Parish Profile

October 30, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Smaller services take place in the beautiful Chapel of the Holy Spirit. Large services take ......


Parish Profile 2015

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Dayton, Ohio

Table of Contents Welcome!

Where We’ve Been (A history of St. Paul’s) How We Worship How We Learn

How We Serve (Pastoral Care and Outreach Ministries) How We Are Organized Where We Gather

Where We Live (Oakwood and the Greater Dayton community) How We Are Financed

What Is St. Paul’s Looking for in A Rector?

3 4-5 6-7 8 9-11 12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19


Welcome! St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is a community that worships God through Jesus Christ, loves and serves others in Christ’s name, and welcomes all who seek the Holy. At this time of transition, we see opportunity. Our history has been one of strong and supportive growth in faith and communion, and we recognize that we have an opportunity to strengthen our community. We seek a Rector who shares our commitment to spirituality and its expression in the pulpit, our reverence for the liturgy and tradition of the Episcopal way, and our desire to develop our faith and understanding through education, outreach and pastoral care.

For 95 years, St Paul’s has stood on top of the hill overlooking Dayton, Ohio, connecting the city to its southern suburbs. We have been a mainstay to the community as a place of worship throughout the entrepreneurial history of the region. St. Paul’s embodies the rich Episcopal tradition of bridging the ancient origins of Christianity with the yearnings of the modern world. As a church for all people, it bridges the Catholic and Protestant traditions, where all may find a spiritual home.

Our parishioners value what they find in our church—its liturgy, its music, its traditional approach to worship, and its focus on our collective and individual journeys in Christ. Opportunities exist to strengthen and deepen the activities and life of the parish. We have already started this effort, embodied in the stewardship theme of “Honoring Our Blessed Past, Building God’s Bright Future” on the cusp of our 100th Anniversary.

In preparation for this transition, we undertook a survey of the parish. The results of this survey are referenced at various places in this document and can be found in their entirety on the parish website

“I am enriched, challenged and energized by attending Sunday services. I have been thoroughly welcomed and I appreciate all who have gone out of their way to make me comfortable here.”


Where We’ve Been St. Paul’s Episcopal Church was founded in 1920 as a mission of Christ Church, Dayton. It began as a Sunday school for the families who had moved south from the city following the great flood of 1913. The mission became a full-fledged church in 1925. In 1929, St. Paul’s was admitted to the Diocese of Southern Ohio as its own parish. The original facility was dedicated in 1939; additions to the original structure were made throughout the years in response to the desire for additional space for worship, education and fellowship activities. Today, the physical property is one of the parish’s finest assets. During its 95 year history, our development has been guided by the gifts and skills of our seven Rectors. In our early years, Herman Page established a strong educational institution and

fostered a nurturing influence in the community. During and after WWII, Raymond Riebs led exceptional youth and social outreach programs. Harold Kocher was a master at pastoral counseling. Ronald Stenning guided St. Paul’s through the 1960s and early ‘70s. Robert Fenwick followed and was called to lead our church with an emphasis on pastoral care, worship and liturgy. John “Jack” Koepke helped us broaden our ministries and learn to embrace change.

Jack was named Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese of Southern Ohio in 2010. Following the standard protocol for identifying a new Rector, the Search Committee issued a call in the winter of 2012. The search process that led to this call was supported by several months of deep prayer and discernment. The Rev. Deborah Woolsey, a gifted young priest, arrived with energy and ideas; however as her ministry progressed, it became clear that Mother Deborah and the leadership were unable to mesh, to make common cause, or to build a mutual vision for the future. Mother Deborah submitted her resignation to the parish in July 2014 after being in office only eighteen months. It marked a sad time in the life of the parish for many who had high hopes for this new beginning and who were very fond of the new Rector.


