Mogadore School Bell
October 30, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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teams with Michael Sansom, Gavin Chew and. Zack States taking 1st January 4th making us 4-0 ......
Mogadore School Bell Volume 54: Issue 1
Mogadore Local Schools 1 S. Cleveland Avenue Mogadore, OH 44260
January, 2016
F ro m Y o u r S u p e rin t e n d e n t , D r. C h ris t in a D in k lo c k e r Warm Winter Greetings…
I hope that the New Year brings you the great gifts of good health, joy-filled family times, the opportunity to learn something new and to add friendships to your life. As the second semester begins, we celebrate the remarkable fall season and march forward toward graduation. We hope you enjoy the news from the schools and community throughout this newsletter. As always, your support makes all the difference for our children. We are grateful. All the best, Dr. C. Dinklocker .
Wildcat placers at the Chippewa Tournament (from left to right): Andrew Riddle, 3rd place, Zack States, champion, Michael Sansom, champion, Gavin Chew, champion, Andrew Graska, 3rd place, Michael Miller, 3rd place, Jared Sanders, 4th place.
Mogadore Wildcat Wrestling – Coach Funk
We salute our Wildcat team and coaching staff. You had an inspiring season!
The Wildcats placed 8th at the Waterloo Invitational out of 24 teams. They took 3rd place at the Chippewa Invitational out of 10 teams with Michael Sansom, Gavin Chew and Zack States taking 1st place in their weight class. They beat Ellet and St. Thomas Aquinas at home on the 22nd of December. Josh Tompkins won his 100th match over St. Thomas during our home match. The also beat Rittman and Dalton in a dual on January 4th making us 4-0 in dual meets to da t e
Josh Tompkins gets his 100th win!
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Jr/Sr High School Information & Events Russ Swartz, Principal Reminder: Class fees and fines are due to the office by Friday, January 15, 2016. Important Dates and Events January 15 Junior High spelling bee January 18 Martin Luther King Day – no school January 20 - 22 High school exams – see schedule below January 22 End of 2nd nine weeks/first semester January 25 3rd nine weeks begins/second semester February 11 Parent/Teacher conferences – grades 7-12 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Please call Mrs. Talbott to schedule a conference time) February 15 President’s Day – no school March 14-18 – Class of 2016-2017 students that have not passed parts of OGT O.G.T. Testing Monday – Friday, each day 7:45 – 9:35 A.M. • Monday – Reading • Thursday - Science • Tuesday – Math • Friday – Social Studies • Wednesday - Writing March 24 End of 3rd nine weeks March 25 – April 3 Spring Break (students return to school Monday, April 4) April 11 – May 13 AIR Testing for students in grades 7-12 Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL EXAM SCHEDULE JAN. 20, 21, and 22, 2016 We will follow the exam schedule outlined below. If we have any snow days on exam days, those exams will be taken the following day(s). The exams will be given in the same order as originally scheduled (the start of second semester will be pushed back the same amount of days cancelled due to weather). This pertains to the high school grades only. No high school lunches will be served during exam days. Junior high lunch remains the same (11:59 – 12:29 or 12:32 – 1:02). Junior high students will follow a regular bell schedule and will take subject tests and practice O.A.A. Testing (A.I.R.) during the day. All junior high students are required to attend the full school day. Tuesday, January 19 Regular school schedule Review for exams Wednesday, January 20, 2016 Exams: Period 1 (7:45 A.M. – 9:00 A.M.) Exams: Period 2 (9:15 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.) Exams: Period 3 (10:45 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.) Lunch: 12:00 P.M. – 1:00 P.M. Make-up exams: 1:00 P.M. – 2:15 P.M. Thursday, January 21, 2016 Exams: Period 4 (7:45 A.M. – 9:00 A.M.) Exams: Period 6 (9:15 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.) Make-up exams: 10:45 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Lunch: 12:00 P.M. – 1:00 P.M. Make-up exams: 1:00 P.M. – 2:15 P.M. Friday, January 22, 2016 Exams: Period 7 (7:45 A.M. – 9:00 A.M.) Exams: Period 8 (9:15 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.) Make-up exams: 10:45 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Lunch: 12:00 P.M. – 1:00 P.M. Make-up exams: 1:00 P.M. – 2:15 P.M. *No exam period 5 – lunch/study hall period
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
– Janet Warren
Welcome back! We hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable winter break. With the second half of our school year beginning, there are many deadlines approaching. Seniors: Now that we have reached January, many college application and scholarship deadlines will quickly arrive. It is strongly encouraged that seniors meet with Mrs. Warren to discuss any concerns or questions about the application process in order to meet these upcoming deadlines. Remember, there are transcript request forms available in the Counselor’s Corner, and students should give Mrs. Warren at least three days notice to process these requests. Scholarship applications will be updated weekly and seniors are especially encouraged to apply for as many scholarships as possible. Also, any senior who is interested in visiting campuses should pick up the necessary paperwork from the office. Transcripts: Obtain an Official Transcript Request Form from the bulletin board in the Counselor’s Corner or download one from MHS Counselor’s Corner website under the forms tab. Allow at least 48 hours notice for all transcript requests. Be mindful of snow days and deadlines! Final high school transcripts will not be automatically sent; the student must request them. Applications: When ready, bring the following to the Counselor’s Office: 1. Completed application, unless online. 2. College Prep Form; the counselor completes part of this form. 3. Application fee (if applicable) made out to the college or university only if the counselor is mailing the application. 4. Official Transcript Request form signed by parent/guardian. The counselor will complete any necessary details on your application and will mail the items together upon request. Applying Online: Go to the college/university website to complete. has information on most US colleges/universities and their applications. Read instructions and application carefully; print any counselor or teacher forms that are requested. Bring appropriate forms to the counselor with a signed transcript request form if one is required. Athletes: Registration and clearinghouse information for athletes is available online Make a request to the counselor to send an Official Transcript.
