Journey to the Upper Realm
October 30, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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did, which was football. Sean JOURNEY TO UR 2D JUNE 21 2013x Psychic linfluencing tagalog ......
Journey to the Upper Realm: How I Survived the Deaths of My Sons and Learned to Communicate With Them on the Other Side Maria I. Pe © 2013 by Maria Pe June 21, 2013
For Sean and Kyle The lights of my life and my greatest teachers All that time I thought I was teaching you And you were really here to teach me. I honor you.
PROLOGUE On June 21, 2011, my two sons began their transition to the Other Side. At the time, I didn’t see it that way. Tuesday, June 21, 2011, was a "normal" morning for me. I finished getting ready for work and was just about to leave the house. I was ready to click the tv off when the news story caught my attention: Murder-‐suicide in Bonita. The camera panned to a neighborhood and I saw the house across the street from my ex-‐husband Tom's house. My heart began to beat faster, panic began to set in. The news reporter indicated that a man and two young boys had been killed. My heart began beating even faster. I called Tom's home phone. No answer. I called Tom's cell phone. Voicemail. I called Sean's cell phone. Voicemail. I called Kyle's cell phone. Voicemail. No. No. No. No. I rushed out of the house and got into my car. I drove the six miles to Tom's house. I was in a state of panic and disbelief. There is no way this could be my sons! I got to the neighborhood which was filled with news crews. The area was cordoned off with yellow crime scene tape. I parked my car in someone's driveway and ran down the street to the first police officers I saw. "Tell me that it's not my sons," I begged them. "Please tell me it's not my sons." They escorted me to the house across the street. A man came and asked me my ex-‐husband's name. My son's names. Sean. Kyle. He confirmed that it was their house. Then he said that there had been gunshots. No! No, no, no, no, no! I crumpled to the ground. There were no words. There were no words possible. My ex-‐husband, Tom, had killed my sons, Sean and Kyle. He had given them sleeping pills to make them fall into a deep sleep, then he had shot them while they slept in their own beds. Then he had shot himself. This is how my journey began. This book is the story of my journey – my “Journey to the Upper Realm.” It is the story of my experience during the 13 months after my boys were killed, day by day, as it was happening. It is my story of how I survived the deaths of my sons and learned to communicate with them on the other side. And ultimately, how I found myself on the road to forgiveness. Prior to my sons’ deaths, I had never kept a journal, but I started writing in a journal shortly after my sons died. I didn’t really know why, but I felt that I had to record my thoughts and feelings, and the things that I learned along my journey. It was through the process of writing this book that it finally became clear to me why I had been keeping daily journals about my experience. I was “guided” to write this book by my sons, and by Spirit. I understand now that this book is part of my remaining work here and my contribution in this lifetime. This is my journey. It is my Truth. And the gift that I received. LIFE BEFORE JUNE 21, 2011 Nothing in my life could have predicted for me that I would be faced with one of the greatest challenges in my life at the age of 49. I was born on July 4, 1962 in the city of Manila to a Chinese father and a Filipino mother. My father, Raymundo Lim Pe, had a childhood that was very different from my own. He was born on July 11, 1928 in China. His mother was the second of four wives to his father, Pe Bungking, and my father was one of twenty-‐two children. He and much of his family immigrated to the Philippines when he was seven years old, and he lived in the town of Coron located on one of the islands of Palawan.
He was a child during World War II. As he recalls in his autobiography, “Living in Sang-‐ham as a six year old, I remembered having nightmares as the talk centered on the Sino-‐Japanese war, nightmares of evacuation, family separation . . . .” On December 8, 1941, after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, “school was let out and everybody in Coron was in turmoil not knowing what to do next.” For the next few years, he was taken care of by various family members, half-‐sisters and half-‐brothers in Manila. He returned to Coron in 1945 after the war ended. At 17, he enrolled in the 5th grade, but his education was interrupted by family needs and obligations. He moved back to Manila with his mother and brother, and lived with a large number of relatives. Even at that young age, he understood the importance of getting an education: “It was difficult to find jobs, having no real qualifications. I was in the illiterate, ignorant pool of workers and this spurred me on to get an education.” He decided to return to Coron to start a general store and continue his education there. After persuading his mother to move back to the province, they set up a modest storefront. With his mother tending shop, he was able to transfer from his night school in Manila to a newly established high school in Coron. In his fourth year of high school, he transferred to the University of Santo Tomas for his last year of high school. After four years, he earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. My mother also lived through the experiences of World War II, being just one year younger than my father. Her father, Feliciano Villanueva, came from a large family of ten children, all well educated with professional careers in accounting, law, medicine, engineering, and agriculture. My mother’s mother, Paz de Guzman, was an elementary school teacher for thirty years. My mother was born on December 5, 1929 and christened Zenaida Villanueva. She was the youngest of five children. She lived with her family in Manila. She had just started elementary school when World War II broke out: “I remember being in school around noon. We were told to go home because war had started. This must have been December 8. We didn’t know what it meant. That evening we witnessed the Japanese and American aircraft in a ‘dogfight’ to shoot each other down. Against the dark night, we heard the rapid planes’ fire. It was scary. At the same time, it was exciting. Tony, my brother, and I would try to slip by our mother to go out and watch the action. We had a makeshift shelter in the ground floor of our house.” Shortly after war broke out, she, her brother and her sister were put on a train to their uncle’s house outside of the city. “People were rushing out of Manila to escape the Japanese occupying forces.” When the war finally ended, she recalled: “Liberation came in 1944 when the Americans defeated the Japanese. The Japanese burned and destroyed what they could and killed many before they retreated south of Manila. There were no lights because of curfew regulations and yet I remember the first night American soldiers started coming into the city, it was well lit because of the many fires going on. There was also the unforgettable sound of boots – the retreating Japanese stepping in cadence. I hid and peeped at them as they marched by our house. The surrender of Japan in 1944 marked the beginning of getting back to normal. Schools were opened. We were older. I was 18 when I graduated from high school – a three-‐year delay. Our school was partially damaged. There were no walls. We lacked everything because war depleted everything. I remember my class sitting on the ground under a tree because of lack of classrooms. In spite of this, we were eager and glad to be back in school again.” She went on to attend the University of the
Philippines where she earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology and her masters degree in guidance and counseling. My parents met in 1958 and were married that same year in October. They were older newlyweds – my father was 30 and my mother was 29. Nine months later, they had their first child, a daughter christened Maria Lourdes (Marylou). Then their first son, Raymundo, Jr., was born on December 3, 1960. In 1960, my father was working for the Ed. A. Keller Co. Ltd, a Swiss trading company, which supplied raw cotton to all of the textile mills in the Philippines. As part of his job duties, he was sent to Memphis, Tennessee for training, his first trip to the United States. When he returned, he continued to progress in his career, earning a good living that enabled him to build a comfortable home for his growing family. They lived in a suburb of Manila and enjoyed an upper middle class lifestyle complete with maids, a driver and other servants. In 1961, Marylou contracted meningitis. It would be a long ten-‐month struggle before she died from the illness. During that time, my mother was pregnant with me. Superstitions in the Philippine culture told her that she was carrying a girl that would replace the daughter she was losing. After my birth, I was left in the pediatrics ward of the hospital for two months while my mother grieved the loss of her first daughter. In 1962, my father got a job as a marketing manager for Abbott Laboratories. The following year, he had another opportunity to travel to the United States to Chicago. While he was gone, their second son, Roberto, was born on June 24, 1963. Shortly afterwards, my father returned to work for Keller Co. Despite his successes and comfortable lifestyle in Manila, my father began to think about moving to the United States. The decision to move forward was a quick one and made rather spontaneously. As he describes it: “The U.S. was under a quota system only admitting a few hundred applicants with good qualifications and the waiting list was a very lengthy one so that I did not even bother to go to the U.S. embassy to inquire. One day in January 1965, I was visiting an office building where one of my nieces was employed and where the Canadian embassy was also located. While passing by I spied a big crowd at the embassy office and I inquired of some people around and found out the embassy was giving applications for emigration to Canada. I got a form and filled in an application for emigration to Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Three months later, we were requested to have medical examinations for emigration.” On December 8, 1965, less than one year after applying for emigration, my father arrived in Vancouver, British Columbia. He was able to get a job with an engineering consulting firm in January 1966, and he then notified my mother to come immediately with the children. The move was not an easy one for my mother: “It is very difficult to describe what it means to emigrate to a far country totally unknown to you. It is painful to bid goodbye to friends and relatives at the airport, not knowing when and if you will see them again. At times I thought that we were making a big mistake. After all, we had a nice house in Manila and Raymond had a good job. . . . Raymond had bought a used Volkswagon beetle. We all piled in. January was cold of course and uncomfortable. The best Raymond could get was a second-‐story studio apartment. He bought a folding bed and extra mattresses and a tv/record player/radio. I didn’t know which to do first, second, etc. because I had always been surrounded by help. Fortunately, the kids loved cereal and milk and that’s what they ate.”
We lived in Vancouver for only eight months. In 1967, my father received a job offer from Stearns-‐Rogers in Denver, Colorado. Engineers were in high demand at the time so my father was finally able to use his engineering degree. The company offered him higher pay, incentives and the assurance that it would help our family obtain U.S. citizenship. So our family moved again and bought a home in the suburb of Arvada outside of Denver. We moved again a little over two years later after my father was laid off. He was able to get another job in Detroit, Michigan, but because of the cold weather he left that job after only three months. In 1969, my father was able to get a long-‐term position with Rohr Corporation in Chula Vista, California, and my mother was able to get a job with the San Diego County Department of Welfare. My parents bought a house in Chula Vista and most of my childhood memories are associated with that home. My brothers and I had a stable and comfortable childhood. We took many family vacations; my parents, especially my father, loved to travel. We had all of the creature comforts we could have wanted and we were given many opportunities to be involved in numerous activities. Having grown up in the Philippines, both of my parents were Catholic, and so, naturally, they intended to raise their children in the Catholic faith. As a young girl, I remember going to church every Sunday, and dutifully attending Sunday school. I admit, however, that I don’t remember a single thing that I might have learned from those experiences. When I was nine years old, my father discovered the “Church of Tennis.” It was to become my “religion” for the next twelve years. I spent several hours on the tennis court each day. Tennis became my main activity, and I played competitively in Southern California throughout my youth. In 1980, I graduated from high school and was admitted to Harvard University. I had been recruited to play on the varsity tennis team, and I played on the team for three seasons, serving as captain for one year and being named to the All Ivy team each season. In 1984, I completed my bachelor’s degree in Sociology. I eventually returned to San Diego in 1985. In 1991, I earned my law degree from the University of San Diego School of Law. After graduating, I served as a law clerk for a federal bankruptcy judge from 1991 to 1993. I met Tom in 1993 and we were married one year later. After completing my bankruptcy clerkship, I practiced law for several years in a local San Diego law firm. It was during my time at the law firm that my two sons were born. Sean Robert was born on May 9, 1996 and Kyle Joseph was born on February 4, 1998. My career path led me to start my own training and consulting company in 2000 which then led to a position with one of my clients, a local defense contractor in 2002. I moved on to take a position with the County of San Diego Treasurer-‐Tax Collector’s office in 2003 where I still work. My life experience was all about “mainstream” America. I learned and lived according to the values of upper middle class culture. I studied hard and did well in school. I excelled in tennis. I was accepted into one of the best colleges in the country. I earned my bachelor's degree, then my law degree. I began my career as a lawyer, and over the years I developed strong values in the principles of analysis, evidence and proof. I married, bought a house and had two beautiful children. Although my marriage to Tom ended in 2007, we eventually developed a relationship that allowed us to co-‐parent the boys so that they had a stable and secure childhood. I continued to develop even closer bonds to my sons, and I cherished every moment that I spent with them, especially the trips and adventures that
we shared together. I also had a strong relationship with a new man in my life, Tony. I was happy again, happier than I had been in a long time. I was on the "right" path, the path of achievement, and of moving forward and upward in life. I had no need for religion, meditation, or spiritual practice. I had no interest in mediums or psychics, and I was not interested in concepts of the afterlife, past lives, near death experiences or other spiritual encounters. I knew what life was all about. Or at least I thought I did. Then suddenly, on June 21, 2011, everything changed. JUNE 2011 On June 9, 2011, twelve days before his death, my son Sean recited the following poem at his high school: An Honest Opinion Honestly, I give the world nothing Because I don’t have anything That this world needs. Sometimes I feel useless, like a pencil with no lead or a dead battery. Honestly, I have nothing but my soul, But I’m getting rid of that as soon as the devil’s check clears. But I didn’t deserve it anyway. Because we have become the most violent, greedy, and ruthless creatures on this planet. We were given the privilege to be the most successful animals in this world, but we abused it and now the world is ripping itself to pieces because it can’t stand letting us live a day longer, and the sun has turned away because it can’t bear to watch, and the moon and all the planets are cringing at the sight of another planet getting destroyed, and they just have to sit there and watch, feeling hopeless to do anything. A feeling that I am very well acquainted with. If you ask me the same question in about 25 years, I will tell you the same answer. Honestly, I don’t give anything to the world.
Not because I don’t have anything to give, But because I choose not to give this world anything. Because I have seen this world’s true face, and it is not pretty. This world is a jungle. The rain forest, once beautiful, but slowly burning to the ground. The world doesn’t deserve what I have to give, no matter how small and insignificant it may be. This world is like a black hole, It takes what we have to give and gives nothing back. Until this world learns to change into a better place, It deserves nothing. The only thing that lets me sleep at night is knowing that there are still a few good people out there even though they are outnumbered by the bad. Honestly, I only want to give the world one thing, I want to change it. To change it into what we all want it to be. So we can all stop fighting and killing, and start loving. I want to turn the world on its head. That’s all I want to give this world. I know it might sound like I’m complaining, but I’m just telling it like I see it. Honestly, I don’t care if I go down in history. I don’t care if I am remembered. But if I am, I hope that it’s for a good reason. On June 21, 2011, Sean and Kyle left Earth realm. June 24, 2011 Email to my family and friends: I had the most amazing and beautiful experience just now with Jenny. As I was walking her to her car down the street at the parking area by my brother's house, two black and yellow butterflies came down together and fluttered over our heads, circled around a few times, and then flew off as if they were running off to play, then came back together and flew away. There were only two of them, there were no other butterflies anywhere to be seen. June 26, 2011 Email from Susan: I'm thinking and praying for you and your family. I may wait until after the burial to pay my respects at the cemetery for the boys when its more quiet....if that's ok. I know it's not the same, but my collie Dillon1 recently passed away and I have been terribly depressed for a few weeks, then with the boys now, it's made it worse. I'm a pretty private 1 Dillon became an important figure in my journey.
person so I would like to go to the cemetery after. I went to the little memorial their friends put at the house....they were very loved, and hopefully your niece and Tony told you I called twice. It's heartbreaking for those left behind when you lose those you loved. June 30, 2011 “Imagine That . . .” We are not limited by what we can taste, touch and see We are, in fact, far more than we appear or dare to believe Imagine . . . . The universe already knows what we cannot yet understand; that though vast, the universe is still small, and time and space are really nothing at all So imagine . . . The soul can go places our eyes cannot see, To visit people and places beyond the physical reach of the human body So imagine . . . Imagination is not make-believe; it is more than a dream It is where understanding begins for the things unknown and unseen So imagine . . . The mind can bind, or it can set free All that we hope for and aspire to be, and even more than that if we’ll just let it be free So imagine . . . The body longs to touch what the heart knows it had The heart remembers and will always be glad The Soul connects both, though they don’t always agree, On just where to focus their combined energy So imagine . . . Love is the energy with power to transform and shape All that exists—anywhere, anytime, anyplace Let it heal every hurt, lift every dark mood, and Take you to places where nothing else could Imagine . . . -- Sharyl H. [Sharyl’s reflections on “Imagine That . . .”: The morning of June 21, 2011 brought heartache and shock. I was home sick, watching the morning news on TV and saw the live coverage of an unfolding news story. As I watched I saw a familiar figure, you, walking up to the house, escorted by police, as a reporter explained that two boys had been shot by
their father, who, after taking the lives of his sons, had set the house on fire then shot himself. The shock and dismay at what I was hearing did not register with me nearly as much as watching you clutch your stomach, double over, and drop to your knees. It felt surreal, and difficult to grasp, and it felt heavy. That ache I witnessed in that moment, as you learned what had happened to your sons, resonated with me. While I have not lost a child, I have experienced the gut-‐wrenching anguish and irreversible permanence that comes from being without children. I was never able to have children. I ached for you. I felt I had some understanding of what you faced. I had met your boys on several occasions at the office and work functions, and although you and I did not have a close personal relationship, I was aware of how nurturing and loving you were with your sons; your support of their interests, and, the way that you created opportunities for them to grow and broaden their life experiences. I had witnessed the pride and joy you took in their accomplishments. At work, in the days following, there was much sharing of stories about you and your boys and all they meant to you. There were also updates given about how you were doing and what your wishes were for how to support you in your time of loss. A coordinated effort was initiated to create a memory book for you that everyone at work could contribute to as an expression of their love and support to you. I thought, “What a perfect opportunity!”, but I struggled at how to say what I felt needed to be expressed. I did not feel a need to express condolences as much as I felt a need to share the understandings my experiences had brought me and a message of hope and healing. The plans for the services for the boys was shared, and I learned that you were scheduled to see, for the first time, the bodies of your beloved sons that next day. I went to bed that night feeling a heaviness in my heart and concern for what lay ahead for you. I did not know how to speak to that, so I closed my eyes and shared my concerns in heart-‐spoken prayer. Sleep was illusive and I found myself in more of a deep meditative uneasy rest as I sought for a way to speak healing to you. My prayers began receiving responses that I can only describe as verbally and emotionally conversational. I felt a heart-‐ache that was not organic to the relationship I share with you. I had a sense that what I was feeling belonged to your sons because of the nature of the love, sorrowful but not sad, appreciation for what had been experienced here, and insistence that you live in love and be well. The emotion was overwhelming and I cried soft silent tears as a result of its sweetness and intensity. The tears were not my own; I recognized that they came from the emotion of who I was in conversation with. The responses I was receiving imparted a bittersweet peace to you for the present and the future that was becoming a literal, and poetic, conversation. I relaxed and let the conversation continue. It was so beautifully eloquent in how it expressed and captured all that I was hoping to convey and contribute to your path to healing. Finally, I felt peace. As the message was received, I felt the heaviness lift and my concern ease. I committed to remembering the poetry of the conversation and promised to write the message received in the morning as soon as I got up. Immediately that thought was met with resistance and a sense of urgency that pressed for me get up now and write down the message. After a few back and forths, I got up and went in the front room and began to write down the message. That urging was right; even though the message was fresh, it didn’t flow as easily in my waking state as it had in my prayerful meditative state. It came in pieces as I went back into that meditative conversation to recapture a thought at a time and back out to write down what had been shared. After an hour and half I put my pen and paper down. I had the thoughts on paper, even though they were not in their right order, and I was released to return to bed and get a much needed few hours of rest. The next morning I was able to compile my notes into the order and poetic context that reflected the
message I had received the night before. What I didn't have was an understanding of how to give it to you. I felt an urgency to make sure that you received the poem before you went to view the bodies of your sons. I knew that nothing was going to change your experience during that viewing, and that the message of the poem was intended to help your through whatever emotions and dark places you encountered. I had been tasked with making sure that you received it before you saw your sons. I reached out to people I knew that knew you well and asked whether it would be alright if I visited you that afternoon. Thankfully, my visit was welcomed. I was able to find a moment of time where I had the opportunity to talk with you one-‐on-‐one and explain the poem that I was giving to you. All of my reluctance and hesitation was erased as you read the poem and I witnessed you physically run your fingers over the phrase, "The body longs to touch what the heart knows it had, The heart remembers and will always be glad, The Soul connects both, though they don't always agree, on just where to focus their combined energy." You shared with me that this was an experience that you feared and struggled with. I responded that this message had been given to me for the specific purpose of assuring you that you would have a way through that experience, and that you can be free of fear to fully experience all the anguish, grief, and loss involved with the assurance that you would not get lost in those emotions. This message was offered as a path out of whatever dark place you might find yourself in. While waiting for the right moment to talk with you in private one-‐on-‐one, I learned something I did not know about your son, Sean. I learned of his love for John Lennon’s music and the song “Imagine”. I found reassurance of all that I believed to be true about my experience from the night before. In putting all of the stanzas of the poem together earlier in the day, I realized that the one thing the message did not have was a title. I sought out in meditative prayerful conversation throughout the morning what the title should be, and received: “Imagine” or “Imagine, that ….” To find out the meaning of “Imagine” to your son later that same day during my visit with you was an amazing reassurance.] JULY 2011 July 1, 2011 – Memorial Celebration Introduction/Prayer by Chaplain Carey Norman We are here to celebrate and honor Sean and Kyle and their lives that they shared with all of us, the beauty they gave to this world, and now the overwhelming love, compassion, healing and inspiration that they are generating in the universe. Their mother, Maria Pe, would like to say a few opening words to you. Comments about Sean and Kyle from Maria As most of you know, Sean and Kyle have been and still are the true meaning and joy in my life. So how do I and my family put everything that they mean to us into the short period of time we have today? I know you will forgive us if we go a little long today. First, I just want to say thank you to all of you here, and all of the people around the world who are thinking about my boys and sending love to them. Thank you for your love, your prayers, your positive energy and your healing energy. I feel it so strongly, and God knows I need every ounce of it right now and I will for a long, long time. With the help of my friends and family, we have put together a couple of tributes for Sean and Kyle. And I just want to say a few things about them before we share those with you. First of all, as a mom and as a friend to Sean and Kyle, I tried to teach them as much as I could and I tried to show them everything that I could show them, but they also taught me so much about myself and how to be a better mother and a better person. Many of you know that Sean and Kyle are already
tremendous world travelers. I loved taking them everywhere. I wanted them to see different places, people and cultures, and to not be afraid to go anywhere in the world. We went to the Philippines where I was born, we went to Ireland and stood on the Cliff of Moher, they even tried Guinness. We went to China and walked on the Great Wall, we visited the Ming tombs, we saw the Terra Cotta soldiers, we cruised down the Yangtze River to the Three Gorges, and we visited Shanghai. We went to the Big Island of Hawaii and had an incredible zip-‐lining experience, we went to Oahu to see Pearl Harbor and honor the fallen soldiers. We went to the Grand Canyon. We went to Coeur D’Alene, Idaho so they could try snowboarding. We spent a week in Orlando which we now call “Theme Park Hell.” We went to a ranch in Phoenix where they got to shoot a real 22 pistol, and they tried their hand at skeet shooting with a real shotgun. We went to Boston and visited my college and they ate live Maine lobster for the first time – although I don’t think they cared for it as much as they do deep-‐fried Mexican lobster. I took Kyle to the Denver Broncos stadium, and I still have plans to take him to all the stadiums. I took Sean to Las Vegas to see the Phantom of the Opera, and I still have plans to take him to so many more shows, concerts and musicals. And Sean and Kyle have always wanted to go to every state in our great nation. Kyle used to lay in bed at night just before going to sleep reading the “Fifty States” book I had given him. I can go on and on telling you all about our great adventures, but it would take a lifetime to do that, so I will just have to settle for showing you some of their passions in this life and a little piece of the incredible lives they led while they were here with us on this earth. TRIBUTE TO KYLE Comments about Kyle from Maria Kyle Joseph was born on February 4, 1998. That date was such an appropriate time for his birth because the SuperBowl is always near or on his birthday. When the nurse first brought Kyle to me, and he was crying, clearly angry, I knew what I was in for. But with that fiery spirit of his came an equally powerful affection and loyalty. He is both protective and gentle. He shows his love in a unique and private way, and somehow that makes his love even more compelling. I see so much of myself in Kyle. He is incredibly competitive and he demands absolute excellence of himself. He used to ask me all about my days in competitive tennis and whether I was the best, and did I win all my matches. It was as if he wanted to be absolutely clear on the standard that he would have to meet or, more likely, the standard that he would have to exceed. Anyone that knows Kyle knows that his greatest passion is football. He knows everything there is to know about the game, strategy, NFL teams, college teams, which team won the Superbowl in what year, the players, their positions, who got drafted by what team and in what year, the records for most yards, most completed passes, most touchdowns, longest kick, you name it, he knew it. He used to make me play the Football Trivia Game with him, and he would have to answer questions from all of the different categories, but I would only have to answer the “Rookie” questions; otherwise, the game would be over in a matter of minutes. That boy has dreams of greatness and he is already well on his way. So now I want to share with you just a tiny piece of what made Kyle, Kyle. This one’s for you buddy. Comments about Kyle from Uncle Robert As an uncle, I have so many memories of Kyle. So I started thinking, “what are some of the first real solid memories I have of that kid?” He was such a sweet little shy kid with his uncle, and it was at that tender age of 2 that we shared a mutually embarrassing moment. I babysat the boys once in a blue moon and was always able to dodge the “diaper changing
duties.” Now, you have to remember that I don’t have any kids and didn’t plan on having any diaper duties until then. I got past that with Sean, but, well, that day finally came with Kyle. I remember hanging out with them in the family room at their house, just the three of us. Next thing I see Kyle is squatting behind the coffee table and that distinct smell filled the room. I remember Sean saying to me, “He went to the bathroom.” All I can remember thinking was “Oh God.” I think I was more embarrassed than Kyle as we just looked at each other. I wasn’t prepared for this. I was nervous and took a few deep breaths, I’m sure. I asked Sean where the diapers were and he led Kyle and me into Kyle’s bedroom. Sean opened the closet and pulled out the diapers and baby wipes as Kyle laid down on the floor on top of a diaper changing sheet, at least that is what I think it was. I just stood there in nervous shock and embarrassment. The memory of going through the motions is so ingrained into me, but the exact conversation I had with Kyle is a blur. I can only remember talking to him about something so irrelevant while Sean helped me take off Kyle’s shorts and dirty diaper. I think at that point I couldn’t look into Kyle’s eyes as he just laid there waiting to be serviced. I don’t think he could look at me either. To this day, that has to be the most awkward contact I’ve had with Kyle. To my amazement, everything in the dirty diaper was solid and I thanked God for that. I remember talking to Kyle and asking him questions as he laid there as I wiped and cleaned him up. To this day, I still can’t remember a word that we said to each other at that moment. Sean sat next to me, like a coach, handing me the wipes, taking the old diaper and handing me a new one. I would have given a thousand bucks to have a videotape rolling while I was being coached by a 4-‐ year old, changing his 2-‐year old brother. And that was the first and last time I have ever changed a diaper to this day. This is the first time I have ever shared this story outside of our family. Comments about Kyle from Conner At some point, during every family gathering, Kyle would ask me if I wanted to go outside and throw the football. I know that this is no surprise to anybody, because football is Kyle’s passion, but in these instances, during our family gatherings, it was so much more. It was an unspoken agreement between us two: once we went outside with the ball, Kyle would use this as an opportunity to talk—just me and him. Obviously, the topic of our conversations was usually football. I know a pretty good amount about the NFL. But Kyle, on the other hand, had the entire history of football stored in his brain. Many times during our football talks, prideful as I am, I would have to pretend to know what he was talking about. And Kyle knew that. But regardless of how little I knew of the game compared to him, he always asked my opinion about everything: my favorite players from every position, my super bowl picks for the year, he’d even ask me to draw up plays for him to run right there, against an imaginary defense. It was during these one-‐on-‐one football talks that Kyle showed me how amazing it feels when another person genuinely cares about what you have to say. There was absolutely nothing from my football knowledge that I could have enlightened him with, because everything I knew about football I learned from Kyle. But you see, he wanted to share his passion and his love for football with me. During every single one of our talks, he only wanted to know about my opinion. There is nobody else on the face of this earth who could make me feel so important, so cared for, with such a simple gesture. I am so blessed that I had the chance to share Kyle’s passion for football with him, and I’m so blessed that through his passion, he’s taught me how important it is to let your loved ones know that you care about them. Kyle wanted to be the best, and his drive and his passion would not let him be any less. In every single thing that he did, he wouldn’t accept anything less than victory. This was so amazing, and I know it has truly
inspired everybody who has had the pleasure to know him. But Kyle’s aspiration for greatness is not what touched me the most. What has inspired me is how even though Kyle made it his goal to be the very best, he didn’t let it affect the way he treated everybody so lovingly, and it didn’t keep him from enjoying every little thing in life, enjoying every experience, and loving his family and friends with all of his heart. You see, there are people who wish to be the best for all the wrong reasons. Kyle wasn’t one of these people. Kyle took inspiration not from the possibility of money or fame, but from the possibility of influencing others by being the best at what he did, which was football. He had the kindest heart, the purest soul; he wanted nothing in return for his greatness, no rewards. He would never in a million years let his crusade for greatness put anyone else down. Unless you were on the opposite side of the football; because then he’d put you flat on your back. But then he’d help you right back up off the ground. His biggest inspiration for football was LaDainian Tomlinson, who served as a role model for many people, especially Kyle. Now, Kyle has filled the shoes of his biggest hero and he has become the inspiration for so many people that he had always strived to be, not as a professional football player, but as a person. Kyle has inspired me in a way that nobody else has, and I promise him that I will exemplify his greatness in everything I pursue. When I look at Kyle’s life, it gives me hope for the individual. It gives me hope that people will see how he lived and realize the true power and impact that one life can have on this world. TRIBUTE TO SEAN Comments about Sean from Maria Sean Robert was born on May 9, 1996. He, so very appropriately, came home with me on Mother’s Day. I knew from a very early age that Sean was very special, that he was an “old soul.” Even as a young boy, he had tremendous wisdom and compassion. I called him my little hippie because he looked forward to the day when he could start driving, get his own van, and decorate it with shag rugs, beads and musical knick knacks. He told me he would need it to drive his band to all of their gigs. I have so many beautiful memories of this boy who was growing into an extraordinary young man. This past year at High Tech High, I saw him blossoming and coming into his own. He has a very strong self-‐identity and is very comfortable in his own skin. He has an incredible sense of humor and wit. When he was in grade school, on sharing day, he would always bring a joke book to read to the class. Most of the kids wouldn’t get the jokes, but he always did and he wanted to share that laughter and humor with his friends. He has been like that throughout his life. He loved to show me and Kyle video clips of comedians and other things that he found funny and we would all laugh and laugh until tears came down our faces and our stomachs would hurt. Many of you know that Sean is a very accomplished musician and that he is extremely passionate about guitar. He loves all kinds of music from all different eras. I was so amazed and pleased to actually see him sing karaoke for the first time a few weeks ago – he sang the Final Countdown, of all things. But the most powerful sense I have of Sean is his tenderness. I can tell you this story because I know that even as a 15-‐year old boy, he will not be embarrassed by it. At night when I would go into his room to say good night, I would kiss him, tell him I love him and start to leave his room. As he laid there in his bed, he would reach his arms out to me and say, “Mama,” then pat his bed as the signal for me to come and lay down with him. So I would always take that opportunity no matter how late it was or how tired I was. He would open his arms and I would lay my head down on his shoulder and he would hold me close to him. I could hear his heartbeat so strong and steady. Then, with his free hand, he would pick up his remote control for his cd player and switch it on. We would lay there together and listen to John Lennon singing Imagine and
we would both softly sing along. Then when the song ended, we would hug tightly, kiss and say goodnight, and then he would be ready to go to sleep. This is my tribute to you, Sean, my wise and compassionate old soul. Comments about Sean from Uncle Robert When I think of Sean, I think of music. The Beatles, The Eagles, Led Zeppelin, Boston. Yeah, Sean was 15 years old and loved my kind of music. How lucky was I to have a nephew who not only liked these kinds of bands, but played the guitar like them too? I think to myself…”How lucky was I?” Sean always had a guitar near him, sort of like Kyle with his football. Sean was getting so good this past year and sometimes I would hear him playing his guitar in one of the other rooms while I was in my bedroom. Now Sean was not shy playing his guitar in front of his mom or Kyle, and he was getting used to playing it in front of me, but if he knew I was listening to him, I think he might have been a little bit more reserved how he played. So when I was in my room and heard him start playing, I would turn down my tv or music and slowly open the door VERY quietly so he wouldn’t hear me. Then I would sit in my room and listen to him play his guitar. I can still hear him playing his guitar, and I can’t quite put it into words, but it was soothing and amazing, and he was so good, and I was so happy to just hear him play, as the music just flowed through his fingers. It was a real treat for me to hear him this way because I really felt the music coming from his heart, from his natural talent. His passion for music was just like Kyle’s passion for football…….pure. The one thing I loved to do when Sean, Maria, and I started playing together, was to sing with a Filipino accent and sometimes change the words. I could always make him laugh when I did that, and it gave me a great sense of joy when I could make him laugh. Then sometimes he would join in with his Filipino accent. We always seemed to end up doing this to the Tommy Tutone song….867-‐5309. I loved making him laugh. Sean adored John Lennon and I don’t think I could have asked for a better person for Sean to look up to because I know what John Lennon stood for….Peace and Love. I had the best of both worlds with these two boys….music and sports…and IN ‘N ‘ OUT BURGER. Every so often, I got to take the boys out to eat….and I have to tell you, I got so much satisfaction out of taking these two guys to In ‘n’ Out Burgers with their voracious appetites. Kyle would always tell me that the last couple bites were the best because of all the sauce oozing out. It was like watching two lions devour their Zebra. I love those two boys and I miss them so dearly…..they brought out the best in me and I am so proud to be their uncle. Comments about Sean from Conner My whole family has been telling me how much of an influence I was on Sean. They’re convinced that even his haircuts were influenced by mine. One time, Sean himself said that he wanted to follow in my footsteps. I know the context of it was specific to something that we were talking about, but nevertheless, it is the statement that has touched me more than anything. Now, I think about what an honor it is that such an incredibly smart, amazing young man looked up to me. He and I shared so many interests, everything from the Beatles to Finding Bigfoot. We went through so many phases together; just about every time we saw each other, one of us would introduce the other to something new we had recently discovered. Every hobby that I got interested in, he would get into it too. And every time he would tell me about a cool TV series on the discovery channel or a new sitcom, I would watch an episode and then I’d be as hooked on it as he was. It’s hard not to just reminisce about every common interest we shared. There were so many. We were so alike, but we were different in the way we went about our lives. The difference between us two was that I merely dipped my foot into many areas of interest, while Sean developed
deeper passions. Sean and I took up the guitar at about the same time. I think I was eleven and Sean was eight. One of us found an incredible passion in the instrument that became an expression of deep emotion through music, and the other one of us quit playing the guitar after half a year. I don’t think I have to tell you who stuck with it and who quit. He was the most passionate person I’ve known. You see, Sean saw the world for what it is: full of evil and decay. But there was no way he was going to let the world bring him down. No way. Sean knew what he wanted to do in this life, and he knew how he would accomplish it. Sean knew that only he could decide what was important in his life, only he could dictate what he would pursue and where he would invest his passion. And with every thing that he chose to do, he brought so much life into this world. He did it through music. Our family always talks about how much Sean reminds us of John Lennon. He had the look, the music, but most of all he had the vision: The vision of what he thought the world could be. He showed us this vision in the music he played, the music he listened to, and what he placed importance on. One of the things I loved about Sean the most was his wicked funny sense of humor, and when he was around me, it was non-‐stop. We had so many inside jokes, and we’d feed off each other, trying to push each other to come up with something funnier than the other person could. Sean knew the importance of laughter—he made me laugh so hard, but more importantly, he helped me to find the comic relief in this bitter world. My family can’t stop telling me how much of an impact I had on Sean. What I want them to know, though, is that Sean has influenced me far greater than I could have ever influenced him. I am so incredibly lucky that I had the pleasure of watching this boy grow up and witnessing his life. At age 15, he had a whole life’s worth of wisdom. He was ahead of his time. When I look at Sean’s life, it gives me hope for the future of the human race. It gives me hope that one day, we can put aside our many differences and rejoice in a common passion. It gives me hope that some day, whenever it may be, that we as a group can be united. Comments about Sean and Kyle from Uncle Ray I’m Sean and Kyle’s Uncle Ray, but they knew me as ‘Uncle Buddy.’ I really enjoyed making Sean and Kyle laugh, and it was easy. They would crack up at my stupid jokes, my bad impressions, or my weird observations. As you can see, most of my Sean/Kyle humor was visual—Kyle was an awesome athlete, but he was no match for his uncle’s D-‐fence. The boys and I grew up with Sponge Bob together, even after my own son matured and moved on to Family Guy. As Sean got older, he especially liked my dark sense of humor. My wife and kids usually groan when I tell a joke, but I could always count on Sean and Kyle when I wanted to make someone laugh. When Sean was younger, his mom would occasionally bring him over for a haircut. I wasn’t very good at cutting hair, but I’m very meticulous. So, these haircuts would take a long time. It probably seemed like hours for Sean, but he would never complain or squirm. He would just have a constipated look on his face as he let his uncle cut his hair. I think he must have decided after a few of these traumatic haircuts that he would grow his hair out, and I think most people will remember him with long hair. And Kyle, I cut his hair for the first time just a few weeks ago. I guess Sean didn’t warn him about his uncle’s haircuts . . . . Sean and Kyle, even as teenagers, showed their mom so much affection all the time—hugging and holding her, sitting quietly with her, and they were never concerned if anyone was watching. I hope we can do the same with our parents because it’s something they’ll always cherish. I’ll always remember that about Sean and Kyle, and I’ll miss being called Uncle Bud. Comments about Sean and Kyle from Tony For the past four years, I have seen Sean and Kyle become part of my family and I part of theirs. I have seen Sean grow taller each year with every changing hairstyle and Kyle
growing and flourishing into a great football player. We have shared many moments, laughs and meals. Maria and I have spent many weekends making breakfast for the kids watching the bacon get consumed as quickly as I made it. We had dinners hoping they enjoyed my cooking or even better, going to Tijuana for tacos. I have endured many NFL network replays, Mythbusters and episodes of the Office and hours of laughter that filled the house with Maria and the boys laughing. Comments about Sean and Kyle from Alicia Hearing my aunt talk about how she has no regrets when it comes to her boys is so amazing to me. She has made the most of every second she had with them. But for me, I regret not taking advantage of all the extra times I could have spent with my incredible cousins. Growing up with them, I secretly tried so hard to be one of the boys. I wanted to be part of their group. I even remember in middle school I went through a whole tomboy stage where l tried to play every sport with them and fit in as much as I could. I even started dressing quite boyish. I have so many memories of how much fun we had making up silly games together. One of the many games we used to play was called the frog game. I must say, I’ve always thought that the big reason why they didn’t take after me more was because of my brother. Anyways…I am so blessed to have gotten the opportunity to share my passion for art with my cousin Sean. Believe it or not, on many occasions I remember he would stay inside with me when the rest of the boys were outside playing and we would sit at the kitchen table making all sorts of artsy stuff. That meant the world to me. He would teach me how to make bracelets and lanyards while I would teach him how to draw. That boy had so much creativity flowing out of him at all times. It was not only inspiring, but it also challenged me to think deeper about my own work. I will forever continue to honor him and his brilliantly creative spirit through my art. And Ky-‐Ky… To me, Kyle will always be so pure and innocent. There was not a single mean bone in his body. Even when he was little he never had a problem sharing. He graciously took whatever was given to him and never asked for anything more. Everything about that boy is so beautiful. The way he would giggle so sweetly will be forever instilled in my heart. I hold on to the belief that his everlasting joy and drive in life will carry me through this. I have taken so much from both Sean and Kyle, but my individual promises to them are: Kyle-‐ I will focus more on the simplicity of life and appreciate the little things. I will no longer place such a large importance on material things, but instead enjoy the beauty of life. The amount of heart and energy you put into everything you were a part of is how I want to live my life. You never settled for anything Ky. You blew out all your competition and were destined to be the best. You not only set high aspirations, you wouldn’t stop until you achieved them. Kyle, you taught me to never give up on the things I love. I will keep chasing my dreams just as intently as you chased yours. I will use your everlasting energy as my fuel to keep going. And thanks to you, I will always remember to be confident in myself because I learned from you that quiet confidence speaks louder than any words at all. You never felt the need to brag about your skills. In fact, I do enough bragging about you myself. The amount of talent and discipline you have blows me away, boy. I remember coming into the living room and seeing the TV paused on the NFL Network and you would just be sitting there, your lips moving ever so slightly trying to memorize all of the stats. I would be willing to bet anyone that you can answer more questions about football than them. It is like that game was created specifically for you. Sean-‐ I want to carry on your legacy and passion for change through my teaching. I want to encourage my kids to be their own person because whoever was blessed with the chance to know you would certainly know what a one-‐of-‐a-‐kind kid you are. You never cared what people thought of you. You never
tried to change for anyone. You have always known who you are and never had a problem showing it. I love you for that. There is no one in this world like you cuz, and your knowledge of this world is something far beyond my comprehension. However, you have taught me to embrace who I am and not conform to society’s norms and expectations. If we are all constantly trying to be the same how are we living meaningful lives? We are blessed with the capability to be whoever we want to be, yet I’ve seen very few people who actually take advantage of this. Sean, you have not only embodied this gift, you have spread it on to so many people. Your love for bright colors describes exactly how I see you in my life. You are the flame that will never be put out. You will light up my life forever and show me the way when I’m in my darkest place. There are two extremely special places in my heart that I will forever hold for my amazing cousins, Sean and Kyle. I love you boys more than words could ever express. Comments about Sean and Kyle from Aunt Robin On Saturday night, it was the first time my house was quiet, the crowds had left, and Maria was fast asleep. It was the first opportunity that I had to sit with my kids and husband to talk about what we wanted to say about Sean and Kyle at the service. I asked myself what I should say. Should I talk about what a beautiful baby Kyle was and how everybody who met this Gerber poster child suggested that Kyle be a baby model? How many of us would agree that all his life he was as handsome as any model alive? Should I mention that Sean was our little Buddha baby with rolls and rolls of adorable baby fat? I know that is hard to believe if you are a friend of this tall, lanky, young man. Should I talk about all of the games that my kids and the boys invented when they were little? You might not know that in addition to loving music, Sean was an incredible artist when he was young, while Kyle was our little master of numbers and statistics. As I sat reminiscing with my family, my mind traveled back to those childhood days, and I started to remember all the times that I had picked up Sean from school when he was little and tried desperately to get him to talk during the car ride to my house. Those car rides were filled with caveman grunts and monosyllabic responses to my endless inquiries about his day at school. Then, one day it all changed. Sean had been in a little play at school that day. On that day in the car, he forgot all of his little boy shyness, and he excitedly told me about every detail of his exciting part in the play. At that moment of bonding, I was sure that little Sean was going to be an actor rather than an artist at that time. The musician in him had not yet emerged. I then thought that maybe I could tell you all about all of the family games during which Kyle, as the youngest of the cousins, never let anybody intimidate him. Anybody who knows Kyle knows that he is a competitor who can hold his own in any competition, whether it is a game of Trivial Pursuit, or a football game on the field. After a lot of thought, though, I decided to describe a picture that will stay in my heart forever. It is a picture of those two teenage boys cuddling with their mom on the sofa. It is a picture of those beautiful, beautiful boys walking through the family room to the kitchen and stopping to give their mom a hug on the way. It is a picture of a mom whose whole world has been those boys. When they talk, she drops everything and listens. When they want an adventure, she is the person who joins them. When they laugh, she laughs the loudest. In closing, I would like to add some words of comfort to all of us who love these two boys and feel the emptiness in our lives. Those two boys lived a lifetime in the few years that they had with us on this earth. Those two boys have traveled to so many places around the world with their mom. Those two boys have been allowed to pursue every dream that they had and wear any clothes or hairstyles that suited their quirkiness, (You all know that I am talking about Sean right now.) They were surrounded by love every day of their lives by their incredible
mother, family, and all of you, who will continue to love these boys and hold them in your hearts. I take comfort in knowing that right now they are with their beloved grandmother who never got a chance to watch them grow up, and she is probably making them her famous pancakes right now that she always wanted to make them. Maria’s comments about being Sean and Kyle’s mother There has been so much said about Sean and Kyle already. So where do I, as their mother, even begin to tell you about what these boys mean to me? All of you know how much I love them and how much I talk and brag about them – the proud, proud mother that I am. They both accomplished so much in the short time that they were embodied as these beautiful boys, and they both had such intense passions. They also showed each other mutual respect and admiration for each other’s talents and abilities. But I have to tell you that what really truly amazes me the most is that these boys, these two incredible and beautiful souls, chose me, they chose me to be their mother. Even through all of the pain, loss and anguish that I am experiencing and will continue to experience for the rest of my life, they come to me, they are with me, they put their arms around me, they hold me, they touch my face gently, they comfort me, and they love me in a way that no words can describe. Thank you my boys, thank you Sean, thank you Kyle for what you have given me. This one’s for you, my sweet, sweet boys. Closing Message from Maria Pe Last week my two beautiful sons, Sean Robert and Kyle Joseph, were taken from this world in a horrible and tragic way. Despite this tremendous loss to all of us, their two beautiful souls are now giving us the inspiration, strength and positive energy to change the world into what they envision it can be. The love that Sean and Kyle are generating in the universe is phenomenal and it is all around us. Now it is up to us to each do our part. So I invite you and challenge you to help them carry on their mission. – Maria “When I imagine myself at the end of my life and ask myself how I will evaluate my time here, there is only one question that concerns me: Did I love well? There are a thousand ways to love other people and the world – with our touch, our words, our silences, our work, our presence. I want to love well. This is my hunger. I want to make love to the world by the way I live in it, by the way I am with myself and others every day. So I seek to increase my ability to be with the truth in each moment, to be with what I know, the sweet and the bitter. I want to stay aware of the vastness of what I do not know. This is what brings me to the journey. I do not want to live any other way.” – The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer “A human being is a part of the whole that we call the universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for only the few people nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living beings and all of nature.” – Free Yourself by Albert Einstein July 2, 2011 Email from Bill B.: Maria, At about 4:45 this morning, I awoke from a dream that I want to share with you. In my dream, you were standing in the courtyard at Calvary Chapel, just as you were yesterday.
There was a group of people around you waiting to see you, to be with you, pay their respects. Conner was behind me and to my right; Alicia was behind you laughing and sharing stories about Sean and Kyle. You were bathed in a faint white light, which began to get brighter. Then I noticed two butterflies fluttering over you; one was purple and green, the other was dark blue and yellow. Everyone outside suddenly fell silent and began to move closer. You were standing in the glow of a bright white light with your arms outstretched looking up at the butterflies. You were surrounded by family and friends who formed a perfect circle around you. The two butterflies continued fluttering over you for a moment then, began to come into the light with you. They gently landed on your chest over you heart. Blessings to you and your boys, Bill First journal entry: You are doing it Sean! Day 17 – Jul. 7, 2011 I love you boys! I feel your strength today. Come to me again my beautiful sons. Day 18 – Jul. 8, 2011 Today I returned to my own home. I feel the deepest and most profound levels of grief. I have never felt such depths of despair. I didn’t think this type of pain and anguish could be possible. I wonder that my physical body can survive it. Day 19 – Jul. 9, 2011 The other night, the ladies from e-‐Circle2 described you for me so I could fill myself with your beauty and essence: • Sean – lovely, revolutionary, incandescent (illuminating those around him; his mind is illuminating all going beyond the perimeters of his head), nurturing, deep, confidence. • Kyle – soulful, spirit, exuberant (deeply physical joy that encompasses his whole being), excellence, effervescent, joy Day 20 – Jul. 10, 2011 Connected with you, Sean, this morning. Gina says that is what all the pain is about. I love you and Kyle so much. I miss you both so much. I need your help to keep going. Oh, my sweet boys, please hold me. Love, your mama. When we got home from Mexico today, I was feeling the most intense pain and grief. It was unbearable. Then a thought popped into my head: “Marcie.” Shannon said that her sister Marcie had “checked on the boys” and they were doing okay. How could she “check” on them? Did she really see them? Did she talk to them? What did they say? I need to talk to her. I need to find out if there is a way for me to still have a relationship with my sons, to still see them and talk to them and touch them. I don’t know how, but I need to find out if there is a way. 2 The e-‐Circle is a group of women who have been meeting regularly over the past several years to support and empower each other.
Day 21 – Jul. 11, 2011 I am being drawn to my spiritual nature. I want to learn how to connect with both of you, and Marcie, Jeanette and others who know about the spiritual connection process are going to help me. I know we will be able to maintain the close, loving bond we had in this realm (where I must stay for now) through our connection between my realm and your new realm. I love you with all my heart Sean and Kyle. I look forward to learning with you and from you. Mom. Day 22 – Jul. 12, 2011 Woke up in anguish. Thoughts of you, Kyle, filled my head and the pain of loss filled my entire being. I miss holding you close and tight to me, feeling your strong, fit body in my arms, feeling your love and beautiful energy moving through me. I love you so much. I am overwhelmed with grief. I am so sorry about what was taken from you. You deserve so much. You have worked so hard. I try to remember that this realm can be so harsh, that maybe your realm is completely free of pain. I so hope and pray that it is and that you are happy; happy and joyful the way I know you. I love you my sweet angel. I love you with all my heart, soul and being. Notes from a phone conversation with Marcie Galbreath: • As humans, we need to balance our four “bodies” – the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual bodies. The spiritual body is how we connect to the other realm. I need to get my spiritual body balanced with the others, so it is not dominated. I need to trust that my spiritual body is as real as the other bodies. • About her meeting with the boys: I was with the boys on July 5. They are not with their father and they will not be with him; they are with family members and other loved ones that they knew. Sean had more awareness of what had happened and the shock had decreased; he had more understanding. Their guardian angels were with them, but they had not gone to the other side yet. They were feeling the pull to go to the other side, and they understood that they could still reach you, but you will need to be able to receive their energy. Their guardian angels will teach them how to connect with you. They were very concerned about you. They were worried that you would leave this realm before your time. Kyle did not want to go until he was assured that they could still talk to you after they crossed. And Sean did not want to cross over without Kyle. Kyle wanted to connect with you and your energy, but there were so many “people around” and he was having a hard time getting through to you. He asked me, “Why are there so many strangers?” I explained to him that there are many people who love them and want to help, and that those people are sending love and healing energy to them. I showed him how to block out the other energies and how to feel only your energy. I told him to put up a shield or a barrier and to focus on what he wanted to feel and receive, and then only your energy would be allowed through. They understood then that they could still reach you in your realm, and I assured them that they could talk to you directly sometime in the future. They know that you are working on it, and I told them that you have a lot of support. They will want to hear directly from you and they are watching over you. They are very concerned about you and about maintaining your bond together. • How to get better on the spiritual side? Teach my conscious mind to shift, and keep the four bodies in balance; balance the spiritual body with the others. In this realm we tend to shut the spiritual body down. We will do emotional body healing work to
release emotions, then get the spiritual body balanced with the other three bodies. We will use guided meditations and learn new skills. Homework – spend time sitting quietly, eyes closed, then just listen and feel. Write down whatever you hear or feel, and don’t judge it.
Meditation3: What I heard: leaves rustling in the wind; wind; leaves brushing up against the planter; small planes; large planes; a bird chirping; children’s voices; a car; clanging; machinery beeping; buzzing fly; wind chimes; a dog barking; birds wailing; helicopter. What I felt: the breeze; chills; warmth of the sun; the boys thru colors (deep purple with blue veins, shots of neon green with a blue dot; bright orange; many colors); energy from the sun; calm; peaceful; serene; comfortable. Day 23 – Jul. 13, 2011 Felt fearful and scared last night about my coming spiritual journey. I am somewhat afraid to “see” you boys. I guess it is due to my impressions from popular culture about “ghosts” and such. I know you will help me through these fears because we all want to connect as much as we can. I want to learn, but because it is so intangible in this realm, and it is the unknown to me, and I am very unfamiliar with it, I have anxiety and I am scared. Oh, Sean and Kyle, how I love you! Please be patient with me as I learn and grow so I can be better in your realm. I love you my sweet, sweet boys. Be with me and I will feel you and not be afraid. From my energy healing4 session with Jeanette Elmore, and what she told me: The boys are with you. They are worried about you. They need you to stay human for whatever time you are meant to in order to receive the amazing gifts they are going to give you. They had a contract with Tom. Don’t know yet why. We may be able find out at some time much farther down the line. He may come to you at some time in the future when you are in spirit form. You are still in shock and your chakras5 are closed. A closed crown chakra means you still have thoughts of leaving the realm. Don’t make any big changes for a while. The boys will come to you in many different forms and ages. Sometimes they may be playful and joyful and want you to play with them, and you should. Everything that you have been working on and learning over the past several years has prepared you to be where you are right now. Meditation: Heard: lots of leaves rustling in the wind; motorcycle; birds chirping in the distance; plane; wind; car horn or alarm; dogs barking. Felt: deep sadness, loss, Kyle’s presence comforting me (colors and vague silhouettes of him); Sean’s presence through colors (green, some purple); some thoughts popped in – “they are gone,” “has this really happened?” which triggered the feelings; felt nervous and a little anxious; tremendous love for Sean and Kyle, but acute sadness with it. 3 I started doing short 10-‐minute meditations in my backyard, sitting quietly in a chair with my eyes closed. Then I recorded my experience in my journal immediately afterwards. 4 Energy healing involves the channeling of healing energy through the hands of a practitioner into the client’s body to restore a normal energy balance. 5A “chakra” is one of the seven primary points of physical and spiritual energy in the body which are the openings for life force.
Day 24 – Jul. 14, 2011 Boys, I saw your images and colors early this morning and fell back to sleep feeling safe and loved. Woke up around 7:30 feeling sick to my stomach because my mind kept going back to images of how you were taken from this realm, but you came to me again when I closed my eyes and I called to you. You held me, touched me and caressed my face. You told me, “It’s ok, Mom.” You are two astoundingly beautiful and powerful souls. You give me so much strength and I feel so much love from you. I love you so very much, no word can even capture how much I love you! Scrumtrulescent, perhaps? Meditation: What I heard: a plane; jet planes; car; rustling leaves; another plane; beeping truck; child’s voice; buzzing fly or bee; my brother’s footsteps; crow; chirping bird; tweets; more planes. What I felt: hot sun; hungry; sad and angry (initiated by thoughts); Kyle (lots of gold and yellow today); Sean (green and purple); proud; slight back pain. Day 25 – Jul. 15, 2011 The pain still comes so often as I know it must. My love for you is so strong and powerful. The grief and anguish sits in the pit of my stomach. I ache to touch you again. I know your spirit is strong in me and I feel you in every fiber of my body, but I so miss our physical touch. I was so tied to those physical sensations of holding both of you, caressing your beautiful faces, stroking your hair. Oh, how I love to stroke your hair right by your ear and next to your temple! How I miss that first touch of you in the morning when I would come in to wake you up, ever so gently, rubbing your back and kissing your cheek. How I love you both so much!! My love for you is greater than anything I have ever felt. It gives me strength to keep going, to stay here in this realm for you. I love you Sean! I love you Kyle! My God, I am amazed at the depth and breadth of my love for you. The two of you astound me, you are so incredible and powerful. I will do what I need to do to continue to receive your gifts of love and beauty. I am with you always, always, always in my heart, soul and being. Your mother and friend forever. Love, love, love you!! Meditation: Heard: birds, footsteps on the path. Felt: anguish in stomach, sadness, anger, hopeless, asking why, why did this have to happen? Why do I have to stay here another day? I just want to be with you! Why can’t I just be with you now? How much pain and hurt and anguish must I endure? It is so hard, it hurts so much. Sometimes I fear that I cannot endure it. Oh boys! I need your help. I am seeking and receiving help here too. Please continue to send me your energy. I will keep trying, I will endure the pain if it is what I must do to be with you again. I miss you so much, please be with me. The spirit is the only thing that is really real. Physical, intellectual and emotional are all temporary and will fall away with time. Meditation: Heard: strong wind gusts; plane; leaves rustling. Felt: Sean, very strong, talked with him. He showed me my power and strength in pink. He said he is ok and Kyle is ok. Told him that Kyle and he are lucky to have each other. He said everything is right, this is right. Keep trying, Mom, promise me you will keep trying. I promise, honey, I promise, but it hurts so much. Why does it have to hurt so much? You will see, Mom, it is the right thing, the right way. Trust yourself. I need your help, Sean. Mom, I am always with you, and you are always with me and Kyle. We are always with you, we are in your cells. I don’t want to open my eyes, honey. I just want to stay here with you just like this. It’s ok, Mom, you can be ok in this
realm. It’s ok for you to open your eyes. I will still be with you. Oh, I love you, Sean, I love you. I love you too, Mom. Day 26 – Jul. 16, 2011 Last night – fire burning ceremony – let go of doubt and fear; invited and welcomed love, peace, energy of universe, connection with boys. Kyle sat in my lap holding me, caressing my face, he said he’s okay. Told him he is so strong, such an amazing leader. I love you Kyle Joseph, my Jo Bee! Meditation with Michelle6: I started in Idyllwild/Colorado Springs mountains, took a downward path to the opening of a cave. It was well lit and inviting. I went in, a bit apprehensive, but it was ok. The cave turned into a tunnel; the tunnel was kind of like a lit up birth canal with veins of gold. At the end of the tunnel it opened up into a large well-lit cavern. Sean and Kyle were there. They were so happy to see me and I was so happy to see them. I asked them, “Tell me what you have learned.” Sean was so excited and animated. He smiled and said, “Mom, watch what I can do,” and he teleported from one side of the cavern to the other. Then Kyle showed me how he can do parkour7 now. He was excited, but not as animated as Sean, almost as if he knew he would have learned parkour anyway. They both were happy and told me they are doing well. It was so good to hug them and hold them together, our group hug again. They wanted to get back to their new skills, and I felt the pull to return. I kissed them, hugged them, and as I was leaving they said, “See you later, Mom. We’ll be here when you come back.” It felt right for me to return. It felt safe and I knew they were ok and anxious to get back to their activities. I pulled their energy into me as I left and I held it close to my heart. Incredibly PROUD. Middle of the night – I felt Kyle’s hand on mine! My “intellectual body” made me open my eyes to check if it was Michelle who was sleeping next to me. It wasn’t! Then my “intellectual body” said, “Ok, it’s real.” It felt so good, so comforting, and so real. Early morning – I was awakened when I heard a voice ask, “Michael?” I opened my eyes. The voice was so clear to me that I asked Michelle and Stephanie if they had asked for Michael. Of course neither of them had. It made no sense to them. I wonder what it was? Morning – woke up feeling my “emotional body” comforted, but still aching with the loss. My “physical body” (my senses – seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and touching) wants so much to have the physical sensation of the boys back, as does my “emotional body,” but they are both comforted by the “spiritual body” and the deep bond and connection I have with the boys. My God, how I love those two boys and their astounding spirits! I was so proud when they showed me what they can now do in spirit form. 6 This was a meditation guided by my friend Michelle. We were in Kyle’s bedroom and I was lying on the floor. 7 Parkour is a holistic training discipline where the individual moves quickly and efficiently through his environment using only his body and his surroundings to propel himself, negotiating obstacles in between and using as much momentum as possible without being unsafe.
Meditation with Monique8: Released some emotional body pain. It is still so raw and fresh for me. The loss feels so tremendous at times and I know I am meant to feel it and need to feel it as a human being. The release feels good but still so agonizing. Connected to Mother Earth and the center of the planet with a golden rope coming from the bottom of my spine. I was in a protective “sac” like a baby. Monique came into the sac and it felt safe and comfortable to have her there, but it is for me to use as needed and to allow spirits in when I am able. Sean and Kyle’s spirits are very intense and strong so I can use the sac to lessen the intensity if I need to. Golden sun provided energy; and I also drew energy from places I have been and people I have connected with. The sac gave off soft specks of energy that my spirit took in. I felt nourished with it. Then I went into spirit again. The first time exiting spirit, I felt that I was still seeing thru spirit eyes when I opened my eyes. It felt strange, but good. I went back quickly into spirit and into the sac. I felt Sean and Kyle wanting to come in, they were waiting. They sat next to me, on either side. My sense of them was less of their physical embodiments than it has been, and they appeared more like energy, color and spirit. Neon green and bright blue waves of intertwined color and light. We formed a triangle of communication between our throat chakras. I said to both of them in turn, “Hi honey, “ and they said “Hi Mom.” I put a rose in the middle of us for questions, but there were none; just togetherness and holding each other and feeling the bonds between us. The love was beautiful. Sean told me, “You’re doing really great, Mom.” After a little while, the rose floated out to the ocean and the petals fluttered apart out to sea. Sean, Kyle and I “recoiled” our lines of communication like frogs pulling their tongues back in. They drifted away slowly, their guardians with them. “See you later, Mom.” I love you boys. Stay in Graceful Simplicity and Spirit will always lead you to where you need to be. – Shared by Monique Your Divine heart is seeded into the deepest layer of who you are. No matter how uncertain your outer self may be, your inner being remains pure and whole. Hope for what is possible, but also hope for what seems impossible. For out of dreams of the impossible, new realities come into being. – Shared by Michelle “[T]his preciousness is your own essence, your innermost sense of I Am, which is consciousness itself. It is the eternal in you – and that is the only thing you cannot lose.” – Eckhart Tolle “Whenever death occurs, whenever a life form dissolves, God, the formless and unmanifested, shines through the opening left by the dissolving form. That is why the most sacred thing in life is death.” – Eckhart Tolle Look beyond me. Stillness and peace is the essence of your Being. Day 27 – Jul. 17, 2011 I AM HERE I AM WITH YOU I AM PEACE 8 A meditation guided by my friend Monique as I was seated in a chair in my backyard.
Spirit seemed to come and awaken in me during sleep/semi-‐consciousness. I seemed to “awaken” from sleep mode to spirit connection. My body felt very heavy at times and “I” felt removed from the body. I felt deep emptiness (sick to my stomach) feelings and tried to see God’s light shining through the “hole” of emptiness. I still feel disbelief and tremendous loss and sadness, especially when I think of Sean and Kyle in their physical forms. How could this happen? My human being is still shocked and questioning why my boys had to be taken from this earth. But I see the spirits they are, and try to find comfort in the fact that they do not have to suffer or feel pain in the human condition. The feelings of isolation and aloneness are sometimes so great. I work at the connection with Spirit and at connecting with the beings here to help me. I know that Spirit is strong in me – how else could I be surviving in my human form, fully conscious, enduring the emotional pain that is agonizing at times, but still be physically sound? It is Spirit taking care and leading me to where I am supposed to be. The meditation work is difficult. I try to connect with Spirit and honor my Intellect/Ego so I will continue to have complete Faith in the Universe, and erase all doubts and fears that continue to pop up in my human Ego. The human condition is a “painful” one at times, yet mysteriously peaceful at other times when Spirit is strongly present. My “human” being hopes that my number will come up soon. The ache immobilizes me. The sadness is greater than anything I have ever felt. Why do I continue to yearn for Sean and Kyle in their human physical forms? It is so hard to be satisfied with connecting with them in Spirit even though I now know that Spirit is the only lasting reality. It must be part of the learning process in human form. I know so little about the vastness of the Universe and its plan, and I accept that I will likely never know in this realm. I must accept and keep Faith that Spirit will lead me where I am meant to be. Meditation: What I heard – planes, wind, metal sign clanging against fence, leaves rustling, cars. What I felt – sadness, anguish, Sean and Kyle. I saw my bright pink being supported by the vibrant green and blue of my boys; showing me my strength and that they would support me, protect me, lift me. I trust in the Universe that I am exactly where I am meant to be. Day 28 – Jul. 18, 2011 Had some trouble falling asleep, but when I did fall asleep, I slept pretty well and I did stay in my body. I had an awareness of Sean and Kyle “resting” with me. I told them that I could not leave my body, that I needed to rest and I wanted them to rest too. Their energy was comforting and calming for me. This morning I woke up with a sense of doubt. My mental body questions how I could feel so good in general last night after all that has happened. I know my intellectual body still has fear, but I feel the Faith and Trust in Spirit. Marcie’s words and comments are comforting and reassuring to me. I am looking forward to having her work with me. It gives me great hope that I really will be ok here in this realm and that I will still have the close connection with my boys, and that it will grow even closer. Marcie said that the boys can manifest in many different ways and they are manifesting in a way that I can see them. I should and can trust what they say and do. She also said I will be able to learn how to connect with the boys in their realm and how to spend time on both sides with them. It will be a “fun” journey for me to see them mature as spirits on the Other Side.
They are “older” as spirits, but they were young boys here, so their excitement will be reflected in their human age. Meditation: What I heard – birds tweeting, beeping machinery, drum beats, planes, buzzing insects. What I felt – sorrow, loss, stomach upset, sadness; then Sean and Kyle hugging and touching me, lots of purple with lightning streaks of neon purple. Kyle's blue circle inside of Sean's green circle. Talked but can’t recall much. I love you! You will help me and stay with me, right boys? “Yes, momma we are always with you. Sean says: “You are doing so good Mom.” Felt Kyle in my lap, touching my face, felt his strong hugs and soft skin. Could not feel my body. Tried to tell my mom, I’m sorry I have not connected. I miss you, Mom. I can't think of any two better people to take care of Sean and Kyle – you and Auntie Lina.9 We are all so blessed with each other. Told Sean and Kyle, all I need is you two. You will show me the way, you will help me on my journey, so I will know what is right, right boys? Yes, momma, we will. We will always be with you and we will all be together in this realm and when you come to us. Looking through the eyes of Spirit. When babies born into this world – does it feel like “harsh conditions of the physical plane,” to them? Is that why they cry so violently? Many souls ease into it gradually? Was Sean a soul with one foot on the other side – is that why he seemed connected and so much like an old soul? As I was driving home today, something occurred to me about the strength of my spiritual body. Sometimes when my emotional body is in so much pain, my intellectual body starts thinking about how I could end my human life so easily, but then my spiritual body never lets it happen. I realized then that my intellectual and emotional bodies combined are no match for my spiritual body! Wow, that was really eye-‐opening for me! Very distraught this afternoon. Can't think of any good reasons to stay here. This fucking realm sucks. I'm pissed off that I have to stay here. It seems like the after-‐realm has no pain, no heartache. What kind of God does this? Why was my happiness so harshly ripped from me? This is the absolute cruelest thing that anyone could ever do to me. What the fuck!? What the hell is wrong with the universe? I feel like my faith is going away as quickly as it came. I'm so lost. I am in so much agony. I hate being here. I want to be with my sons. They are my reason for living, my reason for anything in my life. I can't bear this. Day 29 – Jul. 19, 2011 Slept through the night with the help of a sleeping pill, and deep cleanser and robe of light essential oils. The boys were in my dreams, I think, for the first time since they have been gone. I woke up thinking about taking Sean to see Journey at the Coors Amphitheatre, then I realized he is not in my physical realm anymore. I felt extreme sadness, but I closed my eyes and felt him and Kyle sending their love and energy to me with their beautiful green and blue colors. I love you, Sean and Kyle, so much! Robert came in this morning and sat on the bed. He said: “I know it’s more than just a coincidence that when I talk to the boys and say certain things, the candles flicker. Like 9 Lina was the boys’ caretaker during the first five years of their lives. She passed to the other side on March 16, 2011, three months before the boys were killed. She shares the same birthday with Sean, May 9, and was born in the same year as me, 1962.
when I said, ‘Let it be’ to Sean, it flickered. I feel them with me.” I told him it is real and they are connecting to him. How wonderful he is to talk to them, and I know they will connect with him too because they love him. I am so glad he is talking to them and believing and trusting that what he is perceiving really is them. As I was showering last night I thought about “IMAGINE” and the imagination. So what if I am “making stuff up in my head?” It’s coming from somewhere. Why should I believe that it’s coming from Intellect as opposed to Spirit? It’s coming so easily and naturally, I realized, it’s as real as my “rational” thought process or my imagination. I honor my Intellect that has the amazing capacity to do these things! Connecting to Spirit requires the mental, absolutely. I can imagine and know that what I am feeling, sensing and perceiving is true and real and so amazingly powerful and beautiful. I see the colors of the boys so often now. I love them for coming to me, or should I say, staying with me by my side all the time. Sometimes I have fears that they will not come to me, but Spirit is so loving and infinite, its nature I believe is to be with me and with all of us all of the time. Meditation: Heard – dogs barking, planes flying, birds chirping, creaking doors, cars driving by. Felt – Kyle getting stronger; his energy electrifying bolts of light and blue. Hugging me. Felt so much love for them. Chills. Told them I want to learn how to leave my body and be in their realm with them for a while. Sean’s green power comes up frequently and covers me like a comforting blanket. I told them I miss their physical forms even though I know they are even more beautiful and powerful now. Kyle hugged me and kissed me the way he always does when he is in the mood – very intensely and tightly. Sean stayed nearby with his soothing and gentle energy. I am in such awe of the two of you. I am so blessed with you. I love you, I love you so very much. Day 30 – Jul. 20, 2011 I feel sick to my stomach with sadness for Kyle. It would have been his first day of school for 8th grade today. I feel so much loss for him, so much loss for the things he would have done here on Earth. That fucking asshole, that fucking selfish prick took Kyle's human life from him. Kyle loved his life here and lived so passionately. I feel like he has been so cruelly and unjustly deprived of his loves and passions. All the people who love him so much are hurting and aching with loss and sorrow. Such a beautiful boy and human being was taken away by a fucking selfish prick who thought only of himself. I hate that goddamn asshole fucking shit son of a bitch. You sick motherfucking prick. I'm sure Kyle doesn't mind not having to go to school. He already knows so much more than all of us and can do so much more now than he could in his human form, but he loved so passionately the things he was learning and doing here and it is so very unfair that those were taken away from him and he had no choice in the matter. Kyle, you are incredible! You were an amazing human being and I so wanted to watch you grow and develop and become more and more skilled. You are now an astounding soul – I know that you are so much more now as Spirit, but as a human being I feel so robbed and cheated out of the things I was going to experience as your mother here on Earth. I love you so much, to infinity!! I love you Kyle! Meditation: Heard – cars, beeping, crow, music, birds. Felt – very sad, sick to my stomach, painful loss. Kyle, Kyle, I'm so sorry. Don't be sorry, Mom, I'm ok. I don't want to be here without you and Sean. It's ok, Mom. You are very strong and powerful. You know that is why
you were chosen to be our mom. You taught us so much. You showed us how to be the best we could be. We lived an incredible life in the "short" time we were there. Oh Sean, oh Kyle, it hurts so much to be human, it's so painful, sometimes I think I cannot bear it. We know Mom, we know it hurts, but you will be ok. Love, so much love. Beautiful blue and green waves of color. I want to be with you just holding you and hugging you the way we always did. It feels so good to just hold you and be with you. We are always with you Mom. Every minute of every day. We love you Mom, we love you so much. It feels sickening to my stomach to be in this realm. The heartache and pain in the pit of my stomach is so immobilizing. I don't want to move or do anything at all. I just want to sit and close my eyes and leave this realm. The sense of loss in my gut is indescribable, like a piece of me is missing or something is terribly wrong with my physical body, but my body keeps going, keeps beating, breathing, pumping blood. How can it be? How can the pain be so overpowering and my physical body can sustain it still? Day 31 – Jul. 21, 2011 I feel a deep hollow ache in the pit of my stomach. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night, I see images of the boys and their beautiful human forms and then I start envisioning the horror of their death. The pit of my stomach feels the deep, deep and intense pain of loss. It is hard to wake up with this realization. I try to keep my eyes closed and feel the spirits of my boys and see their beautiful colors and energy. It gives me some comfort but the human pain is so intense it gnaws at my being and leaves me feeling so lost, empty and alone. I love and miss my children so much. I dread the thought of waking each day like this for the rest of my life. Energy Healing session: Focused on breathing, first into my belly, then into my solar plexus, then into my lungs and exhaling in the same way. Sean's imprint came to me first, then Kyle came a little later, and appeared upside down! Felt lots of chills throughout the process, tingling at the top of my head, heavy body, especially my arms. When I was focusing on their smiles, I started crying with sadness, but I was feeling extreme love and joy. So many colors of blue and green throughout, my sons are so powerful and loving. The bonds between us are overwhelming. I also felt a strong pull on my root chakra, like I was being rooted. I felt energy and light from the earth thru my body to the Universe. Meditation: Heard – planes, birds, joggers, walkers, machinery, voices, talking, kids playing. Felt – joy, absolute joy and love, neon green and lightning blue, intertwined with Kyle and wrapped by Sean. Sean's green is like a big comforting blanket that falls over me. I feel his tremendous love and caring. Kyle's electric blue is full of energy and spirit – it makes me smile with pride and happiness. I am so blessed to be able to sit quietly with them and enjoy our love and connection. It's the longest that Kyle has ever "sat still" but he is still moving. The colors are so vibrant and comforting. I feel so much love and joy when I see them. Even with all of the sounds of this realm – people walking and jogging by, planes taking off every few minutes, sirens, cars, they stay with me, close to me, and I feel them so strongly, so intertwined with my bright pink Spirit. It's truly amazing and awe-inspiring what these boys are doing with me, and for me. Day 32 – Jul. 22, 2011 The ache and loss sit in the pit of my stomach again as I awake, but the intensity seems to
be a little less today and it does not last as long. I dreamt that the boys were young and Tom was dropping them off to me. It was my opportunity to do something to keep them with me. As I awoke I kept my eyes closed and the beautiful vibrant blue of Kyle came to me with his image in the middle of the blue "circle." He was smiling at me with love. The ache in the pit of my stomach returns quickly when Tony talks about his finances and taking care of his children’s needs. It is difficult at times to hear people talk about their kids or to read about what other kids are thinking or doing. It sucks me back into the minutiae of this realm. Sean says, Mom we don't have to worry about all of those human struggles anymore, we have already become Spirits and we can do so much more now. I know, buddy, but it's hard because all I know is the human path that I travelled and I thought that you and Kyle would be travelling it too. It's my human pain, and yearning for the two of you what everyone else "gets" to have here in this realm. But I guess what we "get" in this life is not always so great, is it? I will try to keep that perspective and just be grateful that the two of you are in the beautiful realm of Spirit and Grace. I am so proud of the two of you. You were so amazing as human beings and I am learning that you are even more amazing as Spirits. I love you so much. I hope the ache in my stomach lessens over time like Marcie says it will. Meditation: Heard – radio transmitter, children's voices, birds, planes. Felt – boys come to me quickly. We were so joyous together. The colors of blue, green and pink were so vibrant. I told Sean that I hope he is connecting with Andrew because Andrew misses him so much. Everyone misses both of them so much. I told them how I love talking to people who say such wonderful things about them all the time. It gives me so much strength and hope. We talked some more about how much I love them, how proud I am of them. I thanked them for letting me be their mother. I am so blessed to have them in my life. It feels so good just to have them near me, comforting me, protecting me, keeping me safe. Our bond is even stronger now. It's incredible the connection I feel with them. You two are Amazing to me! I love you, Mom. I love you Sean-o. I love you Mar-Mar. I love you Kyle Jo, my Jo-Jo Bee. This is the hard part – going back to the earth realm. It's ok, Mom. We'll see you later. Ok, honey, I will see you later. Love you sweethearts. Susan tells me: Do the things that you love and have always enjoyed doing. Don't feel guilty about feeling good. Your boys would not want to see you giving up. What if it had been the other way around, and you had been taken instead of them? How would you want them to be living their lives and working through their grief? You would want them to keep going and to never give up, and to find joy in their lives. You should do the same as what you would have wanted from them. Day 33 – Jul. 23, 2011 The pain and emptiness of loss creeps back into my body and the pit of my stomach as I wake into the earthly realm. I think about the boys in school, especially Kyle, who won't be graduating from 8th grade. The feelings of loss seem overwhelming, but I cry for only a short period. As I close my eyes with the pain, the boys come to me quickly with beautiful waves of alternating green and blue, Sean's green bands slightly thicker, and Kyle's blue bands vibrant and electric. I miss my two sons so much. I continue in this earthly realm because my Spirit guides me to, and my boys help me along the way, but it hurts, especially in the morning when the pit of my stomach fills with loss. I look at things around the house and there are so many painful reminders of my loss. The boys' rooms, the pantry full of all
the foods, snacks and goodies they loved, the shelf full of games, the musical instruments. My life was filled with these boys, and now it feels lost and empty, with no purpose. I ask them, what is my purpose here, boys? I wonder how long I will be here and what I am meant to do during my time. There have been many frequent feelings of being "half-‐dead" which lead me to wonder why I must stay here. Sometimes I feel immobilized by the grief, like my physical body is heavy and can't move. I wonder at the fact that I am still waking, eating, working, talking, thinking, being human, being "alive" in this form after experiencing this unthinkable loss. I love you boys so much. I am so sorry about what has happened to you. Oh Momma, remember that we are so good now, please, Mom, try to remember that we no longer have to suffer in the human condition, on the physical plane. We are great Spirits now, we are what everyone strives and waits to become. Please, Mom, know that we are happy and we want you to be happy again too. We love you so much, Momma, all that you have done for us and taught us as human beings has prepared us for where we are now. Please trust, Mom, that you are going down the right path and that we will be by your side all along the way, loving you just as we did on Earth, and even more now as Spirits. You will watch us grow and thrive as Spirits just as you will feel your own Spirit growing and becoming more powerful and evolved. Mom, we love you with all of our being. You gave us life and love, unconditionally and with all of your heart, soul and being. You gave us all that a mother could possibly give her children. We are who we are now because of you. Trust, Mom, trust. You know and feel that it is the right way and you are doing the right thing. Oh Mom, we love you, we love you. We are here for you always, you know it and feel it, don't you? Yes, my angels, I do, I do. I love you so much my sweet, sweet boys. I will continue to do my best for you and for myself. I am truly blessed. Last night the thought came to me to watch the movie, Batman Begins. It is the story of how Bruce Wayne, as a young boy, lost both of his parents when they were shot by a homeless man. He was left alone on Earth with just Alfred and his father's fortune. It tells the story of what he does with his life to find meaning and how he channels his grief from anger into purpose. It feels strangely right that I was somehow guided to watch that movie after Susan's comments – what if it had been the other way around and I had been taken instead of the boys? What would I want them to be doing now? It was the first time that I had really watched the movie closely and listened to the messages. The story illustrated exactly what Susan had said to me. Bruce Wayne lost his two parents, the ones he loved most in the world, and was left alone, and I have lost my two children, the two people I loved most in the world and I have been left alone to travel this journey of grief, anger, loss and sorrow, hopefully to find meaning, purpose and even happiness and joy in my earthly experience. Meditation: Heard – planes, leaves rustling, wind. Felt – peaceful, heavy body; blue green of Sean and Kyle. Sadness while I was holding them. I miss you so much guys. It's so hard to be here without you in my physical plane, but I feel you with me constantly, so strong. When I close my eyes, I see your vibrant colors right away and I feel you with me. I just like to sit and feel your presence. It's beautiful and calming. I felt chills. I love you both so very much. I want you to be happy, and growing and progressing in Spirit. And I also want to grow and progress and evolve more in Spirit so I can connect even stronger to you. Our bonds are so tight. I hold on to you so tightly. My love for you knows no bounds. You are my sons and will
forever be my beautiful precious sons. Day 34 – Jul. 24, 2011 The ache of loss again creeps into the pit of my stomach as I awaken, but Sean and Kyle are there with me as I gain consciousness, eyes closed, sensing them and seeing their colors. Lots of Kyle blue this morning. Had a good night with Susan and Lynn talking about my spiritual journey and watching some of the memorial celebration and the tributes. It feels so good to be surrounded by people who are open and non-‐judgmental when hearing about my thoughts and experiences. It gives me comfort and confirms what I know deep in my soul and spirit to be true – that Spirit is the only lasting body and my boys will be with me into eternity. Here at Comic Con today to honor my son. I feel his energy all around; he is loving it. This is his thing. Meditation: Heard – planes, leaves, voices, helicopter. Felt – deep sadness, tremendous grief for what Sean has lost in this realm. Felt comforted by the boys, enveloped by them, protecting me. Saw their images and shadows which were so beautiful and comforting. It felt good just to have them be present with me. Felt lots of chills. It is so hard to open my eyes and come back to the reality of this realm. It feels so good to sit with them and feel them around me. I long to go with them. They told me, "You need to eat, Mom." I know guys, ok, I will. I feel so distraught right now. How can this be right? How can this possibly be right? This world is completely fucked. I hate it. I hate my existence. My life feels like pure torture to me. You fucking asshole how could you do this? You fucking selfish piece of worthless shit! I fucking hate you. I will never forgive you, you fucking psychotic piece of crap. Why do you continue to torment me even when you are fucking gone from this realm? This is so fucking unfair. Why do I have to endure this shit? Why, why, I can't stand it. Please, I want to stop, I want to get away from all of this. God help me please. Day 35 – Jul. 25, 2011 The emptiness creeps into my stomach again but it is not as intense. It feels more like a dull ache, but still makes me sick to my stomach. I keep my eyes closed and try to feel and sense the boys. As always, their colors are there to assure me of their love and presence. I keep plodding on in this world, knowing that I have to. I have the feeling that it will be like this for me for a very long time and that I will have a long human life. I have been thinking about that a little and wondering what will happen in the future. It occurs to me that Tony or I will be taken from this realm at some point and I worry about having to "take another hit" if it is Tony who goes first. The loss of a human form that is so loved is an incredibly painful and indescribable grief, but something that nearly all of us must go through. The plan of the Universe is so mysterious and baffling, and I cannot try to make sense of it with my tiny human brain. Trust and faith in the power of the Universe/God is all I can hope to achieve in the short time I have left. A "short" time I suppose, but a long time it will seem to be without my boys in this realm. How I still long for them. They were such special human beings, such amazing and accomplished human boys. Now they are "super human" as they might say, but truly not human at all; they are Spirit which does not have to deal with the painful human existence that I must continue to endure.
From a message from Pam: Sadness isn’t necessarily something to be avoided. In fact, despair can be the consequence of fighting it. Compassion is what happens when you don’t fight it. “Reality leaves a lot to the Imagination.” – John Lennon Meditation: Heard – birds, planes, leaves, radio transmitter. Felt – peace, comfort, warm sun, blues and greens of Sean and Kyle, a lot of pink mixed in together. Are you guys ok? Do you like it where you are? We are so good Mom, you will see when you come, but you still have a long life to live there, a lot of joy still to experience. You guys are helping me so much. You see your own strength and power now, don't you, Mom? Tremendous feelings of love and comfort. Lots of encouraging words from them. Hugging and touching. Sean on my left and Kyle on my right hugging me and touching my face. I could see the outlines of their heads so close to mine just the way we were in this realm when we were group hugging. Lots of green and blue, so comforting, so loving. Day 36 – Jul. 26, 2011 Sean and Kyle are with me as I wake, almost as if to try and prevent or lessen the pain of loss that creeps into the pit of my stomach as I awaken from sleep. The blue and green are right there in my vision as I start to gain consciousness, but the pain still creeps into my stomach slowly. But it dissolves fairly quickly as I get up. Eckhart Tolle says that life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness, and you know it is the experience you need because this is the experience you are having at this moment. I must need some kind of spectacular evolution because this has to be one of the most extreme experiences to have. The anguish is unbearable at times. The growth of my spiritual being has skyrocketed. I think it is an incredible price to pay for the evolution of my consciousness, too high a price for anyone to pay. That’s why it feels so unfair and somehow wrong. I find myself wishing it was not true, not real, but I know that is a waste of time because it has happened and I am left here to survive and endure. It sucks. Meditation: Heard – planes, cars, leaves, dog barking, cat collar bell, brother in kitchen. Felt – lots of chills, itchiness, tingling, warm sun, nice breeze, told the boys I am confused, but I know they know what they are doing. Asked Sean for help. Trust, Mom, trust yourself. You know what is right, what feels right. Go with that and KNOW what is right. Bright pink colors showing my Spirit energy. You see, Mom, you are strong, you know what is right for you. Felt peace, and calm. Cleaning up some of Kyle’s things was upsetting to me. It was clear from the notes in his wallet that his father was borrowing money from him. What a pathetic piece of crap. How sad and disgusting a man who has to take his own son’s money. A man who had a law degree, a psychology doctorate and who was so pathetic he could not even make an honest dollar, but had to borrow money from his own son. It angers me so much. My beautiful innocent sons who were so disrespected and dishonored by their own father. He did not deserve them, they were way too good and beautiful for his pathetic human life. That fucking asshole. I hate you, you pathetic loser. You were no father to those boys, you were a fake, a liar, cheater, a phony joke. And you thought you were so above everyone. Well now look at you, you sad disgusting fucked up soul. You will never be with those boys again, their Spirits are with my Spirit and always will be. We know what TRUE LOVE is, the
three of us, me, Sean and Kyle, pure love and respect and honor and beauty. You will never be a part of that you sick motherfucker. I hope you feel the pain and suffering of yourself and your actions into infinity. There is no forgiveness for you, you selfish, weak coward. There is no use for you anywhere. Be gone from me you piece of shit. The boys are with me now and will be to eternity. Day 37 – Jul. 27, 2011 The familiar feeling of ache of loss creeps into my stomach again, but does not stay long. I see the colors of Sean and Kyle greeting me as I awake. Last night was extremely hard. I fell into the depths of despair again, crying out, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, again and again. My beautiful sons have been taken from me, ripped from me so unfairly and so harshly. I pray to go with them, to be with them, but I continue to exist in this realm. It’s unbearable, the loss. I can’t imagine having to feel this every single morning for the rest of my life. This human existence is horrible. I actually look forward to the moment when I can join my children. I do not have any fear of human death, but rather, welcome it openly. It will mean an end to my emotional suffering and the excruciating pain of loss. My only hope now is that I will be able to learn how to go to the boys’ realm and be with them. I feel that it will be the only way for me to get any comfort in this cruel earthly existence. I want so badly to have my relationship with my sons, the way I did in this realm, and to really know and feel that they are happy, joyful and in a beautiful and wonderful place. My God, how I love them! It astounds me, the breadth and depth of love I feel for them, and the intensity of that love makes the loss of them here that much more tremendous. Sean, I love you so much my sweet, sweet boy! Kyle, I love you to infinity my little buddy! I miss you guys so much. Please be with me, stay with me. I ache with loss for you. Help me to stay strong, trust, and keep faith that all is as it should be and that I am doing the right thing. I love you, I love you, I love you! Meditation: Heard – voices, laughter, leaves in the wind, planes, traffic. Felt – strong powerful breeze (the boys showing me their Spirit strength), love. Mom, do you see you are a magnificent Spirit? Do you see how strong you are? You taught us so much and now we are strong. Blue dot bigger now, with green neon around it. Sean and Kyle are together as always, they will always be together, they are meant to be together. They are bonded Spirits with incredible love and respect for each other. They make me so strong, my bright pink Spirit is so powerful and getting stronger every day. My boys are amazing! Day 38 – Jul. 28, 2011 The ache in my stomach ebbs and flows with the colors of Sean and Kyle and thoughts of my tremendous loss. I keep my eyes closed and focus on their energy and presence, but I am haunted by images of them in physical form. I want to be able to enjoy their human-‐ ness, but it seems to take me back to the physical-‐ness of what happened to them, how there were taken from this world. And it makes me ache with pain and anguish. It is especially hard to think of Kyle, my baby, my beautiful young boy with so much life and vigor in him. Sean, as my old soul, is able to comfort me, and I don't feel so sad for him because I know his nature and his ability to be strong, and to also be strong for me. But with Kyle I feel protective and want to spare him from all the loss. I know he is ok, and it is my own emotional pain and sorrow that is troubling me. I cry with loss and sadness. Oh my Sean, my Kyle, I love you, I love you! I miss you! It hurts so much. It hurts me. My boys, my beautiful sons, I want so much to be with you. This ache and sadness hurts so
much. As I cry with pain and sadness, Sean, oh Sean, help me. I feel so weak honey, I'm afraid that I can't go on. You're not weak Mom, you are so strong. We are here with you Mom. Do you feel us? We are right here next to you. I see the colors of the boys, green and blue bands all mixed together. Kyle is stronger now. He comes to me with beautiful blue, and bright electric bolts of color around the blue. He shows me the intensity of his love for me. I love you Kyle, I love you with all my being, I love you more than anything. I miss you guys so much. We are here Mom, right here for you, always, whenever you need us. We will never leave you. We love you too so much. Thank you Sean, thank you Kyle. You are my strength to keep going. I love you so much. I just want to keep saying it and telling you. Oh Mom, we love you too. Feel us with you because we are always there all around you, wrapping you up with our love and energy. I feel so overwhelmed with love for you boys. This has been a crushing blow to me. I feel shattered, utterly shattered and completely devastated. My role and identity as a mother, role model and friend to my boys has been destroyed. I feel useless, like Sean said – a pencil without lead or a dead battery. Existing in physical form, but of no use, no help to anyone. Went to see the Green Lantern movie with Robert and Alicia tonight. So much of Sean in that movie!! So much comfort and inspiration it gave to me. I can see why Sean was drawn to the Green Lantern. With his ring, as the chosen one, he is able to do anything and be anything. "The power of the Will is greater than the power of fear." I love spending time with my family; they are a great comfort to me. Day 39 – Jul. 29, 2011 Once again, as I awake, the pain of loss creeps into the pit of my stomach. My heart beats there, like it has dropped down. Tony is here with me this morning. I replace my hand on my belly with his so he can feel the aching beat of my heart. He comforts me, loves me, and is here for me. I feel sad and melancholy about my boys. I miss them so much. I see their beautiful faces and their beautiful smiles, full of love and tenderness. It will be a bittersweet and hard life to go through each day like this until my time is up, but I find that I am surviving each day and the pain seems to become more manageable. Yesterday I started reading On Life After Death by Elisabeth Kubler-‐Ross and it is giving me great comfort and hope. I know that my boys have reached perfection and they were called back to Spirit in what seems like a very short earthly existence, but they learned all that they needed to learn and have progressed and evolved so much faster than those of us left here to continue. They continue to amaze and impress me every day. What extraordinary souls and spirits they are, who blessed me and chose me as their mother! Meditation: Heard voices, rattling umbrella, radio transmitter, planes, cars. Felt chills, breeze, sun, sadness, loneliness, emptiness, loss, blues, greens, pinks, shadows of the boys, calm, restful, numb, cold. Day 40 – Jul. 30, 2011 Another morning full of the dull ache of loss. Another morning where I wake up still alive, still feeling heartache and loss, still breathing, still functioning. Sean and Kyle come into my vision with their beautiful colors, but it does not stop the ache in the pit of my stomach. The pain is duller now, but still hard to bear each morning. The other night I dreamt of
Sean. He had only gone to "the other side" for a little while, then he was back with me in human form in this realm. It hurts so much to not have them with me in the same human form as I am in. I feel so left behind. I still question my continued existence. It is hard to define my life or purpose. I try to look "through the eyes of Spirit" but find it so difficult as a human being. It is a difficult lesson to be learning. How long must I endure? Meditation: Heard birds, radio transmitter, flying bugs, machinery. Felt sadness, tremendous sadness, why do I have to stay here? It hurts so much. This place sucks. I don't want to be here anymore. Why can't I just be with you? Why do I have to stay here? Sean! Kyle! Oh my boys, my beautiful sons. There is nothing left for me here. There is no reason for me to stay. Oh Momma, you have so much joy left to experience there. Keep trying Mom, you will be ok. I'm afraid, I feel so weak. I don't know why I have to keep going. This place sucks!!! I don't want to stay here. I don't want to be here anymore. This pain is too unbearable. I don't think I can handle it anymore. I feel numb, dead. Felt lots of chills, esp. in my lower back and arms. Where are you boys? I so desperately want to see you, feel you, touch you. I love you, I love you so much. I was feeling utter despair and desolation. As Robert held me, I cried tears of pain and anguish wondering why I am still here. The boys come to me – a big neon green circle with a big bright blue center. They comfort me with their presence. Had a nice time with my family and friends today. I actually laughed a lot and had fun playing Apples to Apples. My boys are all around us. Conner said he is going to name his first child "Sha-‐kai". I told him he has to spell it "Seky." My family is an amazing, loving support to me, but I know they have their own lives to live. But the love and caring is tremendous and I hope to have it grow between all of us, more and more each day. I am blessed with my brothers who know me and love me so well. Day 41 – Jul. 31, 2011 The ache in my stomach starts up again as I wake up, but the boys are near me, strong and tender with their love. At first waking, I turn to look at the picture of Sean and Lina, together I know in Spirit. It was destined that Lina be called back to Spirit three months before the boys so she could be there to welcome them. I feel comforted in knowing that Lina and Old Grandma are there with my boys and loving them and taking care of them just like they did when the boys were babies and toddlers. The boys come to me today with bright lights, their images, and colors flying above me. I feel their love so intensely. The pain in my stomach does not stay long. I feel sadness as I remember how I used to wake them up, so gently and so lovingly. With Sean, I would rub his back tenderly and kiss his cheek. With Kyle, I would touch his head, caress his hair and kiss him. He would get up quickly to take a shower most of the time, but sometimes he would be sleepy and say, "Five more minutes, Mom?" And I would reply, "Ok, buddy, I'll be back in five minutes." The love between us is so strong, so palpable. I want to feel and touch their beautiful human forms again. I miss the loving touches between us. Oh, how I love them so much! I would give them anything that I could give. I would trade places with them so they could live out their human lives, which they were enjoying so much. I know, however, that they had to be called back. They must have already known or learned what they had to here. But I think of that man, that selfish asshole of a man, and how he took the choice away from them. Is that part of the bigger plan? If the boys' choice would have been to stay in this realm, why
did it have to happen like this? I struggle with that thought. It is what really bothers me and keeps me hurting, aching and angry, unable to have peace fully and to feel "right" about how things have happened. It makes me sick to my stomach and often brings me down to the depths of despair. I love you Sean, I love you Kyle. Please keep guiding me, please keep helping me. I need you now more than I have ever needed anything in my life. I need you to sustain me so I can do what I am meant to do here, to honor you, to honor you as boys, as young men, as amazing role models and leaders, and as tremendous and powerful Spirits. I am so humbled and honored by you. I cherish my role as mother to you. Oh how I love you. Meditation: Heard umbrella cover blowing in the wind, planes, leaves, breeze. Felt breeze, lots of chills, esp. in my midsection, peace, love, comfort. Boys were everywhere in front of me. Sean first with his wash of green. Kyle's image/silhouette inside of my pink Spirit. Blue and green ribbons and veins of color, so beautiful and so comforting. Is Lina with you, boys? Pink heart. It still feels so much like a dream sometimes. It's hard to imagine my human existence without my two beautiful sons in their beautiful physical forms. They are so handsome and amazingly beautiful. I miss their skin, their touch. I could feel Kyle's soft smooth skin as I held him during my meditation. I remember how I used to try and kiss him and he would run away from me, then I would pout and make a pouting sound, then he would come to me straightaway and hug me tight and lift me up. God I miss that so much. I was having lunch with Susan today. We were talking about the boys and her dog, Dillon, who had passed away on May 27, about three weeks before the boys were killed. When she said that Dillon was so mellow and that he was like the dog version of Sean, it suddenly occurred to me that the dog that Marcie had mentioned in our conversation on July 12 was Dillon. I made a mental note to ask Marcie about the dog the next time I talked to her. AUGUST 2011 Day 42 – Aug. 1, 2011 The sorrow in the pit of my stomach wakes me at 3 am. I could feel my heartbeat in my gut. Tony put his hand on my belly to try and soothe it. He told me I would be with my boys soon. He held me and told me he loves me. He said time moves fast where the boys are, and that we would all be with them soon but for now, I need to stay here with him, my family and friends. I had a dream that Kyle, his father, Conner and I were sitting around a table. Conner said he was going to college, then Kyle said he wouldn't be able to go and he started to cry and get upset. His father started to get upset too, as I took Kyle in my arms to comfort him. I know that the dream is a projection of my own sense of loss for him. I believe and hope that Kyle knows far more now than he could have learned in college, but I feel the ache of loss for him. I know he wanted to do so many things and achieve so many goals in his life here. He was a fantastic and impressive boy. He was so unfairly robbed of his greatness. I love you Kyle! I know you must truly be great now, but how sorry I feel that your dreams on Earth were taken. I am sad for your loss. Please tell me that you are not too sad about it, that you have achieved a state of perfection. You are so beautiful and amazing. I miss you so much. I miss seeing your beautiful smiling face and feeling your loving hugs. You are everything to me!
