November 20, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
ways: by working with the United States government to encourage action to find Kony, by. Gloria Lanoue ......
The Scroll
God’s Work — Ou r Han ds
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St Luke Welcomes Kay Lautzenheiser as our new Director of Youth Ministries
I N S I DE T H I S ISSUE : Vicar’s Pen
Youth and Wom en’ s Ministry
Invisibl e Chi ldren
Children and Fami ly Ministry
Music Mini stry
Mission Support Giv ing
Prayer Shawl M inistry
Scheduled to S erve
11 12
Kay joins our Leadership Team with specific responsibilities for working with our Middle School and High School age youth. She comes with experience serving as a Christian Educator and Youth Advisor for over twenty years. Kay earned a B.A. and Teaching Certificate at Adrian College and earned a Associates in Christian Education at Hartford Seminary. Kay feels working with youth is a “calling” for her, and her goal is to keep youth as active as possible in the life of the church.
Easter Sunday Worship at St. Luke 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM Festive Easter Service with special music by Senior C hoir and JuB ELLation Handbells (8AM) an d Concert Handb ells (9:30 A M)
Church Cal endar
Birthdays/Anniv ersari es
11:00 AM
Our Pray er Li st
Festive Easter Service with special music by Celeb rate Team an d Concert Handb ells
Volume 8, Issue 4
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God’s Work — Our Hands
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In my Ash Wednesday sermon, I encouraged us to move away from thinking about Lent as a forty day period of beating ourselves up and feeling extra bad about how many times we’ve sinned since last Lent. Drawing on some of the insights found in Making Sense of the Cross, I offered a vision of Lent that is grounded in the cross, in which we see God embracing the messy, sinful reality of human existence and ultimately meeting it not with condemnation but with grace and mercy. As Lent draws to a close, as we look toward Holy Week and on to Easter, I want to offer you yet another way of understanding this season of the church year and its relationship to our lives of faith. The word “Lent” comes from an old Anglo-Saxon word meaning “lengthen”. The season of Lent coincided with the spring, in which the days began to lengthen and new life began to emerge from the earth. So, Christians came to speak of Lent as the “springtime of the church year” because it too celebrated new life coming out of death. Over these past forty days, what has been put to death in your own life? How has the season of Lent helped to put to death those things that separate you from God? And, just as importantly, what new life is emerging? How has God used Lent to bring something new? Maybe you’ve found that taking time to read Scripture and pray each day is drawing you closer to God. Maybe the decision to make time to attend midweek Lenten services has helped you to hear God’s voice more clearly in the midst of your busy life. Maybe Making Sense of the Cross has caused you to rethink your understanding of God and God’s relationship with you, bringing you to a deeper understanding of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
St. Luke Lutheran Church Ph. 860-464-7897 Fax: 860-464-7742 Email:
[email protected] www.stluke .info Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:30 am to 1:30 pm L EADERSHIP TEAM
Pa stor: The Re v. Stephen R. Schmi dt pastorsteve@ Vica r Anne C. Confe r vicaranne Terri Me yer terri@
Director of Music Jessic a Dodson jessica @stluke .info
Director of Disci pleship Mini stry for Children and Families Ka y Lautzenheiser
Director of Youth Mini strie s Ruth Dirla m ruth@
Admini strative Specialist Kathleen Bartkowski KittensKB@
Orga nist/ Celebrate Acc ompanist Ellen Young
[email protected]
Bookkee pe r
Bill Brentnall
As you are surrounded by the new life that emerges more and more each day in the spring, I pray that you will know ever more deeply the gift of new life in Jesus Christ. Peace, Vicar Anne
Officer s of the C ongr egation Paul Anderson
[email protected]
President Felix Vajdo s fvajdos@co
Jennifer Gilletti
[email protected]
Volume 8, Issue 4
God’s Work — Our Hands
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Youth Ministry in April Calling all Middle School Youth! April 1st will be our first meeting together . . . NO FOOLING! We will meet following 11am worship for pizza, fun, and fellowship. Parents are invited so they can learn about plans for the future. The meeting should last until 2pm. I am looking forward to meeting with all of you. I have many exciting ideas for the program and can’t wait to hear from you. If you have questions , feel free to contact me at 860-535-1395 or 860-961-7502. Let’s SPRING into ACTION!! Senior High Youth: Your time has come! April 1st we will begin our time together by attending FIRST SUNDAY SPIRIT JAM at Ledyard Congregational Church from 5:30-7:30pm. We will have food, fun, and fellowship with other youth from the area. We will then make plans to meet at a time that is convenient for you. The possibilities are endless, so think about what would work for you. If you need to contact me, call me at 860-535-1395 or 860-961-7502. Don’t be foolish . . . plan to attend our first meeting together!