2015 and 2016 ACT Test Dates - Register online for the ACT at
Test Date
Registration Deadline
Late Fee Required
April 9, 2016
March 4, 2016
March 5-18, 2016
June 11, 2016
May 6, 2016
May 7-20, 2016
2015 and 2016 SAT Test Dates - Register online for the SAT at
Test Date Mar. 5, 2016
Registration Deadline
Late Deadline
Feb. 5, 2016
Feb. 23, 2016
Mogadore School Bell
May 7, 2016 June 4, 2016
January 2016
Apr. 8, 2016 May 5, 2016
Apr. 26, 2016 May 25, 2016
All Prospective National Honor Society Members and Parents: All students who apply for membership in the National Honor Society must obtain 10 service hours during the year before February 2016 prior to application. Students must be in their 10th grade year or above to apply. Those who apply must also have a cumulative, un-weighted GPA of at least 3.5. NHS dues are $25.00 per year.
JUVENILE COURT’S TEEN COURT SEEKING VOLUNTEERS Summit County Juvenile Court has volunteer opportunities available for county high school students interested in participating in its Teen Court program. The volunteers will be trained on how to follow courtroom procedures and the principles of restorative justice. Upon completion of the training, the volunteers will be part of an actual Court hearing by serving in the roles of defense attorney, prosecuting attorney and jurors. Members of the Akron Bar Association and the Prosecutor’s Office mentor the teen attorneys. All cases referred to Teen Court will involve youth facing lower-level misdemeanor charges in which the youth has already admitted to the charge and has agreed to have the Teen Court decide the appropriate sanctions. Both sides will present their cases and the jury will deliberate to decide what sanction the youth will receive. Teen Court is a diversion program, so if the youth successfully completes the terms of the sanctions rendered by the jury, the charge against him or her will be dismissed. Teen Court hearings are conducted twice a month, usually on Thursdays, beginning at 4:30pm. Many schools allow students to count the time spent volunteering on Teen Court toward their community service hours. Applications can be accessed on the Juvenile Court website at Click on the “General Information” tab and click the “Forms” option on the drop-down list. Mailing and contact information will be provided on the form. “I think this will be a valuable learning experience for everyone who has chosen to be involved in Teen Court,” said Judge Linda Tucci Teodosio. “It holds a youth accountable for making a poor choice and I also believe that Teen Court can instill a greater understanding of how the juvenile justice system works.”
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Mogadore High School
Yearbook News
Yearbook Sales. Even though the 2016 is still being created, you can order your copy today through the website. There is also a limited supply of past yearbooks. Visit the yearbook website for details.
Yearbook Pick-Up. The 2015 yearbooks arrived in September. You can pick up your order in the high school office. In addition, there are a limited supply of extras that will be sold on a first come, first served basis.
Student Recognition Ads. Ads are on sale now through Friday, March 18. This is a unique opportunity to send a message, which will bring a smile to your student's face over and over throughout the years. Space is limited. You can order online through the website or by returning the attached order form to the high school.
Sharing Photos. Help us create the yearbook. Share photos with the yearbook staff, view photos of friends and events, and see the school year as it happens. Upload your photos to As an alternative, you may submit your photos as an attachment in an email to
Senior Portraits. Only photos taken by Prestige Portraits may be used in the senior portrait section of the yearbook. You can schedule an appointment for this head-shot or have a free photo taken on the senior picture day in the spring. For more information, visit the yearbook website. Feel free to contact the yearbook advisor, Mr. Lawrence, with any questions.
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Student Recognition Ad Order Form Student Name _________________________________________________________ Your Name _____________________________________________________________ Address ________________________ City _______________ State ___ Zip ________ Phone __________________________ Email _________________________________
Sizes and Prices Please select ad size below 1/8-page ($40) ¼-page ($50)
1/8-page $40
1/4-page $50
Full-page $100
1/8-page $40
½-page ($60)
1/2-page $60
Full-page ($100)
Message (Write below or attach)
Please keep this a secret from my student Signature _______________________________________________ Date __________ Enclosed: Number of photos __________ Ad $ __________ Check # ____________ Please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for the return of your photo(s).
