the Woolf Foundation Library
October 30, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
Short Description
Dead or Alive - Tom Clancy. The Deptford The Hunt for Red October - Tom Clancy PDF in 18 point ......
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Genres Included in the Woolf Library Select Subject/Type and Go to Listing Best Sellers
Non Fiction
Classic Fiction
Historical Fiction
Science Fiction
Short Stories
Modern Fiction
Young People
Mystery Return to Library First Page
Books by Genre Andromeda Strain Animal Farm
Best Sellers
Michael Chrichton
George Orwell
Tina Fey
A Canticle for Leibowitz Catch 22
Childhood’s End
Walter Miller
Joseph Heller -
The Confession
Arthur C. Clarke
The Da Vinci Code Dead or Alive
The Deptford Trilogy
John Grisham -
Dan Brown
Tom Clancy - Robertson Davies
Frank Herbert
Stephanie Meyer
Fahrenheit 451 A Feast for Crows
Ray Bradbury George R.R. Martin
Five People You Meet in Heaven
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest
Dan Brown -
Stieg Larsson
Return to Selection Menu
The Girl Who Played with Fire
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo The Great Gatsby
Steig Larson
Suzanne Collins
The Hunt for Red October -
F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Hunger Games
Steig Larsson
Tom Clancy
Jeffrey Eugenides
Suzanne Collins
The New Testament
King James Version
Nineteen Eighty-four The Old Testament
King James Version
Salvage the Bones The Ship Who Sang
George Orwell
Jesmyn Ward
Anne McCaffrey
Shipping News - Annie Proulx The Snowman
Jo Nesbo
Stranger in a Strange Land A Storm of Swords Time Enough For Love Twilight
Robert A. Heinlein
George R.R. Martin
- Robert A. Heinlein
Stephanie Meyer
Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - B. Franklin Bossypants
Tina Fey
The Meaning of it All
Richard Feynman
The Paris Wife
Paula McLain
The Story of My Life - Helen Keller Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman
Richard Feynman
Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre
Aesop’s Fables - Aesop The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton Animal Farm Beloved
George Orwell
- Toni Morrison
Billy Budd - Herman Melvile Black Beauty - Anna Sewell Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Truman Capote
The Call of the Wild - Jack London Candide - Voltaire A Canticle for Leibowitz Catch 22
Walter Miller
Joseph Heller
Captains Courageous - Rudyard Kipling Catcher in the Rye
J.D. Salinger
Return to Selection Menu
A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky Crome Yellow - Aldous Huxley Daisy Miller - Henry James Mrs. Daloway - Virginia Woolf Dawn Ohara - Edna Ferber The Death of Ivan Ilych - Leo Tolstoy The Deerslayer - James Fenimore Cooper In Defense of Women - H.L. Mencken Dune
- Frank Herbert
Fahrenheit 451
Ray Bradbury
Flatland - Edwin A. Abbott
Return to Selection Menu
Goodbye Mr. Chips
James Hilton
The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck The Great Gatsby I-Robot
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Isaac Asimov
Gulliver’s Travels - Jonathan Swift
Hard Times - Charles Dickens The Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad The House of the Seven Gables - Nathaniel Hawthorne Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain The Iliad - Homer The Jungle - Upton Sinclair Keep the Aspidistra Flying - George Orwell
Return to Selection Menu
Kidnapped - Robert Louis Stevenson
To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee
Kim - Rudyard Kipling Klodike Tales - Jack London The Last of the Plainsmen - Zane Grey The Left Hand of Darkness
Ursula Le Guin
Little Women - Louisa May Alcott Lord of the Flies
William Golding
Main Street - Sinclair Lewis The Man Who Knew Too Much - G.K. Chesterton Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka Moby Dick - Herman Melville Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf Return to Selection Menu
My Antonia - Willa Cather The New Testament
Nineteen Eighty-four
King James Version
George Orwell
The Old Curiosity Shop - Charles Dickens The Old Testament
King James Version
O Pioneers - Willa Cather Penrod - Booth Tarkington Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane The Return of the Native - Thomas Hardy Riders of the Purple Sage - Zane Grey The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Samuel Coleridge Return to Selection Menu
Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne The Screwtape Letters
C.S. Lewis
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Ernest Hemingway
The Sea Wolf
Jack London
This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald Silas Marner - George Eliot Spartacus
Howard Fast
The Story of Doctor Dolittle - Hugh Lofting Summer - Edith Wharton A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens Tarzan of the Apes - Edgar R. Buroughs
Return to Selection Menu
Three Soldiers - John Dos Pasos Time Enough For Love
Robert A. Heinlein
Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain Treasure Island - Robert L. Stevenson The Voyage Out - Virginia Woolf White Fang - Jack London Winesburg, Ohio - Sherwood Anderson Wuthering Heights - Emile Bronte You Can’t Go Home Again - Thomas Wolfe Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre 77 Shadow Street
Dean Koontz
Andersen’s Fairy Tales - Hans Christian Andersen Dead in the Family
The Dead Travel Fast Eclipse
A Feast for Crows
Charlaine Harris
Deanna Rayburn
Stephanie Meyer -
George R.R. Martin
Five People You Meet in Heaven The Horse and His Boy The Last Battle
The Magician’s Nephew A Nameless Witch The Night Circus
Dan Brown
C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis
The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe Luka and the Fire of Life
C.S. Lewis
Salman Rushdie
C.S. Lewis
Lee Martinez
Erin Morgenstern
Return to Selection Menu
Prince Caspian
C.S. Lewis
Song of Susannah
Stephen King
Storm Front
Jim Butcher
A Storm of Swords
George R.R. Martin
Stephanie Meyer
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader The Winter Sea
C.S. Lewis
Susanna Kearsley
The Wizard of Oz - L. Frank Baum Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre
Historical Fiction
The Boleyn Inheritance - Philippa Gregory The Other Boleyn Girl - Pilippa Gregory The Clan of the Cave Bear The Constant Princess Doc
Jean M. Auel
Philippa Gregory
Mary Doria Russell
The Girl With a Pearl Earring Half-Blood Blues
Tracy Chevalier
Esi Edugyan
Howards End - E.M. Forster A Journal of the Plague Year - Daniel Defoe The Last Days of Pompei - Edward Bulwer Lytton The Mammoth Hunters March
Jean M. Auel
Geraldine Brooks
Marie Antoinette & Her Son - Louise Muhlbach Return to Selection Menu
Diana Gabaldon
Pillars of Earth
The Plains of Passage
Ken Follet -
Jean M. Auel
Plunkitt of Tammany Hall - William L. Riordan Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen The Queen’s Fool
Philippa Gregory
The Scarlet Pimpernel - Baroness Emmuska Orczy The Shelters of Stone Silent in the Grave
Jean M. Auel
Deanna Raybourn
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan Spartacus A Storm of Swords
Lisa See
Howard Fast -
George R.R. Martin
Return to Selection Menu
Three Men in a Boat - Jerome K. Jerome True Grit
Charles Portis
The Valley of the Horses The Winter Sea The Wise Woman
Jean M. Auel
Susanna Kearsley
- Philippa Gregory
Year of Wonders - Geraldine Brooks Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre Bossypants Necrophenia
Tina Fey
Robert Rankin
Three Men in a Boat - Jerome K. Jerome Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre
Modern Fiction
Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay - Michael Chabon American Pastoral - Philip Roth Anthem - Ayn Rand The Art of Fielding
Chad Harbach
Babbit - Sinclair Lewis The Beautiful and Damned - F. Scott Fitzgerald Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Truman Capote
Calico Joe - John Grisham Catch-22
Joseph Heller
Catcher in the Rye
J.D. Salinger
Catching Fire Hunger, Games #2 - Suzanne Collins The Corrections The Cunning Man Cutting For Stone
Jonathan Franzen -
The Da Vinci Code The Dead Travel Fast
Robertson Davies Abraham Verghese -
Dan Brown
- Deanna Rayburn
Return to Selection Menu
The Deptford Trilogy
Robertson Davies
Dubliners - James Joyce Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
Jonathan Safran
Judy Blume
Jonathan Franzen
Half-Blood Blues
Esi Edugyan
The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee
The Known World - Edward P. Jones The Litigators - John Grisham Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner Lord of the Flies
Alan Sillitoe
William Golding
Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez Luka and the Fire of Life The Marriage Plot Middlesex
Salman Rushdie
Jeffrey Eugenides
Jeffrey Eugenides
Return to Selection Menu
Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro One Day
David Nichols
The Paris Wife
The Prodigal Son Reamde Room
Paula McLain -
Dean Koontz
Neal Stephenson Emma Donaghue
Salvage the Bones
Jesmyn Ward
Say You’re One of Them
Uwem Akan
Shipping News - Annie Proulx Sing You Home
Jodi Picoult
State of Wonder
Ann Patchett
Summer Sisters
Judy Blume
Tara Road
Maeve Binchy
Thunderhead - Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child The Time Traveler’s Wife True Grit
Audrey Niffenegger
Charles Portis
Water For Elephants
Sara Gruen
Return to Selection Menu
The Winner Stands Alone
Paulo Coelho
The Winter Sea - Susanna Kearsley
Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre
77 Shadow Street - Jean Koontz The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Arthur C. Doyle The Andromeda Strain - Michael Chrichton The Black Ice - Michael Connelly Blind Alley - Iris Johnson The Caves of Steel - Isaac Asimov Children of the Night - Mercedes Lackey Cold Vengeance - Douglas Preston In the Company of Others - Jan Karon The Confession - John Grisham Cruel and Unusual - Patricia Cornwell Dead or Alive - Tom Clancy Dead Reckoning - Charlaine Harris For the Sake of Elena - Elizabeth George Return to Selection Menu
The Fifth Witness - Michael Connelly The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest - Steig Larsson The Girl Who Played With Fire - Steig Larsson The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - Steig Larsson Headhunters - Jo Nesbo The Hound of the Baskervilles - Arthur C. Doyle House Rules - Jody Picoult In the Company of Others
Jan Karon
The Hunt for Red October - Tom Clancy The Leopard - Jo Nesbo The Lincoln Lawyer - Michael Connelly Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - John Berendt
The Mysterious Affair at Styles - Agatha Christie Night Shift - Stephen King Path of the Assassin - Brad Thor Payment in Blood - Elizabeth George Return to Selection Menu
Port Mortuary - Patricia Cornwell The Princess of Burundi - Kjell Eriksson The Prodigal Son - Dean Koontz Reamde - Neal Stephenson Red Mist - Patricia Cornwell The Rembrandt Affair - Daniel Silva The Reversal - Michael Connelly Room - Emma Donaghue The Secret Adversary - Agatha Christie Secrets of Eden - Chris Bohjalian Shroud for a Nightingale - P.D. James Silent in the Grave - Deanna Raybourn Sizzling Sixteen - Janet Evanovitch The Snowman - Jo Nesbo A Suitable Vengeance - Elizabeth George The Summons - John Grishom Return to Selection Menu
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy - John le Carre U is for Undertow - Sue Grafton Unnatural Causes - P.D. James The Winner Stands Alone - Paulo Coelho The Wisdom of Father Brown - G.K. Chesterton Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre
All the President’s Men - Woodward & Bernstein Beyond Freedom and Dignity - B.F. Skinner Common Sense - Thomas Paine English/Spanish Vocabulary for Healthcare Workers Woolf Foundation Staff English/Spanish Vocabulary for Library Workers Woolf Foundation Staff The Federalist Papers - Hamilton, Madison, Jay Freefall
Joseph Stiglitz
The Meaning of It All
Richard Feynman
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Berendt The Nature of the Judicial Process - Benjamin Cardozo Notable, Quotable Speeches and Documents - Woolf Foundation Staff Return to Selection Menu
The Power of Myth
Joseph Campbell
Pragmatism - William James Diabetes - Woolf Foundation Staff Diabetes -Food - Woolf Foundation Staff Exercise
Nat. Institute on Aging
Publications About Aging Publications About Cancer Publications About Finances Publications About Food & Nutrition Publications About Hearing and Vision Publications About the Heart and Cardiovascular Disease Publications About Men’s Health Publications About Senior Affairs Publications About Women’s Health Take Charge of Your Diabetes Return to Selection Menu
The Story of My Life - Helen Keller The Souls of Black Folks - W.E.B. DuBois The Social Animal
David Brooks
Walden - Henry D. Thoreau
Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre
- Philosophy/Religion
Animal Farm
George Orwell
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Walter Miller
Five People You Meet in Heaven God is Not Great
Margaret Atwood
King James Version
Nineteen Eighty-four The Old Testament
Dan Brown
Christopher Hitchens
The Handmaid’s Tale The New Testament
George Orwell
King James Version
One Faith, One Lord - Msgr. John F. Barry The Power of Myth
Joseph Campbell
The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran The Republic - Plato The Screwtape Letters The Social Animal
C.S. Lewis
David Brooks
Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre - Plays A Doll’s House - Henrik Ibsen Hamlet - William Shakespeare The Importance of Being Earnest - Oscar Wilde Macbeth - William Shakespeare Man and Superman - George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion - George Bernard Shaw Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre
Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre
Science Fiction
2010: Odyssey Two - Arthur C. Clarke 2061: Odyssey Three - Arthur C. Clarke 3001: Final Odyssey
Arthur C. Clarke
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne Acorna - Anne McCaffrey The Andromeda Strain Animal Farm
Michael Chrichton
George Orwell
Beserker Throne - Fred Saberhagen The Bicentennial Man The Birthday of the World
Isaac Asimov -
Ursula Le Guin
Return to Selection Menu
Buy Jupiter & Other Stories
Isaac Asimon
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Walter Miller
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Cat’s Cradle
Walter Miller, Kindle Version -
Kurt Vonnegut
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
Robert A. Heinlein
The Caves of Steel
Childhood’s End
Arthur C. Clarke
Isaac Asimov
The City and Stars
Arthur C. Clarke
Children of the Mind
Orson Scott Card
Contact - Carl Sagan Of Death What Dreams - Keith Laumer A Deepness in the Sky - Vernor Vinge Return to Selection Menu
The Door into Summer
Robert A. Heinlein
The Door Through Space - Marion Zimmer Bradley Dune
Frank Herbert
Dune Messiah Ender in Exile
Frank Herbert
Ender’s Shadow
Orson Scott Card -
Orson Scott Card
The End of Eternity Fahrenheit 450
Isaac Asimov
Ray Bradbury
Fallen Angels - Larry Niven, Jerry Pournell, M. Flynn A Fire Upon the Deep - Vernor Vinge The Forever War - Joe Haldeman The Fountains of Paradise
Arthur C. Clarke
Return to Selection Menu
Galaxy Primes - E.E. (Doc) Smith Galdiator - Philip Wylie The Green Odyssey - Philip Jose Farmer Glory Road
Robert A. Heinlein
The Gods Themselves The Handmaid’s Tale
Isaac Asimov
Margaret Atwood
Hull Zero Three - Greg Bear The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins
The Invisible Man - H.G. Wells I-Robot
I Will Fear No Evil
Isaac Asimov -
Robert A. Heinlein
Key Out of Time - Andre Norton
Return to Selection Menu
The Land that Time Forgot - Edgar R. Burroughs The Lathe of Heaven
The Left Hand of Darkness The Martian Chronicles Mockingjay
Ursula Le Guin -
Ursula Le Guin Ray Bradbury
- Suzanne Collins
Masters of Science Fiction - Volume 1 Masters of Science Fiction - Volume 2 Masters of Science Fiction - Volume 3 Masters of Science Fiction - Volume 4 Masters of Science Fiction - Volume 5 The Memory of Earth - Orson Scott Card The Naked Sun Nemesis
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov
Nightfall - Isaac Asimov & Robert Silverberg Return to Selection Menu
Nineteen Eighty-four
The Number of the Beast The October Country One Second After
George Orwell -
Robert A. Heinlein
Ray Bradbury
William R. Rorstchen
Oryx and Crake - Margaret Atwood Out of the Silent Planet - C.S. Lewis PartnerShip - Anne McCaffrey A Plague of Demons - Keith Laumer Plague Ship - Andre Norton Puppet Masters The Road
Robert A. Heinlein
Cormac McCarthy
Robot Dreams The Sands of Mars
Isaac Asimov -
Arthur C. Clarke
Sentry Peak - Harry Turtledove Return to Selection Menu
The Shadow of the Hegemon Shadow Puppets
The Ship Who Searched
The Skies of Pern
Orson Scott Card
Orson Scott Card
The Ship Who Sang
The Ship Who Won
Anne McCaffrey -
Anne McCaffrey
Anne McCaffrey Anne McCaffrey
The Sky is Falling - Lester Del Rey Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson Someone Come to Town, Someone Leaves - Cory Doctorow Songmaster
Orson Scott Card
Songs of Distant Earth - Arthur C. Clarke Speaker for the Dead - Orson Scott Card Return to Selection Menu
The Stars Like Dust
Isaac Asimov
Startide Rising
David Brin
The Status Civilization - Robert Schekley Strange Attractors - Jeffrey A. Carver Stranger in a Strange Land
Supervolcano: Eruption A Time of Changes
Time Enough For Love
Robert A. Heinlein Harry Turtledove
Robert Silverberg -
Robert A. Heinlein
Time Traders - Andre Norton The Time Traveler’s Wife To Live Again Toys
Audrey Niffenegger
Robert Silverberg
James Patterson
Return to Selection Menu
The War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells Warlord of Kor - Terry Carr Wild Seed - Octavia Butler This World is Taboo - Murray Leinster Xenocide
Orson Scott Card
The Yiddish Policemen’s Union - Michael Chabon The Year of the Flood
- Margaret Atwood
Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre
- Short Stories
All the Time in the World
E.L. Doctorow
Buy Jupiter and Other Stories I-Robot
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov
Just After Sunset
Stephen King
Masters of Science Fiction - Vol. 1 Masters of Science Fiction - Vol. 2 Masters of Science Fiction - Vol. 3 Masters of Science Fiction - Vol. 4 Masters of Science Fiction - Vol. 5 Night Shift
Stephen King
The October Country
Say You’re One of Them The Wisdom of Father Brown
Ray Bradbury -
Uwem Akan G.K. Chesterton
Return to Selection Menu
Books by Genre
Young Persons
Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll Andersen’s Fairy Tales - Hans Christian Andersen Are You There God?
Judy Blume
Black Beauty - Anna Sewell Blubber
Judy Blume
Catching Fire /Hunger Games 2 - Suzanne Collins A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens The Deerslayer - James Fenimore Cooper Deenie Eclipse
Judy Blume
Stephanie Meyer -
Judy Blume
Return to Selection Menu
Gulliver’s Travels - Jonathan Swift The Horse and His Boy
C.S. Lewis
Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain It’s Not the End of the World
Judy Blume
Kidnapped - Robert Louis Stevenson Kim - Rudyard Kipling The Last Battle
C.S. Lewis
The Lion, Witch & Wardrobe
C.S. Lewis
Little Women - Louisa May Alcott The Magician’s Nephew A Nameless Witch
C.S. Lewis Lee Martinez
PartnerShip - Anne McCaffrey Prince Caspian
C.S. Lewis
Prom Nights From Hell - Meg Cabot et al Return to Selection Menu
Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe Sizzling Sixteen
Song of Susannah
Janet Evanovitch -
Stephen King
The Story of Doctor Dolittle - Hugh Lofting Tarzan of the Apes - Edgar Rice Burroughs Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain Treasure Island - Robert L. Stevenson True Grit
Charles Portis
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
C.S. Lewis
The Wizard of Oz - L. Frank Baum
Return to Selection Menu
77 Shadow Street Dean Koontz
$7.49 BUY NOW
2010: Odyssey Two Arthur C. Clarke
$1.50 BUY NOW
2061: Odyssey Three Arthur C. Clarke
$1.50 BUY NOW
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne
$ .99 BUY NOW
3001: Final Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke
$4.50 BUY NOW
Go Back
Anne McCaffrey
$3.99 BUY NOW
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle $ .99 BUY NOW Aesop’s Fables Aesop
$ .99 BUY NOW
The Age of Innocence Edith Wharton
$ .99 BUY NOW
Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll
$ .99 BUY NOW
All the President’s Men Woodward & Berstein
$6.99 BUY NOW
All the Time in the World E.L. Doctorow
$5.25 BUY NOW
Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & $6.99 BUY NOW Clay Michael Chabon American Pastoral Philip Roth
$5.99 BUY NOW
Andersen’s Fair Tales Hans C. Andersen
$ .99 BUY NOW
Androcles and the Lion George B. Shaw
$ .99 BUY NOW
Andromeda Strain Michael Chrichton
$4.50 BUY NOW
Animal Farm George Orwell
$4.50 BUY NOW
Animal Farm -Kindle Opt. George Orwell
$4.50 BUY NOW
$4.99 BUY NOW
Ayn Rand
Are You There God! Judy Blume
$3.75 BUY NOW
Are You There God! -Kindle Opt. Judy Blume
$3.75 BUY NOW
The Art of Fielding Chad Harbach
$7.49 BUY NOW
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin $ .99 BUY NOW
B Babbit
Sinclair Lewis
$ .99 BUY NOW
The Beautiful and Damned F. Scott Fitzgerald
$5.99 BUY NOW
$6.75 BUY NOW
Toni Morrison
Beserker Throne Fred Saberhagen
$ .99 BUY NOW
Beyond Freedon and Dignity B.F. Skinner
$5.49 BUY NOW
Bicentennial Man & Other Stories Isaac Asimov
$4.50 BUY NOW
Billy Budd
Herman Melville $. 99
The Birthday of the World Ursula K. Le Guin
$5.65 BUY NOW
Black Beauty Anna Sewell
$ .99 BUY NOW
The Black Ice Michael Connelly
$4.50 BUY NOW
Blind Alley
Iris Johansen
$4.50 BUY NOW
Judy Blume
$3.75 BUY NOW
The Boleyn Inheritance Philippa Gregory
$5.99 BUY NOW
The Other Boleyn Girl Philippa Gregory
$5.99 BUY NOW
$5.99 BUY NOW
Tina Fey
Brave New World Aldous Huxley
$2.99 BUY NOW
Brave New World -Kindle Opt. Aldous Huxley
$2.99 BUY NOW
Breakfast at Tiffany’s Truman Capote
$ .99 BUY NOW
Buy Jupiter and Other Stories Isaac Asimov
$4.50 BUY NOW
C Calico Joe
John Grisham
$6.99 BUY NOW
The Call of the Wild Jack London
$ .99 BUY NOW
$ .99 BUY NOW
A Canticle for Leibowitz Walter Miller
$3.50 BUY NOW
A Canticle for Leibowitz, -Kindle Opt. Walter Miller $3.50 BUY NOW Captains Courageous Rudyard Kilpling
$ .99 BUY NOW
$5.65 BUY NOW
Joseph Heller
Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger
$ .99 BUY NOW
Catching Fire, Hunger Games #2 Suzanne Collins
$$.99 BUY NOW
Cat’s Cradle
$5.25 BUY NOW
Kurt Vonnegut
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls Robert A. Heinlein $2.99 BUY NOW The Caves of Steel Isaac Asimov
$2.99 BUY NOW
Childhood’s End Arthur C. Clarke
$5.65 BUY NOW
Childhood’s End -Kindle Opt. Arthur Clarke
$5.65 BUY NOW
Children of the Night Mercedes Lackey
$ .99 BUY NOW
A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens
$ .99 BUY NOW
The City and Stars Arthur Clarke
$5.25 BUY NOW
Children of the Mind Orson Scott Card
$4.50 BUY NOW
The Clan of the Cave Bear Jean M. Auel
$5.25 BUY NOW
Cold Vengeance Douglas Preston
$5.25 BUY NOW
Common Sense Thomas Paine
$ .99 BUY NOW
In the Company of Others Jan Karon
$7.49 BUY NOW
The Confession John Grisham
$5.65 BUY NOW
The Constant Princess Philippa Gregory
$7.49 BUY NOW
$4.99 BUY NOW
Carl Sagan
The Corrections Jonathan Franzen
$5.65 BUY NOW
Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky
$ .99 BUY NOW
Crome Yellow Aldous Huxley
$ .99 BUY NOW
Cruel and Unusual Patricia Cornwell
$5.65 BUY NOW
The Cunning Man Robertson Davies
$7.49 BUY NOW
Cutting For Stone Abraham Verghese
$5.65 BUY NOW
D Mrs. Dalloway Daisy Miller
Virginia Woolf
$ .99 BUY NOW
Henry James
$ .99 Buy Now
The Da Vinci Code Dan Brown
$5.25 BUY NOW
Dawn O’Hara Edna Ferber Dead in the Family Charlaine Harris
$ .99 Buy Now $4.50 BUY NOW
Dead or Alive Tom Clancy
$5.65 BUY NOW
Dead Reckoning Charlaine Harris
$5.25 BUY NOW
The Dead Travel Fast Deanna Rayburn
$4.50 BUY NOW
The Death of Ivan Ilych Leo Tolstoy
$ .99 BUY NOW
$3.75 BUY NOW
Judy Blume
A Deepness in the Sky Vernor Vinge
$6.50 BUY NOW
The Deerslayer James F. Cooper
$ .99 BUY NOW
Democracy and Education John Dewey
$ .99 BUY NOW
The Deptford Trilogy Robertson Davies
$5.99 BUY NOW
$ .99 BUY NOW
Government Pubs.
These 2 Pubs being revised
Diabetes - Food Government Pubs
$ .99 BUY NOW
The Dispossessed Ursula Le Guin
$4.99 BUY NOW
$3.75 BUY NOW
Mary Doria Russell
A Doll’s House Henrik Ibsen
$ .99 BUY NOW
The Door Into Summer Robert Heinlein
$5.25 BUY NOW
The Door Through Space Marion Z. Bradley
$ .99 BUY NOW
James Joyce
$ .99 BUY NOW
Frank Herbert
$5.25 BUY NOW
Dune - Kindle Opt. Frank Herbert
$5/25 BUY NOW
Dune Messiah Frank Herbert
$4.50 BUY NOW
Dune Messiah -Kindle Opt. Frank Herbert
$4.50 BUY NOW
Dying Inside Robert Silverberg
$6.50 BUY NOW
E Earthlight
Arthur C. Clarke
$ .99 BUY NOW
Stephanie Meyer
$6.99 BUY NOW
Orson Scott Card
$4.50 BUY NOW
Ender in Exile - Kindle Opt. Orson Scott Card
$4.50 BUY NOW
Ender’s Shadow Orson Scott Card
$2.99 BUY NOW
Ender’s Shadow -Kindle Opt. Orson Scott Card
$2.99 BUY NOW
The End of Eternity Isaac Asimov
$4.50 BUY NOW
English-Spanish Vocabulary for Healthcare Workers Woolf Fdn. Staff
$ .99 Buy Now
English-Spanish Vocabulary for Library Workers Woolf Fdn. Staff
$ .99 BUY NOW
$ .99 BUY NOW
Ender in Exile
Nat. Inst. On Aging
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close Jonathan S. Foer $4.50 BUY NOW
F Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury
$5.25 BUY NOW
Fallen Angels Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle
$2.49 BUY NOW
A Feast For Crows George R.R. Martin
$5.25 BUY NOW
The Federalist Papers Hamilton, Madison, Jay $ .99 BUY NOW The Fifth Witness Michael Connelly
$5.65 BUY NOW
A Fire Upon the Deep Vernor Vinge
$5.99 BUY NOW
The Five People You Meet in Heaven Dan Brown $ .99 BUY NOW Flatland
Edwin Abbott
$ .99 Buy Now
The Forever War Joe Haldeman
$2.50 BUY NOW
For the Sake of Elena Elizabeth George
$5.50 BUY NOW
For Whom the Bell Tolls Ernest Hemingway
$ .99 Buy Now
The Fountains of Paradise Arthur Clarke
$5.65 BUY NOW
Fountains of Paradise -Kindle Opt. Arthur Clarke $5.65 BUY NOW Forever
Judy Blume
$4.50 BUY NOW
Jonathan Franzen
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Joseph Stiglitz
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HOME 77 Shadow Street by Dean Koontz $7.49
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Mystery, Fantasy There’s a good reason why the author sells so many books: they are fun to read. This story centers on an apartment building inhabited by a varied cast of characters. It also is a residence of the One, a creator and destroyer with immense powers. Over the years, since its construction, the building is the sight of murder, suicide and madness. This continues until the present day. There are strange sounds, voices and events all suggesting and causing unspeakable fates for the tenants of the building. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
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Science Fiction The continuing saga of the monolith, Heywood Floyd, and the being that was once Dave Bowman is worthy of the original. Protagonist Floyd boards a Russian spaceship to Jupiter to find out what happened to the Discovery and its crew. HAL and Dave Bowman make return appearances, and the book ends with a bang. 2010 stands on its own, but is best appreciated by fans of 2001. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 447 pages; the 28 point version contains 970 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
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Science Fiction A book sometimes criticized as not being up to Clarke's usual high standard. Start with the story told in 2010. Europa is changing thanks to Jupiter having been turned into a sun. There is water and plant life.. Could animal life have developed? Although it looks like a swamp, we know the atmosphere is mostly methane-- the environment is nothing like anything on Earth. Then we see the monolith silently towering over the swamp, influencing it perhaps as it influenced Earth a billion years ago. For 50 years humans have avoided Europa, but tried unsuccessfully to observe from a distance Humans are getting more and more daring about how close to Europa they venture. In this book, humans decide to risk sending down a probe. While they're launching the probe, a hijacking forces them to land. The stranded researchers focus on staying alive and cautiously exploring Europa while they are waiting for a rescue. They come in contact with many natural phenomena and one supernatural phenomenon. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can
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Science Fiction This is the final Space Odyssey in the series. 3001 follows the adventures of Frank Poole, the astronaut who was deliberately killed by HAL in 2001, A Space Odyssey, by throwing him into space. . His body is discovered drifting in space after 1000 years and brought back to life in this story. He explores Earth and learns about the Brain Cap which interfaces humans with computers; and travels around huge towers – space elevators. By 3000 Ganymede and Callisto have been colonized. In the 26th century a monolith was discovered in Africa and one on the moon had been brought to Earth. It’s learned that the Jupiter monolith is about to receive instructions on how to deal with humanity and it’s feared this will lead to destruction of humanity. Poole deals with this with the help of Frank Bowman and HAL who had been incorporated in the monoliths. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between
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Science Fiction From the “Father of Science Fiction.” An exciting story of travel around the world in a submarine. Full of detail of underwater life and how a wily inventor, Captain Nemo, draws resources from the sea. Is he an early conservationist or a selfish narcissist? This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1525 pages; the 48 point version contains 4472 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 4.7 MB.
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Science Fiction Acorna is an alien infant, jettisoned in an escape pod when her parent's spaceship is attacked. She is rescued and raised by three itinerant asteroid miners. She has strange shaped hands and feet and a horn in the center of her forehead. She has amazing powers to detect poisons and purify them and grows much more quickly than a human infant. The miners have a series of adventures when corporate scientists seek to analyze Acorna and later when their conniving uncle seeks to collect her as a wife. Fleeing to another planet for refuge, they learn of deplorable practices cruelly exploiting child labor. Through her inspiration and power to heal she eventually becomes the catalyst for planet-wide change. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 248 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point
version contains 559 pages; the 28 point version contains 938 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.4 MB. HOME
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Mystery Return to Baker Street. Twelve short stories about the most famous detective of all time. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1019 pages; the 48 point version contains 2982 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3.6 MB. HOME
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Classic Fiction Aesop's Fables is a collection of fables by a story-teller who lived in Ancient Greece. His fables are some of the most well known in the world. The fables remain a popular choice for moral education of children today. Many stories included in Aesop's Fables, such as The Fox and the Grapes, the Tortoise and the Hare, The Ant and the Grasshopper, The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing are well-known throughout the world. This collection contains 82 fables. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. You can print any or all pages. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. The 18 point version contains 116 pages; the 28 point version contains 220 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an
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HOME The Age of Innocence – Edith Wharton $.99
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Classic Fiction A Pulitzer Price winner, the first to a woman, takes place in upper-class New York City in the 1870s. It centers on an upperclass couple's impending marriage, and the introduction of a woman plagued by scandal whose presence threatens their happiness. The book doesn’t condemn the morals of the society, but details the customs of the 19th-century East Coast upper class. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 24 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 505 pages; the 28 point version contains 1110 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.5 MB. HOME
HOME Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll $.99
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Young Persons/ Fantasy One of the most beloved children’s classics. Alice attends the Mad Hatter’s tea party and plays croquet with the Queen of Hearts. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 30 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 30 point version contains 234 pages; the 48 point version contains 621 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 741K. HOME
HOME All the Time in the World
by E.L. Doctorow $5.25 Buy Now
Short Stories Twelve short stories by a master.- About people who are “distinct from their surroundings—people in some sort of contest with the prevailing world”: A man coming home from his at the upper-middle-class life hides from his family and turns to foraging in the same affluent suburb where he lives with his family; A college graduate takes a dishwasher’s job on a whim, and becomes entangled in a criminal enterprise after agreeing to marry a beautiful immigrant for money;A husband and wife’s tense relationship is exacerbated when a stranger enters their home and claims to have grown up there; An urbanite out on his morning run suspects that the city in which he’s lived all his life has transmogrified into another city altogether. The collection contains six stories that have never appeared in book form, and a selection of previous Doctorow classics. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an
exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 409 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 925 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME All the President's Men by Woodward and Bernstein $6.99
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Non Fiction This is history recorded as it happened by the two reporters who did the most to uncover the facts. Woodward and Bernstein were Washington Post reporters whose assignment was local news. What they started reporting about was a minor crime. Through their ingenuity and diligence the story brought down a President and changed American history. There are many books written about "Watergate" , but this one is by the chief investigators and describes how a story develops and grows into the greatest political event of the Post World War Two era. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 659 pages; the 28 point version contains 1490 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.9 MB. HOME
HOME The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon $6.99
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Modern Fiction This novel is about the adventures of two boys who write comic books during what was known as the Golden Age of comic books in the 1930's. One of the boys uses his dedication to performing magic to escape from Nazi occupied Europe. With his cousin he invents a comic book super hero. The book describes their rise in the comic book industry and their personal relationships which become complicated. The details of their lives are written in such detail it makes one feel you are living in this time period. A comic book aficionado will be thrilled by the references to characters and artists; everyone will be fascinated by two extraordinary lives. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. You can print and reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. The 18 point version contains 1149 pages; the 28 point version contains 2543 pages. Notice: eBook download size will be 3.2 MB.
HOME American Pastoral by Philip Roth $5.99
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Modern Fiction This book charts the rise and fall of a Jewish man everyone admired in high school, a star athlete and war hero who goes on to run his father's business. The pride of his Jewish schoolmates and their parents, he marries a pretty Catholic girl, lives in a nice house, and has a pretty daughter. He exemplifies mainstream America .But this seemingly charmed life is upset by his fanatic daughter who as part of the 60s counterculture commits a violent act and goes into hiding. This profoundly affects her father and the book describes his emotional decline. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. You can print and reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. The 18 point version contains 747 pages; the 28 point version contains 1732 pages. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.2 MB. HOME
HOME Andersen’s Fairy Tales – Hans Christian Andersen $.99
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Young Persons/Fantasy Classic fairy tales we all heard as children. Re-reading reveals some hard edges to life as well as the whimsical. For adults as well as children. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 556 pages; the 48 point version contains 1565 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.4 MB. HOME
HOME Androcles and the Lion – George Bernard Shaw $.99
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Play A play about a Christian about to be sent to the lions by a debauched emperor. Just as important, and included on the CD, is the Preface by Shaw. This introduces the play and gives Shaw's views on Christianity and religion. Cynical, humorous, and serious writing. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 521 pages; the 48 point version contains 1581 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.8 MB.
HOME Animal Farm by George Orwell $4.50
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Science Fiction Most adults read this book as an allegory and satire about society, but it is also entertaining for children. We read about mistreated animals and their attempt to take control of their lives and establish a society with progress, justice, and equality. We read about the rise and bloody fall of the revolutionary animals, they begin to recognize the seeds of totalitarianism in the most idealistic organization—and in the most charismatic leaders, the souls of the cruelest oppressors. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 300 pages. 2. PDF in 48 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 891 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Animal Farm, Kindle Optimized by George Orwell $5.99
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Science Fiction This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
HOME Andromeda Strain by Michael Chrichton $4.50
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Science Fiction This book is a blend of science and fiction. It describes microbes which have been released from a space satellite and are now lethal. Scientists attempt to deal with the organism, and eventually succeed. The book mixes accurate descriptions of the science involved and the fictitious facts that make the story entertaining. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish between fact and fiction. This is a classic of the genre. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 531 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1067 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Anthem – Ayn Rand $4.99
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Modern Fiction Some call Anthem the greatest libertarian prose poem. Originally published as a pamphlet when publication was refused in America. The story of one man who rebelled against a collectivized state when he rediscovers individualism. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 201 pages; the 28 point version contains 410 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.8 MB. HOME
HOME Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
Judy Blume
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Young People Eleven-year-old Margaret Simon has just moved to the suburbs and wants to be like everyone else. When she is confronted with body and religious issues, she struggles as she tries to conform. Not only does she learn about religion and puberty, she also learns how to view other people. The story describes her adjustment to a new school and new friends. But it is also about the transformation in her body as she grows older and what she thinks about what is happening. She gets a crush on a boy, goes to a school dance, and joins a four-girl club with its own special rules about wearing a bra and telling each other who gets her period first. True to the title, Margaret has a relationship with God which becomes strained, and has conflicts about organized religion. She resumes talking to God when she gets her first period. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between
lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 201 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 410 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret -Kindle Optimized Judy Blume
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Young People This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
HOME The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach $7.49
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Modern Fiction Henry Skrimshander arrives for his first day at college with a beat-up copy of a book called “The Art of Fielding” in his pocket. It’s a gathering of numbered koans that form a kind of “The Art of War” for baseball—a guide to action on the field that is, moreover, a guide to being. Henry, an unlikely athletic prodigy, has been recruited to to play shortstop for the Westish Harpooners. He eventually will set a record for perfect fielding. The central drama of arises when he has just set the record, but makes a wildly errant throw that injures a teammate. Henry is suddenly incapable of throwing accurately, undermined by paralytic self-consciousness. , The difficulty of measuring the size and nature of one’s acts and of choosing whom one will be is at the heart of the struggles that Harbach’s characters confront. The dream of perfection deferred allows him to tell a story about our national past-time that manages, as well, to be about our historical present—in other words, a story about fallibility. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The
Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 916 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1986 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - Benjamin Franklin $.99
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Biography First hand account of and by one of the Founding Fathers. Philosophical, practical, living history. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 30 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 30 point version contains 489 pages; the 48 point version contains 1562 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.3 MB. HOME
HOME Babbit – Sinclair Lewis $.99
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Modern Fiction
How many books have their hero become a dictionary entry? “ A member of the American middle class whose attachment to its business and social ideals is such as to make him a model of narrow-mindedness and self-satisfaction.” Babbitt has some doubts about his life, struggles against them and ultimately returns home. A great classic because there’s some Babbitt in us all. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1258 pages; the 48 point version contains 3384 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by
persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 4.1 MB.
HOME The Beautiful and Damned – F. Scott Fitzgerald $5.99
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Modern Fiction
A follow-on story by Fitzgerald to This Side of Paradise. Change the locale from Princeton to Harvard, the characters are different, the class (upper) is the same. The story of the emphasis on beauty and wealth as the measure or people. A vanished time, where World War I is only an incident in someone's life, but after which nothing was the same as before. Autobiographical of the author and his friends. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1338 pages; the 48 point version contains 3946 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by
persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3.5 MB.
Beloved by Toni Morrison $6.75
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Best Seller, Historical Fiction This book is a Pulitzer Prize winner for good reason. It’s a chronicle of slavery and the years after. In Ohio, after the war, the heroine remembers the brutality of slavery, the death of her daughter and the tragic events after she escaped to what she thought was a safe place. There, years later she encounters her daughter’s spirit in another young woman. It’s been said that this novel is a milestone in the chronicling of the black experience in America. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 483 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1074 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Berserker Throne – Fred Saberhagen $.99
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Science Fiction Another episode in the Berserker wars of the far distant future when powerful machines continue trying to eradicate all life and the living battle back. Space opera, political intrigue, touches of technology. The main character, a royal, political prisoner must engineer his release from a space station prison in order to fight off the plans of the Berserkers and their human allies. Written by a master of the genre. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 415 pages; the 28 point version contains 914 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by
persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1 MB. HOME
Beyond Freedom and Dignity – B.F. Skinner $5.49
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Non Fiction This book is written by psychologist B.F. Skinner and first published in 1971. The theme of the books is that entrenched belief in free will and the moral autonomy of the individual (which Skinner referred to as "dignity") hinders the prospect of using scientific methods to modify behavior for the purpose of building a happier and better organized society. The book promotes Skinner's philosophy of science, the technology of human behavior, his conception of determinism, and what Skinner calls 'cultural engineering'. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. You can print any or all pages. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. The 18 point version contains 318 pages; the 28 point version contains 753 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization)
dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 993 K. HOME
The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories by Isaac Asimov
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Science Fiction
On of the Classics of Science Fiction. This volume contains The Bicentennial Man (about a robot who wants to be more like a human) and 11 other short stories including the Prime of Life, Feminine Intuition, Stranger in Paradise Marching In and Birth of a Notion. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 405 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 917 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Billy Budd – Herman Melville $.99
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Classic Fiction One can read this book to learn about life aboard an English naval vessel at the end of the eighteenth century. A young sailor is accused of treason and kills his accuser. One can also see the conflict between justice and military discipline and how it is resolved. Published posthumously, this is a good introduction to the works of Melville. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 310 pages; the 48 point version contains 924 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.3 MB. HOME
The Birthday of the World by Ursula K. Le Guin $5.65
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Science Fiction This is a collection of short stories by one of the greats of science fiction. The first six of these eight stories take place on worlds of the Ekumen The last, long story, “Paradises Lost,” is not of this pattern It takes place in another universe, where Earth sends forth ships to the stars at speeds that are, according to our present knowledge, more or less realistic. This is a generation-ship story about generations of people who live during the journey destined never to get to the destination and the ship’s final arrival. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 606 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1400 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Black Beauty – Anna Sewell $.99
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Classic Fiction/Young People Popular for more than a century. The autobiography of a horse told in the first person to delight young readers. Go through a horse’s life from a colt to an experienced veteran. Experience kind, cruel, ignorant masters as Black Beauty goes from owner to owner. The book gives a look at harsh reality as well as devotion and courage. Along the way it provides lessons in how to treat animals and people. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 550 pages; the 48 point version contains 1588 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by
persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.1 MB.
The Black Ice by Michael Connelly $4.50
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Mystery This is the second Harry Bosch book after The Black Echo. He investigates what’s first considered a suicide of a narcotics officer. Harry gets on a trail from street traffickers in Hollywood to the Mexican town of Mexicali where a new drug called Black Ice is being manufactured. There he confronts a Mexican drug lord and has to use his Vietnam learned fighting skills to survive. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 559 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1274 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Blind Alley by Iris Johansen $4.50
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Mystery Eve Duncan (Body of Lies, etc.), forensic sculptor, is back, this time on the trail of a serial killer. She is enlisted by Scotland Yard because someone is ripping the faces off living women, then killing them. She is warned that her 17 year old foster daughter could be next. Eve discovers the answer when she reconstructs the facial features of a recent victim's skull-and finds that the dead woman is a dead-ringer for her daughter. The investigation leads to an archeological dig in Italy where a likeness of a beautiful courtesan, Cira, is still preserved on a villa wall. She still has the power to drive men mad after thousands of years. We meet a psychotic character who finds and kills modern women who look like Cira. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between
lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 600 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1240 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Blubber by Judy Blume $3.75
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Young Persons This is not a sitcom, but a serious look at bullying. It takes place in Junior High. That description doesn’t mean the book is not very enjoyable to read. That’s because it’s written by one of the best authors of books for young adults. Jill joins her class in persecuting an overweight girl, Linda. There is no happy ending. Linda is not particularly likeable and the ringleader of the bullies doesn’t get hurt in the end. This is real life. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 172 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 351 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
The Boleyn Inheritance - Philippa Gregory $5.99
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Historical Fiction A direct sequel to The Other Boleyn Girl, by Gregory and one of the additions to her six-part series on the Tudor royals. It covers a period from 1539 until 1542 and chronicles the fourth and fifth marriages of King Henry VIII of England. Many of the same characters and themes from The Other Boleyn Girl are explored in The Boleyn Inheritance, particularly Gregory's criticism of the English Reformation and aristocratic court. The novel has received generally positive reviews and it has avoided the controversy created by its prequel. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 901 pages; the 28 point version contains 1934
pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.4 MB. HOME
The Other Boleyn Girl – Philippa Gregory $5.99
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Historical Fiction Historical fiction that leans more to fiction than history. It is loosely based on the life of 16th-century aristocrat Mary Boleyn the sister of Anne Boleyn. It’s all about the royal marriages, and divorces, of King Henry VIII and his desire for a male heir. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 1274 pages; the 28 point version contains 2717 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3.5 MB. HOME
Bossypants by Tina Fey $5.99
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Humor This is a book for those who like Tina Fey or humor or an honest telling of the life of an average girl who grew up to be a comedy star. The book covers some of her growing up, her early start in improv and stand-up, boyfriends, and her gay friends. She writes about her years on SNL, starting her own show, motherhood, family, her first job, her harrowing honeymoon, and her weight. Nothing is off limits to her. Most readers say they couldn’t help laughing out loud at some of the incidents in the book. It reads like a well written and rehearsed script from SNL, but there’s some serious reflection on being a woman in a man’s world and running a show. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and
search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 310 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 691 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley $2.99
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Science Fiction, Modern Fiction
This book written in the 1930s is considered one the great books of modern literature as well as science fiction. It has weathered time to introduce us to a society that is automated and regulated and designed. Controllers have created the ideal society. Genetic science has brought the human race to perfection. From the Alpha-Plus mandarin class to the EpsilonMinus Semi-Morons, designed to perform menial tasks, man is bred and educated to be blissfully content with his pre-destined role. But the main character, Bernard Marx, is unhappy. He has an unnatural desire for solitude, feeling only distaste for the endless pleasures of compulsory promiscuity, Bernard has an ill-defined longing to break free. A visit to one of the few remaining Savage Reservations where the old, imperfect life still continues, may be the cure for his distress. Unfortunately it is not. Finally he cannot reconcile the Controller’s explanations with his own developing beliefs.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 730 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2056 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley - Kindle Optimized $2.99
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Science Fiction, Modern Fiction This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law.
Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote $.99
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Modern Fiction This is a novella that tells the story of a friendship between Holly Golightly, and an unnamed narrator. They are tenants in an apartment in Manhattan. Holly (age 18-19) is a country girl turned New York café society girl, who supports herself as a companion to society's most prominent men. The narrator is an aspiring writer. Holly, in the course of the book, reveals herself to the narrator who finds himself fascinated by her curious lifestyle. In the end Holly fears that she will never know what is really hers until after she has thrown it away. Many critics consider this perfect writing. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 123 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 286 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Buy Jupiter and Other Stories by Isaac Asimov $4.50
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Science Fiction This is a collection of 23 short-short and short science fiction stories by the master, Isaac Asimov. Most were first published in low circulation magazine from the 1950’s to 70s. so haven’t been seen before by many Asimov fans. The stories include: Day of the Hunters, The Monkey’s Finger, Everest, Does a Bee Care?, Buy Jupiter, Founding Father, The Proper Study, 2430 A.D., Key Item, Exile to Hell, Take a Match and Light Verse. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 392 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 850 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
CALICO JOE - John Grisham $6.99
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Modern Fiction Joe Castle is a brand new major league player who is on his way to becoming a star. His career is cut short when he is beaned and almost killed. His story is told by the son of the pitcher who did the beaning. The pitcher claims the beaning was unintentional, his son knows well his father’s tactic. Many years later Joe is a high school groundskeeper, barely functional. The pitcher is dying and his son wants his father to apologize to Joe. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 224 pages; the 28 point version contains 495 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit
organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 694 K. HOME
The Call of the Wild – Jack London $.99
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Classic Fiction The Klondike, the Gold Rush, sleds, dogs, all kinds of people. But mostly, this is the story of Buck, a huge dog, who travels,and works, from California to the North Country. Along the way he’s educated in the ways of people and the way they treat animals in a harsh environment. Ultimately, Buck returns to the wilds and is owned only by himself and his instincts.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 287 pages; the 48 point version contains 802 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.2 MB. HOME
Candide – Voltaire $.99
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Classic Fiction Voltaire's best known work. Where we probably get the phrase "This is the best of all possible worlds." One doesn't take the characters and events seriously; the subtext is intensely satirical about morals, religion, royalty, presumption, really anything we hold dear. Don't be frightened by the description; it's hilariously funny. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 376 pages; the 48 point version contains 1106 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 928K. HOME
A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller $3.50
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Science Fiction This is novel has never been out of print since 1960 and is considered one of the classics of science fiction. Appealing to mainstream and genre critics and readers alike, it won the 1961 Jugo Award.The story starts in a Roman Catholic monastery in the desert of the Southwestern United States after a devastating nuclear war, then spans thousands of years as civilization rebuilds itself. Themonks of the Albertian Order of Leibowitz take up the mission of preserving the surviving remnants of man's scientific knowledge until the day the outside world is again ready for it. Eventually, the organization seeks refuge and a mission in the stars. It’s themes ofreligion, recurrence and church versus state have generated a significant body of scholarly research. This is by far the most requested of any of our books. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with
disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 623 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1352 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
A Canticle for Leibowitz- by Walter Miller Kindle Optimized $3.50
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Science Fiction This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
Captains Courageous – Rudyard Kipling $.99
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Classic Fiction A story not so much about a main character as an occupation, (deep sea fishing), a place, (off the New England coast) and a time (at the turn of the century when sail was giving way to steam.) Light reading by a master.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 536 pages; the 48 point version contains 1588 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.8 MB. HOME
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller $5.65
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Modern Fiction The term catch-22 originated in this book. John Yossarian is a bombardier in WWII who wants to avoid any more combat duty. This will happen only if the Air Force doctor finds him unfit to fly. Yossarian thinks anyone is crazy to fly dangerous missions, but he must ask for a test. The asking is considered proof that he is sane. Hence it is impossible for him to be declared “unfit.” Catch-22 therefore, ensures that no pilot can ever be grounded for being insane—even if he were. The book is filled with memorable characters and situations. Funny-sad at the same time. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 876 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1967 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger $.99
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Modern Fiction This book has been called a timeless classic. The narrator is a teenager just expelled from another school and spending some time in New York City. We learn about his past, but this is about his activities and thoughts for these few days. He is probably going toward developing a nervous breakdown. This introduces his thoughts about society and human existence. For him the world is full of phonies and empty. Is he going insane or is it the society that doesn’t see its faults. The book is prohibited reading in some circles, highly recommended in others. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 426 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 900 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Catching Fire Hunger games Book 2 $.99
Suzanne Collins Buy Now
Modern Fiction/ Young Persons This is the second book in The Hunger Games trilogy. As the sequel to the 2008 bestseller The Hunger Games, it continues the story of Katniss Everdeen and the post-apocalyptic nation of Panem. Following the events of the previous novel, a rebellion against the oppressive Capitol has begun, and Katniss and fellow tribute Peeta Mellark are forced to return to the arena in a special edition of the Hunger Games.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 482 pages; the 28 point version contains 1070 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by
persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.5 MB.
Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut $5.25
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Science Fiction The narrator, John, becomes involved with the children of Felix Hoenikker, a fictional Nobel laureate physicist. He learns of a substance called ice-nine, created by Hoenikker and now possessed by his children. When a crystal of ice-nine contacts liquid water, it turns liquid water into ice. John and the Hoenikker children eventually end up on the fictional Caribbean island of San Lorenzo, one of the poorest countries on Earth, ruled by the "Papa" Monzano, who threatens all opposition with impalement on a giant hook. John learns about an influential religious movement in San Lorenzo, called Bokononism, a strange, postmodern faith that combines irreverent, nihilistic, and cynical observations about life and God's will with odd, but peaceful rituals. Though everyone on the island seems to know much about Bokononism and its founder, Bokonon, the present government calls itself Christian and those caught practicing Bokononism are punished with death by the giant hook. John learns that Bokonon himself was at one point a de facto ruler of the island, along with a US Marine deserter. The two men
created Bokononism as part of a utopian project to control the population. When John arrives, the dictator is badly ailing, and abruptly hands the presidency to John, who begrudgingly accepts. At his inauguration, an airplane crashes, throwing ice-nine into the ocean and all the water in the world's seas, rivers, and groundwater turns into ice-nine, killing almost all life in a few days. John escapes and lives in a cave for several months, during which time he writes a memoir revealed to be the novel itself. The book ends by his meeting a Bokonon. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 425 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 815 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls by Robert A. Heinlein $2.99
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Science Fiction This book is a part of Heinlein's multiverse series. The writer is approached by a man who urges him that "Tolliver must die"–and is then himself shot. The writer is joined by a beautiful and sophisticated lady, Gwen Novak, who helps him flee to Luna. Gwen obsesses over the now ancient Lunar Revolt and Mike (Mycroft), the self-aware computer responsible for the uprising's victory. Still pursued by unknown assassins, Campbell and Novak are rescued by an organization (later revealed to be called the Time Corps) under the leadership of Lazarus Long. The Time Corps attempts to recruit Campbell to retrieve the decommissioned supercomputer, Mike. Engaged in frequent time-travel, the Time Corps has been responsible for changing various events in the past, creating an alternate universe with every time-line they disrupt. Mike's assistance is needed in order to accurately predict the conditions and following events in each of the new universes created. Campbell's frequent would-be assassins are revealed to be members of contemporary agencies also engaged in time manipulation who, for unknown reasons, do not want to see
Mike rescued by the Time Corps. The story ends with Campbell talking into a recorder and reflecting on the mission and his relationship with Gwen. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 723 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1567 pages.
3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov $2.99
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Science Fiction Science fiction that is also a detective story. Baley, a human police detective is assigned to investigate a murder with Daneel, a highly sophisticated robot. They don’t have an easy time with each other or the people who despise robots. Asimov describes New York of the future, where the people are agoraphobic and living underground and crowded. There is a description of robots including The Three Laws and robot psychology and their attitude toward humans. Some writers say this is the best introduction to the work of Asimov, though not his best work. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 406 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 872 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Childhood’s End
by Arthur Clarke $5.65
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Science Fiction Suddenly space ships appear above all the Earth’s great cities. Soon the aliens announce a new regime enforcing peace and bringing prosperity to the planet. But some suspect ulterior motives particularly since humanity is no longer free to pursue space travel and the aliens never appear publicly. Years later they do appear but bring a message of the destruction of mankind as we know it and the transformation of human children into superior beings. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 383 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 851 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Childhood’s End by Arthur Clarke, Kindle Optimized $7.99
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Science Fiction
This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
The City and the Stars by Arthur Clarke $5.25
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Science Fiction The name of the Author alone should compel you to get this book. In the very far future, there are two different and separate groups of humans. One group in the city of Diasper, denies, the existence of anything outside the city People in this city live thousands of years. The other group in the city of Lys, has developed bio-engineering and people have developed telepathy. When Alvin is born he is the first new citizen in Diasper in seven thousand years. He is rebuffed when he questions the origin of Diasper and ask what exists outside the city. Eventually he goes to Lys. The things he learns there and the additional questions provoked by this knowledge eventually lead to things far beyond the Earth and a complete revision of 'known' history, with the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with
disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 424 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 961 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card $4.50
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Science Fiction This is the fifth and possibly final volume in the Ender series. However, Ender plays only a limited role. The main story is of the attempt to avert the destruction of a planet, Lusitania, possibly infected with a virus by an unknown species. In this story, Peter and Young Valentine, Ender's "children of the mind," are copies of his brother and sister whom he accidentally created on his trip Outside the universe in Xenocide. They are “copies”, but real people. Also central is Jane, the Artificial Intelligence whose unique ability to use the Outside to transcend the light-speed barrier is key to all attempts to save Ender's adopted world. Peter, Val, Jane and their companions criss-cross the galaxy to find new planets for Lusitania's refugees while trying to influence the politicians and philosophers who have the power to stop the impending planetary destruction. There is some aspect of space opera in the story, but there are mystical and quasi-religious themes, and problems of intra-family conflicts.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 589 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1326 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Children of the Night – Mercedes Lackey $.99
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Mystery Diana Tregarde, is a psychic investigator and 'Guardian' whose job is to struggle with occult evil. The story is set in New York City, where Diana finds herself faced with an energy-draining hunter, a gypsy boy on the run from an unknown danger, and a different kind of hunter pursuing the first. Elsewhere in the city, a bus with a ghostly driver runs its route, delivering death to its passengers. One of these is the close friend of and lover of people who are dear to Diana. When she is called from the morgue, she rushes down to discover that something has torn the living soul from the victim. Then the gypsy boy turns up dead and Diana finds herself confronting the vampire that failed to protect him. Somewhere else, a rock band relaxes and they take a drug that makes a tiny adjustment to their metabolism. They find themselves feeding first on the appreciation and then on the fear, of their audiences; this is a one-way spiral down to the darkest evil. To fight this evil Diana and her friends team up with the most unlikely fourth, a true vampire.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. You can print and reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. The 18 point version contains 589 pages; the 28 point version contains 1266 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.5
A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens $.99
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Classic Fiction/Young Persons Everyone’s read it, seen it, heard it. Now travel once again with Ebenezer Scrooge, in large print, as he visits his past and future. You will recall it fondly; grandchildren will be introduced to a true classic. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 285 pages; the 48 point version contains 829 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17
U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 937 K. HOME
The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel $5.25
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Historical Fiction Ayla a five year old in Ice Age Asia is orphaned by an earthquake and adopted into a clan of Neandertals. Being a Cro-Magnon, she is different from the Clan people – not more intelligent, but more creative and willing to experiment. She also defies traditions by acting more masculine. This story is set in the past, but the characters would be recognizable in the modern world. There is scientific accuracy in the telling, and the conflicts between characters seem realistic. The book has been made into a movie. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 980 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2268 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Cold Vengeance
by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child $6.99
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This is the 11th in the Pendergast series. It picks up where Fever Dream left off. Devastated by the discovery that his wife, Helen, was murdered, Special Agent Pendergast must have retribution. But revenge is not simple. He stalks his wife's betrayers from the moors of Scotland to New York City and the bayous of Louisiana. He is forced to dig further into Helen's past and is stunned to learn that Helen may have been a collaborator in her own murder. Peeling back the layers of deception, Pendergast realizes that the conspiracy is deep, goes back generations, and is more monstrous than he could have ever imagined. The reader is introduced to a new enemy organization that has the potential to be a dangerous enemy. This is a thriller that will satisfy more than Pendergast fans. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an
exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 684 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1428 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Common Sense – Thomas Paine $.99
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Non Fiction Thomas Paine's pamphlet that helped fire the American Revolution. He attacked the idea of an hereditary monarchy, outlined the benefits of independence and persuaded colonists that the revolution was justified, moral and ultimately inevitable. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. You can print and reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. The 18 point version contains 93 pages; the 28 point version contains 217 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 731K. HOME
In the Company of Others by Jan Karon $7.49
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Mystery Father Tim Kavanagh is now retired and he and his wife are vacationing in a fishing lodge in County Sligo. There they encounter an intruder, a stolen painting, and a bitter family conflict dating back three generations. This is the story of the desperate struggle to hide the truth at any cost and the powerful need to confess. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 870 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1790 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Confession by John Grisham $5.65
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Mystery In this story, Grisham makes clear his oppsition to the death penalty. Donte Drumm was an 18-year-old football star charged with the murder of a high school cheerleader. When taken in for questioning he waives his Miranda rights. He is subsequently charged, tried, convicted and sentenced to death. The real killer, Travis Boyette is a serial rapist. He laughs when the police and prosecutors congratulate themselves on getting the killer. He is content to allow an innocent person to go to prison, to serve hard time, even to be executed. He buried her body so that it would never be found, then watched in amazement as police and prosecutors arrested and convicted Drumm, and marched him off to death row. Now nine years have passed. Travis has just been paroled in Kansas for a different crime; Donté is four days away from his execution. Travis suffers from an inoperable brain tumor. For the first time in his miserable life, he decides to do what’s right and confess. But there is no happy ending to this story although justice eventually prevails.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 653 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1507 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
The Constant Princess by Philippa Gregory $7.49
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Historical Fiction Catalina is the youngest daughter of Fercinand and Isabella, monarchs of Spain. At age 3 she is engaged to the Prince of Wales of England and destined to be Queen. After their marriage, the Prince dies, but not before Catalina promises to marry his brother, Henry the future king of England. In order to do this Catalina has to deny her first marriage was consummated. The author brings to life the determination of this woman and the place of religion in the story. We know the end of the story, but it holds our interest nevertheless. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 879 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1927 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Contact – Carl Sagan $4.99
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Science Fiction This book displays the talent of Carl Sagan as both a scientist and writer. Later made into a film, it describes man's first contact with an alien civilization - messages picked up by radio telescopes. Ellie Arroway first hears the message, then decodes it and then helps to build a "Machine" described in the messages. Despite opposition she and fellow members of a small multinational team board the machine, take a startling trip into outer space. On their return they must convince the general public and the scientific community that they are not the perpetrators of a hoax. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. You can print and reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. The 18 point version contains 636 pages; the 28 point version contains 1483 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to
providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.9 MB.
The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen $5.65
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Modern Fiction This novel won the National Book Award in 2001. It’s about the Lamberts, an elderly Midwestern couple and their three adult children, tracing their lives from the mid-twentieth century to "one last Christmas" together near the turn of the millennium. The children have fled to the east coast to start new lives free from the influence of their parents. The novel moves back and forth in time throughout the late twentieth century, depicting the personal growth and mistakes of each family member in detail. The book climaxes around the time of the technology driven economic boom of the late nineties as the troubled family's problems begin to boil to the surface. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1028 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2347 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky $.99
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Classic Fiction A destitute student commits a murder. What leads up to it and the consequences. A classic study of the interplay between action and morality. Is a “great man” above the law? A detective story, but more a description of a mind plagued by doubt, delusion and remorse. On every list of great books. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1983 pages; the 48 point version contains 5376 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17
U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 5.8 MB K. HOME
HOME Crome Yellow – Aldous Huxley $.99
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Classic Fiction The story of an English country house and it's cast of entertaining characters just after WWI. Mostly a commentary on and a description of the useless lives of the very rich and their attempts to find some reason for living. F. Scott Fitzgerald said the book " too ironic to be called satire and too scornful to be called irony. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 585 pages; the 48 point version contains 1764 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.9 MB K. HOME
HOME Cruel and Unusual by Patricia Cornwell $5.65
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Mystery The Commonwealth of Virginia executes Ronnie Waddell after he is convicted of a murder ten years earlier on evidence found by Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Kay Scarpetta. Now she is the examiner in a case involving thirteen year old Eddie Heath shot in the head with potential sexual components involved. Scarpetta's autopsy of Heath uncovers the fingerprint of Waddell on the corpse. As anti capital punishment lawyer Grueman turns up the heat claiming Scarpetta is incompetent, files are stolen from her office. More murders that apparently were committed by a dead Waddell lead Grueman orchestrating the press even further that perhaps the smoking gun of capital punishment has occurred, an innocent person executed. There is also a grand jury investigation into possible criminal activities of the medical examiner. Scarpetta struggles to understand how a dead man could be murdering people and what happened to her once thriving career. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization)
dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with
disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 584 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1270 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Cunning Man by Robertson Davies $7.49
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Modern Fiction Davies introduces us to Jonathan Hullah, a doctor who writes in the first person. A “cunning man” is a wise man, a village know-it-all. Dr. Hullah is such a “cunning man.” He is an expert diagnostician. At the end of story Hullah reviews his “losses”: his godson Gil (who might have been his son); Nuala, the love of his life; his friend Charlie Iredale; the splendor of St. Aidan’s, now modernized; and journalist Esme Barron, who revealed the “great news” of her engagement before Hullah had the chance to declare his love for her. Hullah has the wisdom, however, to realize that his life has not been all loss and downward journey. To have known and loved these people; to have presided over his own clinic and to see patients improve under his care; to have watched the city of Toronto expand and to know that he was witnessing a great movement of history—all these were positive experiences for one who thought of himself chiefly as an intelligent observer of his times. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization)
dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 860 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1882 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese $5.65
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Modern Fiction Marion and Shiva Stone are twin brothers born of a secret union between an Indian nun and a British surgeon at a mission hospital in Ethiopia. Their mother dies in childbirth and their father disappears. The brothers come of age as Ethiopia hovers on the brink of revolution. Yet it will be love, not politics—their passion for the same woman—that will tear them apart and force Marion, fresh out of medical school, to flee his homeland. He makes his way to America, finding refuge in his work as an intern at an overcrowded New York City hospital. When the past catches up to him—nearly destroying him—Marion must entrust his life to the two men he thought he trusted least in the world: the surgeon father who abandoned him and the brother who betrayed him. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between
lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1060 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2426 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Daisy Miller - Henry James $.99
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Classic Fiction Daisy Miller, a novella published in 1878 is the precursor to many of James' later works. Daisy is a free spirited American traveling in Europe. She breaks all the rules of polite society by having fun and doing what pleases her. James writes of the differences in American and European values of the time. And we can now see the difference between our present values and mores and those of the not so different past. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 104 pages; the 28 point version contains 229 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 366 k. HOME
HOME Mrs. Dalloway – Virginia Woolf $.99
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Classic Fiction One of the first “stream of consciousness” books. It’s shortly after WWI and the heroine, a respected member of the British upper class prepares for her party that evening. All the physical action takes place on one day, but memories of the past keep popping up. Woolf explores relationships between men and women and between women. There are somewhat interesting other characters whose stories are told, but ultimately everything in the book revolves around Mrs. Dalloway’s reaction to them and we only know enough about them to understand her reaction. Sort of like what we do in real life. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 261 pages; the 28 point version contains 609
pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.2 MB. HOME
HOME The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown $5.25
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Modern Fiction This is another thriller by Brown. It is an exhaustively researched page-turner about secret religious societies, ancient coverups and savage vengeance. The action kicks off in modern-day Paris with the murder of the Louvre's chief curator, whose body is found laid out in symbolic repose at the foot of the Mona Lisa. Seizing control of the case are Sophie Neveu, a lovely French police cryptologist, and Harvard symbol expert Robert Langdon, reprising his role from Brown's last book. The two find several puzzling codes at the murder scene, all of which form a treasure map to the fabled Holy Grail. As their search moves from France to England, Neveu and Langdon are confounded by two mysterious groups-the legendary Priory of Sion, a nearly 1,000-year-old secret society whose members have included Botticelli and Isaac Newton, and the conservative Catholic organization Opus Dei. Both have their own reasons for wanting to ensure that the Grail isn't found. Brown sometimes ladles out too much religious history at the expense of pacing, and Langdon is a hero in desperate need of more chutzpah. Still, Brown has assembled a whopper of a plot that will please both conspiracy buffs and thriller addicts.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1755 pages. 2. PDF in 48 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 4388 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Dawn O'Hara – Edna Ferber $.99
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Classic Fiction Dawn O'Hara, the Girl Who Laughed was Edna Ferber's first novel, published in 1911. Dawn, a newspaperwoman working in New York, is back home in Michigan on doctor's orders. Years of living in boarding-houses and working to pay for the care of her brilliant but mentally ill husband have taken their toll. At twenty-eight, Dawn feels like an old woman with no future. But, the loving care of her sister and her family along with the attentions of a handsome doctor slowly bring Dawn back to life. She obtains a newspaper job in Milwaukee and begins a year of new adventures among new people. However, the specter of her husband living in a mental hospital is always present and Dawn fears she may never be free to love again. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. You can print and reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. print. The 18 point version contains 339
pages; the 28 point version contains 763 pages. Notice: eBook download size will be 1 MB. HOME
HOME Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris $4.50
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Fantasy Dead in the Family picks up where book #9 left off. Sookie is healing and trying to deal with the emotional aftermath of the torture she faced during the Fae war. She and Eric are dating, and they are still married in the vampire way. Bill is having problems healing from the silver poisoning he got during the Fae war. Sookie has an idea to help him, but will it work? The government is looking at adding shapeshifters/weres to the national registration bill, which would limit their rights as US citizens. There is a lot of turmoil with some supporting the bill, and some against. Sam and his business is targeted. And following the death of a pack member, Sookie is pulled into some were politics at the request of Alcide. Eric is dealing with his own difficult politics. Victor may be planning something. And Eric gets a big surprise guest, who causes even more challenges. Meanwhile, there is a Fae presence on Sookie's land and she must get to the bottom of it. Is a Fae targeting her? This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization)
dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 470 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1063 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Dead or Alive by Tom Clancy $5.65
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Mystery Jack Ryan, JR. is now working as a researcher at "The Campus," the independent secret intelligence agency his father set up when he was President. He has, unbeknownst to his father, begun involving himself in field operations. Uppermost in the sights of The Campus is the deadly Emir (read Osama bin Laden), who has set in motion a new round of attacks. In-depth research, continuous suspense, and scores of fascinating characters and adventures demonstrate why Clancy, the man who virtually invented this genre, reigns supreme in the crowded thriller field. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1278 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2818 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris $5.25
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Fantasy This is another in the series By Charlaine Harris and provides the same reading pleasure. If you haven’t read her before, know that this is the series upon which the HBO show True Blood is based. There are some problems the heroine Sookie Stackhouse can't ignore; for example, the firebombing that she witnessed at Merlotte's, the bar where she works. Of course, true to form, our favorite telepath also has other dangerous things on her mind; for example, her Significant Other Eric Northman and his "child" Pam seem intent on killing their vampire master. As usual, things quickly become absorbingly complicated. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to have special gifts. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between
lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 578 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1387 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Dead Travel Fast by Deanna Rayburn $4.50
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Mystery Theodora Lestrange goes to visit an old friend in Romania. She knows that she will be able to write her next book that will allow her to be financially independent women. She arrives at a beautiful castle in the Carpathian Mountains. There she finds not only her friend, but her eccentric family. There is the sick dowager duchess, the mysterious steward and his mother who takes an instant dislike to Theodora, and the enigmatic Count Andrei Dragulescu. Theodora is instantly drawn to the Count, and into the world at castle. She must find out for herself if the legends she hears about are true or not to discover if the mysteries that are occurring at the castle are the works of the supernatural or not. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between
lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1.PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 507 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1127 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Death of Ivan Ilych – Leo Tolstoy $.99
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Classic Fiction The Death of Ivan Ilyich first published in 1886, is a novela written by Tolstoy shortly after his conversion to Christianity. It is the story of the life and death, at the age of 45, of a judge in 19th-century Russia He is above all an upwardly mobile striver, a miserable husband, and a proud father. He is leading what seems to be the good life, when he is stricken by inexplicable medical complaints. He is terrified by the idea of his death, but his family and friends adjust to it leaving him alone to deal with his certain end. After months of anguish and days of intense pain he feels pity for those he is leaving behind and finds calm and an end to his pain. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 120 pages; the 28 point version contains 263 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit
organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 338 K. HOME
HOME Deenie by Judy Blume $3.75
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Young Persons Thirteen-year-old Deenie is destined for a modeling career, but learns she has a medical condition that will make her wear a brace for years. The story is about how she responds to this situation as well as to just growing up. Considered one of the best of Judy Blume. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered
or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 407 pages. 2. PDF in 48 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 48 point version contains 1021 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME A Deepness in the Sky – Vernor Vinge $6.50
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Science Fiction This is space opera by a master. Set twenty thousand years earlier than A Fire On the Deep, Vernor Vinge's second book in the Zones of Thought universe shares little and requires nothing of its companion volume. It's action alternates between the inhabitants of an alien world and human observers concealed in orbit above. The Spiders have developed prespace flight technology and struggle with the 250-year freezeand-thaw cycle of their planet's On/Off variable star. The orbiting humans consist of two factions. The Qeng Ho have goals of trade and communication. The Emergents have the more direct agenda of conquest and domination. Like Vinge's other fiction, this book is host to a number of "big ideas" that take the stage along with the actions and inactions of the characters. They include an alien species- the Spiders, a variable star that regularly turns on and off and a mindrot virus that it both a disease and an altered state that make workers more diligent and productive. On it's own, without reference to A Fire on the Deep, it is a classic.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 1411 pages; the 28 point version contains 3178 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3.9 MB. HOME
HOME The Deerslayer – James Fenimore Cooper $.99
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Classic Fiction/Young Persons The last of the “Leather Stocking Tales.” A romanticized version of life on the American frontier in the early 1740s. Criticized as condescending to Native Americans, it has been praised as a myth – the rugged individualist and the noble savage. The main character, Natty Bumppo, tends to soliloquize at un-opportune times. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1919 pages; the 48 point version contains 5903 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 6.6 MB. HOME
HOME Democracy and Education – John Dewey $.99
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Non Fiction Necessary reading for anyone interested in education. Dewey’s seminal work combining philosophical pragmatism and progressive pedagogical ideas. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 520 pages; the 28 point version contains 1292 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.2 MB. HOME
HOME The Deptford Trilogy by Robertson Davies $5.99
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Modern Fiction The trilogy consists of Fifth Business, The Manticore, and World of Wonders.. The series revolves around a simple act—a young boy throws a snowball at another, but it misses its intended target—and the effect this act has on a number of characters. The main characters of the series have come by twisting paths from their simple (fictional) village of Deptford in Canada —and each carries a secret that crosses the lives of the others and drives the plot forward. The greatest secret is one that the reader is not even aware of until the close of the last book, but which finally answers questions about the relationships among several major characters. Fifth Business is narrated by Dunstan Ramsay, a schoolteacher who grows up in the fictional Deptford. The novel takes the form of a letter he writes to the headmaster of the school from which he has just retired, wherein he recalls how, as a boy, he ducked the fateful snowball intended for him and it hit a pregnant woman. She gives birth prematurely as a result. Intertwined with his story is the life of Percy Boyd 'Boy' Staunton, Ramsay's boyhood friend who threw the snowball, and who later became a wealthy businessman. The Manticore Staunton's only son, David. David
Staunton undergoes psychoanalysis in Switzerland. The novel is a detailed record of his therapy and his coming to understand his own life. It sheds new light on many of the characters introduced in the Fifth Business. World of Wonders is the story of Paul Dempster, the son of the woman hit by the snowball, who has grown up to be a famous magician. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1582 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 3650 pages.
3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Diabetes - U.S. Government Agencies $.99 Non Fiction
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Being revised -Not Available
This is a collection of 9 individual publications on Diabetes in large print and ASCII. All come from government health agencies like NIH. The titles are: Diabetes Among African Americans, Diabetes Among Asian Americans, Diabetes and the Heart, Diabetes- An Overview, Tips for Diabetics, A Guide to Type 1 & 2 Diabetes, Diabetes and Depression, Preventing Diabetes Problems, Blood Sugar Numbers. There are 167 pages in 18 point type, 303 pages in 28 point type. You will receive three versions of each publication: one in 18 point type, one in 28 point type and an ASCII version. The large print versions are in PDF format and may be viewed, copied and printed. Access is from a main menu. HOME
HOME Diabetes - Food - U.S. Government Agencies $.99 Non Fiction
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Being Revised - Not Available
This is a package of 3 individual publications on Diabetes and Food in large print and ASCII. All come from government health agencies like NIH. There is a meal planner, a food plan with a diabetic food pyramid and a cookbook with over 100 recipes with nutritional information. The cookbook includes recipes from appetizers and drinks to main courses and desserts. There are 220 pages in 18 point type and 424 pages in 28 point type. You will receive three versions of each publication: one in 18 point type, one in 28 point type and an ASCII version. The large print versions are in PDF format and may be viewed, copied and printed. Access is from a main menu. HOME
HOME The Dispossessed – Ursula Le Guin $.499
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Science Fiction This book won both a Nebula and Hugo Award. The story explores many ideas and themes, including anarchism and revolutionary societies, capitalism, individualism and collectivism. It also includes creation of the ansible, the instantaneous communications device that is used in other stories. It addresses potential shortcomings of an anarchist society. It is told from the point of view of a theoretical physicist, with the creative ability and intellect of an Einstein, who has grown to adulthood on a planet with a well-established anarchist culture. A committed anarchist, he seeks to defend and expand the values of personal freedom and responsibility. The anarchist society in which he lives espouses such values, but falls far short of living up to them. The capitalist alternative, embodied in a society located on a different planet, is controlled by an elite driven by greed and power. The dilemma posed by the novel is whether one extraordinary and courageous man with the help of like-minded others can overcome the shortcomings of both societies and make a lasting contribution that enhances peace and freedom throughout the cosmos.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 595 pages; the 28 point version contains 1379 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.69 MB. HOME
HOME Doc by Mary Doria Russell $3.75
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Historical Fiction Ernest Hemingway said about “A Moveable Feast” “Much of this book is fiction, but there is always a chance that such a work of fiction may throw some light on what has been written as fact.” This is the mostly true story of the life and times of John Henry (Doc) Holliday, known in real life for his association with the Earp brothers-- Wyatt, Morgan, Virgil and James. The author credits William Barkley "Bat" Masterson with exaggerating and making up dime store novels for personal gain that resulted in Holliday's reputation as a gunslinger and cold blooded killer. Doc was born in 1851 in Griffin Georgia in a wealthy family and graduated from Dental Surgery School in Atlanta . In order to treat his tuberculosis he moved to Dallas, Texas, Dodge City, Kansas and later Tombstone, Arizona. The story is primarily about Doc Holliday's long impending struggle with living his adult life as his debilitating disease slowly destroyed his lungs and finally kill him in 1887. The story describes a man of many facets--a dentist, a gambler, an accomplished piano player, a horseman, an alcoholic, extremely educated, quick tempered, a loyal friend, a friend of the oppressed, and an amazing human
being. John's long on-again off-again relationship with former wealthy educated aristocrat, turned alcoholic prostitute and Doc's gambling promoter known as Kate Harony is an integral part of this fascinating and moving tale. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 972 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2264 pages.
3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME A Doll's House – Henrik Ibsen $.99
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Play The restricted position of women in male-dominated society of (1879). The heroine leaves her husband after being treated as a child; she treats her own children like dolls. Created a storm when first published and still popular. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 28 point version contains 306 pages; the 48 point version contains 829 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.3 MB. HOME
HOME The Door into Summer by Robert A. Heinlein $5.25
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Science Fiction A master of science fiction writing a classic. The hero, a brilliant inventor is betrayed and cheated by his partner and girlfriend. He is placed in suspended animation for 30 years. When he awakes, he seeks to make things right and this involves time travel back to the time of his original betrayal. Heinlein masters the subject better than anyone else at the time -1957. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 348 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 759 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Door through Space – Marion Zimmer Bradley $.99
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Science Fiction The hero is a psychologically and physically disabled about to retire agent of the Terran Secret Service. He is stationed and the action takes place on an old, old planet with its own unique customs. Space opera, political intrigue, police action, touches of technology as the hero fights for the loyalty of a planet to a system that brought peace to the galaxy. Alien customs and practices provoke thoughts of "could it be so?" This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 264 pages; the 28 point version contains 583 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17
U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 654 K. HOME
HOME Dubliners – James Joyce $.99
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Modern Fiction A collection of short stories set in Dublin at the turn of the century. If thinking about reading Joyce, for his later works, this is a good introduction to his city and the people living there at the time and place. Captures the sounds and sights of Ireland. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 28 point version contains 677 pages; the 48 point version contains 1799 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17
U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.3 MB. HOME
HOME Dune by Frank Herbert $5.25
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Science Fiction Dune is considered by many to be the greatest science fiction novel of all time. Set in the far future of an interstellar empire where planetary are controlled by noble it tells the story of young heir apparent, a noble prince and his family as they accept control of the desert planet, Arrakis the only source of a life prolonging spice that is the most important and valuable substance in the universe. The story explores the complex and multilayered interactions of politics, religion, ecology, technology, and human emotion, as various forces confront each other for control of Arrakis and its spice. This is the seminal, foundation, book on which all the sequels are based. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1305 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2282 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Dune- by Frank Herbert, Kindle Optimized $5.25
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Science Fiction This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
HOME Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert $4.50
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Science Fiction Twelve years after the events described in Dune, the young prince has become “Muad’Dib and rules as Emperor of the Known Universe, following a universal jihad he had unleashed by accepting the role of messiah to the formidable inhabitants of Arrakis, the fremen.. But he is powerless to stop the lethal excesses of the religious juggernaut he has created. Still, he has visions that convince him that better things are possible. He hopes to set galactic society on a course that will not lead to stagnation and destruction. This is the story of that attempt. It is also the story of the Bene Gesserit, a female organization which over the centuries has run a secret human breeding program attempting to improve the race and eventually produce a savior of sorts. The emperor refuses to have an heir with his noble-born wife and there is instability because he is yet to produce an heir with his fremen, concubine.wife. The emperor is blinded in battle. By tradition, all blind Fremen are abandoned in the desert, but Paul is able to continue in leadership by fixing his actions precisely in line with what his previous oracular visions showed him. Eventually,
he walks off into the desert in the Fremen tradition, winning the fealty of the Fremen for his children, who will inherit his mantle of Emperor and avoiding deification. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 495 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1046 pages.
3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
HOME Dune Messiah- by Frank Herbert, Kindle Optimized
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Science Fiction This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law.
Dying Inside – Robert Silverberg $6.50
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Science Fiction "Dying Inside" is one of the great classics of SF literature. The protagonist, David Selig, is a telepath whose rare talent has brought him no pleasure. From an early age this ability threatens to disrupt his life. As he gets older, he leads the life of an outcast, a voyeur, with his gift as his keyhole. He supports himself by providing ghost written essays for college students. When his telepathy gradually deserts him he is left stranded. - This is much more than an adventure story. Silverberg describes Selig's relationships with women and his sister, all colored by his telepathic ability and his struggle to live with it. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version.
You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 366 pages; the 28 point version contains 827 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.1 MB.
Earthlight – Arthur C. Clarke $.99
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Science Fiction Classic Clarke. The story is about the tension between the government of earth and the Federation: settlers in the rest of the solar system. Bert Sadler, an accountant is sent to the moon to investigate exploitation of minerals. Despite a relatively long preceding era of peace, Earth and the Federation each prepare for war. The Federation develops a new method of spacedrive propulsion while Earth develops new shielding technology and a weapon which uses an electromagnetpropelled bayonet of liquid metal. A climactic battle is waged between three Federation cruisers and a fortified mining installation at a lunar observatory. This inconclusive duel between mother planet and formerly dependent colonists, with each side suffering stiffer resistance than anticipated, discredits the governments on both sides. This novel was originally published in 1955 so some of the science is now dated, but it also includes descriptions of technology now understood and/or under development.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 291 pages; the 28 point version contains 659 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 935 K. HOME
Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer $5.25
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Young Persons This is the third novel in the Twilight Saga. It continues the story of 18-year-old Bella Swan and her vampire love, Edward Cullen. Seattle, Washington is plagued by murders that Cullen suspects is caused by a new vampire that is unable to control its thirst for human blood. Jacob, a werewolf, previously considered a friend, tells Bella he is in love with her. When Bella turns him down he forcibly kisses her and she reacts by punching him in the face, spraining her hand while not even leaving a scratch on him. Bella and Cullen decide to marry. They soon realize that the murders are being committed by an "army" of newborn vampires. They join with the wolf pack to combat this threat. After the final battle, Bella tells Jacob of her love for him, but that her love for Edward is greater. Jacob then runs away in his wolf form to escape his heartbreak over Bella's rejection.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by
the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The
Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 863 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1849 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Ender’s Shadow
by Orson Scott Card $2.99
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Science Fiction If you liked Enders Game you will enjoy this offshoot. Ender Wiggin is trained to command Earth forces in battle with aliens. He believes he is only fighting a simulated enemy with simulated deaths. Like Ender, “Bean” is a student at the Battle School after being found as an orphan. His early life, fully described, his superior intelligence and his character shape him into the most formidable student the Battle School has ever seen. Yet he is condemned to be second to Ender. This is the Ender tale from another perspective. Finally, the book sets the stage for Bean’s future after the final battle when Ender must leave Earth permanently and Bean becomes number one. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and
search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 833 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1789 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Ender’s Shadow- Kindle Optimized by Orson Scott Card $2.99
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Science Fiction
This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card $4.50
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Science Fiction Ender in Exile is a science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card, author of Ender’s Game. Each chapter begins with an email from one of the characters. The story begins one year after the Formics were defeated and the Battle School kids started to return to earth - except Ender. It was agreed that Ender could not go back to Earth because there could be possible wars over who got to keep him to use for their own military purposes. Ender is intrigued by the actions of the Hive Queens in defending themselves and wants to learn why they acted as they did. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 835 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1649 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Ender in Exile- by Orson Scott Card, Kindle Optimized $4.50
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Science Fiction
This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
The End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov $4.50
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Science Fiction Time travel, social engineering, a mystery – some call this one of Asimov’s best novels. The Eternity of the title is an organization and a place which exists outside time. It is staffed by male humans called Eternals who are recruited from different eras of human history commencing with the twentyseventh century. The Eternals are capable of traveling “upwhen” and “downwhen” within Eternity and entering the conventional temporal world at almost any point of their choice. Collectively they form a corps of guardians who carry out carefully calculated and planned strategic minimum actions, called Reality Changes, within the temporal world in order to minimize human suffering. But Eternity itself suffers from serious maladjustments. The Eternals are also troubled that beyond a certain point in the future they are blocked by unknown means from entering Time. These are the "Hidden Centuries". Beyond the Hidden Centuries they can emerge, but find the earth deserted of human life. The main character of the story travels back to 1932 to inspire investigation into atomic energy. He also learns from a character from the far future that
Eternity is ultimately a drag on creativity and this affects the lack of space travel in the future and eventually makes the Earth barren of life.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 385 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 841 pages.
3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
English-Spanish Vocabulary for Healthcare Workers Woolf Foundation Staff $.99
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Non Fiction A publication specifically prepared for Healthcare workers with over 5000 English words and phrases with Spanish equivalents including words and phrases commonly used by healthcare workers. Includes: General vocabulary, common disorders, common injuries, types of accidents, emergency questions, an optometric examination, directions, greetings, household objects, basic expressions, etc. You will receive a PDF file which can be printed and searched. The file contains 670 pages in 28 point type.
English-Spanish Vocabulary for Library Workers by Woolf Foundation Staff
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Non Fiction Over 5000 English words and phrases with Spanish equivalents including words and phrases commonly use by library workers. Includes: General vocabulary, a library dialogue, emergency questions, directions, greetings, holidays, counting, basic expressions, etc. You will receive a PDF file which can be printed and searched. The file contains 604 pages in 28 point type.
Exercise by National Institute on Aging $.99
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Non Fiction A Guide from the National Institute on Aging. Discusses Exercises, Motivation, Safety, Self-Tests, Benefits, Nutrition. Individual topics include: What Can Exercise Do for Me? Is it Safe for Me to Exercise? How to Keep Going. Sample Exercises, How Am I Doing? What Should I Eat? In an Appendix: Target Heart Rate; Exercise Plan; Activity and Progress Charts; Resources. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 157 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 284 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan S. Foer $4.50
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Modern Ficton
Oskar Schell is nine years old. He’s lost his father on 9/11, two years ago. Now he found a key in his father’s closet. The story is about his search for what the key opens and the story of his grandparents’ childhood, marriage and separation before Oskar’s father was born. A NY Times best-seller. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 578 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1195 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury $5.25
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Science Fiction The story takes place in some future time in a hedonistic antiintellectual America that has completely abandoned self-control. It is told by Guy Montag. This America is filled with lawlessness in the streets and anyone caught reading or possessing illegal books (almost all are illegal) is, at the minimum, confined to a mental hospital while the books are burned. Montag is a fireman (whose job is to burn books.) Still, for reasons personal and philosophical he begins to question the values of his society and his role in destroying books and the buildings in which they are found. He personally steals and hides a book and then more. Eventually, Montag joins a revolutionist, but to maintain his cover he burns his own house. Thereafter he learns of others who want to preserve books and joins them, fleeing the city. Shortly thereafter a war starts and the city, and others are bombed and destroyed. The novel ends with the suggestion that the old society has collapsed and a new one must be built from the ashes. It is implied the keepers of books will be important. Fahrenheit 451 is supposedly the temperature at which paper burns.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 240 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 529 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
A Feast For Crows by George R.R. Martin $5.25
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Fantasy This is the fourth of seven planned books in the A Song of Ice and Fires series. It was the first novel in the sequence to debut at number one on The New York Times Best Seller list and was nominated for a Hugo award. Set in a fictitious world reminiscent of Medieval Europe in which magic exists and the seasons can last for many decades, the series follows the violent dynastic struggles of an empire in turmoil. This volume continues the events of A Storm of Swords, the third novel in the series.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1317 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 3103 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Fallen Angels –Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, Flynn $.2.49
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Science Fiction Pilots from a space station are forced to make a crash landing on an earth that is in the middle of an ice age. They are hunted by the US government which is dominated by environmentalists who oppose much modern technology. They are helped by members of an underground science fiction fan organization who have retained some of the discouraged technical skills. Can be seen as cops and robbers on a road trip and/or criticism of environmentalist excess. Three great authors contribute to the story. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 776 pages; the 28 point version contains 1634
pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2 MB. HOME
The Federalist Papers - Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay $.99
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Non Fiction A History as it was written. Eighty-five articles by framers of the U.S. Constitution.- Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison examine the provisions in detail in 1787. Certainly necessary to understand where we came from and many of the thoughts are applicable today. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1822 pages; the 48 point version contains 5179 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 5.3 MB. HOME
The Fifth Witness by Michael Connelly $5.65
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Mystery Michael (Mickey) Haller, known as “the Lincoln Lawyer” is struggling in recession-hit California to find the kind of clients that he, a bottom-dweller with a slight conscience, specializes in. He’s begun representing clients who are fighting foreclosues on their homes. One of his clients, Lisa Trammel, is accused of murdering a banker at the firm that is enforcing her mortgage foreclosure. Lisa is an unlikeable woman: and an obvious suspect when one of the bankers seeking to foreclose is murdered and a witness puts her in the area at the time. The main part of the novel describes Lisa’s trial, Mickey’s defense strategy, and his gradual uncovering of what really happened. At first it seems like a hopeless case. On the personal side, Mickey is torn between his need to earn a living and his love for his ex-wife, and their teenage daughter. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with
disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 691 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1562 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
A Fire Upon the Deep - Vernor Vinge $5.99
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Science Fiction Science fiction by a Master. This is space opera involving superhuman intelligences, aliens variable physics, space battles, love, betrayal, genocide, and a conversation medium resembling Usenet. The novel won theHugo Award in 1993. The novel posits that space around the Milky Way is divided into concentric layers called Zones, each being constrained by different laws of physics and each allowing for different degrees of biological and technological advancement.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 1111 pages; the 28 point version contains 2493 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit
organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3.1 MB.
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Dan Brown $.99
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Modern Fiction Eddie dies on his 83rd birthday. He was a plain, unremarkable man who spent his life working at an amusement park. When he awakes in heaven he learns it is a place where life is explained by five people. From childhood to soldier to old age and his final days, he revisits with them the events of his “meaningless” life. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 501 pages. 2. PDF in 48 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1317
3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Flatland- Edwin A. Abbott $.99
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Classic Fiction A short book, only 340 pages in 28 point type, about a world literally short of dimensions. The narrator, a square, lives in a two- dimensional world and is visited by a sphere from a three dimensional world. How he experiences his and other dimensions is a tale of morals, mores, politics, philosophy when everything is absolutely flat and one can be accidentally killed by the careless movement of a triangle. A classic of literature and science. Contains some illustrations by the author.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 28 point version contains 340 pages; the 48 point version
contains 1032 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.3 MB. HOME
The Forever War – Joe Haldeman $2.50
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Science Fiction Many readers would recognize the theme of this book as an allegory for the war in Vietnam. The main character is selected for military service because he is a would-be physics professor. The war is between earthlings and the "Taurans" .Because of the effects of relativity, the defenders usually have an advantage because their technology is more advanced than that of the aggressor. With no communication between the two races, no chance of winning, but the ever present chance of defeat, an eternal war is created. Halderman also captures the disorientation experienced by GIs who came back from horrific combat, and were expected to instantly adjust to the then existing culture, which may incorporate hundreds of years of change. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra
spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 468 pages; the 28 point version contains 999 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.4 MB.
For the Sake of Elena - Elizabeth George $.5.50
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Mystery Inspector Lynley investigates a murder at Cambridge University. The victim is a student, long-distance runner and daughter of a highly respected professor. He learns she was deaf and pregnant and not as innocent as her father believed. Lynley’s relationship with Lady Helen is questioned. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 868 pages; the 28 point version contains 1907 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17
U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.5 MB. HOME
For Whom the Bell Tolls – Ernest Hemingway $.99
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Classic Fiction This is the story of three days in the life of the main character. It is the Spanish Civil War and he is a Republican who has been sent on a special mission to destroy a bridge. He is war weary; he questions his role in a perhaps futile war; he falls in love knowing that because of the war the relationship may end quickly. He wonders if dying for a political cause might be too wasteful, but he ultimately believes that dying to save another individual is a man's most heroic act. These are the philosophical questions raised by the book. Not to be overlooked is the display of detail about weapons and war and surviving. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version.
You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 1036 pages; the 28 point version contains 2189 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.5 MB. HOME
Forever by Judy Blume $4.50
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Young Persons This book dates from the 1970s when it was pretty hard for teens to get any information whatsoever about sex and sexual relationships. – The story is about two nice, normal older teenagers who meet at a party, date, fall in love and eventually find themselves wanting to have a sexual relationship with each other. The sex scenes are described indetail but in an informational, not a dramatic, scary or otherwise "weird" way. At the time they truly think they will betogether forever, but later events cast doubt on their promise. The focus of this book is on presenting a sexualrelationship that wasn't accompanied by a horrible tragedy or "punishment" for the people involved, so that teens could just focus on what a "normal" relationship was like, sexually and emotionally. The criticism of the book: it fails to portray that not every sexual relationship goes along as smoothly, and should have dealt a little more realistically with the emotional impact that can happen when one person changes their mind about "forever".
