What Is It?
October 30, 2017 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Cruise air flights . 20 —. 17. Are there many synonyms in colloquial Engl ...
В.Н. Крупнов
СОВРЕМЕННЫЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 30 диалогов на актуальные темы
Москва Астрель • АСТ
УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.2 Англ9 К84 Дизайн обложки студии «Графит» Иллюстрации Р.В. Сурьянинова Подписано в печать 19.10.10. Формат 84108/32. Усл. печ. л. 18,84.Тираж экз. Заказ Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК00593, том 2; 953005 – литература учебная Санитарноэпидемиологическое заключение №Д.012280.10.09 от 20.10.2009 г.
Крупнов, В.Н. Современный английский язык. 30 диалогов на акту альные темы : учеб. пособие / В.Н. Крупнов; ил. Р.В. Су рьянинова. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2010. – 349, [3] с. : ил. ISBN 9785170708673 (ООО «Издательство АСТ») ISBN 9785271317637 (ООО «Издательство Астрель») 30 диалогов книги включают в себя активную лексику современно го английского языка. Издание предназначено отпускникам (можно использовать как разговорник), бизнесменам (можно расширить де ловой английский), любителям спорта (дается общая терминология), шопоголикам (приводятся названия магазинов, товаров), а также всем, кто владеет базовым английским и хочет расширить словарный запас. Русскоанглийский словарь включает более 3500 слов и выражений.
УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.2 Англ'9
ISBN 9785170708673 (ООО «Издательство АСТ») ISBN 9785271317637 (ООО «Издательство Астрель»)
© Крупнов В.Н. © ООО «Издательство Астрель»
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Настоящее учебное пособие предназначается для тех, кто уже владеет английским языком и хотел бы усовер шенствовать свои навыки общения на английском языке в целом, обращая особое внимание на тематику туризма, спорта, путешествий и бизнеса. Материал пособия представляет собой 30 диалогов на английском языке, в которых обсуждаются вопросы по вы шеуказанной тематике. Диалоги имеют не только учеб ный (образцы речи, типичные словосочетания и фразы), но и общепознавательный характер, отражают типичные ситуации общения по избранной тематике. Ниже излагается Содержание пособия. Оно состоит из трех тематических разделов: 1. Туризм: № 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 2. Спорт: № 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 3. Бизнес: № 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Конечно, такое тематическое деление диалогов весь ма условно, поскольку все диалоги представлены в рабо те с одной общей целью – способствовать развитию на выков общения на английском языке. Однако такую учебную классификацию текстов по те( мам мы все же даем в целях более удобного использова ния материалов пособия. В методическом же плане такая презентация текстов в большей степени проясняет общие целевые установки. В словарной части пособия мы суммируем лексичес кие знания, получаемые в рамках настоящего пособия. Это – лексика по избранной тематике: туризму, спорту и бизнесу. —3—
Кроме того, в отдельных случаях приводится та или иная дополнительная лексика в силу ее общей актуальнос ти для устной речи и необходимости для целей общения. Например: как отдыхать, как заниматься шопингом, что такое «сейл» и пр. В каждом списке слов и фраз по каждой теме отдель ные единицы выделяются полужирным шрифтом. Это делается для активизации выделенной лексики, ее лучше го запоминания или для сообщения эквивалентов на рус ском языке. Кроме того, не следует забывать, что тематическая лек сика представлена нами и в Русскоанглийском словаре. На предлагаемых примерах читатель сможет получить определенную речевую практику и более эффективно строить свою речь самостоятельно, расширять тематику об щения в том или ином нужном для беседы ключе. В итоге в компактной форме читателю суммарно дает ся свыше 3500 единиц (слов и фраз) для целей общения. То есть можно констатировать, что книга охватывает весь ма широкий круг лиц с точки зрения ее потенциальных пользователей. В данной работе автор попрежнему подчеркивает роль практики в развитии общения1. Курс может использоваться как самоучитель, так и в рамках учебных групп в различных вузах. В.Н. Крупнов
См. Крупнов В.Н. Самоучитель. Разговорный английский. 63 самые популярные темы в диалогах. М., Астрель, 2009. —4—
Содержание Dialogues / Диалоги Номер темы Тема На английском На русском
Название диалога На английском На русском
1. Cruise Круиз
Cruise Круиз
2. Diving
Scuba Diving or Snorkelling: a Pleasure for Tourists Подводное плавание — отличный отдых Entertainment. What Is It? Индустрия развлечений. Что она собой представляет?
4. Tourism, Sports and Business Туризм, спорт и бизнес
Tourism, Sports and Business – Major Topics for Conversation Туризм, спорт и бизнес – есть о чем поговорить
5. Guided Tours
Guided Tours Today Are Quite Popular Организованный туризм – популярное явление
6. Holiday Отпуск
Making Holiday Tours Едем в отпуск
7. Internet Resources
Internet Resources for Your Travel. Are They Boundless? Путешествуем с помощью
Дайвинг 3. Entertainment Индустрия развлечений
Организованный туризм
Интернет(ресурсов. Так ли они безграничны? 8. Lost Papers
Потерянные документы
9. Movie Theatres Кинотеатры 10. Shopping Шопинг
Lost Your Papers? Wallet and 56 Keys Stolen? What’s to Be Done? Потеряли документы? Украли бумажник и ключи? Что же делать? Do You Often Go to Movie Theatres? Вы часто ходите в кино?
Shop Till You Drop. 67 Is It Always So? Покупаем и покупаем, пока не свалимся с ног. Всегда ли это так?
11. Travel Package Турпакет
What is a Travel Package? Что представляет собой турпакет?
12.Types of Shops
Shops We Choose. Do You Know Their Names? Магазины, которые мы выби( раем. А как они называются?
Типы магазинов
Visiting a Winery as a Tourist Attraction Экскурсия на винодельню Экскурсия на винодельню
13.Visiting a Winery
14.Weather Погода
Hopefully, the Weather Will Break the Ice Between Us Погода, будем надеяться, растопит лед отчуждения —6—
15.Bobsleigh and Luge Бобслей и санный спорт
Bobsleigh and Luge Бобслей и санный спорт
16.Alpine Skiing
Alpine Skiing – A Sport for the Brave Горнолыжный спорт – спорт отважных
17.Cross(Country Skiing Лыжные гонки
Cross(Country Skiing Лыжные гонки
Curling: Is it an Old or а New Game? Кёрлинг: это старый или новый спорт?
19.Figure Skating Фигурное катание
Figure Skating: It’s Fantastic! Фигурное катание – это фантастика!
20.Freestyle Skiing
Freestyle Skiing. I can Hardly 134 Catch My Breath! Фристайл. Дух захватывает!
Горнолыжный спорт
Фристайл 21.Ice Hockey Хоккей на льду
Ice Hockey: It’s Always 141 a Hot Battle Хоккей на льду – всегда жарко!
22.Short Track Шорт(трек
Short Track. What Is It? Шорт(трек. Что мы о нем знаем?
23.Spectator Sports
Spectator Sports: Are you Crazy About Such Games? Зрелищные виды спорта. Вы сходите по ним с ума?
Зрелищные виды спорта
24.Speed Skating Конькобежный спорт
Speed Skating Конькобежный спорт
25.Biathlon Биатлон
Biathlon Биатлон
26.Should I Rent a Car or Hire a Taxi?
Что лучше: взять автомо( биль напрокат или вызвать такси?
27.Existing Business
Buying an Existing Business. Why not? Приобретение готовой фирмы. Почему бы нет?
28.Job Работа
It’s Hard to Get a Job Now Ищем работу. Трудная задача
29.Leasing in Tourism
Leasing in Tourism as a Form of Business Лизинг в туризме как вид бизнеса
Sending a Letter or Package Отправляем письмо или бандероль
Готовая фирма
Лизинг в туризме
30.Sending a Letter Отправляем письмо по почте
Русско(английский словарь
Unit 1 Cruise
As we know, go cruising (=to go on cruise / take a cruise) means that you participate in a voyage. Quite often it is a pleasing voyage. A cruise is (as a rule) an escorted tour. You pay extra money for all kinds of conveniences. There are many other people who travel with you and the personnel providing conveniences. They know the details of voyage of a group travel. Take guides, for example. They meet people from all over the world, and, in a way, act as cultural ambassadors to their customers. Naturally, the business of escorted tours is not all travel and glamour. At least not always! For a guide, for example, when the ship is calling at port, it means hard work, leading a group of travellers from site to site, caring for their every need and answering all kinds of questions, sometimes even silly questions, and, at last, dealing with all kinds of emergencies and transportation. It is a hard job. —9—
However, this way the vacationers learn a lot from an individual who knows the job. Let’s see how a debate on cruise issues may go on and what questions and answers are asked and given.
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Expert:
Jane: Expert:
Jane: Expert:
Jane: Expert: Jane: Expert:
Frank, can you define the word cruise? You think I’m a professional philologist. No problem to give a definition. A cruise is sailing, in an unhurried way, especially for pleasure. For example, you may go cruising in the Mediterranean. This sea voyage is usually on a large ship and it may last for several days and even weeks. This type of holiday is rather expensive and many people think that you may not go on cruises too often. You just can’t afford it. Thanks a lot. You’ve given a detailed explanation. May I also ask an expert’s opinion in addition? Okay, carry on! (Jane is inviting an expert.) That’s very kind of you to invite me. I work for a travel agency. We use the word cruising in the sense sailing for pleasure. Is it always a large ship? Quite often it is. Since it’s usually a long sea voyage, a ship must be large. The ship is calling at different ports. I know it. Can we also call a ship a passenger liner? True! This term is also used. In a travel sense a liner is a large passenger ship owned by a company. If it is used for cruises, it is known as a cruise liner. It’s clear. When do such ships operate? As a rule, we are in operation when the weather is good. Naturally! What period are you talking about? Practically you can speak about May–October. Just one example. It takes about six days to get from New York to Southampton (UK) and a little bit more to St Petersburg (Russia). Naturally, at all ports you can — 10 —
Jane: Expert:
Jane: Expert: Jane: Expert:
Jane: Expert:
Jane: Expert:
Jane: Expert:
disembark to see the sights and do the shopping or you can stroll along streets. I hear there is fantastic sightseeing in Moscow and St Petersburg. What about the cheapest ship’s fare to get there? If you mean the fare for bunk beds (in an inside cabin), that’s cheap, indeed. But in peak season the prices for a more comfortable accommodation are higher. Much higher. What is most expensive? High(class accommodation for VIPs is very expensive. Sometimes, if you are on a business trip, your fare may be covered by your company. But it doesn’t happen every day. Any special deals? All depends on the season and on how many accommodations we have sold already. Geographically, where do the routes pass? Primarily around the Caribbean, Canada’s marine provinces, the Pacific Northwest, the Mediterra nean, the Pacific, and, I suppose, some Baltic areas and seashores of Russia. How is the panorama? Is it impressive? Very much so! Different panorama in different parts of the world. Take the port of Miami. It’s the largest cruiseship port. Do you know how many passengers it serves per year? More than 3 million people! Can you imagine? So, no problem to book a cruise. Not any I know of. You can book anything: from simple day trips to elaborate round(the(world voyages. And don’t forget we are linked up with other companies. What about the prices? Take into account this fact. The rates fluctuate daily. Plus discounts. — 11 —
Jane: Expert: Jane: Expert:
Jane: Expert:
Jane: Expert: Jane:
Jane: Expert:
Sightseeing? Lots of sightseeing opportunities? Without the slightest doubt! Any bargains? Not too many bargains with regard to cruise trips. If you are interested in bargains, take air flights. They offer lots of bargains. You can have a great deal of things to do and participate in when on board a ship. Get familiarized with the ship first. Make friends. See where the sundeck is. See where the boat deck is. And, of course, relax at the general lounge. What is the ship’s lounge? It’s a public room or hall where you can cool off, relax, or you may go to the bar to have a drink. At night time a nightclub is available. They also serve cocktails there. A good place to enjoy yourself. And, I’d say, a good company for you. Is there a place where I can play the piano? Or listen to anybody playing the piano? Certainly! You can always do that in the music room. And, I suppose, you also have a playroom. I mean where you can play table tennis, billiard, and cards. What about captain’s quarters? Is it possible to see the captain’s quarters? Yes, it is. But only on special occasions. From time to time excursions are organized to the captain’s quarters. Actually, the ship has a schedule for the events of a pleasure trip. You are welcome to swim, to see films, to play, to see shows, for example, fashion shows (may be specially organized), and they can even show you where the whales are often seen (their usual places). Whales can perform tricks too! Can you imagine that? And if it gets stormy suddenly, what’s to be done? If the weather suddenly gets worse, go to your cabin. And read a feature. Or listen to the radio. — 12 —
Expert: Jane:
Thank you, sir. And the last question, if you don’t mind: don’t you get tired of all these schedules and formalities? No, not us. That’s what we are here for, miss. Do you need some other help, miss? No, thanks. Now I know the whole situation! It’s far out! (=It’s fantastic!) English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Cruise
air flights авиарейсы bargain сделка, выгодная покупка; продажа по сниженным ценам boat deck шлюпочная палуба book a cruise заранее заказать круиз; забронировать билет на круизное путешествие bunk bed двухъярусная кровать call at ports (about a ship) заходить в порты (о корабле) care (for tourists’ needs) удовлетворять (потребности туристов) cheapest ship’s fare самая дешевая стоимость проезда на лайнере cultural ambassador посол культуры do you need some help, miss? вам нужна помощь, мисс? escorted tour (=organized tour) организованный тур fashion show показ мод feature интересная история (напр., в газете) from site to site от одного туристского объекта к другому general lounge салон / помещение для отдыха go cruising (=go on cruises) отправиться в круиз / в круизное путешествие group travel групповой туризм high(class accommodation for VIPs (=US accommodations) об служивание на высоком уровне для VIPперсон it takes about six days уйдет около 6ти дней — 13 —
it’s far out разг. это потрясающе operate (about cruise ships) зд. плавать / идти (по маршруту) passenger liner рейсовое судно, лайнер play billiard играть в бильярд play cards играть в карты play table tennis играть в настольный теннис play the piano играть на фортепьяно port of Miami порт Майами (в США) rates fluctuate daily тарифы меняются ежедневно schedule (for sth) график / расписание (напр., экскурсий) see the sights осматривать достопримечательности sightseeing opportunities возможность осмотреть достопримеча тельности special deals специальные предложения (напр., скидки) sundeck палуба для загара (верхняя прогулочная)
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. How will you define the term cruise? (See also the definition of this term in the text.) 2. If you go cruising, you can take an escorted tour, can’t you? 3. If I say a tour with a guide, does it mean the same as an escorted tour? 4. Are you supposed to pay extra, if you want to have extra conveniences? 5. What do you prefer: to travel in a group or individually? 6. If you travel individually, should you have a special itinerary? 7. Who knows the details of cruise travel? 8. What about a program of leisure activities? 9. Do guides often act as cultural ambassadors? 10. How long does it take to get from New York to Southampton? 11. When can one pay the cheapest cruise fare? 12. Does it depend on the time of travel?
— 14 —
13. Are you ready for a bunk bed in an inside cabin when you are on a cruise liner? 14. Is it always easy to book a cruise? 15. What about the rates? Do they fluctuate daily? 16. Can you get a bargain if you take an air flight? 17. Do you know about all the ways you can earn your mileage points?
Упражнение 2. Переведите с листа весь диалог. Если вы испытываете трудности, то над текстом надо работать до полнительно. Выучите все выделенные полужирным шрифтом термины и фразы. Затем вновь вернитесь к пе реводу текста с листа. Упражнение 3. Подготовьте сообщение на английском на тему «Мой круиз». Если вы никогда не были в круиз ном путешествии, то придумайте и опишите воображае мую ситуацию. Помните, что круиз может быть и непро должительный, например, по реке. Возьмите данный ди алог за основу или найдите материал в Интернете. Ши роко используйте выученную вами лексику в ситуациях общения. Упражнение 4. Предложите свои варианты перевода для следующих терминов: cruise holiday, cruise line, cruise liner, deck, sun deck, boat deck, hull, lifeboat, pleasure trip. Упражнение 5. Что означает фраза to cruise the streets? Придумайте речевую ситуацию на английском, в которой употреблялась бы данная фраза. Например, опишите работу таксиста, который ездит по улицам в поисках клиента.
— 15 —
Unit 2 Scuba Diving or Snorkelling: a Pleasure for Tourists
Now both scuba diving and snorkelling are very popular recreation activities. It’s an interesting topic to talk about, isn’t it? Go through the dialogue given below and talk about the questions debated in English. You have got all the most essential words and phrases to develop your own ideas about scuba diving and snorkelling, so don’t say that you have ideas but cannot express yourself. You can! Let’s talk about scuba diving and snorkelling.
Jane: I like both to bathe and swim, and you, Frank? Frank: I like scuba diving. It’s a special type of diving, you know. — 16 —
Scuba diving? What’s that? I’ve heard about it but I don’t know exactly. What kind of pursuit is that? Can you explain it to me? Frank: Certainly. Don’t worry, Jane. To begin with, do you know what scuba means? It’s an acronym for a self( contained underwater breathing apparatus (=scuba). But now the word “scuba” is so common (=so widespread) that it’s considered a word in its own right. In short, it is underwater diving. So when a diver is underwater he / she needs a scuba there to breathe. Do you know why they dive underwater? Jane: I think they do it for fun. A diver also uses swim fins attached to his feet. The fins make it much easier to swim. Frank: I am not a professional diver but I enjoy swimming and diving. If the weather is good, one can go for a dip. I think that the crawl style is most popular, but some people enjoy the backstroke or breaststroke. Jane: Oh, yes! Even a kid (=a child) can float on his back, I believe. You’ve got to know how to swim, or you may go under (=be drowned). You know, Frank, I’m scared to plunge into water, I don’t know where the bottom is. (Frank is laughing.) Why are you laughing? Frank: Looks like scuba diving is not for you. Scuba diving may involve danger if your conduct, when underwater, is not up to the mark. For example, do not touch fish. Do you know that? Some fish is dangerous. The fish can eject poison. Do you know that, Jane? Probably, you don’t. I guess swimming in pools is the best for you. As to me, I enjoy snorkelling even more than diving. You know, snorkelling is swimming in the water when you are equipped with a mask. Actually, a snorkel is a shaped tube. If the water is cool, you may wear a wet suit. Jane: Frank, you are talking and talking. Let me put in a word. — 17 —
Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane:
Jane: Frank:
Is snorkelling only in tropical areas, or is it also good in other places? I guess primarily it’s for tropical zones. Do scuba divers like snorkelling as well? Or do they enjoy diving more? Yes, they like snorkelling too. As a rule. I hear that search and rescue teams also use snorkelling. Is that so? Sure! I think snorkelling is fun for lots of people. That’s the difference. When snorkelling, you can observe underwater life without intricate (=complex) technical equipment. And who needs equipment in the water? And, luckily (=fortunately), you don’t need much training for snorkelling, do you? Jane, you are on the right track again. As I see, you may come naturally to snorkelling. It takes time, of course, but you may. What else do you adore? Adore? We are getting so gentle today. What’s the matter, sir? Okay, maybe this is not the word to use in this case. I wanted to use special English. You know, English is very rich in synonyms. Oh, yes, I know. English is all right. Special English, I’ve heard the term too. Now let’s go back to question asking, our usual cup of tea. Among other activities underwater, I’d like to mention spearfishing. It takes half an hour to learn snorkelling, and a whole day to spearfish. Striking difference! Okay, Jane. We’ve had a good talk. I guess I have to say goodbye to you now, and I’ve got to report to my office. Catch you later! See you around (=see you later), Frank.
— 18 —
English–Russian Dictionary for the Topic: Scuba(Diving or Snorkelling: A Pleasure for Tourists backstroke плавание на спине breaststroke брасс (стиль плавания) breathing apparatus аппарат для дыхания (напр., при подвод" ном плавании) catch you later увидимся / пересечемся (прощальная фраза) diver дайвер equipped with a mask с маской / в маске eject poison жалить ядом (об отдельных редких видах рыб) float (on one’s back) держаться на плаву, не тонуть go under (=be drowned) тонуть, уйти под воду luckily к счастью report to my office явиться к себе на работу see you later до свидания snorkelling амер. snorkeling плавание с маской и трубкой
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. What’s the difference between scuba diving and snorkelling? 2. Can you decipher the acronym scuba? (Do so.) 3. What does a diver do? 4. What can you do if the water is warm? 5. Is Jane ready to plunge into water? 6. When you snorkel, should you be equipped with a mask? 8. What is a wet suit? 9. When is it worn? 10. Do scuba divers like snorkelling? 11. Is it interesting to observe life underwater? 12. Is there dangerous fish underwater? 13. Should you observe the rules of behaviour underwater? 14. Is English rich in synonyms? 15. What synonyms has Jane enumerated? 16. Do you use synonyms in your speech? — 19 —
17. Are there many synonyms in colloquial English? 18. If you translate texts (for example, fiction), does it help to know English synonyms? 19. What does it mean I have to report to my office now? Can you suggest a Russian equivalent? Упражнение 2. Переведите с листа весь диалог. Следите за тем, чтобы перевод был верный, а темп перевода с лис та достаточно быстрый. Упражнение 3. Напишите эссе на английском языке про плавание с маской (snorkelling) или дайвинг. Объясните, почему дайвинг слишком трудный вид плавания. Упражнение 4. Сделайте устное сообщение о дайвинге.
— 20 —
Unit 3 Entertainment. What Is It?
Entertainment is a semantically broad word. It may mean a great number of things: an event, an exhibition, performance, or activity designed to give pleasure to an audience or share some artistic values. Audiences are entertained individually, or as a group. Those who watch the shows may participate actively or play the role of passive spectators. All this depends on the type of entertainment offered. The branch of commercial activity that provides entertainment is known now as the entertainment industry. Among the most popular types of entertainment we can mention amusement parks, art exhibitions, fairs, theme parks, trade shows, wax museums, circus, dances, fireworks, magic (e.g. on stage), — 21 —
musical theatres, discotheques, parades, performance art, puppet shows, spectator sports (often shown on television programs), comedy clubs, strip clubs (=striptease), variety shows, vaudeville, films (=US movies), news media stories, video games and many other games and activities. Many books on entertainment and entertainment industry have been published already and every year their number only grows. Read the dialogue below and answer questions on the topic of entertainment expressing your own point of view.
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane:
Frank, what kinds of entertainment do you consider traditional? It goes without saying, it’s theatre entertainment, plays, drama, entertainment shown by television (=television entertainment), comedies, concerts, puppet shows for kids, musicals and ballet and, I suppose, variety shows. You spoke about typical types of entertainment, but life is diverse, it includes other entertainment activities. So what else? What else? Let me see. Well, maybe we may mention entertainment for the staff of office, or if you mean some kind of team building event, then, of course, you may think of organizing such special entertainment relating to team building. However, some corporation managers consider team building a serious job, not entertainment. I like the idea of team building as a special event. It depends, you know. You may win in a casino, for example. It’s also popular. And it is also entertainment but I don’t think it is typical. You may just organize a party. That’s true. I was just about to suggest that. Who is going to entertain us to keep all the guests happy? — 22 —
Frank: Why not hire a professional entertainer? He’ll keep everyone amused throughout the evening. For example, he may show some magic tricks. You mentioned concerts. Concerts also entertain. But, you know, there are different types of concerts. For instance, you can go to a music concert. Some music is quite serious. Or take sports, I mean spectator sports, it may be looked upon as entertainment. Some kind of game, live sports! Or you may go to an opera! There is no end of special entertainment shows. Jane: What about public entertainers? Those guys who earn their living by individual performances. Frank: Under a bridge? Not for me! Jane: Okay! You forgot about corporate entertainment. Now corporate entertainments are all around. Frank: Online, television and radio offer us highquality entertainment, at least sometimes. Occasionally, you can see a show, for example, a symphony orchestra (playing in Vienna) that may be available for television viewers around the world. Or take some Hollywood ceremony, or presentation, or a Bolshoi Theatre performance in Russia. This is a good way to learn about new artistic and theatrical developments. Jane: What about videos? We forgot about videos. Now there are millions of entertaining video messages that you can find on some sites. I like videos! This is a new way of life. It reminds me of our new century! There are millions of video fans. Video is not only action, it’s music, characters, ideas, it is sound, and the development of a story. Frank: Jane, you seem to have been carried away a little bit. It happens, I know. Looks as if you are an aspiring performer yourself. Is it in your plans to become an actress? Jane: Not now, Frank. I’m not an actress but I’d like to be. — 23 —
Frank: Jane:
Frank: Jane: Frank:
And I like action, Frank. I like free time (=leisure time), I like to use my mobile phone with gadgets (real fun for me), I like dancing, I enjoy calling my friends many times a day, I enjoy talking about funny stories, I like to ride horses, play tennis, go on tours, skate on rollers, and shoot a part in a movie and so on. A Jack of all trades. Slowly but surely, Jane, we drift towards generalities. There is a special industry of goods and services in the field of entertainment. And this industry becomes more diverse. Some of industries develop rapidly. Take fitness centres, or sports clubs, or art museums! They certainly represent an entertainment industry. Or take athletic events. This is also a substantial part of an entertainment industry. At the same time athletic events represent sports. So functions combine. Yes. To carry on our fruitful debate we should limit the scope of meaning of the word “entertainment”. True. On the one hand, you may promote some sports and think of it as a promotion. But, on the other hand, you entertain people through sports, and it becomes entertainment for the public. Jane, what mark did they give you for philosophy in college? As far as I am concerned, the best entertainment for me is recreation and leisure activities and sports. For example, I know how to design video games, I like amusement parks and landscape design, and I am interested in off(track betting. It’s not me but you who is a Jack of all trades, Frank. You love everything. As to offtrack betting, I am not sure if it’s legal. Does it matter? I haven’t said I want to specialize in it. No, you haven’t. However, what I like about your statements is that they are not the ideas of a desk jockey. (Pleased.) You’ve said it, Jane. — 24 —
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Entertainment. What Is It? actively (e.g. about participation) активно (участвовать) amusement parks парки с аттракционами, лунапарки art exhibitions художественные выставки art museum художественный музей aspiring performer исполнитель, стремящийся достичь (в сво" ем творчестве) определенных высот Bolshoi Theatre performance выступление артистов Большого театра circus цирк comedy комедия comedy club комедиклуб concert концерт corporate entertainment корпоративная вечеринка dances танцы; показательные выступления танцоров; вечера танца desk jockey зд разг. мелкий служащий, клерк discotheque дискотека drama драматическое произведение; драма drift towards generalities уходить в сторону обобщений entertaining video messages (=video films) развлекательное ви део entertainment развлечение, увеселение, эстрадное представ ление; сфера развлечений entertainment all around всюду развлечения entertainment industry индустрия развлечений entertainment on television развлекательные программы / эст рада на телевидении fairs ярмарки fireworks фейерверки fitness centre фитнесцентр free time (=leisure time) свободное время fruitful debate плодотворные прения, дебаты funny stories смешные истории — 25 —
go on tour отправиться в поездку go to an opera пойти в оперу Hollywood ceremony церемония в Голливуде Jack of all trades мастер на все руки magic (on stage) чудеса, фокусы (на сцене) movies амер. кино musical мюзикл musical theatre музыкальный театр news media stories рассказы, истории СМИ organize a party организовать вечеринку parade парад passive spectators пассивно созерцающие (то или иное зре" лище) performance art исполнительское искусство (напр., на сцене) play tennis играть в теннис presentation презентация, показ professional entertainer профессиональный шоумен promote sports продвигать / развивать спорт public entertainers артисты развлекательного жанра puppet show кукольное представление recreation and leisure activities деятельность в области эстрады ride horses ездить верхом shoot a part (in a movie) сняться (в фильме) skate on rollers кататься на роликовых коньках special entertainment особый концерт spectator sports зрелищный спорт, зрелищные виды спорта strip club (=striptease club) стриптизклуб team building мероприятия по сплочению коллектива, тим билдинг team building event мероприятие тимбилдинга (напр., поездка на природу для проведения тренировок, занятий коллекти" ва фирмы) theatre entertainment play развлекательное шоупостановка / пьеса в театре theme park тематический парк с аттракционами trade show промышленная выставка — 26 —
variety show варьете; эстрадное шоу vaudeville водевиль video game видеоигра wax museum музей восковых фигур
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. What about the meanings (shades of meaning) of the term entertainment? 2. What are some of the meanings? 3. When you watch a show, are you an active or passive spectator? 4. What is teambuilding? 5. Is teambuilding used in some companies operating in Russia? 6. What is corporate entertainment? Give an example. 7. What about radio and television entertainment? 8. Are Hollywood ceremonies entertaining? Why? 9. Have you ever seen an Oscar prize ceremony for the best movies? 10. Are you a video fan? 11. What kind of computer do you have? Is it the latest model? 12. Is it a brand new computer? 13. What are your favourite sites? Is it music sites? Sports? Travel? 14. Is your computer of an old design? 15. Is Jane a representative of the new generation? Why do you think so? 16. Are sports and business inseparables? What does it mean “to be inseparables”? 17. What does it mean to be a Jack of all trades? 18. Have you ever used this phrase in speech? 19. Is it good to be a Jack of all trades? 20. What do you plan to major in: public relations, marketing or journalism? — 27 —
21. What other fields of knowledge do you value very high? Is it brokerage?
Упражнение 2. Переведите текст с листа. Упражнение 3. Напишите эссе на тему «Почему моло дежь любит развлечения?» (1–2 с.). Упражнение 4. Напишите второе эссе (однудве стра ницы), используя следующую лексику: amusement parks / theme parks are places of attractions; entertain a large group of people (magic on stage, etc.); theme restaurants; spatial organization of theme parks; playgrounds of all kinds; theme parks include lands devoted to a particular story (e.g. cultivation of flowers); architecture and landscaping as elements of theme parks (little streams running down artificial rocks); fairs and pleasure gardens (to watch and admire as part of amusement parks); roller coasters (used to thrill the riders because of extreme drops and tremendous speeds); park rides (e.g. on horses); thrill rides; train rides; water rides (for kids and grown"ups); transport rides; pay as you go policy (to be able to see different kinds of attractions); pay one price ticket; boat rides (on lakes and rivers); sports fields (watching different entertainment sports, football, baseball); mechanical amusements (as exciting entertainment); Walt Disney World (palaces, jazz bands, orchestras, shows, ghosts, Disney animated characters, etc.); food and beverage sales. Упражнение 5. Какого рода развлечения в amusement park вы хотели бы увидеть прежде всего? Объясните по чему. Упражнение 6. Какие развлечения можно встретить в парках отдыха в России? — 28 —
Unit 4 Tourism, Sports and Business. Interesting Topics to Talk About
21st century. We live in the century when there is a continued development of tourism, travel, sports and business. The events in today’s world are a powerful incentive to generate new types of activities. For example, nowadays humanity investigates the effects of climate change on society. It affects everyone and everything. It’s a great challenge for all of us. The situation in the 21st century also affects tourism, sports and business. New developments are also seen in sports. Every year — 29 —
new sporting events are upcoming. In one way or another, all the problems we face today will find a solution. As it turns out, environmental issues are linked up with sports. Today major international games should be looked upon as world multi(sport events held in different cities of the world. Take Olympic events, for example. An Olympic event is usually opened by a famous government figure. It is impossible not to say a few words about media coverage of sports. International games are usually broadcast worldwide and among broadcasters we see many host and foreign broadcasters. There are also many representatives from newspapers, magazines, and the wire services online. Now a few words about business. What’s so special when talking about business? Many people do not realize that talking about business requires the knowledge of business terms and expressions. To master Business English means to master a special language.
Jane: Frank:
I have some friends from Europe who know English in general and can read newspapers and novels but find it difficult to speak English on specific questions of tourism, travel, sports and business. Frank, do you know why? I’m not a language expert (as you are) but I suppose that this is so because tourism, travel, sports and business are special fields of activities and therefore, it is necessary for us to master some special vocabulary. At least some core words and phrases that will keep you “on the talking track” so to say. In other words, today’s world is a world of many languages. You’ve put it better than I could have done it myself! Usage is a very powerful factor for speaking a foreign language. It’s the practice that determines the ways in which the language (in our case English) functions, grows and changes. So we have to learn — 30 —
Jane: Frank: Jane:
the way the English language is used now. And we should learn some special terms too. I agree with you. You have to learn how words are used, what they mean, how they are pronounced, and what their grammatical behaviour is. Now there is a corpus of British English and a corpus of American English. You can find them in the Internet. The words and phrases are taken from different sources: books, manuscripts, radio, television and the news media. Knowledge of words is one thing. Usage is another thing. You have given an excellent illustration, I fully agree with you. I suppose we face the same situation in the area of tourism, travel, sports or business. We may not know some terms but, if there is a good context, we can guess what the talk is all about. The context is a clue to the meaning. So always pay attention to the context of the conversation. It is also through the context that we get at the meaning of terms. Can you give me an example? Certainly! If you take the term freestyle as such, it gives you only a very general idea: you do something in a free manner. So the context is necessary to specify the meaning implied. Freestyle is one meaning when you speak of alpine skiing. Freestyle may have the second meaning: it may be special acrobatic jumps in snowboarding. Freestyle may have the third meaning when we mean a special kind of competition on mountain bikes. And so on. In all such cases you should look into the situation (get the “situation meaning”) and you must also “visualize the meaning” so to say through the situation (imagine the kind of action and so on an author of a message implies). — 31 —
Frank: Jane:
Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane:
Naturally! Can you always find a translation equivalent? Grasping the meaning through a certain situation (an important element for speaking) or finding equivalents in your mother tongue – these are different stories. Translation is a special kind of activity. Talking is another story with its own linguistic laws. Talking is much easier. You must remember clichés. Yes, you should learn them first. When I speak Italian, I use clichés. Clichés pay the way for further progress. Jane, why are you telling me all this? I studied it in the course of linguistics. Nice to hear that. I just wanted to be a little bit philosophical.
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Tourism, Sports and Business. Interesting Topics to Talk About American English американский вариант английского языка British English британский вариант английского языка broadcast worldwide вещать на весь мир broadcaster центр вещания, радиостанция, телевизионная станция context is a clue (to) контекст – это ключ (к) it is the practice that counts самое важное – это практика learn the way the English language is used изучать, как работает английский master special vocabulary овладеть специальным вокабуляром media coverage of sports освещение спорта в СМИ real breakthrough реальный прорыв wire services online ведение телепередач в режиме «онлайн» — 32 —
Упражнение 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. Is it popular now to talk about tours, sports and business? 2. Are you a true globetrotter? 3. Do you understand more the way of life in your own country after foreign travel? 4. What is 21st century for you? 5. What is the role of Olympic Games in today’s sports? 6. What is the specifics of host and foreign broadcasting? 7. Have you ever been to a radio and TV centre? 8. Is it easier to understand speech when it is presented in a spoken format? 9. If two people talk about different topics, is it easier to understand them because you know so much about them already? 10. What other areas of major interest can you mention? 11. As time goes on, do our interests change? 12. Is the change in our interests reflected in the use of new words and phrases? 13. Can you say that you can freely talk about tourism, sports and business now? 14. Are you proud of your progress in English? 15. Is English your second language? 16. Does it play the role of the second working language in your life? Why? 17. Do you learn about business news in English? 18. Can you translate from Russian into English? Упражнение 2. Напишите эссе о развитии спорта в XXI веке. Используйте информацию из Интернета, например, Wikipedia. Обсудите данные вопросы поанглийски (бе седа на 10–15 минут).
— 33 —
Unit 5 Guided Tours Today Are Quite Popular
Today you can see many countries of the world with the help of a guide. Such tours are called guided tours. The guide takes care of many of your problems. As a result, you may relax and have a wonderful time. See how these problems are discussed by Jane and Frank. Add your own vision of the problems. Be active! Be where the action is!
What can you say about guided tours? I think that such tours are in favour because they are well organized. — 34 —
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane:
Frank, if you were a tour organizer, it would be an opportunity for everyone. You know so much history about places. Jane, what do you know about tours? Do you remember that in addition to regular tours, there are also specialized tours, when you see special objects of sightseeing, for example, some old library manuscripts. Or you want to see how the court system works and so on. Is it true that the travel agency can put together a package to satisfy your requirements? Yes, that’s true. In addition to objects of mass tourism, there are tourists who look for less(travelled alleyways. Such spots may be also of great interest. What is the advantage of a guided tour? Can you sum up your ideas in a few words? The advantage of a guided tour is that you may get a lot of interesting facts from your guide and that you should not worry about anything, since all things are organized. And who is after individual explorations? Yes, there are tourists who prefer individual explorations when seeing the sights. As we know, tastes differ. Why do some people think that travel with a guide is better and some other people stick to another point of view? This is so because some guides have specialized knowledge of many aspects of tourism and history of the objects they talk about. It’s a great job for many guides to work for a tourist company. Sometimes such work provides fantastic opportunities. This is so because travel companies can operate in different parts of the world. In addition to traditional itineraries, they can conduct special tours. And many of us prefer special tours. — 35 —
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane:
Can you name some of them? Certainly. I mean, for example, bike tours (biking through cities), and if you are in a jungle region – jungle tours, and if you are in the mountain area – mountain bike tours, or it may be a walking tour through the streets or some big city, for students it may be a hiking tour, and for lovers of winetasting in wineries it may be a winery tour. As you see, such tours are special. And this is the secret of their success. The benefits (that go with such tours) are really great. This way a tourist can expand his/her geographical and cultural knowledge. You can proudly feel that you know the world. If I were in your shoes, Frank, I’d take the job of a tour guide. (Jokingly.) You are in fine shoes already. Keep it that way, Jane. Thank you, dear boss. English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Guided Tours Today Are Quite Popular
bike tours велотуризм guided tour организованный тур / турпоездка с гидом hiking tour прогулка individual explorations of a tourist личное знакомство туриста less(travelled alleyways менее изведанные места mountain bike tours поездки на горном велосипеде по марш рутам в горах old manuscript старая рукопись regular tour обыкновенный тур specialized tour специализированный тур (напр., по историчес" ким местам) walking tour (to see the sights of a city) пешая экскурсия — 36 —
winery tour экскурсия на винодельню с дегустацией вин worry about беспокоиться
Упражнение 1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
What is a guided tour? What kinds of tours do you know? What does it mean “lesstravelled alleyways”? Can you give an example of an object of mass tourism? If it is a guided tour, who worries about organization matters? Do you prefer to explore city sights individually? What is a guide’s secret of success?
Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский. 1. Хотелось бы сказать несколько слов об организован ных поездках. 2. Мне кажется, такого рода туристские поездки самые популярные. 3. Они хорошо организуются и охватывают обычные эк скурсии по осмотру города. 4. Помимо обычных экскурсий по городу, могут быть и спе( циальные экскурсии, когда вы, например, хотите уви деть какиелибо объекты, например, библиотеку, где хранятся старинные рукописи. Или же вы хотите по знакомиться с работой судебной системы и пр. 5. Чтобы удовлетворить ваши запросы, ваше турбюро мо жет составить единую программу. 6. Помимо объектов массового туризма, есть менее иссле( дованные маршруты, популярные среди туристов. Такие места также могут представлять большой ин терес. 7. Преимущество организованной экскурсии состоит в том, что от вашего руководителя (гида) вы можете ус лышать массу интереснейших фактов и что вам не сле — 37 —
дует о чемлибо беспокоиться, так как все организова но заранее. Вам нравится такой туризм? 8. В то же время есть туристы, которые предпочитают ос матривать достопримечательности индивидуально. 9. Действительно, вкусы разные. Упражнение 3. Напишите эссе об осмотре какоголибо интересного туристского объекта (3–4 с.).
— 38 —
Unit 6 Making Holiday Tours
The number of different types of tours grows every day. Escorted tours, for example, will let you see many interesting places, attractions, and all this in a brief period of time without the hassle of arranging your own transport. Who escorts you? Qualified tour guides, sometimes also interpreters, so you can feel at ease. When on an organized tour, you enjoy guided sightseeing, meals and local transportation, such as motor coach, train or ferry travel from one point to another. — 39 —
Sightseeing is part of the travel package. Of course, tours differ. There are socalled panoramic tours that give you only an overview of many countries of Europe, for example. In many large cities you may come across both expensive and inexpensive restaurants and bars and other outlets selling restaurant foods, pizza, Chinese food, fish, chicken, barbecued meat, ice cream and, naturally, all kinds of national foods. Remember that in some restaurants alcoholic beverages are not served, while in others they are available. Also remember that the quality of food may vary but, because of strict food requirements, the food quality is usually up to the mark. The service as such is friendly. Now read the dialogue below.