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Washington D.C. May 17 – May 20, 2016 Eighth Grade Class Trip Eligibility Requirements: 1.) GRADES – A student must not be failing more than one academic subject for the year by the end of the first semester. 2.) BEHAVIOR – A student may not have more than one out-of-school suspension, three in-school suspensions, or five detentions prior to the trip. 3.) ATTENDANCE – A student may not miss more than seven days in any one previous quarter prior to the trip. 4.) Mandatory Meeting for Parents: November 12, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. in the commons area. 5.) Payment schedule as follows: December 4, 2015 - non-refundable deposit of $150.00 January 15, 2016 - payment of $150.00 February 5, 2016 - payment of $150.00 March 11, 2016 – payment of $165.00 or student’s balance is due 6.) The cost of this year’s trip is $615.00/student. Fund Raisers and Scholarships T.B.A.
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Eighth Grade Class Trip Objectives of the Washington D.C. Trip The objectives of the proposed 8th grade trip to Washington D.C. are two-fold: (1) to reinforce an appreciation of our American heritage; and (2) to provide an opportunity to students for both social and emotional growth by accepting responsibility for appropriate conduct in an out-of-school setting. The attached itinerary is evidence of the pre-planning involved—always with the safety of the students as our paramount consideration. At no time between awakening and evening bed check will the students be allowed beyond a prescribed area at each location. The following teachers and chaperones will be accompanying this year’s 8th graders: Mr. Stephen Lutz, Mr. Jonas Lawrence, Mrs. Angela Francis, Mrs. Denise Lutz Respectfully, Russ Swartz, Principal 8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip Procedures and Rules: 1.
Students will bring everything they need for the trip when they arrive at school by 6:15 A.M. on Tuesday, May 17th.
The bus will leave from the high school promptly at 6:45 A.M.
The suggested amount of optional spending money to send with your child is $40 - $60. This money will be used for souvenirs & snacks. Each student is responsible for his/her own spending money.
The actual cost of the trip is $615.00. Your cost will vary depending on your child’s fund-raising efforts. Individual statements are available through Mr. Lutz. Please send a check for $150.00 (for the non-refundable deposit) made payable to “Mogadore Local Schools” no later than Friday, December 4, 2015. This check is to be given to Mr. Lutz or the main office. The first payment of $150.00 will be due by January 15, 2016. The second payment of $150.00 will be due by February 5, 2016. Your remaining balance will be due by March 11, 2016.
The request form for the administration of prescription or non-prescription medication (enclosed in D.C. packet) must accompany your child’s medication. All medication should be given to Mrs. Lutz on the day of departure.
If you have concerns about the financial obligation or any other questions, please call the school at 330-628-9943.
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PHYSICIAN TO: _____________________________________SCHOOL DISTRICT PERSONNEL Since medication for the student listed below cannot be scheduled for other than school hours and the administration of such medication may be supervised by non-medical personnel, it is requested that the medication as indicated below be administered by the school principal or his designee. 1.) 2.)
Name of student______________________________________________________ Address of student____________________________________________________
Medication to be administered: Name ______________________________________________________________ Purpose _____________________________________________________________ Dosage (quantity and time of day)_________________________________________ Medication to be administered: Name_______________________________________________________________ Purpose _____________________________________________________________ Dosage (quantity and time of day)_________________________________________ Medication to be administered: Name _______________________________________________________________ Purpose _____________________________________________________________ Dosage (quantity and time of day)_________________________________________
Over the counter drugs which can be administered (e.g. Tylenol, Advil, Tums, Imodium, cough syrup,etc…)____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
Any special instructions (e.g. storage) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
Date of this request________________________________________________
Physician’s signature_________________________________________________________
Physician’s address_________________________________________________
Physician’s telephone number: Business______________________Home_____________________ (A copy of this form shall be filed near the medication storage area.)
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
I (we) request that medication be administered to our child, _____________________________ Name of Child In accordance with above instructions of our physician, Dr.______________________________ I (we) understand that the administration of said medication is to be done under the supervision of either the principal or a member of the staff selected by the principal. I (we) understand that the medication is to be delivered to the school by the parent or guardian only and that medication not picked up by the parent or guardian within three days of notification will be disposed of by the principal. I (we) agree to deliver a four-day supply of medication to the school in the original container. I (we) agree to notify the school immediately if: 1.) We change physicians 2.) The medication or dosage is changed 3.) The administration of the medication is to be terminated *The undersigned agrees to hold harmless the Teacher, Principal, his Designee and/or Mogadore Board of Education in any claim for damages resulting from the care, custody, control and/or administering of the said medication referred to above. Signature of parent(s)/guardian(s): 1.) _______________________________________ Date______________________ 2.)
Address of parents___________________________________________________
Home telephone_____________________Cell phone_______________________
Business telephone number__________________________ext.#______________
TO BE COMPLETED BY THE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL 1.) Person(s) authorized to administer medication for student ___________________________ Student’s Name ___________________________ Name ___________________________ Name ___________________________ Name 2.)
