saturday afternoon student lecture

November 20, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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La col- laboration est, pour les deux parties, vraiment utile et prometteuse. of my life, I have ......


welcome to därstetten Dear Participants, we are very pleased to welcome you to the 11th congress for Swiss psychology students. You are the representatives of all Swiss universities coming toghetter here in Därstetten. The news about the psyKo even crossed Swiss borders and we are honored to announce the presence of some international guests among us. We are happy to delight you with an exiting Smoothie of psychology as our programme: Invited experts will take you on a journey through their research or work topics and you will have the time to exchange ideas, to meet stunning people, and to have a lot of fun. We hope that this psyKo will offer you the opportunity to broaden your horizons, not only by getting in touch with other participants but also by getting in touch with new and complementary points of view to the perspectives of psychology which you are learning every day during your studies. So let us once more work, think and celebrate together! Enjoy and have a great time, your psyKo’14 team.

psyKo team 2014 Anne, Charlotte, Felicitas, Heike, Isabella, Isabelle, Julian, Laura, Lisa, Loredana, Marcel, Sandra, Simon, Theresa und Zora





psyKo psyCH FSP SBAP. psyCH birthday local organisations EFPSA


infotables & apéro presentation professional perspectives opening lecture presentation FSP

saturday mornig

student lectures workshops student lectures workshops evening lecture evening program

14-18 19-23 24-28 35-40 41 44-45

program overview

overview psyCH meetings program

30 31-34


workshops lectures closing lecture

46-50 51-54 55

saturday afternoon saturday evening

thank you

4-5 6-7 8 9 42-43 56- 59 60-61 10 11 12 13


about psyKo history


psyKo was founded in 2004 by a group of innovative psychology students from the University of Bern. This first congress for psychology students took place in Kandersteg. In this same year, psyCH – the Swiss association for psychology students – was born to mainly encourage the exchange between psychology students all across the country. This is why soon after, psyKo became a project by psyCH and still is today. Over the years the association grew bigger and was highly professionalized by a team of dedicated and gifted students. And with psyCH, so did the congress! It took place a couple of times in the western part of Switzerland – namely Vaumarcus or Le Noirmont - to ensure the participation of French-speaking students as well. There was even a position called « Rösti » to take account of this important exchange between the French and the German speaking universities of Switzerland. In 2009, back-to-the-roots in Kandersteg, psyCH celebrated its 5 year anniversary at the annual psyKo. By that time the program had already gained content and the basic structures had been set over the previous years. The focus on the students‘ contributions was increased – worth mentioning the poster presentations, lectures and workshops. However, the program booklet was still a print version

this year’s accommodation This year’s psyKo will take place in the center of Därstetten (BE). Därstetten is a village in the Niedersimmental, which possesses one of the most beautiful farmhouses in Europe and a castle ruin. Our accommodation, as well as the gym where most of our activities will take place are just a few steps away from the train station.

5 stapled by hand. In her welcome words the former psyCH president, Nina Hofer, proposes bringing back good memories, chuckle and marvel but at the same time focus on the next five years to come. We are happy to tell you and let you personally experience that this continuous improvement has taken place! The psyKo has now been organized for over 10 years in a row. People and places have changed, some have stayed for a couple of years and memories will surely last forever. Last year we celebrated the 10 years jubilee of psyKo, this year we commemorate the 10 years jubilee of psyCH - the organization without psyKo would not be possible. Therefore we will have the Saturday evening dedicated to the psyCH - Dinosaurs (ancient psyCH - team members) who will enrich us with their presence. We are lucky to have them among us, as without their previous work and admirable effort we would not be where we are now. Our greatest thanks go to the support of all these people before us and to the speakers and sponsors of this year‘s 11th Swiss national congress for psychology students. Join us to continue a worthwhile tradition – our one and only psyKo!

previous years and locations… remember? psyKo 04 Kandersteg (BE) 1st psyKo 05 Walkringen (BE) 2nd psyKo 06 Vaumarcus (NE) 3rd psyKo 07 Noirmont (JU) 4th psyKo 08 Vaumarcus (NE) 5th psyKo 09 Kandersteg (BE) 6th psyKo 10 Jaun (FR) 7th psyKo 11 Därstetten (BE) 8th psyKo 12 Schüpfheim (LU) 9th psyKo 13 Sumiswald (BE) 10th psyKo 14 Därstetten (BE) 11th psyKo 15 is still written in the *** Are you interested in joining next years team? Write us on [email protected] Have a look at the psyCH and psyKo history on: or

about psyCH


Who are we? At the latest when receiving your PsyKo – program, you should have noticed the organization with the fancy name and the star-like, social-web logo in the right upper corner of the documents. If we’ve done a good job during the last years, some of you might even have come across us earlier in their studies. In any case: Here’s a brief introduction about who we are and what we do. psyCH is the umbrella association of Swiss psychology students. In other words: We are YOUR organization. Our group consists of motivated psychology students, aiming to make psychology studies in Switzerland worthwhile and enhance your time at university with additional information and events. In order to make good use of the country’s small size, we intend to improve interaction between the different psychological institutes in Switzerland. Boosting the social and scientifical exchange between psychology students, we want to facilitate networking among future psychologists and promote their cooperation. Furthermore we see ourselves as a common platform, giving you the possibility to speak out for every concern you might have related to your studies. Moreover, our affiliation to EFPSA, the European Federation of Psychology Students Associations, allows for connections on an international level. For example, right now we’re working on the project called train the trainers, offering Swiss psychology students the possibility to participate in a training to become effective team builders.To give you a more precise idea of what we do, here’s a quick overview of a few of our new projects, which only recently have seen light of day:

Do you want to know more about psyCH? We are here to answer your questions anytime.

Mara und Joelle p-Team 2013/2014

7 Professional Perspectives. In our common project with professionals of the FSP, we created a database of job profiles, gathering all the different facets of how to apply your education on the job market. The depictions are carefully supervised by practitioners who know what it takes to become one of them. University Comparison. Psychology can be studied at almost every university in Switzerland. However, each one of them sets different focal points and follows different conditions. This comparison is supposed to give you all the information you need to decide which one fits you best. And of course there are “the oldies”. Projects that have been maintained with success for quite a while now: psyPra, simplifying the search of internships for psychology students, or as you are about to experience it yourself: psyKo, bringing together psychology students from all over Switzerland to indulge in the field of our common interest: the big spectrum of psychology. We’re always looking for new members to help with our existing projects and we are eager to include your ideas. So if you like our work and want to contribute, don’t hesitate to contact us! Apart from being a steady member to one of our subgroups, there is always the possibility to be a “freelancer”, which gives you the opportunity to present your own project and to realize it with the help of psyCH. In any of these cases, please contact us in person at the psyKo or via e-mail: [email protected]. More information about all the projects mentioned above, you’ll find on our web site: We look forward to hearing from you and wish you a fantastic weekend in Därstetten! Your psyCH Team.

psyCH anniversary This year is the 10th anniversary of psyCH! Raise your glass at the party to the success story of our national organisation for psychology students!

8 Die Föderation der Schweizer Psychologen und Psychologinnen FSP Die Föderation der Schweizer Psychologinnen und Psychologen (FSP) ist der grösste Berufsverband für Psychologinnen und Psychologen in der Schweiz. Der Verband wurde 1987 gegründet, zählt heute rund 7000 Mitglieder und besteht aus 48 regionalen und fachspezifischen Gliedverbänden. psyCH pflegt einen sehr guten Kontakt zur FSP. Diese unterstützt psyCH finanziell, organisatorisch und ideologisch. Als Studentin oder Student kannst du für 50 CHF (statt 90CHF) die Verbandszeitschrift Psychoscope ein ganzes Jahr abonnieren (10 Ausgaben), und für bereits 30 CHF Studierendenmitglied der FSP werden (inkl. fünf Psychoscope gratis). Mehr Informationen unter: weiter_fortbildung/ausbildung/angebote_fuer_studierende. Föderation der Schweizer PsychologInnen Fédération Suisse des Psychologues Federazione Svizzera degli Psicologi Choisystrasse 11 Postfach 510 3000 Bern 14 031 388 88 00 [email protected]

La Fédération Suisse des Psychologues FSP La Fédération Suisse des Psychologues (FSP) est la plus grande association suisse de psychologues. L’association a été créée en 1987, compte aujourd’hui environ 7000 membres et regroupe 48 associations cantonales et professionnelles. psyCH est en bon contact avec la FSP. Celleci donne à psyCH du soutien financier et idéologique très important. La collaboration est, pour les deux parties, vraiment utile et prometteuse. En tant qu’étudiant-e, tu peux t’abonner à la revue Psychoscope au prix spécial de CHF 50.- (au lieu de CHF 90.-) par année (10 éditions) et tu peux, pour CHF 30.- seulement, devenir membre étudiant-e de la FSP et profiter de diverses offres. Plus d’informations : universitaire/offres_pour_etudiantes. html

9 Der Schweizerische Berufsverband für Angewandte Psychologie, kurz SBAP., wurde 1952 gegründet und vereint heute über 1›000 Psychologinnen und Psychologen schweizweit. SBAP. - klein aber fein. Als Studierenden-Mitglied kannst Du von folgenden Dienstleistungen direkt profitieren. Mentoring. All Deine Fragen beantwortet eine Stunde lang gratis eine erfahrene BerufskollegIn. Stellenangebote . Praktikumsplätze, PG-Stellen und Stellenangebote erreichen Dich innert 24 Stunden per E-Mail. Support. Wir unterstützen Dich fachlich oder bei der Suche nach Bachelor/ Masterarbeit Befragungs-Teilnehmenden. Benefits. Verschiedene Medien oder Verlage gewähren Rabatte bis z u 50%. Weitere Angebote findest Du unter Nutzen kannst Du diese Benefits für 100.—CHF/Jahr oder umgerechnet 0.30 Rp./Tag.