Zumba is coming to Saint Luke on Thursday evenings beginning April 12. Classes will meet from 6:30-7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome! Cost is $10 per class or $70 if you sign up for all 10 classes. Contact Janis Vajdos (
[email protected]) with questions. May 11-12 is the Women’s Retreat at Camp Wightman. The deadline to sign up was March 18, but there are still a few spaces available, so contact Vicar Anne if you’d like to go. We’ll spend some time studying the Bible, worshipping together, and enjoying each other’s company. We’ll also be doing some planning for the future of Women’s Ministry at Saint Luke after Vicar Anne’s departure. Cost for the retreat is $86 per person and is due as soon as possible. If you’ve signed up for the retreat, you will receive a letter in the mail with more information and directions.
Volume 8, Issue 4
God’s Work — Our Hands
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Invisible Children is a non-profit organization that works to end the atrocities in Uganda being carried out by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), led by Joseph Kony. It also helps to support communities negatively affected by LRA. For the past 26 years, the LRA has been terrorizing isolated villages in the dense jungles of central Africa where their acts went unseen and the cries for help of affected villagers would go unheard. Kony and the LRA terrorized these villages by abducting children as young as seven and using them as child soldiers and sex slaves. Invisible Children works to support these communities and the victims of Kony and the LRA in a variety of ways: by working with the United States government to encourage action to find Kony, by implementing projects that help the communities to achieve self-sustainability, and by raising awareness about the conflict in central Africa. This year, Invisible Children is running their biggest awareness campaign yet, called Kony 2012, in the hopes that 2012 will be the year that Joseph Kony is captured and brought to the International Criminal Court to be tried for his crimes. President Obama has sent 100 military troops to the region to support the militaries in countries where the LRA is active. With our awareness, support, and advocacy, there is much hope that Kony will be brought to justice in 2012 and that peace will return to the region, free of the LRA. On Sunday, April 22nd at 6:30pm, Brenna Robeson and the Amnesty International group at Ledyard High School will be hosting a screening of Invisible Children’s most recent movie at Saint Luke. There will be a representative from Invisible Children present at the screening as well as a person from Uganda whose life has been affected by the conflict in some way. There will be time for discussion after the movie. A free-will offering will be taken to support the mission of Invisible Children, and merchandise will be for sale. Please join us in spreading awareness about this timely and important issue!
Volume 8, Issue 4
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God’s Work — Our Hands
CHILDREN and FAMILY MINISTRY NEWS AND UPDATES Jessica Dodson, 464-7897 x103;
[email protected]
SAVE THE DATE! VBS 2012 July 16th-20th 9:00 am ‘till noon Mark your calendar!
GOOD FRIDAY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Calling anyone who would like to help out running a game for our Children’s Good Friday Program. April 6th 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.
Upcoming Activities Good Friday Children’s Program
9:30-11a.m. Join us for worship, crafts and snacks.
No Sunday School Easter Sunday April 8th. May 5th Parents’ Coffee Talk during the Learning Hour May 18th Family Game Night May 27th No Sunday School
Volume 8, Issue 4
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God’s Work — Our Hands My Favorite Lyrics
When I have more questions than answers, when the dawn seems distant in the darkness, Jesus, let Your Spirit speak softly. Oh, to feel the trust You felt in that garden where You knelt.
