Project application UP-Straw 2015

November 20, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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of the organisation of the European Straw Bale Gathering in Montargis (summer 2015). officially created in Marc ......


Step 1 INTERREG VB NWE Application Form A. PROJECT OVERVIEW Project identification Project title

UP-Straw: Urban and Public Buildings in Straw

Project acronym


Name of the Lead partner organisation in English

National Centre for Straw Building

Project duration in months

45 months

Programme priority

Priority Axis 2 Low carbon

Programme priority specific objective

SO3: To facilitate the uptake of low carbon technologies, products, processes and services in sectors with high energy saving potential, to reduce GHG emissions in NWE

Project Number

NWE 410

Project summary Please give a short description of the project in the four languages of the Programme: Issue: Which issue/challenge will the project address? Where will the project address it (territory)? Change: What is the current trend in the field? How much will the project change the current situation (please quantify the objective in volume or value)? Outputs: Which main outputs/pilots/investments will the project produce to achieve this change? Long term effects: How and where does the project plan to sustain and roll-out its main outputs/pilots/investments after the end of the project? DE Die Beheizung von Gebäuden verbraucht 15% der GHG Emissionen in NWE. Um diese Emissionen zu verringern benötigt es neue Passivhäuser und weit angelegte Sanierungen im Altbau, wobei die Emissionen im Bausektor selbst bereits 12% der GHG ausmachen. Die Herausforderung besteht darin, die Verwendung natürlicher CO2 bindenden Materialien bei der Gebäudeisolierung zu erhöhen. Holz als Baustoff ist bereits gut bekannt. Stroh hat beeindruckende Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungen, muss aber breiter bekannt gemacht werden, um im grossen Rahmen genutzt zu werden. Strohballen sind im gesamten Geltungsbereich lieferbar (Millionen Tonnen in jedem Land). Sie sind ein verbreitetes Nebenprodukt der Landwirtschaft, lokal verfügbar und biologisch abbaubar: ein perfektes Beispiel für Kreislaufwirtschaft. Inspiriert durch Frankreich, mit einer Realisierung von ca. 500 Bauten pro Jahr, verfolgt dieses Projekt das Ziel, den Einsatz von Stroh auch in den anderen NWE Ländern zu erhöhen, insbesondere im Urbanen Bereich, im Öffentlichen Sektor und bei der Sanierung. Gleichzeitig soll die Marktposition der KMU verbessert werden. Das Ziel ist 5% des Marktes bis zum Jahr 2030 zu erreichen und speichern 1,5 MTCO2. Die Ergebnisse des Projektes sind folgende: Der Einsatz von Stroh in 5 beispielhaften Gebäuden (öffentliche und private, Sanierung und Neubau), zielgerichtete Trainings für Architekten, Ingenieure und Handwerker, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für Strohbau, Preisausschreiben und eine Grossveranstaltung in UK. Als Langzeiteffekt wird es eine signifikante Veränderung der Wahrnehmbarkeit von Stroh als Baumaterial geben, unterstützt durch ein Trainingsprogramm, geeigneten Demonstrationsbauten und deren Veröffentlichung. Das Projekt wird Lösungen bereitstellen für eine Europäische Zulassungen, für Stroh in BIM (Gebäudedaten-Modellierung) und Lebenszyklusanalysen. Darüber hinaus werden die Ergebnisse durch die neue Europäische Strohbau Organisation (ESBA, in Gründung) weiter getragen werden. EN