St. Paul’s has learned from this experience. The parish is healing with the support of Gregory Sammons, our Transition Priest-In-Charge. After an initial period of grief, anger and soul searching, the parish has made peace with itself, rejoiced in Mother Deborah’s call to a new ministry, and is moving forward with fresh confidence and hope. As part of this effort, long-term financial plans have been created, a Stewardship Committee supporting year-round commitment to Time, Talent and Treasure has been established, and a Vision/Profile Committee has been formed to articulate our hope for the future. Today, St. Paul’s has approximately 165 worshiping families and is the 11th largest parish in the Diocese of Southern Ohio. Average Sunday attendance is 102. We continue to be one of the most highly regarded and respected places of worship in the Dayton region.

“It is a strong belief at St. Paul’s that we are all on a shared religious journey.The parish recognizes that the first impression we make sets the tone of how we share in this journey.”


How We Worship Liturgy at St. Paul’s embraces the Book of Common Prayer. The Sunday Services are usually Rite II celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. Hymns and service music are mostly from the 1982 Hymnal. Our Choir offers an anthem at the Offertory from September through May.

Smaller services take place in the beautiful Chapel of the Holy Spirit. Large services take place in the main Sanctuary, an inspiring space adorned with fine stained glass.

Our parish survey revealed a remarkable degree of enthusiasm for the worship patterns at St. Paul’s. Many parishioners report frequent feelings of reverence and joy in worship. The survey also revealed an openness to thoughtful modifications. While members express strong support for the traditional music that enhances our liturgies, some express a desire for more musical diversity.

Our organist is introducing music from the hymnal supplements, and there are times when children or youth offer contemporary music during the liturgy. Our carillon and hand bell choir further enhance music on special occasions.

There is appreciation for the use of other instruments, although our superb recently refurbished Austin organ maintains its prominence in St. Paul’s worship.


Lay leadership in worship is valued and includes acolytes and lectors. Lectors serve as chalicists in addition to reading the Scriptures and the Prayers. The Altar Guild prepares the Sanctuary for services, decorates the church for holy days, and assists with weddings and funerals. St. Paul’s opens its arms, welcomes all and strives to be inclusive. As part of the 2010 Sanctuary renovation, select pews were shortened to better accommodate worshippers with special needs, kneelers were placed on the floor of the nave to provide barrier-free access to the altar rail, and a handcrafted, portable altar table was commissioned to bring the Eucharistic celebration closer to the congregation.

At certain Feast Days and for weddings, the option remains to remove the altar table and celebrate at the high altar. The Congregation values this flexibility. The current worship schedule at St. Paul’s is as follows: Sundays at 8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit with organ Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the main Sanctuary with organ and choir Wednesdays at 9:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Sacrament of Healing in the Chapel

The Sacrament of Healing is offered by a team of lay ministers at the 10:30 a.m. service on the first and third Sundays of the month during Communion. This new offering has been warmly received by the congregation.

“I want a church where all people and their gifts are welcomed and celebrated. There should be room for several kinds of worship and music.”


How We Learn We ask God to guide our Formation programs as we learn, pray and serve, demonstrating Christ’s love by being the church in the world. We believe that Christian Formation is the way we evolve in our relationships with God and each other. Our goal at St. Paul’s is to learn through Scripture, worship and fellowship, to pray regularly and to serve every person with love and compassion, as Christ loves us.

With this mission, we offer programs for people of all ages, including intergenerational pieces that bring the parish family together, including Art of the Spirit, a monthly art experience coupled with Evening Prayer. Active parish-wide programs are also offered seasonally. Five times during the program year, VBS is offered (Vacation Bible Saturdays) where children from the parish and the community are invited to share the Bible through arts-based strategies. Additionally, in 2015, St. Paul’s clergy and Formation staff began serving Grace Learning Academy (located on the church grounds) with weekly Chapel sessions for approximately 65 Preschool students. This has been very well-received by school staff, parents and the children, and we plan to continue to grow this partnership.

