights.
Adopts a principled approach to care underpinned by the code (NMC 2008).
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential skills cluster 1 Care, compassion and communication 5. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to engage with them in a warm, sensitive and compassionate way. Is attentive and acts with kindness and sensitivity.
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
Level required A=
Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Takes into account people’s physical and emotional responses when engaging with them.
Interacts with the person in a manner that is interpreted as warm, sensitive, kind and compassionate, making appropriate use of touch.
Provides person centred care that addresses both physical and emotional needs and preferences.
Evaluates ways in which own interactions affect relationships to ensure that they do not impact inappropriately on others.
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential skills cluster 1 Care, compassion and communication 6. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to engage therapeutically and actively listen to their needs and concerns, responding using skills that are helpful, providing information that is clear, accurate, meaningful and free from jargon. Communicates effectively both orally and in writing, so that the meaning is always clear.
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
Level required A=
Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Records information accurately and clearly on the basis of observation and communication.
Always seeks to confirm understanding.
Responds in a way that confirms what a person is communicating.
Effectively communicates people’s stated needs and wishes to other professionals.
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential skills cluster 1 Care, compassion and communication 7. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to protect and keep as confidential all information relating to them. Applies the principles of confidentiality. Protects and treats information as confidential except where sharing information is required for the purposes of safeguarding and public protection. Applies the principles of data protection. 8. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to gain their consent based on sound understanding and informed choice prior to any intervention and that their rights in decision making and consent will be respected and upheld. Seeks consent prior to sharing confidential information outside of the professional care team, subject to agreed safeguarding and protection procedures.
Level required A=
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1 Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Level achieved
Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
A Level required A= Achieved
Essential skills cluster 2 Organisational aspects of care 9. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to treat them as partners and work with them to make a holistic and systematic assessment of their needs; to develop a personalised plan that is based on mutual understanding and respect for their individual situation promoting health and well-being, minimising risk of harm and promoting their safety at all times. Responds appropriately when faced with an emergency or a sudden deterioration in a person’s physical or psychological condition (for example, abnormal vital signs, collapse, cardiac arrest, self harm, extremely challenging behaviour, attempted suicide) including seeking help from an appropriate person.
Level required A=
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1 Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential skills cluster 2 Organisational aspects of care 11. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to safeguard children and adults from vulnerable situations and support and protect them from harm. Acts within legal frameworks and local policies in relation to safeguarding adults and children who are in vulnerable situations.
Level required A=
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1 Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Shares information with colleagues and seeks advice from appropriate sources where there is a concern or uncertainty.
Uses support systems to recognise, manage and deal with own emotions.
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential skills cluster 2 Organisational aspects of care 12. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to respond to their feedback and a wide range of other sources to learn, develop and improve services. Responds appropriately to compliments and comments.
Level required A=
14. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to be an autonomous and confident member of the multidisciplinary or multi agency team and to inspire confidence in others. Works within the code (NMC 2008) and adheres to the Guidance on professional conduct for nursing and midwifery students. (NMC 2010)
Level required A=
15. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to safely delegate to others and to respond appropriately when a task is delegated to them. Accepts delegated activities within limitations of own role, knowledge and skill.
Level required A=
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1 Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Level achieved
Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential skills cluster 2 Organisational aspects of care 17. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to work safely under pressure and maintain the safety of service users at all times. Recognises when situations are becoming unsafe and reports appropriately.
Understands and applies the importance of rest for effective practice.
Level required A=
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1 Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential skills cluster 2 Organisational aspects of care 18. People can trust a newly registered graduate nurse to enhance the safety of service users and identify and actively manage risk and uncertainty in relation to people, the environment, self and others. Under supervision, works within clinical governance frameworks.
Level required A=
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1 Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Reports safety incidents regarding service users to senior colleagues.
Under supervision assesses risk within current sphere of knowledge and competence.
Follows instructions and takes appropriate action, sharing information to minimise risk.
Under supervision works within legal frameworks to protect self and others.
Knows and accepts own responsibilities and takes appropriate action.