_____________________________ Signature _____________________________ Signature _____________________________ Signature
________ Date ________ Date ________ Date
Principal’s Signature____________________________________Date ________
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
NECESSITIES FOR THE TRIP One suitcase per student One carry-on (book bag) piece that must fit in an overhead compartment Comfortable walking shoes. Tennis shoes are acceptable. No open-toed shoes or flip-flops Jacket (preferably water-repellent) Clothes for three days (no sandals, no miniskirts, no blue jeans, no jean shorts or jean skirts). Bath products Swimming attire, including towel and plastic bag for wet items Electronic devices, games (these items must have headphones on the bus), and camera (for safety reasons the flash option must be turned off on all cameras). Each student is responsible for their electronic devices. DVDs to watch on bus – school appropriate only Film/Digital camera or disposable camera Spending money (optional) for souvenirs & snacks ($40-$60 is plenty)
DRESS CODE While in Washington D.C., we will be representing Mogadore Local Schools, and high standards of dress and behavior will be expected at all times. BUS BEHAVIOR Be on time! Stay together. Use the buddy system. Quiet voices. No drinks. No gum. Food will not be permitted. Camera flash must be turned off. Headphones are a necessity for DVD/CD/IPODs/MP3 players, etc. You may choose your own seat. However, the seat you choose is yours for the entire trip.
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Mr. John Knapp, Principal New Year – New Information Please make sure that you have updated your contact information for the school. We absolutely need to have new phone numbers and information for all of the people on the contact list, including parent information. Thanks for your assistance in this area. November Pawsome Kids Emma Butler Emma Menegay Audrey Garner Max Shannon Delaney Penrod Kai Gaetjens Peyton Walker Tyler Pendergast Bowen Cooper Kiki Cresong Gracie Funk Addie Christy Ronnie Skye Austin Constantine Mia Gaetjens Camryn Manley Carissa Castilow Jon Cumberlidge Brooke McElhattan Donovan Salay Mason Murphy Salma Zerhouane Brenna Iczkowski Brenna Iczkowski (twice!)
Christmas in the Village With pinecones from Dr. Dinklocker’s yard, PTSO funds for peanut butter and zip closure bags, and gallons of birdseed I had at home, the students and their families were able to make winter crafts. The birds of Mogadore surely ate well following the festivities in the village. A simple craft of pinecones with a hanging wire that are lightly coated in peanut butter and rolled in birdseed make for a high-energy food source for the local bird (and presumably squirrel) population. High school volunteers also helped the students in creating their birdfeeder.
Mystery dinner On the last day of school before winter break the sixth grade students were invited to participate in a mystery dinner. The objective was to carefully read and decipher clues to the menu items and then select five items for each of the four courses. Parents, grandparents, and guests acted as the servers for this meal. Students who did not channel their inner sleuthing skills were met with a great surprise. Some had courses without utensils, though the celery was useful as a spoon and toothpicks suggested sample day at the local supermarket. All in all everyone had a great time talking and laughing at the mystery dinner.
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Board Appreciation Event On December 14th students from the sixth grade presented a skit for School Board Appreciation. Developed by Mrs. Lasure and Mrs. Lee the students rehearsed and presented “If I were a board member this is what I’d do.” The students gave the members gifts of thanks as well.
Tree donated by the Lions club The local Lions Club donated a Christmas tree to O.H. Somers. Students from Mrs. Condor’s room decorated and trimmed the tree, which was displayed in the main hallway by the office. As I walked into school each morning and turned on the tree lights and unplugged them when leaving for the day the spirit of the holidays filled the environment. A special thank you to the Lions for their generosity this holiday season.
More SMART boards The PTSO as part of their work through fundraisers has been purchasing SMART boards for the classrooms. This year they provided two additional units. The SMART board is a tool that supports interactive learning, student engagement through demonstrations and displays, and access to content available on the web. Each unit costs about $2000.00 and we still need about seventeen more to complete the building. Your support of PTSO fundraisers is greatly appreciated.
Santa Shop This holiday season also saw the return of the Santa Shop for the young people at O.H. Somers. PTSO and many volunteers made it possible for the students to shop for their loved ones. Also visiting the Thursday before break were guests Mr. and Mrs. Claus. It was nice to have them available for photo opportunities and to spread some good will and cheer.
Online testing Students in third grade participated in the fall administration of the AIR (American Institute for Research) Language Arts and Reading test. From observations it seemed as though the students all worked diligently on the assessment. It is essential that students practice their computer skills, especially so in the area of typing to more efficiently draft extended responses. Being able to interact with and generate answers on a digital platform is an important skill to build. Many companies use online applications and assessments to vet perspective employees. Teachers and staff will continue to look for new ways to engage the students in using technology as it will play an increasing role in their lives.
Art shadow boxes Depicted in the images are shadow boxes the students in fifth grade art students developed. Each has a self-portrait and a positive affirmation. The messages are brief yet powerful in their whimsical execution.
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Minute to win it Fifth graders spent some of their day before winter break on various minute-to-win-it type challenges. Parents and volunteers helped make the games fun and enjoyable for the students.