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Heating all of the buildings in NWE accounts for about 15% of the GHG emissions. New passive buildings and large scale renovation are needed for reducing these emissions, but the emissions of the construction sector itself represent approximately 12% of the GHG (cement, bricks, glass and petrochemicals – source EEA). The challenge is to improve the insulation of buildings with natural materials which have fixed carbon during their life cycle. Wood is now well known. Straw has impressive insulation characteristics too, but is still to be better known and promoted to be used at a large scale. Straw bales are available all over the territory (millions of tonnes in every country). It is typically the widespread cheap sub-product of the agricultural sector, local and biodegradable: a perfect illustration of circular economy. Inspired by the French example where the straw building sector represents now about 500 examples a year, the project aims to up-scale the use of straw in the other NWE-countries by extending its use to urban areas, public procurement and renovation, while helping SMEs to position themselves on the market. The aim is to reach 5% of the market by 2030 and save 1.5 MTCO2. The outputs of the projects will be: the use of straw in 5 demonstrator buildings (public and private, renovation and construction), specific trainings for architects, engineers and builders, straw promotion to general public, awards and a big event in 2019 in UK. The long term effects will be a major change in the perception of straw as a building material thanks to training programmes and appropriate demonstration and communication. The project will also bring concrete solutions to actual challenges like agreement for straw building with Eurocodes, specifications for straw in BIM (Building Information Modelling) or life cycle assessment for straw and warranty system. Furthermore, these effects will be brought by the new EU Straw Building Association ESBA (in creation). FR En Europe du Nord-Ouest, le chauffage des immeubles représente 15% des émissions de GES. Pour diminuer ces émissions, il faut construire et rénover à grande échelle des bâtiments au standard passif. Seulement, les émissions du secteur de la construction représentent elles-mêmes 12% des GES produits (ciment, briques, verre et pétrochimie - source: EEA). Le défi est donc d’améliorer l’isolation des bâtiments à l’aide de matériaux naturels ayant fixé du carbone durant leur cycle de vie. A cet égard, la paille possède d’excellentes capacités d’isolation mais reste encore peu connue et mérite d’être promue. Les ballots de paille sont disponibles sur tout le territoire (des millions de tonnes dans chaque pays). C’est un sous-produit de l’agriculture, largement disponible, local et biodégradable, illustration parfaite de l’économie circulaire. S’inspirant de la France, où sont réalisés environ 500 nouveaux bâtiments en paille par an, le projet vise à promouvoir la paille constructive dans les autres pays en étendant son usage aux zones urbaines, à la commande publique et à la rénovation, tout en aidant les PME à se positionner sur le marché. Le but est d’atteindre 5% du marché en 2030 et d’économiser 1,5 MTCO2. En fin de projet, nous aurons utilisé la paille dans 5 bâtiments exemplaires (public et privé, en construction et en rénovation), mis en place des formations pour les architectes, ingénieurs et constructeurs, promu la paille auprès d’un large public et organisé un grand événement au Royaume-Uni en 2019. A long terme, le projet entend modifier la perception de la paille dans la construction, chez les professionnels comme dans le public. Le projet permettra également d’intégrer la paille dans les Eurocodes et le BIM (Modélisation de l’information constructive), les études de cycle de vie et les systèmes de garantie. En outre, c’est pour porter ces actions à long terme que nous sommes en train de créer la nouvelle Association Européenne de la Construction Paille. NL Het verwarmen van gebouwen geeft in NWE een 15% aandeel in BKG-uitstoot. Met passieve nieuwbouw en grootschalige renovaties is dit te verlagen, maar bouw activiteiten zelf zijn weer goed voor een 12% aandeel in BGK-uitstoot (cement, baksteen, glas, aardolieproducten / bron EEA). Het is de uitdaging om veel natuurlijke bouw en isolatie materialen te gebruiken, waarmee veel CO2 gedurende de levenscyclus gebonden blijft. Hout is op dit gebied al bekend. Maar stro, met zijn indrukwekkende isolatie-eigenschappen heeft meer bekendheid en promotie nodig voor toepassing op grote schaal. Stro is als grondstof overal beschikbaar (miljoenen tonnen per land per jaar). Dit goedkope lokale bijproduct van de landbouw is herbruikbaar en biologisch afbreekbaar: perfect voorbeeld van circulaire economie. Geïnspireerd door de Franse strobouwsector, met jaarlijks zo’n 500 gebouwen met stro, beoogt dit project een schaalvergroting voor de strobouw in de NWE-landen, door de toepassing van stro in de stedelijk-openbare omgeving uit te breiden via nieuwbouw en renovatie en door ondersteuning van MKB’s om zich op deze markt te richten. De bedoeling is 5% van de markt te bereiken en 1,5 MTCO2 te besparen. Het projectresultaat is: gebruik van stro in 5 publieke voorbeelden (privé en publiek, nieuw bouw en renovatie); doelgerichte opleidingen voor architect, ingenieur en bouwer; bekendheid geven bij een groot publiek; jaarlijkse strobouw-prijs; internationaal symposium in GB (2019). De lang termijn effecten zijn: grotere acceptatie in de bouwsector van stro als bouwmateriaal dankzij opleidingsprogramma's en goed gedocumenteerde publieke voorbeelden. Het project zal ook concrete oplossingen bieden voor actuele vraagstukken zoals: overeenstemming in Eurocodes voor het bouwen met stro; BIM specificaties voor stro (bouw informatie modellen); levenscyclusanalyse en garantie systemen voor de bouw. Bovendien worden al deze effecten uitgedragen door de Europese Stro Bouw Vereniging (in oprichting).