When taking a trip, you often deal with meal terms. For example, if you are in Great Britain, you try to use some meal terms in British English. If you know these terms, it will make your life easier. Take a meal in the evening. To begin with you must know the term dinner. Frank: Yes. You may talk about a dinner party for guests, or about a dinner service. Jane: When do they serve dinners usually? Frank: Thanks for referring to me as an expert. Okay, honey, I’ll pretend to be one. I’ll take the part of an expert. Dinners must be served at different times. For example, a standard period is from 5 to 10 p.m. Jane: Frank, I don’t want to talk about dinner schedules any more. Let’s be more businesslike. Let’s go to a restaurant right now and see how things go there. I mean happy dinner hours. Usually they start happy dinner hours a little bit earlier. You know, they call them early bird specials. In other words, if we hurry now, we can get our meal for a reasonable price. Frank: (Jokingly.) Okay, we saddle up and go. Jane, from time — 40 —
Jane: Frank:
Frank: Jane: Frank:
Frank: Jane:
to time I go to the socalled fast food restaurants. Do you know why? Why? Because McDonald’s and Burger King and other fast food restaurants supply such food as pizza, barbecued meat and so on. It doesn’t take much time to order and, you know, I’m a guy who is always on the move. Come on, Frank. Talking about fast food. I thought as a true white collar you could afford a more expensive place to eat in. Don’t be snobbish, honey. Okay, sorry! I didn’t mean the prices. I meant the quality of food. I know it’s no problem to reserve (=to book) a table in a restaurant, for example, for a party of three (=for three persons). When I travel, I always think about the names of dishes, for example, in Italian or French, or German, though I know that you can find them almost in any menu in English. Virtually in every country of the world! Restaurant owners know what language to write in the menu. I suppose all foreigners face the same problem. We are lucky, I think, to have English as our native language. In any place, first of all, they offer an appetizer, then you may choose a hot dish, or a sweet dish and, at last, there is wine or beer to order. Sometimes I wonder what kind of restaurant I should go to. What can you say? Okay, this is my answer. I think I haven’t been on holiday more than you, and I’m not a restaurant expert, but I can mention some standard types of restaurants one may go to. They are as follows: full(service restaurant specialized(type restaurant family restaurant (=family(type restaurant) — 41 —
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane:
fast food restaurant hamburger bars McDonald’s other special restaurants offering steaks (=steak bars, steak houses) seafood restaurants restaurants offering roast chickens, fried chickens, as well as chicken sandwiches. Not to forget about are sandwich bars, and special restaurants offering national foods. What about a takeaway business? Have we forgotten about it? It’s quite common in large cities. By the way, many people place an order by phone. (Find the required number in the Yellow Pages and order what you want at once.) Or call the delivery service, they’ll even help you with an order. The service is always courteous. Or go out and drive to the nearest restaurant of your choice, and pick up the ordered items. Food business is big, as you know, but it takes seconds to order. I’d say it is the advantage of modern shopping. An entire life is ahead for us, Jane, so why complain? Quite right, sir! Okay, economic dreamer, what kind of wine would you like to order? In general, I like white wine. It’s not so strong. I’ll taste white wines. I have to look into the menu. They offer us dozens of wines here. Look, there are many foreign brands too. Next week my college buddies play college basketball. I wonder if there are chain restaurants in the town we go to. I hope, Jane, you’ll accompany me. It’s never late to hope. Maybe I’ll accompany you as your true friend. Give food business a call. Dive into your guide books. Restaurants and shops have — 42 —
Frank: Jane:
Frank: Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank:
telephones and emails, don’t they? You’ve got two good hands, Frank. So use them. Get the job done. Yes, my General. You’ll make a good market director. We’ve talked about up(scale restaurants. What have you meant? Have you meant restaurants with special rules, for example, when men must wear jackets and ties? I don’t like pompous places, I prefer a relaxed atmosphere. Tastes differ, Frank. Do not be too critical. You don’t mean to prefer diners for getting a good meal, do you? What’s so funny about diners, Jane? I don’t see what you are driving at. Diners are great! Popular American business. By the way, they operate 24 hours (=have a 24hour operation), and you can find them not only on major roadways, but also in large cities and in suburban areas. What kind of meals do they offer? I’m asking you because I don’t attend diners. Well, you know, diners offer а variety of large(portion meals. They include soup or salad, bread, beverage and dessert. Many people go there. Diners are also popular among the locals. For example, you can have your breakfast there. I guess diners give you a good chance to have a good meal and have a good radio entertainment. I’d say it’s a real pleasure going there. Sweet music, good food, smiling, goodnatured people, quick service. What else do you want? English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Making Holiday Tours
alcoholic beverages алкогольные напитки appetizer закуска available tours туры, которые можно купить / заказать barbecued meat жареное мясо — 43 —
beverages напитки bucks разг. баксы, доллары buddies разг. друзья, приятели chicken курятина; цыпленок Chinese food китайская кухня diner закусочная (на перекрестке дорог); ресторан в поезде dinner party for guests ужин / вечеринка для гостей dinner service обслуживание ужина early bird specials специальные блюда, отпускаемые тем, кто пришел в ресторан пораньше (практика поощрения кли" ентов в отдельных ресторанах) escorted tour организованный тур (с сопровождением гида) exotic food экзотическая пища fast food restaurants рестораны быстрого обслуживания feel at ease не волноваться ferry travel переправляться на пароме fish рыба, рыбные изделия friendly service хорошее обслуживание globetrotter путешествующий по разным странам guy who is always on the move человек, который все время в разъездах happy dinner hours «счастливое время для ужина» (со скидкой) hassle разг. проблема hassle of arranging one’s own transport проблема обеспечения себя транспортом hot dish горячее блюдо ice cream мороженое motor coach туристический международный автобус national foods национальная кухня native language родной язык organized tour организованный тур outlets пункты продажи (товаров) package (=travel package) турпакет panoramic tours обзорные экскурсии pizza пицца — 44 —
restaurant foods блюда, которые можно заказать в ресторане serve a dinner сервировать, обслуживать ужин; подавать (блю" да) sightseeing осмотр достопримечательностей sweet dish сладкое (блюдо) table for a party of three столик на троих vary (e.g. about the quality of food) варьироваться
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. Are different tours available now? 2. Which tours do you prefer: group tours or cruise trips? Why? 3. What is a walking tour? (Describe.) 4. If you are in Alaska, you can have a wildlife tour. What kind of tour is it? 5. Do hiking tours imply a long walk in the country or up the mountains? 6. If it is a winery tour, what is it connected with? Will you taste wines or not? Why? 7. If you are behind the wheel, can you taste wines? 8. What synonym can you give for the term organized tour? 9. What is a ferry travel? Is it travelling across a stretch of water? 10. What about cars? Can they also be carried on a ferry? 11. If we take a motor coach, can we say that it is a fastmoving vehicle? 12. What tours may be called panoramic? 13. What kind of restaurants do you know? (Describe some of them.) 14. Do you always go to the same restaurant? Why? (Give your reasons.) 15. Are alcoholic beverages sold in every restaurant in Great Britain? 16. What is the difference between dinner and supper? (Look it up in a dictionary.) — 45 —
17. How would you characterize fast food restaurants? What is so special about them? Are you not afraid of getting fat? 18. Are you a guy who is always on the go? What does it mean “to be on the go”? 19. What does it mean “to be always on the move”? 20. Is it all right to ask for recommendations when you try to order exotic food? 21. Is exotic food on the menu? Or should you go to a certain type of restaurant to order it? 22. You are not yet a globetrotter, are you? Would you like to become a globetrotter? 23. Do you enjoy placing an order for pizza by phone? 24. What is a takeaway business? Can one define a takeaway as a meal that we buy at a restaurant to eat at home? 25. Can a good diner be rated as a restaurant?
Упражнение 2. Переведите с листа весь диалог. Текст можно разбить на части. Упражнение 3. Переведите на русский. 1. If you have an escorted tour, usually you pay extra money for it. 2. A guide is usually familiar with many details of group travel. 3. Handling the logistics of a weeklong group tour involves quite a bit of work. 4. The tourists expect great benefits from such a tour. 5. Guides meet people from all over the world. 6. Some people say that guides are cultural ambassadors for their customers. 7. Tour guides are also allaround experts in the history, geography, and culture of the areas they visit. 8. Tour guides have to get along with the passengers. 9. In certain cases a local tour guide may be invited. — 46 —
Упражнение 4. Вообразите ситуацию, когда уместо про изнести такого рода фразы: Drink up! (encouraging a person to finish a drink) Have one for the road. Pound it and let’s go. (American slang) Here’s to us. To your health! Bottoms up! Make that on the rocks! (=make sure it’s with ice) That’s enough. I’ve had a good shot already. How much? That’ll be ... dollars. That’ll be ... bucks. That’ll be ... rubles. You’ve run up quite a tab = there are real expenses (on your account) It’s on me (conversational English = I’ll pay for drinks and food).
— 47 —
Unit 7 Internet Resources for Your Travel. Are They Boundless?
If you think of vacationing abroad, also think of the Internet as a help in all problem matters. The Internet is a way out. It is hundreds of free tips! Planning (=setting an itinerary) is not thinking about what may happen somewhere, rather it is an art you should master. Internet travel research is really vital. It is vital for saving money, for the ease of the trip and for getting new impressions. Very often it turns out that your research is not only useful but also enjoyable. The truth is that in the course of research you learn about new facts. — 48 —
You may be tipped off by the Internet about the books you should read. You get (=order) the books required and read them. As a result, you get an answer to your numerous questions about your future travel. Quite often you can find out useful facts on trips from guide books (when you read them), or you can get facts from television commercials, or videos (e.g. Internet travel videos) and, at last, from travel books and brochures. If your language is English, start your research with Google, for example. But, naturally, you can try many other search systems and valuable resources as well. It is generally believed that the best advice comes from those who have already visited the places you are only planning to attend. They can give you a practical piece of advice. For example, it is not unusual to find references to offbeat places. A good tip to a globetrotter is to look at websites first. Some of my friends suggest that we should pay more attention to news media as a source of travel information. Now, when hundreds of online newspapers are easily available to millions of people (in any language, by the way), it is not a problem to come across travel stories or travel ads.
Frank, what are your best(liked sites for travel and holidaymaking research? Frank: There are hundreds of them. Take the Independent Traveller and so on. Just ask the Google system about your dream spots. (Click the right words or phrases.) Now even travel maps are easily available. If you want to see some jungle regions, go to Thailand, or to some other such spots. You can see both hidden temples and sensational (=superb) beaches there. You can get a feeling of culture of Thailand. Most important is your willingness to try new spots. Make sure there are flights to get there. And no fear of flying! Keep your fingers crossed! — 49 —
Jane: Frank:
Frank: Jane:
Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane:
I suppose the places famous for their ancient cultures are fantastic. By the way, don’t forget such opportunities (for vacations) as canoeing, waterways, trekking through the jungle, riding atop an elephant or biking along mountain trails. You must be an adventure seeker a little bit, Jane. If you are into thrill(seeking, your impressions will be great. When you take a riverboat cruise, you really cool off. You enjoy the scene. What I always worry about is the weather. I don’t want to guess about the climate at the time of holidaymaking. For example, April may be rather cold in Russia, but in some Asian countries it may be the hottest month of the year. There are countries where it never gets cold. Can you imagine that? On the other hand, there are rainy monsoon seasons, and we shouldn’t forget about them either! If I go to Brazil, I always think about festivals. Unforgettable experience! Plunging into another culture. And my advice: do your booking in advance to get rooms with good view. And if I’m short of money, what can I do? Then look forward to getting low(season rates. Or earn more bucks. Pleasures, pleasures! Talking about pleasures all the time. But what’s to be done if you lose your luggage? You’ve broken my thought, Frank. I think the loss of luggage is a tragedy. A certain number of all missing bags remains lost. So you can’t run away from the hard reality. (Casting a glance at Jane.) My strong advice is: never put valuable things into your luggage. You are a tourist, and your mission is not a show of gold rings and diamonds. Who is talking? Can you imagine a girl travelling — 50 —
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane:
Frank: Jane:
Frank: Jane: Frank:
without valuables? And if invited to a party? How should I dress? Casual or formal? Can’t the girl you are talking about take some artificial stuff and not worry about anything? Another really important question is about reimbursements. I believe different airlines are guided by different rules of thumb. Whatever way you look at it, bags become misrouted from time to time. Misrouted! How delicate you are in your linguistic formulations! Bags get robbed or stolen, that’s how you should put it! Frank, it’s a euphemism. Why are you so belligerent today? Not slept enough? How many days does it take for your bag to be deemed lost? A week, a month? More? Nobody can give you an exact answer. What about a compensation? Naturally, lost luggage compensation (=reimbursement) exists, it’s spelled out in your ticket, by the way, but you never know what it’ll amount to. Don’t forget about the category of flight: if your flight is international, and you fly business class, this is one thing, if it’s just a domestic (=local) travel, it’s another pair of shoes. Jane, can you stop your “shoe business”? (Smiling.) I just meant “another thing”! It is a cliché, Frank. And clichés may be used and even overused. So relax. Look out! The sun is shining! Yeah! One conclusion: experience is the mother of wisdom. And my own resume. Wit once bought is worth twice taught.
— 51 —
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Internet Resources for Your Travel adventure seeker искатель приключений be deemed lost считаться потерянным (напр., о багаже) biking along mountain trails ездить на велосипеде по горным тропам book in advance бронировать заранее canoeing катание на байдарках domestic flight внутренний рейс experience is the mother of wisdom старого воробья на мякине не проведешь free tips подсказки, советы holidaymaking отдых во время отпуска; тж. time off international flight международный рейс it’s another pair of shoes разг. это совсем другое дело keep your fingers crossed букв. скрестите пальцы (чтобы вам повезло в чем"л.) look at websites выйти на сайты; тж. visit websites lose luggage потерять багаж misrouted (about luggage) багаж, направленный не по месту назначения new spots новые места (напр,. для отдыха) news media СМИ offbeat places необычные / неизведанные туристские места online newspapers газеты, выходящие в режиме «онлайн» practical piece of advice практический совет rainy monsoon season дождливый сезон, муссон reimbursements возмещение (напр., за потерю багажа) riding atop an elephant ехать верхом на слоне riverboat cruise речной круиз rules of thumb приблизительный подсчет, на глазок sensational (=superb) beaches роскошные пляжи setting an itinerary выбор маршрута путешествия short of money без достаточных средств television commercials рекламные ролики — 52 —
be tipped off by the Internet получать информацию в Интерне те tourist office туристское бюро travel ads туристская реклама (плакаты, брошюры и пр.) travel maps карты для туристов travel stories заметки о путешествиях trek through the jungle пробиваться сквозь джунгли (как вид прогулки в джунглях) valuable things ценности, драгоценности, украшения waterways водные пути wit once bought is worth twice taught один добытый опыт важ нее семи мудрых поучений
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. What information on trave is availablel in the Internet? 2. Do you know how to get an access to Internet travel sites? 3. What is a cyberspace? (Give a brief definition from a dictionary.) 4. What travel topics do you want to pursue? 5. Can one become distracted by the Internet’s many byways? 6. Is it useful to encounter people directly and speak about travel? 7. Can we say that, given a key word or phrase, the Internet programs set off like hound dogs? 8. Do these programs sniff out (=get) the information you want? 9. Do you know anything about Internet searching methods? 10. Do you know the websites and libraries geared toward travel and sports issues? 11. In addition to key words, can you also use phrases to find the needed information? 12. In addition to Yahoo and Google, what other information sources do you know? — 53 —
13. Do you often use email to convey messages to individuals? Or do you prefer phone calls, e.g. by means of a mobile phone? 15. Do you use Wikipedia information in English or in Russian? 16. Do they publish many articles on travel? 17. What are offbeat places? Are you ready to go there? Why? (Give a detailed explanation.) 18. Are you interested to see offbeat places? 19. Do you check the information given in the press? 20. Who prefers trekking routes in the jungle? 21. Can we say that to trek is to make a long and difficult journey? 22. Is it possible to bike along mountain trails? Does such biking require special training? How long is it? 23. What happens at the time of rainy monsoon seasons? Can you trek through the jungle at that time? 24. If you miss your baggage, what should you do? 25. If you say that experience is the mother of wisdom, what do you mean? Упражнение 2. Переведите с листа весь диалог. Доби лись ли вы полного понимания текста? Если нет, то еще раз ответьте на вопросы по тексту, стараясь давать уверен ные и быстрые ответы.
Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. If you book a flight, you arrange your travel on a plane in the future. 2. Have you booked your flight? 3. I’ve made a reservation (=e.g. I’ve booked a room) at the Holiday Inn. 4. Read this brochure. It advertises the holidays that a company sells. The brochure is full of impressive photographs. — 54 —
5. A campsite is a place where you can stay in a tent or caravan for a holiday. 6. As a rule, all the conveniences are provided. 7. Last year I went camping. 8. The campsite was good but the weather terrible. 9. This year I plan to stay at a hotel or B&Bs. 10. I’ll try to get you a good package deal, okay? 11. Off(season opportunities are quite broad. 12. If you book a flight and accommodations separately, it may be very expensive. 13. We have to organize excursions now to see the sights. 14. By nightlife we may mean entertainment in the evening. 15. Bars and nightclubs are always busy today. 16. An off(season is a period of time when not many people go on holiday. 17. A package deal is a holiday arranged by a company that includes travel, a place to stay in, and sometimes meals, all for a fixed price.
— 55 —
Unit 8 Lost Your Papers? Wallet or Keys Stolen? What’s to Be Done?
When you lose something, you try to find it. But sometimes it happens that you do not know if you lost it, or if it (your property) has been stolen. And you may miss the lost item very much. So you begin searching for it (=looking for it). Sometimes it is a difficult venture. Let’s see what questions are usually asked and answered under such circumstances.
I wonder what I’m going to do, if I lose my documents (=papers), or if my luggage is stolen. — 56 —
Frank: Jane, you seem to believe that I know the answer. Thanks a lot. I suppose you can read about such situations in guide books. As a rule, many people are silent about such unpleasant developments. Of course, you can complain about it to the police. You have the right to do so. Even if it is ineffective, at least you can register the reported facts as such. It may be useful too. You never know. Jane: I fully agree with you, Frank. The chief of the tour should know about such developments. The police members also know about major tourist attractions, and they make sure that the streets are welllit, and maybe there are some detectives around. Is that true, Frank? Frank: I don’t know how the police works. It’s kept secret. But I suppose that you must be especially vigilant when you are in a problem area. The matter is that most of the crime is in certain areas where there are criminals. Jane: Is there any way to increase (=to enhance) my safety? Frank: (Smiling and joking.) Ask me to ensure your safety and you’ll be in good hands. Jane: Frank, I know that you are a true friend but sometimes I travel alone, you know. And you may be too far away from me to offer protection. Frank: Travel with me more often. That’s a good way out, Jane, when intuition tells you that you may get into trouble, get a taxi. An official taxicab. That may help. Don’t think about being economical. Be watchful of petty thefts. Be aware of the surroundings. As the police warn, be cautious in parking areas (=parking lots), and especially after dark or at night. Occasionally they even place their warnings. Jane: Well, I see. That’s the way things are. I see what you are hinting at. And can one use ATM machines at night? Frank: Yes, you can. But find first a well(lit place. If there is traffic around, that’s one more plus for your safety. — 57 —
Jane: Should I carry cash? Frank: Cash on you (as some people say) is not a very good idea in general. If you carry cash, it should be only a small sum of money (=pocket money). You may use a money belt, of course, but it will not help you in all the cases. You must be careful under any such circumstances. Jane: And, of course, I should keep my valuables in my hotel vault. And not wear them at night, right? Frank: Naturally, dear. Jane: But valuables, Frank, are to be shown, not hidden! I want to show them to the public. Frank: Well, Jane, so far humanity has not invented any policy against criminals. Jane: What are the police usually asking if you decide to report about a theft? Frank: Usual things: your name, place of work or study, where you reside, scene of crime (if you remember anything about it), and, of course, you’ll have to sign your written complaint. You’ll feel better if some of your valuables have been insured. That’s the way things are, as you said. Then wait for a telephone call from the police if, luckily, they can catch a criminal, or learn something about your theft. You never know how it may turn out. Jane: Right you are! I’ll be cautious, I promise. Frank: You see, Jane, we’ve had a meaningful dialogue. English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Lost Your Papers? Wallet and Keys Stolen? What’s to Be Done? be vigilant проявлять бдительность carry cash иметь при себе деньги — 58 —
chief of the tour руководитель тура enhance one’s safety усилить свою безопасность meaningful dialogue полезный разговор money belt специальный пояс для денег name зд. фамилия, имя, отчество (last name, name, patronуmic) parking areas / parking lots парковка petty thefts мелкие кражи, воровство place of work or study место работы или учебы problem area (for tourists) опасное для туристов место report facts зд. сообщать о случившемся (напр., о пропаже) reported facts сообщенные факты (напр., полиции) scene of crime место преступления some money некоторая (небольшая) сумма денег surroundings окружающая обстановка valuables ценности, драгоценности well(lit place хорошо освещенное место where you reside (=your residence) где вы проживаете (место проживания)
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. Do you go panicky if you lose your luggage or papers? 2. Do you always have a Xeroxed copy of your passport (with visa in it)? 3. Do you copy other essential documents (e.g. a voucher) when going abroad? 4. What is a voucher? (Give your own definition.) 5. What’s the advantage of having some documents copied? Is it easier to get a confirmation of the original documentation? To receive some temporary papers? 6. Are you lazy to do that? 7. Do you always do that? 8. Are you going to do that? 9. Should you report about petty thefts to the police? 10. Are you afraid of going to the police? — 59 —
11. How can the police help you? 12. Does it happen sometimes that police officers return the stolen documents? 13. Should the chief of the tour know about such developments? 14. Do the police know about major tourist attractions? 15. Are criminals afraid of well(lit streets? Why? 16. What is a problem district for tourists and foreign guests? 17. How can you enhance your safety? 18. What is a money belt? 19. What may happen when parking lots are dark? 20. If the street is dark, should you use an ATM machine? 21. Where do you keep your valuables in a hotel? 22. Should any money be on you? 23. Are your personal effects insured? 24. Are you going to insure your personal effects in the future? 25. Can you supply a synonym for the term “personal effects”? (Do so.) Упражнение 2. Переведите с листа весь диалог. Упражнение 3. Найдите английские соответствия для следующих единиц: поведение человека; усилить свою безопасность; сообщенные факты; путешествовать в оди ночку; мелкие кражи; специальный ремень для хранения денег Упражнение 4. Вы в аэропорту. Разыграйте сцену поте ри / неполучения багажа (при прилете в аэропорт) и его благополучного возвращения (благодаря усилиям адми нистрации аэропорта). Какие выводы вы для себя сдела ли? Вся ситуация, естественно, должна разыгрываться по английски. Какие советы вы дали бы неопытным путе шественникам?
— 60 —
Unit 9 Do You Often Go to Movie Theatres?
There are different types of movie theatres. First of all, you buy a ticket to be admitted to a movie theatre. The seating capacity varies. Sometimes the seating in a movie house (=movie theatre) is numbered, as it is in many theatres of Russia, for example, or your ticket may represent an arbitrary seat (=free seating). Free seating is on a first come, first served principle. Sometimes the attendee (when buying a ticket) can see a screen and make his / her choice based on the still available seats (as shown on the screen). As to free seats, some “regulation” is possible, but this is done by the official staff of a movie theatre (e.g. a group of new arrivals may appear). If it is off(peak time, the price may go down. But if it is a busy time, the price may go up. In some countries tickets are cheaper on certain days, for example, on Monday or Sunday — 61 —
morning. Youths, students and seniors enjoy some privileges and pay less. In some big theatres second runs may be shown (at smaller rooms located in the same place) at reduced ticket prices. In India they have an interesting tradition in seating arrangement: seats closer to the screen may cost less, while the ones farthest from the screen cost more. If we try to look into the history of movie business, we will see many unusual and interesting cultural peculiarities. Let’s talk now about a powerful movie business in the 21st century.
Jane: Frank, do you often watch movies? Frank: Certainly! Why do you ask? Jane: I wonder what kind of movies you favour. Frank: Some movie categories may be as follows. From time to time I make a choice of documentaries cartoons thrillers horror films westerns comedies musicals science fiction films flicks foreign films and the like. Jane: Your interests are very broad, indeed. Do you know the people who produce movies, I mean directors and producers? Frank: Some of them. My buddies, you know. Jane: I know a stuntman. I suppose his job is dangerous. Frank: Jane, I’m curious: the movie theatres you go to, do they show feature films at once, or do they show first some advertising materials? — 62 —
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane:
Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane:
Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane:
Do you mean advertising shorts shown before the main movie? Yes! They show ads (=advertisements) for sure. I thought so. And if you don’t want to see commercials, what do you do? Enjoy the freedom of choice. If you don’t want to see commercials, you can show up later. That’s all. It’s democratic! Certainly! Do you take a seat near an aisle? I don’t care. I don’t mind buying a ticket with a specific seat. Some very general question. If there is a break during the presentation, what do you do? Just sit quiet? Well, I may have ice cream. Or a cup of coffee. Or I can speak to somebody. In some countries they don’t have any intermission at all. They just have a feature presentation, that’s all. Do you read the text attentively when they show the credits? Not always. Do you watch how they draw the curtain? You know in some theatres they still have a traditional curtain. Yes, I do. Frank, what is your definition of a multiplex? Of course, I know what the word means but I’d like to see how you’ll define it. It’s a movie theatre that has several rooms in which different movies are shown. When you travel by plane, do you watch movies on airliners? Sure! I like sports movies! I usually watch films on small screens. I don’t like when they charge a fee for headphones. It’s a shame! — 63 —
Frank: Neither do I. Jane: Frank, can you describe the meaning of the term repertoire? Frank: No problem. I’ll describe it this way. It’s a theatre that presents (=shows) more alternative and art house films, as well as second(run films and classic films. So it’s a movie theatre with its own repertoire. Jane: (Jokingly.) And the last question, sir. What is a discount theatre? Frank: Everyone knows it. A discount theatre is a theatre that runs films that have already been shown in the first( run theatres. Naturally, the presentation is at a lower ticket price level. I think it’s a great idea! Unfortunately, there are not many such theatres now. What a pity! English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Do You Often Go to Movie Theatres? advertising shorts краткие рекламные ролики aisle проход (между рядами) arbitrary seat (=free seating) место, выбираемое зрителем по своему усмотрению art house film высокохудожественный фильм attendee зритель (посещающий кино) available seats свободные места в кинозале be admitted to a movie theatre пройти в кино be numbered нумероваться (о местах) break (during the film presentation) перерыв buddies амер. разг. друзья, приятели busy time загруженное время, часы пик cartoons мультики; тж. animated movies charge a fee (for) взимать плату (за) classic film классический фильм comedies комедии commercials коммерческие ролики — 64 —
credits титры director режиссер discount theatre кинотеатр, в котором билеты продаются со скидкой documentaries документальные фильмы draw the curtain раскрывать занавес enjoy some privileges пользоваться некоторыми льготами feature films полнометражные художественные фильмы feature (sth) in a film показывать (что"л.) в фильме featuring в ролях... films shown on airliners фильмы, демонстрируемые в авиалай нерах first night премьера first(run theatre кинотеатр, показывающий фильмы, только что вышедшие на экран flicks общие фильмы foreign films иностранные фильмы horror films фильмы ужасов intermission антракт it’s a shame безобразие movie theatre кинотеатр multiplex мультиплекс, многозальный кинотеатр musicians музыканты off(peak time затишье on a first come, first served principle по принципу: первый при шел, первым и обслуживается pay less платить меньше price may go down (=be reduced) цена может быть снижена repertoire репертуар science fiction films научная фантастика screen экран seat near an aisle место рядом с проходом (между рядами) seating opportunity возможность занять (то или иное место из числа свободных) second runs (of films) повторный показ (фильмов) second(run film фильм, показываемый повторно show up later (to see a film) прийти на просмотр фильма позже (напр., после показа рекламы) — 65 —
sports films фильмы о спорте stuntman каскадер ticket with a specific seat билет, в котором указано место для сидения westerns вестерны What a pity! Какая жалость!
Упражнение 1. Переведите диалог, опираясь на список приведенных слов и фраз. Перевод с листа (при хорошем усвоении лексики) должен осуществляться быстро и уве ренно. Выпишите трудные для понимания единицы в свой собственный словарик. Упражнение 2. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию ди алога. 1. How do we call a building where you can see movies? 2. Is the seating numbered there? 3. Which is your preference: numbered or free seating? 4. Can the prices be reduced in offpeak time? 5. Do seniors pay less? 6. Who is a senior? (Look it up in an English–English dictionary.) 7. What movies do you love best of all? 8. Do they charge a fee for movies shown on airliners? 9. Do you usually go to first(run movie theatres? Or are they too expensive for you? 10. What are some of your favourites? Упражнение 3. Напишите на английском содержание одного из последних понравившихся вам фильмов, кото рые вы смотрели в кино или по телевидению. Отметьте те черты характера героев фильма, которые вам особенно за помнились. Если у вас есть какиелибо критические за мечания, то изложите их (1–2 с. текста). — 66 —
Unit 10 Shop Till You Drop. Is It Always So?
Shopping today is not what it used to be in the past. Today there are strip malls (=shopping plazas), big(box retailers, gigantic supermarkets (=hypermarkets) and so on. They range in size from small spots to gigantic areas. The smaller shopping areas are more known and common. You can see them in many parts of Europe and America, in videos and read about them in guide books. Quite often you can see such shops in the intersection streets. Residential areas are also there. Some malls cater to small residential areas. It is good, because everyone feels at home there. Strip mall shopping areas are found primarily in the USA, Canada and in some other countries. It is — 67 —
not surprising to see a grocery store, a video rental store, dry cleaner’s, pharmacy – all in one big place. Now shopping is a new and developing industry. Every year we find new types of stores, new architectural styles, new designs and so on. Let’s see how shopping may turn into a hot talk.
Jane: Frank:
Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
Shopping in shopping malls (=malls) is getting now more and more popular. Any idea why, Frank? I imagine it’s so because in a small space you can build a structure four storeys or higher, and thus have tons of goods for sale. With available space getting smaller and smaller, skyscrapers are a great achievement of modern civilization. Shopping malls differ very much in architecture. We used to have common strip malls. I prefer a more sophisticated architectural design. For example, it’s nice to see architecture blending in with the local environment. Small buildings appeal to me more. With small buildings around, the city atmosphere becomes more articulated from an architectural point of view. For example, parking lots may be screened from the street. A little thing, but very important. It’s convenient, isn’t it? Moreover, it’s safe. This way you may enter a shop (=US store) from both the street sidewalk and from the parking lot. Who cares about such minor details? Not me! Low prices, that’s what I care about. You can also see shopping malls in the UK (=the United Kingdom). You can see them on the edges of cities. Do you mean out of town shopping centres? Yes, I do. I prefer shopping malls of gigantic size, where there are parks, golf courses and so on. Going through such shopping areas is an adventure. — 68 —
Jane: Frank:
Frank: Jane:
Half of it is a shopping place, and the other half is a leisure area. A rather unusual combination. Tastes differ, Jane. There are also geographical differences. You’re too categorical in your generalizations. The shops take up lots of our hard earned bucks. So it’s fair, if the shopping industry pays more attention to our likes and dislikes. In general, your opinion looks convincing to me. If shopping is fun (and it seems that civilization is going that way), we should have all kinds of attractions around. Take this example. A friend of mine Dolly has two kids, a pretty girl named Lydia and a boy named Nick. Sometimes we go shopping together. Just a bunch of shoppers. And I’d say her kids enjoy watching fish in an aquarium when they are with us. They like zoos, garden centres and the like. There are some aquariums in the shopping areas there. In general, when we, adults, are shopping, kids want to play, they look for all kinds of entertainment. Do you mean an aquarium just put among other shops in a shopping plaza? That’s it! A large building. And plenty of shops there. By the way, many families come here for shopping together with kids. Can you imagine that? Fantastic! Oh, yes! I saw it! If things go on like that, soon they’ll start building hotels in our new shopping plazas. They will, Frank, they will. Why not? I wonder how the media will react to all this. I think it’s natural for us to try to be closer to nature! The other day I read a newspaper story on shopping. I remember a newsman was describing such things as mainstream consumerism. Curious term, isn’t it? Oh, yes! Typical American term. Ideas of entertainment plus chain stores. It’ll take a day to explore the place — 69 —
like this one. This way the industry (=the trade / trade sphere) tries to lure people into shopping. In other words, they try to turn all of us into shoppers. It’s original, isn’t it? If nothing else, you can make jokes about it. Frank: Jane, instead of empty talking about shopping in a strip mall (=row of shops built together), let’s just walk up a flight of stairs and go through glass doors. Be careful! The glass doors are deadly clean! They are almost invisible. You can easily bump into them and get hurt. Jane: I’m not a newcomer here, Frank. I’ve got a number of things on the agenda. Let’s visit a bookstore first (I’d like to buy a computer manual), and also a shoe store (maybe I’ll buy brandnew shoes), and a candy store, and a perfume shop, and then we’ll go into the street. (It’s also part of the shopping plaza, by the way.) The park is not as large as I thought, but you can get lost there. I guarantee this. Frank: The park is bigger than you think. Look, there are Ferris wheels (big wheels) there and even a number of roller coasters! They can hold many passengers at a time. Can you imagine that, Jane? And roller coasters – famous American invention! Jane: Once I saw a Ferris wheel at a country fair. It was a real craze, especially among youngsters. I know of a gigantic wheel called sky wheel. It gives you extra thrills. Frank: Yes, it does. I think everyone knows full well nowadays what a sky wheel is. Well, I forgot about small towns. You can’t see sky wheels in small towns. Jane: Frank, look at the crowds over there! Looks they are going to crush us! Look at the paintings over there! Huge Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola ads are all around! Can you see it? Famous trademarks! What’s that? Is it a sign of modern civilization? — 70 —
Frank: Jane, you are too excited, relax! I got up early today. I’m afraid I am not in the best shape. I don’t want any roller coaster business to discuss now. Jane: Don’t want roller coasters? Let’s take a log flume (=water chute) then! This attraction device operates in any weather! It won’t get on your nerves, it’s real nice journey on a kind of a raft in cold weather! Frank: Do you mean a special device to transport lumber and logs? This is how I understand the term. But, I suppose, you are right. The flowing water may also have a soothing effect. And I need it, I guess. Jane: In other words, we both agree on an amusement ride. Frank, you are lucky to wear a T(shirt. You know you can easily get wet this way, but, fortunately, it’s cold and sunny at the same time, isn’t it? Frank: Even if it’s a wet ride in cold weather, I don’t mind. Look! Everyone is screaming, shouting, the water is splashing, the ads are shining and it’s frosty – that’s a fantastic day for me! Jane: Getting impressions, that’s fine. Shopping, I guess, can wait! We won’t shop till we drop dead! Frank: Not us. Clever girl! I feel better now. Okay, let’s have our water ride first. Can we call it a crazy ride? Jane: What did you say about the ride, Frank? Sounds funny! Frank: Easy, babe! That’s how they call a simultaneous sunshine and rain – crazy ride. But it’s a joke, of course! Jane: Frank, I don’t recognize you! Babe! What form of address is that? Jokes again! It seems to me your slang is out of place here! Use Standard English. It’s rich enough to convey any meaning. Frank: I will, Jane. Honest I will. Jane: Okay. Take it easy. I was just kidding.
— 71 —
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Shop Till You Drop. Is It Always So? ads are shining реклама сверкает огнями amusement ride развлекательная поездка (напр., на слоне) appeal to sb (e.g. about a point of view) нравиться (напр., о точке зрения) articulated atmosphere (in a shopping plaza) создание определен ной атмосферы для шопинга (возможность отдохнуть, пе" рекусить, послушать приятную музыку и рекламу) attractions аттракционы; развлечения; забавы; игры; лотереи big(box retailer фирма, торгующая в розницу (занимает от" дельный сектор) bump (into a glass door) натолкнуться на стеклянную дверь candy амер. сладости candy store амер. кондитерская chain stores сеть однотипных магазинов Coca Cola and Pepsi ads реклама «КокаКолы» и «Пепси» common strip malls обычные стрипмоллы crazy ride шутл. разг. с ума сойти! dry cleaner’s химчистка easy, babe! разг. не волнуйся, крошка! empty talking = idle talk пустые разговоры, болтовня explore (a shop, a shopping area) изучать, ознакомиться (с то" варами) Ferris wheel колесо обозрения; чертово колесо flight of stairs лестничный пролет golf courses площадки для игры в гольф grocery store магазин бакалейных товаров, бакалея hard earned bucks баксы, заработанные тяжелым трудом hot talk (on) горячая беседа (по какому"л. вопросу) industry (trade/ trade sphere) торговая сфера it gives you extra thrills разг. столько адреналина! it won’t get on your nerves на нервы действовать не будет it’s frosty морозно just looking! зд. просто смотрю! (в ответ на предложение — 72 —
продавца помочь Can I help you?) leisure отдых; праздное времяпровождение leisure area (in the shopping centre) место отдыха (специальные площадки с креслами и декоративными растениями, площад" ки баров и ресторанов, кафе и пр.) log flume водные горки looks they are going to crush us зд. разг. того и гляди раздавят нас (о толпе) mainstream consumerism амер. сектор потребления, отражаю щий основную тенденцию среди покупателей (напр., учет моды на что"л.) out(of(town shopping centre торговый центр за городом parking lot парковка pharmacy аптека; тж. амер. drugstore pretty girl красивая девочка roller coaster американские горки screen (e.g. a parking lot) отгородить (напр., место парковки от тротуара) shopping mall шопингмолл (торговый центр с десятками и сотнями магазинов, кафе, ресторанами и пр.) shopping plaza = shopping centre торговый центр sign of modern civilization признак современной цивилиза ции sky wheel огромное колесо обозрения special device to transport lumber and logs специальное устрой ство для транспортировки древесины и бревен street sidewalk тротуар strip mall стрипмолл (длинное здание для шопинга из секций для отдельных магазинов, с парковкой) T(shirt футболка, майка video rental store пункт проката видеофильмов watch fish in an aquarium наблюдать за рыбками в аквариуме water is splashing кругом плещется вода water ride речная / морская прогулка we’ll decide later решим позже wet ride поездка по каналу на плоту — 73 —
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. What is a shopping mall? (Give a definition.) 2. Is shopping in malls getting more and more popular? 3. Is it possible to arrange different shops in a certain order and thus sell goods effectively? Is it called strip mall shopping? 4. Can we call shopping a developing industry? 5. Is it possible to rent the available space? 6. What is the function of skyscrapers? 7. Why do they appear in every country? 8. What about the design of shopping malls? Is it all the same or different? 9. What is a more sophisticated design? 10. Do you prefer small or large buildings to shop in? 11. How do you understand the phrase the city atmosphere becomes more articulated? Are we talking about getting in unison with the surroundings? 12. Do you prefer parking lots screened from the street sidewalk? 13. Why do they do so? 14. Do you think that shopping centres should be combined with leisure? 15. Does this idea appeal to you? Why? 16. What kind of amusement can you find on the shopping territory? 17. What is Standard English? Is it literary English? 18. Do you know many colloquial expressions? Упражнение 2. Переведите с листа весь диалог. Упражнение 3. Переведите с русского на английский, употребляя выученную вами лексику. 1. Сейчас шопинг не то, что в прошлом. 2. Немаловажную роль в шопинге играют небольшие центры шопинга. — 74 —
3. Моллы для шопинга (shopping malls) есть в США, Ка наде и других странах. 4. В целях безопасности парковочные площадки ограж даются от тротуара. 5. В некоторых случаях для торговых центров отводятся огромные площади. 6. Внутри торговых центров могут быть поле для гольфа и другие сооружения. 7. В настоящее время предприниматели пытаются соче тать магазины с разного рода развлечениями (кафе, ба рами и пр.) 8. Мне нравится, когда в магазине играет приятная му зыка. Можно спокойно сосредоточиться на покупках. 9. Джейн считает, что небольшие парки отдыха и развле чений в зоне шопинга сближают покупателей с при родой. 10. Вы согласны с идеей расширения функций шопинга и его превращения в том числе и в досуг? 11. Что вы знаете о сленге? 12. Вы употребляете сленг в своей речи? 13. Вы отдаете себе отчет в том, что это ответственное дело? 14. Какое разговорное словечко употребил Фрэнк, выз вав возмущение Джейн? 15. Вы знаете это слово? Вы употребляли его когдалибо в речи? 16. Возможно ли употребление этого слова в речи друзей? 17. Когда взрослые занимаются шопингом, что любят де лать дети? 18. Кто обычно присматривает за детьми, когда они раз влекаются? Их родственники? 19. Вы любите делать покупки вместе с детьми? Почему?
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Упражнение 4. Ниже дается учебный текстдиалог из книги Practical Conversation in English1. Обсудите диалог устно. Затем письменно поставьте вопросы к тексту. A dialogue A Drive in the Country Anne:
How wonderful it is to get out of the city for a change! And what a lovely day it is! Mary: Yes, it is, isn’t it? How sunny and warm it is! I love the spring. It’s so pleasant to feel warm again after a long, cold winter. Tom: Yes, and by August you’ll be complaining about how hot it is. Mary: Well, I don’t like it when it’s either too hot or too cold. Anne: How green all the trees are getting! Tom: How do you like the new car, George? George: It’s pretty nice, Tom. How fast can she go? Tom: I don’t know. I haven’t tried to open her up all the way. The speedometer goes up to a hundred and twenty, but that’s just for show. Let’s try her out and see what she’ll do. Mary: Oh, Tom! How fast you’re driving! Tom: Just giving her a little tryout. Mary: Isn’t that a police siren that I hear? Tom: All right, all right, I can take a hint. I’ll slow down. Anne: What a pretty house is over there! That white one, with all the trees around it. How pleasant it would be to live in the country! George: When we get married, we’ll try to find a house in the suburbs. 1
Practical Conversation in English. For Advanced Students. By Eugene J. Hall, Regent Publishing Co., Inc., N.Y. — 76 —
Mary: Tom: Mary: Tom: Mary: Tom:
I said slow down, Tom, I didn’t say stop. I don’t know what is wrong. It’s the car, not me. Oh, Tom, I’ll bet I know what it is! Well, what? We’ve run out of gas. Out of gas! How stupid of me not to check it! What a fool I feel like! How far is it to that gas station back there? George: About a mile. But don’t give it a thought. Anne and I will walk back and get a can of gas. Anne: What a wonderful idea! How lovely it will be to take a walk in this beautiful sunshine! Упражнение 5. В тексте есть ссылка на автомобиль в форме женского рода (Just giving her a little tryout.). В каких случаях это допустимо? Дайте грамматическое объяснение этому явлению.
— 77 —
Unit 11 What Is a Travel Package?