On Sunday mornings, our Formation classes for children follow the Lectionary. Classes are offered for infants/toddlers (5-7 children/week) and a mixed group of children, grades K-6 (4-6 children/week). Teens are encouraged to be fully involved in the Sunday worship experiences as acolytes, lectors and choir members. Youth Group for teens meets on Sunday evenings (8-10 teens/meeting). Our service programs, Faith in Action (serving in the greater Dayton community) and Mountain T.O.P. (our annual summer mission trip), are central to our Formation goals.

Children from infancy to Grade 6 take part in Children’s Chapel, departing before the Gospel and returning during the Peace at the 10:30 a.m. service (8-10 children/week). Worship and learning become one as the Episcopal liturgy is delivered in Children’s Chapel an age-appropriate context. The centerpiece of adult Formation at St. Paul’s is the Adult Forum on Sunday mornings. The Rector and members of the St. Paul’s community, along with occasional guest speakers, share information on topics of importance in the parish, the larger Church, and the world around us. Here, the adults of our parish can engage in open and meaningful discussion about the joys and challenges of our journey together. Offered concurrently with Adult Forum is The Bible Challenge, a small group study of Scripture.

Our congregation values the written word, and the Parish Library offers books, audiotapes and DVDs on topics ranging from Commentary on the American Prayer Book to VeggieTales. The new Children’s Corner will provide a wealth of resources to help parents and kids grow together spiritually—and enjoy the journey! In addition, the St. Paul’s Book Club meets in the homes of its members monthly.


How We Serve Our parishioners benefit from many lay-led groups that promote friendship, fellowship and a sense of belonging. Such efforts include a recently formed Men’s Group, an ice cream social on the green space with a concert by a local music group and the well-loved Thanksgiving Eve spaghetti supper. In addition, we believe in sharing our faith and blessings with others through numerous ministries dedicated to improving life in the Greater Dayton community and beyond. Parishioners with a passion for helping others are encouraged in their efforts to develop ongoing pastoral care and outreach projects.

“I hope that St. Paul's will be a vibrant place to worship, a well-used resource for the community, and the center of a web of outreach to the community at large. I hope that St. Paul's can be a living testament of God's love.”

Pastoral Care

Greeters, Ushers, Welcome Committee: Welcome parishioners, visitors and newcomers into a community of caring, faithful people gathered in worship each Sunday.

Prayer Shawls ready for blessing

Eucharistic Visitors: Licensed to provide the Holy Eucharist to parishioners who are unable to attend regular services; offer the Eucharist at two area nursing homes once a month. Prayer Shawl Ministry: Creates prayer shawls for those in need of comfort, baby items, hats, and scarves for our graduating high school seniors (in the colors of their chosen college).

Note Writers: Intent on keeping up with our homebound parishioners via handwritten messages and our church service bulletins.

Stephen Ministers: Formally trained to support parishioners who are going through a difficult time. Currently, this ministry is a valued part of our relationship with Canterbury Court (see the description, below). Cooking and Caring Ministry: Extends a helping hand to parishioners who need temporary assistance with meals or running errands. Faith In Action/Outreach

Dayton Episcopal Food Pantry and House of Bread: Two ministries where parishioners donate, bag and distribute food twice a month; serve lunch to people in need once a month; and assist with special projects as needed.

House of Bread

Canterbury Court: Stephen Ministers provide pastoral care and a bi-monthly communion service at this senior living community, owned and operated by Episcopal Retirement Homes, Inc. (ERH). By agreement with ERH, St. Paul’s clergy join with them once a month and


Canterbury Court, cont.

Youth Mission Trip

collaborate with Stephen Ministers and Canterbury staff to plan other events such as an annual memorial service and a St. Francis Day Blessing of the Pets. Episcopal Clothing Room: Parishioners donate, sort and distribute clothing to people in need.