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential skills cluster 2 Organisational aspects of care 19. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to work to prevent and resolve conflict and maintain a safe environment Recognises signs of aggression and responds appropriately to keep self and others safe.
Level required A=
Assists others or obtains assistance when help is required.
20. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to select and manage medical devices safely. Safely uses and disposes of medical devices under supervision and in keeping with local and national policy and understands reporting mechanism relating to adverse incidents.
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1 Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Level achieved
Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Level required A= Achieved
Essential skills cluster 3 Infection prevention and control 21. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to identify and take effective measures to prevent and control infection in accordance with local and national policy Follows local and national guidelines and adheres to standard infection control precautions.
Level required A=
22. People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to maintain effective standard infection control precautions and apply and adapt these to needs and limitations in all environments. Demonstrates effective hand hygiene and the appropriate use of standard infection control precautions when caring for all people.
Level required A=
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1 Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Level achieved
Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Mentor’s signature and date
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential skills cluster 3 Infection prevention and control 24. People can trust a newly registered graduate nurse to fully comply with hygiene, uniform and dress codes in order to limit, prevent and control infection. Adheres to local policy and national guidelines on dress code for prevention and control of infection, including: footwear, hair, piercing and nails.
Level required A=
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1 Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Maintains a high standard of personal hygiene.
Wears appropriate clothing for the care delivered in all environments.
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential skills cluster 4 Nutrition and fluid management 30. People can trust the newly qualified graduate nurse to assist them in creating an environment that is conducive to eating and drinking Reports to an appropriate person where there is a risk of meals being missed.
Level required A=
Follows food hygiene procedures in accordance with policy.
Is competent in basic medicines calculations relating to: • tablets and capsules • liquid medicines • injections including: o unit dose o sub and multiple unit dose o SI unit conversion.
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Essential skills cluster 5 Medicines management 33.People can trust the newly registered graduate nurse to correctly and safely undertake medicines calculations
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1 Midpoint review
Year 1 - Practice Experience 1
Level required A=
Midpoint review
End review
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 2 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 1st assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Year 1 - Practice Experience 3 Midpoint review
Progression Point 1: 2nd assessment
Level achieved
Level achieved
Mentor’s signature and date
Assessment in Practice – Year 1
Year 1: assessment in practice The assessment in practice should be undertaken towards the end of your final practice experience in year 1. The focus is on care delivery to one patient and the four components of the assessment should be carried out at the same time point wherever possible. The four components are: 1. Handwashing 2. Communication 3. Nutritional status – BMI 4. Measurement and documentation of vital signs - TPR To achieve a pass you need to have completed each component of the skill and be graded “achieved”. If you are unsuccessful at the first attempt of any of the four components, only the component(s) which you did not achieve need(s) to be reassessed. This must be done prior to completing your practice experience.
