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D. Covenant of Right Relationship for the Board of Trustees . Church Use Agreement Worksheet . 2008-2009 Howard Watkins&...



INTRODUCTION A. Foreword ............................................................................................................... 1 B. Principles & Purposes ........................................................................................... 2 C. Mission, Purpose, Vision & Covenant ................................................................. 3 D. Covenant of Right Relationship for the Board of Trustees .................................. 4 E. Covenant of Right Relationship with Paid Staff................................................... 5 F. Vision Statement ................................................................................................... 6 G. Welcoming Congregation Declaration ................................................................. 7 H. List of UUCF Presidents ....................................................................................... 8


ADMINISTRATION A. Bylaws .................................................................................................................. 9 B. Board of Trustees and Officers 1. Responsibility of Trustees ......................................................................... 16 2. Board of Trustees Calendar ....................................................................... 17 3. President Responsibilities .......................................................................... 19 4. Vice President Responsibilities ................................................................. 20 5. Treasurer Responsibilities ......................................................................... 21 6. Clerk Responsibilities ................................................................................ 22 C. Ministry 1. Minister Contract ....................................................................................... 23 2. Evaluation/Partnership Model ................................................................... 25 3. Administrative Review of the Minister ..................................................... 26 4. Committee on Ministry .............................................................................. 28


POLICIES A. Human Resources 1. Human Resources Policies ........................................................................ 29 2. Background Check Requirements ............................................................. 39 3. Sexual Misconduct and Abuse Questionnaire ............................................... 4. Code of Ethics for Working with Children and Youth .................................. 5. Evaluating Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) ......................... 6. Code Section Key for Background Check ..................................................... 7. Storage, Retention and Dissemination of Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) ....................................... 8. Job Descriptions a. Director of Operations ...................................................................... 46 b. Director of Religious Education ....................................................... 49 c. Music Director .................................................................................. 53 c. Office Assistant ................................................................................ 54 e. Nursery Care Provider ...................................................................... 55 f. Church Sexton .................................................................................. 56 g. Financial Manager ............................................................................ 57


B. C.

Safe Congregation Policy and Procedures 58 Finance 1. Financial Policies ...................................................................................... 69 2. General ....................................................................................................... 69 3. Definitions ................................................................................................. 69 4. Internal Control .......................................................................................... 71 5. Budget ........................................................................................................ 71 6 Accounting/Reporting................................................................................ 72 7. Cash Receipts/Contributions ..................................................................... 73 8. Investments ................................................................................................ 74 9. Payroll ........................................................................................................ 75 10. Purchasing/Accounts Payable .................................................................... 75 11. Credit Cards ............................................................................................... 76 12. Fixed Assets ............................................................................................... 78 13. Financial Records Maintenance ................................................................. 78 14. Capital Improvements .............................................................................. 78a 15. Congregational Assistance Fund ............................................................. 78b


Church Use 1. General information ................................................................................... 79 2. Key Policy ................................................................................................. 80 3. Heating/Cooling Policy ............................................................................. 80 4. Church Use Agreement Worksheet ........................................................... 82 5. Church Use Agreement.............................................................................. 83 Public Relations and Communications .........................................................87-89 1. Newsletter Polices ..................................................................................... 87 2. “What’s NUU” Guidelines ........................................................................ 88 3. Guidelines for Outdoor Bulletin Board ................................................88-89 Church Database 1. Policy ......................................................................................................... 90 2. Data Sheet .............................................................................................91-92 Guidelines for Committee Chairpersons ............................................................ 93 1. Council of Committees .............................................................................. 94




IV. COMMITTEES (Four Focus Areas) A. Organization & Resources Area 1. Facilities a. Building Committee.......................................................................... 95 b. Landscape Committee ...................................................................... 95 2. Finance a. Silent & Live Auction ....................................................................... 95 3. Leadership a. Human Resource Committee .......................................................95-96 b. Leadership Development & Nominating Committee ..................96-97 B.

Program Area


1. 2. 3 4.


Life Span Religious Education ................................................................. 98 Policy on Church School Teachers for Youth Religious Education.......... 98 Adult Religious Education Mission Statement .......................................... 98 Norelma Walker Youth Library................................................................. 98 a. Book Lending Policy ...................................................................98-99 5. Aesthetics Committee .............................................................................. 100 6. Coffee Committee .................................................................................... 100 7. Décor Committee ..................................................................................... 100 8. Sound Committee .................................................................................... 100 Sunday Services Committee 101 C. Community Area—Membership 1. Contact Ministry ...................................................................................... 103 2. Memorial Garden Committee .................................................................. 103 3. Pastoral Care ............................................................................................ 103 4. Spiritual Quest Groups (formerly Small Groups) .................................... 104 5. UU Connection Committee ..................................................................... 104 6. Visitor and New Member Committee...................................................... 104 a. New Member Assimilation Policy.................................................. 104 b. Visitor Follow-up Procedures ......................................................... 105 D. Social Affairs 1. Circle Suppers .......................................................................................... 106 2. Men’s Group ............................................................................................ 106 3. Home Gardening Group .......................................................................... 106 E. Social Justice Area 1. Social Justice Mission Statement/Programs ............................................ 107 a. Social Justice Protocols .................................................................. 108 b. Social Justice Disclaimer Statement ............................................... 108 c. Guidelines for Church Banner Use ................................................. 109 2. Green Sanctuary Committee Mission/Policy........................................... 109 3. Welcoming Congregation Mission .......................................................... 110


FRESNO UNITARIAN CHURCH Policy and Operation Manual Forward This manual is prepared by the Board of Trustees of the Church to provide guidance to the officers committees and members. It embodies the policies and procedures which are in effect at the time of writing. It is subject to change by amendments to the Bylaws or by majority vote of the Board of Trustees. In event of conflict between this manual and the minutes of the Board of Trustees, the latter shall govern as to all periods prior to the approval of this manual or amendments thereof. This manual with the latest amendments shall govern with respect to minutes prior to the last amendment. There may be minutes of the Board after the approval of this manual or amendments thereof, and these minutes should be consulted to find current policies and procedures. Manual presented to the Board of Trustees June 2011


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST ASSOCIATION PRINCIPLES AND PURPOSES The following statements were adopted as Bylaws by the 1984, 1985, and 1995 General Assemblies. We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote:       

The inherent worth and dignity of every person Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations A free and responsible search for truth and meaning The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part

The living tradition we share draws from many sources:     

Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life. Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love Wisdom from the world's religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit  Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature Grateful for the religious pluralism which enriches and ennobles our faith, we are inspired to deepen our understanding and expand our vision. As free congregations we enter into this covenant, promising to one another our mutual trust and support. The Unitarian Universalist Association shall devote its resources to and exercise its corporate powers for religious, educational, and humanitarian purposes. The primary purpose of the Association is to serve the needs of its member congregations, organize new congregations, extend and strengthen Unitarian Universalist institutions, and implement its principles.


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO MISSION The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno is a welcoming religious community whose mission is to promote personal and spiritual growth as we work together for a more peaceful, sustainable, and socially just world. Approved by Board of Trustees 06/22/09

PURPOSE Mindful of the covenant as expressed In our Unitarian Universalist Association Principles and Purposes, we seek to establish a welcoming church family, within which we, as individuals, can worship and work together, so that these concepts may become a living reality in our lives and our community. VISION The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno is a welcoming religious community. Our campus rests gently on the earth. The Principles of Unitarian Univeralism guide us in our relationships. Our shared ministry supports personal and spiritual growth for all ages. We care for one another through the passages of life. We give abundantly of our time, talent, and treasure to fulfill our mission. We work together for a peaceful, just, and sustainable world. Our church encourages intellectual freedom and thoughtful responsibility So that all who come seeking a liberal faith may find a home here. Approved by Board of Trustees 06/22/09 COVENANT We affirm that love is the doctrine of this church, the quest for truth is its sacrament, and service is its prayer. We strive to dwell together in peace, to seek knowledge in freedom, to serve humankind in fellowship, to the end that all souls shall grow into harmony with the divine. Thus do we covenant with each other.


A COVENANT OF RIGHT RELATIONSHIP For the Board of Trustees at the UU Church of Fresno

Preamble: On September 22, 2002 our church entered an exciting new chapter in its history. The congregation voted with over 95% approval to buy five acres on Alluvial Ave. on which to construct a new facility. This decision has given us much hope and joy, but it has also presented us with a number of new challenges that ask for our response. Because creating these responses will be complicated and perplexing as well as being exciting, we have decided to articulate and agree to a "Covenant of Right Relationship" which will remind us of our highest values, our commitment to teamwork and our commitment to mutual support and respect as we do our work. COVENANT: Understanding that we will have different opinions as we work together, we members of the Board of the UU Church of Fresno will: + Commit to working with one another with respect and appreciation of our differing gifts, + Be inclusive of one another in all communication, + Keep the lines of communication open between us by speaking our own truth, speaking directly to one another about our concerns, and listening thoughtfully, + Understand when we speak our individual truth we may be all alone, but that will be OK with us and with the other people in the circle, + Continue to be open to the dialogue and keep our minds open to hearing new things, + Clearly and kindly give one another feedback, + Recognize the necessity of compromise and work for "Both/And" responses, + Recognize that the whole process of creating effective responses to puzzles is challenging and in flux, + Encourage a search for consensus in all our decision making, + Follow the democratic process and all of our other UU Principles, + When we put things in writing or in e-mail, be thoughtful and respectful of others as well as clear, + And be mindful of our audience and sensitive in our use of language to honor one another as spiritual beings in the process of group decision making. Adopted by the Board of Trustees at the UU Church of Fresno November 22, 22002 Revised June 6, 2003



I will respect the boundaries of a staff member’s job responsibilities.

I will discuss my concerns about a staff member’s responsibilities with that staff member.

I will use “I” statements when speaking to staff members.

I will honor the time and effort a staff member contributes to our community, and address issues to a staff member in a respectful manner.

I will communicate my requests to a staff member directly, and understand that my personal needs may or may not be met.

I will give staff members adequate time to respond to my requests.

I will not make any commitments on behalf of a staff member without his or her consent.

I will seek out opportunities to provide positive feedback to each staff member.

I will respect the personal time of each staff member.

Board Approved 07/28/08


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO Vision Statement June 2000 The congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno is committed to continued growth and development as it offers the Unitarian Universalist religious way to all interested people in the greater Fresno area. It is a welcoming congregation whose doors are open to a rainbow of people regardless of age, race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation or abilities. The congregation includes people from a wide variety of religious, intellectual and spiritual expressions. It is respectful of human diversity and consciously makes room for both spiritual exploration and rational inquiry. Its Sunday services are upbeat and challenging, spiritual and thought-provoking, joyful and informative and, above all, welcoming. The congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno offers a "Life- Span" religious education program that is open to all seekers in the community. Keyed to life-span human development, the program offers classes in which people of all ages can expand their minds, develop their spirits and explore a wide range of topics relevant to their growth as whole beings. The class style is typically participatory, energetic, vibrant and containing a good deal of fun. The members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno give their church high priority in their lives. They are highly involved in running the affairs of their congregation and are generous to it in giving their time, energy and financial resources. They are respectful of one another in church business and run their affairs by an inclusive, democratic process using consensus as much as possible. They are able to debate issues, and then cooperate in the process of reaching sound decisions. They are empathetic and supportive of one another. They enjoy each other's company and participate together in many social events that build connection, friendship and the feeling of shared community. The congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno is a respected liberal voice concerning a wide array of issues facing people in the Central Valley. The church is known as a place where good things happen and its efforts on behalf of the young, the poor and the vulnerable are visible, dynamic, bold and effective. In all its efforts, the congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno is centered in the Principles and Purposes of Unitarian Universalism. It is grateful to be part of the larger Unitarian Universalist movement and, with a spirit of kinship, it works in harmony with the Pacific Central District and the Unitarian Universalist Association.


WELCOMING CONGREGATION DECLARATION WHEREAS: The Principles of Unitarian Universalism call us to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; and WHEREAS: Since 1970 Unitarian Universalist Association has openly resolved to both welcome and affirm the human rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning people; and WHEREAS: This congregation during the last year, by life-span religious education classes, by offering services of holy union, by supporting the formation of the Gay/Straight Alliance, by raising consciousness through participation in the “Welcoming Congregation” program, by Sunday services and by other programs has worked to become more aware and supportive of people in the sexual minority; and WHEREAS: This congregation is committed to the ongoing process of becoming more welcoming of all human beings regardless of race, creed, class, age, culture, educational level, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or physical or mental ability; BE IT RESOLVED: That the congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno dedicates itself in word and deed to being a “Welcoming Congregation,” both in the specific Unitarian Universalist sense of being intentionally affirming and welcoming to people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning, and in the more universal sense of doing the work of carefully listening to and being welcoming of each individual human being who walks through its doors. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno commits itself to the ongoing process of bringing to its By-Laws, its Sunday Services, its programs, and its social activities an explicit welcoming and affirmation of people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or questioning, or who may find themselves in the minority due to race, creed, class, age, culture, educational level, ethnicity, or physical or mental ability; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED: That the congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno commits itself to working for basic human rights and social justice for people in the sexual minority and for all others who are oppressed.

Adopted April 2001


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO – LIST OF PRESIDENTS 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000

Joseph J. Fortier George Dirksen George Dirksen George Dirksen Robert Simpson; George Dirksen Peter Koltnow; Mary Gibson George Dirksen Peter Koltnow Herbert D. Newell Dale C. Burtner George Waite; Dale C. Burtner Raymond Auker Ralph Pruett Herbert D. Newell Albert O. Grote Dick Palmquist; Roy Greenaway Howard Edmonds Bill Fischer Alan Amend Sam Zutler Hans Kahn; Herbert D. Newell Sally Kayser Shirley Valett Lee Alden Lewis T. (Jim) Mann Virginia Biggs Gay Amend Joyce Huggins Bob Miller Dick Richardson Carolyn Murphy Hazel Creighton Howard Edmonds John Freeman Sam Zutler Kristen Eyssell Elizabeth Maury Bill Murphy Armin Biberthaler Sandra Dralle Rick Hansen Stephen Sacks Stephen Sacks Don Chapin Gina Hill Jim Franklin Chris Gulbronsen

2000-2001 Erik Peterson 2001-2002 Betsy Temple 2002-2003 Kathy Long-Pence 2003-2004 Allen Goodman 2004-2005 Doris Lang 2005-2006 Ellen Gruenbaum 2006-2007 Rich Berrett 2007-2008 Jody Palmer 2008-2009 Howard Watkins 2009-2010 Amanda Peterson 2010-2011 Karen Goodman




ARTICLE I. NAME The name of this organization shall be the Unitarian Universalist Church (Church) of Fresno. ARTICLE II. PURPOSE This church shall be a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and the Pacific Central District of that Association. It shall live its congregational life based on the UU Purposes and Principles and the Covenant. We seek to establish a welcoming church family, within which we, as individuals, can worship and work together so that these concepts may become a living reality in our lives and in our community. Unitarian Universalist Principles and Purposes As a religious body, we covenant to affirm and promote: … the inherent worth and dignity of every person … justice, equity and compassion in human relations … acceptance of one another, encouraging spiritual growth in our congregations … a free and responsible search for truth and meaning … the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large … the goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all … respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part Covenant We affirm that love is the doctrine of this Church, the quest for truth is its sacrament, and service is its prayer. We strive to dwell together in peace, to seek knowledge in freedom, to serve humankind in fellowship, To the end that all souls shall grow into harmony with the divine. Thus do we covenant with each other.

Welcoming Congregation This congregation is committed to the ongoing process of bringing to its By-Laws, its Sunday Services, its programs, and its social activities an explicit welcoming and affirmation of people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or questioning, or who may find themselves in the minority due to race, creed, class, age, culture, educational lever, ethnicity, or physical or mental ability. The congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno commits itself to working for basic human rights and social justice for people in the sexual minority and for all others who are oppressed.

ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP A. Any person sixteen years of age or older who accepts the essential principles of the Purposes of this Church as set forth in Article II, may become a member of this Church by signing the Membership Book, and shall be received into membership formally in such manner as the Board may prescribe. Any person under the age of sixteen who has successfully completed the Church School "Rites of Passage" class is eligible to become a


member of this Church. B. Continuing membership requires that an annual financial contribution of record for the support of the Church be made during the fiscal year. Prior to the March board meeting of each year, the Board of Trustees shall cause the membership list to be reviewed to determine whether persons on the list are still participating members. At the March meeting, the Board of Trustees may remove from membership the name of any person who has not made any financial contribution of record during the preceding year. Notice shall be given each person whose name is proposed for removal no less than two weeks prior to the April board meeting, and each person so notified shall be afforded the opportunity to request continuation as a member. C. When a member has reached the age of seventy-five, the Board may grant that member a Life Membership. Further contribution for the support of the Church will be appreciated, but not required. Such memberships may be conferred formally in a manner the Board considers appropriate. The Board shall also have the authority to grant Life Memberships in special circumstances. D. Members of the Church shall have the power of voting, and shall be eligible to vote or hold any elective or appointive office provided they have been members for at least thirty days. E. Any member may end membership by filing a written resignation with the Clerk. ARTICLE IV. BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees (Board) shall consist of six Trustees at large plus the five Officers. All trustees and officers are elected by the members at the Annual Meeting of the Church. A. TRUSTEES The term of office for trustees is two years. Trustees may stand for re-election, but may not serve for more than two consecutive full terms. A trustee who has served two consecutive full terms cannot serve as trustee until the expiration of one year. Three trustees shall be elected each year. B. OFFICERS The officers of this Church shall be President, Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Clerk and Treasurer. Each officer shall continue in office until a successor takes office. The term of office for all officers shall be for one year. Any officer who has served two consecutive full terms in that office shall be ineligible to serve in that office until the expiration of one year. If a sitting trustee is nominated to be an officer, the Nominating Committee shall also nominate a sufficient number of trustees such that if the sitting trustee is elected to the officer position, no additional election will be required by virtue of the election of the sitting trustee. The officers shall have the following duties: 1. The President shall: a. Preside at meetings of the Board and congregation; b. Sign documents requiring the signature of the corporation president; c. Bring to the attention of the board its responsibilities and legal obligations; See that the Annual Report of the Board and its committees is prepared; Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee and the Committee on Ministry; Perform all duties incidental to the office of president; Shall serve one year on the Board as “Past President”.


2. The Vice-President shall: a. Preside at meetings of the Board and the congregation in the absence of the President; b. Assist the President on the duties of office; c. Perform such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Board; Assume the office of President in the event that office becomes vacant; The Vice-President shall serve as President the following year. 3. The Clerk shall: a. Keep the minutes of meetings of the Board and congregation, maintaining them in permanent form with other corporate records and making them available for inspection by any church member upon written request to the Clerk; b. Sign any documents requiring the signature of the corporation secretary; c. Maintain for reference at any meeting the church membership list; d. Delegate clerical duties to paid staff or volunteers who shall be responsible to the Clerk; e. See that all notices are duly given as required by law or by these bylaws; f. Perform all duties incidental to the office of Clerk, and such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Board. 4. The Treasurer shall: a. Be the chief financial officer of the Church; b. Sign any documents requiring the signature of the corporation treasurer; c. Oversee the accounting of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities of the Church; d. See that monies received by the Church are deposited in the name of the Church in such depositories as are designated by the Board; e. See that funds are disbursed in accordance with due authorization of the Board; f. See that a written report of income and expenses is presented annually to the congregation and the Board; g. Be responsible for the timely preparation and filing of all local, state, and federal reports and taxes h. Be responsible for payroll, including check signing, for all Church employees and the minister; i. Be bonded, with the expense of furnishing the bond to be paid by the Church; j. Maintain financial records, which are the property of the Church, in a manner that is open for inspection by any member of the Board; k. Delegate bookkeeping functions to paid staff or volunteers who shall be responsible to the Treasurer. 5. The Immediate Past President shall: Continue to serve on the Board for one additional year. 6. Appointive Officers: The Board may appoint from time to time such additional officers or assistant officers as may be required. C. The Board shall have general responsibility for the administration of the Church. The appointment, policies and activities of all committees shall be subject to Board approval. Between meetings of the church membership, the Board of Trustees shall have the powers of the church membership, except as specifically reserved in the bylaws. D. The title of all properties owned by the Church shall be vested in the Church and shall be under the control of the Board. E. The Board shall have the authority to employ and dismiss employees of the Church, except the Minister, to whom the provisions of Article VIII shall apply. F.

Meetings of the Board shall be held monthly. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President


or by any three Board members upon two days’ notice to each member of the Board. G.

Six members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.


The Minister shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio Board member.

I. The Board of Trustees may take public action on behalf of the Church, provided it is in support and furtherance of UU principles, as expressed in resolutions passed by this congregation or by the UU General Assembly. J. The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to appoint a replacement officer or trustee for any vacancy to complete the unexpired term. ARTICLE V. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AND NOMINATING COMMITTEE A.