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 255 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 522 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke $5.65
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Science Fiction It’s the 22nd century, and Clarke describes the construction of a space elevator - a giant structure connecting the Earth on the equator with a satellite in geostationary orbit. It is used to lift payloads to orbit without using rockets orshuttles. The project is made possible by using a hyperfilament which is able to sustain it’s own tremendous weight and make possible elevators that travel on the cable. Subplots include colonization of the solar system and extraterrestrial contact. There are historical references to ancient East Asian cultures. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 470 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1030 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
The Fountains of Paradise- by Arthur C. Clarke, Kindle Optimized $5.65
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Science Fiction
This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
Freedom by Jonathan Franzen $5.65
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Modern Fiction This book follows several members of an American family, the Berglunds, Walter and Patty, as well as their close friends and lovers, as complex and troubled relationships unfold over many years. The book follows them through the last decades of the twentieth century and concludes near the beginning of the Obama administration. The Berglunds are a quintessential liberal middle-class family, and they are among the first families to move back into urban St. Paul, Minnesota from the suburbs. The family includes a daughter and a son, Joey, who early on displays an independent streak and an interest in making money. Joey becomes sexually involved with a neighborhood teen, Connie, and begins to rebel against his mother, going so far as to move in with Connie and her mother. After several unhappy years the family relocates to Washington, D.C. abandoning the neighborhood and house they worked so hard to improve. Walter takes a job with an unorthodox environmental project, tied to big coal. The second portion of the book takes the form of an autobiography of Patty Berglund, composed at the suggestion of her therapist. It tells
of her increasing alienation from her artistically inclined parents and sisters and settling for marriage with Walter. The novel then jumps ahead to New York City in 2004 and shifts to the story of Walter and Patty's friend Richard, who has finally succeeded in becoming a minor indie rock star in his middle age. Richard is uncomfortable with commercial success and has thrown away his new found money and gone back to building roof decks for wealthy people. Walter calls him out of the blue to enlist his help as celebrity spokesman for an environmental campaign. In parallel, Joey attempts to finance his college life in Virginia by taking on a dubious subcontract to provide spare parts for outdated supply trucks during the Iraq war. Now, Richard's re-appearance destroys Walter and Patty's weakening marriage. Walter kicks Patty out of the house and she moves to Jersey City to be with Richard, but the relationship only lasts six months. Walter rebels against his employer who is despoiling a mountaintop property. Eventually, Patty matures and hunts down Walter. He agrees to take her back as the book ends in 2008. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and
search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 959 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2280 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Freefall by Joseph Stiglitz $5.99
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Non Fiction Stiglitz is a Nobel Prize recipient, former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, and a professor at Columbia. He is a Keynesian and a scholarly expert on market failure. This book examines the recession of 2007–09 and names names about the people and institutions that caused it, banks above all. He considers who benefited and who failed to take action. While he is very critical of right-leaning economists and the people who quoted them, he doesn’t spare the Obama administration where he believes they went wrong in dealing with the crisis. The book was originally published in 2010, but there is an update included from later in the year. The accuracy of his predictions can now be seen more than a year after publication. This book is essential to understand the reasons behind the banking collapse and the misguided faith in the power of self regulation in a free market. There are extensive endnotes to complement the text. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The
Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 830 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1978 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Galaxy Primes – E.E. (Doc) Smith $.99
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Science Fiction Pure space opera, but entertaining. The story is about 4 space travelers with telekinetic abilities. They are sent into space in an experimental spaceship that seemly materializes randomly at a destination. They bounce from destination to destination meeting humans at just about every stop, but also meeting guardians of the human race whose role it is to ensure breeding compatibility. Eventually they realize they can control the space craft (telekinetically) and return to their home galaxy, where they decide that as psychically advanced beings they should give something back to the galaxy. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The
18 point version contains 392 pages; the 28 point version contains 856 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.2 MB. HOME
Gladiator – Philip Wylie $.99
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Science Fiction The tale of a boy and man who becomes the strongest man on earth as the result of an experiment. He seeks to hide his almost magical strength and is plagued by it as he seeks to find acceptance. Wylie was a renowned social critic and his hero has to deal with the shortcomings of society and how to come to terms with society and his strength. The reported inspiration for Superman. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 367 pages; the 28 point version contains 791 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for
use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 947 K. HOME
HOME The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson $5.99
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Mystery This is the third and last books about Lisbeth Salander. Most readers have read the first two so no lengthy description of her talent and personality is needed. She is the brilliant computer hacker and all- around athlete who was shot in the final pages of The Girl who Played With Fire. She is still the prime suspect in three murders in Stockholm. While she convalesces under armed guard, journalist Mikael Blomkvist works to unravel the decades-old coverup surrounding the man who shot Salander: her father, Alexander Zalachenko, a Soviet intelligence defector and longtime secret asset to Säpo, Sweden's security police. Estranged throughout Fire, Blomkvist and Salander communicate primarily online, but their lack of physical interaction in no way diminishes the intensity of their unconventional relationship. Surprise – everything ends well, but how we get there is the work of a master.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization)
dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 959 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2280 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Girl Who Played With Fire by Steig Larsson $5.99
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This is the second volume in the Stieg Larsson Millennium Trilogy. A publisher, Mikael Blomkvist, and the police are conducting parallel investigations into three murders -- and their initial evidence points straight at Lisbeth Salander, the heroine of the first volume. Blomkvist hasn't seen Salander in nearly two years, except for one night when he happened to witness a huge man attempting to kidnap her, He doesn't believe Salander killed these victims. He has to contact her, find out how she's become embroiled in this, and help her. Salander, has her own ideas about who she'll see and when. This book highlights another subject of interest to Larsson: the underbelly of the sex trade. Blomkvist's magazine, plans an issue devoted to the subject. and there follows much in-house discussion of the lurid material and how it should be presented to the public. But the three murders turn the magazine and its people on their heads. Meanwhile, Salander travels and changes her appearance. Among her pursuits: attempting to write a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, furnishing her new
abode, and keeping tabs on Bjurman (whom she memorably tattooed in DRAGON). Then, she disappears for quite a spell as the murder investigation gets cranking, and finally, she regains the spotlight as the book rushes headlong into a heart-stopping conclusion. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1116 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2408 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on
your computer and virtually any mobile device.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson $5.99
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Mystery The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is an international best seller set in Sweden. The story moves with lightening speed. There are two key plots happening simultaneously. In one, a Swedish financial investigative journalist publishes a libelous attack about a powerful industrialist and is sentenced to jail, fined a ruinous sum, and has his career torn to shreds. Another industrialist, Vanger, hires the journalist to investigate the 36 year old disappearance of his then 14 year old grand niece. Though there has been no trace of her in all these years , every year on his birthday, he receives a mysterious gift mimicking a gift his missing grandniece used to give him. The book is titled after yet another character, Lisabeth Salander, a societal outcast and State ward, uncivilized without any desire to obey societal norms, and replete with piercings, tattoos, and a Goth/biker appearance. She is a researcher with a corporate security firm and ends up working with the journalist. She is a survivor of abuse in all forms with low self esteem, but is a genius with Asberger's Syndrome, who sees patterns in things ordinary mortals miss and uses incredible computer hacking
skills to accomplish her goals. She is fascinating: ruthless and tough to a fault, yet internally vulnerable, struggling to comprehend her own feelings. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 830 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1978 pages.
3.ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Girl With A Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier $7.49
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Historical Fiction The painting Girl with a Pearl Earring is one of Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer’s masterworks and as the name implies, uses a pearl as a focal point. The book of the same name centers on Vermeer's prosperous Delft household during the 1660s. When Griet, the novel's quietly perceptive heroine, is hired as a servant, turmoil follows. First, the 16-year-old narrator becomes increasingly intimate with her master. Then Vermeer employs her as his assistant, and ultimately has her sit for him as a model. The story describes the complex domestic tensions of the household, ruled over by the painter's jealous, eternally pregnant wife and his taciturn mother-in -law. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 384 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 832 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Glory Road
by Robert A. Heinlein $4.50
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Science Fiction Escapist entertainment by a master. A war veteran, Oscar, is hired by a gorgeous woman he knows as Star. She is the empress of many worlds. The Oscar, Star and her assistant slay minotaurs, dragons and other dangerous creatures in order to retrieve the Great Egg which is a cybernetic device that contains the knowledge and experiences of most of her predecessors. Despite her youthful appearance, she is the mother of dozens of children, and has undergone special medical treatments that extend her life much longer than usual. She has Oscar unknowingly receive the same treatments. Eventually, after retrieving the egg, Oscar grows bored and returns to earth. He has difficulty readjusting to his own world, despite having brought great wealth along with him, doubts his sanity and whether the adventure even happened. The story ends as he is contacted to start a new trip. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with
disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 482 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1056 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME God Is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens $5.65
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Religion/Philosophy If one wants a no-holds-barred criticism of religion, this is the book. Hitchens contends that organized religion is "violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism, tribalism, and bigotry, full of ignorance and hostile to free thought, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children" and accordingly it "ought to have a great deal on its conscience." He supports his position with a mixture of personal stories, documented historical anecdotes and critical analysis of religious texts. His commentary focuses mainly on the Abrahamic religions, although it also touches on other religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 466 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1114 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov $2.25
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Science Fiction Few know and no one will listen: the sun will soon be destroyed. Asimov introduces us to an alien inhabitant of a dying planet, and a lunar-born intuitionist. They forsee what abundant energy really costs. Classic Asimov. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 510 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1094 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device HOME
HOME Goodbye Mr. Chips by James Hilton $.99
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Classic Fiction This very short novel tells the story of a much-beloved schoolteacher and his long tenure at a fictional boys' school in England. Mr. Chipping conquers his inability to connect with his students and his initial shyness. Despite his own mediocre academic record, he goes on to have an illustrious career as an inspiring educator. The book is unabashedly sentimental, but it also depicts the sweeping social changes that Chips experiences throughout his life: he begins his tenure and dies in the 1930s. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 83 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 178 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device HOME
HOME Goodbye Mr. Chips- by James Hilton, Kindle Optimized $.99
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Classic Fiction This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
HOME The Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck $.99
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Classic Fiction An American classic that earned the author a Pulitzer Prixe in 1939. It is set Great Depression of the 1930s. The story is about what happened during this period, focusing on the Joads, a poor family of sharecroppers driven from their Oklahoma home by drought economic hardship, and changes in financial and agricultural industries. Due to their nearly hopeless situation, the Joads set out for California. Along with thousands of other " Okies" ", they sought jobs, land, dignity and a future. When preparing to write the novel, Steinbeck wrote: "I want to put a tag of shame on the greedy bastards who are responsible for this [the Great Depression and its effects]." The book won Steinbeck a large following among the working class, perhaps due to the book's sympathy to the worker's movement and its accessible prose style. It is frequently read in American high school and college literature classes. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader.
Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search the file for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 925 pages; the 28 point version contains 1828 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.6 MB. HOME
HOME The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald $2.25
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Classic Fiction The book tells of thwarted love in 1922. However, the theme is really a meditation on society of the time. Unprecedented prosperity, excess, decayed moral values, the pursuit of pleasure occupies the upper class characters in the story. There is a clash between "old" and "new" money. Ultimately the jubilance gives way to dissolution and disappointment. An American literary classic. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 253 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 571 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Great Gatsby- by F.Scott Fitzgerald, Kindle Optimized
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Classic Fiction This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
HOME The Green Odyssey – Philip Jose Farmer $2.50
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Science Fiction This is a relatively straightforward adventure story, involving an astronaut stranded on a primitive planet. He is claimed as a gigolo by a duchess and is married to a slave woman. He escapes from the duchess in search of a rumored space ship. The planet has a vast plain that can be traversed on wind powered ship that move on rollers. He encounters cannibals, pirates and floating islands which are really giant lawnmowers on which trees have grown. This is exciting, light reading which doesn't require much concentration. One critic called it a combination of Conan and Tarzan with spaceships. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search the file for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 316 pages; the 28 point version contains
694 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 840 K. HOME
HOME Gulliver's Travels – Jonathan Swift $.99
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Classic Fiction/Young People A satirical, fanciful, novel which can be read simply as adventure or studied for social commentary and criticism. Yahoos, Lilliputions, and others populate distant lands who’s customs contrast with ours and hold our beliefs and actions up for examination. It’s tremendously amusing too. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search the file for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1043 pages; the 48 point version contains 3071 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 2.4 MB. HOME
HOME Half-Blood Blues by Esi Edugyan $5.65
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Modern Fiction It was 1940 and Hieronymous Falk, a rising star on the cabaret, Jazz scene, was arrested in a Paris cafe and never heard from again. He was twenty years old, a German citizen and Black. Now it’s fifty years later and his bandmate is going back to discover what happened. This is a story of betrayal and secrets buried for all these years. It alternates from Paris and Berlin to Baltimore, the past to the present. The story was a Man Booker Prize finalist. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 583 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1228 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Hamlet – William Shakespeare $.99
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Play The play recounts how Prince Hamlet exacts revenge on his uncle who murdered Hamlet's father the king, and then has taken the throne and married Hamlet's mother. The play presents the course of real and feigned madness - from overwhelming grief to seething rage - and explores themes of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption.This is one of Shakespeare's longest plays, and among the most powerful and influential tragedies in the English language. It is still among those most performed. The large print versions are particularly good for learning lines. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search the file for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 208 pages; the 28 point version contains
441 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 550 KB3. HOME
HOME Hard Times – Charles Dickens $.99
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Classic Fiction Dickens' shortest novel (1022 pages in 28 point type). Another of his chronicles of his times. Pathos, satire, a polemic against utilitarianism. The squires, hands, ladies and villians of an English mill town and their connected lives and tragedies. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search the file for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1022 pages; the 48 point version contains 3051 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3 MB. HOME
HOME The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood $5.25
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Science Fiction The story takes place in the United States of the near future where the people, but particularly women, lead dehumanized, fearful lives. It is in the same category as Brave New World, Nineteen Eighty-four, but the main character, the story teller is a woman conscripted to bear children for one of the rulers. The country has been transformed by religious zealots who are racists, male chauvinists, who control every detail of everyday life, but particularly that of women. The society is hierarchical, a compulsorily Christian regime of Old Testament-inspired social and religious orthodoxy. The story has been given many awards and been adapted for radio, film and the stage. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 507 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1086 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Headhunters
by Jo Nesbo $5.65
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Mystery Nesbo changes his main character in this story: Roger Brown is a corporate headhunter and an art thief on the side. He steals works of art and replaces them with fakes. He learns of a long lost Rubens and attempts to steal it. Of course the robbery doesn’t go smoothly and there are many consequences as a result. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 463 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1010 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad $.99
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Classic Fiction One of the great books of the 20th century. A condemnation of colonialism framed by a boat trip on a jungle river. The central character has been profoundly affected by life in the jungle. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version.. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 344 pages; the 48 point version contains 1042 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 950 KB. HOME
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The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis $4.50
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Fantasy, Young People This is the fifth book in the Narnia series. It takes place during the reign of High King Peter. It is suggested that it probably fits best in the reading order immediately following The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Its prime audience is children aged 8 to about 11, but the story has enough depth to make it a satisfying, if short, read for even adult readers. This book is unique in the series, in that the viewpoint characters do not originate in our world, but instead are native to the world of Narnia. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 248 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 559 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Horse and His Boy- Kindle Optimized by C.S. Lewis $4.50
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Fantasy This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
HOME The House of the Seven Gables – Nathaniel Hawthorne $.99
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Classic Fiction This is a recognized American classic often read in high schools and colleges. It is set in the mid-19th century. The house of the title is a gloomy New England mansion, haunted by fraudulent dealings, accusations of witchcraft and sudden death. The current resident, the dignified but desperately poor Hepzibah Pyncheon, opens a shop in a side room to support her brother Clifford, who is about to leave prison after serving thirty years for murder. She refuses all assistance from her unpleasant wealthy cousin Judge Pyncheon. A distant relative, the lively and pretty young Phoebe, turns up and quickly becomes invaluable, charming customers and rousing Clifford from depression. A romance grows between Phoebe and the mysterious lodger Holgrave, who is writing a history of the Pyncheon family. Judge Pyncheon arrives at the house one day, and threatens to have Clifford committed to an insane asylum if Clifford does not assist the Judge in giving him the information the Judge believes Clifford has regarding the mystical "eastern lands" of Maine that the family has long rumored to own but to have lost
the deeds to. However, before Clifford can be brought before him the Judge mysteriously dies in the same chair as the historical Pyncheon who stole the land. Hepzibah and Clifford escape on a train after the Judge dies. The townsfolk murmur about their sudden disappearance, and, upon Phoebe's return, the Judge's body is discovered. However, Hepzibah and Clifford return shortly, to Phoebe's relief. Events from past and present throw light on the circumstances which sent Clifford to prison, proving his innocence. The romance ends with the characters leaving the old house to start a new life, free of the burdens of the past. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 977 pages; the 48 point version contains 3066 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 6 MB. HOME
HOME House Rules by Jodi Picoult $7.49
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Mystery This is the story of Jacob Hunt, a teenage boy with Asperger’s Syndrome. He’s hopeless at reading social cues or expressing himself well to others, and like many kids with AS, Jacob has a special focus on one subject – in his case, forensic analysis. He’s always showing up at crime scenes, thanks to the police scanner he keeps in his room, and telling the cops what they need to do…and he’s usually right. His abilities become recognized in time. One day his tutor is found dead, and the police come to question him. All of the hallmark behaviors of Asperger’s – not looking someone in the eye, stimulatory tics and twitches, inappropriate affect – can look a heck of a lot like guilt to law enforcement personnel. That’s what happens and Jacob finds himself accused of murder. The book looks at what it means to be different in our society, how autism affects a family, and how our legal system works well for people who communicate a certain way – but lousy for those who don’t. It all ends well. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The
Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization)
dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1020 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2175 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Howards End - E. M. Forster $2.99
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Historical Fiction The poor bank clerk, rich young idealistic sisters, and a wealthy materialistic widower interact and eventually connect. Published n 1910, Forster describes manners, morals and economic outlook of the time. Lionel Trilling said the book was about “Who shall inherit England?”; update the time to today and the question is still relevant. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search the file for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1163 pages; the 48 point version contains 3329 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 3.9 MB. HOME
HOME Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain $.99
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Classic Fiction/Young Persons Read this book as an adventure of a teenager in 19th century Border states and the South. Read it for the implicit commentary on morals and outlook of the time. Read it for the description of a growing friendship between a boy and a fugitive slave and their trials. This is an American classic. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search the file for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1109 pages; the 48 point version contains 3000 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 2.7 MB. HOME
HOME The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins $2.25
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Best Seller This is the first of the three books about Katniss Everdeen a fatherless 16 year old girl living in a poor part of a nation reconstructed after the destruction of North America. Every year one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 from each part are selected at random and forced to participate in the Hunger Games, a televised event in which the participants must fight to the death in a dangerous outdoor arena until only one remains. Also participating from her district is Peeta a boy she knows. He reveals his long-time unrequited love for Katniss; she believes this to be a ploy to gain audience support. As the games continue, the death toll increases, but they are able to evade death. A rule change is announced midway through the games: two participants from the same district can win the Hunger Games as a pair. When the couple are finally the last two left alive, the authorities try to force them into a dramatic finale where one must kill the other to win. When they threaten suicide they are both declared winners. Afterwards, Peeta is heartbroken to learn that their relationship was at least partially a calculated ploy to garner sympathy from the
audience, although Katniss remains unsure of her own feelings. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 519 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1152 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy $4.50
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Mystery Captain Ramius, a senior officer in the Soviet submarine fleet has decided to defect to the United States with his officers and the experimental nuclear submarine Red October. It has a revolutionary new propulsion system. Ramius has personal and political disagreements with the Soviet regime. He lets his superiors know that he is defecting and they send an entire fleet to sink him. Jack Ryan a CIA analyst knows the submarine is capable of sneaking into American home waters and launching nuclear missiles with little or no warning. Ryan must contact Ramius to prevent the loss of the submarine. Meanwhile an American submarine is trailing Raimius. The story plays out the attempt to rescue Raimus and convince the Soviets that the submarine has been sunk. This is the first of the Clancy novels featuring Ryan, who eventually becomes a national figure. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an
exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 912 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2062 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Iliad - Homer $.99
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Classic Fiction An epic chronicling the Trojan wars. Achilles, Helen of Troy, Agamemnon, cast of thousands wage war. Vital to understanding classic allusions. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search the file for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1569 pages; the 48 point version contains 4006 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3.5 MB. HOME
HOME The Importance of Being Earnest – Oscar Wilde $.99
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Play A three act play considered Wilde’s best. Witty satire of Victorian social hypocrisy. Filled with famous epigrams and sparkling dialogue. The double life of a fashionable, privileged gentleman. Light, entertaining reading. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search the file for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 244 pages; the 48 point version contains 680 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.2 MB. HOME
HOME In Defense of Women - H. L. Mencken $.99
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Classic Fiction The central argument that women are superior to men may or may not be proven, but this book is hilarious. Prostitution, soul mates, monogamy, women's voting, marying above and below one's station, etc. -all the important stuff about the relations of men and women are here. You judge whether there's deep wisdom in the humor. A trip for men and women, but especially for bachelors. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 398 pages; the 48 point version contains 1233 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit
organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.5 MB. HOME
HOME The Hound of the Baskervilles – Arthur Conan Doyle $.99
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Classic Fiction Sherlock Holmes investigates an attempted murder inspired by the legend of a fearsome, diabolical hound. A classic. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 288 pages; the 28 point version contains 626 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 830 K. HOME
HOME Hull Zero Three - Greg Bear $5.99
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Science Fiction A generational ark in space. A starship traveling through the emptiness of space. Its destination – unknown. Its purpose – a mystery. A man wakes up. Ripped from a dream of a new home-a new planet and the woman he was meant to love in his arms-he finds himself wet, naked, and freezing to death. The dark halls are full of monsters but trusting other survivors he meets might be the greater danger. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 447 pages; the 28 point version contains 961 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit
organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.3 MB. HOME
HOME The Invisible Man – H.G. WELLS $.99
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Science Fiction A One of the earliest works of science fiction by one of the masters. A scientist ells creates a serum which renders him invisible. Plausibility aside, the book makes one wonder about the consequences of invisibility, perhaps of being a lone wolf in science. Written before the 20th Century. Social satire, Horror Tale, Adventure, Blasphemous, Painful medical experiments for curiosity alone. It’s all in this short book. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 509 pages; the 48 point version contains 1471 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit
organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2 MB. HOME
HOME I-Robot by Isaac Asimov $2.25
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Science Fiction Though first published in 1950, this collection of nine short stories frame the science fiction view of robots and robotics. The book is most famous for is Three Laws of Robotics. The Laws are a central theme in each of the stories. These laws are the central theme to each individual story, and connect them. Another connection is the experiences of the mythical Dr. Susan Calvin who is a leader in the field. Each story illuminates a problem encountered when a robot interprets the three Laws and something goes awry. One robot questions the reason for his existence. Another feels a necessity to lie. Yet another has an ego problem. The later stories introduce the reader to the Machines, powerful computing robots without the typical humanoid personalities of the working robots, that control the economic and industrial processes of the world. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an
exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 400 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 884 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME I-Robot- Kindle Optimized by Isaac Asimov $2.25
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Science Fiction This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
HOME I Will Fear No Evil by Robert A. Heinlein $4.50
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Science Fiction The story takes place about 2015. Very old billionaire Johan Smith is dying, and wants to have his brain transplanted into a new body. Coincidentally, his beautiful young female secretary, Eunice Branca, is murdered, so her body is used, since Smith never thought to place any restriction on the sex of the donor. He is rechristened Joan Eunice Smith. Eunice's personality continues to co-inhabit the body. (Whether Eunice's personality is real or a figment of Johann's imagination is addressed but never fully resolved in the novel.) Joan and Eunice agree never to reveal her continued existence, fearing that they would be judged insane and locked up. For the most part, the story details the adventures of Smith-Branca as Smith learns how to live and react as a woman. A little suspension of disbelief is required, but the different outlooks of men and women make for interesting reading. Heinlein doesn’t hesitate to interject his libertarian philosophy. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization)
dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 850 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1886 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME It’s Not the End of the World by Judy Blume $3.75
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Young Persons Karen is 12 years old and the middle child in her family and is unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for her) not her parents' favorite. She has an older brother and younger sister. Her world seems to be crumbling before her eyes. She is believes marriage only causes heartache and pain, and decides that she will never marry. Entering the sixth grade she discovers her nice teacher has married and has turned into a "witch." Her parents act like they don't love each other anymore; the only way that they communicate is by arguing and fighting over every possible situation. Eventually, her father moves out of the house. Karen tries every possible way to stop the divorce from happening, including sending anniversary cards and feigning illness. Karen grades the days in her diary and only rarely does the day get an A+. At the end there is the possibility that things might be getting better even though she does not succeed in getting her parents to remarry. Next, Karen's r brother has a fight with his mother and runs away. Then to make things worse Karen's mom announces that they are moving. Karen tries to see things in a better way and tries to make the best of things and finally has a B+ day.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 236 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 464 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME A Journal of the Plague Year – Daniel Defoe $1.99
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Historical Fiction There is no doubt that this is a work of fiction. It purports to be an eyewitness account of the London plague of 1665, a year when the author was 5 years old. Still, it is a good account of what probably happened at the time. There is grisly detail and examples of compassion. There is the description of the symptoms of the plague and the efforts to contain it. There are varying estimates, but between 65,000 and 100,000 people in London died. The narrator trusts in God to get him through the hardships and the danger. The story recounts the efforts to deal with a catastrophe and the eventual recovery of a stronger and wiser society. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size,
one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 427 pages; the 28 point version contains 997 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.3 MB. HOME
HOME The Jungle – Upton Sinclair $.99
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Classic Fiction On one level, The Jungle exposed inhumane conditions in the stockyards. Inhumane for the workers, downright poisonous for consumers of the meat because of the utter disregard for hygiene. On another level this is a socialist tract against the inhumane treatment of workers who are considered interchangeable and disposable cogs in a capitalist machine. The book led to new laws on both worker's rights and the meatpacking industry. On still a third level, the book describes the immigrant experience at the beginning of the 20th century. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point
version contains 1309 pages; the 48 point version contains 4080 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3.8 MB. HOME
HOME Just After Sunset by Stephen King $5.99
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Short Stories This is the fifth collection of short stories by Stephen King, released in 2008. Included are the following short stories: Willa; The Gingerbread Girl; Harvey’s Dream; Rest Stop; Stationary Bike; The Things They Left Behind; Graduation Afternoon; N.; The Cat from Hell; The New York Times at Special Bargain Rates; Mute; Ayana; A Very Tight Place. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 682 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1533 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Keep the Aspidistra Flying – George Orwell $5.99
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Classic Fiction It's the 1930s in London. Gordon Comstock is a bright, educated and poor man in his late twenties. He thinks of himselfas a poet, but his chief occupation is avoiding success which he believes is selling out. In fact, he wants to think he has taken "not a good job": as part of his war on money. There are good descriptions of the difficult choices needed when money is scarce. There are several divergent ways of looking at the book: it's realistic, sarcastic, simplistic, preachy, and political. It's part of Orwell's genius that it's all of these and more. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen.
You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point
version contains 393 pages; the 28 point version contains 881 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.9 MB. HOME
HOME Key Out of Time – Andre Norton $.99
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Science Fiction This is Book 4 in the Time Traders Series, In this book Ross Murdock and Arthur Ashe continue their adventures in Time and Space on the World of Hawaika. Hawaiian and Polynesian settlers help Ross and Ashe discover the way the world has changed from the data tape to present time. Helped by a girl (Karara) and her two trained dolphins. This is space opera/survival which blends action/adventure with inventions from the world of tomorrow. Murdock battles aliens and people with tremendous powers. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point
version contains 314 pages; the 28 point version contains 689
pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 830 KB. HOME
HOME Kidnapped - Robert Lewis Stevenson $.99
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Classic Fiction/Young People Historical adventure novel set in the 18th Century. Teenager cheated by his uncle, kidnapped by pirates, befriended by an outlaw. If you enjoyed Treasure Island, this is for you. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 798 pages; the 48 point version contains 2213 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 2.1 MB. HOME
HOME To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee $.99
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Modern Fiction The story takes place during during the 1930s in a fictional Alabama town. The main characters are six-year-old Scout Finch, who lives with her older brother Jem and their widowed father Atticus, a middle-aged lawyer. Jem and Scout befriend a boy named Dill. All three are terrified of, and fascinated by, their neighbor, a recluse named "Boo" Radley. The adults in the town are hesitant to talk about Boo and few have seen him. The children fantasize about his appearance and why he remains hidden. Eventually Dill, Scout and Jem find that someone is leaving them small gifts in a tree outside the Radley place and several times, the mysterious Boo makes gestures of affection to the children. Atticus is appointed by the court to defend Tom Robinson, a black man who has been accused of raping a young white woman, Mayella Ewell. Other children taunt Jem and Scout for Atticus' actions, calling him a "nigger lover". After a trial in which it is clear the accuser and her father Bob Ewell are lying, Robinson is convicted. Jem's faith in justice is badly shaken, as is Atticus', when a hopeless Tom is shot and killed while trying to escape from prison. Later, humiliated by the trial, Bob Ewell vows revenge and finally, he
attacks the defenseless Jem and Scout as they walk home on a dark night. Jem's arm is broken in the struggle, but amid the confusion, someone comes to the children's rescue. The mysterious man carries Jem home, where Scout realizes that he is Boo Radley. The sheriff convinces Atticus that Ewell simply fell on his own knife. Afterwards, Scout imagines life from Boo's perspective and regrets that they never repaid him for the gifts he had given them. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 552 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1206 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Kim - Rudyard Kipling $.99
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Classic Fiction/Young People The author is a man of his times- 19th century British colonialist. The main character is a young boy, raised on the streets, sure a great destiny awaits him. He travels throughout India with a Tibetan lama. This book can be read for the sheer adventure or for the descriptions of a time and place and philosophies now gone. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1138 pages; the 48 point version contains 2632 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by
persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.8 MB. HOME
HOME The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini $6.99
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Modern Fiction Betrayal and redemption set in war-torn Afghanistan and the United States. Amir and Hassan are childhood friends in the alleys and orchards of Kabul before the invasion of the Soviet army and Afghanistan's decent into fanaticism. Both motherless, they grow up as close as brothers, but their fates, they know, are to be different. Amir's father is a wealthy merchant; Hassan's father is his manservant. Amir belongs to the ruling caste of Pashtuns, Hassan to the despised Hazaras. This fragile idyll is broken by the mounting ethnic, religious, and political tensions that begin to tear Afghanistan apart. An unspeakable assault on Hassan by a gang of local boys tears the friends apart; Amir has witnessed his friend's torment, but is too afraid to intercede. Plunged into self-loathing, Amir conspires to have Hassan and his father turned out of the household. When the Soviets invade Afghanistan, Amir and his father flee to San Francisco, leaving Hassan and his father to a pitiless fate. Only years later will Amir have an opportunity to redeem himself by returning to Afghanistan to begin to repay the debt
long owed to the man who should have been his brother. After
establishing himself in America, Amir learns that the Taliban have murdered Hassan and his wife, raising questions about the fate of his son, Sohrab. Spurred on by childhood guilt, Amir makes the difficult journey to Kabul, only to learn the boy has been enslaved by a former childhood bully who has become a prominent Taliban official. The price Amir must pay to recover the boy is just one of several brilliant, startling plot twists that make this book memorable. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 588 pages; the 28 point version contains 1316 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.7 MB. HOME
HOME Klondike Tales – Jack London $.99
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Classic Fiction Gold discovered in the Yukon. Eleven short stories about the brutal weather and hard people in one of the least habitable regions of the world. Survival, adaptation and good entertainment in the frozen North. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 521 pages; the 48 point version contains 1494 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook
download size will be 1.3 MB. HOME
HOME The Known World – Edward P. Jones $3.99
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Modern Fiction An examination of antebellum Virginia and slave owning with a twist, the master is black as are his slaves. Henry Townsend, a former slave-now master of 33 slaves of his own and more than 50 acres of land in Manchester County, Va.-worried about the fate of his holdings upon his death. As a slave in his youth, Henry makes himself indispensable to his master, William Robbins. Even after Henry's parents purchase the family's freedom, Henry retains his allegiance to Robbins, who patronizes him when he sets up shop as a shoemaker and helps him buy his first slaves and his own plantation. The book describes the legal and social intricacies of slaveholding. Though he is a cruel master to his slaves, Robbins is desperately in love with a black woman and feels as much fondness for Henry as for his own children; Henry, meanwhile, reads Milton, but beats his slaves as readily as Robbins does. Henry's wife, Caldonia, is not as disciplined as her husband, and when he dies, his worst fears are realized: the plantation falls into chaos. The story explains how it is that one can own another person and how it is to be owned.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 658 pages; the 28 point version contains 1508 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.8 MB. HOME
HOME The Land That Time Forgot – Edgar R. Burroughs $.99
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Science Fiction Pulp fiction at its finest. Heroes, beautiful native women, prehistoric ferocious animals, villains, imaginative science, a hidden "lost land", unbelievable coincidences, narrow escapes. Suspend your disbelief or try to imagine how the events, people, and places could be possible, or near possible. Not the greatest literature, but lots of fun. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1003 pages; the 48 point version contains 3092 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by
persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3 MB. HOME
HOME The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis $3.75
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Fantasy In The Last Battle, Lewis brings The Chronicles of Narnia to an end. It tells of the end of time in the old Narnia and sums up the series by linking the experience of the human children in Narnia with their lives in their original world. The story is set during the reign of the last king of Narnia, King Tirian.Narnia has experienced a long period of peace and prosperity begun during the reign of King Caspian. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 552 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1206 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Last Battle- Kindle Optimized by C.S. Lewis $3.75
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Fantasy This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
HOME The Last Days of Pompeii - Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton $.99
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Historical Fiction This is a novel written in 1834. Once a very widely read book, now relatively neglected, it culminates in the cataclysmic destruction of the city of Pompeii by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius inn 79 AD. The novel uses its characters to contrast the decadent culture of 1st-century Rome with both older cultures and coming trends. The protagonist, Glaucus, represents the Greeks who have been subordinated by Rome, and his nemesis Arbaces the still older culture of Egypt. Olinthus is the chief representative of the nascent Christian religion, which is presented favorably but not uncritically. The Witch of Vesuvius, though she has no supernatural powers, shows the author's interest in the occult - a theme which would emerge in his later writing. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra
spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 758 pages; the 28 point version contains 1655 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.3 MB. HOME
HOME The Last of the Plainsmen – Zane Grey $.99
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Classic Fiction A true account of a trip by Zane Grey to the Grand Canyon area to capture mountain lions. Full of detail about life on the trail, flora and fauna in 1908. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 313 pages; the 28 point version contains 698 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.6 MB. HOME
HOME The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula Le Guin $4.50
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Science Fiction George Orr, has long been using drugs to prevent himself from having "effective" dreams. The dreams change reality for everyone, but Orr remembers the previous reality. It is 2002 in Portland, Oregon, the world is at war and the inhabitants impoverished. Threatened with being placed in an institution, Orr is forced to undergo psychiatric care for his drug abuse with an ambitious psychiatrist, William Haber. Haber realizes Orr’s capability and seeks to use it to change the world. He experiments with a machine which augments Orr’s power and produces a series of increasingly intolerable alternate worlds. Among the changes: the skin of everyone becomes gray to end racism, a plague reduces overpopulation, peace on Earth results in an alien invasion of the moon. Orr grows increasingly unhappy with Haber’s actions and seeks to end the changing of reality. With the help of the aliens he finds peace for himself. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with
disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an
exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 300 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 692 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman $.99
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Poetry This is the 1892 “deathbed” edition preferred by Whitman. Over 300 poems or fragments. A wide range of subjects with America itself often the focus. Bombastic, blunt, wise, shaped by and itself shaping America. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1784 pages; the 48 point version contains 4495 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook
download size will be 3.6 MB. HOME
HOME The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin $4.50
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Science Fiction The book is one of the first major works of feminist science fiction set in the fictional Hainish universe. It won the 1969 Nebula and 1970 Hugo awards. The story tells of the interplanetary expansion started by the first race of humanity on the planet Hain that expanded across the universe, forming the League of All Worlds, expanding to the eighty-three-world collective called the Ekumen. This novel concerns an envoy who is on a planet called Winter to convince the citizens to join the Ekumen. Winter is a planet that is always cold, and its citizens are neither female nor male: they only have gender identities or sexual urges once a month. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 409 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 939 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Leopard by Jo Nesbo $5.65
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Mystery Harry Hole is found by a Crime Squad officer, Kaja Sollness, addicted to opium in Hong She fails to get him to return to Norway to investigate the murder of two women, but he does return when he learns his father is about to die. After his return a female MP is murdered and Harry gets involved in the investigation. Harry then goes undercover and discovers a link between the murders. He then sets up a sting to draw out the killer. He then wrongly believes the murderer is someone he knows. Following the real murderer to the Congo, Harry and Sollness get captured and finally he confronts the murderer at the lip of a live volcano. When his father dies, Harry returns to see the Snowman and it is tacitly suggested that he helps The Snowman to commit suicide. Then he returns to Hong Kong. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between
lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1212 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2536 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly $4.50
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Mystery Criminal defense attorney Mickey Haller practices in Los Angeles. Most of his clients are drug dealers and gangsters, but in this story he gets a “dream case” – a wealthy client. The client is accused of assault and attempted murder. At first, he appears to be innocent and set up by the female "victim." But his lies change Haller’s original case theory and make him reconsider the situation of a former client serving time in San Quentin after pleading guilty to a similar crime. In the end Haller outmaneuvers his client (revealed to be a rapist and murderer) and frees the innocent former client. Much of the action takes place in a courtroom. The author has won numerous awards and is a former president of the Mystery Writers of America. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between
lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 647 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1438 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Lion, Witch & Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis $3.75
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Fantasy The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a novel for children by C. S. Lewis first published in 1950 and set in circa 1940. It is the first-published book of The Chronicles of Narnia and is the best known book of the series. Although it was written and published first, it is second in the series' internal chronological order, after The Magician’s Nephew. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 159 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 336 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Lion, Witch & Wardrobe- Kindle Optimized by C.S. Lewis $3.75
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Fantasy This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
HOME The Litigators -
John Grisham $5.99
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Modern Fiction/Best Seller Another best seller by Grisham. The book about a two-partner Chicago law firm attempting to strike it rich in a lawsuit over a drug sold major pharmaceutical company. The hero is a Harvard Law burnout who stumbles upon the boutique and joins it only to find himself litigating against his old law firm in this case. The book is regarded as more humorous than most of Grisham's prior novels. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 710 pages; the 28 point version contains 1524 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17
U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.9 MB. HOME
HOME Little Women - Louisa May Alcott $.99
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Classic Fiction/Young People Four devoted sisters grow up in post-Civil War New England. From innocent adolescence to sage adulthood through genteel poverty, sorrow and joy. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF format and an ASCII version. There are two versions of each PDF font size, one for printing and another for reading on a computer screen. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1871 pages; the 48 point version contains 4410 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3.7 MB. HOME
HOME The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner by Alan Sillitoe $3.75
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Short Stories This is a collection of short stories. The title story focuses on Colin, a poor teenager from a dismal home in a blue-collar area, who has bleak prospects in life and few interests beyond petty crime.. He turns to long-distance running as a method of both an emotional and a physical escape from his situation. There are eight other short stories in the collection including: Uncle Ernest, Mr. Raynor, The Fishing-Boat Picture, Noah’s Ark, On Saturday Afternoon, The Match, The Disgrace of Jim Scarfedale and The Decline and Fall of Frankie Buller. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 247 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 581 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Lord of the Flies by William Golding $3.75
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Modern fiction This is a classic story about a group of English schoolboys, teenagers or younger, who are plane-wrecked on a deserted island. At first, the stranded boys cooperate, attempting to gather food, make shelters, and maintain signal fires. In charge are Ralph and Piggy. Ralph tries to impose order and delegate responsibility but there are many in their number who would rather swim, play, or hunt. Soon Ralph's rules are being ignored or challenged outright. His fiercest antagonist is Jack, the redheaded leader of the hunters.. The situation deteriorates as the trappings of civilization continue to fall away, until Ralph discovers that instead of being hunters, he and Piggy have become the hunted: This novel explores the line between reason and instinct. At an allegorical level, the central theme is the conflicting impulses toward civilization live by rules, peacefully and in harmony—and towards the will to power. Different subjects include the tension between groupthink and individuality, between rational and emotional reactions, and between morality and immorality. How these play out, and how different people feel the influences of these, forms a major subtext of the book.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 405 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 835 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez $5.99
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Classic Fiction This story revolves around Fermina Daza. She marries Juvenal Urbino at the age of 21, the "deadline" she had set for herself. She does this because he seemed to be able to offer security and love. Urbino is a doctor devoted to science, modernity, and "order and progress." Urbino's function is to provide the counterpoint to Florentino Ariza's archaic, baldly romantic love. Urbino proves in the end not to have been an entirely faithful husband, confessing one affair to Fermina some years into their marriage. Though the novel seems to suggest that Urbino's love for Fermina was never as spiritually chaste as Florentino Ariza's was, it also complicates Florentino's devotion by cataloging his many trysts and apparently a few, possibly genuine, loves. By the end of the book, Fermina comes to recognize a wisdom and maturity in Ariza and their love is allowed to blossom in their old age. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader.
Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 657 pages; the 28 point version contains 1590 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.9 MB. HOME
HOME Luka and the Fire of Life by Salman Rushdie $4.50
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Young Persons This is a children’s book written by a distinguished writer. Luka, the main character, is befriended by a dog and a bear who become his pets and accompany him on many adventures. He learns about the past lives of his pets and meets many new characters like Nobodaddy, the Old Man of the River, Prometheus and Soraya, the teenage Insultana of Ott. They travel on a magic carpet and Luka at one point is killed, but is revived and realizes that the world in which he is traveling is like a video game, with lives and levels. Of course, after many trials and tribulations the story end happily. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 292 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 688 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Macbeth – William Shakespeare $.99
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Play Witches, murder, ghosts, revenge. It’s Shakespeare’s shortest, bloodiest tragedy. Required reading in many schools; maybe adults get even more from it. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 28 point version contains 275 pages; the 48 point version contains 666 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 613 KB. HOME
HOME The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis $3.75
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Fantasy The Magician's Nephew is a novel for children by C.S. Lewis. It was the sixth book published in his Narnia series, but is the first in the internal chronology of Narnia novels. universe. The story is set in London in the early 1900s. The principal characters are two pre-adolescent children, The pair are transported to other worlds by the magical experiments of “Uncle Andrew”and become caught up in the creation of Narnia and the introduction there of the evil witch-queen Jadis, antagonist of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 217 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 479 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Magician’s Nephew- Kindle Optimized by C.S. Lewis $3.75
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Fantasy This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
HOME Main Street – Sinclair Lewis $.99
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Classic Fiction A study of life in a small American town in the early decades of the twentieth century. A study of a woman frustrated by the patronizing treatment given her and most women. A study of middle class values, prejudices and attitudes. Don’t let the description deter you. This is a very entertaining book, still relevant today. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 28 point version contains 1716 pages; the 48 point version contains 5053 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 5.8 MB. HOME
HOME The Mammoth Hunters by Jean M. Auel $5.25
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Historical Fiction This book is the sequel to The Valley of Horses and third in the Earth's Children series. It picks up where The Valley of Horses ends; Ayla and Jondalar, meet a group known as the Mamutoi, or Mammoth Hunters, with whom they live for a period of time. Wisest of their nation is Old Mamut, their eldest shaman and the leader of the entire Mamutoi priesthood, who becomes Ayla's mentor and colleague in the visionary and esoteric fields of thought. Mamut is also one of the first to become aware of Ayla's unique upbringing. Also within the Lion Camp is a six-year-old boy named Rydag who, like Ayla's lost son Durc, is half Clan and half Other. He cannot speak, having the same vocal limitations as the Clan, but he also has their ancestral memories. Ayla quickly discovers this and teaches him, and the rest of the Lion Camp, the Clan sign language. Rydag's intelligence, maturity and wit endear him to Jondalar as well, who learns to overcome his cultural prejudice towards Clan and half-Clan people. More so than any other book in the series, The Mammoth Hunters relies on the tension created by the relationships between the characters to create a storyline. Ayla is susceptible to being deceived or confused; she was
brought up among essentially honest people who due to their visual language are incapable of deception. She also does not know that when a man asks her to "share Pleasures" with him, she has the option of refusing, since Clan women did not. The primary conflict is a love triangle between Jondalar, Ayla, and Lion Camp member Ranec. Ayla is attracted to Ranec, shares "Pleasures" with him a few times, and comes close to marrying him before several last-minute revelations reunite the former pair. At the end of this novel, Ayla and Jondalar leave for the year-long return journey to Jondalar's people, a journey detailed in The Plains of Passage and continued in The Shelters of Stone. Previous readers know the archeological descriptions are detailed and accurate. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1536 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 3462 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Man and Superman – George Bernard Shaw $.99
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Play Wit and cynicism by a master. A four act play which includes, in part, the meaning of existence, state of the working class, unwed mothers, a visit to Hades, evils of capitalism and women’s rights. Intellectually challenging, but fun to read. Also includes the “Revolutionist’s Handbook." This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF tagged format and an ASCII version. Each of the PDF formatted books is in two versions, one for reading on-screen and the other for printing. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version for printing contains 873 pages; the 48 point version contains 2575 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the
provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3.1 MB. HOME
HOME March by Geraldine Brooks $7.49
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Historical Fiction We’ve all read Little Women. Now we get a new perspective. In the first days of the Civil War, the absent father, March goes off to war leaving his wife and daughter to aid the Union. His experiences change his marriage and challenge his most ardently held beliefs. March is an idealistic chaplain who has his faith tested as he learns that his side, too, is capable of acts of barbarism and racism. As he recovers from a near mortal illness, he must reassemble his shattered mind and body, and find a way to reconnect with a wife and daughters who have no idea of the ordeals he has been through. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 470 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1077 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Man Who Knew Too Much - G.K. Chesterton $.99
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Classic Fiction This is another Chesterton novel incorporating a series of short stories that end as one single story with the last one bringing all of the threads together. It is set in the 1920s. The man who knew too much is Horne Fisher who knows all of the key people of the ruling class in England, the secrets of their personal lives, and the odd and indirect ways that these deform the laws, policies, and administration of justice. In these stories of mystery and crime, Fisher's peculiar knowledge allows him to discover who committed each crime and why. Often the criminal must go unpunished lest worse things follow. Sometimes the victim is more guilty than the criminal. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF tagged format and an ASCII version. Each of the PDF formatted books is in
two versions, one for reading on-screen and the other for printing. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version for printing contains 588 pages; the 48 point version contains 1696 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3.96 MB. HOME
HOME Marie Antoinette and Her Son - Louise Muhlbach $.99
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Historical Fiction This book is best called historical fiction. It describes the birth of Marie Antoinette's son, Louis Charles, in 1785 and his imprisonment after the French Revolution. Officially Louis died in 1795 still a prisoner. The book presents one of the several legends about his being freed from prison by loyalists and going on to have many adventures until he died in 1858. This is a story by a writer certainly sympathetic to the royal lineage, but if the publication date is believed, 1867, it portrays an idea popular at the time. As such it is culturally important. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 980 pages; the 28 point version contains 2204 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.8 MB. HOME
HOME The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides $7.49
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Modern Fiction This is Eugenides’ third novel. It is about the matrimonial choices of an eligible young woman, Madeleine, living in the 1980s.She is a graduating English major whose head’s been made to swim with postmodern literary theory. She has two suitors: Leonard, a brilliant, powerfully attractive, mentally unstable scientist, and Mitchell, a just-good-friends sort who, as college has progressed, has become increasingly drawn to religion, much to his own surprise. The two men are a study in contrasts. The book frequently shifts perspectives, following Mitchell on a pilgrimage to Europe, then to Calcutta, with the latter destination inspired by his admiration for Mother Theresa. Eugenides also focuses, in detail, on Mitchell’s developing consciousness. He gives just as much attention to the inner life of Leonard, whose manic depression and experiments in adjusting his own medication volleys him from one extreme to the other, dragging those around him with him. But Madeleine remains at the center of the novel, and not just as a prize to be won. She begins the novel driven by love to swoon and pout. She ends it wise with experience, having learned that we live under the burden of love and must decide how, or whether, to
carry its weight. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 855 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1826 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury $2.99
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Science Fiction This is future history, written in 1951, told in 27 short stories. The stories are connected as episodes in history: 1999-2000 when Earthmen attempted to reach Mars; 2001-2005 when men actually colonize Mars and 2005-2026 when after a catastrophic war on Earth the survivors on Mars become the new Martians. Some of the science is greatly outdated, and just plain wrong, but the problems of the Martians and Earthmen don’t depend on accuracy of the details. Some critics have said they are good stories that just happen to be set on Mars. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 379 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 811 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Masters of Science Fiction - Vol. 1 - Silverberg, Knight, $1.50
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Science Fiction Eight short stories by the masters: Operation Haystack and Missing Link by Frank Herbert; Happy Unfortunate by Robert Silverberg; The Worshipers by Damon Knight; Project Mastodon and The Street That Wasn't There by Clifford Simak; Sodom and Gomorrah,Texas by R.A. Lafferty; and 2BRO2B by Kurt Vonnegut. 326 pages in 18 point type, 697 pages in 28 point type. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 326 pages; the 28 point version contains 697 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 848 KB. HOME
HOME Masters of Science Fiction - Vol. 2$1.50
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Science Fiction Ten short stories by the masters: Cosmic Express by Jack Williamson, Lets be Frank by Brian Aldis, Profession by Isaac Asimov, Fat Vampire by Max Spinrad, Hunted Heroes and Postmark Ganymede by Robert Silverberg, Cosmic Expense Account by Cyril Kornbluth, One Shot by James Blish, Day of the Boomer Dukes by Frederick Pohl, and Security by Paol Anderson. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 452 pages; the 28 point version contains 983 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for
use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.2 MB. HOME
HOME Masters of Science Fiction - Vol. 3$1.50
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Science Fiction Seven short stories by the MastersSeven short stories by the masters: Baby You Were Great by Kate Wilhelm, Breaking Point by James Gunn, Carcinoma Angels by Norman Spinrad, And He Built a Crooked House by Robert Heinlein, First Commandment by Gregory Benford, Victory and Police Your Planet by Lester del Rey. 526 pages in 18 point type, 1159 pages in 28 point type. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 526 pages; the 28 point version contains 1159 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for
use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.5 MB. HOME
HOME Masters of Science Fiction - Vol. 4 $1.50
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Science Fiction Four short stories by the masters: West of Honor by Jerry Pournelle, High Weir by Samuel Delaney, Brave to Be a King, and The Burning Bridge by Poul Anderson. The 18 point version is 530 pages; the 28 point version, 1064 pages. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 541 pages; the 28 point version contains 1135 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.5 MB. HOME
HOME Masters of Science Fiction - Vol. 5 $1.50
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Science Fiction Five short stories by the masters: The Colors of Space by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Time Patrol by Poul Anderson, Tomb Tapper by James Blish, Around the Curve of a Cosmos by Gregory Benford, and The Judas Valley by Gerald Vance. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 525 pages; the 28 point version contains 1150 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.4 MB. HOME
HOME The Meaning of it All by Richard Feyman $2.99
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Non Fiction This book is a collection of three lectures given by the Nobel Prize winning author in 1963. It is a non-technical book in which Feynman investigates the relationship between science and society. In the first lecture, he explains the nature of science: that it is a "method for finding things out", and that it is "based on the principle that observation is the judge of whether something is so or not" He says uncertainty and doubt in science is a good thing, because it always keeps the door open for further investigation. The second lecture, gives his views on the relationship between science, religion and politics. In the third lecture he discusses his views on modern society and how unscientific it is. This book gives an insight into the thinking of one of the greatest intellects of the 20th century. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between
lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 143 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 341 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Memory of Earth – Orson Scott Card $4.99
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Science Fiction For Ender fans this is departure. There have been comparisons made of this book and the Book of Mormon. Harmony, a planet settled 40 million years ago following the destruction of Earth, is overseen by the Oversoul, an intelligent computer able to communicate telepathically with certain of the inhabitants. A bit jarring is the idea that the computer, in order to prevent war, has arranged that humans are prevented from inventing the wheel, but have advanced solid state electronics. The hero, Nafai, lives in a semi-matriarchal city where women rule politically and men contract short-time marriages. Probably because of the computer breakdown, there is a threatened war between different groups of men. Other readers have said this book is really about the relationship between men and women and/or whether God is omnipotent or good. Whatever your take, it's a very good read. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader.
Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 564 pages; the 28 point version contains 1218 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.6 MB. HOME
HOME Metamorphosis – Franz Kafka $.99
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Classic Fiction The protagonist wakes up to find he has been transformed into an insect. He and his family attempt, unsuccessfully, to adjust. This is philosophy presented as comedy. Some suggest the “meaning” is that the “hero” had been psychologically transformed by his life before the physical transformation. This is a short work by the writer who gave birth to the term Kafkaesque. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 187 pages; the 48 point version contains 589 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 712 KB. HOME
HOME Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides $5.65
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Modern Fiction This is a Pulitzer Prize and best selling novel. The protagonist Cal Stephanides (initially called "Callie") is a hermaphrodite man of Greek descent with a medical condition which causes him to have certain feminine traits. The first half of the novel is about his family, and his grandparents' migration to the United States in 1922 and follows their assimilation into the American society. The latter half of the novel, which is set in the late 20th century, focuses on Cal's experiences in his hometown Detroit, Michigan and his escape to San Francisco where he comes to terms with his modified gender identity. The novel's main themes are nature vs. nurture and the differing experiences of polar opposites—such as between men and women. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and
search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1069 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2402 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt $5.25
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Non Fiction This story is non-fiction written as if it was a novel. It is the 1980s in Savannah, Georgia. A male prostitute is killed by a well known antiqued dealer. He is arrested and four murder trial result – the last ending in an acquittal. There is a lot of local color in the story particularly a description of a transsexual local drag queen. This book is among the most popular non fiction releases of all time. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 689 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1548 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. .
HOME Moby Dick – Herman Melville $.99
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Classic Fiction The book can be read as an allegorical masterpiece and is sometimes called the Great American Novel. It can also be read as a very detailed description of whaling before the advent of floating fishing factories. It’s also a commentary on people, places, practices, of the mid 19th Century and is full of classical references. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 2047 pages; the 48 point version contains 5607 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook
download size will be 6.1 MB. HOME
HOME Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins $4.50
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Science Fiction Mockingjay is the third installment of The Hunger Games trilogy. After her rescue by the rebels, Katniss reluctantly agrees to become "the Mockingjay", a symbol of the rebellion against the Capitol. As part of a deal, she demands from President Coin immunity for all of the victors of the Hunger Games and the right to kill President Snow herself. Peeta is rescued from the Capitol, but he has been brainwashed into hating Katniss, and tries to kill her upon their reunion. Finally, the rebels begin an assault on the Capitol itself, in which Katniss is a part. When an assault goes wrong, Katniss and her team flee further into the Capitol with the intent of finding and killing President Snow. Eventually Katniss finds herself pressing on alone towards Snow's mansion., Afterwards, bombs placed in supply packages injure her, kill her sister and many others. President Snow is tried and found guilty, but he tells Katniss that the final assault that killed her sister was ordered by President Coin. Katniss realizes that if this is true, the bombing plan was developed by her friend Gale working with Coin . When she is supposed to execute Snow, she realizes what happened and kills Coin instead. With the fighting over, Peeta
returns largely recovered from his brainwashing. In the epilogue, Katniss speaks as an adult fifteen years later and is married to Peeta. The Hunger Games are over, but she dreads the day her children learn the details of their parents' involvement in both the Games and the war. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 506 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version
contains 1151 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
My Antonia – Willa Cather $.99
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Classic Fiction Antonia is the teenage daughter of Bohemian immigrants on the Nebraska plains at the end of the 19th Century. The book chronicles her growing up as a survivor, overcoming all the hardships of her time, economic and social. The narrator is a boy a few years younger living on a neighboring farm. The book traces their separate but intertwined lives as they grow into adulthood. It clearly dramatizes the restraints on women of the time, class distinctions, and the ability of the determined individual to persevere and flower. An additional delight is the author's keen eye for and description of prairie nature. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The
18 point version contains 365 pages; the 28 point version contains 799 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.5 MB.
The Mysterious Affair at Styles – Agatha Christie $.99
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Mystery This novel introduces Hercule Poirot to the world of mysteries. A woman is killed and super- detective Poirot is nearby. He interviews the suspects, mostly family members of the victim. His reasoning powers are put to the test to find the murderer. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 349 pages; the 28 point version contains 716 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17
U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 912 KB. HOME
The Naked Sun by Isaac Asimov $4.50
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Science Fiction This is a whodunit, in addition to being science fiction. Elijah Baley is called in to investigate a murder on the planet of Solaria, partnering with the human form robot R. Daneel Olivaw. Before leaving Earth, he is asked by Earth's government to assess the Solarian society for weaknesses. Solaria has a rigidly controlled population of twenty thousand, and robots outnumber humans ten thousand to one. People are strictly taught from birth to despise personal contact. They live on huge estates, either alone or with their spouse only. Communication is done via holographic telepresence (called viewing, as opposed to in-person seeing). On Earth society has also evolved so that people spend their lives in underground interlinked cities, never venturing outside. A central theme is whether a robot can harm a human when governed by the three laws of robotics. We learn that the robot can kill if he does not know his action will cause harm. Bailey point out that robots can be used to fight wars. When Bailey returns to Earth the similarities between the societies of Earth and Solaria are seen.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 403 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 866 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
A Nameless Witch by Lee Martinez $3.75
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Fantasy As the publisher puts it this is “A tale of vengeance, true love, and cannibalism.” It’s also humorous and allegorical as we watch the nameless witch grow from a novice to a full powered witch. There is also a White Knight with whom our heroine falls in love and a villain who has the power to end the world. All this and unlikely allies – a troll, a demonic duck and an enchanted broom. There are spells and curses. The book ends with a titanic struggle between good and evil. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 500 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1049 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Nature of the Judicial Process – Benjamin Cardozo $.99
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Non Fiction A classic of legal writing, a former Supreme Court Justice, gives his analysis of the conscious and unconscious processes by which a judge decides a case. He distinguishes between trial court and appellate court judges. In both cases he describes how judgments are guided and shaped by information, precedent and custom, and standards of justice and morals. He argues against the notion that judges just "call balls and strikes." This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase in the file. The 18 point version contains 164 pages; the 28 point version contains 374 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 535 KB.
Necrophenia by Robert Rankin $5.65
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Humor This is Rankin's thirtieth book and classic Rankin. It has Lazlo Woodbine, Elvis, the Ministry of Serendipity and all the usual running jokes in it, but otherwise the book stands on its own. There is the classic Rankin is the (anti-) hero who is an ordinary bloke who has to save the earth in a grotesque battle between Good and Evil. Almost. Very, very entertaining. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 940 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1941 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Nemesis by Isaac Asimov $4.50
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Science Fiction Interstellar travel is being perfected. Before the novel's opening, "hyper-assistance", a technology allowing travel at a little slower than the speed of light, is used to move a reclusive space station colony from the vicinity of Earth to the newly discovered red dwarf, Nemesis. There, it orbits the semihabitable moon, Erythro. Eventually it is discovered that the bacterial life on Erythro forms a collective organism that possesses a form of consciousness and telepathy. While the colonists argue over the direction of future colonization events catch up to them. Superluminal flight is perfected, ending Rotor’s isolation and opening the galaxy to human exploration. Now it is known that there are sentients and Nemesis' trajectory threatens to gravitationally destabilize the Solar system. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with
disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 715 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1574 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The New Testament (King James Version) $.99
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Religion This is a faithful copy of the New Testament (King James Version). It is provided in 30 point type – that’s much larger than any version you can buy in a bookstore. It contains 1987 pages. You can read it on the screen or print out any page or pages. No additional software is required, just use the free Adobe Reader to view and print. You can search for any word in the text. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive a version in 30 point type and an ASCII version for screen readers. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization)
dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro $6.99
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Modern Fiction Cloning and how it might affect real people who are raised to become organ donors. The narrator, now 31 remembers her life at an English boarding school for "special students." The reminiscence is told from the point of view of Kathy H., now 31., As an adult, Kathy re-engages in lapsed friendships with classmates Ruth and Tommy, examining the details of their shared youth and revisiting with growing awareness the clues and anecdotal evidence apparent to them even as youngsters that they were "different" from everyone outside. Ultimately, readers learn that the children are clones, raised solely for the purpose of medical harvesting of organs, their lifespan circumscribed by years when they are designated as carers, followed by a short period as active donors, culminating in what is obliquely referred to as "completion." The recovery centers where Kathy serves as a carer for Ruth and then Tommy provide the setting for the latter half of the novel, defining the distinct rhythms and tenor of their days much as the school did when they were young. The tension and bond of their relationship is as much a theme of the book as is cloning.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 463 pages; the 28 point version contains 1060 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.33 MB.
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern $7.49
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Fantasy The circus arrives without warning, suddenly there, when yesterday it was not. It is called Le Cirque des Rêves, and it is only open at night Within the black-and-white striped canvas tents is an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. But behind the scenes, a fierce competition is underway: two young magicians, Celia and Marco, have been trained since childhood expressly for this purpose by their mercurial instructors. Unknown to them, this is a game in which only one can be left standing, and the circus is but the stage for a remarkable battle of imagination and will. However, despite themselves, Celia and Marco fall in love—a deep, magical love. True love or not, the game must play out, and the fates of everyone involved, from the cast of extraordinary circus performers to the patrons, hang in the balance, suspended as precariously as the daring acrobats overhead.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 798 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1691 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Nightfall - Isaac Asimov & Robert Silverberg $4.99
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Science Fiction Nightfall" is an Asimov 1941 story, updated by Silverberg, about a planet with multiple suns so that it is ordinarily illuminated at all times on all sides. Total darkness is unknown, and as a result so are stars outside the stellar system. All the suns are eclipsed every 2000 years and the total darkness and appearance of stars have a profound effect on society. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 652 pages; the 28 point version contains 1446 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.9 MB.
Night Shift by Stephen King $4.50
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Short Stories This is the first collection of short stories by Stephen King, first published in 1978. Many of King's most famous short stories were included in this collection. As the book cover accurately says, it is a “chilling collection of strange imaginings, ghoulish twists, and diabolical terror.” Among the stores are: Jerusalem's Lot; Grey Matter; The Mangler; Night Surf; Graveyard Shift; I Know What You Need; The Ledge; Quitters, Inc.; I am the Doorway; Battleground; Sometimes They Come Back; Children of the Corn; The Boogeyman; The Man Who Loved Flowers; Trucks; Strawberry Spring; The Lawnmower Man; The Woman in the Room; One for the Road. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between
lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 655 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1445 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell $2.99
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Science Fiction A classic that gives frightening insights into the contemporary world. Big Brother, Thought Police, Orwellian, are terms used to describe a world engaged in constant war, without laws, only government decrees, where a power structure controls information, manipulates thought and memory. Is the book prophetic, a warning or only a slightly exaggerated description of our own world? Notwithstanding the serious issues raised, this is also a very entertaining book. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visuallyimpaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1.PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 986 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 3006 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Nineteen Eighty-Four- Kindle Optimized by George Orwell $2.99
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Science Fiction This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
Notable, Quotable, Speeches and Documents $.99
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Non Fiction 51 memorable speeches and documents including those by-Bethune, Mary McLeod - Bryan, William J.- Bush, George W. - Carter, Jimmy - Clinton, William Jefferson - Churchill, Winston - Clinton, Hillary Rodham - Davis, Jefferson Declaration of Independence - Eisenhower, Dwight D. Farrakhan, Minister - Franklin, Benjamin - French Declaration of Rights of Man - Gates, Bill - Goldwater, Barry - Gore, Al - Henry, Patrick - Heston, Charlton Jackson, Jesse - Jesus - Johnson, Lyndon Baines - Jordan, Barbara Charline - Kennedy, John F. - Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Edward M. - King, Jr. Martin Luther - Le Guin, Ursula - Lincoln, Abraham - Luther, Martin - MacArthur, General Douglas - Malcolm X - Richard M. Nixon - Obama, Barack - Pericles' Funeral Oration - Rand, Ayn - Reagan, Ronald - Rodham, Hillary - Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Steinem, Gloria - Tecumseh, Chief - Truman, Harry - Truth, Sojourner - Twain, Mark - Washington, George. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by
the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 698 pages; the 28 point version contains 1568 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.9 MB.
The Number of the Beast by Robert A. Heinlein $4.50
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Science Fiction The book is a series of diary entries by each of the four main characters. They travel in the Gay Deceiver, a spaceship, which is outfitted with a "continua" device and armed . The geometry of the novel's universe contains six dimensions; the three spatial dimensions as they exist in the real world, and three time dimensions - t, the real world's time dimension, τ (tau), and т (teh). The continua device can travel on all six axis. The continua device allows travel into fictional universes like as well as through time. An attempt to visit Barsoom takes them to an apparently different version of Mars than in the Barsoom novels. The novel lies somewhere between parody and homage in its deliberate use of the style of the 1930’s pulp novels. It contains in-jokes and references to the author. Heinlein presents the idea that universes are created by the act of imagining them, so that all fictional worlds are in fact real. All in-all, a lot of fun. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The
Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1.PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1102 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2392 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The October Country by Ray Bradbury $2.99
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Short Stories This is a collection of nineteen macabre short stories by Ray Bradbury. Though all were written before 1955, it’s as if the author anticipated reading on a computer screen or tablet. That is, they are short pieces (none exceed 60 pages-most are much shorter) that can be enjoyed without plowing through an extended novel. This collection established Bradbury’s reputation as a master. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 487 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1059 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Of Death What Dreams - Keith Laumer $2.50
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Science Fiction The hero chooses suicide but instead has a series of adventures testing his skill and intelligence in a world rigidly segregated by skill and favored birth. A real page turner as he battles his way from the very bottom to the very top of society. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 137 pages; the 28 point version contains 263 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17
U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 328 K.
The Old Curiosity Shop – Charles Dickens $.99
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Classic Fiction If you like the way Dickens creates characters this is a book for you. Little Nell and her grandfather's trials and tribulations experienced during their travels through the English countryside are interspersed with parallel urban scenes involving different characters. There is angelic Nell, malevolent Quilp and the monster grandfather. A long book. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 1111 pages; the 28 point version contains 2420 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.9 MB.
The Old Testament
King James Version $.99
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Religion This is a faithful copy of the Old Testament (King James Version) It is provided in 30 point type – that’s much larger than any version you can buy in a bookstore. It contains 6058 pages. You can read it on the screen or print out any page. No additional software is required, just use the free Adobe Reader to view and print. You can search for any word in the text. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive a version in 30 point type and an ASCII version for screen readers. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with
disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law.
One Day by David Nicholls $5.65
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Modern Fiction Dexter and Emma meet in college on graduation day – in Scotland- in 1988. He is wealthy, she a committed Leftist. They go very separate ways, but can’t stop thinking of each other. Somehow they meet on the same day each year and have missed opportunities for love, squabbles, laughter and tears. Over twenty years, snapshots of that relationship are revealed on the same day of each year with no warning about what happened in the past year. As the true meaning of this one crucial day is revealed, they must come to grips with the nature of love and life itself. An international best-seller that has been made into a film. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and
search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 837 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1778 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
One Faith, One Lord by Rev. Msgr. John F. Barry
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A single comprehensive volume that presents the fundamental beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith. This popular text has proven to be an ideal introduction for those who have minimal catechesis. It can be used effectively in developing and assessing readiness for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, or as a review for Confirmation candidates. The text has been approved by Church authorities.
The text is in 28 point type and consists of 579 pages. Access to the text is by a linked menu, though one can search for any word. The file is not copy protected. You can print any or all pages. You will receive a PDF file and an ASCII file. Download size is 1.5 MB.
O Pioneers – Willa Cather $.99
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Classic Fiction The story of one remarkable immigrant woman and her dedication to family and her farm in Nebraska. Set before the turn of the century, when farmers were pioneers and lived in sod dwellings on the prairie. Little Women it’s not. It is real danger, death, hardship and sheer determination described as a part of life. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 506 pages; the 48 point version contains 1523 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.2 MB. HOME
Oryx and Crake – Margaret Atwood $5.99
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Science Fiction We first meet Jimmy after a cataclysmic event which seems to have destroyed most human life. Jimmy grew up in a world split between corporate compounds and pleeblands (unsafe, populous and polluted urban centers). His best friend was "Crake," the genius everyone respected. The two encountered Oryx on the Net; she was the eight-year-old star of a pedophilic film on a site called HottTotts. Oryx's story is a counterpoint to Jimmy and Crake's affluent adolescence. Jimmy meets Oryx much later-after college, after Crake gets Jimmy a job with ReJoovenEsence. Crake is designing the Crakers-a new, multicolored placid race of human beings. He's procured Oryx to be his personal assistant. She teaches the Crakers how to cope in the world and goes out on secret missions. The mystery on which this tale hinges is how Crake and Oryx and civilization vanished, and how Jimmy survived. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can
enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 603 pages; the 28 point version contains 1296 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.7 MB.
One Second After by William R. Forstchen $5.65
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Science Fiction The book describes what occurs after an electromagnetic pulse attack on the United States. It is set in a small town in North Carolina, but the effects would apply in any developed nation. The hero of the story is John Matherson a former U.S. Army Colonel and a professor at a local college. Within hours it becomes clear that this is no ordinary power outage, and that the power may be off for a very long time. Every modern electrical device is dead., The United States has, in an instant, been thrown back into the 19th century; but the narration in the book points out that 21st century people are not at all equipped to live under 19th century conditions. The story shifts quickly to how the community reacts. Without modern utilities and supplies, diseases surge.. The social order begins to break down. After a time, the extreme shortages of food necessitate difficult choices about who gets how much food and which people are to be deliberately underfed to the point of starvation. This is a fictional story, but the issues described could be real if such an attack did take place. It might be studied to learn what to expect and/or how to prepare.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 671 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1479 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon $5.25
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Historical Fiction We have classified this book as Historical Fiction, but it could be called a Romance Novel or Science Fiction. It is the first in a series of novels Diana Gabaldon. The book focuses on two main characters, Claire Randall and Jamie Fraser, and takes place in eighteenth and 20th-century Scotland. That is, an English nurse in 1945 is transported through time back to the 18th century. The story tells of her adventures including marrying a younger man (Fraser) than the husband she left behind. Her 20th century knowledge enables her to be a healer, but also subjects her to suspicion. The love interest is a major part of this book, but it is also filled with detail about life among the Scottish clans of the time. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between
lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1640 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 3604 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Out of The Silent Planet - C.S. Lewis $4.99
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Science Fiction The first book in C. S. Lewis' acclaimed Space Trilogy begins the adventures of the remarkable Dr. Ransom. He is abducted by a megalomaniacal physicist and his accomplice and taken via spaceship to the red planet of Malacandra. The two men need a human sacrifice, and Dr. Ransom would seem to fit the bill. Once on the planet, however, Ransom eludes his captors, risking his life and his chances of returning to Earth, becoming a stranger in a land that is enchanting in its difference from Earth and instructive in its similarity. Many readers see the story as containing allegories. Others as space opera from an earlier time. No doubt it is entertaining. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version.
You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point
version contains 324 pages; the 28 point version contains 747 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 844 KB. HOME
The Paris Wife by Paula McLain $5.99
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Historical Fiction The Paris Wife is a novelisation of Ernest Hemingway’s first marriage from the point of view of his quiet and good-tempered spouse. Hadley Richardson is 28 when she first meets the glamorous young war hero at a party. They marry and quickly go to Paris. This is the Paris of Ezra Pound, F Scott Fitzgerald and Gertrude Stein with whom the young couple associate. Hemingway has written about this period of his life in A Moveable Feast, but the difference between the two books is that the action here is largely seen through Hadley's eyes; the domestic takes precedent and there is more emotion and exposition than Papa would permit. He writes, she cooks, and they drink away the evenings "until we were beautifully blurred and happy to be there together". Hadley discovers she's pregnant at just about the time Hemingway starts philandering. We watch as the marriage dissolves and Hemingway moves on. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization)
dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with
disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 537 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1207 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Parnassus on Wheels – Christopher Morley $.99
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Classic Fiction A traveling library and its owner liberate a woman from drudgery and subservience on a New England farm early in the 20th Century. It’s a romantic comedy that describes a rebellion against imposed roles. Quotable sections about the importance of books. A quick read. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 336 pages; the 48 point version contains 990 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook
download size will be 1.5 MB.
PartnerShip – Anne McCaffrey $.99
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Science Fiction/Young Persons Nancia is a young shellperson, a human whose body is not functional, but whose brain is linked to machinery. In her case it is a spaceship which she regards as her body. The story starts shortly after her graduation from school when she makes her first inter-stellar voyage. Her five passengers are a privileged, unscrupulous group who plot to acquire wealthe and power by any means. Together with her "brawn" a human who accompanies her, they eventually have to deal with the plotters. A side issue is her growing interest in sex and whether she can ever love anyone with a full body. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point
version contains 547 pages; the 28 point version contains 1215 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.5 MB.
The Path of the Assassin by Brad Thor $5.65
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Mystery Once the kidnapped President has been rescued, Secret Service Agent Scot Harvath goes into high gear to find and capture or kill all those responsible. As he prepares to close out his list, a bloody and twisted trail of clues points toward one man—the world’s most ruthless terrorist. But there is a problem: Harvath and his CIA-led team have no idea what the man looks like. They are forced to recruit a civilian, the only person who can identify the terrorist. Harvath travels form Rome to North Africa attempting to get the terrorist before he can provoke a world war. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 669 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1511 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
PAYMENT IN BLOOD – Elizabeth George $4.50
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Mystery Scotland Yard sends inspector Lynley outside of his jurisdiction to Scotland to take over an investigation after a beautiful playwright is found murdered in her bed. A major complication is that the guest in the adjoining room is Lynley's much beloved Lady Helen Clyde. To Lynley's chagrin, it turns out that Lady Helen has been sharing her boudoir. Lynley is clearly upset by the situation and is soon making big mistakes. Fortunately Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers is on duty with Lynley. This is a mystery story, but it is just as successful as an inquiry into the English class system and its weaknesses. Havers is a skeptical seeker after truth, and shows us the rotten underpinnings of having a hereditary elite in place. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will
receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version.
You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 682 pages; the 28 point version contains 1511 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2 MB. HOME
Penrod - Booth Tarkington $.99
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Classic Fiction The experience of being a 12 year old boy in 1900 Indiana. Some of the situations and dialog are hilarious. A simpler time and place. Critics point to the condescending attitude towards blacks and women. In part, this is reflective of the time and place, part just to the attitude of a child of the time.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 530 pages; the 48 point version contains 1525 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook
download size will be 2.1 MB. HOME
HOME Phantom of the Opera – Gaston Leroux $.99
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Classic Fiction
The story of the ghost at the Paris Opera House who wanted to be feared and loved. Tale of reality and illusion. Action packed thriller with many musical references, a love triangle and some humor. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 868 pages; the 48 point version contains 2500 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17
U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3 MB. HOME
The Pillars of Earth by Ken Follet $4.50
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Historical Fiction This is historical fiction at its best. Follett weaves strong character development, suspense, and rich historical detail. The story spans over forty years and several generations but the center of the story is not a person but the building of a gothic cathedral, from its inception to completion. The story takes place in 12th century England and follows the life and times of a master stone mason, Tom, as he and his family work over the long span of years to build a cathedral . There is palace intrigue, passion, love, revenge, greed, and political prowess in the era of royalty, bishops, monks and ordinary village people. The reader can easily imagine what it was like to live during the Middle Ages. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between
lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 2211 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 4875 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
A Plague of Demons – Keith Laumer $.99
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Science Fiction The hero, a professional soldier, is sent to observe a war and learns of the disappearance of many people over the ages. He is surgically enhanced, but eventually captured and his brain is imprisoned in an alien fighting machine. He becomes the leader of an insurrection by other imprisoned machines and battles the aliens. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 344 pages; the 28 point version contains 743 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 913 KB.
Plague Ship – Andre Norton $4.99
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Science Fiction It's the far future and the galactic trader from Terra visits a new planet looking to trade imports for exports. After tribulations securinga cargo, the crew discovers it has also loaded what other planets consider a plague. The rules of inter-planet commerce are complex and restrictive. The crew must change the rules if it is to be permitted to live. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 333 pages; the 28 point version contains 735 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 907 KB. HOME
The Plains of Passage by Jean M. Auel $5.25
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Historical Fiction Here’s more about Ayla and Jondalar. This is the fourth book in the series. With her companion, Jondalar, Ayla sets out on her most dangerous and daring journey--away from the welcoming hearths of The Mammoth Hunters and into the unknown. They travel through a beautiful but sparsely populated and treacherous continent, the windswept grasslands of Ice Age Europe. Ayla, with no memory of her own people, and Jondalar, with a hunger to return to his, are impelled by their own deep drives to continue their trek across the spectacular heart of an unmapped world to find that place they can both call home. Their story will continue to enchant. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and
search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1771 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 4004 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Plunkitt of Tammany Hall – William L. Riordan $.99
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Historical Fiction The business of politics as it was played at the turn of the century (and still is in many places.) Honest-Dishonest Graft, Evils of Civil Service, Faults of Reformers. Funny, honest, thought provoking. Explains more about politics than many political science texts. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 262 pages; the 48 point version contains 585 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook
download size will be 581 KB. HOME
Port Mortuary by Patricia Cornwell $5.25
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Mystery Fans of Dr. Kay Scarpetta know she may not be the warmest of heroines, but she now returns in the first person and reveals secrets about her past that may explain some of her detachment. She is called home to Massachusetts after six months on a military airbase, when the body of a young man who apparently died of a heart attack begins to bleed in the morgue. As she investigates his bizarre internal injuries, and tries to prevent a scandal, she begins to discover connections between his death and the shocking murder of a small boy, killed when nails were hammered into his head. The hunt for the killer takes place over just a few daysan d, even Scarpetta's husband, Benton Wesley, her old friend and colleague Pete Marino and her niece Lucy appear to know things they aren't telling her. Cornwell presents us eventually with a suitably psychotic, scary villain, and with disturbing glimpses of robotic technology being developed for use in war. But the real heart of this thriller lies in the insights it gives us into the character of its heroine.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by
the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 632 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1469 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers $6.75
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Non Fiction
This is the companion book for the PBS television series, The Power of Myth, (Joseph Campbell, Bill Moyers It follows the format of the documentary and provides additional discussions not included in the original six hour release. Chapters are:Myth and the Modern World, The Journey Inward, The First Storytellers, Sacrifice and Bliss, The Hero's Adventure, The Gift of the Goddess, Tales of Love and Marriage, Masks of Eternity, The Tale of Buddha. A guide to mythology, modern and classic. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 476 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1088 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
HOME Pragmatism – William James $.99
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Non Fiction James’ reasoning and conclusions in this series of lectures exerted a profound influence on philosophy in the 20th Century. The book remains a landmark and its controversial content merits study by professionals. The casual reader will find it instructive and entertaining. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 484 pages; the 48 point version contains 1515 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook
download size will be 2 MB. HOME
HOME Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen $.99
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Historical Fiction One of the most popular novels of all time. Manners, misconceptions and courtship in a class-conscious 18th-century England. Splendidly civilized sparing between main characters. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 993 pages; the 48 point version contains 2767 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.4 MB. HOME
HOME Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis` $4.75
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The fourth of The Narnia Chronicles. Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy the heroes and heroines from The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, return to an island in Narnia. Though Narnia has been at peace since the children left, it is now under the control of Wicked King Mirax. The youngsters, along with Aslan the great lion, must help young Prince Caspian restore Narnia's glorious past. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 247 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 545 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Prince Caspian- Kindle Optimized by C.S. Lewis $4.75
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Fantasy This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
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Mystery Winner of the Best Swedish Crime Fiction in 2002, this novel introduced Inspector Ann Lindell and the writer Kjell Eriksson to U.S. mystery readers. Just before Christmas, a jogger finds a dead body in the snow. The police , learn that the victim was a respectable family man and a local expert on tropical fish. But he had been quite a troublemaker, and his delinquent past seems to have caught up with him. Though on maternity leave, Inspector Lindell is determined to find the murderer. The cruel cat-and-mouse game that follows plus some additional murder cases leads Ann to a deadly confrontation with a treacherous killer. Lindell must decide whether to take a huge risk that could result in many more dead bodies in the snow, including hers and that of her unborn child. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You
will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 542 pages; the 28 point version contains 1188 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.5 MB. HOME
HOME The Private Patient
P - .D. James $5.99
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Mystery The fourteenth in James’ popular Adam Dalgliesh series. Cheverell Manor in Dorset has been renovated and transformed into a plastic surgery clinic, run by the famous cosmetic practitioner. Two days after Rhoda Gradwyn , an investigative journalist, arrives hopingto havea facial scar removed, she's savagely murdered and the owner finds his surgery under scrutiny from Dalgliesh and his team, who are soon caught in a race against time when another body shows up. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 696 pages; the 28 point version contains 1573 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for
use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2 MB. HOME
HOME Prodigal Son by Dean Koontz $4.50
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Mystery An update to the Frankenstein story. In this book, Dr. Frankenstein has survived into the 21st century, masquerading as biotech tycoon Victor Helios. Helios wants to replace flawed humanity with his New Race, people born and fermented in pods, their personalities programmed by him, their imperfections removed in the lab. But at least one of his creations has become a serial killer, trying to assemble the perfect woman from parts of many. There are a number of interesting characters: one of Victor's creations who suffers from autism and is trying to understand it; a cloned priest who serves as a clandestine member of Helios's army; Helios's custom-made wife, unique among his creations in that she's allowed to feel shame; and, tying it all together, a classic buddy-cop set of homicide detectives who slowly come to understand that the butcher they're chasing isn't quite human. The odd juxtaposition of a police procedural with a neo-gothic, mad scientist plot gives the novel an unusual and intriguing feel. There is a cliffhanger ending. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by
the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 544 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1115 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Prom Nights from Hell - Meg Cabot Lauren Myracle Kim Harrison Michele Jaffe Stephenie Meyer $3.99
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Fantasy/Young People These are five stories by best-selling authors. They are about Proms that are not dreams but nightmares. Angels and demons are the main characters as they have an affect on normal boys and girls and their dates. There is a vampire killer's daughter seeking revenge, a horror story about the power of a corsage to fulfill wishes, and a date with the grim reaper. But there is also a story about a teenager who has super powers of strength, speed and hearing, but has only ever had one date and one kiss. Finally there's a story about Gabe, who enjoys helping people and making them happy. At the prom he battles with Sheba, a demon, who’s assignment is to make people unhappy. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII
version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 390 pages; the 28 point version contains 809 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1 MB. HOME
HOME The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran $5.99
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Religion Poetic, moving, inspired, lessons in question and answer form about life, death, work, love, sorrow, pleasure. Maxims, aphorisms, dogma free. Considered supplementary to all traditions. Quotations for all occasions. Some say it's divinely inspired. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 105 pages; the 28 point version contains 186 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 600 KB. HOME
HOME Publications about AGING $.99
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Non Fiction A collection of government publications on AGING. The following complete documents are included: About Social Security Benefits; Aging and Your Eyes; Eating Well as We Age; Elderly Nutrition Program; Food Safety for Seniors; Health Products for Seniors; Hearing Loss - Older Adults; Living Trust Offers; Choosing Long Term Care; Cancer Over 50; Medications and Older People; Medicines and You; Pills, Patches, Shots, Hormones and Aging; Prostate Problems; Sexuality in Later Life; Skin Care and Aging; Understanding Social Security; Tips for Older Supplement Users; Growing Older: Eating Better; Health Fraud.. This is an Enhanced Letter Format (ELF) package for downloading and unzipping. You will receive three versions of each publication. One version is in 18 point type, another in 28 point type and a third in ASCII format. The large type versions are in tagged PDF format and can be read with the free Adobe Reader. They may be copied and printed without restriction. All publications are accessed from a main menu and are fully searchable. All footnotes are included: The 18 point version
has 331 pages, the 28 point version, 711 pages.. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.63 MB HOME
HOME Publications about CANCER $.99
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Non Fiction A collection of government publications on CANCER. The following complete documents are included: Breast Cancer Treatments; Cancer Over 50; Lung Cancer; Cancer Trials for Young People.: Cancer Clusters; Tumor Markers; Cervical Cancer Screenings; Mammography; Radiation Therapy; Hysterectomy Alternatives; Investigational Drugs; Laetrille; Considering Surgery; Ovarian Cancer; Soft Tissue Cancer; Testicular Cancer; Preventing Colon Cancer; Handbook for Parents of Young People with Cancer.. This is an Enhanced Letter Format (ELF) package for downloading and unzipping. You will receive three versions of each publication. One version is in 18 point type, another in 28 point type and a third in ASCII format. The large type versions are in tagged PDF format and can be read with the free Adobe Reader. They may be copied and printed without restriction. All publications are accessed from a main menu and are fully searchable. All footnotes are included: The 18 point version has 505 pages,
the 28 point version, 1074 pages..Notice: eBook download size will be 3.2 MB HOME
HOME Publications about FINANCES $.99
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Non Fiction A collection of government publications on FINANCES. The following complete documents are included: Access to Credit Reports; Building a Better Credit Report; California Tax Postponement for Seniors; Car Buying; CDs - Tips for Investors; Copyright Basics; Investing in Mutual Funds; Investment Risks; Living Trust Offers; Long Term Care; Patents; Reverse Mortgages; Understanding Social Security Benefits; Variable Annuities; About Social Security. This is an Enhanced Letter Format (ELF) package for downloading and unzipping. You will receive three versions of each publication. One version is in 18 point type, another in 28 point type and a third in ASCII format. The large type versions are in tagged PDF format and can be read with the free Adobe Reader. They may be copied and printed without restriction. All publications are accessed from a main menu and are fully searchable. All footnotes are included: The 18 point version has 272 pages, the 28 point version, 465 pages. Notice: eBook
download size will be 1.73 MB HOME
HOME Publications about FOOD and NUTRITION $.99
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Non Fiction A collection of government publications on FOOD and NUTRITION. The following complete documents are included: Calories and Weight; Dietary Supplements; Eating Well As We Age; Elderly Nutrition Program; Food Safety for Seniors; Good Nutrition: It's a Way of Life; Growing Older: Eating Better; Heart Healthy Eating; Just Enough: Food Portions; New Food Pyramid; Tips for Older Supplement Users; Young at HeartHealthy Eating. This is an Enhanced Letter Format (ELF) package for downloading and unzipping. You will receive three versions of each publication. One version is in 18 point type, another in 28 point type and a third in ASCII format. The large type versions are in tagged PDF format and can be read with the free Adobe Reader. They may be copied and printed without restriction. All publications are accessed from a main menu and are fully searchable. All footnotes are included: The 18 point version has 314 pages, the 28 point version, 626 pages. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.7 MB HOME
HOME Publications about HEARING and VISION $.99
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Non Fiction A collection of government publications on Hearing and Vision. The following complete documents are included: Aging and Your Eyes; Cataract; Hearing Aids; Hearing Loss in Older Adults; Hearing Loss - Presbycusis; Hearing Loss - Tinnitus; Macular Degeneration.. This is an Enhanced Letter Format (ELF) package for downloading and unzipping. You will receive three versions of each publication. One version is in 18 point type, another in 28 point type and a third in ASCII format. The large type versions are in tagged PDF format and can be read with the free Adobe Reader. They may be copied and printed without restriction. All publications are accessed from a main menu and are fully searchable. All footnotes are included: The 18 point version has 49 pages, the 28 point version, 97 pages. Notice: eBook download size will be -5.0 MB HOME
HOME Publications about the HEART and CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE $.99
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Non Fiction A collection of government publications on the HEART and CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE. The following complete documents are included: Angina; Atherosclerosis; Coronary Artery Disease; Diabetes: Overview; Diagnosing Heart Disease; Heart Healthy Eating; High Blood Cholesterol; High Blood Pressure; Guide to a Healthy Heart; Talking to Health Care Provider; Menopause; Stroke. This is an Enhanced Letter Format (ELF) package for downloading and unzipping. You will receive three versions of each publication. One version is in 18 point type, another in 28 point type and a third in ASCII format. The large type versions are in tagged PDF format and can be read with the free Adobe Reader. They may be copied and printed without restriction. All publications are accessed from a main menu and are fully searchable. All footnotes are included: The 18 point version has 338 pages, the 28 point version, 610 pages. Notice: eBook download size will be -12.3 MB. HOME
HOME Publications about MEN'S HEALTH $.99
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Non Fiction A collection of government publications on Men's Health The following complete documents are included: Aging Male Syndrome; Erectile Dysfunction; Fitness and Nutrition for Men Keeping Cholesterol Under Control; Men and Depression; PSA test; Testicular Cancer; Prostate Problems; Sexuality in Later Life; Finding Medical Information. This is an Enhanced Letter Format (ELF) package for downloading and unzipping. You will receive three versions of each publication. One version is in 18 point type, another in 28 point type and a third in ASCII format. The large type versions are in tagged PDF format and can be read with the free Adobe Reader. They may be copied and printed without restriction. All publications are accessed from a main menu and are fully searchable. All footnotes are included: The 18 point version has 183 pages, the 28 point version, 381 pages. Notice: eBook download size will be -1.5 MB HOME
HOME Publications about Senior Affairs $.99
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Non Fiction A collection of government publications on Senior Affairs. The following complete documents are included: Funerals: A Consumer Guide; Getting Your Affairs in Order; California Tax Postponement; Medicines and Older Adults; Social Security; Understanding Social Security Benefits; Pills, Patches, Hormones for Older Persons. This is an Enhanced Letter Format (ELF) package for downloading and unzipping. You will receive three versions of each publication. One version is in 18 point type, another in 28 point type and a third in ASCII format. The large type versions are in tagged PDF format and can be read with the free Adobe Reader. They may be copied and printed without restriction. All publications are accessed from a main menu and are fully searchable. All footnotes are included: The 18 point version has 147 pages, the 28 point version, 302 pages. Notice: eBook download size will be -.75 MB HOME
HOME Publications about Women's Health $.99
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Non Fiction A collection of government publications on WOMEN'S HEALTH. The following complete documents are included: Breast Cancer Treatment; CAR Therapy; Hysterectomy Alternatives Mammography; Taking Charge of Menopause; Menopausal Hormone Therapy; Ovarian Cancer; the Pap Test; Women's Health - Menopause; Sexuality in later Life; Cervical Cancer Screening.. This is an Enhanced Letter Format (ELF) package for downloading and unzipping. You will receive three versions of each publication. One version is in 18 point type, another in 28 point type and a third in ASCII format. The large type versions are in tagged PDF format and can be read with the free Adobe Reader. They may be copied and printed without restriction. All publications are accessed from a main menu and are fully searchable. All footnotes are included: The 18 point version has 199 pages, the 28 point version 428 pages. Notice: eBook download size will be -1.05 MB. HOME
HOME The Puppet Masters by Robert A. Heinlein $3.75
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Science Fiction Classic Heinlein. This story of alien invasion has inspired scores of an imitators and legions of other authors. The story focuses on an alien invasion that expands all around the world with unimaginable speed. Sam and Mary, agents of an ultra secret Security Agency under the control of the Old Man who has a direct link to the President, go to investigate. After discovering what's up, a fast paced adventure starts. Alien parasites have taken control of human beings by attaching themselves to the back of the host. The first frightful issue to overcome is how to distinguish friend from foes. Then, the Government has to implement some defense against them, that include a "bare backs" policy. Finally our heroes try to find the source and origin of the invasion. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing
between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 502 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1093 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Pygmalion – George B. Shaw $.99
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Play The radical reworking of Ovid’s tale which itself became the source for “My Fair Lady.” A feminist twist on re-making a poor girl to look and sound like a duchess. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 364 pages; the 48 point version contains 1042 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.5 MB. HOME
HOME The Queen’s Fool by Philippa Gregory $5.99
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Historical Fiction This is another of Philippa Gregory's Tudor series set between 1548 and 1558 The novel chronicles the changing fortunes of Mary I of England and her half-sister Elizabeth through the eyes of the fictional Hannah Green, a Marrano girl escaping to England from Spain where her mother was burned at the stake. Hannah witnesses and becomes caught up the intrigues of the young king's court, and later those of his sisters. The novel presents each side in the complex history of the time.We follow Hannah from ages fourteen to nineteen, and her coming of age is interspersed with the historical narrative. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1056 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2306 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Reamde by Neal Stephenson $7.99
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Mystery The setting is largely the Pacific Northwest but with a cast of characters that includes a Somali American, a Brit, a Hungarian, a couple of Chinese and several Russians. Also a few Canadians, and plenty of folks who would rather not be identified by nationality. Richard Forthrast, is the head of the corporation behind "T'Rain," a smash "World of Warcraft" style online role-playing game. But just as worthy of the label is Zula, Richard's adoptive, African-born niece, who moves to Seattle for work for him. As in its real-world analogue, "T'Rain" has spawned a vibrant online economy, including Chinese "gold farmers" who make actual cash by performing virtual tasks. When Zula finds herself caught up in a hunt, by Russian mobsters, for an unscrupulous band of these gamer-cum hackers, she finds herself kidnapped to the Chinese port city of Xiamen. There are a number of characters of whom the most impressive is Sokolov, a henchman-enforcer to Zula's kidnapper, but who emerges as an honorable, intelligent, but still thoroughly tough guy. Richard himself, though resembling
the outlaw-hippie-turned-tech-guru archetype, is grounded by his Iowa roots. Then there's Csongor, the Hungarian hacker; Yuxia, a Xiamen street hustler; and Olivia, the British spy. This is a very big book. (2181 pages in 18 point type.) Each chapter (representing one day) is broken up into short passages, each from a different character's perspective. The final day, though, comprising the final 200 pages, is a multipronged convergence on a forest compound by all the characters. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 2181 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 4926 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane $.99
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Classic Fiction One of the greatest war novels of all time. The Civil War (U.S.) through the eyes of an ordinary farm boy. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 30 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 30 point version contains 495 pages; the 48 point version contains 1379 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.3 MB. HOME
HOME Red Mist by Patricia Cornwell $7.99
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Mystery A new Kay Scarpetta novel. Kay goes to the Georgia Prison for Women to try to learn what happened to her former deputy chief, Jack Fielding, murdered six months earlier. An inmate has information not only on Fielding, but also on a string of grisly killings: the murder of an Atlanta family years ago, a young woman on death row, and the inexplicable deaths of homeless people as far away as California. Though they seem unrelated, she discovers connections that compel her to conclude that what she thought ended with Fielding's death and an attempt on her own life is only the beginning of something far more destructive. There is conspiracy and potential terrorism on an international scale. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file
and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 735 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1631 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Rembrandt Affair by Daniel Silva $5.65
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Mystery Another novel featuring Gabriel Allon, retired super-agent of Israel's Mossad. His skill as an art restorer gets him involved with a stolen Rembrandt. Originally the painting belonged to a Dutch Jew, from whom it was stolen by the Nazis. More than a work of art it also contains information about looted funds. Allon traces possession and knowledge of the painting from Europe to Argentina. He learns the records of the theft are being sought by an amoral billionaire in Switzerland who benefited from them. Allon plans to take him down with the help of his friends. There is international intrigue, death and suspense aplenty. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 721 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1524 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Rendezvous With Rama by Arthur C. Clarke $4.50
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Science Fiction Truly a science fiction classic. The first in a series of books concerning Rama, the name given to a celestial object weighing ten trillion tons as it approaches earth in 2130. Probes confirm that it not natural: it is an interstellar spacecraft. Astronauts begin to explore what is a hollow cylinder filled with puzzles .Rama’s very existence and its contents are indicators of a very advanced civilization. The question is who or what are the Ramans and do they want something of humans. Once again Clarke demonstrates he is a master of classic fiction that involves hard science. This is a “must read.” This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 380 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 835 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Republic – Plato $.99
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Philosophy The Republic is a Socratic dialogue by Plato and one of the most influential works of philosophy and political theory. It is a "must read" for any liberal arts student. In it, the characters of Socrates and others discuss the meaning of justice and examine whether the just man is happier than the unjust man by imagining a society ruled by philosopher-kings. It also discusses the role of the philosopher, Plato's Theory of Forms, the place of poetry and the immortality of the soul. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 695 pages; the 28 point version contains 1493 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for
use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.8 MB. HOME
HOME The Return of the Native – Thomas Hardy $.99
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Classic Fiction An 1830 drama some have compared to a soap opera with suffering characters in love. Still, this is graceful, elegant language which describes the English countryside as well as the characters’ mood. Some memorable phrases. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1423 pages; the 48 point version contains 4173 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 4.8 MB. HOME
HOME The Reversal by Michael Connelly $5.65
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Mystery Our friend, the long time defense attorney Mickey Haller is recruited to change sides and prosecute the high-profile retrial of a brutal child murder. After 24 years in prison, convicted killer Jason Jessup has been exonerated by new DNA evidence. Haller is convinced Jessup is guilty, and he takes the case on the condition that he gets to choose his investigator, LAPD Detective Harry Bosch and work with his lawyer ex-wife. The case is full of political and personal danger. Opposing them is Jessup, now out on bail, a defense attorney who excels at manipulating the media, and a runaway eyewitness reluctant to testify.With the odds and the evidence against them, Bosch and Haller must nail a sadistic killer once and for all because they believe Jessup plans to kill again. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing
between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 576 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1290 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Riders of the Purple Sage – Zane Grey $.99
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Classic Fiction This book has been called the most popular western novel of all time. For those just interested in a Western, this is it. Villains and heroes contend in southern Utah in the 1870s. The book also describes the conflict between Mormons and Gentiles for the land. It's all personalized by the struggle of the heroine to live with her Mormon upbringing and beliefs when faced with moral dilemmas. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1045 pages; the 48 point version contains 3082 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17
U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3 MB. HOME
HOME The Rime of the Ancient Mariner – Samuel T Coleridge $.99
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Classic Fiction The story is simple: a seaman kills an albatross and is condemned. The consequences are horrifying. The vocabulary is sometimes from 1798 when the poem was originally published. Yet entire generations have enjoyed or endured it as required reading in school. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 34 pages; the 28 point version contains 53 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 490 KB. HOME
HOME The Road by Cormac McCarthy $5.99
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Science Fiction A father and his young son journey across a grim postapocalyptic landscape, some years after a major cataclysm has destroyed civilization and most life on Earth. The land is filled with ash and devoid of living animals and vegetation. Many of the remaining human survivors have resorted to cannibalism, scavenging the detritus of city and country alike for flesh. Realizing that they would not survive the oncoming winter where they are, the father takes the boy south along empty roads towards the sea. The man realizes he is dying, yet still struggles to protect his son from the constant threats of attack, exposure, and starvation. There are a few ups and a lot of downs on their trek, but the man repeatedly reassures the boy that they are "the good guys" who are "carrying the fire". Finally the man dies and the son stays with his father’s body for days. On the third day, he encounters a man who convinces him that he is one of the "good guys" and takes him under his protection. This story is all about the journey, not the destination and end. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by
the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes Three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 371 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 763 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe $.99
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Classic Fiction/Young Persons A riveting tale of survival on a desolate Caribbean island by a shipwrecked sailor. The author, Daniel Defoe, is considered by many to be the father of the novel. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1086 pages; the 48 point version contains 3208 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.7 MB. HOME
HOME Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov $.99
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Science Fiction If you are a science fiction fan (or just like short stories) this is the file to download. Though the stories span the 1940s to the 1980s, they are just perfect for reading on a tablet. – 21 separate stories told by a master. Robots, aliens and mysteries always solved by a logical and scientific way often integrating the separate themes. If you like these themes, you will love this book. In spite of their age they are timeless. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 793 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1751 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Room by Emma Donaghue $5.65
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Modern Fiction Jack is five years old. The single room in which he lives is his entire world. It is where he was born and grew up; it's where he lives with his Ma as they learn and read and eat and sleep and play. At night, his Ma shuts him in the wardrobe, where he is meant to be asleep when Old Nick visits. To Ma, the room is a prison in which she has been held by Old Nick for seven years. Ma has created a life for Jack, but knows it's not enough. She devises an escape plan that relies on her Jack’s bravery and a lot of luck. The story is told entirely in the language of the energetic, pragmatic five-year-old Jack. It celebrates resilience and the bond between parent and child. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file
and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 650 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1305 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward $5.65
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Modern Fiction This book won the 2011 National Book Award. It's told by a teenage girl, Esch, whose late-summer thoughts turn to Greek myths and her neglectful lover, Manny a friend of her older brother. Although Esch has been sexually active since the age of 12, Manny, is the first man she's fallen for. Her desire for a relationship with him is more aspirational than realistic — their couplings are heated but passionless, - he lives with a girlfriend — but hopes, however tenuous, are the lifeline for Esch and her brothers. The siblings have largely raised themselves since their mother died. After her death, their father took started deteriorating. They live on several rural acres littered with broken appliances and auto parts. Randall, the eldest, practices basketball with hoping to be noticed by a scout for a college. Skeetah, a year younger than Esch, thinks he'll be able to sell the puppies from his cherished fighting dog, China. The story contains casual sex acts, dog fighting and poverty. The reader is taken into Esch’s world where there is little safety except that which the siblings create for each other.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 504 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1145 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Sands of Mars by Arthur C. Clarke $3.75
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Science Fiction This is Clarke’s first published novel, published in 1951, before humans achieved space flight. It is set principally on Mars which has been settled by humans and is used essentially as a research establishment. The story setting is that Mars has been surveyed but not fully explored on the ground. We learn of secret plans to raise plants on Mars and to turn the moon Phobos into a sun to help make Mars habitable. We also learn about the native inhabitants of Mars. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 388 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 872 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Say You’re One of Them by Uwem Akpan $5.65
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Short Stories This book deals with children in Africa: from selling children in Gabon to the Muslim vs. Christian battles in Ethiopia. The characters face choices that most American students will never have to—whether or not to prostitute oneself to provide money for one's homeless family, whether to save oneself, even if it means sacrificing a beloved sibling in the process. There are five independent stories in the book. Each is a work of fiction, but is based on real situations that have transpired. In the Afterword, written by a pastor who knows the author, Uwem Akpan, the writer offers his belief that the publication of these stories is a bold attempt to enlighten readers about children of Africa, which in turn may create a passionate desire to create a safer place for children all over the world. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing
between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 555 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1231 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Scarlet Letter – Nathanial Hawthorne $.99
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Classic Fiction A tale of guilt, passion, repentance in 17th Century, Puritan Boston. Not in the least prurient, but the story of an adulteress, her daughter, husband and preacher-lover. It's been called a tale of remorse, a mixture of Puritan reserve and wild imagination, a psychological romance. Do the characters represent something other than real people? Some, mostly young people, have criticized what they call the overlong sentences and recommend reading a summary if it's required reading. No question it's considered a classic. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 773 pages; the 48 point version contains 2433 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.5 MB. HOME
The Scarlet Pimpernel - Baroness Emmuska Orczy $.99
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Historical Fiction This story is over 100 years old and is about supposed events during the French revolution. The Scarlet Pimpernel is the mysterious, brave adventurer who has managed to rescue numerous French aristocrats from under the nose of the revolutionary forces and bring them safely to English shores. He is the hero of England, and everyone speculates on his true identity. The French who would like nothing more than to capture and send him to the guillotine. The story focuses on Sir Percy Blakeney and his French wife Marguerite. Both are fabulously beautiful, fabulously fashionable, fabulously rich, the toast of London society. He wife is and widely regarded as the cleverest woman in Europe. When Marguerite learns that her beloved brother has fallen into displeasure with the French revolutionaries and is destined for the guillotine, she is hopeful that The Scarlet Pimpernel will somehow rescue him. Of course he does come to the rescue after once again fooling the French. This is a story about a super-hero, a little unbelievable, amusing and fun to read. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by
the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 435 pages; the 28 point version contains 950 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.2 MB. HOME
HOME The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis $3.75
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Religion A Christian classic. Satirical letters from a demon to his nephew. Reverse theology; part of Lewis' core writings. His position on good vs evil, repentance and grace. Laugh and learn. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point
version contains 390 pages. 2. PDF in 48 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 48 point version contains 1109 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device HOME
HOME The Screwtape Letters- Kindle Optimized by C.S. Lewis $3.75
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Religion This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
HOME The Sea Wolf by Jack London $.99
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Historical Fiction This a 1906 psychological adventure novel about a literary critic, Humphrey van Weyden, who survives a shipwreck and is rescued by a powerful, well read and amoral whaling ship captain, Wolf Larsen. It is describes how van Weyden is forced to become tough and self-reliant by exposure to cruelty and brutality. Larsen takes care of van Weyden because he wants someone capable of intellectual discussions, but forces him to become a cabin boy, do menial work, and learn to fight to protect himself from a brutal crew. The ship picks up another castaway, a female poet, there is an attempted mutiny and later a shipwreck. Finally Wolf tries to kill van Weyden when they are marooned on a deserted island. Critics find all sorts of psychological implications in the book, but it also may be read as pure adventure. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an
exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1333 pages. 2. PDF in 48 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 48 point version contains 3891 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Secret Adversary – Agatha Christie $.99
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Mystery In 1919 a young couple hire themselves out as "young adventurers." Their first case, however, is more of an adventure than they expect - working to find documents that, if they were known to the general public, would fuel a communist revolution in Britain. They know that a woman was carrying top secret documents when she disappeared five years ago. What they don't know is that a killer is targeting a sinister older woman because she knows all about the case. Soon they are in grave danger. Super detective Hercule Poirot pulls out a few ingenious tricks to trap a killer on an express train across Europe. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The
18 point version contains 459 pages; the 28 point version contains 957 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.2 MB. HOME
HOME Secrets of Eden by Chris Bohjalian $6.75
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Mystery This story is told by three narrators. The morning after her baptism into the Rev. Stephen Drew's Vermont church, Alice Hayward and her abusive husband are found dead in their home, an apparent murder-suicide. Stephen, the novel's first narrator, is so racked with guilt over his failure to save Alice that he leaves town. Soon, he meets Heather Laurent, the author of a book about angels. Stephen's deeply sympathetic narration is challenged by the next two narrators: a deputy state attorney, whose suspicions are aroused initially by Stephen's abrupt departure (and then by questions about his relationship with Alice), and Heather, who distances herself from Stephen for similar reasons and risks the trip into her dark past by seeking out Katie, the Haywards' now-orphaned 15-year-old daughter who puts into play the final pieces of the puzzle, setting things up for a touching twist. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 582 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 48 point version contains 1289 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Sentry Peak – Harry Turtledove $.99
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Science Fiction It's an alternate universe, but the North and South are still fighting a civil war over state's rights and slavery. The North wears blue but fights to preserve their plantations worked by serfs, the South wears grey, but is trying to hold the nation together. But in this world they still use cross-bows and catapults; they use crystal balls to communicate and each army has wizards for offense and defense. At bottom though this is a detailed description of the interaction of the army's leaders on both sides. Magic and primitivism aside, this is a study of egos and leadership and how armies are managed. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 784 pages; the 28 point version
contains 1753 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.9 MB. HOME
HOME The Shadow of the Hegemon by Orson Scott Card $4.50
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Science Fiction This is the second novel in the Ender’s Shadow series and the sixth novel in the Ender’s Game series. It is told mostly from the point of view of Bean, a largely peripheral character in the original novel In this book all of the Battle School graduates, except Ender, return to Earth. Ender's brother Peter, using his online pseudonym Locke, arranges for Ender to be sent into exile on another planet so that the world's leaders won't be tempted to fight over his military genius. Shortly after their return, the members of the unit Ender commanded with the exception of Bean, are kidnapped to be used as strategists in an upcoming struggle for world domination. The mastermind behind the kidnappings is Achilles, a brilliant, ambitious, and psychotic orphan. He subjects them to solitary confinement so they will help him in his plans for world domination. Bean had imprisoned Achilles in the previous novel, so in retaliation Achilles attempts (unsuccessfully) to kill Bean, along with Bean's family. He helps Ender's brother Peter come to power under his own name so he can eventually be appointed Hegemon and work against Achilles. The story is full of battles and strategy as might be expected of battle school graduates.