L’Association Professionnelle Suisse de Psychologie Appliquée SBAP., fondée en 1952, réunit aujourd’hui plus de 1000 membres. Une petite taille, mais une voix qui compte en Suisse. En tant que membre étudiant, tu profites immédiatement des services suivants : Mentorat. Une ou un psychologue expérimenté répond durant une heure gratuitement à toutes tes questions. Offres d’emploi. Les offres de places de stage ou d’assistanat postgrade ainsi que toutes les autres offres d’emploi te parviennent dans les 24 heures par e-mail. Soutien pour ton travail de Bachelor ou de Master. Nous t’offrons des conseils spécialisés ou t’appuyons dans la recherche de volontaires pour participer à tes études et sondages. Avantages. Différents médias ou éditeurs de journaux offrent jusqu’à 50% de rabais aux membres étudiants. D’autres offres te sont proposées sous . Tu peux profiter de tous ces avantages pour 100 francs par année, soit 30 centimes par jour.

SBAP. persönlich – kompetent - unkompliziert SBAP. proche – accueillante –compétente SBAP. Vogelsangstrasse 15 8006 Zürich Tel. 043 268 04 05 [email protected]

friday afternoon apero and infotables


16.30 - 17.45 I room orange Come and join us for a nice welcoming Apero and get informed about your possibilities after University. Ask your questions and get the answers! What should I do after my master’s degree? Which educational institutes are there and where can I find them? Thanks to the FSP we will have a broad field of institutions from coaching psychology to forensic psychology to depth psychology and many more at the Apero in order to help you to get some answers to your questions. Ask the institutions` staff and get qualified, broad and detailed information about your possibilities for further education. Get information material! The institutions offer take-home-information material at their information desks. Enjoy snacks and beverage in good company! While getting informed you can have a drink and get in contact and chat with other students. Participating institutions: •

AIM - Akademie für Verhaltenstherapie und Methodenintegration Wil

C. G. Jung Institut Küsnacht

Efpsa - European Federation Of Psychology Students` Associations

FHNW - Hochschule für angewandte Psychologie Nordwestschweiz

GES - Gesellschaft für Existenzanalyse Schweiz Bern

GFK Ausbildungsinstitut Zürich

KJF - Institut für Kinder-, Jugendlichen-, und Familientherapie Luzern

IBP - Institut für integrative Psychotherapie Winterthur

IEF - Institut für systemische Fortbildung Zürich

IKP - Institut für körperzentrierte Psychotherapie Zürich

SGRP/SSPL - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Rechtspsychologie Zürich

SGTA - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Transaktionsanalyse Lausanne

SKJP - Schweizerische Vereinigung für Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie Luzern

SSCP - Swiss Society for Coaching Psychology Bern

SVKP - Schweizerische Vereinigung klinischer Psychologinnen u. Psychologen Basel

ZSB - Zentrum für systemische Therapie und Beratung Bern

friday afternoon student lecture 17.15 - 17.45 I room turquoise

Professional Perspectives

Halina Sutter Do you sometimes ponder about what you are going to do after your psychology study? Do you feel overwhelmed of the immense career options there are? Do you want to get an idea of how to best get your dream job? Or do you just want to assure yourself that you won’t miss it by following your current career plan? Based on my experiences from organizing AfterStudy evenings, my research for the psyCH - FSP project professional perspectives and literature, I will give you an insight in the lots of job possibilities there are for psychology graduates. For the most popular job fields I will furthermore give ideas of how to best start your professional life, qualifications you should bring along, everyday working life and some motivational aspects. Halina Sutter finished her Bachelor diploma at the University of Zurich and is now pursuing her Master studies at the University of Bern.

did you know: professional perspectives is a psyCH and FSP project


friday evening opening lecture


18.00-19.30 I room blue

Decisions from the gut? Implicit attitudes and political voting behavior Prof. Dr. Malte Friese, Universität des Saarlandes Doing empirical research can be frustrating. Many studies “fail” in the sense that researchers obtain findings very different from what they expected and hoped for. Even if these studies have been carefully planned and conducted, they often end up in the file drawer and never get published. In this talk, I will use research on the prediction of political voting behavior with implicit attitudes as an example to argue that even failed studies can deliver interesting evidence that may significantly contribute to a scientific debate. In this particular case, some researchers argue that implicit attitudes are well suited to predict voting behavior of undecided voters. Other theory and data suggests otherwise. We will review the evidence and discuss what future research should do to move the debate forward. Malte Friese studied psychology in Trier and Heidelberg (Germany). He worked at the University of Basel in the Division of Social and Economic Psychology between 2004 and 2012. Since 2012 he is a professor for Social Psychology at Saarland University, Germany. His main research interests are self-regulation and implicit social cognition.

21.45 - open end I rooms blue, red, yellow, green and turquoise

friday evening lounge & games Want to meet some people? Want to meet some interesting people? Want to have fun with some psyKos? Don`t miss the icebreaking games

friday evening presentation


20.30-21.30 I room pink

Die Föderation der Schweizer Psychologen und Psychologinnen (FSP)* *La Fédération Suisse des Psychologues (FSP) Lic. Phil. Peter Sonderegger, Präsident FSP Als grösster Dachverband der Schweiz, vereint die FSP Psycholog/innen sämtlicher Fachbereiche und ist Ansprechpartner für Fragen, die auf Bundesebne geregelt werden. Die Mitglieder der FSP haben einen Hochschulabschluss auf Masterstufe und gemäss Psychologieberufegesetz (PsyG) das Recht die Berufsbezeichnung „Psycholog/ in“ zu tragen. Seit der Gründung 1987 ist die FSP kontinuierlich gewachsen und zählt heute über 7000 Mitglieder. Im Referat werden folgenden Fragen nachgegangen. Dabei soll einem Austausch mit den Studierenden Platz eingeräumt werden. Wer ist die FSP? Was sind die Ziele der FSP? Was tut die FSP? Was wird durch das Psychologieberufe Gesetz geregelt? Wie sind die Berufsaussichten für StellenabgängerInnen heute? Welche Erwartungen haben die zukünftige Psycholog/innen an einen Berufsverband?

En tant que plus grande association faîtière

Tätigkeiten beim BAG, als Schulpsychologe,

A travaillé à l'OFSP et comme psychologue

als Schuldienstleiter, als Beauftragter Schul-

et chef de service en milieu scolaire. Divers

dienste und Gesundheitsförderung. Mitglied

mandats pour les écoles et la promotion de

der eidgenössischen Psychologieberufekom-

la santé. Membre de la Commission fédérale


des professions de la psychologie.

des psychologues en Suisse, la FSP regroupe des spécialistes issus de tous les horizons de la psychologie. Elle est l'interlocutrice compétente pour les questions à régler sur le plan fédéral. Les membres de la FSP sont titulaires d'un diplôme d'une haute école de niveau master et ont, conformément à la Loi sur les professions de la psychologie (LPsy), le droit de faire usage de la dénomination professionnelle de «psychologue». Depuis sa fondation en 1987, la FSP n'a cessé de se développer et compte aujourd'hui plus de 7000 membres. Les questions suivantes seront abordées au cours de cette conférence, qui vise à ouvrir le dialogue avec les étudiant-e-s: Qu'est-ce que la FSP ? Quels sont ses objectifs ?Que fait la FSP ? Que réglemente la Loi sur les professions de la psychologie ? Quelles sont aujourd'hui les perspectives professionnelles pour les personnes en recherche d’emploi ? Qu'attendent les futur-e-s psychologues d'une association professionnelle ?

saturday morning student lecture


09.00-9.30 I room blue

Cross cultural study on the link between autistic traits, loneliness and depressive symptoms comparing collectivistic vs. individuistic cultures Sarah Hatcher I would like to present the research for our Master’s Thesis. The purpose of the study is to investigate how autistic traits (AT) in the general population may predict loneliness and depressive symptoms. A second purpose of the study is to determine if social skills could be a mediator of the relationship between AT, depressive symptoms and loneliness. Additionally, the study aims to examine how cultural factors may moderate the mediation, by social skills, of the relationship between AT, loneliness, and depressive symptoms. Experimental measures will assess autistic traits, loneliness, social skills and depressive symptoms in the general populations of one individualistic culture, the United States, and one collectivist culture, Macedonia. Sarah Hatcher is a graduate student in the Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology program at Webster University Vienna. She is from Knoxville, Tennessee and her future career interests include international and cross-cultural issues of child and family development.