Year 1: assessment in practice: first attempt Date of assessment:
Handwashing To pass progression point 1 the student:
Key criteria
Assessment criteria
Rating scale (Please circle achieved or not achieved)
Maintains effective standard infection control precautions for every patient/client
i) Demonstrates effective hand hygiene and the appropriate use of Standard Infection Control Precautions when caring for all patients/clients
1) Wets both hands thoroughly before applying handwashing agent 2) Applies 2-3 squirts of handwashing agent 3) Washes hand systematically 4) Rubs palm to palm 5) Rubs the right palm over the back of the left hand 6) Rubs the left palm over back of the right hand 7) Rubs palm to palm with fingers interlaced 8) Rubs backs of fingers by interlocking the fingers of opposing hands 9) Rubs each thumb clasped in the opposite hand using a rotational movement 10) Rubs the tips of the fingers in the opposite palm in a circular motion 11) Washes wrists 12) Completes handwash in approx. 30 secs 13) Rinses both hands thoroughly under running water 14) Turns taps off without contaminating hands 15) Retrieves hand towel without contaminating clean hands 16) Dries hands thoroughly including palms and backs of hands, between fingers and nails 17) Disposes of towel without contaminating hands
Global Rating Scale Achieved
Not Achieved
Mentor signature:
Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved
Mentor’s signature
Year 1: assessment in practice Date of assessment:
Communication To pass progression point 1 the student:
Key criteria
Listens, and provides information that is clear, accurate and meaningful at a level at which the patient/ client can understand
i) Communicates effectively, so that the meaning is always clear
Assessment criteria
(Please circle achieved or not achieved)
1) Correct use of SOLER
ii) Uses strategies to enhance communication and remove barriers to effective communication iii) Always seeks to confirm understanding iv) Responds in a way that confirms what the patient/ client is communicating v) Effectively communicates the patient’s / client’s stated needs / wishes to other professionals
Sits square on to patient or at a slight angle
Achieved / not achieved
Open posture – does not cross arms or legs
Achieved / not achieved
Leans slightly forward
Achieved / not achieved
Eye contact maintained to a comfortable degree
Achieved / not achieved
Relaxed (does not fidget or display other distracting behaviour)
Achieved / not achieved
2) Appropriate use of paralanguage
Achieved / not achieved
3) Appropriate use of minimal prompts
Achieved / not achieved
4) Student shows awareness of patient’s/client’s personal space 5) Student is able to summarise the patient’s main concerns
Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved
Global Rating Scale Achieved
Rating scale
Not Achieved
Mentor signature:
Mentor’s signature
Year 1: assessment in practice Date of assessment:
Nutritional status - BMI To pass progression point 1 the student: Assesses and monitors nutritional status and formulates an effective care plan
Key criteria
i) Takes and records accurate measurements of weight, height/ length, body mass index and other appropriate measures of nutritional status
Assessment criteria
Not Achieved
(Please circle achieved or not achieved)
1) Checks calibration of scales
Achieved / not achieved
2) Asks patient to remove footwear
Achieved / not achieved
3) Measures height accurately, using stadiometer
Achieved / not achieved
4) Measures weight accurately, using scales
Achieved / not achieved
5) Calculates BMI, using calculator/chart provided
Achieved / not achieved
6) Records BMI accurately on admission document
Achieved / not achieved
Global Rating Scale Achieved
Rating scale
Mentor signature:
Mentor’s signature
Year 1: assessment in practice Date of assessment:
Measurement and documentation of vital signs - TPR To pass progression point 1 the student: Makes a holistic and systematic assessment of need and develops a comprehensive plan of nursing care that is in the patient’s best interests and which promotes their health and well-being and minimises the risk of harm Delivers and evaluates care against the comprehensive assessment care plan
Key criteria
Assessment criteria
(Please circle achieved or not achieved)
i) Accurately undertakes and records a baseline assessment of temperature, pulse and respiration
1) Checks influencing factors (eg smoking, exercise, caffeine) 2) Prior to recording temperature prepares thermometer according to instructions (ie fits protector cap to tympanic membrane thermometer) 3) Takes temperature recording as recommended 4) States temperature accurately to mentor
Achieved / not achieved
5) Positions fingers over the radial pulse
Achieved / not achieved
