Ninth Grade Choir & Varsity Choir Bel Canto Choir & Concert Choir

November 20, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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We Sail the Ocean Blue (from Gilbert and Sullivan's H.M.S. Pinafore) Ninth Grade Choir Members ......


The Robbinsdale Cooper High School Choirs present the…

Ninth Grade Choir & Varsity Choir Tuesday, May 10th 7:00 pm - Cooper High School Auditorium

Bel Canto Choir & Concert Choir Thursday, May 12th 7:00 pm - Cooper High School Auditorium Bryan Fisher, Conductor Jennifer Rowan, Conductor Maureen Armstrong, RCHS Accompanist

Program for Tuesday, May 10th—ACT I Ninth Grade Choir

As Fair As Morn’ I’m Goin’ Up a Yonder

John Wilbye / ed. by Walter Ehret Walter Hakins / arr. by Marin Sirvatka

he Robbinsdale Cooper High School The Octave Choirs areDrop proud to present the… Leonard Cohen / arr. by Mark Brymer

Lucy Weld & Lily Perkins, soloists Amiya Campbell, Nora Griffin-Wiesner, Katrena Hansen, Jennie Johnson, Eunice Shin & Koa Yang, small ensemble


Le Son Neuf In the Highlands

Eugene Butler

Varsity Women’s Choir

Bashana Haba-a (Hebrew)

Nurit Hirsh / arr. by V. Pasternak

In the year to come, as I sit on my porch and count the birds flying around, I will see children playing; running between houses and in the fields. You will see, you will see how good it will be in the year to come.

Niska Banja (Serbian Gypsy Dance)

arr. by Nick Page

Let’s go to the baths of Nis where we shall kiss, kiss, kiss. Sabian Hunt & Naazhe Freeman-Sutten, Cheng Vang & Amira Weems, Duets

Varsity Men’s Choir We Sail the Ocean Blue (from Gilbert and Sullivan’s H.M.S. Pinafore)

arr. by Ruth Artman

Varsity Choir When Midnight Mists Are Creeping (from “Dreamland” by Lewis Carroll)

Greg Gilpin

ACT II Ninth Grade Choir Ninth Grade Choir & Varsity Choir 1986 - True Colors

arr. by Mac Huff

(performed by Cyndi Lauper)

Monday, December 7th (recorded by REO Speedwagon) 7:00 pm—RCHS Auditorium Thao Hoang & Winta Zerome, Duet

1984 - Can’t Fight This Feeling

arr. by Alan Billingsley

Drop The Octave 1981 - Every Litte Thing She Does Is Magic

(by STING)

arr. by Greg Gilpin

Le Son Neuf

Bel Canto Choir & Concert Choir Varsity Women’s Choir

1984 - Girls Just Want To Have Fun

(performed by Cyndi Lauper)

December 9th 1987 - (I’ve Had) The Time of MyTuesday, Life (featured in DIRTY DANCING )

arr. by Deke Sharon arr. by Mac Huff

Tori Little & Missy Willis, soloists

1987 - How Will I Know

7:00 pm—RCHS Auditorium

(recorded by Whitney Houston)

arr. by Mark Brymer

Varsity Men’s Choir

1987 - The Way You Make Me Feel (recorded by Michael Jackson) arr. by Kirby Shaw 1985 - Footloose (from FOOTLOOSE) Kenny Loggins / arr. by Kirby Shaw 1982 - Eye of the Tiger (performed by Survivor) arr. by Kirby Shaw Bryan Fisher, Conductor

Combined Choirs

Jennifer Rowan, Conductor arr. by Alan Billingsley 1988 - Any Way You Want It (Journey’s Greatest Hits) Matthew Wirig, Jacob Boswell, Claire Redding, CeceliaRCHS Nichols, Kneya James, & Amy Moulds, soloists Maureen Armstrong, Accompanist Mykel Davis & Veronique Le, duet

1987 - Man in the Mirror

(recorded by Michael Jackson)

arr. by Ed Lojeski

Ninth Grade Choir Members—Bryan Fisher and Jennifer Rowan, Co-Directors Madelyn Ausk Laura Beaner Jordan Burt Bobbi Jo Byrd Amiya Campbell Kathleen Campbell Joy Cephus Malinda Cleveland-Watson Irene Copher Dani Dahlseid Madison Day Maria Denlinger Joyce Dennis Briana Fongvongsa Esmeralda Galicia

Nora Griffin-Wiesner Feven Hailom Katrena Hanson Thao Hoang Kneya James Emily Jandl Jennie Johnson Kula Johnson Elizabeth Kamara Sehar Khan Veronique Le Makayla Lewis-Jones Giovana Llamas-Sanchez Jessica Lowell Jaitiana Mayer