In English there are such wellknown concepts as package services and package tour. Let’s look into them. Package services is a tourist product that includes a number of services. They are as follows: transportation, accommodation, meals, entertainment and excursion programs. As to a package tour, it means a package of services. They are provided for an individual or for a tourist group. It includes an accommodation, the services of a guide, meals and other services. Let’s see what the problems of travel package are all about. — 78 —
Jane: Frank: Jane:
Frank: Jane:
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
When you use travel terminology, I suppose you know what the used terms mean. Only this way, I guess, you can get the best travel amenities. You are absolutely right, Jane. Tour operators present their websites in the most attractive way. They use special terminology which may be unfamiliar (=is not known) to us. Frank, being so smart in travel questions, can you explain them? With pleasure! I mean the terms you come across in bro chures on travel. I can’t carry large dictionaries with me, can I? What do you want to know, dear? Tourist brochures often write that a holidaymaker can book a single room, a double room, or a twin room. I certainly know the differences between these terms, but I would like you to specify them for me. Let’s begin with the term single room. The term shows that we speak of one room to stay at. So it’s a room with one bed for one person. If I have in mind a double room, it means that I plan to have a room for two persons with a double bed. And, at last, if I mean a twin room I am speaking about a room with two beds for two people. And don’t confuse it with a two(room suite. Yes, such things you should know for sure. And what about a triple room? Yes. Let me think a little bit. Okay, I’ll explain it. As the term suggests, a triple room is booked for three persons. That room may consist of twin beds, or it may be some other combination, such as double beds plus a rollaway bed. And if I want a room directly facing the ocean, what should I say? — 79 —
Frank: You may just say “Ocean front, please.” The hotel people know this concept. It may mean a direct exit into the beach (when the room is on the first floor). Sometimes you can say “ocean view”, meaning a room from which you can see some part of the ocean. Jane: When they say “service charges”, what do they mean? Frank: Usually the term “service charges” means that a fixed percentage is automatically added to room and meal charges. Jane: Another popular phrase is a drop(off charge. It’s used by a rental company. It’s a fee charged by a car rental company to defray the cost of returning the vehicle to its original location. Frank: I hope you know what charter travel means. It is a special commercial term. Jane: What about the names of documents and other such travel terms? Frank: Well, you should carry a passport. This is clear. You may need a special overseas passport to travel abroad. A visa must be stamped into your passport when it is necessary. By the way, do you know the term escorted tours? Jane: Do you mean group travel of tourists? Frank: Yes. Usually it’s a travel by a motor coach but it may be by a ship too, or by train. Jane: What’s so special about it? Frank: The special thing about it is that lodging, tourist activities and meals (at least most of them) are all included in the package. In other words, somebody will manage the trip for you. Jane: I don’t mind if the management is reasonable. But I think independent travel is also good. Frank: But if it is independent, that means there are no guides in the group and no fixed itineraries. In the event of — 80 —
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane:
Jane: Frank:
package travel, you travel in groups. Itineraries are fixed. Ground transportation and hotels / hotel rooms are booked in advance. What is a vacation package? Vacation packages may be for those who travel independently. They may imply different combinations of travel. What is a voucher? Vouchers are documents issued by tour operators and they guarantee accommodations, sightseeing and other services. Now I am so much versed in tourist terminology that I can easily talk about any tourist question. I think taking a trip with a reliable friend is more interesting than talking about journeys. What do you mean? Nothing special, Jane! Nothing special! Actually, organized tour business seems to be easy. You just pick up a good travel agency and let them do all the job for you. But how can I find a good travel agency? There are many ways to follow: Read about tourism in newspapers. Put down the name of a place when listening to the radio. Ask your friends about it. Get in touch with the companies that were with you in the past. Learn about the ratings of the companies you associate with. Ask the experts about tourist industry. Okay, okay. Please, don’t choke me with information, Frank! You yourself asked me to give you some options. So you’ve got them. — 81 —
Russian–English Vocabulary for the Topic: What Is a Travel Package? are these websites familiar to you? вам известны эти вебсайты? be smart зд. знать, что к чему charter чартер charter travel чартерный рейс defray the cost of покрыть расходы double bed двуспальная кровать double(bedded room двухместный номер double(deck bus двухэтажный автобус double fare двойной транспортный тариф double room двухместный номер holidaymaker отдыхающий (напр., во время каникул) lodging жилье motor coach экскурсионный автобус (напр., для многодневных туров) rollaway bed складная кровать (напр., в номере отеля) service charges плата за обслуживание (напр., в отеле) single room одноместный номер special overseas passport (специальный) загранпаспорт suite deluxe люксапартамент suite of rooms номер повышенной комфортности tour operator туроператор travel amenities услуги для туриста (проживание в номере, пи" тание и пр.) triple room трехкомнатный номер two(room suite номер класса «люкс» из двух комнат
Упражнение 1. Переведите с листа весь диалог. Упражнение 2. Напишите эссе по теме Travel Package. Используйте лексику, предлагаемую в списке слов.
— 82 —
Упражнение 3. Предложите свои определения (в пись менном виде) на английском языке для следующих тер минов: travel trade; travel agency; travel agent; travel alarm clock; travel bureau; travel card; travel insurance; traveller’s cheques. Упражнение 4. Объясните, является ли удобной такая форма путешествия, как package holiday. Package holiday is a holiday where the travel, the accommodation and sometimes meals are all included in the price and paid for in advance.
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Unit 12 Shops We Choose. Do You Know Their Names?
Going to shops (=going shopping) in Great Britain, or the USA, or Canada is a remarkable opportunity for getting new impressions and learning some “shopping phrases”. Take any shop. You’ll need more than one hundred words to express yourself. For example, you may go to a clothing shop or boutique, or to a section called men’s clothing, or you may look at shoes in any shoe shop. If you want to buy jewellery, you go to the jeweller’s section of a shop, and if you need some modern electrical — 84 —
gadgets, you go to an electrical goods shop. You can get CDs, DVDs in a shop known as consumer electronics, books in a bookshop (=US bookstore). Hammers, nails and other such things one can buy at the ironmonger’s, and glasses at optician’s. Meat is sold at the butcher’s. Fish is sold in a shop called fishmonger’s and high quality food at the delicatessen. One million tasty things for you at the grocer’s and beautiful roses in a shop known as the florist’s. All sorts of things you can buy in any supermarket. And so on and so forth. Let’s talk about different kinds of shops and what you can buy there.
When you travel abroad, you always deal with (in one way or another) questions on shops (=US stores), food, durables. The following questions are usually asked: What food to buy? Where? Why this type of food? Where can you find good food stores? Frank: Do you think shops / stores as such may serve as one of tourist’s attractions, and, in a way, as a factor of entertainment shopping? Jane: Yes! Especially when you are downtown (=in the centre). So many products on display, such a great diversity! It’s like an auction! You can often find food shops along the highway commercial strips. In some food shops you can buy even meals. Jane: Do you mean that you can buy your meal day and night? Frank: Yes, it is a breakfast(type meal. It will have pancakes, eggs and sausage, a hearty omelette. I suppose you can also get some home fries (=sliced potatoes with spices), or hash browns – shredded potatoes, for example, mixed with onions and fried. Jane: What about toast and coffee?
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Frank: What is more expensive? Good lunch or dinner? If you order lunch, you may have an advantage. I mean you may rely on fixed(price specials. As to dinners, they are served at 5 p.m. and later. Naturally, dinners are more expensive. Jane: What about the specials that go with dinners? You know, there are socalled early(bird specials. At least in some restaurants. The idea is that if you come earlier, you get a discount. It’s not the policy of all restaurants, but some of them do it. You’ve got to know the restaurants. And their practice. Frank: I like juices. Jane: What about soft drinks? Refreshing drinks? As a traveller, Frank, you can have a wide choice of different soft drinks. Frank: Naturally, it’s Coke, Pepsi, lemonade, Sprite, 7(Up, orange juice. Jane: What about Dr. Pepper? Frank: Doctor Pepper is all right. But I also like Mountain Dew. It tastes good. Jane: But what can you say about sugar and caffeine? Frank: Read what the label says. This way you can protect yourself against sugar and caffeine. Jane: I take black coffee (=coffee without milk). Sometimes you feel a little bit crushed with the abundant choice of different kinds of coffee. Frank: Yes, you have to get accustomed to it. Jane: And the last question: how would you classify the foodstuffs? Frank: I think food products may be described as fresh food, or stale. For example, if the bread is stale, it is not very fresh. If food is frozen, it’s another situation. If food is in a can, it’s canned. Jane: In British English another name is used for food in — 86 —
a can: it’s tinned food. (A tin is a container made of tinplate.) Frank: And what is the name of the food without the use of chemicals? Jane: It’s known as organic. People often speak now of the socalled health food. How will you describe it? Is organic food nutritious? I know that people sometimes talk of fast food. A hamburger is a classic example of fast food. You can buy it quickly, that’s its plus. Frank: What about junk food? Jane: Junk food is of low quality and is not healthy. You can find a lot of fat or sugar in it. It tells you something, doesn’t it? Frank: And, at last, what is vegetarian food? It’s a food that has no meat or animal products in it.
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Shops We Choose be downtown быть в центре города bookshop (US bookstore) книжный магазин boutique бутик breakfast(type meal пища для завтрака butcher’s магазин «мясо» caffeine кофеин canned food консервированный продукт clothing shop магазин «одежда» CD = compact disc компактдиск consumer electronics электронная бытовая техника durables товары длительного пользования DVD = digital video disc цифровой видеодиск early(bird specials угощение, предоставляемое тем, кто при шел рано electrical goods shop магазин электротоваров — 87 —
fast food фастфуд, продукты быстрого приготовления feel a little bit crushed мучиться от богатства выбора fishmonger’s рыбный магазин fixed(price specials блюда с фиксированной ценой florist’s цветочный магазин foodstuffs пищевые продукты fresh food свежие продукты get a discount получить скидку health food здоровая пища hearty omelette большая порция омлета highway commercial strips (where shops are) участки, забитые коммерческими точками home fries (=sliced potatoes with spices) нарезанный соломкой картофель ironmonger’s магазин «хозяйственные товары» junk food пища со значительной долей жиров и сахара men’s clothing секция мужской одежды optician’s оптика; е.g. He plans to go to the optician’s. organic food экологически чистые продукты pancakes блины refreshing drinks освежающие напитки sausage колбаса; сосиски shoe shop обувной магазин soft drink безалкогольный напиток specials that go with dinners специальные блюда, которые по даются к ужину tinned food брит. консервированная продукция vegetarian food вегетарианская пища
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. What kinds of shops do you know? (Give their names.) 2. If you travel abroad, what kinds of shops would you like to visit first of all? — 88 —
3. What food do you buy when abroad? 4. Do you shop at shops or at the market? 5. Do you know most of the names of typical fruit and vegetables? 6. Do you finger(point at a certain product when you don’t know how to name it? 7. Does a seller understand you very well? 8. How do you understand an advertising phrase money talks? 9. Where can you find good food stores? 10. Are they (food stores) in the country or downtown? 11. Do you think that shops and shopping centres represent a tourist attraction? 12. Do you like supermarkets? Why? 13. Do you like boutiques? 14. What do we mean by the phrase entertainment shopping? 15. If you order a breakfast(type meal, what is it usually? 16. Do you like hash browns? 17. How do we convey what we mean if we don’t know a certain name? 18. What kinds of coffee do you know? 19. When you see so many kinds of coffee, do you feel a little bit crushed? 20. How is food (generally) classified? Give some names of food (e.g. tinned, frozen, etc.). 21. Do you like vegetarian food? 22. Can you name any foodstuffs referred to vegetarian food? 23. Have you heard the term junk food? What does it mean? Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский. 1. Путешествуя, мы неизменно (так или иначе) возвра щаемся к вопросу о продуктах. 2. Можно ли сказать, что продуктовые магазины как та ковые можно рассматривать как достопримечатель( ность для туриста? — 89 —
3. С точки зрения знакомства со страной, ее сельхозпро дукцией полезно ли знать названия продуктов? 4. Для туристов магазины, где продаются пищевые про дукты, особенно в центре города, — это познаватель ный фактор. Мы узнаём новое о стране. 5. Кроме того, с продуктовыми магазинами часто мож но столкнуться в районах торговли вдоль магистрали. 6. Вы полагаете, что круглые сутки у вас есть возможность перекусить? 7. Да, это возможно. Можно заказать себе что(то типа завтрака. Например, это могут быть блины, яйцо, со( сиски и добрая порция омлета. 8. Можно заказать жареную картошку (=нарезанную дольками и со специями), или это может быть наре( занная соломкой картошка, например, с луком и за жаренная. 9. А что вы скажете о тосте и кофе? 10. Да, тост и кофе. Это, должно быть, вкусно. 11. При заказе обеда у вас может быть преимущество. Я имею в виду специальные блюда, на которые установ( лены фиксированные цены. 12. Что касается ужина, то он начинается гдето с 5ти ча сов вечера. Ужин, как правило, дороже, чем завтрак. 13. Что вы скажете о специальном блюде для ужина? 14. Да, такие заказы тоже есть, они известны как угоще( ние для гостей, пришедших пораньше. Идея такая: при шел пораньше, получи заказ со скидкой. 15. Такое правило действует не во всех ресторанах. Так что надо просто знать рестораны. 16. Я не очень люблю крепкие напитки. А как насчет безалкогольных? 17. У вас большой выбор безалкогольных напитков? Конечно, это кока(кола, пепси(кола, лимонад, спрайт, севен(ап, апельсиновый сок. 16. А что вы скажете о напитке доктор Пеппер? — 90 —
Да, это тоже вкусный напиток. Но мне также нравится Маунтин дью. Вкус хороший. 17. А ваше мнение о сахаре и кофеине? Всегда читайте, что написано на этикетке. Тем самым можно оградить себя от сахара и кофеина. 18. В чем разница между кофе без молока и кофе со слив( ками? Как вы знаете, кофе со сливками более питатель( ный. Да и вкус иной. Что вы предпочитаете? 19. Я обычно заказываю черный кофе. Иногда меня про сто подавляет тот безграничный выбор кофе, который нам навязывают. 20. Да. К этому надо привыкнуть. И не обращать внима ния. 21. И последний вопрос: а как бы вы классифицировали продукты? Продукты можно классифицировать как свежие, или они могут быть несвежие. Если продукты заморожены, то это – замороженная пища. Если пищевой продукт в банке, то он называется кон( сервированным. 22. А как называют продукты без содержания химикали ев? Такая пища называется экологически чистой. 23. Что вы скажете о продуктах, полезных для здоровья? Они питательны? 24. А что представляет собой junk food? Термин junk food обычно понимается как «продукты низкого качества».
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Unit 13 Visiting a Winery as a Tourist Attraction
A “spirited talk” almost always starts when it comes to a wine collection. If you plan to participate in such an excursion (and in many countries it’s a special excursion when owners are proud of showing their ancient wineries) read the following dialogue and answer the questions.
Jane: Frank:
When taking a trip, people usually have great holidays. If you are in a good company, you can order — 92 —
some wine to appreciate the local wine culture with friends. Jane: I think, people should keep within the permissible limits when tasting wine. You come to a winery to taste wines, not to get drunk (=to be intoxicated). Frank: It may be a great occasion! Jane: I like when things are organized in tourism. For instance, a tourist may participate in wine tasting at wineries. I don’t mind. But you must have a sense of measure. There are many countries where visiting wineries is a tourist attraction. Take Portugal, with its worldfamous wineries, for example, or France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Germany, Turkey and so on and so forth. Virtually, there are hundreds of countries that cultivate their wines. Frank, you don’t mind if I talk to a wine expert? How can you classify wines? Wine expert: I can give you a very rough classification of wines. I can do it in English, this way you can understand me better. (My native language is Italian, you know.) Frank and Jane: Certainly in English. The best way. Expert: So, if you want to buy some wine at the winery, they can give you a discount. Just keep it in mind. (Jane is smiling.) As to the general picture, roughly it’s as follows. I’ll start with the kinds of wine. There are different kinds of wine available for tasting and purchase. The main kinds are white wine, red wine and rose wine. Then we should distinguish between dry and sweet wine. If it is sweet wine, it tastes very nice but you must realize that its sugar content is rather high. When it is dry wine, — 93 —
Jane: Frank: Expert:
Frank; Expert:
Frank: Jane:
the sugar content is small. I’m in favour of white wine! Yes, sir! Your experience is immeasurable! At wineries they sometimes talk about wine lists. What is it? Wine lists are available at restaurants. Probably, you’ve heard them talking about restaurant wines. Sure, I’ve heard that. Some people prefer getting their bottle directly from a wine bucket. Why? Well, I stick to this habit too. A wine bucket is filled with crushed ice in which a bottle is placed. It’s a kind of wine cooler, you know. The wine gets cooler. I think, as a result, the wine becomes much more tasteful. I think you are right, sir. That’s exactly what I thought! I see people tasting different wines. Is it the usual practice to visit a winery? We know that. We keep our eye on this practice. We keep the situation under control. You may taste wine but just a little bit and not more. But you can buy wine at a winery, that’s true. Even boxes of wine! Do visitors buy a lot of this stuff? I can’t say “a lot”. However, we don’t complain. As to tasting wine, it is important. It develops your wine culture, you know. You become versed in wine culture. Yes, indeed! (Smiling.) Okay, gentlemen! You seem to have been carried away a little bit in your passionate exchange of opinion over the quality of wines. I think you have managed to upgrade your “cultural appreciation”. — 94 —
(Smiling.) Yes, darling! Looks you are right again!
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Visiting a Winery as a Tourist Attraction buy some wine at the winery купить вино в винодельне cultivate wines заниматься виноделием keep one’s eye (on) обращать внимание на (что"л.) kinds of wine сорта вин restaurant wines вина, имеющиеся в ресторане stick to a habit следовать привычке tourist attraction популярное туристическое развлечение wine culture культура пития wine list карта вин (в ресторане) winery винодельня You don’t mind if I talk to a wine expert? Ты не против, если я спрошу эксперта?
Упражнение 1. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Is it a good idea to see a winery? 2. What about winery administration? Do they keep an eye on your wine tasting? 3. What countries cultivate their wines? 4. Can you buy any wine at a winery? 5. Will you (most probably) buy more such wine in the future? 6. What kinds of wine do you prefer? 7. Do you prefer cooled wines? 8. What is meant by the phrase “developing wine culture”? 9. When in a restaurant, one often says: “Could I see your wine list?” 10. What do you need a wine list for? 11. Is it usual to order a bottle of wine? — 95 —
12. If you want to pay for your friends, do you say: “This round is on me?” 13. If a bartender says: “You’ve run up quite a tab”, what does he mean? 14. If you speak about a drink, and the phrase is: “Do you all want to have a pitcher”, what is meant? 15. If it is said: “Let’s have another round”, what is meant? 16. What’s the name of an establishment where wine is made? Упражнение 2. Напишите свои впечатления об экскур сии на винодельню.
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Unit 14 Hopefully, the Weather Will Break the Ice Between Us
You can’t find a person nowadays who does not like to talk about the weather. Now, the question is: are we really talking about the weather, or is it our smart way to break the ice between strangers? Maybe, we just want to get acquainted with somebody. Is the weather an alltime device to strike up a friendly conversation? See how Jane and Frank are handling this issue and what conclusions the debate brought them to. Be honest: has the weather been helpful for your personal adventures? Do you think that in general it’s a great opportunity for striking up friendships? — 97 —
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane:
Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane:
It’s rather frosty today but I think it won’t distract us from shopping! Especially at Christmas and the New Year! There are lots of fashionable clothes on sale. Sure, dear, as they say, all the rage! And I’d add if there is cash on your credit card, the weather is not a hindrance! Hindrance? Can’t you find a better and less formal word to express what you mean? Well, what I meant is that bad weather is no trouble. That sounds better. You must speak good English, Frank. I understand you’ve majored in journalism. Not exactly. Okay, I studied literature, that’s true. Frank, would you agree that it’s White Christmas now? Definitely! I enjoy the white snow and I like Christmas lights (=outdoor lights). They are all around the place! It makes me feel excited! When a child, did you believe in Santa Claus? To tell you the truth, yes! I expected presents from him on Christmas Eve. Me too! And did they give you crackers? Do you mean a small paper tube which is pulled from each end by two people at Christmas time? And you hear a crack (=bang) when it is pulled and inside you find a toy and a joke written on a small piece of paper? Yes, that’s it. Frank, do you know how the day after Christmas is usually called? Boxing Day. That’s how it is called. Anything special about Christmas and the New Year? I think it’s a general festive atmosphere. (The couple enters a restaurant.) Look at the two young ladies sitting at the next table out there! I think I know them. It seems to me, it’s — 98 —
Frank: Jane:
Frank: Jane: Mary: Jane: Frank: Mary: Kate: Frank: Mary: Jane: Mary: Jane:
Mary: Jane:
Jane: Frank:
Mary, my college friend. Frank, would you like to meet Mary and her friend? I’m all for it. Frank, be serious! Let’s join them. We’ll sit together at one table. We can talk about college life. About our plans. It’s so interesting! With pleasure! (Coming up to Mary.) What a surprise to meet you, Mary! Hi, dear Jane! It’s me! Haven’t seen you for ages! This is my friend, Frank. Hi, Mary! And this is my friend, Kate. She’s a talented student. She is in college, a junior. Hi, I’m Kate. Hi! I’m Frank. Pleased to meet you, Kate. Nice to meet you. Never thought I’d meet both of you here! Now we all know each other. Looks we are a great company. Jane, what are you doing in this part of town? Frank and I are here by chance! Frank is going to play for his college football team soon. And, probably, I’ll go with him. I’m not sure yet. It’s not too far from here. It’ll take an hour by train. Or maybe we’ll take a cab. So we decided to drop in. Hopefully, it’s a good restaurant, isn’t it? All is fine. How are things? Have you been keeping busy? We are always busy, you know. Frank is going to throw a party soon. Do you want to keep us company (=to be with us)? Are you serious? This week I’m free, indeed. This is great! Why not? What a surprise! Thanks for the invitation. Frank, do you mind Mary joining us? Not at all. Couldn’t be better! — 99 —
Jane: Mary: Jane:
It’s a deal! How do you like the weather today? I don’t like it at all. I think it is too frosty. But if it gets sunnier, the situation will certainly change for the better. I’m sure it will. Mary: Right you are! It is cold enough for me too. What’s new in the college? (The friends talk about college life.) Time flies. Frank: Let’s have a walk in the park. Jane: No, Frank. It’s getting late. I hate to eat more. Let’s run. Mary: If both of you think it is time to hit the road, I don’t mind. Kate: I have to go home too. I’m studying arts. Arts are great! Jane: Okay, people. Time to split! Frank: Jane, I thought you did not use slang! Jane: Really? Mary: I’ll call you, friends, tomorrow to talk more about our possible trip. Jane: Certainly! Waiting for your call. (Everyone says goodbye and takes off.) Frank: How nice your friends are. And they like sports. We’ve got acquainted with each other because of good weather! Good weather can break the ice! Sure it can!
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Hopefully, the Weather Will Break the Ice Between Us all the rage (=all the go) сленг потрясающие новинки; то, что надо (об одежде) bad weather скверная погода bang (about the noise from a cracker) бах (о разрыве хлопушки) Boxing Day второй день Рождества (день рождественских по" дарков) — 100 —
break the ice букв. растопить лед; перен. наладить взаимоот ношения cash on your credit card деньги на кредитной карте cracker хлопушка distract sb from shopping отвлекать от шопинга hindrance помеха hit the road разг. (при прощании) пора в путь; пора отчали вать I’ll stay here to keep you company (=I’ll be with you) составлю вам компанию in trouble в затруднительном положении it’s a deal зд. разг. ну, договорились, решено keep company (=to be with) составить компанию (кому"л.) let’s run разг. пора уходить; тж. so long; later; see you later; see you; see you around major in arts изучать искусство major in journalism специализироваться в журналистике outdoor lights уличная иллюминация (в городе, в городском по" селке) rather frosty (о погоде) подмораживает, морозно, морозит Santa Claus СантаКлаус time flies время летит time to split сленг пора отчаливать, прощаться White Christmas снежное Рождество
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. What does the expression to break the ice mean? 2. Can it be used figuratively? What will it mean then? 3. Is there any cash on your credit card? How do you check it usually? 4. Have you heard of the word hindrance? What does it mean? 5. Can you give an example of usage? 6. If the weather is bad, may it spell out trouble for you? 7. You study in college. What do you major in? — 101 —
8. When in college, what did Frank specialize in? 9. If it is Christmas time, what gifts do people get? 10. What do you hear when opening a cracker? 11. Did your parents give you a cracker? 12. What about Santa Clause? Does he visit your place at Christmas? 13. When do we use the word Boxing Day? What does it mean? (Explain.) 14. You have a birthday tomorrow. Are you going to throw a party? 15. If it is a cocktail party, do people primarily talk and drink together? 16. Is the weather a convenient topic to talk about at a cocktail party? 17. When you go to a cocktail party, what are you usually talking about? Are you talking about your job? Your friends? Your travel plans? About girls? Boys? 18. What is a bash? Is it a formal or informal English word? (Look it up in a dictionary.) 19. If I say an anniversary bash, do I mean an anniversary party? 20. What did Mary mean when she said, “If you both think it’s time to hit the road, I don’t mind”? What is the meaning of the phrase “to hit the road”? Упражнение 2. Переведите с листа весь диалог. Следите за тем, чтобы перевод с листа был в достаточно быстром темпе. Обращайте внимание на терминологию. Ее надо знать твердо и свободно использовать в речи. Упражнение 3. Переведите с русского на английский, используя усвоенную вами лексику. 1. Сегодня морозит. Как бы не простудиться (I’m afraid of catching cold). 2. Я думаю, что морозная погода не помеха шопингу. — 102 —
3. Я имел в виду, что надо следовать плану (stick to the plan). 4. Как называется Рождество, когда кругом все занесено снегом? 5. Что обычно делают с небольшой бумажной хлопуш кой на Рождество? 6. Как в Великобритании называют день подарков в Рож дество? 7. Какую фразу вы произносите, когда вам надо уходить? 8. В этом случае вы предпочитаете сленг или литератур ный английский вариант? 9. Вы употребляете такие общепринятые фразы, как bye, goodbye, bye(bye, goodbye for now или so long, cheerio, see you later, later, see you, see you around, take care? Каким из них вы отдаете предпочтение? 10. Зависит ли стиль общения от ситуации? 11. В чем состоят особенности разговорной речи?
— 103 —
Unit 15 Bobsleigh and Luge
There are three Olympic sliding sports: it is bobsleigh, skeleton and luge. Let’s look into each of them. A sled (=toboggan) is a light, narrow wooden platform on runners – to slide on snow or ice. A long time ago an idea of racing down a steep and twisting track was born. Today’s bobsleigh is built to be fast and aerodynamic. To start the racers push off as fast as they can for approximately 50 metres. Then they jump into the bobsleigh for a seated descent down the track. The driver steers down the track, while, at the end of the run, the brakeman stops the sled. — 104 —
We may speak of three Olympic bobsleigh events: the men compete in two and fourman bobsleigh and women in a two person format. In Olympic events four heats are held over two days, with medals being awarded to the team with the best results. As to the term luge, it’s not known so much as the term bobsleigh. It means a light toboggan for one person or for two people. To ride on a luge you have to know how to steer it. Are you interested in a bobsleigh and luge talk? Then read the following text.
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank:
Okay, Frank, you want to bobsled. Let’s see when the buzzer goes off. Bobsledding is a tough winter sport, isn’t it? You’ve said it. So it is, Jane. Bobsledding appeared a long time ago. It is usually defined as a mechanically steered and braked sledge used for racing down a steep ice(covered run. I suppose it’s one of the original Winter Olympic sports. It’s a four(man event and it’s well known. What are the most essential parts of the bobsleigh equipment? Bobsled runners, a main hull, a frame and front and rear axles. I wonder what the hull is made of. Of fiberglass. And the runners are made of steel. What about its top speed? It can go at a very high speed. The bobsleigh events consist of two runs both done on the same day. Bobsleighers with the best performance (=racing down an icetrack) are the winners. And what do you need to participate in racing? You need a helmet, a bobsled, suits. A number is required on a car. The start for sleds is very important. The three men in the back push the sled to get it started. — 105 —
Then they jump into. They have only a few seconds to get started. Jane: What about steering? Frank: Steer gently. You also need a brake to be able to stop when you get to the finish line. Jane: It’s clear from what you say that it’s a sport for the brave. I always watch it on TV. It’s fun to watch the competition, isn’t it? Frank: Sure! It’s a fantastic sport show.
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Bobsleigh and Luge bobsled (fast) мчаться на бобе (по искусственной ледовой трас" се); амер. bobsleigh bobsled runners полозья боба (для спуска по ледовой трассе) bobsledding катание на бобе bobsleigh, bob, bobsled бобслей; кататься на бобе, спускаться по трассе на бобе brake the bob тормозить боб brakeman stops the sled тормозящий останавливает движение боба edge of a runner ребро полоза four(man event соревнование с участием четырех человек frame рама front axle передняя ось goggles защитные очки heat зд. забег, соревнование helmet шлем jump into впрыгнуть (о разгоняющих) luge сани (спортивный снаряд для спуска по санной трассе) main hull корпус — 106 —
luge for racing гоночные сани rear axle задняя ось runner зд. полоз саней skeleton скелетон (разновидность санного спорта) seat support опора сиденья sled (=toboggan) сани, бобслей sliding sports виды спорта, использующие эффект скольже ния suit (for bobsleigh racing) костюм (для пилота или разгоняющего) support кронштейн track колея (расстояние между полозьями)
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. What can you say about bobsleigh and luge? (See the preface to the dialogue.) 2. Is it frightening to race down a steep and twisting track? 3. Does bobsledding require a special training? How long is it? (Your personal opinion.) 4. What does it mean to be aerodynamic? Should one take into account the aerodynamic properties of a bob? 5. Can the competition go on, if one of the racers fails to jump into the bob? 6. Is it easy to jump into the bobsleigh? What do you think? 7. What are the functions of the brakeman? 8. Do you know the top bob speed? (Look it up in the Internet.) 9. Can you translate the following definition of the term bobsleigh into Russian? Bobsleigh is a small vehicle that runs over snow on metal blades built for racing down on ice( covered track and having a movable front part to control direction. 10. Usually by the term “luge” one means a light toboggan for one or two people. Can you translate it? (Do so.) — 107 —
11. Open an online dictionary in the Internet and see how the term “luge” is defined. Write out the definition. 12. Do you know how to pronounce the term “luge”? 13. Does bobsleigh and luge racing excite you? Why? (Explain your attitude.) 14. Is bobsleigh racing dangerous? Do accidents happen? Упражнение 2. Переведите с листа весь диалог. Упражнение 3. Переведите с русского на английский, употребляя усвоенную вами лексику. 1. Бобслей и санный спорт – опасные виды спорта. 2. Суть бобслея как вида спорта заключается в том, что бы произвести скоростной спуск на управляемых бо бах (using the steered bobs). 3. Боб мчится (races down) по искусственной ледовой трассе. 4. Двигаясь по трассе (ice(covered track), боб преодоле вает крутые виражи (steep curves). 5. Двухместный боб (a bob for two persons) служит для пи лота (pilot) и разгоняющего (brakeman). 6. Четырехместный боб служит для пилота и троих раз гоняющих. 7. Скользящие поверхности боба (bob sliding blades) иног да называют «коньками». 8. Боб конструируется с использованием законов (it rests on the laws of) аэродинамики и физики. 9. В отличие от саней (luges), боб имеет тормозную сис тему (braking system). 10. Бобслей – это олимпийский вид спорта. 11. Соревнования по бобслею и санные состязания все гда привлекают массу зрителей. 12. Я получаю большое удовольствие от зрелищных ви дов спорта. — 108 —
13. Сооружаемые в настоящее время ледовые трассы про веряются на безопасность. 14. Существуют специальные конструктивные требования для создания боба и саней. Упражнение 4. Переведите с листа весь следующий текст. Обратите внимание, в каких случаях вы испытыва ете затруднения. Работайте над трудностями перевода. Выпишите термины и сопроводите их переводом. Обра щайтесь за помощью к словарям по спортивной тематике или большим англорусским словарям. Are you ready to bobsled? Then wait for the buzzer to go off. There is a tremendous crowd around. The crowd is screaming in your ear. It’s cold. You freeze. You realize it’s a winter sport. Bobsledding started in Switzerland. Bobsleighs have runners, a main hull, a frame and front and rear axles. The speed may be tremendous. It can reach 90 miles per hour. Can you imagine that? The events consist of two runs both done on the same day. The winner is the sled team with the best results. There are only a few seconds for a team to get started. There is a driver of the sled. His business is to steer the sled. You need a brake to stop when you get to the finish line. The competing teams are from different countries. People say if there is a good start, there may be a wonderful finish. Bobsleigh and luge competitions are really spectacular! At least for those who love the sport. Do you always watch it on TV?
— 109 —
Unit 16 Alpine Skiing – A Sport for the Brave
A long time ago they started alpine skiing. In alpine skiing racers can reach tremendous speeds. It may be 130 km an hour, and even more. The vertical drop is made even more difficult because of a series of gates the skiers must pass through. Skiers who miss a gate may be disqualified. The downhill event features the longest course and the highest speeds possible in alpine skiing. Each skier makes a single run down a single course. The fastest time shows who the winner is. — 110 —
Super G stands for super giant slalom. It is also an element of alpine skiing. Super G combines the speed of downhill with the more precise turns of giant slalom. The course is shorter than that of downhill. And, at last, let’s look at slalom as an element of alpine skiing. Slalom features the shortest course and the quickest turns. As in giant slalom, each skier tries to show the best results. When added together, the fastest time determines the winner. Not to forget, there is also a combined event also known as the super combined event. The combined event comprises two races: downhill and slalom. The super combined event consists of one downhill run followed by one slalom run using a shorter course. The times are added together. Once you get the fastest total time, you become the winner. Let us see how all these issues are discussed in the form of “spoken English”.
Frank: Jane, alpine skiing, I believe, is the sport in the Alps. Is that so? Jane: The meaning of the term alpine skiing is not always direct, Frank. I tell you about this as a linguist. Please, don’t get offended. As you know, if you open a dictionary, you’ll see that alpine may mean something that happens in the Alps (that’s what you are talking about now) or it may mean something that relates to the Alps, or to other high mountains. So, do you realize now that the meaning of the word “alpine” depends on the context? Frank: Yes, I do. One should consider the usage. Jane: Let’s talk more about alpine skiing. Frank: For example, what is downhill in alpine skiing? Jane: Do you mean downhill racing? We’ll call an expert. Ski expert: If you race downhill, you run very fast. This is the first — 111 —
Jane: Expert:
Frank: Expert: Jane: Expert: Jane: Expert:
and most important factor to keep in mind. Off you go, faster and faster, as they say. You carry on until there is a flag on a pole. And now attention! You must turn your body through the gate trying not to lose speed. Don’t forget, it’s a tremendous speed, it’s downhill racing. The skis are long. And there is snow all around, and strong wind too. In other words, sir, you want to say that it’s a marvellous event to watch. That’s true! A beautiful performance for watching! By the way, downhill is a popular sport for the Winter Olympics. And don’t forget about the right things. I mean: skis poles goggles (by all means) a special suit a helmet plenty of courage and waxing the skis with proper wax. Downhill racing! I think it’s useless to guess how many km per hour it may amount to. For safety reasons, as far as I know, training races are a must for an athlete. Then comes the glorious moment – the big race! When skiers are off, do they dig poles into the snow? Certainly so! Poles are used to move faster. You may tuck your poles under your arms. You crouch down. What’s that for? You can do it to fly faster, because you are getting smaller this way. Your body becomes aerodynamic. Don’t forget to turn at each red flag. It’s awful! I’m really scared! The speed is so frightening! How can the skiers keep their balance? They can really break their bones. — 112 —
Frank: Jane, please, stop panicking! Relax! Stop talking about your fears! Keep on smiling, as they say. Jane: They also say: Never say die! Expert: You know all the proverbs. Now a few words about other alpine skiing events. Let’s talk, for example, about slalom, giant slalom and super(g. Jane: How do racers go down the hill? Expert: They go down the hill one at a time. They have to go in and out of the gates fast. The faster, the better. Frank: Are their skis long or short? Expert: Short skis make turning easier. Jane: When you make turns, you may lose skis. Expert: True. That is why the binding is there to hold the boots tight to the skis. Make sure you don’t miss the gates. Moreover, try to protect yourself against the gates. Jane: How? Expert: You must wear a helmet, goggles and gloves. The equipment helps them getting through the gates. If any of the participants doesn’t go through all the gates, the skiers are disqualified! The gates are high enough for the participants to see. And, as you know, there is a men’s event and a women’s event. So go fast and count the gates, if you can. The results will show who is winning. Jane: Okay. I’ll watch slalom! Expert: As to GS (=giant slalom), it’s also a skiing race, very much like slalom. The difference is that turns are fewer and wider. Skiers make runs on the slope. For example, skiers do the first run in the morning. Then the course is changed and they do the second run. Jane: Can’t wait to see who wins the gold! Expert: As to super(g racing, the name itself suggests that it means going very fast and making turns like a slalom skier. It’s the fastest who wins the gold! Jane: And I’d like to ask you about Nordic combined. — 113 —
Well, the Nordic combined competition consists of ski jumping (from a hill) and crosscountry skying. It’s a very exciting show. Jane: How is the competition conducted? Expert: It’s done on two consecutive days. The ski jumping is on the first day, and the relay – on the second. Two exciting events. The total points for jumps and relay are very important. This is how the winner is determined. I hope my explanations are clear to you. Jane and Frank: (Speaking together.) Absolutely!
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Alpine Skiing be ahead of schedule опережать график be behind schedule отставать от графика binding (for the skies) крепление (для лыж) climb подъем (участок на трассе) crouch down сгруппироваться (о положении лыжника, спуска" ющегося с горы) double poling двухшажный ход downhill скоростной спуск give way to уступить лыжню goggles защитные очки gradual climb пологий подъем hard track жесткая лыжня helmet шлем herringbone «елочка» (способ подъема) in(track внутренняя лыжня (для судей) negotiate a hill преодолевать / преодолеть подъем never say die не падайте духом Nordic combined лыжное двоеборье; тж. alpine combined — 114 —
off you go! разг. поехали! overtake обходить, обгонять poles лыжные палки race distance дистанция гонки race schedule график бега racer / runner гонщик, участник гонки racing track гоночная лыжня run a race участвовать в гонке skating step коньковый шаг slalom skier участник слалома slope склон snow(to(ski adhesion налипание снега на лыжи steep asсent крутой подъем stride / poling ход (о технике передвижения лыжника) super giant slalom слаломгигант wax the skis смазывать лыжи мазью worn track разбитая лыжня
Упражнение 1. Просмотрите еще раз данный выше спи сок соответствий. Проверьте, знаете ли вы русские соот ветствия (эквиваленты) английских единиц по тематике горнолыжного спорта. Их надо знать наизусть. Закройте русскую часть слов и дайте соответствие на русском. Упражнение 2. Проработав диалог и запомнив лексику, ответьте на следующие вопросы поанглийски. Старай тесь отвечать непринужденно, свободно. Используйте ин формацию диалога и свои собственные знания по данной тематике. 1. What is alpine skiing? (Alpine skiing is ... From my own experience I know ... и т.д.) 2. Why is it called alpine? 3. What are the gates for? 4. Is it easy to race downhill? — 115 —
5. What about the speed of skiing? Is it high? How high? 6. Is it important to wax your skies properly? Why? 7. What does the phrase snow(to(ski adhesion mean? Can you translate it? (Do so.) 8. What is binding (in ski sports)? 9. Do you fasten your boots yourself? 10. How do you do it? 11. Do you tuck your poles under your arms? Why do you do so? 12. Why do people crouch down when skiing? 13. Can you do downhill racing standing upright? 14. Who wins a gold medal in alpine skiing? 15. What words do you usually shout at the end of the contest (=at the finish line)? 16. Do you shout such words as “Go, go! You can make it!”? 17. Are phrases of encouragement the same in different languages? For example in English and Russian? 18. Can you give the basics of alpine skiing? 19. What is alpine skiing? Is it skiing in the Alps? Or should we talk about a broader meaning? 20. Is it a good idea to encourage children to be keen on sports? Why? (Explain.) 21. Who are cheerleaders? What do they do? Упражнение 3. Разбейте диалог на части и переведите их с листа. Если в процессе перевода вы будете испыты вать трудности, то лексику на английском языке и рус ские эквиваленты надо учить дополнительно. Переводить с листа надо быстро. Только тогда вы сможете утверждать, что хорошо владеете английской лексикой по данной теме. Упражнение 4. Что вы знаете о горнолыжном спорте? Сделайте сообщение об этом виде спорта на английском языке. Если у вас нет информации, воспользуйтесь ресур сами Интернета. — 116 —
Упражнение 5. Переведите на русский следующие пред ложения письменно. 1. If someone is disqualified from a competition, he / she is no longer allowed to compete. 2. If you wax your skis, you spread wax on the surface. 3. A ski(lift is a machine to take people (skiers) to the top of a ski slope. 4. It is difficult to get to the top of a ski(slope without a lift. 5. What is the word for the bottom face of a ski in Russian? 6. What is a safety binding? 7. Are you supposed to wear goggles in the course of alpine skiing? 8. When I participated in ski races, they gave me a ski suit. 9. A super giant alpine skiing is only for professionals. It is a dangerous sport. 10. Do you know the difference between a giant slalom and super giant slalom? 11. Are ski gloves used against cold or for comfort? 12. I wonder where the skiers live. Do they live in the lodging area? 13. If you fall down, should you call a patrol and first(aid station? 14. What is a mountain lodge? Is it a luxury hotel in the mountains? 15. In case of jumping, you need a special ski(jumping suit. 16. What is a freestyle snowboarding? 17. Slalom features a short course and the quickest turns. 18. If we speak of a regular downhill event, what kind of event do we mean? 19. What is the Russian for a “regular downhill event”? 20. People knew how to strap skis to their feet long time ago.
— 117 —
Unit 17 Cross-Country Skiing
What do you know about the specifics of cross(country skiing? It is well known that cross(country skiing is over a variety of distances and terrain. Men’s races usually cover 10, 15, 30 and 50 km, and women’s races – 5, 10, 15 and 30 km. The course runs up and down hills. The ground may be different, it is not always flat. The winner in such races is the competitor who finishes in the shortest time. There are mass starts and pursuit starts. Two different techniques are usually used in crosscountry skiing – the classical technique and the skating style. — 118 —
As to racing, it follows the marked course and requires passing through the controls. Only the skier’s own propulsion may be used. Skis may not be exchanged during the race. Changes of skis must be made without assistance. Skis must be marked immediately before the start to prevent unauthorized change during the race. When a competitor is overtaken, the skier must give way at the first request, even if the course has two tracks.