6) Counts pulse for one minute
Achieved / not achieved
iv) Measures and documents vital signs under supervision and responds appropriately to findings outside the normal range
7) States pulse accurately. Pulse rate must be plus/minus five from the mentor’s reading 8) Counts respiratory rate for one minute
Achieved / not achieved
v) Detects, records, reports and responds appropriately to signs of deterioration and/or improvement
9) States respiratory rate accurately to mentor 10) Documents findings accurately
Achieved / not achieved
11) States if recordings are within normal limits
Achieved / not achieved
ii) Contributes to the planning of safe and effective care by recording and sharing information based on the assessment iii) Where relevant, applies knowledge of age and conditionrelated anatomy, physiology and development when interacting with patients/clients
Global Rating Scale Achieved
Rating scale
Not Achieved
Mentor signature:
Achieved / not achieved
Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved
Achieved / not achieved
Achieved / not achieved
Mentor’s signature
Year 1: assessment in practice: second attempt Date of assessment:
Handwashing To pass progression point 1 the student:
Key criteria
Assessment criteria
Rating scale (Please circle achieved or not achieved)
Maintains effective standard infection control precautions for every patient/client
i) Demonstrates effective hand hygiene and the appropriate use of Standard Infection Control Precautions when caring for all patients/clients
1) Wets both hands thoroughly before applying handwashing agent 2) Applies 2-3 squirts of handwashing agent 3) Washes hand systematically 4) Rubs palm to palm 5) Rubs the right palm over the back of the left hand 6) Rubs the left palm over back of the right hand 7) Rubs palm to palm with fingers interlaced 8) Rubs backs of fingers by interlocking the fingers of opposing hands 9) Rubs each thumb clasped in the opposite hand using a rotational movement 10) Rubs the tips of the fingers in the opposite palm in a circular motion 11) Washes wrists 12) Completes handwash in approx.30 secs 13) Rinses both hands thoroughly under running water 14) Turns taps off without contaminating hands 15) Retrieves hand towel without contaminating clean hands 16) Dries hands thoroughly including palms and backs of hands, between fingers and nails
17) Disposes of towel without contaminating hands Global Rating Scale Achieved
Not Achieved
Mentor signature:
Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved
Achieved / not achieved
Mentor’s signature
Year 1: assessment in practice: second attempt Date of assessment:
Communication To pass progression point 1 the student:
Key criteria
Listens, and provides information that is clear, accurate and meaningful at a level at which the patient/ client can understand
i) Communicates effectively, so that the meaning is always clear
Assessment criteria
(Please circle achieved or not achieved)
1) Correct use of SOLER
ii) Uses strategies to enhance communication and remove barriers to effective communication iii) Always seeks to confirm understanding iv) Responds in a way that confirms what the patient/ client is communicating v) Effectively communicates the patient’s / client’s stated needs / wishes to other professionals
Sits square on to patient or at a slight angle
Achieved / not achieved
Open posture – does not cross arms or legs
Achieved / not achieved
Leans slightly forward
Achieved / not achieved
Eye contact maintained to a comfortable degree
Achieved / not achieved
Relaxed (does not fidget or display other distracting behaviour)
Achieved / not achieved
2) Appropriate use of paralanguage
Achieved / not achieved
3) Appropriate use of minimal prompts
Achieved / not achieved
4) Student shows awareness of patient’s/client’s personal space 5) Student is able to summarise the patient’s main concerns
Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved
Global Rating Scale Achieved
Rating scale
Not Achieved
Mentor signature:
Mentor’s signature
Year 1: assessment in practice: second attempt Date of assessment:
Nutritional status - BMI To pass progression point 1 the student: Assesses and monitors nutritional status and formulates an effective care plan
Key criteria
i) Takes and records accurate measurements of weight, height/ length, body mass index and other appropriate measures of nutritional status
Assessment criteria
Not Achieved
(Please circle achieved or not achieved)
1) Checks calibration of scales
Achieved / not achieved
2) Asks patient to remove footwear
Achieved / not achieved
3) Measures height accurately, using stadiometer
Achieved / not achieved
4) Measures weight accurately, using scales
Achieved / not achieved
5) Calculates BMI, using calculator/chart provided