Finally Peter Wiggin is elected Hegemon. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 626 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1387 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Shadow Puppets by Orson Scott Card $4.50
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Science Fiction If you liked the stories about the battle school you will like this book. The kids cope with life after the war with the Formics. Peter Wiggins, now leader of the worldwide Earth government, the Hegemon, makes a tactical error when he authorizes the rescue of his archenemy, Achilles, who is dangerously insane. Peter, along with his parents, must flee the planet temporarily, while Bean, accompanied by his wife, Petra, comes to terms with his always growing – he’s doomed to a short life. He and Petra seek out the man who manipulated his genes in order to have him create children without the same problem, only to have the embryos stolen. Bean and Petra race against time to try to rescue their unborn children while keeping Peter apprised of world events. Meanwhile there is a war - Chinese expansionism, unrest in India and a dangerously unfettered Achilles. There is a final showdown between Bean and Achilles. These teens play for keeps: the world is their stage, with Battle School grads in key positions of power in China, the Muslim world and India, all ready to work together to create world peace. The teens grow up in this book.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 555 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1215 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Shelters of Stone by Jean M. Auel $4.50
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Historical Fiction
This is the sequel to The Plains of Passage. Jondalar returns to his homeland with Ayla. There is tension created by Ayla's healing art, her pregnancy, and the acceptance of her by Jondalar's people, the Zelandonii. Ayla was raised by Neanderthals who the Zelandonii view as no better than animals. For the Zelandonii to accept Ayla they must first overcome this prejudice. Jondalar's first romantic interest, Zelandoni, formerly known as Zolena, has now become the First among the spiritual leaders. She supports adopting Ayla into their society. Ayla is drawn ever closer to an as yet undetermined role in the Ninth Cave of the Zelandonii. Her knowledge of the healing arts as well as hunting force her to accept a role in the spiritual leadership of the group. Through it all Jondalar is waiting for the summer meeting and matrimonial that will finally "tie the knot" for the two of them. This has been his ultimate goal since The Valley of Horses. Their daughter, Jonayla, is born sometime after this event. Not long after the birth, Ayla finally decides to become Zelandonii's acolyte, if only so the members of the Zelandonii will accept her as a healer.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1664 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 3773 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Shipping News - Annie Proulx $5.99
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Modern Fiction/Best Seller This is a Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award -winning novel published in 1993. The hero is a newspaper reporter who moves with his daughter to Newfoundland. There he works for a newspaper and reports on boats in the town harbour. He gradually makes friends within the community, learns about his own troubled family background, and begins a relationship with a local woman. His growth in confidence and emotional strength, as well as his ability to be comfortable in a loving relationship, become the main focus for the book. A series of deep and disturbing secrets about his ancestors emerge in strange ways. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII
version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 620 pages; the 28 point version contains 1233 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.9 MB. HOME
The Ship Who Sang & Other Stories by Anne McCaffrey $3.99
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Science Fiction, Young Persons This is a collection of stories in the series about encapsulated “shell people” - children who are raised and put in control of spaceships and given other tasks. When in a spaceship, serving as its brain, they are partnered with normal humans who are called “brawns”. Because of their nature and training they can live very long lives and perform tasks impossible for other humans. The title story recounts adventures with and eventual infatuation of one shell person, Helva, with her brawn and his death. Other stories include the Ship Who Mourned, The Ship Who Knew Shakespeare, The Ship Who Killed, The Ship Who Dissembled and The Partnered Ship. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file
and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 443 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 965 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
The Ship Who Sang, Other Stories by Anne McCaffrey Kindle Optimized $3.99
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Science Fiction This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
The Ship Who Searched by Anne McCaffrey $3.99
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Science Fiction Hypatia, or Tia for short, is a very precocious 7 year old who lives with her archaeologist parents on an alien planet. She contracts a disease which leaves her paralyzed. She chooses to become a shellperson –essentially a brain linked to machinery. In her case the machinery is a spaceship which becomes her body. She is joined by a “brawn,” an able bodied person who lives with her in the spaceship. She adjusts to this life and has several adventures exploring space and catching criminals. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 533 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1184 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
The Ship Who Searched by Anne McCaffrey
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Science Fiction
This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law.
The Ship Who Won by Anne McCaffrey $3.99
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Science Fiction This is another story with a Brainship. Carialle is the brain and Keff is the brawn. They are hoping to achieve first alien contact because Cencom may not renew their contract because Carialle had an unfortunate experience which left her vulnerable to shutdown. On the chilly planet Ozran they discover a population of humanoids ruled by arrogant “wizards” who have very impressive, seemingly magic, powers. Keff becomes a captive of the wizards, but is aided by a young, rebellious wizard. Meanwhile, Carialle has discovered the source of the wizards’ power, a projector set up by an alien race. Use of the projector is dooming the planet to eventual extinction and the signs are already present. Carialle also discovers that frog like creatures living in the swamp are really the previous masters of the plant. Carialle engineers an end to fighting among the wizards and takes action that will save the planet. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization)
dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 573 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1273 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
The Ship Who Won by Anne McCaffrey, Kindle Optimized $3.99
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Science Fiction
This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law.
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Mystery Another Dalgliesh of Scotland Yard story. Dalgliesh is called in to investigate the death of two student nurses at the hospital nursing school of Nightingale House. Student nurses have died under mysterious circumstances. Dalgliesh uncovers sexual secrets and blackmail within the closed community of the hospital and he finds himself in mortal danger. The book published in 1971 was adapted as a TV miniseries in 1984. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 586 pages; the 28 point version contains 1306 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for
use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.7 MB.
Silas Marner - George Eliot $.99
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Classic Fiction A Victorian classic. The miser rejected by his town, finds his true gold in adopting an infant. Commentary and description of those higher and lower on the social scale in 19th Century England. Written by a dead white male who happens to be female. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 649 pages; the 48 point version contains 1974 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 2.4 MB. HOME
Silent in the Grave by Deanna Raybourn $2.25
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Mystery A mystery set in Victorian England. Julia watches her husband, Sir Edward Grey, die in the presence of dinner guests. She assumes it is from natural causes. However she learns that her husband had received a death threat and hired a private inquiry agent, the multi-talented Nicholas Brisbane. Julia then is determined to bring her husband’s killer to justice, working with Brisbane. Dismissing his warnings that the investigation will be difficult, if not impossible, Julia presses forward, following a trail of clues that lead her to even more unpleasant truths, and ever closer to a killer who waits expectantly for her arrival. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 693 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1508 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Silver Chair
by C.S. Lewis $3.75
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Fantasy, Young Persons This is the fourth book written about Narnia. It describes the events following The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Eustace and Jill escape from the bullies at school through a strange door in the wall. It leads to the open moor and once again Aslan has a task for the children - Narnia needs them. Their adventures bring them face to face with the evil Witch. King Caspian's beloved son Prince Rilian has disappeared. Aslan sends Eustace and Jill on a quest to search for the young prince and defeat the evil Witch. Go Back
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 270 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 598 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis, Kindle Optimized $3.75
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Fantasy, Young Persons This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
HOME Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult $5.65
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Modern Fiction
Zoe and her husband Max have just had yet another miscarriage, a child of in vitro fertilization.. This and his alcoholism drives Max to divorce and into a relationship with his brother and sister-in-law who are devout Christians. Meanwhile Zoe falls in love with a guidance counselor at one of the schools — a woman named Vanessa an open lesbian. They marry in Massachusetts and Zoe seeks to use the frozen embryos she created with Max. He objects and under pressure from his church, wants to give the embryo to his brother. The book treats with homosexual life and rights. Most impressively, Picoult manages to present the view of each of the main characters honestly. The book ends with a courtroom episode. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 728 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1658 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Sizzling Sixteen
by Janet Evanovich $5.25
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Young Persons Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum has inherited a “lucky” bottle from her Uncle Pip, but he didn’t specify if the bottle brought good luck or bad luck. Vinnie, of Vincent Plum Bail Bonds, has run up a gambling debt of $786,000 with mobster Bobby Sunflower and is being held until the cash can be produced. Nobody else will pay to get Vinnie back, leaving it up to Stephanie, office manager Connie, and file clerk Lula to raise the money if they want to save their jobs. In the business of tracking down people, Stephanie, Lula, and Connie have an advantage in finding Vinnie. If they can rescue him, it will buy them some time to raise the cash. But finding a safe place to hide Vinnie turns out to be harder than raising $786,000. Saving his business means Stephanie can keep being a bounty hunter. The bounty hunter comes with a relationship with the town’s hottest cop, Joe Morelli, and the dark and dangerous security expert, Ranger. The lucky bottle will have Stephanie getting lucky---the only question is . with whom? This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The
Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization)
dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 380 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 810 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Sky is Falling – Lester Del Rey $.99
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Science Fiction He was a dead computer technician and he was resurrected into a world that continually used magic. His new task was to fix the cracks in the sky. Already chunks of the sky had fallen through the phlogiston layer and soon the sun itself would crash to earth. A tale told by one of the masters. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 189 pages; the 28 point version contains 417 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 520 KB. HOME
HOME The Skies of Pern by Anne McCaffrey $2.25
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Science Fiction The Skies of Pern is a novel in the Dragonriders of Pern series. It follows soon after The Dolphins of Pern, and, takes place in a very short period of time within the same year. Pern is a planet settled over 2500 years before which is only recently recovering the technology brought by the first settlers. There are two separate plots: some disgruntalled citizens of Pern are unhappy with technology being introduced and they seek by acts of terror and sabotoge to prevent change;. Another theme is that the danger from the sky which prompted the gene-manipulated flying dragons to be created will shortly be ended. Then society will have to adjust and find new employment for the dragons and their human riders. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file
and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 885 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1921 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson $4.99
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Science Fiction It's the world of the almost-near future where the United States exists as a patchwork of corporate-franchise city-states, the mafia is a legitimate business, and the Internet provides a functioning virtual world. The hero of the story is Hiro, a hacker, samurai swordsman, and pizza-delivery driver. Snow Crash is a designer drug. The U.S. mail has been superceded by couriers on powered skateboards; and epic battles are fought in the virtual world with real world consequences. There's an extended discussion of Sumerian myth and the power of words to physically shape the brain. And real world battles with a religious franchise entrepreneur who wants to annihilate all programmers. And an Inuit native who has super capabilities as an assassin. Serious adventure and serious social commentary. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is
extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 876 pages; the 28 point version contains 1943 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.3 MB. HOME
HOME Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See $5.25
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Historical Fiction This is a story of women's friendships in nineteenth century rural China. Lily, the narrator of the novel is in her eighties, looking back on her life. She shares the stories of her foot binding, nu shu, the secret women's writing, and the various formally women's friendships that society enforced. Lily's sister participated in a sworn sisterhood, where a group of young women formed a friendship that was to last until marriage, but Lily is paired with one girl, Snow Flower, her laotong or "old same." Lily and Snow Flower have a love that is stronger than all of her other relationships--and it causes them both more heartbreak. The book is really the story of their friendship, its depths, its deceits, its strengths--and it is a fascinating read about a society so different from our own. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing
between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 496 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1123 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Snowman by Jo Nesbo $5.65
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Mystery This is Nesbø's seventh Harry Hole novel. He is called to deal with a missing person who may be the victim of a serial killer one who has left a note taunting him. His fear heightens as other crimes are discovered that seem to him to be related. Harry's relationships with his team, his superiors and his former lover continue to be an important part of the book.. His self-loathing and struggles with drink continue. But guess who triumphs in the end? This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 581 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1266 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Social Animal by David Brooks $6.75
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Philosophy The author creates a composite couple, Harold and Erica. and examines why and how they succeed. All in service of presenting a new understanding of human nature. Incorporating research in the brain and the unconscious mind.. This is the realm of emotions, intuitions, biases, longings, genetic predispositions, personality traits, and social norms: where character is formed and where our most important life decisions are made. Brooks draws on and presents a wealth of current research from numerous disciplines always relating the information to the lives of Harold and Erica.,. He argues that there is a bias in modern culture that overemphasizes rationalism, individualism, and IQ. Along the way, he criticizes conventional definitions of success while looking toward a culture based on trust and humility. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing
between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 714 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1650 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town – Cory Doctorow $4.50
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Science Fiction Contemporary fantasy. The hero is the not quite human son of a washing machine mother and mountain father. He lives in present day Canada and befriends a dumster diver who want to blanket the neighborhood with free Internet access. He has an ever changing crew of brothers who have extraordinary powers and characteristics. His girlfriend remains normal by having her wings amputated every few months by an abusive neighbor. (There are no marked chapters in this book.) This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 605 pages; the 28 point version contains 1314 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.5 MB. HOME
HOME Songmaster by Orson Scott Card $5.65
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Science Fiction The main character in this story, Ansset, is a young boy whose perfect singing voice had the power to amplify people's emotions. He is found in a very special school where the children are taken away from normal life and trained to sing. They are given drugs that delay puberty for five years and also make them sterile. A very special few are designated as Songbirds and “given/sold” to worthy wealthy clients and stay with them till their fifteenth birthday. Ansset is taken under the wing of senior teacher, learns control of his emotions and is eventually given to the Galactic emperor. He becomes a confidant of the emperor and eventually becomes emperor himself. The story details his effect on the empire, but also describes his relationship with others. Eventually he looses his ability to sing and returns to the school in disguise. There are overtones of homosexuality in this story, but the author handles it tastefully. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with
disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 608 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1315 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Songs of Distant Earth – Arthur C. Clarke $3.50
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Science Fiction The story takes place in the future when Earth has been destroyed by an unstable sun. The disaster was foreseen and nearby stars were colonized. The story takes place on planet Thalassa where the original colonists have been alone for over a thousand years. Now they are visited by the last starship from Earth. The story describes the clash of cultures. The classic Clarke themes are here: The space elevator, the possibly intelligent yet wholly alien life form, the theories on how humans will cross the gulf between the stars. He is also blunt in his thoughts on matters like religion, guns and sexuality. This is one of the best of his later works. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. You can print and reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. The 18 point version contains 419 pages; the 28 point version contains
896 pages. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.26 MB. HOME
HOME Song of Susannah by Stephen King $5.65
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Fantasy This is the sixth novel in the Dark Tower series. Taking place mainly in our world (New York City and East Stoneham, Maine), this book picks up where Wolves of the Calla left off, with the ka-tet employing the help of the Manni to open the magic door inside Doorway Cave. The ka-tet are split up by the magic door, or perhaps ka, and sent to different 'wheres' and 'whens' in order to accomplish several essential goals pertaining to their quest towards the mysterious Dark Tower. Susannah Dean is partially trapped in her own mind by Mia, the former demon and now very-pregnant mortal woman who had taken control of her body shortly after the final battle in Wolves of the Calla. Susannah and Mia, with their shared body mostly under the control of Mia, escape to New York of 1999. Jake, Oy, and Father Callahan follow Susannah to the New York City of 1999 in order to save Susannah from the danger Mia has put her in by delivering her into the custody of the Crimson King's henchmen. While in New York, Jake and Callahan also hide Black Thirteen in a locker in the World Trade Center. While they are in New York, Roland and Eddie Dean
are sent by the magic doorway to Maine in 1977, with the goal of securing the ownership of a vacant lot in New York from its current owner. The gunslingers have seen and felt the power of a rose that is located in the vacant lot and suspect it to be some sort of secondary hub to the universe, or possibly even a representation of the Dark Tower itself. After accomplishing their primary goal, they learn of the nearby location of Stephen King's home. They are familiar with the author's name after coming into possession of a copy of his novel 'Salem's Lot in the Calla, and they decide to pay him a visit. King's presence, and his relationship to the Dark Tower, cause the very reality surrounding his Maine town to become "thin." Strange creatures called "walk-ins" begin emerging and plaguing the community. During their visit to him, the Gunslinger hypnotizes King and finds out that King is not a god, but rather a medium for the story of the Dark Tower to transmit itself through. Roland also implants in King the suggestion to restart his efforts in writing the Dark Tower series, which he has abandoned of late, claiming that there are major forces involved that are trying to prevent him from finishing it. The ka-tet are convinced that the success of their quest itself depends somehow on King's writing about it through the story. The book ends with Jake and Callahan entering with weapons raised. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by
the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered
or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point
version contains 708 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered
or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point
version contains 1554 pages.
3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on
your computer and virtually any mobile device.
he period from 1977 to 1999. The character, Stephen King,
dies on June 19, 1999. If you have made it this far in the
description you will really like the book.
HOME The Souls of Black Folk – W.E.B. Dubois $.99
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Non Fiction Published in 1903, relevant today. Fourteen essays on the problem of the color line in the Twentieth Century. Meditations on the promise and failings of democracy in America. Essential reading about and as a part of African American History. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 639 pages; the 48 point version contains 1999 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.3 MB. HOME
HOME Spartacus by Howard Fast $2.99
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Historical Fiction This book is about the slave revolt led by Spartacus about 71 BC. It changes from past to present tense. This is accomplished by having several Roman aristocrats meet, in the past tense, to tell tales of the uprising and Spartacus. The tales are told in the present tense directly by the narrator, with details going far beyond the Romans' possible knowledge. The novel deviates from and extends known historical facts. The novel's central theme is that man's most basic values are freedom, love, hope, and finally life. Oppression and slavery strip these away until the oppressed have nothing to lose by revolting. Spartacus stands as an eternal symbol of how man must fight against political systems that oppress man's values. Fast self-published this book during the McCarthy era when he could not get any publishers to do it. They were reacting to his blacklisting after refusing to testify before Congress. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with
disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 598 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1349 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Speaker For the Dead – Orson Scott Card $3.99
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Science Fiction It is 3000 years after Ender destroyed an alien race and he has become a Speaker for the Dead - someone who tells an honest story of people who have died. On the planet of Lusitania another species has been found, the "piggies.". The Starways Congress tries to preserve their habitat and natural course of their history.. Yet, people are killed, and Ender is called to speak for the dead. This is where the story unfolds. In this book, Ender is looking for redemption for the genocide of the buggers. He also wants to help a family grow together and solve the mystery of the killings. Though, with less action, this book is more emotional than Ender's Game and considers more moral issues. Of course the writing is up to Card's high standard. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII
version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 843 pages; the 28 point version contains 1984 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.1 MB. HOME
HOME The Stars, Like Dust by Isaac Asimov $4.50
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Science Fiction This book is part of Asimov's Galactic Empire series. It takes place before the actual founding of the Galactic Empire, and even before Trantor has become important. It starts with a young man attending the University of Earth, Biron Farrill, the son of the greatest nobleman on the planet Nephelos. The story starts with the news that his father has been caught conspiring against the Tyranni an empire that rules 50 planets. The main theme of the book is the rebellion and the intrigue that goes with it. There are killings and deceptions and at the end an ancient heretofore lost document, the United States Constitution, may become the model for a new form of government. This is space opera, written in the 1950s, but written by Asimov, so worth reading. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing
between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 383 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 837 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Startide Rising by David Brin $4.50
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Science Fiction A Terran exploration vessel has crashed in a previously uncharted water world. They are being pursued by an odd assortment of alien spacers all intent on capturing or killing the crew. The crew consists of humans and genetically modified dolphins and chimps. In the background is the galactic history of “patron” species “uplifting” other sentients who then have to serve the patrons for thousands of years. Humans are an exception and reached space-faring status without a patron. Another background story is the hostility of the planet itself to any other species. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 998 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2038 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME State of Wonder by Ann Patchett $6.75
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Modern Fiction Marina Singh is a 42-year-old scientist working for a pharmaceutical company. She is sent to the Brazilian jungle to investigate the disappearance of another scientist and the activity of her former teacher, Dr. Swenson, who has spent years pursuing a secret project sponsored by her company. .It may be a miraculous fertility drug. Her malaria pills arouse terrifying nightmares that leave her screaming in her sleep. What she finds is surprising and poses ethical and emotional questions that Marina must grapple with while confronting harsh conditions. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 552 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of
reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1316 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Status Civilization - Robert Sheckley $.99
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Science Fiction Will Barrent, finds himself, without memory dumped on a prison planet. There the rules are reversed. Crime pays and evil is rewarded and worshipped as a matter of law, but life expectancy is very short. Barrent knows he's a murderer, but can't recall the crime. Eventually he makes his way back to earth and discovers that all is not what he expects. Earth society also has different rules most of them designed to preserve the status quo. He eventually learns the identify of his accuser and victim. Make no mistake, it's satire and there are exaggerations, but it reads quickly, is thought provoking and an adventure story. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The
18 point version contains 296 pages; the 28 point version contains 616 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 737 KB. HOME
HOME Storm Front by Jim Butcher $5.65
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Fantasy Harry Dresden is a modern wizard in Chicago. He cooperates with the police to solve gruesome magical murderers while also working solo as a supernatural PI. The two cases he undertakes here send Dresden into the mean streets if Chicago and eldritch corners of the modern world. This book is for lovers of the supernatural, fantasy, horror, and police procedural Dresden interviews a spiteful vampire madam and fights a trench coat-clad demonic assassin. There’s a lot of action particularly when the climactic battle with the demon moves from inside Harry's apartment to outdoors during a thunderstorm. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file
and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 513 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1236 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin $5.25
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Fantasy This book picks up the story slightly before the end of its predecessor, A Clash of Kings. The Seven Kingdoms are still in the grip of the War of the Five Kings. The main characters are fighting to secure their crowns. The attempt to take King's Landing has been defeated by the new alliance between House Lannister and House Tyrell... Meanwhile, a large host of wildlings are marching toward the Wall with only the tiny force of the Night’s Watch in its path. The novel begins in the final months of 299 After the Landing and carries on into the year 300 AL. Catelyn Stark makes a deal with her captive Jaime Lannister and he is sent south with Brienne. .They are waylaid by mercenaries known as The Brave Companions and taken to Harrenhal. Jaime's sword hand is chopped off and he is sent back to King's Landing. The fighting, intrigue scheming continue unabated. We are introduced to the Brotherhood Without Banners. Lord Beric is killed in battle but is resurrected by Thoros. More battles, more treachery. In the Epilogue of the book, it is discovered that a re-animated Catelyn Stark is alive and with the Brotherhood.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by
the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1875 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 4362 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Story of Doctor Dolittle – Hugh Lofting $.99
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Classic Fiction/Young People Your children and grandchildren should get the same pleasure you did from this book. Better than the movie because it lets children create their own images. Imagine talking with and on friendly terms with all manner of animals. Some mild violence and reflects the time it was written with some troubling language that may be considered racist. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 276 pages; the 48 point version contains 770 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 1.3 MB. HOME
HOME The Story of My Life – Helen Keller $.99
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Non Fiction/Biography Left blind and deaf in infancy, this is the story of a remark woman. Written when she was a college student at the beginning of the 20th Century it describes not only
determination to overcome obstacles, but the pleasure tha
be derived from the world using other senses. Certainly no patronizing, but inspiring.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatte
the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trou reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers c enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. The
extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. Yo will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII
version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. T 28 point version contains 338 pages; the 48 point version
contains 1033 pages. The Foundation is an authorized enti
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publicatio use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17
U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 1.3 MB. HOME
HOME Strange Attractors - Jeffrey A. Carver $1.99
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Science Fiction This is the second story in the Chaos Chronicles series. John Bandicut, after saving Earth from destruction is stranded on the artificial structure known as Shipworld, He searches for the keys to its mysteries and stumbles into a confrontation with an entity known as the boojum, an evil corruption that threatens both Shipworld and the universe. Make no mistake, this is space opera, but it's well done. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 670 pages; the 28 point version contains 1398 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17
U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.7 KB. HOME
HOME Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein $3.75
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Science Fiction The hero, Valentine Smith is a human raised by Martians on Mars. He return to Earth as a young man. The story explores his relationship with Earth culture and how he transformed it. Valentine explores human morality and the meanings of love. He founds his own church, preaching free love and disseminating the psychic talents taught him by the Martians. Ultimately, he confronts the fate reserved for all messiahs. The story has become a cult favorite because of it themes of individual liberty, self-responsibility, sexual freedom and the influence of organized religion on human culture and government. Some have even adopted the book as a manifesto. A well deserved Hugo Award winner. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file
and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1194 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2613 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein Kindle Optimized
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Science Fiction This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law. HOME
HOME A SUITABLE VENGEANCE -Elizabeth George $4.99
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Mystery This is the fourth book in the Inspector Lynley series, but takes place years before the first three. The main characters are much younger. There are tangled relationships among Lynley, Deborah, and St. James. There is an assault and attempted rape (boyfriend on girlfriend) viewed by many bystanders who bring it to a stop, but then an aristocratic code of silence prevents them from ever mentioning it, or bringing it to the attention of law enforcement - even though it happens on property owned by a Scotland Yard inspector. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 835 pages; the 28 point version contains 1815 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.3 MB. HOME
HOME Summer – Edith Wharton $.99
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Classic Fiction One of the first novels, published in 1917, to deal honestly with a young woman's sexual awakening. A proud and independent woman in touch with her feelings, but kept from love and the larger world by pressures of environment and heredity. Not explicit, but one gets the idea. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 546 pages; the 48 point version contains 1630 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 2.2 MB. HOME
HOME Summer Sisters by Judy Blume $4.50
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Modern Fiction With its heavy sexual content - including lesbianism - this Blume novel is aimed squarely at an adult audience, not her pre-teen audience for which she gained popularity. It is a coming of age novel about two friends who spend every summer together as teenagers. Caitlin Somers and Victoria "Vix" Leonard. The girls are polar opposites, Caitlin being beautiful, lively and popular while Vix is a shy and an intellectual wallflower. As the years progress the girls become closer and closer but soon find their friendship strained. At the novel’s beginning Caitlin calls to tell Vix that she is marrying Vix's ex-boyfriend and first love, Bru. Vix is shocked and becomes sick with the news. We learn about Vix's family and first encounter with Caitlin in the sixth grade.. This is when Vix's whole world is turned upside down. This section of the book focuses on the mishaps and adventures that the kids go through, including Vix and Caitlin and their crushes on two older boys, Joseph "Bru" Brudegher and his cousin, Von. As the girls mature, they encounter their first heterosexual experiences (Caitlin with an Italian ski-instructor, then Von, supposedly) and Vix's in-depth and long-term relationship with
Bru, which continues into her college years when she attends Harvard on a scholarship. Caitlin is accepted at Wellesley but chooses not to attend. At Harvard Vix makes new friends, most notably Maia, her uptight roommate. However, things turn sour when Vix realizes she doesn't know what she wants in life and she and Bru temporarily break up during her Junior year of college. Just before graduation, Bru asks Vix to marry him, but she says no after realizing that they do not want the same things in life. Vix misses Bru, but moves on and casually dates other people, whilst Caitlin has numerous hetero and homosexual escapades in Europe. The girls keep in loose contact over the years, each becoming busy with her own life until the fateful day when Caitlin makes that phone call and tells Vix about her upcoming nuptials to Bru. There is much more romantic complexity. In the end, Vix, now in her thirties, is enjoying married life and motherhood when she and everyone else learn that Caitlin disappears in a boating accident under mysterious circumstances. The closing thought is Vix's recount of her "summer sister" and the memories they will always share, and wishing that things could have ended differently. This not the usual Blume book about the Tween years, but it involves the reader just as much.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 480 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1008 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Summons by John Grisham $4.50
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Mystery Another typically well told Grisham story. Ray Atlee is a law professor from an old Southern family. His father is a retired judge and he has a brother, Forrest. When he visits his father and find him dead, he discovers over three million dollars in the house - money that is not part of Judge Atlee's will. Ray immediately thinks the money is "dirty" because his father could not possibly have made so much money in his career. He decides to take the money without making it officially part of the estate, and does not tell anyone about it: As the story progresses, Ray is being followed; someone else knows about the money. After his own investigations into the roots of the money and the identity of his shadow—including trips to casinos and shady meetings with prominent southern lawyers—he eventually discovers that Forrest has the money. He finds Forrest in a drug rehab compound and confronts him. At the end both part, with Forrest telling Ray that he will contact him in a year. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The
Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 548 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1150 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Supervolcano: Eruption by Harry Turtledove $5.99
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Science Fiction The story opens in Yellowstone Park when a divorced cop, Colin Ferguson, accidentally meets his future girlfriend and wife. From her and his own investigation he learns that the volcano sitting under Yellowstone may erupt. When it does, Colin’s friends and family are scattered across the U.S., and are affected by the tremendous devastation differently. This story has the explosion as a background, affecting everyone, some more than others, but is primarily the story of the effect on individuals rather than the nation or the world. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 728 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered
or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2343 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman by Richard Feynman $2.99
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Biography “Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!": is an edited collection of reminiscences by the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman. (1918-1988) The book, released in 1985, covers a variety of incidents in Feynman's life. There are sections on his early life, studying at MIT and studying and teaching at Princeton. Finally, most of his adult life was spent teaching at Cal. Tech. Some are lighthearted in tone, such as his fascination with safe-cracking, studying various languages, frequenting topless bars, sitting with groups of other people and getting more involved with their area of interest such as biology or philosophy, and ventures into art and samba music. Others cover more serious material, including his work on the Manhattan Project and his critique of science education system in Brazil. This is one of the most honest autobiographies ever written. It humanizes a great genius. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with
disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 652 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1446 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Take Charge of your Diabetes by U.S. Dept. Of Health & Human Services $.99
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Non Fiction This is a comprehensive publication on diabetes. Chapters include: Controlling diabetes; Keeping Track of Glucose; Eye, Kidney and Heart Problems; Nerve Damage; Foot Problems, Dental Disease; Sick Day Records; Tests and Goals. There are 132 pages in 18 point type. File size is 1.8MB. HOME
HOME A Tale of Two Cities- Charles Dickens $.99
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Classic Fiction Terror and treason, love and sacrifice at the time of the French Revolution. A classic often studied in high school. Unforgettable characters: Madame Lafarge, Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton and their passion. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 30 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 30 point version contains 1148 pages; the 48 point version contains 3136 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.6 MB. HOME
HOME Tara Road by Maeve Binchy $4.50
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Modern Fiction This was an Oprah Book Club® Selection. It’s the story of Ria Johnson and her friends who all have a connection with the big house on Tara Road in Dublin. Ria and her handsome, real estate salsman husband Danny buy the house and thereafter most action centers around the house. Binchly introduces other characters who all have their unique stories. Ria’s best friend, Rosemary Ryan, is a beautiful, endlessly selfish career woman; Gertie, is the battered wife of a drunkard. Marilyn Vine is an American who swaps houses for the summer with Ria. Some of the women discard their illusions about life and romance and marriage. Some retain them, but this is by no means a book that will only appeal to women. There is good reason this book is so popular. It’s a big book, but it will hold your interest to the very end. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered
or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point
version contains 1164 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2478 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Tarzan of the Apes – Edgar R. Buroughs $.99
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Classic Fiction/Young People The first of the Tarzan books - essential for understanding the character we all know. Better than the movies. The reader must fill in some detail and swallow some incongruities and plain fantasy. A 1914 novel with racial and class prejudices of the day. A science fiction novel without technology, full of surprises including the ending. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 924 pages; the 48 point version contains 2632 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 3.2 MB. HOME
HOME This Side of Paradise – F. Scott Fitzgerald $.99
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Classic Fiction Fitzgerald’s first book and the one that catapulted him to fame while barely out of college. No doubt semi-autobiographical, it looks at the upper crust of the pre-World War I generation. Prep schools, Princeton, wealth, dissipation. The hero should rather be called a protagonist and not a very admirable character. He’s selfish and unkind, but doesn't pretend to be anything other than what he is. Also to his credit, he is sensitive to beauty everywhere, and he can see merit in others. His triumph comes only by surviving. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 973 pages; the 48 point version contains 2643 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.7 MB. HOME
HOME This World is Taboo - Murray Leinster $.99
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Science Fiction The hero is a member of the Interstellar Medical Service. He lands on a planet which fears lethal contamination from a neighboring planet. The story is a psychological study of what makes for prejudice, a detective and adventure story about how he “cures” the planet. A story by one of the great masters of classic science fiction. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 213 pages; the 28 point version contains 469 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 576 KB. HOME
HOME Three Men in a Boat – Jerome K. Jerome $.99
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Historical Fiction Three Self-centered, selfish, lazy, Victorian English gentlemen take a boating trip on the Thames with comic results. A story full of minor catastrophes, the genteel heroes must endure. First published in 1889. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 308 pages; the 28 point version contains 574 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.3 MB. HOME
HOME Three Soldiers – John Dos Pasos $1.50
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Classic Fiction The time is Word War I, but it could be the present day. This is the story of 3 average American infantry soldiers from different ethnic, economic and educational backgrounds whose perceptions of what warfare will be like evaporate into the horror filled reality and how they respond as people. The characters with all their faults and idiosyncrasies come alive as does the confusion of war. The book has been compared to The Red Badge of Courage. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type in PDF tagged format and an ASCII version. Each of the PDF formatted books is in two versions, one for reading on-screen and the other for printing. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version for printing contains 1451 pages; the 48 point
version contains 4145 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 8 MB.