Jane: Crosscountry skiing is a real thing, isn’t it, Frank? Frank: It sure is. I like crosscountry skiing after a fresh snowfall. Jane: Talking about skiing, Frank, do you use special terms? Frank: Certainly. Even if you can describe an action in a general way. And if you speak English, you can always do so because there are plenty of synonyms in English. Jane: Yes, you are right! For example, I know such special terms as downhill turn, parallel turn and check turn. I can even give definitions for them. Frank: Definitions later, dear. Jane: As you please! Frank: Crosscountry skis are sometimes called skinny. Do you know why? Jane: Oh, I know what you mean. It’s a metaphorical phrase, it means very light. Frank: What do skiers say if you are overtaken? Jane: They say sidestep. Frank: Good job, Jane. Jane, when skiing, do you prefer a straight run? Jane: That’s right! I like a classic style of skiing. Frank: But if you ski this way (classic style), you don’t get any help from slopes. Jane: I don’t need any. Frank: That’s wrong. Professionals try to take advantage of the terrain. — 119 —
Jane: Okay, I’ll also try. But I’m not a professional. Frank: Do you wear a special ski suit? Jane: Of course! There are beautiful ski suits. The other thing I like about skiing is a possibility to wear special ski boots. I know a shop where they sell gorgeous ski boots. Frank: Jane, I always thought that skiing was sports, not a fashion show! Jane: I know, Frank, but I don’t know how to resist to show off a little bit. It is not a crime for a girl, is it? It’s in my nature! Frank: No, it isn’t. Jane: It’s good that the skis are light. Because after a dump it’s difficult to carry them! Frank: You don’t need skis to carry, you need skis to ski! Jane: Do you know what a dump is? It’s a very heavy snowfall. And when it’s a heavy snowfall, it’s hard to ski! Frank: Perfect! You should wax your skies properly, to begin with. Jane: Do you like bumps? Frank: Is it when you jump a little bit off the bumps? Jane: That’s it! Frank: I enjoy it! Jane: Can you ski on the first track? Frank: I’d say I can. But it’s difficult to ski if the area is just covered with fresh snow. Jane: I guess so. Freshies are not for everybody! Frank: Yes, they are for tough guys. Is it all right for you to ski if the terrain is rough? Jane: Can you ski jump, Frank? Frank: Yes, I can. And you? Jane: Ski jumping is not for me. It’s tough! Honestly speaking, I think ski jumping is not for girls. But I like to watch professional ski jumping. Frank: Do you like powder, Jane? — 120 —
Stop being a provocateur! What kind of powder do you mean? Frank: Not powder for the face, dear! I mean powder in the sports sense. Jane: In the sports sense? Oh, you mean an ideal ski condition when the snow is quite fresh. Frank: That’s it! Crosscountry skiing requires a lot of training, doesn’t it? Jane: I suppose, it does. Frank, you are so strong, I am sure of you. An Olympic medal is waiting for you. Frank: Come on, I am not after prizes. I am for participation. This is my slogan. Jane: Wow! How philosophical! Frank, you’ll saddle the horse!
Russian–English Vocabulary for the topic: Cross(Country Skiing as you please зд. ирон. как вам угодно bumps ухабы, кочки check turn поворот с целью остановки classic style классический стиль ходьбы на лыжах competitor конкурент, соперник; участник course зд. дистанция cross(country skiing бег / гонки по пересеченной местности downhill turn поворот при спуске без опоры на палки dump снежный завал freshies разг. свежие лыжни (когда только что выпал снег) give way уступить лыжню lot of training масса тренировок (ходьбы на лыжах) marked course размеченная трасса parallel turn параллельный поворот powder зд. только что выпавший снег propulsion движение вперед, отталкивание (напр., с помощью палок) — 121 —
pursuit start старт в гонке преследования racing гонка saddle the horse разг. оседлать лошадку, перен. добиться победы show off a little bit немножко повоображать sidestep уступить место другому (опережающему) лыжнику skating style (of skiing) коньковый ход (на лыжах) ski jump прыжок на лыжах ski jumping прыжки на лыжах (как вид спорта) ski on the first track ехать на лыжах по только что проложен ной лыжне ski racing лыжные гонки, гонки на лыжах skinny skis разг. легкие на вес лыжи (=light skis) special ski boots специальные лыжные ботинки (для соревно" ваний) special ski suit специальный лыжный костюм stem turn поворот упором wax skies смазать лыжи (специальной мазью) track трасса, маршрут unauthorized change неразрешенная замена (лыж)
Упражнение 1. Переведите текст с листа. Особое вни мание обращайте на понимание и перевод терминов. Упражнение 2. Вместо терминов дайте их описание по английски. Напр., sidestep – it means to move laterally (on cross" country skis) skinny skis – skating style – classic style –
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Упражнение 3. Вставьте необходимые предлоги. 1. Speed skiers can achieve 50 km ... hour. 2. Ski suits are specially designed ... reduction of wind resistance. 3. The skier must always be ... the alert. 4. Skiing is a chance ... taking care of your health. 5. Crosscountry skiing is fantastic ... a fresh snowfall. 6. You have to learn more ... the secrets of weathering the storm. 7. Do you know anything ... double poling?
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Unit 18
Curling: Is it an Old or a New Game?
The term curling is not known all around, since this game is not played everywhere. In some countries curling was known as a leisure pursuit for diplomats. Curling is a competitive game played between two teams. The game is played on ice and two teams take turns sliding a stone toward a circular target area, called the house. The objective of the game is to get the stone as close to the centre of the circle as possible. — 124 —
Jane: What about the equipment used in curling? Frank: Let me begin with a broom. A broom is used to sweep the ice surface in front of the stone. Sweeping creates a film of water between the stone and the ice. Jane: What’s the effect of sweeping? Frank: I think it reduces friction. This way you can straighten the trajectory of the stone. Jane: What about the shoes of contestants? Are they ordinary? Frank: No, Jane, they are not. They are special and you need them to grip the ice well. If they grip the ice well, you can stand firm, can’t you? Jane: What is a curling stone made of? Frank: It may be made of granite. It is polished and is circular in shape. Jane: Are there special terms relating to curling? Frank: I suppose more than one hundred. Maybe there are even special manuals explaining how to play. Jane: What about the playing surface? Frank: There is a playing surface which is rather long. And also rather wide. And there is a target there too. Jane: If there is a curling game, how many people do you expect to go there? I mean what is a standard seating capacity of a curling centre? Is it some 3,000 spectators? Frank: You are right! How have you arrived at that figure? Guessing? Jane: I think, Frank, it’s intuition!
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Curling broom щетка для перемещения камня curling кёрлинг curling centre игровой центр «кёрлинг» — 125 —
film of water пленка воды (на льду) house дом, круги (в направлении которых ведется игра) leisure pursuit for diplomats развлечение для дипломатов reduce friction уменьшить трение shoes (of contestants) специальная обувь участников игры slide a stone продвигать камень по льду stand firm (in special shoes) стоять твердо (в специальной обуви) straighten the trajectory выравнивать траекторию движения sweeping очистка (льда)
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. Have you ever heard about curling? 2. What is the objective of the game? 3. Do you know anything about curling equipment? 4. Why do they sweep the ice? 5. What is the effect of sweeping? 6. What about the shoes of curling players? 7. What is a stone (played in the game)? 8. How many terms exist that relate to curling? 9. Are these terms known in Russia or other countries where curling is a new game? 10. Are there ready terms in Russian or other languages? 11. Should these terms be translated from English? 12. If new terms appear, are they usually translated from English? 13. Can we say that English is a leader in the number of words used in it? 14. What can you say about the playing surface? 15. Can we call curling a competitive game? 16. Is it easy to deliver a stone in a set order? 17. Would you like to master the technique of curling or would you prefer watching the game? Why? — 126 —
Упражнение 2. Найдите в Интернете видеофильм, по казывающий игру в кёрлинг. Внимательно просмотрите видеофильм. Сделайте об этом сообщение на английском языке для всей группы. Упражнение 3. Если в обществе возникает новое явле ние, например, игра в кёрлинг, то в каких случаях это яв ление проникает в жизнь общества быстро, а в каких мед ленно? Выскажите об этом свое собственное мнение на английском языке. Упражнение 4. Переведите письменно на английский. 1. Кёрлинг – это спортивная игра на льду. 2. Играют две команды. 3. Команды соревнуются в точности попадания в завет ный круг (дом). 4. Игра идет на определенной площадке. 5. Важным является круг, называемый домом. 6. Важно, чтобы камень остановился в нужной точке. 7. Победителем считается команда, набравшая наиболь шую сумму очков. 8. Игра состоит из ряда этапов. 9. Лед можно мести специальными щетками. 10. Это делается по ходу движения камня. 11. Это позволяет корректировать дальность продвиже ния камня и траекторию его движения. 12. Всю игру можно описать, лишь используя для этой цели специальную терминологию.
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Unit 19 Figure Skating
What is figure skating for you? Figure skating is a special kind of sport. Actually, it is a kind of dancing on ice. It is done in pairs (as a rule), or as a single. Ice dancing is regarded as something special in figure skating. Figure skating does not require any special equipment. Skates and a costume, that’s all. Competitors perform compulsory movements and movements of own choice. Marks are awarded for technical merit and for artistic impression. Judges mark each competitor individually and the — 128 —
winner in each part of the competition is the skater or pair, or dance couple placed first by the majority of judges. In figure skating we admire both graceful moves and sharp turns, jumps and spins. Another name for skaters’ costumes is outfits. Participants create outfits that match style and music of skating. Ladies must wear skirts and men – full length trousers. Boots are with metal blades. You must be well trained when skating on the ice. Many people think it is a cool sport. What do you think?
Jane: What about the shape of a rink? Frank: There are rules to follow when you skate. In accordance with international standards, the rink area for free skating and short programs should be rectangular. And it is also necessary to have a music reproduction system for competitions. Jane: Is it a technical requirement for skating, or is it just for pleasure? Frank: Music is absolutely necessary for dancing. Jane: I suppose in singles and pair skating certain time limits must be observed. Frank: Certainly! Jane: Frank, can skaters finish their program in less time if they have attempted all the stipulated moves? Frank: Yes. Jane: If athletes repeat some poorly done moves, and do them better, will they obtain extra marks? Frank: No, I don’t think so. Jane: What dances are skated first? Frank: I read a book on skating rules. My impression is the compulsory dances are skated first. And followed by the original program or dance, and then we have free skating or dancing. This is the standard procedure. Jane: What about the starting order? — 129 —
Frank: You have to draw lots to decide the starting order in the compulsory section. The performances in the previous sections are also taken into account. Jane: Frank, have you got any favourites? Maybe some ice dancers? Frank: Everyone has. I judge dancing by the class of performance. As they say, the work shows the work( man. Jane: True as I stand here. Jane: And who gets the restarts? Frank: If there is interference in the performance, the referee may allow the program to be restarted. Those who restart the program are called the restarts. If the program is restarted, any previous score is disregarded. But I don’t remember any such cases. Jane: I wonder if there are regulations for girls’ dresses. Frank: Are you talking about the costumes for skating? Jane: Yes. Frank: I think the style of official costumes is regulated by the officials of the International Skating Union (ISU). No doubt the rules require that costumes be appropriate for athletic competition. As to degree of appropriateness, I think it’s a matter of artistic taste. I am not against original and goodlooking costumes for girls. Jane: Come on, Frank. What do you mean by “goodlooking costumes for girls”? Frank: I truly mean it, Jane, honest. I enjoy graceful moves of skaters. I love dancing art. Figure skating! What can be better? Jane: Now you are talking. You sound enthusiastic. Frank: I always pay a special attention to pair(specific elements such as throw jumps. When a person is thrown into a jump, I think it requires not only mastery but also a great courage from the pair. — 130 —
Lifts are also interesting. It’s when a lady is held above the man’s head. Then, of course, there are pair spins, in which the skaters spin together about a common axis. Frank: When it comes to ice dancing, intricate footwork is also important. I also like show dancing of mixed(gender groups of 12 to 20 skaters. The precise formations are very impressive. It is in this case that you can watch blocks, lines, circles and so on. Some people even speak about ballet on ice and theatre on ice. I also like jumps. Jumps are one of the most important elements of figure skating. You have to know the jumps that count as jump elements. Actually, figure skating is a whole science. You have loops, axels, lutzes, flips and so on in skating. That’s why people say it takes a lot of time to master all that.
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Figure Skating all the stipulated moves все предусмотренные программой эле менты artistic impression артистичность исполнения элементов фи гурного катания award marks (for) присуждать оценку (за) axel аксель ballet on ice балет на льду compulsory dances are skated first обязательная программа идет в танцах первой compulsory movements (=compulsory program) обязательная про грамма cool sport популярный спорт dance blade лезвие конька (для танцев) draw lots тянуть жребий — 131 —
figure skating фигурное катание flip флип (разновидность прыжка) free skating катание по произвольной программе graceful moves изящные движения intricate footwork сложные шаги jump elements элементы прыжков jumps прыжки lace шнурок lift поддержка loop тулуп lutz лутц metal blade лезвие конька movements of one’s own choice произвольные элементы music reproduction system система музыкального сопровожде ния outfits (=costumes) костюмы pair пара, дуэт shadow skating теневое катание (выполнение спортсменами оди" наковых движений) sharp turns резкие повороты single skating одиночное катание skate in pairs (=pair skating) парное катание spins вращения technical merit техническое мастерство (выполнения элементов) technical specialist технический специалист the work shows the workman качество работы говорит и о мас тере theatre on ice театр на льду (о концертных выступлениях) throw jumps прыжки с броском time limits ограничения во времени (при исполнении про" граммы) unison skating синхронное катание
— 132 —
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог и выучив лексику, от ветьте поанглийски на следующие вопросы. 1. What is the dialogue about? 2. Are you keen on figure skating? 3. Do judges evaluate each competitor individually? 4. What is the shape of a rink? Is it rectangular? 5. Who selects the music for competitions? 6. What is the job of an announcer? 7. Is the duration of performance limited or unlimited? 8. Is it a good idea to finish skating sooner than required? 9. What does it mean “free skating”? 10. Is the starting order decided by a draw? 11. Are the competitors’ performances taken into account as well? 12. What is a restart? 13. What do you think about costumes for skating? 14. Do you admire artistic beauty? What does it mean for you? 15. What elements will you refer to artistic beauty? 16. What does it mean intricate footwork? How do you understand this term? 17. Are you crazy about ice dancing? Why? 18. Can you skate yourself? Do you plan to improve your skating skills? Упражнение 2. Переведите диалог с листа. Выучите наи зусть все термины фигурного катания, приводимые в списке. Укажите другие термины фигурного катания, ко торые вы знаете. Упражнение 3. Напишите эссе (1–2 с.) по тематике фи гурного катания. Материал можно найти в Интернете и в других источниках.
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Unit 20 Freestyle Skiing
Originally a mix of alpine skiing and acrobatics, freestyle skiing developed over decades into the presentday Olympic sport. FIS (the International Ski Federation) recognized freestyle as a discipline and adopted appropriate regulations. So now the appropriate aerial manoeuvres performed while skating downhill are officially taken into account. For example, the moguls competition consists of a run down a heavily moguled course with two jumps. Different formats may be observed. It is thrilling to watch freestyle skiing, isn’t it? The Olympic aerial format consists of a two jump qualification followed by a twojump final. — 134 —
Quite often we speak of tricks in freestyle skiing: spread eagle, iron cross, spins.
Jane: I wonder what freestyle skiing is all about. Frank: I’ve seen some competitions. I’ve seen freestyle moguls. It’s doing all sorts of tricks in the air when you ski. There is a special freestyle technique which you (as a skier) must master. Now, about the aerials. Naturally, speed is critical to your successful aerial tricks. That’s why we can speak of different types of jumps. The quality of takeoff is also very important. Jane: Talking so professionally. Are you an aerialist yourself? Frank: Aerialist? Thank you, Jane. I can jump, that’s true. I just saw some videos the other day. They impressed me very much. Be friendly with computer technology, Jane, and you’ll see all the sports shows. Jane: I think, I belong to the new generation, Frank! Frank: (With irony.) Pepsi generation? Congratulations! Jane: Come on, stop joking. Let’s get back to the sport. All competitors complete two jumps in a qualification round. Those with the highest scores move to the final round. More jumps are performed in the final round. There are special rules on that which I don’t know. The aerialist with the highest score wins. That I know for sure. Frank: Jane, do you know anything about moguls? Jane: Just a little bit. There is a mogul course to begin with. And there are other different lines for skiers. So, suppose you choose to ski down. After the start signal, they ski down a steep slope. Mind, the slope is steep. So you get over a series of bumps (=moguls) as high as 1.2 metres. There is, naturally, a certain distance between the bumps. So the jumps are quite different and quite difficult. Frank: I like your explanations, Jane. Very simple. You may be a ski instructor. — 135 —
Jane: If I master freestyle. Frank: I realize that the performance of a skier requires special coaching. Jane: That’s exactly what I am talking about. Frank: What about maintaining snow contact with skis? Is it important? Jane: Naturally! Frank: What do you know about a ski cross? Jane: A ski cross sets the stage for fast and exciting competition. It’s a special ski cross. The majority of competitors have an alpine skiing background. The course is designed to test skiers’ skills. It also incorporates turns and other elements. Athletes ski a number of runs. It’s quite an experience. I like watching athletes racing down the course. Great sports! Frank: Me too! Freestyle skiers are people of courage. And, as they say, a great ship asks deep waters. Jane: Okay, my man of letters. You should write books on sports and you are playing football. Frank: There are different ways to express yourself, my dear. English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Freestyle Skiing aerial manoeuvres фигуры / номера, исполняемые в воздухе aerialist участник фристайла aerials воздушные трюки area for takeoff площадка для разгона (лыжника) ballet (in freestyle) балет (с акробатическими прыжками) coaching (=freestyle coaching) обучение технике фристайла course дистанция (соревнований); дорожка cross (e.g. in ski races) спортивные гонки на лыжах, кросс do the bumps спускаться по бугристому склону — 136 —
final round заключительный раунд freestyle фристайл (вольный стиль катания на горных лыжах) freestyle mogul преодоление бугров heavily “moguled” course трасса, связанная с преодолением многих бугров на склоне iron cross фигура железного креста maintain balance сохранять равновесие (при исполнении трюков) mogul (bump) бугор / кочка (преодолеваемые при фристайле) mogul course трасса, предполагающая спуск по бугристой местности (элемент фристайла) moguls бугры, расположенные на определенном расстоянии друг от друга moguls competition соревнование в форме спуска по бугрис тому склону Olympic aerial format официальный олимпийский формат фристайла qualification round отборочное соревнование quality of takeoff качество отрыва (с места) skating downhill спуск лыжника со склона ski down спускаться вниз (на лыжах) ski jump трамплин для прыжков на лыжах, прыжок с трамп лина snow contact (about skis) контакт между снегом и лыжами spins вращения spread eagle фигура орла с распростертыми крыльями takeoff отрыв (напр., в прыжках с места) tricks in freestyle skiing элементы фристайла (во время соревно" ваний) two jumps два обязательных прыжка (в могуле)
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. What is freestyle skiing? — 137 —
2. Can we describe freestyle skiing as a mix of аlpine skiing and acrobatics? 3. Do you know that freestyle skiing has developed into an Olympic sport? 4. Should athletes be certified with regard to participation in freestyle skiing? 5. Is it easy or difficult to perform aerial tricks? Why? 6. Is it true that the mogul competition consists of a run (down a heavily moguled course) and two jumps? 7. Is it thrilling to watch a final stage of competition? 8. Do women participate in freestyle skiing? 9. Do you always watch the finals? 10. Is it true that the skier with the highest score in the final round wins? 11. Is it difficult to qualify for the finals? 12. What tricks in freestyle skiing do you know? (spread eagle, iron cross) 13. What elements will you refer to the high quality of a jump? 14. Is speed critical to successful aerial performances? 15. Do jumps differ in degrees of difficulty? 16. Is it easy to gain the needed height? 17. Is the position of your body important? 18. Is it easy for a skier to maintain balance upon landing? 19. What is the difference between landing and lending? (If you do not know, look it up in a dictionary.) 20. If we speak of the mogul course, what kind of course do we mean? 21. Have you ever skied down a steep slope? 22. What is a qualification round? 23. Are your points counted as you move to the final round? 24. Are jumps performed in the final round? 25. If you speak of the mogul course, what do you mean? Упражнение 2. Быстро переведите с листа весь диалог. Текст диалога можно разбить на части. При переводе ис — 138 —
пользуйте соответствия из списка лексики к данному за нятию. Упражнение 3. Переведите на русский, демонстрируя свое знание лексики. 1. Могул – это вид соревнований по фристайлу. 2. Могул предполагает свободный спуск на горных лы жах по бугристому склону (over the bumps on the slope). 3. Длина склона составляет порядка 250 м. 4. В могуле бугры располагаются в определенном поряд ке (in a certain pattern). 5. Задача спортсмена – спуститься максимально точно по прямой. 6. Судьи оценивают эстетику спуска: качество поворотов, ритмичность поворотов, вхождение в трассу после прыжков и сами прыжки. 7. Скорость прыжков влияет на оценку. 8. Техническое исполнение и приземление также играют большую роль. 9. Время, за которое спортсмен прошел трассу, следуя оп ределенной формуле, пересчитывают в баллы (are turned into points). Упражнение 4. Как вы оцениваете роль фристайла в Олимпийских играх? Отражает ли фристайл устремления молодежи? Одоб ряете ли вы элементы риска при фристайле? Дайте раз вернутое обоснование своей точки зрения на английском. Объясните, почему молодежь любит фристайл. Упражнение 5. Переведите следующий текст на русский письменно. 1. Isn’t it fantastic to fly with your skies on? 2. When you watch this kind of Olympic sport you can imagine that you fly. Is it so? — 139 —
3. Such tricks are known as freestyle aerials. 4. Can you imagine yourself ski jumping? 5. You fly through the air twisting and turning and soon you land on the snow. 6. If you do that you are an aerial skier. 7. Freestyle aerials now represent an Olympic sport. It’s both for men and women. 8. To become an aerialist you need skis (usually short skis), ski boots and a ski suit. A ski helmet is also a must. 9. The aerial competition will have two jumps for each competitor. 10. Those with the highest scores go on to the final. 11. There are interesting names for tricks in the air. 12. The skiers are judged on how they move in the air. 13. It is also important to land well. 14. So all your operations in the air, and when landing and so on are assessed. 15. A good jump may be very high. Упражнение 6. Прочитайте следующий текст и задайте вопросы к тексту. При необходимости воспользуйтесь Большим англорусским словарем. There are three types of competitive skiing: alpine (downhill and slalom), Nordic (crosscountry and skijumping), and biathlon (crosscountry with rifle shooting). All forms of skiing require specialized equipment. The skis, which are usually made of synthetic materials, vary in length and weight according to use. Slalom skis, for example, are shorter to aid manoeuvrability, while cross(country skis are light and narrow, with a toe fastening that allows the heel to move up and down with each stride. The ski boots support the ankles and ensure the skier is leaning forward at the correct angle. Safety bindings fasten the boot to the ski, but release under pressure. Ski poles assist with balance and turning. (From Oxford Illustrated Dictionary.) — 140 —
Unit 21 Ice Hockey: It’s Always a Hot Battle
Hockey is covered widely by the press throughout the world. It is a very popular game, indeed. It is played (on an ice surface) by two teams. Players and a goalkeeper from each team are allowed on the ice. The object is to score points by hitting the puck with the stick into the opposing team’s goal. The playing lineup is represented as follows: 1. goalkeeper 2. right defense 3. left defense 4. centre — 141 —
5. right wing 6. left wing A team may have only one goalkeeper on the ice at any time. The team scoring most goals wins. Hundreds of books on ice hockey and millions of pictures have been published in the world. All this publicity only adds to the popularity of hockey on ice. You have certainly seen this game many times. Now let us see how it is debated by our friends Jane and Frank.
Frank: Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank:
I wonder why hockey fans are so loud today, screaming and shouting so much? Why are they so excited? Looks like a hockey craze! Jane, by the way, do you know hockey rules? No. Why should I? That’s the point. Knowing no rules, you can’t judge about hockey. At least some elementary knowledge is a must. Okay, instructor, go ahead! I will, if you get serious. I am serious. Then listen. I’ll give you the most essential background information. Your task is to soak it up. Got it? I’ll start first. Do they play on a field? No, it’s called a rink. Hockey is played on a rink. The ice surface has painted lines on it. What for? To indicate face(off circles, various zones and for other purposes. In the centre you can see a stationary set of goal posts with a net. The next natural question is: what is the object (=aim) of the game? Get the puck in the net. Super! What do the players do? Forwards, defensemen and goalies (=goaltenders) fight aggressively. The players are on the ice during play. Naturally, the forwards are responsible for most of the offense. The — 142 —
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
defensemen protect the defensive zone. Everyone does his job. Are all the players aware of what happens on the ice? Usually yes. The reaction must be immediate. Now I’d like to say a few words about hockey equipment. Each player carries a stick. What are sticks for? They are to pass and shoot a puck. So the puck is around the rink all the time. Now, since there are pushes and some of them quite violent, players can wear a lot of padding. The players are also required (by the league rules) to wear helmets. This is for protection. Take the ankle of a player. It should also be protected. This protection is known as an ankle guard, you know. Not everyone likes to wear a face shield. Plus hockey players have skates to skate on. And, as I’ve said, sometimes they push each other. (I’m sure you’ve seen it happen.) So a penalty follows. The penalty should be assessed properly. What should I watch? You should watch everything. Goal, for example. Frank, what are you talking about? What do you mean? Oh, I mean the goal. Everyone tries to hit! And a hit may be excellent or bad. See the drama? You should also know how to take advantage of a bank pass. It’s special art! And, Jane, do you watch the players when they try to beat the clock? (Puzzled.) I suppose so! But to tell you the truth, I don’t know what “to beat the clock” is in the language of sports. What is it? What about time and overtime? Is it also regulated? Of course, Jane. To “beat the clock” means to get the puck in the net at the very last second. Can you imagine that? — 143 —
Jane: (Confused.) I’d rather keep quiet for a moment. Frank: (Ignoring Jane’s words.) Moreover, if you take NHL season, it is divided into the regular season and the playoffs. So the whole thing is so complicated, it’s like a special university course! Every player is a master of his own tactic. There are also all(around players, you know. They are great! Jane: I guess so, Frank, I guess so. Is it true, Frank, that all the players try not to allow a goal? Frank: Now you are talking! Now you are getting closer to the truth. Jane: If something happens to the captain, who is to replace him? Frank: This is a good question. I think an alternate captain should go into action then. Jane: Can amateurs participate in professional hockey? Frank: No. It’s impossible. A professional game is only for professionals. Jane: (In a hurry.) I believe you, Frank. Yes, I do. It looks like a technical thing. I’m not sure it’s for me.
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Ice Hockey. It Is Always a Hot Battle all(around player универсальный игрок; тж. разг. all(arounder bank pass пас с отскоком от борта biased officiating разг. предвзятое судейство blocked shot блокшот (бросок, отбитый полевым игроком) blow a tire (сленг) получить травму, упасть blue (=blue ice) площадь ворот blue liner разг. защитник boards (=dasher boards) борт, борта body checking применение силовых приемов boot the clock разг. забить гол на последних секундах — 144 —
bounce отскок brawl драка, потасовка (среди игроков) break the goose egg сленг размочить счет centre circle (US center circle) центральный круг chase the game попытаться отыграться checking line оборонительная линия, оборонительное звено crash the net разг. идти напролом (пытаясь забить шайбу) cushion комфортное преимущество в счете dead puck букв. мертвая шайба (т.е. без движения в течение ряда секунд) defenseman защитник essential background information важная информация справоч ного характера face(off circle круг вбрасывания face shield защитная маска forward форвард, нападающий get the puck in the net забросить шайбу в ворота goal ворота; гол goalie вратарь; тж. goalkeeper hang back отходить назад hockey craze помешательство на хоккее hockey fans фанаты хоккея hooking зацепление / захват клюшкой judge about hockey судить о хоккее judgment решение overtime овертайм penalty штраф (за нарушение правил) playoffs плейофф puck is around the rink (all the time) шайба (все время) в движе нии regular season регулярные игры rink хоккейная площадка, ледовая площадка technical jargon технический язык, хоккейный жаргон wear a helmet носить шлем
— 145 —
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. What is the object of ice hockey playing? 2. How will you describe the playing line(up? 3. How many players are there on the ice? 4. Are you very much excited when you watch hockey? 5. Why is it so important (as Frank thinks) to know the rules? 6. Is Jane soaking up sports terms quickly or with some difficulty? 7. What is the object of the game? 8. What can you say about goalies? 9. Why are pushes inevitable? (Express your personal opinion.) 10. Is padding necessary for hockey players? 11. What are helmets for? 12. Are ankle guards necessary? 13. What is a face shield for? 14. Is it possible to beat the clock? What does the phrase mean? 15. Who are all(around players? 16. What does Frank mean by the phrase now you are talking? 17. When does an alternate captain go into action? Упражнение 2. Переведите с листа весь диалог. Для удобства перевода разбейте диалог на части. Упражнение 3. Напишите эссе о некоторых выдающих ся хоккейных соревнованиях последних лет. Используй те для выполнения этого задания информацию из Интер нета. Упражнение 4. Ниже дается терминология снаряжения в хоккее и другая лексика. Включите эту лексику в ваш разговор о хоккее. Придумайте сценарий для такого раз говора. — 146 —
blade лезвие конька хоккеиста boards борт(а) catching glove ловушка (перчатка вратаря) centre (об игроке) центральный нападающий (US center) centre face(off circle центральный круг; тж. centre circle face mask маска вратаря gloves краги goalie разг. вратарь goalkeeper вратарь; тж. goalie; goaltender goalie pads вратарские щитки goalkeeper’s stick клюшка вратаря hit бить по шайбе
ice hockey player хоккеист neutral zone нейтральная зона officials’ bench зд. судейская зона pad наплечник
player’s number личный номер игрока puck шайба right wing правый фланг shaft палка (как часть клюшки) skate кататься на коньках
team’s emblem эмблема хоккейной команды shorts трусы visor козырек, защитный козырек
— 147 —
Unit 22 Short Track: What Is It?
In short track races are pack(style and not against the clock. The first person across the finish line wins. Racing occurs in four distances: 500 m, 1000 m 1500 m and 3000 m. Relays also take place. Athletes try to avoid elimination in the preliminary heats (=preliminary runs), quarters and semis. If bumping occurs, it’s a punishable act.
Jane: Short track speed skating seems to be so complicated. Frank: It is. Jane: As I understand, there is a system in individual races — 148 —
and an elimination system. And there are special rules for overtaking and offenses. Frank: If you don’t execute the penalties, you may be disqualified. A skater can be disqualified even during the race. Jane: What about relays? Frank: In relaying the situation is as follows. A skater may be replaced by another member of the team at any time except during the last two laps. Remember that a pistol signals the beginning of the last three laps and the bell the beginning of the final lap. In the course of the race the skaters may not impede, obstruct, or interfere with opponents, either on or off the track. Offences may be penalized by disqualification of the whole team. Jane: As I see, life is tough for short track participants, isn’t it?
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Short Track be replaced быть замененным bumping столкновение спортсменов competition in individual races соревнования в индивидуальных гонках disqualification дисквалификация elimination in preliminary heats отсеивание в предварительных забегах final lap последний / финальный круг heat соревнование; забег if bumping occurs, it is punishable за столкновения виновных штрафуют impede, interfere with opponents нарушать бег соперников, ме шать им off the track за пределами дорожки — 149 —
offenses нарушения (правил) offenses are penalized за нарушения штрафуют on the track на дорожке overtake догнать (соперника) preliminary heats предварительные забеги racing соревнования relay race эстафетная гонка, эстафета relaying = relay race short track races соревнования на шорттреке short track runners участники соревнований в шорттреке
Упражнение 1. Теперь, когда вы овладели лексикой дан ной спортивной темы, переведите текст с листа, опира ясь на свою память и знание тематики, а также используя уже приобретенные навыки перевода с листа. Упражнение 2. Вставьте необходимые предлоги. Пере ведите текст.
1. Short track speed skating is a new type of competition. At first skaters had only a vague idea ... it. 2. It is exciting to watch short track ... stands. You can see everything so well. 3. As time goes on, short track becomes more and more popular ... Russia. 4. ... Moscow and other cities ... Russia there are some short track centres. 5. Now Russians take part ... short track world championships. 6. Short track speed skating consists ... a number of events: 500 m, 1000 m and so on. 7. Short track speed skating is an elimination event in which racers run ... packs and try to outskate and outwit fellow competitors ... their heats. — 150 —
8. Individual heats feature four skaters ... a time and this happens ... mass start. 9. If you are among the first ... the finish line, you advance ... the next round. Упражнение 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. 1. It is said that in short track races are in pack style. What does it mean? (Explain.) 2. What are the distances at which racing occurs (in short track)? 3. Do racers try to avoid elimination? How do they do that? 4. What happens if bumping occurs? 5. Jane thinks that short track skating is complicated. And what do you think? 6. How many people are there in a pack? 7. If it is a multievent in a short track, is the number of points you gain important? 8. Do they count your points (the points you gain) in all the distances? 9. Do you like to watch speed skating on short distances? 10. Do you have your favourite runners? 11. What is more exciting: speed skating as such or short track events? Whу? (Give an explanation.)
— 151 —
Unit 23 Are You Crazy About Spectator Sports?
Watching how professional athletes play is part of a spectator sport. Sometimes the popularity of sports is characterized by the word crazy. Naturally, this is used in colloquial English. So the recommendation is: if you get sports crazy, chill out by reading sports news. There are different types of thrilling sports shows to watch: it is basketball, football, hockey, ice skating, ice dancing and so on. Moreover, new types of such sports come to the fore: we may mention water skies, bobsleigh, curling, freestyle skiing and so on. Thousands of fans watch every move of the heroes of the events in professional sports. Take media reporting. There is no end of it. — 152 —
People focus on such a sport because they are able to enjoy it, can imagine that they themselves are in it or part of it. One day you may imagine that you clear a hurdle, then you make a record in high diving, or you imagine that you do a high(board diving, then you picture that you are just diving deep into the water, or that you make some trick while in the air, or that you do some bungee jumping, then you may skydive or ski jump, or spring (=leap) with the help of a pole, or you may gain some points on a vaulting horse and so on. Your imagination may be boundless. And then (maybe tired a little bit) at home you can see highlights on TV, replays, read commentaries and carry out analysis of hot events together with your family. Isn’t it fantastic? Don’t you see how sport affects your life? If you love to sit in your armchair, it may be armchair sports for you. Young people enjoy watching cheerleading and pre(game entertainment. The passions fly even higher, when you watch international sports. You may root not only for a team but for your country. Sometimes your head may really go dizzy because of all the music and noise, and drums, and God knows what. But this is part of modern sports scene, it’s part of current entertainment panorama, and many people enjoy it. Do you enjoy it? Let’s look into the topic.
Frank, do you imagine yourself sitting somewhere, let’s say in a lounge, and reading books on current sports? Or do you prefer to attend sporting events or watching them on television? What’s your preference? Frank: Jane, I know you enough. I know what you are driving at. Soon you’ll joke that you saw me the other day at the bar ordering beer! I know that this is a classical stereotype of the socalled armchair sports but I don’t belong to it. This is not my lifestyle. I’m for a more active approach: going to stadiums, watching events there, talking about sports achievements and failures. I want to be there where the action is! — 153 —
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane:
Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane:
Then I can say that you are a “crazy sports watcher”, if I can say so. Have you heard, my dear, of a magazine entitled Sports Illustrated. The pictures are fantastic there! Turning the pages of this magazine is a real enjoyment! Are you aware of this? Sports Illustrated is a fine publication, who doubts it? However, for me going through a sports section and reading it all is more than enough. I enjoy sports but I am not mad about it. Let’s speak about some technical things. Do you remember scores? Most of the sports talk among guys is about scores. Not interested in scores. I prefer talking about the events that took place during a game. Who played against one or another team. Personalities. It’s happenings that matter! I like to talk about sports atmosphere. As to scores, I don’t remember them. But what about forecasts and strategies? Are you not interested in the future of sports? In the chances of some teams? Just idle talk! What about rooting for your team? That’s all right. I’m a good fan. But I also enjoy very much watching cheerleaders doing their thing and bands playing their good music. I like lots of things, Frank! I bet so! (=I’m certain) Frank, you like sports so much. When entering college, did you apply for a scholarship? Certainly! It was real money that helped me in my studies. What is professional sports to you? Is it a business in the field of sports, or is it sports and business? Or is it only sports? — 154 —
Frank: Primarily it’s business. Take basketball or football stars or other stars! Team owners and clubs pay them salaries in the millions. The idea is to keep teams winning games and clubs earning money. Jane: No, it’s not so, Frank. Professional sport is, first of all, the sport of nations. The factor of national prestige is quite important! Not only your bucks. Frank: On second thoughts, Jane, you may be right. It’s a complex matter. Sports and business are inseparables! Some people get tired of the commercial aspects of sports. The press is writing too much about it. Jane: Crowds are interested in spectator sports. The events are more interesting to the public when teams play abroad. There is a lot of publicity about such games and about foreign teams. Frank: That’s true! Jane: Take the rules. Are they important to be able to judge about a game? Or is it enough (for a fan) to have a good general impression about a game and be happy? What are some of the games (you can mention) that are generally considered as very popular now? Frank: I can easily mention some games and competitions. It is aerobics American football athletics baseball basketball biathlon bobsleigh boxing canoe sports cycle racing diving fencing — 155 —
figure skating golf gymnastics horse racing ice hockey roller skating shooting skiing sled dog racing show jumping surfing synchronized swimming table tennis volleyball wrestling yacht racing and so on. And what makes it interesting is that every year new games appear. Civilization does not stand still. Jane: No, it doesn’t. To follow your philosophy, Frank, the world is really excited by sports developments. Frank: Jane, if we want to kill two birds with one stone, let’s leave sports scene alone for a moment. Jane: Yes, my boss!
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Are You Crazy About Spectator Sports? aerobics аэробика armchair sports «кабинетный спорт» (т.е. увлечение спортом с помощью телевизора) bungee jumping прыжки на эластичном тросе с высотных объектов; банджи джампинг canoe sports байдарочный спорт chill out остынуть (на время) — 156 —
clear a hurdle преодолевать препятствие (в беге) come to the fore выходить на передний план (о событиях, игроках) cycle racing велоспорт diving deep into the water прыжки в воду do a high(board diving прыгать в воду с вышки do some bungee jumping совершать прыжки с высоты на элас тичном тросе high diving прыжки с вышки highlights (on TV) решающие соревнования (транслируемые по телевидению) horse racing скачки I bet so! (=I’m certain) разг. Конечно, так! ice hockey хоккей на льду inseparables напр., спорт и бизнес как одно целое keep teams winning games пусть команды выигрывают kill two birds with one stone убить двух зайцев make a record in high diving установить рекорд в прыжках в воду с вышки make some trick (while in the air) исполнить воздушный трюк media средства массовой информации media reporting сообщения в прессе more active approach более активный подход on second thoughts с другой стороны; по размышлении passions fly even higher страсти накаляются professional sports профессиональный спорт roller skating катание на роликовых коньках root for a home team разг. болеть за свою местную команду show jumping показательные прыжки ski jump прыгать с трамплина на лыжах skydive прыгать с парашютом (напр., о затяжном прыжке) sled dog racing гонки на собачьих упряжках spectator sport зрелищный вид спорта sports scene зд. вопросы спорта spring (=leap) with the help of a pole совершать прыжок с шес том (ср. pole(vaulting прыжки с шестом) — 157 —
surfing сёрфинг that’s true именно так thrilling shows потрясающие спортивные соревнования vaulting horse конь (гимнастический снаряд) wrestling вольная борьба yacht racing парусный спорт / регата (гребной и парусный спорт)
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте на следую щие вопросы. 1. What is a professional sport? 2. Professional sport is sometimes described as crazy. What kind of language is used in this case? Is it formal or colloquial English? 3. When we say crazy sports, do we mean entertainment? 4. What characteristic features of colloquial English do you know? Is it style? Is it popular English? What else? 5. Who are cheerleaders? (Look this word up in a dictionary.) 6. Can you find special teams of cheerleaders in US high schools? 7. Is it usually girls who make up such teams? 8. Can a cheerleader grow into a professional dancer? 9. If you use the word armchair sports, what do you mean? 10. What is an active approach? (Give some examples from your life.) 11. What do you know about Sports Illustrated? 12. What about the readership of this magazine? (Look it up in the Internet.) 13. Some fans talk primarily about scores. What are you talking about when debating sports events? 14. Are you keen upon sports forecasts and strategies? Why? (Give a detailed explanation relying on your favourite sport.) — 158 —
15. Talking about sports may be described as an idle talk. Do you like to do that? 16. What home football team are you rooting for? 17. What does the phrase cheerleaders doing their thing mean? 18. Did Frank apply for a scholarship, when he entered college? 19. Can you give your own definition of the term professional sports? 20. What are crowds interested in? 21. Is the knowledge of rules helpful for fans? 22. Who knows the rules of sports (judges, referees, time keepers, organizers of sports events)? 23. Is it enough to have a good general satisfaction (from a game) and be happy? 24. What professional games are very popular now? 25. What are some of your favourite games? 26. What does it mean to kill two birds with one stone? Упражнение 2. Переведите с листа весь диалог. Если не обходимо, разбейте диалог на части. Упражнение 3. Переведите на русский следующий текст. Have you ever heard of such professional sport as giant slalom? Some people call it GS. Do you know that slalom as such is a race on skis or in canoes down a winding course marked out by flags? Giant slalom (if we talk about skiing) is a skiing race. Skiers make runs on the same slope. Skiers usually do the first run in the morning and then the course is changed. Then they do the second run. If you have the best time, you are the winner. Упражнение 4. Просмотрите ряд посвященных слало му видеосюжетов по Интернету. Опишите увиденное вами поанглийски, используя лексику данного занятия и лек сику видеорепортажа. — 159 —
Unit 24 Speed Skating
In speed skating two skaters at a time race around the track. They race in a counterclockwise direction. Races are held over varying distances. Points are given in relation to the skater’s time in each event and then a distance winner is determined. The distance winner is the skater who achieves the fastest time.