The Leadership Development and Nominating Committee (LDNC) shall serve for one year and consist of five members: a chair and four other members. The chair and two other members shall be elected by the church members at the Annual Meeting of the Church. The remaining two members and any vacancies that arise shall be appointed by Board. B. The LDNC shall be responsible for nominating the Trustees, President, Vice-President, Clerk, Treasurer, and the three nominees for the next LDNC. The list of nominees shall be given to the Board in time to meet the ten-day notice deadline to the membership (see Article VII, A). Nominations may be made from the floor with the prior consent of the nominee. C. The LDNC shall be responsible for helping members of the congregation develop their potential for leadership responsibilities in the church. D. The Board may charge the LDNC with making recommendations for committee chairs. The Board must approve any committee chairs. (See ARTICLE VI.) ________________________________________________________________________ (Notes) Section A: The primary change in this paragraph is that the Board will now have the responsibility of filling any vacancies that may arise in the LDNC. Section B: This paragraph is the same except for the name change of the committee. Section C: This paragraph states some of the responsibilities of the LDNC. It is written in a broad manner so that the LDNC can be flexible to meet changing needs. Section D: It is assumed that the board will delegate the responsibility of nominating committee chairs to the LDNC, but this paragraph is written in a flexible manner that allows the board to keep that responsibility if they wish. {ARTICLE VI reads - “The selection of members and chairs of committees may be delegated by the Board, except that no person shall serve as a committee chair without the consent of the Board”.} Revised January 14, 2007 Mike Reilly and Geoff Smith


ARTICLE VI. COMMITTEES The Board shall have the authority to appoint such committees as are necessary to carry out the goals and purposes of the Church, with the exception of the three elected members of the Nominating Committee and the Ministerial Search Committees, which shall be elected by the congregation. Membership on Church committees shall be open to all members of the Church, subject to such policies as the Board may adopt. The selection of members and chairs of committees may be delegated by the Board, except that no person shall serve as a committee chair without the consent of the Board. No committee shall commit the Church as a whole to any position or particular course of action. ARTICLE VII. MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS A. The Annual Meeting of the Church for the transaction of business and the election of Officers, Trustees and the Nominating Committee shall be held during April or May at such time and place as the Board of Trustees may designate. The term of officers and trustees shall begin on the first of June. B. The Annual Budget shall be approved by a vote of the church membership at a duly-noticed meeting. 1. Revisions to the Adopted Budget shall be proposed by the Finance Committee and submitted to the Board for discussion and approval. Church membership approval shall not be required. 2. The approved Revised Annual Budget shall be published to the congregation. Members may call a special meeting, pursuant to Article VII, sub-part C, with respect to revisions enacted by the Board. 3. The Board may shift money within the General Fund, up to 3% of the authorized annual budget. Changes in excess of 3% shall require prior authorization by a vote of the church membership at a duly called meeting. C. Special meetings of the Church may be called by the Board or upon written request of at least one-third of the members of the Church, and shall be limited to the purposes specified in the notice calling the meeting. D. Notice of all business meetings of the Church shall be sent to each member of record at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. E. One-fourth of the voting members shall constitute a quorum at any business meeting of the Church. Once established, a quorum is deemed in effect until adjournment. F. When any subject comes before a membership meeting for a vote of the members present, voting shall be by secret ballot on the request of any member present, seconded by another member. G. All Church Meetings shall be conducted by the President, or in his or her absence, by the Vice-President, or such person as the Board may appoint as Moderator. All meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order. ARTICLE VIII. MINISTER A. In the selection of a minister, a Ministerial Search Committee shall be established and its members nominated by the Board and approved by a vote of the congregation. The Committee shall operate in as close conformity as possible with the guidelines developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association. B. The Minister shall be responsible to the Church for effective performance as defined in a contractual agreement between the Minister and the Membership. The Minister shall render such reasonable reports as may


be required. The Minister shall be chosen by a vote of the Church, and a vote of the Church shall be necessary for the Ministers dismissal. In case of vacancy, the Board shall have the power to provide for temporary ministerial services. C. Once the Minister is called, the relationship shall continue until either the Church or Minister gives at least two months written notice of the intent to end the call, unless both parties shall agree otherwise. D. The Minister, as religious leader of the Church, shall have complete and responsible freedom of the pulpit. ARTICLE IX. DISSOLUTION In case of dissolution of the Church, all its property, real or personal, subject to all just and legal claims upon it, shall vest in the Unitarian Universalist Association. ARTICLE X. DEFINITIONS 1. Whenever the word "Church" is used in these bylaws, it shall signify the legal organization of this religious society as incorporated under the laws of the State of California. 2. Whenever the word "Board" is used in these bylaws, it shall signify the Board of Trustees as created in Article IV. 3. Whenever the words “General Fund” or “Operating Fund” are used in these bylaws or Board discussion and actions, they shall refer to the unrestricted operating account of this Church. 4. Whenever the words "Designated Fund" are used in Board discussion and actions, they shall refer to funds specifically earmarked for certain expenditures, or to carryover funds from one fiscal year to the next. 5. Whenever the words "Restricted Fund" are used in Board discussion and action, they shall refer to a fund or account the expenditure of which is limited by restrictions placed on the funds by the donor or congregation. 6. Whenever the words "Endowment Fund" are used in Board discussion and action, they shall refer to a fund or account from which the principal may not be spent. ARTICLE XI. AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any meeting of the Church, provided a quorum is present and provided the proposed amendment has been stated in the notice calling the meeting. Previous revisions to the Bylaws were dated as follows: May 3, 2003 February 3, 2002 January 22, 1995 October 30, 1994 - Old Bylaws were rescinded, and new Bylaws were adopted. June 6, 1993 March 21, 1992 December 4, 1988 March 12, 1983 March 21, 1981 March 10, 1979 March 12, 1977


March 14, 1975 March 10, 1974 March 10, 1973 March 12, 1972 October 12, 1969 March 15, 1969 March 18, 1967 March 12, 1966 March 10, 1963 ORIGINAL BYLAWS were written on February 13, 1955.


BOARD OF TRUSTEES Responsibility Guidelines The affairs of this Church shall be administered by the Board of Trustees who shall have the general charge and administration of the Church and the care of all its properties. The policies and activities of all affiliated organizations shall be subject to its control. COMPOSITION: The Board of Trustees consists of the President, the Vice president, the Clerk, the Treasurer, six Trustees, and the immediate past President. The Minister shall serve as an ex-officio Board member, but will not vote. TERM OF OFFICE: At the Annual Meeting of the Church for the selection of officers, approximately half of the Trustees shall be elected for a term of two years. A Trustee who has served two consecutive terms as Trustee shall be ineligible for re-election until the expiration of one year. The new Board assumes office on June 1st. DUTIES: 1.

Attend all regular and special Board meetings.


Participate in the development and implementation of Church policy and procedures.


Serve as liaison to designated committee(s) as determined by the Board. Liaison responsibilities include, but are not limited to: a. Assist recruiting committee chairpersons and members. b. Provide leadership to committee(s) by regularly attending meetings and participating, but not assuming committee responsibility. c. Act as an information conduit between the Board and the committee to facilitate Church operations and to bring committee concerns before the Board.


Assume responsibility in leading ad-hoc committees or task forces to implement Board actions for the efficient management of the Church, (i.e., policy review, leadership, retreats, workshops, etc.).


Regularly attend Congregational meetings, Sunday services and Church activities, making observations and seeking input as to congregational needs.


Monitor all expenditures detailed in the budget for the fiscal year.

COORDINATION: All approved actions of the Board shall be communicated to responsible parties. Rev. 8/97 Duty #3 rev. 05/29/10


Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno Board of Trustees Calendar

Calendar overview: Some events are scheduled at the discretion of the Board; some events are specified in the Bylaws; some are scheduled by the PCD or UUA. This is meant as a guideline to provide a sense of our Church year. In no way is it an exhaustive study of the myriad of events in this dynamic congregation. Specific events that affect the work of the Board are included to the best of available information. The Church action year runs from June 1 to May 31st. The fiscal (financial) year is on a calendar basis. Monthly Events: 1st Monday (6:00 pm): Human Resources Committee meets 2nd Monday (7:00 pm): Committee on Ministry meets 3rd Monday (5:30 pm): Finance Committee meets to approve financials 3rd Monday (lunch): Executive Committee (President, VP, Treasurer and Minister) meet to develop the agenda for the Board Meeting 4the Monday (6:00 pm): Regular monthly Board Meeting Annual Events: February: Nominating Committee begins work to develop new slate of officers and trustees April or May: Annual Meeting is held (second or third Saturday) and new Board is elected by the Congregation Late April: PCD Assembly May & June: Planning for Board Retreat to be held in Late May or Early June. June 1: New Board assumes duties. June: New Committee Chairs are recruited. Committee work needs to begin as soon as possible. Late June: UUA General Assembly July: Planning for the annual Canvass begins Planning for the Annual Priority Setting Workshop begins The Finance Committee evaluates the fiscal year and revises the budget as needed. August: The Finance Committee begins developing the budget for the next fiscal year. Requests to Committee for their projected financial needs for the following year are made and compiled into the Preliminary Budget.


UUCF Board Calendar (Continued) September: The Annual Priority Setting Workshop is held. Preliminary Budget is presented to the Board. Canvass planning in earnest. October: The Canvass is conducted. November: The budget is revised to meet the actual pledge amount raised in the Canvass. This is the Proposed Budget to be presented to the Congregation. At least one informational meeting should be held to solicit feedback from the Congregation. The Annual All-Church Retreat is held. December: Congregational meeting is held to approve the Budget for the next fiscal year. January: Board selects delegate to PCD Assembly in April February: Begin planning for Annual Meeting (April). Request to all Committees for their reports to be included in the Annual Report. The Nominating Committee begins work to develop new slate of officers and trustees. Mid-year evaluation toward annual priorities. March: Board selects delegates to General Assembly in June. The Committee on Ministry coordinates the Ministerial Administrative Review. Announcement of new Board candidates to Congregation. April: The Annual Report is compiled and presented to the Congregation at the Annual Meeting this month. Election of New Board. June 1st: New Board assumes duties.


BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS President The President is elected by the congregation to serve as its chief representative in conducting the business of the church, in supervising the general operation of the church and in overseeing the total interests and welfare of the church. In this capacity, the President will Call and preside at-regular and special meetings of the Board of Trustees. Direct the Clerk to call regular and special meetings of the congregation's membership and preside at such meetings. Determine that the quorum is present when official business is transacted and assure that minutes are taken. Appoint, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, the chairperson for all committees, two members of the Nominating Committee, members of such ad hoc committees as seem appropriate and be responsible for the proper performance of such committees. Appoint trustees as Liaison members to church committees and affiliated groups which require regular contact with the Board. Be alert to all matters which pertain to the total welfare of the church and the interests of the members of the congregation. Review and attempt to resolve problems relevant to committee chairpersons, the Board of trustees or the minister. The President shall chair the Council of Committees quarterly. Subcommittees: The President, with the concurrence of the Board, will appoint subcommittees of the Board to handle routine matters within the policies established in this manual or to study proposals before the Board and to prepare recommendations for actions of the Board. Responsibilities of subcommittees: The charge to each subcommittee must clearly state its composition and chairman, what it is to accomplish and within what guidelines or limits, and when it is expected to complete the task.



BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS Vice President The Vice President is elected by the congregation. Responsibilities: Assume the responsibilities of the President if the Board determines the position of the President is vacant. Participate as a member of the Board of Trustees. Represent and act for the president when requested by the President.

Rev. June 25, 1998


BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS Treasurer The Treasurer is elected by the Congregation. Responsibilities: 1. Reviews the monthly financial records of the congregation and monthly financial reports and reports to board on same. 2. Approves and reviews distribution of church funds from the checking account (invoices, vouchers and reimbursement requests). 3. Reviews and verifies weekly deposits. 4. As decided by the Finance Committee and the board, deposits funds into financial institutions that best serve the interests of the church. 5. Assists the Board and Finance Committee in the preparation of the preliminary and adopted annual budget to be approved by the congregation with the financial year being from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. 6. Reviews and verifies the accuracy and the retention of all necessary payroll records, payments of payroll taxes and submission of payroll reports to the state and federal governments. 7. Arrange bank loans, as directed by Board of Trustees or congregational meetings.

Revised 12-23-02


BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS Clerk The Clerk is elected by the congregation. Responsibilities: Keep the minutes of regular and special Board and Congregational Meetings. Operational Guidelines based on Robert's Rules in Plain English by Doris P. Zimmerman. Minutes are the written record of proposals, decisions and reports. They are the legal record of the meetings of the organization and may be subpoenaed. The first paragraph contains the kind of meeting, name of the organization, date and place of the meeting, presence of the president or presiding substitutes, names of all those elected or appointed, the names of all people reporting or attending, the presence of a quorum, time the meeting was called to order and whether the minutes of the previous meeting were approved or corrected. The scribe should sign the minutes and record the date of approval. Specific corrections noting the date, page and line in which the correction appears are made in red. Do not obliterate the original. Note the date of the correction. Minutes are usually corrected at the time of the subsequent regular board meeting. They may be corrected at a later date provided the correction receives a two-thirds vote. The body of the minutes contains reports given including the name of their reporter and any related action taken, all main motions and the name of the maker of the motion, all adopted and defeated motions, and important announcements. When voting by voice, record if the motion was passed or defeated. When voting by roll call, the names of those voting on each side should be entered. When voting by ballot the number of votes on each side should be recorded. A separate paragraph should be written for each subject in the body of the minutes. The final paragraph contains the adjournment and the time of adjournment. Minutes are prepared by the clerk, checked by the President, then sent to the church office for the Office Manager to distribute to Board Members and the Minister, and posted for the membership to view. Minutes should not include: discussion or personal opinions, the name of the seconder of the motion, motions withdrawn, entire reports (the report is attached to the original minutes).

8/31/98 Rev. 2002


Ministerial Contract Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno General Spirit of the Agreement In subscribing to this agreement, both parties understand that the relationship between the church, as a community of diverse people, and the Minister, as their chosen religious leader, is complex, involving many skills and responsibilities on both sides, and needing an environment of cooperation and good faith to function beneficially. It is therefore the intent of both parties to work together in such a spirit in order to make the partnership as effective as possible. Term: This agreement shall begin on a mutually agreed date and shall continue until terminated as provided by the agreement. Compensation: The Church will provide a lump sum compensation package which our minister can divide among salary, housing allowance, health insurance, professional expenses, and pension as seems appropriate to him. The annual calendar year compensation lump sum offered is $60,000. Vacation: The Minister will receive one month of full vacation each year and another month of "on call" duty during which no pulpit responsibilities are expected, but the minister will be available to the Board if needed. Normally it is expected that the minister will be on duty during the ten-month period September - June. Sabbatical: The church will provided one month of sabbatical leave for each full year of service, not to be taken before six years of service. The minister shall agree to serve for at least one year following any sabbatical granted. Sick Leave and Disability: The Minister shall be provided customary and reasonable short term paid sick leave and disability. Responsibilities: The Minister's duties shall include the conduct of worship services- the support, conduct, and assistance to the educational programs for children, youth, and adults; the performance of the rites of the church, pastoral counseling, calling, and other services within the normal duties of a Minister of the UUA, and as provided in the Bylaws of the Church including, but not limited to: 1.

Be responsible for Sunday services three Sundays per month, September through June.


Consult with the Sunday Services Committee in the planning of other Sunday services.

3. Conduct weddings, memorial services, dedications and other rites of passage for members. Similar services for non-members may be conducted by the minister at his discretion and any compensation for such services will be the property of the minister. 4. Supervise the staff of the church; participate in hiring and evaluation of the staff personnel in cooperation with appropriate church committees and the Board of Trustees,


5. Facilitate development of and implementation of the religious education program by working closely with the RE Director who has primary responsibility in this area. 6.

Provide visitation and counseling services to members and friends.


Attend Board of Trustees meetings and be available to other committees of the church for consultation.


Participate in financial planning and management.


Maintain regular office hours.


Represent the Church in the community.


Abide by the UUMA Code of Professional Practice.

Termination: Should the Minister offer his resignation, three months notice must be given at the time the resignation is made, except as the Board of Trustees may allow an interval of less time. In the event of a minister's dismissal, his salary and allowance shall be continued for two months following the date of dismissal. Modification of Agreement: The agreement between the church and the Minister will be reviewed annually and any mutually acceptable modifications can be made in writing. Signed, ____________________________________Minister


President of the Board of Trustees Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno



EVALUATIONS BETWEEN MINISTER AND CONGREGATION IN A PARTNERSHIP MODEL Rev. Bryan D. Jessup and the Comm. on Ministry for the Board of Trustees of The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno I) The basic model for our relationship as minister and congregation is that of partnership. As partners we: a) Set goals in the Fall of each year in four areas: Programs Fellowship/Church Community Social Justice Organization/Institution b) Have a Mid-Year Evaluation of progress toward goals c) Have an End of the Year Evaluation. d) At the Mid Year Evaluation and the End of the Year Evaluation -The Board and Minister look at what the congregation has done and what the Minister has done in regard to goals and expectations. They speak with one another about what has worked well and what might be tried in the future - what has been appreciated and what is hoped for as the work continues. These mutual evaluations will be agreed upon and written down. II) For the sake of the safety and well being of the institution there is, also, each year an Administrative Review of the minister. The purpose of this review is to make sure that the minister is delivering the agreed upon services required for the health of the church and to determine if (from the perspective of church leadership) the spirit of the partnership remains strong. a) Regarding the “Administrative Review of the Minister:” The Committee on Ministry will send an Administrative Review form to all members of the church Board and to committee chairs in the four following areas: PROGRAM– The chairs of Religious Education and Sunday Service will be asked each year to complete a Review COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT – The chairs of the new Member Welcoming Community, Pastoral Care, or Contact Ministry will be asked. SOCIAL JUSTICE – the chair of Social Justice will be asked. ORGANIZATION AND RESOURCES– The chairs of Finance, Human Resources, and Leadership will be asked. b) After the President compiles the results of the Review as filled out by the Chairs of the above committees, she or he will present the results to the Board in Executive session. The Board will then discuss the results and either affirm its desire to continue the partnership with the minister or decide that it is going to suggest to the congregation that a new minister be sought. The Minister will then be called in and informed of the Board’s desire, and he or she will respond in one way or another to the Board’s statement - either re-committing to the partnership or declaring an intention to move on. Approved 3/26/01


ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW OF THE MINISTER THE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH FRESNO, CALIFORNIA This Administrative Review of the Minister is a tool used by leadership of the congregation to determine if the minister, is fulfilling the basic obligations of his contract with the church. It is done yearly for the sake of the basic safety and well being of the church and is not to be confused with the Mid-Year and End of Year Evaluations of the Church/Minister Partnership in which much more extensive conversations occur. Please return this form to Church President. INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer YES, NO, or OTHER to the questions below. The OTHER category is to allow for varying arrangements that might be made. Please make a note to explain the OTHER category if you choose it. ACCORDING TO AGREEMENT, THE MINISTER OF THE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO IS OBLIGATED TO PERFORM IN THE -WAYS LISTED BELOW. HAS HE DONE SO? 1) Been responsible for Sunday Services three Sundays a month September through June?




2) Consulted regularly with Sunday Service Committee regarding Sunday Schedule?




3) Conducted weddings, memorials, dedications and other rites and rituals for members of the congregation as arranged?




4) Acted as supervisor for church staff in cooperation with the appropriate church committees.




5) Worked closely with the Director of Religious Education and the Religious Education Committee Chairs to support Life Long Religious Education?




6) Provided visitation and counseling to members on request?




7) Attended Board meetings and been available to committees on request.




8) Participated in financial planning and management?




9) Maintained regular office hours?




10) Represented the church in the community?





11) Abided by the Unitarian Universalist Ministers' Association Code of Ethics?





Granting that there will always be some disagreement, tension and difficulty as partners work together, is the spirit of the partnership between this minister and congregation healthy?



Do you continue to have confidence in the congregation's partnership with this minister?



________________________________________________________________________ COMMENTS:

April 2001



The Committee on Ministry is primarily for the support of a successful collaborative ministry between the minister and the congregation. The committee provides feedback and encouragement to the minister and acts as a communication channel between the minister and the congregation. If a member of the church has a particular concern or issue with the minister, the matter can be taken either be taken directly to the minister or to a member of the committee. The Chair of the Committee on Ministry also serves on the Safe Congregations Committee should one need to be convened. April 2007



INTRODUCTION. A. Mission. The mission of the Human Resources Committee is to promote the Mission of the Congregation through recommending, monitoring, and maintaining the policies and procedures that support members of the church staff and hold them accountable for the performance of their duties. B. Advisory Capacity. The Human Resources committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Trustees in all Human Resources matters. The Chair of the Human Resources Committee also serves as Chair of the Safe Congregations Committee should one need to be convened. (April 2007) C. Purpose. This document is the employment policy for paid, non-Ministerial staff of the Church to be used as a guide for staff, Human Resources Committee and the Board of Trustees in hiring, supervising and terminating employees. D. At-will Employment. All employees covered by this document shall be at-will employees of the Church, within the meaning of Labor Code section 2922. Neither these policies nor any contract, procedure, other policy or oral representation shall alter the at-will nature of employment. E. General. The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno shall comply with all applicable labor laws and regulations and shall not discriminate against any employee on account of his/her protected status under the law. F. Human Resources Authorities. The Human Resources Policy is implemented by the Board of Trustees and the Human Resources Committee. 1. Board of Trustees. The structure of the Board of Trustees is defined by the by-laws of the church to consist of six members of the congregation, president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, and past president. 2. Human Resources Committee. The Human Resources Committee is comprised of five members of the congregation at-large, excluding members of the Board of Trustees, chosen by vote of the Board of Trustees, serving staggered three year terms, with the member of the committee in the third year of the term serving as chair of the committee. (Personnel Committee name change to Human Resources Committee approved by Board 09/28/08.)

II. ORGANIZATION/SUPERVISION. A. Delegation. The Board of Trustees delegates to the Minister or other person selected by the Minister, the role of Supervisor of all paid employees. If an employee question or concern relates to Church policy or the implementation of policy, the Minister and/or Supervisor shall consult with the Human Resources Committee. If an employee question or concern relates to compensation or finances, the Supervisor shall consult with the Finance Committee. B. Lines of Communication. An employee who has a concern about his/her employment shall first speak to the Supervisor. If the Supervisor’s response is unsatisfactory to the employee, the employee may proceed under the grievance procedure, Section X herein.


III. EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONS. A. Exempt Employees. Exempt employees are those who are paid an annual salary. The employee and supervisor shall establish a mutually acceptable work schedule. B. Hourly Employees. Hourly employees are paid by the hour for work performed and shall schedule and perform work in accordance with the schedule set by the Supervisor in consultation with the Human Resources Committee. The employee and Supervisor shall establish a mutually acceptable work schedule. IV. CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT. A.

Employment terms. Each employee's terms and conditions of employment, including benefits and grievance procedure, shall be as provided in these policies.


Duties. A written job description, as prepared by the Human Resources Committee, shall be maintained for each employee's position.


Equal Opportunity Employer. opportunity employer.

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno is an equal


Procedure. In cooperation with the Minister, the Human Resources Committee shall develop and carry out recruitment and selection procedures as needed to fill vacancies.


Applications. Applicants for all positions shall submit either a resume or a written application on forms provided, as determined by the Human Resources Committee.


Authority to Hire. The Board of Trustees of the Church shall have authority to hire staff, upon the recommendation of the Human Resources Committee, in cooperation with the Minister, as it may be requested from time to time.

