December 21, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
yoga moves in the pool in paddle boards at the March . Mary Dean Grote .. Tom and Nancy Kempe Gruber '72. Richard Jeff&n...
Then Feature Story on page 2:
Saint Ursula Academy Chapel Celebrates 100 Years!
Now Also inside this issue: – The Annual Honor Roll of Donors – Admissions Events for Prospective Students – SUA Plans for New Facilities through Open the Doors Campaign – Highlights from SUA Alumnae Events and Reunion Weekend – Class Notes: See what your classmates are up to – SUA Snapshots and Upcoming Events
president’s message Dear Saint Ursula Academy Community, Each year seems to go by a little quicker! In the blink of an eye, the students blossom from shy and unsure freshmen into inspirational and confident leaders within our school and beyond its walls. On August 11, we “high fived” 164 freshmen, along with their sophomore, junior and senior SUA sisters as they emerged from their cars. It’s such a fun (and traditional) way to welcome all of our students back to school. This year I took special note of each member of our faculty and staff standing in the circle sharing their enthusiasm and spirit. My heart was full of pride as I shared this exciting, special welcome with students and colleagues. This earlymorning, first-day-of-school greeting is the first step we take as we come together to begin another year. It exemplifies our family spirit and speaks to the traditions of St. Angela Merici. Our students came back to a campus being transformed before their very eyes! The changes are the start of the capital projects associated with the Open the Doors Capital Campaign which moved to the public phase in August. As you may recall, during the long range strategic planning and master site planning processes we determined the most important initiatives associated with our student and community programs: a renovated theater, a relocated art/ media wing, a new library/media center, and an increased endowment fund. The goal of the capital campaign is to raise $6,000,000, which will be one of the most comprehensive campaigns in the history of Saint Ursula Academy. As I write this, we stand at $5,258,470: not that I am counting! Many enthusiastic volunteers and I spent the last several months telling the tremendous stories that surround our SUA family and the bright future that lies ahead. During our many one-on-one meetings, home receptions, class gatherings, emails, and phone calls: the responses to the campaign have been both affirming and humbling. What we didn’t expect was the outpouring of so many individual stories our donors shared with us. Their experiences resonated in ways that compelled them to give. Their stories motivate us to work even harder to continue our tradition of caring for each individual who joins our community. I will tell you the story of one donor who cannot speak for herself, but through her generosity helped move us past the $5,000,000 mark. Laura graduated in the class of 1974. I was only a freshman that year, and yet I remember her as warm, fun, and sweet. Laura could not share her story with me personally because, sadly, she passed away last year. I received a letter from her cousin, her executor, informing us that Saint Ursula Academy had been named as a beneficiary of her estate. The donor’s parents had passed away, and Laura had not lived in Cincinnati for the past 30 years. Laura remained a faithful donor throughout the years, and had many classmates as friends. It was clear that somewhere in her heart, somewhere in her story, Saint Ursula meant a great deal to her, and played a role in her successful life. When a second disbursement arrived last month, I offered a silent, grateful prayer, “Thank you for making the future bright for the girls who will come after you.”
Laura benefitted from the SUA of the 70’s, as did I, and I guarantee you that the students of today and tomorrow will benefit from the changes made possible by our Open the Doors Capital Campaign. I believe Laura is smiling down from Heaven and thanking the Sisters, the teachers, and her friends for providing her memories that would last her lifetime. I hope you had a chance to review the tri-fold sent to your home, to view the short videos outlining the projects and to notice the buttons being worn around campus. Please reflect on your Saint Ursula story or the story of your loved ones, and say, “I’m in!” You’ll be contributing to a school that has been transforming the lives of students since 1910. You’ll be contributing to graduates who often write me notes whose theme is always the same: Thanks to Saint Ursula Academy for providing me with what I need to go forward and change the world! Thanks to each of you for sharing your time, talent and treasure throughout the years. The Sisters and many benefactors believed in Saint Ursula Academy at its humble beginning 106 years ago. Please join me in believing in the next 106 years! In Angela Merici,
Lelia Keefe Kramer, ‘77
CONTENTS Editorial Board Lelia Keefe Kramer ‘77, President Molly Talbot, VP of Advancement Meridith Oberklein Spille, Director of Advancement and Stewardship Misha W. Bell, Marketing and Social Media Coordinator Editor Jill Grever Cahill ’84, VP of Marketing Contributors Lelia Keefe Kramer ’77, President Craig Maliborski, Principal Jill Grever Cahill ‘84, VP of Marketing Barb Puttmann Bryans ‘77, Admin. Asst. to Advancement Tori Vogelgesang ‘05, Director of Alumnae Relations Misha W. Bell, Marketing and Social Media Coordinator Photos contributed by Jill Grever Cahill ‘84 Misha W. Bell Julie Perry Sam Grier ‘01
Board of Trustees *Kathleen Armstrong C.F.M. Cheryl M. Beach, Ph.D John B. Berding, B.B.A., M.B.A. Carol Beyersdorfer. B.B.A., M.B.A. Sr. Mary Jerome Buchert ‘63, O.S.U., B.A., M.Ed. *Jill Grever Cahill ‘84, B.A. *Jodi Clever, B.S., CPA Terry Dingeldein B.S., M.B.A. Paul Dorger, B.B.A., J.D. Larry Harris, B. Arch., M. Arch. R. Peter Kimener, B.S. Jane Knudson, B.A., M.A. Ed.D Leila Keefe Kramer ’77, B.A. Brian D. MacConnell, B.A. *Craig A. Maliborski, B.A., M.A.T. Megan Mullane Molony ‘84, B.S. Michelle A. Mullee ‘78, B.A., J.D. Elizabeth Niehaus, B.S. Richard A. Paolo, B.A., J.D. Chair Anthony M. Perazzo, B.B.A., M.Acc. Suzanne Thompson Pfeiffer ‘82, B.S. Courtney Dorger Ragland ‘05, B.A. Elizabeth Spraul Rogers ‘82, B.A. Karen Russell Schenck ‘77, B.S.B.A., M.B.A. Molly Talbot M.S., R.D., L.D. Tiffiny Vanjohnson, B.S. Fr. William L. Verbryke, S.J., B.A., M.Div., Th.M. Greg Waddell, B.A. Mark Weber, B.S. Rob Wildermuth, B.A., M.B.A. Maurice Williams, B.A.
Graduates live out The Academy Alum Since the launch of The Academy Alum program in spring 2004, the SUA magazine has featured students, alumnae and topics that focus on the four roles that a graduate is ready to play in the world at graduation: thinker, leader, nurturer and prophet. The theme for the 2016-2017 school year is Nurturer. All year, students, teachers and staff will focus on activities and programs aimed at teaching each individual to nurture self as well as others. Today, all students, faculty and staff are encouraged and nurtured to follow our founding Sisters and become reflective thinkers, confident leaders, nurturers of others and prophets of the values and examples they learn at SUA. This magazine also features many accomplishments of our students and our alumnae. Thank you!
Cover Story: The Saint Ursula Chapel Turns 100!
President’s Message
Open the Doors Campaign Update
Soul of the City Soiree
The Saint Ursula Fund
Alumnae News
SUA Ball: Save the Date! Annual Report
12 13-28
Principal’s Message Academic Excellence
29 30-31
Faculty Profile: Jennifer Broo
SUA Snapshots: Academic, School and Campus News
Class Notes
Profiles: Sarah Crutcher and Liz Niehaus 38-39
*denotes non-voting member
The Academy Alum program is a model for alums as they measure their success after graduation and well into their future.
New Unions / Weddings / New Additions
In Memoriam
Back Cover / Calendar of Events
SUA News is published by the Offices of Advancement, Alumnae Relations and Marketing.
Direct all correspondence to: SUA Magazine, Saint Ursula Academy 1339 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45206 (513) 961-3410, ext. 138
Page layout and publication design by Siegel Design
Cover photo:
Printing by Berning Printing.
The SUA Chapel in 1916 and today
SUA chapel turns 100
Chapel Dedication in 1916
Freshman Mass
The Saint Ursula Academy Chapel Celebrates 100 Years! It’s been at the heart of Saint Ursula Academy for a century; The Saint Ursula Academy Chapel. “Our founding Sisters intentionally planned for the Chapel to be the heart of Saint Ursula, said Sister Mary Jerome Buchert ’63 O.S.U. “It has been true to its purpose for 100 years now. It is a sacred space where the Sisters, our lay collaborators and “our girls” encounter the Living God and build community in prayer and celebration in times of both joy and sorrow.” Every graduate of Saint Ursula Academy remembers the detailed dome over the altar, the colorful arched stained glass windows, the marble angels who watch over all who enter, and the crosses in the mosaic tile floor. They will also remember the wooden seats along the walls, in which only seniors could sit for many years because of their special “senior privilege.” What SUA graduates say they remember most of all, though, is the sisterhood they shared in the Chapel during class masses, prayer services, private reflection, family events, the annual Christmas Carols and for some, their wedding. Whatever their individual memory, alumnae of all ages cherish the SUA Chapel.
To commemorate its first century, Saint Ursula hosted a Mass and reception for couples who were married in the SUA Chapel over the first 100 years. Jennie Loughrey Donovan ’88, who now has twin daughters, Maura ‘19 and Shannon ‘19, attending Saint Ursula, used the opportunity to reflect on the impact the Chapel made on her future. “When I was in the 8th grade I shadowed at SUA and feel blessed that it was a Mass day. Expecting just another “all school Mass” I was so surprised! The feeling of family was overwhelming. At the Sign of Peace what happened was so inspiring! Never before had I seen such a sense of community, one giant family that no one was left out of. It was during that moment in the Mass that sealed my decision to attend SUA.”
Sister Margie Efkeman ’64 O.S.U., General Minister of the Ursulines of Cincinnati shared, “My favorite memories of the Chapel as a student are the First Friday all-school Masses and the Christmas carol program, in which all students were involved. Each year at Christmas, we processed into Chapel to the sounds of “T’was in the winter cold, when earth was desolate and wild!”
Weddings in the Saint Ursula Chapel
Alumna Hilarie Meyer Joseph ’87 also shared a favorite Chapel memory.
It was not until the 1970’s that the Archdiocese allowed weddings of alumnae to take place in convent chapels. “Prior to that,” said Sister Jerome, “our girls would come directly from their wedding in the parish church to this beloved sacred space to walk up this aisle just to pray at Mary’s Altar and leave a bouquet of flowers.’
“I have several favorite memories (other than our wedding!). I remember sitting on the side “pews” as a senior, thinking what a great place to be, and the sign of peace with all the hugs!”
Saint Ursula graduates know weddings in the Saint Ursula Chapel are only possible for alumnae and they cherish the privilege. Sister Jerome enjoyed the wedding of her niece in
3 the Chapel. Hilarie Joseph also celebrated her wedding in the special space. Jennie Donovan knew it would be her destiny to be married there as well. “On my Shadow Day when I was 13, I knew I would someday be married in the Chapel of Saint Ursula Academy. Nine years after I graduated, I was married there- just another dream come true.”
History of the Saint Ursula Chapel Saint Ursula Convent and Academy began in 1910. The first properties purchased by the Sisters were the Worcester House and the Harrison House on McMillan Street. Their first small chapel was in what we call the piano parlor today. Mother Fidelis Coleman, foundress of the Ursulines of Cincinnati dreamt of building a Chapel that would join the original two buildings, and the Sisters shared her dream. They wanted a sacred space that would be beautiful and large enough to accommodate the prayer life of the Sisters and a growing student body. It was to become the heart of Saint Ursula. With a generous donation and support from Rookwood Pottery’s Maria Longworth Storer and her husband Bellamy, the plan for a larger chapel became reality. On May 31, 1916 the dream was realized when Archbishop Moeller formally dedicated this sacred space. As is true in all our lives, the chapel’s history has not seen all smooth sailing. One humorous story revolves around the Chapel construction. Sister Mary Carmel needed to use some creativity when the dome arch failed, by a small, but noticeable margin, to meet in the center. Her solution was to add the dove you see above the marble altar, which conceals the open spot.
Saint Ursula Chapel Centennial Mass, April 2016
A not-so-humorous story of the chapel’s construction involves World War I. The Sisters were quite nervous as they waited for the shipment of Carrara marble from which the sacred objects in the sanctuary would be sculpted. It had had to cross the Atlantic. They prayed it would not end up on the bottom of the ocean, courtesy of a torpedo from a German U-boat! As we can see today, it finally did make it safely. The power of prayer has been a constant presence in the history of St. Ursula, and this is but one more example of it!
Looking to the Future The chapel continues to be the core of St. Ursula. Girls stop in for a quick prayer between classes, they come for adoration on Thursdays, they celebrate class masses monthly, and pray together when a classmate is struggling. It is a place of serenity and vitality. Sister Jerome shared “I hope the Chapel will always remain the heart of Saint Ursula, and continue to be a special place for the girls – a sacred space where they can lift up any burden to the Lord, share a joy or an accomplishment, seek guidance, receive forgiveness, celebrate milestones in their lives, and just experience a genuine peace often denied by the hectic pace of life. Today, the entire Saint Ursula family celebrates and gives thanks for this special space; the beloved heart of our Saint Ursula family. May Crowning
open the doors Operation Homestretch Saint Ursula is in the homestretch of its Open the Doors to the Future of Saint Ursula Academy capital campaign. As we have shared, our goal is to raise $6-million to provide upgrades to four areas we identified through our strategic planning and site planning processes: a renovated Theater, a relocated and renewed Art and Design Center, a new Library and Media Center, and increased Endowment for financial assistance, professional development and campus maintenance. These projects will enhance the learning experience of every student, today and into the future, ensuring that we live our mission to educate women of faith, integrity and courage, committed to building a better world.
The projects
We are so grateful to all of the families, alumnae, and friends of Saint Ursula who have already made a gift to the campaign. To date, we are humbled to report we have raised $5.25-million of our $6-million goal. We hope to continue the momentum of support for this important campaign so we can complete these projects in time for the start of the 2017-2018 school year.
Library and Media Center
Turn the page for more information on how to make a gift to the Open the Doors campaign.
Art and Design Center
thank you The Saint Ursula Academy campus has been bustling all year with several events to bring the community together and share the details about all of our exciting Open the Doors projects. Many Saint Ursula alumnae, parents, students, friends, faculty and staff have found news ways to connect and be part of the excitement. Since the beginning of the campaign, which began last fall, guests have heard presentations about the projects, viewed the renderings and learned the impact each project will have on our students. Here are some highlights.
Open the Doors Private Phase Celebration Hundreds attended our spring celebration at Saint Ursula to mark the successful completion.
Decade Parties Thanks to the alumnae hostesses from each decade who have hosted parties for classmates to help spread the word about the Open the Doors Campaign and invite their participation and support.
Taste of SUA Hundreds of guests enjoyed live music, delicious bites from local vendors and food trucks, and a mixture of many guests from the entire SUA community. SUA also displayed renderings of the campaign projects to show guests all of the exciting projects in the works. This event was so much fun, guests have asked if we will host it again! Stay tuned!
Photo courtesy Meghan Becker ‘16
The Open the Doors Capital Campaign Donors A sincere thank you to the donors who have supported the Open the Doors Capital Campaign. They are listed below. Includes all pledges and cash gifts since the campaign began through 6/30/16. SPECIAL GIFTS COMMITTEE Chair: John and Susan Berding Manuel Chavez Alvin and Joan Roehr Tom Woebkenberg $100,000 and above (1) Anonymous John and Susan Berding Carol Beyersdorfer ‘70 Cynthia and Manuel Chavez Tom and Mary Ellen Cody Bob and Jeanne Coughlin Arleene Fox Keller ‘58 Pete and Claudia Kimener Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leugers, Jr. Braden and Eileen Mechley Laura Ann Mraz ‘74** Revocable Trust The Carol and James Besl Family Foundation The Lester J. Besl Family Foundation The Farmer Family Foundation Ursulines of Cincinnati Greg and Mary Lee Waddell LEAD GIFTS COMMITTEE Chair: Rob and Tenesa Wildermuth Brian and Betsy ’77 MacConnell Jim and Liz Niehaus Beth Stautberg
($30,000 - $99,000) Fenton Rigging-Besl Family Bluesky Creative, Inc. Stefanie Chavez ‘88 Joe and Peg Conway Deborah L. Huffman ‘80 Mac and Lelia Keefe Kramer ‘77 Jim and Liz Niehaus Anthony and Dianna Hull Perazzo ‘85 Joan and Alvin Roehr, Jr. Elizabeth Stautberg ‘83 Gerald and Joan Talbot The Charlotte Schmidlapp Fund, Fifth Third Bank, Trustee The Amy and George Foundation of the Farmer Family The Osterfeld Family The Thaman Family The Wildermuth Family MAJOR GIFTS COMMITTEE Chair: Mike and Stephanie ’84 Besl Chair: Pete Kimener Tim and Anne Besl Terry and Molly Dingeldein Chris and Meg ’86 Hopple ($9,000 –$29,000) Anonymous Joe and Trish Baker Dave and Jean Beblo Andrew and Barbara Puttmann Bryans ‘77 Ruth A. Burgett Living Trust Dan and Jill Grever Cahill ‘84 Kathy and David Cassady Melanie Chavez and Jeremy Campbell Katherine and A. Miguel Chavez Toncia and Estevan Chavez Katelynn Chavez ‘09 Mackenzie and Manuel Chavez, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coletti Matt and Joanne Curoe Angelo and Molly deJesus Steve and Sharon Dreyer Susan Gibler Glenn and Mary Kay Pastura Hauser ‘68 Chris and Meg Maggini Hopple ‘86 Craig and Amy Maliborski McCormick Equipment, Inc. Barry and Brett Peterson
Diana Riel Elaine F. Semancik The Schmitz Family ‘54 Fred and Anne Marie Warren Todd and Mary Rita Washburn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wildermuth John and Peggy Engelhart Zink ‘68 LEADERSHIP GIFTS COMMITTEE Chair: Tony and Dianna Perazzo ‘85 Lisa Caito ‘00 Matt and Joanne Curoe Katherine Jennings Joe and Megan ‘84 Molony Allison Hinkel Suzie Pfeiffer Dave Stickel (Up to $9,000) (11) Anonymous Colleen Adkins Courtney Carey Arling ‘98 Kathleen Armstrong Kathy Backherms ‘73 Shari Bacon Barbara Baker Mary Frances Balch Arielle Balz Matthew and Laine Barresi Elizabeth Doherty Beilstein ‘96 Misha Bell John and Jinny Berten Melanie Busch Billmire Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breitenstein Jennifer Broo Bruce and Patricia Buckley Bill Burnside Phil and Lisa Baute Caito ‘00 Sandy Campbell Bryan and Jodi Clever Mike and Nancy Conaton Corina Corder Matthew and Kim Corker Andrew and Liz Curran Mr. and Mrs. Brad Curtis Anne Dagenbach Bridget Bower DeCaria ‘03 Michelle and John Dellecave Cynthia Depoe Terry and Molly Dingeldein
Dr. Phyllis Tenholder Doerger and Mr. James Doerger Paul and Christy Dorger Erin Crane Dunigan ‘03 Margaret Bolan Dunn ‘92 Kate Durso ‘98 and Todd Foley Patrice Eby Greg and Marianne Ehemann Cheghali Elkhalili The Emmert Family, In Memory of Ralph & Rosemary Scott Anne Penick Ewart ‘94 Kathleen Schuermann Fermann Keith and Kathy Ferrara Fifth Third Bank Jim Fleming Jeff and Mandy Fontaine John and Camille Mechley Gartner ‘86 General Electric Foundation Roger Grein Scott Harsh and Maryanne Burns Harsh Teri and Mike Haught Joe and Tracy Heller HGC Construction Co. Allison Hinkel IBM Matching Grants Program Kim Icsman Michael and Kathleen Jennings Katherine Jennings ‘09 Samantha A. Jones ‘90 Rachel Choquette Kemper ‘91 Tim and Diana Kilfoil Alyssa Kleespies ‘09 Jane Knudson Joanne Koehl Ken and Lori Kuhn Lisa A. Kuhn Melissa Meyers Lea ‘87 Ed Listermann Paul and Susan Loechle Erika Lundstedt Brian and Betsy MacConnell Robert and Laura Mechley Mancini ‘92 Charles and Margaret Matthews Class of ‘94, In Honor of Jenny Neusch Jill Meiring Ms. Jennifer Mertens Mary Ann Meyer Mary Ann Kuechly Middendorf ‘82 Erin Mollaun ‘92
Joseph and Megan Mullane Molony ‘84 Kelly Jo Moore ‘02 Chris Moran Mr. and Mrs. Matt and Cathy Overbeck Murphy ‘87 Mark Newton and Jill Herald Kurt Nicaise Karen Noe Louise Olberding and David Wolfer Charlie and Connie Perme Jim and Julie Thoman Perry Angela Lanzillotta Pfaller ‘68 Bernie and Suzie Pfeiffer Tony and Peggy McCormick Platz ‘84 Doug and Cheryl Porter Alison Probst Eric and Courtney Dorger Ragland ‘05 Tim and Mary Ragland Sam and Clare Buckley Rayburn ‘94 Resonate Foundation Tony and Fran Romweber Mr. and Mrs. Rose Emily Rosen Tom and Karen Schenck Jennifer Hardin Schildmeyer ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. John Sebastian Catherine Sherrick John and Denise Siegel Mark Simcoe Thomas Singleton Mike and Jill Sipes Kent Dobbins and Pamela Smith-Dobbins Meridith Oberklein Spille Linda A. Strotman James Traynor and Molly Talbot Linda Thomas David Tonnis Sara Utecht Philip Vogel Tori Vogelgesang ‘06 Ruthie and Fred Wahl Geri Walsh Mark and Sue Weber Jenna Wilker Tim and Jan Wilking Lauren Williams Maurice and Atra Williams Tom and Janet Woebkenberg Dan and Casey Woycke
Gift Levels to Achieve $6,000,000: Special Gift ($100,000+) Lead Gift ($30,000-$99,999) Major Gift ($9,000-$29,999) Leadership Gift (gifts of all sizes)
Our Gift Intent I/we would like to “Open the Doors” to the future of Saint Ursula Academy. I/we promise to give to Saint Ursula Academy a tax-deductible gift in the amount of $_______________________, payable as noted below.
pledge schedule Pledge Duration:
____ One-time Gift ____ 3 Yrs ____ 4 Yrs ____ 5 Yrs
Payments to be Made: ____ Monthly ____ Quarterly ____ Semi-Annually ____ Annually ____ Other
Pledge Payment Method: ____Credit Card ____Cash ____Check ____Stock ____Other
Recognition: This is how I/we would like to be acknowledged: _______________________________________________________
I am excited to give back to Saint Ursula, a place
We invite you to make a gift to the capital campaign to
that has meant so much to me. As a mother and
Open the Doors to the Future of Saint Ursula Academy.
a teacher, I realize how formative the high school
years are, especially to young women. I am
Molly Talbot, VP of Advancement (513) 961-3410 ext. 187
forever grateful for the values, the education and
[email protected]
the confidence I received while at Saint Ursula. SUA prepared me for college and well into my
(Please print name(s) as you would like it to Appear in donor recognition materials)
_____ Please do not publish my name in recognition materials. I/we prefer to remain anonymous. Signature(s):___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Date: _________ Mailing Address: __________________________________ _________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Email: ___________________________________
career. Please join me in supporting the Open the
Please return this Intention Card with the attached envelope. Thank you for your generous support of Saint Ursula Academy!