(Joking.) Frank! Heading for the start line? Have you put on your skates? Have you laced them up? Frank: Easy, Jane, I’m just waking up! — 160 —
Jane: Do you know why the track has an oval shape? Frank: I suppose this is so because it’s easier to run that way. Jane: And why do they switch? Frank: The skaters switch once during each lap because the outside lane is longer than the inside lane. Jane: Yes, I always wonder about switching. Frank: Jane, if you compare figure skating with ice dancing, what’s the difference? Jane: Let’s see what ice dancing is all about. Dancing is my kind of sport because I can imagine myself dancing on ice, making amazing moves, the crowd in stormy applause. So many things to imagine. Frank: I suppose it is, Jane. You always know how to put it. Do all the girls think so? Jane: If not all, at least some of them. Frank: Can we say that expression and accuracy is the main element in ice dancing? Let’s go back to speed skating. Speed skating was always popular in many countries, for example, in Russia. It can be described as an accessible sport. Everybody can try it. Sometimes whole families come. I think speed skating is a joy for anyone. Jane: Am I right to suggest that there are different events of speed skating at the Olympic Games? Frank: Yes, the events are 500 m, 1500 m and so on. Some distances are for men, some for women. As a rule, skaters race in pairs against the clock on a standard 400 m oval. Athletes are timed to a hundredth of a second as they skate counterclockwise around the oval. Jane: What about equipment? Frank: Well, it’s all very simple. Skaters in the outer lane wear a red armband and skaters on the inner lane wear a white armband. Plus glasses, of course. Glasses protect skaters’ eyes from the wind and ice chips. — 161 —
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank:
I wonder what kind of suits they wear. I think they wear tight racing suits with hoods to reduce air resistance. Isn’t it fantastic to be able to observe not only the rink and skaters but also the mountains around the skating rink? And maybe even wild animals? I suppose people will participate in such new ventures in Sochi in Russia. Skating is becoming more and more popular. As many as 8000 people may come to watch the skating events (=seating capacity). I am not the one to miss such events. I’m interested in competition of teams in the Olympic Games. Each country, I think, may enter its competitors. As to lanes, a draw system is applied. And skaters, how must they behave? Skaters must stand still when getting ready for a start. Their skates may not be over the starting line. On the command of “ready” they adopt their starting positions, and get started by a shot or by a whistle. A skater at fault in two false starts is disqualified for that distance. When a skater has been overtaken and passed, he must remain at least 5 m behind his opponent. Oh, the rules are so complicated! I am afraid I can’t master them. You are not supposed to master them, you are supposed to follow them. English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Speed Skating
accessible sport спорт, доступный для многих distance winner победитель на какойл. дистанции expression and accuracy (in dancing) выразительность и точность движений false start фальстарт (то есть старт до сигнала судьи"стартера) — 162 —
female competitor женщина – участник соревнований fire questions at sb забросать вопросами get started by a shot or whistle старт начинается в момент выст рела или свистка ice chips осколки льда ice dancing танцы на льду lap круг; заезд male competitor мужчина – участник соревнований overtake a skater догнать конькобежца race in a counterclockwise direction бежать на коньках в направ лении против часовой стрелки race in pairs парное соревнование ready command команда «Внимание!» seating capacity вместимость skater’s time время спортсмена skates must not be over the starting line коньки не должны захо дить за стартовую линию speed skating конькобежный спорт
Упражнение 1. Переведите текст с листа. Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский. 1. Можно говорить о синхронном катании – исполнении отдельных спортивных танцев. 2. Катание на коньках – это бег на коньках. 3. Одиночное катание – это вид фигурного катания на коньках. Катаются оригинальная программа и произ вольная. 4. Парное катание – вид фигурного катания. 5. Существует также фигурное катание на водных лыжах. Это вид воднолыжного спорта. 6. Фигурное катание на коньках. Это вид спорта, в про грамму которого входят одиночное катание, парное ка тание, спортивные танцы на льду, синхронное катание. — 163 —
7. Фигурное синхронное катание на коньках – это осо бый вид спорта. Упражнение 3. Вставьте необходимые предлоги. 1. Have you ever pictured yourself skating ... ice? 2. If so, figure skating is ... you. 3. Figure skating can be done ... pairs or as a single. 4. You don’t need much equipment. What you need is a pair ... skates and costumes. 5. Ice skating began in Europe hundreds ... years ago. 6. People waited until winter to skate ... frozen lakes, ponds and canals. Participants need skates which are boots ... metal blades. 7. I’ll watch all the skating events ... this Winter Olympics. 8. Some ... Russia’s figure skaters are gold medal winners. 9. Figure skating became a popular sport ... Russia. Упражнение 4. Теперь, когда вы уже овладели терми нологией по конькобежному спорту, ответьте на следую щие вопросы. 1. What is speed skating ? 2. What kind of questions is Jane asking? 3. Jane wonders if skaters switch. What does she mean? 4. Do they switch during each lap? 5. Is it hard to dance on ice? 6. What is the main element in dancing? 7. Should skaters wear glasses? 8. What do they need glasses for? 9. Are glasses effective against ice chips? 10. Are new sports ventures planned in Sochi in Russia? 11. When do skaters start running? 12. Have you ever participated in skating competitions? 13. Would you like to? — 164 —
Unit 25 Biathlon
Biathlon is a tough sport. Many people say it is a fantastic game. To begin with, it is a ski race in which contestants ski around a cross(country track, and the total distance is broken up by shooting rounds. Half of the shooting rounds are in prone position, the other half standing. World biathlon championships are held every year. There are a number of individual and team events. Depending on the shooting performance, extra distance or time is added to the contestant’s — 165 —
total running distance/time. As in most cases, the contestant with the best results wins. When shooting, appropriate targets are to be hit. Each missed target must be atoned for: it may be skiing around a penalty loop, or time added to the skier’s total time. As to skiing details, they are as follows. All cross(country skiing techniques are permitted in biathlon. In shooting we use a rifle. There are targets to hit in each shooting round. Knowing that much about biathlon, let’s now switch to the issues of a competition format. As to the course, it must be laid out naturally and it should vary as much as possible. The prescribed limits and differences in height should be observed. It should be a true test of the competitors’ strength, endurance, tactical knowledge and ski technique. It is not easy to cover the most strenuous part of the course. It is so exciting to watch all phases of the competition.
Jane: Biathlon is a great game to watch. Frank: Jane, you are young, and I think you can participate in a biathlon race. Some 20 km for men, or 15 km for women, is it too much for you? Jane: And if it’s sprint, how long is the distance? Frank: Not sure, maybe some 10 km for men, and 7.5 km for women. Maybe you’ve got to run other distances. Jane: What about a socalled pursuit? Skiers are always talking about it. Frank: In a pursuit biathletes’ starts are separated by their time differences from a previous race. Then there’s a mass start and a relay. If it’s a relay, a relay team is formed. Biathlon is a highly technical sport for organizers. No time for idle talks! Jane: As I remember from linguistics, the word biathlon comes from the Greek word meaning two contests. So it means joining two sports together. I wouldn’t like to participate in this kind of sport because it exhausts a person too much. You know, you’ve got to ski as fast — 166 —
Frank: Jane:
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane:
as possible. And this is all the time. You know, Frank, people get too much tired. One can drop dead. I’m afraid it’s not for me! Relax, dear! Frank, what’s all this bitter irony for? For me? It’s not fair! Imagine that you are an athlete. Your heart is beating hard. And at this time you have to hit targets. Tell me, Frank, how can one shoot with precision with his heart almost ready to jump out? That’s exactly what I’m thinking about. No kidding! I don’t know how to slow down the heart. I’m not an Indian magician. And the size of a target! It’s so small! What is the name of the thing used for carrying a rifle? Do you mean a sling? Which race is more difficult: sprint or pursuit? I’m keen on biathlon but I don’t know the details. The best policy is not to have any misses. As you know, racers will get a penalty loop for every target they miss. You’d better hit all the targets! Who knows, maybe I’ll try biathlon some day later. It attracts me. Better late than never! Okay, dear. I’ll give you a proverb of my own: who never tries wins not the prize. Fantastic! Are you a poet? I love it! What about triathlon and pentathlon? Are they related? Triathlon and pentathlon are multi(sport events. Take triathlon. It consists of swimming, cycling and running. Pentathlon is associated with outdoor and indoor activities. As far as I remember, pentathlon is associated with running, swimming, riding, shooting and fencing. Is it still contested in many parts of the world? Yes! So I thought. Speaking of shooting, what positions do they take? — 167 —
Frank: As to rifle shooting, it is done in a prone position or standing. Jane: Does it matter very much how I perform in shooting? Maybe running is the main thing and shooting does not matter. Is it so? Frank: Shooting is also important. Depending on the shooting results, appropriate time or distance is counted. The contestant with best results wins. Jane: What is the contestant doing in each shooting round? Frank The job of a contestant? Let me put it this way: I guess it is to hit appropriate targets. Jane: Split time is also important, isn’t it? So what’s done in that case? Frank: Jane, you are always looking into every minor detail. It’s kind of “pinning”, I think. There are large display screens all around, and they are set up at biathlon arenas. Then there are television pictures showing what the situation is. So at the appropriate points you can see the time differences to the closest runners(up. Jane: Individual or team events, are they both popular? Frank: Yes, they are. Don’t forget it’s aces who participate in games, they are active players, not bench(warmers! Jane: Details you say. That’s true. What can you tell me about championships? Frank: What’s your best pleasure to watch: skiing or rifle shooting? Now, speaking of shooting. It’s getting the firing points (for your performance). As far as I remember, near the real range for shooting you may have a test range, so competitors can have a trial shooting before the competition. Jane: Shooting areas. Are they marked? Frank: Definitely! The areas are marked off from spectators. Jane: Glad to hear that! Frank: Jane, sometimes it seems to me that your reactions are like in school. What are we talking about? It’s — 168 —
professional sport. It’s a serious matter. Moreover, sometimes it’s even dangerous! Jane: What about dress for biathlon participants? Formal and strict? Frank: Certainly formal! Special material (=padding) may be used to alleviate the pressure of the sling used to carry the rifle. Jane: Any incredible stories about the equipment? Frank No. Not yet. So far only credible. All is usual: one pair of marked skis and one marked rifle. That’s it.
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Biathlon areas are marked off from spectators участки (соревнований) от делены от зрителей bench(warmers сленг игроки на скамейке запасных better late than never лучше поздно, чем никогда biathletes’ start старт биатлонистов championship чемпионат contestants (in biathlon) участники соревнований cross(country skiing лыжные гонки cross(country skiing techniques приемы, используемые в лыж ных гонках dress for biathlon participants костюмы для участников сорев нований по биатлону exhausts a person too much слишком изнуряет спортсмена fencing фехтование hit (all the) targets поразить (все) цели hit appropriate targets поразить требуемые цели hit with precision попасть точно в цель individual events отдельные выступления спортсменов indoor activities выступления спортсменов в закрытом поме щении — 169 —
marked отмеченный, маркированный marked rifle винтовка с маркировкой marked skis лыжи с маркировкой mass start массовый старт missed target промах (при стрельбе) multi(sport events соревнования по нескольким видам спорта no kidding безо всяких шуток outdoor activities выступления на открытом воздухе penalty loop штрафной круг (напр., назначаемый при промахе) pinning приставание, мелкие булавочные уколы (с чьей"л. сто" роны) prone position в положении лежа pursuit гонка преследования real range for shooting настоящее стрельбище relay эстафета run a relay бежать эстафету runner(up участник соревнования, занявший второе место shoot a rifle стрелять из винтовки shooting стрельба shooting rounds стрельба (как часть соревнований биатлонис" тов) ski around a penalty loop пробежать штрафной круг ski technique техника катания на лыжах sling (to carry a rifle) ремень (для ношения винтовки) split time время в долях секунды sprint спринт standing стоя (о положении стрелка) swimming плавание targets are to be hit цели надо поразить (при стрельбе) targets цели, мишени team events командные соревнования test range (for shooting) тренировочный полигон the best policy is not to have any misses самая лучшая тактика – стрелять без промаха time difference to the closest runners(up разница во времени по отношению к ближайшим преследователям — 170 —
total running distance общий пробег (дистанция пробега) total running time общее время пробега на лыжах who never tries wins not the prize посл. попытка не пытка world biathlon championship чемпионат мира по биатлону
Упражнение 1. Еще раз просмотрите данный выше спи сок соответствий единиц на английском и русском язы ках. Проверьте, знаете ли вы русские эквиваленты анг лийских единиц по тематике биатлона. Упражнение 2. Проработав диалог и запомнив лексику, ответьте на следующие вопросы поанглийски. 1. What can you say about biathlon? Is it a tough competition? Describe what a biathlon competition is all about. 2. What about world biathlon championships? 3. If you miss a target, should it be atoned for? 4. What gun is used when shooting a target? 5. If you miss the target, do they assign you a penalty loop? 6. What is a penalty loop? (Describe it.) 7. If you run fast for a short distance, how is it called in English? 8. Biathlon is often described as joining the two sports together. What is meant? 9. Is it possible to shoot with precision when you are excited? 10. What competitions are organized in case of a triathlon? 11. What is pentathlon associated with? 12. What does the term split time mean? 13. What is a test range for? 14. If you participate in biathlon competitions, are your skis and rifle marked? Why? Упражнение 3. Письменно переведите на английский следующие предложения. 1. Биатлон – популярный вид спорта. — 171 —
2. Биатлон представляет собой гонку на лыжах (ski race) c малокалиберной винтовкой, из которой ведется стрельба по мишеням на определенных рубежах (at certain fire points). 3. Дистанция стрельбы — 50 м. 4. Дистанция гонок — от 7,5 км до 25 км. 5. Гонки ведутся с общего (mass start) и раздельного (individual) стартов. 6. В биатлон также входят эстафеты, командные гонки. 7. В программу по биатлону входят, например, команд ные гонки и эстафеты. 8. При промахах в стрельбе назначается прохождение штрафных кругов (skiing around penalty loops). 9. При стрельбе биатлонист использует малокалиберную винтовку. 10. Вы знаете, как осуществляется прицеливание (aiming)? 11. Я думаю, что биатлон – это трудный вид спорта. 12. Я очень хотел бы (I’d love very much) попробовать свои силы в этом виде спорта. Упражнение 4. Переведите на русский с листа. 1. A biathlon competition consists of a race (contestants ski on a crosscountry track) and shooting rounds. 2. Depending on the shooting performance, extra distance or time is added to the contestant’s total running distance / time. 3. As in most races, the contestant with the best results wins. 4. When shooting, it is essential not to miss the target. 5. It takes a few seconds to ski around a penalty loop. 6. In biathlon all cross(country skiing techniques are permitted. 7. No other equipment than skis and ski poles may be used for moving along the track. 8. The biathlon participant carries a smallbore rifle. 9. The shooting distance is 50 metres. — 172 —
10. Depending on the target diametre, one can shoot in the prone or standing position. 11. On modern biathlon ranges the targets are selfindicating, in that they flip from black to white when hit. 12. In a pursuit, biathletes’ starts are separated by their time differences from a previous race. 13. Racers wear crosscountry skis, ski suit, and boots. 14. The function of an arm sling is to stabilize the rifle while shooting. Упражнение 5. Вставьте необходимые предлоги. 1. The word biathlon comes ... the Greek word. 2. The skiers go as fast as they can ... a certain distance. 3. Each race has a different number ... targets to hit. 4. One has a penalty loop ... every target the racer misses. 5. The rifle is the basic equipment ... shooting. 6. In fencing the athlete fences each of his or her opponents ... a short time. 7. Swimming takes place ... Olympic swimming pools.
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Unit 26
Should I Rent a Car or Hire a Taxi?
A car rental agency is a company renting automobiles (=cars) for short periods of time. This is done for a fee. Car rental agencies are usually located near airports or busy city areas. You can call them, of course, or go there directly, or use online reservations. Such agencies are quite convenient for globetrotters. Because of different types of vehicles being rented, the agencies can also serve moving industry clients. For example, you can rent a van or a truck there. GPS (=global positioning satellite) navigation systems are also available. — 174 —
If you analyze commercial offers more attentively, you will find that there are other useful services there, for example, you can rent mobile phones. A rental business is a new developing industry. Our pattern of life is undergoing great changes. Things change. Businesses change. Our behaviour changes. See how difficult questions are asked and answered in the dialogue below.
Jane: Frank: Jane: Expert:
Jane: Expert:
Jane: Expert:
Frank: Expert:
Frank, can you tell me how car rental companies operate? Sorry, I can’t. I think that in this case we need expertise. Okay. Let’s ask an expert. (An expert shows up.) Hello! My name is John. As a rule, we have a certain number of fleet vehicles (we purchase them), and we rent our vehicles to our customers for a fee. And, if the rental life of the vehicle is over (after a certain period of time), what happens to that car? If that happens, we may offer the used vehicle to the used car market. You know there are dealers (=car dealers) across the country. What about car rental terms? Do you inform about them? Certainly! To rent a car, you must be of a certain age. Find that out in advance. You must have a driver’s license too. It’s almost a must that you have a credit card. It is a good guarantee of all payments. You should also remember that a minimum liability coverage may be required. You should look into (=you must not ignore) such details. And what should one do in hard times? When an accident happens or something like that. If you are in troubled waters (=when you are in trouble), some questions may be asked (by the traffic police) about your driver’s license, driver’s license number, plate number, insurance you have and the like. — 175 —
Jane: Frank: Jane: Expert: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane:
Frank: Jane:
If you are a foreigner, get ready with your passport. It should be valid and the visa in it should be in force (if a visa is necessary). If you hire a car, all such questions go to the rental agency. Oh! The situation is quite manageable then. It makes me feel easy too because I see no problems of repairs here. Not many problems for you! But maybe there are some difficult questions for the agency! As to police investigations, this is another story. I hope it’s not my pair of shoes. Jane, honey, can you stop kidding? We know what kind of shoes you are after. “I am after?” What do you mean? Jane, hurry up! Why not go to the Travel Plaza to a nice restaurant right now? I’m dying to be there. They serve good food there and I’m hungry as a wolf. There are also some excellent bars there and they are not off limits to us because we are already 21. Frank, I see you know your age very well! I sure do! Should we take a taxi? What do we need a taxi for? We are not trying to get around the city. We are not too far from our place. And we don’t have any extra money to throw away! I like the direction of your thought. Then why do we waste our time? And why don’t we start right now? Time is money!
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Should I Rent a Car or Hire a Taxi? and the like и т.п. be in force быть в силе be in troubled waters разг. быть в затруднительной ситуации — 176 —
be off limits (to sb) быть закрытым (для кого"л.) (напр., о ресто" ране) car dealer дилер, торговец автомобилями car rental company агентство по прокату автомобилей car rental terms условия проката автомобилей commercial offer коммерческое предложение driver’s license водительские права driver’s license number номер водительских прав expertise экспертное мнение find that out in advance узнайте об этом заранее fleet vehicles парк автомобилей GPS навигационная система GPS hire a car взять напрокат автомобиль insurance страхование it’s almost a must почти обязательно (необходимо), чтобы minimum liability coverage минимальный объем страховой от ветственности mobile phone мобильный телефон moving перевозка (мебели и пр.) moving industry индустрия транспортных перевозок online reservations бронирование в режиме онлайн off limits закрытый для ... (о заведении) plate number номер на номерном знаке rent a vehicle (to) давать автомобиль напрокат traffic police дорожная полиция train of thought ход мысли truck амер. грузовик van фургон, небольшой грузовой автомобиль
Упражнение 1. Переведите диалог с листа. Упражнение 2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. What is the usual procedure of renting a car? 2. How do you hire a taxi if you are in the street? — 177 —
3. Do we rent cars for a fee? 4. What is the fee per hour? 5. Does it depend on the model of a car? 6. What is the usual location of car rental agencies? (See the dialogue.) 7. What is a busy city area? (Describe it as you understand the term “busy city area”.) 8. Will you prefer to rent a car by phone or will you go straight to a rental office? 9. Are car rental offices convenient for globetrotters? (Explain why.) 10. Can you rent trucks in a rental agency? 11. Should you have an appropriate driver’s license to rent a truck? 12. Are GPS devices available now? 13. Can you rent a mobile phone? 14. Is the job of a car dealer difficult? 15. Are there any special terms to rent a car? 16. What are they? 17. What should you do if you find yourself in troubled waters? (See the dialogue.) 18. Is the restaurant Jane is planning to attend off limits to her? 19. Frank said that he liked Jane’s train of thought. What did he mean? Упражнение 3. Найдите в Интернете информацию о правилах вызова такси и плате за проезд. Обсудите эту информацию поанглийски. Упражнение 4. Найдите русские эквиваленты. amount of money to pay is shown on the meter Are you in a hurry? (a question asked by a taxi driver) at the end of a trip cab companies are listed in the Yellow Pages — 178 —
cab company = taxi company call a cab company Don’t you have anything smaller? Do you have change for a twenty? Do you have to drive that fast? Do you mean the house over there? Do you need a receipt? I’m sorry, I don’t have any change. I can’t break that. Have you got smaller bills? I’ll pay extra if you get me there quickly. It was a nice trip. Thanks. It will cost you double to leave the city. keep the change Mind if I smoke? on the way to the garage pay a total fare radio cab company slow down specified taxi stand stay here for a moment TAXI (the sign is lit up) ... There is no need to hurry. To the airport and be quick about it. total fare Wait here a second. Which side of the intersection? Which side of the street should I park? Which way do you want me to go?
— 179 —
Unit 27
Buying an Existing Business. Why Not?
Some people think buying an existing business is easy. Some people don’t share this viewpoint. It all depends on the kind of business you want to buy and the amount of cash available. Make a wrong move, and you’ll have one million problems on your hands. Naturally, a good way out is to hire a business expert to help you. For example, if you employ an experienced broker, he will obtain all the necessary information first. Then he will look into official available financial disclosures and examine every important company’s paper (if it is available). And only then he will make up his mind and present his recommendations. Then other steps — 180 —
follow. It is fixing the price of the business being bought, the negotiations, and going through all paperwork. One day it may seem to you that there is no end of problems. So, how to discuss this issue? Let’s read the dialogue below and see how some questions relating to buying a ready business may be asked and answered.
Some friends of mine disapprove of my wild ideas. They don’t want me to start a business from scratch (crazy idea, they say). At the same time they don’t suggest how I should proceed. Frank, may I hope that a good idea will come from you? Frank: Well, sweetie, you may hope. To tell you the truth, I did study a course of business (as a special subject) at college and I have some ideas to share with you. To put it briefly, I’m for realization of some business ideas but you’ll have to implement them yourself. I don’t want to force my line of thinking on you. Jane: Ready to hear your ideas, sir. I am openminded. Frank: First of all, Jane, see what you want, what your specific goal is and only then stick to your plan. I personally think that you have a talent for business. In general. Your main plus is the knowledge of information, ability to get information and to talk convincingly with other people. Jane: A whole list of compliments, thank you! These are my advantages, what about the disadvantages? Frank: On the other side, you lack drive, drive for business. And maybe you are too credulous. You trust everyone so easily. You should analyse the consequences of your decisions too. Advice comes to you from all directions, that’s good. But you should listen to those you trust most. First of all, draw up your own working plan and then judge, weigh it up. — 181 —
Jane: Okay. So, what about buying an existing business? Frank: Buying an existing business to me is like snatching a ready project from a shelf. Acting this way may help you hit the ground running. Jane: Really? Frank; Okay, see for yourself. Why starting from scratch is not for you? It reminds me of girls trying to handle beauty parlors (=salons). Do you think the young ladies organize it from scratch? I think they buy a ready company, a whole package, that’s what they do. In business there are many things that require experience. It takes time. Take the question of building a customer base. Can you do that? Or do you see already crowds rushing to your shop and snatching off everything from the counters? Jane: Okay, okay, maybe you are right. You’ve given me crushing arguments! Frank: As I see, you find it hard to admit that you may be wrong! That’s your disadvantage. Jane: (Jokingly.) Yes, sir! Frank: To run a successful business, you should have a good cash flow. Do you know, by the way, what a cash flow is? I suppose very little. Jane: Do you mean I’ve got to go through all that? Frank; And what do you think? Have you thought about a goodwill, for example? Jane: Do you mean my own goodwill? I know all about it. Frank: Come on, Jane. Be serious. I don’t mean your kind feelings. I mean a company’s goodwill, a reputation of a business. Open a business dictionary. See what this term means. By the way, a firm’s goodwill may also be a business asset. Jane: Do you mean a business reputation has also a price? Frank: Sure! When you buy a business, you acquire an operation. All this has a price. — 182 —
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane:
In other words, you mean, Frank, that I shouldn’t reinvent the wheel. Is that what you are driving at? Certainly! You speak like a professor. Too formal. I’m scared a bit. You should deliver lectures at a university. Thank you, dear. Who knows, maybe I will some day. When people sell their ready business, do they tell you the truth? Yes and no. It depends on an individual. And the last problem for you, Jane. Are you ready to run risks? I mean business risks, not your romantic relationships. Any business is an adventure. If you are not ready for risks, you may split the scene. Split the scene? It doesn’t sound like professor’s language, Frank. Rather, it’s professor’s jargon. Okay, sorry! I’ve been carried away a little bit. Take it easy, Frank. I’m kidding. I’d rather stop asking you any more hot questions now. As I see, passions fly already! I suppose it’s time to think it all over! English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Buying an Existing Business
beauty parlor амер. салон красоты buy an existing business купить готовое предприятие course of business бизнескурс crowds зд. толпы народа / покупателей disclosure раскрытие, официальное сообщение информации (о работе фирмы) draw up one’s own platform составить свою платформу / кон цепцию existing business готовое дело / предприятие favour ideas поддерживать мысли о том, что financial disclosure финансовые сведения (информация о работе фирмы, напр., в форме тех или иных официальных отчетов) — 183 —
fix the price определить цену (приобретаемого объекта) goodwill (of a company) деловая репутация (фирмы) hit the ground running шутл. земля завертится еще быстрее I’ve been carried away a little bit меня немного занесло implement ideas претворять идеи в жизнь make a wrong move сделать неверный ход many friends of mine многие мои друзья paperwork бумажная работа passions fly страсти накаляются reinvent the wheel шутл. вновь изобретать велосипед run a successful business управлять успешным бизнесом run risks идти на риск split the scene сленг уходить со сцены, проваливать start a business from scratch открыть дело с нуля stick to one’s plan придерживаться избранного плана действий take it easy не волнуйся, не надо волноваться think it all over все обдумать заново
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. Have you ever thought of buying an existing business? 2. What is an existing (=ready) business? 3. Is it possible to make a wrong move in buying a ready business? 4. Who is a broker? What are his functions? 5. What do brokers do? Can they give (=offer) advice on buying a ready business? 6. Is a company supposed to make financial disclosures? Is it in accordance with current laws on business in the West? 7. What is paperwork? Is it easy to go through it every day? 8. If they speak of a backlog of paperwork, what do they mean? 9. What is a business plan? Are you supposed to stick to it? 10. Did Jane make up her mind about her future business? — 184 —
11. Is Jane a capable businesswoman? How did Frank characterize her? 12. If you have business talent, what does that mean? 13. Was Frank negative about some of Jane’s capabilities? 14. When Frank said Jane was lacking drive, what did he mean? Did he mean her energy, determination? 15. Would you like to start from scratch or would you rather buy a ready business? 16. Is it easy to run a beauty parlor? 17. What are you supposed to do when running a beauty parlor? Mention some of the functions of beauty parlor operators. 18. What about the cost of the goodwill of a famous company? (Try to find it out in the Internet.) 19. If you start from scratch, can you speak of the goodwill of your company? 20. What does the phrase to reinvent the wheel mean? 21. When some business people sell their ready business, do they tell you all the truth? Упражнение 2. Разыграйте ситуацию по ролям: как луч ше – открывать дело с нуля или сразу купить готовое пред приятие? Свои роли (позиции) проиграйте поанглий ски. Представьте те или иные аргументы «за» и «против». Упражнение 3. Найдите в Интернете советы насчет биз неса с нуля или покупки готового бизнеса. Теоретически, что для вас подошло бы больше? Составьте колонку сове тов «за» и колонку советов «против». Какая выри совывается ситуация? Или вы вообще предпочитаете другую специальность? Чем вы хотели бы заниматься в жизни?
— 185 —
Unit 28 It Is Hard to Get a Job Now
Wherever you are, getting a job is not easy now. Some people try to get a job even abroad. As a rule, this is a temporary job. You can find an advertisement in a newspaper about it. Other people look for a job to get extra money for their budget trip. A vacation on a budget is a difficult thing and an extra buck will do you no harm. Some people try to get a job abroad because they have plenty of free time and like the idea of living in another culture. — 186 —
Occasionally you are lucky. But you must be ready for hard times as well, because getting a job abroad is just an opportunity and nothing more. Let’s see how our friends handle this issue. Express your point of view when answering questions.
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank:
If a person looks for a job, he / she always wonders how to find it. It’s not so easy, is it? Easier said than done. Frank, your knowledge of linguistics is quite impressive. Who is a linguist here? You are a linguist here, you! I have another question: What is the most traditional way (=method) of finding a job? I guess, first of all, you should look through the job listings in newspapers, magazines, etc. We live in the world of publishing and electronic media. Let’s not forget that! Stores and restaurants, do they place their ads in newspapers? I think they do. Moreover, you should know the newspapers that often do that. Sure, they do! In addition they (sometimes) put the sign Help Wanted in their windows. That means they may hire a person right away. When you apply for a job, you must fill in (US fill out) an application form. I believe that sometimes you’ve got to send your CV (=resume) in which you describe your education background and previous jobs. This way the potential employer may see how qualified you are for a prospective job. Should I always write a cover letter? A cover letter (if needed) seems to be a worthwhile effort. This way you give more information about yourself and explain why you look for a particular job. I hear that sometimes to get employment you must also present references. — 187 —
Frank: Written references? Jane: Certainly! References are recommendations from the people who know you. So you have to give names, phone numbers, and addresses of two or three persons (you know) who can describe your character, estimate your qualifications. Frank: I think references are important. But I don’t like this idea very much. Jane: Once an employer gets interested in me (my education and working record, my skills, etc.), what should I expect? Frank: If that happens you should expect an invitation for an interview. Jane : If you pass an interview and if you are chosen, do they offer you a job? Frank: I think they will. You know there are also jobs programs targeted at workers and specialists of different categories and these programs may include some benefits. Jane: Some people are lucky and find a job that pays them to travel. All this sounds so positive but I think what is needed is research.
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: It Is Hard to Get a Job Now be on the list (for an interview) быть в списке кандидатов (на собеседование) budget trip экономная поездка cover letter сопроводительное письмо (от поступающего на работу) CV / curriculum vitae (=resume) резюме (представляемое при поступлении на работу) easier said than done легче сказать, чем сделать — 188 —
education background сведения об образовании employer работодатель, наниматель fill in an application (US fill out an application) подать заявление hire a person нанять человека (на работу) invitation for an interview приглашение на собеседование (от работодателя) job bank информационный центр (о рабочих местах) job listings перечень работ (напр., в газетных объявлениях) look for a job (=hunt for a job) искать работу pass an interview пройти собеседование place ads (in newspapers) разместить объявления (в газетах) potential employer потенциальный работодатель prospective job будущая работа references характеристики; рекомендации traditional way (traditional method) традиционный способ /ме тод vacation on a budget отдых в рамках запланированных расхо дов when travelling overseas во время поездки за границу written references рекомендации в письменном виде
Упражнение 1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. 1. Is it easy to get a job overseas? 2. What is a budget trip? 3. If you look for a job, where can you get reliable information? 4. Do you know of the existence of job banks in many countries? 5. Do they (job banks) provide profiles for specific occupations? 6. Is information about future salary important? 7. Do you know about any business(oriented websites? 8. Do you know about the differences in public, private and international companies? 9. Do you usually use business news sources? — 189 —
10. Do you know the keyword job searching? 11. When you write about a job, do you point out preferences? 12. What does it mean hourly rates? 13. Do you plan to work at the executive level? 14. Do you read annotated guides to marketing resources? 15. Do you take into account the fast changing business environment? 16. What methods of finding a job do people use? 17. Do you read job ads in newspapers? 18. What is a resume necessary for? 19. What is a cover letter? 20. When applying for a job, do you write a cover letter? 21. Do you know how to answer questions at interview? 22. If you are asked about the purpose of your application what will you say? 23. Will you speak negatively about your previous boss? 24. Will you tell the interviewer the full truth about your previous record? 25. Is it easy now to check your previous work record? 26. If you pass your interview, will they let you know about it? Упражнение 2. Напишите эссе о проблеме поиска ра боты в настоящее время. Используйте Интернет. Объем эссе – 4–5 страниц. Обсудите написанное в группе. Упражнение 3. Переведите диалог с листа в быстром темпе. Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский. 1. Если вы заняты поиском работы, то вы всегда думае те, как же ее найти. И действительно это нелегкое дело. 2. Итак, как обычно ищут работу? 3. Кажется, что работу обычно ищут, просматривая спис( — 190 —
ки вакансий в газетах, журналах и пр. Или используют ресурсы Интернета. 4. А магазины и рестораны – они размещают свои объяв ления в газетах? 5. Конечно! Но кроме того, они иногда вывешива ют объявление «Требуются» и выставляют их в витри нах. Это означает, что работник требуется немед ленно. 6. Когда вы обращаетесь к работодателю по поводу ра боты, вы заполняете бланк(заявление на работу. 7. Иногда требуется отправить вашу краткую биографию, в которой вы сообщаете о том, где вы учились, и о сво их предыдущих работах. 8. Таким образом ваш будущий работодатель (нанима тель) сможет оценить, насколько вы подходите для дальнейшей работы в определенной должности. 9. А сопроводительное письмо надо писать? 10. Сопроводительное письмо (если оно требуется) быва ет полезным. Таким образом вы сможете больше со общить о себе и разъяснить работодателю, почему вы выбираете именно эту работу. 11. Насколько я знаю, иногда, чтобы получить работу, тре буются рекомендации. 12. Рекомендации, иначе говоря, — это рекомендации тех, кто вас знает. Вы должны сообщить ФИО лиц, даю щих вам рекомендации, номера их телефонов и адре са двухтрех человек, которые могли бы сообщить о вашем профессиональном опыте, о ваших чертах характера, и которые могли бы сделать вывод, будете ли вы достойным сотрудником. 13. Так что рекомендации, можно сказать, играют важную роль. 14. Если работодатель заинтересуется в вас, то есть в ва шем образовании и в опыте работы, который вами на коплен, то чего ожидать дальше? — 191 —
15. Если такое случится, то надо ожидать приглашения на собеседование. В ряде случаев могут потребоваться два собеседования или более. Это будет зависеть от харак тера работы, которую вы ищете. 16. Если вы пройдете собеседование и выберут именно вас, то вам и предложат работу. 17. Так что дальше надо упорно работать, чтобы вас повы( сили в должности. 18. Если показатели в работе у вас будут неважные, то пос ле испытательного срока вас могут уволить.
— 192 —
Unit 29 Leasing in Tourism
As tourism booms, new projects emerge in a tourist leasing. This is part of a general tourist business. An object of leasing may be a house, a bungalow with some history behind it, or an old cottage with some famous paintings in it. The objects being leased increase in number. Quite often the objects being leased require investment to upgrade their existing status. You can do lots of things with the object leased: build some sports facility there (a golf course, for example, on the land leased), upgrade the existing recreation or entertainment areas (sports club, sports facilities and so on), build or improve a restaurant, café, etc. — 193 —
I think the lease of the objects of tourism can be looked upon as one of the ways to break into a tourist market. Frank: But is that possible? Jane: Frank, let me put it this way. If you have the required money, you may become a lessee (become a person who pays for leasing property), and you may use a lease agreement to break into the travel market. A tourist hotel, for example, a small one, may be one of your lease objects. Frank: But is leasing expensive? Jane: Sometimes. In each particular case the result may be different. Frank: In general, is leasing a profitable business? Jane: Quite often it is. Sometimes it isn’t. You should take other conditions into account. Frank: What kind of information does a lease require? Jane: A lot of facts. Such as: name of a contract person (=person signing the contract) present address telephone number federal taxpayer identification number indication of the date when the business was set up kind of business number of employees employed bank and checking accounts personal references and other requirements. Frank: Many papers. Jane: Frank, tourist leasing seems to be a profitable idea. Maybe we have to look into that. — 194 —
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Leasing in Tourism bungalow бунгало, одноэтажный дачный домик с верандой burden бремя can be looked upon можно расценивать как entertainment area площадка для игр и развлечений existing recreation существующий отдых (спорт и развлече" ния) federal taxpayer identification number федеральный идентифи кационный номер налогоплательщика (ИНН) indication of the date when the business was set up указание даты основания бизнеса (напр., аренда) it’s a matter of bargaining это вопрос договоренности lease agreement арендное соглашение lease object объект аренды lessee арендатор checking account амер. текущий банковский счет name of a contract person имя (ФИО) человека, подписавшего контракт nothing venture, nothing gain кто не рискует, тот не выигры вает number of employees employed количество работающих сотруд ников operation of a hotel управление отелем other requirements другие требования personal references рекомендации (от кого"л.) present address адрес на настоящий момент profitable business прибыльное дело recreation areas места для отдыха run a hotel управлять отелем sports facility спортивное сооружение telephone number номер телефона tourist facilities туристские объекты tourist hotel туристский отель, отель для туристов — 195 —
tourist leasing лизинг в сфере туризма upgrade повысить, улучшить (качество чего"л.) upgrade the existing status повысить существующий статус (объекта)
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. Have you got any project with regard to tourist leasing? 2. Does the number of objects being leased increase nowadays? 3. If you lease an object of tourism, do you plan to upgrade it? 4. What is meant by a sports facility? 5. Can you regard your leasing object as one of the ways to break into a tourist market? 6. Can a tourist hotel be an object of leasing by a group of people? 7. What is bargaining? 8. Is it possible to turn the operation of a hotel into a profitable business? 9. What kind of information is necessary for leasing? (Enumerate the main points.) 10. What does the proverb nothing venture, nothing gain mean? Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский следующие предложения. 1. В США термин «европейский план» (European plan) оз начает отельный тариф, который включает стоимость размещения (room charges) и обслуживания (service charges), но без учета стоимости питания (but no meals). 2. В странах Европы подразумевается простой континен тальный завтрак (simple continental breakfast). 3. Континентальный завтрак – это стандартный набор блюд в утреннем меню. — 196 —
4. Индивидуальный тур (individual tour) – это тур с опреде ленным набором туристских услуг, заказанных клиен том. Как правило, это размещение (accommodation), питание (meals), трансфер, экскурсионная и развле кательная программы. 5. Инклюзив(тур – это четко определенный набор услуг. 6. Кемпинг – это или автомобильный туризм с отдельным проживанием в специально оборудованных местах, или лагерь (a camp) для автотуристов. 7. Принято говорить «отправиться в кемпинг» (to go camping), когда имеется в виду посещение какоголибо места проживания в палатке (visiting a place to stay at a tent). 8. Площадки на базе для туристов специально обустраива ются (camping sites are specially arranged). 9. Автофургон (camping trailer) – это домик на колесах (vehicle), который прицепляется к автомобилю (which is towed behind a car) и может перевозиться с места на место.
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Unit 30 Do You Know How to Send a Letter or Package?
In general postage matters are not easy. Domestic postage (for example, in some countries) includes Monday through Sunday delivery. If packages are very heavy, they will not be delivered. Special terms will be specified. The dimensions in length and width are also important. Among the most known (=common) types of mail we may mention: express mail priority mail first class mail (including letters, large envelopes, packages, parcels) — 198 —
parcel post media mail (including books) library mail. For some types of mail discounts are available. You can ask a post clerk what post the discounts are applicable to. The postal services are undergoing a great change now. New inventions break through the old stereotypes. As a result, in many countries new types of postal services emerge. It is an interesting topic for debate.
Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
I suppose that throughout the world the postal services are more or less the same. Is it so, Frank? Yes and no. If you mean the general goals and mail functions, that’s true. If you mean the current postal technological capabilities, it is not so, because postal services are financed differently in different countries. As for me, I think that postal services are strategic by nature. Nowadays many new supermodern postal systems are installed. Their speed of operations is just fantastic. The countries with modern post equipment are very effective from the postal point of view. Do postal offices also carry out some banking operations? Yes, they do. They can exchange foreign currency, for example. What postage do you pay to send a letter? This is a simple question to answer. You pay a specified postage to send a letter. Via what? Postage is paid via: stamps purchased at a Post Office (first of all) prepaid envelopes shipping labels and so on. — 199 —
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank:
Jane: Frank: Jane: Frank: Jane: Expert:
Jane: Frank: Expert: Jane: Expert:
Do you pay extra, if the mail to be sent is too heavy? Certainly. Postal standards takе intо account the weight of the mail. Are international rates higher? I think “yes.” How can I get a zip code? Ask a post clerk about it. Can I send mail to a particular post office to await collection there? Yes, you can. And are there companies (in addition to post offices) that also deal with the mail matter? In some countries mail services may be provided by other companies. It depends on the national legislation. As far as I know, the American Express and Thomas Cook are such examples. They can handle letters. Only letters? I think they can handle parcels too. What about money orders? I don’t know anything about money orders. Let’s ask an expert. A money order is wellknown in the USA and Canada, for example. It’s a special cheque (=US check) that you can buy and then send it to someone and then it (the cheque) can be exchanged for money. How simple and convenient! But you can use your credit card to pay for mail. I suppose this is another story. But you can also use money order. Especially if you need money desperately! And is this the prerogative of the post service to handle money orders? I can say that they can do it! — 200 —
Expert: Jane: Expert: Jane: Expert: Jane: Expert: Jane: Expert:
Jane: Expert:
Jane: Expert: Jane: Frank:
Taking advantage of the presence of our expert I’d like to ask some more mail questions. We’ve talked about first class mail. What is meant by this post? First of all, it’s the mail that requires fast service. How many days will it take to get it delivered? For letters and small packages it may be, for example, two days. May be less. May be more. But that’s real fast! It’s the post service, miss. And do they work on Sundays and holidays for express mail? Because, as you know, it may be a rush situation. Yes! I fully agree with you. We can deliver express mail on Sundays or holidays but for additional charge. That’s fair! Have you got a certain flat rate for the first class mail? Yes, we’ve got a flat rate. But let’s not talk about it here because otherwise I’ll have to mention all the possible sizes of letters and cards. And there are so many of them! I can spend the whole day with you! Oh, you’re kidding! If I send a large envelope, should I know the size? As a matter of fact, it’s desirable. But we are always at your service. We can help you. It’s our pleasure to help you, ma’am (=the short form of madam). You are so polite, sir! And the last question. What about packages and parcels? Should I know their size and do I pay per ounce? That’s true. You must know the size in inches and they’ll charge you per ounce. It’s okay. They’ll do it fast. And what about the slowest and cheapest service? It’s packages, surface transport, you know. (Smiling.) Oh, yes! (Joking.) It’s been a long talk, Jane! — 201 —
English–Russian Vocabulary for the Topic: Do You Know How to Send a Letter or Package? additional charge дополнительные почтовые сборы break through the old stereotypes покончить со старыми сте реотипами cheapest service самый дешевый вид обслуживания (по почте) discounts are available возможны скидки do I pay per ounce? платить надо по весу в унциях? domestic postage оплата за внутренние пересылки по почте exchange foreign currency менять иностранную валюту exchange the money order for money получить деньги по денежному переводу express mail срочная доставка почты (товаров, денег) fast service быстрое обслуживание first class mail почта первого класса flat rate (for some mail) единообразная /стандартная ставка (по некоторым видам почтовых отправлений) international rates международные почтовые тарифы library mail библиотечная почта media mail отправка материалов СМИ Monday through Sunday delivery доставка почты с понедельни ка по воскресенье money order денежный перевод parcel post отправка бандеролей по почте pay postage оплачивать почтовые расходы post service почтовая служба postage is paid via... почта оплачивается посредством... postage matters почтовая корреспонденция prepaid envelopes оплаченные конверты priority mail почта, отправляемая в первую очередь rush situation обстановка срочности shipping labels транспортные ярлыки; наклейки stamps марки undergo a change претерпевать изменения — 202 —
Упражнение 1. Проработав диалог, ответьте поанглий ски на следующие вопросы. 1. What is a domestic postage? 2. Is it difficult or easy to solve all postage matters? 3. Can you describe briefly the purposes of express mail? priority mail? first class mail? parcel post? media mail? library mail? 4. Are discounts available? 5. Is it easy to break through old stereotypes? 6. Can the post exchange money? 7. Via what do we pay the postage? 8. What is a zip code for? 9. What is a money order? 10. Can you use your credit card to pay for postage? 11. How do you send packages? Do you send them first class? 12. What about additional charges? 13. When you send a parcel, do you pay per ounce? 14. Is first(class mail too expensive for you? 15. Do you want your letters to go as first class? 16. Is it all right for you to send your letters as the second class mail? 17. Do you need a return receipt? 18. What do we mean by postal matter? 19. Are money orders issued by post offices? 20. What are the usual amounts? Are they under 500 dollars? Упражнение 2. Посылали ли вы бандероль по почте? Опишите ваш опыт и впечатления на английском языке, употребляя лексику, приводимую в данном уроке. — 203 —
Русско(английский словарь
От автора Настоящий Русскоанглийский словарь / Russian– English Dictionary – это заключительная часть Курса. Сло варь содержит свыше 3500 слов и фраз для активного об щения по тематике туризм, спорт и бизнес. Что касается регистрируемых в словаре единиц, то это лексика следующего порядка: Слова и фразы по тематике туризм, спорт и бизнес Слова и фразы, часто встречающиеся в СМИ Слова и фразы из сферы разговорного английского. Слова и фразы дополняются разъяснениями и примера( ми узуса. Данные иллюстрации состоят как из устойчи вых и других словосочетаний с эквивалентами на англий ском языке, так и отдельных оборотов речи или предло жений. Цель иллюстраций – помочь читателю в общении на английском языке, способствовать раскрытию опре деленной тематики. При подготовке словаря использовались новейшие американские, британские и русские публикации по избранной тематике: словари, справочники, газетные материалы, статьи по тематике спорта и бизнеса, другие источники. Словарь, таким образом, рассчитан, прежде всего, на читателей, стремящихся к общению на английском язы ке, но он может быть полезен и для иностранцев, совер шенствующих русский язык по данной тематике. — 204 —
Основные целевые установки данного издания можно кратко сформулировать следующим образом. Это — целостный русско(английский словарь, в кото ром существенное внимание уделяется лексике по важ ной тематике. Это — словарь, нацеленный на дальнейшее развитие навыков общения на английском языке. Активизация единиц словаря обеспечивается путем практики.
