December 13, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
Nov 2, 2013 development of the Cruising Club of America (CCA) handicapping rule. Narragansett Bay ......
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
November 2013 Issue 11
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter The Official Newsletter of the Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
LYNN WILLIAMS INDUCTED TO HALL OF FAME On Saturday, October 28, 2013, the late Lynn Williams was inducted into the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame at the Chicago Yacht Club-Belmont Station, as part of the 2013 Racing Yacht Fleet and Offshore Awards ceremony, with a large crowd in attendance. Present to receive the honorary plaque was two of his and his wife, Dora's, five children: Ann Jennett with husband Bernie, of Evanston, Illinois, and Eve Noonan with husband Edward, of Chicago, Illinois. Unable to attend were Dora Keller (Scott) of New York, New York, Susan Lenfestey (Jim) of Mackinac Island, Michigan, and son Lindsay Williams of Amelia Island, Florida. Also in attendance were former crew members Dirk Lohan, Wally Stenhouse, and Gene McCarthy.
Lynn Williams.
Williams was a member of Chicago Yacht Club which provided the following nomination statement for the honor: Lynn Williams, born January 6, 1909, had no realization of the impact he would have on the sport of sail racing. Williams graduated from Yale University in Spring 1929, then went to Harvard University and acquired in law degree in 1931. Feeling the want of more understanding of mechanics, he went to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, receiving a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1932. While drinking in all this education and knowledge, he spent time cruising in his father's motor yacht in the northern Great Lakes. Williams' father built and owned the Alden schooner Elizabeth in 1928, which began his development in the sport of sailing. Williams sailed his first Bermuda Race in 1928, during which he met Olin Stephens. They began a lifelong friendship. In 1931 Williams' father became seriously ill just before the Chicago to Mackinac Race, and father made Lynn the skipper for the race. At age 22, he became the youngest skipper to ever win this race. Between 1931 and 1936, the yacht Elizabeth won the Mackinac race three times. In the fall of 1936, Elizabeth burned in the Chicago River at the Grebe Shipyard. Williams' sailing career spanned 79 years. He won the Chicago to Mackinac Race five times and the Port Huron to Mackinac Race four times (in his boats Elizabeth, Dora, and Dora IV). He participated in 16 Southern Ocean Racing Conference series. His best finish was 3rd on Dora. Woody Pirie regularly had him sail on Hoot Mon as a watch captain. And, Williams raced 6 Trans-Atlantic Races in addition to the many races offered in Southern Lake Michigan. Early in his sailing career Williams worked with Wells Lippincott in the development of the Cruising Club of America (CCA) handicapping rule. His demonstrated knowledge of water mechanics led him to become the Chairman of
All The News That Fits ... Lynn Williams – Hall of Fame ............ 1 CYA Frostbite Regatta ............................ 3 Sailing Conspiracy? .................................. 3 Web Site Update ....................................... 3 New Accessible Sailing Committee .. 4 More Teams for America's Cup? ....... 6 Help for your Club's Web Site ............ 6 Executive Secretary Profile ................. 7 Lightning Class Boat Grants ..............10 Communications Improvement ......10 Club Membership Updates ................11 Free Seminars ..........................................11 Sailing off a Mooring Can ....................12 LMSRF Annual Meeting Notice ........13 Vote for Old Pulteney Heroes ...........15 Capper Leaves HoF Committee ........15 St. Joseph Season Wrap Up ................15 US Equipment Regs Update ..............17 Rhumbline Regatta Certification ....18 A Storm Story ...........................................18 Gone with the Wind ..............................19 Keep Sailing All Winter .......................20 Sheboygan Youth Fundraiser ...........22 Survey for Women .................................22 National Harbor Funding? .................22 Chicago Maritime Museum News ...23 Mark Your Calendars ...........................23 Heard on the Rail ...................................24 Club Profile: Mackinac Island ...........25 Grants-In-Aid Reports .........................25 2014 US Junior Championships ......26 2014 Summer Sailstice ........................27 Wondering Out Loud ............................27 Plan Your Ladder Competition ........29 Irish Wins Herreshoff ..........................29 US Sailing News ......................................30 Letters to the Editor .............................31 Star Sailors League News ...................32 What Happened ......................................33 About Lake Michigan SuRF ................53
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter the CCA Technical Committee. This position led Williams and some others to develop the Measurement Handicap Rule (MHS) which later evolved into the International Measurement Rule, the IMS. Working with this group, Williams became aware that the H. Irving Platt study was being performed at M.I.T., which was determining, through actual tank testing, the factors which contributed to drag and drive of sailing vessels. Williams and Dick McCurdy contributed a fair amount of money to keep this study going and this work developed what has become known as the Velocity Prediction Program (VPP). Williams became Chairman of the United States Yacht Racing Union Measurement Handicap Committee, which produced and refined the MHS, the forerunner of the Offshore Racing Rule, ORR, the handicapping system utilized today by Chicago Yacht Club in conducting its offshore sail racing. Williams working with Wells Lippincott and Olin Stephens prompted him to assist Clayton Ewing in the design and development of the first aluminum sail racing yacht, Dyna, a Sparkman and Stephens 58' yacht. What was interesting about this project was that Dyna was largely a takeoff of George Sollitt's Onkahya, a Chicago Yacht Club member's yacht raced out of Belmont Harbor in the 1940's and early 1950's. Williams was a member of the Cruising Club of America, Chicago Yacht Club and New York Yacht Club. He was a founder, with a couple of others, of the Island Goat Sailing Society, an organization in which membership is available after racing in 25 Chicago to Mackinac Races. He introduced many people to the pleasure of sailing. Williams understood the desires of all persons connected to sailing offshore type vessels. He worked tirelessly in the efforts to make people happy with their investment in the sport. He was driven by the concept that "cruising type" boats should not be replaced in the scheme of sail racing by designer rules, such as the International Offshore Rule (IOR). He wanted all yachts, with appropriate maintenance, to be competitive on the race course and have a chance at winning the race. Williams was so rich in schooling he developed the ability to work with anyone and convince them of his position. He sailed schooners, sloops, yawls and one-designs (a Tartan Ten), and knew the rules and stayed out of the protest room. Believing that the triangle race course was not satisfying all sail racing entrants, he funded the establishment of two all-weather, lighted racing marks out in the lake off of Chicago, to the Northeast and Southeast, providing longer courses. Because he was such a good sport and knew how to keep crew aboard, he had no problem getting great sailors to sail with him. His perfectly maintained Dora IV was so widely known that a fellow named Ted Turner bought the vessel without getting a survey. Williams' work on the CCA, the MHS, the IMS (which later developed into the Offshore Racing Rule (ORR)) rates remembrance by Chicago Yacht Club and all Lake Michigan sailors. Williams passed away on April 21, 1985, however his wonderful work will long be remembered. Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation is proud to induct Lynn Williams into the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame.
Eve Williams Noonan and Edward Noonan at Chicago Yacht Club-Belmont Station for the induction of her father, Lynn Williams, to the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame. Photo by Gail M. Turluck
November 2013
Ann Williams Jennett and Bernie Jennett at Chicago Yacht Club-Belmont Station for the induction of her father, Lynn Williams, to the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame. Photo by Gail M. Turluck
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 2013 CHICAGO YACHTING ASSOCIATION FROSTBITE REGATTA by Loren Thompson November 2nd is the date for the 2013 Chicago Yachting Association Frostbite Regatta. It will again be held at the Burnham Park Yacht Club. Racing will occur on the club's 420s. I have heard we may have 1 or 2 surprise sailors. We welcome anyone to come to assist us or to just come by to watch. People have had fun just watching as we do the race in the harbor so watching is very convenient. Starting time will be around10:00 a.m.
SAILING CONSPIRACY??? by Glenn McCarthy Along came Rod and Bob Johnstone (J/Boats) designing their first “sprit” boat, the J/105, released in 1999. It was the beginning of an evolution in sailing. I remember when Bob came to an US Sailing Safety at Sea Committee meeting, asking for a change to the lifeline/pulpit rule so that the bow pulpit did not have to be continuous up to standard height and that a drop down be allowed at the bow. The Safety at Sea Committee sent him packing, as many had reports of bow people going overboard and lowering the pulpit didn’t make any safety sense. In a different corner of sailing at the time, what was traditionally called the “Olympic Course” that was used everywhere was a Triangle – Windward – Leeward – Windward. These courses were pretty long – 23’ boats were sailing 12-1/2 mile courses. Big boats were sailing even longer courses. And the wave of shifting to short course windward/leewards was already underway, recognizing that higher acuity of skill was needed and was more “racey” than triangles. Olympic sailboat race course diagram. Courtesy: Bullseye Class.
So here comes this onslaught of sprit boats designed to go fast on a reach, having the door slammed shut right in their faces, and race courses quickly converting to windward/leewards with no reaching legs. It sounds like a conspiracy doesn’t it?
I know it wasn’t a conspiracy. One of my friends, who pushed for the windward/leeward format hard in the Star Class and at the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) level, was an effort that wouldn’t even know about sprit boats coming into being. He just recognized windward/leeward racing created a more challenging atmosphere on the race course and takes great pride in accomplishing this race course conversion. Of course, the sprit boats had to quickly abandon reaching spinnakers and had to focus on how to turn these reaching monsters into downwind machines by buying downwind spinnakers. They figured it out pretty well, though they just weren’t given the chance to go out and stretch their legs through many, many years! It was just a very odd collision of concepts occurring at the same time. There was no conspiracy. COMES BACK TO LIFE by Glenn McCarthy After close to a 2 month hiatus, the LMSRF web site is back online. We have been told repeatedly by sailors to keep costs down. We have a volunteer who is our webmaster and provides space for LMSRF's web site on his company's internet web hosting servers at no charge. One fateful day a couple months ago he started the process to upgrade the web site software on the server and it crashed. He switched over to the “mirror server” only to find it had done a die, inconveniently and coincidentally, a short time before. What does that mean? Nothing, in that nothing of the LMSRF
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter web site could be displayed. The server computers had to be changed out and this was done. But, the new server with the new software wouldn’t accept having web sites put on it. He brought in server and software experts to no avail. His team then tried reloading the software, "Googling" the problem to see if others had run into the same thing, and tried all of the other people’s solutions over and over. While it was frustrating for us to be down, these guys were frayed and at wits' end dealing with this for so long. Then one more expert was brought in and within 48 hours the web site was up and running. The web site is now live, and we apologize for you missing the information for so long. Visit
LMSRF CREATES NEW ACCESSIBLE SAILING COMMITTEE Mike Stapleton of SailAnyWay in Sturgeon Bay, WI approached LMSRF with the idea to bring Accessible Sailing in the region together to learn and share with one another. Within twenty-four hours, the LMSRF Board of Directors created the Accessible Sailing Committee, and Stapleton agreed to Chair the Committee. There are seven established programs in the region (and others in planning phases): • Sail Any Way in Egg Harbor/Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin - • Judd Goldman Adaptive Sailing Foundation/ Chicago, Illinois - • Hammond Harbor Marina in Hammond, Indiana - • Milwaukee Community Sailing Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - • Delavan Lake Sailing School/Peter J. Barrett Sailing Alliance, Delavan, Wisconsin • Traverse Area Community Sailing, Traverse City, Michigan - • Lake Forest Sailing, Lake Forest, Illinois – With so many Veterans coming back with limb and head injuries that weren’t survivable in prior wars that are survivable now with modern medical practices, with more people surviving automobile accidents with increased affects of limb and head injuries, and others who have cognitive or physical challenges, there are many people looking for an outlet like sailing. Accessible Sailing Programs either design their program to deal with cognitive, physical or both types of challenges, depending on the resources available to them. Not all do both. Stapleton’s first effort will be to bring all Accessible Sailing programs (including start-ups) to a meeting at Strictly Sail Chicago in January 2014 to have a roundtable discussion as there is a lot to learn and different approaches to working with the various abilities. He would like to look at group grant applications, sharing boats, establishing a round robin of regattas, and other ideas. Want more information or to help the committee? Contact Stapleton directly at 920.495.1266,
[email protected].
CHICAGO MACKINAC AWARDS CEREMONY The awards event for the 2013 Chicago-Mackinac Race is set for Saturday, November 2, at Chicago Yacht Club, Monroe Street Station. Set your reservation here -
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter AMERICA’S CUP – GETTING MORE TEAMS TO COMPETE by Glenn McCarthy It’s pretty clear to everyone that four teams participating in the last America’s Cup was a weak turnout. There is an involved process that led to that outcome. There is a long period of advanced planning that is part of the decision on what boat design to build. Just at the time they were putting together the final plans for the AC72’s, the world financial markets were tumbling. Sponsorship is one of the first sacrificial lambs to go when companies move towards survival mode. However, a lot of work had gone into the AC72 Rule. They knew it would be tough to gather a lot of teams with this new economy emerging upon their plans. It was a bad coincidence that the economy change coincided with when teams had to commit to the 2013 America's Cup program. Many could not. What is the biggest cost of running most businesses? Labor. It is no different in the America's Cup. They need 130 people to launch, sail and retrieve the boat, as well as run overnight repairs and diagnostics. With four being the magic number with the associated costs of running an AC72, the writing is on the wall, a boat design that costs less to run will be used in the next America’s Cup. The leading thoughts (even from winning owner Larry Ellison himself) are suggesting that the boats will remain catamarans, foiling, but probably smaller. As we all know, the difference between a big car and a small car is each has almost the same number of parts, just many of the parts are smaller and less costly in material, not necessarily all that much less in cost in labor to assemble. So what can be done to cut cost? Remove the wing sail. That wing has to be put up and down each day, with riggers and cranes, why not go back to a cloth sail, where the mast stays up all of the time? Hear me out first. What sailboats figured out how to reduce drag long ago? What sailboats have been cruising along at 40, 60, 100 and up to 138 mph? What technologies have these boats developed through eons, while keeping cost in check? Ice boats! Low drag and high speeds at affordable levels are nothing new to them. So what would happen if they reduced costs by adopting a bendy DN type rig and sail?
DN Iceboats with flexible fiberglass rigs at the 2012 World Championship. Courtesy:
WALK INTO YOUR WEB SITE AS A COMPLETE NEOPHYTE by Glenn McCarthy Recently I was writing a piece on DN iceboat sailing. While I know a little, I sure didn’t know a lot. I want to introduce DN sailing to the masses. You know: Where does one go? What is it? When do people go? How much does it cost? Sailing web sites commonly only speak to those who already are in the know. People who already “get it.” Is your web site established to bring fresh new blood in? Do you really think it provides all of the answers needed to pick up the sailing lifestyle? Where does one go to iceboat? I couldn’t find a list of DN sailing sites to save my life. Various articles, and discussions with iceboating friends gave me some names, but I couldn’t find a comprehensive list of where to go. Web sites were of little help. What is it? Yeah, we’re pretty good with the technical stuff, we love listing rules, regulations, guides, templates, scantlings, etc. There is an over-abundance of this stuff on the web, as usual.
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter When do people go? Now, for ice boating, this is actually a nebulous question. It requires finding smooth ice, thick enough, without snow on top of it. So the easy answer would be “weekends;” a different answer is based on a collaborative effort to identify where the good ice is, and then schedule the hours of drive time to get to that designated lake. How much does it cost? Yeah, we completely stink at this in the entire sport. We lead people to believe sailing is upper-crust and full of rich people with the old “if you have to ask, you can’t afford it.” Aren’t we good at turning people away? We don’t create a table of the general costs of licenses, beater boat purchase price, good race ready used price, or brand new boat price. We don’t list the range of expendable parts (sails, runners, etc.). We don’t add what club dues, initiation fees, class fees, or regatta fees are. We don’t give a general figure on how much maintenance costs are per year to run a DN. Getting this information is pulling teeth, and so encumbered, we can’t honestly tell people how affordable sailing a DN is (but it is very affordable). Web surfers just have to plunder through it after they buy a boat and starting to get harassed at each event they show up to, until they have all of those nebulous fees paid. Why do we hide this stuff? Why don’t we put it right there out in the open? People can quickly determine if they can afford a class this way. But in the blind, they all will assume that they cannot afford it. So, how is your web site doing at treating the absolutely inexperienced sailor? Is it as clear and easy as 1 – 2 – 3 for a complete novice to understand how to get involved? Walk into your web site blind, as a non-sailor, and see if you can get the answers above explained to yourself quickly. We need to explain to people that the sport of sailing is affordable.
LMSRF EXECUTIVE SECRETARY PROFILE – GAIL TURLUCK Turluck owns a communications and marketing business. She is married to Daniel, and has two adult children daughter, Laura Beck (Married to Brad), and son, Neal; both children are sailors. Born a South-sider in Chicago, she grew up in a sailing family. Her mother said she started sailing in utero, and she first remembers sailing at about age 3. She started crewing at age 8, grabbed the tiller at age 10 and took sailing school lessons and frostbite sailed at Chicago Yacht Club in Belmont Harbor.
Gail Turluck. Photo credit: Kenn Livingston Photography.
She has sailed on a Lehman 10, Blue Jay, 420, Sunfish, Tech Dinghy, Bat, InterClub, Force 5, Torch, Flying Junior, 470, JY-15, Enterprise, Arrow, Woodpussy, Interlake, Badger Sloop, Flying Scot, Lightning, Star, Soling, Etchells, M-20, I-20, Cal 20, J/24, Tartan Ten, Thomas 35, Islander 36, Cal 36, Beneteau 36.7, Hanse 370e, J/120, C&C 39, Cal 40, Erickson 41, C&C 43, Kaufman 44, Erickson 46, Nelson/Marek 68, Douglas 108 Schooner, and more. Currently she owns “Sunfish, a whole school of ‘em.”
Her travels in sailing have taken her to: Lakes Ontario, Erie and Huron, Gull Lake (MI), Devil’s Lake (MI), Clark Lake (MI), Douglas Lake (MI), Kent Lake (MI), Wolf Lake (MI), Diamond Lake (MI), Eagle Lake (MI), Lake Muskegon (MI), Stony Creek Lake (MI), Big Lake (MI), Cass Lake (MI), Maceday Lake (MI), Watkins Lake (MI), Portage Lake (MI), Base Line Lake (MI), Grass Lake (MI), Paw Paw Lake (MI), Lake Lansing (MI), Lake Mendota (WI), Lake Geneva (WI), Lake Winnebago (WI), St. Joseph’s Lake (IN), Lake Lemon (IN), Lake Wawasee (IN), Shafer Lake (IN), Lake Pymatuning (OH/PA), Acton Lake (OH), O’Shaughnessy Reservoir (OH), Indian Lake (OH), Hoover Reservoir (OH), Lake MacBride (IA), Saylorville Lake (IA), Cheney Lake (KS), Lake Springfield (IL), Johnson Slough (IL), Lake Ray Hubbard (TX), Galveston Bay (TX), Mobile Bay (AL), St. Louis Bay (AL), Charlotte Harbor (FL), Tampa Bay (FL), Sarasota Bay (FL), Tampa Bay (FL), Lake Dora (FL), Charleston Harbor (SC), Delaware Bay (DE), Rehoboth Bay (DE), Stone Harbor (NJ), Great South Bay (NY), Gardiner’s Bay (NY), Little Peconic Bay (NY), Manhasset Bay (NY), Long Island Sound (NY), Irondequoit Bay (NY), Henderson Bay (NY), Severn River (MD), Thames River (CT), Narragansett Bay (RI), Wequaquet Lake (MA), Buzzard’s Bay (MA), Vineyard Sound (MA), Kāne’ohe Bay (HI), Montagu Bay (Bahamas), Caribbean Sea (Puerto Rico). The farthest she has sailed away from the region was Kāne’ohe Bay, Hawai’i.
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter The most exciting thing she had occur aboard was the 1975 Macatawa Bay Race. Turluck said, “We had the chute up on the C&C 39, riding along nicely in cloudy, dark, conditions with a few boats in view, kinda hazy. I turned to look off the port stern quarter and saw some funny-looking low grey clouds. I pointed to them and asked my father, who was steering, 'What’s that?' He turned and Turluck aboard Stitches, her Sunfish sailboat, sporting her trademark red do-ragg. looked, and without hesitation, called loudly, 'Drop the spinnaker! Drop the main! Now!' We doused the sails and WHAM! My first experience with a night grey squall. There had been no lightning or thunder before it hit. We rode it out, got the main back up, and later rigged a #3, as the wind went too far forward to carry a spinnaker any more. Most exciting as it was the first storm experience and happily, it was handled well.” What was her proudest race ever? Three things tie – (1) Winning the MCSA Freshman Championship as A Division Skipper and Team Overall; (2) Winning First to Finish in 1978 Chicago-Mackinac on a 43-footer; (3) 4 Chicago Mackinac Section wins plus countless flags in 38 Chicago-Mackinac and 12 Port Huron-Mackinac races. Turluck has volunteered her time extensively in the sport including: Secretary, Chicago Yacht Club Junior Fleet; Team Captain, University of Wisconsin Sailing Team; Board of Captains, Hoofer Sailing Club; Publicity Secretary, Midwest Collegiate Sailing Association; Reports Chairman, Midwest Collegiate Sailing Association; Publications Coordinator, Midwest Collegiate Sailing Association; Graduate Secretary, Midwest Collegiate Sailing Association; Board Member, Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association of North America; Afterguard Chair, Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association of North America; Hall of Fame Chair, Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association of North America; Coach, Chelsea High School Sailing Team; Fleet Captain, Wolf Lake Yacht Club; Board Member, Wolf Lake Yacht Club; Treasurer, Greater Detroit Sunfish Club; Logkeeper, Greater Detroit Sunfish Club; Executive Officer, Greater Detroit Sunfish Club, Fleet Captain, Greater Detroit Sunfish Club; Fleet Captain and Co-Founder, Gull Lake Sunfish Fleet; Newsletter Editor, International Sunfish Class Association; Secretary, United States Sunfish Class Association; Masters Chair, United States Sunfish Class Association; Membership Chair, United States Sunfish Class Association; Midwest Webmaster, United States Sunfish Class Association. How does Turluck see LMSRF benefiting clubs and sailors? She says, “LMSRF benefits clubs by giving them a platform to come together, make plans for growing sailing, coordinate event and competition schedules, a communications channel to sailors all around the lake, potentially coordinate equipment acquisitions, provide educational opportunities for sport development, fleet development, and club management development and more. LMSRF benefits sailors by coordinating event and competition schedules, providing educational opportunities, potential grants, special events, communications and more. LMSRF has the special position of having the capacity to spark redevelopment of Small Boat Sailing (what was formerly known as One-Design, is now called Inshore One-Design, that is, daysailing-type boats without berths, galleys and heads, that solely go out and day-race) to cause Lake Michigan sailors to regain the national level skill mastery of old and to lead to the eventual creation of the new generation of 3-foot-itis sufferers—yep, new bigger (and bigger) boat owners.” What would Turluck like to accomplish with LMSRF? 1. I would like to see the Federation grow to at least 60 yacht club members including youth foundations, accessible sailing organizations, and past yacht club members that are not currently renewing by 2015. Those member clubs would be demonstrating a commitment to working on growth. 2. I would like to see the Federation individual membership list reach a minimum of 1,000 members by 2017; we may reach 400 for 2013.
