proceedings of the 13
October 30, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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john wallis ......
San Antonio, TX Nov. 3-6, 2013
PREFACE Zebra chip of potato (ZC) was first documented from potato fields around Saltillo, Mexico in 1994, and in 2000 it was identified in South Texas. In the USA, the disease initially was considered a regional problem in South Texas, but by 2006 ZC had been identified from all potato production areas in Texas, and also in Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, and New Mexico. Outside of the USA, ZC has been reported from Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and New Zealand. Early studies of ZC were hampered by lack of knowledge concerning disease etiology, but in 2007, the potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli, was definitively associated with ZC and in 2008 two independent studies reported the association of Candidatus Liberibacter spp. with ZC. It now has been repeatedly demonstrated that transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum by the potato psyllid results in diagnostic symptoms of ZC, while infestations by potato psyllids without Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum do not cause ZC. However, questions still exist concerning the effect of pathogen and vector variability on disease severity. Soon after ZC was first identified in South Texas, representatives from Frito Lay, approximately four farmers and two plant pathologists met to discuss how to deal with the new disease. Grower sponsored research projects were initiated the next year, and the same small group met again, after the 2001 harvest, and in an informal setting presented their findings and observations. This meeting constituted the first ZC reporting session. After the disease was identified in potato production regions outside of Texas, the National Potato Council and the US Potato Board recognized the potential danger of this new disease and begin to support additional research. In 2007, the Texas Legislature appropriated $2 million to support research on ZC and in 2009; a multistate, multidisciplinary group of scientists were awarded $6.9 million, from the Federal Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) Program, to study all aspects of ZC. On November 3-6, 2013, 113 scientists, farmers, and personnel from agri-industry and potato processing companies, representing five countries, attended the 13th Annual Zebra Chip Reporting Session. Each year, the goal of the meeting is to provide a forum to facilitate collaboration and multidisciplinary research on all aspect of ZC. Those who attend present research results on a wide variety of topics including pathogen detection, vector/pathogen diversity, epidemiology, pest management, breeding for resistance, economics, and disease risk assessment and forecasting. The high quality of information presented in an informal setting to a multidisciplinary group with common interests always makes for an enjoyable, professionally rewarding experience. This volume serves as a record of information presented at our most recent meeting and represents the first published Proceedings of the ZC Reporting Session. It is hoped that the information presented in this Proceedings will be useful to all those interested in ZC.
Charlie Rush ZC SCRI Program Director
The publication of this Proceedings and the research reported herein was made possible through a Federal grant from the United States Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture-Specialty Crop Research Initiative (USDA-NIFA-SCRI) Program, Grant #2009-51181-20176 and through the Texas Department of Agriculture. The organizers of this meeting would like to express their gratitude to Ms. Patty Garrett for facilitating local arrangements for this meeting. We also would like to acknowledge Bayer Crop Science, Frito Lay, DuPont, Nichino America and Dow AgroSciences for covering expenses for the Welcome Reception and Hospitality events. Finally, we appreciate the assistance of Jerri Hamar, and the efforts of Kay Ledbetter and Donnie Parrack in recording interviews with all speakers and Advisory Board members for posting on the SCRI ZC Website.
ADVISORY BOARD Mike Schwarz Bayer Crop Science
Neil Gudmestad North Dakota State University
Frank Dainello Texas A&M University – College Station
Charlie Rush Texas A&M AgriLife - Amarillo
John Trumble University of California – Riverside
Jon Gilley R.D. Offutt
John Nordgaard Black Gold Potato
James Matthews Walther Farms
Gerhard Bester Frito Lay
David Ragsdale Texas A&M University – College Station
Jack Wallace J.W. Farms
Andrew Jensen Washington State Potato Commission
Jose Rodriguez Black Gold Farms
John Wallace CSS Farms
Bruce Barrett Barrett Farms
Kiran Shetty Syngenta ii
MODERATORS Monitoring & Epidemiology Don Henne – Session I Monitoring & Epidemiology Jessica Dohmen-Vereijssen – Session II Resistance & Breeding Cecilia Tamborindeguy – Session III Poster Session Open Viewing – Session IV Chemical Control / Management Milo Lewis – Session V Molecular Studies Blake Bextine – Session VI Chemical Control / Management Jerry Michels – Session VII Pathogen / Vector Variability Jim Crosslin – Session VIII Host Plant / Alternative Host Sean Prager – Session IX
TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface ....................................................................................................................................................... i Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................... ii Moderators .................................................................................................................................................. iii Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................... iv Authors Index .............................................................................................................................................. 181 Monitoring & Epidemiology Overview of the 2012-2013 Potato Psyllid Areawide Monitoring Program Henne, D., Bradshaw, J., Whipple, S., Carpio, L., Schuster, G., Porter, P., Barrett, S., Willett, J., Mathews, J.M., Deroo, K., Seger, P., Crosslin, J., and Hamlin, L. ........................................................ 1 Potato Zebra Chip Epidemiology: What We Learned and Probable Future Directions Workneh F., Henne, D.C., Goolsby, J.A., Crosslin, J., Whipple, S., Bradshaw, J., Rashed, A., Paetzold, L., Harveson, R.M., and Rush, C.M ...................................................................................... 6 Monitoring of Potato Psyllids, Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum, and Zebra Chip in Idaho During the 2013 Growing Season Wenninger, E.J., Olsen, N., Thornton, M., Nolte, P., Miller, J., and Karasev, A. .................................. 10 Regional Variation in Potato Psyllid Cold Tolerance Whipple, S.D., Bradshaw, J.D., and Harveson, R.M. ............................................................................ 15 Monitoring & Epidemiology Impact of Initial Psyllid Population Density on Pathogen and Disease Dynamics Rush, C.M., Workneh, F., Paetzold, L., and Rashed, A. ....................................................................... 19 Movement of Bactericera cockerelli in the New Zealand Environment Vereijssen, J., Jorgensen, N., Taylor, N.M., Barnes, A-M., Butler, R.C., Berry, N., Scott, I.A. W., Thompson, S., and Davidson, M.M. ............................................................................................... 23 TPP and Liberibacter in New Zealand: Research programme update and future directions Anderson, S.A., Fullerton, R.A., and Ogden, S.C. ................................................................................ 28 Resistance & Breeding ZC Expression in Several Caged Potato Populations Following Infestation with the Potato Psyllid Scheuring, D.C., Levy, J., Pierson, E.A., Koym, J.W., Henne, D.C., Novy, R.G., and Miller, Jr. .......... 33 Characterization of Potato Breeding Clones to Determine Mechanisms Conferring Observed Resistance/Tolerance to Zebra Chip Disease Novy, R.G., Prager, S.M., Miller, Jr., J.C., Vindeola, B., and Trumble, J.T. .......................................... 38 Research Update on Potato Germplasm Screening for Zebra Chip Disease Munyaneza, J.E., Novy, R., Bester, G., Nordgaard, J., van Hest, P., Thompson, A., and Wallis, C. ... 43 Plant - Psyllids Interactions: Identification of Solanum Habrochaites as a Source of Resistance to the Potato/Tomato Psyllid Levy, J. and Tamborindeugy, C. ........................................................................................................... 46
Chemical Control / Management Results from 2013 Efficacy Trials Evaluating Torac against Potato Psyllids Ludwig, S., Samler, J., Henne, D., Campos, M., Lewis, M., Michels, G., and Adams, J. ..................... 50 Molecular Studies Functional Determination of Bacterial Virulence Genes Responsible for Pathogenicity to Potato ZC Disease Lin, Hong and Shi, Xiangyang .............................................................................................................. 54 A Draft Core Genome of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ Obtained by Comparison of Haplotype A and B Metagenomic Assembled Sources Smith, G. R., Thompson, S.M., Johnson, C.P., Frampton, R.A., Lu, A., Pitman, A.R., Wen, A., Duan, Y. and Gudmestad, N.C. ........................................................................................................... 58 The Potato Psyllid Genome Project Bextine, B.R., Hail, D,. McCue, K., Lazo, G. and Munyaneza, J. ......................................................... 63 Development of Multiplex Conventional and Real-Time PCR for Detection and Genotyping of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ Wen, A., Johnson, C., and Gudmestad, N.C. ....................................................................................... 67 Chemical Control / Management An Update on Resistance and the Use of Neonicotinoids to Manage Zebra Chip and Potato Psyllids Prager, S.M., Vindiola, B., Kund, G.S., Byrne, F.J., and Trumble, J.T. ................................................ 72 Evaluating the Efficacy of Insecticides and Insecticide Regimes to Control Bactericera Cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) Lewis, O.M., Bible, J., Jones, E., and Michels, G.J. ............................................................................. 76 Intricacies on the Control of the Potato Psyllid in Mexico and South Texas Villanueva, R.T., Esparza-Díaz, Gabriela, Garay-Peralta, Ignacio, and Sanchez-Peña, Sergio. ......... 