Amaya McDonald Miracole McGhee Trynity Moody Serena Moore Amy Moulds Kanisha Newman My-Kim Nguyen Nancy Nguyen Cecelia Nichols Dani Norman Eboni O’Donnell Lily Perkins Claire Redding Ambria Reed Keira Peterson

Lori Reemts Maleah Shaw Eunice Shin Julia Tarazi Tyreanna Taylor Lataisha Thomas Kayla Thor Chinxia Vang Eve Vang Taylor Vang Lucy Weld Anastasia Yang Karena Yang Koa Yang Winta Zerome

Varsity Choir Members—Bryan Fisher and Jennifer Rowan, Co-Directors Makayla Asrouch Kennedy Beaco Blessing Boayue Deontay Bonorden Jacob Boswell Joshua Bradley Laura Brinkley Jaqualla Brown Isaiah Browning Cole Bursch Nicholas Chang Da’Kia Davis* Mykel Davis Philomena Dolo Darrion Dunn Re’Alitee Fletcher* Latrel Flowers Isaiah Gordon Naazhe Freeman-Sutten Elizabeth Gonzalez-Bernal

Blessing Hayes Trevor Hendrix Kenyatta Hill Janae Horton Matthew Hunke Sabian Hunt* Taj Hunter Luis Jimenez** Janjay Karmenjay Luke Klavins Mamie Kruah Jared Kula Carrie Lee Tori Little Shantel Mack Gabriel Madson Praful Maisuria** Bryant Mayfield London Mitchell

Abdi Mohamed Promise Momo Emmanuel Norris Dalmas Omwoyo Chris Ouchagour** Shaevion Page Seth Parlow Amiah Pattterson-Ramji Dennies Paye Joyti Paye Hawa Philips Alyssa Post* Alec Rode Toby Ryberg Victor Sanchez-Centeno Gavin Schultz Demetrius Shockency Tyler Skovera** Nicole Smith*

Bold denotes Select Ensemble *Denotes Choir Assistants

Joshua Smith David Stinson Latavia Sykes Chase Teachout Choua Thao Rae’Onna Turner Cheng Vang Mai Yer Vang Nathan Welle Amira Weems Lucas Whetstone Lois Williams Royale’Williams Missy Willis Matthew Wirig Rachel Wittig* Elvis Yang Jack Yang Keng Yang

Program for Thursday, May 12th—ACT I Bel Canto Choir

Bel Canto (Beautiful Singing) Adiemus (theme from “SONGS OF SANCTUARY”)

Gary Fry Karl Jenkins

Soloists announced Courage Karnga, recorder * Wilette Davies & Ellie Karol, percussion

Drop The Octave


Leonard Cohen / arr. by Mark Brymer

Bella Voce

Weep No More La Maumariée (J’entends le loup - French Folk Song) Bogoróditse Devo (from All-Night Vigil)

David N. Childs arr. by Joni Jensen

Concert Choir

Sergei Rachmininoff

Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, Blessed are You among women, Mary full of grace, the Lord is with You. and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, For You have borne the Savior of our souls.

Praise to the Lord (German chorale, 1668)

arr. by F. Melius Christiansen

Chamber Singers

Excerpt from Les Chansons des Roses (French) 5. “Dirait-on”

Morten Johannes Lauridsen

Abandon surrounding abandon,tenderness touching tenderness... You oneness endlessly caresses itself, so they say; Self-caressing through its own clear reflection. Thus you invent the theme of Narcissus fulfilled. —Rainer Maria Rilke, from Les Roses

Radiant Stars, Above the Mountains Glowing

Cesar Cui

Senior Class Salute & Senior Choir Performance

For Good (from the musical WICKED)

Stephen Schwartz / arr. by Mac Huff

Bel Canto Choir, Concert Choir, & Cooper Choir Alumni

River in Judea

Jack Feldman / arr. by John Leavitt Conducted by Maggie Whitcomb - Concert Choir Student Director

ACT II Bel Canto Choir

Bellas Finals (highlights from PITCH PERFECT)

arr. by Mark Brymer

Soloists announced

Drop The Octave

1981 - Every Litte Thing She Does Is Magic 1984 - The Longest Time

(by Sting)

Bella Voce

arr. by Greg Gilpin arr. by Kirby Shaw

(recorded by Billy Joel)

Concert Choir 1987 - I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For


arr. by Deke Sharon

Hannah Toutge, Thuy-Tien Vuong, & Mon-nae Bryant, soloists

1984 - MLK

arr. by Bob Chilcott

(U2) Deven Seltzer, soloist

1982 - Africa

arr. by Philip Lawson

(as performed by Toto)