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Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 3. I fully believe we can build a strong Corporate membership base of at least 50 members by the end of 2014. The Federation should consider establishing a Corporate Council with a Chair that sits on the Board; those Corporate members can be crucial leaders to cause rebirth of Small Boat Sailing on Lake Michigan. 4. I would like to see the unification of Lake Michigan youth sailing; we currently have activity in Area I that doesn’t travel; Area II that primarily stays in Area II or goes to the ILYA; Area III that competes against itself, and Western Michigan Youth Sailing Association (Areas IV and V) that competes primarily only amongst themselves. The LMSRF Youth Championship should be scheduled in a way that competitors from all five LMSRF Areas attend and compete. A college sailing recruitment/information session could be co-scheduled to make the event more attractive. 5. I believe LMSRF should have an annual Small Boat Championship regatta that moves around the lake by Area annually; a Saturday-Sunday event, in any boat that a fleet of 5 or more boats signs up by 10 days in advance; the goal would be for it to be a revenue ZERO event (not a “moneymaker”). It would be best for this to be held in early to mid-August. This would give the opportunity to mix youth and adults together, something that rarely happens on the lake anymore. 6. With the LMSRF Endowment Fund Grants-In-Aid program having reached the point where it received applications for more money this year than it had to give, it is time for LMSRF to have a FUN event to bring sailors together to benefit their favorite cause—SAILING! I have an idea that works well in other locations, would be potentially quite beneficial to the organization, and could be managed by the leaders currently in place. What initiatives have you started with LMSRF? Opening up the subscription to Lake Michigan SuRF newsletter to all who would like to subscribe for free in order to reach the crew of the boat owners, so they too are informed. Electronic membership option for all individual members around Lake Michigan. Development and launch of Corporate membership program. Development and launch of Corporate sponsorship program. Annual solicitation campaign to benefit Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation Endowment Fund. Open question – something you want to add? In nearly two years of support for Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation I have found that our members and other sailors have great passion for the sport and want to see it grow. They nearly all believe they are doing things that will contribute and possibly cause growth. Yet, even with a free subscription, we do not yet have 10,000 subscribers to Lake Michigan SuRF. My goal as a result of this article is that the sailors reading it will take the ten minutes now, today, to email that list of friends, family and CHILDREN’S names and email addresses to the office at
[email protected] to get us to that goal. I look forward to when I come calling on the potential Corporate members in the coming months that they’re excited and ready to jump on board and make Lake Michigan a bigger known entity. And, that our Big Boat owners will extend their seasons by getting back into Small Boat Sailing by Frostbiting in the spring and fall. When I was young, far more Big Boat owners (and crews!) were also Frostbite sailors, sharpening their skills, improving knowledge of the racing rules, serving on protest committees (not fancy Juries), operating rescue boats, and enjoying the extended season. Anywhere there is protected water there should be Frostbite sailing! Turluck has been recognized by the Board of Directors for having gone above and beyond as our sole compensated coordinator. We really appreciate having her on board. Thank you, Gail.
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter LIGHTNING CLASS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR BOAT GRANT PROGRAM The International Lightning Class Association owns two competitive Lightnings that are awarded to promising young sailors for the summer sailing season. The grantees are selected by a panel of experienced Lightning sailors based on the proposal that each team submits and through an interview process. The grant covers all regatta entry fees, boat insurance, and some travel money. It includes a nearly new boat, good sails and a mentor. “After the first day of racing at the 2013 Lightning World Championship in Italy, three of the top 10 were all Boat Grant Alumni! It is incredible to see these young people learning the boat so quickly. They are all sailing really well,” boasted Class President John Faus. This is a unique opportunity for sailors over the age of 19 to experience Lightning sailboats sail downwind under spinnaker. Photo Lightning sailing at its best. To date 76 young adults have courtesy: Lightning Class. experienced the Lightning Class through the Boat Grant Program. Eight are now boat owners and nearly half are still active in the Class. Boat Grant alumni include Bobby Martin '07, Will Brown '08, Clinton Hayes '08, Caroline Patten '11, Colin Smith ’13, Mitch Hall ‘13, and Lake Michigan's own Andy Camarda '10. Applications and proposals are due on December 31. Each applicant is required to provide sailing resumes, three references with letters of recommendation and include a cover letter explaining why they are the best candidates for the grant. Complete details on how to apply for this grant is found on the ILCA website: For specific questions or more information about the ILCA grant - contact: ILCA Executive Secretary Laura Jeffers 727-942-7969 or
[email protected]; William Brown, Co-Chair - 201-264-7251or
[email protected]; Justin Coplan, Co-Chair -
[email protected]. About the International Lightning Class Association: Today there have been over 15,500 Lightnings built. The rig is simple, but offers sophisticated sail shape controls for a crew of three. The hull features a unique hard chine design that combines the stability that provides sail-carrying power, with flat bottom sections that promote planing. Optimum crew weight is 450 to 500 lbs. The boat weighs 700 pounds and sitting on the trailer with covers, sails and gear the all up weight is about 1100 lbs so it can be safely towed with almost any vehicle.
I've been involved in sailing communications for most of my life. In the days of print only, regatta hosts were accustomed to mailing in regatta results, a photograph print or two (with captions even), and getting their news in a newsletter at a later date.
Along came email. In the early days the system was text based email messages and with the excitement of the newness and speed, complete regatta results were emailed with dispatch. Web page use was just getting ramped up and many groups took some time to embrace supporting this additional communications channel. Slowly, over the last 20 or so years, most have. However, there is absolutely no consistency in any of it!! I spend a lot of time visiting web pages seeking regatta and event results for events held on Lake Michigan or in which Lake Michigan sailors have competed. I do this because so very, very few actually send a regatta report into this great publication. Our Yacht Clubs that are hosting offshore racing do a good job of supplying scores to their own club web pages as well as the LMSRF Area III scoring system for those events. They could improve by having a wrap up that describes the sailing conditions, how the social events
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter were, and if there were protests, how the results were affected. One Design Classes are doing a poor job of collecting the results themselves and posting them in a consistent fashion to their web pages or e-newsletters. When scores are posted, it is rare that any details about the racing or socializing are included; this is something that gives each event HEART! There are many cases of long standing fleets that have vanished. There is one Class for which I found a listing of area Fleet Captain's email addresses and only one of those email addresses worked! For the sport of sailing to stay strong, and preferably grow, its leaders ought to be investigating their electronic footprints to make sure all their events and current leader contact information are included on their web page (club, Class, Fleet, and any other organization involved). Perform a search in Google, Yahoo and Bing to see what is still active on the internet for your organization. Make sure that if you discover multiple web pages that the outdated version is removed (but its results and other historic content is migrated to the new one first!). It is critical that regatta results are posted promptly. Ideally, regatta results are distributed promptly to Class organizations, Regional Sailing Associations, and media to share the news of the event. Remember as you plan for 2014 that the sooner your group can set its dates, communicate them in any and every way, and make the point of inviting others—by snail mail, email, telephone, flyer and more—the higher the likelihood of success for your event. I know I'm eagerly awaiting the 2014 regatta schedule so I can make my plans for the coming year; I bet many others are, too!
LMSRF MEMBER CLUB MEMBERSHIP UPDATES by Gail M. Turluck Congratulations to South Shore Yacht Club of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for blowing out their goal of reaching 500 members in 2013 as part of their Centennial Celebration. With their October new member inductions they now have 527 members and continue to grow. Marinette and Menominee Yacht Club of Marinette, Wisconsin, inducted nine new members over the summer. Great news!
FREE SEMINARS HOSTED BY WAUKEGAN SAIL AND POWER SQUADRON Every first Tuesday of the month, the Waukegan Sail and Power Squadron will be hosting a series of seminars for F-R-E-E! The first one will be Tuesday, November 5, 2013, at Waukegan Yacht Club which will be open at 6 p.m. for purchase of food and beverage. Seminars start at 7 p.m. Tuesday, November 5, 2013: Mariner's Compass Seminar presented by Tenney Ford This seminar explains how to select, install, calibrate and use your compass on board your boat. You will learn which features are most important and what will work best for you, how to deal with variation between true and magnetic north, and how to adjust your compass to remove most of the deviation caused by local magnetic influences. This is an essential seminar for all boaters. More details at the following link:
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter KNOWING HOW TO SAIL ON AND OFF A MOORING CAN IS AN IMPORTANT SKILL by John Lemon, Lead Instructor, Sail Chicago New Sail Chicago skipper Brennan Carlson was sailing with friends on a Colgate 26 on the afternoon of September 12, the day waterspouts were spotted on Lake Michigan. Around 3 p.m. the wind suddenly picked up from around 10 knots to 25-30 knots. Brennan managed to safely sail onto the mooring, despite an engine failure. Here's what Brennan had to say about the experience:
"I was sailing with Dolores Baron and two of my friends on a Colgate 26. My two friends had no sailing experience; they were just there for a pleasure cruise. We'd read the forecast and knew that heavy winds were supposed to roll in around 5 p.m. We went out around 1 p.m., and I thought, 'Oh, we'll make sure we are in well before the heavy winds pick up.' But around 3 p.m. we are sailing near the breakwater in front of Monroe Harbor and something caught my eye: a huge dust cloud rising up from North Avenue beach. I realized that winds heavy enough to create a dust cloud we could see from several miles must be some serious winds! Needless to say, I turned us around and headed for the harbor as fast as we could. Soon, the wind was so powerful that I had the main sail out as far as it would go to let it luff. With the main luffing, we were under power of the jib only and I still felt like we were heeling too much. "Once we got in the outer harbor, we took the main sail down, turned on the motor, furled the jib, and started heading for the inner harbor. Suddenly, one of my friends in the back of the boat yelled, "The motor is out!" I turned around to see the motor smoking. I thought to myself, "Without any power this boat will end up on the rocks." So, we unfurled the jib and started sailing again. As we approached the inner harbor wall, I had to buy us some time; I decided to go the exact direction none of us wanted to go ... back out into the lake. We tacked and headed back to the outer harbor. Dolores was at the helm, and I got the main sail up (with a reef), then furled in the jib. Next, I got back to the helm and started heading towards the can. I remembered in one of my skipper checkout classes with my instructor, Nick Petrovits, we practiced sailing on and off the can. It just so happened that in that class and on this day we had northerly winds. So, I simply repeated the steps I had learned and got us all back to the can." This is textbook case of why Sail Chicago teaches sailing off and on our mooring cans as well as close quarters maneuvering in the harbor. Brennan chose to sail south in the outer channel and across the aisle to the mooring, consistent with the training he received in our Basic Keelboat Program. Having an experienced heavy-weather sailor like Dolores as crew certainly was valuable.
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter
LAKE MICHIGAN SAIL RACING FEDERATION INVITES YOU TO OUR ANNUAL MEETING Saturday, November 9, 2013 @ 11:00 A.M. Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club, 601 West Montrose Drive, Chicago, IL 60613 Invitees: Yacht Club Delegates, Board Members, Committee Chairs, Committee Members, and LMSRF Individual Members. Agenda Call to Order. Commodore’s Report – Glenn McCarthy Treasurer’s Report – Michael Hettel Endowment Fund Report – David Radtke Vice Commodores’ Reports • Area I – Brian Chaltry • Area II – Dr. Jack Westfall • Area III – Janet Hansen • Area IV – Gordon Julius, III • Area V – Linda Orlow Council Reports • Offshore – Bob Harvey • Youth – Joe Harris • Inshore One-Design – Gene McCarthy Standing Committee Reports • Grants-in-Aid – Dean Cady • Membership – Glenn McCarthy • Communications – Jim Gignac • Championship – Open • Measurement Rules – Tom McIntosh • Accessible Sailing - Mike Stapleton • Appeals – Tomas Petkus • Advisory – Peter Reichelsdorfer • Race Administration – Eric Lind
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter Functionary Committee Report • Donations – Glenn McCarthy • Hall of Fame – Gene McCarthy • YRUGL Delegate – Gary Hendrickson Audience Questions and Answers Annual Election of Officers, Board Members, and Council Chairs • Roll Call of Delegates (one per member club) – Hans Graf • Nominating Committee Report – Jim Gignac, Nominating Chair. Commodore Past Commodore Secretary Treasurer Area I Vice Commodore Area II Vice Commodore Area III Vice Commodore Area IV Vice Commodore Area V Vice Commodore Director of Information Technology
Glenn T. McCarthy Jim Gignac Hans Graf Michael Hettel Open Open Janet Hansen Gordon Julius, III Linda Orlow Open
Break-Out Session for Offshore, Inshore One-Design, & Youth Council meetings for LMSRF individual members to elect their chair to be represented on the Board of Directors. Individual Reports of the Offshore, Inshore One-Design & Youth Council’s elections. Election of 2014 Board of Directors (by individual yacht club delegates). Awards Congratulations & Adjournment. Each member Yacht Club's designated Representative and LMSRF Individual Members may participate in discussions. Non-members may observe. Membership applications will be available at the meeting. We hope you can attend.
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter VOTE BY DECEMBER 1, 2013 FOR DON GLASELL – THE OLD PULTENEY MARITIME HEROES AWARD By Glenn McCarthy Old Pulteney Single Malt Scotch Whisky wants unsung heroes in the sailing community to get recognition for their efforts. The award doesn’t necessarily look for the fastest sailors, but rather for those who are making significant contributions to educate, volunteer, advocate or simply encourage participation in sailing within their local community – or beyond. The winner, together with a guest, will be flown to an award ceremony at the 2014 Sailing Leadership Forum in San Diego, California, where his/her contribution will be honored.
Don Glasell.
Lake Michigan's Don Glasell is one of just three individuals in the running for this recognition. With the power of the LMSRF and its friends, we can stuff the ballot box and make him the winner!
Vote now, please: Then forward this to your crew, family members, and anyone else you can think of and ask them to Vote for Don too! Most sailors on Lake Michigan have come in contact with Don Glasell one way or another. He was involved in the Chicago Yacht Club Junior Sailing and Sailing School for eons, as well as the Judd Goldman Foundation Disabled Sailing Program, has been on the Chicago Mackinac Committee reviewing entries for a long time, in 1973 developed a rules audio cassette and accompanied book on learning the racing rules with Bill Bensten, started the Midwest Youth Sailing Association, heavily involved in US Sailing on a number of committees, was Executive Secretary of the Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation for a long time, and the list goes on here Please Vote Now:
CAPPER RETIRES FROM LAKE MICHIGAN SAILING HALL OF FAME COMMITTEE Holland Capper, originally from Chicago, Illinois, now from Onekama, Michigan, has stepped down from the Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame Committee. The secret committee, composed of five Lake Michigan sailors, select among nominees those who deserve this high recognition. The five members of the committee are even unknown to one another. The LMSRF Board feels this method is best to prevent politicking for the election of the nominees. The Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation and Lake Michigan Sailing Hall of Fame are indebted to and publicly thank Capper for his many years of service.
Holland Capper. Courtesy: Chicago Yacht Club.
ST. JOSEPH RACING SEASON ENDS WITH SURPRISES by Jim Schrager The final race of the Summer Series at the St. Joseph River Yacht Club ended with surprises in both sections after a hotly contested summer of racing. Going into the final race for the Spinnaker fleet, the always wellsailed Farr 395, Wellenreiter, skippered by Ron Schults, fought back from a tough Spring Series where they had won on the water but lost in the Protest Room, putting them 11 points out of first place. Perennial Boat of the Year contender Zot, a Soverel 33 with many wins under her keel sailed by Jon Veersma, won the Spring Series edging out Quick Silver by a single point, a Schock 41 skippered by Gintaras Kiraitis and crewed by a group of collegiate sailors from Western Michigan University. This was the best showing in many recent years QuickMichigan, Silver. this summer. Photo by Keith Zimmerman. Wellenreiter offby St. Joseph,
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter Over in the JAM fleet, the lead for the series traded back and forth between Jim Schrager’s Carrera and Gordon Dill on Silver Arrow, racing two very different boats with similar ratings, Dill's being a lightweight Evelyn 32, and Schrager’s a longer, but heavier, Cayenne 41. Silver Arrow, last year’s Boat of the Year, pulled out a solid lead in the Spring Series and ended with a 5 point advantage over Carrera, a much bigger margin than in previous years. In third was the well-sailed light air flyer, Spindrift, a Siedelmann 29.9 sailed by long-time St. Joseph River Yacht Club racer, Anson Lovellette. The surprise for the JAM Division was a Summer Series with a near complete reversal of fortunes. Carrera dominated with four of the first five races going their way. One race was called as a drifter with Carrera ahead while the wind blew, but Silver Arrow was ahead when the time limit expired as the racers languished in a very large Carerra in an early season race parking lot off St. Joseph, Michigan. The Summer Series belonged to Carrera, but the this year. Photo by Kenneth crew fell short in their attempt to win every race in the series to dislodge Dill from Zimmerman. another hard won Boat of the Year by two points. Back in the pack, however, the third placed boat, Water Blue, a Merit 25 sailed by Michael Kowrach, had quite a season. He flat out won the season opener, sailed well in the Summer Series, and when the wind shut off in the late season drifter, was so far ahead he might have corrected out on all the Spinnaker boats as well as the JAMmers. Now back to the Spinnaker Division. Going into the Summer Series, the Wellenreiter team realized they needed to gain a staggering 12 points over Zot to win Boat of the Year, and 13 over Quick Silver, both huge margins in the wildly competitive fleet. Yet, Schults and his team on the Farr 395 had done it going into the last race of the season. They had a 13 point lead over Quick Silver and 14 points over Zot. A good finish would allow them to come back and win Boat of the Year from almost unimaginable odds. The final race was a short sprint with just two legs to help all of us avoid what was rain and storms coming our way. We sailed in flat waters with 16 apparent from the South. After the beat leg, we all predicted the finish leg would be a close reach. Wellenreiter put up their asymmetrical spinnaker on the final leg as the wind freshened and veered a bit Easterly. They couldn’t make it work, and in this highly competitive fleet, dropped to 10th place. Wellenreiter easily won the Summer Series, but Quick Silver was the Boat of the Year for the first time at St. Joseph River Yacht Club, with Zot second and Wellenreiter 3rd overall.
The crew on QuickSilver preps for a kite launch while sailing their way to the 2013 Boat of the Year title at St. Joseph River Yacht Club. Photo by Kenneth Zimmerman.
Some triumph, some heartbreak, and lots of close racing. As another season draws to a close at St. Joseph River Yacht Club, we look forward to next year. Until then, we’ll dream about that perfect season we all plan to sail next time around. Complete scores later this issue in What Happened ...