Indicative budget Total envisaged budget Total budget

7 000 000.00 Total ERDF budget

4 200 000.00

3 000 000.00 Total investment ERDF budget

1 800 000.00

Total envisaged budget for Investments Total investment budget

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B. Project description Relevance Territorial analysis Why is there a need to do such a project with public funding from territorial cooperation? Which part of the territory will be addressed with your project? How will you ensure that you reduce disparities in NWE? Why is Interreg money needed: National money has been invested in straw building in Belgium, Germany and France during the last few years for research, agreements and some public buildings. Interreg money is now needed to transfer knowledge, know how, norms and agreements between regions/countries and stimulate transnational exchanges. Best practices must be better known with specific promotion, peer review and on-site visits. Interreg money will be an incentive for public (Tilburg NL and Hastings UK) or semi-public (cluster eco-construction B) partners to build demonstrator buildings in straw, and become the first public buildings in straw in their territory, giving a very strong signal to the market and other public authorities. It will allow the partners to experiment, to analyse with experts in the different countries and disseminate new techniques on a large scale: wrapping in Zierenberg (D) and loadbearing straw in Montargis (F). It will help financing the establishment of ESBA, the implementation of straw building courses in architect and engineer curriculum, and a programme for SMEs to grow and position in public procurements. It will finally help promoting a perfect environmental building solution that needs a European boost, as it is still a victim of cultural pre-judgements and marginalisation.   Part of the territory addressed: Straw bales are available all over the territory: there are millions of tonnes in every country. With the straw production of the UK (5.6 million tonnes a year), it would theoretically be possible to produce 640,000 houses, much more than the effective construction market. Straw is typically the widespread cheap sub-product of the agriculture, local and biodegradable, perfectly illustrating circular economy. Hardly any transport or industrial transformation is needed. The demonstrator buildings will be located in specific places but the project is aimed at encouraging the up-take of the sector in the whole NWE territory.   Reduce disparities: City vs countryside: up to now, most of the buildings in straw have been built in regions with low population density, where there is enough space to store straw bales next to the sites. One of the challenges of the project is to use straw in urban buildings, which requires prefab and quick delivery France vs other countries: the development of straw building in France during the last ten years has been remarkable. The aim of the project is to benefit from the French experience for growing faster in the other countries, while the French team continues to explore new ways forward Public vs private: self-builders have led the way by building their own houses out of straw bales but now the time is right for straw building to be used for large public buildings (social housing, schools, sport halls, offices) Poor vs rich: straw is abundant and cheap, and can be used basically with a relatively short training programme. This empowers people to build and allows them the opportunity to acquire passive housing for limited amounts of money. Alternatively the technique also facilitates high-level construction, with added value. Women vs men: the construction sector is traditionally comprised of a large majority of men employees (>90%), however building in straw and with natural materials is particularly attractive for women who represent a large part of the employment and experts (about 30%). In the UK, the firm Straw Works, which has recently established the School for Natural Building, particularly encourages women.