Chamber Singers 1987 - Man in the Mirror (recorded 1983 - The Safety Dance (performed Awesome ’80s Medley (1980-1989)

by Michael Jackson) by MEN WITHOUT HATS)

arr. by Kirby Shaw Ivan Doroschuk / arr. by Mark Brymer

Combined Choirs

arr. by Mark Brymer

Bel Canto Choir Members—Jennifer Rowan, Lead Director Kayode Adebimpe Joyce Ali Vanessa Biah Kanesha Blunt Alexx Bronson Xalli Caldwell* Nidia Cheatham* Bersabel Cherinet* Wilette Davies Tasha Dean

Emily Holtgrewe* Autumn Janke* Deja Jefferson Emily Johnson* Laura Jorgensen* Courage Karnga Ellie Karol Massa Konneh Riley Rose Mann

Promise Favors

Erin Marshall Tavia Martinez

Annstazeia Hampton

Moira McDonald*

Madelyn McGuire Alyssa Metter* Maritza Montiel

Sydne Morgan* Yamel Navarro Ponce Eboni Nelson My-Ly Nguyen

Josephene Ostenberg Rachel Peterson* Hannah Ruple Tia Saddler* Erin Simmons

Shania Smith Ailee Snapko* Saideh Stoltz* Taylor-Grace Stoneburg Ana Suarez Magana Nina Tarley Anna Vang* Destiny Vickers Donyai Whitner Julia Xiong Alina Yang** Alice Zieska

Concert Choir Members—Bryan Fisher, Lead Director Corbin Amundson Nathan Ausk* Patricia Bartos

Lucas Dormond Amanda Driskill** Audrey Ekman**

Emma Bonafield

Colin Esper

Alex Brueske Trent Brunner Maya Bryant Mon-nae Bryant Onte Burns Hannah Carson Faith Cephus Jake Chapman Kylie Christensen Andy Columbus

Andrew Fitzsimmons Andrew Geller Jacalyn Gisvold

Connor Couture Dakota Crofoot Ellen Croonquist* McKenna Dale Jordan Doege Christina Dogbey* Nicholas Dol

Isaac Griffin-Wiesner Dominic Guye Michele Hansen* Jenna Henderson Cedric Holecek Lauren Johnson Jael Kerandi* Baonhia Khang Autumn Kimbal Joshua Levitt David Lindgren

Kaetlyn Lindquist Emily Loken

Bold denotes Select Ensemble *denotes Choir Assistants

Jansoper Ly Daniel Marshall Brienna Max**** Jake Nali Jared Nelson

Mychi Nguyen Anna Niemann Rayna Nisswandt Samantha Norman Ryan Ohm

Agnes Omwoyo Sharon Ouma Grace Reynolds** Marley Ritchie** Michael Roll Nicholas Rosendahl Lilly Russell Nicole Schneider Alex Scott Deven Seltzer

Emma Shine Merryn Skarphol* Kavina Smith Marcella Sorenson Magdiel Tapias-Heinrich Joseph Thompson Hannah Toutge** Erika Tverberg Jose Francisco Uribe Thuy-Tien Vuong** Eva Walters Jalen Washington Jimmy Whitcomb Maggie Whitcomb** Jacob Wilde* Joshua Williams Sherry Xiong Kalia Xiong Chris Yang Steven Yang

Italic denotes Select Ensembles Underline denotes Section Leaders

A Salute to Our Seniors The Senior Salute will be featured at the May 12th Concert. Students wearing flowers are Seniors who will be graduating on June 10th. Seniors, we honor you tonight for your many talents and achievements. You have given so much of yourselves to the choral program. You are a very special group of unique individuals who will forever have a place in our hearts. Before we say a difficult good-bye, we would like to say thank you for devoting your time and talents, for working hard each day, for the positive examples you have set for your classmates, and for continuing the tradition of choral excellence at Cooper. In your journey here at Cooper, you have grown as singers and musicians, created special memories, and have made many friendships that will last a lifetime. We love you. We will miss you and your talents very much. You all have so much to offer to the world. We wish you much happiness and continued success as you pursue your future endeavors. We look forward to having you join us as alumni at future concerts!

Graduating Seniors and their time in the Cooper Choirs Bel Canto Choir

Concert Choir

Concert Choir

Laura Jorgensen - 4 years

Jenna Henderson - 4 years

Eva Walters - 4 years

Courage Karnga - 2 years

Cedric Holecek - 4 years

Maggie Whitcomb - 4 years

Massa Konneh - 3 years

Kaetlyn Lindquist - 2 years

Joshua Williams - 3 years

Emily Loken - 4 years

Sherry Xiong - 4 years

Jansoper Ly - 4 years

Kalia Xiong - 4 years

Daniel Marshall - 4 years

Christopher Yang - 4 years

Eboni Nelson - 4 years Donyai Whitner - 4 years

Concert Choir

Brienna Max - 4 years

Alex Brueske - 1 year Maya Bryant - 4 years Jake Chapman - 4 years Kylie Christensen - 4 years Dakota Crofoot - 4 years Connor Couture - 4 years McKenna Dale - 4 years Jordan Doege - 4 years Christina Dogbey - 2 years Amanda Driskill - 4 years Colin Esper - 4 years Andrew Fitzsimmons - 4 years Isaac Griffin-Wiesner - 4 years Michele Hansen - 4 years