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter PROPOSED U.S. SAFETY EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS APPROVED US Sailing’s Safety at Sea Committee has conducted an overhaul of ISAF’s Offshore Special Regulations (OSR), which describes the gear required to be used on sailboats when racing in most local and offshore races in the U.S. The U.S. Safety Equipment Requirements (USSER) document is intended to be used by race organizers, owners and boat inspectors. The proposed updates were approved by US Sailing’s Board of Directors at the organization’s Annual Meeting in Captiva, Florida, on Saturday, October 19, 2013. Based on some excellent initial work by the Northern California Ocean Racing Council in 2012, the USSER subcommittee has completed an initial list of equipment and boat characteristics that will serve the needs of the majority of coastal and offshore racers in 2014. The USSERs will be implemented by the 2014 Newport to Bermuda Race, a preeminent offshore race. A US Sailing Safety at Sea Seminar will take place March 15-16, 2014, in Newport, Rhode Island. The seminar will provide details on the new requirements to prospective racers. The key differences between the US Safety Equipment Requirements (USSER) and the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) OSRs are as follows: 1. The requirements are easier for yacht owners and pre-race inspectors to understand. 2. The requirements are self-contained and do not refer to external documents. 3. The number of race categories has been reduced from seven to three: Nearshore, Coastal, and Ocean. Race organizers can then add or delete gear requirements based on the nature of their individual races. 4. The requirements are more specific about certain pieces of gear that lacked definition in the OSRs. 5. The OSRs contained both recommendations and requirements which proved confusing to users, and which increased the size of the document. The recommendations have been removed from the new version. 6. The requirements are far more compact, and can easily be included in their entirety in a Notice of Race or on a yacht club web site. Chuck Hawley, US Sailing's Safety at Sea Committee Chairman said, "One of the functions of the Safety at Sea Committee is to promote equipment requirements that are appropriate for the conditions, easily verified, and not excessive. I believe that the new USSERs meet those criteria, and will serve offshore sailors well. We encourage all Organizing Authorities to use them, edited if the local conditions warrant, so that races in the U.S. are sailed under consistent equipment rules." As with any standards document, the USSER will be modified over time. Download the new requirements:
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter RHUMBLINE REGATTA EARNS BRONZE – CLEAN REGATTA CERTIFICATION by Terry Deegan, St. Joseph River Yacht Club Vice Commodore St. Joseph River Yacht Club was thrilled to recently receive Bronze Level Clean Regatta Certification from Sailors for the Sea for their Centennial Year Rhumbline Regatta held in June. The regatta was conducted with a focus on the use of biodegradable supplies, eco-friendly merchandise, recycling, and energy efficiency. "Partnering with Sailors for the Sea, and taking steps to achieve Clean Regatta status is as important for us on the Great Lakes as it is on the oceans, most recently demonstrated at the 34th America's Cup in San Francisco, and establishes a base of broader operational sustainability practices for our club," commented SJRYC's Fleet Vice Commodore Terry Deegan. Learn more at
A STORM STORY by Amy Affelt After a wet and chilly spring this year in Chicago, my husband Michael Leslie and I couldn’t wait to get out on Lake Michigan and start sailing our Snipe. Our first trip out was on June 22. The early morning saw storms and the delay of a Windy City Team Race Regatta, but when the Regatta Chair made the call to proceed, we took that as a sign that it was all clear for us as well. The old adage, “The Calm Before the Storm,” could not be more true. The sun was shining out on the lake and there was no breeze at all. “Hey, now we have ourselves a sailboat,” Michael exclaimed as we started to get some wind in our sails. All of a sudden it went from 0 knots of breeze to 20. A huge dark cloud appeared in the West, and soon there was a steady wind at 28 knots with gusts Michael Leslie and Amy Affelt sail their Snipe into the approaching squall off Montrose Harbor. Photo courtesy: Amy Affelt. over 35. I looked to my left and saw that Michael was no longer on the boat but was in the water (he held on to the mainsheet and the tiller though, so no worries!). We furiously tacked over and over to get back in to Montrose Harbor. “One more tack, just one more,” Michael yelled over and over as we zigzagged our way back in. It seemed like the worst was over when we got to the Montrose Harbor mouth, but we then found ourselves competing with all of the boats from the regatta trying to get back in. Prior to this outing, I had sailed about five times “under the bird,” as they say in the Snipe fleet. When we got back on shore and started recanting our tale, I started to feel like an Old Salt. Instead of concern, our story was met with laughter, knowing smiles and nods, and proclamations of, “That’s sailing on Lake Michigan!” After spending the summer processing the experience and going out many more times, I almost feel like the experience made me want to sail even more. It felt like a race, and in a way it was a race against time. I now want to try racing our Snipe.
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter GONE WITH THE WIND by Haley Dover, Enterprise Intern Dan Malski raises the flags on Mike Sinclair’s sailboat, Puff. John Todd gets together every Saturday afternoon in the summer with friends at the G. Marsten Dame Marina in Northport, Michigan. They head out to the bay, set sail and have some fun racing. “It’s my recollection that back in those days it was pretty much the same somewhat casual affair that it is now, in that we didn’t do a lot of rule enforcement or protests that are commonly found in some of the more glamour bound yacht clubs,” said Todd, vice commodore for the Northport Bay Yacht Club — a group that has been racing their sailboats since the early 1970s. A crew prepares for the race around Gull Island in Northport Bay. From left is Lily Kate Rogers, Abigail Chapman and John Rogers. “A lot of the guys get into that (last) one and dress up,” Rogers said.
Fun is really the main goal for the group, members say. So, new themes have been incorporated into most of the races. The summer series includes a “Ladies Race” for which women must steer the boat for an extended period of time, a “Flags Flying race” in which sailors fly their winning race flags, and even a “Pirates Race.” So far this season, 17 boats have raced according to John Rogers, Commodore, and a majority of those boats race weekly. Sailors arrive at the marina weekly around noon for a meeting at which they learn that day’s route and any changes that may have been made to handicaps or the starting line up. After the meeting, they are released to their boats to get crews ready and set their boats up for the race. The race begins with the first boat taking off at 1 p.m. Boats are divided into two fleets — small and big boats — and are ranked based off of their accessories that may allow them to go faster. Boats with higher ranks start earlier. Sailboat Kristen B prepares by doing a warm up lap before the race’s start. To keep the same boats from winning consistently, Rogers and his leadership team continuously adjust handicaps to help underdogs stay in the competition. “You want to spread as much excitement as you can so we adjust the handicaps,” he said. “If someone is not performing the way they want to, we try to make it better for them.” “Adjusting handicaps to make it equal is special to us (yacht club).” Rogers said he has won the last two races with his boat, Lil Boom, a 20-foot sailboat with a good handicap. "And we sail it hard,” he said. Rogers usually sails with his daughter, Lily Kate, 12, and his son, Jacob, 13, he said. The boats lined up for the start of the Northport Bay Yacht Club race with the race’s winner, Callisto, in the middle. But Todd has won the races the past two Saturdays on his 27-foot sailboat, Callisto. “I’ve won my share of races, not just with this boat with previous boat,” he said. “It takes a combo of good luck and some sailing skill.”
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter Good luck predominantly comes from the weather, he said, and being able to guess the wind patterns. With a wide bay and hills surrounding the water in Northport, the wind can be tricky for sailors. “Having a good crew is useful too,” Todd said. “It’s important to be able to operate a boat without making mistakes and costing time.” Most race courses run around eight miles with boats going clockwise or counter clockwise depending on the wind, which takes an hour and a half to two hours. “If the wind is strong, most boats will be in by 3 p.m.,” Rogers said.
Dan Malski prepares a sail for a race. A normal course for the club sends sailors out to Gull Island, the bell buoy and back to the start at the marina.
But winning isn’t the main focus for all of these sailors. Many of them just like to get their boats out on a regular basis and have some fun, Todd said. “We come from all sorts of backgrounds,” he said. “It’s a great social organization.”
“It’s just the neatest group,” Rogers said. “We have salty old sailors, new people who have never sailed before, people who just bought a boat, a little bit of everything.” Having fun is the main premise for the Northport Bay Yacht Club’s sailing races and is what they intend to continue to promote them. “I think that’s certainly something that goes back to the old days when they sailed in the ‘70s,” Todd said. Reprinted with permission from the Leelanau Enterprise newspaper, July 18, 2013 edition. Please share any or all of the following articles with friends, family, co-workers and neighbors.
KEEP SAILING ALL WINTER #1 by Glenn McCarthy In my day job, I insure many sailboats. One question asked by underwriting is, “Has the applicant taken any boating courses?” Frankly, it is rare that applicants say “Yes.” Sailing has been a pastime that is handed down through experience from generation to generation. The answer isn’t all that surprising. But a "Yes" answer will earn you credit in your insurance premium, not just this year, but for a lifetime (a class now can answer that question "Yes" twenty years from now). “Studies have indicated that 'Nearly 60% of accidents involved operators with no boating safety education. 84% of all boating deaths involved boats operated by drivers with no formal instruction or training.'” Check out safe boating, engine mechanics, licensing for kids, and all sorts of other seminars this winter and have a meet-up with your friends: The ChicagoNow blog rules prevents me from republishing articles elsewhere, please enjoy the link.
KEEP SAILING ALL WINTER #2 by Glenn McCarthy Frostbiting is a great way to keep sailing. Some clubs stop near Thanksgiving and begin again in March or April. Others will sail every weekend as long as there isn’t ice on the harbor or it is not too blustery. The ChicagoNow blog rules prevents me from republishing articles elsewhere, please enjoy the link.
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter KEEP SAILING ALL WINTER #3 by Glenn McCarthy DN Iceboats are the best boats to begin in and also provides the largest fleet locally and worldwide. See how to get involved with the DN’s this winter. The ChicagoNow blog rules prevents me from republishing articles elsewhere, please enjoy the link.
GETTING A MOORING IN CHICAGO HARBORS by Glenn McCarthy If you’re not a boat owner yet, or are thinking about bringing a boat to Chicago, a little history makes it compelling to be in a Chicago Harbor today. The ChicagoNow blog rules prevents me from republishing articles elsewhere, please enjoy the link.
WHAT SOUNDS BETTER: “EXERCISE AND DIET” OR “SAILING AND DIET?” by Glenn McCarthy It’s my impression that most sailors are “lighter” in weight than our counterparts in the rest of society. We get a ton of exercise from the moment we show up in the morning, until we get in our cars at night. Just some food for thought. The ChicagoNow blog rules prevents me from republishing articles elsewhere, please enjoy the link.
FALL SAILING ON LAKE MICHIGAN by Glenn McCarthy Why do some boat owners get their boat to the shipyard so early? Keep it in the water as long as you can and enjoy some of the best sailing of the year. The ChicagoNow blog rules prevents me from republishing articles elsewhere, please enjoy the link.
NIGHT TIME SAILING by Glenn McCarthy A few people suggested I nailed it on describing Night Sailing on the Lake. Read the article and share it with your friends: The ChicagoNow blog rules prevents me from republishing articles elsewhere, please enjoy the link.
THE SAILING RICH AND FAMOUS by Glenn McCarthy Just a smattering of the people I have met through the years, not all, who make a connection to some form of notoriety: Part 1 – Part 2 - The ChicagoNow blog rules prevents me from republishing articles elsewhere, please enjoy the link.
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter JOHN KRETSCHMER COMING TO SHEBOYGAN YOUTH SAILING CLUB EVENT by Matt Zieminski Sheboygan Youth Sailing Club welcomes Sailor, author and adventurer John Kretschmer to the Sheboygan Yacht Club, November 16, 2013. Kretschmer is one of the most experienced delivery skippers in the world, having sailed almost 1 million miles. He is also a longtime contributing editor of SAILING magazine. He’ll be speaking about the lessons he’s learned at sea, from choosing the right boat to handling the weather to getting along with your crewmates. An engaging and personable speaker, Kretschmer’s seminars are standing-room only and his sail-training passages are booked years in advance. His new book, Sailing a Serious Ocean, will be released in October. He has also written At the Mercy of the Sea, Flirting with Mermaids, and Cape Horn to Starboard. There will be a special Youth presentation at 1:00 p.m. for just $10 (scholarships available, call 920-320-9530). The adult dinner session featuring Kretschmer, a fundraising event for the Sheboygan Youth Sailing Club, starts at 6 p.m., for just $40 per person or $75 per couple. At the evening session there will be a raffle, silent auction, and more. Raffle prize: Trip for two with John Kretschmer in April or May, 2015: Fort Lauderdale to Bahamas to Fort Lauderdale - 400 miles--$4,400 Value. Raffle tickets only $50. More information on Kretschmer and his passage schedule at Silent Auction prizes include: • Sail on the Santa Cruz 70 Evolution • Packer Game tickets and Memorabilia • Sail and Dinner with Todd and Kristine Wake Visit to reserve your spot and to purchase raffle tickets.
WOMEN SAILORS – PLEASE TAKE THIS SURVEY US Sailing is working to reach ALL women sailors to gather information about Women's Match Racing and its potential for more participation. Whether you think you might match race, you have match raced, or you have no interest in match racing at all, please complete this very short survey:
NATIONAL HARBOR MAINTENANCE FUNDING IMPROVEMENT POSSIBLE Recent legislation would put the Great Lakes on an equal footing with other regions of the country in federal budgeting for dredging and other harbor maintenance. The Water Resources Reform and Development Act authorizes the Army Corps of Engineers to develop, maintain, and support our nation's waterways. The legislation, would allow Congress to update harbor infrastructure policies to meet the changing demands of the maritime economy. A key provision designates the Great Lakes navigation system of harbors and connecting waterways as a single, unified entity for budgeting. The act awaits action in the Senate. Complete story:
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter CHICAGO MARITIME MUSEUM IS LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS by Glenn McCarthy Professional movers will move the Chicago from Racine Avenue in the December/January timeframe into new quarters in the renovated in the former Spiegel Catalog Warehouse (now called the Bridgeport Art Center) at 1200 West 35th Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60609. Sailing friend Dirk Lohan is designing the space and tradesmen will build it out. Once that is completed, the museum will need hands to unpack and get settled. They are looking for volunteers to perform the following: • • • • • •
Some carpentry, such as racks for canoes, exhibits, etc. Exhibit design work Fundraising for build-out, exhibits and Chicago Maritime Museum operations Volunteer management Docent training Artifact unpacking and cleaning
To inquire, call 312.421.9096 or email
[email protected] to learn how your talents can be put into good use. While the transition is ongoing, the museum is closed to the public, though staff remains on site preparing for the move. More information:
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! MAJOR CHAMPIONSHIPS ON LAKE MICHIGAN July 26-August 1, 2014 THISTLE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Sheboygan Yacht Club, Sheboygan , Wisconsin August 2014 SUNFISH WOMEN'S NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP Lake Bluff Yacht Club, Lake Bluff, Illinois, August 4-8, 2014 US JUNIOR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR THE SEARS CUP, BEMIS TROPHY AND SMYTHE TROPHY (Interlake, 420, Laser) Grand Traverse Yacht Club, Traverse City, Michigan August 7-10, 2014 LIGHTNING WOMEN'S, JUNIOR AND MASTER NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS Sheboygan Yacht Club, Sheboygan , Wisconsin, August 9-15, 2014 LIGHTING NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP Sheboygan Yacht Club, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, August, 2014 TARTAN TEN NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP Chicago Yacht Club, Chicago, Illinois Thursday-Sunday, overlapping and coincident to 2014 Verve Cup Regatta September, 2014 REBEL NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Grand Rapids Yacht Club, Grand Rapids, Michigan, September, 2014 J/111 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP – (Tentative) Little Traverse Yacht Club, Harbor Springs, Michigan
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter HEARD ON THE RAIL … (Tattle On Your Friends!) New Boats & Owners on Lake Michigan 'Tis the season ... You're selling your old boat ... Buying a new boat ... Share the big news so we know who to be welcoming and congratulating! Births Congratulations to Kenosha Yacht Club's David and Rachel Burke for recently adding a set of twin boys (Griffin and Brayden). The Burkes are getting much less sleep and enjoying every second of it. Someday they'll have two strappin' deckhands, though. Sailed off to a Last Sunset Robert E. (Captain Bob) Murphy died January 24, 2013 in Blue Island, Illinois. His passion was boating and boating education. He was a Senior Navigator with the United States Power & Sail Squadron and taught classes on celestial navigation. He organized and taught safe boating to the Chicago Police Marine Unit, State of Illinois Police Marine Unit and Chicago Park District and Lifeguard Service. One of his great achievements was to develop the Murphy’s Method of Sight Reduction which reduced many pages of navigational mathematical calculations to just one page. He was Burnham Park Yacht Club Lifetime Member number 4. He was the Chicago Yachting Association’s Yachtsman of the Year in 1995. Murphy organized and ran the Disabled Persons Cruise each June from 1980 until 1995, benefitting 300 grateful participants every year. He was a 100-Ton Coast Guard Captain. Murphy was twice Commander of the Chicago Power & Sail Squadron and a Rear Commander on the national bridge. Murphy was a member of the Dolphin Water Ski Club and taught water skiing in Sister Lakes, Michigan. Murphy was born on Jan. 4, 1926 in Chicago, Illinois to Raymond and Mary (Torpey) Murphy and was a lifetime resident of Chicago. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Bill. Murphy is survived by his wife Janet, daughters Donna (Ed) Helstrom of Carson, California, Joyce (Jim) Latek of Tinley Park, Illinois, Marijo (Lonny) Clemons of San Diego, California, son Roy (Joanne) Murphy of Granger, Indiana, 8 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. Murphy graduated from Harper High School in 1944 and 2 weeks later began basic training in the Army Air Corp. He was an M.P. and before he could attend pilot training the war began winding down. He was honorably discharged in Oct. 1945. He started his own commercial photography business Mart Studios which later became Murphy Photography. He was the personal photographer for Mayor Richard J. Daley and had many other major clients. He was also assigned to be the personal photographer to Queen Elizabeth, Mother Teresa and many other dignitaries and celebrities. Past Kenosha Yacht Club member Nancy Olson Donnell, 82, of Kenosha, died October 20, 2013, after a long illness. Donnell was a member of the Ladies Auxiliary. She and her husband were at the club quite often for Sunday breakfast and Friday night Fish Frys. Daughter of the late Lloyd and Kathryn (LaMont) Olson. Donnell earned her B.A. in Education with emphasis in sign language from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1952. On June 16, 1951 in Milwaukee, she was united in marriage to Dr. William S. Donnell. He preceded her in death on Aug. 13, 1997. She was also a former member of the Kenosha Country Club and the Ocean Reef Club. Nancy won the Championship Flight Women's Golf Club Championship twice and shot a hole-in-one on June 29, 2004. She was an ardent bridge player who achieved the status of Life Master. She is survived by her five children, Dr. William S. (Suzanne) Donnell of Bolivar, Missouri, Jane (Myles) Lees of Kenosha, Sue (Geoff) Dowse of Kenosha, Kathryn (Doug) Sandberg of Pleasant Prairie and John (Laura) Donnell of Kenosha; and her eight grandchildren. Private Funeral Services will be held. In lieu of flowers, memorial remembrances to St. Matthews Episcopal Church, Kenosha, American Heart Association, or the American Cancer Society, would be appreciated. -Share your “Heard on the Rail” stories at
[email protected].
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter Club Profile: Mackinac Island Yacht Club by Gail M. Turluck Mackinac Island Yacht Club is just up the hill from the State Dock and Marina on Main Street. Now in its 76th year, the club has 310 members and a wait list of over 190 wanting to join. Mackinac Island Yacht Club is a seasonal club, open from May to September for the enjoyment of its members and their guests. It offers the Pink Pony 4th of July Race, Round the Island Race for the Madigan Trophy, Mackinac Island to Manitoulin Island International Yacht Race, and Horn's Bar Labor Day Regatta for the Andy Kiener Cup (established this year in his memory) annually. The club building has comfortable sitting rooms, scenic front porch, a dining room, a kitchen and set-up bar; it does not sell alcoholic beverages. It offers catering service, though bar service needs to be contracted from outside. It also offers eight guest rooms of varying size, some with incredible lake and harbor views. With an active social calendar, Mackinac Island Yacht Club is a bustling place during the summer sailing season.
LMSRF GRANTS-IN-AID RECIPIENT REPORTS The Detroit Cup was a great regatta for Windy City Racing. We had one new sailor with us, which made things a bit tricky for us early on. Boat handling the first day or so was definitely our weaker point, something that hurt us when it came time to fight for spots in the quarterfinals. But all in all, it was a great event, and we are really grateful for the opportunity given to us by Bayview Yacht Club and Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation. You could really see a huge leap in confidence and boat handling between the start of the regatta and the end. Although the result was nowhere near what we were expecting nor hoping for, we definitely thought we sailed much better than our results showed. It was the little things that really hurt us, minor boat handling mistakes, that cost us many races this event. In summary, it was a great event put on by Bayview Yacht Club. The event was professional with great press conferences, hospitality, coverage, and most importantly great racing. Bayview Yacht Club has a fantastic venue, perfect for match racing, and our team is very thankful for the opportunity to learn from some of the best sailors in the world and had some great battles with them. We would like to thank again Bayview Yacht Club for their generous hospitality and LMSRF Grants-in-Aid Committee for providing us with the funds to make this fantastic experience possible. --Peter Holz, Windy City Racing The 2013 Sunfish World Championship was sailed out of Lewes Yacht Club, Lewes, Delaware on Delaware Bay. No one planned for a cold front followed by the remnants of Tropical Storm Karen to develop into a nor'easter to affect the event for the whole week. The first day of racing had Southwest wind of 12-20, offshore. As the fleet was starting up the second beat, a heavy squall with winds of 35-45 and blinding rain moved in. It lasted about 15 minutes. While very challenging, I had set the boat up with a "Jens" depowering rig, and handled the conditions well. I also learned from another competitor, who sailed in wild conditions at the North American Championship earlier this year, that wearing sunglasses in windy, wavy conditions is a good idea. That, plus having them for the heavy rain—that felt like pins and needles—let me minimally see where I was going and other boats to gauge incoming puffs and shifts. That was the only race of the day. The second day dawned with North-northeast winds of 25-32 and gusty, onshore. Rigging the boat that morning, I pulled the outhaul so hard I straightened out a brand
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter new "s" hook at the tack. By the time I located a line to replace it, rigged it successfully and was ready to launch, it was too late to make the first race of the day. There was a small jetty at the north end of the beach that provided space enough for one boat at a time to launch safely and I was on my way. Just after I checked in with the Race Committee, the main sail came down. The "Long Island Jens" depowering rig line had broken. Quickly I rigged a different piece of line in its place, pulled the sail up and was ready to race. These equipment issues distracted me from analyzing the wind and tide/current patterns, and with 1-4 knot tidal flows, even in the heavy air, these considerations were critical. In the second race of the day I made a point of moving fast, playing shifts, and had my best race of the regatta. Between the second and third race of the day the wind lightened considerably, to 16-24. This was unexpected and I did not trust that it would stay down; the sky remained as it had been. I left the "Jens" depowering rig in place; this left me underpowered. Many other sailors also remained depowered, so that choice did not hurt too badly. For the last race of the day I shook out the "Jens" depowering rig and set up for the much lighter breeze of 12-16. The current was up, the sea still rough, and a 35 degree shift hit right at the starting horn. Because of the current it was impossible to get to the favored end of the line in five minutes. Though I had stayed in the starting area, it would have been better to camp out in the middle than at the Signal Boat end. There was little opportunity to pass, as the wind was lighter enough that a pump to surf offwind was ineffective. The third day dawned with Northeast winds of 25-35 and gusty and onshore waves of 6-9 feet. This slight change in the wind and wave angle left nowhere on the beach that was protected to launch safely. These conditions remained for the following two days, ending the championship. A year-and-a-half of preparation and training was important to my overall performance. While I did not make my goal of finishing in the 30s, I still had my best World Championship of five. I am very grateful to have received a Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation grant that helped make this championship a reality. Thank you.--Gail M. Turluck, Stitches, Sunfish 24186 On behalf of the Judd Goldman Adaptive Sailing Foundation's Board of Directors, volunteers, and most importantly, program participants, thank you and the LMSRF Grants-in-Aid Committee for the grant. Your generous support helped fund US Sailing certification in Rescue Boat and Level 1 Small Boat Instructor courses. The course is designed to provide instructors with information on how to teach more safely, effectively and creatively. Your support helps to further our mission of helping people with physical disabilities achieve self-esteem and independence through sailing. Again, we appreciate your generosity and look forward to working with you and the LMSRF in the future.—Peter D. Goldman, President and Kerry Grinter, Executive Administrator The Grants-In-Aid Committee considers applications and makes grants to LMSRF members for sailing education and events from the proceeds of the LMSRF Endowment Fund. Not one penny comes from dues. Learn more by visiting:
2014 SEARS/BEMIS/SMYTHE CHAMPIONSHIPS ON LAKE MICHIGAN! Parents! Grandparents! Youth program leaders! The US Sailing Junior Championships are being hosted by Grand Traverse Yacht Club, August 4-8, 2014, in Interlakes, 420s and Lasers. What a great opportunity for our young sailors to participate in the ladder elimination series program to send the very best sailors to represent Area K! The dates and locations for those eliminations will be announced. There's a short video teaser about the event here: Make sure your Junior sailors see it! Send them the link today!