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Why is the project necessary? Which issue/market failure in the NWE Programme area is the project addressing? What is the current trend/state of the art in this sector/field? How is the project going beyond existing practices in the sector/Programme area? Current trends As heating the buildings represents about 15% of the GHG emissions in NWE, all the countries are planning huge renovation and insulation programmes. In France, it would reach 500,000 housing units a year. And new buildings must already reach the passive standard in many regions. The problem is that the emissions of the construction sector itself represent approximately 12% of the GHG: cement, bricks, glass and petrochemicals consume much “grey energy”, evaluated at about 22 TCO2 eq for a standard house. Moreover, they bring no long term solution: what will be the state of all these concrete walls covered by polystyrene or polyurethane in 30 year time? The solution for this dilemma is the development of local bio-based building materials. An intelligent combination of wood for structure and straw for insulation allows the construction of almost any kind of building. Straw bales 46 cm thick enable passive standard insulation. Straw and wood needed for a standard house have fixed in their growth life about 18 TCO2 eq. The carbon balance between both houses is about +40 TCO2 eq! If straw building became the new standard: millions T CO2 eq would be saved a year. Reaching 5% of the construction market by 2030 would save between 1,5 and 2 MTCO2 in industrial emissions and fix about the same amounts in used materials. As with all new techniques, the uptake of straw in construction has to face many obstacles: knowledge (fire, insect and rodent resistance, insulation values, aging), regulatory (agreements, authorised products), economic (value, warranty, insurance), image (3 pigs story: straw is viewed as a poor building solution). In the past ten years , many obstacles have been overcome in France, and partially in Belgium and Germany, but to reach ambitious objectives, many issues are still to be addressed: In France, many straw builders have been certified and they are building 500 houses a year. Large buildings have been constructed, like schools, nurseries, social apartments, on request of public bodies and with firemen’s agreement. Next steps: straw use in renovation, strengthening of small undertakings, Eurocodes and BIM agreements. In Belgium, a large part of the obstacles have been faced by an SME, which developed a prefab system using wood, straw and clay. The market is now of about 20 houses/y. It is evolving towards schools and large buildings, but it is not yet integrated into habits and specifications. In Germany, the regulatory and knowledge obstacles have been met but the economic case stays weak and the market is still confined to 20 buildings/y. The question of the image and the desire for straw building is an issue, as is the positioning on the renovation market. In NL, straw building is mostly an individual initiative of self-builders, supported by a competent association. The challenge is to open room for professional work, with SMEs diversifying to straw and public sector specifying for straw works. In UK, straw building has been an activity done by self-builders, pioneers forward thinking communities and national charities but not yet wholeheartedly by the public sector or by developers. Beyond existing practices, this project will focus on the following: Straw as insulation method for wrapping (external thermal insulation) or inside renovation: techniques in development, research on the right product to use Straw as a structure – loadbearing straw demonstration New uses: sport halls / industrial halls in straw Introducing straw builders to public procurement and tendering (new in all countries but France) Training architects and engineers to design buildings in straw and provide correct specifications Obtaining official agreement for straw characteristics with Eurocodes and as a recognised building element of the BIM library.

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Cooperation intensity Cooperation criteria X

Peer review of all the investments Joint assessment of the wrapping solutions for the German investment Dissemination of the technical solutions for straw use as insulation method in renovation works BIM and Eurocodes Course programmes

Joint implementation and evaluation


Trainings and courses will be given internationally, trainees from different countries will join the building teams for different investments. All WP led by another country partner, but all partners contributing to the work, conclusions and publication.

Joint Staffing


European Straw Building Association benefiting from the contribution of the staff from different associative partners, working together on the strategy for straw building development, promotion and EU lobby. Centralised IT and communication officer.


Communication will be jointly financed by all the partners Some research and development will be achieved by contractors under the leadership and financial responsibility of more than one partner (ex BIM and Eurocodes)

Joint communication


1 communication firm for the partnership, with common website, book, translated documentation, films, 1 public event a year, 1 large gathering in UK in 2019 Creation of an itinerant exhibition Partners from different countries at regional fairs

Joint decision-making


1 management committee, Skyping every month, with all partners represented, under LP impulsion 2 physical meetings a year (every 6 month, in a different country), for exchanging, validating current work and deciding next steps

Exchange of knowledge/experience


Peer review of the investments Creation of translated common data base of existing research Exchange about SMEs context, empowerment and facilitation

Joint enabling of long-term effects


Common work on official agreements Research of appropriate insulation methods for retrofitting building (big market opportunity) Start and development of ESBA

Joint Development

Joint Financing

Focus, expected result and long-term effects Programme priority specific objective (SO) Select the programme priority specific objective the project will contribute to. SO3: To facilitate the uptake of low carbon technologies, products, processes and services in sectors with high energy saving potential, to reduce GHG emissions in NWE

Project objective Please define precisely the focus of the project and what it aims to achieve (what, for whom, where). The main objective of the project is to up-scale the use of straw in the construction sector, for new buildings and for retrofitting old buildings. The project aims to accelerate the uptake of straw building by disseminating and translating knowledge, opening the market, training professionals and exciting people’s desire. It will also allow the construction of 5 iconic buildings in straw (public and private, renovation and construction), open to the general public and/or professionals.

