October 30, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
idt IEC 529:1989. Insulation resistance. The insulation .. Position of the keyway, according to ISO 5211 and DIN 3337. &...
Electric part-turn (90°) actuators
MODACT MOK MODACT MOK CONTROL Ty p e N o . 5 2 3 2 5 - 5 2 3 2 9
MOK A 6/04
APPLICATION The MODACT MOK actuators have been designed for remote control of flaps, ball valves and other actuating devices which require up to 90°rotary action and tight closure in end positons. A typical example of application is control of ball valves, flaps and similar devices in the remote and automatic control mode. The actuators are attached directly to the control device.
DESCRIPTION AND FUNCTION The actuators consist of a power section and a control section. The power section is formed by an epicyclic gear unit, a worm gear drive for manual control and an electric motor. The control section consists of a position-limit switching and signalling unit with a position transmitter and a torque -switching unit. For microclimate conditioning of the control compartment, a built-in anti-condensation heater is used. For connection of the actuator to external circuits, a terminal board is fitted. The movements of the actuator output shaft are transmitted to the position-limit and signalling switches as well as to the position transmitter. Worm axial displacement, which depends on the load torque of the actuator, is transferred to the torque-limit switches. The actuator can be equipped with a position controller, if required by the customer. In this case, the actuators are trade-named MODACT MOK Control . Dimensional sketch of MODACT MOK electric actuators
local control M20x1,5 (10÷14mm)
Cable bushings:
local control
MOK 63 MOK 125, 250 MOK 500, 1000
1x 1x 2x 1x 1x
M25x1,5 (13÷18mm) M20x1,5 (10÷14mm) M25x1,5 (13÷18mm) M25x1,5 (13÷18mm) M32x1,5 (13÷20mm)
Dimensional sketch of MODACT MOK electric actuators Type
MOK 63
173 203 247 244 213 245 160
F 05, F 04, F 7✶
MOK 125
204 237 325 347 252 290 200 111
F 07, F 05, F 10✶
MOK 250
204 237 325 347 252 290 200 111 263
F 10, F 07
MOK 500
250 290 386 398 325 262 250 128
F 12, F 10
F 12
MOK 1000 250 290 386 398 325 362 250 128 323
) upon special request
OPERATING CONDITIONS The actuators MODACT MOK (MODACT MOK Control) should withstand the effect of operating conditions and external influences, classes AA7, AB7, AC1, AD5, AE5, AF2, AG2, AH2, AK2, AL2, AM2, AN2, AP3, BA4 and BC3, according to ČSN Standard 33 2000-3 (mod. IEC 364-3:1993). If the actuator is used at a location with an ambient temperature under - 10 °C and/or relative humidity above 80%, at a sheltered location, or in the tropical atmosphere, the anti-condensation heater which has been built in all actuators, should be always used. One or two heater elements should be connected, as required. Installation of the actuators at a location with incombustible and non-conducting dust is possible only if this has no adverse effect on their function. It is advisable to remove dust whenever the layer of dust becomes as thick as about 1 mm.
Classes of external influences Basic characteristics - as extracted from ČSN Standard 33 2000-3 (mod. IEC 364-3:1993). 1) AA7 -
Simultaneous effect of ambient temperature of - 25 °C to + 55 °C with relative humidity from 10 % upwards 2) AB7 - Ambient temperature to Point 1); minimum relative humidity 10%, maximum relative humidity 100% with condensation 3) AC1 - Altitude ≤ 2,000 m above sea level 4) AD5 - Splashing water in all directions 5) AE5 - Small dust content of air; mean layers of dust; daily dust fall more than 35 mg/m2, but not exceeding 350 mg/m2 6) AF2 - Corroding atmosphere and pollutants; the presence of corroding pollutants is significant. 7) AG2 - Average mechanical stress; in current industrial plants 8) AH2 - Medium vibrations; in current industrial plants 9) AK2 - Serious risk of growth of vegetation and moulds 10) AL2 - Serious danger of the occurance of animals (insects, birds, small animals) 11) AM2 - Harmful effect of escaping vagabond currents 12) AN2 - Medium solar radiation with intensities > 500 W/m2 and ≤ 700 W/m2 13) AP3 - Medium seismic effects; acceleration > 300 Gal ≤ 600 Gal 14) BA4 - Personal abilities; instructed people 15) BC3 - Frequent contact with the earth potential; persons coming frequently into contat with „live“ parts or standing on a conducting base Note: MODACT MOK actuators (but not MODACT MOK Control) type Nos. 52 325 to 52 329 may be also ordered in EE x nC IIB T3 finish. These actuators cannot be equipped with local control change-over switch. They can operate in zone 2 – protection type “n” according to ČSN EN 50021 Standard.