Как пользоваться Русско(английским словарем В словаре дана простая система фиксации представ ленной в нем лексики. Русские слова / фразы / термины располагаются по алфавитному принципу. Например, после слова автобус (см. пример в словаре) даются другие единицы, следующие за данным словом. В отдельных случаях для тех или иных единиц словаря даются речевые примеры в виде предложений (иллюст раций). Цель таких примеров – показать язык в действии. Иногда они могут представлять собой отдельные речевые контекстуальные зарисовки. Например: • Какой автобус идет от аэровокзала до ...? Which bus goes from the air terminal to ...? И так далее. В ряде случаев в подбор к заглавному слову даются от дельные широко известные выражения (обороты речи) с помощью знака (•). Например: банкрот bankrupt • быть объявленным банкротом be declared bankrupt Это позволяет легко найти и далее употреблять данные единицы в речи. В некоторых случаях используется косая черта (/). На пример: бесплатный free of charge / free. В словаре встречаются и такие слова, которые следует отнести к многозначным в рамках избранной тематики. — 205 —
Тогда они обозначены полужирными арабскими цифра ми с точкой. Например, курс 1. (общ. знач.) policy/policies; line; direction; course 2. фин. rate. Пояснения даются в круглых скобках курсивом. Напр.: временный доверительный собственник (назначенный су" дом) interim trustee В словаре приводятся пометы, указывающие на ситуа цию употребления слова, на его особенность. Например: массовое изъятие вкладов из банка разг. run on the bank. Помета разг. здесь означает, что данная лексическая еди ница относится к разговорной лексике. Данный словарь в том формате, в котором он представ лен, легко может использоваться в практической работе.
— 206 —
Используемые в словаре сокращения
амер. американский, американское словоупотребление American бирж. биржевой (термин, оборот) stock market term/phrase брит. английский (термин, оборот) British бухг. бухгалтерия bookkeeping и т.п. и тому подобное and so on какой"л. some kind комм. коммерческий термин, коммерческий контекст commercial term комп. компьютерный термин computer term мн. множественное число plural напр. например e.g. общ. в общем плане general usage перен. переносное значение figurative meaning полит. политический термин, политический контекст political term / phrase разг. разговорное слово colloquialism см. смотри see спорт. спортивный термин, спортивный контекст sport term страх. страховое дело insurance тж. также also что"л. чтолибо something шутл. шутливое слово или фраза as a joke юр. юридический термин legal term adv adverb наречие attr. attributive usage aтрибутивное употребление слова e.g. for example например esp. especially особенно etc. et cetera и так далее expr. expression выражение i.e. id est то есть sb somebody ктолибо sth something чтолибо US американский вариант — 207 —
А абзац (напр., в контракте) paragraph абонент, покупающий энергию energy user авансирование advance financing авансированн||ый prepaid; advanced ~ые средства advance; prepaid expenses авансировать advance, make / pay an advance ~ средства prepay expenses аварийно(спасательн||ый emergency rescue attr. ~ые операции emergency rescue operations авария (несчастный случай) accident; (в страх. деле) average; (по" ломка) breakdown; (об автомобиле, о самолете) crash; collision; (о корабле) shipwreck ~ на дороге road accident ~ на железной дороге train accident ~ на производстве production accident авиабилет с открытой датой open plane ticket авиабилеты air tickets ~, приобретаемые в разгар сезона air tickets in high season авиакомпания airline / air company • Я часто летаю этой компанией. I often fly by this airline. •Кто управляет компанией? Who runs the company? авиакомпания по перевозке пассажиров air carrier авиалиния / авиакомпания внутренних перевозок domestic airline авиапассажир air passenger /airline passenger авиапассажир, не явившийся на свой рейс noshow (air) passenger авиапочта air mail •Эту брошюру мы отправим авиапочтой. We’ll send this brochure by airmail. — 208 —
авиационный туризм air tourism автобус bus Фразы и предложения •Какой автобус идет от аэровокзала до ...? Which bus goes from the air terminal to ... ? •Не подскажете, когда будет ... ? Would you let me know when we get to ... ? • Я хотел бы сойти на следующей остановке. I’d like to get off at the next stop. автобус дальнего следования motor coach автобус двухэтажный (в Лондоне) double decker автобус экскурсионный coach; panoramic coach; coach / bus for sightseeing автобус туристический coach автобусная остановка bus stop автобусный тур bus tour автобусные экскурсии по странам Европы Eurowide coach services автогонки car race, motor racing автозаправочная станция petrol station; амер. разг. gas station автомагистраль motorway; амер. freeway; highway; (платная) turnpike Фразы и предложения • Та магистраль всегда перегружена. There is always a lot of traffic on that highway. автомат: телефон(автомат pay phone автомат для выдачи наличных ATM (automatic teller machine); тж. cash machine автомат игровой slot machine автомобиль car / automobile автомобиль для отдыха (дом на колесах) caravan (a vehicle you can live in, esp. on holidays. It is attached to the car.) автомобиль с автоматической коробкой передач automatic • Хочу взять в аренду автомобиль с автоматической ко робкой передач. I’d like to rent an automatic. автомобильн||ый automobile attr. — 209 —
~ые гонки car racing ~ завод automobile works автоспорт motor sports • Среди разных видов спорта, таких как аэробика, бейс бол, велоспорт, бокс, бег по пересеченной местности, фех тование, плавание, теннис, слалом, водные виды спорта, автоспорт является одним из моих любимых зрелищ. Among different kinds of sports such as aerobics, baseball, biking, boxing, crosscountry races, fencing, swimming, tennis, slalom, water sports, motor sport is one of my favourite sports activities. автостоп (о передвижении по разным маршрутам самостоятель" ным путем) hitchhiking Фразы и предложения • Мне кажется, что проехать /ехать автостопом сквозь весь регион будет довольно сложно. I think it’ll be rather difficult to hitchhike all across the region. • Вы берете путешествующих автостопом? Do you pick up hitchhikers? • путешествовать автостопом hitchhike автотурист tourist travelling by car автофургон van; см. тж. автомобиль для отдыха / передвиж ной дом RV (=recreational vehicle), trailer, caravan Фразы и предложения • Как называется передвижной дом (автофургон), прицеп ляемый к автомобилю? What’s the name of a vehicle pulled behind a car? • Часто такой передвижной дом называют «трейлер» или «караван». Это автомобиль для отдыха, и в нем можно жить и путешествовать в свое удовольствие, например, во время отпуска. Quite often people call it a trailer or caravan. It’s a van for excellent living in, for example, during holidays (=амер. during vacation). • А что вы можете сказать о слове RV? What can you say about the word RV? автоцентр (станция обслуживания) motorvehicle servicing station — 210 —
Фразы и предложения • Надо бы заехать в автоцентр. Let’s stop at the motorvehicle servicing station for a moment. • Надо проверить систему охлаждения и тормоза. А это мож но сделать в вашем автоцентре? We’ve got to check up the cooling system, and see how the brake works. Can we do it in your centre? авуары за границей holdings abroad агент agent; representative агент бюро путешествий travel agent агент генеральный general agent агент по операциям с недвижимостью real estate agent / real estate broker агент по оценке недвижимости real estate valuation agent агент страховой insurance agent агентск||ий agent attr. ~oe вознаграждение agency fee, commission ~ договор (т.е. соглашение между доверителем и агентом) agency agreement/contract of agency ~ая комиссия agency fee агентство по продаже билетов ticket agency агентство по прокату автомашин car rental agency агентство по сдаче помещений в аренду letting agency; тж. rental agency агробизнес agribusiness адвокат lawyer, attorney (e.g. in business or legal matters) адвокатура the Bar; the legal profession; (редко) advocacy адрес в Интернете Internet address адрес электронной почты email address азарт ardour; амер. ardor; passion, heat, fervour; амер. fervor азартные игры games of chance; gambling азартный игрок (делающий высокие ставки) highrolling player акваланг scuba; тж. Аqualung подводное плавание с ~ом scuba diving аквалангист scuba diver аквапарк water park — 211 —
Фразы и предложения • отдыхать в аквапарке relax in a water park • использовать тренажеры use the training facilities • Что скажете об аквапарке? So, what’s your opinion on this water park? What do you think of it? акварелист watercolour painter акварель watercolours; амер. watercolors • Акварель – это специальная краска, растворяемая в воде? Can I say that a watercolour is actually a paint mixed with water? • писать акварелью paint in watercolours аквариум aquarium аккумулятор (автомобиля) battery, car battery • Вы не знаете, где здесь продаются аккумуляторы для ав томобилей? Do you know where you can buy a battery here? • У нас проблема. Автомобиль сломался. Потребуется эва куатор. We have a problem. The car has broken down. We’ll need a tow truck. акробат acrobat, trapeze artist акт act; (документ) report; certificate акт доброй воли goodwill gesture акт передачи правового титула deed of conveyance (transfer of title) актив assets (=sth that has value) активизировать intensify (the knowledge of); stir up; activate • Мне кажется, что моя цель – расширить знания англий ского. I guess that my goal is to intensify / build up my knowledge of English. активизировать свои знания английского языка improve one’s knowledge of English активный отдых (осуществлять) play; entertain oneself; have a good time • Я люблю активный отдых. I like to have a good time and fun. активы мн. assets; holdings ~, бывшие в употреблении used assets ~ и пассивы assets and liabilities — 212 —
~ компании assets of a company акцент accent; emphasis • поставить акцент на lay emphasis on • с сильным акцентом with a strong / pronounced / thick accent акцентировать lay emphasis on ~ внимание на развитии спорта lay emphasis on sports ~ различия polarize the views ~ совпадающие позиции stress the common points особо ~ lay a particular / special emphasis on • Наша компания акцентирует внимание на вопросах об служивания покупателей. Our company lays great emphasis on customers care. • В этой школе внимание акцентируется на спортивных достижениях. This school puts a heavy emphasis on sports achievement. акцепт acceptance акцептант acceptor акцептный дом брит. accepting house акциз excise duty / excise tax; тж. акцизный сбор акции shares, stocks акционер shareholder/stockholder; equity investor ~ общества shareholder/company stockholder акционер(бенефициар beneficial shareholder акционерное общество jointstock company (JSC) акционерн||ый share attr., stock attr. ~ капитал share capital, capital stock; equity capital; joint stock; shareholders’ equity ~ая компания jointstock company (JSC) ~ая компания закрытого типа closed company, closed joint stock company ~ая компания открытого типа open jointstock company; public company ~ реестр shareholders register ~ сертификат stock certificate акци||я share, stock — 213 —
~ на предъявителя bearer share ~и, обращающиеся на внебиржевом рынке overthecounter stocks привилегированная ~ участия брит. participating preference share Фразы и предложения • Акции, обращающиеся на внебиржевом рынке, – это ак ции, которые не покупаются и не продаются на официаль ных фондовых рынках/биржах. Overthecounter stocks are those stocks that are not listed or traded on an organized exchange. • Он хочет купить / продать 500 акций корпорации СNN. He wants to buy / sell 500 shares in CNN. • Вы хотите вложить свои деньги в акции? Интересная мысль, но рискованная. Do you want to invest in shares? A clever idea but it’s a risky business. альпинизм mountain climbing, mountaineering Фразы и предложения • заниматься альпинизмом go in for mountain climbing / be keen on mountain climbing • Считается, что альпинизм (горный спорт) появился не сколько тысяч лет назад. А где сказано об этом? Some people think that mountain climbing was started a few thousand years ago. Anything published on that? Where? альпинист mountainclimber, mountaineer американский план (в отношении питания туристов) American plan • Термин «американский план» подразумевает питание, например, завтрак, обед и ужин в отеле, плюс тариф (плата) за размещение. As far as I know, when we say “American plan”, we mean breakfast, lunch and dinner in a hotel plus room charges. альтернативное обязательство alternative obligation анкетный questionnaire attr. ~ лист для заполнения questionnaire to be filled in ~ опрос study of opinions through questionnaires • Вы заполнили анкетные данные? Have you filled in your questionnaire data? — 214 —
аннулирование cancellation, termination ~ внешнего долга remission of external debt ~ заказа cancellation of the order ~ кредита termination/revocation of a loan, withdrawal of credit аннулировать cancel; call (sth) off; abolish ~ бронь cancel the reservation (made) ~ договор cancel a contract аннуляция cancellation (may be in written form) аптека, работающая круглосуточно разг. амер. allnight pharmacy аптечка скорой помощи (напр., для автомобилиста) firstaid kit аргумент argument; line of reasoning; reason арбитр arbitrator; тж. referee; judge арбитр, избранный истцом (напр., в коммерческом арбитраже) arbitrator chosen by a claimant арбитражн||ый arbitration attr., arbitral ~ая комиссия board of arbitration ~ое разбирательство arbitral proceedings ~ сбор arbitration fee арена arena; scene; цирк. ring (of a circus) ~ деятельности (напр., бизнесмена) field of action аренда lease; leasing ~ автомобиля (в фирме) car lease; car renting арендная плата (напр., за квартиру) rent арендовать rent; lease ~ дом на небольшой срок rent the house for a small period ~ помещение (напр., для ведения предпринимательской дея" тельности) lease the premises арендатор lessee; leaseholder; (квартиры) tenant арендодатель lessor; landlord арендн||ый lease attr. ~ договор contract of lease (e.g. of an apartment) ~ая плата rent арендовать lease; rent арендуем||ый leased ~ая земля leased land ~ участок leased plot of land — 215 —
получать доход с ~ого участка get income from the leased plot of land арест arrest, (имущества) attachment; seizure, sequestration; confiscation ~ на вклад blocked account армрестлинг armrestling архитектурные ансамбли (как объект туризма) architectural ensembles ассигнования allocations; appropriations ~ на цели туризма allocations for tourism ассигнованн||ый earmarked; assigned ~ые средства budgeted funds; provisions; earmarked resources ассорти (напр., о сладостях) mixture of food; assortment ассортимент assortment of goods; range (of goods) ~, согласованный сторонами assortment agreed upon by the parties ассоциация по планеризму gliding association атака (напр., в спорте) attack; offense атлетика athletics Фразы и предложения • заниматься атлетикой do track and field • легкая атлетика track and field events • марафон marathon • тяжелая атлетика weightlifting аттестация certification; rating ~ продукции certification of output аттестовать certify; attest; appraise, rate аудитор auditor аудиторск||ий auditor’s; auditor attr. ~ое заключение auditor’s report ~ отчет auditor’s report/opinion ~ая оценка auditor’s opinion ~ая проверка auditor’s review аукцион auction аутсайдер outsider — 216 —
аэробика aerobics (active type of exercise done to music) аэробика спортивная sports aerobics аэробика танцевальная dance aerobics аэровокзал air terminal аэропорт airport Фразы и предложения • Итак, мы (уже) в аэропорту. Что дальше? We are in the airport. What should we do now? • Думаю, что надо «просветить» наш багаж. Затем идите к стойке оформления багажа. I guess it’s screening pieces of baggage. And then proceed to a checkin counter. • оформление / регистрация в аэропорту airport formalities
Б багаж ручной carryon luggage • досмотр ручного багажа (ручной клади) luggage checking багажная тележка (напр., в аэропорту) luggage cart; амер. baggage trolley бадминтон (игра с воланом и ракеткой) badminton баз||а base; basis подводить ~у под (что"л.) substantiate (sth); lay the foundation (for) база для катания на лыжах skiing resort базисн||ый basic, fundamental ~ая цена опциона basis price of option ~ финансовый инструмент primary financial instrument базовый base attr., basis attr. ~ год base year ~ договор framework contract байдарка kayak (a small canoe) бак (бензобак) амер. gasoline tank; брит. petrol tank бакалавр bachelor ~ делового администрирования Bachelor of Business Administration — 217 —
баланс balance бухгалтерский ~ balance sheet банк bank ~ – отправитель денежных средств remitting bank ~партнер partner bank ~плательщик paying bank ~получатель receiving bank Фразы и предложения • пойти в банк go to a bank; тж. borrow money from a bank • Банк предоставил ей ссуду на покупку автомобиля. The bank lent her money to buy a car. банка варенья pot of jam банка пива beer can банкет banquet банковск||ий bank attr., banker’s ~ автомат automated teller machine (ATM) ~ билет bank bill, banker’s bill ~ вклад bank deposit ~ работник bank official / bank clerk; тж. banker; e.g. to work as a banker ~иe реквизиты banking details банкомат ATM (=automated teller machine); тж. cashpoint банкрот bankrupt • быть объявленным ~ом be declared bankrupt • оказаться ~ом get / become bankrupt; тж. становиться банкротом банкротство bankruptcy; insolvency бар (на территории отеля) (hotel) bar бар внизу the bar is downstairs (lowerlevel bar) бар в зале для пассажиров (в аэропорту) lounge bar бар в отеле hotel bar бар в помещении lounge bar бар в фойе отеля lobby bar бар в холле lounge bar бар, где продаются бутерброды sandwich bar бар для деловых встреч bar for business — 218 —
бар повышенной комфортности saloon bar бар при бассейне pool bar бар с караоке karaoke bar бар с оплатой наличными cash bar бартер barter баскетбол basketball Фразы и предложения • Баскетбол – мой любимый вид спорта. Basketball is my favourite kind of sport. • Он прекрасный баскетболист. Смотрите, как забрасы вает мяч! He is very skilful in playing basketball. See how he shoots (=throws the ball into the basket)! бассейн на открытом воздухе openair swimming pool батарея отопительная radiator баттерфляй (стиль плавания) butterfly батут (прыжки на батуте) trampoline вылететь из ~а fly off the trampoline бег run, race; running; races ~ на длинную дистанцию longdistance running ~ на короткую дистанцию sprint ~ по пересеченной местности crosscountry running бега horse riding, horse race бег в мешках (игра) sack race бедствие natural disaster, act of God; calamity стихийное ~ act of God, natural disaster; см. тж. действие непреодолимой силы бежавший one who escaped, escapee ~ изпод стражи the prisoner who escaped беженец refugee бeзaвapийный (о работе механизмов) troublefree (operation) безалкогольные напитки soft drinks безалкогольный alcoholfree, nonalcoholic безвестно отсутствующий гражданин declared as missing (about a missing citizen) без взимания налога (как привилегия) taxexempt безо всякого основания groundless; (о заявлении) groundless statement — 219 —
без выкрутас (напр., о мероприятии) nofrills без газа (о воде) noncarbonated (water); разг. still бездействие being idle; taking no action; (about an engine) running slowly with gears disengaged бездействующие активы idle assets без дефектов flawless (e.g. about work) без дивидендов without dividends без добавок natural taste бездоказательный unproved без доказательства (принимать что"л.) take sth for granted без кофеина (о кофе) without caffeine; разг. decaff безналичный noncash ~ расчет noncash settlement (of accounts) без объявления объекта инвестиций without indication of an object for investment без оговорок (напр., о тексте договора) without reservations безоговорочный акцепт unconditional acceptance безопасность safety; (государства и пр.) security безопасн||ый safe; secure; out of danger ~ в обращении (о технике) foolproof ~ полет safe flight ~ая среда safe environment ~ое транспортное средство safety vehicle без остановок (о полете самолета) nonstop flight безответственность lack of responsibility без перехода прав (к другому лицу) without transfer of rights без подготовки without preparation без подтверждения бирж. straight out безработиц||а unemployment период ~ы unemployment period; разг. dead season (e.g. in tourism) безработные the unemployed; разг. on the dole; разг. in the bread lines без сахара sugarfree без соли no salt; (please) unsalted без телевизора (о комнате в отеле) with no TV — 220 —
безвредный harmless безукоризненный порядок perfect order без уксуса without vinegar без упаковки (о форме доставки грузов) unpacked безупречная репутация (напр., компании) impeccable reputation (e.g. of a company) без ущерба (для) not damaging белое вино white wine белый медведь polar bear белье (простыни и пр.) linen бельэтаж (в театре) dress circle бескомпромиссный uncompromising бесконтрольн||ый uncontrolled / unsupervised / unchecked ~ая работа unsupervised job бесплатн||ый free of charge / free ~ый билет complimentary ticket; free ticket ~ое обучение free training / tuition биатлон biathlon бизнес(класс (о сервисе) business class; executive class бизнесмен(путешественник business traveller билет 1. ticket 2. membership card 3. examination question 4. note ~ в оба конца амер. roundtrip ticket ~ в один конец амер. oneway ticket ~ второго класса secondclass ticket ~ входной entrance ticket ~, действительный в течение недели weekly ticket; ticket valid for the whole week ~ взрослый adult ticket ~, заказанный через Интернет a ticket ordered through the Internet ~ на автобус bus ticket ~ на поезд train ticket ~ первого класса firstclass ticket ~ со скидкой 50% a ticket at half the price ~ только для сидения (сидячее место) seatonly ticket ~ туда и обратно return ticket; амер. roundtrip ticket — 221 —
казначейский ~ treasury note кредитный ~ bank note членский ~ membership card билет(приглашение (на прием, банкет) reception ticket • А у вас есть билетприглашение? Have you got a reception ticket? Тогда проходите, пожалуйста. You are welcome! билет прямого сообщения through ticket билет со скидкой discounted ticket бинокль field glasses; (в театре) opera glasses биржа exchange; market ~ металлов metal exchange ~ наличного товара spot goods exchange ~ труда labour exchange; амер. labor exchange валютная ~ currency exchange биржев||ой exchange attr. ~ аппарат по котировке ценных бумаг ticker ~ брокер stockbroker; trader, stock exchange dealer ~ крах market crash ~ курс stock exchange price; quoted price; stock exchange quotation ~ые операции с облигациями bond trading ~ трейдер floor trader ~ая цена exchange price; quotation; quoted price битком jampacked биться головой о стену разг. beat one’s head against the wall благо: общее ~ the common good блага benefits благоволить be favourably / kindly disposed (towards) благодетель benefactor блaнк form ~ для визы visa form ~ для заполнения form to fill in бланк(заказ order form бланков||ый form attr. ~ая передаточная надпись blank indorsement — 222 —
блат разг. connections • по блату through connections ближайший родственник next of kin блошиный рынок flea market бобслей bobsleigh Фразы и предложения • естественная трасса natural track • команда из двух человек в бобслее twoman team • развивать достигнутый результат build up the momentum • управлять санями steer a sledge бокс box; boxing боксер boxer боксер атакующего стиля fighter боксер, доставляющий удовольствие зрителям разг. crowd pleaser боксер(левша lefthanded boxer боксер(любитель amateur boxer боксер, мало двигающийся по рингу standup boxer боксер нетехничный technically poor boxer боксер(профессионал professional boxer боксер техничный technically skilled boxer боксерская груша punchball боксер c мощным ударом; тж. панчер puncher боксерские перчатки boxing gloves боксерский бой fight боксерский шлем headgear Фразы и предложения • Верно, что требуется интенсивная тренировка, чтобы стать хорошим боксером? Is it true that you need a lot of training to become a good boxer? • Какие бои считаются кассовыми? What about boxoffice fights? • Как присуждается победа? По очкам? Must you score the highest total to become a winner? более дорогой more expensive; разг. (о билетах и пр.) pricier; over the standard price — 223 —
болельщик fan болеутоляющее средство painkiller; balm; soothing ointment большая партия (напр., ценных бумаг) large lot больш||ой big, large, enormous ~ая буква capital letter ~ выбор wide selection (of goods) ~ город big city ~ зонт big umbrella ~ая кровать рекл. king’s size bed ~ магазин emporium ~ая радость great joy • Большой театр the Bolshoi Theatre большинство номеров (в отеле) идет по цене около... most of the rooms go for about... бомбардир highscoring forward, striker бой быков bullfighting бороться за мяч challenge for the ball, try to get the ball брать take ~ барьер clear the hurdle ~ билет buy a ticket ~ комиссионные charge the commission (for) ~ начало originate ~ плату charge a fee, charge ~ пример follow sb’s example ~ работника (в штат) take on (a person) ~ такси take a taxi ~ штраф fine sb; (о выписке штрафного талона) give a traffic ticket to; attach a parking ticket брачный контракт marriage contract • Вы подписали брачный контракт? Почему нет? Have you signed a marriage contract? Why not? бремя burden ~ содержания имущества burden of maintaining property брокераж broker’s commission; тж. broker’s fee бронирование reservation (of tickets); booking (tickets) ~ авиабилетов airline ticket reservation — 224 —
~ билетов ticket booking ~ в режиме онлайн online reservations ~ двух человек на одно место (напр., по ошибке) double booking ~ мест в отеле hotel reservation; getting hotel accommodations through booking ~ места в самолете reservation of an air ticket ~ туристских услуг reserve tourist services бронировать book, make a reservation бронировать номера в отеле book accommodations in a hotel брошка brooch брошюра flyer; brochure букет bunch of flowers; (вина) bouquet бурлеск burlesque show (e.g. a variety including striptease) бусы beads бутик boutique бутылочное пиво bottled beer буферный запас (товаров) buffer stock буфет с холодными закусками cold buffet бухгалтер accountant бык бирж. bull (e.g. about a person / company buying shares now to sell them later) быстрорастворимый напиток instant drink быстросоображающий quick, quickwitted, bright; intelligent; smart; keen быстр||ый quick, rapid, swift ~ые активы (т.е. легкореализуемые) quick assets ~ выигрыш (прибыль) за счет изменения цен quick gain from price movements ~ая доставка груза immediate delivery of goods ~ ответ prompt reply ~ ум agile mind быть be ~ в долгу be indebted ~ в курсе дела об изменении маршрута разг. be in the know about the change of the itinerary — 225 —
~ в ладу разг. things are looking up; be in good relations (with) ~ на каникулах be on holiday; амер. be on vacation ~ на параде be on parade; march (in columns) ~ на телефоне be on the phone; have a telephone talk ~ связанным (о компаниях) relate to; be tied up with; be connected with ~ членом клуба be a club member; have a club membership бюрократия bureaucracy; the red tape бюро bureau ~ забытых вещей lost property office; амер. lost and found ~ путешествий travel agency / travel office / travel service • Вы ходили в бюро путешествий? Там вам могут предос тавить всю необходимую информацию. Have you visited a travel bureau? You can get all the necessary information there. • В бюро путешествий всегда можно найти рекламную ли тературу. A travel office will always offer you some useful travel literature.
В в деловой командировке on a business trip • Он в деловой командировке. He is on a business trip. в запасе (о товарах, напр., в магазине) in stock; goods in stock • У вас этот товар есть в запасе? Have you got any more such goods in stock? в процессе переговоров in the course of negotiations / talks • Как насчет решения этого вопроса? Мы в процессе пе реговоров. How about finding a solution for this question? We are just debating it. в середине сезона in midseason в течение during, in the course of в ходе беседы as we talked в целях безопасности for security purposes вагон(ресторан амер. diner • Известно много слов, связанных с питанием. Вот неко — 226 —
торые из них: кафе, бар, ресторан, ресторан «фастфуд», кафетерий. Термин diner (вагонресторан, закусочная) также относится к этой категории. There are many words relating to eating. Some of them are as follows: café, bar, restaurant, fast food restaurant, сafeteria, snack bar, etc. The term “diner” is one of them. важнейшие новости the spotlight • В прессе опять много новостей о спорте в России. Russian sports is making front pages again (=in the spotlight). важн||ый important; essential ~ вопрос serious question ~ая персона VIP; разг. big shot ~ые последствия farreaching consequences валют||а currency ~ кредита currency of a credit иностранная ~а foreign currency обмен ~ы currency exchange твердая ~а hard currency валютн||ый currency attr. ~ контроль exchange controls ~ая корзина (тж. корзина валют) basket of currencies ~ курс rate of exchange, exchange / currency rate ~ая оговорка currency clause Фразы и предложения • Мы говорим о валюте, когда находимся в обменном пун кте. We are talking about a currency when we are at an exchange office. • Курс валюты может повышаться или понижаться. The exchange rate may go up or down. варрант warrant (a document directing a specific action) ~ на акции share warrant ватерполист waterpolo player ваучер voucher (=tourist’s travel documents) вбивать, вбить knock in, drive введение introduction, putting in; intake ~ в действие putting into operation/effect — 227 —
~ в должность induction/induction ceremony (when getting a new job) ~ закона в силу become effective (about a law) давать краткое ~ give a brief introduction давать обзорное ~ give an introductory view of служить ~ем serve / provide an introduction to введенный introduced вверх дном upside down ввести в практику introduce into practice; implement (e.g. about the provisions of a resolution) вводить, ввести introduce (new information); put in ~ в действие putting into effect, put into operation; bring into use / service ~ в жизнь enforce (e.g. a law) ~ в курс дела become / get familiarized (with) ~ в практику introduce into practice; implement; be in (common) practice ~ в редсовет put (sb) on the editorial board ~ концепцию introduce a concept ~ поправку (в текст) make an amendment (e.g. in the text of a resolution); move / put forward / propose an amendment • удобно ввести ... it’s convenient to introduce... ввоз import (of goods) вдаваться go into / look into / explore ~ в подробности go into detail ведение (об управлении) management; conduct; (документации и пр.) handling ~ арбитражного разбирательства conduct of arbitral proceedings ~ банковских счетов management of current accounts ~ бухгалтерских записей bookkeeping ~ дела юр. conduct of a case; handling (a problem); run / manage (things) ~ дел (в фирме) running (one’s) business, management of a business; business transactions; амер. разг. corporate housekeeping — 228 —
~ записей (в книгах учета) recordkeeping ведомости мн. Gazette ведомость register • платежная ведомость payroll • числиться в платежной ведомости be on the payroll ведущая роль main / key / leading / title role (of an actor / actress) ведущие отрасли промышленности key industries ведущие ученые top / toplevel scientists ведущий (крупный) акционер major shareholder ведущий банк established bank; тж. брит. highstreet bank вексель bill of exchange великолепное обслуживание (напр., в ресторане) excellent service велосипед bicycle, cycle; разг. bike складной ~ folding bicycle cпортивный ~ racing bike Фразы и предложения • Вы когданибудь принимали участие в индивидуальной кольцевой гонке на велосипедах? Have you ever participated in an individual road race? велосипедист cyclist велотрек cyclе track верховая езда амер. horseback riding верховная власть supreme authority верхушка разг. the elite, the Establishment; leadership; the top; rulers ~ общества разг. the upper crust весовые категории (спортсменов) weight classes вести lead, conduct, direct; carry on; run (a business) ~ беседу have a talk/discussion ~ бой fight a battle ~ большую игру play for high stakes (e.g. in a casino) ~ заочное обучение teach by correspondence ~ записи take / make notes; keep records ~ заседание preside over a meeting; chair (a meeting) ~ изучение (вопроса) explore, study; scrutinize ~ незаконную торговлю (напр., алкоголем) разг. bootleg — 229 —
~ незаконные операции с ценными бумагами carry out insider trading ~ переговоры hold talks / negotiations, negotiate, carry on negotiations (with) ~ переговоры в духе доброй воли to bargain over a problem in good faith ~ передачу по радио broadcast ~ передачу по телевидению televise; e.g. Is the game going to be televised? ~ переписку carry on correspondence (with) ~ под венец lead to the altar ~ подробные записи record sth in detail весь товар entire quantity of the goods, all the goods вето veto • право вето the right of veto • наложить вето exercise / impose a veto (on) вечеринка party; social party / event; разг. gettogether Фразы и предложения • устроить вечеринку have / give / throw a party • праздновать на вечеринке to celebrate at a party • Если имеется в виду неформальная вечеринка, то в этом случае часто употребляют слово bash. If you mean a party organized informally, then you can use a colloquial word “bash”. вечеринка / обед в складчину (т.е. каждый платит за себя) Dutch treat /Dutch lunch вечернее мероприятие evening event вечернее платье evening dress вечерняя экскурсия evening excursion взаимно зачитывать offset (e.g. assets and liabilities) взаимн||ый mutual, reciprocal ~ая зависимость interdependence ~ая перепалка attacking each other, sniping (e.g. in a legislative body) ~ая поддержка mutual support; амер. полит. разг. log rolling — 230 —
взаимодействие interaction; interplay; cooperation (with) взаимовыгодность mutual benefit взаймы on a loan basis • брать взаймы borrow взвинчивание цен skyrocketing of prices вздутые цены inflated prices; bloated prices взимать charge, collect, levy (taxes) взимать платежи charge взимать плату charge a fee (e.g. for a private lesson) взимать проценты charge interest взимать цену charge a price взимать штраф impose a fine взлетно(посадочная полоса runway взломщик housebreaker; burglar взнос (денег) payment, (о сумме на счет) deposit; (об очередном) installment; (в фонд и т.п.) contribution ~ы в уставный капитал capital contribution ~ в фонд contribution благотворительный ~ charity contribution вступительный ~ membership fee годовой ~ annual payment денежный ~ payment добровольный ~ voluntary contribution долевой ~ contribution (of one’s share) единовременный ~ lumpsum payment паевой ~ (one’s) share профсоюзный ~ labourunion dues; брит. tradeunion dues взрыв explosion; blast ~ аплодисментов burst of applause взывать, воззвать appeal (tо sb for sth) взыскание (о штрафе) penalty; (о наказании) punishment; (дол" га) recovery ~ алиментов recovery of alimony ~ в судебном порядке legal proceedings (against) ~ долга recovery of debt взыскательно in an exacting manner — 231 —
взыскивать, взыскать call to account (for); exact; (долг) recover ~ налоги levy taxes ~ штраф impose a fine (on); fine to be collected (in the amount of) взятие taking, capture; seizure ~ власти полит. seizure of power взятк||а bribe; амер. разг. kickback брать ~и take bribes дать ~у bribe sb крупная ~ large bribe; разг. сленг kickback лицо, распределяющее ~и разг. bribe distributor взяткодатель briber взяточник bribetaker взяточничеств||о bribery; graft бороться со ~ом combat bribery / graft взять автомобиль напрокат rent a car взять вещь обратно (напр., о вещах, временно сданных на хране" ние в банк) reclaim a thing взять спутник в аренду hire out a satellite вид view; type; form; (разновидность) species, kind ~ из номера view from the room ~ / виды на будущее prospects for the future (of) ~ на жительство (one’s) residence permit ~ на море view of the sea (e.g. from a hotel apartment) ~ на юг South view ~ опасности kind of danger (you face in ...) ~ы имущества types of property ~ы Лондона views of London ~ы на урожай harvest prospects ~ы современных спортивных соревнований kinds of modern sports competitions видный деятель outstanding figure / public figure / prominent figure / distinguished personality; VIP; eminent person виз||а visa въездная ~ entry visa многоразовая ~ multientry visa получить ~у obtain / get a visa — 232 —
путешествие без ~ы (по ряду стран) visafree travel рабочая ~ working visa туристская ~ tourist visa отказ в ~е visa denial отказать в ~е deny sb a visa продлить ~у have one’s visa extended вин||а (кого"л.) fault (не путать с термином guilt виновность) • отрицать ~у plead not guilty виндсёрфинг windsurfing виски с содовой whisky with soda; a Skotch and soda витрина showcase вкладчик depositor включать, включить include, embrace, incorporate ~ вопрос в повестку дня place an item on the agenda ~ в список enter on the list ~ зажигание turn on the ignition (in a car) ~ радио switch on the wireless / radio ~ скорость (в авто) put in gear включаться, включиться (в работу и пр.) get started, get engaged; get involed (e.g. in a project) владелец owner, holder (e.g. of shares), possessor ~ земельного участка owner of a land plot ~ компании company owner ~ паспорта passport holder ~ ценной бумаги holder of a security владелец(бенефициар beneficial owner (a real owner of an investment) владелец многоквартирного дома landlord владение имуществом ownership of the property владение мячом ball control владение недвижимостью ownership of the real estate владеть own, possess; have; (быть хозяином) be master of / owner of ~ автомобилем be a car owner; own a car ~ аудиторией hold the audience ~ собой have a selfcontrol; control one’s emotions ~ терминологией be familiar with terminology — 233 —