Project result Please describe and quantify the project baseline (trends and situation) at the project start. Building in straw in the NWE countries represents 550 buildings/year: 500 in France, mainly for housing, for a market value of about 50 M€. In France, it represents about 0.15% of all houses built. It is still very tiny on the other national markets.

Please quantify (in value and/or volume) the estimated net change on the territory. When the project ends In 2020: 2,000 housing units (HUs) built in straw (0,2% of new buildings) First 100 HUs renovated with straw insulation 1% of the public building projects use straw >45,000 TCO2 saved 10% of people know straw building 500 architects/engineers trained

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5 years after the project ends In 2025: 10,000 HUs built in straw (1% of new buildings) 2,000 HUs renovated with straw insulation 5% of the public building projects use straw >250,000 TCO2 saved 25% of people know straw building Majority of new architects/engineers trained

10 years after the project ends In 2030: 50,000 HUs built in straw (5% of new buildings) 20,000 Hus renovated with straw insulation 20% of the public building projects use straw >1,500,000 TCO2 saved 50% of people know straw building All new architects/engineers trained

C. PARTNERSHIP List of confirmed partners Partner number

Name of the organisation




Centre National de la Construction en Paille




European Straw Building Association




Cluster Eco-construction




FASBA - Fachverband Strohballenbau Deutschland e.V.




Lebensbogen eG




Strobouw Nederlands




Gemeente Tilburg




The School of Natural Building




Hastings Borough Council



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Partners Stategic concept of the partnership What profiles of organisations does the project objective require for an efficient partnership? Where are these competencies in North-West Europe? How should roles be distributed? Who should do what? To be efficient, the project requires the participation of the most advanced organisations active in straw building promotion and research in the NWE region. This will help disseminating best practices, existing research and knowledge, boost new experimentations (like loadbearing straw or wrapping) and compare different technical solutions. They will also work with research centres in order to obtain different national or European agreements (BIM, Eurocodes) and assess straw characteristics on the long run (ageing, contact with water) for insurances and property value. They will also up-scale their promotion programmes to reach a larger public (exhibitions, construction fairs, press, social media). In addition, some partners have to be specialised in training, as developing important training programmes are necessary to reach actual and future prescribers (engineers and architects) and builders. The British chosen association (School for Natural Building) is specialised in teaching and will lead the strategy in this field. A large part of the activities of the other associative partners is also devoted to training. In order to achieve ambitious growth goals, there is also a need for empowering SMEs, which need to be prepared for assuming larger work load, access to finance and public procurement. Partners like a cluster or a professional network will be a right body for preparing and discussing these questions internally with their members. Discussions among external specialised economic support agencies will also be organised when needed. Apart from specialised associations, public or semi-public bodies are required to show concrete demonstration examples of public buildings in straw. This will help other public bodies to find experienced peers who will already have used straw for public buildings and who know how to make the design and write the appropriate specifications. This requires rather significant investment amounts, distributed in the different partner countries, as demonstrators have to prove they were able to overcome all national obstacles. In order to innovate and enrich the global available knowledge, the 5 demonstration projects will experiment new or specific situations: wrapping a housing complex, renovating a sport hall, building a semi-industrial hall, a visitor centre and a training/research/documentation centre. And to ensure that building in straw will be better represented at EU level on the long term, there is a need for a new body (ESBA – in creation) and for the enlargement of the scope of CNCP (moving from French National to European Centre of Excellence for Straw Building). Led by CNCP, the gathered partnership meets all the necessary requirements for being successful. In addition, partners have developed or intend to develop specific links with important resources in the NWE region, to name but a few: • The firms Paille-Tech (prefab techniques) and Straw Works (on site building and technical conception and details) + the members of RFCP, the largest straw builder network in Europe • Various research centres like Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées (Paris) and National School for Wood Science and Technologies in Epinal, Architecture and Climate at UC Louvain, Foundation for Building Research and Fraunhofer Institute • Engineer and architecture schools like TU Delft, Rotterdam, Tilburg and Eindhoven, Universities of Lincoln, Sussex, Brighton and Kassel • Regions Centre in France and Wallonia in Belgium.