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Supply voltages of the actuators
Servomotory t.č. 52 325, 52 326, 52 327 1x230 V Supply voltages of the actuators are shown in Tab. 1. - 15 %
±2 %
1x230 V +10%, -15%; 50Hz ±2 % 3x400 V +10%, -15%; 50Hz ±2 % If another supply voltage is to be used for the actuator this should be consulted beforehand with the manufacturer.
Operating position The actuators can be used in any operating position.
Duty The actuators can operate at the rated load torque corresponding to 50% of the maximum tripping torque, in duty S 2 for 10 minutes or S 4 with a load factor of 25 % and at a switching rate of 1,200 switching cycles per hour.
Self-locking Self-locking facility of the actuators is provided by a mechanical or electromagnetic brake of the electric motor. The actuators are self-locking.
Manual control The actuators are controlled by a handwheel providing for their direct control without clutch.
Switches Each actuator is fitted with 6 quick-action one-chamber microswitches having the following parameters: 6A 250 V AC resistance load 2A 250 V AC inductive load, cos phi = 0.6 0.2 A 250 V DC resistance load L = 3 ms 0.1 A 220 V DC inductive load, — R
Anti-condensation heater To prevent water steam condensation, the actuators are fitted with an anti-condensation heater; the latter can be connected to the AC or DC voltage of 230 V.
Position potentiometer, local position indicator A dual Potentiometer of 2 x 100 Ω + max. 12 Ω is used. In the „closed“ position, the resistance between terminals should be at least 93 Ω, whereas in the „open“ position it should not exceed 5 Ω. The transmitter can be used in circuits at a voltage up to 50 V DC with currents whose value should not exceed 100 mA. The CPT 1/A current transmitter is a current device in a two-wire arrangement with the following parameters: Transmitter output signal 4 - 20 mA or 20 - 4 mA (±0.1 mA) Transmitter working angle 0° - 60° to 0° - 90° Maximum load resistance 500 Ω Supply voltage 24 V DC Maximum supply voltage 30 V DC The actuator can have a built-in power supply except for the MODACT MOK 63 Control design variant. The wiring instructions of the current transmitter are given on the wiring diagrams. The actuators are fitted with a local position indicator that has been adapted for the full working stroke of the actuator, i.e., 90°.
Terminal board of the actuator The terminal board of the actuator is fitted with terminals allowing one copper or aluminium conductor with a maximum cross-section of 2.5 mm2 or two conductors with the same cross-sectional area up to 1 mm2 to be connected.
POSITION REGULATOR A built-in position regulator allows automatic positioning of the actuator output shaft to be performed, depending on the analog input signal. At the regulator input, the input control signal is compared with the feedback signal of the position transmitter. The resulting control deviation, if any, is used for actuator run control, the actuator output shaft being brought into the position corresponding to the input control signal value. This regulator uses the high performance of the RISC processors MICROCHIP for performing all its functions, while at the same time enabling continuous system self-diagnosis to be effected and error messages to be displayed whenever a failure occurs. Due to this facility, the user need not make complicated adjustment as in the case of a current analog regulator. For this purpose, it is sufficient to start the initializing program to make the regulator perform all necessary functions.