Mrs. Draiss – First Grade This Christmas Season, Mrs. Draiss’s first graders wanted to give back to the community. We participated in the Scholastic Pajama Program. Throughout the months of November and December we collected brand new pairs of pajamas to be donated to children in need this season. For every pair of pajamas we collected, they donated a book as well. We were able to collect 16 pairs of brand new pajamas! For children living in foster care, group homes, and shelters, depending on the situation, they likely entered the program with few personal belongings. These pajamas and books were able to make a strange new place a little more comfortable. I am so proud of my first graders!
1st/2nd Grade Enrichment Class Studies Sweet Treats! On Thursday, November 5th, the 1st and 2nd grade enrichment class took a field trip to Harry London (Fannie May) Chocolate Factory in Canton. To prepare for what we would be seeing at the factory, we took a virtual tour of Hershey’s Chocolate Factory, watched clips about the history of chocolate, and read several nonfiction books describing the harvesting of cocoa beans in South America and the lengthy extraction process they must go through to become one of the main ingredients in chocolate. We also broke into small groups to get creative and design our own chocolate factories from the ground up. Students had to work together to come up with a founding date, location, hours of operation, company name, mission statement, and of course, several delicious chocolatey treats! Students cooperated wonderfully and presented their factories to the class after typing their reports up, illustrating their chocolate products, and assembling a poster together. The field trip itself was a great time and the tour guide was very surprised to learn how much we already knew about the chocolate making process upon our arrival. After touring the factory from above and actually getting to see chocolates being made, we got to sample a few of their best sellers and peruse the gift shop afterward. It was a great experience and the staff was exceptional. Chocolate tours are free and very educational for all ages, so you may want to consider making a family trip to Harry London if you’ve never been!
Miss Pro's class was all smiles after touring the Harry London Chocolate Factory and getting to sample fine chocolates!
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
4th Grade Social Studies – Mrs. Brinkley The students have been learning about Native Americans and their way of life. Fourth Graders were able to touch real flint tools, sample the Three Sisters (beans, corn and squash) and use a mortar and pestle to grind dried corn. The students also tried their hand at "cave" drawings, using many of the same symbols and designs seen in Native American artwork.
4th Grade Science – Mrs. Brinkley It's Fossil Time! Students have been learning all about the Fossil Record and how fossils were formed. They have been creating their own cast and mold fossils as well as making samples of trace fossils and amber. Ask the fourth graders to tell you about all the fossils they have been holding in the classroom: Mastodon and Woolly Mammoth molars, trilobites, crinoids, coprolites and more!
Reading/Language Arts – Mrs. J. Jones It's "all Greek to us" this grading period! We have been reading a number of Greek myths and exploring character traits, summarizing, and theme. We have also been reading Tales from the Odyssey by Mary Pope Osborne, which has swept us up in Odysseus' adventurous and challenging odyssey back to Ithaca; we can't wait to see how the story ends!
4th Grade Math – Mrs. Donovan The fourth grade Math classes have been working hard on multiplication the month of December and continuing through January. Multiplication is a huge part of our curriculum in fourth grade. Students must know the difference between factors and multiples, which can be very tricky! Students have been making ARRAYS to find all of the FACTORS of a product, as well as identifying PRIME and COMPOSITE numbers. Students created FACTOR rainbows, which is another strategy, to help identify all of the factors of any given product. They definitely needed to have a good grasp of their basic multiplication facts to master these skills.
Music Dept. – Mrs. Tonsic The music department at Somers was busy through the holidays starting with Halloween. The third grade performed a Halloween musical on Wednesday, October 28th. They wore their Halloween costumes, sang scary songs and recited creepy poems. For Veteran's Day every class performed a patriotic song for the Veterans at the Veteran's Day breakfast held in the Multi-purpose room. The Veterans heard old classics like You're a Grand Old Flag, sung by the first grade and America, the Beautiful, sung by the third grade. The fourth grade got to perform Yankee Doodle on their recorders. The newer songs sung by the 5th grade and the 6th grade were very touching. The most popular song, Proud to Be an American, was sung by the 6th grade. There was not a dry eye in the house.
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Christmas this year was made exciting by our 5th grade voices! They performed a wonderful Christmas program entitled Let it Shine. There was an in-school performance and an evening performance on December 9th. One of the parents told Mrs. Tonsic that she really enjoyed hearing Silent Night, sung in German and Oh Come All Ye Faithful, sung in Latin. They also got to sing at the Mogadore Branch Library for Christmas in the Village on Saturday, December 12th. The students had a wonderful experience singing together and sharing their love of the Christmas season. The students that sang solos were Trevor Davis, Molly Menegay, Natalie Lane, Lana McMahon, A.J. Wagner, Brooke McElhattan, Erial Kroah, Braden Carden, Carsen Jones, and Rachel Charles. Next semester the Somers Chorus starts their rehearsals with performances scheduled including singing for a Rubber Ducks game. Our 1st grade students will be performing a St. Patrick's Day/Spring musical on March 16th at Somers. At the end of April is our Annual Community Fair and Art Show where Kindergarten, first grade and second grade as well as our Somers Chorus will be showing off their wonderful singing talent. Be sure to put the Community Fair on your calendar for April 30th, 2016!
