Mastering New Testament Greek Workbook - Gordon College Faculty
October 30, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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There are about seven pages of exercises for each lesson. In general, each The translation portions are taken directly&n...
Mastering New Testament Greek Workbook
Ted Hildebrandt
Baker Academic
2 © 2003 by Ted Hildebrandt; (version 1.2) Published by Baker Academic a division of Baker Book House Company P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287 All rights reserved. This publication is intended for the personal use of the licensee. It may be stored in a retrieval system and reproduced for personal use only. It may not be transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews. Verses from the New Testament selected for reading and translation are from The Greek New Testament, edited by Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger, and Allen Wikgren, 4th revised edition, © 1966, 1968, 1975 by United Bible Societies, 1983, 1994 by the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart. Used by permission.
Contents Note to Instructors 4 1. The Alphabet 5 2. Accents, Syllables, and English Grammar 10 3. Present Active Verbs 15 4. Second Declension Nouns 23 5. First Declension Nouns 30 Review of Chapters 3–5 36 6. Prepositions 41 7. Adjectives 49 Review of Chapters 3-7 57 8. Personal Pronouns 59 9. Present Middle/Passive Verbs 69 Review of Chapters 3-9 77 10. Future Verbs 82 11. Demonstrative, Relative, Reflexive, and Reciprocal Pronouns 90 12. Imperfect Verbs 98 13. Third Declension Nouns 106 Review of Chapters 3-13 115 14. Second Aorist Verbs 120 15. First Aorist Verbs 129 16. Aorist and Future Passive Verbs 138 17. Contract Verbs 146 18. Perfect Verbs 155 19. Present Participles 164 20. Aorist Participles 173 21. Perfect Participles 182 22. Infinitives 191 23. Subjunctive Verbs 199 24. Imperative Verbs 209 25. The -mi Verbs 218 26. Numbers and Interrogatives 227 27. Comparatives, Conjunctions, and Clause Types 237 28. Case Revisited 247 -- 1 John worksheets 258
Note to Instructors
Note to Instructors This workbook has been designed to accompany the Mastering New Testament Greek interactive program, the printable textbook, and the vocabulary builder frequency list. One of my motivations for creating it was to keep the cost of first-year Greek materials to a minimum by leveraging the electronic medium. The program provides an interactive learning environment, the textbook provides hardcopy that coordinates with the interactive program, and this workbook gives specific assignments to reinforce what students are learning. The vocabulary builder frequency list contains all the words down to nine times, ready for vocabulary builder exercises. There are about seven pages of exercises for each lesson. In general, each workbook lesson begins with a parsing or declension section, followed by two translation sections (one of short portions, the other of longer ones) with usually fifteen exercises in each. The translation portions are taken directly from the Greek New Testament. Each lesson also usually includes a vocabulary review and a word puzzle to reinforce the new vocabulary for that lesson. There is also a “Think Greek” section, with five phrases enabling students to practice writing Greek for themselves. Instructors may wish to assign selected translations for homework and then use the others for paired classroom exercises. The translation exercises often draw from the writings of John. This makes for a natural transition into the interactive Easy Readers John 1–5 and 1 John that are included on the CD-ROM. My thanks to Laura Bullock who helped in the preparation of this workbook. An answer key is available for those schools that have adopted this as their main text for first year Greek. In Christ’s Xa i]dw>n o[ ]Ihsou?j th>n pin o[ ]Ihsou?j ei]j th>n oi]ki i]dw>n (Mat. 9:23)
And Jesus, after coming into the
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