REGULATOR SOFTWARE 1) The regulator can be programmed to perform the required functions in the following two ways: - By a PC after the RS 232 interface. - By means of the functional keys and LEDs on the regulator. The following parameters can be programmed: - Control signal - Regulator response to the TEST signal and the error state (depending on the programmed requirements) - Mirroring (ascending or descending characteristic of the control signal) - Regulator insensitivity - Way of Regulations (narrow to a moment, narrow to a position, wide to a moment, wide to a position) 2) All operating states of the regulator can be monitored by a PC after the RS 232 interface. In this case, the regulator issues error messages by means of LEDs or PC. - Presence of the TEST signal - Control signal is missing - Limit switches (faulty connection) - Failure of position sensor - Failure of thermal protection
A. 230 V +10%, -15% B. 120 V +10%, -15% C. 24 V +10%, -15%
50 - 60 Hz 50 - 60 Hz 50 - 60 Hz
Control signal
0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 V
Position sensor
Potentiometer of 100 to 10,000 Ω Current transmitter of 4 to 20 mA
Regulator linearity Regulator insensitivity Operating temperature range LED error messages
Response to failure:
Output signal:
Adjusting devices: Dimensions:
0.5% 1 to 10% (adjustable) - 25 °C to + 75 °C - TEST mode - Control signal is missing - Reversed position switches - Failure of position sensor - Failure of thermal protection Failure of sensor - Actuator in the TEST position, LED error message Control signal is missing - Actuator in the TEST position, LED error message TEST mode - Actuator in the TEST position, LED error message Power outputs - 2x relay of 5 A, 230 V Central failure - Switching contact of 24 V, 2 W 5x LED (power supply, failure, adjustment, opens, closes) Brake - Control signal of 2 mA (signal for additional module) Actuator position - I2C bus (signal for additional module) - 2x calibrating and parameter adjusting push-button - Communication connector - 75 x 75 x 25 mm
Protective enclosure Protective enclosure of the actuator corresponds to Type IP 65 or IP 67 according to ČSN EN 60529:1991 idt IEC 529:1989.
Insulation resistance The insulation resistance of electric control circuits with respect to the chassis and to each other should be at least 20 MΩ. The insulation resistance of the electric motor should be at least 1.9 MΩ. After a damp test, the insulation resistance of control circuits should be at least 2 MΩ. The insulation resistance of the CPT 1/A current transmitter is 20 MΩ at 50 V DC (under dry condition).
Electric strength Resistance position transmitter Current position transmitter CPT 1/A Circuits of microswitches and anti-condensation heaters Electric motor Un = 1 x 230 V Un = 3 x 400 V
500 V AC, 50 Hz 50 V DC 1,500 V AC, 50 Hz 1,500 V AC, 50 Hz 1,800 V AC, 50 Hz
Noise Acoustic pressure level A Acoustic power level A
85 dB (A) max. 95 dB (A) max.
Clearance of the input part Actuators, Type Nos 52 325, 52 326, 52 328 Actuators, Type Nos 52 327, 52 329
1.5° max. 2.5° max.
Working travel The rated working travel of the actuator is
Deviations of basic parameters
± 15% of the maximum tripping torque - 10%, + 15% of the rated value ≤ 4° ± 1° ± 2.5% of the rated output signal value of position transmitter ± 2.5% of the rated output signal value of position transmitter
Tripping torque Operating time of the output shaft Hysteresis of position limit and signalling switches Adjustment of working travel Nonlinearity of position transmitter Hysteresis of position transmitter
ORDERING INFORMATION When ordering, please specify the following: - Number of actuators required - Actuator designation - Complete Type Number, according to Tab.1 (9-digit) - Adjustment of tripping torque (If no tripping torque adjustment has been specified the maximum tripping torque will be adjusted by the manufacturer). The position-limit switches, the signalling switches and the position transmitter are not adjusted at the factory. Right is reserved to change the dimensions and design without notice.
Tabelle 1 - Basic technical parameters
Type Number
52 325
MOK 63
52 325 52 325 52 325 52 326 52 326 52 326 52 327 52 327
MOK 125
MOK 250
MOK 500
MOK 1000
52 327 52 326 52 327 52 328 52 328 52 328
52 329 52 329 52 327 52 329 52 329 52 329 52 329 52 329 32 9 52 328 52 329 52 329 52 329 52 329 52 329 52 329 52 329
.x=1+ .x=2+ .x=3+ .x=4+ .x=5+ .x=6+ .x=7+ .x=8+ .x=1+ .x=2+ .x=3+ .x=4+ .x=5+ .x=6+ .x=7+ .x=8+ .x=2+ .x=3+ .x=4+ .x=5+ .x=6+ .x=7+ .x=8+ .x=9+ .x=2+ .x=3+ .x=4+ .x=A+ .x=C+ .x=3+ .x=4+ .x=5+ .x=B+ .x=C+
