Restoration Holy Spirit
October 30, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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reincarnation, Yoga, dream rap,. Marianne Actual Restoration Holy Spirit 26 Jan 2011 beginners yoga aramaic ......
Proofread by: The author
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Distributed by: Hebraic Roots Teaching Institute Pretoria – South Africa Email: Mobile: +27 (0)83 273 1144 Facebook Page: "The Hebraic Roots Teaching Institute" Website:
Preface YHWH “God” has called us to do two things. Firstly, we are never to give up studying and seeking the correct interpretation of any given Bible passage. Secondly, such opportunities are golden moments for us to learn to show grace and love to others whose understanding of a given passage may differ from ours. Throughout the HRTI’s teachings, we use a slightly different vocabulary to that which some might be accustomed. We have chosen to use what many refer to as a Messianic vocabulary. The reasons being: Firstly, using Hebraic-sounding words is another way to help you associate with the Hebraic Roots of your faith. Secondly, these words are not merely an outward show for us; they are truly an expression of who we are as Messianic Jews and Gentiles, who have "taken hold" of our inheritance with Israel. Instead of saying "Jesus," we call our Saviour "Y’shua," the way His parents would have addressed Him in Hebrew. In addition, rather than referring to Y’shua as "Christ," we use the word "Messiah," which is an Anglicized version of the Hebrew word, Moshiach. "YaHoVaH" is the name of God in Hebrew, where it is written as four consonants (YHWH or YHVH, as the W and V is derived from the same Hebrew letter ‘Vaw’). These four letters are called the Tetragrammaton (Greek for "[a word] having four letters). Jews ceased to use the name in the Greco-Roman period, replacing it with the common noun Elohim, “God,” to demonstrate the universal sovereignty of Israel’s God over all others; at the same time, the divine name was increasingly regarded as too sacred to be uttered, and was replaced in spoken ritual by the th th word Adonai (“My Lord”). From about the 6 to the 10 century the Masoretes, Jewish scholars who were the first to add vowels to the text of the Hebrew Bible, used the vowel signs of the Hebrew words Adonai or Elohim as the vowels for YHWH, and later the artificial name Jehovah was produced. Christian scholars and translators after the Renaissance and Reformation periods replaced the sacred name YHWH with GOD and LORD (all in capital letters in the Bible); which was a strategic move of Satan as to not using the Name. The Sacred Name occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew text of the Bible, proving YHWH wants us to use it. th
In the 19 and 20 centuries, biblical scholars again began to use the form Yahweh; and it is now the conventional usage in biblical scholarship, but leading Hebrew Scholars suggest YHWH should be pronounced as Yah-oo-VaH (Y’shua is derived from YaH-shuvah which means YaH saves. Yah (is an abbreviation of God’s name YHWH, as seen in Psalm 68:4. The Name is also found in the word hallellu-YaH, which means “you praise the LORD”).
Where Did It All Come From?
Contrasting the Modern (21 )Century Church with the Early Church
Apparent lack of Knowledge in the Western World Church
Significance of this Research for the Body Corporate
Apostasy and Apathy in the Body Corporate
Counterfeit Christianity leading to Apostasy and Apathy
What fuels the Apostasy?
There are more to the Apostasy
Explaining the Concept of Hebraic Roots
The Hebrew mind versus the Western and Hellenistic Mindset
The Spirit-filled Church versus the weak, powerless Modern Day Church: What went wrong?
Introduction to the Roots of the Christian Faith
Background to Temple Sacrifices: Judaic Concept
Sacrificial System
The Priest or Cohen
Introducing the Presence of the Holy Spirit in the Tanach
Thou shall make Holy Garments – for Glory and Worship
The Divine Stone and the Manifest Presence: Urim and Thummim
A Priest can be disqualified from consulting YHWH
The Role of the Holy Spirit during the Theocratic rule in the Desert
The Holy Spirit reveals the indwelling Presence of YHWH
Beginning in the Desert, inquiring of YHWH
The Deception of Replacement Theology
Consequences for Gentile Believers Striving to Replace Israel
The lost Legacy of the Hebraic Church
The Eternal Priesthood of Melchizedek
YHWH’s Feasts neglected by the Westernised church
Not yet done on Hebraic Roots - The Name above ALL Names
Back to Reality – The Drama of the End-Times
Analysis of Yahshua, The Human Being
Analysing the man Yahshua, Who received the ALL encompassing Five-fold Ministry
Analysing the Demonstration of Ruach HaKodesh Gifts
Analysing Yahshua in the Office of Evangelist
Analysing Yahshua in the Office of Teacher
Analysing Yahshua in the Office of Prophet
Analysing Yahshua in the Office of Pastor or Shepherd
Analysing and Defining Yahshua as an Apostle
Conversion to Judaism
Obstacles Preventing the Restoration of the Holy Spirit
Results: the Person of the Ruach HaKodesh
Results: the Deception of Replacement Theology
Results: Every Bishop is now an Apostle
Results: Lost Legacy of Hebraic Church through Betrayal
Results: Converting to Judaism
Restoration: Yahshua the Apostle as Reformer
Restoration: Hebraic Community according to the Book of Acts
Restoration: the Urim and Thummim – Back to Jerusalem
Restoration: Hebraic Messianic Priesthood
Restoration of His Name
Divine Mandate for the Household of Judah
Introducing the Ministry of Reconciliation
The Gentile Church Grafted into Her Hebraic Root through Repentance
What is the Role of the Church in the Restoration Process?
Yahshua Resumes His Apostolic Office
Glossary: Special Terminology and Definitions Bibles Books Journal Articles Internet Websites
Research Is the Process Elimination, Whatever Remains Is the Truth
The living ELOHIM of Yisrael, YHWH Yahshua, His Son And ever faithful Ruach HaKodesh, my Teacher My loving husband Hans Calvary University for utmost support and outstanding Academic Leadership Johann and Rina Joubert for faithful prayer and computer support Johann and Adri Swanepoel for Yisrael and unending prayer support Nico and Zelda Oosthuizen, Technochem, who sent me My children: Louis, Joey and Cobus, Amanda and John My Beloved grandchildren: Claudia, Ulrich and Arista The love of my life: Oumie’s Dayne and Chenay
INTRODUCTION This book is part of a larger body of educational work called “The Restoration series”. This book and the entire series were written as a consequence of my search for the truth. Having joined a mainstream protestant denomination, since I became born-again as a young woman, I was exposed to man-made church doctrines which often times seemed to contradict the very words contained within the Scriptures. Ever since my born-again experience, I have considered myself to be an active Believer, although I never seriously researched the origins of Christianity or to understand exactly what the term Christian meant. I was simply led to believe that Christianity was right and every other religion was wrong or deficient. When one endeavoured to do research into the origins of the Christian faith, people were quick to point out that you are now going to lose your sanity when you study the Word too deeply! In Afrikaans it meant “jy gaan nou Bybelstryd kry”. I was too ignorant to realise that I was being programmed to “stay with the program” and not to make waves! The problem within the church system is that our Church Fathers have permitted paganised, Romanised and Gentilised Christianity in order to define our doctrines; which come from their translations of the Scriptures. They have placed on them Greek platonic meanings of which have been stripped the Hebrewness of the Scriptures, and therefore have interpreted, not always translated, it through the eyes of the Greek philosophers, such as Plato. The church has accepted a Roman belief system as inherited from the Greeks. To avoid being labelled as a rebel, I began to compromise – not knowing that my spiritual identity was systematically being destroyed by the church. In those days being a rebel in the church was tantamount to being a heretic. Be as it may, there was always this hunger in my spirit. I saw YHWH demonstrating His wonderful power by healing the sick. I saw Him fill people with His Holy Spirit deep in the heart of Africa, yet, nothing, but nothing could fill this hunger in my spirit. I went into a performance mode, thinking I am not doing enough for God, only to discover that I am damaging my relationship with Him. My beliefs were founded on more than simply blind faith. I am grounded in the Word, yet there is something lacking – a barrenness in my life. Being in the healing ministry for many years, I discovered that people, when prayed for, are not being healed. At least not at the Biblical rate! I had faith and taught the Scriptures; the sick exercised their faith to attend the healing services; 1
many were healed; many not. It was difficult to understand this phenomenon, and I began to research the root causes for diseases and sickness. Furthermore, I wanted the reasons why people are not healed. The Word says that YHWH is not a man that He should lie, Num 23:19. Even so, something was seriously wrong, people received a touch from God, only to lose their healing, others that were seemingly so full of faith, were not healed. I wanted to examine the root cause to this problem in order to minister healing to a very sick Body. As the Spirit of God, led me deeper and more intense into the Word, He opened a field of study to me that was mind boggling. He introduced me to the Restoration of His Healing Covenant, as well as to the Restoration of His Blessings in the life of a Believer. The above mentioned research eventually led to the research and creation of this book: The Restoration of the Person, Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit.
CHAPTER 1 WHERE DID IT ALL COME FROM? Dear reader, I am going to treat you really differently from other authors. I am intentionally giving you an in-depth introduction to the blueprint of this book in this Chapter. The plan is to formulate in you a desire for more knowledge and to create a clear or profound perception of the dangerous situation existing within the Body Corporate! Throughout this book I have adopted the Comparative contextual analysis methodology for comparative research approach. Hence, I divided the different research topics into easier to read chapters. It is the only way to enhance your understanding of a complex situation, by making you aware of what is to come in the following chapters. This book will challenge you right out of your comfort zone – into a very exciting future with the Holy Spirit. The reader needs to know that we are not Westerners. We are Africans living on the Continent of Africa. However, the Westernised (Greek/Hellenistic) version and traditions of our faith was inherited from our forefathers, who, over the centuries, totally negated the Jewish Roots of the Christian faith. WHERE DID IT ALL COME FROM? Prior to the creation of the world, there was only one spiritual system functioning in heaven by which the angelic host worshipped the Eternal Elohim, the Creator of the Heavens and the earth; YHWH. YHWH desired that an exact replica of this worship system be reproduced on the earth. He created man to worship Him voluntarily and therefore, his primary function was to bring praise and honour to His Creator, in accordance with the Heavenly pattern. YHWH then revealed to His creation the order of worship pleasing unto Him. Man, Adam, being a legal entity and spirit being, through rebellion, chose to follow his own mind, formed the religion of idol (self) worship, which dominated man to this present age, setting a pattern for rebellion, living in estrangement from YHWH. Why did YHWH want an exact replica of His heavenly worship system on the earth? To feel at home among us! The only authentic religion which the Eternal One himself, revealed to mankind was documented in Scripture, later termed Judaism. Since that time, many manmade polluted replicas of the original have appeared. Some, like Islam, have taken the one God (title), given him a different name and appointed prophets by 3
modifying the system of religious service to please a dissimilar culture of men. They are all counterfeits, men introducing their own gods, but maintaining distorted principles of the religion of YHWH. All have an altar; all have sacrifices; all offer prayers; all believe in life after death, and all have priesthoods. Others, including Christians and Jews, have altered YHWH’s system by introducing traditions that have nullified the power of Elohim’s Word (Mar 7:7-13). Many have used Elohim’s religion as a pretext for spreading their personal ideas and concepts. In effect, they have created a god in their own personal image and have created their own faith to worship the god they have made. YHWH, however, always kept for Himself, a remnant, people who chose to follow and worship Him, regardless of the cost. Abraham was such a man, and YHWH cut a covenant of faith and obedience with him, authenticating and sanctioning it by issuing the Torah on Mount Sinai, and validating it again by sending Yahshua to the earth. As a warranty of his co-operation Abraham had to be circumcised in order to prove his commitment, and therefore, became the first Hebrew (or Jew). YHWH instituted Judaism as His earthly pattern of worship, outlining the details to Moshe years later. This falling away of YHWH’s authentic unadulterated worship has become the mayor theoretical issue in the religious world, and one cannot begin to address restoration to His original pattern of worship on the earth, if these issues are not addressed and brought to the light; for investigation and corrective measures. Therefore, this treatise critically examines and discusses the causes and effects of the apostasy from the True faith and worship of the living God. The main issues addressed in this discourse (Chapter Two), are divergent and are divided into categories, yet once analysed; they form the epitome of the extent of the falling away or apathy of the believers. In this chapter I adopted a historical approach, and went right back to search for the root. This research was then divided into different topics, as the Spirit led. He taught me to examine each category from a westernised as well as Hebraic perspective, which is of paramount importance as Christianity is derived from Judaism. The words apathy and falling away will be utilised interchangeably, as they refer to the status of the Church per sé, and aptly describe the status of the Church at present. Examining the first category established anti-Semitism as one of the leading causes for the falling away of the modern day Church. Over the past centuries, there has been a dramatic increase in Anti-Semitism, and the Church corporately and collectively, failed the Jewish nation who is the Custodians of the Scriptures. 4
Researching the term and ideology of Replacement Theology, confirmed this statement, and we will still discuss this statement in depth. Examining the second category introduced the Person of the Holy Spirit, or the Ruach HaKodesh, as known in Hebrew and His relevancy to the Body of believers. To measure believers’ relationship with Him, a 50-point questionnaire on the Person and gifts of the Holy Spirit was presented (e-mailed) to over a 1000 believers. There was a very low-key response to this questionnaire (30 people completed it). However, this method of analysis has a number of limitations; working through the electronic media confirmed to me the perception of noninvolvement, people distancing themselves from so-called emotionalism. Others used the opportunity to run the Church down or utilised this platform to voice grievances and anger. Most questions were answered with a yes or no, despite the questions being open-ended. Without being overly critical, it is obvious that there is a total lack of knowledge regarding His Person and therefore negating His Giftings to the Church. The main limitation on discussing the Holy Spirit is that if a person does not know Him experientially, they cannot answer the questions. Many times, what can be known of Him is seen on television, and the perception is that the work of the Spirit is for the chosen few. In Chapter One (1) introduced Him from an Old Covenant as well as Renewed Covenant perspective. In Chapter Three, His giftings were extensively discussed and linked to each of the Spiritual Offices as indicated in Ephesians 4. As advancement to this study, a larger audience was targeted for personal interviews; it was done in class and church context, however, the most significant answers came from students. Finally, an apostate church equals a church that has lost her Hebraic identity, which equals an absence of the Presence of the Ruach HaKodesh! Here one needs to note that the word Church does not exist in the Hebrew language. The third category investigated the possibility that the Church/Qahal rejected her Hebraic Roots and legacy. Here the role of the Great High Priest, the priests and the Feasts of YHWH were analysed. The emphases were placed on their roles in order to add value for the modern day Believer, who does not have access to Temple worship and service. Therefore, they will not clearly understand their appointment as a Kingdom of Priests unto YHWH. Subsequently, I introduced a summary of church history to illustrate the steady decline from a Church that Yahshua empowered on the Day of Pentecost to an inoperative apostate church governed by pious people in a religious system, void of Holy Spirit Power and Presence. This concluded the study of this section with 5
the hypothesis that the Church has lost her identity and power and the author if of the opinion that the Hebraic Roots need to be restored to the Body Corporate. You may now think, no not history! I had that in school; have patience I was of the same opinion. However, I had a teachable spirit – and saw the pattern of the enemy stealing from us our Hebraic Legacy. Consequentially, this attitude caused Believers to be disinherited from the commonwealth of Israel! The fourth category, identified as the Drama of the End-time, is one of the foremost causes for the apathy and apostate condition of the church. According to Eschatology teaching and biblical prophecies, the human race is heading towards final Judgement. Utilising Scripture, I focused on the behaviour pattern of people, instead of the obvious signs of time, called natural disasters, i.e. earthquakes, famine, diseases, wars and rumours of wars, floods, typhoons and tsunamis. Measuring and comparing the behaviour patterns of the human race against Scripture, is a definite confirmation of human behaviour prior to the imminent judgement. The outcomes of such comparisons are critical indicators of an apostate Church/Qahal and that the Church needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit in order to survive the coming apocalypse; the time of persecution has come. The conclusion to this section is that the Church ought to repent of the sin of ignorance and pray for Restoration. The living YHWH made this invitation: This day, I call upon the heaven and the earth as witnesses [that I have warned] you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. You shall choose life, so that you and your offspring will live. Even though one has freedom of choice, nevertheless, YHWH instructs one to choose the portion of life. (Deuteronomy 30:19). This fact finding mission is aimed at the truth seeker who wishes to restore YHWH’s righteousness to the Church and to provide a new understanding of the spiritual principle: The Restoration of all things, which is the desire of YHWH’s heart. Every angle of the apostasy in the church/Qahal has been researched, as well as the cause and effects of the breakdown in the relationship with the Holy Spirit. Recommendations for the Restoration will be proposed with the intention st of restoring the Hebraic Legacy to the 21 Century Hebraic Qahal or Messianic Church – bringing restoration to the Remnant that has a hearing ear – “He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies” Revelation 3:6. Throughout many years of being in the ministry, I have encountered a problem st and phenomenon within the Church of the 21 century, which nobody could explain away! When I compared the Presence, power and relationship with the 6
Holy Spirit within the Antioch (Acts) Hebraic Church to the modern day Church, it st has become apparent that the 21 century Western Church does not have, and entirely lacks, that level of power, Presence and relationship of the Spirit. This lack is evident in the lives of individuals’ as well as the Body corporate. The st Modernised 21 Century Church, in comparison with the Apostle Paul (1+2 Corinthians, Galatians, Acts), will not take a stand against sin, corruption and lawlessness for various reasons, as outlined in the following paragraphs and chapters. I will often speak of the Western World Church and Modern Day Church. Bearing in mind that a Jewish Jesus (Hebrew Name is Yahshua) empowered Jewish men and women, in the Temple, in Jerusalem, in Israel on the Sabbath with His Holy Spirit. He poured out His Holy Spirit in the Middle-East, not America or Europe. For the sake of South African readers, we are Africans, not Westerners. We may have developed a Hellenistic mindset as part of the traditions carried over from the Church Fathers, but our culture and thought patterns are purely South African. We do not think, talk or act like Europe or America – we have a distinct African flavour. Therefore, you, as the reader, will be challenged to read and think out of the box, to come out of your comfort zone, and investigate the Truth for yourself. For too many years, South Africans especially, blindly obeyed the traditions of their forefathers or be labelled a rebel! Even so now, the Scriptures says, O YHWH, my strength and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the nations shall come to You from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers (us) have inherited lies, vanity, and there is no profit in them, Jer 16:19. These untruths (teaching) that we have inherited will be investigated. When I began to study the workflow and Presence of the Spirit in the modern day church, I found that there are many reasons why the church or Body of Yahshua, has stagnated – as a result there is little growth in the spreading of the Gospel. As a matter of fact, the only religion that is currently growing faster than Christianity is the Muslim religion. This is especially applicable to Europe. The Gospel is spreading like wild fire in Africa! There are many church hoppers, people who hop from one church to the other if their ears are not tickled appropriately, or their demands not met. But non- or barely new souls are born into the Kingdom of YHWH – The reasons compelled me to ask questions regarding my concerns: why is there no growth in the Church, no new souls, none or little flow of the Holy Spirit? Very soon I realised it would be naïve to think, “oh man!, it is the sin in the Church, that is why the Spirit has withdrawn”. “Repent of the sin and His Holy Presence will be restored”. Those were originally 7
my thoughts until the Holy Spirit ever so gently spoke to me and said: “That is Marianne’s way. Are you prepared to listen to My Sprit and be taught”? These questions led me into an interesting expect such an outcome. Yet the outcome the heart and attitude of every teachable Restoration of the powerful Presence of HaKodesh in Hebrew.
journey – I most definitely did not is so profound that it could change person, which would result in the the Holy Spirit, called the Ruach
One has to study the reasons for these phenomena by asking the correct thought provoking questions: • Could it be that the Gospel, (which, according to the Apostle Paul, is the power of God), is not preached with anointing of the Holy Spirit? (I am not ashamed of the Gospel; it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek, Rom 1:16). What we understood from the history of the first Church is that when one preaches the Gospel of Yahshua; Him being the Messiah, Healer and Redeemer YHWH worked together by confirming this truth with signs wonders and miracles. Is the Church still preaching this truth today? The first Church, as described in the book of Acts, had an alive, vibrant relationship with the Spirit and He physically and spiritually were present in everything the Apostles did. •
Could it be that the Church has become seeker-sensitive to such an extent that it compromises on the truths as contained in the Word? Could it be that the Church has become embarrassed in this modern era by the so-called emotionalism in the Church? Too, discomfited to allow speaking in tongues in the church, for fear that a stranger arriving at the church would be offended? It is clear from Scripture that speaking in tongues are for the unbelievers; confirming the statement that the church has become apostate. So you see that speaking in tongues is a sign, not for believers, but for unbelievers; prophecy, however, is for the benefit of believers, not unbelievers. Even so, if unbelievers or people who don't understand these things come into your meeting and hear everyone talking in an unknown language, they will think you are crazy. But if all of you are prophesying, and unbelievers or people who don't understand these things come into your meeting, they will be convicted of sin, and they will be condemned by what you say. As they listen, their secret thoughts will be laid bare, and they will fall down on their knees and worship God, declaring, "God is really here 8
among you”, 1Co 14:22 -25. Subsequently, the flow and of the gifts the Holy Spirit should be standard procedure in the New Covenant church. •
Could it be that such shame for the flow and gifts of the Spirit is offending and grieving the Holy Spirit, that He is actually withdrawing from the Church?
Could it be that the Church has developed a fear for the opinion of men and therefore is compromising on the Gospel truths? Has the Church become a social club with all its programs? Yes, there are people who are ostracised by their communities for accepting Yahshua as Messiah, but in the Western world, they are in the minority. It is the experience of the author that this happens mostly within the African (Idol worshipping) and the Muslim communities.
Could it be that man has become so modern, so self-sufficient, and so selfdelusional they do not need Him, the Holy Sprit? Despite of this assumption, millions are dying in their shame, sin and sickness. The Western world relies greatly on them-self, but in the developing countries, there are a great need for the work and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Does the modern Church have any knowledge, understanding or relationship with her Hebraic Roots? st
Contrasting the Modern Day (21 Century) Church with Early Church In contrast with the first Apostolic Church as described in the book of Acts, the st 21 century Church cannot, in the same manner, demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit in the Church or society. The living visible and active Presence (Shekinah Glory) of Yahshua has departed from the Church. This has caused sin to abound and loss of respect for the judgment or input from believers. Another deviation from the first Apostolic Church, who had a profound knowledge of the person and the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit (Yahshua), is the modern day trend to depend on self instead of on Him. Contemporary agnostic doctrine implies that the resurrected Messiah is only a myth living in the imagination of believers, and this has caused believers to be wary of any Holy Spirit teaching. They actually fear His indwelling Presence, being afraid that they may receive a counterfeit spirit. Due to this lack of knowledge, believers fear that the Spirit might cause them to do things that will 9
embarrass them, instead of permitting Him to LIVE in them in order to demonstrate His power. Traditional churches warn their congregants against the sects that speak in tongues and against baptism by immersion, teaching them to trust more in their doctrines, than in the immutable Word of YHWH. Apparent lack of knowledge in the Western World Church Whilst researching on the World Wide Web for available material, it was discovered that there are not many authors or pastors that venture into the topic of the manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit, and hardly enough information are available on the causes for the absence of his Presence in the Church today. Many authors made conflicting statements pertaining to the Holy Spirit, but no one had a Scriptural basis for their findings. The author do not wish to confuse the reader with comments that will create confusion or deception and will therefore refrain from publishing contradictory statements, which are human opinion, the goal of this book being to restore to – and not to add confusion. The current deficient, powerless spiritual condition of the Church (Rev 3:17) warrants investigation, the causes and effects will be analysed and reported to the Body Corporate. Every passing Sunday substantiates the need for such investigation, as one does not routinely see (as with the first Apostolic Church), any deliverance, healing or born again souls in the Church, especially in the Western world. The Church has become a traditional religious system. Do note that this does not include the persecuted Church in China and other communist countries, which are vibrant, active churches. The author is addressing the modern day Western World Church and therefore, created this book as a framework of reference for students who are hungry for the truth as found in the Word and not based on the opinion of man. The terms Western World Church and Modern day Church will be utilised interchangeably. Lastly, the western world Church has rejected the Torah as old-fashioned, legalistic and outdated, and do not understand what the term Everlasting Covenant or Statute means. The church chose to reject the Torah, forgetting that it formed the foundation of all the Messiah’s teachings. He did not reject the Torah; in fact, He said that He has come to fulfil it. If you love me, obey my commandments; so how does one declare the Torah as obsolete? Messiah Yahshua did not have the New Covenant available then! When one does an exposition on Rev 22:14, keeping Torah is a requirement to kingdom entry! Confirmation that these verses in the original Hebrew signify the Torah, the spoken Word of YHWH, is found in John 14 and 1Joh 5.2. 10
There are, however, an awakening among believers (Hebraic Restoration movement) with regard to the value of the Torah and Old Covenant Scriptures. People mostly quote Old Covenant verses to condemn and judge someone or for the “prosperity” that they will receive by just speaking the verses over their lives – with no regard to the One Who spoke those words into reality – and then blames YHWH for the disappointment of expectations that did not realise. Yet, not one is honest enough to look at the conditions and criteria for such blessings. What is the result of such a prosperity religion? People become angry with YHWH and blame Him for their problems. They sit in church Sunday (pagan worship day) after Sunday, going through the religious rituals, but angry that this quoted Word did not actualize into anything for them; they missed the basics of understanding the Spoken Word. The purpose of this book is to eradicate such lack of knowledge, which is the leading cause for not seeing the manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit. This book is, for the most part, devoted to research and substantiates the statements made in the above-mentioned paragraphs, which formed the theme and basis of this research. Research is the process of elimination and whatever remains is the truth. It is a great challenge to research and discover the cause and effects that led to a powerless Church - that proves these statements. The author needs to refine the understanding of Who the Holy Spirit is, His role and function within the Church as well as in the individual. As well as providing a new understanding of His Gifts/Offices as allocated to the Church corporately and individuals respectively, for the perfecting of the saints. Elaborating on my reasons for Venturing into this Research Project •
Firstly, the Church has rejected Her Hebraic Roots, forgetting that the Messiah was a Torah observant Jewish man and Rabbi – from this perspective, consider His anointing whilst being Torah observant and filled with the Holy Spirit!
Secondly, to restore to the Church her former glory as in the days of the first Apostles. It was no incidence that they observed Torah; being obedient to the instructions given millenniums ago in the desert. Being a Torah an observant person, involves one in a lifestyle of purity, holiness and grace. As documented in Early church history, when more and more non-Jewish 11
people/gentiles, became believers, they brought into Christianity many of their former pagan gods’ religious doctrines that have contaminated the Church and robbed her of its power and anointing – and stealing Her Hebraic inheritance. This statement will be clarified in Chapter Two when Church history is discussed. •
Thirdly, to eradicate the very curse of racism which is active in the Church, especially anti-Semitism;
Fourthly, to eradicate sin from the Church and restore it to holiness, since the unbelievers see the in-fighting in the Church, the sin, the sick and struggling and know that they already have enough problems without even becoming a Christian;
Fifthly, to empower believers to receive the Presence of the Holy Spirit, therefore lost souls can be won. The desired outcome for this research would be to create a aspiration in the hearts of all Believers to sacrifice their comfort Zone lifestyle by being prepared to take responsibility for the Person of the Holy Spirit in their lives. The author has an expectation to target the broader Messianic (Hebraic) Church community, as well as the South African Jewish community with the truths as they will be revealed.
Sixthly, with this study as a guideline, the author anticipates working reconciliation and unity between the Two Houses of YHWH (Israel and Judah).
Seventh, the long-term objective is to teach the Truth and unconditionally allow the Holy Spirit to work through a person, until He manifests His glorious Presence on a daily basis to the Torah observant and obedient disciples, Jews and Gentiles alike. Another long-term goal is to encourage Believers to strive towards seeing His manifest Presence - and then to experience His healing power because of utmost obedience. The researcher is aware that this might only be achieved during the Theocratic Millennial Rule, however, there is a Word that says, Prepare YE the way! Jew and Gentile alike have a role to play during this reign and therefore now is the time to prepare for this time-period.
To change the Believers westernised mindset to a Messianic or Hebraic way of thinking is another long-term goal, and not only the mindset but, also a 12
cultural lifestyle change to living the Torah under the guidance of the Holy Rauch. Believers must choose to come out of a culture and lifestyle that is not pleasing to YHWH. Only then will the modern day church embrace her Hebraic Root and Hebrew family. SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS RESEARCH FOR THE BODY CORPORATE The Longman Exams Dictionary defines significance as having an important effect or influence on what will happen in the future, aptly describing why this study is conducted, its outcome will have a profound impact on the believers in the near future. Therefore, where does one begin to do the research for Restoring the Person, Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit? The following questions come to mind: •
What does the author want to achieve with this research?
Who are the target audience for the research and the outcomes? And why is it important for them to acquire this knowledge and will it add value to their spiritual and personal lives?
Where does one find answers to this problem and phenomena? What resources for the research are available for me?
Each of the following topics have a significant effect on the believers’ spiritual, emotional and material life, and therefore necessitates research in order to clarify the underlying causes and effects of the absence of the manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit: There is an identified need to study the background and causes of the apathy of the Modern Day Church and why the Body does not have a vibrant active relationship with the Holy Spirit. During a Google search on the World Wide Web, one will find that there are for instance one million six hundred references on the Internet to apathy in the church, mostly negative. There are even churches for agnostics and apathetic people. It will be almost impossible to make a systematic review of all the postings done on the web sites, yet the author critically read through many posted pages in order to download the literature that has substance and is not subversive to the church. Yet, by just reading the postings one obtains a new insight of what is out there and how people think! It makes one realise that the church at large, does not have favour with the public 13
anymore! It changes ones perspective to become more circumspectly in one approach and conduct. The believers are to create and live through the Spirit of excellence in the Church and public. •
Each believer individually and personally ought to know the Person, Presence, Power and work of the Holy Spirit in the Tanach and Renewed Covenant; and
The effects of the Deception of Replacement Theology on the believers spiritual growth;
To identify if the believer has a Hebraic Legacy and how to counter the perceived animosity and negation of their Hebraic Roots;
The negation of the Priestly role of the modern Believer due to lack of knowledge of Hebraic worship and roots;
The disappearance of the Urim and Thummim, which represents the manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit;
Finally, why are there resistance to operating in the gifts of the Spirit, yet believers appoint apostles who are not filled with the Spirit? Who commends one to the different Offices and giftings of the Spirit, and what are the appointing criteria?
In summary of the above questions, I have concluded that all books to date has tended to focus on the gifts of the Spirit (excluding relationship with Abba) for personal benefit or enrichment; and that •
The gifts were not utilised for the profit of all as set out in Scripture.
However, insufficient attention has been paid to the impact of anti-Semitism on the Church and her deficient performance and powerlessness.
There were no controlled studies conducted to compare or link the Gifts to the different Offices of the Spirit. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to introduce this field of study for the benefit of both Households of YHWH.
This is the 21 century and humankind is on the avant-garde of technology! One just has to look at the communication technology to know that whatever happens in the remotest part of the earth is communicated into nearly every household on the earth. There is not a speciality field or discipline today, which is not explored or researched, whichever for the upliftment of humanity, or the eradication of poverty and disease management, or just for pure greed. Billions of dollars are spent on developing new technology, disease preventing vaccines and education. There has never been a time where knowledge has increased at such a vast rate; what is new today, is old news tomorrow. Yet, with all the available technology and knowledge, there is something greatly missing on the face of the earth. One just has to look at the amounts spend on anti-depressants and mind-altering drugs to realise that with all the increased knowledge and technology, there is a void, an emptiness in man. People are rushing back and forth, but on the inside, they are dying of emotional pain, fear, loneliness and diseases. The reason for this is that with all its progress and technology, scientists cannot address the condition of the heart (emotionally). It is apparent that with all the progress and modernisation on the earth, there are two things that did not change; YHWH, the living God and the heart of man. God is Spirit, and has Everlasting Spiritual Laws and Covenants in place, law and covenants that cannot be changed or violated (Rom 7:14). More and more the Voice of the Church is drowning in the sea of humanity’s sin. Humankind has become so self-sufficient, so self-reliant and so selfish that they have created the deception or illusion that the there is no place YHWH in their lives. The immoral lifestyle, the homosexuality, the pornography, divorce and broken families, greed and abortion have become a daily occurrence in the lives of many. Not only are they drowning out the Voice of the Church, at this present time, the world is drowning in debt and the recession - poverty has spiralled out of control, millions die in famine and there are currently not a country that does not experience some political turmoil or environmental disasters or calamities i.e. floods, fire or earthquakes. When one looks at the grim picture as painted above the question does arise: where is the Church, what is Her role in a time such as this? When the sinners look at the lives of most Christians today, they say: I this is what Christianity is about, no thank you, I have enough problems of my own. What an allegation against the Church! When one studies the lives of today’s western world believers, there is no difference between them and the sinners; the same infighting, jealousy, strife, gossip and slander, sickness, poverty, adultery and 15
addictions rule supreme in the Church of today. Their love for each other is superficial and many uses the intimate knowledge that they gain at a cell meeting to spread gossip and slander – even the Church has lost its sense of integrity, the Church has compromised on sin. st
Can the Church still make a difference today, in the 21 century? Has the apostasy in the Church gone to far to renew the Church to Her original calling? For the sake of clarity in the Longman Exam dictionary, the word “Apostasy” is defined as when someone suddenly stops believing in a religion or supporting a political party. This definition aptly describes the situation within the Church today. One does not have to seek them out, the hurting ones; they all carry the scars of being hurt in the Church! The Church is not a safe sanctuary anymore. This is even sadder within the African communities; due to the ancestral worship culture, should someone become a believer, that person is ostracised by their families and communities, therefore the Church become their family. Only to find that it is no longer a safe haven. In the Church, carnal pastors exploit many of the young single women. More and more people are withdrawing from the Church and become agnostics and apostate. APOSTASY AND APATHY IN THE BODY CORPORATE Where did apostasy start in the Church? The author studied the opinions of many persons, who made their postings on the internet, and here are some of their opinions: • Tony Robinson, Torah Restoration Ministries, in his e-book, Restoration of Torah wrote the following: “Their (false) teachings (against the Jews) flourished and took root within the hearts and minds of the early Gentile believers. Until the time of Constantine, Christians suffered many persecutions. However, after Constantine won the battle of the Milvian Bridge he issued the Edict of Milan in 313 AD. Although this edict did not make Christianity the official religion of the empire, he claimed to be a Christian, put an end to Christian persecutions, placing Christianity on an equal footing before the law with other religions of the empire. Furthermore, Constantine showered favours upon the Church. He granted large sums of money, and erected magnificent Church buildings in numerous places (Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Constantinople and other places) and granted many other privileges. With a sitting Emperor confessing Christianity, it was no longer a shame to be a Christian. Now, being a Christian could even secure great material and social advantages such as political, military and social promotion. As a result, many heathens and pagans entered the 16
Church. Of course, they brought their pagan influences with them. Because of the deepening spiritual vacuum of humble Apostolic leadership in the Church of the Western Roman Empire, the Church leaders were more than happy to pacify the heathens by allowing them to continue their pagan practices in the name of Christianity. As a result, the heathens brought into the Church numerous unscriptural practices and doctrines of men, which superseded the immutable Word of YHWH and brought further corruption and apostasy into the Church. Obviously, throughout Church history YHWH always had a remnant of truly faithful followers. But they were always the minority and always persecuted. •
Robinson, who studied the different phases of the Church Reformation, asked the following question: Did the Reformation teach the believers any lessons? History clearly shows that the condition of the Western Roman Church (the root from which Protestantism sprang) was apostate in direct fulfilment of Paul’s prophecy in First and Second Timothy (this however does not negate a future or present apostasy of similar or greater proportions). This apostasy was due in large part to a replacement of Biblical authority by doctrines of men and suppression of the Hebraic roots of the New Covenant faith. The foundation for the Reformation was to be found in people who cherished the belief that the only authority for authentic faith and doctrine was the Bible. The Reformation occurred because people began to base their convictions on the Word of YHWH instead of upon decrees of men. The reader’s attention is directed at the words Hebraic Roots, as this concept Hebraic Roots will be extensively addressed.
George H Warnock (Paraphrased) draws the attention to the current apostasy: Political and religious leaders are bargaining the reigning over, and controlling of, taking over earth's resources, promoting their own governments, presidents, prime ministers and officials interests. (Whilst mankind is killing each other for world dominion, YHWH, our Elohim, in contrast is grieving over a backslidden and rebellious Church). This is also the experience of the author that YHWH is grieving over His Body! Nevertheless, YHWH made provision in the Hour of Apostasy; the Urim and Thummim. This stone was the most reliable source of communication between God and His nation in the Tanach times. However, it soon became extinct in Israel, due to their continued disobedience and dispersions. God nevertheless, was faithful to bring forth that clear word of Urim even in times of darkness and apostasy (Nehemiah and Ezra). The living Elohim must have one who would stand before Him in true priestly ministry and deliver a pure, unadulterated word 17
to His people - no matter how apostate that people may have become. The Urim and Thummim will comprehensively be discussed as it has direct bearing on the person of the Holy Spirit. •
Paraphrasing George Warnock’s commentary on the apostasy prior to the entrée of John the Baptist; Warnock stated that 400 years had gone by since Malachi had come to the nation with a clear word from YHWH. Then Israel’s greatest prophet, John was born. Yahshua said that of all born of women, There bath not risen a greater than John the Baptist, (Mat 11:11). Never was there greater apostasy in Israel than when John arose in the spirit and power of Elijah, and he sounded forth the call to repentance. Believers who had discernment knew that YHWH appointed John the Baptist, to the Office of Prophet – the signs and wonders confirming the appointment. The Apostle Luke narrated the very highly organized political and religious systems that were in place at the time. It was right here in the midst of gross apostasy that these words are read, The word of God came unto John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness, Luk 3:2. Out there in the wilderness, Elohim began to send forth a clear Word from His heart: Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. The message was very clear: only one thing is acceptable to YHWH, Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, Luk 3:8. One cannot trust in racial or religious heritage, - even if one is the son of Abraham. If one does not bear fruit that is pleasing to YHWH, the axe is ready to cut down every fruitless tree. It is of paramount importance to note that only repentance is acceptable to YHWH when one has fallen into an apostate spiritual condition. Paraphrased: (italics mine).
Before the Grace dispensation, apostasy also reigned supreme, and YHWH introduced another Voice, clear and distinct from the rest - a Voice that would herald the coming of an entirely new Kingdom, the Voice of Yahshua. Once st again, in the 21 century, the stage is set and the inhabitants of the earth are in the midst of a very highly organized political empires and religious systems, and Messiah ready to make His entrée. The stage is set for the sudden re-appearance of Great High Priest Yahshua, this time not as Messiah Ben Yoseph, but Messiah Ben David; and the End of the Grace Dispensation! The current study on determining the apostate condition of the Church has introduced the author to various opinions and inputs, and one need to differentiate between opinions. On an Internet website, the unknown author ( quoted this thought provoking Scripture 18
regarding the end of the Grace Dispensation, At that time, many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people, (Mat 24:11). His comments on this Scripture are; there will be a revival of the Spirit of Religion that will sweep the world in the last days. It will however, not represent the Truth - instead, false gospels, prophets, and messiahs will deceive the multitudes. The church in America and Africa, and indeed the entire world, is sinking deeper into the last-days apostasy as foretold by Messiah and His apostles. Yahshua warned that false prophets will appear and deceive many people in the last days; counterfeit teachers and preachers are gaining in popularity while more and more people are turning to their idols of destruction. It would appear that satan is well on the way to success in his goal to enslave the world, and to accomplish his dark objectives. He has re-established his church, the Mystery Babylon (Rev 17), which are the Islamic and other false religions. Finally there is the highly esteemed book of Prof W A Liebenberg, The Rape of the Torah in the New Covenant (2009), in which Prof Liebenberg goes to great lengths to not only demonstrate the apostasy of the Church from her first love, The Torah, but to proof it with Scripture. In addition, he then challenges the reader to investigate the truth with him – and believe. Prof Liebenberg is not afraid to uncover the different false religions as well as the non-biblical form of religion that Christianity is currently practicing. This book is available at or e-mail to . Counterfeit Christianity leading to Apostasy and Apathy in the Church False forms of Religion have become increasingly popular in modern day culture and it seems there is a resurgence of interest in things spiritual. There are the millions throughout the world who are involved in the occult, astrology, witchcraft, spiritualism and Satanism. The Harry Potter series fantasy novels promoting witchcraft among children, as written by author J. K. Rowling have sold more than 325 million copies and is translated into more than 64 languages, which confirms the theory that the Church has become apostate. Parents are angry when warned against the demonic impact of the Harry Potter movies; they have developed a tolerance for evil and manifestation of spirits. Daniel, the Prophet (Dan 2:32-45), prophesied a Word of knowledge saying that a time-period called iron and clay will be prevalent in the last days, good and evil will have to get along until the Rock is released from Heaven. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits 19
and things taught by demons. (1Tim 4:1). The most obvious sign of the spiritual decline of the church is apathy - apathy towards the house of YHWH, His Word and manifest Presence. Apathy sometimes overtakes a believer - even an entire body of believers - before they are aware anything is wrong. The fruit of apathy is apostasy. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths, (2Tim 4:3-4). The appearances of these false gospels, false Christ's and false prophets is only a prelude to the final apostasy. They are only preparing the way for the ultimate antichrist, who will set himself up in the temple and declare himself to be God. One might say he is currently preparing his followers to accept his ultimate lie. WHAT FUELS APOSTASY IN THE CHURCH? There are numerous causes for apostasy and apathy in the Church, and several authors agree that the following are the most relevant: •
Implicit or explicit rejection of the authority of Elohim’s Word is propagated throughout the Church, often; it seems, with the explicit purpose of leading His people away from His Word, and sometimes to the active encouragement of immorality. Pulpits across the world are silent about sin and do not tell their congregations of their need for repentance. Rather, they preach a politically correct gospel of tolerance of sin. In the book, The Da Vinci Code, author Dan Brown claims almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false. For example, Brown suggests that Jesus married Mary Magdalene as he raises doubts of the origins and legitimacy of the authenticity of Christianity. The Da Vinci Code was a worldwide bestseller with more than 60.5 million copies sold. Many pulpits are silent about sin because those sitting in the pews do not want to hear anything that might shatter their perceived sense of security. Perhaps the preacher is more interested in the collection plate and he believes that if he preaches anything controversial, he will lose some large contributors.
Without regular communication with YHWH through prayer and systematic study of His Word, one is at the mercy of the doctrinal false teachings that are raging in the church today. Much of Christendom is now in an apostate condition as professing believers accept new revelations even though it conflicts with, and contradicts the revealed Word of God. New Age occultism of every variety is exploding not only in the secular world, but also in the church in what is indeed the greatest worldwide revival of paganism ever known. Spanning the globe and encompassing hundreds of millions of teachers and disciples, it has within its fold thousands of individual cults, churches, groups, and organizations. Those who preach a distorted gospel are even gaining strategic leadership positions in denominations and theological schools, enabling them to deceive and mislead many within the church. •
Fear of the unknown
A sizeable part of the church is held in bondage because of fear of the unknown. They don't know their Bibles and they don't know about the promises of YHWH. Rather, they rely on what others tell them. Self-help books flourish and authors fill bookshelves with titles extolling every kind of human wisdom - but they do not contain the truth of Scripture or input from the Spirit. Fear drives some to seek knowledge in places where truth is the most distorted. New Age teachers abound with messages from ascended masters and spirit guides. For example, one popular quasi-Christian movement surrounds the writings of authors who teaches that the world, sin, sickness are all illusions which can be overcome with the power of the mind. Where one finds such teaching, one will often also find teachings about reincarnation, Yoga, dream rap, channelling, Christ consciousness, pyramidology, astrology, meditation, metaphysics, shamanism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. One might expect to find these teachings at some remote New Age retreat center, but incredibly, many Sunday school classes in some mainline Christian churches utilize the texts. For many Christians caught in the web of fear, profess their faith, but look to works for their salvation for they have no faith. They judge others according to their works for that is their only barometer, i.e. that which they can see. They walk by sight exclusively and not by faith. What can I do for Him and not what can He do through me? They can be very busy workers, but they do not listen to the Voice.
There is little focus on Messiah Yahshua’s second coming because that would end the pursuit of pleasure and materialism. Instead of being YHWH centered and Him being the object of ones adoration, the carnal, western church is attracted to a celebrity, an evangelist, a project, a political cause, a fund-raising campaign, a new building, or miracles and healings (without commitment). Faith has turned to fantasizing with a message of health, wealth, and comfort. In that kind of environment easy believism flourishes, and many people who associate themselves with the church aren't even Christians. They may have a form of godliness, but they deny its power. Satan is still using this form of deception, and often his representatives are being disguised as ministers of righteousness. While propagating that which brings death and darkness to the mind and heart of the sinner, they profess to be representatives of enlightened living. This is satanic deception. Theology in many modern churches is focused on meeting people's needs, on solving one's own problems so one can live more comfortably. Few churches hold to a Yahshua-centered faith that helps a believer stand in the midst of his trials. st For all too often the 21 century church takes its cues and defines its role by the ways of the world. It accommodates a consumer-oriented culture that wants, above all else, to feel good. It focuses on action at the expense of character and integrity, on doing rather than being. There is nothing wrong with seeking to meet people's needs or creating programs to do so. The church setting should be an environment where non-Christians feel welcome. The church should grow. But when programs and growth become the central focus, the church is in danger of profaning her first Love; (paraphrased: Charles Colson, The Body, pg. 381). THERE ARE MORE TO THE APOSTASY The above aspects have clearly defined the central theme of the apostate position of the Church and the Body corporate. The above expose has mainly addressed the current apostate situation, but this researcher is of the opinion, in agreement with Robinson’s statement, that there are two very old, unaddressed situations in the Church and is to her opinion, the main reason for the apostate Church – the prophesied end-times and the lost Hebraic legacy of the Western World Church.