Doors campaign, and give back to Saint Ursula, a
Please contact Molly Talbot, VP of Advancement at 513-961-3410 x187 or
[email protected] with any questions.
place that has given so much to all of us. – Laura Mechley Mancini ‘92
Saint Ursula Academy 1339 East McMillan Street, Cincinnati, OH 45206
SUA-122 Capital Camp Broch_Cmt_01.indd 1
9/16/16 1:39 PM
soul of the city soiree Live music, dancing and plenty of SUA friends, old and new, continue to make the Soul of the City Soiree the party of the summer! Saint Ursula Academy hosted the third annual Soul of the City Soiree on June 24, 2016 at the Montgomery Inn Boathouse. Well-known Nashville performers The Jimmy Church Band got the crowd hopping again this year under the big top tent along the river. The Soul of the City Soiree supports the Saint Ursula Leadership Alliance (SULA), a financial assistance initiative that is critical to providing financial aid to talented young women who wish to attend Saint Ursula Academy. Over the course of three years, the event has raised more than $143,000 for SULA grants. Without this assistance, some qualified students would not be able to attend SUA. Thank you to all who have support SULA through this special and festive event.
Save the Date June 16, 2017
the saint ursula fund
A $250 gift could provide… Circuit boards and motors for projects in Mr. Porter’s Robotics class
At Saint Ursula Academy, we want our students to benefit from programming and a campus that is an innovative and inspiring place for young women to learn, grow and develop. Our annual giving program, The Saint Ursula Fund, makes it all possible. We like to think of The Saint Ursula Fund as “money to live by.” It is the result of an ongoing, continuous effort to raise money that supports all areas of the school, bridging the gap between income we receive from tuition and the true cost of educating each student. The money that our supporters donate is available immediately to fund the areas of greatest need, so we ask for contributions on an annual basis to keep up with our continuing needs. We thank you and all our benefactors who support The Saint Ursula Fund, because you help maintain our programming and enhance the experience of each Saint Ursula Academy student, every day. Your donation contributes to our ongoing goal of developing Academy Alums—reflective thinkers, servant leaders, nurturers and prophets.
Supplies used by first year students in the Academy Alum personal formation program
A bus transport for Ms. Wainscott’s Biology class to the University of Cincinnati to witness live surgery
A $100 gift could provide… The AP exam fee for one student with financial need to earn college credit for her work in an AP course
A Kairos retreat where students are inspired to examine their faith and decide how they will choose to live it A $25 gift could provide… Resource materials used in the Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Class Materials for Ms. Probst’s design students to work on a community project $453,500
Make a Gift to The Saint Ursula Fund Join our recently begun 2016-2017 Saint Ursula Fund campaign. We have currently raised more than $100,000 toward our $453,500 goal.
CONTACT US Meridith Oberklein Spille,
Director of The Saint Ursula Fund (513) 961-3410 ext. 151 or
[email protected]
Voices of GIVING attendees L-R: Meridith Oberklein Spille, Alyssa Kleespies, Sr, Mary Jerome Buchert, Sr, Margie Efkeman, Elaine Semancik, Lelia Keefe Kramer, Nancy Broermann, Jill Grever Cahill, Kit Overbeck
Voices of Giving: The Ursulines of Cincinnati
Among the most generous donors to Saint Ursula Academy each year are our Sisters, The Ursulines of Cincinnati. This year, the Greater Cincinnati Planned Giving Council recognized the Sisters with the Voices of Giving award for their generous support of SUA and the education of young women. Sister Margie Efkeman O.S.U and Sister Mary Jerome Buchert O.S.U accepted the award on behalf of the Sisters. The Saint Ursula Academy community is forever grateful for the never ending support and sacrifice of the Sisters to ensure that our young women continue to be educated as women of faith, integrity and courage, prepared to build a better world.
SUA alumnae news The Saint Ursula Academy Alumnae Association is active all year long, planning and hosting events to bring SUA alumnae together for social and networking events. Last year was no exception! Some of the highlights included a dinner at La Petite Pierre, a bowling night, volunteering at Tender Mercies and a Thanksgiving Eve cocktail party. Make sure you watch for details for new events coming up later this year and in 2017!
Golden Grads Luncheon
BizWomen Networking Event
Paddle Board Yoga
Saint Ursula hosted alumnae and women professionals from across Greater Cincinnati at a spring Bizwomen networking event, in partnership with the Cincinnati Business Courier.
SUA alumnae practiced their yoga moves in the pool in paddle boards at the March event. Watch for more SUA alumnae events this year!
At the beginning of June, we celebrated with the Golden Grads, alumnae who have celebrated their 50th anniversary and beyond! The annual event includes mass and a luncheon. What a great day with a great group! #suablessed
Senior Tea
Golden Grads luncheon
Paddle board yoga
Senior Tea was a great success again as we welcomed the Class of 2016 as the newest SUA alumnae members. As we have done for decades, seniors dressed with their best hats greet their guests in a receiving line then host them for a lovely afternoon at tea. SUA President Lelia Keefe Kramer presents at the Bizwomen networking event in Saint Ursula’s Keller Student Center
The Class of 2016 members with mothers, sisters and grandmothers who are also SUA alumnae. © 2016 The New Studio
SUA President Lelia Keefe Kramer ’77 made the keynote address at the event, with a talk called “Networking by Niceworking.” She spoke about qualities that are part of the culture at SUA, including the importance of relationship building, listening, how to start and continue a great conversation, and so much more!
Senior Tea 2016 © 2016 The New Studio Have you logged on to your personal Saint Ursula website to learn about your classmates, upcoming events and see what’s happening at SUA? If not, visit MySaintUrsula today! If you already use to MySaintUrsula, check back often to see new updates and news, post class notes and wedding and birth announcements, make prayer requests, and more!
Chicago Happy Hour Several SUA alums have migrated north to the Windy City. They enjoyed an evening for Saint Ursula alumnae at the Bull and Bear bar.
To log in: Visit Ex: Chicago Happy Hour
Connect with MySaintUrsula
alumnae weekend We had a great turnout for Reunion Weekend 2016! Graduates from the years ending in 1’s and 6’s came to SUA September 16-17 to visit with classmates, reconnect, and participate on all of the fun reunion activities including the Bulldog Boutique, tours of campus including the newer Keller Student Center, Mass, and a champagne toast. We loved every minute our treasured alumnae were back on campus!
Class Parties – Celebrating our SUA Connections! Individual classes enjoyed a variety of class reunion parties.
Bulldog Boutique SUA alumnae and friends shopped and danced ‘til they dropped at the SUA Bulldog Boutique. More than 200 guests came to this annual event that coincides with Alumnae Weekend, but is not limited to our alumnae! If you missed it, plan ahead to join us next year!
Golden Class of 1966
Reunion Weekend 2017 Save the Date Next year, SUA Reunion Weekend will honor classes ending in 2’s and 7’s.
The dates are September 15-16, 2017 We look forward to seeing you then!
sua ball Save the date for the SUA Ball, Saturday, February 4, 2017! This year, SUA Ball presents Enchanted Garden. Come spend the evening enjoying the company of other SUA parents and friends and a delicious dinner. You can win wonderful prizes in the Silent and Live Auctions while you help support every student at Saint Ursula Academy! Chair couples Anna and Ron Bisher and Jill ’84 and Dan Cahill are working with Event Coordinator Coleen Vogelgesang to ensure you have the best ‘enchanted’ night of the winter! It’s a great way to have fun with SUA parents you know and to meet some new SUA families! Other events that support the SUA Ball through the year include the Grand Raffle, St. Nick Surprise and the annual Tuition Raffle. The winners of the 2016 Tuition Raffle, which is half tuition for the 2016-2017 school year are Beth and Dale Harden of Bright, IN, parents of Collen ‘17 and Maggie ‘20. Congratulations!
Ron and Anna Bisher, Coleen Vogelgesang, Jill and Dan Cahill
A precious Bulldog was the star of the show in 2016! What could you win this year? Come and find out!
Guests play “Heads or Tails” at the 2016 SUA Ball
There are so many ways to get involved in the SUA Ball Are you looking for a way to help support the school that your daughter loves? Do you want to help support the many programs that help to make your daughter’s college dreams come true? Then check out the list below and contact us! We welcome “rookies” and “seasoned pro” volunteers! Please contact Molly Talbot, VP of Advancement at (513) 961-3410 ext. 187 or
[email protected].
• Attend a Gift Gathering Party: Help make the event a success by attending an SUA Ball gift gathering party. • Be a Table Host/Hostess: Gather a group of ten to attend the SUA Ball • Attend SUA Ball as a Guest: Watch in December for an invitation and registration for the Ball • Volunteer for a Committee or Help at the Event: Whether you have a lot of time or just a little, there is a perfect spot for you on one of the many the SUA Ball committees. • Sponsor the SUA Ball: Sponsorships are available to promote your business and support SUA at the same time!
We are counting on YOU!
honor roll of donors
Saint Ursula Academy has published the 2015-2016 Honor Roll of Donors to acknowledge and thank the thousands of people who supported the mission of the Academy this school year. Donors listed in this Honor Roll made gifts between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. We are truly grateful for this incredible support. Without the generosity of our benefactors, the Academy would not be what it is today. Every dollar donated makes a difference and is carefully allocated to help our nurturing Catholic educational community founded in the Ursuline tradition. We encourage academic excellence and empower each student to become a woman of faith, integrity and courage committed to building a better world.
financial report Each year we are truly blessed by the amazing generosity of our caring benefactors. Alumnae, parents, and friends continued their support of St. Ursula Academy last year. We are grateful to all our donors and volunteers for their dedication to excellent education and programs for our young women. THANK YOU! St. Ursula Academy Statement of Activities* Advancement - Annual Report As of June 30, 2016 Operating Revenue Tuition & Fees Investment & Endowment Income State Reimbursement Other Income Development Income Applied to Operations
2015-2016 TOTAL CHARITABLE GIFT INCOME Operating Unrestricted $469,859.43 Operating - restricted to Academic Departments $450.00
Income $9,231,400
TOTAL Capital & Endowment Gifts Endowment - Restricted to Named Funds Other Open The Door Capital Campaign Past Campaigns
$45,833.36 $1,110,495.95 $2,212.84
TOTAL $1,158,542.15 Memorials & Honorary Gifts Endowment Unrestricted $2,545.00 SUA Ball 2016: Winter Wishes Tuition Assistance Fund-A-Need $70,600.00 Unrestricted $180,017.63
$7,855,000 $156,000 $248,000 $44,200 $928,200
Expendable Scholarships
Expenses $9,130,000
Operating Expenses Educational Programs - 55.5% Administrative - 23.7% Plant Operations - 20.8%
$(5,064,000) $(2,160,000) $(1,906,000)
Total $250,617.63 Athletic Boosters Fund Includes Golf Outing and other fund raising income $70,852.45
Development Income Applied to Operations Annual Fund Boosters Expendable Scholarships:
$470,000 $53,000
$180,000 $35,200 $15,000 $12,500 $47,500 $115,000
SUA Ball ** Student Walk Dawg House FISC Ursulines of Cincinnati SULA
$928,200 **This figure does not include the Fund-a-Need paddle raiser that brought in an additional $70,600 for Financial Aid Scholarships
Total Gift Income 2015-2016
*This represents the total charitable gifts received in the 2015-2016 fiscal year. The statement of Activities provided on this page shows how much of the charitable gifts was applied directly to school operations.
$ 470,309.43
$ 457,189.16
We are pleased to acknowledge our 495 new donors who made a donation during the 2015-2016 Saint Ursula Fund.
St. Angela Merici Society The St. Angela Merici Companions recognizes Leadership giving ($1,000 or more) to Saint Ursula Academy from alumnae, parents, grandparents and friends of SUA. There were 300 donors who contributed a total of $2,096,657.45 to all fundraising efforts during the 2015-2016 school year, including cash donations to the Open the Doors capital campaign during this same time period.The students and staff of Saint Ursula Academy extend sincere gratitude and appreciation to all members of the St. Angela Merici Companions.
FOUNDERS SOCIETY ($10,000 AND ABOVE) John and Susan Berding Michael and Stephanie Ciok Besl ‘84 Ruth A. Grunkemeyer Burgett ‘45 Living Trust Cynthia and Manuel Chavez Stefanie Chavez ‘88 Tom and Mary Ellen Cody Bob and Brynne Coletti Joe and Peg Conway Bob and Jeanne Coughlin Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Matt and Joanne Curoe Anne Dagenbach ‘93 DeBra-Kuempel Fifth Third Bank Charitable Trusts and Foundations General Cable General Electric Foundation Glenn and Mary Kay Pastura Hauser ‘68 HGC Construction Co. Chris and Meg Maggini Hopple ‘86 George and Amy Joseph Arleene Fox Keller ‘58 Pete and Claudia Kimener Laura Ann Mraz Revocable Trust Bill and Lynda Leugers McCormick Equipment, Inc. Braden and Eileen Mechley Jim and Liz Niehaus Kevin and Debra Osterfeld Jack and Kit Rettig Overbeck ‘61 Peter and Erin Rouse Ragland ‘88 *deceased
Joe and Barb Dillhoff Ross ‘82 Saint Ursula Academy DawgHouse Tim and Lisa Schroeder Elaine Besterman Semancik ‘54 James Traynor and Molly A. Talbot Carol Thaman The Greater Cincinnati Foundation TQL Foundation, Inc. Ursulines of Cincinnati Greg and Mary Lee Waddell Waddell Family Foundation Todd and Mary Rita Washburn Wildermuth Family Foundation
PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY ($5,000-$9,999) Anonymous A&A Safety, Inc. John and Jinny Berten Timothy and Anne Besl Carol Beyersdorfer ‘70 Bluesky Creative, Inc. Kathy and David Cassady Katherine and A. Miguel Chavez Toncia and Estevan Chavez Geraldine Chavez Katelynn Chavez ‘09 MacKenzie and Manuel Chavez III Melanie Chavez and Jeremy Campbell Steve and Sharon Dreyer Rita Spaccarelli Driehaus ‘47 Paul and Ann Friedmann John and Sheela Rath Geraghty ‘87 Steve and Jennifer Brannen Hemberger ‘74 Kevin and Francy Hughes Gary and Brandy Jerow Richard and Mag Joseph Paul and Laura Kitzmiller Melodie Oaks Richard A. Paolo Paycor Inc. Tony and Dianna Hull Perazzo ‘85 Charlie and Connie Perme Eric and Courtney Dorger Ragland ‘05 Patrick and Elizabeth Spraul Rogers ‘82 Ruth J. and Robert A. Conway Foundation, Inc. Ed and Catherine Dillhoff Sarky ‘81 Karen Russell Schenck ‘77 Tom and Christin Spurr Barry and Christina Stroube The Raymond C. Wissel**Living Trust Daniel and Shari Tobeck Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation US Bank
Bahl & Gaynor, Inc. Joan Thiel Blessing ‘59 Steve and Rita Bradley Trish Meretta Bryan ‘60 Andrew and Barbara Puttmann Bryans ‘77 Bill and Anne Burleigh Cambridge Charitable Foundation Jim and Julie Coughlin Jeff and Jennifer Davis Angelo and Molly deJesus Susan Dillhoff Denison ‘84 David and Theresa Denoyer Paul and Christy Overberg Dorger ‘84 Rob and Joanie Engelhardt Fifth Third Bank Daniel and Beth Flanigan John and Camille Mechley Gartner ‘86 Phil and Beth Surkamp Gasiewicz ‘70 Mary Dean Grote Joseph and Tracy Heller Mary Anne Elias Hengehold ‘74 HGC Construction Co. James Free Jewelry Joseph Airport Toyota Scion Paul and Lori Jurgensen Mark and Nancy Kleespies John and Cheryl Korn Mac and Lelia Keefe Kramer ‘77 Bill and Lori Luttmer Rita McCloy McDonald Mechley Insurance Lori McElroy Joe and Megan Mullane Molony ‘84 Greg and Gwendolyn Niesen Northcreek Mezzanine Ken and Mandy Oaks Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Raul and Angela Feldman Ochoa ‘97 Greg and Cindy Olson O’Rourke Wrecking Company Peek of Chic Bernie and Suzie Thompson Pfeiffer ‘82 ProSource Kevin and Cathy Reilly Dale and Kim Scheidt John and Lisa Bruemmer Schmitz ‘79 Joanne Homan Schweer ‘41 Dan and Becky Kohlhepp Scullin ‘91 Kendall Verrett Shaw ‘96 Anthony and Tammy Silvestri Peter and Lee Stautberg Dave Stickel Gerald and Joan Talbot Bill and Amy Thaman The Evelo/Singer/Sullivan Group
The Roehr Agency The Wohlgemuth Herschede Foundation Toyota of Cincinnati Inc. James and Aileen VanFlandern Watch Hill Bank Rob and Tenesa Wildermuth Tim Wilking
SAINT URSULA SOCIETY ($1,000-$2,499) Brian and Ann Albach Anonymous AAA Frank and Mary Albers Thomas and Shari Andrews Michael and Lynne Archdeacon Joe and Maria Arcuri Kathleen Armstrong Joe and Trish Baker Terry Barnes Matthew and Laine Barresi Bill Batchelor Bayer & Becker, Inc. BB&T Corpooratoin Sandra and Jerry Bedacht Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Beechmont Ford Cara Bernard Elaine Busch Billmire ‘68 Dennis Bley Brenning Family Fund of the Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund BRG Apartments John and Christine Browner Bruce and Pat McCormick Buckley ‘68 Dan and Jill Grever Cahill ‘84 Michael and Elizabeth Caudill Jim and Kim Ciesick Colleen Dwyer Clarke ‘90 Mike and Nancy Conaton Eugene and Rosemary Cooke John and Patricia Couzins Foundation Richard Dannenberg Richard and Susan Dansereau Peter and Melanie DelGado Kelly Deters Joe and Sue Detzel Elizabeth Creighton Diaz ‘95 Die Craft Bob and Monica Dieckman John and Tracey DiFalco John and Rolanda Dolbey Bob and Mary Dorger Clint and Karen Dorger Kathryn Kirby Dorger ‘95 Regene Mahoney Dubell ‘46 Eileen Davis Durkin ‘72 Duval Asphalt