VI. PERFORMANCE REVIEWS. A. Schedule. New employees shall receive a progress report after three months and a performance review after six months of employment. Other performance reviews shall take place in June of each year. 1. Effect of completion. Satisfactory completion of the first six months of employment shall not alter the at-will status of employment. 2. Job description. In connection with the annual evaluation, the employee, the Minister or the Human Resources Committee, may request a review of an employee's job description. The Human Resources Committee shall conduct the review with input from the Supervisor and the employee whose position is undergoing review. B. Procedure for Review. Each employee employed longer than six months shall be subject to a performance review by the Supervisor with the input of the Human Resources Committee and congregation members with whom the employee works on a regular basis. 1. Written evaluations. All evaluations shall be in writing. A copy of each evaluation shall be reviewed with, signed by and given to the employee. The evaluation shall then be forwarded to the Human Resources Committee which shall review, may comment upon, and shall sign the


evaluation. A copy of the evaluation shall be filed in the employee's Personnel File. 2. Disagreement with evaluation. If the employee disagrees with an evaluation, he/she may write a rebuttal which shall be attached to the evaluation and become a part of it. VII. PERSONNEL FILE. A. File. Each employee shall have a personnel file maintained by the Minister. B. Contents. The personnel file shall include a copy of the job description, a copy of each written evaluation, letters of commendation, records of disciplinary actions, and other appropriate documents. C. Review of files. Each employee may review his/her own personnel file upon request and in the presence of the Minister or the Human Resources Committee Chairperson. Access by other persons shall be only upon authorization of the Minister or Chairperson. VIII. COMPENSATION. A. Amount. Each employee's compensation shall not exceed the amount budgeted for the employee’s position by Congregational vote at the time of approval of the church budget. The employee compensation shall be stated in the budget prepared by the Board upon the recommendation of the Minister, Human Resources Committee, and Finance Committee. B. Employees shall be paid every two weeks. C. Salary Placement/Advancement. The supervisor and the committee shall rely on UUA compensation guidelines, which describe a basis for the minimum, middle, and maximum ranges. The guidelines state that the minimum range is appropriate for employees new to the position with little or no experience in the job. The recommendations further state that, presuming satisfactory evaluations, an employee could expect to move to the middle range after approximately five years in the position. The employee could expect to move to the maximum range after approximately ten years in the position. The supervisor submits salary recommendations on each employee he/she supervises, based on job evaluations, longevity, and other relevant factors to the finance committee. If the Human Resources committee differs with the supervisor regarding the recommendation, it shall present the supervisor’s recommendation along with a rationale for their concern. Note: Meeting UUA guidelines is a high priority, but not a guarantee, as compensation is subject to budgetary limitations. The committee on ministry will follow the same guidelines regarding the minister. The finance committee will then present compensation recommendations to the board as part of the proposed annual budget, stating the recommendations of the Human Resources committee (for non-ordained employees) and the committee on ministry (for the minister). If the Human Resources committee recommendations differ from what the finance committee is recommending, the finance committee shall present the board with a written rationale for the differing recommendation. Approved 11/07 Modification re VII. Personnel File (A) approved 08/28/08


IX. LEAVES AND BENEFITS. A. Leaves. 1. Definitions. a. Day: For purposes of leaves, a "day" shall mean the number of hours an employee regularly works in a day. In the case of employees without fixed, daily schedules, "day" shall mean, during the preceding three months, the average number of hours an employee worked per week, excluding overtime, divided by 5. For example, for an employee working or averaging 25 hours per week, a day shall consist of 5 hours. b. Church year: The church year for leave purposes begins September 1 of one year and ends August 31 of the following year. c. Month: For the purposes of leaves, an employee accrues benefits if the employee begins employment on or before the 15th day of the month. Therefore, if the employee begins employment after the 15th day of the month then the employee accrues no leave benefits in that month. 2. Vacation. Vacation shall be available to exempt employees and hourly employees working 20 or more hours per week. Exempt employees shall receive twenty (20) days of paid vacation per calendar year. Hourly employees shall receive ten (10) days vacation per calendar year for the first two (2) years of employment and, thereafter, shall receive fifteen (15) days per year. Vacation shall accrue on a weekly basis. Persons employed prior to 1995 shall be included in this provision regardless of the number of hours worked. Approved July 2005 Revision Approved by Board of Trustees 12-19-11 a. Carryover. Employees are encouraged to use their vacation time in the year in which it is earned. However employees may carry over from one calendar year to the next up to five days of vacation. b. Scheduling. Vacation shall be scheduled at a time convenient for the church and with the permission of the Supervisor or Minister and concurrence of the Human Resources Committee Chairperson. Employees shall give reasonable notice to the Supervisor or Minister of a request to take vacation. c. Cash out. Vacation time must be used as time off. There is no provision for payment in lieu of vacation time. (California law requires payment of all unused vacation at termination of employment.) d. Usage. Vacation time may be used in increments of not less than one (1) day for exempt employees and not less than one (1) hour for hourly employees. Approved 2005 Revision Approved by Board of Trustees 12-19-11 3. Sick Leave. a. Accrual. Sick leave shall be available to salaried and hourly employees working 20 or more hours per week. Employees shall receive 1 day of sick leave per month. Sick leave shall accrue on a weekly basis. Persons employed prior to 1995 shall be included in this provision regardless of the number of hours worked. b. Carryover. Salaried employees and hourly employees who work 20 or more hours per week may carry over from one calendar year to the next up to 5 days of sick leave. Any additional accrued time on the books at the end of the calendar year shall be forfeited.


c. Usage. An employee who must be absent due to illness shall notify the Minister or church office as soon as s\he is aware of the need to be absent. 4. Compensation Time. Although the employer cannot compel an hourly employee to work more hours than the employee’s regular schedule, should the periodic need arise, the employer may offer time off as compensation for time worked over and above the employee’s regular hours. No more than 80 hours of compensation time shall be exchanged in any one year. Furthermore, compensation time shall only be accrued and used with the supervisor’s prior approval, and shall be used as soon as possible at the employer’s discretion and convenience. Hourly employees who earn compensation time must document and report its accrual and use on their time sheets contemporaneously with their regularly-worked hours. Approved March 2007 Revision Approved by Board of Trustees 12-19-11 5. Personal Time Off a. Accrual. Employees shall be entitled to personal time off in an amount not to exceed eight (8) hours per year for full-time employees, and reduced proportionately for less than full-time employees (e.g., 4 hours for employees working 20 hours per week, 6 hours for employees working 30 hours per week, etc.). The amount of personal time off to which a new employee is entitled will also be adjusted to correspond to that proportion of the year the employee is actually employed. b. Usage. Personal time off may be used as the employee sees fit and with approval of the employee’s supervisor. Personal time off is to be used in increments of not less than one day for exempt employees and not less than one hour for hourly employees. c. Carryover. Unused personal time off may not be carried over from year to year. 6. Holidays. a. Designated days. The following days shall be observed as paid holidays for all salaried church employees and hourly employees who work 20 or more hours per week. If a day off cannot be taken on the actual holiday, the employee and the Minister shall designate another day off. New Year's Day Martin Luther King Day Presidents' Day Memorial Day Fourth of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Day The Friday following Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day 7. Bereavement Leave. a. Eligibility. If an immediate family member of an employee dies, the employee shall be eligible for up to five days of bereavement leave. The determination as to immediate family member status shall be made by the Minister. 8. Leave of Absence. Leave of absence without pay may be granted at any time at the discretion of the Minister and Human Resources Committee Chairperson. 9. Emergency Leave. At the discretion of the Minister or the Human Resources Committee Chairperson, salaried employees may be granted leave with pay in situations involving emergencies within the immediate family. Such time off shall be deducted from sick leave.


10. Other leaves. Church employees shall be entitled other leaves as may be required by state or federal law. B. Benefits. 1. Pension. Employees who meet eligibility requirements shall be enrolled in the UUA pension plan, at church expense, as provided by Board Policy and subject to plan requirements. 2. Disability insurance. All employees shall be enrolled in the State of California Disability Insurance plan. Employees pay the Disability Insurance premiums via payroll deductions. 3. Unemployment insurance. All employees shall be enrolled in the State of California Unemployment Insurance plan. The church pays the Unemployment Insurance premiums in the form of a quarterly payroll tax. 4. Health insurance. a. Employee eligibility: After the first three months of employment, regular salaried and hourly employees (excluding interim and temporary employees), who work 20 or more hours per week, are eligible for group health insurance benefits as described below. Employees hired before 1995 are deemed eligible for group health insurance benefits regardless of the number of hours worked. b. The church shall pay 80% of group health insurance premium for each eligible enrolled employee, for the base group medical plan selected by the church. Employees shall pay for any balance of the premium exceeding this amount, including additional amounts for selection of an enhanced medical plan.

c. Employees may elect to cover their eligible dependents (as defined by the health insurance policy) at their own expense. d. Employees who have attained the age 65 or more, are enrolled in Medicare and work an average of 20 or more hours per week may opt to waive participation in the group health insurance plan and enroll in an individual supplemental health plan of their choice. Any employee opting to waive participation in the group health insurance plan shall sign an agreement substantially in accordance with the “Employee Supplemental Health Benefit Agreement” below. The church shall pay an amount not to exceed $300 in any given quarter, directly to the health benefit provider for premium or prescription medical benefits, as long as the employee remains eligible. The employee shall select and enroll in the individual health benefit plan and present the invoice from the health benefit provider to the church for payment, on behalf of the employee. The church shall make payment directly to provider. The employee will not be reimbursed for payments the employee has made to the provider. The employee shall be responsible for payment of any benefit costs exceeding $300 in any given quarter.



The Employee Supplemental Health Benefit is designed to assist employees, who are at least 65 years of age and enrolled in Medicare, with a medical health benefit that provides payment for supplemental healthcare benefit premiums or prescription medical benefits. The benefit provides a maximum of $100.00 in any given month, and is paid directly to the provider of the health benefit.

I, ___________________________________, choose to participate in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno Employee Supplemental Health Benefit. I understand that in order to receive this benefit I must meet the following qualifications and requirements. I agree and verify that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I have attained the age of 65 years. I have enrolled in Medicare. I must work an average of 20 hours per week to maintain my eligibility for this benefit. I waive my right to participate in my employer’s group health plan, provided by _________________________________________. It is my responsibility to present in a timely manner, a monthly invoice from my health benefit provider to the Director of Operations. Payments will be made directly to the provider on my behalf. This payment will not exceed $100.00 per month. I am responsible to personally pay for any amount that exceeds $100.00 in any given month. I am not eligible to receive reimbursement for payments that I make or have made directly to the benefit provider. If for any reason I no longer meet the eligibility requirements listed above, this benefit will be terminated immediately and I resume full responsibility for all payments to my health benefit provider.

Signed __________________________________Date __________________ Printed Name______________________________ 4(b) – (d)Adopted by Board of Trustees 11/24/11 X. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. A.

Procedure. Any employee of the Church may file a grievance and shall proceed as follows: 1.

Level 1. Within 15 calendar days after the cause of the grievance, the employee shall informally discuss the problem with the Supervisor and shall identify the problem as a grievance or potential grievance.


Level 2. If the employee is not satisfied with the outcome of the discussion with the Supervisor, then the employee may, within 15 calendar days of the discussion with the Supervisor, submit a written statement of the problem and the requested solution to the Human Resources Committee, with a copy to the Minister.



Level 3. The Human Resources Committee shall respond in writing. If the Human Resources Committee does not resolve the problem to the employee's satisfaction within 15 calendar days, the employee may appeal the grievance in writing to the Board of Trustees.


Level 4. The Board shall grant the employee time on the next Board meeting agenda to present his/her grievance. The Human Resources Committee or designee shall respond to the grievance presentation of the employee. After the presentation and response, the Board may meet in closed session to discuss the grievance and the Board's decision. Within 15 calendar days of the meeting at which the presentation is made, the Board shall render its written decision on the grievance. The Board's decision is final.


Miscellaneous. 1.

There shall be no reprisals to any employee for filing a grievance(s). To that end, copies of grievance documents shall not be kept in the employee's personnel file.


A grievance file shall be maintained for each grievance separately. The file shall consist of the grievance and responses at each level. The grievant may have access to the grievance file as provided by paragraph VII, C herein.


Discipline and employee evaluations are not subject to this grievance procedure.


The timelines and deadlines of this grievance procedure may be extended by mutual agreement of the employee and the Church.


At any Level of the Grievance procedure, an employee/grievant may be accompanied by a third party of the employee/grievant's choosing.


Discipline Generally. Church employees may be disciplined as provided herein. The type of discipline shall include: memo(s) of concern, written reprimand(s), suspension(s) without pay, and termination of employment.


Types of Discipline. 1.

Memo of Concern. Either the Minister, Supervisor or the Human Resources Committee may issue to any employee a memo of concern. If the employee disagrees with a Memo of Concern, he/she has the right to prepare a written rebuttal which shall be attached to the Memo in the employee's personnel file. There shall be no grievance or appeal of a memo of concern.


Written reprimands. Employees may be reprimanded in writing upon the concurrence of the Human Resources Committee and the Minister or Supervisor. If the employee disagrees with a Written Reprimand, he/she has the right to prepare a written rebuttal which shall be attached to the Reprimand in the employee's personnel file. There shall be no grievance or appeal of a written reprimand.


Suspension without pay. Employees may be suspended without pay upon the concurrence of the Human Resources Committee and the Minister or the Supervisor. The recommendation to suspend shall be in writing and, in the case of employees employed for more than six months, shall state the reasons therefore. A copy of the


recommendation shall be provided to the employee who may, in writing within five days, request Board consideration. Employees for whom a suspension without pay is recommended shall be entitled to use the procedures in part B, 4, b of this section concerning appeal to the Board. 4.

Dismissal. a.

Recommendation to dismiss. A recommendation to the Board of Trustees for the dismissal of any employee may be made upon the concurrence of the 1) Human Resources Committee, 2) the Minister or Supervisor, and 3) the Board President. The recommendation shall be in writing and, in the case of employees employed for more than six months, shall state the reasons therefore. A copy of the recommendation shall be provided to the employee who may, in writing within five days, request Board denial of the recommendation.


Board Action. When a recommendation for dismissal is made as provided above, the Board shall place the matter on the agenda for its next meeting and shall either uphold the dismissal, reinstate the employee or impose a lesser level of discipline (e.g. suspension without pay, etc.). The employee shall be afforded the opportunity to make a presentation to the Board prior to Board action on the recommended dismissal. The employee may appear in person or be represented by the written request for consideration permitted by Section XI, B, 4, a. For purposes of considering employee discipline, the Board may meet in closed session. The Board may place the employee on paid leave of absence pending investigation, hearing or a decision. A written notice of the Board's decision and reasons to dismiss or suspend shall be in writing and presented to the employee.


Board decision final. Board decisions to dismiss or suspend an employee are final and not subject to appeal or grievance.


Smoking. In compliance with Board policy, smoking shall be prohibited in all areas inside the main church building, including all offices and work areas.


Time Worked Reports. Hourly employees submitting time worked reports shall conform to the Instructions for Completing Employee Time Sheets, attached as Appendix A.


Resignation. An employee who intends to resign is requested to give written notice of at least two weeks. A. Implementation. These policies shall be effective April 1, 1996. For purposes of implementing Section IX, Leaves, the period of time from April 1, 1996 through August 31, 1996, shall be deemed a half-year; vacation and sick leave accrual amounts shall be prorated by 50% for said period.


#2922. Termination at will upon notice; employment for a specified term An employment, having no specified term, may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other. Employment for a specified term means an employment for a period of greater than one month. (Stats.1937, c.90, p.261, #2922. Amended by Stats.1969, c.1529, p.3123, #2; Stats.1971, c.1580, p.3186, #1; Stats.1971, c.1607, p.3459, #2.) rev. 2004


Human Resources Policies and Procedures BACKGROUND CHECK PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS Title: Background Check Requirements for all Staff. (Changes regarding background checks for volunteers working with children are not finalized but are expected to be in effect December 1, 2004.) Purpose: The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno (UUCF) is a not-for-profit religious organization. Our commitments as Unitarian Universalists to the inherent worth and dignity of every person and to the values of justice and compassion compel us to create a safe environment that protects children and adults from harm and promotes spiritual growth. Policy: The UUCF shall conduct criminal background checks of all current and potential employees. All new employees will be hired on a provisional basis pending the outcome of the criminal background check. Procedure: 1. All persons seeking employment at the UUCF shall:  complete an application or resume detailing their relevant experience and education  complete a “Sexual Misconduct and Abuse Questionnaire for Employment” including the authorization and release of information  review and sign “The Code of Ethics for Working with Children and Youth” 2. The authorized individual/committee will screen the applications, contact references, conduct formal interviews with the candidates, and select the final candidate for the position 3. The authorized individual/committee will extend an offer of employment to the final candidate subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees:  The offer of employment shall include information regarding the provisional nature of the hire pending the outcome of the criminal background check  Upon accepting the offer, the new hire will sign the code of ethics and will be responsible for providing the Church with a completed ten print fingerprint card on or before the first day of work. The fingerprints shall be conducted by an approved fingerprinting agency in accordance with the requirements of the State of California, Department of Justice. The UUCF shall reimburse the employee for the cost of obtaining the fingerprint cards.  The Church shall submit the fingerprints (live scan) to the State of California, Department of Justice in a timely manner and in accordance with state and federal regulations.  Based upon the Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI), the Minister shall make a final decision regarding retention of the employee. (See “Evaluating Criminal Offender Record Information”). The employee, the appropriate committee and the board shall be informed in writing of the decision.


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO SEXUAL MISCONDUCT AND ABUSE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR EMPLOYMENT References: Please list those who are familiar with your character. Please print Name:_______________________________Name:____________________________________ Address:_____________________________Address:__________________________________ _____________________________ __________________________________ _____________________________ __________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ Telephone: _______________________________ Relationship: _________________________ Relationship: _____________________________ How Long Have you Known Them? How Long Have you Known Them? ____________________________________ ________________________________________

Please answer the following questions (see Notice below): A. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, please explain B. Have you ever committed, or has any civil action ever been filed against you for reasons related to sexual misconduct or child abuse? Yes _____ No _____ C. Have you ever resigned from employment or been disciplined or terminated by an employer for reasons related to sexual misconduct or child abuse? Yes _____ No _____ Please complete and sign Authorization and Release of information on the reverse. NOTICE A. You may refuse to answer or may answer “no record” to any questions, or eliminate any information regarding: 1) an arrest, detention, or disposition with respect to a criminal matter where there is no conviction; 2) a first conviction for drunkenness, simple assault, speeding, minor traffic violations, affray or disturbance of the peace; 3) any conviction of a misdemeanor where the date of such conviction or the completion of any period of incarceration resulting there from, whichever date is later, occurred five or more years prior to the date of this employment application, unless you were convicted of any offense in the past five years. B. Conviction of a crime is not an automatic bar to your employment – all circumstances will be considered C. Lying or giving false answers with respect to convictions may be grounds not to hire you or for immediate dismissal. SEALED RECORDS NOTICE An applicant for employment with a sealed record on file with the Commissioner of Probation may answer “no record” with respect to any inquiry herein relative to prior arrests, criminal court appearances, or convictions relating to any such record. In addition, any applicant for employment may answer “no record” with respect to any inquiry relative to prior arrests, court appearances, and adjudication in all cases of delinquency or as a child in need of services which did not result in a complaint transferred to the Superior Court for criminal prosecution.


AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE OF INFORMATION I understand that the information I have provided may be verified, if necessary, by contacting persons or organizations named in this application, or by contacting any person or organization that may have information concerning me. I hereby authorize the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno (UUCF) to contact my previous employers and/or other individuals concerning my background, and I authorize my previous employers and other individuals to provide such information about me. This information is to be used solely for the purpose of evaluating my application for employment by UUCF. I agree to hold harmless the UUCF and the officers, the trustees, the employees, and the volunteers thereof, and those who provide information to UUCF pursuant to the Authorization from any liability arising from the release of this information. In signing this application, I affirm that the information I have given is true and correct. Name:________________________________ Telephone:_________________________ Address:______________________________ Social Security No.____________________ _______________________________

______________________________________ _________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO Human Resources Policies and Procedures CODE OF ETHICS FOR WORKING WITH CHILDREN AND YOUTH Adults and older youth who are in leadership roles are in a position of stewardship, and play a key role in fostering the spiritual development of both individuals and community. It is, therefore, especially important that those in leadership positions be well qualified to provide the special nurture, care and support that will enable children and youth to develop a positive sense of self and a spirit of independence and responsibility. The relationship between young people and their leaders must be one of mutual respect if the positive potential of their relationship is to be realized. There are no more important areas of growth than those of self-worth and the development of a healthy identity as a sexual being. Adults play a key role in assisting children and youth in these areas of growth. Wisdom dictates that children, youth and adults suffer damaging effects when leaders become sexually involved with young persons in their care. Leaders must be careful to protect the children and youth they work with and to protect themselves and their church. Therefore, I will refrain from engaging in sexual, seductive or erotic behavior with children and youth. Neither shall I harass nor engage in behavior with children and youth which constitutes verbal, emotional, or physical abuse. When working in my official capacity, I will refrain from being under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol, or any other drug which would impair my judgment or ability to function effectively. I have been informed of this Code of Ethics and agree to it before assuming my role. I understand that in cases of any violation of this code, appropriate action will be taken. I hereby agree to abide by this Code of Ethics.

________________________________________ Signature

____________________________ Date

Note: This Code of Ethics of the UUCF has been adapted from the Code of Ethics for Persons Working with Children and Youth of the UUA sponsored Programs and Events, adopted by the UUA in 1986.


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO Human Resources Policies and Procedures EVALUATING CRIMINAL OFFENDER RECORD INFORMATION Title: Evaluating Criminal Offender Record Information Purpose: These guidelines are intended to facilitate the evaluation of employees or volunteers who have undergone a criminal background check in accordance with Human Resources Policies established by UUCF. Policies: 1. Conviction of a crime does not automatically exclude a person from being hired as an employee or serving as a volunteer with UUCF. 2. Convictions of traffic infractions and possession of less than one ounce of marijuana shall be considered only when those convictions represent a pervasive pattern of behavior which would substantially impact the ability of the individual to perform the function(s) associated with the position for which the individual is being considered. Procedure: The UUCF may deny an application for employment or volunteer service if the applicant has been convicted of a violation or attempted violation of any one or more of the Penal Code provisions as listed on the attached, or use of, any controlled or any dangerous drug, or alcoholic beverages, to an extent or in a manner dangerous or injurious to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno, its members and guests, or any other person, or the public. If any of the Penal Code Sections listed above are later amended or renumbered, these guidelines shall refer to the sections as amended or renumbered. The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno may accept an application for employment if: A. An applicant convicted of one of the above referenced Penal Code provisions has obtained a certificate of rehabilitation under Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 4852.01) of Title 6 of Part 3 of the Penal Code and the information or accusation against him or her has been dismissed pursuant to Section 1203.4 of the Penal Code. B. The person was convicted of a misdemeanor and the information or accusation against him or her has been dismissed pursuant to Section 1203.4 or 1203.4a of the Penal Code. C. The applicant was convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor, but has previously disclosed the fact of each conviction to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno, and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno has made the determination the conviction does not disqualify the applicant from employment. An application shall be denied, or the employee suspended, or terminated, upon conviction in another state of an offense that, if committed or attempted in this state would have been punishable as one or more of the offense is an at will

employer. Employment and compensation may be terminated at any time, with or without cause and with or without advance notice, at the option of either the employee or UUCF. In determining whether or not to deny an application for employment, the UUCF will take into consideration the following factors as evidence of good character and rehabilitation: A. The nature and seriousness of the conduct or crime under consideration and its relationship to their employment duties and responsibilities. B. Activities since conviction, including employment or participation in therapy or education, that would indicate changed behavior. C. The time that has elapsed since the commission of the conduct or offense and the number of offenses.




UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO Human Resources Policies and Procedures STORAGE, RETENTION AND DISSEMINATION OF CRIMINAL OFFENDER RECORD INFORMATION (CORI) Title: Storage, Retention and Dissemination of Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) Purpose: This policy has been developed and adopted by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno (UUCF) in accordance with State of California, Department of Justice regulations for agencies that maintain or receive criminal history information. Policy: The overall responsibility for administration of Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) rests with the Minister of the UUCF. In accordance with Department of Justice regulations, the Minister of UUCF shall be fingerprinted and a background check conducted before he/she begins administering CORI. A. Record Security: Questions regarding the release, security and privacy of Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) are to be resolved by the Minister. B. Record Storage: CORI shall be under lock and key and accessible only to the Minister who is committed to protect CORI from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. C. Record Dissemination: CORI shall be used only for the purpose for which it was requested. D. Record Destruction: Upon termination of the employee, the CORI will be maintained for a minimum of seven years thereupon the CORI shall be destroyed. . E. Record Reproduction: CORI may not be reproduced for dissemination. F. Training: The Minister is required: 1. to read and abide by this policy, 2. to be fingerprinted and to have a background check completed. G. Penalties: Misuse of CORI is a criminal offense. Violation of this policy regarding CORI may result in suspension, dismissal, and/or Criminal and /or Civil prosecution.


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO Job Description Position Title: Reports to: FLSA Classification:

Director of Operations The Board of Trustees of the Church Exempt, Supervisor

Primary Function The Director of Operations is responsible for helping our Church to achieve its vision, mission and ends, with an emphasis on organizing, managing and growing our welcoming religious community. Position Overview The Director of Operations functions as a member of the Executive Team consisting of the Parish Minister and the Director of Operations. The incumbent provides management and development in the areas of membership, fiscal oversight, facilities maintenance, public relations, communications, administrative functions, human resources, leadership training and revenue growth. Responsibilities and Authority Performs the following duties personally or through staff and volunteers: 1. Supports and implements the policies of the Board in keeping with the mission of the Church. 2. Directs support staff and leaders of program groups. 3. Provides leadership in developing programs, organization and financial plans, and works with staff and leaders of program groups to carry out those plans. 4. Collaborates and leads, as a member of the Executive Team, in effecting positive communication within and among all committees, programs and community partners. 5. Promotes active and broad participation by volunteers in all areas of the Church’s work. 6. Maintains official records and documents and ensures compliance with federal, state and local regulations. 7. Operates the organization within the annual budget of the Church. 8. Prepares and provides periodic written evaluations of staff. 9. Evaluates programs and guides future program development. 10. Other related duties as required. Supervisory Responsibilities 1. Manages staff and volunteer leaders. 2. Responsible for the overall direction, coordination, and evaluation of the staff and volunteer programs. 3. Carries out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the Church’s policies and applicable laws. 4. Responsibilities include: a. Recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and training employees and volunteer staff. b. Planning, assigning, directing work and appraising performance. c. Addressing complaints and resolving problems. 5. Evaluates the staff and volunteer group structure and plans for continual improvement of their effectiveness and efficiency. Review Criteria To perform the job successfully, an individual should demonstrate the following competencies: 1. Analytical: The individual synthesizes complex and diverse information. 2. Strategic Thinking: Develops strategies to achieve organizational goals. Understands the organization’s strengths and weaknesses. Adapts strategies to changing conditions.


3. Ethics: Sets high standard for integrity and ethical conduct for self and the organization. Conducts business in a manner that safeguards the organization’s reputation. Upholds organizational values. Avoids actual or potential conflicts of interest. 4. Judgment: Displays willingness to make decisions and makes them in a timely manner. Exhibits sound and accurate judgment and supports and explains reasoning for decisions. Includes appropriate people in the decision-making process. 5. Planning/Organizing: Prioritizes and plans work activities, uses time efficiently and develops realistic action plans. 6. Oral/Written Communication: Speaks clearly and persuasively in positive or negative situations. Listens and gets clarification. Demonstrates group presentation skills. Writes clearly and informatively. Varies writing style to meet needs. Able to read and interpret written information. Qualifications To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform the duties of the job satisfactorily. The requirements below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. 1. Education and/or Experience: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and 7-10 years related experience and/or training or equivalent combination of education and experience with a minimum of 4 years prior experience managing a department or function. Knowledge of applicable federal and state financial regulations. Experience in a not-for-profit environment preferred. Knowledge and appreciation of Unitarian Universalism. 2. Language Skills: Ability to effectively communicate verbally and in writing. Ability to read, analyze, and interpret general business periodicals, professional journals, technical procedures, legal documents, and governmental regulations. Ability to write complex reports and business correspondence. Ability to effectively respond to inquiries, concerns or complaints. Ability to effectively present information to individuals and groups. 3. Mathematical Skills: Ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide in all units of measure, using whole numbers, common fractions, and decimals. Ability to compute rate, ratio, and percent and to draw and interpret bar graphs. Ability to apply advanced mathematical concepts such as exponents and equations. Knowledge of basic accounting principles and practices. 4. Reasoning Ability: Ability to solve practical problems and deal with a variety of concrete variables in situations where only limited standardization exists. Ability to define problems, collect data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions. Ability to interpret an extensive variety of technical instructions in written or mathematical form and deal with several abstract and concrete variables. 5. Computer Skills: Ability to effectively use database, spreadsheet and word processing software. 6. Interpersonal Skills: Ability to build and maintain interpersonal relationships. Physical Demands The physical demands described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to stand, walk, sit, use hands to enter data in a PC, take notes, and talk or hear. The employee is occasionally required to reach with hands and arms. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 15 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision and ability to adjust focus for near-reading, viewing computer screen, reading written documents, etc. The employee is regularly required to travel independently to multiple off-site locations throughout local cities and counties and occasionally required to travel independently outside of the local area to distant cities


and counties. Work Environment The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. This is generally an office environment and the noise level in the work environment is usually quiet. Adopted 2-27-12




Supervisor: Minister General Purpose and Spirit The Director of Religious Education, along with the Parish Minister and the Director of Operations form a ministry team at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno which is responsible for meeting the pastoral, educational and administrative needs of the congregation. The role of the Director of Religious Education (DRE) is to work with the Youth Religious Education (YRE) committee and the ministry team to provide leadership for the religious education program for children and youth from nursery age through high school. The DRE also serves in an advisory capacity to other committees and the Board regarding issues that impact children, youth and families. As a part of the ministry team, the DRE will support a collegial, collaborative professional environment, sensitive to the need for confidentiality in handling of personal, financial and ministerial information. It is understood that the relationship between religious professionals and congregations is complex, involving many skills and responsibilities all around. In order to function beneficially, the relationship must be based on cooperation and good faith. It is expected that both the religious professional and the congregation will work in such a spirit. QUALIFICATIONS A Bachelor’s Degree or religious education credentials from the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) or a comparable religious organization. Supervisory experience preferred. Emotional maturity and stability. An ability to handle stress, conflict and a fast-paced environment. An ability to deal tactfully with staff, congregation and the general public. Strong organizational and management skills and an ability to handle multiple tasks. An ability to recruit and motivate volunteers. A knowledge of liberal religious education and an understanding of


Unitarian Universalism. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with all ages and cultures. An ability to plan and carry out enjoyable social events. An ability to work well with a team. A knowledge of child development. A clear California Department of Justice background check regarding work with children Good computer skills. Musical, theatrical and artistic skills desired. TIME REQUIREMENTS This is a full-time, salaried, exempt position. The DRE works Sundays with one Sunday off per month and works occasional evenings and Saturdays. The DRE posts specific weekly office hours for consultation and is encouraged to schedule regular days off. Attendance at appropriate Pacific Central District (PCD) and UUA events and approved professional development are considered time worked. RESPONSIBILITIES To work in conjunction with the Ministry Team, the Youth Religious Education Committee and to serve as a resource to the Adult Religious Education (ARE) Committee. To serve as a resource for parents regarding the spiritual and intellectual development of their children. To advise church committees and the Board regarding the needs of children, youth and families. General Areas PLANNING AND RESOURCES - Works with the YRE committee to: * Formulate the program mission, covenant and goals * Design the YRE program * Obtain and review YRE curriculum * Obtain, organize and share UUA and PCD materials * Maintain library of YRE resources, materials and supplies. * Keep current with the UUA YRE philosophies and materials * Plan and provide parent education, as needed RECRUITING AND TRAINING VOLUNTEERS - Works with the YRE committee to: * Recruit and select teachers * Oversee compliance with background check requirements 50

* Lead in training and support of teachers * Solicit volunteer support for special events * Assist teachers in soliciting support for classroom activities * Recruit volunteers to serve on the YRE committee *Promote YRE leadership development

HIRING, SUPERVISION AND EVALUATION * Works with the Human Resources committee to hire child care workers, nursery care providers and assistants to the DRE * Trains, supervises, supports and evaluates people serving in these positions COORDINATION * Assists the YRE committee in organizing YRE meetings * Works with the YRE committee to build, request and oversee the YRE budget * Coordinates events between church school and church * Represents the YRE program at Board and other church meetings * Meets regularly with the Ministry Team * Works with the youth group leaders to integrate youth and their activities * Works with the YRE committee to organize children’s all age activities and intergenerational Sunday services COMMUNICATION - Works with the YRE committee to: * Create the program Prospectus * Communicate with parents about the program * Publicize the program in the newsletter * Keep staff and Board informed of YRE activities * Keep teachers aware of schedule and activities * Comply with church policy and State of California laws regarding the reporting of any suspicion of child abuse * Establish clear agreements about tasks and expectations EVALUATION OF THE PROGRAM * Works with the YRE committee to keep the program focused on its goals * Assists the YRE committee in regular program evaluation PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT * Pursues professional development * Attends such events as the PCD Assembly and the UUA General Assembly, if possible MORALE * Assists the YRE committee in keeping teacher morale high * Works with the Ministry Team, the YRE committee, teachers and students to form a spiritually connected program with strong bonds of relationship and caring between all participants and the wider church community 51

* Meets with a designated committee for personal and professional support and to support the ministry of the church SAFETY AND FACILITIES *Assists the YRE committee, the Board, the Safety Officer and the Buildings and Grounds committee in safety and facility concerns for the children. SALARY AND BENEFITS Negotiated yearly in line with the UUA Fair Compensation Guidelines and dependent on congregational approval. See current Policy and Operations Manual.

Revised February 2004


THE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO MUSIC DIRECTOR Job Description General Spirit: It is understood that the relationship between the Church employees and the Congregation is complex involving many skills and responsibilities on all sides. In order to function beneficially, the relationship must be based on cooperation and good faith. It is expected that both the employee and the Congregation will work in such a spirit. Time: The Music Director shall work 11 hours per week. Compensation: $18.03 per hour and/or in compliance with UUA Fair Compensation Guidelines. Qualifications: A commitment to the Purpose of the UU Church of Fresno. Experience in directing music. Ability to arrange music and lead a choir and congregational singing. Ability to recruit and shepherd volunteer musicians and vocalists. Strong team player with the rest of the staff and congregation. Dependable, responsible, self-motivated and creative. Sense of humor and positive attitude. Duties: The Music Director works in collaboration with the Minister and the Music Committee to plan and coordinate the music ministry of the church. 1) Schedules the music leader who will plan with the worship leader, the music for Sunday and other services. 2) Develops and leads the Adult Choir, one Sunday a month. 3) Encourages the development and sharing of artistic gifts (music, dance, vocal, instrumental) of members of the congregation. 4) Accompanies congregational singing as needed. 5) In collaboration with others, produces and directs special musical events. 6) Develops the congregation’s musical knowledge and ability to sing and enjoy singing. 7) Communicates faithfully with the minister and staff.

Approved by Board of Trustees July 2006


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO OFFICE ASSISTANT Job Description Job Title: Office Assistant Status: Nonexempt Supervisor: Director of Operations GENERAL PURPOSE AND SPIRIT It is understood that the relationship between Church employees and the Congregation is complex, involving many skills and responsibilities on all sides. In order to function beneficially, the relationship must be based on cooperation and good faith. It is expected that both the employee and the Congregation will work in such a spirit. QUALIFICATIONS High school graduate or equivalent. Personable, tactful, and able to work well with people of all ages and backgrounds. Articulate, clear communicator. Motivated and able to learn new skills. Proficient with basic computer software applications. Possess a valid California Driver’s License. TIME REQUIREMENTS The Office Assistant shall work 25 hours per week. The specific work schedule is to be determined by the supervisor. RESPONSIBILITIES The Office Assistant works under the direction of the Director of Operations to provide general office and clerical support to facilitate the smooth operation of the church. Job duties include, but are not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Typing, filing, photocopying, and assembling various materials. Preparing nametags and labels. Answering telephone; greeting members and other visitors. Reading and responding to daily e-mail. Preparing and mailing correspondence to visitors, members, and friends of the church. Maintaining church database. Preparing and maintaining various Church calendars. Preparing Orders of Service and inserts for Sunday services. Maintain membership database. Other duties as assigned by the Office Administrator.

COMPENSATION To be determined by the Human Resources Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees. Vacation and benefits as described in the Human Resources Policies. Approved February 2006



General Spirit: It is understood that the relationship between Church employees and the Congregation is complex, involving many skills and responsibilities on all sides. In order to function beneficially, the relationship must be based on cooperation and good faith. It is expected that both the employee and the Congregation will work in such a spirit. Time: The Nursery Care Provider shall work during the hours of 9:00 am to 12:30 pm on Sundays. Compensation: To be determined by the Human Resources Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees. Vacation and benefits as described in the Human Resources Policies. Qualifications: The Nursery Care Provider must be able to care for children ages newborn up to 3 ½ years of age. The Provider must possess a caring attitude and have some childcare experience. A background check and fingerprinting will be required. Duties: The Nursery Care Provider works under the direction of the Director of Religious Education to provide childcare during the Sunday morning services and during other agreed Church activities. Job duties include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Welcome the child and parents to the Nursery and have the parents complete the sign in sheet. If no Registration Form is on file, have the parents complete one. 2. Inquire about any special needs and label the diaper bag as provided by the parents. 3. Attend to physical needs of each child (diapering, feeding, etc.) 4. Provide directed play as appropriate. 5. Have parents sign that they have picked up their child. 6. Clean up area at end of shift. 7. Other duties as assigned by the Director of Religious Education. Supervision: The Nursery Care Provider reports to the Director of Religious Education who is responsible for his/her supervision and evaluation.

Revised February 2002.


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO CHURCH SEXTON Job Description Job Title: Church Sexton Status: Nonexempt Supervisor: Director of Operations GENERAL PURPOSE AND SPIRIT It is understood that the relationship between Church employees and the Congregation is complex, involving many skills and responsibilities on all sides. In order to function beneficially, the relationship must be based on cooperation and good faith. It is expected that both the employee and the Congregation will work in such a spirit. QUALIFICATIONS Demonstrated ability to perform janitorial duties as assigned, minor appliance repairs, building repairs, smallscale building projects, ability to lift 50 pounds. Ability to work with people of all ages and backgrounds. Valid California driver’s license. TIME REQUIREMENTS The Sexton shall work up to 25 hours per week. RESPONSIBILITIES The Church Sexton works under the direct supervision of the Director of Operations to assure that the church facilities are safe, clean, well-maintained, and appropriately configured for church services, programs, and meetings throughout the year. Job duties include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Setting up sanctuary and social hall for Sunday services. Setting up social hall and sanctuary for First Sunday lunch. Clearing and cleaning sanctuary, social hall, and classrooms after Sunday services and lunch. Opening the church for weekly events and meetings as needed. Setting up, taking down, cleaning up, closing, and securing facilities after such events as needed. 5. Emptying trash from receptacles in the social hall, kitchen, restrooms, classrooms, and offices. 6. Putting trash containers at curb for pick-up and returning them afterwards. 7. Other duties as assigned by the Director of Operations or the Minister. COMPENSATION To be determined by the Human Resources Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees. Vacation and benefits as described in the Human Resources Policies.

Approved 08/05



General Spirit: It is understood that the relationship between Church employees and the Congregation is complex, involving many skills and responsibilities on all sides. In order to function beneficially, the relationship must be based on cooperation and good faith. It is expected that both the employee and the Congregation will work in such a spirit. Time: The Financial Manager shall work 20 hours per week. The specific work schedule is to be determined by the supervisor. Compensation: To be determined by the Human Resources Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees. Vacation and benefits as described in the Human Resources Policies. Qualifications: Associate degree in business with an emphasis in accounting or equivalent experience. Ability to utilize computer accounting program and perform as a full charge bookkeeper. Personable and able to work well with people of all ages and backgrounds. Intermediate computer skills required. Possess a valid California Driver’s License. Duties: The Financial Manager works under the direction of the Director of Operations to provide complete bookkeeping services through generation of monthly financial statements. It is understood that the Financial Manager will work in collaboration with the church Treasurer. Job duties include, but are not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Pay all Church bills and maintain appropriate back-up documentation. Prepare Bank deposits. Record and track all member pledges and provide quarterly statements. Prepare payroll checks, maintain payroll records and prepare quarterly and annual reports to governmental authorities. Log in pledge cards for the Canvass Committee. Prepare monthly financial statements to be submitted to the treasurer. Verify charge card receipts. Attend Finance Committee meetings as needed. Prepare all thank you letters for donations received. (will be signed by minister) Other duties as assigned by the Office Administrator.

Supervision: The Financial Manager reports to the Director of Operations who is responsible for his/her supervision and evaluation.

Revised December 2002.


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO Safe Congregation Policy and Procedure A. Safe Congregation Policy Statement The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno is committed to promoting a safe and welcoming environment supportive of personal and spiritual growth. The Church recognizes the right of its ministers, employees/contractors, members, and guests to have an environment free of interpersonal violence such as harassment, abuse and disruption. Violations would include abuse or harassment of a physical, psychological, or sexual nature. We believe that harassment, abuse and disruption are not the fault of the victim. A person who has been harassed, abused or disrupted needs support, empowerment, and a structure which provides an effective, safe, and prompt response to his or her complaint. We understand that harassment, abuse and disruption may at times not be intentional, but may in fact arise through miscommunication or lack of awareness. When uncomfortable and/or unacceptable behaviors occur, individuals can sometimes resolve the situation themselves through direct discussion with the responsible party. Since this direct approach is not always appropriate, a Safe Congregation Committee exists to provide the Church with a means of safely and effectively resolving such situations. Any Youth, Member of the Congregation, Staff Member or Guest is invited to report unacceptable behavior which may be a violation of this Policy, either verbally or in writing, to any of the following members of the Safe Congregation Committee: the Chair of the Human Resources Committee, the Chair of the Committee on Ministry, or the Minister. We recognize the right of an individual who is accused of inappropriate behavior to respond to the allegations, unless informing that individual of the allegations is unnecessary, unhelpful, or unsafe to Committee members or the complainant. Along with this policy statement are Safe Congregation Procedures which include the formation and functioning of the Safe Congregation Committee. This Safe Congregation Policy Statement and the Safe Congregation Procedures are also considered to include prohibitions against all criminal behaviors. B. Safe Congregation Committee: Formation and Functioning A Safe Congregation Committee shall consist of three voting members, who shall be the Chair of the Human Resources Committee, the Chair of the Committee on Ministry and one additional member of the Committee on Ministry; and an ex-officio member who shall be the Minister or, in her or his absence, the President. There must be at least one woman and one man among the three voting Committee members. Viable Quorum: A Viable Quorum must exist in order to conduct business. The following process must be followed to establish a Viable Quorum: A quorum must consist of a majority of the voting Committee members plus the ex-officio member. In the event a meeting is held consisting of a quorum of the Committee and either there exists a possibility of a tie vote (quorum of two) or the quorum does not consist of both one man and one woman, then a temporary voting member shall be called to the meeting who shall be selected from the first individual in the following order who satisfies the deficiency: President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer, Clerk. In the event a Committee member cannot serve at a meeting because she or he is conflicted (an alleged victim or an alleged offender, or a family member of either), then an alternate shall be selected using the above-identified process for alternates. Should such process still not result in a Viable Quorum, the Viable Quorum shall be established by a promptly “called” meeting of the Board of Trustees who shall meet in closed session, the subject matter being deemed of a private and sensitive nature. The committee shall handle complaints according to the following guidelines: 1. All complaints shall be given prompt and fair consideration.


2. Persons presenting complaints shall be free of coercion, restraints, interference, discrimination, or reprisal. 3. The Committee shall act with sensitivity, objectivity,- and fairness in handling these complaints. 4. The Committee will appoint a chairperson and a back-up chairperson to fill in if the chairperson is unavailable. 5. A complaint can be made verbally or in writing to the Chair of the Human Resources Committee, the Chair of the Committee on Ministry or the Minister. That member will then contact the other members of the Safe Congregation Committee and arrange for a meeting to address the complaint. Except under extenuating circumstances, the meeting shall held within ten days of the complaint being made and the Committee shall issue a decision within ten days of the meeting (however, at any point in this process the Committee may determine that it is not the appropriate body to address the complaint.) Any Committee member may also, on his or her own accord, bring a matter before the Committee in the absence of a complaint 6. If the Committee determines that there has, in fact, been an offender, and should the Committee recommend disciplinary action against the offender, the Committee shall make that recommendation to the Board of Trustees. If no disciplinary action is involved, the Committee’s decision can close the complaint process. 7. All complaints shall be handled in confidence and, if received in writing, conspicuously marked UUCF Confidential. A written record, conspicuously marked UUCF Confidential shall be kept of the Committee’s meetings in a consistent format of the Committee’s choosing (Enclosure 1, Documented Committee Deliberations and Decision, may be used for this purpose). Unless otherwise required, this confidential record shall only be accessible to the Committee members, the Board of Trustees and the minister. Access shall be further limited if the complaint involves any of these parties or family members of the same. 8. In handling any given complaint, the Committee shall not be required to keep a written record if the complaint is resolved informally or dropped at the request of the complainant. Under such circumstances, the Committee shall not be required to contact the individual the complaint was against. However, should a complaint be dropped but available evidence indicate a definite possibility that Harassment or Abuse has occurred, or may in the future occur, the Committee shall, nevertheless, call a meeting. C. Deliberation

Safe Congregation Committee: Deliberation and Recommendation/Action

To aid in evaluating the problem, the following points, among others which the Committee deems appropriate, will be considered: 1. Dangerousness. Is the individual the source of an existing, continuing or possible future threat or perceived threat to persons or property? 2. Disruptiveness. How much interference with church functions is going on? 3. Offensiveness. How likely is it that prospective or existing members will be driven away? To aid in determining the recommendation and necessary response, the following points, among others the Committee deems appropriate, will be considered: 1. Harm. Has any member, guest or employee been physically, psychologically or sexually harmed? Is there continuing harm? Is there a potential for future harm? 2. Causes. Why is the offensive conduct occurring? Is it a conflict between the individual and others in the church? Is it due to a professionally diagnosed condition of mental illness?