81 Pathogen / Vector Variability Haplotyping Studies of the Potato Psyllid on Potatoes and Solanum dulcamara Swisher, K.D., Munyaneza, J.E., Rondon, S.I., Henne, D.C., and Crosslin, J.M. ................................. 86 Comparative Life History Characteristics of the Potato Psyllid Haplotypes Mustafa, T., Munyaneza, J.E., Horton, D. and Zack, R.S. ................................................................ 90 Variation in Zebra Chip Disease Symptomatology Related to Lso Haplotype Johnson, C., Wen, A., and Gudmestad, N.C. ....................................................................................... 94 Reproductive Status of Overwintering Potato Psyllid: Absence of Photoperiod Effects Horton, D.R., Miliczky, E., Munyaneza, J.E., Swisher, K.D., and Jensen, A.S. .................................... 99
Host Plant / Alternative Host Patterns of Host Plant Use in Bactericera cockerelli Prager, S.M., Esquivel, I., and Trumble, J.T. ........................................................................................ 103 Role of Solanaceous Alternative Hosts in the Transmission of the Bacterial Pathogen, ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ (Lso) in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas Thinakaran, J., Pierson, E., Kunta, M., and Henne, D. ......................................................................... 108 POSTER SESSION Insecticide Efficacy Trials on Potato Psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli, in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas Campos, M. and Henne, D. .................................................................................................................. 113 The Potential Number of Generations for Bactericera Cockerelli in New Zealand Vereijessen, J., Tran, L.T., Worner, S.P., and Teulon, D.A.J. .............................................................. 118 Potato Psyllid Host Stage Preference, Mutual Interference, and Functional Response of the Parasitoid, Tamarixia triozae (Burks) on Tomato and Bell Pepper Yang, X.B., Campos, M., Silva, A., and Henne, D. ............................................................................... 121 Management of Potatoes and Zebra Chip of Potato with Alternative Chemistries French-Monar, R.D., Patton III, A.F., and Serrato-Diaz, L.M. ............................................................... 126 Central and Western Potato Psyllid Biotype Variation: Field Trials and Genomic Observations Schuster, G., Ortiz, A., Lopez, A., and Bextine, B.. .............................................................................. 131 Potato Psyllid Vector Density and Zebra Chip Disease Rashed, A., Wallis, Christopher M., Workneh, F., Paetzold, L. and Rush, C.M.................................... 136 Latent Period of Liberibacter in Potato Psyllid after Acquisition from Infected Potato and Tomato Plants Sengoda, V.G., Munyaneza, J.E., and Henne, D.C. ............................................................................. 141 Degree Day Requirements for the Development of Bactericera Cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) from South Texas Lewis, O.M., Heinz, K.M., Pierson, E.A., and Michels, G.J. .................................................................. 146 Time-Course Investigations of ZC Expression in the Potato Cultivars Waneta and Atlantic Scheuring, D.C., Koym, J.W., Levy, J.G., Henne, D.C., and Miller, Jr., J.C. ........................................ 149 Examining the Role of Tuber Biochemistry in the Development of Zebra Chip in Stored Potato Tubers Wallis, C.M., Rashed, A., Workneh, F., and Rush, C.M. ...................................................................... 153 Liberibacter-Associated Disease Occurrence in Central America Bextine, B.R., Powell, C., Aguilar, E., Sengoda, V.G., Swisher, K.D., McCue, K.F., and Munyaneza, J.E. ................................................................................................................................... 158
Potato Psyllid Scouting app Development Bradshaw, J.D., Whipple, S.D., and Harveson R.M. ............................................................................. 162 Potato Psyllid Symbiont Compilation Bextine, B.R., Arp, A., Munyaneza, J., Crosslin, J., and Trumble, J. .................................................... 166 Increase of “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” Titer in Aging Tomato Leaves and Pyrosequencing Analyses of Endophyte Populations Clark, N., Frigulti, T., Zheng, Z., Wallis, C., Bushoven, J., and Chen, J. .............................................. 171 Zebra Chip Economics Greenway, G., Guenthner, J., Goolsby, J., and Henne, D. ................................................................... 176