Greg and Marianne Ehemann Mark and Betsy Everingham Jeff and Jeanne Feldkamp Michael and Heidi Mechley Felton ‘84 Keith and Kathy Jander Ferrara ‘85 Tim and Sarah Fogarty Hal and Janet Franke Susan Gibler Scott and Julie Golan Todd and Lana Gray Eric and Katie Greenwell Ben Grisemer and Anne Dillon Barbara Landman Gruber ‘50 Michael and Lisa Habel Maryanne Burns Harsh ‘85 Brian Gerth and Mimi Hart ‘74 Emma Hartkemeier Dennis and Lois Hartoin Mary Jo Gruber Haverkamp ‘72 Mary Spaccarelli Heinichen ‘70 Joan Wenker Heyson ‘48 ** Ellen Hinnenkamp ‘88 Matt and Brigid Hoffman IBM Matching Grants Program James W. Gettelfinger Family Foundation Tom and Marlene Jander Mike and Kathy Jennings Ken and Mary Jones Michelle Mullee Kappers ‘78 Donald and Jane Karches Stephen and Stephanie Kastner William and Joan Keating Keating Muething & Klekamp, P.L.L. Sally Kelley Jan Kenney ‘66 Jim and Karen Kenning Tim and Tracy Williams Kilfoil ‘89 Don and Kathy King Steve King and Lynne Miller Dennis and Jane Koenig Mary Kuechly Ken and Lora Kuhn LaRosa’s Inc. Tom and Diane Leugers Lexus RiverCenter Paul and Sue Loechle Loveland Excavating & Paving Brian and Betsy Krumme MacConnell ‘77 Macy’s Inc. Judith Masset-Brown ‘81 Jim and Christy McCarthy Lisa Newbold McClain ‘77 Lisa and Brian McHale Julie and John Mellott
Mercy Health/Cincinnati Sports Medicine Midwest Community Fundraising Modern Ice Equipment and Supply Wendell and Lynn Moster Morris ‘84 Cathlin Kane Muething ‘75 Laura Murrer ‘73 Adam and Julie Torbeck Mussman ‘94 Bill and Karen Neyer Don and Phyllis ** Neyer OBG Group LLC John and Patty Bruns Osborne ‘79 Jill Korte Parris ‘72 Jim and Dennie Patton Barry and Brett Peterson John and Nicole Ballaban Prather ‘89 Tino and Christy Bolan Pucci ‘82 Ambrose and Mary Puttmann Harry and Helen Rabe Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation John and Judy Lohrer Racadio ‘84 Robert and Deborah Raines ‘85 Joel and Sherry Reginelli RGW Development Jim and Rachel Rieder Mary Frances Meyer Rogers ‘51 Tony and Fran Romweber Joe and Pam Rouse Mary Ann Kroner Russo ‘81 Scarlet and Gray Cleaning Services Mike and Judy Schmidt Betty Busse Schulenberg ‘42 Anthony Schweier Peter and Krista Perry Settle ‘82 Seven Hills Women’s Health Centers Robert and Melinda Sherman Christine Sherrer Tom and Linda Franz Shevlin ‘67 Michael and Stephanie Smith Bill and Tracy Stacey Amy Hein Stagnaro ‘92 Michael and Kathleen Stenger Mark and Anne Stepaniak Sugar Creek Packing Jim and Mary Thacker The Albach, Wells & Dauer Group The Homan Foundation The Matrix Companies Thomas and Carrie Torbeck Richard and Nydia Tranter Joe and Barb Trauth Truepoint Wealth Counsel, LLC Fred Wahl and Ruthie Keefe ‘77 Gerianne E. Walsh Fred and Anne Marie Warren Mark and Sue Weber Chris and Rita Wedzikowski Walburga Wehner ‘71 *deceased
Jeff and Kelly Monahan Whelan ‘76 Tom and Mary Jo Wiedemann Jerry and Ellen Willett David and Sarah Williams Maurice and Atra Williams Tom and Carol Winstel Mirja and Raimond Zeilstra Tony and Geraldine Zembrodt John and Peggy Engelhart Zink ‘81 John and Terri Zisko
HONOR ROLL (UP TO $1,000) Anonymous (4) A C Electrical Systems, Inc. Emily Herman Abbott ‘00 Abbott Laboratories Fund Erin Adamson Colleen Egan Adkins Paul and Amy Serger Ahrnsen ‘81 Robert and Phyllis Albee Mary Carole Kucia Albers ‘60 Timothy and Ann Allen Paul and Carol Allison Alpha & Omega, Inc. Jeanette M. Altenau David and Joan Amburn American Heating and Air
Jeffrey Ammon Cara Marie Anderson ‘13 Carolyn Howard Anderson ‘66 Elwood Anderson Harvey and Mimi Anderson Ann Brauer Andriacco ‘69 Joe and Julie Anhofer Kevin and Maggie Anneken Angela Anno Barbara Bolan Apking ‘58 Aramark Maria Rosa Arbona Archbishop Moeller High School Lauren Alyse Arcuri ‘16 Andy and Linda Argo Karen Tenoever Aristizabal ‘82 Courtney Carey Arling ‘98 Stephanie Arling ‘95 Melissa Marie Armstrong ‘00 Martha Bonomini Arszman ‘68 Kevin and Michelle Atwell Steve and Karen Seta Aust ‘84 Beaman and Carolyn Ayers Cara Christine Bachman ‘10 Drew and Kathleen Bachman Tim and Sharon Bachman Kathryn A. Backherms ‘73 Shari Bacon Dan and Katy Meder Bair ‘84
Baird Foundation Jillian Sarah Baker ‘09 Alaze’ Mary Louise Baker ‘16 Barb Baker Bill and Ashley Baker Cynthia Baker Mary Frances Schroder Balch ‘68 Arielle Balz Lisa Katherine Bambach ‘07 Norbert and Judy Bambach Bambauer Family Lloyd Altenau Baron ‘57 Andy and Jenny Barry Tricia Schoelwer Bauer ‘85 Caroline Rose Baumgartner ‘12 Trey and Michelle Baumgartner Terrence and Patricia Baute Eleanor Crace Bayer ‘13 Timothy and Kristine Bayer Cheryl M. Beach Ross and Mary Jane Beam Angela Robinson Beard ‘89 Beck Consulting, Inc. Bryan Becker and Crystal Williams Emily Ohnmacht Beckman ‘58 Lois Fehr Beckman ‘65 Mary Jo Martini Beckner ‘67 Jerry and Phyllis Behimer Elizabeth Doherty Beilstein ‘96
Jane Beimesche ‘80 Billie Beinkemper Katherine Ann Bell ‘11 Misha Bell Rita Bischoff Bell ‘56 Araceli Beluan Edward and Marlene Bender Edward and Patricia Bender Mary Ann Bender ‘63 Claire Elizabeth Benken ‘14 Laurie Huether Benken ‘80 Alfred J. Berger Jack and Marlene Berger Anne Sheehan Bergeron ‘88 Jennifer Elizabeth Bergman ‘04 Mildred Hais Berning ‘52 Chip Berry and Maura Moran-Berry ‘89 Laurie Williams Bidwell ‘06 Jean Birck Ron and Anna Bisher Paul and Betsy Murray Bissmeyer ‘82 Stephen and Diane Bissmeyer Caitlyn Victoria Blair ‘14 Kathy Blome Mary Lou Blount Nancy Jackson Blyth ‘65 Joe and Elaine Bobbey Macaira Rooney Bobinger ‘01 Victoria Geisel Bohlander ‘96 Mary Ellen Bolan Amy Schweer Boland ‘75 Sharon Kesterson Bollen Jacqueline Sheppard Bonavita ‘55 Karie Kearns Boneau ‘67 Mary Elizabeth Green Boomgarden ‘07 Scott and Nancy Giaccio Boosveld ‘88 Karen Boothe Therese Cahill Bower ‘89 Crystalyn Boyer Peggy Bradley-Doppes ‘75 Elizabeth Locaputo Bradshaw ‘95 Charles and Joan Brady Ed and Nancy Brady Mike and Susan Braley Bruce and Betsy Brandstetter Braun Heating & Air Conditioning Craig and Christy Braun Mike and Ann Braun Bob and Sue Breitenstein Mary Clare Wallace Brennan ‘84 Michael and Pam Brewer Georgia Lynn Bridgers ‘16 Holly Baxter Bridgers Michael Bridgers Maria Kathleen Brinck ‘14 Laureen McGuerty Brinker ‘63 Lea Garbon Brinker ‘65
Abbey Nicole Brinkman ‘07 Craig Brinkman Megan Elizabeth Brinkworth Jennifer Broo Amy Kleinfelder Brown ‘98 Bill and Jan Brown Courtney Brown ‘91 Dianne Chambers Brown Judith A. Brown ‘54 Robert and Mary Catherine Brown Shannon Renee Brown ‘16 Harry and Peggi Browning Al and Cookie Brune Barry and Mary Beth Bruns Ann Bronwyn Bryans ‘09 Natalie Patricia Bryans ‘11 Rebecca Nicole Bryans ‘14 Catherine Donnelly Buckley ‘82 Flo and Chris Buendia Joseph and Stephanie Buganski Meredith Hannah Buganski ‘16 Susan Trefzger Burbank ‘51 Patricia Burk ‘65 Mary Alice Walsh Burke ‘47 Nancy Burns ‘66 Bill Burnside Lee and Margaret Burroughs Emily Rouse Burson ‘93 Marti Butz Mark and Susan Byrne Dianne Gray Cahill ‘65 Laura G. Cahill ‘96 Tom and Claire Cahill Jerry and Jean Cain Phil and Lisa Baute Caito ‘00 Maria Alonso Calvo ‘65 Caitlin Marie Campbell ‘06 Sandy Campbell Chris and Beth Canarie Laura Marissa Canos ‘07 Ken and Lisa Zibulka Canter ‘88 Chris and Amy Cappel Diane Slattery Cappel ‘65 Mark and Janene Cappel Diane Egan Carr ‘84 Jacquelyn Williams Carr ‘56 Edy Carro Kathleen Carroll Michael and Victoria Carroll Robert Carroll Sara Lanham Carsten ‘93 Kristopher and Jessica Wickert Carter ‘96 Marie Caruso ‘54 Patrick and Kay Cassedy Claire Ellen Castellini ‘16 Dan and Joyce Castellini Mark and Katrina Caudill *deceased
Ann Leugers Cerone ‘62 Jose Chacon and Tamara Bisher Guy Chandler Kathleen Bower Chapman ‘98 Steven Chapman Ann Kelly Cheeseman ‘98 Katherine E. Cheeseman ‘95 Robert and Ginger Cheeseman Chemed Foundation Bette Lawler Chenault ‘64 Gail Crawford Chimenti ‘65 David and Gail Chin Robert and Chris Christen Jeanne McGoff Christenson ‘69 Jeff and Becky Christoff Ted and Brenda Christy Ellen Wimberg Cicconi ‘83 Emma Chase Ciesick ‘14 Rachel Leanne Clark ‘09 Rich and Carol Westerfield Clark ‘71 Linda Tepe Clarke ‘88 Class of 2016 Erin Wash Cleary ‘05 Jodi Clever Jack and Susan Clevidence Susan Cline Jeannine Washington Cody ‘85 Eileen O’Brien Coffey ‘58 Coldwell Banker Paul and Christine Colella Colgate-Palmolive Company Frances Durkin Colletti ‘65 Patricia Faller Collins ‘75 Catherine Colme Craig and Nancy Combest Karen Fogarty Comello ‘61 Perry and Linda Como Shannon Tuerck Compton ‘92 Concord Fire Protection, Inc. Daniel and Mary Connaughton Molly B. Connaughton ‘99 Raymond and Arlie Connaughton Christy Miller-Pace Connelly ‘60 Marilyn Carroll Connolly ‘56 Faye Shannon Conway ‘63 Barbara Cooke ‘59 Cooney, Faulkner & Stevens, CPAs Corina Corder Molly Cordill Kim Corker James Coughlin, II Carol Gruber Cox ‘73 Trisha Childs Cox ‘95 John and Ruth Crabtree Christine Tepe Crossland ‘05 Edward and Amy Schmidt Crotty ‘89 Mary Ellen White Crowley ‘03
Mary Lou Crowley Barbara Culver John and Ann Curley Lois Goeke Curtin ‘56 Brad and Caroline Curtis Michael and Jennifer Cussen Melissa Erin Daeschner ‘16 Rick and Ann Daeschner Richard and Susan Dagenbach John and Denise Daggett Anthony and Karen D’Agostino Marilyn Gayhart Dapper ‘53 Mark Dauner BJ and Michelle David Purcell and Shirley Davis Susan Schrimpf Davis ‘86 T. Jeff Davis Barbara Day Bridget Bower DeCaria ‘03 Tom and Susan Delisio Michelle Vonderhaar Dellecave Cynthia Depoe Daniel and Laura Schoenling Deters ‘89 Jody and Diane Detzel Deutsche Bank America’s Foundation Dick and Annie Devine Shannon Marie Devine ‘11 Jerry and Mary Devitt Pat and Rhonda DeWine David and Susan Deye Thomas and Susan Deye Julie Reilly DiBlasi ‘98 Alexandria Rose DiCarlo ‘14 Madeleine Darmanin Dickerson ‘16 Richard and Carol Ann Dickes Barbara Toerner Diehl ‘55 Albert and Claire Dierckes Dominic** and Mary DiFalco Dominique Patricia DiFalco ‘16 Joe and Donna Dillon Terry and Molly Reed Dingeldein ‘88 Joe and Cheri Dirr John and Ann Dixon Elizabeth Schuyler Dobbins ‘16 Kent Dobbins and Pam Smith-Dobbins Timothy and Linda Doerger Michael and Kris Dollenmayer John Dolza and Carlynne Toomey John and Maureen Donahue James H. Donnelly Scott and Jennie Loughrey Donovan ‘88 Timothy and Mary Jo Donovan Brooke Frances Dorger ‘09 Elizabeth Paige Dorger ‘06 Wendy J. Dorn ‘87 Andrew and Patricia Doyle Brittany Rose Doyle ‘11
Margaret Drennon ‘64 Molly Meiners Dressing ‘94 Julie Brueggeman Dreyer ‘76 Deborah J. Dryden Erin Crane Dunigan ‘03 Darrel and Jackie Dunker Samantha Elizabeth Dunker ‘13 Margaret Bolan Dunn ‘92 Julie C. Dunphy ‘95 Curt and Linda Dunseath Dan and Mariellen Durbin Kelly Durbin ‘89 Mary-Cabrini Durkin ‘60 Kate Durso ‘98 Sondra Rouse Dutro ‘60 Kimberly Walters Dwyer ‘02 Cecile Luttmer Dykas ‘78 Patrice Eby Nettina Gullo Eckert ‘61 Carolyn Weber Eckhoff ‘83 William and Winifred Eckhoff Suzanne Snider Egan ‘65 Mary Elizabeth Egbers ‘84 Thomas and Diane Egbers Donna Sanker Ege ‘65 Phyllis Ehler ‘79 James and Cheryl Eichmann Cheghali Elkhalili Kaitlyn Elizabeth Ellerhorst ‘14 Dana Leibel Ellsworth ‘01 Margaret A. Elson ‘16 Nora Claire Elson ‘11 Andrew and Marianne Scott Emmert ‘77 Betsy Emmert ‘11 Energy Alliances Inc. Katherine Gehring Erdel ‘00 James and Beverly Evans Anne Penick Ewart ‘94 Barry and Amy Fagel Jay Fagel Judith Fanning ‘50 Lynne Yost Farmer ‘88 Kara Habel Farnham ‘04 Cheryl Fessel Fehring ‘69 Thomas and Cheryl Fehring Larry and Kathe Feist Anna Riley Feldkamp ‘16 Ron and Shannone Feldman Caitlin Graham Felvus ‘06 Fenton Rigging Patrick and Jenee Dattilo Ferguson ‘89 Harry and Carol Fermann Josephine Ferrazza Mike and Wendy Ferris Thomas and Vernice Fessel Joanne Folchi Fessler ‘51 Fidelity Foundation
Jennifer Brichler Filipi ‘06 Nancy Diener Finke ‘88 John and Mary Jane Finn Nancy Reyering Fiorito ‘74 Charles and Katrina Fischer Kirk and Diann Fischesser Ed Fisher Bill Fitzwater and Carolyn Milillo Margie Zahneis Fitzwater ‘69 Patrick and Paula Flaherty Jim Fleming Elinor Rose Floyd ‘16 Emily Lucille Floyd ‘11 Erica Catherine Floyd ‘13 Greg and Suzanne Floyd Elizabeth Richter Flynn ‘41 Mandy Fontaine Leslie Schuermann Ford ‘93 Jack and Judy Forrester Kathleen Marie Forste ‘07 Lauren Cruse Fortman ‘00 Jackie Foster Jillian Elaine Foster ‘14 Jim and Judy Foster Dennis and Ann Fox Anthony and Bridget France Keith Freimark Garrett and Mimi Frey Joan Friedmann Edwin and Pat Friesz Therese Helmer Froehle ‘51* David Fuller Alisha Uhlenbrock Furst ‘93 Mary Pat Nurre Gaier ‘67 Rita Galinari ‘67 Miriam Jacob Gallagher ‘71 Fiona Ryan Galley ‘16 Troy A. Galley Mary Welz Galownia ‘52 Mary Besl Gandenberger ‘48 Barbara Ganim ‘74 Neal Gardner Ann Marie Haas Gartner ‘77 Erin Marie Gartner ‘04 Melissa Lynn Gartner ‘09 Kristen Hill Gay ‘03 Fay Gebel William and Toni Gebhart Karen Smyth Geiger Maureen Crawford Geiser ‘71 Mimi Gendreau ‘77 Elizabeth Gendreau-Maxwell ‘76 Joseph and Susan Geoppinger
Tom and Jewel Geoppinger Edward Geraghty Joan Stubbers Gerding ‘48 Madeleine Elizabeth Gervason ‘16 Robert and Jennifer Leonard Gerwin ‘86 Carol Gessing Brittany Ann Gibler ‘11 Gordon and Kathy Gick Todd and Cindy Gick Corinne Malatin Gillenkirk ‘91 James and Ellen Gilligan Mark and Joann Gillming Barbara Kennedy Gingrich ‘70 Margaret Schmelzle Glacken ‘05 Donald and Jocelyn Glass Sydney Louise Gleckler ‘16 Hallie Rielly Goldcamp ‘69 Maila Gomez-Crist ‘90 Lynn Wagner Goodwin ‘67 Patricia Dalton Goodwin ‘60 Gordon Bernard Company, Inc. Jim and Joan Grabowski Robert and Christina Grace Graduate Service Inc. Lois A. Grathwohl Michael and Linda Grause Barbara Ruff Gravenkemper ‘59 Denise Mohan Grawe ‘65 Kaitlyn Renee Gray ‘16 Marianne Gregory Gray ‘62 Rick and Dawn Greenwell Roger Grein Mark and Cathy Greiner Dave and Mary Greive Ron and Cecy Greive Robert and Kathleen Greiwe Gina Condit Greve ‘82 Jack and Elaine Grever Melvin and Brenda Grier Samantha Grier ‘01 Shirley Grimme Louis and Hypha Wehby **Groen Dorothy Grohs Paula Gieske Gross ‘56 Gretchen Grote Walter and Nancy Grote Tom and Nancy Kempe Gruber ‘72 Richard and Martha Grumbley Betty Louise Grupenhoff ‘62 Dan and Amy Gruppo Ralph and Barbara Gruppo Mina Guadagno Claire Elyse Guappone ‘03 Nick and Mary Sue Guetle Kelly Cecilia Gunderson ‘16 Richard and Joy Gunza Anne Kennealy Gutzwiller ‘61 *deceased
Joeanne Gutzwiller ‘87 Angela Louis Guye ‘84 Cheryl Gallagher Haas ‘73 Doug and Lisa Habegger James and Cathie Habegger Bob and Maureen Habel Zachary Hacker Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hackman Carla Donisi Hafner ‘73 Mary Metz Haines ‘51 Tom and Debi Haines Sarah Jean Halmi ‘12 Ross and Sandra Hambleton Patricia Hamburg Tony and Julie Jansen Hamburg ‘87 Kathy Hammond Stacey Hammond ‘93 Bonnie Fischesser Hampton ‘66 Tom and Betsy Hampton Gail Pauly Hancock ‘63 Madelynn Esther Hancock ‘16 Sharon Schoen Hand ‘60 Kelsey Joy Harbert ‘16 Dale and Beth Harden Matthew and Dianne Hardin Mary Jeanne Grunkemeyer Hardt ‘53 Barbara Konerman Harmon ‘65 Jeff and Connie Harpring Abby Marie Harris ‘16 Jeff and Joy Harris Mary Pat Schoeny Harris ‘70 Laura Christine Hart ‘03 Madelyn Eileen Hart ‘16 Stephen and Jeannine Hart Tom and Mary Rose Hart Alan and Marianne Hartkemeyer Greg and Tracy Hartmann Julianne Geiser Hartmann ‘03 Jim and Cary Hartness Jackson and Stephanie Harty Richard and Cathy Harvey Michael and Teri Haught Lucie Perry Hawgood ‘90 Leslie Hayes Christine Heubi Hazenfield ‘97 Kathy Fogarty Heekin ‘65 Pam Heenan Daniel and Debbie Heffernan Kenneth and Mary Hehman Kay Hoobler Heineman ‘60 Anna Elizabeth Heinrich ‘12 David and Heidi Heinrich Tom and Mary Jo Heintz H.C. and Susan Heinz Mark and Martha Helmick Rosalie Conte Helmick ‘71 Jon and Laura Hemmer
Jim and Teri Henderson Rollie Henkes Steven and Rieko Henkes Cathleen Hamersly Hensel ‘75 Barbara Herald Nancy Weiss Herbert ‘54 Tom and Deanna Herbert Jeffrey and Heather Herr Sue Horner Hershey ‘65 Roy and Teecy Hibdon Duane Hickerson Lauren Acton Hicks ‘07 Winifred Hidy Barbara Loder Hildebrandt ‘70 Melissa Himmelbauer Allison Hinkel Janet Buchert Hirst ‘67 Bill Hoefft Amber Gaylord Hoevener ‘96 JoAnn Hoffmann ‘51 Karly E. Hofmann ‘16 Michael and Michelle Hofmann Tracy D. Hofmann ‘79 Mary Kennealy Hogan ‘67 Kenna Watts Holmes ‘73 Carolyn Kelly Hohl ‘06 John Holt Halle Elizabeth Homan ‘16 Melissa Krumme Hooley ‘80 Kathy Hoopes Kay Quammen Hopper ‘63 Mary Jo Sanker Horton ‘71 Janet C. Howard ‘71 Janine Hodesh Howard Bob and Kathy Hubbard Hollie Hubbert ‘91 Emily Hinnenkamp Huber ‘86 Giselle Kluener Huber ‘76 Mary Joan Huber Teresa Huber Colleen M. Huddleson ‘97 Rick and Nita Hughes Robert and Rose Ann Hughes Stephen and Laura Huster Kim Icsman William and Amie Imbus William L. Imbus Dennis and Georgia Imwalle Kelly Elizabeth Ionna ‘11 Kathryn Ann Ireland ‘01 Abigail Lafkas Isbell ‘94 Don and Sally Singer Isphording ‘56 Doug and Robyn Jackson Richard and Joan Jackson Rose Marie Cazel Jackson ‘67 Vivian Jackson Laurie Elizabeth Jacob ‘09
Joseph and Carol Jacob Joseph Jacquette and Rachel Kirley ‘99 Karen Ohe Jagers ‘79 Frances Soriano Jansen ‘61 Rudy and Barbara Jansen Michelle Jeffcott-Pera ‘96 Sue McGoff Jeffries ‘79 Karen Snider Jenkins ‘63 Katherine Anne Jennings ‘09 Lisa Gerdes Jennings ‘89 Lois Johannigman Beth Wagner Johansing ‘80 Carolyn Johnson Danielle Johnston Johnson ‘91 Kathy Johnson Mike and Liz Johnson Ron and Eileen Johnston Samantha Jones ‘90 Haley Elizabeth Jordahl ‘16 Scott and Pamela Jordahl Hilarie Meyer Joseph ‘86 Gerald and Judith Jossart Tim and Kristyn Convery Jossart ‘85 Sid and Laura Juliani Ed and Lin Jung Caroline C. Jurgensen ‘14 Hailey Duval Jurgensen ‘11 Katherine Mardee Jurgensen ‘09 Daniel and Ronnie Jurkowitz Karl and Muffy Kadon Larissa McMullen Kahle ‘95 Robert and Elise Kaiser Elmer and Martha Kaising Beth Gillming Kamen ‘04 David and Helen Kanitz Sarah Ruth Kappers ‘12 M.J. Schanzle Karch ‘56 Alison Koch Kastl ‘92 Ron and Susan Kastner John and Michelle Keating William and Nancy Nenninger Keating ‘45 Anne Wenstrup Keefe ‘81 Dan and Sally Keefe Ruth Keefe* Tom and Debbie Keefe Kreg and Shannon Keesee Hazel Wessels Keith ‘43 Lonnie and Sharon Keith Steve and Leslie Stanton Keller ‘90 Erin E. Kelley ‘97 Shannon Lee Kelley ‘86 Terry and Sandy Kelley Brigid Elizabeth Kelly ‘01 Erin Kelly Kathie O’Donnell Kelly ‘66 Rachel Choquette Kemper ‘91 Kristin Munninghoff Kempton ‘99
Kip and Susan Kerr Tracy Kerr Jerry and Karen Kershner Cynthia Khoo-Robinson Terrence and Helen Kiessling Timothy and Diana Kilfoil Doug King Jane Kinley ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kiphart Anne Dierckes Kirkpatrick ‘86 Dr. and Mrs. David Kirkpatrick, III Patrick and Diana Kirwen Marianne Gray Kirwin ‘63 Robert and Veronica Kistner Robert and Lisa Kitko Steve and Suzie Kleeman Alyssa Suzanne Kleespies ‘09 Erin Carey Klein ‘91 Hal and Donna Klink Emily Ann Kluener ‘11 Marianne Westendorf Kluesener ‘71 Linda Klump Stephanie Anne Klump ‘98 Dick and Nancy Klus Rebecca Ann Knaley ‘16 Michael and Deborah Knellinger Jane Knudson Alison Ann Koch ‘16 Barbara Rouse Koch ‘65 Peter and Clare Koch Joanne Koehl David Koehler and Barbara Kraemer Mary Kathleen Koehler ‘97 Chris and Kim Koenig Edward and Jacqueline Koenig Mary Koenig Mary Koenig-Clapp ‘69 Sarah Zook Koetting ‘87 Stephen Kondash and Kathleen Bennett Gerard and Betsy Kortekamp Cara Palazzolo Koss ‘99 Jennifer Weber Kovacs ‘65 Hannah Ruth Kramer ‘08 John and Pat Kramer Madison McLain Kramer ‘09 Teresa Elliott Kratzer ‘83 Sue Kremer Barbara Busch Kruetzkamp ‘83 Emma Anne Krug ‘16 John and Anne Perry Krug ‘80 Gretchen Ann Krumdieck ‘98 Janet Krumme Christina Ann Krummen ‘16 Roger and Michelle Krummen Sharon Renee Krummen ‘16 Dick and Margaret Kuck Elizabeth E. Kuck ‘99