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 2014 SUMMER SAILSTICE – SAVE THE DATE! Save the Date for Summer Sailstice 2014: the weekend of June 21/22 – yes, the actual solstice! Mission Unite all sailors in a global celebration of sail at the start of summer on the weekend closest to the solstice. Summer Sailstice is a global sailing holiday created in 2001 to provide a worldwide celebration of sailing on the weekend closest to the solstice . Sign up is free at: Yacht clubs and sailors all around Lake Michigan participated this year – let's grow it more in 2014!
WONDERING OUT LOUD – 6 MONTHS OF WRITING TO NON-SAILORS TO GET THEM INTO SAILING by Glenn McCarthy I write in the LMSRF Newsletter trying to motivate all racing sailors to try new things out to get participation growing again. Simultaneously, I write a blog to non-sailors, explaining to them how to get into sailing. After six months of blogging (writing articles), this much I know. My writings to the uninitiated sailors thus far includes: • • • • •
40 Articles Published 79% is new traffic, 21% is returning traffic There have been 12,033 page views By 7,243 unique visitors Who Made 8,903 Visits
• Average day has 66 page views • Had 6 reader comments • Most use Google search, Facebook link, Yahoo search, Bing search, Yahoo search and Twitter link to get steered to the articles (in that order).
What have they been reading? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
34th America’s Cup – 4,199 Chicago Mackinac – 1470 The Sailing Rich and Famous – 331 Night Time Sailing - 309 Crew Schools – 305 Sailing on DN Ice Boats – 260 Sail on a Tall Ship – 259 America’s Cup Trophy in Chicago – 227 Adult Sailing Schools – 212 Junior Sailing Schools – 201 Sign Up Online to Crew – 200 Sailing on Arrow Ice Boats - 199 Chartering - 174 Sea Scouts and Mariners Programs – 162 Fall Sailing on Lake Michigan – 127 Frostbiting – 120 Learn to Sail Online? – 120
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Radio Control Sailboats - 105 Getting a Mooring in the Chicago Harbor System – 98 What do the Wealthy Sail? – 95 Event Charters - 83 Where do you Find the Time to Go Sailing? – 82 Mal De Mer – 82 Rental Sailboats – 81 Family Fun Sailing Together – 75 Accessibility Sailing – 74 Time-Share Sailboats – 74 Sailboat Shows – 73 High School Sailing – 61 College Sailing - 40 Winter Sailing Seminars – 38 Open Houses and Open Sailing Days – 31 readers Iceboating on Nites - 26
It is an uphill slog to get an audience to show up and read the blog. We already knew that didn’t we? While some towns in the U.S. are known to be sailing towns and the non-sailors in the region appreciate it and know they live in a sailing town, Chicago just doesn’t have that moniker and I am not sure there are any harbors on Lake Michigan where the non-sailors are tied to the sailors.
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter There are 400 bloggers on the ChicagoNow website, and some are getting 40,000 readers in one day, while I have had 12,000 readers in 6 months. Some of these bloggers get calls to be interviewed in newspapers, radio and TV; at least one of them a week. The easiest article took an hour and fifteen minutes to write, the longest took twelve hours to write. To understand the research, each article is a comprehensive list, or better yet, the encyclopedia on each topic on where to get involved in sailing on Lake Michigan (with a Chicago area focus). Finding each place to get involved is tedious work. Nowhere on the internet is there a comprehensive list on any topic, not until I create it and publish it. The articles always explain two simple things, that sailing is Affordable and Accessible. I identified 250 entry points into sailing (mainly as crew, then the next step is renting, chartering or time-share) so far between Hammond and Racine, a 90-mile stretch of waterfront. Two hundred and fifty! This has been a startling number to me and I hope is to you too. A lot of people established programs to get people on the water. And what are we doing to grab these new sailors once they step out of the program they signed up for? Is this getting more boats on the water? Are more people sailing? I have no idea. I just continue to wonder. I did get one fellow blogger to take her Dad out for his 80th birthday on a charter sailboat, so there is one in the win column for 6 months of trying that I can put my finger on. I will say one thing. If a friend, co-worker, neighbor or relative says to you “I would like to try sailing out” please send them to They will find all of the harbors where “open” sailing occurs and every shop that offers sailing open to the public. They can let their fingers do the walking to choose the location, price and quality.
2014 STRICTLY SAIL CHICAGO ANCHORS AT NAVY PIER Plan now to cast away those winter blues and set sail at the 2014 Progressive Insurance Strictly Sail Chicago boat show, dropping anchor at Chicago’s Navy Pier January 23-26. The nation’s largest indoor "all-sail" boat show attracts more than 20,000 sailing enthusiasts and is the winter destination for ‘sails’ on new sailboats, gear and accessories, plus daily clinics for sailors of all experience levels and fun for the whole family. 2014 Progressive Insurance Strictly Sail Chicago highlights include: • Featured seminars include a recap of the America’s Cup, one of the world’s most prestigious sailing events, from President of the National Sailing Hall of Fame, Gary Jobson and a chance to meet 'America’s First Couple of Cruising,' Lin & Larry Pardey. • Be a part of the many Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation seminars, workshops and presentations. • Nautical family fun includes knot tying, crafting toy sailboats, a bouncy play area, appearances from Skipper the dolphin, and returning by popular demand, the remote control sailboat pond – a favorite for adults and children. • Learn the ropes on dry land before setting sail. More than 200 free educational seminars offer beginners an affordable way to get their feet wet before climbing aboard and experienced skippers a variety of courses to improve techniques and learn something new during off season. • Set Sail on the Sailing Simulator. Climb aboard an actual sailboat, adjust the ropes and get a feel for the wind and waves without getting wet, ideal for new boaters looking to learn how to sail and for advanced sailors looking to practice under different conditions. • Nautical style adds a splash to your wardrobe and is also an important part of the boating lifestyle, which is why visitors can dress the part with deals on everything needed for on-the-water adventures from boat shoes to waterproof apparel and much more.
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter When: Thursday, January 23: 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. Friday, January 24: 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Saturday, January 25: Sunday, January 26:
10 a.m. – 7 p.m. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Where: Navy Pier, Festival Halls A & B, 600 E. Grand Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 Admission: $12 – Thursday and Friday (Adults) $15 – Saturday and Sunday (Adults) $25 – Family Pack, includes two adults and two children any day (Online ONLY) $75 – VIP Club (includes 4 day ticket, private lounge, coat check, snacks and more) FREE – Children 15 years and under (when accompanied by an adult) All online e-ticket purchases include a one-year subscription to Yachting, Boating, Parenting, Flying, TW Snowboarding, Sailing World-online or Cruising World-online. Web: For more information and to pre-shop the show, visit Become a fan on Facebook and follow the show on Twitter. Use hashtag #StrictlySailChicago across all social platforms to join the conversation.
Plan Now For 2014 US Sailing Championships & Ladder Qualifying Events LMSRF is a member Regional Sailing Association in US Sailing, the national governing body for the sport of sailing. LMSRF feeds its members into “ladder events” at which you may sail to qualify for the US Sailing National Championships (a win at the regional qualifying event lets you proceed up the ladder to an Area event, and then on to the finals). Visit to start your plans to compete for the 2014 Championships.
DAVE IRISH NAMED 2013 HERRESHOFF TROPHY HONOREE US Sailing’s highest honors were presented at Annual Meeting Awards Dinner, presented by Rolex, at the South Seas Island Resort in Captiva, Florida. US Sailing recognized these people for their extraordinary achievements in the areas of sailing education, race administration and operations, sailing with disability, safety and overall contributions to the sport. • David Irish, of Harbor Springs, Michigan, received the prestigious Nathanael G. Herreshoff Trophy for his outstanding contributions to the sport of sailing. Irish has recently completed his eighth year as an ISAF Vice President. He was significantly involved with integrating governance structure and support of big boat sailing within ISAF. Irish was also involved in competitor classification. He was elected to three, one-year terms as US Sailing President from 1995 to 1997. He also served 16 years on US Sailing’s Offshore Racing Council. In 1961, he founded the Irish Boat Shop in Harbor Springs, Mich. The shop remains in business today and has expanded to two locations. "I learned a lot along the way about people, racing, and governing the sport," commented Irish.
Dave Irish (center) with the Herreshoff Trophy. Photo courtesy: US Sailing.
• Magnus Liljedahl, of Miami, Florida, received the Gay S. Lynn Memorial Trophy for his outstanding contributions to sailors with disabilities.
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter • Peter Reggio, of Essex, Connecticut, received the Harman Hawkins Award for the major role he has played in the advancement of race administration. • The Sandusky Sailing Club, of Sandusky, Ohio, received the St. Petersburg Trophy for excellence in race management. • John Rousmaniere, of New York, New York, received the Timothea Larr Award for his outstanding contributions to the advancement of sailor education in the U.S. • Cory Sertl, of Rochester, New York, and Gary Bodie, of Hampton, Virginia, received President’s Awards for their service as U.S. delegates to the International Sailing Federation (ISAF). Complete information on all honorees available here:
ROLEX YACHTSMAN AND YACHTSWOMAN OF THE YEAR AWARDS: NOMINATIONS OPEN US Sailing is accepting nominations for its 2013 Rolex Yachtsman and Yachtswoman of the Year awards, widely acknowledged as the foremost individual sailing honors in the nation. Through November 30, 2013, US Sailing members may nominate the one male and one female sailor they believe has turned in the most outstanding on-the-water performance during the 2013 calendar year. Nominations can be made here: Submit your nomination(s) today. Established in 1961 by US Sailing and sponsored by Rolex Watch, U.S.A. since 1980, the annual presentation of US Sailing's Rolex Yachtsman and Yachtswoman of the Year awards recognize the individual male and female U.S. sailor who has demonstrated on-the-water excellence at international and/or national events to earn their place in the history of the sport. SKUD-18 Paralympic Silver Medalist Jen French and Kiteboarding World Champion Johnny Heineken earned the prestigious distinction in 2012. At the conclusion of the nomination period, a shortlist of nominees will be presented to a panel of accomplished sailing journalists who discuss the merits of each and vote by secret ballot to determine the individual award winners. The winners will be honored in February, 2014, during a luncheon at St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco, when they will be presented with specially-engraved Rolex timepieces.
ADAPTIVE SAILING CENTER SANCTIONING PROGRAM ESTABLISHED To address the needs of sailors with disabilities, US Sailing created the Adaptive Sailing Center Sanctioning Program to identify programs that are offering high-quality, adaptive, programming. Programs of all types (i.e., both year round and seasonal, junior and adult, etc.) are eligible, provided they meet the specific guidelines set forth by the Committee for Sailors with Disabilities. Organizations that are recognized as US Sailing Adaptive Sailing Centers will enjoy increased recognition as one of the best facilities in the country. Additionally, the goal of the Adaptive Sailing Center network is to help formalize the level of instruction throughout the United States and create more opportunities for individuals will all types of disabilities. There are no prerequisites for the types of boats that an organization uses, nor is there a limitation on what specific population they work with. Each program is expected to use boats that meet minimum safety requirements and in their educational programs are required to use curricula that accomplish the skills listed through either the US Sailing Red Book or Keelboat Program. The Adaptive Sailing Centers provide students with a nationwide network of educational and competitive opportunities.
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter US Sailing Training and Leadership SAILING LEADERSHIP FORUM SET FOR 2014 US Sailing invites you to the Sailing Leadership Forum, February 6-8, 2014, in San Diego, California. More info: RACE OFFICER, JUDGE AND UMPIRE CERTIFICATION US Sailing Advanced Race Management Seminar—Milwaukee Yacht Club will host on Saturday and Sunday, November 9-10, 2013. Hank Stuart will be the lead instructor and John Strassman will assist. Registration is available at: The website is a little tricky. To streamline, go to the web site above, find the Milwaukee Seminar, Click the enroll now button. Then on the very first page, "Course Prerequisites," there is a teeny-tiny box at the bottom of the page you need to scroll down to, then check it stating that you understand them. Then you will be able to register.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Responding to Glenn McCarthy's article on Kids sailing, who observes that 95% of youth sailors quit sailing by age 2, and asks if anyone has examples of their success in getting college kids invited on adult boats. I got one. In Hawaii we are blessed with the University of Hawaii Sailing Team graduating great sailors looking for any opportunity to grow within the sport. I recently sailed with four women, three alumni and one on the team, in the Lahaina Race. We took the spectacular north shore of Molokai route which turned out to be the wrong way but the five of us managed two jibes in 25 knots of wind surfing at 16 to 20 knots on a 39 footer with a 17' penalty pole, while other boats with far more seasoned sailors (and more beer!!) were wrapping poles around headstays. I would urge owners to recruit from sailing team alumni. Let your contacts network with their friends and pretty soon you'll have more crew than you know what to do with. You'll want to do the regular beer can races and hold practice sessions separately. Don't try to train crew on beer can races or any other races. You'll want to have practice sessions where you can stop the action and take the time to explain a maneuver or technique. Don't despair when nearly no one responds to your emails. Make a call or two and soon they're all showing up again. --Frederic Berg I've got a copy of the 1965 Racing Rules by the NAYRU. I take it to every regatta. It's a permanent part of my protest folder. The rules were much simpler then. Hit a mark or bump a competitor and you packed it up. Tradition is part of who we are. We should not abandon it, but at the same time we shouldn't allow it to lead the pack. I used to put 8 to 12 people on my J/29 on week-nights. Made sure anyone who wanted to go could come. Twelve people make it difficult to tack ... Student body right was the command, but we had fun. Told everyone that sometimes I erupt ... I compared it to diarrhea, just wait a minute or two and it to will pass. Everyone had fun. Interesting... while having fun, we'd on occasion actually win! We need to keep the "T" word in our sport, manage it better, but it's an important part of who we are. Or better yet, roll the calendar back to 1957! "I Like Ike" they cheered! How about ... Lead or follow, just don't forget that Tradition is part of the answer. --Mark Gardner What do you think would make sailing better on Lake Michigan? Write to:
[email protected].
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter FIRST EVER STAR SAILORS LEAGUE FINALS TO BE HELD IN NASSAU The Star Sailors League is proud to announce its first ever event: the 2013 Star Sailors League Final. The invitational event will be held at the Nassau Yacht Club from December 3-8, 2013, with the best Star sailors from eleven countries competing. Most of the leaders in the Star Sailors League Ranking list have already confirmed their participation: Robert Scheidt (BRA), Xavier Rohart (FRA), Freddy Loof (SWE), Eivind Melleby (NOR), Michael Hestbaek (DEN), Flavio Marazzi (SUI), Johannes Polgar (GER), Robert Stanjek (GER), Mateusz Kusznierewicz (POL), George Szabo (USA) and Diego Negri (ITA). Also confirmed is Paul Cayard (USA), long time Star sailor and 1992 Louis Vuitton Cup Winner, who will compete as a welcome guest. Further participants will be confirmed. This event will also be the first Star event with the new race format. For all 18 boats, regatta style racing for three days, with no more than four races per day and a maximum of nine races in all, followed by an innovative fourth day: the top ten from the previous days will compete in the three final races with a progressive drop-out of three boats per session. The last day of racing will begin with ten boats in the quarter final, seven in the semi-final and only four in the final. The overall winner of the event will be the team that first crosses the line in the final race. In this debut event, USD$200,000 will be awarded in prize money, to be divided amongst the whole fleet. Prizes also include the Best Skipper of the Year award, while the Best Crew of the Year will receive the first "Simpson Memorial Trophy," in memory of British Star sailor Andrew Simpson. For more information, visit:
DN Iceboats on Gull Lake, Michigan in March, 2013. Are you ready for hard water sailing season? Photo by Gail M. Turluck.
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter WHAT HAPPENED … (Disappointed that your club's results aren't here? Send 'em to us!! Regatta and sailing stories, photos and results are sought for inclusion in the Lake Michigan SuRF newsletter. Be sure to include the fun stuff, the unexpected, and the social stuff. Email
[email protected] as soon as the regatta is over!) 2013 Great Pumpkin Regatta Johnson Slough Yacht Club, Hinsdale, Illinois October 26, 2013
Sunfish Less treacherous than the weatherman had all thinking, this Great Pumpkin featured morning Southwest breezes of 8-15 and afternoon North-northwest breezes of 12-20 and gusty; nowhere near the gale force winds experienced on nearby Lake Michigan. Rigging time with fresh coffee and donuts, a gourmet hot lunch prepared by Cheryl McCarthy, post-race libations plus snacks with a football viewing bonanza hosted by Jim McCarthy, and six total races make this a don't-miss-it regatta annually!—Gail Turluck 1. Rich Chapman 1-1-1-[3]-2-1 6 2. Bob Findlay 2-2-2-1-[3]-2 9 3. Fritz Hanselman 3-[4]-3-2-1-3 12 4. David Michals 5-[7]-4-4-4-6 23 5. Gail Turluck 4-3-[6]-6-6-5 24 6. David Anderson 6-5-5-5-[7]-4 25 7. Leland Brode [8]-6-7-7-6-5 31 8. Doug Warren [9]-8-8-8-8-7 39 9. Richard Ruderman 7-[9]-9-9-9-9 43
2013 Hairy Scary Team Race Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club, Chicago, Illinois October 26, 2013
Great Pumpkin winners (front row, l to r): Richard Ruderman-the Great Pumpkin, Fritz Hanselman, Bob Findlay, Rich Chapman (top row), Gail Turluck, David Michals. Photo by Jim McCarthy.