Overview of the 2012-2013 Potato Psyllid Areawide Monitoring Program Henne, D.C.1, Bradshaw, J.2, Whipple, S.2, Carpio, L.3, Schuster, G.4, Porter, P.5, Barrett, S.6, Willett, J.7, Mathews, J.M.8, Deroo, K.9, Seger, P.10, Crosslin, J.11, and Hamlin, L.11. 1Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension, Weslaco, TX (5Lubbock, TX); 2Univ. of Nebraska, Scottsbluff; 3CSS Farms, Dalhart, TX; 4Texas A&M Kingsville, TX; 6Barrett Farms, Springlake, TX; 7Agro Engineering, Alamosa, CO; 8 Walther Farms, Wray, CO; 9Premium Source, Garden City, KS; 10R.D. Offutt, O’Neill, NE; 11USDAARS, Prosser, WA. Abstract Since 2008, potato psyllids (Bactericera cockerelli) have been monitored in the central U.S. Over this time monitoring has provided a broad and unique perspective of psyllid local and regional population dynamics. This information is needed for eventual development of predictive analytical tools, and to provide commercial potato growers with feedback on management practices. A south-north declining trend in percentage of adult psyllids testing positive for the ZC pathogen was again noted. Potato psyllid activity in the central U.S. was again bimodal, characterized by regionally synchronized populations in south Texas (Lower Rio Grande Valley and Pearsall) comprising the winter season population cycle, and another in the Colorado/Nebraska region comprising the summer population cycle. Introduction A critical aspect of managing the potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) includes the routine monitoring of their populations in commercial potato fields over local and regional scales. Because the potato psyllid is the sole known vector of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ (Lso), it is important to gather information about vector population dynamics and the incidence of Lso in these populations. Additionally, no early warning system exists to alert growers of potential risk of Lso, nor the capacity to predict future psyllid population dynamics in advance. Despite these limitations, commercial potato growers benefit from information gathered by the monitoring program in a number of ways, including measures of psyllid pressure in their area, and feedback on their management practices. In addition, live material obtained from a broad geographic region is potentially useful for those interested in genetic analyses of psyllid population structure. Here, we present information gathered from December 2012 to September 2013 within the central region of the U.S. Materials and Methods The psyllid monitoring program is comprised of a network of locations in multiple states (and one Canadian Province): Texas, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Manitoba, Canada (Fig. 1). In Texas, commercial potato fields near McAllen, Pearsall, Olton, Springlake, and Dalhart were sampled. In other states, locations near Scottsbluff and O’Neill, Nebraska; Alamosa, Fort Morgan, and Wray, Colorado; Garden City, Kansas, and numerous locations in North Dakota and Minnesota were sampled. Untreated potato plots were maintained at several locations as close as possible to commercial fields. At each commercial field sampling location, five yellow sticky cards (Pherocon® AM No-Bait Traps, Trécé, Inc., Adair, Oklahoma, USA, Product Code 3306-00) were deployed every 200 along a transect from near the southern edge of fields inward to the center. In the same fields, 100 compound leaves were collected (10 from each of 10 equidistant locations along the field perimeter) and placed in labeled plastic bags. Every week, leaves and sticky traps were shipped to the Weslaco laboratory, where adults on sticky traps were counted using a stereomicroscope, removed and sorted, and then shipped to Prosser, Washington for Lso determination. Leaf samples were
processed under a stereomicroscope to determine counts of psyllid eggs, small nymphs (instars 1-3), and large nymphs (instars 4-5). Counts were summarized by state region and compiled into a report that was distributed by email to growers, scientists, industry, and students interested in the results (approximately 200 recipients). Preseason surveys were performed at most locations to gauge psyllid activity prior to planting, by deploying transects of 20-100 yellow sticky traps. Results and Discussion Lso incidence: Despite psyllid activity occurring in most areas sampled (except Minnesota, Wisconsin, Manitoba, and only one collection from North Dakota), Lso-positive psyllids were present only in the LRGV and Pearsall, Texas. A definite south-north trend of declining %-positive adult psyllids was again found. In general, the highest percentage of Lso-positive adults originated in the LRGV (~6%), followed by Pearsall (~2%), and 0% elsewhere. 2012-2013 Summary (Fig. 2): Potato psyllid activity in the central U.S. was characterized by a bimodal population trend, with psyllids in south Texas (LRGV and Pearsall) comprising the winter season population cycle, and the Colorado/Nebraska location comprising the summer population cycle. Very good synchrony exists in these regions, which often occurs in geographically proximate populations. The populations in the Olton/Dalhart region of Texas, and Garden City, Nebraska have a different pattern. This region is intermediate geographically between the south Texas and Colorado populations, and may be a bridge population between the southern and northern central U.S. populations. a) LRGV, Texas (Fig. 3): Potato psyllids were first detected in the LRGV at Weslaco at the end of October 2012. Adult activity peaked during the latter half of March and continued through mid-April. Activity ceased by late May-early June. Percent ZC in commercial fields in the LRGV was
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