Operating time [s/90°] 10 20 40 80 10 20 40 80 10 20 40 80 10 20 40 80 20 40 80 160 20 40 80 160 20 40 80 40 40 40 80 160 80 80
Electric motor
Tripping torque range [Nm]
16 - 32 FCJ2B52D
25 - 80** 25 - 45 16 - 32
25 - 80 25 - 45
Weight [kg]
Power [W]
Speed [1.min-1]
15 15 15 4 15 15 15
2780 2780 2780 1270 2680 2680 2680
1 x 230 1 x 230 1 x 230 1 x 230 3 x 400 3 x 400 3 x 400
0,37 0,37 0,37 0,25 0,10 0,10 0,10
7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4 7,4
60 60 20 20 90 90 20 20 60 60 20 20 90 90 20 20 120 90 90 60 90 120 90 90 60 90
2770 2770 1350 1350 2770 2770 1440 1440 2770 2770 1350 1350 2770 2770 1440 1440 1380 2770 2770 2770 2780 1380 2770 2770 2770 2780
1 x 230 1 x 230 1 x 230 1 x 230 3 x 400 3 x 400 3 x 400 3 x 400 1 x 230 1 x 230 1 x 230 1 x 230 3 x 400 3 x 400 3 x 400 3 x 400 3 x 400 3 x 400 3 x 400 1 x 230 1 x 230 3 x 400 3 x 400 3 x 400 1 x 230 1 x 230
0,53 0,53 0,4 0,4 0,34 0,34 0,20 0,20 0,53 0,53 0,4 0,4 0,34 0,34 0,20 0,20 0,47 0,34 0,34 0,53 0,90 0,47 0,34 0,34 0,53 0,90
12,7 12,7 12,3 12,3 12,7 12,7 12,7 12,7 21 21 20,5 20,5 21 21 12,7 12,7 27 26 26,3 26 27 45 43 43,3 43 45
Voltage Current [V] [A]
not delivered FCJ4C52N FCT4C54N
63 - 125 FT4C52NA EAMR56N04A FCJ4C52N FCT4C54N 125 - 250 FT4C52NA EAMR56N04A 4DPV63-4S FT4C52NA
250 - 500
500 - 1000
In the supplementary type number, the following numeric symbol should be inserted: instead of x: 6 - design with potentiometer 2 x 100 Ω 7 - design with current transmitter - 4-20 mA without built-in power supply 8 - design without position transmitter 9 - design with current transmitter - 4-20 mA with built-in power supply instead of =:
0 - design without built-in position controller and without local control 1 - design with built-in position controller without local control - MODACT MOK Control 2 - design without built-in position controller with local control 3 - design with position controller and local control - MODACT MOK Control
instead of +:
Insert a number or letter, according to Tab. 2.
Design variants with a greater tripping torque up to 80 Nm can be used at an ambient temperature of -20°C to +55°C.
Notes: Actuators MODACT MOK 500, type No. 52 328.x=2, and MODACT MOK 1000, type No. 52 329.x=3+ are fitted with an electric motor 3x 400V with a power output of 120 W without heat protection. Other actuators from Table 1 have self-acting thermal fuses integrated in the electric motors that cut off the power supply in case of overheating (after cooling down, the power supply is automatically switched on); they are not terminated at the servomotor terminal block. 4DPV63-4S electric motor is supplied without thermal protection. An automatic thermal fuse is built-in into FT2B52D electric motor. This fuse is led out to a servomotor terminal box (current carrying capacity: 250V/2.5A). Noise The sound pressure level A does not exceed 85 dB (A). The sound power level A does not exceed 95 dB (A).
Table 2 - Connection of MODACT MOK actuators (numeric symbols to be inserted in the 4th position of the supplementary type number instead of +) Flange size Type Number 52 325 F05 F05 F04 F04 F05 F04 F04 F04 F05 F05 Type Number 52 326 F07 F07 F05 F05 F07 F05 F05 F05 F07 F07 Type Number 52 327 F10 F10 F07 F07 F10 F07 F07 F07 F10 F10 F10 F10 Type Number 52 328 F12 F12 F10 F10 F12 F10 F10 F10 F10 F10 F12 F12 Type Number 52 329 F12 F12 F12 F12 F12
Square size s [mm]
Square position
keyway square keyway
11 14 11 12 12 16 16
basic positioned at a 45° positioned at a 45° basic positioned at a 45° basic positioned at a 45°
keyway square keyway
14 17 14 16 16 19 19
basic positioned at a 45° positioned at a 45° basic positioned at a 45° basic positioned at a 45°
keyway square keyway
17 22 17 19 19 24 24 27 27
basic positioned at a 45° positioned at a 45° basic positioned at a 45° basic positioned at a 45° basic positioned at a 45°
keyway square keyway
22 27 22 24 24 27 27 32 32
basic positioned at a 45° positioned at a 45° basic positioned at a 45° basic positioned at a 45° basic positioned at a 45°
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B
27 27 32 32
basic positioned at a 45° basic positioned at a 45°
0 1 4 5 6
Marking of the 4th position in the supplementary type number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B
keyway square
Servo-actuator output shaft (when viewing towards the local position indicator). The handwheel tallies with the CLOSED position
Keyway joint
Square basic position (to DIN 3337)
Other connection of the actuator upon special request.