Vanguard 15 Regatta was sailed in a 2 boat on 2 boat random pair format, each boat earned single wins to lead to overall score. In the spirit of the season, the Costume Contest winners were: 1st Place Mario Brothers - Andy Camarda & Markel 2nd Place Where's Waldo - Mel Levy & Liz 3rd Place Gender Bender - John Schellenbach & Kate Moon Skipper/Crew W L 1. Val Smith/Field 7 1 2. Ben Marden/Sue 6 2 3. Mark Teborek/Rachel 6 3 4. Bubbles/Lindsey 5 4 5. Mark/Theresa 5 5 6. Andy Camarda/Markell 4 6 6. Augi Hernandez/Kelsey 4 6 6. Wisco 2/Ally 4 6 9. Andy Graff/Colleen 4 9 9. Andrew Fox/(Wisco 1) 3 9 11. Jacob Karlin/Katie 2 11 11. Mikey Whitford/Amy Baxter 2 11 11. John Schellenbach/Kate Moon 2 11 14. Lu Han/Erica 1 14 14. Mel Levy/Liz 1 14 14. Mike Schroff/Marne Smiley 1 14
2013 F18 Americas Championship Regatta Sarasota Sailing Squadron, Sarasota, Florida October 19-26, 2013 56 boats
Many that attended this regatta are in training and practicing to prepare for the 2015 Pan American Games qualifier. 22. Kurt Korte/Daniel Hearn Cat. Racing Assoc. of Wisconsin 24-22-35-35-34-24-[37]-[DC]-15-13-14-23-19-29-23-14-10 30. Guy Selsmeyer/Tyler Gruen Cat. Racing Assoc. of Wisconsin 32-46-[DF]-[DC]-DF-13-19-15-23-32-32-27-30-16-12-18-DC 38. Dave Stiemsma/Michael Niacaris Austin Lake Catamaran Assoc. 34-29-32-36-43-37-[DC]-[DC]-24-44-36-43-28-34-35-35-29 39. Graham Walker/Ben Biddick Cat. Racing Assoc. of Wisconsin 43-41-23-[OC]-[DC]-39-15-18-44-OC-48-26-OC-32-30-32-38 46. Clay Selsmeyer/Tyler Gruen Cat. Racing Assoc. of Wisconsin 46-45-37-[DC]-[DC]-DC-DC-DC-37-38-35-40-29-49-27-37-32
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Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
334 429 519 543 623
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter Midwest Collegiate Sailing Association Match Racing Championship Sail Sheboygan/Sheboygan Yacht Club, Sheboygan, Wisconsin October 19-20, 2013 Sonars
Sail Sheboygan and the Sheboygan Yacht Club hosted the Midwest Collegiate Sailing Association (MCSA) qualifier for the National Match Racing Championship. Six teams raced each other for the right to represent the association at the national championship being held in St. Petersburg, Florida in November. The teams sailed a double round robin Saturday in shifty and puffy west winds. Michigan finished the day on top with 9 wins and their only loss came at the hands of Minnesota. Wisconsin and Minnesota each finished the double round robin with 7 wins with Wisconsin winning the tie breaker. Finishing out the top 4 to move on to the semi-final stage was Michigan State with 5 wins. Sunday morning’s start was postponed as PRO Rich Reichelsdorfer waited for breeze to fill in. The first semi-final match between Michigan and Michigan State went to Michigan in two races. Wisconsin beat Minnesota in the second semi-final match 2-1 to move onto the finals Wisconsin team skippered by LMSRF member Whitney Kent during the pre-start of the first race of the finals and led around the course to the leeward gate with a 2-boat lead. Michigan chose the left gate and Wisconsin chose the right. Kent and her team found better pressure on the right side of the course, and when the teams tacked back, it was Wisconsin crossing ahead of Michigan. Wisconsin held onto their lead and won race 1. The pre-start of race 2 was tactically very different from the constant maneuvering that took place in race 1. Michigan set up to leeward of Wisconsin, pinning them to the right of the start line. Both boats held their
positions until timing their final approach to the start. Michigan was able to round the windward mark ahead, but was passed by Wisconsin at the top of the downwind leg. Both boats gybed and Michigan responded to Wisconsin's luff and re-took the lead to tie the series 1-1. In the winner takes all match, again the pre-start was action-packed with Wisconsin leading the way back. It appeared Wisconsin would force Michigan in behind at the start, but at the last second left enough space for Michigan to start to windward. A luff by Wisconsin and response by Michigan was green-flagged by the umpires and the teams were off neck and neck, covering each other’s tacks upwind. Michigan maintained starboard control and extended their lead to the leeward mark, where again the teams rounded opposite gates. But it was Michigan rounding the right gate and holding onto their lead to win the regatta. The Minnesota team skippered by Drake Lundeen fended off Michigan State's William Weiland in the petit-finals to finish in 3rd place, and Ohio State, skippered by David Aspery beat the Illinois-Chicago team led by Olivia Zwierski-Moran to finish 5th. Complete standings: 1. University of Michigan, Will Cyr 2. University of Wisconsin, Whitney Kent 3. University of Minnesota, Drake Lundeen 4. Michigan State University, William Weiland 5. Ohio State University, David Aspery 6. University of Illinois-Chicago, Olivia Zwierski-Moran Wisconsin (left) and Michigan (right) battling it out on the downwind leg at the 2013 MCSA Match Race Championship at Sail Sheboygan. Photo by Jason Bemis.
Winning Michigan team members (l to r): Ansley Semack, David Oliver, Will Cyr, Chris Cyr. Photo courtesy: Sail Sheboygan.
2013 Fall Sunfish Series Lake Bluff Yacht Club, Lake Bluff, Illinois September 8-October 20, 2013 *=DNC 1. Fritz Hanselman 2. Rich Chapman 3. Doug Warren 4. Dave Michals 5. Holly Hanselman 6. Andrew Brunner 7. Jake Lundberg
2 1 5 4 6 7 3
2 1 5 4 6 7 3
1 2 5 4 6 7 3
1 5 4 3 DF 6 2
2 1 4 3 * 5 *
2 1 4 3 * 5 *
1 2 4 3 * 5 *
1 2 4 3 * 5 *
2 1 5 3 4 6 *
2 1 6 5 4 3 *
3 1 4 6 5 2 *
1 * 3 * 2 4 *
1 * 2 * 3 4 *
1 * 3 * 2 4 *
1 * 3 * 2 4 *
2 1 3 * * 4 *
1 2 3 * * 4 *
3 1 2 * * 4 *
1 2 4 3 5 6 *
2 3 4 5 1 6 *
1 2 5 4 3 6 *
1 2 4 3 5 6 *
16 19 47 50 54 59 111
2013 Laser Masters North American Championship New York Yacht Club, Newport, Rhode Island October 18, 2013 Laser 99 boats 15. Roman Plutenko [Apprentice Master]
Chicago Yacht Club
15 35 10 66/ZFP 13 14 [100/BFD] 7
2013 Rhodes 19 National Championship Southern Yacht Club, New Orleans, Louisiana October 15-18, 2013 4. 9.
White Uno Mas
Bob Bernstein Gary Scott
Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club
November 2013
2 7
3 6 [10] 9
[OC] 1 5 8
7 8
26 6
7 9
5 10
31 56
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 2013 Nagawicka Octoberfest Regatta Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club, Chicago, Illinois October 12-13, 2013 Vanguard 15 1. Scott Eisenhardt/Teresa Trejo 2. Ben Marden/Sue O'Neil 3. Mike Schroff/Mike Whitford 4. Val Smith/Heidi 5. Andy Camarda/Markell 6. Steven Anderson/Hannah 7. John Schellenbach/Whitney 8. Mel Levy/Ben Levy 9. Michael Anderson/Ally 10. Megan Barkley/Rod Salazar 11. Brian Kennalley/Gretchen 12. Chuck O’Donnell/Eddie
5 1 3 4 2 6 8 7 9 10 11 12
1 6 2 3 5 8 4 10 11 7 9 12
2 4 3 1 6 5 7 8 10 9 DF DS
3 1 5 4 2 6 9 8 7 10 DS DS
5 4 1 3 2 8 7 10 6 9 DS DS
1 3 7 4 2 5 9 8 10 6 DS DS
4 1 5 2 3 6 7 8 10 DS DS 9
5 6 1 3 2 7 8 4 DF DF 9 10
1 2 3 6 4 5 9 7 8 10 12 11
1 4 2 3 8 5 6 9 7 10 11 12
4 1 3 2 4 5 8 6 9 DF 11 10
32 33 35 35 40 66 82 85 100 110 128 128
2013 Storm Trysail Foundation - Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta Larchmont Yacht Club/Storm Trysail Club, Larchmont, New York October 12-13, 2013
Nearly 450 college sailors gathered for the Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta (IOR) organized by the Storm Trysail Foundation, Storm Trysail Club and Larchmont Yacht Club over Columbus Day weekend, including nine teams from the Midwest Collegiate Sailing Association featuring many Lake Michigan sailors. Sailed in 54 borrowed offshore boats, the IOR is the largest collegiate regatta in North America. The fleet was made up of 11 J/105s, 15 J/109s, five J/44s, and two 10-boat handicap divisions. A separate race course held a fiveteam match racing series in Swedish Match 40s borrowed from the Oakcliff Sailing Center. As a result of a stationary low, strong northeast winds blew for three days before the regatta as well as for the two days of racing, making conditions extreme – even for experienced Long Island Sound racers. After two
The IRC Class at the 2013 Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta. (Photo credit: races were sailed on Saturday in winds blowing from 22-30 with higher gusts, the race committee sent the dwindling fleet back to the harbor in hopes of more benign conditions the next day. But on Sunday the low pressure system still refused to budge, and conditions remained the same. After a two-and-a-half hour harbor postponement, the Race Committee called it quits and neither the owners of the borrowed boats nor the sailors thought they made the wrong call. “It was a shame for the teams that came so far,” said Regatta Chair Adam Loory, explaining that nine teams came from the Midwest and three teams came from Canada. “Our committee had to err on the side of caution; if boats get broken or people get hurt, we won’t be able to pull together a regatta on this scale ever again. As it was, the City Island UK Sailmakers loft burned a lot of midnight oil to get sails back into one piece for Sunday. In the cases where sails were unrepairable, we found loaner sails to fill in.” University of Michigan, sailing on Andrew and Linda Weiss’s brand new Sydney 43 Christopher Dragon in the IRC division, had two firsts, but had a lower winning percentage and was scored second overall. (For full results, visit Andrew Berdon, owner of the J/109 Strider, posted on his Facebook page, “Sailed with members of the Dalhousie University Sailing Team today. They drove 13 hours to get down here from Halifax, Nova Scotia and proceeded to kick butt, taking a first and second in our races today. The wind was blowing dogs off their chains, 22-30 knots from the northeast with higher gusts and huge, breaking waves. Thank you to the Storm Trysail Foundation and LYC for putting on my favorite regatta of the year.” Chris Ercole, owner of the J/109 Sweet Caroline wrote, "Yes, it was a lot of fun. I had no idea the Ottawa team does not have a coach or even much of a sailing budget as they are not a varsity level team. Our helmsman had never steered anything bigger than a 420 before, never mind anything with a wheel. I think we were all very happy with our performance. The kids were absolutely great and very appreciative for having use of the boat. They were very respectful of the boat and gear; nothing was lost or abused. Having Tom (Darling) aboard was great, too, as I'm still learning and don't know the first thing about teaching kids how to sail.” Each boat had the boat owner or his representative aboard as well as a second adult. The adults are encouraged to teach boat speed, boat handling and sail trim, since much of big boat sailing is new to dinghy sailors. Since the regatta is a stand-alone event and is not used to rank the teams, the regatta organizers encourage teaching during the regatta. The only line that is drawn covers tactics. The college sailors called their own tactics, since figuring out which way to go on the race course is universal to all sailboats. The goal of the Storm Trysail Foundation and the Larchmont Yacht Club in running the IOR is to introduce dinghy sailors to the fun and teamwork of big boat racing, which is a new aspect of the sport to many dinghy sailors. It also gives college sailors with big boat skills a chance to compete in some of the bestprepared boats around. Thanks to sponsors Rolex, Vineyard Vines, Caithness Energy, Safe Flight Instruments, Flintlock Construction, Dimension/Polyant
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter Sailcloth, UK Sailmakers, Gill (foul weather gear), Heineken and Coke, this is a totally free event for the boat owners and college sailors. Storm Trysail Club Commodore Nick Langone said, “I applaud the organizing team, led by Adam Loory and Butch Ulmer, for spending so much time organizing, giving direction, and finally executing one of the best, and well run regattas I've been associated with." Finally, a special thanks to Larchmont Yacht Club, the co-sponsor of the regatta. “There are very few, if any, clubs that can host an event this size, while not inconveniencing their members,” said John Fisher, Chairman of the Storm Trysail Foundation. Larchmont provided over 35 guest moorings and put on extra launch service for the regatta. They also ran their own Columbus Day regatta at the same time. Schools should save the date for next year’s IOR, which will be sailed Oct. 11-12, 2014. The Storm Trysail Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to support the education of young sailors, junior safety at sea, and intercollegiate big boat racing. The Storm Trysail Foundation educates young sailors as they bridge the gap between learning to sail and becoming accomplished blue water seamen, through a national program of events including junior safety at sea seminars and intercollegiate big boat racing. For more information, visit IRC Division IRC 40 9 boats 1. USA 4304 Christopher Dragon Sydney 43 Michigan / Andrew & Linda Weiss 1 1 2.0 3. USA 4210 Quintessence Swan 42 Western Michigan / Roger Widmann 5 2 7.0 7. USA 1131 Soulmates Custom Goetz 40 Ohio State / Adam & Jenni Loory 3 DSQ 13.0 One Design Division J/109 15 boats 4. USA 260 Mad Dogs & Englishmen J/109 Michigan / Adrian & Jen Begley 5 3 8.0 12. USA 310 Pax 3 J/109 Miami Univ of Ohio / Bob Siegel DNS 7 23.0 13. USA 125 Loki J/109 Northwestern / David Rosow 11 13 24.0 J/105 11 boats 6. USA 167 Peregrina J/105 Wisconsin / Dr. Josh Burack 7 7 14.0 PHRF Division PHRF 50-90 10 boats 7. USA 63396 Draco Express 37 Michigan Tech / Bob Behringer 9 5 14.0 9. USA 51072 Troubador Express 37 Denison / Jamie Anderson 6 DNF 17.0
2013 Sunfish World Championship Lewes Yacht Club, Lewes, Delaware, USA October 6-11, 2013 74 boats
A very heavy air series with over three days blown out. Five of eleven planned races sailed. Pictures, videos and much more at: 48. Gail Turluck, (USA) 43 DNS 40 44 54 256 58. Chad Coberly, (USA) 11 DNS DNS DNS DNS 311
2013 Star Icebreaker Regatta Crescent Sail Yacht Club, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan October 5-6, 2013 8 boats 6 8
Art Riley/Rick Rundle Neal Turluck/ Jason Kleidouhalsis
Gull Lake Paw Paw Lake
5 8
3 4
6 7
OC 7
4 8
2 8
29 42
2013 Frostbite Race Bayshore Yacht Club, Holland, Michigan September 28, 2013 SPINNAKER DIVISION Spin 1 1. Sufficient Reason 2. Utah 3. Capricious 4. Trippwire Spin 2 1. Quiet Refuge 2. Lickity Split 3. Archelon 4. Shillelagh Spin 3 1. Ignatz 2. Tenacity 3. Marauder 4. Rumors JAM DIVISION JAM 1 1. Swiftsure 2. Encore 3. Liberty 4. Nancy Anne JAM 2 1. Second Wind 2. Lake Effect
12:01:56 0:51:56 0:49:26 12:03:11 0:53:11 0:49:56 12:06:26 0:56:26 0:52:56 12:03:35 0:53:35 0:53:20 12:10:36 1:00:36 0:54:21 12:12:30 1:02:30 0:56:45 12:13:47 1:03:47 0:57:17 12:17:44 1:07:44 1:02:14 12:14:38 1:04:38 0:54:53 12:16:12 1:06:12 0:55:12 12:14:35 1:04:35 0:55:20 12:14:56 1:04:56 0:57:41 12:01:10 0:51:10 0:51:10 12:12:19 1:12:19 1:01:19 12:21:33 1:21:33 1:06:03 12:16:11 1:16:11 1:06:11 12:09:11 1:04:11 0:50:26 12:19:50 1:14:50 1:01:05
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter Louie's 15th Last Regatta Milwaukee Ale House, Milwaukee, Wisconsin September 28, 2013 143 boats
Louie’s 15th Last Regatta is in the books. Given the fact that we are an all-volunteer organization with jobs and such, it will take several days to sort out the final donation numbers, but we can report a few things without hesitation about Louie’s 15th: • We exceeded $1,000,000 donated over the life of Louie’s Regatta – kudos to all! • We raised over $90,000 this year. A final count will be forthcoming – but Louie’s sailors stepped up again! • The Thank-you party, with awards and the Big Check to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin will be on November 7, 2013, 7:00 pm, at the Ale House. • You blew away the entry numbers: 143 boats – 9 of them power boats for the first Louie’s Poker Run! • Tim Kent filed a complaint with the Milwaukee Police Department – his voice was stolen. • 92 boats had either a Green Envelope or Firstgiving page – a record! • 5 Mount Gay Banners were liberated • 60 bottles of Mount Gay Rum were drained in the Rum Pour • Hundreds of Mount Gay Red Hats were photographed on the dock • Thanks to coverage from WTMJ • We hope you all saw the students videotaping the event. They are from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Peck School of The Arts. Come to the Thank You Party to see their work! • Finally, thank you to everyone who participated. We had a great day on the water, a couple of wonderful parties, and raised a lot of money for Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. • Everyone wins at Louie’s – ESPECIALLY the kids! LOVE ROCK DIVISION 1. Widespread Panic Thomas Peterson [Lager] Talk Radio 00:58:32 2. Tri n Catch Me John Achim [Ale] Over Easy 01:00:30 3. Blueprint Chris Moll [Lager] Plan View 01:01:30 4. Johnny Rotten Rob Hasselkus [Lager] Bollocks 01:03:00 5. Special Sauce Jerry Kedziora [Lager] Need a napkin? 01:03:08 6. Sabotage Joyce sabinash [Ale] Family Stone 01:03:12 7. Imedi Mark Hauf [Ale] ...ately! 01:03:38 8. Blue Michael Schoendorf [Ale] What Is Your Favorite Color? 01:04:00 9. Eclipse Ken Quant [Lager] Bartender 01:04:35 10. Blondie Tod Patton [Lager] Joseph's Coat 01:05:00 10. Tumultuous Uproar Russ Whitford [Ale] Hullaballoo 01:05:00 11. Tango in Blue Rick & Diane Trisco [Ale] Strctly Ballroom 01:05:22 12. Defiance Dale Smirl [Ale] Attitude 01:05:35 13. Hullabaloo Thomas Heinrich [Stout] Tumuiltuous Uproar 01:05:45 14. Time Out Doug Evans [Ale] Booth Review 01:05:50 15. Mark Ernst Mark Ernst [Stout] Eponymous 01:06:15 16. Bacchus Bob Aring [Lager] Hic 01:06:18 17. Heat Wave Jeremy Burns [Lager] Nice Kite! 01:06:35 18. Latis Dorothy Mietz [Lager] Goddess 01:06:50 19. Adventure Scott Conger [Lager] New 01:07:30 20. Timberwolf Terry and Patti McMahon [Ale] Open Season 01:07:47 21. Amok Daniel Brielmaier [Stout] Berserker 01:08:17 22. Edge Robert McManus [Ale] Heart Throb 01:08:35 23. Awesome Bill & Vivian Smith [Stout] Alriiight 01:09:25 24. Nighthawk Jan van den Kieboom [Ale] Edward Hopper 01:09:40 25. Yippee-Ki-Yay Gordy King [Lager] Mr. Green Flag 01:09:52 26. Decorum Hunter Ratliff [Lager] Protocol 01:09:59 27. Hasten Fred Stritt [Ale] Big Heart 01:10:04 28. Renegade Tom Papoutsis [Ale] Outlaw 01:10:47 29. Crazy Diamond Martin Crain [Lager] Cubic Zirconmium 01:11:32 30. Right Now Scott Fields [Lager] September 28th 01:12:00 31. Double Bubble Joe McBride [Stout] Bazooka Joe 01:12:04 32. Reckless Abandon Tom Pease [Ale] Abundance of Caution 01:12:10 33. Meltdown Chuck Emery [Stout] Fukujima 01:12:12 34. Hope Michael Leland [Stout] Despair 01:12:24 35. Katherin Steve Dolan [Stout] Marcs Welby 01:12:26 36. Blue Pearl Jim Kerlin [Lager] Wax On 01:12:30 36. Brogue Patrick McGuinnis [Lager] B Yourself 01:12:30 37. Instigator Matthew Mergener [Ale] Not Me! 01:12:47 38. Gungnir Bill Emery [Lager] Thor's Hammer 01:12:50 39. Priorities Jeffrey Bird [Lager] Straight 01:12:55 40. Certainly Donald Meyer [Ale] Larry is Curly, Mo! 01:13:13 41. Hobgoblin Mike Kuptz [Ale] Foolish Consistency 01:14:07 42. Sociable Robert Arzbaecher [Ale] Movie Star 01:14:15 43. Dream Catcher Steve Guhl [Stout] Cat Nap 01:14:25 44. Firewater Jim Reinardy [Stout] Moonshine 01:14:39 45. Caravel David Wehnes [Stout] Commode Door 01:14:49 46. Phantom Rick Schoos [Lager] Of The Opera 01:15:07 47. Cattywampus Clay Greene [Stout] TARFU 01:15:55 48. Hotbunk Vince van Oostenbrugge [Ale] Pheremones 01:17:52 49. Liquid Asset Teresa McClellan [Stout] Numbered Account 01:19:30 50. Ocean Jim Banovitz [Ale] "...'s Eleven" 01:19:35
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 51. Loose Shoes 52. Ragtime 53. Gwaihir 54. Raggedy Ann 55. Skelday 56. Tardis 57. BeBop 58. Mike Kenny 59. Get Kraken 60. Caribbean Soul 61. Miss Mae 61. Tiger Moon 61. Sweet Spott 61. Golden Goose 61. Mosquito 61. Graymatter 61. Zippyr 61. Alive 61. Odyssey 61. Top Tick 61. PainKiller 61. Seaquest 61. Syrena 61. Wind Hunter 61. Sandpiper 61. Who FLAMING DAMSEL DIVISION 1. Little Rafiki 2. Rafiki Mufasa 3. Laser 4. Bella 5. Chance 6. Bat Mobile 7. Animal 8. 9. Allegro 10. Wanderlust 11. Poggy 12. Aequitas 13. Dock Holiday 14. Cat Tales 15. Kemo Sabe 16. Yeah Buoy 17. Intuition 18. Short Season 19. Tranquill 20. Cape Jaz 21. Ramblin' Rose 22. Windrider 23. Alriiight 24. Escape 2 25. Alliance 26. Del Cuervo 27. l'accord du vent 28. Lagniappe 29. Jamboree 30. Elsa Mariah 31. Animation 32. Wild Irish 33. Summertime 33. Honu 33. Gemini 33. Zazu Raiki 33. Mai Tai 33. Lone Gull 33. Jupiter 33. Kismet 33. Nirvana II 33. Scherb's Island 33. Radio Flyer 33. Mousekateer 2 33. Kestrel 33. Opus 33. Yep, It's Jep
Jon Jacobs [Lager] Wendy Olsen [Stout] Phil McCall [Stout] Tom Foley [Stout] Eric Isbister [Lager] John Archibald [Lager] Kevin Thompson [Stout] Mike Kenny [Stout] Robin Olson [Stout] Glenn Ponting [Stout] Tim Brenzel [Stout] Mike Gerrits [Lager] Michael Spott [Lager] Art Mitchel [Ale] David Radtke [Ale] Marshall Mac Donald [Stout] Spencer Thomason [Lager] Syd Millman [Stout] Greg Gaitens [Stout] Ed Purcell [Stout] Joel Carroll [Ale] Howard Millard [Stout] Nicholas Hayes [Ale] Mike Nauman [Stout] Dick Pfoertsch [Stout] Michael Aita [Stout]
Wiggle Room Scott Joplin Wind Lord Red Head 8th Day Of The Week The Ninth Doctor ...aloo Wop Eponymous Also Release The Kraken Soul Flier Centerfold Nitish On the money Golden Ball Bearings Farr Out Concussion FasterR Finally! Golden Fleece Julius Knipl ER Mumm Lloyd Lead Torpedo Tell Tale Skinny Legs On First
01:20:07 01:20:08 01:22:48 01:24:42 01:24:45 01:29:22 01:32:57 01:34:28 01:35:16 01:50:39 NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME
Whitney Kent [Margarita] Alison Kent [Margarita] David Poquette [Margarita] Rob Thorel [Margarita] Bob & Cindy Kraus [Rum] Derek Debrauske [Margarita] Mike Cohn [Rum] Megan McMahon [Margarita] Joe Buck [Margarita] Joe Duehmig [Rum] Guy Mascari [Margarita] Fran Pauls [Rum] Rick Kremel [Rum] Randy Baguhn [Margarita] Nick Casper [Rum] John Sutphen [Margarita] Jenn Macainag [Rum] Anton Johansen [Margarita] Rick Kotlarek [Rum] Jane Larson [Margarita] Dave Pom [Margarita] Robbie McInes [Margarita] Michael Pierce [Margarita] Gary Davis [Rum] Sally Heuer [Margarita] John Norman [Rum] Mel Flamer [Rum] David Clark [Margarita] James Jamrozy [Margarita] Tom Harding [Rum] Dean Fowler [Rum] Joseph Kiehm [Rum] Kenneth Dziubek [Rum] Bob Berthelsen [Rum] Bradly Odland [Rum] Matt Kaelin [Margarita] Rick Hake [Rum] Bo Gustavsson [Rum] John Dellinger [Rum] Bud Metzger [Rum] Chad Wagner [Margarita] Jeremy Scherbert [Margarita] John Krezoski [Margarita] Doug Gallus [Margarita] Jimmer Kullerstrand [Rum] Margaret Jaberg [Margarita] Charlie Kopchick [Margarita]
Thing One Rafiki Thing Two Rafiki Pokemon Abzug Lucky Bat Mobile! Farm Lupine Rafiki Lively Airstream Philanthropist Veritas aka John Henry Mr. Grumpy Armie Hammer Youbetcha I Just Knew It! News Flash Panic Attack Syncopated Peninsula Old Standard 2X Fun Awesome, Dude! Alcatraz The Grand Alliance Crow French for Wind Shift L'amuse Eagle Scout Louie's Stalwart Chuck Jones Hangover Living Is Easy Best Of Luck Spacecraft Hornbill Rafiki Hollywood Chilean Navy Arabian Nights Heaven Team Oracle iTunes Flyer Adieu Annette Crécerelle Bloom County Are You Sure?