Achieved / not achieved
6) Records BMI accurately on admission document
Achieved / not achieved
Global Rating Scale Achieved
Rating scale
Mentor signature:
Mentor’s signature
Year 1: assessment in practice: second attempt Date of assessment:
Measurement and documentation of vital signs - TPR To pass progression point 1 the student: Makes a holistic and systematic assessment of need and develops a comprehensive plan of nursing care that is in the patient’s best interests and which promotes their health and well-being and minimises the risk of harm Delivers and evaluates care against the comprehensive assessment care plan
Key criteria
Assessment criteria
(Please circle achieved or not achieved)
i) Accurately undertakes and records a baseline assessment of temperature, pulse and respiration
1) Checks influencing factors (eg smoking, exercise, caffeine) 2) Prior to recording temperature prepares thermometer according to instructions (ie fits protector cap to tympanic membrane thermometer) 3) Takes temperature recording as recommended 4) States temperature accurately to mentor
Achieved / not achieved
5) Positions fingers over the radial pulse
Achieved / not achieved
6) Counts pulse for one minute
Achieved / not achieved
iv) Measures and documents vital signs under supervision and responds appropriately to findings outside the normal range
7) States pulse accurately. Pulse rate must be plus/minus five from the mentor’s reading 8) Counts respiratory rate for one minute
Achieved / not achieved
v) Detects, records, reports and responds appropriately to signs of deterioration and/or improvement
9) States respiratory rate accurately to mentor 10) Documents findings accurately
Achieved / not achieved
11) States if recordings are within normal limits
Achieved / not achieved
ii) Contributes to the planning of safe and effective care by recording and sharing information based on the assessment iii) Where relevant, applies knowledge of age and conditionrelated anatomy, physiology and development when interacting with patients/clients
Global Rating Scale Achieved
Rating scale
Not Achieved
Mentor signature:
Achieved / not achieved
Achieved / not achieved Achieved / not achieved
Achieved / not achieved
Achieved / not achieved
Mentor’s signature
Learning Activities – Year 1
Learning activity - nursing calculations Progression Point 1 Learning outcomes The student will be able to: • Calculate tablet medicine dosage • Calculate simple liquid medicine dosage Content This learning activity will provide opportunities for you to revise some nursing calculations. You should undertake the tasks independently, showing your working out on the page and without the use of a calculator. If you have any difficulties with the questions then use your mentor or link lecturer as a resource person to help you. Calculations 1. A patient is prescribed 60 mcg of a medicine. The stock is 30 mcg tablets. How many tablets should be administered?
2. A patient is prescribed 250 mcg of a medicine. The stock is 250 mcg tablets. How many tablets should be administered?
3. A patient is prescribed 300 mcg of a medicine. The stock is 150 mcg tablets. How many tablets should be administered?
4. A patient is prescribed 1500 mg of a medicine. The stock is 500 mg tablets. How many tablets should be administered?
5. A patient is prescribed 12.5 mcg and the stock is 6.25 mcg tablets. How many tablets should be administered?
6. A patient is prescribed 60 mg. The stock concentration is 25 mg per ml. What is the correct volume (in ml) to be administered?
7. A patient is prescribed 600 mg of a medicine. The stock concentration is 150 mg per 2 ml. What is the correct volume (in ml) to be administered?
8. A patient is prescribed 80 mg of an antibiotic. The stock concentration is 50 mg per 2 ml. What is the correct volume (in ml) to be administered?
9. A dose of 200 mcg is prescribed. The stock concentration is 75 mcg in 1 ml. What is the correct volume (in ml) to be administered?
10. A patient prescribed 160 mg of paracetamol elixir, the stock concentration is 100 mg per 5 ml. What is the correct volume (in ml) to be administered?
11. A dose of 20 mmol is prescribed. The stock concentration is 150 mmol per 10 ml. What the correct volume (in ml) to be administered?
12. A patient is prescribed 45 units of insulin. The stock concentration is 5000 units per 20ml. What is the correct volume (in ml) to be administered?
13 A patient is prescribed 1.2 mg per kg and weighs 63 kg. What is the correct dose for this patient?
14 A patient weighs 16 kg. The prescription dose of the medicine is 20 mg/kg. What is the dose (in mg) to be administered?
15 A patient whose recorded weight is 25 kg is prescribed 2.2 mg/kg of a medicine. What is the correct dosage (in mg) to be administered?