3. History. What is the frequency and degree of offensive conduct caused in the past? 4. Probability of Change. How likely is it that the problem behavior will diminish in the future? Recommendation and Action 1. Action — Harassment or Abuse. In the event the Committee concludes that a member, guest or employee has been physically, psychologically or sexually harmed, immediate action is warranted. The Committee shall, in conjunction with the Minister, contact local law enforcement authorities to communicate the Committee’s conclusion. The Committee will also, in conjunction with the Minister, communicate to the alleged offender that he or she is barred, until further notice, from all Church property and all Church activities. The alleged offender shall have a right of appeal, first to the Board of Trustees, which can lift the bar by a unanimous vote, and should the bar not be lifted, to the membership, which vote shall be determined consistent with the Church By-Laws. This bar shall not constitute a revocation of membership and the Minister shall in no manner be prohibited from ministering to the alleged offender and shall provide such services as he or she deems appropriate under the circumstances. 2. Action — Disruption. In the event that the Committee concludes that a member, guest or employee has been disruptive, it may, in its discretion, take the following immediate action without need to make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees: (i) clearly and directly tell the person what action is disruptive and/or offensive; (ii) state that you expect the person to stop this behavior; (iii) firmly tell the person that if his or her actions persist, the Committee will submit its recommendation for more serious discipline to the Board of Trustees. 3. Recommendation — All Other Matters. As pertains to all other matters, The Committee will make its recommendation to the Board of Trustees, as to the necessary response, on a case-by-case basis. The following levels of possible response should be considered, the selection of which should be based on the nature and seriousness of the offense: a. Minister or Committee member communicates concern to the offending individual. b. Termination of committee, council, teaching or volunteer positions; c. Requirement that offender enter therapy program to remain a church member; d. Temporary Bar. The offending individual is excluded from the Church and/or specific church activities for a limited period of time, with reasons and the conditions of return made clear. e. Permanent Exclusion. The offending individual is permanently excluded from the Church premises and all Church activities. If it is decided that expulsion will take place, a letter will be sent by the Minister explaining the expulsion and the individual’s rights and possible recourse. f.

Filing of formal charges under State and/or Federal law.

D. Definitions of Harassment, Abuse and Disruption Three principal forms of unacceptable behavior are harassment, abuse and disruption. Each of which is defined below. If an individual feels his or her personal safety has been violated in this congregation by a behavior or form of misconduct that is not specified here, she or he may still file a complaint with the Safe Congregation Committee. Harassment. - Harassment includes unsolicited and unwelcome conduct that in the case of sexual harassment has sexual overtones. All forms of harassment can feel intrusive, intimidating, hostile, offensive and/or humiliating to the victim. This includes physical, psychological, and sexual harassment. Stalking is also a type of harassment. We consider the following three areas to overlap, but whether the harassment is primarily physical, psychological or sexual will be determined by the focus of the complaint. Unwelcome physical touching with sexual overtones is considered sexual harassment.


a. Physical. Pertaining to unwanted touching, contact, or other physical intrusions on another’s space. b. Psychological. Pertaining to emotional and mental levels of pestering, intruding, stalking, etc. c. Sexual. Pertaining to unwanted sexualized behaviors, which may be in the form of: (i)

physical conduct. Touching, pinching, brushing against, impeding or blocking movement, assault, coercing sexual contact, etc;


verbal conduct. Sexually suggestive or obscene comments, sexual propositions, threats (including threat of job loss or other punishment unless the victim engages in sexual relations), jokes about gender-specific traits or sexual orientation, etc.; and/or

(iii) written conduct. Sexually suggestive or obscene written material; Abuse. Abuse is a pattern of behavior that is used to control and/or dominate another person. Abuse can be physical, psychological, and/or sexual. a. Physical. Includes actual or threatened harm, such as hitting, shoving, kicking, or throwing things. The harm or threat thereof may also be against family members, pets, or treasured belongings. b. Psychological. Includes being mistreated mentally and emotionally, such as being insulted, ridiculed, or threatened verbally. c. Sexual. Includes any of the behaviors above. Three major areas of concern are: (i)

Sexual relating or contact between an adult and a minor;


Sexual relating or contact between minors that violates one of them because of the other’s role or position of power;

(iii) Sexual relating or contact between adults that violates one of them because of the other’s role or position of power. Disruption. Disruption is behavior which does not rise to the level of harassment or abuse but which, when viewed by a reasonable Church member, interferes with the free, safe and comfortable use and enjoyment of Church worship, facilities or activities. Examples include: (i) veiled threats to the safety of any adult or child; (ii) the disruption of Church activities; and (iii) manipulation, exploitation or uninvited pressure in relationships. E. Standards and Additional Procedure Regarding Behavior of Church Minister Standards of Church Minister The minister will recognize the power the ministry gives her or him and refrain from harassment, abuse, disruption and other practices which are harmful to others and which endanger her or his integrity or professional effectiveness. Such practices include, but are not limited to, sexual activity with a child, with an adult in the congregation who is not her or his spouse or partner, with a counselee, with the spouse or partner of a person in the congregation, with an intern, with an employee/staff member, or with anyone else whose relationship with the minister would be exploited by a sexual involvement. If the minister is single, before becoming sexually involved with a person in the congregation, the minister will take special care to examine his or her commitment, motives, intentionality, and the nature of such activity and its consequences for the minister, the other person, and the congregation. The minister will not invade the private and intimate bonds of others’ lives, nor trespass on those bonds for the minister’s own advantage or need. In any relationship of intimate confidentiality, the minister will not exploit the needs of another person. Sexual misconduct is a violation of the ministerial relationship in which a person in a position of religious leadership takes advantage of a vulnerable person instead of protecting him or her. It covers a wide range of


activity, and the harm caused by this misconduct is related to the degree of seriousness. The range which follows is from (a) the least degree of seriousness to (e) the greatest degree of seriousness: (a) sexual innuendoes; (b) inappropriate touching; (c) unwelcome advances or requests for sexual favors; (d) sexual relations with an adult under inappropriate circumstances; and (e) sexual relations with a minor under any circumstances. Additional Procedure When Handling a Complaint Against Church Minister The Committee will consult the Policies of the Unitarian Universalist Association and its Ministerial Fellowship Committee when addressing the matter. In the event the complaint alleges that sexual relations occurred, the Committee must immediately report it to the UUA Ministerial Fellowship Committee in Boston, Massachusetts. The process of reaching a decision may include a meeting between the complainant, the minister, and the Committee, if such a meeting will not put the complainant at risk F. Additional Procedure Regarding Behavior of Staff The process of reaching this decision may include a meeting between the complainant, the staff member the complaint is directed against, and the Committee, if such a meeting will not put the complainant at risk. As is deemed appropriate by the Committee, it shall report the nature of the complaint and the Committee’s decision regarding the complaint to the Human Resources Committee. G. Standard and Procedure Regarding Sexual Harassment of Employees Standards Regarding Sexual Harassment of Employees (Under Title VII of The Civil Rights Act All employees and persons who have been contracted with for their labor have the right to an environment free from sexual harassment. Sexual Harassment is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1991. When a person is sexually harassed, she or he is afforded the same protection and redress as a victim of any other form of discrimination. Sexual harassment is defined by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) as the use of one’s authority or power, either explicitly or implicitly, to coerce another into unwanted sexual relations or to punish another for his or her refusal of same; or the creation of an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment through verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. It prohibits unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: 1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment; and/or 2. Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for a decision or decisions affecting such individual; and/or 3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance; and/or 4. Such conduct has the effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment, and the supervisor knows or should know of the existence of the harassment and fails to take timely and appropriate action. All individuals in positions of supervision are responsible for their own conduct and for the conduct of individuals they supervise, and will take affirmative steps to stop sexual harassment by subordinates when it is brought to their attention, including warning or disciplining the offending individual. Such disciplining may include any legally acceptable means, to be decided with the assistance of the Safe Congregation Committee, and if deemed advisable, the Board of Trustees.


Additional Procedure When Handling Complaint Of Church Employee When an employee has an unresolved complaint about another employee or anyone she or he encounters in the context of the church work environment, the employee shall first discuss the complaint with the minister or the Human Resources Committee. If the employee would like further assistance in resolving the complaint, the employee can submit the complaint in writing to the Safe Congregation Committee, along with an explanation of actions taken to date. If the minister and/or the Human Resources Committee have been involved in any attempts at resolution, they shall also submit -documentation. H. Standard and Procedure Regarding Behavior of Member or Guest Standard Regarding Behavior of Member or Guest We believe our church needs to have clearly communicated standards. Misconduct on the part of a member or guest can have harmful effects on any individual as well as on the rest of the congregation. A central Church mission is to protect the welfare of all individuals, including the church staff and minister. Gradations of seriousness can apply to all forms of harassment, abuse and disruption. For example, the following list applies to sexual misconduct, where (a) is least serious and (e) is most serious: (a). Unwelcome sexual innuendoes (b). Inappropriate touching (c). Unwelcome advances or requests for sexual favors (d). Sexual relations with an adult under inappropriate circumstances (e). Sexual relations with a minor under any circumstances. Appropriate steps will be taken when the behavior of a member or guest has the effect of interfering with another person’s personal safety and/or spiritual growth. Additional Procedure When Handling Complaint Against Member or Guest The Minister, Church staff, and Church officers all have the right to exclude or remove from the Church premises, by any lawful means, any person whose present conduct is so disruptive and/or offensive as to impair the functioning of the Church. This conduct may come to their attention by direct observation or by verbal or written complaint of another member or guest. The objectionable conduct may be in person, by mail, by telephone, or by other means. If the complainant and/or church official (such as minister, staff member, etc.) believes the person committing the objectionable behavior is not aware that his or her actions are disruptive or offensive, the complainant and/or church official can attempt to resolve the situation by approaching the person in this way: 1. Clearly and directly tell the person what action is disruptive and/or offensive. 2. State that you expect the person to stop this behavior. 3. Firmly tell the person that if his or her actions persist, you will file a formal action with the Safe Congregation Committee whose role includes investigation and resolution of such issues. If this effort is ineffective or such an approach is deemed unacceptable or inadvisable, the complainant can make a confidential request for Safe Congregation Committee action, verbally or in writing, to any member of the Committee. I. Immediate Action; Member and Guest Rights Immediate Action In some situations immediate action is warranted and should be taken. It is appropriate, for example, to immediately call the police to remove an person exhibiting violent behavior.


Member and Guest Rights Individuals who feel threatened by behavior of other individuals are in no manner prevented by this Policy and Procedure, or by any other Church governing document, from contacting the police if he or she feels threatened or is, or has been, harmed or if they are aware of another individual who has been threatened or is being, or has been, harmed. J. Publication

Publication and Training

Notice of the Board of Trustee’s adoption of this Policy and Procedure shall be provided to the congregation, in such manner as the Board deems appropriate to fully communicate its establishment. Copies of the two-page Safe Congregations Policy (Enclosure 2) shall be conspicuously posted in one or more locations throughout the Church. Training The Committee shall, once each year, at or about the beginning of each Church fiscal year, conduct training on this Policy and Procedure. While the nature and extent of training shall be determined at the Committee’s discretion, minimum essential training shall consist of providing the Minister, and all officers, board members, Committee Chairs, Religious Education workers, and all Worship Associates with a copy of Enclosure 2, Safe Congregations Policy and obtain from each an executed copy of the Certificate of Receipt of Safe Congregations Policy and Procedure (Enclosure 3). Records The Committee shall maintain on permanent file all executed copies of the Certificate of Receipt of Safe Congregations Policy and Procedure (Enclosure 3), filed by fiscal year of their execution.


UUCF Confidential Documented Committee Deliberations and Decision Meeting Date: ____________________ Decision Date: _______________________ Matter Person(s) Making Allegations/Complaint: _____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Possible Victim(s)/Person(s) Who May Have Been Harmed: _______________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Committee Members/Alternates in Attendance: _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Brief Synopsis of Allegation/Complaint: _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Deliberation The Committee has Concluded the Following:__________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Referring to Safe Congregation Policy and Procedure Sections C and D for all matters, and the pertinent section among Sections E, F, G and H, address the following: Problem Evaluation and Necessary Church Response: How Dangerous, Disruptive or Offensive Was the Behavior: _________________ __________________________________________________________________ How Harmful Was the Behavior: ______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Causes of the Behavior: ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ History of Such Behavior: ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Probability for Change: ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Other Matters Key to Deliberations: ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Recommendation and Action Referring to Safe Congregation Policy and Procedure Sections C and D for all matters, and the pertinent Section


among Sections E, F, G and H, what action is/are recommended (more than one may be selected depending on the circumstances): 

Minister or Committee member communicates concern to the offending individual.

Termination of committee, council, teaching or volunteer positions;

Requirement that offender enter therapy program to remain a church member;

Temporary Bar. The offending individual is excluded from the Church and/or specific church activities for a limited period of time, with reasons and the conditions of return made clear.

Permanent Exclusion. The offending individual is permanently excluded from the Church premises and all Church activities. If it is decided that expulsion will take place, a letter will be sent by the Minister explaining the expulsion and the individual’s rights and possible recourse.

Filing of formal charges under State and/or Federal law.

Other (Describe):___________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________ Action Identify the date the action was taken, the Church officials performing or issuing it, any reaction or response from an Offender, and any other information pertinent to the exercise of the Church action: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________ Recording: Signature: ________________________________ Date: ________________



Safe Congregation Policy Statement The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno is committed to promoting a safe and welcoming environment supportive of personal and spiritual growth. The Church recognizes the right of its ministers, employees/contractors, members, and guests to have an environment free of interpersonal violence such as harassment, abuse and disruption. Violations would include abuse or harassment of a physical, psychological, or sexual nature. We believe that harassment, abuse and disruption are not the fault of the victim. A person who has been harassed, abused or disrupted needs support, empowerment, and a structure which provides an effective, safe, and prompt response to his or her complaint. We understand that harassment, abuse and disruption may at times not be intentional, but may in fact arise through miscommunication or lack of awareness. When uncomfortable and/or unacceptable behaviors occur, individuals can sometimes resolve the situation themselves through direct discussion with the responsible party. Since this direct approach is not always appropriate, a Safe Congregation Committee exists to provide the Church with a means of safely and effectively resolving such situations. Any Youth, Member of the Congregation, Staff Member or Guest is invited to report unacceptable behavior which may be a violation of this Policy, either verbally or in writing, to any of the following members of the Safe Congregation Committee: the Chair of the Human Resources Committee, the Chair of the Committee on Ministry, or the Minister. We recognize the right of an individual who is accused of inappropriate behavior to respond to the allegations, unless informing that individual of the allegations is unnecessary, unhelpful, or unsafe to Committee members or the complainant. Along with this policy statement are Safe Congregation Procedures which include the formation and functioning of the Safe Congregation Committee. The Church also supports the Policies of the Unitarian Universalist Association and its Ministerial Fellowship Committee regarding professional behavior which are not part of this document. This Safe Congregation Policy Statement and the Safe Congregation Procedures are also considered to include prohibitions against all criminal behaviors. Definitions of Harassment, Abuse and Disruption Three principal forms of unacceptable behavior are harassment, abuse and disruption. Each of which is defined below. If an individual feels his or her personal safety has been violated in this congregation by a behavior or form of misconduct that is not specified here, she or he may still file a complaint with the Safe Congregation Committee. Harassment. - Harassment includes unsolicited and unwelcome conduct that in the case of sexual harassment has sexual overtones. All forms of harassment can feel intrusive, intimidating, hostile, offensive and/or humiliating to the victim. This includes physical, psychological, and sexual harassment. Stalking is also a type of harassment. We consider the following three areas to overlap, but whether the harassment is primarily physical, psychological or sexual will be determined by the focus of the complain. Unwelcome physical touching with sexual overtones is considered sexual harassment. d. Physical. Pertaining to unwanted touching, contact, or other physical intrusions on another’s space. e. Psychological. Pertaining to emotional and mental levels of pestering, intruding, stalking, etc. f.

Sexual. Pertaining to unwanted sexualized behaviors, which may be in the form of: (i)

physical conduct. Touching, pinching, brushing against, impeding or blocking movement, assault, coercing sexual contact, etc;



verbal conduct. Sexually suggestive or obscene comments, sexual propositions, threats (including threat of job loss or other punishment unless the victim engages in sexual relations), jokes about gender-specific traits or sexual orientation, etc.; and/or

(iii) written conduct. Sexually suggestive or obscene written material; Abuse. Abuse is a pattern of behavior that is used to control and/or dominate another person. Abuse can be physical, psychological, and/or sexual. d. Physical. Includes actual or threatened harm, such as hitting, shoving, kicking, or throwing things. The harm or threat thereof may also be against family members, pets, or treasured belongings. e. Psychological. Includes being mistreated mentally and emotionally, such as being insulted, ridiculed, or threatened verbally. f.

Sexual. Includes any of the behaviors above. Three major areas of concern are: (i)

Sexual relating or contact between an adult and a minor;


Sexual relating or contact between minors that violates one of them because of the other’s role or position of power;

(iii) Sexual relating or contact between adults that violates one of them because of the other’s role or position of power. Disruption. Disruption is behavior which does not rise to the level of harassment or abuse but which, when viewed by a reasonable Church member, interferes with the free, safe and comfortable use and enjoyment of Church worship, facilities or activities. Examples include: (i) veiled threats to the safety of any adult or child; (ii) the disruption of Church activities; (iii) manipulation, exploitation or uninvited pressure in relationships; and (iv) behavior which diminishes the appeal of the Church to its existing and potential membership.

Certificate of Receipt of Safe Congregations Policy and Procedure I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the two page document entitled Safe Congregations Policy. I agree that I will read the Policy and will abide by its provisions. Additionally, being in a position of care, custody or control over the UUCF children and youth, I acknowledge the special relationship this creates for their well-being and agree to refrain from (1) engaging in sexual, seductive or erotic behavior with children and youth and (2) sexually harassing them or engaging in behavior with children or youth that constitutes verbal, emotional or physical abuse. ____________________________________ Signature

_____________ Date

Approved 4/12/07


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO Financial Policies and Procedures GENERAL Mission The Mission of the Finance Committee is to safeguard the assets of the Church, provide guidance to the Board and continue to monitor the financial condition of the Church in a competent and accurate manner thereby supporting the mission of the Church. Introduction The Finance Committee is a committee of the church established under Article VI of the Bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno and serves at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. Responsibilities 1. The Board of Trustees carries the ultimate responsibility for all Church finances. 2. The responsibility of the Finance Committee is to study and make recommendations to the Board for action on all financial matters, to prepare an annual operating budget, to monitor the financial status of the church and to report, through the Treasurer, to the Board of Trustees on a monthly basis. 3. It is the responsibility of the church staff, specifically the Director of Operations and the Financial Manager, to account for the day-to-day financial transactions and to prepare the monthly financial information from the church accounting system. 4. Committees are responsible for their own budgets and how and when any funds are spent. Procedures The Finance Committee is composed of a chair and a minimum of six active members from the congregation at large, who meet monthly. The Treasurer of the church is also a member of this committee and acts as the committee’s liaison to the Board of Trustees. DEFINITIONS The church is a non-profit corporation which functions on a Fund Accounting Basis. There are three current “Funds” as described below: General Operating Fund - This is the general account for ongoing church operations. It is the day-today receipts and disbursements account used for payroll, general operating expenses and committee expenditures. Committees are authorized to make expenditures from the Church Operating Fund as approved in the current Adopted Budget for their respective committee. All committee expenditures must be pre-authorized by the committee chair on the form provided for this purpose. No committee shall overspend its budget. There is a subcomponent of the general operating fund that is referred to as the Designated Accounts. These funds are not a part of the current operating budget, but come into being in three ways. The first way amounts can become “designated” is when funds are raised for a specific activity or by a committee. These funds may carry over from one year to another and are normally set aside for a specific purpose. An example would be when the YRE holds fundraisers to accumulate enough money to attend General Assembly. The money is accumulated as a designated account until the event takes place. The second way funds become designated is through the operating budget when amounts are set aside


for known expenses to be incurred in the future. This may be for the Minister’s sabbatical, an equipment replacement fund or similar “set-aside”. A third way to establish or add to a designated account would be that a Committees may request that budgeted funds, unspent in a current year, may be carried over for use in a subsequent year. Endowment Fund - The Endowment Fund is a separate account for funds that have been donated to the church and specifically designated for the future well-being of the congregation. The history is that this fund was originally begun by the donation of a house and its contents by a member through her will. Since that original donation various principal amounts have been added. Designated principal from this account cannot be spent without specific action by a congregational vote. Any earnings on these funds are available to be expended through the Board of Trustees with advice of the Finance Committee. The principal may be “borrowed” by the congregation through a congregational vote and has been done in the past for such major purchases as a roof replacement on the Millbrook church. Any borrowings are repaid to the Endowment Fund with interest on a periodic basis. Restricted/Building Fund – The Restricted or Building Fund is specifically designated to receive donations for building projects and is only authorized to be spent for that purpose. At the current time, funds from this account have been used to augment the operating budget to facilitate the payment of the mortgage on our Alluvial facility. Any future Capital Campaigns will be accounted for in this fund as well as donations from the Memorial Wall placques which have been designated to benefit the Building Fund. Other Terminology Budget Subcommittee – An ad hoc committee composed of two Board members, one of whom is the Treasurer, two Finance Committee members and one member at large. Preliminary Budget – This is prepared by the Budget Subcommittee, reviewed and recommended by the Finance Committee and reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees. This budget is the basis of the projected revenue for the next fiscal year and the pledge amount requested from congregation members during the annual Canvass. Proposed Budget – This is the Preliminary budget that is amended by the Budget Subcommittee after the annual Canvass to balance estimated expenditures, based on the results of that Canvass and expected estimate of pledge revenue. This budget is presented to the congregation under Section VII of the Bylaws and voted on for adoption. Adopted Budget – This is the budget approved by the congregation. Revised Adopted Budget – At a mid-year review in July, the Finance Committee reviews the status of revenues and expenditures through the first half of the year and recommends any adjustments deemed necessary due to changes in circumstances. If any changes are proposed, budget is presented to the Board of Trustees and proposed changes approved. Congregational approval of this revised budget is not required. Fiscal Year – The financial church year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st. This is in contrast to the church activity year, which begins in September, and also in contrast to the year of the Board of Trustees which begin June 1st and end on May 31st.