angular position (to ISO 5211)
Connection dimensions of MODACT MOK actuators - for valves and control devices with spindles that are provided with a tight-fit keyway Position of the keyway, according to ISO 5211 and DIN 3337 (The groove is in the CLOSE position whereas the OPEN position is on the left side when viewing the local position indicator) +0,4 d7 b4 h3max h2min h1max l1min t3+0,2 H9 Js9
d2 f8
20,5 25
24,5 28
30,9 40
125 70 102 M10 42
12 45,1 50
150 85 125 M12 50
14 53,5 70
Note: The CLOSE position „Z“ („C“) of the keyway is identical to the „Z“ „C“ position on the local position indicator. Dimension d1 is determined by a larger flange used by the actuator.
- for valves and control devices with spindles that are provided with a square hole Position of the square hole in the end position of the actuator. The OPEN position is on the left of the CLOSE position, when viewing the local position indicator. The square hole corresponds to DIN 79. The connecting dimensions comply with DIN 3337 or ISO 5211
d2 f8
d4 max
h2min h1max l3min min
s emin H11
15,1 11 14,1 25 16,1 12 16,1
19,1 14 18,1 28 22,1 16 21,2
23,1 17 22,2 40 26,1 19 25,2 30,1 22 28,2 33,1 24 32,2 50 37,1 27 36,2
1,5 0,5
125 70 102 M10
150 85 125 M12
37,1 27 36,2 44,1 32 42,2
Note: The CLOSE position „Z“ („C“) of the square hole for the spindle is identical to the „Z“ „C“ position on the local position indicator. Dimension d1 is determined by a larger flange used by the actuator.
A - Square-end joint in the basic posistion B - Square-end joint positioned at an angle of 45°
Wiring diagrams of MODACT MOK electric actuators Legend: SQ1 (MO) SQ2 (MZ) SQ3 (PO) SQ4 (PZ) SQ5 (SO) SQ6 (SZ) BQ1 (V1) BQ1 + BQ2 EH SA1 SA2 C
- OPEN torque-limit switch - CLOSE torque-limit switch - OPEN position-limit switch - CLOSE position-limit switch - OPEN signalling switch - CLOSE signalling switch - Potentiometer 1x 100 Ω - Dual potentiometer 2 x 100 Ω - Anti-condensation heater - LOCAL/REMOTE switch - OPEN/CLOSE switch - Motor capacitor
Positions of the local/remote control switches: „M“ local
- One-phase motor - Three-phase motor - One-phase asynchronous motor with brake - Electromagnetic brake - CPT 1/A current position transmitter - Power supply of current transmitter of 230 V AC/24 V DC - Mains transformer - Position regulator - External contact - Directional relay for the OPEN direction - Directional relay for the CLOSE position - Thermal relay
„D“- remote
„O“- open
„Z“- close
Note: There are two protective resistors 6 W / 10 Ω in lead-in wires on all single-phase electric motors – see wiring diagrams P-0632 and P-0650. Wiring diagrams of MODACT MOK 63 electric actuators - with the potentiometer - with a one-phase motor
M 1~
P-0648 - with a one-phase motor and local control
M 1~
P-0650 Warning: Phases must not come to both outlets of the capacitor at the same time, not even for a moment. Otherwise there is a danger of damaging moment switches. This applies to all electric actuators with single-phase motor.
Wiring diagram of MODACT MOK 63 electric actuators - with the CPT 1/A current transmitter - without built-in power supply
M 1~
- with built-in power supply
M 1~
- with the CPT 1/A current transmitter and local control - without built-in power supply
M 1~
- with built-in power supply
M 1~
P-0751 Warning: Phases must not come to both outlets of the capacitor at the same time, not even for a moment. Otherwise there is a danger of damaging moment switches. This applies to all electric actuators with single-phase motor.