The Signs Of The Times
The prophet Joel prophesied the following regarding the end times: And afterward (in the future, after the restoration of Israel) I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. Even upon the menservants and upon the maidservants in those days will I pour out My Spirit, Joe 2:28,29. Here one can understand that there is a final Holy Spirit outpouring prophesied for the near future. However, before one can begin to look for this glorious moment (should one live to experience it), what is the current situation in the world today? One must remember that when the prophet Joel prophesied these words, he also prophesied the near extinction of mankind, due to the impending outpouring of God's judgment on a sin-sick world. The prophet Joel was prophesying to the remnant of the end-times, those that survived the wrath of YHWH. Before one can attempt to restore the Person and active Presence of the Holy Spirit to the Church, one needs to take notice of current world affairs. The apostasy is not only in the Church; humankind as a whole is in a downward spiral towards destruction. – in fulfillment of Biblical prophecies – and the New World Dis-order, where is it taking the human race? Why does the world seem to be crumbling into chaos? Can one restrain the forces of anarchy? Is it possible to right the course of the severely straying civilization and solve its problems? Sadly, it seems that humankind has no comprehension of the unseen spiritual forces being arrayed against them (Rev 9), and they either reject or ignore the Holy One Who offers the only viable solution to the enormous problems afflicting this age. In Chapter Two, the current world situation is analyzed in the light of these prophecies. As the drama of the end-times unfolds, it will have an enormous influence on man turning to, or away, from God and His Holy Spirit. When one begins to study the signs of the times, it becomes of paramount importance to compare all the above-mentioned comments and opinions with the Word of YHWH. The reader should be aware of the fact that the apostasy of the Church did not happen overnight. Most of the Old Covenant prophets, as well as Yahshua Himself prophesied this apostasy. It is extremely important to note that in order to restore the Person and active Presence of the Holy Spirit to the earth today, that the nations of the world will not tolerate this move. This is in line with all end-time prophecies. The Rav Shaul expressly stated that there will be a immense falling away or apostasy of the Church before Messiah returns to the earth. Let no one deceive or beguile you in any way, for that day will not 23
come except the apostasy comes first [unless the predicted great falling away of those who have professed to be Christians has come], and the man of lawlessness (sin) is revealed, who is the son of doom (of perdition), 2The 2:3. This lawlessness or iniquity and Torah intolerance is clearly visible. The following Scriptures will confirm the behaviour patterns of the end-time generation and will be extensively researched in Chapter Two: 1Tim 4:1-3; 2Tim 3:1-3, 2Tim 4:3,4. EXPLAINING THE CONCEPT OF HEBRAIC ROOTS Before introducing the concept of Hebraic Roots, the reader need to understand my introduction to the researching of the Torah and eventually Hebraic Roots; then finally studying the Old Covenant (The Tanach) more deeply. After many years of ministering healing and conducting classes to teach believers how to minister the healing power of God (His title), I felt there must be a reason why does believers not see the type of healings that was a daily occurrence in the life of Messiah Yahshua and His Apostles? This question leads to the beginning of my research as to where the healing Covenant originated – in the desert. In the desert, YHWH, the living God, laid down certain criteria for the Hebrew nation to live according to, and when they obey and do them, they will be in perfect health. YHWH the living Elohim and Spirit, not being man and a liar, instantly healed the nation as one finds the confirmation in Psa 105:37 But he brought his people safely out of Egypt, loaded with silver and gold; there were no sick or feeble people among them. At the first Passover, YHWH confirmed His Covenant of Healing. For many years, the author studied the live of Moshe (Moses) to the key for the healing phenomenon. It then became apparent that Moshe had very little to do with the healing. He was the Messenger boy of YHWH, with all respect. The Truth was in the Torah! Live the Torah and one will be in perfect health! YHWH spoke those, to date, un-revoked words into existence – be obedient to and do My Torah, and I will heal you. Not only live the Torah, but it also became clear that the Hebrew nation lived in the manifest Presence of the living God; how then can any disease manifest in His Presence? Then a strange thing happened, I became aware of a change in my mindset, from a westernised mindset to an Hebraic mindset. I had such an intense desire to see the manifest Presence of YHWH, that living the Torah became a way of life. I never became legalistic, as I value the freedom in the Messiah to much. In living the Torah in the letter of the Spirit – I discovered my God given identity. Which, in turn, lead to studying the restoration of His 24
blessings and divine health - and researching the criteria for the restoration of the Person, power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. In order to do this research one has to know Who is the Baptiser in the Holy Spirit and moreover, does He have any Hebraic links. So Yochanan answered them all, I am immersing you in water, but he who is coming is more powerful than I — I'm not worthy to untie his sandals! He will immerse you in the Holy Spirit and in fire, Luk 3:16, (CJB). He is a Jewish Torah observant man, manifested in the flesh as the Son of YHWH. Prof W A Liebenberg. E-book: The Hebraic Biography of Yahshua, (2004), has done an all-comprehensive research on the Hebraic Roots of Yahshua (Jesus) and this author will quote often from his work. In his Introduction, Prof Liebenberg made the following statement: Modern scholars have greater access to documents and research developments relating to firstcentury Judaism than at any other time in history. Many scholars, who only a few years ago were trying to disprove the Bible, are now working together to gain a better understanding of the ancient culture in which Yahshua lived. This book is available at . Archaeological finds have become so plentiful that some have hailed these times as the beginning of a golden age of biblical archaeology. Prof Liebenberg concludes: All of these discoveries have not only given us further proof of the veracity of the Bible, but have given us a greater understanding of the period in which Yahshua lived out His life on the earth and further evidence of the Jewishness of His teaching. He was Jewish and His teachings reflect His Jewishness. The church at Rome was admonished by Paul that the Christian faith was never intended to be a repudiation of its Jewish roots, but rather, the engrafted Gentile Church was actually a branch that grew out of these roots, Rom 11:18. The essence of this study is that without Judaism there would be no Christianity. If the Truth-seeker Christian desires to understand your real identity as believer then you need to research and explore the spiritual truths that YHWH has painted within the traditions and customs of Biblical Judaism, their Hebraic root – and believe. Tony Robinson clarifies the statement of the engrafted Gentile Church made by Prof Liebenberg. Robinson in his e-book Restoration of Torah (2001) wrote the following whilst discussing the concept of Hebraic Roots: “I believe the Scriptures clearly teach that Gentile believers become Israelites through their faith in Yahshua the Messiah. In doing so, Gentiles become engrafted into the olive tree of Israel and are to partake in the nourishment from the Israelite root. Furthermore, it was never the intention of Adonai YHWH for Gentiles to become 25
separated from their Hebraic roots to form Gentile Christianity apart from Messianic Jews. We were to be one in Him”. The author has also learned that many are resistant to this concept (Hebraic Roots) concerned that by reintroducing the Jewishness of ones faith, they somehow violate the Spirit of Grace. In this study, I am going to examine some Jewish traditions and customs. The fact is they are actually biblical customs. This mean these traditions are not only significant to Jews, but that any Bible-Believer can be blessed by an understanding of Biblical culture. After all, most Christians are aware that the Messiah lived as a Jew within the land of Israel. He had a Hebrew name, Yahshua (Yah our Salvation), and all His earliest disciples were Jewish. Unfortunately, many Gentile believers have had little, if any, exposure to the Hebraic roots of their own faith. It's a great tragedy that the Christian community has not understood, for the most part, the rich heritage on which their faith is built. The Jewish people need to take a fresh look at the biblical/Jewish customs as well, in order to understand their authentic meaning and purpose. Many in the Jewish community are being challenged to see the connection between Jewish culture and the Brit Chadasah - the New Covenant; Jewish writings by Jews for Jews. Judaism is the original worship system, which YHWH himself designed, approved, and gave to his people, the pattern through which his people could commune with their Maker repeatedly. However, through sin, men have drifted away from Elohim’s purpose of an intensely intimate, personal relationship. History records man’s wavering between truth and apostasy, between intense worship and apathy toward the Living God. Even the vehicles, which God has designed to bring his people into intimacy with him, have been perverted into lifeless rituals of vain repetition to the point that I hate your feasts, and “By your traditions you void the Word of God”. THE HEBREW MIND VS THE WESTERN AND HELLENISTIC ETHOS AND MINDSET Hebraism and Hellenism – between these two points of influence move our world, William Barrett, Irrational Man as quoted by Robinson. With the intention to assist the Truth seeking scholar in understanding Biblical concepts the author will utilise a table as drafted by William Barret to highlight the differences between the two mindsets and or ethos. The researcher will analyze some of the fundamental differences in the mindset of the Hebrews of Biblical times, and the 26
Western, Hellenistic way of thinking, out of which has emerged the bulk of Christian theology and false doctrines – laying the foundation for Apostasy. For many of Westerners, the Hebraic mindset is so strange, so alien, and impossible to fathom, that they quickly revert into the Hellenistic comfort zone when studying the Tanach and other scriptures. They then impose this distorting grid over the Hebrew text – or for that matter, over the Greek text of the New Covenant. Think, for example, in terms of prophetic timetables. Here again is the Western concept of time – points on a line. The Hebrew mind thinks of the day of the Lord – that is, the day or time when the Lord acts. The sequential order in which God will do things is of no concern to the Hebrew – only that he will act. The Western mind wants to have the prophetic timetable neatly arranged in time and space. They want to tick off events as they occur according to the preordained schedule. This mentality is foreign to the Hebrew mind. When one brings a Westernised scientific approach to the study of Scripture, without due consideration for the Jewish mentality, culture and ethos behind it, one may be producing exegetical distortions. To understand the Hebrew cultures of Biblical times, and the mindset of those who lived through those times, is to experience a culture shock. Their worldview was very different from the modern Western mindset that most believers are born into - as the Hebrew nation has distinctly different thought patterns, which developed over the millenniums of persecutions. Consider, for a moment how fellow South Africans reason; all lived in this country for hundreds of years, but think according to their traditional ethos and patterns. The Hebraic values and perceptions were also radically unlike the Westerners. The whole Bible was written in a pre-Scientific age. The Hebrew language itself is unique and therefore, much has been lost in translation to i.e. English. When one studies Scripture, or consider the nature of the early New Covenant Messianic community, you need to take into account the myriad of differences between Hebrew and Greek philosophy. Intellectually, believers are as Greeks, not Hebrews; and apply Aristotelian and Socratic thought patterns to practically everything. It is surprisingly difficult to escape these patterns and enter into the Hebraic mindset. One of the most fundamental differences between the Western, Hellenistic mind and the Hebrew mind is found in the area of knowing vs. doing. The distinction arises from the difference between doing and knowing. The Hebrew is concerned 27
with practice, the Greek with knowledge. Right conduct is the ultimate concern of the Hebrew; right thinking that of the Greek. Duty and strictness of conscience are the paramount things in life for the Hebrew; for the Greek, the spontaneous and luminous play of the intelligence. The Hebrew thus extols the moral virtues as the substance and meaning of life; the Greek subordinates them to the intellectual virtue, the contrast is between practice and theory, between the moral man and the theoretical or intellectual man. In Biblical Judaism, it is precisely the opposite. Christians are inclined to subject each other to litmus tests of orthodoxy, while Jews are concerned mainly with behaviour. As Dennis Prager writes belief in God and acting ethically must be inextricably linked, God demands right behaviour more than anything else, including right ritual and right belief. To quote William Barrett again: Hebraism and Hellenism – between these two points of influence move our world. It was Gentile Christians, influenced by Greek philosophy, which both intellectualized and systematized Christian doctrine. Worse, they radically changed much of it. The Biblical Hebrews, and the Apostolic Era of the Church, had no formal theology as such. There were no systems; the believing community had not entrenched hierarchy or magisterium through which all doctrine had to be filtered and approved. It is basically the same as the unbelieving Jews, opinions varied from sage to sage. The Israelites Rav around a word of circumstance; Rav is explained as wrestle like Jacob; they do not just follow opinions blindly, but will follow the leading of their chosen Rabbi. What the apostles taught about any given subject was learned directly from Yahshua, then passed on, or determined by a given scenario - on an "as you go" basis. They determined Halakha for believers in much the same way the sages of Israel did – as circumstances changed they rendered decisions about the application of Torah (Mat 18:18). Acts 15 provides an account of how at least one teaching concerning requirements for gentile believers was formed around 50 AD. Note the participatory nature of the discussion. The whole of the Church (Act 15:4,12,22), not just an elite hierarchy, was involved. In the following table, one can compare the Hebraic mode of thinking with the Western, Hellenistic mode in a variety of categories. A Comparison between Hebraic and Western mindsets Western Approach
Hebraic Approach
Life analyzed in precise categories.
Everything blurs into everything else.
A split between natural & supernatural
Supernatural affects everything.
Linear logic
Contextual or "block" logic
Rugged Individualism
Importance of being part of group
Equality of persons
Value comes from place in hierarchies
Freedom orientation
Security orientation
Competition is good
Competition is evil (cooperation better)
Man-centered universe
God/tribe/family-centered universe
Worth of person based on money/material possessions/power
Worth derived from family relationships
Biological life sacred
Social life supremely important
Chance + cause & effect limit what can happen
God causes everything in his universe
Man rules nature through understanding and applying laws of science
God rules everything, so relationship with God determines how things turn out.
Power over others achieved through business, politics and human organizations.
Power over others is structured by social patterns ordained by God.
All that exists is the material
The universe is filled with powerful spirit beings
Linear time divided into neat segments. Each event is new.
Cyclical or spiraling time. Similar events constantly reoccur.
History is recording facts objectively and chronologically.
History is an attempt to preserve significant truths in meaningful or memorable ways whether or not details are objective facts.
Oriented to the near future
Oriented to lessons of history
Change is good = progress
Change is bad = destruction of traditions
Universe evolved by chance
Universe created by God
Universe dominated and controlled by science and technology
God gave man stewardship over his earthly creation. Accountability to God.
Material goods = measure of personal achievement
Material goods = measure of God’s blessing
Blind faith
Knowledge-based faith
Time as points on straight line ("at this point in time…"
Time determined by content ("In the day that the Lord did…")
Sources: Irrational Man, by William Barrett; Christianity With Power by Charles Kraft; Hebrew Thought Compared With Greek by Thorleif Boman; Judaism and Christianity – The Differences by Trude Weiss-Rosmarin, Our Father Abraham, by Marvin Wilson, God in Search of Man by Abraham Heschel. To the Jewish mind, the understanding of YHWH is not achieved by referring in a Greek way to timeless qualities of Supreme Being, to ideas of goodness and perfection, but rather by sensing the living acts of His concern, to His dynamic attentiveness to man. They do not speak of His goodness in general, but of His compassion for the individual man in a particular situation, (Heschel, p. 21). In other words, Elohim is not known in the abstract, but in the specific situations into which He has asserted Himself. YHWH is what He has revealed Himself to be and manifested His Presence in that Name, not what Hellenists theorized Him to be. If Christians are to understand the Bible, and what it means to be a follower of Yahshua HaMashiach, then one will have to Hebraically understand it, not Hellenistically. This will require a philosophical and intellectual paradigm shift on 30
part of the believer. It means developing Hebraic thought patterns in order to think more like YHWH. In the modern day culture, westerners, per sé, have commercialized everything, including Christianity. Believers no longer preach the Gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons and make disciples – they market tapes, booklets and trinkets. Evangelists are selected because they know how to get the dollars in the door or attract the crowds or get the numbers up. In the days when Jesus’ Kingdom movement was known as the "Sect of the Nazarenes" (Act 24:5,14), being a Christian was about relationship with God and with fellow man, often placing your life on the line, due to persecution (Mat 22:36-38; Joh1 3:34-35). In the centuries since, relationships were de-emphasized, creating social clubs. The spirit of anti-Judaism and later anti-Semitism has done much to destroy the original personality of the believing community. This explains why it is so difficult for many to understand either Covenant. Clearly, there is an ever-present spiritual veil existing on all who claim to be in the know! Paul, speaking to New Covenant believers said, But the people's minds were hardened, and even to this day whenever the Old Covenant (Tanach) is being read, a veil covers their minds so they cannot understand the truth. And this veil can be removed only by believing in Christ, 2Cor 3:14. The time has come to pray that the Spirit of Revelation and Understanding will renew the minds of the Believers to the Truth of the Word (Rom 12:2; Eph 1:17). Here the reader is advised to look at the definition of renew as outlined in the definitions of terminology. The only way to remove this veil is through knowledge by reviewing available literature on church history and prayer for elucidation and understanding. Robinson paraphrased: If you were alive when Yahshua ministered, would you have stumbled at His teaching (new wine) or would you have had the proper wineskin to accept the new wine He was pouring out? It’s easy to say yes until one considers that He did many things that seemed to contradict the Jewish worldview of the time. He was truly a Stumbling Block by offending religious people with His new wine; leading to them rejecting His claim of being the Messiah. At one point Yahshua had to inform the Jews of His intentions and purpose, that: “I didn’t come to destroy the Torah and the Prophets”. In other words, He was telling them that He wasn’t some new cult leader trying to draw people away from worship of the one and only true Elohim (God) of the Torah. This was the conclusion of (especially) the Jewish leaders. Why did Yahshua make that statement? He made it because 1) His actions and teachings did not 31
fit the Jewish man-made traditions or theology of His day, and 2) He did things that seemed to contradict their most sacred beliefs and traditions concerning the Torah. It has become exceedingly clear, in modernised cultures that there are many compelling reasons, spiritual, natural, which has become uncontainable and has contributed to the breakdown of the relationship between Believers and the Spirit. In Chapter Two, I did an in depth survey on available literature to the background of the apathy, and why the Body does not have an active, vibrant relationship with the Holy Spirit. There must be a logical solution to this apathy and apostasy and the author believe that this research can become a timely warning and wake-up call to the Church. The Bride must wake up from Her slumber. Just as it has been written, God gave to them a spirit of deep sleep (slumber), eyes not to be seeing, and ears not to be hearing, to this very day, Rom 11:8 , Deu 29:4; Isa 29:10. The Amplified defines this spiritual blindness as such: For the god of this world has blinded the unbelievers' minds [that they should not discern the truth], preventing them from seeing the illuminating light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ (the Messiah), Who is the Image and Likeness of God, 2Cor 4:4. One may ask why are humanity blinded? It is because they chose to follow their own hearts, which is rebellion against YHWH; - rebellion is still as the sin of witchcraft. In conclusion to this chapter: • The author believes the Scriptures clearly teach that the New Covenant was made with the House of Judah and the House of Israel and not with a separate Gentile entity, as the House of Israel consist of Jews who are dispersed all over the earth, intermarried with gentiles. The Scriptures do not even recognize an entity called the Church composed of Gentiles (with their own system of worship) apart from Messianic believers. •
The author believes the Scriptures clearly teach that the Old Covenant Law (Torah) is still to be obeyed and was not abolished as is currently taught in Christianity. The Torah is an Eternal Covenant, conditional (on the part of the people, not YHWH) with Israel; which is mostly replaced by the Rabbinic interpretations and Oral Law, which formed many man-made traditions, with no Scriptural basis. The Holy One established a New (actually Renewed) Covenant with Israel, which still has as its basis the Torah, Prophets and Writings (Tanakh). Whereas the Old Covenant was based on the written letter of the Torah, the Renewed Covenant is based on the Holy Spirit writing the Torah on the hearts of His believers. 32
Recently, researchers have shown an increased interest in Hebraic Roots, yet, to date there has been little agreement on the value of the Torah, or that believers need to understand the effect of Torah on their spiritual lives. It is mostly people from a traditional religious background, who oppose anything Jewish - negating their Saviours Hebraic origin. Yet, they question the delayed return of Yahshua, as He has promised; spiritually blinded, they do not understand Act 3:19-21 that states that he must be retained in heaven until the restoration of ALL things. I am of the opinion that restoring the Hebraic Roots to the Church is of paramount importance. This will restrain the ever increasing anti-Semitism and persecution of the Jews, who are the custodians of the Scriptures. This restoration is vitally important for the reconciliation of the Two Households of YHWH and the only antidote for the apostasy. Only the research of all the possible causes for the apostate condition of the Church can confirm this theory. This is done by reviewing available literature and to study Church history for clues to the causes for the Apostate position of the Church. So, therefore, dear reader let us review history and enjoy the ride!
CHAPTER TWO BACKGROUND TO THE CAUSES FOR THE NEGATION OF THE RUACH HAKODESH AND APOSTASY OF THE HEBRAIC APOSTOLIC CHURCH But the people's minds were hardened (lost the power of understanding), and even to this day whenever The Old Covenant (Tanakh) is being read, a veil covers their minds (hearts) so they cannot understand the truth. And this veil can be removed only by believing in Christ. 2Cor 3:14 THE SPIRIT-FILLED APOSTOLIC CHURCH VERSUS THE WEAK POWERLESS MODERN DAY CHURCH: WHAT WENT WRONG? The author, being in the ministry for many years, has encountered a problem and st phenomenon within the 21 century Church. When comparing the Presence, power and relationship with the Ruach HaKodesh within the Antioch (Acts) Apostolic Church to the contemporary Church, it has become evident that the contemporary Church does not have, and entirely lacks, that level of power, Presence and relationship of the Ruach. This lack is apparent in the lives of individuals’ as well as the Body corporate. The first Apostolic Church, as described in the book of Acts, had an alive, vibrant relationship with the Ruach, and He was physically and spiritually present in everything the disciples did. When you study the workflow and Presence of the Ruach in the modern day church, a person finds that for many reasons the church has stagnated – there is hardly any growth in the spreading of the Gospel with none or barely new souls. Why is there no growth in the Church, no new souls, none or little flow of the Spirit? The author believes that in the abovementioned paragraphs in this chapter, and all relational questions, were extensively researched and answered; and the solution to this situation will be provided in chapters to follow. INTRODUCTION TO THE ROOTS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH The founding Root of the Christian faith is Judaism; since then, many carbon copies of this faith were reproduced into different religions; which strived to keep the Hebraic Roots out of the Church. Hitherto, by the power of the Ruach HaKodesh, there is an unseen Supernatural Power entreating authentic believers to investigate the Root of their faith. Yahshua, or Jesus as He is better known by His “western or Greek” name, a Jewish Rabbi, the Root from the Royal family of 34
King David, an Israelite, is the Root and Corner Stone of the Christian faith. This research pertains to the Person, Presence, Power and gifts of the Ruach HaKodesh, Whom Yahshua sent in His place to the earth. In the following paragraphs, you will find many causes, so to speak, for the absence of the Spirit, yet will highlight the glaring ignorance of the Westernised Church. Firstly, I critically examined the Divine Presence, as introduced by Moses (Moshe) and secondly, the Hebraic Roots of the Christian faith. It is of paramount importance to know that when YHWH instructed Moshe to write the Torah, Moses as a Hebrew, wrote the Torah in the Hebrew Language and from a Hebraic ethos and culture. He would, therefore, have utilised terms and idioms unique to the Hebrew language, terms and idioms which has lost its meaning in the translation processes. You need to remember that one always translate into their own mother tongue in order to portray the correct message. If a mother tongue speaker is not the translator, the finer nuances and details are misinterpreted and lost during in the translation process. Here, you can utilise the example of the Tanakh being translated from Hebrew into Greek, by a Greek and therefore, adopting and adding a Hellenistic approach to the original Hebrew version. Do note that the author does not say that every translation is incorrect, you are referred to specific terms i.e. Torah, which cannot be translated into another language as it is a lifestyle! Due to the Hellenistic mindset, the word Torah was translated as Law, conveying a negative connotation and perception to Gentile believers. For many years, Christians believed every Word which they were taught as God's Truth without enquiring as to the source of this disinformation; with the result that false doctrines were perpetrated especially to the laity. In this modern era, most Believers are developing enquiring minds and hearing ears and are searching for the Truth, by themselves. A problem develops when you have or are born into such a Westernised mindset, and cannot relate to an Eastern, or Hebraic mindset; a crippling experience, especially when you did not have the privilege to visit Israel and surrounding countries to experience the Biblical history with ones own eyes and spirit. One need to revert to history in an attempt to understand the importance, relevance and influence that the lack of knowledge has on authentic believers who do not understand their Hebraic Roots. This predominantly, has a devastating impact on the worship patterns of the modern day believer.
BACKGROUND TO TEMPLE SACRIFICES AND OFFERINGS: BLOOD SACRIFICE FOR SIN A JUDAIC CONCEPT Therefore, presenting a foundational introduction as to the background of the Temple, Sacrificial services and Priestly duties as performed in the Holy Temple is called for - as these topics are directly linked to Yahshua and the Ruach HaKodesh. Rabbi Chaim Richman, Temple Institute, Israel has one passion in life, and that is to rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. He has done extensive research on the Holy Temple, its sacrificial systems, the role of the priests and YHWH’s Eternal Statutes, Covenants, including the Feasts of YHWH. In this Chapter, I will focus on the Temple, the Korban or sacrificial system, the role of the priests, the importance of the High Priestly Robe and the Feast of Shavuot – which pertains to Pentecost and the Ruach HaKodesh. Studying the mentioned topics can only enhance your understanding as a discerning reader as it is a foreshadowing of the Perfect to come and is contextual. The Sacrificial system Rabbi Richman, The Holy Temple of Jerusalem (1997) wrote on the history of the Sacrificial systems the following (paraphrased): Animal sacrifices date back to ancient times, being a common form of worship from the earliest days and an expression for man’s religious need’s. YHWH incorporated this need into the Torah, providing The Sacrificial System for this type of worship. Sacrifices are one of the most profound expressions of the human desire to come as close as possible to HaShem. The Bible recorded such sacrifices by Cain, Abel and Noah. In the desert, it became a Divine Commandment. The Hebrew word for sacrifice: (korban, lehakriv) is from the root word to come near, to approach - to become closely involved in a relationship with someone. The Hebrew concept of Korban, just like Torah, is not translatable into English, and the word sacrifice is applied for lack of a better English/Greek word. The word Korban is exclusively utilised by the Bible in the context of man’s relationship with God – the concept of coming close. Being a Hebraic lifestyle, Korban has the very same linguistic principle as Torah – it is a service performed by one who strives for nearness to YHWH. It is a process that cannot be translated as one word; it entails too many details. For the Jew, nearness to YHWH is the truest, the highest, the only conception of what goodness really is; and to study Torah is regarded as the highest form of Worship man can bring to His creator! Without this aspect to his life, without 36
this Godly relationship, which uplifts his life with a sense of connection to the Divine, he feels himself to be like an animal, devoid of that which makes him into a human being. Without this he feels similar to the animal on the altar before him. When a sinner brought a korban (sacrificial animal), the offering showed him what he deserves, the judgement of Elohim. Throughout the book of Leviticus, YHWH never referred to Himself as Elohim, whilst the karbanot-offers were sacrificed; as the Name Elohim denotes the Divine attributes of strict justice. This could be misinterpreted as YHWH being a bloodthirsty Deity that demands sacrifices, whereas, YHWH accepts the death throes of an animal as an substitute for the forfeited life of a human being! The only Name that is linked to the sacrifices is HaShem (YHWH), the attribute of Divine love and mercy, not of punishment and death. As the Jewish people do not Use His name YHWH, regarding it as blasphemy, the Name HaShem is overall the common Name utilised in Israel – however, not Scripturally correct. Purposes of the Sacrificial System Why sacrifices, what is the purpose of shedding Blood? In order for people to become His chosen, their sins were to be forgiven. Without the remission of sin, there was no other access to YHWH, Lev 17:11. When YHWH established the first Covenant at Mount Sinai, He depicted the different blood sacrifices. These sacrifices were to be continually offered for the sin of the Jewish nation. The blood was required to keep the Mount Sinai Covenant operational. This covenant was the foundation of Judaism and the blood sacrificial system was its preservation. The concept of offering blood to atone for sin was unique to Judaism, obtaining one’s justification under that system. The Gentile nations in the desert offered sacrifices to their dead gods in order to gain their favour, for YHWH, it was preserving His continuing protection and provision. He taught the Hebrews the principle that the life is in the Blood, but under the Old Judaic system, the sacrifices had to be repeated daily, as it was a temporary covering. This system continued until the destruction of the Temple (70AD). Yahshua gave His Blood to make atonement for all - His life is in His Blood and therefore, has everlasting value – therefore, animal sacrifices, for redemption, are no longer required. The sacrificial system could have gone on ad infinitum, but it did not change the hearts of people, only the living Grace, Yahshua, changes hearts. Since the destruction of the Temple and the consequential end to the sacrificial system, the Judaic Rabbis had to find a new means to bring a sacrifice unto YHWH. The emphasis changed from Temple service and worship to prayer, study, and performing good deeds; and praying for the rebuilding of the Temple. 37
The Priest or Kohen The first Kohen, appointed by YHWH, was Aaron, the brother of Moshe, born into the Levitical tribe. He served as the first human High Priest (Kohen HaGadol) unto YHWH, and considerable detail, as instructed by YHWH, has gone into the making of His Robe. Elohim made an Everlasting Covenant with Aaron that all his male descendants will be priests forever – thus even today, a kohen is a descendant of Aaron. The Eternal One chose the Kohanim to be the spiritual leaders, (much like modern day pastors) and ordained the Priest to direct himself, and others in the proper service of YHWH, that he may minister unto Me in the priests office – a personal ministry unto YHWH. The priest is Holy, Set-apart for service unto YHWH. The Holy Spirit is the SetApart Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh), Who empowers the priest for ministry. Set out in the Renewed Covenant, the first priestly duty of each believer ought to be a priest and King unto YHWH, as they are now called a Kingdom of Priests, Rev 1:6; 5:10. The Ruach also sets the believers apart for ministry unto the sick, and lost. Many times the unholy lifestyle of the believer prevents the flow of the Holy Spirit in your life. Both the Apostles, Pieter and Paul insisted on a holy (Torah) lifestyle for believers, as it is the conduit for the release of Holy Spirit power. They (priest) must be holy to their God and must not profane the Name of their God. Because their job is to present the gifts of GOD, the food of their God, they are to be Holy, Lev 21:6-8. YHWH speaking, Treat him (priest) as holy because I, YHWH, who make you holy, am Holy, Lev 21:8. Believers in Yahshua need to link this Scripture to Communion. When one serves at the table of the Lord, no one may partake unworthily. But that what the nations sacrifice they sacrifice to demons, and not to God. Now I do not wish you to be in communion with demons, 1Cor 10:20. Both, the one that serves as well as the participant at the table of the Lord are to be Holy. And what agreement does a temple of God have with idols? For you are a temple (Mishkan) of the living God, even as God said, I will dwell in them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people, 2Cor 6:16; Lev 26:12; Eze 37:27. Yahshua ratified the concept of His appointed priests being holy unto YHWH, and stated that Holiness comes from ones Spirit or heart. You are not defiled by what you eat; you are defiled by what you say and do. But what comes out of your mouth is actually coming from your heart, and that is what makes a person unclean. For out of the heart come forth wicked thoughts, murder, adultery and other kinds of sexual immorality, theft, lies, slanders. . . . Mat 5:11, 18,19. 38
Because of this, come out from among them and be separated, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing, and I will receive you. And I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty, 2Cor 6:17,18; 2Sam 7:8,14; Isa. 43:6; Isa. 52:11. Separation and holiness go hand in hand. Whether one is an Israelite or a Gentile, mindset changes towards the value of the Torah in the life of the believer are of paramount importance, as it gives clear instructions on the will of YHWH regarding a set-apart lifestyle and ministry unto Him. Why did God want a Torah lifestyle on the earth? To feel at home from home; being with His people, to dwell among them and to dwell in them. INTRODUCING THE PRESENCE OF THE RUACH HAKODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) IN THE TANAKH In researching and reviewing literature on the Internet concerning this topic, you will find many End-time theories, but it does not fully address the question whether there really is a falling away or apostasy of the Church, and specifically from the Person of the Ruach HaKodesh. Neither could one find the reasons for this phenomenon. Therefore, research had to be conducted on the presence of the Ruach HaKodesh in the Tanakh and what was His role, if any. Was He recalled to Heaven after Pentecost, as many claim, refuting the evidence of His indwelling Presence in the human spirit? Negating Scripture that decree He will be Present in the Believer for Eternity? In every instance where the Holy Spirit was manifest in the Tanakh, the very same gifts were and were in operation in the Renewed Covenant. Due to the volume of examples found in the Tanakh of His Manifest Presence, I shall, for the sake of clarity, highlight a few of these instances. For every example named in the Tanakh, the author will link it (in a following chapter), to the same gift in the Renewed Covenant. One need to note that the Ruach HaKodesh is mentioned from Genesis to Revelation – it is my desire to make His Presence very real to the Church and to create a platform for everlasting restoration between Him and both Households by identifying and eliminating the root causes to the separation. Before one can research the root causes for the apostasy from the Ruach, one has to start at the beginning, the Presence of the Ruach HaKodesh on the face of the earth. Ruach HaKodesh Presence in Creation: Introduction In the beginning, the earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, 39
brooding) over the face of the waters Gen 1:2. Rashi, Tanakh Commentator, made this astounding statement in regarding the presence of the Ruach: “The Throne of Glory was suspended in the air and hovered over the face of the water with the breath of the mouth of the Holy One, blessed be He and with His word, like a dove, which hovers over the nest, (acoveter in Old French), to cover, hover over”. The Throne of Glory was the seat from which the Spirit moved! When one begins to think where the Spirit is situated, clearly He was with YHWH and Yahshua, the Messiah, in the beginning [before all time] was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. He was present originally with God, John 1:1, 2. Immediately, one becomes aware that the Throne of Glory is suspended in the air, just out of sight. Man is so very, very close to the manifest Presence of YHWH. The Voice of YHWH always speaks in the presence of the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit must be present for YHWH to speak or to act (Rashi, Judaica Bible ( He is the wind that carries your voice when a command is issued forth in His Name; He is not rain, nor a fire, nor an influence. He is the third Person in the Trinity and has feelings; He may be grieved, quenched or offended. Moreover, His Spirit is still hovering and waiting to hear His Voice – not only His voice, but also the voice of every believer who dares to utter the Name of Yahshua in faith! In addition, the Holy Spirit will comply with the legal command given in the Name above all names, Eph 4:30; Heb 3:17; 1The 5:19. The Spirit is present from the beginning in Genesis until the final chapter in Revelations. He is the Set-Apart Spirit, and is, with all respect, not the messenger boy of the human race! Rashi so aptly described the Ruach as the breath of YHWH; and thereby laying the foundation for the Creative Presence of the Holy Spirit on the earth; and confirms His Presence in the Tanakh. One can clearly understand from the above that the Ruach was present from the very beginning or dateless past; destroying the (satanic) chaos that was on the face of the earth, and His life-giving Presence began to breathe life onto the planet. His Presence is a renewing and restoring Presence, in His Presence no one is left wanting, where He is there is liberty! It is impossible to be in His Presence and not chance. Ruach HaKodesh, the Author and Giver of Life Then Elohim (Mighty Creator), formed a person (Adam) from the dust of the ground (Hebrew: Adamah) and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, so that he became a living being, Gen 2:7. Once again, Rashi made this revelatory comment: He made him of earthly matter and of heavenly matter: the body of 40
earthly matter the soul of heavenly matter. On the first day heaven and earth were created; on the second day, He created the firmament for the heavenly beings; on the third day (He commanded) and let the dry land appear, for the earthly beings. On the fourth day, He created luminaries for the heavenly beings; on the fifth day, (He commanded) Let the waters swarm for the earthly beings. On the sixth day, it became necessary to create for both the heavenly and the earthly beings, for if not, there would be jealousy in the Creation, for these would exceed those by the creation of one day. Cattle and beasts were also called living souls, but this one, man, is the most alive of them all, because he was additionally given intelligence and speech, Rashi — (from Gen. Rabbah 12:8). You are encouraged to read the booklet The highest form of Worship: Prof W A Liebenberg; You will be amazed at the power of your mind when in sync with your Creator! It is interesting to note that as He began to create, Elohim spoke everything into existence, but when he made man, He said, Let us make; implying that He took His time in making this masterpiece, forming it to perfection. Elohim never touched anything He created; He spoke it into existence. When He made man, He became personally involved and touched with His own hands! Moreover, when it comes to man, it is no longer Elohim; it becomes Elohim YHWH. Elohim does not represent His Name, only creation, but when the Name YHWH is introduced; a relationship is indicated. YHWH has no fellowship with animal’s or trees, but YHWH desires relationship with man whom He created. He reaches out His hand to man: In Psa 139:5, it states, Your hand is upon me. The Ruach HaKodesh is the author and giver of life, and He introduces YHWH to man. The Live-giving Spirit was present in the beginning, and to date is still giving life. He is called the Spirit of Life in the Renewed Covenant, Rom 8:2,10; 2Cor 3:6. The Ruach HaKodesh - a Flaming Sword In Heb 4:12 the Apostle Paul described in detail the Sword of the Spirit. Who then is wielding this Sword or Word? - The Spirit, covered with His glory and fire. You will see two (2) characteristics of the Holy Spirit, in that flaming Sword as He speaks the Word against the enemy: • He represents the Symbol of Death (Rom 8:13; Act 8:13): death to flesh self and sin. The Holy Spirit is holding the sword that is cutting the flesh, which contains the sin. The Sword is God's heart-searching weapon discerning the very intents of the heart; and it is He Who discovered the change in the attitude Adam and Eve – sin always creates an attitude change and cuts off the sinner from His Holy Presence, until repentance; Gen 3:24 And He drove 41
the man out. And He lodged the cherubs at the east of the Garden of Eden, and the flaming sword whirling around to guard the way of the Tree of Life. His role of protecting the glory of God is clearly demonstrated in this verse. •
The Holy Spirit as Sword, is God's weapon of judgement: For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power (making it active, operative, energizing, and effective); it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and (the immortal) spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart. And not a creature exists that is concealed from His sight, but all things are open and exposed, naked and defenceless to the eyes of Him with Whom we have to do, Heb 4:12,13. Deu 32:41 If I HAVE sharpened My glittering sword, and My hand lays hold on judgment, I will render vengeance to My foes, and I will repay those who hate Me. The Spirit is equalled to a flaming Sword, whether it is in the Old or Renewed Covenant.
THOU SHALL MAKE HOLY GARMENTS - FOR GLORY AND FOR WORSHIP There are more than enough examples in the Tanakh in order to validate the statement that the Ruach is present in every book of both Covenants. Moreover, what one discovers is that YHWH works in patterns, i.e. the detailed instructions for the priestly garments and sacrificial systems. During His discussions with Moshe, He introduced the heavenly patterns and designs for specific work that was to be performed for the earthly priestly service. The reader may ask, what has the clothes of the High Priest to do with the Active Presence and Person of the Rauch HaKodesh, and how does it contribute to the apostasy in the church? They, the Ruach and Messiah, are forever entwined, and the Robe of the High Priest is the cord that links them; not the robe itself, but what it contains or did contain in the desert. YHWH issued specific commands when it came to the manufacturing of the High Priestly Robe, and one may wonder why such intricate details? Who is the Eternal Great High Priest today, and what is He wearing? Moshe, during his trip to heaven, was introduced to the patterns of Divine worship, and the accompanying robes, as utilised by the Heavenly bodies. What did Yahshua, the Great High Priest, wear in Heaven when Moshe was shown the multi-faceted pattern for the earthly High Priest’s tunic; and could it be an exact copy of the very garment that he had to manufacture for the chosen earthly High Priest? Not 42
only was Moshe shown the Heavenly High Priests garments, he was also shown the Tabernacle, Sanctuary and instruments to be fashioned for utilisation in the Tabernacle, after its completion, Exo 25:7-9; 28:4-39. It is hardly comprehensible that the Messiah, now, seated in the heavens, as the Great High Priest; is wearing the Robe appropriate to His Office. From this perspective, analyse the following Scriptures on the High Priestly Robe: •
And these are the garments which they shall make; a breast-plate, and an ephod, and a robe, and a broidered coat, a miter (Headdress and sign of Divine Authority), and a girdle; and they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother, and his sons, that he may Minister to Me in the priest's office, Exo 28:4. Do take note of the words, Minister to Me, as well as all these elaborate details are for one reason only, to worship YHWH. When one seeks to see the manifest power of God, it is of paramount importance to know His will, in this case regarding worship of Himself, as the living God. To worship YHWH is the reason for humankind’s existence.
And thou shalt take two onyx stones, and engrave on them the names of the children of Israel: Six of their names on one stone, and the six names of the rest on the other stone, according to their birth. With the work of an engraver in stone, like the engravings of a signet, shalt thou engrave the two stones with the names of the children of Israel: thou shalt make them to be set in settings of gold. And thou shalt put the two stones upon the shoulders of the ephod for stones of memorial to the children of Israel: and Aaron shall bear their names before the LORD upon his two shoulders for a memorial, Exo 28:9-12.
And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel in the breast-plate of judgment upon his heart, when he entereth into the holy place, for a memorial before the LORD continually, Exo 28:29. Aaron being the Shadow; and what did the Great High Priest, Yahshua the Perfect, do? Did He not take the sins and judgement of all upon Himself? It is a continuous memorial before YHWH every time YHWH sees the wounds of Yahshua, and the completed work done on the cross.
And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among (in) them. According to all that I show thee after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all its instruments, even so shall ye make it. Do take note of the 43
word pattern, YHWH works on faith, principles and patterns, Exo 25:8, 9. That I may dwell among them temporarily satisfied YHWH. His long-term plan was to indwell each of us (them), which He achieved through Yahshua. YHWH revealed a deep mystery to Moshe – His Heavenly Sanctuary. Moshe saw exactly what it looked like, therefore, just like the precious stones on the High Priestly Robe; Moses simultaneously saw the multi-faceted Thrones of YHWH. Moses identified the different Thrones: the Throne of Grace, the Throne of Fire, the Throne of Healing the side from whence the Healing waters flow to the nations, the Throne of Glory (1Sam 2:8), the Great White Throne, the Throne of Righteousness (Psa 89:14), Jerusalem, the Throne of YHWH (Jer 3:17), and the Throne of His Kingdom. This is the realm in which not only Yahshua life, but also YHWH, The Eternal One and from whence the Holy Ruach came! To Him belong all the Glory and the honour. •
And thou shall put IN the breast-plate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be upon Aaron's heart, when he goeth in before the LORD: and Aaron (Shadow) shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel upon his heart before the LORD continually, Exo 28:30. Here one will look at the Urim and Thummim as the Presence of YHWH in action, through His Holy Spirit. You shall place the Urim and the Thummim into the breastplate. (breast – pocket; Chosen in Hebrew, is used for the square breast-plate of the high priest, in which were set twelve precious stones, each being engraved with the name of one of the sons of Jacob, in the order of their birth). The Chosen of judgement so that they will be over Aaron's heart when he comes before YHWH, and Aaron will carry the judgment of the children of Israel over his heart before the Lord at all times, or perpetually like the Heavenly Great High Priest? Rashi on the judgment of the children of Israel; According to the Aggadic Midrash (Lev. Rabbah 10:6) the Choshen atoned for the perverted justice - it was called judgment because of forgiveness for the (sins of) judgment. Today, I believe, this breast-plate will be called the breastplate of Righteousness.
Messiah hidden in the Bosom of the Father I would now like to regress to words that were repeatedly utilised: And thou shall put IN the breast-plate of judgement The Urim and the Thummim. The shadow, the Chief Corner Stone, is found in Genesis; the ‘Christ Stone’ was quietly and supernaturally introduced in Gen 49:24; and it seems that Bible Scholars did not link it to the Messiah, or that it is the Urim and Thummim near the heart of the earthly High Priest. When the Perfect came from the heart or bosom of the Father 44
the shadow was fulfilled. No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, that One declares Him, Joh 1:18. Messiah came from IN the Heart or Bosom of the Father; and There are two conclusions that one can make: •
One, is that the Messiah is the Urim and Thummim;
Two, that the Ruach HaKodesh supernaturally indwelt the Urim and Thummim and is, therefore, the Divine Stone, the Messiah, the Rock of Salvation and Light of the World. The Rauch comes from the heart of the Father, just as He revealed via the Urim and Thummim the will of YHWH to the Israelites, He will reveal the will of YHWH to His Children.
Now believers are illuminating Light through the Urim and Thummim or Ruach God's Light Who comes to fullness, to perfection. All have a corporate expression of the Light and the Glory of God in fullness of manifestation (Heb 1:3 Amp). The believers have the full revelation of the Word, the heart and mind of YHWH. Believers who have come into abiding union with Christ; are hidden away in the breastplate of judgement that is on His Heavenly Robe – and therefore, is fully hidden in the Bosom of the Father – they have His ear. THE DIVINE STONE AND THE MANIFEST PRESENCE: URIM AND THUMMIM Yet, yet, there is a manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit that, to the knowledge of the author has not yet been linked to His active Presence by modern day or Western believers. Notwithstanding, this magnificent manner in which He manifested His Presence, as often as needed through the Divine Stone, has escaped the attention of most Bible scholars to the greatest loss of the Body Corporate. The author is revealing this information with trepidation and fear; as profound as this knowledge is, there is the possibility that the author could be wrong – however, not the Word, and will therefore, allow the Word to interpret the Word. Therefore, trusting in the Ruach, Who revealed this, His very active Presence will be analysed in the Tanakh interchangeably utilising the term: Inquiring of the Lord and the Urim and Thummim. A term that is often used in the Torah and Kings; and always there was a very specific answer; no doubting, no wondering, just a direct answer to a specific question from the Divine Stone. This was disconcerting for the author as the Modern day Western Church really suffers to hear the Voice or Batkol of YHWH clearly; in contrast with the Original Apostolic 45
Church (supposedly modern and set free from the Law), who had an active relationship with Him. As long as the believers have a relationship with the living God, there will be a continuous Revelation of Truth. The author would like to substantiate this statement from the Hebraic writings, as the Hebrew nation was the first to audibly hear the Voice. The following can be described as progressive revelation knowledge: When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when He separated the sons of Adam, He set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel, Deu 32:8. One can see that the number of the children of Israel, who came to Egypt, was 70, Exo 1:1-5. Therefore, the 70 voices, as interpreted by R. Johanan, represented all the nations of the world, based upon given scriptures. ON that day, the Israelis saw that God's voice split up into the languages of all the people on the earth to be a witness to them. In the book The Midrash Says, by Rabbi Moshe Weissman, the author wrote: In the occasion of Matan Torah [the giving of the Torah], the Bnai Yisrael [children of Israel] not only heard Hashem's [the Lord's] Voice but actually saw the sound waves as they emerged from Hashem's [the Lord's] mouth. They visualized them as a fiery substance. Each commandment that left Hashem's [the Lord's] mouth travelled around the entire Camp and then to each Jew individually, asking him, Do you accept upon yourself this Commandment with all the halochot [Jewish law] pertaining to it? Every Jew answered "Yes" after each commandment. Finally, the fiery substance which they saw engraved itself on the luchot [tablets]. One can only compare this with the day of Pentecost: The festival of Shavu`ot arrived, and the believers all gathered together in one place. Suddenly there came a sound from the sky like the roar of a violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire, which separated and came to rest on each one of them. They were all filled with the Ruach HaKodesh and began to talk in different languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak, Act 2:1-4, CJB. Tongues, being a sign of the manifest Presence, the Believer saying yes to the request to obey His Commands, and followed by the Ruach writing the Commands on the tablets of one’s heart! Origin and meaning of the Divine Stone: Urim and Thummim This Urim and Thummim, where does it come from? Are the Urim and Thummim Divinely introduced or is it man-made? What then is the function of this Rock st and does it have any relevance on the Ruach HaKodesh and 21 Century Church? 46
John A. Tvedtnes commented on a Rabbinical endorsed book, Book of Abraham, which has rendered some interesting information pertaining to the Urim and Thummim. The Book of Abraham informs one that Abraham had the Urim and Thummim, through which he saw the stars. And the Lord said unto me, by the Urim and Thummim, that Kolob (star nearest to YHWH’s throne) was after the manner of the Lord, according to its times and seasons in the revolutions thereof (Abraham 3:1-4). The Bible associates the Urim and Thummim with the Israelite high priest, but it never suggests that Abraham possessed this instrument of divine revelation. However, it is significant, that some early non-biblical Jewish writings concur with the Book of Abraham on this issue. John Tvedtnes, FARMS Update: Abraham and the Urim and Thummim. Here the author wishes to differ from Mr Tvedtnes, as Gen 49:24 indicates that Abraham was in possession of a stone, whilst prophesying the future of Joseph. Mr John A. Tvedtnes, is a senior resident scholar with the Neal Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship at Brigham Young University. Mr Tvedtness continues: Abraham came, and He sought a power to give him. He gave him this precious stone, but he did not want it (Bahir 190). From Abraham 1:2, 4 we learn that the power that Abraham sought was the priesthood. It seems that the two stones he received were associated with that power. Bahir 192 continues: It is written that Abraham kept My Commandments, My Decrees, and My Torahs. He said, since I do not want [the precious stone], I will keep all the commandments that are included in it. What is the meaning of 'My Torahs'? This teaches us that he knew and kept even the decisions (Horah) and discussions that are taught on high. Abraham did indeed learn of discussions from on high. Abraham 3 records his vision of the heavens and of pre-earth life, revealed via the Urim and Thummim. Abraham 4-5 records his vision of the creation of the earth, including the discussions and decisions of the Gods. The Talmud supports the idea that Abraham possessed a miraculous stone. Eliezer R, the Modiite, suggested that Abraham possessed a power of reading the stars for which he was much sought after by the potentates of East and West. R. Simeon B. Yohai said: Abraham had a precious stone hung round his neck, which brought immediate healing to any sick person who looked on it, and when Abraham our father departed from this world, the Holy One, blessed be He, suspended it from the orb of the sun (TB Baba Bathra 16b). Connecting the Urim and Thummim to the Rock of salvation, He became Yahshua, the Healer of mankind.
Although the stone in question is said to have been used for healing purposes, it is interesting that it immediately follows a statement about Abraham's astronomical capabilities, which, according to Abraham 3:1, he acquired in part through the stones known as the Urim and Thummim. Regarding this statement your will note that the translator of the Talmud passage indicated a variant rendering: 'He possessed an astrological instrument’. Jewish tradition holds that Abraham possessed glowing gems and pearls, reminding the Westerner that ancient texts also describe the Urim and Thummim as glowing stones. •
Rabbi Chaim Richman (2007) certifies that The Stone is the Name of God. The Urim and Thummim were the famed, oraclelike aspect of the breastplate by which a Heavenly answer was received for important questions. According to most authoritative opinions, the expression Urim and Thummim actually refer not to the breastplate itself, but to the mystical Divine name of God, which was written on a piece of parchment and inserted into a flap of the garment. The presence of the Name facilitated the reception of Divine guidance through the shining of specific letters on the stones. What are the implications of this fact, the knowledge that it is the Name of God itself, which brought about the illumination of the Urim and Thummim? God is the Creator of all existence; His power is unlimited. He has no form whatsoever; neither has He beginning or end. He is the Supreme Being. He is perfect and absolute unity.