Youth Mission Trip: Every summer since 2000, groups of youth and adults ages 15 and older have traveled beyond our community to provide home repairs, support and fellowship to residents in need. For many years, the trip was focused on towns in Athens County, Ohio. More recently, groups have journeyed a bit farther to Mountain T.O.P. mission camp in Tennessee. Preparing for this trip is a year-round endeavor and many members of the church are involved, whether as a youth participant, chaperone, fundraising event planner/volunteer, or financial supporter.

College Care: Parishioners keep in touch with our college students who live away from home, sending notes and occasional care packages.

Scouting Program: St. Paul’s is the Chartering Organization for Boy Scout Troop 101 and Cub Scout Pack 101. These are long-term relationships; both groups have had St. Paul’s as their home for more than 50 years. Girls Scouts also call St. Paul’s home and all three groups have regular meetings in our Parish Hall. Scout Hall is an area of the property given over to exclusive use of the scouts and is utilized for den, patrol and troop meetings, parent committee meetings, and for storage of camping and other scouting gear. Special Projects

Stations of the Cross: In this 2015 Lenten project, the various ministries of the church collaborated with area service agencies to create stations inside and outside of the church. During Holy Week, the community was invited to walk the stations.

One of the Stations of the Cross

Miami Valley Episcopal Russian Network: An 11church consortium has supported a youth exchange program and provided supplies for St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in the village of Sablino, Russia. MVERN is now transitioning to provide funding for special projects to aid St. Nicholas in meeting the needs of the village. Goody2Shoes: During Advent, the children of the church and community learn the legend of St. Nicholas. They are invited to leave shoes on the steps of the church. When they return, the shoes have been replaced by treats, and the shoes are donated to the local Episcopal Clothing Room.


Rebuilding Dayton Together: On a designated Saturday in April, church volunteers gather with others throughout the city to do home repairs and renovations for homeowners who qualify for assistance.

Rebuilding Dayton Together

Collection Drives: To stay informed about the many needs of our community, the congregation is invited to collect necessities for area organizations. Different organizations are highlighted when specific needs are identified. Collections in Fall, 2015 were organized for teen mothers of the Mustard Seed Foundation, school supplies for Native American youth in South Dakota and pet supplies for the local chapter of the Humane Society.

Live Nativity: This event was very popular with the community when first held in 2014. Adult and youth church members portray the holy family, shepherds, wise men and angels, and a local farm brings authenticity to the scene by loaning us baby goats, sheep and a donkey. This special evening takes place on the church’s green space on a Sunday evening in Advent. The carillon bells play carols to call members of the community to come and visit.

“I see a church that puts far more emphasis and energy on outreach projects—local, national and international—where laypersons get personally involved beyond writing a check. “ Live Nativity


How We Are Organized The Rector of St. Paul’s is the head of staff and the chief spiritual visionary. The Rector’s role is to coordinate and manage the many functions of a complex congregation so that it moves forward in a deliberate and unified way, informed by a sense of purpose. The Rector stays in touch with many other functions and ministries at St. Paul’s through collaboration with committee leaders and occasional presence at meetings, seeking to coordinate the aspirations of each group. Unique to St. Paul’s, the Rector is active in the partnerships with Canterbury Court senior living community and Grace Learning Academy, providing occasional worship services, formation opportunities and pastoral care. Currently, St. Paul’s is served by a Deacon whose term expires when a new Rector arrives.

“My wish for St. Paul's is to have a pastor who can help the parishioners grow closer together, focus on what they have in common, while also appreciating their different skills and gifts, and move forward to help make the church a vibrant and attractive place for worship, fellowship and launching pad for community service and outreach to others.” The Staff meets weekly to make decisions about programs, building use and worship. The St. Paul’s program staff currently includes a full-time Director of Christian Formation/Parish Communications and a half-time Director of Music/Organist. The support staff includes a Parish Administrator, a part-time Accountant/Properties Manager and a part-time Registrar/Accountant. In addition, volunteers are a daily presence at St. Paul’s, offering valuable assistance in many ways. The Vestry meets at least monthly to deliberate about issues of finance, property, stewardship, and ministry. The Vestry is composed of nine elected members of the parish, with rotating 3-year terms, in addition to a senior warden, junior warden, treasurer and clerk. Each Vestry member is liaison to one or more areas of the parish’s life or ministry.