INTERNAL CONTROL Internal controls include checks and balances that ensure compliance with applicable regulations. The intent of an internal control system is to safeguard assets, promote operational efficiency and effectiveness, improve the accuracy and reliability of financial data, and to protect staff. The sections that follow specifically address internal controls that are to be in place for various financial transactions. Responsibilities 1. The Finance Committee is responsible for establishing a set of internal controls. 2. The staff is responsible to adhere to the internal controls. 3. The Treasurer is responsible to monitor internal controls related to cash receipts and disbursements of church funds. Procedures See the specific internal controls covered by “procedures” in the following sections of this manual.

BUDGET Preparation and adoption of the annual Church Budget is a key process through which the Church fulfills its strategic goals and mission. It is the intent of this policy to establish a thoughtful and deliberative process which will: 

Provide the Congregation, Staff, and Committees full opportunities for input.

Reflect program priorities and goals as adopted during the Annual Priority setting process balanced with Church needs.

Protect financial resources and maintain adequate financial reserves.

General Provisions Special Project/Expenditure Reserves. Provided that the usual and reasonable operating needs of the church are met, a portion of annual revenues may be set aside for special projects or needs that exceed the amount that may be available in any one year. Examples of such expenditures include, but are not limited to a financial review, or replacement of major equipment or furniture. Reserves within the church operating account will be tracked through “Designated Funds”. Committee Expenditure Authority. Committee expenditures are to be limited to the amount in the Approved Budget and, except as set forth in the Purchasing and Accounts Payable Policy, do not need the approval of the Finance Committee. Make available to the membership clear and complete information regarding budgeting of Church funds. Responsibilities 1. The Finance Committee is responsible for the preparation of the annual budget. 2. The Board is responsible for oversight and determination of annual church priorities. 3. The congregation is responsible for final approval of budget.


4. Staff is responsible for day-to-day accounting for budgeted expenditure and preparing monthly reports of actual expenditures compared to budget. Procedures ANNUAL BUDGET PROCESS/TIMELINE On/about August 1 - Budget Subcommittee prints budget timeline with current year’s dates in UU Connection, sends budget request forms and cover letter to Director of Operations and Committees having responsibility for line item budget funds. September 1st - All budget requests from committees, staff and others are due. By September 15th - Budget Subcommittee prepares Draft Preliminary Budget showing estimated expenses (committee requests, administration, Human Resources, fixed costs) and estimated revenue. September Finance Committee meeting - Committee reviews/adjusts Draft Preliminary Budget for recommendation to Board. September Board of Trustees meeting - Board reviews, approves Preliminary Budget as basis for Annual Pledge Drive Completion of Canvass - Budget Subcommittee reconciles estimated expenses/ requested funds with total pledge income and other anticipated revenue sources to arrive at draft Proposed Budget. November Finance Committee meeting – Committee reviews draft Proposed Budget and recommends the Proposed Budget to Board. November Board of Trustees meeting - Board recommends Proposed Budget for Congregational vote. December-First Sunday - Congregational Meeting to approve Proposed Budget. ACCOUNTING/REPORTING Accounting Basis The UUCF operates on a modified cash accounting basis. All transactions, except pledge payments are accounted for on the cash basis. Pledge payments are to be accounted for by the period in which they were pledged (see cash receipts policy that follows). No depreciation expense is recorded on fixed assets. For Internal Revenue Service purposes the UUCF operates under the parent organization, the Unitarian Universalist Association and no annual tax reporting is required. Reporting All financial transactions are compiled and reported on a monthly basis to monitor the financial condition of the church and compliance with budget. Responsibilities 1. Staff is responsible to process and record cash receipts, cash disbursements and prepare any adjusting entries on a monthly basis. This report is to be completed and presented to the Finance Committee for their review by the regularly scheduled meeting following the close of that month


(i.e. financial statements for the month of June will be available for review by the July Finance Committee meeting). 2. The Finance Committee is responsible for the review of transactions and status each month. 3. The Treasurer is responsible to present the financial statements to the Board of Trustees. 4. The Board of Trustees approves the monthly financial statements. Procedures 1. The Financial Manager prepares the financial statements and emails them to all Finance Committee members by the Friday before a regularly scheduled meeting. 2. The Finance Manager attends the Finance Committee meeting to present the financial statements, respond to inquiries and note any unusual transactions for the month. 3. The Finance Committee members review the statements prior to the meeting. 4. The Finance Committee members discuss and respond to the financial statements and approve the reports to be presented to the Board of Trustees. 5. The Treasurer presents the financial statements to the Board of Trustees and highlights any unusual transactions, items of interest or other requests for guidance from the Finance Committee.

CASH RECEIPTS/CONTRIBUTIONS Cash receipts and donations/contributions are to be recorded in a timely manner in accordance with proper internal controls to safeguard cash. Responsibilities 1. The responsibility for control of cash received through plate donations begins with the ushers. 2. The Financial Manager is responsible for making the weekly deposits of all monies received through plate donations, mail or any other method of receipt. 3. The Director of Operations is responsible for oversight. 4. The Church Treasurer is responsible to monitor the cash controls on a periodic basis. Procedures 1. Ushers double count all currency and coin received through plate donations. Two Ushers sign and approve the envelope of receipts from plate donations. The envelope is sealed and placed immediately in the drop safe. 2. The Financial Manager uses a restricted endorsement stamp and stamps all checks upon receipt. Deposits to the bank are prepared, balanced and posted to the accounts by the Financial Manager. The Director of Operations verifies the deposit and takes the money to the bank. 3. Prepaid pledges are to be used only in the year for which they were pledged. 4. Pledges donated in the form of securities are to be redeemed immediately by the Treasurer through Investment Centers of America and not held as investments of the church. 5. Within 30 days following the end of the fiscal year, the Finance Committee Chair or Treasurer shall provide the Board with names of members who have not made a financial contribution of record during the previous fiscal year. 6. The Financial Manager will prepare quarterly statements of donations for all members and friends of the church that details all donations and contributions received of $20 or more. In accordance with regulations of the Internal Revenue Service the quarterly statement shall include all amounts received for special donations, building and capital donations, regular pledge amounts, and any checks equal to or greater than $20 that can be traced to a specific donor for fund raising activities such as the theater party and annual auction. The theater party tickets are to include a statement of the fair market value (FMV) so that the donor can determine the amount of charitable deduction allowed by law in excess


of that FMV. For the auction receipts, each item on the auction will list the FMV on the auction bid sheet and on the overall receipt for successful auction bidders. It is the responsibility of the donor to determine the charitable donation deduction for the difference between what was paid and the FMV of the item. 7. The cash receipts/deposit records are to be available at any time for review by the Church Treasurer.

INVESTMENTS The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno (UUCF) has various investment accounts in support of the church mission and covenant. Invested funds may be included in the General Operating Fund, Endowment Fund and Building/Restricted Fund. The Finance Committee is responsible for the investment of funds held by UUCF with oversight by the Board of Trustees. It is the policy of UUCF to maintain invested funds only in accounts that support the Unitarian Universalist Principles and the mission and covenant of this church. The investments of the UUCF shall be managed in a manner consistent with UU values as well as the achievement of return and to meet risk objectives. The Finance Committee is responsible for balancing these occasionally competing objectives in the best interests of the UUCF. The use of Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) to meet the needs of the congregation is expected, adhering to the values as stated in the UUA Principles. It is generally not in the best interest of UUCF to maintain individual stock investments due to the volatility of markets and increased risk. Socially Responsible Investing is defined as follows: Investments are preferred in companies that serve the environment through: 

Production or services that reduce waste generation or conserve natural resources

Progress toward reduction in volume and toxicity of waste, emissions and effluents

Innovation of programs to reduce use of energy, water, material and land

Consistently good compliance records with legal requirements of business

Strong environmental management systems including clear environmental policies

Commitment to standardized environmental reporting

Commitment to increased involvement in renewable energy sources and

Proactively addressing these and other issues of global climate change.

Investments are preferred in companies that support human rights and labor standards through:

Production of safe useful high quality products or services that enhance the quality of life

Responsible pricing and marketing practices


High performance in addressing product safety

Strong policies and programs in recruiting and development for historically marginalized people

Innovative labor policies demonstrating commitment to quality of life (paid time off for volunteering, sabbaticals, employee recognition, company sponsored volunteer programs, flex-time, part-time benefits, job sharing, telecommuting and dependent care)

Inclusive nondiscrimination policies (e.g. sexual orientation, gender identity, same sex partner benefits, positive union relations or employee participation)

Strong emergency and on-going safety programs and performance and

Strong records of investing in local communities

Responsibilities 1. The Board is ultimately responsible for the investments of the church. 2. The Finance Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board of Trustees. 3. The staff is responsible to carry-out the directions of the Board.

PAYROLL Staff payroll is to be administered in accordance with all regulations to compensate employees for the work they do in support of the administration of church business and programs. Staff compensation will be at appropriate levels as determined by the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Fair Compensation Guidelines for comparable positions and geographic area. Benefit levels are determined by the length of service with guidance of the Human Resources Committee. The payroll system has been outsourced to a third party administrator. Staff is paid on a bi-weekly basis. Responsibilities 1. Employees are responsible for correctly reporting their hours of work, and compensated time absent from their position. They are responsible to bring any errors and omissions to the attention of the Director of Operations and payroll administrator in a timely manner. 2. The Financial Manager is responsible to report hours to the payroll administrator and manage the payroll process. 3. The Director of Operations is responsible for oversight, compliance with all regulations and the integrity of the system. 4. The contracted third party administrator is responsible for the issuance of checks and all federal and state reporting requirements, including Quarterly reports, W-2s and other reports such as workers compensation reports as due. Procedures Specific internal procedures are to be determined by the Director of Operations and processed by the Financial Manager.

PURCHASING AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE All purchases are to be made in accordance with a system of controls and budgetary restrictions established to


ensure that only properly authorized expenditure of funds are disbursed. Responsibilities 1. Committees are responsible for the expenditure of committee funds as provided in the approved operating budget. 2. The Director of Operations is responsible for the general operating expenses of the church. 3. The Financial Manager is responsible for the accounting of all expenditures and transactions recorded in the church’s books and records. 4. The Finance Committee and Board of Trustees are responsible to monitor expenditures in alignment with the approved budget. Procedures 1. All committee expenditures are to be authorized by the committee chair on a check request form. No committee shall overspend its allocated budget. 2. Purchases over $1,000 require obtaining and documenting three price quotes from three separate vendors. Price quotes may be evidence by written bids, vendor ads or contemporaneous notes made by staff. 3. Requests for reimbursement of expenses shall be approved by either the appropriate Committee Chair or the Director of Operations. 4. All checks shall be signed by two individuals from the following: Board President, Board Vice President, Treasurer, Past President of the Board and the Director of Operations. 5. The Minister shall be exempt from prior approval requirements for purchases, payments and reimbursements applicable to budget items designated for minister’s use. 6. Amounts budgeted that remain in individual committee accounts on December 31st may be carried over to a subsequent year with appropriate request to the Finance Committee. 7. It is a customary practice that members are not paid for participating in Sunday services. 8. Any written contract in an amount greater than $1,000, or for a period that exceeds one month, to which the Church is a party shall be signed by the Board President or other designated Board Member. Committee chairs and staff may sign for temporary agreements that fall within their budgets and the above restrictions to facilitate committee activities. All contracts must be provided to the Director of Operations for implementation and recordkeeping. If the Director of Operations is aware that a contract has been signed, a copy should be requested for the church files. 9. Expenditures which require funds not in the adopted budget must be approved by the Finance Committee and Board of Trustees before any action is taken. 10.Unbudgeted projects presented to the Finance Committee are to include estimated costs and any proposed sources of funds. The Finance Committee will analyze the proposed funding, identify any other funds possibly available, analyze potential financial pitfalls, and will make a Committee recommendation to the Board. 11.The Finance Committee has no jurisdiction over content, aesthetics, or perceived value of any proposal. It is concerned only with cost, availability of funds, and with assisting in finding funding for Board-approved projects. 12.Purchases are encouraged to be made in accordance with the Green Purchasing Guidelines as established by the Green Sanctuary Committee.

CREDIT CARDS The church credit cards are to be used for making purchases on behalf of the church where there is no established vendor account and to expedite immediate purchasing needs and increase the efficiency of processing transactions.


Responsibilities 1. The assigned cardholder is responsible for all purchases made on the card. 2. The Finance Manager is responsible to monitor the use of the card and bring any questionable transactions to the attention of the cardholder’s supervisor and the Finance Committee. Procedures 1. The cards are issued by a bank to the following staff positions: Director of Operations Director of Religious Education Sexton 2. The cards may be used for on-line purchases 3. Receipts for all purchases are to be submitted to the Financial Manager in a timely manner and before any invoices or statements are paid. The Financial Manager shall be responsible for providing the invoice and receipts to the cardholder’s supervisor for review each month. 4. No personal charges are to be made on the credit cards and each card holder will sign a statement of responsibility acknowledging the responsible use of the card and personal liability for any misuse.


I, _____________________________, acknowledge the receipt of a church credit card to be used to facilitate church financial transactions related to my area of responsibility as church staff. I understand that this church credit card cannot be used for any personal transactions and that such use may be cause for dismissal of employment with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno. All receipts for purchases are to be turned in to the Finance Manager in a timely manner and prior to credit card payments. I understand that my supervisor will review all purchases on a monthly basis. I further understand and agree that any inadvertent personal purchases will be repaid immediately and that in the case that inappropriate use of the card results in my termination any outstanding personal expenditures will be deducted from my final paycheck.

____________________________________ Church Staff Member

___________________________________ UUCF Board President

________________________ Date

________________________ Date

Revision to Credit Card Policy Approved by Board 12-19-11


FIXED ASSETS The church shall maintain appropriate systems for the safeguarding of church property. Fixed assets or capital items shall be properly authorized, purchased, recorded, accounted for, valued, disposed of and otherwise handled in compliance with applicable regulations and other purchasing guidelines. Fixed Assets/Capital items include buildings, office equipment, and all other items purchased that have an expected life of service to the church in excess of one year. The capitalization threshold shall be $1,000. Items purchased for less than that amount are exempted from capitalization. The church is a 501 (c ) (3) organization under the internal revenue code. Financial statements are prepared for internal church use only and do not reflect depreciation expense on fixed assets. Responsibilities 1. The Financial Manager is responsible for identifying purchases that fall within this capitalization policy. 2. The Financial Manager and Director of Operations are responsible for preparing and maintaining all files documenting fixed asset purchases. Procedures The Director of Operations and Financial Manager will maintain a system of record keeping for all fixed assets.

FINANCIAL RECORDS MAINTENANCE Church staff shall file and maintain all pertinent financial records in compliance with all policies and procedures herein. In the absence of clearly stated requirements for specific documents, the records will be maintained for a minimum period of seven years. There are many financial records, including, but not limited to: vendor invoices, payroll timecards, check requests, cash receipts, bank and investment statements, journal entries, contracts, insurance policies and financial statements. There are also permanent records that should be maintained indefinitely. These permanent records would include documentation of the basis in land and property owned by the church. Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the church staff to maintain all records in accordance with this policy. Procedures 1. The Financial Manager will maintain a minimum of two years of records in an accessible manner. Records Older than two years may be stored in a less accessible manner. 2. The Director of Operations is responsible for maintaining all current contracts and related documents in an accessible manner. This includes insurance policies and all other service related contracts. Financial Policies & Procedures Revised March 2011 Approved by Finance Committee March 21, 2011 Approved by Board of Trustees April 25, 2011


EXPENDITURES FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Purpose: While the Church’s annual budget allocates funds for the routine maintenance of church facilities, this policy establishes guidance for selecting projects to be funded from the Capital Improvement account. Applicability: “Capital improvements” includes but is not limited to, additions, enhancements, major repairs, replacements, and new purchases of the following: buildings, structures, flooring, pavement, roofing, windows, doors, window coverings, paint, cabinetry, lighting, plumbing, safety and security alarms, heating/ventilation/air conditioning, lighting, irrigation, landscaping, and major appliances such as dishwashers and refrigerators. “Capital improvements” does not include purchases or repairs of office equipment, classroom equipment, audio/video equipment, furniture, rugs, or décor. Process: Each October, a Capital Improvement Task Force will review the balance of the Capital Improvements account, and compile and prioritize the capital improvement projects to pursue over the course of the next calendar year. The Task Force will consist of one member each from the Buildings, Landscaping, Kitchen, Aesthetics and Finance committees, a member appointed by the Board of Trustees, the Church Facilities Manger, and the Church Sexton. The budget for the year’s projects shall not exceed the available balance of the Capital Improvements account. Once the project priorities have been established by a vote of the Task Force members, the Task Force shall transmit the list to the Board of Trustees and Finance Committee. Project implementation is the responsibility of the applicable committee, and the chair of each committee is authorized to approve expenditures from the Capital Improvements account. Periodic changes and additions to the project list will follow the same process as above.

Approved by the Board of Trustees, September 26, 2011. Amended by the Board of Trustees, February 26, 2012.


CONGREGATIONAL ASSISTANCE FUND Mission of the Congregational Assistance Fund: The Mission of the Congregational Assistance Fund is to serve as an avenue for the church to offer financial assistance to members and friends in times of illness, fire, earthquake, disability, accident, loss of employment, loss of home or other challenges. Funds will be solicited by and distributed with the guidance of a committee consisting of the Minister, the Board President, and the Chairs of Pastoral Care and Committee on Ministry. Purpose: From time to time in the life of a congregation personal needs of members or friends may arise to which others might wish to respond. Sometimes members or friends may come to the congregation in a time of deep need and request aid themselves. Illness, fire, earth-quake, disability, accident, loss of employment, loss of home or other challenges experienced by members and friends may urge others to organize a way to offer some financial assistance. Of course, the congregation cannot respond to every need, nor can it often respond with large amounts of money. But The Congregational Assistance Fund exists so that people can make contributions that will enable the Congregation to offer members and friends some help in times of special need. Structure: Solicitations of money and voluntary donations of money to the Congregational Assistance Fund for personal needs will sometimes be done publicly and sometimes, confidentially. Money donated to this fund will not be used for organizations. We have Second Sunday Social Justice offerings for organizational support. Congregational Assistance Fund donations and expenditures will be administered by a Congregational Assistance Fund Committee consisting of the Minister, the Board President and the Chairs of Pastoral Care and the Committee on Ministry. These people will decide together on when to accept funds for particular needs, when to solicit funds for particular needs, and when and how to disburse funds. The Minister will keep a record of the activities of the Congregational Assistance Fund and of the rationale for each instance of assistance. All donations and expenditures will be carefully accounted for by the Bookkeeper.

Approved by the Board of Trustees January28, 2008


CHURCH USE Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno Church Use Policy This policy applies to the use of the UUCF facility for any activities other than those organized by the UUCF for carrying out the mission of the church. The UUCF will allow use of the facility by groups whose goals and ideals are (1) consistent with UUA principle, (2) consistent with UUCF’s mission statement, (3) in compliance with local and state laws. The church property shall not be used as a forum for any declared political candidate except in programs in which candidates of opposing views are invited to explain their positions for purposes of clarifying issues and educating the electorate. The UUCF reserves the right to deny building and grounds use to any outside group or individual. By allowing and encouraging groups to use our space we wish to be of service to the UUCF members and to be of service to the greater community; in addition, we wish to increase our visibility to the larger community and to benefit from the income earned through renting out our facility. The kinds of groups that may be welcomed are: a. weddings and memorial services. The church shall not be rented for wedding receptions to nonmembers unless the minister has officiated at a service preceding the reception. There will be no fees to members for ceremonial services of life and death. Any outside wedding officiate must be approved by the church minister, or in the minister’s absence, the president of the board. b. community service programs open to the public. c. recitals and cultural events. To use the facility, an organization must: a. be law-abiding and non-discriminatory. b. be flexible enough to accommodate church functions. c. Sign and abide by the terms of the building use agreement. (attached) Financial Arrangements: a. Individuals or groups using the building will be charged rental and service fees according to the fee schedule provided at the time of the rental inquiry. b. With respect to events co-sponsored by UUCF or the UUCF Social Justice Committee, or if the service provided by community group is consistent with the goals of the UUCF Social Justice Committee, the following tier structure shall apply: i. If the attendance is anticipated to exceed 200 and attendees are required to pay an admission fee, the customary sanctuary rental fee schedule shall apply. ii. If the attendance is anticipated to be under 200 and attendees are required to pay and admission fee, the rental fee for the sanctuary shall be $150 and 10% of the “gate.” iii. If the attendance is anticipated to be under 200 and no admission is to be charged, a $150 sanctuary rental fee may be imposed. iv. The above rental fees may be modified or adjusted with the agreement of the Minister, the Social Justice Chair, the Events Coordinator and the Director of Operations.


c. A security deposit, to be determined in accordance with the fee schedule, will be paid to secure the reservation. The security deposit will be returned if the event is cancelled or after the event space has been inspected following the event and found to be in the condition it was prior to use. i. Damage of church facilities or grounds will be paid for in full by the User and the security deposit will be applied toward this amount. ii. Failure to notify the church office of cancellation of an event may result in the forfeiture of the security deposit. iii. Payment in full must be made at least one week before the date of the event unless other arrangements have been made. The UUCF Events Coordinator will ensure that scheduled events are posted on the church calendar subsequent to receipt of the security deposit. Sponsorship and Event Publicity a. Sponsorship of an event must be clearly specified in all publicity. b. Non-church events may not appear to have the church as a sponsoring organization. c. User may be required to provide advance copy of advertising before it is published. Revision proposed for 12/19/11 Board Meeting Revised/Approved by Board of Trustees 12/22/08 Key Policy The Director of Operations shall be responsible for maintaining a checkout procedure for keys to any of the buildings on the Church property. The Director of Operations may delegate the record keeping and key checkout procedure to other Church staff. All persons receiving a key under this policy shall first sign the key receipt form. The following persons shall be provided a master key to the Church buildings: the Minister, all paid staff, the Board President, and the chairs of the Building and the Landscape Committees. The Director of Operations shall provide a key or keys for specific buildings to other Committee Chairs as needed to do the on-going work of their respective Committees. Committee Chairs shall follow the same checkout procedure as outlined in this policy. Other individuals needing a key to one or more buildings may request the key(s) from the Director of Operations. Additionally, the Minister or the Board President may authorize a person to receive a needed key. If a key is needed for a one-day event, the key is to be returned to the Director of Operations or authorized staff member within 48 hours. If the key is needed for longer use, it shall be returned to the Church Office within two working days of its last scheduled use. If a Church key is lost, the person who checked out the key shall be responsible to pay the costs for re-keying as needed. Board Approved 07/28/08 Heating/Cooling Policy It shall be the policy of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno to operate the facilities at a comfortable temperature, thereby providing a welcoming place for members, staff, guests, and renters. At the same time the 80

church recognizes the need to be a “green” facility and operate the air conditioning and heating only as required. Therefore, the temperature shall be maintained at approximately 75 degrees for cooling and 68 degrees for heating, but only for those times during which the sanctuary, offices, classrooms, or other rooms are scheduled for use. Persons or groups desiring to use the church's facilities should contact the church office staff to schedule events in advance to assure that rooms will be comfortable at the scheduled times. The church sexton, or his appointed representative, shall be responsible for controlling the heating and cooling systems. No other person may do so, except as noted in the next paragraph. It may be necessary to operate the heating or air conditioning systems well in advance of a meeting so that the meeting area will be at the proper temperature at the time of the meeting; this should not be construed as wasting power. The actual temperature in the office building and the modular buildings may be adjusted slightly, to improve the comfort level, by changing the temperature on the thermostats. This can be done by anyone. However, the air conditioning can not be lowered below 72 degrees and the heat can not be raised above 68 degrees. The temperature in the sanctuary is not adjustable. The Building Committee, Director of Operations, and church sexton, shall be responsible for administering this policy. Board Approved 07/28/08


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO CHURCH USE AGREEMENT WORKSHEET This document is intended to serve as a worksheet for use in determining the total rental fees to be charged. All fees are to be totaled and entered into Paragraph 24 on the rental agreement. (Be sure to include any special requirements as notated on Page 4 of the form in determining the total cost.) Room/Area

Max Occupancy

Base Rate (3 Hours)

Hourly Charge (after 3 hours)





Conference Room












Weddings (Rehearsal & Ceremony




Special Setup (Extensive work on chairs, tables, etc.)