The true character and virtue of these stones or gems is revealed in the names by which they are called, and in what they performed in the presence of YHWH. One has to consider the meaning or their names for they are Hebrew words or names, left un-translated in most English versions: •
URIM: Lights, from a word that means a flame, something luminous, glorious, shining;
THUMMIM: Perfections, from a word meaning to complete, accomplish, make an end, come to the full, be made perfect. Both words are in the plural; and there are two (2) objects; with number two representing corporate relationships in the body of Christ: the part and the counterpart, the House of Judah or the House of Israel, etc.
Contradicting the Two stone Theory Dallas James, who claims to be in possession of the original Rock, contradicts the Rabbinic theory of two stones assures people of the following: The very first 48
identifying feature is that this is one stone, not two or twelve, and the second factor is that on this stone is a (metal) engraving. And the third factor is having this engraved by the Lord of hosts Himself! These last points tie in perfectly with the omission of the Urim and Thummim being fabricated by the Israelites. This combination of metal and stone also accounts for the plurality factor of this one priestly oracle. It has been misleading in the King James Version to translate plummet in Zec 4:10, instead of using the word stone as used in Zec 3:9. Both are the exact same original Hebrew word (Strongs #068) and both are speaking of the Urim and Thummim! Dallas James, (2002). What does the Word Have to say on the topic? Stone Constructed Without Human Intervention You watched while a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces, Dan 2:34,45. Could these be the Urim and Thummim that have been hidden for many thousand of years shall be revealed again in the end-time era as Daniel prophesied? This is a most interesting verse as there is a reference to a stone cut without hands. This implies that it was Divinely made (Zec 3:9), and these two verses point back to the time of its origin, which was not listed in the priestly or tabernacle instructions of all the items to be made. This Christ - Stone is the one that becomes the Chief Corner Stone. The Urim and Thummim as one can see is the legitimate physical representation of this great spiritual reality. When these stones are named the Christ-stone (Dallas), and is on the earth, it is representing the Holy Spirit. This stone subsequently makes its journey through time from its mysterious appearance and is given first to Moshe and after him to Aaron, who placed it on his heart in the breastplate of the High Priestly garments. The Stone cut without hands also refers to the return of the Messiah in the last days, to judge the nations before establishing His Messianic Rule on the earth. This statement not only links the Urim and Thummim with the Prophecies of Daniel, but also with the Prophet Hosea – and its soon re-appearance. A PRIEST CAN BE DISQUALIFIED FROM CONSULTING YHWH THROUGH THE URIM AND THUMMIM From the time of Aaron to the time of the prophet Samuel, the Urim and Thummim were passed down the generations of Priests to the time of the High Priest Eli. It is very important to note what happened at this juncture in history; The Urim and Thummim only worked out its miracle if it was in the hands of those authorized by Elohim to have it. The priestly family of Eli, through sin, was 49
disqualified from officially serving in the Priesthood. From this time until the High Priest Zadok, temporary custodianship of the Urim and Thummim and the authority to utilize it was transferred to the prophets and King David himself. Unauthorised by the protocol as stated in the Torah, king Saul consulted the Urim and Thummim for Divine direction, but because of rebellion in his heart, Elohim refused to help him. Elohim’s Urim or the Perfect Light of the Ruach HaKodesh is for those who will walk in His Commandments: YHWH, YHWH answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets, 1Sam 28:6. Unfaithful pastors or priests may not minister unto Him. And the men of the tribe of Levi who abandoned me when Israel strayed away from me to worship idols must bear the consequences of their unfaithfulness. But they encouraged my people to worship other gods, causing Israel to fall into deep sin. So I have raised my hand and taken an oath that they must bear the consequences for their sins, says the Sovereign LORD. They may not approach me to minister as priests. They may not touch any of my holy things or the holy offerings, for they must bear the shame of all the sins they have committed, Eze 44:10-13. One seriously needs to take note of this stipulation as it greatly impacts on one’s ministry. Predominant Role of the Ruach HaKodesh during the Theocratic Rule in the desert; Communicating by means of the Urim and Thummim with the King and Priest In order to connect the Urim Thummim, and its probable value to the modern day believer, one needs to establish if it/He has any relevance to the Ruach. Rev 1:6 and 5:10 declares that Yahshua has made us a kingdom of priests and kings unto our God (AENT). These Scriptures immediately establishes relevancy and therefore, warrants investigation as a possible cause for the apostasy. One may say the Urim and Thummim were for Biblical times; believers now have the Ruach. The Scriptures proved that the Ruach and Urim are the same, and that the Urim represents Yahshua as the Eternal Rock – Who functions on the earth through the Ruach HaKodesh. In the Sinai desert, the Hebrews had the Torah as recorded by Moshe. They had the Eternal Statutes and Ordinances as audibly spoken by YHWH, and the Urim and Thummim, which could confirm any other word, when needed. The Israelites had Divine instructions to move into the Promised Land. They were to face formidable enemies; and unforeseen circumstances would arise where they would need a very explicit word from the Holy One of Israel. It would not be 50
contrary to what was written in the Torah. Consulting YHWH through the Urim and Thummim would pin-point and unfold detailed instructions which they would need as they walked in the unexplored routes as directed by YHWH. And after they entered the land, they would need specific instructions from YHWH as to the manner of their warfare, and how they were to conquer their enemies and possess the land. Moshe, through consulting YHWH with the Urim and Thummim, clearly heard His revealed will and at the end of his life, prayed that the Levites will be kept blameless in order to hear His will. It is interesting to note that YHWH only spoke through those who are faithful, ordained and purified to consult Him. It is a practical lesson for believers who rush into prayer without being washed with the Blood of Yahshua – and then they do not understand why their corrupted prayers are not answered. About the tribe of Levi he said: You, LORD, reveal your will by the Urim and Thummim through your faithful servants, the Levites; You put them to the test at Massah, and proved them true at the waters of Meribah, Deu 33:8. The Word as spoken forth through the Urim and Thummim was proven accurate after every consultation. The Israelites, as part of the Heavenly protocol, had to be ritually clean to hear from YHWH, so modern day believers have to be spiritually guiltless; as YHWH Elohim gives His Set - Apart Spirit to those who obey Him, Act 5:42. Those who are spiritually blameless (clean) will also hear the Word and can test its truthfulness the very same way; there will be no confusion as to what was said by ABBA during the consultation or prayer. Moshe instructed Joshua that He must meditate in the Torah day and night for his success (Jos 1:8). Nevertheless, he would need some direct counsel from YHWH along the way; and that Joshua was to depend on Eleazar the priest, who will learn my will by using the Urim and Thummim. In this way Eleazar will direct Joshua and the whole community of Israel in all their affairs, Num 27:21. Put the Urim and Thummim in the breastpiece, so that Aaron will carry them when he comes into my holy presence. At such times, he must always wear this breastpiece, so that he can determine My Will for the people of Israel, Exo 28:30. YHWH would be faithful to give him clear and infallible direction (through the Ruach HaKodesh), both as he went forth in battle, and as he came home in victory. It was not a game of chance; the words clearly proceeded from the mouth of YHWH. Due to lack of Hebraic Root knowledge, many believers do not seem to understand this and develops the attitude that they have the Bible to equip them for a life of fruitfulness and godliness. Yet, many times when one needs a very 51
incontrovertible word for a decision, or during some grievous area of conflict; YHWH opened other avenues open to the Truth seeker: •
The Bible is but one of the methods to consult the living God.
He has designed man to worship Him – then make contact through prayer as man is a sprit, just as his Elohim – always in the Name of Yahshua.
And in the current day and times the believer lives in, through the inward revelation or illumination of the Ruach HaKodesh, the seeker will receive clear direction and guidance, Donning the Tallit, holding on to the Truth of His Eternal commands and Statutes is another way to meet alone with YHWH. All of the above points to the relationship with ABBA.
Consultation with Urim and Thummim Era Suspended – Restoration Prophesied for Latter Days (Act 3:19-21) Since King David’s passing away, the usage of the Urim and Thummim were suspended, and began to disappear from Israeli history, but not entirely. Ezra and Nehemiah, at the end of the Babylonian exile, mentioned it again – and with the purpose to consult YHWH for a very specific reason; to be addressed. As the stones were types and shadows of reality when ministering unto God, why then did He permit them to disappear and suspend its usage? Could it be that He was setting things in motion for the Perfect to come and prepare the way for (once again) unhindered access to Him? Even so, in Old Covenant, YHWH began to put Urim and Thummim (Light and Revelation) in the hearts of His chosen vessels, the prophets, and in the Renewed Covenant, in the hearts of Spirit-filled Believers. The author firmly believes the usage of the Urim and Thummim will be restored in the latter days – for usage by the Household of Judah. For them this method of consulting YHWH was suspended until the Restoration of all things (Act 3:19-21), but for every Spirit-filled believer He has made Living provision to consult Him and to be utilised by Him Welcome to Master Builder Who works through Living Stones Every Spirit-filled believer has the ability in them to speak forth the Oracles of YHWH when they submit to the hands of the Master builder and Chief Corner 52
Stone. Peter said: Come to the Lord, the living stone rejected by people as worthless but chosen by God as valuable. Come as living stones, and let yourselves be used in building the spiritual temple, where you will serve as holy priests to offer spiritual and acceptable sacrifices to God through Jesus Christ. For the scripture says, I chose a valuable stone, which I am placing as the cornerstone in Zion; and whoever believes in him will never be disappointed. This stone is of great value for you that believe; but for those who do not believe: The stone which the builders rejected as worthless turned out to be the most important of all. And another scripture says, this is the stone that will make people stumble, the Rock that will make them fall. They stumbled because they did not believe in the word; such was God's will for them, 1Pet 2:4-8. Whilst being built up as Living Stones, the believer has the Oracles (Urim and Thummim) of YHWH in them; and they need to surrender to the Hands of the Master Builder in order to fashion them to His taste and for His Glory! Conclusion: The Urim and Thummim In the Sinai desert, the living God through the Ruach, Urim and Thummim, cultivated, the Hebrew nation into an ethos of instant unconditional obedience st to the spoken Word of YHWH. Today the 21 Century believer wants to bargain with this All-Powerful Living God. One can therefore, not conclude that the Urim and Thummim are just a stone. It was one of the most magnificent methods, which YHWH chose to manifest His Presence, His will and plans. In the near future, the re-implementation of this method of consultation will again be utilised; when the tribes of Israel shall be identified by means of the Urim and Thummim and Ruach HaKodesh. The many days are over and soon the lost Urim and Thummim will be uncovered from its cache to function once again in its YHWH given role; its Light of Perfection will illuminate more than just the Jewish nation, by representing the Holy Spirit, He will enlighten the Believers to embrace their Hebraic legacy. The author believes that these Stones will play an enormous role in Israel (specifically for the Jewish nation and the tribes per sé) prior to the fulfilment of all end-time Revelation and prophecies. For the sons of Israel shall remain many days with no king and no ruler, and with no sacrifice, and no pillars, and no ephod or teraphim (sacred stone; Urim and Thummim). The Jews will need the Teraphim (Urim and Thummim) speaking forth the oracles of YHWH, which discloses to them the hidden things of YHWH. Afterward (latter days) the sons of Israel shall return and seek YHWH their Elohim and David their king. And they shall fear 53
YHWH and His goodness in the ends of the days, David, their King, being Yahshua HaMashiach, Hos 3:4,5. THE RUACH HAKODESH REVEALS THE LIGHT, THE INDWELLING PRESENCE OF YHWH During the Theocratic Rule Dispensation in the desert, YHWH, through His Spirit, was always present, but in a distance, in the cloud. He spoke to Moses and the Israelites from within this cloud. And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them LIGHT; to go by day and night: He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people. Exo 13:21,22. And the Angel of God Who went before the host of Israel moved and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before them and stood behind them, Coming between the host of Egypt and the host of Israel. It was a cloud and darkness to the Egyptians, but it gave LIGHT by night to the Israelites; and the one host did not come near the other all night, Exo 14:19,20. For the Israelites, He was the Light, for the Egyptians, He was darkness and Judgement for they could not observe Him. One can therefore, safely conclude from this picture that when one is in sin, he sees the dark side of the cloud, but when one is in the perfect will of YHWH, the Cloud or Spirit will give light, as He is the Spirit of Light. In Urim and Thummim the believers have Light; His Light that comes to fullness, to perfection. This is the Judgement that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their works were evil, Joh 3:19. Believers have the full revelation of the Word, the heart and mind of YHWH, those who have come into abiding union with Messiah; they are hidden away in the Breastplate of Judgment, which contains the Urim and Thummim. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God, Col 3:3. The High Priest carried the Urim and Thummim, representing the Holy Spirit, close to His Heart. Today the Believer is the Temple or Mishkan of the Holy Spirit and has Him in their bellies or Spirit. In the Renewed Covenant He is also the Light; But when anything is exposed (by the Spirit of Truth) and reproved by the light, it is made visible and clear; and where everything is visible and clear there is light, For the fruit (the effect, the product) of the Light or the Spirit [consists] in every form of kindly goodness, uprightness of heart, and trueness of life. Therefore He says, Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine (make day dawn) upon you and give you light, Eph 5:9, 14. 54
The Person of the Ruach is the Gift from YHWH, Whom He sent to man, after the ascension of Yahshua; every desirable and beneficial Gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of Light cascading down from the Father of Light. There is nothing deceitful in God, nothing two-faced, nothing fickle, Jam 1:17. When He indwells man, The Spirit gives light to man’s soul; the Spirit is The Light in man. The spirit of a man (that factor in human personality which proceeds immediately from God) is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the inner depths of his heart, Pro 20:27 But if the Spirit of the One having raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the One having raised the Christ from the dead will also make your mortal bodies live through the indwelling of His Spirit in you. Rom 8:9, 11; Joh 7:38, 39; Joh 14:17. This indwelling and perceptibly manifested Presence of the Ruach was observable even by a cruel pagan king; King Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged the Light of the Spirit in Daniel. There is a man in thy kingdom in whom is the Spirit of the Set-Apart Elohim; and in the days of thy father, light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of YHWH was found in him; and the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, even the king thy father, made him master of the scribes, magicians, Chaldeans, and astrologers. And I have heard of thee, that the excellent Spirit of YHWH is in thee, and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in thee, Dan 5:11-14. When one studies the life of Prophet Daniel, who in exile, lived according to the Torah, for the Tanakh was not yet written! A Holy Spirit filled man who lived in the Torah and who had an excellent Spirit in him! The author would like to submit a challenge to the Believers of the modern day Church and Torah observers: How does your spirit contrast with Daniel’s spirit when comparing life and circumstances, how does the believer measure up? For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light (lead the lives of those native-born to the Light), Eph 5:8. The Ruach is the Helper, and the Spirit of truth, assisting one to develop an excellent Spirit. That helper is the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept him, because it doesn't see or know him. You know him, because he lives with you and will be in you, Joh 14:17; Joh 15:26, Joh 16:13; 1Joh 2:27. Daniel obtained such a Spirit through relationship, prayer and fasting. This Spirit of Light is not at a distance (relationship) as in the Old Covenant, He is in the now, the very Present God, (YHWH Shammah), living in the believer, who has become His Tabernacle or Mishkan. The believer no longer looks above for a cloud – He is within. The proof of the Spirit’s indwelling presence is the Word 55
that says, out of your inner belly (Spirit) shall flow rivers of living water. Living water pouring out from the heart; and speaking in tongues is an outward manifestation of an inward happening – His very real Presence, YHWH Shammah. The mystery of the Indwelling Presence of the Ruach HaKodesh in every created Being in the Heavens, and every Believer on the face of the earth And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: To the intent that now to the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, Eph 3:10. In analysing this Scripture, one uncovers the following mysteries as revealed to the Church: •
The Church or Body will demonstrate the manifold Wisdom of YHWH.
The Eternal One through His Ruach HaKodesh is present IN all heavenly creatures: Wherever the spirit was to go, they went, in the direction the spirit wanted to go. The wheels were lifted up next to them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. When [the living creatures] moved, [the wheels] moved; when the former stood still, the latter stood still; and when the former were lifted off the ground, the wheels were lifted up next to them; because the SPIRIT of the living creatures was in the wheels, Eze 1:20, 21; Eze 10; Dan 7, Psa 103; Rev 4; Zec 6.
The Eternal One through His Ruach HaKodesh is forever living in Messiah Yahshua. Not only is the Ruach eternally resident or indwelling Spirit, He came upon and then is still residing in the Messiah, and the Messiah released Him to indwell each believer. It's true that I am immersing you in water so that you might turn from sin to God; but the ONE coming after me is more powerful than I - I'm not worthy even to carry his sandals — He will immerse you in the Ruach HaKodesh and in fire, Mat 3:11 (CJB).
He is forever present, through His Ruach HaKodesh, inside His Disciples, But you do not live as your human nature tells you to; Instead, you live as the Spirit tells you - in fact, God's Spirit Lives in you. Whoever does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. If the Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from death, lives in you, then he who raised Christ from death will also give life to your mortal bodies by the presence of his Spirit in you. And if the Spirit 56
of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal (perishable) bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you, Rom 8:9-11. •
The Believer is the sanctuary of YHWH, the Indwelling Spirit: Do you not discern and understand that you (the whole church) is God's temple (His sanctuary), and that God's Spirit has His permanent dwelling in you (to be at home in you, collectively as a church and also individually]? If anyone does hurt to God's sanctuary (or dwelling Place) or corrupts it [with false doctrines] or destroys it, God will do hurt to him and bring him to the corruption of death and destroy him. For the temple of God is holy (sacred to Him) and that [temple] you [the believing church and its individual believers] are, 1Cor 3:16,17. The human body, as physical Temple, has become His Mishkan.
For you are a temple of the living God, even as God said, I will dwell in them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people, 2Cor 6:16; Lev 26:12; Eze 37:27.
I will pray to the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counsellor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever. The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not see Him or know and recognize Him. But you know and recognize Him, for He lives with you [constantly] and will be in you. Joh 14:16,17.
Jew and Gentile alike have dishonoured the conditions and criteria for this empowering Indwelling Presence. The Holy Spirit has been grieved and offended, and His irreproachable gifts have been incorrectly administrated, often for selfish gain – and are one of the main reasons for the apostasy in the Church. BEGINNING IN THE DESERT: INQUIRING OF YHWH AND THE PREDOMINANT ROLE OF THE RUACH HAKODESH Can one inquire of Him now, in the same manner as in Biblical days and what are the criteria? As said, YHWH works through faith in Him, principles and patterns. This is thoroughly demonstrated when YHWH told Moses the nation is to be clean before entering into His Holy Presence. One may submit a counter argument and say it is Law, and I concede that it is Law, yet, when the Hebrews 57
obeyed the prescripts, look at the life changing encounter they had with the Living God. And you shall be to me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel, Exo 19:6. This Word is not revoked; the Apostle Peter spoke to the Jewish believers in exile all over the world, the sojourners of the dispersion of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, 1Pet 1:1. And, you but are a chosen race, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation, a people for a possession, that ye might set forth the excellencies of his who has called you out of darkness to his wonderful light, 1Pet 2:9. By faith every believer becomes part of the Holy Nation – Set Apart for Him. YHWH called Peter primarily for the Jewish nation, and he spoke to them and for them. The Gentiles took this Word as well and began to think it is applicable to them only, in line with Replacement theories; forgetting that Paul said the Gospel is for the Jew first and then the Greek, Rom 1:16. But to those that are contentious, and are disobedient to the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there shall be wrath and indignation, tribulation and distress, on every soul of man that works evil, both of Jew First, and of Greek; but glory and honour and peace to every one that works good, both to Jew First and to Greek: for there is no acceptance of persons with God, Rom 2:-11,8. It is for those who come in faith, the Jew first then the Greek or Gentile. YHWH did not revoke this Word. Biblical cleansing or purifying: Cleanliness before Holiness Thus whether one is from the Old or the Renewed, they are a Holy Nation and chosen by YHWH, and His pattern is perpetual ritual cleanliness for the Jew first and then the Greek. One could possibly spiritualise these Scriptures and say the cleansing is now for the spirit of man, and the Word washes one, but what does the Word say? As for husbands, love your wives, just as the Messiah loved the Messianic Community, indeed, gave himself up on its behalf, in order to set it apart for God, making it clean through immersion in the mikveh (Or in the Word and water baptism), so to speak in order to present the Messianic Community to himself as a bride to be proud of, without a spot, wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and without defect, Eph 5:25-27, CJB. Thus, whether ritually of spiritually clean, cleanliness is God ordained. Is the Messianic (Apostolic) community clean, washed, and holy, without defect and sin? Is the Messiah proud of this community with all its in-fighting and jealousy, strive and anti-Semitism? No, washing both Households with the precious Blood of the Lamb is required, or they may never see or experience the manifest Presence that the obedient Hebrews experienced in the desert. YHWH 58
said to Moses, Go to the people, and sanctify them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments, and be ready against the third day; for on the third day YHWH will come down in the sight of all the people on Mount Sinai. Moses went down from the mountain to the people, and sanctified the people; and they washed their clothes. He said to the people, Be ready by the third day. Don't have sexual relations with a woman. It happened on the third day, when it was morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain, and the sound of an exceedingly loud trumpet; and all the people who were in the camp trembled. Moses led the people out of the camp to meet God; and they stood at the lower part of the mountain. Mount Sinai, all of it, smoked, because YHWH descended on it in fire; and its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain quaked greatly, Exo 19. Since then (the Shadow), to date (The Perfect), the pattern for cleanliness was established and followed, in preparation for enquiring of the Lord where and when needed, •
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water, Heb 10:22;
And some of you were these things, but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God, 1Cor 6:11;
That He might sanctify it, cleansing it by the washing of the water in the Word, Eph 5:26. Washing still plays a major role in pre-worship.
METHOD OF INQUIRING FROM YHWH: BIBLICAL DAYS The procedure of entreating (prayer) for Divine aid with the Urim and Thummim was performed with the following technique as Rabbi Richman, Temple Institute explains: •
When a question arose; and the implications were so consequential that the entire congregation of Israel would be effected - for example, the question of whether or not to go out to war - the King of Israel (or the commanding officer of the army) would ask his question before the High Priest.
The High Priest then stands facing the Ark of the Testimony, and the enquirer stands behind him, facing the priest's back. The questioner does not speak out loud. Neither does he merely think the question in his heart; he poses his query quietly, to himself - like someone who prays silently before his Creator. For example, he will ask Shall I go out to battle, or shall I not go out? The Spirit of Divine Inspiration immediately enveloped the High Priest as he gazes at the breastplate, and by meditating upon the Holy Names of YHWH, the Priest could receive the answer through a prophetic vision, the letters on the stones of the breastplate, which would shine forth in his eyes in a special manner, spelling out the answer to the High Priest. The priest then informs the enquirer of the answer or outcome.
Another Midrashic passage indicates that when the tribes of Israel found favour in the eyes of YHWH, each respective stone shone brilliantly. However, when particular members of any one tribe were involved in a transgression, that tribe's stone would appear tarnished and dimmed. The High Priest would see these phenomena and understand its cause. He would then cast lots within the rank of this tribe, until the guilty person was revealed and judged (Midrash HaGadol). The entire matter is one of those mysteries which were handed down to Moses at Mount Sinai by YHWH Himself, and its secret was transmitted orally down through the generations.
An ordinary person or someone not representing the entire community would not enquire of the Urim and Thummim.
There are more than 230 instances of this type of prayer submitted to YHWH, beginning with Abraham, who was the Shadow of Faith, the Patriarchs, Apostles, disciples and ordinary people – and completed with the Perfect. Method of inquiring from YHWH: Renewed Covenant When studying the Hebraic Roots of the Christian Faith, it becomes apparent that in the Judaic religion, as established by YHWH, there were certain criteria or protocol when one comes into His Presence as introduced in the above. The reader may now say, yes, but it was in Old Testament times; the believer now has direct access to Him, which is correct. Therefore, brethren, since we have full freedom and confidence to enter into the (Holy of) Holies (by the power and virtue) in the blood of Jesus. Heb 10:19. Consider then His Blood and the price paid, to pave the way for Believers into the Holy of Holies! In the Tanakh, the 60
protocol was that one is to wash oneself and ones clothes, in the Renewed Covenant, washing by the Word and by the Blood is the Godly requirement and protocol. He said I AM YHWH- I change not – His conditions stay the same. One may rightly ask, Enquiring of the Lord; is it not a very old outdated concept that has been abolished along with the Law? The foundation or Shadow is in the Tanakh, the Perfect is in the Renewed. The demonstration of the Shadow was in the desert experience, and needs to be analysed and evaluated its possible st relevance to the 21 Century Hebraic (Apostolic) Church. This concept of st enquiring of the Lord, when translated correctly into 21 century terminology, answers the question: •
Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us, Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God, Rom 8:27, Jer 29:12,13; Joh 14:13; 1Joh 3:21,22, 1Joh 5:14,15. Enquiring of the Lord is then equated to prayer and intercession, yet one need to pray with wisdom; and
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. Jam 1:5, 6. The modern day believer’s primary means of inquiring from YHWH today is through the Spirit, and in prayer asking; knowing that the Great High Priest, Yahshua, is the Personal Intercessor for the Believer! Believers do not need intermediaries, when He, Who is seated at the right hand of YHWH, is forever interceding! However, believers have lost their boldness to ask of God; wrongly believing that He does not answer prayer anymore – not understanding that there are always criteria and conditions attached; for every blessing, the recipient has a responsibility as well; and
Enquiring of the Lord, through utilising the Urim and Thummim was an uniquely Old Covenant Hebraic experience. Until one realises that either a king or a priest was always involved in the process. Do Revelations not say that the believers are a Kingdom of priests and kings? Can they consult ABBA via the Rock? This Urim and Thummim were carried close to the heart of the High Priest and when consulted, via the Holy Spirit, revealed the oracles of YHWH to him. In many separate revelations [each of which set forth a portion of the Truth] and in different ways (Urim, Ephod) God spoke 61
of old to [our] forefathers in and by the prophets, [But] in the (Latter) last of these days He has spoken to us in [the person of a] Son, Whom He appointed Heir and lawful Owner of all things, also by and through Whom He created the worlds and the reaches of space and the ages of time [He made, produced, built, operated, and arranged them in order], Heb 1:1,2. No one has seen God at any time. The one and only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him, Joh 1:18. This confirms the Shadow found in the Urim and Thummim, is now manifesting as Yahshua, the Perfect, Who come from within the heart of the Father. He sent His Ruach HaKodesh (from the heart of the Father) to His kings and priests who are at this juncture living on the face of the earth. The Holy Spirit reveals the truth to the one asking – no difference from the Urim and Thummim – YHWH still st does the talking. The difference is that the 21 century Church does not listen and do! The Urim and Thummim are equated to the chief Cornerstone. The first time one becomes aware of a stone is in Gen 49:24, mentioned in a prophecy, But his bow remained strong and steady and rested in the Strength that does not fail him, for the arms of his hands were made strong and active by the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob, by the name of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel. The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice: a God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and right is He, Deu 32:4. There are more than enough Scriptures that proof Yahshua is the Rock. Therefore, thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a Stone, a tried Stone, a precious Corner Stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste, Isa 28:16. This tried stone, Who became the Corner Stone – how could He become tried, if not through the refining fire - and finding Him Perfect? He was present from Genesis to Revelation. In answering through the Urim and Thummim, He was manifesting His Presence via the Holy Ruach. He is the Rock, the Urim from Deu 32:18, 31,32; 1Sam 2:2; 2Sam 22:2,3,32,47, 2Sam 23:3; Psa 18:2, 31,46, Psa 61:2-4; Psa 92:15; Isa 26:4, Isa 28:16, Isa 32:2; Mat 16:16-18; 1Cor 10:4; 1Pet 2:6, Dan 2:34. If the earthly high priest whilst praying, was immediately enveloped by the Holy Ruach, how much more ought the believer of today, who has the Holy Ruach residing in them, begin to receive His answers into one’s spirit, directly from the Throne Room of the Great High Priest, who for ever lives to make intercession for us? Can the reader see himself enveloped within the Holy Spirit? Cloth yourselves therefore with Yahshua HaMashiach!
The above question would be from one who has not yet understood the richness of the Believers Hebraic Heritage. During the 40 years in the desert, since the Hebrews chose not to hear directly from YHWH, and in preparation for the future, when He pushed His fledgling, Israel, from the nest, YHWH provided another Comforter in the form of a Rock! This tried stone, Who is the Corner Stone of Judaism, and Who became the Cornerstone of the Christian faith as well. The foundation never changed, but religious people formed human traditions and laws and call it salvation. There is a general apathy towards the Person of the Ruach HaKodesh for the mere reason that most believers do not understand His person or role in their lives per sé, as well as His role as the Executive Officer of the Godhead. This lack of knowledge is one of the main reasons for the existent apostate condition of the Church. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge (Torah), I will also reject you from being priest to Me. Since you have forgotten the Law (Torah) of your God, I will also forget your sons, even I, Hos 4:6. One will find that Torah Observant Jews has the utmost reverence for the person of the Ruach HaKodesh to this very day, how is it then that the Modern Day st Church has become so insensitive to Him? Could it be that this 21 Century Church has grieved Him in such a manner that He has “withdrawn” from the Church in a sense? As the Living YHWH does not play games (with respect) and works on HIS principles and by the believers’ faith in Him, how does one explain the rationale behind the churches failure and breakdown of Her relationship with Him? The answer is sought from the Church, and not Israel. The perception is that the Church has to research the root of the problem, as they are experiencing a serious spiritual lack. In conclusion, to restore a living active relationship with the Ruach HaKodesh, both Households need to repent and seek forgiveness and then learn to live actively in His Presence. Such a restored relationship will prevent deception. THE DECEPTION OF REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY The assertion that the Church, as many believers claim, have replaced Israel as Elohim's chosen nation, has instigated a conflict situation within the Body of Yahshua that has been ongoing for two millennia, and to date has totally estranged the Church from her Hebraic Root and inheritance. When one methodically compare the spiritual and natural relationship between both Households (Israel and Judah), there is a total lack of understanding between 63
them, and of them, as well as their roles in the Kingdom of YHWH. Even more so, when the Church (House of Israel) began to persecute the Judean Household, condemning all that is Jewish, YHWH subsequently cut them off from the Commonwealth of Israel, Eph 2:12,13. Before one can form an intelligent well-informed opinion on Replacement Theology, factual evidence should be evaluated in order to substantiate the existence of such a theory, which can prove or disprove the possible existence of such a deceptive theology. To prove the hypothesis that the Church has replaced Israel, or not, one has to consider the following data that are of paramount importance as it has direct relevance to the Body of Believers. One has to understand from the below mentioned literature, the possibility exists that one can be of Jewish descent, and therefore, perpetrating the crime of racism against one’s own blood, albeit in ignorance! •
The Dispersion of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel: Hereafter named Ten-Israel
How does the Dispersion of Ten-Israel correlate with the Christian Church and how does it affect the believer of today? Academics such as Prof Liebenberg, Yair Davidiy, Rabbi Avraham Feld, et al, have comprehensively studied the migration of the Israelites, exiled from their homeland, and who have been subsequently re-settled (albeit under duress) in the various nations and continents. The Ten Tribes primarily went to the West, Scandinavian countries and South Africa. The author, Yair Davidiy, wrote three books: The Tribes, the Israelite origins of Western Peoples; Biblical Truth, the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel in the West according to the book of Genesis and Role to Rule, the Task of Joseph, traced the Israeli migrations to every continent – confirming on that ground, that many people, including South Africans, could have a Jewish DNA. The first South African immigrants or ancestors originate from every one of the countries mentioned in their books. The original Hebrew nation, consisting of the Twelve Tribes, became Israel when they split into two kingdoms after the death of King David. During the reign of King Jeroboam, son of Solomon, ten of the northernmost tribes seceded and formed their own kingdom (1Kin 12:20-23), and was referred to as Israel. The remaining tribes remained faithful to the House of David, and were called Judah, later commonly named the Jews. There is more than enough historical proof identifying Israel as the Lost Ten Tribes or Ten-Israel. Therefore, from this perspective one understands why Yahshua sent the Apostles to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. The Jews and the Lost Ten Tribes together form the 64
Israelite or Hebrew nation, tracing their ancestry back to Abraham, the first Hebrew man. Abraham was a Gentile, idol worshipper when called by YHWH into the Faith Covenant. The ten tribes consist of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, Zebulon, Issachar, Naphtali, Dan, Asher, Simeon, Ephraim, and Manasseh. The last two tribes descended from Joseph, and they are to be found primarily within the English speaking nations of North America, and the British Isles and have assimilated into the nations. YHWH personally re-named Jacob to Israel and 12 sons were born to Israel. Each son became a tribal head and contrary to Godly instruction, 10 sons did not marry Hebrew women; they married women from the surrounding nations. These mixed marriages resulted in blond, blue-eyed Jews, and therefore, there are no guarantees that one cannot have a Jewish ancestor, especially given that the descendants of each tribal head are traceable to the following countries: • Ephraim to Britain; • Manasseh to USA; • Reuben to France; • Simeon to Celts and Jews; • Levi with the Jews; • Yehuda to Jutes and Jews; • Issachar to Swiss and Fins; • Zebulon to Netherlands; • Gad to Goths and Sweden; • Asher to Scots; • Benjamin to Belgae and Normans; • Dan to Danes and Celts; • Naphtali to Norwegians. According to the author, Yair Davidiy, there are currently intensive DNA tests done in the USA and England to determine whether a person residing, for instance, in England, has a Jewish DNA. The tests are not yet conclusive, but the characteristics to date, prove a genetic Jewish ancestry trait and link. Only towards the end of the days, most of the Israeli’s shall return and re-unite with Judah, who remained in Israel. The Lost Ten Tribes (Israel) were destined to lose their identity, and then the exile was completed; thereafter named Ten-Israel.
There are no definite archaeological remains connecting the Israelites to Northern Israel. The overwhelming majority of Israelites was forcibly removed or scattered to other localities, where evidence was found of an Israelite presence in the area, as prophesied in the Bible, as confirmed in Talmudic literature and other sources. The 10-Tribers (Ten-Israel), lost awareness of their identity and did not return. Soon after the capture of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, the Diaspora took place. The Diaspora is the scattering of the Jews to countries other than their own. Initially, the exiles had fled to the surrounding countries of Egypt, Syria and Phoenicia, but throughout, as persecution mounted, the Jews fled farther and farther from Israel as they went onto hiding. Today one will find Jewish communities in every country on the face of the earth, and they have adopted the physical traits and characteristics of the nations into which they are assimilated, i.e. blue eyes, blond hair, etc. One will find Norwegian, Ethiopian, South African, British, American and European Jews! Soon the Urim and Thummim will surface to assist with the identification of each tribe. Studying the Jews in the Diaspora is a specialist field on its own, yet it warrant’s incorporation into this book as it lays an elementary foundation to study ones Hebraic Roots and to trace one’s ancestries. Although the Jews were forced into exile, they took with them the Holy Scriptures and continued the observance of most of the Eternal Statutes, including the observance of the Sabbath. Regardless of their circumstances, every seventh day, the Orthodox Jews all over the world have observed that seventh st day as the Sabbath day; and still doing it to date – the 21 century. The very same Sabbath that Yahshua kept whilst on the earth, He was well aware of the Jews in the Diaspora and therefore, gave the command go first to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, Mat 10:6; Mat 15:24. Do note that the Jews in Israel call the Messianic Believers (Ten-Israel), and the Jews, who are still in exile, the lost sheep of the House of Israel. They maintain a stance that the believers must come into the Covenant; they (the Jews) are already there. Moreover, they regard the believers as the lost sheep of the House of Israel. They kept track of migrating Jews in the dispersion and are awaiting their imminent return. There are therefore, a significant correlation between the believers Jewish Ancestry, and lack of knowledge regarding their Hebraic Legacy. This lack of knowledge is the breeding ground for the promulgation of false doctrines, i.e. Replacement Theology. 66
How did this non-Biblical doctrine of Replacement Theology begin? Just the word’s Replacement Theology creates intense arguments for and against whether, the Church has replaced Israel as God’s chosen ones - or not. There are many arguments for - or - against this doctrine, yet, one must allow Scripture to interpret Scripture. The introduction of “Rabbinical” or Hebraic commentators is vitally important - the Holy Scriptures originated from, and was written, by Jewish men under the unction of the Holy Spirit. One cannot address antiSemitism without addressing the doctrine of Replacement Theology. The deception of Replacement Theology is dealt with by introducing two commentators, from the Two Households, who do agree on the mentioned false doctrine, emphasising it from their respective Westernised and Hebraic perspectives! Introducing then: 1. Rabbinical or Jewish Commentator, Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky; and 2. Messianic (Believer) Commentator, Clarence H. Wagner. Rabbinical Commentator on Replacement Theology As Christianity originated from Israel and Judaism, a Jewish Believer will commence with his perspective on Replacement Theology; I utilised his unique way of expressing himself. •
Church History as perceived by Jewish Commentator
Rabbi Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky is introduced as the first commentator, and he describes the Replacement theory as: The hideous falsehood known as Replacement Theology has been a cancer in theological circles for the past two millennia that just seems to refuse to go away. While Replacement Theology takes on different applications, and modes, it is a theology originated by the early non-Jewish fathers of the so-called Christian church. It coldly states that a new Rome centred, and Roman based ecclesiastical organisation called "the church", is the "new Israel". This new Israel, would now forever replace Jewish Israel, since YHWH permanently rejected the Jews for killing their Messiah, His Son. Extreme proponents of Replacement Theology have even gone so far as to claim that YHWH, this mean and cruel despot, was the Elohim of the Old Covenant Jews, contrary to Yahshua, who is the forever loving, kind, and compassionate Saviour who had replaced YHWH As Lord of The church or the so Called New Israel. In other words, Yahshua’s people have replaced the Father’s people. 67
Christianity Perpetrated Genocide on Jewry
The Rabbi continues (paraphrased); this hideous doctrine has been at the forefront of anti-Semitism, Judeo-phobia, and has fully provided fuel for tragic historical events such as the Spanish Inquisition, the Catholic Crusaders, the ouster of the Jews from every European country, as well as the Nazi holocaust. As history clearly demonstrates, Martin Luther, and other Protestant reformers blueprinted both the call and the plans for the annihilation of the Jewish nation from Europe and later the world by providing so-called Christians, with biblical justification to perpetrate genocide on world Jewry. Adolph Hitler knew that he could find theological approval, and support from these church folks. The inbred functionalism of this spiritual cancer among those that preach Yahshua is so widespread that it cannot be fully reversed and eliminated until Yahshua’s millennial reign begins, shortly before He returns to the earth. Moreover: the theology of Dominion Now or Kingdom Now is nothing but a Papal farce, designed to enlist Protestants in a new age attempt to liquidate the Jewish race, by theology rather than by a sword. They believe twentieth century man will not respond favourably to any elimination of the Jewish nation via bloodletting. Therefore, in these last days, we see a major resurgence in church theology, designed to subdue, and eliminate the Jew. In these various applications of Replacement Theology, the Jew has no future whatsoever, unless he agrees to become one with The church, and assimilate their precious customs, YHWH’s feasts, seventh day Sabbaths, and the rest of their national identity through incorporation or more accurately through disappearance, and integration within the church. •
Church Systems are anti-Torah
The Rabbi continuous: These hideous theologies call anything Jewish to be anti Christ, and legalistic and their practices and customs are not welcome in their church systems. It is simply fascinating that The Church has this insatiable desire to institute biblical law, and church sovereignty over the globe by spreading YHWH’s laws, when one of the major errors within Christianity is the very rejection, and the denial of the validity of first covenant instruction in New Covenant times. The so called church systems have repeatedly and conceitedly proclaimed to its adherents that the Torah or the Laws of First Covenant Israel is outdated, and nailed to the cross, and have therefore, been replaced by the second Covenant 68
Law, which is love. In other words, this man-made ecclesiastical organisation started, funded, and headquartered in Rome, now wants to force their paganised Christendom down the throats of the world’s populace, with obedience to THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, and other teachings all based on the Decalogue. Whilst instructing her very own members that it is not applicable to the New Covenant church. How can a man make ecclesiastical systems that are arrogantly, and wrongfully antinomian (anti-Torah), being deceptive at it’s very core, force the world’s populace to submit to rules, and regulations that they themselves loath as having preceded from the Jewish despot named YHWH, and His Jews? Remember that in true Replacement Theology a pagan blonde haired, and blue eyed European, pork eating Jesus (the English translation of the sun deity Zeus), has replaced YHWH the Father as LORD (from the pagan deity Lourdes), over his church (from the pagan circular ritual conducted by the Celts). The most disturbing part of all this is that Replacement Theology continues to spread overtly, and covertly in these last days seemingly unchecked, and undetected by believers of all denominations, as well as by Messianic Jews. Judaism has every right to loath Replacement Theology. However, through error and pride they not only forsake the true solution regarding the correction of this error named Replacement Theology, (which is readily available by studying the Scriptures accurately with a Hebraic mind), they have unknowingly become accomplices to the doctrine itself. There are a few more insights into this doctrine of Replacement Theology: • The first error of this false doctrine is that the church has replaced Israel (the Jews) as the historical continuation of the people of Israel. •
According to this line of reasoning, Jewish Israel ceased from being a nation, since Pentecost in 33 AD.
In other words, a total cessation of all eternal promises, and blessings which had been promised to the Jews, had come obsolete because the New Covenant church unilaterally declared the first covenant promises to the Jews null, and void.
The truth, of course, is that the physical descendents of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, had, and will continue to have a crucial and vital role in the historical and redemptive purposes of the Father. Replacement Theology declares that the Jews are no different than any other people group, and that their chosen 69
status was self appointed, and was terminated when their European nonJewish (Jesus) went to the cross, (emphasis mine). •
Shavuot (Pentecost) the Jews inherited the curses and the Christians became blessed The truth of course is that no other nation, but the Hebrew nation (12 tribes) has been earmarked by YHWH to work out His redemptive and earthly will. Replacement Theology teaches that unless or until Jews get saved, they are cursed, and have no future or national calling. Unless they willingly join, and incorporate themselves into the man-made church they will not be blessed. This fallacy teaches that unsaved Jews are lower than pagans from other nationalities because they are, in fact, the murderers of Yahshua, and therefore, eternally guilty of Deocide.
The truth is of course just the opposite, even in their unbelief, they are favoured and have given life, and hope to the world by their preservation of the Word of YHWH, in their role as guardians of the Scriptures (Rom 3:2). They returned and re-inhabited of the waste places of the land of Israel. Rom 11:15 reminds one that even in their status as unbelieving Jews, that the world was reconciled to YHWH by that very status, and about the dawning of a new day when Jewish Israel will be raised from the dead spiritually to receive favour. Rom 11:26 is a clear reminder that all Israel (Judah and Ephraim) will be saved! Does that sound like people permanently displaced, and with no future outside of the Roman Church, and her harlot offspring? Jewish Israel has been, and will continue to be Supernaturally preserved for the revelation to her of her beloved Messiah Yahshua, in whose Name they have suffered so very much. His return will bring them the ultimate reconciliation and restoration, even as His first advent has brought them much sorrow from the so called church. Replacement Theologists state that in 33 AD at Shavuot or Pentecost, the Jews lost their calling, in heralded in the beginning of the Jewish sorrows. List of Jewish Sorrows: The Jews inherited all the curses of the Torah found in Deu chapters 28 - 33, while keeping none of the promised blessings outlined in those same chapters. • The promised blessings have been separated from the curses, with the curses falling upon Jewish Israel, and therefore, the blessings fell into the lap of the Pontiff Maximus (Supreme Divine King), the unholy father in Rome, and his disciples. 70
The church superimposes a doctrine called the birth of the church at Pentecost, to justify this separation between Jewish cursing, and Christian blessing. A Spiritually incorrect statement: the Believers were empowered at Pentecost!
The truth is that the clear promises of blessing to Jewish/Israel are unconditional, such as the promise of the land of Israel. YHWH has never revoked this Promised Land blessing. Taken to its false and illogical conclusion if the church is the new Israel replacing Jewish Israel as the chosen people, then the church is the rightful owner of the land of Israel, since the land was a blessing, and not a curse – and a “Christian” has yet to pay a price for this land!
According to Popery, (which by the way, still does not recognise either the modern state of Israel or the Set Apart city, Jerusalem), the land of Israel belongs to them, since they are now Israel instead of or in place of Jewish Israel.
In Protestant circles even in some Hebrew Christian circles, the eternal unconditional promise of Eretz Yisrael to all Israel (12 tribes, including the Jews), is often referred to as the Palestinian Land Covenant. Despite the living reality of the modern state of Israel, many within the so called church, have, and continue to refer to Israel as Palestine, named after the Palestinians, the modern day descendents of the Philistines, who were the ancient enemies of Israel.
After all, if the church has replaced Jewish Israel, she needs a Jewish capital to govern from. Will YHWH permit Jerusalem to be transferred into the hands of so called believers? Rest assured the King of the Jews will not, ever allow that to happen despite the wishful thinking of papists, and ecumenical supporters worldwide.
Replacement Theology has the impudence to teach that the Scriptures must be read spiritually, and absolutely not taken literally, since to do so would force one to conclude that Jewish Israel is an eternally chosen and recognisable nation with a special mission. This calling includes the occupying of a specified portion of land, promised to them alone, above all the people of the earth. One has to realise that YHWH has kept His Word; a remnant of Jews was preserved right through the ages! How does one 71
explain and nullify the fact that there are Jews all over the world, and how does one annul the promise to, and Covenant with Abraham? YHWH sees the face of Avraham all the time! He cannot lie. •
In order to propagate the doctrine of Replacement Theology, a demand is made upon Bible scholars to understand that the promises made to Jewish Israel must not be taken literally. In other words, when the First Covenant uses terms like, Zion, Temple, Jerusalem, promised land, they are all now synonyms for the so called church. Does this make sense to the Truthseeker? The BB Kirkbride Company in Indiana who publishes the widely used Thompson Chain Reference Bible, has multiple chapter captions in Isaiah, and other first covenant books that read "Isaiah comforts the church", or "the church is consoled". When or where did the church exist in Isaiah’s day? When YHWH uses the term Jerusalem, it is a literal city He has in mind. When He refers to the nation of Israel, it is the12 tribes He has in mind. When He refers to the Jews, it is the Jews He has in mind. When He refers to Zion, it is the land, and Mt. Moriah He has in mind. These are all literal terms, and titles of different, concepts, places, and locations. To conceitedly, and incorrectly teach that these are all interchangeable, and synonymous terms for the "so called Christian church", is an outright attack on the literal infallibility, and inspiration of scripture, let alone a direct attack on the Heavenly Father’s linguistic intelligence!