saturday morning student lecture 09.00-09.30 I room red

Attitudes towards the implementation of animal-assisted therapy in a Swiss rehabilitation clinic Daniela Taborelli At a very early stage, before there was much communication about AAT with the staff at the clinic, a questionnaire was administered to assess the staff’s actual knowledge about AAT and their expectations from implementing it at the clinic. 103 completed questionnaires were analysed using SPSS. Results show that many of the therapists, physicians and nurses had already heard about AAT, most often through media or colleagues. Most of them have positive expectations and much goodwill regarding implementation of AAT at their workplace, but they also have very little knowledge of what AAT actually is. As background the concept of AAT will be explained and after discussing the results of the questionnaires, an outlook will be given about realization of the AAT with patients with brain-injuries. Authors: Daniela Taborelli 1,4,5, Karin Hediger 2,3,4,5 , Margret-Hund-Georgiadis 3 ,Dennis Turner 2 Affiliation: 1 University of Zurich 2 IEMT Switzerland 3 REHAB Basel 4 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 5 University of Basel Daniela Taborelli studies psychology at University of Zurich and is a member of the research group that investigates the effects of AAT at Rehab Basel. Correspondence: [email protected] At REHAB Basel, a rehabilitation centre for paraplegia and craniocerebral injury trauma patients, animal-assisted therapy (AAT) was implemented in autumn 2013.


saturday morning student lecture


09.00 - 09.30 I room pink

Quality of live, social support and psychological well-being with HIV: a controlled trial Georges Lemmer The objective of the present study was to provide a comparison between both HIV-positive and diabetes sufferers on the examination of the relationships between several psychosocial factors. Participants were 12 HIV-infected adults with a mean age of 39,42 years (SD = 9,55) and 22 diabetic adults with a mean age of 47,05 years (SD = 15,06).. All completed a questionnaire including Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), Social Support Questionnaire, Enacted Stigma Questionnaire, Symptom Check List Revised (SCL-90-R), WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire either 100 or HIV (WHOQOL-100 / -HIV) and Medication Adherence Questionnaire (MAQ). HIV and AIDS appear to be a chronic disease with specific aspects differentiating people affected from other chronically ill people (e.g. diabetes sufferers). Differential effects of social support and enacted stigma on psychological well-being and quality of life have to be stressed and conceded in medical and psychological intervention. Georges Lemmer studied psychology at the University of Luxembourg ans Université René Descartes – Paris V he studies now at the university wof Fribourg.

saturday morning student lecture 09.00 - 09.30 I room yellow

Open Access and The Right to Research Coalition

Eva Eggemann und Marcel Zwyssig How many times have you found the perfect study for your scientific work, but you don’t have access? Well, you are not alone. For us students, academic journals are crucial to our research, our papers, and our understanding of both fine details and the larger, overall picture. However, students often run into access barriers while trying to do research. The Solution: Open Access. In this presentation you can learn more about Open Access (OA): the free, immediate, unrestricted availability of high-quality, peer-reviewed journals. Additionally, we provide information about The Right to Research Coalition and about our possibilities to make scientific work and results accessible to all of us. Marcel Zwyssig, student of Clinical and Health Psychology at the university of Freiburg and Eva Eggemann student of clinical and developmental psychology at the university of Bern are both part of the Social Impact task force of EFPSA.


saturday morning student lecture


09.00 - 09.30 I room turquoise

Examining Well-Being in School Context: Weekly Experiences of Pupils and Teachers Loredana Lucatuorto The EFPSA European Summer School 2013 took place under the topic of “Wellbeing”, where I met my lovely team. In my talk I would like to share the work, we did so far. Teachers’ work-related well-being and motivation for work are critical for their teaching efficiency and the quality of education produced, which in turn can affect pupils ‘school achievement and their school-related well-being (Jennings & Greenberg, 2009; Spilt, et al., 2011). However, the mechanisms related to fluctuations in teachers’ well-being and their effects on pupils on a within-person level are still not entirely clear. Therefore, the main aim of the present study was to examine the associations between teachers and pupil’s well-being and motivation on a weekly basis. Loredana Lucatuorto is a master student at the University of Zurich. Besides her studies she is part of the student’s association FAPS and the EFPSA Junior Research Porgramme, Cohort 2013.

saturday morning workshop 09.45 - 11.45 I room yellow

How can unconscious behavior be predicted? Dr. Oliver Genschow, Ghent University Would you like to eat an apple or a chocolate right now? Most people would answer: An apple! However, when they could choose anonymously the most would have selected the chocolate. Why is that? Research has shown that humans oftentimes behave unexpectedly and that the reasons of their actions are difficult to verbTexalize. Therefore, just asking people what they are going to do is not a good method to predict future behavior. One option is to better predict behavior is the usage of implicit measures. In this workshop we will learn how to predict future behavior by using reaction time measures, such as approach-avoidance measures, implicit attitude measures, etc. Oliver Genschow studied psychology with the main topics Social- and Economic-Psychology in Basel (Switzerland). In 2012 he finished his Ph.D. at the department of Consumer and Economic psychology at the University of Mannheim (Germany). Currently, he works as a PostDoc at the department of Experimental Psychology at Ghent University (Belgium). Besides a broad interest in social cognition research, his main research interest concerns the area of imitation, color perception and the prediction of automatic behavior.

saturday 13.15 - 14.35

walking trip You are in the mood for a little break, out in the nature? Well then! Come with us to a short and comfortable walking trip along the „Kleine Emme“. On the Emmenuferweg there’s a lot to see, geographers even say: with every new metre the waters of the streams and the river sound a little bit different from before and envelop the walker in a soft buzz. Let’s discover the buzz of the Emme!


saturday morning workshop


09.45 - 11.45 I room red

Modern Psychotherapy Research: The Basics and Beyond. Julian Rubel, University of Trier This workshop deals with different aspects of the investigation of changes through psychological interventions. After a short historical overview, recent problems, methods, and debates of psychotherapy research are discussed. A focus is on the theoretical and practical identification and use of differential response patterns. Growth and Growth Mixture Modeling (GMM) are presented as modern methods for the analysis of patient change over time. Short introductions in the use of the statistic programs SPSS and Mplus are given. Since 2012 Julian Rubel is research associate and lecturer in the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (Prof. Lutz) at the University of Trier. He currently is doing his dissertational research on patterns of change in different phases of outpatient psychotherapy and their practical use for routine outcome monitoring. His lectures have a focus on psychotherapy research and methods for the analysis of longitudinal data.

saturday morning workshop


09.45 - 11.45 I room turquoise

Palliative Care as a medical and nursing specialty Andreas Gerber MD, Practician for General Internal Medicine, European Master Degree in Applied Ethics, Palliative Care Unit, Diaconis Foundation, Berne, Switzerland Palliative Care as a medical and nursing specialty offers holistic care for patients suffering from end stage disease and their family systems. It approaches four crucial dimensions of suffering: physical, psychological, social and spiritual as well. The management of anxiety on the one hand and the fostering of a healthy bereavement process on the other hand play a crucial role in alleviating suffering and in maximizing the quality of life of the people involved. In our workshop we reflect on real-life cases intending to map the wide field of psych oncology which acts as a key resource within the interprofessional framework of Palliative Care Teams. Which team structures and communication routines are helpful in fostering high-quality care and a good death in our patients? Andreas Gerber MD, Practician for General Internal Medicine, European Master Degree in Applied Ethics, Palliative Care Unit, Diaconis Foundation, Berne, Switzerland



saturday morning workshop


09.45 - 11.45 I room blue

Körperarbeit nach Wilhelm Reich - eine Einführung* Susanna Hediger ist ausgebildete Körpertherapeutin, Sexualtherapeutin/ Sexualberaterin und bietet Pränatale Arbeit und verschiedene weitere Methoden in ihrer Praxis an. Thomas Müller ist Biologe, ausgebildeter Körpertherapeut, Sexualtherapeut/ Sexualberater mit eigener Praxis.