We are looking for a few more people who would be willing to run the projection for either 8:15 or 11: 00 s ervices. We will work around your service preference and schedule. Training is provided! Speak with Terri if you might be interested in serving.
June 9 at 7:00 PM— H alleluja h for Handbells Featuring all six of our handbell and hand chime choirs
Let me live the prayer of Gethsemane, let my life reflect the words formed there upon Your tongue. Let me live the prayer of Gethsemane: “Not my will, but Thine be done.” Jesus, give me strength just to listen when the ways of my will drown Your whisper. Keep Your voice of wisdom so near me Oh, to feel the trust You felt in that garden where You knelt. Teach me to reach beyond my hu man heart, shape me to be everything You are… Let me live the prayer of Gethsemane, let my life reflect the words formed there upon Your tongue. Let me live the prayer of Gethsemane: “Not my will, but Thine be done.”
Prayer of Gethsemane
June 3 at 8:15 a nd 11:00--Choral Sunday Featuring the Senior Choir’s Sermon in Song
by Alex ander / Cas tleton
June 17 a t 8: 15 and 11: 00—Cele bra te Sunday Featuring the Celebrate T eam’s S ermon in S ong June 24 7:30 PM — C once rt Ha ndbell Choir’ s Farewe ll Conce rt showcasing th e performance pack age they will take on tour.
With your support we were able to raise over $7900 at our recent Silent Auction. We rounded up and tithed $800 to KidsCare meals, which will enable 3,200 people to eat. Amazing! We will reach farther and serve better on our tour to PA this summer. Thank you!
Emma, Sasha, Aubrey, Tess, Cedar, Brenna, Erika, Kevin, Dan, Luke, Ben and Ellie
Volume 8, Issue 4
God’s Work — Our Hands
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Volume 8, Issue 4
God’s Work — Our Hands
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Thank You to the Sanctuary Chair Task Force that has tightened all our chairs in preparation for new upholstery that will match our kneelers — Coming Soon!
Volume 8, Issue 4
God’s Work — Our Hands
Page 9
Focus on Social Ministry The Prayer Shawl Team Asks: Who Needs a Hug? Team Le ader Jean Wolfgang assures us that her team has you covered! Jean and other devoted knitters meet in the conference room at St. Luke on the Second Sund ay of eac h month. From 5:00 to 6:00pm, the r apid p ace of life slows dow n and they enjoy one another ’s comp any as they knit or crochet pr ayer shawls, lap r obes, and other war m, fuzzy signs of car ing. These women and other members put in many add itional hours at home. As a result, an abu ndance of “handmade hugs ” is av ailab le to persons, from you ng to old, who may appreciate a reminder that the love of our faith commu nity surrounds the m. The group provides a blanke t to eac h baby b aptized and a shaw l to every church me mber who is hospitalized or homeb ound. This is just the beginning, however. The team hopes many more people will benefit from this labor of love. You are encouraged to re quest a shawl or lap robe for a relative, friend, or ne ighb or. Lap robes are especially suited to persons of the male persuasion who may hes itate to we ar a shawl! And it is not selfish to choose a shawl or lap robe for yours elf. Be aware that this versatile group c an (and does) produce a v ariety of useful creations:
Recently three members k nit 15 b lue and red scarves for the Special Olymp ics. The next major project is prepar ation of 150 hygie ne kits to be sent to Hondur as in June. Each k it will inc lude sample size hygiene products such as toothpas te, tooth brushes, small bars of soap, dandruff shampoo and baby shampoos. Courtesy of the Pr ayer Shaw l Team, they will also include hand-k nit or crochete d wash cloths. Looking ahead, the team is planning to produce hats and scarves to be donated to local schools this coming winter. Do you know anyone under 18 who lost a hat or glove this p ast winter? Enough said. The group is also soliciting support for the production of “Qu illows,” a comb ination fleece quilt and pillow, to be distributed to childre n in are a homeless she lters. This gift c an he lp a frighte ned and lonely c hild feel a sense of home in d ifficult circums tances.