This false doctrine is so deeply embedded in church circles of all denominations, that, unless the biblical final solution to this doctrine is applied immediately, and without reservation, the church will be in jeopardy until Messiah returns. (The problem with waiting for Yahshua to straighten things out at His return is that by then all will be judged by Him. He reminds believers that by their words, they will be justified, and by their words (teachings), they will be condemned, Mat 12:37. In James (Yaakov 3:1), Yahshua reminds us that not many should seek to be teachers of Scripture, since they will receive the greater judgement for the errors dispensed. Rav Shaul (Paul), also confirms this truth when he declares that if we are willing to judge ourselves, we will not be judged by our Master Yahshua, 1Cor 11:31. Paraphrased and summarised from the work of Rabbi Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky ( Church History As Perceived By Messianic Commentator The following author, in a more non-emotive manner, wrote on the error of Replacement Theology, and confirms the Rabbi’s arguments that this doctrine is 72
erroneous, and substantiates his arguments with Scripture. He has done an exceptional rebuttal of the arguments for Replacement Theology as he literally allowed Scripture to interpret Scripture. I am neither disrespectful, nor judgemental, when I write “in a non-emotive manner”, I am very aware of the price paid by the first Jewish Believers to preach the Gospel! Interpreting Scripture with Scripture can be defined as contextualising Scripture, which has become an almost obsolete art in Modern Christianity, whereas the Jews Rav or wrestle with the Word to find the ultimate Truth. How Did The Position Of The Early Church Fathers Affect The Church? Briefly Reviewing Church History Prof Liebenberg, Mr. Clarence Wagner, and other scholars et al, has documented all the processes of Church history i.e. the Reformation. Therefore, I will only refer to time periods (history) of relevance as an introduction to Mr Wagner’s debate on Replacement Theology. Submitting sound arguments against this theology, he rebutted the arguments for Non-replacement, with Biblical answers. Wagner, (, summarised and paraphrased) began his line of reasoning with the following statement: If you look it up in a dictionary of Church history (the Replacement Theory), one will not find it listed as a systematic study. Rather, it is a doctrinal teaching that originated from the early Church. Christian anti-Semitism grew and has infected the Church for nearly 1,900 years culminating in the Holocaust. Briefly reviewing the first four centuries of Church history the author established a pattern and legacy of hatred towards the Jewish people, which was against the clear teaching of the New Testament. In the first century AD, the church was well-connected to its Jewish roots, and Yahshua did not intend for it to be any other way. After all, Yahshua is a Jew, and the basis of His teaching is consistent with the Hebrew Scriptures. In Mat 5:17-18 He states: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished." Before the First Jewish Revolt in AD 66, Christianity was a sect of Judaism, as were the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes. Separation between Judaism and Christianity began as a consequence of religious and social differences. There were several contributing factors to these differences: 73
The Roman intrusion into Judea, and the widespread acceptance of Christianity by the Gentiles, complicated the history of Jewish Christianity;
The Roman wars against the Jews not only destroyed the Temple and Jerusalem, but also resulted in Jerusalem relinquishing her position as the Center of the Christian faith in the Roman world; and,
The rapid acceptance of Christianity among the Gentiles led to an early conflict between the Church and Synagogue. Paul's missionary journeys brought the Christian faith to the Gentile world, and as their numbers grew, so did their influence, which ultimately disconnected Christianity from its Jewish roots.
Many Gentile Christians interpreted the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem as a sign that YHWH had abandoned Judaism, and that He had provided the Gentile Believers autonomy to develop their own Christian theology and self-governing system in an independent setting, free from Jerusalem's influence. Could it be He was demonstrating to the believers that Temple worship was no longer necessary as His Holy Spirit now resides in them (1Cor 6:19), and not in the Holy of Holies? After the Second Jewish Revolt (AD 133-135), put down by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, theological and political power moved from Jewish Christian leaders to centres where Gentile Christian leadership resided, such as Alexandria, Rome, and Antioch. It is important to understand this change, because it influenced the early Church Fathers to make anti-Jewish statements as Christianity began to disconnect itself from its Jewish roots.
As the Church began to develop within the Roman Empire, and its membership grew, Non-Jewish Greek and Roman thought patterns (Babylonian) increasingly began to creep in and completely change the orientation of Biblical interpretation through a Greek mindset, rather than a Jewish or Hebraic mindset. This would later result in many heresies, some of which the Church is still practicing today.
Once Christianity and Judaism began to take separate paths; the chasm became wider and larger. Judaism was considered a legal religion under Roman law, while Christianity, a new religion, was illegal. As Christianity grew, the Romans tried to suppress it. In an attempt to alleviate this persecution, Christian apologists tried in vain to convince Rome that 74
Christianity was an extension of Judaism. However, Rome was not convinced. The resulting persecutions and frustration of the Christians bred an animosity towards the Jewish community, which was free to worship without persecution. Later, when the Church became the religion of the state, it would sanction laws against the Jews in retribution. •
The antagonism of the early Christians towards the Jews was reflected in the writings of the early Church Fathers. For example, Justin Martyr ( AD 160) in speaking to a Jew said: The Scriptures are not yours, but ours. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon (c. AD 177) declared: Jews are disinherited from the grace of God. Tertullian (AD 160-230), in his treatise, Against the Jews, announced that God had rejected the Jews in favour of the Christians.
In the early 4th century, Eusebius wrote that the promises of the Hebrew Scriptures were for Christians and not the Jews, and the curses were for the Jews. He argued that the Church was the continuation of the Old Testament and thus superseded Judaism. The young Church declared itself to be the true Israel, or Israel according to the Spirit, heir to the divine promises. They found it essential to discredit the Israel according to the flesh to prove that God had cast away His people and transferred His love to the Christians.
From Apostolic Leadership to anti-Semitism and Apostasy In the beginning of the 4th century, a monumental event occurred for the Church, which placed "the Church Triumphant" over "Vanquished Israel." In AD 306, Constantine became the first Christian Roman Emperor. At first, he had a rather pluralistic view and accorded Jews the same religious rights as Christians. However, in AD 321, he made Christianity the official religion of the Empire to the exclusion of all other religions. This signalled the end of the persecution of Christians, but the beginning of discrimination and persecution of the Jewish people. Already at the Church Council in Elvira (Spain) in AD 305, declarations were made to keep Jews and Christians apart, including ordering Christians not to share meals with Jews, not to marry Jews, not to use Jews to bless their fields, nor to observe the Jewish Sabbath. Imperial Rome, in AD 313, issued the Edict of Milan, which granted favour to Christianity, while outlawing synagogues. Then, in AD 315, another edict allowed the burning of Jews if they were convicted of breaking the laws. 75
As Christianity was becoming the religion of the state, further laws and restrictions were passed against the Jews: •
The ancient privileges granted to the Jews were withdrawn;
Rabbinical jurisdiction was abolished or severely curtailed;
Proselytise to Judaism was prohibited and made punishable by death;
Jews were excluded from holding high office or a military career. These restrictions were repeatedly confirmed by various Church Councils for the next 1,000 years;
In AD 321, Constantine decreed all business should cease on "the honoured day of the sun." By substituting Sunday for Saturday as the day for Christian worship/rest, he further advanced the breach in the Two Households. This Jewish Shabbat/Christian Sunday controversy also came up at the first actual ecumenical Council of Nicea (AD 325), which concluded Sunday to be the Christian day of rest, although it was debated for long after that. Overnight, Christianity was given the power of the Imperial State, and the emperors began to translate the concepts and claims of the Christian theologians against the Jews and Judaism into practice. Instead of the Church taking this opportunity to spread its Gospel message in love, it truly became the Church Triumphant, ready to vanquish its foes;
After AD321, the writings of the Church Fathers changed in character. No longer was it on the defensive and apologetic, but aggressive, directing its venom at everyone "outside of the flock," in particular the Jewish people who could be found in almost every community and nation. During this period, one finds more examples of anti-Jewish bias in Church literature written by church leaders: Hilary of Poitiers (AD 291-371) wrote: "Jews are a perverse people accursed by God forever." Gregory of Nyssa (died AD 394), Bishop of Cappadocia: the Jews are a brood of vipers, haters of goodness. St. Jerome (AD 347-407) describes the Jews as serpents, wearing the image of Judas, their psalms and prayers are the braying of donkeys.
At the end of the 4th century, the Bishop of Antioch, John Chrysostom (Golden Tongued), the great orator, wrote a series of eight sermons against the Jews. He had seen Christians talking with Jewish people, taking oaths in 76
front of the Ark, and some were keeping YHWH’s feasts. He wanted this to stop. In an effort to bring his people back to what he called, the true faith, the Jews became the whipping boy for his sermon series. To quote him, the synagogue is not only a brothel and a theatre; it is also a den of robbers and lodging for wild beasts. No Jew adores God... Jews are inveterate murderers, possessed by the devil, their debauchery and drunkenness gives them the manners of the pig. They kill and maim one another... One can easily see that a Judeo-Christian who wanted to hold on to his heritage, or a Gentile Christian who wanted to learn more about the parent faith of Christianity, would have found it extremely difficult under this pressure. Another unfortunate contribution Chrysostom made to promote Christian antiSemitism was to hold the Jewish nation, as a whole, culpable for the killing of Christ. •
In the fifth century, the aggravating question was: If the Jews and Judaism were cursed by God, then how can one explain their existence? Augustine asserted that even though the Jews deserved the most severe punishment for having put Jesus to death, they have been kept alive by Divine Providence to serve, together with their Scriptures, as witnesses to the truth of Christianity. Their existence was further justified by the service they rendered to the Christian truth, in attesting through their humiliation, the triumph of the Church over the Synagogue. The monarchs of the Holy Roman Empire regarded the Jews as serfs of the chamber (servi camerae), and utilized them as slave librarians to maintain Hebrew writings. They also utilized the services of Jews in another enterprise - usury, or money-lending. The church endorsed the practice of lending by Jews, for according to their reasoning, their Jewish souls were lost in any case. Much later, Western countries utilised Jewish people as trade agents in commerce, and thus found their way into the fields of banking and commerce.
By the Middle-Ages, the ideological arsenal of Christian anti-Semitism was completely established. Expelling Jews from their property and giving it to a Christian mob became the norm. From a social standpoint, the deterioration of the Jewish position in society was only beginning its decline. During this early period, the virulent Judeo-phobia was primarily limited to the clergy that was always trying to keep their flocks away from the Jews. However, later, the rank and file, growing middle class would be the main source of anti-Semitic activity.
The result of these anti-Jewish teachings continued onwards throughout Church history, manifesting itself in such events and actions as the Crusaders. The accusation of communion host desecration and blood libel by the Jews, the forced wearing of distinguishing marks to ostracize them, the Inquisition, the displacement of whole Jewish communities by exile or separate ghettoes, the destruction of synagogues and Judaic books, physical persecution and execution, the Pogroms. Ultimately, the seeds of destruction grew to epic proportions, culminating in the Holocaust, which occurred in Christian Europe. Had the Church understood the clear message of being grafted into the Olive Tree from the beginning, then the sad legacy of anti-Semitic hatred from the Church may have been avoided. The error of Replacement Theology is like a cancer in the Church that has not only caused it to violate God's Word concerning the Jewish people and Israel, but it made them into instruments of hate, not love in God's Name. Is the New Testament anti-Semitic? Was it the intention of YHWH that the Church rule over and dominate the Jewish nation so contemptuously? An absolutely no; while the New Testament has been used by Gentile anti-Semites, even within the church, the writers of the New Testament were Jewish, and therefore, their arguments, even critical ones, were from the vantage point of being an intra-communal debate (or rav/wrestle with the Word), and not intercommunal accusations. For example, even though Yahshua spoke harshly to the Pharisees, He nevertheless said of them, "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach" (Mat 23:2-3). He was distressed that they were missing the mark in their selfrighteousness, which is something all need to be careful of doing. They were following traditions formed around the Torah, but lost the Spirit of the Word – and that is the reason why Yahshua came to the earth to show them one can live the Torah to perfection in love, not forced traditions. The clear teaching of the New Testament is that the Church was, and is, to love and honour the Jewish people. The Word state that by the blood of Messiah, the Gentiles are made near to the commonwealth, the Covenants, promises and hopes given to Israel, Eph 2:11-18. The Word teaches that blindness in part has come to the Jews so that the message would be forced out into the nations. Nevertheless, a time will come when all Israel would be saved, because the gifts and callings of God towards Israel and the Jewish people were given without 78
repentance. YHWH’s relationship with Israel and the Jewish people is everlasting, Rom 11:11-12, 25, 26, 29. THE GRAFTING IN OF THE TWO OLIVE TREES For an enlightened Hebraic scholar or a person who has become interested, it is essential to acquire a sound knowledge of ancient Judaism, as there is no need to fear the Jewishness of Yahshua. For a Gentile to have an authentic relationship with YHWH, he must humbly accept and appreciate a Jewish Book, believe in a Jewish Saviour, and be grafted into the Jewish people, thereby taking on their likeness through a commonly shared believe that YHWH is ONE, the Elohim of all, and that Israel is His chosen nation. A cursory look at the beginnings of Christianity reveals a church that consisted exclusively of Jews; indeed, deeming it as a sect within Judaism, (sect of the Nazarenes, Acts 24:4). Christianity is Jewish! Some consider Christianity as being a very young religion; not realising that is it Judaism reformed by Yahshua. When one realises that Christianity is founded upon Judaism, only then does one realise how ancient the Christian faith really is, Rom 11:11-37. The Apostle Paul warns believers about keeping the proper attitude toward Israel; Do not boast over those branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. You will say then, Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in. Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but be afraid. For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either, Rom 11:18-21. Why is it important for believers to understand and heed His instructions? The Believer’s lineage goes back to Abraham as is pointed out in many places in Scripture. They are the seed of Abraham, Gal 3:29. In Gen 17:4, God promised that He would make Abraham the father of a multitude of nations (goyiim), and the multitudes are already a reality, as soon as the Two Olive Trees unite. Furthermore, Believers need to understand the far reaching effects of the outcome of this unification, as it will force the re-definition of the size and borders of Eretz Israel. These borders (promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), will extend into Syria, Lebanon and Egypt, (Africa)! The Two Households (Olive trees) need to become one in Spirit, in faith and one culture; the Hebraic culture or ethos. The Olive Tree mystery does not prove Replacement Theology, but discredits it. The end-time ministry of the House of Joseph (10 Tribes) will be pivotal to this restoration. The true Church, as a wild olive branch, will be 79
cleansed of her antinomianism and lawlessness. They will see, at last, that they are the wild olive branch, and that they are being grafted back into Israel, Rom 11:13-27. The scattered lost sheep of the House of Israel will be re-gathered, Rom 11:25. And the Light of Israel will go out to the nations. YHWH certainly did not remove all the natural branches (Israel), but only some of them as can be seen in Rom 11:17. The Root of Israel is still holy, regardless of what anti-Semitism has taught for two thousand years (11:16). Israel is loved on account of the patriarchs (11:28); the gifts and calling of all are still irrevocable, (11:29); and In Romans 9:4-5, one realises many things connects the Israelites to the immutable Scriptures: ...the adoption as sons; ...the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the Law, the Temple worship and the promises. Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ... It might even shock the religious Christian to realise that the New Covenant, in which they take so much pride, is a Covenant made with the Hebraic nation as a whole. Jer 31:31 state: The time is coming, declares YHWH, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. The Believers (as the House of Israel) are the beneficiaries of this Covenant solely because they are grafted into Israel. It is not a Covenant made separately with Gentile people. The danger is that Christians will look to natural Israel and to the Jewish people for the roots of their faith, but one must always remember that the True Root is the Messiah. He is the Root of Israel and every good thing they see in Israel today, is but His Manifest Presence. In Isa 11:10, In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his place of rest will be glorious. In Rev 22:16, Yahshua is clearly named as the Root: I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I AM THE ROOT and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star. Although the Bible never specifically compares Yahshua to the olive tree, the clear implication is there by the fact that He is The Root. •
Ruth an example of an grafted-in Gentile and her attitude
The story of Ruth portrays an example of what a proper attitude toward Israel ought to be. Ruth illustrated in her life most of the fruit of the Spirit; and she was truly devoted to her Israelite mother-in-law. She loved her with a deep love and commitment that led her to forsake her own heritage, and even her country, in order to be with Naomi. When Ruth arrived in Israel, it was not with the feeling of superiority that so many Christians had. Instead, she bowed down with her face to the ground... Rut 2:10. She was willing to abase herself to a position lower 80
than a servant girl (13). Her attitude was one of continual mercy and generosity as she shared her meagre gleanings with Naomi (18). The life of Ruth was also marked with a true love and commitment to Israel (4:15). Ruth said to Naomi: ... Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God, Rut 1:16. Ruth became a clear example of what the engrafting spoken of in Romans 11 is all about. If the believers’ lives could simply be patterned after hers, only then could they consider themselves as wild branches grafted into the tree of Israel, Rom 11:17. Ruth was grafted right into the Messianic line. Like Ruth, the believer ought to understand that it is not they who support the root, but the root supports them, Rom 11:18. Consider how the Apostle Paul unveiled the mystery of the olive tree. The olive tree is one of the longest-living trees on earth. Some believe the giant, gnarled olive trees standing in the Garden of Gethsemane may have been alive at the time of Christ. The olive is also a very hardy tree, and it is practically indestructible. If cut down, it will probably grow back and live another thousand years. In ancient times, the main product of the tree, olive oil, was primarily used as a food source, anointing oil, for healing and for light. Therefore, the olive tree is literally the tree of light, and the light speaks of revelation. The Bible declares that where there is no revelation, people perish Pro 29:18. In Rom 11:5, the Apostle Paul refers to Elijah who in fear, complained to YHWH that he is alone among all the Baal worshippers. However, YHWH immediately corrected Elijah stating that He had a remnant of more than 7000 that did not bow the knee to Baal, 1Kin 19:18, Isa 10:21. By implication, Paul stated that although the Jews, as a whole, seemed to have rejected Yahshua as Messiah (in this present age), YHWH clearly has kept for Himself a remnant of the Jews. Those who chose Yahshua were set free; the rest allowed satan to blind them to the truth, to this very day, Isa 6:10, Isa 44:18; Mat 13:14,15; Joh 12:40; 2Cor 3:14, 2Cor 4:4; 2The 2:10-12. This is a temporary blindness on the Jews. In the 500 years from the days of Zechariah, until the time of Yahshua and Rabbi Paul, no one understood the shadow of the Two Olive Trees. The Holy One of Israel ordained and destined Rabbi Paul to re-introduce the Two Olive trees – and then enlighten them with the Perfect. No wonder that his writings are the most attacked and misunderstood in all of Scripture, Paul was assigned the priestly task to reintroduce the answer to Zechariah’s question, of what are the Olive Trees? Rabbi Paul did an exegesis of the shadow of the Two Olive Trees, and you need to remember that Scripture always interprets Scripture. Since YHWH’s olive tree contains both Houses of Israel according to Jeremiah 11, the Apostle Paul, 81
who was called for the Gentile nations – for the Jew first, then the Gentile – need to follow the pattern. Both Households are now to live according to the model set in the Book of Acts. There is a secret truth, or mystery, which one needs to know, for it will keep one from foolish pride. It is that the stubbornness of the people of Israel is not permanent, but will last only until the complete number of Gentiles comes to YHWH and salvation, Rom 11:25. One can regard the stubbornness of the Jewish nation as mercy; it led to the Salvation of the Gentile nations – and subsequent jealousy of the Jews. Paul says that only some of the Jews have not followed YHWH, who has not left them; they have stumbled, but not fallen! Another mystery of YHWH is that He permitted Israel to reject Messiah, as He wanted ALL (by choice) to partake in the Commonwealth of Israel. Yudah is the one Olive Tree and the Gentiles the other. The Bible makes it clear that Christianity does not stand on its own. The Jewish nation may not agree with this viewpoint, asserting that the Two Olive Trees are Israel and Yudah, divided into the Two Houses. This is due to lack of knowledge as YHWH has pre-ordained for the Gentiles to receive salvation through Yah-Shua, that is, Yah our Salvation! It is, however, the united house of Israel that needs to be grafted in – and receive the fullness of the blessings. The Church did not replace Israel; the Church is to be built on the words of the Prophets and the Torah. Yudah being the modern-day Jews and Israel is the 10 lost tribes (Ten-Israel), which includes many Christians! In conclusion, Paul is saying that in a way unknown to the believers, Israel supports the whole Church and has always done so. They do not support Israel, but Israel supports them. Israel has been the support of the Church for almost two thousand years, despite the Church’s anti-Semitism and outright persecution of Israel. It was Elohim’s plan that the sap or nourishing juices of the old Hebrew olive tree would supply the Church. In other words, they draw from a very rich heritage – a Hebraic Legacy, left to them by Yahshua. From this viewpoint, that the Church is one of the Olive Trees, consider Mr Wagner’s comments: Messianic Commentator on Replacement Theology This Messianic Commentator, who is a believer, launched his arguments against Replacement Theology by introducing age-old theories on this false doctrine. Wagner (paraphrased) methodically made rebuttals of each perception. 82
Commencing with his rebuttals at the juncture where Gentile leadership took over from Jewish leadership. What are its premises? •
The Christian Church in the purposes of God replaced Israel (the Jewish people and the land), or, more precisely, the Church is the historical continuation of Israel to the exclusion of the former.
The Jewish people are now no longer a chosen people. In fact, they are no different from any other group, such as the English, Spanish, or Africans.
Apart from repentance, the new birth, and incorporation into the Church, the Jewish people have no future, no hope, and no calling in the plan of God. The same is true for every other nation and group. Since Pentecost of Acts 2, the term "Israel," as found in the Bible, now refers to the Church.
The promises, covenants and blessings are handed to the Church that has superseded Israel. All blessing in the Bible ascribed to Israel have been taken away from the Jews; and they are now subject to the curses found in the Bible, because of the perceived rejection of the Messiah.
Error of replacement theology and its rebuttals
Statement: To be a son of Abraham is to have faith in Jesus Christ. For them, Gal 3:29 shows that son-ship to Abraham is seen only in spiritual, not national terms: And if you be Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. Rebuttal: While this is a wonderful inclusionary promise for Gentiles, this verse does not exclude the Jewish people from their original covenant, promise and blessing as the natural seed of Abraham. This verse
simply joins the Gentile Christians to what YHWH had already had in place with the Israelites.
Statement: The promise of the land of Canaan to Abraham was only a starter. The real Promised Land is the whole world. They use Romans 4:13 to claim it will be the Church that inherits the world, not the Israelites. For the promise that he should be the heir of the world was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.
Rebuttal: Where does this verse exclude Abraham and His natural prodigy, the Jews? It simply says that through the law, they would not inherit the world, but this would be acquired through faith. This is also true for the Church.
Statement: The nation of Israel was only the seed of the future Church, which would arise and incorporate people of all nations, For from the rising of the sun, even unto the going down of the same, My Name shall be great among the nations, and in every place, incense shall be offered to My Name, and a pure offering for My Name shall be great among the nations, says the Lord of Hosts, Mal. 1:11. Rebuttal: This is great, and shows that the Jewish people and Israel fulfilled one of their callings to be a light to the nations, so that God's Word has gone around the world. It does not suggest God's dealing with Israel was negated because His Name spread around the world.
Statement: Yahshua taught that the Jews would lose their spiritual privileges, and be replaced by other people: Therefore, I am saying to you, The Kingdom of God will be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits of it. (Mat 21:43) Rebuttal: In this passage, Jesus was talking about the priests and Pharisees, who failed as leaders of the people. This passage is not referring to the Jewish people or nation of Israel.
Statement: A true Jew is anyone born of the Spirit, whether he is racially Gentile or Jewish: For he is not a Jew, who is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh; But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God, Rom 2:28-29. Rebuttal: This argument does not support the notion that the Church replaced Israel. Rather, it simply reinforces what had been said throughout the Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament), and it certainly qualifies the spiritual qualifications for Jews or anyone who professes to be a follower of the God of Israel.
Statement: Paul shows that the Church is really the same olive tree, which was Israel and the Church is now the tree. Therefore, to distinguish between Israel and the Church is, strictly speaking, false. Indeed, people of Jewish origin need to be grafted back into the Church (Rom 11:17-23). Rebuttal: This claim is the most outrageous because this passage clearly shows that the Gentiles are the wild olive branches which get their life from being grafted into the olive tree. The tree represents the covenants, promises and hopes of Israel (Eph 2:12), rooted in the Messiah and fed by the sap, which represents the Holy Spirit, giving life to the Jews (natural branches) and Gentile alike. The Gentiles are to remember that the olive tree holds them up and not to be arrogant or boast against the natural branches because they can be grafted in again. The olive tree is not the Church. The Gentile Christians are simply grafted into God's plan that preceded them for over 2,000 years.
Statement: All the promises made to Israel in the Old Covenant, unless they were historically fulfilled before the coming of Jesus Christ, are now the property of the Christian Church. These promises should not be interpreted literally or carnally, but spiritually and symbolically, so that references to Israel, Jerusalem, Zion and the Temple, when they are prophetic, really refer to the Church (2Cor 1:20). For all the promises of God in Him (Jesus) are Yea, and in Him, Amen, unto the glory of God by us. Therefore, they teach that the New Testament needs to be taught figuratively, not literally. Rebuttal: The promises and covenants are literal, many of them are everlasting, and the Christians can participate in them as part of their rebirth, not in that they took them over to the exclusion of Israel. The Renewed Covenant speaks of the Church's relationship to Israel and her covenants as being grafted in (Rom 11:17), brought near (Eph 2:13), Abraham's offspring (by faith) (Rom 4:16), and partakers (Rom 15:27), not as usurpers of the covenant and a replacer of physical Israel. Gentile believers, through Messiah, became partakers of YHWH’s inheritance for all of His children; YHWH shall not break His covenant promises with Israel, Rom 11:29.
CONSEQUENCES FOR THE GENTILE BELIEVERS STRIVING TO REPLACE ISRAEL The first and utmost result is the total apathy and deepening apostasy of the Church; secondly, 85
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The Church became arrogant and self-centred; It boasts against the Jews and Israel; It devalues the role of Israel or has no role for Israel at all; These attitudes result in anti-Semitism in word and deed; Without a place for Israel and the Jewish people today, one cannot explain the Bible prophecies, especially the very specific ones currently being fulfilled in Israel – therefore, robbing the Church of her mission; Believers are blinded as they don’t understand that many New Testament passages do not make sense when the Jewish people or Israel are replaced by the term, Church; The Believers today, are deprived of the importance and significance of the Hebrew Scriptures, or Old Testament. Many Christians boast of being a New Testament (NT) Christian or a NT Church as in the Book of Acts. However, the Bible of the early Church was not the New Testament, which did not get codified until the 4th century, but the Hebrew Scriptures, which included the Torah; Believers fail to notice the Hebraic/Judaic contextualization of the New Testament, which teaches one more about Yahshua in His Hebraic culture. The Church failed the opportunity to participate and partake in God's plan and prophecy for the Church, Israel and the world today.
Gentile Believers (Protestantism) Failed To Repudiate Anti-Semitism Garr, John Dr, Our Lost Legacy, Chap 22, 217, claims that the church failed Israel; saying: “At the beginning of the sixteenth century, God started the restoration of Christianity. Idolatry and sacramentalism of the official church were replaced in various reformed communities by faith in God and in the vicarious atonement of Jesus Christ. Both the Protestant Reformation and the counter-reformation within the Roman Catholic Church sought a return to the principles of earliest Christianity. Nevertheless, they disregarded the most important concerns: •
One of the concerns that the Church Fathers tragically ignored in the reformation, was the spirit of anti-Semitism; which the leaders failed to purge from their midst.
The fathers of Protestantism simply failed to restore their reformed Christianity to its authentic Hebraic (Jewish) roots. The reformers espoused a restored faith that was founded on “sola scriptura” (Scripture only) and “sola
fide” (faith only), and they promoted a return to the Grammatico-historical hermeneutics of the ancient Carthaginian school of biblical interpretation; •
They characteristically failed to employ fully both their mottos and their own hermeneutics. Scripture continued to be interpreted in the light of their own cultural biases rather than on its Hebrew grammar and the Jewish history and ethos in which it had been written.
The results for the Jewish people continued to be catastrophic as most reformed traditions continued to perpetuate the Judaeo-phobia, anti-Judaism, and antiSemitism that they inherited from Rome. This was manifest in the demonic doctrine of supersessionism (Replacement Theology) and other anti-Judaic teaching – culminating to its ultimate peak – the Holocaust. In Defence of Both Households – Imminent Restoration The data assembled are enough for us to concur on and confirm the current st apostate position of the 21 century Church. However, it would be preposterous to assume that anti-Semitism and Replacement Theology are the only reasons for this situation in the Church. Therefore, we can conclude that the atrocious mistakes made by the Papal and Founding Fathers of the Church, are the leading causes for anti-Semitism, directly resulting in the apostate condition of the Body Corporate and subsequent withdrawal of the active Presence of the Holy Spirit. In defence of the lay people, the mistakes were made through Leadership and not by the uninformed believers; they were deceived; yet anyone can differentiate between right and wrong – I am referring to the Holocaust as Believers continue perpetrating the same deception through ignorance. Modern day Believers have free access to the Scriptures, which were not the case in the times of the Papal and Church Founding Fathers. I would emphatically like to state the following: that church leaders per sé do not have the courage to juxtapose the Church to Israel from a Hebraic Root perspective. A Pastor, who publicly takes a stand for Israel, would immediately be labelled as legalistic and pro-Jew by anti-Semitic church members. The lack of knowledge regarding Hebraic Roots, and what it consists of, are detrimental to the church. There are, however, believers who, for selfish gain, would identify with Israel for one reason, monetary gain. This does not include Messianic inclined members who have researched their Hebraic Roots and have identified 87
with their Legacy. When one takes a stand for the land of Israel, the living YHWH, the God of Israel sees and judges the heart and motives of men. The aforementioned clarified and emphasised the significance, importance, and outcomes of this research for the Body overall. Concluding Replacement Theology Whilst evaluating the above-mentioned comparative studies of Church history, as perceived by both Households, it became exceedingly clear that the Church Fathers has misled and deceived the Church for centuries. This deception led the Church into believing that She has replaced Israel as YHWH’s chosen Holy nation. This deception is one of the most damaging and contributing factors to the apostasy and powerlessness of the church – the perpetration of a lie, which the Holy Spirit cannot bless, and therefore, the Church became poor in Spirit, spiritual gifts and demonstrations of YHWH’s Godly power – and in dire need for restoration. Restoration can only come to a Church who is prepared to restore Her Hebraic Roots and be reconciled with the Household of Judah. In conclusion, one can only identify the spirit behind the Replacement Theory, and that is the spirit of Anti-Semitism. This spirit is fuelling the division between the Two Houses of YHWH and preventing their restoration, to the detriment of both Houses! There is no real Spiritual power in either of the Two Households! The so-called Church has nothing to provoke the Jews to jealousy with according to Rom 11:11. The Westernised Church as well as the Hebraic Assembly has failed in their mission to be a light unto the nations, and is it is appallingly apparent that there can be no blame shifting – the root is the human desire for power, resources, money and control. The Scriptural message of submitting one unto the other is totally lost in their quest for power – and it is not for the freely available spiritual power by the Ruach HaKodesh. As an introduction to this book and its research, I commented on the astonishing rate of development in the field of technology, as well as the mass increase of knowledge, yet when the above truths are analysed, it becomes clear that the mind of mankind is blinded, covered with a veil – and the Truth has yet to penetrate the hearts and minds of man! If the Spirit of Truth does not penetrate this veil, there will be no lasting restoration – in line with the prophecy as written at the beginning of this Chapter!
YHWH has the final Word on the unbiblical term Replacement Theology Replacement Theology is entirely a fabrication of man’s imagination; therefore, allow the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Covenant keeping Elohim, to speak for Himself regarding Creation, Israel and her destiny; commencing with His Everlasting Covenant with the earth: As long as the earth remains, there will be springtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night, Gen 8:22. Is the earth still here? YHWH equates this Everlasting Covenant made with the earth, to the Covenant He made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob unbreakable. Elohim speaking: I have made a covenant with the day and with the night, so that they always come at their proper times; and that covenant can never be broken. In the same way I have made a covenant with my servant David that he would always have a descendant to be king (this does not mean that a Davidic king will always be visible. It means every generation will have the seed of King Dawid preserved, until the real Messiah comes to take His eternal throne. Moreover, this reference is to all 12 tribes, here called House of Yisrael (not a separate Jewish ruler over the House of Efrayim), and I have made a covenant with the priests from the tribe of Levi that they would always serve me (The Levitical priesthood will never perish, or be replaced, though they will take on a new role); and those covenants can never be broken. I will increase the number of descendants of my servant David and the number of priests from the tribe of Levi, so that it will be as impossible to count them as it is to count the stars in the sky or the grains of sand on the seashore. (Does this sound like a repetition of the Avrahamic and Davidic Covenants, which is eternal and unconditional?). The LORD said to me, "Have you noticed how people are saying that I have rejected Israel and Judah, the two families (Households) that I chose”? - Since 721 BCE YHWH has had two chosen (physical) families - Judah and Efrayim. And so they look with contempt on my people and no longer consider them a nation (YHWH rebukes the ill will harboured towards the Two Houses by the surrounding nations who thinks that YHWH had cast them off forever, rather than for merely a season for a time of exile and discipline). “But I, the Elohim, have a covenant with day and night, and I have made the laws that control earth and sky. And just as surely as I have done this, so I will maintain my covenant with Jacob's descendants and with my servant David. I will choose one of David's descendants to rule over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I will be merciful to my people and make them prosperous again." Jer 33:20-26. All these shall not cease to perform according to their natural course; and Only then will my covenant with David, my servant, be broke, but this is YHWH’s reply: I would no more reject My people than I would change My laws of night and day, of 89
earth and sky. I will never abandon the descendants of Jacob or David, my servant, Instead, I will restore them to their land and have mercy on them, Jer 33:21-26. YHWH then challenges mere man: If you can break My covenant that I formed with the day and with the night to be in their time, only then can I (YHWH) break My Everlasting Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am as likely to reject my people Israel as I am to do away with the laws of nature! Jer 31:36 And give them this message from the Sovereign LORD: I will gather the people of Israel from among the nations. I will bring them home to their own land from the places where they have been scattered. I will unify them into one nation in the land. One king will rule them all; no longer will they be divided into two nations. They will stop polluting themselves with their detestable idols and other sins, for I will save them from their sinful backsliding. I will cleanse them. Then they will truly be my people, and I will be their God. My servant David will be their king, and they will have only one shepherd. They will obey My regulations and keep My Laws. They will live in the land of Israel where their ancestors lived, the land I gave My servant Jacob. They and their children and their grandchildren after them will live there forever, generation after generation, and my servant David will be their prince forever. And I will make a covenant of peace with them, an everlasting covenant. I will give them their land and multiply them, and I will put my Temple among them forever. I will make my home among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people. And since my Temple will remain among them forever, The Nations will know that I, the LORD, have set Israel apart for myself to be Holy, Eze 37:21-28. I the LORD, never change; That is why you descendants of Jacob haven't been destroyed yet, Mal 3:6. Does this sound as if the Living YHWH has replaced Israel with the Church? No, it seems more likely that He is merging the two groups into one Household. Hebraic Custodianship of all the Scriptures: YHWH’s Seal of Approval The Jewish nation, as a whole, was appointed guardians or custodians of the Oracles of God: •
What then is the advantage the Jew? Or what is the profit (value) of the circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because that to them were committed the oracles of God (very words of Elohim), Rom 3:1, 2!
You (Hebrews) shall safeguard (these laws or Oracles) and do (them), for (through) this you (will be considered) wise and intelligent in the eyes of the 90
nations, who will hear about all these statues and say “This is a great nation is purely a wise and intelligent people”. For which (other) great nation has God so close to them (to accept their prayers) as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for? And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law (Torah), which I set before you this day? Deu 4:6-,8; Rom 2:18, Rom 9:4; Neh 9:13,14; Psa 78:47, Psa 147:19,20; Isa 8:20; Eze 20:11,12; Luk 16:29-31; Joh 5:39; 2Tim 3:1517; 2Pet 1:19-21; Rev 19:10. Intelligence comes from living Torah! Who can deny that the Jewish people are a very intelligent nation? •
And that from infancy thou hast known the Sacred Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished to all good works, 2Tim 3:15 - 17.
For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need of one to teach you again which are the first principles of the oracle (Torah) of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong food. For every one that useth milk, is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe, Heb 5:12,13. This lack of teaching the first principles of the Oracles of God (Torah); is this not the current position of both Houses? Are there still Torah teachers, Levites, fulfilling their YHWH ordained function? Both Households negated the Oracles of YHWH in their quest for power and man-made doctrines.
Both the Apostles, Paul and Peter, had to address these very issues (of Replacement Theology and doctrines of men) surfacing in the Apostolic Churches that they planted. It is clear from the following verses that the roles of both Peter and Paul needed definition in order for the Assembly to function in unity. They agreed that there are a diversity of cultures and influences; nonetheless, their main goal was the preaching of the Gospel. Defining their specific roles in the Assembly, kept the unity intact and the Anointing present. But on the contrary, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcised (Gentiles) was committed to me, as the gospel of the circumcision (Jews) was to Peter for he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me towards the Gentiles, And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given to me, they gave to me and Barnabas the 91
right hands of fellowship; that we should go to the heathen, and they to the circumcision Gal 2:7-9 - the results were absolute unity. It is clear from Scripture that the Israelites knew their role as Custodians of the Scriptures, and they protected it fiercely for more than 4000 years; in the process making mistakes, as they believed it was uniquely for them. Subsequent to the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, the Spiritual Jews realised that this Word is for all nations; a Revealed Truth which did not form part of the Pharisees (sect) planning. When the Jewish believers finally, on YHWH’s command, (Apostles Peter and Paul) entrusted the Scriptures and Gospel to the Gentiles, it was ever so reluctantly as the Gospel is for the Jew first and then the Gentile. To this day, the Jews see themselves as the custodians of the Tanakh – and have paid a great price for its preservation! The Jews also acknowledge that the Renewed Covenant was written by Jews, for Jewish Believers in Yahshua. I have to ask a well-substantiated question to the Western World Gentile believers, what are they doing to reciprocate this same goodwill to the Jew? The Command to preach the Gospel to every creature is still valid and binding today; for the Jew first. Is the modern day Gentile prepared and equipped to sacrifice and suffer for the Jew as much as the Jew endured to impart the Scriptures to the Gentile Believers? When one continues to research the causes for the absence of the manifest Presence of the Ruach HaKodesh, one finds that both the Church and Israel have been deceived for many ages! Replacement Theology is one of the uppermost root causes for the apathy and lack of power in the Church. History offers abundant confirmation of this fact. Christianity was gradually divorced from Scriptural Judaism, and in the process, denying both Jewish and Gentile believers their authentic Hebraic inheritance. An apostate Church equals a Church that has lost her Hebraic identity, which equals the absence of the manifest Ruach HaKodesh Presence! THE LOST LEGACY OF THE HEBRAIC CHURCH AND THE NEGATION OF HEBRAIC ROOTS I believe that as this research process progressed, the topic of a possible Hebraic legacy became gradually evident; therefore, merits an analysis as one of the latent and emergent causes for the apostasy and limited manifestation of His Holy Spirit Presence. 92
An apostate Church equals a Church that has lost her Hebraic identity! Does the Church have such a legacy and if yes, does it have any value for the modern day Church or Believer? Is there a legacy waiting for the beneficiary (Believer) to lay hold of, and is restoration possible? Can this legacy be restored, if found? What do the aforementioned learned scholars say on the topic of the Believers lost st legacy? How will it affect the westernised mindset of the 21 century believer? The author, Body Corporate and Judean Household is, to a great extent, indebted to Dr John Garr for his inestimable contribution towards restoring the Believers Hebraic Legacy. Dr Garr’s book and the researchers’ lectures are substantially merged for teaching purposes, as both share the same viewpoints. The Church is not only deceived, but robbed of Her Legacy – therefore, restoration has become mandatory. Thus, when one talk about the Scriptural foundations of Christianity it is, firstly, from a Jewish perspective, Joh 4:22. A Believer, could perhaps utilise the term Biblical Roots; however, this term does not necessarily convey concepts clearly, for virtually all the diverse cultural manifestations of Christianity consider their doctrines and practices to be biblical – though, they are, in reality, not Scriptural! To be truly Scriptural, is to think and function from a Hebraic perspective, (Jewish authentic mindset). It is the experience of the author that countless believers do not understand that their Messiah himself was Jewish. He commissioned His Jewish Apostles and followers to preach among all nations the Gospel of Yahshua haMashiach, (Oracles of God, not Oral Torah), which in itself remained inherently Jewish. In Chapter Four I shall expand on the term Reformed faith. The Originator of Judaism Before the creation of the world, in heaven, there was only one religious system, by which the angelic host worshipped the Eternal God. When man was brought forth upon the earth, his function was to bring the praise and honour to the Elohim of this planet; therefore, YHWH began to reveal to humankind the manner and the order of worship, which pleased him. The pure lineage of a patriarchal priesthood, from Adam through Seth to Shem to Abraham was maintained to offer up sacrifices and worship to God – a system that eventually constituted an Eternal Covenant with Moshe and Aaron and his descendants. On the contrary, the descendants of Adam through Cain chose the path of deception, polluting the pure worship of God in order to offer sacrifices to idols and material gods, even honouring the devil himself. Cain contaminated his 93
lineage with the seeds of deception, lies and its accompanying religious perversion. Finally, the situation deteriorated to such an extent that YHWH determined to destroy the earth. At that time, Noah and his family had maintained a righteous lifestyle - therefore; he alone had the right to the priesthood to offer acceptable sacrifices unto YHWH. For this reason, Noah found grace in the eyes of YHWH and was given a plan for the salvation of his household and human race. Following the great flood, Noah’s son, Ham, began to perpetuate evil in the world and the stage was set for subsequent generations to devise the various pagan religions that worshipped the heavenly creation and engaged in wanton practices, glorifying the works of the flesh and exalting men above the knowledge of Elohim. All religions of the earth, except the one true religion of YHWH, are but polluted copies of the original. They are all counterfeits, introducing their own gods, but maintaining corrupted examples of the principles as instated by YHWH. In the midst of this Babylonian confusion, YHWH called a direct descendant of Adam through Seth and of Noah through Shem and directed him to leave his Syrian household, into a land where the altar of YHWH would be found, the city that had foundations whose Builder and maker are Elohim, Heb 11:10. This man was Abraham, the father of the Faith Generation, the first human being chosen by Elohim to come into a covenant with his Maker, Gen 12:1- 4. Elohim chose him because he had the faith to believe His promises, because he was faithful to keep all of God’s commandments (Gen 26:5), and because YHWH knew he would teach his children and grandchildren to be obedient to Him, Gen 18:18-19. YHWH Confirms His Judaic System with Moses Through Abraham’s lineage, Elohim promulgated His chosen worship system until the calling of Moshe, who brought the Faith Generation before Him at Mount Sinai. It was there that YHWH revealed to Moses and the children of Israel his divine pattern for praise, worship, and ministry unto Him. YHWH permitted Moshe to look into the heavens to behold the order employed by the angelic host in the worship of the Eternal. Moshe was instructed to establish that same order among Israel by making all things according to their pattern, (Exo 25:40; Heb 8:5). People named YHWH’s system of worship, Judaism. The Living Word, the Torah, manifested Himself on Mount Sinai; He became flesh and dwelt among us, but the grading down the Living Word to be a label named Judaism or Christianity twisted it into a powerless religious practice - robbing them of its blessings! 94
Not only did YHWH institute Judaism as His preferred form of worship and praise, He also gave His immutable Word. Would He then, revoke this system of Worship for another or would He send Someone to Perfect it by living it, proving it is possible to live a sinless life? Why would YHWH revoke this worship system as currently practised in heaven? Did YHWH Revoke Judaism and the Tanakh by starting a new Religion called Christianity Is it conceivable that YHWH to whom is ascribed immutability throughout the Scriptures could be so inconsistent as to try anything until perchance he finds something that works other than Judaism? Could He give up on authentic Judaism, a fifteen-hundred-year-old religion that He, Himself, had authored, and start a completely new religion called Christianity? Does this make sense, even to an unbeliever? From the foundation of the world, His divine plan of salvation has constantly been unfolding in each succeeding generation and will continue to unfold until its culmination in the Sabbatical Millennium and His Theocratic Rule is established. YHWH has been calling out chosen vessels to make up the Body of Messiah to set the stage for the remaining part of the plan, the imminent reign of Messiah upon the earth and the subsequent destruction of evil and death. YHWH certainly did not give the axe to Judaism and now structures a new religion called Christianity. He merely brought the Reformer into the world to bring perfection to the Jewish faith and to extend that faith to all mankind. The believe-system of the original church was Judaism, perfected by the Reformer of the Renewed Covenant, a Judaeo-Christianity or Christo-Judaism, as it were. The earliest church was altogether a part of the Jewish community and did not attempt to break away from Judaism until after the passing of its first generation of leaders who were appointed by Yahshua, Himself. What is called Christianity today is the product of two millennia of tradition and effective attempts to merge the principles of the Bible with the religions and philosophies of the Gentiles. Church history offers abundant confirmation of this sad fact. Christianity was gradually divorced from Scriptural Judaism, and in the process, both Jewish and Gentile believers were denied their heritage in Judaism. Therefore, both Households need to be restored to the Hebraic Root of their faith, Yahshua Moshiach, the Great High Priest.
Neglecting the Reformation of Messianic Eternal Priesthood The Priesthood being an Eternal Office or appointment; it is also an ongoing Appointment in Heaven through the Person of the Great High Priest, Yahshua HaMashiach – eternally as it is an Everlasting Statute. When one is researching the Hebraic Roots of the Christian faith, invariably one will come upon the term Eternal or Everlasting Priesthood. Once again, one may say the Priesthood was abolished with the Law. Only to discover that the Book of Hebrew state that Yahshua received an Everlasting Priesthood - and He is currently officiating in this Office (calling) as High Priest, Intercessor and Advocate! Where Yahshua, (in advance) running on ahead of us, has taken up his permanent post as High Priest for us, in the order (rank) of Melchizedek, Heb 6:20. Rabbi Moshe Koniuchowsky, (Restoration Scriptures) explains the consequential Reformation that materialised within this Priesthood, and not the annulling of the Torah as follows: By definition in order to be ordained into the Order of Malki-Tzedek, the Priesthood had to exist prior to Yahshua and by definition Yahshua could not have been Malki-Tzedek, since another one already established the Order before Him. The Torah was not done away with, but adjusted, or slightly altered, to accommodate a better, more complete priesthood and sacrifice. Strong’s Greek # 3346 metatithaymee means “moved from one place to another, not eliminated.” So the priesthood was shifted, not eliminated. Notice that Yahshua was like Malki-Tzedek, so He could not have also been Malki-Tzedek. Only the transferring of the priesthood took place from one tribe to another, and of the forsaking of the old priestly order to establish the new. The Messianic Priesthood is established instead of the Aronic by transferring the priesthood within the nation of Yisrael itself. This simply means that the original Malki-Tzedek was Shem, as confirmed in the Scroll of Yasher. Yahshua was born into that existing Order and became Malki-Tzedek as Shem before Him (as seen in v. 4 where Abraham pays Shem’s tithes). In this verse, Rabbi Moshe states that both the original Shem and the One sworn into that order by the oath of YHWH are not listed in the Levitical genealogies. No record of any of their parents being from Levi are recorded, since neither was a priest in the order of Levi. Neither Shem, nor Yahshua has recorded beginning of days, nor end of a priestly Levitical life, since neither was ordained to begin, or end in that service. Both, however, do have genealogies listed in Scripture. Shem, like Yahshua served in an eternal order and positionally (the right or appropriate place), he prefigured Yahshua, who serves in that same Eternal Order that can never pass away. So what is about to grow old and pass away is the priesthood 96
that then ministered in the Temple - not the Torah itself. Even the language bears this out, as the term “near disappearing” means that the Temple had not yet been destroyed, and therefore, the Levitical priesthood was still functional despite Yahshua's role as the High Priest in the order of Malki-Tzedek. In essence, the prophecy of the Temple’s imminent destruction, along with all its altars, priesthood and functions will soon be fulfilled. Yahshua's entree into the Holy of Holies could not be accomplished as long as the earthly priests did their service. The ripped veil was the curtain between the Holy and Most Holy Place, preparing access for Believers into the Holy Place; as their High Priest does His work alone in the Holy of Holies, a place to where no believers have ever gone, for they are priests and not the High Priest of the nation. And this High Priest, Yahshua, has appointed for Himself an Eternal Messianic Priesthood (Kingdom of Priests) on the earth (Rev 1:6; 5:10). Why, if His High Priestly services and worship are unendingly functioning in heaven, would He dispose of it on the earth, as He established this pattern on earth because He even now, desires to be worshipped by His creation? The westernised Believer cannot identify with this Priesthood as they never had a Temple service and order, and therefore, cannot unconditionally minister as a priest unto YHWH. Yes, the rituals and format of the sacrificial and worship systems was temporarily suspended since the Lamb of YHWH was slain and the Temple destroyed. Yahshua is the Eternal Lamb, sacrificed for the sin of man, as planned (and performed!) from before the laying the foundation of the earth: •
You must know (recognize) that you were redeemed (ransomed) from the useless (fruitless) way of living inherited by tradition (not law) from [your] forefathers, not with corruptible things [such as] silver and gold, But [you were purchased] with the precious blood of Christ (the Messiah), like that of a [sacrificial] lamb without blemish or spot. It is true that He was chosen and foreordained (destined and foreknown for it) before the foundation of the world, but He was brought out to public view (made manifest) in these last days (at the end of the times) for the sake of you 1Pet 1:18 – 20.