*Body Work by Wilhelm Reich - an introduction

Susanna Hediger and Thomas Müller Wilhelm Reich wird als „Vater der Körperpsychotherapie“ gesehen. Auch wenn dies nicht ganz stimmig ist so prägte Reich die klassische Körperarbeit massgebend. Vermutlich sind seine Einsichten und Theorien während seines Aufenthaltes in den USA mitverantwortlich, dass er heute nicht mehr ernst genommen wird. Zu Unrecht. Sein Buch „Charakteranalyse“ war und ist ein Meilenstein in der Körperpsychotherapie. Die weichen und ungebrochenen Pulsationswellen der von Reich postulierten „Lebensenergie“ sind erfahrbar. Druck, Dehnung, Atmungs- und Bewegungsübungen als Interventionen in der Arbeit können einen guten Therapieverlauf massgeblich beschleunigen. Eine Therapieform, die den direkten Kontakt und die direkte Berührungen am Körper beinhaltet. Zur Zeit von Reich und Freud eine Ungeheuerlichkeit. Die zugrundeliegende Annahme in der Körpertherapie ist, dass der Körper die ganze Person spiegelt. Wilhelm Reich hat dies nicht als Erster entdeckt aber wertvolle „Werkzeuge“ für die Therapiearbeit entwickelt und in seiner Vegetotherapie zusammengefasst. Die beiden Workshopleiter/innen berichten aus dem Alltag in ihren Praxen. Welche von Reich erarbeiteten Grundsätze gelten heute noch und versprechen gute Erfolge in einer Therapie? Welche sind zu hinterfragen oder gar abzulehnen? Der Workshop beinhaltet Selbsterfahrung mit einer praktischen Übung. Mitzubringen sind: Schlafsack als Sitzunterlage, ev. Tuch

saturday morning workshop 09.45 - 11.45 I room pink

Values from the perspective of a future psychologist Kaisa Yli-Pärri, EFPSA-Trainer, International Guest Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) represents so-called third wave of behavior therapy. ACT is famous of underlining the concepts of acceptance, mindfulness and a valued direction. In this workshop, we, future psychologists, will discuss the significance of personal values in our lives and future occupation. I am a Finnish psychology student and an EFPSA Trainer. I am currently working as a psychologist intern in a Finnish occupational health centre and I will complete my Master’s degree in June. I attended EFPSA Train the Trainers -summer school in 2012. After one of the most amazing weeks of my life, I have delivered training sessions on a regular basis both in Finland and Europe. At the moment, I work as a team member of Training Office in EFPSA. In addition, we are currently training new trainers and developing a trainers’ network in Finland. Concepts such as occupational well-being, team-building and team dynamics, mindfulness and relaxation, learning, presentation skills and self-awareness have been common topics in my training sessions.


saturday afternoon student lecture


14.45 - 15.15 I room blue

Fundamental evolutionary mechanisms of advertisement – a study on gorillas Victoria Siegrist In this study I investigate if gorillas show preferences for a previously advertised product. Towards this goal, three studies are conducted with gorillas (N=6) at the Zoo Basel. Study 1 investigates if gorillas are capable of showing preferences. In study 2 data is gathered to see whether the gorillas have a colour preference for green or blue. To test this, the gorillas repeatedly choose between a green and a blue envelope, that are both filled with food (popcorn). In the final study gorillas watch an “advertisement” that promotes an envelope in one of the previously tested colours. Next, the gorillas choose again between two envelopes. This study is identical to study 2, except for the advertisement. An effect of advertisement is assessed by comparing colour preferences between study 2 and 3. My name is Victoria Siegrist, I’m a Master student in economic and decision sciences at the University of Basel.

saturday afternoon student lecture 14.45 - 15.15 I room red

Ostracism and effort mobilisation. Are young adults more susceptible to the effects of social exclusion? Maria Poujai Being excluded has an array of negative consequences, including the potential to lower one’s mood. Drawing from this and from research on Brehm’s theory on the intensity of motivation, this study tested the hypothesis that ostracism reduces the amount of effort one is willing to exert during a subsequent task. Depending on task difficulty, it should lead to a particular pattern of effort mobilisation. Cyberball, a virtual ball-tossing game, was used to create experiences of either ostracism or inclusion, and cardiovascular measures were used to assess effort mobilisation. The results suggest that ostracism had no significant effect. A possible explanation is that participants were overly susceptible to ostracism, feeling excluded even in the inclusion condition. Indeed, age or life experience may explain participants’ susceptibility to ostracism. As an undergraduate in Psychology at the University of Geneva, Maria Poujai was interested in social behaviour, motivation, and cognition, but also ethology. She now is studying behaviour and evolution at the University of Lausanne.


saturday afternoon student lecture


14.45 - 15.15 I room turquoise

Tree shrews (tupaia belangeri) exhibit novelty preference in the novel location memory task with 24-hour retention periods Marlene Topka Novelty preference describes an inherent tendency in mammalian species to preferentially explore novelty. In this study, we assessed the ability of tree shrews to form accurate memories of spatial configuration using the novel object location task. Tree shrews were first trained with a particular object configuration; subsequently one object was displaced to a novel location. Confronted with this novel configuration, tree shrews exhibited enhanced exploration towards the novel object indicating novelty preference. Given that deficits in novelty processing has been linked to major depressive disorder, identifying the underlying neural circuits of novelty preference in tree shrews may help to better understand the neural basis of human depression. Marlene Topka, born 1989 in Tübingen (Germany), currently studies Psychology and Neurosciences at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. The study will be published in Frontiers in Psychology.

saturday afternoon student lecture 14.45 - 15.15 I room yellow

Visible goals and hidden motives The influence of progress in achieving relationship related life goals on relationship satisfaction, moderated by implicit motives Nicole Wellinger Success in achieving life goals has often been shown to have a positive influence on the subjective well-being of a person. The motive-congruence between the explicit goal and the implicit motive moderates this effect. More recent studies suggest that progress in the achievement of relationship-related goals account for the relationship satisfaction of both partners. The motive-congruence moderates these effects as well, with a high motive-incongruence predicting an increased risk of relationship breakup. Researchers argue that need frustration is a hidden stressor (Baumann, Kaschel & Kuhl, 2005). This lecture will give a brief overview about the present research in this area. Implications for future research and everyday relationships are also discussed. Nicole Wellinger is currently working on her master degree at the University of Zurich. Her main topics are Social-, Organisational- and Businesspsychology. The lecture covers the theory section of her master thesis.


saturday afternoon student lecture


14.45 - 15.15 I room pink

Combating the Stigma of Mental Illness

Eva Eggemann and Marcel Zwyssig People with mental illnesses are challenged in many ways. Apart from the symptoms and consequences of the illness itself they suffer from discrimination and prejudice. We believe that it is our responsibility as (future) psychologists to combat the stigma of mental illness. In response, the European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations (EFPSA) established the Social Impact initiative, aiming to make a meaningful and significant contribution to society. Primarily, the initiative aims to develop a European campaign to combat the stigma of mental illness. Within this context, the presentation will address processes and challenges of establishing a campaign. In direct reference to EFPSA, psyCH and other student organizations, we will explore ways how to effectively use student network resources in order to launch such a campaign. Marcel Zwyssig, student of Clinical and Health Psychology at the university of Freiburg and Eva Eggemann student of clinical and developmental psychology at the university of Bern are both part of the Social Impact task force of EFPSA.


Master of Science in Angewandter Psychologie Schwerpunkt Arbeits-, Organisations- und Personalpsychologie Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie FHNW

Die Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie FHNW ist Kompetenzzentrum in arbeits-, organisations- und personalpsychologischen Fragen und bietet ihren Studierenden ein anspruchsvolles, forschungsbasiertes und praxisorientiertes Studium. Praxis- und Forschungsorientierung

Während des Studiums stehen Studierende in engem Kontakt mit der Praxis, sammeln Berufserfahrung und vergrössern ihr berufliches Netzwerk. Studierende erwerben vertieftes Wissen in angewandter, empirischer Forschung und erhalten das wissenschaftliche Fundament für die berufliche Tätigkeit. Studienbedingungen

Mit 30 - 35 Studienplätzen pro Studienjahrgang bieten wir exzellente Studienbedingungen und gewährleisten eine persönliche Betreuung der Studierenden durch unsere Dozierenden. Besuchen Sie unsere Informationsabende

Mittwoch, 30. April 2014; Dienstag, 20. Mai 2014; Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2014 Jeweils 17.15 Uhr - 18.30 Uhr - weitere Informationen zum Studiengang erhalten Sie auch beim psyKo-Stand der FHNW am 21. März 2014 Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie FHNW

Studienort: Von Roll-Strasse 10, 4600 Olten (in direkter Nähe vom Bahnhof Olten) Information und Anmeldung unter:

overview psyCH meetings


friday 16.30 - 17:45

General Assembly

room pink

friday 21.45 - 24.00

Board Meeting interested people are welcome

room pink

saturday 13.15 - 14.35 Meeting local organisations only

room pink

_film. _sound. _layout&design. _stagesupport. _event-&artistmanagement.

eventtechnik ohne standardabweichung. technologie de l‘événement sans écart-type. das kulturkollektiv.

friday program overview 16.30-17.45



check in


apero and infotables


presentation professional perspectives



p. 10


p. 11


p. 12


p. 13

blue, red,

p. 12

Halina Sutter


opening lecture Decisions from the gut? Implicit attitudes and political voting behavior Prof. Dr. Malte Friese, Universität des Saarlandes




presentation Presentation FSP Lic. Phil. Peter Sonderegger, Präsident FSP

21:45 - 24:00

Evening Program lounge and games

yellow, green, turqoise

saturday programme overview

32 08.00-08.45 breakfast 09.00-09.30 student lectures

Cross cultural study on the link between autistic traits, loneli-


p. 14


p. 15


p. 16


p. 17


p. 18


p. 19


p. 20


p. 21


p. 22


p. 23


p. 24

ness and depressive symptoms comparing collectivistic vs. individuistic cultures Sarah Hatcher Attitudes towards the implementation of animal-assisted therapy in a Swiss rehabilitation clinic Daniela Taborelli Quality of live, social support and psychological well-being with HIV: a controlled trial Georges Lemmer Open Acces and the Right to Research Coalition Eva Eggemann und Marcel Zwyssig Examining Well-Being in School Context: Weekly Experiences of Pupils and Teachers Loredana Lucatuorto