Mel Meretta Kuempel ‘60 Daniel and Barbara Kuhn Lisa Kuhn Anne Guappone Kuritzky ‘02 Jay and Patricia Kurtz Peter and Peggy Kurz Robert and Karen Lambert Rick and Lori Landrum Mary Ann Dornacher Lane ‘64 Mary Jo Lane ‘74 Mary Lou Barloh Lang ‘51 Wade and Melissa Lang Susan Rouse Lanham ‘64 Molly Irene Lankisch ‘16 Paul and Karen Lankisch Claire Luttmer LaTorraca ‘84 Sheila Mulloy Lauck ‘65 Anne Schoelwer LaVelle ‘91 Kirsten Ott Law ‘00 Jack and Carol Lawler Melissa Meyers Lea ‘87 Sandra Rudd Leary ‘79 Julie Nerone Ledford ‘75 Byong and Elaine Lee Steve and Lori Ackermann Leibel ‘85 Paul E. Leitzinger Julie Feltrup Lemke ‘65 Kristin Grove Lenhart ‘96 Julie Graves Leon ‘81 Brian and Heather Momper Leonard ‘90 Jeff and Lisa Leonard Mark and Pam Leonhardt David and Katherine Leurck James and Mary Lietz Marianne Lindenmeyer ‘69 Paul L. Lindsay Paula Kramer Link ‘62 Catherine M. Linn Joseph and Ellie Linz Ed Listermann Frank and Bernadette Listermann Frank and Mary Ann Lively Rick and Rita Albers Loesing ‘80 Julie Allgeier Loftus ‘73 Larry and Mary Jo Lohrer Daniel and Lisa Long Ralph and Helen Long Patricia Bohn Longi ‘61 Ed and Norma Longo Suzanne Lavanier Lorch ‘80 Judy Kirwan Love ‘65 Dorothy B. Lowe ‘94 Jennifer Elizabeth Lowe ‘16 Joseph Lowry Patricia O. Lowry LPL Financial Kenneth and Jenny Luken *deceased
Madison Lynne Luken ‘16 Taylor Nicole Luken ‘16 Joseph and Kim Lukens Amy Deye Lund ‘74 Thomas and Noreen Ney Lundberg ‘82 Erika Lundstedt Martha Minnich Luring ‘95 StCyr Cosette Luttmer ‘16 Douglas and Kelly Lutz Mary Brielmaier Lynn ‘64 Mary Lyon Gretchen Ott Lyons ‘94 Scott MacEachen Christine Wassler Mack ‘03 Matt and Alice MacLeid Martha O’Toole Magnan ‘69 C.H. and Lori Maguire Bonnie Mahon Jill Theobald Maier ‘95 Todd Majeski Emma Kathleen Maliborski ‘16 Nancy Maliborski Daniel and Valerie Mallaley Emily Mathers Lobert Malone ‘65 Angelo and Sherri Mancini Laura Mechley Mancini ‘92 Ellen Mary Manegold ‘09 Ellen Melville Maniaci ‘06 Sara Sicking Mankus ‘97 Gene and Sue Mapes Perrin and Diane March Marsh & McLennan Companies Julie Vogt Martina ‘82 Barbara Martinez Dr. Suzanne Egbers Martini ‘83 Louis and Mary Marx Mr. and Mrs. Greg and Mary Massa Danny and Jeanne Mathew Charles and Margie Matthews Lynn and Susan Matthews Steven and Jane Maull JoAnn Wolf Maxwell ‘72 Jennifer Tepe Mayer ‘94 Nancy Naish Mayer ‘65 Frank and Kim Mazzei Buck McCoart Anne Frees McConica ‘50 Tom and Lisbeth McDonald Joyce McDonough Mary Sue McDuffie Lauren Gooding McElroy ‘14 Josh and Tara McGee Raymond and Carol McGee Brian and Janice McGinnis Mary McGoff-Gerken ‘77 Sarah Elizabeth McGrath ‘13 Melissa Wiley McKee
McLandrich Consulting Mary Catherine Buente McMahan ‘45 John and Barb McManus Maria Rath McSoley ‘03 Barbara Stenger Mechley ‘64 Sharon Ashbrook Medlock ‘66 Patrick and Carol Meehan Maryanne Evans Meeker ‘65 Judith Meiering ‘65 Dan and Lynn Meiners Caroline Costa Melby ‘88 Stephen and Mary Frances Melink Zinowij and Oksana Melnyk Dan and Barb Mendel Tony and Tammy Mentzel Carol Meyer Merkel ‘56 Jennifer Marie Counts Mertens ‘05 Allan and Elaine Meyer Daniel and Deb Meyer Dianne Daly Meyer ‘73 Katie Meyer Mary Ann Meyer Rebecca Meyer Jim and Catherine Meyers Kristen Elizabeth Meyers ‘04 Alma Stallo Michael ‘57 Patrick and Kathleen Michel Mary Ann Kuechly Middendorf ‘82 Susan Keel Mihocik ‘99 Mike Allen’s Heating & Electric, LLC Anne Willke Millea ‘79 Beverly Baumer Miller ‘79 Charlie and Joan Miller Philomena Mastronardi Miller ‘39 MillerCoors Charles and Amy Mills Johanna Hussey Mills ‘94 Rebecca Milostan ‘76 Mary Schoelwer Minnillo ‘87 Dustin Minton Mike and Kelly Misleh Steven and Mary Ann Mittermeier Russell and Kerry Mock Rita Bailer Molina ‘46 Jeffery and Stephanie Molkentin Erin McCurdy Mollaun ‘92 Hope Dianne Montag ‘14 Kristin Keirle Mooney ‘81 Hugh and Melissa Moore Keith and Mary Jo Moore Kelly Jo Moore ‘02 Sarah Marie Moore ‘16 Chris Moran Lois Schomaker Moran ‘53 Mary Kay Mooney Morgan ‘89 Tony and Rhonda Morgan Mary Jean Buschle Morthorst ‘44
Susan Birck Mosby ‘92 Steve and Heidi Moser Carol Ann Topicz Moses ‘58 Harriet Enneking Moster ‘44 ** Don and Teresa Mouch Sally Helmick Mountel ‘73 Carroll Prendergast Mousa ‘61 Christine Brauer Mueller ‘71 Jim and Beth Muething Dale and Mary Pat Mullaney Sean Mullaney and Dianna Schweitzer ‘84 Mark and Mona Mullen Katherine Lafkas Mulligan ‘88 Danielle Jones Mullins ‘03 Matt and Cathy Overbeck Murphy ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murphy
Caroline Elizabeth Murray ‘16 Tawnya Rechtin Murray ‘94 Angela Fraley Murrer ‘53 Libby Tepe Myers ‘71 Madeline Leigh Naber ‘10 Margaret Christine Naber ‘16 Marisue Naber ‘72 Mark and Sarita Naegel Marguerite Howard Nauss ‘67 Chris and Julie Nawalaniec Alexandra Kiran Nayak ‘16 John and Amy Neeb
Gina M. Nelson ‘97 Pam Nelson Mark Newton and Jill Herald Peter L. Ney Amanda Gertrude Neyer ‘06 Caitlin Kane Neyer ‘07 Jim and Jane Neyer Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Tom and Christine Engelhardt Neyer ‘58 Kurt Nicaise Tina Ehrhardt Nicholas ‘89 Erin Glenn Niebuhr ‘16 Jeff and Jeannie Niebuhr James and Margaret Mary Niehaus Helen Niese Theresa Schrimpf Nixon ‘98 Karen Noe Novo Nordisk Charity Trust Account NRG Energy, Inc. Lorie Willing Nugent ‘89 Paul and Joanne Nugent Tom and Linda Nurre Grace Marilyn Nusekabel ‘16 Gerry and Sue Oaks Jensen and Margaret Oberklein Patrick and Karen O’Callaghan Dan and Kim O’Connell Mary Alice Brand O’Hagan ‘53 Elyse Stavale O’Kane ‘67 Abi and Leye Omoloja Christine O’Neill ‘94 Molly Schuermann O’Reardon ‘97 Sharon O’Rourke Steve and Cindy Ortner Lanie Nicholas Osborne ‘75 *deceased
Osterman Cron, Inc. Josie O’Toole Peter and Mary O’Toole George and Doreen Ottavinia Richard and Kathleen Overbeck Jeffrey and Mary Overberg Joseph and Frances Palermo Meredith Seurkamp Parker ‘02 Colleen Moran Pater ‘03 Popat and Betty Patil Meghan Murphy Patrick ‘91 Patriot Signage, Inc. Steve and Marianna Patsfall Ann Paugh Nicholas Payne and Cynthia Heinrich ‘66 Jim and Pattie Paynter Jeffrey and Michelle Peck Pediatric Associates PSC Patricia Gray Perin ‘75 Mario and Frances Perrino Catherine Frances Perry ‘16 James Perry Tim and Julie Thoman Perry Kyle and Amy Peters Jean Pettengill ‘71 Amy Molleran Peveler ‘98 John and Rita Picton Carol Rusche Piepmeier ‘72 Maureen Donovan Pippin ‘65 Patricia Bolan Platts ‘77 Julie Anne Platz ‘16 Tony and Peggy McCormick Platz ‘84 Chris and Janice Plummer Brittany Anne Pohlman ‘06 Richard and Laverne Pohlman
Gary Pollock and Jeanne Lavelle James and Virginia Poon Joe and Debbie Pope Doug Porter Mary Porter Doug and Sandie Portmann Hannah Nicole Portmann ‘16 Brent and Cary Powell Egbert and Estrelita Powell Beth Shelton Preising ‘04 Sarah Perrino Priestle ‘99 Alison Probst Bob and Jere Pulte Bill Purcell Nora Lindsay Quinn ‘83 Susan Vonderbrink Quirk ‘62 Catherine Ashley Rabe ‘00 Maria Nena Racadio ‘16 Tim and Mary Ragland Jim and Karen Ralston Brian and Michelle Matthews Rapien ‘05 Paul and Ann Rapien Mary Kluener Rath ‘73 Ranjit and Mary Rath Bethany Rave ‘89 Sam and Clare Buckley Rayburn ‘94 Richard and Mary Jo Rechtin Brian and Christa Redden Hannah Elizabeth Redden ‘16 Mark and Jennifer Redmond ‘84 Abigail Christen Reed ‘00 Mark and Maureen Reese ‘16 Meredith Ann Reese ‘16 Mary Ann Sawma Reichard ‘70 Rose A. Reifenberger
Jo Anne Friedmann Reiling ‘79 Daniel and Sherry Reilly Katherine M. Reilly ‘95 Maureen Frances Reilly ‘16 Shauna Teresa Reilly ‘16 Toni Nicholas Reilly ‘57 Jill Buerger Reineck ‘95 Amy Schweitzer Reineke ‘96 Ellen Marie Reinhold ‘11 Jack and Marilyn Reinhold Carolynn Ege Reis ‘88 Rebecca Ann Reis ‘08 Steve and Elsa Reischel Caroline Caples Renneker ‘01 Resonate Foundation Bill and Karen Rettig Rosemary Reyering Mary Kay Reynolds Lisa Hilmer Riccardi ‘94 Courtney Koehne Rice ‘92 John and Mary Richling George and Donna Richter Isabel Lillian Ricke ‘13 Renee Hoeffer Ricou ‘92 Lynne Surkamp Rieselman ‘72 Solveig Rieskamp Kathleen O’Neill Riestenberg ‘98 Myra Rifkin ‘64 Cory D. Ritter ‘95 Megan Kleinfelder Roach ‘94 Susan Kramer Robben ‘92 Chris and Amy Roberts Kelly Deanne Roberts ‘16 Isaiah and Anita Robinson Mary Margaret Platz Robinson ‘09 James and Susan Rodd Anna Marie Kaulig Rodenbeck ‘72 John and Sue Rodenberg Margret Adams Roe ‘16 Nancy Keating Roe ‘70 Diane Thiel Roedersheimer ‘61 Andrea Ulrich Roeding ‘02 Theresa Roehrig ‘87 Martha Rohde Lori Berning Rohrer ‘75 Robert and Patrica Rohrig Helen Rolfes ‘67 Larry and Cathy Rolfes Robert and Joy Roose Vikki Rose Emily Behan Rosen Allison Paige Ross ‘16 Tricia Larmann Roth ‘77 Howard and Joanne Rottinghaus Julia Ann Rouse ‘04 Mary Anne Shoemaker Rouse ‘60 Michael and Shaune Schaefer Rueve ‘89
Maria Rapien Rufe ‘90 Tracy Buerger Ruiz ‘90 Carlyn Marie Runnels ‘08 Richard and Marta Runnels John and Peg Ruppert Mary Helen Blum Rusk ‘64 Benjamin and Amy Russert Mary Sarah Russert ‘16 Allison Grever Ryan ‘90 Saint Ursula Academy Parents’ Club Tony and Pat Salem Bill and Nancy Santen Kathleen Santen ‘87 Cathy Sarky ‘81 Joe and Brooke Sauter Bette Mullaney Savage ‘58 Linda Sawma ‘71 Julie L. Alig Scala ‘88 Joe and Peggy Scheetz William and Patricia Scheimann Bob and Pat Schell Anne Lind Scherer ‘05 Katharine Frances Scherer ‘06 Ralph and Linda Scherer Elizabeth Fulcher Scheurer ‘66 Christopher and Janet Schlaak Donna Schubeler ‘57 E.J. and Kendahl Schloss Sally Leroux Schlotman ‘60 Anne Schmidt ‘74 Marcie Schmidt Tom and Linda Schmidt Ann Theresa Schmitz ‘11 Robert and Lisa Schnedl Mark and Tricia Schneider Richard and Marilyn Schneider Robert and Donna Schneider Glenn and Kathleen Schnell William and Gwynedd Schneller Bret and Molly Schnieber Roger and Karla Schnieber Schoch Tile & Carpet, Inc. Marilyn Thaman Schoelwer ‘51 Susan Costa Schoen ‘83 Michael and Natalie Schoeny Cathryn Rose Schoeppner ‘16 Bruce and Christina Scholl Jeff and Alison Scholl Carly Lynn Schott ‘05 Addison Rae Schrand ‘16 Joseph and Karen Schreibeis Tom and Anne Schrimpf Allison Lynn Schroeder ‘05 Matthew and Angela Schroeder William Schrudde Megan Jones Schulte ‘09 Steve and Kris Kirby Schulte ‘90
Jack and Jane Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Angela Schunk Edward J. Schutte Maggie Schwartz Jeff and Kathie Schweer Mary Jo Scofes Beverly Rice Scott ‘76 Don and Nancy Seaman Judith Rose Seaman ‘16 Timothy and Mary Seaman John and Ann Sebastian Susanne Fleming Sebree ‘67 Nancy Folz Seeger ‘55 Gail Scheurer Seifert ‘70 Victoria Rudd Sena ‘80 Carolinne E. Shaffer ‘92 David and Linda Shaffer Dean and Sharon Shanley Teri Gutfreund Shannon ‘70 Kevin and Jane Shea Anna Kathryn Sheanshang ‘16 Jim and Katie Sheanshang Joan Sheehan Vasant Prabhu and Usha Shenai Skip and Debra Shepard Catherine Sherrick Chris and Therese Shiffert Ralph Shine and Ann Howard Aimee Boesing Shinkle ‘90 Sara Diane Shinn ‘16 Jill M. Shirey ‘99 Howard and Carol Shisler Shiver Security Systems, Inc. Clare Elizabeth Shurmer ‘16 Hester Cundall Sicking ‘34 Dave and Patti Sidenstick Mary Homan Siefke ‘84 Emma Grace Siegel ‘14 John and Denise Siegel Ray and Barb Siegel Mark and Jane Silvers Gabrielle Nicole Silvestri ‘16 Mark Simcoe Thomas Singleton Michael Sipes Becky A. Sittason Jeff and Cynthia Sizemore Terry Wright Skaggs Kenneth and Kathleen Skau Robert and Jane Skinner Elizabeth Wolf Skufca ‘86 Skyline Chili-Walnut Hills Todd and Lisa Sloan Anne Elise Imwalle Smith ‘98 Courtney Elizabeth Smith ‘12 Doug and Phyllis Smith Dwayne and Nancy Smith *deceased
Kevin and Jenny Reilly Smith ‘90 Mike and Marty Smith Taylor Nicole Smith ‘16 Judy Rabe Snell ‘61 Mary Anne Rensing Snyder ‘44 Dorothy Crawford Soller ‘55 Allie Meyer Sollisch ‘05 Kelly Marie Sonnefeld ‘16 Jim and Mary Carol Sowar Claire Lemkuhl Sparke ‘60 Linda Lemkuhl Sparke ‘63 Steven and Mary Speed Meridith Oberklein Spille Amy Cody Sprong ‘93 Sheila Dorney Stack ‘55 Sarah Krumme Stahr ‘83 Julie Hart-Stander ‘86 Harry and Bea Standhart David and Sherry Stanforth Sharon Rutterer Stanton ‘70 Margaret Starks Scott Starks Robert and Nancy Stautberg Suzanne Haughaboo Stautberg ‘98 Stephanie Story Steider ‘04 Nicholas and Charlotte Imwalle Steinert ‘94 Stephen A. Smith Associates Mary Bradley Stephenson ‘81 Katherine Fisher Stockdale ‘92 Stephanie Michelle Stoops ‘16 Jamey Pope Stout ‘95 Elizabeth Osterday Strange ‘96 StreamKey Jeanne Wimberg Stricker ‘60 Stephanie Locaputo Striet ‘95 Christine Monnig Strobel ‘66 Linda A. Strotman Chuck Strubbe Gregory and Kristine Sturgeon Madeline Ann Sturgeon ‘16 Margaret Ellen Sullivan ‘16 Mike and Marybeth Sullivan Peggy Scheimann Sullivan ‘97 James Sunderhaus Suzanne Suprock Sweaty Bands Judy Sweeney Constance Schoenling Swisshelm ‘82 Megan Heisel Szewc ‘92 Marcella Huber Tabler ‘55 Jack and Sheri Talbot Rick and Debbie Lohrer Talbot ‘86 Tony Talbot William and Elizabeth Talbot Stephen and Susan Tapogna Mary Tarbell-Green ‘65
Target Corporation Gretchen Menke Teeple ‘00 Dogan and Deirdre Temizer Andrew and Jackie Tepe Timothy and Dianne Tepe Anne Cody Texter ‘91 Gloria Thaman The David J. Joseph Co. The H.E. Graves, Jr. Family Foundation The Habegger Corporation Gregory and Christine Theders Kelly Reichert Thibodeaux ‘86 David and Kristy Mooibroek Thomas ‘88 Linda Thomas Ray and Marie Ann Thomas Thomas and Mary Ann Thomas Judith Thompson Lawrence Thompson Mary Catherine Thurner ‘09 Tide Dry Cleaners Sarah Marie Tippenhauer ‘16 Jim and Diane Tomaszewski David Tonnis Rachel Elizabeth Tonnis ‘10 Stephen and Jo Ann Tonnis Julie Topicz ‘81 Doris Tepe Tranter ‘64 Melissa Camus Tranter ‘06 Alan and Elisia Triggs Tri-Health Tri-State Plan Administration, Inc. Rosann Brockman True ‘47 Karen Wichmann Trumbull ‘89 Jack and Bridgette Tucker Rebecca Boeing Turner ‘04 UBS Financial Services, Inc Chris and Maria Uhlenbrock Michelle Marie Uhlenbrock ‘06 Elizabeth Ann Ulm ‘07 Steve and Catherine Ulm Darci Ann Ulrich ‘04 Michele Busam Ulrich ‘67 Betsy Robertshaw Umhofer ‘63 Allison Marie Upham ‘16 US Bank Foundation Sara Utecht Teresa Schutte Uterstaedt ‘86 Constance Van Ausdall ‘66 Judith Schaefer Vance ‘56 Carol Welling Vaughn ‘57 Charles and Pam Venable Bill and Beth Venard William L. Verbryke, S.J. Virginia Kilfoil Verdin ‘86 Viceroy Wealth Counsel Maria Viola ‘87 Tim and Susan Viox
Ed and Alice Vockell Gary and Jackie Voelkerding Tim and Connie Voelkerding Philip Vogel Richard and Coleen Vogelgesang Victoria Diane Vogelgesang ‘06 Mark and Karen Shields Vollman ‘74 Martha Rabe Vorass ‘63 VOYA Foundation Todd and Sarah Wachter Christina Wainscott Chrissy Donovan Waleskowski ‘99 David and Bev Waligora Alexandra Grace Wall ‘16 Caroline Maria Wall ‘16 Dan and Rita Wall Bonita Lenzer Walmsley ‘68 Mary Walsh Robert and Tina Walter Aimee Walters ‘92 Jeffrey and Elvira Wampler Rebecca Wanner Michelle Gundlach Wanstrath ‘04 Julie Howard Wantland ‘73 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Ashley Ward Samantha Jane Washburn ‘07 Robert and Deborah Wassler Erik and Emmy Waterkotte Rusty and Patty Wayne Mark and Lisa Weadick Courtney M. Weber ‘99 David and Kathleen Weber CJ and Jonica Wegman Rob Wegman and Jennifer Helmers Hillary Kelly Weidner ‘04 John and Lisa Weil Weil/Thoman Moving & Storage Norbert and Clara Weisbrod Ron and Vicki Weisbrod John and Mary Welage Mary Beth Koch Weller ‘99 Edward and Linda Wellman Kurt and Carol Wells Elizabeth Wenker ‘53 John and Linda Albers Wenker ‘82 Paul Wenker Diane Homan Werner ‘67 Martha Munoz Wesley ‘66 Anne Marie Deye Wessel ‘98 Thomas and Rose Wesselman Carolyn Hodapp West ‘56 Laura Wester ‘84 Matthew and Anne Wheeler Amy Brinkman Whitaker ‘78 Clare Christine Whitaker ‘09 Felicia Diane White ‘16 Widmer’s Cleaners
Thomas and Mary Lindsay Widmeyer ‘79 Nancy Rugh Wiggins ‘65 Thomas and Angela Wilcox Jacqueline Louise Wildermuth ‘16 Jenna Wilker Natalie Grace Willett ‘16 Elizabeth Marie Williams ‘16 Gerald Williams Lauren Williams Toni Tepe Williams ‘70 Dell Williamson Virginia Boneau Williard ‘49 Jennifer Peters Wilson ‘98 Mary Ellen Fagel Wilson ‘73 Judith A. Wimberg ‘58 Allison Mae Winstel ‘11 Edward Winter Michael and Lisa Feck Winter ‘80 Bridget Guetle Wise ‘99 Joe and Marlene Witouski David and Barbara Witte Catherine Schubeler Woebkenberg ‘56 Katherine Grace Woebkenberg ‘12 Tom and Janet Woebkenberg Kristin Lee Woeste ‘98 Margaret Deye Wolke ‘65 Dianne Durkin Wood ‘63 Jim and Lisa Woodall Joe and Betsy Worrall Michael and Tracy Worthley Ron and Wilma Worthley Bill and Ruth Woycke Dan and Casey Woycke Robert and Patricia Wyenandt Robert and Sharon Wyenandt Joan York John and Gina York Marge Yost Carol Young Philip and Denise Younts Frank and Judy Zalar Dale and Sally Zdolshek Jennifer Foertsch Zepf ‘01 Anita Ziegelmeyer ‘59 David Ziegler Matilda Jordan Ziegler ‘16 Zimmer Heating & Cooling Nicholas and Jean Ann Zimmerman Rita Stratman Zimmerman ‘58 Paul and Marianne Zook
ALUMNAE GIVING: Class of 1934 50% Hester Cundall Sicking Class of 1939 30% Philomena Mastronardi Miller Class of 1941 20% Elizabeth Richter Flynn Joanne Homan Schweer Class of 1942 13% Betty Busse Schulenberg Class of 1943 9% Hazel Wessels Keith Class of 1944 27% Mary Jean Buschle Morthorst Harriet Enneking Moster ** Mary Anne Rensing Snyder Class of 1945 19% Ruth Grunkemeyer Burgett ** Nancy Nenninger Keating Mary Catherine Buente McMahan Class of 1946 14% Regene Mahoney Dubell Rita Bailer Molina Class of 1947 17% Mary Alice Walsh Burke Rita Spaccarelli Driehaus Rosann Brockman True Class of 1948 17% Mary Besl Gandenberger Joan Stubbers Gerding Joan Wenker Heyson ** Class of 1949 6% Virginia Boneau Williard Class of 1950 25% Judith Fanning Barbara Landman Gruber Anne Frees McConica Class of 1951 44% Susan Trefzger Burbank Joanne Folchi Fessler *deceased
Therese Helmer Froehle* Mrs. Mary Metz Haines JoAnn Hoffmann Mary Lou Barloh Lang Mary Frances Meyer Rogers Marilyn Thaman Schoelwer Class of 1952 12% Mildred Hais Berning Mary Welz Galownia Class of 1953 30% Marilyn Gayhart Dapper Mary Jeanne Grunkemeyer Hardt Lois Schomaker Moran Angela Fraley Murrer Mary Alice Brand O’Hagan Elizabeth Wenker Class of 1954 18% Jacqueline Sheppard Bonavita Judith A. Brown Marie Caruso Nancy Weiss Herbert Elaine Besterman Semancik Class of 1955 24% Barbara Toerner Diehl Nancy Folz Seeger Dorothy Crawford Soller Sheila Dorney Stack Marcella Huber Tabler Class of 1956 32% Rita Bischoff Bell Jacquelyn Williams Carr Marilyn Carroll Connolly Patricia O’Brien Couzins Lois Goeke Curtin Paula Gieske Gross Sally Singer Isphording M.J. Schanzle Karch Carol Meyer Merkel Judith Schaefer Vance Carolyn Hodapp West Catherine Schubeler Woebkenberg Class of 1957 33% Lloyd Altenau Baron Alma Stallo Michael Toni Nicholas Reilly Donna Schubeler Schlake Carol Welling Vaughn