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Partner description Partner number

Partner role in the project

Partner status in the project



Confirmed participation

Name of organisation in Centre National de la Construction en Paille original language Name of organisation in National Centre for Straw Building english Abbreviation of organisation


Legal status


Type of partner

education/training centre and school

Main address

rue des Déportés et des Internés 69 bis, 45200 Montargis

NUTS3 Code


Legal representative

Manas Melliwa


[email protected]


09 74 74 82 30

Contact person for the application

Manas Melliwa


[email protected]



Co-financing source


VAT number Is the organisation entitled to recover VAT based on national legislation for the activities implemented in the project?


Main role in the project

As part of the largest national straw organisation in Europe, CNCP will lead the project, coordinating especially WP 2 (investment) and WP 6 (project management). It will invest in an extension of the Feuillette House, experimenting loadbearing straw as new technique. The future centre will act at European level and serve as a dissemination and exchange platform. CNCP will also work with Universities on training programmes, Eurocodes and BIM agreement, and with SMEs for their up-scaling.

Organisations core business

Established in 2013 in the historical Feuillette House in Montargis (built in 1920), the National Centre for Straw Building CNCP is the excellence centre of the French Network for Straw Building RFCP, which counts 800 members including 300 companies, 70 trainers and 500 new professionals trained. CNCP is involved in research and development about straw building together with French Universities. It was part of the organisation of the European Straw Bale Gathering in Montargis (summer 2015).

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Partner number

Partner role in the project

Partner status in the project



Confirmed participation

Name of organisation in European Straw Building Association original language Name of organisation in European Straw Building Association english Abbreviation of organisation


Legal status


Type of partner

interest groups including NGOs

Main address

rue d'Arlon 63-67, 1040 Brussels

NUTS3 Code


Legal representative

Manas Melliwa


[email protected]



Contact person for the application

Jean-Luc de Wilde


[email protected]



Co-financing source


VAT number Is the organisation entitled to recover VAT based on national legislation for the activities implemented in the project?


Main role in the project

The main role for ESBA in the project will be to lead (with SBN) the WP 5 communication, which will include a specialised web platform, the assignment of awards, the organisation of an open conference every year, social media viral communication, the organisation of ESBG UK 2019 with the English partners and the publication of a reference book at the end of the project.

Organisations core business

Decided by 11 National associations meeting at ESBG in Montargis in August 2015, ESBA will be officially created in March 2016. Its object will be “to promote and develop the use of straw as a sustainable way of building”. It will namely organise exchanges, publish knowledge and research results, represent the sector at EU level, organise international gatherings, inform and communicate about straw bale building.

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Partner number

Partner role in the project

Partner status in the project



Confirmed participation

Name of organisation in Cluster Eco-construction original language Name of organisation in Eco-construction Cluster english Abbreviation of organisation


Legal status


Type of partner

business support organisation

Main address

rue du Séminaire 22, 5000 Namur

NUTS3 Code


Legal representative

Hubert Sauvage


[email protected]



Contact person for the application

Hervé-Jacques Poskin


[email protected]



Co-financing source


VAT number


Is the organisation entitled to recover VAT based on national legislation for the activities implemented in the project?


Main role in the project

Eco-construction Cluster, thanks to its position in the green building field, will push the straw market development. First by building the first semi-public straw building dedicated to training, seminars and eco-building start-ups, secondly by communicating (by seminars, awards, trainings) to professionals and prescribers through its networks. Cluster will lead WP1 on long term effect and help facilitating measures to boost straw market development and training in Belgian architecture schools.