09.45-11.45 workshops How can unconscious behavior be predicted? Dr. Oliver Genschow, Ghent University Modern Psychotherapy Research: The Basics and Beyond Julian Rubel, University of Trier Palliative Care as a medical an nursing specialty Andreas Gerber MD Körperarbeit nach Wilhelm Reich - eine Einführung Susanna Hediger and Thomal Müller Values from the perspective of a future psychologist Kaisa Yli-Pärri, EFPSA-Trainer

11.50-13.10 lunch 13.15-14.35 walking trip 14.15-15.15 student lectures Fundamental evolutionary machanisms of advertisement a study on gorillas Victoria Siegrist

saturday programme overview Ostracism and effort mobilisation. Are young adulst more

33 red

p. 25


p. 26


p. 27


p. 28


p. 35


p. 36


p. 37


p. 38


p. 39


p. 40


p. 41


p. 44

susceptable to the effects of social exclusion? Maria Poujai Tree shrews (tupaia belangeri) exhibit novelty preference in the novel location memory task with 24-hour retention periods Marlene Topka Visible goals and hidden movies Nicole Wellinger Combating the Stigma of Mental Illness Eva Eggemann and Marcel Zwyssig


workshops Pediatric medical traumatic stress: basics an interventions Prof. Dr. phil. Markus Landolt, University of Zurich The Importance of Spirituality Based Liveperspectives for Personal Longterm Decisions into Happyness Pater Dr. Christoph Albrecht, KUG Gender differences and similarities from the perspective of feminist psychology Dr. Anna Sieben, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Kunstanaloge Interventionen in Beratung und Therapie Regula von Euw and Sylvia Johnson Topographic EEG methods and their application in research on learning to read and dyslexia Prof. Dr. Urs Mauer, University of Zurich


open training psyCH and EFPSA open training




evening lecture Sexuality can be learned Dr. phil. Dania Schiftan


evening program

sunday programme overview

34 08.00-09.30 coffee and croissants 09.45-11.45 workshops

Caring for relationship issues in the psychiatric context


p. 46


p. 47


p. 48


p. 50


p. 51


p. 52


p. 53


p. 54


p. 55

Angela Wisberger and Dipl. Psych. Wanja Kunstleben Are you interested? - The use of vocational interests in study guidance and counceling Angelika Kornblum and Dipl. Psych. Thomas Gatzka, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Norhwestern Switzerland FHNW Psychologische Psychotherapie – wo stehen wir und wo wollen wir hin? Lic. phil. Claudine Ott, Commitee of the FSP Western psychology’s universalist claims and the challenge by indigenous psychology Dr. Pradeep Chakkarath, Ruhr-University Bochum

11.50-13.10 lunch 13.15-14.15 lectures Fixed-Links-Modelling – A methodology to fill the gap between experimental and correlational research on personality PD Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Troche, University of Bern Positive Psychology Prof. Dr. Willibald Ruch, University of Zurich A multidimensional approach to impulsivity after brain damage Dr, Lucien Rochat, University of Geneva Moral biases and our daily life and death decisions Lucius Caviola, Giordano Bruno Stiftung Schweiz

13.30-16.10 closing lecture Is Beautiful Really Usable? Understanding the Interplay Between Usabliity, Aesthetics, and Affect in HCI Dr. Javier Bargas-Avila, Google


offical end

saturday afternoon workshop 15.30 - 17.30 I room red

Pediatric medical traumatic stress: basics and interventions Prof. Dr. phil. Markus Landolt, University of Zurich Each year large numbers of children and adolescents are treated in hospitals for severe injuries or illnesses. A significant portion of these children face adverse and painful medical interventions and procedures which they often cannot completely understand, especially if they are young. Previous studies have shown that children treated for accidental injuries and severe illnesses are at risk for developing trauma disorders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder. Importantly, the findings suggest that parents are affected too. After an overview of the current state of research regarding the prevalence of trauma disorders among different groups of pediatric patients and their parents, a pediatric medical stress model is presented to explain the pathogenetic factors that are involved in the development of trauma-related disorders in ill and injured children. Based on this model, measures of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention will be discussed.


saturday afternoon workshop


15.30 - 17.30 I room turquoise

The Importance of Spirituality Based Liveperspectives for Personal Longterm Decisions into Happyness. Pater Dr. Christoph Albrecht, KUG Even if a fulfilled life cannot to be produced by a practice of good decisions alone, good decisions lead people to a growing ability to realize happiness. Happiness is not only a gift but also a fruit of good practice and of well oriented decisions. The successful pursuit of happiness needs a good orientation. The human longing for everlasting happiness transcends the human capacity of feasibility and controlling of wellbeing. Good longterm decisions take account of the human limits and the fact of the human capax infiniti. That is why a positive human orientation assumes a spiritual dimension of life. But not every transcendental idea, either religious or esoteric, helps a person or a community in making good decisions. In this workshop we will discuss some criteria and tools of a healthy spiritual discernment in personal long-term decisions.

saturday afternoon workshop 15.30 - 17.30 I room yellow

Gender differences and similarities from the perspective of feminist psychology Dr. Anna Sieben, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Gender differences have been widely established in mainstream psychology, too widely feminist and queer psychologists argue. Anna Sieben shows how certain theories and experimental procedures systematically underestimate the similarities between men and women. This workshop calls for a sensible and reflected application of gender comparisons and takes a second look at empirical findings. Participants will discuss a number of alternative approaches for studying gender similarities and differences. Dr. Anna Sieben is a post-doc research fellow at the chair of social theory and social psychology (Ruhr-Universität Bochum). In her doctoral thesis she has analyzed concepts of gender and sexuality in classic psychological theories from the 20th century. Her research interests are cultural psychology, history of psychology, feminist and queer psychologies.


Do you want to have a cool psyCH TShirt against prejudices? Because of the psyCH anniversary we give you 10% off and you can buy it for only CHF 19.80 @ THE PSYKO! (Of course there are different colours)


saturday afternoon workshop


15.30 - 17.30 I room blue

Kunst analoge Interventionen in Beratung und Therapie Regula von Euw und Sylvia Johnson

Künstlerisches Tun wird von einer Logik geleitet, die durch Handeln entsteht und weniger durch das Reflektieren vor dem Handeln. Das kommt vor allem Lösungsprozessen dort entgegen, wo Nachdenken und Sprechen qualitativ keinen Erkenntnisgewinn zu Problem- und Konfliktbewältigung mehr beisteuern. Mit dem Eintauchen in Kunst und Spiel erfährt der Mensch Wirklichkeit neu und anders. Diese Erfahrungen entwickeln sich zu internen Ressourcen, die aus der Verengung auf „das Problem“ herausführen und zur Lösung von Konflikten beitragen. Der Workshop wird eine Einführung in intermodales Arbeiten mit verschiedenen künstlerischen Medien anbieten zu einer Problemstellung, die allen Teilnehmern eine Selbsterfahrung ermöglicht. Die Referentinnen werden die Teilnehmer durch verschiedene Prozesse mittels intermodaler Gestaltung geleiten, sodass sie einen ersten Eindruck von der Arbeitsweise dieses Ansatzes bekommen koennen. Die Referentinnen Regula von Euw und Sylvia Johnson sind beides erfahrene Therapeutinnen, die fasziniert sind von dem Perspektivenreichtum, der sich aus der Begegnung zwischen Sprache und kuenstlerischem Tun entwickelt und der sich besonders hilfreich erweist, wo das Sprechen ueber Erfahrenes noch nicht moeglich ist wie etwa bei traumatisierten Klienten.

saturday afternoon workshop 15.30 - 17.30 I room pink

Topographic EEG methods and their application in research on learning to read and dyslexia Prof. Dr. Urs Maurer, University of Zurich In the first part, research on neural mechanisms of learning to read and dyslexia is summarized. A recent model based on neuroimaging data suggests that phonological and semantic processes interact early during orthographic processing, which has important implications for dyslexia. In agreement with behavioral evidence, this may suggest that dysfunctional linking between orthographic input and phonological/semantic processing lies at the core of the development of reading difficulties. In the second part, the students are using their own laptops in order to get experience with two topographic EEG analysis methods: Topographic Analysis of Variance (TANOVA), and standardized Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography (sLORETA). Urs Maurer is a Research Professor (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation) at the Department of Psychology, University of Zurich. In his research he is interested in dyslexia, foreign language learning, and learning to read in various languages such as German, English, and Chinese.