Class of 1958 20% Barbara Bolan Apking Emily Ohnmacht Beckman Joan Thiel Blessing Eileen O’Brien Coffey Arleene Fox Keller Carol Ann Topicz Moses Christine Engelhardt Neyer Bette Mullaney Savage Judith A. Wimberg Rita Stratman Zimmerman Class of 1959 17% Barbara Cooke Barbara Ruff Gravenkemper Anita Ziegelmeyer Class of 1960 31% Mary Carole Kucia Albers Trish Meretta Bryan Christy Miller-Pace Connelly Mary-Cabrini Durkin Sondra Rouse Dutro Patricia Dalton Goodwin Sharon Schoen Hand Kay Hoobler Heineman Mel Meretta Kuempel Mary Anne Shoemaker Rouse Sally Leroux Schlotman Claire Lemkuhl Sparke Jeanne Wimberg Stricker Class of 1961 19% Karen Fogarty Comello Nettina Gullo Eckert Anne Kennealy Gutzwiller Frances Soriano Jansen Patricia Bohn Longi Carroll Prendergast Mousa Kit Rettig Overbeck Diane Thiel Roedersheimer Judy Rabe Snell Class of 1962 9% Ann Leugers Cerone Marianne Gregory Gray Betty Louise Grupenhoff Paula Kramer Link Susan Vonderbrink Quirk Class of 1963 22% Mary Ann Bender Laureen McGuerty Brinker Faye Shannon Conway Gail Pauly Hancock Kay Quammen Hopper Karen Snider Jenkins
Marianne Gray Kirwin Linda Lemkuhl Sparke Betsy Robertshaw Umhofer Martha Rabe Vorass Dianne Durkin Wood Class of 1964 18% Bette Lawler Chenault Margaret Drennon Jane Kinley Mary Ann Dornacher Lane Susan Rouse Lanham Mary Brielmaier Lynn Barbara Stenger Mechley Myra Rifkin Mary Helen Blum Rusk Doris Tepe Tranter Class of 1965 33% Lois Fehr Beckman Nancy Jackson Blyth Lea Garbon Brinker Patricia Burk Dianne Gray Cahill Maria Alonso Calvo Diane Slattery Cappel Gail Crawford Chimenti Frances Durkin Colletti Suzanne Snider Egan Donna Sanker Ege Denise Mohan Grawe Barbara Konerman Harmon Kathy Fogarty Heekin Sue Horner Hershey Barbara Rouse Koch Jennifer Weber Kovacs Sheila Mulloy Lauck Julie Feltrup Lemke Emily Mathers Lobert Malone Judy Kirwan Love Nancy Naish Mayer Maryanne Evans Meeker Judith Meiering Maureen Donovan Pippin Mary Tarbell-Green Nancy Rugh Wiggins Margaret Deye Wolke Class of 1966 14% Carolyn Howard Anderson Nancy Burns Bonnie Fischesser Hampton Cynthia Heinrich Kathie O’Donnell Kelly Jan Kenney Sharon Ashbrook Medlock Elizabeth Fulcher Scheurer
Christine Monnig Strobel Constance Van Ausdall Martha Munoz Wesley Class of 1967 16% Mary Jo Martini Beckner Karie Kearns Boneau Mary Pat Nurre Gaier Rita Galinari Lynn Wagner Goodwin Janet Buchert Hirst Mary Kennealy Hogan Rose Marie Cazel Jackson Marguerite Howard Nauss Elyse Stavale O’Kane Helen Rolfes Susanne Fleming Sebree Linda Franz Shevlin Michele Busam Ulrich Diane Homan Werner Class of 1968 7% Martha Bonomini Arszman Mary Frances Schroder Balch M. Elaine Busch Billmire Patricia McCormick Buckley Mary Kay Pastura Hauser Bonita Lenzer Walmsley Class of 1969 8% Ann Brauer Andriacco Jeanne McGoff Christenson Cheryl Fessel Fehring Margie Zahneis Fitzwater Hallie Rielly Goldcamp Mary Koenig-Clapp Marianne Lindenmeyer Martha O’Toole Magnan Class of 1970 16% Carol Beyersdorfer Beth Surkamp Gasiewicz Barbara Kennedy Gingrich Mary Pat Schoeny Harris Mary Spaccarelli Heinichen Barbara Loder Hildebrandt Mary Ann Sawma Reichard Nancy Keating Roe Gail Scheurer Seifert Teri Gutfreund Shannon Sharon Rutterer Stanton Toni Tepe Williams Class of 1971 16% Carol Westerfield Clark Miriam Jacob Gallagher Maureen Crawford Geiser
Rosalie Conte Helmick Mary Jo Sanker Horton Janet C. Howard Marianne Westendorf Kluesener Christine Brauer Mueller Libby Tepe Myers Jean Pettengill Linda Sawma Walburga Wehner Class of 1972 13% Dianne Chambers Brown Eileen Davis Durkin Nancy Kemper Gruber Mary Jo Gruber Haverkamp JoAnn Wolf Maxwell Marisue Naber Jill Korte Parris Carol Rusche Piepmeier Lynne Surkamp Rieselman Anna Marie Kaulig Rodenbeck Class of 1973 16% Kathryn A. Backherms Carol Gruber Cox Cheryl Gallagher Haas Carla Donisi Hafner Kenna Watts Holmes Julie Allgeier Loftus Dianne Daly Meyer Sally Helmick Mountel Laura Murrer Mary Kluener Rath Julie Howard Wantland Mary Ellen Fagel Wilson Class of 1974 13% Nancy Reyering Fiorito Barbara Ganim Mimi Hart Jennifer Brannen Hemberger Mary Anne Elias Hengehold Mary Jo Lane Amy Deye Lund Anne Schmidt Karen Shields Vollman Class of 1975 11% Amy Schweer Boland Peggy Bradley-Doppes Patricia Faller Collins Cathleen Hamersly Hensel Julie Nerone Ledford Cathlin Kane Muething
Lanie Nicholas Osborne Patricia Gray Perin Lori Berning Rohrer Class of 1976 9% Julie Brueggeman Dreyer Elizabeth Gendreau-Maxwell Giselle Kluener Huber Rebecca Milostan Beverly Rice Scott Kelly Monahan Whelan Class of 1977 16% Barbara Puttmann Bryans Marianne Scott Emmert Ann Marie Haas Gartner Mimi Gendreau Ruthie Keefe Lelia Keefe Kramer Betsy Krumme MacConnell Elizabeth Newbold McClain Mary McGoff-Gerken Patricia Bolan Platts Tricia Larmann Roth Karen Russell Schenck Class of 1978 4% Cecile Luttmer Dykas Michelle Mullee Amy Brinkman Whitaker Class of 1979 14% Phyllis Ehler Tracy D. Hofmann Karen Ohe Jagers Sue McGoff Jeffries Sandra Rudd Leary Anne Willke Millea Beverly Baumer Miller Patty Bruns Osborne Jo Anne Friedmann Reiling Lisa Bruemmer Schmitz Mary Lindsay Widmeyer Class of 1980 9% Jane Beimesche Laurie Huether Benken Melissa Krumme Hooley Beth Wagner Johansing Anne Perry Krug Rita Albers Loesing Suzanne Lavanier Lorch Victoria Rudd Sena Lisa Feck Winter
Class of 1981 11% Amy Serger Ahrnsen Anne Wenstrup Keefe Julie Graves Leon Judith Masset-Brown Kristin Keirle Mooney Mary Ann Kroner Russo Catherine Dillhoff Sarky Cathy Sarky Mary Bradley Stephenson Julie Topicz Peggy Engelhart Zink Class of 1982 16% Karen Tenoever Aristizabal Betsy Murray Bissmeyer Catherine Donnelly Buckley Gina Condit Greve Noreen Ney Lundberg Julie Vogt Martina Mary Ann Kuechly Middendorf Suzie Thompson Pfeiffer Christina Bolan Pucci Elizabeth Spraul Rogers Barb Dillhoff Rohs Krista Perry Settle Constance Schoenling Swisshelm Linda Albers Wenker Class of 1983 11% Ellen Wimberg Cicconi Carolyn Weber Eckhoff Teresa Elliott Kratzer Barbara Busch Kruetzkamp Suzanne Egbers Martini Nora Lindsay Quinn Susan Costa Schoen Sarah Krumme Stahr Elizabeth Stautberg Class of 1984 21% Karen Seta Aust Katy Meder Bair Tricia Schoelwer Bauer Stephanie Ciok Besl Mary Clare Wallace Brennan Jill Grever Cahill Diane Egan Carr Susan Dillhoff Denison Christy Overberg Dorger Mary Elizabeth Egbers Heidi Mechley Felton Angela Louis Guye Claire Luttmer LaTorraca
23 Megan Mullane Molony Lynn Moster Morris Dianna Schweitzer Peggy McCormick Platz Judy Lohrer Racadio Jennifer Hogan Redmond Mary Homan Siefke Laura Wester Class of 1985 7% Anonymous Jeannine Washington Cody Kathy Jander Ferrara Maryanne Burns Harsh Kristyn Convery Jossart Lori Ackermann Leibel Dianna Hull Perazzo Deborah Rouse Raines Class of 1986 13% Susan Schrimpf Davis Camille Mechley Gartner Jennifer Leonard Gerwin Julie Hart-Stander Margaret Maggini Hopple Emily Hinnenkamp Huber Hilarie Meyer Joseph Shannon Lee Kelley Anne Dierckes Kirkpatrick Elizabeth Wolf Skufca Deborah Lohrer Talbot Kelly Reichert Thibodeaux Teresa Schutte Uterstaedt Virginia Kilfoil Verdin Class of 1987 11% Wendy J. Dorn Sheela Rath Geraghty Joeanne Gutzwiller Julie Jansen Hamburg
Sarah Zook Koetting Melissa Meyers Lea Mary Schoelwer Minnillo Cathy Overbeck Murphy Theresa Roehrig Kathleen Santen Candace Nelson Terris Maria Viola Class of 1988 17% Anne Sheehan Bergeron Nancy Giaccio Boosveld Lisa Zibulka Canter Stefanie Chavez Linda Tepe Clarke Molly Reed Dingeldein Jennie Loughrey Donovan Lynne Yost Farmer Nancy Diener Finke Ellen Hinnenkamp Caroline Costa Melby Katherine Lafkas Mulligan Erin Rouse Ragland Carolynn Ege Reis Julie L. Alig Scala Kristy Mooibroek Thomas Class of 1989 14% Angela Robinson Beard Therese Cahill Bower Amy Schmidt Crotty Laura Schoenling Deters Kelly Durbin Jenee Dattilo Ferguson Lisa Gerdes Jennings Tracy Williams Kilfoil Maura Moran-Berry Mary Kay Mooney Morgan Tina Ehrhardt Nicholas Lorie Willing Nugent
Nicole Ballaban Prather Bethany Rave Shaune Schaefer Rueve Karen Wichmann Trumbull Class of 1990 14% Anonymous Colleen Dwyer Clarke Maila Gomez-Crist Lucie Perry Hawgood Samantha Jones Leslie Stanton Keller Heather Momper Leonard Maria Rapien Rufe Tracy Buerger Ruiz Allison Grever Ryan Kris Kirby Schulte Aimee Boesing Shinkle Jenny Reilly Smith Class of 1991 13% Courtney Brown Corinne Malatin Gillenkirk Hollie Hubbert Danielle Johnston Johnson Rachel Choquette Kemper Erin Carey Klein Anne Schoelwer LaVelle Meghan Murphy Patrick Becky Kohlhepp Scullin Anne Cody Texter Class of 1992 14% Shannon Tuerck Compton Margaret Bolan Dunn Alison Koch Kastl Laura Mechley Mancini Erin McCurdy Mollaun Susan Birck Mosby Courtney Koehne Rice Renee Hoeffer Ricou Susan Kramer Robben Carolinne E. Shaffer Amy Hein Stagnaro Katherine Fisher Stockdale Megan Heisel Szewc Aimee G. Walters Class of 1993 6% Emily Rouse Burson Sara Lanham Carsten Anne Dagenbach Leslie Schuermann Ford Alisha Uhlenbrock Furst Stacey Hammond Amy Cody Sprong
Class of 1994 11% Molly Meiners Dressing Anne Penick Ewart Abigail Lafkas Isbell Dorothy B. Lowe Gretchen Ott Lyons Jennifer Tepe Mayer Johanna Hussey Mills Tawnya Rechtin Murray Julie Torbeck Mussman Christine O’Neill Clare Buckley Rayburn Lisa Hilmer Riccardi Megan Kleinfelder Roach Charlotte Imwalle Steinert Class of 1995 16% Stephanie Arling Elizabeth Locaputo Bradshaw Katherine E. Cheeseman Trisha Childs Cox Elizabeth Creighton Diaz Kathryn Kirby Dorger Julie C. Dunphy Larissa McMullen Kahle Martha Minnich Luring Jill Theobald Maier Katherine M. Reilly Jill Buerger Reineck Cory D. Ritter Jamey Pope Stout Stephanie Locaputo Striet Class of 1996 9% Elizabeth Doherty Beilstein Victoria Geisel Bohlander Laura G. Cahill Jessica Wickert Carter Liz Bower Curran Amber Gaylord Hoevener Michelle Jeffcott-Pera Kristin Grove Lenhart Amy Schweitzer Reineke Kendall Verrett Shaw Elizabeth Osterday Strange Class of 1997 7% Christine Heubi Hazenfield Colleen M. Huddleson Erin E. Kelley Mary Kathleen Koehler Sara Sicking Mankus Gina M. Nelson Angela Feldman Ochoa Molly Schuermann O’Reardon Peggy Scheimann Sullivan
Class of 1998 12% Courtney Carey Arling Amy Kleinfelder Brown Kathleen Bower Chapman Ann Kelly Cheeseman Julie Reilly DiBlasi Katharine Mary Durso Stephanie Anne Klump Gretchen Ann Krumdieck Theresa Schrimpf Nixon Amy Molleran Peveler Kathleen O’Neill Riestenberg Anne Elise Imwalle Smith Suzanne Haughaboo Stautberg Anne Marie Deye Wessel Jennifer Peters Wilson Kristin Lee Woeste Class of 1999 9% Molly B. Connaughton Kristin Munninghoff Kempton Rachel Kirley Cara Palazzolo Koss Elizabeth E. Kuck Susan Keel Mihocik Sarah Perrino Priestle Jill M. Shirey Chrissy Donovan Waleskowski Courtney M. Weber Mary Beth Koch Weller Bridget Guetle Wise Class of 2000 7% Emily Herman Abbott Melissa Marie Armstrong Lisa Baute Caito Katherine Gehring Erdel Lauren Cruse Fortman Kirsten Ott Law Catherine Ashley Rabe Abigail Christen Reed Gretchen Menke Teeple Class of 2001 6% Macaira Rooney Bobinger Dana Leibel Ellsworth Samantha Grier Kathryn Ann Ireland Brigid Elizabeth Kelly Caroline Caples Renneker Jennifer Foertsch Zepf Class of 2002 4% Anonymous Kimberly Walters Dwyer
Anne Guappone Kuritzky Kelly Jo Moore Meredith Seurkamp Parker Andrea Ulrich Roeding Class of 2003 7% Mary Ellen White Crowley Bridget Bower DeCaria Erin Crane Dunigan Kristen Hill Gay Claire Elyse Guappone Laura Christine Hart Julianne Geiser Hartmann Christine Wassler Mack Maria Rath McSoley Danielle Jones Mullins Colleen Moran Pater Class of 2004 7% Jennifer Elizabeth Bergman Kara Habel Farnham Erin Marie Gartner Beth Gillming Kamen Kristen Elizabeth Meyers Sarah Heekin O’Neill Beth Shelton Preising Julia Ann Rouse Stephanie Story Steider Rebecca Boeing Turner Darci Ann Ulrich Michelle Gundlach Wanstrath Hillary Kelly Weidner Class of 2005 8% Erin Wash Cleary Christie Tepe Crossland Margaret Schmelzle Glacken Jennifer Marie Counts Mertens Courtney Dorger Ragland Michelle Matthews Rapien Anne Lind Scherer Carly Lynn Schott Allison Lynn Schroeder Allie Meyer Sollisch Class of 2006 7% Laurie Williams Bidwell Caitlin Marie Campbell Elizabeth Paige Dorger Caitlin Graham Felvus Jennifer Brichler Filipi Carolyn Kelly Hohl Ellen Melville Maniaci Amanda Gertrude Neyer Brittany Anne Pohlman
Katharine Frances Scherer Melissa Camus Tranter Michelle Marie Uhlenbrock Victoria Diane Vogelgesang Class of 2007 6% Lisa Katherine Bambach Elizabeth Green Boomgarden Abbey Nicole Brinkman Laura Marissa Canos Kathleen Marie Forste Lauren Acton Hicks Caitlin Kane Neyer Elizabeth Ann Ulm Samantha Jane Washburn Class of 2008 2% Hannah Ruth Kramer Rebecca Ann Reis Carlyn Marie Runnels Class of 2009 8% Jillian Sarah Baker Ann Bronwyn Bryans Katelynn Marie Chavez Rachel Leanne Clark Brooke Frances Dorger Melissa Lynn Gartner Laurie Elizabeth Jacob Katherine Anne Jennings Katherine Mardee Jurgensen Alyssa Suzanne Kleespies Madison McLain Kramer Ellen Mary Manegold Mary Margaret Platz Robinson Megan Jones Schulte Mary Catherine Thurner Clare Christine Whitaker Class of 2010 2% Cara Christine Bachman Madeline Leigh Naber Rachel Elizabeth Tonnis Class of 2011 9% Katherine Ann Bell Natalie Patricia Bryans Shannon Marie Devine Brittany Rose Doyle Nora Claire Elson Rosemary Elizabeth Emmert Emily Lucille Floyd Brittany Ann Gibler Kelly Elizabeth Ionna Hailey Duval Jurgensen Emily Ann Kluener
Ellen Marie Reinhold Ann Theresa Schmitz Allison Mae Winstel Class of 2012 3% Caroline Rose Baumgartner Sarah Jean Halmi Anna Elizabeth Heinrich Sarah Ruth Kappers Courtney Elizabeth Smith Katherine Grace Woebkenberg Class of 2013 4% Cara Marie Anderson Eleanor Crace Bayer Samantha Elizabeth Dunker Erica Catherine Floyd Sarah Elizabeth McGrath Isabel Lillian Ricke Class of 2014 8% Claire Elizabeth Benken Caitlyn Victoria Blair Maria Kathleen Brinck Rebecca Nicole Bryans Emma Chase Ciesick Alexandria Rose DiCarlo Kaitlyn Elizabeth Ellerhorst Jillian Elaine Foster Caroline C. Jurgensen Lauren Gooding McElroy Hope Dianne Montag Emma Grace Siegel Class of 2016 45% Lauren Alyse Arcuri Alaze’ Mary Louise Baker Georgia Lynn Bridgers Megan Elizabeth Brinkworth Shannon Renee Brown Meredith Hannah Buganski Claire Ellen Castellini Melissa Erin Daeschner Madeleine Darmanin Dickerson Dominique Patricia DiFalco Elizabeth Schuyler Dobbins Margaret A. Elson Anna Riley Feldkamp Elinor Rose Floyd Fiona Ryan Galley Madeleine Elizabeth Gervason Sydney Louise Gleckler Kaitlyn Renee Gray Kelly Cecilia Gunderson Madelynn Esther Hancock
Kelsey Joy Harbert Abby Marie Harris Madelyn Eileen Hart Karly E. Hofmann Halle Elizabeth Homan Haley Elizabeth Jordahl Rebecca Ann Knaley Alison Ann Koch Emma Anne Krug Christina Ann Krummen Sharon Renee Krummen Molly Irene Lankisch Jennifer Elizabeth Lowe Madison Lynne Luken Taylor Nicole Luken StCyr Cosette Luttmer Emma Kathleen Maliborski Sarah Marie Moore Caroline Elizabeth Murray Margaret Christine Naber Alexandra Kiran Nayak Erin Glenn Niebuhr Grace Marilyn Nusekabel Catherine Frances Perry Julie Anne Platz Hannah Nicole Portmann Maria Nena Racadio Hannah Elizabeth Redden Meredith Ann Reese Maureen Frances Reilly Shauna Teresa Reilly Kelly Deanne Roberts Margret Adams Roe Allison Paige Ross Mary Sarah Russert Cathryn Rose Schoeppner Addison Rae Schrand Judith Rose Seaman Anna Kathryn Sheanshang Sara Diane Shinn Clare Elizabeth Shurmer Gabrielle Nicole Silvestri Taylor Nicole Smith Kelly Marie Sonnefeld Stephanie Michelle Stoops Madeline Ann Sturgeon Margaret Ellen Sullivan Sarah Marie Tippenhauer Allison Marie Upham Alexandra Grace Wall Caroline Maria Wall Felicia Diane White Jacqueline Louise Wildermuth Natalie Grace Willett Elizabeth Marie Williams Matilda Jordan Ziegler
MEMORIALS/TRIBUTES A memorial or tribute gift is a way to publicly remember someone and a great way of giving to Saint Ursula Academy. All memorial and honorary gifts are designated to the endowment fund. The following are tribute gifts made between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. In Memory of Mary E. Backherms Fran Romweber Peter J. and Krista P. Settle Charitable Foundation of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Bill and Amy Thaman Geri Walsh In Memory of Steve Bambauer Bambauer Family In Memory of Charles (Bud) Bell Tim and Libby Tepe Myers ‘71 In Memory of George Denier Birck Susan Birck Mosby ‘92 In Memory of Bill Brady Andy and Marianne Westendorf Kluesener ‘71 In Memory of Leslie Cannon Molly Talbot In Memory of Joan Evans Clippinger ‘63 Rebecca Wanner In Memory of Kenzie Comisar Erin Crane Dunigan ‘03 In Memory of Erica Simmons Dean ‘86 Catherine M. Linn
In Memory of Mary Rene Homan Hillenbrand ‘46 Jack and Kit Rettig Overbeck ‘61 Joanne Homan Schweer ‘41 In Memory of Jean Inkrot Tim and Libby Tepe Myers ‘71 In Memory of Thomas George Kress Tim and Libby Tepe Myers ‘71 In Memory of Sister Elizabeth Lang, O.S.U. ‘51 Mary-Cabrini Durkin ‘60 Nettina Gullo Eckert ‘61 Nicholas Payne and Cynthia Heinrich ‘66 Cynthia Khoo-Robinson Saint Ursula Academy Parents’ Club Ed and Alice Vockell In Memory of Margo Locaputo Beth Locaputo Bradshaw ‘95 In Memory of Tom Mueller Doris Tepe Tranter ‘66 In Memory of Marilyn Holters Naber ‘47 Barbara Martinez Mary Anne Rensing Snyder ‘44 In Memory of Barbara Niehaus ‘66 Nancy Burns ‘66 In Memory of Lisa Bruner Nusbaum ‘92 Amy Molleran Peveler ‘98 In Memory of Patrica Ott Phil and Lisa Baute Caito ‘00 In Memory of Elizabeth Rohs Jack and Kit Rettig Overbeck ‘61
In Memory of Lucinda Galley Saint Ursula Academy Parents’ Club
In Memory of Martha Sawma Mike and Carolyn Howard Anderson ‘66 Betty Louise Grupenhoff ‘62 Andy and Marianne Westendorf Kluesener ‘71 Julie Nerone Ledford ‘75
In Memory of Robert Gellenbeck Molly Talbot
In Memory of Shirley Schmelzle Jack and Kit Rettig Overbeck ‘61
In Memory of Diane Gottmer Tim and Libby Tepe Myers ‘71
In Honor of Judy Schmidt Richard and Joan Jackson
In Memory of Tony Forte Jack and Kit Rettig Overbeck ‘61
In Memory of Julia Schmidt Erin Crane Dunigan ‘03 Samantha Grier ‘01
In Memory of Dorothy E. Spicker ‘42 Jeffrey and Karen Ammon Anthony and Bridget France Lois A. Grathwohl Rick and Nita Hughes Family Robert and Rose Ann Hughes Jerry and Karen Kershner Michael and Deborah Knellinger Danny and Jeanne Mathew Pediatric Associates PSC Glenn and Kathleen Schnell Gregory and Christine Theders John and Lisa Weil Thomas and Rose Wesselman Dell Williamson In Memory of Bertha Tepe Tim and Libby Tepe Myers ‘71 Jack and Kit Rettig Overbeck ‘61 In Memory of Sarah Huerkamp Troy ‘75 Julie Nerone Ledford ‘75 In Memory of Mary Walsh Paul and Carol Allison Mary Jo Gruber Haverkamp ‘72 In Memory of Christy Zeiser Doris Tepe Tranter ‘66
Saint Ursula Academy would like to gratefully acknowledge the following companies for matching gifts received during the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Matching gifts enable the donors to double their gifts to Saint Ursula.