Wiring diagram of MODACT MOK 63 electric actuators - with three-phase electric motor - with current transmitter and built-in power supply
- with resistance transmitter or without transmitter
Wiring diagrams of MODACT MOK 125 and 250 electric actuators - with the potentiometer - with a one-phase motor
M 1~
- with a one-phase motor and local control
M 1~
- with a three-phase motor
M 3~
- with a three-phase motor and local control
M 3~
Warning: Phases must not come to both outlets of the capacitor at the same time, not even for a moment. Otherwise there is a danger of damaging moment switches. This applies to all electric actuators with single-phase motor.
Wiring diagram of MODACT MOK 125 and 250 electric actuators - with the CPT 1/A current transmitter - without built-in power supply
M 1~
- with built-in power supply
M 1~
- with the CPT 1/A current transmitter and local control - without built-in power supply M 1~
- with built-in power supply M 1~
P-0748 Warning: Phases must not come to both outlets of the capacitor at the same time, not even for a moment. Otherwise there is a danger of damaging moment switches. This applies to all electric actuators with single-phase motor.
Wiring diagram of MODACT MOK 500 and 1000 electric actuators - with the CPT 1/A current transmitter - without built-in power supply
M 3~
- with built-in power supply
M 3~
- with the CPT 1/A current transmitter and local control - without built-in power supply
M 3~
- with built-in power supply
M 3~
Wiring diagram of MODACT MOK 63 Control - with the one-phase motor and position regulator
M 1~
failure reporting max. 2W input signal 0/4-20mA, 0-10V Example of control part wiring.
Example of power part wiring. *) connection without local control
Wiring diagram of MODACT MOK 125 and 250 Control - with the one-phase motor and position regulator
M 1~
input signal 0/4-20mA, 0-10V failure reporting max. 2W Example of power part wiring. *) connection without local control
Example of control part wiring.
Warning: Phases must not come to both outlets of the capacitor at the same time, not even for a moment. Otherwise there is a danger of damaging moment switches. This applies to all electric actuators with single-phase motor.
Wiring diagram of MODACT MOK 500 and 1000 Control - with the three-phase motor and position regulator
P-0779 M 3~
input signal 0/4-20mA, 0-10V Example of power part wiring. *) connection without local control
failure reporting max. 2W Example of control part wiring.
Notes: ad. 1) The feedback signal can be brought out provided that its galvanic separation from the input signal has been ensured. ad. 2) The TEST signal can be activated by an external make contact. This signal need not be connected. ad. 3) From the terminals 25 and 26 (at MODACT MOK 125, 250, 500 and 1000), 77 and 80 resp. (at MODACT MOK 63), a failure signal can be brought out. This signal is galvanically separated from the regulator circuits. The maximum voltage which can be applied to theseterminals, is 24 V. In the design variant with the CPT1/A current transmitter, the user should provide for connection of the two-wire circuit of the current transmitter to the electric earth of the associated regulator, computer, etc. The connection should be made only at a single point in any section of the circuit outside the electric actuator. The voltage between electronics and the current transmitter case should not exceed 50 VDC. In the ZP2.RE regulator, all circuits of the CPT 1/A current transmitter are connected to the input signal circuits and the circuits connected to the regulator TEST terminal. The electric earth connection of these circuits should be made only at a single point of one of the three circuits, while other circuits should not be connected to the earth.
Electric actuators and switchboards Development, production, sales, ser vices
Electric part-turn actuators (up to 30 Nm)
Modact MOK, MOK-P, MOK-P EEx
D Y A T R I T AL Y U T I Q IL B A I L E R Electric part-turn actuators for ball valves and flaps
Modact MON
Electric multi-turn actuators
Modact MO EEx
Explosion proof electric multi-turn actuators
Modact MOA
Electric part-turn actuators for nuclear power stations application outside containment
Modact MOA OC
Electric multi-turn actuators for nuclear power stations application inside containment
Modact Variant MPR
Electric part-turn lever actuators with a variable output speed
Modact Konstant MPS
Electric part-turn lever actuators with a constant output speed
Modact MTN
Electric linear thrust actuators with a constant output speed
Deliveries of assembled actuator + fitting (or MASTERGEAR gearbox) combinations
tř. 5. května 166 289 11 PEČKY, Czech Republic e-mail:
[email protected] www.zpa-pecky.cz
tel.: +420 321 785 141-9 fax: +420 321 785 165 +420 321 785 167