Important: please bring your laptop to participate in this workshop.


saturday afternoon open training


17.30 - 18.30 I room pink

psyCH and EFSPA open trainig Caroline Richter So you are attending the psyKo 2014 this weekend, but do you also know the organisation behind it? psyCH is the Swiss Umbrella Association of Psychology Students and its members believe in the possibility of changing the conditions of our studies, united as all students from all universities and schools of applied sciences over Switzerland. But wait, as a psychology student you are automatically also a member of this organisation. Do you wanna get to know more about it? To be honest, as a psychology student you are not just only a member of psyCH but also of EFPSA. We are getting international here, as EFPSA is the European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations. Wuah, that might sound scary, or maybe even awesome, as being connected to 31 other countries full of psychology students creates many exciting opportunities, even with people from Azerbaijan and Kosovo. This all offers you many possibilities! Join us if you wanna get to know more about internship platforms, traveling host offers all over Europe, summer schools (and more) or if you just wanna experience the crazy Mushi Mushi dance! This all and more will be the topic of the one hour session with various active members and alumnis of psyCH and EFPSA.

saturday evening lecture 20.00 - 21.30 I room blue

Sexuality can be learned A journey through dreams and realities of female and male sexuality and desires. Dania Schiftan, Dr. phil. in Clinical Psychology und Lic. phil. in psychotherapy FSP, ZisMed Sexual behaviour of women and men is very different; nevertheless, they have similar dreams and desires. Playing with these differences leads to mutual inspiration. The key to erotic lies in seeing women and men in their own attractive way. Most people say they know how it works. And yet many people are unsure if they do it right. Actually, sex is an easy thing we do not have to learn at school. But online portals and magazines are full with uncertainties around sexuality: “My boyfriend watches porn – do I have to accept that?” “I’m in love with a girl – am I a lesbian?” … Sexuality has many facets. Our body as our sexual home is different from anybody else’s, because we are individual and unique. We change and rebuild it our whole life. With a PhD in Clinical Sexology, Dania Schiftan works as licensed psychotherapist and sexual therapist at ZiSMed in Zürich (Switzerland). She is also known as an expert in questions around sexuality and relationships at “TV Joiz” and “Radio 1”. Her master thesis at the University of Bern was a study about the “Sexual behaviour of german-speaking Switzerland” (2007), adapted and aired by the Swiss Television.


happy birthday psyCH


10 years ago a couple of Swiss psychology students founded psyCH in the lofty dome of the University of Berne. Since then, about 50 students invested about 20’000 hours of volunteer work in order to offer a series of great services such as this congress to other students. That’s at least half a million CHF worth of labor cost. I dare assume not a single psyCH volunteer ever even got the notion of payment and if, they threw it over board in an instance, realizing that this would be the beginning of the end for the project. So, despite this lack of monetary reward, or, as you may have expected me to say, because of this lack, you seldom hear such passionate statements of work satisfaction in the world of monthly wages as you hear them from volunteers. As psychologists we can even explain the phenomenon, by referring to topics like intrinsic motivation, overjustification and cognitive dissonance. And still it works every time. Not that the lack of monetary reward is the only thing that makes us so passionate about our voluntary work. A student organization is also a fantastic place to practice things like team work, project management, leadership skills, fundraising, marketing, event planning, and many more. All these things we can try out in a kind of sandbox, where the consequences of mistakes are not so severe and broadly tolerated. Yet in fact, success is much more likely than failure. Environments with such a high level of room for maneuver as well as decision making are very rare outside of the volunteering world. In this open and friendly ecosystem we’re allowed to unfold our full creative potential, think big and accept nothing else than the sky as our limit! I like to call this the self-efficacy boosting power of voluntary work, an invaluable experience! Last but not least, in my opinion, the greatest reward of such an engagement are the people! I’m very thankful for the network of brilliant perfectionists, powerhouses and deep running still waters I met during my psyCH time and I’m happy to count many of them among my friends.

psyCH birthday party: 2014 is the year of the 10th psyCH anniversary. Celebrate with us at the psychodelic park birthday party on saturday evening.

43 So, to all of us who contributed during the last 10 years I say well done, psyCH still exists and what’s more, still rocks! To everybody else I say, take the opportunity and contribute something to the next 10 years. It makes for great friends, great development opportunities and great fun! Kusi Psyrannosaurus Ex

“The most rewarding work you can do is voluntary.” - Kusi, Psyrannosaurus Ex and founder of psyCH


saturday evening psyCH birthday

welcome to the psychodelic park To honour our highly cherished past students, the dinosaurs, and the psyCHodelic Association psyCH, we celebrate it´s tenth anniversary. “What have they got in there, King Kong?” No, better! You´re all invited to appear to our illustrious little get-together, have a thematically suited psyCHo-Dino-Drink and enjoy the prehistoric atmosphere. Everyone is encouraged to show off with his Dino-moves, and a modest festive-day programme is also planned...

saturday evening konzert & afterparty

candy from a stranger With their new album “1nisch” and a suitcase brimmed with musical candy, CANDY FROM A STRANGER take their audience on a journey towards “Süde” (single release, December 2012), as well as on a journey through time heading for both directions, the past and the future. Thereby the band reflects and celebrates moments in which one indulges onesself in memories and wishes of being a child again – and also those, in which ones future seems to be bedded in roses. All these topics, mixed with an adequate amount of subtle irony with regard to contents and peppered with illustrious guests, make CANDY FROM A STRANGERs third studio album a bouquet of multilayer, positive and danceable Rapmusic.

saturday evening program 22.00 22.45 24.00

psyCH birthday party (dinosaurs program) candy from a stranger afterparty with bäremani dj set


sunday morning workshop


09.45 - 11.45 I room pink

Caring for relationship issues in the psychiatric context

Angela Wisberger and Dipl. Psych. Wanja Kunstleben Every relationship undergoes many changes over time. Couples are forced to grow on each other because of individual and external changes Mental health problems therefore always mean a challenge to the partnership, while psychotherapy first and foremost focuses on the individual person and not always embraces the couples’ needs for support. Angela Wisberger and Wanja Kunstleben thus have developed a new group concept for in-patient settings to handle the basic topics of relationship in a systematical way, combining elements of psycho-education and self-reflection. Love will be the central theme during this workshop. The methodical approach will be demonstrated, examples will be delivered playfully and the attendees will be inspired to create a desire for the work with couples. Angela Wisberger and Wanja Kunstleben are working together in a psychosomatic and psychiatric clinic and individually as systemic therapists for couples in Karlsruhe ( and in Freiburg (

sunday morning workshop 09.45 -11.45 I room red

Are you interested? - The use of vocational interests in study guidance and counseling

Angelika Kornblum and Dipl.-Psych. Thomas Gatzka, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW “Psychology, Physics or Paleontology - what should I study?” Vocational interests exert an enormous influence on some of the most important decisions in our lives, including our career choices. In this workshop we will first provide a brief introduction to the re-search area of vocational interests. We will then form small groups to discuss controver-sial topics such as gender differences in vocational interests, mandatory self-assessments for students, practical challenges and problems in guidance and counseling, and the question whether we need vocational interest tests at all. The goals of this work-shop are to inform the participants and to actively involve them in some of the ongoing debates about the use of vocational interests in study guidance and counseling.


sunday morning workshop


09.45 -11.45 I room turquoise

Psychologische Psychotherapie – wo stehen wir und wo wollen wir hin?* * Psychologues et psychothérapie: où en sommes-nous et quels sont nos objectifs? Lic. phil. Claudine Ott, Comitee of the FSP Im Jahr 2013 wurde im Auftrag der Psychologieverbände der Schweiz eine gross angelegte Studie durchgeführt, welche zum ersten Mal genaue Daten über das Angebot, die Inanspruchnahme und die Kosten der psychologischen Psychotherapie in der Schweiz liefert. Für Psychotherapeutinnen und -therapeuten, welche nicht in Institutionen arbeiten, welche delegiert oder selbständig tätig sind, ist die Abrechnung der Leistungen seit jeher unbefriedigend und eine Verbesserung dringend notwendig. Psychologische Psychotherapeuten und –therapeutinnen sind – trotz zum Teil erschwerter Rahmenbedingungen - wichtige und geschätzte Leistungserbringer im Gesundheitswesen. Mit dem Inkrafttreten des Psychologieberufegesetzes im April 2013 ist der Beruf des Psychologen/der Psychologin und des Psychotherapeuten/der Psychotherapeutin geschützt. Nun geht es darum, die dringend notwendige Änderung der Finanzierung

En 2013, sur mandat des associations suisses de psychologues, une enquête de grande envergure a été menée afin de pouvoir enfin disposer de données précises sur l’offre, l’utilisation et les coûts de la psychothérapie effectuée par des psychologues en Suisse. Pour les psychothérapeutes qui ne travaillent pas en institution mais sous délégation ou de manière indépendante, le système de décompte des prestations n’a jamais été satisfaisant et il est urgent de lui apporter des améliorations. En dépit de conditions de travail devenant souvent plus difficiles, les psychothérapeutes psychologues sont des prestataires importants et estimés dans le domaine de la santé. Avec l’entrée en vigueur de la Loi sur les professions de la psychologie en avril 2013, les professions de psychologue et de psychothérapeute sont désormais protégées. Il s’agit maintenant de passer à l’étape suivante et de procéder sans attendre aux changements nécessaires dans

sunday morning workshop


der psychologischen Psychotherapie in die Wege zu leiten.

le financement de la psychothérapie effectuée par des psychologues.

Claudine Ott ist Fachpsychologin für Psycho-

Claudine Ott, psychologue spécialiste en psy-

therapie FSP und arbeitet in einer psychother-

chothérapie FSP, travaille au sein d’un cabi-

apeutischen Gemeinschaftspraxis in Aarau.

net de groupe de psychothérapie à Aarau.