(Basic support included)


The Security Deposit will be calculated at the rate of 20% of the total rental fee imposed (inclusive of any discount applied) UUCF Members receive a 40% discount on fees for room/area rentals. Other special needs to be priced based on actual cost incurred by UU. (Additional sound system or lighting adjustments, components, relocating/tuning the piano, etc.) Kitchen Pricing reflects use for “light refreshments” versus full meal usage. Wedding Pricing includes 3 hours for the service and 1.5 hours for the rehearsal. A 10% discount will be granted for annual contracts when payment is made in advance (i.e. at the time the agreement is signed) Sound and Light Operators from outside the UU are to be approved by the Sound Committee Co-Chairs (Mike Reilly and David Firth). Approved by Board of Trustees 05/27/08 Revised by Board of Trustees 04/26/10 Revised by Board of Trustees 12/19/11


UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO CHURCH USE AGREEMENT 1. This agreement pertains to rental/usage of the UU Church of Fresno (Provider) and its related buildings and spaces. UU Church of Fresno 2672 East Alluvial Clovis California, 93611 2. The undersigned (User) is requesting the following space(s) on the following date(s) and time(s):

____ Sanctuary

____ Kitchen

____ Classroom(s)

____ Conference Room

Other Space Requirements (Grounds, etc.)__________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


Start Time(s)_________________ End Time(s) _________________

Other time Requirements :________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


Sanctuary Rental 1. Sanctuary Rental includes use of the main sanctuary space, foyer space, vestry space, chairs, basic sound system (placement and basic level adjustment of podium and cordless microphones), basic stage lighting (use of all current light elements as they are configured), House lights, podium, and restroom use. Owner will provide on site support as necessary during the event. 2. Additional Fees will be charged as appropriate for chair set-up or tear-down, special stage set-up(s), detailed piano tuning/adjustments, additional/banquet tables, post-event clean-up, and other items as noted in this agreement. All additional charges are to be pre-determined and incorporated into the total rental fee as recorded in item #25 of this document. 3. Modifications to the sound system and/or extensive sound set-up (beyond basic microphones or monitor speakers) must be performed or overseen by a Church Approved and qualified Sound Technician. The cost varies according to the complexity of the event, and can be performed by a UU Sound technician, or other Church Approved/Qualified Sound Technician, paid by the user. Operator requirements for Operation of the Sound Board during events varies according to the complexity of the event, so it is important to clearly identify needs and expectations in advance. (Approved sound technician name and number to be notated on Page 4 under Special Conditions) ______ ( User initial here) 4. Lighting system changes, including focusing, re-hanging, or lighting additions or subtractions must be performed or overseen by a Church Approved and qualified Lighting Technician. The cost varies according to the complexity of the event, and can be performed by a UU lighting technician or other Church Approved/Qualified Lighting Technician paid by the user. Operation of the Lighting Board during events varies according to the complexity of the event, and can be performed by a UU Lighting Technician or other Church Approved/Qualified Lighting Technician paid by the user. (Approved lighting technician name and number to be notated on Page 4 under Special Conditions) ______ ( User initial here) 5. Musical Venues/Public Events (events that sell tickets) - User assumes all risk and shall carry at least 1 million dollars in liability insurance naming the UU Church of Fresno (Provider), its Officers, Members, and Staff as the beneficiary. A certificate shall be provided to Provider evidencing such coverage no later than 7 days prior to the event. User assumes all risk of loss or damage to property or injury to persons occurring in, upon, or about premises arising from any cause due to this event, and waives all claims related thereto against the Provider. User agrees to indemnify and hold Provider harmless from all damages, liabilities, costs (including attorney’s fees), and claims arising from any injury from any cause to any person, including User, during or in any way connected with User’s usage of the premises. ______ ( User initial here) 6. Fire Safety Precautions. All three main exterior entrance doors must remain unlocked during the entire time the Sanctuary is in use. The main exterior exits serve as emergency exits in the event of a fire or other catastrophic event. ______ ( User initial here) 7. (Optional) Musical Venue Users shall give Provider _______ complimentary tickets to the Users’ performance. If the complimentary tickets are not to be used, the Provider shall release said tickets to the User by 12 noon on the performance date(s). ______ ( User initial here) 8. Nothing is to be hung on the walls in the Sanctuary or Foyer; no exceptions. Classroom/Conference Room 9. Classroom space and Conference Room rental includes use of adjacent bathroom.


Kitchen 10. The kitchen space and any kitchen-related items may only be used when the kitchen is included in the rental agreement. Kitchen rental is an extra fee and will be incorporated in the total price. 11. Kitchen Rental includes use of all utensils, pots, pans, coffee pots, etc., in the kitchen space as noted in special conditions on Page 4. It does not include food products, coffee, tea, sugar, creamer and such. General

12. Rental Fee. The UU Church of Fresno (Provider) agrees to rent the above space(s) as noted to the User for the amount of $300 ($150/event) plus 10% of gross ticket sales for each event. The total amount of the rental for the two events shall not exceed $720 ($360 per event). All Special Conditions (Sound, Lighting, Kitchen, etc.) are to be noted in the space provided on page 4. _______ ( User initial here)

13. Payment. a. A security deposit in the amount of $____________ is immediately due to secure the reservation. The security deposit will be returned if the event is cancelled or after the event space has been inspected following the event and found to be in the condition it was prior to use. i. Failure to notify the church office of cancellation of an event may result in the forfeiture of the security deposit. ii. Damage of church facilities or grounds will be paid for in full by the User in accordance with this agreement, and the security deposit will be applied toward this amount. b. Payment in full must be made at least one week before the date of the event unless other arrangements have been made with the Events Coordinator 14. User assumes all risk of loss or damage to the property or injury to persons occurring in, upon, or about premises arising from any cause and waives all claims related thereto against the Providers. User agrees to indemnify and hold the Provider harmless from all damages, liabilities, costs (including attorney’s fees), and claims arising from any injury from any cause to any person, including User, during or in any way connected with User’s use of the premises.

15. Property Damages: If there are damages to the property incurred by the User, the UU Custodian/Sextant shall file a report with the Provider within 2 business days of the end of the rental period. This report will be shared with the User within 5 business days of the end of the rental period. All costs associated with repair of the damages shall be estimated using professional/licensed vendors and the entire burden of said repair shall be at Users’ sole expense. ______ ( User initial here)

16. Janitorial Services: The Provider shall ensure space rented by User is presented in a clean condition. User shall insure that all spaces are returned to the condition they were found before leaving the property. User is responsible for all activities of User staff, technicians, audience members, performers, outside vendors, equipment. If the user fails to return the rental space(s) to a clean condition, or damages the property, the User shall pay the Provider any janitorial services required post-event at $60/hour.

17. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises at any time without specific prior notification to, and approval by, the Provider. The presence of Alcoholic Beverages not approved shall render this usage agreement null and void and the User shall owe all monies agreed upon to Provider up to the point of rendering this agreement, and any deposit shall be forfeited to Provider. ______ ( User initial here)

18. Decorations provided by User must be approved by the Provider. No damage to walls, floors, stage, outside walls, windows or doors may be caused due to User decorating the space(s) used.

19. Provider reserves the right to access the rented space at any time during usage. A UU staff or church 85

member will provide access to spaces as required.

20. Any damages shall be noted and reported to Provider. 21. The Parking Area and Grounds are to be left free of litter. 22. No unduly loud music (i.e. music heard by neighbors or against City Code) 23. All garbage must be bagged and removed from premises or left in outside trash receptacles. We encourage recycling, and receptacles are on site for plastic, glass and aluminum.

24. User must follow all current Local, State, and Federal Laws. Smoking is not permitted within any building structure of the UU Church of Fresno.

25. This agreement is not effective until signed by both User and Provider and fees are paid as required. Provider and User signatures must be made by authorized personnel.

26. Application for Long-Term use must be approved by the UU Board of Trustees prior to the first use. The Director of Operations will oversee this Church Use Agreement, and all changes or special conditions shall be noted under special conditions on Page 4 and signed again by both responsible parties.

27. The UU Church of Fresno (Provider) agrees to rent the above space(s) as noted to the User for the amount of $____________. All Special Conditions (Sound, Lighting, Kitchen, etc.) are to be noted in the space provided on page 4. A non-refundable deposit of 20% is to be paid at the time this request is signed. The remainder of the fees will be due on (date) _______________ . Payment can be made with check, cash or money order. ______ ( User initial here)


I/We the undersigned Agree to the conditions stated above in this usage agreement: ______________________________________________ User Name Printed - Title ______________________________________________ User Signature

Date: _____________

______________________________________________ Authorized Church Representative – Provider Signature

Date: _____________

Special Conditions (Indicate NA and initial if not needed): ________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Approved Sound Tech Name/Number: _______________________________________ Approved Lighting Tech Name/Number: ______________________________________ ______________________________________________ User Signature

Date: _____________

______________________________________________ Authorized Church Representative – Provider Signature

Date: _____________


NEWSLETTER POLICIES AND PROCEDURES PURPOSE:  The newsletter’s purpose is to provide information to church members and friends in a clear, concise manner that enhances and promotes the mission of the church. SUBMISSIONS:  Deadline for articles is the Tuesday before the last Tuesday Monday before the last Monday of every month.  Articles should be submitted to the editor via e-mail as a Microsoft Word document attachment. Articles can also be left in the Director of Operations’ mail slot in the church office work room or faxed to the office.  Inclusion of submitted articles is at the discretion of the Public Relations Committee and Editor.  Articles must include the name and phone number e-mail of a contact person.  Full-length notices will run only once; condensed reminders may be run thereafter.  Submitters should indicate the issue in which the article is to run.  For clarity and brevity, submitters need to include the following information in their items: o Who is sponsoring the event? o What type of event is it? o Where will the event take place? o When will the event take place? o Why is the event taking place? What is its purpose? o How will the event be paid for? How do members/friends find out more information about the event? How does the event promote the church’s mission?  No editorial or opinion pieces will be accepted for publication in the newsletter. NON-CHURCH ARTICLES  The Public Relations Committee and Editor will use discretion in printing announcements of outside non-church activities by determining how these activities promote the church’s mission.  No articles dealing with partisan politics will be accepted. FLYERS  To keep the newsletter concise and cost-effective, single-subject flyers will largely be limited to events that are a part of church fundraising. At their discretion, the Public Relations Committee and Editor may condense other events into a multi-subject flyer.  All flyer masters, both hard copy and e-mail versions, should be submitted to the Editor by the newsletter deadline.  Flyers must contain a name and phone number e-mail of a contact person.  If the Editor must omit or postpone publication of a submitted flyer, the person submitting the flyer will receive prior notification. EDITING  Submitters should proofread their own articles for spelling, punctuation, and/or factual errors.  Submitters should strive for brevity. The Public Relations Committee and Editor recommend that articles be kept to 100 words or less. We reserve the right to edit copy if it exceeds the recommended word limit. PRIORITIES  The Public Relations Committee and Editor will limit and prioritize submissions in the following order: 1. Sunday Service information. 88

2. 3. 4. 5.

Board of Trustees information. Fundraising and all-church events. Other church events. Non-church activities.

DISTRIBUTION  Volunteers will fold the newsletters on the last Tuesday of every month.  The Office Assistant will prepare bulk mailing paperwork by the newsletter distribution date.  Volunteers will deliver newsletters for bulk mailing to the Post Office.  Volunteers will return the bulk mailing postal receipt to the Office Assistant who will monitor the church’s bulk mail account balance and prepare check requests as necessary to replenish account funds.  The Editor will distribute the electronic version to all e-newsletter subscribers. NOTE: The Public Relations Committee and Editor strongly suggest that members and friends receive the more costeffective, timely-delivered electronic newsletter in lieu of the mailed paper version. Requests should be e-mailed to the Director of Operations at [email protected].  The Church Webmaster will post all monthly newsletters to the church's website under "Calendar & Newsletters." Approved by Board of Trustees 03/24/08 (strikethrough changes approved 9/25/10) “WHAT’S NUU” GUIDELINES “What’s NUU,” a weekly listing of current church or church-related events, will be inserted into the Order of Service every Sunday. No other announcements page or flyer, except for the weekly church calendar, will be distributed with the Order of Service unless authorized by the Public Relations & Communications Committee or the Board of Trustees. Only announcements approved by committees, committee chairs, Board members, or minister will be printed in “What’s NUU?” An item may run a maximum of two consecutive weeks. Only one item per project or event may be submitted each week. Submissions to “What’s NUU” are due by 4:00 p.m. each Wednesday Tuesday and should be 50 words or less. (The “What’s NUU” editor reserves the right to edit longer items.) Items should be submitted to the “What’s NUU” editor at [email protected] and should include the words ”What’s NUU? in the subject line. Items can also be submitted via Internet at http://www.uufresno.org/greensheet.html. The Director of Operations is responsible for the weekly e-mail distribution as well as church website posting of “What’s NUU.” Approved by Board of Trustees 10/26/09 (strikethrough changes approved 9/25/10) GUIDELINESFOR USE OF OUTDOOR COMMUNICATIONS BOARD IN BREEZEWAY 1. Please submit 8 ½ x 11 flyers for posting. 2. Flyers should briefly answer Who? What? Where? and When? 3. Please use a font size, style and color that are easily readable from a distance. (We recommend 16+ for Body and 26+ for Headline) 4. Please label flyers with a contact name, email, and date of submission. 89

5. Only flyers for church-sponsored or co-sponsored events will be posted. NO flyers for outside community events. Any co-sponsored community event flyer must have the UUCF committee contact printed (or handwritten if necessary) somewhere on the flyer. 6. Please -- no flyers too far in advance. Priority will be given for events happening within three weeks. 7. Please email flyers as an attachment in PDF or Microsoft Word format to [email protected] or place hard copies in the Director of Operationss mailbox in the Church Office Building. CC: attachment to the PR Chair, Sally Carroll, [email protected] 8. Deadline for submission is 1:00 p.m. each Thursday. Provisional Policy, Sally Carroll, Chair, Public Relations & Communications Committee 10/1/10


CHURCH DATABASE POLICY The church shall maintain a database of its members, friends, visitors and community partners. The purpose of maintaining the church database is:  to facilitate communication and service to the congregation members and friends;  to serve as a resource from which individuals and groups can be matched to church programs;  to facilitate the administrative functions of the church. Submission of information to the database is voluntary. The information in the database will not be shared with outside organizations. Information provided by members and friends will not be published or shared within church publications without consent. The Members of the Board of Trustees, the Minister, Director of Operations, the Director of Religious Education, the Office Assistant and the Financial Manager shall have access to the database. Other church leaders (committee chairs, project leaders, etc.) will work with the Director of Operations to obtain information from the database. If there are any issues related to the confidentiality of any database information, and whether it should be provided to a church leader at her/his request, the issue should first be addressed to the Minister. If the leader requesting the information is not satisfied by the Minister's decision on disclosure, or the Minister recuses himself, the issue shall then be resolved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to require the Minister to divulge any information given to him/her in confidence by Member, Life Member, Friend, Visitor or any other individual. Twice annually (in August-September and in February), a task force shall convene to review the database and make adjustments. The task force will include at least: the Minister, the DRE, the Director of Operations, and representatives from Finance, Visitor/New Member, Contact Ministry and the Board.

Board of Trustees Approved August 2010


UU Church of Fresno Members and Friends Data Sheet New Information Change in Information Submitted by Date Household Members’ Names Occupation (for adults) Marital/Partnership

Date of Birth

Status (for adults)



OK for Church Directory?



Zip Code

Home Phone:





Cell Phone:





Work Phone:





Email: (indicate which family member)





Email: (indicate which family member)





Which email addresses should receive bulk mailing? Which email addresses should receive contribution statement? Family Website: Financial Statement should be addressed to: Individual _____ (explain) ________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT Name: Relationship:


Couple _____

Address and phone:


Medical Information (allergies/other) ______ Is Advanced Directive on file with minister? Church Membership Status: (circle one) Member An individual, 16 years or older, who has signed the membership book and has made a donation of record for the current calendar year. Member-Life An individual who has been designated as a life member by the board of trustees. Friend An individual who participates in church activities but has not signed the membership book. Visitor An individual who signs the guestbook and indicates they wish to receive a newsletter/church information. UU World hard copy? Yes No/access online Committees or Church Activities I participate in:

I am interested in learning more about or participating in:

(UUCF August 2010)




Committee terms are for one year from June 1 through May 31.

Adopted 1995


Committees are of two types: a. Budgeted: present annual budget requests to Finance Committee b. Unbudgeted: Committees which operate without a budget. (Both may submit occasional extraordinary requests for proposed expenses to the Board of Trustees during the church year.)


Committee Chairpersons are church members and are primarily coordinators. They organize committee functions assisted by Assistants who, in turn, may head specific functional activity groups within the committee.

4. Duties of a Chairperson: a. Hold regular committee meeting as necessary to conduct committee business and responsibilities. Groups within a committee should communicate directly with each other and keep the Committee Chairperson informed about decisions and activities. b. Be responsible for regular information flow to the Church Newsletter and to the Minister. c. Meet with the Board of Trustees for reports of committee activities and plans. d. Work with the Liaison Board of Trustee member who will be assigned to the committee. e. Attempt to develop new leadership on committee and make recommendation to President regarding new chairperson. Adopted 6-80 It is the policy of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno that committee chairs retain their position and responsibility through June 15. Adopted 10-17-82


COUNCIL OF COMMITTEES The Mission of the Council of Committees is: to help committee chairs share together and develop skills and tools that will assist them in successful work with their committees. to keep committee chairs informed about the channels for church work, the policies and procedures and how things can be successfully done. to let committee chairs see the scope of our mutual work in the church. to serve as an avenue of communication and coordination between and among the committees and the board. to help committees clarify their mission and pass their work along to succeeding generations of committee members. to let committees know about what the Pacific Central District and the Unitarian Universalist Association are doing in their area of endeavor – and to let them know of PCD and UUA resources. Approved March 25, 2002


FOCUS AREAS – COMMITTEES & GROUPS ORGANIZATION & RESOURCES FACILITIES: BUILDING COMMITTEE (formerly part of Building & Grounds Committee) The purpose of the Building Committee is to maintain the buildings and parking lot to meet the needs of its members and enable the members to complete the church's mission in the greater Fresno area. The committee is responsible for providing clean, comfortable, secure, and cost-effective buildings and parking. Buildings & Grounds Committee Mission Statement Board Approved 03/25/02 Rev. 2007

LANDSCAPE (formerly part of Building & Grounds Committee) The Mission of the Landscape Committee is to design and maintain the church grounds to preserve the visual appeal and the 'green' image of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno. The specific responsibilities of the Landscape Committee include landscape design, plant selection and care, irrigation, lawn maintenance and general gardening, all in accordance with LEED requirements.

Board Approved 07/28/08

FINANCE SILENT & LIVE AUCTION COMMITTEE The Mission of the Silent & Live Auction Committee is: to build community within the church and to encourage active participation of members within the congregation. to raise funds for the support of the church at the level approved during the Church Budget process. to develop skills and tools of Auction volunteers who will then feel empowered to expand their active participation within the church. to assist Auction volunteers in clarifying their functions within the Auction framework and to record this information in a retrievable archive so that this body of knowledge may be passed on to succeeding generations of Auction volunteers to inform their work. Approved March 25, 2002

LEADERSHIP HUMAN RESOURCE COMMITTEE The Human Resource Committee's mission is to match a member's and/ or friend's gifts and interests to the activities within the Church program and Community.


Responsibilities: To further this purpose, the Committee shall 1. Maintain a Human Resource Handbook listing every job description of each committee in our church. 2. Develop a system that enables members to identify, develop and use their skills appropriately. 3. Identify the Human Resource needs of church committees and activities. Devise methods for the implementation and maintenance of the Human Resource System.