So in every way He had to be made like His brothers, in order to become a compassionate and trustworthy High Priest in matters related to Elohim to make atonement for the sins of the people, Heb 2:17.
For Christ didn't enter the earthly version of the Holy Place; he entered the Place Itself, and offered himself to God as the sacrifice for our sins, Heb 9:24. Westernised believers do not really understand the concept of a sacrificial Lamb as it is not part of their framework of reference, where in contrast, for millennia it was a daily occurrence for the Israelites. He entered as the Great High Priest – we are merely priests.
When one studies the book of Hebrew in this context, it becomes clear that YHWH, through the Moshiach dealt with all sin offerings. The praise offering and other sacrifices YHWH did not do away with - it was pleasing unto Him as He initiated and established it - a Shadow of what is happening in heaven. Did both Households fail Him by not continuing with certain sacrifices and offerings (bearing in mind the destruction of the Holy Temple)? Could this be a reason for the apostasy in the Church, departing from a form of worship that was pleasing unto Him? Believers many times quote a Scripture from the head knowledge without realising the spiritual impact; they are a Kingdom of priests on the earth to the Holy One of Israel – and have failed to perform their priestly duty; eventually becoming one of the reasons for the absence of a powerful Holy Spirit input into their lives. Despite clear teachings in the Torah that the Father gave the Priesthood ministry to Aaron and his sons forever, this Everlasting appointment Believers disregard or dismiss as outdated religion. How is it hermeneutically consistent to accept an Everlasting Covenant with Judah and Israel as being eternal, yet in the same breath deny an everlasting covenant with Aaron and Levi as being eternal? The Priests Belong To YHWH Forever For the Levitical Tribe, the word forever has great significance, whilst westernised people teach that the Eternal Covenant and appointments of the priestly tribe of Levi have ended and are no longer applicable. The Westernised teaching is that in New Testament times, all believers in Yahshua have become priests, subsequently deeming the role of the today’s Hebraic Levitical priests obsolete. According to man’s opinions the Levi's eternal covenants and appointments apparently have become outdated. Ponder this, forever - not for a million years, not for epochs, or ages, but as Webster notes: For eternity; for always; endlessly. Does man then, have the right to decide that an Eternal Covenant or Statute as instated by YHWH, has become obsolete? YHWH our Elohim, however, is forthright in stating His ownership of the Levites: the Levites shall be Mine. Twice in Numbers Chap 3, YHWH says, Take the Levites 98
instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel... The tribe of Levi supports the ministry of Aaron in Israel and ...the needs of the whole congregation.... Moreover, Moses reminds the children of Israel: Take heed not to forsake or neglect the Levite [God's minister] as long as you live in your land. Why is it important today for both Households not to forsake the Levites? For the Lord your God has chosen him out of all your tribes to stand to minister in the Name of the Lord, him and his sons forever. When one becomes born again, one become a priest of the Most High, through Messiah, and therefore belongs to Him. This will automatically include the Divine blessings for the Messianic Priesthood – yet this priest has a responsibility and service to render unto the Holy One of Israel – also to receive tithes and offerings in the Name of YHWH and to administer it as instructed in the Torah. The Father told Jeremiah that His covenant with David and Levi would endure as long as day follows night and night follows day. When King David says, He has made with me an everlasting covenant..., one readily accept it as everlasting or without end. Additionally, the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel prophesied everlasting or perpetual covenants concerning Israel and again these covenants are accepted as everlasting, perpetual, or never ending. On the other hand, when Modern Believers need to apply the same words directly and unequivocally to the Father's Eternal Covenant with Levi and Aaron, these covenants are denied and rejected as outdated or Law. The Apostle Peter never intended his Epistles to the Jews (in the Diaspora) to be used to teach the cessation of God's Eternal Covenants and appointments with Levi and Aaron. Dr. David Friedman, They Loved the Torah, identifies Peter as the Torah-observant talmid hakham or "leading student" of Rabbi Yahshua. "Any rabbi's talmid hakham would have viewed his rabbi as a role model and would have closely followed his teachings. This is the way the world of rabbis and their students, functioned in first-century Israel. It is inconceivable that Peter, the Saviour's leading student, taught Israelites in his Epistles that the Eternal Covenants given in the Torah to Levi and Aaron were abrogated or cancelled. At this juncture, Israel has Rabbis teaching the Jews (all over the world) the Torah and studying the weekly Torah portions, called Parshah. Furthermore, the Jewish nation is in much anticipation; awaiting the rebuilding of the Holy Temple. The Temple Institute has actually created all instruments needed during Temple service, as well as the High Priestly Robe and priestly tunics – all ready and waiting to be utilised once the Temple is rebuilt. The training of young priests for Temple duty is in full swing. The Jewish Temple Priests know their destiny and 99
future role – and that they belong to YHWH in line with the covenant made with them. Traditional and Messianic Priestly Functions According to the Torah, Israel's priests were to minister to YHWH, and to represent the people before God. The atoning sacrifice of Yahshua on the Cross opened the way for personal relationship between man and YHWH, His Elohim, eliminating the need for animal sacrifices. The Bible, however, is replete with everlasting promises relating to the Levitical priesthood and the application thereof, Ken F Hill, •
Priests functioning during the Theocratic and Kings Era
Moshe received explicit instructions from YHWH pertaining to Priestly duties. There are detailed descriptions in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, and they were performed to perfection. The priests knew the penalty for disobedience. The Israelites lived disease free for 40 years in the desert, just because they obeyed all the Levitical prescripts and the Law (Torah) of YHWH, including dietary laws! Whilst studying Hebraic roots, and priestly duties, per sé, it is only appropriate to consult those who have thousands of years of experience of sacrificial systems and priestly duties, the Hebrew nation. •
Priests functioning during the Messianic Era st
In this 21 century Grace Dispensation (bearing in mind the Christians lack of understanding of their Hebraic Roots) – it seems the Believers have an indifferent approach towards their duties as His appointed priests. How does one counter the centuries old tradition of lies? By teaching Scriptural truths and presenting one’s body, as a sacrifice is only one of the Priestly requirements for Believers; much can be said about Christians and how they violate their bodies (Temples), with the resulting diseases and self-deception of, we are under Grace. Yahshua, himself, appointed the believers as a kingdom of Priest unto YHWH, their God (Rev 1:6, 5:10). This could only mean that both Households have failed Him in their priestly duty as very few believers linked and applied these Scriptures to them self! This is Old Testament attitude has robbed the modern day believer of an intimate relationship with the living God, Who through Paul invites one to be part of the Restoration of all things: 100
I exhort you, therefore, brothers, in view of God's mercies, to offer ourselves as a sacrifice, living and set apart for God. This will please him; it is the logical Temple Worship for you. Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God because of the grace God has given me, Rom 12:1,2 CJB.
To be a servant of the Messiah Yahshua for the Gentiles, with the priestly duty of presenting the good news of God, so that the Gentiles may be an acceptable offering, made holy by the Ruach HaKodesh. In union with the Messiah Yahshua, then, I have reason to be proud of my service to God, Rom 15:16, 17.
Take words with yourselves and return to the Lord. Say, You shall forgive all iniquity and teach us [the] good [way], and let us render [for] bulls [the offering of our lips, Hos 14:2, 3, (Rashi Judaica Bible).
Let's take our place outside with Jesus, no longer pouring out the sacrificial blood of animals but pouring out sacrificial praises from our lips to God in the Name of Yahshua, Heb 13:15.
You yourselves, as living stones (Urim Thummim), are being built into a spiritual house to be cohanim (priests) set-apart for God to Offer Spiritual Sacrifices acceptable to him through Yahshua the Messiah,1Pet 2:5 CJB.
The question is, how can the believers know what are their Priestly duties if they are not taught? Here the Judean Household failed the Western Household (Christians); very few of them are prepared to teach believers the truth. But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? Rom 10:14, 15. YHWH entrusted to the Judean Household with His Oracles, but they failed the Household of Israel and the Gentiles. In defence of this statement, many Messianic Jews are beginning to share with the believers the hidden things of their Hebraic Roots, at the risk of being ostracised by their communities. There are rewards for those who voluntarily bring spiritual sacrifices to the Living God, Jew and Gentile. Also the foreigners who join themselves to YHWH to 101
minister to him, and to love the name of YHWH, to be his servants, everyone who keeps the Sabbath from profaning it, and holds fast my covenant even them will I bring to my Holy Mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted on My altar; for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples. Do note this is an end time prophecy! The Lord YHWH, who gathers the outcasts of Israel, says, Yet will I gather others to him, besides his own who are gathered, Isa 6:6,7,8. The Restoration of all things is imminent (Act 3:19-21), including an active and trained Messianic Priesthood, and most definitely, the return of Messiah will include the rewards as mentioned! THE ETERNAL PRIESTHOOD OF MELCHIZEDEK IN HEAVEN AND THE RESTORED PRIESTHOOD OF ZADOK ON THE EARTH If the above is true, and the discerning reader realises; there is a Priesthood under which the Believer must function, what is the name of this Priestly Order and what are the functions? YHWH called Yahshua according to the Order of Melchizedek, the King of Righteousness. Melchizedek is more a title or designation of honour - to be filled by a worthy candidate. The term is a transliteration of two Hebrew words, melek and tsedeq. The Hebrew melek means king and tsedeq means righteousness, therefore, the term Melchizedek means literally, king of righteousness. A king is always pre-eminent in his jurisdiction, whoever Melchizedek was; he had to be pre-eminent in righteousness. He had to be the king of righteousness; and the believer is called under the Holy Spirit Ministry of Zadok, the ministry for the faithful. The root words for Zadok are also Melek and tsedeq, thus the High Priest and His offspring are still from the heavenly bloodline of the King of Righteousness. You are partners with Christ Jesus because of God. Yahshua has become our wisdom sent from God, our righteousness, our holiness, and our ransom from sin, 1Cor 1:30. For He made the One who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him, 2Cor 5:21. Introducing a Righteous Priesthood: A Covenant with the Descendants of Zadok An unknown prophet came prophesying to Eli that YHWH is going to institute a new Priesthood. But I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest who will do according to what is in My heart and in My soul; and I will build him an enduring house, and he will walk before My anointed always, (1Sam 2:35). This is an amazing prophecy! YHWH is replacing the unfaithful priesthood; prophesying the 102
constitution of an Eternal priesthood, which will endure until the return of Moshiach. This prophecy pertains to David’s offspring; the Royal bloodline of Yahshua – Who also officiates in the Office of the Righteous High Priest. He is in the believers through His Spirit – and His Spirit calls every priest in the Renewed Covenant to faithfulness and righteousness in following the example of Zadok. During the reign of King David, there was a dual priesthood. Zadok and Abiathar fulfilled this prophecy to the letter. Are not Zadok and Abiathar the priests with you there? Zadok in Hebrew is tsadog meaning one proved righteous; and Abiathar meaning at peace with the Lord who is God. These two priests represent the two priesthoods mentioned by the unknown prophet - one with the spirit of Eli, the other, a ministry unto the Lord. Abiathar, King David’s other priest had in him the seed of Eli! The lazy, indulgent, weak spirit of Eli laid dormant in his soul. It happened just as the man of God prophesied to Eli - that at the very peak of his usefulness, at the peak of God’s blessing, he would fall. His inner weakness would be exposed: he would go so far and then stop short of God’s glory. Abiathar’ heart was not right with God, 2 Sam 15:35. . . . also Zadok a young man mighty of valour, and of his fathers house twenty two Captains, 1Chr 12:1,22,28. Zadok and his entire house rejected the rebellious Saul and gave their hearts and allegiance to David. Not once did he ever look back. He proved to be righteous because he proved to be faithful! He was there when David needed him! In addition, whilst so many others were being enticed away to follow the rebellious Absalom, Zadok remained faithful through it all. Because of this faithfulness, YHWH made an Eternal Covenant with him. The Zadokite Priesthood is appointed to promote the ministry excellence and reconciliation. Controversial End-time Changes to Unfaithful Priesthood A curse is declared upon one priesthood, referring to the unfaithful Abiathar and a blessing is conferred upon the prophesied forthcoming “of an enduring" holy-remnant priesthood. Eli represents a cursed priesthood, a priesthood of selfcentred servants of God. They are called priests, but lightly esteem the work of God. They do not submit the ministry of correction. Their spiritual children become wicked because of their lazy life-styles and their refusal to cry out against sin. They make themselves fat with the choicest of every offering of My (God’s) people. When one compares this Scripture to the conduct of the modern day Westernised Church, the researcher is of the opinion that the Church is functioning under a curse, because sin, anti-Semitism and greed. 103
If YHWH could curse the household of Eli, then the words of the Apostle Peter st takes on a solemn warning to the 21 century Church because the time has come to begin the judgment from the house of God; and if firstly from us, what will be the end of the ones disobeying the gospel of God, 1Pet 4:17. The prophecy in Mal 3:5 is soon to be fulfilled as it is an end-time prophecy! And I will come near to you for judgement; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against those swearing to a lie; and against those who extort from the hired labourer's pay; and turning away the widow, and the fatherless, and the alien (xenophobia), and not fearing Me, says YHWH Elohim. Therefore, if a Priest, under the Old Covenant Law is cursed for condoning sin, how much more does YHWH expect of His set-apart priests in the Renewed Covenant Era to be blameless and faithful; He is a righteous God and will not change. Eli saw iniquity in his sons who brought a curse on themselves, and he did not rebuke them, 1Sam 3:13. For this YHWH said, I am about to judge his house forever. – And his house was judged! The glory of the Lord departed from Shiloh. The ark was captured; Eli and his sons died. It is the opinion of the author that this is (in comparison) the current status of the apostate Church - His Glory has departed. The following indicators confirm the coming judgement of the modern day Church: •
Firstly, it is a weak priesthood. I will break your strength and the strength of your fathers house;
Secondly, it would continually fall short of God’s fullness. Even in times of spiritual outpourings, this priesthood was doomed to come short of God’s glory. And you will see the distress of My dwelling, in spite of all that I do good for Israel. The researcher would like to add this comment: This is also true in this modern era, where one see manifestations of His Spirit, only to fade, once MAN has capitalised on it, specifically applying the example of Todd Bentley, USA in 2008. Due to the sin he fell into, many people got hurt in the Church, and rejected Christianity. The so-called covering of the Church was revoked, but too late; and
Thirdly, all in this kind of priesthood will fall in the prime of life - in the prime of spiritual life and blessing - because of a flawed walk with God. And all the increase of your house will die in the prime of life. Todd Bentley is in the prime of his life and in need of repentance; 104
Fourthly, this powerless, weak, flawed, self-centred priesthood would continue indefinitely. It is still in office today, to minister in the iron and clay period! Yet I will not cut off every man of yours from My altar. In line with the Daniel prophecy, You also saw that the iron was mixed with the clay. This means that the rulers of that empire will try to unite their families by intermarriage, but they will not be able to, any more than iron can mix with clay. This is in line with current world trend to promote mixed marriages. One just has to watch the reality TV programs to know that such a marriage is doomed. While you were looking at it, a great stone broke loose from a cliff without anyone touching it, struck the iron and clay feet of the statue, and shattered them, Dan 2:34. Due to the compromise and liberalism of the last days (iron and clay, good and evil), there are priests who will be accommodating such people. Paul said, The time will come when people will not listen to sound doctrine, but will follow their own desires and will collect for themselves more and more teachers who will tell them what they are itching to hear. They will turn away from listening to the truth and give their attention to legends, 2Tim 4:3, 4. This paves the way for an end-time “accommodating believe system” that is not in line with the Word – paving the way for the anti-Christ.
Ezekiel Warns the Apostate Priesthood of the End-time The Curse of the House of Eli was released upon a corrupt Harlot Church and her idolatrous shepherds! The following verse clearly defines Harlot Church: And you shall say to the rebellious ones, to the house of Israel, Thus says the Lord God, Enough of all your abominations, O house of Israel, when you brought in foreigners, uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in My sanctuary to profane it, even My house, when you offered My food the fat and the blood; for they made My covenant void - this in addition to all your abominations, Eze 44:6-7. The above Scripture states that the House of God full of abominations - so appalling that YHWH declares: Enough, these half-converted, worldly, corrupt, socalled believers have no place in My house! They had polluted His sanctuary with ungodly worshipers. They have a form of godliness, but no power nor holiness. The worst punishment, the most horrible shame upon a man or woman of God, is to minister in the flesh with no anointing. The glory has departed, their message is chaff and His holy Presence has gone from them. Yet - men appoint them to minister to the house which is abandoned by Elohim. Think of it - appointed as 105
ministers to a house of rebellious children, even though they are idolaters; a Harlot Church incorporating pagan worship to the Apostolic Church. Conclusion on Priesthood Every discerning believer can assess their current position in the world and see that the above mentioned behaviour has become a daily occurrence, and an absolute confirmation that the Church is in perilous times - a serious wake-up call to the apostate Church! Without the anointing and manifest Presence of the Ruach HaKodesh, the end-time Priesthood and believers will surely perish. Jew and Gentile alike have encountered the above-mentioned type of person, within in and without the Church. This type of behaviour is inherent to mankind as Yahshua said from the heart, these things come. When one is committed to the renewal process as done through the washing of the Word by the indwelling power of the Ruach HaKodesh, this behaviour is corrected. It is a daily practice to deny oneself, to say no to oneself. If one is not the perpetrator of such behaviour, then you are on the receiving end of it and a victim of an ungodly man or woman; and the reason why Jew and Gentile alike need to understand the concept of being Hidden with Christ in YHWH! Perilous times are coming on the earth, and it is no longer the time to hide behind the phrase; I have been hurt in the Church or by a Christian, and then nurses a victim mentality, no, the time has come to rule in this live by one, and His is Yahshua HaMashiach, Rom 5:17. YHWH’S FEASTS NEGLECTED BY THE WESTERNISED CHURCH Except, the end is not yet, and the believers are not exempt from the following; they have neglected not only the Priesthood, but also meeting times with YHWH. Times that He linked to the Words Eternal or Everlasting Statutes and is called His Feasts. As already established, there is a Hebraic (Jewish) mindset versus a Westernised mindset, and therefore, when you begin to explore the next Root of the Christian faith, it will inevitably lead one to its origin, Judaism. The derivation of this Root is His Feasts, which He labelled Everlasting or Eternal Statutes; three Feasts so important to YHWH that He stipulated that participation and attendance is compulsory or one will be cut of – from the blessings, etc. Three times in the year all your males shall appear before the Lord God, Exo 23:14-17. In all there are seven Feasts. The Hebrew word chag (feast) is employed only in reference to these three festivals: Passover (Pesach), Pentecost (Shavuot), and Tabernacles 106
(Sukkot). Originally, these Feasts were named Unleavened Bread, Harvest, and Ingathering, respectively. During the Millennial Reign of Yahshua, these Feasts will be celebrated again; the non-participants will not receive rain! Garr, Our Lost Legacy, aligning the Feasts of YHWH with the Hebraic Root perspective said, “The three Feasts of YHWH have often been termed Jewish festivals; however, this is a misnomer. The Ownership of the feasts is clear. They are not Jewish feasts; they are YHWH’s feasts. The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are my feasts, Lev 23:2. The church has implemented the terminology Jewish festivals as a means of relegating these feasts to inferior status and of relative insignificance. The truth is that they are Elohim’s feasts for the Jew first and then the Greek. In reality, YHWH in His divine wisdom instructed both Households that these festivals are for both Jew and non-Jew, and are to be celebrated jointly with each other, Deu 16:10-16. The Hebrew word Ger translated in English as the stranger refers to the non-Jew (Bible-believing Gentile) who has joined himself to the Jewish people. Therefore, the Lord is the Host of the festivals, and all observant believers are His invited guests. Who can refrain from attending a Feast by Personal invitation? In the Messianic Theocratic Era, the nations will obligated to go up to Jerusalem to participate, And it shall be, everyone who is left from all the nations which came up against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, Jehovah of Hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. And it shall be, whoever will not go up from the families of the earth to Jerusalem to worship the King, Jehovah of Hosts, there shall even be no rain on them, Zec 14:16, 17. The Scriptural Meaning of the Word Feast Eddy Chummney, The Seven Festivals of the Messiah, explains it as follows: These two important Hebrew words appear in Leviticus chapter 23, and each word is translated as feast in English. In verse 2, the word for feast is the Hebrew word mo'ed, as it is written, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, concerning the feasts [mo'ed] of the Lord.... The word mo'ed means an appointment, a fixed time or season, a cycle or year, an assembly, an appointed time, a set time or an exact time. By understanding the Hebrew meaning of the English word feast, one can see that God is telling all that He is ordaining a set or exact time or an appointed time when He has an appointment with humanity to fulfil certain events in the redemption plan. In fact, Yahshua came to earth at the exact time as ordained by YHWH, (Gal 4:2,4). He has an exact time or set appointment when, in the future, He will judge the world, Act 17:31. Rashi 107
comments as follows: Designate the [times] of the festivals so that [all of] Israel will become accustomed to them. The Hebrew word chag, which means a festival, is derived from the Hebrew root word chagag, which means, to move in a circle, to march in a sacred procession, to celebrate, dance, to hold a solemn feast or holiday. By this, one can see that God gave the festivals as cycles (patterns) to be observed yearly, and by doing them, one can understand God's redemptive plan for the world; the role that the Messiah would play in that redemption; and ones personal relationship to God concerning how one grows from a baby Bible believer to a mature Bible believer. Although YHWH gave the festivals for all to observe, He never gave the festivals so that one would obtain salvation by observing them, because salvation only comes by faith (emunah). However, YHWH did give the festivals as prophetic shadows and examples for teaching and instructing His people concerning His plan of redemption and their personal relationship to Him, 1Cor 10:1-6, 11 and the Shadows are to be perfected in Yahshua. Jerusalem, the Time and Venue, Appointed by YHWH Of all the elements of the Scriptural System pertaining to praise, worship, and the Feasts, the vast majority of the Christian community has greatly neglected God’s liturgical calendar. While some elements of Biblical Judaism have been maintained (bible readings, tithing, and offerings), in most Christian churches twenty centuries of gentile (church) tradition have so obscured the ordained calendar for Feasts which YHWH gave to his people to observe, that they suffer total lack of knowledge. Prof Liebenberg wrote an excellent booklet: Which is the correct calendar: the Pagan one the Western world uses or the Biblical one? ( The Feasts are not only to be observed at God's appointed times, but also to be observed at His appointed place. God said that He would choose a place, and it would be a set place where His redemptive plan would be accomplished. YHWH Himself left little doubt that His people throughout their generations would observe His memorial days forever. Bible believers should certainly be searching the Scriptures to discover the timing of His memorial days as well as the proper method of observing the appointed feasts: •
The Timing: Designate the [times] of the festivals so that [all of] Israel will become accustomed to them. It is nothing short of amazing that people in today’s world who are so conscious of time and appointments should ignore and even disdain appointments which YHWH, Himself, has set. If one were granted an opportunity to meet a monarch, president, or prime minister of a 108
nation, he would make extensive preparations to ensure that he was prepared and on time. How much more important is Elohim, the Creator of the universe, than a temporal political figure! Should not believers exercise as much caution and excellence in meeting with God at the times that He has charted on his appointment calendar? If man’s evaluation of God’s calendar relegates it to relative insignificance, YHWH’s intention concerning it was perfectly clear at the time at which he implemented it among his people: So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance, Exo 12:14. •
The Venue: Passover (Pesach), the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost (Shavuot), and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) were to be observed at an appointed place, Deu 16:2,6,9-11, 13-16. This place was Jerusalem, 2Kin 21:4. From this one can see that Jerusalem was appointed by YHWH to be the place where important events, surrounding His redemptive plan, would be accomplished. Yahshua died, was buried, and resurrected in Jerusalem. The empowering of the believers by the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) took place in Jerusalem. Yahshua will return and set His foot on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Zec 14:4. Jerusalem will be the center of world attention and controversy before the coming of the Messiah, Zec 12:2-3; 14:2-4. He will rule and reign from Mount Zion in the Messianic Era.
The Feast of Shavuot evolve into an interminable Pentecost You need to understand that research is a process of elimination, and whatever remains is the truth. To facilitate progressive revelation, or Biblical Continuity – is the process of YHWH teaching and disclosing His concepts in a gradual and deliberate manner – allowing for growth and maturity in the searcher of Truth. Many Messianic scholars, i.e. Dr Bennie Kleynhans (Sr.), Prof Wimpie Liebenberg (Messianic Shavuot guide / Haggadah), Eddy Chummney, John Garr, et al, have researched the value and impact of His Feasts on the Messianic believers and their research (serving as guidelines), has greatly benefited the Hebraic Root Movement and will eventually impact on all Believers. The Feast of Shavuot has direct relevance on the Ruach HaKodesh and from this perspective; research was conducted to investigate the possibility that the neglect of this Eternal Statute could be one of the primary reasons for the withdrawal of the Ruach from the Church and thus the Apostate condition and powerlessness of the modern day Church. For the authentic believer to embark 109
of this journey to rediscover ones Hebraic Roots is one of the most rewarding journeys one will ever undertake, as it becomes the highway to establish one’s identity in Yahshua, and know intimately, the heart of the Father. The Feasts demonstrate the pattern of how these Feasts are celebrated in heaven, as Yahshua prayed ABBA’s will must be done on earth as in Heaven, Heb 8:1-2,5; 9:8-9,23; Exo 25:8-9,40; 26:30; Num 8:4; Eze 43:1-6,10-12. Therefore, if the Feast of Shavuot were a Shadow signifying the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and if the believer has an active vibrant relationship with Him, is it not fair to expect the Believers to honour the Feast that forever earmarked the Spirit-filled believer as the carrier of His Glory? The Passover Feast, after a time-period of fifty days named, counting the Omer, culminates in the Feast of Shavuot. When the fiftieth day of counting arrives, the Israelis decorate their synagogues and homes with trees, plants and flowers, in commemoration of the first fruits which they were commanded to bring as an offering unto YHWH. The Jewish people call this day Shavuot or Festival of Weeks because it comes seven weeks after Passover. They are reminded on that day the issuing of the Torah in the desert, which were given to Moshe fifty days after the Passover lamb was slain for their redemption from Egypt and slavery, and that they had crossed the Red Sea. This day is also named the Day of giving the Law. Since the Jews feel that Israel was established as a nation on Shavuot, it is custom among Jewry to accept formally young men and women as active members of their faith. The first of the firstfruits of your land you shall bring into the house of YHWH your God, Exo 23:19. With the intention of blessing His people, YHWH commanded they should go three times a year to Jerusalem to celebrate the festivals of Passover (Pesach), Pentecost (Shavuot), and Tabernacles (Sukkot). All three of these festivals are agricultural harvest festivals. Passover (Pesach) is the barley harvest. Pentecost (Shavuot) is the wheat harvest. Both festivals are first fruits harvests before the final harvest that was to come at the end of the year during the festival of Tabernacles (Sukkot), which is the fruit harvest. On the morning after the first day of Passover the High Priest in Israel was commanded to bring a sheaf (Omer) of first fruits and wave it back and forth (Violent shaking) in the Temple before El Shaddai – prophesying the Resurrection of the Messiah! Josephus, Edersheim, and the Mishnah teach that the sheaf of barley harvest was marked out by three (3) men after sunset on Nisan 14, which was the beginning of Nisan 15. They cut down the sheaf and brought it to the Temple to lay it before the Lord after they had dried it by fire. There it rested on the Sabbath day 110
and the morning after the Sabbath the priest would wave the sheaf before ElShaddai and begin to count the days to Pentecost. This is the shadow; what is the Perfect or illumination or typology, that are applicable to the believer of today? The cut down Sheaf is Messiah Yahshua, who was cut down from human life in the field of the world. The Sheaf presented before YHWH after the testing of fire and resting in the Temple on the Sabbath is Messiah, Who, after being cut down was prepared for the burial and whose body rested on the Sabbath in the tomb. The Sheaf that was waved on high back and forth before El-Shaddai on the Sabbath is Messiah, Who arose from death on the first day of the week. He is the first fruits of the Resurrection, 1Cor 15:23. The violent shaking of the Sheaf is equated with the earthquake that YHWH, through His Holy Ruach power opened the tomb that could not hold the King of Kings – as He became the first-born from the dead. See the Perfect harvest: • The firstborn of both man and beast were sanctified and presented before YHWH as first fruits to Him, Exo 13:2; 22:29. Yahshua presented Himself to YHWH, with His sacrificial blood. • The first fruits the farmers were presented to YHWH at His altar in praise and thanksgiving, Deu 26:1-11. • Yahshua celebrated the festival of First Fruits by offering Himself as the first fruits to all future generations, Mat 27:52-53. • Yahshua is the firstborn of Mary, Mat 1:23-25. • Yahshua is the first-begotten of YHWH, the Father, Heb 1:6. • Yahshua is the firstborn of every creature, Col 1:15. • Yahshua is the first-begotten from the dead, Rev 1:5. • Yahshua is the firstborn of many brethren, Rom 8:29. • Yahshua is the first fruits of the resurrected ones, 1Cor 15:20,23. • Yahshua is the beginning of the creation of YHWH, Rev 3:14. Yahshua speaking: Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over, Joh 12:24. As the First Fruit of many, every believer in Him is part of the harvest – and believers need to reproduce the same seed by winning souls (reproduce many times over)! ABBA desired to indwell each of His Children and Yahshua became the Legal Access by paving the way to come in the form of man, die on a cross and legally give Elohim 111
access to his children. The Father through the Ruach HaKodesh indwelt the body of Messiah, and this indwelling Presence is for each who hunger after His Righteousness. As there are so many similarities between Yahshua and Moshe, one can only marvel at the prophetic action As Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the desert, in the same way the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life Joh 3:14, 15. And I, if and when I am lifted up from the earth [on the cross], will draw and attract all men [Gentiles as well as Jews] to Myself, Joh 12:32. On that stake (cross), whilst being crucified and lifted up, He was initiating an extraordinary, Supernatural process, thus when one of the soldiers stabbed him in the side with his spear. Blood and water gushed out, Joh 19:34. In that glorious life-changing moment Yahshua birthed His first fruits – the Body - on the cross! Fifty days after this birthing, during the Feast of Shavuot, He endued the Body of Believers with Supernatural Ruach HaKodesh power and gifts; gifts to move in the supernatural. On Shavuot, in Israel, in Jerusalem, in the Temple, on the Sabbath, on Torah observant Jewish men and women, the living YHWH, chose to pour out His Holy Spirit. The subsequent rejection of the Torah based lifestyle by Gentile believers robbed the Church of His and their Supernatural power. Torah is a lifestyle of Holiness and consecration and not just a set of rules. The Torah contains 613 laws pertaining to all spheres of live; and likewise, there are1050 laws in the Renewed Covenant (they address the Believers behaviour only, whereas the Torah covers the whole spectrum), as documented in the Dakes Annotated Bible. The lifestyle one lives is a choice, but do allow the Sprit of the living God to live in a person to His Glory and honour. The first Apostolic Holy Spirit empowered Church was persecuted, murdered and martyred. Jewish men and women gave their lives in order for the Gentile nations to receive the Gospel and indwelling Ruach HaKodesh. Once again, Believers are facing perilous times; without the empowerment of the Rauch, the Spiritual battle will be lost. More on His Feasts: Weekly Reminder of His Mercy: Sabbath As YHWH’s Shavuot feast is an annual reminder of His mercy so is the Sabbath a weekly reminder of His mercy; for one to rest after a week’s hard work, is mercy; a time of compulsory rest for the family, whilst Elohim restores the body. In a previous study, (The Conditions and Criteria contained in The Torah for restoring YHWH’s Presence, Covenant Blessings and divine Health), the author has done extensive research into the Sabbath Observance of Yahshua, his family and Apostles. One of the conclusions was that the Sabbath is not only an Eternal 112
Statute, but it also forms part of the Ten Commandments. Nominal Christians, traditionally, do not observe the Sabbath as they regard Sunday as the day of rest. The Sabbath is the Lord’s Day, not Sunday, as Yahshua declared Himself Lord of the Shabbat. There is no reference in the Renewed Covenant of the apostles, or anyone else, switching to Sunday as the new Shabbat. Mr Friedman, They loved the Torah, Chapter 2, p9, said Central to showing Yahshua’s Torah observant life is an understanding of his Torah observance in the Renewed Covenant of the Sabbath. Sabbath observance was considered a prime duty and crucial Mitzvah in the Second Temple era. The evidence from the Scriptures clearly indicates that Yahshua kept the Sabbath (Mat 5:17-20; Luk 4:16–22, 31). The question would now be in what manner did he keep the Sabbath? One is aware that the Messiah had differences with several of the Pharisees and other religious leaders of His time, because, according to them, he did not keep the traditions of the Sabbath, according to their Rabbinical tradition, and Oral Law or Talmud. When studying the following the Scriptural references (Mat 12:9, Mar 1:21; 6:2, Luk 4:16, 31; 6:6, 13:10, 14:1; Joh 5:1-6 and Joh 9), and the narratives contained therein, Yahshua clearly taught on the Sabbath, observing the day according to YHWH’s instructions and local custom. It was His practice to teach the Jews on the Sabbath. A person needs to pay attention to this fact; after the official ending of the Sabbath, the sick were brought to him. One can confirm this from the Scriptures as the Word state that they transported and brought the ailing to Him in the evening; in keeping with the custom that one is only to travel a certain distance on the Sabbath, thus avoiding desecrating the Sabbath by carrying a bed, an act which was forbidden, regarding this as work on the Sabbath. The Jews were challenging Him to see whether He would authorise and allow transportation of the ailing on the Sabbath. Yahshua did not refrain from teaching the Hebrews the correct way of living the Sabbath with its requirements and priorities. He did, however, answer them with the following: For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath, Mat 12:8. Joseph Jacobs, Jesus of Nazareth in History, and Jewish Encyclopaedia, states: “Yahshua taught during a time of flux and transition, of various developing and occasionally conflicting interpretations of the Torah. In taking advantage of this liberty in interpretation, He nevertheless remained fully Jewish. For example, He accepted the laws concerning the Sabbath, but differed in the exegesis of those laws concerning certain conditions which justify its suspension”. The Messiah was a Torah observant Hebrew man; otherwise, the Sadducees would never have accepted His teachings. Messiah had 113
only the Torah and Tanakh to teach from; He was still making history and revealing the will of YHWH. The author believes that the reader already made the following conclusion: observing the Sabbath is of utmost importance to YHWH. Nevertheless, despite the consequences for them, many may well say they are now no longer under the Law, but under Grace. This brings one to the unmistakable conclusion that defining the concepts of Law and Grace are called for. Therefore, the reader is referred to booklets of Prof W A Liebenberg, The True Doctrine of Law and Grace unfolded and Messianic Shabbat Hagadah, The booklets address the Sabbath, Law and Grace, from a Hebraic perspective. Due to lack of knowledge, mentioning the word Torah may evoke negative emotions in Believers, as they are unacquainted of the actual value of the Torah and has no in-depth knowledge of their Hebraic roots. In order to enhance this research on the Sabbath, and to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Torah observance, with relationship, are the keys to His manifest Presence, the introductory Scripture to this chapter needs to be prayed, that the Spirit of Revelation will remove the veil! Indisputable - The Sabbath will be celebrated during His Messianic Rule on earth During the 1000 year Messianic Age, Zec 14:16 state that Elohim will require of the nations to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. Elohim will require all flesh to keep the Sabbath and new moon during this time – culminating in the restoration of the New Heaven and New earth. For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make...saith the Lord...and it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another and from One Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord, Isa 66:22-23. The logical conclusion is that the Scriptural principle of first the Jew and then the Greek will be observing the Sabbath, new moon, and Feasts for all eternity. Therefore, YHWH has not done away with His Feasts or Sabbath observance; in fact, there is no Scripture available which states that He has revoked the Eternal Statute of Sabbath observance - as re-instated in the Sinai desert, confirming the importance of His Sabbaths. YHWH even determines when the Sabbath should start: Let this be a Sabbath of special rest to you, and keep yourselves from all pleasure; on the ninth day of the month at nightfall from evening to evening, let this Sabbath be kept, Lev 23:32. As soon as He creates the New Heaven and the New Earth, all souls will observe the Sabbath. 114
Incur a Blessing by calling the Sabbath a Delight It would be inconsistent of the Living God to withdraw or revoke this blessing; it would mean that many Scriptures would have to be replaced. . . . If you call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord’s holy day honourable, and if you honour it by not going you own way, and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, then you will find your JOY in the Lord, and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob. The mouth of the Lord has spoken, Isa 58:13. YHWH is in Restoration and Reconciliation, uniting His people, through the obedience to the concepts and principles as outlined in His Word. NOT YET DONE ON HEBRAIC ROOTS – THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES This book is Divinely ordained. The Holy One of Israel not only gave each topic for research, it was to be conducted in a specific order. Every singe topic as mentioned in the above, are the reasons that He gave for the falling away and apathy of the Church. However, there is a final cause for the apathy in the Church that needed to be researched and the topic on His Names, takes precedence over all others – the sin perpetrated against the name of the living God. For My own sake, for My own sake, I do it [I refrain and do not utterly destroy you]; for why should I permit My name to be polluted and profaned [which it would be if the Lord completely destroyed His chosen people]? And I will not give My glory to another [by permitting the worshipers of idols to triumph over you] Isa 48:11. His Name is polluted by the Jew first, and then the Greek and all are guilty, for their own reasons. The modern day believers are programmed to think of only Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The possibility that the living God, YHWH, could manifest His Presence under another name is foreign to them. To substantiate the statement that He has other names in which He chooses to manifest His Presence, one just has to consider some of them (Hebraic mindset): • YHWH-Roi = The Lord is my Shepherd • YHWH-Yireh = The Lord will provide • YHWH-Shalom = He leadeth me beside still waters; the Lord is peace • YHWH-Ropheka = The Lord is Healer • YHWH-Shammah = The Lord is present • YHWH-Nissi = The Lord my miracle
Substituting His Name with man-made names Did YHWH authorise the substitution of His Name with something else? Is He consistent with His people to honour and use His Name? Moses struggled with the same problem, considering that the Hebrews did not use His Name for 430 years. The Israelites understood the Name El-Shaddai, but had no revelation of His name, YHWH. For hundreds of years, whilst in slavery, they were exposed to the names of the Egyptian Pharaohs’ idol god's and magicians, the Pharaoh himself being regarded as a divine being. That is also the reason why the Pharaoh asked Moses what is His Name, he really did not know! And Moses said to God, "Behold I come to the children of Israel, and I say to them, The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they say to me what is His Name? What shall I say to them? God said to Moses, Ehyeh asher ehyeh (I will be what I will be), and He said, So shall you say to the children of Israel, Ehyeh (I will be) has sent me to you. And God said further to Moses, “so shall you say to the children of Israel, YHWH Elohim the God of your forefathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, has sent me to you. This Is My Name Forever (this is My Namele-olam-va-ed, and this is My memorial to all Name to all generations), and this is how I should be mentioned in Every Generation. King David declares, “O YHWH, Your name is forever; O YHWH, the Mention of Your Name is for every generation, Exo 3:15 and Ps. 135:13. If YHWH, Himself, has declared His Name publicly, which person has the right to change, substitute or discontinue the Name of the living God? The Jews substituted His Name with HaShem (The Name) or Adonai; and the Greek used Kurios, whilst the British translated it Jehovah or Lord or utilised His title, God. To this day, one will find people continuing to replace His Name with Hebrew titles such as HaShem and Adonai. They may sound accurate, because they are Hebrew words, however, not Scriptural, and most definitely incorrect when utilised to replace the authentic Name of the Almighty. How can one then exalt or esteem His Name if one does not know the value of it? Alternatively, do they know that each of His Names links Him to a different area in a person’s life? Once again, translation was a problem; His names were translated, not transliterated, in so doing changing the meaning and value of the Eternal Name! Todd Bennet (paraphrased): expounding on this theme (proving how easy it is to forget a person’s name) with the following scenario: Day 1: “Good morning, Mr Smith and good morning Mrs Smith”. By Day 5: “Good morning Mr and Mrs 116
Smith”, By day 20, “Good morning, good morning duh?” By end of year, “Good morning – who are they again”? What has this narrative to do with the Names of YHWH? During a visit to Israel the Rabbis submitted truly thought provoking confrontational questions; did we change your name when you arrived in Israel? “No”. Then why did you Westerners change the Name of your So-called Saviour, Jesus? Followed by an even more bewildering assertion: In all the years of its existence, we, the Jewish nation, never had a person born to us with the name Jesus, as we do not have the letter “J” in the Hebrew Aleph Beit, or Alphabet! Todd Bennet, Names. The Father, the Son and the Importance of Names in the Scriptures (2009), made this statement on the pronunciation of the Name Jehovah, another substitute: “The most traditional and popular pronunciation in Christianity is: Jehovah. Often the name Jehovah is used to pronounce the Name of YHWH by translating the Tetragrammaton as JHVH and inserting the vowels from Adonai”. (Tetragrammaton is a Greek term meaning “the word of four letters”. His name YHWH is used approximately 6,823 times in the Hebrew Old Testament). The Christian translators’ ignorance of Hebrew failed to alert them that the “vowel points” (Hebrew alphabet) placed beneath the name were to cue the reader not to pronounce it, but to say Adonai instead. Petrus Galatinus is the person who gave the hybrid word, Jehovah. One can easily find that the letter “J” did not even exist on the planet until 1520CE. The letter is less than 500 years old! “J” came from the letter YOD in Hebrew, and was brought into Greek with the letter “IOTA, or English letter “I” since they had no “Y”. The Third commandment was not instituted to abolish the usage of His Name; it was to regulate the proper usage of His Holy Name. Gradually, customs developed that put a tail on the letter “I” when it began a sentence, or was used as the first letter of a proper name. Both the Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia and the Jewish Encyclopaedia indicate that “Jehovah” is not a word at all. In fact, the name is a philological impossibility. Despite its popularity, it is a man made word added to the Word negating the instruction not to add! Whatever thing I command you, that you shall observe to do: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it, Deu 12:32; Deu 4:1,2; Pro 30:6; Rev 22:18,19. It is no incident that the Pharisees linked His Name to idols. The word lord (according to Matthew) is the name of an idol-god, Baal or Beelzebub; lord of the dung! Therefore, Jew and Christian alike desecrate (profane) His Holy Name, lowering it to the level of idol worshippers, by calling Him lord. The Word says "If you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples, you will know the truth, and 117
the truth will set you free," Joh 8:31, 32. Understanding and acting upon the Truth concerning the Name of YHWH will set one free. Inaccurately utilising the Holy Name incurs The Curse This total dishonour and disregard for His Names, compelled YHWH to be Who He is (Righteous and Just), and to honour His Word by activating The Curse: If you will not hear and if you will not lay it to heart to give glory to My name, says the Lord of hosts, then I will send the curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings; yes, I have already turned them to curses because you do not lay it to heart, Mal 2:2. This Curse is well-defined in Deu 28, and by studying the contents and context of The Curse, you will find every single one present, in different levels in the lives of the Jew first, then the Greek! Seen within the framework of this research, it is the most compelling reason for the apostate Church and the disgrace of the Israeli nation, per sé. The Two Houses cannot unify with this infringement of His Names staring them in the face. Yahshua speaking, Not everyone who says to Me, Master, Master, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, Mater, Master, have we not prophesied In Your Name and driven out Demons In Your Name and done many mighty works in Your Name? And then I will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly (working Torahlessness by disregarding My commands, Torah), Mat 7:21-23. Yahshua, by implication, is saying that no person merely professing faith in Him and His atoning work will be saved, but he that doeth the will (Torah) of My Father. Yahshua came in the Name of His Father, YHWH. How else could the demons obey His commands? He did not say in the name of the lord, as demonstrated in the above. As Yahshua instructed the believers to use His Name, He had to have a specific name under which to function, as the Word says He stood under the authority of YHWH. But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ (LT). But I want you to understand that the head of every man is the Messiah, and the head of a wife is her husband, and the Head of the Messiah Is God, 1Cor 11:3 (CJB). Therefore, if Messiah Yahshua revealed and utilised the correct Names of the Father, it is time for the authentic Believers to obey and imitate Him by faith. Yahshua set an example of submission to the authority of YHWH and His Word; 118
He did not act on His own. Yahshua came in the Name of the Father, YHWH; He most definitely did not perform any miracles in His own Name! The Hebrew nation was bound by their traditions, and when Yahshua came to this planet, He exposed their terrible bondage to traditions of men: He answered them (with a question), "Why do you break the commandment of God because of your traditions? Because of your traditions you have destroyed the authority of God's Word”, Mat 15:3-6. The question to the modern day church would be, is the Church operating in the same traditional spirit, destroying the authority of His Word? The Pharisees saw that some of his disciples were unclean because they ate without washing their hands. (The Pharisees, like all other Jewish people, don't eat unless they have properly washed their hands. They follow the traditions of their ancestors. When they come from the marketplace, they don't eat unless they have washed first. They have been taught to follow many other rules. For example, they must also wash their cups, jars, brass pots, and dinner tables) The Pharisees and the scribes asked Jesus, "Why don't your disciples follow the traditions taught by our Ancestors? Jesus told them, "Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites in Scripture: 'These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of Me is pointless, because their teachings are rules made by humans. "You abandon the commandments of God to follow human traditions." He added, "You have no trouble rejecting the commandments of God in order to keep your own traditions! Some of the Pharisees said, "The man who did this is not from God because he doesn't follow the traditions for the day of worship (religious spirit)." Other Pharisees asked, "How can a man who is a sinner perform miracles like these?" Joh 9:16. The modern day Believer is encouraged to measure their usage of His Names to the above human rules and traditions pertaining to the Names of YHWH! Then measure your usage of His Names according to Scripture! Yahshua said you will know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free; it is the Truth that you understand, and act upon that sets you free! The reader is encouraged under the unction of the Spirit of Revelation to insert and substitute the word Torah, where they find the words Will of God or Laws or commands, into some Scriptures as a test, and allow the veil to be lifted. Do note that should one do this test the Scripture must be in context within a chapter and paragraph. i.e. But he answering said to them, My mother and my brethren are those who hear the word (Torah) of God and do it, Luk 8:21. Jesus replied, Rather, how blessed are those who hear and obey God's word (Torah), Luk 11:28. "Because of your traditions you have destroyed the authority of God's word (Torah), Mar 7:13. From this perspective look at Dawid, Daniel and all the Tanakh 119
prophets and consider that they had only the Torah to work from – once again allow the veil to be lifted. Not every Rabbi or Jew believes the Torah, they follow the letter of the Torah because of tradition, and therefore there is a lack of relationship with the Elohim of the Torah. This is the intimate relationship that authentic believers have with the indwelling Messiah. BACK TO REALITY: THE DRAMA OF THE END-TIME: SIGNS OF THE TIMES Is the Church just apostate, apathetic, uninvolved and bound by traditions of men? Is the fulfilment of the end-time prophecies regarding the Church at hand? Is there an impending separation between the faithful Church and Priesthood? Both the Apostles Peter and Paul were sounding end-time warnings to the endtime believers who continue to follow human traditions and who are not walking in the Truth. First off, you need to know that in the last days, mockers are going to have a heyday. Reducing everything to the level of their puny feelings, they'll mock, So what's happened to the promise of his Coming? Our ancestors are dead and buried, and everything's going on just as it has from the first day of creation. Nothing's changed. They conveniently forget that long ago all the galaxies and this very planet were brought into existence out of watery chaos by God's word. Then God's word brought the chaos back in a flood that destroyed the world. The current galaxies and earth are fuel for the final fire. God is poised, ready to speak his word again, ready to give the signal for the judgment and destruction of the desecrating sceptics. Don't overlook the obvious here, friends. With God, one day is as good as a thousand years, a thousand years as a day. God isn't late with his promise as some measure lateness. He is restraining himself on account of you, holding back the End because he doesn't want anyone lost. He's giving everyone space and time to change, 2Pet 3:3-9, Message Bible. The Apostle Paul forewarning of despicable human behaviour in the last days: Remember that there will be difficult times in the last days. People will be selfish, greedy, boastful, and conceited; they will be insulting, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, and irreligious; they will be unkind, merciless, slanderers, violent, and fierce; they will hate the good; they will be treacherous, reckless, and swollen with pride; they will love pleasure rather than God; they will hold to the outward form of our religion, but reject its real power. Keep away from such people - people whose minds do not function and who are failures in the faith. But they will not get very far, because everyone will see how stupid they are. But you 120
have followed my teaching, my conduct, and my purpose in life; you have observed my faith, my patience, my love, my endurance, my persecutions, and my sufferings. Everyone who wants to live a godly life in union with Christ Jesus will be persecuted; and evil persons and impostors will keep on going from bad to worse, deceiving others and being deceived themselves. But as for you, continue in the truths that you were taught and firmly believe. You know who your teachers were, and you remember that ever since you were a child, you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed, 2Tim 3:1- 17. One can only consider this self-explanatory word. The New World Dis-order: The Known World on the Precipice After outlining the Scriptural portrayal of humankind’s despicable end-time behaviour, the researcher did not even touch on the world disorder! Nor will she vent into the field of eschatology, as it is a specialist field of its own. The researcher, at the commencement of the end-time topic intentionally did not introduce the chaotic world disorder, as humanity’s sin is the root cause for the disorder and impending judgement. However, a few examples will be introduced in order to highlight the fact that mankind is in the closing throes of this dispensation, and moving at lightning speed towards the times that the Bible calls the “Beginning of Sorrow”. The Signs of the Times are for all clearly visible, and are disturbingly similar those portrayed and prophesied by Yahshua HaMashiach, Daniel, the Apostles, Paul and Peter. “The end of Christian America” (or Africa, for that matter) headlined in the Newsweek, a magazine’s report on the dramatic drop in the number of Americans identifying themselves as Christians. Many conservative Christians believe that they have lost the battle over issues such as abortion, school prayer and even same-sex marriage, and that the country (including Africa) has now entered a “Post-Christian” phase! (Rex Sexton, Journal: The Good News, July 2009). South Africa, a country renowned for the most liberal constitution in the world has professors (i.e. George Claassen), vying for removal of Christianity from schools - Rapport, 20 September 2009 under the Afrikaans heading, “Hare waai oor skolegodsdiens” and “Nie almal is ten gunste van Bybel en gebed op skool. Daar is ook ouers wat wou sien dat godsdiens in skole afgeskaal word”. 121
Consequently, by removing Godly Spiritual Laws from the schools, is tantamount to promoting more violence in schools and communities. Humans blame other human beings for their problems. Nations tend to blame other nations and/or Israel. Nevertheless, authentic Christians know that “we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of dankness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits . . “. The human race, as a whole, has no real comprehension of the spiritual forces arrayed against it. It is, principally speaking of the invisible demonic realm, that has the power to influence the minds of human beings; firstly, to contemplate and then commit acts of supreme folly. A German word or terminology, sometimes used to describe the intellectual, moral and cultural climate of an era is Zeitgeist, which literally means “the spirit of the time” or as biblically described the god of this age is at work in this world in this century – driving the nations towards the apocalypse – or drama of the end time. Conclusion The modern day Westernised Church has an obligation to research and return to her Hebraic Root; the Author and Finisher of her faith. In returning to the principles of the Word, by following it, there is a possibility to restore the Church to her Hebraic Roots. What is the way forward since the causes of the apathy and apostate position of the Church are identified? Can the Author and Finisher of the believer’s faith demonstrate to the believer His method and methodology to function as a believer?