Daneben ist sie als Fachrichterin Psychologie

Elle est en outre juge spécialisée en psycholo-

in der Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutzbe-

gie au Service de protection de l’enfant et

hörde im Kanton Aargau tätig und Vorstand-

de l’adulte du canton d’Argovie et membre

smitlgied der FSP.

du Comité de la FSP.

sunday morning workshop


09.45 - 11.45 I room yellow

Western psychology’s universalist claims and the challenge by indigenous psychology Dr. Pradeep Chakkarath, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

In many regions of the world, the past few decades have seen growing dissatisfaction with mainstream psychology, which was developed in the “West” and has been effectively promoted worldwide. Today, this development is frequently seen within the framework of Western colonialism and criticized for its largely unreflected ethnocentric character, especially by the indigenous psychology movement. The workshop will address and illustrate the movement’s main criticisms using an interactive approach. Dr. Pradeep Chakkarath is a cultural psychologist at the University of Bochum, a lecturer at various European universities and a fellow alumnus of the Academy of Advanced Studies at the University of Konstanz. His research interests are the history and methodology of the social sciences, including cross-cultural perspectives.

sunday afternoon lecture 13.15 - 14.15 I room yellow

Fixed-Links-Modelling – A methodology to fill the gap between experimental and correlational research on personality PD Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Troche, University of Bern In experimental research, processes are mostly investigated by behavioral changes between experimental task conditions. Fixed-links models enable the representation of experimentally manipulated processes by a latent variable. These processes can be separated from basic (not experimentally manipulated) processes which also influence task performance but can be represented by a second latent variable. Since the experimentally manipulated processes are usually of higher interest than the basic processes, this separation increases the validity of measurement. Therefore, in studies on the relation between personality traits and the experimentally examined processes the fixed-links approach leads to less ambiguous results. In my talk I will outline the basic ideas of fixed-links modeling and present empirical results to demonstrate how the strengths of experimental and correlational approaches of personality research can be combined by this new approach. Stefan Troche is lecturer at the University of Bern. His teaching and research experience is in the field of experimental personality research and psychological assessment.


sunday afternoon lecture


13.15 - 14.15 I room red

Positive Psychology

Prof. Dr. Willibald Ruch, University of Zurich Professor Willibald Ruch is a founder member of the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) and currently chair of the section of personality and assessment at the University of Zürich, Switzerland. He received his PhD from the University of Graz, Austria in 1980 and later worked at different universities in Germany, the UK and Switzerland. Between 1992 and 1998 he held a Heisenberg-fellowship awarded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). He taught various courses on personality and assessment, emotions and positive psychology at different universities (e.g. Düsseldorf, Berlin, Frankfurt, Belfast, Brig, Zürich) and he has authored about 200 journal articles and book chapters and co-edited and co-written five books. Willibald is co-editing or on the editorial board of several journals (including Journal of Individual Differences, Journal of Research in Personality, Journal of Positive Psychology), and co-editor of two book series. Currently he is working on positive psychology traits (e.g., character strengths and virtues; orientations to happiness, cheerfulness, humor) in adults and children/adolescents and their role in contributing to the good life.

sunday afternoon lecture 13.15 - 14.15 I room pink

A multidimensional approach to impulsivity after brain damage Dr. Lucien Rochat, University of Geneva Impulsive behaviours are frequently described in patients with brain-damages and have dramatic psychosocial consequences for both the patients and their caregivers. However, few studies have examined impulsivity changes in these patients. In my talk, I will present (1) a model taking into account four dimensions of impulsivity (urgency, lack of premeditation, lack of perseverance, and sensation seeking), (2) the specific psychological (cognitive, affective, and motivational) processes underlying each dimension impulsivity. Data collected on healthy adults and patients with brain injury or dementia will be presented. These results provide a valuable insight into the nature of brain systems and psychological processes underlying impulsive behaviors. In addition, understanding the mechanisms underlying impulsive behaviours in patients with cerebral damages hold implications for both assessment and rehabilitation in clinical settings. Dr. L. Rochat is currently postdoc and lecturer at the Cognitive Psychopathology and Neuropsychology Unit, University of Geneva. He is also matching fund at the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research in affective sciences, Project 7 : Emotion regulation, impulsivity, and executive functions. A part of his work focus on the cognitive, affective and motivational mechanisms underlying impulsive behaviours in healthy adults and patients with brain injury.


sunday afternoon lecture


13.15 - 14.15 I room turquoise

Moral biases and our daily life and death decisions Lucius Caviola, Giordano Bruno Stiftung Schweiz Do people care about the consequences of their actions? And if so, to what extent? In the last decade, research has advanced our understanding of the psychological mechanisms involved in moral decision-making. I am going to present a framework that helps explain these decisional processes. In particular, I am going to focus on moral biases that prevent us from achieving what we — under careful reflection — actually care about. Lucius Caviola is studying psychology at the University of Basel. His main interests focus around questions at the intersection between psychology, ethics, and rationality. In his own research, he combines moral psychological perspectives with the biases and heuristics research program, aiming to identify irrational patterns in moral decision-making. He completed research internships at the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics and the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford.

sunday afternoon closing lecture 14.30 - 16.00 I room blue

Is Beautiful Really Usable? Understanding the Interplay Between Usability, Aesthetics, and Affect in HCI Dr. Javier Bargas-Avila, Google (User Experience Researcher) Ever come across a product that looked beautiful but was awful to use? Or stumbled over a something that was very ugly but did exactly what you wanted? Ever wondered how these factors work together, and how they influence the experiences we create? Product usability and aesthetics are coexistent, but they are not identical. This talk will provide an overview over existing research in this field and present the latest findings that show how usability, aesthetics and affect work together to create great - or not so great - experiences. Javier Bargas-Avila holds a PhD in Cognitive Psychology. Before joining Google in 2011, he was the manager of the HCI lab at the University of Basel (Switzerland). He published over 20 peer reviewed papers in HCI journals and conferences covering topics such as user satisfaction, mental models in website perception, first visual impression of websites or webform usability. Since 2012 he co-leads the YouTube UX research team, where he currently focuses on internationalization, monetization and creators.



local organisations Students‘ council of the School of Applied Psychology, FHNW The students’ council of the School of Applied Psychology FHNW celebrates its first anniversary in march 2014. Since december 2012 an ambitious group of Bachelor and Master students has representatively been working for the interests of the entire students body of their school. On the one hand we want to encourage the exchange amongst our students and their networking. Hence we have lots of ideas how to achieve this, e.g. through an introduction week of first semester students. Those first semesters get a mentor and therefore a permanent buddy for support. Furthermore we organize regulars’ tables. On the one hand we wish to raise the students’ participation in the process of shaping the teachings at our school. Therefore we stand in continuous exchange with the Heads of Department and Management. Also, our goal is to inform potential psychology students about our Bachelor and Master degrees of Applied Psychology in the field of Work, Organisational and Personnel Psychology. To increase the awareness level of applied psychologists we regularly blog on www. and work closely together with Kontakttag GmbH. As a result we hope to extend job chances for our graduates. As the students’ council of the School of Applied Psychology, FHNW, we are also part of the students’ council of the entire FHNW “students.fhnw”. The FHNW (University of Applied Sciences and Arts) consists of nine schools with each having its own field of study – and its own students’ council. The chairperson of each students’ council represents her or his school in a board of directors, that supports the students interest of all students at the FHNW. The local organization (Fachschaft) of Berne There are a couple of passionate students in Berne who take good care of their fellow colleagues. Some of their to be appreciated, awesome activities include: • Making students’ lives better by contributing to political decisions of the institute, faculty and deanery as well as staying in touch with other associations • Telling rookies who is who and what is what by organizing a mentoring program as well as hand down important information to interested high schoolers at Fresher’s Days • Playing matchmakers by holding aperitifs, legendary hot wine parties before Christmas dazzling psychparties and running a stand at the annual university party

local organisations • Sticking with students’ concerns by allowing to exchange online in boards and groups with our homepage and by using the power of social networks, keeping everyone up to date with thrilling newsletters and elaborate, somewhat dadaistic pinboards • Regularly inviting interesting guest speakers who are already anchored in the world of work to show possible outcomes of the ECTS earning process in psychology, as it helps students to see what they can achieve and where they can possibly end up If you want to know more visit our website at, search for us on Facebook or send us mail to: [email protected] We wish you a tremendous stay at the psyKo 2014! Stefan Weber Fachschaft Psychologie Uni Bern