Mrs. Pollock – Gym Class During a recent free day in gym class at Somers, students could choose from a variety of activities. Jumping rope, hula hoops, basketball, wall ball, bowling, and a new moon ball, are just a few of the options. Students can focus on a favorite or try them all.
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Other News & Information Mogadore Alumni Foundation The Alumni Foundation’s annual Spaghetti Dinner will be held April 9, 2016 in the High School commons. Cost is $7.00 for adults, $3.00 for children under twelve. Children five years and under eat for free. Carry out will be available. A lot of people look forward to this event each year to re-connect with some of their classmates, visit with friends, and other members of our community, and eat a delicious meal! This is the Alumni Foundation’s main fundraiser so please make it a point to join us for dinner. We appreciate your support and hope to see everyone there! Don’t forget to send in your membership dues. Annual membership is $10.00 per year and lifetime membership is $100.00 (a one-time fee for lifetime). All proceeds go toward scholarships for Mogadore graduates and Teacher Grants.
Sponsored by the MOGADORE MOGADORE SCHOOLS ALUMNI FOUNDATION Mogadore High School Commons 130 S. Cleveland Ave. Mogadore, OH. Saturday,, April 9, 2016 4:30 4:30 – 7:00 $7.00 Adult - $3.00 Children under 12 Children 5 and under eat for free Carry out available
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Mogadore Athletics Boosters are proud to present: A Community Keepsake item, available to all the families in Mogadore. We will be selling for $12 pre-sale or $15 after printing, a Community Cookbook called:
“A Taste of Mogadore” The definitive Mogadore cookbook for the decades will be published spring 2016. Discover simple, wonderful cookery from the kitchens of all of your neighbors and friends across our village. While many recipes cannot be called “low-fat,” this is honest-to-goodness, homemade cooking that can be shared for generations to come. This mouthwatering cookbook contains 100+ recipes – everything you need from appetizers to desserts. Each recipe includes the contributor’s name, so it’s easy to find the recipes of friends and loved ones.
8 ½” x 5 ½” coiled bound book Think of ordering a few for gifts for Mother’s day or birthdays!
We are looking for families to donate their recipes! Complete the form and submit to a Mogadore Athletic Booster Board Member or scan and email to: by February 26, 2016
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
MOGADORE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2015 IMPROVEMENTS • Depot windows: re-glazed and painted • Depot exterior: scrapped, replaced some trim, painted • Depot sign: renovated and repainted • Depot interior: new displays of fire and police departments • Model train display: elevated in Depot Passenger Room • Depot basement: insulated, dry walled, painted, furnace restarted • Model train display: started in Depot basement • Mogadore Art Club: started painting mural of old Mogadore in Depot basement to complement train display • Participation in Christmas in the Village with 600+ visitors in the House and Depot Support your community and its history by becoming a member or renewing your membership now. Please send your check to Mogadore Historical Society, 87 S. Cleveland Avenue, Mogadore, OH 44260. Please complete the form below: NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: CHECK NUMBER: CIRCLE THE TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP DESIRED: INDIVIDUAL: $15 FAMILY: $25 STUDENT: $5 BUSINESS: $100 (Includes Certificate of Support and Recognition on our Facebook page) Additional funds for further restoration of the Depot and other improvements to the Historical Society property may be included. The Historical Society is a non-profit, 501 © (3), organization so all memberships and donations are tax deductible. Any questions: contact Dick Bauer (330-351-3840) or
Spring Community Fair Mogadore Schools’ annual Community Fair is just around the corner. It will be held Saturday, April 30 from 10:00 to 2:00. Besides Health and Wellness groups, local businesses, and nonprofit groups, there will be a student art show, concerts, a new book sale and food available for purchase. Mark your calendars and plan to attend the Mogadore Schools’ Community Fair. If you are a member of a group and would like to have a table at the Community Fair, please register by March 31st. Call 330-628-9946, ext. 2 for a registration form.