Alumnae Association Scholarship Fund Jean and David Beblo Scholarship Fund Ellen C. Bolger ‘31 Scholarship The Cynthia and Manuel Chavez Family Scholarship Fund The Brennan/Talbot Scholarship Fund Peggy Conaton-Berger ‘83 and Besty Conaton-Shannon ‘83 Scholarship Fund Diane Holloway Curtis ‘66 Diversity Scholarship Fund DawgHouse Scholarship Fund David W. and Susan M. Deye Scholarship Fund The Denoyer Family Scholarship Fund Geri Walsh Educational Services/ LD Scholarship Fund Mary Jean Grothaus Gilker ‘40 Scholarship Fund
Aramark Bank of America Matching Charitable Foundation Colgate-Palmolive Company Deutsche Bank America’s Foundation Fidelity Foundation Fifth Third Bank General Electric Foundation Gordon Bernard Company, Inc. IBM Matching Grants Program Joseph Airport Toyota Scion LPL Financial Macy’s Inc. Marsh & McLennan Companies Novo Nordisk Charity Trust Account NRG Energy Inc. Resonate Foundation The David J. Joseph Co. UBS Financial Services, Inc
The Matilda Kokenge Homan Scholarship Fund Nancy Nenninger Keating Scholarship Fund McCormick Equipment Company Scholarship Fund Braden and Eileen Mechley Scholarship Fund The Annie Myers Scholarship Fund Nassim Nicholas Education Fund The Niehaus Family Scholarship Fund The Overbeck Family Scholarship Fund Parents’ Club Scholarship Fund Helen Catherine Powers Scholarship Fund Rogers Family Scholarship Fund Saint Ursula Leadership Alliance (SULA) Scholarship Fund Sr. Mary Helen Sanker and Margaret Crotty Scholarship Fund
Charlotte R. Schmidlapp Trust Scholarship Fund Julia Schmidt Diversity Scholarship Fund Louis and Joanne Schweer Scholarship Fund Wilbur Scott Memorial Fund Elizabeth Knapp Engelhardt Stein ‘25 Scholarship Fund The Saint Ursula Walk Scholarship Fund Harry and May Thaman Scholarship Fund The Clara S. Thiel Scholarship Fund Ursulines of Cincinnati Scholarship Fund Dorothy Wernsing Westerfield ‘45 Scholarship Fund The Robert Wildermuth Scholarship Fund Judith A. Wimberg ‘58 Scholarship Fund Women’s Club Scholarship Fund
MOTHER FIDELIS LEGACY SOCIETY The Mother Fidelis Legacy Society recognizes friends who have included Saint Ursula Academy in their estate plans or have made an irrevocable planned gift. The Society was named after Mother Fidelis, foundress of the Ursulines of Cincinnati, who was an extraordinarily gifted leader, renowned educator and a valiant religious whose deep faith and firm hope in God animated her life and that of her community. We would like to express our appreciation to the members listed who have made a commitment to the future of Saint Ursula Academy in empowering each student to become a woman of faith, integrity and courage committed to building a better world. Anonymous (7) Julie Foy Baechtold ‘71 Mildred Hais Berning ‘52 Eva Gilkey Booher ‘77 Bruce and Betsy Brandstetter Andrew and Barbara Puttmann Bryans ‘77 Bruce and Patricia McCormick Buckley ‘68 Manuel and Cynthia Chavez Eugene and Rosemary Cooke
Geri Denterlein ‘74 Steven and Sharon Dreyer Peggy Trice Eshman ‘50 Gael Fischer ‘67 John and Camille Mechley Gartner ‘86 Lucille Tateman Gerdes ‘66 John and Elaine Grever Mary Dean Grote Glenn and Mary Kay Hauser ‘68 Nicholas Payne and Cynthia Heinrich ‘66 Joseph Jacquette and Rachel Kirley ‘99 Mary Eckert Jutze ‘47 Arleene Fox Keller ‘58 R. Peter and Claudia Kimener Jane Knudson Mac and Lelia Keefe Kramer ‘77 Mary Jo Lane ‘74 John Locaputo Brian and Betsy Krumme MacConnell ‘77 Carol Meyer Merkel ‘56 Angela Fraley Murrer ‘53 Gina M. Nelson ‘97 Jim and Liz Niehaus Jack and Kit Rettig Overbeck ‘61 James Lee and Denise M. Patton Toni Nicholas Reilly ‘57 Mary Frances Meyer Rogers ‘51 Anthony and Frances Romweber William and Judy Sandquist Betty Busse Schulenberg ‘42 Joanne Homan Schweer ‘41 James Traynor and Molly Talbot Judith A. Wimberg ‘58
THE URSULINES OF CINCINNATI Saint Ursula Academy is very grateful to The Ursulines of Cincinnati who generously support the Academy through gifts to our endowment and capital improvements. Sr. Mary Henry Bernard, O.S.U. Sr. Mary Jerome Buchert ‘63, O.S.U. Sr. Eileen Connelly ‘84, O.S.U. Sr. Margaret Mary Efkeman ‘64, O.S.U. Sr. Mary Lawrence Hartmann, O.S.U Sr. Ruth Ann Hartmann ‘49, O.S.U. Sr. Elizabeth Lang ‘51, O.S.U.* Sr. Mary William Luxford ‘49, O.S.U. Sr. Barbara Niehaus, O.S.U. Sr. Mary Germaine Thorburn ‘58, O.S.U. *deceased
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Cheryl M. Beach John B. Berding Michael L. Besl Sr. Mary Jerome Buchert, O.S.U. ‘63 Anne Dagenbach ‘93 Paul Dorger R. Peter Kimener Paul G. Kitzmiller Jane Knudson Lelia Keefe Kramer ‘77 Susan Loechle Brian MacConnell Megan Mullane Molony ‘84 Michelle Mullee ‘78 Liz Niehaus Richard A. Paolo Anthony Perazzo Connie Perme Suzie Thompson Pfeiffer ‘82 Courtney Dorger Ragland ‘05 Elizabeth Spraul Rogers ‘82 Karen Russell Schenck ‘77 Elizabeth Stautberg ‘83 William L. Verbryke, S.J. Mark W. Weber Maurice Williams
SUA BALL 2016: WINTER WISHES The SUA Ball was a huge success this year! The event netted more than $249,000 to benefit Saint Ursula Academy and its programs. Below is a list of the individuals and businesses who supported the SUA Ball in various ways, including cash donations, donated items, raising a paddle for Fund-a-Need, and support the night of the event. Anonymous (3) A & A Safety AAA Allied Group Adorable Creations by Dori Aglamesis Bro’s Ice Cream and Candy Brian Albach All Occasions Event Rental and Event Design Kevin and Maggie Anneken Appearance Plus Cleaners Archbishop Moeller High School Joseph and Maria Arcuri Jack and Jennifer Asher Aston Oaks Golf Club
Andrew and Kathleen Bachman Mike Brumback and Barb Baker Cindy Bambauer Tony and Jill Barlow Terry Barnes Matthew and Laine Barresi Bill Batchelor Trey and Michelle Baumgartner Bryan Becker and Crystal Williams John and Susan Berding Jinny Powers Berten Ron and Anna Bisher Bling Boutique Troy and Debby Blome Mary Lou Blount Andy and Sue Boehm Brian and Joanne Bohan Denny and Cindy Bosse Ed and Bev Bosse Daniel Bowen and Lorraine Stephens Braco Window Cleaning Services Craig and Christine Braun BRG Apartments Bill and Jan Brown Donna Browning Andrew and Barb Puttmann Bryans `77 Florentino and Chris Buendia Joseph and Stephanie Buganski Jamie and Debbie Burns Mark and Susan Byrne Dan and Jill Grever Cahill `84 Deanna Cahill Phil and Lisa Baute Caito `00 Kathy Carroll Mark and Trina Caudill CEI Sports, Inc. Manuel Chavez Cincinnati Functional Fitness Cincinnati Landmark Productions Cincinnati Museum Center Cincinnati Nature Center Cincinnati Shakespeare Company Cincinnati Sports Club Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden Greg and Laura Clark Bryan and Jodi Clever CoCo Creative Wellness Coffee Break Roasting Co. Craig and Nancy Combest Complete Mechanical Services Cooney, Faulkner & Stevens, CPAs John and Maureen Corl Bob and Jeanne Coughlin Jim and Julie Coughlin Susannah Croci Edward and Amy Schmidt Crotty `89
Richard and Ann Daeschner William and Stephanie Danko BJ and Michelle David Doug and Aimee Davis DeBra-Kuempel Angelo and Molly deJesus Del Apgar Florist Peter and Melanie DelGado Denny’s Dog House Details...It’s All Inside Daniel and Laura Schoenling Deters `89 Jody and Diane Detzel Bob and Monica Dieckman John and Tracey DiFalco Terry and Molly Reed Dingeldein `88 Dinsmore & Shohl LLP John and Rolanda Dolbey John Dolza and Carlynne Toomey `81 Scott and Jennie Loughrey Donovan `88 Sharon Drolet Duke University Tim and Tina DuMont Mitch and Jill Dunn Curt and Linda Dunseath East Hills Veterinary Clinic Greg and Marianne Ehemann Elder High School Gina Elliott `82 Andrew and Marianne Scott Emmert `77 Rob and Joanie Engelhardt Erin Wachs Jewelry Barry and Amy Fagel Jay Fagel Teri Farhendorf Fred, Rick and Art Fehr Larry and Kathe Feist Joe and Amy Feldkamp Mike and Heidi Mechley-Felton `84 Keith and Kathy Jander Ferrara `85 Gael T. Fischer `67 Kirk and Diann Fischesser Dan and Beth Flanigan Mike and Monica Flynn Mike and Amy Foley Bill and Peg Foster Jim and Michelle Foster Friedhoff Florist & Greenhouses Paul and Ann Friedmann Funky’s Catering John and Camille Mechley Gartner `86 General Electric John and Sheela Rath Geraghty `87 Mary McGoff Gerken `77 Robert and Jenny Leonard Gerwin `86 Todd and Cindy Gick Graeter’s Famous Ice Cream, Candy & Pastries
Great Parks of Hamilton County Green Blanky Studio Mary Greive Barbara Greve Dan and Amy Gruppo Patricia Greenfield Hakes `79 Rachel Hamilton John and Maureen Hands Maryanne Burns Harsh `85 Greg and Tracy Hartmann Mike and Terri Haught Steve and Reiko Henkes Mark and Louise Herman Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza Matt and Brigid Hoffman Home City Ice HoneyBaked Ham Chris and Meg Maggini Hopple `86 Ralph Shine and Ann Howard Jag’s Steak and Seafood Christian and Kim James James Free Jewelers Gus and Karen Janszen JF Kilfoil Manufacturers Mark and Mary Jira Richard and Mag Joseph Joseph Toyota of Cincinnati Paul and Lori Jurgensen Steve and Stephanie Kastner Fred and Andria Kauffman Kreg and Shannon Keesee Rich and Jenny Kerdolff Tracy Kerr Khakis Tim and Tracy Williams Kilfoil `89 Steve King and Lynne Miller Steve and Suzie Kleeman Mark and Nancy Kleespies Dennis and Jane Koenig Steve and Susan O’Leary Koesterman `83 Monica Kohler Stephen Kondash and Kate Bennett John and Cheryl Korn Mac and Lelia Keefe Kramer `77 Madison Kramer `09 John and Anne Perry Krug `80 Steven and Lynn Kruis Luke Kuechly Ken and Lori Kuhn Peggy Kurz Ken and Beth LaFountain
Rick and Lori Landrum Matt and Tricia Salem Lapp `89 LaRosa’s Inc. Brian and Heather Momper Leonard `90 Jeff and Lisa Leonard Scott and Jane Rueve Liesch `84 Mavis Linneman-Clark `02 Lonestar Orthopaedics Joe and Juli Lowry Ken and Jenny Luken Bill and Lori Luttmer Brian and Betsy Krumme MacConnell `77 Lorie Ballaban MacDonald `81 Deborah Majoras Craig and Amy Maliborski Tim and Beth Mannix Jim and Christy McCarthy Tom and Lisbeth McDonald Josh and Tara McGee Kevin and Francis McMurray Mercy Healthplex Anderson John and Audrey Mericle Miami University Athletic Ticket Office Mary Ann Kuechly Middendorf `82 Roger and Lori Miller MillerCoors Mike and Kelly Misleh Trey and Dori Schutte Moellering `90 Joe and Megan Mullane Molony `84 Hugh and Melissa Moore Tony and Rhonda Morgan Morgan’s Canoe and Outdoor Adventures Sean Mullaney and Dianna Schweitzer `84 Dave and Cathy Murray Bill and Chrisi Naber Paul and Carrie Naber Dr. Michelle Naegele `85 Suresh and Jenny Nayak Jon and Angie Naylor Neusole Glassworks Nick and Tom’s Restaurant and Bar Jeff and Jeannie Niebuhr Jim and Liz Niehaus Greg and Gwendolyn Niesen Greg Nolan Nordstrom, Inc. Gerry and Sue Oaks Melodie Oaks
Greg and Cindy Olson Matthew and Meghan Olson John and Danielle Ondeck Toilynn O’Neal `90 Michele Telinda O’Rourke `88 Kevin and Debbie Osterfeld Brady and Julie O’Toole Peter and Mary O’Toole Jack and Kit Rettig Overbeck `61 Jeff and Mary Overberg Palette Studios, Inc. Patriot Signs Paula’s Nails Paycor, Inc. Pedal Wagon Cincinnati Peek of Chic Pelle Medical Spa Tony and Dianna Hull Perazzo `85 Perfect North Slopes Bernie and Suzie Thompson Pfeiffer `82 Pizzelii Brick Oven Pizza Tony and Peggy McCormick Platz `84 Barbie Hellmann Powell `95 David and Libby Price Ambrose and Mary Puttmann Eric and Courtney Dorger Ragland `05 Peter and Erin Rouse Ragland `88 Robert and Deborah Rouse Raines `85 Brian and Christa Redden Clint and Julie Reese Dan and Sherry Reilly Kevin and Catherine Reilly Tom Reusch Jim and Rachel Rieder Steve and Mary Ann Ries Robert W. Baird & Co. Robin C Jewelry Rodan and Fields Elizabeth Spraul Rogers `82 Michael and Shaune Schaefer Rueve `89 Jane Rutherford Fran Sabad Saint Ursula Academy Saks Fifth Avenue Cathy Sarky `81 Mark and Tricia Schneider Matthew and Angela Schroeder Maggie Schwartz Tyler and Anita Scott Dan and Becky Kohlhepp Scullin `91
John and Ann Sebastian James and Katie Sheanshang Chris and Therese Shiffert Mark and Jane Silvers Anthony and Tammy Silvestri Jeff and Cindy Sizemore Skyline Chili-Misleh Family Mike and Stephanie Smith Tom and Jenny Somerville Steve and Marla Spaeth Tim and Meridith Oberklein Spille Tom and Christin Spurr Stafford Jewelers Peter and Lee Stautberg Julie Stephenson Stonelick Hills Golf Club Jeff and Marilyn Stoop Barry and Christina Stroube SUA Athletic Department SUA Volleyball Teams Pete and Ellen Sullivan Jim Traynor and Molly Talbot William Talbot, III and Deborah Talbot Talbot Minerals, LLC Missy Talty The Greenbriar The Plastic Surgery Group The Scullin Family The Sullivan Family The Waddell Family Foundation Theatre Management Corp. Thompson-MacConnell Cadillac THOR Investment Management, Inc. Dan and Shari Torbeck Tom and Carrie Torbeck Tom Uhl Ultimate Air Shuttle Urban Chick US Bank Bill and Beth Venard Bill Verbryke, S. J. Tim and Connie Voelkerding Dick and Coleen Vogelgesang Tori Vogelgesang `06 Greg and Mary Lee Waddell Brad and Julie Wagner Fred Wahl and Ruthie Keefe `77 Jeff and DeAnna Wall Erik and Emmy Waterkotte
Rusty and Pattie Wayne Mark and Lisa Weadick Tim Whelan Bryon and Vanessa White Christopher and Julianne White Widmer’s Cleaners Tom and Mary Jo Wiedemann Rob and Tenesa Wildermuth Luke and Melissa Wiley Tim and Jan Wilking Jerry and Ellen Willett David and Sarah Williams Maurice and Atra Williams Jim and Lisa Woodall Michael and Tracy Worthley Chris and Gretchen Haverkamp Wrolstad `85 Bo and Dee Dee Wyenandt Xtek, Inc. Dale and Sally Zdolshek David and Beth Zilch John and Terri Zisko
Great care and attention was given in preparation of this Honor Roll so that all donors are named and their names correctly spelled. However, we sincerely apologize for any errors or mistakes, and request that they be reported in St. Ursula Academy’s Advancement Office.
principal’s message There are days that I long to be back on the golf course. While playing golf has been part of my life since my grandfather demonstrated the interlocking grip to me with my first set of junior clubs, the longing I sometimes feel now is not to actually play golf. Rather, it is a longing for my summer job while in college as a grounds crew member at a country club in Milwaukee. Waking up at 5 a.m. to cut greens was sometimes difficult; however, there was satisfaction at the end of the workday about what I actually accomplished during my shift. I could see the precise lines on the grass I cut that morning and the smooth sand in the raked traps. Bushes were trimmed, tee markers were correctly placed, and the clubhouse was immaculate. Each day I left satisfied that my work made the course a bit more “perfect,” and I could see the results of that work immediately. Immediate validation of the totality of the work that educators do with young people, however, is incomplete. Certainly, teachers can assess during a class whether a student understands the material by asking questions that elicit responses affirming her knowledge or surfacing confusion. Unit and semester exams continue to be used as ways for a student to demonstrate what she learned throughout the course. Beyond the classroom, teachers and staff can see how student participation in athletics, retreats and service help students to learn more about themselves and their world. For Saint Ursula educators, finding satisfaction in the daily work that is done with students is common; however, the larger results of nurturing spiritual, intellectual, physical, and moral growth will mostly likely not be seen for some time. The Saint Ursula community is using the Academy Alum role of nurturer this year as our theme. The Academy Alum Program identifies four roles each student is challenged to embody when she graduates: thinker, leader, nurturer, and prophet. Inspired by the Ursuline core values of personal care for the individual, emphasis on the development of the whole person, and recognition of the dignity of the gifts of women, the nurturer role is modeled by the educators who work with the girls each day. Interviews done with seniors near the end of their time as students at Saint Ursula consistently reveal the same thing: students identify their teachers as instrumental in their recognition of who they are and what they are capable of doing. It is common for a student to attribute her growth to a particular teacher who saw untapped potential and was able to nourish in that student something substantial and enduring. While the student will rejoice the impact of the work done by the teacher, the teacher will humbly delay celebration. The teacher knows that there are much more meaningful results of her work with the student that can only be revealed when the student faces future successes, struggles and failures. For the educator, the importance of nurturing is twofold: first, to provide support to the student in that moment; and second, to develop in the student the ability to nourish her own self so that she is able to care for others and cope with adversity. The second outcome provides inspiration for much of the work we will do this year with our nurturer theme. Teaching a student to nurture herself is critical if we expect that student to be able to build community and relationships with others to affect positive change in the world. Like many situations, we are climbing an uphill battle. The American Psychological Association reports
that stress levels for teens far exceed that which they believe to be healthy. These stress levels persist through the school year and even into the summer months, when students spend their “break” conducting internships, participating in sports and preparing for college entrance tests. Additionally, students minimize the impact of this stress, reporting less frequently than adults that their stress levels negatively impact their physical or mental health ( news/press/releases/2014/02/teen-stress). Students feel more stress than adults, yet do not acknowledge how that stress impacts them. For too many teens, the inability to recognize the impact of this stress results in damaged relationships with friends and family, selfimage issues leading to destructive behavior, and moments of crisis that sometimes require intense intervention. With this in mind, Saint Ursula students will be exposed to language and techniques that develop self-awareness and self-care. Students will be challenged to find an inner source of their happiness and to use that source to validate their worth and value. Participating in activities like guided meditation and artistic expressions, students will find inspiration and challenge themselves to expand their world view. Through these experiences, students will have a more complete understanding of how a nurturer cares for oneself first so that she is capable of impacting others. It only seems natural that the development of a person into a nurturer will take time. The seed that is planted and cared for this year must be cultivated throughout her life. While a student will continue to experience the effects of others nurturing her, it is critical that she develop practices that nurture herself. In the next decade, we will see how these seeds take root and develop women who are able to nourish their own growth so that they can care for others. I am excited about the potential of what our work with the role of nurturer will have with our society and the future impact that this work will have on the lives of the young women who are in our care now. When I would leave the country club each day after work during those summers, I found satisfaction in seeing the results of my labor. When I see our students walk across the stage to receive their diploma at graduation, I am satisfied knowing that the beauty of the work done daily at Saint Ursula is yet to unfold.