H ow You Can P artic ip ate
Join the team or enc ourage others w ho knit or croc het to join the team. Reme mber that atte nd ance at the monthly meeting is op tional. This hobby can be pursued at home, while waiting at the doctor’s office, or while riding in the car (prov iding, of course, that you are not the driver!). Donate yarn or fleece. Donate hygie ne products. Distribu te the shawls, lap robes and other ite ms to persons who will appreciate the m. Check out the credenza in the narthe x: The team always le aves a shawl or r obe for the taking—c laim it and pass it on to some one you know who can use a hug.
For more infor mation, contact Jean Wolfgang.
Volume 8, Issue 4
God’s Work — Our Hands
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The tag sale is coming soon We have been getting a lot of inquiries about when the tag sale is coming. Well, it’s coming soon! It’s scheduled for May 25 and 26, and it’s not too early to start getting stuff together for the sale while you’re spring cleaning. We always have a wonderful collection of high-quality merchandise, at least 80% of which is donated by members of St. Luke. We’re not sure how you come up with all this stuff, but please… do it again! Information about the kind of stuff we want (and a few things we don’t want) is given below.
Meanwhile, we need your help Before the tag sale, we’re seeking one or more people who would be willing to help us
evaluate and sell a number of potentially valuable items that were donated to the furniture bank (mainly paintings and antique furniture). We could sell such items at the tag sale, but should be able to do better selling them elsewhere (ebay, for example). If you would be interested in contributing to the work of the furniture bank in this way, please contact Mike or Karen Wuesthoff at 860 381-9224.
What we need… Anything usually found at tag sales is welcome, but please note that we cannot accept items that are difficult to sell or dispose of, such as hazardous materials, mildewed books or clothing, paint, kitchen cabinets (yeah, we’ve gotten those!), tires, automobile batteries, or sets of encyclopedias more than 10 years old.
In case you didn’t know: The Furniture Bank, which began in 1982 as an outreach of St. Luke, collects donated furniture and gives it free of charge to people in financial need who are referred by social service agencies and churches. We have been running tag sales at St. Luke for 22 years (since 1990). Roughly half of the proceeds are used to meet operating expenses (mainly rental on storage lockers). The other half is used to buy beds, most of which are purchased new because of bedbug issues. Donations, including items for the tag sale, are tax-deductible. For further information, please call the furniture bank at 860 381-9224.
Soup kitchen schedule for april 2012 COOKS Hans en Hell er (2) Strauss (2) Swiontek (2)
SERVERS Hans on (2) Jones (3) Koerting Schenk Wimmerm ark
Volume 8, Issue 4
Page 11
God’s Work — Our Hands