Mogadore School Bell
Mogadore Branch Library –
January 2016
Kim DeBenedictis
CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS Library Babies and Tots - Thursdays, January 21, February 25 at 10:30 am - Ages birth – 3 ½. Join Miss Kim for songs, stories and group playtime with our library friends. Story Time Programs - Tuesdays, January 19 – February 23 at 10:30 am Ages 3 and up. (There will be no program February 9) Join Miss Kim for stories, songs, games and crafts. Drop In Dance Party and Playtime - Mondays, January 25, February 15, February 29 at 6:30 pm Join Miss Kim for a dancing good time! SCHOOL AGE PROGRAMS Lego Club – Thursdays, 3:30 pm–4:30 pm Grades K – 6. Kids under 8, please bring a grownup along! Create with friends! We will supply the Legos and a theme to help inspire your creative designs. Visit us for a fun afternoon of building. You may view our blog at to see past Lego constructions. January 14: Wild West January 28: Pick your own theme February 11: Military Base February 25: Design your dream home Pokémon Club – Wednesdays, January 27, February 24, 3:30 pm-4:30pm Grades K-6. Kids under 8, please bring a grownup along! Talk, trade and play everything Pokémon. Children will be responsible for their own cards. TEEN PROGRAMS Teen Tuesdays - First, third and last Tuesdays of each month, 3:30 pm. A hodgepodge of fun! Grades 6 on up January 19: Come spend the afternoon exploring some cool careers and job resources with Ms. Diane from the Business and Government. Be ready to practice some interview skills. February 2: Wii Gaming February 16: YouTube 101 March 1: Wii Gaming TAB (Teen Advisory Board) – Last Tuesday of the month at 3:30 pm, age 12 on up. Help us plan teen programs, decorate the teen area, and help with community projects. Have a snack and some fun! The Teen Advisory Board is a good way to get volunteer hours for school and looks great on a resume. January 26: Healthy Snacking 101 with Julie Rovelli RD LD, Acme Dietician February 23: Hattie Larlham Community Project FAMILY PROGRAMS PAWS for Reading – Saturdays, January 16, February 13 from 11 am – 12 pm Practice your reading skills by reading aloud to our doggie pal, Lacey. Children of all ages are welcome. No registration is requested. Nature Connect Visit, explore and enjoy our NatureConnect areas. There are binoculars and observation sheets near both areas to help you hone in on your nature observation skills. Visit our blog to view pictures of our nature space as it changes with the seasons. January: DIY Snow Critter Craft February: DIY 2 Go Sun Art Craft
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
ADULT PROGRAMS How to Have a Happy Life and Attract What You Desire – Thursday, January 21, 6:30 pm Certified Life Coach Susan Finley will teach the most important points in discovering what brings you TRUE happiness…and you will learn how to attract these things into your life. She will provide you with the tools and information to empower you to have the Life you desire and deserve. Internet Genealogy – Thursday, February 11, 6:00 pm There are an overwhelming number of websites for genealogy research. This class will provide tips for locating online resources for family history research and allow participants some class time to explore web sites. The focus will be on finding free online genealogy resources and brief introductions to the library’s genealogy databases. This class does not cover Ancestry Library Edition as there is a separate class for this resource. As we will be using electronic resources, basic computer skills are recommended. Coloring for Adults – Wednesday, February 17, 1:00 and 6:00 pm Coloring is an activity we think of as being for kids. However, it can be beneficial for adults. Come to the library for this therapeutic source of creativity and relaxation and de-stress as we color inside and outside of the lines. Coloring sheets and colored pencils will be provided. Adults only please. Please call 330-628-9228 to register for this program. Honor Flight – Thursday, February 18, 1:00 pm Join us for a viewing of the film Honor Flight: One Last Mission. Honor Flight is a heartwarming documentary about four living World War II veterans and a Midwest community coming together to give them the trip of a lifetime. Volunteers race against the clock to fly thousands of WWII veterans to Washington, DC to see the memorial constructed for them in 2004, nearly 60 years after their epic struggle. The Hospice of the Western Reserve will be available afterward to answer questions and assist interested Veterans in filling out an Honor Flight application. Please call 330628-9228 to register for this program. Cookbook Club – Thursdays, January 28, February 25 at 6:00 pm Do you love browsing through cookbooks and trying new recipes or cooking techniques? Join fellow foodies for our Cookbook Club. You don’t have to be a gourmet chef to participate. Each month we will get together to talk about a certain book, theme, or a celebrity chef. There will be food samples or activities at every meeting. A selection of cookbooks will be available for members to borrow. Browse our collection, try out some of the recipes, and join the group to discuss your successes and mishaps. Snacks will be served at this program. Patrons with food allergy questions should contact the branch. January 28: COOKING LIGHT: REAL FAMILY FOOD by Amanda Haas February 25: THE LODGE CAST IRON COOKBOOK by Pam Hoenig Investment Perspectives – Tuesdays, January 19, February 16 at 6:30 pm Financial advisor Vince Rosnack will be discussing timely market topics and potential solutions to help you stay on track. Registration is requested; please call 330-628-9228 to register. Reader’s Choice Book Discussion – Wednesday, February 3 at 6:30 pm – EUPHIORIA by Lily King Past Times Book Club – Wednesdays at 2:00 pm – January 20: GIRL WAITS WITH GUN by Amy Stewart Mysterious Tuesdays – Tuesdays at 6:30 pm – February 2: MEAN STREAK by Sandra Brown Warm Up Akron – Tuesdays, January 26, February 9, February 23 from 3:30 – 5:00 pm Knit and crochet to help the needy! If you can make just one 7” or 9” rectangle you can help keep the needy in Akron area warm. To date, this chapter has supplied over 8,000 afghans.