00:30:11 00:31:29 00:34:25 00:36:00 00:37:00 00:37:04 00:37:25 00:37:44 00:37:50 00:39:42 00:42:34 00:43:47 00:44:47 00:46:04 00:47:30 00:47:37 00:48:10 00:48:20 00:48:23 00:49:04 00:49:13 00:49:18 00:49:47 00:58:15 00:59:12 01:00:10 01:01:00 01:01:32 01:04:19 01:10:42 01:13:40 01:51:46 NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 33. 33. 33. 33. 33. 33. 33. 33.
Tin Chute Mind the Gap Baby Elephant Rafiki Scheherazade Misty Green Eyed Girl Golden W Bella Sera
Sheryl Bowman [Margarita] Phillip Peterson [Rum] Kate Hayes [Rum] Daniel Belongia [Margarita] Tom Molinski [Rum] Michael Pritzkow [Margarita] Brian Hagan [Rum] Matthew Skinner [Margarita]
Noisy Keep Calm Dumbo Rafiki 1001 Nights Mountaintop Mal de Mer Politically Correct? Ciao
2013 J. Holt Thomas Regatta Illinois Valley Yacht and Canoe Club, Peoria, Illinois September 28-29, 2013
Stars For just the second time in the 45 year history of the J. Holt Thomas Star Class Regatta, first sailed in 1969 and hosted by Illinois Valley Yacht Club (IVY Club), the winner was from the local Illinois River Star Fleet, which itself has existed since 1929. The Holt Thomas, as it's known within the Star Class, is sailed in late autumn on North Peoria Lake/Illinois River when typically the leaves are turning a myriad of autumn colors, however the weather can vary widely in terms of wind range as well as temperatures. Prior regattas have seen drifting, windless days and temperatures in the high 80's, but also cold, rainy, heavy air days resulting in gear damage to boats, and everything in between. The 45th edition saw a mixture of wind and temperatures, with the first day, Saturday, best described as very warm with very strong Southwest winds, and the second day, Sunday, as typical weather in terms of both wind range and temperatures. Saturday racing was held in strong Southwest winds ranging from 9-26 mph with gusts to 35 and warm temperatures maxing out at 84. Two races were completed, with the planned third race for the day cancelled by the race committee due to building consistent wind velocity and increasing gusts at 30+. At the end of the days racing two were tied for first place, Patrick Gudat/Kirk Olsen and Gene McCarthy/Glenn McCarthy, each with 5 points. One of the two teams from Racine, Wisconsin, Chris Nielson/M Nielson, also top place finishers on Saturday, withdrew from the second race to make preventive repairs given equipment failures from the strong winds. These three teams were the leading boats in contention at the end of day one. On Saturday local team Pete Bennett/R Huber broke their mast on a downwind leg of race two, having death rolled and dipped the whisker pole in the water ... concluding their regatta. The front, having passed the area during the night, produced moderate wind ranges of 5-13 mph with gusts to 16, perfect for Star sailing, and much cooler temps of high 60s on Sunday. Coming into the second day with three races planned by the committee, the regatta could have been won by any of the top four
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter competitors, coupled with a keen focus by the two tied for first place boats. The racing was very close in excellent conditions, with only four points separating the top four boats and a tie for second place. Local Illinois River Star Fleet sailors Patrick Gudat and Kirk Olsen took first place with 14 points, only one point ahead of two boats tied for second. The last time a local competitor, David Wesselhoft, won the J. Holt Thomas was in 1988. The regatta drew boats from Chicago, Illinois; Racine, Wisconsin, Coloma, Michigan; Springfield, Illinois; as well as local competitors from Peoria, IL.--Michael Hettel 1. Patrick Gudat/Kirk Olsen Illinois River 4-1-1-3-5 14 2. Chris Nielson/Mickey Nielson Western Lake Michigan 1-DF-2-2-2 15 3. Gene McCarthy/Glenn McCarthy Paw Paw Lake 3-2-4-5-1 15 4. Mark Hetzel/S. Hetzel Western Lake Michigan 5-3-3-1-6 18 5. Rick Rundle/Mike Hettel Chicago Harbor DS-4-6-4-3 25 6. Gil Cole/Lou Dixon Lake Springfield 6-5-5-6-4 26 7. Pete Bennett/R. Huber Illinois River 2-DF-DS-DS-DS 34
2013 Offshore Fleet Wednesday Pursuit Series Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club, Chicago, Illinois September 7-28, 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
Bandit Honey Badger Yellow Mellow Radiance Cyclone No Problem Saucy Ying Yang Vayu Sassafras Messy Jessy Y-Not Rainbow's End Koko Loco Archimedes II Ratty M*A*S*H Inferno Lugnuts Phantom Cayman Odyssey Circus Ellie J Liquid Lounge Walnut Tango Andattare On Edge
1-1-13 3-14-1 2-7-12 14-4-9 6-8-15 11-11-7 16-9-6 5-12-14 DC-2-5 17-6-10 3-DC-8 9-10-19 10-13-16 12-DC-2 13-DC-4 15-5-DC 4-DC-18 DC-DC-3 7-DC-DC 8-DC-DC 19-DC-20 DC-DC-11 DC-DC-17 18-DC-DC DC-DC-21 DC-DC-23 DC-DC-24 DC-DC-26 DC-DC-27
1328 1258 1173 1041 997 985 958 955 939 921 844 823 790 787 718 657 633 481 385 363 308 300 192 176 133 108 96 75 65
2013 Shields National Championship Tred Avon Yacht Club, Avon, Maryland September 25-28, 2013 22 boats 19. Horizon
Schwartz, Mike/Veilleux, Sam Chicago Yacht Club
2013 J/70 North Americans Annapolis Yacht Club, Annapolis, Maryland September 26-28, 2013 89 boats 5. 6. 41. 54. 75.
Heart Breaker Catapult Sail 22 Eagle's Wings Empeiria
Hughes, Robert Ronning, Joel Furry, Ed Gottwald, John Heaton, John
21 15 40 46 79
15 6 58 72 69
30 1 65 36 32
20 14 5 30 78
2 44 39 54 73
25 33 20 65 64
2 32 52 65 54
1 2 4 7 15 9 6 11
1 5 4 3 1 8 6 7
2 6 8 5 1 4 10 7
115 145 279 368 449
2013 Fall Series Grand Traverse Yacht Club, Traverse City, Michigan August 28-September 18, 2013 Expert Fleet 1. Fast Freddie 2. Liberty 3. Major Woody 4. Junta 5. Flying Toaster 6. Goat Rodeo 7. Double Trouble 8. Relentless
Doug Wipperman C. David Phelps David Skibowski Scott Reavely Mike Dow Christopher Jeffries Neil Smith Mark Hagan
111 69 90 90 90 90 111 -6
November 2013
2 3 1 7 6 4 11 9
6 16 17 22 23 25 33 34
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 9. Wicked 10. Driven 2 11. Elixir 12. Kokomo 13. Ayadooin' 14. HighLander Developmental Fleet 1 cu mal 2 TiME 3 Knockout 4 True North 5 Big Red 6 Spyke 7 Mongo 8 Coeur de la Mer 9 Outrageous
Thomas Young Jim Milliken Peter Young Wes Schulz Forbes Husted Jim Sorbie
105 66 105 -15 -21 108
Clark Phelps 120 Ken & Bev Stepnitz 114 Libby Tomlison/Rob Lovell 129 Jason Gross 171 DeWayne McCave 180 Dan Spyhalski 126 Grady Jordan 93 Tim Thiel 180 Rich Kraemer 204
12 5 5 10 13 8
5 3 10 15 8 15
9 15 11 12 10 15
9 15 12 3 11 15
35 38 38 40 42 53
3 1 4 2 7 8 6 10 9
1 6 2 10 5 3 4 7 8
3 1 4 2 5 7 8 10 6
1 2 6 5 3 7 9 4 8
8 10 16 19 20 25 27 31 31
2013 Chili Regatta St. Joseph River Yacht Club, St. Joseph, Michigan September 21, 2013
Well, we found the wind that had been missing most of the summer, NNW around 20+ knots and 6-7 footers ruled the race. As always, some great chili recipes were enjoyed with the smoky chicken and white bean batch voted best in class prepared by Brian Kavenaugh of Captain Blood. Most importantly for the day the chili voting netted over $750.00 for the Junior Foundation. Thanks also to Tom Bailie for donating two copies of his authored Big Book of Chili containing 1000 recipes. Spinnaker Division 1. Dandelion Tom Jacobs 01:12:17 2. Captain Blood Patrick Nelson 01:12:47 3. Attitude Stuart Boekeloo 01:13:31 4. Silk Jud Brown 01:16:44 5. Sea Raider Dirk Kruger 01:19:39 6. Rush Jeff Alisch DNF 6. Wellenreiter VI Ronald Schults DNS 6. Moody Blue William Barton DNS Jib & Main Division 1. Legacy Alan Silverman DNS 1. Chateau Ste. Michelle Kelley Kerns DNS 1. La Vieve Byron Higgins DNS 1. Spindrift Anson Lovellette DNS 1. WinSome Gary Sisson DNS
2013 Offshore Fleet Weekend Series Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club, Chicago, Illinois May 19-September 21, 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Y-Not Cyclone Gremlin Euphoria Ellie J
1-1-1-1-2-2-1 3-2-3-2-1-1-2 2-3-2-3-DC-DC-DC DC-DC-DC-1-DC-DC-DC DC-DC-DC-DC-DC-3-DC
2013 Offshore Fleet Hobelman Moonlight Friday Series Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club, Chicago, Illinois June 21-September 20, 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 8. 9. 9. 11. 11.
Radiance Bandit Odyssey Cyclone Honey Badger Archimedes II Zingara Circus Lugnuts No Problem Gremlin Out of the Blue
1-6-3 DC-3-1 DC-7-4 DC-1-DC DC-DC-2 2-DC-DC DC-2-DC 3-DC-DC 4-DC-DC DC-4-DC DC-5-DC 5-DC-DC
November 2013
1104 1065 593 160 144
1423 1015 842 533 507 507 507 481 456 456 432 432
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 2013 Summer Series St. Joseph River Yacht Club, St. Joseph, Michigan July 24-September 18, 2013 Spinnaker 12 boats 1. Wellenreiter VI 2. Quick Silver 3. Rush 4. Zot 5. Captain Blood 6. Dandelion 7. Moody Blue 8. Silk 9. Sea Raider 10. Attitude 11. White Knuckles Too 12. Cynthia Jib & Main 7 boats 1. Carrera 2. Silver Arrow 3. Waterblue 4. WinSome 5. Wind Spirit 6. Spindrift 7. Chateau Ste. Michelle
Ronald Schults Gintaras Karaitis Jeff Alisch Jon Veersma Patrick Nelson Tom Jacobs William Barton Jud Brown Dirk Kruger Stuart Boekeloo Eric Mallen James De Vries
1-2-1-4-2-2-10 3-7-5-2-1-7-2 5-6-2-1-7-6-4 6-4-6-3-4-3-5 2-3-3-7-8-5-6 4-1-8-5-5-8-7 10-DC-10-9-3-1-1 8-8-4-8-6-9-8 9-DC-7-DC-DC-4-3 7-5-9-10-10-10-11 11-DC-11-6-9-11-9 DC-DC-DC-DC-DC-DC-DC
22 27 31 31 34 38 47 51 62 62 70 90
James E. Schrager Gordon Dill Michael Kowrach Gary Sisson Keith Sawyer Anson Lovellette Kelley Kerns
1-1-1-2-1-2-1 2-2-2-1-2-1-2 4-DC-4-3-5-4-4 DC-DC-3-5-3-3-3 3-DC-DC-4-DC-6-5 DC-DC-DC-DC-4-5-DC DC-DC-DC-DC-DC-DC-DC
9 12 32 33 42 49 56
2013 UK Sailmakers Fall Series Muskegon Yacht Club, Muskegon, Michigan September 14-15, 2013 PHRF Fleet 1. Magic 2. Ticklish 3. Bad Dog 4. Robyn 5. Ricochet 6. Buzz 7. Rampage 8. Aftershock 9. Gauntlet 10. Houqua 11. Chicken Soup 12. Key to Happiness
Sydney 41 SR-33 J-35 S2 7.9 J-30 J-105 Soverel 33 Farr 395 Benetti 44 J/35 Lindberg 26 Cape Dory Typhoon
Bill Hoyer Eric Landman Larry Taunt Doug Frye Bobby Cox Mark Gurney Bill Richardson Bill Newman Guy Hiestand Jack Andree Mort Kantor Jim Key
1 2 3 4 8 [7] [9] 5 [10] 6 [DS] [DS]
1 [4] 3 [7] [9] 6 5 2 10 8 DS DS
1 3 [6] 5 7 4 9 2 10 8 DS DS
1 2 4 5 3 7 6 [DS] 9 [DS] 8 DS
1 2 6 3 4 7 5 DS 9 DS 8 DF
[2] 1 4 6 5 3 8 DS 7 DS DS DF
5 10 20 23 27 27 33 35 45 48 55 65
2013 Big Fleet Series Anchorage Yacht Club/Waukegan Yacht Club, Lake Forest/Waukegan, Illinois July 3-September 15, 2013 Division=1 (SPIN A) 1. Misty 2. Spitfire 3. Sirocco 3 4. Chaos Division=2 (SPIN B) 1. His Wings 2. Altair II 3. Blue Heaven 4. Nana 5. Peeking Duck 6. Elan Division=3 (SPIN C) 1. Liberty 2. Madcap 3. American Dream 4. FasTen 5. Straight Jacket 6. Zing! Division=4 (SPIN D) 1. Knot Home 2. Pegasus 3. Miller Time 4. Jammin 5. Sleeping Bear 6. Sea Sharp
McIntosh Hellquist Klairmont Amedio
J/111 Franklin 40 J/133 Farr 395
1-1-[3]-[2]-1-1 3-[DC]-1-[4]-2-2 2-[DC]-2-1-[DC]-DC [DC]-[DC]-DF-3-3-3
4 8 10 14
Sloan Syme Simons McCaffrey Graham Anwar
Beneteau 36.7 Ericson 39 Pearson 40 Ericson 39 Yamaha 36 Elite 37
1-[DF]-1-2-2-[4] 3-[DF]-3-[DC]-1-1 2-1-2-[DC]-[3]-3 [DC]-[DC]-5-3-4-2 4-[DC]-4-1-[DC]-DC [DC]-[DC]-6-4-5-5
6 8 8 14 16 20
Douglas Hoskins Wecker Caldwell Connor Muchmore
Tartan 10 J/30 Tartan Ten Tartan 10 Tartan 10 Evelyn 32‐2
1-[DC]-[DC]-3-1-1 3-[DC]-1-2-[5]-2 2-1-2-[4]-4-[5] [4]-[4]-3-1-3-3 [5]-3-[DC]-5-2-4 [DC]-2-4-6-[DC]-DC
6 8 9 10 14 20
Strzelewicz Novak Miller Leslie Sheppard Brooks
Irwin 30 [3]-[1]-1-1-1-1 Catal 27 TM 2-2-2-5-[DC]-[DC] Catal 30 TR DF-DF-4-4-[DC]-[DC] J/24 1-[DC]-[DC]-3-DC-DC S2 9.2A [DC]-[DC]-DC-DC-2-2 GrampG‐28Md [DC]-[DC]-3-2-DC-DC
November 2013
4 11 17 18 18 19
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter Division=5 (JAM A) 1. Mirage TK 2. Howlyn Wind Weisbart 3. Blitzkrieg Wagner 4. Intuition Dick 5. Primo Veliero Yacullo 6. Cetacea Lazerow 7. Speculator DeSimone Division=6 (JAM B) 1. 9 Lives III Seaverns 2. Unplugged Berliant 3. Blush Krzaczynski 4. Dolce Vita Bleck 5. Lezlie D Roberts 6. Weekend Warrior Siekmann 7. Tigress Majewski 8. Contentious Too Hanert 9. Kitty Hoots Hille 10. Second Youth Schwartz 11. Viva La Vida Onsager
BenF 375 Dufour 38 Evelyn 32‐2 JeanSO C&C 35 Mk 3 Hunter 376 VanDeStadt40
[2]-1-[3]-1-1-1 [DC]-2-1-2-[5]-2 1-[DS]-[4]-4-2-3 4-[5]-2-[6]-3-4 3-3-[6]-3-4-[5] [DF]-4-[7]-5-6-6 DF-6-5-7-[DC]-[DC]
4 7 10 13 13 21 25
Beneteau 310 Tartan 31 Tartan 30C Jean 37 SO Catalina 30 Capri 22 Dufour Cl 36 Ericson 3410 Soverel 27 Ericson 25 Catalina 400
1-[DC]-[6]-1-1-3 2-2-1-[4]-[4]-2 [4]-1-4-[5]-2-1 3-3-2-[7]-3-[4] 6-5-9-3-[DC]-[DC] [DC]-[DC]-3-2-DC-DC [DC]-4-5-8-[DC]-DC 5-[DC]-7-6-[DC]-DC [DC]-[DC]-8-9-DC-DC [DC]-[DC]-10-DC-DC-DC [DC]-[DC]-12-DC-DC-DC
6 7 8 11 23 29 29 30 41 46 47
2013 Frostbite Race Escanaba Yacht Club, Escanaba, Michigan September 14, 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Yaateeh Mayhem Seven Up Moonshadow G-Force Silly Old Bear Fairwaves Little Red Dream Catcher