Greet ers
Welcom e Team
Altar Guild
Lay Read ers
Communion Assisting Deacons Ministers
Acolyt es
Palm Sunday
Elaine RemondiSimpson
Joy ce Schmidt
Marty & Pat Wood, Barclay Thomas, Andy George
Sue Anderson
Bob Eric kso n
Marty Wood, Laurie Crawford*
Jean Swion tek
Ben Vajdos, Alexis Stehle
Deb Baldwin
Tom & Mary Baudro
Tom Rey nolds, Dic k Wimmermark, Mark Kuklis, Pauline Wanner,
Joan Davis
Mitch Robin son Robin Nelson, Dick Wimmermark*
Jacly nn Roush
Tom McDaniel, Joaquin Lope zWatson
Maundy Thursday
Megan Stone
Barclay Thomas
Ty ler Woods, Joaquin Lope zWatson
Cathy Hanson
Ray Heller, Dick Wimmermark, Lee Beale, Barclay Thomas
Dick Swio nte k
Good Frida y
Ray Heller,, Dick Wimmermark, Barclay Thomas
No Communion
No Reader
Addy Fauth, Caleb Fauth
Cathy Hanson
Mark Larson
Amy Sindel, Dennis Sindel*
Rob Strauss
Andrew August, Jalen Chambers, Ben Vajdos
Easter Sunday
Ginny Jacobson
Ginny Jacobson Dennis Sindel, Mark Larson, Dennis Anderson
Joanne Ericks on
Paul & Carla Henschel
Tom Rey nolds, Ray Heller, Bob &Rob in Nelson
Barclay Thomas
Nancy Rupert, Pat Robbins *
Ruth D irlam
Carter Smith, Geralson Withrow, Emily Anderson
June Barrack
Jeanne Loomis
Dick Wimmermark, Pauline Wanner, Lee Beale, Barclay Thomas
Fawn DeMello
Diane Hansen, Cindy Jones*
Sue Zebrosky
Ty ler Woods, Kevin Portofee, Andy Sammons
* alternat e, if n ecess ary
Volume 8, Issue 4 Dat e
Page 12
God’s Work — Our Hands
Greet ers
Welcom e Team
Altar Guild
Lay Read ers
Communion Deacons
Assisting Ministers
Acolyt es
Joy ce Schmidt
Pat & Marty Wood
Marty & Pat Wood, Mark & Louise Larson
Dawn Anderson
Joanne Erickso n
Barb Anderson. Judie Su plic ki*
Kristin Price
Ben Vajdos, Alexis Stehle
Trudi & Hugh Busey
Donna kU klis
Mark Ku klis, Gina Williams, Pauline Wanner, Lee Beale
Joy ce Schmidt
Sue Zebros ky
Grace DeMarco, Cedar Nelson*
Jim Rhoades
Amanda Cox, Rachelle Robeson
Trudy Flanery
Marge & Chuc k Joh nson
Dennis Sindel, Dennis & Dawn Anderson, Barclay Thomas
Jeannette Lang
Kathy Swope
Sue Anderson, Dick Swio nte k*
Ruth D irlam
Jenna Beale, Addy Fauth
Dot Coo per
Gail & Bob Chernans ky
Dick Wimmermark, Bob, Robin & Cedar Nelson
Paul Anderson
Trevin Reeves
Judie Su plic ki, Robin Nelson*
Larry Wolfgang
Cassandra Cin i, Andrew August
Ginny Jacobson
Ginny Jacobson Dennis Sindel, Barclay Thomas, Mark & Louise Larson
Cathy Hanson
Terry Blair
Joanne Ericks on, Dennis Sindel*
Roger Hanson
Rachelle Robeson, Emily Anderson
Peggy Beale
Leigh Sammons
Gail Chernans ky
Bob Nelso n
Dy ann Baker, Sandy Wimmermark*
Dy ann Baker
Jalen Chambers, Carter Smith
Tom Rey nolds, Mark Kuklis, D ic k Wimmermark, Pauline Wanner
Bags for a Better World Are you looking for a unique Easter or Mother's Day gift? Or just a change for spring? Bags for a Better World will return on April 1 and May 6 (between/ after services, near the Fellowship Hall). The entire purchase price from these washable, durable bags helps support the Chikumbuso and Honduras ministries. Support a worthy cause and get a new bag!