HOME Thunderhead - Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child $4.99
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Science Fiction A space force officer has kept a lonely vigil on a forgotten, isolated planet for years, watching for the alien enemy. Then the enemy is spotted and he has to perform an act of incredible bravery to do his duty. Egos of the space force commanders and the aliens play a large role. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 113 pages; the 28 point version contains 222 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 281 KB. HOME
HOME A Time of Changes by Robert Silverberg $5.65
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Science Fiction This book won the Nebula in 1972. It is set in a culture where the first person singular is forbidden, and words such as “I” or “me” are treated as obscenities. A powerful new drug enables protagonist Kinnall Darival to attain telepathic contact with others, and this sharing brings him the courage to lead a revolution against his repressive culture. Kinnall is a provincial prince. He’s tormented by his illicit passion for his bondsister. After his brother Stirron becomes Prime Septarch, Kinnall exiles himself to the neighboring province of Glin to avoid a direct clash with him. He becomes a fugitive in Glin and is declared an illegal alien, leaving him as a penniless fugitive. Works in a logging camp, but he is eventually recognized as the fugitive prince and gets work as a seaman on a merchant boat headed to the province of Manneran. Once there, he becomes a powerful bureaucrat, marries his bondsister’s lookalike and cousin Loimel. He then meets the earthman Schweiz with whom he begins to freely discuss his alienation from his own culture. Schweiz tells him about the wonderful drug available in the wild southern country of Sumara Borthan.
Finally, both go to a country lodge and share the secret drug, causing their minds to become open to one another and creating a strong connection between them. Kinnall and Schweiz organize a small expedition to Sumara Borthan where they share the drug with the natives in a kind of social magic ritual. Kinnall starts to be the apostle of a new selfbaring cult, convincing many people to share the telepathic drug with him. Among them is his bondbrother Noim. Finally, betrayed and revealed, he seeks escape to Noim's estate in Salla. There he is visited by his beloved Halum, and they share the drug. She is so disturbed by the experience that she enters the pen of the voracious stormshields, who shred her to pieces. Kinnall takes his last flight to the Burnt Lowlands where he ultimately is captured by the royal guards. The book ends ambiguously. One possibility is that though Kinnal himself was executed, the book becomes the scriptures of a cult; another possibility is that it was all nothing but a drug induced hallucination. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 402 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 889 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Time Enough for Love by Robert A. Heinlein $4.50
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Science Fiction A classic of classics. The book covers several periods from the life of Lazarus Long, the oldest living human, now more than two thousand years old. The first half of the book takes the form of several novellas tied together by Lazarus's retrospective narrative. To start the tale, Lazarus has grown weary with life and living. But he consents not to end his life as long as his companions will listen to his stories. The stories included are: The Tale of the Man Who Was Too Lazy to Fail, The Tale of the Twins Who Weren’t, The Tale of the Adopted Daughter, Boondock, Da Capo, The Notebooks of Lazarus Long. This is a treasury of Heinlein’s ideas about love, politics, economics, morals, the world and the future. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing
between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file
and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1210 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2686 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Time Traders – Andre Norton $.99
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Science Fiction Young Ross Murdock has the choice of coerced rehabilitation or volunteering for a secret research project. Intelligence agents have discovered that the USA's greatest enemy is sending agents back in time to get super technologies left by another people. Usually the locale is the Arctic. This is space opera/survival which blends Jack London and inventions from the world of tomorrow. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 329 pages; the 28 point version contains 733 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for
use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 890 KB. HOME
The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger $5.99
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Science Fiction The Time Traveler's Wife been classified as both science fiction and romance. It, examines issues of love, loss, and free will. The main character, Henry, is a man with a genetic disorder that causes him to travel in time unpredictably. He begins time traveling at the age of five, jumping forward and backward relative to his own timeline. When he leaves, where he goes, or how long his trips will last are all beyond his control. His destinations are tied to his subconscious—he most often travels to places and times related to his own history.. He also searches out pharmaceuticals in the future that may be able to help control his time traveling. His wife, Clare, is an artist, who has to cope with his frequent absences and dangerous experiences.. When 20-year-old Clare meets 28 year-old Henry at the Newberry Library in 1991 at the opening of the novel, he has never seen her before, although she has known him most of her life. He dies long before his wife, but gets to see his wife again when she is old and meets his daughter who has inherited his condition, but with more control. This book has sold millions of copies and has been
made into a movie. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 946 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1997 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy -
John le Carre $5.99
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Mystery One of the Smiley spy novels. Smiley is recalled from retirement to hunt down a Soviet mole in the "Circus," the highest echelon of the British Secret Intelligence Service. The story begins with the repatriation of a captured British spy. Smiley sets a trap for the mole and is temporarily made head of the Service. The background is supplied during the book through a series of flashbacks. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 643 pages; the 28 point version contains 1422 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for
use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.8 MB. HOME
To Live Again by Robert Silverberg $4.50
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Science Fiction Paul Kaufmann had been the richest and most powerful man on Earth. Imagine having his knowledge and insights integrated with your own persona. The tycoon's mind becomes the prize in a deadly game for those still living who want more out of life than they could achieve on their own. The book describes a world where people store copies of their personality (if they can afford the expensive procedure). These personalities can then be transplanted (upon the person's actual death) to other people, "living" alongside with the host providing him or her with a new insight on life, and on their field of expertise. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file
and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 389 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 862 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Tom Sawyer – Mark Twain $.99
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Classic Fiction/Young People A classic for children and adults. Tom, Huck, Becky, Aunt Polly in another time when life was simple and more fun for mischievous children. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 30 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 30 point version contains 683 pages; the 48 point version contains 1780 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.4 MB. HOME
Toys by James Patterson and Neil McMahon $5.25
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Science Fiction One of the best selling authors of all time has a new hero – Hays Baker - , an Elite, a not quite human member of society endowed at birth with enormous strength, extraordinary intelligence and stunning looks. In the Elite world, where they are still a minority, humans are looked down upon. Hays, as a top operative for the Agency of Change, is sent to investigate a crime and gets horribly injured. As a consequence it’s discovered that he is not an elite, but a human. Now Hays becomes the hunted not the hunter. This leads him to try to save and protect humans from extermination. He can’t trust his own wife, an Elite, but does get help from Lucy, a very remarkable woman. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing
between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 433 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 867 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Treasure Island – Robert L. Stevenson $.99
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Classic Fiction/Young People Stevenson’s most famous book. A young hero, villains, pirates, nautical terms, adventure, mutiny, old-English slang, twists and turns in the plot. A classic theme by a master. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 651 pages; the 48 point version contains 1892 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.5 MB. HOME
True Grit by Charles Portis $4.50
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Classic Fiction Proclaimed one of the great American western novels, it is the story told by Mattie Ross in 1928 about her adventures, at 14, before the turn of the century. She lived in frontier Arkansas. When her father was murdered she decided to pursue the murderer into Indian Territory. Realizing she need help, she is enlists Marshal “Rooster” Cogburn and a Texas Ranger. She joins the two and they very reluctantly allow her to go along on the hunt. This book has been made into a popular move starring John Wayne. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 312 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 682 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer $5.25
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Fantasy Isabella Swan moves to her father’s house in a small, perpetually rainy town in Washington. Once she meets the mysterious and alluring Edward Cullen, Isabella's life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. Up until now, Edward has managed to keep his benevolent vampire identity a secret in the small community he lives in. The two become lovers. They balance precariously between desire and danger. Twilight captures the struggle between defying our instincts and satisfying our desires. This is a love story with bite. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 653 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1437 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
U Is For Undertow – Sue Grafton $4.99
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Mystery This is the 21st book in the Kinsey Millhone series. A new character is Michael Sutton who claims to have had a strange experience - now remembering an incident in 1988 when he was 6-years-old. He saw two men in a woods burying a rather large bundle. That was the same time that a girl, Mary Clare, was kidnapped and never found. The story that he tells Kinsey convinces her to at least give him a little of her time to investigate and see if anything turns up. Flashback about 25 years to the Unruh home. Deborah and her husband, a well placed family, are a bit chagrined when their son, Greg, appears with Shelly and her small son. Deborah and Shelly are a bit like oil and water - Shelly's a manipulator par excellence. Segue to Kinsey who's dealing with personal problems plus Michael's siblings who paint him as unreliable. Is he a liar, a trouble maker or are his brother and sister trying to hide something? Moving back and forth in time keeps the plot hustling along as Kinsey learns more, probably much of which she never wanted to know.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 573 pages; the 28 point version contains 1288 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.84 MB. HOME
Unnatural Causes by P.D. James $4.50
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Mystery This is the third book in the Dalgliesh series. A famous mystery writer is found dead at the bottom of a dinghy, with both hands chopped off at the wrists. Dalgliesh, with help from his remarkable Aunt Jane, must discover who typed the writer's death sentence before the plot takes another murderous turn. This is not a horror story, but a good whodunit that slowly unravels.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 410 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 917 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Valley of Horses by Jean M. Auel $4.50
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Historical Fiction This book is the sequel to The Clan of the Cave Bear and second in the Earth's Children series. Once again the main character is Ayla, from The Clan of the Cave Bear. She has been exiled from the Clan, the band of Neanderthals who had raised her from early childhood and now searches for her own people, whom the Clan refer to as "the Others." In a parallel narrative, Jondalar, a young Cro-Magnon man accompanies his younger half-brother on a traditional rite of passage called the Great Journey. In these episodes, we learn of the Cro Magnon's Neolithic nature religion, centered on the worship of the Great Mother of All, and follow their adventures and sexual exploits. Ayla, alone and ritually ostracized from the only people she has ever known, travels steadily north for around half a year until finding the book's titular valley sunk deep into the windy landscape of the periglacial loess steppes in Ukraine. Worried she might never find the Others, she begins to prepare for winter. Finding a suitable cave and many conveniences in the valley she establishes a comfortable but lonely life there. She tames a young horse and treats an injured cave lion cub.
Jondalar and Ayla meet when his brother is killed by the now grown cub. Ayla heals Jondalar's injuries and they begin to learn to communicate and get to know each other. They fall in love. Ayla is torn between her fear of leaving her valley and her hope of living with her own kind. Finally they decide to leave the Valley of Horses. This is historical accuracy about very ancient times and good story telling combined. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1054 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be
used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2356 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis $3.75
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Fantasy The third book of the Narnia Chronicles. Edmund and Lucy join King Caspian on a mission to find the seven lost Lords of Narnia. The adventure takes them to the farthest edge of the Eastern world on board the mighty Dawn Treader. They must survive a terrible storm, encounters with sea serpents, dragons, and invisible enemies to reach lands where magicians weave mysterious spells and nightmares come true. They need every ounce of courage and the help of the great lion Aslan to triumph in their most hazardous adventure of all. Once again the inhabitants of Narnia join with their human companions in the never ending battle between good and evil. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file
and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 274 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 608 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis - Kindle Optimized
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This book, described in the preceding page, is available in a Kindle Optimized version. This version is a PRC file that is specifically prepared for use on the Kindle. This format can also be used on any device that can open Mobipocket ebooks. On older Kindles the maximum type size that will display is equivalent to 16 point type. The Optimized version of this book will display up to the equivalent of 20 point type. On the Kindle Fire this version will scale up to the equivalent of 36 point type and there is no need to scroll when type is enlarged to that point size or less. This book is provided by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation which is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. Sec 121, an exemption to the copyright law.
The Voyage Out – Virginia Woolf $.99
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Classic Fiction Virginia Woolf’s first book. Life and love as experienced by the privileged class in pre-WWI England. Attitudes toward women, minorities, religion, captured, perhaps tongue in cheek. Whether viewed as a typical novel of the time (1915) or social satire, it describes a time now gone. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1332 pages; the 48 point version contains 3616 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 4 MB. HOME
Walden - Henry D. Thoreau $.99
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Non Fiction Call him an ecologist, a hermit, a philosopher, hopelessly out of touch. Thoreau is an icon to many for his philosophy both large and small. Building a house, how little furniture one really needs or quotations from classics, it’s all here. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1042 pages; the 48 point version contains 3097 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 2.8 MB.
The War of the Worlds – H.G. Wells $.99
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Science Fiction The first of the alien invasion stories published in 1898. It's not a script for the current movie, but the themes and descriptions are remarkably similar. Notice an invasion in a world without airplanes or modern weapons, but accurate speculation about biology and astronomy. A true classic of the genre. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 274 pages; the 28 point version contains 603 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 1.2 MB.
Warlord of Kor – Terry Carr $.99
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Science Fiction Eight thousand years ago the giant aliens received divine knowledge from what the puny earthlings called a god. They decided to give up all aggression and give up any ambition to travel the stars or advance the comforts of their civilization. Their numbers now approach total extinction. The story starts as they are visited by earthmen who bring aggression and technology back. It's a battle of cultures both physically and psychologically. Can/will the aliens defend their way of life and what help can they get from some earthlings? This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 183 pages; the 28 point version
contains 402 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 498 KB. HOME
Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen $2.25
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Modern Fiction Around 1932, Jacob, a veterinary student suddenly becomes an orphan. He jumps onto a train which happens to be a circus train. He joins the circus and meets Marlena, the beautiful young star of the equestrian act, who is married to August, the charismatic but twisted animal trainer. He also meets Rosie, an elephant who seems untrainable until he discovers a way to reach her. So much more than a tale about a circus, Water for Elephants is a compelling journey not only under the big top, but into the protagonist's heart. We follow Jacob and the circus until he is in his ninety’s and wants to rejoin the circus. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 545 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1196 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
White Fang – Jack London $.99
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Classic Fiction It's the end of the 19th Century in the Klondike. Conditions are very harsh. The story traces the journey of a dog born in the wild into civilization. He is a survivor. We see through his eyes the violence of the animal and the human world. This is a companion novel of "The Call of the Wild". Hunger and pleasure, ethics, morality and redemption from a dog'spoint of view. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 318 pages; the 28 point version contains 709 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for
use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 980 KB. HOME
Wild Seed – Octavia Butler $4.99
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Science Fiction The story begins in 1690. we are introduced to Doro who is over 3,000 years old and a sort of energy being who transfers from one host body to another, killing his hosts in the process. As part of his rounds in gathering "special" humans he meets Anyanwu, a shapeshifter who can assume forms of any species, and of either gender. He takes her to America and locates her on one of his farms for people he is breeding. Wild Seed" is both a psychologically perspective character study and a profound meditation on power and desire. Butler's philosophical canvas takes in such controversial issues as slavery, race, reproduction, and gender. This is science fiction, but also a historical novel that expands the boundaries of African-American literature. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is
extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 531 pages; the 28 point version contains 1170 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.4 MB. HOME
Winesburg, Ohio – Sherwood Anderson $.99
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Classic Fiction Life in a small town at the end of the 19th century. A series of short stories, focused on solitary figures, held together by geography and interlocking unique characters. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 651 pages; the 48 point version contains 1907 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.7 MB. HOME
The Winner Stands Alone by Paulo Coelho $5.65
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Modern Fiction The setting for this book is the Cannes Film Festival: all the action takes place within 24 hours. The story is told from the viewpoint of three different characters: Igor, a very successful Russian businessman, is pursuing his ex-wife Ewa in the hope of rekindling their romance. He believes he must "destroy whole worlds" to win back her affection and he is willing to do anything for her. Specifically this includes killing people. There are interweaved the stories of a fashion model, a film distributor and an aspiring actress hoping for her big break. On display is a lack of morality by the characters and the opulence and artificial glamour of the setting. This book might be categorized as about crimes, but it is really about people who live on the extreme edge. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an
exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 615 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1388 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley $4.50
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Modern fiction Carrie, a writer, rents a small cottage in Scotland from a local man , Jimmy Keith who has two sons, Stuart and Graham. She plans to do research on the Jacobite rebellion in 1708. Both sons begin to fall in love with Carrie. As her research intensifies, and her need for more information increases, she calls on their father to fill in details about their ancestor's story. Gradually as her research and writing, as well as her love interests, progress, Carries finds herself swept up in more than just words on paper. She finds herself caught in a time warp of sorts. Her flashes of insight feel more like memory than writing and her love for one of the brothers feels more compelling than just a present day love interest. As Carrie writes her book she finds that she is, in fact, recounting her own story - a story that began in 1700 and a love that has lasted through time. Her flashes of deja vu are more than just images - they are images that are filled with remembrance that are as real to her as her present day life. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 867 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1885 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Wisdom of Father Brown by G.K. Chesterdon $.99
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Mystery Twelve more stories about Father Brown: He goes from London to Cornwall, from Italy to France, as he gets involved with bandits, treason, murder, curses, and an American crimedetection machine. And every problem he comes up against he solves with a simplicity of argument that leaves the other characters wondering, ''Why didn’t I think of that? An Oldie by Goodie. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 344 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point
version contains 767 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Wise Woman by Philippa Gregory $6.75
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Historical Fiction Alys, flees from the nunnery to which she had gone to escape her life with a witch but returns when it is sacked.. Eventually, she makes her way to the Lord's manor, where she falls in love with the married feudal lord, Hugo. She tries unsuccessfully to keep her pledge to remain a virgin. Then, she tries not to use the witchcraft she had learned, but weakens. She is neither good nor evil, but her actions may make the reader uncomfortable, even as they seem valid under the circumstances. The grey areas of love and desire, of power and poverty, make this novel an immersion into the occult and its profound effects on those who use whatever means necessary to achieve their needs. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing
between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 981 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2108 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Wizard of Oz - L. Frank Baum $.99
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Fantasy/Young People
The first truly American fairy tale. Generations have been raised with Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow, Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion. For your children and grandchildren, morality with a smiling face.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 406 pages; the 48 point version contains 1136 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 1.5 MB.
Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte $.99
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Classic Fiction A brooding tale of metaphysical passion. The story of Heathcliff and Catherine. A forerunner of today’s soap operas. Jealousy, revenge, frustration on the English moors at the beginning of the 19th century. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 28 and 48 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 28 point version contains 1113 pages; the 48 point version contains 3333 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. §
121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 4 MB.
Xenocide by Orson Scott Card $4.50
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Science Fiction Another tale of Ender Wiggin. On Lusitania, Ender found a world where humans and pequininos and the Hive Queen could all live together; where three very different intelligent species could find common ground at last. Or so he thought. Lusitania also harbors the descolada, a virus that kills all humans it infects, but which the pequininos require in order to become adults. The Starways Congress so fears the effects of the descolada, should it escape from Lusitania, that they have ordered the destruction of the entire planet, and all who live there. The Fleet is on its way, a second xenocide seems inevitble. The war for survival of the planet Lusitania will be fought in the hearts of a child named Gloriously Bright. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing
between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 958 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2151 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood $5.25
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Science Fiction
The Waterless Flood has long been predicted by God’s Gardeners, a back-to-nature cult founded by Adam One. Its members live simply and organically, sing terrible hymns, have no dress sense and peddle a bolted-together theology, difficult to think about if you think at all. With values diametrically opposed to those of the ruling CorpSEcorps, the Gardeners aren’t “the answer,” but at least they’ve asked enough questions to avoid a life of endless shopping and face-lifts.
The Gardeners sometimes do evangelical work in the mean streets, known as the pleeblands, and rescue a young woman named Toby from the murderous clutches of her sex-crazed boss. As a Gardener, Toby rises to the position of Eve Six, in charge of bees, herbs and potions, but her ex-boss never stops pursuing her. To save herself she receives a new identity in the health spa AnooYoo. Recovering from plastic surgery, she avoids the deadly wipeout germ of the plague. She and a former pole dancer, Ren, escape a plague and must survive in a world where pigs have human brain tissue and sheep are
bred with human hair in different colors. , The sensitive CorpSEcorps elite boy Glenn, starts out as a teenage sympathizer for the Gardeners but is too seduced by his own brainpower to trust nature.The friendship between women is noted and at the end of the novel allows for hope. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 701 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1503 pages.
3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Year of Wonders - Geraldine Brooks $5.99
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Historical Fiction An internationally acclaimed best seller this is an historical novel of the plague of 1666. Written from a housemaid’s point of view it’s the story of what happens when a small English village quarantines itself to prevent further spreading of the disease. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 468 pages; the 28 point version contains 1077 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice:
eBook download size will be 1.4 MB.
The Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon $6.75
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Science Fiction Winner of a number of science fiction awards including a Nebula, the Yiddish Policemen's Union is set in an alternate present day. In this world Sitka, Alaska is a metropolis and the home of many European Jews who fled from Europe because of World War II. The main character, Meyer Landsman, is an alcoholic homicide detective with the Sitka police department. He investigates a murder with his half Jewish-half Alaska native partner. Murders, Jewish organized crime, a plot to blow up the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, and interaction with his former wife who has become his police superior all contribute to a tangled plot. This is a detective novel with comic relief. This particularly true with Chabon’s interspersing of Yiddish words and phrases. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file
and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 683 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1506 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
You Can't Go Home Again – Thomas Wolfe $3.99
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Classic Fiction This novel is largely autobiographical and written by a recognized genius. It reflects details of the author's life in the 1930s. The main character has written a successful novel about his family and hometown. When he returns to that town he is surprised and upset by the hatred with which he is greeted. Family and friends believe he has told too much truth about them. He then goes to Paris and Berlin searching for his own identify. Finally he returns to America and rediscovers it. Considered a classic of American letters. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for people who have trouble reading ordinary size print, but normally sighted readers can enjoy the larger type or reduce the size with the Adobe Reader. Access to each chapter is from a linked menu. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You will receive versions in 18 and 28 point type and an ASCII version. You can print and search for any word or phrase. The 18 point version contains 1302 pages; the 28 point version
contains 2943 pages. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. Notice: eBook download size will be 3.5 MB.
This is the End of the List
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HOME After the Funeral
by Agatha Christie $.99
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Mystery A somewhat different Hercule Poirot novel. The story begins after the funeral of a wealthy man. After the funeral his sister blurts out that he must have been murdered though he was known to be terminally ill and no foul play was suspected. When she is brutally murdered the very next day, Poirot is called in. The suspects are scattered about England and a number of the interrogations are conducted by other people and reported back to Poirot. In the end Poirot gathers all the interested parties together and reveals the solution. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 482 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1038 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Alteration
by Kingsley Amis $3.99 Buy Now
Modern Fiction, Science Fiction It’s the present day and everyone (almost) is Catholic. Amis wonders what Europe would be like if the Reformation never occurred. In this world Hubert Anvil is a brilliant 10-year-old boy soprano. The Pope proposes that he be “altered” to preserve his voice. Hubert has some doubts. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 409 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 923 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Stephen Baxter $1.99
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Science Fiction It’s 2052 and the planet is inundated. In American a plan is formulated to sacrifice billions and save hundreds by sending them into space to find a new (dry) habitation. Hundreds will live, six billion will die. This is the story of the fight to survive and complete the project. And it is the story of three women who competed to be part of the mission. And what happens after the space ship is launched. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 953 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2111 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Beautiful Ruins
by Jess Walter $1.99
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Modern Fiction In 1962 in Italy, a young innkeeper, meets an American film starlet and she is dying. The story begins again when an elderly Italian man shows up on a movie studio's back lot-searching for the mysterious woman he last saw at his hotel decades earlier. The novel spans fifty years and many lives. There are a dozen unforgettable characters: the starstruck Italian innkeeper and his long-lost love; the heroically preserved producer who once brought them together and his idealistic young assistant; the army veteran turned fledgling novelist and the rakish Richard Burton himself, whose appetites set the whole story in motion-along with the husbands and wives, lovers and dreamers, superstars and losers, who populate their world in the decades that follow. The people are flawed but fascinating as they try to preserve their dreams.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 628 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1425 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used
on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Bell Jar
by Sylvia Plath $.99
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Modern Fiction The Bell Jar is Sylvia Plath's only novel, originally published under the pseudonym "Victoria Lucas" in 1963. The novel is semi-autobiographical with the names of places and people changed. Plath committed suicide a month after its first UK publication. The novel was published under Plath's name for the first time in 1967 and was not published in the United States until 1971, pursuant to the wishes of Plath's mother and her husband Ted Hughes. The main character is Esther Greenwood, a young woman from the Boston suburbs, who has a summer internship at a prominent magazine in New York City. Her experiences in the city and at the magazine frighten and disorient her. She has a benefactress in Philomena Guinea, a formerly successful fiction writer who will, later during Esther's hospitalization, pay for some of her treatments. Esther describes in detail several seriocomic incidents
during her internship and reminisces about her friend Buddy, whom she has dated more or less seriously and who considers himself her de facto fiancé. When she returns to her home she is in low spirits and despondent. Life is not going as she had imagined. Esther's mental state worsens. She describes her depression as a feeling of being trapped under a bell jar, struggling for breath. She makes several half-hearted attempts at suicide. She survives and is sent to several mental hospitals. She tells her therapist how she envies the freedom that men have, but as a woman, worries about getting pregnant. When she is given a diaphragm she feels free from her fears about the consequences of sex. The novel ends with her entering the room for her interview which will decide whether she can leave the hospital. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a
Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 437 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 929 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Born With the Dead
by Robert Silverberg $.99
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Science Fiction Three novellas by Silverberg in mid-career. Two of the stories concern how mankind deals with the subject of death, while the third has man's relation to religion and God as its central theme. The title story takes place in a futuristic world when the process of reanimating the recently deceased has been perfected. These "Deads" live separately in their own communes (Cold Towns), apart from the "Warms," and have their own customs and society. The main character is now stalking his reanimated wife with the hope of a reunion. This story won a Nebula Award. In the second story God has chosen to reveal himself, effects a miracle, but this only leads to human misery as the organized religions become suspicious of God's motives. The third story takes place in 2095 when medicine has
extended life to age 150 and beyond. But it is a civic duty to “Go” at the proper time to make way for newborns. The main character goes through the preparation for “Going.” This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 135 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger
type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 305 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Breathing Lessons
by Anne Tyler $3.99
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Modern Fiction Maggie and Ira Moran have been married for twenty-eight years and we see that in their quarrels, in their routines, in their ability to tolerate with affection each other’s eccentricities. Maggie, a kooky, lovable meddler and an irrepressible optimist, wants nothing more than to fix her son’s broken marriage. Ira is infuriatingly practical. The entire story takes place trip during a day trip from Baltimore to Deer Lick, Pa., and back. It includes a stop to attend a friend's funeral, another stop to visit an estranged daughter-in-law and several amusing detours. The trip becomes a metaphor both for their 28-year marital odyssey, and for the halting, circuitous journey all of us make through life - away from and back to our family roots, out of innocence into sorrow, wisdom and loss. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the
capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 606 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1336 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Burgess Boys
by Elizabeth Strout $4.99
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Modern Fiction Brothers Jim and Bob Burgess, and sister Susan, are mired in a childhood trauma: as a child, Bob unwittingly killed their father. Both have left their childhood home in Maine and are attorneys in New York City. Jim is a famous big shot with a corporate firm, Bob is with Legal Aid. Susan calls them home for their help: her son stands accused of a possible hate crime against the small town’s improbable Somali population. The siblings’ varying responses to the crisis illuminate their sheer differences while also recalling their shared upbringing, forcing them finally to deal with their generally unmentioned, murky family history. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 569 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1236 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Casual Vacancy
by J. K. Rowling $2.99
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Modern Fiction The is J. K. Rowling’s first novel since the Harry Potter series and her first novel for adult readers. The death of a Councilman in a suburban English town creates a vacancy on the Council. Factions develop to fill the vacancy. The candidates find their darkest secrets revealed ruining their campaign and leaving the election in turmoil. Major themes in the novel are class, politics and social issues like that of drugs, prostitution and rape. The book rapidly became a runaway best-seller and will be filmed. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1090 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2278 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling $1.99
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Young People, Fantasy This is the second novel in the Harry Potter series. The story is about Harry's second year at Hogwarts School during which a series of messages on the walls of the school warn that the "Chamber of Secrets" has been opened and that the "heir of Slytherin" would kill all pupils who do not come from all-magical families. Throughout the year, Harry and his friends investigate the attacks. Some religious authorities have condemned the use of magical themes, while others have praised its emphasis on self-sacrifice. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 574 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1263 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
A Confederacy of Dunces
by John Kennedy Toole $3.99
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Modern Fiction A Pulitzer Prize winner this book is now considered a canonical work of modern literature of the Southern United States. The central character, Ignatius J. Reilly, is an educated but slothful 30-year-old man living with his mother in the early-1960s New Orleans who, in his quest for employment, has various adventures with colorful French Quarter characters. He is something of a modern Don Quixote—eccentric, idealistic, and creative, sometimes to the point of delusion. He disdains modernity, particularly pop culture. The disdain becomes his obsession: however he also enjoys many modern comforts and conveniences, and is given to claiming that the rednecks of rural Louisiana hate all modern technology which they associate with progress. Ignatius believes that he does not belong in the world and that his numerous failings are the work of some higher power. He loves to eat, and his masturbatory fantasies lead in strange directions. Although considering
himself to have an expansive and learned worldview, Ignatius has an aversion to ever leaving the town of his birth. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 807 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1778 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Cuckoo’s Calling
by Robert Galbreath $2.99
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Mystery The Cuckoo's Calling is a 2013 mystery by J. K. Rowling, published under the pseudonym "Robert Galbraith". London PI Cormoran Strike’s final feud with his fiancée leaves him living in his office and wondering how his last clients will keep him afloat and pay for his new secretary, Robin. A childhood acquaintance asks him to investigate his supermodel sister’s apparent suicide., Lula Landry was surrounded by rabid paparazzi, a drug-addled social circle, a dysfunctional adopted family, and a shifty, newly found birth mother, making suicidal despair hard to dismiss. But with Robin’s surprisingly adept assistance, Strike dismantles witness statements, applying masterful deductive skills to find evidence of murder. Galbraith has been praised for this different display of her talent. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that
can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 940 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2055 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Dead Ever After
by Charlaine Harris $4.99
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Fantasy (Probably) the final Sookie Stackhouse novel. She turns down the request of former barmaid Arlene when she wants her job back at Merlotte’s. But her relationship with Eric Northman is not so clear cut. He and his vampires are keeping their distance. When Sookie learns the reason why, she is devastated. Then a shocking murder rocks Bon Temps, and Sookie is arrested for the crime. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 557 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that
can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1158 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Charlaine Harris $1.99
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This is the twelfth book in The Southern Vampire Mysteries. Sookie is still caught up in the consequences from the previous novel. Felipe de Castro, Vampire King, has come to town to investigate the mysterious death of his representative in Louisiana, Victor. A dead woman is found on the lawn of Eric's house while he is having a party in honor of Felipe, embroiling Sookie and her vampire friends in a police investigation. Meanwhile, Sookie's fairy great-grandfather, Niall, visits in order to investigate who placed a spell on his son. Sookie is dealing with the powerful magical object given by her half-fairy grandfather and left to her. It can grant the possessor a great magical wish on behalf of someone they love, and it appears that someone has been searching for it and may stop at nothing to possess it. She also is facing the end of her relationship to Eric. She catches him feeding on the woman
who is soon found dead on his lawn. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 573 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1273 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling $1.99
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Fantasy, Young People This is the final book and conclusion of the Harry Potter series. In it Harry faces more danger than that found in all six books combined, from the direct threat of the Death Eaters and you-know-who, to the subtle perils of losing faith in himself. Attentive readers would do well to remember Dumbledore's warning about making the choice between "what is right and what is easy," and know that Rowling applies the same difficult principle to the conclusion of her series. While fans will find the answers to hotly speculated questions about Dumbledore, Snape, and you-know-who, it is a testament to Rowling's skill as a storyteller that even the most astute and careful reader will be taken by surprise. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the
capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1255 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2695 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Defending Jacob
by William Landay $3.99
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Mystery Assistant district attorney Andy Barber, his wife, Laurie, and their teenage son, Jacob, are live in a middle class suburb when one of Jacob's classmates is stabbed to death. Soon Jacob is the prime suspect and the Barbers have to confront the possibility that the child they have doted from birth may be a sociopathic killer. Andy takes leave from his job and helps defend his son. Is he engaging in self-deception? How far will he go to protect his family? Laurie wonders if something she did as a parent has created a monster and her guilt destroys her. And then there is Jacob. Is he a typical angst filled teenager or a psychopathic monster? The author keeps the reader guessing about Jacob's culpability and true nature up to the shocking final chapters. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that
can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 724 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1488 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Delaney Christmas Carol
by Iris Johansen $.99
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Modern Fiction Three stories by three authors in one book all connected by a magic mirror. Christmas Past by Iris Johansen 1893. Kevin Delaney learns about a long-forgotten mirror in the attic of his home, Killara. It is no ordinary mirror Delaney is no ordinary man. While he doesn’t believe in mystical relics and fortune-telling, there’s no doubt that a kind of magic is at work on his heart—just in time for Christmas. Christmas Present by Fayrene Preston True love remains elusive for Bria Delaney. But when she joins her parents at Killara for the holidays, she discovers the mirror that reveals more than her reflection. Appearing in the glass is a startlingly handsome man who just as mysteriously disappears—until she meets him in person that very night.
Christmas Future by Kay Hooper A vision in the Delaney mirror drove Brett Delaney to the other side of the world years before. Now his father’s death brings him part of his inheritance: the mirror—and the unbearable prophesy it offers sends him home to Killara this Christmas, determined to save the home he loves and the woman he’s always loved. Warning: there are some very explicit sex scenes in the books. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 862 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1886 pages.
3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Digital Fortress
by Dan Brown $2.99
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Modern Fiction, Science Fiction Though written in 1998 the subject of the book is out of today’s news: government surveillance of electronically stored information. on the private lives of citizens, and the possible civil liberties and ethical implications using such technology. However, specifically it concerns the invention of a non-breakable encryption scheme that cannot be broken even by a supercomputer. Unless the code can be broken U.S. national security will be in jeopardy. Susan Fletcher, NSAs head cryptographer is called to crack the code. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 778 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1631 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Chris Pavole $4.99
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Modern Fiction An American family is re-located to Luxembourg where Kate Moore takes the part of a housewife. We learn that she has had and continues to have a secret life. She also suspects that another American couple are not who they claim to be; could they be assassins? As Kate begins to dig, she finds herself buried in layers of deceit so thick they threaten her family, her marriage, and her life. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 741 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger
type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1602 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Stephen Baxter $1.99
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Science Fiction The book chronicles the final 42 years of dry land on earth. Cities, countries and continents are being inundated under a global flood. Four political hostages are freed in Barcelona in 2016, and their stories through the years show the attempts to save the planet even as rapidly rising ocean levels wipe out major cities. USAF Capt. Lily Brooke works with billionaire Nathan Lammockson to build a haven, while oceanographer Thandie Jones attempts to determine the causes of the flooding. This is a good description of the apocalypse by water and sets the stage for a sequel. (Which is ARK, a Baxer novel that begins in 2052.) This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe
Reader. The 18 point version contains 965 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2130 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Gate of Time
by Philip Jose Farmer $.99
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Science Fiction Another version of this story is known as Two Hawks From Earth. In World War II American Bomber Pilot Roger Two Hawks, has a mid air collision. He finds himself in an alternate reality that’s technology distinctly primitive (equivalent to the World War I era). T Siberian tribes that would have gone to America (only a chain of islands here), instead rolled west and vastly changed subsequent history. Hawks tries to get back home, but his skills in this slightly backward world are much in demand. This is action and adventure, with a hero making his way in an unfamiliar world. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the
capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 319 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 728 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Gentleman of the Road
by Michael Chabon $2.99
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Historical Fiction The novel originally appeared in fifteen installments in The New York Times Magazine in 2007. The original title was “Jews With Swords.” The setting is the Tenth Century and the two “heroes” are Jewish travelers somewhere in the neighborhood of the Caspian and Black Seas. This is an amusing adventure story by a master storyteller. The main characters are the giant Abyssian Amram and gawky Frank Zelikman who make money however they can They are taken on as bodyguards to a sullen young prince, Filaq. Unfortunately, the fortress they're heading for has been destroyed, and a gang of hired thugs kidnap Filaq. For no reason they can explain, Amram and Zelikman find themselves racing to rescue the kid, and beginning a quest full of checkered pasts, civil wars, ancient elephants... and the discovery that Filaq isn't quite who he seems to be. Tongue in cheek but very entertaining. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 223 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 514 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Marilynne Robinson $2.99
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Classic Fiction A Pulitzer winner has written another classic. Rev. John Ames gives a review of his life and that of his father and grandfather in a letter to his six-year-old son. Ames is 77 years old in 1956, in failing health, with a much younger wife and six-year-old son; as a preacher in the small Iowa town where he spent his entire life, he has produced volumes and volumes of sermons and prayers, "[t]rying to say what was true." Ames details the often harsh conditions of perishing Midwestern prairie towns, the Spanish influenza and two world wars. He relates the death of his first wife and child, and his long years alone attempting to live up to the legacy of his fiery grandfather, a Kansas abolitionist and his pacifist father. While doing the writing, he is forced to confront his personal resentment of a son of his best friend, named after him. He must comprehend and forgive himself in order to be reconciled with his namesake. There
is no simple redemption here; despite the meditations on faith, even readers with no religious inclinations will be captivated. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 436 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 971 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Gryphon: Selected Stories
by Charles Baxter $3.99
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Short Stories Called “a master of the form,” Baxter has crafted 23 short stories that appear in this volume. The title story is deservedly a classic, and other favorites, such as "Fenstad's Mother," have gathered resonance as well. In each, the acutely observed real world is rocked by the exotic or surreal. In "Poor Devil," the "devils" are a self-destructive couple headed for a divorce; in "Ghosts," a stranger enters a young woman's house and tells her they are soul mates. She accuses him of being a devil, but his intentions are much less sinister than she imagines. "Nightfall had always brought his devils out," the narrator says in "The Old Murderer," a touching story about an alcoholic and an ex-con, each trying to get through the day. In "Royal Blue," an undertow of mystery shadows a handsome young art dealer who understands that 9/11 has affected a fundamental change in his life. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 882 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2000 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling $1.99
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Fantasy, Young People This is the fourth novel in the seven-part series and marks Harry’s coming of age. Harry wants to get away from the Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup with Hermione, Ron, and the Weasleys. He wants to dream about Cho Chang, his crush (and maybe do more than dream). He wants to find out about the two other rival schools of magic, and a competition that hasn’t happened for a hundred years. He wants to be a normal, fourteen-year-old wizard. But Harry is not normal — even by wizarding standards. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1052 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2259 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Gone Girl
by Gillian Flynn $1.99
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Mystery, Best Seller On the day of their fifth wedding anniversary, Nick's wife Amy disappears. Nick quickly becomes the prime suspect. He hasn't been completely honest with the police and as the case drags on more and more vilifying evidence appears against him. He maintains his innocence. The story is told from alternating points of view between Nick and Amy, but it seems that the truth does not exist in the middle of Nick and Amy's points of view; in fact, the truth is far more dark, more twisted, and more creepy than you can imagine. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 771 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1767 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Gone With the Wind
by Margaret Mitchell $.99
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Historical Fiction, Classic Fiction Considered by many to be not only the greatest love story ever written, but also the greatest Civil War saga. The novel takes place in the antebellum South and during the Civil War. Scarlett O'Hara is the main character. She leads a pleasant life before the war, but as the novel and the war goes on her world is turned upside down, and all that she knows and takes for granted, disappears. She escapes Atlanta when the Yankees come, remarries twice, and returns home to find that everything has changed. Through all of this, Scarlett believes she loves Ashley Wilkes, a boy from her childhood, brought up to be the epitome of 'good breeding'. She also has to deal with Melanie Wilkes, Ashley's wife, because in her despair, Scarlett rashly agreed to marry Melanie's brother, Charles. However, Scarlett's third husband, Rhett Butler, is the one she actually loves, although she doesn't know it. Scarlett go of all her proper teachings to stay alive and
support her family and relatives. She ends up not caring what others think, and holds onto the mantra of "I'll think of it tomorrow". Eventually she finds that Rhett"doesn't give a damn" anymore, but Scarlett's strong personality keeps her from breaking, and the novels ends with her words, "tomorrow is another day." This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 2264 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 4888 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Go Tell it on the Mountain
by James Baldwin $.99
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Historical Fiction, Classic Fiction Published in 1953 when Baldwin was nearly 30, this is not a long book, and its action spans but a single day. Yet it has been proclaimed one of the most important books of the 20th century. It uses as a frame the spiritual and moral awakening of 14-year-old John Grimes during a Saturday night service in a Harlem storefront church. Baldwin describes the secrets of a tormented black family during the depression. John's parents, praying beside him, both wrestle with the ghosts of their sinful past. Baldwin lays down the terrible symmetries of these two blighted lives as the ironic context for John's dark night of the soul. When day dawns, John believes himself saved, but his creator makes it clear that this salvation arises as much from blindness as revelation: "He was filled with a joy, a joy unspeakable, whose roots, though he would not trace them on this new day of his life, were nourished by
the wellspring of a despair not yet discovered." Baldwin dramatizes the story of the great black migration from rural South to urban North. "Behind them was the darkness," Baldwin writes of Gabriel and Elizabeth's lost generation, "nothing but the darkness, and all around them destruction, and before them nothing but the fire--a bastard people, far from God, singing and crying in the wilderness!". This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 433 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 998 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on
your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J. K. Rowling $1.99
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Fantasy, Young People This is the sixth installment of the Harry Potter series. The war against Voldemort is not going well; even Muggle governments are noticing. Dumbledore is absent from Hogwarts for long stretches of time, and the Order of the Phoenix has already suffered losses. But life goes on. The Weasley twins expand their business. Teenagers flirt and fight and fall in love. Classes are never straightforward, though Harry receives some extraordinary help from the mysterious Half-Blood Prince. He will search for the full and complex story of the boy who became Lord Voldemort — and thereby find what may be his only vulnerability. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger
type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1151 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2605 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Heir to the Glimmering World
by Cynthia Ozick $1.99
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Modern Fiction In 1933, the Mitwissers, a family of German Jews, after fleeing Berlin, land somewhat haphazardly in New York. They place an ad for help in a local paper. Rose Meadows, who narrates the story, is hired and observes the family with the neutrality of an invisible servant. Her duties are vaguely defined—part nanny, part secretary—and her salary comes intermittently. Ozick portrays this household to dazzling effect, as it adjusts to its many states of exile—from a sense of security, from cherished ideas, and from the consolations of each other. Ozick paints a textured portrait of outsiders rendered powerless, retreating into tightly coiled existences of scholarly rapture, guarded brazenness and even calculated lunacy—all as a means of refuting the bleakness of a harsh, chaotic world. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that
can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 545 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1181 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Independence Day
by Richard Ford $2.99
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Modern Fiction This book won both the Pulitzer Prize and PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction in 1996. Independence Day follows Frank Bascombe, a New Jersey real estate agent, through the holiday weekend as he visits his ex-wife, his troubled son, his current lover, the tenants of one of his properties, and some clients of his who have been having trouble finding the perfect house. It focuses in particular on a car trip with his son to the Basketball and Baseball halls of fame. The whole story revolves around Frank's desire to find common ground with his son in hopes he can gain permanent custody of him while touring several sports halls of fame around the northeastern U.S. At the same time, he must face his ex-wife and her issues, deal with a frustrating couple seeking real estate in his home town in New Jersey, agonize over the end of his relationship with his girlfriend, tinker with his new start up hot dog stand
business and try to maintain a civil relationship with the deadbeat tenants of his low cost property. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 962 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2249 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Dan Brown $2.99
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Modern Fiction, Best Seller Robert Langdon of The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons, and The Lost Symbol, returns. In the heart of Italy, the Harvard professor of symbology is drawn into a harrowing world centered on one of history’s literary masterpieces - Dante’s Inferno. He battles a chilling adversary and grapples with an ingenious riddle that pulls him into a landscape of classic art, secret passageways, and futuristic science. Working from Dante’s poem, Langdon races to find answers and decide whom to trust . . . before the world is irrevocably altered by the invention of a mad scientist and Dante fanatic who has supposedly developed a new biological plague that will kill off a large portion of the world's population in order to quickly solve the problem of the world's impending overpopulation. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1077 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2307 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by William Kennedy $2.99
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Modern Fiction Ironweed received the 1984 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and is the third book in Kennedy's Albany Cycle. Ironweed takes place during the Great Depression and tells the story of Francis Phelan, an alcoholic vagrant originally from Albany, New York, who left his family after accidentally killing his infant son while he may have been drunk. The novel focuses on his return to Albany. The story is complicated by Phelan's hallucinations of the three people, other than his son, whom he killed in the past. The novel features characters that return in some of Kennedy's other books. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe
Reader. The 18 point version contains 363 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 809 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Peter Benchley $.99
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Modern Fiction, Best Seller The chief character in this novel is a rogue shark that terrorizes a beach community. The Chief human character police chief Martin Brody, is virtually the lone voice of reason in a town filled with people who want to downplay the shark’s presence so that tourists will not be scared away. When the body count starts to rise, it’s Brody who has to find a way to kill the beast, even if it means putting his own life on the line. The characters—Brody, oceanographer Matt Hooper, shark-hunter Quint—are not as likable as they are in the film adaptation. Those who are familiar with the movie, but not the book, are in for some surprises, and those who read the book way back when should definitely give it another look. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger
type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 550 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1184 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
John Adams
by David McCullough $3.99
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Biography A Pulitzer winning epic biography John Adams. He appears as the brilliant, fiercely independent, often irascible, always honest Yankee patriot who spared nothing in his zeal for the American Revolution; who rose to become the second president of the United States and saved the country from blundering into an unnecessary war; who was learned beyond all but a few and regarded by some as "out of his senses"; and whose marriage to the wise and valiant Abigail Adams is one of the moving love stories in American history. About politics and war and social issues, but also about human nature, love, religious faith, virtue, ambition, friendship, and betrayal, and the far-reaching consequences of noble ideas. An enthralling, often surprising story of one of the most important and fascinating Americans who ever lived. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1262 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2998 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Olive Kitteridge
by Elizabeth Strout $3.99
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Modern Fiction Olive Kitteride is a retired schoolteacher living in a small town in Maine. At times stern, at other times patient, at times perceptive, at other times in sad denial, Olive deplores the changes in her little town and in the world at large, but she doesn’t always recognize the changes in those around her: a former student who has lost the will to live; Olive’s own adult child, who feels tyrannized by her irrational sensitivities; and her husband, Henry, who finds his loyalty to his marriage both a blessing and a curse. As time goes on, Olive is brought to a deeper understanding of herself and her life – sometimes painfully, but always with ruthless honesty. This is just great writing and earned the 2009 Pulitzer Prize. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger
type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 537 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1205 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Known World
by Edward P. Jones $2.99
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Historical Fiction A winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Henry Townsend is a black farmer, bootmaker, and former slave; William Robbins, perhaps the most powerful man in antebellum Virginia's Manchester County becomes Henry’s tutor. Henry becomes proprietor of his own plantation -- as well as of his own slaves. When he dies, his widow, succumbs to profound grief, and things begin to fall apart at their plantation: slaves take to escaping under the cover of night, and families who had once found love beneath the weight of slavery begin to betray one another. Beyond the Townsend estate, the known world also unravels: low-paid white patrollers stand watch as slave "speculators" sell free black people into slavery, and rumors of slave rebellions set white families against slaves who have served them for years. The Known World weaves together the lives of freed and enslaved blacks, whites, and Indians. It gives a deeper
understanding of the enduring multidimensional world created by the institution of slavery. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 684 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1608 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Lace Makers of Glenmara
by Heather Barbieri $2.99
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Modern Fiction Heartbroken, Kate Robinson the struggling twentysix-year-old fashion designer escapes to Ireland, her ancestral homeland, hoping to reinvent herself. In the hamlet of Glenmara, she quickly develops a bond with members of the local lace-making society—and soon she and the lace makers are creating a line of exquisite lingerie, their skilled hands bringing flowers, Celtic dragons, nymphs, saints, kings, and queens to life with painterly skill. The group gives them more than money the strength to face their desires and fears. But not everyone in the village welcomes Kate, and a series of unexpected events threatens to unravel everything the women have worked so hard for. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger
type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 438 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 921 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Life of Pi
by Yann Martel $2.99
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Fantasy, Best Seller Pi Patel, the sixteen year old son of a zookeeper is on a cargo ship to North America when it sinks and he is the lone human on a lifeboat. He finds himself alone with a huge Bengal tiger, after the tiger dispatches some other animals. Pi’s coexist with the tiger for 200 days until they reach the coast of Mexico when the tiger escapes into the jungle. The authorities who interrogate Pi refuse to believe his story and press him to tell them "the truth." After hours of coercion, Pi tells a second story, a story much less fantastical, much more conventional--but is it more true? According to the author life can be summarized in three statements- "Life is a story... You can choose your story... A story with God is the better story." This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that
can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 781 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1212 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Light in the Ruins
by Chris Bohjalian $4.99
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Historical Fiction, Best Seller 1943: The Rosatis, an Italian family of noble lineage, believe that the walls of their ancient villa will keep them safe from the war raging across Europe. Eighteen-year-old Cristina whiles away her days swimming and playing with her young niece and nephew. But when two soldiers, a German and an Italian, arrive at the villa asking to see an ancient Etruscan burial site, the family’s tranquility is shattered. A young German lieutenant begins to court Cristina; the Nazis demand hospitality, and what was once their sanctuary becomes their prison. 1955: Serafina Bettini is an investigator with the Florence police department. A beautiful woman, Serafina carefully hides her scars along with her haunting memories of the war. When she is assigned to a gruesome new case—a serial killer targeting the Rosatis, she finds herself digging into a past that involves both the victims and her own tragic history.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 596 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1279 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Lonesome Dove
by Larry McMurtry $.99
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Historical Fiction, Best Seller This is the story of a cattle drive from Texas to Montana in late nineteenth century. It is a drive that represents for everybody involved not only a daring, even a foolhardy, adventure, but a part of the American Dream. The story is filled with interesting characters, but the two main ones are Augustus McCrae and W. F. Call, former Texas Rangers, who have shared hardship and danger together without ever quite understanding each other's deepest emotions. Both are very different, but both are tough, redoubtable fighters who have learned to count on each other, if nothing else. Lonesome Dove takes us from the Rio Grande to the Montana highlands where they find themselves besieged by the last, defiant remnants of an older West. A Pulitzer winner and the source for a film. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 2053 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 4576 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Manuscript Found in Accra
by Paulo Coelho $3.99
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Historical Fiction, Best Seller It is Jerusalem during the time of the Crusades. The mixed community of Christians, Arabs, and Jews have long lived together harmoniously, but are warned of an imminent attack and certain destruction. The community assembles to seek the counsel of a Greek Copt, who imparts comforting and guiding wisdom on the enduring attributes of human character. The book is a series of queries and answers. The Copt advises them to speak of their daily lives and search their hearts, minds, and souls for questions pertaining to universal truths and subjects including solitude, love, utility, luck, miracles, beauty, sex, anxiety, grace, and elegance. This is an “invisible sword” with which to fight intolerance and ignorance. The book reminds the reader of The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 168 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 316 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Me Before You
by Jojo Moyes $3.99
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Modern Fiction, Best Seller Louisa Clark is an ordinary English girl living an exceedingly ordinary life. She takes a badly needed job working for a very wealthy man -Will Traynor, who is wheelchair bound after an accident. Will has always lived a huge life—big deals, extreme sports, worldwide travel—and now he’s sure he cannot live the way he is. Lou refuses to treat him with kid gloves, and soon his happiness means more to her than she expected. When she learns that Will has plans to end his life, she sets out to show him that life is still worth living. The story tells of the last period of Will’s life when Lou is asked to help him die as he wished. She is conflicted by the desire to keep him alive and to help him in his wish to die. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 782 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1662 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Minding Frankie
by Maeve Binchy $2.99
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Modern Fiction, Best Seller Vintage Binchy. When a young alcoholic in Dublin learns he has fathered a child with a dying woman, he must step into the role of father, protector, and provider to his infant daughter, Frankie, in a matter of weeks. He is helped by a cast of colorfully eccentric characters. Determined to succeed, though totally unprepared for his new responsibilities, Noel gets an essential assist from his visiting American cousin. Exercising her tremendous gifts of organization and insight. As everybody begins to mind Frankie, a suspicious social worker pokes her nose in where it doesn’t belong, attempting to dredge up any dirt she can on Noel and his slightly unorthodox network of babysitters. One reviewer said “Readers will need a box of tissues handy as the good-hearted residents of St. Jarlath’s Crescent prove that it does indeed take a village to raise a child.” This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 781 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1595 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
And the Mountains Echoed
by Khaled Hosseini $3.99
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Modern Fiction, Best Seller Abdullah and Pari are young brother and sister in Afghanistan and very close to each other. But Pari is sold by her father to a wealth family when he is desperate to provide for his growing family . The separation of the brother and sister, provides the catalyst for the author to share several stories that explore the bonds of family and love, and the devastation of separation and loss. Abdullah never gives up the dream of being reunited with Pari. But his sister is taken to France when her adoptive dies. The book traces the fates of brother and sister and those connected to them. It is a story that tell of humanity at its best and worst. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger
type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 781 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1595 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Murder Below Montparnasse
by Cara Black $3.99
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Mystery, Best Seller This is Aimée Leduc’s Thirteenth adventure. She’s hired by a mysterious Russian to protect a painting in Paris. By the time she gets to his Montparnasse atelier, the painting has already been stolen. The next day, the Russian is found tortured to death and it looks as if Aimée isn’t the only one looking for the painting. Some very dangerous people are threatening her and her coworkers, and witnesses are dropping like flies. Aimée has to find the painting, stop her attackers, and figure out what her long-missing mother, who is on Interpol’s most wanted list, has to do with all this—fingers crossed she wasn’t the Russian’s murderer, despite clues pointing in that direction. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe
Reader. The 18 point version contains 637 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1361 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Never Go Back
by Lee Child $3.99
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Mystery, Best Seller A Jack Reacher novel. Reacher travels from South Dakota to northeastern Virginia, near Washington, D.C.: the headquarters of his old unit, the 110th MP. It’s the closest thing to a home he ever had. Reacher is there to the new commanding officer, Major Susan Turner. But Turner isn’t there and Reacher has two pieces of shocking news, one with serious criminal consequences, and one too personal to even think about. Reacher fights to find Turner and clear his name, barely a step ahead of the army, and the FBI, and the D.C. Metro police, and four unidentified thugs. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that
can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 817 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1688 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix by J. K. Rowling $1.99
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Fantasy, Best Seller Harry has just returned to Hogwarts for his fifth year after a lonely summer. Dumbledore is uncommunicative and most of the students seem to think Harry is either conceited or crazy for insisting that Voldemort is back and as evil as ever. Angry and scared, Harry lashes out at friends and enemies alike. Additionally, a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and High Inquisitor of the school is appointed. Harry is certain that Voldemort is becoming more powerful. The adults all seem evil, misguided, or simply powerless, so the students must take matters into their own hands. Harry's confusion about his godfather and father, and his apparent rejection by Dumbledore make him question his own motives and the condition of his soul. The power of this book comes from the young magician's struggles with his emotions and identity. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1679 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 3700 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling $1.99
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Phantasy, Young People This is the third book in the series. Harry is fourteen. He’s forced to spend his summers with an aunt, uncle, and cousin who detest him. After an accident caused by his witchcraft, Harry lunges out into the darkness with his heavy trunk and his owl Hedwig. He is mysteriously rescued from his Muggle neighborhood, not punished and whisked off in a triple-decker, to spend the remaining weeks of summer in a friendly inn called the Leaky Cauldron. It seems that Sirius Black - an escaped convict from the prison of Azkaban - is on the loose. Not only that, but he's after Harry. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe
Reader. The 18 point version contains 739 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1609 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Rabbit at Rest
by John Updike $1.99
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Modern Fiction, Best Seller This is the fourth and final novel by John Updike in a series beginning with Rabbit, Run. It won a Pulitzer. We follow the exploits of Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom from 1960–1990. This book focuses on the years 1988-1989. It finds Harry nearly forty years after his glory days as a high school basketball star. Harry and his wife of 33 years, Janice, have retired to Florida during the cold months, where Harry is depressed, bored, and dangerously overweight. Harry has a heart attack while with his nine-year-old granddaughter, Judy; he saves her from drowning during this incident. He is distracted from his health worries by the acts of his drug-addicted son, Nelson, to whom Janice has very unwisely given control of the family business which is finally lost. He manages to take some comfort in Judy, who has turned out to be beautiful and attractive.,
While recuperating from heart surgery, Harry recognizes one of the nurses, as the young woman he believes is his illegitimate daughter by his old girlfriend Ruth. Around this time, his long-term mistress dies of lupus. The family learns that Harry has had a one-night stand with his son’s wife. All of this lead Harry to escape to Florida where he has another heart attack shortly after winning a one-on-one basketball game with a local youth, introducing the opening of Rabbit, Run in which Harry impulsively joins a group of teenagers playing basketball). Harry’s wife and son get to his bedside while Harry is still alive; his wife forgives him, and he reconciles with his son. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 956 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger
type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2202 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Rabbit is Rich
by John Updike $1.99 Buy Now
Modern Fiction, Best Seller Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom’s middle age. Another multiaward winner. Harry now is running the auto agency and loves his wife. She is now acting the part of the happy suburban wife. Harry plays with gold and wars with his less than ideal son who is now torn between two women, impregnating and marrying one while too young to handle the responsibility, and taking off. Harry meets a girl who he thinks may be the daughter of his lover from Rabbit Run and wants to confront her. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 876 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2028 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Rabbit Run
by John Updike $1.99 Buy Now
Modern Fiction, Best Seller This is the first of the “Rabbit” books and established Updike as a star. Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom was a star high school basketball player only a handful of years ago, but now he is a young married father, trapped in the suburban 60's, unhappy with his job, a cluttered house, a drunken, pregnant wife, and a son who will never be the athlete he was. Whenever things don’t go his way he runs away. At one point he leaves his house and meets his high school coach, a man tired of life, who introduces Harry to a part-time prostitute. Rabbit moves in with her that very night and they begin a relationship they flaunt and thus humiliate his very pregnant wife and both sets of parents. But Harry is seeking the kind of life he thinks he deserves. Eventually Harry returns to his wife on the night she goes into labor. Their reunion is bittersweet and because in
large part of Rabbit's inability to see beyond his own needs, their reunion burst apart in a senseless tragedy that is horrific. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 670 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1257 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Racketeer
by John Grisham $.99
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Mystery, Best Seller Malcolm Bannister, a former attorney, is going to game his way out of a 10-year term at a federal prison camp. He’s been wrongly convicted. A federal judge and his mistress have been found murdered in an isolated mountain cabin near a monster-sized safe that's now empty. Though investigators have no idea who committed the crime, Bannister does. He’ll tell them if he’s freed. And Bannister is not a patsy. The story displays his tactical skills and strategic thinking as the FBI consider his proposed deal. The story involves drugs, bribery, sex, corruption and corporate greed. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the
capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 606 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1346 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Red Herring Without Mustard
by Alan Bradley $2.99 Buy Now
Young People This is the third adventure of Flavia de Luce. She lives is a British hamlet and is a most unusual eleven year old girl. Her interests are centered around chemistry, riding her bicycle and escaping the evil clutches of her two older sisters. In this third action adventure Flavia wants to have her fortune told at the village fête and ends up burning down the tent of the gypsy fortune teller. Flavia does her best to make amends by seeing that Fenella Faa has a safe place to park her caravan while she recovers from the effects of the smoke she inhaled - her family's estate. Events begin to spiral into more and more unusual situations as Flavia begins to uncover facts of an ancient religious group, a kidnaped infant, valuable antiques disappearing and then reappearing, and a vicious attack, then a murder. All the while the police are pursuing their inquiries and Flavia is pursuing her own investigation.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 655 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1404 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Satan in Goray
by Isaac B. Singer $.99
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Historical Fiction, Philosophy/Religion The setting is a remote town somewhere in Poland some years after the last massacres of Jews in the 1640's. A feeble-minded young woman by the name of Rechelle, personifies the forces of evil (messianism) taking root amongst the population and leading to the downfall of its members, bringing total chaos. There is an epic struggle between the forces of evil and good, of reason and emotion, of traditional conservative Judaism and messianism. The Jews of Poland believe that, as Christian would say, the End Times are here, and expect the messiah to arrive. Shabbati Shevi appears on the scene, claiming to be the messiah. Many Jews fall under his sway, but the Rabbi of Goray resists and this further wracks the town. Rechelle becomes the center of attraction because she is unmarried. When a holy man arrives in Goray, he marries the unfortuate Rechele, who proceeds to be possessed by Satan.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 241 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 553 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Sharp Objects
by Gillian Flynn $1.99 Buy Now
Mystery Camille Preaker, is a reporter for a second-rate Chicago newspaper. She appears to have carved out a workable life for herself despite a painful past and an estranged family. Shortly after a short stay in a psych hospital her editor send her to her hometown in Missouri to cover a case of 2 missing persons. Camille examines crime scenes, interviews the friends and family of the victims, and probes reticent investigators for information. The gradual unfolding of Camille's alarming past will keep readers riveted until the very last page. The question is, can Camille get to the bottom of the story before her demons get the best of her? A first novel, but very skillfully done. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the
capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 492 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1079 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Silver Linings Playbook
by Matthew Quick $1.99 Buy Now
Modern Fiction Pat Peoples is a college instructor who comes out of what he thinks is four months in a mental institution and tries to reconcile with his family, past friends, and possibly even with his ex-wife, who has actually become something of an obsession for him. His way of dealing with his life is to forever workout, to try to maintain a positive attitude and most important, to look for the silver lining. Pat tries to make peace with all those around him, goes to sessions with a therapist and make himself worthy to be reunited with his beloved ex-wife. Then he is introduced to a beautiful but equally messed up widow named Tiffany. Pat's life takes a sudden and dramatic turn that leads to discoveries of promise, betrayal, sorrow, despair, possible set-back and finally, hope and love.