I was having a really hard time this morning. The energy must have been going out to the Universe (with the help of Facebook!) because I was getting a lot of messages of support. I talked to Marcie and felt a lot better, hopeful about what I am going to learn and experience soon. I asked her about the dog that was with the boys when she saw them on July 5. She said that it was standing between the boys and tended to stay close to Kyle. I asked her what it looked like and she said that it was brown and white and looked like a collie! There are no coincidences! It gives me comfort knowing that Dillon is with Sean and Kyle. He was a very calm and peaceful dog, and comforting I am sure to the boys, esp. Kyle. Meditation: Heard planes, breeze, leaves, church bells. Felt Sean's incredible bright green dot, then his image/outline, then it was inside of my pink Spirit. Sean, you are amazing and powerful!! I love you buddy, I love you so much! Message from Crystal10: I felt Kyle’s presence on Saturday. He seems worried about how you are doing. He wants you to be ok. He needs that to smile again. From The Evolution Angel by Todd Michael: • Only God exists – a radiant, loving presence that pervades everything and everyone. The “angels,” the “messengers” are just his way of showing himself in such a way that we can actually handle it. • God and his messengers are freely accessible to every human being at every moment, without exception. • We are many and yet only one. There is no distinct “me.” I shift and change, merging, flowing in and out of the others. I will be with you for the rest of your life. I will never leave you. • All communication with Spirit takes place through the imagination. The imagination, the part of the mind that can synthesize images, is one of the highest faculties of the mind. Second only to love, the ability to imagine makes human beings sons and daughters of the great Creator. All creation, all great accomplishments, and all communication with the Spirit begin with the imagination. • We exist independently of you and are in many ways far more “real” than you. Although the faculty of imagination enables you to hear us, we are not “imaginary” as such. We are not mere figments of your imagination, mere fantasy. The words that are forming in your mind are real words from real beings. • We speak to everyone all the time. We are channels of the Spirit and Spirit communicates freely from every point of consciousness to every other point of consciousness at every moment. All beings can hear all of the words and music of Spirit all the time. It’s a matter of awareness. Most of you are simply not paying attention. You are focused solely on the constant stimuli you surround yourselves with and on your incessant internal dialogue. You are lost in confusion and self-‐ doubt and have lost the ability to know that what you are hearing is Spirit. Animals, infants, the very elderly and certain others hear us clearly and constantly. Without the burden of self-‐doubt, they are free to hear us effortlessly. • Certain experiences in your life have caused your ego and internal dialogue to erode sufficiently so that you can distinguish our voices from time to time. Nothing is 10 Crystal is the mother of one of Sean’s high school classmates. I had never met her before, but she contacted me via Facebook to deliver messages to me.
wasted. Nothing is random. Every misfortune, every tragedy, every sickness is a step toward the light. There is only one being, one light, one Mind. There is nothing separate from this Being.
Day 43 – Aug. 2, 2011 As I sense consciousness coming, the ache comes to my stomach then quickly a big green heart and lots of blue dots fills my vision. My boys know the pain that I feel on waking and they come to me quickly to help soothe me. The sick to my stomach feeling is still hard to take each morning, but it comes and goes fairly quickly. I miss my boys so much. I sensed Sean a lot during my sleep; it was a vague feeling, but it felt as if he was covering me with his essence and giving me protection. I am haunted still by the ugly and violent nature of their death. I have to learn how to deal with those images, or I will be tortured by them forever. It causes so much pain and anguish. I don't know why it haunts me and tortures me so much. Yesterday I made the mistake of clicking on a link, and I saw the headline "Man slays sons, then kills self." Oh how it pains me. I know it is sensationalistic journalism but it still sickens me and causes me to think about how my boys were taken so brutally and so unfairly. My hatred and anger for that man feels like it will make my head explode sometimes. It chips away at my faith and makes me question the Universe. I try to think of images of the boys with Dillon and it makes me feel better to see them happy with the sweet dog next to them. I want to envision them in a perfect state, as they were when I last saw them on June 19. I want so badly to believe Elisabeth Kubler-‐Ross that the boys are in a "place" of unconditional love, a place of perfection and amazing beauty, that they are with Lina, Old Grandma and Dillon. Oh how I want assurance that they really are "in a better place" than this harsh and painful realm called Earth. I love my sons so much; they are the meaning and purpose in my life. I don't know what I am supposed to do now. I feel lost and I struggle to make it through each day, and to wake each morning. I still often have thoughts and even wishes to leave this realm. I need to learn how to more tangibly connect to my boys in order to stay in this realm and find joy in life again. I need to find peace, otherwise I question how I can survive this and continue to live. Meditation: Heard birds, cars, plane. Felt sad, deep, deep sadness, pain, sorrow. Oh Sean, help me honey. I don't want to stay here anymore. It hurts so much. Oh Momma, we are here with you. Just keep doing your best like you have been. You are doing so good Mom. I miss you so much guys, I want to see you, feel you, smell your hair. I love you, I love you so much. Felt their strong blue and green colors, felt their heads near me as they hugged me and held me. Their outlines and images were in my field of vision. I love these boys so much, more than I have ever loved anyone or anything. I feel so much overpowering unconditional love for them. The loss is so painful, so tremendous. How can it ever get better? How can this life ever be livable again? Message from Crystal: Let me move on to what happened with Kyle. I felt his presence and his face looked worried/sad. I was surprised because all the pictures I have seen of him show him with a beautiful smile. I asked about his smile and what I received was that he was terribly worried about you. He understands your pain but feels helpless to see you sad. The only way that bright smile will come back is when you are ok. He will be patient. He knows that it is a process.
I had a nice time playing golf today with Robert, Conner and Carey. It was good to be out in the sunshine and to see the birds, trees, butterflies and to feel the breeze. I felt Sean and Kyle with me. As I was hitting a few balls on the practice range, two small butterflies fluttered right under my club head as I prepared to swing. On one of the greens there was a bright yellow golf ball with "K" on it. The signs are all around me, and it comforts me to know that my boys will always be with me. I love them so much. I never knew this depth of unconditional love until I first felt it with each birth, then it just grew and grew over these last 15 and 13 years. I am so blessed with these two beautiful boys. Day 44 – Aug. 3, 2011 My morning companion, the ache in the pit of my stomach, comes and goes again. As I open my eyes, a bright flash of green comes into my vision. Good morning Sean! I miss you so much. You were my best friend here on Earth. Now you are my guardian angel. You and Kyle, watching over me, guiding me, protecting me and taking care of me. I need you both so much. I love you my beautiful sons! Questions for the boys: What are your feelings about your father? What am I supposed to be doing in my realm now that you two are not here anymore? Was I a good mother to you? What could I have done better? Do you have any regrets about your life on Earth? I miss you so much and I want to be with you – will I be with you again soon? Sean, should I give the drum set to Andrew? Walked with Monique around my building. I was so depressed, sad and crying. Meditation: Heard cars, planes, fountain water, voices, footsteps. Felt lots of chills, lots of neon green in my vision, saw Kyle's image/imprint. Kyle?! Kyle, I'm sorry honey. I know it's hard for you to see me sad and crying, but it hurts so much not to have you and Sean with me. I will keep trying honey. I will keep doing my best. Try not to worry, buddy, I will be ok. Felt strong presence and energy on my left side. Felt the boys sitting next to me. Kyle with his arm around my waist and his head on my arm, Sean wrapped around both of us with his arm around my shoulder. Felt so protected and comforted. Kyle showed me his strong blue power, it was all wrapped up and intertwined with my pink Spirit. Day 45 – Aug. 4, 2011 The ache in my stomach comes and goes in the early morning hours as I come in and out of consciousness. Even before I can awaken fully, Kyle comes to me, very intensely. His image, features almost clear, in bright neon green, appears in my field of vision, large and somewhat imposing. It reminds me of how he would sometimes get very close to my face, no personal space or boundaries. I felt his intensity, almost as if he is upset with me for being so weak at times. I know Kyle, I know. I will be better honey. I know you want me to be tough and strong and to keep going, to keep trying. He chases the ache away quickly! It's as if he is saying, Come on, Mom!! He is doing his best to help me. He is so tough, such a competitor. God, how I love that boy! I love you Kyle, I love you so much. Thank you for helping me. You know I need your help through this. This is the most difficult thing I have
ever experienced in my life. Thank you for being with me, for helping me. I love you sweetheart, I love you! Questions and answers with Marcie: Question: How does the other realm(s) work with regard to this type of event? Since the father intentionally took the boys’ lives, what are the consequences to him? Can I rest assured that he does not get to be with the boys in the other realm(s)? Answer: Yes, there are different levels in the other realms. The father is in a different place. Question: If the boys would have chosen to live a full life in this realm, why would their father’s choice be the one that actually occurred? Answer: There was either a contract/agreement previously made or it was free will. Bad acts will result in more karmic debt and it will take time to move back up the “spiritual ladder.” Question: Do the boys know the true nature of their father now? Answer: Yes. The Four Noble Truths 1. Life means suffering. 2. The origin of suffering is attachment. 3. The cessation of suffering is attainable. 4. The path to the cessation of suffering. Meditation: Heard motors, cars, planes, helicopter, voices, tapping. Felt sleepy, sore feet, Sean and Kyle hovering with their green and blue. Kyle's imprint was there in my vision. He is very strong right now. I love you boys. I love you Sean. I love you Kyle. I am doing better today. I felt a sense of comfort and peace as the boys stayed near me. Message from Crystal: I will tell you what I got from Sean. I got this feeling that he was hiding. What came to me is that he is hiding because he feels guilty. Not only because of what happened but also because maybe he had mistakenly judged you before. Now all things are clear to him about who you really are and who the other person (his dad) was. I believe that he needs to know from you that he should not feel guilty. He did not know better. Had e-‐circle tonight. Went through a warrior process. It started with primal energy, and generated a lot of strength and power for me. You won't win! You will not win! You cannot destroy me because I am pure love! I felt quiet confidence. Lots of Kyle's energy was with me. We finished with a "huddle" hug. I feel so strong, so powerful. I feel like I am honoring my boys. The ladies (Michelle, Steph M., Steph B. and Rosalind) did a process with Judy to release their anger and rage at the boys' father. I stepped out during the process; when I came back in, the punching bag was burst open on one end. I saw the extent of the anger that they had been holding for the last six weeks, in the burst bag, but more significantly, I saw the condition of the bag as a reflection of the intensity of their love for me. I am amazed and honored by how these women love me. I love them so much. I know I cannot make it through my journey without them. Bless you Universe for giving me these gifts in my life! Day 46 – Aug. 5, 2011 I feel the ache in my stomach as I awaken and my heart beating in the pit of my stomach. It
is a dull ache, no longer so acute. I miss my children, but am feeling them in Spirit stronger and stronger every day. It gives me hope and comfort knowing they are with me and I don't have to "see" them in physical form to be with them. I felt Kyle's presence and energy so strongly yesterday and it helped me get through the day in a better emotional state than I have been in since all of this happened. I know their strength, energy and love will guide me and give me what I need to keep going in this realm. I love you boys. I love you with all my heart, soul and being. I love being your mother. Meditation: Heard birds tweeting, freeway traffic, machinery, people's voices. Felt lots of chills, esp. in midsection, blue and green colors, sparkles dropping around me softly. It's ok, honey, I'm okay. Don't feel bad about anything. I don't want you to worry about anything. We are all ok, and I will be ok. I love you so much, there is no limit to my love for you. It fills my heart and being. I feel so much love, amazing and powerful love for you. I saw two hummingbirds, and then a green leaf fell on my chest as I was lying on the grass. I know you are with me always and taking care of me. You know I am with you always. I remember those were the words at the start of my Let It Be tribute to you, "I am with you always." And at the end of the tribute I said, "I love you . . . Mom." I will love you into eternity with all my heart, soul and Spirit. You give me strength to carry on. Sean, I love listening to the cd mixes you made. It makes me smile. Kyle, I see football on tv, and I think of you. You two are always with me, wherever I go. You are everything to me. I love you so much! Love your momma. Day 47 – Aug. 6, 2011 For the first time in 47 days I am not awakened by an ache in the pit of my stomach. I dreamt or sensed the boys throughout the night but can't recall any specific dreams. Their colors and imprints are in my field of vision so often, it seems every time I close my eyes and think of them. Their spirit bodies have become so real to me, and I am looking forward to having them become even more tangible with Marcie's help. I have been reading a lot of good books, several by Kubler-‐Ross which give me hope and comfort. Another by Allison Dubois is giving me even more trust and faith in the Spirit world and I feel even more strongly that my boys are with me and giving me lots of help through their signs. Tony pointed out last night that the bright yellow golf ball actually has "KJ" on it, not just "K". I love the way my boys are taking care of me. I don't have to take care of the boys anymore; they are taking care of me. I love you Sean! I love you Kyle! I am so incredibly blessed to be your mother! Questions for the boys: Is Auntie Lina with you? Old Grandma? Dillon? Who else is with you? What do you do there? Do you feel/connect with Uncle Bert, Uncle Buddy, Aunt Robin, Conner, Alicia? Who else do you visit/talk to in the Earth realm? Is there anything specific that you want me to do here? Lots of people tell me they feel your presence – do you visit a lot of my friends and your friends? Everyone loves you both so much. Do you feel the love? What did you think of the memorial celebration?
Day 48 – Aug. 7, 2011 No ache in my stomach this morning, but I cried tears during my sleep last night. I dreamt that I was at Kyle's grade school. They were telling me that Kyle had a music lesson, so I had to tell them what happened to him, and that he would not be coming back. I remember crying in my sleep. I still feel so much sadness about losing my boys in their human forms even though I feel them in their spirit forms. Sean came to me this morning again with his bright neon green and his image. It seems that one or both of them always come to me as I awaken to make sure I am ok as I come back into consciousness. I miss them so much. I love them so much! Meditation: Heard cars, planes, voices, laughter, car doors, owl, birds, leaves. Felt breeze, saw green and blue, Sean and Kyle. You guys give me so much strength. Thank you for coming to me every day, thank you for staying with me and giving me courage and strength. You see I'm doing a lot better now? You're helping me so much. I am trying my best. You are so beautiful and strong. You make me powerful. I feel you with me. You are so comforting, so soothing to me. I miss you so much, I love you so much. I feel angry and cheated. It' s not fair that my beautiful sons were taken from me. It's not fucking fair. I hate this fucked up world. What the hell kind of fucked up plan takes those two beautiful boys away from me? The two most precious and good souls anyone could ever have known. I hate this place, this totally fucked up existence. Day 49 – Aug. 8, 2011 The sharp pain in the pit of my stomach no longer wakes me. It has been replaced by a dull ache and sorrow. I feel my human-‐ness and the deep, deep sadness of loss. Sean comes to me with his green and the lovely imprint of his face. Early this morning I dreamt that there was a movie or event in honor of Kyle shortly after he passed and there were so many people. I cried in the dream for the loss of my child. The emptiness I feel is still so vast. The void that has been created in my life is so large. I feel so lost and lonely. I miss my sons so much, sometimes I can't bear it. I feel scared about what life will bring. My family and friends are slowly and steadily putting things back in my “basket of life.” And my boys help keep me strong from their realm. They have not changed – they are still here for me. I will learn how to get better at feeling my boys, then I will become really strong. Meditation: Heard air conditioning unit, voices, birds. Felt chills, breeze, love, blue and green from Sean and Kyle. You see I'm doing better now, huh, guys? You guys know what unconditional love is, don't you? You knew already, is that why you had to go? I am learning from you, I am so amazed and humbled by you both. I love you so much Sean Robert! I love you so much Kyle Joseph! You are so beautiful and amazing. Day 50 – Aug. 9, 2011 During the night, I had dreams/senses of people who had passed being “brought through” to talk to people in this realm. It gave me a sense of peace and comfort. Then in the early morning, I had periodic sick to my stomach feelings as I had dreams/memories of the boys. I dreamt that Kyle was 5 years old and he believed that he could fly. He was wearing his Superman pajamas and a cape. He climbed up onto a tall crane and “flew” down to his death. The dream made my stomach pains return. I was upset in the dream because no one told me about what happened to Kyle until almost a week had gone by. I saw lots of
bright neon green and blue dots as I started to come into consciousness. I still have the ache in the pit of my stomach, the ache of loss and heartache for my boys. I had images of the boys coming to me and hugging me. They had their short haircuts. I also had images of cuddling them in their beds – spooning Kyle and kissing his neck, Sean holding me in his arms as we listened to Imagine. Oh how I miss my sons. The heartache overwhelms me and I cry out some of my sadness. Oh Sean, oh Kyle, I miss you so much! I love you so much! It hurts me so much that you are gone from this world. I am desperate to have you with me again. How can I keep going without you here in my life? How will I find joy again? I am reminded by Allison DuBois’ book that every day brings me closer to being united with you. Every day I need to live well and serve my life’s purpose, then I will be reunited with you and you will be waiting for me on the other side. You will greet me with your incredible unconditional love and we will all be together again in Spirit and pure love. Until then I suppose I need to live out each day, one by one, and do what I am guided by Spirit to do here, to learn and to teach maybe? I don’t know yet, but I know there are plans in store for me. You will help me and watch over me, and be with me. I need you with me every second of every minute of every day. You are my two strong young men who can carry me through this. I love you both with all my soul and being. You have truly taught me what unconditional love is. I guess I am supposed to pass on that lesson? Stay with me my sons. I feel a sense of shame. I am ashamed that my boys and I are associated with that horrible person and what he did. I feel that he has marred me and marred my boys for “life.” The selfish and despicable actions of that person will forever be tied to my earthly life. I hate that motherfucker. Fucking sick bastard son of a bitch pathetic being. Message from Crystal: A lot of activity this evening. I got the chills. Sean knows about the mural and insists that you need to be honored in it too. I keep getting a symbol to represent you. My hands made the form of a heart. There is also a message about a book. This is about you writing a book about your experience. It will touch and help a lot of people. Again, I get I love you’s to you from them! Meditation: Heard cars, planes, freeway noise, car doors closing. Felt sorrow and anxiety in the pit of my stomach, Sean and Kyle so strong with their vibrant colors, love, comfort, joy to see my boys. Day 51 – Aug. 10, 2011 As I was coming into consciousness this morning, the boys came to me with a new vibrant pattern. It was like a huge pulsating star. It filled my entire field of vision with green sparkling and pulsating dots, and there were electric blue bolts of color in lines throughout. It was incredibly vibrant and alive, like the boys were showing their tremendous energy and joy. They seemed happy and spirited, almost like they were “bouncing off the walls.” I met Crystal in person for the first time yesterday. She feels the boys’ energy very strongly and she told me that they love me so much and they are happy that we are communicating now. She said that Sean wants to make sure that he does something for me while I am still here, and Kyle definitely wants to make sure I am ok. I feel just a slight ache in my stomach this morning. I feel my boys with me. I love you, my beautiful sons!
Day 52 – Aug. 11, 2011 My heart aches. I am so sad. I miss my sons so much. It is hard to look at or see other people, other parents with their kids. The sorrow sits in the bottom of my stomach like a heavy brick. I try to remember that my boys are still with me, just not in this painful physical realm I am stuck in. I wonder how long I have left to stay here, and what I am supposed to be doing. I dread the thought of “living” life here without my children. Why is this my fate? It’s painful to be around other people. It reminds me of all of the millions of beings here on Earth, living out their tortuous, suffering lives to learn some great lesson. It’s incredibly painful. Sometimes I wish my memory would disappear so I could stop reliving and remembering all of my pain, even if I have to give up remembering my joy. My children have been taken from me. As a human being, it is almost incomprehensible for me. Sometimes it still feels so dreamlike. This existence is brutal. We arrived at Marcie’s home in Alturas, CA this afternoon. The tears began to flow as soon as I saw Marcie. I feel so much emotion, and so much hope. Drum wash11 with Marcie: Felt tension in my midsection, felt like it was breaking up with each drumbeat. Felt chills in my midsection too. Towards the end, blue and green showed up in my vision. Marcie says the drum was sounding flat at some places because the energy was stuck or low – heart chakra, since I have suffered a traumatic emotional experience; crown chakra may be due to impact on my view of the Universe; ankle, lower calf area may be related to how I will walk on this earth in the future. I had a really great talk with Marcie about the different realms, belief systems, and how souls/spirits move between realms. I look forward to learning so much more. It feels so right and so comforting to me. Day 53 – Aug. 12, 2011 Had some strange physical sensations during the night. My midsection felt like energy was moving through and draining out. It felt weak and odd, kind of like low blood sugar but different. This happened twice, then later I felt a similar sensation in my legs. But I slept well and do not remember any dreams. I did not have any aches in my stomach, or senses/images of the boys this morning. It feels safe and peaceful here. Journey to Animal Realm12: Felt like I didn’t really “go” anywhere. Felt like I had a commentator with me, lots of thoughts flashing through my head. Saw a meadow in Sequoia and the big tree that the boys had stood in front of. Went down into that tree. I seemed to drop down into a lush jungle-type setting, but it was not clear. Fleeting shadows of a male lion, but very vague. Saw mostly black/dark. Too much self-criticism going on? 11The drum is used like a scanner to detect the weakness of certain points as it is passed over the body. Drum washing is also used to cleanse and heal the body by using the vibration of the drum’s sound waves to penetrate the aura and the physical body. 12According to Marcie, there are several different realms, including Animal realm, Fairy realm and the Lower, Middle and Upper realms. Animal realm is where animals reside in spirit form. During my journey I was lying on the floor with my eyes closed, listening to the drumming and being guided by Marcie into the meditation.
Marcie says there was a bear present for me in Animal Realm. “Bear”13 represents supernatural power, strength, fortitude and the whirlwind. As associated with honey: sweetness of truth. It is expected to accept being sacrificed as an honor. Keynote – Awakening the Power of the Unconscious. Cycle of Power – Spring and Summer. Relates to all initial stages and primal instincts. Bear can teach how to draw upon all inner stores of energy and essence even those which have never been tapped or accessed. Working with bear will help me to go within my soul’s den, my inner sanctum to find my answers. Is my judgment off? What is beneficial in my life? Too critical of yourself and others? Go within to awaken the power, but only by bringing it out into the open and applying it will the honey of life be tasted. Bear medicine can teach you to go deep within so you can make choices and decisions from a position of power. Journey to Animal Realm: Started in the meadow, walked down the path to the large tree and climbed in then down. Landed in a lush tropical jungle again. Saw a yellow snake that scared me, saw a black panther, then a tiger. The black panther stayed with me. We laid down on the grass. I asked him if he was my guide, and he said yes. He let me pet him for a while, and he stayed with me. Then he said he had to go. He jumped onto a high tree limb, then said again that he had to go. I said, no, wait, don’t leave me, and I started to cry. I felt so alone and scared. I made my way back to the tree, climbed up and out, and walked back up the path. I was ok by then. Panther: Keynote – Reclaiming One’s True Power. Cycle of Power – Dark of the moon, new moon, winter. Symbol of ferocity and valor; embodies aggressiveness and power. Has lunar significance. Smaller than lion or tiger, but more fierce. Over 500 voluntary muscles and the ability to do a variety of tasks as it wills. It is simply a matter of deciding and putting the ability to use – physical, mental, psychic or spiritual “muscles.” Solitary, but does associate with others. Combination of beauty and utility. Greatest power is in silence as goals are pursued. First and fast to respond. Symbol of feminine, dark mother. Came into the world with the lights already on. Increasing sensitivity to touch, esp. through the skin. Awakened sensuality and passion. It is in the hours of darkness that panther finds its greatest element of power. Symbol of life and power of the night; darkness, death and rebirth. Black panther helps us to understand the dark and death and the inherent powers of them; by acknowledging them, we eliminate our fears and learn to use the powers. The panther often signals a time of rebirth after a period of suffering and death on some level; a time of moving from mere poles of existence to new life without poles or barriers; imminent awakening to the heroic quest; opportunities to become twice born. Sometimes this means we must suffer the loss of what we think we love the most. The panther is the symbol of power reclaimed from darkness; whatever is lost will be replaced by that which is greater, stronger and more beneficial. Ability to cause people to see and think as you desire them to, which is earned and strengthened through self-‐discipline. Can blend into surroundings with ease. What is awakened with the power of the panther: “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” 13 My notes about the symbolism of animals came from a book that Marcie showed me, but I don’t recall what it was.
More info from Marcie about her meeting with the boys on July 5: • The boys were accompanied by two men dressed in suits; their mannerisms and appearances were identical to each other. They did not say anything; they just stayed close to the boys, behind them with their hands folded over each other, very business-‐like and professional. • At the vestibule, the boys were greeted by two women and a man. The woman who stepped forward was petite, had a round face, and looked like she was related to me. She was smiling and very inviting (Lina!); the other woman also looked related to me (my Mom?); the man was older, Caucasian. The boys were comfortable and happy to see them. They crossed over and the collie (Dillon) went with them. • Dillon was in Animal Realm when we went there, but I did not see him. Marcie talked to him. He said he was with the boys when they crossed over because it was what he was supposed to do. He was waiting for the boys until they arrived at the transition point. (Marcie had never seen a dog crossing over with people into the other realm.) Marcie says that the entire purpose of our existence here on Earth is soul development and soul growth. Day 54 – Aug. 13, 2011 The boys came to me this morning with their vibrant colors and electrical energy. Lots of love and encouragement is what they seemed to be sending to me. I still felt some sadness during the night when I pictured them, their beautiful faces and bodies, bringing back some of the pain of loss. I want to know, is there a way to minimize my focus on their physical forms so I don’t feel such heartache? I can still feel them spiritually and I still have a close relationship with them, and I still interact with their intellectual and emotional bodies, why is it so hard for me to let go of their human forms? I miss touching them, hugging and kissing them. I love you my beautiful boys! Journey to expand consciousness: Started on the floor, lying down, breathing and feeling my body, then shifted focus outside my body to the room, looking down at myself. Then focused on upstairs, then outside the house, then bird’s eye view of the house, then up further to seeing the lake, the schoolhouse, and neighbors’ houses. Then went higher, seeing Alturas, the mountains, the ocean, the desert. Went higher still to seeing the states of CA, NV, OR, then up higher to seeing the entire U.S. surrounded by oceans, all the blues, greens and browns. Then lifted higher to seeing the Earth and other continents, then farther up to seeing the Earth like a marble and the other planets in the solar system, and the stars. Came back the same way, coming all the way back down into my body. Very neat! Journey to Fairy Realm: Started in the meadow, saw the tall grass. Black Panther came with me as I walked to the well. I held out my rocks and stones of trouble, one large one for my loss of the boys. I looked down into the dark well and dropped the stones. The large one made a big clunk. I walked with Panther down the path to the big oak. It was massive and beautiful with many limbs. I went into the trunk, and Panther came with me. We went down a stone- like tunnel lit by small lamps. I could see light and hear music as we approached. We entered a large hall full of fairies laughing, eating and having fun. We walked past lots of tables to the place where the king and queen sat. There were lots of white robes. The queen offered me a green apple, and I politely declined. I walked amongst them saying hello here and there.
Panther stayed with me. A fairy that looked like a very young child was following me for a while. We went to an outer hallway and walked to a spiral staircase. It took us up to a balcony area where I could look out and see the beautiful gardens and beyond. The view was spectacular; it extended out as far as the eye could see and it was incredibly beautiful and magical. There were fairies standing in different places saying hello to me. We walked around the balcony/patio area to another straight stairway that led back down to the hall area. We went back into the hall and to the entrance of the tunnel. We went back through the passageway to the oak and up into the opening, then out to the pathway. I passed the well, and walked into the meadow, then I kneeled down to hug panther, hold his face and say goodbye. He said he would see me later. Then I came back into my body and back to the Earth realm. Day 55 – Aug. 14, 2011 I had vague dreams about the boys last night. I could feel some sadness during my sleep. Shannon was also in my dreams helping me. I also had a sense of the essential oils working on my healing and balancing process. I felt so much love and protection from Tony. He held me all night long and I felt like he was in tune with my emotional needs. He shifted and adjusted to my movements and seemed to know just how to hold and touch me throughout the night. Last night Marcie said that I am an old soul. I was a little surprised, and very pleased. This morning she explained that my spiritual body has been there all along and now I am just letting it come out. That may be why it has been so easy for me to open up to everything that I am learning and experiencing. I have been described by others as very strong and very spiritual, and I am now finally seeing it for myself. Meditation: Went down into the earth and felt the layers and layers of dirt and rocks. Felt what it is like to be a grain of sand and a rock. Shifted to plants. Felt the breeze flowing through the leaves of trees and the lushness of grass and greenery. Shifted to animals and felt all the living creatures, fish in the ocean, wild animals on the African plains. Shifted to the human realm, saw all of humanity, people all over the world, felt the huge capacity of humans to do many things and to create. Shifted back to the physical realm and felt the solid material surroundings where I am. Journey to the Upper Realm14 Walked from the meadow to the well. Dropped a heavy object (kind of like a bowling ball) into the well. I turned around and walked through the meadow to the edge of the cliff. I got onto a cloud and travelled up to the Upper Realm. I landed in the garden and got off the cloud. I walked to the white marble bench and sat down. “Michael” came to me. My guide! That’s who Michael is, that’s who I was looking for that morning when I was woken by a voice looking for “Michael.” He put his arm around me and I leaned against him, feeling comforted. We got up and walked a short distance out of the garden to a grass area where there was a big leafy tree. Under the tree there was a “picnic” area with a U-shaped bench and a table. Just enough room for three people to sit around the table – the sanctuary. There were plates of fruit. Snowball, my beloved cat, was there sitting on the cushion on the bench. Black 14 This was my first meditation to “go” to the place where I would be able to meet with the boys.
Panther laid down behind the benches. It was as if we were just waiting for the boys to come. I could feel Sean’s energy and I could picture him sitting with me at our picnic table. I sat holding Snowball and I was so happy to see him again, and he was happy to see me. I felt the old familiar feelings of love and comfort toward him. Michael stood nearby just watching quietly. I pictured the favorite fruits and sweets of the boys sitting on the table just waiting until they arrived. After a little while, Michael said it was time to go, so I walked back to the garden. Michael stayed near the picnic table and bench, watching me as I left. I got back on the cloud and came back to the cliff, then to the meadow and back to the physical realm. Marcie did emotional body healing work on me: I felt emotional release, and I sensed the boys at the sanctuary. In my mind, Sean asked if it was ok for them to eat the agar (Filipino-‐style jello). I told him yes. Tree of life meditation: Felt deeply rooted to the Earth. Saw my roots going down into the rich dark soil and I felt the moisture and nourishment from Mother Earth giving me life and strength. Felt the strong and secure tree trunk and the powerful branches extending out. Felt the leaves blowing in the wind and the sun shining down on me. Felt the birds flying from branch to branch. Saw the strength of the tree and its changes during the seasons and it felt peaceful and comforting. Marcie did energy healing and extractions on me: There is a dagger-‐like object with jagged edges in the back of my neck. I attribute it to my ex-‐husband and the hatred he would have projected on to me. There is also a cord wrapped around my intestinal/digestive area. I believe it has been there for a long time. It has caused me to feel clenched and I have had to deal with stomach and intestinal issues for a long time. There are also a lot of cracks in my heart and at the bottom of my feet that need to be smoothed over and sealed up. The heart cracks were likely caused by the loss of the boys. The foot cracks may be due to uncertainty of how I will or can continue to walk in this world. Marcie removed the dagger and cord from my energy body and sealed up the cracks. She used leather gloves to remove the two items, then put them in a bowl of water to be discarded. She used lavender to send the healing energy throughout the energy and physical bodies. Message from Gil Meza: Hi Maria, I just wanted to take the time to tell you that I’m thinking about you and the boys...not a day goes by that I don’t think of them as I have their picture on our dresser....I think of Kyle quite often nowadays as football just started again...its tough sometimes as I see some of these kids compete and give it their I see some of them push themselves to their max, I can't help but think of Kyle right away...he was the extreme example of complete determination and 110% of effort....I miss him dearly as I had coached him for those 3 seasons with the Aztecs....though I am now at Otay Ranch, I will always be proud to have shared the honor of being Aztecs with was a true pleasure coaching him and going to Vegas and making memories...I am happy about the fact that I told him that he was the best player and kid that I had ever coached in any sport that I had coached in...I don't ever tell players that but I knew he was special and would stay humble about it...I told you at our last playoff game last November at Montgomery that you had done a great job raising such a great young man....You might have remembered, you might have not, but I truly meant I continue to coach youth sports, I want you to know
that Kyle has made a lasting life long impact on my life...I will remember him always and honor him before every game...I love u 2115 Told Marcie about the message from Gil Meza and we talked about how much the boys have touched so many people. I continue to be honored, humbled and amazed by all who are reaching out to me, and how the boys are generating this outpouring of love, caring and change. Meditation – The Forge in the Forest: Went into the forest and saw Bridget, beautiful curly red hair, very fair skin and a deep green velvet dress. Watched her create a star and throw it into the sky. She asked me to make something. It was a silver mug with the peace symbol on it. I asked her what I should do with it. She said to share it, and let others drink from it, just one person at a time. Don’t be afraid. Then the forest filled with light and she was gone. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked to the well and dropped in my troubles, some small stones. Walked up the path to the cliff edge and got onto the cloud. Got to the garden and went to the bench. Michael arrived and asked me if I was ready. I said yes, I was very excited. We walked hand in hand to the sanctuary. I looked at the picnic table but the boys were not there yet. I turned to my right and the boys were there. They came to me and hugged me. I took Kyle’s face in my hands and kissed him. I hugged Sean and he held me and looked down at me. I was so happy to see them. We walked over to the picnic table and sat down, me in the middle, Sean on my right and Kyle on my left. They showed me that they had left a small corner of agar for me. They were eating the fruit on the table. Sean said, “Mom, remember when we had these in China?” and he held up a fresh lychee fruit. I said, “Yes!” Then I asked Kyle if he knew about Coach Gil’s message and he said, “Yeah, Mom, I know.” I asked them if they had any regrets. Kyle said he misses playing football, but he is watching all the games and the start of the new NFL season. Sean said he still plays the guitar. I asked Sean if I should give or loan the drum set to Andrew because Andrew is starting a band called Sean’s Band. Sean said, “It’s up to you, Mom. I’m ok with it, but you need to decide if you want to do that.” I touched their hands and their faces and kissed them. Michael said it was time to go. The boys said they would come there again. Sean said, “See, Mom, see how great it is for us here? You are doing really great, Mom.” We got up from the table, and they started to walk away to the right. I ran to them for one last hug. They both held me and kissed me. Michael took me by the hand and led me back to the garden where I got back on the cloud and came back down to the cliff, then the meadow. Marcie reminds me that when I go into the journey meditations: Don’t overanalyze, just process first. Start with ten-‐minute sessions – set your alarm. Put salt around your physical body for protection. Email from Robert: I have a story.......Last night, Saturday the 13th I was driving around Barona. It was already night time. PLEASE keep in mind that I haven't seen a "shooting star" in years. In fact, I can't remember the last time I saw a "shooting star". Anyway, I was sitting in my jeep admiring the clear sky as I drove up a dirt road towards some houses. I was driving very slow when I saw a "shooting star" out the right side of my front 15 21 was Kyle’s primary football jersey number.
windshield. I thought to myself, "wow, that was so cool". It made me think of Sean and Kyle, as I normally think of them when I am driving around the reservation. When I saw only the one "shooting star", I didn't think anything of it, other than thinking of Sean and Kyle, because it was only one star. I hadn't seen one in years! Less than one hour later, I saw a second "shooting star"!!! I couldn't believe my eyes. I think this is waaaaaay too coincidental. Two shooting stars in the same night, same hour, and had not seen one in years. I know in my heart it was Sean and Kyle's bright souls shooting across our sky............I wanted you all to know this experience I had. Day 56 – Aug. 15, 2011 I woke this morning with the ache and pain in my stomach. Tony put his hand on my belly and it soothed the pain. I miss my boys in this realm so much! I have learned how to connect with them in the Upper Realm, but I still wish for them here. I could not fall asleep last night. I had my eyes closed and I can’t recall what I was thinking or feeling, but I could not sleep until very late into the night. I felt fear, about what, I don’t know. I finally fell asleep with a sense of my divine nature, and my physical body just a shell. Questions for Michael: • Was there a contract/agreement for the boys to leave the earthly realm before me? Or was it free will? • Will the boys incarnate to Earth sometime during the remainder of my lifetime? Questions for Marcie: • You said the boys and I have been bonded from previous lifetimes? • When would I go into the Animal Realm or Fairy Realm? • How do I connect with the boys in Earth realm? I feel some apprehension about returning home, unsure of my new skills but determined to keep going and honing them. I feel like my energy is better, but I fear the moments of grief and heartache still, when I am drawn back to my human emotions and my human-‐ness. It feels weak and scary to me, but I know I need to accept those parts of me as I must still continue to walk this Earth. The experiences I have had here are still so new to me and I want to cling to Marcie’s experience and knowledge although I know I need to do this on my own. I feel better, but nervous, like someone who has to perform on their own for the first time. From a conversation with Marcie: • The boys and I are part of the same soul group. We have been together before and we will be together again. Sean and Kyle have a bond at the top of the scale. I am bonded to them just slightly below that level. • How to spend time with the boys in this realm? I will be able to see them, not just their colors, etc. Need my spirit side to be more open here. Make physical body lighter, eat what is in tune with my body. Use pendulum16 to check foods. Use meditation and journeying. When crown chakra opens, it will help a lot. Tune into heart song – be in the garden and feel the energy of the heart, the vibration. Keep psychic part open. 16 A pendulum is a weight hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely backward and forward. It can be used to evaluate whether particular substances are good for the body.
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Can go to Animal Realm or Fairy Realm once a day if I feel like it, but be sensitive to the physical body and energy levels. Had trouble sleeping last night – anxiety is normal when thinking about going back home. Take the training wheels off the bike – scary at first but freeing too. No concerns about my progress these last few days. Keep releasing emotions. Got farther than she thought we would. Took three giant steps forward. She was told by our guides (hers and mine) all the work to do on me during this time period. Don’t get overwhelmed or confused by others. Use discernment, go with your gut. Gods, guides, gut should determine whether to go with something or not. Spiritual and emotional parts of me already know it’s just “see you later,” it’s not goodbye. The age of my soul is older, even if my conscious mind does not know it. I have been open to it! Don’t beat myself up if I have a “bad” day. Don’t let doubts crawl in. I am where I am supposed to be today. Bonding with the boys helps with healing and spiritual growth. Can’t lose the “skill.” Things can get blocked, but they won’t go away. Just check on food, meditations, energy levels.
Marcie released more emotions from me17: 1. Yin Water – kidney. “Disempowered” released. 2. Yang Fire – small intestine. “Suicidal” released. 3. Yang Wood – gallbladder. “Resentment” released. Journey to the Upper Realm Went from the meadow to the well, dropped in some small gravel. Turned and walked up the path through the meadow to the cliff. Got onto the cloud and went up to the garden. Landed in the garden. Michael was there by the bench to greet me. We walked to the sanctuary. When I saw the boys, I started to cry. I held their faces in my hands so I could really look at them. I kissed them and touched their hair. I told them that I wish I could stay with them. Someone said we would be together again in the future. They held me. They said, “It’s ok, Mom.” They hugged me tightly, then walked with their arms around me to the picnic table. We sat down. I just wanted to hold them. They sat close to me hugging me. I touched their hair and their faces. They smiled at me and kissed me. I was still crying a little. I told the boys that Uncle Bert really liked the shooting stars the other night. They both smiled and said, “Yeah, we thought Uncle Bert would like that.” I asked them if they were talking to the other family members – Conner, Alicia, Uncle Buddy and Robin – and they said, “Yes, we talk to them all the time.” “Everyone loves you so much. Do you feel that?” “Yes, Mom, we feel it, we love them too. We love you so much, Mom.” After a little while Michael said we had to go. We got up from the table and the boys walked with their arms around me. I was crying. Kyle said, “It’s ok, Mom.” They let go, and as I was walking with Michael, still crying, Kyle ran over to me and held me again. He said again, “It’s ok, Mom.” Sean was waiting patiently for him. Kyle said, “I love you, Mom.” “I love you too, baby.” Then they turned and began walking away, and I turned and walked with Michael. He was holding my hand. He helped me on to the cloud, then I came back down to the cliff and walked to the meadow and back to Earth realm. From a conversation with Marcie: 17 I did not understand some of the things that Marcie did with me, so I simply wrote down what she told me.
Working on my spiritual growth honors the boys, and that can then filter out into the world in a balanced way. Allows me to reach those I am supposed to reach in a way that is beneficial to the boys. Look for opportunities to incorporate mother aspect of myself into the world. Why am I here without my child/parent? I may be able to be of service to others who have had a similar experience as me. Share the cup of peace, one person at a time. Look for one on one experiences, like what we did here. A way to honor my path and the boys’ path. Be an example by walking your own path. A ripple effect can be created by touching just one person. All of humanity is moving up to another energy level. Trying to make a shift upward. By sharing experiences and tools, we help the Earth to move upward. Mass exodus of souls who are meant to work from the other side. The earthly poles are shifting. Spirit realm may be adding energy to Earth realm to help the shift up. Large groups of people may have agreed to work from the other side, so they had to leave before the shift. Talk to Michael about this. What role do Sean and Kyle have? Earth will be resonating/vibrating at a higher level.
Email from Ray: More balloons – As we were walking to dinner in Little Italy after passing by Maria’s office, we look up and see a Kyle blue balloon and a Sean green balloon entangled, swirling around each other and floating up, up and away . . . the other colored balloons remained tethered to a street sign . . . Day 57 – Aug. 16, 2011 The heartache sits in the pit of my stomach as I awaken. I think it will never leave me. I am Sean and Kyle’s mother, so it will forever be inside of me, sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker, but always there as a reminder of my tremendous loss. I will continue to feel the grief and the anguish when it comes to me, and try to release the emotion once it has been fully acknowledged. I know this is the healthy and right way to process. I can accept that there will always be the pain of loss. It is the price I must pay for love. The deeper the love, the deeper the pain. I do feel stronger and more healed after my five days with Marcie. I am hopeful that the new tools I have will help me to have a deeper relationship with my two beautiful sons. I have learned so much about them and about myself. They truly are amazing spirits and I look forward to the day that I will be with them in the spirit realm, but for now I know I have a short time here on Earth to learn and grow so that I will be worthy of that reunion when the time comes. I love you Sean Robert! I love you Kyle Joseph! You make me so proud, so honored, and so humbled to be your mother and your friend. I will always do my best to honor you as you so richly deserve to be. I am your mother and I will forever be your mother. It is the greatest honor that I could ever have wished for. During the night I could feel Sean and Kyle with me constantly, like they were teaching me. I had vague dreams, but don’t recall much. But I got a very strong sense of their presence with me. It felt so strong and so comforting to have them with me, almost as if they were wrapping their strength and power around me like a protective layer. I will try harder to remember my “dreams.” I will make a focused effort before I lay down to sleep to have my conscious mind be more focused on what is going on in my spirit body so I can build my skills even more. Oh, how I love my boys and want to stay connected with them.
“There is sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition and of unspeakable love.” – Washington Irving Journey to the Upper Realm18 Started in the meadow, walked down to the well and dropped in some light popcorn-like pieces that floated down to the dark bottom of the well. I turned around and walked back up the path towards the cliff. I got onto the cloud and went upward. I felt excited with the anticipation of seeing my boys. I got to the garden and stepped off the cloud. I walked to the white marble bench. Michael came to me shortly. I asked him to sit down next to me; he did. I asked him if there was a special plan for my boys. “Is that why they had to leave so soon?” He said, “Yes, there is a plan for your boys. They are needed here to help those who will be arriving. They are old souls with a lot of wisdom. Do you want to see them now?” “Yes, yes, I do.” We got up and walked to the sanctuary. I stood by the picnic table waiting. I saw them coming from the right, where they emerged from, a cloudy-like mist. They ran to me, Kyle quickly like he always does, Sean more loping, then they broke into their teleportation and parkour. I cried a little as they ran to me. Sean said, “Hey Mom, watch this,” and he zapped from one spot to another. Kyle was doing flips and somersaults. He swung around a bar. I said, “Hey, are we going to sit down?” They said, “You can sit down Mom, we want to bounce around a little more.” So I sat on the right side of the table and watched them for a bit. After a few minutes they came over and sat down with me. I asked them what they thought of the memorial celebration. Sean said, “You did really good, Mom, but you know we helped you, right?” :-) I smiled at them and said, “Yes, I figured you did! Kyle, how did you like your tribute?” “It was good, Mom.” “You know coach Gil and coach Ledesma miss you and love you so much.” “I know, Mom, I love them too. Mom, Michael throws the ball pretty well.” Kyle had a football. He handed it to Michael and Michael said, “Go long,” then Kyle ran out into the grass to catch the ball. They threw it a few times, then Sean teleported to intercept Kyle's pass to Michael. When my alarm went off, Michael said, “Oh, it's time to go.” I took Kyle's face in my hands and kissed his soft beautiful cheek several times, then I held Sean's face and kissed him too. “I'll see you guys later.” “Ok, Mom, see you later.” They were still tossing the ball around as Michael and I walked back to the garden. He put his arm over my shoulder and I looked at him and said, "Thank you, Michael." “You're welcome, Maria. Have a safe trip back.” I got onto the cloud, then travelled back down to the cliff edge, got off the cloud and walked back down the pathway to the meadow. Then I resumed my physical body. Day 58 – Aug. 17, 2011 I cried some tears of sadness this morning but it did not last long. I am comforted by the fact that the boys are together and with Lina. They are so bonded. I see now how closely connected Sean and Kyle are – what soulmates they are and have always been and will always be. I remember how they used to take care of each other and look out for each other ever since they were small. If I took one of them to the grocery store and he wanted something like a lollipop, if I said yes, his next question would always be, “What about Sean?” or “What about Kyle?” It gives me some peace knowing that they are together, 18 Once I returned home, I did my journey meditations in my bedroom, lying on the floor with my eyes closed and using headphones to listen to drumming. The journeys usually lasted about 20 minutes of Earth time.
bonded, and caring for each other, and loving each other with that tremendous powerful love they both have. They are meant to be together through eternity and I am so blessed to be bonded to them and to be able to look forward to being with them forever. I love you, my sons, my beautiful incredible sons! How was I ever so blessed with you in my life? But I see now that it was always meant to be, that we are part of the same soul group and we are all experiencing tremendous spiritual growth. I see now that it is what I need to do to honor myself and to honor you, my beautiful old souls who are taking care of me, watching over me, and loving me fiercely. You bring me so much joy, Sean and Kyle! My incredible boys! I love you with all of my being and spirit! Meditation: Heard freeway noise, footsteps, car door, voices. Felt Sean, his neon green so strong. I told him that Conner, Robert and I would be going to Las Vegas soon and I want him to be with us. I felt sadness that he would not be with me physically on a special trip that I had planned for him. I wanted so much to have this special one on one time with him. I wanted to take him to the Pawn Shop that he had asked if we could go to. I miss my boys so much. I love you Sean. Be with me honey, stay with me. The neon green got stronger and brighter. I know you are with me sweetheart, I know you will always be with me. I love you so much. Day 59 – Aug. 18, 2011 Sean and Kyle’s beautiful faces come into my vision as I wake up. They comfort and love me. I feel their energy and love, but the heartache still sits inside of me. All of the things of this earthly realm bring the pain of loss back so quickly to my stomach. It hurts to think about the ping pong table, the other house where they used to live, the material things that I associate with them. It is painful to be in this realm. Sometimes the thought of having these feelings of loss every morning for the next 30 years is so depressing. For some reason I was thinking about their birthdays and how I would have to get thru those dates. I will need to do a celebration somewhere different or something special to really celebrate their lives so I won’t get sucked down into the depths of human despair. I know my boys are safe on the Other Side, and that they have important roles there, but as their mother, I ache for the mundane in his earthly realm, like making them pancakes, taking Kyle to football practice, taking Sean to guitar lessons, hanging out on the couch watching tv and their favorite shows. I think I dreamt last night that I did have them still in this earthly realm. That must be why I am writing about missing the mundane things in life with them. I miss you so much my boys! I love you Sean and Kyle! Raising energy meditation: Started in my body, relaxing with each breath, rose up higher to see my body laying on the grass. Then went higher to see myself farther away in the park, then higher still to see San Diego, then California, then the Southwest, the USA, the continent, then the Earth. Went higher to see the planets and the solar system, then back down again. Felt like I kind of fell asleep, it was dream-like but not really sleeping. Lots of “thoughts” going through my consciousness. Sean and Kyle’s images and outlines were clearer in my field of vision along with their vibrant greens and blues. They are so loving. I can feel them taking care of me and protecting me. It is so comforting to have them with me. I remain open and will work harder to become even more open so I can receive their love and messages even easier and more clearly.
Day 60 – Aug. 19, 2011 Very early this morning, the boys came into my room to hug me and kiss me. There was also a little girl with them. It was so REAL, so tangible. I could see and feel them so clearly. Sean was a little upset about an event he did for school. He said, “He used my bid and then they didn’t take it.” I asked him what it meant in monetary consequences, and he said, “Nothing.” I told him it’s ok, and not to take it personally, that I know it’s hard, but it’s part of learning how to do things. They were so loving. I was hugging the three of them and telling them they were my favorite “three little ones.” It was so real, so tangible – their skin, their hair, their faces, touching them, kissing them. It was amazing. The ache of missing the boys is in my stomach again, but just briefly. They were with me this morning, in colors and in the “dream.” Kyle dropped beautiful blue droplets of color around me. I see their colors almost every time I close my eyes, and it reminds me of how they are with me all the time. I love you boys! Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked to the well, dropped in gravel of troubles, turned and walked up the path to the cliff edge with Panther. We both got onto the cloud to the U.R. and landed in the garden. We walked to the bench. Michael met us there and greeted us. We all walked together to the sanctuary. I started to cry with tears of joy and emotion as I anticipated seeing the boys. They came running from the right. They hugged and kissed me as I cried and cried. Kyle squeezed me tight. We walked to the table. Sean sat in the middle this time, Kyle on the right, me on the left. Snowball jumped up onto Kyle’s lap. The boys were happy to have Snowball. I asked if Dillon came to see them. They said yes. Then I said that Snowball would probably like Dillon and they said, “Yeah, Mom, he does.” It was so nice just to sit with them and feel their energy. We sat together petting Snowball. As we looked at Michael and Panther standing nearby, Sean asked, “Mom, do you like your animal guide?” “Yes!” “It’s pretty cool, huh, Mom, Panther is like a bigger version of Snowball.” We smiled and laughed. I asked them if they could help Conner because he is having a hard time. Kyle said, “Tell Conner that we are ok, Mom, and that we will help him. Tell him that he will be ok.” “I will tell him honey, but if you can show him as many signs as possible, I think it will really help him a lot.” They said, “Ok, Mom.” Michael was standing nearby with Panther who was sitting patiently next to him. Michael said, “It’s time to go.” I was not making much of a move to go. I wanted to sit with my boys. When my alarm went off, Michael said, “Ok, it’s really time to go now.” I got up from the table. Kyle hugged me first and lifted me up. Sean hugged me and patted my head in a cute teasing way since he is taller than me. I left with Michael and made my way back with Panther. As we got into the meadow, I patted Panther and said goodbye then made my way back to the physical realm. Went to the San Diego Symphony Pops concert tonight. It was the Beatles tribute. It was joyful and sad at the same time. I cried quite a bit during “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.” I felt Sean so strongly and could hear him in the music. They also played “Let It Be” and “Imagine.” It was very emotional. I felt closer to everyone. It was nice to feel the love and caring from Rob. He held my hand during some of the songs and Robert wrapped himself around me for a couple of songs and we cried together. He said he felt like Sean was sitting in the seat next to him, which was empty. I am sure he was. I looked into the night sky often and saw my boy’s imprint. I love you Sean Robert! I honor you, my beautiful son!
Day 61 – Aug. 20, 2011 Just a little heartache in my stomach as I woke up this morning. The sadness will live in me as long as I walk this Earth. I know that, but I accept it as part of my human-‐ness and part of my journey. I do feel stronger each day, with deeper faith and trust in the Universe and in Spirit. Sean and Kyle, you guide me and love me. That is all I need. I am so humbled by your beauty, love and wisdom. Stay with me my boys. I need you and love you so much. My heart bursts with love and emotion for you. You sustain me, nourish me and give me the strength to continue on my journey, as difficult as it feels sometimes. I am amazed and awed at your power and beauty. I love you both so much! “We’re not all human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Anonymous Day 62 – Aug. 21, 2011 The usual ache in my stomach comes and goes again. The sadness is a brief but regular visitor every morning. Today, Conner, Robert and I will be going to Las Vegas. It would have been my special mother-‐son trip with Sean. I feel him so strongly. I know how much he loves me, Conner and Robert, so he will be there with us throughout. Nevertheless, the loss and sadness for me will be strong I am sure. So many things I still wanted to do with my sons in this realm. I know they are with me and see what I see, and can share in my joys and wonder, but it still hurts. I love you Sean Robert. I miss you so much! I love you Kyle Joseph! You two are the absolute joys in my life and will continue to be until I leave this realm. Journey to the Upper Realm Went into the meadow to the well, and dropped sand down into the well. I turned and walked with Panther up the path to the cliff, then onto the cloud. Rose up to the U.R., landed in the garden clearing. Michael was standing there waiting for us. We all walked to the sanctuary. The boys were standing off to the right. I started crying with emotion. The boys came to me and put their arms around me. Kyle on the left, Sean on the right, we walked, arms around each other to the table. Kyle scooted in first, then me, then Sean. They started eating the lychee fruits, peeling them, holding them up, then popping them into their mouths. I told Sean, “We are going to Vegas today.” “Yeah, Mom, it’s going to be great. You are going to love it.” “I miss you so much honey, I wish you were with me, or I could stay here with you.” “You will be with us, Mom. You KNOW that we are always with you, and you will be with us here soon.” I put my arms around Sean and started crying. Kyle scooted up behind me and put his arms around me, spooning me. They both said, “It’s ok, Mom.” They held me, Kyle stroking my hair and my face, and saying, “It’s ok, Mom, it’s ok. I love you, Mom, I love you so much.” I said, “You guys are always together, right? I want to know that you are always together taking care of each other.” “Yes, Mom, we are always together. Me and Kyle are meant to be together all the time.” “So I don’t ever have to worry about you?” “No, Mom, you don’t ever have to worry about us. We worry about you.” “I know honey, but I’m getting stronger every day.” “We know, Mom.” Michael came and said, “It’s time to go soon.” I kissed Kyle, holding his face in my hands. He smiled at me, “I love you, Mom.” “I love you too, baby.” Sean scooted out, then hugged me tightly. “We’re going to stay here for a little while, Mom.” As I walked away from the table, the boys were sitting there enjoying their fruit. Michael put his arm around me as I cried. The boys called out, “Don’t cry, Mom, it’s ok.” I called back, “Ok honey, I know, I’m ok. I love you.” “I love you so much, Mom!” they both yelled out to me. Panther
licked my hand as if to comfort me as we walked back to the garden, Michael still holding me. He helped me onto the cloud and held my hand. He said, “They will always be here for you.” I smiled at him and nodded, then Panther and I went back down to the cliff, and walked down the path. As we said goodbye, I knelt down and took Panther’s face in my hands and we nuzzled. He said, “I will see you later,” then went to the big oak down into the opening to Animal Realm. I came back to my physical body. Day 63 – Aug. 22, 2011 We are here in Las Vegas to honor Sean. I woke this morning feeling pretty good – no ache in the pit of my stomach. Then I had thoughts about the boys and how they were taken. Why do those images come back to haunt me? I feel good when I see them in the Upper Realm and when I feel their Spirits so strong and pure. I guess it is my human-‐ness and my emotions as a mourning mother. I love you, my beautiful children, my beautiful amazing sons. I miss you so much. There are so many reminders here that make me think of you and feel the pain of my loss. The Venetian, the Phantom, the Blue Man Group, the Chargers game on tv, the magic shows, the food. Oh, how I miss you! I love you with all of my being! We went to the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop today. When we walked in, I could feel chills up and down my body – Sean’s excitement that we were there! It was wonderful, and just a little sad. I honor you, Sean, I honor the beautiful Spirit you are, and I love you with all of my being! Your Momma. We went to The Beatles Love show tonight. We wore our t-‐shirts with Sean’s picture on the front and “In honor of Sean” on the back. It was a bittersweet experience. I could see the show through Sean’s eyes and could imagine how he was feeling. His joy runs through me. I could also feel the emotion and love in Robert and Conner. When they played “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” I wept and felt the pain and sorrow of the loss of my beautiful, beautiful child. A very special person who is so much larger than life here. I KNOW that. I KNOW that, my Sean. You belong to Spirit, to everyone, because you are pure and powerful love. LOVE. That is what you are. I am humbled by your LOVE. Day 64 – Aug. 23, 2011 I woke this morning with no aches in my stomach. I had images/imprints of Sean surrounded by green neon. His energy feels so happy and loving. Today we are going to Mt. Charleston to hike and explore. I look forward to being in nature to connect and feel my boys. They amaze me each day as I move forward one moment at a time. I love you my amazing sons! We went to Mt. Charleston today. It was beautiful. We drove for a while on Kyle Canyon Road. We took a nice hike up to Mary Jane Falls, elevation 9270 ft. We wrote with some charcoal wood on the canyon wall. I wrote, “Sean and Kyle, I honor you!” My boys are with me all the time. I feel their power and beauty. I love you Sean! I love you Kyle! Day 65 – Aug. 24, 2011 I feel so much sadness this morning. I woke up feeling fine, then started thinking about Kyle and his beautiful smooth soft skin, how I used to touch and kiss his face. Oh how I miss him so much. I think of him with his long hair and his infectious smile. I feel the acute pain of loss as a mother. I want so badly to hold him in my arms, to hold his face and to kiss
him multiple times, the way he used to let me. I remember coming up behind him as he sat on the couch and kiss, kiss, kissing him. My baby, my beautiful baby boy. The tears are right at my eyes today, on the verge of spilling at any moment. I need to connect with them today. I need so badly to be with them. It is the only thing that gives me comfort and hope. Heart song meditation: Sit somewhere quiet, close your eyes, tune into the forest/garden, focus on the place, notice how the heart chakra begins to sing. Let the energy shift and radiate throughout the body. Stay there for 10-‐15 minutes while the energy spreads, and feel the peace and healing of the heart song. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked to the well, dropped in a pail full of rocks. Looked down into the darkness and asked, Why? Panther met me at the well. He stayed close to me and said, “We are going to see them now, it's ok.” We walked to the cliff edge and got onto the cloud, travelling up. We landed at the edge of the garden. We walked to the white bench. Michael appeared wordlessly. I was anxious to go to the sanctuary. We walked there, the three of us. I looked around anxiously for the boys. They appeared from the right. I broke into sobs and fell into their arms. I sat on the grass, Kyle next to me with his arms around me, Sean wrapped around both of us. “I miss you guys so much. It's so hard, it hurts so much.” Kyle said, “We know, Mom, but you're strong. It will be ok.” He kissed my face and my hair. I laid my head on his shoulder. “I want to stay here with you. It's so hard. I don't want to go back. It hurts so much.” “It's ok, Mom, you're strong, you will be ok.” They held me for a long time it seemed, comforting me. We did not move from where we sat. Panther and Michael stood nearby. Michael reminded me that it was time to go. I held on to the boys. “I want to stay here, I don't want to go back.” I cried and sobbed in their arms. They held me and caressed me. After a little while we all got up. Kyle hugged me tightly, then Sean, then all of us together. They stood next to each other with their arms around each other. They held out their arms and held my hands so we formed a ring. Then I had to let go. They stayed side by side. Sean said, “I love you, Mom,” then Kyle said, “I love you, Mom.” Michael took my hand and led me away with Panther as the boys stood together, so calm, watching us go. We went back down and got to the cliff, then walked towards the meadow. Panther left, then I slowly made my way back to the physical realm. “Tears are tiny drops of humanity. They are miniature messengers; on call twenty-‐four hours a day to substitute for crippled words. They drip, drop and pour from the corner of our souls, carrying with them the deepest emotions we possess. When words are most empty, tears are most apt.” – Max Lucado Day 66 – Aug. 25, 2011 I am haunted by images of the crime scene. I wake with those horrible pictures in my mind. Why? It makes me feel the ache and sick to my stomach feeling, and I can feel my heart beating in the pit of my stomach. I hate that my mind has been going there. I can't change anything about what has happened, so why does my mind go there? I feel so much loss and anguish, sometimes I wonder that I can keep going. I try to focus on my boys as they were in the height of their lives, so beautiful, so powerful, so loving, so AMAZING! And the way they are in the Upper Realm, so strong, supporting and loving me. They have no fears and no tears. They are there for me in all of their strength and amazing beauty. I love
those boys more than anything. I wish I could give them my life, but I know they are in Spirit now because they are worthy. I am not yet worthy. I feel that I still have a long path to travel in this realm. It scares me and saddens me sometimes, but I know I have no choice but to keep moving and to keep growing. Email to Dory: Hi Dory, Yes, Las Vegas was very emotional for me. I was doing with Robert and Conner the things that I would have been doing with Sean and Kyle. It was wonderful and bittersweet at the same time. On Sunday night we had dinner at Planet Hollywood, then had an early night at the hotel. We got up late on Monday, then went to breakfast at Denny's. After eating, we went to the Gold & Silver Pawn shop which is the subject of a History Channel tv series that Sean and Kyle enjoyed watching. Kyle had been there before, but Sean had not. When we went inside, I got all kinds of chills up and down my body – it was Sean's excitement at us being there. From there we went to Stratosphere and went up to the viewing area. What an incredible view of Las Vegas and the surrounding mountains! Conner rode on two of the crazy rides on the tower while Robert and I watched and took pictures. Then we went to the Shark Reef exhibit at Mandalay Bay. It was very nice, lots of beautiful sea life. We got Panda Express for dinner (cheap!), then went to The Beatles Love at the Mirage. It was a great show, lots of things going on on the stage, and of course, wonderful music. I cried all the way through While My Guitar Gently Weeps. I felt Sean's energy with us. We all wore our t-‐shirts with Sean's picture on the front. The next day we got into the car and drove about 45 minutes NW of Vegas to Mount Charleston. The elevation was about 7500 feet at the lodge, and the temperature was about 20 degrees cooler. We went through a place called Kyle Canyon! We took a lovely hike up to 9200 feet to Mary Jane Falls. There was a little water trickling down the rock face. What a beautiful place. Spent some time up there then came back down to the lodge for lunch. Had a nice drive back to the Strip. We saw Blue Man Group on Tues. night. It was my 3rd time seeing it, but first time for Robert and Conner. It's a great show, very unique. The next morning we got up and walked around Luxor for a bit, got some sandwiches, then Conner and I went to the airport to catch our flight and Robert drove back. All in all, it was a very nice trip. When I got home I could not stop crying. I think I was trying to hold everything together while I was in Vegas, then the emotions all came spilling out when I got home. I miss my sons so much Dory. I have never loved anything more in my life than those two boys. I guess that is also why I have never ever felt so much pain and anguish. Sometimes I still pray for my journey to end so I can be with them. But I know it may be a long time yet. I know I need to walk my path and continue my spiritual growth so I will be worthy to be with them again. But it hurts, it really, really hurts. Some days are harder than others, this is one of those days. Thank you for checking in with me, and sending your thoughts, prayers and love. I really need them. I love you, Maria Lots of tears today. Spilling out at all different times. Must be build up from Las Vegas. I miss you Sean! I miss you Kyle! I love you so, so much! Day 67 – Aug. 26, 2011 I slept well and had a lot of random dreams, then woke feeling fine until I gained complete consciousness and the reality of ordinary consciousness set in again. Then the ache in the
pit of my stomach came back once again. The pain and sorrow of loss it seems will never go away, nor do I want it to. I know the pain and anguish are a reflection of the love I have for my boys. I love them fiercely! I love them with every fiber of my being. They are in my cells so I feel their energy and I ache for them. I long for them here in this realm. I long to go to them in the other realm. My existence here feels fruitless, meaningless at times without them. Then I remember that I am not without them. They are with me. We are inseparable. The bonds between us can never be broken. I just can’t “see” them from my humble human form. I look forward to the day that I will become Spirit like them. Until then I will keep learning how to perceive them and how to be with them in the Upper Realm and this earthly realm. Boys, I am with you always! Sean! Kyle! I love you with all my soul! Email from Alicia: Signs from Sean and Kyle I just wanted to share these two pictures with you guys because they make me think of Sean and Kyle soooo much. The first one is a birthday cake that one of my good friends made for me. The first thing that caught my eye when she gave it to me was the bright green and charger blue just screamed Sean and Kyle :) The interesting thing is, I haven't gotten enough courage to tell her what has been going on with me this summer, or about Sean and Kyle. Naturally, my emotions got the best of me and I was instantly brought to tears. When I asked her how she picked the colors she said she wasn't completely sure. She is a cake decorator and has a million colors to choose from... However, she happened to choose those two. She said that they just seemed like the perfect choice :) I still can't believe it... Those boys have such a strong presence. I love it. The second picture is of the two bracelets my mom picked out for me for my birthday. She picked the purple one for Sean and the blue one for Kyle, but what really got my attention was the description behind each of the bracelets. The purple amethyst stone represents "Wisdom" and "enhances creative insight." I thought that it completely captured what Sean is all about. The blue turquoise stone represents "Protection" and "protects against negative energy." This describes none other than my cousin Kyle. I will love you boys forever and will continue to recognize all of the amazing signs you send me. I love you, family. Alicia I AM NOT MY BODY THE MIND IS MY SERVANT I AM THE DIVINE AT ALL TIMES AND IN ALL ACTIONS ALL IS IN DIVINE ORDER Day 68 – Aug. 27, 2011 Today I did not want to open my eyes. I could feel the melding of my four quadrants. I saw so much neon blue, purple and green this morning and my boys’ imprints. The ache in my stomach is my heartbeat in my solar plexus. It reminds me that I am alive, and still in this realm. I dreamt of Conner sitting with the boys. I dreamt of me being in a girls’ school, with no friends, no one to understand my pain and loss. I have so many friends and family who care about me, but I still feel empty and lost. How have these two boys, these two souls impacted me and my life so much? How can love be so overwhelming and cause so much grief and sorrow? It immobilizes me. I don’t want to get out of bed. I don’t want to
open my eyes. I want to stay in my dream-‐like trance state so I don’t have to come back to ordinary consciousness, into this harsh and painful earthly realm. I fear. I am afraid. I am so sad. I am lost. I cry. I LOVE. Journey to the Upper Realm Met Panther at the well, dropped a bright orange ball of energy into the well. Walked with Panther close by my side, my hand on his head and face, to the cliff edge. Got onto the cloud and rose up. Went thru a cloud mist then up to the garden. Got off the cloud. Michael was sitting on the bench. He greeted us and asked me what I wanted to do today. I told him, “I just want to see the boys and check on them, how they are doing.” The three of us walked to the sanctuary. The boys were to the right, on the grass, throwing a football and bouncing around. I called to them and they came running to greet me. We sat on the grass. I asked them how there were doing. They were happy and wanted to throw the ball. So we got up and threw the ball for a bit, Sean on my left, Kyle on my right, throwing the ball clockwise in a circle. Kyle did a back flip and said, “Did you see that, Mom, from a standing position!” “Yes, buddy, that’s awesome.” Sean said, “Hey, Mom, throw the ball high.” I did, then he teleported high up into the air to get it. Then Kyle did a couple flips and caught the ball from Sean. We then sat down on the grass again. I asked them what they have been doing. Sean said, “Mom, we are influencing people down there.” I started crying. “I know, honey, I am so proud of you.” Kyle said, “Mom, wasn’t it cool how I played the ‘Hey’ song for Uncle Bert?” “Yes, buddy, that was amazing.” Sean said, “And how about Alicia’s cake, we had her friend pick our colors.” “You two are so incredible, I am so proud of you.” We are learning how to help people, Mom. We are sending signs and energy and we are learning so much here.” “You guys are awesome. I miss you so much.” “We’re here, Mom, you know you will be with us again, you know that, Mom, right?” “Yes babe, I know. It makes me happy to know that.” We got up and went over to the table. I sat on the left, then Sean in the middle and Kyle on the right. They ate some of the fruit as we sat there. “What about Lina and Grandma?” “They are doing well, Mom, and they are taking care of us. You know how Lina is, she always takes such good care of us.” “Will you tell them that I love them?” “Yes, Mom, we will.” “Will I be able to see them?” “Yes, Mom, you can see them. You just have to ask and work on your spirit skills some more.” “Ok buddy, I will keep learning. I love you.” Panther and Michael were nearby. They reminded me that we had to go soon. Sean scooted over close to me and put his arms around me. Kyle got up on his side and came around to hug me. I held them both close to me. Then Michael said, “It’s time to go.” We got up from the table. Kyle bounced off to do some flips. Sean teleported out of his seat. As I stood by the table, Sean came and put his arms around me. “I love you, Mom.” Kyle ran over and put his arms around both of us. “I love you, Mom.” “I love you both so much. I am so glad you are always with me.” We said goodbye, then Michael took my hand and walked me back to the garden with Panther as the boys started to play again. They said, “We love coming here.” I walked back to the cloud with Michael and Panther. I turned and hugged Michael. Panther and I went back down to the cliff and walked into the meadow. I touched Panther on the head and patted his side. “I’ll see you later.” He turned to look at me as he walked away, a knowing, comforting, loving look. Journey to Animal Realm Walked quickly to the well and dropped in pebbles. Panther was waiting at the tree for me. I went down with him and landed in the jungle. I saw lots of big cats around. There was a stream with an alligator. I sat in the clearing with Panther and asked for Dillon. He appeared and sat down with us. I asked him what he was doing with the boys. He said he was their
power animal and was supposed to wait for them when they came to the Other Side. I looked down into an area of the jungle that was dark and cold. I asked Panther what it was. He said, “It is a dark place that you will go to see one day, but not now.” I was not worried but trusted what he was telling me. I enjoyed a little time with Dillon and Panther. Then I had a lot of thoughts about the mundane earthly realm. I pulled myself back into the journey. When I came back up the tree trunk, I entered the meadow and came back to the physical realm. I noticed a sharp pinprick type of sensation in my left index finger while I was down there, and on the return I felt the same sensation in my right index finger. Day 69 – Aug. 28, 2011 Slept well and woke without pain. Watched a movie about Ram Dass called Fierce Grace, last night and got comfort, more faith and trust. Also reading Many Lives, Many Masters. It’s fascinating. The dimensions of the Universe are mysterious, mind-‐boggling and deeply comforting. Journey with self-‐drumming: Started in the meadow, walked to the well and dropped down rose petals. I walked to the cliff edge with Panther and boarded the cloud for the U.R. I got to the garden and the sanctuary and saw the boys only briefly. I told them that I was very sleepy and wanted to take a nap. They said, “Ok, Mom.” I came back down to Middle World and stopped drumming, then I fell asleep. It is hard to remember some of the things that happened in the journey. I know there were interactions, but I can’t recall them. It is frustrating, especially when I am with the boys and my consciousness is not present so that I can remember what happened and what was said. I have feelings of inadequacy and judgment about myself. It makes me feel defeated and ask, “What’s the point?” Day 70 – Aug. 29, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked to the well, dropped in a heavy, dark object and watched it plop. Panther joined me and we walked to the cliff and boarded the cloud. We went up, and I could see the Earth below us, lots of tiny trees, houses, etc. We passed through clouds and landed at the U.R. clearing. I walked to the white bench. Michael appeared from the right and greeted us wordlessly with a nod. We all walked to the sanctuary. The boys were standing to the right. I walked to them and we hugged quietly, Sean on my right, Kyle on my left. “Hi, Mom.” “Hi guys.” We turned and walked to the table. Sean scooted into the seat first, then me, then Kyle. They started eating lychee fruits. Kyle was touching my face and hair, and hugging me. He said, “You look so pretty, Mom.” “Thank you honey.” I smiled at him. I said to them, “I want to give Ping away. I want to simplify my life and get ready to come to you.” Sean said, “Do what you feel is right, Mom, just find a good home for her. If you feel like it’s the right thing, it’s ok with me. You have been trying to do the right thing all along, haven’t you?” “Yes, honey, but I know I just want to make sure you guys are ok with it.” Kyle said, “It’s ok, Mom.” Sean said, “Mom, you know you will be with us soon. It feels like time passes slowly there, but here it is fast, we will be here waiting for you, but you still have a lot to do there. We are doing our work up here and you are doing your work down there. You will see, someday you will know what we know, you will know as much as we do and you will understand. So keep doing what feels right. Trust yourself, Mom.” “Thank you, honey, I am trying, I will do my best. Dillon says he is your guide.” “Yes, Mom, we see him.” They called Dillon out, and he appeared, came over to Kyle and put his head on the seat next to Kyle. Kyle pet his head so gently. Dillon was very calm and serene. He laid down in front of the table.
“Susan says he likes to be called Dilly Dil.” “Mom, he watches over her and Annie too.” “Yes, he is a good dog, and a good guide for you.” Yeah, Mom, we really love him.” Michael stepped up to the table and said, “It’s time to go.” I turned and hugged and kissed Sean. He touched my face and held me. “I love you, Mom.” “I love you too, sweetheart.” Kyle scooted out, then me, then we embraced. He touched my hair and face again. “I love you, Mom.” “I love you too, buddy.” He sat back down and he and Sean stayed at the table eating fruit. Dillon got up and I held his face. “Take care of my boys.” “I always do.” I walked with Michael and Panther back to the garden. Michael stood by the bench as Panther and I continued into the clearing, to the cloud. Michael gave me a comforting, knowing look. Panther and I boarded the cloud, then went back down to the cliff. We walked back to the meadow. I got down on my knees and hugged him goodbye. I AM HERE, I AM LOVE, he seemed to say to me. Then I turned, went to the meadow and returned to Earth realm. Meditation: Started in Presidio Park, lying on a blanket. I went out of my body to see myself, then higher to see the park and the two young men playing Bocce ball. Then I went higher to see the freeways, San Diego, the entire County, higher still to see So. Cal., Baja Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico, the western states, up above Earth into the solar system, seeing the planets and the sun. I saw a cord from my body, holding me to the Earth. I slowly came down, marveling at the beauty. When I got back into my body, I felt my boys. I called to Kyle, and his vibrant blue came into my vision. I said, “I love you Kyle,” then everything was a beautiful wash of blue, so powerful. Sean as always was there in my sight, his imprint and his neon green, so strong and steady, such a wise soul, protecting me, loving me so much. When I open my eyes, I see the beautiful blue sky – Kyle’s color – and the beautiful green of this Earth – Sean’s color. I feel the energy of all things and my connectedness to everything. Such beauty! Ram Dass’ letter to Grieving Parents: Dear Steve and Anita, Rachel finished her work on earth, and left the stage in a manner that leaves those of us left behind with a cry of agony in our hearts, as the fragile thread of our faith is dealt with so violently. Is anyone strong enough to stay conscious through such teaching as you are receiving? Probably very few. And even they would only have a whisper of equanimity and peace amidst the screaming trumpets of their rage, grief, horror and desolation. I can't assuage your pain with any words, nor should I. For your pain is Rachel's legacy to you. Not that she or I would inflict such pain by choice, but there it is. And it must burn its purifying way to completion. For something in you dies when you bear the unbearable, and it is only in that dark night of the soul that you are prepared to see as God sees, and to love as God loves. Now is the time to let your grief find expression. No false strength. Now is the time to sit quietly and speak to Rachel, and thank her for being with you these few years, and encourage her to go on with whatever her work is, knowing that you will grow in compassion and wisdom from this experience. In my heart, I know that you and she will meet again and again, and recognize the many ways in which you have known each other. And when you meet you will know, in a flash, what now it is not given to you to know: Why this had to be the way it was. Our rational minds can never understand what has happened, but our hearts – if we can keep them open to God – will find their own intuitive way. Rachel came through you to do her work on earth, which includes her manner of death. Now her soul is free, and the
love that you can share with her is invulnerable to the winds of changing time and space. In that deep love, include me. In love, Ram Dass Day 71 – Aug. 30, 2011 Dreamt of “So. Cal Expo.” Very sleepy this morning, so hard to get up. Had lots of dreams about my chakras. No pain in my stomach this morning. I KNOW where my boys are. They are safe and well and flourishing. I look forward to being with them now that I can visit the U.R., and I also feel them and see their presence when they come to me in the earthly realm. I love you my boys! I love you so much! Texted Patrick Yurick19, “Did you just go to So. Cal ComiCon?” He replied, “No, we skipped this year. Didn’t have enough time to get ready for it.” I messaged back, “I was getting a message from Sean in a dream this morning about ‘So. Cal Expo.’ I didn’t even know what that was until I googled for it and saw that So. Cal ComiCon was just this past Saturday.” He messaged back, “We did it last year. He laughed so much it made his face hurt.” My reply: “I remember when he told me about how much fun he had. I see that he wanted me to send you a message about that great memory he has with you.” Last night while Tony and I were sitting in the backyard drinking wine, two doves flew onto the fence. First there was a bigger one, then a smaller one landed next to it and started poking the bigger one. Then they sparred with each other, like a sword fight with their beaks. Then the bigger one inched away, and the little one followed it and started poking it again, then they sparred again. Then the big one tried to move away again, and they did the same thing. Then the big one flew to the end of the fence, and the little one followed and they "wrestled" again. Tony and I were laughing and enjoying the show. Then it looked like the big one had had enough and it flew off, and the little one gave chase. It was exactly the way Sean and Kyle used to mess around with each other. Kyle would harass Sean, they would wrestle and jostle, then Sean would run to the living room, with Kyle chasing him. What a lovely reminder of my boys! It just occurred to me that Kyle, number 21, left this realm on the 21st. Drumming circle: I could see Panther in the meadow, watching, curious as to what was going on. At times he became me, I became him, we became one. He moved his head and shoulders and neck, and I felt my physical body doing the same, he was me, I was him. Meditation: Felt rooted to the earth, felt rays of light go out through the top of my head and reclaim energy from the earth. Felt my consciousness between my heart and solar plexus, like a bright orb with the colors of the earth. Went into the orb and up, out of my body, up high into the sky, piercing the clouds. I went up into the Upper Realm, even higher than the garden. I could see the garden and the sanctuary situated on the spiral of the Upper Realm while I was suspended in the atmosphere, connected to my physical body by a cord. As I floated, looking down at the garden and sanctuary, three beams of light shot out at me. Michael and the boys’ two guides appeared. They "told" me that I needed to be strong. This is why I am still on earth. I need to be strong for others. "Do you see how strong you already 19 Patrick Yurick is a teacher at High Tech High Chula Vista and Sean is very close to him. They share a love for comic books and actions heroes.
were? This will make you even stronger. You are needed there to be strong for the others." I started crying with the truth and the knowledge. Then I felt tremendous peace and power. I came back down into my body feeling tremendously powerful. Fire ceremony: I had nothing to release, I felt no fear, no pain, no sadness, no doubt. I manifested truth and love with my sage leaf. As I sat and listened to others, I was reminded by Panther that I am of a solitary nature, that it is ok if I walk my path alone, without others or in groups, that I do not need to "belong," that I do not need validation to know my truth. Later, when I got home I re-‐read about Panther and noted, "Its greatest power is in silence as goals are pursued" and "whatever is lost will be replaced by that which is greater, stronger and more beneficial." Day 72 – Aug. 31, 2011 I love you my boys! I miss you my beautiful sons! Today I woke up with no aches, no pains or sorrow in by body, just love for you, love and admiration. You guys are so beautiful and amazing. I need to ask you about your guides, if they are connected to or related to Michael. I will come to see you in your realm soon. I love seeing you there so I can perceive you in your beautiful physical forms, the forms I can hold and kiss and touch, the way I used to when you were here in the earthly realm with me. I love you with all of my soul and Spirit! Your Momma. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, and faced each direction to honor the spirits. I walked to the well and dropped in sand. Panther came and we walked through the meadow to the cliff. We got onto the cloud and went up through a mist. We arrived at the garden and walked to the bench. Michael came in from the right. I asked him, “Are the boys’ guides also connected to you?” He said, “Yes. Do you want to see the boys now?” “Yes.” We walked to the sanctuary. I sat on the edge of the bench on the left side. I saw the boys come through the vestibule. I started to cry with emotion. They came over to me and hugged me, Kyle on the left, Sean on the right. At first their hair was long, then I wanted to see them the way they were the last time I saw them, so their hair then became short. “I miss you guys so much!” “We know Mom. Let’s sit down.” I sat on the left, then Kyle went to the other side into the middle, and Sean sat down on his left. I scooted over to Kyle to get close to him, then Sean came out of his seat and came around to the other side to sit next to me so I was between them. We hugged tightly. I held Sean’s hand, his beautiful hand with his long white fingers and soft lovely skin. I took Kyle’s hand and smiled at the bitten fingernails. I hugged and kissed them and touched their faces. “Are your two guides connected to Michael?” “Yes, Mom, we send our guides to help you too, like last night,” Sean said. “You sent them to me?” “Yes, Mom they are there to help you too when we ask them to.” “Thank you honey. It was so nice to have them there with Michael.” My mind went off into some random directions. “Mom? Mom? Come back Mom.” I came back into my journey. “Okay, guys, I’m back.” With the change in drumbeat, Michael said, “It’s time to go.” I turned and hugged Kyle tightly and he held me with so much love. Then I turned, Sean scooted out and we stood up, then Sean and I hugged tightly. He sat back down. Panther got up and Michael stood by the table with the boys. I started walking away with Panther then I turned and called out, “I love you guys!” Kyle said, “Bye Mom, I love you.” Then Sean said, “I love you, Mom!” I walked with Panther back to the garden, boarded the cloud and came back down to the cliff and the meadow. I knelt down and Panther put his front paws on my
shoulders and nuzzled me. I watched him go into the tree trunk, then I turned and came back to the physical realm. SEPTEMBER 2011 Day 73 – Sept. 1, 2011 Tony stayed with me this morning so I didn’t have to wake up alone. I still feel sadness and loss. I miss my sons so much. Last night I cried with sadness. It hits me at times that I don’t always understand why, that I can’t predict. I KNOW where my boys are, but my small human existence makes me feel the loss, brings me back down to this lower level of energy. I try to stay high, I try to stay up, and spiritual, and open so I can stay connected, but it is a challenge in this earthly realm that is so focused on the material and mundane things of this world. I sometimes want to scream out in frustration, “This is so stupid, this is so insignificant! Doesn’t anyone see what is really important in our short lives here?!” I want to get away from everyone, yet I know part of my role and purpose here is to be strong for others. It’s a challenge for me, a life lesson, I suppose. Children Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable. -- Kahlil Gibran Day 74 – Sept. 2, 2011 Each day I wake up to this existence full of pain, loss and sorrow. How am I going to do this for the next 30 years? I dread the existence on this earthly realm except to do right by my sons, and to honor them. But I do often wish to go to my boys. Why do I have to stay here, I
ask myself and the Gods, but I already know the answer. I KNOW why. It both comforts and angers me. I hate being human sometimes. I want to be Spirit. Being human is painful and tortuous. It’s so fucking unfair. I don’t have my beautiful children here with me anymore, and it is so fucking unfair. This fucking plan of the Universe sucks. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked to the well, dropped several stones, looked down into the well and watched them plop one by one. Then I dropped cupped handfuls of gravel and sand. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther emerged. He walked with me on my left. We walked up the path to the cliff edge. We got onto the cloud, first me, then him, sitting on my right. The cloud alighted, then turned 180 degrees, then started to rise. We went high, high, higher, up through a cloud cover. As we approached the cloud cover, I looked down to see the Earth, then up again as we broke through into the Upper Realm. There was so much space and expanse. We came to the edge of the garden, and got off the cloud, me first, then Panther. We walked through the clearing and sat on the bench. We sat and I focused on breathing through my heart. Shortly, Michael came in from the right. I told him about my journey of “strength” and he said, “Yes, you know it is right, don’t you? Search your inner sense, and you know.” I started to cry. “Yes, yes, I know, and I am afraid, but I will do my best.” He said, “That is all you can do, all that is expected of you.” We then walked to the sanctuary. It was beautiful, the table piled high with fruits. I went towards the right, towards the vestibule. I then saw the boys coming through the beautiful lighted mist. I started to cry with emotion, both joy and pain. The boys came to me and held me tight, Sean on my right and Kyle on my left. I put my head on Sean’s shoulder, and Kyle hugged us both. We all held on tightly as I cried with pain and sadness. Kyle kept saying, “It’s okay, Mom, it’s okay.” We stood there together for a while, then Sean said, “Let’s go sit down, Mom.” I said, “Okay.” We walked with our arms around each other, Sean on my right still, Kyle on my left, to the table. They waited for me to sit down and move into the center, then Sean sat down on my left and Kyle on my right. They sat close to me and held me. They talked to me as I touched and held their hands, felt their soft skin, touched their faces, kissed their cheeks, smelled their hair and felt it against my face, felt their arms around me, felt their love, how much they love me, how much they want to take care of me, to protect me and to keep me from hurting. Sean said, “Mom, you will be amazed at the Universe, at the Big Plan, but for now you have to trust. Trust, Mom, trust and you will be okay. You feel it inside, don’t you? You know it to be right, don’t you?” “Yes, honey, yes, I do, but it still hurts. “It’s okay for it to hurt, Mom. You are human. You still feel so much, so it’s okay for it to hurt.” They held me for a while then we got up from the table and walked around the perimeter of the sanctuary, around to the vestibule and the light. Michael and Panther were standing near the boys’ guides. I asked the boys why the guides were all together. “They are part of the same soul group, Mom. We all are. They help each other and they help us.” I walked the boys close to the vestibule and they started to enter it. The light was beautiful and I could feel the love. “I wish I could stay here with you.” I started to cry as they went. Kyle told me, “Don’t cry so much, Mom, it’s okay, please.” He had tears in his eyes and I could see how he hurt for me, how it hurt him so much to see me cry. I told him, “Okay, honey, I will try not to cry so much, but I miss you so much. It hurts me that you are not with me on Earth. I’m sorry, honey.” He said, “It’s okay, Mom, I just don’t want you to be so sad.” After the boys disappeared into the light, Michael put his arm around me and walked me, along with Panther, back to the garden. I cried softly as he comforted me. Panther and I got back onto the cloud and came back down to the cliff and the meadow. We
walked back to the tree trunk. I knelt down and we nuzzled goodbye. I saw him go down into the tree. I walked into the meadow and back into my body. It’s so hard. I find this existence so hard, this way of connecting to my boys. I wish for them to be back here, to be the way it used to be. It was so lovely, so happy, so much joy in the adventures we had in our lives. I want to go back in time. Oh how I want to go back so badly. This plan is killing me, it hurts so fucking unbelievably much. I am so tired of this, I want to escape, but I know I can’t. Help me GOD. Please help me. I wonder that I can continue on. Sadness, utter desolation and sadness. Day 75 – Sept. 3, 2011 Lately I am really feeling the loss of my boys in this realm and their physical beings. I struggle with it, especially in the mornings when I open my eyes and see their pictures. Please come to me my boys, please help me. I still need your help so badly. I feel like a very weak human being even though I am supposed to be a strong spirit. My work is to move the love I have for my sons from the outside to the inside. As painful as it is to no longer be able to see, hear, or touch my sons physically, I must learn to feel my children as part of my heart forever, knowing that LOVE never dies. Grief is the price I pay for having loved, and my pain is none other than the result of the joy with which my children have blessed me. Each morning brings me one day closer to seeing my sons again! Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked down to the well, noticing the tall delicate grass and the small flowers. I held a glowing ball of energy over the well which was rushing with water. I dropped the ball into the water and a bright glow emanated up when it hit the bottom. I turned and walked by the tree trunk. Panther emerged and we greeted each other, then we walked to the cliff edge and boarded the cloud. It went up and up through the mist to the Upper Realm. As we rose, I recalled that I had dreamt about Rosemary Smith’s sons, Drew and Jeremiah, last night in my sleep. We got to the garden and walked through the clearing. Michael was standing to the side of the bench, partially obstructed by the plants. He said, “You’re doing better now.” I said, “Yes.” I could see the sanctuary and the boys already seated at the table. We walked there and the boys greeted me, “Hi, Mom.” “Hi buddies!” Kyle got up from his seat on the left and hugged and kissed me. Dillon was lying in front of the table. I walked to the other side of the table and Sean got up and hugged and kissed me. I held his face in my hands for a few seconds. I saw that Snowball was sitting on the bench, so Kyle said, “Mom, get in on this side because Snowball is over there.” So I scooted into the middle, then Kyle sat down again. I asked them, “What have you been doing?” Sean said, “Mom, we are so busy learning so many new things.” Kyle said, “Yeah, Mom, the stuff we are learning here is incredible, stuff about the Universe, how everything works. It makes the science and math we were learning down there look like total elementary beginner stuff!” “That’s so great, guys.” I asked them about Lina and told them that I want to see her sometime. Then I told them, “I’m sleepy and tired, guys, and so I better go back.” “Okay, Mom.” I hugged and kissed Sean, then Kyle, then made my way back to the garden and the clearing with Panther and Michael. Michael held my hand briefly as we extended our arms. Panther and I got back down to the cliff, and the meadow. I said goodbye to Panther and held his chin in my hand.
Day 76 – Sept. 4, 2011 In my sleep I had a strong sense of "the Spirits" being with me. One of them was Carlos. I knew the other two but can't remember now who they were. I felt a strong sense of comfort and peace while they were present with me. Day 77 – Sept. 5, 2011 Sean and Kyle came to me in the early morning hours, their beautiful face imprints in neon green. They came several times as if to assure me again and again that they are with me. Then later I had a disturbing dream that woke me up, sobbing with sadness. That man was still alive, and I was fighting with him about what he had done to the boys. Then I went to a house where he was, I walked in the door, and the boys were there, alive and well. He said he had taken them and hidden them away. I told the boys, “Get your things and you are coming with me.” As we were leaving, I woke up and realized that it was a dream, and my boys are not alive. I started sobbing with the pain, like the day I first learned of their deaths. It was horrible, the pain was intense and ugly. Tony held me and comforted me as best he could. This whole ordeal does feel like a nightmare, like a horrible, ugly dream, but then I have to face the reality every fucking morning. I start thinking again about when I can leave this realm. I hate being here like this. I asked Tony, “How can I keep going?” It's so hard. I don't have an answer, no one does. And my boys will hold me to my promise. Day 78 – Sept. 6, 2011 I woke with a slight nauseous feeling today, but no bad dreams. The bad thoughts that come to me I try to replace quickly with images of my beautiful boys in the Upper Realm. I also remember what Ram Dass wrote – the boys came through me to do their work on earth, which includes their manner of death. Now their souls are free. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down the path to the well. Panther appeared there. He put his front paws up on the edge of the well and looked down, and watched as I dropped in some small rocks and gravel. We turned and walked up the path to the cliff. We got onto the cloud, me first, then Panther. He sat at my feet. We went up to the U.R. and landed at the garden. We got off the cloud and walked to the clearing towards the bench. Michael appeared, walking towards us, smiling. I told him, “I just want to visit briefly with the boys to check in and connect.” He nodded and said, “Okay,” and smiled. We all walked to the sanctuary. It felt very peaceful and quiet. The boys emerged from the mist on the right. Kyle was exuberant and excited. He ran to me, “Hi Mom!” Sean walked over, smiling, “Hi Mom.” They both hugged me, Kyle on my right, Sean on my left. We stood together for a while. I told them I just wanted to connect with them. I told them that it has been hard these last few days, for me, and also for Uncle Bert and Alicia. Sean said, “Mom, it's okay, the Universe is perfect, there are cycles of ups and downs, ebbs and flows, it's all working the way it is supposed to.” Kyle said, “Yeah Mom, it's okay, you are going to be okay.” After a little while we sat down on the grass in a circle, all cross-legged. We held hands. They said, “Do you feel it mom? Do you see it? The love is incredible. Just know that we send it to you all the time, feel how this feels.” I could see the "electricity" passing between us. They appeared to be glowing, then I did too. It felt amazing. After a little longer, we stood up as I knew it would be time to go soon. Michael and Panther were standing nearby. I held the boys and felt their hair on my face, smelled their beautiful smell, felt their beautiful skin. I could feel their arms around me and mine around them. They said, “We love you Mom.” “I love you too, honey.” They turned and
walked toward the mist. Sean said, “Yeah Mom, Lina will come, just ask for her next time and she will come.” He had read my thoughts. I watched them go. Sean turned and waved, “Bye Mom.” Kyle turned and shouted, “I love you, Mom! See you later.” I watched as they disappeared from my view, then I turned and walked with Panther and Michael to the garden. Near the bench, Michael said goodbye, then Panther and I walked through the clearing to the cloud. We travelled back down to the cliff and the meadow. As we passed the tree trunk, Panther went his way. I patted him and said goodbye. Then I returned to the physical realm. Day 79 – Sept. 7, 2011 Emptiness mixed with hope and comfort. I know I must stay here and learn my lessons. I do not want to come back here to Earth after this lifetime. At least that is how I feel now. I'm sure my soul/Spirit knows better and may want to come back. But me, Maria, as I am now, wants to learn my life lessons and finish my time here so I can be with my boys. Excerpts from Shamanic Journeying by Sandra Ingerman: • In journeying, the shaman goes into an altered state of consciousness to journey outside of time and space into non-‐ordinary reality. It is a way to have direct revelation and to access spiritual guidance. Journeying helps to part the veil between the seen and unseen worlds. • Everything that exists is alive and has a spirit. We are joined with the earth and all of life via our spiritual interconnectedness. Unseen reality is divided into three separate worlds: Lower World, Upper World and Middle World. You will have one or two main power animals, guardian spirits or teachers who will work with you on an ongoing basis. Power animals and teachers can travel between all of the worlds and can go with you on your journeys. • A journey is always deliberate, purposeful and intentional. Make sure you have a clear intention and purpose for your journey. If you have a question in mind, repeat the question several times. The best kinds of questions begin with who, what, where or how. The key to all spiritual practice is concentration. • The spirits communicate with us through our hearts and we “see” in our journeys through our hearts. Everything that happens in a journey is part of the answer to your question; be aware of your surroundings. Spirits may communicate through telepathic messages, symbols, showing a scene, and metaphor. Consciously open all of your senses. Trust your own experience; each person’s experience is equally valid. • The spirits are always trying to wake us up from being disconnected from nature and the invisible worlds because many of us are stuck in the limiting beliefs of ordinary reality. Spirits see human life as a beautiful adventure filled with opportunities to learn and grow. And some things belong to the mystery of life and either cannot be answered or may not be appropriate for you to understand. Day 80 – Sept. 8, 2011 I woke feeling peaceful after a restful night of sleep. There is a stronger sense of knowing now, a sense of calm from the knowledge about the Universe, the very small piece of knowledge that I can understand. How is this so? How can this be in only 80 days after my boys have been taken from this realm? It is mysterious, powerful and amazing, and I am thankful for it. I know where my boys are, those evolved souls, those beautiful amazing
Spirits. I long to evolve to their level, to be with them. Will this be my last incarnation on earth? Will it be theirs? I know we will be together again, and I hope we don't have to come back here, but I also know that I have much to learn, so very much to learn. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked down the path to the well, held out my hands with a bright yellow ball of energy. I looked down into the well, and dropped the ball. It plopped into the water and bright, glowing, radiating yellow light came up from the bottom to the top, and enveloped me. I turned and started to walk up the path to the meadow. Panther joined me. We walked to the cliff edge and got onto the cloud. I sat down and Panther sat next to me on the "floor" of the cloud. We rose up and up, higher and higher, I could see Earth disappearing from view. We crossed into a cloud barrier into the Upper Realm. We came to the edge of the garden and got off the cloud. As we walked through the clearing, Michael met us. He looked at me and smiled, "You are doing well, you are better now, you have more knowing." I answered, "Yes, yes I do," and smiled back at him. He nodded and we all walked to the sanctuary. I saw that there was fresh agar on the table. We stood and waited on the right. Then, Sean and Kyle came out of the mist with Lina with them. I hugged each of the boys first, then I put my arms around Lina and started to cry. “Oh Lina!” She said, “It's okay, Maria, we are all doing so well here. I am taking care of the boys.” The boys were bouncing around, Kyle doing flips and Sean teleporting. They were animated, excited and happy. Lina said, “Let's sit down.” I walked with her to the table, the boys were behind us walking side by side with their arms around each other. Lina and I scooted into the middle bench. She called the boys, “Come on Sean, come on Kyle, the agar is here.” They said, “Okay,” and came over. Sean sat on the left next to Lina, Kyle on the right next to me. They were enjoying the agar. Lina said, “You see Maria, no more pain, no more illness.”20 I smiled at her, she looked so happy, healthy and radiant. I asked the boys to tell me more about what they are learning. Kyle said, "Pinpoints of light, vibrational energy levels, lots of stuff Mom that you will learn too." “You guys are so beautiful.” “YOU are so beautiful Mom!” After a little while the boys got back up and started playing again, messing with each other. Sean teleported up to the tree limb again (he had been up in the tree earlier) and he started doing one finger pull-ups. “Hey Mom, remember when Uncle Buddy was messing around pretending to do one finger pull ups?” “Yes.” “Well, look I can do them for real now!” I laughed, “That's great buddy, that's so awesome!” He came down and started messing around with Kyle again. Lina and I got up from the table and walked to the right where they boys were. She said, “Everything is okay, Maria. Don't worry, I am with them all the time.” Sean teleported next to me, close, then said, "You are doing all the right things, Mom." Kyle came over and said, “Yeah, you are so smart, Mom. Remember, you are our Mom.” I started to cry, "Yes, I am, yes I am." I hugged them all. I held Kyle's face in my hands and kissed his cheeks. I stood next to Sean. He looked me intently in the eyes. “You are doing so good Mom.” We hugged tightly. Then I bent down and hugged Lina. The three of them started toward the mist. I called out, “I love you all so much!” They stopped and turned. Kyle came to me and hugged me again, “I love you, Mom.” Sean hugged me too, “I love you, Mom.” Then they turned and walked, arms around each other, Lina in the middle, so little between them, toward the mist. I turned and walked with Michael and Panther back to the garden. At the clearing, Michael said goodbye. He held my hands and looked at me, knowingly and comfortingly. I smiled and said goodbye. Panther and I walked to the cloud, got on and came back down to the cliff, into the meadow. As we walked past the tree trunk, 20 Lina had from breast cancer which eventually spread into other parts of her body.