CHAPTER THREE THE RUACH HAKODESH RESUMES RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC LEADERSHIP IN ST THE 21 CENTURY HEBRAIC CHURCH On completing your reading of Chapter Two, you might think if this is the status st of the Body Corporate in the 21 century, what hope does one have to contemplate the possibility of restoring the Ruach HaKodesh to His Rightful Place in the life of the Believer or the Body Corporate, per sé? I specifically concentrated on the Scriptures that address the behaviour patterns of this terminal generation, prior to the return of Messiah to the earth. I intentionally made no mention of current World affairs, as the purpose of Yahshua’s visit to the earth was to reconcile man to YHWH, humanity who were, and are in need of The Saviour. As said in a previous chapter, I will treat you as the reader differently. I have included you in every aspect of my research for this book, and would therefore, discuss some of the processes I followed in order to gain my information. Once again, we can only compliment the different authors who so graciously made their priceless information available for this research. I have duly mentioned their names, giving the credit and honour due to them as well as noted them in the Bibliography of this book. In this Chapter, I analysed the Perfect Model, Yahshua, in order to restore His Apostolic Leadership in the Hebraic Church. Throughout the research and authoring of this book, I have adopted the Comparative contextual analysis methodology for comparative research approach – being the most applicable and practical – for the benefit of the Truth Seeking reader. This method was utilised in order to ensure that teachable believers will understand that they are not coerced into becoming Jewish proselytes, or converting to Judaism. They are encouraged to seek and live the criteria for His manifest Presence, where the Holy Spirit audibly speaks into the lives of believers; when they instantly obey Him. That each believer will understand that delayed obedience to the Holy Ruach, is disobedience. Prof Liebenberg, Study, the Highest form of Worship booklet had a profound impact on me as a person. He wrote that we honour Elohim by studying His Word and study in general; it elevates us to His level! His people are perishing for a lack of Knowledge – Teach my people My Torah, especially those who came in 123
from the Diaspora. This is an extremely long-term objective, but achievable when one finds favour and stays focused on the calling. The command: Teach MY people are directly for the Jewish nation and not for believers. Their framework of reference differs too much from the Western mindset. It shall happen in the latter days that the mountain of Yahweh's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. Many peoples shall go and say, Come, let's go up to the mountain of Yahweh, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths. For out of Zion the Law (Torah and instruction) shall go forth, and the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem, Isa 2:2,3. The Amplified Bible contains 119 references to teaching the Law or Torah! Should one wonder about the tribes, the Torah teacher is one who has Levitical blood, and who has this love and desires to teach the Torah. The Apostle Paul said that we are to study to show ourselves approved. The initiation of this research, (1997, not knowing it will eventually become part of a thesis), was prompted by the lack of knowledge, the hunger for more of YHWH in the hearts of people began to stir the desire to find the reason for this emptiness and perceived absence of the Holy Spirit. It became apparent that the reason was an unmet spiritual hunger that could not satisfied in normal religious services. The sick were not healed, the bound not released, and eventually the quests for answers became a research. In order to create a Restored Apostolic Church that has a vibrant relationship with the Ruach HaKodesh, one has to introduce Yahshua, the Apostle and Great High Priest of the Messianic Faith or as the Greeks named it, the Christian faith. One has to analyse His ministry, His relationship with Abba Father, His relationship with the Rauch HaKodesh, His functioning in the five-fold ministry with its appointed Offices, as well as the gifting of the Ruach HaKodesh. This analysis was done from within framework of the Tanach and the Renewed Covenant. ANALYSIS OF YAHSHUA, THE HUMAN BEING In order to understand many of Yahshua’s sayings, you need to look at the language, the culture, and the customs of the first century in the regions of Judea and the Galilee. As one cannot pretend to understand the early English of beowulf in ninth century England; why does the believers claim to understand, with their occidental minds, the significance of the oriental ideas expressed in Yahshua’s words gleaned from tertiary translations of the writings of common tax 124
collectors and fishermen and tentmakers? It is a common belief that the Greeks wrote the entire New Testament. However, there are ancient sources that say differently, and modern translation techniques confirm this. The common language of the Jewish people in first-century Jerusalem was Hebrew. True, after the Greeks, the Romans ruled, so undoubtedly Greek rendered a strong classical and linguistic influence as Greek were the overall world language then. Although Aramaic was the lingua franca (the common language used in trade and commerce) in the entire Middle Eastern region at an earlier period. During the first century, Hebrew was the primary language, both written and spoken, in Judea, Samaria and the Galilee. Yahshua' teachings are exclusively within Jewish values and teachings. Modern Christianity, of which there are more than 21,000 differing strands, does not adhere to many of Yahshua' original teachings, whilst Hebrew was an integral part of Judaism of the period. Yahshua never intended either to abandon Judaism, or to create a new religion. To see the power and presence of YHWH in action, one need to re-introduce Yahshua, as a man who lived and lives by the power of YHWH, Although he died on the cross in weakness, he now lives by the mighty power of God. We, too, are weak, but we live in him and have God's power-the power we use in dealing with you, 2Cor 13:4. Believers need to see that Yahshua was a man on the earth, For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 1Tim 2:5; and this Man could only function through the Power of the Ruach HaKodesh. The arrival of Yahshua on the earth signalled the beginning of a new era. YHWH entered human history in a personal way, preparing human beings for His Eternal indwelling in their Spirit. Hence, YHWH sends Yahshua to live on the earth, in the form of man, and therefore He donned the flesh of man. He laid down His deity in order to be like human race (spirit with flesh on), to be a High Priest Who can have empathy with His children Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself. He had equal status with God but didn't think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, he set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, Became Human! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn't claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death - and the worst kind of death at that: a crucifixion, Phi 2:5-8. 125
The Law of Moses could not save us, because of our sinful nature. But God put into effect a different plan to save us. He Sent His Own Son In A Human Body like ours, except that ours are sinful. God destroyed sin's control over us by giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins. He did this so that the requirement of the law would be fully accomplished for us who no longer follow our sinful nature but instead follow the Spirit. Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. If your sinful nature controls your mind, there is death. If the Holy Spirit controls your mind, there is life and peace, Rom 8:3-6. Our High Priest is not one who cannot feel sympathy for our weaknesses. On the contrary, we have a High Priest who was tempted in every way that we are, but did not sin, Heb 4:15. Yet, Yahshua being the Great High Priest obeyed every command of the very Torah that He gave to the Israelites in the desert. He demonstrated obedience to every instruction of the Torah – He challenged the Pharisees only on their man-made traditions or Oral Law – adding their interpretation to it instead of staying in the Truth; they had the full Torah revelation, Deu 4. John, The Revelator exhorted the Believers as such, Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are from God; for many false prophets have gone forth into the world. By this know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses That Jesus Christ Has Come in the Flesh is from God. And every spirit which does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not from God; and this is the antichrist which you heard is coming, and now is already in the world, 1Joh 4:1-3. Because many deceivers went out into the world, those not confessing Jesus Christ to have come in the Flesh, this is the deceiver and the antichrist, 2Joh 1:7; Joh 1:14 and 1Tim 3:16. Hence, when Yahshua walked the earth, it was as a man, a human being. History has proved that as a mere man, He performed no miracles. Only after His water baptism (or Mikvah) did the infilling of the Holy Spirit follow - and only then did He begin to move in the Supernatural Power of the Ruach HaKodesh. Yahshua and the Mikvah – Water Baptism The first documented public meeting between John the Baptist and Yahshua were at the Yardin (Jordan) River, for His immersion (Mikvah) in water. When one understands the Hebraic Root of an assisted baptism, one will appreciate why Yochanan (John) refused to do it. Yahshua said to John, Permit it now: for it is proper to fulfil all righteousness. What is Mikvah and is it important for the 126
modern day believers? Baptism is really God predetermined, given to the Hebrews in the Sinai desert. Long before John the Baptist came along and it is most definitely not invented by the Pentecostals! The advent of Yahshua, setting the New Covenant in motion by his death, cancelled the sacrificial ritual aspects (sin) of the Mosaic Law, therefore are no longer technically binding. Yet, knowledge of the rituals has spiritual value for the Gentile believer, and in order to assist Gentile believers to understand how the Jewish family practiced water baptism or Mikvah, one has to assess the Hebraic Roots thereof: •
John the Baptist did not invent the practice of water baptism. He was overseeing centuries old, YHWH ordained, cleansing ritual that is as old as the Law that God gave to Moses. Outlined in Leviticus are strict regulations for washing after exposure to specified situations, which made a person ritually unclean. Some details, such as the size of the ritual immersion bath or Mikvah, are described in the Mishnah, commonly called the Oral Law, (commentaries on the written Torah). For instance, the Mikvah must contain at least 120 gallons of water. If it contains 120 gallons minus one spoonful, it is not kosher (proper, right). It must be mayim chaim, "living water," (moving); preferably a stream or larger body of water, but Mikvehs were constructed in almost every village, many using reservoirs for their water supply.
In light of the above, baptism is obviously by immersion. However, in Judaism, no one ever immersed anyone else; baptism is self-administered. The person being baptized enters the Mikvah, stands with feet apart, hands out in front, fingers spread, eyes and mouth open, and dips him-/herself under the water. Someone must verify that every hair goes completely under; otherwise, the cleansing is not kosher. This is what John the Baptist did and Yahshua understood this principle. If He set the example to the Believers, how can they not, not obey and imitate Him by being baptised?
Administering Mikvah (immersion, baptism) to new believers as a sign of their trust in Yahshua as Messiah should be compulsory, as the Apostle Peter has clearly indicated. Converting to the Messianic Jewish lifestyle (Simchah) and community, and those who wish to re-affirm the Jewish/Hebrew roots of their faith, should undergo the baptism publicly to demonstrate their faith.
After the Mikvah they should take a Hebrew name and confess their place as a part of the commonwealth of Israel – Jewish custom. 127
A private Mikvah (without an official), may be performed by those who view themselves as being in need of the ceremonial cleansing specifically ordained in the Torah.
In any public Mikvah it is not necessary, nor Scripturally mandated, for the official (John the Baptist or a pastor) to enter the water with the Mikvah candidate. In fact, it is best if the entrant proceeds unaided and the official, Rabbi, Pastor, acts as the official witness of the event.
Finally, one can argue that there are several ways for performing the baptism i.e. sprinkling, etc. According to Archaeological excavations done in Jerusalem in recent years, archaeologists have uncovered a complex of forty mikvehs at the southern end of the Temple Mount which could easily have permitted the immersion of 3,000 believers on the Day of Pentecost. Going under the water, is the Torah approved way. If the Apostle Peter were not satisfied with the baptism process on that day, he had enough boldness to stop the whole process. Once again, man and tradition blinded believers from the truth. Yahshua is Spirit Filled As soon as Jesus was immersed, he came up out of the water. Then heaven was opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of Elohim which was descending like a dove and it came upon him, Mat 3:16, coming out of the water into a new life, the Spirit filling Him for all eternity. Indwelling not only Him, but also filling all who desire to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit baptism of Yahshua is the fulfilment of a Tanach prophecy. There are many Scriptures prophesying that the Messiah will be Spirit filled, and they are: •
Here is my servant, whom I have chosen, the one I love, and with whom I am pleased. I will send My Spirit upon him, and he will announce my judgment to the nations, Isa 42:1.
The royal line of David is like a tree that has been cut down; but just as new branches sprout from a stump, so a new king will arise from among David's descendants. The Spirit of the Lord will give him wisdom and the knowledge and find pleasure in obeying him. He will not judge by appearance or hearsay; he will judge the poor fairly and defend the rights of the helpless. At his command the people will be punished, and evil persons will die. He will rule his people with justice and integrity, Isa 11:1-5. 128
The Sovereign LORD has Filled Me with His Spirit. He has chosen me and sent me to bring good news to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, to announce release to captives and freedom to those in prison. He has sent me to proclaim that the time has come when The Lord will save his people and defeat their enemies. He has sent me to comfort all who mourn, Isa 61:1,2. This Supernatural power, after His Holy Spirit baptism was apparent for all to see, and this very gift He gave to His followers, by enduing them with the same Indwelling Presence, corresponding with prophesies in the Tanach; fulfilled on the day of Pentecost or Feast of Shavuot; 50 days after His ascension.
Measuring the Mature Believer against the Word The Apostle Paul not only identified the Gifts of the Spirit, 1Cor 12; 14, he also identified the Office of the mature Believer who has grown past the milk stage to solids. The believer who has advanced into the full stature of Messiah, who, through personal relationship also developed integrity, faith and obedience to the standard of His Word. Those perfected by obedience, YHWH recommends them for appointment to the different Offices, For [it is] not [the man] who praises and commends himself who is and accepted, but [it is the person] whom the YHWH accredits and commends, 2Cor 10:18, Act 20:28. But He confirming us and anointing us with you in Messiah is YHWH, 2Cor 1:21. This is to continue until all of us are united in our faith and in our knowledge about God's Son, until we become mature, until we measure up to Christ, who is the Standard, Eph 4:13. Once the mature believer achieve the set Standard and YHWH recommends them, a person needs to identify their role in the Body of Christ, and measure ones spiritual level against the Word as found in Eph 4:10-12. And He gave some [to be] apostles, and some [to be] prophets, and some [to be] evangelists, and some [to be] shepherds [or, pastors] and teachers, for the purpose of the equipping of the holy ones for [the] work of service, for [the] building up [edifying] of the body of Christ. Yahshua being the Head of the Church set the example to the Body to imitate Him in the five-fold ministry or Offices. ANALYSIS OF THE MAN YAHSHUA, WHO RECEIVED THE ALL ENCOMPASSING FIVE-FOLD MINISTRY, INCLUDING HOLY SPIRIT GIFTS It is necessary to see Yahshua in His role as a human, a man, totally dependant on the Holy Spirit. It is, and was the Holy Spirit, Who endued Him with power to do the miracles, You know about Jesus of Nazareth and how God poured out on him 129
the Holy Spirit and power (ready for action). He went everywhere, doing good and healing all who were under the power of the Devil, for God was with him, Act 10:38. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, through unconditional obedience the following Five-fold Ministries/Offices actively manifested in His life: • Apostle; • Prophet; • Pastor/shepherd; • Evangelist; and • Teacher. After His ascension, Yahshua proceeded to give the very same Gifts and ministries to obedient followers for one reason only He did this to prepare all God's people for the work of Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ, Eph 4:10-12. In this Chapter the researcher will analyse each Office of the Five-fold ministry; linking the most prevalent Gifts to that specific Office. Emanating from YHWH, Yahshua received the Nine Spiritual Gifts for Ministry. These Spiritual Gifts are empowerment for Ministry unto the sick, needy, dying, spiritually and emotionally bound – and eventually the cross. Distinguishing Yahshua from all in His era was the evident operating in all the Holy Spirit gifts in His ministry, and they are: • Power, stirred by YHWH Who energised Him; • Yahshua received the visible manifestation of the Holy Spirit as evidence that the gifts of the Spirit is for the profit and benefit of all. • Yahshua received through the Holy Spirit, the power to speak a message of wisdom, and; • Yahshua received, through the Holy Spirit, the power to express a word of knowledge and understanding; • Yahshua received wonder-working faith by the Holy Spirit; • Yahshua received extraordinary powers of healing by the Holy Spirit; • Yahshua received power for the working of miracles; • Yahshua received the gift of prophetic insight, • Yahshua received the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose of YHWH; • Yahshua received the ability to discern and distinguish between the utterances of true spirits and evil spirits; 130
Yahshua is the creator of languages, there is no record of Him praying in tongues; assuming He only spoke the pure language, Hebrew (Zeh 3:9). Being the Elohim of language, He has the ability to interpret all tongues. All these gifts, achievements, and abilities are inspired and brought to pass by YHWH, who is the Holy Spirit, Who apportioned to Yahshua (the man) exactly as He choose, for the benefit of His spiritual family, 1Cor 12:4-11.
Who is the Ruach HaKodesh or the Spirit of Yahshua? In Chapter Two, Yahshua is portrayed in His current role as the Great High Priest in heaven and in order for Him to assume such a position, He had a calling to fulfil, to write a test, so to speak. The test was to lay down His Deity, take the form of a human being, live like them, speak like them, and experience their pain, sorrow, disappointments, sickness, sin and fear of death. Being the Lamb of the Eternal one, without spot or blemish, by choice, He did not sin. Our High Priest is not one who cannot feel sympathy for our weaknesses. On the contrary, we have a High Priest who was tempted in every way that we are, but did not sin, Heb 4:15; Heb 7:26; Isa 53:9; Joh 8:46; 2Cor 5:21; 1Pet 2:22; 1Joh 3:5. Yahshua, the Sinless One, after His ascension, send His Spirit to each of His followers, to enable them to live a powerful, sinless live, by choice. In order to see the manifest Presence of the Ruach one need to live the way Yahshua lived, dead to self and to sin, but alive unto YHWH. He allowed the Father, through the Ruach HaKodesh, to live in and through Him. Yahshua, through the Ruach, desires to live in and through the believer. The Spirit that the believers receive is the Spirit of Yahshua. But you are not in flesh, but in Spirit since the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone has not the Spirit of Christ, this one is not His. But if Christ is in you, the body indeed is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of the One having raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the One having raised the Christ from the dead will also make your mortal bodies live through the indwelling of His Spirit in you, Rom 8:9-11 One can assume that Yahshua had prior knowledge of the Ruach HaKodesh, or Set Apart Spirit, because He came from heaven. Yes, but being a righteous and just Elohim, He would model the communication pattern through Yahshua, the man. Therefore, Yahshua, the man, had to meet the Ruach face to face in prayer – setting the pattern for His followers. Yahshua could only reveal the Person of the Ruach through intimacy with Him. Yahshua was often in prayer; and communicating with YHWH; He had no other way to know the will of YHWH but 131
through the Ruach. That is why He said, When He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truthgiving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future]. He will honour and glorify Me, because He will take of (receive, draw upon) what is Mine and will reveal (declare, disclose, transmit) it to you, Joh16:13,14; Act 21:11. All prayers of thanksgiving, the Ruach direct and deflect them back to YHWH and Yahshua – He takes no glory. To foster a relationship with the Ruach one has to know He has a personality and can be grieved, offended, quenched or blasphemed, lied to, and set oneself against Him in rebellion or disobedience, Eph 4:30; 1The 5:19, Mat 12:32, Mar 3:29; Act 5:3, Act 7:51. He has the gentleness of a dove. A dove does not have a gallbladder (no bitterness), furthermore, a dove has nine pen feathers at the tip of each wing, depicting the nine gifts and nine fruits of the Spirit that He bestows upon believers. YHWH the Ruach HaKodesh is: • The Spirit of Truth, Joh 16:13, 14:17; • The Comforter, Joh 15:26; • The Spirit of YHWH 1Cor 12:2; • The Explorer of depths of YHWH, 1Cor 2:10; • The Teacher, 1Joh 2:27; • Spirit of Prophecy, Act 2:17, Rev 19:10; • Will speak for the believer in times of trouble, Mar 13:11, Luk 12:12; • Can lead a person to a specific place, Luk 4:11; • The Holy Spirit will enter one on a personal request, Luk 11:13; • Holy Spirit gives power, Act 1:8; • Is received by laying on of hands, Act 8:17; • Can be pleased, Act 15:28; • Can forbid one to preach the Word, Act 16:5; • Pours out the love of God into ones heart, Rom 5:5; • Is the Spirit of Adoption, Sonship, Rom 8:15; • The human body is the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit, 1Cor 6:19; Rom 8:11; • The Holy Spirit cleanses the conscience of man, Heb 9:14; • The Holy Spirit is my helper, Joh 14:16, Heb 13:16; • The Holy Spirit testifies in Heaven, 1Joh 5:7; • The Holy Spirit bears witness on the earth, 1Joh 5;8 132
• • • •
The Spirit of Sonship, Rom 8:9; Spirit of Life, Rom 8:2, Joh 6:63; Spirit speaks to the Assemblies of YHWH, Rev 2:7; The Spirit calls the Bride of Yahshua to prepare, Rev 22:17.
ANALYSING THE DEMONSTRATION OF RUACH HAKODESH GIFTS It is highly exciting when one sees in action the demonstration of the abovementioned gifts of YHWH as bestowed upon true believers – but some run in terror at the prospect of functioning in them; the lack of knowledge permits fear to hinder the workflow of the Ruach. The modern day Western Church has lost her boldness, as a Body Corporate, very few individuals flow in the gifts. Sporadically one will see a demonstration of His gifts, then people quenching it soon after manifestation. Mostly the lack of knowledge in the functioning in the gifts of the Spirit is the obstacle in handling a Holy Spirit outpouring, and it eventually becomes man-driven. Therefore, Yahshua Who set the pattern in the demonstration of the gifts, will guide one through the pages of the Renewed Covenant to the Truth. In order to understand how Yahshua functioned or operated in the Gifts of the Spirit, one has to categorize them for clarity purposes. The Apostle Paul said to the Church in Corinth And now, dear brothers and sisters, I will write about the special abilities the Holy Spirit gives to each of us, for I must correct your misunderstandings (ignorance) about them. Circumstances will dictate how the Holy Spirit will operate through a believer, always from the standpoint what will benefit the church or an individual Believer, 1Cor 12:1-7. Three categories of Gifts The simplest way to describe these nine gifts is that three of them say something, three of them do something and three of them reveal something: •
The three that say something are the gifts of utterance. They are Prophecy, divers (different) kinds of Tongues and Interpretation of tongues;
The three gifts that do something are the gifts of power. They are the gifts of Faith, the Working of Miracles, and the Gifts of Healing;
The three gifts that reveal something are the gifts of revelation. They are: the Word of Wisdom, the Word of Knowledge, and Discerning of Spirits. Only when the believer begins to label the gifts, do they realise that they have been flowing in those gifts for a long time!
Walking in Agreement The words we have inherited lies from our fathers, becomes a reality when one hears how walking in the Spirit is interpreted as the Gospel truth. And I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you shall keep My judgments and do them, Eze 36:27. One has to realise that YHWH puts HIS Spirit (not a counterfeit) in a human, but The Walk one has to do according to the Voice of the Indwelling Presence. Many will not hear the Voice, due to lack of prayer and intimacy with Him. When a believer is filled with the Spirit of YHWH Act 17:28 becomes a reality for in him it is we live, and move, and exist: as one of your own wise men hath said: From him is our descent – or His children. To walk in the Spirit means one are in a Covenant relationship with YHWH, Jer 31:33, Who wrote His Laws in the spirit of man. Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction? Amo 3.3. The believer then has to agree with the Spirit to walk together – relationship. Yahshua specifically said I do as the Father has commanded Me, so that the world may know (be convinced) that I love the Father and that I do only what the Father has instructed Me to do.[I act in Full Agreement with His orders, Joh 14:31, (Amp). Therefore, when the believer reaches the place of Full Agreement with the Spirit, they will see the Apostolic Church in action again, in the same manner as Yahshua and the Apostles demonstrated it. The modern day believer receives the same Holy Spirit Whom Yahshua and the Apostles received and can therefore have the SAME walk with the Spirit. Separation for Preparation The Apostle Paul prayed the following prayer for all who wish to have a revelation of the will of Abba, may YHWH, the glorious Father of Yeshua our Messiah, give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you will have full knowledge of Him – Revealing the Spirit walk of Yahshua, the man, begins with understanding the principle of: •
Separation for Preparation: Yahshua was a Jewish Rabbi. To this day, a Rabbi may not speak publicly before he is 30 years old, and by invitation 134
only, and as a Rabbi, He had to know the Tanach by heart. After His infilling, the Ruach HaKodesh led Yahshua into the desert for the first test – the separation. In the desert, spiritually preparing for ministry, Yahshua fasted for 40 days and nights. Then the tempter, the evil one, came to deceive Him. Yahshua knew the Word and steadfastly rebuked satan with the words, it is written. Yahshua did not defend His Sonship, as He already received the Spirit of Adoption, Rom 8:15. The gift, Discerning of spirits were functioning through Him as he discerned the devil and overcame him by the Power of His Word, 1Joh 2:14, Rev 12:11. •
The gift of discerning of spirits gives one insight into the spirit world both good and bad spirits, and the human spirit. This gift is not only for discerning of devils or evil spirits. To discern means to see, seeing into the realm of spirits – this is a supernatural manifestation. This does not mean one can do mind-reading, nor is it psychological insight or mental penetration or the power to discern faults in others, to simplify, a person develop a judgemental spirit and then label it discernment. It can, however, evolve into gossip and slander under a spiritual guise. One can utilise this gifts i.e. when one needs to sig/n a contract – and Abba knows the heart, spirit and mind of the person we are dealing with. His Spirit can warn us of evil or dishonest intentions. Yahshua did not call the believers to rule over each other, but to take authority over demons and cast them out.
Yahshua demonstrated to the believers how to utilise the Word at all times. Consequently, believers need to know their status as children, the Word and that once called; there is a time of separation and preparation. Yahshua demonstrated this very same principle when he called His disciples and each Believer – a time to become intimately acquainted with the Word.
ANALYSING YAHSHUA IN THE OFFICE OF EVANGELIST An Evangelist loves to see the salvation of the lost and the miracle working power of Elohim. This is his specialty field. The Apostle, Prophet, and Teacher also operate in miracles, but the Evangelist seems to operate very fluently in them. The Prophet is more attuned to revelations, whilst the Apostle is equipped to establish and facilitate; the Teacher is equipped to staying Scriptural! Yahshua, being full of Holy Ghost Power, began to preach the Gospel Repent, for the Kingdom is here, Mat 4:17. Whilst preaching the Gospel, He called followers, thereby demonstrating a Kingdom principle of paramount importance; each one is part of the Body Corporate. In order to secure unity amongst the brothers, no 135
provision was made for lone rangers; they can become intimidated and manipulated by people, who are their financial supporters, Judas being a good example. The disciples made a calculated choice, risking all, leaving all to follow Him, Mat 4:22. Yahshua demonstrated the pattern for Evangelists; preach and teach the Gospel (for the Jew first then the Greek) for it is THE power of God, Rom 1:16 and one will see the much-coveted Presence of YHWH. •
Demonstrating the Gifts as an Evangelist: As an Evangelist, what did Yahshua encounter in the field? The sick, the possessed, and the needy! Being an Evangelist one need to function in all the gifts of the Spirit, this does not mean simultaneously, as 1Cor 12:7 state, the ministrations of the gifts will operate when it is profitable for either the Church or an individual. It is of paramount importance to note that Yahshua commanded each believer to win souls, Mat 28:19. For instance, the gift of discerning of spirits is indispensable for an evangelist. When on a crusade he may encounter strange phenomena’s (Shouting, moaning, crying, vomiting, rolling, spirits of infirmity, etc), which could cause fear in the audience. The evangelist needs to discern the demon in the person and cast it down with a word, just as Yahshua did it. Evangelists see the outward manifestation of an inward indwelling. The Holy Spirit gave and inward witness that it is a manifesting demon. It would suffice to say that the power gifts are firstly for the soul winners. The believer needs to realise that every time a person is born again, Elohim, through the Holy Spirit, demonstrates His power, through the Evangelist, to the enemy!
There are times when the power gifts, the Gift of Faith, the Working of a Miracle and the Gifts of Healing need to operate, when a general prayer or general faith will not work. The Gift of Faith is for one to receive miracles from YHWH; the Working of Miracles is a gift so that the believer might work a miracle. The gift of Faith is passive whilst the Working of a Miracle is active. Kenneth Hagin, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, p38, wrote these three gifts are all present when a person is raised from the dead. It takes supernatural faith to call a person’s Spirit back when it has left the body. It takes the working of miracle to raise the person, and it takes the gifts of healing, otherwise, it the person is not healed, he would immediately die again. This includes the faith to say, in the Name of Yahshua, I rebuke this Spirit of death or this spirit of infirmity. Ordinary faith would not have achieved this; the supernatural power of YHWH is in manifestation, by His Holy Spirit.
As the Evangelist presents the truth of the Gospel, which is the power of YHWH, the sick will develop faith to receive healing, and they come forward for ministry. Many times the sovereign Elohim will heal a person without a person receiving the laying on of hands; often the sick release their faith, when they are touched or like the women with the issue of blood, her faith kindled, reached out to Messiah, and touched him, instantly healed. This woman operated in the Gift of Faith, because she received!
Healing as a Power gift, Yahshua identified by the Holy Spirit and the gift of discernment, and satan as the source of diseases, Act 10:38. The next gift operating through an Evangelist are the Gifts of Healing. As there are various diseases, it cannot be the gift of healing, but Gifts of Healing. In the realm of healing, often miracles are received, but they are not the result of working of miracles, they are healing miracles. Working a miracle is (Mat 12:13) when Yahshua spoke a word and the man with the paralysed hand was healed. This was a manifestation of YHWH’s power.
ANALYSING YAHSHUA IN THE OFFICE OF TEACHER A Teacher is one who systematically teaches the Word of God. They prefer a line upon line approach to ministry and are very methodical. The Prophet will find this boring, but the Prophet needs the stability and the safety of the unchanging Word from The Teacher lest he be deceived by pride, because of his heightened spiritual experiences. The Teacher builds into the live of the believer the truths that are universal and unchanging, assimilating every heart and mind. The Teacher must not give in to the tendency to make his life and those whom he teaches merely a study hall. He should listen closely to the revelations coming from the Prophet for they will springboard him into refreshing waters of insight which the Spirit is prompting him to search out and expound upon! One who stands in both the Office of Teacher and Prophet is probably on his way maturing to be an Apostle. •
Yahshua the Teacher then went about teaching the Truth about YHWH and His Kingdom; confirming the Torah truths, rebuking man made ordinances and traditions. YHWH worked together with Him, healing all manner of diseases, delivering the oppressed from demonic possession. Nicodemus came to speak with Jesus. Teacher, he said, we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are proof enough that God is with you, Joh 3:2. And the disciples went everywhere preaching, the Ruach working 137
right with them, validating the Message with indisputable evidence, Mar 16:20. Yahshua, as teacher, had to demonstrate what he taught i.e. healing, love and forgiveness by the Power of the Holy Spirit. •
Yahshua the Mentor had a discipleship program; He allocated time to teach his disciples. He once again demonstrated the principle; after calling, separation and preparation for ministry. This time alone with His disciples He created the foundation for unity. Bear in mind Yahshua did not have the Renewed Covenant; He had the Torah and Prophets, Mat 5:1.
Demonstrating the Gifts of the Teacher: Gift of faith, gift of Working a Miracles and gifts of Healing in the Tanach: From the moment of his Divinely orchestrated meeting with YHWH, Moshe had seen the working of Miracles in action. The deliverance of the Hebrew nation from slavery, until the end of their 40 years stay in the desert, was a supernatural working of miracles. Each time YHWH gave Moses an instruction, Moses released the supernatural power of Elohim by speaking His Word (as Teacher). It was Divine intervention in the ordinary course of nature; no known power could release the Israelites from the most powerful nation on the earth. Deu 34:12 state that Moshe revealed and demonstrated the power of Elohim. King David is another example of mere man demonstrating the power of YHWH, through the Gift of Faith and Working Miracles by speaking his faith and YHWH’s Word; He displayed My Power by being my witness and a leader (Teacher) among the nations, Isa 55:4. It is possible for every modern day Believer (Teacher), through the Holy Spirit gifts of faith and working of miracles, to make a life changing difference in their environment
At the institution of the first Passover, before their arduous trek into the desert, ALL the Israelites were healed by partaking in the Passover meal. Consider a moment to contemplate the poverty they lived in and understand this great en masse Gifts of Healing in operation. YHWH confirmed the Healing Covenant in the desert, speaking in an audible voice, If you will diligently listen to the voice of YHWH your God, and will do that which is right in his eyes, and will pay attention to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you, which I have put on the Egyptians; for I am YHWH who heals you (Your Physician) Exo 15:26. YHWH kept this Word; for 40 years there were an ongoing working of miracles with healing, provision and protection (Torah lifestyle). King David confirms this in Psa 105:37 But he brought his people safely out of Egypt, loaded with silver and gold; there were no sick or feeble people among them. YHWH never revoked the Healing Covenant, He confirmed it in Messiah, and then 138
sealed this Covenant with His blood on the cross. The modern day believer may want to look at the Torah Holiness lifestyle when encountering unexplained, nonhealing diseases, as a Teacher one has to research the causes for diseases. Gifts of faith, the Working of Miracles and gifts of Healing in the Renewed Covenant: Yahshua from the conception, to His death, and resurrection was the working of a miracle, Elohim demonstrating His love for His creation, His urgency for their salvation, and to loose all from the fear of death. The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts was leading the newly formed Apostolic Assembly in every area of their lives. The infilling of the Holy Spirit is the Working of a Miracle, the operating in the other gifts are in itself is the Working of a Miracle. That the Church is still in existence after 2000 years is an ongoing Working of a Miracle! The Teacher must demonstrate what He teaches – the power of God. ANALYSING YAHSHUA IN THE OFFICE OF THE PROPHET A Prophet is one who receives revelations via dreams, visions, and Words of Wisdom and Knowledge on a regular basis. The Prophet also prophecies and operates in the other gifts. A Prophet is one who sees and knows things many times by a strong inward witness, and is an Intercessor who waits to see what YHWH would say or do. He communicates with the members in the Body concerning impending dangers and/or opportunities needing appropriate response. He is highly sensitive to the cause and effect of obedience and disobedience. The prophet is assigned to do various tasks of Intercession from the local assembly level to the international level. A prophet seems spooky and odd many times, but there is a special grace upon them that is necessary for a healthy Assembly. His ministry and teaching operates in a way that drives a pure Teacher over the edge as they are very spontaneous and sometimes seemingly incoherent. When in reality they are touching the needs of many hearts like a skilled surgeon. Yahshua did exactly what all the prophets prior His stay on the earth has done; He urged Israel and the nations to return to the YHWH of their fathers by pointing the way back to the Torah, Oral traditions excluded. Yahshua has done this and clarifying some points on the Torah or Law, said, •
Don't misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the Law of Moses (Torah) or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to fulfil (complete) them, But that doesn't mean that the Law has lost its force in even the 139
smallest point. It is stronger and more permanent than heaven and earth Mat 5:17, 18. •
Well then, if we emphasize faith, does this mean that we can forget (nullify) the Law (Torah)? Of course not! In fact, only when we have faith do we truly fulfil (establish) the Law (Torah), Rom 3:31. Will religion ever get this right? Faith in Yahshua brings one back home and establishes Torah.
For Moshiach has accomplished the whole purpose (goal) of the Law. All who believe in him are made right with God, Rom 10:4. Messiah, fulfilled every single Word of Wisdom regarding His coming to the planet, and currently, every Word of Wisdom that He has spoken regarding the last days are being fulfilled.
Due to lack of knowledge, there is much confusion on the subject of these three gifts and they are often confused with a word of prophecy. Prophecy is a gift of utterance whilst a Word of Wisdom or a Word of Knowledge is revelatory gifts, all imparted through the Spirit (and He distributes according to what is profitable to an individual or the Body Corporate). Explaining the Gift of a Word of Knowledge A Word of knowledge is the supernatural revelation of facts that the human mind could not know at a given moment, it is facts that are known only to the Ruach, and He wants to transmit this knowledge via a Spirit-filled person. Kenneth Hagin wrote that YHWH imparts only a word. The author disagrees, for when one study the book of Acts and the Tanach the Ruach gave complete instructions. Even through the mode of the Urim and Thummim, He gave full answers. For the modern day believer, nothing has changed, but the lack of knowledge of the gifts as well as the intimate relationship with the Spirit, are disabling factors. Ananias, a layperson, had a vision through the Ruach that he was going to meet Saul, who became Paul. Moreover the Ruach gave him not only the street name, but also the homeowner’s name where he is to see Paul, Act 9:10-12. Ananias, in the natural, could not know about that specific house in that specific street – it was by Ruach revelation, a Word of Knowledge. The secret of Pauls’ healing and baptism depended on the instant obedience of Ananias. Therefore, one should instantly obey the Spirit, as delayed obedience is disobedience. One can hear or see the Ruach in a vision, audibly, through an inward revelation or angels. Do not confuse knowledge of the Bible with this gift a Word of 140
Knowledge; nevertheless, to test the word, one should compare the received Word of knowledge against Scripture, as the Ruach will not give an instruction that is contrary to the Word. This Word of Knowledge could be a revelation of present or past facts that is known to only to the sinner or hearer, and this could lead to repentance. But if all prophesy [giving inspired testimony and interpreting the divine will and purpose] and an unbeliever or untaught outsider comes in, he is told of his sin and reproved and convicted and convinced by all, and his defects and needs are examined (estimated, determined) and he is called to account by all. The secrets of his heart are laid bare; and so, falling on [his] face, he will worship God, declaring that God is among you in very truth, 1Cor 14:24. The Word of Knowledge could also be applied to ones daily life’s; when one has mislaid something and pray about it, the Ruach will help one recover the lost property – normally by inward witness, He will even help one to retrace ones steps. It is quicker to enquire of the Ruach then sending all to search for the property. The Word of Knowledge is a supernatural revelation by the Ruach concerning certain facts in the mind of YHWH relating to people, places or things that happened in the past. Explaining the Gift of a Word of Wisdom The Word of Wisdom is a supernatural revelation by the Ruach concerning the divine purposes of YHWH; and always speaks of the future. The Word of knowledge and the Word of Wisdom often operate together. In Act 9:10-16, as seen, YHWH gave Ananias (a layperson) a word for Saul who became Paul. It was explicit instructions. Actually, the word was for his healing and Holy Spirit baptism (current) and that Paul will suffer whilst preaching the Gospel (future). He therefore revealed to Ananias YHWH’s plans for Paul in the future. Thereafter, once Paul was filled with the Ruach, Yahshua spoke to Paul directly (also in prison), confirming the Word spoken to Ananias. Do note that this was not natural wisdom or Bible knowledge, but Spirit imparted knowledge. Should a believer desire wisdom in every day life affairs, then they should pray for such wisdom according to Jam 1:5; this is not the supernatural gift of a Word of Wisdom, just Grace. King Solomon received such wisdom from YHWH. Such wisdom is within the reach of each believer as Yahshua said in Mat 12:42 that Someone more and greater than Solomon is here, referring to Himself and His Divine wisdom. Yahshua imparts wisdom to the believer as the Word says, Who is able to advise the Spirit of the LORD? Who knows enough to be his teacher or 141
counsellor? Has the LORD ever needed anyone's advice? Does he need instruction about what is good or what is best? Isa 40:13,14. For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ (the Messiah) and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart 1Cor 2:16. Not only does the believer have access to His Supernatural wisdom, they have Him IN them through the indwelling of the Ruach HaKodesh! Mar 11:24, Joh 15:7; 1Joh 5:15 encourages all to ask! The beginning of Wisdom is: get Wisdom (skilful and godly Wisdom)! [For skilful and godly Wisdom is the principal thing.] And with all you have gotten, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation), Pro 4:7. There is Wisdom for daily affairs, the Gift of Wisdom and then there is the Spirit of Wisdom: the Believer has no justification for not knowing how to deal with problems or issues. Demonstrating the primary function of the prophet: Restoration But one who prophesies is helping others grow in the Lord, encouraging and comforting them, 1Cor 14:3. The faithful prophet will receive more than just the prophetic gift, as the Spirit wills to the profit of the Body overall. Many people think that a prophet is one who tells the future, like a soothsayer of a fortune teller, but the primary function of a prophet is to warn people and to point out the error of their way so that they can get back on the straight path, back into the fold. The gift of prophecy has elements of revelation to it. Kenneth Hagin defines prophecy as The Hebrew word that is translated to prophecy means to flow forth. Mr Hagin continues to clarify the difference between prophecy in the Old and Renewed Covenants. In The Old Testament, prophecy is essentially foretelling future events, whereas in the New Testament it shifts strongly to forthtelling. The Tanach prophets had the Gifts of the Ruach operating in them in order to stand in the Office as Prophet, because they prophesied the future; unfortunately in every day usage believers erroneously began to label everything a prophecy, where as words pertaining to the future are actually the gift of Word of Wisdom in operation. Every gift is of the Holy Spirit and the believer works in total agreement with Him. This requires unconditional obedience and a sinless life. Prophecy is a supernatural utterance in a known tongue, which is different from speaking in tongues or interpretation of tongues. Yet, they can be in operation in the same service or time.
What is the Torah then, a Word of Wisdom, a Word of knowledge or the Working of a miracle? Analysing the delivery of the Torah, one discovers that all three gifts were in operation: the audible Batkol Voice of Elohim is the Working of a Miracle; every one present heard it. The Word of Knowledge as YHWH referred to the facts concerning their past in Egypt, and followed by instructing a present lifestyle. Next the gift, Word of Wisdom, operated as He gave them instructions for ALL generations (future). YHWH through Moses, the Judges, the Prophets and the kings governed the Israelites, and the strangers sojourning with them, to live The Torah, according to this word of wisdom – an ongoing working of a miracle! Can one reject such a wondrous ongoing miracle and call it outdated? If the modern day believers then say, we are under Grace and no longer under the Law, why do they not live the Law of Liberty that governs Grace? Here one has to define Liberty: the freedom and right to do whatever you want without asking permission or being afraid of authority, even if it offends or upset someone (Longman Exam Dictionary). Maybe the Living God Who judges all people through both the Torah and the Law of Perfect Freedom has been offended, and now it is retribution time, Jam 2:12. He, Who gave the Law of Perfect Freedom also wrote the Torah in the heart of His Children under the Renewed Covenant. YHWH cannot lie; He cannot permit an unbridled lifestyle without any restrictions. The Prophet restores man to YHWH and His Torah and its protection. Under the unction or anointing of the Spirit, Yahshua operated in the gift of a Word of Wisdom and prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem, and it happened 73 years after His ascension. He also prophesied what would happen in the last days or future (Mat 24) and every single word is happening, now in this time. Yahshua clearly demonstrated that not every word that a prophetic person speaks is prosperity words; which has become a modern day Church tradition. There are therefore the simple gift of prophecy for daily ministry or when needed and then there are the mature believer who is promoted to the Office of the Prophet. Finally, believers are encouraged to aspire for the gift of prophecy. All can prophecy, as the Spirit wills, but the Office of a Prophet is an appointment made by YHWH.