An Executive Committee, composed of the Rector, Wardens and Treasurer, meets one week prior to the Vestry meeting to manage and set the agenda for the Vestry, and to respond to other pressing needs.

The Finance Committee charts the monthly income of the parish, monitors the fiscal health of the parish against its budget, oversees the parish’s investments, and makes recommendations to the Vestry about expenditures. The Property Committee is charged with the stewardship and care of the buildings and grounds of St. Paul’s. When needs arise, this committee decides how to respond, manages bids from contractors, and makes recommendations to the Vestry.

A new Stewardship Committee was formed to lead a vigorous campaign in 2015 to prepare the way for a new Rector. Working with a consultant, the committee has adopted practices that will inform future campaigns. The committee will continue its work in 2016 to ensure stewardship is a year-round endeavor.


Where We Gather St. Paul’s physical property is one of our finest assets. The evolution of St. Paul’s began in 1926 with the building of the Parish Hall. In 1939 the Chapel of the Holy Spirit was dedicated. In 1957 the main Sanctuary was completed. Lastly, the Cloister and the Columbarium were added in 1984. The main floor of the structure includes two large gathering spaces, the Cloister and the Parish Hall, along with the church offices. The lower floor includes a beautifully appointed Columbarium, a choir room, activity room, the “PaulPit” for teen gatherings, a nursery, Scout Hall, and 8-10 classrooms used for religious education, Spanish immersion classes, and Grace Learning Academy preschool.

It is a large property for the current membership to maintain. The property and equipment is currently valued on the balance sheet at more than $2 million. Due to the age of our church buildings, repairs and remodeling were necessary to ensure their structural integrity for years to come. Consequently, in 2006, the parish committed to its first ever capital campaign for the purpose of facility maintenance and updating. The 3-year effort raised approximately $1.5 million.

We had two goals, Renew and Rebuild St. Paul’s. Renewal included: replacing multiple furnaces and air conditioning units, plumbing, masonry, electrical updating, adding a new PA system, and refurbishing several of the smaller stained glass windows. Rebuilding included: replacing 11 flat roofs, a major reconstruction of our great window, and a redesign of the main Sanctuary and entrance. Most areas of the church were improved with new flooring, paint and ceiling tiles. Post capital campaign improvements included installation of a new carillon and a new console for the organ. Upkeep and updates to the facility are ongoing.

Ice Cream Social in the Parish Hall


Easter vigil in the Columbarium We share our space with numerous outside groups that use St. Paul’s facilities for meetings. In 2011, we welcomed Grace Learning Academy, a local preschool that rents classroom space. We look forward to developing this relationship and welcoming new families that may discover us through the preschool. Given the success of this venture, there is interest in increasing weekday rental of facility space. Outside the building, volunteers care for our two courtyard garden areas. In recent years, St. Paul’s has acquired several parcels of property adjacent to the church complex. There are two large, empty, landscaped lots and a large ranch house featuring two rental units. At this time, there are no plans to develop the empty parcels.

St. Paul’s property is a house of worship, a community center and an education center that helps shape us as thoughtful, faithful and confident followers of Jesus Christ.

Fall Parish Picnic in the Green Space


Where We Live While St. Paul’s Episcopal Church draws its members from many area communities, we are located in the heart of a residential neighborhood in Oakwood, Ohio. It is a peaceful walking community called home by people who work primarily outside the city. Oakwood is known first and foremost for its schools, which are repeatedly ranked among the very best in the state and the nation. The housing, which includes grand estates as well as starter homes, is historic in nature and well-maintained. Neighborhoods are tree-lined and beautifully landscaped. It is a family-oriented community where people choose the city for its school system and stay because of the safety, city services and ambiance.