Jared Nelson - 4 years Mychi Nguyen - 4 years Samantha Norman - 3.5 years Ryan Ohm - 4 years

Agnes Omwoyo - 4 years Sharon Ouma - 4 years

Varsity Women’s Choir Philomena Dolo - 2 years Kenyatta Hill - 2 years Mamie Kruah - 1 year Hawa Philips - 1 year Lois Williams- 3 years

Michael Roll - 1 year Lilly Russell - 4 years Nicole Schneider - 4 years Emma Shine - 4 years Merryn Skarphol - 4 years Joseph Thompson - 4 years Erika Tverberg - 4 years

Varsity Men’s Choir Mykel Davis - 1 year Christopher Ouchagour - 2 years Victor Sanchez-Centeno - 2 Years David Stinson - 2 years Royale’Williams - 1 year

“Together we have experienced life, separately we will pursue our dreams...

Bel Canto Choir Seniors

...and forever our memories will remain.” -Senior Class Motto-

Varsity Choir Seniors

Concert Choir Seniors

Concert Information If you need to leave or return to the auditorium for any reason, please do so between musical selections. As a courtesy to the performers, be sure to turn off all cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices. Be sure to check out Ed’s TV (Comcast channel 22) for showings of the May concerts. Go to, District News, News and Publications, and Ed’s TV for program scheduling. You can also access concert webcasts at under District News ( News and Publications, then Concert Videos). For the health and safety of our students and visitors, Robbinsdale Area Schools wants to remind you that tobacco use of any kind is strictly prohibited in school buildings and on school grounds. Thank you for your support. “Bravo Buds” will be sold in the foyer.

All proceeds go to support the Performing Arts Boosters.

Special Thanks to… We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to the Performing Arts Booster Organization. Special thanks to President Marna Gisvold, and to Tracy Ausk and Tonya Toutge, our Choir Representatives! Each year, Terri Woelfle tailors such beautiful performance attire for the Chamber Singers. appreciate all of her hard work to make them look so wonderful.


Parents and guardians, we appreciate your time, financial support and assistance throughout the year. You and your students are vital to the program. We could not be successful without your help. Thank you!

Acknowledgments... Dr. Carlton Jenkins, Superintendent Sarah Prindville, Fine Arts Coordinator, ESC Molly Olson, Administrative Assistant, ESC Frank Herman, RCHS Principal Charles Johnson-Nixon, Assistant Principal Erick Norby, Assistant Principal Willie Howard, Assistant Principal Mary James, RCHS Bands Emily Pflaum, RCHS Orchestras RCHS Symphonic Band & Symphony Orchestra District 281 Fine Arts Staff Matthew James, Auditorium Manager Robbinsdale Cooper Staff and Faculty Robbinsdale Cooper Custodial Staff

Robbinsdale Cooper Performing Arts Boosters Robbinsdale Cooper Parents & Guardians Robbinsdale Cooper Alumni Maureen Armstrong, RCHS Accompanist Doug Geston, Westmark Recording District 281 Video Recording Services District 281 Print Shop Terry Sheetz, Piano Tuner Deanna Loken, Parent Volunteer RCHS Voice and Piano Instructors Daniel Abdon, James Buxton, & Alyssa Schwitzer RCHS Teaching Assistant for Choir Nathan Ausk & Anna Niemann Jimmy Whitcomb & Hannah Toutge

2015—2016 Small Ensembles

Chamber Singers

Bella Voce

Le Son Neuf

Drop The Octave

Upcoming CHS Music Events and Performances Thursday, May 19th - 7:oo pm Orchestra Spring Concert RCHS Auditorium - free admission

Thursday, May 26th - 7:00 pm CPAB Music Awards Night RCHS Auditorium—free admission

Friday, June 10th - 7:oo pm

Graduation (Senior Choir & Symphonic / Concert Band students perform)

Congratulations to... Nathan Ausk (11) will be a member of the 2016-2017 MMEA Mixed Choir, and Jacob Wilde (11) will be a member of the Men’s Choir. They will participate in a week long St. John’s University this summer and will perform at Mid-Winter Convention in February 2017. Audrey Ekman selected as an alternate as a Soprano I.

All-State All-State camp at the MMEA has been

THANK YOU to our Performing Arts Boosters Sponsors!

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