ANALYSING YAHSHUA IN THE OFFICE OF PASTOR OR SHEPHERD The E-Sword Bible defines a pastor as a shepherd; one that has the care of flocks and herds. Yahshua verbally explained the criteria for the shepherd: I am the Good Shepherd; the Good Shepherd puts the sheep before himself, sacrifices himself if necessary, Joh 10:11 (Message). The Messiah, the Good Shepherd: • • • • •
• • • • •
Lead His flock with integrity and obedience to the spoken will of YHWH. He did not fear to tell Abba in prayer that He cared for the flock, Joh 17; He had to pray to hear the Voice and will of YHWH, Mat 14; Yahshua did not steal from the government, He paid his taxes, Mat 22; He fed His flock, Mat 14; He offended no-one, yet people took offence, Mat 17; when one imitates Yahshua, they or the disciple will be offended. How did Yahshua react to offence, what was His example to His followers? Phi 1:10; He did not gossip, He did not lie as the Word says He committed no sin, and no one ever heard a lie come from his lips, 1Pet 2:22. For the Scriptures say, If you want a happy life and good days, keep your tongue from speaking evil, and keep your lips from telling lies, 1Pet 3:10. He observed the Torah to Perfection and then . . . on a cross He sacrificed Himself for His flock, Joh 10; He did not leave His flock as orphans, He sent the Comforter, the Holy Ruach, Joh 14; He revealed Fatherhood and Sonship, a love relationship; He confirmed that the Sabbath is to be observed, without tradition of men; He demonstrated Godly and Apostolic authority. It goes without question that Yahshua had to function in all the Holy Spirit Gifts in order to be a good Shepherd. How does the modern day Pastor, spiritual leader measure up to this criteria? Yahshua, the Good Shepherd of Israel: Then he said to the woman, "I was sent only to help the people of Israel - God's lost sheep - not the Gentiles”, Mat 15:24. In John chapter 10, Messiah informs His followers that He is the Shepherd of the sheep. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that enters not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that enters in by the door is the shepherd of, the sheep. To him the porter opens; and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own 144
sheep by name, and leads them out. And when he puts forth his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers. Then said Jesus unto them again, verily, verily, I say unto you, l AM the door of the sheep. Demonstrating and analysing the primary task of the Shepherd: Analysing Messiah’s words regarding His assignment to the earth, is significant; I was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Yahshua is stating here that he is talking about HIS people Israel, not the nation Israel, whom most Hebraic believers would identify as Ten-Israel or lost tribes of Israel; connecting it to the Gentiles. The western-minded believer would say, yes, that is right, they killed the Messiah. The Jews say, Yes, He is for the lost sheep; we are already in the fold or Covenant. In Israel, the Messianic Jews believe that Yahshua came for the lost Tribes of Israel, assimilated into the Gentile nations, and the Gentiles themselves. We have the Covenants and the Torah, we are in the Covenant, and you Gentiles have nothing. One has to specialise in Identifying and researching the 10 lost tribes, and their imminent return. As previously said, one could inadvertently be a Jew, and therefore one of the lost sheep of the House of Israel; – and need to be found by a Jew (Yahshua’s orders) and brought back into the fold! If the Gentiles truly believe that Messiah came for them, (they are now Israel according to Replacement theology and therefore the Shepherds of Israel) then conditions are attached to this privilege, Son of man prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy and say to them, Thus says the LORD God to the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks? You eat the fat, and you clothe you with the wool, you kill them that are fed, but you feed not the flock. The diseased have you not strengthened, neither have you healed that which was sick, neither have you bound up that which was broken, neither have you brought again that which was driven away, neither have you sought that which was lost. Eze 34:2-4. Extensive research on Replacement Theology was done in a previous chapter and therefore, it would suffice to state that the Jews, being the custodians of the Torah and Good News, need Shepherd protection from the House of Israel (Gentiles, Ten-Israel), or be held accountable by the Living YHWH. •
The Messiah is speaking to Peter, "Love you me more than these? He said to him, yes Lord; you know that I love you. He said to him “Feed my lambs”. He said to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, love you me? He said to him, Yes, Lord; you know that I love you. He said to him Feed my sheep, 145
Joh 21:15-16. The Messiah asked the question of Peter three times and he became upset. But what Yahshua was conveying forcefully to Peter, and indeed the rest of the disciples, was that they were to be given the important task of seeking out the lost sheep of the House of Israel with the good news of the Kingdom of YHWH; to feed my sheep. Instead of warning His people of their lack of faith in YHWH and His promises, the Believers remained silent (silently condoned), even helping to persecute YHWH’s prophets when they, fulfilling their commission, tried to guide the people back into the fold of YHWH’s mercy – the House of Israel failed the Household of Judah. They did not take care of His Sheep properly, the House of Israel (Gentiles) is poor custodians – not imitating the Good Shepherd Who gave His life for His flock, Eze 34:2-4. •
The Gentile believers, per sé, arrogantly adopted ownership for the Tanach, as the Renewed Covenant was not yet written! Then the Gentile Believers took possession of the new Covenant as well. With the adoption of custodianship, came the overconfidence to judge the Jews. How did the Believers administer this custodianship and will they be held accountable for this self-appointed custodianship? Will they be held accountable for the poor Shepherding of the Jewish nation?
ANALYSING AND DEFINING YAHSHUA AS AN APOSTLE An Apostle is appointed to that Office. He is the sent one, with all respect, he is the “Messenger boy” of YHWH; no glamour associated with this Office as one will soon see. The Apostle is the protector of the foundational Apostolic Doctrinal truths in the Assembly. He is an ambassador from the Kingdom of Elohim. He has the ability to establish the Assembly of YHWH on a firm foundation. He is able to synthesize all of the ministries into a cohesive, effective unit. He is one who has matured as he has evolved through the other giftings and is able to operate in any one of them as the need arises and the Spirit of God wills it. An Apostle has a Kingly stature. Not all Apostles have the same ministry anointing as some of them communicate an emphasis of one of the other ministry gifts within them i.e. prophetic and healing, healing and evangelist, pastor and prophet, as the Spirit will for the benefit of the Body. Yahshua was sent by YHWH, For [He] whom God sent speaks the sayings (Oracles) of God, for God does not give the Spirit by measure, Joh 3:34. Therefore, should a believer make a statement that he is an Apostle, it needs to ascertained that he is sent and that he functions in the full measure of the Spirit – and not by human criteria for an Apostle. 146
The Shaliach (Emissary or Ambassador) of YHWH: Shaliach means agent and emissary and is a halachic (Torah-legal) term for a person empowered or delegated by someone else to act in his stead. The Shaliach first appears in the Torah in the person of Eliezer, whom Abraham commissioned to find a wife for his son, Isaac. She was legally Isaac's wife without her actual husband having ever set eyes on her or having exchanged a single word with her. In the words of the Talmud, A person's Shaliach is as he himself. Consider this in light of Yahshua saying, I and the Father are one. As Elohim’s Shaliach, Yahshua was acting on behalf of YHWH; thus, YHWH's emissary or representative was as YHWH, since he was fully empowered to act legally as YHWH's chosen agent or ambassador, with the same authority as YHWH.
Appointment of an agent or ambassador: Under the Jewish law (halacha), an agent may be appointed without the formality of writing, that is, by spoken words; and witnesses are not needed to give effect to these words, except to prove, in case of dispute, that authority had been given, and the extent of such authority. The standard authorities draw this conclusion from the remark in Kiddushin, 65b, that witnesses are needed only to meet denials.
An agent may appoint a subagent; the apostles, and believers who continue to spread the "good news" of Yahshua's rule and the Kingdom of God, are subagents sent by Him.
It should also be noted that a Shaliach has his emissary status revoked either by failure (such as Israel or modern day believers) or death. Yahshua did not fail and He Lives!! Therefore, he is still the Shaliach of YHWH. Since He is the fully empowered agent of YHWH, he has the power to forgive sins, heal, resurrect, and fill with His Spirit. Each true follower of Messiah is to go forth as a Shaliach of THE Shaliach.
In the USA, The Law of Agency deals with the status of a person (known as the agent) acting by direction of another (the principal), and thereby legally binding the principal in his connection with a third person. The person who binds a principal in this manner is his agent, known in Jewish law as sheluach or Shaliach (one that is sent): the relation of the former to the latter is known as agency (shelichut). The general principle is thus: A man's agent is like himself with the same authority. Yahshua, as the agent of YHWH, is fully empowered to represent YHWH (power of Attorney). As the agent (Shaliach) 147
of Elohim, Yahshua is "like," or the "likeness" and "image" of Elohim, with all authority to perform His calling. •
The Apostolic Confession: so then, brethren, consecrated and set apart for God, who share in the heavenly calling, [thoughtfully and attentively] consider Jesus, the Apostle (Emissary) and High Priest Whom we confessed [as ours when we embraced the Christian faith, Heb 3:1. What did Yahshua confess? Sh'ma, Yisra'el! YHWH Eloheinu, YHWH echad Hear, Yisra’el! YHWH our Elohim, YHWH is one, and you are to love YHWH your God with all your heart, all your being and all your resources, Deu 6:4,5; Mar 12:29. Moses speaking to the nation after their deliverance from Egypt and its idols said, Listen, Yisrael! The Eternal, (Who) is (now) our God, Will in the future be universally acknowledged as the Eternal, Rashi Commentary. If this was the confession of Yahshua, dare the modern day believer negate this Command? What is the confession of the modern day believer? That the YHWH is the only God and Yahshua is His Son, Heb 4:14, Heb 10:23.
The Apostle Reveals the Father's Name: Yahshua came to reveal the Name that YHWH Himself revealed to the Israelites and right through the Tanach for 6832 times. The true Apostle cannot utilise another name. The Apostle Restore referential fear for His Name, knowing that the curse is released when His Holy Name is not honoured, Mal 2.2.
The Apostle does the Father's Will and Works: Yahshua said that the believer shall do greater works than He has done. In completing the study of the Holy Spirit gifts, working of miracles, one is now so careful to imitate Yahshua and do the Fathers works as empowered by the Holy Spirit.
The Apostle Speaks the Father's Words: Come into total agreement with Abba; declare His very Word over circumstances. His words will materialize in the life of the Apostle and Prophet, in fact in the live of every believer. Yet, when a believer (as a spirit being) breaks a covenant (his words, promise or vow) he made with YHWH, as a spirit being, YHWH will judge the lie. To be like Yahshua is to build a trust relationship with YHWH and His flock. The Apostle’s integrity is of utmost importance. One cannot bring shame upon the Body of Messiah, as it causes the Holy Spirit to withdraw.
The Apostle Gives to the Father an Account of His Ministry as the Sent One: In Joh 17, Yahshua in His High Priestly prayer for His followers present and 148
future, specifically said that He has completed the assignment that He was sent to do – being the Shaliach of YHWH. Yahshua demonstrated that He could submit to authority; an important criterion for an Apostle; However, I want you to realize that Christ has authority over every man, a husband has authority over his wife, and God has authority over Christ, 1Cor 11:3. Yahshua is the head of every man, being His Elohim – therefore responsible unto YHWH for everyone! Therefore, no man has the right to expect submission from (his) women if he is not in rightstanding to an invisible God. The Apostle must humbly demonstrate his submission to either a spiritual father, or leader. He ought to be prepared to receive correction or discipline, yet lead by example. The Marks or Insignia of the Apostle There are certain unique marks that signify or identifies one as an Apostle that needs to be present when promoting one to the Office or rank of Apostle. These marks, in military terms are the insignia of the Apostle, being a soldier of the Cross; Take your part in the hardships and suffering (which you are called to endure), as a loyal soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier entangles himself with the affairs of this (civilian) life, so that he might please the one having enlisted him, 2Tim 2:3,4. It is clear that a soldier of Yahshua, like Himself will suffer physically, emotionally and spiritually. The soldier of Yahshua has entered warfare, the warfare against the enemy of YHWH – and the enemy will try to destroy the man or women of YHWH, be it through sickness, emotional pain or warfare in the mind. •
Did Yahshua bear those distinguishing, unique insignia that marks one in the Apostolic Office? He was looked down on and passed over, a man who suffered, who knew pain firsthand. One look at him and people turned away. We looked down on him, thought he was scum. But the fact is it was our pains he carried - our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us. We thought he brought it on himself, that God was punishing him for his own failures. But it was our sins that did that to him, that ripped and tore and crushed him - our sins! He took the punishment, and that made us whole. Through his bruises we get healed. And GOD has piled all our sins, everything we've done wrong, on him. He was beaten, he was tortured, but he didn't say a word. Like a lamb taken to be slaughtered and like a sheep being sheared, he took it all in silence. Justice miscarried, and he was led off, and did anyone really know what was happening? He died without a thought for his own welfare, beaten bloody for the sins of my people, Isa 53:1-8. In addition, 149
crucified, He died a martyr’s death; martyred because of obedience unto death. During the forty days after his crucifixion, he appeared to the apostles from time to time and proved to them in many ways that he was actually alive. On these occasions he talked to them about the Kingdom of God, Act 1:3.They had to touch Him and see the wounds before they believed. •
Equal to Yahshua, YHWH promoted Paul, Peter, John and the others, to the Apostolic Office, bearing the scars or marks of an Apostle, which qualified them. Paul said All the Signs that Mark (Insignia) a True Apostle were in evidence while I was with you through both good times and bad: with all endurance, signs of wonder, signs of power. Approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, 2Cor 12:12. Then the Apostle Paul proceeds and lists the marks of a True Apostle: We try not to put obstacles in anyone's path, so that no one can find fault with the work we do. On the contrary, we try to commend ourselves in every way as workers for God by continually enduring troubles, hardships, calamities, beatings, riots, overwork, lack of sleep and food. We commend ourselves by our purity, knowledge, patience and kindness; by the Ruach HaKodesh; by genuineness of love and truthfulness of speech; and by God's power. We commend ourselves through our use of righteous weapons, whether for pressing our cause or defending it; through being honoured and dishonoured, praised and blamed, considered deceptive and sincere, unknown and famous. And we commend ourselves as God's workers headed for death, yet look! We’re alive! as punished, yet not killed; as having reason to be sad, yet always filled with joy; as poor, yet making many people rich; as having nothing, yet having everything, 2Cor 6:3-10.
Now some Jews arrived from Antioch and Iconium and turned the crowds into a murderous mob. They stoned Paul and 0dragged him out of the city, apparently dead. But as the believers stood around him, he got up and went back into the city. The next day he left with Barnabas for Derbe, Act 14:19,20. The mob left Paul for dead, but the believers stood around him, not curios, but praying and calling him back to life! Functioning in the gifts Faith and Working of a Miracle. Paul left for Debre the next day! One would wonder what his body with the bruises felt like! One can therefore understand what Paul meant when he said he bears the marks or insignia of an Apostle, and he proceeds to challenge those that say they are Apostles: They say they serve Christ? I know I sound like a madman, but I have served him far more! I have worked harder, been put in JAIL more often, been whipped times without number, and faced death again and again. FIVE different times the 150
Jews gave me thirty-nine lashes. Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked. Once I spent a whole night and a day adrift at sea. I have travelled many weary miles. I have faced danger from flooded rivers and from robbers. I have faced danger from my own people, the Jews, as well as from the Gentiles. I have faced danger in the cities, in the deserts, and on the stormy seas. And I have faced danger from men who claim to be Christians but are not. I have lived with weariness and pain and sleepless nights. Often I have been hungry and thirsty and have gone without food. Often I have shivered with cold, without enough clothing to keep me warm. Then, besides all this, I have the daily burden of how the churches are getting along, 2Cor 11:23-28. How does the modern day believer and Apostle compare to this Scriptural standard set for an Apostle? There is also this thought provoking question, how st many of the modern day, 21 Century Apostles are prepared to suffer for the Gospel and for the Jews, in the same manner Paul (a Jew) suffered to reach the Gentiles? Acts chapters 6 and 7 tells the story of the martyred Stephen, full of the Holy Ghost, stoned whilst preaching Yahshua, the living Torah. He actually blamed the Israelites for killing all the prophets, who prophesied the coming of Messiah, and thereby fulfilling the criterion of an Evangelist and Apostle – and elevating every persecuted and martyred prophet to the rank of Apostle. This strategy has continued through the ages, kill the true worshippers of YHWH, by religiously accusing them of blasphemy, a crime that commands the death penalty according to Torah! Practising this very strategy with Yahshua, they called Him a blasphemer – and killed Him. Who were the Apostles in the Tanach that carried the marks or insignia to be labelled as one? • The Prophet Daniel, who had an excellent Spirit, moved in every gift of the Spirit, excluding the speaking in tongues, experienced great persecution; •
The Prophet Jeremiah, excelled in the Gift of Faith, Working of miracles, and above all, he taught the Torah to the people of YHWH (Teacher), operated in every Gift of the Spirit excluding the speaking in tongues has experienced great persecution;
The Prophet Ezekiel, experienced great persecution; 151
Finally, John the Baptist was beheaded.
Is the Apostolic Office Abolished? Easton, M G, Easton’s Bible Dictionary, argued that the Apostolic Office served its purpose until the deaths of the Apostles as the modern day Christian cannot fulfil certain criteria. Easton state: It was characteristic of the apostles and necessary: •
That they should have seen the Lord, and been able to testify of Him and of his resurrection from personal knowledge, Joh 15:27; Act 1:21, 22; 1Cor 9:1; Act 22:14, 15;
They must have been immediately called to that office by Christ, Luk 6:13; Gal 1:1;
It was essential that they should be infallibly inspired, and thus secured against all error and mistake in their public teaching, whether by word or by writing, Joh 14:26; 16:13; 1The 2:13;
Another qualification was the power of working miracles, Mar 16:20; Acts 2:43; 1Cor 12:8-11.
Easton’s conclusions: The apostles therefore could have had no successors, (as they did not see the Messiah, researcher). They are the only authoritative teachers of the Christian doctrines. The Office of an Apostle ceased with its first holders. In 2Cor 8:23 and Phi 2:25 the word messenger is the rendering of the same Greek word, elsewhere rendered apostle, (Easton’s Bible Dictionary, Electronic Media, Dakes Annotated Bible). I strongly disagree as Ephesians 4:10-12 are still valid, and 2,000 years later, not yet revoked. Today there are Teachers who can teach the Apostolic Doctrines with the same power as the Apostles, as it is the Spirit Who reveals the Truth about YHWH and His Doctrines. The Apostles did not teach man-made doctrines, but the will of ABBA YHWH. The test lies in the believers’ unconditional submission to the Person of the Rauch HaKodesh to function in the Apostolic Office, with persecutions to come. Modern day believers have not seen Him physically, yet know He is alive in their Spirit, The Apostle, Great High Priest, Author and Finisher of the Hebraic faith. Yahshua said to him, Because you have seen Me, Thomas, do you now believe (have faith)? Blessed and happy and to be 152
envied are those who have never seen Me and yet have believed and adhered to and trusted and relied on Me, Joh 20:29; 2Cor 5:7 and 1Pet 1:8. CONVERSION TO JUDAISM It is wrong and unscriptural to force Gentile church culture upon the Jewish people as a requirement for believing in their own Messiah. While it is right and proper for other cultures to be sanctioned to practice their culture after coming to faith in Yahshua, much of Jewish culture comes directly from the Scriptures, and has a firm Scriptural foundation, lacking in persons from other cultures. The situation was very different in the First century. Then the question was, How can a Gentile believe in the Jewish Messiah? Shouldn't he convert to Judaism first? Some Messianic Jews were saying to the Gentiles, Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved. Others said, It is necessary to circumcise them, and to direct them to observe the Law of Moses, Act 15:1,5. The Council at Jerusalem decided that the Gentiles did not have to convert to Judaism to believe in the Jewish Messiah Act 15:19-2; 28-19. Properly observed, Messianic Judaism has no middle wall of partition separating Jewish believers from Gentile Believers, Eph 2:14. Most Messianic assemblies have a large percentage of Gentiles. Most of these Gentiles love Israel and the Jewish people, and have adopted a Jewish expression of their faith in Messiah Yahshua. The Great Commission and Command is to go to the Jew first, preach and demonstrate the gospel of Yahshua. But many, after spending time within the traditional Jewish community are returning to the Messianic community with strange ideas about the need for conversion, Talmudic teachings, and a fascination for the secrets of Jewish mysticism hidden within the Kabbalah has worked its yeast in their minds. This to a great extent mirrors the Galatian problem; those who have delved into traditional Judaism and are incorporating its practices into their supposed Messianic lifestyle should return to their Biblical roots and Torah. Any practice that cannot be Scripturally defended (like 'formal' conversion rituals) needs to be examined. OBSTACLES PREVENTING THE RESTORATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT In observing current world affairs one daily see on television channels the reality of the time one is living in: wars, rumours of wars with its devastating impact on the innocent, famine, flood, fires, earthquakes, crime spiralling out of control, 153
diseases, breakdown of families and society and incest; people developed the mindset that God has become obsolete. The status of world affairs can prove to be an obstacle or challenge in restoring the Person of the Holy Spirit, if He was dependant on a human beings. •
The lack of knowledge is the one challenge or obstacle preventing the restoring of the Person of the Holy Spirit back to the Two Households. In Chapter Two, the causes for the falling away were deliberated and sub divided into different categories, they are the historical and current realities, but they are not strange to the Spirit, Who has dealt with humankind’s traditions from the beginning of time. In addressing the lack of knowledge, the discerning Believer should reassess their spiritual position. One is not to consider the said circumstances, but to consider YHWH, Who is beyond what man has done to himself. Then said Jeremiah, O Lord, my Strength and my Stronghold, and my Refuge in the day of affliction, to You shall the nations come from the ends of the earth and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited nothing but lies, emptiness, and futility, worthless things in which there is no profit, Jer 16:19. Gentiles as well as Israelites will have to acknowledge that their fathers led them astray regarding things of no profit and in the serving of idols or manmade traditions, Rom 1:18-32. It is noticeable that in their Books many of the prophets spoke of the Gentiles as being blessed with Israel in the day of their final restoration under the Messiah; Isa 11:10; Isai 42:1,6; Isa 49:6,22; Isa 54:3; Isa 60:3-5,11,16; Isa 61:6-9; Isa 62:2; Isa 66:12,19; Mal 1:11. The Gentiles will get to know Elohim along with Israel, Jer 16:21.
In South Africa, as well as in Israel, the Jewish community is a closed community to Christians; who historically perpetrated their persecution. It was not possible to investigate the significant relationship between the Two Households as one need to involve the Jewish community more actively. It is an intricate and difficult process as they are a close-knit community and not open for scrutiny, suspicious of any enquiries. Therefore, the researcher had to rely mostly on the internet for information, which leaves a margin for error in the sources consulted. Many Rabbis were prepared to teach us, as Yudah is the Lawgiver.
The time of Jacobs Trouble (Jer 30:7) has come and there is a marked falling from the Statutes of the living God. Every word the Tanach prophets and the 154
Messiah, prophesied about the end-times are happening, now in this time. There is a dire need for Divine Intervention in world affairs, not only world affairs, but also in the Church estranged from the Statutes of the living God. For the Jew first, then the Greek will experience persecution in the very near future. There is a false sense of security amongst Christians that they are safe, because they are Christians. The rising anti-Semitism will spill over to authentic believers, especially those who seek to live according to their Hebraic Root and Torah lifestyle. The research was done on the life and ministry of Yahshua Himself as He modelled, through His ministry on the earth, how to function in the Fivefold Office as well as every gifting of the Ruach Himself. Yahshua, through his Torah lifestyle demonstrated a perfect model for a life Holy, YHWH pleasing lifestyle. The dispensation in which one lives has little to do with this, as ones mindset is the determining factor. Inferring the results back to the Church, Messianic Believers, the Truth seekers, can best be achieved by setting up an apostolic model, based on the Scriptures and as modelled by Yahshua and that is why Chapter 4 was written!
CHAPTER 4 RESTORATION HEBRAIC ROOT LEGACY In order to understand what is to be restored, we must make a careful, detailed research of Scripture and history to determine what has been lost, damaged, or is still intact – before restoration can be initiated. Restoration is more than an academic investigation; restoration is a vision and a work that is accomplished by the Holy Spirit through the process of Divine Revelation. WHERE DID ALL THIS RESEARCH LEAD TO? SHARING THE RESULTS WITH YOU: MAY IT LEAD TO RESTORATION The anticipated results of this research have absolutely surpassed my expectations! The research became a learning curve, and an intense desire developed that the Body Corporate will benefit from this information, and that it will lead to reconciliation in the Two Households of YHWH, our Elohim. The Hebraic versus the Hellenistic Westernised mindset need to be altered in order to comprehend the completeness of this research. The restoration of all things can be confusing if you do not know what ALL things are. In view of the aforementioned research performed on the apostate condition of the Church, (and the causes leading thereto), you have become aware of the quandary in which the Church has landed after 2000 years. The present results are significant and the subsequent analysing of all the various root causes for the apostasy, has now become the objective of this research - the Restoration of the Hebraic Legacy to the Westernised Church, the restoration of the Two Households and the Apostolic Ministry of the Rauch HaKodesh. I would like to share the results of all this research with you: Beginning with the results pertaining to the current position of the Church, and not the apostasy which is the symptom of the root problem, but the stance of the Church relating to the Holy Spirit and her Hebraic Roots including the imminent grafting back into the Olive tree (Judah). In order to determine the relationship between Believers and the Ruach HaKodesh, I presented a questionnaire (available) for completion to more than a 1000 people; nominal Christians, agnostics and authentic believers. When the completed questionnaires were reviewed and the feedback analysed, certain problem areas where identified and highlighted as follows: 156
That nominal Christians do not have a relationship with Him at all. They do not understand His role or purpose in a Believer’s life;
Spirit-filled believers, on the other hand, went glibly through the questionnaire. They would answer in their own favour, measuring their Faith Walk with YHWH and the Ruach to that of the Apostles: and according to them their Faith walk compared well with the Apostle Paul and other Apostles. Whilst researching the insignia or marks of an Apostle, the modern day Christian dismally falls short of the Scriptural criteria; therefore the question was not truthfully answered;
Some Spirit-filled Christians, who claim that they pray in tongues experience no power or results after praying in tongues, or became extremely selfconscious and avoid speaking in tongues. This gift is perceived to be obsolete and outdated! Whereas the Apostle Paul said, I speak in tongues more than all of you! Paul taught the believers who speak tongues are demonstrating YHWH’s power to the unbeliever. Paul did not come with convincing words to the different assemblies, he came in the power of the Holy Spirit, with signs and wonders following;
Many claimed that they are on the same spiritual level as the Apostle Paul, yet one do not see the power of the Holy Spirit demonstrated in the same manner;
Many believers only spoke in tongues on the day of their Holy Spirit baptism and never again. Most are not sure “what happened to me?” wrong question, it was Who filled them. The researcher saw a pattern of ignorance regarding the actual infilling and thereafter functioning in the resulting gifts;
One can therefore, safely conclude that there is insufficient teaching prior to the baptism. People were actually afraid that they might do funny things or lose control, unsure of what can be expected during the experience. Those who received spontaneously, whilst in worship, did not question the experience;
Many claimed that a lack of personal devotion and time deprived them of a more meaningful experience;
The majority of Healing School students acknowledged that an unholy lifestyle is the foremost factor contributing to one not yielding to the Rauch HaKodesh or to be utilised by Him;
A good number of respondents and students were outspoken regarding the jealousy, strive, gossip and in-fighting in the Church. They do not feel safe in such an environment. Therefore, they were open to receive false doctrines i.e. new-age teaching, and ultimately became churchless;
Many criticised the questionnaire itself, saying that the solution of the apostasy will not be found in the traditional churches and that I must look for solutions outside the Church;
Many claim that the Church has become seeker-sensitive or an accommodating social club;
The Church has developed a fear of man, afraid that their income would diminish if the manipulating one is not appeased. Therefore, sin in the Church is not addressed but tolerated;
Students acknowledge once they start thinking with their carnal mind, they move out of the Spirit into the natural realm and consequently, the anointing of the Spirit lifts;
Many claim persecutions when operating in the gifts of the Spirit, friends and family members ridicule them, as the carnal natural person cannot understand the things of the Spirit, as they do not have spiritual discernment;
Quite a few commented on the fact that people proudly proclaim that they move in the various gifts, but their personal lives are in disarray emotionally and spiritually. This confuses the immature Christian and inhibits their spiritual growth;
Finally, some positive feedback was received as well: There is an inherent hunger to research one’s Hebraic legacy. However, people are careful not to fall into a legalistic trap, concerning the Torah and Jewish unscriptural traditions – demonstrating a lack of knowledge.
RESULTS: THE PERSON OF THE RUACH HAKODESH The confirmed manifest Presence in the Tanach: It is without a doubt the most rewarding experience to know that He was present from the Beginning and will be there through all eternity. In reviewing the literature; •
One finds the absolute uprooting the believers suffered through the lack of knowledge pertaining to their Hebraic roots and legacy profoundly sad;
The Great High Priest Yahshua, His tunic (Robe), the Urim and Thummim (hidden behind the breastplate), and what it represents to the Believer are all embedded in Him, is information which needs to be revealed to all believers, and;
To realise that the modern day believer does not hear the voice of YHWH as distinctly as the Prophets in the Tanach did, and definitely not as plainly as the first Spirit filled Believers, is sorrowful.
The Westernised (Hellenistic) believer, who has not experienced or partook in a Torah-based sacrificial ritual, when a lamb is offered unto YHWH, does not understand the power of such a sacrifice, or the entailing ceremonial duties, which lead to a Believer negating the most important role of the Priestly service unto YHWH.
In reviewing the relevant literature, the history of the early Church, the steady decline into anti-Semitism, the persecution of the Jewish nation by Christian and gentile alike, Replacement Theology had a devastating effect on the Church – resulting in the falling away from the Hebraic Legacy and the creation of an apostate Church. The Church born on the cross, empowered in Jerusalem, through lies and deception, lost her power, her relationship with the Holy Spirit; failed to cause a change in a sin sick world;
The mystery of the Two Olive Trees is demystified. One of the most interesting findings was that the Scriptural term Israel refers to the family (mishpochah) of the Elohim of Israel and is likened to an olive tree. In this allegory, Israel consists of the natural root of the olive tree (natural born 159
Jews). The wild branches are those who have been grafted-in (non-Jews from the nations and the lost Jewish (ten) Tribes who believe in the Elohim of Israel and have accepted Yahshua as the Jewish Moshiach, Rom 11:13-26. As long as there is a sun, moon and stars in the heavens, the natural root (natural born Jews) will remain a part of the olive tree of the YHWH of Israel, Jer 31:35-37. One tree is the 12 tribes of Israel, and the other is the Gentile nations that believe on Yahshua. •
The present study was designed to determine the effect of Replacement Theology on the Church and the resulting Apostasy, and it is confirmed without a shadow of doubt that Replacement Theology is the single most contributing factor to the animosity between the Two Households.
The issue of incorrect or manipulated Bible translations has been controversial and the cause of many disputed subjects within the field of Replacement Theology. Bible scholars have missed enormous amounts of information in both the Tanach and Messianic Scriptures due to lack of knowledge of the Hebrew language and ethos. Scholars have forsaken the Hebrew Scriptures for English translations that cannot translate completely or adequately the meaning of the Hebrew text. There is a fundamental difference between Eastern Semitic languages such as Hebrew and Western languages such as Greek and English.
RESULTS: EVERY BISHOP IS NOW AN APOSTLE One unanticipated find was that due to a total lack of knowledge regarding the gifts of the Spirit as well the Five-fold ministry, self-appointed ministers who do know (but not understanding), the gifts of the Spirit utilise them for own gain. It is the experience of the author that every person who plants a little Church in a school classroom calls himself an apostle. In itself there is nothing wrong with a Church in a school classroom, but the self-appointed Bishops are not anointed with the Ruach HaKodesh; and they cannot function in the gifts of the Spirit, therefore, perpetrating many false doctrines to naïve ignorant lay people. One does not find the marks or insignia of an apostle in their ministry; in fact, they have not grown into such a position and are definitely not yet appointed by YHWH to such an Office. This is not negating their mission, rather a call for them to surrender to the authority of one who has already grown into that position, until YHWH approves them. Once an Apostle or Bishop’s life bears the marks or insignia of an Apostle, imitating Yahshua the Apostle and High Priest of the 160
Hebraic Church, may then call themselves apostles - until then they are evangelists or shepherds. RESULTS: THE LOST LEGACY OF THE HEBRAIC CHURCH THROUGH BETRAYAL •
YHWH is the originator of the Judaic worship system on the earth; He introduced to Moses the Torah and the desired perfect model of worship – patterned after the Heavenly format. The Jewish Household altered this form of worship into rituals and traditions; forming traditions eventually called Oral Law or the Talmud, founded on the Prescripts that YHWH gave in the Desert. The Israelites lived according to the letter of the Law, not the Spirit. When YHWH sent Yahshua to the earth, he did not revoke the Judaic worship system; Yahshua came to clarify, demonstrate and fulfil a Torah lifestyle to a Hebraic community without the constraints of human or manmade tradition.
The evidence from this study suggests that Christians has been raised ignorant of the value of the Torah – which is the foundation of the entire Renewed Covenant. Church Fathers and Christianity has ignorantly proclaimed the passing of the Torah and prophets because in their limited understanding, they assume that all the Torah and the prophets have already been fulfilled and obedience to the Torah is bondage, they are all under grace. Not understanding Torah and freedom in Scriptural context.
Moreover, the modern day Church lacks knowledge of His worship format as practised in Heaven, consequently, contributing to the misunderstanding of their roles as priests and kings, their duties and authority, and therefore, not fulfilling their priestly role unto the living God. The easiest way to conceal this ignorance, is to their detriment betray the Jewish connection.
The current study found a strong relationship between the apostate Church and anti-Semitism; a church that deviated from the foundation ordained by Yahshua and the Apostles. Yahshua has proclaimed 2,000 years ago, I tell you this: you are Kefa, (which means Rock) and on this rock (statement that Yahshua is the Messiah) I will build my Community, and the gates of Sh'ol will not overcome it, Mat 16:18; declaring that His Community or Assembly would never become extinct. There is also a significant difference between the Church birthed in the Book of Acts and the modern day Church. Many people profess Christianity; they claim to be members of The Church 161
Yahshua founded. Furthermore, modern day Christianity is a divided religion, composed of hundreds of denominations, schisms and traditions, (to a great extent the same as the Hebraic family with the Torah, i.e. the Ultra, Orthodox and Reformed sects within the Judean household). •
Through the centuries, most denominations have assimilated many nonScriptural traditions, (philosophical, cultural and religious) into their teachings and practices, initiating even more variations. It is evident that the Christianity one see today is not the Assembly Yahshua founded and empowered on that Feast of Shavuot. The words the gates of hell shall not prevail against it did not imply, or guarantee that the believers would not be misled or deceived. He specifically warned them that false saviours and prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, and if possible, even the elect, Mar 13:22. Believers had to stay in His Words and teaching them to obey all the commands I have taught you. Church history has indisputably proven the deception of the Believers and consequent betrayal of their Hebraic Legacy.
The Feasts of YHWH, and the Feast of Pentecost per sé, the Shavuot, is the direct link to the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Yahshua, through His Ruach HaKodesh inspired the Apostle Paul to explain the crucial importance of receiving the Holy Spirit, and in the process becoming a truly empowered member of His community. “But you are not living the life of the flesh, you are living the life of the Spirit, if the [Holy] Spirit of God [really] dwells within you [directs and controls you]. But if anyone does not possess the [Holy] Spirit of Christ, he is none of His [he does not belong to Christ, is not truly a child of God. But if Messiah is in you, the body is dead, in regard to sin; and the Spirit is alive in regard to righteousness. And if the Spirit of YHWH, who raised Adon Messiah from the dead, dwelleth in you; he who raised our Adon Messiah from the dead, will also vivify your dead bodies, because of his Spirit that dwelleth in you Rom 8:9-11.
Analysing the Church Yahshua built, one sees how the English word Church is employed in the King James Bible. Throughout Scriptures, Church and congregation refer to people, never a building. The concept of people assembling to learn the teachings of YHWH is embedded in both the Covenants. It is closely associated with one of the Ten Commandments, the law concerning the Sabbath. The Jews assembled every Sabbath as a congregation (Holy convocation) to hear the Torah. The equivalent concept, 162
a congregation of believers assembling to hear YHWH’s Word, was practiced by the earliest Christians, Act 11:26. The Church then, is comprised of followers of Yahshua who gather to hear the Word of YHWH. •
Caesar Constantine mandated worship on a Sunday by the Council of Nicaea in about 375 A.D., and the common practice has been to follow the Directive of the Catholic Church ever since, initiating the Great Apostasy from Hebraic Roots – and resultant anti-Semitism and betrayal of the Jewish Nation.
Due to the negation of the Hebraic Heritage, believers do not understand the significance of YHWH’s Calendar and Feasts, therefore, does not observe them. It seems that the concept Eternal Statute or Eternal Covenant have no impact on believers, as it is not part of the western ethos or culture. Nonetheless, it is a Divine Statute which by its very nature defies human understanding, Elohim, the Creator, Who is the Author of The Law (Torah), persuades believers to expound upon His Torah, and to find as much meaning and explanation as one’s understanding allows; for His glory, and for the honour of His Word and Name.
The fulfillment of end-time prophecies is another reason for the apostasy. Yahshua and the Apostles have at length forewarned the Church of the perverted behaviour of the human-race at the close of this dispensation. Yahshua specifically said the last days will be as in the days of Noah just prior to His return, The Arrival of the Son of Man will take place in times like Noah's; evil will abound, sin will abound.
This study did not find valid reasons for converting to Judaism per sé. This rather contradictory result may be because the Rabbis fear an influx of Messianic believers into Israel, and would therefore, withstand any form of conversion to Judaism. Many Gentiles within the Hebraic community are considering conversion to Judaism, but would not submit to Rabbinical authority.
Conversion implies a change in a belief system, from one belief system to a different belief system. To convert to Messianic Judaism would be to convert to a community in which one was already a member (through faith); to 163
convert to traditional Judaism would be to deny one's faith in Yahshua (or at least, deny the sufficiency of Yahshua alone). In discussions on Gentile conversion, it seems the issue is less about belief systems; it is more an attempt to become a Jew. The Apostle Paul explained that because of mainstream Israel's rejection of Messiah, non-Israelites (wild olive branches) who accept Yahshua, have been given a place in Israel's cultivated olive tree and Commonwealth. •
The Gentile nations had no Messiah, no part in the Commonwealth of Israel, no covenant, no hope, and no living YHWH. However, Elohim planned to use Yahshua to bring the believing Gentiles into the Commonwealth of Israel; to share their covenant, their Eloah, and their hope and in the commonwealth. Christians seeking prosperity need to ponder on the Commonwealth waiting for them, once they are in the Hebraic fold. Yahshua abolished the enmity that had been between the Covenant nation and Gentiles by bringing them together and forming one new man; establishing a theme of unity - that Jewish and Gentile believers are one – by His Blood. No ritual is prescribed, and no conversion process is mandated. YHWH is bringing the Gentiles into His people simply for their belief in Yahshua HaMashiach, through the power of the Ruach HaKodesh.
Many Gentile believers today, in their search for the Hebraic Root of the Christian faith are adopting traditional Jewish ways not mandated by Scripture. The conventional Oral Law of Judaism contains conversion rituals and many Hebraic Root Gentiles are attempting to graft those beliefs into Messianic Judaism. Torah never commands any ritualised conversion of Gentiles! However, Pharisaic Judaism does whilst interpreting the Torah through legalism. Its members are placed under bondage; but Yahshua freed all from legalism and the bondage of the works of the Law. The Gentiles are grafted in by Faith in Yahshua.
To convert to Judaism is a matter of personal choice.
THE RESTORATION: YAHSHUA THE APOSTLE AS REFORMER Prof Liebenberg, The Rape of the Torah (2009) stated that Restorationism is composed of various unrelated churches that believe they are restoring the original version of Christianity and not as reforming a Christian Church continuously existed from the times of Yahshua. They feel that the other three 164
divisions of Christianity have introduced a serious defect into Christianity, which is known as the Great Apostasy. YHWH did not replace Judaism with Christianity. He sent Yahshua, the Reformer to the earth to bring perfection to the Jewish faith and to extend that faith to all humankind. The faith or the first century church was Judaism, perfected by a new Covenant, a Judaeo-Christianity. Yahshua achieved with this Reformation of Judaism the reshaping of the essence of YHWH’s ancient religion, not the destruction of that system. Heb 9:10 clearly outlines that the Reformer, Yahshua, perfected forever YHWH’s religion through the introduction of His Own Blood, sealing a Covenant with it, and then became the author and finisher of the Christian faith. •
By His own admission, Yahshua did not come to abolish the Law or Judaism, but He came to perfect the one faith. He came as a Reformer, but His reformation was actually his aspiration to return Judaism to its founding principles. The atonement on the Cross was the foundation or building blocks of the New Covenant which Yahshua brought to Judaism. In the Tanach, the gifts and sacrifices concerned only the foods and drinks, various washings and fleshly ordinances and they were imposed on Israel until the time of reformation, Heb 9:10. This sacrifice perfected Judaism and extended it to all men, providing eternal life to all who believes. This new order of Judaism eventually became the corner stone for the Christian faith. The rabbis understood that the Messiah would come to change the Torah in order to complete it. Yahshua changed for them, a burdensome religion; into an exciting Holy Spirit- filled lifestyle.
In demonstrating the Ministry of Reconciliation and Reformation, Yahshua, revealed the true nature of YHWH. He verified that YHWH does not discard what He has done in one dispensation and do a very different thing in another, He is YHWH and He changes not, He is immutable. He instated Judaism, removed all the human trimmings (Oral Law and traditions) in Yahshua and gave the Perfect. Therefore, YHWH in this dispensation, once again, sends His Reformer in the Person of His Ruach HaKodesh to remove 2000-year-old Church instilled customs from the Christian faith and restore it to authentic Judaism in Yahshua. Yahshua is currently fulfilling His role as Reformer in Israel as well, as He is restoring the nation of Israel to the Holy Land and according to Amos 9:15, they have taken up permanent residence and will not be removed from the land, they will stay until the Messiah sets up His imminent Messianic Rulership. 165
DEVELOPING THE APOSTOLIC LEADERSHIP It is a challenge, according to the Westernised mindset to hand the reigns back to Yahshua, the Apostle and High Priest of the Hebraic Apostolic Assembly, as Westerners prefer to be in command of their own destiny; their cultures especially value individual independence. However, the beginning of sorrows has begun as judgement for the nations, and humans cannot control the forces of YHWH, which are called natural disasters. Disasters such as earthquakes, mudslides, tsunamis, drought, famine, wars and rumour of wars, are indicative of the last days. With the intention of creating a renewed awareness of His Apostolic Leadership, as Head of the Hebraic Church, one does not want fear for the things to come to be the decisive factor in turning to Yahshua – but true repentance: •
True repentance ought to come from the Jew first, then the Greek! As both Households pray, confessing their sin of pride, arrogance and disobedience to YHWH, making supplications for mercy. Each believer needs to ask the Spirit of Prayer and Supplication to stir them to prayer, begging forgiveness for grieving and offending His Rauch HaKodesh, and to confess the sin of accepting everything as God honest truth without enquiring.
True repentance ought to come from the House of Judah for not ministering as the royal priesthood unto the nations.
True repentance ought to come from the House of Israel for persecuting their Hebraic family. They need to pray and make supplication for a mindset change from them and us to we are one in YHWH by the power of the Ruach.
The findings of the current study are consistent with those of Yair Davidiy and Rabbi Feld (2007) who explained that due to the Two Households lack of unification neither of the two sides were able to carry out their own peculiar function as they should have. Both sides are lacking and inadequate. The need each other and the rest of humankind need them. Eventually reunification will take place and the Prophecy of the Two Sticks and Two Olive Trees fulfilled. Yahshua in the Office as an Apostle: Setting the Leadership Standard or Model in the Apostolic Office When one studies the criteria for Apostleship, it can only, but be compared with the conduct of Messiah Yahshua in the Apostolic Office. SO then, brethren, 166
consecrated and set apart for God, who share in the heavenly calling, [thoughtfully and attentively] Consider Jesus, The Apostle and High Priest Whom we confessed [as ours when we embraced the Christian faith].[See how] faithful He was to Him Who appointed Him [Apostle and High Priest], as Moses was also faithful in the whole house [of God]. But Christ (the Messiah) was faithful over His [own father's] house as a son [and master of it]. And it is we who are [now members] of this house, if we hold fast and firm to the end our joyful and exultant confidence and sense of triumph in our hope in Christ, Heb 3:1:6. The word consider (katanoeo) literally means, to direct one’s whole mind to an object, to immerse oneself in it and hence to apprehend it in its whole compass (Wuest Expanded Translation). To consider Yahshua, is to study His lifestyle; His relationships; disciples and followers, His Worship of YHWH, His prayer life, the keys to the success of His ministry, His walk with the Set Apart Spirit and finally His death as a martyr. Consider Him being faithful over His Own Fathers house as a Son and His faithfulness over every soul that came into the Truth. The only individual that was lost was the son of perdition. Now, if a person says, I am an Apostle of YHWH, that one first has to measure himself to the Standard set by Yahshua, not forgetting that YHWH does the recommending! Firstly, when a person says he is called into the Apostolic Office, he ought to know that he should be Holy (set apart by the Holy (Set-Apart) Sprit of YHWH, as this is a Heavenly Calling; and with this calling comes great responsibilities; furthermore, only the Ruach can empower one to live according to the STANDARD as set; and modelled by Yahshua. RESTORING THE TWO HOUSES UNDER APOSTOLIC LEADERSHIP As both Households received the gift (Person) of the Ruach HaKodesh, the Jew first and then the Greek, they both need to come to unity in the Spirit, through the work of Messiah who broke down the dividing wall, For Christ himself has made Peace Between Us Jews And You Gentiles By Making Us All One People. He has broken down the wall of hostility that used to separate us. By his death he ended the whole System of Jewish Law that excluded the Gentiles. His purpose was to make peace between Jews and Gentiles by creating in himself one new person from the two groups. Together as one body, Christ reconciled both groups to God by means of his death, and our hostility toward each other was put to death. He has brought this Good News of peace to you Gentiles who were far away from him, and to us Jews who were near. Now all of us, both Jews and Gentiles, may come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what 167
Christ has done for us. So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God's holy people. You are members of God's family. We are his house, built on the Foundation of the Apostles and the Prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself, Eph 2:14-20. The Apostle Paul specifically spoke about (us) Jews and (you) Gentiles; that was part of the hostility and division. The time has come for both Households to take responsibility for the relationship with YHWH. Yahshua broke down the system of Jewish Law that basically excluded the Gentiles and included them into the family and Commonwealth of YHWH. The more one discovers the true Hebraic Root of the Christian faith, the more a person will be challenged to live according to the Scriptures; You Gentiles need to align themselves with their Hebraic Legacy, a legacy that one cannot be ashamed of, the Messiah being of Jewish descent. The Apostolic Church should not become a Legalistic entity again, but need to walk in the Law of Liberty, Freedom and Grace – without sin and without the confines of traditions and rituals – with the Ruach HaKodesh heading the Church. Central to this process of restoration and reformation is the renewal of the believers’ mindset and circumcision of their hearts. Once again, consider the definition of Liberty! The only way to break a tradition is to teach the Truth; then encourage repentance that initiates restoration. Permit the Rauch HaKodesh to resume the st Apostolic Leadership of the 21 Century Hebraic Church, by living in and through the Believer, who exercises their authority. The modern day believer can be equated with Abraham who came from a pagan, idol-worshipping culture, and YHWH replaced it with a Holiness Covenant lifestyle. Therefore, the pagan culture (in the Church) needs to be replaced with a Torah-based Holy Spirit lifestyle. The newly born-again believer becomes a spiritual creation; and in the process receives Guidelines (Torah) to life by – a lifestyle that will be pleasing unto the very YHWH that called them. This does not mean circumcision or conversion to Judaism; it means circumcision of the heart. The greatness of Israel is her ability to adhere to laws that have no explanation; the Israeli lives by faith in the Word of YHWH; they trust His immutable Word, unlike the western minded believers who think logically. RESTORATION: HEBRAIC COMMUNITY MODEL ACCORDING TO THE BOOK OF ACTS History has proven that human driven governance lead to disasters, including war and famine, which always end in failure. The human race will continue to be 168
poorly governed no matter which party is in power – resulting in humanity’s downward spiral and apostasy from the living Elohim. Humanity desperately needs YHWH to set up His Theocratic Governance on the earth, to rule all the nations according to His system, as outlined in the Torah. Messiah Yahshua knew this, thus the prayer Thy Kingdom come! Soon the cry, (Rev 11:15) the kingdoms of this world have become The Kingdom of our Elohim and of His Messiah, and He shall reign forever and ever will be heard on the face of the earth. The finding that the world is in an irreversible downward spiral, heading for destruction and Divine Judgement, necessitates the development of Hebraic Communities, as well as transit stations for Jews, who will be making forced Aliyah to Israel. (This is an important issue for future research). The mounting anti-Semitism calls for preparation to assist the Household of Judah and the restoration of the Two Olive Trees. A word of warning to Messianic Believers who are considering moving into such a community: It is recommended that before one becomes a member and moves to an intentional Hebraic community, they should first investigate the living conditions as well as their theology or doctrine. It is easy to form a religious cult where there are strong leaders. One has to discern the spirit of any community. Although, many, after spending time within the traditional Jewish or Messianic communities return from such a community with strange ideas about the need for conversion. Talmudic teachings, and a fascination for the secrets of Jewish mysticism hidden within the Kabbalah, influenced their decisions. A community must live by the Spirit of the living Elohim, anything else is to the detriment of the people, and has disastrous consequences. As believers gain understanding of their Hebraic Legacy, the root of their faith in a Hebrew (Jewish) Messiah Yahshua, they have found that their lifestyle begins to be transformed from the Western custom, they develop a diametrically opposed (to the norm) focus and ethos and observe a distinctly different calendar (within a Westernised culture in an African country!). For those who grew up learning Torah from birth, is usually born into an observant community already established around them. Their parents and other adults had made choices to be near to those of similar belief and lifestyle. Traditionally, it would be unthinkable for an Orthodox Jew to move anywhere that was not in close proximity to a Torah observant community. Does YHWH really want Western Believers to move into such a closed community and virtual isolation or does He want Believers to be a Light to the world? There are many arguments for and against such a move, which requires careful consideration; even more than the possible conversion to 169
a Judaic religious system that does not originate from Yahshua as Messiah; the living Torah. Restoration: Olive Tree Intentional Messianic Community The reconciliation between Judah (Jews) and Israel (Ten-Tribes), is the restoration and unification of both Olive Trees, then literally, the Abarahamic Covenant family becomes the largest nation on this entire planet, which is exactly what YHWH said would happen - the fulfillment of His Covenants. There are many confirming Scriptures, i.e. in the last few chapters of the Book of Ezekiel, which indicate that each tribe will again be allocated their own tribal territory. The Body of Yahshua and the world has moved into the drama of the end-time. The reality of Daniel’s statute has entered into its closing stages; the dispensation of iron and clay. The ultimate war between Good and evil is about to be set in motion. One can equate the Two Households to Daniel’s image; they are partly iron and partly clay, yet cannot exist without each other. Until Shiloh comes, walking in the Ministry of Reconciliation is their escape from Elohim’s wrath – both Households will be utilised in the Messianic Age; therefore, it is thus the will of YHWH; their unification and reconciliation. The book of Acts is the most inclusive manual to the development of a Hebraic Community. One needs to realise that it will require an absolute cultural and ethos change, especially for those who are new to the Hebraic Root Reformation movement. This is not developing a Hebraic cult, it is the establishing of Messianic Communities similar to the Orthodox Jewish sector in Israel and other Jewish communities worldwide; a sheltered and secluded set-up. The Orthodox Jews fully partake in life, work, family and friends, yet live according to the letter of Torah. The Apostolic Leadership of Yahshua, through the Holy Ruach, will lead the Messianic Community, as demonstrated by the believers in the book of Acts. Establishing Judaic communities or neighbourhoods has its own unique identity issues to deal with. One may be concerned about being stereotyped and viewed differently as people seem to do with Amish or Mennonite communities. Questions of authority and control vs. personal autonomy and choice are real concerns, because wherever there is a strong commitment to an ideal, there is the potential for abuse. These concerns seem to overshadow the positive aspects of living more closely associated with those of like faith. The decision to move into such a community 170
must be a family decision and YHWH ordained. Once the family has collectively agreed to move into such a community, there are concerns to be addressed for it to be a successful – setting the model and pattern for intentional Hebraic community living. What does an Intentional Community consist of? • • • • • • • •
Shared household by one or more families or individuals; Individual/family owned residences in a neighbourhood; Lodge type arrangements with private family quarters and public living space; Dormitory style sleeping quarters with all food preparation and bathroom facilities provided to be shared communally; Individual ownership of larger complex with board of directors; Joint purchase of property/living quarters; Community-based economic structure to earn an income, kibbutz system; Individuals pursue their own employment in order to make provision for their household.