Learning activity – communication Progression Point 1 Think back to an interaction you have had with a patient during practice and using the following headings and cues from Driscoll’s (2007) model reflect on this experience to identify areas that went well for you and areas where you believe you need to develop further skills. Discuss this with your mentor. Reference: Driscoll J. (2007) Practising clinical supervision: a reflective approach for healthcare professionals. 2nd ed. Bailliere Tindall, Oxford. What…. • is the purpose of returning to this situation • happened • did other people do who were involved in this • did I see / do • was my reaction to it
So what…….. • did I feel at the time • are my feelings now, have they changed over time • were the effects of what I did / did not do • positive aspects have emerged for me • effect has this had on my practice
Now what………. • are the implications for me and my practice • difference would it make if I did nothing • can I do to get more information to help me in the future • can I do to modify my practice if a similar situation arises again • is the main learning I can take from this episode
Learning activity - Code of conduct Progression Point 1 Referring to the NMC code (NMC 2008) reflect on how this has influenced your practice whilst in the clinical area. It may be helpful to consider Domain 1: Professional Values to help you with this. Reference: Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) The code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. Nursing and Midwifery Council, London.
Learning activity - handover Progression Point 1 Undertake, in a systematic way, the handover of one patient that you have been caring for. Reflect on what went well and areas that you need to further develop. Discuss this with your mentor before completing your reflective write up.
Service user / carer feedback (prior to progression point 1) Dear Service user / Carer, We value your views of how our students are doing. The registered practitioner responsible for your care may ask you if you are willing to offer the student feedback on their care. There is no requirement for you to do this, if you would rather not, and this will not affect your care in any way. If you would rather not take part in this, just leave the page blank. Many thanks for your time. The Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery
Thank you for agreeing to provide feedback to the student who has been involved in your care. In order to maintain your confidentiality, we do not need your name but would be grateful if you could tick if you are a patient / service user or carer. Service User
Please comment on the following areas of the student’s practice: The student treated me / the service user with respect
Yes / No
The student was interested in me as an individual
Yes / No
The student took time to maintain my dignity
Yes / No
The student considered both my physical and emotional needs
Yes / No
The student communicated with me effectively, using both verbal and non verbal communication The student involved me in planning and delivering my care.
Yes / No Yes / No
Please add any other comments you feel may be helpful to the student’s learning and professional development:
Mentor’s signature ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Student’s signature………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Attendance record for practice hours Completing your record of practice hours • Trust induction counts as clinical hours and must be recorded and signed off at the time of induction. • No more than 48 hours may be worked in any consecutive 7 days. • No more than 11.5 hours may be worked per shift (this excludes breaks). • If you work more than the above stipulated hours per shift or per week, the excess hours will not be counted in the total for the practice experience. Instructions for completing your weekly attendance record • Record the hours you have been rostered to work each week. Then, in the appropriate column, indicate the actual shift times you worked, and the total number of hours this equates to. • For each shift worked you must obtain the signature of your supervisor ie qualified nurse or mentor (or other professional), who can verify the hours worked. Shifts that have not been signed will not be included in your total. • Ensure you indicate, using ‘N’, if the shift was a night shift. • If you are sick, and did not work the rostered hours, you must indicate this using ‘S’ against the relevant shift. You must also complete the on-line notification: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/teares/nmvc/prereg/absence/student/index.php • If you are sick/absent and make up hours, these should be recorded in the separate section at the end on page 100, and added to the overall practice hours total. • Record the total hours for each WEEK. • Write the TOTAL number of hours worked during the practice experience in the box at the end. • All changes to written information must be verified with a new signature and date. One line through a mistake and no tippex. If this section is filled in incorrectly, or if weekly or overall totals have not been completed, the document will be returned for correction before being processed. Please see the example on the following pages, and ensure your document is completed in the same manner.