Volume 8, Issue 4
God’s Work — Our Hands
Church Calendar of Events
Page 13
Volume 8, Issue 4
April 3 Ryan Bradley April 4 Phil Hammen Stephanie Loomis April 5 Cheryl Anderson April 6 Lynn Billings-Thomas Rachelle Robeson April 7 Paul Anderson Kevin Moran April 9 Jenn Baudro Abigail Cote April 10 Hugh Busey Erica Watson Paul Lang Alex Tobiassen Boden Frost Ava Korineck April 11 Andrea Young April 12 Bill Caruso Mike Baker April 14 Ben McCoy-Redd April 15 Denyse LaForge Kristen Smart April 16 Robin Nelson Lisa Tobiassen April 18 Ginny Jacobson Rachel Gernert April 20 Mitchell Graul April 21 Susan Portofee April 22 Kim Bossé David Larson Liese Zitzkat Kaitlynne Fuller Jesse Steele April 25
Page 14
God’s Work — Our Hands
Jim Manske April 26 Margaret Tourangeau Craig Rupert April 27 Cassie Dole Lauryn Lu April 28 Caile Johnson Nicholas Haugland April 29 Daniel Derjue Mark Ballestrini
WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES April 16 Loretta & Jason Cox April 18 Jill & Merle Johnson April 19 Laure McCoy-Redd & CJ Redd April 21 Lauren & Peter Larson April 30 Lynn Billings & Barclay Thomas
BAPTISMAL ANNIVERSARIES Shirley Harrington Eric Widstrom Corri Bradley Janet Stehle Tara Fauth Sonya Barrs Alice Carter Judy Cregeur Christopher Lawton Laure McCoy-Redd April 1 Ethel Haugland Dean Bossé Kjrsten Cote April 2 Cathy Frost Randal Brannon Ryan Brannon April 3
Carol Croteau Vern Brasel Carlton Smith Carter Smith April 7 Kim Haugland Aaron Robbins April 10 Cindy Jones Erica Watson Lindsay Watson April 11 Jo-Ann Fenton April 13 Mark Larson Emily Heller April 14 Sue Anderson April 15 Katie Kietzman Margaret Tourangeau April 16 Karl Balinski April 18 Karen McDaniel April 20 Judie Suplicki April 21 Carla Henschel April 22 Amy Sindel April 23 Gerald Swope April 25 Sarah Marien Sandy Wimmermark April 26 Juleanne Zegarzewski Karinne Zegarzewski April 27 Emily Zegarzewski Jeff Zegarzewski April 28 Luisa Bueno April 29 Anna Lettiere Jim Rhoades
Volume 8, Issue 4
God’s Work — Our Hands
PLEAS E REMEMBER IN PRA YER Margaret Carr, Mike Carr’s mother, hospitalized after a fall. Ed Suplicki, Judie’s husband and father to Pam Suplicki and Elaine Lettiere, prayers for healing and recovery.
Eric Lambert, Joan Lamb ert’s son, recovering from a stroke. Richard Carter, Alice Carter’s husband, recovering from an
illness. Dorothy Ballestrini, Mark Ballestrini’s mother, sick and in the hospital. Sophia, 13 year old friend of the Graul family, in the hospital, awaiting a heart transplant. Debbie Eld, dealing with health issues and undergoing medical tests. Bill Mason, Jess Dodson’s father-in -law, hospitalized and facing a heart catheterization procedure. Bob Bradley, continuing to undergo medical tests. Kennedy McGrath, Phyllis & Travis Turner’s 3 yr. old grandda ughter, prayers for continued healing. Ed, Paul Anderson’s co-worker, prayers for a quick and successful recovery from lung cancer surgery. Shirley Harrington, healing from at fall at Norwichtown Rehab. Amy Jones, Chris & Cindy Jones’ sister-in -law and aunt to Tori & Livy, prayers for continued healing. Virginia Host, Sue Portofee’s mother, prayers for healing and recovery. Ron Robeson, Sr., Ron’s father, facing health issues. Ann Raiford, Sandy Wimmer mark’s cousin, prayers for healing, strength and hope during her cancer treatme nt. Stella Carnes, Shirley Harrington’s friend, recovering from surgery after falling and breaking her leg. Terry Anderson, Shirley Harrington’s friend, undergoing chemothera py. Tina Hughes, Barb Anderson’s sister-in-law, recovering from neurosurge ry. Colleen, Cindy Jones’ friend, prayers for healing and comfort while fighting breast cancer. Ed Schilke, Shirley Harrington’s friend, dealing with health issues. Prayers that God’s comforting presence be with Carolyn McDonald, Shirley Harrington’s friend, as she faces terminal cancer. Ed & Bonnie, Joyce Schmidt’s friends, prayers for healing and comfort as Ed recovers from a heart attack. Judy Rucho, Rudy Croteau’s sister, who has Alzheimer’s disease. Bob and Pam, friends of Cindy Jones, prayers for comfort and strength, as Bob has dementia and Pam is his caregiver. Alex, Mary Ellen Robeson’s friend, dealing with neurological issues. Jackie, Gina Willia ms’ friend with stage IV cancer, who is considering her treatme nt options. Linda, friend of the Tobiassens, facing continuing serious health issues. Nancy Dirlam, undergo ing chemotherapy. Ben, Erik Wuesthoff’s roommate, who has no movement or feeling in his legs. Denise Derush, Shalene Withrow’s sister, prayers for guidance and peace as she deals with health issues. Michael Trauer, Shalene Withrow’s father, prayers for health and healin g
Page 15
Laure (Tig) McCoy-Redd, facing serious health issues. Aaryn Bolgrihn, 2 year old friend of Trevin Reeves, who needs a bone mar row transplant.