Approved March 25, 2002

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT & NOMINATING COMMITTEE (Formerly two separate committees) NOMINATING COMMITTEE The mission of the Nominating Committee is to seek qualified candidates who offer a balance of skills, life experiences, and cultural competencies to serve on the church board. We seek to educate congregation members about the tasks and responsibilities of the board positions and encourage them to view this important service as an essential form of ministry. Approved March 2003 See new Leadership and Nominating Committee, By-law V (2007) LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE The mission of the Leadership Development Committee is to plan for the long-term leadership development and continuity needs of the Church. The committee develops and updates the year-round leadership development calendar and conducts program activities by: 

Developing and promoting leadership training and continuing education to assist interested members in developing the knowledge and skills helpful in planning, organizing, and effectively managing church operations, conducting quality programs and services for the congregation, and in serving as effective UU ambassadors in the community. Training is geared to providing encouragement and support for quality leadership for the congregation and personal development and empowerment of members and staff.

Developing, updating and disseminating information to inform the congregation about the leadership needs, processes and opportunities in the Church through the Leadership Development Handbook and other appropriate communications.

Serving as a clearinghouse for leadership training opportunities available through the UUA, PCD, and other congregations and resources.

Maintaining library resource materials on leadership development pertinent to UU churches and the UU Church of Fresno.

Recommending a schedule and activities for Board orientation, training and transition to support the orderly and effective transition to newly elected Board members.

Supporting the work of the Nominating Committee by providing and promoting mechanisms for orderly input from the Board and congregation into the annual nominating process. 97

Supporting the leadership development work of other committees through communications with chairpersons which encourage them to consider continuity needs, identify successor chairs or co-chairs and cultivate interest among committee members in leadership development activities.

Participating in the long-range planning and development efforts of the Church with respect to congregational polity, leadership development needs and personal leadership development opportunities for members.

Participating in identifying and recommending individuals within the Church whose leadership contributions merit special acknowledgment and appreciation.

In order to ensure the continuity, knowledge, and effectiveness of the committee, the Leadership Development Committee is composed of the following member positions: Previous Year's Board President A Past President of the Board A Member of the Board (Selected by the President) 2 Members of the Congregation (Selected by the Board) A Member of the Nominating Committee (Preferably the Chair) The chair of the committee is selected by the Board. Approved April 24, 2000 See By-law V, Nominating and Leadership, approved 2007


FOCUS AREAS – COMMITTEES & GROUPS PROGRAMS LIFESPAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION LIFE SPAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: The Mission of the Life Span Religious Education Program at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno is to foster spiritual, humanistic and intellectual growth for persons of all ages. By allowing exploration of all aspects of human development, we encourage, in community with others, respect for all beliefs in keeping with our Unitarian Universalist Principles. Approved November 23, 1998 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COVENANT: As congregation members and staff working in the Life Span Religious Education Program at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno, we agree to focus on our spiritual mission, to create an atmosphere of love and support among us, to make clear agreements and keep them, to provide ongoing training and the development for new teachers and leaders, and to regularly review and evaluate our program. Approved 12/98 POLICY ON CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS FOR YOUTH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Those wishing to serve as teachers in the Fresno Unitarian Universalist Church school programs must be members/affiliates of the Fresno UU Church or another UU church for at least ONE YEAR prior to teaching church school. In addition, all church school teaching appointments are subject to the discretion of the Director of Religious Education. Adopted by the board, February 18, 2003

ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: The Mission of Adult Religious Education is to foster spiritual and intellectual and holistic human growth through adult classes, workshops, spiritual practice groups, “First Friday” programs and special events. In collaboration with the Social Justice Committee, the Adult Religious Education Committee also offers educational opportunities and avenues for service and advocacy related to social justice. NORELMA WALKER YOUTH LIBRARY (formerly Norelma Walker Children’s Library): The Mission of the Youth Library is: to promote literacy by providing a selection of quality literature for children of all ages; an attractive, accessible space for books; and expertise and assistance selecting appropriate books; including books which support U.U. principles; and by serving as a resource to all church groups/members that involve children & books; and to promote the enjoyment of reading by providing reading activities; storytelling; literature related celebrations; and a safe and comfortable space for children to select and read books.

Committee Approved October 6, 1998 Board Approved March 25, 2002 Name change to Norelma Walker Youth Library approved by Board 09/28/08 99

NORELMA WALKER YOUTH LIBRARY BOOK RETURN POLICIES The Promise You Make **Book Lending Policy for the Norelma Walker Youth Library** The UUCF Norelma Walker Youth Library is your library. All of the books were selected with you in mind. It is our hope that you will take the books home to read, enjoy and share with your family. When you take a book home, you are also promising to bring our book back to the library promptly and in good condition so that other children may read and enjoy the book. When you borrow a book from the UUCF Norelma Walker Youth Library, you promise to return the book within two weeks and in good condition. Once you have chosen a book from the shelves that you want to check out of our library, bring that book over to the Youth Library Committee member at the desk, and she will date the sign-out card and you will sign for that book. The sign-out card will go on file until your book is returned to our library. Returning books is easy. Check the return date on the card in a pocket in the book, and return the book to our Norelma Walker Youth Library on or before that date. Bring the book to the library and deposit the book in the box marked “Book Returns.” A member of the Youth Library Committee will take the book out of the “Book Returns” box and replace the sign-out card in the pocket so that another child can check out that book and take it home. When you take a book from our library to your home, you have promised to return that book within two weeks so that another child can have the opportunity to read and enjoy that book. If the book you have promised to return is not returned to our library on time, a Library Committee Member will call you and your parents to remind you to return our book, but it is our hope that you will remember to bring our book back to our library on time. If you damage or lose the book, or if our book is not returned to our library with 6 weeks, you should expect to pay to repair, or replace the book. You need to understand that the book you have taken to your home was donated by a church member or that book was purchased with church money. When the book was purchase and placed in the Norelma Walker Youth Library, we wanted many children to have the opportunity to read and enjoy that book over many years. If the book is lost or is too damaged to be lent to another child, the book needs to be replaced in fairness to the other members of our congregation. If the book you have checked out of our library is not returned within 6 weeks, you will not be permitted to check out any additional books from the Norelma Walker Youth Library until the book is returned or until restitution is made to the library. Thank you for taking the time to read our UUCF Norelma Walker Youth Library book lending policy. We hope you enjoy the fine collection of children’s literature available to our congregation members and church friends. Revised 12/10/01


SUNDAY SERVICES AREA AESTHETICS COMMITTEE The mission of the Aesthetics Committee is to set policy and provide oversight regarding the visual appearance of our church in order to provide spirit-lifting settings for Sunday worship and church activities. The aesthetics for the facility, whether the features are permanent or temporary, need to be consistent with the mission of the church and the elegant simplicity of the space. The intention is to keep them as contemplative, sacred spaces for church services which allow each person his/her own inner experience. Approved 7/23/07 Aesthetics Policies: 1.Sunday services and other events are free to use the sanctuary and foyer as they wish for their programs. Easels will be available to display materials. Restrictions: a. All materials will be removed at the end of the program b. Nothing may be attached to, leaned on, or pushed against the walls. 2. The Aesthetics Committee will review, and accept or decline all offers of donated art objects for installation in the sanctuary, foyer, and grounds, and may seek original art from members of the congregation or the public for donation or purchase. 3. The Aesthetics Committee will consist of six members who will serve staggered three-year terms with one third-year member serving as chair. Rotation of members for a three-year term will start June 1, 2008. Two new members will join the committee each year to replace the two whose terms have been completed. Aesthetics Committee Policies 3/24/99 Rev. 02/28-02 Rev. 11/26/07

COFFEE COMMITTEE The Mission of the Coffee Committee is to offer refreshments and greetings at the close of each service by preparing, serving, and cleaning up liquid refreshments including coffee, teas, lemonade or punch and water as coordinated by the committee chair using money contributed during serving times, usually forty-five minutes after each service. Approved March 25, 2002 DÉCOR COMMITTEE The Mission of the Decor Committee is to strive for the active participation of the congregation in sharing something of beauty with everyone for each Sunday Service. Approved March 25, 2002

SOUND COMMITTEE The mission of the Sound Committee is to provide and maintain a sound system for the church., operate the sound system at Sunday services and other church functions as required and to record the first Sunday service so 101

people can obtain a copy of the service to listen to. Approved by the committee 2002 THE SUNDAY SERVICES COMMITTEE The mission of the Sunday Service Planning Committee is to coordinate the Sunday Service Calendar. It is responsible for coordinating the lay-led services and assists with continuity, coordinates the Summer Services, and is responsive to the congregation’s spiritual needs and requests. Approved by the committee October 13, 2002 I. The purposes of the committee are as follows: A. coordinates the Sunday Service Calendar B. Coordinates lay-led services and assists in achieving continuity C. Coordinates Summer Services D. Is responsive to the congregation's spiritual needs and requests II. The Sunday Services Committee includes a chairperson or co-chairpersons, the minister and members, at least five, who are active in some or all of the following ways: Attend the monthly meetings Create Sunday worship services Recommend themes, topics and speakers Serve as lay-leaders for Sunday services Provide constructive feedback Elicit suggestions from the congregation Assist in other ways with the elements of the services Works on summer services III. Organizers for Worship Associates, Chalice Lighting, Decor, Music are encouraged to participate actively on the committee and/or to confer regularly with the Sunday Services chair about scheduling and needs. IV. Other committees and persons directly related to Sunday Services include Greeters, Ushers, Sound Technicians, Pianist, Choir Director and Public Relations. The Sunday Services Committee is responsible for sharing information which affects these committees in order to keep people aware. The newsletter and personal calls from the committee may be required. In addition the Director of Operations must know what Sunday Services is planning. Greeters (as part of the Membership Committee) also need information about time changes and special events. V. Staff members and volunteers that also assist in planning Sunday Services: The Director of Religious Education (DRE) coordinates special events during church time; the Director of Operations publishes the Order of Service, maintains the Sunday Service Calendar and the Master Church Calendar as well as the line-up in the newsletter, and assists with communication; the custodian is notified for special needs and setup or time changes; the newsletter editor; the preparer of first Sunday luncheons. (It is the committee's task to assure communication to these persons.) VI. Materials to assist volunteer lay leaders are available through the committee and in the church office filed under "Sunday Services." The following are essential: 1. The Lay Leader's Guide with steps for planning services and meeting communication deadlines. 2. The Master Calendar 3. The Sermon-in-a-box available as an emergency service. 4. Other useful forms include the following chalice lighter and decor reminder letters permission to audiotape remittance request for speaker's honorarium or expenses 102

guest letter with map sample opening words for Board members

VII. Worship Associates Intention and Purposes 1. Deepens shared ministry 2. Assists the minister's delivery and presentation of Sunday Service - (readings, stories, spoken words, chalice lighting, announcements, welcome and announcements, closing words) 3. Assists minister in other services such as rituals and ceremonies 4. Works with the minister in planning, crafting and orchestrating services as time permits 5. Helps the minister create and maintain an atmosphere of beauty, orderliness, focus and insight in the services 6. Relieves the minister of mundane details 7. Shared duties with Worship Associate and Worship Anchor VIII. Worship Associates Training will be offered by the minister and experienced lay leaders twice yearly. A "walk-around" with the Worship Chair will provide orientation to the building, sound system, and the location of pertinent items. All Church members are welcome to attend the training. IX. Aesthetics Committee Intention and Purposes (in process) 1. Maintain the aesthetic simplicity of the Sanctuary 2. Restrict any displays to the north redwood wall of the social hall (display wall) 3. Display pulpit decor items for one Sunday only 4. Encourage immediate removal of decor used for an event unless Aesthetics Committee has been consulted. X. Term of office The chair(s) and committee members are expected to serve from September to at least the following September, with recruitment of new members beginning in June to provide continuity of experience.

Sunday Services Policies



FOCUS AREAS – COMMITTEES & GROUPS COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP CONTACT MINISTRY : The Mission of Contact Ministry is to collaborate with the Minister to focus on the well-being and connection to the church of its members and friends. We do this by making pastoral telephone calls at least twice a year, encouraging participation in church activities, and letting people know what resources and support are available. Approved March 25, 2002 MEMORIAL GARDEN COMMITTEE Purpose of the Committee: 1. To place responsibility for the protection and care of the garden. 2. To provide interpretation to membership for the on-going dedication of memorial stones. 3. To recommend policy and use of the Garden. Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Brochure updated and new copies placed in foyer Spay cleaning of stones and benches, setting of stones into sand Arrangements for plantings of seasonal flowers Repair of bench slats

History: Established in 1989 by the Board of Trustees and approved in 1990 as the Morris A. Huggins Memorial Garden. Ceremonies are held periodically where members may arrange for inscribed stones in memory of a loved one. PASTORAL CARE COMMITTEE Caring for each other in times of need is one of the most important things that happens in our church community. Many of you do this easily and naturally for each other, and your acts of kindness are much appreciated and often invisible. In addition to these informal networks, we do have some more structured support to offer, under the auspices of our Pastoral Care Committee. Many of you have signed up to help in the past and we are asking you and others to do so again by filing out the form at the bottom of this page and returning it to the office or one of the co-chairs (Betty Cornelisen and Shirley Valett). The Pastoral Care Committee meets monthly with the minister, to ensure that the pastoral care needs of the church members and friends are being met. Monthly coordinators rotate and check regularly with the minister and church office. Our emphasis is on temporary, emergency and short-term care, although we will try to put you in touch with community resources that may be able to provide on-going care. You are welcome to can the church office, the minister or the coordinator, whose name will appear in the newsletter and order of service each week, for any of these reasons: 1. If, due to sickness, surgery or other unexpected emergency, you need help with such things as: meals, childcare, transportation, household tasks or errands. 2. If you or someone you know would appreciate a phone call or visit. 3. If you have had a loss or major life change and would like supportive care. 4. If a casserole would help you through a difficult time.


5. If you are a caregiver and need a few hours respite. SPIRITUAL QUEST GROUPS (formerly SMALL GROUPS) The mission of Spiritual Quest Groups is to provide a trusting forum in which individuals can explore their responses to spiritual questions. Approved by committee May 2003

UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONNECTION COMMITTEE (formerly Denominational Affairs) The Mission of the Unitarian Universalist Connection Committee is to connect members to the larger U.U. religious community through our association with other U.U. churches and the various parts of the U. U. A. in order to establish an awareness of the whole; that we are a part of something. Approved March 25, 2002 VISITOR AND NEW MEMBER COMMITTEE The purpose of the Visitor and New Member Committee is to ensure that all people attending our church experience it as a welcoming, inclusive, congregation. Following our tradition as a non-proselytizing church, and our covenant to respect the inherent worth and dignity of each person, whether a member of this church or not, the committee will attend to the following: See that at least one Greeter of the church is available to welcome people as they arrive on Sunday morning, invite guests to sign the Visitor Book, provide name tags for guests and members, and give information and assistance as needed (for example, introducing a new family to the Religious Education Director, Minister, etc.). Provide information (pamphlets, newsletter articles, prospective UU orientation and packets) regarding the UU movement, our local church history and governance, the process of becoming a member, and the responsibilities of membership. Plan for public recognition of new members (at the option of the member) as part of a church service, at First Sunday lunches, through newsletter articles, and biographical sketches. Assist in integrating members and friends into active life of the church by inviting them to participate in committee work and social events. Regularly review the membership of the church in order to maintain contact with all members. Maintain the permanent church membership records. Adopted: November 4, 1993 Revised: September 11, 1996 Revised: January 28, 1998 New Member Assimilation Process 1. New members begin as visitors to our church services. One person is to greet visitors every Sunday and invite them to wear nametags and sign the Visitors Book. We inquire whether or not they are interested in our Religious Education program or nursery. 105

2. A pamphlet rack is maintained in the foyer so that new visitors may read about our faith. The pamphlets feature Unitarian Universalist History, highlight the diversity of our membership, and discuss UU views of science, our theological diversity, and social justice issues. 3. Several times during the year the Membership committee hosts, New UU Orientations. These meetings are advertised in the newsletter, from Announcement microphone, and through personal notes sent to recent visitors. 4. After attendance at a New UU Orientation and/or a private discussion with the Minister, a person is offered the option of signing the membership book. The Minister encourages those who sign after personal discussion to attend the next Orientation. The Orientation facilitator is careful to balance the invitation of membership against the invitation to continue to visit with us for awhile while making the decision whether to join or not. 5. When a new member signs the Membership book, she/he is given a copy of Unitarian Universalist Pocket Guide. 6. Within a month of joining, a new member/family is contacted by a member of the New Member Welcoming Committee. That representative meets with the new member(s) to go through a Membership packet which includes:      

a letter from the Minister the Minister Information Card: returned to the Minister the Religious Education Prospectus a pledge card: returned to the church office a Membership Directory a handout from Paraministers

7. The New Member Welcoming representative also makes contact at least two or more times with the new member(s) and agrees to invite him/her/them to a social event at the church. 8. A member of the church interviews the new member for a newsletter article. The format for such an interview is rather rigid, to ensure that each new member is treated equally. Revised: January 28, 1998 Visitor Follow-up Procedures 1. The Membership Committee staffs a “Greeter Table” with one Greeter at each Sunday service. The Greeter invites visitors to sign the Visitor’s Book, offers them a nametag, and asks them if they need any special assistance (Religious Education program, nursery, audio enhancers, etc.). 2. The Office Assistant sends a welcome postcard their first Sunday visit. 3. The Membership Committee sends handwritten notes to all recent visitors informing them of any New UU Orientation meetings scheduled and invites their participation.


SOCIAL AFFAIRS CIRCLE SUPPERS The Mission of Circle Suppers is to bring people together over food, in friendship, fun, and mutual support in order to foster connectedness among church members. Approved March 25, 2002 MEN’S GROUP The Mission of the Men’s group is to support and nurture one another and to create a spirit of fellowship and conviviality in a safe and caring environment where men can come together to share their needs and aspirations so as to grow personally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Approved March 25, 2002

HOME GARDENING (Formerly In Thyme & Gardening Group) The mission of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno Home Gardening social activities group is to provide an informal setting for members and friends of the church to exchange knowledge and information about the cultivation of plants for the home garden. As a committee of the UUCF, Home Gardening will assist in the maintenance and enhancement of the grounds of the Morris Huggins Memorial Garden as a service to the church.

Approved Home Gardening Membership 2002-2003


FOCUS AREAS – COMMITTEES & GROUPS SOCIAL JUSTICE SOCIAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COMMITTEE “Love is the doctrine of this church ... and service is its prayer.” We live out our covenant of love by working for social justice.

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Consistent with our Unitarian Universalist Principles and Purposes, which call us to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equity and compassion in human relations; and respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part, The Mission of the Social Justice Coordinating Committee is to facilitate social justice efforts both within the congregation and between the congregation and the community at large. GOALS To disseminate information by sponsoring film nights, speakers, and other events. To raise consciousness and encourage organization around ongoing issues by staffing a Social Justice Table every Sunday. To keep the congregation informed about Social Justice efforts within the Pacific Central District, the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry (UULM), and the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) To work with community organizations on Social Justice issues which further our Mission and Goals. ACTIVITIES Monthly Social Justice collections Monthly hot meals for seniors — Hotel Californian All church Social Justice project Food Pantry Participation in and support of all Social Justice projects within our church community.

Board Approved 02/23/09


SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE OF THE UU CHURCH OF FRESNO PROTOCOLS FOR SPONSORING EVENTS AND JOINING PARTNERSHIPS OR COALITIONS All of the following conditions must be attained. 1. The event, stand or effort must be consistent with the Principles and Purposes of the Unitarian Universalist Association, resolutions of the UUA General Assembly or the Fresno UU Congregation. 2. At least two members of the congregation, in communication with the Social Justice Committee, must be willing to take responsibility for doing the connecting and organizing work around the sponsorship or the partnership/coalition. 3. A decision by the Social Justice Committee to sponsor an event or join a partnership or coalition must be arrived at by consensus. Consensus Is a general agreement or accord by a substantial number of members of a given body. It Is not a simple majority and Is not necessarily unanimity. 4. A request by the SJCC to co-sponsor an event will go before the President of the Board, the Minister, and the Chair of the SJCC to be approved by all three. The Past President will act as an alternate for any of the three who is unavailable. (Approved by Board of Trustees 11/23/09) 5. The Social justice Committee may provide a venue for an event but not necessarily be a sponsor and In that case the rental fee would be waived. November 27, 1999 Rev. 2003 Rev. 2009

STANDARD WELCOME TO EVENTS, FORUMS AND POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS AT THE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FRESNO WHEN THE SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE IS PROVIDING A VENUE On behalf of the congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno it is my honor and pleasure to welcome you to this event. Our church has a long history, both in the United States and in Fresno, as a church that supports education, civil dialogue and thoughtful debate on important issues facing us as citizens. Our Principles call us to affirm and promote justice, equity and compassion in human relationships, a free and responsible search for truth and meaning and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. In that democratic process many ideas and possibilities are presented and pondered. Many of them are truly fine ideas and possibilities. As this event proceeds you may be persuaded to support a particular position or cause. In hosting this event, however, The Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno has not taken an institutional position on the issues being discussed. On behalf of the congregation, I want to make that clear. The purpose of our congregation in this event is not to persuade. It is to create the arena for this important exercise in democratic deliberation to take place.


Once again, welcome! And, on behalf of the congregation, I hope you find this event very satisfying. 11/23/99 disclaimer Rev. 2009

GUIDELINES FOR USE OF THE CHURCH BANNER AT VARIOUS EVENTS 1) The UU Church of Fresno Marching Banner* may appear at the following events MLK Day Dia De La Raza and Cesar Chavez Day Earth Day Planned Parenthood Events Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Pride Events Support of Embattled Minorities And other events when, in keeping with our By-Laws, the Board or the congregation votes to have the banner displayed. 2) This policy does not preclude groups, such as "U.U.s for Social Justice," from making and carrying their own banner(s), provided it does not reference the U.U. Church of Fresno.

*Not be confused with the Green GA Banner. Adopted by The Board Of Trustees 3/24/03 GREEN SANCTUARY COMMITTEE Mission Statement The Mission of the Green Sanctuary Committee is to help the members of the congregation build a connection between spiritual consciousness and environmentally sustainable practice in their individual and congregational lives. Policy In keeping with the Seventh Principle of Unitarian Universalism, the 2006 UUA Statement of Conscience on the Threat of Global Warming/Climate Change, and our LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certified status, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno will seek out, adopt, and implement environmentally responsible practices that respect and protect the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. We choose to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle, consciously lightening our footprint on the earth and setting an example for others to follow. Therefore, church members and staff, including the Board of Trustees and all committees, will strive to adopt and follow green policies and practices relating to all aspects of church life and operation. Board Approved 08/25/08


WELCOMING CONGREGATION COMMITTEE The Mission of the Welcoming Congregation Committee is to affirm and promote the UU Church of Fresno as a welcoming place for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning people, through Religious Education classes, educational workshops, Sunday Services and social events. Approved March 25, 2002


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