3:42:50 3:52:45 4:00:00 4:27:15 4:16:28 4:28:15 4:49:15 6:48:57
2:42:50 2:52:45 3:00:00 3:27:15 3:16:28 3:28:15 3:49:15 5:48:57
3:07:05 3:11:13 3:13:54 3:15:39 3:15:39 3:24:02 3:29:51 4:33:30 DNF
2013 Art McGee/Ed Weller Memorial Race Great Lakes Yacht Club, Lake Bluff, Illinois September 14, 2013 1. 2. 3.
Jenmar Colgate 1 Speculator
Steve Gancarz William Bulis Don DeSimone
2013 Thursday Night Fun Race Series Anchorage Yacht Club, Lake Forest, Illinois May 30-September 12, 2013 Division=1 (SPIN A) 1. Misty 2. Chaos 3. Spitfire Division=2 (SPIN B) 1. His Wings 2. Elan 3. Nana 4. Peeking Duck Division=3 (SPIN C) 1. Madcap 2. Liberty 3. American Dream 4. FasTen 5. Straight Jacket 6. Zing! 7. Blitzkrieg Division=4 (SPIN D) 1. Knot Home 2. Pegasus 3. Sea Sharp 4. Sleeping Bear 5. Miller Time Division=5 (JAM A) 1. Mirage 2. Blitzkrieg 3. Primo Veliero
McIntosh Amedio Hellquist
J/111 Farr 395 Franklin 40
[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[2]-[1]-1-[DC]-[DC]-1-[2]-1-1-1-1-1-1 [DC]-1-1-1-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-1-[DF]-[DF]-[3]-2-[DC]-2-3-3 [DC]-2-2-4-DE-2-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-1-2-[3]-[DC]-[3]-2-2
8 14 17
Sloan Anwar McCaffrey Graham
Beneteau 36.7 Elite 37 Ericson 39 Yamaha 36
1-[DC]-1-[DC]-1-[2]-[2]-[2]-1-1-[3]-[2]-[DC]-2-1-1 [DC]-[DC]-[DF]-2-[DC]-[DC]-1-1-2-[4]-[DC]-[4]-2-1-3-2 3-1-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-3-1-3-1-3-2-[DC] 2-[DC]-2-1-2-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-2-2-1-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-DC
9 14 17 17
Hoskins Douglas Wecker Caldwell Connor Muchmore Wagner
J/30 Tartan Ten Tartan Ten Tartan Ten Tartan Ten Evelyn 32‐2 Evelyn 32‐2
1-[DC]-1-[DC]-[3]-[DC]-[DC]-2-[3]-1-[DC]-2-2-1-[DC]-2 [DC]-1-2-[DS]-1-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[4]-[DC]-3-3-[DF]-2-1-1 [DC]-2-[7]-3-2-1-[DC]-[4]-1-2-1-[4]-3-[DC]-[4]-[5] 2-[3]-[3]-1-[4]-[4]-[DC]-[3]-[5]-[3]-2-1-1-3-3-3 [DC]-[DC]-[4]-[DC]-[5]-3-1-1-[6]-[DC]-4-[5]-4-4-2-4 3-4-[5]-2-[DC]-2-2-[5]-2-4-5-[6]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC] 4-5-6-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-DC-DC-DC-DC-DC
12 14 15 16 23 24 55
Strzelewicz Novak Brooks Sheppard Miller
Irwin 30 [1]-[2]-[4]-[DC]-[2]-[1]-[1]-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-[DC] Catalina 27 TM [5]-[DC]-2-1-1-2-2-[5]-[DC]-2-2-[4]-[DC]-2-[DC]-[DC] Grampian G‐28 2-1-1-2-[DC]-[DC]-[5]-3-[DC]-3-[4]-2-[DC]-3-[DC]-[DC] S2 9.2A [4]-[DC]-[5]-3-[DC]-[DC]-3-[4]-2-[DC]-3-[DC]-3-4-2-1 Catalina 30 TR 3-3-3-[4]-[DF]-[DF]-[4]-2-3-4-[5]-3-2-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]
8 14 17 21 23
TK Wagner Yacullo
Ben 375 Evelyn 32‐2 C&C 35 Mk 3
8 15 20
[DC]-[1]-[1]-[2]-[2]-[1]-1-1-1-[2]-[3]-1-1-1-1-1 [DC]-[DC]-[DC]-1-1-[DS]-[5]-2-2-[3]-[DC]-[3]-2-3-2-2 1-3-[DC]-[4]-3-2-[DC]-[DC]-[4]-[5]-2-2-[4]-[4]-3-4
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 4. Intuition Dick 5. Cetacea Lazerow 6. Speculator DeSimone 7. Skylark Moderwell 8. Buster Crab Corbin Division=6 (JAM B) 1. Blush Krzaczynski 2. 9 Lives III Seaverns 3. Contentious Too Hanert 4. Tigress Majewski 5. Kitty Hoots Hille 6. Lezlie D Roberts 7. Weekend Warrior Siekmann 8. Viva La Vida Onsager 9. Peehonin Goldman
Jean SO 3-2-3-[DC]-[4]-[4]-2-3-3-1-[5]-[5]-[5]-[5]-[DC]-3 Hunter 376 2-[5]-[DC]-5-[DF]-3-4-4-[6]-[6]-[6]-4-[DF]-[DC]-4-5 Van DeStadt 40 4-4-2-[DC]-[DF]-5-3-[6]-5-4-4-[6]-[6]-[6]-[DC]-[DC] J/32 [DC]-[DC]-[DC]-3-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-DC-1-DC-3-2-DC-DC Jean SO [DC]-[DC]-[DC]-6-[DC]-[DC]-[DC]-5-DF-[DC]-[DC]-DC-DC-DC-DC-DC
20 31 31 45 64
Tartan 30C Ben 310 Ericson 3410 Dufour Cl 36 Soverel 27 Catalina 30 Capri 22 Catalina 400 Cat 30 TRBS
10 13 22 23 28 30 34 49 73
1-1-1-1-[2]-1-[DC]-[4]-[DF]-[2]-[2]-[4]-2-[DC]-2-1 3 [DC] [4] [DC] 1 [DC] [DC] [5] 2 [4] 1 1 [DC] 2 1 2 2 3 2 4 3 [DC] 1 3 [DC] [5] 4 [5] [5] [DC] [DC] [DC] [DC] 2 3 [DC] [DC] 2 [DF] 2 3 3 [DC] [6] 3 5 [DC] [DC] [DC] 4 [7] 3 [DC] [DC] [DC] 6 1 6 3 [7] 1 4 [DC] [DC] [DC] [DC] 5 [DC] 4 3 3 [DC] 5 [7] [6] 3 4 3 [DC] [DC] [DC] [DC] [DC] [DC] [DC] [DC] [DC] 1 4 1 5 2 [DC] 1 DC DC 4 [DC] 6 2 [DC] [DC] 2 7 [DC] [DC] [DC] 8 [DC] [DC] DC DC [DC] [DC] [DC] [DC] [DC] [DC] [DC] DF [DC] DC DC DF DC DC DC
2013 Beer Can Race #14 Midwest Open Racing Fleet, Chicago, Illinois September 11, 2013 Wind: 3-5 KT SE, Seas: 0-1 ft, Distance: 4.38 Sx F S Boat Name F1 1 1 Caliente 2 J0 1 1 Za Zen J9 2 1 Warp Drive J9 3 2 Irish Rover J9 7 5 J9 7 5 Kahuna J9 7 5 Gaucho III J0 7 2 Starship S5 1 1 Tenacity S0 2 1 Erica S4 3 1 Striking S5 4 2 Measure for Measure S4 5 2 Liberty 2 S4 6 3 Sorcerer S4 7 4 Gaucho S6 8 1 Wave Dancer S4 9 5 Its Good S5 10 3 Whisper S6 11 2 Revelation S4 12 6 Serenity S6 13 3 Cahoots S6 14 4 Truant S6 17 6 S6 17 6 Planxty S5 17 4 Orion
Owner Mike Steck Bill Van Emburg Carl Stineman R&J McLean Not recorded Loren Thompson Kirk Kessler Dick Dronsuth Peter Cooper M&B Kaczor Michael Tuman Brian Tobin Ginny Blasco Don Ray Draper M&D Bouchaert Michael Sklar Mitch Weisman T&J Barnes Allen Carter Arnold Hirsch M Ciechanowski W&H Kawula Not recorded K&D Bartley Marty Finerty
Boat Type White 44 Catalina 320 Laser 28 ODR Ericson 36 Not known S2 9.1 Peterson 34 Cal 9.2 Olson 34 T10 J 105 Morgan 36 NM C&C 115 Beneteau 36.7 Beneteau 36.7 Sabre 36 Schock 35 Alsberg Exp34 Dehler Opt101 First 42 Peterson 34 S2 9.1 Not known J 30 Hunter 37.5
Finish 20:20:15 20:02:09 20:15:18 20:40:18 DF DF DF DF 19:59:15 19:55:48 20:12:20 20:09:27 20:28:16 20:29:45 20:31:46 20:31:45 20:34:50 20:32:13 20:37:10 20:39:09 20:37:38 20:38:36 DF DF DF
Corr 73:19:00 65:33:00 75:53:00 101:46:00 DF DF DF DF 51:35:00 51:36:00 61:25:00 62:40:00 78:01:00 79:17:00 81:18:00 82:59:00 84:35:00 85:13:00 87:32:00 88:27:00 88:52:00 88:58:00 DF DF DF
2013 Tuesday Fall Club Racing Little Traverse Yacht Club, Harbor Springs, Michigan August 13-September 10, 2013 One Design Division J/105 1. Green Flash 2. Creative Destruction Alerion 28 1. Courtesan 2. Still Crazy 3. Mairsie 4. Seiche 5. Glory 6. Providence 7. Interlude 8. Kula 9. Epiphany PHRF Division PHRF - Spinnaker 1. Grit and Grace 2. Green Flash 3. Stinger 4. Wind Czar 5. Creative Destruction 6. Courage
J/105 J/105
William Petzold Carter Williams
1 2
1 DS
1 DC
6 11
Alerion 28 Alerion 28 Alerion 28 Alerion 28 Alerion 28 Alerion 28 Alerion 28 Alerion 28 Alerion 28
J-H Carruthers-Holton Edward Palm Albert Polk Michael FitzSimons Clas Nilstoft Brian Gettel Bud Sudiera Robert Ford Maxine Noll
3 2 1 DC 5 DC 4 DC DC
1 DC 4 3 5 7 6 2 8
2 1 4 3 DS 5 DS DS DF
2 1 5 4 3 6 DC DC 7
8 14 14 20 23 28 30 32 35
Hinckley DS 42
James Offield William Petzold Michael Johnson Richard Lehmann Carter Williams Raenette McManus
4 2 1 DC 3 DC
4 2 3 1 DC DC
4 2 3 1 DC DC
13 13 14 16 24 28
Farr 30 J/111 J/105 J/100
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 2013 Anchorage Cup Anchorage Marina Yacht Club, Holland, Michigan September 7, 2013 SPINNAKER DIVISION Spin 1 1. Majic Schotke 2. Windancer VI Nedeau 3. Sufficient Reason Padnos 4. Willie J Petter 5. Spirit Walker McCain 6. Utah Faber 7. Trippwire Vanderlinde Spin 2 1. Capricious Knoblauch 2. Gauntlet Hiestand 3. Ticklish Landman 4. Shorthanded Hughes 5. Que Loco! Dykstra 6. Lickety Split Jansen 7. Shillelagh Malone 8. Sante Nepstad Spin 3 1. Standard Deviation Hanssen 2. Zapada VanWieren 3. Rumors Osterink 4. Revelation Holt 5. Steadfast Osterwald 6. Roxy Condit Spin 4 1. Second Wind Bergman 2. Marauder Parker 3. Frank Lloyd Starboard Dryer 4. Tenacity English 5. Talaria Slanec 5. Avanti Schroeder 5. Harlequin Mancini 5. Premier Cru Jamgula JIB AND MAIN DIVISION JAM 1 1. Quiet Refuge Leonard 2. Encore Johnson 3. Crescendo Miller 4. Legacy Silverman 5. Relentless VanTol 5. Dolphin Lady Schneider 5. Paradigm Grotenhuis JAM [2] 1. Peggy Dash II Campbell 2. Hydro-Therapy McGann 3. Northwind Mueller 4. C.C. Rider Kelley 5. Clipped Wings Beezhold 5. Pandora Luyk * Jib and Main Division 2 Scored at Port Sheldon Gate
3:19:18 2:57:25 3:34:49 3:33:19 3:36:40 3:57:21 3:50:10
3:13:09 3:15:06 3:27:08 3:27:10 3:30:31 3:47:22 3:49:24
OVERALL 1 2 3 4 5 8 9
3:53:42 3:59:41 4:08:56 4:09:57 4:13:34 4:28:24 4:29:28
3:42:56 3:45:51 3:49:43 3:50:44 4:02:02 4:10:43 4:12:34 DNS
6 7 10 11 13 15 17 25
4:22:05 4:33:03 4:37:56 4:40:44 5:04:19 5:04:21
4:01:20 4:10:46 4:15:39 4:37:40 4:40:30 4:42:50
12 16 18 20 22 23
4:46:14 4:46:09 5:13:42 5:42:40
4:03:58 4:17:43 4:38:21 5:08:51 DF DF DF DF
14 19 21 24 25 25 25 25
4:28:32 5:07:11 5:26:27 5:54:02
4:19:53 4:52:46 5:12:23 5:39:58 DF DF DF
1 2 3 4 5 5 5
3:21:07 3:19:16 3:28:10 3:30:28
2:53:00 2:58:21 3:08:20 3:10:38 DF DF
5 5 5 5 5 5
[5] 3 1 4 2 [DC]
1 3 DF DC 2 DC
2013 Wednesday Night Offshore Summer Series Milwaukee Yacht Club, Milwaukee, Wisconsin July 24-September 4, 2013 Soling 6 boats 1. Katherine 2. Erika 3. Crabcake 4. Boreas 5. Charlie's Angels/Team SP 6. White Whale J/24 1. Who 2. Escapade 3. Aurora
Steve Dolan Charlie Kamps Paul McGuan David Baum Cooper Anderson David Crysdale Mike Aita Robert Bryson Joseph McBride
November 2013
2 3 [DC] [DC] 4 1 3 boats 3 2 1
1 2 3 DC 4 DC
1 3 2 2 [DF] 1
1 3 4 2 5 DC
3 4 2 1 [DC] DC
[DF] 1 1 1 [DF] 2 2 DF DC
1 [DF] 2 3 DC DC
2 4 DC 1 3 DC
11 22 24 25 27 43 9 9 12
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter PHRF 1 1. Edge 2. Mosquito 3. Timberwolf 4. Sociable 5. PainKiller PHRF 2 1. Time Out 2. Nighthawk 3. Crazy Diamond 4. ZippyR 5. Yippee-Ki-Yay 6. Das Boot PHRF-JAM 1. Halley Rose 2. Commotion 3. Chance 4. Top Tick 5. SummerHours 6. Suntreader 7. Heel Me 8. Friendship 9. Golden Warrior
Robert McManus David Radtke Terry and Patti McMahon Robert Arzbaecher Joel Carroll Douglas Evans Jan van den Kieboom Martin Crain Spencer Thomasn Gordy King Jay Muller Fred Horwitz David Lucey Cindy Kraus Edward Purcell Don Doggett Mike Drew R. Chris Butzen Charles Fink Brian Hagan
9 boats
5 boats 2 3 1 [5] 4 6 boats 1 2 3 4 [DC] [DC] 1 2 [5] 3 4 [DF] 6 [DF] [DS]
3 2 [4] 1 [5]
1.5 3 4 5 1.5
1 [4] 2 3 5
[4] 1 2 5 3
1 2 3 4 5
8.5 11 12 18 18.5
[DC] 2 1 3 4 DC
1 3 [DC] 2 4 DC
1 2 5 3 4 DC
1 [5] 2 3 4 DC
1 2 4 [5] 3 DC
5 11 15 15 19 35
1 2 5 3 6 4 [8] 7 DC
1 [3] 2 4 6 5 8 DC 7
[3] 1 2 4 [8] 7 6 5 DC
1 3 4 2 5 6 7 DF DC
1 2 3 [DF] 4 6 7 5 DC
5 10 16 16 25 28 34 36 47
2013 Labor Day Weekend Family Regatta Egg Harbor Yacht Club, Egg Harbor, Wisconsin September 1, 2013
It was a cloudy day with moderate winds at the start of the Labor Day Weekend Family race. The wind and the rain picked up as the race progressed but all of the racers had a nice sail. Fortunately the rain ended before the finish. Eighteen boats raced and over 85 people attended the after race party, picnic and award presentation. Class A Overall 1. Yuletide Protz 2 2. Charette Peterson 4 3. Door 1 Lester 9 Class B 1. Thunder Keys 3 2. Summer Nite Grota 6 3. Sadie Hawkins Lebouton 7 4. Onward Goetch 13 5. Szepilonka Egan 15 6. Serenity Valentine 16 Class C 1. Ragnar Larsen 1 2. Raylece Lemire 5 3. Icup Gunderson 8 4. Sealure Leuer 10 5. Obsedant Cooper 11 6. Renova Stevens 12 7. White Knuckles Johnson 14 8. Blue Run Ritchie 17 9. Mary's Fancy Dunworth 18
The Detroit Cup Bayview Yacht Club, Detroit, Michigan August 22-25, 2013
In an exciting Semi-Final and Final series of racing on the final day of competition, David Gilmour and his Team Gilmour crew of Luke Payne and Peter Nicholas won the 2013 Detroit Cup, the second stop on the ISAF Grade 2 US Grand Slam series. The West Australia-based team made a blitzkrieg run through the field of 12 teams from three countries, losing only two matches throughout the four days of competition. “We’re hoping this will start some momentum for us going into the remaining Grand Slam events,” said Gilmour, whose 9th place in the first event in Chicago did not get him off to a fast start to the series of four events. Detroit delivered perfect sunny skies and a building southwesterly breeze that topped 15 knots in the Finals, allowing race managers to complete their entire format of a first-to-three point Semi-Final and Final rounds. Semi-Final action started with local Bayview-based Chris Van Tol up against Auckland-based Chris Steele, where Steele’s match race prowess overcame Van Tol’s knowledge of the Ultimate 20’s and the currents of the venue to win 3-0. The other Semi-Final featured new Bayview member and Detroit Cup qualifier winner Matt Graham facing Gilmour. Despite some strong attempts, the Aussie team dominated the young local team in every match to go to through on a 3-0 score to face the Kiwis in a Down Under Final. By finding a favorable shift on the left side, Gilmour
November 2013
Tight action at the 2013 Detroit Cup in Ultimate 20s. Photo courtesy: Bayview Yacht Club.
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter took the lead and never looked back in Match 1 to take the first point in the series. In Match 2, it looked like Steele would be in trouble when Gilmour drew a penalty on the Kiwis in the pre-start, but Steele fought back hard and pinned Gilmour against the pin end of the start, with Aussies hooking the mark in the strong current and earning themselves an offsetting penalty as well as having to re-round the mark to start several lengths behind. All tied up, Match 3 started badly for Gilmour who got a penalty in the pre-start, but was saved when a timing error by the race committee prompted a re-start to the match. Gilmour and team then fought hard in the building breeze to get another strong start off Steele, connecting the shifts to gain in the building breeze to win – score 2-1. In Match 4, Gilmour again got the start they wanted at the pin, with Steele forced to a late tack at the signal boat to give the Aussies just enough lead to make the first cross and once again play the shifts beautifully to extend throughout the match. Team Gilmour broke up to race on other boats for the next event in the Grand Slam series, but is reconvening for the final event at Oakcliff. Winner of the Grand Slam series receives an invitation to the Grade 1 2014 Congressional Cup in Long Beach, California, as well as an invitation to the only US event on the Alpari World Match Racing Tour, the 2014 Chicago Match Cup. 1. David Gilmour, AUS 2. Chris Steele, NZL 3. Matt Graham, USA 4. Chris VanTol, USA 5. Judge Ryan, USA 6. Stephanie Roble, USA 7. Chris Poole, USA 8. Ashlen Rooklyn, AUS 9. Timothy Coltman, NZL 10. Dustin Durant, USA 11. Peter Holz, USA 12. Mike Quaglio, USA
2013 Saturday Race Series Egg Harbor Yacht Club, Egg Harbor, Wisconsin June 8-August 24, 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Rainbow's End Cygnus Yultide Obsedant White Knuckles Door 1 Blue Run Armidy Aerie Hobie 17 American Flyer Joet de Mer
X-7-X-10-9-9-9-X-9-8-6 0-9-9-7-7-5-8-5-6-10-9 0-10-X-9-10-X-10-7-X-9-10 0-8-8-8-6-X-X-8-8-6-7 0-X-6-X-8-7-X-10-1-4-5 0-10-X-9-10-X-10-7-X-9-10 X-X-7-X-X-6-7-X-7-X-8 X-X-10-X-4-X-X-X-1-X-X X-5-X-X-X-X-X-4-X-X-4 X-X-X-5-X-X-X-3-X-3-X X-X-X-X-X-6-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-5-X
67 65 65 59 41 36 35 15 13 11 6 5
2013 Bay Cup Regatta Little Traverse Yacht Club, Harbor Springs, Michigan August 24, 2013 PHRF - Spinnaker 1. Green Flash 2. Stinger 3. 4. Dakota PHRF - JAM 1. Crescendo 2. Courtesan 3. Still Crazy 4. Interlude 5. Victory 6. Blues Power 7. My Girl
J 105 Farr 30 NM First 47.7 Beneteau
William Petzold Ray Leyman John Podmajersky Anthony Ryner
1 2 3 5/OCS
Alerion 33 AE 28 Alerion 28 Alerion Express 28 Alden Challenger Alerion 28 Tartan 4300
Martin Sutter J-H Carruthers-Holton Edward Palm Tom Austin Polk Wagner Geoffrey Keenan Bruce Herard
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2013 William Lee Campbell Dual Handed Race St. Joseph River Yacht Club, St. Joseph, Michigan August 24, 2013 Spinnaker 8 boats 1. Wellenreiter VI 2. Moody Blue 3. Sea Raider 4. Captain Blood 5. White Knuckles Too 6. Chateau Ste. Michelle 7. Silk 8. Attitude
Ron Schults William Barton Dirk Kruger Patrick Nelson Eric Mallen Kelley Kerns Jud Brown Stuart Boekeloo
November 2013
00:28:09 00:28:24 00:28:32 00:28:45 00:28:48 00:29:45 00:30:19 00:30:56
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 2013 Joey Shepro Memorial Doublehanded Race Marinette and Menominee Yacht Club, Menominee, Michigan August 23-24, 2013
The Joey Shepro Double Handed Memorial Race weekend was held on August 23rd and 24th. The event started with the Friday night pre-race party and was well attended by M&MYC members, friends and family. There was a lot of food, refreshments, Gosling’s Rum, socializing and music at the event. Entertainment was provided by Donnie Lemire and his band, Funk and What, and they kept the crowd moving. A big THANK YOU to Donnie and his band for volunteering their time and talent! The race was then held on Saturday with 25 boats participating. The weather was perfect for sailing and it was a pleasure to see such a great turnout. Sailors celebrated after the race with more food and socializing. Congratulations to Sam and Stu Keys on their first place finish! Every year, the Joey Shepro Double Handed Memorial Race raises funds to help the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michigan. This money comes from race proceeds and donations collected at the event. This year, the total amount raised for the Make- A-Wish Foundation was $2,500.00!! This could not have happened without everyone who participated in the race, donated to the cause, or helped put on the event. We thank you all so very much and are humbled by your generosity. Thank you to all who donated food. Thank you to John and Lori Swanson for taking on this event with us each year. Thank you to Sue Mars for always being there to make sure everything goes off as planned. THANK YOU, once again, to everyone who helped out in any way. You all are so appreciated!--The Family of Joey Shepro 1 Thunder Keys 12:19:43 15:00:28 02:40:45 02:10:09 2 Charrette Peterson 12:23:48 15:01:01 02:37:13 02:10:42 3 Flash Gordon Doboy, C/Shepro, N 12:30:36 15:02:59 02:32:23 02:12:40 4 Endurance Derusha 12:36:02 15:04:40 02:28:38 02:14:21 5 Stress RayLece Powell 12:08:50 15:06:00 02:57:10 02:15:41 6 Aquarius Mars 12:05:26 15:14:25 03:08:59 02:24:06 7 Sadie Hawkins LeBouton 12:19:43 15:15:20 02:55:37 02:25:01 8 In The Red Ross 12:10:53 15:15:23 03:04:30 02:25:04 9 Whistler Beyer 12:21:45 15:15:26 02:53:41 02:25:07 10 ParadoX Swanson 12:17:41 15:16:19 02:58:38 02:26:00 11 Dea Latis Powers 12:08:50 15:16:42 03:07:52 02:26:23 12 Underdog Shepro, Joe 12:08:09 15:18:32 03:10:23 02:28:13 13 Ciao Bella Chiesa 12:03:24 15:21:20 03:17:56 02:31:01 14 Sequelae Bradley 12:06:48 15:23:27 03:16:39 02:33:08 15 Seawind Breuer 12:08:09 15:28:57 03:20:48 02:38:38 16 Attitude Adjustment Knaus 12:05:26 15:36:46 03:31:20 02:46:27 17 Malen Juckem 12:08:09 15:40:42 03:32:33 02:50:23 18 ICUP Gunderson 12:02:02 15:45:15 03:43:13 02:54:56 19 Escape Frost 12:05:26 15:57:45 03:52:19 03:07:26 20 Phoenix Nitke 12:00:00 16:20:25 04:20:25 03:30:06 21 Encore (Manila Mike) Boren 12:08:09 16:26:18 04:18:09 03:35:59 22 Saint Sea St. Peter 12:06:07 16:28:21 04:22:14 03:38:02 23 Jack Sparrow De Damos 12:02:43 16:37:52 04:35:09 03:47:33 24 Dr. Dog Voyles 12:14:17 DNF 24 Encore (2) Theiss 12:10:12 DNF
2013 Nan-C-Jay Race Grand Traverse Yacht Club, Traverse City, Michigan August 21, 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16
Major Woody Cu Mal Liberty Fast Freddie Poco Loco Ayadooin' Relentless Spyke Goat Rodeo True North Messin' About Mongo Outrageous Screamin' Baby HighLander Knockout WhoDo?