~ технической терминологией familiarize oneself with technical terms ~ фехтованием know the art of fencing ~ чеком hold a cheque властный having power (over); (подавляющий) overpowering; overbearing; domineering власти authorities власть authority; power; rule исполнительная ~ the executive branch / power • иметь власть над have authority (over) • лишиться власти go out of office • это не в моей власти it’s beyond my power в лице (формулировка в контракте) represented by влияние influence; impact ~ делового туризма на экономику impact of business travel on economy ~ туризма impact of tourism влиятельные газетные круги the newspaper Establishment внебиржевой (о сделках) overthecounter attr. внебиржевые акции overthecounter stocks внебрачный ребенок illegitimate child внебюджетн||ый nonbudgetary ~ые ассигнования extrabudgetary allocations ~ые фонды nonbudgetary funds внедрение introduction; (применение) application; adoption ~ достижений науки introduction of the achievements of science вносить, внести bring in/about, introduce; contribute (to a fund); insert; inject; cause; start, initiate, create ~ беспорядок cause disorder ~ в список put on the list ~ в черный список put on the blacklist ~ исправления в законопроект amend a bill ~ остальную часть contribute the remaining portion ~ паевые взносы make share contributions ~ первый взнос (напр., за акции) make a down payment — 234 —
~ пожертвование contribute (a sum of) ~ поправку (напр., в текст) propose / put forward an amendment ~ предложение submit a proposal ~ проводки в бухгалтерский регистр post to the ledger ВНП (валовой национальный продукт) GNP (gross national product) внедряться (о методах) get established; take root (in); penetrate (into) внезапный sudden ~ рост цен unexpected rise in prices внеземн||ой extraterrestrial ~ые цивилизации extraterrestrial civilizations вне игры out of bounds; e.g. Look! The ball is out of bounds! внешн||ий external, outside, outer, exterior; outward; foreign ~ие долги foreign debts ~яя задолженность foreign debts ~ заем external loan внештатн||ый not on the staff; nonsalaried; freelance ~ корреспондент parttime correspondent ~ сотрудник freelancer работать ~о work freelance вниманиe attention; heed внутренн||ий internal; inner, interior; intrinsic ~ие авиалинии domestic airlines ~ авиарейс domestic flight ~ адрес (в письме) inside address (in a letter) ~ аудит (т.е. внутренний контроль) internal audit ~яя борьба (напр., в законодательном органе) infighting • для внутреннего употребления (о лекарствах) for internal use внутри компании inside a company в обороте in the stream of commerce; in commerce (we have ...) в обусловленный договором срок within the time limit stipulated by the contract водевиль comic sketch — 235 —
водитель driver; motorist ~ туристического автобуса coach driver водительские права driving license; амер. driver’s license водная тематика (напр., о ландшафте парка) water themes водное поло water polo воднолыжный спорт water skis водные виды спорта aquatics водные горки (напр., для детей) water slides водные лыжи water skiing / water skis водный путь waterways водный спорт aquatic sports водоем reservoir; body of water военный парад military parade возврат (денег) repayment; return, paying back ~ вклада return of a deposit ~ выданных ссуд repayment of loans (granted to) ~ денег (напр., продавцом за часть покупной цены) rebate ~ депозита returnable deposit ~ имущества return of property ~ наличных (организацией, магазином и пр.) refund money ~ переплаты (части цены, платежа) rebate ~ переплаты за квартиру rent rebate; receive a rebate ~ суммы налога recovery of tax возвратить repay, reimburse, recompense, refund; разг. pay back; get even with (in different senses) ~ вещь в сохранности return the thing intact; разг. get it back in good shape ~ долг pay the debt возвращение return; returning; restoration; recovery ~ документов return of documents ~ зданию прежнего вида restoration of the building возглавлять, возглавить head; be in charge; lead (in business) ~ делегацию be a Chief Delegate; head the delegation (of) воздать по заслугам разг. get what one deserves воздействие effect (on); impact (on); influence (on) воздерживаться refrain (from) — 236 —
воздушное сообщение air travel; travel by plane; fly (by plane) возложить, возлагать put sth on ~ вину put the blame (on) ~ дела на кого"л. charge sb with (functions) ~ надежды entertain / have / pin hopes ~ ответственность на make sb liable for; impose liability; make sb responsible for возместить make up for (sth); compensate ~ издержки (сотрудника, организации) reimburse ~ кредитору убытки compensate the creditor for damages ~ (покупателю) понесенные убытки compensate (the buyer) for the losses suffered ~ опасность compensate for the risks ~ потерянное время make up for lost time ~ стоимость compensate for the cost of возмещение compensation; recovery ~ издержек compensation of expenditures возможность possibility; capability; (удобный случай) opportunity; chance • иметь возможность be capable of; be in a position to do sth; can do sth; it’s in (my) power; I can do it возможности для отдыха holiday / vacation opportunities; have fun / a great time возможность пользования бассейном (with) pool privileges (given) возможн||ый possible; likely ~ая цена продаж realizable value вознаграждение payment; fee; reward; compensation ~ автору royalties ~ директоров компании (за успешную работу компании) director’s remuneration ~ за спасение (напр., имущества на море и т.п.) salvage money ~ за труд compensation for labour ~ за услуги payment for services авторское ~ (зд. авторский гонорар) royalties агентское ~ agent’s commission — 237 —
комиссионное ~ (плата за брокерские услуги) commission премиальное ~ / премия premium выплачивать ~ pay; pay out; make payment возникать arise, spring up; originate возобновление renewal; reopening; resumption; revival ~ контракта renewal of contract ~ театральной постановки revival of the theatre show ~ переговоров resumption of talks ~ роста (в экономике) return of (economic) growth; economic recovery возня разг. fuss • устроить возню make fuss (about) возражения objections; юр. defenses выдвигать ~ юр. raise defenses • У вас нет возражений? Any objections? возрастн||ой age attr. ~ая группа age bracket ~ ценз (напр., при выборах) age qualification войска ООН по поддержанию мира UN peacekeeping force воинский military ~ устав army regulations войти в азарт разг. get carried away вокзал (railway) station морской ~ marine passenger terminal речной ~ boat station волейбол volleyball Фразы и предложения • Вы умеете блокировать мяч? Это важный прием в волей боле. Do you know how to block a ball? It’s an important tactic. • Как вы считаете: игроку легко ввести мяч в игру? Do you think it’s easy for a volleyball player to put the ball into play? • Многое зависит от мастерства подающего. Much depends on the skills of the server. волокита red tape; тж. bureaucracy вольер enclosure (for animals) вольер для птиц aviary (=enclosed area where birds are kept) — 238 —
вольная и классическая борьба wrestling воля к победе will to win воровство stealing; theft; robbery; (мелкое) pilfering; (в магазине) shoplifting • электроника для борьбы с воровством electronic devices against stealing восстановление города restoration of the city восстановление ценной бумаги reinstatement of a security восстанавливать, восстановить restore; regain (the lost position); reestablish, recover; reinstate ~ город reconstruct the city ~ в правах restore sb’s rights ~ в прежней должности reinstate; разг. give sb his job back (in office) ~ во владении (чем"л.) repossess ~ заявку renew an application ~ здоровье recover one’s health ~ исторические факты recapture/reconstruct the full history (of) ~ на работе reinstate in office / reinstate sb in his/her job ~ равновесие reestablish equilibrium ~ свою первичную форму regain one’s original shape, return to one’s original shape ~ справедливость restore justice восстановление restoration; reinstatement; reconstruction; rehabilitation; recovery ~ здоровья recovery; rehabilitation ~ исторической части города restoration of the historic part of the city востребование юр. claim • до востребования (о письмах) poste restante востребованн||ый claimed ~ые в настоящее время специальности разг. hot skills; soughtafter specialists; popular professions (among) ~ багаж claimed luggage вотум vote вотум доверия vote of confidence — 239 —
вотум недоверия vote of no confidence воюющая сторона belligerent воюющее государство belligerent power вплоть up to, till; close; down (to) ~ до up to, up until, through, to the extent of ~ до последних дней up to the last days ~ до 1995 года through 1995 вполне fully, entirely, wholly, totally, completely, perfectly well ~ пригодный (для) well / fully suited (for), fully fit вполовину half ~ меньше (чем) one half as much, less by half ~ ниже (чем) one half as high ~ медленнее, чем one half as fast уменьшить ~ reduce in half вполсилы at half strength впору: быть ~ fit; be fit впоследствии afterwards, later on, subsequently вправе justified, have the right to (do sth) вправе исполнять такой договор have the right to perform such contract вправить set; tuck (into) вправо to the right; clockwise (rotation) впредь from now on, in the future; юр. книжн. henceforth, hereinafter ~ до until; юр. pending в пределах цены контракта within the price terms of the contract впрочем however; though; besides; by the way впятеро five times, fivefold ~ больше five times as much вратарь goalkeeper врач doctor; physician (не путать со словом physicist физик) • Он хороший врач, опытный. Я хотел бы записаться к нему. He is a good, experienced doctor. Kindly make an appointment with him. врачебное свидетельство medical certificate; тж. медицинская справка — 240 —
вращать (напр., колесо) spin (spun, spun) вред damage; harm • существенный вред essential damage • причинять вред cause harm временный temporary; provisional; interim; (о статусе должнос" тного лица в данный момент) acting время time ~ года season ~ от времени occasionally, from time to time, at times, once in a while, now and again во ~ in the course (of), while, during во~ on time, in season в последнее ~ recently, in the last few years временно исполняющий обязанности директора acting director временн||ый temporary; provisional ~ые вложения (во что"л.) temporary investments ~ые жильцы (в квартире) temporary residents (in a flat); амер. temporary residents (in an apartment) ~ая нетрудоспособность temporary disability ~ поверенный в делах chargé d’affaires ad interim ~oe правительство provisional government время выписки из отеля checkout (time) время до отъезда / отлета predeparture time время пребывания по визе visa period время прибытия time of arrival вручать hand in / hand (over) ~ верительные грамоты deliver credentials ~ документ под расписку юр. serve a document against a receipt ~ извещение юр. serve a notice ~ награды present awards / prizes (to) • Разрешите вручить вам на пямять этот альбом о ва шем путешествии. Let me present you with this album on your trip. всадник rider все мн. all, everybody, everyone; adv always, all the time; still; only, all — 241 —
~ еще still ~ же, ~таки nevertheless, however; yet ~, что anything that; whatever всевозможный every kind of, all kinds of, various; all possible, of every description все без исключения indiscriminately; everyone without exception все более progressively, increasingly; more and more все больший и больший ever growing (е.g. wind etc.) все вместе взятые факты these (facts) combined все, за исключением all but всего only, but, in all, altogether, all told; as low as; ~навсего in all, only всемирный world; international; worldwide ~ая история universal history все равно all the same встретиться: приятно ~ с вами nice / good / pleased to meet you; e.g. “Paul, this is Jack.” “Nice to meet you.” встреча meeting; (of two teams) encounter; match встреча высокого гостя с почестями redcarpet treatment given to a dignitary встреча легкоатлетов (на соревнованиях) разг. track meet встреча мировых лидеров бизнеса meeting of world business leaders встреча пловцов (на соревнованиях) разг. swim meet встречаться (о командах) gather, get together, meet встречаться в аэропорту assemble at the airport встречи и знакомства meeting people, gatherings встречная жалоба юр. crossappeal встречное исполнение counterexecution встречное ходатайство counterpetition встречный иск юр. counter action встряск||а (напр., в кабинете правительства) разг. shakeup пережить ~у survive a shakeup вступать, вступить 1. join; enter; step in ~ в борьбу join a struggle ~ в брак marry / get married ~ в действие (о законе и т.п.) come into force — 242 —
~ в дело (в суде) join the case; (в бизнесе) join business (with) ~ в договор enter into a treaty ~ в должность assume office ~ в контакт establish contacts (with), разг. get in touch (with) ~ в конфликт conflict with; (разг.) quarrel; clash; (о позици" ях) be contrary; fight; battle; enter into a conflict ~ в клуб join (the membership of) a club ~ во владение (имуществом) assume ownership (of property), accede to an estate ~ в отношения enter into relations ~ в переговоры enter into negotiations ~ в свои права (зд. показать свои качества) come into (one’s) own; e.g. On bad roads, this little car really comes into its own. ~ в силу (о документе, законе и т.п.) become effective ~ в строй (об оборудовании и т.п.) be put into service, become operational 2. mount, go up ~ на путь embark on the path ~ на престол / трон ascend the throne втираться, втереться: ~ в доверие разг. worm oneself into sb’s confidence вторгаться, вторгнуться invade; encroach (upon), trespass (on); intrude (in); interfere ~ в чужое воздушное пространство penetrate the air space of another state ~ в чужие дела разг. pry into (sb’s) affairs вторжени||e invasion, intrusion; interference; violation вторичн||ый second, secondary, secondorder; junior ~ый банковский резерв (ценные бумаги, которые можно кон" вертировать в деньги) secondary bank reserve ~ые материалы тех. secondary products, afterproducts ~ показ фильмов second runs второй second ~ тур голосования secondary voting в установленном законом порядке in conformity with the requirements of the law — 243 —
вход entrance; entry (e.g. into the water) главный ~ main entrance входить enter; go into; pass in; penetrate ~ в моду become fashionable ~ в историю (о событии, факте) go down in history ~ в площадку вратаря violate the goalkeeper’s line входной билет entrance ticket / admission ticket входящ||ий (напр., о корреспонденции) incoming ~ая документация incoming documentation / mail вчитываться, вчитаться read (into) ~ в содержание статьи read into the contents of an article въезд entry въезд запрещен (напр., о дорожном знаке) no entry / prohibited entry въездная виза entry visa въездные документы entry papers въезжать (на машине) drive in въезжать на гору drive up the hill въезжать на парковку drive in a parking lot въехать enter въехать в дом (т.е. переехать в другой дом) move into a house въехать по туристической визе enter (a country) on a tourist visa выбивать beat; knock out; oust; drive out; force out; eject ~ чек в кассе амер. get a ticket from the cashier выборка sampling выборная должность elective office выборность electivity; election выборный election attr., electoral выбытие withdrawal, departure выбытие участника (из) withdrawal of a participant выбыть из владения (о ком"л.) юр. leave the possession of вывих dislocation выгодная сделка good bargain; profitable transaction; амер. разг. lucrative deal (e.g. in construction) выдача визы issue of visa — 244 —
выезд (туриста) departure (of a traveller / амер. traveler from) ~ из гостиницы checkout (=paying your bill and leaving a hotel) ~ на короткий срок shortterm departure выздороветь get well; recover (about one’s health) вызов (по телефону) telephone call бросать ~ challenge, defy вызывать, вызвать call, bring about; cause; evoke ~ в суд юр. summon to court ~ изменения bring about changes ~ на собеседование invitate for an interview ~ на спор provoke an argument ~ политическую бурю (о заявлении) cause a political storm / provoke a political storm ~ беспокойство (напр., о складывающейся ситуации) cause concern (about) ~ возражение raise an objection ~ затруднения cause difficulties; разг. перен. result in a bottleneck ~ спор / привести к спору touch off a dispute выигравший winner ~ в лотерею lottery winner ~ торги auction winner выиграть win ~ торги (на аукционе) be a winner (at an auction); be successful выигрыш gain; winnings (by bidding) выйти leave; go out ~ в океан get out into the open ocean ~ из самолета get off the plane выкрутасы разг. frills; extras; have fuss (over) выкуп repayment; buyback; buyout; purchase; (погашение, оп" лата) redemption ~ акций redemption of shares/stocks, buyout of shares ~ арендованного имущества buyout of leased property ~ доли (пая) buying out (a share) выкупной buyout attr., purchase attr. выкупная цена purchase price / buyout price — 245 —
вылет самолета departure of the plane выплат||а payment / pay; payoff (e.g. a debt); repayment; payout ~ы в связи с уходом на пенсию pension benefits (paid) ~ выходного пособия (напр., при увольнении) payment of a severance benefit ~ы денежных средств/сумм payments in cash ~ долга payment of debt ~ задолженности paying one’s debt ~ компенсации payment of the (appropriate) compensation ~ы наличными payment in cash ~ы незаконно полученных средств разг. амер. kickback ~ы ссуды repayment(s) of a loan ~ в рассрочку pay sth by instalments полная ~ full payment выполнение doing; performance; fulfillment ~ работ performance of work выполненная работа the job done выполнять, выполнить fulfill; carry out; effect, execute; implement ~ договор (напр., международный) implement a treaty ~ обещание keep one’s promise ~ поручения / приказы carry out orders ~ предвыборное обещание fulfil an election promise ~ работу perform work; do a job ~ резолюцию ООН implement a UN resolution выправлять, выправить 1. (выпрямлять) straighten out 2. (исправ" лять) correct, rectify; adjust ~ ошибку correct a mistake ~ положение (в экономике и т.п.) rectify / correct / make healthy the situation (in economy) выпуск 1. (акций, денег и т.п.) issue 2. (журналов и т.п.) publication, publishing 3. (продукции) output 4. (учащихся) graduation; graduates 5. (численность класса и т.п.) number of graduates ~ акций в продажу issue of shares for selling ~ денег issue of money ~ / размещение займов floating of loans — 246 —
~ марок issue of stamps ~ новостей (по радио, телевидению) newscast ~ новых акций для акционеров по льготной цене rights issue ~ облигаций bond issue ~ отчета об аудите issuance of an audit report ~ первоклассных бумаг bluechip issue ~ продукции output ~ / производство товаров manufacture of goods ~ ценных бумаг для публики issue of securities for the public выпускать, выпустить issue (bonds, securities, etc.); (книги) publish (books) ~ на свободу set free; set at liberty ~ новый фильм release a new film / амер. a new movie ~ облигации (на сумму) issue bonds (in a sum of) ~ шасси самолета release the landing gear выпускник schoolleaver; final year student, graduate выпускные экзамены разг. finals выпустить пассажиров let out passengers (e.g. from the plane) вырваться вперед get ahead, be number one, be the leader, lead (in) выручать, выручить 1. rescue, come to the help of 2. (получить деньги) gain; make (money) выручк||а 1. (деньги) earnings; proceeds; receipts; gain 2. (noмощь) aid; assistance; rescue ~ в долларах returns in dollars ~ в рублях returns in rubles высвобождать, высвободить free, set free, liberate, set at liberty, release, emancipate высокие договаривающиеся стороны high contracting parties высотный отель highrise hotel • остановиться в высотном отеле stay at a highrise hotel выставка exhibition; show; display ~ собак dog show выставление 1. (показ) display 2. (на выставке) exhibit ~ / показ товара в витрине exhibition of goods at showcases выставлять часовых воен. post sentries выставлять чью"л. кандидатуру nominate sb — 247 —
выставочн||ый for show; exhibition attr. ~ зал showroom ~ая площадь display area выступать, выступить make a public appearance; perform (on stage), speak (in public) ~ в качестве стороны в судебном деле be a litigant ~ гарантом (напр., в отношении кого"л.) act as a guarantor выступление 1. appearance; speech, statement 2. воен. march, departure 3. (заявление) statement 4. (на сцене) performance; acting 5. (в печати) publishing an article (in the press) ~ кукольного театра puppet performance / show высш||ий highest; supreme ~ее должностное лицо high ranking official; разг. higherup; top executive; policymaker выход exit; (в разных ситуациях) way out; outcome; result • выход из положения one way out of the difficulty • выход на посадку (о пассажирах аэропорта) gate; go to the gate • запасной выход emergency exit выходить: ~ из строя get out of order; malfunction; have troubles (in operation) выходное пособие (напр., выплачиваемое при увольнении) severance benefit вычитать deduct (from) вычитать затраты deduct (certain sums) of money from вышло так, что it turned out that вялый рынок thin market, sluggish market
Г гарантийный срок начинает действовать... guaranty period commences... гарантирование providing a guarantee ~ размещения ценных бумаг underwriting (about guarantees of selling a share issue) — 248 —
гарантия guaranty; warranty ~ гарантия качества guaranty of quality ~ качества товара guaranty of the quality of goods ~ распространяется guaranty extends to гейзер (горячий источник) geyser гид guide гид, ведущий экскурсию guide for a private tour; guide conducting a tour гимнастический зал gym главная улица main street главный почтамт General Post Office говорить say; speak голубая фишка blue chip гоночные сани racing sledge горничная chambermaid горнолыжный спорт alpine skiing гостевая поездка travelling as a guest группа риска highrisk group
Д давать give; provide; supply (e.g. goods); (призыв) get going ~ взаймы ссуду lend ~ / разглашать информацию о делах компании (для регули" рующих органов) disclose information (for authorities) ~ право grant a right ~ повод give a reason ~ прибыль yield a profit; operate at a profit (about an enterprise); profit (from)/gain profit (from) ~ разрешение allow, permit ~ распоряжение instruct, give instructions ~ ссуду lend ~ указания instruct (sb) ~ характеристику (напр., для поступления на работу) give references — 249 —
~ ход делу proceed with the case дайвинг diving дальний distant, far ~ маршрут на лыжах longdistance ski trail ~ перелет (на самолете) longdistance flight ~ поход в джунгли long jungle trekking tour данные information, data, facts, statistics, findings, results, evidence даритель юр. donor дата date ~ выплаты (процентов) record date (about the payment of interest) ~ платежа due date дающий прибыль profit yielding; profitable; deriving a profit двойн||ой 1. (состоящий из двух частей) twopart 2. (вдвое больший) double (in size) ~ заработок salary twice as high (as that of...) 3. (двойственный) dual; of dual nature ~ая бухгалтерия (официальная и неофициальная статисти" ка) doubledealing ~ое гражданство dual citizenship двуспальная кровать double bed двусторонняя сделка bilateral transaction двухкомнатный номер tworoom suite [sw t] двухместн||ый twoseat ~ая каюта double cabin ~ое купе double compartment ~ номер double occupancy; doublebedded room двухчасовая прогулка на велосипеде twohour bike tour двухуровневый номер (в отеле) duplex двухъярусная кровать bunk bed (e.g. in a cabin) дебет debit записывать в ~ счета pass to the debit of an account; enter / record on the debit side девиз motto; рекл. slogan девиз||a piece of foreign exchange ~ы мн. foreign exchange — 250 —
~ы в фунтах стерлингов sterling exchange дееспособность гражданина dispositive capacity of a citizen, competence действи||е action, work(ing), operation, performance, function(ing), running (of machine), service ~ем by the action (of), by means (of) обратить внимание на ~ договора pay attention to effect of the contract ~ закона operation of law ~ и бездействие action and failure to act; action and omission делать 1. do 2. make ~ доклад make a report ~ запись (в счете) record; make an entry (in an account) ~ запрос put a query, enquire (about) ~ заявление make a statement ~ международный звонок make an international call ~ попытку make an attempt ~ посмешище (из) make a laughing stock (of) ~ предложение (фирме) make an offer (to a firm) ~ рекорд (в спорте) make a record ~ упор (на) emphasize sth, put emphasis (on) делегат delegate ~ на конференцию delegate to a conference выступать перед ~ами speak before delegates избирать ~ом elect sb as a delegate (to) делегат(наблюдатель observerdelegate делегация delegation делегировать delegate ~ полномочия delegate powers делец разг. dealer, shrewd businessman, smart operator делить divide; share; мат. divide sth by ~ акционерный капитал divide share capital ~ радости и горе share one’s joys and sorrows (with) дело business; affair дело 1. (цель, задача) affair 2. cause, matter банковское ~ banking — 251 —
брокерское ~ broking; brokerage всенародное ~ а matter of national importance выгодное ~ profitable business главное ~ most important thing гражданское ~ civil case издательское ~ publishing (business) 3. юр. case гражданское ~ civil case 4. deed; transaction делов||ой businesslike ~ая поездка business trip ~ая репутация business reputation (of a person); goodwill (of a company) защита чести, достоинства и ~ой репутации protection of honour, dignity, and business reputation действующ||ий active; effective; in force ~ая виза valid visa ~ закон law in force; effective law действующие тарифы (в отеле) hotel rates (effective for this period) денежн||ый monetary; разг. moneyed; (богатый) welltodo; moneyed; rich ~ автомат automated money machine, cash machine, computerized teller; cash point, cash dispenser ~ые активы и пассивы monetary assets and liabilities ~ые билеты и монеты banknotes and coins ~ дефицит money squeeze/money crunch ~oe довольствие pay and allowance ~ые доходы (населения) income (of the population) ~ знак banknote ~ая компенсация monetary compensation ~ перевод money order; remittance ~ые поступления receipts; proceeds; earnings; revenues; cash flow / cash inflow ~ поток cash flow ~ые средства monetary assets; funds; cash; (о средствах в кре" дит) facilities; (об инструментах) monetary instruments / — 252 —
financial instruments; sums of money; till cash, vault money; ready money ~ые средства в хранилище банка cash in the bank’s vault ~ стимул incentive; разг. push money ~ штраф fine ~ мешок разг. fat cat (=someone with great wealth) деньги мн. money, paper money; cash; currency ~ банковского оборота bank money ~ в банке cash at bank ~ в кассе cash in hand ~ в обороте cash in circulation ~ в обращении money in circulation ~ в пути cash in transit; cash in process of collection; тж. де нежные средства в пути ~ в сейфе vault money ~ для непредвиденных целей precautionary demand for money ~ до востребования money at call ~ на депозите deposit money ~ на текущем счете амер. checking account money бумажные ~ paper money кредитные ~ credit money наличные ~ cash бросать ~ на ветер разг. throw money down the drain снимать ~ withdraw cash переводить ~ transfer money / cash / funds занимать ~ borrow money (from) занимать ~ под большие проценты borrow money at high interest занимать ~ под закладную borrow money on mortgage зарабатывать ~ earn money; make money изымать ~ из обращения withdraw the money from circulation депозит deposit ~ возвращается (напр., при аренде квартиры) deposit is returnable ~ на имя юридического лица nonpersonal deposit держатель полиса страх. policy holder — 253 —
детально прописанный маршрут путешественника full itinerary of a traveller / амер. traveler дефицит 1. (нехватка, недостаток) shortage, deficiency, deficit. 2. want, inadequacy, scantiness, scant supply, limited amount ~ платежного баланса balance of payments deficit, payments deficit ликвидация продовольственного ~a elimination of food shortages валютный ~ foreign exchange deficit внешнеторговый ~ foreign trade deficit внешний ~ external deficit денежный ~ shortage of money долларовый ~ dollar gap; shortage of dollars 2. фин. deficit; gap ~ материальных ресурсов material resources shortage ~ платежного баланса payments deficit рост бюджетного ~а growth of the budget deficit испытывать хронический финансовый ~ have a chronic financial deficit дефицитн||ый 1. critical; in short supply, lacking, scarce ~oe сырье scarce raw materials ~ые товары goods in short supply ~ые ресурсы resource shortage 2. showing a loss дешев||ый 1. inexpensive, cheap 2. low (of price) ~ые акции lowpriced shares ~ билет cheap ticket ~ отель lowpriced hotel, inexpensive hotel; hotel with rooms at moderate prices наводнить рынок ~ыми акциями flood the market with low priced shares ~ые деньги (об обильном рынке кредита) cheap money 3. перен. cheap; worthless джаз(клуб jazzclub дивиденд dividend дикие животные wild animals; wildlife — 254 —
динамично развивающийся город booming city дневной спектакль (напр., для детей) matinee; e.g. Two tickets for matinee. добавочный номер extension; e.g. Extension, please ... доверенност||ь power of attorney; warrant; letter of authority; proxy ~ на получение платежей power of attorney for receipt of payments ~ на совершение сделок power of attorney to carry out transactions ~ от имени (юридического лица) power of attorney in the name of ~, удостоверенная нотариусом notarized power of attorney получать деньги по ~и get the money under the power of attorney доверенн||ый trusted agent; (участвующий в акционерном собра" нии) proxy; attorney ~oe лицо agent; authorized representative; trustee (о распоря" жении имуществом); power of attorney довери||e confidence; trust, faith; credence вотум ~я vote of confidence кризис ~я полит. credibility gap втереться в чье"л. ~ worm oneself into (sb’s) confidence выразить ~ place trust (in sb), entrust sb (with) доверитель (т.е. хозяин) principal; см. тж. принципал • Термин «доверитель» в финансовой сфере означает лицо, от чьего имени действует брокер. The principal is a person on whose behalf an agent or broker acts. доверительн||ый trust attr. ~oe управление (напр., имуществом) trust administration; placed in the trust of ~ управляющий trustee (one who controls property that is in trust for sb else) договор contract, agreement; treaty; accord; pact; covenant; deed ~ аренды здания contract of lease of a building ~ банковского вклада bank deposit contract/bank deposit agreement ~ банковского счета bank account contract — 255 —
~ безвозмездного пользования contract of gratuitous use ~ бытового подряда consumer work contract ~ возмездного оказания услуг contract for the provision of compensable services ~ в определенной форме contract in a specific form ~ в пользу третьего лица contract in favour of a third party ~ дарения contract of gift ~ за печатью contract under seal; deed ~ займа loan contract; loan agreement ~ ипотеки mortgage agreement; тж. договор об ипотеке ~ комиссии contract of commission agency ~ куплипродажи contract of sale ~ личного найма contract of employment; labour contract; service contract; hiring contract ~ на консультационные услуги consultancy contract ~ на обслуживание service contract ~ на строительство construction contract ~ на эксплуатацию (оборудования и пр.) operating contract ~ найма (на работу) labour contract; contract of service; hiring contract; contract of employment ~ найма жилого помещения residential accommodation lease contract ~ о ссуде loan agreement ~ о финансировании financing contract ~ об оказании услуг contract on the provision of services; contract of service ~ об ипотеке mortgage agreement ~ перевозки груза contract of carriage of goods; haulage contract ~ подряда contract of independent contractor work; contract of labour and materials ~ поручения contract of agency; agency agreement ~ поручительства suretyship contract; surety ~ поставки contract of delivery ~, предусматривающий солидарную ответственность joint contract — 256 —
~ простого товарищества partnership agreement ~ ренты contract of annuity (about income to be paid out regularly) ~ строительного подряда construction contract ~ субаренды contract of sublease ~ транспортной экспедиции contract of freight forwarding ~ финансирования contract of financing / financing contract ~ финансовой аренды contract of finance lease ~ фрахтования contract of freight charter доклад report обзорный ~ comprehensive report обзорный ~ о развитии туризма outline on the development of tourism предварительный ~ interim report докладчики (в арбитражном суде) reporters документ 1. document 2. paper 3. юр. deed 4. credentials ~, исходящий (от) document originating from ~ о зарегистрированной сделке document (existing) as evidence of the registered transaction ~, относящийся к товару document relating to goods ~ы, удостоверяющие ... documents evidencing ... ~, удостоверяющий право собственности ownership paper таможенные ~ы customs documents долг debt; duty; мн. тж. фин. arrears; liabilities ~ платежом красен разг. one good turn deserves another ~, погашаемый в первую очередь senior debt долгов||ой debt attr. долгосрочн||ый longtime, longterm ~ договор longterm contract ~ инвестор longterm investor долев||ой shared / share attr. ~ инструмент equity instrument ~ая собственность share ownership (e.g. about property held in share ownership) должен был знать (напр., фраза в отношении покупателя) should have known that — 257 —
должностн||ой official ~ые инструкции job description; work instructions должностное лицо official; officer; functionary; public servant доли участников shares of participants (in); proportions (of property) in; interest (in) доля в уставном капитале shares in the charter capital дом на колесах caravan; амер. camper; trailer; recreational vehicle (RV) дом отдыха vacation home дом с комнатами для сдачи в аренду rooming house доплатить pay extra (for) дополнительный бар (напр., в пабе) private bar дорожка для спортивных пробежек jogging track дорожная аптечка (напр., в автомобиле) firstaid kit дорожная полиция traffic police дорожный чек traveller’s cheque доска объявлений bulletin board до срока ahead of time; prematurely; ahead of schedule (e.g. about a delivery) досрочн||ый (напр., о выполнении контракта) ahead of schedule; early; in advance; premature ~ выкуп early buyout ~ые выплаты early payments доставить, доставлять deliver, convey; supply, furnish ~ лично deliver personally (e.g. mail, etc.) доставка delivery / conveyance (e.g. of goods) ~ по графику delivery / shipment according to schedule ~ по частям delivery by instalments бесплатная ~ free delivery достат||ок 1. sufficiency 2. prosperity среднего ~ка average income достаточно недорогой отель lowpriced hotel; hotel for budget travellers; hotel for those on budget достигать, достигнуть reach, attain, achieve; obtain; grow, come up to — 258 —
достижени||e 1. achievement; attainment; breakthrough спортивные ~я achievements in sports 2. (об уровне цен и т.п.) reaching the level достопримечательность sight • достопримечательности города city sights • осмотр достопримечательностей sightseeing достояни||е 1. (о собственности) property ~ всего народа the property of the whole people ~ масс common property стать ~ем народа become public property бесценное ~ invaluable property 2. (об известности информации) become public knowledge; разг. come into the open доступ access; admission, admittance открытый ~ free access свободный ~ к информации free access to information досуг leisure (time); time off; recreational activities • на досуге in one’s spare time / in one’s free time / at leisure дотация subsidy; grant доход income; receipt; revenue ~ в натуральной форме income in kind ~ до срока погашения (напр., облигации) yield to maturity высокий ~ high income накопленный ~ (о процентах) accrued income непредвиденный ~ casual income налоговые ~ы tax receipts доход от азартных игр gambling revenues доходы от туризма earnings from tourism доходн||ый profitable, paying; remunerative ~ая статья item of revenue дочерняя компания subsidary; тж. дочернее общество древнегреческ||ий ancient Greek ~ая культура ancient Greek culture древний antique; ancient другая сторона the other party дублированный фильм dubbed movie — 259 —
дублировать фильм dub a film / амер. a movie дублирующая служба (напр., при проведении каких"л. работ) backup service душ в номере private bath дыхательная трубка (для подводного плавания) snorkel Фразы и предложения • Вы знаете, как пользоваться дыхательной трубкой? Do you know how to handle a snorkel? • Несомненно. У меня в этом вопросе большой опыт. Сertainly. I’ve got a great experience in this business. • Дыхательная трубка предполагает неглубокое погруже ние. Так что нечего волноваться. The use of a snorkel implies being underwater at a small depth. So, there’s no reason to worry.