Panther looked at me and said goodbye. He gave me the same kind of look as Michael had given me. There was such a sense of peace and love. I walked back into the meadow and returned to the physical realm. I remembered then that I had also asked the boys to think about how Kyle should be represented in the mural and we would talk about it next time. Day 81 – Sept. 9, 2011 The pain and sorrow in the pit of my stomach was back today as I awoke. I dreamt of Sean all through the night. He was alive as a young human man, just like I remember. It was so REAL. In the dream, he came back to life two weeks after he died. Kyle had died and come back to life right away. When Sean came back to life, we were walking around the grocery store and the community, and people were surprised and happy to see him. I was so happy to be with him. The dream was so incredibly real to me, I could feel him with me. Sean seemed to acknowledge that he had prejudged me. I don’t think it was anything said – it was just telepathic or a sense that I got. It felt good to have that understanding between us. It felt so good to spend time with him. For that brief period, it WAS my REALITY. So it is that when I awoke that the ache in my stomach returned after several days of not feeling it. I have been so tired these last couple of days. The energy has been drained from me. It has been so difficult to get out of bed, not for emotional reasons, but more just feeling physically drained. The power was out all over the county last night. It was an opportunity for me to get in touch with my fear of darkness and how Panther is here to help me. As I consciously asked myself why I am afraid, the fear lessened. The darkness is natural, and part of the normal cycle of life. I felt more comfortable and trusting of it after consciously embracing it and feeling Panther’s presence with me. I feel stronger every day overall, but the pain of loss stays with me. I miss my boys so much. The heartache is still powerful, but so is the knowledge and understanding of the bigger picture. It seems unfair from the perspective of my small human brain, but it feels somehow right from the perspective of my heart. Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly . . . Day 82 – Sept. 10, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked quickly down the path to the well and dropped in some gravel. I turned and walked up the path. As I passed the tree trunk, Panther joined me. We walked to the cliff, got onto the cloud, then went up above the Earth. I had a sense of the Earth teeming with humanity and lots of activity. We crossed the cloud barrier and landed at the garden edge. As we walked down through the clearing, Michael joined us. He looked at me and smiled. I told him it would be a quick visit. We walked to the sanctuary. It seemed misty. The boys appeared from the mist on the right, walking towards me. We hugged and smiled, so joyful, so peaceful and comforting. We walked to the table and scooted into the benches, Sean first, then me, then Kyle. I put my head on Sean’s shoulder and he held me close, his arms around me and his head leaning on mine. Kyle scooted close to me on the other side and wrapped his arms around me. It felt so incredible, so loving, so amazing. “I love you guys so much.” “I love you Mom.” “I love you Mar-Mar.” “So, what do you think of the mural?” “Mom, it’s so great. Tell Patrick that I love him.” “Oh guys, everyone loves you so much.” I started to cry with the overwhelming love. “We love them too, Mom.” “Tell Patrick, okay Mom?” “Yes, I will honey, I will definitely tell him. How should we represent Kyle in the mural? Blue electric currents, blue electricity? Kyle, does that sound right to you?” “That’s me, Mom, yes, that’s
me.” “It feels so good to be with you, to feel your love. You guys are so strong, you give me strength.” “We help you Mom, we will always be here to help you, but that strength, that’s you, Mom, that’s you.” I nodded, “I know honey, yes I know.” Panther came over to the bench near Kyle, and Kyle began petting his head. “Panther is so cool, Mom.” “Yes, he protects me and takes care of me. I better get going guys.” “Okay, Mom.” We got up from the table. Sean held me so tightly. I felt so protected in his arms. Kyle hugged me next, so tightly too. He seemed to have gotten taller. I felt so safe with them, so loved. They started walking to the right, to the mist. “Bye Mom, see you later.” As the boys entered the mist I turned and walked with Panther and Michael. At the edge of the sanctuary Michael stopped and said goodbye. Panther and I continued on through the garden, the clearing, then boarded the cloud and came back down to the cliff. We walked down the path and then Panther said goodbye and went into the tree trunk. I went into the meadow and returned to my body and the physical realm. Day 83 – Sept. 11, 2011 The pain of loss and heartache sits in the pit of my stomach this morning. I miss my sons so much. My beautiful boys, my amazing, amazing boys. Their colors come into my field of vision. They remind me that they are with me always. Just like I told them in my tribute to them, “I am with you always.” But I feel a sense of anger today, a sense of unfairness, of so much loss. I cry. It hurts so much. Day 84 – Sept. 12, 2011 Sorrow and heartache sit in my stomach again. The loss is so devastating, so tremendous. I felt Sean’s presence in my sleep last night. There was a vibrant “shot” of neon green at some point with what felt like some kind of guidance, some kind of directive, but it’s not clear to me now. I long to remember. I want to remember everything my boys send to me, but my small human brain feels inadequate and weak. Why can’t I remember? It was an arrow, I think, of some sort. I will have to ask Sean in the Upper Realm. I thought of them when I brought them here to Albuquerque, then to Pagosa Springs. Such beautiful memories of their first time fishing, first time horseback riding, first time river rafting. My heart aches for them. I miss them so much. My heart is broken. Day 85 – Sept. 13, 2011 I dreamt of death and dying last night. I was looking forward to when I could leave this realm and go to the Upper Realm. There was a feeling of comfort and happiness, of wanting so much to go. Sean and Kyle were in my dreams throughout the night and in to the early morning. The pain in the pit of my stomach always seems to come back. I have good images and feelings about the boys, but then the reality always hits me, and the pain in the pit of my stomach sets in again. It hurts so much. It feels so bad, so ugly. The thought of enduring this for the rest of my life is depressing and sad. There is so much sadness, so much heartache, so much of a broken heart. Shattered, I feel shattered. The beautiful memories I have of Sean in school or Kyle playing football, or of the two of them happy, laughing and enjoying life gets shattered by my realization and memory of their being taken away so unfairly. The loss is unbearable, unfathomable, so unfair, so incredibly, incredibly sad. How can I go on? Please God, tell me that I won't have to go on for long. I hate this dense physical plane.
Journey to the Upper Realm Started in meadow, walked slowly down the path to the well. Held out my hands. They had smooth round stones in them. I plopped them slowly into the well and they made a small splash each time. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther emerged. I showed him my temporary tattoo (of a panther). He liked it. We walked to the cliff edge and boarded the cloud. We went up and up to the Upper Realm. We landed at the edge of the garden and got off, then walked through the clearing. Michael was walking towards me. He could see my pain. I told him, “I just need to be with them.” He said, “You know this is real. I am here, all of this is here in your consciousness.” He knew that I had been feeling pain, fear and doubt. I nodded, “Yes, yes, I do know it is real.” We walked to the sanctuary. I did not want to sit down at the table. I stood to the right waiting for the boys. They came out of the mist, calmly and walking close together. Kyle looked a little playful, a little mischievous, but then he saw that I was sad. They both came to me and held me close, Sean on my left, Kyle on my right. We stood there and they held me as I wept. They did not have to say anything, they knew that I just needed to be with them, to feel them. We stood together in embrace for a long time. I was sad that I would not see Kyle grow taller in the physical realm. He said, “Mom, I will be growing here, I can show myself to you as you would have seen me as I got older. You know I am much more than what my physical body was on Earth.” “Yes, honey, I know but I miss you so much, my young man, my beautiful boys, I miss you so much.” They both said, “I love you Mom, I am always with you. I know it's hard, it's okay to be sad, Mom, it's okay.” I held on to them tightly, not wanting to let go. But we had to let go eventually. I looked at Sean and touched his face. We kissed like we used to when we said goodnight, faces close together, lips touching each other’s cheeks, so much love exchanged. Then I looked at Kyle, so beautiful, so handsome. He hugged me tight and lifted me up. Oh, I did not want to go. They walked with their arms around me to the edge of the sanctuary. Then they said goodbye. I let go and they turned and started walking back to the mist. I cried. “I want to go with you!” Michael put his arm around my shoulder, and he and Panther walked me back to the clearing. “You will be with them, both on Earth and here.” He assured me again and again, “You will be together with them.” I cried as I walked to the cloud, Michael close to me. Panther and I got onto the cloud. Michael held my hand and gave me a loving look. We went back down on the cloud and landed at the cliff. We walked down the path to the tree trunk. We stopped and I held onto Panther, sadness, so much sadness. He was there for me. He could feel my pain. He went into the tree trunk and I walked into the meadow and back into my body. Day 86 – Sept. 14, 2011 Pit of the stomach pain again as usual. "The days of the earth are short. You will not be long there, and you will return here." -‐Embraced By The Light. I know this to be true, but the days seem to crawl by. The sadness and the sorrow will be with me forever and the time seems so long. I want to be with my boys. I want to be with them so badly. “If you could see yourself before you were born, you would be amazed at your intelligence and glory. Birth is a sleep and a forgetting.” – From Embraced By The Light by Betty J. Eadie Last night during my walk, as I came down the dirt path, Tequila Sunrise came on at the neighbor's house. It played all the way through until I reached the top of the sidewalk. Just
before I closed my eyes to go to sleep, deep purple, the color of spirituality, came into my vision. Day 87 – Sept. 15, 2011 Sean and Kyle, my beautiful sons, my amazing sweet boys, my angels! I love you, I love you more than life, more than anything I have ever loved. You are the meaning in my life. You will forever be the meaning and purpose in my life. You give me strength and courage. You give me inspiration. Above all, you give me LOVE, all that there is in our existence, the meaning of our lives here, the meaning of my life. I love you my sweethearts! Mom. One Step Closer to Knowing by U2 I’m ‘round the corner from anything that’s real I’m across the road from hope I’m under a bridge in a rip tide That’s taken everything I call my own One step closer to knowing One step closer to knowing I’m on an island at a busy intersection I can’t go forward, I can’t turn back Can’t see the future It’s getting away from me I just watch the tail lights glowing One step closer to knowing One step closer to knowing One step closer to knowing Knowing, knowing I’m hanging out to dry With my old clothes Finger still red with the prick of an old rose Well the heart that hurts Is a heart that beats Can you hear the drummer slowing? One step closer to knowing One step closer to knowing One step closer to knowing To knowing, to knowing, to knowing Day 88 – Sept. 16, 2011 My life feels empty and pointless. The sadness is overwhelming and pervasive. I don't know how I will continue on like this. I feel like a zombie, walking around on this earth, stuck in this human shell, surrounded by bullshit and trivial, meaningless crap. It's so fruitless, so pointless. All of our stupid human issues which mean nothing. I feel hopeless
and hopeful at the same time. Each day brings me one day closer to my boys. God help me get there. Human despair is so incredibly painful – why does it have to be like this? God please help me get through it. Beautiful green/blue wash in my field of vision as I lay in the chiropractor's office. Thank you my boys for continuing to send your love and support to me! I love you so much, more than anything else I have ever loved in my life! "Great are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world." – Ralph Waldo Emerson There can be no greater love on this Earth than a mother’s unconditional love for her children. That kind of love must come closest to the unconditional love of the Universe, and is a glimpse of the potential we have as humans to love each other. Day 89 – Sept. 17, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked down the path to the well. It was dark. I looked down into the well; it was dark too. I held out my hands and slowly released fine white sand into the well. As it dropped down, bright white light began to come up from the well and it illuminated everything as it came up. It covered me. I saw that I was dressed in flowing robes of light. My hair was long and flowing. I seemed to be glowing, radiating light and lightening everything up as I walked. As I passed the tree trunk, Panther came out to meet me. We walked up the path to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We went up and up, my radiating light illuminating the sky. We went through the cloud cover into the U.R. I looked up into space, and there were countless stars. It was beautiful. We landed at the edge of the garden and got off the cloud. I walked into the clearing, almost floating with the light. Michael greeted me. He smiled and said something about me feeling closer to the Source now. I nodded and felt so peaceful. We walked into the sanctuary. As I came around to the right, the boys greeted me. They held my hands, so we were in a circle. Our energies seemed to merge into each other so that we were one, all together. We were not separate entities, but more like floating energies. It was ethereal. We walked into the middle of the grass area, then over to a bench. We sat down, me in the middle. The boys were younger; they seemed more like my little babies. They cuddled up to me, and I put my arms around them and cradled them in the crooks of my arms. I told Kyle “I’m going to the football game today.” He said “I know, Mom, I’m glad. It is good for you and it is good for them. You will be okay, Mom.” Then I told them that Andrew and Nick were coming over this Monday. Sean had a big smile on his face. “My friends,” he said. He emanated so much love for them. I could feel his love. I asked them if I could give some of their stuff to Andrew and Nick. “Of course, Mom, they can have whatever you want to give them.” Okay, honey, I think I might have Andrew take the drum set. I want him to honor you with it.” I asked them what they thought about me going to see a medium. They said, “Mom, you can already talk to us, you don’t need that. It’s just your intellect wanting comfort.” “Yeah, I know guys, you’re right. I know that I already have what I need to talk to you and be with you.” We got up from the bench and walked across the grass to where Michael and Panther were standing. The boys stopped and let go of me. I said, “I love you guys!” “I love you, Mom!” Then they said, “You are so beautiful, Mom,” referring to my robes of light and flowing hair. I said, “YOU guys are so beautiful! I miss you so much.” “We are always with you, Mom, feel it.” They came to me and I could feel their energies permeating mine. It was a
strong illuminating feeling, so much light and connection between us, so much love. I felt like this is what it must be like to come back home, to come back to the Source, so much love, so much light. I turned and went with Michael. In the clearing, I looked at him and he said, “I’m always here, I am always with you, guiding you.” I smiled. Panther and I then got back on the cloud and came back down to the cliff and the meadow. At the tree trunk I hugged Panther, then he went into the tree trunk. I walked into the meadow and came back to the physical realm. Day 90 – Sept. 18, 2011 The ache of sadness sits in the pit of my stomach and wakes me again. But Sean and Kyle’s energy come to me in their colors in my field of vision. I think of them together – how Sean came through me first, into this world, then Kyle came through me, and how they were so bonded from that point. They took care of each other, they loved and cared for each other from the very beginning. They were together in all things to the end of their time here in this realm. Oh, why couldn’t I go with them? Why am I not worthy to go with them? Why do I have to stay here? What growth and what gifts am I going to receive? I know my time is short here, but the days are long, oh, so long. The sorrow and loss are agonizing. Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be, there will be an answer. Let it be. Day 91 – Sept. 19, 2011 Lots and lots of tears yesterday and lately. I miss my sons unbelievably. I still think a lot about leaving this realm, hoping and wishing for the end of my time here to happen soon. Then I bounce back to faith, trust and hope, knowing that I must continue to honor my boys and do what I am meant to do, learn what I am meant to learn, teach what I am meant to teach. It is a constant struggle and daily battle of conflict. I feel connected to Sean and Kyle when I close my eyes, when there is peace and quiet, when I don't have to interact with people, esp. people who are unconscious. It is a challenge. And I think of Tony and how he is keeping me alive and going. The lesson of unconditional love that he is teaching me is amazing. I know I still have several years to live with him, to grow with him, and I can't disappoint him either. As usual, my three boys are holding me to my promise. Bless them, bless their strength and faith in me. Day 92 – Sept. 20, 2011 Last night Andrew and his dad (Scot), Nick and Carole, Monique and her mom (Jingles), and Cristina came over. It was a healing evening for all of us I think. I was able to talk to Scot, Carole and Jingles about my experience and what I have learned, how I still connect to my boys and how I can continue every day on this incredible journey. I think they were moved and really touched by my words. I was also able to talk to the kids and find out how they are doing. It has been a difficult process for them and it was heartbreaking to hear from their parents about their grief and sadness. The kids spent time in Sean’s room. I think it was good for them to be close to him, emotional and sad at times, but still healing for them. I gave Monique and Cristina each a t-‐shirt of Sean’s – Monique got the Beatles Abbey Road, and Cristina got the peace sign. I hugged them both to me and told them that Sean loves them and always will. They were crying so much. I gave Nick an X-‐box game. I gave Andrew two cd’s that Sean had made – Rubber Soul and Magical Mystery Tour. I also told Andrew that he can take the drum set when he is ready. Everything felt so right and I believe that Sean was pleased and happy that his friends were here. This morning I have a little sadness in my stomach, the loss is still painful, but I am okay. I love my boys and miss
them so much. I love you Sean and Kyle! Momma. Meditation: Heard lots of sounds of the human world – cars, trains, buses, fountain water, etc. Felt the energy of Sean and Kyle and saw the green neon wash of Sean in my field of vision, Kyle's face imprint, and his blue energy. Give me comfort boys, I need you with me, I need your help to keep going! Oh how I miss you. How much longer my boys, how much longer? I am doing my best, but it hurts. It really, really hurts. Day 93 – Sept. 21, 2011 The sorrow and anguish sit in my stomach again as I wake. Sick to my stomach with loss and heartache. Tony is here to hold me, but there is nothing except time, faith and trust that will carry me through this devastating loss. The depth of love I have for these boys reflects the depths of my sorrow. There is no escaping it, nor would I choose to. I recall what Ram Dass said: "The pain is their legacy to you. It must burn its purifying way to completion. For something in you dies when you bear the unbearable, and it is only in that dark night of the soul that you are prepared to see as God sees, and to love as God loves." Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked down the path to the well. Looked down into its darkness, then I held out my hands. A bright orange/yellow ball of energy floated above my hands. I dropped it down into the well, praying for goodness to come from it. As it hit the water, bright orange light came up from the well and illuminated everything. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and we walked up the path to the cliff. We boarded the cloud and went up into the sky. The sky was sparkling with orange and yellow stars and lights. We crossed into and through the cloud cover. We got to the U.R. and landed at the garden. We got off the cloud and walked into the clearing by the bench. Michael was waiting there. He held my hands and said you are doing well. I nodded and we both smiled with love and knowledge. We walked to the sanctuary. Panther and Michael stayed at the edge between the garden and the sanctuary. I went into the sanctuary towards the right and waited for the boys to emerge from the mist. They came out, Sean on the left, Kyle on the right. They put their arms around me and we held each other. They were so calm, peaceful, full of love and serenity. I started to cry, and Kyle said, “Mom why do you cry so much, you know we are right here.” “I know babe, but I miss you being on earth with me.” “Mom, we are with you even more now than we were before. You know that.” “Yes, honey I do, but it still hurts and I still miss you so much. It has only been three months.” Kyle nodded, and seemed to acknowledge that he wants fast results. Sean just stood near us and listened to us. He was so sage, so peaceful and wise. He was such a knowing presence and he just let me and Kyle express our emotions to each other. Kyle was just worried about me. He does not want to see me sad and crying so much, but he understands that I am still human and that I will continue to feel the pain for a while. Sean then said, “Let's go sit down.” So we walked to the table, me in the middle of them. Sean scooted in on one side, Kyle on the other, then me on Kyle's side, so Kyle was in the middle. We sat and looked at each other, basking in the love. I asked them what they were doing up here. Sean said, “Mom, we are helping with the evolution of souls. We are needed here, and you are needed down there. We saw our friends with you the other night. They need you Mom. You know that, don't you?” “Yes, honey, I do.” Then we held hands in a circle and I could feel my energy merging with theirs. I could feel their love and beauty going through me. I felt the actual physical sensations in my body. Hard to describe, but it was like energy currents going up and down and all throughout my body. It was like we
were one Spirit, one energy. It was incredible. “This is what it is like here all the time Mom. Incredible love.” After a little while, the boys said, “Okay, Mom, we should all get going.” We got up from the table. I hugged Sean, we held each other closely, he kissed my forehead, then my cheek. I turned and hugged Kyle tightly. He kissed my cheek. They watched as I turned and walked back to the garden. I turned to look at them and they were free running and teleporting back to the mist. “Bye Mom! I love you!” “I love you my boys!” I kept walking into the garden clearing where Michael and Panther were waiting. Michael looked at me with love and knowledge. He walked with me and Panther to the cloud. We got on and started going back down. As we travelled, I saw purple everywhere, the color of spirituality. I felt my closeness to the Source, my connection to the Greater Power. It was beautiful. We got down to the cliff and walked down the path. At the tree trunk I patted Panther and he left. Then I returned to the meadow and then to the physical realm. "You do not have the right to eliminate yourself; you do not belong to you. You belong to the universe. Your significance will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume that you are fulfilling your role if you apply yourself to converting your experience to the highest advantage of others." – Bucky Fuller "The human journey begins with a soul's disorienting descent into the depths of matter, to the point of total identification with the body and the physical world. Yet the soul is infused with a natural desire to re-‐ascend, via spiritual growth, to the blissful freedom of its ultimate home in the light that many call God." – Robert Monroe Day 94 – Sept. 22, 2011 The dull ache in the pit of my stomach reminds me that I am still alive, still in this realm, still in Earth school. The sorrow is not as bad this morning. My journeys to the Upper Realm give me hope and comfort. My spiritual growth is progressing. I read from my journal last night to Tony. There were tears in his eyes. He said that my spirituality has grown by leaps and bounds. I think it gives him a lot of hope too. I honor you my boys! I honor you with my growth and by continuing on this journey. I love you with all of my being, with my existence. I am your mother always! Day 95 – Sept. 23, 2011 My boys are so beautiful, so amazing! I wake up each morning and see their beautiful smiling faces on my bookshelf altar. I see their angelic faces in the picture on my nightstand. You keep me going boys, you keep me alive, you keep my faith, and you help me manage this pain and suffering of loss. It is the hardest test and lesson I can imagine, but I am doing it. I am blessed to have you watching over me and taking care of me. I am so blessed with you, my incredible sons! I love you! Bedtime – beautiful orange, red, blue, purple dot so clear in my field of vision. Small, but clear and defined. Day 96 – Sept. 24, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked down to the well. I held my hands out, bright yellow light emanated from them, and then dropped down into the well. Then the light came up and bathed everything in yellow. I felt showered with yellow light and it stayed with me, glowing
around me. I walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out. He looked at me and seemed to smile and be amused by my glow. We walked up the path to the cliff. He got onto the cloud first and curled up on the “floor.” I then got on and sat down. We went up and I could see Earth down below. We went through the cloud cover, then the “sky” became space with millions of stars and lights. I could see planets and could sense many galaxies. It was so beautiful. I felt so much overwhelming love and peace. I could feel my vibrational energy at such a high level. We landed at the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked through the clearing to the bench. Michael was behind the bench and a tree. He seemed playful, like he was hiding. He came out smiling and he conveyed that I am doing so well and learning so much. He could read my thoughts, my question, “Will the boys incarnate to Earth again before I get to the U.R.?” He assured me that it was okay to “ask.” He conveyed that it was not clear yet whether that would happen. We then turned and walked to the sanctuary. I stood with Panther and Michael waiting for the boys. They emerged from the mist, doing flips, teleporting, having so much fun, so animated and happy. “Hi Mom!” they called out to me. “Hi buddies!” Then they came to me and hugged me. They could sense my joy, my lightness, my happiness. It seemed to make them feel very good to know that I was feeling happy. They took my hands, Sean on my left, Kyle on my right, then they lifted me with them so we were floating just above the ground, then a little higher. They were having so much fun taking me for a ride. Our energies were so entwined and we were all like heavenly ethereal bodies. They floated me over to the table then we landed down into the seats. We sat close to each other, the love just flowing through and between us. I told them that I am reading and learning a lot. They said, “You are doing so good Mom. Do you feel how close we are? We are supposed to be together and will be together again soon. You are just on Earth right now for a little while to do your work. The time will go so fast. You will see, and then we will be together again like this in Spirit just like we are supposed to be.” Sean reminded me, “One person at a time, Mom, just talk to one person at a time.” I said, “Okay, honey, I will.” I asked them to think about the Imagine Fund and what I should do with it. They said, “Mom, our first concern is you, we want to make sure you are okay and doing well. Remember, the Imagine Fund is of the physical world. What is important is what is here, and teaching people how to love. But we will think about it and let you know.” I felt so much incredible love with them. When it was time to go, they lifted me up again and floated me over to the edge of the sanctuary where Panther and Michael were waiting. We hugged so tightly. It was like there were no physical boundaries between us. I could not imagine being any closer to them. I turned and watched as they flipped, jumped and whoo hoo’ed back to the mist. “Bye Mom!” they called out with joy and love as they disappeared into the mist. I turned and walked with Michael and Panther into the garden. Michael said goodbye, he put his head against mine. Panther and I walked to the cloud. He got on first and curled up again. As we took off, the sky turned a beautiful bright yellow. I sensed the “Father” covering me with love and encouragement. It was so overpowering that I cried tears of joy and overwhelming emotion. There was so much love and acceptance. We went down through the cloud cover, and back to the cliff. We got off the cloud and Panther walked down the path in front of me. He stopped at the tree trunk and turned his head to say goodbye. I kept walking into the meadow, then I returned to my physical body. Day 97 – Sept. 25, 2011 The dull ache of loss sits in the pit of my stomach. I hear Kyle saying, “It’s okay, Mom, it’s okay.” My beautiful strong sons. I need you! I cry more tears of grief and the boys come to me right away. I see the beautiful green neon and electric blue of my boys in my field of
vision. I sense them saying, “We’re here, Mom, we’re here. It’s okay. We love you so much, we are with you, we will always be with you. Feel our love and strength, we will be here for you always. It’s okay, Mom, it’s okay.” It soothes me, and fills my heart with love. Email from Gregg K.: Dear Maria, I received your card in the mail. Please accept my sympathy for your loss. When I learned of this tragedy, it touched me very deeply. When I searched the news, that led me to a Facebook page that later led me to the website. I then decided that I would honor your sons by making the donation to the Imagine Fund. Although I do not know them, I can see that Sean and Kyle are very special people just by having watched the pictures and video that you so kindly shared with us. I believe that all of us, even if we don't know each other, whether we are here or if we have crossed over into our spiritual home, are always linked in some way with one another, so I know that your sons will always be with all of us. I want you to know that whenever I do something during my life here that can be considered as helping this world be a better place, I will think of them and hope that in some small way I am helping them to bring about the world of love and peace that they want us to have. I send you and your family my love. Gregg K. Day 98 – Sept. 26, 2011 I dreamt last night that I had a tumor in my left breast and that I was going to have to have an operation to remove it. Had several of Kyle’s friends and classmates over for pizza: Grant, Rafa, Erik, CJ, Brianna, Abigail, Hayulima, Hannah, Angie and Alex. It was great having them here, talking to them and letting them spend time in Kyle’s room. They are nice kids. I wish I had gotten to know them with Kyle here. They really love him. Day 99 – Sept. 27, 2011 The emptiness and loss hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. The tears pour out of me. Sean! Kyle! My beautiful sons. When I say their names, I can feel them here. When I say their names, they respond in their colors – Sean’s bright neon green ball, Kyle’s beautiful blue ball. They know I need them. They know how much I love them. It still hurts so much. It still aches and breaks my heart, my shattered heart. How can it still work? How can it still beat after the devastation it has experienced? There is no feeling like this. There is no suffering like this. I keep hope by imagining the beauty on the Other Side, the peace, the love, and my amazing sons. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, noticed the green and the flowers. Walked down to the well. I held a ball of green and blue energy in my hands and dropped it into the crystal clear water. Light emanated up when it hit the water. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. I waited for a second, then Panther came out. He looked at me in greeting. We walked side by side up the path to the cliff, then we got onto the cloud and rose up. It seemed like we went higher than normal. When we landed at the U.R. I had a point of view from higher above and could see myself getting off the cloud with Panther. Then I walked into the garden clearing.
Panther stood to the side, as I stood in the middle and felt the energy. Michael was on the other side. They both watched me as I soaked up the energy of the garden. Then Michael came to me and took both of my hands in his. He smiled at me and I could feel his comfort and love. We walked to the sanctuary. There seemed to be a lot of birds and flowers, almost like spring. We waited and the boys came out of the mist. Kyle had his game face on, then he broke into a big smile, clearly playing with me. They came and hugged me, then we held hands and spun around in a circle until we all fell down on the grass, laughing. Then we got up and went to sit down at the table. They both had their arms around me. Kyle stroked my hair and Sean kissed my forehead. I could feel them so close to me, so loving. It filled me with beautiful loving energy. The coconut agar was there on the table, and Kyle was excited and happy. He knew I had made some for his friends. He knew his friends had come over last night. He was pleased. I asked him what he thought about all the girls who were in his room. He said, “It’s okay, Mom, I don’t mind.” Then he showed me how he had been next to his friends while they were there, how he had hovered near Alex, how he had watched from the ceiling when CJ, Rafa, Erik and Grant were sitting in his room talking. He showed me how he was with them, and how he had moved around the house. I asked him what he thought about the idea of a basketball hoop in his honor at the BV Middle School. He smiled and was clearly pleased with that idea. “It’s a lot better than a bench, Mom,” he seemed to say. I conveyed my idea of donating money from the Imagine Fund to the mural and the basketball hoop as memorials to them, and they liked that. When it was time to go, Kyle “flipped” out of his seat, Sean and I scooted out. When we said goodbye, Sean hugged me tight, then Kyle “flipped” over close to me and hugged me too. Then they turned, arm in arm, and started walking towards the mist. Their heads were leaned in towards each other in love and caring. I watched them and felt so much pride and love for them. It was so comforting to see them together like that. I called out to them, “I love you boys!” They stopped and turned, holding hands, and they called back “I love you, Mom!” Their faces and smiles were so beautiful, they were angelic bodies, made of pure love and truth. They turned back and walked, arm in arm again, into the mist. I turned and walked into the garden with Panther and Michael. Michael stayed near the bench and tree, and said goodbye, so lovingly. Then Panther and I walked to the cloud and got on, and came back down. Lots of purple again in my field of vision. We got down to the cliff and got off the cloud. Panther looked at me deeply before he went into the tree trunk. I walked into the meadow and came back into the physical plane. Day 100 – Sept. 28, 2011 Yesterday afternoon I came home, laid down in bed and cried and cried. It is so hard to be here, to be alive, to have my boys be somewhere else. I feel weak and I feel scared. I am afraid of what is going to happen to me, how I am going to be for the rest of my life. I dread this existence on Earth. The pain is unbearable, the suffering is overwhelming. How will I endure this? I miss my sons, I want my sons. I want to be with them. There is so little left here that is of importance to me. If it were not for Tony, I think I would be gone. But then again, I know that may not be true. But he is my guardian angel here on Earth, making sure I stay exactly where I am supposed to be. He is another miracle and blessing for me. Last night Sean came to me in my dreams to be with me. He was so tall and handsome. I remember hugging him, then looking up at him and saying, “Look how tall you are!” He was so happy and affectionate. He was, again, my reality for that short period of time. I love you Sean! I love you so, so much! My beautiful amazing son, an amazing compassionate soul!
“The light we encounter on the road to death is our own being, coming home to itself. This light is our own natural and eternal state.” – Malidoma Patrice Some Day 101 – Sept. 29, 2011 Emptiness in my being, so lonely for my sons. There is not much left here that means anything to me. Thank you God for Tony, my guardian angel. He keeps me alive. Day 102 – Sept. 30, 2011 My heart is filled with grief. I have started waking up again with the ugly ache in my stomach. I start to gain consciousness and start to feel the pain in the pit of my stomach and I don't want to wake up. I don't want to have to face this physical reality anymore. This harsh dense reality is so sad and painful without my boys. I miss them so much. It hurts so much. I wonder how I can keep going, how I can continue. There is so little meaning here for me. Each day is a struggle to survive. But there are moments where I can feel ok. There are some moments of peace and understanding and faith, trust and hope. God, please help me keep those moments. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. I noticed that I was young, wearing gold sandals and white flowing pants. My hair had ribbons or flowers that were shiny, and my hair was flowing. I looked so youthful and vibrant. I walked and skipped down the path to the well. I held my hands out and fine white sand flowed out and down into the well. As the sand hit the water below, light, bright beams of light shot up and illuminated the sky. It touched me and made me glow. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and we walked and skipped up to the cliff. We got onto the cloud and rose up into the sky. As we broke through the cloud cover, space was filled with stars and light and the sense of eternity and many galaxies. We rose higher than the U.R., so I could see the garden below. Then we went back down to the garden and got off the cloud. Michael greeted me in the clearing. He took my hands and said, “You look so young and beautiful.” I smiled and nodded. As we walked into the sanctuary, the boys were already there. They bounded over to me, Kyle jumping and running and calling out excitedly, “Mom!” He had a big smile on his face and was so happy to see me. Sean walked over with his peaceful, strong presence. As I stood close to them, I could see Kyle's eyes starting to cloud up a little, he was worried that I was going to get sad again. But I smiled and said, “I'm ok buddy, I'm just emotional because I am so happy to see you and I love you so much.” He smiled and his bright eyes came back again. We walked over to the table and sat down. I sat in the middle, Sean to my right and Kyle to my left. We sat looking at each other, not saying anything, then we cracked up, breaking into laughter. They came close to me and started covering me with kisses, messing around, the way I used to "sneak" up behind them and cover them with a bunch of kisses. It was like they were teasing me about the way I would kiss them over and over again. I told them, “I am having a hard time lately guys, why is that?” “Mom, you are human, it is part of your growth. Up here, we just feel pure love, so there is no pain, but your pain is a reflection of your loss and the love you have for us. It is part of your growth to feel the pain. When it comes don't fight it, just hug it.” Kyle looked me deep in the eyes. “You are doing good, Mom. Just do your best. We know you can do this. We know you will do this. We know you want to come with us, Mom, but it's not time yet.” They scooted close to me and hugged me. There was a golden robe of light around us. It was like they had a protective covering or shroud around me, surrounding me with love and light.
They leaned their heads up against my shoulders, so their faces and hair were touching mine. It was so comforting to feel them so close to me, protecting me and taking care of me. I asked them about the Imagine Fund and they said that I was coming up with some good ideas. I told them there were a lot of people who want to help me. They knew and they were happy about it. “So many people love you, Mom.” After a little while, they lifted me up so we were floating above the table, the glow of light still around us, and they took me to the edge of the sanctuary. They kissed me and hugged me. After they said goodbye, they put their arms around each other’s shoulders and started to walk back to the mist. Sean kicked his leg back to smack Kyle on the butt, then he took off running and laughing with Kyle chasing him. They were laughing and smiling, as they turned and called out, “Bye Mom! Love you, Mom!” I stood watching and thought, "I want to go with you." Michael came and stood beside me. He put his arm around my shoulder. "You will be with them again. For now, you must stay in your realm. You will come to see that your time there is very short. Try to enjoy all the moments you can because you will eventually know that your time there went very quickly." We walked back to the garden and the clearing, Panther behind us. Michael floated away, and Panther and I continued to the cloud. We came back down to the cliff, then walked down the path to the tree trunk. Panther went down and I continued into the meadow, then back to the physical realm. OCTOBER 2011 Day 103 – Oct. 1, 2011 Another month has passed and the time still seems to crawl by. The boys and Michael remind me regularly that my time here on Earth will be short. But the ache of loss is hard to bear every morning. I miss you so much my boys! I miss seeing your beautiful beings, kissing your beautiful faces, hugging you close to me. There will be a huge void forever until I can be with you again in your realm. I look forward to that day. I have no fear of leaving this place. I know the beauty that I can look forward to and I welcome it gladly. My Sean, my Kyle, how I love you! Day 104 – Oct. 2, 2011 Another day goes by, time continues to move. There are moments when I feel ok, like now, and there are moments when the pain is unbearable, palpable, physical, devastating to the core, I wince with pain and the tears flow freely. How long will my existence be like this? My remaining lifetime, I am sure, even though the boys assure me it will be a fleeting moment, a blink of an eye in the scheme of the Universe. I am so small, so insignificant in the big picture I am sure, but important to the evolution of my soul, my sons’ souls and to the Universe in some small yet critical way. I pray to God that I am doing all that I can. I will endure this pain for the evolution of my soul, and the evolution of my boys’ souls. I will not let them down. I love them too much to fail them. Day 105 – Oct. 3, 2011 I dreamt of being in a large crowded room with people. We were all waiting to receive a reading from a medium. When it was my turn, a young medium, a young man, was going to read for me. I remember asking him to assure me that the boys’ father was not with them and would not be. There was some discussion from others about what I should be allowed to hear, esp. anything relating to the incident and the boys’ manner of death.
Day 106 – Oct. 4, 2011 The ache of loss fills my belly. Each day I should be waking with gratitude for life and for the blessings and gifts I have received over my 49 years, including my beautiful, amazing sons. But it is hard to be grateful. It is hard to be anything except hopeless, and helpless. I ache with pain and grief. It is paralyzing sometimes, but I continue to endure it. My journeys to the Upper Realm keep me alive. And Tony. He keeps me alive in this realm. But every day I think about leaving it and wonder when my time will come. I know the boys don’t like that, but I think they understand. It is part of the human grief process. It will hurt and make me grow. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked down the path to the well. The grass was higher and I put my hands out to touch it. When I got to the well I looked down into it. It was dark and peaceful. I held my hands out above it and a ball of blue energy floated in my hands. I released it and it dropped down to the bottom. Then white light came up and shot into the sky and droplets of light, like light rain, showered everything. I smiled. I walked up the path to the tree trunk and Panther emerged. We walked side by side up the path to the cliff. We got onto the cloud, me first, then him. Then we rose up into the sky into the cloud cover and through to the Upper Realm. We landed at the edge of the garden, got off and walked into the clearing. Michael was standing behind the bench. We sat down. He took my hands in his. I “asked” him about my progress. He said, “You are doing very well. This is the right path to your soul growth.” I told him about all the things that I am reading and learning, and he nodded his head in confirmation. I asked him, “Did I choose this plan for my life?” He said, yes, they did too, you all did.” I started to cry a little, then he said, “Do you want to go and see them now?” I said, “Yes.” We then got up and walked into the sanctuary. The boys were on the right, partially in the mist, waiting for me. They came over and we hugged tightly, then huddled. We were so happy to be with each other. We then walked towards the right, along the outer edge of the sanctuary. I told them that I am going to see Allison Dubois. They said, “We know what you are doing, Mom.” “I’m curious, I want to know and learn more. Do you think you can contact her or communicate through her while I am at her seminar?” “We can do that, Mom, but remember she can choose not to bring us through. We don’t want you to doubt our reality if she does not bring us through. You are feeling some fear and doubt, aren’t you?” “Yes, I guess I am. Okay, you’re right.” “Mom, feel us right now, you know this is real. Don’t doubt it, we are here.” I felt better. They held me and carried me around the sanctuary, floating above. We came down and sat on the grass. I asked them, “Can you guys give me some loving energy?” I sat cross-legged on the ground, then they sat cross-legged facing me, one on each side of me. They put their arms around me, then enveloped me in love and light. It was overwhelming. I started to cry with incredible joy, feeling the intensity of the pure love enveloping me and permeating my entire being. They seemed to be conscious of the tremendous power of the energy, and the possibility that I could, my human form, actually explode from the intensity of the love. They had their heads bowed down on me, and their peace and knowing also came through to me. After a few minutes they reduced their love force and raised their heads. They touched my hair, my face, and kissed me gently on my cheeks. They were so incredibly loving. I said, “We have been together for many lifetimes, for a long, long time, haven’t we?” They said, “Oh, yes, and we will be together through eternity. They lifted me up again and floated me to the edge of the sanctuary. They hugged me again. I held Sean tight and put my ear up against his chest like I used to, to hear his heartbeat. They then turned and started walking back to the mist. Sean put his arm on Kyle’s shoulder. They
said, “See you later, Mom, we love you.” Kyle turned his head back and looked at me with love and joy. I walked back to the garden with Michael and Panther. Michael said, “I’ll leave you now,” then I walked on with Panther to the edge of the U.R., and boarded the cloud. We came back down and got off at the cliff, walked down the path, and Panther went down the tree trunk. I stood in the meadow and came back to my physical body. As I did so, my vision was filled with purple and bright lights of electricity. Day 107 – Oct. 5, 2011 I have a greater sense of peace. My learning and reading of the principles of consciousness are helping me to see and know the Truth. My boys are helping me. I feel their strength, their presence, their incredible knowledge. My God, how I love them! I must extend that love to everyone and everything around me. Day 108 – Oct. 6, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked down the path to the well. It was dark and peaceful again. I held my hands out, and the fine white sand slipped down into the well. As it hit the bottom, light came up and sparks of light flew into the sky. They drifted down all around, and some floated up into the sky like stars. I walked up the path to the tree trunk where Panther emerged. We walked up the path to the cliff. He got onto the cloud first, curled up, and I got on and sat down. We lifted into the sky and went into the cloud cover. The clouds looked like bubbles of water, and were bluish and beautiful. We landed at the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked into the garden clearing. I sat on the bench, then Michael appeared. I asked him about my path. He said, "You are travelling beautifully down your path." He looked at me with love and assurance. I knew I was going the right way. We then walked into the sanctuary. I looked to the right and the boys emerged from the mist. I was so happy, feeling so much love. Their faces were glowing. They had big smiles. "Hi, Mom!" Kyle's face in particular was beaming with joy. They hugged me, Kyle on my left, Sean on my right. As they held me, we were enveloped in a golden yellow light. It was surrounding us and emanating out into the Universe. It was pure love, compassion, acceptance, joy, every positive feeling that exists. My being felt heavenly, there was nothing else that mattered. This is what it is like to be back in true form, true essence of existence. We stayed like that for a while. There were no words needed, there could be nothing said to capture the feeling. We were one with each other and there was nothing else that mattered. The sense of light and love permeated all of me, to my core, to my essential being. It felt like my natural state. The boys were more like energy and light, their physical forms not so clear, until I asked them to present again the way I see them in the Earth realm. They showed themselves in their beautiful human forms again, and I hugged and kissed them. They touched my head, my hair, and we bowed our heads together and felt the connection. I felt my connectedness with all of existence. They are teaching me so much. I knew that I had to hold on to this overwhelming love and spread and share it here in my realm. I knew this was what I was being taught at this moment. "I love you so much!" "We love you so much too, Mom. There is nothing else, this is all there is, nothing else matters except this, this state of love and perfection." We stayed like this and I soaked up the sense, the incredible beauty and purity of it. When it was time to go, they held me, touched my face. I knew that I am doing right by them. I got that feeling. They are sustaining me. They turned and went into the mist. "See you later, Mom." "See you later, honey. I love you!" I turned and walked to Panther and Michael who were at the edge of the sanctuary. Michael held my hand. There was such a strong sense of peace and rightness. He
let go of my hand and went to the left. Panther and I boarded the cloud and came back down to the cliff and meadow. As I said goodbye to Panther, I knelt down and he nuzzled me. I returned to the meadow and came back to my physical body. Day 109 – Oct. 7, 2011 Had a few tears this morning that I released for a few minutes. I can feel the slight build up in my physical body, when the emotional body stores some sadness that needs to be let go. I have a strong sense of my four quadrants. It really helps to have the consciousness and awareness so I can take care of myself the best way possible. It feels authentic. Day 110 – Oct. 8, 2011 I woke today with a slight ache in my stomach. There is sadness, always present to some degree, but no longer debilitating. I have such a strong sense of where my boys are and how the Universe works. I am learning every day and it helps me. I know I am doing well. I think my boys are proud of me and they feel sure of my ability to continue this journey. I love them so deeply. We were meant to love like this. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down to the well. It was dark and peaceful. I held out my hands and gravel dropped slowly from them into the well. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out. I knelt down and hugged him, then we walked up the path to the cliff. I got onto the cloud and he followed. We rose up and through the cloud cover. We came to the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked around the clearing. Michael greeted us. His eyes seemed to be sparkling blue. We walked to the sanctuary. They stayed at the edge and I walked by myself into the grass area. The boys came through the mist and saw me. They bounded over, Kyle flipping and running, Sean running slowly, then teleporting over to me. "Hi, Mom!" "Hi, guys!" We hugged, so much love, so much joy and happiness to see each other! Kyle said, "You're getting a Prius, Mom." I smiled and said, "Yeah, what do you think?" They looked at me for a second, smiling, then we all broke out laughing. "It's great, Mom, it's a good thing." They were teasing me a little, but pleased and happy for me. "I love you guys so much, you are so amazing." "Mom, you should be amazed at yourself. You are doing so good, Mom. You are part of us, our soul, we are bonded souls." I asked them about the color of the Prius. Kyle said, "The blue is really nice, Mom." Sean said, "Too bad they don't have green." "I know, buddy, so what color should I get?" Kyle said, "Blue, Mom, it needs to be blue." "Really? Is that what it should be?" "Yeah, blue, get blue." "Okay buddy, I will do it." "Hey Sean, what did you think of Journey?" "Mom, it was awesome! I am so glad that you went. We made it happen." "It was so wonderful, honey. I had a good time with Eun Young and Uncle Bert. What are you guys doing up here now?" They seemed to say they were working as guardians, watching over people, helping them to make good decisions. "You guys are so amazing." "We told you, Mom, you are too. We are all the same soul." They came close to me again and we seemed to become a "cloud" of purple, like energy, all melded together. A deep electric purple came into my field of vision. I could feel our one-ness, our bondedness. Then I asked them to show themselves as physical beings again and they came to me as Sean and Kyle. They laid their heads against me and put their arms around me. I felt their warmth and love. It was time to go, so I held Sean's face in my hands and kissed him. We looked each other deeply in the eyes, exchanging love and understanding, and everlasting connection. "We have been together for a long time, haven't we?" "Oh, yes, and we will be together to eternity." My God, how incredible. Then I turned to Kyle, held his face and we
looked deeply into each other's eyes with the same connection, the same love and knowing. It was so powerful, so pure. They turned toward the mist and headed over there doing their flips and acrobatics. As they passed across into the mist, I saw one of their hands poke back through waving goodbye. "Bye, Mom! See you later!" I turned and walked to the edge of the sanctuary. Michael took my hand and we walked back into the garden. He said goodbye, his blue eyes looking at me with love and energy. Panther and I got on the cloud and came back down to the cliff and meadow, then I returned to my physical plane. Day 111 – Oct. 9, 2011 Went to Deer Park Monastery today. Learned about “the current of infinity” and that we are all “wandering guests” on the Earth. Tried to buy the Prius today, but found out I was not ready to move on yet. The tears started flowing in the car dealership, then came on strong in the car on the drive home. I thank Tony and Eun Young for loving me and being with me and supporting me. Day 112 – Oct. 10, 2011 Has it really only been 112 days? My life has changed so dramatically, so drastically. I don’t know what “reality” is anymore, but I know it is not this physical realm. I am trapped here for a short time. I can’t wait to return to the true and pure form of Spirit. Email from Alicia: Dear Auntie, This past weekend I went on a three-‐day backpacking/ white water rafting trip. Preparing for this trip, I was extremely nervous about going and was even thinking about changing my mind and backing out. This particular trip is the hardest Wilderness Course they offer on campus and on an intensity and physical difficulty scale of 1 to 5, it was a 5. We had to be able to rig and paddle our own boat with our own gear in it, along with a bunch of other weight. This made me extremely nervous along with the fact that there were a of couple level 3 and 4 rapids on the 15-‐mile stretch we were paddling. The night before the trip I was getting extremely anxious, but decided I would just go for it since it would push me out of my comfort zone. The next morning we drove out of Flagstaff and hiked down to an isolated portion of the Verde River. When I got in my boat I was scared out of my mind and the head guide could see the fear on my face. Out of the 12 people that went, he looked directly at me and simply said, "Alicia, take a deep breath. You will be fine because we have two extremely experienced guides coming with us that will make sure you get through every rapid safely. Their names are Sean and Kyle." I was at a loss for words. All of a sudden I had this huge breath of relief and the most peaceful feeling I have ever experienced. I still cannot even begin to wrap my head around it. As the trip went on, the connection became even stronger. As I got to know the two guides, I found that their personalities were incredibly similar to Sean and Kyle. The guide named Sean was very laid back and extremely comfortable in his own skin. He was Navajo and had such a wise outlook on life. He taught us so much and really opened up our eyes to the world around us and the effect we have on it. He even passed around this bracelet that he wears everyday and told us the story behind it. It reminded me of the necklace Sean always wears. Our guide, Kyle, was very different from Sean. He was a go-‐getter; always upbeat and ready to ride the rapid first. For the whole trip, he would go down the big rapids before us, leading the way. Every execution was perfect. He ran each rapid with ease to show us how it was done. He would then wait at the bottom of the rapid to make sure
everyone came down safely. I am so glad that I decided to go on this trip. It was life changing. Love you, Alicia Day 113 – Oct. 11, 2011 Got the Kyle blue Prius last night. I’m happy. Got a wonderful story from Alicia. I feel my boys. I miss them so much, but I know each day I get stronger and each day I get closer to them. I love you Kyle! I love you Sean! Stay with me please. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. I was young and beautiful, my hair was long and flowing and I was wearing flowing white robes. I walked down the path to the well and held my hands open above the well. A bright yellow/orange ball of energy hovered above my hands. I dropped it down and when it hit the water, bright beams of yellow and white light shot up and illuminated everything with a golden light. I felt so light, like I was floating. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and greeted me with a look of love and calmness. We walked up the path to the cliff. Panther got onto the cloud first and laid his head on the “seat.” I got on and sat down and pet his head gently while we rose into the sky. There were many sparkling stars and I felt a protective “fatherly” presence emanating from the vast expanse of space. It was comforting. We got to the U.R. and stepped off the cloud into the garden. We walked around the clearing and Michael met us on the other side. He took my hands and bowed his head close to mine. He conveyed such goodness, peace and the rightness of everything. We walked into the sanctuary. When I entered, Kyle saw me and raced over to me. “You got the Prius, Mom! It’s so cool.” He came close to me and hugged me and held me. There was so much love emanating from him and permeating my being. It was so powerful and overwhelming that I started to cry. He knew they were tears of joy and love and indescribable beauty. He held me like that for a long time. Then Sean came over to us silently and put his arms around us and enveloped us both in his love. The bright warm light that was around and between me and Kyle became even greater with Sean covering us. It was so pure, so incredible, so true. After a little while, we let go and held each other as we walked around the sanctuary. Sean was on my right, Kyle on my left. I had my arms around their waists and they had their arms around my shoulders. We walked counterclockwise around the perimeter of the sanctuary. Our energies seemed to be melded together, inter-mixed, floating. I know we were communicating a little, but don’t remember clearly what it was about. I said, “This is all I need. You guys sustain me.” “We are here for you all the time, Mom. We are sending our energy to you always. This is all that everyone needs. Everyone comes to see it in time, some take longer than others, but ultimately everyone comes to this truth.” They showed me their energies in color – Sean green and Kyle blue, and they showed me my energy in bright pink. We all melded together again. I thought about Alicia’s rafting trip and they smiled at me, “knowing” their presence was everywhere. Hard to explain – it was like some kind of feeling transference. They were pleased, “amused” by the experience Alicia had. After being colored energies for a while, they came back to appear as physical forms, how they last looked as human beings, their short hair, beautiful faces and shining smiles. I held them and hugged them, and kissed their faces and their hair. They looked at me with lovely smiles. “I love you, Mom.” “I love you, Mom,” they said in turn. They seemed to know and be amused by the “illusion” that we played here on Earth – that I am their Mom, when in reality we all know that we are bonded spirits, that we do not have “roles” here in the U.R. We are pure spirits
with deep, deep connections. The relationship is one of equals, not parent to child, but they are happy to accommodate me and comfort me with the roles we have played. There was that sense, that feeling, but nothing was said. It was as if we had the understanding, and they knew it is a human need that I still have even though I too really “know” what we all truly are. They floated into the mist as energies again and I felt the beauty, love and pureness of them. I turned and went with Panther and Michael back to the garden. Michael said goodbye, then Panther and I walked to the edge and got back on the cloud. As we descended I felt the safety and security that “all is well, all is as it should be” coming from the Source, the Universe. We got back to the cliff and to the meadow. Panther went down the tree trunk and I returned to the physical plane. I had been so happy to leave my physical body, the denseness of this realm. Day 114 – Oct. 12, 2011 The ache of loss comes back full force in the pit of my stomach this morning. I miss my children! I want my children so much. The tears flow again, as I know they will for a long time. How has this happened to me? Why has this happened to me? I ache with fear and loss. Day 115 – Oct. 13, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. All seemed dim. I walked down the path to the well. It was very still. I held out my hands and dropped a lot of gravel and small rocks. They plopped into the water below. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out. He seemed to sense my melancholy and I could feel his empathy. We walked up the path to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We rose up into the sky. I could see purple and I could feel my energy getting lighter. We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. We sat down in the clearing. I sat on the marble bench. Michael came out and sat with me. I asked him about my father, what to do. He said, “Remember, he is part of your soul group. He is incarnated in that form for a reason. He is learning, you are learning. Do not let the anger overwhelm you. Did you see how it completely took over you? That is part of your life lesson. You are learning, above all else, you must remember that.” I nodded. I knew he was telling me what I needed to hear. I felt kind of ashamed at how strongly the anger had overtaken me, how I had lost touch with my soul at that moment. We walked into the sanctuary. As I entered and moved to the right, the boys emerged from the mist. They came and put their arms around me. It felt so good, so calming. They then seemed to be showing me a lot of scenes. First, they showed me the car dealership and told me they could go in and walk amongst the humans without being detected. At one point, I was in the crowd and seemed to be hugging someone with a child on their back. Then the boys brought me back. Then they showed me a barrel full of some kind of food or substance. I put my hands in and picked up some of the material and let it fall, sifting through my fingers. They said, “You have to find the truth. You can find it somewhere in there.” Then I saw a person wearing a black t-shirt. It had a lot of spots on it all over the front. They seemed to be red, and there was an orange or yellow cross at the throat area. I don’t know who the person was. The boys brought me back and we were standing in the sanctuary again. They were holding me, almost covering me, shielding me. They said, “We are like this, Mom, just picture us like this around you. Whenever you think of us like this, we will be there for you.” I felt so protected, so loved. They were both taller than me, and so strong. It was time for me to go. We hugged and they turned towards the mist. I watched them as they walked away. Their beings seemed so powerful. It felt so calm to sense them. I turned and walked to Michael and Panther. We walked into the garden and through the
clearing. Panther and I got onto the cloud and started to go down. Michael stood at the edge and waved, then watched as we descended. I was looking up at him and he was looking down at me. I could feel his love and compassion. We got farther away and I could no longer see him. Then I got down to the cliff with Panther and we started down the path. At the tree trunk, Panther stopped and gave me loving thoughts and feelings. I then went into the meadow and came back to Earth realm. During the journey my body felt very restless, tingly. I moved around a lot and stretched because it felt slightly uncomfortable. Also, my focus seemed a little off, like my mind was wandering, but it also felt like that partly because the boys were showing me some kinds of scenes. “What is the journey and what is the growth that I must accomplish by suffering the loss of someone so meaningful to me? . . . What we live through, and continue in spite of, is our spiritual lesson.” – George Anderson Day 116 – Oct. 14, 2011 On our way to Phoenix to relax and see Allison Dubois. We are driving in the new blue Prius. I felt pretty good today. I am getting a lot of comfort from George Anderson’s book, Lessons From The Light. We are staying at the Courtyard Marriott, Room 211. Just had dinner at Ruth’s Chris and relaxing now. Love Tony so much. Miss my boys so much. Day 117 – Oct. 15, 2011 Played golf today at Encanto Golf Course in Phoenix. I cried with sadness as we passed the Phoenix Suns stadium where I took the boys to a basketball game. Everywhere I go, everywhere I look, I see the boys, I am reminded by the boys. It is sad and happy at the same time. My beautiful sons, I miss you so much! Reading with Allison Dubois, October 15, 2011, Phoenix, AZ M: Hi, my name’s Maria. A: Maria, ok. M: I wanted to know about my sons. A: Is that more than one son? M: Yes, two. A: Ok. Can you give me the first name of each son? M: Sean and Kyle. A: Just so you know, Kyle’s the strongest so he’ll come through first. He’s got a lot of energy but I feel like he, well, his words were I don’t know what to say so I think that has to do with his passing also that he doesn’t know what to say. Like he feels bad or, you know, like . . . . He doesn’t want it to be seen as his fault or anything like that. That’s something he struggles with, ok. He feels responsible somehow? Ok? M: Ok. A: (laughing) I don’t know how Sean will feel about that. He says he was your favorite and you both know that. M: Sean says that? A: Kyle said that. M: (smiling) Ok. A: Kyle comes through really playful, really young energy, young in the head, young in the head where he would do stupid things, you know what I mean? Like get in trouble, or, you know, he didn’t always have the best judgment. You understand?
M: Yeah. A: He keeps showing wind chimes. And I know that sounds kind of cryptic but he keeps referencing wind chimes on a patio, and he likes the sound so I don’t’ know if this was something that somebody was going to put at his grave, the wind chimes, or if it’s on a back patio but he keeps referencing that being his or having his energy. Do you understand? M: Yeah, I have some in the backyard. A: Ok, so when you’re out back and the wind chimes are in the wind, you reflect, and he likes to sit there with you when you do that so it’s a place that you can go to know that he’ll sit with you, ok? M: Ok. A: They’re very different in energy, your two boys. Kyle thinks he’s the smarter one and Sean knows that he is. Ok, let me see if I can pull Sean through while Kyle was insistent on being first. And Sean’s apologizing, he says sorry mom, like he’s sorry, he didn’t mean to, or he’s sorry. M: I understand. A: He keeps talking about his face on a t-‐shirt, like he wants his face on a t-‐shirt? M: Oh my god. I made some t-‐shirts because he was supposed to be going with me to Las Vegas for his 15th birthday, his birthday present, and because he died I took my nephew and my brother and we had t-‐shirts made with his face saying “In honor of Sean.” A: Ok, he liked those a lot. He says a lot of people pray for him. M: Yes, they do. A: Light the candles, pray. He’s like your angel, I mean he is. He watches over you. Sean makes sure you’re safe. You know, he worries about you ‘cause he was supposed to take care of you. He feels like he should have taken care of you and been here, you know. Although it’s funny that you said 15 ‘cause they kept showing the number 16. It may have been to drive? M: Oh, he was so looking forward to driving. A: Yeah, so he’s 16 in his version of heaven. He says that it’s red, it’s a red car. The men in the family need to watch what they eat? Or they shouldn’t gain weight? He worries about heart attacks, so he’s just referencing be careful. He says as much as he’d love to see him, not that way, it’s not his time. M: Ok. A: You know, they hang out together. I mean, they’re fine. They feel like somehow they save other people’s lives. And they’re referencing saving other’s lives. M: Well, they told me that they’re helping with the evolution of souls. A: Nice. It’s more than that though. It’s like people learn from their stories, and people are more careful and why they lived and so they’re just letting you know they’re doing good things. It wasn’t for nothing. It saved other’s lives. I’m sorry that, I mean, it’s hard enough to lose one son but two, I’m very sorry. I’m glad to be able to tell you that they’re still with you, which you know, but it’s kind of hard, you didn’t have them long enough. They were so young and you grapple with that and you want to be with them, and they hear you, they understand. It’s almost like they’re Heckle and Jeckle though, I gotta tell you. Like you know the birds Heckle and Jeckle, the blackbirds that used to be on Looney Tunes? And it’s like they talk a good game, they can talk you into anything, they’re very good at making people trust them and making something sound like a good idea. And they like this about them, they thought that they had a lot of friends for that reason, so that’s a good thing. Sean keeps referencing a gold necklace, or he keeps going like this (touching neck) for the necklace. He’s referencing . . .
M: My necklace? A: No, it feels like it would be something they would have had, a masculine necklace. He keeps referencing a gold chain. M: He has a gold chain around his urn and then he also has a boar tooth necklace that his uncle gave him. A: I think it’s probably the gold chain around his urn. He just likes it, that’s all. It’s like you’re hearing him and he’s grateful. You know who he is, you get who he is. Sean and Kyle will be at the dinner table every night, they promise. They love you. I’m going to break my connection with them. Day 118 – Oct. 16, 2011 Went to Allison Dubois’ seminar last night. I was “lucky” enough to be chosen for a reading. It was amazing. It has met the needs of my intellectual quadrant to have some objective validation of the Upper Realm and the survival of consciousness after bodily death. I thank you my boys for humoring me and helping to meet my own small human needs. I know you are taking good care of me. I am so incredibly blessed with you and your love. It is all that matters. I KNOW that. I love you beyond explanation or imagination! My love for you is infinite. I am honored to be your mother. Day 119 – Oct. 17, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in meadow and walked down the path to the well. I held out my hands and a ball of blue energy floated above them. I dropped it into the well. When it hit the bottom, bright white beams of light shot up and into the sky. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and I patted him with my left hand as he joined me and we walked up the path to the cliff. I got onto the cloud, then he got on and we rose up into the sky. As we rose, I could see the Earth like a marble below us. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked around the clearing and Michael met me to my right. He smiled at me warmly and conveyed that I was learning well. We walked into the sanctuary and the boys came over to me. They held me close. Kyle said, "I'm sorry, Mom." "Why, honey? Don't be sorry." "I feel bad about what happened." "I know it's not your fault. It's neither of yours fault. I know you are okay here, you are doing well here, so I am okay." Sean was sending me love and understanding. He hugged me. Both he and Kyle just stayed with me and held me. They seemed pleased about our communication at the Allison Dubois seminar. Sean referenced his t-shirt and the gold chain. I seemed to get a sense of a red convertible from Sean. They conveyed that they help people make good decisions by "getting into people's heads." They seemed proud and happy about their work there. I too felt so proud and happy for them. There was a sense of beauty and peace. I looked at them with so much love. They were sending me love and compassion, infusing me with their energy as they held my hands and we stood in a circle. I felt their goodness and love going into me, like they were re-charging me to be able to go back into the Earth realm and keep doing my work. There were no tears for me this time, just love and peace and beauty. We spent time just being in this beautiful state. When it was time to go, Sean hugged me. It felt like the way he used to come and hug me in the kitchen, so much love being exchanged. Then Kyle hugged me, his strong, muscular, powerful body holding me. It felt so wonderful to have them in my arms again, the memory and sense of their beautiful human forms is still so strong for me. I watched them as they walked into the mist, Sean on the left, Kyle on the right, their arms draped over each other's shoulders. I love you, my beautiful sons! I turned and walked to Michael and Panther at the
edge of the sanctuary. Michael took my hand and put his arm around my shoulder as we walked into the garden. "Keep learning well, the way you have been." I smiled and felt calm and comforted. Michael left us, then Panther and I walked to the edge and boarded the cloud. We went back down to the cliff and got off the cloud. I patted Panther as he left and went down the tree trunk. I then walked into the meadow and returned to the physical plane. “It is the mind that gives us the ability to communicate with God and the spiritual world, and it is the realization of that spiritual world that defines us more than anything as human beings. . . . At our spiritual core, we are all the same.” – Raymond Moody Day 120 – Oct. 18, 2011 Dreamt of the boys this morning. We were somewhere in Eastlake in the maroon Mercedes. Kyle was learning how to drive. I was in the passenger seat and Sean was in the back. We were at a complex and Kyle turned right out of the driveway. I was directing him to turn left or right as we went. He was taking his turns pretty sharp, but was doing really well. We kept going and he turned left, then he was supposed to turn right. I kept saying, “Right, right right . . . ,” but he was turning left. Then he finally turned right. It was funny. As I came into consciousness this morning, they greeted me with their brilliant colors of neon green and electric blue, as if they were saying “Good morning, thanks for the driving lesson, bye, Mom.” It was a nice dream. Also during the night I had another dream of being very close to the portal to cross over to the Other Side. I could see purple light emanating from an opening and I was being drawn to it. It felt beautiful and comforting, but I stayed on the edge, near the opening, and did not enter. Day 121 – Oct. 19, 2011 Yesterday Bob called and told me that he felt like the boys had been with him last weekend. He told me that he had been in a bike accident where he had run head on into a car moving 20 MPH and he was also moving 20 MPH. His bike had been bent in half, but he had walked away from the accident without a single scratch. I told him about my reading with Allison Dubois and that she had said that the boys are “saving lives.” Bob’s accident happened on Saturday, several hours before my reading. Perhaps this is what Allison meant by the boys saving lives. I see it now and I thank them for their incredible work. I see the beauty and the awe of the Universe, and my boys’ souls constantly, and I am so humbled by it. It makes me want to do everything I can to be a better person. From Lessons From The Light by George Anderson: “We are, each of us, born into our exact situation in life in order to fulfill our spiritual journey on the earth. It makes no difference who you are or what you will be – if you are here, lessons will be learned. We have all embarked on a mission we have chosen for ourselves in a previous existence and accepted the challenge of walking on the earth with faith and hope as our only roadmap. We have also been furnished with the circumstances we will need in order to learn and grow from our experiences here, so that we can accomplish the goals we are expected and predestined to meet. We were already told that the lessons would be many and difficult, and the time we have to complete them is so short. Whatever the lessons we needed to learn – courage, patience, forgiveness of others or forgiveness of ourselves – our soul is sent from the hereafter into a human form, into a human family, into the career or our life’s work, and we begin the process of struggling to overcome and learn from whatever has been pre-‐planned as our lesson on the earth. The
lessons come in many differing circumstances, and our options in those circumstances number more than the stars in a night sky. It is a process of choices – some good, some bad, but each of them important to the fulfillment of the reason why we are here – to complete our spiritual schooling, our life’s journey. And it all is for one purpose – to learn from the knowledge, the pain, the hope and the struggle of this lifetime so that we can benefit from it in the joy of the hereafter. The souls in the hereafter know this already, but it will take us a lifetime – and our passing – to understand.” Day 122 – Oct. 20, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in meadow and walked down the path to the well. I held my hands out and fine white sand slipped slowly down into the well. As it hit the bottom, twinkling yellow lights came up and floated into the sky. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out, and then a tiger peeked its head through and looked out at me. Panther turned and told the tiger it had to go back down. Panther and I walked up the path to the cliff and got onto the cloud. I looked down at the Earth as we rose. It was beautiful, blues and greens. We rose through the cloud cover and came to the U.R. We got off the cloud and went into the garden. There were a lot of sounds of birds, crickets, bugs and other wildlife. It felt lush and full of life. Michael came around and met us. He gave me a knowing smile, like he was pleased by all of the things I have been doing. We walked into the sanctuary. The boys were on the grass throwing a football back and forth. They saw me and came running over. “Mom! Hi Mom!” Kyle was so excited and animated. They hugged me tightly. “You are doing such good work, Mom. You see how you are making a difference in people’s lives?” “One person at a time, just like I said before,” Sean said. We walked over to the table and sat down, Sean on my left and Kyle on my right. “Are you guys saving lives? That’s what Allison said at the reading and that’s what Brent told me on Tuesday.” They smiled knowingly. “We are doing our work here, Mom. And you are doing your work down there.” “I am so proud of you, I am so honored to be your mother.” “Mom, we are proud of you, you are doing amazing things.” “What is going to happen to us? Do you think we will have to live more lifetimes on Earth?” “We don’t know yet, Mom. It’s something we will have to decide together after you come here, after we are all together again.” “Can we hold hands so I can feel your energy?” They scooted up close to me and put their arms around me and their heads on my shoulders. There was a beautiful yellow, white light around us and I felt their love and energy around and through me. Then our energies showed themselves in our colors. There was pink around me, blue around Kyle, and green around Sean, and the yellow, white light was around all of us. When it was time to go, they lifted me up and into the air and carried me, floating, over to the edge of the sanctuary. We landed in front of Michael and Panther. They boys said, “Hey, Michael,” and Kyle gently pet Panther on the head. Sean turned to me and hugged me tightly. “Feel this, Mom. I am with you like this all the time. I will always be with you.” Then I turned to Kyle and he hugged me tightly. He put his forehead against mine. “Me too, Mom. I am always with you. We watch you driving the Prius.” They said this in a teasing way, smiling. “It’s cool, Mom. We are there watching you.” They let go, then they stepped back. They had their arms around each other. “Bye Mar Mar,” Kyle said. “Love you, Mom,” Sean said. “I love you my boys.” I turned and started walking with Panther and Michael. I turned my head to look at the boys and they took off running, jumping, flipping and teleporting, full of joy and energy. I smiled and felt so good. At the clearing, I said goodbye to Michael, then Panther and I got onto the cloud and started back down. I looked up into space and saw millions of stars and I could sense the vast expanse of the Universe and its power. We got back down to the cliff and walked down the
path to the tree trunk. As Panther entered, the tiger poked his head through again, then they both disappeared. I walked into the meadow and returned to the physical realm. “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell Day 123 – Oct. 21, 2011 The ache of loss was heavy in the pit of my stomach this morning. I dreamt about being in a foreign city, waiting for the boys to arrive. They were supposed to arrive someplace that was about four hours away from me so I was trying to decide whether to wait for them to call me when they got there then instruct them how to take a bus to where I was, or whether I should start driving to where they would be. More and more time was passing and I had a sense of sadness that they would maybe not get there. I think it created the ache of loss. As I started to come into ordinary consciousness, their vibrant colors filled my field of vision. First, there was a beautiful neon green wash, then there were green and blue lines mixed together, then blue and green designs. There was a sense of happiness, love and joy with the colors, like the boys were coming to me with positive feelings, helping me to know that they are here, they are with me. It was so beautiful and so comforting. They love me so much, I feel it and see it so clearly and I love them so much and they know it. It is the purest, most wonderful feeling in this world and in the Universe. My beautiful sons, my soul mates, I love you with all my essence and being! You keep me going, you give me purpose, and each day I feel your strength and love that sustain me. I know I am supposed to be here for now and that we will be together again soon. “Each of us comes back upon the shores of this earth for a very distinct purpose. When that purpose is accomplished, we leave. Some of us are here to experience a long life, while other souls need only a brief experience before returning to their spiritual homes in heaven. The choice is made before incarnating into our physical bodies. Time and space are earthly dimensions, and we are eternal beings. . . . Human loss is just a temporary separation of spiritual beings that have shared the physical experience together. The bonds of love remain alive forever.” – James Van Praagh in Healing Grief Email exchange with Robert: Hi Robert, I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your sharing at our group meeting last night. Even though it was hard, I believe that it was good for you to release some of the strong emotions you have been carrying and it assures me that you are processing your grief in a healthy way. I think that, as human beings, we are made to grieve and to suffer – it really is part of the human condition. So what you shared helps me know that you are healing. It will be a long, slow and probably life-‐long process, but it is part of our life lesson and journey during our time here. I know more than ever that Sean and Kyle are constantly with us, and that we will be with them when our time here has passed (which is very fleeting). I hope you do not regret too much about the boys. I know that all of the time they spent with you was joyful for them. The few times that we were able to jam with Sean are priceless to me and I thank you for being the tech geek that you are and taping us, otherwise we never would have had that beautiful memory recorded. I have no regrets about the boys. I lived life with them just like I wanted to, and I believe they did the same with all of us.
I love you. M. My Dear Sister....... I was very hesitant to share because it was VERY personal to me. Especially my nightmares. Not that I am embarrassed or ashamed of them, but they are very personal to me. In fact, I hope to write some memoirs about them someday. Anyway, I thought it would be good for me to share these things. And I am glad I did. I see things so differently now, some very painful and some very inspirational. I thank Sean and Kyle for teaching me these new life lessons. I know that I have a lot to learn, and yes, they will be life long lessons. My regrets are simple......"I wish" I spent more time with the boys than I did. Although it bothers me because I felt a sense of closeness when I was with them, I feel a more tremendous sorrow for all the things I looked forward to seeing and doing with them. What do I think most of?.....playing music with Sean AND watching Kyle play football (high school, college, and yes, the NFL). I know I cannot change any of these things, but missing them is what I have to deal with. I AM happy that I took lots of pics and some video. As long as I live, I will have those things to look at and reflect on their wonderful lives here on earth. My memories of them will NEVER fade. I am so happy that you have no regrets and lived life with them the way you wanted it to be. For that, I am happy because they deserved you and you deserved them. Thank you so much for bringing them into my life. I love you and I will ALWAYS be here for matter what. There is nothing more important to me than our family. I love you too........................R It’s 11:36 pm. I am alone, without my beautiful sons. I cried more tears of pain, anguish and loss in their rooms. It still hurts so very much. I miss them beyond belief. Lord, take me from this realm soon. I know the time will pass quickly and I have much work to do to honor my boys. But it hurts so very much to be here, to be human. Help me please. Day 124 – Oct. 22, 2011 I wake with emptiness, but the boys are once again with me, esp. Sean. His neon green fills my field of vision so often. His presence is clear. Sean, my lovely sweet boy, you and Kyle will sustain me through this, won’t you? I know you will keep me going and keep me strong. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. It was very bright, the sun was shining, the grass was green and tall, and there were butterflies all around. I walked down to the well. I felt youthful, having the sense of a young mother. I recalled sensations of welcoming my sons into the world. I held my hand out over the well, and a ball of bright yellow/white energy hovered above them. I dropped it down into the well and when it hit bottom, light shot up into the sky. Everything turned a white light, almost translucent. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and Tiger with him. They walked with me up the path to the cliff and I got onto the cloud, then they followed. We rose up into the sky which was dark like space, but sparkling with stars and lights. We got to the U.R. and they got off the cloud first, then me. We walked around the clearing and met Michael on the other side. He looked at Tiger and seemed to say, “Oh, you brought another friend, very nice.” We continued on to the sanctuary. Panther and Tiger laid down on the grass off to the side. I waited, looking at the mist, and a
few seconds later, the boys emerged and Dillon was with them, staying close to Kyle. They walked over to me and said, “Hi Mom!” “Hi, guys!” We hugged briefly, then Kyle took off into the grass area with Dillon. They were playing, running, jumping, and Kyle was flipping. Sean stood close to me with his arm around my shoulder. “Look how tall you are now,” I said to him. He smiled. He had his head leaning on mine and there was a sense of him protecting me, taking care of me. “I am always watching over you, Mom, just like this.” “Thank you, honey. I know. I feel you.” We stood watching Kyle and Dillon, enjoying their playfulness and energy. After a little while, Kyle came over and put his arms around my waist and held me tightly while Sean stayed close on my right side. He rubbed Kyle’s head playfully, and Kyle said, “Hey!” They laughed. Then they said, “Let’s take Mom for a ride.” I said, “Ok, but not too high, you know I am a chicken.” “We got you, Mom.” They lifted me up into the air and we floated around the sanctuary, not too high. We floated over to Michael. Sean said, “Hey Michael, isn’t my mom doing great?” Michael nodded, smiled and said, “Yes, wonderfully, wonderfully.” We floated around to the other edge of the sanctuary where Dillon had laid down with Panther and Tiger. Kyle said, “Come on Dillon, it’s time to go.” Dillon got up and walked over to Kyle. We all walked to the edge of the mist. The boys turned to me and hugged me. “See you later, Mom. I love you, Mom. Love you, Mom.” “I love you my angels.” They both smiled at that, then I did too, realizing how accurate that title was for them. I used to call them “Angel” when I put them to bed. I would say, “Goodnight, angel.” They truly are now. I watched as they disappeared into the mist. Then I turned and walked over to Panther and Tiger and they got up and we walked over to Michael. We walked back to the garden, then Michael left us. We walked back to the cloud and got on. Tiger sat next to me and Panther was at my feet. We went back down to the cliff edge and got off the cloud, them first, then me. I walked with them down the path, then the two of them “hugged” me and went down the tree trunk. I walked back to the meadow and stood for a few moments taking in the beauty, and marveling at the feeling. It was so beautiful, so peaceful, such an amazing reality. But I knew I had to return to my body and the physical plane. I came back slowly then opened my eyes. I went to Otay Ranch High School today to give some of Kyle’s memorial football patches to Coach Gil. It was emotional and tear-‐filled for me to be on the field. It is still hard for me to get onto a football field. Then I went to Chula Vista High School to give patches to Coach Caesar and his team. I watched the first half of the game. I talked to Coach Ledesma who told me that he, like Gil, still has a hard time going onto the field. It is heartwarming to see and hear the love that so many people have for Kyle. I cried more tears as I left the game. It hurts so much still. There was so much promise in my boy as a person, as a human being, but I know he is good. I know he still thrives in the Upper Realm. Can’t wait to see him. Day 125 – Oct. 23, 2011 Last night I dreamt that I was talking on the phone to the boys’ father and I found out that the boys were still alive on Earth. I was upset and angry and wanted to talk to them. Sean got onto the phone and told me that they had been doing other stuff, and I got upset and said, “Why haven’t you been in school?” He did not reply and I got the sense that he felt bad or was upset that I got angry. The sense of their aliveness was so strong that it was not until I was waking up a little bit that I again realized that they are gone from this realm. The sense of loss fills me again. Last week I got a call from the radiology center telling me that my OB/GYN has requested additional views of my mammogram, so I need to go back for a follow up mammogram. It
made me think, “What if I have breast cancer, and I only have a little time left to live?” It was then that I realized that I don’t want to die yet. There are still a lot of things that I want to do in this lifetime. As much as I want to see my boys in the Upper Realm, I also want to live out my life here and enjoy the things that I am looking forward to experiencing. I felt some assurance in my journey with the boys yesterday that everything will be all right. When I hear the wind chimes in the backyard it makes me think that Kyle is talking to me. Day 126 – Oct. 24, 2011 I feel a lot of anxiety in my belly this morning. Last night I had trouble falling back to sleep but I called Sean and Kyle and they came to me and soothed me with their colors. I love you my angels! Day 127 – Oct. 25, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. Everything was very still and dim. I walked down to the well and held my hands out over the water. I dropped fine gravel down; there was no sound, no effect. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk and Panther came out to join me. We walked up the path to the cliff and boarded the cloud. We rose up into the sky and through the cloud cover. We got to the U.R. and walked into the clearing. I sat on the bench and a few minutes later Michael appeared. He looked at me with compassion, knowing that I have been down lately. Then I “dreamt” about being in a house. I was being shown around. I saw two rooms that were for the sons in the family, then a woman (maybe me?) said, “We don’t know if we will be able to stay here long.” Then the “dream” ended and I was back in the garden with Michael. We walked in to the sanctuary and waited by the edge watching the mist. Then the boys came out, with Lina behind them. Kyle hugged me first. I held him so tightly. He could sense my sadness. I conveyed to him about going to the football games and how hard it was for me. He understood. He held me so lovingly. Then I turned to hug Sean on my right. He took me in his arms and I laid my head on his chest. There was so much love and protection coming from him. Lina said she came to say hello and to let me know that they are all ok. I walked with the boys to the table and we all sat down. My focus seemed to be a little fuzzy. My concentration was weak. But I focused on feeling the boys’ energy and their embraces, their hair and skin. “I miss you guys so much. I am confused. I don’t understand why this has happened, why it has to be this way. I want to be with you. It is so hard for me.” They listened and were understanding and loving. I don’t remember if they had any reply. Shortly, it was time for me to go back. We all got up from the table and they walked me to the edge of the sanctuary. Kyle hugged me tightly again and put his head against mine. “I love you, Mom.” “I love you, honey.” Then Sean held me tightly and said, “I love you, Mom.” “I love you, sweetie.” They watched as I walked into the garden with Michael. I turned and saw them sitting back down at the table to eat some lychee fruits. I continued past the clearing, and Michael went the other way. Panther and I went back down on the cloud and I returned to the physical realm. “Although a soul’s most recent personality may be that of a child, it has been around for many lifetimes. Usually only an evolved soul will use a child’s short life for its growth. A soul’s short life on earth can only accelerate its growth.” – James Van Praagh in Growing Up In Heaven
Email to Rosemary Smith: Hi Rosemary, I want to share with you an experience I had which I believe is a lesson from my boys. As you know, my boys passed in June of this year. About a month or so after, I received a letter in the mail notifying me that I was due for my annual mammogram. At that point in time, I was still thinking about how I could leave this realm so I could be with my sons. I did not care about taking care of myself and even thought, "Well, if I get breast cancer, that would get me to the boys a lot faster." So I consciously decided NOT to call for an appointment, and I put the letter in my desk drawer. Several weeks later I had a dream that there was a lump in my left breast. When I woke up that morning, I felt that the dream was a message telling me to go for my mammogram, so that same day I called to make an appointment. I went in on October 14 for my exam, and it was business as usual. A few days later I got a call from radiology that they wanted me to come back for a follow up appointment so they could take a few more images. My journal entry on Oct. 23 was as follows: "Last week I got a call from the radiology center telling me that they need me to come back for additional views so I need to go back for a follow up mammogram. It made me think about, 'What if I have breast cancer, and I only have a little time left to live?' It was then that I realized that I don't want to die yet. There are still a lot of things that I want to do in this lifetime. As much as I want to see my boys in the Upper Realm, I also want to live out my life here and enjoy the things that I am looking forward to experiencing. I felt some assurance in my journey with the boys yesterday that everything would be alright." This morning I went in for my follow up appointment. The technician told me that she needed to take additional images of my left breast, and she said that I would probably have to have an ultrasound. I was a little nervous, but not too bad. After she took three images I sat in the waiting room while the radiologist reviewed the films. Then she asked me to come back in for one more image. After another image, I went back in the waiting room again, feeling conflicted about what news I was going to hear. So many thoughts raced through my head – if I have cancer, I will need to take care of all the logistics and finances so that everyone in my family is taken care of; if I don't have cancer, I guess that will be a relief; if I have cancer and it's not treatable, what a joy it will be to join Sean and Kyle; if I don't have cancer, I know I still have work to do here; the boys told me that everything would be alright, etc., etc., etc. . . . . Then the technician called me into another room to talk to the radiologist. He was a kind, older gentleman, who shook my hand. He said, "Thank you for coming back in. We just wanted to take a few more images, and make sure that we were not seeing anything abnormal. I looked at the additional images, and everything looks fine, I am not seeing anything of concern in the images." I did not have much to say – all I could think of is that my boys gave me a lesson. They showed me that I really do want to keep living, that I'm not ready to leave this realm yet. Rosemary, I am telling you this story because one of the thoughts that came to me while I was waiting was that I was "following in your footsteps." I remember how emotional and heart-‐wrenching it was to read your story in Children of the Dome and how not only had you lost your sons, but then you were diagnosed with breast cancer on top of that. The lessons you have been given in your life completely humble me. I am awed by your strength and courage. I kept thinking that you were somehow given to me as a role model. I was indeed fortunate that my follow up mammogram came back clear. But it was a
deep and valuable lesson that I learned. I know it came from Sean and Kyle. They confirmed for me that I am supposed to be here for a while longer, and that I really do want to live. I just felt the need to share this with you. Much love, Maria Day 128 – Oct. 26, 2011 Sean greeted me so warmly this morning with his beautiful neon green and his face imprint. It is so comforting to me when the boys come to me with so much love and caring. I am blessed with these two incredible souls. Day 129 – Oct. 27, 2011 Dreamt a lot about spirituality and, I believe, my purpose on Earth. There was a lot of guidance. Need to wait for it to come into my ordinary consciousness. Sean greets me again this morning with his beautiful green. Day 130 – Oct. 28, 2011 I dreamt a lot about Kyle last night. He was young, about 3 or 4, and he clung to me the way he used to when he was little. It felt so good to hold him and cuddle him. It reminded me so much of when he was little and he never wanted to leave my side. I could feel his beautiful smooth soft skin and smell his little baby boy smell. Oh, it was so wonderful! Thank you Kyle for giving me that feeling. I remember so well the overpowering love and affection you showed me. My heart bursts with love for you, my baby, my beautiful amazing Kyle! I look at the picture of you with Lina on your 1st birthday and I miss you both so much. I love you! Yesterday I had lunch with Vicki. It was a nice time and a very uplifting talk. It made me think about being in this soul group with Sean and Kyle. Perhaps I am having to endure their loss because they are trying to “boost” me up on the spiritual ladder, to get to where they are. This loss has been for my soul growth I am sure. The thought came into my mind and seemed to make sense to me. I am so blessed with the people in my life. I wonder who all is in my soul group, soul family? Sean and Kyle are soul mates for sure. The ways of the Universe are fascinating and mysterious! Journey to the Upper Realm Started in meadow. I felt young. I looked around. There were a lot of insects flying around, butterflies and other buzzing life. The air was fresh and light. I walked down the path to the well. The sky was blue, pale and luminous. I held my hands out over the well. They were filled with clear, bluish crystal pieces, small, like tiny rocks. I dropped them into the well. They hit the bottom and then light, popping, came up into the air. It was like pop rocks candy. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. I poked my head in, then Panther came out. We started to walk up the path, then Tiger poked his head through to greet me. “See you later, ok, Tiger?” He went back down into the tree trunk. I bent down and embraced Panther. I could feel his protective energy surging through me. We walked up the path to the cliff, then he got onto the cloud, and I followed. I pet his head gently as we rose into the sky. I could see the Earth below us, luminous green and blue, just like the boys’ colors. We broke through the cloud cover, and space with all of its bright stars opened above us. I could feel eternity and
infinity as I gazed up into the vast expanse. We got to the U.R., then got off the cloud and walked into the garden. Michael met us there. “Someday you are going to explain the whole suit thing to me,” I said and smiled at him. He smiled back. “You’re very businesslike,” he said. “Is that why you look the way you do?” I asked him. “Something like that,” he replied. “Is this what my path is supposed to be, am I supposed to be going to all these meetings and gatherings about spirituality and life after death?” “If it promotes your spiritual growth, if it feels right to you, yes. Yes, you should go to these events to learn more, to keep progressing.” “Ok, I will.” We walked into the sanctuary. The boys came out of the mist. Kyle bounded over to me. “Hi Mom! Mom, I was in your dreams this morning. I spent all that time with you.” “Oh, honey, thank you so much! And thank you for coming so young, the little baby boy that I could hug and kiss and who didn’t want to leave my side.” “It was nice, Mom.” He hugged me and kissed me, then flipped and jumped into the grass area. Sean “chased” him and teleported to “catch” him in an acrobatic stance, and I laughed at their antics. Then Sean came to me and put his arms around me. “Hi Mom.” “Hi buddy. What do you think of the stuff I am learning?” “It’s so great Mom, you are doing so much good work.” “What are you guys doing now?” “We are doing our work here Mom, and you are doing your work down there. We get into people’s heads and help them make good decisions.” “You know about the mural, right?” “Of course, Mom. It’s going to be so cool. It will help people in the evolution of their souls. Mom, don’t do too much, don’t overwhelm yourself with too much information. Just take it slow, a little at a time, whatever feels right. We are double-teaming people, you see, Mom? Me and Kyle up here and you down there. This is part of our soul growth too. This is part of our work.” “I am so blessed with you two.” “Mom, we are blessed with each other. We are all together to progress and grow in spirit. It is our path.” I nodded, I understood. They came to me and we formed a tight circle, a huddle. There was so much love. “I love you guys so much. I feel so much infinite love for you.” “We love you, Mom.” They seemed to laugh at the title of “mom,” knowing that it is an earthly need and that we are actually soul mates. “Will I learn more from you about our past lifetimes together, how we were related in other lives?” “Yes, Mom, but not yet, not now. Just take it slow, learn a little at a time.” “So is it ok for me to learn about soul planning and past life regressions?” “Yes, Mom, it’s good for you to learn about all of those things. It’s all part of your spiritual growth and your path.” I felt so calmed and reassured. We walked over to the edge of the sanctuary and they hugged me goodbye. “I love you, Mom.” “Love you Mar Mar.” “I’ll see you guys later.” “Ok, Mom.” Then they bounced and bounded off into the mist. I walked with Michael and Panther into the garden, and Michael said goodbye. Then Panther and I continued to the cloud, got on and started our descent. We went down facing backwards so we got a good view of “eternity.” I felt happy, re- energized by the boys, by love, by the sense of infinity and eternity of being. What a fantastic journey today. When we got back to the cliff, we got off the cloud and walked back to the tree trunk. Panther went down and I continued into the meadow and returned to my physical body. Day 131 – Oct. 29, 2011 It has been a day that feels almost “normal.” The football games on tv serve as an emotional reminder of Kyle and his potential, but I am ok with it, knowing that my boy is happy and well and excelling, and that he has served and continues to serve an important purpose here on Earth. I love you Kyle!
Day 132 – Oct. 30, 2011 Last night I dreamt of the inter-‐connectedness of all things and the harmony of the Universe. I miss my boys so much. Day 133 – Oct. 31, 2011 Today is Halloween, Sean’s favorite holiday of the year. I’m sure it would have been the Green Lantern this year. I miss you so much, Sean, my beautiful wonderful son, now my guardian angel. I love you so much! Watching the Charger game and thinking about my boy. I miss you Kyle! I miss my football “computer” but I feel you with me. NOVEMBER 2011 Day 134 – Nov. 1, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down the path to the well. I held my hands out and slowly dropped fine white sand down. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and we walked up the path to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We rose up through the cloud cover to the U.R. As we rose, I had the sense of closeness to the U.R. It's closer and closer for me each day. We got off the cloud and walked into the garden. Michael met us and we walked into the sanctuary. The boys were waiting for me. They were very calm and serene. “Mom, we were watching over you yesterday when you were home sick.” “I know guys, I got the sense of you looking down on me and touching my hair. Then you looked at each other and said, ‘She's going to be ok, she just needs to rest.’" They smiled. They knew that my connection to them and the U.R. is becoming easier and more clear. I can start to sense them better on Earth realm. They held me and caressed my hair. They knew that I was not feeling very good. I started to ask them about my life lessons. They said, “Why don't we ask Michael to help you?” I said, “Okay.” So we asked Michael to join us. I looked at him for guidance. He said: “Part of your life lesson is to see yourself as an eternal soul, like the boys.” Sean and Kyle smiled at me. “You are learning that lesson very quickly. You are also a good role model for others there on Earth because of how quickly you have gotten in touch with your soul. You are there to teach and help others. You are also to learn how to be compassionate towards others who may repel you. You are to learn how to be among many of the people that you may find undesirable. You are to learn forgiveness and non-judgment.” I turned to Sean. “What about what happened to you two?” He was quiet but serious. "He was learning lessons too. He made choices." I started to cry. “He took you from me! He took you from me!” “Mom, no one can ever take us from you. You have already learned that by seeing your eternal soul and seeing us here in the Upper Realm. We can never be separated. You have that deep knowing inside of you – don't you?” “Yes, honey, yes I do, but it hurts and it's hard for me to be on Earth without you.” “We know Mom, it's ok for you to be sad, that is part of what you must feel in human form, but we are here, we are together always and into eternity. You KNOW that.” “Yes, yes, I do honey.” Kyle smiled at me, his face and eyes were beaming with happiness and the knowledge of our eternal nature. He knew that I knew too. We held each other tightly in a group hug. They touched my hair, they knew I felt yucky and sick, and it made me more emotional. They did not feel bad about my tears. They said, “When you come here, Mom, you will not have to feel sadness, grief, loss or pain anymore. You will just feel what we feel, pure love and joy.” “You guys give me so much, I love you so much.” “We love you, Mom.” They turned towards the mist and walked together, their arms over each
other's shoulders. They were so peaceful and all knowing. I walked towards Michael and he took my hand. We walked into the garden where Panther had laid down in the clearing. He got up and joined me. Michael stood as we got onto the cloud. As the cloud started to leave the U.R. I looked at Michael and he smiled at me with reassurance. We descended through the cloud cover and got to the cliff. We got off the cloud and walked down the path. At the tree trunk Panther nuzzled my hand then went down. I walked into the meadow and returned to the physical plane. Day 135 – Nov. 2, 2011 Tears of grief in the middle of the night, and tears of grief in the middle of the day. But I embrace it, I “hug” it as Sean and Kyle told me to do. It feels sad, but I am glad to feel the depth of love that I feel for them, even if it sometimes means tears. So much love and support from my friends and colleagues. I can’t believe sometimes how giving people can be. You get what you give! I hope to have some new basketball courts for Kyle’s school. The love and support is overwhelming and so heartening. Day 136 – Nov. 3, 2011 Tired and still sick, but finally back home. It is so hard to be around so many people, in the airport, in the plane, on the bus, so many unconscious souls. It’s draining, but I try to keep my perspective and be forgiving and nonjudgmental. Day 137 – Nov. 4, 2011 Kyle came in my dreams last night. He was sad. He said, “I miss my dad.” I started to cry and said, “I miss your dad too.” Yesterday I felt sad about Tom. I had loved him very deeply at one time. I felt sad that I had not been able to help him. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down the path to the well. Everything was so bright and beautiful. I held my hands out over the well and “fluff” floated around. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Tiger’s head was poking out. Then Panther emerged. I looked at Panther. “What’s with the Tiger?” “He is one of your animal guides, you know that.” “Yeah, I do.” We walked up the path to the cliff edge and boarded the cloud. We rose up and I looked down to see Earth so blue and green and beautiful. We rose through the cloud cover, and space opened up above us. It was full of bright twinkling stars and lights. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud. Michael was waiting for us around the clearing. He nodded to me and saw that I was still sick. We walked into the sanctuary and the boys emerged from the mist. They were young men, so handsome, confident and wise. They hugged me. “Hi Mom.” “Hi guys.” “You’re still sick Mom, you need to rest.” “I will babe, I just want to be with you. I love the way it feels up here, the energy is so good.” “You are doing so good Mom, you have no idea of your soul’s strength and power. We see it, you are absolute magnificence.” “I am so proud of you guys.” “Mom, you are incredible. Do you see the effect you have in your sphere of influence? All the people you have touched and changed?” “I know babe, but it is still hard to be around a lot of people, we all have so much growth to do.” “It’s ok Mom, just be with and talk to those people that are near you, that are brought into your path. You don’t have to change huge numbers of people. You just need to keep talking to people around you. Remember, one person at a time. And for all the other people, remember what Jesus said, ‘Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.’” They held me and I could feel their energy infusing me. I could sense their skin and hair and feel them so close to me. They said,
“You should rest, Mom.” “I know guys, I am.” They said, “You are doing a lot of good things down there, Mom, but remember they are all impermanent. The basketball courts are for the purpose of changing attitudes and perspectives, not just for having basketball courts for the school. The mural is for changing people’s thoughts, beliefs and the way they are toward each other. Remember, Mom, the greater purpose for all that you are doing down there. It is not to glorify us, it is to make people think differently, to start seeing what we, as people and souls, are all about.” “You guys are so wise, so phenomenal.” “We are the same, Mom, we are all together, we are one. Now go and rest, ok?” “I love you Sean. I love you Kyle.” “I love you Mom,” they both said. They stood arm in arm and watched as I walked out of the sanctuary with Michael. Then Panther and I continued to the cloud and came back down to the meadow. I then returned to the physical realm. Day 138 – Nov. 5, 2011 I woke up in the middle of the night with a dream that scared me. It felt like I was losing the boys again. They were younger and I was supposed to be getting them from Tom so I could take them to McDonald’s. It was becoming clear to me that they were being hidden away. The feelings of panic, desperation and horror woke me up and I could feel my heart beating fast and my breathing increased. It was an ugly feeling and I had to focus on calming myself and feeling the boys. I felt them, esp. Kyle, later in my sleep. Just finished watching the HBO documentary, Living in the Material World, about George Harrison. So many senses, feelings and energies of Sean! What an amazing man George Harrison was. How did Sean lead me to watch this? “Give me peace, give me hope, give me love on earth.” – George Harrison Day 139 – Nov. 6, 2011 Feelings of my boys during sleep, a sense of happiness. A garden? The Beatles? Whatever it was, it felt good. I love you Sean and Kyle! You mean everything to me. You have taught me so much! I could feel Sean greeting me this morning with his neon green in my vision. It gives me so much comfort. I think of the two of you all the time. I miss you fiercely. I feel you with me. God bless you my beautiful sons, my amazing soul mates! I feel so crushed, so shattered, so absolutely devastated. I give up. I surrender. Lord, I want you to take me. I can’t endure this existence much longer. I don’t care anymore. I don’t have anything left in me to give to anyone. What did I do? Why is this my fate? What more can I possibly get out of life? All meaning has been ripped away from me. What’s the use? Day 140 – Nov. 7, 2011 For the first time in a while, I woke up with the ache and grief in the pit of my stomach. I feel hopeless again. This loss is just too much to bear. I want to leave this realm. The boys came to me in my dreams last night. They were young boys, so cute, so loving, so affectionate. I could feel their skin and hair. It makes it all the more difficult to be in this physical plane. The contrast and reminders of loss are all around me all the time. Everyone has their lives, their kids, their futures. I have lost all that means anything to me. I know I am supposed to learn that in reality I have really lost nothing, but the human condition creates these intense challenges, and I break down under the strain. I want to hide away and not face any of it. I just want to close my eyes and sleep, and make it all go
away. Oh Sean! Oh Kyle! I need your help again so badly. I need your strength, your assurances, your love. I struggle with these tests. Day 141 – Nov. 8, 2011 I slept better last night. Tony’s love and affection always help me feel more at peace. Not a moment goes by that I don’t think about Sean and Kyle. They are such a huge presence in my life. I am seeing now what impact they have on me. I have never loved anything or anyone more than those two souls. But I am baffled by my life plan. Is this the ultimate test for me? Will I be able to achieve the soul growth that I need to move up the spiritual ladder? God, I hope so. I pray that I can endure this suffering for the rest of my life here. Time seems to crawl and I keep waiting and preparing for the transition to the Other Side, as George Harrison said, preparing for death. It will be a release like no other. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. I was wearing a beautiful white dress, an old Roman style, and I was so youthful. I walked down to the well. I held out my hands and they were full of flowers, the colors of Sean and Kyle – blue, yellow and purple. I let them drop and they floated down to the bottom of the well where they landed softly on the water and floated on top. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came up and we walked up the path to the cliff. He liked my dress and appearance and seemed to “smile” with love. He got onto the cloud first, then I sat down next to him. I had a glow around me, like I was an expectant mother. We went up and through the cloud cover. Space opened up and I felt the Father. I heard, “I love you, I am always with you.” I started to cry with the feelings of love and knowing. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud. As we walked into the garden and the clearing, Michael met us. He looked at me and conveyed, “You felt the Father.” I nodded and he took my hand. He was so full of love and support. We walked into the sanctuary. I could sense the boys on the other side of the mist, kind of “hiding” until I got there. When I entered the sanctuary, they “popped” out of the mist. “Mom! Hi Mom!” “Hi guys!” Kyle was excited, and they both hugged me. Kyle said, “Mom, you saw my friends yesterday. You gave them the patches. You honor me, Mom.” “Oh, honey, I honor you so much.” “I honor you, Mom!” I turned to Sean and he smiled at me, sending his happy thoughts about Patrick’s mural drawing of him. “You are doing so many things to honor us, Mom.” “I love you boys so much. I have never loved anything so much in my life.” “See how it just keeps growing, Mom? See how you are learning more and more all the time?” We went to sit down at the table. They had me scoot in first into the middle, then Kyle did a backflip into the seat on my right and Sean teleported into the seat on my left. I laughed at their playfulness. Then they started peeling lychee fruits and tossing them across the table into each other’s mouths. “Hey Sean, catch!” “Kyle, here’s one for you!” I was laughing with so much joy. “What have you guys been doing?” “Well, we have been watching over you, Mom.” “I know, I’ve been sick.” “We have been helping other people, you know, Conner, Alicia, Uncle Bert. A lot of people send us vibrational energy and we try to respond to them.” “You guys are so amazing.” Kyle said, “You look so beautiful, Mom.” I smiled. “But you know we see your soul, we see you as you really are, not just your physical form. Whenever we ‘look’ at you, we see your true beauty.” Then they said, “You saw the Father, huh?” “Yes.” They laughed. Then Sean said, “He’s the ‘man,’ the big guy. We don’t really ‘see’ him in the sense of sight. You sensed him, Mom. We see him with our hearts, our souls. Up here, we are close to him, he is always with us. It’s harder for you all down there because there is so much solid matter. You have to try harder to feel connected to him. You have your eyes and your brain that block the connection. But you are doing so good, Mom.