The story is set against the backdrop of a typical Philadelphia Eagles football season. One reviewer called it ,
“. . . probably the most entertaining and satisfying love story you could ever find.” This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 449 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 877 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. K. Rowling $1.99 Buy Now Fantasy, Young People This is the book that started it all and lays the foundation for the immensely successful series. Ten year old Harry Potter has been living with relatives who treat him very badly. They took him in when his parents were murdered by the evil Voldemort. But in the world of wizards, small, skinny Harry is famous as a survivor of the wizard who tried to kill him. Harry is delivered from his wretched life by the invitation to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Soon enough he is at Hogwarts with his owl Hedwig... and that's where the real adventure - humorous, haunting, and suspenseful - begins. There’s no need to tell how famous and widely read this series became. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 514 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1083 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Spinoza of Market Street
by Isaac B. Singer $.99
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Historical Fiction, Philosophy/Religion Eleven short stories by the master of Yiddish story telling. Included in this volume are: The Spinoza of Market Street; The Black Wedding; A Tale of Two Liars; The Shadow of a Crib; Shiddah and Kuziba; Caricature; The Beggar Said So; The Man Who Came Back; A Piece of Advice; In the Poorhouse; The Destruction of Kreshev. Most of these stories are set in the Poland of centuries past, when large Jewish communities lived in the towns near the border with Russia and in a sense lived by themselves apart from the rest of the (Christian) world. Singer recreates this world and makes it live again. But it’s not nostalgia: these stories involve love, treason, lies, evil, philosophy, lust, sex and much more. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the
capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 310 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 708 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Steve Jobs
by Walter Isaacson $4.99 Buy Now
Non Fiction, Best Seller He was a counterculture rebel who became a billionaire. The author was granted a great deal of access to Jobs and a great deal of information is contained in this book. The book covers an immense number of different "phases" of Job’s life from his adoption story to the start of Apple Computer, to NeXt, Pixar, love life, development of his iconic products, to the time before his death. It is ruthlessly objective with descriptions of Jobs's conduct with strangers, his management team, other CEO's, etc. It is very clear Jobs often had a lack of sensitivity towards others. The book also provides a historical perspective of his time. Much is written about the history of Silicon Valley, other famous CEOs, musicians, artists, politicians. Included are stories about , John Sculley, President Clinton, Obama, Bill Gates, Jeffrey Katzenberg (Disney), Michael Eisner (Disney), Bob Iger (Disney), Bono, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan,
Yoko Ono, Steve Wozniak, Larry Ellison (Oracle), Eric Schmidt (Google), Larry Page (Google), etc. Of course, much of the book describes his business career and various decisions he made. But there is also very revealing information about his personal life. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1080 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2509 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Stone Diaries
by Carol Shields $1.99 Buy Now
Modern Fiction Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Governor-General’s Award, this book reflects and illuminates the unsettled decades of our century. This is the fictional story of Daisy Goodwill, from her birth on a kitchen floor in Manitoba, Canada, to her death in a Florida nursing home nearly ninety years later. Through Daisy’s life, the author reflects and illuminates the unsettled decades of our century in this rich and poignant novel. The book is in the form of a autobiography of Daisy Goodwill Flett, a seemingly ordinary woman whose life is marked by death and loss from the beginning, when her mother dies during childbirth. Through marriage and motherhood, Daisy struggles to find contentment, never truly understanding her life's true purpose.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 552 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1244 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Tenth of December
by George Saunders $4.99
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Short Stories A Best Seller and for good reason. Totally original stories: a combat-injured veteran tries to reconcile his experience with the world to which he returns; a boy witnesses the attempted abduction of a neighbor; a cancer patient who plans suicide meets a young boy who makes him recall who he is. These stories and more. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 382 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 812 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Testament of Mary
by Colm Toiben $2.99
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Historical Fiction, Philosophy/Religion An untraditional version of the suffering of the mother of a boy named Jesus. This is the story told by a lonely older woman still seeking to understand the events that become the narrative of the New Testament and the foundation of Christianity. Mary lives alone, years after her son's crucifixion. She has no interest in collaborating with the authors of the Gospel—her keepers, who provide her with food and shelter and visit her regularly. She does not agree that her son is the Son of God; nor that his death was “worth it;” nor that the “group of misfits he gathered around him, men who could not look a woman in the eye,” were holy disciples. Mary judges herself ruthlessly (she did not stay at the foot of the Cross until her son died—she fled, to save herself), and is equally harsh on her judgment of others. This woman who we know from centuries of paintings and scripture as the docile, loving, silent,
long-suffering, obedient, worshipful mother of Christ becomes, a tragic heroine with the relentless eloquence of Electra or Medea or Antigone. This tour de force of imagination and language is a portrait so vivid and convincing that our image of Mary will be forever transformed. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 117 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 273 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
A Thousand Acres
by Jane Smiley $2.99
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Modern Fiction When an aging Iowa farmer decides to turn over his thriving farm to his three daughters, he sets off a series of tragic events that will eventually rip apart his family.
youngest daughter objects and is cut out of his will. What follows are events that brings dark truths to light and explodes long-suppressed emotions. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 777 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1597 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Time Keeper
by Mitch Albom $3.99
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Fantasy The inventor of the world's first clock is punished for trying to measure God's greatest gift. He is banished to a cave for centuries and forced to listen to the voices of all who come after him seeking more days, more years. Eventually, Father Time is granted his freedom, along with a magical hourglass and a mission: a chance to redeem himself by teaching two earthly people the true meaning of time. He returns to our world - now dominated by hour-counting - and begins a journey with two unlikely partners: a teenage girl about to give up on life, and a wealthy old businessman who wants to live forever. To save himself, he must save them both. And stop the world to do so. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 337 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 597 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Madam Tussard
by Michelle Moran $1.99
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Biography, Historical Fiction One reviewer said: “Michelle Moran has written a deft mix of historical accuracy and engaging fiction.” It is more historical than fiction. The year is 1788, and the French Revolution is about to begin…Marie Tussaud has learned the secrets of wax sculpting by working alongside her uncle in their celebrated wax museum. Marie's museum provides Parisians with the very latest news on fashion, gossip, even politics. Her customers hail from every walk of life, and when word arrives that the royals themselves are coming to see their likenesses, Marie never dreams that the king's sister will request her presence at Versailles as a royal tutor in wax sculpting. As Marie becomes acquainted with her pupil, Princess Élisabeth, she is taken to meet both Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI, who introduce her to the glamorous life at court. From lavish parties with more delicacies than she's ever seen, Marie steps into a world entirely different from her own where people are
selling their teeth to put food on the table. Meanwhile, many resent the vast separation between rich and poor. In salons and cafes across Paris, people like Camille Desmoulins, Jean-Paul Marat, and Maximilien Robespierre are lashing out against the monarchy. There's whispered talk of revolution. Will Marie be able to hold on to both the love of her life and her friendship with the royal family as France approaches civil war? Spanning five years from the budding revolution to the Reign of Terror, Madame Tussaud brings us into the world of an incredible heroine whose talent for wax modeling saved her life and preserved the faces of a vanished kingdom. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 864 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1827 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME A Week in Winter
by Maeve Binchy $3.99
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Modern Fiction, Humor Stoneybridge is a small town on the west coast of Ireland. When Chicky Starr decides to take an old, decaying mansion and turn it into a restful place for a holiday, everyone thinks she is crazy. The story takes place around an unlikely cast of characters: Rigger, a bad boy turned good who is handy around the house and Orla, her niece, a whiz at business. When Chicky welcomes her guests they are: John, the American movie star, who thinks he has arrived incognito; Winnie and Lillian who are forced into taking a holiday together; Nicola and Henry, husband and wife, who have been shaken by seeing too much death practicing medicine; Anders who hates his father’s business, but has a real talent for music; Miss Nell Howe, a retired schoolteacher who criticizes everything and leaves a day early; the Walls who are disappointed to have won this second-prize holiday in a contest where first prize was Paris; and Freda, the librarian, who is afraid of her own
psychic visions. This is Binchy’s last book, published posthumously, and one very, very, enjoyable story. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 643 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the
capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1414 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Wild Swans
by Jung Chan $3.99
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Biography, Non Fiction A bestselling classic in thirty languages. It is the story of three generations in twentieth-century China, written by a granddaughter daughter. It is an engrossing record of Mao's impact on China, an unusual window on the female experience in the modern world, and an inspiring tale of courage and love. Jung Chang describes the life of her grandmother, a warlord's concubine; her mother's struggles as a young idealistic Communist; and her parents' experience as members of the Communist elite and their ordeal during the Cultural Revolution. Chang was a Red Guard briefly at the age of fourteen, then worked as a peasant, a "barefoot doctor," a steelworker, and an electrician. This is history from 1911 to 1976, but it is not a textbook. You will never feel as though you just entered a lecture hall and are sitting through a journalistic or pedantic analysis of these turbulent times. The book takes us from
the end of Imperial China, through Japanese occupation, the Nationalist movement, the Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communists, Communist takeover, Mao's Great Leap Forward starving tens of millions to death, the Cultural Revolution turning a national identity upon it's head and breaking it's collective spirit in the process, to Mao Zedong's death, you will be amazed at what you learn in this book about the capacity of the heart to perservere and triumph. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger
type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1053 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2470 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The World According to Garp
by John Irving
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Classic Fiction, Millions have already read this modern classic. The story is about the life of T. S. Garp who was born as the result of artificial insemination organized by his mother. She raises young Garp alone, taking a position at the all-boys school Steering School in New England. Garp grows up, becoming interested in sex, wrestling, and writing fiction—three topics in which his mother has little interest. After his graduation in 1961, his mother takes him to Vienna where he writes his first novella. At the same time, his mother begins writing her autobiography, A Sexual Suspect. After they return to the school Garp marries Helen, the wrestling coach's daughter and founds his family, he a struggling writer, she a teacher of English. The publication of her autobiography makes his mother famous. She becomes a feminist icon. Feminists view her book as a manifesto of a woman who does not care to bind herself to a man, and who chooses to raise a child on her
own. Garp becomes a devoted parent, wrestling with anxiety for the safety of his children and a desire to keep them safe from the dangers of the world. He and his family inevitably experience dark and violent events through which the characters change and grow. Garp learns, often painfully, from the women in his life who are struggling to become more tolerant in the face of intolerance. The story is decidedly rich with (in the words of Garp's teacher) "lunacy and sorrow," and the sometimes ridiculous chains of events the characters experience still resonate with painful truth. The novel contains several sub-stories: Garp's first novella; a short story; and the first chapter of his novel, The World According to Bensenhaver. The book also contains some motifs that appear in almost all John Irving novels: bears, wrestling, Vienna, New England, people who are uninterested in having sex, and a complex Dickensian plot that spans the protagonist's whole life. Adultery also plays a large part, culminating in one of the novel's most harrowing and memorable scenes. This is an extra large print publication specifically
formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 971 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2192 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
HOME The Signature of All Things
by Elizabeth Gilbert $.99
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Modern Fiction, The heroine of the story, Alma Whittaker, is the daughter of a man who mad a fortune importing plants. She lives in the mid 1800s confined for most of her life to her family estate in Philadelphia. She yearns for a life of greater passion and liberty and channels her desires into botany, thrilling to the miniature universe of moss in the forests. When she finally turns herself loose on the world, it’s to claim her place in a lineage of explorers. Eventually -- after trials and explorations that take her to the far side of the world -- she even anticipates one of the greatest scientific theories of the age, though the triumph remains almost entirely personal. She is also not lucky in love -- she fancies her research partner, but he ends up married to her bimbo best friend. She but this is a sexless marriage. Eventually Alma finds her way to Amsterdam and becomes master of mosses at the Botanical Garden. Two men then
enter her life -Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. Upon striking up a friendship with Wallace, Alma looks back on her life. "Darwin would belong to history, yes, but Alma had Wallace.... Then, Wallace too, would be gone. But for now, at least he was aware of her. She was known." In the end, Alma finds happiness doing what she has always loved -- not with a romantic partner -- but as part of a far-flung community of intellectual equals. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe
Reader. The 18 point version contains 1058 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2440 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Empire Falls
by Richard Russo $2.99
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Modern Fiction, A Pulitzer Prize winning novel. Miles, the central character runs the Empire Grill in economically depressed Empire Falls, Maine. He hopes his loyalty to its wealthy owner will make the Grill his one day. He hopes his patience with his daughter will be rewarded, that his soon-to-be-ex wife Janine will find what was lacking in him in her fiancé. He hopes his youthful failure to escape the town will have some redemption. But Miles sees himself as destined to remain a loser who gives and never gets. In Empire Falls, relationships between husbands and wives and between parents and children are never simple. Russo's characters suffer in ways that are passionately ordinary - that is, until everything funnels into one explosive, extraordinary moment. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing
publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 970 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2270 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
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And the Mountains Echoed - Khaled Hosseini Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki - Haruki Murakami Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn Gone With the Wind - Margaret Mitchell Inferno - Dan Brown Jaws - Peter Benchley Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson Life of Pi - Yann Martel The Light in the Ruins - Chris Bohjalian Lonesome Dove - Larry McMurtry Manuscript Found in Accra - Paulo Coelho Me Before You - Jojo Moyes Minding Frankie - Maeve Binchy
Murder Below Montparnasse - Cara Black Never Go back - Lee Child Personal - Lee Child Rabbit at Rest - John Updike Rabbit is Rich - John Updike Rabbit Run - John Updike The Racketeer - John Grisham Winter of the World - Ken Follett World Without End - Ken Follett
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Gilead - Marilynne Robinson Gone With the Wind - Margaret Mitchell Go Tell it on the Mountain - James Baldwin
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Dead Ever After - Charlaine Harris Deadlocked - Charlaine Harris Harry Potter, Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling Harry Potter, Deathly Hallows - J.K. Rowling Harry Potter - Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling Harry Potter, Half Blood Prince - J. K. Rowling Harry Potter, Order of Phoenix - J.K. Rowling Harry Potter, Prisoner of Azkaban - J.K. Rowling Harry Potter, Sorcerer’s Stone - J.K. Rowling The Time Keeper - Mitch Albom Return to Subject/Type Menu
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Canterbury Tales Retold - Peter Ackroyd Gentlemen of the Road - Michael Chabon Go Tell it on the Mountain - James Baldwin Gone With the Wind - Margaret Mitchell The Known World - Edward Jones The Light in the Ruins - Chris Bohjalian Lonesome Dove - Larry McMurtry Madam Tussaud - Michelle Moran Manuscript Found in Accra - Paulo Coelho Satan in Goray - Isaac B. Singer
The Spinoza of Market Street - Isaac B. Singer The Testament of Mary - Colm Toiben Winter of the World - Ken Follett World Without End - Ken Follett
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A Week in Winter - Maeve Binchy
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The Alteration - Kingsley Amis The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath Beautiful Ruins - Jess Walter Breathing Lessons - Anne Tyler The Burgess Boys - Elizabeth Strout Canterbury Tales Retold - Peter Ackroyd The Casual Vacancy - J. K. Rowling Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki - Haruki Murakami A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole The Delaney Christmas Carol - Iris Johansen
Digital Fortress - Dan Brown Empire Falls - Richard Russo Expats - Chris Pavone Heir to the Glimmering World - Cynthia Ozick Independence Day - Richard Ford Inferno - Dan Brown Ironweed - William Kennedy Jaws - Peter Benchley The Lace Makers of Glenmara - Heather Barbieri Me Before You - Jojo Moyes Minding Frankie - Maeve Binchy And the Mountains Echoed - Khaled Hosseini Olive Kitteridge - Elizabeth Strout
The Signature of All Things - Elizabeth Gilbert The Silver Linings Playbook - Matthew Quick The Stone Diaries - Carol Shields A Thousand Acres - Jane Smiley A Week in Winter - Maeve Binchey
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Never Go Back - Lee Child Personal - Lee Child Sad Cypress - Agatha Christie The Secret Place - Tana French Sharp Objects - Gillian Flynn Spider Bones - Kathy Reichs Taken at the Flood - Agatha Christie Two Graves - Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child
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John Adams - David McCullough Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson Wild Swans - Jung Chang
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Satan in Goray - Isaac B. Singer The Spinoza of Market Street - Isaac B. Singer The Testament of Mary - Colm Toiben
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by Kathy Reichs $2.99
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Mystery Somehow Temperance Brennan is badly injured and tied securely in what appears to be an underground tomb. As she regains her senses, flashbacks begin to appear in her mind. She had arrived in Chicago where she is being accused of erring in her autopsy of Canadian heiress Rose Jurmain. Meanwhile back in her Montreal lab, Brennan links Jurmain's death to the brutal murders of other elderly women by a particularly nasty serial killer. As she explores her premise further, she is just beginning to understand she is trapped in a deadly cat and mouse game. Though wounded she goes after her predator. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing
publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 719 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1451 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
John Adams
by David McCullough $3.99
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Biography A Pulitzer winning epic biography John Adams. He appears as the brilliant, fiercely independent, often irascible, always honest Yankee patriot who spared nothing in his zeal for the American Revolution; who rose to become the second president of the United States and saved the country from blundering into an unnecessary war; who was learned beyond all but a few and regarded by some as "out of his senses"; and whose marriage to the wise and valiant Abigail Adams is one of the moving love stories in American history. About politics and war and social issues, but also about human nature, love, religious faith, virtue, ambition, friendship, and betrayal, and the far-reaching consequences of noble ideas. An enthralling, often surprising story of one of the most important and fascinating Americans who ever lived. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for
any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1262 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2998 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME After the Funeral
by Agatha Christie $.99
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Mystery A somewhat different Hercule Poirot novel. The story begins after the funeral of a wealthy man. After the funeral his sister blurts out that he must have been murdered though he was known to be terminally ill and no foul play was suspected. When she is brutally murdered the very next day, Poirot is called in. The suspects are scattered about England and a number of the interrogations are conducted by other people and reported back to Poirot. In the end Poirot gathers all the interested parties together and reveals the solution. A somewhat different Hercule Poirot novel. The story begins after the funeral of a wealthy man. After the funeral his sister blurts out that he must have been murdered though he was known to be terminally ill and no foul play was suspected. When she is brutally murdered the very next day, Poirot is called in. The suspects are scattered about England and a number of the interrogations are conducted by other people and reported back to Poirot. In the end Poirot gathers all the interested parties together
and reveals the solution. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 482 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1038 pages.
3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Alteration
by Kingsley Amis $3.99 Buy Now
Modern Fiction
Science Fiction
It’s the present day and everyone (almost) is Catholic. Amis wonders what Europe would be like if the Reformation never occurred. In this world Hubert Anvil is a brilliant 10-year-old boy soprano. The Pope proposes that he be “altered” to preserve his voice. Hubert has some doubts. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 409 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 923 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Stephen Baxter $1.99
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Science Fiction It’s 2052 and the planet is inundated. In American a plan is formulated to sacrifice billions and save hundreds by sending them into space to find a new (dry) habitation. Hundreds will live, six billion will die. This is the story of the fight to survive and complete the project. And it is the story of three women who competed to be part of the mission. And what happens after the space ship is launched. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 953 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2111 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Beautiful Ruins
by Jess Walter $1.99
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Modern Fiction In 1962 in Italy, a young innkeeper, meets an American film starlet and she is dying. The story begins again when an elderly Italian man shows up on a movie studio's back lot-searching for the mysterious woman he last saw at his hotel decades earlier. The novel spans fifty years and many lives. There are a dozen unforgettable characters: the starstruck Italian innkeeper and his long-lost love; the heroically preserved producer who once brought them together and his idealistic young assistant; the army veteran turned fledgling novelist and the rakish Richard Burton himself, whose appetites set the whole story in motion-along with the husbands and wives, lovers and dreamers, superstars and losers, who populate their world in the decades that follow. The people are flawed but fascinating as they try to preserve their dreams.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 628 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1425 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used
on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Bell Jar
by Sylvia Plath $.99
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Modern Fiction The Bell Jar is Sylvia Plath's only novel, originally published under the pseudonym "Victoria Lucas" in 1963. The novel is semi-autobiographical with the names of places and people changed. Plath committed suicide a month after its first UK publication. The novel was published under Plath's name for the first time in 1967 and was not published in the United States until 1971, pursuant to the wishes of Plath's mother and her husband Ted Hughes. The main character is Esther Greenwood, a young woman from the Boston suburbs, who has a summer internship at a prominent magazine in New York City. Her experiences in the city and at the magazine frighten and disorient her. She has a benefactress in Philomena Guinea, a formerly successful fiction writer who will, later during Esther's hospitalization, pay for some of her treatments. Esther describes in detail several seriocomic incidents
during her internship and reminisces about her friend Buddy, whom she has dated more or less seriously and who considers himself her de facto fiancé. When she returns to her home she is in low spirits and despondent. Life is not going as she had imagined. Esther's mental state worsens. She describes her depression as a feeling of being trapped under a bell jar, struggling for breath. She makes several half-hearted attempts at suicide. She survives and is sent to several mental hospitals. She tells her therapist how she envies the freedom that men have, but as a woman, worries about getting pregnant. When she is given a diaphragm she feels free from her fears about the consequences of sex. The novel ends with her entering the room for her interview which will decide whether she can leave the hospital. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a
Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 437 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 929 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Born With the Dead
by Robert Silverberg $.99
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Science Fiction Three novellas by Silverberg in mid-career. Two of the stories concern how mankind deals with the subject of death, while the third has man's relation to religion and God as its central theme. The title story takes place in a futuristic world when the process of reanimating the recently deceased has been perfected. These "Deads" live separately in their own communes (Cold Towns), apart from the "Warms," and have their own customs and society. The main character is now stalking his reanimated wife with the hope of a reunion. This story won a Nebula Award. In the second story God has chosen to reveal himself, effects a miracle, but this only leads to human misery as the organized religions become suspicious of God's motives. The third story takes place in 2095 when medicine has
extended life to age 150 and beyond. But it is a civic duty to “Go” at the proper time to make way for newborns. The main character goes through the preparation for “Going.” This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 135 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger
type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 305 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Breathing Lessons
by Anne Tyler $3.99
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Modern Fiction Maggie and Ira Moran have been married for twenty-eight years and we see that in their quarrels, in their routines, in their ability to tolerate with affection each other’s eccentricities. Maggie, a kooky, lovable meddler and an irrepressible optimist, wants nothing more than to fix her son’s broken marriage. Ira is infuriatingly practical. The entire story takes place trip during a day trip from Baltimore to Deer Lick, Pa., and back. It includes a stop to attend a friend's funeral, another stop to visit an estranged daughter-in-law and several amusing detours. The trip becomes a metaphor both for their 28-year marital odyssey, and for the halting, circuitous journey all of us make through life - away from and back to our family roots, out of innocence into sorrow, wisdom and loss. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing
publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 606 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1336 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Burgess Boys
by Elizabeth Strout $4.99
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Modern Fiction Brothers Jim and Bob Burgess, and sister Susan, are mired in a childhood trauma: as a child, Bob unwittingly killed their father. Both have left their childhood home in Maine and are attorneys in New York City. Jim is a famous big shot with a corporate firm, Bob is with Legal Aid. Susan calls them home for their help: her son stands accused of a possible hate crime against the small town’s improbable Somali population. The siblings’ varying responses to the crisis illuminate their sheer differences while also recalling their shared upbringing, forcing them finally to deal with their generally unmentioned, murky family history. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a
Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 569 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1236 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
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Modern Fiction, Historical Fiction Novelist, historian, and biographer Peter Ackroyd makes available to the modern reader a great poem that was difficult for the modern reader. He has transformed the Old English language into a text one can enjoy without resort to a dictionary. This is a group of tales, often bawdy, that is still faithful to Chaucer’s original. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 708 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1665 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Agatha Christie $.99
Mystery Christie at her best: Poirot attends a dinner party with four detectives and four people suspected of getting away with murder. After dinner the detectives and the suspects are separated. All are playing bridge. At the end of the evening the host is discovered fatally stabbed. Poirot handles, and solves, the case by concentrating on the game itself, the hands that were dealt, and the method of scoring. The story will particularly interest bridge fans. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 402 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 825 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Casual Vacancy
by J. K. Rowling $2.99
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Modern Fiction The is J. K. Rowling’s first novel since the Harry Potter series and her first novel for adult readers. The death of a Councilman in a suburban English town creates a vacancy on the Council. Factions develop to fill the vacancy. The candidates find their darkest secrets revealed ruining their campaign and leaving the election in turmoil. Major themes in the novel are class, politics and social issues like that of drugs, prostitution and rape. The book rapidly became a runaway best-seller and will be filmed. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a
Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1090 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2278 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Haruki Murakami
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Modern Fiction, Best Seller Tsukuru, a train station engineer, reexamines his past after a girlfriend suggests he reconnect with a group of four friends from high school. The group suddenly alienated Tsukuru under mysterious circumstances when he was in college. For months after the break, not knowing what had gone wrong, he became obsessed with death and slowly lost his sense of self. Now, feeling his life will only progress if he can tie up those emotional loose ends, Tsukuru journeys through Japan and Europe to meet with the members of the group and unravel what really happened 16 years before. The result is a vintage Murakami struggle of coming to terms with buried emotions and missed opportunities, in which intentions and pent up desires can seemingly transcend time and space to bring both solace and desolation. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 496 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1108 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
A Confederacy of Dunces
by John Kennedy Toole $3.99
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Modern Fiction A Pulitzer Prize winner, this book is now considered a canonical work of modern literature of the Southern United States. The central character, Ignatius J. Reilly, is an educated but slothful 30-year-old man living with his mother in the early-1960s New Orleans who, in his quest for employment, has various adventures with colorful French Quarter characters. He is something of a modern Don Quixote—eccentric, idealistic, and creative, sometimes to the point of delusion. He disdains modernity, particularly pop culture. The disdain becomes his obsession: however he also enjoys many modern comforts and conveniences, and is given to claiming that the rednecks of rural Louisiana hate all modern technology which they associate with progress. Ignatius believes that he does not belong in the world and that his numerous failings are the work of some higher power. He loves to eat, and his masturbatory fantasies lead in strange directions. Although considering
himself to have an expansive and learned worldview, Ignatius has an aversion to ever leaving the town of his birth. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 807 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger
type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1778 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Michael Chrichton $3.99
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Science Fiction Eight American geologists are mysteriously and brutally killed in their camp while on an expedition in Africa. Ten thousand miles away the supervisor watches a video of the destruction and notices a a movement by a grainy, dark, man-shaped blur. In San Francisco, a primatologist works with a gorilla who seems to possess a vocabulary of 620 "signs," the most ever learned by a primate. She also likes to finger paint. Recently her behavior has been erratic and her drawings match, a Portuguese print dating back to 1642 . . . a drawing of an ancient lost city. A new expedition—along with the gorilla —is sent into the Congo, where they enter a secret world, and the only way out may be through a horrifying death. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 570 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1200 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Cuckoo’s Calling
by Robert Galbreath $2.99
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Mystery The Cuckoo's Calling is a 2013 mystery by J. K. Rowling, published under the pseudonym "Robert Galbraith". London PI Cormoran Strike’s final feud with his fiancée leaves him living in his office and wondering how his last clients will keep him afloat and pay for his new secretary, Robin. A childhood acquaintance asks him to investigate his supermodel sister’s apparent suicide., Lula Landry was surrounded by rabid paparazzi, a drug-addled social circle, a dysfunctional adopted family, and a shifty, newly found birth mother, making suicidal despair hard to dismiss. But with Robin’s surprisingly adept assistance, Strike dismantles witness statements, applying masterful deductive skills to find evidence of murder. Galbraith has been praised for this different display of her talent. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 940 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2055 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Dead Ever After
by Charlaine Harris $4.99
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Fantasy (Probably) the final Sookie Stackhouse novel. She turns down the request of former barmaid Arlene when she wants her job back at Merlotte’s. But her relationship with Eric Northman is not so clear cut. He and his vampires are keeping their distance. When Sookie learns the reason why, she is devastated. Then a shocking murder rocks Bon Temps, and Sookie is arrested for the crime. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 557 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1158 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Charlaine Harris $1.99
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Fantasy This is the twelfth book in The Southern Vampire Mysteries. Sookie is still caught up in the consequences from the previous novel. Felipe de Castro, Vampire King, has come to town to investigate the mysterious death of his representative in Louisiana, Victor. A dead woman is found on the lawn of Eric's house while he is having a party in honor of Felipe, embroiling Sookie and her vampire friends in a police investigation. Meanwhile, Sookie's fairy great-grandfather, Niall, visits in order to investigate who placed a spell on his son. Sookie is dealing with the powerful magical object given by her half-fairy grandfather and left to her. It can grant the possessor a great magical wish on behalf of someone they love, and it appears that someone has been searching for it and may stop at nothing to possess it. She also is facing the end of her relationship to Eric. She catches him feeding on the woman who is soon found dead on his lawn.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 573 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1273 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Defending Jacob
by William Landay $3.99
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Mystery Assistant district attorney Andy Barber, his wife, Laurie, and their teenage son, Jacob, are live in a middle class suburb when one of Jacob's classmates is stabbed to death. Soon Jacob is the prime suspect and the Barbers have to confront the possibility that the child they have doted from birth may be a sociopathic killer. Andy takes leave from his job and helps defend his son. Is he engaging in self-deception? How far will he go to protect his family? Laurie wonders if something she did as a parent has created a monster and her guilt destroys her. And then there is Jacob. Is he a typical angst filled teenager or a psychopathic monster? The author keeps the reader guessing about Jacob's culpability and true nature up to the shocking final chapters. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 724 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1488 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Delaney Christmas Carol
by Iris Johansen $.99
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Modern Fiction Three stories by three authors in one book all connected by a magic mirror. Christmas Past by Iris Johansen 1893. Kevin Delaney learns about a long-forgotten mirror in the attic of his home, Killara. It is no ordinary mirror Delaney is no ordinary man. While he doesn’t believe in mystical relics and fortune-telling, there’s no doubt that a kind of magic is at work on his heart—just in time for Christmas. Christmas Present by Fayrene Preston True love remains elusive for Bria Delaney. But when she joins her parents at Killara for the holidays, she discovers the mirror that reveals more than her reflection. Appearing in the glass is a startlingly handsome man who just as mysteriously disappears—until she meets him in person that very night.