David Skibowski Clark Phelps C. David Phelps Doug Wipperman Jim Dye Forbes Husted Mark Hagan Dan Spyhalski Christopher Jeffries Jason Gross Ben Ferris Grady Jordan Rich Kraemer Diane Hubert Jim Sorbie Libby Tomlinson Mark Thompson
Melges 24 J/34c Dehler 39 J/92 S2 7.9 F-31S Schock 40 Cal 40 Melges 24 Merit 25 Catalina 25 C&C 39 Islander 30 S2 9.1 Bene First 38 B25 One Design 48
2013 Northern Michigans Class August Championship Little Traverse Yacht Club, Harbor Springs, Michigan August 17-18, 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Norwegian Tomahawk Eyrie Too Running Water Indigenous "21" Pinch
Thomas Carruthers Adam Lowry Bruce Aikens David Irish John Kidd John Podmajersky Kevin Farrell
November 2013
18:54:37 18:57:23 18:53:53 18:58:51 19:02:46 18:48:47 18:51:33 19:02:23 19:01:06 19:08:18 19:14:19 19:03:47 19:14:19 19:09:12 19:07:36
49:37:00 0:52:23 0:48:53 0:53:51 0:57:46 0:43:47 0:46:33 0:57:23 0:56:06 1:03:18 1:09:19 0:58:47 1:09:19 1:04:12 1:04:12
0:53:46 0:54:00 0:54:45 0:56:16 0:56:33 0:57:17 0:59:15 0:59:25 1:00:47 1:01:27 1:02:08 1:04:00 1:04:21 1:04:45 1:04:45 DNF DNF
2 3 1 8 5 7 4
1 5 2 4 3 8 10
1 4 5 2 3 7 8
1 3 4 2 5 8 7
3 4 5 6 1 9 7
7 2 6 3 12 1 5
15 21 23 25 29 40 41
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Istar Soldier Intuition Osprey Haze Eclipse Rookie
Ray Leyman Geoff Piceu Tom Post Bill Brown Paxson Offield Martin Sutter Dan Thompson
2013 Soling North American Championship Valcour Sailing Club, Plattsburgh, New York August 15-18, 2013 6. Ross Richards/Colin Richards/Patrick Richards 11. Stephen Bobo/Jeff Spence/Peter Carson
Wilmette, IL Wilmette, IL
6 11 10 9 12 DC DC
9 6 12 10 11 DC DC
7 12 6 9 11 DC DC
6 [14]
[12] 3 10 12
11 2 10 12 8 DC DC
6 11 9 10 12 DC DC
4 8 10 11 9 DC DC
9 5
8 13
11 7
43 50 57 61 63 84 84
5 13
10 8
9 8
12 14
2013 Penguin International Championship Miles River Yacht Club, St. Michael's, Maryland August 15-16, 2013 Penguin 15 boats 10. Bob Findlay/Jenna Findlay
2013 Ensign National Championships Tom's River Yacht Club, Barnegat Bay, New Jersey August 11-15, 2013 7. 10. 12. 28.
Lickety-Split Madley Irish Ayes Ariadne
Jim Knape Bryan Flynn Neil Lynch Joel Florek
30 boats
Marquette Yacht Club Menominee Yacht Club Marquette Yacht Club Marquette Yacht Club
8 16 17 27
4 25 12 21
4 10 6 27
1 15 12 25
9 6 8 20
17 2 16 24
40 54 71 144
2013 Great White Northern Championships Grand Traverse Yacht Club, Traverse City, Michigan August 10-11, 2013
Interlake Max Thompson – Junior Champion; Jack Coleman – Masters Champion; Abby Branston – Ladies Champion 1. Bob Sagan/Marija Sagan/Jason Masseroni 1-2-1-2-1 7 2. Tom Young/Kendall Young 3-1-2-6-2 14 3. Max Thompson/Maddy Thompson 2-3-3-5-3 16 4. Jack Coleman/Ann Taylor 5-6-5-1-7 24 5. Bob Cornwell/Gordy Cornwell/Loren Newton 4-7-7-4-4 30 6. Dick Hirtrieter/Eric Cram/Brooke Cram 9-10-4-3-5 31 7. Chris Branson/Louis Rodriguez 6-5-8-7-9 35 8. Jim Milliman/Rick Milliman/Bill Milliman 11-4-6-8-8 37 9. Scott Zimmerman/Liz Zimmerman 8-9-9-9-6 41 10. Abby Branson/Bubba Poppa 7-8-11-10-10 46 11. John Muller/Mike Householder 10-11-10-DC-DC 57 12. Katie Zimmerman/Emma Hanley 12-12-12-DC-DC 62
2013 International 110 National Championship Inverness Yacht Club, Inverness, California August 5-8, 2013 2.
John Huff/Richard Martin
Chicago, Illinois
2013 Sheridan Shore Race Week Sheridan Shore Yacht Club, Wilmette, Illinois July 26-28, 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
R. Adams/Scott Evans/John Kinzel C. Camps/Jon Bailey/Jeremy McMahon S. Bobo/Lucas Hiller/Steve Taylor D. Baum/Cooper Anderson/Jamie Bruss D. Crysdale/?/? P. McGuan/Mark Keast/Arielle Henderson D. Slaght/Kate Spiess/Craig Warner B. Nickel/Pete Buerger/Buck Crist
Sheridan Shore Yacht Club Milwaukee Yacht Club Sheridan Shore Yacht Club Milwaukee Yacht Club Milwaukee Yacht Club Milwaukee Yacht Club Sheridan Shore Yacht Club Sheridan Shore Yacht Club
November 2013
[6] 2 1 [4] 3 5 8 7
3 [5] 2 1 4 6 [DF] 7
1 5 2 3 7 6 4 [8]
2 1 [4] 3 5 6 7 8
2 1 4 3 [DF] [7] 5 6
8 9 9 10 19 23 24 28
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
61 76
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 2013 Open Butterfly National Championship Torch Lake Yacht Club, Bellaire, Michigan July 16 - 18, 2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 23. 23. 23. 23.
Jim Young Frank Reeg Sam Ralston Reed Lorimer Tommy Nordberg Wade Lorimer Evan Fink Olivia Windemuller Zachary Wiggins Taylor Moore Rachel Rantanen Elle Rivard Simone Garratt Echo Schafer Ian Jones Heather Wiggins Sherman Thompson Jon Buck Reid Peirce Steve Czadzeck Chad Lucas Jake Bouman Rachel Dow Max Koenen Samantha Koenen Amanda Dow Fielding Schafer
Union Sailing Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club
5 4 [6] 3 2 1 8 12 7 [18] 14 16 11 10 15 [19] 17 13 9 21 20 22 [DS] [DS] [DS] [DS] [DS]
[11] [9] 4 [17] 1 5 7 2 6 12 3 10 15 8 13 18 14 [21] 16 19 20 22 DS DS DS DS DS
2 1 5 3 6 4 8 7 9 11 10 [18] [17] 14 [19] 16 12 13 15 21 20 22 DS DS DS DS DS
1 4 2 3 5 8 [18] 7 [10] 9 12 13 11 16 14 6 [19] 15 [DS] 20 17 [DS] DS DS DS DS DS
2 4 1 3 5 [17] 6 [15] 10 9 11 7 8 12 14 13 19 18 DS 16 [DS] DS DS DS DS DS DS
2 4 1 8 5 12 DF 7 10 11 DF 6 DF 14 DF 15 DF DF DF DF DF 3 DF DF DF ZF DF DF 9 DF DF 13 DF DF DF DF DF DF DF DF
2 1 8 7 5 3 10 4 19 12 18 28 6 13 15 9 21 17 20 16 22 11 14 25 26 34 32 27 23 31 33 24 35 DF 36 29 30 DF DF DC
1 2 8 4 10 11 7 23 6 13 3 5 18 15 12 20 9 16 14 22 17 DS 28 24 25 19 21 26 DQ 27 29 DS 30 31 32 DS DS DS DS DS
2 1 4 5 [15] 10 6 11 7 3 [16] 9 14 [17] 8 12 13 18 DS [DF] DS DS DS DS DS DS DS
12 14 16 17 19 28 35 39 39 44 50 55 59 60 64 65 75 77 96 97 105 122 140 140 140 140 140
2013 Butterfly Junior National Championship Torch Lake Yacht Club, Bellaire, Michigan July 16 - 18, 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 38
Zachary Wiggins Olivia Windemuller Fielding Schafer Sam Ralston Evan Fink Wade Lorimer Justin Lovell Rachel Rantanen Cathy Daniel Echo Schafer Ben Finkelstein Tommy Nordberg Charlie Parker Luke Murphy Simone Garratt Sherman Thompson Ella Wynsma Elise Betten Carson Reay Coco McKeough Sophie Balardo Elijah Lacascio Tatum Hamaty Ina VanderWerff Amanda Dow Max Koenen Katie Balardo Samantha Koenen Kaitlyn Rowland Gray Raymond Mitchell Thompson Noah Locascio Celeste Anderson Rachel Dow Luke Honer Max Ralston McKeathan Robertson Kate Robertson Sarah Reid Julia DeTar
Torch Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club CRYC Gull Lake Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club
November 2013
5 7 17 19 20 26 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 42 43 44 46 49 50 54 55 56 58 65 67 69 69 69 74 74 78 79 81 84 84 87 88 95 95 95
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 2013 Women's Butterfly National Championship Torch Lake Yacht Club, Bellaire, Michigan July 16 - 18, 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 17 17 17
Olivia Windemuller Rachel Rantanen Cathy Daniel Simone Garratt Ella Wynsma Elise Betten Coco McKeough Sophie Balardo Tatum Hamaty Ina VanderWerff Amanda Dow Katie Balardo Samantha Koenen Kaitlyn Rowland Celeste Anderson Rachel Dow Heather Wiggins Elle Rivard Kate Robertson Sarah Reid Julia DeTar
Spring Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club CRYC Gull Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club Gull Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Torch Lake Yacht Club
1 4 19 15 21 17 16 22 14 25 26 32 27 23 35 DF DC DC DF DF DC
2 23 6 12 9 16 22 17 28 24 25 21 26 DQ 30 31 DS DS DS DS DS
7 34 35 43 46 49 54 55 58 65 67 69 69 74 81 84 95 95 95 95 95
2013 Spring Series St. Joseph River Yacht Club, St. Joseph, Michigan May 22-July 10, 2013 Spinnaker 12 boats 1. Zot 2. Quick Silver 3. Wellenreiter VI 4. Silk 5. Captain Blood 6. Dandelion 7. Rush 8. Cynthia 9. Attitude 10. Moody Blue 11. Sea Raider 12. White Knuckles Too Jib & Main 7 boats 1. Silver Arrow 2. Carrera 3. Spindrift 4. Waterblue 5. Chateau Ste. Michelle 6. Wind Spirit 7. WinSome
Jon Veersma Gintaras Karaitis Ronald Schults Jud Brown Patrick Nelson Tom Jacobs Jeff Alisch James De Vries Stuart Boekeloo William Barton Dirk Kruger Eric Mallen
1-5-7-1-5-1-2-6 5-3-5-3-4-4-4-1 7-8-1-4-1-DQ-3-3 8-4-2-11-9-2-6-7 2-9-9-5-6-5-DF-5 3-6-6-6-8-6-5-DC 6-1-8-9-DF-DF-DF-2 DF-2-DC-2-3-3-DC-DC 4-11-4-10-10-8-DF-4 DF-10-DC-7-7-7-1-DF DF-7-3-DF-2-DC-DC-DC DC-12-DC-8-DC-9-DF-DF
28 29 39 49 52 53 61 61 62 67 76 89
Gordon Dill James E. Schrager Anson Lovellette Michael Kowrach Kelley Kerns Keith Sawyer Gary Sisson
3-2-1-2-1-1-1 2-3-2-3-2-2-2 DF-1-4-4-4-DF-5 1-6-5-DF-6-DF-4 DF-4-3-1-3-DC-DC DF-5-6-DF-5-DF-3 DC-DC-DC-DC-DC-DC-DC
11 16 31 35 36 39 58
2013 Wednesday Night Special Jackson Park Yacht Club, Chicago, Illinois June 26, 2013 PHRF Spinnaker 1. Mise en Place 2. Andale PHRF JAM 1. DeDa's Toy 2. Star of the Sea
44:57 45:58 42:29 51:38
2013 J/24 National Championship Wayzata Yacht Club, Wayzata, Minnesota June 19-22, 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ingham/Healy Travis Odenbach Rolf Turnquist Pat Toole Jon Monson Holm/Neff Dave Bennett Randy Gould
November 2013
1 5 2 4 [13] 9 [11] 3
[3] 4 1 [14] 6 2 9 5
2 3 1 5 4 6 10 11
1 2 6 5 3 7 4 11
2 [11] 4 3 5 8 1 7
2 3 5 1 13 8 9 10
1 2 [9] 5 3 4 10 [12]
1 3 5 4 2 [17] 10 7
10 22 24 27 36 44 53 54
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Soya/Bone Bittle/Johnson Tim Oelschlager Mark Soya Tom Verburgt Andy Spence-Parsons Ben Stauber Benzian/Gjerde Shawn & Bryn Patterson Frederick Leidal Eric Christenson David Heisserer
10 7 8 12 16 6 14 15 [18] 17 [20] 19
12 13 10 16 [17] 11 7 8 15 18 20 19
2013 Butterfly Singlehanded National Championship Spring Lake Yacht Club, Spring Lake, Michigan June 19-21, 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Doug Peckover Geoffrey Nelson Isaac Kremers Paul Miller Jim Young Sam Ralston Frank Reeg Olivia Windemuller Elijah Locascio Grant James Gary Eppink Charlie Parker Libby Reeg Coco McKeough David Wolters Noah Wolters Elise Betten Sandi Fredricks
Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Woman Junior Junior Junior
Corinthian Sailing Club Crystal Lake Yacht Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club White Rock Boat Club Union Sailing Club Grand Rapids Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club White Rock Boat Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club Spring Lake Yacht Club
7 9 13 [17] 12 8 16 18 14 15 19 [20]
9 8 12 16 15 13 10 [20] 14 18 19 17
9 [15] 6 12 16 17 [18] 10 14 13 20 19
4 14 11 7 6 17 15 12 16 [OCS] 19 20
7 8 [17] 6 11 [19] 15 16 13 14 20 18
[16] 6 8 12 9 18 13 19 15 11 14 20
[9] 3 1 6 5 4 [8] 11 7 13 14 2 [15] 10 [17] 16 12 [DS]
2 4 8 1 9 3 7 5 10 [15] [16] 11 13 12 17 6 14 DS
3 1 [17] 5 2 4 6 7 8 14 9 13 12 10 15 11 16 DS
1 3 7 [8] 2 [10] 6 4 5 13 12 16 11 9 17 14 15 DS
1 [7] 2 4 3 5 6 [14] [12] 8 10 15 11 16 9 18 17 13
1 5 2 4 [13] 6 3 9 8 7 12 14 11 [DF] 10 [DF] [DF] DF
58 65 68 81 85 90 90 98 101 106 131 132
1 5 2 4 7 6 3 11 12 8 9 [DF] 13 DF 10 DF DF DF
9 21 22 24 28 28 31 47 50 63 66 71 71 76 78 84 93 108
2013 Hammond Silver Cup Race Hammond Yacht Club, Hammond, Indiana Date not known
A second scheduled race was cancelled due to fog. Jackson Park team total: 4269 points;, Hammond Yacht Club team total: 4186 points. 1. DeDa's Toy Jackson Park Yacht Club Cal 31 39:55 2. Siren Song Hammond Yacht Club Sirius 28 40:39 3. Mr. JJ Jackson Park Yacht Club 41:24 4. Escape Hammond Yacht Club C&C 31 41:36 5. Karizmaddie Hammond Yacht Club Catalina 320 44:13 6. Simple Justice Jackson Park Yacht Club Cal 31 46:56 7. Endurance Hammond Yacht Club O'Day 27 DNF 8. Mise en Place Jackson Park Yacht Club Ben Oceanis 381 DNF
2013 Soling US National Championship Severn Sailing Association, Annapolis, Maryland May 3-5, 2013 15 boats 3. 6.
Ross Richards/Pat Richards/Lucas Hiller Stephen Bobo/Cooper Anderson/Aubrey Granner
Wilmette, IL Wilmette, IL
6 3
3 6
3 7
[7] 5
1 8
7 5
1 7
4 [12]
25 41
Regatta reports featuring sailing conditions, exceptional and fun occurrences, photos and more are invited to be submitted. Email them to
[email protected]. Thank you!
Just one more page ... Be sure to read the last page!
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation
Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter Lake Michigan SuRF Newsletter The e-publication of the Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation. Articles and photos of interest are encouraged to be submitted. All materials become the property of LMSRF and will not be returned. Electronic submission preferred. FREE LMSRF NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION Share our newsletter with your friends! Forward it today. Anyone can subscribe to our newsletter. Sign up today by clicking this link: Should you choose someday to not want it anymore (we hope not), there is a simple one-click unsubscribe button at the end of every notice. When you change your email address, be sure to notify our office! SUBMISSIONS ACCEPTED! Send your sailing organization’s news to the Lake Michigan SuRF newsletter. Deadline: 20th of the month. EVERY month. Mark your electronic calendar! Email to:
[email protected] or
[email protected]. Telephone: 312.857.6640. FAX: 786.358.3605. Snail it to: Gail M. Turluck, Editor Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation 1245 W Gull Lake Dr Richland, MI 49083 Sponsorships available HERE! LMSRF's e-newsletter has sponsorships available. To receive details, send your contact information to
[email protected]. LMSRF’s INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS INFO … LMSRF's web page is: LMSRF’s Facebook Page is (click here and “like” it): LMSRF’s Twitter handle (click here and “follow”):!/LMSRF LMSRF is Linked in (click here and join): Join LMSRF’s Yahoo!Group! Sign up for this email list and posting board at It’s free, safe and secure. It is moderated so you can be confident spam will not get through. Email over 800 Lake Michigan sailing fans at once! Post your boat's need for crew or your availability to crew using the “Database” link on the Group home page. And more! For complete instructions on using the Yahoo!Group, visit: ORDER RUN RACES RIGHT Great Race Committee training guide. Email the Office for an order form:
[email protected] HELP LMSRF GROW THE SPORT Invite your friends to join you to go for a sail today! DONATE TO LMSRF LMSRF works to build its endowment fund to provide grants to further education, athlete, and training support for sailboat racing and the conduct of events. Please make a donation today at: LMSRF Your sailing and sailboat racing leadership association to develop sailing education, leadership, events and opportunities in the Lake Michigan area by charitable works.
JOIN LMSRF Individual memberships are offered to those who want to support the efforts of this organization or to get involved to make a difference. Join LMSRF Paper
Join LMSRF Plastic
November 2013
Lake Michigan Sail Racing Federation