E европейский план European plan (paying only for the room) Европейский союз (ЕС) the European Union единая программа package ежемесячный monthly еженедельные пробежки (для укрепления здоровья) weekly runs езда на автомобиле driving a car езда верховая (horseback) riding ездить на общественном транспорте use public transport если иное не вытекает из... unless it is specified otherwise by... елка: новогодняя ~ Christmas tree / NewYear tree елочные украшения NewYear tree decorations
Ж жаркие споры heated debates железнодорожный переезд level crossing живописный маршрут scenic route жилье в деревянном доме lodge / lodging — 260 —
З забронировать день вылета и проживание в отеле на определен( ную дату flystay завоевать win ~ доверие win trust ~ звание чемпиона Европы win the European Champion ship ~ медаль win a medal ~ международное признание win an international recognition ~ первое место be/come first, be number one; be a winner; break a record ~ победу win a victory загородная прогулка out of town trip загородные поезда (электрички) commuter trains загородный дом country house / cottage / villa загородный отель country hotel заграничные поездки trips abroad загруженный аэропорт busy airport задерживать начало матча delay the match задерживаться (о полете) flight is delayed задержк||а delay ~ в оформлении визы delay in visa arrangements ~ в деловой поездке delay in a business trip ~ рейса flight delay ~и в туристической поездке delays in travel/delays in tourist travel заказать (номер через туроператора) book hotel accommodations through a tour operator заказать билет на круиз book a cruise заказной автобус charter bus заклад (недвижимости) mortgage, mortgaging; (вещей) pawn(ing); обобщ. pledge, pledging в ~е in pawn / pledge выкупать из ~а take out of pledge отдавать в ~ put in pledge — 261 —
закладывать pledge; pawn; mortgage закладн||ая mortgage не погашенная в срок ~ defaulted mortgage открытая ~ openend mortgage заключа||ть, заключить 1. (вступать в соглашение) conclude а contract ~ брак marry; contract marriage ~ договор на торгах conclude a contract at an auction ~ конвенцию conclude a convention ~ мир make peace; перен. разг. bury the hatchet ~ сделку strike a bargain; make a deal; разг. wrap up a deal 2. (содержать) contain, hold; comprise; enclose 3. (делать вывод) deduce, infer 4. (лишать свободы) lock up, confine; take into custody; imprison заключение договора conclusion of a contract; entering into a contract заключительное заседание final / closing meeting; разг. wrapup meeting заключительный отчет final report закон юр. law; act; legislation; statue ~ об авторском праве copyright law ~ об акционерных обществах statute on jointstock companies ~ об ипотеке law on mortgage ~ об исковой давности statute of limitations ~ о несостоятельности law on insolvency (bankruptcy) ~ о компаниях брит. company law законн||ый lawful, legal; legitimate, rightful; juridical ~ акт lawful act ~ документ legal document ~ая сила legal binding force, legal force; validity (e.g. of a document) законодательн||ый legislative ~ акт legislative act/enactment ~ая власть legislative power / authority законодательство legislation; law — 262 —
~ о защите окружающей среды environmental protection law ~ о компаниях брит. company law действующее ~ legislation in force закономерность regularity; rule; governing laws закрытие closing; (полное) closure; (сезона) end of season закрыт||ый closed; shut; private ~ый бассейн indoor swimming pool ~oe голосование secret ballot ~oe заседание private meeting / sitting; closed meeting ~ая заявка closed bid / closed tender ~ая акционерная компания брит. private limited company ~ое море landlocked sea ~ая подписка (на акции) private offering ~ое предприятие (т.е. такое предприятие, где могут рабо" тать только члены профсоюза) closed shop ~ просмотр (фильма) private view (of a film) закрыть close, shut, lock; shut off, turn off; cut off; plug; (о про" блемах, дырах) patch up ~ глаза на что"л. shut one’s eyes to sth ~ доступ block the access ~ операции на бирже close the stock exchange ~ предприятие shut down a business закулисн||ый behind the scenes; backstage; перен. secret; clandestine ~ая жизнь offstage life ~ая критика backstairs criticism ~ые переговоры talks behind the scenes, backstage deals/ dealings ~ая сделка backroom deal закупить весь новый выпуск акций buy all the new stock (of the issue) закупк||а purchasing, buying ~ большими партиями buy in large lots ~ на срок forward buying закуска (в начале обеда) appetizer; starters закусочная snack bar; (в поезде, придорожная закусочная) diner — 263 —
зал видеоигр и игровых автоматов amusement arcade зал вылетов (в аэропорту) departure lounge зал для занятий физкультурой fitness hall зал для пассажиров(транзитников transit lounge зал зрительный auditorium зал читальный reading room залог pledge; deposit; security; (о залоговом праве) lien; (имуще" ства) pledging; (недвижимости) mortgage; (вещей) pawning; (в виде денежного поручительства) security ~ без перехода владения pledge without dispossession давать ссуду под ~ lend on collateral освобождать кого"л. под ~ юр. release sb on bail Фразы и предложения • Что такое залог? Как вы могли бы истолковать это по нятие? What is a pledge? How can you interpret this notion? заломить разг. ask too much ~ слишком высокую цену разг. ask too high a price зам. (заместитель) deputy замалчивать, замолчать keep silent ~ факты slur over the facts заниматься бизнесом по Интернету be engaged in business through the Internet занимающийся вопросами бронирования билетов reservationist занято (о телефонной линии) busy (line); (о кабине и пр.) occupied занятый busy; occupied, taken ~ неполный рабочий день parttime (work) заокеанский 1. overseas 2. transatlantic запас reserve; stock, stockpile; supplies; мн. тж. inventories; reserves; stocks ~ впрок stock ~, готовый к продаже stock; available stock ~ ископаемых mineral resources ~ хода (транспортного средства) fuel distance неприкосновенный ~ emergency supply запасной reserve; backup; standby ~ арбитр reserve arbitrator — 264 —
~ выход emergency exit ~ игрок substitute запасы полезных ископаемых reserves of minerals за полцены (проезда) at half fare; at half price запустить космичecкий корабль на орбиту launch a spaceship into orbit запятнать stain, soil ~ репутацию stain one’s good name заработаться разг. work too much, overwork заработная плата pay; wage, wages; salary; compensation; remuneration; pay package номинальная ~ nominal wages основная ~ (e.g. paid weekly or monthly) basic wages повременная ~ timerates почасовая ~ pay per hour реальная ~ real wages; амер. разг. takehome pay сдельная ~ piecerate заработок earnings, wages; salary; takehome pay; gross pay годовой ~ annual income месячный ~ monthly earnings средний ~ average earnings хороший ~ good money; разг. handsome pay зарегистрироваться в отеле check into a hotel зарубежная деловая поездка foreign business trip зарубежная поездка foreign tour зарубежный индивидуальный тур independent foreign tour зарядить аккумулятор charge a battery зарядить фотоаппарат load one’s camera заседание meeting, sitting, session • открыть заседание open a meeting • закрыть заседание close a meeting заседать be in session застройка construction; building up ~ земельного участка construction on a land plot за счет at the expense of затишье в туристической деятельности low season in tourist travel — 265 —
затрата expsense / expenditure • это может потребовать затрат it may be expensive затраты мн. cost, costs, expenses, expenditures; outlay; investment; input ~ на вывоз товаров carriage out costs ~ на выпуск ценных бумаг issuing costs (about the issue of securities) ~ на единицу (продукции) unit costs затронуть этот вопрос touch upon this question зафрахтованн||ый chartered ~oe судно chartered vessel зачет 1. (образ.) test; (экон. о счетах) setoff (against); (через рас" четную палату) clearing в виде ~a (экон.) as a setoff (against) ~ требований (к компании) setoff of claims (against the company) путем ~а встречного требования by means of the setoff of the counterclaim 2. test (in school, etc.) командный ~ спорт. team event сдать / получить ~ (в школе, вузе) pass a test зачетная сессия exam period зачислять 1. include; enrol; (в армию и пр.) enlist; (сумму на счет) enter; (в штат) take on ~ в кредит чьего"л. счета pass to the credit of sb’s account ~ в счет enter in an account ~ в штат take sb on; e.g. They took him on because he was a good specialist. 2. учеб. test, pass a test (and get enrolled) защит||а (об охране) protection (against); спорт. defense; (в суде) the defense; (предохранение, безопасность) safeguard, security; (поддержка) support ~ деловой репутации protection of one’s business reputation ~ диссертации presentation of a thesis под ~ой under the protection (of) активная ~ спорт. active defense — 266 —
заявление statement; declaration; explanation; communiqué заполнить ~ fill in an application зеленые the greens зеленый свет green light землетрясение earthquake земной шар globe зимние виды спорта winter sports знаток expert; connoisseur; judge ~и искусства разг. art buffs; тж. art experts
И игра game; gamble; venture; lottery; speculation игра в гольф golf playing играющий по крупному (в карты и т.п.) разг. high roller издание акта issue of an act изделия из кожи leather items изучать study; learn • изучать английский study English изучение 1. study 2. examination изъяти||е confiscation ~ активов asset stripping ~ карточки confiscation of a card ~я, установленные законом exceptions specified by law изъять take; withdraw; confiscate ~ безвозмездно take without compensation; requisition (e.g. property) ~ имущество take/seize property (from) ~ из оборота exclude (sth) from commerce ~ товар take the goods (from) иллюминатор porthole иллюстрированн||ый illustrated ~ое издание illustrated edition именно namely; precisely / exactly; it is exactly because; such is the case — 267 —
именн||ой registered; inscribed (e.g. stock) ~ая акция registered share; inscribed share / stock ~ая ценная бумага registered security ~ чек cheque / амер. check in someone’s name иметь have; possess, own ~ в виду keep in mind ~ в запасе have in stock ~ в распоряжении have at one’s disposal ~ дело deal with; have to do (with); be concerned (about) ~ действие have an effect (on) / have an impact (on) ~ доверенность have a power of attorney имеющаяся кассовая наличность cash; ready cash; cash in hand имущество property; (принадлежности) belongings; possessions; (личное) personal effects ~ банкрота bankrupt’s estate ~ в денежной форме cash assets имущ||ий propertied; welloff, wealthy ~ие классы the propertied classes власть ~ие the powers that be инвалюта hard currency; foreign exchange инвестиционн||ый investment attr. ~ банк investment bank ~ банкир investment banker ~oe банковское дело investment banking ~ портфель investment portfolio инвестор investor ~ в акции investor in stock ~ в промышленность investor in industry ~, не участвующий в руководстве предприятия dormant investor крупный ~ institutional investor мелкий ~ small investor инкассация collection (giving cash instead of cheques, etc.) ~ чеков collection of cheques / амер. checks инкассовый by an order of collection, through a cash letter ~ банк collecting bank — 268 —
иновещание broadcasting to foreign countries ин||ой other; different; alien ~ая правовая форма (бизнеса) other legal form • иной раз at times • не кто иной, как none other than... • с несколько иной точки зрения from a slightly different point of view инструктор по подводному плаванию dive instructor; diving instructor интерес interest значительный ~ considerable interest исторический ~ of historical interest иным образом in any other way исков||ый юр. action attr. ~ое заявление statement of claim ~ые материалы claimrelated materials исполнение performance ~ договора performance of the contract • в экспортном исполнении made for export; тех. of export design • исполнение пьесы performance of a play исполнять, исполнить perform, execute; discharge; accomplish; fulfil; carry out ~ в семидневный срок perform within a sevenday period ~ инструкции execute / carry out instructions использование use; application (of methods); utilization; using / usage ~ кредитных средств use of loan proceeds ~ наемного труда use of hired labour ~ привлеченных средств external financing • решать что"л. путем использования solve a problem by means of • одной из возможностей является использование one possibility is to use использовать use / make use of ; employ (such resources as) ~ в своих интересах exploit — 269 —
~ право exercise one’s right ~ чьи"л. услуги employ sb as исправн||ый 1. in good (working) order; sound, in sound condition; serviceable ~ые ботинки (напр., для пеших прогулок) serviceable boots 2. (старательный) conscientious; diligent ~ работник hardworking man испытывать 1. test; try 2. undergo, experience ~ чье"л. терпение try sb’s patience ~ лишения know hardship(s) исследование investigation; research, exploration; study, scrutiny ~ рынка туристских услуг tourist market research исследовать живописный район (напр., о путешественнике) explore the scenic area историческ||ий historic(al) ~ое место historic site ~ музей history museum история history; background (of a case) ~ роста компании record of growth (of a company) изучать историю track the record of (the development of) источник source возобновляемый ~ энергии renewable source of energy минеральный ~ mineral spring исчерпать (напр., запасы бензина в автомобиле) run out of исчисление сalculation исчисление гарантийного срока calculation of the guarantee period; calculation of the warranty period
K к оплате (напр., строка в финансовом документе) due and payable кабинет (для работы в доме) study кабинет врача doctor’s office кабинет лингафонный language laboratory — 270 —
кадров||ый personnel attr. ~ая политика personnel policy казенное имущество government property казенное предприятие budgetsupported institution казначейство Treasury кампани||я рекл. и полит. campaign (не путать со словом «ком" пания» company, business) ~ борьбы с преступностью crime fighting campaign ~ по продвижению товаров к покупателю sales drive ~ по сбору средств fundraising campaign ~ по сбору подписей drive to get signatures развязать / развернуть (широкую) ~ю (за / против) launch a (broad) campaign / drive (for / against) стратегия ~и (напр., рекламной) advertising campaign strategy враждебная ~ hostile campaign избирательная ~ electoral campaign; election campaign массовая ~ massive campaign посевная ~ sowingtime развернутая ~ massive campaign рекламная ~ advertising campaign сдержанная (т.е. в скромных масштабах) ~ lowkey campaign широкая ~ fullscale campaign шумная (напр., рекламная) ~ noisy campaign развязать / развернуть (широкую) ~ю (за / против) launch a (broad) campaign / drive (for / against) стратегия ~и (напр., рекламы) advertising campaign strategy канал channel официальный ~ official channel свободный ~ (напр., связи) free channel of communications канатная дорога cable railway, funicular кандидат 1. полит. candidate 2. (ученая степень) master; (в Рос" сии) Candidate of Science ~ на должность office seeker; applicant канун Рождества Christmas Eve канцелярия office; (в посольстве) chancellery канцелярск||ий clerical; office attr. — 271 —
~ая проволочка разг. red tape ~ая работа paperwork; см. тж. работа по оформлению до кументации (напр., в связи с оформлением заказа) paperwork, preparation of documentation ~ие принадлежности office supplies; stationery ~ слог officialese ~ие служащие clerks, officials, employees ~ стиль работы red tape style (of work), bureaucratic style • писать канцелярским слогом write in officialese капитал capital, funds; equity; cash; money ~ в виде акций equity capital карта социального страхования social security card карусель merrygoround; амер. carousel касса по продаже билетов ticket office кассир 1. (напр., в банке) teller 2. (в магазине) cashier ~ по оплате купонов coupon teller ~ по приему вкладов в банке receiving teller ~ по приему денежных средств receiving teller кассовый чек sales slip катание (поездки) на автобусе bus rides катание на водных лыжах water skiing катание на горном велосипеде mountain biking катание на горных лыжах alpine skiing катание на доске (по волнам) surfing катание на коньках skating катание на лодке boat rides катание на лыжах skiing катание на лыжах с гор downhill skiing катание на лыжах по пересеченной местности crosscountry skiing катание на моторной лодке motor boating катание на парусной лодке sailing катание на пони ponytrekking катание на роликовых коньках rollerblading; roller skating катание на санках sledging; амер. sledding катание на санях sleigh rides катание на скейтборде skateboarding — 272 —
катание на сноуборде snowboarding кафе café; coffee house; lunch restaurant кафе рядом с отелем adjacent café; café next to a hotel квартира flat; амер. apartment кемпинг camping Фразы и предложения • Почему вам нравится отдых в кемпинге? Why do you like to have a holiday in camping? • Потому что я люблю жить в палатке. И это гораздо интереснее, чем жить в отеле, мотеле или в частном пан сионе. Because I like to stay in a tent. And it’s much more fun than staying at a hotel, motel or having a B& B (=bed and breakfast). кёрлинг curling кинематография cinematography кино cinema; (фильм) movie Фразы и предложения • Вы любите поговорить о кино? Do you like talking about motion pictures? • Я очень. Киноиндустрия – это целый мир. Но его надо знать. Здесь свои законы. Me? Sure! A movie industry is a whole busines. You’ve got to know its laws. • А какие фильмы вы смотрите? And what kind of films do you prefer? кисть (винограда) cluster кисть художника paint brush клад treasure клад подлежит передаче treasure shall be subject to transfer кладовая pantry, larder класс для занятий classroom клуб игровых автоматов slot club клубная поездка club travel клубный бар club bar комитет committee бюджетный ~ budget committee временный ~ interim committee — 273 —
вспомогательный ~ auxiliary committee выставочный ~ exhibition committee коммерческ||ий commercial ~ая бумага амер. commercial paper ~ директор sales manager ~ая загрузка самолета airplane’s payload ~ая ипотека commercial mortgage ~ий кредит commercial credit ~ие операции по доверенности factoring ~ отдел commercial department ~ая переписка business correspondence ~ посредник commercial intermediary коммунальные услуги public utility services компания коммер. company; corporation ~, акции которой котируются на фондовой бирже listed company ~, акции которой принадлежат одному лицу oneman company ~, имеющая большую долю заемных средств leveraged company ~, которая еще только начинает свою деятельность emerging company ~, которая имеет хорошие результаты в течение длитель ного времени longterm solid performer ~ открытого типа public company ~ с ограниченной ответственностью limited company ~ по операциям с ипотеками mortgage company ~ по закупкам purchasing company ~, получающая кредит borrowing concern ~ по прокату автомашин car rental agency акционерная ~ joint stock company закрытая ~ closed company комплект одежды set of clothes комплектация getting the component parts for; making a complete set контора office — 274 —
контрабанда smuggling контрабанда наркотиков drug smuggling контрабанда оружия arms smuggling контрагент contractor контракт contract; agreement ~ на туристское обслуживание contract for tourist servicing ~ под ключ turnkey contract ~ с длительными сроками поставки contract with long terms of delivery ~ с короткими сроками поставки contract with short terms of delivery внешнеторговый ~ foreign trade contract консигнационный ~ consignment contract рамочный ~ framework contract срочный ~ futures contract (i.e. buying sth such as a commodity, stock, or foreign currency at a fixed price at a future time) форвардный ~ forward contract (an agreement usu. between financial institutions to buy/sell a particular asset at a fixed price on a future date) заключить ~ conclude/sign/negotiate a contract исполнять ~ carry out a contract/perform a contract нарушать ~ break a contract составить ~ draw up a contract расторгнуть ~ terminate a contract исполнение ~а performance of a contract контрактация sale of agricultural produce конференц(зал conference hall конференция conference ~ в верхах summit, toplevel conference ~ полномочных представителей conference of plenipotentiary representatives конфликт conflict ~ интересов conflict of interest(s) ~ правовых норм conflict of laws концепция conception, idea, concept ~ самостоятельности предприятия concept of separate entity — 275 —
концерт concert дать ~ give a concert концерт(шоу амер. разг. floor show конькобежный спорт speed skating корпоративн||ый corporate; corporation attr. ~ые активы corporate assets ~ имидж corporate image корпорация corporation акционерная ~ stock corporation всемирная ~ global corporation государственная ~ stateowned corporation кортеж автомобилей motorcade косметика cosmetics косметический кабинет амер. parlor косметичка (сумка) разг. makeup bag коснуться земли (о самолете) touch down (at the airport) костюм suit; costume костюм для подводного плавания wet suit котироваться be quoted (at); be rated; be regarded (as); (пользо" ваться спросом) be in demand; be marketable котировк||а бирж. quotation биржевая ~ stock exchange quotation; см. тж. биржевой курс валютная ~ currency quotation ежедневно объявляемые банковские ~и по продаже инос транной валюты posted rates ежемесячные ~и monthly quotations начальная ~ first quotation номинальная ~ (т.е. ориентировочный курс, базирующийся на последних сделках) nominal quotation окончательная ~ final / last quotation кофе быстрорастворимый instant coffee красочный парад (напр., во время праздника) colourful parade кредитн||ый credit attr. ~ билет (bank) note ~ договор credit contract; loan agreement — 276 —
~ая карта credit card ~ контроль credit control кредитование crediting (the company’s accounts), lending ~ счета crediting an account кредитор creditor ~ по закладной / по ипотечному залогу mortgagee ~ по обязательствам creditor on obligations кросс crosscountry race крупн||ый large, largescale; big; enormous ~ые автострады large highways ~ акционер major shareholder ~ая брокерская фирма large brokerage firm ~ая взятка разг. kickback ~ разговор (т.е. разговор, связанный с выяснением отноше" ний) showdown ~ разовый платеж balloon payment ~ые спортивные мероприятия great sport events • Крупный разовый платеж – дополнительный крупный платеж, который производится в конце оговоренного сро ка займа или аренды. The balloon payment may be described as a large extra payment that may be charged at the end of a loan or at the end of lease. крушение collapse; breakdown; downfall; financial disaster; failure; bankruptcy купля(продажа sale of goods; selling goods купчая bill of sale курорт health resort ~ с минеральными водами spa курс 1. (общ. знач.) policy / policies; line; direction; course ~ на момент закрытая биржи closing quotation ~ на предпринимательство (policy of) entrepreneurship ~ обмена валюты rate of exchange ~ подготовки спортсменов training course for athletes ~ по искусству art appreciation course 2. фин. rate/rate of exchange ~ акций stock price — 277 —
~ акций на неофициальной бирже curb price; см. тж. нео фициальная биржа ~ выпуска rate of issue ~ дня бирж. daily quotation благоприятный валютный ~ fair rate of exchange биржевой ~ market price; stockexchange quotation валютный ~ foreign exchange rate значительно разнящиеся ~ы при открытии биржи wide opening искусственно поддерживаемый (валютный) ~ pegged rate of exchange колеблющийся валютный ~ fluctuating exchange rate наивысший ~ (ценных бумаг) maximum price обменный ~ rate of exchange официальный ~ (ценных бумаг) official quotation паритетный ~ валюты parity rate of exchange плавающий валютный ~ floating exchange rate (i.e.= flexible) расчетный ~ settlement rate
Л лайнер для морских путешествий oceangoing liner левая работа moonlighting левый заработок money earned on the side легкая атлетика track and field летучка разг. briefing (giving info about a situation) лечебное учреждение medical institution; hospital либеральничать разг. play the liberal, show liberalism; be open minded/ be broadminded, be unbiased, be impartial/be tolerant (towards) лидер 1. leader; chief, head, supervisor; commander, boss 2. спорт. front runner 3. мор.flotilla leader ~ большинства полит. majority leader ~ в ценах price leader ~ меньшинства minority leader лидерство 1. leadership 2. спорт. first place, lead — 278 —
ликвидн||ый liquid лимит limit; (норма) quota ~ кредитования limit of credit ~ ответственности limit of liability ~ страхования limit of insurance ~ финансирования limit of financing ~ цен price ceiling ~ ввоза import quota ~ на подписку акций subscription quota установить ~ set a limit/a quota лимитировать limit; fix a quota; establish a quota (on) ~ выпуск облигаций limit the issue of bonds лимитный limit attr. лифт lift; амер. elevator ~ лифт для покупателей lift for shoppers лицензия license ~ на ведение банковских операций banking license генеральная ~ general license лицо person; (официальное) official ~ без гражданства юр. stateless person личн||ый personal, private, individual ~ая безопасность personal safety ~ая и семейная тайна personal and family privacy ~ое мнение private opinion лишать, лишить deprive; remove; eliminate; cut off (communi" cations) ~ владения dispossess ~ власти strip sb of power ~ гражданских прав deprive of civil rights лодочный boat attr. ломбард pawnshop закладывать в ~ pawn sth ломбардный pawn office attr. ~ая операция pawnoffice transaction лопаться, лопнуть fail, crack, split; go bankrupt; (о банке, пред" приятии) разг. go bust — 279 —
лот lot полный ~ round lot неполный ~ (напр., менее ста акций) odd lot объем ~a lot size лотерея lottery; draw; sweepstake денежновещевая ~ cash and prize lottery многоступенчатая ~ multistage lottery одноступенчатая ~ singlestage lottery льгот||а privilege; benefit ~ по налогам амер. tax allowance; тж. tax benefit налоговые ~ы tax privileges, tax relief преференциальные ~ы preferential advantages льготн||ый privileged ~ билет privileged ticket ~ые дни days of grace ~ заем loan at a special rate, soft loan ~ кредит lowinterest rate loan льготы privileges / benefits; (особое право) franchise; (освобож" дение от налогов) exemption; (отсрочка в чем"л.) grace; (сти" мулы) incentives договорные ~ contract benefits дополнительные льготы ~ fringe benefits налоговые ~ tax break лыжи skis Фразы и предложения • высшая точка трассы highest spot (on the course) • гоночные лыжи crosscountry skis • горнолыжные ботинки alpine boots • длина трассы length of a course • желоб (лыжи) groove • крепление binding • лыжи для прыжков jumping skis • лыжная база training centre • мазь wax • палки poles • растирать мазь cork the wax — 280 —
• трасса course • условия скольжения gliding conditions • ходить на лыжах ski лыжное двоеборье Nordic combined Фразы и предложения • двоеборец combined athlete • прыгун (в двоеборье) combined jumper • таблица подсчета очков table for converting distances into points • эстафетная гонка relayrace • Лыжное двоеборье – весьма популярный вид спорта. Nordic combined is a rather popular kind of sport.
M магазин shop; амер. store магазин антикварный antique shop магазин бакалейный (бакалея) groceries магазин белья lingerie shop магазин беспошлинной торговли dutyfree shop магазин бутик boutique магазин винно(водочный амер. liquor store магазин в центре города main street shop магазин(гастроном delicatessen (deli) магазин гипермаркет hypermarket магазин деликатесов delicatessen shop магазин для туристов travel shop магазин женской одежды women’s clothes shop / store магазин здоровой пищи health food store магазин игрушек toyshop магазин канцелярских товаров stationer’s магазин книжный bookshop; амер. bookstore магазин кожгалантереи leather goods shop магазин коллекционеров марок stamp collectors’ shop магазин кондитерский confectioner’s, baker’s — 281 —
магазин красок paint shop магазин мебельный furniture shop магазин молочный milk (shop) магазин мужской одежды men’s clothes shop / store магазин музыкальных товаров music shop магазин мясной meat shop, butcher’s магазин обуви shoe shop магазин овощной greengrocer’s, vegetable shop магазин одежды clothes shop магазин оптики optician магазин парфюмерии perfume shop магазин подарков gift shop магазин по продаже корма для животных pet shop магазин рыбный fishmonger’s магазин «садовод» амер. garden center магазин «сделай сам» “do it yourself” shop магазин(склад (с широким выбором товаров) амер. warehouse магазин скобяных изделий hardware store; брит. hardware shop магазин спиртных напитков амер. package store; liquor store магазин спорттоваров sporting goods shop магазин сувениров souvenir store магазин супермаркет supermarket магазин табачный tobacconist’s магазин, торгующий круглосуточно (разными товарами) convenience store магазин, торгующий по сниженным ценам discount shop / discount centre магазин универсальный universal shop; амер. universal store магазин фирменный (т.е. принадлежащий компании) company shop / store магазин фототоваров camera shop; амер. camera store магазин цветочный flowers, florist’s, flower shop магазин «часы» watchmaker’s shop магазин электроники electronics (shop) магазин электротоваров electric appliances магазин ювелирный jeweller’s; амер. jewelry магазины однотипные розничные chain stores — 282 —
мандат mandate манипулирование manipulation ~ общественным мнением public opinion manipulation марионетка puppet, marionette; stooge; dummy; разг. cat’s paw маркетинг marketing ~ в узком сегменте рынка niche marketing маркетингов||ый marketing attr. ~ые затраты marketing costs ~ые исследования marketing research ~ая информационная система marketing information system ~ые каналы marketing channels ~ отдел (фирмы) inhouse ad agency маркет(мейкер market maker маршрут route маршрут для пеших прогулок hiking trail массовость mass nature ~ спорта mass nature of sports массов||ый mass attr.; massive; bulk ~oe жилищное строительство construction of housing on a large scale ~ая (оптовая) закупка bulk purchase (of goods) ~oe изъятие вкладов из банка разг. run on the bank масштаб scale, rule; degree, quantity, measure; rate ~ цен measure of prices большого ~а large scale в ~е to scale в ~е от ... go on a scale of ... в маленьком ~е on a small scale в уменьшенном ~е scaled down по ~у to scale материальн||ый material attr. ~ые активы tangible fixed assets ~ые блага material benefits медвежья позиция (об игре на понижение) разг. bear position медовый месяц (период благоприятных отношений, напр., пре" зидента с прессой) амер. разг. honeymoon period — 283 —
международн||ый international, world, worldwide ~ая арена international / world scene ~ая безопасность international security ~ турист international traveller Международная торговая палата International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) межотраслев||ой intersectoral, interbranch ~ые проблемы intersectoral issues межпланетн||ый interplanetary ~ полет ракеты interplanetary flight of a rocket ~ая станция interplanetary station межучрежденческ||ий interagency ~oe сотрудничество interagency cooperation мелк||ий small ~ие акции penny stock(s) ~oe воровство petty theft, pilferage ~ие деньги petty cash ~ая кража pilferage мелочь (о деньгах) small change менеджер manager ~, адаптирующийся к обстановке manager who is adaptive to the situation ~ по кадрам personnel manager ~ по производству product manager ~ предприятия plant manager менее изведанные туристские маршруты lesstravelled alleyways меновая торговля barter (trade); swap transactions; см. тж. бартер меньшинств||о minority (group) ~ акций с правом голоса minority of voting shares доля ~а в госпредприятии minority position in a stateowned enterprise в ~е случаев in a minority of cases мероприятия на свежем воздухе outdoor activities (of tourists) места places; seats ~ развлечений venues of entertainment — 284 —
~, хорошо известные с архитектурной точки зрения architecturally famous spots местн||ый local, localized, regional, indigenous; native ~ая власть local authority/authorities ~ источник сырья local source of raw materials ~ профсоюз промышленных рабочих local industrial union ~ спор local dispute ~ое туристское отделение local tourist office место place, location, spot; space; position; job ~ аварии scene of accident ~ арбитража seat of arbitration ~ багажа piece (pc) ~ взрыва site of blast ~ в парламенте seat (in Parliament) ~ выгрузки (напр., людей) place of disembarkation ~, где много объектов культуры cultural site ~, где обычно собираются артисты actors’ hangout ~ для прессы press gallery ~ на бирже seat ~ развлечений entertainment area ~ продажи (товаров) point of sale местожительство place of residence метеостанция weather station метод method, process, procedure; practice (of carrying on trade), technique (e.g. of translating), means, manner, mode метр metre; амер meter метрдотель headwaiter, maître d’(hôtel) минимум прожиточный minimum living wage Минторг (Министерство торговли) Ministry of Trade мир 1. (общество) world 2. филос. world 3. (планета) planet, world 4. (вселенная) universe 5. (порядок, строй жизни) order, system 6. (круг людей) world, community свободный ~ free world внешний ~ external / outside world материальный ~ material / physical world окружающий ~ surrounding world — 285 —
обитаемые ~ы inhabited worlds спортивный ~ world of sports театральный ~ theatre world ученый ~ community of scientists в ~е искусств in the world of art миротворец peacemaker миссия mission ~ доброй воли goodwill mission ~ по выяснению положения на местах factfinding mission ~ помощи aid mission ~ постоянного наблюдателя permanent observer mission мнени||е opinion, judgment; position (on an issue) ~ аудитора audit opinion ~я по вопросу о ... расходятся the opinions differ as to ... ~я сходятся there is now a consensus (on) мним||ый seeming, imaginary; supposed; simulated; token ~ая забастовка (т.е. символическая) token strike ~ая сделка sham transaction (i.e. not real but claimed to be) многоборец allrounder многоквартирый дом apartment house; брит. apartment block многократная въездная виза multivisa много путешествовать travel a lot мода fashion, vogue, style, trend (in clothes); prevailing taste; craze; fad модели одежды, предлагаемые отдельными дизайнерами designer fashions модернизаци||я modernization курс на ~ю policy of modernization модный бутик разг. exclusive boutique; разг. chick boutique МОК (Международный олимпийский комитет) International Olympic Committee (IOC) молочный (о продуктах) dairy; milk молоть вздор разг. talk rubbish момент time (of doing sth), moment ~ заключения договора / сделки time of conclusion of a contract — 286 —
~ передачи имущества time of transfer of the property монтировать фильм edit a film морск||ой sea; marine; naval; maritime ~ая держава maritime power ~ие почести maritime honours ~oe право law of the sea мотель motel мотив 1. motive; reason 2. (тема) theme (of his speech) 3. (мело" дия) tune, melody ~ы сделки motives of a transaction мошенничество fraud, hoax, embezzlement; confidence / con game; racket ~ в деятельности компании corporate fraud ~ на выборах ballotbox stuffing мужской туалет men’s room, gents’ музей museum музей восковых фигур wax museum музей(заповедник nature reserve музей изящных искусств fine arts museum музей(квартира memorial apartment музейный экспонат museum piece музей(усадьба memorial estate музыка music музыка легкая light music мультфильм cartoons мыльная опера разг. soap opera
Н наблюдать 1. (смотреть за чем"л.) observe, watch 2. (за рабо" той) supervise; разг. keep an eye (on); (присматривать) look after; (выслеживать) spy набор 1. (комплект) set, kit 2. noлигр. composition, typesetting 3. collection; assembly 4. gathering 5. enrolment, admission (e.g. to college) 6. (в армию) recruitment — 287 —
~ валют (корзина валют) currency basket ~ в армию draft ~ знаков set of symbols ~ инструментов tool set; kit ~ команд set of instructions ~ конфет амер. box of candies ~ красок box of paints ~ монет для коллекционирования proof set ~ предметов для пикника picnic set ~ текста text layout ~ финансовых инструментов set of financial instruments ~ шоколадных конфет box of chocolates на борту корабля on board a ship на борту самолета aboard the plane навлекать, навлечь attract; draw attention наводить, навести guide, home, lead; aim (at), point (at); focus (on) ~ порядок put things in order ~ справки inquire, make inquiries ~ тень на плетень разг. cast a slur on sb навязывать, навязать compel наглядн||ый obvious, evident, clear, apparent, patent, manifest, unmasked, undisguised ~oe пособие visual aid ~ пример graphic / striking example ~ урок (для кого"л.) good lesson (to learn) награда reward; воен. decoration; спорт. prize наградить 1. reward (with) 2. decorate (with), award sb, confer a title upon надбавка bonus; markup, premium; surcharge; increment; allowance; addition (to) ~ в виде пособия на образование education allowance ~ для компенсации убытков compensation allowance ~ за выслугу лет longservice bonus, seniority pay; seniority bonus надежное хранение safe keeping — 288 —
надежность данных reliability of data надежные ценные бумаги разг. blue chips надпись inscription; (подпись под рисунком) caption; (на карте) legend ~ на документе notation on the document ~ нотариуса notation of the notary public ~ с подсветом illuminated sign маршрутная ~ destination indicator (напр., на автобусе) надругательство outrage, atrocity, act of brutality, monstrosity, wrong, gross indecency, profanation надрывать, надорвать overtax; strain ~ свои силы overtax one’s strength наем 1. (квартиры, помещения) rent; renting, lease 2. (кадров) hire, hiring, recruitment (of personnel) ~ консультантов contracting consulting services ~ на работу recruitment, employment; job placement ~ жилого помещения lease of a residential accommodation / of an apartment осуществлять ~ employ, engage, recruit нажива: легкая ~ easy money; разг., сленг boodle наживать, нажить acquire, gain; enlarge (one’s property); разг. cash in on sth наиболее популярные зрелища most popular attractions наименование name; designation накрывать на стол set the table; make preparations for a meal наличие права на работу be eligible for work налог tax; taxation ~ на землю land tax нарушать, нарушить 1. (порядок, тишину и т.п.) break; infringe; violate ~ дисциплину undermine discipline ~ закон violate the law ~ общественный порядок violate the public order ~ обязательство violate/breach an obligation ~ правила дорожного движения violate the traffic regulations ~ связь (по радио и т.п.) interrupt the communications — 289 —
~ тишину disturb 2. (закон и т.п.) violate, break, infringe; transgress; disobey; contravene ~ авторское право infringe a copyright ~ воздушное пространство violate the national air space ~ гарантии violate the guarantees ~ договор break a contract ~ обещание break one’s promise ~ правила игры break the rules of the game ~ условия договора infringe the terms of a contract ~ чьи"л. планы interfere with sb’s plans; foil / disrupt plans; frustrate plans ~ права encroach upon sb’s rights нарушенн||ый broken; infringed ~oe правило breach of the rule нарушитель violator ~ общественного порядка violator of the public order ~ границ (напр., частного владения) trespasser ~ дисциплины шутл. troublemaker ~ порядка юр. offender наряд 1. (документ) order, invoice 2. (задание) order 3. воен. (груп" па) detail 4. (платье) attire cвадебный ~ wedding dress сторожевой пограничный ~ border detail наследовать, унаследовать (получать в наследство) inherit; take by inheritance; (быть наследником) be heir (to), succeed (to) ~ имущество от родителей inherit property from one’s parents наставник (воспитатель) mentor; tutor; instructor ~ молодежи youth tutor выступать ~ом в литературе tutor in literature настольный table attr. настольный теннис table tennis, pingpong • Международная ассоциация настольного тенниса International Table Tennis Association наступление на коррупцию crackdown on corruption находка finding — 290 —
• бюро находок lost property office; амер. lost and found небо sky • быть на седьмом небе от счастья be on top of the world • превозносить до небес praise to the skies невыгодный (о доходах в деньгах) with no profit (in it) • выставить в невыгодном свете be shown at a disadvantage незавершенное строительство construction in progress независимая экспертная оценка independent expert appraisal неофициальная биржа curb market неполучивший чаевые untipped, left with no tips несостоятельность (финансовая) insolvency не тот телефонный номер разг. wrong number неуплат||а failure to pay, nonpayment ~ в срок по обязательствам (напр., по обязательствам по об" служиванию долга) delinquency; failure to pay on a due date ~ задолженности по кредиту credit default • в случае ~ы failing payment of ... неуплаченн||ый unpaid; delinquent; having a debt (for) ~ взнос outstanding payment ~ долг unpaid debt неустойчив||ый 1. shaky, unstable, unsteady 2. (непостоянный) fluctuating, variable, changeable 3. transitional, erratic ~ избиратель floating voter ~ые операции на бирже erratic exchange business нефинансов||ый nonfinancial ~ые государственные предприятия nonfinancial public enterprises нефтедоллары petrodollars нефть petroleum, oil неочищенная ~ unrefined petroleum первичная ~ primary oil сырая ~ crude oil топливная ~ fuel oil чистая ~ pure / clean oil нефтяной oil attr. ~ источник oil well — 291 —
нехватка deficit, scarcity, lack; shortage ~ белка (в рационе питания) protein gap ~ бюджетных средств (напряженность) budget constraint; financial stress ~ валюты shortage of foreign currency ~ долларов dollar shortage / dollar gap ~ кадров shortage of personnel ~ ликвидности strain on liquidity, shortage of liquidity ~ ликвидных pecypcoв shortage of resources; разг. liquidity bottleneck ~ наличных shortage of cash ~ продовольствия food shortage ~ рабочей силы labour stringency; the situation is (now) tight with manpower ~ средств существования lack of necessities неявка failure to appear; failure to show up (e.g. for a plane) неявка на посадку failure to show up (for boarding a plane) неявка на работу not reporting for work ничтожн||ый юр. null and void ~ая сделка void transaction новатор innovator, pioneer; разг. trailblazer новшество novation; innovation; pioneering move нов||ый new, brandnew; uptodate, modern, current, lately issued, recent; fresh; (напр., о книге) just out ~ выпуск акций new issue of shares ~ое предприятие startup (ср. startup capital = исходный ка питал) ~ проект new (т.е. начатый с нуля) startup ~ые рынки emerging markets ~ая эмиссия акций new issue of shares; fresh issue • совершенно новый brand new нокдаун knockdown • отправить в нокдаун (о боксе) score a knockdown номенклатура nomenclature ~ изделий listed products ~ продукции product mix, product range — 292 —
номер number; (в отеле) room ~ заказа (напр., билетов) booking number ~ с двумя кроватями twin room ~ с отдельным душем room with a private bath ~ телефона для чрезвычайных обстоятельств emergency phone number номинал par value номинальный nominal ~ акционер stockholder of record ~ доход nominal income норма 1. norm, standard 2. (размер чего"л.) quota rate 3. rule, provision (in a contract, etc.) ностальгический тур nostalgic tour нотариально удостоверенные сделки notarially certified / authenticated transactions ночевать spend the night (at) ночная рубашка nightshirt; разг. nightie ношеный secondhand нравится: ему ~ этот фильм he enjoys the film нравственность 1. (public) morality 2. (моральные качества) morals нуждаться need, be in need; require, want; be in want of; be poor; lack ~ в материальном обеспечении need financial security ~ в подтверждении justification / support is required ~ в пояснении (напр., о заявлении) it calls for some comment ~ в проверке be in need of verification
О обвал fall; collapse; crumbling; (снега в горах) avalanche • обвал цен на акции collapse of stock prices обед lunch; dinner Фразы и предложения • обедать have / eat lunch, dine • обедать с кемл. be at lunch — 293 —
• отправиться на обед go out for lunch • перерыв на обед break for lunch (=stop working to eat lunch) • пригласить на обед (ланч) take sb out to lunch • Обед в дневное время часто называют словом «ланч». Quite often a meal that you eat at about the middle of the day is called lunch. • Деловой человек, повидимому, предпочитает «бизнес ланч». If you are a business person, you may prefer business lunch. • Заодно там же (на ланче) можно обсудить и деловые вопросы. So you can have lunch together with your guest and, in addition, you can have a good debate on all your business matters. обесценение devaluation; depreciation денежное ~ depreciation of money обзор (в общем плане) view; overview, overlook, panorama; (кино) roundup; косм. searching; (исследование) survey ~ бухгалтерского учета accounting review ~ бюджетный budgetary review ~ в критическом плане (напр., в виде статьи) review ~ спортивных соревнований sports review; sports outlook обзорная статья outlook (on) обзорная экскурсия general sightseeing tour (around) обидный upsetting; offensive • мне обидно слышать все это it hurts me to hear all this обидчивый touchy облава roundup облагаемые пошлиной изделия dutiable items облагать чрезмерным налогом overtax обладатель possessor / holder / owner ~ акций stockholder / shareholder обладать possess; own; have облигация bond бескупонная ~ zerocoupon bond беспроцентная ~ passive bond именная ~ registered bond — 294 —
процентная ~ interestbearing bond обменивать (деньги) exchange (money / currency) обнародовать make public обнаружить недостатки в проведении спортивных тренировок find defects in coaching обобщать (полученные результаты в спорте) summarize (the sports results) оборот (процесс) stream of commerce ~ персонала turnover (of personnel) образ жизни way of life • американский образ жизни American way of life образовани||е 1. formation 2. education ~ исполнительных органов власти formation of executive bodies (of power) территориальные ~я territorial formations образовать унитарное предприятие form a unitary enterprise обратн||ый return ~ адрес return address ~ билет return ticket; амер. roundtrip ticket ~ая связь (напр., между преподавателем и обучаемыми) feedback обращать turn (into); direct; draw (attention); pay regards to ~ внимание draw sb’s attention to; take note of ~ в бегство turn to flight ~ в свою пользу convert to one’s own use ~ в деньги turn into money / convert into cash; realize ~ в другую (свою) веру convert sb to one’s beliefs ~ мысли на turn to ~ ноль внимания на ignore sth; go unnoticed; remain unattended ~ в свою собственность appropriate обращение 1. address 2. (с чем"л.) handling 3. эк. circulation (e.g. of money) 4. application; appeal (to some audience) 5. (с кем"л.) treatment; care for 6. страх. claim ~ кого"л. в веру conversion (to) ~ взыскания execution levied on; levy of execution (on) — 295 —
~ в письме (принятый способ написания писем) salutation (напр., Уважаемые господа ...) обременять, обременить burden; overload; encumber; overtax ~ имущество encumber the property обрисовать picture ~ картину соревнований picture/ portray the general sports situation ~ положение give an outline / overview обрывки фраз broken phrases; parts of a conversation обследование 1. survey, enquiry; investigation, exploration; examination; checkup; factfinding 2. мед. checkup ~ здоровья checkup (of one’s health) ~ положения (на местах) factfinding (in a local area/ in the field) ~ путем опроса opinion polling обслуживание servicing; services, maintenance; care, attendance; operation; upkeep ~ во время полета (в самолете) inflight service ~ в первую очередь get a service/servicing priority ~ коммунальное municipal service (supply of electricity, water, etc.) ~ текущее routine maintenance (e.g. of a building) ~ туристов (provide) tourist services обслуживать serve; attend to; care about • обслуживать туристов work as a guide • обслуживать оборудование operate the equipment обслуживающ||ий serving attr., service attr. ~ая организация service organization ~ персонал service personnel, support staff; attendants обстоятельства circumstances; conditions, developments, events, happenings ~, влекущие ответственность circumstances entailing liability ~ непреодолимой силы (напр., извержение вулкана) force majeure обсуждаемый discussed, debated ~ здесь вопрос point at issue — 296 —
обувь footwear; shoes детская ~ сhildren’s shoes женская ~ ladies’ shoes мужская ~ men’s shoes • обувь для прогулок shoes for walking; boots (for hiking) обуздывать, обуздать restrain, control; перен. harness обучающ||ийся student, one who studies; one who learns ~иеся за рубежом students studying abroad ~иеся сотрудники the learning personnel обход (e.g. about the operations of a patrol) round; roundabout way; bypass; diversion врачебный ~ round of doctors в ~ закона in circumvention of law общество community, society; company ~ защиты прав потребителей consumer protection association Фразы и предложения • дочернее общество subsidiary • закрытое акционерное ~ closed company / амер. closed corporation общехозяйственный of general economic / business nature • общехозяйственные расходы general running costs общ||ий general, common, mutual; (об итоге) total, overall; comprehensive, basic, universal, broad, public ~ акционерный капитал shareholders’ equity ~ее благо welfare, common good ~ее большинство акционеров overall majority of shareholders ~ инструктаж (напр., спортивной команды) background briefing ~ итог grand sum / total ~ая ответственность shared liability/responsibility ~ее перемирие general truce (e.g. between warring countries) ~ее право (напр., в правовой системе) common law ~ее собрание (акционеров) general meeting (of shareholders) ~ая собственность супругов common ownership by spouses ~ее согласие consensus (between the parties) ~ая стратегия корпорации general corporate strategy — 297 —
~ телефон public telephone ~ие цели common goals ~ язык common language объединять, объединить combine, unite, unify; pool; incorporate; (о документе) embody ~ в единое целое integrate ~ в картель cartelize ~ заказы pool orders ~ показатели combine the results ~ ресурсы pool resources ~ свои знания pool one’s knowledge ~ силы unite the forces ~ усилия join efforts объективный objective; unbiased; unprejudiced ~ комментарий fair comment объемн||ый volumetric, by volume ~ая документация comprehensive documentation объявить, объявлять declare, state, announce; quote (the price); notify, inform ~ торги hold an auction объявление notice; (в газете) ad / advertisement • доска объявлений notice board обязательно (для сторон) it is mandatory обязательн||ый compulsory, obligatory, mandatory; binding (about arbitration, contracts) ~ взнос mandatory contribution ~ое и заблаговременное предупреждение mandatory and timely notification ~ые платежи в бюджет mandatory payments into the budget ~ предмет required subject ~ые расходы mandatory spending ~ая сторона в деле indispensable party (in the case) ~ое страхование compulsory insurance ~ое к исполнению обязательство binding obligation ~ для исполнения контракт enforceable / binding contract ~ к приему mandatory for acceptance — 298 —
ОВИР (отдел виз и регистраций) Visa and Registration Department овладевать, овладеть seize, master ~ предметом master a subject ~ теорией master a theory ~ секретами производства learn the knowhow оговор||ка clause (in a contract); reserve; reservation; proviso; provision сделанная нами ~ в отношении... the proviso made concerning... если нет специальных ~ок unless otherwise specified одноместный single seat attr. одноместный номер single room однородный 1. homogeneous 2. (сходный) similar, uniform односпальная кровать single bed односторонн||ий onesided, unilateral ~ее изменение условий unilateral change in conditions однотипные розничные магазины chain stores одобрени||е 1. approval; sanction; permit 2. recommendation ~ в письменном виде written approval при ~и сторон with the approval of the parties одобрять, одобрить approve; recommend; consider favourably; judge as good, think highly (of) ~ данную сделку approve the given transaction одолжение favour сделать ~ do sb a favour оживление 1. revival, recovery 2. animation ~ в промышленности industrial recovery ~ деловой конъюнктуры business revival ~ спроса higher demand ~ экономики economic revival; revival of the economy большое ~ на фондовой бирже great activity on the stock market оздоровительное учреждение (exercise and health centre) (health) spa оздоровление recovery, rehabilitation — 299 —
~ банка recovery of a bank ~ валюты reestablishment of the currency, making the currency situation healthier ~ предприятия financial recovery of an enterprise ~ финансов financial rehabilitation / recovery ознакомиться с территорией (университета и пр.) learn about the university campus оказывать, оказать render (services) ~ бухгалтерские услуги render accounting services ~ воздействие influence, have effect (on), have impact (on) ~ доверие show trust (in) ~ предпочтение grant a preferential treatment ~ услуги render / provide services ~ честь do honour оклеветать slander, defame, vilify, smear, libel; blacken someone’s name; журн. (cобирать сплетни) muckrake окно регистрации registration window окольн||ый roundabout/indirect ~ыми путями by roundabout ways окунуться в окружающую языковую атмосферу get plunged into the language atmosphere окупаемость payback / rate of return / payoff / recoupment; (о зат" ратах) cost recovery окупить recover; repay; compensate ~ первоначальные затраты recover the initial outlay опасность hazard, danger, peril, risk, jeopardy ~ возгорания fire hazard опекать 1. be guardian 2. (заботиться) разг. watch over опекун guardian оператор авиалинии airline operator операционн||ый operational; operating операци||я transaction; action; deal; business; act; trading; dealing ~и кредитной линии credit line operations ~ по поиску компромата полит. перен. разг. fishing expedition (to find faults) оперный театр opera house — 300 —
оплата payment, remuneration; remittance, settlement; expenditure; disbursement; (один из ряда платежей, напр., при покупке в кредит) instalment, compensation, recompense; (о регулярных или специальных выплатах) allowance, contribution; fee (for some kind of services) ~ в рассрочку payment by instalments ~ кредитной картой payment by credit card ~ наличными payment in cash ~ наличными в момент поставки cash on delivery (COD) ~ натурой payment in kind ~ по безналичному расчету clearing payment ~ по заслугам payment on the merit basis ~ по результатам payment by results ~ по сделке transaction pay ~ по счетуфактуре payment of invoices ~ чека payment of a check полная ~ payment in full предварительная ~ prepayment просроченная ~ overdue payment оплатить кредитной картой pay by a credit card оплаченный paid, paidup, already paid ~ капитал paidin capital, paidup capital оплачивать, оплатить pay, remunerate, settle (an account) ~ полностью pay in full ~ уставный капитал не менее чем на половину be at least halfpaid определение 1. ruling; determination 2. identification 3. detection; finding 4. computation; calculation (of expenses) 5. грам. attribute орган body; authority; authorities; agency ~ государственной регистрации agency handling registration ~ы местного самоуправления agencies of local self government; тж. organs of local authorities организация(посредник agency организованн||ый organized ~ая биржа organized exchange — 301 —
~ая преступность organized crime ордер order; warrant ~ на обыск (напр., помещения) search warrant; warrant of search ~ суда writ оркестр orchestra; (духовой) band / brass band Фразы и предложения • играть популярную музыку play pop music • играть музыку в стиле «кантри» play country music • играть классическую музыку (классику) play classical music • альт viola • арфа harp • басовый ключ bass clef • виолончель cello • дирижер (оркестра) conductor освобожденный от уплаты налогов tax exempt осматривать see (the sights); inspect, survey; look over; search, view ~ достопримечательности see the sights/places of interest ~ дом view a house ~ квартиру view an apartment (e.g. to lease it) осмотр survey, examination, inspection; review (e.g. of a parade) ~ багажа inspection of the luggage / baggage ~ вещественных доказательств examination of exhibits осмотреть товар examine the goods основать found • Город был основан двести лет назад. The city was founded 200 years ago. • Театр был основан ... The theatre was established ... основные достопримечательности major attractions основные места, где собираются рок(группы rock landmarks основы basics, fundamentals • основы игры basics of the game остановившийся на ночь (о туристе) разг. overnighter остановиться в отеле stay at a hotel остановка в пути stopover — 302 —
ответственность responsibility; liability; obligation ~ гаранта перед бенифициаром obligation of the guarantor to the beneficiary ~ директора responsibilities of a director ~ за качество выпускаемой продукции product liability ответственный responsible; liable ~ за конкретный вопрос case manager отвечать, ответить answer; respond ~ всем своим имуществом be liable with all of one’s property ~ наравне be equally liable (for) отвлечение 1. diversion, drawing away; turning aside 2. distraction, amusement ~ сбережений diversion of savings отвод 1. withdrawal (e.g. of troops) 2. (свидетеля и т.п.) objection, rejection 3. юр. challenge ~ арбитра challenge to the arbitrator выступать за ~ (кого"л.) challenge sb отдавать, отдать give away; donate; give up; lose; release; yield; give off; give back; return; recoil; rebound ~ внаем let, rent ~ все силы do one’s best ~ земельный участок в залог mortgage land / a plot of land ~ имущество в залог mortgage the property ~ назад мяч спорт. kick a ball back отделение section, division отдохнуть разг. relax; cool off (e.g. in a lounge) отдых leisure, vacation; holiday; holidaymaking; break; leave Фразы и предложения • тратить большую часть времени (на) spend most of leisure time doing sth • отдых (как общее понятие) leisure, vacation; holidaymaking • отдыхать have a good time / fun; relax; enjoy oneself; have a holiday; be on holiday отдых по системе «все включено» package holiday отдыхающий holidaymaker; амер. vacationer отель hotel — 303 —
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