Organisations core business

Eco-construction Cluster is a network of companies recognized by Walloon region since 2007 as Cluster. It currently brings together more than 250 members, professionals of the construction sector focused on green building. It boosts green building actors through the organization of events, conferences and seminars, technical training, and relay to the authorities.

legal obligation from VAT administration, VAT computation on invoiced provided services, not on subsidised services

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Partner number

Partner role in the project

Partner status in the project



Confirmed participation

Name of organisation in FASBA - Fachverband Strohballenbau Deutschland e.V. original language Name of organisation in Association for straw bale building Germany english Abbreviation of organisation


Legal status


Type of partner

interest groups including NGOs

Main address

Auf dem Dörnberg 13, 34289 Zierenberg

NUTS3 Code


Legal representative

Sissy Hein


[email protected]


+49 1577 3910141

Contact person for the application

Sissy Hein


[email protected]


+49 1577 3910141

Co-financing source


VAT number

DE 026 227 70288

Is the organisation entitled to recover VAT based on national legislation for the activities implemented in the project?


Main role in the project

FASBA will achieve 3 main roles: • Participate in all the work packages with the partners, namely in order to obtain European agreements, to translate German research for being available for all and to prepare teaching packs • Lead the WP 4 dedicated to the reinforcement of SMEs on the market and helping them to access public procurement • Lead the assessment of the pilot wrapping systems experimented in Zierenberg with Lebensbogen

Organisations core business

FASBA is a German nation-wide non-profit association for straw bale building (SBB), active since 2002 and counting about 150 active members. It promotes SBB as innovative, sustainable building method with large scale effects on reducing CO2 emissions. As part of its research-based activities FASBA accomplished various studies concerning the properties of straw bales for legal approval (fire resistance, Lambda value, acoustic insulation and compressive ability).

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Partner number

Partner role in the project

Partner status in the project



Confirmed participation

Name of organisation in Lebensbogen eG original language Name of organisation in Life Arch Cooperative english Abbreviation of organisation


Legal status


Type of partner


Main address

Auf dem Dörnberg 13, 34289 Zierenberg

NUTS3 Code


Legal representative

Ulrich Storbeck


[email protected]


+49 5606 5639073

Contact person for the application

Stefan Lang


[email protected]


+49 5606 5639076

Co-financing source


VAT number


Is the organisation entitled to recover VAT based on national legislation for the activities implemented in the project?


Main role in the project

Lebensbogen eG will be the partner to implement the wrapping system with innovative straw bale methods and will make the investments for implementing them at a large scale. It will provide all necessary official permissions and organize the planning by architects and technicians. It will cooperate with the other partners for assessing and peer-reviewing the works. It will also deal with site visit, exhibition and dissemination, together with Fasba.

Organisations core business

Lebensbogen eG is the owner of a cross-generational community centre for the exchange of knowledge, information and skills with regard to a living and working culture based on the principles of ecological, social and economic sustainability. The major part of the buildings is run as a seminar centre. The rest of the buildings are dedicated to housing and exhibition.

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Partner number

Partner role in the project

Partner status in the project



Confirmed participation

Name of organisation in Strobouw Nederlands original language Name of organisation in Straw building Netherlands english Abbreviation of organisation


Legal status


Type of partner

interest groups including NGOs

Main address

Debussylaan 6, 5049 AC Tilburg

NUTS3 Code


Legal representative

Michel Post


[email protected]



Contact person for the application

Wouter Klijn


[email protected]



Co-financing source


VAT number Is the organisation entitled to recover VAT based on national legislation for the activities implemented in the project?


Main role in the project

SBN will take the lead in managing the WP communication and promoting the activities organised by the partners. SBN will support the Dutch partner Tilburg in preparing and executing the pilot renovating of a gym hall, with knowledge and experience in building with straw and with connections to national SME’s and to the international network. SBN will also commit in the WP teaching, namely to make the link with TU Delft architecture unit and other technical universities.

Organisations core business

SBN, founded in 2003 as knowledge group, continued in 2009 as official non-profit association, has the main objective to ensure the quality of straw bale buildings. Recognized as an authority in the straw bale building community, it offers support and promotion through gatherings, seminars, trainings, information provision and networking. SBN aims to continue as an open-source platform for builders, designers, researchers, teachers, trainers, promoters and self-builders.