EXAMPLE Practice experience 1, Week 1 Date Rostered Hours
13 Sept 2010 14 Sept 2010 15 Sept 2010 16 Sept 2010 17 Sept 2010
07.30 – 15.30 07.30 – 15.30 07.30 – 15.30 07.30 – 15.30 07.30 – 15.30
Actual Hours Indicate if Night completed Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S) 07.30 – 15.30 07.30 – 15.30 07.30 – 15.30 07.30 – 15.30 07.30 – 15.30
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
D S Jones D S Jones D S Jones D S Jones D S Jones
Total practice hours this week 37.5 Practice experience 1, Week 2 Date Rostered Hours
4 October 2010
07.30 – 15.30
Actual Hours Indicate if Night completed Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S) 07.30 – 15.30
6 October 2010 7 October 2010 8 October 2010
20.15 – 07.45 20.15 – 07.45 20.15 – 07.45
20.15 – 07.45 20.15 – 07.45 None
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
D S Jones
10.5 10.5
D S Jones D S Jones
Total practice hours this week 28.5 Practice experience 1, Week 3 Date Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
11 October 2010
07.30 – 15.30
07.30 – 16.00
13 October 2010 14 October 2010 15 October 2010
20.15 – 07.45 20.15 – 07.45 20.15 – 07.45
20.15 – 07.45 20.15 – 07.45 20.15 – 07.45
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
D S Jones
10.5 10.5 10.5
D S Jones D S Jones D S Jones
Total practice hours this week 39.5 Summary: Total practice hours completed: Number of night duty shifts: Number of shifts not worked due to sickness/other absence:
105.5 5 1
Record of practice hours - year 1: practice experience 1 Total hours required: 150 Year 1, Practice Experience 1, Week 1 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week Year 1, Practice Experience 1, Week 2 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 1, Week 3 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 1, Week 4 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 1, Week 5 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
Total hours
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
If you are sick or absent and make up a shift, this should be recorded on page 100.
Please complete the summary box below: Year 1 - practice experience 1: 150 hours required Total practice hours completed: Additional hours worked (recorded on page 100): Hours for simulated practice during this practice experience (recorded on pages 11/12): Subtotal: Hours owing from this practice experience (if any):
Number of night duty shifts: Number of shifts not worked due to sickness /other absence:
Supervisor’s signature
Record of practice hours - year 1: practice experience 2 Total hours required: 225 Year 1, Practice Experience 2, Week 1 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 2, Week 2 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 2, Week 3 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 2, Week 4 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 2, Week 5 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 2, Week 6 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week If you are sick or absent and make up a shift, this should be recorded on page 100.
Please complete the summary box overleaf.
Year 1 - practice experience 2: 225 hours required Total practice hours completed: Additional hours worked (recorded on page 100): Hours for simulated practice during this practice experience (recorded on pages 11/12): Subtotal: Hours owing from this practice experience (if any):
Number of night duty shifts: Number of shifts not worked due to sickness /other absence:
Record of practice hours - year 1: practice experience 3 Total hours required: 300 Year 1, Practice Experience 3, Week 1 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 3, Week 2 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 3, Week 3 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 3, Week 4 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 3, Week 5 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 3, Week 6 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 3, Week 7 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week
Year 1, Practice Experience 3, Week 8 Date
Rostered Hours
Actual Hours completed
Indicate if Night Shift (N). If you did not work the shift, indicate if Sick (S)
M T W T F S S Total practice hours this week If you are sick or absent and make up a shift, this should be recorded on page 100.
Please complete the summary box overleaf.
Year 1 - practice experience 3: 300 hours required Total practice hours completed: Additional hours worked (recorded on page 100): Hours for simulated practice during this practice experience (recorded on pages 11/12): Subtotal: Hours owing from this practice experience (if any):
Number of night duty shifts: Number of shifts not worked due to sickness /other absence:
Record of additional shifts worked (e.g. to make up for sickness/absence) Date
Rostered hours
Actual hours completed
Indicate if night shift (N)
Total hours
Supervisor’s signature
Record of meetings held whilst on practice experience - year 1 Date and time Record of meetings/ comment sheet
Persons present (signature and designation)
Date and time Record of meetings/ comment sheet
Persons present (signature and designation)
Florence Nightingale School of Nursing & Midwifery at King’s College London James Clerk Maxwell Building 57 Waterloo Road LONDON SE1 8WA Telephone: Email: Web:
020 7848 4698
[email protected] www.kcl.ac.uk/nursing