You ‘feel’ him and sense him.” They seemed to use “him” as a generic term, like there was no accurate word to describe the Source, the Creator. After a little while, Michael came near. Sean took a lychee fruit and said, “Hey Michael!” then tossed it to him, aiming for his mouth. Michael caught it with his hand and then shook his head, amused. The boys broke out laughing. They both got up from the table, then I came out on the left. I stood next to Sean. He hugged me tightly then whispered in my ear, “I love you, Mom.” Then I turned and hugged Kyle. He held me tight and said, “I love you, Mom.” They stood watching as I turned to go with Michael, then they ran off, laughing and playing. I walked with Michael out of the sanctuary and Panther joined us. Michael held my hand and looked at me knowingly and with love, then he turned to go. Panther and I continued to the cloud. I got on first then Panther sat down and put his head on my lap. On my way back down, I felt the Source again, the Father. It was like a blanket of love and protection being laid over me as we descended. “I will always be there for you, I will never let anything ‘bad’ happen to you.” Panther and I got back down to the cliff, but for a few moments I was still seeing us from above, like I was not ready to come down from the U.R. or the higher energy levels. Finally I came down and we got off the cloud and walked down the path. Panther started to go down the tree trunk. “Bye Panther.” I walked into the meadow. As I prepared to return to the physical plane, the meadow filled up with blue, yellow and purple flowers, the plants rose up higher, surrounding me, hugging me. My boys hugging me. Then I came back to my physical body. Excerpts from reading with psychic Pam Crane PC: So the year that you’re in is called the devil’s playground. So you get to decide what’s keeping you in bondage. So, as you’re going through this next year, it started on your birthday this year, carries you through to your birthday next year, you’re going to ask yourself what’s holding me in bondage? Do I have too much on my plate? What do I want to get out of? So you’re going to be asking yourself all those questions all the way through to your birthday. You’ve gotta know when to say no or you’re just going to implode or explode. Now every four months you’re going to turn a corner, so it’s from July to November, November to March, March to your birthday, so where you are right now as of November the fourth, you’ve had a shift of some kind, and you’re looking at what is love, looking at what’s important to you, trying to find some sense of peace, trying to find contentment, and nothing’s in your control by the way. So mystery’s going to take care of everything. By the time we get to March the 4th, some things should be taken care of all through mystery, so suspend decision-‐making if at all possible. So you’re going to be doing a lot of waxing and waning until we get to March of next year. Inside you, things are changing. Philosophies are changing. Not everybody knows what’s going on inside of you. So what you’re doing is you’re going through a recalibration. So wait and see until you’re absolute because you’re going to go through some pretty major changes. And what you’re simply doing is making adjustments internally. So you have to look through these lenses, suspending decision-‐making, letting mystery show you what it is that you should do next. You’re saying who am I, what am I about, what’s important to me, what are my convictions? . . . Do you have children? What are their birthdays? MP: May 9, 1996 and February 4, 1998. PC: Now your 5/9 child is in the cycle of caught in misconceptions. He is not understanding what’s going on. He’s in a cycle of misconceptions, truths are not being told. And also needing to deal with any type of healing or anything that needs to take place. So were they taken away or did they walk away? MP: They were taken away.
PC: So the 5/9 is probably trying to understand what’s taken place, trying to understand the truth because that child needs to tell the truth and needs to hear the truth. Your 2/4 child is actually in the wheel of fortune. So your babies were taken away. And you know that’s one of the most important things for you coming to the planet, is your children. And they will give you some of your most vulnerable moments, your children will, because they make you feel. So your Taurus baby is actually maybe going to get to the root, or they’re going to get to the root. Now your little Aquarian baby is called the Christ child so that child will always feel as if they’re being put upon like it’s their fault. So your May child was a great warrior, a fighter, gets it from Mom probably. So when did the babies go away? Did you have something happen? MP: June 21. PC: June 21. The feeling is it’s going to balance out, and you have a little bit of chaos in your chart this year, and you feel in bondage to your situation, but I think what’s going to happen, there’ll be some type of an awakening that takes place, so just kind of trust in mystery a little bit, because what you have in your chart is, and it’s probably a little crazy for you to be in the situation that you’re in because I know you want to retaliate a little bit, because there’s your soul card, your little warrior. I’ll have to look at your ex who’s got the children. Does he have the children, your ex? MP: Well, no, I wouldn’t say that he has them. PC: Someone else has them. MP: They’re with God. PC: They’re gone. MP: I’m just trying to understand why. PC: This is probably why you have this in your chart right now, because it would have just happened. On June the 21st? Ok, let me look at that date for you. They were taken away from you. MP: By my ex-‐husband. He killed them, and then himself. PC: They may leave your home and leave your sphere of existence through death, birth, divorce, or other occurrences. It should have happened before your birthday and it did, and a new lifestyle introduced for all. So this is spirit talking to you and it says not to judge where you are and what’s taken place, not to judge it, that there is something coming in for you that will give you some sense of peace. But this is what you’re actually going through, which means it’s major upheaval, all the sediment from the bottom of the tank is coming up.21 You’re going through chaos, it’s all internal. It means that no one knows what’s going on inside of your body. No one knows what’s going on, only you know, and sometimes you don’t even know. So this is the unseen, the unknown. This is the one, two, three losses and needing to look at where you’re going. And find balance. There’s the angelic realm connecting with you. You’re connected to the super subconscious and the God particle and the center of the Universe, you’re connected to all of that. You have already travelled through the Angelic realm, that’s what you’re connected to. Is your mom here for you? MP: No, she’s on the other side. PC: So your mom is in here. She’s received them and even though you feel alone, imagine that they’re in her care, in her hands and in her care. It doesn’t matter what your relationship was with your mom, there’s a clearing here, and just imagine that there is a connection. You feel a little trapped in your thinking because you’re a little unclear and you 21 She was referring to Tarot card XVI called The Tower and often interpreted to signify chaos, sudden change and disruption.
feel a little challenged. Pay attention to your intuition. And watch for magic to happen. It’s going to take some time, but there is peace coming in, and if you feel like you’re in good hands with the people that love and care about you and support you, they will not know what is going on inside of you, but they will love and care for you as best they can and that’s part of your emotional experience, being here on the planet, is to have these connections with people who will make you feel, and that will make you feel because they’ll love you. And even though you might feel somewhat separated from people energetically, just let the energy from them permeate. Now this tells me too that you feel like you need to make a decision about something. You’re not sure what you’re supposed to do, but you want to make a decision. If you can let mystery show you what you’re supposed to do next and suspend decision-‐making and wait for it to land, when it lands on your stoop, you’ll go, oh, that’s what I need to do. Because I don’t think you need to make it as soon as you think you need to make it. Because actually you’re in time out until we get to March the 4th next year. So mystery’s going to take care of everything. So if you can suspend, you’ll be better off just letting the system work for you right now. MP: Everything at least on the external world is very stable. PC: And it’s all the internal stuff that’s coming up and that’s probably what you’re in bondage to. I’m not sure what this feeling is that I’m having and you might want to just stay with it. Let your friends be your friends when they need to, let Antonio be there for you when you need it and until you finish, until you complete this cycle. It’s all tied to family. Anybody have a head injury, or . . .? MP: They were both shot in the head. PC: I just wanted you to know that it was quick. MP: I know, I do know that. PC: Because I don’t have any pain in my head. And I think that maybe your ex-‐husband didn’t go as quickly or something. I think he was kind of, I think it took a while for him to really do what he wanted to do to himself. I don’t think it was instant. Your life now is going to be very new, very fresh. You’re going to be asking a lot of questions of the Universe. You’re going to be asking a lot of questions of God and the more that you ask God the questions, the more answers you will have, and it might be that you don’t have specific answers, you’ll have specific feelings that come in. So one day you may wake up and you’ll have some type of an understanding, and then the following day you may go down again and ask that same question and then there’s going to be a layering and a lot of layering that’s going to be going on. Don’t be afraid to call in and ask for some type of message, don’t be afraid to call in something greater than yourself, don’t be afraid to call in and see something that maybe you need to see that would give you some type of peace, don’t be afraid to hear from your children because you CAN hear from your children. MP: Yeah, I do journey to see them. PC: And know that however you’re doing your journey work, it’s probably absolute, it’s probably a lot more real than being here. MP: Yeah, it is. It’s hard to come back. PC: It’s hard to come back, but you need to come back because then your children will make you come back. MP: Yes, they hold me to my word. PC: Be open to having those experiences with your children and to be okay to come back and to live. But you’re going to be in this cycle specifically designed for you, and then you’ll see the blessing after that. So you’ll have your blessings, they probably will not click in until after your birthday next year. . . . I don’t know what your gift is going to be, but I know
that there’s a gift there, but you take your time getting there and go through your recalibration. I think that your children are probably going to give you some type of relief and be with you and maybe someone or your mom or someone will come into your dreams. But you’re going to go through this for a while, because you’re in bondage. If you can really connect with that cosmos, that connection, and I don’t know what the bliss is in all of this. What happened when you were 30? Remember what was going on when you were 30? MP: That’s when I met the father of my children. PC: He was supposed to bring you bliss, your babies. MP: Well, that’s how I got them. They were my bliss, definitely. And sometimes I think about . . . regretting that . . . how did I ever meet this man, but then I think there’s no way I could have had these beautiful children. I mean, they were everything to me, everything. And there’s no way I could have had them without him. PC: And your ruling number’s 30. And the 30th card in the deck is bliss. Bliss that brings in children. It’s a marriage card, so you were destined to marry him. Now your compatibility with your ex-‐husband is called the mystery card which means mysterious things will happen. It’s a relationship of tests and challenges and it’s a working relationship, and it’s a relationship that you work through until the end of time. That’s your compatibility. And it’s certainly brought in mystery. What are the boys’ names? MP: Sean Robert Fuchs and Kyle Joseph Fuchs. Kyle’s the younger. He’s my baby. PC: Sean was 15 and Kyle was 13. Sean was ruled by integrity and Kyle was adventurous, so I see a lot of new beginnings here. And also knowing that, I think that Kyle’s going to kind of walk the walk with you and Sean’s going to hold the space for you, so the space will be from Sean and then Kyle’s gonna kind of carry you to that place where you feel like you can see a little bit more clear. So the boys will be there, you know, one’s pushing and one’s pulling. One’s going “Momma,” and the other one’s going “okay,” and they’re going to take you that way so just imagine they’re kind of walking in front of you and behind you. MP: Since I have a soul connection with my ex-‐husband does that mean that there’ll be something else going on in the future with him? PC: Yeah, there will be a conditioning. It will be complete when you get there, you won’t have to come back again with him. MP: I won’t have to come back with him? PC: No. I think that they’re going to have him do a little time out, but you know, when you come from diving in the very deep, deep waters and you have to come up to decompress . . . I think they have him in a decompression tank or chamber. MP: Because of what he did? PC: Yeah, because of what he did. Now I’m going to tell you something. You guys probably had contracts together coming to the planet, for you to have your human experience. It was scripted. And the boys picked you, they picked you as mommy and daddy. They were not conscious of the act and the consequence, they were not conscious of it. There’s no consciousness knowing of this, it’s totally the unconscious or the subconscious mind. If you consciously knew that this was going to happen, you would not have let it happen. So when I look at the blueprint, which is actually the matrix, I see . . . . And this is not to take away from what you experienced at all, this is not to take away from what you have experienced in your conscious state. This is just to let you know that there are contracts, everyone has contracts, and this is what it looks like your contract was, and the contract with the children, but it’s not to take away from the experience at all, not at all. MP: I don’t think it could, because the emotion is just too much.
PC: They put you in a very emotional body. Your body is more emotional than most bodies. You were an Aquarian before, and they’re detached. Your ex-‐husband was an Aquarian before, and he was detached. Your youngest son was a Pisces, sensitive, your other son was an Aries, strong. So if you bring that into this lifetime, you can’t detach in this one, and that’s why you can’t detach from what you’re experiencing, and no one will know how you feel, no one unless they are from the time period that you came from would ever know what you feel. MP: So Tom would know because he’s from my time period? PC: Yeah, that’s how he knew to push buttons. He knew how this would affect you. He had to have known how this would affect you. He had to have known that it would be so visceral, it would be so deep, it would be so to the core, because he came from that time and space with you. You agreed to that, but that’s the unconscious mind that agreed, not the conscious. And there’s nothing that anyone can say, they can’t say that they know how you feel because there’s no way that they do, no way. MP: Ok, now what am I supposed to do? PC: You’re supposed to recalibrate. MP: But recalibrate to what? PC: We don’t know who you’re going to be tomorrow. Your body is going through this, it’s called the Tower of Babel which means we don’t know who you are, you don’t know who you are yet, you’re trying to wrap your head around it, you’re trying to wrap your heart around it, we don’t know who you are, so we don’t want you to do anything different than what you have going on right now. Allow people to love and support you until you come through all of this because you’re in the middle of it. You’re not out of it yet. You actually went into it hard core two weeks before your birthday. That’ s when you went into it. It’s always two weeks before your birthday, or two weeks after your birthday that you go into a particular cycle. You went into this cycle two weeks before your birthday which is when your children left, and now you have a whole year of that since your birthday. You’re not going to be out of it until summer of next year, but you’re going to start feeling a little bit of peace I think in springtime. You’re going to be able to take some deep breaths, you’re going to be able to maybe have those connections that you need to have with your children, and have that connection maybe with your ex-‐husband. You’re going to be able to have those connections, but you’re going to have to go through this. It’s like coming out of a valley. MP: Do you know how long I have to stay here? PC: You’re going to be here a while. MP: Why? PC: Because they’re trying to bring back to you what you lost. And it’s going to take time for them to bring things back to you that you lost. And they want to give you a long time to go through this recovery and receive the blessings. They want to give back. MP: Did you say earlier that I wouldn’t have to come back after this? PC: No, you’re done. MP: But what about my boys, then? Where are they? PC: They’re already there. Because they chose you as their parent, they chose you. MP: And Tom? PC: Yes. So this is how you can justify your children leaving, for just a moment. I believe on an unconscious level they chose it. MP: Why can’t I go there already? PC: Because they want to get you into a state of bliss, because your ruling card is bliss. They’re trying to get you back to a state of bliss so that you can actually leave on a happier
note. They’re trying to say, let’s get her back to a state of bliss so that we don’t have to take her into a decompression chamber. MP: Who’s saying that? PC: Your people. MP: Sean and Kyle? PC: Yes, your soul group. And they’re in the Angelic realm where you came from. MP: Are they with Tom? PC: Tom’s in decompression. MP: So, they’re not with him right now? PC: They’re with your mom probably. They’re in the light, they’re in the light. MP: They’re happy. PC: They’re very happy, they’re in the light. But it takes time to get to the point of saying, ok, I think I know what this is about, but your life will not be the same, ever, ever, ever, again, but you’ll be closer to the light. Notes from Your Soul’s Plan by Robert Schwartz: Death of A Loved One • As eternal beings, we are well aware of the purposes of our lives before we incarnate. When we are born and cross the veil between the physical and nonphysical, we forget – in some instances permanently, in some temporarily – the reasons why we came here. Life challenges often serve to remind us of our purpose. • On the other side we don’t experience negative emotions like we do here. There is an absence of duality or opposites in the spiritual realm. We can experience ourselves as peace, joy, and love in spirit and on Earth, but only through an incarnation can we truly understand “lower vibration” feelings like anger and hatred. In that experience, however painful it might be, we birth the knowing of our true selves. • Empathy and compassion can be tremendous growth that results in a state of grace. It is a knowing that becomes part of who you are and it never goes away. • The physical expression of divinity is a driving force behind the soul’s decision to enter the Earth plane. • Our souls contain the consciousness of every personality they have ever incarnated. • When you understand impermanence, when you understand that change is truly the only constant in a space-‐time continuum, then you understand that losses come and go. • The personality is created by the soul, the higher self. The personality is the illusion that is required on Earth in this space-‐time to learn the lessons. For without a body and without time, there are lessons that cannot be learned. • Take the deaths, make them meaningful, allow for their transience, and complete life with those lessons as part of what makes you whole, not what makes you broken. Take the pain, learn from it objectively, then take the newfound strength and reach out to those who have lost their children. Give them the same ease and the understanding that the loss is transient and that they can extract the good things from the life and incorporate them into the years left on Earth. • What souls learn they teach others by being guardian angels and spirit guides. In the personality, what is learned must be left to others, be it one person or a book that reaches the whole world. We do not and cannot complete our cycle of physical lifetimes until we have left our accumulated wisdom on the Earth plane.
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Learn to pierce the veil. None are ever truly lost. If you knew that by stretching your faculties you could reach the souls of those who love you, would you feel the loss as much? They are no longer with you to go on picnics, but they can still see. Affection for souls does not die. When one is lost, all that needed to be gained has been gained from that personality. Sometimes short lives are chosen when a soul wishes to accelerate its growth. There are no simple answers; all lives are interconnected. This is why planning is required before incarnation – to make sure that the life weavings benefit all for the lessons they wish to learn. The ascended masters are souls of finer vibrations. Part of our growth as souls is to reach that kind of understanding and ability to assist others. Life is based on love and service. There is nothing else. Certain souls at their level of growth need things completely planned. As a soul is older, it is more willing to leave many doors open for choice. You would not expect a soul going through its first incarnation on Earth to be able to leave as much to chance as a soul who has done this many, many times. Not all souls are equal in advancement. Not all methodologies for creating personalities and karma are the same. We who are immortal cannot know death, but we can create the illusion of it on the physical plane. This illusion is not part of our lives in the nonphysical realm, where we are ever aware of both our eternality and our unity with all souls. The personality’s perceived separation from others, a seemingly immense gulf, is in truth its own creation as an infinite being. By forgetting that you planned before birth to immerse yourself in an illusion of your own design, you may now recall – and thus know more profoundly—what it means to be limitless. As you reach across the veil, you remember that separation is illusory. Contained within that memory is yet another: the memory of self as an eternal, powerful soul. While enveloped in perceived separation from your loved ones, you also experience and thus come to know yourself as trust and faith. You can touch other dimensions through an inner knowing, a knowing birthed and deepened by pain. If loved ones did not appear to be absent or deceased, what would it mean to trust and have faith that they are ever present and that their lives are endless? Of doubt is truly meaningful trust born; in uncertainty is real faith created. Each time you choose to pierce the veil and feel the love that they continue to send to you, you take another step toward understanding the illusion, the transience, of physical death. To understand the illusion of loss while in body is to understand in an expanded way the impossibility of loss in spirit. We are never without our loved ones, and they are never without us. When your lifetime is complete, having felt apparent loss and seeming impermanence to your very core, you will return to spirit and share with them a new and more profound appreciation for the permanence of their lives and love. Just as the circumstances of this incarnation engender a feeling-‐knowing of trust and faith in you, so do they allow you to experience yourself as empathy and compassion. The depth of your empathy and the intensity of your compassion are forged by your own dark night of the soul. After you leave the physical plane, you will carry that heightened self-‐knowing into spirit, where it will remain part of your soul long after the pain that made it possible has faded into the recesses of time. 114
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As you heal and help others to heal, you will forge within yourself a feeling of centeredness and balance, an inner stillness that contrasts markedly with the raw, intense emotions that accompany death. The soul seeks to balance in subsequent incarnations what has been left unbalanced. Loss, by your own design, motivates you to shift gradually from personality to soul consciousness. The loss of the people for whom you played the role of mother calls you into recollection of yourself as something more. Your life blueprint asks you to know yourself in the same way you now know your sons – as eternal souls. For the soul, grief is an expression of love, and every expression of love is healing. Far more important than what we do is the frequency at which we do it. Mourning is most healing when it is a natural, spontaneous expression of emotion. Spirit never abandons us in our grief, and no one mourns alone. The solitary mourner is surrounded and embraced by a caring family of spirit guides, angels and the departed, whose love for us is transcendent. Bodies die; love does not.
Day 142 – Nov. 9, 2011 Depths of despair last night and this morning. Every human being I see is a painful reminder to me of my loss. I hate this place. I want to leave this realm so badly but I know I cannot willfully leave. Otherwise, I may never get to be with my boys and I will have to come back here for another cycle of life. I need to find some meaning in what has happened. This will be my quest and project for the rest of my life, I know. The thought is so daunting, so depressing. What kind of existence is this? Just finished seeing James Van Praagh. It was really interesting and inspiring. It confirms for me the reality of the Upper Realm and the mysterious and awesome Spirit world. I know I am on the right path and learning all that I can to fulfill my purpose here on Earth. Day 143 – Nov. 10, 2011 Sean came in strong this morning to my field of vision as I was becoming conscious (ordinary consciousness). His beautiful neon green wash comforted me as I came back into the dense physical realm. Thank you my amazing guardian angel son! As Allison Dubois said: “He’s like your angel, he watches over you. Sean makes sure you’re safe. He worries about you ‘cause he was supposed to take care of you. He feels like he should have taken care of you and been here. . . . You know they hang out together, they’re fine, they feel like somehow they save other people’s lives and they’re referencing saving others’ lives. People learn from their stories and they’re more careful, and why they lived, and so they’re just letting you know that they’re doing good things. It wasn’t for nothing. It saved others’ lives.” Tonight the cable box was showing “21”. It usually displays the time. Thanks Kyle! Day 144 – Nov. 11, 2011 Woke up and the cable box was still showing “21” so we turned it on, and it was C-‐Span which no one watches. Love you Kyle! On our way to Scottsdale today. Day 145 – Nov. 12, 2011 Here in Flagstaff with Alicia.
Day 146 – Nov. 13, 2011 Visited Sedona today. At the Chapel of the Roses vortex I lit two candles for the boys. I miss you guys so very much. I love you with all my soul and being. Day 147 – Nov 14, 2011 Driving back to San Diego. It was a relaxing and wonderful time with Tony. Day 148 – Nov. 15, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. The grass was tall. I walked down to the well and held my hands out above it. Fine white sand slipped from my hands down into the water. The sky was pale, everything was still and calm. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. I waited a few seconds, then Panther came out. I knelt down and hugged him. I could feel his loving energy. He knew that I have been hurting. We walked up the path to the cliff. He got onto the cloud first, then me. We rose up into the sky. We reached the U.R. and got off the cloud and walked into the garden clearing. Panther laid down on the ground, and I sat down on the bench. Shortly, Michael appeared. He looked at me with love, understanding and compassion. He also knew that I have been hurting. We walked into the sanctuary. It was very peaceful. There were birds and insects all around; it was full of life. We stood to the right, waiting, and looking at the mist. Then the boys came out. They put their arms around me. “Momma,” Sean said quietly. I started to cry with love and emotion. We stood together with our arms around each other. I had my head on Sean’s shoulder, and Kyle had his arms wrapped around my waist. It felt so good to hold them. I looked into their beautiful faces, touched their hair, held their faces in my hands, kissed their cheeks. Sean said, “Mom, you should go on that trip to India with Gina, you love to travel. We are so happy that you are doing the things you love again.” They lifted me up so we were floating above the ground a few feet. Kyle was laughing with delight. They took me around the perimeter of the sanctuary, counter-clockwise, then we ended up at the table. They lifted me a little higher, then we came down gently into the seats. Sean was on my right and Kyle on my left. Kyle smiled and reminded me mentally of the “21” on the cable box. They conveyed that they are all around us, in Alicia’s dreams, near Uncle Bert, always helping us and loving us. Sean said, “Mom, you will be back to yourself, only better.” I asked him to tell me about myself. He said, “Mom, you are an amazing soul, amazing being. You have done so much good for the world and the Universe. You are a great teacher.” They held me close. I was leaning up against Sean, and Kyle was leaning up against me. Their energy was filling me up and permeating my being. It was rejuvenating me with so much love and light. I touched their faces again and stroked their hair, and they touched my face and hair too. Sean kissed me gently on the cheek then Kyle gave me a quick little peck on the other cheek. I asked them if Grandma tried to come through to me, but the answer was not clear. I asked them if they were with Grandma and they said, “Yes, and Lina too.” After a little while, Michael came over to the table to let me know it was time to go. Panther stood next to him. The boys said, “Hey, Michael.” We lifted out of our seats and the boys set me down in front of the table. I turned to Sean and hugged him tightly, then I turned to Kyle and hugged him. Kyle looked at me with his beautiful bright eyes and smile. Then Michael took my hand and started to lead me out of the sanctuary. The boys started walking toward the mist. Kyle said, “Bye Panther,” then Dillon appeared near the mist, waiting for the boys. Sean and Kyle had their arms over each other’s shoulders. I turned my head to look at them, and they turned their heads to look at me. “We love you, Mom.” “I love you, my angels.” They continued into the mist, and I walked with Michael and Panther into the garden. Michael
kissed my hand with love and protection, then Panther and I continued on to the cloud. We came down to the cliff and got off the cloud. We walked down to the tree trunk. Panther said goodbye then went down. I walked into the meadow and looked around, taking in the beauty. I could sense myself, my energy, above the Earth. Then I came back to the physical realm. Day 149 – Nov. 16, 2011 Attended San Diego Hospice’s bereavement group tonight. Went in a little down, but came out feeling better after having shared stories of the boys’ bondedness, how they always thought of each other, how they were closer to each other than they were to anyone else, Kyle and the banana at the football game. We laughed and ended on a happy note. Thank you my boys for hanging in there with me. I know you are with me always. I love you Sean and Kyle!! Day 150 – Nov. 17, 2011 My belly feels hollow and empty. This morning the ache of loss feels dull, but still painful. I cried during my sleep as I dreamt of the boys and what has happened in my life. Despite my very human limitations I know I will spend my life trying to make sense and meaning of what has happened. There is a purpose, there is a reason, I know, and I must keep my heart open despite the pain so that I can have some sense of what that purpose and reason is. Sean and Kyle cannot have walked the Earth in vain. Their impact and who they were as human beings is far too significant for their existence to have meant nothing more than two human lives running their course. They are powerful and meaningful spirits, as am I. Day 151 – Nov. 18, 2011 Oh my boys, how I miss you! Will this pain and ache of loss ever go away – No!! And I don’t want it to. The sadness permeates every cell in my body. I miss you so much. I cry with anguish. This existence feels tortuous at times. How will I ever find bliss again? Is that really what I am supposed to do in my remaining time? I have been told that we are all here to bring light. My God, how much light and love you brought to me! You are my bliss, my beautiful amazing sons. I need to get to you in order to get back my bliss. Why do I have to stay here on Earth? The mystery tortures me. Journey to the Upper Realm From the meadow I walked down the path to the well. The air was light, there was a magical mystical-like quality to the atmosphere. It felt so good, so much goodness. I held my hands out over the well. A ball of yellow, orange energy floated above my hands. I dropped it down into the well and it hit the bottom, then light shot up into the sky. Everything was lit up. I turned and walked up the path. I had a sense of myself in a white dress and my hair was flowing and wavy. Panther met me outside the tree trunk and we walked up to the cliff. He got onto the cloud and I followed. I looked down at the blue and green Earth as we rose up into the sky. We crossed the cloud cover, and the stars illuminated the vast expanse of space. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked into the garden. It was lush and green. I stopped to smell a yellow flower. We walked into the clearing and I sat down on the white bench. Michael came out and he knelt down in front of me. He held my hands and put his forehead against mine. I asked him, “Why am I having such a hard time?” He conveyed that it is my journey. “Is it really part of what I need to do, ‘to find my bliss’ again?” “Yes, that is part of what your journey is. The boys need that too. Remember that when you pass over, you bring with you your vibrational state, your ‘stuff’ from your lifetime and you will pass over to
the other side at the level of your energy. You need to be at a higher frequency when you pass.” “Ok, I understand. That makes sense to me.” “Let’s go see the boys, they are waiting for you.” We got up and walked to the sanctuary. The boys were tossing a football around. When they saw me enter the sanctuary, they lit up and cried out, “Mom! Hi, Mom!” They bounded over to me, Sean teleporting and Kyle flipping, and they ended up so close to me, in my personal space. I laughed at their playfulness. They hugged me and held me. We started walking around the perimeter of the sanctuary, Sean on my left, Kyle on my right, their arms draped around my shoulders. “Should I go to India, guys?” Kyle looked at me with love and joy. “Yeah, Mom! You should go!” Sean nodded. “Mom, there are so many things you can do now. You did everything you needed to do to get us here. This is the ultimate destination. You need to get back to your higher energy level. Just like Michael said, you bring all that stuff with you when you cross over and in order to be at a higher vibrational level here, you need to be at a higher vibrational level down there. There are no more obligations for you, Mom. You have done all that you need to do for us. Now you need to get yourself back to where you were and beyond. There is so little time, and so you need to take every single moment that you have down there to learn and to grow, to release the heavy things that you don’t need and don’t want to bring with you here.” “What about all the stuff I am doing and learning?” “It’s all good, Mom, use all the resources you can, but remember to take only what resonates for you; you trust yourself, you know what is right for you and what your truth is. You will know what to take and what not to take. It is not a one to one translation from here to there, so you will know by what you feel. Your feelings will tell you if it is your truth, not your mind or your intellect. Just remember that, Mom. So keep talking to people, keep going to these meetings, keep learning, but only take what resonates as your truth. And don’t get hung up on what happens on Earth.” What about the bereavement group on Tuesday?” “Mom, go if it feels right. You have been trusting yourself so well, you will know. But again, don’t get hung up on what happens on Earth. Remember it is all an illusion for purposes of learning. We are right here with you, we are always with you every moment of every day. What has happened on Earth, in the physical plane is for purposes of your life lesson only.” (I sensed that they were referring to their manner of death.) “You guys are so wise.” They smiled at me. As we got to the edge of the sanctuary, Michael and Panther came closer. Kyle went to Panther and pet him. Then they stood close to me again. I held Kyle and he looked at me with his beautiful joyful eyes. We kissed. Then I turned to Sean and he hugged me tightly. “I love you guys so much.” “We love you, Mom.” They took off into the grass, and the football appeared for them. I looked at Kyle. “You still love football, huh, buddy?” “Oh yeah, Mom!” “See you later guys.” “Bye, Mom!” They continued to play in the grass as I turned and walked out of the sanctuary with Michael and Panther. Michael said goodbye in the garden, then Panther and I got on the cloud and came back down to the cliff. We walked down the path. Panther went down the tree trunk and I continued into the meadow and back to my physical body. Day 152 – Nov. 19, 2011 I had a dream about a guy wearing a #21 football jersey. It was a white LT jersey. He didn’t know why he was wearing it, but he was going to tell a story about it. Another sign from Kyle? As I came into ordinary consciousness, the ache in the pit of my stomach grew. Awake now, I remembered how I used to put the boys to bed, how loving and affectionate they were. I used to spoon Kyle, and cuddle up to him with the big green comforter snuggled up all around him. Then I would also lay down with Sean, my head on his chest, hearing his strong steady heartbeat. I remember telling that story at the memorial celebration. Tears of loss flowed out then and they flow out now. It hurts, oh how it hurts.
I love you my boys, my beautiful amazing sons! You are everything to me and you always will be. I miss you more than anything I have ever known. I love you more than life, more than anything in existence. Stay with me. I need you so much. Day 153 – Nov. 20, 2011 I awoke this morning feeling more at peace, but the sadness stays with me all the time. It is now a constant in my life. I can have moments of laughter, happiness and even joy, but the sadness is always present. It will continue to define the rest of my life. My angels, my sweet, sweet boys, how will I continue on Earth without you? I keep learning and I keep trying. I know you are not far, in fact, in some ways you are closer to me now. I need to stay at that higher level of consciousness so the rest of the world won’t bring me down. You keep me up, my beautiful sons! I love you so very much! “In life when one door closes, another door always opens, but the hallways are a bitch.” – Ronnie Kaye Journey to the Upper Realm Began in the meadow. I felt energetic and full of life. I skipped down to the well. The air and light were hazy. I held my hands out over the well and dropped the gravel down. There were no sounds or sights from it. I walked up the path to the tree trunk and Panther emerged. We walked up the path to the cliff and boarded the cloud. We rose up into the sky and reached the U.R. We walked into the garden. Michael met me and had me pause for a moment to focus and center myself. Before we went into the sanctuary, I had a sense of the boys waiting for me in the mist with my mother. She was between them and the boys were holding her hands. It was as if they were behind a curtain, behind the veil, waiting for me to enter the sanctuary. I walked in and immediately they came out of the mist. I broke into tears when I saw my mother. We embraced. She looked so beautiful. She was wearing the red and white outfit she had on when I got married at the house. The boys were standing near us on either side. They were so pleased at the reunion. It felt like they had arranged for this, like they wanted my mother to come to the sanctuary with them this time. I cried for a while. “It’s been so long,” I said to her. “Not so long here,” she replied. I cried with the grief of losing the boys and she understood, she KNEW what I was feeling, the loss, the heartache, the incredible pain. She knew it and she felt it too. We exchanged thoughts about Mary Lou (the 3 year old daughter she had lost just before I was born). “Was that me?” It seemed like it was. We walked into the grass area and we sat down while the boys ran around and played. “You watched them grow up.” “I watched all of you grow.” “They are so beautiful, aren’t they?” Yes, and they are safe, they are with me now.” “You watched Conner and Alicia grow up too, they are so beautiful.” “Yes, they are.” “What about Dad? Is he really here just to do whatever he wants to do?” “Just let him be, let him be.” After a little while, Sean came over and stood close to us. “Hey, old Grandma.” The two of them got a good laugh out of that. There were memories of the two of them sitting together, close, on the couch in the house on J Street. I could feel the love between them. We have been together in other lifetimes they seemed to say to me. They knew each other well. When it was time to go, we all walked over to the mist. Sean hugged me and kissed me. Kyle hugged me and looked into my eyes. His face was so full of joy, so full of love, so pleased with this visit. My mother and I hugged. Then the three of them turned. They had their arms around each other, my mother in the middle. Sean and Kyle leaned their heads in toward my mother. I called after them, “Bye! I love you!” They turned around together. Kyle said, “Bye, Mom! We’re with you!” Then they turned and
continued into the mist. I turned and walked with Michael and Panther out of the sanctuary and into the garden. Michael left us and we continued on to the cloud. We came down to the cliff and walked down the path to the tree trunk. Panther went down and I continued into the meadow and back to my physical body. Day 154 – Nov. 21, 2011 My dreams are filled with feelings of the boys. They are so alive and vibrant in my dreams, it makes waking up so hard. The ordinary existence on Earth continues. Day 155 – Nov. 22, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. It was very peaceful. I walked down the path to the well. It was a hazy yellow sky. I held my hands out over the well, and fine white sand slipped through my fingers down into the well. When it hit bottom, the colors of Sean and Kyle came up into the sky, vibrant blue and neon green, electric currents and sparks. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and we walked up the path to the cliff. I got onto the cloud, then Panther sat next to me. As we rose up, Panther nuzzled his head against my chest and neck. We rose up through the cloud cover. The dark sky was filled with millions of stars, dots of light illuminating the space. We reached the U.R. and got off the cloud and walked into the garden. Michael met us there. He could sense my joy and lightness, how coming up here is so good for me. We walked into the sanctuary. The boys were in the grassy area, playing. When they saw me they bounded over and hugged me tight. “I love you so much! I feel so much love for you. I wish I could just stay here with you. It feels so good here, so much love, so much light, so much joy!” “We know, Mom, we understand that you want to be with us, but you understand that you can’t stay here, right?” There was a “knowing” that we all had about how things are supposed to be. “Yes, yes, I know.” I had an acceptance of the way, and the mystery. I was thinking about the basketball court project. Kyle said, “Mom, it’s great the things you are doing for us down there, but don’t do it to glorify me. Do it for yourself, to heal, do it for the kids so they can heal. But I didn’t need glory down there, and I don’t need it up here.” “I feel so trapped guys. I feel trapped with my work. I feel trapped with the financial obligations of the house.” “Don’t rush, Mom. You will know when things are right to make changes. We know it is hard, and it is frustrating, but give yourself time, lots of time to make changes. We are here, Mom, we’re always here.” Sean conveyed to me, “Remember what I said, Mom? Every moment of every day.” “It feels so good here, can you give me some of that energy?” We huddled together and their love, light and goodness coursed through me. We were amused at the image of me fortifying myself to “go into battle,” to “run more plays” once we broke the huddle. When it was time to go, I hugged Kyle, and we looked at each other with love. Then I turned and hugged Sean and he kissed the top of my head. “What are you guys learning now?” “We are helping people. We talk to them. They don’t always hear us, but we are learning more and better communication.” There was an image and sense of them saving lives again. “I love you so much.” “I love you, Mom,” they each said. Then they went back into the grassy area to hang out. “You know, Mom, you can always come here whenever you want, even if we’re not here. The garden is healing for you and you can come to the sanctuary to get that energy and those feelings that help you feel better.” “I know, honey, I will remember that.” I turned and walked with Michael and Panther into the garden. Michael left us there. Panther and I got onto the cloud and started our descent. The sky/space was so beautiful with its millions of pinpoints of light. We came through the cloud cover and down to the cliff. We got off the cloud and walked down the path to the tree trunk.
I said goodbye to Panther and nuzzled his neck and head with my hand. He went down and I continued on into the meadow. As I was standing in the meadow ready to return to the physical plane, the air and sky were filled with purple, the color of spirituality. I came back into my body and back to ordinary reality. Day 156 – Nov. 23, 2011 Did the raising consciousness meditation. It felt so good to be floating above the material world. Day 157 – Nov. 24, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, paying homage to each direction, first West, then North, then East, then South, facing the well. I was wearing boots and they crunched on the ground as I walked down the path to the well. At the well, I held my hands out, and white flakes like the white seeds from dandelions, flew up and floated into the air. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out, then we walked up the path to the cliff. We got onto the cloud and rose up through the cloud cover. We got to the U.R. and entered the garden. Michael met me. “The boys are waiting for you.” I got the sense of them standing at the edge of the sanctuary each holding a bunch of flowers, excited and anxious for me to arrive. I walked in and they both greeted me right at the edge. Sean was holding a bunch of purple flowers and Kyle was holding a bunch of yellow flowers. “Hi, Mom!” They both reached out with the flowers. I was so happy to see them, so joyous! I took the flowers from them, then we all hugged each other tightly. “We are with you, Mom. We will be with you every step of the way.” They were referring to the holidays coming up, knowing that it will be hard for me. “It’s another day for you there, Mom, but here there is no time.” Kyle became very animated and started talking about time. He was excited, in the same way he used to talk about certain subjects with passion (like football). “It’s so cool, Mom, the stuff we are learning about the concept of time. It is necessary for the illusions of man to play out.” I sensed they were learning so much from the great teachers who had come before and were now back in the U.R. (like Einstein). Kyle was smiling and glowing with energy, love and passion. I heard Sean’s beautiful laugh (his voice deepened with his growth into young adulthood). We walked to the table that was laden with fruits, gorgeous, beautiful colors. They enjoyed the lychee fruit. I recalled how much they loved fruit, and they acknowledged it too. They wanted me to make sure that everyone knows they are ok, and they are doing well. They showed me that they will be sitting down with my mother, Lina, and Grandpa Robert, and that they would all be looking down and watching us while we are together for our Thanksgiving meal. They were happy as they watched us in this scene they were showing me; they were sharing in our joy and love as a family. “That’s really good, Mom, how you came up with that breathing exercise and mantra – inhale, LOVE, exhale, NOW.” “It helps me guys, it helps me stay connected to you and helps me remember what it is all about.” Kyle said, “It’s pure existence here, Mom. No time. It’s all love, joy and beauty. You are doing so many good things to grow and to stay connected and to move towards the light.” Kyle was vibrating with love and energy. He was like a joyful puppy, so much love, life, happiness emanating from him. Sean was his usual strong, solid, calm self. So much assurance, serenity and peace from him. When it was time to go they both hugged me. “I love you so much!” “I love you, Mom!” “I love you, Mom!” “Remember we are right here. We are with you.” They turned toward the mist and jumped and bounded off. “Bye, Mom!” “Bye angels!” I walked out of the sanctuary with Panther and Michael. Michael left us in the garden. Panther and I continued to the cloud and down through the cloud cover.
As we descended, I was holding the purple and yellow flowers. I could feel Sean and Kyle’s energy emanating from them. I waved them like a magic wand and their energies flowed into the air and floated over the Earth, into the atmosphere, spreading love and peace all around. We came to the cliff and walked down the path. Panther went down the tree trunk. I walked into the meadow and stood for a few moments taking in all the colors, sights, sounds, smells, energy, vibrations, love, joy, peace, beauty. I let it fill me up. As I stood there, I waved the flowers again and let Sean and Kyle’s energies fill the air again. Then I returned to the physical plane. Email from Robert: Hey Everyone, I already told Maria this story, but I want to share it with all of you............... Two Thursdays ago, I came home from work about 1am. I was somewhat tired, but usually stay up for an hour or two. I turned on my tv and dvr. The dvr was not working as it flashed random numbers. I just thought it was trying to reset, as that happens every once in a long while. I turned them both off and turned on the electric piano in the front room. As you all know, I think, I am taking piano lessons from Sean's guitar teacher, Nick. So I practiced for a short while before I started hearing unusual noises that seemed to be coming from the kitchen and family room area. I didn’t think too much of it, but they weren't the usual noises I would hear (usual like when the heat inside the house would cause the walls to expand because of the cold air outside). It sounded more like something falling off a shelf, or a crackling noise. Just odd noises that I heard several times. I stopped playing a couple of times and just listened. I felt a sense of chills run through me. I was not scared or frightened. I stood up and thought in my head, "Sean....Kyle....are you here?" I felt more chills run through my body. I noticed Ping was acting odd too, like she was just staring, when usually she is happy to see me and looking for my attention. At one point, I went into the kitchen to get something to drink. It was then that I heard a boy's voice out of my left ear. It was not a recognizable voice, as I mean I could not be sure it was either Sean or Kyle, but definitely a boys voice. And I also could not make sense of what was said. The best way for me to describe it was like a broken sentence that just faded in and out. I felt more chills, and again, I was not scared or frightened. It was then that I had a sense that Sean and Kyle were close. It made my eyes watery, and I felt good. I went back to playing the piano for awhile. I then went upstairs and kissed the boys' urns and went to bed. I won't pass this off as it was not a typical night when I come home from work. Maria had told me the next day that her dvr in her room was stuck on the numbers "21" that night.........WOW :) I know we all miss them, but I know they are here :) I love you all................ Day 158 – Nov. 25, 2011 “If only every man and woman in the world knew – beyond a shadow of a doubt – that they would have to face the consequences of their lives, the world could change overnight.” – Richard Matheson in What Dreams May Come Day 159 – Nov. 26, 2011 I feel the emotions of grief bubbling up again. I am familiar with the process now. There always comes a time when release is inevitable. It must be allowed. I miss my sons. I miss them with every fiber of my being. How did I ever come to be in this place, this time, this situation? My test is so very severe. I pray for the grace of God. I never thought I would
say that, but there is nothing left to do. Please God, dear Lord, help me, sustain me, show me the way, show me the light and bring me back to my boys when you see fit. I look forward to that moment. Day 160 – Nov. 27, 2011 Lots of dreams of the mystery of the Universe, of life, of this existence. Hard to remember what they were, but they were comforting. It makes it hard to come back to ordinary reality. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down to the well. I put my hands on the sides of the well and leaned over. I could smell the moisture from the bottom, the smells of life. I did not have anything to drop down. I felt the sky and air full of crystal light, bright and sparkling. It felt good. I turned and walked up the path. Panther came out of the tree trunk and joined me. We walked up the path to the cliff and got onto the cloud. As we rose up, I looked down at the Earth, the same beautiful blue and green of Kyle and Sean. We rose through the cloud cover, and everything became space, illuminated with stars. There is no darkness there. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked into the garden. Everything was lush and full of life. Panther laid down on the grass in the clearing and I sat on the bench, taking in the sights, sounds and energy of the garden. Shortly, Michael came out and sat down next to me. “You are growing well, you are evolving.” He was pleased with me. We got up and walked into the sanctuary. We started on the left edge and walked around slowly clockwise. “There is so much information out there, so much to learn.” “You are doing well.” The boys came out of the mist, running and jumping over to me. “Hi, Mom!” They held me and hugged me. I could sense Kyle’s strong energy. “You are doing great, Mom. If you only knew how magnificent you are. Being in human form makes it hard for you to see, but we see it. You are so magnificent, Mom!” Michael said, “They are here because of what you have given them. It has been a great sacrifice, but it is all part of your plan together. You are doing this for them. Their progress is in large part due to your actions.” Kyle took my face in both of his hands and looked at me intently. He seemed to want so badly for me to see who I am, what I am, how great a soul I am. Sean stood by calmly and nodded. He knew. Kyle was animated and excited, as if he wanted to be able to share with me what he knew. He hugged me tight, and Sean wrapped his arms around both of us. “Am I doing the right things? How do I know what to believe and what to take in?” “Feel it, Mom. If it feels right, if it resonates, if it feels like the truth. You know that, you know what you can trust.” Michael said, “Everything that is created on Earth originates from here, from the Source. People are the filters from which the ideas and thoughts come through.” “Is all this stuff made up by humans?” I asked. “As I said, all creations come from the Source, all that people think, comes from here. Depending on the filter –the person– the idea will present itself in a certain way. There is Truth in everything, even if it is just a kernel. You will know by the feeling you get. Take the truth, a little or a lot, from each idea based on how it feels, how it resonates with you.” There was so much wisdom they were imparting to me, it was hard to remember everything, but it felt good, it felt right. Sean and Kyle said, “We’re gonna go, Mom, we have stuff to do!” They were excited and happy. “Ok guys, I love you!” They started to run off into the mist. “Bye, Mom!” “Love you, Mom!” I smiled and watched them go. I turned with Michael and Panther and walked out of the sanctuary into the garden. Michael walked us to the cloud and held my hand as I got on. We said goodbye, then started to descend. I could feel the comfort and protection from the expanse above as we went down. We crossed into the cloud cover and got down to the cliff.
We got off the cloud and walked down the path. At the tree trunk I knelt down and hugged Panther goodbye. I walked into the meadow and returned to the physical plane. Day 161 – Nov. 28, 2011 My belly is full of sorrow and anxiety. I had a sad and painful dream about the boys. I am a lost and lonely soul, left behind in this harsh and difficult place, trying to find meaning and purpose. I count myself lucky that I only have about 30 years (I hope). During that time the days will crawl by here. Stay up, stay light! I am grateful for so much in my life, but this loss is a huge blow, an indescribable loss. I love you Sean! I love you Kyle! Help me continue, help me to honor you! Every day I will strive to honor you. Today I was in the depths of despair again. I am understanding better, though, the cycles of grief. Grief is such a heavy, heavy energy. It’s no wonder that I feel exhausted every time I process some of it. It is an unpleasant experience, but one I know that must continue to be part of my human experience. To be human is to feel the pain, the anguish, the sorrow, and then to feel the opposite, the peace, the joy, the knowing of the real existence of our souls. It is progress. It is growth. It is movement to the light. Day 162 – Nov. 29, 2011 Sadness and longing, that is what I feel. The memory of the two of you, Sean and Kyle, is so strong. How I miss you! It is a physical ache, a physical pain that will stay with me as long as I have a physical body. But each day brings me closer to you. I know it is inevitable that I will get to be with you again! That’s the beauty of it. INEVITABLE! As I fall asleep, Sean and Kyle comfort me with their colors. My eyes closed, and my vision is filled with their energy. Question and answer with Rob Schwartz: Q: Do souls from the future or from more advanced levels of evolution come back down to earth? If so, for what purpose? A: Yes, they are here for the same reason we all are – to bring light! Day 163 – Nov. 30, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow facing west and paying homage to the directions. Turned to face north, then east, then south towards the well. I breathed deeply taking in the cool, clean, crisp air and sensing the light. I walked down to the well and held my open hands over it. A ball of yellow light hovered above my hands and I dropped it down into the well. Bright yellow sparkles came up and floated into the air and sky. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and we walked to the cliff and got onto the cloud. I could feel myself rising up quickly, anxious to reach the U.R. We crossed through the cloud cover and into the expanse of space. The stars filled up everything. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked into the garden and I sat down on the bench, taking in the energy of the space. It was nourishing and nurturing. Shortly, Michael came out to join me. I thought, “Where is he?” (the boys’ father). Michael conveyed, “In time, in time.” We walked to the sanctuary. The boys were standing calmly, close together with their arms around each other. They seemed so connected, so fused together. “Hi, Mom.” They smiled, their energy was so peaceful, knowing and calm. They came to me and hugged me. I could feel their beautiful energy infusing me. “You know Courtney? She’s a special girl.” “We know, Mom.” “Well, her friend Ashley wants
to know, if I had a baby, would one of you incarnate back here as that baby?” “No, Mom, it is not in our plan. We will be staying here, we have a lot to do here.” “What about me?” “You will join us soon. You have a lot to do too.” “I am trying so hard to understand, to figure everything out.” “Mom, it’s your human mind wanting answers to everything, but you have to trust in the mystery. It’s like a giant jigsaw puzzle. There are big chunks of it that are missing, that you can’t see yet, but you have to trust that it makes a beautiful picture when all the pieces are fitted into their places. You will not be able to see it yet, and you need to be ok with that.” “What about our lives together?” “You will be here, Mom, we are together and will be together.” “What about what happened with your father?” “Mom, remember what I said about not getting too hung up on what happens on Earth? There is an objectivity and neutrality here. You must remember that you cannot kill or damage a soul. Don’t dwell on those earthly things so much.” “Oh boys, fill me with your love and energy.” They held me close and I could feel their light filling me up. First I hugged Sean, and then Kyle wrapped his arms around behind me so I was sandwiched in between them, then I turned and reversed direction so I was hugging Kyle, and Sean was sandwiching me from the back. The love was so powerful and overwhelming. “I love you so much.” “That’s what it’s all about, Mom. That’s all there is.” After a little while we sat down. I just soaked up the love and energy from them. It felt so beautiful, so joyous. After a little while, they said, “Ok, Mom, come on, you can do it, you will be ok.” They walked me to the edge of the sanctuary. I turned and watched them standing there, looking at me with love and understanding. I continued into the garden. Michael walked me and Panther to the cloud. We got on, and as we started down, Michael stood near the edge and waved goodbye. When Panther and I reached the cliff we got off the cloud. We sat down on the cliff edge. He put his head against mine and I could feel his energy, his courage and bravery, coursing into me, giving me strength and support. Then we got up and walked down the path. At the tree trunk he went down and I continued into the meadow and back to the physical plane. Email from Crystal: Hi Maria, I hope that you are doing well. I want to let you know that Kyle came through to me. He is a persistent little guy! What I got is that there is a planned trip that you may be having second thoughts about.22 He insists that you go! He seems to be anxious. He wants you to go! I hope this makes some kind of sense to you. I am sending you lots of energy to help you get through the holidays. I cannot imagine how hard it must be for you. God bless! Kyle is trying to convey something about a Christmas tree. He either wants you to put up a tree or put some ornament that means something special to him. DECEMBER 2011 Day 164 – Dec. 1, 2011 Sadness, sadness, sadness. Loss and emptiness. Emotions that are so powerful and overwhelming, it’s a wonder that we can live through them. They are supposed to make us grow? Oh, how painful that growth is! Sean, my wonderful Sean, how I miss you! Kyle, my beautiful Kyle, how I love you! The two of you were not only my sons, my babies, you were my friends, my companions on Earth. Thank goodness the connection can never be broken! You are my incredible soul mates. I look forward to the day when I can join you. Until then, 22 I had been having second thoughts about going to India.
I will do my best to honor you while I remain here on Earth. I honor you! I love you so much! Day 165 – Dec. 2, 2011 An okay day. Shannon is here tonight. The memories we all shared together loom large in my mind. I miss you so much, it still feels like a dream, unreal. Our reality in the Upper Realm feels more real. It’s more beautiful, that’s for sure. I love you my angels. I love you. Day 166 – Dec. 3, 2011 I woke today with some anxiety in the pit of my belly. Not sure what it is about but I imagine it is about the loss. What else is there in my life? Today is Ray’s 51st birthday. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow facing west. Paid homage to the directions. I finished, facing south towards the well. I was dressed in a white flowing gown. I was youthful. My hair was wavy and it seemed like I had a garland around my crown. I walked down to the well and put my hands on the edges. I looked down and could see the water below. I could see my reflection, and the light from it. I saw my head and face. There was an aura, a light around me. I turned and started up the path. Panther came out of the tree trunk as I walked by and he joined me on the path up to the cliff. We boarded the cloud, him first, then me. We rose up into the sky. We broke through the cloud cover, into the dark expanse of space, speckled with stars and points of light. We reached the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked into the garden clearing. I sat on the bench facing into the clearing, opposite from the way I usually sit. Michael came around on my left. My mind went off into earthly thoughts, then he brought my focus back. We got up and walked into the sanctuary. He and Panther stayed at the edge as I continued into the sanctuary and walked slowly around the perimeter, clockwise. As I approached the mist, the border, the opening where the boys come out, I stopped. I put my hands out and put them into the mist. I could feel the energy coming from the other side, the beauty, the love, the incredible feelings. The mist cleared a little and I could see the boys coming. There was a light, an energy, that started small in the distance, and became bigger and brighter as it came towards me. As it got closer and closer, I could sense the boys approaching. The energy was coming towards me, and as their forms began to take shape as their human embodiments I could sense the energy being distilled into those forms. They appeared in front of me, Sean on the left, Kyle on the right. They hugged me and held me. It felt so good, so beautiful. I looked at Sean. “What about the Imagine Fund? What is the work I am supposed to do with it?” “You are getting the sense of it, Mom, you are feeling it out. It is percolating. Give it time. It will become clear.” They were pleased with the projects we are doing in the Fund right now, but they knew those are just the beginning, like they are projects for me, for my own needs. The bigger missions are still to come. I looked at Kyle. He smiled at me with so much love. “You are doing so much, Mom. The magnitude and effect may be hard to see from your perspective right now, but there are changes happening.” I got the sense of a FB entry for Sean: “I want to turn the world on its head.” “It is happening, Mom. One person at a time, like I said before, just talk to one person at a time.” As they prepared to go back into the mist, Sean said, “Tell Shannon I said hi, tell Alex that I am with him.” Kyle was sending his loving energy to Shannon. The mist was very light, and it cleared to show eternity, space, on the other side. The boys started to move into it. As they did, their forms became energy, I could feel their powerful souls. I could feel them transforming from the human forms that they used to show themselves to me, into pure light, energy and love. I started to cry, it was
overwhelming. They are with God, they are with God, in the light. Their beauty and power was incredible, I could feel it. Slowly, I turned, overwhelmed by their transformation, and Michael came to me. He held me as we walked out of the sanctuary back into the garden. He steadied me and made sure I was ready to come back to the meadow. He stood at the edge and watched as Panther and I went down on the cloud. We broke through the cloud cover and got back to the cliff. We walked down the path and I hugged Panther goodbye, then he went down the tree trunk. I walked into the meadow and came back to the physical plane. Day 167 – Dec. 4, 2011 A good day overall. I am so blessed to have so many good friends and family members. It does help to keep me going. Only 30 years left to go! I have much to see and do during that very short time, then I get to be with my boys. I love you, Sean and Kyle, with all of my heart, soul and being! You are my everything, my beautiful soul mates. Bless you my sweethearts. Day 168 – Dec. 5, 2011 My stomach feels like it is filled with fear. Not sure why. Fear of dealing with this huge loss again and again? Today is my mother’s birthday. She would have been 82 here. She is eternal life in the U.R. Oh how I miss my boys. Meditation to Upper Realm garden – spent some time in the garden. Felt kind of unfocused. My expectation generally is to see the boys when I get up there, even though they said I could go there to raise my energy. It still felt good. As I came down, I had a sense of my physical body down below on Earth. It was odd. I had a perspective high above Earth and the sense of the physical realm down below, heavy and dense. It’s not always so easy to have this meditation practice. It is so easy to get pulled back into the slow physical matter. Oh, I can’t wait! I can’t wait to move on from Earth! Day 169 – Dec. 6, 2011 Sadness greets me as I wake. I imagine Sean and Kyle when I took them to Boston. My handsome young men, they are so beautiful! I can picture them so clearly, their handsome faces, their lovely smiles, their loving energy. God how I miss them, how I wonder how I will make it through each day in this realm. The pain and heartache of loss has become a permanent feeling in my heart. Be grateful! Be grateful for the time that they blessed you with their beauty and magic! Oh it’s hard, it’s so hard, but thank you God for letting me be with those boys during my lifetime. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in meadow. It was filled with purple and yellow flowers. I walked down to the well and looked into the water at the bottom. I saw my reflection and the light around me. I turned and walked around the left side of the well. The air was light and crisp, and the light was bright and luminescent. I walked up the path to the tree trunk and Panther came out. We walked up the path to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We rose up into the sky. As we travelled, my mind wandered off into mundane earthly matters, but then I came back into focus. We reached the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked quickly into the garden and Michael joined us. I was anxious to get into the sanctuary. I pulled Michael and Panther along quickly. As soon as we entered the sanctuary the boys came out of the mist. They appeared as they looked in the Harvard stadium picture. So handsome, so much like boys!
They hugged me. I started to cry. “I love you so much, I miss you so much. I’m scared guys.” “There is nothing to be scared of, Mom, absolutely nothing, we promise.” I had my head on Sean’s shoulder and he had his arm around me. Kyle had his arms around me, and Sean had his other arm around Kyle. They enveloped me in a cocoon of energy and love. There was a golden glow around us, like we were encased in a protective covering. They held me like that for a long time. When my thoughts started to wander off to all the things I need to do on Earth, they said, “See, Mom, you must be ok if you are thinking about all the things you need to do on Earth!” Kyle took my face in his hands and looked me intently in the eyes. “You are so magnificent, Mom! You are human still so you can’t always see it, but you feel it, don’t you? You are starting to feel it more and more.” “Yes, honey, yes.” They conveyed their happiness at the projects being done in their honor. They caressed my hair, touched my face, kissed me tenderly on the cheek. They were so loving, so protective, taking care of me and filling me up with energy and strength. We stayed like that for a while. Then they said, “Ok, Mom, come on, time to go. You are ok, everything will be ok.” “I love you guys so much! I miss you being with me.” “We know, Mom, we are here.” Sean said, “Remember what I told you, Mom? Every minute of every day, we are with you.” When I thought about Crystal, Kyle acknowledged his communication to her. “I love it when you guys send me messages through other people. It makes me feel good and I get to see how you are progressing in your communications to this realm.” They conveyed love and happiness. We turned and they held my hands as we walked to the edge of the sanctuary where Michael and Panther were standing. They stopped in front of Michael and Panther so we all stood face to face. “Hey Michael,” Sean said, then Kyle also said, “Hey Michael.” He smiled at them. I turned to Sean and he kissed me, stroked my hair, then hugged me. I turned to Kyle and he did the same. Then they turned, holding hands, and skipped away, clearly goofing around. They turned and Kyle called out, “Love you, Mom!” Then Sean called out, “Love you, Mom!” Kyle took off flipping and Sean teleported after him. Michael took my hand and walked me back to the garden. We walked to the edge and he helped me onto the cloud. Panther got on, then we started to descend as Michael stood and watched. He conveyed love, peace, calmness. He knew that I needed the boys’ energy and that it nourished me. He understood. We went down through the cloud cover and got back to the cliff. Panther went down the tree trunk, and I continued into the meadow and back to the physical plane. Day 170 – Dec. 7, 2011 Emptiness and loss, that is what I feel. All around me life goes on, but my world has stopped. How many more days? I ask. It will go so fast, Mom, I remember the boys telling me. I need to do all the things I want to do on Earth because this will be my last lifetime here. I am thankful for that. Day 171 – Dec. 8, 2011 Strong, strong memories and images of the boys! You look like angels in your Santa hats. You are the two most beautiful things I have ever seen! Your loving energy and compassion are so clear on your beautiful faces, so calm, forgiving and serene. I love you! Remembrance You can shed tears that he is gone, Or you can smile because he has lived. You can close your eyes and pray that he’ll come back, or you can open your eyes and see all he has left.
Your heart can be empty because you can’t see him, Or you can be full of the love you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow And live yesterday, Or you can be happy for tomorrow Because of yesterday. You can remember him And only that he’s gone, Or you can cherish his memory And let it live on. You can cry and close your mind, Be empty and turn your back, Or you can do what he’d want: Smile, Open Your Eyes, Love and Go On. As I lay my head down and close my eyes to go to sleep, Sean comes to me with bright purple, and electric lights. His neon green imprint shows the beautiful outline of his head. It gives me comfort and peace to know he is looking out for me, watching over me, and sending so much love. I love you, Sean Robert! My guardian angel, my beautiful son, my amazing soul mate! I love you more than any words can express. Thank you for blessing me with your presence and your love! Day 172 – Dec. 9, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and paid tribute to each direction. Ended up facing south towards the well. I walked down the path. I was holding a bunch of yellow flowers. I held them above the well, then dropped them down. Kyle energy came up and filled the air. Everything was golden. I turned and walked up the path. I was holding a single yellow flower and it reminded me of the pictures of Kyle holding a flower. At the tree trunk I paused and Panther came out. We walked up the path to the cliff and boarded the cloud. I got on first then Panther sat down at my feet and put his head on my lap. We rose up through the sky and the cloud cover. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked into the garden clearing and I sat down on the bench. The energy was so clean and beautiful. I just sat and soaked it up. Michael came into the clearing. I looked at him and I felt so much gratitude. I was so thankful for his guidance and help. He said, "It is my honor and pleasure to be of service to you. It also feeds my soul and contributes to my growth." We then walked into the sanctuary and walked around the edge, clockwise, ending up near the mist portal. The boys came out. They were so calm, so peaceful. They put their arms around me. Sean was on my right, Kyle on my left. Their energy filled me. I could feel it healing me. Sean put his left hand on the back of my head and held it there, cradling my head. Kyle put his left hand on my heart. Their love and joy coursed through me, bringing so much energy into my being. I told them about my soul planning session. They were happy for me, pleased at all of the learning I am doing. “Tell me more about our plans, why things are the way they are.” “You will know all in time, Mom. There are some things that must be left to mystery. It is part of your process, part of your growth, to be in mystery right now. Part of your growth will come from being in mystery. If you knew everything now, you would not progress the way you are supposed to. All of your learning and efforts now are a result of you not knowing, of being in mystery, and
that is the path of your progress. Trust it, Mom, trust it. We can tell you that the magnitude of your soul, the power of your soul is far greater than you have ever imagined.” Kyle's face was beaming with pride and joy, like it was this incredible secret, this special gift that could not be opened yet, but he knew what it was and was anticipating the moment when I would be able to open it and see for myself. The energy of joy and happiness and love that he was radiating was so powerful, so intense. Sean's energy was one of calmness and wisdom. He was also pleased. We walked around the sanctuary and ended up near the mist portal again. They said, “Ok, time to go Mom.” I looked at Kyle. “You're so beautiful!” “YOU'RE so beautiful, Mom!” “I love you.” “I love you, Mom.” We hugged tightly. I turned to Sean. He held my head again and was so tender, so gentle, so full of love. We hugged tightly. “I love you, Mom.” “I love you. I feel so good.” They smiled at me. “See you later, Mom.” “See you later, angels.” They seemed amused. “See YOU later, ANGEL.” I turned and walked toward Michael and Panther. Michael put his arm around me and we all walked back into the garden and to the cloud. I got on, and Panther followed. I looked into Michael's eyes as we started to leave and I could see the love and caring he had for me. We went down backwards so I could see the vastness and great expanse of the Universe. I could feel the loving energy flowing down. When we crossed through the cloud cover we turned around so we could see Earth below with its blue and green shades. It was beautiful. We got to the cliff, got off the cloud and walked down the path. I said goodbye to Panther as he went down the tree trunk then I returned to the meadow and my physical body. Email from Robert: Hey Everyone, I took these pics of the moon last night in Barona. I kept telling myself that it might be the reflection in the lens, but how is it that it's green and purple? I have taken pics of the moon over the last four months in Barona and this is the first time green and purple have ever shown up in my pics. And this past December 3rd (Ray's Birthday), I posted a pic of the moon on Face Book saying that I WISH to give the MOON to Sean & Kyle.........hmmmmmmm........Love you all.......... Day 173 – Dec. 10, 2011 In Palm Springs today. I am having images of the two of you dancing with the moon. The photos that Robert took are amazing! Thank you for continuing to give us your fantastic signs! I wrote to Patrick yesterday about Sean’s poem and the Earth “ripping itself to pieces.” I understand, buddy, I am getting your inspirations more and more. You are phenomenal! Day 174 – Dec. 11, 2011 Dreamt that Kyle came back to life. I could see the marks on his head from the wound, but he was healthy and happy. So much love coming from him, so much joy! He is pure JOY now! I love you my Kyle! Today was the Chula Vista Aztecs banquet. It was hard to go, but also an honor. Caesar loves Kyle so much. There is so much genuine love and caring from Becky, Raul, the whole team, the boys. They honor you, Kyle, they love you so much. You have impacted lives beyond comprehension. It makes me so proud, and it makes me ache with loss. I miss you guys so much. Sometimes I think I can’t bear it any longer. But then I remember my promise to honor you. Every day my goal will be to honor you, who you are, what you stand for, who I am as your mother. I honor you.
Day 175 – Dec. 12, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down the path to the well. Dropped round, smooth rocks, small ones, down into the well, and remembered sadly how the boys used to bring me rocks, especially little Kyle. He used to give me the rocks with such joy and love. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and he could see and sense my sadness. I felt his loving energy covering me. We walked up to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We rose up into the sky and went through the cloud cover. I could feel the change in energy. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud and walked into the garden clearing. I sat down on the bench and took in the energy of the place. Michael came out and helped me to refocus, as my mind was wandering off into earthly matters. We walked into the sanctuary. I could sense the boys behind the mist. They started goofing around, putting their feet, then their hands through the mist. I laughed. Then they came out. “Hi, Mom.” They came close to me and held me, Sean on my left, Kyle on my right. There were so many thoughts going through my head. “You have a lot of things going on down there, huh, Mom?” “Yes, I do, you know that?” “Yes, Mom, you know we can receive your thoughts.” “Well, then let me ask you first about the soul planning. Should I do this work? Last time you said I had to stay in mystery.” “Mom, you can do this work, but whatever needs to stay in mystery will stay there. You cannot know more than you are supposed to know right now or at any given time. If it helps you, if it helps others, you should do it. It will not do any harm. Everything happens as it should.” “Ok, honey, thank you.” “Mom, you have a lot of resources down there. You can use whatever feels right to you. Remember what you said about intuition – it is your greatest gift because it is your lifeline to the Universe. Do what feels right, Mom. Remember, too, that information comes through the human filters. Even us, how you perceive and receive us is subject to your own human filters so trust your intuition, your inner knowing.” I conveyed thoughts to Kyle about the Aztecs gathering yesterday. “Mom, it was awesome.” “They all love you so much, Kyle!” “And I love them, Mom. Do you see what is happening, Mom? Do you see how people have changed? They honor me, and they honor you, and they honor themselves. It was not in vain, Mom. We are making changes through what has happened. What happens down there does not affect us so much.” “But what I try to do every day is to honor you.” “And you do honor us, Mom, but you are honoring yourself and others, and you all are the ones who are receiving the benefits. It all goes toward the growth and learning of all of you.” There were acknowledgements of the basketball courts and the mural. They were so pleased. They also acknowledged the moon pictures that Robert had taken. When it was time to go, I looked at them. I felt sadness. I hugged Kyle. He kissed my face. I turned and hugged Sean. He held me tight. I started to cry. Then Kyle came up behind me and hugged me again. They held me and stroked my head, my hair. “It’s ok, Mom. You’ll be ok.” “I love you!” “We love you, Mom.” Kyle looked concerned. Sean said to him, “She’ll be ok.” “Oh, Sean, please help me. You guys need to help me. Please guide me. It’s so hard.” “You’re so strong, Mom. You’ll be ok. We came through you, we are all connected. We are always here for you, Mom. Feel us.” Sean said to Kyle, “She’s our mom, she’s very strong.” I nodded and wiped my tears. Michael came over and put his arm around me and started to walk me back to the garden. I looked at the boys, and Sean had his arm around Kyle, reassuring him not to worry about me, that I am strong and I will be ok. I walked into the garden with Michael. He held both of my hands and pressed his forehead against mine, giving me love, energy and strength. Then Panther and I went down, past the cloud cover, back to the cliff. As we walked down the path, and got to the tree trunk, Panther “hugged” me goodbye. I walked into the meadow and then returned to my physical body.
Last night I had a lot of dreams of being in and out of many different realms and of not knowing what “reality” is. It was fascinating and comforting. Day 176 – Dec. 13, 2011 Today as I was driving in my car, I felt a profound sense of gratitude to my guide, Michael. Thank you, Michael, thank you for helping me, for being here for me! A thought came to me today: I have been left behind here and it had to be this way because I am the strongest one. Drumming circle: Michael says “Patience, patience” and “feel, feel, feel.” Day 177 – Dec. 14, 2011 The ache in my stomach wakes me and the tears flow. How much longer here? Can I really endure this? Oh, my boys, my boys, what will become of me? Day 178 – Dec. 15, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. The air was light and the plants were tall. I walked down to the well. I had a bunch of yellow flowers that I dropped down into the well. They scattered on the water below and floated beautifully on the surface. I felt loss and sadness for Kyle, my beautiful son, I miss you so much! I turned and walked slowly up the path, the sadness wearing me down, keeping me slow. Panther came up out of the tree trunk and joined me. He could feel my sadness, and he sent me loving energy. We walked up to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We rose through the cloud cover and got to the U.R. We got off the cloud and walked into the garden. I felt the energy of the plants, and I soaked in the lightness and beauty. I could feel the area pulsating with life. I sat down on the bench and Panther laid down on the grass. After a little while Michael appeared. He sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder, and I rested my head against him. He too could feel my sadness and he comforted me with his energy. After a little while we got up and walked into the sanctuary. I sat down at the table to wait for the boys. I got a sense of them coming from way beyond the mist, two pinpoints of light, one neon green and one electric blue, coming fast towards the sanctuary. They became bright beams then transformed into their human forms. I did not “see” this, but just had the sense of it. When they got close to the mist and were in their human forms they came out. I got up and we hugged. “Oh, how I love you, how I miss you! I miss you in your dense physical forms.” “We are your density!” They started laughing at that. Their energy was so light, so joyous, so powerful. I knew that it was their true form. They answered my question about Christmas Eve dinner: “Have it at the house, Mom, do the cooking, and make the turkey. Try some new things too. You will be ok! We will be right here with all of you. You know we will. You have not lost anything, Mom. The perceived ‘loss’ is part of the illusion that you must experience in order to feel the human pain and to achieve the growth from it. But you have not lost us, we are right here, we will always be here. Our path was possible through you.” They seemed to acknowledge my strength, that even though I feel weak sometimes, that is actually part of my strength, to be able to see it, acknowledge it and feel it. “That is what you are there for, Mom, to feel, feel, feel the emotions. But it’s all part of the illusion that needs to play out. Don’t doubt yourself, you are so humble, Mom. But you have no idea of the power of your soul. You are an incredible being. You are starting to get a sense of that, but it is still developing, it has not yet come to full consciousness for you,
but you feel it, you know it inside.” I nodded. “I do feel it, my strength.” They wrapped their arms around me and walked me to the edge of the sanctuary. They hugged and kissed me. Kyle looked at me and smiled broadly. His eyes were sparkling. Sean kissed me gently and held my head. “I love you.” “I love you.” They turned to go. I watched as they dove through the mist, and I got a sense of them turning back into beams of light and shooting off into the great beyond. Their energy was so magnificent! I walked with Michael and Panther into the garden, past the clearing, to the edge of the U.R. We got onto the cloud and Michael stood and watched with loving kindness as Panther and I descended. We went through the cloud cover and back down to the cliff. We got off and walked down the path. At the tree trunk, I patted Panther’s side and he went down. I walked into the meadow and focused on keeping the high energy inside of me as I came back into my physical body. Day 179 – Dec. 16, 2011 I slept soundly and had the sense of the boys with me. Life still feels like a bad dream. I don’t know what “reality” is anymore. I want to be in nature, I want to be in a meditative state, so I can be closer to my true form. It is so hard to live in this illusion, so painful. Day 180 – Dec. 17, 2011 I felt Kyle in my dreams last night. I hugged him and kissed him. His skin was so soft and beautiful just like I remember it. It gave me so much comfort that he was with me. I love you Kyle! Day 181 – Dec. 18, 2011 I wake and the “reality” floods back in. I still can’t believe that this is my “life.” What is reality? What is real? I know at least one inevitability, that I will die, and then I will know the whole Truth. Journey to the Upper Realm Standing in the meadow, taking in the light and beauty. I walked down to the well and looked down into it. I saw my reflection, young and lovely. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out with Tiger behind him. They walked with me up the path to the cliff. I got onto the cloud, then Panther sat down and Tiger sat next to me. As we rose up, I could feel and see light shining down on us. It was bright and luminous and full of love and energy. Panther and Tiger had their faces turned up to it, and we all took in the energy from it. We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. Panther and Tiger rolled around on the grass together. I sat on the bench and prayed. I prayed for guidance, strength and help. Michael came into the garden. “My left brain is getting in the way, I’m thinking too much, analyzing too much.” “It’s ok. It will happen at times. Thank your left brain for giving you the ability to do this, honor it for helping you to see and helping you to come here.” “Yes, yes, you’re right.” I honor you, my left brain. We walked into the sanctuary. We could feel the energy flow, the vibrations, the intensity of life within. Panther and Tiger laid down on the grass. I waited for the boys. I got the sense of them coming closer, as energy. They emerged from the mist, more as energy than as their human forms, but still discernable to me. They came to me. “Where do you guys come from? Is it the Angelic realm?” They smiled. “It is an amazing place, a special place, full of love. When you come home, Mom, you will love it. There is no time, we will be there with you. Time still passes where you are, but not here. It is an illusion. Remember those things that you read, and that you know. We are more pure, more real now, you will see. You have not lost anything, all is whole.” “What about your father?”
“Father is the role that he played down there. There were things that had to happen, this is the way that it was meant to be. You know it too, you struggle with your mind to understand, but deep inside you, in your heart, in your connection to your soul, you know too that this had to be.” “Thank you for taking care of me. I don’t need to worry about you anymore. You worry about me now.” “We don’t worry about you so much, we watch over you, we help you, we guide you.” “Yes, thank you so much. I do feel you. I love you so much.” They stood on either side of me and linked their arms around me, then they created an energy flow that completely surrounded me. It was like they became a dome of loving energy over me. It was bright yellow, but luminescent. The energy that came from them infused me with love and strength, and I smiled with joy. After a little while they came back into their human forms. “Ok, Mom, time to go!” They hugged me and kissed me. “I love you.” “We love you, Mom.” “I love you.” “I love you.” I walked out of the sanctuary, Panther and Tiger following. Michael walked us back to the cloud. I got on with Panther and Tiger. As we left, I said “Goodbye, Michael.” “Goodbye, Maria.” We descended and we could feel the light and energy flowing down on us again. I could see Earth below. We got to the cliff and got off the cloud. We walked down the path to the tree trunk. We stopped and I knelt down and hugged Panther and Tiger, then they both went down. I walked into the meadow and stood still, taking in the energy. Then I returned to the physical plane. Day 182 – Dec. 19, 2011 The ache in the pit of my stomach is intense this morning. The loss feels unbearable. Last night the anguish and despair felt like the day of. I cried and wept, and the primitive, visceral feelings came out. It is these moments when I wish for death. I asked God, why, why? Is this the plan for me? What am I going to receive from this? I want to close my eyes and never wake up. I want to leave this place. How can I continue to endure this pain, this anguish, this utter desolation? I pray for God to take me, but I know you won’t yet. It feels so unfair, so tortuous. I am filled with anger at times like this. I love my sons more than anything else in the world. Why have you taken them from me? Felt Kyle’s presence in my room this morning. I thought I could “hear” him walking softly into the room, the way he used to sneak in. So cute. Day 183 – Dec. 20, 2011 The ache in the pit of my stomach is back again. Loss and pain, that is my life now and forever until I can go home. Oh how I want to go home to my boys. Day 184 – Dec. 21, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, feeling a little unfocused and distracted. Made my way down to the well, peered in, but dropped nothing into it. Walked up the path to the tree trunk and Panther joined me. We walked to the cliff and got onto the cloud. My mind was wandering a lot. Got to the U.R. and went into the garden. Michael came into the garden and took my hand. “Let’s go into the sanctuary, it will help you get focused.” We walked into the sanctuary and I immediately felt calmer. It was so peaceful and loving, the energy in the sanctuary. It was lush and green, and comforting. I felt better. I could sense the boys coming, their energy moving fast and effortlessly, weightless. They got to the mist and took human form. They came out. “Hi, Mom.” I hugged them and they held me, as we stood together near the portal. “I love it when you come and visit me in my dreams. It’s so comforting to me. Please come
often.” Kyle smiled, knowing I had felt him. They both seemed to acknowledge how much it helped me. “Should I keep doing all these things? You know, all the mediums and the scientific stuff?” “Mom, it helps you. Your logical mind wants and needs information too. It craves its own evidence in its own way. It is a part of you that also needs to be fed. It does not mean that you don’t believe emotionally and spiritually what you have been learning. It is just another part of you that also needs information. So it is ok, Mom.” “Thank you guys, that helps me a lot. Today is the big day, the tree trimming and candle lighting. You guys will be here, right?” “Of course, Mom.” They showed me how they would be watching from the ceiling near the stairs. “I’m so excited guys!” They were happy, smiling. “We’re excited too, Mom.” “Which ornament were you thinking of, Kyle? Which one is the special one?” L.T. came to my mind. “Ok, Mom, it’s time. Get back in the game!” Kyle joked and smiled. They both held me in a warm hug. I cried. “I love you guys so much. I miss you guys so much.” “It’s ok, Mom, it’s ok, we’re right here, Mom, we’re right here.” They held me. It felt so good. Then Michael came over. The boys handed me over to Michael. They turned and walked to the mist. Their energy was so calm and loving. Sean put his arm around Kyle’s shoulder, so protective, so loving. I walked back to the garden with Michael. He helped me onto the cloud, then Panther bounded over from the clearing and got on too. We went down through the cloud cover. I could feel the presence of God in the sky. We got to the cliff, then walked down the path, and Panther went down the tree trunk. I walked into the meadow and stood there. I imagined my physical shell down in the house, in the room. I went down and hovered at the ceiling, looking at my body, then I came back. Had the tree trimming and candle lighting. It was beautiful, loving, generous. Alicia gave me her painting of the two of you. You are so beautiful, so angelic, so absolutely perfect. I love you more than words can convey. Thank you for loving me, blessing me, being here for me. I love you, my wonderful, amazing sons. Day 185 – Dec. 22, 2011 From Saved By The Light by Dannion Brinkley: • “We are all a link in the great chain of humanity. What you do has an effect on the other links in that chain.” • “Who you are is the difference that God makes. And that difference is love.” • “Humans are powerful spiritual beings meant to create good on the earth. This good isn’t usually accomplished in bold actions, but in singular acts of kindness between people. It’s the little things that count, because they are more spontaneous and show who you truly are.” • “Be careful what you do in life, because you have to see yourself do it again when you die. The difference is that this time you are on the receiving end.” Day 186 – Dec. 23, 2011 Oh Sean, oh Kyle, how I miss you, how I love you! You are everything to me! You are what keeps me going. I honor you so much. Please help me, please stay with me, please guide me. I need you. Day 187 – Dec. 24, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. It was teeming with blue, yellow and purple flowers and the light was brilliant. I walked down to the well. There seemed to be white flowers, feathers or cotton
balls in my hands. I held them above the well and let go. They floated upwards then turned into pinpoints of light shining in the sky. I walked around the well then up the path to the tree trunk. My footsteps crunched on the ground, and I looked down at the earth, and felt the energy coming into my body. Panther came out of the tree trunk and we walked up the path to the cliff, side by side, my left arm around him on his side. We got onto the cloud and started to rise up. I could see the meadow below with all of the blue, yellow and purple flowers. It was beautiful. Below the meadow I could see the Earth, blue and green. As we rose up through the cloud cover, blue sky gave way to the black space and stars. I felt my energy level go up and my body was filled with the love and energy of the Universe and the Source. It made me cry tears of emotion. We got to the U.R. and landed near the garden. Michael was there waiting for us. As I got off the cloud, I conveyed to him, “Have we been together a long time? Have you always been with me in this lifetime” “Oh, yes, always in this lifetime and also beyond.” I felt so much love and gratitude towards him for guiding me. He conveyed his love and that he is glad he is my guide. We walked to the sanctuary and as we entered I had the sense of the boys coming. Their energy was moving towards the sanctuary from the other side of the mist. They came through the mist and met me. They are so beautiful! I saw their two guides with them, hovering by the mist. Sean and Kyle put their arms around me and held me. They filled me with their loving energy. I told them that I miss my mother. With that, my mother appeared and joined in the hug. Then Lina appeared and joined in too. We were in a circle and they covered and infused me with love and strength. I was crying so hard. “It’s ok, Mom,” Kyle said. “Maria, it’s ok, don’t cry, we are all safe and healthy,” Lina said. “Don’t cry,” my mother said. Sean conveyed his love. They all assured me that they are all fine and happy. They showed me how they would be watching us all together, opening our gifts. They held me in their energy embrace for a long time. “How did you guys like the tree?” “We love it, Mom.” They showed me how they were with us, how they watched from the ceiling near the stairs. After a little while, my mother and Lina said goodbye and left me to be alone with the boys. The boys smiled and had so much peace around them. They kept me in their embrace. “I love you so much.” “We love you, Mom. We are always here.” “I don’t want to go back.” “They need you, Mom. You are needed on Earth. We will be right here with you, and we will be with you wherever you are, but they need you on Earth right now.” “Ok, honey, I’m ok.” As I walked back to Michael, they watched me, standing side by side with their arms around each other. I walked out of the sanctuary with Michael. I could still see the boys and feel their energy. I continued to walk to the cloud with Michael. As Panther and I got on the cloud, I could feel the love and energy from Michael. “You are a great and powerful being.” It was so comforting. We travelled back down to the cliff and then walked down the path. Panther went down the tree trunk and I walked back into the meadow with all of the beautiful flowers. I felt a little fear as I re-entered the physical plane. Day 188 – Dec. 25, 2011 Merry Christmas my boys, my beautiful sons! I love you! I miss you! What am I to do with this pain of loss? How do I go on? You! You are the ones who keep me going. There is no alternative. There is no other way. The way of the peaceful warrior? Learn and grow. Those are my goals left on Earth. I honor you! I honor you with all that I do. You are my meaning in life. You always will be. The boys’ presence is so strong today. I love you Sean! I love you Kyle! Thank you for being with me. Thank you for loving me.
After reading the notes and memories from the boys’ friends, the tears flowed. It feels like Day 1 again. I can’t do this. I don’t want to be here anymore. Why, why, why do I have to stay here? But I know the answer. I know there is meaning and purpose to my existence here. It fucking hurts though. Sorry boys, but it fucking hurts. “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1 “As spiritual beings, not limited to physical properties, they are more often around us than ever before.” – James Van Praagh Day 189 – Dec. 26, 2011 What a day yesterday. I wanted to die. I want to leave this realm and it drives me crazy that I can’t. It’s so painful, the ache in my stomach is back in full force. The loss, the anguish, heartbreak, utter despair. It’s all there. God I want to be free. Please make me free, God, soon please, very soon. Day 190 – Dec. 27, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Stood in the meadow and paid homage to each direction. Ended up facing the well. I walked down the path. At the well, I held my hands above the opening and dropped rough sand down. It made a little noise as it hit the bottom. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and met me. He could sense my anger. I consciously thought of the anger and reminded myself that my energy level could not be raised if I held on to it. As we rose up on the cloud, I focused on releasing the anger and it dissipated as we went. I felt better. I could see the cloud rising from the perspective of the cliff, like my spirit was rising up, but I still had low energy that kept my perspective low. I focused again and finally rejoined my spirit on the cloud. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud. As we walked into the garden, I felt better. I took in the energy of the space. Michael came to greet me. I started to cry. “I’m afraid, I’m afraid, I’m afraid.” He was compassionate and understanding. He sent me loving energy. We walked into the sanctuary and stood facing the mist. I kept waiting and waiting for the boys. Michael reminded me that my vibrational frequency needed to be higher. I was struggling to get my emotions and energy onto a positive note. I had the sense of the boys on the other side of the mist waiting. I could see Kyle looking anxiously at Sean, wanting to come and comfort me. Sean told him to be patient, knowing that it was good for me to work on my energy level, that it was something for me to learn. Finally my energy rose. I had been struggling with fear and doubt. I had been questioning whether the boys would come to me again. Once I got past those feelings, the boys came out and held me. “I’m scared, I’m scared,” I cried to them. They knew. They felt my pain. They did not need to say anything. They just held me and infused me with love. “Why don’t you come in my dreams again?” “Mom, your energy has been low. You know we can’t get through that denseness. High energy, Mom, high vibration, stay up, keep your energy up.” I realized what they were saying and it made sense. “It’s been so hard.” “We know, Mom.” They held me and the energy surrounded us. We stayed this way until it was time to go. “I don’t want to go back. I want to stay with you, but I know I have to go back.” They knew everything that I was feeling and experiencing and they understood. They sent me so much love and compassion. Sean looked into my eyes, then kissed me. “I love you, Mom.” Kyle looked into my eyes and kissed me on the cheek. “I love you, Mom.” They turned. Sean put his arm around Kyle as if to comfort and reassure him. I
felt the worry that Kyle had for me. They walked toward the mist. “Bye angels!” “Bye, Mom!” I turned and Michael took my hand. He walked me back to the garden, to the edge and helped me on to the cloud. Panther followed. We descended through the atmosphere. I looked back at Michael and said, “Goodbye, Michael.” “Goodbye, Maria.” His energy was loving and supportive. He knew. We got back to the cliff and got off the cloud. We walked down the path and Panther went down the tree trunk. “Bye Panther.” I continued into the meadow and back to the physical plane. During my massage today, I felt Kyle’s presence in a dream. Then at the end, I saw Sean’s face imprint, then Kyle’s. Thank you my boys for being with me! Day 191 – Dec. 28, 2011 The ache in the pit of my stomach is dull today, not as painful, but the return to this reality every morning is a torture always. I miss my sons so much! My life has been forever changed, forever shattered. How can this be right? But somehow it is, because it has happened. God, give me grace, give me strength, please give me serenity and the will to continue. I honor my boys. I honor you Sean and Kyle! And I promise you that I will honor myself. Read this today: Love is the link that binds two people together throughout eternity. Day 192 – Dec. 29, 2011 As I come into consciousness, I remember my boys, and the horrible ache of loss in the pit of my stomach makes me close my eyes again. I just want to sleep forever, stay unconscious so my memory will not torture me. I want to keep my eyes closed and my brain shut off forever. I had a lot of dreams of going to see many different mediums. It must reflect my strong desire to communicate with my boys. I guess I don't completely trust my own abilities yet, but rather I continue to want the objective validation from others even though I got it from Allison Dubois. This existence is unbearable to me. I am constantly thinking of how I can escape or change my life, but I know my reality will be the same wherever I go. It is so incredibly painful. I am at a loss. I feel so lost, so abandoned. No one understands. It is terribly isolating. In my pre-‐waking state, I also had the sense of many, many lines of information. Rows and rows of print filled my field of vision. It seemed to be the Book of Knowledge or the Akashic Records.23 "We must remember that decisions about birth and death are made on a soul level." – James Van Praagh, Unfinished Business Karma is a natural universal law of cause and effect. Day 193 – Dec. 30, 2011 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow paying homage to each direction. I walked down the path to the well. 23 The Akashic Records has been described as a field of energy containing all knowledge of human experience, including every thought, word, emotion and action of every soul’s journey – all that is, all that was, and all that will be.
The meadow was filled with yellow and purple flowers, the air was light and the sky was clear. I could smell the freshness of the air and the fragrance of the flowers. I held my hands above the well and let fine white sand slip down into the water. When it hit, sparkles came up and floated into the sky. I walked around the well and headed up the path to the tree trunk. Panther was waiting for me, his head peeking out. We walked up the path to the cliff. I could already feel my energy getting lighter, my vibrational frequency increasing. We got onto the cloud and rose up through the cloud cover. The vast expanse of space opened up above us, and the stars and lights shone brightly. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud, then walked into the garden. I sat on the bench and took in the energy. I got the sense of Michael hiding around the corner. I called out, “Michael!?” He came around and smiled. “I didn't want to disturb you. I wanted to let you take in the energy.” “I am thinking about past life regression work and more medium work. There are so many resources out there.” “Yes, many resources. They are good. Just keep learning, keep progressing. You have progressed so far, so quickly, so much.” We walked into the sanctuary, Panther following us. We sat down at the table, and I was on the left end. As we waited, I got the sense of the boys coming. We're coming, Mom! There was laughter, joy, lightness. They came through the mist, appearing more as energy. I asked them to show themselves as my boys, which they quickly did. They came over and sat down at the table opposite from me. First Sean, then Kyle. They were sitting close together. “I miss you guys so much. Why do I have to feel so much pain?” “The emotions are in your body, Mom, they interact with your physical cells and it creates physical sensations. We know it hurts, but it is all part of the illusion. We are right here, Mom, right here in our true form.” “But you guys were so beautiful in human form. Oh, my god, you were so beautiful as boys.” They smiled at me. They knew the illusion is hard to overcome when one is in physical form in the physical realm. “Remember all that you are reading, Mom, like what you just read last night that children are not really your children. We are equals to you on the soul level. The illusion is needed to teach you about love, unconditional and pure.” “Oh, you two have taught me well! Let me ask you about your birthday, Kyle. What am I going to do?” “I will be fourteen Earth years, Mom.” “Honey, I'm afraid of how I will be on that day. What should I do? I am thinking about having a spirit circle. Do you think Conner and Alicia and Uncle Buddy and Uncle Bert will like that?” “Yeah, Mom, that would be neat. We will come through. I will come through, Mom.” They seemed to be ok with Tim Braun, even excited. “Mom, you are doing so good with your lessons. All that money you gave us for our grades, we should give back to you!” They laughed together about that. “Now we have things to do.” I had the sense of Kyle doing work with math and Sean doing work with music. “Is that why you were so good with math down here – you have done a lot with it in your prior lives?” Kyle seemed to acknowledge, yes. They stood up and came over to me. I got up. They put their arms around me, one on each side of me. They bent their heads down towards mine, filling me with love and energy. I saw blue and green around us. Kyle held my face in his hands and looked intently into my eyes. “I love you Mom.” Then he kissed my cheek. Then Sean took my
face in his hands and looked lovingly at me. “I love you Mom.” He kissed me gently on my cheek, close to my mouth, the way he used to kiss me. They both turned and took off for the mist. “Bye, Mom!” Then I turned and walked behind Michael as he led us back to the cloud. As Panther and I descended, Michael smiled and I could sense his loving energy and encouragement. We got down to the cliff and walked down the path to the tree trunk. Panther went down and I continued into the meadow and then returned to the physical plane. “Density is the challenge of human existence.” – Bob Olson, Afterlife TV From James Van Praagh: • “In reality, our so-‐called dead relatives are more alive than we are on Earth. Spirits are in a new level of consciousness, an awareness they did not take the time to acknowledge during their sojourn on Earth.” • “Spirituality is how one expresses one’s spirit. Religion is a set of rules and limitations that are placed on an individual’s spirit. The first is natural and infinite; the latter is a human construct and finite.” • “Spirits realize that God is not a person in a different geographic location, but an omnipresent energy, a consciousness that permeates everything and everyone.” • “The difference between prayer and meditation is that when we pray, we are asking for something, and when we meditate, we are listening to the answer. . . . All meditation has one thing in common – quieting the busy mind.” Day 194 – Dec. 31, 2011 Today is the last day of the worst year of my life. Can anything get any worse? Absolutely not. It can only get better as each day gets me one day closer to Sean and Kyle! I love you my sons, my beautiful, amazing children! JANUARY 2012 Day 195 – Jan. 1, 2012 I wake slowly with the ache of loss deep inside my body and my cells. Feel, feel, feel is what Michael said. The boys know my pain, I sense that. They give me strength to continue, but they know I am so strong in my own right. That is why I am here, left on Earth to struggle through this, with faith in the bigger plan. There is no randomness, I know that, but the not knowing is still hard at times. Oh my Sean, my Kyle, keep me close. I love you! I felt Kyle in my sleep last night. Oh how I miss my little boy. I miss you so much Kyle! I feel so much sorrow, so much emptiness without you and Sean. My heart feels so broken. I have never known so much sadness, so much grief. It consumes me and I feel so lost. God, I can’t wait to die and leave this place. Day 196 – Jan. 2, 2012 Abandoned and alone, that’s how I feel. What am I to do now? I keep trying to understand. It is a hard life lesson. I need to let things be. Let it be. Let it be. Let it be. There will be an answer. Let it be.
Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down to the well. I held my hands above the well, and soft flower petals, white ones, floated out of my hands and drifted slowly down into the water below. I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and we walked up to the cliff. We got onto the cloud and started up into the sky. I could see myself smiling. The energy was rising and my happiness was too. We crossed up through the cloud cover and into space. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked into the garden clearing and I sat down on the bench, soaking up the energy. After a little while, Michael came in and sat down next to me. He put his arm around me and I laid my head down on his shoulder. He could sense my difficulties and pains, and he sent me loving energy. He seemed to be saying, “You are doing well.” We got up from the bench and walked into the sanctuary. The boys were there, running around and playing on the grass. Sean saw me enter and called excitedly, “Mom!” He bounded over to me. Kyle ran over and they both put their arms around me and hugged me tight. “Hi, Mom!” “Hi guys. Kyle, I have been feeling you so strongly these last few days.” “It’s because I have been with you, Mom. I know it makes you sad sometimes when you think about me, but over time you will come to cherish all those memories of me and it will make you happy.” He showed himself to me as a little toddler. He reminded me of the time we were reading books and he said “eatanter” (instead of anteater). There were images of him at different ages. I told them, “I am going to do a past life regression with Nancy Canning. She seems like a nice lady.” “Yeah, Mom, she’s good.” “Do you guys know anything about my past lives?” The looked at each other and smiled kind of mischievously. “Yeah, Mom. You are an incredible being. We told you that before. But we can’t tell you all your past lives, that is part of your path of self discovery.” “Oh, but can’t you just tell me one little thing?” They looked at each other again, smiling, with their little secret. INDIA. “India? Really?” “Yeah, Mom, why do you think we want so badly for you to go there?” Kyle reminded me of his message to Crystal, anxious that I go on the trip. “Wow, I never would have thought that.” “You will discover some amazing things there, Mom. There are gifts for you.” They were so pleased, smiling with the knowledge of a beautiful gift that they were anticipating for me to open. They held me in a tight hug again. Their energy filled me and gave me so much love and joy. I could feel the light infusing me. Then they ran off into the grass again, jumping and leaping. I watched for a little while then I joined Michael at the edge of the sanctuary. “Bye guys!” “Bye, Mom!” They “beamed” over to me and hugged me again. “I love you.” “I love you Mar Mar.” “Love you, Mom.” Then they took off again and I walked with Michael into the garden. He walked me back to the cloud. Panther and I got on and started our descent. The vast expanse of space felt so light. There was a loving energy floating down from it. When we crossed through the cloud cover I could feel the density returning. The colors of the air darkened. We got to the cliff and walked down the path. I said goodbye to Panther then continued into the meadow and back to the physical realm. Notes from past life regression session with hypnotherapist Nancy Canning: LIFETIME IN INDIA A lot of light. More like pulsating light. I think there’s a field. It’s grass and dirt and there seems to be mountains. They’re in the distance. They’re smooth and brown. It’s sunny. I feel like I’m alone. I’m a boy. Ten. Just raggedy type clothes. Nothing on my feet. Barefoot. I think there are animals that I’m supposed to be watching. Some kind of cows. I feel afraid. I’m not sure of what. I am feeling alone. It seems far away from other people. In the evening, I leave the cows there and go to a hut. There’s a fire. It’s small and primitive. I’m with my parents. My father is quiet. I don’t see them very well. My mother is loving. It
feels good being around them. I’m safe. I don’t think there are any brothers and sisters. The evening meal is some kind of stew. There are some wooden chairs and a table, but it’s very empty, it’s bare ground, it’s dark and kind of cold other than the fire. The floor is only dirt. The walls are made of clay and straw. I’m 17 now. I still have to take care of these cows. I feel sad because it’s the same, everything’s the same. I wanted to see things, other places, anything. I want to see cities. No schooling. I don’t think I know anything about reading. I just know that there is something about cities. There is a small village of huts. Not many, maybe ten or fifteen. It’s in India. A long time ago. There are other people in the village. Other kids. I am very serious. I have fear. Not knowing why I’m here. I see them drawing on the ground with sticks, drawings and pictures, I don’t understand them. I think there’s some older, wise people, but it’s very hard living there. We’re thin, we’re struggling. Not much food. I’m about 30 now. I’ve gone to the city. It’s crowded. It’s noisy and dusty and there are lots of lights. The buildings seem modern. People get around by walking. But it’s strange because of all the lights. I can’t tell what they are, but they’re just bright. I’m just wandering. I just ran away from the village. I just wanted to leave. It’s scary. There are a lot of strangers. It’s confusing. I don’t know what I’m looking for. I go into a market. I’m trying to find work. I can help with the vegetables and fruits. I’m helping a vegetable merchant, to help him clean his fruits and vegetables and put them on the display. And he helps me and takes care of me. I stay there near the vegetable stand, at night, on the street. I still feel afraid, disconnected. I feel like I’m looking for something, I don’t know what I’m looking for, but I’m looking and I can’t find it. I’m about 45 now. I have the same vegetable stand. The vegetable merchant died so now the stand is mine and I’m a merchant now. Life is simple, and I’m happy. I’m older and I feel more at peace, connected to God. I think I learned this when the man died. He’s dying. I’m watching him and holding him and he’s dying. It’s very sad. He’s peaceful, he wants to go. I see his light, I see his spirit leaving his body, and rising upward, and it feels good. The connection forms at that moment. I knew there was something more. There’s something to look forward to. So that’s why I’m happy. I’m alone, but I’m okay. I’m lighter now. The other merchants on the street are my friends. I have become kind, and quiet, but I’m very kind. I’m 60 now. My health is failing. I move slowly. I still work at the stand, but no one is helping me. When I’m gone, the other people in the market can take care of the stand. I have been getting the vegetables from the farmers who come to the city. On the last morning of my life, I am sixty-‐something. I am aware that the end is near. I’m not scared. The people in the market, the other merchants are around me. I’m there in the market. They’ve laid me down on some blankets and they’re taking care of me. They’re holding me, especially the ladies, the women. There’s a lot of love. They’re happy for me. As I release, I feel so light. Lessons from that lifetime: Don’t be afraid. I got better at that after my friend took care of me and he died. I wasn’t afraid after that. By leaving my home, I learned to be with others, to see other people. I learned how to be kind to them. It was scary to leave home. I learned about a simple life. I didn’t need many things. Just the people around me. Impact on current life: It’s ok to die. I know my children are okay. Live simply. And be kind. I was happy. Released fear, sadness and doubt. What grows in their place are flowers that represent love. Remember to have faith. And be kind. LIFETIME IN GREECE It’s a palace. It’s white and it looks like Greece. I’m on the steps. And I live there. I’m a young woman. I’m 20. I wear a white dress, very beautiful, simple, but very clean and beautiful. I’m flirtatious with all of the men. They all want me. I play. My father takes care of us. So I just run around and flirt with all of the men. My name is Athena. I’ll brush my
hair and I’ll just walk around in the gardens, and smell the flowers. My father will choose a husband for me. It’s okay with me I think. I think I have younger siblings. I have had schooling. I’m 30 now. I’m married to a much older man. He’s not very nice. My father chose him because he’s wealthy and powerful. My father was rewarding him for being a loyal servant and advisor to my father. I’m angry. I can’t flirt anymore. I’m angry because it used to be powerful for me. Now I have to be quiet and serve this man. I don’t speak to him. I’m very quiet, unhappy. I don’t have any children yet. I’m 40 now. My husband is dying. Freedom. No children. My father will take care of me. He loves me. He knows that I did my duty and I did what he wanted. I lived there in my father’s palace all along. My husband’s wealth belongs to my father now. I don’t own anything. My life is the same as it was when I was young. I get to flirt again. It’s amusing. I like to take care of the animals in the palace. That’s how I spend my time. But I’m still beautiful. I don’t plan to marry again. I will stay with my father. I’m almost 60 now. My life is sad. My father is dying. It’s sad and it’s scary. Who will take care of me? I want to go with him. They’re putting him in the tomb and I’m going with him. There’s no one left. They’re all gone. It feels comforting. I’m not afraid. In the tomb, it’s very dark, it smells musty and moldy, like death. But I don’t mind. I lay down next to my father. I feel free. It’s very bright. Lessons from that lifetime: How to be loyal. I did what my father asked of me. I was angry, but I still did it. And I learned how to sacrifice. But I was not nice to my husband. I was trying to learn patience and understanding and compassion and to not judge. It was painful, it was hard to be with him. I was unhappy, but I didn’t say anything, I just stayed quiet and did what I was asked, did what I was told. Impact on current life: There was a man who took care of me in a prior lifetime. That theme is not in my current life. I take care of myself now. There is a theme of kindness. I need to be kind to myself. I try to be kind. Loyalty and sacrifice play a role in this lifetime. I tried to please my father and do the things that he wanted me to do. I was angry. I moved beyond that and I have done what I wanted. As Athena I wanted to please my father and do what he asked me. In this lifetime I did not want to do what my father asked me. It was about being loyal to myself and my desires. Different facets of learning loyalty. Strength grows in place of what was released. Remember to be true to yourself. Day 197 – Jan. 3, 2011 The pain in the pit of my stomach feels unbearable. I want to die and leave this place so badly. There is nothing left here that I want to do. I just want to finish and return home to spirit. This place is too harsh and difficult. The only thing keeping me sane is reading about the Other Side, learning about soul and spirit, meditating to get out of my body, journeying to be in a better place. I don’t want to be with others. No one knows this pain. It is tortuous to have to live with this every day. But I cannot intentionally leave. I know too much now about the Other Side and the consequences of killing myself. And what a profound disappointment I would be to my sons who are counting on me to complete my purpose here, whatever that is. I dreamt all night of James Van Praagh. The color black was prominent. He was wearing a black shirt. I felt like he was trying to connect with the boys. It was exciting, interesting, and comforting.
Day 198 – Jan. 4, 2012 The sadness permeates every cell in my body. It is all encompassing. There is nothing else like it. God, help me to endure. Day 199 – Jan 5. 2012 The pain in my belly is so deep, so visceral. I feel it to my core. It’s like the babies that I carried there and nurtured have been ripped from my soul. I curl up in a fetal position and pray to go back to the Source. The ache is indescribable. It immobilizes me. But then I am reborn again into this reality. It’s like the newborn baby who goes through the harsh experience of childbirth to come into this harsh, hard, difficult physical world. It is an ordeal each time. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down the path to the well. I held my hands out and small rocks, pebbles and gravel slipped down into the water. They made the sound of rocks and friction as they dropped. They fell into the water and then the water rippled and then became still. I looked down and saw my reflection. My face was full of sadness. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and we walked up to the cliff and boarded the cloud. We rose up. I looked down to see Earth below. I could feel the density of the energy. We rose up through the cloud cover and into the black of space, twinkling with stars and lights. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud. As we walked into the garden, I could feel the life inside of it. I saw butterflies and hummingbirds and I could feel the energy from the plants emanating all around. I walked into the clearing and sat down on the bench. Many earthly thoughts were floating into and through my mind. As I tried to refocus, Michael came into the clearing. He took my hand and we walked to the sanctuary. We stood at the edge looking into the space. Michael said, “You made this safe place, this beautiful place.” I took a few moments to appreciate its sacredness and its beauty. I looked around at the greenery, the grass, the table, the life within. Michael stood back a little from me, giving me honor and reverence for my sacred space. As I stood and soaked it in, I got the sense of the boys approaching. I looked at the mist and then suddenly they came through. They walked through and I saw their beautiful human forms. “Hi, Mom.” “Hi guys.” They put their arms around me and held me. There were lots of random thoughts in my head again. I shared with the boys some of the images of my past life as the poor young boy in India. They were pleased and happy about my experience. Then it seemed like Sean was showing me an image from one of his prior lives. He was flying in a plane. It felt good. It felt positive. I asked them about saving others’ lives and what that meant. I had the sense of Kyle doing work with mathematics, complicated things that somehow helped humans in science. Then I had a sense of Sean with his music, inspiring creativity in the world. I felt so proud of them and heartened to know that they are doing important and significant work from the Other Side. Then I said, “I’m still not sure what to do about Kyle’s birthday.” I had the sense that I should get a private reading from Tim Braun, then decide if I want to do one for the family. I have the sense of a candle-lighting ceremony for Kyle, maybe at Chula Vista High School. “It’s so hard for me guys, it has been so difficult to get through each day. I don’t know what will become of me.” The boys, holding my hands, began to dissolve their human images and show me light. “This is what will become of you, Mom!” They started to transform into beautiful bright particles of light. Their faces, outlined in the light, were smiling brightly and they were laughing with joy. It was pure pleasure for them to show me how they could transform into light beings, spirit beings, and show me that I, too, am a being of light. I felt myself turn into the same beautiful
light form as the boys, millions of pinpoints of light floating in the space. After a while, they brought us back closer to our physical forms. You could see the hazy outlines of our human bodies, but we were still light. It was like the pinpoints of light had arranged themselves into the shapes of our earthly forms. Then I could see their beautiful boy faces, and we all “touched down” lightly on the grass, like birds or space ships, landing ever so gently. It felt like we had just come down from a really cool ride. I felt breathless. The boys put their arms around me. First Sean. He looked into my eyes. “I love you, Mom.” Then I turned to Kyle and he held my face in his hands. “I love you, Mom.” “I love you guys.” They let go of me and turned, then they changed into beams of light and shot back through the mist. After the boys left, I walked back to the garden with Michael and Panther. The lightness of being was still so strong in me; it was as if I was floating as we went to the cloud. I got on, feeling “high” and light-headed. We travelled back down through the cloud cover into the physical density of the Earth atmosphere. We got to the cliff and I could feel the contrast in energy. We walked down the path and stopped at the tree trunk. Panther smiled broadly at me and reminded me of the Buddha cat that I saw yesterday. It was funny and playful. Then I continued into the meadow and back to my physical form. Day 200 – Jan. 6, 2012 My stomach, the core of me, hurts so much. I wonder that the life force energy in there can still operate. The loss is tremendous. What would Sean and Kyle want me to do? Come on, Mom! they say to me. We know you can do it. We love you. We are here with you in mind, emotion, spirit. Don’t dwell on the physical. We are here. Feel us, Mom. We are with you always. Day 201 – Jan. 7, 2012 Lots of dreams, lots of sleep, but the waking state is still so hard. The wound, the destruction of my soul is still so raw in my heart and in my belly. It hurts every time I come back into ordinary consciousness. But every day, every moment that I survive brings me one step closer to knowing. Right boys? Right Mom! You are doing good Mom. We are watching over you. We are taking care of you. Don’t worry, Mom. You are on the right path. You are doing so good. You are amazing. I love you my sweet, sweet boys! My sweet, sweet angels. There is nothing that matters except you and your love. We LOVE you, Mom! We love you! Email from Michelle: I read this today, and it reminds me of Sean and Kyle in the Upper Realm. Light will someday split you open Even if your life is now a cage Little by little, You will turn into stars. Little by little, You will turn into The whole sweet, amorous Universe Love will surely burst you wide open Into an unfettered, booming new galaxy. You will become so free In a wonderful, secret And pure Love that flows From a conscious, One-‐pointed, Infinite Light. Even then, my dear, The Beloved will have fulfilled
Just a fraction, Just a fraction! Of a promise He wrote upon your heart. For a divine seed, the crown of destiny, Is hidden and sown on an ancient, fertile plain You hold the title to. O look again within yourself, For I know you were once the elegant host To all the marvels in creation. When your soul begins To ever bloom and laugh And spin in Eternal Ecstasy – O little by little, You will turn into God. Day 202 – Jan. 8, 2012 I am in Puerto Vallarta. The ache in the belly does not wake me this morning but I have an upset stomach. The sadness seems a little less pronounced when I am somewhere other than home. Had a very scattered meditation today. Too tired I think. Lots of random thoughts and images, but they seemed right somehow. Felt the presence of the boys, but they know I was completely unfocused. Life lessons from my prior life as a poor young boy in India: • Don’t be afraid • Be kind • Live simply Life lessons from my prior life as a Greek woman: • Be loyal • Be compassionate • Be patient • Be understanding • Don’t judge Day 203 – Jan. 9, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down to the well. I dropped rocks and gravel down into it, then I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther joined me and we walked up the path to the cliff. We boarded the cloud and rose up into the sky through the cloud cover. When we got through, I felt the power of the Source. We landed at the U.R. and walked into the garden. I felt anxious. I walked quickly to the bench and sat down. Michael appeared and sat down next to me. “I need to ask why he did this.” “Yes, you can ask. It is part of a larger plan and the manner of death was important to the plan.” I got up and we walked into the sanctuary. I stood waiting and the boys appeared, walking through the mist. There were no words. They just came and put their arms around me and held me. “I need to know. Why did he do this? Why did your father do this?” “It’s the plan, Mom. There are tremendous lessons here for many, not just you. You have thought of the reasons. You have processed a lot. You know intuitively why and what the plan is, including the manner of death. It was important. But we felt no pain. We went very quickly.” “But it was so horrible,
so horrific, it hurts me so much to think of it.” “Don’t think of it, Mom. Know that it did not hurt us. We are here. Don’t focus on the physical, it’s not important.” “But it is to me. You were such beautiful boys. How could this happen to you?” “It’s ok, Mom. We’re ok. You are on the right path, your path, your journey to learn and understand all that you are meant to in this lifetime.” “Then I get to leave this realm and come to you? Soon, will it be soon?” “Yes, Mom, it will, but it may not feel that way to you. Know that it is right and that you are doing so good. The manner of death was significant. He took a big hit for this.” “That’s why I don’t understand why he would have done it that way.” “It was necessary to create the impact on others.” “But, why?! Why did it have to happen at all?! What am I to learn from this? What are others to learn from this? It makes no sense. I don’t understand. It just hurts. It hurts so much.” They held me. “Don’t focus on the physical, Mom. That’s the illusion. Focus on us.” It was time to go. They hugged me and kissed me goodbye then said, “We are with you, Mom, we are with you in a way that we were not when we were in physical form.” Then they turned and walked into the mist. I walked back into the garden, to the cloud. I got on the cloud with Panther and we came back down to the cliff. Panther went into the tree trunk and I came back to the physical plane. Had a lot of dreams with James Van Praagh again. He was connecting to the boys I think. His books give me great comfort. Last night during my sleep, I felt many strange physical sensations, tingling, odd feelings. Perhaps I was leaving my body? Sleep is so comforting for me. I love being in the dream state when my subconscious and superconscious are in charge. I feel happier, better, more at peace, in a totally different world, a better world where the sadness and grief do not exist. Day 204 – Jan. 10, 2012 The boys were in my dreams last night. There were a lot of sports going on. Kyle was showing his incredible skills and prowess at football and basketball. He was moving so fast and so gracefully. I got the sense of Sean playing sports too. We were watching and there were a lot of people around. It was so REAL. I felt like it was my reality, and for that brief time it was. The boys were so ALIVE. I think the message they were sending me is that they ARE alive. They were so alive for me to the point where I was wondering and worrying about how to protect them from their father whose presence I could feel. It was so real that it surprised and startled me when I started to come into ordinary consciousness and I realized that my current reality is so different, that the boys are no longer in this realm. But the message was clear that they are alive and existing on another more beautiful plane. “The authentic self is the soul made visible.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach Day 205 – Jan. 11, 2012 I spent the day touring Guadalajara and I felt the boys with me so strongly. It was nice. I love you Sean and Kyle! Day 206 – Jan. 12, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow facing the well. The air was crisp and light and the plants and flowers were beautiful and shining. I walked down to the well and held my hands above it. Fine white sand filtered through my fingers and slipped down into the water. When it hit, light airy
sparkles, like glitter, floated up into the air. I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther joined me as I continued walking up to the cliff. I put my arm over his back and patted his side. We got onto the cloud and rose up into the sky. When we crossed through the cloud cover, I felt the Source, the Creator, sending me loving energy. I had the sense of the Creator taking good care of the boys, that the boys were very close to the Source. There was so much love emanating, the knowledge of my sons’ well being, and that they are thriving and learning. We reached the U.R. and walked into the garden clearing. I felt calm and serene. I sat down on the bench, then Michael joined me. He said, “You feel them stronger now, don’t you?” I nodded. He conveyed good feelings about my progress and learning. We got up and walked to the sanctuary. As we entered I saw that a picnic had been set up in the middle of the grass. I could sense the boys coming with Lina and my mother. In a few seconds they all walked through the mist. Kyle turned and saw me and cried out with joy, “Mom!” Then he bounded over to me, followed by Sean. Lina and my mother came over and sat on the blanket. “I am so happy to see you!” They conveyed their happiness too. Lina busied herself with the picnic, getting things ready for the boys, the way she always did on Earth. The boys were playing catch, throwing the football around. When I started thinking about the basketball court, Kyle “beamed” over close to me. There was so much joy and excitement on his face. “I’m so excited too, honey!” I said to him. Then he said, “It will be so great for the kids and my friends. I will be there, Mom, for sure.” He went back to playing with Sean. I asked Lina and my mother what they are doing in the U.R. Lina said, “I am still working with kids, Maria. You know how much I love children. I help to take care of them.” I looked at my mother. She said, “I am also working with kids. The work I do up here is similar to what I did on Earth.” I had the impression of her working with abused children, maybe children who had died at the hands of their parents. I conveyed that it must be hard for those children. “They are very strong souls,” she said. I felt so comforted knowing that Lina and my mother are taking care of Sean and Kyle and are with them. I looked at them with love and gratitude. “You both are so kind, so loving.” “You are, too,” they conveyed to me. Suddenly, Sean and Kyle “beamed” over, close to us. They conveyed to me that they were present with me the day before when I was exploring Guadalajara. “You feel us more now, huh, Mom? It’s getting easier, isn’t it?” They were both smiling, so proud of my progress. I went over to Lina and my mother and sat between them. They put their arms around me. Then the boys surrounded us and put their arms around the three of us. Our forms began to change into energy and I could see and feel the light around us. They helped me focus on my sacral chakra, the orange center, and the energy spinning there. “Let the grief release, Mom, let it come up and out of you.” I felt the grief rise up through my body and out, then it turned into small sparkles of light when it hit the atmosphere. They held me for a while and helped the energy flow through me. When it was time to go, they released us, and we all got up and walked to the edge of the sanctuary. I bent down and hugged Lina, then I turned and hugged my mother. Next I faced Kyle and he looked at me with so much joy and happiness on his face. He hugged and kissed me. Finally, I turned to Sean. He seemed so tall! He hugged me tight and kissed me. His calming and knowing energy was so strong. I said goodbye and began walking into the garden. The four of them turned and went back to the picnic. I could see them enjoying their time in the sanctuary. I felt happy and peaceful. I walked back to the cloud with Michael and Panther. Michael emanated pride and happiness for me, so pleased at my growth. “Thank you for helping me, thank you for staying with me,” I said to him. “I will never leave you, I am always here for you. Feel us, we are with you.” Panther and I descended through the cloud cover and returned to the cliff. We said goodbye at the tree trunk and I returned to
the meadow. As I came back down to my physical body, I pictured the Earth, then Mexico and Guadalajara, then the building and the room, then back into my body. I slept fitfully last night. I never seemed to get into a deep sleep, but I had lots of thoughts, dreams and images. At one point I heard very clearly, music from the heavens, from the Upper Realm. Blue, green and purple lights illuminated the floor and lower wall of the bedroom – a spectrum of light that was Sean and Kyle. Somehow generated from the light outside, reflecting onto something, and entering the room under the window shades to create a beam of colors of my boys. Day 207 – Jan. 13, 2012 Spent the day in San Sebastian del Oeste and the beautiful surrounding mountains. It was beautiful and spiritual. Day 208 – Jan. 14, 2012 Today we return to Chula Vista. It has been a good time away for me. I think it helps to lessen the pain of loss a little, but only a very little. I miss my sons so much! Day 209 – Jan. 15, 2012 Dreamt of Sean. There was a large painting. He showed me how he was able to paint just using the vibrations of his lips. He was trying to work on how to depict himself and Kyle in the painting. He was showing me the lights on a shirt that were showing through the fabric. There were also some thoughts about what to feed them – light and airy cream pies, and other light food. I had to move a large amount of butter into another room for them. There was something about paralysis and learning how to do things differently. Dreamt of Kyle. He was in a wheelchair like he had been injured. He was telling me that he is ok. I asked him to come to me and he leaped out of the wheelchair and ran over to me with his arms outstretched. He gave me a big hug and we held each other tightly, laughing and so, so happy to see each other. It is so hard to pull myself out of the sleep state. It is a comfortable escape for me and allows me to avoid the Earth reality for as long as I can. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down the path to the well. I held my hands out. Bright luminescent light emanated from them and glowed up into the sky. I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther emerged and walked with me up to the cliff. We boarded the cloud and rose up into the sky through the cloud cover. I felt my energy rising, and my being was filled with joy and love. We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. I sat down on the bench and pet Panther. We took in the energy and then Michael came in. He was peaceful, serene, happy. He could sense my higher energy. “You are doing well.” We walked into the sanctuary. I felt like I was floating, made up of energy, kind of translucent, not solid matter. The boys came out of the mist, in a similar form, very much energy. They too seemed to float. They came to me and put their arms around me. I could see and sense their beautiful energies. They showed their colors, blue and green, to me. It seemed like dots of
energy floating in the atmosphere, but their faces and forms were still visible to me. We shared our energies, not much talking. Kyle assured me that I am doing the right things with the basketball court. “Don’t worry, Mom, it’s ok, it will be ok. It’s physical stuff. Don’t focus too much on that. It will be fine.” They seemed to know about my recent work and reading. They emanated goodness, happiness that I am continuing to learn and grow. “I have so many questions.” “That’s good, Mom. It keeps you evolving and doing your work. You will know so much when you come here in time.” My physical body seemed to disappear. The energy was all that existed. We stayed like that until it was time to go, then they became more like their physical forms, and they hugged and kissed me. They put their hands on the back of my head, so tender, so protective. “You are feeling more and more,” they seemed to say. “You sense our presence, our energy with you. You are feeling connected to us. We are always with you.” I knew it was right. They floated towards the mist as I turned and walked with Michael into the garden. I boarded the cloud with Panther. “Thank you, Michael.” “I am always here for you.” We descended into the cloud cover and back down to the lower realm. I could feel my energy staying high. We got to the cliff and walked down the path. Panther went down into the tree trunk and I continued into the meadow and returned to the physical plane. My physical body felt weak and shaky when I returned. Day 210 – Jan. 16, 2012 Had a lot of really strange and powerful physical sensations throughout the night. There were weird feelings in my midsection, solar plexus, sacral area, intestines. It was strong vibrating energy. It kind of felt like I was trying to get out of my body. I had to get up and spritz myself with deep cleanser and robe of light essential oils, but the sensations persisted. There was also a sense of global or universal unrest or upset, like the life force was being shaken up. It was odd and unsettling. Day 211 – Jan. 17, 2012 My God, how I miss you Sean and Kyle! The emptiness is relentless. The feelings of loss are ever present. Only when I get to join you will the grief go away. I know I have work to do, but I pray for that day. Day 212 – Jan. 18, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down to the well. I held my hands out and they were filled with white crystals. I dropped them down into the well. As they hit the bottom, they made a sound like Pop Rocks candy, then they dissolved into stillness. I walked around the well then up the path to the tree trunk. Panther joined me and we walked up to the cliff. We got onto the cloud and rose up into the sky. We crossed through the cloud cover into the dark space speckled with stars and pinpoints of light. I felt a fatherly presence, strong and comforting. We got to the U.R. and stepped off the cloud. I got the sense of the boys already waiting for me. I walked past the back of the clearing, and Michael met me as we walked directly to the sanctuary. I entered and saw Sean and Kyle in the grass area. Kyle saw me, shouted out excitedly, “Mom!” then ran over to me. They both put their arms around me. They were very much boys right at that moment. I could see their beautiful faces so clearly. I could touch their skin and hair. They were smiling and happy. We embraced for a while as I said over and over again, “I miss you so much, I miss you so much!” They held me and comforted me as I cried. “You know who I am going to see tonight?” Their thoughts came through to me: James Van Praagh. “I love that guy!” “He’s good, Mom.” “Can you come through him this time?
Please?” “He has to bring us through, Mom. And there are a lot of people who need him more than you do.” “How come our communication is so good, and a lot of times mediums are not so clear?” “You come up here to the Upper Realm, Mom. It’s easier for you to talk to us up here.” “Yeah, but I still like the objective validation, my mind wants some help too.” “We know, Mom. It’s ok. Honor your rational, intellectual mind. It is a gift that you have gotten for this lifetime and it helps you in your process, in your learning. You are going to talk to Tim Braun too. We will definitely come through him. He is good. You’ll see, Mom.” I got the sense of compatible energy between them and Tim Braun. “What about your birthday, Kyle? The candle lighting vigil, the balloons, should I do all that? Do you think it’s too hokey?” “Mom, do what feels right. You are trusting your intuition, it is working well for you. Do what helps you to heal, to feel better. Your plans are good, Mom. It’s ok with me. I am here. I will always be here. I will be fourteen for you if you want. You know we are here, Mom, and there is so much going on down there.” “Are you guys watching?” “Of course, Mom. We are sending inspiration to many. You have so many friends. You generate so much love and energy. It is your destiny in this lifetime.” I got a sense of their gratefulness at having had me as their mother, that they are where they are now largely in part because of me. The basketball courts. “Everything will work out, Mom.” I had the sense of them hovering over many people, watching, helping. They lifted me in the air between them and took me around the sanctuary. “Not too high guys!” They laughed with joy. Then they brought me back down. It was so wonderful just to spend time with them. “I miss sitting on the couch between you guys.” “We will be there with you, Mom, anytime you want us. Think of us and we will be there right next to you, just like you remember.” They acknowledged what I said last night in e-circle about not giving a shit anymore about anything. They knew it was in a positive way and they were amused by it. They assured me, “You will do ok, Mom.” Kyle said, “You are so smart, Mom. That is one of your gifts in this lifetime.” When it was time to go they said, “Ok, Mom, back to the ‘real world,’” and laughed. “You know what’s real now, huh, Mom?” “Yes, honey, I do, I do.” They hugged me tightly then walked me to the edge of the sanctuary. “Bye, Mom.” They stood with their arms around each other and watched as I walked with Michael into the garden. I looked back at them, and they were dissolving into energy, blue and green. They began to float back towards the mist. I got on the cloud with Panther. “Bye, Michael.” We went back down through the cloud cover to the cliff. I could sense the energy slowing down, and then I returned to the physical plane. Day 213 – Jan. 19, 2012 A neon green wash filled with lots and lots of blue dots fills my field of vision. Then other blue and green designs come to me. I feel like Sean and Kyle come to wake me gently, to reassure me that they are with me. My doubts come up every now and again when I think they should have come through to me, like last night, but I know that is just selfish. There is too much evidence of them and their existence to start doubting again. But it is that fear that is in all of us, that can pull us down, that is always possible. Don’t be afraid! I know there is so much more. I trust in the Universe. I trust you, Sean and Kyle, to come to me when it is right. I love you guys so much. I love you! Day 214 – Jan. 20, 2012 The anguish sits in the pit of my stomach, permeating my solar plexus and sacral chakras. My entire being sits in the feelings of grief and loss, yet I still move on, I still live and breathe. Oh, my beautiful sons, my beautiful soul mates! You keep me going, I know. How else can anyone survive this kind of lesson? What am I to learn from this? I pray for the
knowledge, the wisdom, the enlightenment that is supposed to come. This loss cannot be without some amazing gifts, that is what I read and am constantly told. The Universe works well, it works exactly as it is supposed to. Is this karma operating, or is it some other grand plan? I pray for understanding. I pray for grace. I pray for the knowing that will soothe my broken heart. Sean and Kyle, I love you with all of my being, my existence, all that I am. Day 215 – Jan. 21, 2012 Seven months today. I wake to Sean and Kyle’s face imprints alternating in my field of vision. Beautiful boys, how I love you! Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down to the well. There was a gentle breeze in the air. It felt light and peaceful in the meadow. I leaned down and looked into the well. It was dark. I had nothing to drop down into it. I walked around it and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther joined me and we walked up to the cliff. We boarded the cloud and rose up into the sky. I could feel my being filling up with joy. We crossed the cloud cover and entered space then landed at the U.R. We walked into the garden and into the clearing. I sat down on the bench and took in the energy and love of the surroundings. Michael came into the clearing. He looked at me with love and understanding. He was happy about all that is happening in my Earth existence. “It is as it is meant to be,” he conveyed. He held out his hand. “Let’s go into the sanctuary.” I took his hand and he led me there. We sat down at the table, waiting for the boys. In a few seconds, they came through the mist. Sean was smiling so broadly, his eyes were sparkling with happiness and joy. He was so pleased about the painting yesterday. “So many people love you, Sean!” I started to cry, so overwhelmed with the feelings of love and caring that people had shown to me. Sean took me in his arms and held me as I wept. Kyle wrapped his arms around me from behind. “It’s ok, Mom, it’s ok. You see what is happening, Mom. Everything is as it should be. We are doing our work.” I cried even harder. I had my head on Sean’s left shoulder and the boys held me so closely, so lovingly. They conveyed their peace, joy, happiness at what was being generated on Earth. Sean conveyed that they had been watching. “We watch everything, Mom.” There were images shared of the day – Patrick, Alicia, Conner, Uncle Bert, Uncle Buddy, my friends, their friends, the amazing love and healing that was happening. Sean was so happy, so joyous! They showed me how they had watched when I was at the Van Praagh event. “You figured it out, Mom. You know we won’t push our way to the front. And we told you, there are others who need his help more than you do. Besides you can talk to us here.” “Yeah, I know, but I still want the validation, the intellectual part, that helps me too.” They understood, they were amused, but they knew that it was important to me. “You will come through Tim Braun, right?” “Yes, Mom, we will come through.” It felt so good to be held and hugged by them. Sean kissed the top of my head and Kyle kissed my cheek. They were so loving and so tender. They also infused me with their blue and green energy. “I wish I could just stay here with you. It feels so good.” They understood. They encouraged me. There was an understanding about the work we are all doing, the rightness of it. “Ok, Mom.” It was time to go. They released me and turned toward the mist. I watched as they moved into it, and I saw them change into energy. Then I turned and walked with Michael and Panther out of the sanctuary and into the garden. I boarded the cloud with Panther. As we started to lift off, I looked at Michael. “All is as it should be.” There was the sense of rightness again, the sense of peace, of progress, of the right path. We continued down into the cloud cover and down to the cliff. Panther assured me before he left
of the rightness of all things. I went into the meadow and felt myself return to the physical plane and my physical body. Notes from Bob Olson’s interview of Robert Schwartz on • Why do our souls plan our biggest challenges? o To balance karma o Healing o In service to others o In order to experience contrast o To heal false beliefs • Spirit guides • Soul groups • Divine virtues to be expressed in the physical plane • Qualities inherent in the soul: love, peace, joy • Experience the opposite of who you really are in order to know your true self; experience the contrast in the physical realm of duality. • Can use free will to deviate from pre-‐birth plan, but it can cause additional suffering • To minimize challenges, vibrate at a high frequency (love, joy, appreciation and gratitude); law of attraction • “Oneness” – only one being in the Universe; we are all part of that, so one person’s healing is everyone’s healing Day 216 – Jan. 22, 2012 Dreamt that Sean and Kyle were taken away from me by their father, but they were alive and well. They missed me and wanted to see me. They were young boys, so pure and innocent, and beautiful. I felt the pain and anguish of missing them, of loving them so much, but being kept separated from them. It hurt so much. When I woke up, the pain lessened a little even though the boys really are gone from this world. But I know where they are. I remember what they told me, “We’re closer to you now, Mom, than we were when we were in physical form.” Somehow that makes sense to me and is a great comfort. Day 217 – Jan. 23, 2012 Had a pretty good day today. I felt very connected to my boys. I love you so much! Day 218 – Jan. 24, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow paying homage to each direction. Ended up facing the well. I walked down the path to the well. I noticed the bricks on the base of the well. It seemed smaller. I looked down and saw my hazy reflection in the water. It was surrounded by light and the beams seemed to project up and out into the sky. I walked around the well clockwise, then up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out. I knelt down and put both of my hands on his head, around his ears, and I scratched him and nuzzled him. “Hi Panther.” We walked up the path to the cliff. He got onto the cloud first, curled up on the “floor,” then I sat down next to him. I already felt so light. As we rose up, I felt lighter and lighter. I sensed a great presence above me, looking down on me. We passed through the cloud cover and then I sensed a “fatherly” presence. “My child,” it seemed to say. “I want to go home. I want to be with you.” “You will be, my child. You have much to do still.” “I want to be close to you.” “You will be very close when you return.” There was a sense that I was doing good, doing right. We got to
the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked into the garden clearing. I sat down on the bench and Panther laid down on the grass behind me. I was battling with my mind. Michael appeared and conveyed, “All is as it should be.” He held out his hand and I took it. We walked into the sanctuary. At the edge, he let go of my hand and I walked slowly around the perimeter. I felt the energy of my boys and of the Source. On the other side of the sanctuary, where I knew the boys were, where the Source was, I felt drawn. I stood near the mist portal and felt the energy. I wanted to go there, but I knew I couldn’t yet. I was battling with my mind again, wondering if I was making stuff up, picturing what I wanted and wondering if I was forcing it. I could sense the boys had come into the sanctuary. I could feel their presence and sense their energy, but I could not “see” them clearly. “Don’t doubt, Mom. It’s ok, your mind serves you. You know what is real, what you can trust. When you think of the alternative, it doesn’t make sense, does it? There is too much ‘evidence.’” All of a sudden, they came into full view, and they put their arms around me. “There you go, there she is,” the boys seemed to say to me. I was so happy. My mind had let go and I was there with them, so clearly. I could see them, feel them. They were both smiling so brilliantly. They were proud of me. “All will be revealed soon, Mom. You will know the mystery. Keep at it. Keep learning, keep growing, keep evolving. You are doing so well.” They held me and filled me with energy. “I need you, I need your help.” “We are right here, Mom, we are with you. You are so powerful. All aspects of you, intellect, spirit, physical, mental, emotional. You are so powerful, Mom. You are very, very strong. You are doing what you are meant to do.” I could see Kyle’s shining face, his smile was so bright. Sean’s face was bright too, with a calmness and a knowing in his eyes. “Ok, Mom, we need to go back.” “You have a lot of work to do?” I asked. “Oh, yes!” They smiled and were full of joy. I could sense their happiness in the work they are doing on the Other Side. Kyle kissed me and put his hand behind my head. He pressed his forehead up against mine. Then Sean kissed me tenderly. “Bye, Mom.” They turned and walked into the mist together. I turned and joined Michael at the edge of the sanctuary. Then we walked back into the garden to the cloud. Panther and I got on and started our descent. I felt the fatherly presence again, and that the Power/Source was pleased with my work. We came through the cloud cover and I could feel my energy staying high as we entered the density of matter. We got to the cliff and walked down the path. I knelt down in front of Panther and held his head in my hands again and scratched behind his ears. The love and kindness exchanged needed no words. He went down the tree trunk and I went into the meadow. I stood there and sensed myself returning to the physical plane and my physical form. I could see myself coming down to the Earth, to the U.S., to California, San Diego, into the house, the room and then finally back into my body. Day 219 – Jan. 25, 2012 Shared my fears about coping with Kyle’s birthday with my bereavement group. They are so loving and supportive. I worry about how best to honor him. Day 220 – Jan. 26, 2012 Had strange physical sensations during twilight sleep, and saw electric blue lines and lightening. I had the sense of Kyle with me during my sleep. We were together, holding hands, going places. Day 221 – Jan. 27, 2012 Oh my sons! My beautiful, amazing, incredible sons! I miss you so much! I am doing all I can to honor you and your memory. It helps me, but it hurts me too. The pain of loss is so
strong sometimes. I still oftentimes wish that my life here could be over soon, even though there are so many things I still want to do, so many places I want to go, so many things I want to see. But I want to see them and do them with you. My buddies, my best friends, life is empty and lonely without you. I love you so much. I love you so very much. I can’t do this without you. Stay with me. Day 222 – Jan. 28, 2012 Felt calm and relaxed today. Felt the boys with me and in my head a little. Kyle’s Court is finished. Lots going on next week. A little anxious, but staying open and hopeful and trusting of Spirit. I leave it in your hands. I love you! Day 223 – Jan. 29, 2012 Session with Rob Schwartz – it went pretty well. For the most part, the communications felt very genuine and real. There were a few moments when I felt like my intellect was trying hard to come up with something, but I felt like I did not say anything that was not true or spontaneous. I felt the boys were very proud of me. They were proud that I am their mother. They are proud of the soul/spirit I am. They know my strength and power and beauty as a soul/spirit. Watched the movie, The Buddha. “In order to gain anything, you must first lose everything.” Buddhism is about being ordinary and maintaining balance (the middle way). AWAKENING from within. • The Four Noble Truths -‐-‐ Suffering/dissatisfaction is caused by our own minds and our desires. • The Noble Eightfold Path -‐-‐ Compassion comes from understanding impermanence and transience. Everything and everyone is connected. The three poisons: greed, anger, ignorance – turn them around to generosity, compassion and wisdom. All things change. Look at things the way they are. “The One Who Woke Up.” YOU ARE THE BUDDHA. Day 224 – Jan. 30, 2012 As I woke up this morning with a slight ache in the pit of my stomach, I realized that I have not had the ache for the last several days. I have been feeling the boys so strongly, I have been sensing them as soul beings. Maybe that is why the grief and loss have not been as strong? But I am still nervously anticipating these next few days, and Kyle’s birthday. I can sense his happiness and excitement at all that is planned. I honor you my beautiful amazing son! I honor you Kyle! I love you! Day 225 – Jan. 31, 2012 I wake with the ache in the pit of my stomach. Sorrow and loss. These are the companions in my journey, in my process. There can be no growth without loss. That is what everyone seems to say. I wonder what I have done to deserve this. What is the plan? Is this the plan? Extreme suffering? Is that what life on Earth is all about? Buddha thought so. At least I am understanding impermanence and have eliminated my attachment to material things. I don’t give a shit about anything anymore! Only loving my boys, that’s all that matters. And LOVE of everything, LOVE of all.
FEBRUARY 2012 Day 226 – February 1, 2012 Today is the dedication of Kyle’s Court. I am so honored and proud of you, Kyle! This will mean so much to your friends. I know it will help them to heal. It will help me to heal. I love you so much! I miss you guys so much! I can’t believe how much I miss you! I love you!! The Angel of Healing • I am a channel for the healing energies of the Universe • The real source of healing is the “Inner Sun” that radiates through our bodies with its qualities of love and synthesis, uplifting our vibrations and cleansing the environment around us. True healing is to know that we are One with God. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow facing west. Paid homage to each direction and ended up facing south toward the well. I walked down the path. The surroundings were lush and green. At the well, I held my hands out. White powder puffs, floating out of my hands, fluttered down to the bottom, landed gently on the water and floated lightly on the surface. I walked around the well and headed up the path to the tree trunk. Panther emerged and joined me on the path to the cliff. We got onto the cloud and rose up. I could feel the lightness and joy already permeating my body. I felt happy. We crossed through the cloud cover into the black starlit sky and I felt the connectedness to all. We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden clearing. I sat down on the bench, then Michael came out and sat down next to me. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder and began to cry. He cradled me like a baby. I felt so much release. “I’m trying to be so strong.” “I know, it’s ok, let it go, let it out.” He held me, comforting me like a child, letting me cry, letting me grieve. He conveyed his love and compassion and the rightness of all things, and of my journey, my process. Then he said, “Let’s go into the sanctuary, the boys are there for you.” We stood up and walked together as he was still comforting and cradling me. We walked into the sanctuary. The boys were standing towards the right, waiting for us. We walked towards each other and they put their arms around me too. The three of them held me there, surrounding me, protecting me, as I cried and wept. They knew I was grieving and they were there supporting me as I released the emotions. After a little while, Michael let go and left me with the boys. “We are here, Mom, we are always here.” I thought about Kyle’s birthday, and Kyle looked at me with love in his eyes. “I am right here, Mom. It’s ok. You will be ok. My birthday is still happening because I am still here.” They touched my face and hair, they rubbed my back. There were so loving and tender. After a little while, they walked me over to the table. I sat in the middle, Sean on my right and Kyle on my left. They moved in close, sitting right next to me, their heads leaning up against me. They infused me with love and energy as if to remind me that this is all that matters. This is all there is. I felt my soul connection to them, their soul connection to the Source, and the complete interconnectedness of all of us. I felt how proud they were of me. I asked them to send me signs, come in my dreams, keep sending me messages. I thought about the basketball court and Kyle’s eyes lit up with joy and excitement. He was so happy for his friends. He conveyed how he had been present at the dedication. He showed me an image of him watching from above and seeing the balloons coming up toward him and popping as they reached the upper atmosphere. I saw him lying on his stomach, looking over the edge of the sanctuary, laughing as the balloons rose and popped. I asked them, “What is going on with
Tim Braun?” “Don’t worry, Mom, we will be there. It will work out. Ok, Mom, come on, you have work to do.” Michael was standing nearby, waiting. The boys conveyed the sense of importance of my work, a sense of me as a powerful being. “Once I finish the book, can I come up here?” “Yes, Mom, after you have helped all those who need your help, you will be done with your work.” “I miss you guys so much. It’s so hard to be without you.” They let me cry and release the grief. They understood and supported me. “I love you so much.” “We love you, Mom.” “My baby,” I said to Kyle. “Yes, your baby, Mom,” he said with amusement, like he knew that was just the role he played for me in this lifetime but he is really a powerful soul being. They turned and walked into the mist. Michael walked with me back into the garden and to the cloud. I got on, then Panther. “Ok, girl, you have work to do,” I heard. We descended into the cloud cover back down to the cliff. We walked down the path to the tree trunk. As Panther started to leave, he turned and gave me a knowing look of love and support. I walked back into the meadow, then descended back down to Earth, the U.S., the neighborhood, the house, the room, then finally back into my body. Day 227 – Feb. 2, 2012 Yesterday was the unveiling and dedication of Kyle’s Court. It was so amazing and wonderful. The love and healing were palpable. I am so honored to be your mother, Kyle! I honor you, my beautiful amazing son! I love you so much! Excerpts from reading with medium Tim Braun24: TB: There’s actually one male that stands right now directly behind you, Maria. I don’t know yet who he is, but there’s actually one male waving at me that is standing behind you. And usually when they stand directly behind you, it would be either husband, brother, son or friend. What I do know is this one male is trying to show me his face, more on the younger side. Did you invite one younger male in here today, Maria? MP: Yes. TB: May I focus on him first? MP: Yes. TB: Because what he does is, he’s coming in so excited. And the excitement is with you, that he gets to see you, that he gets to connect with you. The excitement is just totally there with you. He’s also excited that he actually made it in here today. What he’s showing me is that he’s been trying to get through to you, and I don’t know if that means through another medium or other mediums. I don’t know if it’s through other friends who are sensitive. I don’t know if it’s through your own dreams. But I do know that he shows me that he has been trying to get a hold of you, he’s trying to get through to you. But I do see his face and it is young. And he just places his cheek next to yours and what he does is he wraps both arms around the chest with you, and he just gives you one very, very tight snug of a hug. And he says let her know I’m here and let her know I love her. And what he’s doing is, again, for the third time, he’s trying to show me his face, and I don’t know if he was in his twenties, I don’t know yet. All I know is that he comes in young. Was he 31 when he passed over, Maria? MP: No. TB: How old was he? MP: 13. 24 This was a one-‐hour reading done over the telephone.
TB: Oh, 13, I got the numbers reversed. Because what he shows me is 3-‐1. So the thing here is that it’s not 3-‐1, it’s 1-‐3. But I can tell you, as I said all along, even before you spoke up, his face is young. And he’s trying to show so clearly that he was the main person invited in here today. MP: Okay. TB: And now what he’s doing, going back to the 13-‐year old. What he’s doing is, he just keeps on really hugging on to you, and he says I love you, I love you. Please tell her how much I love her. And the thing here is between the two of you, is that there was always a very, very strong pact between the two of you. And when I say a very strong pact, I mean just a very strong pact, a strong bond of love. I don’t yet know how he passed over . . . yet. And by the way, does the name Ruben mean anything to you as far as a place or as far as a person, or even Rudy, as far as a place or a person? MP: Not right off hand. TB: Ok, the young boy is trying to show this name of R-‐U. And I don’t know what that means, Ruben, Rudy, Ruby, Robby, I don’t know. It just feels like it starts with an R, ends with an I-‐E or a Y. MP: We had a dog named Ruby. TB: Oh, ok, that dog Ruby would be over there with him? MP: No, actually, no. TB: That’s fine. Where is Ruby at these days? MP: We, actually, gave her away to . . . TB: That’s cool. So the thing here is Ruby would be a dog that the two of you shared at one time, correct? MP: Yes. TB: Ok, that’s his way of bringing through. You know what’s he doing is, he’s showing me his age, even though I was a little dyslexic on that and got that reversed, he’s showing me this dog that the two of you used to have, he’s showing me his young face, he’s showing me that he was the only invite in here today. And what he does is he just continues to wrap his arms around you. And when he hugs you, he keeps on looking at me and he says “Would you please, with all my heart, tell my mom I miss her?” And I say, ok, so this is either for you, his mother, or he’s trying to use you as a link to get to his mother. But I do know he’s looking at me to get this across to his mother. And you are the mother, Maria? MP: Yes, I am. TB: So the thing is, he’s getting all this attention, all this energy across to you. A lot of energy this kid has. MP: Yes. TB: Just a lot of energy. I’m not just saying this because he’s 13. I mean even when you go back to when he was 7, 8, 9, 10 or whatever, this kid had a lot of energy. MP: Absolutely. TB: I should probably say your son, instead of saying this kid, but I will say, he just has a lot of energy. And I don’t know where he gets it all from. It’s almost like if I was a friend of yours or a neighbor, does she just feed this kid sugar all day? But the thing is, I don’t think you did. I just think that this is his way of being who he is, and that’s his excitement he’s really trying to bring across to you right now. And what he does is, he holds the hand now. . . . You know, if he would have survived and would have lived, your son would have been a traveler. And when I say a traveler, he would have travelled the world. He is so curious about everything, he is so curious about people, so curious about cultures, and sure, he was only 13, it might have been too soon to understand that, but I just know that, in life he . . .
when I say in life, as he would have grown older in life, he would have travelled a lot of different places, and really learned a lot. It’s just because of his inquisitiveness and also his curiosity. MP: Yes. TB: So, that’s what I get about that. The other thing, what he’s doing is that would you let her know that I did not feel pain in my body when I passed. He says what I felt was emotional pain by hurting them after I passed. So, he’s showing me that as far as his physical passing, however he passed, I don’t know, he has not told me yet, he shows me that there was no physical pain there. But what he does show me is when he was on spirit side, the amount of emotional pain that he caused with his passing. And what he does is he drops his head down, and, I don’t want to say feels bad about it, but is not really proud of it. And it’s more about the hurt caused to so many people. MP: I understand. TB: So, it’s just his way of bringing that through. He’s also talking about this . . . . Hold on for a minute. Do you have an older school picture of him in your wallet? And when I say older, like five years before he passed? Did you not change out a picture? Did you just keep like a 7-‐year old or 8-‐year old picture of him? MP: Yeah, actually, I have a couple. TB: Because what he shows me, it feels more like in your wallet, not there at the home. Because it feels like when you open the wallet, and say this is my son, and this is when he was seven, but this is not what he looks like, this is not what he looks like. It’s almost like kind of keeping him that boy, which he’s not. And he’s just laughing at that. He goes, Mom, that’s not me, that doesn’t look like me, that’s when I was a boy, that’s when I was a little boy. MP: Yeah, it’s in my wallet. TB: Yeah, that’s what it is. So he’s just showing me, he says would you tell her that’s not me anymore. Now, he’s not telling you to remove that picture. All he’s doing is he’s teasing you for keeping that picture in there. It’s really kind of like false advertising. When I say like false advertising it’s like you have a picture of your son, he’s a cute kid, and then you show a couple other pictures of when he’s older, and I’m like he looks so much more mature in this picture. Which picture is it? Well, it’s this picture right here. And he just laughs about that. Laughs, laughs, laughs, laughs. So it’s his way of bringing that across. The other thing he’s talking about is these red vine licorice sticks. And I don’t know why he’s bringing that up, but usually when I pick up red vines in a sitting it’s something to do with movies. But I don’t know if it’s either one or the other or both. MP: He just loved those red vines. TB: Oh, are they called red vines, not red sticks? MP: Yeah, red vines licorice. TB: Ok. That’s got to be what it is then because he is just showing me this package of red vines. And he just smiles, and I say, what are you smiling about? And what he shows me is I can have as many as I want over here, I can have as many as I want. The other thing, what he’s doing is he’s pointing at his lip, and I said what are you doing and he goes let her know I’m starting to grow a little bit of a moustache. And I say why would you want to do that, and he says because I can and I look good. So he’s doing it ‘cause he says he can do it and he says he looks good in it. So it’s just his way of showing me a little bit of this facial hair above the lip that’s he’s keeping. And I think the reason why is because he’s really trying to look older than he was. But, in any event, it’s just a little bit of facial hair. MP: Ok.
TB: He also holds the other hand and he says tell her there’s nothing that she could have done to prevent my passing. And what he’s referring to is he’s pointing to you, Maria, and he says do not feel responsible. And he shakes his head left to right, and when he shakes his head left to right, it’s a very strong to the left and a very strong to the right, it’s a very strong head jerk, left and right, no, no, no. And then, just about, maybe about two weeks before he passed, was he depressed? Or very sad about something? MP: I don’t know. TB: It just feels to me that about seven to ten days, maybe even two weeks before he passed, either his mind was spinning with a lot on his mind or there were at times depressed thoughts. It doesn’t feel that the last couple weeks he was really himself or really that happy. That’s what it feels like to me, and he’s not pointing a finger at you or the father or anything like this. It just feels that he was, for the last two weeks, kind of like whatever. And that he wasn’t that happy go lucky self that I saw when he first appeared. So, that’s what I pick up. The other thing he does is he gives a kiss to the temple and he says you tell her I did love her, let her know I did love her. Let her know I did, I did love her. Let her know I did love her. And so he says that three separate times. And then, Maria, did he not pass in your residence? Did he pass at someone else’s residence? MP: Yes. TB: Because he’s showing me, he said it would not have mattered if I was there at your residence, Mom. So, you know, what he’s showing me is that he passes at someone else’s residence, not at his own. And I don’t know exactly where, but it doesn’t feel outside. Was this in a living room that he passed or a bedroom? MP: Bedroom. TB: It just feels like it would either be a living room or a bedroom. It’s not outside, but it’s at someone else’s residence. He’s showing me even if he was quarantined in his own home, there’s nothing you could have done to prevent this. Maria, did you also invite one other male in here today too? MP: Yes. TB: Because there’s actually one other male that comes in and stands right next to your son, and he looks at you and he says sorry for being late. And he stands in a way, what I would say, more mature than your son. Not that your son was immature, but your son was 13, so he was a young boy. But the other male that’s coming in here stands more mature, stands more like an adult, but stands right next to your son and puts his hand right on your son’s shoulder and your son looks at him and acknowledges him. Your son knows him. So they are showing me that they are standing right next to each other. So that’s what I keep on picking up. That these two stand next to each other. I can tell you that when I look at your son, he is not as tall as the other young male that’s coming in here, and that’s not making your son feel very happy. So, it’s just not making him feel very happy that this other male’s come in here who stands just a little bit older, stands a little bit taller, rather, than him. Oh, and by the way, one, two, three, four, the other male that’s coming in that you invited in here, was he four years older, or three years older than your son? MP: Two years older. TB: And these two actually stand right next to each other and they both keep on looking at you. Maria, your mother’s still with us, correct, still living? MP: No. TB: Who’s the woman that’s still living that your son, the 13-‐year old, would have really looked up to as a grandmother, or a grandmother figure? MP: He had a caretaker who was called Grandma Myra.
TB: So, is she still living, correct? MP: Yes. TB: And you’re still in contact with her? MP: Yes. TB: When you say caretaker I frown, but when you say that they called her Grandma, then I smile. So they called her Grandma? MP: Yes. TB: Perfect. So that makes sense then. He says my Grandma, tell my Grandma that I love her. So it’s got to be the caretaker that he’s sending his attention across to. Getting back to your 13-‐year old, was this bullet that took him over? MP: Was it what? TB: A bullet? MP: Yes. TB: Because what he shows me is not like he hung himself, and he’s showing me not that he drowned in the pool or anything like this. Of course he couldn’t have drowned in the pool if he passed in his own room or passed in a room. And it’s not drugs, it’s not anything like this. It just feels like I get a gun going off, bam! And he’s gone. But he shows me, he says there is no pain there. He says just emotional pain that was caused, and that emotional pain there is with you. You know, it’s kind of like when you watch tv and you watch something in a third world country or like a car bomb that goes off and you see these women just completely wailing over their loss of their husband, their loss of their family, their sons, and we don’t know these women, we’re not even in that country, but our heart just really just goes out to them just because what they are going through. And what your son’s showing me is the wailing, the hurt that this, his passing, caused you. And that’s the thing that he’s referring to as what has hurt him very, very much, is the hurt that was caused you. Maria, was this right around like about 10:30 in the evening that this happened? MP: I’m not sure of the time. TB: But it was at night though, correct? MP: Yes, it was at night. TB: To me it feels like your son was sleeping when this happened. MP: That’s correct. TB: Because what he shows me is that he was going to sleep and then waking up and being on spirit side. So there was no pain there. Just that there was a lot of emotional pain as we talked about just a bit ago. But he shows me that bullet hit him. And what he shows me is him being on spirit side very, very quickly. MP: Yes. TB: What your 13-‐year old son does is he looks at the 15-‐year old and he goes, well I guess you want to speak, don’t you? And the 15-‐year old says absolutely. But the thing is, this 15-‐year old, he was also shot in that same home, correct? MP: Yes. TB: Because what he shows me is passing over at the same time. But the thing is, the 15-‐ year old, he was shot first and then the 13-‐year old? MP: I don’t know the order. TB: Ok, not to be getting into a gruesome way, but down the road would you be able to find that out for validation? MP: Yes.
TB: Ok, just do that when you feel comfortable doing that. Just to see what the validation is behind that, but it feels to me that this 15-‐year old was shot first and it feels like the 13-‐ year old was shot second. But if it’s uncomfortable for you to do, then don’t do it. When I do my work as a medium, I try to get as much validation as possible. But whoever goes over first, I do know that the other one was shot too, and what he’s showing me is he looks at you as his mother as well. MP: Yes, that’s correct. TB: These two boys here are actually wrapping their arms around you at the same time, and giving that complete attention to you. Right now we are 2012. Was this right around 2010 that their passing happened? MP: 2011. TB: I know we’re in 2012, and I believe you that they passed over in 2011, but I feel that whoever pulled the bullet here, pulled the trigger for killing these two sons of yours, I feel that this was in their mind back in October, November of 2010. So I will say this, it feels like there was in a way premeditation. What month was it in 2011? MP: June. TB: So I’m off about a whole seven months there. I will say that seven months sooner there was a form of premeditation going on. This is just murder. . . . What I think your 13-‐year old is doing is going back to memories when you guys had Ruby and going back to those times that were just a very, very happy time. And that’s what he wants you to remember, along with the other son who’s 15. That’s what they want you to remember. They look differently. Maria, the 13-‐year old, was he a little bit more stocky and the 15-‐year old is a little bit more slender? MP: No, they were both pretty slender. TB: Ok, well, I look at the 13-‐year old and he looks just a little heavier? MP: He was more muscular and more athletic. TB: There we go. That’s what I want to say. So, would you want to say a little more muscular, a little more athletic, that’s what it is. Because I look at the 15-‐year old and he’s more like my body type just kind of skinny and slender. But the 13-‐year old, what he’s showing me is . . . oh, I know what you’re doing. What he’s doing . . . see, he’s still not too happy about being the shorter of the two so he’s trying to show me that his muscles are bigger. That’s what he’s doing. So he’s making mention of, see, well, yeah I’m not as tall, but look, I’m bigger, I’m stronger. So it’s just his way of showing me, excuse my language, it’s a little bit more of a pissing contest between the two boys. And that’s what’s happening there. You know the father that you say is over there with them, what the older one is showing me is he says we’re not around him, Mom. And what he’s showing me is that he’s in a different place. So he’s letting me know that their father is not with them. His father is in a different place, and both boys are very ok with that. It’s almost like the father is getting what I would call a permanent time out. It’s just kind of like in confinement, but it’s not solitary. Their father who I’m not seeing here is not in solitary confinement. What they’re showing me is that their father is just in a completely different place. All of this I’m hearing from the 15-‐year old, and he speaks up for both boys. Maria, where they were shot, was this less than ten minutes away from your home? MP: Yes. TB: Because it just feels like that you either drive by this residence or it’s in very, very close proximity to where you live. MP: Yes, it is.
TB: And what both of them are showing me is, Mom, we’re not there. We’re there with you when you go driving. So when you go out there and you go driving, and you’re at your own residence, they’re there with you. They’re there with you. So, sure we can say that they were murdered in a different residence. That’s fine, but their energy’s not there, their energy’s not a part of that residence at all. So their energy is there with you. And then, was this on a Saturday night that this happened? MP: No. TB: What night was this? MP: It was a Monday night. TB: So what the boys are talking about is going back to the Saturday before. MP: They were with me. TB: What they’re referring to is they’re just talking about these memories there on Saturday night. So if that was the last good memories or the last fun memories, I don’t know, maybe that might be what they’re trying to recreate here and trying to have you remember, but they’re talking about the Saturday night. MP: I understand. TB: I now know for sure that Ruby is the dog they are referring to and that dog is over there with them, I believe. There’s actually one dog that’s coming in right now and I’m also hearing “Ruby” so if Ruby’s still living, fine, but there’s actually one dog that’s coming in with them right now. And it’s the older one who’s bringing this dog in here. So the older of the two children, was he a little bit more of an animal lover than the younger one? MP: No, I would say they both were. TB: Well, the older one’s showing me that he has one dog over there. Well, they actually both do. When I say they both do, it’s actually one dog for both of them, but the older one’s speaking up and bringing this dog across. And I don’t know what it is. I don’t even know if it’s a dog that they even owned. MP: Do you know what he looks like? TB: You know, good question. I can’t see. I was going to say like a Dalmatian, but it’s not. It almost looks like it’s white with spots or just feels like it’s two toned. So, two toned could be kind of like an Australian shepherd, more of a fur two toned, or it could be more of like a Dalmatian, something here where there’s two different colors. So that’s the only thing I can see about the dog that has passed over. The 15-‐year old that you had that’s coming through very strong, was he the one who had a girlfriend or just got into a relationship? MP: Yeah, I think so. TB: It feels like there was a relationship that just started when he passed, and it’s not the 13-‐year old, it’s going back with the older boy. So that’s what he’s referring to and that’s what he’s trying to bring across is that his whole life was just starting out, relationship and everything, and everything happened very quickly. These two boys had no idea this was going to happen. This was a complete surprise to them, but leaving the double murder off to the side, I will say that the 13-‐year old for the last ten days really had a lot on his mind. And I don’t know what it was. I don’t know if, in a way, he sensed this was going to happen, meaning sensed that something wrong was going to happen or if he’s just showing me that he had a lot on his mind but I’m hearing that from the 13-‐year old. But that Saturday before was a lot of fun. MP: Oh gosh, yes. TB: And they are still laughing about that even though this passing was only seven months ago or so, they’re still laughing about that Saturday night. What did you guys do for fun that Saturday night?
MP: We were watching movies at home, me and the two of them. And during the day we had a bowling party. And we went to the reptile show with their uncle. TB: Remember when we first connected with the 13-‐year old and he showed me the red vines, I said usually red vines connect with movie? MP: Yes. TB: He’s got to be making mention of the movies then too. And if you guys were doing movies that Saturday night, that’s got to be what it is. The younger one is a really good communicator. It’s not that your older son’s not, it’s just that the younger one’s a really good communicator in this session. And I feel the reason why is because of his energy. He’s always had a lot of energy so he is really able to thrust and propel and catapult this energy across so strong. But again, Maria, these two boys are still smiling and laughing about that Saturday night. So up until their passing, I know their passing was on a Monday evening, but up until their passing, they were having fun. And they thank you for that. They hear you, Maria, when you talk to them. When you actually talk to them, they hear you. But they’re good kids, they really are. I’m not saying that they were good kids, they ARE good kids, ‘cause I’m seeing them right now. They are coming through so strong, so clear. The reason why the 13-‐year old is coming in so much stronger than the 15-‐year old is just because of his energy and I can also tell you that he’s trying to compete against his brother and really kind of outshine him. So that’s what’s kind of happening there with these two boys is the younger one is coming through very strong, but he’s also doing it just to out compete against his brother and he is saying to him, see what I can do, see what I can do. So when you listen back to this recording or remember today’s session, and you’re saying well gosh, the 15-‐year old didn’t come in as strong, what’s that about? Well, he didn’t have a chance because it’s like your 13-‐year old just hogged the session. And it’s just kind of like their personalities there. They show me that since their passing they have not met up with their father. Now, did their father do this? MP: Yes. TB: Because usually when children go over to spirit side, and their parent is already over there whether they passed over at the same time or before or after, many times I see them. I’ll say 8 out of 10 times I see them with their parents, or I see them with their father or mother. Not in this case. They’re showing me that he is kept away. But I will tell you it’s like a wash. And when I say it’s a wash, there’s no anger at him, there’s no happiness at him, it’s just a wash. And there might be a lot of anger on your part, but when I look at the boys, it’s just a complete wash, it’s just like all even. MP: Yeah, I understand. TB: So, I don’t know why it’s like that. It could be because they have released any anger, or this could have been karmic, this could have been predestined, but I can tell you this, these two boys are not stuck in any way. They are fine on spirit side. And it’s a total wash against their father. Again, meaning no anger, no happiness, just a complete wash. Do you understand what I mean by wash? MP: Yes. TB: Like wash, equal, it’s like ok. And the other thing, it just feels like something about the mountains. This is going back to memories there. I don’t know what they’re referring to. Was there one trip that you guys did to the Sierras to go camping one time? MP: Yeah, and we did river rafting on Kings River, Kern County. TB: I’m seeing water and I’m seeing mountains. I’m seeing river and I’m seeing mountains. I don’t think I mentioned the river, I think you beat me to it, but in any event, it’s two things
I feel that they’re making mention of. And it’s good memories there. Both have everything to do with nature and that’s what they’re showing me that they’re around. MP: They’re around that now? TB: Yes. On spirit side they’re around this nature. These are good memories that they recall. You know, I do not in today’s sitting see their father, but the older one is giving me images in my mind of his father when his father was still living. And what he’s showing me is that his father appeared so normal. So that tells me that their father was either sociopathic or this is all premeditated but I would actually say this is very calculated. I don’t feel that this was just a spur of the moment thing, Maria. I feel that even going back six months to a year before, I feel that this man entertained the idea. I really feel that. Now, that information is coming from your oldest son telepathically from him to me, just giving me images of what it was like because what he shows me is no one saw this coming, not even them. But what he shows me now on spirit side is that this was premeditated. So again, I just want you to know, it’s not premeditated on a certain day or a certain time; it was just . . . it’s kind of like when a person, you know, commits suicide and everybody’s just completely shocked by it, but that person was contemplating that idea for several months or even a couple years. And all of a sudden they do it and they build up the courage to do it and they take themselves over and everybody is just shocked, but if you look at the history, look at the past, you’ll say this is a building up. There’s a crescendo that was happening. And that’s what I’m seeing about their father. MP: Ok. TB: The boys right now . . . they’re not fighting with each other, but the younger one just pushed the older one and said step back, you’re in my space, and the older one’s saying well you’re the one that’s hogging up, I want to let Mom know I’m here still. And so they’re just being themselves. Don’t think of it as them being in a bad place. No, they’re in a good place, it’s just that they haven’t changed. What I want to do right now, Maria, is open it up to any questions on anything we have or have not talked about so far. MP: I’m just wondering what they’re doing up there. TB: Well, right now they’re arguing. I mean like right now, right now. But they’re together. And you know, to be honest with you, these boys, they don’t need anybody to take care of them. They can take care of themselves. But they can meet up with anybody that they wish. But as they said earlier, even if these boys were over at your home, there’s nothing you could have done about this. MP: I understand. TB: That’s interesting. I think it’s the older one, what he does is, he brings out a bag of Doritos, Cool Ranch Doritos. Was that his favorite? Cool Ranch? MP: He did like those, yes. TB: Cool Ranch? Not the regular Doritos. Cool Ranch. MP: Yes. TB: Because what he does is he starts eating these real close to my ear, and I say you don’t have to eat so close to me because I can hear every crack in that chip. And he starts laughing and the reason why he’s doing that is now he’s actually getting attention and now your 13-‐year old is not. So my attention is being led to him eating these Cool Ranch Doritos, and now I can’t see the 13-‐year old so much, and he loves it. So he got back at his 13-‐year old brother. They’re good. MP: Yeah, that’s very much them. TB: Totally them, but they’re fine, they’re fine.
MP: Is there anything that I’m doing or not doing here that is impeding their development in any way? TB: No, no, I think you’re doing wonderful. Based on everything that has happened in such a short amount of time, I mean, it’s to the grace of god and the grace of angels that you’re doing so well. MP: Thank you. Thank you so much. “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” – Jesus of Nazareth Day 228 – Feb. 3, 2012 I feel you my boys. I feel you so strongly with me all the time. I love you with all of my heart, soul and being! Day 229 – Feb. 4, 2012 Happy Birthday Kyle! My dear, sweet boy! I will always remember this special day when you blessed me by coming into my life. Every moment we shared together I will cherish for the rest of my time here. You made me a better person. You taught me unconditional love. I have never loved anyone or anything more than you and your brother! You have been an incredible gift to me. You have taught me so much. I continue to learn because of you. I honor you, my lovely amazing son! I honor you so much. I am so blessed. I am so graced and humbled by you. No words can describe my love for you. I love you so much! I love you, I love you, I love you! Journey to the Upper Realm Very scattered, unfocused. “It’s ok, Mom, there is a lot of emotion today. There is no time here, but we know this day is important to you.” Kyle was cradling me, holding me, comforting me. I experienced a lot of energy and colors, blue, green, electric lights. “Remember, Mom, he is a filter too.25 What you get here is us. It’s ok, Mom, you don’t have to do it the same every time. Let it be free flowing today. There is a lot of emotion for you.” “So much love, so much missing of you, Kyle!” “I know, Mom, it’s ok.” Played tennis with Alicia today. We took a break, then got up to hit again. All of a sudden a strong, swirling gust of wind surrounded me. I closed my eyes and held my arms around myself. The gust was so strong that it flung the tennis court door open, knocked my water bottle over and moved my tennis bag. I can’t help but think it was Kyle. I felt his presence. Alicia watched in amazement, and the three people playing on the adjoining court came over and asked if I was ok. We all agreed that it was very strange. It was so powerful and sudden, and swirled only around me. Just as quickly as it came, it went and there was not a breeze to be felt. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the clock. It was showing 3:33. Symbolism of 333: • Transition, Change, Travel • To awake (physically or spiritually) • Ascended masters are working closely with you The greatest power in the Universe is love. 25 Referring to Tim Braun.
Day 230 – Feb. 5, 2012 Superbowl Sunday. Lots of memories of Kyle. Lots of Kyle energy. I love you, Kyle! I love you, Sean! During the Superbowl game, I received a phone call from Kyle’s cell phone! The call came in at 6:21.26 I tried to call the number back and it immediately went to voice mail. I checked the call log for my phone and there was no record of Kyle’s incoming call on my call log, but all the other incoming calls I received were on the log! The call was also in my phone. Then I checked the call log for Kyle’s phone and there was no record of his outgoing call to me on his call log! Wow Kyle, you are amazing! Thank you so much for sending me that fantastic sign! Day 231 – Feb. 6, 2012 “When the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.” – Kahlil Gibran My mind is reeling from the cell phone activity. It is so mysterious and strange and outside my normal range of thinking. I am learning a new way to see, to perceive, to believe. Thank you boys for helping me, for teaching me. I am learning to let go of my fears and to embrace the mystery of life, the mystery and wonder of the Universe. I pray dear God, please help me, please keep my boys close, and keep me close too. Day 232 – Feb. 7, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and pain homage to each direction. I walked down to the well. I peered down into the water and saw my reflection. I had nothing to drop down. I felt light, joyous and happy. The field was filled with life, flowers, beauty. I walked around the well and headed up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out. He exuded love, and he was proud of me. He was calm and serene. We walked up the path together to the cliff. I got onto the cloud, then he followed. We rose up into the sky, then through the cloud cover. The darkness of space, filled with the brightness of the stars, planets and lights was so beautiful. I felt my connection to the Source. We landed at the U.R. and walked into the garden clearing. I was ecstatic. I could sense Kyle waiting for me in the sanctuary, excited and full of joy. I sat down on the bench and Michael appeared. He was so happy, so pleased with my past week, and how I was for all the things happening. He had a big smile on his face and was full of love and support. We walked into the sanctuary. Kyle saw me enter, and he bounded over, so excited and joyful. “Mom!” He was laughing and his eyes were sparkling. He conveyed his pleasure at how he has communicated to me and to the family. He was so pleased and proud. “You see all that I have learned and all that I can do?!” “Oh yes, honey, thank you so much, it helps me so much.” He was hugging me and we were laughing so heartily together. Sean came over and put his arms around both of us, pleased and happy too. “Tim Braun was so great, guys. Thank you so much. It helps that intellectual part of me that wants the objective validation.” “We know, Mom. It’s ok.” “And the phone calls?” “Mom, it’s so cool what I can do. I am learning how to manipulate the energy fields.” “Ok, now you need to take it easy with me. You know that, right? You know how strong my startle reflex is, so be gentle, ok?” “I know, Mom, I’ll be careful. I’ll keep sending the messages, but I won’t freak you out.” “Ok, honey, thank you. The 26 6/21 is the date he left Earth realm, and 21 is his football jersey number.
next medium I am going to see is Suzane Northrop at the conference in Virginia. You guys will work with her, right?” “Yes, Mom, we will. We are getting better and better at our communications down to Earth.” We kept laughing about the messages they sent to Tim Braun. They were so joyful. They picked me up and floated me around the sanctuary. I thought about Sean’s laptop and he conveyed, “Yes, Mom, it’s time for you to open it. It’s time for you to start writing and helping more people. It will be ok, Mom you will be ok.” They conveyed their support and encouragement for all the reading and learning I am doing. “You are doing so good, Mom. You will be helping a lot of people.” “I try to honor you guys. Every day I do what I do to honor you.” “Mom, you are honoring us, and the whole, the One. We are all one. The work you are doing helps all of us, and everyone on the Earth because we are all One. So you honor yourself and everyone every day with your work. It is so important. Trust your intuition, Mom. It is so powerful. All that you have discovered rings true. Your present incarnation is significant for your work – your background, your education, your intelligence, your credibility. People will listen to you, Mom.” We hugged and kissed and laughed. Then they said, “We gotta go, Mom.” “I love you guys so much.” “We love you, Mom. We are always with you.” Then they zipped through the mist. I turned and walked out of the sanctuary with Michael and Panther, then got onto the cloud. We descended into the cloud cover and through. As we did, I could feel the One, the Source, emanating love and purity. We got down to the cliff and walked down the path. I had the sense of the boys in an amazing, beautiful place, a big “city” with bright, glowing buildings full of learning, love and purity. I heard them say, “We are with you, Mom.” I could feel their love showering down on me. There was a sense of us all doing our part, doing our work, having a purpose together to help the progress of all, of the One. I felt that they were very close to the Source, to God. They were higher beings doing important work. All is well, all is right. I felt their energies infusing me. The connection was so strong, the distance was of no consequence. The sense of no time. They conveyed that we are always together. The human body and the human condition, aging is an illusion, it simply marks the time that I am to remain in this realm, doing my work here, as they do their work there, but always together, bonded as souls, close to God. Day 233 – Feb. 8, 2012 Sometimes I can’t believe that I have weathered this storm. I feel strong, supported, loved, blessed. How can this be? There truly is something unseen that is so amazing, so phenomenal that we as humans can only catch glimpses of it when we are lucky. I am very lucky indeed. Day 234 – Feb. 9, 2012 Sean and Kyle greet me with neon green interspersed with electric blue in my field of vision as I come into consciousness. The colors are so vibrant and so them. It is loving and comforting. I just want to sleep and stay in my dream state, in my cocoon, in that different consciousness, oblivious to ordinary reality. I dreamt of beauty and comfort. The feeling is one of joy and peace. Day 235 – Feb. 10, 2012 I dreamt of the future. The little girl, India, was there showing me three scenarios of what could happen to me. One of them was showing me being successful in my endeavors and new pursuits. I feel some nervousness in my stomach. Hard to go back to sleep. I miss my sons so much. I miss you, Sean and Kyle! I love you so much!
Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow paying homage to each direction. I walked down to the well and looked down into it. I held out my hands and dropped red rose petals that floated softly onto the water below. They were so light and beautiful and smelled so lovely. I looked at them floating gently on the water below. I walked around the well and headed up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out with Tiger. They walked with me up the path to the cliff, then we all got onto the cloud and rose up. I felt light and joyful. We crossed through the cloud cover into the vast expanse of space. It felt like infinity and eternity. It felt peaceful, comforting and right. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked into the garden clearing. Panther and Tiger laid down on the grass behind the bench. I sat down on the bench and Michael came out to join me. He put his arm around me, and I laid my head on his shoulder. He conveyed the rightness of all things, of my journey, of my learning. I felt safe, protected, peaceful and loved. We got up and walked to the sanctuary. The boys were already there, standing quietly and peacefully by the mist. I went to them and they hugged me. They conveyed peace and understanding. “Don’t doubt yourself, Mom. Nothing else matters except your own experience. You don’t have to convince anyone of anything. You don’t have to believe anything that someone else believes. Your intuition is working so well. You have been learning and progressing.” “What does it all mean?” “You are in a process of discovery, Mom. It’s not the result, the final answer, that is important, it is your process in getting there, your journey of self discovery.” “What about our past lives together?” “Trust your intuition, Mom. We can’t give you all the answers. That would defeat the purpose.” Thoughts of my reading with Tim Braun, my past life regressions, my reading with Pam Crane, all the things I have been doing, filtered through my mind. I asked them what Tim Braun meant when he said that what happened with their father was a “wash.” “You know, Mom, your sense, your intuition is leading you there. This is a process of discovery for you. You will get the answers from within.” They gave me assurances of the rightness of my path. There was a sense of the need for me to be making all these efforts to learn, to grow. They were not going to give me answers. I asked what they have been doing. “Our work, Mom.” They were not more specific. I had to be ok with not knowing more. We sat down in the grass area in the middle of the sanctuary. They wrapped their arms around me and held me. There was a sense of oneness. So much love. “I love you guys so much.” “We love you, Mom. It won’t be long. Keep on your path, keep doing what you are doing.” “Nothing else matters, does it?” I asked. I felt the Earth and the physical world so far away, so insignificant. “This is all that matters.” There was a knowing, an understanding between us. I felt so good. “I just want to stay here with you.” They understood. They assured me that “time” would be fast, that our existence and bond together would be clear to me very soon. There was a sense of no time, no separation, no disconnect at all. It was time for them to go. We walked over to the mist. They hugged me. They were so serene, so peaceful, it seemed they were pensive. Their calmness was so evident. “Bye, Mom.” They turned and Sean put his arm over Kyle’s shoulder. They started to walk into the mist. They turned their heads and smiled at me. Sean put his left hand up to wave goodbye. Then they went into the mist. I felt so left behind. I want to go with you guys! Woke up in the middle of the night and it was 2:21 on the clock. Day 236 – Feb. 11, 2012 Started the morning with meditation, focusing on the in breath and out breath, noticing the thoughts that flowed through my mind, and letting them go, and coming back to the focus on breathing. Also focused on the internal body parts – the lungs, heart, stomach, other
organs, as the breaths came in and the oxygen nourished the cells. Then I focused on each of the chakras – the root, the sacral, the solar plexus, the heart, the thalmus, the throat, the third eye and the crown. Seeing the colors and the flow. Sensing the energy moving through each one and up and down the whole. All the while noticing the random thoughts of the mundane world as they fluttered in and out of my mind. No judgment, just noting them, letting them go, then coming back to the chakras. It’s amazing how much the brain wants to think, think, think! Notes from Journey of Souls by Michael Newton: Conscious Mind – critical analytical source Subconscious Mind – memories of all lives Superconscious Mind – higher power Woke up and it was 10:21 on the clock. I felt Kyle’s presence. There were sounds on the carpet like light footsteps, sneaking into the room. I felt unsettled, strange sensations in my body again, like too much sugar or caffeine even though I didn’t have any of either one. More dreams with the little girl, India. Lots of hyper sensations in my body still. Hard to sleep. Day 237 – Feb. 12, 2012 Dreamt that India was telling me where to put a towel on the window in her parents’ house to block a water leak. It was raining hard. Started my shift into ordinary consciousness with meditation. Tried to focus on the in breath and the out breath, and seeing my physical form from above, from the ceiling. So many random thoughts floating in and out of my mind! The state of “no thought” is so fleeting, and each time I find my mind has wandered away, I bring it back gently and non-‐ judgmentally to the in breath and the out breath. There was an ache in the pit of my stomach. The grief welled up in me and my body convulsed with the sadness, sorrow, pain, loss, anguish and utter desolation of not having my boys here with me. I miss you guys so much. I fear sometimes how I will endure a life here without you. Then I remember that it will not be forever. In fact, it will not be long. And I don’t have to do anything except breathe, and what my intuition and higher self lead me to do. I love you! I love you more than anything imaginable! You are my everything! I love being your mother. I am so humbled and honored to be your Mom. Just stopped by Kyle’s Court. It was raining lightly when I first walked onto the court. Then it really started coming down. It was like a reflection of my tears that fell freely from my eyes. Sometimes the grief is overwhelming and I wonder how I can continue. It has been a sad and emotional day. I shed more tears. I miss my sons so much. I was able to spend some time talking to Robert so I feel a little better now, but I do wonder why I should keep going. What’s the point? “Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.” – Hebrews 11:1
Reading Journey of Souls by Michael Newton, Ph.D. An amazing and enlightening book about life between lives – life on the Other Side, what the spirit world is like, where we go and what we do as souls – where my boys are! Day 238 – Feb. 13, 2012 I wake with the ache in the pit of my stomach again. The sense of loss is always present. I dreamt of having three really good readings with mediums, one of them being John Holland. Please God, help me, please boys help me. Stay with me, show me the way, guide me through these very difficult life lessons. I want to succeed. I want to learn. I do not want to fail you or myself. I love you so much. Please help me. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. Walked down to the well and looked into the water and saw my reflection. Tears dropped from my eyes and landed on the water, making little ripples. I felt so much sadness. I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther joined me and he followed me as I walked quickly up to the cliff, very anxious to get to the Upper Realm to see the boys. We got onto the cloud and rose up quickly through the cloud cover and to the U.R. We got off the cloud and walked into the garden clearing. I sat down on the bench and Michael joined me. I felt his understanding and compassion. “I have been feeling fear. Is this what my remaining existence will be?” He conveyed comfort and assurance. We got up and walked into the sanctuary. The boys were waiting for me by the mist. They put their arms around me. They were both smiling so brightly and their eyes were shining with love and joy. They conveyed their knowledge of all that I am learning and reading. They acknowledged the information about the Spirit world as discussed in Michael Newton's book – the clusters of souls, the "clumps" of souls together, learning and progressing. “You are doing so good Mom!” They were so excited for me. “Humans only get little glimpses of spirit world, and you all learn little by little, so read everything, Mom. Many people are trying so hard to learn, but you can't all just have the answers, you must keep trying, keep learning. Think about how much more satisfying it is for you when you figure it out for yourself. It's like playing Scrabble or doing a crossword puzzle and figuring out the perfect word or the answer. Remember, Mom? What it feels like when you get the answer yourself and when you look at the answer in the back, the difference in the way it feels? You all (humans) can't just be given the answers. You won't appreciate it, you won't learn the way you are learning.” “I don't want to have to come back here again. It's so hard.” “Mom, you knew it would be hard. You CHOSE to go there, to learn, to progress. Everything you are doing helps all of humanity, helps all of us because we are all one. Your growth is all of our growth. You are so amazing! You are an incredible soul! You will see when you come home here. And it will be so soon. Mom, the time that has gone by (since they returned to Spirit) has been the blink of an eye. You will return very soon. Until then, see the world, see the Earth, go everywhere because this may be your last chance to see this planet.” “Will we be incarnating back down here?” “We don't know yet, we will have to talk about it and decide when you get here. We can stay here and grow together in Spirit world.” “Who else is with you in your cluster?” “Old Grandma, Auntie Lina.” “Is great Grandpa Robert, is that who the man is?” “Yes, Mom. We are all doing our work, growing.” I had the sense of them studying, progressing, being very busy, learning so much. “We are with you, Mom, remember that. The way that spirits summon each other, you know, telepathically, that is what you can do with us. Just think of us, and we're with you. And the same for us, we think of you, then you are with us. Like we will just pop into your head.” “I love you guys so much! I love you! I love you! I love you!” “We love you, Mom.”
“Why don't Old Grandma and Lina come through to me more?” “We are your closest soul mates. They are in our group too, but they had roles that they played in your life, so you might think your ‘Mom’ would come through, but it will take time. We are the closest to you so we come more often. And we know that you need us.” They took me and lifted me so we were floating. “These things you will be able to do too when you come, Mom. It's so amazing, and you are amazing.” They were laughing so happily. Sean suddenly had a Doritos chip in his hand and he crunched it loudly. Kyle had red vines. They were so joyful, knowing of my own experiences on Earth and reinforcing them. “You feel the Truth Mom, you know the Truth of things.” They put their arms around me again and transformed into energy, green and blue, surrounding me, and enveloping me like a protective cover. Then I saw my own bright pink energy within the cover, like they infused me, and my own energy was invigorated. It was so beautiful, so wondrous. I felt so much joy and happiness. “You are so beautiful Mom, your physical being and your spiritual being. . . . We have to go now Mom.” They released me and I felt their beautiful human forms again. I kissed their faces, felt their hugs, saw their smiles. They both emanated so much joyful energy. Then they let go of me and dove into the mist together. I had a sense of them turning into energy and shooting out into infinity to go back to their cluster, to their place of learning. I went with Michael back to the cloud. As I descended he conveyed to me that I could just think of him too and he would be there for me. Panther and I went back down to the cliff and then I returned to the physical plane. Day 239 – Feb. 14, 2012 Tonight at e-‐circle I kept seeing Kyle's reflection in the back window of the studio. It's like he is always reminding me that he is near, he is watching, he is helping. He loves me. I love you so much Kyle! I love you so much Sean! You keep me going. You are my purpose and meaning! Day 240 – Feb. 15, 2012 The boys spent all night in my dreams with me. I was taking them to college, and it was Harvard! They were getting ready to move into their dorms and I was making sure they had sheets and blankets for their beds. We were having so much fun together. I was giving them their cell phones. Sean was getting my old red cell phone and Kyle was getting a blue one. I felt so happy to be with them. It was so real – they were with me again! It was sad to wake up and realize again that they are on the Other Side. I envy them. I want to be there too. Day 241 – Feb. 16, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow facing west, then paid homage to each direction. I walked down the path to the well. I held my hands out and fine white sand slipped through my fingers down into the well. It made a soft sound as it went down and it created a small mound at the bottom. I looked down with sadness. I turned and walked up to the tree trunk and Panther emerged. We walked to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We rose up into the sky. As we travelled up, my mind was daydreaming about earthly mundane things. I brought my focus back and arrived at the U.R. We walked into the garden clearing and I sat down on the bench. Michael came and sat down next to me. He took my hands in his. “You have been with me a long time?” I asked him. He nodded. “Those things that happened to me, those accidents, my broken neck and the ectopic pregnancy, were they wake up calls, tests that I somehow
failed to wake up to?” “No, those events were meant to make you stronger, to prepare you for what was to come. What has happened would have happened regardless of how you handled those other events.” I felt relieved that I had not failed or missed those other signals in my life, that I could not have prevented the boys' leaving this realm, that the loss of my boys was not caused by what I had done or not done before. We got up and walked into the sanctuary. I sat down on the left side of the table. The boys came out of the mist, walking casually and very relaxed. “Hi, Mom.” They scooted into the booth, Sean in the middle, Kyle opposite me. They started peeling and eating lychee fruits. They were happy, enjoying the process. I had such strong memories of when we were in China together! I asked Sean about the computer password and whether it was "Wimple"27 or had to do with that. He would not be clear one way or the other. “Remember what we said the other day, Mom, about finding stuff out for yourself?” “What about Conner? Are you helping him?” “We are doing what we can, Mom. He has a lot of heavy emotions which makes it harder for him to be open.” “Are you watching Jeremy Lin?”28 They both smiled broadly. “We can tell you he has a lot of help!” There was a mysterious sense of the divine, that all "amazing" things that happen on Earth, "God-given" talents, are just that. They are inspired and assisted by the Divine. “How come you guys are so quiet today?” “We don't always have to ‘talk’ Mom. We know you just like being with us, and we like being with you. We don't always have to be so serious.” They continued to eat their lychee fruits and pop them into their mouths. Everything felt so calm and "normal" the way we used to spend time together on Earth. They were so relaxed and just enjoying our time together. After a little while, it was time to go. They scooted out of the booth and I hugged Sean first, then Kyle. “Bye, Mom.” They turned and walked, very relaxed, to the mist. “Bye guys. I love you.” They went through the mist, then I turned and walked with Michael back to the garden. He walked with me to the cloud and I got on. He waved goodbye and I could feel his support and loving energy as I drifted down. We took our time coming down to the cliff. We walked down the path. Panther went into the tree trunk and I continued into the meadow and back to the physical plane. As I was driving home, I was feeling so lonely and really missing my boys, then I saw a license plate: SKM 210 = Sean, Kyle, Maria 21 (hug)! Day 242 – Feb. 17, 2012 So much pain and anguish in my belly this morning. The physical pain was so intense, I wanted to die. I do want to die. I'm sad that I cannot leave this place. Day 243 – Feb. 18, 2012 Today was a pretty good day. Played some fun tennis, went shopping, had pasta for dinner, talked to Eun Young for a while. I enjoyed telling her about the signs that you guys send me. It helps me, it keeps me going. I love you Sean and Kyle! Day 244 – Feb. 19, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked to the well. Held out my hands which were filled with sparkles, and then they went into the air. As I walked up the path, I saw myself from above, 27 A reference to John Lennon. 28 A Harvard-‐educated basketball player who enjoyed a surprising winning streak in the NBA in February 2012.
from a distance, like a third party observer. I saw myself walking with Panther to the cliff. We got onto the cloud and rose up. I felt sorry for that person I saw from my observer viewpoint, compassionate, but also protective, and that everything would be ok. My mind was wandering a lot and I felt so unfocused. I got to the U.R. and walked into the garden clearing. I sat on the bench and waited. After a little while Michael appeared. He comforted and assured me. We walked into the sanctuary. He said, “It is healing for you to be here.” I went towards the mist, waiting for the boys. I felt the energy from the other side, and the pull to go there. I put my hands out to touch the mist. Suddenly, the boys came out. They hugged me, then they led me away from the mist towards the grassy area. It was as if they could sense my desire to go into the mist, and they wanted to separate me from it so I would not be tempted. My mind was wandering all over the place. The boys said, “It’s ok, Mom, you can just let it be. You don’t have to be focused all the time. We will just be here with you. Don’t worry about what you are experiencing. It’s ok.” I let myself be. There was a sense that “the human mind is an amazing and interesting phenomenon.” I got the sense that the boys have so much understanding of the brain, the human mind, how it works, why it does what it does. They commented to each other that I was “a little out of it” today, but they were very patient and understanding. I felt myself floating, detached from my body. The boys said it was time for me to go. I was floating on my back, in a trance, and they escorted me back to the edge of the sanctuary to Michael. Then they said, “Bye, Mom,” and turned to go back to the mist. I was still so out of it. Michael helped me back to the cloud and I went back down with Panther to the cliff. I made it back to the meadow, then into the physical plane. Sean and Kyle Dancing along mother’s breath They whisper into callow ears Songs of the heart, sung for the soul Silence the cries of shallow fears Making way for an age of greatness Though humble, performance abounding with glory Fluently spoken through barriers broken Writing the chapters of victory’s story The ultimate hope of utopia’s land Journey to enlighten a species misguided Color the air with harmony’s tune Sharing the vision of a world united A single life and its personal worth Live and rebirth the spirit of two Eternally calm by gentle psalm Forever the Earth be green and blue – Conner Pe
Day 245 – Feb. 20, 2012 I don’t care anymore. I want to lay down and die. I can’t handle this life anymore. No one gets it. No one understands. I’m so tired. I feel defeated. What’s the point? It’s ok. I need to understand that others don’t understand. And that’s ok. Even when they try, they can be compassionate and try to be empathic, but it’s ok if they don’t understand. God does. Day 246 – Feb. 21, 2012 The pain in the pit of my belly is so predictable. It's where I feel, the location of the sacral chakra. It is a constant reminder of my loss and grief. It has been 8 months to the day. It feels like no time and eternity at the same time. I don't know what I want anymore. The fear permeates often. I wonder that I can survive. I pray for God to take me soon, but I know it will not be soon enough. I have much suffering to endure. I don't know why, I don't understand why I have been condemned to this existence. Each moment is tortuous. Day 247 – Feb. 22, 2012 Filled with sadness and fear. I don't know what to do. Why do I have to do anything?! All I have to do is breathe and be! Each moment, that is what matters. This moment right now, everything is all right. Everything is ok and as it should be! Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. I looked around the field and it was filled with delicate yellow and white flowers. I gathered some up as I walked down to the well. I held my hands out above the well and the flowers floated all around, into the air and into the sky, and down into the well. There was lightness and beauty and color all around. I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and we walked up to the cliff. We got onto the cloud. I asked, “What are all these human beings? What are we?” There was a sense of a grand illusion, all of us encased in physical shells, but the oneness of everyone and everything. I pictured human bodies, arms and legs, all flailing around trying to find meaning in our physical world. The sense of the One above, watching, helping, loving. We got to the U.R. and stepped off the cloud. The sounds of the garden were so profound, life, crickets, chirping. There was a sense of heat, lushness, so much life force. I walked into the clearing and I could feel my energy surge. I sat down on the bench and Michael came and sat next to me. “Shall we go to the sanctuary now?” “No, let's stay here for a minute.” He put his arm around me and I nestled into the crook of his arm. I want to be held, I want to be cared for, I want to be taken care of. He understood and he just held me. After a little while we got up and walked to the sanctuary. “Come on, I know whose energy you need to feel right now.” I walked into the sanctuary. Sean and Kyle were on the other side in the grass area. Sean turned and saw me, and he jumped and cried out with joy and excitement, “Mom!” He started to run over, and then Kyle shouted out, “Mom!” and he ran over too. They held me and they were smiling so happily. Their faces were shining with joy. I felt so much peace and love. Their human forms alternated with their energy. I could see the blue and green energy coming from their beings, their essence. “I want to know about our past lives together.” “That's good, Mom, but remember that we are not going to tell you. It's part of your learning and growth process. Trust your instincts and intuition, Mom. You are doing so good with it. You will know. Faith and trust. It's about love, Mom. We are all one. The opposite of fear is love. You have to choose which one you will take, fear or love? There is only that choice each time. Loving kindness. You can look at every person with loving kindness. Look past the physical matter, the human density, the human emotions, all those things that bog down the soul on Earth, and
look into their eyes and see who they truly are. Look into your own eyes and see who you truly are. There is nothing else. All the material things on Earth do not matter. Here we can create those things with our minds, our essence, our energy.” Sean created a guitar and started playing Norwegian Wood. Kyle created a football and tossed it straight up into the air. Then just as suddenly, they made those things disappear. “You see Mom, it is all illusion, there is nothing but energy. We are all connected to each other. Look for that when you look at others.” They talked about all of us in our human "encasings." They laughed like we were all sausages, made up of all kinds of stuff we didn't want to know about. Then they showed me how they could appear younger to me, and how they could appear older too, even older than when they transitioned. Kyle was a very handsome young man as he appeared to me for a split second as an older person. “Come on, Mom, you have work to do, and we have work to do.” They both kissed me on the cheek at the same time and took me with them, floating to the mist. They released me, then they went into the mist, transforming into energy. I could sense their essence and eternal nature. I heard and felt them as they went: “We love you Mom.” I turned and walked to the edge of the sanctuary. Michael and Panther walked with me into the garden and to the cloud. I got on with Panther, and Michael watched with a smile on his face as we descended. So much loving kindness from him. As Panther and I went down I put my arms around him and hugged him. We got to the cliff and walked down the path. I patted Panther goodbye then he went down the tree trunk. I walked down to the meadow and stood among the flowers. I could sense Earth and the dense human world below me. I brought myself back down and into my physical body. Day 248 – Feb. 23, 2012 Sean was in my dreams last night. He was wearing a green and black checked jacket/blazer. It looked so cute on him, and reflected his original style. I felt so sad waking up and coming back to Earth reality. I struggle every day with the strong desire to leave this realm and the knowledge that I cannot. Day 249 – Feb. 24, 2012 I woke up with the deep pain. It hurts so much I just wish I would die. Email from Alicia: Auntie, This past week I've had a lot of dreams about the boys. In my most recent one...Sean, Kyle, you, and I were at a sports bar watching a football game. Kyle was wearing a jersey watching the game intently. I gave Kyle a huge hug from behind and tousled his hair (it was longer like it used to be). Then I stepped over to Sean who was sitting right next to Kyle. I gave him a tight hug from behind. He turned his head around and softly spoke into my ear, "It's all going to be all right. We are all in this together." He had this soft smile on his face. That's when I woke up. Just wanted to share. I love you, Alicia. Day 250 – Feb. 25, 2012 Life is suffering just like the Buddha said. That is what my life is and I need to work on detachment in order to free myself of suffering. Woke up again in the middle of the night: 2:21 a.m.
Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and paid homage to each direction. I walked down to the well and looked down into the darkness. I had nothing to drop down. I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out. There was a lightness to him. Love emanating from him, understanding and support being sent to me. We walked to the cliff and got onto the cloud. I started thinking about getting ready for the day, then brought my focus back. I had an awareness of the weakness of my human mind, my human brain. We went through the cloud cover and reached the U.R. We walked into the garden clearing. I sat down on the bench and Michael sat down next to me. My mind was racing with so many thoughts, questions, wanting to know everything. Michael slowed me down. “Relax, take it easy, you don’t have to know everything, you don’t have to get all the answers. And you know that in your human lifetime, you will not. What is important is your learning and growth process, your connection to Spirit world and your increasing knowledge of your true nature. Slow down, enjoy the journey. You will learn and obtain wisdom at the pace you are meant to.” I felt better, more relaxed. “Ok, let’s go into the sanctuary.” I felt myself anticipating what I would see, what I wanted to see. Again, Michael slowed me down. “Just feel, just let it be, let it come to you naturally.” With that I relaxed, and we entered the sanctuary. It was so green and lush, filled with nourishing energy. I walked around and looked around, taking in the beauty and the sacredness of the place. I got a sense of the wholeness of it, and I felt like I have not taken the time to absorb it more when I go up there. I walked to the front of the mist area. I could feel the boys coming with tremendous speed and energy. Suddenly, they popped in front of me. They reminded me of those pop up toys that sway back and forth. They were so close to me, like they were teasing me, wanting to startle me a little bit, like mischievous kids. They were both laughing and smiling, amused by their little joke on me. I asked Sean, “How did you know or did you know before that you would really be teleporting the way you are now?” “Some people are closer to God, they have a sense of their connection,” he replied. They had a sense of my mind racing, going in all kinds of direction to obtain information, knowledge, wisdom, answers. “Ok, calm down, Mom.” They stood on either side of me, Kyle on my left, Sean on my right, walking me towards the table, their arms draped over my shoulders, and my arms around their waists. We got to the table and Kyle scooted in on the left, then me, then Sean sat opposite me. “Mom, you are on a journey. The destination will come eventually, but what is important right now is your process, and your focusing on what you are experiencing. It’s like if you are going on a road trip to a specific place, and you get into the car and you are so focused on getting to that place that you focus only on the driving and you don’t even look out the window to see all the beautiful things around you that you are passing. You don’t even stop to get out and look at things and take your time to enjoy the treasures you can find on the way. It’s also like eating something that you really like but you chew and swallow so fast so the sustenance of the food gets into your system to nourish you (the end goal) but you never savored or tasted the food. Like Michael said, you will not know all the answers and acquire all the wisdom during your human lifetime, but you will get closer while you are there.” They conveyed to me that I should talk to Michael and he would help me a lot in gaining more knowledge and wisdom, like he had been around for quite a while and knew many, many things. I had a sense of their place in realms “above,” close to God. Their work seemed to be of inspiring others on Earth. “Are you two like guides now?” “Yeah, Mom, kind of like junior guides because we are still learning a lot.” I asked them to please come through the mediums that I am working with. “Ok, Mom,” but they seemed to say it with a little bit of exasperation, like why am I still relying on others to connect to them? “You know my rational mind needs something too. You guys remember what it was like to be on Earth and to rely so
heavily on the rational brain, right?” They agreed, “Yeah, Mom, you’re right. It’s easy for us to minimize it now that we are here, but yes, we understand what you mean and we remember what it was like to be human.” There was a sense of the soul connectedness in the spirit world, that what we do physically on Earth has little impact on the soul connections and our relationships to each other in the Upper Realm. “Ok, I know what you’re going to say, I have work to do, and you guys have work to do.” They smiled. We got up from the table and walked over to the mist. They held me there, making a “Mom sandwich,” Kyle hugging me from the front and Sean hugging me from the back, his head draped down over my shoulder. There was so much love and protection emanating from them. “I love you so very much!” I could feel their love and devotion enveloping me. There were no words, just pure thoughts, and the energy of love. We let go, then they smiled brightly, and with energy and excitement they shot through the mist. I could sense them travelling to a place that seemed far and close at the same time. I felt at peace, close and connected to them. I turned and walked toward Michael and we walked out of the sanctuary together. We walked into the garden and Panther joined us as we continued to the cloud. Michael took both of my hands in his and looked at me with love and compassion. Panther and I got on the cloud and descended down past the cloud cover back to the cliff. We walked down the path and Panther went down into the tree trunk as I continued into the meadow and back to the physical plane. Day 251 – Feb. 26, 2012 All in all, a pretty good day. There was some intense grief that was released in the morning, and the rest of the day was ok. Last night we had some fun going out dancing. You are always on my mind boys. You are always on my mind and in my heart and soul. I love you. Day 252 – Feb. 27, 2012 Tears spill again. There is not a moment that goes by that the boys are not in my thoughts. Mornings are so hard. Coming back to ordinary reality is so painful. I close my eyes again and feel the boys’ love and energy. Then I open my eyes and see the clock: 6:21. Day 253 – Feb. 28, 2012 As I woke up this morning, I had so many memories and images of the trip to China with the boys. I could see so vividly our time there. There was a sense of the boys popping those images into my mind, like a reminder of our good times together and the love we share, our connectedness, our eternal bonds. I miss them so much, there are no words to describe the feeling, the intensity of the love, the strong desire to relive all of those moments. But I do! All of it is in my consciousness, my awareness, my superconscious and also with the boys, in their spirits, embedded in their soul memory. We are together for eternity and can share these moments any time. There is no loss, except in this illusion of Earth school. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and paid homage to each direction. Ended up facing the well, and I walked down to it. I felt young and vibrant. I had nothing to drop into the well. I walked around it and then up the path to the tree trunk. Panther emerged and we walked up to the cliff and boarded the cloud. We crossed through the cloud cover and reached the U.R. We walked into the garden. I sat down on the bench and Panther laid down on the grass. I reminded my mind to let the images come by themselves and I reminded myself to relax. After a few moments, Michael came and sat down next to me. “Have you been incarnate in my
previous lives?” “Oh, yes, many times.” “How come you are a guide now and you get to stay up here?” “You made a choice to incarnate again and serve others.” There was a sense of me coming from a higher realm, that this lifetime was somehow an act of service, that there was a benefit to the boys. “Why can’t I remember anything? Why can’t I remember my past lives, all the things about the Universe and existence that you know?” “You agreed to forget, you agreed to drop the veil so you could do your work there on Earth.” There were lots of assurances from Michael, a sense of the rightness of all things. “Let’s go into the sanctuary.” We got up and walked to the edge of the garden, and we stood at the threshold of the sanctuary. I stood and took a deep breath in, and took in the beauty and energy of the sanctuary. I looked around at the life and lushness there, and I could feel the intensity of the love and compassion within it, permeating the air, the atmosphere completely absorbed with the energy. I walked in and I could feel the boys coming from the Other Side, their energy was moving fast and powerfully. Then they were there. They stepped through the mist. I came to them and they smiled and hugged me. Sean said, “Hi, Mom.” Kyle said, “Hi Mar Mar.” Then I felt as if they were filling my mind with so many thoughts and images: Tim Braun coming for the Spirit Circle, then the family all going out for dinner; images of India, past lives there, my upcoming visit. Were these all coming from my own brain? I felt like somehow the boys were doing it. All great ideas come from inspiration sent through Spirit. Are all of my thoughts not really my own? The conflict and battle within my mind seemed to rage on, but then the boys called out, “Mom! Mom! Come back, Mom!” Then I was there again in the sanctuary standing with them. They had smiles on their faces, like they knew something, like they had just done something to influence my mind. I felt light-headed, kind of dreamy, almost tipsy or drunk in a way. I just let myself go with it. So many thoughts and images raced through my mind. Why were all these things happening in my brain? The boys seemed to take it all in stride. Again, the feeling of them impressing me with images. They took me by my elbows, each of them holding on to me on either side, like they were leading and helping me along. I was out of it. They led me to the edge of the sanctuary, kind of floating me along. “Ok, Mom, you’re ok. Time to go back.” They let me go at the edge of the garden and Michael took over helping me. Then I could sense the boys taking off, going back to their place. I went with Michael back to the cloud, floating and dreamy all the way. I got onto the cloud with Panther and came back down to the cliff. Panther walked next to me and I could sense him conveying, “You’re ok, you’re fine.” Then he went down the tree trunk and I went back into the meadow and back to the physical plane. Day 254 – Feb. 29, 2012 Strong images and memories of Sean this morning. I could feel his essence, his love, kindness, warmth, compassion. What a beautiful soul you are, my Sean! My wonderful amazing boy! I love you! • Keep loving • Live life to the fullest, to recapture Joy • Be patient, breathe, cry • Have faith • Know you are never alone
MARCH 2012 Day 255 – Mar. 1, 2012 Dreamt of good things – positive energy, the interconnectedness of all things. The feeling was one of hope. Driving to my bereavement group meeting, I started thinking about Tom and how sad the scene must have been that day. Then I wondered what had been done with him. I felt deep sadness, then a sense of unease, anxiety and even some remorse that maybe I did wrong by not including him in the memorial celebration. Is that crazy? After what he did to Sean and Kyle? Why would I feel that way? I prayed that God was keeping him safe and protected, and helping him to heal. Sometimes I really surprise myself. Then suddenly, a big SUV pulled in front of me. The letters on the license plate were T-‐J-‐F (Thomas Joseph Fuchs). Was it a sign, an acknowledgment? Day 256 – Mar. 2, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and paid homage to each direction. Walked down to the well, and walked around it. Nothing to drop down. The well was bigger, more substantial with bigger bricks. I walked up the path and Panther joined me at the tree trunk. “Let go,” he conveyed to me. He was helping me with my headache. We walked to the cliff and got onto the cloud. Fleeting thoughts of the earthly world went in and out of my head. We reached the U.R. and got off the cloud. Michael was there to greet us. As we were together, I had lots of thoughts and images of Tom. “Why?” I asked Michael. “You are ready for more revelation, to know more of the Truth. Your growth and progress are leading you to greater wisdom.” Briefly, I had a thought of Michael being Tom, that maybe he had been that incarnation in this lifetime. I felt some fear and apprehension, but then it settled and I had a sense that it was not so. We walked to the sanctuary. I stood at the edge, taking in the beauty and energy. The details were so clear, so distinct, the table, the lush greenery, trees, grass, the life teeming within. I could sense the pathway to the Source, running along the opposite side of the mist portal. I walked over to the entrance. I could feel the boys approaching. Then they were there. They walked through the mist. They were young men, older and more mature than when they were last on Earth. They came and hugged me. “Why are you guys older now?” “We wanted to show you our progression, Mom. We have been growing, developing, evolving. We are making so much progress, we are doing good work.” I felt so proud. “I am so proud of you.” “And you are doing good too, Mom, you are doing so good. You are ready to take in more, to learn more, that is why you are getting this information, your thoughts, your reflections, they are part of your learning process and more is being given to you because you are ready to learn it, to absorb it, to understand the significance of events and to grow from them.” They had a knowing and assurance about them. “What should I be doing?” “Why do you ask us so many questions, Mom, when you know all the answers, you have all the answers inside of you. You trust your intuition and you have a knowing, don’t you?” I nodded, “Yes, yes, I do.” “We don’t always have to be asking and answering questions. We can just be here together.” “Ok, guys, I just felt like I had to have questions for you in order for me to stay focused, like I read in that one book.” “It’s ok, Mom we know you are trying so hard and you want so much to understand and to know what to do.” “I honor you boys, I honor you so much. I know that is what I should be doing.” “And so much more, Mom. You will know what you are to do.” We walked around the sanctuary, enjoying the environment. Then we stopped and they put their
heads down, touching mine to help me with my headache. Their energy and love flowed through me and we were so connected to each other. Then it was time to go. They both looked at me with so much love in their eyes. They were both so tall! Kyle kissed me and hugged me, then Sean kissed me and hugged me. “Bye, Mom, we love you!” They changed into energy and shot through the mist. I walked back to the garden and Michael walked me back to the cloud. Panther and I got on. As we went down, I looked at Michael and he smiled with assurance, “You’re ready.” As I watched Michael, I had a deep knowing that he was not Tom, that he had not been that incarnation, that Tom was somewhere else, and that I would know more soon. We went down through the cloud cover to the cliff then returned to the tree trunk and the meadow. Then I returned to the physical plane. Day 257 – Mar. 3, 2012 Mt. Vernon today. Thoughts of the boys with me. These were the things that we were supposed to do together on this Earth. Why, oh why did this have to be? The sadness is like a light cloak over my shoulders all the time, always with me, covering me, staying with me. I am tired of it. I am tired of this existence. It gets so tiring trying to hold it together. Everyone wants me to be ok. It’s exhausting being ok. Day 258 – Mar. 4, 2012 Another day has passed. You two are always on my mind. I love you so much! I honor you so much! That is what my life is about. That is what keeps me motivated – honoring you, and knowing that my remaining life on Earth must continue in order to fulfill our destinies together. Bless you. Bless you for blessing me with your love and presence in my life. There is and never will be anything like it. Day 259 – Mar. 5, 2012 Last night I dreamt of the process of gaining knowledge and wisdom. There was a sense of “all knowing” going in to me. No knowledge is ever lost. When a body expires, the knowledge contained therein goes to the collective consciousness. There was a process occurring within me where knowledge and wisdom were being transferred. It may not be fully conscious to me, but it is there and will all be revealed in time. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and paid homage to each direction. Walked down to the well. It seemed larger again and as if a structure was being built around it, like a shack or small barn. I had nothing to drop down. I walked around it and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and we walked up the path to the cliff. I started daydreaming about earthly matters. I wonder why that happens? We got onto the cloud and rose up through the cloud cover. We arrived at the U.R. quickly and walked into the garden. I sat down on the bench. Michael came and sat next to me. “Tell me that I have something to look forward to.” “Oh, yes, you do. You must achieve bliss again.” He reminded me that my emotional level on Earth would determine where I arrived on the Other Side, that my state of mind, positive or negative, would be matched to the commensurate level in Spirit world. He comforted and assured me that I am on the right path and doing well. We got up and walked into the sanctuary. I looked around and took in the beauty and the energy. Then I walked over to the mist portal and waited. I could feel the boys approaching. They landed and transformed into their human embodiments then came through the mist. They looked more mature again. They came to me and gently wrapped their arms around me. “Bliss” is what I heard, like a
reminder that I am to find joy again and rise to the level of bliss before I can cross over. I knew it was so. The boys took me and floated me around the sanctuary. There were images of what I have been doing on Earth, like a review of my work, the way I am touching people, teaching them, talking to them, impacting them. “Do you see, Mom, what you are doing, how people are learning from you? You have so much to do. Your life has so much purpose. It is important, like everyone else’s journey, it is meaningful. You all have your work to do, it doesn’t matter how large or small it seems. There is no need to compare to each other, what is important is that you are each doing what you are meant to do in your time there. There was a sense of pride and accomplishment in a way, not in an egoic sense, but in a right way, like the right way of the Universe, or just the way, not “right” as that is a judgment. It was more about the path and the Universe working as it works, to move all beings to the state they are meant to be in. After a little while, the boys floated me back to the edge of the sanctuary where Michael was standing. They acknowledged him with “Hey, Michael.” Sean held me and put his hand on my head. He was so gentle, like a parent soothing his child. “It’s ok, Mom, you’re doing good. I love you.” “I love you too, honey.” Then Kyle held me and looked at me with his kind and gentle eyes, a little hint of his mischievousness in them. “I love you Mar Mar! You are doing good.” They seemed to read my thoughts. “Yes, we send you messages all the time! Believe in them, and you will see more and more.” They turned and walked into the mist. I could sense them holding hands briefly, bonded so tightly as souls, then they turned into energy and shot off to their place in the light. I walked with Michael back to the garden and to the cloud. Panther and I got on and started our descent. I looked up at Michael, “Bye, Michael.” “Goodbye,” he said gently and smiled. We went through the cloud cover and back to the cliff. We walked down the path to the tree trunk. I patted Panther on the neck and he went down, then I continued to the meadow and back to the physical plane. Day 260 – Mar. 6, 2012 Sadness, deep and profound sadness, sits with me at all times. I miss you my beautiful sons, I miss you so much! Day 261 – Mar. 7, 2012 Emptiness is what I feel. I vacillate between one end of the emotional spectrum to the other, at each moment. Please help me, boys! I need your help! I love you so much I can’t even express it. I love you beyond anything. Some messages I received today: • The ones who seem to be victims of tragedy are actually great heroes, because they have chosen, out of great courage, to play that part. Most of the ones who release the body through tragedies are going to come back very soon because they want to live in a place that has now been changed because of their actions. They want to reap the reward of what they have given, so they will be back very soon. • Many have wanted to know, ‘How can I have impact on the evolutionary rise of collective consciousness?’ And so they choose what seems to be a most drastic way to do it, and yet they have impact, do they not, as they will release the body, the ones who seem to be the victims. They are not victims. “For you grow to heaven, you don’t go to heaven. It is within thine own consciousness that ye grow there.” – Edgar Cayce
“We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same.” – Carlos Castaneda Day 262 – Mar. 8, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow paying homage to each direction. I walked down to the well. I had to remind myself not to anticipate and to let things come to me naturally and easily. I held my hands out over the well. White sand slipped through my fingers down into the well at the same time as white flower petals fluttered up into the air from my hands. I walked around the well to the tree trunk. Panther came out and joined me and we walked to the cliff. I was already thinking about books and which ones to take with me on my trip. Panther reminded me to focus and not to worry so much about the earthly things. “Why am I going off on those tangents?” “It’s part of being human, the wanderings of the mind.” We got onto the cloud and Panther sat next to me. I draped my arm around him and he sat close to me, comforting me with his energy and presence. We rose through the cloud cover and reached the U.R. We walked into the garden, then the clearing. I tried to take in all the sensations. I tried to be patient and let the images and impressions come as they may. I sat down on the bench and was anticipating Michael’s arrival, so I had to remind myself once again not to anticipate. With that, Michael came out and sat down next to me. He enveloped me with his energy, a protective covering. He knew my struggles and could feel my pain and anguish. “Why don’t the boys send me more signs?” “They are there when you need them. They can’t constantly be sending you signs. You are growing and progressing, so only when you really need the signs will they send them to you, but know that they always know how you are, they have a constant awareness of your experience.” There was an image of them engaged in their tasks, but a “tether” kept them connected to me and aware of what is going on in my Earth life. Michael gave me more assurances. These are the challenges of being in human form. There were more thoughts and images of reassurance and right path. We got up and walked to the edge of the sanctuary. I stood there and breathed in the energy. I could sense Kyle waiting excitedly for me. I walked into the sanctuary and he emerged from the mist, running and jumping, with a big smile on his face, so full of joy. “Mom!” he called out, so happy to see me. Sean followed behind him with his funny loping run. They looked as they did when they were last on Earth. Kyle had an aura of youth about him. My little boy, my baby. They put their arms around me. “Do you guys feel my sorrow?” “Oh, yes, Mom, we know what you are feeling. We are right there with you, just like this.” They had their arms around me, comforting me. Kyle patted me on the back. They knew and acknowledged my struggle with pain, sorrow and anguish. There was a sense of their “knowing,” their understanding of the full scope of information on the Other Side. “There is a reason you are there, Mom. There is a reason you made this choice, why this life plan is the way it is.” There was a strong sense of honor and reverence coming from them to me. “I honor you!” “We honor you, Mom.” Again, there was a sense of them acknowledging me as an “incredible” soul. “It’s ok, Mom, it’s ok.” Sean enveloped both of us. “It’s ok, Mom.” They let me cry and release some of my grief. They showed me how it looked from their view from the other side of the veil when they were comforting me in my times of sorrow on Earth. There was a thin purplish veil between us. I could see myself on Earth, my head bowed in sorrow, and them on the other side of the veil with their arms around me. “We are just like this, Mom, right there next to you.” “What are you guys working on?” Kyle looked at Sean as if to ask if it was ok to reveal information. Sean acknowledged yes. But the information was vague, not clear about specific work they are doing. Another battle with my mind to stop anticipating and wishing for certain answers.
They lifted me up and floated me around the sanctuary. “You guys will come through the mediums, right?” “Yes, Mom, we already told you we will.” “I’m afraid guys. I battle with fear and doubt. What if all of this, I’m just making it up in my head?” “It’s coming from somewhere, Mom. Why not us? Why not here? It is part of the human condition to have fear and doubt. That is the challenge, to overcome it. If there were no challenge or struggle, you would not get the benefit of that process. It’s ok, Mom. When you feel the sorrow and the fear, just remember that we are right there next to you just like we showed you. The process is your road to more awareness, enlightenment.” I felt anxiety about not being able to remember all the parts of our conversations. “You will remember, Mom, you will know.” There was a sense of the enormity and vastness of their realm, the Universe. They were excited and ecstatic about their existence. “Do you guys ever miss being on Earth?” “Sometimes, Mom, but we’re there a lot, right across the veil.” They conveyed their peace and joy at where they are now. They led me around the sanctuary to the threshold of the garden where Michael was waiting. They acknowledged him. Once again they wrapped their arms around me from behind and bent their heads down over me, so protective, so loving. “We love you, Mom!” They let go then bounded off, doing flips, to the mist portal, then they jumped into the mist. I could sense their energy surge as they took off. I walked into the garden with Michael and he walked me back to the cloud as Panther joined us. I got onto the cloud and Panther sat close to me again as we descended. “Bye, Michael.” “Goodbye, Maria. I am with you.” We went down through the cloud cover and back to the cliff. We walked down the path and Panther went into the tree trunk. I had a sense of the dense Earth below and I was hesitant to return there. I walked into the meadow and returned to the physical plane. Day 263 – Mar. 9, 2012 In Virginia Beach for the Afterlife Awareness Conference. Definitely a very new experience for me. Did I ever think my life would be this? No way! I find myself a little disoriented, but this is the way I have been led. I will keep an open mind. Group past life regression: Went back to medieval England or Scotland. First image was inside a dark tavern, lots of wood. A big door with a large metal latch. I was a very large man with a beard, a warrior. My name is Angus. I walked out the door to a dirty, muddy medieval city. I was wearing clothing that was reinforced with armor. I am clearly a soldier, a lieutenant to a nobleman. I can see the nobleman’s castle nearby. My soldiers are in the tavern. A little later, we are in the nobleman’s castle, eating at a large table. There are many men, soldiers who are having a large meal prior to battle. We are meant to defend the nobleman’s lands. We know that the neighboring clan will be coming to battle with us tomorrow. As we eat together, the nobleman’s wife descends from the stairs. She is beautiful and I covet her, but my allegiance is to my nobleman. The next scene is all of us soldiers on a high bluff. The land is grassy and green. We are near the ocean on high cliffs. We are sitting on horses, our flags flapping in the wind. The enemy advances. We engage in hand to hand combat. My nobleman is speared with a lance. I hold him, cradling him on the ground as he dies. Thoughts of his wife come to my mind – now I can have her! I am ashamed at my envy of him and my sense of happiness that I can have her now that he is gone. I am on my knees, and an enemy warrior advances with a sword. I do not defend myself or fight back. I bare my chest and take the sword directly in my heart. I die, with blood gurgling up into my mouth. But I feel honor that I have chosen to die with my nobleman and maintain his trust and my loyalty to him rather than continue to live and take his wife. I rise up to the light. Michael is there to greet me. Then there is a panel of elders who send positive feelings about my choices,
of overcoming envy and maintaining trust. Then Sean and Kyle come out of the mist to hug me. They are so happy. “You had a cool life that time, Mom.” Then I see my mother, Lina, Mary Lou, others in the background, Uncle Tony, Tia Luchi. I ask my mother if they are ready to receive my father. She says they are ready. “When will it be?” There is no clear answer on that one, but they advise me to finish my business with my father. They all smile at me, very loving, very supportive, very proud. When I feel in touch with the One, I see the blue/purple of eternity, lots of planets, floating clouds, a sense of infinity, beauty, love. Meditation: Envisioned my last night with Sean and Kyle sitting on the couch watching a movie. I remembered so clearly the way they looked, the depth of the love I was feeling from them and for them. Kyle’s beautiful profile, Sean’s beautiful soft hands. The comfort, the ease, the tremendous love all around us. I would do anything for you guys, I would sacrifice anything for you. Mom, right now, you are doing it, what you are doing right now, it is the biggest sacrifice you are making, that you can make for us. I turned to hug Sean, and Kyle came up to hug me from behind. They held me there, so much comfort, assurance and love. Excerpts from group reading with medium Suzane Northrop: SN: I’m getting a T name like there’s a Thomas or a Theodore. MP: My ex-‐husband is Thomas. SN: And he’s passed? MP: Yes. SN: I don’t know why, but I have to ask you this please, did you leave on good terms? MP: No. SN: Ok, that’s why. . . . He wants to come through, but he wants you to have him come through, do you understand this? MP: Yes. SN: Ok, so he’s telling me this point blank. He was a pain in the ass. You were the best thing that ever happened to him. He’s really sorry that he put you through what he put you through, but he was unable to open up his heart. It wasn’t about you. Do you understand this? It’s quite literal. MP: Yes. SN: Now, this was also a fast passing [referring to son]. . . . Would there be like loud noises with his passing? I’m like “boom!” and I heard this before and that’s when I asked you why do I see firemen, why do I see all of that stuff? . . . Well, they’re both coming here together [referring to sons]. Now, I gotta tell you, they were both very radically different. . . . Now, they’re not only radically different, interesting enough, but they were connected when they were here. They were side by side. That’s why the one couldn’t stay without the other one. But they say, momma knows this. And they said to me, they have both come to you. . . . But literally, my head, literally my head. Literally, my head. Now, I don’t know if you’ve done this, or why they’re talking about this, but they’re talking about the t-‐shirts. And they approve. You don’t question how much they love you? You should not. They are different. I don’t know what they got, but they are definitely different. Who’s connected to a 13? MP: My son was 13. At dinner, I just “happened” to sit down next to a woman named Leslie Dutton, an intuitive and medium. After she introduced herself, she told me: On the plane ride here, a young boy came to me. He had bangs and a very round face. He did not want to tell me how he
passed. He was with an older man who looked like a grandfather figure. The older man had a slight build, was of Asian descent, had combed back hair, and he had a really big smile on his face. The older man conveyed to me, “He’s okay, he’s with me,” referring to the young boy. There was a sense of so much joy, happiness and love coming from both of them. I asked the boy, “Who is grieving for you?” The boy showed me “Mother” and conveyed that his mother would be at the conference and that I should try to find her to let her know that he is ok and he is happy. He gave me letters that looked like “H” or “P” and “e.” The grandfather figure was smiling so big, he was grinning from ear to ear, that it made me smile too. There was so much love and comfort coming from both of them. When I got to the conference, I told my two friends about this and asked them, “How am I supposed to find this person?” They said, “They’ll probably be a woman of Asian descent who ends up sitting next to you at the conference.” I showed Leslie the program from the boys’ memorial celebration, and she said: The father was Caucasian. I feel like he had custody/visitation time with the boys and that was when this happened. The house did not have a second story, it was a single story ranch house. There were gunshots. It was very quick. They were here then they were gone. The father was very mad. He was jealous. He had angry energy, even in spirit it comes through. Later that evening, I sat down privately with Leslie and she told me: The boy does not want you to think of the death scene. That is not what he wants you to remember. The boys come and play with the pets. They come to you. I sense them crawling onto your bed. The younger one curls up by your legs when you are sleeping. The grandfather figure takes good care of the boys. He has a warm, loving face, slight build, dark hair combed back, and his ears stick out a little. He stands behind the older boy. Your boys are very creative, really smart kids. They find people to send their energy through in order to get to you. They are very gentle, tender. They’re right here, right at your cheek, and they give you lots of hugs. You’re going to be writing about your experience. There’s another mother who needs you, someone in a similar situation. You’re going to be around here for a long time. You know you have a lot of work to do and people to help. I am getting “tiger” from the younger boy. Day 264 – Mar. 10, 2012 Meditation: I asked the question, how do I write this book? Images of the light beams going up from everyone in the room to the One. There was a giant feedback loop from the One back down to Earth, infusing the entire planet, radiating up into each human being, then rising through the bodies back up to the One. Some beings had strong, powerful light, others dim, others just inklings of light. The light from the stronger beams helped to energize the weaker beams as each being worked through to increase and improve their connections to the One. Then an image of Sean’s Mac Book computer, and me typing on it. Energy coming through the top of my head as I type, inspiration coming from Sean and Kyle, expanding out to others in my soul group, then even further out to other souls and other beings. And all of it looping back again and again through me, through the One, through all. Everyone will help you write the book. Feel it, trust it, it will come, everyone will help you. The book is not about you, it is about all. This is not “my” book, it is everyone’s book. I felt the connectedness of it to the Source. The message was one from the Source for the good and benefit of all. I feel so humbled by You. The tears are flowing. So connected, so much with the One.
“Only the courageous plan fear.” – Rob Schwartz “Dreams are a snapshot of the soul.” – Carla Blowey Day 265 – Mar. 11, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and paid homage to each direction. Walked down to the well, feeling sadness. I walked around the well and held my hands out. Rough sand, gray and coarse, dropped into the well from my hands. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and we walked up to the cliff. He seemed to convey, “It’s a lot of stuff,” referring to the conference. We got to the cloud and got on. We rose up into the sky, and I could sense the deep purple and darkness of space, lit up by the Divine. We reached the U.R. and walked into the garden. Michael was already waiting. He was smiling, looking amused about my brain overload from all the information I have been getting. “Come on,” he said, and we walked to the edge of the sanctuary. I was already anticipating the boys, so he stopped me at the edge and looked at me intently. “Ok, relax, let it come, don’t force it.” With that, I felt calmer. Then I went near the mist portal and the boys came out with their arms outstretched. They had a calmness and peace about them, and were very happy. They wrapped their arms around me. They were pleased with what has occurred this weekend. Kyle was happy with his connection to Leslie Dutton and her connection to me. He seemed so proud of his ability to communicate so well from Spirit now, like he has learned and progressed so much. “What about your Dad?” “You’re ready, Mom. You have moved into a space of forgiveness. He hears your prayers, he knows when he is in your thoughts. He is healing.” I started to feel anxiety, fear and pain, thinking that he was now with them. They understood the fear and the human- ness of it. “Don’t worry, Mom, he is in a different place, but he wanted to come through, so he came to the reading. You were ready to receive the messages. You are progressing so well, Mom. It’s ok.” They acknowledged all that was going on in the conference, how much info has been put into my head. “Relax, Mom, let it sink in, let it just sit, you don’t have to do anything with it right away, just take it in and let it be for a while.” They wrapped themselves tight around me, their heads bowed over mine, and their energy infused and cleansed me. They filled me with protective light and energy. They calmed me. They knew my brain was going a million miles a minute. “You’re ready to go back, Mom.” They loosened their hold and they both looked at me with so much love and affection. They kissed me on the cheeks at the same time. “I love you, Mom,” they both said. Then they let go and turned back to go into the mist. I walked to the sanctuary edge and Michael met me and walked me into the garden to the cloud. Panther got up from the grass and joined us. I felt the love and understanding from Michael. He had a full knowing of everything going on inside of me, and I could feel his compassion and support. I got onto the cloud and descended with Panther. We returned to the cliff and walked down the path. Panther left and I went back to the meadow. As I stood there, preparing to return to the physical plane, I could sense the powerful beams of energy from the boys that were shooting down into me, our eternal connection and bond of love. They are always with me. Day 266 – Mar. 12, 2012 Dreamt of many dimensions, far away planets, wisdom and learning, ethereal concepts, so vast, all-‐encompassing. So hard to remember specific details or to describe in words. I think I was astral traveling, out of my body, to dimensions of wonder.
“God is essentially love and the Universe is completely orderly.” – Kevin Todeschi Day 267 – Mar. 13, 2012 I feel you my boys! My perspective has shifted toward more peace and more healing. I know you are with me. I know you are helping me. Day 268 – Mar. 14, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Stood in the meadow, then walked down the path to the well. I held my hands out and gravel then small rocks dropped down. The small rocks made loud plopping noises as they hit the water. I asked Mother Earth to transform them into light and energy. Then I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and met me. He was so happy, so full of love and energy which he conveyed and showered me with. We walked up the path to the cloud and got on. Then we rose up into the cloud cover and reached the U.R. We walked into the garden. Michael came out and met me. So many thoughts of the past weekend flew through my mind. He was aware of all of it, and was pleased at how much learning and growth I have been doing. He calmed my mind then and took my hand. We walked into the sanctuary. As I began to anticipate the boys, he reminded me to still my thoughts, and we walked slowly around the perimeter of the sanctuary, taking in the beauty of the nature, the sounds, the butterflies and birds, and the life all around us. “Stay right here with me, stay with me,” he kept repeating. We got to the mist portal and stood waiting. Suddenly, the boys came through, doing somersaults and flips. Michael said, “I’ll leave you with them now,” and he walked to the edge of the sanctuary. The boys were laughing and breathless with excitement. Their beautiful faces were shining with love and joy. “Hi, Mom!” They came to me and put their arms around me. “Tell me what you are doing, who you have been going to, who you have been helping.” They showed me images of them with Conner. Conner was sitting at his desk in his room working on the computer and the boys were standing behind him with their arms wrapped around his neck and shoulders. They showed me images of them sitting with Alicia as she painted in her room. Sean showed me how he was close to Andrew when he played the drums, and how he was close to Patrick’s heart when he was painting on the mural. They showed me they were in the little car with Uncle Bert when he drove around and sometimes they brought Lolo29 with them. “You are so many places,” I said to them. “We can be everywhere, Mom. We have important work to do here, but we can still be everywhere and help others.” As I watched all these scenes, I cried with so much love and emotion, with so much gratitude for their selflessness and their unconditional love for so many people. I sensed them being proud of me too. “You are helping so many people, Mom. You see your path more clearly now, don’t you? You have so much life to live, you have so much love to give. You will live a long life on Earth, long in Earth years, but not long from our perspective. There are so many people that you will help, that you will impact. You are doing so much for the collective consciousness.” Images of me talking with family, friends, others. “Help them, Mom, you are helping them.” They took me by my arms, one on each side of me and lifted me up, higher and higher into the air. “Not too high, guys.” “Don’t be afraid, Mom, we have you.” They took me even higher and we flew over the tops of the trees, and we could see the forest extending out to infinity. There was so much beauty, so much eternity. After a little while, they brought me back to the sanctuary and we stood by the mist portal. They were excited that my trip to India is coming up. They had a “knowing” 29 My grandfather on my mother’s side.
about them, like they were aware of experiences I would be having, things to help with my soul growth. They hugged and kissed me. Then they walked into the mist and dissolved into energy. I turned and walked back to the garden. Michael walked me back to the cloud and Panther joined me as I got on. I felt connected to Michael as we descended. I remember now that I had asked him if we had had lives together. “Oh, yes, many lives. You will learn more as you progress in your process.” “What about the boys?” “Oh, yes, them too.” I got back to the cliff with Panther and we walked down the path. He went into the tree trunk and I returned to the meadow, then the physical plane. Day 269 – Mar. 15, 2012 Tremendous sadness for Tom. Trying hard to understand the purpose and the plan. Trusting that the Divine will lead me where I need to be and show me what I am ready to know. I feel the love and energy of my boys. I see them in my mind’s eye. It’s like a constant streaming beam from the U.R. It saves me. Daily Acceptance Pledge I accept myself completely. I accept my strengths and my weaknesses, my gifts and my shortcomings, my good points and my faults. I accept myself completely as a human being. I accept that I am here to learn and grow, and I accept that I am learning and growing. I accept the personality I’ve developed, and I accept my power to heal and change. I accept myself without condition or reservation. I accept that the core of my being is goodness and that my essence is love, and I accept that I sometimes forget that. I accept myself completely, and in this acceptance I find an ever-‐deepening inner strength. From this place of strength, I accept my life fully and I open to the lessons it offers me today. I accept that within my mind are both fear and love, and I accept my power to choose which I will experience as real. I recognize that I experience only the results of my own choices. I accept that the times that I choose fear as part of my learning and healing process, and I accept that I have the potential and power In any moment to choose love instead. I accept mistakes as a part of growth,
so I am always willing to forgive myself and give myself another chance. I accept that my life is the expression of my thought, and I commit myself to aligning my thoughts more and more each day with the Thought of Love. I accept that I am an expression of this Love. Love’s hands and voice and heart on Earth. I accept my own life as a blessing and a gift. My heart is open to receive, and I am deeply grateful. May I always share the gifts that I receive fully, feely, and with joy. Day 270 – Mar. 16, 2012 More and more moments of serenity, as odd and impossible as it seems. How can this be so? Because I feel the boys’ presence and energy. Because I KNOW, truly KNOW, that they continue to exist and to thrive on the Other Side, and that they are close to me, as close as a thought away. I have had a shift of consciousness, of new perspective. Is this the gift I was to receive? I think it must be. You boys are an amazing gift to me, a magical blessing in my life, even now in this life that I lead on Earth without you here on the physical plane, but closer to me somehow, a deeper connection than I would have thought possible. I continue to be mystified and awed by the Universe, the Divine, the One. Day 271 – Mar. 17, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Very strange experience today. Started in the meadow paying homage to each direction. Walked down to the well and held out my hands. Fine white sand slipped through my fingers into the water and sparkles came up. I walked around the well, up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came up and we walked up to the cliff. Thoughts of earthly things came into my mind. Then I thought of leaving all things behind, rising up to a place where tasks and other earthly duties did not matter. As Panther and I rose up on the cloud, that sense of “no matter” filled me and I felt free and happy. We got to the U.R. and stepped into the garden. Then there was the image of a woman, almost like a female version of Michael, a “Michaela.” I felt like I was in a dream state, very close to sleep. I asked myself, am I dreaming? What are these images? My conscious mind had an awareness, but I still felt like I was almost sleeping. “It’s ok,” I heard, “just take it for what it is.” More images, dream-like, seemed to come to me. Then I reminded myself, I want to see the boys. So I continued to the sanctuary. I stepped inside and I tried to take my time. I walked around then approached the mist portal. I stood waiting, then the boys emerged, almost like they were “beaming in,” but much faster with a swoosh of energy. They hugged me, smiling broadly. “Let’s go to the table,” they said. They lifted me up in the air and floated me into the seat. Sean sat on my right and Kyle on my left. Then, it started, the free floating images. Something about a young child, healing? Or learning how to do something? My conscious mind again asked, am I dreaming or are these images being generated by the boys? It was almost like I was going to different places or scenarios. Then I would come back and be at the table with the boys again. I heard them say softly, “It’s ok, Mom, sometimes it is going to be like this, just go with it.” I felt so unfocused, and my mind was being drawn to all kinds of different places. Yet somehow it was different
from my conscious thoughts, my thinking brain. I felt like I was just along for the ride. But it was frustrating because I could not focus on the boys. After a little while, the boys said, “It’s time to go,” and they floated/led me to the edge of the sanctuary. They each hugged and kissed me goodbye then let me go into the garden. I felt so out of it, disoriented, not sure what was going on. At one point, I opened my eyes suddenly because I heard a sharp intake of breath in the room, like it was Kyle actually here in the physical plane. I felt my heart rate go up with my nervousness. Then I felt my hands so heavy, tingling. I closed my eyes again and focused on returning to the cloud and coming back down to the meadow and the physical plane. It was a quick process. I felt so out of sorts. I thought I could hear music as I returned. Day 272 – Mar. 18, 2012 The sorrow was deep in my core today as I woke up. The tears welled up in my eyes and I let them fall. I miss you so much my boys! I miss your companionship. I remember how we used to travel together. I can picture both of you in airports with me, on the plane, a new hotel. So many good memories of our adventures together. I miss that so much. There is such a deep void in my life. I still sometimes wish I could be done here. Taking a short walk around the neighborhood, feeling sad about Kyle as I walked by the little park, remembering the days we used to throw the football on the grass, tears streaming down my face. Then . . . wind chimes, the clear sound of wind chimes all around, but I could not see any around me anywhere. The love from my son, I know that’s what it was. Don’t be sad, Mom, I’m right here with you, they seemed to say. The miracle of Spirit continues to come to me. Day 273 – Mar. 19, 2012 Dreams – Jaden and his parents. Jaden was ok, conveying that he is doing well. The boys were with me. It was like we had gone back in time. Tom was gone, but the boys were still here and I had them now all the time. Kyle was dressed in a baseball uniform. He said he was going to try out for the baseball team. He was wearing his old cleats and they were too small for him. His toes were sticking out. I told him that maybe he should wear his football cleats for now, but the bottoms were too smooth. I told him I would buy him some new cleats. Sean was nearby, they were both so real to me. It was like a normal day we would have had together. It was disappointing to wake up a little in the middle of the night and realize it was “just” a dream. I went back to sleep quickly to stay in the dream state. Kyle’s energy has become such a powerful force in my life. I was in his room tonight to say good night. I felt overwhelmed with missing the two of them so much. I started to cry and I sat down on the futon and wept. The candle flame began to flicker rapidly and it continued as I cried. It was flickering so much that I looked up at it. I said, “I’m ok,” and wiped my tears, and the candle flame stopped flickering. I know it is Kyle. There is no more doubt in my mind. You have done it, buddy! You have really gotten through to me. Thank you for staying with me, for teaching me. I love you. Our bond and pact of love grows ever stronger. Day 274 – Mar. 20, 2012 Dreamt a lot last night about the Other Side, the Upper Realm. So many good feelings about that dimension, the feelings of oneness, wholeness, truth, purity, absolute beauty and love. Maybe I was astral traveling? I had such a strong sense of wonder, awe and joy about the
nature of our true existence. So many positive feelings and a sense of being able to see and know it all. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down to the well. I looked down with sadness, but had nothing to drop into it. I walked around it and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and walked with me up the path to the cliff. We got onto the cloud and rose up. As we rose up I thought about how much I want to be in the U.R. My energy became lighter as we rose. I thought about my painful existence on Earth and how real and much more wonderful the U.R. is to me. Why can’t I go there now? Why? We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. As I started to anticipate again, I reminded myself to let things come as they may. I walked into the clearing and Michael met me. I fell into his arms, wanting to be held and reassured. He comforted me. He could feel my sadness. We walked to the edge of the sanctuary and stood for a minute. He calmed me so I would let my mind relax and receive. I could feel the boys’ energy. Michael and I walked slowly around the sanctuary. We were on the opposite end from the mist portal when the boys came through. They walked over to me and I began to cry. Kyle hurried over and put his arms around me. “I miss you guys so much!” I sobbed and wept openly. “It hurts so much.” “It’s ok, Mom. You’re human. You wouldn’t be human anymore if you didn’t feel the pain.” “I don’t want to be human anymore!” “Yes, you do, Mom, you know you do. You have so much to do still, you don’t have much time left on Earth. It will go so quick. You will see that when you are here in the Upper Realm and you will know. You have so much meaning and purpose in your life.” They held me and comforted me as I continued to cry. We sat on the grass, and I leaned into them, cradled by their bodies. Their energy surrounded me and infused me. Michael stood nearby and surrounded us with his energy. I could see the energy flow around us, extending upward into eternity, connected to the Source of all energy. “There is so much evidence all around me of the true existence. Why can’t I just accept that and not feel the pain anymore?” “As long as you are human, Mom, you will feel the pain. It is part of the human make-up, the human condition. That is the challenge, to feel it and move beyond to the Truth. You know the Truth, you don’t need approval from anyone else, you don’t need permission from anyone else. Don’t get caught up in all of those human structures. You only need to go on your path, do your work, and do what is right for you. You already know the Truth, Mom. You don’t need anything else.” As my crying subsided, they lifted me gently. Kyle took my face in his hands and looked deeply into my eyes. “Stay with the program, Mom,” he smiled at me. Sean held my head gently, and kissed me. “We’re here, Mom. I love you.” “I love you too, honey.” They walked me over to Michael and handed me off, then they turned and walked peacefully to the mist portal. Sean put his arm around Kyle’s shoulder and they both looked back at me with love and concern. Michael led me back to the garden. Panther joined us as we got to the cloud. “When are you going to tell me more?” I asked Michael. “I will,” he said. Panther and I went down on the cloud and returned to the meadow. After Panther left, I came back to the physical plane. Day 275 – Mar. 21, 2012 8 months to the day. What is there to say? “Time” continues to pass although I know it is not real. I know what is real, or at least I have a sense of it. It is where my boys are. True existence. I look forward to being in that reality too. Day 276 – Mar. 22, 2012 Read this today: Every thought and every object in the world is a vibration of the universe!
Day 277 – Mar. 23, 2012 Woke up from a dream about Tom. All of the anxiety and feelings of being disliked, hated, and loathed by him were in the pit of my stomach. I had forgotten how strong and ugly those feelings were, how much they impacted my stomach area. I remembered why I had to get out of that situation. I believe my health and physical body would have been destroyed by those bad feelings. It felt terrible to experience those sensations again. I wonder why I had the dream? Was I working out stuff, assuring myself that I had done the right thing? I remember at one time that I had wanted to die rather than continue in that relationship and situation, that’s how bad it was. In the dream, there were such strong feelings and negativity coming from him. It was horrible to feel it. I cried from the pain and the meanness I was feeling from him. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked to the well. I stood at the edge looking down. I could feel the energy of the Earth, coming up from deep within its core, the vibrations and sensations of life and creation. I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came up and joined me. I could feel his joyful energy. We walked to the cliff and got onto the cloud. I sat close to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tight as we rose up. I could feel my energy and joy also rising. We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. It was beautiful, lush and green, and teeming with positive energy. Panther rolled around on the grass behind the bench, and I sat down on the bench. Michael appeared and sat down next to me. He took both of my hands in his. His energy coursed through me. So much love, compassion and forgiveness. There were images of me going back into every day life bringing this energy with me. Pure unconditional love being shared with everyone. There were scenes of me in different places, interacting with all kinds of people, but the same unconditional love always infusing the connections, always being shared between all. We got up from the bench and walked to the sanctuary. “You will get even more of that energy from the boys,” Michael conveyed. He calmed me and reminded me to clear my mind and release all expectations. He walked me to the table and had me sit with my back to the mist portal so I would not be looking for the boys. He wanted me to let it be. He sat down opposite me, and we relaxed, taking in the energy of the sanctuary, listening to the sounds of life, feeling the essence of the life all around. After a few minutes, the boys snuck up behind me and gently put their arms around me. There was a soft “boo” from them, so as not to startle me. I smiled and felt their warmth and love filling me up. Michael got up from the table and walked towards the garden. “I will let you be together now.” I scooted into the middle of the table, then Kyle sat down on my left and Sean came around to my right. They came close to me and wrapped their arms around me, Sean with his head pressed up against mine, and Kyle with his head on my shoulder and his right arm around my back. Their energy surrounded me, and all of our essences combined. We were bathed in brilliant white light that extended up from us into the far reaches of the sky, the Universe, extending, I know, to the Source, the One, connected to all that is. What did we talk about? So many things were racing through my mind. Sean said, “This weekend, Mom, you need to go this weekend to the Apple store to have them help you with my computer.” “Is it ok if I see your stuff? I feel like it’s an invasion of your privacy.” “There are no secrets in the Upper Realm, Mom, besides I don’t have anything to hide from you. You raised us in a way that we could be ourselves.” “You two are so pure! You were like that on Earth, as humans, you were always who you are!” “You let us be that way, Mom. You taught us so much.” “And you were teaching me too. I see that now, how much you taught me about love and compassion.” “The people you are talking to, Mom, you help them so much,
you see what you are supposed to be doing? One at a time, just talk to people, Mom.” I had images of my life, growing up, going to college. “We are so far graduated from that, Mom, we are at advanced levels of learning now.” “I know guys, but I wanted you to go to college, and do the things that I did, but I see now how little it matters.” “Oh, it matters, Mom, your schooling and education, it puts you in a position where people will listen to you. It is important for your path.” They were excited about my upcoming trip to India. Kyle was bubbling with energy and joy. “What am I going to see there, guys? “You will experience others, Mom. Be open and know that we are all one, everyone is connected. Remember the feelings of unconditional love and compassion that we and Michael pass on to you, infuse you with. See all of the people that you encounter in the same way, with love and compassion. That is the challenge of the human condition.” Lots of random thoughts were flying through my mind. “Why am I like this?” “Still your mind, Mom, just be in the moment.” “Am I making all of this up?” “Yeah, Mom, you are, but who are ‘you’? You are part of the whole, the One, where all thought originates, so if ‘you’ are making this up, it is real.” I felt so much better with their guidance and their wisdom. They got up from the table, “Come on, Mom, it’s time to go and we have to go back to our work.” We walked from the table to the entrance to the mist portal. The boys said, “Watch this, Mom!” then they forward flipped together and dove into the mist, disappearing into energy. I could sense them rushing back into the Source, and I heard their voices, “I love you, Mom! Bye, Mar Mar!” I turned and walked to the garden where Michael was waiting. He walked me and Panther back to the cloud. We got on. I felt Michael’s energy again, pure love, and he smiled as we said goodbye. We went back down to the cliff, then Panther went back into the tree trunk. I returned to the meadow. I could see Earth below. I saw myself high above, coming down close to the U.S., then California, then San Diego, over the house, then into the house, into the room above my body, then finally back inside my body. Day 278 – Mar. 24, 2012 Had a Lomilomi30 massage with Myra today. It was an emotional experience for both of us. When she was working on my lower back, she felt a lot of emotion and she asked if she could release it. I told her yes. As she continued to massage me, she began to cry and wail with heavy sobs, and I could feel the grief emanating from her. She said she felt an incredible vibrant emerald green all in my core, my midsection. “A lot of love,” she said. Then she moved up and started working on my upper back. “More green, lots of energy, lots of love.” That’s my son, Sean,” I told her. She wept again. As she started to work on the back of my neck, she said, “I see turquoise blue, a shade I have never seen before.” I told her, “That’s my son, Kyle.” Then more tears and more emotion. I could feel the love coursing through me, and through her. Later, when the massage was over, she told me that after she got the blue and green, she got bright pink, and all three colors started dancing around together. I told her that the boys have told me that my energy color is pink. She thanked me for being able to share in the experience, and said she felt the boys and the tremendous love and beauty of all of us. Day 279 – Mar. 25, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, walked down to the well. Dropped lots of pebbles, gravel, small rocks and dirt into the well. I prayed for Mother Earth to convert it into something good. I walked 30 Lomilomi is a Hawaiian holistic healing massage.
around the well up the path to the tree trunk. My mind was swirling with thoughts, all kinds of random things to do, tasks, earthly things. Panther came up and brought me back into focus. “Why do I do that? Why does my mind wander so much like that, filling itself up with junk?” The answer just came, “to avoid fear, to busy your mind, so you can stay away from feeling and truth.” I refocused and Panther and I walked to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We rose up and my mind was at it again. We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. I was feeling down, depressed, despondent. I sat down on the grass with Panther. Then Michael came. I stood up and fell into his arms, crying, feeling so much grief, loss and pain. He knew, he understood. He could feel my human-ness. He said nothing; he just held me with love and compassion. “Why? Why does this have to be? I miss my sons so much.” He walked me to the sanctuary and I wept and sobbed. The boys came out of the mist portal and put their arms around me . They held me as I cried and cried. “I miss you so much. I want to be with you. I want to go with you.” They held me and let me cry. “It’s ok, Mom. It’s ok.” There were no words, just love. After a little while, I calmed down. I felt doubt creeping into my mind. “What does doubt get you, Mom? How does it serve you? What does belief get you? Doubt comes from a place of fear. What are you afraid of? If all of this does not exist? But how does that help you if it doesn’t? There is no sense to it, is there? Why continue if there is nothing else? Doubt does not help you, it gets you nothing except more fear, then how will you live your life then? Belief and faith serve you. They give you understanding, the knowing that you already have deep within you.” The boys released me. Sean took my face in his hands and looked deeply into my eyes. Then he kissed me. Then Kyle took my face in his hands and looked deeply into my eyes. Then he kissed me. They let go and watched me walk back to towards the garden. I could sense their thoughts. Kyle was concerned, worried about me. Sean reassured him, “She’s ok, she will be ok. She’s still human, remember? She is still going to feel the sadness and grief as long as she is in that form.” He put his arm around Kyle’s shoulder, and Kyle nodded, feeling better. I turned to look at them, and they waved and smiled at me. I walked into the garden with Michael. We walked to the cloud, then Panther and I got on and descended quickly back down to the cliff. Day 280 – Mar. 26, 2012 Email exchange with Myra: Hi Maria~ I forgot to mention another vision I had at the end of our session, while still in the room with you. I kept seeing giant eagle feathers of amazing detail, with earth tones like a golden eagle, but more vibrant. It was a cross between a symbol & an actual eagle, like the symbol came to life. The symbol aspect was like an aztec or toltec eagle. . . . I found this explanation below, of what the toltec eagle represents & it feels right to me. Hope it has meaning for you. ~Myra The Eagle (from wisdom of the Toltecs) The eagle is a hunter and is prey for no other. Eagles fly high above the land and see the patterns, colors and perfection spread out below them. They have no opinions or judgments about anything they see. The eagle hunts alone and then soars gracefully with its fellow eagles on high updrafts, in silence. When you become the eagle, you are the master of your intent and the master of love and acceptance. You are a seer, open and perceiving without distorting the many magical manifestations of the creation. You do not react to your old judgments and fears or those of
others; you fly free from the old dream. You soar high on your own currents and live your life impeccably and effortlessly. The abundance of the universe is yours, spread out below, awaiting your choice. You are a master in the Toltec eagle tradition. Email to Myra: Wow! Thank you for this. I discovered not too long ago that Sean uses an eagle icon for his computer sign in. The explanation really describes him. He is an amazing soul. Thank you for sharing with me. Email from Myra: It feels to me like the eagle came to life in him, after his death. That's amazing. Day 281 – Mar. 27, 2012 Last night I felt one or both of the boys put their arm across my body. It woke me up. I have been missing them so very much. The void in my earthly life is so huge, so vast. The richness in my spiritual existence has grown so much, but at what price? Would I go back? No question, yes, I would. I pray for my return to Spirit. Sometimes I picture walking on the street, and a car going out of control and hitting me, and my spirit and soul rising up out of my body. No longer trapped. No longer suffering in this Earth plane. Day 282 – March 28, 2012 The old familiar pain in the pit of my stomach woke me this morning. I kept my eyes closed and saw Sean’s neon green wash in my field of vision. I felt fear, loss, heartache, so strong in my sacral chakra. I feel it said to me. Sometimes I wish I did not feel anymore. The relentless emotions, the sadness, grief, pain, anxiety and despair – is this what I must feel for the rest of my existence? I know I dreamt of Sean and Kyle. A sense of wholeness, and “three,” but not sure what that was. Stay with me boys! Help me. I need your love and strength. I love you so much! I love you! “From love we are born. To love we must return. This is the journey of the soul we call life. To be who we are, to have all that is within us and to fully express our divine heritage – that is our purpose for living and the destination of our journey. Our destiny is our freedom. And the process of fulfilling our life purpose is to choose truth at every crossroads and act upon it with love.” – Michael J. Tamura Day 283 – Mar. 29, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. The flowers were tall, purple and yellow, swaying in the breeze. The light was beautiful. I walked to the well and held my hands above it. Rough gravel, pebbles and sand dropped down. I walked around the well and asked Mother Earth to transform the pebbles and sand into good energy. Then my field of vision filled with neon green. I walked up the path to the tree trunk and Panther came out to join me. We walked up to the cliff. My mind started to fill with all the things I have to do to be ready for my trip. We got onto the cloud and rose up. When we broke through the cloud cover, the sky turned black and filled with stars, lights and galaxies. I smiled with the feeling of lightness and joy. We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. Michael joined me. He understood what I was feeling. He reassured me. We walked to the sanctuary. The boys were waiting, standing by the mist portal. They saw me come into the sanctuary and they came over, jumping and bouncing, and laughing. “Hi Mom!” “Hi, guys.” They hugged me and held me. There were images of Tom,
and I said, “Not yet, I’m not ready for that yet.” The images went away. I asked the boys, “The closer I get to forgiveness, the closer I will get to you?” “Yes, Mom, but that is only part of your life lesson. Don’t think that by getting to a place of forgiveness that your life on Earth will then be over. That is one aspect of your life. You still have much to do, much to learn, much to teach. You are an amazing soul, Mom. You are there for a purpose that will help others and help to advance humanity. You will get to forgiveness, but you will also be doing other things.” I started to think about India. They were excited for me. “We will be with you, Mom. It’s going to be so great, a great adventure.” I thought about the long trip there and they said, “Yeah, it’s hard, Mom.” They were so happy that they could teleport. “You still have to get your ‘density’ across the oceans and lands, Mom.” They laughed about that, then assured me that I would get to teleport when I came back to Spirit. My mind started wandering off again to all the things I had to do to get ready. They understood. “It’s ok, Mom, we know you have to take care of things. We can’t wait! We will be with you.” They encouraged me to go back and take care of getting ready. I looked at them and held Kyle’s face in my hands. “I love you guys so much.” I kissed Kyle, then turned to Sean. He looked at me lovingly then smiled and laughed. We hugged and kissed. “See you later, Mom!” Then they dove into the mist and were gone. I turned and walked back to the garden where Michael and Panther joined me. I got onto the cloud with Panther and came back down to the cliff. He went down the tree trunk and I returned to the meadow and back to the physical plane. Day 284 – Mar. 30, 2012 Tom’s 50th birthday. Great sadness, grief, confusion, hopelessness. Sometimes I wonder what I could have done, but even the boys tell me there is nothing I could have done. On my way to India now. I feel a little out of sorts, out of my comfort zone. A good exercise to remind me of the Source and our true nature. Day 285 – Mar. 31, 2012 Traveled “into the future” 12½ hours ahead in India. Waiting in Delhi to travel to Bangalore. APRIL 2012 Day 286 – Apr. 1, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, then walked down to the well. I looked around at the beauty of the meadow, the green plants, trees and bushes, the colorful flowers. It was bright and peaceful. I walked around the well to the path and then up to the tree trunk. Panther joined me and we walked up to the cliff and got onto the cloud. As we rose up I looked down at Earth and its lovely blues and greens. We broke through the cloud cover and the space turned into darkness illuminated by millions of stars and lights. I felt the presence of the One, and felt Goodness all around. We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. I sat down on the bench and Michael came and sat down next to me. There was an exchange of thoughts about existence, journeys, life lessons and such. He was assuring me of the rightness of all things, even the pain, grief and sorrow. I asked him about my learning and why I can’t know more now. He responded that the knowledge would impede my journey, that the process and going through the experiences without prior knowledge is the right way to learn the lessons. I asked him, “Am I going to be on Earth for a long time, like another 30 years?” “It will be ‘long’ in Earth time, but no time in eternal time. The boys will be here, you will exist with them here
again as you always have.” “Do we have to go back to Earth?” “Not if you don’t want to. Your evolution and growth will continue and you can do that here. You have evolved much and may wish to stay here after you complete this incarnation.” “I want so much to see things from a soul level, like you do now from here. Why can’t I know more?” “You will come to know things as you are meant to. Knowledge given instead of gained would impede your growth process.” I had the sense that “all is well, all is right.” He took my hand and walked me to the sanctuary. Panther followed us. We walked in and Michael sat down at the table and Panther laid down on the grass next to him. They nodded to me as I walked to the front of the mist portal. I could sense Sean and Kyle coming closer from a distance. I could make out their forms walking towards me. In a few seconds they walked through the mist. Sean was on the left as usual and Kyle was on the right. They came through, beautiful peaceful smiles on their faces. They put their arms around me and we hugged. They acknowledged me being in India. They reminded me how I am supposed to “see” others, that I should look at others and see myself in them. They told me how they had watched over me for a safe journey. They were so serene and calm. They walked me around the sanctuary, one on each side of me. As we strolled by the table they said, “Hi Michael, hi Panther.” We kept walking around. There were images of my life, what is happening, what I have been doing. “All things happen as they should, Mom. God does not do random.” As thoughts flitted in and out of my mind, the boys continued to guide me around the sanctuary. “It’s ok, Mom, let the thoughts go in and out. It is part of you, part of your growth, part of your process. Don’t judge it. It is part of the human make-up to have these thought processes and to struggle with your mind.” They sent me images of their existence in cluster groups. They told me they know and see others who are the loved ones of the people I have met in the bereavement groups. They acknowledged all of the loved ones of the hospice group, and they acknowledged the group and how they see us and know we help each other in our struggles on Earth. They also acknowledged Jaden and the other kids from the group. There is another place where kids gather on the Other Side to continue their growth. But the boys conveyed that they do other work and are not in the “kids” group. After we walked around some more, the boys started doing flips. Kyle was doing backward flips from a standing position. Sean was teleporting into different spots. They were having so much fun. When the drumming changed, they started dancing around me like Indians around a fire, laughing and stomping their feet quickly. When the drum beat went back to normal, they stopped and said, “Ok, Mom, keep going.” They walked with me some more, allowing the thoughts to flow. Then they said, “Ok, Mom, time to go.” Sean kissed me and looked at me with love. Kyle kissed me, then squeezed me really tight the way he used to. “Bye, Mom!” They turned and walked into the mist together, Sean’s arm draped over Kyle’s shoulder. I turned and walked back to the table, then Michael and Panther got up and we walked into the garden to the cloud. Panther and I got on and descended through the cloud cover back to the cliff. We walked down the path to the tree trunk. We stopped there and Panther got up on his hind legs and put his paws on my shoulders to embrace me. We said goodbye then I walked into the meadow and came back to the physical plane. There was so much purple and luminescence on my return. Day 287 – Apr. 2, 2012 It was quite an adventure today taking the bus into the city and to Bannerghatta Park. The people are so interesting. I remember what you told me, boys – see myself in others when I look at them. The connectedness of humanity is clear to me. I miss you both so much. The grief and loss are still so great. Will it ever change and be less painful? I love you, my sons, my beautiful sons, I love you so much.
Day 288 – Apr. 3, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. I seemed to be dressed in an Indian sari and I looked like an Indian woman. I walked down the path to the well. I held my hands out over the well and fine white sand slipped through my fingers down into the water. I walked around the well up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and joined me. We walked to the cliff and boarded the cloud. The ascent was quick. We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. I sat down on the bench, then Michael came out. He smiled with amusement to see me as an Indian woman dressed in a sari. He took my hand and walked me to the sanctuary entrance. We stood there for a few seconds and he helped me to focus and release my expectations. Then I walked into the sanctuary. The boys were waiting by the mist portal. They came over, amused and pleased with my appearance. “We know you, Mom, we know your essence, whatever form you take, we know you. And you know us too.” I smiled, then I took my own form. “You see, Mom, you see how the physical appearance can change so easily, how it is an illusion that masks your true self? Even you are doing it now because you understand the temporary nature of the physical world. You are doing so good.” There were communications back and forth about India: “We are with you, Mom, on the bus, we see you and how you see others and see yourself in them. You have peace.” I was getting a lot of light in my field of vision as I thought about the connection and the loving kindness I felt toward the many people we saw yesterday. “What is that?” “It’s unity, Mom, truth and unity that you are feeling and sensing. It is the light, all that is.” They showed me how they are with me on this trip – the little safari we took (they were laughing about that) sitting at the roadside stand last night, in the rickshaw in the midst of traffic, experiencing it all right there with me. “I thought of you playing ping pong here at the hotel.” “Yes, Mom! We were, you thought of that because you knew that is what we would be doing, and we were!!” “You guys taught me so much about unconditional love, I love you so much! I miss you guys so much, I miss you as my boys, my sons.” They held me close. I focused on their forms, feeling them close to me, Sean’s beautiful soft hands, Kyle’s lovely skin and soft cheeks. They kissed me and hugged me tight. “We are right here, Mom. We know it’s hard. As long as you are human, you will struggle with losing the physical forms, but we know you know our true essence.” They kissed me and hugged me again, then they turned and walked into the mist. I walked back to the garden and Michael walked me and Panther back to the cloud. Michael extended his hand to me, and held it until we started to descend. So much loving kindness and understanding from him. Panther and I went back down to the cliff. He conveyed his goodbye and I rubbed him on the head. I walked back into the meadow and stood in the center. I saw myself coming back down to Earth, over India, then down closer over Bangalore, down to the resort and back into the room, then finally back into my body. Day 289 – Apr. 4, 2012 What a day! Driving to Mysore, lots of adventure. I felt warmth and connection with many people, I could sense the one-‐ness despite the differences. I felt generous and humbled by all. Meditation: Focused on calling back my energy from all the people, places and things where I have left it during my lifetime. After completing the visualization, my entire field of vision turned bright pink – the color of my energy. Awesome!
Day 290 – Apr. 5, 2012 A relaxing day in the resort, but I miss you so much my boys! I am not here for long I remind myself and it helps, but the grief and sorrow are still with me. How long my boys, how long? Day 291 – Apr. 6, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow, feeling very low. I walked to the well and dropped big, round, heavy rocks down. I asked Mother Earth to transform them into positive energy. I walked quickly up the path to the tree trunk. Panther joined me and we walked to the cliff and got onto the cloud. As we rose up, I felt anxious to get to the U.R. quickly, to get to true reality, not this harsh painful Earth existence. We got to the U.R. and I walked quickly to the bench. Michael joined me. He could feel my frustration and agitation. “Why? Why does it have to be like this? And why is it so hard for me to remember what we talk about? I want to be better, I want to know.” He impressed me with thoughts of encouragement, and acknowledged all that I am doing. “Don’t despair, don’t worry,” he seemed to say. We walked to the entrance of the sanctuary. He had me pause and center myself to calm down a little. Then I entered the sanctuary and ran over to the boys where they were waiting by the mist portal. I started crying hard. They held me. We sat on the grass and they held me in their arms, and I wept, and wept, and wept. They infused me with love and encouragement, but I could not stop crying. “It’s so hard, it’s so very hard. How can I endure this?” “You are so strong, Mom, you are doing the right things. You are there for a reason, a purpose. You are meant to experience this. It is a good thing, Mom. As hard as it is to see it now from that viewpoint, from that human level, it is the journey you are meant to travel. You will see it eventually from a soul level.” “I want to understand it now! It hurts, it hurts so much.” They let me cry, they held me, they knew what I was feeling, the human experience from which there is no escape, and no shortcuts. They let me be, they supported and loved me, that’s all that they could do. After a little while I calmed down and they helped me up. Then they lifted me so we were floating in the air. They held me like that, one on each side of me, and made me fly with them. “Light, Mom, light. Feel it. This is the way it will be.” “I want to be with you now.” I cried again. “I want to go with you.” “We know, Mom, we know.” We could see infinity stretched out below us, and all around. After a little while, they started to bring me back down. We landed softly in front of Michael near the entrance to the garden. The boys smiled brightly. Sean took my face in his hands and looked me deeply in the eyes. “You’re ok, Mom, you know this.” He kissed me and hugged me. I put my head on his shoulder. I felt so safe and protected. Then I turned to Kyle. He took my face in his hands. “You’re doing good, Mom, you’re doing good.” He hugged me then let go. They handed me off to Michael then they turned and started walking back to the mist portal. Sean put his arm over Kyle’s shoulder, then Kyle put his arm over Sean’s shoulder. They both turned their heads toward each other then looked back at me. They touched their foreheads and said, “Right here, Mom, right here,” to convey and remind me that they are in my thoughts, my mind, that all I need to do is think of them and they receive my energy vibrations and they are right there for me. I had an image of my thought vibrations going to them, and them receiving the vibrations with ease, then their thought vibrations being sent to me through density, so it was harder for me to receive them, but still coming to me. There was a sense that my reception will get better as I progress in my learning and growth. “We love you, Mom.” Then they walked through the mist. I turned and walked with Michael back to the cloud. “Life on Earth is difficult. It is meant to be that way. Only the strong persevere. You are one of those. This life lesson seems
unimaginable to you, and on a human level it is, but on a soul level it will lead you to a higher spiritual level, and you will see that in time.” I got onto the cloud with Panther. He licked my face and nuzzled up to me. We descended through the cloud cover and reached the cliff. Panther got off ahead of me and walked down the path. I followed him. As he got to the tree trunk he paused, looked back at me and nodded, then he went down. I walked into the meadow and returned to the physical plane. “All negative experiences are created so you as a oneness being can experience all that you are not. It is an experience that is at the forefront of creation and an experience that only powerful oneness beings will attempt. And now that experience is over and it is time to wake up and become all that you truly are again.” – Paul Birne Day 292 – Apr. 7, 2012 I remember, boys, what you showed me and told me about our energy vibrations – how we are just a thought away from each other. When I close my eyes I see bright pink energy shooting from me to you instantaneously. I see you receive it and turn to each other, “It’s Mom again.” I’m sorry to bother you so much guys, but you are always in my thoughts, in my heart, in my being. It’s ok, Mom, we know you need us a lot right now. I’m sorry I have thoughts of leaving the realm. It’s just so hard to be here. We see your progress, Mom. Remember when you choose to live, you choose love over fear. Don’t be afraid, Mom. I see your beautiful blue and green energy respond to mine. You take a moment from your work, what you are doing, to send your love and energy to me. I see it, I see you. I love you! Day 293 – Apr.8, 2012 A day of recuperation and relaxation. It’s good to be home. I love you my boys! Day 294 – Apr. 9, 2012 Crying in my car. It’s ok, Mom, it’s ok to let it out. It’s ok to feel the pain. You guys get in my head pretty easy now, huh? Big smiles. Yeah, Mom, it’s us, you know it is. Day 295 – Apr. 10, 2012 I was so tired last night, and so full of grief. I fell asleep early and I left my body. I went to many levels of bardos31, other dimensions. It was healing for me, like I needed to escape the confines of my physical form in order to experience the infiniteness of true existence. It felt good to be in a state where I had no sense or feeling of my physical body. It was freeing. When I came back I struggled to fall back to sleep, stuck again in dense matter. “When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” – John Lennon Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down to the well. I held my hands out. They were full of white rose petals. I let them drop and they floated softly down to the surface of the water. A light fragrant smell rose up and filled the air. I walked around the well up the path to the tree 31 Bardo is the state of existence between two lives on earth.
trunk. Panther joined me and we walked to the cliff. I got on the cloud first then he followed. We rose up into the sky and through the cloud cover. The sky/space was bluish purple filled with light and vibrancy. We reached the U.R. and got off the cloud. We walked into the garden. I sat on the bench and was thinking about my physical discomfort. As Michael arrived, he picked up my thoughts. “There is no physical pain here, no discomfort, no aches, no aging.” “No,” he agreed. He started walking toward the sanctuary and Panther and I followed him. We paused before we entered. I could sense the boys on the other side of the mist, anxious and excited to see me. I walked around the perimeter of the sanctuary, feeling anxious to see them too. All of a sudden, Kyle popped out of the mist, running and jumping excitedly, “Mom!” Then Sean followed quickly behind. I felt their joy and excitement about my trip to India. They came and hugged me, Kyle on my left and Sean on my right. We exchanged thoughts about the items I had brought back for them, Ganesh and Vishnu.32 They conveyed their happiness about my experience and my connectedness to all that I had encountered. There were so proud of my growth and development. I conveyed to Kyle, “Can you do something with the little elephant, move it or something? I am really in need of some more signs from you guys. I know it sounds kind of childish, but I am really hurting and struggling.” “Ok, Mom, we know, we’ll send more signs.” “The candle flame is so great, Kyle, I guess that’s pretty easy for you now, huh?” “Yeah, Mom.” Then he conveyed thoughts of the call to my cell phone. “That was so awesome, buddy. Remember how excited I was, and how much I cried?” He smiled, his face was beaming with joy. I looked at Sean. We exchanged thoughts of the John Lennon quote. Then I asked him, “How do you feel, Sean?” He replied in a light and laughing voice, “Happy!” “You guys are happy, aren’t you?” “Yes, Mom!” Kyle said excitedly, “Mom, it’s so cool, the light and vibrational energy we are learning about, the different frequencies, there are so many!” Sean conveyed the same excitement and focused on music and the beauty and wonder of what can be created. “Don’t feel sad, Mom, don’t feel sad that we are not living our life on Earth. It is so hard there, and there is so much more! Don’t feel bad for us that we are not growing up there, we have so much here. We know you are not feeling physically well, so we can make this a quick visit. We have a lot of work to do.” Sean held me close and kissed my cheek. Then Kyle hugged me tight. “We know you have to deal with physical pain and discomfort.” They showed me themselves in energy form, kind of like Star Trek, when they beam in and out. They looked like sparkling specks of blue and green, then they came back into their physical forms. “See, Mom, it’s just an illusion. This is our true form.” I had a sense of the power and infiniteness of their beings. Kyle started to move into the mist, “Come on, Sean!” Sean held my hand briefly and smiled. “See you later, Mom.” They took off into the mist. I turned and began walking back to the garden. Michael joined me, and sent me comforting energy. He showed me and reminded me how the energy works. I could see my bright pink shots of energy flying through the air towards the boys as they made their way back to a vast place of infinite possibilities. They caught my energy, playfully, like baseballs snatched out of the air and they laughed with joy. “We love you, Mom!” I could feel them and sense them. Michael walked me back to the cloud and then Panther and I descended. We got back to the cliff and returned to the meadow. I came back quickly to the physical plane. Day 296 – Apr. 11, 2012 It’s doesn’t matter what you do, it’s how you do it that matters. This thought has been floating around in my mind for the last couple of days. I think it is a reminder that running 32 Hindu gods.
away, doing something else, quitting my job or any other big life change will not change the feelings I am experiencing. I will feel this way no matter what I am doing. The other thought that came to my mind recently was the name “Ashok,” as being the name of the Indian boy in my prior life. It’s strange and fascinating how these thoughts pop into my head spontaneously. I rather like it. Day 297 – Apr. 12, 2012 Traveled to Phoenix for the International Conference on After Death Communications. I feel tired. Before going to the airport I had a sense that my flight was delayed. I arrived there and it was indeed delayed. I feel in touch more and more with psychic energies. Past life regression session: Opened the golden door, and I stepped into a jungle. It was very thick, it was the Amazon. The year was 1261. I was a native Indian woman, young. My name was Marta. I had a husband. It was a hard life. We were nomads, traveling, looking for food. The jungle was so harsh. I moved forward in time 4 years to 1265. I birthed a son, a beautiful boy. He was the absolute joy in my life. I felt fulfilled. I had the sense of my husband dying. I was left alone to take care of my son. I felt such strong unconditional love for this boy. I would do anything and everything for him. He was my purpose and meaning in life. Day 298 – Apr. 13, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Very disjointed today. Started in the meadow. There was a sense of fear, and I opened my eyes several times during the meditation. I walked down to the well. I looked down and saw darkness, blackness. This is when I felt the fear. I held my hands over the well and rough rocks and gravel dropped down. I walked around and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther emerged. He seemed to acknowledge and even honor my fear, the darkness. He seemed to say, “It’s ok.” We walked up to the cliff and boarded the cloud. We rose through the cloud cover and reached the U.R. We walked into the garden. My mind was wandering again. I thought, it will be nice not to have to worry about physical issues when I leave the Earth plane. We don’t have to worry about that stuff up here. Michael came in and said, “Yes, that’s right.” We walked to the sanctuary and I stood at the threshold trying to take it all in. We walked around the perimeter and came to the mist portal. I sensed the boys in the distance, small, coming to the portal. They emerged. They heard my thoughts, questions about the “reality” of all of this, and they conveyed, “Yes, Mom, it’s us.” Then they said with some amusement, “And yes, you are making all of this up in your head!” They laughed with the knowledge of something more. They knew I already trusted this existence, but they also acknowledged my human doubts, my struggles with those doubts. They were not judging me in any way, rather they understood and were patient. They also confirmed for me what I already know in my heart, but struggle with in my brain. I asked them, “Why don’t you come through in the big group readings?” “Do you really want your stuff aired out in public like that, Mom? You have your own journey, and it is a private one. You don’t need to have that public validation, do you?” “You’re right, I know, but I guess it’s just that natural human desire to be picked, to be the one who gets the reading.” “You know we’re not like that, Mom, we will come through in the private readings, but there are others who need the public readings more than you. You trust that, don’t you?” “Yes, I think so. It is such a struggle to deal with all the human emotions.” “You will get to the point where you have to move on and not make your search for us your obsession. All the books, the readings, the learning, the mediums, you have already absorbed so much and know so much. You are only 9 and ½
months into this, and look at what you have learned.” I felt a sense of connection with them on a higher level, like the journeying process has become part of my normal conscious state, not just something that only comes through meditation. It is like our connection has grown and strengthened so much and my own abilities and growth of consciousness are now enabling me to connect with them without having to go to the U.R. Is this the development of my psychic capacity? The way that mediums are able to connect with spirits and still stay in the Earth vibration and level of consciousness? That is what it feels like – I hear the boys now in my “normal” conscious state, not just during the journey process. Is this my next big breakthrough? I remember sitting on the plane coming back from India and talking to the boys “in my head” without doing the journey meditation. Is that what that is? Connection in a faster and easier sense? It’s different from early on when I would think about the boys, like when I was driving, and talk to them, but not really hearing them in the same way that I do now. It’s like I have some higher sense of their presence. When I talk to them now, I really feel them, I sense them the way I do when I journey to see them. I get images of our connection: me, here, sending energy and thoughts, them in the U.R. receiving the energy, “catching” it and sending love back to me. It’s all so mysterious and perplexing, but yet I trust it as real. At dinner, a woman at my table, Pat, said to me: “Your aura is huge and amazing! And it’s bright pink! Notes from a presentation by Larry Dossey, M.D.: • We now know that consciousness is non-‐local (infinite), omnipresent (infinite in space; everywhere), omni-‐temporal (infinite in time; immortal) • Unification of minds –> One Mind • Non-‐local connections are unmediated, unmitigated and immediate • Stun your mind – do something different! • Immortality is not optional; it is mandatory and it is happening now. • Be kind to others because they are you. “The Kingdom of God is within you.” – Jesus Christ Day 299 – Apr. 14, 2012 I have a sense of the boys being in my dreams last night, but I don’t remember the details. Your face imprints greet me just before the group meditation. May the spirit of life be raised within me. May the spirit of light fill me and surround me. May the spirit of love go out from me. Notes from a presentation by Dr. Jon Klimo: • Universal Mind (Collective Consciousness/Mind at Large) -‐-‐> Global Consciousness -‐ -‐> Personal Consciousness • The soul is not judged from the standards of earth, but from the standards of eternal wisdom. Also, after death we are judged by ourselves – our higher self or deeper wisdom which is not as available to us when we are physically alive. • Wherever there is a bond of love, there is an unbroken line of communication. But while we are still here physically on earth, there can be breaks in communication
between fellow spirits on Earth, and between physically embodied spirits and disembodied spirits. Love is the best and strongest linkage we are offered.
Notes from a presentation by Roberta Grimes: • Love perfectly, forgive completely. • A child who dies is usually an advanced being who came as a gift to others. • The lesson plans are iterative processes; they can be altered, and exit points can be adjusted. • Everything that happens is either love or a call for love. Just before going to sleep tonight, as I laid in bed, I looked up at the Mac computer that was on the desk. I noticed that the screen had gone to a screen saver that I had never seen before. It was displaying alternating color designs, and the digital time: 11:21 p.m. I knew it was the boys. I started to cry. I love you guys! My Sean, my Kyle! Day 300 – Apr. 15, 2012 Last day of the IC-‐ADC conference. What an amazing learning experience! So many phenomenal people doing phenomenal work on the afterlife. I am honored and humbled. Day 301 – Apr. 16, 2012 I woke up in the middle of the night. As I lay in bed with my eyes closed I thought to myself, "I wonder what time it is?” Then, in my mind I heard, "Look at the clock, Mom." I opened my eyes and looked at the clock: 2:21. I smiled and watched until the clock turned to 2:22. Then I asked Kyle, "Can you help me go back to sleep, buddy?" And I did. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down to the well. I had nothing to drop down. I felt light and joyful. I walked around the well, up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and joined me. We walked up the path to the cliff and boarded the cloud. Thoughts of my book flitted in and out of my mind. I knew I was supposed to be having them, that it is my next step. We rose up through the cloud cover and up to the U.R. We got off the cloud and walked into the garden clearing. Michael was waiting for me. He had his arms outstretched to welcome me. He nodded his head and smiled. "Beautiful, beautiful," he said. "You are progressing so well." I sat down on the bench and he sat down next to me. He put his arms around me and enveloped me in his energy. No words were spoken or needed. I felt pure love and acceptance, and his loving energy infused me. After a few seconds, we stood up. "Come on," he said, "let's go to the sanctuary." We walked to the entrance, and I saw the boys waiting for me near the mist portal. Kyle saw me and jumped for joy. "Mom, Mom!" he cried out in excitement. He started to run over and Sean followed him. "Hi, Mom!" they both called out. They were so animated and happy, jumping and leaping and laughing. They took my hands and we formed a circle and went round and round, laughing and giggling with joy and love. We stopped and they came close to me. "We are so proud of you, Mom, you are doing it, you are getting it." I had the sense of them knowing something more, like they knew the plans, had seen the blueprint and were so pleased that I was progressing according to the plan. Their joy and happiness were palpable and so infectious. They sent thoughts of the conference, the rightness of all that I am learning and doing. I felt the sense of being on the right track, having met the right people, moving on to do the work I am supposed to do –
helping others who have lost children, and educating kids about the true reality. The boys took my hands again and we spun around. We lifted off the ground and floated into the air, laughing and smiling. I could hear Kyle's hearty laugh. "You like the signs, Mom? Remember, you asked for them!" "Yes, buddy, I love the signs, thank you! I don't even mind being woken up at two in the morning!" They laughed and laughed. The joy was overwhelming. After a few seconds, we came back down. They held me, one on each side of me, and we softly landed back on the grass. "We're going back now, Mom. You know how close we are, huh? You have a sense of how it all works?" "Yes, yes, I do guys. It's so beautiful, so amazing." Thoughts of Tom came to mind. "No, guys, no, no, no, I'm not ready for that yet." They understood. They put their arms around me and we turned into energy. My pink was in the middle, Kyle to one side, hugging me tight, blue energy, and Sean enveloping us, very green. I could see our energies, melding and combining and shifting. "You are me, I am you, we are one." Then we came back into human form. They kissed me and then Kyle started to leap into the mist. "Come on, Sean!" he cried out excitedly. Sean paused for a moment to look deeply into my eyes, and he held my hand. His eyes, his essence, were filled with infinite love. "Bye, Mom." Then he leaped into the mist. I felt Kyle moving through the mist and I heard him call out, "Bye Mom, I love you!" I felt so filled with joy and happiness, the tears streamed down my face. I turned and walked towards the garden. Michael was waiting, smiling with so much love and assurance. We walked back to the garden and to the cloud. I got on, then Panther joined me. Michael looked at me with so much love as we descended. We came back down to the cliff and walked down the path. Panther went down the tree trunk. I looked at the darkness in the hole, and wondered if I would be going down there to see what was in the dark place I had seen a while back. I walked into the meadow and back to the physical plane. Day 302 – Apr. 17, 2012 Driving to work today, what came on the radio was Sweet Home Alabama, one of Sean’s favorites. I had just been listening to that song on Sean’s Mac computer on Sunday on the way home from Phoenix. Then, Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’ came on. Signs from Sean – I feel you buddy! I love you! 222 = Your thoughts are aligned with the Truth. Day 303 – Apr. 18, 2012 “All of Creation is a thought in the mind of God.” – Jason Leen in Peace At Last “Know that you are God, and from that state you have become a human being. Eventually you will go back to your source. Do not regard God as something separate and distinct from you. God is very much within you.” – Sathya Sai Baba Day 304 – Apr. 19, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow and walked down the path. I seemed to be wearing sandals and they made a crunching noise on the ground as I walked. I got to the well and held my hands over it. They were empty and I had nothing to drop down. I felt the energy and vibration of love rising up from my hands and filling the air. The grass was tall, and the breeze moved the trees and leaves gently. There was a soft luminous light all around. I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and joined me. We walked up to the cliff and
got onto the cloud. We rose up into the sky. I put my hand out to touch the clouds as we passed through the cloud cover. Once we broke through, the sky opened up. The heavens were a clear luminous blue, dotted with millions of twinkling stars. We reached the U.R. and walked into the garden. It felt lush and full of life. I sat down on the bench feeling calm and relaxed. After a moment, Michael walked in, also very calm and relaxed. "How are you?" he asked me. I nodded my head to convey positive feelings and thoughts. He smiled gently, knowing that I have so much more knowing now. He took my hand and led me to the sanctuary. He said something beautiful that I can't remember. We stood at the threshold then walked in. The table was laden with beautiful fruits. I asked what that was about. "The boys wanted to have it filled up," Michael responded. I could sense the boys in their place of learning. "They will be here soon," Michael said. Then I sensed the boys doing their work. Kyle was working with energy and vibrations, practicing the manipulation and control of them with his thoughts. I saw Sean next to him working on sound and music. My energy waves were going to them and they received them and said to each other, "Mom's here, she's waiting." They stopped what they were doing and started to come to the sanctuary. I could sense their energy moving quickly to the mist portal and then suddenly they were there. They walked through the mist, casual and relaxed, then they ran over to me. "Mom! Hi Mom!" "Hi, guys." We held each other in embrace. We felt so calm, so peaceful and serene, so much love, and knowing. We went over to the table and sat down, Kyle in the middle and me on his right sitting across the table from Sean. They started eating lychee fruits. I asked Sean what he thought about the mural and he smiled with amusement about all the work being done on it, and all the re-work. He knew it would be perfect. I asked them about my work on Earth, if I am supposed to do something to teach others about consciousness and its true nature. "Yes, Mom, you are a good teacher." I saw images of working in a school, combining science with spirituality in a way that would be acceptable in our current systems. I saw the growth and expansion of this education to more and more places of learning for younger people, for kids. I felt like I was on the right track. We started exchanging thoughts about the U.R. and what it is like for them. They conveyed their happiness. "We don't have to sleep or eat, Mom. Video games are so elementary in comparison to what we are doing and learning here. There is so much, there are limitless possibilities and the more we learn and progress, the more we move ‘upward’ and learn even more things." Their happiness and contentment were so obvious. I asked them about their connections to others still on Earth. "Do you hear from a lot of people?" "Oh, yeah, Mom, lots of people." There were images of Coach Gil, football teammates, school friends, teachers, parents, all sending thoughts and energy to the boys, and the boys receiving and responding to them. "It's all part of what is meant to happen, Mom. This is the result of what occurred, and it is a good result, the right thing." As we sat at the table I touched Kyle's face and hair, enjoying the sense of his human form. Then I reached out and held Sean's hands, his beautiful soft hands. They both looked at me with love and understanding, knowing how much I still needed the sense of their physical presence, but also knowing that I have developed their sense of energy and know their true essence, which is not physical. As my mind started to wander, they brought me back. Sean conveyed images and senses about my book. There was confirmation of my thoughts about how it will be set up. I had thoughts about the sections on my parents. They seemed to agree. "Yeah, Mom, start with those parts, the background, the foundation of who you are and how you got to be where you are now. That information is important to your story, and for people to know. My mind started to wander again about looking at my Mom and Dad's autobiographies, so the boys said, "Okay, Mom, you are ready to go back. You have so much to do." They were happy for me, feeling joyous and secure about me and where I am at this point in my development and
my journey. We got up from the table and stood close to each other, Kyle on my left and Sean on my right. They hugged me tight, then switched sides. I held them close to me, feeling them and their loving energy. They let go and walked to the mist portal holding my hands. As I stood between them, close to the mist, they could read my thoughts, how I wished I could go with them. But they knew that I knew that I still have a lot of important work to do on Earth. They acknowledged and understood my feelings of longing to be with them, to go to that amazing realm, to go home. I put my hand out to touch the mist and I could feel the surge of energy. I kissed Kyle, then Sean, then they walked through the mist as I watched. "Bye, Mom! We love you." I sensed their energies moving quickly through the atmosphere, but the connection was still there. I walked back to the entrance to the sanctuary, and Panther and Michael walked me back to the cloud. Panther and I got on and descended back through the cloud cover. The sky was still a brilliant blue. We got back to the cliff and walked down the path. Panther went down the tree trunk. As I stood in the meadow, I could see and sense the boys in the U.R. sending me love and letting me know, confirming our connection. It was so clear to me, the connection with them. I could see them smiling and looking at me. I smiled at them and made my way back to the physical plane. From Peace At Last by Jason Leen: “Our messages of love and peace are most easily conveyed through the universal medium of music. Music is the language of the Creator.” “Humans must realize that the physical body is only a small part of their nature. The fragmentation people experience is caused by thoughts of separation from God.” Day 305 – Apr. 20, 2012 I began writing my book in earnest today. I wrote about my father. It feels good to write. I know I have an important story to tell and that many will be helped and inspired by it. It is also part of my own healing process, I believe. I trust that you, Sean and Kyle, will be guiding me as I go. I love you! I love you so much! Day 306 – Apr. 21, 2012 Ten months today, my beautiful boys, since you left this realm. The grief and sadness well up inside of me. I remind myself, choose love, not fear. Always choose love. It will lead me down the right path. It will lead me to you. I love you Sean and Kyle! I love you with all my might! I did the chakra clearing meditation, and I prayed that the One would utilize me for the highest and best good of humanity. I know it will be so. I KNOW. Day 307 – Apr. 22, 2012 I wake with grief and sadness in the pit of my stomach. It sits there like a heavy brick. I don't want to wake up and face the world again, but I see Sean's green, and Sean and Kyle's face imprints in my field of vision, encouraging me, giving me strength. Another day to choose love over fear. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. I felt my fear dissolving as I stood amidst the trees and flowers. I smiled to myself. I walked down to the well and held my hands out. Rough sand, moist and in clumps, dropped from my hands and made plopping sounds into the water. I asked Mother Earth to transform the sand into energy and positive forms. Bright yellow beams of light shot
up from the well and spread into the sky. I felt happy and light. I walked up the path to the tree trunk and Panther came out. He looked beautiful and sleek, his coat was shining and gleaming. I felt like he was the shadow of my fear, forcing me to face the fear. It was not scary, but oddly beautiful. We walked up the path together to the cliff. He got onto the cloud first, then I got on, and we started to rise. We rose quickly through the cloud cover. The vast expanse of space was above us, lit with millions of lights and stars. We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. I sat down on the middle of the bench and put my hands out to the sides, resting them on the bench. I felt the cool marble and sensed the pure whiteness of it. During the meditation, I opened my eyes a few times out of fear. I looked up at the ceiling, still feeling connected to the U.R., then closed my eyes again. Michael came into the garden and knelt down on the grass in front of me. I looked at him. He smiled. He knew I was struggling with the feelings of fear. "Fear is of the world," he said to me. "It does not exist here." I nodded and got up from the bench. We walked to the sanctuary and entered. The table was full of beautiful fruits, so colorful. The grass and trees and sounds were so vibrant. I could sense the boys "far away," but close. They sensed me there in the sanctuary. They looked at each other and said, "Mom's there, let's go." They stopped what they were doing – what I sensed was Kyle working with vibrations and energy and Sean fiddling with music like they seemed to do so often. They "shot" out from where they were and then suddenly they flew through the mist, coming to a running stop, kind of like they had jumped off a playground merry-go-round, where they still had some momentum going as they landed. "Hi, Mom!" they cried out with joy and excitement. "Hi, guys!" They knew I had been feeling fear and they soothed me and reassured me. "It's part of the human make-up, Mom, the human condition. It is built in so you will face the challenges. Every day, every decision that you make will be a choice of overcoming fear. Every time you choose love, and you choose to step away and move away from fear, you move towards spiritual growth and towards your ultimate destination of oneness, of wholeness. The challenge of fear will always be with you while you are in human form. It has to be there. You have to face it every day in order to learn your lessons and to progress. Don't be worried that you feel it and that you struggle with it. Accept that it is part of your humanness and that, therefore, it is right." I felt so much better with their words. They held me, one on each side of me, and floated my body up so I was laying on my back looking up. They were next to me, both laying on their backs too, and we were floating in mid- air. We were looking up at the vast expanse of the Universe, the eternal sky, lit with stars, extending into infinity. "Remember, Mom, all those things that you are doing on Earth are to help others on this same path that we are all on. Those things are not for your ego, or for greatness on Earth, so don't feel anxious or fearful thinking that people will not remember. All will be remembered, nothing is forgotten, and nothing is without its purpose. This is what matters (they were referring to the vast expanse in front of us), our connection to the One, our progress towards wholeness. Nothing else matters." We stayed there suspended together. "This is eternal, Mom, we will be together forever, there will never be separation, our eternal life will continue into infinity and you will feel the joy and bliss that are rightfully yours, rightfully everyone's." I felt overwhelmed with love. "I love you, I love you, I love you," I kept repeating to them. "Yes, Mom, that is all there is. We love you too." We floated back down to the ground and they gently set me back on my feet. They held me close and kissed me. "Gotta go, Mom!" They smiled and in an instant they flew through the mist. I could sense them moving so fast, but sending their energy back to me, so much love and joy. "Bye, Mom! We love you!" I walked back to the garden and Panther and I quickly descended back to the cliff. We walked down the path and I entered the meadow as he went down the tree trunk. I came back quickly to the physical plane.