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Partner number

Partner role in the project

Partner status in the project



Confirmed participation

Name of organisation in Gemeente Tilburg original language Name of organisation in City of Tilburg english Abbreviation of organisation


Legal status


Type of partner

local public authority

Main address

Stadhuisplein 130, 5038 TC Tilburg

NUTS3 Code


Legal representative

Ad van de Gevel


[email protected]



Contact person for the application

Ruud Oerlemans


[email protected]



Co-financing source


VAT number


Is the organisation entitled to recover VAT based on national legislation for the activities implemented in the project?


Main role in the project

The main role of the partner will be to pilot the renovation of a gym hall with the use of straw and bio-based materials. It will submit the technical aspects of this pilot to peer reviews and inputs from the other partners. The procurement will be adapted to the specificities of the market. After the success of the pilot, the city intends to extend the gained knowledge and experience to other buildings.

Organisations core business

The department Real Estate Management of the City of Tilburg is dedicated to the management and maintenance of 180 buildings belonging to the city. It helps the city to develop actively its local sustainable policies.

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Partner number

Partner role in the project

Partner status in the project



Confirmed participation

Name of organisation in The School of Natural Building original language Name of organisation in The School of Natural Building english Abbreviation of organisation


Legal status


Type of partner

education/training centre and school

Main address

Hollinroyd Farm , OL14 8RJ Todmorden West Yorkshire

NUTS3 Code


Legal representative

Eileen Sutherland


[email protected]


+44 (0) 07857890805

Contact person for the application

Eileen Sutherland


[email protected]


+44 (0) 07857890805

Co-financing source


VAT number Is the organisation entitled to recover VAT based on national legislation for the activities implemented in the project?


Main role in the project

The main role for SNaB is providing training & accreditation (leader WP 3 Teaching). Training members of local communities in all partnership countries, training individuals involved in building the Hastings Visitors Centre, training student architects, planners & engineers in eco-construction methods and embedding Natural Building into the National Curriculum. It will also link universities, the firm Straw Works and SBUK (in creation), and organise

Organisations core business

The School of Natural Building was established in October 2014 as part of Straw Works, and in November 2015 as an independent non-profit organisation. SNaB is for people who want to acquire natural building knowledge & skills and is particularly supportive of women. It operates a flexible programme based on accreditation of prior learning and individual learning contracts. Students study practical & theoretical strawbale building, clay & lime plastering, car tyre foundations & carpentry.

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Partner number

Partner role in the project

Partner status in the project



Confirmed participation

Name of organisation in Hastings Borough Council original language Name of organisation in Hastings Borough Council english Abbreviation of organisation


Legal status


Type of partner

local public authority

Main address

Aquila House Breeds Place , TN34 4UY Hastings

NUTS3 Code


Legal representative

Murray Davidson


[email protected]


+441424 451107

Contact person for the application

Fiona Wellings


[email protected]



Co-financing source


VAT number Is the organisation entitled to recover VAT based on national legislation for the activities implemented in the project?


Main role in the project

HBC is already working in partnership with the NGO Groundwork South (which will probably become a subpartner of UP-Straw) to deliver a Visitors Centre in Hastings Natural Park. This centre will be the first public building in straw bales in UK. HBC will cooperate with the straw community in UK and the UP-Straw partners to conceive an exemplar building and inform people to help reduce fuel poverty, carbon emissions and promote sustainable living.

Organisations core business

Hastings BC is responsible for the provision of local services to residents. It is one of the most deprived areas in England with higher levels of unemployment, poor health and qualification levels. The corporate plan is for renaissance through social, economic, cultural and environmental regeneration, to create a safer, healthier more sustainable and more prosperous place with lasting opportunities for everybody, and reduce the town carbon footprint.

Lead applicant confirmation By submitting the application form the Lead Partner on behalf of all partners confirms that: the project is in line with the relevant EU and national and regional legislation and policies of the regions and countries involved; the Lead Partner and the project partners will act according to the provisions of the relevant national and EU regulations, especially regarding structural funds, public procurement, state aid, equal opportunities and sustainable development, as well as the specific provisions of the programme; the information in the application form is accurate and true to the best knowledge of the lead partner.

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