St. Paul’s is located on the top of a hill overlooking the University of Dayton and the city of Dayton. The sixth largest city in Ohio, Dayton is surrounded by outlying rings of suburban cities and townships of various sizes—you can get anywhere in the area you might want to go in about 15 minutes! St. Paul’s serves many surrounding communities, including Kettering, Centerville, Beavercreek, and downtown Dayton.

The history of the region is one of innovative entrepreneurs and prosperous manufacturing. The Wright Brothers family home is in Oakwood, just down the street from St. Paul’s. Charles Kettering, founder of the electric starting motor and John Patterson, the founder of National Cash Register (NCR), both lived here. Landmarks commemorating their inventions and many others can be found throughout Dayton. During the past 20 years, Premier Health Partners, the Kettering Health Network and CareSource have grown to make the health care industry one of Dayton’s largest employers. The largest employer in the region and the 4th largest in the state of Ohio is Wright Patterson Air Force Base, located 10 minutes east of downtown Dayton. In addition to the 30,000 employees at the base, an additional 30,000 employees work in support activities around the base. Although the large number of base employees can create a transient type of atmosphere, the region has developed a warm, welcoming attitude toward new families. The city has continued its noted association with aviation as it is home to the National Museum of the United States Air Force. Higher education also plays a strong role in our local economy. The University of Dayton, Wright State University and Sinclair Community College are among our local institutions. The region is known for its vibrant cultural arts, including the innovative Dayton Performing Arts Alliance, a merger of the Dayton Philharmonic, Dayton Opera and Dayton Ballet. In addition, we are home to the world-renowned Dayton Contemporary Dance Company, numerous theatre companies, expansive


museums (Dayton Art Institute, Peace Museum, Boonshoft Museum of Discovery, Air Force Museum) and popular sports teams. Dayton hosts the NCAA First Four basketball tournament and the University of Dayton Flyers have enjoyed longstanding success. The Cincinnati Reds minor league baseball team, the Dayton Dragons, is a popular summer time attraction, drawing sold-out crowds to the beautiful ballpark downtown.

Dayton Dragons game

The history of Dayton includes a catastrophic flood in 1913, which led to a series of dams and hydraulic jumps installed in the many rivers flowing through the city. The riverfront area is undergoing a renaissance as bike paths and recreational waterways are being constructed that beckon to those who enjoy scenic beauty and outdoor activities.

“Let St. Paul's be known as a compassionate congregation living the lifestyle Jesus laid out for us as the two most important commandments--to love God and to love our neighbor.That, with an understanding that the whole earth is our neighborhood, and that "love" is not just a special way of feeling, but a way of behaving, an action word.”

Major Employers: Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Premier Health Partners, Kettering Health Network, LexisNexis, Fuyao Glass Company, and Kroger Company. Higher Education: University of Dayton, Wright State University, Air Force Institute of Technology, and Sinclair Community College. Recreation: National Museum of the United States Air Force, NCAA Collegiate Basketball, Dayton Dragons Baseball, Five Rivers MetroParks and RiverScape, Aullwood Audubon Center, Boonshoft Museum of Discovery, and Carillon Historical Park. Cultural Arts: Dayton Art Institute, Dayton Ballet, Dayton Opera, Dayton Contemporary Dance Company, Dayton Philharmonic, Victoria Theatre Association, Benjamin & Marian Schuster Performing Arts Center, Human Race Theatre Co., and multiple live music venues. For additional information about Oakwood and the Greater Dayton region, please visit for an extensive list of websites to explore.

Carillon Park


How We Are Financed St. Paul’s is in fairly strong financial condition. Over the years, support for the church has resulted in our ability to create a significant capital base in addition to our physical property. This support has also allowed us to stay out of debt. Annual operations has been supported by reasonable draws on the church’s liquid investment portfolio and by funds established to support specific activities or programs in the church. The Balance Sheet for 2014 and 2015 is provided with this profile. Restricted Funds have been established to support certain programs and activities. These funds reside and are managed by the large regional community foundation, The Dayton Foundation. In addition to these funds, three local investment professionals manage approximately $1.6M, of which a little under $600,000 is in endowment.