George Heins, Jackie Heins’ husband and Betty Bruhn’s friends, dealing with health issues.
Anthony Vissers, newborn son of Sarah and Scott, Barb
Anderson’s friends, born 9 weeks prematurely, prayers for continued growth and health. David Tuttle, Paul & Barb Anderson’s friend, healing from a cancer recurrence. Brooke, Valerie Phillips’ brother’s teenaged niece, diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Bella Diglio, Denyse LaForge’s friend’s daughter, dealing with health issues. Karen, friend of Karen Wuesthoff, battling ovarian cancer. Lionel Haywood, Ann Leal’s father, prayers for healing and recovery from a heart attack. Lorinda Haywood, Ann Leal’s stepmother, prayers for healing and recovery from a fall. Cecelia Vajdos, Felix’s aunt, prayers for courage and healing as she faces treatment for cancer. David Wohlfert, friend of Paul and Barb Anderson, dealing with a recurrence of cancer. Anna, cousin of Florence Kelly, suffering from multiple cancers.
PRAY FOR O UR DEPLOYED M ILITARY: Megan, Leigh Sammons’ friend, deployed to the Persian Gulf. Thomas, Patricia Van Cleave’s fiancé, deployed to Bahrain with the Coast Guard.
Mark Yanaway, Mitch & Mary Robinson’s son, deployed to Africa.
PRAY FOR O UR GRIEVING: The friends and family of Bob Mattison, Beverly Mattison’s husband, who joined the Saints Triumpha nt.
PRAY FOR O UR HOM EBOUND: Olga Melnichuk, Elaine Remondi -Simpson’s aunt, at Mystic Healthcare.
George Roberge, at Groton Regency Vivian Sneddon, at Harrington Court in Colchester. Marnie Reubelt, at home. Eric Widstrom, at Windham Falls.
PRAY FOR T HOSE WITH OT HER CONCERNS: Edna Esther Johnson, Mary Robinson’s sister, prayers of
support for her missionary work with the ELCA Global Mission in Liberia. Kirsten Holmstedt, prayers as she serves with the ELCA Global Mission in Liberia. Andrew, Tori Jones’ friend who serves in Japan, prayers for his safety and safe return. Prayers for the mission that Padre Francisco leads and our other Honduran friends of the Santa Margarita (Chachah uala) and San Marcos churches. Chikumbuso Project, for the widows, orphans and those ministering to them, pray that God’s work be done in the community and for God’s healing and blessings.
St. Luke Lutheran Church 1830 Route 12 Gales Ferr y, CT 063 35 ADDRESS SERVI CE REQUS TED Dated Material Please Do Not Delay!
Phone: 860-464-7897 Fax: 860-464-7742 E-mail:
[email protected]
8:15 and 11 AM
A Great God — A Great Church!
PALM SUNDAY (APRIL 1) Blessing of Palms/Procession with Palms/ Reading of the Passion According St. Mark at 8:15 and 11 AM
MAUNDAY THURSDAY (April 5) Holy Communion with Individual Absolution at NOON Holy Communion with Individual Absolution & Opportunity for Footwashing At 7:30 PM
Stations of the Cross at NOON Service of Tenebrae (Service of Shadows) with meditations on the Seven Words from the Cross at 7:30 PM
EASTER SUNDAY (April 8) Festive Services at 8AM, 9:30AM, and 11AM
(See front cover for more details)