Craig Maliborski, Principal
academic excellence Perfect ACT For the second year in a row, an SUA student scored a perfect 36 on the ACT test. Congratulations to Rose Temizer ’17 of Hyde Park on her perfect score!
College Scholarships Saint Ursula works to help each student grow to meet her individual academic potential over her four years in high school. We are thrilled to report 86% of the Class of 2016 earned college scholarships totaling more than $22-million in academics, fine arts, athletics and service.
2016 Senior Award Recipients Saint Ursula Academy continues to be known for its challenging academics and its welcoming atmosphere, making it the number one high school choice for girls from across the region every year! Here are a few examples of students who continue to raise the academic bar at SUA.
National Merit Students Saint Ursula is proud to have 8 students recognized by the National Merit Corporation this year. Leah Therese Grabowski ’17 of Hyde Park and Sophia Marie Heller ‘17 of Anderson Twp. are National Merit semifinalists, scoring in the top 1% of students who took the PSAT nationwide as juniors. Lily Mannix ’17 of Hyde Park, Julia Maltbie ’17 of Mariemont, Ashley Davis ’17 of Anderson Twp., Kathryn Schlaak ’17 of Pierce Twp., Emilie Kilfoil ’17 of Anderson Twp., and Catherine Dieckman ’17 of Indian Hill are National Merit Commended students, scoring in the top 5% nationally on the PSAT.
Gold Medal for Academic Achievement ~ Valedictorian Emma Kathleen Maliborski ’16 of Green Township
Silver Medal for Academic Achievement ~ Salutatorian Caroline Elizabeth Murray ’16 of Anderson Township
St. Angela Merici Award Mother Fidelis Coleman Award Mother Gertrude Creamer Award Sister Mary Carmel McLellan Award Sister Mary Helen Sanker Award Roberta Foley Award Judith Thompson Olberding Award Deborah S. Pfetzing Award Mariann Lorenz School Spirit Award Faculty Award
Grace Flannery Ehemann of Anderson Township Felicia Diane White of North Avondale Dominique Patricia DiFalco of Mason Emma Kathleen Maliborski of Green Township Anna Riley Feldkamp of Anderson Township Madeleine Elizabeth Gervason of Loveland Sara Diane Shinn of Dent Emma Kathleen Maliborski of Green Township Margaret Ellen Sullivan of Anderson Township Grace Sullivan deJesus of Milford
future bulldogs Parents of all future Bulldogs, we welcome you back to Saint Ursula Academy to see all that we have to offer the next generation of Bulldogs! Academics: Girls thrive academically with support of caring teachers and a team of counselors. It’s one of the reasons students come from so many grade schools and communities. Beautiful Campus: SUA’s scenic campus has grown over the years and is within easy access to neighborhood “classrooms” like the Krohn Conservatory and the Cincinnati Art Museum. It helps students get a feel for college while still in a safe and protected environment Welcoming Community: Students, faculty, and staff thrive in the inclusive, warm, and engaging environment where all students can find their niche. Academy Alum Program: This four-year program focuses on the four key qualities we hope every student embodies when she graduates: Thinker, Leader, Nurturer, and Prophet. 60 plus Clubs and Organizations: Every girls has her own dreams and passions. That’s why Saint Ursula offers more than 60+ clubs and organizations to help each student pursue what she loves with new friends who have similar interests. There truly is something for everyone! Fine Arts: SUA attracts talented students interested in the Fine Arts due to our outstanding programs, educators and opportunities in the areas of art, design, music and theater. We also have a new theater and art and design classrooms coming in 2017! Athletics: Girls learn teamwork and how to be good sports in addition to working on their athletic skills. SUA Bulldogs experience first-hand how self-discipline, team spirit and practices pay off in many ways. Community Service: Service is a core part of who we are as a school community. Service learning opportunities are available both in school and out of school, giving girls the opportunity to give back locally and around the world.
Key Dates for Prospective Students Now – December 8
Shadow days for 8th grade girls
October 30 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Open House - All are welcome!
November 5 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
8th grade High School Placement Test (HSPT) Review
November 7 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Financial Aid Information Night
November 9 and December 6 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Showcase Night for girls in grades 6, 7 and 8
November 10 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Prospective Parent Coffee and Conversation
November 18
Application and HSPT Registration Deadline
November 19 8:30 am – noon
High School Placement Test
December 13 6:30 pm
Grade School Basketball Night
If you know a future bulldog, please share these event dates! For more information, contact Michelle Dellecave, Director of Admissions
[email protected] or (513) 961-3410
amazing educator profile Meet Saint Ursula Academy science teacher Jennifer Broo. A member of the SUA faculty since 2012, Ms. Broo teaches biology classes at SUA and is a favorite with her students! She engages her girls with real-life examples that bring the scientific subject matter to life. According to her student “fans,” she has a way of taking very complex concepts and presenting them in a way the girls can understand. A few examples of her work have gained national attention. Ms. Broo noticed a lack of information in high school biology textbooks concerning cancer, a disease that has an emotional connection to most of her students who have known, or will know, someone with the disease. In 2013, she worked with a biology teacher from Orlando, FL to develop a new high school biology curriculum focusing on cancer cells, a complex example of simple cell cycles and cell mutations. She presented her curriculum, called of “The War of the 21st Century: The Cell Cycle, Cancer, and Clinical Trials,” at the National Association of Biology Teacher’s Conference (NABT) Ms. Broo also wanted to find a way to present the difficult concept of Evolutionary Biology to her students. So, in 2015, she teamed up with nine teachers from around the country to develop material that would help make this concept more relevant to her students. Using fossils from horses, Ms. Broo was able to show her students the types of changes that may occur in a species over time and the role the environment plays on the evolutionary process. She presented this information to other biology educators at the 2015 National Association of Biology Teachers Conference. From Ms. Broo’s research projects, teachers across the country are developing lesson plans to deliver this engaging new content to their high school classes. Saint Ursula students are blessed to have a teacher with such talent and scientific curiosity. These is more to Ms. Broo than what students see in the classroom! Let’s get to know her better.
What is the accomplishment of which are most proud? Having my first paper published in a peer reviewed journal. What book has influenced you and why? I love Siddhartha Mukherjee’s book the Emperor of All Maladies. It was part of the inspiration to create the cancer unit. I am currently reading his new book The Gene: An Intimate History What is your favorite vacation and why? Every summer my mom and I spend a week on Tybee Island in Georgia. My first teaching job was in Savannah, Georgia and I used to go to the Tybee beach almost every Sunday to walk and watch the sunset. Do you have any pets? A beta fish named Darwin What might surprise your students and/or colleagues about you? My original career plan was to be an astronaut (specifically a payload specialist). I even went to a space camp in California when I was a sophomore in high school. I had the opportunity to visit NASA’s jet propulsion lab and Celestron, the telescope company. Then I took AP Biology my senior year and that’s when I fell in love with biology. What are some of your hobbies and interests? I love the outdoors! I like hiking and camping and anything to do with the beach. My husband, Matt, and I are also Cincinnati Zoo members and go to the zoo a few times a month. I’m also a big Xavier basketball fan. What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now? I would like to go back to school and earn my PhD at some point in the future and train other science teachers. I could also see myself working on more curriculum design projects. What are some of your new projects? I went on a research trip to Panama this summer to hunt for fossils and spent two weeks at University of Florida working in an Emerging Pathogens lab and helping to train other teachers in curriculum writing. I will be hosting a workshop to teach other teachers from around the country about the horse curriculum at the National Association of Biology Teachers conference in Denver. Colorado in November. I will also be presenting a session debuting new curriculum on fruit flies and climate change that I have been working on with a professor in the entomology department at the University of Florida.
SUA snapshots Catholic Schools Week Mass downtown: Mr. Maliborski attended Catholic Schools Week Mass at St. Peter in Chains with several Saint Ursula Academy students.
Eden Park Gym Class: One of the benefits of attending SUA is the fantastic location that allows for extra exercise during the day. In this photo, Ms. Perry’s gym class stops for a photo during a run through Eden Park.
Giving Gallery: Students sold works of art they created in Mr. Nicaise’s class and donated their entire proceeds of $104 to Cincy ArtWorks.
England Trip 2016: During the summer, 13 students from SUA went to England for an Immersion Trip, led by SUA teachers Corina Corder and Pam Smith.
Golf Coach Stephens and Isabel York: In the GGCL golf championship held at Glenview Golf Course, Isabel York was a medalist with a two over par 74. Saint Ursula Academy Golf Team finished as runners-up overall.
Cinderella: The Saint Ursula Academy Theatre Department wrapped up the 2015-2016 season with sold out performances of Cinderella.
Field Hockey: Senior forward Alex Reed displays her dribbling skills against Summit defender during a recent field hockey game.
Club Fair: SUA students opened the school year with over 60 choices of clubs and organizations in which they were invited to participate. Gingers & Company works with the Melanoma No More organization to increase awareness about ways to prevent skin cancer. First Day: The Annual First Day Tradition of teachers and staff greeting students as they arrive on the first day of school.
SUA snapshots Making homeless mats: SUA students and staff are saving plastic bags to make sleeping mats for the Cincinnati area homeless population. The group is well on their way to collecting 700 bags for this initiative which is not only helpful to the homeless, but helpful to the environment.
Mass: Another tradition at SUA is the singing of A New Dawn, the school song, at the conclusion of Mass. Here, the girls stand shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm as they sing about their love for Saint Ursula.
Nicaragua Art: Over the summer, SUA students visited the Batahola Community Center in Managua, Nicaragua. As part of a reciprocal art project with the art teacher at the center, Mr. Nicaise’s students worked throughout the 2015-2016 school year to create a piece of art which was transported to Nicaragua and installed outside of the community center. Nicaragua Summer Trip – 17 students and 3 teachers visited Nicaragua for an Immersion experience. Students learned about Nicaraguan culture, history, language, food, people, art and music.
Mancala: During the opening week of school, students discussed this year’s theme and what it means to be a nurturer. They created mandalas from natural objects like leaves, petals and stones.
Matthew 25: In the spring, the freshman class visited Matthew 25 Ministries in Blue Ash to help with their Rainbow Paint Re-blending Program. Students learned how to mix paints which will be used to complete maintenance, rehab, upgrade and improvement projects around the world.
35 Orange and White: Each year, Saint Ursula Academy partners with other local schools for the annual Orange and White game to benefit Leukemia and Lymphoma research. This year, students raised $8,425 which was donated to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
Pig: Petunia the Pig made her way back the Saint Ursula Academy campus after undergoing a makeover. Since her arrival at SUA several years ago as part of the World Choir Games, her paint had begun to chip and discolor. Students gave her a fresh new design and a new paint job before a final treatment to seal the paint which should keep her looking fresh and new for several years.
SUA Counselors Dawg Day – The SUA counselors got into the Christmas Spirit in August for the 2016 Dawg Day – Christmas in August – which welcomed 225 8th graders and prospective Bulldogs who wanted to learn more about the school.
SUAVE Wins! – The Saint Ursula Academy Vocal Ensemble (SUAVE) won the Overall Choral Award in the Music in the Parks competition which was held in April at Loveland Middle School. Additionally, the team and individuals earned several other Superior and 1st place ratings during the competition
Sustainability: With the financial support of the Ursulines of Cincinnati, the Saint Ursula Academy Fresh Market was able to launch a new initiative this year to greatly reduce the amount of waste taken to landfills. Students have always been encouraged to reduce, reuse, and recycle, but this year they are able to compost uneaten food as well.
SUA Walk – Perfect weather was on tap for the annual walkathon where students exceeded their goal of $32,000 to support financial aid and scholarships.
class notes 1960
Christy Miller-Pace Connelly is a volunteer with the Hamilton County Parks and Recreation Department/ Shaker Village. She is currently working on restoration of White Water Shaker Village, manages the Shaker Shop and the Herb Garden.
Talbert House has named Alisa Davon Berry to its team at the Director of Housing, overseeing residential special needs, transitional, and permanent supporting housing.
Heather Mitts Feeley was the keynote speaker at the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women Experience.
Carol Ciarniello coordinated a group of her fellow classmates to toast at precisely 4:00pm on June 2, 2016, exactly 50 years after their graduation. Judy Stober led a toast to commemorate the milestone and Bonnie White read the names of their deceased classmates. Classmates Carol Ciariello and Nancy Burns joined remotely via Skype for the toast. Late arrivals not shown in the picture are Lucielle Tateman Gerdes and Kathie O’Donnell Kelly.
1967 Elyse Stavale O’Kane is enjoying retirement from teaching and is currently working on her 2nd CD of Catholic music, which is slated to be completed later in 2016
1986 Lynne Buerger Merk co-founded Pray~Hope~Believe Foundation to honor the memory of her 6-year-old son, Tony, who passed away on July 4, 2011 after an almost three-year-battle with brain cancer. PHBF’s primary goal is to raise funds for pediatric brain cancer research and support families who have a child diagnosed with a brain tumor – through social support, financial support, and a prayer ministry. To date, PHBF has donated more than $205,000 directly to pediatric brain tumor research.
1987 Diana Maria Riva (Uhlenbrock) landed a starring role in a network series with Eva Longoria called Telenovela - Since her debut in ABC’s “Common Law’ sitcom 20 years ago, Riva has enjoyed a mix of movie and TV roles in critically acclaimed shows: “Everybody Loves Raymond,” “NYPD Blue,” “The West Wing,” “What Women Want,” “17 Again, ” “The X-Files” and “Our Family Wedding.” She recently appeared in “McFarland, USA” with Kevin Costner and “Love and Mercy” with Paul Giamatti and Paul Dano.
1989 Jessica Hendy landed the understudy role for the glamorous cat Grizabella in the Broadway revival of “Cats.”
1991 Alexis Wesley performed with SUAVE at reunion weekend. She has sung lead roles in opera and musical theatre including Walt Disney Concert Hall. Wesley is the section leader for Lutheran Church of the Master in Los Angeles for twelve years. Jessica Hendy
Elizabeth Osterday Strange was recently named one of Cincinnati Magazine’s Top Dentists in Cincinnati
1997 Bonnie Overbeck, part-owner of 3B Realty Group, competed in NBC’s Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge. Brooke Weisbrod became the first female college basketball analyst at ESPN. She calls men’s and women’s basketball telecasts on ESPN networks, as well as games produced and syndicated by ESPN Regional Television (ERT). Weisbrod also covers the NCAA Women’s Basketball Championship and serves as a studio analyst for ESPNU.
1999 Sarah Perrino Priestle ‘99 graduated with her PharmD in May 2016 and is now full-time with Hart Pharmacy
2000 Tina Stertz Cadavid, Lisa Baute Caito, Katie Duffy Monday, Becky Hertlein Quevedo, Sarah Emery Simon and Lauren MacDonald Studer are enjoying motherhood together. They have 11 children between them. They have followed this tradition for the past 6 years. St. Ursula relationships are eternal and run deep.
Robin Brewer Gabbard welcomed lots of Saint Ursula friends to Ft. Myers, Florida for her July 11, 2016 wedding. In attendance were Rachel Brewer ’07, Lisa Baute Caito ’00, Lauren MacDonald Studer ’00, Sarah Emery Simon ’00, Tina Stertz Cadavid ’00, Cathy Sarky ’81, Rebecca Hertlein Quevedo ’00, Robin Brewer Gabbard ’00, Emily Fehring Kahn ’00.
37 2002
Katie Hulsman was awarded the 2016 Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference Softball Regular Season Championship.
Melissa Bley received her MBA from Northwestern Kellogg School of Business in Management in June 2014. She is currently working for Mars Co. in Nashville, TN.
Natalie Smith is now in the top-ten goalies of all-time for career saves, shutouts, and wins for University of Cincinnati women’s soccer. This season, Smith has been sharing starts with sophomore Claudia Eustaquio, combining for a total of 34 saves.
2005 Whitney Wauligman, DDS was inducted into the “40 Under 40” Club of young dentists. This honor occurred in Manhattan, New York. She is featured in the Fall 2016 Incisal Edge Magazine, a national professional publication for her field. Selection was based upon her many volunteer hours through the Cincinnati Dental Society providing dentistry for low income families, veterans, and children in school based clinics. Whitney practices general dentistry in western Cincinnati.
Natalie Smith, Courtesy N.C. Brown, UC Photographer
2006 Asha Daniels just finished 6th in season 5’s Project Runway All Stars. She placed 3rd in the first season of Project Runway, Under the Gun in 2014. She also recently launched her new website to debut her “AfroPunk” collection
2013 Sarah McGrath traveled as part of the Guatemala Summer Immersion Program through the Center for Social Concern at the University of Dayton. She taught English in a second grade class in the afternoon after my classes!
2007 Laura Canos recently bought a townhouse in Glendale, Ohio. She works for Humana Pharmacy’s A-Team, and was accepted into George Washington University’s Executive MHA program. She is training to run her 4th marathon in Chicago in October 2016
2009 Mollie Amburgey wrote and performed a comedic performance called “I’m So Famous I Get Recognized At The Wendy’s’”. Amburgey founded and runs her own theatre company called GoodPeople Theatre Co. She also recently wrote and directed a production titled THE BUZZER.
2010 Jo Ann Bistany entered the Runner’s World Cover Search contest to raise awareness for Trichotillomania – a medical disorder that causes a person to compulsively pull out their own hair.
2012 Annemarie Brinkman is at American University studying international studies with an internship abroad in Jordan. Anna Harty graduated Magna Cum Laude this year (2016) from Xavier University where she majored in Gender & Diversity Studies and minored in Peace & Justice Studies and Studio Art. As a Brueggeman Fellow, she conducted a yearlong independent study on gender dimensions of peace building in Rwanda and Uganda. After graduation, her Fellowship continued with six weeks of field work in Uganda.
Courtney Smith earned the 2016 Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant.
Sarah McGrath in Guatamala, summer 2016
2014 Megan Downey was awarded The James T. Laing Undergraduate Scholarship in Sociology by Kent State University. This award recognizes an undergrad student who demonstrated the capacity to achieve educational and professional goals to further their progress. Downey is President of the Criminology Student Organization on campus and volunteers in the Kent Electrophysiological Neuroscience Laboratory as a Law Assistant.
2015 Marissa DelGado set a new South Carolina Gamecocks school record by swimming the 200 fly in 1:57.13 (February 20, 2016) Anna Ficker won the Ohio Dominican University 2016 Female Newcomer of the Year award. This award recognizes one female athlete at the university and Ficker was chosen for her success playing for the volleyball team.