Operating Statements for 2014 and 2015 also are provided. The church has had to exercise fiscal restraint during the last few years largely due to a declining number of communicants and a resulting decrease in pledge revenue. One reason for this decline was the lack of a sustained Stewardship effort. In 2015 a committee was formed to address this issue. As a result, in September 2015 the church embarked upon year-round Stewardship with the theme “Honoring Our Blessed Past and Building God’s Bright Future.” As part of this campaign, the church retained a seasoned fundraising professional with experience in similar organizations to support the committee and share best practices in order to build a sustained program. There has always been some discussion in the church that ideally income from permanent assets (i.e. endowment and investments) should be used for repair and replacement of other permanent assets (e.g. property and equipment) and not for operating expenses. A successful sustained Stewardship program will address this concern. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INCLUDED: Condensed Balance Sheets and Condensed Operating Statements for the years 2014 and 2015.

“I am very excited about the possibilities of our church as we honor its blessed past and work towards creating its bright future.”



What Is St. Paul’s Looking for in A Rector? Outlined below are skills and attributes that St. Paul’s considers important for our next rector and a brief explanation of how our parish defines these attributes. They are offered in no particular order of importance, though when asked to rate the ministry skills that the next rector should have, respondents of the 2015 Parish Survey favored preaching, teaching and pastoral care highest, with more than 80% indicating these skills are essential or very important. These were followed closely by areas such as spiritual guidance, youth ministry, growth and development, administration and stewardship. Commitment to Spirituality St. Paul's seeks a Rector in whom Christianity is a personal and living thing, someone clearly and passionately on a journey with Christ; who has an active disciplined prayer life; and can help others find a deeper relationship with God. Reverence for Liturgy and Tradition The Rector will sensitively and collaboratively bring appropriate liturgical innovation while recognizing St. Paul’s traditional approach to forms and music. He or she will recognize that music is an integral part of our worship life. Opportunity for Growth The Rector should encourage and challenge us to commit our lives and time to the mission of the Church, including service to others. He or she will grow with us on our journey through life and lead us into a future we can only dimly see, but are working diligently to plan for. Christian Formation The Rector should provide energetic leadership in the development of Christian Formation programs for all ages. We believe strongly in the importance of education, in particular the education of our children, and we welcome opportunities for discourse and creative avenues for all to learn.

Preaching The rector will preach with clarity, energy and strength, centering on Jesus Christ and the Holy Scripture, as it relates to our lives. Pastoral Care The Rector should be committed to provide counseling and comfort to those in need due to crisis or transition, as well as visiting the sick and elderly members of the parish. He or she will help us develop, appreciate and support our caring ministries. Management Skills The Rector should be able to coordinate and manage the many functions of a complex congregation, provide an administrative structure that is responsive to and in support of the needs of the parish, and exercise executive skills in administering the staff. He or she should be able to understand and oversee the finances of the parish and be a good steward of our historic church and property, including the ability to guide fundraising. Leadership Skills The Rector should be able to effectively inspire, lead and empower the many programs of St. Paul’s, guiding lay leaders to achieve their goals. He or she should also model a style that encourages respectful and responsive collaboration with others.

“I envision a vibrant church with many members of all ages from different cultures and backgrounds, tied together with the common belief in Jesus Christ and a desire to worship together.”


33 W. Dixon Avenue, Dayton, Ohio 45419

Phone: 937-293-1154


For additional information about this search process, please contact

the Rev. Lynn Carter-Edmands, Canon for Formation and Transitions at the Diocese of Southern Ohio:

email: [email protected] phone: 513-421-0311

Photos in this publication are courtesy of Leon Chuck, Bill Franz and numerous parish members.


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