Christmas Future by Kay Hooper A vision in the Delaney mirror drove Brett Delaney to the other side of the world years before. Now his father’s death brings him part of his inheritance: the mirror—and the unbearable prophesy it offers sends him home to Killara this Christmas, determined to save the home he loves and the woman he’s always loved. Warning: there are some very explicit sex scenes in the books. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the
capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 862 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1886 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Digital Fortress
by Dan Brown $2.99
Modern Fiction
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Science Fiction
Though written in 1998 the subject of the book is out of today’s news: government surveillance of electronically stored information. on the private lives of citizens, and the possible civil liberties and ethical implications using such technology. However, specifically it concerns the invention of a non-breakable encryption scheme that cannot be broken even by a supercomputer. Unless the code can be broken U.S. national security will be in jeopardy. Susan Fletcher, NSAs head cryptographer is called to crack the code. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for
any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 778 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1631 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Empire Falls
by Richard Russo $2.99
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Modern Fiction, A Pulitzer Prize winning novel. Miles, the central character runs the Empire Grill in economically depressed Empire Falls, Maine. He hopes his loyalty to its wealthy owner will make the Grill his one day. He hopes his patience with his daughter will be rewarded, that his soon-to-be-ex wife Janine will find what was lacking in him in her fiancé. He hopes his youthful failure to escape the town will have some redemption. But Miles sees himself as destined to remain a loser who gives and never gets. In Empire Falls, relationships between husbands and wives and between parents and children are never simple. Russo's characters suffer in ways that are passionately ordinary - that is, until everything funnels into one explosive, extraordinary moment. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing
publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 970 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2270 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Chris Pavone $4.99
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Modern Fiction An American family is re-located to Luxembourg where Kate Moore takes the part of a housewife. We learn that she has had and continues to have a secret life. She also suspects that another American couple are not who they claim to be; could they be assassins? As Kate begins to dig, she finds herself buried in layers of deceit so thick they threaten her family, her marriage, and her life. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 741 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1602 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Kathy Reichs $2.99
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Mystery Forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan is called in when a corpse is discovered in a landfill bordering the Charlotte Motor Speedway. There is pressure to make a quick ID, with race week approaching. Wayne Gamble, whose older sister, Cindi, an aspiring NASCAR driver, disappeared in 1998 with her right wing–leaning boyfriend, hopes Brennan can help, perhaps by identifying the body as his sister. But new issues crop up. The FNI claims jurisdiction because of possible bioterrorism. Brennan must tread carefully to find the long-buried truth. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for
any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 581 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1143 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Stephen Baxter $1.99
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Science Fiction The book chronicles the final 42 years of dry land on earth. Cities, countries and continents are being inundated under a global flood. Four political hostages are freed in Barcelona in 2016, and their stories through the years show the attempts to save the planet even as rapidly rising ocean levels wipe out major cities. USAF Capt. Lily Brooke works with billionaire Nathan Lammockson to build a haven, while oceanographer Thandie Jones attempts to determine the causes of the flooding. This is a good description of the apocalypse by water and sets the stage for a sequel. (Which is ARK, a Baxer novel that begins in 2052.) This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the
copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 965 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2130 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Gate of Time
by Philip Jose Farmer $.99
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Science Fiction Another version of this story is known as Two Hawks From Earth. In World War II American Bomber Pilot Roger Two Hawks, has a mid air collision. He finds himself in an alternate reality that’s technology distinctly primitive (equivalent to the World War I era). T Siberian tribes that would have gone to America (only a chain of islands here), instead rolled west and vastly changed subsequent history. Hawks tries to get back home, but his skills in this slightly backward world are much in demand. This is action and adventure, with a hero making his way in an unfamiliar world. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing
publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 319 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 728 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Gentlemen of the Road
by Michael Chabon $2.99
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Historical Fiction The novel originally appeared in fifteen installments in The New York Times Magazine in 2007. The original title was “Jews With Swords.” The setting is the Tenth Century and the two “heroes” are Jewish travelers somewhere in the neighborhood of the Caspian and Black Seas. This is an amusing adventure story by a master storyteller. The main characters are the giant Abyssian Amram and gawky Frank Zelikman who make money however they can They are taken on as bodyguards to a sullen young prince, Filaq. Unfortunately, the fortress they're heading for has been destroyed, and a gang of hired thugs kidnap Filaq. For no reason they can explain, Amram and Zelikman find themselves racing to rescue the kid, and beginning a quest full of checkered pasts, civil wars, ancient elephants... and the discovery that Filaq isn't quite who he seems to be. Tongue in cheek but very entertaining. This is an extra large print publication specifically
formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 223 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 514 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
by Marilynne Robinson $2.99
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Classic Fiction A Pulitzer winner has written another classic. Rev. John Ames gives a review of his life and that of his father and grandfather in a letter to his six-year-old son. Ames is 77 years old in 1956, in failing health, with a much younger wife and six-year-old son; as a preacher in the small Iowa town where he spent his entire life, he has produced volumes and volumes of sermons and prayers, "[t]rying to say what was true." Ames details the often harsh conditions of perishing Midwestern prairie towns, the Spanish influenza and two world wars. He relates the death of his first wife and child, and his long years alone attempting to live up to the legacy of his fiery grandfather, a Kansas abolitionist and his pacifist father. While doing the writing, he is forced to confront his personal resentment of a son of his best friend, named after him. He must comprehend and forgive himself in order to be reconciled with his namesake. There
is no simple redemption here; despite the meditations on faith, even readers with no religious inclinations will be captivated. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 436 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger
type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 971 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Gryphon: Selected Stories
by Charles Baxter $3.99
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Short Stories Called “a master of the form,” Baxter has crafted 23 short stories that appear in this volume. The title story is deservedly a classic, and other favorites, such as "Fenstad's Mother," have gathered resonance as well. In each, the acutely observed real world is rocked by the exotic or surreal. In "Poor Devil," the "devils" are a self-destructive couple headed for a divorce; in "Ghosts," a stranger enters a young woman's house and tells her they are soul mates. She accuses him of being a devil, but his intentions are much less sinister than she imagines. "Nightfall had always brought his devils out," the narrator says in "The Old Murderer," a touching story about an alcoholic and an ex-con, each trying to get through the day. In "Royal Blue," an undertow of mystery shadows a handsome young art dealer who understands that 9/11 has affected a fundamental change in his life. This is an extra large print publication specifically
formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 882 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2000 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Gone Girl
by Gillian Flynn $1.99
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Best Seller
On the day of their fifth wedding anniversary, Nick's wife Amy disappears. Nick quickly becomes the prime suspect. He hasn't been completely honest with the police and as the case drags on more and more vilifying evidence appears against him. He maintains his innocence. The story is told from alternating points of view between Nick and Amy, but it seems that the truth does not exist in the middle of Nick and Amy's points of view; in fact, the truth is far more dark, more twisted, and more creepy than you can imagine. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a
Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 771 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1767 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Gone With the Wind
by Margaret Mitchell $.99
Historical Fiction
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Classic Fiction
Considered by many to be not only the greatest love story ever written, but also the greatest Civil War saga. The novel takes place in the antebellum South and during the Civil War. Scarlett O'Hara is the main character. She leads a pleasant life before the war, but as the novel and the war goes on her world is turned upside down, and all that she knows and takes for granted, disappears. She escapes Atlanta when the Yankees come, remarries twice, and returns home to find that everything has changed. Through all of this, Scarlett believes she loves Ashley Wilkes, a boy from her childhood, brought up to be the epitome of 'good breeding'. She also has to deal with Melanie Wilkes, Ashley's wife, because in her despair, Scarlett rashly agreed to marry Melanie's brother, Charles. However, Scarlett's third husband, Rhett Butler, is the one she actually loves, although she doesn't know it. Scarlett go of all her proper teachings to stay alive and
support her family and relatives. She ends up not caring what others think, and holds onto the mantra of "I'll think of it tomorrow". Eventually she finds that Rhett"doesn't give a damn" anymore, but Scarlett's strong personality keeps her from breaking, and the novels ends with her words, "tomorrow is another day." This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 2264 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 4888 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Go Tell it on the Mountain
by James Baldwin $.99
Historical Fiction
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Classic Fiction
Published in 1953 when Baldwin was nearly 30, this is not a long book, and its action spans but a single day. Yet it has been proclaimed one of the most important books of the 20th century. It uses as a frame the spiritual and moral awakening of 14-year-old John Grimes during a Saturday night service in a Harlem storefront church. Baldwin describes the secrets of a tormented black family during the depression. John's parents, praying beside him, both wrestle with the ghosts of their sinful past. Baldwin lays down the terrible symmetries of these two blighted lives as the ironic context for John's dark night of the soul. When day dawns, John believes himself saved, but his creator makes it clear that this salvation arises as much from blindness as revelation: "He was filled with a joy, a joy unspeakable, whose roots, though he would not trace them on this new day of his life, were nourished by
the wellspring of a despair not yet discovered." Baldwin dramatizes the story of the great black migration from rural South to urban North. "Behind them was the darkness," Baldwin writes of Gabriel and Elizabeth's lost generation, "nothing but the darkness, and all around them destruction, and before them nothing but the fire--a bastard people, far from God, singing and crying in the wilderness!" This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger
type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 433 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 998 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Heir to the Glimmering World
by Cynthia Ozick $1.99
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Modern Fiction In 1933, the Mitwissers, a family of German Jews, after fleeing Berlin, land somewhat haphazardly in New York. They place an ad for help in a local paper. Rose Meadows, who narrates the story, is hired and observes the family with the neutrality of an invisible servant. Her duties are vaguely defined—part nanny, part secretary—and her salary comes intermittently. Ozick portrays this household to dazzling effect, as it adjusts to its many states of exile—from a sense of security, from cherished ideas, and from the consolations of each other. Ozick paints a textured portrait of outsiders rendered powerless, retreating into tightly coiled existences of scholarly rapture, guarded brazenness and even calculated lunacy—all as a means of refuting the bleakness of a harsh, chaotic world. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 545 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1181 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Matt Richtel $ 1.99
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Mystery The hero, Nat Idle is a young medical journalist in San Francisco. He still morns the death of Annie, a girlfriend who died in a drowning accident four years ago. While sitting in a cafe a woman drops a note on his table telling him to get out and shortly afterward the cafe explodes killing five people. The note is in Annie's handwriting. There are romantic interludes, dangerous house fires, mysteriously encrypted computer programs and Nat's acupuncture session with Samantha, a New Age healer, that is interrupted by rogue cops looking for a laptop. Then Nat picks up the phone and hears Annie's voice; evidently she'd faked her death to avoid SEC and IRS bloodhounds. The rest of the novel has Nat realizing, after encountering her in the flesh, that Annie's much harder than he'd thought. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the
visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 567 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1174 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Independence Day
by Richard Ford $2.99
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Modern Fiction This book won both the Pulitzer Prize and PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction in 1996. Independence Day follows Frank Bascombe, a New Jersey real estate agent, through the holiday weekend as he visits his ex-wife, his troubled son, his current lover, the tenants of one of his properties, and some clients of his who have been having trouble finding the perfect house. It focuses in particular on a car trip with his son to the Basketball and Baseball halls of fame. The whole story revolves around Frank's desire to find common ground with his son in hopes he can gain permanent custody of him while touring several sports halls of fame around the northeastern U.S. At the same time, he must face his ex-wife and her issues, deal with a frustrating couple seeking real estate in his home town in New Jersey, agonize over the end of his relationship with his girlfriend, tinker with his new start up hot dog stand
business and try to maintain a civil relationship with the deadbeat tenants of his low cost property. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 962 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe
Reader. The 28 point version contains 2249 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Dan Brown $2.99
Modern Fiction
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Robert Langdon of The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons, and The Lost Symbol, returns. In the heart of Italy, the Harvard professor of symbology is drawn into a harrowing world centered on one of history’s literary masterpieces - Dante’s Inferno. He battles a chilling adversary and grapples with an ingenious riddle that pulls him into a landscape of classic art, secret passageways, and futuristic science. Working from Dante’s poem, Langdon races to find answers and decide whom to trust . . . before the world is irrevocably altered by the invention of a mad scientist and Dante fanatic who has supposedly developed a new biological plague that will kill off a large portion of the world's population in order to quickly solve the problem of the world's impending overpopulation. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the
visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1077 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2307 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by William Kennedy $2.99
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Modern Fiction Ironweed received the 1984 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and is the third book in Kennedy's Albany Cycle. Ironweed takes place during the Great Depression and tells the story of Francis Phelan, an alcoholic vagrant originally from Albany, New York, who left his family after accidentally killing his infant son while he may have been drunk. The novel focuses on his return to Albany. The story is complicated by Phelan's hallucinations of the three people, other than his son, whom he killed in the past. The novel features characters that return in some of Kennedy's other books. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the
copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 363 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 809 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Peter Benchley $.99
Modern Fiction
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The chief character in this novel is a rogue shark that terrorizes a beach community. The Chief human character police chief Martin Brody, is virtually the lone voice of reason in a town filled with people who want to downplay the shark’s presence so that tourists will not be scared away. When the body count starts to rise, it’s Brody who has to find a way to kill the beast, even if it means putting his own life on the line. The characters—Brody, oceanographer Matt Hooper, shark-hunter Quint—are not as likable as they are in the film adaptation. Those who are familiar with the movie, but not the book, are in for some surprises, and those who read the book way back when should definitely give it another look. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the
provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 550 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1184 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Steve Jobs
by Walter Isaacson $4.99
Non Fiction
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He was a counterculture rebel who became a billionaire. The author was granted a great deal of access to Jobs and a great deal of information is contained in this book. The book covers an immense number of different "phases" of Job’s life from his adoption story to the start of Apple Computer, to NeXt, Pixar, love life, development of his iconic products, to the time before his death. It is ruthlessly objective with descriptions of Jobs's conduct with strangers, his management team, other CEO's, etc. It is very clear Jobs often had a lack of sensitivity towards others. The book also provides a historical perspective of his time. Much is written about the history of Silicon Valley, other famous CEOs, musicians, artists, politicians. Included are stories about , John Sculley, President Clinton, Obama, Bill Gates, Jeffrey Katzenberg (Disney), Michael Eisner (Disney), Bob Iger (Disney), Bono, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan,
Yoko Ono, Steve Wozniak, Larry Ellison (Oracle), Eric Schmidt (Google), Larry Page (Google), etc. Of course, much of the book describes his business career and various decisions he made. But there is also very revealing information about his personal life. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1080 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2509 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Olive Kitteridge
by Elizabeth Strout $3.99
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Modern Fiction Olive Kitteride is a retired schoolteacher living in a small town in Maine. At times stern, at other times patient, at times perceptive, at other times in sad denial, Olive deplores the changes in her little town and in the world at large, but she doesn’t always recognize the changes in those around her: a former student who has lost the will to live; Olive’s own adult child, who feels tyrannized by her irrational sensitivities; and her husband, Henry, who finds his loyalty to his marriage both a blessing and a curse. As time goes on, Olive is brought to a deeper understanding of herself and her life – sometimes painfully, but always with ruthless honesty. This is just great writing and earned the 2009 Pulitzer Prize. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the
provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 537 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1205 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Known World
by Edward P. Jones $2.99
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Historical Fiction A winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Henry Townsend is a black farmer, bootmaker, and former slave; William Robbins, perhaps the most powerful man in antebellum Virginia's Manchester County becomes Henry’s tutor. Henry becomes proprietor of his own plantation -- as well as of his own slaves. When he dies, his widow, succumbs to profound grief, and things begin to fall apart at their plantation: slaves take to escaping under the cover of night, and families who had once found love beneath the weight of slavery begin to betray one another. Beyond the Townsend estate, the known world also unravels: low-paid white patrollers stand watch as slave "speculators" sell free black people into slavery, and rumors of slave rebellions set white families against slaves who have served them for years. The Known World weaves together the lives of freed and enslaved blacks, whites, and Indians. It gives a deeper
understanding of the enduring multidimensional world created by the institution of slavery. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 684 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe
Reader. The 28 point version contains 1608 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Agatha Christie $.99
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Mystery, Short Stories Nearing retirement, Poirot decides to take on just twelve more cases. This is a collection of short crime fiction featuring Poirot. The stories are dangerous, demanding, and positively ingenious. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing
publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 578 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1159 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Lace Makers of Glenmara
by Heather Barbieri $2.99
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Modern Fiction Heartbroken, Kate Robinson the struggling twentysix-year-old fashion designer escapes to Ireland, her ancestral homeland, hoping to reinvent herself. In the hamlet of Glenmara, she quickly develops a bond with members of the local lace-making society—and soon she and the lace makers are creating a line of exquisite lingerie, their skilled hands bringing flowers, Celtic dragons, nymphs, saints, kings, and queens to life with painterly skill. The group gives them more than money the strength to face their desires and fears. But not everyone in the village welcomes Kate, and a series of unexpected events threatens to unravel everything the women have worked so hard for. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the
provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 438 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 921 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Life of Pi
by Yann Martel $2.99
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Pi Patel, the sixteen year old son of a zookeeper is on a cargo ship to North America when it sinks and he is the lone human on a lifeboat. He finds himself alone with a huge Bengal tiger, after the tiger dispatches some other animals. Pi’s coexist with the tiger for 200 days until they reach the coast of Mexico when the tiger escapes into the jungle. The authorities who interrogate Pi refuse to believe his story and press him to tell them "the truth." After hours of coercion, Pi tells a second story, a story much less fantastical, much more conventional--but is it more true? According to the author life can be summarized in three statements- "Life is a story... You can choose your story... A story with God is the better story." This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity
(non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 781 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1212 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Light in the Ruins
by Chris Bohjalian $4.99
Historical Fiction
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1943: The Rosatis, an Italian family of noble lineage, believe that the walls of their ancient villa will keep them safe from the war raging across Europe. Eighteen-year-old Cristina whiles away her days swimming and playing with her young niece and nephew. But when two soldiers, a German and an Italian, arrive at the villa asking to see an ancient Etruscan burial site, the family’s tranquility is shattered. A young German lieutenant begins to court Cristina; the Nazis demand hospitality, and what was once their sanctuary becomes their prison. 1955: Serafina Bettini is an investigator with the Florence police department. A beautiful woman, Serafina carefully hides her scars along with her haunting memories of the war. When she is assigned to a gruesome new case—a serial killer targeting the Rosatis, she finds herself digging into a past that involves both the victims and her own tragic history.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 596 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1279 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on
your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Lonesome Dove
by Larry McMurtry $.99
Historical Fiction
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This is the story of a cattle drive from Texas to Montana in late nineteenth century. It is a drive that represents for everybody involved not only a daring, even a foolhardy, adventure, but a part of the American Dream. The story is filled with interesting characters, but the two main ones are Augustus McCrae and W. F. Call, former Texas Rangers, who have shared hardship and danger together without ever quite understanding each other's deepest emotions. Both are very different, but both are tough, redoubtable fighters who have learned to count on each other, if nothing else. Lonesome Dove takes us from the Rio Grande to the Montana highlands where they find themselves besieged by the last, defiant remnants of an older West. A Pulitzer winner and the source for a film. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the
visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 2053 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 4576 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Manuscript Found in Accra
by Paulo Coelho $3.99
Historical Fiction
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It is Jerusalem during the time of the Crusades. The mixed community of Christians, Arabs, and Jews have long lived together harmoniously, but are warned of an imminent attack and certain destruction. The community assembles to seek the counsel of a Greek Copt, who imparts comforting and guiding wisdom on the enduring attributes of human character. The book is a series of queries and answers. The Copt advises them to speak of their daily lives and search their hearts, minds, and souls for questions pertaining to universal truths and subjects including solitude, love, utility, luck, miracles, beauty, sex, anxiety, grace, and elegance. This is an “invisible sword” with which to fight intolerance and ignorance. The book reminds the reader of The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 168 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 316 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Me Before You
by Jojo Moyes $3.99
Modern Fiction
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Louisa Clark is an ordinary English girl living an exceedingly ordinary life. She takes a badly needed job working for a very wealthy man -Will Traynor, who is wheelchair bound after an accident. Will has always lived a huge life—big deals, extreme sports, worldwide travel—and now he’s sure he cannot live the way he is. Lou refuses to treat him with kid gloves, and soon his happiness means more to her than she expected. When she learns that Will has plans to end his life, she sets out to show him that life is still worth living. The story tells of the last period of Will’s life when Lou is asked to help him die as he wished. She is conflicted by the desire to keep him alive and to help him in his wish to die. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the
visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 782 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1662 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Minding Frankie
by Maeve Binchy $2.99
Modern Fiction
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Vintage Binchy. When a young alcoholic in Dublin learns he has fathered a child with a dying woman, he must step into the role of father, protector, and provider to his infant daughter, Frankie, in a matter of weeks. He is helped by a cast of colorfully eccentric characters. Determined to succeed, though totally unprepared for his new responsibilities, Noel gets an essential assist from his visiting American cousin. Exercising her tremendous gifts of organization and insight. As everybody begins to mind Frankie, a suspicious social worker pokes her nose in where it doesn’t belong, attempting to dredge up any dirt she can on Noel and his slightly unorthodox network of babysitters. One reviewer said “Readers will need a box of tissues handy as the good-hearted residents of St. Jarlath’s Crescent prove that it does indeed take a village to raise a child.” This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the
visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 781 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1595 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
And the Mountains Echoed
by Khaled Hosseini $3.99
Modern Fiction
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Abdullah and Pari are young brother and sister in Afghanistan and very close to each other. But Pari is sold by her father to a wealth family when he is desperate to provide for his growing family . The separation of the brother and sister, provides the catalyst for the author to share several stories that explore the bonds of family and love, and the devastation of separation and loss. Abdullah never gives up the dream of being reunited with Pari. But his sister is taken to France when her adoptive dies. The book traces the fates of brother and sister and those connected to them. It is a story that tell of humanity at its best and worst. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the
provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 781 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1595 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Murder Below Montparnasse
by Cara Black $3.99
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This is Aimée Leduc’s Thirteenth adventure. She’s hired by a mysterious Russian to protect a painting in Paris. By the time she gets to his Montparnasse atelier, the painting has already been stolen. The next day, the Russian is found tortured to death and it looks as if Aimée isn’t the only one looking for the painting. Some very dangerous people are threatening her and her coworkers, and witnesses are dropping like flies. Aimée has to find the painting, stop her attackers, and figure out what her long-missing mother, who is on Interpol’s most wanted list, has to do with all this—fingers crossed she wasn’t the Russian’s murderer, despite clues pointing in that direction. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is
extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 637 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1361 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Never Go Back
by Lee Child $3.99
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A Jack Reacher novel. Reacher travels from South Dakota to northeastern Virginia, near Washington, D.C.: the headquarters of his old unit, the 110th MP. It’s the closest thing to a home he ever had. Reacher is there to the new commanding officer, Major Susan Turner. But Turner isn’t there and Reacher has two pieces of shocking news, one with serious criminal consequences, and one too personal to even think about. Reacher fights to find Turner and clear his name, barely a step ahead of the army, and the FBI, and the D.C. Metro police, and four unidentified thugs. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can
be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 817 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1688 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Lee Child $2.95
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Mystery The 19th Jack Reacher novel. A sniper threatens the coming international conference, to be held outside London. Protected by a glass shield, the French president escapes unharmed when someone fires a shot at him while he's delivering an outdoor address in Paris. One of only four people in the world could have fired the 50-calibre bullet with such accuracy from a distance of 1,400 yards. One is John Kott, a former Special Forces soldier, who was recently released from prison, where Reacher helped put him 15 years earlier. Gen. Tom O'Day, recruits the former M.P. to look into the matter. Reacher tangles with gangsters en route to trying to stop the sniper from striking again. Reacher's keen analytic mind in action will entertain readers as much as the assorted physical means he uses to take down the bad guys.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 714 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1508 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
HOME Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling $1.99
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Fantasy, Young People This is the fourth novel in the seven-part series and marks Harry’s coming of age. Harry wants to get away from the Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup with Hermione, Ron, and the Weasleys. He wants to dream about Cho Chang, his crush (and maybe do more than dream). He wants to find out about the two other rival schools of magic, and a competition that hasn’t happened for a hundred years. He wants to be a normal, fourteen-year-old wizard. But Harry is not normal — even by wizarding standards. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1052 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2259 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J. K. Rowling $1.99 Fantasy,
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Young People
This is the sixth installment of the Harry Potter series. The war against Voldemort is not going well; even Muggle governments are noticing. Dumbledore is absent from Hogwarts for long stretches of time, and the Order of the Phoenix has already suffered losses. But life goes on. The Weasley twins expand their business. Teenagers flirt and fight and fall in love. Classes are never straightforward, though Harry receives some extraordinary help from the mysterious Half-Blood Prince. He will search for the full and complex story of the boy who became Lord Voldemort — and thereby find what may be his only vulnerability. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing
between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1151 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2605 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix by J. K. Rowling $1.99 Fantasy
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Young People
Harry has just returned to Hogwarts for his fifth year after a lonely summer. Dumbledore is uncommunicative and most of the students seem to think Harry is either conceited or crazy for insisting that Voldemort is back and as evil as ever. Angry and scared, Harry lashes out at friends and enemies alike. Additionally, a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and High Inquisitor of the school is appointed. Harry is certain that Voldemort is becoming more powerful. The adults all seem evil, misguided, or simply powerless, so the students must take matters into their own hands. Harry's confusion about his godfather and father, and his apparent rejection by Dumbledore make him question his own motives and the condition of his soul. The power of this book comes from the young magician's struggles with his emotions and identity. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with
disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1679 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 3700 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling $1.99 Fantasy
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Young People
This is the third book in the series. Harry is fourteen. He’s forced to spend his summers with an aunt, uncle, and cousin who detest him. After an accident caused by his witchcraft, Harry lunges out into the darkness with his heavy trunk and his owl Hedwig. He is mysteriously rescued from his Muggle neighborhood, not punished and whisked off in a triple-decker, to spend the remaining weeks of summer in a friendly inn called the Leaky Cauldron. It seems that Sirius Black - an escaped convict from the prison of Azkaban - is on the loose. Not only that, but he's after Harry. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 739 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1609 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. K. Rowling $1.99 Fantasy
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Young People
This is the book that started it all and lays the foundation for the immensely successful series. Ten year old Harry Potter has been living with relatives who treat him very badly. They took him in when his parents were murdered by the evil Voldemort. But in the world of wizards, small, skinny Harry is famous as a survivor of the wizard who tried to kill him. Harry is delivered from his wretched life by the invitation to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Soon enough he is at Hogwarts with his owl Hedwig... and that's where the real adventure - humorous, haunting, and suspenseful - begins. There’s no need to tell how famous and widely read this series became. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization)
dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 514 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1083 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Rabbit at Rest
by John Updike $1.99
Modern Fiction
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Best Seller
This is the fourth and final novel by John Updike in a series beginning with Rabbit, Run. It won a Pulitzer. We follow the exploits of Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom from 1960–1990. This book focuses on the years 1988-1989. It finds Harry nearly forty years after his glory days as a high school basketball star. Harry and his wife of 33 years, Janice, have retired to Florida during the cold months, where Harry is depressed, bored, and dangerously overweight. Harry has a heart attack while with his nine-year-old granddaughter, Judy; he saves her from drowning during this incident. He is distracted from his health worries by the acts of his drug-addicted son, Nelson, to whom Janice has very unwisely given control of the family business which is finally lost. He manages to take some comfort in Judy, who has turned out to be beautiful and attractive.,
While recuperating from heart surgery, Harry recognizes one of the nurses, as the young woman he believes is his illegitimate daughter by his old girlfriend Ruth. Around this time, his long-term mistress dies of lupus. The family learns that Harry has had a one-night stand with his son’s wife. All of this lead Harry to escape to Florida where he has another heart attack shortly after winning a one-on-one basketball game with a local youth, introducing the opening of Rabbit, Run in which Harry impulsively joins a group of teenagers playing basketball). Harry’s wife and son get to his bedside while Harry is still alive; his wife forgives him, and he reconciles with his son. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 956 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2202 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Rabbit is Rich
by John Updike $1.99 Buy Now
Modern Fiction
Best Seller
Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom’s middle age. Another multiaward winner. Harry now is running the auto agency and loves his wife. She is now acting the part of the happy suburban wife. Harry plays with gold and wars with his less than ideal son who is now torn between two women, impregnating and marrying one while too young to handle the responsibility, and taking off. Harry meets a girl who he thinks may be the daughter of his lover from Rabbit Run and wants to confront her. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used.
You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 876 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2028 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Rabbit Run
by John Updike $1.99 Buy Now
Modern Fiction
Best Seller
This is the first of the “Rabbit” books and established Updike as a star. Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom was a star high school basketball player only a handful of years ago, but now he is a young married father, trapped in the suburban 60's, unhappy with his job, a cluttered house, a drunken, pregnant wife, and a son who will never be the athlete he was. Whenever things don’t go his way he runs away. At one point he leaves his house and meets his high school coach, a man tired of life, who introduces Harry to a part-time prostitute. Rabbit moves in with her that very night and they begin a relationship they flaunt and thus humiliate his very pregnant wife and both sets of parents. But Harry is seeking the kind of life he thinks he deserves. Eventually Harry returns to his wife on the night she goes into labor. Their reunion is bittersweet and because in large
part of Rabbit's inability to see beyond his own needs, their reunion burst apart in a senseless tragedy that is horrific. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 670 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1257 pages.
3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Racketeer
by John Grisham $.99
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Best Seller
Malcolm Bannister, a former attorney, is going to game his way out of a 10-year term at a federal prison camp. He’s been wrongly convicted. A federal judge and his mistress have been found murdered in an isolated mountain cabin near a monster-sized safe that's now empty. Though investigators have no idea who committed the crime, Bannister does. He’ll tell them if he’s freed. And Bannister is not a patsy. The story displays his tactical skills and strategic thinking as the FBI consider his proposed deal. The story involves drugs, bribery, sex, corruption and corporate greed. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for
use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 606 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1346 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Red Herring Without Mustard HOME
by Alan Bradley Buy Now
Young People This is the third adventure of Flavia de Luce. She lives is a British hamlet and is a most unusual eleven year old girl. Her interests are centered around chemistry, riding her bicycle and escaping the evil clutches of her two older sisters. In this third action adventure Flavia wants to have her fortune told at the village fête and ends up burning down the tent of the gypsy fortune teller. Flavia does her best to make amends by seeing that Fenella Faa has a safe place to park her caravan while she recovers from the effects of the smoke she inhaled - her family's estate. Events begin to spiral into more and more unusual situations as Flavia begins to uncover facts of an ancient religious group, a kidnaped infant, valuable antiques disappearing and then reappearing, and a vicious attack, then a murder. All the while the police are pursuing their inquiries and Flavia is pursuing her own investigation. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually
impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 655 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1404 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Agatha Christie $.99
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Mystery This is Christie’s first use of a courtroom setting in a Poirot mystery. Elinor Carlisle, is accused of killing an aunt in order to obtain an inheritance. Elinor had also suspected th daughter of her aunt's lodge-keeper's daughter of angling for the inheritance. When the daughter and the aunt are both murdered, Elinor is accused and he conviction is all but certain. Enter Poirot. His findings are revealed to the reader by Elinor's defense lawyer during the proceedings of her trial. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase.
This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 406 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 817 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
Satan in Goray
by Isaac B. Singer $.99
Historical Fiction
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The setting is a remote town somewhere in Poland some years after the last massacres of Jews in the 1640's. A feeble-minded young woman by the name of Rechelle, personifies the forces of evil (messianism) taking root amongst the population and leading to the downfall of its members, bringing total chaos. There is an epic struggle between the forces of evil and good, of reason and emotion, of traditional conservative Judaism and messianism. The Jews of Poland believe that, as Christian would say, the End Times are here, and expect the messiah to arrive. Shabbati Shevi appears on the scene, claiming to be the messiah. Many Jews fall under his sway, but the Rabbi of Goray resists and this further wracks the town. Rechelle becomes the center of attraction because she is unmarried. When a holy man arrives in Goray, he marries the unfortuate Rechele, who proceeds to be possessed by Satan.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 241 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 553 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
by Tana French $3.45
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Mystery Tana French's latest Dublin Murder Squad mystery unfolds in a single day. Chapters alternate between two different time frames and points of view. One strand concerns four girls at an exclusive school who are so close they vow they won't even have boyfriends. Four other girls from the school are their arch-rivals, more conventional and socially active. The novel pits the girls against each other almost as two gangs. The plot pivots on the death of a boy from a nearby school who had been sneaking out to see at least two of the girls. The second strand features the two detectives who spend a long day and night at the school, many months after the unsolved murder. Narrating these chapters is Stephen, a detective assigned to cold cases, who receives an unexpected visit from one of the girls, who brings a postcard she'd found on a bulletin board that says "I know who killed him."
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1134 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2483 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
Sharp Objects
by Gillian Flynn $1.99
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Mystery Camille Preaker, is a reporter for a second-rate Chicago newspaper. She appears to have carved out a workable life for herself despite a painful past and an estranged family. Shortly after a short stay in a psych hospital her editor send her to her hometown in Missouri to cover a case of 2 missing persons. Camille examines crime scenes, interviews the friends and family of the victims, and probes reticent investigators for information. The gradual unfolding of Camille's alarming past will keep readers riveted until the very last page. The question is, can Camille get to the bottom of the story before her demons get the best of her? A first novel, but very skillfully done. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for
use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 492 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1079 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Signature of All Things
by Elizabeth Gilbert $.99
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Modern Fiction The heroine of the story, Alma Whittaker, is the daughter of a man who mad a fortune importing plants. She lives in the mid 1800s confined for most of her life to her family estate in Philadelphia. She yearns for a life of greater passion and liberty and channels her desires into botany, thrilling to the miniature universe of moss in the forests. When she finally turns herself loose on the world, it’s to claim her place in a lineage of explorers. Eventually -- after trials and explorations that take her to the far side of the world -- she even anticipates one of the greatest scientific theories of the age, though the triumph remains almost entirely personal. She is also not lucky in love -- she fancies her research partner, but he ends up married to her bimbo best friend. She but this is a sexless marriage. Eventually Alma finds her way to Amsterdam and becomes master of mosses at the Botanical Garden. Two men then
enter her life -Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. Upon striking up a friendship with Wallace, Alma looks back on her life. "Darwin would belong to history, yes, but Alma had Wallace.... Then, Wallace too, would be gone. But for now, at least he was aware of her. She was known." In the end, Alma finds happiness doing what she has always loved -- not with a romantic partner -- but as part of a far-flung community of intellectual equals. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1058 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2440 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Silver Linings Playbook
by Matthew Quick
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Modern Fiction Pat Peoples is a college instructor who comes out of what he thinks is four months in a mental institution and tries to reconcile with his family, past friends, and possibly even with his ex-wife, who has actually become something of an obsession for him. His way of dealing with his life is to forever workout, to try to maintain a positive attitude and most important, to look for the silver lining. Pat tries to make peace with all those around him, goes to sessions with a therapist and make himself worthy to be reunited with his beloved ex-wife. Then he is introduced to a beautiful but equally messed up widow named Tiffany. Pat's life takes a sudden and dramatic turn that leads to discoveries of promise, betrayal, sorrow, despair, possible set-back and finally, hope and love. The story is set against the backdrop of a typical Philadelphia Eagles football season. One reviewer called it , “. . . probably the most entertaining and satisfying love
story you could ever find.” This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 449 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 877 pages.
3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Kathy Reichs
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John Lowery was the victim of a Huey crash in Vietnam in 1968. His body buried in North Carolina. Four decades later, Temperance Brennan is called to the scene of a drowning in Hemmingford, Quebec. The corpse is identified as Lowery. But how could he have died twice, and end up in Canada? Tempe exhumes Lowery’s grave in North Carolina and takes the remains to Hawaii to the US military’s Joint POW/ MIA Accounting Command. Soon another set of remains is located, with Lowery’s dog tags tangled among them. Three bodies—all identified as Lowery. Then Tempe is contacted by Honolulu’s medical examiner, who needs help identifying the remains of a boy found offshore. Was he the victim of a shark attack? Or something much more sinister? This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted
by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 671 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1305 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
The Spinoza of Market Street
by Isaac B. Singer
$.99 Historical Fiction
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Eleven short stories by the master of Yiddish story telling. Included in this volume are: The Spinoza of Market Street; The Black Wedding; A Tale of Two Liars; The Shadow of a Crib; Shiddah and Kuziba; Caricature; The Beggar Said So; The Man Who Came Back; A Piece of Advice; In the Poorhouse; The Destruction of Kreshev. Most of these stories are set in the Poland of centuries past, when large Jewish communities lived in the towns near the border with Russia and in a sense lived by themselves apart from the rest of the (Christian) world. Singer recreates this world and makes it live again. But it’s not nostalgia: these stories involve love, treason, lies, evil, philosophy, lust, sex and much more. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for
use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 310 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 708 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
The Stone Diaries
by Carol Shields $1.99
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Modern Fiction Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Governor-General’s Award, this book reflects and illuminates the unsettled decades of our century. This is the fictional story of Daisy Goodwill, from her birth on a kitchen floor in Manitoba, Canada, to her death in a Florida nursing home nearly ninety years later. Through Daisy’s life, the author reflects and illuminates the unsettled decades of our century in this rich and poignant novel. The book is in the form of a autobiography of Daisy Goodwill Flett, a seemingly ordinary woman whose life is marked by death and loss from the beginning, when her mother dies during childbirth. Through marriage and motherhood, Daisy struggles to find contentment, never truly understanding her life's true purpose.
This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 552 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1244 pages. 3. ASCII.txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device.
by Agatha Christie $.99
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Mystery This novel was published in 1948 as Taken at the Road in England, and as There Is a Tide in America. Gordon Cloade is tragically killed by a bomb blast in the London blitz a few weeks after marrying an attractive widow. Suddenly the widow is in sole possession of the Cloade family fortune. Shortly afterward, Poirot receives a visit from the dead man’s sister-in-law who claims she has been warned by “spirits” that the widow’s first husband is still alive. Poirot is suspicious when he is asked to find a missing person guided only by the spirit world. Yet what mystifies Poirot most is the woman’s true motive for approaching him.… This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-profit organization) dedicated to providing
publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 462 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 971 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Tenth of December
by George Saunders
$4.99 Short Stories
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Best Seller
A Best Seller and for good reason. Totally original stories: a combat-injured veteran tries to reconcile his experience with the world to which he returns; a boy witnesses the attempted abduction of a neighbor; a cancer patient who plans suicide meets a young boy who makes him recall who he is. These stories and more. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can
be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 382 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 812 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Testament of Mary
by Colm Toiben
$2.99 Historical Fiction
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An untraditional version of the suffering of the mother of a boy named Jesus. This is the story told by a lonely older woman still seeking to understand the events that become the narrative of the New Testament and the foundation of Christianity. Mary lives alone, years after her son's crucifixion. She has no interest in collaborating with the authors of the Gospel—her keepers, who provide her with food and shelter and visit her regularly. She does not agree that her son is the Son of God; nor that his death was “worth it;” nor that the “group of misfits he gathered around him, men who could not look a woman in the eye,” were holy disciples. Mary judges herself ruthlessly (she did not stay at the foot of the Cross until her son died—she fled, to save herself), and is equally harsh on her judgment of others. This woman who we know from centuries of paintings and scripture as the docile, loving, silent, long-suffering,
obedient, worshipful mother of Christ becomes, a tragic heroine with the relentless eloquence of Electra or Medea or Antigone. This tour de force of imagination and language is a portrait so vivid and convincing that our image of Mary will be forever transformed. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 117 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability
of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 273 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Jeremy Robinson $3.95
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Science Fiction This is Robinson’s third book in the Jack Sigler series. After a terrorist attack leaves thousands dead, Jack Sigler and his team protect the only survivor, thirteen year-old Fiona Lane. Then a death in the family pulls King away, and the rest of the team is sent on a mission, Fort Bragg is attacked by a strange and overwhelming force. When it’s over, Fiona is gone. The attack is part of a larger offensive. The last speakers of ancient languages around the world are being systematically exterminated. As they fight to find the mastermind behind the killings the team is hunted by strange creatures that defy explanation - living statues, genetically modified monsters and walking megaliths—sent by an enemy from their past. If not stopped, he will be able to remake himself, and the world. Calling on help from old friends and ancient heroes, the team fights their most desperate battle yet, not just to save the world as we know
it, but to rescue a little girl who wants nothing more than to call King Dad. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 826 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1679 pages.
3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
A Thousand Acres
by Jane Smiley $2.99
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Modern Fiction When an aging Iowa farmer decides to turn over his thriving farm to his three daughters, he sets off a series of tragic events that will eventually rip apart his family.
youngest daughter objects and is cut out of his will. What follows are events that brings dark truths to light and explodes long-suppressed emotions. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can
be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 777 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1597 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The Time Keeper
by Mitch Albom $3.99
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Fantasy The inventor of the world's first clock is punished for trying to measure God's greatest gift. He is banished to a cave for centuries and forced to listen to the voices of all who come after him seeking more days, more years. Eventually, Father Time is granted his freedom, along with a magical hourglass and a mission: a chance to redeem himself by teaching two earthly people the true meaning of time. He returns to our world - now dominated by hour-counting - and begins a journey with two unlikely partners: a teenage girl about to give up on life, and a wealthy old businessman who wants to live forever. To save himself, he must save them both. And stop the world to do so. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (non-
profit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 337 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 597 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Madam Tussard
by Michelle Moran $1.99
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Historical Fiction
One reviewer said: “Michelle Moran has written a deft mix of historical accuracy and engaging fiction.” It is more historical than fiction. The year is 1788, and the French Revolution is about to begin…Marie Tussaud has learned the secrets of wax sculpting by working alongside her uncle in their celebrated wax museum. Marie's museum provides Parisians with the very latest news on fashion, gossip, even politics. Her customers hail from every walk of life, and when word arrives that the royals themselves are coming to see their likenesses, Marie never dreams that the king's sister will request her presence at Versailles as a royal tutor in wax sculpting. As Marie becomes acquainted with her pupil, Princess Élisabeth, she is taken to meet both Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI, who introduce her to the glamorous life at court. From lavish parties with more delicacies than she's ever seen, Marie steps into a world entirely different from her own where people are selling
their teeth to put food on the table. Meanwhile, many resent the vast separation between rich and poor. In salons and cafes across Paris, people like Camille Desmoulins, Jean-Paul Marat, and Maximilien Robespierre are lashing out against the monarchy. There's whispered talk of revolution. Will Marie be able to hold on to both the love of her life and her friendship with the royal family as France approaches civil war? Spanning five years from the budding revolution to the Reign of Terror, Madame Tussaud brings us into the world of an incredible heroine whose talent for wax modeling saved her life and preserved the faces of a vanished kingdom. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 864 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1827 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child $4.25
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Mystery This is a sequel to Fever Dream and Cold Vengeance. It features a darker side to Aloysius Pendergast. He is transported from a suicidal depression after the abduction of his wife to an all encompassing obsession for revenge which powers nearly superhuman feats that would make James Bond proud. Several threads run through the story. One involves the background of his ward, Constance Greene, currently residing in an institution for the criminally insane. Another involves Corrie Swanson, the young Goth in hiding and her quest to prove her father’s innocence on a bank robbery charge. The plot takes several unexpected twists and turns which serve to introduce a new ward who can be expected to continue under Pendergast’s care and a new villain which will undoubtedly resurface in the future. When a string of bizarre murders erupts across several Manhattan hotels, NYPD Lieutenant D'Agosta asks his friend
Pendergast for help. Reluctant at first, Pendergast soon discovers that the killings are a message from his wife's kidnappers. When the kidnappers strike again at those closest to Pendergast, he sets out to track down and destroy those responsible. His journey takes him deep into the trackless forests of South America and with potentially world-altering consequences. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 928 pages.
2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2028 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME A Week in Winter
by Maeve Binchy $3.99
Modern Fiction
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Stoneybridge is a small town on the west coast of Ireland. When Chicky Starr decides to take an old, decaying mansion and turn it into a restful place for a holiday, everyone thinks she is crazy. The story takes place around an unlikely cast of characters: Rigger, a bad boy turned good who is handy around the house and Orla, her niece, a whiz at business. When Chicky welcomes her guests they are: John, the American movie star, who thinks he has arrived incognito; Winnie and Lillian who are forced into taking a holiday together; Nicola and Henry, husband and wife, who have been shaken by seeing too much death practicing medicine; Anders who hates his father’s business, but has a real talent for music; Miss Nell Howe, a retired schoolteacher who criticizes everything and leaves a day early; the Walls who are disappointed to have won this second-prize holiday in a contest where first prize was Paris; and Freda, the librarian, who is afraid of her own psychic visions.
This is Binchy’s last book, published posthumously, and one very, very, enjoyable story. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 643 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 1414 pages.
3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Wild Swans
by Jung Chan $3.99
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Non Fiction
A bestselling classic in thirty languages. It is the story of three generations in twentieth-century China, written by a granddaughter daughter. It is an engrossing record of Mao's impact on China, an unusual window on the female experience in the modern world, and an inspiring tale of courage and love. Jung Chang describes the life of her grandmother, a warlord's concubine; her mother's struggles as a young idealistic Communist; and her parents' experience as members of the Communist elite and their ordeal during the Cultural Revolution. Chang was a Red Guard briefly at the age of fourteen, then worked as a peasant, a "barefoot doctor," a steelworker, and an electrician. This is history from 1911 to 1976, but it is not a textbook. You will never feel as though you just entered a lecture hall and are sitting through a journalistic or pedantic analysis of these turbulent times. The book takes us from the end of
Imperial China, through Japanese occupation, the Nationalist movement, the Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communists, Communist takeover, Mao's Great Leap Forward starving tens of millions to death, the Cultural Revolution turning a national identity upon it's head and breaking it's collective spirit in the process, to Mao Zedong's death, you will be amazed at what you learn in this book about the capacity of the heart to perservere and triumph. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18
point version contains 1053 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2470 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME Winter of the World
by Ken Follet $3.33
Best Seller,
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Historical Fiction
The second volume in Follett's trilogy of the 20th century with the same five families featured in Fall of Angels. Hitler seizes power in 1933; in 1948, the Axis has been defeated, but Europe is split between Eastern and Western Europe: and the Soviets have the bomb. The Berlin airlift has begun. Most of the progeny of the characters introduced in Fall of Giants spend some of their time correcting the mistakes of their parent’s generation. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 1962 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 4207 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
HOME The World According to Garp
by John Irving
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Classic Fiction Millions have already read this modern classic. The story is about the life of T. S. Garp who was born as the result of artificial insemination organized by his mother. She raises young Garp alone, taking a position at the all-boys school Steering School in New England. Garp grows up, becoming interested in sex, wrestling, and writing fiction—three topics in which his mother has little interest. After his graduation in 1961, his mother takes him to Vienna where he writes his first novella. At the same time, his mother begins writing her autobiography, A Sexual Suspect. After they return to the school Garp marries Helen, the wrestling coach's daughter and founds his family, he a struggling writer, she a teacher of English. The publication of her autobiography makes his mother famous. She becomes a feminist icon. Feminists view her book as a manifesto of a woman who does not care to bind herself to a man, and who chooses to raise a child on her
own. Garp becomes a devoted parent, wrestling with anxiety for the safety of his children and a desire to keep them safe from the dangers of the world. He and his family inevitably experience dark and violent events through which the characters change and grow. Garp learns, often painfully, from the women in his life who are struggling to become more tolerant in the face of intolerance. The story is decidedly rich with (in the words of Garp's teacher) "lunacy and sorrow," and the sometimes ridiculous chains of events the characters experience still resonate with painful truth. The novel contains several sub-stories: Garp's first novella; a short story; and the first chapter of his novel, The World According to Bensenhaver. The book also contains some motifs that appear in almost all John Irving novels: bears, wrestling, Vienna, New England, people who are uninterested in having sex, and a complex Dickensian plot that spans the protagonist's whole life. Adultery also plays a large part, culminating in one of the novel's most harrowing and memorable scenes. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually
impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book: 1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 971 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 2192 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
World Without End
by Ken Follett
Best Seller,
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Historical Fiction
This is the sequel to The Pillars of the Earth, that was set in twelfth-century England. World Without End takes place in the same town of Kingsbridge, two centuries after the townspeople finished building the cathedral that was at the heart of The Pillars of the Earth. This time the men and women of an extraordinary cast of characters find themselves at a crossroad of new ideas— about medicine, commerce, architecture, and justice. Conservatives and progressives battle each other’s ideas against the background of Black Death. This is an extra large print publication specifically formatted by the Virginia M. Woolf Foundation for the visually impaired. The Foundation is an authorized entity (nonprofit organization) dedicated to providing publications for use by persons with disabilities under the provisions of 17 U.S.C.A. § 121, an exemption to the copyright law. There is extra spacing between lines and a Verdana font is used. You can print the file and search for any word or phrase. This publication includes three versions of the book:
1. PDF in 18 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 18 point version contains 2579 pages. 2. PDF in 28 point type: This is a non-DRM .pdf file that can be used on any computer or device that has the capability of reading .pdf files. Users can enjoy the larger type as delivered or change the size with the Adobe Reader. The 28 point version contains 5521 pages. 3. ASCII .txt: This is a standard .txt file that can be used on your computer and virtually any mobile device. HOME
End of New Book Descriptions
Books Listed by Author Peter Ackroyd Canterbury Tales Retold Mitch Albom The Time Keeper Kingsley Amis The Alteration Isaac Asimov I-Robot The Caves of Steel The Bicentennial Man The End of Eternity The Gods Themselves The Naked Sun Nemesis Nightfall Robot Dreams The Stars Like Dust Buy Jupiter
Jean Auel The Clan of the cave Bear The Mammoth Hunters The Plains of Passage The Shelters of Stone The Valley of the Horses James Baldwin Go Tell it on the Mountain Heather Barbieri The Lace Makers of Glenmara Charles Baxter Gryphon Stephen Baxter Ark Flood Peter Benchley Jaws
Maeve Binchy Tara Road Minding Frankie A Week in Winter Cara Black Murder Below Montparnasse Chris Bohjalian The Light in the Ruins Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 450 The Martian Chronicles The October Country Alan Bradley A Red Herring Without Mustard Dan Brown The Da Vinci Code The Five People You Meet in Heaven Digital Fortress Inferno
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