She now lives in Houston, Texas working as a Pro Bono Asylum Coordinator at YMCA International Services as part of her year of service with Jesuit Volunteer Corps. Anna Harty in Kaabong Uganda
Meg Hessling was named a 2016 Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient. Hessling re-designed and built a rain garden out of a dangerous failed garden at her local church. The project, entitled “Rain Garden Rescue”, was continued when she taught her church and others the importance and uses of rain gardens while providing them with plans to build their own.
alumnae profile Sara Crutcher ‘02 Our path in life can often be influenced by something we experienced in our youth. That is very true for Saint Ursula alumna Sara Elizabeth Neal Crutcher, Class of 2002. Sara recently published a children’s book on adoption entitled, Heart Picked: Elizabeth’s Adoption Tale. Sara was adopted by her family at six weeks old. She now considers that to be her greatest blessing. “I have always had a passion for writing and knew I wanted to be a children’s book author from an early age,” said Sara. “I started writing short stories when I was in elementary school. I never thought I would write a children’s book on adoption. I always envisioned I would write a children’s adventure story but God had other plans.” In the fall of 2014, as Sarah was going through old family photographs while visiting her parents, she realized the pictures told a beautiful story about love. “I truly knew how much of a blessing my adoption was while looking at those photographs. The look on my parent’s faces was filled with so much love, hope and joy!” Sara Crutcher with her parents, Dr. Ronald and Betty Crutcher
She knew then that she needed to write a book about adoption centered around love. When doing her research, Sara didn’t find any children’s books published on adoption that feature an African-American family and an African-American girl as the main character. That’s when Sara decided to tell her own personal story. “I knew there were so many children, like myself when I was younger, who were trying to understand what adoption meant. Many adopted children do not look like their parents or siblings. I decided to base the story on the fact that families do not have to look alike to love each other. “ Sara hopes her book Heart Picked: Elizabeth’s Adoption Tale, will help young girls and their families have a positive and confident outlook towards being adopted. “My book affirms that love is what makes a family. All families might not have the same DNA or physical characteristics but they are still a family centered on love. I hope this book will
also help foster more conversations on adoption in the hopes that more families will choose adoption. Once published, Sara began to receive tremendous feedback from her book! She has done various book signings, readings and appearances and loves speaking with families who chose adoption. “Parents tell me how happy they are to have a book they can give their children when they are trying to explain adoption. “It is fascinating to see children look at the characters in my book with such a sense of pride as the characters look like them and/or their parents! I have thoroughly enjoyed being more engaged with the adoption community. It has helped me as I still deal with issues surrounding my own adoption.” Sara says she’s not finished writing! She hopes to pen a series of books about adoption. She would like one to focus on a boy as the main character and another to feature a conversation between two children who learn they each were adopted. She works for a global advertising agency, lives in Detroit, MI., and enjoys traveling and spending time with family and friends. Saint Ursula Academy is proud of Sara Crutcher, who is living Saint Ursula’s mission to be a woman of faith, integrity and courage, committed to building a better world.
donor profile Liz and Jim Niehaus Each year, Saint Ursula Academy honors a person or persons who have gone above and beyond in their support of Saint Ursula Academy and its students. We recognize these special people each year at the annual St. Angela Merici Leadership Society Appreciation Cocktail Reception. This year, SUA recognized Liz and Jim Niehaus as our special honorees. Liz and Jim support Saint Ursula in countless ways, from Liz’s advisory role on the Board of Trustees and as chair of the Advancement Committee, to both participating socially in the community, and generously donating annually to The Saint Ursula Fund and Open the Doors to the Future of Saint Ursula Academy capital campaign. They are also members of the Mother Fidelis legacy Society, leaving Saint Ursula in their will. Liz and Jim met at Miami University and married, a Miami merger, the year after Liz graduated. Jim started his career in IT at Procter & Gamble and is now the CIO of the Property and Casualty Group at Great American Insurance. Liz worked at US Bank (formerly First National Bank of Cincinnati) after college and decided to leave the bank after the birth of their son David, followed by the addition of daughter Claire 20 months later.
The Niehaus Family: Jim, Liz, David and Claire
After more than a decade out of the workforce, Liz obtained her Certified Financial Planning designation and now works as a wealth advisor and Principal of Truepoint Wealth Counsel in Blue Ash. Education has always been important to Liz and Jim and Liz is the chair of Truepoint’s Women’s Wealth Counsel. The goal of the Women’s Wealth Counsel is to educate women on different financial topics. Liz and her Truepoint team
SUA President Lelia Keefe Kramer ’77 and Principal Craig Maliborski honor Liz and Jim Niehaus at the St. Angela Merici Leadership Society Appreciation Cocktail Reception
presented to the SUA juniors and seniors and their parents in the spring on financial literacy for college bound girls. Liz and her team are scheduled for another presentation at SUA next month. Their son David is a 2010 graduate of St. Xavier High School and a 2014 graduate of the University of Dayton. David lives in Chicago and is recently engaged. Claire is a 2011 graduate of Saint Ursula Academy and 2015 graduate of The University of South Carolina. She is now pursuing her PhD in clinical psychology at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. Liz and Jim are enjoying their empty nest and love to travel, cook and are learning to play tennis. We want to offer a sincere thank you to Liz and Jim for all they do for the Saint Ursula Academy community.
Wealth advisors Liz Niehaus and Chris Carleton present financial literacy information to college-bound girls and their parents at Saint Ursula Academy
weddings and new additions Weddings in the SUA Chapel
New Unions
1979 1999 2000 2001 2003
1990 2005 2006 2008 2009 2012
July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Robin Martin and Gary Ellerhorst, September 6, 2015 Mary Beth Koch and Mike Weller, June 18, 2016 Karen Schmidt and Daniel Allen, November 14, 2015 Michelle Carley and Nicholas Brandt, November 21, 2015 Emily Verkamp and Brian Rawers, September 26, 2015 Christina Perrino and Giovanni Zecchini, August 15, 2015
2004 Lindsay Saelinger and Eduardo Mendiola, June 4, 2016
1996 1997 1999 2004
Garen Torchia and Tim Colina, June 26, 2015
2006 Catherine Fischer and Will Seidelman, January 9, 2016
Michelle Peeden and Kyle Hackett, April 2, 2016 Jen Mongelluzzo and Stephen Shepherd, May 14, 2016 Ellen Melville and Michael Maniaci, June 6, 2015 Jamie Neumann and Jeff Swanson, July 3, 2015 Megan Moore and Matthew DeCastra, July 25, 2015 Lindsay Luken and Charles Littleton, September 19, 2015 Katie Kemme and Brian Schuckman, October 17, 2015 Megan Hedgebeth and Christopher Corrado, December 19, 2015
Erin Wash and Ryan Cleary, August 2, 2014 Ellen Melville and Michael Maniaci, June 6, 2015 Leah Baker and Lee Harp were married in Raleigh, NC, Sept. 4, 2016 Laurie Elizabeth Jacob and Brian Raymond Albrecht at St. Francis de Sales, June 25, 2016 Laurel Baker and Zach Class were married in Knoxville, TN, July 30, 2016
New Additions
Elizabeth Jones and David Gumowski, July 18, 2015 Carley Zugelter and Ben Wells, August 1, 2015
2005 Kirstin Grote and Bruce Passmore, May 28, 2016
Heather Regina Bollen and Samuel Reed Hitchman, July 5, 2015
Ellen Melville and Michael Maniaci
Claire Bower Curran. Born to Liz Bower Curran and Andrew Curran, July 24, 2016 Millie Hazenfield, born to Christine Heubi and John Hazenfield, May 2015 Willa Brenn Koss, born to Cara Palazzolo ’99 and Stephen Koss, May 20, 2015 Bryson Joseph Wandstrat, born to Jessica Neiser Wandstrat and Brian Wandstrat, December 25, 2015
2006 Kensley Rose Meister, born to Heather Neiser Meister and Rob Meister, August 8, 2016
2007 Lauren Acton and Warren Hicks, May 21, 2016
Katie Baumann and Michael Gawne, August 22, 2015 Liz Coorey and Casey Spiess, August 29, 2015 Jennifer Barnette and Matthew Combs, October 10, 2015 Jenna Ciambarella and John Spell, November 6, 2015
2008 Trisha Kuhl and Blake Arnold, April 29, 2016
Jillian Wahlbank and Matthew Kasher, June 11, 2016 Caitlin Coors and Brian Kirst, June 20, 2015 Kim Winter and Cameron Panther, Aubust 8, 2015 Lauren Geiger and Eric Corbin, September 5, 2015 Lauren Motz and Andrew Wilson, October 3, 2015
2009 Mackenzie Jones and Steven Kenkel, April 23, 2016
Megan Jones and Sam Schulte, June 13, 2015
2011 Megan Lyons and William King, June 25, 2016 Lee Harp, Leah Baker Harp ‘08, Jonnah Baker ‘10, Zach Class, Laurel Baker Class ‘12
Kensley Rose Meister
Bryson Joseph Wandstrat
in memoriam The Saint Ursula Academy community extends sympathy to the families of the alumnae on the death of their loved ones. List reflects July 1, 2015 – June 20, 2016. ALUMNAE
Ruth Grunkemeyer Burgett, Class of 1945 Genevieve Corbett, Class of 1974 Erica Simmons Dean, Class of 1986 Mary Thuenemann Englert, Class of 1946 Mary Homan Hillenbrand, Class of 1946 Margaret Hornschemeier, Class of 1945 Sister Elizabeth Lang, O.S.U, Class of 1951 Laura Ann Mraz, Class of 1974 Barbara Niehaus, Class of 1966 Stacy Floyd Rockwood, Class of 1958 Marjorie Thiel Ryan, Class of 1956 Norma Daley Sharkey, Class of 1941 Elizabeth (Betty) Noppeberger Singler, Class of 1952 Jean Kaiser Slattery, Class of 1941 Dorothy Roehm Spicker, Class of 1942 Cynthia Sandmann Vercauteren, Class of 1974 Caroline Evans Villa, Class of 1958
Jim Ahlrichs, grandfather of Claire Ahlrichs Dingle ‘08 Patricia Ahlrichs, grandmother of Claire Ahlrichs Dingle ‘08 Mary E. Backherms, mother of Mary Backherms ‘65 and Kathy Backherms ‘73 Mary Backscheider, grandmother of Jillian Backscheider ‘05 and Jessica Backscheider ‘10 Arlene Bareswilt, grandmother of Jenna Bareswilt Canafax ‘08 Anthony Bianco, father of Angie Bianco Cipriani ‘67 and Maria Bianco Funk ‘75 Elaine Brandstetter, mother of Anne Brandstetter Busse ‘69 and Susan Brandstetter Martin ‘71 Emily Therese Citino Barone, grandmother of Sarah Jablonski Schandle ‘02 Fances Bastin, grandmother of Katelyn Carrothers ‘09 Ruth Bernens, mother of Denise Bernens Mayer ‘67 Susan Biddinger, grandmother of Claire Malinowski Lindsay ‘07 Mary Louise Bleser, grandmother of Lindsey Bleser Price ‘99 and Allie Bleser Shartzer ‘02 Thomas Bomkamp, husband of Kathy Dunn Bomkamp ‘68 R. William Brady, father of Susan Brady Friedman ‘81 and Kathleen Brady ‘82 Mary Jane Brannen, mother of Jennifer Brannen Hemberger ‘74 Robert Brown, grandfather of Bridget Brown ‘14 Marjorie Byrne, grandmother of Angela Byrne ‘06, Kathleen Byrne ‘12, Mary Byrne ‘14 Ruth Grunkemeyer Burgett ‘45, sister of Betty Grunkemeyer Everhart ‘40 Jack Cannon, father of Elizabeth Cannon ‘87 and Meg Cannon Sonnenberg ‘91 Leslie Cannon, mother of Elizabeth Cannon ‘87 and Meg Canon Sonnenberg ‘91 Michael Carnevale, Jr., grandfather of Andrea Carnevale ‘09 and Christine Carnevale ‘11 Joseph Caruso, father of Beth Caruso ‘82 and Amy Caruso Attwell ‘86 Fred Cartolano, father of Claudia Cartolano Taylor ‘84 Earle Clayton, father of Terri Clayton Glazier ‘73 Harold Clements, father of Monica Clements Berry ‘73, Lisa Clements Jones ‘75, Jonne Clements Burkett ‘76, Sally Clements Ohe ‘79 and grandfather of Allison Burkett ‘03, Britannie Clements ‘04, Abigale Burkett ‘07, Chelsie Clements ‘07 and Cassidie Clements ‘09 Laurence Clements, father of Catherine Clements Mergenthal ‘82 Virginia Collins, grandmother of Ann Collins Kilpatrick ‘05 and Rachel Collins ‘08 James Conway, father of Megan Conway Bley ‘93 Rosellen Creighton, mother of Carrie Creighton Santoro ‘91 and Elizabeth Creighton Diaz ‘95 John F. Danahy, grandfather of Lindsay Moeller ‘12 Erica Simmons Dean ‘86, sister of Whitney Simmons ‘84 and Erron Simmons Bell ‘94 JoAnn Devine, mother of Christy Devine ‘90 and Amy Devine Amshoff ‘96
Dennis DeVore, father of Dianne DeVore ‘88 Charles E. Deye, Jr., father of Mary Deye Chappano ‘90 Dominic DiFalco, grandfather of Kitty DiFalco ‘13, Dominique DiFalco ‘16 and Anya DiFalco ‘18 Peter Dignan, father of Allison Dignan Kissling ‘80 Velda Denninger, mother of Jayme Denninger Walker ‘65 Patrick Driscoll, father of Julianne Driscoll Graf ‘89 Mike Erickson, father of Kayle Erickson ‘09, Ashley Erickson ‘11 and Courtney Erickson ‘13 Robert Evans, father of Joan Evans Clippinger ‘67 Thomas Finn, father of Tara Finn McMinoway ‘92 Sheila Flaherty, grandmother of Eileen Flaherty Pittinger ‘04 Paul Frederick, father of Paula Frederick Heinecke ‘69 Lucinda Galley, mother of Fiona Galley ‘16 Jim Gangloff, son of Patty Farrell Gangloff ‘66 Robert Gellenbeck, father of Susan Gellenbeck Ericson ‘84 Jean Gendreau, mother of Elizabeth Gendreau-Maxwell ‘76 and Mimi Gendrerau ‘77 Corinne Geraghty, grandmother of Sarah Geraghty ‘18 and Elizabeth Geraghty ‘18 Linda Giglio, mother of Robin Giglio Keyser ‘82 Timothy Gonsalves, husband of Monica Rebella Gonsalves ‘70 and father of Naina Gonsalves ‘04 Mary Diane Gottmer, mother of Elizabeth Gottmer ‘06 and Megan Gottmer ‘11 Mary Griffith, grandmother of Kara Jones Louis ‘03 Patrick Hart, brother of Mimi Hart ‘74, Aimee Hart ‘80 and Julie Hart-Stander ‘86 Jeanne Heekin, grandmother of Sarah Heekin O’Neill ‘04 and Emily Heekin ‘08 Paul Henke, father of Julie Henke Jaspers ‘77 Mary Homan Hillenbrand ‘46, sister of Joanne Homan Schweer ‘41 Joan Hogan, grandmother of Jennifer Hogan Redmond ‘84 Cathleen Holt, mother of Holly Holt Schick ‘85 Anthony Infantino, father of Jan Infantino Naish ‘70 Vera Jacobs, grandmother of Rachel Schwind ‘10 Rosemary Joyce, grandmother of Kitty DiFalco ‘13, Dominique DiFalco ‘16 and Anya DiFalco ‘18 Mary M. Kaising, grandmother of Amelia Kaising ‘10 Mary Margaret Kappner, mother of Kathy Kappner ‘75 and Mary Ann Kappner Hauser ‘76 Paula Kelley, grandmother of Alex Wall ‘16 and Anna Kelley ‘16 Charlotte Kettler, grandmother of Maria Hopkins ‘12 and Anna Hopkins ‘14 William Ledwin, father of Maria Ledwin ‘98 Joan C. Lierl, grandmother of Heather Spataro ‘04 Monica Lindsay, sister of Mary Lindsay Widmeyer ‘79, Katie Lindsay Frey ’81, Nora Lindsay Quinn ‘83 and Anne Lindsay Quinn ‘85 Edward and Rosemary Lohaus, grandparents of Christine Lohaus ‘03 Thomas Long, grandfather of Kari Fitzpatrick ‘14 Thomas Lustenberger, grandfather of Ashley Rodd ‘12 Florence Lyons, grandmother of Megan Lyons King ‘11 Sean Lyons, brother of Megan Lyons ‘11 Joseph Gibbs MacVeigh, father of Elizabeth MacVeigh Dulle ‘85 Ethel Maycox, grandmother of Jamey Pope Stout ‘95 Christopher Mayer, husband of Jennifer Tepe Mayer ‘94 Kenneth McFarland, grandfather of Alyssa Archdeacon ‘12 Helen McGoff, mother of Jeanne McGoff Christenson ‘69, Mary McGoff Gerken ‘77 and Sue McGoff Jeffries ‘79 Jeanne McGonegle, grandmother of Laura Neyer Dannemiller ‘03, Jane Neyer ‘06 and Kelly Neyer ‘98 Bernice T. McNeal, grandmother of Atiya McNeal ‘99 Ruth Nageleisen, grandmother of Maria Moore ‘13 Jean Wiltse Niemeyer, mother of Meg Wiltse ‘69 Ruth Nordmeyer, mother of Jean Nordmeyer Cross ‘74, Judy Nordmeyer ‘84 and mother-in-law of Mary Lynne Birck Nordmeyer ‘84
Patricia Nutting, grandmother of Abby Gruber ‘09 and Ellyn Gruber ‘11 James O’Donnell, grandfather of Katie Longo ‘02 James O’Toole, grandfather of Josie O’Toole ‘08 Patricia Ott, mother of Gretchen Ott Lyons ‘94 and Kirsten Ott Law ‘00 Andrew Perzel, grandfather of Aimee Wilke ‘00 Peter J. Randloph, father of Lisa Randolph ‘80 and Paula Randolph Hollins ‘81 Elizabeth J. Rader, grandmother of Hannah Elizabeth Kiessling ‘15 and Emma Marie Kiessling ‘17 Lynn “Bud” Reifenberger, father of Jill Reifenberger Dunstan ‘91 Norma Rieder, grandmother of Erin Wash Cleary ‘05, Katie Wash ‘09 and Hannah Rieder ‘19 Bette Ries, grandmother of Katie Ries ‘17 Elaine Rippe, grandmother of Kate Rippe ‘02 Stacy Floyd Rockwood, sister of Frances Rockwood Hear ‘60 and Mary Rockwood Staab ‘64 Walter B. Rugh, father of Katherine Rugh Stidham ‘67 Marjorie Thiel Ryan ‘56, sister of Joan Thiel Blessing ‘59 and Diane Thiel Roedersheimer ‘61 Marilyn Sammons, grandmother of Emily Sammons ‘08 Jane Sandmann, mother of Mary Beth Sandmann Florez ‘88 Louise Sandmann, father of Donna Sandmann Burton ‘75, Catherine Sandmann Deters ‘76, Patty Sandmann Shircliff ‘78 and Nancy Sandmann Henderson ‘79 Shirley Schmelzle, mother of Maggie Schmelzle Glacken ‘05 William Schoenling, father of Lynne Schoenling ‘79, Constance Schoenling Swisshelm ‘82, Elizabeth Schoenling Welsh ‘83, Laura Schoenling Deters ‘89 and grandfather of Anne Deters ‘19 Bruce Schoolfield, father of Rebecca Schoolfield Strub ‘91 Jim Schroeder, grandfather of Allison Schroeder ‘05 and Elizabeth Froese ‘12 Mary Jean Schutte, mother of Dori Schutte Moellering ‘90 and grandmother of Abby Moellering ‘16 and Meredith Moellering ‘19 Ginny Schultz, grandmother of Lilly Rohde ‘03 and Emilie Rohde ‘09 Rosemary Scott, mother of Susan Scott Shure ‘65, Barbara Scott Hellmann ‘69, Marianne Scott Emmert ‘77 and grandmother of Barbara Hellmann Powell ‘95, Bethany Hellmann ‘99, Betsy Emmert ‘11 and Annie Emmert ‘17 Ruth Sheppard, mother of Maureen Sheppard Thie ‘80 and grandmother of Carly Thie ‘13 Cindy Silva, mother of Lindsay Silva ‘11 Jean Kaiser Slattery, sister of Grace Kaiser Hartmann ‘43, Doris Kaiser Meyer ‘46 and grandmother of Katie Slattery ‘05 William Splain, father of Suzanne Splain Bens ‘79 Catherine Stehlin, daughter of Karen Fogarty Comello ‘61 Margaret Stier, mother of Mary Lynne Stier-Grimm ‘80 Judith Streitmarter, sister of Joyce Streitmarter ‘65, Mary Lee “Sis” Streitmarter Winterhalter ‘66, Linda Streitmarter Corondo ‘69 and Sue Streitmarter Shrontz ‘71. James F. Sunderhaus, Sr., grandfather of Monica Sunderhaus ‘12 and Mary-Clare Sunderhaus ‘15 Charles Tekulve, grandfather of Samantha Tekulve ‘12, Sarah White ‘15 and Rachel White ‘19 Betha Tepe, mother of Toni Tepe Williams ‘70 and grandmother of Laurie Williams Bidwell ‘06 Mary Teuschl, grandmother of Sarah Teuschl ‘17 Jason Thorman, son of Angela Caruso Ghormqan-Grimsley ‘69 Marcia Tondow, grandmother of Meg Tondow Ringel ‘92 Lucille Vehr, grandmother of Anna Sturm Shaw ‘02, Lindsay Patrice Vehr ‘02 and Kelsey Erin Vehr ‘07 Cynthia Sandmann Vercauteren ‘74, sister of Donna Sandmann Burton ‘75, Catherine Sandmann Deters ‘76, Patty Sandmann Shircliff ‘78 and Nancy Sandmann Henderson ‘79 Jo Ann Washburn, grandmother of Sammy Washburn ‘07 Raymond Wissel, grandfather of Carolyn Horn ‘01, Lydia Breitenstein ‘15 and Maggie Breitenstein ‘18 Carol Anne Wittkamp, sister of Chris Wittkamp Condit ‘81, Cindy Wittkamp Hamad ’82 and Cheryl Wittkamp Schrand ‘84 Joan Wohwlender, grandmother of Megan Friedmann ‘12, Sara Friedmann ‘14 and Lainie Friedmann ‘17 Thomas Wohlwender, grandfather of Megan Friedmann ‘12, Sara Friedmann ‘14 and Laine Friedmann ‘17 If you have lost a loved one, please let us know. Contact Tori Vogelgesang at
[email protected]
Saint Ursula Academy
Non-profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE
1339 East McMillan Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45206 Phone: (513) 961-3410
Cincinnati, Ohio Permit No. 1224
Fax: (513) 961-3856
Upcoming Events at Saint Ursula Academy 2016
Open House for prospective families October 30 Alumnae SUA Ball Gift Gathering Party December 9 #Giving Tuesday November 29 The Miracle Worker – Fall Play December 1-4 Tender Mercies Volunteering December 5 Christmas Tea at SUA December 11 Class of 2016 Cookie Exchange at SUA December 15
SUA Ball presents Enchanted Garden Stone Lanes Bowling Tender Mercies Volunteering Meet me In St. Louis – Spring Musical Golden Grads Mass and Luncheon Soul of the City Soiree Taste of SUA Reunion Weekend 2017
February 4 February 22 March 29 March 31 – April 2 June 2 June 16 August 25 September 15-16
1:00 – 3:30 pm 7:00 – 10:00 pm 24 hours! 7:00 pm 5:30 pm 3:00 – 5:00 pm 3:00 – 5:00 pm
5:30 pm 6:00 – 8:00 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm 11:00 am 7:00 – 10:00 pm 6:00 – 8:00 pm