Financial and Legal Arrangements •
It is imperative that an individual retains autonomy for each person or family’s finances, while cooperatively working together to cover all costs.
Establishing a housing cooperative, which would be called a moshave in Israel, rather than a kibbutz where people combine all of their income and assets.
Establishment and registration of a Section 21 Company, in order to obtain non-profit status as the legal entity over the property, whether it would be by lease or purchase. Residents would own a share in the Section 21 Company, but not the property itself. Bearing in mind that the concept nonprofit represents just that, leading to poverty, and dependence on the goodwill of other people! The most financially viable option would be to register a Closed Corporation – and legally pay to Caesar what is due to him taxes.
To establish a Financial Board appointed to balance the costs between family units headed by a wage earner or one who is disabled and not gainfully employed.
Utilise the strengths and skills of the community in a way to develop adequate income to sustain the intentional Hebraic community.
Personal Practical and Emotional Adjustments: Apprehensions Intentional Community living is a concept new to the Western minded person. Thus development of relationships, conflict resolution and other emotional concerns ought to be addressed before a family takes the step on moving into such a community. Living in such close proximity with others could place a severe strain on Western minded people, used to doing their own thing. Maintaining and developing relationships under these circumstances will challenge a person emotionally and mentally. The thought of downsizing of belongings from an entire house, or even from an apartment is a matter of concern. Nevertheless, once committed to life the intentional Observant lifestyle, a person has to be a visionary and realistic and ask how much in the way of material possessions does a family really need, considering the signs of the times? Even in this country one has to consider the escalating anti-Semitism, which calls for preparation to assist the Household of Judah for protection and the restoration of the Two Olive Trees, Strategy for establishing a Hebraic Community Firstly, one need to realise that the concept of a Hebraic community could be foreign to most westerners, thus an awareness programme for such a project, should be an educational assignment on its own. However, the Word says And this is the secret plan: The Gentiles Have An Equal Share With The Jews in all the riches inherited by God's children. Both groups have believed the Good News, and both are part of the same body and enjoy together the promise of blessings, Eph 3:6. Thus both groups can partake in a Hebraic Community; they have become one by the Blood of Yahshua, the dividing walls are down and have become part of the Commonwealth of Israel. Planning a strategy for the establishment of such a community would: 172
Entail involving the leadership of the Messianic believers; it is impossible for one person alone to achieve the objective of such a calling.
Secondly, it is important to analyse the challenges involved on project management principles.
Thirdly, Messianic leaders need to advocate the Restoration vision and networking is of paramount importance. This is not about one’s own ministry, but Kingdom building; preparing the way. There should be no power struggle, but, like Yahshua, the servant-hood heart should be prevalent, in line with the Acts Apostolic Church. This should include believers from all occupations, and therefore the utmost respect for diversity is mandatory, as unity lies in diversity; as YHWH commands His blessings were there are unity and restoration.
Fourthly, In order to create a forum for leaders to meet, it is suggested that a Yeshiva, or participating Assembly, is utilised. These meetings are to be conducted according to the Hebraic pattern in Synagogues. Each believer will have a turn to make an input as in the council of many lie wisdom. The Apostolic Assembly impacted the community with their brotherly love, permitting Yahshua to live through them by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Fifthly, this Restoration is not for the Hebraic Church only! Rev 14:1 Then I saw the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him were 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads. Rev 7:4-8 And I heard the number of them that were sealed, a hundred and forty and four thousand, sealed from every tribe of ISRAELITES. Of the tribe of Judah, twelve thousand were sealed: of the tribe of Reuben, twelve thousand: of the tribe of Gad, twelve thousand: of the tribe of Ashur, twelve thousand: of the tribe of Naphtali, twelve thousand: of the tribe of Manasseh, twelve thousand: of the tribe of Simeon, twelve thousand: of the tribe of Levi, twelve thousand: of the tribe of Issachar, twelve thousand: of the tribe of Zebulon, twelve thousand: of the tribe of Joseph, twelve thousand: of the tribe of Benjamin, twelve thousand. There are 12,000 men from each tribe 144,000 in all. When one studies Gematria, the numerical value of letters and words, both 12 and 144,000 are of significant value: 12 represents Perfect Government, and 144,000 represents Spirit Guided life.
Carefully consider this: authors like Yair Davidiy and Prof Liebenberg proved that 10 of the 12 tribes are dispersed all over the world; they are in the Diaspora. Therefore, the 144,000 are all over the world, sealed and chosen by YHWH. As Judah and Benjamin are in Israel, (44,000) then 100,000 are from Ten-Israel. In Yebamot 17A, it states The lost ten tribes were legally classified as Gentiles to all extents, and purposes, even though they are destined to return, at the moment they have the status of non-Jews, and that is how it was prophesied their status would be, Rabbi Koniuchowsky, Therefore, any form or branch of Judaism that fails to recognise that Ephraim has become the last day’s Gentiles of the earth, denies a basic and cardinal tenet of the biblical Jewish faith! YHWH cannot establish a Perfect Government, until those who are in Government (Apostolic) office live a Spirit-guided life. Messianic believers are to position themselves for such Governance. WORSHIP IN A HEBRAIC COMMUNITY •
Most Western believers have chosen (grew up) to worship Jesus in a setting that is largely devoid of any Jewish culture, the traditional church. There is, however, a small but growing group of gentiles who have left the distorted form of Christianity (calling it sun-worship) to join their Jewish brothers who worship the Messiah of Israel in an original Judaic approach.
Many of these gentiles live out their faith in a Torah based context, celebrating in their own homes the Jewish holydays and YHWH’s Feasts as fulfilled by Yahshua. They often keep Scriptural kashrut (Kosher laws) and other customs freely and without being legalistic, as a way to worship Messiah. Messianic Jews refrain from calling themselves Christians; which is Greek terminology. The Hebraic term Messianic Jews is preferred.
Messianic Jews recognise the seventh day, Saturday (Roman Saturn), as being the Sabbath, Gen 2:1-3; Exo 20:8- I1; 32:12-17. The exact time of the Sabbath can also be determined by the phases of the moon,
Messianic Jews still observe the rite of circumcision. This is part of the Avrahamic covenant for all the physical descendants of Abraham, Gen 17:9-
14. This practice is not forced upon Gentiles, 1Cor 7:17-20, although there is a marked increase in Gentile Believers undergoing circumcision. •
Messianic Jews observe the Jewish (and Biblical) High Holy Days prescribed in Lev 23, which were ordained to be celebrated as a perpetual statute throughout your generations, in all your dwelling places...forever, Lev 23:14; 21; 31; 41.
Messianic Jews tend to observe a New Covenant lifestyle, I will put My Law (Torah) within them and on their heart I will write it ,Jer 31:31-34; Heb 8:810. Torah is eternal and not abolished, Mat 5:17-19. Sin is defined as the transgression of that Law, 1Joh 3:4.
Lastly, it must be understood that one is saved by faith in the blood atonement only as provided by Yahshua, one’s righteousness cannot be obtained through good deeds, Isa 64:5-6; Ecc 7:20. The Council at Jerusalem decided that the Gentiles did not have to convert to Judaism to believe in the Jewish Messiah, Act 15:19-21; 28-19.
RESTORATION: THE URIM AND THUMMIM - BACK TO JERUSALEM This finding has important implications for ascertaining the theory that soon the existence of the Urim and Thummim will be revealed. In the Book of Nehemiah, it was utilised to determine to which tribe a person belongs. The results of the research proved that there is a significant correlation between the Rauch HaKodesh and the Christ-Stone, specifically pertaining to the identity of the different Jewish tribes. The obliteration of Jerusalem, the centuries of persecutions and the Holocaust has caused the eradication of all records regarding their lineage; thus destroying all possibilities of determining a lineage through this avenue. This is where one sees the Supernatural wisdom and power of YHWH at work. He has kept the Urim and Thummim for such a time as this! There are seven (7) million Jews in Israel and approximately 14 million in the world today, excluding the Lost 10 Tribes that cannot declare their Hebraic descent with a certainty. In their spirit, they sense their Israeli ancestry (Ten Tribes), yet most of them have no idea from which tribe they originate. They are part of the remnant prophesied to return to Zion. Some of them are Jews; some are of Issachar and Zebulon, whilst others are of Ephraim, Manasseh, Naphtali, or Reuben. Hitherto 175
all of them are guided by the Person of the Ruach HaKodesh, Who is leading them back to the land of their fathers, Jerusalem, in Eretz Israel. However, the Apostle Paul strongly advises us not to fall into the same trap as the Rabbis did: occupying themselves with myths and endless genealogies. These myths and genealogies raise a lot of questions rather than promoting God's plan, which centers in faith, 1Tim 1:4 But foolish questions, and stories of genealogies, and the disputes and contests of the scribes, avoid: for there is no profit in them, and they are vain, Tit 3:9. This means that we have to stay focussed, YHWH will identify them at His good time and when it pleases Him. It is therefore, conceivable, especially in view of the precedent that was set in the days of Nehemiah, that the Urim and Thummim will be utilised again to assist in the final RE-GATHERING and identification process! The Ruach HaKodesh, through the Urim and Thummim, once again will play a great role in Israel by manifesting His active Presence, by restoring the tribes. RESTORATION OF A HEBRAIC MESSIANIC PRIESTHOOD A Ministry of excellence – Comparing Tanach and Messianic Priestly criteria and duties: YHWH, through a word of Wisdom, spoke through the mouth of Ezekiel outlining and comparing the priestly duties and criteria of the Old and of the future Temple. Each duty and criteria are linked to its New Testament equivalent enlightening the Shadow with the Perfect:
Tanach Priest duty: However, the Levitical priests of the family of Zadok continued to minister faithfully in the Temple when Israel abandoned me for idols. These men will serve as my ministers. They will stand in my presence and offer the fat and blood of the sacrifices, says the Sovereign LORD. They are the ones who will enter my sanctuary and approach my table to serve me. They are the ones who will fulfil all my requirements” Eze 44:15,16.
Messianic Priest duty: The saying is true and irrefutable: If any man [eagerly] seeks the office of bishop (superintendent, overseer or Apostle), he desires an excellent task (work). Now a bishop (Apostle) must give no grounds for accusation but must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, circumspect and temperate and self-controlled; [he must be] sensible and well behaved and dignified and lead an orderly (disciplined) life; [he must be] hospitable [showing love for and being a friend to the believers, especially strangers or foreigners, and be] a capable and qualified teacher, Not given to wine, not combative but gentle and considerate, not quarrelsome but 176
forbearing and peaceable, and not a lover of money [insatiable for wealth and ready to obtain it by questionable means]. He must rule his own household well, keeping his children under control, with true dignity, commanding their respect in everyway and keeping them respectful. For if a man does not know how to rule his own household, how is he to take care of the church of God? He must not be a new convert, or he may [develop a beclouded and stupid state of mind] as the result of pride [be blinded by conceit, and] fall into the condemnation that the devil [once] did. Furthermore, he must have a good reputation and be well thought of by those outside [the church], lest he become involved in slander and incur reproach and fall into the devil's trap. In like manner, the deacons [must be] worthy of respect, not shifty and double-talkers but sincere in what they say, not given to much wine, not greedy for base gain [craving wealth and resorting to ignoble and dishonest methods of getting it]. They must possess the mystic secret of the faith [Christian truth as hidden from ungodly men] with a clear conscience. And let them also be tried and investigated and proved first; then, if they turn out to be above reproach, let them serve [as deacons. For those who perform well as deacons acquire a good standing for themselves and also gain much confidence and freedom and boldness in the faith which is [founded on and centers] in Christ Jesus. If I am detained, you may know how people ought to conduct themselves in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and stay (the prop and support) of the Truth. And great and important and weighty, we confess, is the hidden truth (the mystic secret) of godliness. He [God] was made visible in human flesh, justified and vindicated in the [Holy] Spirit, was seen by angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world, [and] taken up in glory, 1Tim 3:1 – 16.
Tanach Priest duty: When they return to the outer courtyard where the people are, they must take off the clothes they wear while ministering to me. They must leave them in the sacred rooms and put on other clothes so they do not harm the people by transmitting healing to them through this clothing, Eze 44:19.
Messianic Priest duty: The above mentioned healing happened during the Tanach dispensation. Then Messiah Yahshua enters the earth as the Great High Priest, and He allows them to touch Him and be made whole. This also happened to Peter and Paul. Because of the Apostles' faithfulness and priesthood healing anointing, sick people were brought into the streets on beds and mats so that Peter's shadow might fall across some of them as he 177
went by (Act 5:15). Mat 9:2; People would take handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched Paul's skin to those who were sick. Their sicknesses would be cured, and evil spirits would leave them, Act 19:12, and begged Him that they might only touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched it were made perfectly well Mat 14:36.
Tanach Priest duty: the priests must never drink wine before entering the inner courtyard, Eze 44:21.
Messianic Priest duty: Don't get drunk with wine, because it makes you lose control. Instead, keep on being filled with the Spirit, Eph 5:18. For an overseer, as someone entrusted with God's affairs, must be blameless — he must not be self-willed or quick-tempered, he must not drink excessively, get into fights or be greedy for dishonest gain, Tit 1:7. I believe that we are in line with the Word when I say that we cannot enter His Presence (inner courtyard) with alcohol in our system.
Tanach Priest duty: They may choose their wives only from among the virgins of Israel or the widows of the priests. They may not marry other widows or divorced women, Eze 44:22.
Messianic Priest duty: A leader must be blameless, husband to one wife, with believing children who do not have a reputation for being wild or rebellious, Tit 1:6. The women likewise must be worthy of respect and serious, not gossipers, but temperate and self-controlled, [thoroughly] trustworthy in all things. Let deacons be the husbands of but one wife, and let them manage [their] children and their own households well, 1Tim 3:11.
Tanach Priest duty: They will teach My People the difference between what is holy and what is common, what is ceremonially clean and unclean. The true Torah was in his mouth, and no dishonesty was found on his lips; he walked with me in peace and uprightness and turned many away from sin. A Cohen’s lips should safeguard knowledge, and people should seek Torah from his mouth, because he is the messenger of Adonai-Tzva'ot. But you turned away from the path, you caused many to fail in the Torah, you corrupted the covenant of Levi, says Adonai-Tzva'ot. Mal 2:6-8.
Messianic Priest duty: Mat 28:20, teaching them to observe all things that I commanded you. Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. 178
Amen. Eze 44:23, Mat 7:24-27; Deu 5:32, Deu 12:32; Act 2:42, Act 20:20, 21,27; 1Cor 11:2,23, 1Cor 14:37; Ephr4:11-17, Eph 4:20-32; Col 1:28; 1The 4:1,2; 2The 3:6-12; 1Tim 6:1-4; Tit 2:1-10; 1Pet 2:10-19; 2Pet 1:5-11, 2Pet 3:2; 1Joh2:3,4, 1Joh 3:19-24; Rev 22:14.
Tanach Priest Duty: They will serve as judges to resolve any disagreements among my people. Their decisions must be based on my regulations. (Torah) And the priests themselves must obey my instructions and laws at all the sacred festivals, and they will see to it that the Sabbath is set apart as a holy day, Eze 22:26. This Moses, whom they refused saying, Who made thee ruler and judge? Him did God send to be a ruler and deliverer with the hand of the angel who appeared to him in the bush, Act 7:35.
Messianic Priest duty: Therefore, select from among you, brothers, and seven men of good report, full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business, Act 6:3. Moses indeed said, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up to you out of your brethren like me: him shall ye hear in everything whatsoever he shall say to you, Act 3:22. Let the whole house of Israel therefore know assuredly that God has made him, this Jesus whom you have crucified, both Lord and Christ, Act 2:36. For the Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath, Mat 12:8. I will also bless the Gentiles who commit themselves to the LORD and serve him and love his Name, who worship him and do not desecrate the Sabbath day of rest, and who have accepted his Everlasting Covenant, Isa 56:6.
Tanach Priests: Her leaders in it are like wolves tearing up the prey to shed blood and destroy people, in order to benefit unjustly, Eze 22:27. Hear this, please, leaders of the house of Ya`akov, rulers of the house of Isra'el, you who abhor what is just and pervert anything that is right, who build up Tziyon with blood and Yerushalayim with wickedness. Her leaders sell verdicts for bribes, her cohanim teach for a price, her prophet’s divine for money — yet they claim to rely on Adonai! Isn't Adonai here with us? They say, no evil can come upon us, Mic 3:8-11.
Modern day Priests and Leaders do the same as the Tanach prophets, giving a quick personal word for selfish gain. The Renewed Covenant priest needs to develop a Spirit of excellence, including self-discipline and to deny oneself – to say no to one-self. Only then can they decree this Word of YHWH, On the other hand, I am full of power by the Spirit of Adonai, full of justice and full of might, to declare to Ya`akov his crime, to Isra'el his sin. On the 179
other hand, I am full of power by the Spirit of Adonai, full of justice and full of might, to declare to Ya`akov his crime, to Isra'el his sin. Thus the Messianic priest needs to measure their behaviour against the criteria of the Immutable Word before they venture into a ministry or teach a person, they must ensure that their conscience is clear in the Presence of the Living Elohim, 1Joh 3:19-21. RESTORATION OF HIS NAME The above mentioned are entirely null and void if His Name is not restored and utilised to His full potential; no Restoration, no Model, no Recommendation will have value without the immediate restoration of His Holy Name. When men shrouded His Name with hypocrisy, utilising His Title God, His provision, power, protection and above all, His Presence disappeared, and the veil descended on their minds and spirit. But Sanctify the Lord the Messiah, in your Hearts. And be ye ready for a vindication, before every one who demandeth of you an account of the hope of your faith, 1Pet 3:15. Restore and sanctify His Holy Name and the vindication will come - He for will rebuke the devourer. Until we sanctify the Messiah in our hearts and truly restore His Holy Name, the curse of Deuteronomy 28 will be active in Both Households. Once His Holy Name, YHWH, is sanctified, unity and restoration will come to both Households. I (YHWH) will take the names of the Baals (lords) off her (His Bride's) lips, Hos 2:17,19. ...and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of your mouth, Exo 23:13. Sanctify His Name in your heart. CONCLUSION ON ALL THIS RESEARCH st
The 21 Century Church compares poorly in workflow and functioning with the Early Apostolic Church, regardless of the reality that Yahshua is alive and well. It is important to note that human traditions and apathy have removed His Presence from the Church, and He would therefore, receive the same treatment from humankind, as during His first advent, only this time He is coming to reign and rule from within Jerusalem for a thousand years.
The single most unsettling observation to emerge from the research information is the comparison of the spiritual blindness that applies to both the Jews and the Gentiles. Two millennia of persecution, emotional pain, 180
and hatred have clouded the minds of both Households. They are regarding each other with suspicion and anger, yet know that they must find common ground to minister reconciliation to each other. Both Households can read the signs of the times and know that the time of the ingathering (Return) has arrived; there is an expectation for the returning exiles in Israel, Jer 30:3,10; Hos 3:5. •
That anti-Semitism is on the rise once again. Insufficient attention has been paid, by the Church, per sé, regarding the impact of anti-Semitism on the Church and her resulting failure and powerlessness. It was proven beyond doubt as one of the predominant reasons for the apostate condition of the Church. Therefore;
The Modern Day Church firmly supports Replacement Theology, due to lack of knowledge regarding this false doctrine or ideology and their very possible Jewish lineage;
The Church is ignorant of her Hebraic roots, which perpetrates the sin of racism against the Jewish nation. The stark reality being the activation of the Deuteronomy 28 curse, which YHWH spoke over those that curse Israel, shall be cursed! This curse is clearly identifiable within both Households;
The Jewish nation is the custodians of the Scriptures; the fact that they are truly in existence today is because of their obedience to guard the Scriptures – and paid a dear price for this obligation;
The Church claim it is at present her responsibility to guard the Scriptures, has succeeded in the sense that it is currently available in most languages on the earth - albeit not always accurately translated from the original languages;
In the centuries following the Reformation, the Jews adopted the languages spoken in the countries to which they were dispersed and lived, although never sacrificed the pure language in the process. In order to appreciate the powerful Names of YHWH, one need to understand a small amount of Hebrew and the meaning of the words, this will require a mindset change of which the Truth will set one free from a religious Spirit. A fulfilled end-time prophecy pertaining to Israel, (a modern day miracle); was the Israelites being restored as a nation (1948) to her homeland, Israel! 181
Another end-time prophecy that runs concurrently with the return of the Jewish nation to Israel, is the restoration of the Hebrew language; For then I will convert the peoples to a pure language that all of them call in the name of the Lord, to worship Him of one accord, Zep 3:9; Gen 11:1. In that day (Messianic Age) there will be five (5 = grace) cities in the land of Egypt (Africa), that speak the language of [the Hebrews of] Canaan and swear allegiance to the Lord of hosts Isa 19:18. End-time prophecy: Learn to understand the Hebrew language, in order to worship the living God in spirit and in truth;
The results of this study have given an account of and the reasons for the prevalent apostasy in the Church. The apostasy was investigated from a westernised as well as a Hebraic mindset, depicting the opinions of Rabbis who are not intimidated at voicing their opinions – with no regard for the feelings of the Israeli Household (Ten Tribes), regarding Christians as arrogant. Refining ones understanding of Judaism and the Restoration of all things, one had to overcome the limitations of a Westernised mindset, versus a Hebraic outlook. The westernised or Hellenistic attitude and culture being one of the major limitations when one studies the Scriptures, being written by Jews for the Jew first then the Greek; This chapter demonstrated the findings as established and is not at all as the Researcher aspirated it to be. These research results should have a profound effect on the Body Corporate if they heed to the results and recommendations of this research. And finally, let us move towards perfection. . . . . .
CHAPTER 5 SOME RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE BODY CORPORATE CORPORATE The Eternal Ruach HaKodesh birthed this study. He revealed Himself by highlighting Concepts, Statutes and Covenants that need to be observed with the purpose of fulfilling the instructions and criteria given, in order for Him to be a very present God, YHWH Shammah. By now, after careful considering the results of this research, you have made some conclusions, which should concur with mine, and therefore I would like to share some of my conclusions with you as well. Please allow me to direct you through this final chapter. The Tanach and Renewed Covenants is the foundation from which I worked and therefore, persisted within the confines of the Word. This enabled me to study the role and function of the Ruach HaKodesh from beginning to end, introducing Him to the believer. Truly, Then, Elohim Overlooking the Times of Ignorance, Now Strictly Commands All Men Everywhere To Repent, Act 17:30. Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, so that there may come times of refreshing from the presence of YHWH, and that he may send Yahshua the Messiah, who was ordained for you before whom heaven must receive until the times of Restoration Of All Things, which Elohim spoke long ago by the mouth of his holy prophets, Act 3:19-21. Research is the process of elimination, whatever remains is the truth. YHWH overlooked people's former ignorance about these things, but now He commands everyone everywhere to turn away from idols and turn to him. For he has set a day for judging the world with justice by the man he has appointed, and he proved to everyone who this is by raising Yahshua from the dead, Act 17:30,31. Conclusion of the Divine Mandate for the Household of Judah (Jews) The Israelites are the chosen people who fulfilled their calling and brought the Gospel the world. They were chosen to: • Be obedient to the Word if YHWH, and demonstrate to the world as a light to the nations. •
Hear the Word of YHWH and record it – the Torah and Tanach then the Renewed Covenant - the Bible. YHWH appointed them the Custodians of the Word. 183
Be the human channel for the birth of the Messiah, who was born from a virgin. The Messiah then administered and demonstrated the power of YHWH to His generation. Then as the First Fruit to future generations; Yahshua died, rose from the dead, ascended to heaven and will soon return to Jerusalem, Israel.
The Jewish people have fulfilled their role. The promise to the world through Abraham was: in you will all the nations on the earth be blessed, Gen 12:3. YHWH made an Everlasting Covenant between the land of Israel and the Jewish people whom He must fulfill and complete, or His Word the Bible, will be proven a lie, which it is not. YHWH will never annul His Word or forget His ancient people. If God will not fulfil His promises to Israel, what guarantee does the Believer have that He will fulfil His promises to the Church? Jer 31:35-37.
Conclusion: Divine Covenant still intact for the Household of Judah (Jews) Are Jews still Jews, and is Israel still Israel in the New Testament? Do they have a valid and active Covenant with YHWH, their Elohim? Absolutely, and the bible is clear on this: •
The Jews are Israelites, not Gentiles, Rom 9:4.
To Israel belong the Spirit of Sonship, the Glory, the Covenants, the Torah, the worship and the promises, Rom 9:4. Each believer has receives the Spirit of Sonship when they come into a relationship with YHWH, their Elohim.
The gifts and calling of YHWH for Israel are irrevocable, Rom 11:29.
There are 77 references to Israel in the Renewed Covenant and none of them refer to the Church. One cannot replace the word, Church, where Israel is mentioned, as it renders the passage unreadable, e.g., Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved, Rom 10:1. If one places the word Church where Israel is mentioned, then it is redundant. The Church is the body of saved believers, so how could Paul's prayer be for the Church to be saved?
Psa 105 has a seven-fold affirmation of His promises of Canaan to Abraham. This is an Everlasting promise, Gen 12:1-3. Jer 31:35-37 speaks of the everlasting nature of His promises to and for Israel, the Jewish people, promises that are sure as the sun that shines by day and the moon and stars that glow in the night.
The end-time prophecies, which speak of the return of the House of Jacob to their land (Israel) and its restoration, overwhelmingly fulfilled in Israel and the Jewish people in the past 120 years. (Isa 11:11-12; Eze 37:1-14; Eze 36; Eze 35:1, Isa 43:5,6; Jer 16:14-16; Isa 60:9-11; Isa 49:22-23).
The Gospel and Yahshua came to the Jews first, then the Greek, (Rom 2:9,10; Mat 10:5-7;15:24). There is a distinction in roles between the two. Gal 3:28 says: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. This is speaking of everyone's standing before Elohim being equal, because all are sinners saved by His grace and the atoning work on the Cross. Nevertheless, ones role here on earth is definitely distinct; e.g., men and women, mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, etc. all have distinct roles to play. Likewise, Jews and Gentiles have distinct roles to play.
Recommendation Traditional Judaism: It is recommended that the believers who have delved into traditional Judaism and are incorporating its practices into their supposed Messianic lifestyle should return to their Scriptural roots, if this community is not Holy Spirit, Torah based communities. The leaders of such a community should be filled with the Ruach HaKodesh in order to lead the members with wisdom. Considerably more research needs to be done into the viability of such communities in this modern era and especially when Christians decide to become Torah Observant the mentioned communities worked in Biblical times, based on the principles as found in the book of Acts, because of the very present Ruach HaKodesh and living Yahshua.
Recommendation: Conversion to Judaism: The emotive issue surrounding circumcision amongst Observant Gentiles limited the current study on possible conversion to Judaism. During class interviews, it became apparent that there are those would consider, and have done circumcision.
Clearly, a person’s framework of reference plays a great role in deciding to convert or not. Believers are taking more out of traditional Judaism than is necessary; they are simply being deceived into legalism and man-made traditions. It is recommended that one must count the cost before making such a life-changing decision, and all role-players in the family ought to be consulted prior to converting.
Recommendation Ten-Israel: It is recommended that the books of Yair Davidiy, Rabbi Feld and Prof W A Liebenberg on the dispersion of the Ten Tribes into the nations, be read by all that may have a desire to trace their Hebraic roots in order to take hold of their Hebraic Legacy.
It is recommended that further research be undertaken in lieu of His imminent return and the preparation of the Body for their assigned roles in His Theocratic Government.
Further research should be done to investigate the development of a Hebraic, Torah based and Spirit led, intentional community. It is recommended that a target group be identified (volunteers) who could model this for the broader Church, whilst there is still time. It is suggested that one communicate with the Jewish and Messianic Community within South Africa.
INTRODUCING THE MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION I have said all of the above in order to bring you to this point. These findings suggest several courses of action for the Body Corporate: •
Firstly, to recognise that they have a Hebraic (Jewish) Saviour;
That they have a debt of honour towards the Jewish nation;
That they need to research their genealogy, and determine whether they have a Jewish legacy, and therefore, inadvertently contributed to the persecution of their blood brother, the Household of Judah;
That restitution needs to be done to the Jewish nation as a whole;
The Household of Israel (Ten-Israel) need to initiate the Ministry of Reconciliation towards the Household of Judah (the Jews);
Rabbi Paul, under the unction of the Ruach HaKodesh, made this life changing recommendation to the newly Born again believer, Therefore if any person is [in-grafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come! But all things are from God, Who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself [received us into favour, brought us into harmony with Himself] and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation [that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with Him]. It was God [personally present] in Christ, reconciling and restoring the world to favour with Himself, not counting up and holding against [men] their trespasses [but cancelling them], and committing to us the message of reconciliation (of the restoration to favour) So we are Christ's ambassadors, God making His appeal as it were through us. We [as Christ's personal representatives] beg you for His sake to lay hold of the divine favour [now offered you] and be reconciled to God. For our sake He made Christ [virtually] to be sin Who knew no sin, so that in and through Him we might become [endued with, viewed as being in, and examples of] the righteousness of God [what we ought to be, approved and acceptable and in right relationship with Him, by His goodness], 2Cor 5:17-21. All are in agreement with the new creature concept as it deals with the past, and as it brings forth certain blessings; the believer is the recipient. The next verse immediately introduces the believer to a Spiritual duty sheet, which contains the terminology The Ministry of Reconciliation; to reconcile man to man, and man to YHWH, his Elohim.
YHWH was in and through the process of reconciliation on the cross, working through Messiah as the mediator. There can be no reconciliation if both Households do not come in utmost repentance before the living God, who gave Yahshua His Son, to reconcile man to Him. How can one resist such a great salvation by not imitating the Supreme example of forgiveness and reconciliation? Reconciliation is the process of finding a way that two belief systems, that are seemingly opposed to each other, yet so similar, can reconcile by finding the Emet or truth, and where they differ, in the process find common ground; the Restoration of all Israel. This will mean that the modern day Gentile Church needs to repent of the destruction of the past, 187
moreover, realise that their Jewish Messiah expects them, as a Believer, to LIVE the Ministry of Reconciliation, in order to become a natural Root. The Gentile Church Grafted into her Hebraic Root through Repentance The grafting in of the Gentile Church into the Hebraic Household is one of the most controversial topics for Jew and Gentile alike. This topic is major source of the age-old antagonism between the Two Households, sad to say that the animosity stems mostly from the Gentile Church, who has the Replacement Theology theory in their religious history. On the other hand, in this modern era, relatively few people of Jewish descent believe that Yahshua is the Messiah of Yisrael because so far they gave only been presented with a Hellenised Lawless Christ named Jesus. The Jews have yet to experience the love of their Messiah from Christians, who claims that Yahshua is the Messiah. Based upon history, most Jews have an underlying suspicion and distrust of Christians. The Apostle Paul wrote an important admonition, Be eager and strive earnestly to guard and keep the harmony and oneness of [and produced by] the Spirit in the binding power of peace, Eph 4:3. By implication, Paul says that one has an active role to play in order to guard the peace. The Church failed the Household of Judah, and therefore, remained the wild olive! The author is of the opinion that once the Church takes responsibility for the past through repentance, the Gardener Yahshua, will do the grafting in, and the Person of the Ruach will be restored to the Church, and the Olive Tree will bloom into fullness. What is the Role of the Church in the Restoration process? What does the final restoration of all things refer to and are there things that need restoration? In Chapters One and Two, I investigated the various reasons for the Apostasy in the Church i.e. Replacement Theology. The causes were analysed in depth, and now I propose the only viable solution, Repentance and Reconciliation. This is in order to restore the Apostolic authority of Yahshua in the Person of the Ruach HaKodesh to His rightful place in the Apostolic Hebraic Community. st
The role of the 21 Century Hebraic Church is: • To the world, the Church is called to preach the Gospel to all nations and make disciples, Mat 28:19-20; to love YHWH, our Elohim, with all of ones heart, soul, mind and strength; and to love one’s neighbour as one self, Mar 12:30-31. 188
To the Jewish people, they are called to show the love of YHWH for the sake of the Patriarchs, Rom 11:28, for without them the Gentile world would not have had the Word of YHWH, nor Messiah Yahshua as Saviour, who was a Jew, born in Israel. Believers are to live and demonstrate the mercy of YHWH, Rom 11:31. They are to give material gifts to help them, Rom 15:27. They are to pray for them and for Israel, Psa 122:6. They are to be the watchman on the walls to protect them, Isa 62:6, 7. They are to assist with the Aliyah (immigration) to Israel and the building up of Zion Isa 60:9-11; Jer 16:14-16; Isa 49:22-23.
YAHSHUA RESUMES HIS APOSTOLIC OFFICE Before Yahshua can assume His Apostolic Leadership role on the earth again, restoration needs to take place. YHWH is keeping Yahshua in heaven for a reason, and this reason is humankind, or more aptly put, the Two Households of YHWH, which are preventing the return of Messiah Yahshua. Now turn from your sins and turn to God, so you can be cleansed of your sins. Then wonderful times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will send Jesus your Messiah to you again. For he must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration of all things, as God promised long ago through his prophets, Act 3:19-23. When Moses prophesied that YHWH will rise up a prophet like him, he was prophesying the coming Messiah; Listen to Him or be cut of from the commonwealth. Messiah came, and through His blood and the perfect work on the cross, He worked at an eternal reconciliation between the two Houses. When one looks into the natural, it seems an impossibility to reconcile; however, the believers do not walk by sight but by faith! And with perfect faith YHWH will not by power, nor by strength, but by His Ruach HaKodesh, break down the mountain of human obstacles that are preventing the Restoration, Zec 4:6,7. When one realise that the delayed return of Yahshua, are dependent on the behaviour and unity between the Two Households, it becomes frightening clear that YHWH had exercised patience for millennia. Nevertheless, the time has come to implement the Restoration, for the sake of His Holy Name. It is through repentance and living in the Ministry of Reconciliation that the middle wall of division will finally crumble; setting off the return of Yahshua to the earth; to take up His earthly Apostolic Office in Jerusalem, Israel, to rule and reign over the nations. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than that of 189
the former, says YHWH Tzva’ot (Lord of Hosts). And in this place I will give peace, says YHWH Tzva’ot, Hag 2:9.
Hebrew Chosen: breastplate of Judgement attached to Robe of High Priest. Choshen in Hebrew is used for the square breast-plate of the High Priest, in which were set twelve precious stones, each being engraved with the name of one of the sons of Jacob, Ruth Spencer, Jewish Faith and the Renewed Covenant.
Hebrew Kohen or The Priest
Hebrew concept of Korban, just like Torah, is not translatable into English, and “sacrifice” is utilised for lack of a better word.
Hebrew Halakha legal or laws
Hebrew Torah: YHWH Instruction, Direction and Protection
Hebrew: YHWH Tetragrammaton: Greek term meaning the word of four letters.
Definition Rebuttal: To prove that a statement or a charge made against you is false. Longmans Exam Dictionary;
To Renew, to remove something that is old, and put a new one in its place, Longman Exam Dictionary;
Term Replacement Theology: Christians believe they have replaced Israel in the sight of YHWH;
Defining the terminology Bosom or heart is most important in order to clarify the summary of the Urim and Thummim. Vincent’s Word studies and Webster (E-Sword Bible) made this statement: The expression Who is in the bosom, who is, or the one being, is explained in two ways: 191
As a timeless present, expressing the inherent and eternal relation of the Son to the Father;
Bosom: To conceal; to hide from view. Bosom, in composition, implies intimacy, affection and confidence; as a bosom-friend, an intimate or confidential friend; bosom-lover, bosom-interest, bosom-secret. In such phrases, bosom may be considered as an attribute equivalent to intimate, confidential, dear.
The terms Western World Church and Modern day Church will be utilised interchangeably; referring to the church that evolved from the Hebraic Church Yahshua planted at the Shavuot Feast, 2000 years ago;
In order for Full Restoration to come to both the House of Judah (Judaism) and the House of Israel (Christianity and Ten Tribes), both houses of YHWH need to understand the Biblical terms church and Israel. In today’s world, the term church is traditionally identified and associated with the House of Israel (Christianity) while the term "Israel" is traditionally identified and associated with the House of Judah Jews/Judaism). Eddy Chumney, Two Houses; E-book.
Falling Away: A falling away in Greek (Apostasia), to stand in seditious opposition or open rebellion. Apostasia has been transliterated into the English as apostasy and has come laden with the misconceived meaning a falling away from the truth. In Greek literature Apostasia was used as divorce which is indicated a betrayal against one’s covenant. It was to stand in opposition to one’s spouse and not falling out of love.
Harlot Church: Incorporating pagan worship systems into the Apostolic Church.
Hebraic Church: The word Church does not exist in the Hebrew language. The translators who produced the Septuagint (the first Greek translation of the Hebrew Tanakh completed about three hundred years before Yahshua’s ministry) used the word ekklesia to translate the Hebrew word lhq (qahal), usually translated “congregation” or “assembly” in the KJV. Qahal does not mean a building or a religious institution or organization either. The English word “church” appears over one hundred times in the KJV, and each time it is translated from the Greek word ekklesia (ekklesia, Strong’s #1577) a 192
Greek word. The Greek word ekklesia does not mean church, but rather assembly or congregation. Ekklesia is formed from two smaller words ek (ek, Strong’s #1537), meaning “out of,” and kaleo (kaleo, Strong’s #2564), meaning to call. Therefore, the word ekklesia literally means, called out, scripturally, ekklesia does not mean a building or a religious institution or organization. •
Meaning of Messianic Jewish: It is generally understood that being Jewish means being a descendent of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and it implies being a follower of Judaism and its practices. In another sense, it is applied to anyone who has joined himself to the people of Israel through ritual conversion, including circumcision for men. The term "Messianic" (i.e. of Messiah or Christ) refers to anyone, Jew or gentile, who has chosen to follow the Messiah Yahshua (Jesus). Scripturally, the term "gentile' refers to someone who was born of non-Jewish parents and who did not identify himself with Israel through ritual conversion and circumcision. Thus, a Messianic gentile could be applied to anyone who was born of nonJewish parents and who is a follower of Yahshua.
Gematria is a mystical approach to the interpretation of words and numbers. The Rabbis explain that Gematria is a Hermeneutical system for interpreting the words or phrases of the Torah (Hebrew Scriptures) on the basis of numerical equivalents. According to Cabbala (Traditions) the world was created through speech; as the name was spoken, the thing came into being. Since the word spoken is composed of letters, and every letter (Hebrew) of the was has a numerical equivalent, then two words having the same value are considered as fundamentally related.
Liberty: the freedom and right to do whatever you want without asking permission or being afraid of authority, even if it offends or upset someone (Longman Exam Dictionary).
Paraphrase: an intentional re-wording to make a point. (Webster’s New World Dictionary, Second Edition, p.1031.
Perception: In philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science, perception is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information. The word "perception" comes from the Latin words perceptio, percipio, and means "receiving, collecting, action of taking possession, apprehension with 193
the mind or senses. What one perceives is a result of interplays between past experiences, including one’s culture, and the interpretation of the perceived. •
Sedition: conduct or speech which is in opposition to lawful authority, but lacks an overt act that would constitute treason or rebellion.
Torah and Tanach: when one speak of Torah, it is actually a reference to two Torah’s which are one and the same: the Written Torah, known as the Tanach (Torah, Nevi’im for prophets and Chetuvim for writings sometimes called Old Covenant and the Oral Torah. Both are alluded to in YHWH’s words to Moses come up to Me to the Mountain and I will give you the Torah and the Commandments Exo 24:12. This provides for the explanation of the many instances where the Torah refers to details which are not included in the written text – as if one must be aware of these details from some other source. These details can be found in the Oral Tradition, (Rabbi Chaim Richman, Temple Institute; Israel).
Ten-Israel refers to the “Lost Ten Tribes” dispersed all over the world.
Tradition: It is important to understand that the word tradition can have at least two different connotations, one positive (in the sense of divinely transmitted truth), the other negative (in the sense of man-made religious institutions or regulations). An example of the positive sense is Paul's exhortation to the Thessalonians to keep the traditions which he delivered to them (2The 3:6); an example of the negative sense is Yahshua's warning in Mat 15:3 that the Pharisee's broke God's commandments for the sake of their traditions, that is, the traditions of the elders.
Urim and Thummim: Urim and Thummim are terms found exclusively in the Old Testament. The etymology of אוּריםand תּמּים, can be found in several Hebrew word references. Urim = “lights” 1) stones kept in a pouch on the high-priest’s breastplate, used in determining Yahweh’s decision in certain questions and issues. Thummim = perfections, that is, (technically) one of the epithets of the objects in the high priest’s breastplate as an emblem of complete Truth.
BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLES: • Electronic Bible, E-Sword, United States of America, 1995. • Electronic Bible, Rashi Commentary, Judaica Bible. • Electronic Bible, Stern, David Dr. Complete Jewish Bible, Clarksville, MD: Jewish New Testament Publications, 1998. • Electronic Bible. E Sword, Messianic Renewed Covenant • Electronic Bible. E-Sword, Analytical Bible • Electronic Bible. E-Sword Webster Bible BOOKS: • Bennett, Todd. Names. The Father, the Son and the Importance of Names in the Scriptures. Shema Yisrael Publications, USA. 2006. • Berkowitz, Ariel and D’Vorah. Take Hold, Embracing our Divine Inheritance in Yeshua. Torah Resources International, 1998/2008. • Davidiy, Yair. The Tribes, The Israelite Origins of Western Peoples, Russel-David Publishers, Jerusalem, Israel, 1999, • Friedman, Dr. David. They Loved the Torah, Baltimore: Lederer Books, 2001 • Hagin, Kenneth. Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Rhema Bible Church, USA ,1986. • Liebenberg, Prof W A, The Rape of the Torah in the New Covenant, Hebraic Roots Teaching Institute, Pretoria, South Africa, 2009. • Longman Exam Dictionary. Pearson Education Limited, British Library, 2006. ELECTRONIC BOOKS • Chumney, Eddy. The Seven Festivals of the Messiah • Garr, Dr John D. Restoring our Lost legacy Christianity’s Hebrew Heritage: selected essays and lectures. Restoration Foundation, Golden Key Press. P.O. Box 421218, Atlanta, Georgia 30342, U.S.A. 1998, 2002, 2006. • Robinson Tony. The Restoration of Torah. Restoration of Torah Ministries, 2001 JOURNALS • The Good News, a magazine of understanding. United Church of God, USA and South Africa, Volume 14 no 4. July – Aug, 2009. ELECTRONIC MEDIA: • Rendelman, Rabbi Daniel. CD: Restoring the Ruach 195
• •
HaKodesh,, 2008, Hinn, Pastor Benny. CD Set: Foundations of the Holy Spirit in the Old Covenant, USA, 2006. Liebenberg, Prof W.A. E-book: The Hebraic Biography of Y’Shua, 2004.
INTERNET: • James, Dallas Urim and Thummim • Mark Huey (B.A., Vanderbilt University in History and Graduate Studies at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) is the Director of Outreach Israel Ministries ( ). • George Warnock Replacement Theology • Koniuchowsky, Rabbi Moshe. Replacement Theology • Richman, Rabbi Chaim. The Urim Thummim, • Tvedtnes, John, A. Abraham and the Urim and Thummim Unknown author Internet: Hebraic Articles, • • • • Unknown author. Replacement theology. Unknown author, Community Model, Welker, Jon, R. Order Melchizedek and Zadok Priesthood We inform – You choose Never be guilty of: "By your traditions you make the Word of God of non effect" As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25 Thank you that we may minister to you from the Southern point of Africa
Something mind-boggling is happening right now before our eyes! What can only be seen as a sovereign work of the Ruach HaKodesh is breaking forth as Christians around the world are working to restore the Hebrew 196
foundations of Christianity. After being stained for more than eighteen centuries by Judaeophobia, anti-Judaism, and anti-Semitism, Christianity is being impacted by an unprecedented revolution of restoration. Scholars, clergy, and laity from virtually every nationality, ethnicity, and denomination are reconnecting their faith in Messiah Y’shua with its historical Hebraic roots. Contact us for Distance Learning in your Own Time from your Own House. You do it by sending your Assignments Electronically to us in either one of the field of: Hebraic Roots (Y’shua centered Messiah Studies) or, Midrashic Eschatology (Jewish approach to End-Time Events) - Certificate to Doctorate. To find out about our other Products please contact us: and click on “HRTI’s PRODUCTS” That 'narrow way' is the path of Torah, which is the mission of the Believer … to continuously direct you to the Crucifixion. If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters of Torah. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.
Act 3:19-21 states: The Messiah, Yahshua, will be retained in heaven until the restoration of all things. To simplify “all things,” includes the Restoration of the st Holy Spirit to the lives of every 21 Century Believer, which is of paramount importance and most needed. Thereafter, one includes in “all things” the Restoration of our Hebraic Roots to the Body Corporate, studying the live of Yahshua, our Jewish Messiah – only then can one live and minister as He did. This book is for the one who desires a mindset change from a religious Hellenistic perspective to Scriptural Truths, which can only be understood from a Hebraic mindset. The author attained her Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD) in the specialised field: st Pneumatology: An Exposition of the Apostate 21 Century Church and the Restoration of Her Hebraic Roots through the Ruach HaKodesh – Holy Spirit. From a Hebraic perspective, Dr. Marianne investigated the causes for the absence st of the Presence, Power and Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the 21 Century church. She researched the reasons and causes why the Apostolic Church became powerless and apostate - in comparison with the first Apostolic church as empowered by Yahshua. He poured out the Holy Spirit in Israel, in Jerusalem, in the Temple, on the Sabbath, on Jewish men and women – empowering them for service in His Kingdom, and to live victoriously by making a difference in their communities. This book is dedicated to her late mother, Kleintjie Joubert, who drilled into her 10 children the principles of perseverance: never give up and do not abuse people in one’s quest for victory! Research is the process of elimination, whatever remains is the truth! - For Now -
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