“The mind is simply an instrument of perception utilized by the soul to receive and transmit information. Only the soul can know. Once humans allow their souls to fully focus and express through their minds, they will have complete mastery over the environment and will be able to command the elements to obey their wills.” – Jason Leen in Peace At Last Day 308 – Apr. 23, 2012 I had nothing to record today! Except that you are always on my mind. I love you! Day 309 – Apr. 24, 2012 Had a Lomi lomi massage with Myra. She said she saw a hawk’s feather flicking in her face, and a beautiful shade of violet. Kyle, my tiger. The tiger is a symbol for power, and energy all over the world. It is associated with power, passion, ferocity and sensuality. It represents beauty and speed. Sean, my eagle. The eagle is a symbol for power, action, speed and perception. It has powers of intuition and creativity, and can balance power with grace because the eagle has sharp vision which gives it the ability to see hidden truths and spiritual principles. It represents all that is majestic and noble because of its alertness, epitome of speed, power and light. “All we are saying is give peace a chance.” – John Lennon My angel card today: As I say yes to life, life says yes to me. Life mirrors my every thought. As I keep my thoughts positive, life brings to me only good experiences. Group journey meditation: Started in the meadow and walked past the well, further into the meadow, in the opposite direction from the cliff. There was a garden. My power animals, Michael, and the boys came with me. From the garden I walked out onto the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland. I climbed down to a little nook, a cubby hole in the side of the cliff and nestled into the hole. My angelic guide, bright pink energy, came down to me. “She” helped me cut the cords that were tied up in my sacral area with a laser. The cords were white and sinewy, but they came off easily. Day 310 – Apr. 25, 2012 I woke up today feeling so much sadness. I wanted to watch the two of you grow up. I wanted to see you become beautiful young men. It makes me so sad to think of it. Sean came to me in my dreams last night. He was so tall! He was hugging me and looking down at me. I said, "Remember when I used to look down at you?" He smiled. He was so proud to be so tall. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. I looked past the well to the other garden and the Cliffs of Moher, and the cubbyhole in the side of the cliff. It was comforting to think of the pink energy guide who came to me. I brought my attention back to the well and walked down the path to it. I held my hands out. They were full of tiny crystals, like rough sugar. I dropped them down into the well and it made a sizzling sound, like fizz or pop rocks, then bright rays of light came up and shot up into the sky. Everything was illuminated and it felt light. I walked around the well to
the tree trunk. Panther emerged. He was happy. We walked up the path to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We rose up through the cloud cover. The sky was black but full of stars and planets. Panther assured me that I would be able to remember everything in my journey. We got to the U.R. and got off the cloud. Michael was there to meet us as we stepped off. He smiled warmly. "You want to sit in the garden?" he asked me. "Why? You're not going to tell me anything anyway. You're going to make me figure it all out, right? I'm not going to get any answers from you?" I bantered with him and teased him good naturedly. He laughed and smiled in agreement. We walked straight to the sanctuary. He held me back at the threshold so I could calm myself and collect my thoughts and not start anticipating. After a moment we walked into the sanctuary. The boys were just on the other side of the mist and they came out right away. They put their arms around me and held me. They felt my sadness from this morning. They acknowledged my desire to watch them grow up. "It's okay, Mom. Do you remember what you were like when you were younger? Is that person gone? Do you see your body changing and aging, but yet you are timeless, your essence is the same, you are the same being that you were many years ago?" I looked at Sean and thought about his upcoming birthday. "You would have been sixteen here." "I am ageless, Mom. I know it's important to you, so we can appear however you want to see us, but know that we are ageless. Our physical bodies would have aged, but we will never grow old. Just like you, you are the same." We exchanged thoughts about the mural. He was happy about it. Then I thought about his birthday and doing burgers at the house for everyone and he really liked that idea – to have a party, to have fun. He smiled at the thought. They held me for a long time. I focused on their physical-ness, the touch, smell and sight of them. "Oh, I miss you guys so much!" "We know, Mom, we're right here." "Keep sending me signs. They help me so much. They help me know that you are right here with me." The tears rolled down my face, and they comforted me. They held my face and touched my cheek. They kissed me on the cheek and hugged me tight. I thought about the book on John Lennon's work. They acknowledged it and conveyed the work they are doing with energy and music. They are the perfect combination of those two things, to do work and help Earth progress. They smiled and laughed with a certain knowing of what they are working on and how much it helps humanity, and it somehow tied into the book, Peace At Last. They took my hands and started to swirl around. We formed a circle and as we swirled our legs started to fan out. They were laughing and shouting with joy. "Come on, Mom!" We twirled around for a while and I could sense our energies emanating from our forms and fusing with each other. Then they slowed down and brought me back down to the ground. "Okay, Mom, time to go back." They kissed me and hugged me tight then they dove into the mist. I could sense their transformation into energy, and them speeding off into the vast galaxy. I stood at the mist portal for a minute and held out my hand to touch it. This will be my reward when I leave the planet. I thought about the joy and happiness I will feel eventually one day when I can join them. I turned and walked back to the garden where Michael and Panther were waiting for me. We walked to the cloud and Panther and I got on. Michael smiled knowingly as we descended. We returned to the cliff. Panther rubbed up against my leg with affection as he left to go back down into the tree trunk. I went back to the meadow and returned to the physical plane. Day 311 – Apr. 26, 2012 Prayer of Father Mychal: Lord, take me where you want me to go. Let me meet who you want me to meet. Tell me what you want me to say. And keep me out of your way.
Day 312 – Apr. 27, 2012 "Carry on." That's what came into my head yesterday. Then I thought of the Kansas song, Carry On My Wayward Son. Just listened to it. Powerful lyrics. Is that you, Sean? It must be you, getting into my head, and I love you for it. The thought "carry on" came into my head after I said good night to you and Kyle in your rooms last night and I cried and shed tears for you. Then all of a sudden, "carry on" came into my mind. It's you, isn't it? You are my beautiful, amazing, inspirational son! You bless me! I honor you so much! I love you so much. Thank you for sustaining me. You and Kyle, you keep me alive. Carry on my wayward son There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry no more Carry on, you will always remember Carry on, nothing equals the splendor! Now your life's no longer empty Surely heaven waits for you! Day 313 – Apr. 28, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. I felt younger. I looked down at the path and saw gravel, gray and crunchy. I walked down the path to the well. I held my hands out. White grains of rice dropped from my hands into the water below. I asked Mother Earth to transform it into good energy. I walked around the well and glanced towards the other garden in the direction of the Cliffs. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk and Panther came out. As we walked up to the cliff, my mind wandered – to Michelle's painting, then Bebe's painting. I brought my attention back and focused on the path again. We got onto the cloud and rose up through the cloud cover. We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. Michael was sitting on the bench, his back to us. He was in his brown suit. I sat down next to him and he put his arm around me. I was thinking about the boys, how I have never loved anyone so much in my life as those two boys. "That's how it was meant to be. You were meant to experience the depth of love. You were put on Earth with extra sensitive emotions so you would feel the intensity of love, of pain, more than others. You were meant to have this experience." There was a sense of the "plan." "The way it works, as you have read already many times – you think of them and they are here." I wondered at that: I think of them and they are here? I knew that. I KNEW it. "Isn't there enough scientific evidence that you have seen to know that is how it works?" "Yes, yes, I know. What is holding me back?" The knowledge that the boys can get into my head at any time was clear. We got up from the bench and walked into the sanctuary. It was full of life force energy, lush, with the sounds of birds and insects. A yellow butterfly fluttered past me. As we stood in the middle, Michael conveyed to me, "The boys can come to you instantaneously. They receive your thoughts and can arrive immediately." He knew about my thoughts yesterday and last night – I was thinking so much about the boys when they were little, as babies, as toddlers, and the love I have for them. "They think of you and you think of them. It is instantaneous. You are like the protons, separated but always bonded and sensing each other even from what you perceive as vast distances." With that, the boys appeared through the mist. They came close and put their arms around me. My mind wandered off several times but came back to them. I focused on their physical forms. Sean
put his hands on my face, and I could feel the softness of them. Then he kissed my forehead gently. Kyle hugged me tight and kissed my cheek. "Mar, Mar," he smiled at me. There were many exchanges of thoughts – the computer, the signs they send, my writing which they are happy and pleased to see the progress on, the mural, all the things I am doing, all the things happening on Earth realm. They knew it all. Conversation seemed unnecessary as my thoughts were their thoughts and their thoughts were my thoughts. It was more like an exchange of energy and love. All was already known between us. Questions seemed irrelevant or even silly. At some point it seemed like we all needed to go back to our places. It was foggy, vague to me. But they kissed me and hugged me and then they seemed to fade into the mist, their physical forms dissolving into light particles, then into energy that was no longer visible to me, but I felt it and I could sense it moving through the atmosphere to their rightful place. I turned and walked to the garden, and then Michael and Panther walked with me to the cloud. Michael smiled at me as Panther and I descended on the cloud. We got back to the cliff and walked down the path. Panther went down into the tree trunk and I walked into the meadow. As I came back, I saw Earth and its lovely colors. It made me think of Michelle's painting which I had renamed "View from the Upper Realm." Day 314 – Apr. 29, 2012 Tears and sadness. I miss you so, so much. I love you Sean and Kyle! I wish I could be with you where you are. Day 315 – Apr. 30, 2012 Dreamt of lions and tigers last night. I was afraid of them, but learning how to not be afraid. They would come up close to me, to nuzzle me. I dreamt of Kyle too, when he was a little boy. So much love between us! I remember holding him and hugging him and how good it felt. The overwhelming and overpowering love I feel for you! There is nothing like it. There is nothing better than that love. MAY 2012 Day 316 – May 1, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. The path was smooth dirt. I looked down at my feet as I walked down to the well. The well was larger today. I leaned over it. It was black and dark inside and I could feel Mother Earth's energy coming up. It was strong. I turned and walked around the well, glancing at the path towards the other garden. It made me feel good to know it is there. I walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out. He stayed close to me as we walked up to the cliff. I pet his head as we walked. I saw his face clearly, just like the face of the leopard, only black and shiny. We got onto the cloud and rose up to the U.R. We got off the cloud and walked into the garden, turning right this time and circling around to where Michael stood. He took my hand and held it close to him. I had thoughts of "life between lives" therapy and “out of body” programs. "If they are all for the sake of growth, progress, your understanding, then you can choose to do them. If they help you to develop and better know your true nature, they are done in the right spirit." We walked into the sanctuary. It was lush and beautiful and teeming with life force energy. I walked into the center of the grass area and stood quietly with my face turned upward. Beams of light and energy came down and enveloped me. It was God energy, I could feel the pure love being showered on me, infusing me
with truth, beauty and compassion. I stood like that for a while, basking in the glow and purity. Then from a third person view, I saw the boys come quietly through the mist and creep up behind me. I had my face turned upwards toward the sky and my arms outstretched receiving the energy. The boys tapped me lightly with their index fingers and softly said, "Boo." I turned to look at them, feeling so calm, serene, peaceful and loved. I smiled at them, then we hugged each other. "That's what it's like all the time, Mom." They were so peaceful and serene too, constantly bathed by the love of the One. I had some thoughts about things happening on Earth. "See, Mom, you still want to be of this World (meaning Earth), you still want to do things there and have experiences there." They took me in their arms and we walked to the grass area. They materialized a blanket and we sat down close to each other. I was focused on feeling their physical forms, their skin, their hair. "You known, Mom, we're all energy. Your mind is so powerful it can create the illusion of matter. Your mind is so powerful because it is part of God, the Creator. Do you know who and what you truly are? When the physical forms are broken down into their true forms, you will see only pure energy." They put their arms around me and held me, then we transformed into energy. It was misty. So hard to describe. It was our true existence as pure thought, pure energy. "You are made up of all those atoms and molecules that break down into energy which is not visible to the human eye, and not detectable to the limited human senses. As a human, you are given these senses so you can experience matter, but that does not make the matter ‘real.’ What is real is our true essence, our true forms. Do you feel it, Mom? Feel it. We can be anywhere, at any time, with anyone. And so can you." I felt the sense of infiniteness, that my human physical body is of such little importance. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how we look. We are all going back to the same form, God form. After a little while, the boys helped me up and we walked close to the mist. They kissed me goodbye. "I love you, Mom," Kyle said as he looked at me lovingly. Then he jumped up excitedly and flew into the mist. Sean followed him. I turned and walked towards the garden. Michael and Panther stood at the threshold waiting for me. We walked through the garden to the cloud. Michael was so calm and loving. No words were said. I could just feel his energy. Panther and I descended back to the cliff. We walked down the path and he went down the tree trunk as I entered the meadow and returned to the physical plane. It occurred to me yesterday that I have experienced the extreme ends of the emotional spectrum – the overwhelming and profound love that I feel for my children, unsurpassed by any other pure emotion, and the overwhelming and profound grief and desolation of losing them in this realm. Who is meant to endure this extreme contrast of emotions? Apparently, I am. “God is love beyond our ability to comprehend it.” – Roberta Grimes My angel card for today: Life is simple and easy. All that I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me. I trust myself and I trust life. All is well. Day 317 – May 2, 2012 Today Junior Seau took his own life. I feel tremendous grief and sadness for his family. I wonder, Kyle, are you there to see him? I pray for his safety and that he be surrounded by love and light.
Day 318 – May 3, 2012 Emptiness and loneliness without you here, my boys. I know you are closer to me than ever before, but the illusion is overpowering at times and keeps me in the material world. I long to be where you are, free, so free from this Earth existence that is so very hard. Day 319 – May 4, 2012 Sean’s neon green wash came into my field of vision during the night and early morning. I feel you, Sean! Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. I looked around and smiled. I love this place. I walked to the well. I looked around at the familiar surroundings. This place has become as real for me as any other place in my existence. The green trees, bushes, leaves and the lovely flowers, yellow and purple. I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out. He gave a low growl of greeting. We walked to the cliff and boarded the cloud. We rose into the cloud cover and through to the vast expanse of space, twinkling with stars. We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. I focused on the path around the clearing, the whiteness of it. I walked into the middle of the clearing and sat down on the bench. I seemed to be doing a lot of "thinking," wondering what I was "thinking" up as I went. Is this real? I thought of Michael and wondered where he was, expecting him to walk up from the side near the sanctuary entrance. Instead, he materialized behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. It was as if he was showing me more about how things work in the U.R. I asked him, "Should we go to the sanctuary now?" He could feel my anxiety. "What is that about?" he asked me. "I guess it's fear?" "Yes, it's either love or fear, the only two choices. If you are feeling fear and doubt, don't resist it. Let it come to you, let it go into you, accept it." I sat there and let the fear and doubt fill my body. I felt it go in. As it sat inside of me, it seemed to lose some of its power, and the anxiety lessened. Then Michael said, "Okay, now we can go into the sanctuary." We walked in and I stood in the middle of the grass area. I had the sense of the boys in their "place." They were doing some kind of painting. I was surprised, especially to find Kyle doing painting. They sensed me and dropped what they were doing. As they approached the sanctuary, I could sense Kyle's thoughts. He seemed to be telling me about his "expansion," that his human form was somewhat limited in its view, but now he was "more" and the painting was part of that. As I stood near the mist portal they "skipped" out and landed on the grass near me. They put their arms around me. Sean seemed to be so tall. He morphed in and out of long hair Sean, short hair Sean, energy, white light. Kyle hugged me tight and did the same, his different forms alternating. It was like they did this to give me comfort and to show me that they are eternal, and the forms can be changed at will. They can appear for me in ways that make me smile, make me feel happy, make me feel reassured as to their existence. Sean picked up on my thoughts about the upcoming mural and some of my anxiety as to whether it would be ready. He conveyed happiness and joy about it. He conveyed that he didn't need it, it is an earth creation. "I want to honor you," I told him. "You do honor me, Mom. Every day that you choose to be there, and to continue your work, and do all that you can for the common good, it honors us." There were thoughts and images exchanged about my book. They were excited. "We will help you, Mom. Don't worry, just write. It will really help you in your own process. Re-read and go through all the things you have written. It will be really good for you." I thought about asking them for more signs. They read my thoughts and I felt weak and kind of embarrassed about it. "It's okay, Mom, we will stay in touch. You will see." "It's like I need constant positive reinforcement, huh? I do believe, but I struggle
constantly with wanting the evidence. It makes me feel so good when I get signs from you. It's like the constant reinforcement and comfort that I crave because I am stuck in this physical world, constantly bombarded by my five senses." They understood my needs and they were so loving and non-judgmental. They reassured me. "We are always with you, Mom. We are watching you." Kyle gave me a big hug. Then Sean took my face in his hands and gave me a tender kiss. "I love you guys. I love you so much!" "We love you, Mom. I love you, I love you," they both said to me. Then they went back into the mist. I sensed them travelling quickly as both energy and as forms. They seemed to be "sitting" backwards so they could "see" me as they went. They were so happy, so joyful. I remember Kyle's brilliant smile. There were no words needed from him. He conveyed pure love and joy. I turned and walked back to the garden. Michael walked me back to the cloud, and Panther and I got on. "Bye, Michael." I looked at him as we descended. "Bye, Maria." I had a sense of his constant presence even as I was returning to Earth realm. Panther and I got back to the cliff and walked down the path. He went down the tree trunk and I walked into the meadow and back to the physical plane. Day 320 – May 5, 2012 I was woken up by my alarm clock this morning to "Freebird," one of Sean's favorite songs. In my yoga class, Sean and Kyle were so present! Green and electric blue, and your face imprints in my field of vision. Energy everywhere, so much beauty and life force. Released a lot of grief. Thank you my boys! Thank you dear One! Day 321 – May 6, 2012 Yesterday I discovered that Tony had not done what I had asked him to do months ago – get rid of Tom’s minivan, the car that had so many memories of the boys and so much emotional significance for me. I am overwhelmed with deception and despair. Why am I receiving another life lesson so soon? Help me my boys. I really need your help now. Day 322 – May 7, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm I started in the meadow and walked down to the well. My hands were full of small rocks and pebbles, all the emotions I am feeling about Tony – anger, sadness, grief. I dropped it all down and prayed for Mother Earth to transform it. I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and he seemed to reflect my feelings. He seemed low and troubled. We walked to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We rose up. As we did, my mind was preoccupied with Tony and what to do. I knew there was nothing to do. We got to the U.R. and stepped into the garden. I felt the life force and felt a little better. I could feel the material world fall away and I knew what really mattered. I sat on the bench and Michael came in. He could sense my sadness. “Why? Why do I need this in my life now? Why do I have to feel more pain and agony?” “It is part of the journey. You must learn to see past the illusions, and grow.” “I feel so hurt and confused. I don’t know what to do.” “Remember, those are illusions. You must experience the emotions and be able to make choices out of love. That is the continuing challenge for human beings.” We got up from the bench. “Come on, the boys are waiting for you.” When I walked into the sanctuary, the boys were standing by the mist. I went to them and they put their arms around me and held me gently and lovingly. “I feel so sad, so confused. Why did this have to happen?” “You know, Mom, all things happen for a reason. Nothing is lost. You will work through this and make the choices that are right for you. Remember, you know these situations are illusory, they are the great play you are in right now. What Tony has done is the action in the play and those are his choices. Now you
are faced with choices. You are so strong Mom. You are amazing. Remember your essence, your core and what is real. When everything falls away, all the material things of the Earth, we are all left with only our essence, who we truly are. You will stay true to that because you are a strong and powerful soul and you know what is right. You feel emotions so much more than others. That is the other challenge for you. To know those are illusory too. All that truly exists is loving kindness, and everything “negative” is the growth opportunity for humans to take or not take.” Day 323 – May 8, 2012 When I woke up this morning, the sick to my stomach feeling came quickly. I let it in, along with the anxiety, fear, pain, and yuck and I let it all fill me up. Bring it on I say! I can handle it, I can honor it, it can empower me. Journey meditation33: I started in the meadow. Sean’s neon green came into my field of vision right away. Sean joined me there. What a surprise! I didn’t know you would come down here! Mom, I can be anywhere, you can be anywhere, remember?! He was dressed in a black checked shirt with a collar. His hair was long and moppy. He was dancing to the drumbeat like an Indian and goofing around, so joyful. We walked around the meadow and looked at the lovely purple and yellow flowers. He put his arm around me and we looked down into the well. Then we walked up the path by the tree trunk. Panther came out and joined us. We walked to the cliff and sat on the edge looking down at Earth. Sean had his arm around me and I leaned my head against his chest. I felt so safe and protected. Out of the sky, the two twin guides came to us with Kyle. All three of them were energy. We all got up, and Sean, Panther and I walked down the right side of the cliff. Kyle and the two guides floated with us. They all came with me to a spot where there was a huge fissure in the ground. My fears started out as small rocks in my hands then turned into large chunks of coal. As they all watched, I threw the coal down into the fissure. They broke up into a bunch of small pieces then the gap closed up. We made our way back up to the cliff, and Kyle and the two guides floated back upward. Sean lingered for a few minutes, still in human form. He watched with a smile on his face as I got onto a large brown bear. As I was riding back to the meadow I turned my head and looked back at Sean. He waved then smiled, then took off, as energy, back to the U.R. Day 324 – May 9, 2012 Happy birthday my sweet Sean! You are an amazing being! I am so blessed with you and the gifts you give me. I love you! “Forgiveness of the self and others is the best path to understanding and assimilating life’s hardest lessons.” – Gretchen Vogel Day 325 – May 10, 2012 Oh my! What a day yesterday, my boys! Full of peace and love and compassion and forgiveness. I am really starting to understand what it is all about. I am so incredibly blessed. I am so grateful. Sean and Kyle, you have led me to the path of enlightenment. Bless you my sons, bless you my amazing souls! I love you more than words can capture. 33 This was a guided group meditation.
“Enlightenment and the orientation toward ascension does not happen at the instant of death, it is nurtured in physical life.” – Gretchen Vogel “My role in society, or any artist’s or poet’s role, is to try and express what we all feel. Not to tell people how to feel. Not as a preacher, not as a leader, but as a reflection of us all.” – John Lennon “We awaken this bodhichitta [noble or awakened heart], this tenderness for life, when we can no longer shield ourselves from the vulnerability of our condition, from the basic fragility of existence. ‘You take it all in. You let the pain of the world touch your heart and you turn it into compassion.’” – Pema Chodron (quoting Gyalwa Karmapa) in When Things Fall Apart. From Choices in the Afterlife by Gretchen Vogel: “Ascension is the journey back home to God/Source. . . . The activities that lead us to the knowledge of ascension can be summed up in this short phrase, ‘the striving for excellence.’ We express God/Source by trying to be the best we can at any given task in life. . . . People striving for excellence in sports can be trying to learn of ascension. Musicians and artists expressing beauty through their music can be energizing their choice for ascension. The striving for, not necessarily the achieving of, excellence in at least one of life’s activities will eventually awaken in us our memory of God/Source, our memory of home. . . . Practicing excellence puts you in touch with your own divine nature. Being the best that you can be will always break down the barriers to the understanding and the knowledge of your own divinity. . . . There is divinity in the most simple person trying to be the best that they can. . . . [I]n the striving for excellence, the excellence exists. . . . Being completely in your present is an expression of excellence. . . . Be as excellent as you can in whatever constructive activity you choose to do and acknowledge that within yourself that is divine, the core of God/Source within all of us.” Day 326 – May 11, 2012 I woke up feeling tremendous sadness in the pit of my stomach. My “losses” feel so overwhelming. I know they are perceived losses, but it does not prevent the pain and heartache from coming in to me. I tried to breathe in the pain and release relief/freedom from pain, for myself and for everyone. This test is the hardest imaginable. I will survive. I will endure. I will transcend. I promise you, Sean and Kyle. I promise you, my boys, that I will not let you down. Journey to the Upper Realm I started in the meadow at Sandia Peak. I felt sadness about Tony, the experience we shared there. Then I claimed the space as my own. I had a feeling of release. The perceived wrongs are just that, perceived. They are illusions, tools for our learning. I felt stronger, and grateful for the lessons. I walked down the path to the well. I took in the energy of the space, my special space, infused with my energy, loving and forgiving. I walked past the well. I felt no need to drop anything down. I absorbed the essence of the meadow and was conscious of the path that led down to the other garden and the cliffs. I walked up the path and Panther joined me. I had lots of thoughts of Tony, of what had happened. It was okay. I could see myself from a third person perspective, the observer watching myself and seeing myself struggle with the feelings of hurt, betrayal, loss. Panther acknowledged my thoughts, there was no
judgment, just understanding. We walked up the path to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We rose through the cloud cover and got to the U.R. We stepped into the garden. More random thoughts about Tony, earth matters, earth things. There were messages and thoughts of “It doesn’t matter, nothing matters.” I walked to the bench. Michael put his arm around me. He acknowledged my pain. Then he held me close, cradling me like a baby. “You don’t always have to be strong. That’s why I’m here.” I let myself release and feel the pain. He held me, comforting me. “I am here for you, I am always with you.” After a few moments, he said, “Let’s go to the sanctuary, the boys want to see you.” We stood up and walked to the entrance. Sean and Kyle were standing near the mist portal. They emitted a sense of excitement and joy. I felt like Kyle wanted to dash over to me, but he toned down his energy, like he was trying to acknowledge and be respectful of my sadness. I walked over to them and they came to me with such love, reverence, peace, comfort and serenity. They put their arms around me. Kyle was on the left and Sean on the right. “It doesn’t matter,” floated out again. There were messages of truth, choices, service. SERVICE. “That is what you are there for, Mom. You are contributing so much to Earth. This is the work you chose to do. You are there in people’s lives to serve the greater purpose. You will feel the emotions and pain because you are human, but it is your work and you are in service to others. It is a tremendous act of love.” They infused me with loving energy. Kyle sent me thoughts of excellence. He acknowledged and recognized how I had been led to read the book, Choices in the Afterlife. “The connection and meaning of excellence is clear to you now, huh, Mom? And you thought it was all about football! It is about God/Source, you see that now!” He was so excited and proud of me. There was a sense of the mystery. How did I know what their ideals were? How did I know that excellence and integrity, “doing your best, doing the right thing,” were the messages of Kyle? “Now you see, Mom!” I could not help laughing and rejoicing with them. We held hands and spun around, smiling, laughing, crying out with joy! It was overpowering. Then it was time to go. “Mom, you need to go back. Your work is waiting for you.” “Do you guys know about ascension?” They did not have to answer (of course they knew!) “We will wait for you. That is part of the plan. Your work needs to be done, and we have much work to do still on this level. We will be here when you are ready to leave Earth realm. Don’t worry, Mom.” There was a strong sense of “rightness” to it all, so hard to put into words. Sean kissed me gently on my right cheek. Then Kyle kissed me on my left cheek. They looked at me with indescribable love, with assurance. I felt the rightness of it all too. They turned and walked to the mist. “I love you!” I called out to them. They turned their heads to look at me. The sense of love was beyond description. It was a given. There was no need to voice it. It was just there. Pure, unconditional, all-encompassing. All that there is. All that matters. I turned and walked back to the garden. Michael walked with me to the cloud, his arm around me. The same love, the same incredible presence. No words needed, no words could describe it. I got on the cloud with Panther and we came back down to the cliff. We began to walk down the path and Panther became so playful, so joyful. He rolled around. The feelings were overpowering. I skipped with him, and in my field of vision my pink energy and soul color filled me up. I came into the meadow and felt infused with power and loving energy. Then I came back to the physical plane. Day 327 – May 12, 2012 Hiking in Sedona today. It was beautiful. So many thoughts and pains flowing through me, but I reminded myself, “No Matter,” meaning that true reality is not made of matter.
Message from Myra: When there are dramatic shifts in life, in ourselves, sometimes the people that don’t suit us anymore start to be removed from our lives. Message from Jenny: Truth sometimes brings hurt but I believe ultimately it frees us, frees us for higher, more worthwhile moments, experiences and deeper, honest relationships. Day 328 – May 13, 2012 Mother’s Day. Oh my boys, how I miss you, and how I feel you with me! I love you. I love you more than words can say. I know you know. Thank you. You bless me. I am honored by you. Day 329 – May 14, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. The flowers, purple and yellow, were comforting. I walked down to the well. My hands were full of gravel and I dropped it into the well. It made a watery swooshing sound as it hit the bottom. I asked Mother Earth to transform it. Slowly, golden mist with bright yellow sparkles rose up from the well. I walked around the well to the path and went to the tree trunk. Panther came out. He could feel my sadness. He walked with me up to the cliff. I got on the cloud and he sat next to me and put his head on my shoulder to comfort me. I was having lots of thoughts about the “problems” in my Earth life. We rose through the cloud cover and got to the U.R. I stepped into the garden and Michael was there to greet me. He put his arm around my shoulder. We stood in the middle of the garden. He comforted me and acknowledged my sadness and my challenges. “As long as you are on Earth in human form, you will have these challenges. It is the way. But you are very deeply loved.” I thought of the people around me who love me and support me, and tears came to my eyes and I cried with so much gratitude. “It’s no accident, you know that. You are in the right place. It’s about growth and service.” He led me to the sanctuary entrance. My mind started to anticipate the boys so he stopped me and had me stand still and try to clear my mind. As I was doing this, Kyle “beamed” over, close to us, and then Sean. They stood, mischievously, to the side waiting for me to enter. When I did, they whooped with joy. “Hi Mom!” They were darting all over the place. Then they stopped for a minute, as if they were trying to respect my somberness. But they could not contain their joy and happiness and they starting bouncing around again. I could not help but smile and laugh at their antics. When they saw that my mood had lifted, they came close to me and put their arms around me. “It’s ok, Mom. You’re ok. Everything is ok. The illusion is just playing itself out. You are mired in the physical world. Everything is dense and heavy.” They took me and wanted to lift me up and raise me into the air. At first I was resistant, then I said, “Ok.” They took my arms, then put their arms around me and lifted me into the air. We rose up, and then they floated me around the sanctuary. We went high enough where we could see out, beyond, into the great expanse of eternity. “You know what the funny thing is, Mom? You are so entrenched in the material world, in what you think is reality, but THIS is the true reality right here. What we are seeing, what we are doing, you think it is fantastic, amazing and unbelievable, and you think Earth world is ‘real,’ but here, as soul and spirit, is your true reality. Everything else is just illusion, illusion, illusion. You are light, Mom, you are the light. Pinpoints of light. Keep it light. Try to remember that, Mom.” Detached loving kindness I thought to myself, that is what I need to practice. Nothing is lost, nothing is forgotten. Detached loving kindness. The boys acknowledged and agreed. We exchanged thoughts about the past weekend and Alicia’s graduation. Then the boys seemed to share a laugh about my “Harvard degree,” and how they
have surpassed me in knowledge. They were heartily amused by that, and I couldn’t help but laugh with them. “The illusion, Mom, it’s the great illusion.” “What should I do, guys?” “You know we can’t tell you what to do, Mom. Besides, you know what to do. The hard part is to not get emotionally overwhelmed. That’s the test. Detached loving kindness, you know already, Mom.” They were ready to go. We stood by the mist portal. As the drumming sped up, they both danced around like Indians, joyful and laughing. Sean kept going with it for a few seconds, then Kyle said, “Come on, Sean!” They beamed over quickly to kiss me goodbye, then they took off into the mist. Kyle turned his head as he went. “Bye Mar Mar!” he cried out with happiness. I turned and walked to the garden. Michael walked me to the cloud, then Panther and I went back down to the meadow. Day 330 – May 15, 2012 Neon green as I woke up. Meditated and felt encased in white light. Bright pink energy in my field of vision to finish. Message from Michelle: I want to share something with you that came in my meditation this morning. It came as visions that I tried to write down. Like a diamond encased in coal . . . chipping away at the coal, releasing the diamond. The coal is not the physical matter, the actual lump of coal, but the energy we give it – our perceptions, emotional attachments surround us like coal, burdening our true selves as pure spirit, our truth, our essence – the diamond. He (Tony) is not a pillar of strength for you, only a perception. Let go and fall into the arms of the Universe. I was doing my usual visualization where I hold you in what I imagine to be your pink, and I saw you as a diamond and Tony falling away like coal. It was like he has served a significant purpose in supporting you, but now you are ready to move beyond what he can give you, and could even possibly be hindering. Day 331 – May 16, 2012 “God is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” – Luke 6:35-‐36 Day 332 – May 17, 2012 Dreamt that I had a baby boy. I felt so joyful and happy. He was all wrapped up and swaddled in a white blanket. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. I noticed the purple and yellow flowers, and I sensed the other areas of the space – the path leading to the other garden and the cliff, the path leading down the cliff to the crevasse. I went to the well and held my hands out. White crystal-like pieces filled my hands. They were small and rough. I dropped them into the well. They plopped into the water then sparks of light flew out in every direction. I had thoughts of the shamanic circle and my journeys during those times, esp. when Sean came to the meadow. I brought my mind back into focus. I walked around the well to the tree trunk. My mind wandered again to the book and what the cover should be. I envisioned Michelle’s painting on the back cover. I brought my mind back to the meadow again. Panther came out of the tree trunk. He seemed “all business-like” like he wanted to help me focus. He walked purposefully up the path to the cliff and I followed him. He got onto the cloud and I got on too. I stood, facing backwards, as we rose up. I was like a little kid, curious to “look out the window.” We rose through the cloud cover. I raised my face and hands up to the sky, up to the heavens. “Father, I want to come
home,” I thought. “My child” is what I heard back. We got to the U.R. and I stepped into the garden. As I did so, I became angelic. I was wearing a luminescent white robe. I had a glow around me. I walked into the clearing and Michael met me. I felt drawn to the sanctuary, but he stopped me. “Tell me what you are learning and feeling now,” he said. I replied, “Lessons of fear, trust, faith. I am afraid.” He nodded. He knew that it was good. The “challenges” continue. I asked him, “Why does my mind wander so much while I am on journey?” “You want to progress quickly to accomplish your goals on Earth so you can ascend. You want to finish your work, take care of matters, so your mind is constantly thinking about how to do that. All will be completed. All in good ‘time.’” There was a sense of “ascension,” about rising up, rising above. We walked to the sanctuary. I stood on the threshold and breathed in the energy. The air was filled with golden light, sparkling with love. I walked to the front of the mist portal and stood quietly, reverently. I thought of the boys. I sensed them receiving my thoughts and my energy. I sensed Kyle working with some scientific-like contraption and Sean standing near him. When they received my thoughts, they “dropped everything” and made their way to the mist portal. As I stood waiting for them, I could sense them just on the other side. They poked their hands through, then pulled them back. They were so amused. Finally I said, “Come on, guys!” Then they walked through and put their arms around me. I asked them about my work. They sent thoughts to remind me to work on my book. “Just write what you are thinking about at the moment, Mom. You don’t have to write in a linear way, from start to finish, page one to the end. It doesn’t have to be written in order, just write! Don’t be afraid to ‘re-live’ the events and to read through your journals. It is part of your growth process. You will feel sadness and pain, but you will also re-experience your progress and your growth. Doing this will raise you higher.” I told them about the fear I am feeling. But they already knew. “What about Tony?” I asked. “He is on his own growth path too. You can help him. You are there to help him too.” “I am so scared.” I started to cry. They held me close. “We know, Mom. It’s ok. Remember that all fear, all pain comes from God/Source. Everything comes from the One. It is all for the common good, for the growth of everyone.” I had images of Tom, like they were trying to tell me that even he and all that has happened came from God/Source. I felt more fear, I sensed evil and I “saw” scary, monstrous forms. “No, not now, I don’t want to, I can’t!” The forms dissolved and I calmed down. “All comes from God/Source, Mom. It’s ok to be afraid. It is learning that you are receiving too.” As I calmed, they held me and kissed me. Sean kissed me gently on the cheek. Kyle hugged me hard and lifted me up in a bear hug, the way he used to, and he said, “Lift, lift.” The parallels were not lost on me. He used to physically lift me up to show me his strength. Now he was spiritually lifting me up to show me my path, my journey to ascend. It was so lovely, so beautiful and loving. Then Kyle transformed into energy and went through the mist. Sean hesitated for a moment, smiled at me, then transformed into energy and crossed into the mist. I walked slowly back to the entrance to the sanctuary where Michael was waiting. I felt a little loopy. He walked with me through the garden back to the cloud. Panther joined me and we both got onto the cloud and descended. We got to the cliff and walked down the path. Panther went down the tree trunk. I walked into the meadow and returned to the physical plane. Day 333 – May 18, 2012 “One can choose trust over knowing, and the heart over the mind, allowing a period of not knowing to take place in which God’s light will unfold and reveal the truth in a different way and in a different time. Choosing not-‐knowing over needing to know is a very important step in dismantling the power of negative energies, as it draws one closer to the source of all truth which is God, and to the flow of truth carried by light. . . . Beloved ones,
let the light of truth be found in your heart, and from your heart emanate to all parts of you.” – Dealing with Doubt, as shared on World Blessings Day 334 – May 19, 2012 From One Soul, One Love, One Heart by John Welshons: • “The healing power of love is nothing short of miraculous. Love taps into the deepest core of our being because Love is the deepest core of our being. Its power to heal comes because it aligns us with the One – with the Divine – within us and around us.” • “Only someone who is suffering deeply can inflict pain on someone else. . . . See them fully as part of the One, a part that came into your life – not by mistake – but to help you unveil who you truly are. See the ways in which their presence in your life – no matter how challenging or confusing – can be received as a gift of grace. It may be ‘fierce’ grace . . . but it is profound grace.” • What is “grace?” Kindness from God. Love without expectations. • “The love we seek in relationships exists INSIDE us. It is not something another person feeds into us. It exists at the very core of our own being. . . . To find happiness, we don’t have to become something other than we are; we just have to stop pretending to be something we are not.” • “Every relationship is related to all other relationships, including our relationship with our ‘self.’ No matter how difficult or unworthy other human beings may seem, we are still connected to them. . . . Our experience of life is determined much more by our inner state of consciousness than by external people and conditions.” “Relationships are pathways to God. . . . They should be used as stepping stones on our spiritual path. Our relationships with other human beings offer some of the most profound teachings of our lives.” – Ram Dass “Love everyone and tell the truth.” – Neem Karoli Baba Day 335 – May 20, 2012 My mind was occupied today with golf. A good thing I guess. Staying in touch with myself, my core, my inner being. I have you to thank for that, Sean and Kyle! You are the lights of my life, my existence, my essence! I love you so much! “Start learning to love God by loving those you cannot love. The more you remember others with kindness and generosity, the more you forget yourself, and when you completely forget yourself, you find God.” – Meher Baba Day 337 – May 22, 2012 Missed a day of journaling yesterday. It was good to escape for a while to just have fun, play golf and let loose with good friends and good people. I look forward to my journey to the U.R. tomorrow to reconnect with you, my boys, even though I feel you and your energy constantly. Day 338 – May 23, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm
Started in the meadow. Blue, purple and yellow flowers were everywhere in bloom. Memories of returning to Sandia Peak. The joy and bliss of the meadow filled me. I smiled with pleasure, with love. I walked down the path to the well. It was calm, dark and quiet. I had nothing to drop down. I felt peace. “Random” thoughts of my Earth life flitted through my mind. It felt good. I could see the insignificance of our earthly worries but understand at the same time their importance in helping us grow and move along our paths. We are all headed to the same place, to our ultimate connection to the One. I had an image of the billions of people on Earth, each a pinpoint of light radiating up into the sky, into the atmosphere, connecting to the Source. It felt incredibly blissful. I walked around the well to the tree trunk as Panther was emerging. He joined me and we walked to the cliff. He got onto the cloud first, then I followed. We rose up into the sky then through the cloud cover. The vast expanse of space opened up, and I felt my connection to the One. We got to the U.R. and stepped into the garden. Michael was waiting. He greeted me with warmth and acceptance. “All things happen as they are meant to. You must make choices along the way, every day, but remember that people come into your life at the time they are supposed to, and for the role they play for your growth, the role and purpose you have in their lives.” Thoughts of Tony, of friends, people I meet “along the way” went through my mind. “You are all headed to the same place. You are all helping each other on your paths whether you are aware of it or not.” We walked to the edge of the garden to the entrance of the sanctuary. The boys were waiting near the mist portal. Michael held me at the entrance, calming me, focusing me. I could sense Kyle’s excitement. His face was beaming with joy and delight. He shouted out with happiness and started to bound over, then calmed a little as he knew Michael was calming me. Then I came into the sanctuary and they both rushed over to greet me and hug me. “Mom! Hi, Mom!” Their thoughts came through – they knew all, they saw all. They conveyed love, acceptance, non-judgment. “These people are all in your life, as it has been planned. You have so much service to give to others, Mom. You are greater than you can imagine.” The connection, the knowing between us, and between everything and everyone in existence, was indescribable. It was so overpowering. So much love, incredible love. The boys took my hands and we made a circle. We twirled around and floated up. The lightness, the incredible lightness of being! Their love for me was overwhelming. “Love everyone, Mom, even those you think you cannot love.” Thoughts of Tony came to mind, thoughts of others, difficult people, “undesirable” people. “You are all headed to the same place. Feel your bliss, enjoy your life. Connection, connections to all, to everyone. You see it more, you feel it, because it is your true state, our true state. Love over fear. Choose love, it is the true essence of all.” Tears streamed down my cheeks with the knowing of it. “I love you! I love you guys so much! I love everyone. I want to be with everyone. Connected. On all levels, physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual. Connect to everyone!” I felt incredible joy and bliss. The boys kissed my face gently. They looked into my eyes. Then they turned and walked to the mist portal. Just before they crossed into the mist, they turned and looked at me. There was so much love in their faces, in them! We exchanged feelings of pride in each other, the growth as souls, the understanding of our purpose. Then they said, “Bye, Mom!” and walked into the mist. I turned and looked at the sanctuary. I smiled, I felt the energy and love all around me, connected to it. It was part of me and all of me, and I was all of it. The bliss was phenomenal! I walked to the garden. Michael and Panther walked with me to the cloud. Panther and I got on and started to descend. I looked at Michael. His eyes were luminescent green/blue. So much love and light emanated from him. So much caring. Panther and I returned to the cliff and back to the meadow. I patted him as he went down the tree trunk. Memories of the dark place in Animal Realm where I saw the crocodile. I walked back into the meadow. I could feel myself at Sandia Peak.
I could see the Earth below. I came back down into New Mexico, to California, then into my physical body. “Throughout this classroom called earth we will repeatedly place ourselves in various situations for our soul to grow with particular lessons. So some of your soul’s character you may have come back with this time is a sense of need for control; control for your world, your person, your family, your home. With that scenario you really are setting yourself up for many opportunities to present themselves to teach you patience. This can be in the form of patience with yourself, job, family or a goal. Patience is indeed a virtue. I like to say patience is what makes the angels stay with us through lifetimes. How do you start to learn this human lesson? First look at your own life. Are you setting things up unrealistically? Do you realize that everything comes in its proper time and place when it is meant to be? When we try to mentalize (overthink) we get in the way of the Universe’s natural flow. When you worry so much about the outcome you might ruin it. Let go and let God . . . be patient with yourself. God always says ‘Yes!’ Our out of control and impatient ego says ‘No!’ Try just for one day to release everything up to the Universe. You might be shocked how much faster things will materialize into your life with you out of the way.” – James Van Praagh. Day 339 – May 24, 2012 Dream seed activation meditation – good feelings, rooted to Mother Earth and connected to Father Sky. Day 340 – May 25, 2012 Yoga this morning – very good. Day 341 – May 26, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. Lots of thoughts swirling around in my head about Tony, what to do, how to be impeccable, are my choices the right ones? I walked to the well and looked in, but I had nothing to drop down. I felt sadness, deep sadness and confusion. I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out and looked at me with compassion and sympathy, knowing my pain. We walked up to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We rose up into the cloud cover and through it. More earthly thoughts floated through my mind. I let them float through me. We reached the U.R. and walked into the garden. I thought about all the rules, structures and manmade requirements of Earth and how much simpler and purer it is in the U.R. I thought about Michael’s energy form, his color. He telepathically said to me, “Don’t ‘think’ it, don’t try to discover it with your mind. You must feel it and sense it with your soul.” I let it go and stopped trying to determine his color. Good job! We walked to the sanctuary. The boys were waiting near the mist portal and they bounded over when I entered. “Hi, Mom!” They came close and hugged me. They knew of the challenges I am facing. They were so loving and supportive. “You, yourself, are the only judge, Mom. You must feel for yourself whether your actions and choices are right.” “Why did he come into my life?” “People come into your life to teach you and you to teach them. All connections you make are opportunities for growth and learning. Are your choices made out of love or out of fear?” “Love, they are made out of love.” I smiled. “Good. Then you are choosing impeccably. What about Tony, are your choices made out of love or fear?” “I don’t know. I’m unsure.” “Give it time. Try your best to act out of love.” “There are so many rules, and structures in place on
Earth, things we impose on each other. It’s so hard sometimes to know what to do.” “You know the most important ‘rules,’ Mom. Love all, love everyone, choose love over fear.” “It’s so much easier here. You don’t have to worry about the physical. So much in our world is based on the physical, material things. It’s frustrating. I wish I could just be in this energy state.” “We know, Mom.” “Have you guys been learning a lot, progressing a lot?” “Yeah, Mom!” They were so excited. “We are doing so much.” There was a sense of Tom near. “I’m not ready for that, I have a lot of fear around that still.” The sense dissipated. There was a sense of compassion and understanding. The boys put a blue and green energy bubble around me, like they had transformed into energy, into a protective bubble around me. It felt so warm, so safe. I wanted to see them in human form. They changed back into the Sean and Kyle from the Harvard stadium picture. We stood together just like the picture. Sean and Kyle looked at Michael and seemed to say, “Hey, look at us, what a great picture!” Michael smiled at us. Then the boys hugged me and kissed me. They reminded me again, “Love over fear, Mom, trust the Universe.” “The Universe is giving me so much, guys, so many challenges, so many lessons, so much hard work.” “We know, Mom, but the One knows what is right for you, what you can handle, it will always give you what is in your best interests and what is for your greater good. You know this. It will never hurt you, but will always love you, even though sometimes it does not feel that way, even though you feel pain and suffering.” I remembered the contrast between Earth and the U.R., the freedom of the U.R., the pureness of the energy, the truth. No material or physical impediments, no reasons for anger, sadness, jealousy or negative emotions. Only love and growth and understanding and compassion. I felt my higher self, truly understanding the workings of the Universe. It’s all so simple from that higher view! The boys kissed me again then walked to the mist portal. “See you later, Mom!” They smiled and waved, then dove into the mist. They looked just as they did at Harvard stadium, Sean in his bright green sweatshirt with “Boston” on the front and Kyle with his Harvard football sweatshirt. There were thoughts exchanged about Alicia and Conner. Kyle was pleased about Alicia wearing his sweatshirt. I turned and walked to the garden. Michael walked me back to the cloud where Panther was waiting. I sensed Michael’s bright white aura around him. I got onto the cloud with Panther and we descended. As we did, I felt the One, the Source, above me, protecting me. I felt the sense of protection over me. We crossed through the cloud cover and returned to the cliff. I walked down the path and Panther went down the tree trunk. I was back at the meadow at Sandia Peak and I came back to the physical by diving into the atmosphere back into my room and into my physical body. Notes from a lecture at the Institute of Thought: Family Dynamics, Reincarnation, Transference Issues by Dr. Joseph Costa: • The “body brain” is in the solar plexus, yellow chakra – I THINK chakra • Where do I come from? What am I supposed to be doing here on Earth? What is my work? • There are no accidents; everything has a cause and a purpose. You plan the family you are born into; you already know the circumstances and you picked it for a reason. The left brain does not have the equipment to perceive the reasons, but the tools are in you to be able to learn how to perceive. We change ALL THE TIME! We are functioning with the “left brain box,” but there is so much more within us and we have to learn how to use those other tools. The left brain box is limited, restricted and inadequate to achieve full growth; the other tools must be developed and honed in order to go beyond the left brain box.
The 4th Dimension is an existence where there is No Matter! (How many times has that phrase come into my head these last several months?!)
Day 342 – May 27, 2012 Golf with Robert, dinner with Gina. Relaxing and peaceful. I am learning how to see everything from the higher self. Love all, serve all. Day 343 – May 28, 2012 I feel strong. I feel my connection to the One. I know it is about LOVE. There is nothing else. “Our relationship with God, and every relationship we have, is the mirror image of our relationship with our own soul.” – John Welshons Day 344 – May 29, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. It was luminescent – the air, the light, the environment. I walked to the well and looked down into it. It was dark at first, then the water turned into a crystal blue. I walked around to the path and up to the tree trunk. Panther came up. We walked close together, his energy giving me strength and peace. We got to the cliff and got onto the cloud. Thoughts of things to do, all that is going on in my life, floated into my mind. “You like your life on Earth, you see that?” “Yes, I do, I see that.” We rose up into the cloud cover, into the space atmosphere. We got to the U.R. and stepped into the garden. It was very still. We walked into the clearing and I sat down on the bench. Panther sat on the ground next to me and put his head near my lap. In a few moments, Michael came around the tall bush. He did not say anything, he just motioned for me to stand and come to him. When I stood next to him, his energy wrapped around me like a cocoon and he took me into his protection. He held me there for a few minutes, energizing me with love, understanding and compassion. I felt so protected, so loved, so cared for. I felt his concern. He released me and I came back to human form. We walked into the sanctuary. It was still, but lush and green. We walked slowly into the grass area and took in all of the feelings and energy there. I had a sense of the boys “working” in their place of learning. Sean was sitting, relaxed in a reclined position, strumming a guitar. Kyle was standing in front of a large map, doing something to calculate amounts or distances, or something with light. They knew I had already come into the sanctuary. They put their things down and took off for the mist portal. As I stood near the mist portal with Michael, the boys came through. They came through slowly, standing very straight. Their noses came through first. They were goofing around like zombies coming through the mist. Once they came through they broke into laughter and came close to me. They held me close and kissed me, Sean on my right and Kyle on my left. They were a little older, probably how they would have looked at 14 and 16 in Earth realm. I sensed that they wanted to show me that they are still with me, that I have not lost them, that I will have the joy of seeing them grow up. We stood in a circle and transformed into energy. We were like holograms, our bodies still in outline, but the essence was energy. Our colors were so brilliant. Kyle flashed bolts of lightning through his blue energy. Sean blinked his green energy like a neon sign. Then my pink energy had sparkles of light twinkling all around. “See, Mom, that is what you give to others, beautiful pink energy, sparkling full of love and light.” Then we held hands and concentrated on reclaiming our energy from wherever we had left it. It was the meditation to reclaim energy from people, places and things. We each had a “container”
above our heads. They were being filled up with the energy coming back to us. I sensed the energy returning to Sean from the friends and people he had been connecting with, and also from all over the world where he had been inspiring and working with others. I sensed the energy returning to Kyle in the same way. I sensed my energy returning from all the people, places and things I had met and connected with. Sean’s and Kyle’s containers opened up at the bottom and the energy flowed into them. Then they stood and watched as my container opened up and released all the energy back into me. Sean and Kyle were laughing and smiling with joy. When I was finished, we came close together again and I could feel our loving energy come together. Then they hugged and kissed me again. I looked into their beautiful faces. Sean kissed me on the forehead. Then they turned and walked to the mist portal. “I love you so much!” I called out to them. They turned and looked at me. “That’s all there is, Mom, that’s what it’s all about. We are pure love.” I felt their overwhelming love, their powerful compassion and understanding, for me, and also for all beings. They crossed into the mist and I turned to go back to the garden. Michael walked me back to the cloud and I got on with Panther. Michael held my hand and looked at me with incredible love and caring. He released my hand as Panther and I began to descend. We came back down to the cliff and to the meadow. Then I returned to the physical plane. My angel card for the day: The Point of Power is always in the present moment. The past is over and done and has no power over me. I can begin to be free in this moment. Today’s thoughts create my future. I am in charge. I now take my own power back. I am safe and I am free. Day 345 – May 30, 2012 “Ironically, it is difficult to fully see our Light until we fully see our darkness. Relationships that enable us to see our ‘inner Hitler’ are very great blessings – painful and confusing blessings, but blessings nonetheless.” – John Welshons Day 346 – May 31, 2012 Strong! Feeling strong, connected to the One/the Source. It is all there is. Love. Love all, serve all. JUNE 2012 Day 347 – Jun. 1, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. I felt so happy and light being there. I could feel my essence lightening. I smiled. I walked down the path to the well. I held my hands open above the well and they were filled with smooth, sparkling rocks that looked like they had been run through a tumbler. There were a lot of brown colors, like Tiger’s Eye. I dropped the rocks into the water then there was a burst of energy and light. Then the air and sky turned sparkling blue with the energy coming up from the well. It was hazy, luminescent, very calming. I walked around the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther bounded out, full of energy. He ran up the path ahead of me, so playful. As we got to the cliff, I looked down to the other path that led to the crevasse. Memories of the journey with Sean to release the coal came flooding back into my mind and made me smile. I brought my attention back to the cloud. I got on and started to ascend. Panther was still on the cliff edge. I got a little nervous that he was being left behind, but then he leaped into the air and landed on the cloud next to me. We laughed.
We rose up through the cloud cover and broke through to the vast expanse of space. I could feel the joy and happiness filling me up. I sensed the dual nature of Earth receding behind me. I could sense the duality below, but also knew that it was good, it was Earth with all of its teachings. I felt the bliss of the Upper Realm, the lightness of being. I smiled and felt such joy. We got to the U.R. and stepped off the cloud into the garden. I was running and jumping with happiness and lightness. I was young, dressed in a white skirt and blouse, barefoot, feeling the energy of the grass under my feet. I skipped around for a while. Then Michael was with me. We were holding hands and twirling in a circle, our heads back, our beings filled with goodness. We slowed down then stopped. We exchanged thoughts. “Why do I feel so much fear and doubt? What am I supposed to do?” “Let the mystery unfold. The answer is not in your head, it is here in your heart, and you will know. Stay in that place of Love. Not knowing does not mean never knowing. All conditions on Earth are temporary, you know this, even the fear and doubt that you are feeling. Let them serve you, they are there for a purpose, for your higher good.” He took my hand and led me to the sanctuary. I had been so amused by him twirling in the grass with me, wearing his brown suit, looking so formal and professional. He read my thoughts. “I can appear as you wish. This is how it best serves you.” He was amused too. At the entrance to the sanctuary, he stood on the threshold and I bounded into the grass area. I was so young and vibrant, like a young girl, a young child, full of love and innocence. I felt like it was my true nature, my true self. I skipped and danced around, twirling and laughing, my body flowing and moving effortlessly. I had a sense of the boys watching from near the mist portal. They had materialized there and were watching me in my bliss, their own faces full of bliss and happiness – happiness that I was enjoying the moment and feeling my eternal self and my connection to the Source. They came over to me, and I slowed and stopped. They put their arms around me. The bliss was overwhelming. I started to cry, and they held me. Their energies, blue and green, swirled around and wrapped me up, covering all three of us like a protective shroud, but moving and caressing over us. I could see my pink energy in my field of vision, like the boys had given it a boost from their energies. “What should I do? I don’t know what to do.” There was love, compassion and understanding coming from them, and then all the earthly matters seemed so small, so meaningless. There were lots of thoughts exchanged, thoughts of reassurance, of getting closer to the One, and what would Love do? They reminded me of what I had read recently. They assured me that I am on the right course. “I want to do the right thing but I don’t know what it is.” “Like Michael said, Mom, be ok with not knowing because you will know eventually. Remember, what would love do? What would love do?” I cried hard. “I miss you guys, I miss you so much!” “We’re right here, Mom, we’re right here.” They put their hands on my head and on my heart. “I would love to get some more signs from you, can you do that?” They smiled mischievously, knowingly, “Yes. Be open, Mom.” “I will be open.” There were thoughts exchanged about my book. I saw an image of it, like the boys were showing me its manifestation. They conveyed strong feelings, “Write, Mom, write!” I sensed that it was time for them to go, like they had work waiting for them and they were anxious to get back to it. There was a sense of excitement and purpose to them and their work, joy in what they are doing. It made me feel so good, knowing that they are safe, happy and progressing. Their beings were so highly energetic. I knew that it showed their progress as spirit beings. They were less and less human to me, but able to show themselves in a way that I could identify and relate to. They understood the importance of that to me because I am still in human form, still “stuck” on Earth. “I want to go with you, I want to be with you. I feel so trapped sometimes being human.” They understood. They conveyed a sense of my progress, about moving upward, to the light, trusting my knowing, my heart, my mind. Vague, but somehow powerful.
A sense of rightness, hard to explain. The boys kissed me gently, then they turned and changed into energy. It was like they were “beaming up.” I watched their energy essence move through the mist, then I turned and walked back to the garden. Michael was waiting for me. He took me in his arms and enveloped me in his golden white light, more protective energy. He held me and I was consumed by the love and compassion. Then he let go and walked me back to the cloud. I got on and sat down. Panther bounded over. As the cloud began to descend, Panther jumped on, playfully. I looked at Michael as we started to descend. His eyes were sparkling blue, full of love. As we went down, I saw millions of pinpoints of light, all different colors, sparkling in the dark space, illuminating existence. The vastness of the Universe, the cosmos, the Source, was so clear. We crossed through the cloud cover. I got the sense of Earth below, and the cloud cover as the veil of forgetfulness, the thin curtain that divides humans from knowing the Truth. We continued down to the cliff and then walked onto the path. Panther went down the tree trunk. I paused for a moment, close to the hole in the tree trunk, and I felt the energy of Animal Realm, slower, a little darker. I walked down the path to the meadow. The flowers were yellow and tall, like the hill behind my house in spring. I stood in the meadow then returned to the physical plane. Day 348 – Jun. 2, 2012 Attended the Mom’s Support Group today. Feelings of anxiety. Solar plexus chakra is full of fear and doubt. Day 349 – Jun. 3, 2012 Attended the women’s drum circle last night. The beating drums and the vibrational energy were fantastic! This day, I went to see Robert Guerra and give him Sean’s black and green electric guitar. It felt so incredible, so right! I know Sean has guided me to this. What a beautiful generous gift you have given to Robert! You are truly amazing, generous and powerful, Sean! Day 350 – Jun. 4, 2012 Crazy dream last night. I was in a tall building trying to find my way back to a room. There were a lot of people in the building. I was on a certain floor with several people and I was trying to get back to a room somewhere on another floor. It was confusing and frustrating. It felt so real, like I was out of body. At one point I was holding a candleholder or small glass. I watched it as it moved and rotated in my hands by itself. I kept telling myself to concentrate on remembering the dream because it was so “real.” Now all I can remember is bits and pieces. My body feels exhausted like I spent all night moving or struggling or working myself physically. I woke up around 3:00 a.m. and had so much trouble falling back to sleep. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. There were a lot of large rocks and boulders in the area. Interesting – what is that about? I walked down to the well. It seemed smaller. I walked past it to the path and the tree trunk. I peered into the hole. Panther’s head popped up and he came out. We walked up the path to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We rose up quickly through the cloud cover to the U.R. It felt close. I had the sense of it being right here, right now, in Earth realm, side by side. It is very close indeed, not some other place, but a state of being that is within reach every moment of every day. We got off the cloud and walked into the garden. I noticed the trees, how tall they seemed, and the paved path around the clearing, white and gleaming.
We walked around the path to the right and as we came around, Michael greeted us. “Is there anything to share?” he asked. “What about my dream, my out of body experience?” “It is real. Your body is exhausted because it cannot keep up with the mind and the soul.” We walked to the sanctuary and stood at the threshold. Michael stayed there as I entered. The grass was so green and lush. The boys came through the mist portal and we stood together. Sean and I exchanged thoughts about Robert and the guitar. It was unspeakable, the depth of emotion, compassion, love. Sean was so pleased, so happy, peaceful, serene and fulfilled by Robert receiving the guitar. The sense of rightness and knowing was just there. It was indescribable. My mind wandered to the physical realm. “Enjoy the physical world, Mom. Enjoy it while you can, the strength, beauty, intimacy of the physical. Humans are meant to experience it. There is nothing else that compares. That is why souls want to experience Earth. The physical experience can be so pleasant, so pleasurable, the power, energy, and strength of the human body, the connections with others, the touch. And it can also be full of pain, illness, aging. It is a unique experience, something special to planet Earth. Take full advantage, experience it fully.” “Where is my exit point?” “Not for a while, Mom, not for a while.” “But you will be here, waiting for me?” “Yes, yes! Of course. You know we will be here to greet you. But you have much to do, much to give, before you will join us.” “I am so humbled by you two! I am so humbled by your beauty!” “Mom, you should be humbled by yourself! You are an incredible soul!” The tears filled my eyes, so much love and overwhelming emotion, no words to capture it. They came close and kissed me. I turned and began to walk back to the garden. I turned around and watched as Sean and Kyle held each other close then dove together into the mist as they transformed into energy. I continued back to the garden. Michael walked me back to the cloud and Panther and I got on. We descended quickly back to the cliff and returned to the meadow. Then I came back into the physical plane. “The heart is a sensory organ and an information encoding and processing center with an extensive intrinsic nervous system, enabling it to learn, remember, and make functional decisions independent of the cranial brain. The heart is directly involved in the processing of information about a future emotional stimulus seconds before the body actually experiences the stimulus. The heart appears to play a direct role in the perception of future events; at the very least it implies that the brain does not act alone in this regard.” – HeartMath Research as quoted by Larry Dossey, M.D. in The Power of Premonitions (Subjects’ heart rates began to change prior to viewing an image that turned out to be stressful, but did not change as much prior to viewing images that were not stressful. Somehow the heart “knew” what lay ahead in the future, even though the subjects were consciously clueless about what lay ahead.) I pray, God, for you to take me from this world, but I know you won’t. I continue to ask Why? Why does it have to be this way? Why were my boys taken from me? Why do I have to stay here without them? My grief is still strong, still painful. What am I doing? What the hell am I doing here? The only thing I cared about on this Earth, and they were taken from me. I don’t understand. This is supposed to teach me loving kindness? Compassion? Forgiveness? What a hard lesson you have given me. What a hard, hard lesson indeed. I’m tired. I’m so tired of this place, this fucking place! And I’m tired of being strong, of being so fucking strong! Who signs up for this shit?!
Day 351 – Jun. 5, 2012 “Potentially lethal physical trauma can presage profound wisdom and power.” – Larry Dossey “Human affairs require a high degree of uncertainty, messiness and chaos to function smoothly. Perfect precognition would be a disaster.” – Larry Dossey Day 352 – Jun. 6, 2012 Not much to write today. Had lunch with Vicki. Excited about my book. I must remember to start writing every day, even if it is just one paragraph! Day 353 – Jun. 7, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in meadow. There seemed to be a lot of boulders, more than last time, like they were closing in on the meadow. I walked to the well and around it quickly. It seemed small. I walked up the path to the tree trunk and Panther emerged. We walked up to the cliff and got onto the cloud. We ascended quickly and got to the U.R. I felt very tired and unfocused. I walked around to the right on the paved path around the perimeter of the clearing. Michael met me as I approached. He led me to the bench. We sat down and he put his arm around me. “I’m afraid.” “Let it come in, let yourself feel it and experience it. It leads to growth.” We sat for a while. He held me and comforted me. He assured me that all is as it should be, that ultimately each choice is simply about choosing love or choosing fear. We got up and he led me to the entrance of the sanctuary. The boys were standing just to the other side on the right. As I came through, they came close to me and gave me a little “surprise” even though I knew from a third person perspective that they were already there. They read my thoughts too. “We always know when you are here, Mom!” I knew that too. They stayed near me. They knew I was tired and unfocused and that there were a lot of things on my mind. Making choices, wondering if I am making the right decisions. The boys conveyed their excitement about the golf tournament. They were amused and excited about my golf pants. “Very funny, Mom! You will look great. Everyone will have so much fun!” They were moving about, kind of floating, just spending time with me, but I felt their focus on their work. I felt so trapped in my human body, the anxiety in my belly, my midsection. They understood. “I’m tired, physically and emotionally drained.” They understood. Thoughts of Robert Guerra and the guitar. Sean conveyed his happiness again. “He loves you so much, Sean!” “I love him, Mom.” There was so much peace and calm in them. They were getting ready to go. They came close to me. I felt like a mother again, so strongly. “Come here, give me a kiss goodbye,” I said to them. They gave me quick kisses, then they went through the mist portal, mostly as energy, and I could sense them floating. I turned and walked back to the garden. Michael walked me back to the cloud. Panther and I came back down quickly to the cliff. He went down the tree trunk then I returned to the physical realm. “Consciousness is infinite, eternal and one! Mind is always now. We are all small pieces of God’s mental apparatus. Each individual is part of God or part of the Universal Mind.” – Larry Dossey “Deep down the consciousness of mankind is one. This is a virtual certainty . . . and if we don’t see this it’s because we are blinding ourselves to it.” – David Bohm
“Mind, rather than emerging as a late outgrowth in the evolution of life, has existed always . . . the source and condition of physical reality.” – George Wald “The Universe is a great thought, not a great machine.” – Sir James Jeans So much sadness and so many tears in my eyes as I drove by your school today. I miss you so much, Kyle! I love you so much! Day 354 – Jun. 8, 2012 I feel closer to being a whole person than I have ever felt in my life. How can this be? Are these the gifts I am to receive? AMAZING! “Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for these who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.” – Henry Van Dyke Day 355 – Jun. 9, 2012 “To love means to open ourselves to the negative as well as the positive – to grief, sorrow, and disappointment as well as to joy, fulfillment, and an intensity of consciousness we did not know was possible before.” – Rollo May “We are conscious not because of the brain, but in spite of it.” – David Darling “People say I have created things. I have never created anything. I get impressions from the Universe at large and work them out, but I am only a plate on a record or a receiving apparatus what you will. Thoughts are really impressions that we get from the outside.” – Thomas Edison From The Power of Premonitions by Larry Dossey, M.D.: • Consciousness is “nonlocal” or infinite. It is immediate (no travel time); unmediated (no energetic signal to “carry” them); unmitigated (no weakening with distance); omnipresent (everywhere at once); and eternal (past, present and future). • “A mystery is a situation whose outcome we don’t know, a plunge into the unknown. There is compelling evidence that participation in mystery is important for our mental and physical health. . . . It’s when we relax into ambiguity that we are most human.” “Nonlocality is ‘spooky action at a distance.’” – Albert Einstein Day 356 – Jun. 10, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. The air was so sparkly and bright, so shiny! I walked quickly down the path and around the well to the tree trunk. Panther emerged and we walked up the path to the cliff. We both admired how sparkly the air was. We got onto the cloud and rose up quickly to the U.R. We walked into the garden. It was lush and green, and full of the sounds of nature. I walked into the clearing and sat down on the bench. Michael came and sat down on my right. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. No words, just powerful feelings of love and joy. We sat like that for a while. “What is it like to be closer to
the Source?” “Joy, love, bliss, belonging, oneness, purity. You know this feeling already. You have been there already, you came from there and you will return there. You are getting closer, more connected, even as you stay in your human shell. You no longer feel so separated from the Source, the One.” I smiled and kept smiling with that knowledge, that knowing of true reality, of truth and purity. “Let’s go to the sanctuary.” “Just another minute.” I liked the feeling of pure unconditional love as I sat there with him, feeling like nothing else matters, feeling the material world fall away so easily. It was all so clear, so simple, so beautiful, full of love! The smile on my face! Then we got up and walked into the sanctuary. It too was a lush green and filled with the sounds of life and nature. The boys were standing near the mist portal, goofing around, kind of wrestling and smacking each other the way they used to on Earth realm. They saw me enter and ran over excitedly. “Hi Mom!” They came close and hugged me. “You haven’t really changed much, huh?” I said, referring to their horseplay. “No, Mom, we’re still us, still here, our essence and our connection to each other.” I had thoughts about what Suzane Northrop had said about them having to be together. They read my thoughts. “Oh yeah, Mom, for sure that is so true. We are bound together and we need to be together, but we chose you as our mother because you are amazing! We needed you to be our mother, and you needed us to be your sons. We knew you would be able to handle this. What a soul you are!” I felt so incredibly joyful and happy! The smile stayed on my face. They repeated what Michael had said about getting closer and closer to the Source. “You are doing it, Mom! You are knowing your true self and your real essence. And it is hard when you are in the human shell. So much separateness is created by humans in Earth realm. The challenges and lessons are so hard, but you are doing it.” There was so much love, joy, peace, serenity in the air. Everything was so overwhelming. I expressed thoughts of their upcoming “Heaven date.” “Don’t be afraid, Mom. We will be close to you, you will feel us, hear us, see us, we will come through, don’t worry. The date is significant for you because that is how humans track ‘time,’ but there is no time, only infinity, eternity. We are and always will be, we are changing and un-changing at the same time, all the time. It’s ok, Mom, you will be ok.” I expressed thoughts of their signs to Alicia. Sean chuckled with the thought of the lime green VW van, the peace sign and the Beatles. “Why do you give so many signs to Alicia?” “We give signs to everyone, Mom. Alicia is very open, she sees them.” “You are very bonded, aren’t you?” “Yes, Mom, we are close to her. We are close to all of you. Oneness, don’t you feel it more now? You are growing and progressing so fast.” My smile got even bigger. I felt so incredibly happy! So connected, so pure! Fantastic! “Enjoy, Mom, enjoy Earth realm and the material world now, while you are there for a short time. Make the connections with others, love everyone as you know they are you, and you know you are all one, we are all one.” Phenomenal! The feelings of joy and bliss. I knew that this is what I am meant to come back to, before I can leave Earth realm. The knowledge, the knowing of the truth. The boys kissed me gently and touched my face. “See you later, Mom!” Then they leapt head first into the mist and shot out into the atmosphere, their energy so strong and vibrant. I turned and walked back to the garden. I was euphoric, “drunk” with joy and happiness. I walked to the cloud with Michael. Panther and I got on. As we descended, I looked at Michael and saw the pure unconditional love and compassion in his eyes. We broke through the cloud cover and landed at the cliff. Panther went down the tree trunk and I returned quickly to the physical plane. Day 357 – Jun. 11, 2012 Dreamt that I was with Sean and Kyle at Morley Field. I was playing tennis and shopping for clothes in the tennis shop. There were also a lot of guitars there. I handed one to Sean and he started playing it so well. He was playing one of the Beatles’ songs in an acoustic
way on an electric guitar. The salesman was so impressed. Then I remembered that Sean had not had lessons in a while. I asked him when he is supposed to go back. He said he was supposed to go back after three months since his last lesson. Kyle was supposed to have lessons too. I remember being so happy that I would be able to take them for lessons. I had the sense of them being alive, here on Earth with me. Then I realized they were not. I felt sad, but only briefly. Then I felt the freedom of being unencumbered, like I am supposed to be on my own, and enjoy my remaining time. A sense that the events occurred as they were supposed to. Last night as I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep, I wondered what time it was. In my mind I heard, “Open your eyes, Mom, look at the clock.” The skeptic in me said, “Well, it’s not going to be 10:21, how can that be the time again, there are too many numbers possible.” I opened my eyes anyway and looked at the clock: 10:21! I laughed out loud. Kyle!! I smiled then watched the clock turn to 10:22, then I closed my eyes again. When everything you thought was real, everything you cared about, loved and valued is stripped away from you, what is left? Your true essence, who you truly are, all that matters, all that is. Your wholeness, your truth, your perfection, Oneness, connected to the Source. Day 358 – Jun. 12, 2012 Bright neon green wash in my field of vision as I woke up this morning. I feel you, Sean! Ripples of electric blue running through the neon green. I feel you, Kyle! I love you both so much! Angel card: I am the calm expression of peace and see the love in everybody. Day 359 – Jun.13, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Very unfocused today, my mind is consumed by thoughts of Earth realm – relationships, how to treat people, how to be with others, do I want to be with someone again? Hard to stay in the meditation. Walked from the center of the meadow to the well, then around to the tree trunk. Panther came out. Lost my concentration again and let all the thoughts back in, memories of Tom and the boys, talking to the boys on the phone, memories of Tony, thoughts of being in a relationship, all over the place. Got onto the cloud with Panther and we rose up through the cloud cover. Got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. Again, the thoughts flooded in. Michael was in the garden, but so hard to focus on him. There was no judgment, just let it be, let the thoughts come then let them go. I stood at the threshold of the sanctuary and tried to focus. I could sense the boys near the mist portal. Memories of them at the memorial celebration, how they looked. They appeared to me as they looked that day. “That’s not us, Mom, remember that.” Their “shells” as human beings. I was reminded of that. How beautiful your “shells” were! I had thoughts about being cremated and being mixed with their ashes. “It’s just dust, Mom, but if you want to do it, ok.” Their essence was there. So vague everything was, and interspersed with random thoughts of my Earth life. “It’s so challenging, isn’t it, Mom? Earth realm. All the people, relationships, rules, structures, expectations.” They were so understanding about all the thoughts flowing in and out of my mind. It was very nonjudgmental, very open and caring. After some time passed, they led me back to the entrance to the garden. I was like a zombie, overcome with thoughts, thoughts, and more thoughts! My brain was on overdrive, but they had no judgments about it, and they
encouraged me not to judge myself either. Michael took my hand and led me back to the cloud. I got on with Panther and we descended quickly back down to Earth realm. I returned to the physical plane. Day 360 – Jun. 14, 2012 Woke up this morning and laid in bed with my eyes closed. When I finally did open my eyes and look at the clock it was 6:21, of course! Day 361 – Jun. 15, 2012 “Emotional health isn’t about finding the right person, but rather, about being the right person.” – Dean Ornish, M.D. I try to be amazing for at least a few minutes every day. Day 362 – Jun. 16, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. Unfocused again. I walked down to the well and put my hands on the sides. I leaned down and looked into the darkness. I felt energy. There were messages about the material world, the density of matter, how it doesn’t matter. I felt my brain trying to control the process. I acknowledged it. Then it stepped back. I walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out. He walked next to me up the path to the cliff. I could feel myself getting lighter already, more joyful. We got onto the cloud and rose up. I had my face turned upward, my arms lifted to the skies. I wanted so much to be out of my physical body. I feel trapped, imprisoned in it. We got to the U.R. and walked into the garden. Michael was sitting on the bench. I came up behind him and put my arm on his shoulder, then I sat down next to him. “I feel so trapped in my body, I want to get out of it.” “Your time will be short, you will see. Everything that has happened in your life, all that you have done has prepared you to be in the place you are now. Now your greatest contributions will be made. Do you remember how you used to ask yourself and question the meaning and purpose of your life? Do you remember your sadness of not feeling passion about your work, what you were doing on Earth? How you ‘gave up’ and accepted that your purpose was to raise your sons and see to their futures? All of that was in preparation for where you are now and your life’s work is becoming clear. This has been a very difficult lesson. Yes, from a human level, very, very difficult, but it is the one you chose, for service to others. You are a higher soul and you will return to your rightful place when your work is completed. The next several years of your Earth life will be significant and meaningful to many. You are a brave and courageous soul. Your sacrifice is great.” We got up from the bench and walked to the sanctuary. I stood on the threshold and calmed and centered myself. I sensed the boys come through the mist and stand close to me. I opened my eyes and they were there, looking at me lovingly. “I feel so trapped in this body, I want to get out of it!” “We know, Mom, it is heavy and burdensome. But it is a strong, healthy, attractive body. It will serve you well, it has served you well. It is the way it is because of your work, who you are, your connections with others. It has its purpose and its uses. You will shed it soon enough, but for now use it and enjoy it. It serves you.” I had a lot of thoughts about the coming week, June 21, my fears, my sadness. They understood, they felt compassion and love for me, my pains, my fears, my struggles. “There are many people who think of you, care about you, love you, Mom. Thoughts, there are many loving thoughts of you, of us. Don’t be afraid, don’t worry. People will remember in their own way.” Thoughts of Tim Braun. “It will be good, Mom. Don’t worry.” “Can you bring Grandma
with you? It would be so great. But not your father, not yet, I don’t think the family is ready for that yet. I know I can handle it, but I want to protect the family. I don’t think they’re ready for that yet.” Understanding and compassion, but a sense of them not having full control over the process. “I will trust it. I know things happen for the greater good. I must trust the Universe and all that it brings to me.” Unfocused again, thoughts, thoughts, thoughts, worries, concerns, Earth bullshit. “I feel anger, frustration.” “It’s ok, Mom, it’s ok. All of those feelings are part of your experience.” They were getting ready to go. There was a sense of them needing and wanting to get back to their work. I understood. There is no time, no time, no linear dimension that we humans believe govern “reality.” There is nothing except oneness, wholeness. I’m trapped in this body! I could feel my energy, my essence, my soul, encased in this human flesh. Assurances from the boys again. “It’s ok, Mom, you need the body, you need to be there to finish your work.” A sense of so much beyond, that I would ultimately return to! They kissed me goodbye, then flew through the mist portal. I turned and walked back to the garden. Michael walked me back to the cloud. Messages of love, assurance, the strength and beauty of my human form that is serving an important purpose in my work on Earth. Still, I felt frustrated being encased, trapped in it. “I want to be free! I want to be released from this!” He understood. He sent me his energy, loving me and giving me strength. I got onto the cloud with Panther and we descended. As we got to the cliff, again I felt myself trapped, encased, but returning back to the physical plane. I question my entries, my thoughts. Are these “real?” Where do they come from? Am I making all of this up? So much doubt and fear, it overcomes me and I wonder what all of this writing means. Where does it come from? I try to just let it flow, let my hand and pen move without my brain trying to control everything. I can’t be making this up! I’m not that creative, am I? At least I am writing it down no matter how crazy it seems sometimes. Why am I beating myself up so much? Fear, fear, fear and insecurity!! Help me, God, help me! The brain is a receptor. It is not the origin of my thoughts. Day 363 – Jun. 17, 2012 The nausea in the pit of my stomach wakes me. I pull the covers over my head and try to descend back to sleep, back to darkness, back to “unreality.” Wallowing in my grief. Is that what they call it? Thoughts, wishes, of leaving the realm are strong in me today. What is there left here in this world for me? What is there left to care about? Very little indeed. Do you know how hard it is to want to leave this realm so badly but know that you can’t? It’s impossible, an impossible situation. It feels hopeless and meaningless, utterly desolate. Keep me close, boys. I need you now more than ever. “A single person is missing for you, and the whole world is empty.” – Philippe Aries In my case, two persons are missing for me. The world feels like a prison. Hypnotherapy session with Irina Baker: Went deeply into a state of relaxation. Covered with multi-colored light from head to toe. A bright pathway of light led to the garden in my heart, the garden in the U.R. It was lush and full of life. Lots of yellow butterflies. A pathway of light spread into infinity. A figure came from the pathway, a being of light, the One Who Cares. She was pink energy. She enveloped me with incredible love. Then the boys came down from the pathway. They kissed me and hugged me hello. They took my hands and lifted us off the ground. We flew into space, into infinity. The sky was full of stars, other planets,
other places of learning. It was like getting a tour of life beyond Earth. After a little while, they brought us back. As we stood to say goodbye, as they stood on the pathway of light, the One Who Cares was next to them. She shone bright pink, her essence was bright and powerful. It was ME! I could see then, my essence, my true essence, and I could see that human Maria is just a facet of that true essence, having my brief experience on Earth to learn lessons and bring back growth and development to the One Who Cares – ME! Slowly, she and the boys headed up the pathway back to Eternity/The One. I felt like I was gong with the boys – I was! That was me, my true essence going with them! I watched in awe, and then I could see my temporary self still connected to my Essence as she drifted away with the boys. No separation, this Earth life is only a momentary experience for a portion of my Essence, to make her grow and evolve even more. Powerful and profound! Shopping in Michael’s – saw the letter “K,” “Imagine” on some pencils, peace signs on a tote bag. I think all the signs are around me. Thank you, my boys, for staying close to me! Seeing “21” a lot lately. On the clock all the time. Kyle! I love you! Day 364 – Jun. 18, 2012 Woke up again with the pain in my solar plexus chakra. I guess it’s to be expected. The chakra of power, desire, fear, guilt, doubt. Fear fills me. Why? What am I afraid of? Feeling the loss again? Not being able to handle it? I know I can, but it does not keep the fear, anguish and pain from coming. It’s ok. I let myself feel it without resistance. Resist not evil, Jesus said. Day 365 – Jun. 19, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. It seemed to spread out into infinity. It was filled with flowers, purple and yellow, and teeming with life force energy. I was young, so young and vibrant. My hair was long and wavy and I was wearing a light, flowing white dress. I felt vibrant, alive! I skipped through the meadow. I stopped briefly at the well, then skipped up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out. He “smiled” and was amused by my jubilance. We skipped up the path to the cliff and got onto the cloud. My spirit and energy were so high, so positive. We rose quickly. I could see the beautiful orb of Earth far below us, and the dark space above full of lights and stars. We got to the U.R. and stepped off the cloud. The path was gleaming a brilliant white. There were sparkles in the whiteness. The garden was so lovely, my heart garden! I walked on the shining path and met Michael. We stood facing each other and he took both of my hands. He smiled at me. “You’re so jubilant.” “Yes,” I smiled back. We exchanged energy and love, so much happiness! We walked to the sanctuary and I stepped in. I could sense the boys in their “place.” They knew I had come into the sanctuary. They were standing in front of a board or chart, doing some kind of work together. We exchanged thoughts from “this distance.” “Are you ready for us?” “Yes, I am.” In a second, they materialized right in front of me. No need for the mist portal, as if they were showing me the instantaneous nature of our thoughts, of our existence. They came close to me and our energies merged. The blue, green and pink of our essences intertwined and mixed together. It was like a spiritual hug, much closer than human hugs, our energies and love permeating each other and becoming pure connection and oneness. We “danced” this way for some time, just enjoying the being-ness and existence of our true selves, together in our natural state, our pure state. They were pleased and so happy. “All will be remembered,” they assured me. We
stayed connected for a while. When it was time to go, they assumed their physical forms to show me themselves as I remember them, but also to show me the illusion of physical form and its temporary and transitory nature. I could sense my true essence, my “placeholder,” in the Upper Realm with them, and see how my human form is just the facet of my essence that is on Earth to learn and grow and progress. Sean took my face in his hands. “Right here, Mom, we’re right here,” indicating the spiritual connection and bond that cannot adequately be expressed in physical form. Kyle then took my face and kissed me. His face was beaming with joy and his smile was brilliant. His energy conveyed what Sean conveyed. There were no words that could describe it. Then they formed into energy again and moved off to their “place.” I could sense them there, back at their board/chart. I asked them, “Are there others there with you? Who are you working with?” “They come and check on our work, Mom. Yes, there are many others helping and doing work. All that is, is meant to be.” I smiled and turned towards the garden. I walked out of the sanctuary and Michael met me and walked with me back to the cloud. He put his arm around my shoulder. I felt his protection, his unconditional love for me, his guidance. My being was filled with gratitude for him and his help, and my eyes filled with tears of love. He acknowledged and accepted my thanks and gratitude with peacefulness, serenity, a sense of rightness. I got onto the cloud with Panther and we descended quickly to the cliff. We walked down the path and he went into the tree trunk as I returned to the physical plane. Day 366 – Jun. 20, 2012 Trying to stay with my Essence. I see it in the U.R. with the boys. “I” am connected to it as I have my experiences here on Earth and learn my lessons. What a hard lesson I have chosen. Strength. That is my defining characteristic as a human. How did I get to be so strong? I came down here like that, so I would be able to take on this challenge. “I wanted him to live.” “He is living, just not the way you think.” “I don’t believe in that.” “Some things are true whether you believe in them or not.” From the movie, City of Angels To have had you here with me for those few precious years, how blessed am I? Day 367 – Jun. 21, 2012 Today is the one year mark. There are no words to describe the depth of my love for you, Sean and Kyle! No words, only pure and absolute love. Thank you for blessing me with your love, your presence in my lifetime, your gifts, your wisdom, your truth, and for showing me our eternal nature, our beautiful and everlasting essence! I will carry on and continue to do my work and make you proud. You are forever with me. I feel it and I know it. Excerpts from Spirit Circle reading with medium Tim Braun: Tim: What I see right now would probably be more like eleven-‐year old, it looks like eleven, but all I can see is one hand, one face coming through. And what I get is one hand that puts on the left shoulder there with you (Robert) and puts the hand there very strong. Maybe ten, maybe eleven, I can’t gauge the face so clearly because there’s so much excitement coming through. And this hand actually goes right over to you, Maria, and what
happens is these arms of this one youngster comes in, wraps the arms around you very, very tight. What he does is he says I am your little man, and when he said little man what he’s trying to show me is that he’s youngster, but he’s trying to go like this, I’m the little man. It’s almost like he’s . . . not trying to be tough, it’s just like he’s trying to be like the old one or the older one. He’s just trying to show me that he’s leading this. And when I say leading this, leading this group. He’s the one that wants to be in control of this. It’s not that he’s a control freak in any way, it’s just that he’s in control. And I said, ok, lead it through and what he’s doing is he’s . . . he puts his hand like this and what he’s doing is he’s pushing away three to four other people and he’s saying, it’s about me first. What I do know, Maria, is this is not a nephew, this would be coming in as a son. Because what I keep on hearing him say is mom, mom, mom, mom, over and over again. And then what I keep on getting is, as I keep on saying mom, mom, mom for him, his arms get around your neck and shoulders as he keeps on hugging tighter, tighter, tighter, tighter. I don’t know his age when he transitioned, Maria. All I can tell you is that he looks like right around ten, maybe eleven years old right now. So he’s just trying to show this look as he stands here. He just keeps on saying that he is your little man. He’s now letting the other people come in. The next person that comes in is another youngster and what he does is he throws his arm around him, Maria, and what he does is he tries to show a grip there, and what he shows me is more his strength that he’s linked up with this other fellow, and the other fellow would be about the same age as him give or take maybe five years. All I can tell you is that he’s going like this, this other youngster comes in and then he locks his arm around him. Ok, Robert, the oldest boy that comes in for Maria, he has . . . I don’t want to say a special place in his heart for you, but what he does is he just keeps putting his hand right back on your shoulder again. And what he does is he looks at you and he said, you know he’s kind of like my dad but he’s not. And what he does is he lets out a smile. So he kind of sits in between you and the cat right there as he hops over. This youngster is hopping all about, he’s not settling down. I’m trying to do the best I can with him, but his energy comes across so excited. It’s almost like he’s on four boxes of candy. It’s just like I gotta do this, I gotta say this, over and over again. Maria, there is on spirit side one son, correct? Maria: Yes. Tim: Was this son, was he about twelve years of age when he passed over, yes or no? Maria: Yes. Tim: Ok, what was his exact age? Maria: Thirteen. Tim: When I see his face right now, it looks ten or eleven. So he’s just showing me this face being about ten or eleven years of age. Why he’s holding on that age, I don’t know. It might have been a good period in his life, but he stands here and says, she is not alone when she is at home. So wherever you live, he said, you just let her know that we are with her. So that’s his way of trying to link in with you, trying to show me that he is there where you live. There are about four to five people all trying to come into the group here. But this thirteen-‐year old who looks ten or eleven, he’s the one who’s leading the group. And he’s the one who’s right now coming in the strongest. I don’t know if that was his personality, I don’t know if that was just how he was in life, but I can tell you, he’s not shy of words. You understand what I mean? As Master Jesus said, “as below as above,” and so if you’re going to be full of energy below, like this youngster, you’re going to be full of energy on spirit side. As below, as above, and that’s what Master Jesus said. This son of yours, Maria, he comes in as below, as above, he comes with all this energy. And I cannot get him to settle down. It’s just because of his excitement. Robert, what he does is he keeps going back and
forth to you and Maria, and what he does is he said, thanks for the time that you spent with us. And what he does is he places his hand right here very heartfelt and he said thank you for spending the time with us. I feel that he’s speaking up for the youngster that’s with him, I’m not sure, but he goes, thank you for spending the time with us. And he shows me that he was able to connect with you, he was able to talk to you, he was able to understand you, and what he does is he said thank you. It’s very, very heartfelt, even though those words are coming out of my mouth, unfortunately, Robert, you’re not feeling the amount of love that’s coming from him as he said that to you. As he stands here, and I say stands here between you and Maria, because he keeps on going back and forth, he said thank you for being such a huge influence in my life. And that’s his way of bringing that through so strong, so clear. That’s interesting. This youngster, he said to the other one, you better hurry up you idiot, get in here. And he just said idiot, so I don’t know if that would be his friend, or cousin, or brother, but he just said, you idiot hurry up and get in here. . . . This would not be a friend, this would be his brother, so this is another son because he said, Mom’s gonna be pissed off if you don’t get in. He just said that . . . that’s not my words, Maria, ok, that’s his, he just said to the other one, he said you better hurry up and get in here, Mom’s going to be pissed off if you don’t come in. And I see the face a little bit, not as strong as the 13-‐year old. They’re both there, it’s just that the 13-‐year old is the one who’s actually doing all of the talking. And the other one is just cool by letting him do all of the talking. I feel that that might capture, perhaps, their personalities. I just know in this sitting that this 13-‐year old comes in with a lot of energy and the other one comes in more relaxed, more easygoing, like it’s cool, it’s fine. And they both stand right directly behind you and what they do is they both put their cheeks and they hug you, Maria. Last night or yesterday afternoon, but it’s something after 7 pm last night both of them heard you asking them specifically to be here. So as you were specifically asking, you both better be here, I want you to be here, they both heard you. So what was going on about 8:30 last night or 8:15? Maria: I do remember asking them pointedly to be here. Tim: And there’s actually three pets over on spirit side with them, one of which I do feel like they knew. Was there one cat that passed over before them? Maria: Yes. Tim: What the younger one does is, he lifts up this cat and he goes, here, give it to her. And it’s almost like either he doesn’t know how to pick up a cat or doesn’t really know how to hold a cat, but it would be kind of like a guy who picks up a baby. The youngest one does this with this cat that passed over before them. He puts it out like this and he smiles and he says give this to my mom and let her know it’s over here with me. The older one says, she doesn’t want to hear about the cat, she wants to hear about us. They’re arguing a little bit. Things haven’t changed. And arguing is not a bad thing, it’s just they’re in disagreement. He’s telling him to put the cat down and he says, no I want to bring the cat in. So I just want to tell you that one is not giving up. I feel, in life, the older one might have had a little bit of influence or a little bit of control. Not in spirit side. Because he’s telling him to put the cat down and he won’t, he says I don’t want to, I want to bring this in for my mom. And I’m letting him, and he puts that right there in your lap. I don’t know how soon the cat passed over before, Maria, but I can tell you that when this youngest one went to spirit side he opened his eyes, this cat was actually there, being there with him. And he just shows me, I closed my eyes, I went to sleep, I opened my eyes and there was the cat. So the youngest one, what was important to him, or what made him feel comfortable was the cat that greeted him. On top of that, there are two other pets over there. One is actually a rabbit
which I don’t feel that they ever had. And another one’s a dog over there which I don’t feel that they would have had. So just know that there are these pets over there with them. And when pets come into a sitting, usually it’s the highest amount of love that comes into a session, it’s pure love. . . . Robert, with the boys, was there anything with camping, that you took them camping? Robert: Yes. Tim: Ok. They’re thanking you for that. I don’t get many trips, I just get one. They’re talking about this one specific camping trip. It’s a memory and they smile and it’s a good thing, it’s a very, very good thing. And it’s something that they’re both thanking you for. The other thing what they’re showing me is that they never realized how much of an influence you were on them until they passed over, and they’re both thanking you for that. . . . These two boys, completely different personalities and different energy, but they do have the same intention of coming in here and giving this love to you. Both are saying to the group that there was absolutely no pain that came in with them when they passed over. I can tell you for the youngest one, he says, I closed my eyes, I went to sleep, I opened them and the cat was there. The older one says, I closed my eyes, I went out – and what that means is either he dozed off or he just closed his eyes – I opened them and I saw a playground with lots of kids that I didn’t know all welcoming me to come over. They’re both bringing across that there was no pain there with their passing, absolutely no pain. The older one likes being in control as far as telling the younger one what to do, but it’s not working anymore because now the younger one’s coming over here and he stands and cuts right in front of the older one and then wraps his arms around. What’s Dillon mean? Dillon? Maria: That’s my friend’s dog. Tim: Ok, that’s the other pet that’s over there, is Dillon. They’re saying something about Dillon. Dillon. So Dillon is the dog that I saw earlier. . . . Both said, we are not angry at dad, we forgive him. And what the youngest one does is puts his hand right here, Maria, on the tummy with you, and what he does is he says we have forgiven dad, then he says your turn. The reason they’re showing me this, as he keeps on rubbing the tummy there with you, Maria, is he says I don’t want mom to get sick, I don’t want my mom to get sick, and I don’t want this to . . . when the youngest one puts his hand right here on the belly with you, Maria, it’s basically very clearly trying to show, we’ve forgiven dad, we want you to. They don’t want any type of illness or any type of cancer or any type of frustration to brew in there and cause disease. They’re saying, we have forgiven, you have your turn, ok. . . . Your oldest one’s playing with the dog. There’s a little competition here. The one keeps putting up the cat, holding up the cat, and so he’s not putting it down, and it’s frustrating your older son, so what he’s doing is he says, see well I’ve got the dog. So he’s basically saying see I can do what you’re doing. So they’re a little bit in competition with each other, in a good way, in a very, very good way. . . . They’re bringing in a birthday cake. The cake that they’re bringing in is a birthday cake because it has a candle in it, and it’s for July. It’s for you (Maria). They’re pointing at you. They both put the candle on, one candle, and they both lit it and they say happy birthday. And they’re celebrating, and it’s the youngest one who has this little birthday hat on with the little blow horn things, and having fun with this. So it’s just their way of showing me this month of July as your birthday approaches and when you have your birthday, have fun with it. A little bit more on a sincere, more stable, more serious note, both of them are saying, we need to thank everyone, and everyone that’s not here, the others, for all the support and all the prayers that have been sent out. They’re showing how community has come together, and they’re showing me so clearly how their
passing touched so many lives. And they’re thanking literally hundreds of people, and this is, you know, all joking aside now, more on a stable note and a sincere note. . . . The older one says he’s got all A’s over there now. And what that tells me is that there’s no frustration for the education that he’s still learning over on spirit side. If you look at his entire life from when he was born to when he passed, if you look at that time when he was barely getting C’s, that period was probably the roughest patch for him. And what he’s showing me is he says, let my mom know I’m straight A’s over here. And what that tells me is that everything just goes so smooth. When he was barely getting C’s, that was a very awkward time for him, extremely awkward, and that was really the hardest patch that he went through but he said that he had to go through that patch in order to grow. And that was one of the biggest lessons that he had to go through was that period when he was barely getting C’s. But right now, he’s on spirit side with straight A’s, which means everything’s flowing, I’m meeting people, it’s all good, I’m learning, it’s all fine. . . . Last month, in the month of May, was there anything that their names were announced? Was there something there where their names were announced or one boy’s name was announced? If not, why do I keep getting a loud speaker and saying something about their names with an audience? And it’s not a memorial or a funeral. Do you have any idea? Maria: There was an unveiling of a mural. Tim: Were their names announced over a loudspeaker or over a microphone? Maria: Yes. Tim: Ok. They were there. I get loudspeaker, whether it’s a portable or a stadium loudspeaker but it’s definitely a loudspeaker. I’m getting people there and it’s not a memorial, it’s not a funeral. This is something like over a loudspeaker. And they felt all the love, but the older one says, he felt it more. But they say they both felt it at the same time. . . . I wish I could put my finger on the camping trip a little bit more, but I know it was a good thing because when I saw them laughing it was laughing like both of them were laughing at the same time at the same thing. And that was a good memory and as they both kind of stand right now both to you (Robert and Maria), they both actually wrap their arms around you (Robert) and what they’re doing is they’re saying we love you too. And both of them are saying this, we love you, so they’re showing me that very, very clear. Not only did you leave such a huge impression on them but, they left a huge impression on you and that huge impression on you will be with you for the rest of your life. But it was mutual. It was very, very mutual. These two boys, they still stand there with you, Robert, as they both kind of wrap the arms around. I so wish I could pick up a little bit more, Robert, about that camping trip, but I just know it was a good thing for them and they still remember it. Robert: That camping trip is a really strong memory. Tim: I know that. There’s such an excitement with these boys with this camping trip. I don’t even hear it. They’re so up here, they can’t lower their vibration, lower their energy to share the memories there with me. Robert: I think about that camping trip a lot. Tim: Yeah, and so do they and that’s what they want you to remember on that. Very, very clear. You know, Conner, I wouldn’t be surprised down the road you having one boy that will be named after one of them. I know it seems kind of hard to fathom right now, but I wouldn’t be surprised. Conner: No, I already said, I already have my kids’ names, it’s named after both of them. Tim: Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if you have one son that has their name. And as I said that, the younger one leaves Robert’s side and goes over and he smiles and he says, use my name first. But I feel it’s going to be the other way around, and that’s totally cool with both
of them. It feels like it’s going to be the older one, younger one’s name but . . . and that’s totally fine, but the younger one’s saying, you can use my name first. . . . That’s very, very sincere. I know you guys are laughing, but I’m being very sincere about that, I’m being very honest with you, I’m being like very eye to eye with you. I know they’re laughing, but . . . just know that you will not piss either one of them off because the thing is is that with you right now saying, I already had that name picked out and I already know what I want, the intention behind it means more than the action. Robin: Where are the boys now? Tim: On spirit side there’s no darkness. When we make that transition, it’s going from that one doorway to the next. And it’s what we call the astral plane, it’s where the souls go until we either reincarnate or we stay and we wait for our loved ones to come over. That’s the astral plane, we wait there until we decide what we want to do, whether reincarnate or wait for our loved ones to come over, but it’s basically like a heaven-‐like feeling. Robin: But are they with God? Tim: How many hours do you have? When you go into the whole God concept that’s going to take a couple hours. But to answer your question, yes. I can say that yes, but it’s going into a whole big concept that we’re all God, we’re all part of that energy. I’ll just say, look at the ocean, whether it’s the Pacific or the Atlantic, whatever, it’s the ocean that connects the whole world. So just imagine that ocean being God. And imagine like a wave hitting a front of a ship and the front of the wave comes up and it splashes. Now, a little bit of a splash which would only be just a foot that goes right back into the water, that’s kind of like a five year old that passes and then you see a bigger splash who was like a fifteen year old person, that was like more of a medium splash. And then you have like one big splash that comes up and it just hits the bow of the ship, all the way up, maybe like a good 30 feet high, that’s a person that maybe lives to 85 years of age. But whether you live to 85 or 15 or 5 what you do is you go right back to the source and you go back to that God energy. So that’s the best way to describe what God is. Maria: Will they reincarnate while I’m still here? Tim: No, I don’t think so. I don’t think so nor do I feel so, so I put thinking and feeling together, I would say no. But they will wait for their mother, and that is you, Maria. Day 368 – Jun. 22, 2012 Golf tournament today, boys (as you know!). So, so tired. Everyone loves you and honors you so much! Day 369 – Jun. 23, 2012 So much activity in the last couple of days. I listened again to our reading with Tim Braun. Truly amazing and wonderful. I feel the two of you with me even stronger now. I trust in the truth and reality of spirit. So very powerful and inspiring. Thank you, my sons, for all that you do for me and for all of us. Email from Spike: "When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares." ― Henri J.M. Nouwen, from The Road to Daybreak: A Spiritual Journey
Day 370 – Jun. 24, 2012 Uncle Bert’s birthday today. He feels you boys so strongly. Sadness for Monique, I feel the pain and loss that she feels. Please, Sean, try to go to her. Try to get through to her. I will help her from my end. We can teach so many people about the power of love, the infiniteness and purity of love. I want so much for Monique to feel and know the truth. I want everyone to feel and know it. Is that my work? Yes, I believe it is. I love you Sean! I love you Kyle! Day 371 – Jun. 25, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. The flowers and bushes were high. I put my arms out and touched them softly with the palms of my hands. I looked out past the well in the direction of the other garden. The flowers were beautiful and abundant, yellow and purple. I walked to the well and around the edge of it. I could feel the life force energy emanating from it, rising up from below into the air. I turned and walked up the path to the tree trunk. Tiger emerged. I was a little surprised and “thought” about it for a minute, then I just let it be. Then Panther came up and conveyed that Tiger was coming with us. We all walked up the path to the cliff. I was distracted a bit by thoughts of the flights to Thailand, going to Pittsburgh, the people in my life. I brought my attention back. We got onto the cloud. I sat in the middle with Tiger and Panther on either side of me. We rose up and I could feel my energy rising too. We got to the U.R. and stepped off the cloud into the garden. We walked into the clearing and I sat down on the bench. Tiger and Panther laid down on the grass behind me. Michael appeared and smiled at me. He knew what a challenging and tiring week I have had. I could feel his love and approval and acceptance. He emanated so much compassion for my experiences, and he was also proud of my growth and development. He took my hand. I turned and conveyed to Tiger and Panther that they could stay there in the garden. Michael and I walked into the sanctuary. I looked around and let myself take in the energy, the life force. I could hear the sounds of life, the greenery was so lush. Behind me was the mist portal. All of a sudden, the boys came flying through doing flips and somersaults as they landed. “Mom! Mom!” they called out joyfully. They were smiling and laughing. We hugged and they kissed me hello. We exchanged thoughts about the reading with Tim. I thanked them for being there, for coming through. “There was so much healing for everyone.” “We know, Mom.” They were so happy, so filled with love. I had thoughts about Monique, and they could sense my empathy and compassion for her. Sean said, “I send her love, Mom, you know that. Communication is hard enough between humans on Earth plane, can you imagine how hard it is to get through from here?!” He smiled. “I know honey, I am trying to help her from my side.” “She will feel it, Mom, don’t worry, don’t be sad for her, it will come.” He was glowing with love and compassion. “Pure love, divine love, Mom, she will feel it.” They sent me thoughts about flying to Thailand. “We will be watching you, Mom. We see you, we see everything.” I had an image of being in the plane, and them watching over me. They were amused that I have to sit on a plane for hours and hours to get to Thailand, but they can be there in an instant. “We can go check it out for you, Mom,” they teased me. I knew they were there, everywhere, I felt them, their essence, their beings, all-encompassing, with me all the time. They acknowledged my thoughts and sent a sense of “rightness” to me, there was understanding, no need for explanation. Truth, it was pure knowledge, and truth. “Uncle Bert received so much healing from the reading. I am so grateful to you two, thank you so much.” They smiled with love and so much assurance. “All of the messages that everyone received, it was so beautiful and amazing. Thank you so much!” They were sending me so much love, we were so connected.