ADEPSY ADEPSY is the local organisation of the psychology students from Geneva. They make a link between the faculty administration and the students, but they also organize interesting events within the psychology field. Such as the 'forum psycho-emploi', that gives to the students the possibility to meet professionals, conferences, movie nights, parties and a lot of others things. Besides, they propose services like mentoring or t-shirts. Moreover, they make the link with the national and european organisations, PSYCH and EFPSA. If you're interested, you can contact us by e-mail : [email protected] or go to our website :


local organisations


Fachschaft / Comité des étudiants Uni Fribourg In Fribourg we are proud of an active, large and bilingual Fachschaft. Besides our contribution to university politics and answering student’s questions we organise a lot of social activities. The Fachschaft in Fribourg offers everyone the possibility to meet new interesting people and have a great time. University Politics In Fribourg we have the chance to really get involved into university politics. We have access to up to date information on new regulations and changes in our university. More importantly, our we have votes in every council, therefore student representatives can be even part of the commissions for the recruitment of new professors. Student support We facilitate the start of our new students with an information desk on their first day and offer numerous social events. In case problems arise between students and the university we try to find a good solution. Social activities There are many highlights in our calendar: The PsychoSnow: our well known snow-weekend, traditionally takes place in Grindelwald, with around 50 people joining and having a great time in the Alps. PsychoCinema: each semester we present psychologically interesting movies connected to a specific theme and often combined with drinks or food The Back to School party in the Frison is popular among the students: 400 people came last time to celebrate the start of the new semester. And of course there are many other events to find out about. New people are always welcome! Contact us on [email protected] or visit our website http:// Have an amazing time at the psyKo 2014! Meet the Fachgruppe Psychology Basel As the Fachgruppe Psychology Basel, it is our responsibility to stand up for the interests of Basel’s Psychology students and represent their wishes. To insure this gets done, we do a variety of things: For one thing we are in a number of the university’s panels, assemblies, and boards. In these we inform ourselves about topics that are relevant for us and our fellow students and do our best to ensure

local organisations that the decisions there are made in the best interest of psychology students. We do not however just want to represent behind the scenes. We also want actively assist our fellow students with matters involving their studies, especially - but not only- new students. In this capacity we among other things organize city tours and information events for students in the first semester, and otherwise try to help to make new students’ introduction into academic life as simple as possible. But with all this hard work going on, we believe having fun at the university shouldn’t be forgotten (we are students, not machines, after all!). And so we at the FG also dedicate a lot of time to organizing social events such as the Propout-Party, the Christmas Dinner, or the reception for celebrating the handing in of the Bachelor Theses. So who are WE? We are all Psychology students of the University of Basel ourselves, of course. New members are always welcome! Sharon Steinemann Find out more at: FAPS – Fachverein Psychologie der Universität Zürich We are a dedicated team with the mission to support our fellow students with our challenging studies but also bring in some fun as well. Our services include, amongst others, detecting and selling summaries, providing a website with useful information and facilitate communication between students via mailing list and several events. Most famous is our Psychoparty with about 1300 people in fall semester. But we also organize a summer party and a mulled wine event and don’t even shy away from hiring Easter Bunny and Santa Clause for some surprises. Our newest project is a series of evenings called “AfterStudy”. Presentations from psychologists and advanced studies of different fields give an insight in the variety of possible careers after graduation. Being a board member of FAPS is also a unique opportunity to discover the academic universe and have a good time with cool people. Want to know more?


about EFPSA

60 EFPSA – European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations

Have you heard of EFPSA? EFPSA is psyCH on the European level and has a lot in common with psyCH – only it is more international! ;) Its mission is to represent the needs and interests of European psycho students. As well, it offers the chance to network the students and enhances scientific and cultural exchange. EFPSA collaborates with EFPA (the European “FSP”; i.e. the professionals; European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations) as well as with other students’ organizations. At the moment, there are 32 member countries, and EFPSA keeps growing. Among the many great services and events are the following: 1) The yearly EFPSA Congress – highlight of the EFPSA year. Around 300 psycho students from all over Europe gather for one week for scientific and cultural exchange and to make new friends. 2) European Summer School (ESS), taking place during summer, bringing together students interested in research to study one psychological topic, then going home to their home countries after the week, gathering data there, and bringing them together to analyze with their team members from other countries. 3) Train the Trainers Summer School (TtT): It offers theoretical knowledge and especially practical training for people who want to go into the professional direction of coaching and training. Like the ESS, it is an intense week with many new interesting friends.

Further information: For more info visit and like “EFPSA Switzerland” and “EFPSA” on Facebook.

61 4) The Conference – a four daylong event in winter, where 150 students interested in a specific topic in science come together to follow lectures and workshops with professionals. 5) Travel Network – an internet platform which works like couchsurfing, only that it is offered by psycho students for psycho students. It’s the best thing if you like travelling at low cost and meeting local people. 6) JEPS (Journal of European Psychology Students): A peer-reviewed journal where you can publish your Bachelor/Master/whatever thesis and gain experience with the process of scientific publication. Last but not least, the fantastic and incomparable EFPSA spirit is around wherever EFPSA people meet! Stefanie Lurz & Alexander Gruhn


thank you psyCH team 2013 - 2014 psyCH would like to thank all board members for their contribution. Joelle Barthassat. Presidentin. Mara Suter. Vicepresidentin. Victoria Wolff. Finances. Alexander Gruhn. Member Representative. Stefan Weber. psyNet. Promotion. Nada Kojovic. Sponsoring. Claudie Gaillard. Communication. University Comparison. Isabelle Schmid. Communication. Halina Sutter. Professional Perspectives. Marcel Zwyssig. Train The Trainers. Lina Schmidt. T-shirts. Brigitte Kaufmann. T-shirts. Livia Gurtner. T-shirts. A special thank goes to Caroline Richter and Eva Eggemann for the great support during the year and of course to the psyKo team 2014 which made this weekend possible.

do you want to become part of the psyCH-team? don`t hesitate to join us at the open training on saturday afternoon.

thank you psyKo team 2014 Heads of Congress. Veronique Charlotte Corrodi and Laura Stella Di Raimondo Finances. Sandra Schnetzler and Zora Senn Sponsoring. Lisa Netscher and Anne Kathrine Lisabeth Raith Participants & Registration. Heike Eichenauer and Theresa Thaler Technik. Julian Stewart and Marcel Zwyssig Party. Isabella Hilmer and Isabelle Ryf Studentlectures. Loredana Lucatuorto Infotables. Simon Ewers Helpers. Felicitas Hannah Eichner Icebreaking Games. Sandra Schnetzler and Theresa Thaler Promotion. Felicitas Hannah Eichner and Loredana Lucatuorto Hike. Zora Senn Gifts and Cards. Veronique Charlotte Corrodi, Laura Stella Di Raimondo, Lisa Netscher, and Anne Kathrine Lisabeth Raith Feedbacksheets. Felicitas Hannah Eichner Website. Veronique Charlotte Corrodi



thank you without you the psyKo’14 would not have been possible Sponsors. Universities of Basel, Bern, Fribourg, Genève, Lausanne, Neuchâtel, and Zurich. Universities of Applied Art FHNW and ZHAW. Die Föderation der Schweizer Psychologen und Psychologinnen (FSP), der Schweizerische Berufsverband für Angewandte Psychologie (SBAP.), aware-Magazin, Belz Verlag, Deutscher Psychologen Verlag, Fachschaft Zürich, Fresh Drink, ghpys, Hogrefe Verlag, IBP, IBPMagazin, IEF Psychotherapieinstitut, Klaus Grawe Institut, Migros, PPB, Psychologie Heute Magazin, Psychoskope, Red Bull Schweiz, Ricola, Romi Gygax, SCROGGIN, SGAOP, SGIPA, SGLP, SGVT-SSTCC, SKJP, Springer Verlag, SSCP, SSP/SGP,, VBP, wilob, ZÜPP. Speakers. Pater Dr. Christoph Albrecht, Dr. Javier Bargas-Avila, Lucius Caviola, Dr. Pradeep Chakkarath, Prof. Dr. Malte Friese, Dipl.-Psych. Thomas Gatzka, Dr. Oliver Genschow, Dr. med. Andreas Gerber, Angela Gerigk, Susanna Hediger, Angelika Kornblum, Dipl. Psych. Wanja Kunstleben, Prof. Dr. phil. Markus Landolt, Prof. Dr. Urs Maurer, Thomas Müller, Lic. phil. Claudine Ott, Dr. Lucien Rochat, Julian Rubel, Prof. Dr Willibald Ruch, Dania Schiftan, Dr. phil. in Clinical Psychology und Lic. phil. in psychotherapy FSP, Dr. Anna Sieben, Lic. Phil. Peter Sonderegger, PD Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Troche, Angela Wisberger, Kaisa Yli-Pärri Student Lectures. Eva Eggemann, Sarah Hatcher, Marta Kiprovska, Georges Lemmer, Loredana Lucatuorto, Maria Poujai, Victoria Siegrist, Daniela Taborelli, Marlene Topka, Nicole Wellinger, Marcel Zwyssig Infotable Holders. Band. CANDY FROM A STRANGER Technical support. Kitchen team. Anima Bolanz, Werner Corrodi, André Grand, Noemi Heuberger, Rosa Hillmer, Bianca Leykam, Patrizia Signorelli Support. Joelle Barthassat, Marielle Hofer, Antonia Löhrer, Michael Luggen, Tilmann Pfäfflin, Selina Ratti, Mara Milena Suter, Victoria Wolff, psyCH Board, psyCH Dinosaurs, Helpers and Cake Bakers. Booklet. Mara Milena Suter, Tilman Pfäfflin, Theresa Thaler Location. Municipality of Därstetten (BE), Switzerland

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