PTHS Honor Roll_Trimester 2.pdf

October 30, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Conte, Mia Fondacaro, Emily Friedman, Richard Greff, Taylor James, Shannon Mitchell Jacovelli ......



DISTINGUISHED SCHOLARS To be eligible to be a Distinguished Scholar, a student must receive 90% or higher in all their courses. The following students have attained Distinguished Scholar status for the Second Trimester of the 2014-15 School Year: FRESHMEN Emma Ference, Maria McLaughlin, Hunter Paulison, Kaitlyn Reda, and Elena Soumilas SOPHOMORES Sarah Acquaviva, Julia Amore, Matthew Apryasz, Nicholas Colicchio, Jessica Conte, Mia Fondacaro, Emily Friedman, Richard Greff, Taylor James, Shannon Kuehm, Daniel Lutz, Craig Macagney, Brianna McCoy, Samantha C Murphy, Brielle Peters, Olivia Sayre, Alexandra Toback, Skyler Troast, and Samuel Zahner JUNIORS Brandon Calvert, Arden Kassaleh, Carly Klimek, James Lorenz, Hayley Marcalus -Passaro, Shannon Oesterle, John Tachon, Natalie Trautwein, Robert White, and Maria Zas-Bustingorri SENIORS John Banya, Taylor Cucci, Carly Hausleben, Brianna Kretkowski, Jared Mann, Walter Mielarczyk, and Peter O’Connor


HIGH HONOR ROLL To be eligible for the High Honor Roll, a student must receive 90% or higher and only one (1) 80-89% in all their courses. The following students have attained High Honor Roll status for the Second Trimester of the 2014-15 School Year: FRESHMEN Brian Goll, Jenna Goodwin, Kayla Karaty, and Caroline Sumner SOPHOMORES Alexandra Bonner, Amanda Calvert, Allison Connolly, Hannah Daley, Mackenzie Fairchild, Blerton Ferati, Benjamin Hampson, Stephen Machak, Hayley Mackawgy, Lia Mahoney, Patrick Maloney, John Miller, Matthew Rothman, Karley Warden, Sara White, and Rebeccah Wood JUNIORS Mergim Ameti, Taylor Carmichael, Richard D’Andrea, Allison DeStefano, Kevin Driesse, Gabriela Gomez-Herrera, Mackenzie Griffin, Jason Kaynak, Daniel Mulligan, Jessica Oostdyk, Claire Shamber, John Siri, Danielle Tahan, and Bethany Washington SENIORS Thomas Ackershoek, Heather Berardi, Emily Borovskis, Olivia Boylan, Emily Brewer, Alexandra Casapulla, Ryan Donatacci, Bridget McDonald, Katherine McNellis, Julia Prol, Matthew Reda, Marisa Reinhart, Allison Salerno, and Natasha Seifried


HONOR ROLL To be eligible for the Honor Roll, a student must receive 80% or higher in all of their courses. The following students have attained Honor Roll status for the Second Trimester of the 2014-15 School Year. FRESHMEN James Benavente, Morgan Bencsko, Grant Borovskis, Sean Budowsky, Shelby Burlew, Nicholas Colella, Samantha Corbo, Erin Dericks, Brianna Dombrowski, Brooke Dooley, Jessica Jachera, Amanda Lobosco, Christopher Lorenz, Sarah Lutz, Jacqueline Morales, Samantha Mucha, Sydni Nardino, Juliet O’Hare, Alexandra Robak, Paige Romano, Bryan Rosario, Irmis Sabani, Jennifer Silva, Jennifer Soriero, Isabella Stefanides, Michael Stringer, Alyna Strumolo, Ashley Terpstra, Brett Thompson, and Elayna Willekes SOPHOMORES Spencer Andrea, Karina Baum, Adrian Bernal, Deanna Cannizzaro, Ariana DeStefano, Brooke Farrell, Laura Franey, Tori Hannon, Emiliana Hokr, Jennifer Iodice, Camryn Kaldrovics, Audrey Lee, Nicholas Librizzi, Nicolle Lombardi, Gabrielle Mastej, Jahnelle McNamara, Samantha M Murphy, Kaitlyn Palmarozzo, Lauren Pilaar, Trey Povanda, John Pownall, Liam Quigley, Kevin Richard, Casey Santini, Jordan Schmidt, Emily Schreiber, Jennifer Sigler, Amber Silva, Julia Squier, Alyssa Thomson, Zachary Toback, Austin VanWingerden, Christine Wasiuk, Rebecca Wells, and Andrew Wilson

HONOR ROLL (CONTINUED) To be eligible for the Honor Roll, a student must receive 80% or higher in all of their courses. The following students have attained Honor Roll status for the Second Trimester of the 2014-15 School Year. JUNIORS Jennifer Anderson, Tyler Aug, Danielle Barba, Michele Boyle, Lauren Burklow, Jessica Carbone, Lauren Coar, Gianna Costa, Patrick Daly, April Denn, Reese Dixon, Julianna Duran, Olivia Esposito, Daniel Fenniman, Matthew Forrest, Alexis Gryszkin, Bridget Hallisey, McKenzie Kennelly, Emily Klepacki, Samantha Kolasa, Jon-Christopher Krahling, Jennifer Kurzweil, Nicholas LaGreca, Paul LaGreca, Christa LaTorre, Jessica Laky, Jennifer Largo, Joshua Leone, Liam Lilienthal, Alyssa Loganchuk, Zachary Lopez, Kevin Maier, Jennifer McGrogan, Michael Menary, Nicole Monsko, James Murphy, Kaitlyn Natoli, Thomas O’Connor, Nicole Ondrof, Ulises Pavone, Jessica Rhinesmith, Albana Salioska, Megan Schaffner, Dana Scillieri, Lexus Scrofani, Ellie Stockinger, Colin Stringer, John Stringer, Julia Taormina, Vincent Terraneo, William Troast, Trevor Warner, Elizabeth Wisneski, Evangeline Witzak, and Michele Zahner SENIORS Andrew Afflitto, Amanda Baran, Nicole Benway, Alexandra Blau, Isabella Bonilla, Melissa Boyle, Margaret Broderick, Michael DeSenzo, Brett Dericks, William Fennelly, Kevin Flood, Victoria Geissel, Taylor Genovese, Samantha Hollberg, Neil Hoogmoed, Sara Iaccheo, David Iodice, Mitchell Jacovelli, Nikka Koslov, Alyssa Lobosco, Julia Mendes, Brendan Monaghan, Meghan Murray, Danielle Musto, Daniel Parrotta, Stephanie Pomante, Tyler Ponomarev, Dana Reichenbach, Michael Reinhart, Todd Robertson, Sarah Ross, Gianna Sanguinetti, Kristin Savino, Brian Sciro, Juliet Sloma, Matthew Smolen, Kyle Stefanides, Jessica Sucaldito, Jamie Tennesen, Michael Thumann, William Veal, Marlo Wehrer, and Stephanie Zuniga

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