When it was time for them to go, they put their arms around me and hugged me tight, knowing that we are together all the time. Then Kyle jumped on top of Sean’s back for a piggyback ride, and Sean ran and dove into the mist. It was effortless and flowing, their energies merging and vibrating together. I smiled and turned toward the garden. I walked through the sanctuary and as I entered the garden, Michael met me and put his arm around my shoulder. We walked together towards the cloud, and Tiger and Panther met us there. I got onto the cloud with the big cats and we started to descend. We went down backwards so we were facing up towards infinity. The space was filled with brilliant stars. Then we were showered with brilliant golden light. It was coming from the Source. It was full of love and understanding. I felt enveloped in it, protected, accepted, infinite. We got back to the cliff and walked down the path. Tiger and Panther went down into the tree trunk as I patted them goodbye. Then I walked into the meadow and quickly returned to the physical plane. “This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.” – Dalai Lama “Connecting with beings we know from the spirit world, in all sorts of physical disguises, can be harmonious or frustrating. The lesson we must learn from human relationships is accepting people for who they are without expecting our happiness to be totally dependent upon anyone. Karmic lessons set difficult standards for each of us and painful experiences involving the heart are deliberate tests in life. They are often of the hardest kind. Whatever the circumstances, relationships between people are the most vital part of our lives.” – Dr. Michael Newton in Journey of Souls Day 372 – Jun. 26, 2012 On the way to Seattle, Tokyo, Bangkok today! Day 373 – Jun. 27, 2012 Travelled “into the future!” It’s early morning June 28th now. Settled into the hotel. I miss you my boys! I imagine how much fun it would be to have you here with me in the physical plane. But I know you are here watching over me and Alicia, and sharing our experience from your beautiful soul perspective. I love you! Day 374 – Jun. 28, 2012 Lots of sightseeing and adventure in Bangkok. A great day, plus two signs from the boys! Day 375 – Jun. 29, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. It was calm, windless; everything was very still. I walked past the well. I could feel the life force surging from it. I walked up the path to the tree trunk. My mind filled with thoughts of Earth plane, things to do and see here in Thailand. I brought my attention back. Tiger poked his head out of the tree trunk to acknowledge me, but he did not come up. Panther came out. He conveyed that Tiger would not be coming with us today. I asked why Tiger is showing up in my life right now. “He is helping you.” There was a message of exploring the meaning of Tiger and his powers. Panther and I walked up the path to the cliff and got onto the cloud. Panther sat up tall and put his head up high, facing upward. We broke through the cloud cover and reached the U.R. We stepped off the cloud into the garden.
I looked around. The path around the clearing was gleaming white and it contrasted sharply with the vibrant green of the lush plants. The bench was also gleaming white. We walked over to it and I sat down. Panther sat on the grass to my right and put his head on my lap. We sat there peacefully for a few minutes. Then Michael walked up behind me and sat down on my left. I put my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around me. The three of us sat there peacefully, full of love. I exchanged thoughts with Michael. “You are enjoying your trip.” “Yes, very much. I am so grateful for the boys and how they come to me and give me signs and messages.” “Yes, they take good care of you and watch over you.” “This feeling in my solar plexus, what is that all about?” “Control, it’s about your desire to control.” “What can I do about it?” “It is a lesson of surrender.” The three of us stood up and walked to the sanctuary. We stood on the threshold and looked in. I felt the lightness and joy rising in me. “It’s so full of joy,” I said to Michael. “And this is only a fraction of what you will feel when you transition to the Other Side,” he replied. I smiled. Panther and I walked into the center of the sanctuary and sat down on the grass. I could sense the boys coming from the mist. They were walking together with Dillon between them. They came through the mist and walked over to me. Kyle was smiling broadly. They sat down around me, forming a circle. Dillon laid down next to Panther. Sean was next to me on my left and Kyle was next to him. They both gave me a hug and a kiss. We exchanged thoughts about Alicia’s drink from last night and the band playing Imagine. Sean had a twinkle in his eyes and Kyle was smiling with a certain knowing. “You know we are with you, Mom, watching over you.” I smiled. They conveyed that they are always present for me when I need them. I thought about the tap on my arm during the plane ride and Kyle smiled mischievously. After a few more minutes, I became aware that the tightness in my solar plexus had gone. “It’s about forgiveness, Mom, you know that is your lesson now.” “Yes, I do boys, and I’m doing pretty well with it, aren’t I?” “Oh, yes, you are doing great, Mom!” I scooted over closer to them, in between them. They enveloped me in their arms, then in their energy. In my field of vision I could see my pink energy surrounded by their green and blue. I felt infused with love, light and life force. After a few minutes, they released me. Then I focused on bringing their forms into my full attention. Kyle put both of his hands on my face, came close to me and looked deeply into my eyes. “Mama.” He kissed me on the forehead, then the cheek. Then Sean took my face in his hands and kissed me tenderly on the cheek. “I love you guys so incredibly much!” They conveyed thoughts about my trip, reminding me to look into others’ eyes and to see myself in them. “When we can feel pure love and acceptance for all of humanity, then we can ascend.” “Will we all have to come back to Earth again?” I asked them. “Perhaps, maybe. We will decide at a later time when you are back in spirit. You need to stay in your body for a while longer. You need to get back in there, Mom! You have learned so much about the true reality; it is a remembering for you. For now, continue with your work and remember to see yourself in all people. Be reverent to all, as it is reverence to yourself.” They got up with Dillon and looked at me with indescribable love. “We will be with you, Mom,” they assured me. They walked peacefully back to the mist portal. Dillon came over to me and licked my face, then ran off to join them. They went through the mist and I could see their forms receding into the distance. Then I could sense their three energies merging into the atmosphere. Panther and I got up from the grass and walked back to the entrance to the garden where Michael was waiting for me. He put his arm around me as we walked back to the cloud. I thought about how grateful I am to him. He read my thoughts. “It is my honor to be of service to you. That is what we are all here for, to be of service to others, to love and help others along their paths of growth and development.” He helped me onto the cloud, then Panther and I descended. I looked at Michael as we were going down. So much love exchanged between us, divine love, a love that surpasses
understanding, so pure, so much truth and beauty. Panther and I got to the cliff and walked down the path. I hugged him tightly before he went down the tree trunk. I walked back to the meadow and envisioned myself coming back to Earth and traveling around the world to the skies above Bangkok and down to the hotel, back to my physical body. Feeling sad and resentful about not having the two of you with me. I wish so badly that you could have experienced this with me from a human level. I know you are sharing this with me on a spiritual/soul level, but I still feel some anger and resentment at being denied the experience with you. Day 376 – Jun. 30, 2012 Missing my boys so much. I think constantly about sharing my experiences with you! We went to the floating market and tiger temple. Thoughts of you with me, on my mind, all day. I love you Sean and Kyle! I miss you so much, so very, very much. Stay close. JULY 2012 Day 377 – Jul. 1, 2012 You are always on my mind. You are always on my mind! Day 378 – Jul. 2, 2012 Notes from Your Eternal Self by Craig Hogan, Ph.D.: 1. Where are you? The mind is not in the brain and it is one with other minds. You don’t die when the body dies. We are the mind that uses the body to have experiences. 2. What are you? We are eternal beings having a physical experience. The mind is outside of matter and energy, and it always grows and matures. It will live forever. 3. What is your relationship to other people? We are one mind, learning and growing together. We are ourselves, our loved ones and the Higher Power all at once. 4. What is the relationship of your eternal self to the physical realm? Our minds influence the physical realm; we are one with Nature and with each other. We are creating the world as the spiritual beings we have grown into. 5. What are you to do with your eternal life? The purpose of life is to grow spiritually, to help others grow spiritually, and to evolve humankind so all societies on the Earth plane enjoy peace, brotherhood, love and compassion. The Earth is a school and we are the students who are here to learn and progress spiritually. 6. What is Spirituality? It is a process, not a destination, and growing spiritually means changing the mind. It is who you are, not what you do. Your eternal self is the tree in the spiritual realm. The fruit is the natural outgrowth of your spiritual state that appears in the physical realm. You have free will and you can grow yourself into the tree you want to be. Your spiritual mission in life is to change your mind to be loving and compassionate. Day 379 – Jul. 3, 2012 Notes from Your Eternal Self by Craig Hogan, Ph.D.: Spiritually mature assumptions: • I am an eternal being having a physical experience. • The goal for my life, over any physical realm goals, is to grow spiritually.
My highest calling is to serve others. All other people are one with me. My love for all others is without conditions; I love without reservation. I help all others grow spiritually so humankind is developing toward heaven on Earth. • I am one with nature. • I am one with the Higher Power • The intuition that guides me is the Higher Power and beings on the other side of life whose sole desire is to help me grow spiritually. How to grow to make these assumptions part of your nature? Be open to guidance and re-‐ examine assumptions. 1. Be open and childlike 2. Be willing to look at your assumptions and perspectives 3. Realize the hidden assumptions 4. Move past rationalizations 5. Use emotions as clues to assumptions 6. Allow time for the realizations to weave through all of your assumptions 7. Don’t judge your spiritual growth as good or bad 8. Fill your life with spiritual experiences and people Day 380 – Jul. 4, 2012 Today is my 50th birthday. Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. It felt good to be back. There was a gentle breeze. I walked past the well and up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out. “Where have you been? We have missed you.” He smiled at me. We started up towards the cliff. Panther ran ahead, excited. I ran after him and got to the cloud where he was waiting. The run up the path had been effortless. We rose up and got to the U.R. Then my mind went in several different directions. Dozens and dozens of random thoughts, and states of sleepiness. We walked into the garden. I sat on the bench and Michael came in. My mind was on overdrive. He led me to the sanctuary. I stood for a few minutes then the boys came through the mist holding a big round chocolate cake. It was decorated with color around the perimeter, rows of red, yellow, blue and green. They were smiling. “Happy birthday, Mom!” They knew my mind was flying and filled with all kinds of thoughts. “What is going on?” I asked. “It’s ok, Mom, don’t worry, there is a lot going on for you. Don’t judge it. Don’t beat yourself up about it.” I could feel myself drifting off into thought and semi-sleep. I tried to come back, but kept drifting off again. I felt like the important thing was that the boys could give me the cake. I could feel their compassion and understanding, and they were glad that I was there to get the cake. So foggy, so misty, everything a blur. It’s ok, though, don’t’ judge yourself for it. Let it be. I went back into the sleep state, then eventually made my way back to the garden. Vague memories of Michael helping me get back to the cloud, and descending with Panther. No memory of coming back to the meadow. I felt like I had completely lost control of my mind, of myself. Somehow I came back and opened my eyes, then returned to the physical plane. Day 381 – Jul. 5, 2012 The eagle soars high above earth and makes people want to look upward. This describes Sean so well. What a beautiful, majestic soul you are, Sean! I love you! • • • •
Day 382 – Jul. 6, 2012 Dreams of you, my boys. Sadness fills me again and again. I wished again today for my time to be done here. I know it is just selfish and immature. I owe you so much more. I owe myself so much more. I am so much more than this, so much more than this existence on Earth. I promise I will honor you and work through my pain and sadness every single time it comes. Day 383 – Jul. 7, 2012 On the boat ride today, I heard you say, “Don’t be scared, Mom.” With you with me, I am never afraid anymore. Watched Life As A House, a movie about being happy and loving. I have had images from that movie come up for me a few times this past year, but I couldn’t remember the name of the movie. They just “happened” to have the movie here in the resort in Phuket, and I pulled it off the shelf. I hear the message, boys. I hear the message! Day 384 – Jul. 8, 2012 The sadness creeps into me as I wake up. It makes me feel sick to my stomach. So much sadness, tremendous sadness for myself, for not having my boys here with me. Day 385 – Jul. 9, 2012 On our way home. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing left in me. I still wish that I could be done here, but I keep going, knowing that I am not done and will not be done until I am much older. Maybe that’s why I can wish safely, knowing that my wish is not a true one. Because I know intuitively that I am meant to stay in this realm for a while. Today, I got the sense from the boys that I can stop counting the days, that I don’t need to enter the number on my calendar. “Stop counting the days, Mom, you don’t need to do that anymore.” Questions for Life Between Lives session: 1. How long have we been a soul group? 2. Who else is in our soul group? Is your father? 3. How many lifetimes have we had on Earth together? What roles have we played for each other? What other lives have we had together? 4. Why did your exit from this realm have to be so harsh, so shocking, so painful to everyone? 5. Why was this life lesson important for me and my growth? What is the lesson that I am supposed to learn? Why did I choose such a difficult and painful lesson? July 10, 2012 “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein July 11, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. I tried to take it all in and remember what it is like to be there. I looked around at the purple and yellow flowers. My mind wandered to the rose bushes I want to plant in the boys’ pots. I had an awareness of the thoughts, then I let them go and I came back to the meadow. I looked down into the well. The water was crystal clear and beautiful. It rose up a little as I looked at it. I noticed the flowers growing out of the base of the well, being fed by Mother Earth’s energy. I walked around the well to the path. I looked towards
the other garden and the other side of the cliff. I felt comforted that it was all still there, that I could still come back to all of it. I walked to the tree trunk and Panther came out. He was happy to see me. “It’s good to see you again.” We walked up the path to the cliff. I had more thoughts and let them float away. We got onto the cloud and rose up. The cloud cover was light and misty. We broke through into the vast expanse of space. We got to the U.R. and stepped off the cloud into the garden. I took a moment to look around and soak up the surroundings. I felt the lushness of the greenery and the life force all around. I walked around the white path to the right. Michael was sitting on the bench facing away from us. I came up to him and sat beside him. He put his arm around me. He had an understanding of my feelings. He knew exactly what I have been experiencing. There were thoughts exchanged. He talked about listening to my own inner voice, my higher self, and that it would always lead me in the right direction. “CHOOSE LOVE.” We got up and walked to the sanctuary. I went in and soaked up the surroundings. The air seemed to sparkle with twinkling lights. It was as if the air/atmosphere became lighter and more luminescent the higher up it went. It was the sense of the Source. I walked to the right near the mist portal. I could sense the boys approaching. They were energy. It was like they “beamed” in. They came close and put their arms around me. They alternated between energy and light form, and human form. They looked the way they did in their memorial pictures. So handsome, so beautiful, Sean in his purple dress shirt and Kyle in his Hard Rock t-shirt. They were holographic, then energy, then physical form. They were blue and green. They surrounded me with their energy, infusing me, moving through me, blending with me. I had thoughts of the movie, Ghost, and whether spirits could really move into people. The boys acknowledged that they could, but only to influence, not to control, and there was a sense of goodness to their permeations. They permeated me and filled me with their energy of love. I had thoughts of my relationships, my learning, my work, and they conveyed back to me the rightness of it all. There was a sense of the tremendous work that I do now and will continue to do for some time. “Remember your vow of service, Mom.” Thoughts of the book. “Yes!” It felt right, and they conveyed the rightness of it, my contacts with people, and teaching and sharing. “Choose love, choose love, choose love,” kept coming through. They lifted me up in the air and we floated on our backs looking up into the vast expanse of infinity. I could feel and sense the One. The boys shared that sense with me. “Do you feel it, Mom? The One-ness and connectedness of all? We are one vast and huge entity.” I felt infused with love. I became overwhelmed with it. I began to cry and sob. The feelings were so powerful. It was as if my small human body could not handle the intensity of emotion, so I cried and cried to release the feelings. “This is just a fraction of what you will feel, Mom. This is only a tiny sense. This is what you can handle in human form.” It was incredible! I felt so much love! The boys brought me back down to the ground gently. It felt like I had been drugged. It must be like taking psychedelic drugs in a way, but not losing consciousness, control or clear perception. I was kind of wiped out by it. My breathing was deeper and more rapid. I had the sense of it being like some kind of spiritual high. It was phenomenal! The boys let go of me and began to move off into the mist. They were in energy form, blue and green. I felt their thoughts and feelings. We are connected, we are never apart, we are together always. We are all one, there is no separation. There was no need to say “goodbye,” like it no longer made sense because we are always together. I turned and walked back to the garden, dazed and somewhat loopy from the infusion of energy and the connection to the Source. I was high! I walked back to the cloud with Michael. Panther and I got on. Michael looked at me with love as we descended. We got back to the cliff and walked down the path. Panther looked at me before he went down the tree trunk. “You ok?”
“Yes, oh yes, I am amazing!” He smiled then took off. I made it back to the meadow then slowly came back down into physical density. July 12, 2012 Our only purpose in life is to grow spiritually, and there are no accidents. July 17, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. It felt good to be back. The purple and yellow flowers swayed in the warm breeze. I walked down to the well which was farther away from me this time. It looked lovely. I peered down into the water. It was crystal clear, like glass. There were soft ripples in the water. I could see black and white stones on the bottom. I walked around the well to the tree trunk. Panther came out. I had thoughts about getting ready for the day, then I brought my attention back. Panther and I walked close together up the path to the cliff, my left hand on his side. He got onto the cloud first and sat down on the “floor” of the cloud. Then I got on and sat down. He laid his head against my leg as we rose up. More thoughts about Earth realm floated in and out of my mind. “Let it go, let go of the material,” I heard. We rose up through the cloud cover. Let go of the physical for now. We got to the U.R. and stepped off the cloud into the garden. It was full of life and energy. Yellow and green all around, the plants, trees, bushes, butterflies. The path around the clearing was gleaming white and full of sparkles. I noticed the contrast it made with Panther’s sleek black fur as he walked around it. We stopped at the bench. He laid down behind it. The bench was also gleaming white, smooth on the top, and a little rough around the edges. I sat down and ran my hands over the bench to feel the smooth and the rough surfaces. Michael came in and sat down on my left. He put his arm behind me, and I leaned into him. No words or thoughts, only feelings – love, compassion, understanding. It was so soothing. After a few moments, he stood up and took my hand. He led me to the sanctuary. I walked in and saw the golden glow of it. I walked to the mist portal and stood in front of it. “I wonder what would happen if I went through?” Thoughts of crossing over, a sense of that happening soon, like I would need to do so in my LBL (Life Between Lives) session. That is where I will be able to learn more. After a few moments, the boys approached. I could feel their energy coming to me through the mist. They walked through, so calm and serene. They came close to me and held me. Thoughts were exchanged: “You have learned so much, Mom. This was your reawakening to prepare you for your work.” A sense of my having learned or having been reawakened over the past year, and that the boys will not have to teach me as much going forward, like I have graduated to a new level. They will always be there, and with me, but I will not need the constant contact that I have had over this past year. A sense of progress, development, evolution, preparation. Moving on to the next significant phase of my work on Earth realm. Reawakening. Reawakening. You know. You have always known. You are ready to move forward. “Show me yourselves again as I remember you in this lifetime,” I said to the boys. They appeared again more clearly as my boys, so beautiful and handsome. There was a sense of their spirituality, their work, their important contributions to the growth of humanity, to the progress of the One, the Source. “We are doing our work now on this side, Mom. You are doing your work.” “What about what I am doing on Earth realm? My relationships?” “You KNOW, Mom, you KNOW. You are ready. Trust yourself. You KNOW. We’ll see you later.” There was a sense of their connection to me, our connectedness, that is always there. I felt comfort, security, love. I felt the knowledge of Spirit. “Bye, Mom,” they said as they moved into the mist, then I sensed their transformation into energy, pure energy and love as they went
back to their place. I could feel and sense the significance of their work. I turned and walked back to the entrance of the sanctuary where Michael met me. We walked back into the garden. Panther got up from behind the bench and joined us on the path back to the cloud. No words, just feelings, senses of calm, rightness, all that is, all that is meant to be, so hard to describe. All that IS. We got onto the cloud and descended into the cloud cover. I had a strong sense of protection from Panther as we were descending, like he was there to protect me, he has always been with me to protect me. We got to the cliff and walked down the path. Panther nuzzled me goodbye then went down the tree trunk. I walked into the meadow and slowly came back into the physical plane. I saw the land as I came back down, first the mountain, then the Southwest, then California, back into my room and into my body. July 18, 2012 The illusion of separateness, it creates so much fear and anxiety. I feel it in my solar plexus. Desire and wanting create suffering, as the Buddha said, and those things come from the illusion of separateness. But nothing is separate, all is connected, no matter how much we think it is separate. We are all together, we are all one, we are never alone. Right, boys? Right, Mom! Get back on track. Choose love, not fear. Be you, be who you truly are. Love, love, love. Woke up at 1:21 a.m., fell back to sleep. Woke up at 6:21 a.m. Kyle, you are always near. I love you! I love you, Sean! I love you both so much. I need you. I need your help and guidance. Love, Mom! Love, love, love! There is only one easy choice. The choice that leads you to love. We love you, you know this, feel it, it is always there. July 19, 2012 “Live your happiest life by accepting that some people can only be in your life as lessons and/or memories.” – Karen Salmansohn Excerpts from reading with psychic Pam Crane: You’re in the middle of an awakening. So you want more reflective time. It’s a time of suspension as well which means taking a deep look at where you are and what you want. You’re going to be morphing in and out and asking a lot of questions this year. If you have to make any big decisions, make sure there’s no risk attached to them. Really check it out before you make any big changes. Next year you’ll really know who you are. Don’t commit to anything that doesn’t feel quite right. This year, just enjoy it and see how you recalibrate and really see what you resonate with. You always turn a corner on your birthday, on November the 4th and on March the 4th. Where you are until November is that you’re just not sure. Try not to get so into your head. By the time you get to November you will know what is stale, what doesn’t work anymore. You’ll know. Be ok with “I just don’t know yet.” You have a rebirthing process too during this so you’ll be thinking a little differently. You’re in the Upper Realm now. That’s the vibration you’re in, that’s what it’s called. And the vibration you just travelled through is called the devil’s playground (difficult and challenging). Now you’re into your intuition, illuminating insights, looking at your creativity, the nature of others. You are in the awakening and you will have a clear flash of who you are, and you will understand why what you have travelled through has created what you have at this time. Overthrowing existing conditions in the physical form. Maria Isabel Pe is ruled by power and authority. You’re the boss. And when you can’t fix
something or make something right, you don’t know what you’re supposed to do. So sometimes you just need to step back and channel in that God/Source; it’s where you came from anyway. You’re in an inspired year too. When you get to 2014 is when you heal from what you just travelled through. You enter into a cycle of fame on July 4th and you’ll be there until spring of 2014. And success through all of this on an internal level and external level will be in 2015. So every other year is going to bring you something different. You will feel really emancipated probably in 2015. You’re very creative, so you’ll go down the rabbit hole. Your bang out year will start in summer of next year. Reflect and don’t do anything risky. The following year is a healing year. Then another bang out year, lots of decisions in the following year, then the world is your oyster in 3 years. And you’ve really been travelling through your stuff since 2005. Stay above the bullshit; you automatically want to fix. You’re a little overwhelmed, but you took yourself to another level, keep on heading in the direction. Closing out the past, looking at real partnership. You are doing so much processing. Ask yourself will I be able to have my vulnerable moments and learn a lot about myself and build character – that’s what you should ask yourself in your relationships. Just go with where you feel happiest, that’s what you should focus on. Whatever makes you feel happy this year, do it, if it doesn’t, don’t. Do your whole year that way. See what you love. Everything that you’re looking at is up for review right now to see how you feel about it, to see if you still resonate with it. There is some closure coming up. You just need to move forward and give yourself the next 2½ years to reposition yourself. New beginnings through closure. Letting go of the past. This is only to justify what happened; it is not to condone or take the pain away. You came here to have vulnerable moments and you did with these babies. What type of experience was this supposed to be for you? It was to bring in vulnerable moments so you could have the human experience, and also to grow and develop your character. Sean was our knight, protector. Kyle was our martyr. Kyle was in a cycle of closure and Sean was in a cycle of blessings when they passed. There was closure for them and blessings that went with it. They completed something, something for their mom. Kyle was in a cycle of closure when that happened so maybe Sean took Kyle and swooped him up and took him right away, because Kyle probably wanted to stay and be there with you. And Sean said no we’re going and he swooped him up. For Kyle, he would want to be with his mommy because he’s that Christ baby. Sean’s very evolved, very evolved soul. There’s a blessing that’s going to come next year, and you’ll heal the following year, so you want to give yourself this time. You’ll get visitations. Pay attention to your dreams and see what kind of visitations you get, they will probably go with feelings. You will start dreaming in November when you go into a cycle that will be about children, very spiritual, the world of children. Creative forces will bring about joy and contentment with some form of peace from loss. You’ll find during this period of time that your dreams will be somewhat wild, but that they will give you the information that will help you settle a marker in your life. You’ll find peace, you’ll find contentment through the changes that you will be experiencing. You’re looking at things differently. It’s one of those years where a lot of things make more sense because you seem to be different. The boys are with you. And now you can have magic in your life. The boys are in a good space. They’ve set everything up for when you’re going to be there. It’s like they’re holding court. They’re doing all the things they love to do and beyond, things that they didn’t even know existed. And you’re in a good
place. Just recalibrate and allow yourself to feel this shift that needs to take place. And write, get your book going. July 20, 2012 Sick to my stomach, but I keep going. There is no other option, no other choice. The Angel of Compassion You and I are One. When we are compassionate, we are able to understand others from deep within ourselves. This attitude brings a light that reveals the truth and the love that transforms and heals. To be compassionate is to be equal, one with another, as with oneself. Did you bring joy? Did you find joy? “Time is an illusion.” – Albert Einstein “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” – Albert Einstein “The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.” – Thomas Merton July 21, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. Everything was fresh and vibrant and teeming with life. There were lots of birds and butterflies. I walked to the well quickly, then up the path to the tree trunk. Panther emerged and we ran up the path to the cliff. We were full of joy and life, and laughter. We got onto the cloud and ascended quickly to the U.R. It took no time to get there, like I was already there, and I knew I was. My vibration is at that level now. I got off the cloud and quickly went to the sanctuary because I could already feel the boys waiting and excited. They were like puppies jumping up to see through a window, anticipating me. I ran into the sanctuary and we embraced, laughing and shouting with joy. We spun around with our hands linked, then we lifted off the ground and laid back with our feet together and holding hands, like a wheel of life. I could feel the vastness of existence, the thousands and millions of souls up above in the atmosphere. Earth, so small and delicate, just a tiny part of true reality. It all felt so protected, peaceful, safe, full of love and understanding. Millions of souls, all encompassing love. We slowly came back down and stood on the grass. “How do I know what is being ‘made up’ by my mind and influenced by what others have told me, and what is the truth?” “You will know, Mom, you will feel the Truth. It will resonate with you.” “What about being a Master Teacher?” “You know the Truth, Mom, you feel the rightness of it. You know so much, but you are encased in a human body, so you will have human limitations. But you can grow and know more and more. See how you have already tapped back into your knowledge and your connection to God/Source.” I felt their pride in me, and their love and acceptance. They know who I am. I felt that. They know my true self already, and know that I am also coming to that knowledge, so quickly. My mind wandered to earthly matters. “We know you have things to do, Mom, life to live, so we know this is a quick visit.” They were pleased. I had a sense of
connectedness to them and how easy and natural it is now that my vibration is running higher, faster. I feel you with me all the time now. And I see every day how the energy of the Earth, the Universe, works. It’s so powerful and beautiful. They smiled with the knowledge, understanding and truth. We hugged and kissed, then they took off in a flash, whooping and shouting with excitement. I walked back to the garden and got onto the cloud with Panther as Michael stood and watched. He knew and understood that it was a quick visit for me. He was pleased with my connection, my knowledge, the truth that I am in touch with now. (The words are hard to find to really describe the feelings and sensations. It is a sense of wholeness, oneness, the goodness is beyond description.) I returned to the cliff and back to the physical plane quickly. July 22, 2012 Past life regression session with hypnotherapist Irina Baker IB: You are getting closer now. You are at the end of the cave, in the light, and now step into the light and be there. Is it daytime or nighttime? MP: Daytime. IB: Are you alone or with someone? MP: Alone. IB: Is it indoors or outdoors? MP: Out. IB: Ok. Look at your feet and tell me what you see. MP: It’s not really human. It’s just energy. IB: What kind of energy? What color and so forth? MP: I don’t know. It’s formless, no form. IB: Are you this energy? MP: Yes. IB: Do you have a name? MP: I don’t know. IB: How does it feel to be this energy? MP: Natural. IB: And what other feelings are present? MP: Love. IB: What else? MP: It just feels good. IB: Look around yourself. Do you perceive others? MP: No. IB: You’re all by yourself? MP: Yes. IB: And what’s surrounding you, what kind of environment is there? MP: Lots of buildings with lights, lots of lights. Futuristic buildings. IB: Is there any way you can tell me what it is? Is it a planet? MP: I don’t know, it’s just perfect. IB: You like it don’t you? MP: Yes. IB: Are you connected to someone or something? Do you think you can find them there? MP: Just . . . God. IB: Is God there? MP: That feeling of it.
IB: Can you describe the feeling? MP: It’s so overpowering. IB: And what are you doing right now? MP: Just being. IB: That’s nice. And what can I call you? MP: Em. IB: Very good. I like that. How about if we bring a celestial mirror? Would you like to look at yourself? MP: Ok. IB: Tell me what you look like. MP: Just brightness. IB: Is there any color or just brightness? MP: Just brightness, light. It’s light that seems connected to everything. IB: What are you feeling right now? MP: (Crying) I’m home. I’m finally home. I just want to stay here. IB: Where would you like to go now to explore this home? MP: I don’t know. I don’t know where to go. It doesn’t feel like there’s anywhere to go. IB: Let’s move to the next point, a significant moment in your life there, Em. Something important will be happening. One, two, three, be there. Tell me what’s happening. MP: There’s a conversation with God. IB: You and God? MP: Yes. IB: And what are you talking about? MP: Going to Earth. IB: For the first time? MP: In a long time. Not the first time. IB: So tell me more about this. How is the conversation happening? MP: God wants to know if I want to go. I say yes. IB: And what’s your reason to say yes? MP: To be human. IB: And why do you want to be human? MP: To grow more. Feel. Understand. IB: And then what happens next? MP: He says I should go. IB: Do you incarnate often in other places or Earth or somewhere, or you just stay in the light? MP: I stay in the light. IB: And now when God says you should go, what life will it be? Will it be life of Maria or somebody else? MP: Life of Maria. IB: And who is choosing all contracts and everything for Maria’s life? MP: God. IB: God is choosing? MP: Yes. IB: Do you have anything to say about that? MP: No. IB: No choice at all? MP: No. I just want to feel what it is to be human.
IB: So the life of Maria will be primarily focused on feeling, how you feel as a human? MP: Yes. IB: And what will this do, that Maria feels when she’s a human, what will it do for your growth in the light, Em? MP: (Whispering) Closer to God. IB: Bring you closer to God? MP: Yes. I don’t want to stay here anymore. IB: You don’t want to stay here anymore? MP: No. IB: To stay where? MP: (Crying) On Earth. I don’t want to stay anymore. IB: Is this Maria saying this? MP: It’s Em. IB: Em doesn’t want to be on Earth anymore, has felt a lot, too much to handle? MP: (sobbing) Why? IB: How about we talk to God about why. Would that be ok? MP: Yes. IB: So let’s bring God again. And let’s, Em, ask questions. What question would you like to ask God? MP: (crying) Why did it have to be so painful? IB: And listen for the answer. And what is God saying back? MP: Because you can handle it. IB: And what’s another question, Em? MP: How much longer? How much longer? IB: And what is God saying? MP: Not long. IB: Ask another question, Em. MP: What do I do now? . . . You know. You know. IB: Do you know, Em? MP: Feel me. God says, feel me. You know. IB: What else would you like to ask God, Em? MP: I don’t need to ask anything else. IB: Are you satisfied with the answers? MP: Yes. IB: How do you feel towards God right now, Em? MP: Love, love. IB: Do you have any feelings why you were sent to Earth? Any negative feelings? MP: No. I know it’s right. It’s a gift. Gift from God. He wants me to get closer, closer to him. This will make me closer. IB: So you will grow in knowledge and experience? MP: Yes. IB: Is it like a difficult lesson at school? You can’t stand the class, but when it ends you understand how important it was for you? Something like that? MP: Yes. IB: How about if we ask God what can you do to make it a little easier on Earth for you, is there any way to make it better? MP: Yes. Connect with me he says, connect. IB: And how?
MP: Meditate, be still, feel . . . feel me. Come here, come here often to this place. IB: What kind of place is it? Is it a meeting place with God? MP: Yes. IB: So God invited you into this special meeting place. MP: Yes. IB: Very nice. MP: I feel protected. I feel loved. I feel safe. This is home . . . where I want to go. And God says I can come any time. I have to finish my work on Earth. IB: I call it – you have to leave with honors, right? You can’t run away from your work. You have to finish it and then you’ll come back with honors. MP: Yes. And he’s always there. IB: How about if we ask God, so far, how well are you doing? MP: So proud. (crying) This is a hard lesson, it’s hard, but he knows I can do it. And I’m strong. We chose this. And I’ll be closer, getting closer. He’s so loving, so accepting. I’m doing so well. And all the pain . . . that’s the biggest part of the lesson, the pain. Don’t be afraid of it. Don’t be afraid. I can’t wait to go back, be with you. God knows. It’s like a child, a baby, being held, protected, loved, so connected. I feel. This is what’s real. I can do it. IB: Is the hardest part of the lesson over? Can you ask God about that? Is it going to get better now? MP: Yes. But there’s still a lot of work. Share. I have to share it. It will be good. Yes. IB: How about right now, I want you, Em, to freely feel God and let God hug you right now and just be in his energy, would that be good? MP: Yes. IB: Stay a few moments like this. MP: (crying) IB: So what does it feel like? MP: So safe. He’s cradling me. I feel so loved, so safe. IB: Just stay with this and feel loved, and cradled, and safe. Take your time and when you’re ready to proceed let me know. MP: He holds everyone, all the time. Yes. IB: So what does Maria need to do to feel God all the time? Is it possible? MP: Just close my eyes. Feel it. I feel it. IB: I’m asking for this memory of God, this feeling of safety, of being cradled, of being loved and held securely and safely to be remembered by this body, Maria’s body, to be integrated into the memory of soul, self, the memory of tissue, bones and every part of Maria’s body, and so she can carry this feeling of being held by God throughout her whole life, so it can help her to finish her lesson, to finish her work to the best of her ability and return home in its proper time with honors. The integration is taking place right now. What are you feeling right now, Em? MP: Hopeful. I know. I will do my work. And I will be successful and when I come back God will be so proud, happy. I see it already. I see what it looks like when I’m coming back. IB: Tell me what it looks like. MP: So many to greet me. So many souls . . . are there. So proud. It was a very hard lesson. It was a very hard assignment. I did so well. IB: That’s right. And there will be a celebration? MP: Yes. Oh, my sons are there (crying), my boys. They’re so proud of me. And their father. He’s there.
IB: Is he proud of you? MP: Oh, yes. He’s very proud. IB: How does it feel to see what it will be looking like when you return home? MP: Joyous. Celebration. Just closer to truth. There’s no word for it. It just is. IB: What is happening now? MP: I see Tom . . . their father. I know how hard it was . . . for him. . . . this lesson . . . his role. A lot of people don’t understand. I feel compassion. I understand. This was for me. They did it for me. And I’ve learned so much and grown so much. Even closer to God now. All of us. IB: Have they grown as well through the experience? MP: Yes. Oh, yes, but this was for me . . . what they did . . . what they all did. They love me so much. IB: Do you feel their love now? MP: Yes (crying). So many people don’t understand. They’re telling me that’s why I need to share. I need to share . . . my experience, share what’s happened to me so more people will understand. IB: And follow you. MP: Yes. And not be so angry. Not be so afraid. And they will start to see what it really is . . . true . . . what is reality. God, that was a hard lesson. But I did it. I did it. Thank you. Thank you. IB: What are you perceiving right now? MP: We’re all going back, going back to the light. Home. To rest. To rest for a while. IB: So when you return there will be a celebration and a lot of resting. Sounds very good, right? MP: Yes. And just to be. Just to be who we truly are. And we don’t have to come back to Earth if we don’t want to. IB: But everyone keeps coming back? MP: A lot. But we don’t have to. IB: What is so attractive about Earth that people come back? MP: Physical experience. The pain. The pain. Those feelings. We hate it while we’re here, but we see later how important, how beautiful the pain is. Don’t be afraid of it. It leads to good things. It helps us. It helps us learn. It helps us become more whole. Oh, but it hurts. It hurts. But it’s good. That’s why Earth is good. There’s so much pain. Everyone experiences it, everyone. That’s why they come here. Because they know, it teaches us so much. But while we’re human we spend all our time trying to avoid it, because it’s scary, oh, and it hurts so much. We have to learn not to be afraid of it. It’s part of being human. We choose. We choose to experience that. We think we can handle it while we’re souls and when we’re thinking about coming to Earth. We look at life here, and we think, oh yes, we can do that, I can do that. Then we get here, we didn’t know it was going to hurt so much. There’s nothing like it anywhere. There’s nothing like it anywhere else. That’s why we come here. It’s so painful. But then when we go back, we’re so grateful, we’re so thankful for being given that gift, having had that experience. There’s nothing like it. It’s so unique, so powerful and so humbling. I thank God for letting me come here. Thank you. IB: Ok, Em, how are you feeling right now with all of this understanding, and hugs from God? MP: I feel whole. I see myself as Em, the soul, and then I see Maria. It’s strange. It’s . . . I can’t describe it. I’m Em, right now, that’s who I am. Floating, just above everything, but yet still Maria.
IB: Em, how can you help Maria on Earth? MP: Keep her connected, connected to God, to be . . . she sees, she knows. IB: Can she feel you, Em? MP: Oh yes, more and more every day. Yes. She’s awakening, still limited by a human shell, but she’s . . . she knows, she feels, she feels the connection, she knows the truth. She feels my strength and power. She knows it’s there. Otherwise, how could she keep going? She didn’t understand it before, but now she’s starting to see. She understands. She wondered how she could keep going, how she could be strong, where does it come from? Now she knows. Em. And God. IB: She was worrying about making it all up, so tell her, Em, is she making it all up? MP: No, this is what’s real. She knows that. Yes. IB: Does she need to know or learn about any reminder that when her conscious mind starts wondering if she’s making it all up she will be reminded that spirit is real? Is there anything she needs to have? MP: Just Em. Say it out loud. It’s so clear now. This is the first time that she’s seen me, felt me, known me here. Now she knows, now she knows who I am, where I am, so close to God. IB: Was this moment supposed to happen, was it random or was it scheduled to help her on her way, on her path, meeting you, Em? MP: Everything happens as it should, everything happens at the right time, at the right moment. It surprised her, but it was right. It was right for her to see it now. Yes. More strength, it gives her more strength, more faith, more trust. It’s a beautiful awakening for her. It’s very good. It’s very right. It’s very good. It’s beautiful. So connected. Everything. Everyone. Always protected. Always safe. Even in the pain. It’s good, the pain is good, it’s good for you, it’s good for all of us. We chose it, we chose. We don’t think we choose it, but then we learn, we awaken, we see that we did. We chose it. What a beautiful gift we were given. We are so blessed. So blessed. And so loved. . . . We’ll help her sleep, we’ll help her sleep better. She’s not been sleeping. Struggling with fear, sadness, feeling separated. That will go away. It will help that go away. . . . I like being Em. I like being here. And knowing who I am. It feels so right, it feels so natural like there’s nothing else. Connected to God and everything. So peaceful. IB: So tell me, Em, Maria needed this experience? MP: Yes. It’s the next stage, the next step to help her move on with her work. She will trust, trust more. She’ll be happy. Feel good. Share. IB: What is it that you were experiencing right now? MP: We’re just looking at her, looking at Maria with so much love and compassion, understanding. I feel so proud that she’s so courageous. She has no idea where she came from, what a powerful soul, but she’s learning now. She feels it. She’s awakening. So proud. To take on such a difficult lesson, such a difficult task, but she’s ready. She was ready. God knew that she could do this, that she could handle this. God knew that. Oh, look at how strong she’s become. It’s so inspiring. So much for others. So much respect and admiration for her. I’m so happy. So pleased. She will feel joy again, true joy. IB: Is there anything else you have to tell me or to Maria, Em? MP: She’s gone now – Em. IB: Em is gone now? MP: Yes, she let me go, but she’s there, right there. It was time to go. IB: Does it feel complete? MP: Yes.
IB: Are you feeling good, Maria? MP: Yes. IB: Very good. Look inside your body. Does it feel like it has more light now? MP: Yes. IB: Very good. Ok. Enjoy this moment right now. I would like for you to place in your conscious memory all that you have seen and experienced. All of the thoughts, feelings, and awareness that you have gained today will continue to be useful and empower you in your current life consciously and unconsciously. You will now gain a sense of renewed energy and purpose. Allow this all-‐knowing knowledge to settle calmly within your conscious mind in proper perspective. As I count slowly from one to five, I’d like you to come back into the room today with your eyes open feeling awake and alert and able to continue to process this experience. The healing and understanding and good work you have accomplished today will remain etched in your superconscious mind and will be reflected in your choices, actions and self concept from this day forward. One . . . two . . . gradually coming back in the here and now, feeling so good and relaxed and refreshed at the same time . . . three . . . four . . . you will sleep so well tonight, peaceful in the knowledge that you’re always connected, that you’re very good with your lessons, that you did pass through the hard lesson, and now joyful time is ahead of you. Of course there will be a lot of work because you need to and want to share this experience with others, helping them on the spiritual path, but it will be joy for you to do it, and you will always be connected with your Em, the powerful soul that you are, and you will always know yourself as the powerful soul you are, and the knowledge will help you through life experiences, feeling joyful, feeling peaceful, and connected. You are on the rise, on the rise spiritually, with being empowered with your experiences, and most of all with the knowledge that you have gained from this experience. And this knowledge will be shared with other people and you will help so many to find their own light, to find their own guidance, to connect with their own souls and it will benefit the whole and it will benefit God, and you will get so much closer to God, and so will many other people. We are all connected, and your experience and your pain and your work is helping others and bringing joy into your life and into the lives of others as well. And with this knowledge and understanding, you’re coming back in this office, in the here and now, feeling so peaceful about what you’ve learned, and the integration will continue in your body, integration of your Maria and your soul, Em, melding together as whole. Four . . . and five. In my past life regression therapy session I went to reconnect with God. I was surprised. I asked, why did the lesson have to be so hard? For growth and to get closer to God. I became my soul, Em, and saw Maria from a new perspective. I could see what is to come after my life here is complete – celebration, admiration, and a rest. The boys were there with Tom. They were all so proud. I know it was hard for you, I said to Tom. People don’t understand. But they will see and understand in time. They tell me, “You did so well. You learned your lessons well and gave so much.” We come to Earth to feel, to experience pain. We think we don’t want it, but in reality, we chose to have the experience. There is nothing else like it. July 24, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. So tired, unfocused, sleepy, distracted. Walked to the well and peered down briefly. I just wanted to go. I walked up the path. Panther joined me and we got to the
cliff and boarded the cloud. We rose up and reached the U.R. I walked quickly into the garden. Michael was there. We walked to the sanctuary. The boys were already there. "Why am I so tired? Why can't I sleep?" "Remember, you are recalibrating, Mom, de-fragging. There is a new paradigm for you, a new perspective coming, lots of changes to your internal hard drive." They took me to a scene. We were standing in line to enter a church of some sort. It seemed like a funeral, almost as if they were showing me their funeral from their perspective. It wasn't sad. They were just with me. Kyle was in his track pants and navy blue t-shirt. He looked so handsome. My focus was really off. I'm so tired and I can't sleep. They knew. "It's ok, Mom." Hard to remember what else happened. Thoughts about the golf tournament. I'm so tired. I just want to sleep. I want to go home. I'm tired of being human. It's ok. It's ok. Time to go back. So fragmented, so unfocused, out of it. What is going on? Recalibration and defrag. Rebooting. New hard drive. Refresh. Went back down. So out of it. It's ok. Don't judge it. It is what it is. July 26, 2012 I feel like I have lost everything except my capacity to love which has increased thanks to the boys. Love fearlessly! July 27, 2012 Lots of dreams of Kyle, good feelings, love, love, so much love for you, my baby! “You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think.” – A Course in Miracles July 29, 2012 Excerpts from Life Between Lives session with hypnotherapist Irina Baker IB: Is it the daytime or nighttime? MP: Day. IB: Are you inside or outside? MP: Outside. IB: Are you alone or with someone? MP: Alone. IB: Is it warm, cold or moderate temperature? MP: It’s warm. IB: Look down at your feet and tell me what, if anything, you are wearing. MP: Nothing. IB: Barefoot? MP: Yes. IB: Let’s look at how you’re dressed. Tell me if you’re male or female. MP: Female. IB: Tell me what you’re dressed in. MP: Light dress. IB: Any jewelry? MP: No. IB: Is it casual, formal, or very poor, or middle class, or rich? MP: It’s like a Greek dress, like a toga. IB: Do you have anything in your hair?
MP: No. My hair is long. IB: What color? MP: Brown. IB: What color of the skin? MP: White. IB: How old are you? MP: Young, seventeen maybe. IB: Are you tall, medium or short? MP: Medium. IB: What’s your name? MP: I don’t know. IB: Ask and it will come to you. MP: Amelia. IB: Amelia. Very good Amelia. What’s the geographic area? Is it countryside, is it city? MP: Beautiful garden. IB: Do you know the country you’re living in? MP: No. It’s heavenly. IB: Heavenly. Do you know the time period? MP: No. . . . I don’t think it’s on Earth. IB: I thought so. Ok, so where is it? MP: Somewhere in the Upper Realm. IB: And what are you doing right now? MP: Looking at the butterflies and the birds. It’s so beautiful. IB: Do you know who created this garden? MP: I think God. IB: So how did you end up in this garden? Did you find it or were you helping to create it? MP: It’s a resting place. . . . I feel so happy. IB: Are you resting after your incarnation? MP: I think so. IB: Ok, you feel happy? MP: Yes. IB: Enjoy this place for a moment, feeling happy and restful. Is there anything you want to tell me more about this place? MP: It’s so beautiful. IB: Ok. And now would you like to go to your home from this place? MP: Yes. IB: Ok, good. And now I want you to look up or look around and see somewhere the light that is pulling you. Is there a light pulling you? MP: Yes. IB: Is it strong, medium or . . . ? MP: Strong. IB: Strong force? Ok. Let the light pull you. . . . What’s happening now? MP: I’m going up. IB: Let me know when you are in the light, Amelia. MP: I’ve gone up. IB: So turn around and look around yourself, feel, perceive and sense. Do you see just one light or are there several lights around you? MP: It’s light all around.
IB: Is it the only one light? MP: Everything is lit, natural light. IB: Are you still alone or maybe somebody’s greeting you? MP: It’s God. IB: Is God this light or do you perceive somebody else? MP: Light. IB: And now we need to look for beings of light. So let’s look around and see if anybody’s present or coming to greet you. . . . Anybody? MP: Many. IB: Many? How many? MP: Hundreds. IB: Do you perceive them as all equal lights, or maybe one of them is bigger? MP: All equal lights. IB: Ok. What are they doing, these lights? Are they far away or close? MP: They’re everywhere. . . . part of God. IB: Ok. Let’s start meeting somebody. So how about we call on your spirit guide? MP: Michael. IB: Michael is here? MP: Yes. IB: Is it the Archangel Michael or somebody else? MP: My Michael. IB: Your son? MP: No, my guide. IB: Oh, your guide. Ok. Tell me how your Michael looks. MP: He wears a brown suit. He’s handsome. And brown hair. He’s Caucasian. He has beautiful eyes. He’s very gentle . . . and caring. IB: How long have you been working with Michael? MP: A long time. IB: Ok. Tell me, what color does Michael project? MP: White. IB: Is it a bright white, or dim, or . . . ? MP: Bright. IB: So what message is he conveying to you? How is he communicating with you first of all? MP: Through my mind. He gives me love and support, acceptance and understanding. IB: What’s the message right now he’s giving you? MP: I’m doing well. He’s proud of me. IB: What else is he conveying to you, if anything? MP: That I‘m progressing. . . . and awakening. IB: What else? MP: That he doesn’t have to help me much, that I can do it. He’s just watching, supporting me, let me do it on my own. He’s smiling. IB: Ok. Now with other lights, do you recognize any other lights? MP: My boys. IB: Do you see them together, two lights? MP: Yes. IB: Ok, let’s talk about that. MP: They’re always together.
IB: Are they soulmates? MP: Yes. IB: What light do they project, both of them? Do they have the same color or two different colors? MP: They’re white, and also Sean is green and Kyle is blue. IB: Sean is green. MP: Yes. And Kyle is blue. And then they have white light around that. IB: Kyle is blue? MP: Yes. IB: And what’s around them? MP: White light. IB: Let’s start with Kyle. So what color is the blue, dark or light or in between? MP: It’s bright like electric blue. A lot of energy. IB: So you perceive him as a human or he projects just the light? MP: Both. IB: Both, ok, so he has human features. What’s his immortal name? MP: I think it’s Jo. IB: Jo? Can you spell it? MP: J-‐O. IB: Ok. Alright. And anything else you want to tell me about Jo? MP: He’s happy . . . joyful. IB: Is he happy to see you? MP: Yes. IB: What is his message to you right now? MP: I love you. IB: Tell me about Jo . . . if he is . . . what does he do in the spirit world? What’s his educational track? MP: He works with light and vibrations. IB: Science? MP: Yes. IB: Light, vibrations. Anything else you want to tell me about Jo before we move on to Sean? MP: He’s beautiful. IB: Do you have a message for him? Do you want to tell him anything? MP: I love you. IB: Have you ever incarnated with him before? MP: I think so. I don’t know. IB: Ask him. MP: Yes. IB: How many lifetimes? MP: Many. IB: Ok, very good. Would you like to talk about Sean now? MP: Yes. IB: Ok, so what’s his immortal name? MP: Eagle. IB: Ok, very good. Tell me what Eagle’s colors are again, so you said he is green? MP: Yes. IB: How deeply green? Light or deep or what?
MP: Bright . . . neon. IB: But is it light or dark green? MP: Light. IB: And there is white around? MP: Yes. IB: Does he project human features or he’s only light? MP: Human. IB: Human features like the boy that you remember him? MP: Yes, but he has wings, like an eagle. IB: He has wings? So what’s the meaning of his wings? MP: That he soars. (crying) He’s so amazing. IB: In what respect? MP: So much love and knowledge. He’s very evolved. IB: What does he do in the spirit world? What’s his educational track? MP: Creating love . . . and music. Inspiring music. And he can go into people’s heads and hearts, make them feel love. IB: He can get in people’s hearts? MP: Yes. IB: What are you feeling right now? MP: I feel his power, his soul, his unconditional love, his beauty. It’s just overwhelming. His energy. IB: Very good. What is his message to you? MP: That we’re all protected, that we’re safe. He takes Jo under his wing, keeps him safe. He says don’t worry, don’t be afraid. Love, Mom, love. He tells me to love. The way he gets into people’s hearts, into their minds, gives them love and peace, inspires them to look up. IB: Very good. Are there any questions that you have for him? MP: No. IB: Ok. Would you like to look in the celestial mirror at yourself and see what you look like? MP: Yes. IB: Ok. Let’s, angels, bring the celestial mirror, and I want you to stand in front of the mirror and look at the mirror. . . . Tell me what you see. MP: Pink. Pink energy, pink light, surrounded by light. I see my boys’ colors mixing in with mine. IB: Green and blue? MP: Greens and blues, speckles, spots, sparkles around me . . . but I’m pink, bright pink . . . pink circle of energy. IB: Is it a hot pink? Soft pink? MP: Hot pink. IB: Do you have human features or are you projecting just light? MP: Just light, light and color, sparkles. IB: How powerful is the energy? MP: Very powerful . . . pulsating . . . bright, connected, connected to everything. IB: How does it feel to look at yourself in the mirror and feel yourself as a soul? MP: Natural. It feels right. IB: Do you feel your power? MP: Yes. IB: Do you feel peace?
MP: Yes. IB: And deep knowledge? MP: Yes. IB: Ok. What’s your immortal name? MP: Em. IB: Very good. What percentage of energy did you bring with you to your present incarnation? MP: A lot. IB: Do you know what percentage? MP: 80. IB: And what percentage stayed behind in the spirit world? MP: 20. IB: Do you know why you brought 80 percent to the Earth? MP: To build character. To feel. IB: Is the part of you that stayed behind active or not so active while you are in your present life on Earth, Em? MP: Active. IB: What’s the mission/purpose of this life, Em? MP: To grow spiritually. IB: In what way? MP: To feel. Experience emotion. Pain. A lot of pain. (crying) Bring me closer, closer to God. . . . It’s so painful. IB: How many lifetimes have you been working on this mission, Em? MP: Just this one. IB: Will it be continued in other lifetimes or will the mission be completed in this lifetime? MP: It will be completed. IB: So what particular soul development path or study track are you on now, Em? MP: To feel, have a human experience. IB: But what do you study in the spirit world when you are not incarnated? MP: Science. Study humans. IB: Ok. Is there anything else you want to tell me about yourself? MP: Progressing well. On the right track. IB: At the right pace? MP: Yes. All is well. IB: Very good. Would you like to proceed to another place and meet other souls or would you like to stay here for a moment? MP: Go to another place. IB: Let’s ask Michael. So what is he telling you? Where can we go? MP: To another light. IB: What do you mean by that? MP: Another place in spirit world. IB: Ok. Let’s go. Tell me when you’re there or you can describe where you are heading. What do you see there? MP: Other souls. IB: Are you heading to your soul group, primary soul group? MP: I don’t know. IB: Tell me where you are right now. MP: Floating, floating. Light and energy, other light beings.
IB: So ask Michael, where are you? MP: Another place of learning. IB: Is that the place you often come to learn? MP: Someone else’s place. IB: Tell me what you see there. Is it indoors or outdoors? MP: Space. IB: And what are you doing there? MP: Just watching. There’s other souls’ energy. IB: What are they doing there? MP: They’re in a circle, talking, communicating. IB: What is it about? MP: I think about their lives on Earth, what they learned. They’re like blobs, blobs of light. IB: How many of them are there? MP: About 8 or 10. IB: Are they familiar to you? Do you recognize them? MP: I’m not sure. They feel familiar, but I don’t, I don’t know . . . my brothers I think are there. IB: Your brother’s there or . . . how many brothers do you have? MP: Two brothers. IB: Ok, so both of them are there? MP: Yes. IB: Ask Michael, is it your primary soul group? MP: No. IB: Why did Michael bring you here? What is the meaning right now, what’s the purpose of this visit? MP: To see that there are many other souls, that we are connected to everyone, even if they’re not in our primary soul group. They’re still part of us. And I can see in the distance lots of groups. They’re all in circles, studying, talking, and I feel the connection . . . like a web. And everything that we do impacts everybody else. Everybody’s happy. They’re all doing their work, working hard, they’re happy and joyful. It’s a feeling of progress, growth . . . and love. IB: Do they all study the same thing or they have different specialties? MP: I think it’s different. I can’t see what they’re studying, but I think it’s different. IB: Do you also come there to join them and study? MP: Yes. IB: Do you go there often? MP: Yes. IB: Do you like this place? MP: Yes. The boys are here. IB: What are they doing? MP: They’re flying above, just watching. They’re happy just observing me, flying above the other groups. They’re so connected to each other, my boys. They help people, they help. IB: And so they agreed to help you as well, right? MP: Yes. IB: Did they help you? MP: Yes, they helped me. IB: Very good. Is there anything else that is happening here that you would like to talk about?
MP: It just feels good, lots of activity, lots of thoughts exchanged. Excitement. Collaboration. . . . I can see the souls, they’re blobs of energy, but connected to the huge light above everything, the God. . . . And below we can see Earth. IB: You can see Earth below? MP: Yes. We feel, we sense all the people there, the activity, hustle and bustle, and constant motion, and all the emotions, the feelings there on the Earth. IB: And how does it feel, the Earth below? MP: Vibrant, alive, so full of feeling, and pain and joy, struggles, challenges, beauty, growth. It’s a fantastic, amazing place. IB: The Earth? MP: Yes. See how beautiful it is, blue and green. It’s glowing. It’s full of energy. . . . There’s other planets too, lots of other places. IB: Ok. Would you like to go to another place or you want to stay here for a moment? MP: Stay here. IB: Share what you are feeling and what you are experiencing, Em. MP: I can just see off into infinity, all the lights and energy and souls. It’s unending. It’s so comfortable. IB: Does it give you a sense of deep internal peace? MP: Yes. We can just be, we are just beings. . . . We don’t have to do anything. We can just be. It’s like floating. Then if we want to do work or grow more we can make our plans to go to Earth or somewhere else. . . . I can see my brothers in the group. Their energies alternate back and forth between their human form and just energy form, and they’re in a circle with these other forms of energy, I don’t know who they are, but I see my brothers. IB: What is the meaning for your brothers to be there right now while you’re visiting, Em? MP: Just to know that they are souls that I know, in the spirit world. IB: So you would be connected on a deeper level? MP: Yes. . . . They’re in another group, close though. IB: They are from another group? MP: Yes, but close. . . . I feel like my soul group is just my sons . . . and Tom. IB: So your sons are in your soul group? MP: Yes. . . . And my brothers are very close. They have another group, it’s bigger, like ten people. IB: In your brothers’ soul group? MP: Yes. IB: So how about we visit your soul group? Would that be ok? MP: Yes. IB: Ok. Ask Michael, and you, Em, know the way to get to your soul group. Let’s go and visit your soul group. Are you there? MP: Yes. IB: Is it indoor or outdoor? MP: It’s in space. IB: Ok. How many beings are present? MP: Just Sean and Kyle. IB: Nobody else? MP: No. It’s like they have a special place. It’s like a cloud. This is where they do their studies. . . . They talk to other beings, but they’re by themselves together. IB: What’s the meaning of being just two of them together and nobody else?
MP: I don’t know. They don’t need to be with anybody else. Other people help them, other souls come and help them and give them feedback, and they can go and ask for input. Sometimes they’ll work with other people and go into another group for a little while. IB: So they’re doing independent studies? MP: Yes. Sean will go and play music with others. Kyle, he works by himself most of the time. He likes to work with pinpoints of light, vibration. He likes to experiment with moving energy, electrical energy on Earth. He’s laughing. He likes his work. And Sean will come back and they’ll just be together doing their work, each of them. Sean is playing his guitar, and he’ll send love into somebody’s heart, send music. He’s so beautiful. And he listens when people are talking to him. People on Earth talk to him, and he listens to them and sends them love. He gets into their mind and their heart, they can feel him because he’s so powerful. He’s so funny. He’s funny. He laughs. He and Kyle are laughing. They’re happy. They like being there. They like what they’re doing. They watch, they watch me. They know what I’m doing. They watch. They look down on Earth and they can zoom in on anybody they want to see, send their energy, their love, their vibration. . . . They’re doing so well. They’ll keep busy until I come, and help do their work. IB: Are they going to meet you when it’s your time to return? MP: Yes. They’ll wait for me there. They say the time is short, Mom, time will pass quickly. But they encourage me to do my work here. I have work here, not finished. There’s still much work for me to do. IB: How about your original soul group? How many soul beings were in your original soul group where you started, Em? MP: Many souls. IB: How many? MP: Twenty. A long time ago. IB: And then what happened? MP: They evolved. We became teachers, parts of other soul groups. IB: Are you a teacher, Em? MP: Yes. IB: And what do you teach? Are you a teacher on Earth or are you a teacher in spirit world? MP: Both. In spirit world, I teach about humans, so other souls understand human behavior. IB: And on Earth? MP: I help . . . help other humans . . teach them how to become souls . . . how to be their soul. IB: Do you consider yourself a guide, or teacher and a guide are two different things? MP: Teacher. IB: So that’s why right now you’re doing independent studies? MP: Yes. IB: Ok. Tell me, Em, in your original soul group do you recognize anybody? Anybody from your life as Maria? MP: Bill. IB: And who is Bill? MP: My friend. IB: Who else do you recognize? MP: Eun Young. IB: Who is that?
MP: My friend. And Michelle. IB: Who is that? MP: My friend. IB: Anybody else? MP: And Bob. IB: Who is that? MP: My friend. . . . My mother. . . . Alicia. IB: Who is that? MP: My niece. IB: Anybody else? MP: No. Others, I don’t see them though, I can’t see their faces. IB: Ok. And I want now your primary soulmate, Em, to step forward. Who is your primary soulmate? Tell me when your primary soulmate is in front of you. MP: He’s there. IB: So he projects masculine features? MP: Yes. IB: Ok. Do you recognize him? MP: Yes. IB: Who is this? MP: Bob. IB: What colors does he project? MP: Blue, blue and white light. IB: What color blue, light, dark, medium? MP: Dark. IB: Have you been together for a long time? MP: Yes. IB: Do you know the mission now of him being in your life? What’s his purpose for being in your life? MP: Make me see, make me be honest with myself. . . . Face the pain . . . give me courage . . . He’s my friend. IB: What’s his immortal name? MP: Aron. A-‐R-‐O-‐N. Aron. IB: Very good. Is there anything else you want to tell me about your soul group or your primary soulmate Aron? How does it feel? MP: He loves me so much. IB: How does it feel to meet with him right now? MP: (Crying) Safe . . . loved . . . being together. . . . I feel like these other souls in my group that I can’t see, they’re working somewhere else. Maybe I’ll meet them again in this life, later. I feel connected to them, but I don’t know . . . I can’t see them, I can’t see who they are. They’re working somewhere else with other people or other groups. Maybe I won’t see them in this lifetime, but I know them. They’re so, such compassionate, evolved souls. IB: Are they helping you somehow? MP: Just staying connected to me. Our energy, our vibrations, they keep us connected. We’re all working together to help, help other souls, help other people grow and learn. I’ll see them again, I feel that now. IB: Do you think you would like to go someplace else or you would like to stay here? MP: We can go somewhere else. IB: How about we visit the Council of Elders? Would that be agreeable to you, Em?
MP: Ok. IB: What’s your name for the Council of Elders? MP: The Masters. IB: Ok. Lead me to the Masters, let’s go there. . . . Is Michael there with you? MP: He’s standing with me, yes. IB: Ok. Is it inside or outside? MP: It’s in space. IB: Ok. So it’s an open space? MP: Yes. Clouds. IB: Ok. Do you ever meet with the Council of the Masters between incarnations? MP: Yes. IB: Do you typically go there with Michael, by yourself or with somebody else? MP: Michael comes with me. IB: How many Masters? MP: Three. IB: Are they all equal in stature and rank, or one seems to be the leader? MP: They’re equal. IB: Are they wearing anything or are they just lights? MP: Lights and energy. IB: What color is the light? MP: White, golden white. IB: Are they right in front of you? MP: Yes. IB: And where are you standing? MP: Just floating. IB: Ok. Tell me what transpires. MP: They’re conveying their happiness . . . that I’m doing well on my path. . . . They know it’s a difficult, difficult path, difficult lesson . . . for a human, but they know my soul was ready for it. That’s why I had so much of my soul in this incarnation . . . so I could awaken and get in touch with it quickly . . . because the human lesson is so painful. I needed to connect to my soul quickly . . . oh, and the boys helped me so much. They came so quickly. The Masters are so pleased. They know I’m ready now . . . to do my real work, my true work here, my teaching. They’re telling me that I’m ready. They’re telling me to keep going. And Michael will be there. And the boys. And I’m connected to my other soul group, my soulmates. IB: From the original soul group? MP: Yes. IB: Will you be led to what you need to do? MP: I will know. They can . . . Michael can help me and guide me if I need it, but he knows I don’t need it, that me, Em, the soul can do everything. But they stay with me and give me support and strength and energy. But they know they don’t have to help me much, that I know what I am to do. They send me so much love, encouragement. Very comfortable, very assured, they don’t worry about me. IB: You mean the Masters? MP: Yes, and Michael. . . . They just acknowledge me, supporting, they don’t have to say anything to me. It’s like they’re nodding with approval. IB: How does it feel? MP: Peaceful.
IB: Are there any questions that you think, Em, Maria might have for the Council of the Masters? MP: No. IB: Ok. Let’s ask Maria. Be Maria for a moment. Do you have any questions for the Masters? MP: Where’s Tom? IB: Where’s Tom? Let’s ask several questions and I will ask them in a moment. Do you have another question, Maria? MP: Lina . . . where’s Lina? IB: Where’s Lina? Ok. Do you have another one? MP: How much time left here? IB: Another one? MP: No. IB: Ok. Now, one, two, three, be Em. Ok, we’re asking the Council of the Masters, and Michael, and please identify yourself who is giving the answers. So the first question that Maria wants to ask is where is Tom? MP: He is in another place . . . doing his work. He completed his mission. . . . You will see him again . . . when you return home. You will thank him for his service. IB: And who gave this answer? MP: The Master on the left. IB: Do you have a name? MP: No, but he has a male energy. IB: Ok. Very good. Is Tom in Em’s original soul group? MP: No. IB: Ok. The second question – where is Lina? MP: She’s resting. She’s happy. Working with children still. She’s a healing soul. She sees the boys sometimes. But the boys don’t need to be taken care of. She knows that. She’s helping with the younger children that need help. IB: Is Lina in Em’s soul group? MP: No. IB: Ok. And who gave the answer? MP: The Master in the middle, a female energy. IB: Ok. The next question – how much time does Maria have here on Earth, how much time left here for her? MP: Many Earth years . . . still. IB: And who gave this answer? MP: The Master on the right . . . male energy, older, smiling, laughing. IB: In other words, cannot escape? MP: Amused. Important work you are doing. Important work you will do here. But joy, joy . . . it will bring you joy. He’s very lighthearted . . . wise, a master that has been a master for a long time. He’s so happy and buoyant, there’s a twinkling. So pleased with me, so pleased. IB: Very good. Is there anything else you would like to talk about at this Council of the Masters, or is the message completed in this case and we can move on? MP: The message is completed. IB: Ok. Where would you like to go next, Em? MP: To see my mother. IB: Ok. Take me there.
MP: We’re going high . . . flying, going up. She’s so light. She goes and visits the boys, she says. She’s one of them who helps them, gives them feedback, but she doesn’t take care of them. They don’t need to be taken care of. They’re just happy when she comes to see them. When they call her she comes, sees how they’re doing and smiles, tells them how pleased she is with their work. . . . She’s very close to God. IB: What’s her color? MP: Just white light, sparkling, translucent. It’s so vibrant. She moves effortlessly, anywhere. She helps the other souls, all those hundreds and thousands of souls . . . in their learning spaces. She floats above and looks and watches, listens to what they’re learning. IB: Is she a teacher? MP: Yes. She’s a . . . more than that, higher, almost a master. IB: Will she continue incarnating? MP: Maybe. But she doesn’t have to. There are no more lessons for her to learn on Earth. If she incarnates it will be to teach. IB: What’s her immortal name? MP: Isis. IB: What was the meaning of her being Maria’s mother? What’s the lesson or what’s the purpose? MP: To give strength, character . . . survivor. To show Maria that she can be by herself . . . and be strong . . . and connect to her soul. She can do anything . . . she can achieve anything and do anything. . . . . She was born in a period of emotional pain. That was her first human emotion . . . that she felt. IB: Maria or mother? MP: Maria. Grief . . . grief. IB: She felt it from her mother? MP: Yes. IB: That was the beginning of the lesson of pain? MP: Yes. (crying) In the womb. That’s all she could feel . . . sadness and grief . . . and pain. IB: So the mother, and Isis, was helping Maria with the pain? MP: Yes. . . . It was the first human emotion I ever felt . . . grief. IB: Grief from what or towards what? MP: Her other child was dying. Her older daughter was dying . . . at the same time she was carrying me in her womb. IB: And the daughter’s name was Lina? MP: Mary Lou. IB: Mary Lou? Ok. Did she die? MP: Yes. IB: Would you like, Em, to see Mary Lou or you don’t need it? MP: Yes, I’d like to see her. IB: Ok. Go to the place where Mary Lou is and ask her to stand in front of you. Tell me when she is there. MP: She’s there. IB: Has Maria known her in life at all, or not at all? When did she die? MP: Before I was born. IB: Ok. So Mary Lou is right in front of you. What is she conveying to you? MP: It feels like Lina, but I’m not sure. IB: And who is Lina? MP: The boys’ caretaker.
IB: Did she die too? MP: Yes. IB: So Mary Lou feels like Lina? MP: Yes, it feels like Lina. IB: Ok. Is she in your soul group, Em, your original soul group? MP: Yes. IB: Ok. What is she conveying to you? Is there any message? MP: It’s beautiful here. You’ll know when you come home. We’re all here. Huh . . . IB: What? MP: I just remember Mary Lou coming to me in a dream with the boys. And now I see her as Lina. IB: So you’ve been together for a long time? MP: Yes. . . . They’re the same person, the same soul. IB: So just part of her reincarnated for a moment to give a lesson and leave? MP: Yes. IB: Ok. Is there anything you want to tell her? MP: Thank you. . . . thank you for loving my boys. IB: What’s Mary Lou’s colors? MP: She’s pink also. IB: Does she have white as well? MP: Yes. IB: And what’s her immortal name? MP: El. E-‐L. El. IB: Anything else that you two are communicating about? MP: No. They’re just laughing. Joy. IB: Would you like to move on or would you like to stay there for a moment? MP: Move on. IB: Ok. Where would you like to go next? Or I could suggest or Michael could suggest. MP: You can suggest. IB: Ok. Would you like to go to a place where you choose your body? MP: Yes. IB: Ok. Alright, lead me there. . . . Is it still in space? MP: No. It’s a large hall, building, big pillars, white marble . . . lots of screens where we can look at different human shapes, figures, colors. IB: How are you notified it’s time to reincarnate and who tells you about it? MP: The Masters . . . and Michael. We talk. IB: Would you describe your desire to incarnate again as strong, moderate, slight or resistant for this time to be Maria? MP: Strong. IB: Have you ever said you were not ready for a new life? MP: No. IB: Do you go to a place of life selection alone or with your guide? MP: With Michael. IB: Are you aware of any other high beings working in the life selection room? MP: Other . . . yes. IB: How many? MP: Many. It’s a big, vast hall. IB: And I mean high beings such as Masters or supervisors.
MP: The Masters can see from above. And there are other lower beings working in the hall . . . helping . . . helping the guides with their souls, the souls that want to incarnate. IB: Many souls? MP: Yes. IB: Ok. Can you describe the surroundings? You already said big pillars, white marble, what else, lots of screens. MP: Lots of screens to see what’s going on on Earth, different places, different people. IB: Can you step into those screens and experience for a moment how it will feel in this particular body? MP: I think so. . . . They’re looking at different people on Earth and seeing if they want them to be their parents. People in different stages of their lives – newly married, wanting to have a child, just meeting each other for the first time. And everybody’s looking at all of these different people to see if they find someone they want. . . . And what kind of body they would have, what they would look like, where they would grow up, what education they could have, what kind of economic status, all those different things. IB: So they already know their life lesson and they choose the rest according to the life lesson? MP: Yes. IB: How many body choices are available to you, Em, right now while you are preparing for Maria’s lifetime? MP: Many, many choices. IB: What do you think each body offers you? MP: The way the body looks will affect how people, other people, will react towards me, first impressions . . . what they believe about me, my skills, my knowledge, my intelligence. IB: What was unique about your present body, about Maria’s body, that you, Em, have chosen it for her? MP: Kind of a mid-‐point of a . . . not privileged, but not poor, looked at more neutral, not preferred and not looked down upon, and the ability to be respected, but not automatically. Attractive and beautiful, but not excessively. It was a good choice. Physically strong. IB: Healthy? MP: Very healthy. . . . A good brain, good capacity to learn. Intelligent . . . but also very emotional, feeling, capacity for compassion, empathy, joy and pain . . . laughter, connection with people. Love. Love without fear. And brave . . . very brave. IB: Why this life? MP: Incredible human experience. Deep, profound emotion. Soul growth . . . compassion and sharing with others. Selflessness. Unconditional love. Incredible beauty. Phenomenal human experience. And tremendous depths of love, tremendous depths of pain. The full range of emotion, the human emotional spectrum. So powerful. . . . The depths of human emotion are so powerful and it deepens the love, understanding of essence, of existence as a soul, connection to God, the Source, Creation. It’s so beautiful, so peaceful, so pure, it’s truth, it’s Reality. It’s the Truth. IB: And why these parents? MP: Strong mother, caring, emotional, but very strong, very proud. And the father, so self-‐ centered, one track mind, selfish, learning those qualities and turning them into positives . . . to be giving, not selfish . . . but they gave me the life, the life that I needed . . . not privileged, but not poor, just right . . . so I could want to excel and achieve . . . but also be humble, thankful, grateful.
IB: When you see the body you chose in your current life, do you see it on the screens in live action, Em? MP: Yes. IB: Can you regulate the action yourself or does it seem that someone else is controlling the moment of scenes for you? MP: Someone else. IB: So you were able to experience some but not all? MP: Yes. IB: Are you aware in advance how much pain you would have to encounter or do you just know it theoretically? MP: I don’t know at all. IB: Not at all? MP: No. IB: Have you chosen the particulars of your lesson? Have you discussed this part with anybody? MP: With God. IB: So you discussed? MP: Yes. IB: Ok. Anything else that you would like to tell me in this place of life and body selection? MP: God asked me if I wanted to be closer . . . closer to God. And I said yes. Then God asked me do you want the human experience. I said yes. But God didn’t tell me how painful it would be. IB: He didn’t? MP: No. He just said it would make me closer, bring me closer, but I didn’t know (crying). . . . I’m glad I said yes. IB: Do you feel closer to God already? MP: Yes. IB: Ok. Can you explain what you are doing just before you leave the spirit world to incarnate into your current life? MP: My work. My science . . . studying human emotion. IB: What triggers or red flags were you given in advance to help you remember the importance of certain events? MP: None. IB: What is the most meaningful aspect of your last preparation class? MP: To feel the emotion, to create that capacity to feel. IB: Would you characterize your attitude toward rebirth as being joyful and full of anticipation, or cautious or reluctant, or indifferent? MP: Indifferent. IB: Ok. Now, how do you feel about all that you have learned in [this session]? MP: Happy, comforted . . . uncertain. IB: Uncertain? MP: Yes. IB: About what? MP: What it means. IB: Can you elaborate on that? MP: Just doubting . . . questions . . . what’s real, what’s not real, what’s truth.
IB: Before we close and leave the spirit world, I want you to take a last look around and tell me is there anything else we’ve missed that is of significance that you would like to discuss? MP: It’s very beautiful, very peaceful. . . . I see my boys . . . in their place, so happy. They watch, they see everything. . . . It makes me feel good. I don’t worry about them anymore. . . . And they’re not worrying about me . . . very much . . . anymore. IB: What is the most important thing for you to remember from this experience today? MP: Choose love. Always try to choose love. . . . Try not to be afraid. . . . Just choose love. . . . I know I’m doing the right things. I have a lot people helping me, a lot of spirits, guides, people, my friends. . . . So much love and support. IB: You’re not alone. MP: No. IB: Ok. As we begin now to leave the higher realm of your soul mind and the beautiful existence in the spirit world between your lives on Earth, I want you to remember this loving world is always with you. Everything we have talked about, all your thoughts, your memories and your insights will be retained to help and empower you as you complete the remainder of your current life with renewed energy and purpose. Allow this all-‐knowing knowledge to settle calmly within your conscious mind in proper perspective. Allow yourself to now feel completely whole as a single person, your immortal self now completely joined with your human self as a single unit as we now return back, higher and higher, back through the tunnel of time, into the present. The healing, understanding and great work you have accomplished today will remain etched into your superconscious mind and will be reflected in your choices, actions and self concept from this day forward. You will remember everything as your eternal knowing merges more completely with your conscious memories. Working on the book in earnest! I feel the power and importance of it. Had my Life Between Lives session today, so profound, intense, powerful! “Good or bad, right or wrong, everything from the lightest and most beautiful life experiences to the most horrible occasions of human suffering can no longer be written off as chance happenings.” – Gregg Braden Aug. 1, 2012 Sean came to me in my dreams this morning. He was younger, about twelve, and his face was so angelic, it was glowing and full of love. His hair was short. He looked at me with the most tremendous love and compassion. Then he came down to me, put his arms around me, hugged me tight and laid his head on my chest. I was overcome with emotion and the tears began to flow. I sobbed with sadness and love. I miss you so much, Sean! My Sean, my Sean, my beautiful son! I love you so much! Aug. 2, 2012 Journey to the Upper Realm Started in the meadow. It was full of flowers in bloom – yellow, purple, pink and other bright colors. I walked down to the well. I looked down into it and saw that it was still and dark. The water was motionless and reflected my image back up to me. I walked around it, glancing to my left where the other garden and cliffs were. I walked up the path to the tree trunk. Panther came out. He was huge and ferocious. We walked to the cliff and got onto the
cloud. We rose up into the sky. I could feel my energy rising and lightening as we ascended. I had a sense of the vast expanse of space. I could also sense the boys in their place of learning and work. Kyle was telling Sean, “Come on, Mom’s coming.” We got to the U.R. and stepped off the cloud into the garden. I walked around the perimeter looking for Michael. I sat down on the bench and Panther laid down on the grass behind me. Then Michael came in. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me. He held me tight. There was no need for words. We got up together, he was still holding me, and we walked into the sanctuary. I could sense the boys coming and my mom was with them. They walked out of the mist together, Sean and Kyle on either side of my mom. Her essence and her presence were so huge! She seemed taller than the boys, something about her stature and essence. The boys were younger than when they left Earth realm. The three of them came to me and surrounded me, enveloping me in their energy. They had a golden electric light around them. It covered me and filled me with love. Then they looked over at the table and we moved to sit down. Our communication was complete thought and mind transference. They sent the message, “Let’s go to the table.” We sat down, the boys on either side of my mom, and me next to Sean. The boys had a certain reverence toward my mom, they admired and honored her, and also adored her. I felt their pride and pleasure towards me and about my progress. Absolute acceptance and love. Sean and Kyle were eating the lychee fruits, peeling them magically without any hands, just thought, and popping them into their mouths, and tossing them to each other. They were laughing and giggling. I asked my mom, “Do you remember how you used to sit with them, especially Sean, when they were young?” I remembered the calmness Sean had, so peaceful as the two of them sat on the couch together watching tv. “Oh, yes, I have been watching them grow, there on Earth, and now here with me.” I felt so comforted knowing that they are together and see each other often in the U.R. After a little while, the three of them lifted me up and we floated into the space above the sanctuary. They were all laughing and holding me. My mom directed my attention to the upper reaches of the galaxy and I could see the many lights of the many souls doing their work in the U.R., just like I had seen in my hypnotherapy session. It was so comforting to see the reality of this existence. We floated for a little while longer, then they brought me back down to the grass. I asked the boys about my connections with them, my work, my less frequent journey meditations. They conveyed that all is well, I am on the path of my work, and my future work is very important to the development and growth of human character. There was an understanding of our eternal connection and the ability to feel the connection at all times, not just in meditation, but during any state of consciousness. They seemed to recognize and acknowledge my heightened ability to connect and my increased consciousness and awareness of spirit world, my soul Em, and the existence of the Upper Realm. They conveyed their goodbyes, then walked together through the mist. I turned and walked back to the garden. Michael walked me back to the cloud and Panther and I got on. I could see myself from my soul perspective, from the viewpoint of Em – Maria descending and preparing to return to Earth realm. It felt tremendously comforting to see and know my true being, my true essence. I felt so much compassion and love for human Maria, and so much admiration for the lessons she has undertaken! Courageous and brave she is, a tremendous teacher and healer who has much to contribute to humanity! I saw myself going back down, descending into the heavy depths of matter and human existence, and I could feel the connection and strength between Maria, the human being, and Em, the soul being. Fantastic! Aug. 7, 2012. Journey to the Upper Realm
Started in the meadow. The flowers were tall, beautiful, yellow and purple. I walked by the well up to the tree trunk and Panther came out. We walked quickly up to the cliff and boarded the cloud. We rose up into the sky. I looked at Earth below and felt thankful to be leaving it and its denseness and heavy emotions. We got to the U.R. and stepped into the garden. Michael came and hugged me. He could feel my pain and human suffering. He led me to the sanctuary. I stood on the threshold and took in the energy. I stepped inside and the boys materialized from the mist. They came to me and put their arms around me. I cried. They held me, feeling and knowing my pain, how much I miss them. “I miss you guys so much! It hurts so much.” They knew. I cried and cried, releasing the grief. They cradled me, knowing I had no one to hold me on Earth. My loss as a mother has been so great, so devastating. Does anyone understand? The boys understand. Michael understands. God understands. The boys covered me with their energy. Then the drumbeat changed and the boys began to dance. We all danced together. They took my hands and we twirled in a circle, laughing and shouting. Joy and no more earthly worries. This is where I want to be. This is where I can come anytime. “You don’t have to come up here so much anymore, Mom. You have the connection now. You know that. Feel it, see us, hear us, all the time.” They rose up to their place of learning. I saw them up above, smiling at me. I could feel the connection, the strength of the bond. That is what this year of journeying has been for – to reawaken me to the connection that is always there. “Mom, you don’t have to journey meditate, but you can still do it if you want to. You know how to connect with us, effortlessly, automatically, naturally. Don’t be afraid, Mom. You know how, you know how it works. You can do it anytime. Stay close, stay connected, we are always there with you, here with you, there is no space or time dividing us. We are you and you are us.” I walked back to the garden. Michael put his arm over my shoulder and walked me back to the cloud. “There is still so much I don’t know,” I said to him. “There is so much more that you know now,” he replied. Panther came out from the clearing and jumped onto the cloud to join me. We started to descend and Michael looked at me with pure love. I heard the boys words then – “Be pure, Mom, be pure to yourself and to everyone. Choose love, choose love.” We went through the cloud cover and down, down, down to Earth. I felt sad to be coming back. Then I felt Em, my soul, and my field of vision was filled with bright pink energy. I touched my hand and reconnected with Em. I am here. You will be ok. I felt comforted and strong. I saw myself from the perspective of Em, a fragile human being doing her best to love, and to feel the pain that will lead to growth. I got back to the cliff with Panther and we walked down the path. He went down the tree trunk and I walked into the meadow. I came down gradually, seeing Earth below, the continent, the states, the southwest, California, all the way back down to the house then into my physical body. Back here, stuck again in this place, this place of learning – challenging, painful, beautiful Earth. EPILOGUE “The peace of God which surpasses all understanding.” – Philippians 4:7 The journey, of course, continues. And I know now where it leads – it leads to LOVE. I know this because my boys showed me. I admit that there are a lot of things that happened in my journey that I can’t explain from a rational, logical or scientific perspective. But I don’t feel the need to. I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything. All I can do is share what I experienced. I learned that when we are faced with unspeakable loss, and unimaginable pain and grief, we have two choices – love or fear. I chose love. I chose to open my heart as wide as
possible. But I didn’t think about it. There comes a point when the pain becomes so great that all thought stops, and something else takes over, and we have to trust it and surrender to it. It is that something deep inside each and every one of us that KNOWS. It is beyond thought, beyond reason, beyond human comprehension. Which is why we must be able to trust it. That “something else” is what made me choose love. And that is how I survived the deaths of my sons and learned to communicate with them on the other side. I realize, of course, that there are a lot of things that I still don’t know or understand, and I don’t think I will as long as I am still human. But that’s ok. I know enough and it has helped me find meaning in what has happened in my life. The journey continues to be amazing, magical and mysterious. Amazing because of what I have become and continue to become as a soul having a human experience. But don’t get me wrong. There are still many difficult moments, and many difficult days. I still get really angry at the world, at the Universe, at God. The sorrow still overwhelms me at times and floods my entire being. There are times when the darkness permeates to my very core and the longing to return home, to leave Earth realm, becomes overpowering. But I have learned to honor those feelings when they come, to embrace them and to let them purify me. For as Ram Dass so beautifully put it, “something in you dies when you bear the unbearable, and it is only in that dark night of the soul that you are prepared to see as God sees, and to love as God loves.” I am constantly being tested and challenged, as we all are, to choose love over fear. This is how it will be throughout the journey. I know and accept that. I also understand that there will be times when I choose fear. And that’s ok too. I know it must be that way because it is an essential part of being human. As much beauty as there is in joy, I have also seen that there is profound beauty in pain. It’s all part of the journey, the magical, mystical journey that I have learned to trust. I was incredibly blessed to have Sean and Kyle in their amazing human forms for the short precious time that I was given. They taught me about unconditional love, a deep and profound emotion on the human level. But that was just the first part of the lesson. They had to leave Earth realm to teach me about divine love, a deep and profound love on the soul level. This is the “gift” that I received. As impossible as it may seem, my experience has expanded my capacity to love. Expanded my capacity to love. The reason and purpose for our short existence here on Earth. I know that I continue to be blessed with my sons’ presence, guidance and love as they exist in spirit form, their true essence. They remind me every day of the Truth, of what is reality and what is illusion, and of our reason for being. Their words echo in my heart, mind and soul every day: “Trust, Mom, trust . . . and love fearlessly!”
REFERENCES, RESOURCES AND PERMISSIONS George Anderson & Andrew Barone, Lessons From the Light, (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1999) Irina Baker,; Paul Birne, Carla Blowey, Dreaming Kevin: The Path to Healing, (Infinity Publishers, 2002);; Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix, (Carlsbad, California: Hay House, Inc., 2007); Wisdom Traditions, Office of Gregg Braden, P.O. Box 3529, Taos, New Mexico 87571-‐3529; (561) 799-‐ 9337; Tim Braun, Dannion Brinkley and Paul Perry, Saved By The Light, (New York, New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2008) Nancy Canning,;; (508) 360-‐9346 Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart, (Boston, Massachusetts: Shambhala Publications, Inc., 1997); From When Things Fall Apart, by Pema Chödrön, ©1997 by Pema Chödrön. Reprinted by arrangement with Shambhala Publications, Inc., Boston, MA, Joseph Costa, Ph.D., Institute of Thought, 3511 Camino del Rio South #404, San Diego, CA 92108; Pam Crane, Larry Dossey, The Power of Premonitions, (New York, New York: Penguin Group, Inc., 2009) Leslie Dutton, Psychic Medium,, 605 US Route One, Scarborough, ME 04074; (207) 730-‐7134; (207) 408-‐5251: Betty J. Eadie, Embraced by the Light, (Placerville, California: Gold Leaf Press, 1992) Jeanette Elmore,; (619) 840-‐5269 Marcie Galbreath, Roberta Grimes, The Fun of Dying, (Greater Reality Publications, 2010) R. Craig Hogan, Ph.D., Your Eternal Self, (Greater Reality Publications, 2008); Sandra Ingerman, Shamanic Journeying, (Boulder, Colorado: Sounds True, Inc., 2004);; Jason Leen, Peace At Last, (Bellevue, Washington: Illumination Arts Publishing, 1982) Light Omega,‐With-‐Doubt.html Todd Michael, The Evolution Angel, (New York, New York: The Penguin Group, 2008) Michael Newton, Journey of Souls, (St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 1994); Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton © 2002 Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125. All rights reserved, used by permission.
Suzane Northrop, Bob Olson, Oriah Mountain Dreamer, The Invitation, (New York, New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999); Quote from The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer (c) 1999. Published by HarperONE, San Francisco. All rights reserved. Presented with permission of the author; Robert Schwartz, Your Soul’s Plan, (Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books, 2007); From Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born by Robert Schwartz, published by North Atlantic Books, copyright © 2009 by Robert Schwartz. Reprinted by permission of publisher. Kevin J. Todeschi, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, (Virginia Beach, Virginia: A.R.E. Press, 1998) Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks, (Novato, California: New World Library, 2003) James Van Praagh, Growing Up In Heaven, (New York, New York: Ebury Publishing, 2011) James Van Praagh, Healing Grief, (New York, New York: New American Library, 2001) James Van Praagh, Talking to Heaven, (New York, New York: New American Library, 1997) James Van Praagh, Unfinished Business, (New York, New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2009) Gretchen Vogel, Choices in the Afterlife, (Keene, New Hampshire: Choices Publishing, 2010); By permission from Choices Publishing, P.O. Box 222, Keene, NH 03431 John E. Welshons, One Soul, One Love, One Heart, (Novato, California: New World Library, 2009) Myra Bennett Wiper, Lomi Healing for Women, World Blessings,
SUGGESTED READING Stafford Betty, The Afterlife Unveiled, (Alresford, Hants, United Kingdom: O-‐Books, 2011) Stafford Betty, The Imprisoned Splendor, (Guildford, United Kingdom: White Crow Books, 2011) Carol Bowman, Return From Heaven, (New York, New York: Harper Torch, 2001) Robert Brown, We Are Eternal, (New York, New York: Warner Books, 2003) Todd Burpo, Heaven Is For Real, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2010) Gina Cerminara, Many Mansions, (New York, New York: New American Library, 1950) Deepak Chopra, Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment, (New York, New York: HarperOne, 2007) Deepak Chopra, Jesus: A Story of Enlightenment, (New York, New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2008) Deepak Chopra, Life After Death: The Burden of Proof, (New York, New York: Three Rivers Press, 2006) Deepak Chopra, The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore, (New York, New York: Three Rivers Press, 2008) Jeri K. Tory Conklin, When Spirits Speak, (Browns Valley, California: 7th Wave Publishing, 2011) Joan Didion, The Year of Magical Thinking, (New York, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006) Allison Dubois, Don’t Kiss Them Goodbye, (New York, New York: Fireside, 2005) Allison Dubois, We Are Their Heaven, (New York, New York: Fireside, 2007) John Edward, One Last Time, (New York, New York: Berkley Publishing Group, 1998) John Edward, What If God Were the Sun? (New York, New York: Princess Books, 2000) Suzanne Giesemann, Messages of Hope, (One Mind Books, 2011) Bill & Judy Guggenheim, Hello From Heaven!, (New York, New York: Bantam Books, 1995) Michael Harner, The Way of the Shaman, (New York, New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1980) John Holland, The Spirit Whisperer, (Carlsbad, California: Hay House, Inc., 2010) Mark Ireland, Soul Shift, (Berkeley, California: Frog Books, 2008) Elisabeth Kubler-‐Ross & David Kessler, Life Lessons, (New York, New York: Scribner, 2000) Elisabeth Kubler-‐Ross, On Children and Death, (New York, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983) Elisabeth Kubler-‐Ross & David Kessler, On Grief and Grieving, (New York, New York: Scribner, 2005) Elisabeth Kubler-‐Ross, On Life After Death, (New York, New York: Celestial Arts, 1991) Elisabeth Kubler-‐Ross, The Tunnel and the Light, (New York, New York: Marlowe & Company, 1999) Elisabeth Kubler-‐Ross, The Wheel of Life, (New York, New York: Touchstone, 1997)
Jeffrey Long & Paul Perry, Evidence of the Afterlife, (New York, New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2010) Kristin Madden, The Shamanic Guide to Death & Dying, (Niceville, Florida: Spilled Candy Books, 1999) Joel Martin & Patricia Romanowski, We Don’t Die, (New York, New York: The Berkley Publishing Group, 1988) Richard Matheson, What Dreams May Come, (New York, New York: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, 1978) Dan Millman & Doug Childers, Bridge Between Worlds, (Novato, California: New World Library, 1999) Robert A. Monroe, Journeys Out of the Body, (New York, New York: Broadway Books, 1971) Raymond Moody and Paul Perry, Coming Back: Exploring Past Life Journeys, (1990) Raymond Moody and Paul Perry, Glimpses of Eternity, (New York, New York: Guideposts, 2010) Raymond Moody, Life After Life, (Marietta, Georgia: R. Bemis Publishing, Ltd., 1975) Raymond Moody and Paul Perry, Paranormal: My Life In Pursuit of the Afterlife, (New York, New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2012) Raymond Moody and Paul Perry, Reunions, (New York, New York: Random House, 1993) MaryRose Occhino, Beyond These Four Walls, (New York, New York: The Berkley Publishing Group, 2004) Don Piper, 90 Minutes in Heaven, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Revell 2004) Gary E. Schwartz, The Afterlife Experiments, (New York, New York: Atria Books, 2002) Gary E. Schwartz, The G.O.D. Experiments, (New York, New York: Atria Books, 2006) Gary E. Schwartz, The Truth About Medium, (Charlottesville, Virginia: Hampton Roads Publishing Co., Inc., 2005) Tom Shroder, Old Souls, (New York, New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 1999) Elaine E. Stillwell, The Death of a Child, (Skokie, Illinois: ACTA Publications, 2004) Kevin J. Todeschi, Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and Family Karma, (Virginia Beach, Virginia: Yazdan Publishing, 2011) James F. Twyman, The Barn Dance, (Carlsbad, California: Hay House, Inc., 2010) Brian Weiss, Many Lives, Many Masters, (New York, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988) Brian Weiss, Messages From The Masters, (New York, New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2000) Brian Weiss, Only Love Is Real, (New York, New York: Grand Central Publishing, 1997) Brian Weiss, Same Soul, Many Bodies, (New York, New York: Free Press, 2004) Gary Zukav, The Seat of the Soul, (New York, New York: Free Press, 1989)
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