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
FLY THE FLAG The Port-Summit Rotary Club is sponsoring a “Fly the Flag” project on five national holidays
MEMORIAL DAY * FLAG DAY * FOURTH OF JULY * LABOR DAY * VETERAN’S DAY The Port-Summit Rotary Club will place a flag in your yard each holiday and pick it up after the holiday. The flag will stay in your yard for one week. An 18-inch plastic pipe will be buried in your front yard permanently flush with the ground, to hold the flag staff. The 3ftX5ft flag on a 10ft. shaft will be placed in plastic pipe. The Port-Summit Rotary will offer this service to the mailing addresses in the Mogadore area. The cost for this service is $25.00 (recurring). Profit will be used to support local youth, community, and international Rotary projects. A listing of these projects will be available at the end of our fiscal year.
SIGN UP NOW - DON’T WAIT The flag and staff will remain the property of The PortSIGN UP NOW - DON’T WAIT
Summit Rotary Club and will be removed after each holiday. Any questions please call:
Make check payable to: The Port-Summit Rotary Club 56 Joel Dr. Mogadore, OH 44260
NAME______________________________PHONE____________________BEST CALL TIME_______ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________ CITY________________________STATE____________________ZIP___________________ COUNTY____________________E-MAIL_________________________________________________ IS THIS A GIFT? YES OR NO GIFT GIVERS NAME_______________________________________ The hole for the plastic pipe is drilled 18 inches usually 3ft from the curb and 3ft from driveway. Are there underground utilities in the lawn from 0-20 inches below the surface, such as drains, sprinklers, dog fences, and TV or internet cables Yes or No
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
2016 Dues are Due Yearly membership dues are $12.00 per person. Send check, made out to Mogadore MerryMakers to PO Box 313, Mogadore, OH 44260
Jan 14th (Thur)
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Membership Meeting Bingo and a 50/50 raffle drawing. Bring a covered dish to share and your place settings.
Feb 11h (Thur)
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Membership Meeting Bingo and a 50/50 raffle drawing. Bring a covered dish to share and your place settings.
Mar 10th (Thur)
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Membership Meeting Bingo and a 50/50 raffle drawing. Bring a side dish or desert to share along with your own table service.
Apr 14th (Thur)
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Membership Meeting Mogadore Schools Jazz Band will perform for us. Bingo and a 50/50 raffle drawing. Bring a covered dish to share and your place settings.
May 12th (Thur)
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Membership Meeting Bingo and a 50/50 raffle drawing. Bring a covered dish to share and your place settings.
June 9th (Thur)
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Membership Meeting Bingo and a 50/50 raffle drawing. We will try to plan a picnic at Lion’s Park.
THE MOGADORE MERRYMAKERS ARE NOW OPEN TO ALL ADULTS 21 AND OVER! Contact John Yeargin for information at 330-628-9382
Mogadore Local Schools School Bell Deadlines
1 S. Cleveland Avenue Deadline OH 44260 March 1 – April 15, Mogadore, 2016 02-17-16 Mogadore Local Schools April 15 – June 2016 04-06-16 1 S. Cleveland Avenue June, July, August (Summer Edition) 05-25-16 Mogadore, OH 44260 Please make a note of these dates and have your information in accordingly. Issue
All articles must be emailed to Thank you for your cooperation.
Mogadore School Bell
January 2016
Mogadore Local Schools 1 S. Cleveland Avenue Mogadore, OH 44260 44260
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Mogadore, OH 44260 Permit #10
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Administrative Office hours are 8:00 - 4:00 Mon-Fri. Administrative Offices—628-9946 High School Office—628-9943 Elementary Office—628-9947 Bus Garage—628-6656
The regular meetings of the Board of Education are held on the second Monday of each month in the high school Community Room (room 100), at 6:30 P.M. All Board Meetings are open to the public. We encourage you to attend.
*****************ECRWSS**** Local Postal Customer
Board President—RODGER SANSOM, 330-628-5655 Vice President—JAMES POPA, 330-351-9435 Member—CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS, 330-628-1852 Member—CHELLI YOHO, 330-815-0416 Member—TRACI OLIVER, 330-618-5212
2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Aug. 20 & 21 Aug. 24 Sep. 07 Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 19 Nov. 12 Nov. 19 Nov. 25—27 Nov. 30 Dec. 21– 31 Jan 1 Jan. 18 Feb. 11 Feb. 15 Mar. 25 Mar. 28 - 31 April 1 May 29 May 30 June 2 June 3
Teacher’s In-service & Work Day First Day for Students Labor Day – Schools Closed Parent/Teacher Conferences—K-12 Conference Comp. Day—Schools Closed Teacher In-service Day – Schools Closed Parent/Teacher Conferences—K-12 Parent/Teacher Conferences – K-12 Thanksgiving Break—Schools Closed Conference Comp. Day - Schools Closed Winter Break—Schools Closed New Year’s Day – Schools Closed Martin Luther King Day—Schools Closed Parent/Teacher Conferences K-12 President’s Day—Schools Closed Good Friday – Schools Closed Spring Break—Schools Closed Spring Break—Schools Closed Graduation Memorial Day – Schools Closed Last Day for Students Teacher In-service—Schools Closed
We celebrate our Board members for the state-wide month of recognition.
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